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Automatisierung von Windows-Anwendungen Python for Windows PyCologne (12.08.2009, Köln) Andreas Schreiber  <> |
Automatisierung von Windows-Anwendungen Um was geht es? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Modul  win32com Module  win32/*
COM Component Object Model   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
COM COM-Interface ,[object Object],[object Object],// Standardschnittstelle aller COM-Komponenten  [  object,  uuid(00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046)  ]  interface IUnknown {  [restricted]  HRESULT _stdcall QueryInterface([in] GUID* rrid, [out] void** ppvObj);  [restricted]  unsigned long _stdcall AddRef();  [restricted]  unsigned long _stdcall Release();  }
COM Automatisierung und Clients ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Client Component Client Component COM Client Process Server Process
Pywin32 Python for Windows extensions ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
„ Hello World“ Microsoft Word from  win32com  import  client word = client.Dispatch( &quot;Word.Application&quot; ) word.Visible =  1   doc = word.Documents.Add()  doc.Content.Text =  &quot;Hello World&quot;
Automatisierung von Applikationen ,[object Object],[object Object]
Ermittlung der ProgID ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],from  win32com.client  import  Dispatch  excel = Dispatch( „Excel.Application&quot; )
Beispiele für ProgIDs ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Methoden der Applikation ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Generierung eines Python-Moduls mit makepy ,[object Object],[object Object]
Generierung eines Python-Moduls mit makepy Beispiel-Ausschnitt: PowerPoint    Slides    Add class  Slides(DispatchBaseClass): CLSID = IID( '{91493469-5A91-11CF-8700-00AA0060263B}' ) coclass_clsid =  None # Result is of type Slide def  Add(self, Index=defaultNamedNotOptArg, Layout=defaultNamedNotOptArg): ret = self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(2004, LCID,  1 , ( 13 ,  0 ), (( 3 ,  1 ), ( 3 ,  1 )),Index , Layout) if  ret is not  None : # See if this IUnknown is really an IDispatch try : ret = ret.QueryInterface(pythoncom.IID_IDispatch) except  pythoncom.error: return  ret ret = Dispatch(ret,  'Add' ,  '{91493445-5A91-11CF-8700-00AA0060263B}' ,  UnicodeToString=0) return  ret
Browsen der Schnittstellen mit combrowse
Browsen der Schnittstellen mit combrowse PowerPoint
Browsen der Schnittstellen mit combrowse Slides Add Slide Parameter
Alternativer Browser Type Library Browser
Beispiel from  win32com  import  client ppt = client.Dispatch( „Powerpoint.Application&quot; ) ppt.Visible =  1   ppt.ActivePresentation.Slides.Add( 1 , 1 ) Index Layout
Debugging Python Trace Collector ,[object Object]
Grundlegende Automatisierungen ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Events ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Events Event-Handler definieren ,[object Object],[object Object],class  EventManager(object): def  OnSheetBeforeDoubleClick(self, sheet, target, cancel): print  „Do   something“ # something pass class  EventManager(object): def OnSlideShowNextSlide(self, Wn): print  „Do   something“ # something pass
Events Welche Events gibt es? – Beispiel Excel ,[object Object],OnGetTypeInfo OnWorkbookAddinInstall OnSheetBeforeRightClick OnSheetFollowHyperlink OnWorkbookBeforePrint OnWorkbookBeforeXmlExport OnWorkbookDeactivate  OnSheetSelectionChange OnInvoke OnSheetActivate OnWorkbookAddinUninstall OnAddRef OnQueryInterface OnWorkbookSync OnSheetChange OnGetTypeInfoCount OnWorkbookBeforeSave OnWorkbookAfterXmlExport OnWorkbookPivotTableCloseConnection OnSheetCalculate OnWorkbookPivotTableOpenConnection OnSheetBeforeDoubleClick OnSheetDeactivate OnWindowDeactivate OnRelease OnWindowResize OnSheetPivotTableUpdate OnWorkbookOpen OnWorkbookBeforeXmlImport OnWindowActivate OnNewWorkbook OnWorkbookNewSheet OnWorkbookAfterXmlImport OnWorkbookBeforeClose OnGetIDsOfNames
