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Finding their way 
Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia 
An Economist Intelligence Unit report 
Commissioned by
Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia 
© The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 1 
About the report 2 
About the survey 3 
1. Awareness and corporate challenges 4 
2. The importance of data privacy 6 
3. Little faith in regulators 9 
4. Barriers to growth 11 
5. Corporate countermeasures 13 
6. The road ahead 14 
Appendix: Survey results 15
Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia 
About the 
Finding their way: Corporates, governments 
and data privacy in Asia is a report from The 
Economist Intelligence Unit, commissioned by 
SafeNet. Kim Andreasson was the author and 
Laurel West was the editor. The report draws on a 
survey of 360 executives in Asia, all of whom are 
familiar with their company’s policies on data 
2 © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 
privacy. The survey findings are supplemented 
by wide-ranging desk research. The Economist 
Intelligence Unit bears sole responsibility for 
the content of this report and the findings 
do not necessarily reflect the views of the 
commissioning organisation.
Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia 
About the 
© The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 3 
In May 2014, The Economist Intelligence Unit 
conducted a survey of 360 executives to assess 
corporate attitudes towards data privacy and its 
effect on businesses in Asia. Nearly half (47 %) of 
survey respondents are board members or C-level 
executives, including 92 CEOs. All respondents 
are based in Asia-Pacific with a majority located 
in India (24%), Australia (23%), Singapore 
(22%), and Hong Kong (10%). Over half of the 
survey respondents (55%) work for companies 
with global annual revenues exceeding 
US$500m. Nineteen different industries 
are represented in the survey sample, led by 
financial services (26%), professional services 
(14%), and information technology (IT) and 
technology (11%). The primary functional roles 
of respondents are general management (43%), 
strategy and business development (39%), and 
marketing and sales (22%).
Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia 
1 Ericsson: http://www. 
2 Also see Privacy 
International: https:// 
1 Awareness and corporate challenges 
The rapid rise of the Internet and the diffusion 
of new digital technologies are creating a sea 
of data that is only getting bigger and deeper. 
This is leading to new business opportunities 
for organisations that are able to store, analyse 
and process data about current or potential 
customers. Citing IDC, a research company, 
Ericsson says revenues in the big data technology 
and services market alone are expected to 
reach US$16.9bn in 2015.1 At the same time, 
data privacy has emerged as a key concern. 
Regulations in this area vary among jurisdictions 
and are also still evolving, leading to a complex 
environment for businesses trying to leverage 
data while managing it properly. 
In Europe, which has had strong data protection 
policies in place since 1995, the European 
Commission proposed an updated European 
General Data Protection Regulation in January 
2012 in order to strengthen online privacy rights 
and standardise implementation across the 
region. In the US, the Obama Administration 
A benefit 
4 © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 
announced a “Privacy Bill of Rights” in February 
2012 to improve consumer online protection in a 
uniform way across industries, replacing sector-specific 
This growing trend is also occurring in Asia, with 
recent initiatives in many countries including 
Australia, Hong Kong, India and Singapore.2 
Although strict regulations can limit corporate 
options, many companies in these countries also 
welcome them as they can level the playing field 
for competition. 
In the survey of 360 Asian executives conducted 
for this report, those who believe that national 
data privacy regulation is a benefit to their 
business outnumber those who say it is a burden 
by 3 to 2 (cited by 33% and 20% respectively 
(Figure 1)). Almost half of respondents (44%) did 
not think it was either a benefit or a burden. But 
this obviously depends on what the regulations 
look like in a local context. In Singapore, almost 
one-half (48%) of executives say national 
In the country in which you are located, is national data privacy regulation a benefit or a burden to 
your business? 
(% respondents) 
A burden 
Neither a benefit, nor a burden 
Don’t know 
Figure 1 
Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia 
Is national data privacy regulation a benefit or a burden to your business? 
(% respondents) 
© The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 5 
data privacy regulation is a benefit while the 
equivalent number in Hong Kong is less than half 
of that (22%). 
In order to delve deeper into data privacy in Asia 
and what it means for businesses, this summary 
report uses the survey results to analyse 
awareness and corporate challenges across the 
region, with an emphasis on Australia, Hong 
Kong, India, and Singapore. 
