trends berlin augmented reality future innovation foresight barcamp iot 2020 mobile augmented reality augmented design zukunft citizen evolution ethics machine learning society ai lifestyle 2025 transformation social capital social capital theory innovation management innovation process innovation field big data openness strategy social 2011 conference augmentedreality 2010 augmented citizen mwc technology business egov2009 malm egovernment bmi deutschland fixmystreet government20 government30 ar government 20 gov20 citizen 20 gov30 c2g citizen 30 uxd 2012 szenarien szenario scenario trend ngo crowdsourcing schwarm intelligence management collective wisdomofcrowds transhuman transhumanism society jobs singularity deep learning disruption politics ethical posthuman digital existential threat singularity culture impact organization activism civil society semantic web method process software development development leadership development leadership creativity team knowledge management china algorithm prediction research germany debate munich artificial intelligence m2m blockchain security challenges blockchains devicedemocracy internet of things startups ledger meetup individual footprint responsible personal footprint common good consumerism tracking commons sufficiency footprint ecological footprint postwachstum openspace decroissance degrowth conference degrowth connected reality report 2014 social design internet of everything iotweek internet of things social iot iot-week ioe smart assistance drone datability digital transformation smart home smart citiy reality mining connected business sensors robotics cyber-physical system realtime industrie 4.0 cloud working smart factory glocal event glocal-virtual event hangout virtual event change planet putnam local community community development glocal social norms trust virtual glocal-virtual reciprocity networking informationen smart things keynote ambient intelligence sprecher zukunftsforschung willi schroll internet der dinge referent megatrend daten vorhersage fraud detection fraud financial transparency transaction tracking api transparency transaction api finance innovation innovation trends schlüsseltrends keytrends key trends complexity dynaxity future data knowledge worker visualisation information quality data quality data rationalily logic closure fantasy paradigm quotes non-governmental organization socialbar strategie howto augmentedworld mdays outernet m-days ar convergence europe mixedreality mixed reality developers mwc2009 summit mobile web mobile augmented reality summit addiction pharma functional food cyborg modafinil addictive ritalin biopolitics human enhancement identity performance oldenburg uebermorgenkongress het biografie buergerbeteiligung citywiki 20 weltwiki citizen wiki verwaltung citizenship beteiligung partizipation schulwiki kommune21 mobile ar twittaround web 30 layar twitter microblogging uxcb09 uxcamp uxcamp09 user experience interaction communities mobilecommunities mobilecommunity communitycamp ccb08 community lbs location locationaware context contextintelligence socialweb mobilesn web30 learningworld2008 learningworld edunomics teaching clo innovationen impulse outlook trendforschung corporatelearning socialcamp08 socialcamp swarm organisation npo zivilgesellschaft corporate globalcrisis changemanagement responsibility csr selforganisation globalchange schwarmintelligenz schwarmtheorie schwarmlogik swarmtheory swarmintelligence verantwortung organisationsmodell selbstorganisation biomimesis wittenherdecke bionik aufklärung crowds
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