Events Welche Events gibt es? – Beispiel PowerPoint ,[object Object],OnPresentationBeforeSave OnColorSchemeChanged OnSlideShowNextSlide OnSlideShowNextClick OnPresentationOpen OnPresentationSave OnWindowBeforeRightClick OnSlideShowBegin OnWindowBeforeDoubleClick OnWindowSelectionChange OnNewPresentation OnWindowDeactivate OnPresentationClose OnAfterPresentationOpen OnAfterNewPresentation OnSlideShowNextBuild OnPresentationNewSlide OnPresentationSync OnSlideSelectionChanged OnWindowActivate OnSlideShowEnd OnPresentationPrint
Events Applikation mit Event-Handler anfordern („Dispatch“) # Dispatch Excel with event handler from  win32com.client  import  DispatchWithEvents excel = DispatchWithEvents( 'Excel.Application' , EventManager) excel.Visible =  1
Events Event-Schleife: Auf Events warten # Listen for events import  threading, pythoncom stopEvent = threading.Event() while   True : pythoncom.PumpWaitingMessages() # Necessary so that python doesn't hog CPU stopEvent.wait( .2 ) if  stopEvent.isSet(): stopEvent.clear() break
Add-Ins ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],import  pywintypes clsid = pywintypes.CreateGuid()
Add-Ins Klasse Addin class  Addin(object): _com_interfaces_ = [ '_IDTExtensibility2' ] _public_methods_ = [] _reg_clsctx_ = pythoncom.CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER _reg_clsid_ =  '{2F1E606F-2A7B-46F9-AF6A-267C0036C348}' _reg_progid_ =  'Python.Test.Addin' _reg_policy_spec_ =  'win32com.server.policy.EventHandlerPolicy' def  __init__( self ):  import  win32traceutil;  self .application =  None def  OnConnection( self , application, connectMode, addin, custom): print  'OnConnection' , application, connectMode, addin, custom def  OnDisconnection( self , mode, custom): print  'OnDisconnection ' ‚ mode, custom def  OnAddInsUpdate( self , custom): print  'OnAddInsUpdate' , custom def  OnStartupComplete( self , custom): print  'OnStartupComplete' , custom def  OnBeginShutdown( self , custom): print  'OnBeginShutdown' , custom
Demo Twitter in PowerPoint ,[object Object],[object Object],python-twitter
Twitter in PowerPoint Implementation using Python’s win32com (1)  ,[object Object],import  twitter api = twitter.Api(username= 'python_demo' , password= '*' ) class  EventManager(object): def  OnSlideShowNextSlide(self, Wn): i = powerpoint.ActivePresentation.   SlideShowWindow.View.Slide.SlideIndex for  shape  in  powerpoint.ActivePresentation.   Slides[i-1].NotesPage.Shapes: if  shape.TextFrame.HasText: notes = shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text api.PostUpdate(notes)
Twitter in PowerPoint Implementation using Python’s win32com (2)  ,[object Object],from  win32com.client  import  DispatchWithEvents powerpoint = DispatchWithEvents( 'PowerPoint.Application' , EventManager) powerpoint.Visible = 1 # Listen for events import  threading, pythoncom stopEvent = threading.Event() while   True : pythoncom.PumpWaitingMessages() stopEvent.wait( .2 ) if  stopEvent.isSet(): stopEvent.clear() break Source: Roy Han’s PyCon 2008 tutorial “Automating Windows Applications with win32com”
Quellen und Literatur
Quellen ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Literatur Python Programming on Win32 ,[object Object]

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Automatisierung von Windows-Anwendungen

  • 1. Automatisierung von Windows-Anwendungen Python for Windows PyCologne (12.08.2009, Köln) Andreas Schreiber <> |
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7. „ Hello World“ Microsoft Word from win32com import client word = client.Dispatch( &quot;Word.Application&quot; ) word.Visible = 1 doc = word.Documents.Add() doc.Content.Text = &quot;Hello World&quot;
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11.