Figure 2 
A benefit A burden Neither a benefit, nor a burden Don’t know 
Hong Kong 
Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia 
2 The importance of data privacy 
In line with global developments, 5 in 10 Asian 
executives (54%) say data privacy is very 
important to their organisation today with a 
further 4 in 10 (38%) saying it is important 
(Figure 3). Unsurprisingly, the numbers are 
generally higher in industries that rely on data to 
a greater extent. Among executives in financial 
services, for instance, two-thirds (66%) say 
data privacy is very important today with nearly 
Figure 3 
Very important 
Figure 4 
6 © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 
one-half (46%) also claiming it will be a lot more 
important in the future. 
Among all Asian executives, one-third (35%) 
predict that data privacy will be a lot more 
important to their organisation three years 
from now while another one-third (37%) say 
it will be more important. But there are again 
stark regional differences (Figure 4). More than 
How important is data privacy to your organisation today? 
(% respondents) 
Neither important nor 
Very unimportant 1 
Don’t know 0 
Where will data privacy be a lot more important 
(% respondents who say data privacy will be a lot more important in three years) 
Hong Kong 
Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia 
Don’t know 2 3 DLA Piper: http:// 
© The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 7 
half (55%) of all survey respondents from India 
believe it will be a lot more important, which 
far outnumbers the figures for more developed 
countries, such as Australia (32% said the same), 
Singapore (31%) and in particular Hong Kong 
This reflects the general notion that India’s 
current data privacy laws are weak and will rise 
in future importance (and that those of Hong 
Kong are already strong). This is reinforced by 
other research. DLA Piper, a global law firm which 
has compared data privacy regulations and 
enforcement across the world, also says laws are 
“heavy” in Hong Kong while “limited” in India; 
in Australia and Singapore they are viewed as 
In Hong Kong, about two-thirds of executives in 
the survey say current data privacy regulations 
In your opinion, how would you rate current data privacy regulations in the country where you are 
located today as it relates to your industry? 
(% respondents) 
Current data privacy regulation—or the 
lack thereof—is very good for our industry 
Neither good nor bad 
Figure 5 
Very bad 4 
Other, please specify 2 
Don’t know 1 
Figure 6 
In what area(s) can current data privacy regulations in the country where you are located be improved 
the most as it relates to your industry? Select two. 
(% respondents) 
Level of enforcement 
Scope of data privacy regulations 
Corporate compliance processes 
Penalties for data breaches 
Emerging technologies requiring 
an update to current policies 
Consumer rights, such as 
data portability 
Roles and responsibilities among 
government agencies 
Other, please specify 1 
Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia 
are very good (11%) or good (53%) for their 
industry.4 In India, meanwhile, barely a quarter 
of all respondents view data privacy as positive 
(2% and 22% respectively). India’s regulations 
were updated in 2011; however, implementation 
8 © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 
is uneven.5 In particular, in order to improve data 
privacy in India, a majority of executives (55%) 
call on their country to enhance the level of 
4 Office of the Privacy 
Commissioner for Personal 
5 Department of Electronics 
& Information Technology, 
Ministry of Communications 
& Information Technology: 
Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia 
3 Little faith in regulators 
Agree Disagree 
© The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 9 
Nine in 10 Asian executives (90%) say their own 
understanding of data privacy regulations has 
improved in the last three years (Figure 7). An 
overwhelming majority of respondents also 
believe their CEO (80%) and senior management 
(77%) have high levels of awareness regarding 
national data privacy regulations in the country 
where they are located. 
By contrast, not even 6 in 10 (59%) Asian 
executives believe government regulators in 
their country have a high level of knowledge 
about data privacy regulations, which is not only 
concerning but also surprising as they are in 
charge of enforcement. In India, the situation 
is particularly bad—only 38% of executives cite 
a high level of awareness among regulators. 
