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PENTECOST XX 100 (8) /47 OCTOBER 10, 2010
10:00 Joint Worship Service with Holy Communion
PRELUDE "Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott" Friedrich W. Zachau
Praise to the Lord
1. Praise to the Lord,
the Almighty, the King of Creation!
O my soul, praise him,
for he is your health and salvation!
Let all who hear
Now to his temple draw near,
Joining in glad adoration!
2. Praise to the Lord,
who o’er all things is wondrously
And, as on wings of an eagle,
uplifting sustaining.
Have you not seen
All that is needful has been
Sent by his gracious ordaining?
3. Praise to the Lord,
who will prosper your work and
defend you;
Surely his goodness and mercy
shall daily attend you.
Ponder anew
What the Almighty can do
As with his love he befriends you.
4. Praise to the Lord!
Oh, let all that is in me adore him!
All that has life and breath,
come now with praises before him!
Let the amen
Sound from his people again.
Gladly forever adore him!
Viešpatį Liaupsink
1. Viešpatį liaupsink,
visatos Valdovą galingą,
Siela manoji, jo vardą
girk giesme širdinga!
Gauskit linksmai,
Kanklių, trimitų balsai,
Liaupsę jam kelkit garsingą!
2. Viešpatį liaupsink,
bevaldantį viską geriausiai,
Kurs ant erelio sparnų
mus nešiojo saugiausiai!
Kaip jis mielai
Šelpia tave nuolatai,
Ar nepatyrei aiškiausiai?
3. Viešpatį liaupsink,
kurs, meniškai kūną sudėjęs,
Sveiką išlaikė tave,
meilingai lydėjęs!
Kiek tau varguos
Dievas yra visados
Savo pagalbą padėjęs!
4. Viešpatį liaupsink,
kurs ranką palaimos atvėręs,
Turtais malonės tave
iš dangaus apibėręs!
Siela, atmink,
Tau Visagalis aplink
Meilės sargybą aptvėręs!
Lobe den Herren
1. Lobe den Herren,
den mächtigen König der Ehren,
meine geliebete Seele,
das ist mein Begehren.
Kommet zuhauf,
Psalter und Harfe,wacht auf,
Lasser den Lobgesang hören!
2. Lobe den Herren,
der alles so herrlich regieret,
der dich auf Adelers
Fittichen sicher geführet,
der dich erhält,
wie es dir selber gefällt;
hast du nicht dieses verspüret?
3. Lobe den Herren,
der künstlich und fein dich bereitet,
der dir Gesundheit verliehen,
dich freundlich geleitet.
In wieviel Not
Hat nicht der gnädige Gott
über dir Flügel gebreitet!
4. Lobe den Herren,
der deinen Stand sichtbar gesegnet,
der aus dem Himmel
mit Strömen der Liebe geregnet.
Denke daran,
was der Allmächtige kann,
der dir mit Liebe begegnet.
Pastor: In the name of the Father
and of the + Son and of the Holy
People: Amen.
Kun.: Vardan Dievo Tėvo ir
Sūnaus ir Šventosios Dvasios.
Parapija: Amen.
Pastor: Im Names des Vaters und
des Sohnes, und des Heiligen
Gemeinde: Amen!
Pastor: I sought the LORD, and He answered me
People: and delivered me from all my fears.
Pastor: Oh, magnify the LORD with me.
People: Jesus, Master, have mercy on us. Psalm 34:4, 3; Luke 17:13b
Pastor: Jesus has come and hears your plea for mercy. Let us confess our sins that He may heal us.
People: Jesus, Master, have mercy on us, for we cannot free ourselves from our slavery to sin. We
have become unclean, separated from God and from one another. Speak Your powerful Word of
cleansing, healing, and forgiveness that we may have life and give thanks to Your name. Amen.
Pastor: "Rise and go your way; your faith has made you well." Luke 17:19b
Upon this, your confession, I, by virtue of my office, as a called and ordained servant of the Word, announce
the grace of God unto all of you, and in the stead and by the command of my Lord Jesus Christ I forgive you all
your sins in the name of the Father and of the + Son and of the Holy Spirit.
People: Amen.
INTROIT Psalm 34:2-4, 17; antiphon Psalm 48:1a
(reading together)
Great is the LORD and greatly to be praised
in the city of our God!
My soul makes its boast in the LORD;
let the humble hear and be glad.
Oh, magnify the LORD with me,
and let us exalt His name together!
I sought the LORD, and He answered me
and delivered me from all my fears.
When the righteous cry for help, the LORD hears
and delivers them out of all their troubles.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit;
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and will be forever. Amen.
Great is the LORD and greatly to be praised
in the city of our God!
CHOIR "Holy God, We Praise Your Name" Ignaz Franz
Pastor: The Lord be with you.
People: And also with you.
Pastor: Let us pray.
Kun.: Viešpats teesie su jumis!
Sur.: Ir su tavo Dvasia.
Kun.: Melskimės.
Pastor: Der Herr sei mit Euch
Gemeinde: Und mit deinem
Pastor: Lasset uns beten.
Pastor: Let us pray. Almighty God,
You show mercy to Your people in
all their troubles. Grant us always
to recognize Your goodness, give
thanks for Your compassion, and
praise Your holy name; through
Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord,
who lives and reigns with You and
the Holy Spirit, one God, now and
People: Amen.
Kunigas: Visagalis Dieve, Tu rodai
Savo ţmonėms gailestingumą, net
kai jie pergyvena nelaimes. Suteik
mums gebėjimą atpaţinti Tavo
gerumą, dėkoti Tau uţ atjautą ir
garbinti Tavo šventą vardą; per
Jėzų Kristų, Tavo Sūnų, mūsų
Viešpatį, kuris gyvena ir valdo
kartu su Tavimi ir Šventaja Dvasia,
vienas Dievas, dabar ir per amţius.
Parapija: Amen
Pastor: Lasset uns Beten.
Allmächtiger Gott, Du bist Deinem
Volk gnädnig in allen ihren Nöten.
Lass uns Deine Güte erkennen, Dir
für Dein Erbarmen danken und
Deinen heiligen Namen preisen;
durch Jesum Christum, Deinen
Sohn, unseren Herren, der mit Dir
und dem heiligen Geist lebet und
regieret, ein Gott, nun und in
Gemeinde: Amen.
+ WORD +
(we sit)
Ruth 1:1-19a
1 In the days when the judges ruled there was a famine in the land, and a man of Bethlehem in Judah went to
sojourn in the country of Moab, he and his wife and his two sons. 2 The name of the man was Elimelech and
the name of his wife Naomi, and the names of his two sons were Mahlon and Chilion. They were Ephrathites
from Bethlehem in Judah. They went into the country of Moab and remained there.
3 But Elimelech, the husband of Naomi, died, and she was left with her two sons. 4 These took Moabite wives;
the name of the one was Orpah and the name of the other Ruth. They lived there about ten years, 5 and both
Mahlon and Chilion died, so that the woman was left without her two sons and her husband. 6 Then she arose
with her daughters-in-law to return from the country of Moab, for she had heard in the fields of Moab that the
Lord had visited his people and given them food. 7 So she set out from the place where she was with her two
daughters-in-law, and they went on the way to return to the land of Judah. 8 But Naomi said to her two
daughters-in-law, “Go, return each of you to her mother‟s house. May the Lord deal kindly with you, as you
have dealt with the dead and with me.
9 The Lord grant that you may find rest, each of you in the house of her husband!” Then she kissed them, and
they lifted up their voices and wept. 10 And they said to her, “No, we will return with you to your people.”
11 But Naomi said, “Turn back, my daughters; why will you go with me? Have I yet sons in my womb that they
may become your husbands? 12 Turn back, my daughters; go your way, for I am too old to have a husband. If
I should say I have hope, even if I should have a husband this night and should bear sons, 13 would you
therefore wait till they were grown? Would you therefore refrain from marrying? No, my daughters, for it is
exceedingly bitter to me for your sake that the hand of the Lord has gone out against me.”
14 Then they lifted up their voices and wept again. And Orpah kissed her mother-in-law, but Ruth clung to her.
15 And she said, “See, your sister-in-law has gone back to her people and to her gods; return after your sister-
in-law.” 16 But Ruth said, “Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you go I will
go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God. 17 Where you
die I will die, and there will I be buried. May the Lord do so to me and more also if anything but death parts me
from you.”
18 And when Naomi saw that she was determined to go with her, she said no more. 19 So the two of them
went on until they came to Bethlehem.
Pastor: This is the Word of the Lord.
People: Thanks be to God.
Rūtos knyga 1:1-19a
Teisėjų valdymo laikais kraštą ištiko badas. Vienas ţmogus iš Judo Betliejaus su ţmona ir dviem sūnumis išsi-
kėlė į Moabo lygumas, norėdamas pergyventi badą. 2 Ţmogus buvo vardu Elimelechas, jo ţmona -
Noomė, o sūnūs ­ Machlonas ir Kiljonas. Jie buvo efratai iš Judo Betliejaus, bet nukeliavo į Moabo lygumas
ir ten apsigyveno. 3 Naomės vyras Elimelechas pasimirė, ir ji liko viena su dviem sūnumis. 4 Jie ve-
dė moabites. Viena jų vadinosi Orpa, o kita Rūta. Ten jie išgyveno apie dešimt metų. 5 Po to ir juodu
abudu pasimirė ­ Machlonas ir Kiljonas, o Noomė liko visai viena, be sūnų ir be vyro.
6 Tada ji susirengė kartu su marčiomis grįţti iš Moabo lygumų, nes Moabo lygumose buvo girdėjusi, kad
VIEŠPATS aplankė savo tautą, norėdamas duoti jiems duonos. 7 Lydima dviejų marčių, ji paliko vietą, kurioje
gyveno, ir leidosi atgal į Judo šalį.
8 Noomė kreipėsi į abi savo marčias: „Eikite atgal, grįţkite namo, kiekviena į savo motinos namus! Teparodo
VIEŠPATS jums tokį pat gerumą, kokį judvi parodėte mirusiesiems ir man! 9 Tepadeda VIEŠPATSkiekvienaijūsų
atrasti šeimos ţidinį vyro namuose!“ Atsisveikindama ji pabučiavo jas. O jos, balsiai raudodamos, verkė
10 ir sakė: „Ne! Su tavimi mes grįšime pas tavo tautą!“
11 Noomė atsakė: „Grįţkite atgal, mano dukterys! Kodėl turėtumėte eiti su manimi? Argi aš turiu savo įsčio-
se kitų sūnų, kurie galėtų tapti jūsų vyrais? 12 Grįţkite atgal, mano dukterys, eikite savo keliu, nes aš per sena
ištekėti. Net jeigu sakyčiau: „Turiu vilties!‟ ­ turėčiau vyrą šiąnaktįir pagimdyčiausūnų, 13 argi jūs lauktumėte, kol jie
uţaugs? Nejaugi turėtumėte pasmerkti save dėl jų ir likti netekėjusios? O ne, mano dukterys! Mano dalia kar-
tesnė negu jūsų, nes VIEŠPATIES ranka pakilo prieš mane.“ Vėl ėmė jos verkti ir raudoti.
14 Orpa atsisveikindama pabučiavo anytą, o Rūta liko prisirišusi prie jos. 15 Noomė tarė: „Matai, tavo svainė
sugrįţo į savo tautą ir prie savo dievų. Grįţk ir tu, sek savo svainę!“ 16 Bet Rūta atsakė: „Neversk manęs palikti
tave ir pasitraukti, nes kur eisi tu, ten eisiu ir aš, kur būsi tu, ten būsiu ir aš! Tavo tauta bus mano tauta, o tavo
Dievas - mano Dievas! 17 Kur mirsi tu, ten mirsiu ir aš ir būsiu ten palaidota. Man nelemtį VIEŠPATS tesiunčia
ir dar teprideda, jeigu kas kita, o ne mirtis mudvi išskirtų!“
18 Matydama, kad Rūta tvirtai pasiryţusi eiti kartu, Noomė liovėsi ją perkalbinėti. 19 Jos abi atėjo kartu į Bet-
Kunigas: Tai Dievo Ţodis.
Parapija: Dėkojame Dievui
Rut 1:1-19
1 Zu der Zeit, als die Richter richteten, entstand eine Hungersnot im Lande. Und ein Mann von Bethlehem in
Juda zog aus ins Land der Moabiter, um dort als Fremdling zu wohnen, mit seiner Frau und seinen beiden
Söhnen. 2 Der hieß Elimelech und seine Frau Noomi und seine beiden Söhne Machlon und Kiljon; die waren
Efratiter aus Bethlehem in Juda. Und als sie ins Land der Moabiter gekommen waren, blieben sie dort. 3 Und
Elimelech, Noomis Mann, starb und sie blieb übrig mit ihren beiden Söhnen. 4 Die nahmen moabitische
Frauen; die eine hieß Orpa, die andere Rut. Und als sie ungefähr zehn Jahre dort gewohnt hatten, 5 starben
auch die beiden, Machlon und Kiljon, sodass die Frau beide Söhne und ihren Mann überlebte.
6 Da machte sie sich auf mit ihren beiden Schwiegertöchtern und zog aus dem Land der Moabiter wieder
zurück; denn sie hatte erfahren im Moabiterland, dass der HERR sich seines Volkes angenommen und ihnen
Brot gegeben hatte. 7 Und sie ging aus von dem Ort, wo sie gewesen war, und ihre beiden Schwiegertöchter
mit ihr. Und als sie unterwegs waren, um ins Land Juda zurückzukehren, 8 sprach sie zu ihren beiden
Schwiegertöchtern: Geht hin und kehrt um, eine jede ins Haus ihrer Mutter! Der HERR tue an euch
Barmherzigkeit, wie ihr an den Toten und an mir getan habt. 9 Der HERR gebe euch, dass ihr Ruhe findet,
eine jede in ihres Mannes Hause! Und sie küsste sie. Da erhoben sie ihre Stimme und weinten 10 und
sprachen zu ihr: Wir wollen mit dir zu deinem Volk gehen. 11 Aber Noomi sprach: Kehrt um, meine Töchter!
Warum wollt ihr mit mir gehen? Wie kann ich noch einmal Kinder in meinem Schoße haben, die eure Männer
werden könnten? 12 Kehrt um, meine Töchter, und geht hin; denn ich bin nun zu alt, um wieder einen Mann zu
nehmen. Und wenn ich dächte: Ich habe noch Hoffnung!, und diese Nacht einen Mann nehmen und Söhne
gebären würde, 13 wolltet ihr warten, bis sie groß würden? Wolltet ihr euch so lange einschließen und keinen
Mann nehmen? Nicht doch, meine Töchter! Mein Los ist zu bitter für euch, denn des HERRN Hand ist gegen
mich gewesen.
14 Da erhoben sie ihre Stimme und weinten noch mehr. Und Orpa küsste ihre Schwiegermutter, Rut aber blieb
bei ihr. 15 Sie aber sprach: Siehe, deine Schwägerin ist umgekehrt zu ihrem Volk und zu ihrem Gott; kehre
auch du um, deiner Schwägerin nach. 16 Rut antwortete: Rede mir nicht ein, dass ich dich verlassen und von
dir umkehren sollte. Wo du hingehst, da will ich auch hingehen; wo du bleibst, da bleibe ich auch. Dein Volk ist
mein Volk, und dein Gott ist mein Gott. 17 Wo du stirbst, da sterbe ich auch, da will ich auch begraben werden.
Der HERR tue mir dies und das, nur der Tod wird mich und dich scheiden.
18 Als sie nun sah, dass sie festen Sinnes war, mit ihr zu gehen, ließ sie ab, ihr zuzureden. 19 So gingen die
beiden miteinander, bis sie nach Bethlehem kamen.
Pastor: Das ist das heilige Wort Gottes.
Gemeinde: Gott sei gedankt.