  • 12.
  • 13. Generierung eines Python-Moduls mit makepy Beispiel-Ausschnitt: PowerPoint  Slides  Add class Slides(DispatchBaseClass): CLSID = IID( '{91493469-5A91-11CF-8700-00AA0060263B}' ) coclass_clsid = None # Result is of type Slide def Add(self, Index=defaultNamedNotOptArg, Layout=defaultNamedNotOptArg): ret = self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(2004, LCID, 1 , ( 13 , 0 ), (( 3 , 1 ), ( 3 , 1 )),Index , Layout) if ret is not None : # See if this IUnknown is really an IDispatch try : ret = ret.QueryInterface(pythoncom.IID_IDispatch) except pythoncom.error: return ret ret = Dispatch(ret, 'Add' , '{91493445-5A91-11CF-8700-00AA0060263B}' , UnicodeToString=0) return ret
  • 14. Browsen der Schnittstellen mit combrowse
  • 15. Browsen der Schnittstellen mit combrowse PowerPoint
  • 16. Browsen der Schnittstellen mit combrowse Slides Add Slide Parameter
  • 17. Alternativer Browser Type Library Browser
  • 18. Beispiel from win32com import client ppt = client.Dispatch( „Powerpoint.Application&quot; ) ppt.Visible = 1 ppt.ActivePresentation.Slides.Add( 1 , 1 ) Index Layout
  • 20.
  • 21.
  • 22.
  • 23.
  • 24.
  • 25.
  • 26. Events Applikation mit Event-Handler anfordern („Dispatch“) # Dispatch Excel with event handler from win32com.client import DispatchWithEvents excel = DispatchWithEvents( 'Excel.Application' , EventManager) excel.Visible = 1
  • 27. Events Event-Schleife: Auf Events warten # Listen for events import threading, pythoncom stopEvent = threading.Event() while True : pythoncom.PumpWaitingMessages() # Necessary so that python doesn't hog CPU stopEvent.wait( .2 ) if stopEvent.isSet(): stopEvent.clear() break
  • 28.
  • 29. Add-Ins Klasse Addin class Addin(object): _com_interfaces_ = [ '_IDTExtensibility2' ] _public_methods_ = [] _reg_clsctx_ = pythoncom.CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER _reg_clsid_ = '{2F1E606F-2A7B-46F9-AF6A-267C0036C348}' _reg_progid_ = 'Python.Test.Addin' _reg_policy_spec_ = 'win32com.server.policy.EventHandlerPolicy' def __init__( self ): import win32traceutil; self .application = None def OnConnection( self , application, connectMode, addin, custom): print 'OnConnection' , application, connectMode, addin, custom def OnDisconnection( self , mode, custom): print 'OnDisconnection ' ‚ mode, custom def OnAddInsUpdate( self , custom): print 'OnAddInsUpdate' , custom def OnStartupComplete( self , custom): print 'OnStartupComplete' , custom def OnBeginShutdown( self , custom): print 'OnBeginShutdown' , custom
  • 30. Demos
  • 31.
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 35.
  • 36.

Hinweis der Redaktion

  1. @pycologne Vortrag Automatisierung von Windows-Anwendungen
  2. Demo: Slide change notification from Microsoft PowerPoint. If you read this message, the demo is successful!
  3. In Python, its very easy to catch the slide change event. Full source code on
  4. For details see Roy Hans #pycon tutorial Automating Windows Applications with win32com
  5. Good tutorial for Automating Windows Applications with win32com by Roy Han:
  6. Book: Python Programming on Win32