This has practical consequences as the level 
of enforcement (cited by 29%) is viewed as 
the biggest area of contention between the 
public and private sectors in India, followed by 
roles and responsibilities among government 
Figure 7 
My own understanding of data privacy regulations 
Data privacy regulations in my country are 
stricter than those in other Asian countries 
In my country, data privacy regulations 
Figure 8 
Very high level of awareness 1 2 3 4 Very low level of awareness 5 
has improved in the last three years 
limit corporate opportunities 
In my country, consumers don’t 
seem to care about data privacy 
Your customers 
Your employees 
Your senior management 
Your CEO 
Your government regulators 
28 19 
29 14 
17 5 
14 3 
29 9 
In your opinion, what is the level of awareness regarding national data privacy regulations in the 
country where you are located among the following stakeholders? 
Rate on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1=Very high level of awareness and 5=Very low level of awareness. 
(% respondents) 
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? 
Select one in each row. 
(% respondents)
Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia 
In the country in which you are located, what is the biggest issue of contention between government 
and industry in regards to data privacy? 
(% respondents) 
agencies (22%). Conversely, respondents from 
Australia are the least concerned about the level 
of enforcement in their country among the four 
geographies (only 6% raised it as an issue). 
Existing rules in Australia were updated through 
the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy 
Protection) Act 2012, which took effect in March 
2014 and simplifies regulations through a set 
of 13 new harmonised privacy principles.6 In 
response, three-quarters of Australian executives 
in the survey say data privacy policies for their 
10 © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 
industry are very good (24%) or good (50%) at 
Rather than enforcement, in countries with 
stricter data policy regulations, such as Australia, 
Hong Kong and Singapore, the biggest area 
of contention between the private and public 
sectors in all three territories (cited by 31%, 
31%, and 23% respectively) is the scope of data 
privacy regulations, which can potentially hinder 
business opportunities. 
Figure 9 
Scope of data privacy regulations 
Level of enforcement 
Corporate compliance processes 
Roles and responsibilities among 
government agencies 
Emerging technologies requiring 
an update to current policies 
Consumer rights, such as data 
Penalties for data breaches 
Don’t know 
Other, please specify 
6 Office of the Australian 
Information Commissioner: 
Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia 
4 Barriers to growth 
© The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 11 
When asked about the primary business 
challenges with data privacy regulation in their 
country, Asian executives highlight the burden of 
compliance with external authorities (33%) and 
customer concerns and expectations (30%), the 
7 Personal Data Protection 
Commission: https://www. 
latter of which can be attributed to low levels of 
knowledge among consumers (Figure 11). In fact, 
only 11% of executives say their customers have 
a high level of awareness regarding national data 
privacy regulations (Figure 8). Few companies 
Figure 11 
What are the primary business challenges with data privacy regulation in the country where you are 
located? Select two. 
(% respondents) 
Burden of compliance with external authorities 
Customer concerns and expectations 
Limits data mining on potential customers 
Limits information sharing with other companies 
Burden of compliance with internal company policy 
Lack of internal coordination 
Limits data mining of current customers 
Potential penalties for data breach 
Other, please specify 
Don’t know 
Figure 10 
Hong Kong 
Where does data privacy regulation limit corporate opportunities? 
(% of respondents who say it does)
Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia 
see internal compliance (cited by 20%) and 
limitations to data mining on current and 
potential customers (16% and 24% respectively) 
as burdens. An exception is Singapore where 
39% of executives say that national policies are 
a business challenge, affecting their abilities to 
use data on potential customers. 
In developing the 2012 Personal Data Protection 
Act, Singapore referred to good practices 
elsewhere, including in the EU, and also held 
three public consultations before the regime 
went into effect.7 This open process, as implied 
by the survey results, may have led to stricter 
regulations surrounding the Act’s three pillars of 
consent, purpose and reasonableness. 
Overall, only one-third (33%) of Asian executives 
agree that data privacy regulations limit 
corporate opportunities, but the numbers vary 
greatly according to jurisdiction. For instance, 
almost twice as many executives in Singapore 
(43%) believe current policies are a barrier to 
growth as in India (22%) (Figure 10). It is likely 
that perceived levels of enforcement within 
12 © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 
countries play a role as companies in a weak 
environment may take advantage of this at the 
expense of consumers. In fact, three-quarters 
(75%) of Indian executives say consumers 
in their country do not seem to care about 
data privacy, further encouraging aggressive 
companies to take risks. 
