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“Phubbing”, only caused by “Fear of
Missing Out”?
Comparing different causes of
problematic usage of mobile phones in
social situations
C. Bosau & J. Panakkal
Media Psychology 2017Bosau & Panakkal: “Phubbing”, only caused by “Fear of Missing Out”?
Previous results: Phubbing
What we already know:
• Phubbing indeed has negative consequences:
• for social interaction: inferior conversation and lower levels of empathy
(Misra, Cheng, Genevie & Yuan, 2014)
• for romantic relationships: less satisfaction and lower individual well-
being (Bosau & Ruvinsky, 2016; Krasnova, Abramova, Notter & Baumann, 2016; McDaniel & Coyne,
2016; Roberts & David, 2016)
• for leader-employee-relationships: lower employee engagement (Roberts &
David, 2017)
Important question:
How can this strange and contradictory behaviour be explained?
Media Psychology 2017Bosau & Panakkal: “Phubbing”, only caused by “Fear of Missing Out”?
Previous results: Fear-of-missing-
What we already know:
• Mobile phones are potential addiction sources (Carbonell, Oberst & Beranuy, 2013)
• FoMO correlates highly with social media engagement in general (Przybylski, Murayama,
DeHaan, & Gladwell, 2013) and Facebook usage in particular (Bosau, Aelker & Amaadachou, 2014)
• FoMO correlates with problematic mobile phone use (PMPU) and habitual
checking behaviour (Collins, 2013)
FoMO is also an important predictor of phubbing (Bosau & Kühn, 2015; Chotpitayasunondh &
Douglas, 2016)
Remaining questions:
Are there other predictors? What are the predictors, that can explain this
contradictory behaviour?
Media Psychology 2017Bosau & Panakkal: “Phubbing”, only caused by “Fear of Missing Out”?
The study
Former studies:
§ many looked at FoMO only
§ FoMO can only explain about 5-15%
of the variance
à there is a lot left and unexplained!
This study:
§ looked intensively at the literature
for theoratically plausible
§ integrated FoMO and several
other measures of personality
• Online questionnaire (posted via Facebook, mailing-lists and personal
emails, partly snowball sampling) in spring 2016
• N = 309
• age: 15 to 59 years:
< 18y = 3%, 18-25y = 50%, 26-30y = 25%, 31-40y = 13%, > 40y = 10%
• male = 22%, female = 78%
Media Psychology 2017Bosau & Panakkal: “Phubbing”, only caused by “Fear of Missing Out”?
The scales
Fear of Missing Out - FoMO
(Przybylski, Murayama, DeHaan, & Gladwell, 2013)
(Roberts & David, 2016, slightly adapted)
The independent variables:
The dependent variable:
GenderThe moderator:
Cognitive concentration issues
(Jacobs, 2015)
Social Interaction Anxiety
(Fergus, Valentiner, McGrath, Gier-Lonsway & Kim, 2012)
Descriptive social norms
(single item measurement)
Media Psychology 2017Bosau & Panakkal: “Phubbing”, only caused by “Fear of Missing Out”?
1 2 3 4 5
Ich	werde	unruhig,	wenn	ich	nicht	weiß,	was	meine	Freunde	vorhaben.
Wenn	ich	eine	gute	Zeit	erlebe,	ist	es	mir	wichtig,	Einzelheiten	darüber	online	zu	
teilen	(z.B	Facebook-Status	...
Manchmal	frage	ich	mich,	ob	ich	zu	viel	Zeit	damit	verbringe,	zu	erfahren	was	um	
mich	herum	passiert.
Ich	fürchte,	dass	meine	Freunde	bereichendere	Erlebnisse	erfahren	als	ich.
Es	beunruhigt	micht,	wenn	ich	erfahre,	dass	meine	Freunde	ohne	mich	Spaß	
Ich	fürchte,	dass	andere	Menschen	tollere	Erlebnisse	erfahren	als	ich.
Auch	wenn	ich	im	Urlaub	bin,	verfolge	ich	weiterhin	was	meine	Freunde	machen.