SOLO ―His Eye Is On The Sparrow‖ Charles H. Gabriel
2 Timothy 2:1-13
1 You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, 2 and what you have heard from
me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.
3 Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. 4 No soldier gets entangled in civilian pursuits, since his
aim is to please the one who enlisted him. 5 An athlete is not crowned unless he competes according to the
rules. 6 It is the hard-working farmer who ought to have the first share of the crops. 7 Think over what I say, for
the Lord will give you understanding in everything.
8 Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, the offspring of David, as preached in my gospel, 9 for which I
am suffering, bound with chains as a criminal. But the word of God is not bound! 10 Therefore I endure
everything for the sake of the elect, that they also may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus with eternal
glory. 11 The saying is trustworthy, for: If we have died with him, we will also live with him; 12 if we endure, we
will also reign with him; if we deny him, he also will deny us; 13 if we are faithless, he remains faithful— for he
cannot deny himself.
Pastor: This is the Word of the Lord.
People: Thanks be to God.
2 Timotiejui 2:1-13
Taigi tu, mano vaike, stiprėk Kristaus Jėzaus malone 2 ir, ką esi iš manęs girdėjęs prie daugelio liudytojų, per-
duok patikimiems ţmonėms, kurie sugebės ir kitus mokyti.
3 Kęsk vargus kartu su manimi kaip geras Kristaus Jėzaus karys. 4 Atliekantis kario tarnybą neuţsi-
ima pragyvenimo reikalais, idant patiktų jį pašaukusiam tarnybon. 5 Ir kas stoja į rungtynes, negaus
vainiko, jei nebus grūmęsis pagal taisykles. 6 Triūsiančiam ţemdirbiui dera pirmam pasiimti vaisių.
7 Suprask, ką sakau: Viešpats tau duos išmanymą apie visus dalykus.
8 Prisimink prikeltąjį iš numirusių Jėzų Kristų iš Dovydo giminės, kaip skelbiama mano Evangelijoje, 9 dėl
kurios man tenka kentėti, net būti surakintam lyg piktadariui. Bet Dievo ţodis nesurakinamas! 10 Todėl aš vi-
sa pakeliu dėl išrinktųjų, kad ir jie laimėtų išganymą Kristuje Jėzuje su amţinąja šlove. 11 Štai
tikras ţodis:
Jei mes su juo numirėme, su juo ir gyvensime. 12 Jei ištversime, su juo ir karaliausime. Jeigu mes jo išsiţadė-
sime,irjismūsųišsiţadės,13 bet jeigu ir tapsime neištikimi, tai jis lieka ištikimas, nes savęs jis negali išsiginti.
Kunigas: Tai Dievo Ţodis.
Parapija: Dėkojame Dievui
2. Timotheus 2:1-13
1 So sei nun stark, mein Sohn, durch die Gnade in Christus Jesus. 2 Und was du von mir gehört hast vor
vielen Zeugen, das befiehl treuen Menschen an, die tüchtig sind, auch andere zu lehren. 3 Leide mit als ein
guter Streiter Christi Jesu. 4 Wer in den Krieg zieht, verwickelt sich nicht in Geschäfte des täglichen Lebens,
damit er dem gefalle, der ihn angeworben hat. 5 Und wenn jemand auch kämpft, wird er doch nicht gekrönt, er
kämpfe denn recht. 6 Es soll der Bauer, der den Acker bebaut, die Früchte als Erster genießen. 7 Bedenke,
was ich sage! Der Herr aber wird dir in allen Dingen Verstand geben.
8 Halt im Gedächtnis Jesus Christus, der auferstanden ist von den Toten, aus dem Geschlecht Davids, nach
meinem Evangelium, 9 für welches ich leide bis dahin, dass ich gebunden bin wie ein Übeltäter; aber Gottes
Wort ist nicht gebunden. 10 Darum dulde ich alles um der Auserwählten willen, damit auch sie die Seligkeit
erlangen in Christus Jesus mit ewiger Herrlichkeit. 11 Das ist gewisslich wahr:
Sterben wir mit, so werden wir mit leben; 12 dulden wir, so werden wir mit herrschen; verleugnen wir, so wird
er uns auch verleugnen; 13 sind wir untreu, so bleibt er doch treu; denn er kann sich selbst nicht verleugnen.
Pastor: Das ist das heilige Wort Gottes.
Gemeinde: Gott sei gedankt.
CHOIR ―My God And I‖ Austris A. Wihtols
ALLELUIA and VERSE Luke 5:15
(we rise)
Now even more the report about Him went abroad,
and great crowds gathered to hear Him and to be
healed of their infirmities. Alleluia.
Pastor: The Holy Gospel according to Saint Luke, the seventeenth chapter.
People: Glory to You, O Lord.
Luke 17:11-19
11 On the way to Jerusalem he was passing along between Samaria and Galilee. 12 And as he entered a
village, he was met by ten lepers, who stood at a distance 13 and lifted up their voices, saying, “Jesus, Master,
have mercy on us.” 14 When he saw them he said to them, “Go and show yourselves to the priests.” And as
they went they were cleansed. 15 Then one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, praising
God with a loud voice; 16 and he fell on his face at Jesus‟ feet, giving him thanks. Now he was a Samaritan. 17
Then Jesus answered, “Were not ten cleansed? Where are the nine? 18 Was no one found to return and give
praise to God except this foreigner?” 19 And he said to him, “Rise and go your way; your faith has made you
Luko 17:11-19
11 Keliaujant į Jeruzalę, teko Jėzui eiti tarp Samarijos ir Galilėjos. 12 Įeinantį į vieną kaimą, jį pasitiko dešimt
raupsuotų vyrų. Jie sustojo atstu 13 ir garsiai šaukė: „Jėzau, Mokytojau, pasigailėk mūsų!“ 14 Pa-
ţvelgęs į juos, Jėzus pasakė: „Eikite, pasirodykite kunigams!“ Ir beeidami jie pasveiko. 15 Vienas jų, pa-
matęs, kad išgijo, sugrįţo atgal, balsu šlovindamas Dievą. 16 Jis dėkodamas parpuolė Jėzui po kojų. Tai buvo
samarietis. 17 Jėzus paklausė: „Argi ne dešimt pasveiko? Kur dar devyni? 18 Niekas nepanorėjo sugrįţti ir ati-
duoti Dievui garbę, kaip tik šitas svetimtautis!“19Irtarė jam: „Kelkis, eik! Tavo tikėjimas išgelbėjo tave.“
Lukas 17:11-19
11 Und es begab sich, als er nach Jerusalem wanderte, dass er durch Samarien und Galiläa hin zog. 12 Und
als er in ein Dorf kam, begegneten ihm zehn aussätzige Männer; die standen von ferne 13 und erhoben ihre
Stimme und sprachen: Jesus, lieber Meister, erbarme dich unser! 14 Und als er sie sah, sprach er zu ihnen:
Geht hin und zeigt euch den Priestern! Und es geschah, als sie hingingen, da wurden sie rein.
15 Einer aber unter ihnen, als er sah, dass er gesund geworden war, kehrte er um und pries Gott mit lauter
Stimme 16 und fiel nieder auf sein Angesicht zu Jesu Füßen und dankte ihm. Und das war ein Samariter.
17 Jesus aber antwortete und sprach: Sind nicht die zehn rein geworden? Wo sind aber die neun? 18 Hat sich
sonst keiner gefunden, der wieder umkehrte, um Gott die Ehre zu geben, als nur dieser Fremde? 19 Und er
sprach zu ihm: Steh auf, geh hin; dein Glaube hat dir
Pastor: This is the Gospel of the
Lord. Alleluia!
People: Alleluia! Alleluia!
Kunigas: Tai Viešpaties
Evangelija. Aleliuja!
Sur.: Aleliuja! Aleliuja!
Pastor: Das ist das Wort Gottes.
Gemeinde: Hallelujah!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah
SERMON “The Redeemer of Foreigners” The Rev. Daniel Gilbert
Bažnyčia pastatyta
1. Baţnyčia pastatyta
Ant pamato stipraus.
Jog pragaro galybės
Jos niekad nesugriaus.
Įkūrė ją pats Kristus
Aukščiausiojo valia,
Pašventino ją meile,
Dangaus tiesos galia.
2. Ji iš kalbų visokių,
Tačiau viena šeima;
Tikėjimas jos vienas,
Viena ir jos Galva,
Ir vienas Dievas Tėvas,
Viena dvasia, širdis;
Jos vienas pašaukimas,
Viena jos ir viltis.
3. Pasaulis į ją ţvelgia
Su panieka pikta;
Jis savyje suskilus,
Ji skurdo prislėgta.
Bet Viešpaties pagalbos
Ji šaukias liūdesy,
Tad po nakties jai teka
Aušros ţvaigţdė skaisti.
The Church’s One Foundation
1. The Church‗s one foundation
Is Jesus Christ, her Lord;
She is his new creation
By water and the Word.
From heav‘n He came and sought
To be His holy bride;
With His own blood He brought
And for her life He died.
2. Elect from ev‘ry nation,
Yet one o‘er all the earth,
Her charter of salvation
One Lord, one faith, one birth.
One holy name she blesses,
Partakes one holy food,
And to one hope she presses,
With ev‘ry grace endued.
3. The Church shall never
Her dear Lord, to defend,
To guide, sustain, and cherish,
Is with her to the end.
Tho‘ there be those that hate her,
False sons within her pale,
Against both foe and traitor
She ever shall prevail.
Die Kirche ist gegründet
1. Die Kirche ist gegründet
Allein auf Jesu Christ.
Sein Wort hat angezündet
Das Licht, das in ihr ist.
Er kamm und hat geworben
Um sie mit seinem Blut.
Sie lebt, weil er gestorben.
Er bleibt ihr Heil und Gut.
2. Aus alem Volk erkoren,
Ist eins sie nah und fern.
Durch eine Tauf geboren.
Dient sie dem einem Herrn.
Ein Heilswort ist ihr Segen,
Ein Gnadentisch sie speist,
Ein Geist gibt ihren Wegen
Das Licht, das heimwärts weist.
3. Gehorsam ihrer Sendung
In Unruh, Kampf und Schmach
Trägt sie bis zr Volendung
Ihr Kreuz dem Heiland nach.
So wird sie sich bewähren
Bis sie verklärt ersteht
Und froh mit Siegesehren
In Gottes Frieden geht.
SERMON "Viešpats Bažnyčios ganytojas" Vyskupas Mindaugas Sabutis
CHOIR ―Gloria‖ Helmut Stefan
CONFESSION OF FAITH Nicene Creed (we rise)
Visi: Mes tikime vieną Dievą, visagalintį Tėvą,
dan-gaus ir žemės, regimosios ir
neregimosios visatos Kūrėją.
Mes tikime vieną Viešpatį Jėzų Kristų,
vienatinį Dievo Sūnų, prieš visus amžius
gimusį iš Tėvo: Die-vą iš Dievo, šviesą iš
šviesos, tikrą Dievą iš tikro Dievo, gimusį,
bet nesukurtą, esantį vienos prigimties su
tėvu. Per jį visa yra padaryta. Jis dėl mūsų,
žmonių, dėl mūsų išganymo nužengė iš
Šventosios Dvasios veikimu priėmė kūną iš
mergelės Marijos ir tapo žmogumi.
Valdant Poncijui Pilotui, jis dėl mūsų buvo
nukryžiuotas, nukankintas ir palaidotas.
Kaip Šventame Rašte išpranašauta,
trečiąją dieną prisikėlė iš numirusių.
Įžengė į dangų ir sėdi Dievo Tėvo dešinėje.
Jis vėl garbingai ateis gyvųjų ir mirusiųjų
teisti ir viešpataus per amžius.
Mes tikime Šventąją Dvasią, Viešpatį
Gaivintoją, kylančią iš Tėvo (ir Sūnaus), su
Tėvu ir Sūnumi garbinamą ir šlovinamą,
kalbėjusią per pranašus. Mes tikime vieną,
šventą, visuotinę, apaštališką Bažnyčią.
Mes pripažįstame vieną krikštą
nuodėmėms atleisti. Mes laukiame
mirusiųjų prisikėlimo ir būsimojo
amžinojo gyvenimo. Amen.
All: I believe in one God, the Father Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth and of all things
visible and invisible.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the only-begotten Son of God,
begotten of His Father before all the worlds,
God of God, Light of Light,
very God of very God,
begotten, not made,
being of one substance with the Father,
by whom all things were made;
who for us men and for our salvation came
down from heaven
and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the
virgin Mary and was made man;
and was crucified also for us under Pontius
He suffered and was buried.
And the third day He rose again according to the
Scriptures and ascended into heaven and sits at
the right hand of the Father.
And He will come again with glory to judge both
the living and the dead, whose kingdom will have
no end.
And I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and
giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son,
who with the Father and the Son together is
worshiped and glorified, who spoke by the
And I believe in one holy Christian and apostolic
I acknowledge one Baptism for the remission of
and I look for the resurrection of the dead
and the life + of the world to come. Amen.
Nicäisches Glaubsbekenntnis
Wir glauben an den einen Gott,
den Vater, den Allmächtigen,
der alles geschaffen hat, Himmel und Erde,
die sichtbare und die unsichtbare Welt.
Und an den einen Herrn Jesus Christus,
Gottes eingeborenen Sohn,
aus dem Vater geboren vor aller Zeit:
Gott von Gott, Licht vom Licht,
wahrer Gott vom wahren Gott,
gezeugt, nicht geschaffen,
eines Wesens mit dem Vater;
durch ihn ist alles geschaffen.
Für uns Menschen und zu unserem Heil
ist er vom Himmel gekommen,
hat Fleisch angenommen
durch den Heiligen Geist von der Jungfrau Maria
und ist Mensch geworden.
Er wurde für uns gekreuzigt unter Pontius
hat gelitten und ist begraben worden,
ist am dritten Tage auferstanden nach der Schrift
und aufgefahren in den Himmel.
Er sitzt zur Rechten des Vaters
und wird wiederkommen in Herrlichkeit,
zu richten die Lebenden und die Toten;
seiner Herrschaft wird kein Ende sein.
Wir glauben an den Heiligen Geist,
der Herr ist und lebendig macht,
der aus dem Vater und dem Sohn hervorgeht,
der mit dem Vater und dem Sohn angebetet und
verherrlicht wird,
der gesprochen hat durch die Propheten,
und die eine, heilige, katholische und apostolische
Wir bekennen die eine Taufe zur Vergebung der
Wir erwarten die Auferstehung der Toten
und das Leben der kommenden Welt.
Pastor: Let us pray for the Church, the world, and for everyone in their various needs.
Pastor: Lord God, we give You thanks for drawing us near to Your Word in the person of Your Son, Jesus
Christ, our Lord. Receive the thanks and worship of Your whole Church and enable all people to hear Your
healing, saving voice. Lord, in Your mercy,
People: hear our prayer.
Pastor: Strengthen with Your grace all ministers of Your Word that they may continue faithfully in their
preaching and rightly administering Your holy Sacraments that all may know salvation in Jesus Christ. Lord, in
Your mercy,
People: hear our prayer.
Pastor: As You have broken down all the dividing walls of hostility by the salvation won for the whole world in
Christ, so draw all people everywhere to Your gift of forgiveness and life. Lord, in Your mercy,
People: hear our prayer.
Pastor: Remember the leaders of nations and communities with Your mercy, that they may be inspired to
provide for the well-being of all people. Lord, in Your mercy,
People: hear our prayer.
Pastor: We give thanks, Almighty God, that you are healing, feeding and sustaining us at Zion through the
power and grace of Your Word and Sacraments, as you have sustained those before us. Turn our joy of
celebration of the centennial Anniversary into diligent following of Your Word and new opportunities for life
and ministry at this congregation. Lord, in Your mercy,
People: hear our prayer.