More successful Asian businesses are also more 
likely to view national data privacy regulation 
as a benefit rather than a burden. Among 
executives who say they are much stronger 
than their competitors in terms of profitability, 
45% say regulations are a benefit, compared 
with 33% of all respondents (Figure 12). Strong 
and transparent regulations level the playing 
field for companies and those who have greater 
knowledge can use them to their advantage. 
For instance, survey respondents who say their 
organisation is much more profitable than their 
competitors are also more likely to say that 
their CEO’s awareness of national data privacy 
regulation is very high (52% compared to 40% for 
all respondents). 
Figure 12 
In your opinion, how does your company compare to its closest competitors in the following areas? 
Rate on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1=We are much stronger and 5=We are much weaker. 
(% respondents) 
We are much stronger 1 2 3 4 We are much weaker 5 
Senior management awareness of data privacy 
regulations in the country where you are located 
Your company’s compliance with data privacy 
regulations in the country where you are located 
Corporate profitability 
31 4 
33 3 
42 7 
Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia 
5 Corporate countermeasures 
© The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 13 
To deal with data privacy regulations, a majority 
of executives (55%) say their organisations 
have established or enhanced their processes 
regarding internal company data policies (Figure 
13). Fewer (41%) have established or enhanced 
corporate processes regarding compliance with 
national data regulations, which is likely to 
partly explain why Asian executives highlight the 
burden of compliance with external authorities 
as their greatest challenge. 
It is also important to acknowledge that the level 
of required reporting varies tremendously across 
industries. For instance, in financial services, 
which is highly regulated in most countries, 
more than half of respondents (52%) say they 
have implemented such processes. Financial 
services respondents are also more likely to 
say that corporate compliance policies are the 
biggest issue of contention between government 
and industry in regards to data privacy (20% 
compared with 14% for all respondents). 
To deal with customer concerns and expectations, 
the second biggest business challenge, a majority 
(55%) of Asian executives say their organisation 
is informing customers of their corporate data 
policies, although far fewer (29%) are educating 
them on national data regulations. Again, survey 
respondents in financial services are ahead of the 
curve. Two-thirds (66%) of banking executives 
say their organisations inform their customers 
about corporate policies and 4 in 10 (40%) 
inform them of national data regulations. In 
India, meanwhile, only 41% and 21% respectively 
provide information on corporate and national 
data policies. 
Figure 13 
What measures, if any, has your organisation implemented to deal with data privacy regulation in the 
country where you are located? Select all that apply. 
(% respondents) 
Established or enhanced corporate processes 
regarding internal company data policies 
Informed customers of our corporate data policies 
Informed business partners of our corporate data policies 
Designated a person or group to be in charge of data 
policies and regulations 
Established or enhanced corporate processes 
regarding compliance with national data regulations 
Informed customers of national data regulations 
Other, please specify 
Don’t know
Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia 
6 The road ahead 
The survey of 360 Asian executives conducted for 
this report finds that there is almost unanimous 
agreement on the importance of data privacy 
across the region. But perceptions regarding 
future importance vary greatly between those 
who have weaker (India) and stronger (Australia, 
Hong Kong, Singapore) regulations. 
This is reflected in the level of faith that 
corporate executives place in awareness 
among government regulators. In India this 
figure is particularly low and hence the level of 
enforcement there is also seen as the biggest 
area of contention between the public and 
private sectors. The largest issue in the other 
jurisdictions is the scope of data privacy 
regulations, as this can presumably impede 
potential big data initiatives. 
Yet only one-third of Asian executives agree 
that data privacy regulations limit corporate 
opportunities. In particular, successful 
businesses are more likely to view national 
policies as a benefit rather than a burden, likely 
14 © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 
because they have greater knowledge of them 
and can seize a competitive advantage. There is 
also a gap between those who have established 
corporate initiatives regarding compliance with 
national data regulations, an area led by financial 
services, and those who have not 
The tension between corporate opportunities and 
data privacy is set to increase by any measure. 