Es	ärgert	mich,	wenn	ich	eine	Gelegenheit	verpasse,	mich	mit	meinen	Freunden	zu	
Es	ist	mir	wichtig,	Insiderwitze	meiner	Freunde	zu	verstehen.
Es	ärgert	mich,	wenn	ich	ein	geplantes	Treffen	verpasse.
FoMO – Fear of Missing Out
Independent variable
• scale of Przybylski, Murayama, DeHaan & Gladwell (2013)
• scale: 1 = „trifft gar nicht zu“ vs. 5 = „trifft voll zu“
• Cronbach’s α = .78
Problem:	an	
exploratory factor
analysis showed a	
three (!)	factor
Media Psychology 2017Bosau & Panakkal: “Phubbing”, only caused by “Fear of Missing Out”?
1 2 3 4 5
Ich	werde	unruhig,	wenn	ich	nicht	weiß,	was	meine	Freunde	vorhaben.
Ich	fürchte,	dass	meine	Freunde	bereichendere	Erlebnisse	erfahren	als	ich.
Es	beunruhigt	micht,	wenn	ich	erfahre,	dass	meine	Freunde	ohne	mich	Spaß	
Ich	fürchte,	dass	andere	Menschen	tollere	Erlebnisse	erfahren	als	ich.
FoMO – shortened scale
Independent variable
• a factor analyses of the scale of Przybylski et al. (2013) showed a three factor
solution (PCA with Varimax rotation; criterium: eigenvalue)
• 63% explained variance
• only the first factor can be labeled as the ‚pure‘, original FoMO-factor (28%
explained variance)
• Cronbach’s α of the shortened scale = .81
Media Psychology 2017Bosau & Panakkal: “Phubbing”, only caused by “Fear of Missing Out”?
1 2 3 4 5
Mir	war	ein	effektives	Arbeiten/Lernen	wegen	ungünstiger	äußerer	…
Trotz	gutem	Vorsatz	und	redlichem	Bemühen,	konnte	mich	nur	für	sehr	kurze	…
Ich	musste	mich	sehr	zusammenreißen,	um	überhaupt	eine	Aufgabe	in	Angriff	…
Ich	habe	mit	einer	Arbeit	begonnen	und	dann	ohne	Absicht	etwas	ganz	anderes	…
Ich	hatte	Schwierigkeiten,	sorgfältig	und	zugleich	zügig	zu	arbeiten/lernen.
Trotz	gutem	Vorsatz,	eine	gewisse	Zeit	intensiv	zu	arbeiten/lernen,	habe	ich	…
Cognitive concentration issues & Social
Interaction anxiety
Independent variable
• scale of Jacobs (2015): scale: 1 = „nie“ vs. 5 = „sehr oft“; Cronbach’s α = .90
• scale of Fergus, Valentiner, McGrath, Gier-Lonsway & Kim (2012): scale: 1 =
„trifft gar nicht zu“ vs. 5 = „trifft voll zu“; Cronbach’s α = .85
1 2 3 4 5
Ich	bin	angespannt,	wenn	ich	mit	nur	einer	Person	alleine	bin.
Ich	werde	angespannt,	wenn	ich	einen	Bekannten	auf	der	Straße	treffe.
Wenn	ich	zu	einer	Gruppe	dazustoße,	denke	ich	darüber	nach,	dass	ich	…
Ich	bin	nervös,	wenn	ich	mit	Menschen	zu	tun	habe,	die	ich	nicht	gut	kenne.
Ich	werde	angespannt,	wenn	ich	über	mich	oder	meine	Gefühle	sprechen	muss.
Ich	bin	angespannt,	wenn	ich	zu	einer	Gruppe	dazustoße.
Media Psychology 2017Bosau & Panakkal: “Phubbing”, only caused by “Fear of Missing Out”?
1 2 3 4 5
Wenn	ich	in	Gesellschaft	von	anderen	etwas	esse,	benutze	ich	mein	Smartphone.
Ich	halte	mein	Smartphone	in	der	Hand	wenn	ich	in	Gesellschaft	bin.