Kunigas: Visagalis Dieve, amţinasis Tėve, Tu savo amţinuoju ţodţiu sutvėrei visą kūriniją, ją išlaikai ir
laimini; o prieš 100 metų sudarei sąlygas atsirasti Ziono Lietuviškai Evangėliškai Liutėriškai Nepermainyto
Augsburgo Išpaţinimo parapijai, kurią rėmei Savo Ţodyje ir sakramentuose pasireiškiančia dieviškaja meile,
gailestingumu ir malone. Prisimindami savo praeitį, švęsdami savo dabartį ir kreipdamiesi į ateitį mes prašome
savo surinkimui Šventosios Dvasios ir Dieviškosios išminties, kad Tavo Ţodis tarp mūsų plistų bei augtų ir būtų
drąsiai skelbiamas tiek parapijos viduje, tiek ir uţ jos ribų, kad Tavo Baţnyčia vis labiau tobulėtų ir mes iki
amţiaus galo tikru tikėjimu Tau tarnautume, garbindami Tavo vardą. To mes meldţiame per Tavo malonę,
Parapija: išgirsk mūsų maldas.
Kunigas: Malonės ir meilės Dieve, mes meldţiame Tave, kad tavo kūno ir kraujo aukos sakramentas sustiprintų
mus atsispirti šio pasaulio pragaištingai tuštybei, abejingumui artimo kančioms ir godumui, kad jis sustiprintų
mūsų dvasinį tarpusavio ryšį bei paskatintų mus tapti atsidavusiais Tavo karalystės piliečiais. To mes
meldţiame per Tavo malonę,
Parapija: išgirsk mūsų maldas.
Pastor: Allmächtiger Gott, du hast Deine Kirche, und Zion als ein Teil davon, dazu berufen zu bezeugen dass in
Christus Du Dich mit uns versöhnt hast. Gewähre dass durch Deinen Heiligen Geist, wir die gute Botschaft
Deines Heils verkündigen, so dass alle die sie hören, das Geschenk Deines Heils empfangen mögen. Herr, in
Deiner Gnade.
Gemeinde: Höre unser Gebet.
Pastor: Receive our thanks for the healing medicine of Your Son's body and blood. May His life pulse in us as
we praise and live for Your glory. Lord, in Your mercy,
People: hear our prayer.
Pastor: Into Your hands, O Lord, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in Your mercy, O Father, Son,
and Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.
People: Amen.
CHOIR ―Sanctus‖ Franz Schubert
PREFACE (we rise)
Pastor: The Lord be with you.
People: And also with you.
Pastor: Lift up your hearts.
People: We lift them to the
Pastor: Let us give thanks to the
Lord our God.
People: It is right to give Him
thanks and praise.
Kun.: Viešpats teesie su Jumis!
Sur.: Ir su tavo dvasia.
Kun.: Pakelkite savo širdis.
Sur.: Mes į Viešpatį keliam
Kun.: Dėkokime Viešpačiui,
mūsų Dievui!
Sur.: Tai vertinga ir teisu.
Pastor: Der Herr sei mit euch!
Gemeinde: Und mit deinem
Pastor: Die Herzen in der Höhe!
Gemeinde: Erheben wir zum
Pastor: Lasset uns danksagen dem
Herren, unserm Gotte!
Gemeinde: Das ist würdig und
Pastor: It is truly good, right, and salutary that we should at all times and in all places give thanks to You, holy
Lord, almighty Father, everlasting God, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who heals lepers and welcomes into
Your family all who have been foreigners to Your grace. Therefore with angels and archangels and with all the
company of heaven we laud and magnify Your glorious name, evermore praising You and saying:
SANCTUS "Holy God We Praise Thy Name"
Hark! The glad celestial hymn
Angel choirs above are raising;
Cherubim and seraphim,
In unceasing chorus praising,
Fill the heav'ns with sweet
Holy, holy, holy Lord!
Tau tarnauja angelai,
Ir kilniausi cherubinai,
Gieda dangiški pulkai
Tau skaisčiausi serafimai.
Šventas, šventas, šventas mūs
Sutvėrėjas Prakilnus!
Alles, was dich preisen kann,
Cherubim und Seraphinen,
Stimmen dir ein Loblied an;
Alle Engel, die dir dienen,
Rufen dir in sel'ger Ruh':
Heilig, heilig, heilig! zu.
Pastor: Blessed are You, Lord of heaven and earth, for You have had mercy on those whom You created and
sent Your only-begotten Son into our flesh to bear our sin and be our Savior. With repentant joy we receive the
salvation accomplished for us by the all-availing sacrifice of His body and His blood on the cross.
Gathered in the name and the remembrance of Jesus, we beg You, O Lord, to forgive, renew, and strengthen us
with Your Word and Spirit. Grant us faithfully to eat His body and drink His blood as He bids us do in His own
testament. Gather us together, we pray, from the ends of the earth to celebrate with all the faithful the marriage
feast of the Lamb in His kingdom, which has no end. Graciously receive our prayers; deliver and preserve us.
To You alone, O Father, be all glory, honor, and worship, with the Son and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and
People: Amen. LSB
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy Kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass
against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory,
forever and ever.
Tėve Mūsų, kurs esi danguje!
Tebūnie švenčiamas tavo vardas.
Teateinie Tavo karalystė.
Tebūnie tavo valia kaip danguje,
taip ir žemėje.
Kasdieninės mūsų duonos duok
mums šiandien.
Ir atleisk mums mūsų kaltes,
kaip ir mes atleidžiame savo
Ir nevesk mūsų į pagundą, bet
gelbėk mus nuo pikto,
Nes tavo yra karalystė ir galybė ir
garbė per amžius.
Vater unser der du bist im
Geheiliget werde dein Name.
Dein Reich komme.
Dein Wille geschehe, wie im
Himmel, also auch auf Erden.
Unser tägliches Brot gib uns heute.
Und vergib uns unsere Schuld, wie
wir vergeben unsern Schuldigern.
Und führe uns nicht in
sondern erlöse uns von dem Übel.
Denn dein ist das Reich und die
Kraft und die Herrlichkeit in
Ewigkeit. Amen.
THE WORDS OF OUR LORD Matthew 26:26-28; Mark 14:22-24; Luke 22:19-20; 1 Corinthians 11:23-25
Pastor: Our Lord Jesus Christ, on the night when He was betrayed, took bread, and when He had given thanks,
He broke it and gave it to the disciples and said: "Take, eat; this is My + body which is given for you. This do
in remembrance of Me."
In the same way also He took the cup after supper, and when He had given thanks, He gave it to them, saying:
"Drink of it, all of you; this cup is the new testament in My + blood, which is shed for you for the forgiveness of
sins. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me."
Pastor: The peace + of the Lord be with you always.
People: Amen.
AGNUS DEI "A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth"
A lamb goes uncomplaining forth,
The guilt of sinners bearing
And laden with the sins of earth,
None else the burden sharing;
Goes patient on, grows weak and
To slaughter led without
That spotless life to offer,
He bears the stripes, the wounds,
the lies,
The mockery, and yet replies,
"All this I gladly suffer."
Avinėlis Dievo, kurs neša
Kaltes visų kaltųjų,
Avinėlis Kristus, kurs kenčia
Kančias dėl pasmerktųjų,
Leidţia ant kryţiaus mušdintis
Ir čia skaudţiai ţudydintis
Skausmų didţioj daugybėj.
Jis kenčia pragaro kančias,
Kad tik kaltiems mums dangišką
Atgautų malonybę.
1. Ein Lämmlein geht und trägt die
Der Welt und ihrer Kinder;
Es geht und träget in Geduld
Die Sünden aller Sünder;
Es geht dahin, wird matt und
Ergibt sich auf die Würgebank,
Verzeiht sich aller Freuden;
Es nimmet an Schmach, Hohn und
Angst, Wunden, Striemen, Kreunz
und Tod
Und spricht: Ich will's gern leiden.
How Great Thou Art
1. O Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder
Consider all the worlds Thy hands have made,
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,
Thy pow‘r thro‘ out the universe displayed.
Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee:
How great Thou art, how great Thou art;
Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee:
How great Thou art, how great Thou art;
2. And when I think that God, His Son not sparing,
Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in,
That on the cross, my burden gladly bearing,
He bled and died to take away my sin.
Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee:
How great Thou art, how great Thou art;
Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee:
How great Thou art, how great Thou art;
3. When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation
And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart!
Then I shall bow in humble adoration,
And there proclaim, my God, how great Thou art
Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee:
How great Thou art, how great Thou art;
Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee:
How great Thou art, how great Thou art;
Valdove didis!
1. Kai aš stebiu pasaulį, didis Dieve,
Kurį ţodţiu galingu kūrei Tu;
Kai apgalvoju padarų daugybę,
Kuriuos valdai, aprūpini maistu:
Valdove didis! Giedu su džiaugsmu,
Koks didis Tu, koks didis Tu!
Valdove didis! Giedu su džiaugsmu,
Koks didis Tu, koks didis Tu!
2. Matau, aš Jėzų vaikščiojant ant ţemės
Su didţia meile ir nuolankume,
Kaip Jis ramina, moko, gydo ţmones
Ir kaip ant kryţiaus miršta uţ mane:
Valdove didis! Giedu su džiaugsmu,
Koks didis Tu, koks didis Tu!
Valdove didis! Giedu su džiaugsmu,
Koks didis Tu, koks didis Tu!
3. Ir kai pašauks mane jau Viešpats mano,
Kai šviesų sostą akys pamatys
Ir veidą Tojo, kurs mane išgano,
Kai su šventais ten garbinsiu Jį vis:
Valdove didis! Giedu su džiaugsmu,
Koks didis Tu, koks didis Tu!
Valdove didis! Giedu su džiaugsmu,
Koks didis Tu, koks didis Tu!
Du grosser Gott
1. Du grosser Gott, wenn ich die Welt betrachte,
Die du geschaffen auf dein Allmachtswort,
Wenn ich auf alle jene Wesen achte,
Die du regierst und nährest fort und fort,
Dann jauchzt mein Herz dir, grosser Herrscher, zu:
Wie gross bist du, wie gross bist du.
Dann jauchzt mein Herz dir, grosser Herrscher, zu:
Wie gross bist du, wie gross bist du!
2. Und seh‘ ich Jesum auf der Erde wandeln
In Knechtsgestalt, vol Lieb‘ und grosser Huld,
Wenn ich im Geiste seh‘ sein göttlich Handeln,
Am Kreuz bezahlen vieler Sunder Schuld
Dann jauchzt mein Herz dir, grosser Herrscher, zu:
Wie gross bist du, wie gross bist du.
Dann jauchzt mein Herz dir, grosser Herrscher, zu:
Wie gross bist du, wie gross bist du!
3. Und wenn der Herr von hinnen mich gerufen,
Wenn ich von seinem Glanz geblendet steh‘,
Anbetend niederfall‘ zu seinen Stufen,
Den König dort in seiner Schöne seh‘
Dann jauchzt mein Herz dir, grosser Herrscher, zu:
Wie gross bist du, wie gross bist du.
Dann jauchzt mein Herz dir, grosser Herrscher, zu:
Wie gross bist du, wie gross bist du!
Amazing Grace
1. Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind but now I see!
2. The Lord has promised good to me,
His word my hope secures;
He will my shield and portion be
As long as life endures.
3. Through many dangers, toils, and snares
I have already come;
His grace has brought me safe so far,
His grace will see me home.
Dangaus malonė
1. Dangaus malonė nuostabi:
ji palietė mane.
Buvau paklydęs tamsumoj,
dabar matau Tave.
2. Kiek daug pavojų ir kliūčių
sutikęs aš buvau.
Malonė vedė mus lig šiol,
ji ves mus ir toliau.
3. Pasitikėkime Dievu:
Jis mus visur globos,
Jis mūs paguoda ir viltis
dabar ir visados.
Geschenkte Gnad’
1. Geschenkte Gnad‘, wie süss das klingt,
sie macht mich Armen frei.
Ich war verlor‘n, von Sünd‘ umringt,
war blind, doch seh‘ jetzt neu.
2. Die Gnade lehrt mein Herz die Scheu,
und Gnad‘ von Scheu befreit.
Die teure Gnade kam herbei
als glaubend ich war bereit.
3. Durch viel Gefahren, böser Macht
muss ich gegangen sein.
Die Gnade hat mich durchgebracht
und Gnade bringt mich heim.
Dievs yra meilė
1. Dievs yra meilė, mane atpirko;
Dievs yra meilė, Jis myl mane!
Todėl kartoju: Dievs yra meilė,
Dievs yra meilė, Jis myl mane.
2. Didţiausios kaltės mane
Apvalė Viešpats mane nuo jų.
Todėl kartoju: Dievs yra meilė,
Dievs yra meilė, Jis myl mane.
3. Jis siuntė Jėzų mus išganyti,
Jis siuntė sūnų vaduot mane.
Todėl kartoju: Dievs yra meilė,
Dievs yra meilė, Jis myl mane.
4. Jėzus kentėjo uţ kaltes mano,
Praliejo kraują Jis uţ mane.
Todėl kartoju: Dievs yra meilė,
Dievs yra meilė, Jis myl mane.
5. Šią didţią meilę, aš noriu girti,
Kol čia gyvensiu ir amţinai.
Todėl kartoju: Dievs yra meilė,
Dievs yra meilė, Jis myl mane.
God Loves Me Dearly
1. God loves me dearly, Grants me
God loves me dearly, Loves even me
Therefore I`ll say again; God loves
me dearly,
God loves me dearly, Loves even me.
2. I was in slavery, Sin, death, and
God`s love was working To make me
Therefore I`ll say again; god loves me
God loves me dearly, Loves even me.
3. He sent forth Jesus, My dear
He sent forth Jesus And sent me free.
Therefore I`ll say again; god loves me
God loves me dearly, Loves even me.
4. Jesus, my Savior, Himself did offer;
Jesus, my Savior, Paid all I owed.
Therefore I`ll say again; god loves me
God loves me dearly, Loves even me.
5. Now I will praise You, O Love
Now I will praise You All my life
Therefore I`ll say again; god loves me
God loves me dearly, Loves even me.
Gott ist die Liebe
1. Gott ist die Liebe, lässt mich
Gott ist die Liebe, er liebt auch mich.
Drum sag ich´s noch einmal:
Gott ist die Liebe, Gott ist die Liebe,
er liebt auch mich.
2. Ich lag in Banden der schnöden
ich lag in Banden und konnt nicht los.
Drum sag ich´s noch einmal:
Gott ist die Liebe, Gott ist die Liebe,
er liebt auch mich.
3. Er sandte Jesum, den treuen
Er sandte Jesum und macht mich los.
Drum sag ich´s noch einmal:
Gott ist die Liebe, Gott ist die Liebe,
er liebt auch mich.
4. Jesus, mein Heiland, gab sich zum
Jesus, mein Heiland, büßt meine
Drum sag ich´s noch einmal:
Gott ist die Liebe, Gott ist die Liebe,
er liebt auch mich.
5. Dich will ich preisen, Du ewge
Dich will ich loben, so lang ich bin!
Drum sag ich´s noch einmal:
Gott ist die Liebe, Gott ist die Liebe,
er liebt auch mich
ADDITIONAL HYMNS 636/625/626 466/467/-- 157/415/--
Pastor: We give thanks to You, almighty God, that You have refreshed us through this salutary gift, and we
implore You that of Your mercy You would strengthen us through the same in faith toward You and in fervent
love toward one another; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy
Spirit, one God, now and forever.
People: Amen. LSB
The Lord bless you and keep you.
The Lord make His face shine on
you and be gracious to you.
The Lord look upon you with
favor and give you peace.
Viešpats Dievas telaimina ir
tesaugoja tave.
Viešpats Dievas teapšviečia tave
savo veidu ir teesie tau malonus.
Viešpats Dievas tepakelia savo
veidą į tave ir tesuteikia tau savo
Der Herr segne dich und behüte
Der Herr lasse sein Angesicht
leuchten über dir und sei dir
Der Herr erhebe sein Angesicht
auf dich und gebe dir Frieden.