This is a particular problem for companies doing 
business across borders as regulation varies 
across jurisdictions. In an Asian context, the 
perceived differences between policies in places 
such as India and Hong Kong can therefore 
have large practical implications for companies 
doing business in the region. But there is a local 
aspect to data privacy as well. As enforcement 
levels rise and consumer awareness increases, 
companies without proper policies will suffer. As 
indicated by the survey conducted for this report, 
it means that companies with greater knowledge 
of regulations are also able to seize on the data 
opportunities ahead.
Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia 
Survey results 
Note: Percentages may not total 100 due to rounding or the ability of respondents to choose multiple 
1. In your opinion, how would you rate current data privacy regulations in the country where you are located today as it relates 
© The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 15 
to your industry? 
(% respondents) 
Current data privacy regulation—or the lack thereof—is very good for our industry 
Neither good nor bad 
Very bad 
Other, please specify 
Don’t know 
2. In what area(s) can current data privacy regulations in the country where you are located be improved the most as it relates 
to your industry? Select two. 
(% respondents) 
Level of enforcement 
Scope of data privacy regulations 
Corporate compliance processes 
Penalties for data breaches 
Emerging technologies requiring an update to current policies 
Consumer rights, such as data portability 
Roles and responsibilities among government agencies 
Don’t know 
Other, please specify 
Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia 
3. In the country in which you are located, is national data privacy regulation a benefit or a burden to your business? 
(% respondents) 
A benefit 
A burden 
Neither a benefit, nor a burden 
Don’t know 
4. How important is data privacy to your organisation today? 
(% respondents) 
5. How important will data privacy be to your organisation three years from now? 
(% respondents) 
16 © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 
Very important 
Neither important nor unimportant 
Very unimportant 
Don’t know 
A lot more important 
More important 
About the same 
Less important 
A lot less important 
Don’t know 
Very high level of awareness 1 2 3 4 Very low level of awareness 5 
Your customers 
Your employees 
Your senior management 
Your CEO 
Your government regulators 
28 19 
29 14 
17 5 
14 3 
29 9 
6. In your opinion, what is the level of awareness regarding national data privacy regulations in the country where you are 
located among the following stakeholders? 
Rate on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1=Very high level of awareness and 5=Very low level of awareness. 
(% respondents)
Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia 
7. In our opinion, what are the primary business challenges with data privacy regulation in the country where you are 
8. What measures, if any, has your organisation implemented to deal with data privacy regulation in the country where you 
9. In the country in which you are located, what is the biggest issue of contention between government and industry in 
© The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 17 
located? Select two. 
(% respondents) 
Burden of compliance with external authorities 
Customer concerns and expectations 
Limits data mining on potential customers 
Limits information sharing with other companies 
Burden of compliance with internal company policy 
Lack of internal coordination 
Limits data mining of current customers 
Potential penalties for data breach 
Other, please specify 
Don’t know 
Established or enhanced corporate processes regarding internal company data policies 
Informed customers of our corporate data policies 
Informed business partners of our corporate data policies 
Designated a person or group to be in charge of data policies and regulations 
Established or enhanced corporate processes regarding compliance with national data regulations 
Informed customers of national data regulations 
Other, please specify 
Don’t know 
are located? Select all that apply. 
(% respondents) 
regards to data privacy? 
(% respondents) 
Scope of data privacy regulations 
Level of enforcement 
Corporate compliance processes 
Roles and responsibilities among government agencies 
Emerging technologies requiring an update to current policies 
Consumer rights, such as data portability 
Penalties for data breaches 
Don’t know 
Other, please specify 
Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia 
18 © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 
Agree Disagree 
My own understanding of data privacy regulations has improved in the last three years 
Data privacy regulations in my country are stricter than those in other Asian countries 
In my country, data privacy regulations limit corporate opportunities 
In my country, consumers don’t seem to care about data privacy 
10. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Select one in each row. 
(% respondents) 
We are much stronger 1 2 3 4 We are much weaker 5 
Senior management awareness of data privacy regulations in the country where you are located 
Your company’s compliance with data privacy regulations in the country where you are located 
Corporate profitability 
31 4 
33 3 
42 7 
11. In your opinion, how does your company compare to its closest competitors in the following areas? 
Rate on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1=We are much stronger and 5=We are much weaker. 