In	Gesellschaft	von	anderen,	achte	ich	darauf,	dass	ich	mein	Smartphone	jederzeit	
Ich	benutze	mein	Smartphone	in	einem	sozialen	Umfeld,	auch	wenn	ich	eigentlich	
etwas	zur	Gruppe	beitragen	könnte.
Ich	schaue	ab	und	zu	auf	mein	Smartphone,	während	ich	mich	unterhalte.
Wenn	mein	Smartphone	klingelt/vibriert,	schaue	ich	drauf,	auch	wenn	ich	mich	
gerade	unterhalte.
Wenn	ich	unterwegs	mit	Bekannten	oder	Freunden	bin,	benutze	ich	mein	
Wenn	ich	mich	in	Gesellschaft	befinde,	nutze	ich	mein	Smartphone	in	Momenten	
der	Stille.
Dependent variable
• scale of Roberts & David (2016), original pPhubbing-scale was slightly adapted
• scale: 1 = „nie“ vs. 5 = „sehr oft“
• Cronbach’s α = .85
Media Psychology 2017Bosau & Panakkal: “Phubbing”, only caused by “Fear of Missing Out”?
1 2 3 4 5
Descriptive phubbing norm
Cognitive concentration
Social Interaction	Anxiety
-.17*** .25***
-.27*** .34*** .17***
-.18*** .33*** .19*** .34***
-.30*** .47*** .35*** .31*** .21***
Bivariate correlations of the constructs
Main question: Is there a relationship between the independent
constructs and phubbing?
Media Psychology 2017Bosau & Panakkal: “Phubbing”, only caused by “Fear of Missing Out”?
standardized Beta
standardized Beta
The regression results
standardized Beta
Age -.18***
FoMO .42***
Descriptive	phubbing	norm
Cognitive	concentration	problems
Social	Interaction	Anxiety
corr.	R2 .24
* p < .10, ** p < .05, *** p < .01
• dependent variable: Phubbing
• stepwise regression analysis
FoMO remains	to	be	the	
strongest	predictor
However:	additional	variance	(in	total:	30%)	
can	be	explained	by	the	other	predictors
Media Psychology 2017Bosau & Panakkal: “Phubbing”, only caused by “Fear of Missing Out”? 17
Age -.12**
FoMO .34***
Descriptive	phubbing	norm .25***
Cognitive	concentration	problems .14**
Social	Interaction	Anxiety .01
corr.	R2 .33
* p < .10, ** p < .05, *** p < .01
• dependent variable: Phubbing
• regression analysis – comparison male vs. female
♀ ♂ concentration	
problems	and	
social	norms	
are	a	stronger	
predictor	for	
males	phub	
only	because	of	
The regression results: moderator gender
Media Psychology 2017Bosau & Panakkal: “Phubbing”, only caused by “Fear of Missing Out”?
standardized Beta
standardized Beta
The regression results
standardized Beta
Age -.23***
FoMO – short	version .29***
Descriptive	phubbing	norm
Cognitive	concentration	problems
Social	Interaction	Anxiety
corr.	R2 .16
* p < .10, ** p < .05, *** p < .01
• dependent variable: Phubbing
• stepwise regression analysis
lower	explanatory	power	of	FoMO à the	
correlation	of	FoMO and	Phubbing	is	
partly	tautologic
only	25%	can	of	the	
variance	be	explained
Media Psychology 2017Bosau & Panakkal: “Phubbing”, only caused by “Fear of Missing Out”? 19
Age -.14**
FoMO – short	version .24***
Descriptive	phubbing	norm .28***
Cognitive	concentration	problems .17***
Social	Interaction	Anxiety -.01
corr.	R2 .27
* p < .10, ** p < .05, *** p < .01
• dependent variable: Phubbing
• regression analysis – comparison male vs. female
♀ ♂
The regression results: moderator gender
FoMO is	now	a	
lower	predictor	
for	females	and	
for	males	even	
no	predictor	at	
all	any	more!