“God Himself Is Present”
1. God himself is present;
Let us now adore him
And with awe appear before him.
God is in his temple;
All within keep silence,
Prostrate lie with deepest
Him alone God we own,
Him, our God and Savior;
Praise his name forever!
2. God himself is present;
Hear the harps resounding;
See the hosts the throne
―Holy, holy, holy!‖
Hear the hymn ascending,
Songs of saints and angels
Bow your ear To us here:
Hear, O Christ, the praises
That your Church now raises.
Dievui, kur tarp mūsų
1. Dievui, kurs tarp mūsų
Turi sau šventovę,
Atiduokim vertą šlovę.
Viskas tenutyla
Mumyse veikiausiai
Prieš jo veidą nuolankiausiai!
Jam visi,
Kas tik jį
Ţino, jaučia, girdi,
Teaukoja širdį.
2. Tu, kuriam tarnauja
Skaistūs serapinai
Ir kilnieji kerubinai,
Šventas, šventas, šventas
Gieda tobulieji
Chorai angelų aukštieji:
Į menkas
Mūs aukas
Ţvelgęs maloningai,
Jas priimk meilingai.
Gott ist gegenwärtig.
1. Gott ist gegenwärtig.
Lasset uns anbeten
und in Ehrfurcht vor ihn treten
Gott ist in der Mitten.
Alles in uns schweige
und sich innigst vor ihm beuge.
Wer ihn kennt,
wer ihn nennt,
schlag die Augen nieder;
kommt, ergebt euch wieder.
2. Gott ist gegenwärtig,
dem die Cherubinen
Tag und Nacht gebücket dienen.
Heilig, heilig, heilig!
singen ihm zur Ehre
aller Engel hohe Chöre.
Herr, vernimm
unsre Stimm,
da auch wir Geringen
unsre Opfer bringen.
3. Come, celestial Being,
Make our hearts your dwelling,
Ev‘ry carnal thought dispelling.
By your Holy Spirit
Sanctify us truly,
Teaching us to love you only.
Where we go Here below,
Let us bow before you
And in truth adore you.
3. Eikš many gyventi,
Kad per tavo šlovę
Tapčiau ţemėj tau šventove,
Artima Būtybe,
Kad vis tau tikėčiau,
Visados tave mylėčiau,
Kur esu, / Ką veikiu,
Kad tave atminčiau,
Visad išpaţinčiau.
3. Herr, komm in mir wohnen,
laß mein‘ Geist auf Erden
dir ein Heiligtum noch werden;
komm, du nahes Wesen,
dich in mir verkläre,
daß ich dich stets lieb und ehre.
Wo ich geh, / sitz und steh,
laß mich dich erblicken
und vor dir mich bücken.
POSTLUDE "Lobe den Herren" Johann Gottfried Walther
Anniversary Worship Leaders
Preachers: Rev. Daniel Gilbert
President of Northern Illinois District, LCMS
Most Rev. Mindaugas Sabutis,
Bishop of Evangelical Lutheran Church in Lithuania
Liturgists: Rev. Dr. Douglas Nicely,
Jerusalem Ev. Lutheran Church, Collinsville, IL
Rev. Liudas Miliauskas
Pastor of Lithuanian Lutheran ―Home‖ Church
Rev. Hansas Dumpys,
Bishop-emeritus of Lithuanian Lutheran Church in Diaspora
Rev. Dr. Valdas Aušra, Pastor
Reader: Mrs. Erika Brooks
Crucifer: Mr. Jokūbas Aušra
Soloists: Mrs. Erna Josupait
Choir Director: Mr. Helmut Stefan
Choir: Nora Aušrienė, Erika Brooks, Marie Chesna, Erna Josupait, Mary Krafft, Erika
Šilgalienė, Ingrid Orentas, Ingrid Stefan, Ema Ţiobrienė, Heidi Miller, Liucija
Šikšnienė, Rūta Mieliulienė, Alma Obrikat, Ţivilė Šilgalienė, Edward Miller,
Emilis Šilgalis, Viktoras Mieliulis, Aleksandras Šilgalis, Pastor Valdas Aušra
Trumpet: Mr. Vytautas Jurevičius
Organist and
Accompanist: Mr. Werner Chesna
Anniversary Committee
Irene Josupait (Chairperson), Pastor. Valdas and Nora Aušra, Werner Chesna, Stanley and Erika Gizevich,
Hilda Josupait, Ingrid Orentas, Lucia Šikšnius, Erika Šilgalis, Ţivilė Šilgalis, Helmut and Ingrid Stefan.
Ačiū - Thank You - Danke Schön
A very big Thank You to all who made our 100th
celebration exceptional. Special acknowledgements go to:
Gintaras Šimonėlis for updating and preparing the sound system for the celebration.
Linda and Walter Kosary for flowers that grace our Altar this morning.
OUR ILL: Jonas KEDAITIS, Mina SAMKOW & Irene ZERTOR at nursing homes; Ieva ASMYTE, Herbert
Melvin & Adeline NEUMANN; Wanda NEUMANN, Emilia PALSHIS, Anne PUODZIUS, Christine
SNEIDERAITIS, Richard YOUNG at home.
CONGRATULATIONS! We extend our warmest congratulations to all our members celebrating their
birthdays and anniversaries during October. “Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe
pasture. Delight ourselves in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart” (Ps. 37:3-4)
2 – Ingrid Stefan 18 – Lukas Ceremis
3 – Amy Brzozowski 19 – Thomas Viliunas
3 – Liucija Hoffman 20 – Michael Jurczewski
3 – Gerhard Vetter 20 – Victor Mieliulis
3 -- Matas Simonelis 21 – Peter Viliunas
5 – Rosemary Damrau 25 – Minna Samkov
17 – Elsa Barmus 26 – Elena Grigaliunas
17 – Nojus Ausra 26 – Hilda Josupait
18 – Jonathan Beavis 27 – Marta Fetingis
18 – Maria Enskat 28 – Adelina Neumann
4 – Robert and Karina Koncius
6 – Michael and Hilda Josupait
Attendance 28 20 48
Offerings (envelopes) $ 1,893.00
Other Offerings $ 225.00
Coffee hour fund $ 32.00
$1 - $99
Rudolf Bendik Family
Ella Bartmin
Robert & Zenta Berghofer
Aldona Buntinas
Martha Feiferis
Mikel & Erika Gehle, in memory
of parents Alexander & Auguste
George Genutis
Stanley & Erika Gizevich
Albin Hoffman
Henry & Mary Jenig
Ida Kasparaitis
Walter Kasparaitis
Albina Kirsininkas
Marie Krafft
John Macaitis
Edward & Heidi Miller
Fred & Elida Mundt
Irmgard Naujokas
Ingrid Orentas
Alvydas & Irena Pakarklis
Astrida Pauperas
Anna Pilmonas
Adolf Pliess
Emil & Erika Silgalis
Helmut & Ingrid Stefan
Albert & Olga Timpf
Mark & Tina Trost
Richard Young
$100 - $199
Bethania Cemetery
Erika & Edmund Brooks
Martha Cesna
Meta Dobat
Bruno & Anita Dravininkas
Meta Gabalis
Erna Josupait
Irene Josupait, in memory of
husband Edwin Josupait
Michael & Hilda Josupait
Hugo Kiaupa
Hans Lipschis
Edita McQuary
Victor & Ruth Melulis
Zelma Noreika
John & Waltraud Pauperas
Vanda Petrauskiene
Ema Shobrys
Alexander & Zivile Silgalis
Gerhard Vetter
$200 - $300
Helmut Bernecker
William & Mary Chesna
Steven P. Gianakas (Hickory Hills
Country Club)
Vilius Kubilius
Karl Lidums, in memory of Meta
Lidums, nee' Voveriutė
Melvin & Adeline Neumann
Hedda Patzke & Ella Kirstein, in
memory of mother Lydia Kurapkat
$400 - $499
Edwin & Anneliese Bernecker
David & Heidi Ozinga
$500 - $1,000
Edith Gilmore, in memory of
parents Berta & Gustav Tislauk &
sister Gerda Tislauk Schmidt
Walter & Linda Kosary
Alfredas & Daiva Orentas
Ruta Ladies‘ Society
Emma Viliunas
1910 - 2010
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church was founded by Lithuanian Lutherans who needed a stable, comforting
environment to aid them in adjusting to a new country and a new way of life. They needed a place where they
could worship and hear the Gospel of Christ in the language and according to
customs of their fathers. The maintenance of a church in their own language
and tradition was very important to these people, who were born and raised in
Roman Catholic land yet managed to retain the faith and customs of their
Lithuanian services had been conducted in
Chicago since 1903 by the Rev. Martin
Keturakaitis, pastor of Jerusalem Lutheran
Church in Collinsville, IL. He came to
Chicago each month to bring the message of
Salvation in the Lithuanian language to
those early immigrants until December 4,
1910, when they formally organized Zion
Lithuanian Evangelical Lutheran Church of
the Unaltered Augsburg Confession. Then the budding congregation was
hosted by First German Lutheran Chruch of the Trinity. In June 1911, the
Rev. John J.D. Razokas was installed as the first pastor. Under his leadership
the Lithuanian paper ―Pasiuntinys‖
(Messenger) was printed, and the Sunday
School Primer was published as well as the
first Constitution still used by the
congregation today. In early 1921 pastor Razokas was untimely called to eternal
On May 15, 1921, the Rev. John Rozak (cousin of former pastor) was installed
as pastor. During the years of his ministry, the Congregation prospered in
spiritual welfare, membership, and property. The brick building on Bell Avenue
was purchased. A 1927 Lithuanian Hymnal Book and the church paper ―Paslas‖
(Messenger) were published by the pastor.
The Rev. Ewald Kories took charge of the Congregation from October 1934 to 1946.
During that time, the Dorcas Society rendered helpful services for the church. Some
debts were paid off with the assistance of the Zion Daughter‘s Society organized on
November 10, 1919 and the Lithuanian Evangelical Lutheran Benefit Society
founded on March 18, 1923. Both organizations are no longer in existence.
Early in 1947, the Rev. Elmer H. Nauyok began his ministry at Zion and served
congregation until October 31, 1949.
In December of 1949, the Rev. Lic.Doc. John
Pauperas, a recent immigrant from Germany, was
installed as the sixth pastor of Zion Congregation.
Under his leadership the Congregation grew in
communicant membership largely due to the new
immigration of Lithuanian and Germans after the
World War II. More than 800 affidavits (some 280
by Pastor Pauperas alone) were signed by various
members of the church for new immigrants to come
to these shores. Pastor Pauperas took personal
charge of providing housing and employment for
these new arrivals to Chicago.
In 1950, a German service was added. Church activities increased: Lithuanian and
German choirs beautified the Sunday worship; ―Rūtos‖ Society (Feb., 1953) and a German Ladies Society
(1955) were organized; and a Saturday morning language school was maintained for the German and
Lithuanian children. For many years, Mrs. Maria Pauperas provided guidance and leadership for the Lithuanian
and German Sunday Schools. With a choir concert on June 4, 1955, a Building Fund was started which resulted
in the purchase of 20 acres of Lemont land as a possible relocation of the church. Unexpectedly God called His
servant John Pauperas on May 22, 1971.
In August of 1971, Reverend John W.
Josupait, was called to be interim minister and,
on January 30, 1972 was installed as the
seventh pastor of the congregation. With the
coming of Pastor Josupait, an English service
was added to the Sunday morning schedule.
Much discussion took place for relocation.
On March 24, 1974, the last service was held in the old church in Chicago and
entrance was made into the newly purchased church at 9000 South Menard in
Oak Lawn. Many parishioners worked hard and donated their time and effort for
the necessary renovation to make this building a more suitable place for Sunday
On February 2, 1975, the Congregation in a special meeting decided for a major renovation project of the
church. Besides many donations and offerings from the people, the land in Lemont was subdivided and sold to
parishioners to help pay the remodeling cost. Three acres were kept for future use.
The need for a larger hall to provide space for fellowship meetings and luncheons resulted in the purchase of
additional land on the west side of the church and—on June 5, 1983—the new fellowship hall was dedicated to
the glory of God in a concert of sacred music. The church office was also relocated from upstairs to downstairs
for the convenience of older parishioners.
After the collapse of communist regime in Soviet Union,
Lithuania—the fatherland of majority of our parishioners—became
a free country in 1990. Members of Zion personally, as well as a
congregation, became very much involved in reviving and enriching
the religious life of the Lutheran Evangelical Church of Lithuania.
The congregation supported several projects in Lithuania:
reconstruction and renovation of several church buildings; financial
support of pastors; financing a professional seminar for church
workers and pastors, and supporting summer youth camps. They initiated and partially financed translation and
publishing of confessional books such as ―Here I Stand: The Life of Martin Luther‖ and the Holy Scripture
itself. The congregation also provided spiritual as well as financial support to the pastors and theology students
who recently received opportunity to study in United States, by offering a sacred place to worship in their
mother-tongue and actively involved them in the life and activities of the Congregation. One of the unpredicted
outcomes of this work resulted in the development of stronger relationships between the Lutheran Evangelical
Church in Lithuania and Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod.
In the past ten years, the congregation, through the efforts of Rev.Dr. Valdas
Aušra, pastor of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church since 2002, has established
the ―Spindulėlis‖ Day Care center, a kindergarten class, and included various
seminars to introduce our church in Oak Lawn as a place that welcomes people
seeking answers to their spiritual needs and questions about the Bible. The church
became a meeting place for the Lithuanian Association for Psychological and
Spiritual Support to assist those in need of help. In our attempt to invite the new
immigrants to become more active Christians, we have sought them in a variety of
other, more secular, organizations to bring them to the Word and the welcoming
fellowship of Zion.
In 2004, the congregation once again went
through extensive remodeling—changing the
heating & a/c system, new roof, even the
floor and parts of the walls of the chancel were refurbished—collecting
enough funds to provide for these changes. Work was completed by
February of 2005 and Franz Gavenia, George Teitlus and Gerhard Vetter
were honored for their hard work and dedication in completing these tasks.
Through the commitment of parishioners and Day Care parents, the
Sunday School classroom was made more hospitable for the young people
who gathered there.
Under pastor‘s guidance, Sunday School is offered once again. Bible Study groups in both Lithuanian and
English are active and we continue to seek ways to welcome the new immigrants into our church.
All this was and is accomplished, as St. Paul tells us, by ―WORKING TOGETHER WITH CHRIST‖ (II
Corinthians 6:1)
Recorded fun facts of Zion:
First Baptism was on April 16, 1911
Mikas-Jurgis Born March 4, 1911
Parents Mikas Slefendorfas and Mare geb.