(% respondents) 
$250m or less 
$250m to $500m 
$500m to $1bn 
$1bn to $5bn 
$5bn to $10bn 
$10bn or more 
What are your organisation’s global annual revenues in US dollars? 
(% respondents) 
Board member 
CEO/President/Managing director 
CIO/Technology director 
Other C-level executive 
Head of Business Unit 
Head of Department 
Which of the following best describes your title? 
(% respondents)
Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia 
© The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 19 
What is your primary industry? 
(% respondents) 
Aerospace and defence 
Agriculture and agribusiness 
Construction and real estate 
Energy and natural resources 
Entertainment, media and publishing 
Financial services 
Government/Public sector 
Logistics and distribution 
Transportation, travel and tourism 
Professional services 
Healthcare, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology 
IT and technology 
Consumer goods 
Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia 
What are your main functional roles? Select up to three. 
(% respondents) 
Customer service 
General management 
Human resources 
20 © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 
Information and research 
Marketing and sales 
Operations and production 
Strategy and business development 
Other, please specify 
Supply-chain management 
While every effort has been taken to verify the accuracy 
of this information, The Economist Intelligence Unit 
Ltd. cannot accept any responsibility or liability 
for reliance by any person on this report or any of 
the information, opinions or conclusions set out 
in this report. 
Cover image - ©Thinkstockphotos
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Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia

  • 1. Finding their way Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia An Economist Intelligence Unit report Commissioned by
  • 2. Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 1 Contents About the report 2 About the survey 3 1. Awareness and corporate challenges 4 2. The importance of data privacy 6 3. Little faith in regulators 9 4. Barriers to growth 11 5. Corporate countermeasures 13 6. The road ahead 14 Appendix: Survey results 15
  • 3. Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia About the report Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia is a report from The Economist Intelligence Unit, commissioned by SafeNet. Kim Andreasson was the author and Laurel West was the editor. The report draws on a survey of 360 executives in Asia, all of whom are familiar with their company’s policies on data 2 © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 privacy. The survey findings are supplemented by wide-ranging desk research. The Economist Intelligence Unit bears sole responsibility for the content of this report and the findings do not necessarily reflect the views of the commissioning organisation.
  • 4. Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia About the survey © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 3 In May 2014, The Economist Intelligence Unit conducted a survey of 360 executives to assess corporate attitudes towards data privacy and its effect on businesses in Asia. Nearly half (47 %) of survey respondents are board members or C-level executives, including 92 CEOs. All respondents are based in Asia-Pacific with a majority located in India (24%), Australia (23%), Singapore (22%), and Hong Kong (10%). Over half of the survey respondents (55%) work for companies with global annual revenues exceeding US$500m. Nineteen different industries are represented in the survey sample, led by financial services (26%), professional services (14%), and information technology (IT) and technology (11%). The primary functional roles of respondents are general management (43%), strategy and business development (39%), and marketing and sales (22%).