Media Psychology 2017Bosau & Panakkal: “Phubbing”, only caused by “Fear of Missing Out”? 20
Ø FoMO is still a very strong predictor of phubbing
• BEWARE: the explanatory power strongly depends on the operationalisation and
the used scale of FoMO
• the existing FoMO scale of Przybylski et al. (2013) could have some validity
Ø People who admit having cognitive concentration problems tend to have also problems to
concentrate on social situations and thus do phub more
Ø Phubbing behaviour is also influenced by the phubbing behaviour of other people. Thus,
people simply copy the behaviour of others to some extend
Ø However: the results should only be generalized for females!
FoMO might still be an important predictor of phubbing
behaviour. Though, phubbing is more than just fearing to miss
out on something.
Media Psychology 2017Bosau & Panakkal: “Phubbing”, only caused by “Fear of Missing Out”? 21
• Bosau C., Aelker, L. & Amaadachou, H. (2014). Ich darf nichts verpassen! – Kann “Fear of Missing Out (FoMO)”
Suchtverhalten in Facebook erklären? 49th Congress of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs) in Bochum,
• Bosau C. & Kühn, M. (2015). How to explain “phubbing” – Can “Fear of Missing Out” predict the compulsive use of
mobile phones in social situations?. 9th Conference of the Media Psychology Division (German Psychological Society)
in Tübingen, Germany.
• Bosau, C. & Ruvinsky, M. (2016). Die Nutzung von Smartphones in Partnerschaften – Negative Effekte von Phubbing
und FoMO auf die Beziehungsqualität. 50th Congress of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs) in Leipzig,
• Carbonell, X., Oberst, U. & Beranuy, M. (2013). The Cell Phone in the Twenty-First Century: A Risk for Addiction or a
Necessary Tool? Principles of Addiction. Vol. 1, pp. 901-909.
• Chotpitayasunondh, V. & Douglas, K.M. (2016). How “phubbing“ becomes the norm: The antecedents and
consequences of snubbing via smartphone. Computers in Human Behaviour, Vol. 63, 9-18.
• Collins. L. (2013). FoMO and Mobile Phones: A Survey Study. Unpublished master thesis. Tilburg University, Tilburg.
• Fergus, T.A., Valentiner, D.P., McGrath, P.B., Gier-Lonsway, S.L. & Kim, H. (2012). Short Forms of the Social
Interaction Anxiety Scale and the Social Phobia Scale. Journal of Personality Assessment, Vol. 94 (3), 310-320.
• Jacobs, B. (2015). Zusammenhänge zwischen Leistungsprognosen, Ergebniseinschätzungen, erzielten Leistungen in
Konzentrationstests und subjektiver Auffassung der eigenen Konzentrationsfähigkeit. Abgerufen von [21.05.2016]
• Krasnova, H., Abramova, O., Notter, I. & Baumann, A. (2016). Why Phubbing is Toxic for Your Relationship:
Understanding the Role of Smartphone Jealousy among „Generation Y“ Users. 24th European Conference on
Information Systems (ECIS), İstanbul, Turkey.
• McDaniel, B.T. & Coyne, S.M. (2016). “Technoference”: The interference of technology in couple relationships and
implications for women’s personal and relational well-being. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, Vol. 5(1), 85-98.
Media Psychology 2017Bosau & Panakkal: “Phubbing”, only caused by “Fear of Missing Out”? 22
• Misra, S., Cheng, L., Genevie, J. & Yuan, M. (2014). The iPhone Effect: The Quality of In-Person Social Interactions in
the Presence of Mobile Devices. Environment and Behaviour, 1-24.
• Przybylski, A.K., Murayama, K., DeHaan, C.R. & Gladwell, V. (2013). Motivational, emotional, and behavioural
correlates of fear of missing out. Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 29, pp. 1841-1848.
• Roberts, J.A. & David, M.E. (2016). My life has become a major distraction from my cell phone: Partner phubbing and
relationship satisfaction among romantic partners. Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 54, 134-141.
• Roberts, J.A. & David, M.E. (2017). Put down your phone and listen to me: How boss phubbing undermines the
psychological conditions necessary for employee engagement. Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 75, 206-217.