First Death was January 7, 1913
Ane Naujokike Buried January 8, 1913
6 months old
First Marriage was on January 28, 1912
Dovas Strekis - Age 21
Mare Jonusaitike - Age 22
Witnesses - Mikas Jonusaitis and Jonas Jonusaitis
First Confirmation was on December 15, 1912
Olga Martha Spederike
Anna Kasparaitike
Officers for the year 1931
President - Martin Nauyok
Secretary - John Cirul
Treasurer - Julius Krauzas
Fin. Sec - John Boltz
Elder - Peter Palokat
George Borchert
George Bickner
Carl Spader
Trustees - John Kasper
Ander Kasper
Alex Pailukaytis
December 1, 1935
25th Anniversary of Congregation
Collection was made for Reduction of Debt -
Collected: $1,423.84
November 7, 1937
3rd Anniversary of Rev. E. Kories
Collection for Auto - Collected: $575.92
First German Confirmation Class - May 31, 1953
Raymond Kwitshau
Henrich Jenig
Richard Jenig
Ernst Kavol
Meta Olga Schuetz
Renate Priemer
Wanda Siena Powilat
Ingrid Rita Thiel
Oldest male to marry - 80 years
Oldest female to marry - 76 years
Youngest male to marry - 16 years
Youngest female to marry - 18 years
Prof. Vladas Jakubenas - January, 1949 to June,
Anita Chesna
Werner Chesna - July, 1969 to Present
Church statistics
Year Baptism Deaths Marriages Confirmed
1911-1920 237 19 92 6
1921-1930 81 36 53 89
1931-1940 51 35 50 65
1941-1950 64 24 39 18
1951-1960 236 87 138 182
1961-1970 247 131 110 152
1971-1980 74 111 55 111
1981-1990 53 108 58 56
1991-2000 49 134 33 32
2001-2010 38 82 22 13
Grand Total 1,122 750 646 713
2009 VBS students and teachers

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Weihnachten 2014Weihnachten 2014
Weihnachten 2014


  • 1. 1 PENTECOST XX 100 (8) /47 OCTOBER 10, 2010 10:00 Joint Worship Service with Holy Communion 100 YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION + IN NOMINE JESU + PRELUDE "Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott" Friedrich W. Zachau PROCESSION OF THE CROSS (we rise) ENTRANCE HYMN: Praise to the Lord 1. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation! O my soul, praise him, for he is your health and salvation! Let all who hear Now to his temple draw near, Joining in glad adoration! 2. Praise to the Lord, who o’er all things is wondrously reigning And, as on wings of an eagle, uplifting sustaining. Have you not seen All that is needful has been Sent by his gracious ordaining? 3. Praise to the Lord, who will prosper your work and defend you; Surely his goodness and mercy shall daily attend you. Ponder anew What the Almighty can do As with his love he befriends you. 4. Praise to the Lord! Oh, let all that is in me adore him! All that has life and breath, come now with praises before him! Let the amen Sound from his people again. Gladly forever adore him! Viešpatį Liaupsink 1. Viešpatį liaupsink, visatos Valdovą galingą, Siela manoji, jo vardą girk giesme širdinga! Gauskit linksmai, Kanklių, trimitų balsai, Liaupsę jam kelkit garsingą! 2. Viešpatį liaupsink, bevaldantį viską geriausiai, Kurs ant erelio sparnų mus nešiojo saugiausiai! Kaip jis mielai Šelpia tave nuolatai, Ar nepatyrei aiškiausiai? 3. Viešpatį liaupsink, kurs, meniškai kūną sudėjęs, Sveiką išlaikė tave, meilingai lydėjęs! Kiek tau varguos Dievas yra visados Savo pagalbą padėjęs! 4. Viešpatį liaupsink, kurs ranką palaimos atvėręs, Turtais malonės tave iš dangaus apibėręs! Siela, atmink, Tau Visagalis aplink Meilės sargybą aptvėręs! Lobe den Herren 1. Lobe den Herren, den mächtigen König der Ehren, meine geliebete Seele, das ist mein Begehren. Kommet zuhauf, Psalter und Harfe,wacht auf, Lasser den Lobgesang hören! 2. Lobe den Herren, der alles so herrlich regieret, der dich auf Adelers Fittichen sicher geführet, der dich erhält, wie es dir selber gefällt; hast du nicht dieses verspüret? 3. Lobe den Herren, der künstlich und fein dich bereitet, der dir Gesundheit verliehen, dich freundlich geleitet. In wieviel Not Hat nicht der gnädige Gott über dir Flügel gebreitet! 4. Lobe den Herren, der deinen Stand sichtbar gesegnet, der aus dem Himmel mit Strömen der Liebe geregnet. Denke daran, was der Allmächtige kann, der dir mit Liebe begegnet.
  • 2. 2 INVOCATION and OPENING SENTENCES Pastor: In the name of the Father and of the + Son and of the Holy Spirit. People: Amen. Kun.: Vardan Dievo Tėvo ir Sūnaus ir Šventosios Dvasios. Parapija: Amen. Pastor: Im Names des Vaters und des Sohnes, und des Heiligen Geistes. Gemeinde: Amen! Pastor: I sought the LORD, and He answered me People: and delivered me from all my fears. Pastor: Oh, magnify the LORD with me. People: Jesus, Master, have mercy on us. Psalm 34:4, 3; Luke 17:13b CONFESSION and ABSOLUTION Pastor: Jesus has come and hears your plea for mercy. Let us confess our sins that He may heal us. People: Jesus, Master, have mercy on us, for we cannot free ourselves from our slavery to sin. We have become unclean, separated from God and from one another. Speak Your powerful Word of cleansing, healing, and forgiveness that we may have life and give thanks to Your name. Amen. Pastor: "Rise and go your way; your faith has made you well." Luke 17:19b Upon this, your confession, I, by virtue of my office, as a called and ordained servant of the Word, announce the grace of God unto all of you, and in the stead and by the command of my Lord Jesus Christ I forgive you all your sins in the name of the Father and of the + Son and of the Holy Spirit. People: Amen. INTROIT Psalm 34:2-4, 17; antiphon Psalm 48:1a (reading together) Great is the LORD and greatly to be praised in the city of our God! My soul makes its boast in the LORD; let the humble hear and be glad. Oh, magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt His name together! I sought the LORD, and He answered me and delivered me from all my fears. When the righteous cry for help, the LORD hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning,
  • 3. 3 is now, and will be forever. Amen. Great is the LORD and greatly to be praised in the city of our God! CHOIR "Holy God, We Praise Your Name" Ignaz Franz COLLECT OF THE DAY Pastor: The Lord be with you. People: And also with you. Pastor: Let us pray. Kun.: Viešpats teesie su jumis! Sur.: Ir su tavo Dvasia. Kun.: Melskimės. Pastor: Der Herr sei mit Euch Gemeinde: Und mit deinem Geiste! Pastor: Lasset uns beten. Pastor: Let us pray. Almighty God, You show mercy to Your people in all their troubles. Grant us always to recognize Your goodness, give thanks for Your compassion, and praise Your holy name; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. People: Amen. Kunigas: Visagalis Dieve, Tu rodai Savo ţmonėms gailestingumą, net kai jie pergyvena nelaimes. Suteik mums gebėjimą atpaţinti Tavo gerumą, dėkoti Tau uţ atjautą ir garbinti Tavo šventą vardą; per Jėzų Kristų, Tavo Sūnų, mūsų Viešpatį, kuris gyvena ir valdo kartu su Tavimi ir Šventaja Dvasia, vienas Dievas, dabar ir per amţius. Parapija: Amen Pastor: Lasset uns Beten. Allmächtiger Gott, Du bist Deinem Volk gnädnig in allen ihren Nöten. Lass uns Deine Güte erkennen, Dir für Dein Erbarmen danken und Deinen heiligen Namen preisen; durch Jesum Christum, Deinen Sohn, unseren Herren, der mit Dir und dem heiligen Geist lebet und regieret, ein Gott, nun und in Ewigkeit. Gemeinde: Amen. + WORD + (we sit) OLD TESTAMENT Ruth 1:1-19a 1 In the days when the judges ruled there was a famine in the land, and a man of Bethlehem in Judah went to sojourn in the country of Moab, he and his wife and his two sons. 2 The name of the man was Elimelech and the name of his wife Naomi, and the names of his two sons were Mahlon and Chilion. They were Ephrathites from Bethlehem in Judah. They went into the country of Moab and remained there. 3 But Elimelech, the husband of Naomi, died, and she was left with her two sons. 4 These took Moabite wives; the name of the one was Orpah and the name of the other Ruth. They lived there about ten years, 5 and both Mahlon and Chilion died, so that the woman was left without her two sons and her husband. 6 Then she arose with her daughters-in-law to return from the country of Moab, for she had heard in the fields of Moab that the Lord had visited his people and given them food. 7 So she set out from the place where she was with her two daughters-in-law, and they went on the way to return to the land of Judah. 8 But Naomi said to her two daughters-in-law, “Go, return each of you to her mother‟s house. May the Lord deal kindly with you, as you have dealt with the dead and with me. 9 The Lord grant that you may find rest, each of you in the house of her husband!” Then she kissed them, and they lifted up their voices and wept. 10 And they said to her, “No, we will return with you to your people.” 11 But Naomi said, “Turn back, my daughters; why will you go with me? Have I yet sons in my womb that they may become your husbands? 12 Turn back, my daughters; go your way, for I am too old to have a husband. If I should say I have hope, even if I should have a husband this night and should bear sons, 13 would you therefore wait till they were grown? Would you therefore refrain from marrying? No, my daughters, for it is
  • 4. 4 exceedingly bitter to me for your sake that the hand of the Lord has gone out against me.” 14 Then they lifted up their voices and wept again. And Orpah kissed her mother-in-law, but Ruth clung to her. 15 And she said, “See, your sister-in-law has gone back to her people and to her gods; return after your sister- in-law.” 16 But Ruth said, “Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God. 17 Where you die I will die, and there will I be buried. May the Lord do so to me and more also if anything but death parts me from you.” 18 And when Naomi saw that she was determined to go with her, she said no more. 19 So the two of them went on until they came to Bethlehem. Pastor: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. Rūtos knyga 1:1-19a Teisėjų valdymo laikais kraštą ištiko badas. Vienas ţmogus iš Judo Betliejaus su ţmona ir dviem sūnumis išsi- kėlė į Moabo lygumas, norėdamas pergyventi badą. 2 Ţmogus buvo vardu Elimelechas, jo ţmona - Noomė, o sūnūs ­ Machlonas ir Kiljonas. Jie buvo efratai iš Judo Betliejaus, bet nukeliavo į Moabo lygumas ir ten apsigyveno. 3 Naomės vyras Elimelechas pasimirė, ir ji liko viena su dviem sūnumis. 4 Jie ve- dė moabites. Viena jų vadinosi Orpa, o kita Rūta. Ten jie išgyveno apie dešimt metų. 5 Po to ir juodu abudu pasimirė ­ Machlonas ir Kiljonas, o Noomė liko visai viena, be sūnų ir be vyro. 6 Tada ji susirengė kartu su marčiomis grįţti iš Moabo lygumų, nes Moabo lygumose buvo girdėjusi, kad VIEŠPATS aplankė savo tautą, norėdamas duoti jiems duonos. 7 Lydima dviejų marčių, ji paliko vietą, kurioje gyveno, ir leidosi atgal į Judo šalį. 8 Noomė kreipėsi į abi savo marčias: „Eikite atgal, grįţkite namo, kiekviena į savo motinos namus! Teparodo VIEŠPATS jums tokį pat gerumą, kokį judvi parodėte mirusiesiems ir man! 9 Tepadeda VIEŠPATSkiekvienaijūsų atrasti šeimos ţidinį vyro namuose!“ Atsisveikindama ji pabučiavo jas. O jos, balsiai raudodamos, verkė 10 ir sakė: „Ne! Su tavimi mes grįšime pas tavo tautą!“ 11 Noomė atsakė: „Grįţkite atgal, mano dukterys! Kodėl turėtumėte eiti su manimi? Argi aš turiu savo įsčio- se kitų sūnų, kurie galėtų tapti jūsų vyrais? 12 Grįţkite atgal, mano dukterys, eikite savo keliu, nes aš per sena ištekėti. Net jeigu sakyčiau: „Turiu vilties!‟ ­ turėčiau vyrą šiąnaktįir pagimdyčiausūnų, 13 argi jūs lauktumėte, kol jie uţaugs? Nejaugi turėtumėte pasmerkti save dėl jų ir likti netekėjusios? O ne, mano dukterys! Mano dalia kar- tesnė negu jūsų, nes VIEŠPATIES ranka pakilo prieš mane.“ Vėl ėmė jos verkti ir raudoti. 14 Orpa atsisveikindama pabučiavo anytą, o Rūta liko prisirišusi prie jos. 15 Noomė tarė: „Matai, tavo svainė sugrįţo į savo tautą ir prie savo dievų. Grįţk ir tu, sek savo svainę!“ 16 Bet Rūta atsakė: „Neversk manęs palikti tave ir pasitraukti, nes kur eisi tu, ten eisiu ir aš, kur būsi tu, ten būsiu ir aš! Tavo tauta bus mano tauta, o tavo Dievas - mano Dievas! 17 Kur mirsi tu, ten mirsiu ir aš ir būsiu ten palaidota. Man nelemtį VIEŠPATS tesiunčia ir dar teprideda, jeigu kas kita, o ne mirtis mudvi išskirtų!“ 18 Matydama, kad Rūta tvirtai pasiryţusi eiti kartu, Noomė liovėsi ją perkalbinėti. 19 Jos abi atėjo kartu į Bet- liejų. Kunigas: Tai Dievo Ţodis. Parapija: Dėkojame Dievui Rut 1:1-19 1 Zu der Zeit, als die Richter richteten, entstand eine Hungersnot im Lande. Und ein Mann von Bethlehem in Juda zog aus ins Land der Moabiter, um dort als Fremdling zu wohnen, mit seiner Frau und seinen beiden
  • 5. 5 Söhnen. 2 Der hieß Elimelech und seine Frau Noomi und seine beiden Söhne Machlon und Kiljon; die waren Efratiter aus Bethlehem in Juda. Und als sie ins Land der Moabiter gekommen waren, blieben sie dort. 3 Und Elimelech, Noomis Mann, starb und sie blieb übrig mit ihren beiden Söhnen. 4 Die nahmen moabitische Frauen; die eine hieß Orpa, die andere Rut. Und als sie ungefähr zehn Jahre dort gewohnt hatten, 5 starben auch die beiden, Machlon und Kiljon, sodass die Frau beide Söhne und ihren Mann überlebte. 6 Da machte sie sich auf mit ihren beiden Schwiegertöchtern und zog aus dem Land der Moabiter wieder zurück; denn sie hatte erfahren im Moabiterland, dass der HERR sich seines Volkes angenommen und ihnen Brot gegeben hatte. 7 Und sie ging aus von dem Ort, wo sie gewesen war, und ihre beiden Schwiegertöchter mit ihr. Und als sie unterwegs waren, um ins Land Juda zurückzukehren, 8 sprach sie zu ihren beiden Schwiegertöchtern: Geht hin und kehrt um, eine jede ins Haus ihrer Mutter! Der HERR tue an euch Barmherzigkeit, wie ihr an den Toten und an mir getan habt. 9 Der HERR gebe euch, dass ihr Ruhe findet, eine jede in ihres Mannes Hause! Und sie küsste sie. Da erhoben sie ihre Stimme und weinten 10 und sprachen zu ihr: Wir wollen mit dir zu deinem Volk gehen. 11 Aber Noomi sprach: Kehrt um, meine Töchter! Warum wollt ihr mit mir gehen? Wie kann ich noch einmal Kinder in meinem Schoße haben, die eure Männer werden könnten? 12 Kehrt um, meine Töchter, und geht hin; denn ich bin nun zu alt, um wieder einen Mann zu nehmen. Und wenn ich dächte: Ich habe noch Hoffnung!, und diese Nacht einen Mann nehmen und Söhne gebären würde, 13 wolltet ihr warten, bis sie groß würden? Wolltet ihr euch so lange einschließen und keinen Mann nehmen? Nicht doch, meine Töchter! Mein Los ist zu bitter für euch, denn des HERRN Hand ist gegen mich gewesen. 14 Da erhoben sie ihre Stimme und weinten noch mehr. Und Orpa küsste ihre Schwiegermutter, Rut aber blieb bei ihr. 15 Sie aber sprach: Siehe, deine Schwägerin ist umgekehrt zu ihrem Volk und zu ihrem Gott; kehre auch du um, deiner Schwägerin nach. 16 Rut antwortete: Rede mir nicht ein, dass ich dich verlassen und von dir umkehren sollte. Wo du hingehst, da will ich auch hingehen; wo du bleibst, da bleibe ich auch. Dein Volk ist mein Volk, und dein Gott ist mein Gott. 17 Wo du stirbst, da sterbe ich auch, da will ich auch begraben werden. Der HERR tue mir dies und das, nur der Tod wird mich und dich scheiden. 18 Als sie nun sah, dass sie festen Sinnes war, mit ihr zu gehen, ließ sie ab, ihr zuzureden. 19 So gingen die beiden miteinander, bis sie nach Bethlehem kamen. Pastor: Das ist das heilige Wort Gottes. Gemeinde: Gott sei gedankt. SOLO ―His Eye Is On The Sparrow‖ Charles H. Gabriel EPISTLE 2 Timothy 2:1-13 1 You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, 2 and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. 3 Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. 4 No soldier gets entangled in civilian pursuits, since his aim is to please the one who enlisted him. 5 An athlete is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules. 6 It is the hard-working farmer who ought to have the first share of the crops. 7 Think over what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in everything. 8 Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, the offspring of David, as preached in my gospel, 9 for which I am suffering, bound with chains as a criminal. But the word of God is not bound! 10 Therefore I endure