Media Psychology 2017Bosau & Panakkal: “Phubbing”, only caused by “Fear of Missing Out”? 23
Thank you very much for your
Contact details:
Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln
Prof. Dr. Christian Bosau, Dipl.-Psych. & Master of HRM & IR
Schaevenstraße 1a/b
50676 Köln
Tel.: +49 221 20302-0
Slideshare: cbosau
Twitter: cribocologne

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"Phubbing" - only caused by "Fear of Missing Out"? - Presentation Media Psychology Conference 2017

  • 1. “Phubbing”, only caused by “Fear of Missing Out”? Comparing different causes of problematic usage of mobile phones in social situations C. Bosau & J. Panakkal
  • 5. Media Psychology 2017Bosau & Panakkal: “Phubbing”, only caused by “Fear of Missing Out”? Previous results: Phubbing 5 What we already know: • Phubbing indeed has negative consequences: • for social interaction: inferior conversation and lower levels of empathy (Misra, Cheng, Genevie & Yuan, 2014) • for romantic relationships: less satisfaction and lower individual well- being (Bosau & Ruvinsky, 2016; Krasnova, Abramova, Notter & Baumann, 2016; McDaniel & Coyne, 2016; Roberts & David, 2016) • for leader-employee-relationships: lower employee engagement (Roberts & David, 2017) Important question: How can this strange and contradictory behaviour be explained?
  • 8. Media Psychology 2017Bosau & Panakkal: “Phubbing”, only caused by “Fear of Missing Out”? Previous results: Fear-of-missing- Out 8 What we already know: • Mobile phones are potential addiction sources (Carbonell, Oberst & Beranuy, 2013) • FoMO correlates highly with social media engagement in general (Przybylski, Murayama, DeHaan, & Gladwell, 2013) and Facebook usage in particular (Bosau, Aelker & Amaadachou, 2014) • FoMO correlates with problematic mobile phone use (PMPU) and habitual checking behaviour (Collins, 2013) • INDEED: FoMO is also an important predictor of phubbing (Bosau & Kühn, 2015; Chotpitayasunondh & Douglas, 2016) Remaining questions: Are there other predictors? What are the predictors, that can explain this contradictory behaviour?
  • 9. Media Psychology 2017Bosau & Panakkal: “Phubbing”, only caused by “Fear of Missing Out”? The study 9 Former studies: § many looked at FoMO only § FoMO can only explain about 5-15% of the variance à there is a lot left and unexplained! This study: § looked intensively at the literature for theoratically plausible predictors § integrated FoMO and several other measures of personality Method: • Online questionnaire (posted via Facebook, mailing-lists and personal emails, partly snowball sampling) in spring 2016 • N = 309 • age: 15 to 59 years: < 18y = 3%, 18-25y = 50%, 26-30y = 25%, 31-40y = 13%, > 40y = 10% • male = 22%, female = 78%
  • 10. Media Psychology 2017Bosau & Panakkal: “Phubbing”, only caused by “Fear of Missing Out”? The scales 10 Fear of Missing Out - FoMO (Przybylski, Murayama, DeHaan, & Gladwell, 2013) Phubbing (Roberts & David, 2016, slightly adapted) The independent variables: The dependent variable: GenderThe moderator: Cognitive concentration issues (Jacobs, 2015) Social Interaction Anxiety (Fergus, Valentiner, McGrath, Gier-Lonsway & Kim, 2012) Descriptive social norms (single item measurement) Age
  • 11. Media Psychology 2017Bosau & Panakkal: “Phubbing”, only caused by “Fear of Missing Out”? 1,81 1,83 2,20 2,29 2,36 2,41 2,57 3,04 3,07 3,73 1 2 3 4 5 Ich werde unruhig, wenn ich nicht weiß, was meine Freunde vorhaben. Wenn ich eine gute Zeit erlebe, ist es mir wichtig, Einzelheiten darüber online zu teilen (z.B Facebook-Status ... Manchmal frage ich mich, ob ich zu viel Zeit damit verbringe, zu erfahren was um mich herum passiert. Ich fürchte, dass meine Freunde bereichendere Erlebnisse erfahren als ich. Es beunruhigt micht, wenn ich erfahre, dass meine Freunde ohne mich Spaß haben. Ich fürchte, dass andere Menschen tollere Erlebnisse erfahren als ich. Auch wenn ich im Urlaub bin, verfolge ich weiterhin was meine Freunde machen. Es ärgert mich, wenn ich eine Gelegenheit verpasse, mich mit meinen Freunden zu treffen. Es ist mir wichtig, Insiderwitze meiner Freunde zu verstehen. Es ärgert mich, wenn ich ein geplantes Treffen verpasse. FoMO – Fear of Missing Out 11 Independent variable • scale of Przybylski, Murayama, DeHaan & Gladwell (2013) • scale: 1 = „trifft gar nicht zu“ vs. 5 = „trifft voll zu“ • Cronbach’s α = .78 Problem: an exploratory factor analysis showed a three (!) factor solution
  • 12. Media Psychology 2017Bosau & Panakkal: “Phubbing”, only caused by “Fear of Missing Out”? 1,81 2,29 2,36 2,41 1 2 3 4 5 Ich werde unruhig, wenn ich nicht weiß, was meine Freunde vorhaben. Ich fürchte, dass meine Freunde bereichendere Erlebnisse erfahren als ich. Es beunruhigt micht, wenn ich erfahre, dass meine Freunde ohne mich Spaß haben. Ich fürchte, dass andere Menschen tollere Erlebnisse erfahren als ich. FoMO – shortened scale 12 Independent variable • a factor analyses of the scale of Przybylski et al. (2013) showed a three factor solution (PCA with Varimax rotation; criterium: eigenvalue) • 63% explained variance • only the first factor can be labeled as the ‚pure‘, original FoMO-factor (28% explained variance) • Cronbach’s α of the shortened scale = .81
  • 13. Media Psychology 2017Bosau & Panakkal: “Phubbing”, only caused by “Fear of Missing Out”? 2,28 2,42 2,46 2,50 2,56 3,03 1 2 3 4 5 Mir war ein effektives Arbeiten/Lernen wegen ungünstiger äußerer … Trotz gutem Vorsatz und redlichem Bemühen, konnte mich nur für sehr kurze … Ich musste mich sehr zusammenreißen, um überhaupt eine Aufgabe in Angriff … Ich habe mit einer Arbeit begonnen und dann ohne Absicht etwas ganz anderes … Ich hatte Schwierigkeiten, sorgfältig und zugleich zügig zu arbeiten/lernen. Trotz gutem Vorsatz, eine gewisse Zeit intensiv zu arbeiten/lernen, habe ich … Cognitive concentration issues & Social Interaction anxiety 13 Independent variable • scale of Jacobs (2015): scale: 1 = „nie“ vs. 5 = „sehr oft“; Cronbach’s α = .90 • scale of Fergus, Valentiner, McGrath, Gier-Lonsway & Kim (2012): scale: 1 = „trifft gar nicht zu“ vs. 5 = „trifft voll zu“; Cronbach’s α = .85 1,73 1,93 2,41 2,57 2,58 2,65 1 2 3 4 5 Ich bin angespannt, wenn ich mit nur einer Person alleine bin. Ich werde angespannt, wenn ich einen Bekannten auf der Straße treffe. Wenn ich zu einer Gruppe dazustoße, denke ich darüber nach, dass ich … Ich bin nervös, wenn ich mit Menschen zu tun habe, die ich nicht gut kenne. Ich werde angespannt, wenn ich über mich oder meine Gefühle sprechen muss. Ich bin angespannt, wenn ich zu einer Gruppe dazustoße.