  • 6. 6 everything for the sake of the elect, that they also may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory. 11 The saying is trustworthy, for: If we have died with him, we will also live with him; 12 if we endure, we will also reign with him; if we deny him, he also will deny us; 13 if we are faithless, he remains faithful— for he cannot deny himself. Pastor: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. 2 Timotiejui 2:1-13 Taigi tu, mano vaike, stiprėk Kristaus Jėzaus malone 2 ir, ką esi iš manęs girdėjęs prie daugelio liudytojų, per- duok patikimiems ţmonėms, kurie sugebės ir kitus mokyti. 3 Kęsk vargus kartu su manimi kaip geras Kristaus Jėzaus karys. 4 Atliekantis kario tarnybą neuţsi- ima pragyvenimo reikalais, idant patiktų jį pašaukusiam tarnybon. 5 Ir kas stoja į rungtynes, negaus vainiko, jei nebus grūmęsis pagal taisykles. 6 Triūsiančiam ţemdirbiui dera pirmam pasiimti vaisių. 7 Suprask, ką sakau: Viešpats tau duos išmanymą apie visus dalykus. 8 Prisimink prikeltąjį iš numirusių Jėzų Kristų iš Dovydo giminės, kaip skelbiama mano Evangelijoje, 9 dėl kurios man tenka kentėti, net būti surakintam lyg piktadariui. Bet Dievo ţodis nesurakinamas! 10 Todėl aš vi- sa pakeliu dėl išrinktųjų, kad ir jie laimėtų išganymą Kristuje Jėzuje su amţinąja šlove. 11 Štai tikras ţodis: Jei mes su juo numirėme, su juo ir gyvensime. 12 Jei ištversime, su juo ir karaliausime. Jeigu mes jo išsiţadė- sime,irjismūsųišsiţadės,13 bet jeigu ir tapsime neištikimi, tai jis lieka ištikimas, nes savęs jis negali išsiginti. Kunigas: Tai Dievo Ţodis. Parapija: Dėkojame Dievui 2. Timotheus 2:1-13 1 So sei nun stark, mein Sohn, durch die Gnade in Christus Jesus. 2 Und was du von mir gehört hast vor vielen Zeugen, das befiehl treuen Menschen an, die tüchtig sind, auch andere zu lehren. 3 Leide mit als ein guter Streiter Christi Jesu. 4 Wer in den Krieg zieht, verwickelt sich nicht in Geschäfte des täglichen Lebens, damit er dem gefalle, der ihn angeworben hat. 5 Und wenn jemand auch kämpft, wird er doch nicht gekrönt, er kämpfe denn recht. 6 Es soll der Bauer, der den Acker bebaut, die Früchte als Erster genießen. 7 Bedenke, was ich sage! Der Herr aber wird dir in allen Dingen Verstand geben. 8 Halt im Gedächtnis Jesus Christus, der auferstanden ist von den Toten, aus dem Geschlecht Davids, nach meinem Evangelium, 9 für welches ich leide bis dahin, dass ich gebunden bin wie ein Übeltäter; aber Gottes Wort ist nicht gebunden. 10 Darum dulde ich alles um der Auserwählten willen, damit auch sie die Seligkeit erlangen in Christus Jesus mit ewiger Herrlichkeit. 11 Das ist gewisslich wahr: Sterben wir mit, so werden wir mit leben; 12 dulden wir, so werden wir mit herrschen; verleugnen wir, so wird er uns auch verleugnen; 13 sind wir untreu, so bleibt er doch treu; denn er kann sich selbst nicht verleugnen. Pastor: Das ist das heilige Wort Gottes. Gemeinde: Gott sei gedankt. CHOIR ―My God And I‖ Austris A. Wihtols
  • 7. 7 ALLELUIA and VERSE Luke 5:15 (we rise) Alleluia. Now even more the report about Him went abroad, and great crowds gathered to hear Him and to be healed of their infirmities. Alleluia. GOSPEL Pastor: The Holy Gospel according to Saint Luke, the seventeenth chapter. People: Glory to You, O Lord. Luke 17:11-19 11 On the way to Jerusalem he was passing along between Samaria and Galilee. 12 And as he entered a village, he was met by ten lepers, who stood at a distance 13 and lifted up their voices, saying, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us.” 14 When he saw them he said to them, “Go and show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went they were cleansed. 15 Then one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, praising God with a loud voice; 16 and he fell on his face at Jesus‟ feet, giving him thanks. Now he was a Samaritan. 17 Then Jesus answered, “Were not ten cleansed? Where are the nine? 18 Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?” 19 And he said to him, “Rise and go your way; your faith has made you well.” Luko 17:11-19 11 Keliaujant į Jeruzalę, teko Jėzui eiti tarp Samarijos ir Galilėjos. 12 Įeinantį į vieną kaimą, jį pasitiko dešimt raupsuotų vyrų. Jie sustojo atstu 13 ir garsiai šaukė: „Jėzau, Mokytojau, pasigailėk mūsų!“ 14 Pa- ţvelgęs į juos, Jėzus pasakė: „Eikite, pasirodykite kunigams!“ Ir beeidami jie pasveiko. 15 Vienas jų, pa- matęs, kad išgijo, sugrįţo atgal, balsu šlovindamas Dievą. 16 Jis dėkodamas parpuolė Jėzui po kojų. Tai buvo samarietis. 17 Jėzus paklausė: „Argi ne dešimt pasveiko? Kur dar devyni? 18 Niekas nepanorėjo sugrįţti ir ati- duoti Dievui garbę, kaip tik šitas svetimtautis!“19Irtarė jam: „Kelkis, eik! Tavo tikėjimas išgelbėjo tave.“ Lukas 17:11-19 11 Und es begab sich, als er nach Jerusalem wanderte, dass er durch Samarien und Galiläa hin zog. 12 Und als er in ein Dorf kam, begegneten ihm zehn aussätzige Männer; die standen von ferne 13 und erhoben ihre Stimme und sprachen: Jesus, lieber Meister, erbarme dich unser! 14 Und als er sie sah, sprach er zu ihnen: Geht hin und zeigt euch den Priestern! Und es geschah, als sie hingingen, da wurden sie rein. 15 Einer aber unter ihnen, als er sah, dass er gesund geworden war, kehrte er um und pries Gott mit lauter Stimme 16 und fiel nieder auf sein Angesicht zu Jesu Füßen und dankte ihm. Und das war ein Samariter. 17 Jesus aber antwortete und sprach: Sind nicht die zehn rein geworden? Wo sind aber die neun? 18 Hat sich
  • 8. 8 sonst keiner gefunden, der wieder umkehrte, um Gott die Ehre zu geben, als nur dieser Fremde? 19 Und er sprach zu ihm: Steh auf, geh hin; dein Glaube hat dir geholfen. Pastor: This is the Gospel of the Lord. Alleluia! People: Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Kunigas: Tai Viešpaties Evangelija. Aleliuja! Sur.: Aleliuja! Aleliuja! Aleliuja! Pastor: Das ist das Wort Gottes. Hallelujah! Gemeinde: Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah SERMON “The Redeemer of Foreigners” The Rev. Daniel Gilbert HYMN OF THE DAY Bažnyčia pastatyta 1. Baţnyčia pastatyta Ant pamato stipraus. Jog pragaro galybės Jos niekad nesugriaus. Įkūrė ją pats Kristus Aukščiausiojo valia, Pašventino ją meile, Dangaus tiesos galia. 2. Ji iš kalbų visokių, Tačiau viena šeima; Tikėjimas jos vienas, Viena ir jos Galva, Ir vienas Dievas Tėvas, Viena dvasia, širdis; Jos vienas pašaukimas, Viena jos ir viltis. 3. Pasaulis į ją ţvelgia Su panieka pikta; Jis savyje suskilus, Ji skurdo prislėgta. Bet Viešpaties pagalbos Ji šaukias liūdesy, Tad po nakties jai teka Aušros ţvaigţdė skaisti. The Church’s One Foundation 1. The Church‗s one foundation Is Jesus Christ, her Lord; She is his new creation By water and the Word. From heav‘n He came and sought her To be His holy bride; With His own blood He brought her, And for her life He died. 2. Elect from ev‘ry nation, Yet one o‘er all the earth, Her charter of salvation One Lord, one faith, one birth. One holy name she blesses, Partakes one holy food, And to one hope she presses, With ev‘ry grace endued. 3. The Church shall never perish! Her dear Lord, to defend, To guide, sustain, and cherish, Is with her to the end. Tho‘ there be those that hate her, False sons within her pale, Against both foe and traitor She ever shall prevail. Die Kirche ist gegründet 1. Die Kirche ist gegründet Allein auf Jesu Christ. Sein Wort hat angezündet Das Licht, das in ihr ist. Er kamm und hat geworben Um sie mit seinem Blut. Sie lebt, weil er gestorben. Er bleibt ihr Heil und Gut. 2. Aus alem Volk erkoren, Ist eins sie nah und fern. Durch eine Tauf geboren. Dient sie dem einem Herrn. Ein Heilswort ist ihr Segen, Ein Gnadentisch sie speist, Ein Geist gibt ihren Wegen Das Licht, das heimwärts weist. 3. Gehorsam ihrer Sendung In Unruh, Kampf und Schmach Trägt sie bis zr Volendung Ihr Kreuz dem Heiland nach. So wird sie sich bewähren Bis sie verklärt ersteht Und froh mit Siegesehren In Gottes Frieden geht. SERMON "Viešpats Bažnyčios ganytojas" Vyskupas Mindaugas Sabutis CHOIR ―Gloria‖ Helmut Stefan
  • 9. 9 CONFESSION OF FAITH Nicene Creed (we rise) Visi: Mes tikime vieną Dievą, visagalintį Tėvą, dan-gaus ir žemės, regimosios ir neregimosios visatos Kūrėją. Mes tikime vieną Viešpatį Jėzų Kristų, vienatinį Dievo Sūnų, prieš visus amžius gimusį iš Tėvo: Die-vą iš Dievo, šviesą iš šviesos, tikrą Dievą iš tikro Dievo, gimusį, bet nesukurtą, esantį vienos prigimties su tėvu. Per jį visa yra padaryta. Jis dėl mūsų, žmonių, dėl mūsų išganymo nužengė iš dangaus. Šventosios Dvasios veikimu priėmė kūną iš mergelės Marijos ir tapo žmogumi. Valdant Poncijui Pilotui, jis dėl mūsų buvo nukryžiuotas, nukankintas ir palaidotas. Kaip Šventame Rašte išpranašauta, trečiąją dieną prisikėlė iš numirusių. Įžengė į dangų ir sėdi Dievo Tėvo dešinėje. Jis vėl garbingai ateis gyvųjų ir mirusiųjų teisti ir viešpataus per amžius. Mes tikime Šventąją Dvasią, Viešpatį Gaivintoją, kylančią iš Tėvo (ir Sūnaus), su Tėvu ir Sūnumi garbinamą ir šlovinamą, kalbėjusią per pranašus. Mes tikime vieną, šventą, visuotinę, apaštališką Bažnyčią. Mes pripažįstame vieną krikštą nuodėmėms atleisti. Mes laukiame mirusiųjų prisikėlimo ir būsimojo amžinojo gyvenimo. Amen. All: I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of His Father before all the worlds, God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made; who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the virgin Mary and was made man; and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate. He suffered and was buried. And the third day He rose again according to the Scriptures and ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of the Father. And He will come again with glory to judge both the living and the dead, whose kingdom will have no end. And I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son together is worshiped and glorified, who spoke by the prophets. And I believe in one holy Christian and apostolic Church, I acknowledge one Baptism for the remission of sins, and I look for the resurrection of the dead and the life + of the world to come. Amen. Nicäisches Glaubsbekenntnis Wir glauben an den einen Gott, den Vater, den Allmächtigen, der alles geschaffen hat, Himmel und Erde, die sichtbare und die unsichtbare Welt. Und an den einen Herrn Jesus Christus, Gottes eingeborenen Sohn, aus dem Vater geboren vor aller Zeit: Gott von Gott, Licht vom Licht, wahrer Gott vom wahren Gott, gezeugt, nicht geschaffen, eines Wesens mit dem Vater; durch ihn ist alles geschaffen. Für uns Menschen und zu unserem Heil ist er vom Himmel gekommen, hat Fleisch angenommen durch den Heiligen Geist von der Jungfrau Maria und ist Mensch geworden. Er wurde für uns gekreuzigt unter Pontius
  • 10. 10 Pilatus, hat gelitten und ist begraben worden, ist am dritten Tage auferstanden nach der Schrift und aufgefahren in den Himmel. Er sitzt zur Rechten des Vaters und wird wiederkommen in Herrlichkeit, zu richten die Lebenden und die Toten; seiner Herrschaft wird kein Ende sein. Wir glauben an den Heiligen Geist, der Herr ist und lebendig macht, der aus dem Vater und dem Sohn hervorgeht, der mit dem Vater und dem Sohn angebetet und verherrlicht wird, der gesprochen hat durch die Propheten, und die eine, heilige, katholische und apostolische Kirche. Wir bekennen die eine Taufe zur Vergebung der Sünden. Wir erwarten die Auferstehung der Toten und das Leben der kommenden Welt. Amen. PRAYERS Pastor: Let us pray for the Church, the world, and for everyone in their various needs. Pastor: Lord God, we give You thanks for drawing us near to Your Word in the person of Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Receive the thanks and worship of Your whole Church and enable all people to hear Your healing, saving voice. Lord, in Your mercy, People: hear our prayer. Pastor: Strengthen with Your grace all ministers of Your Word that they may continue faithfully in their preaching and rightly administering Your holy Sacraments that all may know salvation in Jesus Christ. Lord, in Your mercy, People: hear our prayer. Pastor: As You have broken down all the dividing walls of hostility by the salvation won for the whole world in Christ, so draw all people everywhere to Your gift of forgiveness and life. Lord, in Your mercy, People: hear our prayer. Pastor: Remember the leaders of nations and communities with Your mercy, that they may be inspired to provide for the well-being of all people. Lord, in Your mercy, People: hear our prayer. Pastor: We give thanks, Almighty God, that you are healing, feeding and sustaining us at Zion through the power and grace of Your Word and Sacraments, as you have sustained those before us. Turn our joy of celebration of the centennial Anniversary into diligent following of Your Word and new opportunities for life and ministry at this congregation. Lord, in Your mercy, People: hear our prayer. Kunigas: Visagalis Dieve, amţinasis Tėve, Tu savo amţinuoju ţodţiu sutvėrei visą kūriniją, ją išlaikai ir laimini; o prieš 100 metų sudarei sąlygas atsirasti Ziono Lietuviškai Evangėliškai Liutėriškai Nepermainyto Augsburgo Išpaţinimo parapijai, kurią rėmei Savo Ţodyje ir sakramentuose pasireiškiančia dieviškaja meile, gailestingumu ir malone. Prisimindami savo praeitį, švęsdami savo dabartį ir kreipdamiesi į ateitį mes prašome savo surinkimui Šventosios Dvasios ir Dieviškosios išminties, kad Tavo Ţodis tarp mūsų plistų bei augtų ir būtų
  • 11. 11 drąsiai skelbiamas tiek parapijos viduje, tiek ir uţ jos ribų, kad Tavo Baţnyčia vis labiau tobulėtų ir mes iki amţiaus galo tikru tikėjimu Tau tarnautume, garbindami Tavo vardą. To mes meldţiame per Tavo malonę, Parapija: išgirsk mūsų maldas. Kunigas: Malonės ir meilės Dieve, mes meldţiame Tave, kad tavo kūno ir kraujo aukos sakramentas sustiprintų mus atsispirti šio pasaulio pragaištingai tuštybei, abejingumui artimo kančioms ir godumui, kad jis sustiprintų mūsų dvasinį tarpusavio ryšį bei paskatintų mus tapti atsidavusiais Tavo karalystės piliečiais. To mes meldţiame per Tavo malonę, Parapija: išgirsk mūsų maldas. Pastor: Allmächtiger Gott, du hast Deine Kirche, und Zion als ein Teil davon, dazu berufen zu bezeugen dass in Christus Du Dich mit uns versöhnt hast. Gewähre dass durch Deinen Heiligen Geist, wir die gute Botschaft Deines Heils verkündigen, so dass alle die sie hören, das Geschenk Deines Heils empfangen mögen. Herr, in Deiner Gnade. Gemeinde: Höre unser Gebet. Pastor: Receive our thanks for the healing medicine of Your Son's body and blood. May His life pulse in us as we praise and live for Your glory. Lord, in Your mercy, People: hear our prayer. Pastor: Into Your hands, O Lord, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in Your mercy, O Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. People: Amen. OFFERINGS OFFERTORY + SACRAMENT + CHOIR ―Sanctus‖ Franz Schubert PREFACE (we rise) Pastor: The Lord be with you. People: And also with you. Pastor: Lift up your hearts. People: We lift them to the Lord. Pastor: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. People: It is right to give Him thanks and praise. Kun.: Viešpats teesie su Jumis! Sur.: Ir su tavo dvasia. Kun.: Pakelkite savo širdis. Sur.: Mes į Viešpatį keliam jas. Kun.: Dėkokime Viešpačiui, mūsų Dievui! Sur.: Tai vertinga ir teisu. Pastor: Der Herr sei mit euch! Gemeinde: Und mit deinem Geiste! Pastor: Die Herzen in der Höhe! Gemeinde: Erheben wir zum Herrn! Pastor: Lasset uns danksagen dem Herren, unserm Gotte! Gemeinde: Das ist würdig und recht!