  • 14. Media Psychology 2017Bosau & Panakkal: “Phubbing”, only caused by “Fear of Missing Out”? 2,12 2,17 2,18 2,22 2,50 2,78 3,08 3,19 1 2 3 4 5 Wenn ich in Gesellschaft von anderen etwas esse, benutze ich mein Smartphone. Ich halte mein Smartphone in der Hand wenn ich in Gesellschaft bin. In Gesellschaft von anderen, achte ich darauf, dass ich mein Smartphone jederzeit sehe. Ich benutze mein Smartphone in einem sozialen Umfeld, auch wenn ich eigentlich etwas zur Gruppe beitragen könnte. Ich schaue ab und zu auf mein Smartphone, während ich mich unterhalte. Wenn mein Smartphone klingelt/vibriert, schaue ich drauf, auch wenn ich mich gerade unterhalte. Wenn ich unterwegs mit Bekannten oder Freunden bin, benutze ich mein Smartphone. Wenn ich mich in Gesellschaft befinde, nutze ich mein Smartphone in Momenten der Stille. Phubbing 14 Dependent variable • scale of Roberts & David (2016), original pPhubbing-scale was slightly adapted • scale: 1 = „nie“ vs. 5 = „sehr oft“ • Cronbach’s α = .85
  • 15. Media Psychology 2017Bosau & Panakkal: “Phubbing”, only caused by “Fear of Missing Out”? 1 2 3 4 5 Age FoMO Descriptive phubbing norm Cognitive concentration problems Social Interaction Anxiety Phubbing -.28*** -.17*** .25*** -.27*** .34*** .17*** -.18*** .33*** .19*** .34*** -.30*** .47*** .35*** .31*** .21*** Bivariate correlations of the constructs 15 Main question: Is there a relationship between the independent constructs and phubbing?
  • 16. Media Psychology 2017Bosau & Panakkal: “Phubbing”, only caused by “Fear of Missing Out”? standardized Beta -.14*** .33*** .23*** .12** -.01 .30 standardized Beta -.16*** .36*** .23** .29 The regression results 16 standardized Beta Age -.18*** FoMO .42*** Descriptive phubbing norm Cognitive concentration problems Social Interaction Anxiety corr. R2 .24 * p < .10, ** p < .05, *** p < .01 • dependent variable: Phubbing • stepwise regression analysis FoMO remains to be the strongest predictor However: additional variance (in total: 30%) can be explained by the other predictors
  • 17. Media Psychology 2017Bosau & Panakkal: “Phubbing”, only caused by “Fear of Missing Out”? 17 standardized Beta Age -.12** FoMO .34*** Descriptive phubbing norm .25*** Cognitive concentration problems .14** Social Interaction Anxiety .01 corr. R2 .33 * p < .10, ** p < .05, *** p < .01 standardized Beta -.20 .30** .15 .02 -.10 .16 • dependent variable: Phubbing • regression analysis – comparison male vs. female ♀ ♂ concentration problems and social norms are a stronger predictor for females males phub only because of FoMO The regression results: moderator gender
  • 18. Media Psychology 2017Bosau & Panakkal: “Phubbing”, only caused by “Fear of Missing Out”? standardized Beta -.17*** .22*** .26*** .15*** -.02 .25 standardized Beta -.19*** .25*** .27** .23 The regression results 18 standardized Beta Age -.23*** FoMO – short version .29*** Descriptive phubbing norm Cognitive concentration problems Social Interaction Anxiety corr. R2 .16 * p < .10, ** p < .05, *** p < .01 • dependent variable: Phubbing • stepwise regression analysis lower explanatory power of FoMO à the correlation of FoMO and Phubbing is partly tautologic only 25% can of the variance be explained
  • 19. Media Psychology 2017Bosau & Panakkal: “Phubbing”, only caused by “Fear of Missing Out”? 19 standardized Beta Age -.14** FoMO – short version .24*** Descriptive phubbing norm .28*** Cognitive concentration problems .17*** Social Interaction Anxiety -.01 corr. R2 .27 * p < .10, ** p < .05, *** p < .01 standardized Beta -.26 .09 .19 .08 -.05 .10 • dependent variable: Phubbing • regression analysis – comparison male vs. female ♀ ♂ The regression results: moderator gender FoMO is now a lower predictor for females and for males even no predictor at all any more!
  • 20. Media Psychology 2017Bosau & Panakkal: “Phubbing”, only caused by “Fear of Missing Out”? 20 Ø FoMO is still a very strong predictor of phubbing • BEWARE: the explanatory power strongly depends on the operationalisation and the used scale of FoMO • the existing FoMO scale of Przybylski et al. (2013) could have some validity problems Ø People who admit having cognitive concentration problems tend to have also problems to concentrate on social situations and thus do phub more Ø Phubbing behaviour is also influenced by the phubbing behaviour of other people. Thus, people simply copy the behaviour of others to some extend Ø However: the results should only be generalized for females! Conclusion FoMO might still be an important predictor of phubbing behaviour. Though, phubbing is more than just fearing to miss out on something.
  • 21. Media Psychology 2017Bosau & Panakkal: “Phubbing”, only caused by “Fear of Missing Out”? 21 • Bosau C., Aelker, L. & Amaadachou, H. (2014). Ich darf nichts verpassen! – Kann “Fear of Missing Out (FoMO)” Suchtverhalten in Facebook erklären? 49th Congress of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs) in Bochum, Germany. • Bosau C. & Kühn, M. (2015). How to explain “phubbing” – Can “Fear of Missing Out” predict the compulsive use of mobile phones in social situations?. 9th Conference of the Media Psychology Division (German Psychological Society) in Tübingen, Germany. • Bosau, C. & Ruvinsky, M. (2016). Die Nutzung von Smartphones in Partnerschaften – Negative Effekte von Phubbing und FoMO auf die Beziehungsqualität. 50th Congress of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs) in Leipzig, Germany. • Carbonell, X., Oberst, U. & Beranuy, M. (2013). The Cell Phone in the Twenty-First Century: A Risk for Addiction or a Necessary Tool? Principles of Addiction. Vol. 1, pp. 901-909. • Chotpitayasunondh, V. & Douglas, K.M. (2016). How “phubbing“ becomes the norm: The antecedents and consequences of snubbing via smartphone. Computers in Human Behaviour, Vol. 63, 9-18. • Collins. L. (2013). FoMO and Mobile Phones: A Survey Study. Unpublished master thesis. Tilburg University, Tilburg. • Fergus, T.A., Valentiner, D.P., McGrath, P.B., Gier-Lonsway, S.L. & Kim, H. (2012). Short Forms of the Social Interaction Anxiety Scale and the Social Phobia Scale. Journal of Personality Assessment, Vol. 94 (3), 310-320. • Jacobs, B. (2015). Zusammenhänge zwischen Leistungsprognosen, Ergebniseinschätzungen, erzielten Leistungen in Konzentrationstests und subjektiver Auffassung der eigenen Konzentrationsfähigkeit. Abgerufen von [21.05.2016] • Krasnova, H., Abramova, O., Notter, I. & Baumann, A. (2016). Why Phubbing is Toxic for Your Relationship: Understanding the Role of Smartphone Jealousy among „Generation Y“ Users. 24th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), İstanbul, Turkey. • McDaniel, B.T. & Coyne, S.M. (2016). “Technoference”: The interference of technology in couple relationships and implications for women’s personal and relational well-being. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, Vol. 5(1), 85-98. Literature
  • 22. Media Psychology 2017Bosau & Panakkal: “Phubbing”, only caused by “Fear of Missing Out”? 22 • Misra, S., Cheng, L., Genevie, J. & Yuan, M. (2014). The iPhone Effect: The Quality of In-Person Social Interactions in the Presence of Mobile Devices. Environment and Behaviour, 1-24. • Przybylski, A.K., Murayama, K., DeHaan, C.R. & Gladwell, V. (2013). Motivational, emotional, and behavioural correlates of fear of missing out. Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 29, pp. 1841-1848. • Roberts, J.A. & David, M.E. (2016). My life has become a major distraction from my cell phone: Partner phubbing and relationship satisfaction among romantic partners. Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 54, 134-141. • Roberts, J.A. & David, M.E. (2017). Put down your phone and listen to me: How boss phubbing undermines the psychological conditions necessary for employee engagement. Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 75, 206-217. Literature
  • 23. Media Psychology 2017Bosau & Panakkal: “Phubbing”, only caused by “Fear of Missing Out”? 23 Thank you very much for your attention! Contact details: Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln Prof. Dr. Christian Bosau, Dipl.-Psych. & Master of HRM & IR Schaevenstraße 1a/b 50676 Köln Tel.: +49 221 20302-0 e-mail: Slideshare: cbosau Twitter: cribocologne