  • 12. 12 PROPER PREFACE Pastor: It is truly good, right, and salutary that we should at all times and in all places give thanks to You, holy Lord, almighty Father, everlasting God, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who heals lepers and welcomes into Your family all who have been foreigners to Your grace. Therefore with angels and archangels and with all the company of heaven we laud and magnify Your glorious name, evermore praising You and saying: SANCTUS "Holy God We Praise Thy Name" Hark! The glad celestial hymn Angel choirs above are raising; Cherubim and seraphim, In unceasing chorus praising, Fill the heav'ns with sweet accord: Holy, holy, holy Lord! Tau tarnauja angelai, Ir kilniausi cherubinai, Gieda dangiški pulkai Tau skaisčiausi serafimai. Šventas, šventas, šventas mūs Sutvėrėjas Prakilnus! Alles, was dich preisen kann, Cherubim und Seraphinen, Stimmen dir ein Loblied an; Alle Engel, die dir dienen, Rufen dir in sel'ger Ruh': Heilig, heilig, heilig! zu. PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING Pastor: Blessed are You, Lord of heaven and earth, for You have had mercy on those whom You created and sent Your only-begotten Son into our flesh to bear our sin and be our Savior. With repentant joy we receive the salvation accomplished for us by the all-availing sacrifice of His body and His blood on the cross. Gathered in the name and the remembrance of Jesus, we beg You, O Lord, to forgive, renew, and strengthen us with Your Word and Spirit. Grant us faithfully to eat His body and drink His blood as He bids us do in His own testament. Gather us together, we pray, from the ends of the earth to celebrate with all the faithful the marriage feast of the Lamb in His kingdom, which has no end. Graciously receive our prayers; deliver and preserve us. To You alone, O Father, be all glory, honor, and worship, with the Son and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. People: Amen. LSB LORD'S PRAYER Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen. Tėve Mūsų, kurs esi danguje! Tebūnie švenčiamas tavo vardas. Teateinie Tavo karalystė. Tebūnie tavo valia kaip danguje, taip ir žemėje. Kasdieninės mūsų duonos duok mums šiandien. Ir atleisk mums mūsų kaltes, kaip ir mes atleidžiame savo kaltininkams. Ir nevesk mūsų į pagundą, bet gelbėk mus nuo pikto, Nes tavo yra karalystė ir galybė ir garbė per amžius. Amen. Vater unser der du bist im Himmel. Geheiliget werde dein Name. Dein Reich komme. Dein Wille geschehe, wie im Himmel, also auch auf Erden. Unser tägliches Brot gib uns heute. Und vergib uns unsere Schuld, wie wir vergeben unsern Schuldigern. Und führe uns nicht in Versuchung, sondern erlöse uns von dem Übel. Denn dein ist das Reich und die Kraft und die Herrlichkeit in Ewigkeit. Amen.
  • 13. 13 THE WORDS OF OUR LORD Matthew 26:26-28; Mark 14:22-24; Luke 22:19-20; 1 Corinthians 11:23-25 Pastor: Our Lord Jesus Christ, on the night when He was betrayed, took bread, and when He had given thanks, He broke it and gave it to the disciples and said: "Take, eat; this is My + body which is given for you. This do in remembrance of Me." In the same way also He took the cup after supper, and when He had given thanks, He gave it to them, saying: "Drink of it, all of you; this cup is the new testament in My + blood, which is shed for you for the forgiveness of sins. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me." THE PEACE OF THE LORD Pastor: The peace + of the Lord be with you always. People: Amen. AGNUS DEI "A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth" A lamb goes uncomplaining forth, The guilt of sinners bearing And laden with the sins of earth, None else the burden sharing; Goes patient on, grows weak and faint, To slaughter led without complaint, That spotless life to offer, He bears the stripes, the wounds, the lies, The mockery, and yet replies, "All this I gladly suffer." Avinėlis Dievo, kurs neša Kaltes visų kaltųjų, Avinėlis Kristus, kurs kenčia Kančias dėl pasmerktųjų, Leidţia ant kryţiaus mušdintis Ir čia skaudţiai ţudydintis Skausmų didţioj daugybėj. Jis kenčia pragaro kančias, Kad tik kaltiems mums dangišką Atgautų malonybę. 1. Ein Lämmlein geht und trägt die Schuld Der Welt und ihrer Kinder; Es geht und träget in Geduld Die Sünden aller Sünder; Es geht dahin, wird matt und krank, Ergibt sich auf die Würgebank, Verzeiht sich aller Freuden; Es nimmet an Schmach, Hohn und Spott, Angst, Wunden, Striemen, Kreunz und Tod Und spricht: Ich will's gern leiden. DISTRIBUTION HYMNS How Great Thou Art 1. O Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder Consider all the worlds Thy hands have made, I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder, Thy pow‘r thro‘ out the universe displayed. Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee: How great Thou art, how great Thou art; Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee: How great Thou art, how great Thou art; 2. And when I think that God, His Son not sparing, Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in, That on the cross, my burden gladly bearing, He bled and died to take away my sin. Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee: How great Thou art, how great Thou art; Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee: How great Thou art, how great Thou art; 3. When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart! Then I shall bow in humble adoration, And there proclaim, my God, how great Thou art Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee: How great Thou art, how great Thou art; Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee: How great Thou art, how great Thou art;
  • 14. 14 Valdove didis! 1. Kai aš stebiu pasaulį, didis Dieve, Kurį ţodţiu galingu kūrei Tu; Kai apgalvoju padarų daugybę, Kuriuos valdai, aprūpini maistu: Valdove didis! Giedu su džiaugsmu, Koks didis Tu, koks didis Tu! Valdove didis! Giedu su džiaugsmu, Koks didis Tu, koks didis Tu! 2. Matau, aš Jėzų vaikščiojant ant ţemės Su didţia meile ir nuolankume, Kaip Jis ramina, moko, gydo ţmones Ir kaip ant kryţiaus miršta uţ mane: Valdove didis! Giedu su džiaugsmu, Koks didis Tu, koks didis Tu! Valdove didis! Giedu su džiaugsmu, Koks didis Tu, koks didis Tu! 3. Ir kai pašauks mane jau Viešpats mano, Kai šviesų sostą akys pamatys Ir veidą Tojo, kurs mane išgano, Kai su šventais ten garbinsiu Jį vis: Valdove didis! Giedu su džiaugsmu, Koks didis Tu, koks didis Tu! Valdove didis! Giedu su džiaugsmu, Koks didis Tu, koks didis Tu! Du grosser Gott 1. Du grosser Gott, wenn ich die Welt betrachte, Die du geschaffen auf dein Allmachtswort, Wenn ich auf alle jene Wesen achte, Die du regierst und nährest fort und fort, Dann jauchzt mein Herz dir, grosser Herrscher, zu: Wie gross bist du, wie gross bist du. Dann jauchzt mein Herz dir, grosser Herrscher, zu: Wie gross bist du, wie gross bist du! 2. Und seh‘ ich Jesum auf der Erde wandeln In Knechtsgestalt, vol Lieb‘ und grosser Huld, Wenn ich im Geiste seh‘ sein göttlich Handeln, Am Kreuz bezahlen vieler Sunder Schuld Dann jauchzt mein Herz dir, grosser Herrscher, zu: Wie gross bist du, wie gross bist du. Dann jauchzt mein Herz dir, grosser Herrscher, zu: Wie gross bist du, wie gross bist du! 3. Und wenn der Herr von hinnen mich gerufen, Wenn ich von seinem Glanz geblendet steh‘, Anbetend niederfall‘ zu seinen Stufen, Den König dort in seiner Schöne seh‘ Dann jauchzt mein Herz dir, grosser Herrscher, zu: Wie gross bist du, wie gross bist du. Dann jauchzt mein Herz dir, grosser Herrscher, zu: Wie gross bist du, wie gross bist du! Amazing Grace 1. Amazing grace! How sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me! I once was lost but now am found, Was blind but now I see! 2. The Lord has promised good to me, His word my hope secures; He will my shield and portion be As long as life endures. 3. Through many dangers, toils, and snares I have already come; His grace has brought me safe so far, His grace will see me home. Dangaus malonė 1. Dangaus malonė nuostabi: ji palietė mane. Buvau paklydęs tamsumoj, dabar matau Tave. 2. Kiek daug pavojų ir kliūčių sutikęs aš buvau. Malonė vedė mus lig šiol, ji ves mus ir toliau. 3. Pasitikėkime Dievu: Jis mus visur globos, Jis mūs paguoda ir viltis dabar ir visados.
  • 15. 15 Geschenkte Gnad’ 1. Geschenkte Gnad‘, wie süss das klingt, sie macht mich Armen frei. Ich war verlor‘n, von Sünd‘ umringt, war blind, doch seh‘ jetzt neu. 2. Die Gnade lehrt mein Herz die Scheu, und Gnad‘ von Scheu befreit. Die teure Gnade kam herbei als glaubend ich war bereit. 3. Durch viel Gefahren, böser Macht muss ich gegangen sein. Die Gnade hat mich durchgebracht und Gnade bringt mich heim. Dievs yra meilė 1. Dievs yra meilė, mane atpirko; Dievs yra meilė, Jis myl mane! Todėl kartoju: Dievs yra meilė, Dievs yra meilė, Jis myl mane. 2. Didţiausios kaltės mane slogino, Apvalė Viešpats mane nuo jų. Todėl kartoju: Dievs yra meilė, Dievs yra meilė, Jis myl mane. 3. Jis siuntė Jėzų mus išganyti, Jis siuntė sūnų vaduot mane. Todėl kartoju: Dievs yra meilė, Dievs yra meilė, Jis myl mane. 4. Jėzus kentėjo uţ kaltes mano, Praliejo kraują Jis uţ mane. Todėl kartoju: Dievs yra meilė, Dievs yra meilė, Jis myl mane. 5. Šią didţią meilę, aš noriu girti, Kol čia gyvensiu ir amţinai. Todėl kartoju: Dievs yra meilė, Dievs yra meilė, Jis myl mane. God Loves Me Dearly 1. God loves me dearly, Grants me salvation, God loves me dearly, Loves even me Therefore I`ll say again; God loves me dearly, God loves me dearly, Loves even me. 2. I was in slavery, Sin, death, and darkness; God`s love was working To make me free. Therefore I`ll say again; god loves me dearly, God loves me dearly, Loves even me. 3. He sent forth Jesus, My dear Redeemer, He sent forth Jesus And sent me free. Therefore I`ll say again; god loves me dearly, God loves me dearly, Loves even me. 4. Jesus, my Savior, Himself did offer; Jesus, my Savior, Paid all I owed. Therefore I`ll say again; god loves me dearly, God loves me dearly, Loves even me. 5. Now I will praise You, O Love Eternal; Now I will praise You All my life long. Therefore I`ll say again; god loves me dearly, God loves me dearly, Loves even me. Gott ist die Liebe 1. Gott ist die Liebe, lässt mich erlösen, Gott ist die Liebe, er liebt auch mich. Drum sag ich´s noch einmal: Gott ist die Liebe, Gott ist die Liebe, er liebt auch mich. 2. Ich lag in Banden der schnöden Sünde; ich lag in Banden und konnt nicht los. Drum sag ich´s noch einmal: Gott ist die Liebe, Gott ist die Liebe, er liebt auch mich. 3. Er sandte Jesum, den treuen Heiland; Er sandte Jesum und macht mich los. Drum sag ich´s noch einmal: Gott ist die Liebe, Gott ist die Liebe, er liebt auch mich. 4. Jesus, mein Heiland, gab sich zum Opfer; Jesus, mein Heiland, büßt meine Schuld. Drum sag ich´s noch einmal: Gott ist die Liebe, Gott ist die Liebe, er liebt auch mich. 5. Dich will ich preisen, Du ewge Liebe; Dich will ich loben, so lang ich bin! Drum sag ich´s noch einmal: Gott ist die Liebe, Gott ist die Liebe, er liebt auch mich ENGLISH LITHUANIAN GERMAN ADDITIONAL HYMNS 636/625/626 466/467/-- 157/415/--
  • 16. 16 POST-COMMUNION BLESSING POST-COMMUNION COLLECT Pastor: We give thanks to You, almighty God, that You have refreshed us through this salutary gift, and we implore You that of Your mercy You would strengthen us through the same in faith toward You and in fervent love toward one another; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. People: Amen. LSB BENEDICTION The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord look upon you with favor and give you peace. Viešpats Dievas telaimina ir tesaugoja tave. Viešpats Dievas teapšviečia tave savo veidu ir teesie tau malonus. Viešpats Dievas tepakelia savo veidą į tave ir tesuteikia tau savo ramybę. Der Herr segne dich und behüte dich. Der Herr lasse sein Angesicht leuchten über dir und sei dir gnädig. Der Herr erhebe sein Angesicht auf dich und gebe dir Frieden. CLOSING HYMN “God Himself Is Present” 1. God himself is present; Let us now adore him And with awe appear before him. God is in his temple; All within keep silence, Prostrate lie with deepest rev‘rence. Him alone God we own, Him, our God and Savior; Praise his name forever! 2. God himself is present; Hear the harps resounding; See the hosts the throne surrounding! ―Holy, holy, holy!‖ Hear the hymn ascending, Songs of saints and angels blending. Bow your ear To us here: Hear, O Christ, the praises That your Church now raises. Dievui, kur tarp mūsų 1. Dievui, kurs tarp mūsų Turi sau šventovę, Atiduokim vertą šlovę. Viskas tenutyla Mumyse veikiausiai Prieš jo veidą nuolankiausiai! Jam visi, Kas tik jį Ţino, jaučia, girdi, Teaukoja širdį. 2. Tu, kuriam tarnauja Skaistūs serapinai Ir kilnieji kerubinai, Šventas, šventas, šventas Gieda tobulieji Chorai angelų aukštieji: Į menkas Mūs aukas Ţvelgęs maloningai, Jas priimk meilingai. Gott ist gegenwärtig. 1. Gott ist gegenwärtig. Lasset uns anbeten und in Ehrfurcht vor ihn treten Gott ist in der Mitten. Alles in uns schweige und sich innigst vor ihm beuge. Wer ihn kennt, wer ihn nennt, schlag die Augen nieder; kommt, ergebt euch wieder. 2. Gott ist gegenwärtig, dem die Cherubinen Tag und Nacht gebücket dienen. Heilig, heilig, heilig! singen ihm zur Ehre aller Engel hohe Chöre. Herr, vernimm unsre Stimm, da auch wir Geringen unsre Opfer bringen.
  • 17. 17 3. Come, celestial Being, Make our hearts your dwelling, Ev‘ry carnal thought dispelling. By your Holy Spirit Sanctify us truly, Teaching us to love you only. Where we go Here below, Let us bow before you And in truth adore you. 3. Eikš many gyventi, Kad per tavo šlovę Tapčiau ţemėj tau šventove, Artima Būtybe, Kad vis tau tikėčiau, Visados tave mylėčiau, Kur esu, / Ką veikiu, Kad tave atminčiau, Visad išpaţinčiau. 3. Herr, komm in mir wohnen, laß mein‘ Geist auf Erden dir ein Heiligtum noch werden; komm, du nahes Wesen, dich in mir verkläre, daß ich dich stets lieb und ehre. Wo ich geh, / sitz und steh, laß mich dich erblicken und vor dir mich bücken. POSTLUDE "Lobe den Herren" Johann Gottfried Walther + SOLI DEO GLORIA +
  • 18. 18 Anniversary Worship Leaders Preachers: Rev. Daniel Gilbert President of Northern Illinois District, LCMS Most Rev. Mindaugas Sabutis, Bishop of Evangelical Lutheran Church in Lithuania Liturgists: Rev. Dr. Douglas Nicely, Jerusalem Ev. Lutheran Church, Collinsville, IL Rev. Liudas Miliauskas Pastor of Lithuanian Lutheran ―Home‖ Church Rev. Hansas Dumpys, Bishop-emeritus of Lithuanian Lutheran Church in Diaspora Rev. Dr. Valdas Aušra, Pastor Reader: Mrs. Erika Brooks Crucifer: Mr. Jokūbas Aušra Soloists: Mrs. Erna Josupait Choir Director: Mr. Helmut Stefan Choir: Nora Aušrienė, Erika Brooks, Marie Chesna, Erna Josupait, Mary Krafft, Erika Šilgalienė, Ingrid Orentas, Ingrid Stefan, Ema Ţiobrienė, Heidi Miller, Liucija Šikšnienė, Rūta Mieliulienė, Alma Obrikat, Ţivilė Šilgalienė, Edward Miller, Emilis Šilgalis, Viktoras Mieliulis, Aleksandras Šilgalis, Pastor Valdas Aušra Trumpet: Mr. Vytautas Jurevičius Organist and Accompanist: Mr. Werner Chesna Anniversary Committee Irene Josupait (Chairperson), Pastor. Valdas and Nora Aušra, Werner Chesna, Stanley and Erika Gizevich, Hilda Josupait, Ingrid Orentas, Lucia Šikšnius, Erika Šilgalis, Ţivilė Šilgalis, Helmut and Ingrid Stefan. Ačiū - Thank You - Danke Schön A very big Thank You to all who made our 100th celebration exceptional. Special acknowledgements go to: Gintaras Šimonėlis for updating and preparing the sound system for the celebration. Linda and Walter Kosary for flowers that grace our Altar this morning. OUR ILL: Jonas KEDAITIS, Mina SAMKOW & Irene ZERTOR at nursing homes; Ieva ASMYTE, Herbert DAMRAU, Meta DOBAT, Marie ENSKAT, Betty GINDULIS, Elena GRIGALIUNAS, Albina
  • 19. 19 KIRSININKAS, Marie KLEINAITIS, Ema MARGIS, Jenny MARGIS, Grace McKEON, Elida MUNDT, Melvin & Adeline NEUMANN; Wanda NEUMANN, Emilia PALSHIS, Anne PUODZIUS, Christine SNEIDERAITIS, Richard YOUNG at home. CONGRATULATIONS! We extend our warmest congratulations to all our members celebrating their birthdays and anniversaries during October. “Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Delight ourselves in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart” (Ps. 37:3-4) 2 – Ingrid Stefan 18 – Lukas Ceremis 3 – Amy Brzozowski 19 – Thomas Viliunas 3 – Liucija Hoffman 20 – Michael Jurczewski 3 – Gerhard Vetter 20 – Victor Mieliulis 3 -- Matas Simonelis 21 – Peter Viliunas 5 – Rosemary Damrau 25 – Minna Samkov 17 – Elsa Barmus 26 – Elena Grigaliunas 17 – Nojus Ausra 26 – Hilda Josupait 18 – Jonathan Beavis 27 – Marta Fetingis 18 – Maria Enskat 28 – Adelina Neumann 4 – Robert and Karina Koncius 6 – Michael and Hilda Josupait OUR STEWARDSHIP FOR OCTOBER 3RD, 2010 ENGLISH LITHUANIAN TOTAL Attendance 28 20 48 Offerings (envelopes) $ 1,893.00 Other Offerings $ 225.00 Coffee hour fund $ 32.00 ANNIVERSARY DONORS: $1 - $99 Rudolf Bendik Family Ella Bartmin Robert & Zenta Berghofer Aldona Buntinas Martha Feiferis Mikel & Erika Gehle, in memory of parents Alexander & Auguste Silgalis George Genutis Stanley & Erika Gizevich Albin Hoffman Henry & Mary Jenig Ida Kasparaitis Walter Kasparaitis Albina Kirsininkas Marie Krafft John Macaitis Edward & Heidi Miller Fred & Elida Mundt Irmgard Naujokas Ingrid Orentas Alvydas & Irena Pakarklis Astrida Pauperas Anna Pilmonas Adolf Pliess Emil & Erika Silgalis Helmut & Ingrid Stefan Albert & Olga Timpf Mark & Tina Trost Richard Young $100 - $199 Bethania Cemetery Erika & Edmund Brooks Martha Cesna Meta Dobat Bruno & Anita Dravininkas Meta Gabalis Erna Josupait Irene Josupait, in memory of husband Edwin Josupait Michael & Hilda Josupait Hugo Kiaupa Hans Lipschis Edita McQuary Victor & Ruth Melulis Zelma Noreika John & Waltraud Pauperas Vanda Petrauskiene Ema Shobrys
  • 20. 20 Alexander & Zivile Silgalis Gerhard Vetter $200 - $300 Helmut Bernecker William & Mary Chesna Steven P. Gianakas (Hickory Hills Country Club) Vilius Kubilius Karl Lidums, in memory of Meta Lidums, nee' Voveriutė Melvin & Adeline Neumann Hedda Patzke & Ella Kirstein, in memory of mother Lydia Kurapkat $400 - $499 Edwin & Anneliese Bernecker David & Heidi Ozinga $500 - $1,000 Edith Gilmore, in memory of parents Berta & Gustav Tislauk & sister Gerda Tislauk Schmidt Walter & Linda Kosary Alfredas & Daiva Orentas Ruta Ladies‘ Society Emma Viliunas HISTORY OF ZION EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 1910 - 2010 Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church was founded by Lithuanian Lutherans who needed a stable, comforting environment to aid them in adjusting to a new country and a new way of life. They needed a place where they could worship and hear the Gospel of Christ in the language and according to customs of their fathers. The maintenance of a church in their own language and tradition was very important to these people, who were born and raised in Roman Catholic land yet managed to retain the faith and customs of their forbearers. Lithuanian services had been conducted in Chicago since 1903 by the Rev. Martin Keturakaitis, pastor of Jerusalem Lutheran Church in Collinsville, IL. He came to Chicago each month to bring the message of Salvation in the Lithuanian language to those early immigrants until December 4, 1910, when they formally organized Zion Lithuanian Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Unaltered Augsburg Confession. Then the budding congregation was hosted by First German Lutheran Chruch of the Trinity. In June 1911, the Rev. John J.D. Razokas was installed as the first pastor. Under his leadership the Lithuanian paper ―Pasiuntinys‖ (Messenger) was printed, and the Sunday School Primer was published as well as the first Constitution still used by the congregation today. In early 1921 pastor Razokas was untimely called to eternal rest. On May 15, 1921, the Rev. John Rozak (cousin of former pastor) was installed as pastor. During the years of his ministry, the Congregation prospered in spiritual welfare, membership, and property. The brick building on Bell Avenue was purchased. A 1927 Lithuanian Hymnal Book and the church paper ―Paslas‖ (Messenger) were published by the pastor.
  • 21. 21 The Rev. Ewald Kories took charge of the Congregation from October 1934 to 1946. During that time, the Dorcas Society rendered helpful services for the church. Some debts were paid off with the assistance of the Zion Daughter‘s Society organized on November 10, 1919 and the Lithuanian Evangelical Lutheran Benefit Society founded on March 18, 1923. Both organizations are no longer in existence. Early in 1947, the Rev. Elmer H. Nauyok began his ministry at Zion and served congregation until October 31, 1949. In December of 1949, the Rev. Lic.Doc. John Pauperas, a recent immigrant from Germany, was installed as the sixth pastor of Zion Congregation. Under his leadership the Congregation grew in communicant membership largely due to the new immigration of Lithuanian and Germans after the World War II. More than 800 affidavits (some 280 by Pastor Pauperas alone) were signed by various members of the church for new immigrants to come to these shores. Pastor Pauperas took personal charge of providing housing and employment for these new arrivals to Chicago. In 1950, a German service was added. Church activities increased: Lithuanian and German choirs beautified the Sunday worship; ―Rūtos‖ Society (Feb., 1953) and a German Ladies Society (1955) were organized; and a Saturday morning language school was maintained for the German and Lithuanian children. For many years, Mrs. Maria Pauperas provided guidance and leadership for the Lithuanian and German Sunday Schools. With a choir concert on June 4, 1955, a Building Fund was started which resulted in the purchase of 20 acres of Lemont land as a possible relocation of the church. Unexpectedly God called His servant John Pauperas on May 22, 1971. In August of 1971, Reverend John W. Josupait, was called to be interim minister and, on January 30, 1972 was installed as the seventh pastor of the congregation. With the coming of Pastor Josupait, an English service was added to the Sunday morning schedule. Much discussion took place for relocation. On March 24, 1974, the last service was held in the old church in Chicago and entrance was made into the newly purchased church at 9000 South Menard in Oak Lawn. Many parishioners worked hard and donated their time and effort for the necessary renovation to make this building a more suitable place for Sunday worship.
  • 22. 22 On February 2, 1975, the Congregation in a special meeting decided for a major renovation project of the church. Besides many donations and offerings from the people, the land in Lemont was subdivided and sold to parishioners to help pay the remodeling cost. Three acres were kept for future use. The need for a larger hall to provide space for fellowship meetings and luncheons resulted in the purchase of additional land on the west side of the church and—on June 5, 1983—the new fellowship hall was dedicated to the glory of God in a concert of sacred music. The church office was also relocated from upstairs to downstairs for the convenience of older parishioners. After the collapse of communist regime in Soviet Union, Lithuania—the fatherland of majority of our parishioners—became a free country in 1990. Members of Zion personally, as well as a congregation, became very much involved in reviving and enriching the religious life of the Lutheran Evangelical Church of Lithuania. The congregation supported several projects in Lithuania: reconstruction and renovation of several church buildings; financial support of pastors; financing a professional seminar for church workers and pastors, and supporting summer youth camps. They initiated and partially financed translation and publishing of confessional books such as ―Here I Stand: The Life of Martin Luther‖ and the Holy Scripture itself. The congregation also provided spiritual as well as financial support to the pastors and theology students who recently received opportunity to study in United States, by offering a sacred place to worship in their mother-tongue and actively involved them in the life and activities of the Congregation. One of the unpredicted outcomes of this work resulted in the development of stronger relationships between the Lutheran Evangelical Church in Lithuania and Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. In the past ten years, the congregation, through the efforts of Rev.Dr. Valdas Aušra, pastor of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church since 2002, has established the ―Spindulėlis‖ Day Care center, a kindergarten class, and included various seminars to introduce our church in Oak Lawn as a place that welcomes people seeking answers to their spiritual needs and questions about the Bible. The church became a meeting place for the Lithuanian Association for Psychological and Spiritual Support to assist those in need of help. In our attempt to invite the new immigrants to become more active Christians, we have sought them in a variety of other, more secular, organizations to bring them to the Word and the welcoming fellowship of Zion. In 2004, the congregation once again went through extensive remodeling—changing the heating & a/c system, new roof, even the floor and parts of the walls of the chancel were refurbished—collecting enough funds to provide for these changes. Work was completed by February of 2005 and Franz Gavenia, George Teitlus and Gerhard Vetter were honored for their hard work and dedication in completing these tasks. Through the commitment of parishioners and Day Care parents, the Sunday School classroom was made more hospitable for the young people who gathered there.
  • 23. 23 Under pastor‘s guidance, Sunday School is offered once again. Bible Study groups in both Lithuanian and English are active and we continue to seek ways to welcome the new immigrants into our church. All this was and is accomplished, as St. Paul tells us, by ―WORKING TOGETHER WITH CHRIST‖ (II Corinthians 6:1)  Recorded fun facts of Zion: First Baptism was on April 16, 1911 Mikas-Jurgis Born March 4, 1911 Parents Mikas Slefendorfas and Mare geb. Rydarmakike First Death was January 7, 1913 Ane Naujokike Buried January 8, 1913 6 months old First Marriage was on January 28, 1912 Dovas Strekis - Age 21 Mare Jonusaitike - Age 22 Witnesses - Mikas Jonusaitis and Jonas Jonusaitis First Confirmation was on December 15, 1912 Olga Martha Spederike Anna Kasparaitike Officers for the year 1931 President - Martin Nauyok Secretary - John Cirul Treasurer - Julius Krauzas Fin. Sec - John Boltz Elder - Peter Palokat George Borchert George Bickner Carl Spader Trustees - John Kasper Ander Kasper Alex Pailukaytis December 1, 1935 25th Anniversary of Congregation Collection was made for Reduction of Debt - Collected: $1,423.84 November 7, 1937 3rd Anniversary of Rev. E. Kories Collection for Auto - Collected: $575.92 First German Confirmation Class - May 31, 1953 Raymond Kwitshau Henrich Jenig Richard Jenig Ernst Kavol Meta Olga Schuetz Renate Priemer Wanda Siena Powilat Ingrid Rita Thiel Oldest male to marry - 80 years Oldest female to marry - 76 years Youngest male to marry - 16 years Youngest female to marry - 18 years Organists Prof. Vladas Jakubenas - January, 1949 to June, 1968 Anita Chesna Werner Chesna - July, 1969 to Present
  • 24. 24 Church statistics Year Baptism Deaths Marriages Confirmed 1911-1920 237 19 92 6 1921-1930 81 36 53 89 1931-1940 51 35 50 65 1941-1950 64 24 39 18 1951-1960 236 87 138 182 1961-1970 247 131 110 152 1971-1980 74 111 55 111 1981-1990 53 108 58 56 1991-2000 49 134 33 32 2001-2010 38 82 22 13 Grand Total 1,122 750 646 713 2009 VBS students and teachers