  • 5. Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia 1 Ericsson: http://www. whitepapers/wp-big-data. pdf 2 Also see Privacy International: https:// www.privacyinternational. org/reports/a-new-dawn-privacy- in-asia 1 Awareness and corporate challenges The rapid rise of the Internet and the diffusion of new digital technologies are creating a sea of data that is only getting bigger and deeper. This is leading to new business opportunities for organisations that are able to store, analyse and process data about current or potential customers. Citing IDC, a research company, Ericsson says revenues in the big data technology and services market alone are expected to reach US$16.9bn in 2015.1 At the same time, data privacy has emerged as a key concern. Regulations in this area vary among jurisdictions and are also still evolving, leading to a complex environment for businesses trying to leverage data while managing it properly. In Europe, which has had strong data protection policies in place since 1995, the European Commission proposed an updated European General Data Protection Regulation in January 2012 in order to strengthen online privacy rights and standardise implementation across the region. In the US, the Obama Administration A benefit 4 © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 announced a “Privacy Bill of Rights” in February 2012 to improve consumer online protection in a uniform way across industries, replacing sector-specific regulation. This growing trend is also occurring in Asia, with recent initiatives in many countries including Australia, Hong Kong, India and Singapore.2 Although strict regulations can limit corporate options, many companies in these countries also welcome them as they can level the playing field for competition. In the survey of 360 Asian executives conducted for this report, those who believe that national data privacy regulation is a benefit to their business outnumber those who say it is a burden by 3 to 2 (cited by 33% and 20% respectively (Figure 1)). Almost half of respondents (44%) did not think it was either a benefit or a burden. But this obviously depends on what the regulations look like in a local context. In Singapore, almost one-half (48%) of executives say national In the country in which you are located, is national data privacy regulation a benefit or a burden to your business? (% respondents) A burden Neither a benefit, nor a burden Don’t know Figure 1 33 20 44 3
  • 6. Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia Is national data privacy regulation a benefit or a burden to your business? (% respondents) © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 5 data privacy regulation is a benefit while the equivalent number in Hong Kong is less than half of that (22%). In order to delve deeper into data privacy in Asia and what it means for businesses, this summary report uses the survey results to analyse awareness and corporate challenges across the region, with an emphasis on Australia, Hong Kong, India, and Singapore. Figure 2 A benefit A burden Neither a benefit, nor a burden Don’t know Australia Hong Kong India Singapore 44 3 8 1 24 50 49 29 25 10 22 32 22 32 48
  • 7. Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia 2 The importance of data privacy In line with global developments, 5 in 10 Asian executives (54%) say data privacy is very important to their organisation today with a further 4 in 10 (38%) saying it is important (Figure 3). Unsurprisingly, the numbers are generally higher in industries that rely on data to a greater extent. Among executives in financial services, for instance, two-thirds (66%) say data privacy is very important today with nearly Figure 3 Very important Figure 4 Australia 6 © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 one-half (46%) also claiming it will be a lot more important in the future. Among all Asian executives, one-third (35%) predict that data privacy will be a lot more important to their organisation three years from now while another one-third (37%) say it will be more important. But there are again stark regional differences (Figure 4). More than How important is data privacy to your organisation today? (% respondents) Important Neither important nor unimportant Unimportant 54 38 7 1 Very unimportant 1 Don’t know 0 Where will data privacy be a lot more important (% respondents who say data privacy will be a lot more important in three years) Hong Kong India Singapore 32 19 55 31
  • 8. Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia Don’t know 2 3 DLA Piper: http:// © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 7 half (55%) of all survey respondents from India believe it will be a lot more important, which far outnumbers the figures for more developed countries, such as Australia (32% said the same), Singapore (31%) and in particular Hong Kong (19%). This reflects the general notion that India’s current data privacy laws are weak and will rise in future importance (and that those of Hong Kong are already strong). This is reinforced by other research. DLA Piper, a global law firm which has compared data privacy regulations and enforcement across the world, also says laws are “heavy” in Hong Kong while “limited” in India; in Australia and Singapore they are viewed as “moderate.”3 In Hong Kong, about two-thirds of executives in the survey say current data privacy regulations In your opinion, how would you rate current data privacy regulations in the country where you are located today as it relates to your industry? (% respondents) Current data privacy regulation—or the lack thereof—is very good for our industry Good Neither good nor bad Bad Figure 5 11 42 26 14 Very bad 4 Other, please specify 2 Don’t know 1 Figure 6 In what area(s) can current data privacy regulations in the country where you are located be improved the most as it relates to your industry? Select two. (% respondents) Level of enforcement Scope of data privacy regulations Corporate compliance processes Penalties for data breaches 39 28 27 25 Emerging technologies requiring an update to current policies Consumer rights, such as data portability Roles and responsibilities among government agencies 23 22 20 Other, please specify 1 dlapiperdataprotection. com/#handbook/world-map- section
  • 9. Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia are very good (11%) or good (53%) for their industry.4 In India, meanwhile, barely a quarter of all respondents view data privacy as positive (2% and 22% respectively). India’s regulations were updated in 2011; however, implementation 8 © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 is uneven.5 In particular, in order to improve data privacy in India, a majority of executives (55%) call on their country to enhance the level of enforcement. 4 Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data: hk/engindex.html 5 Department of Electronics & Information Technology, Ministry of Communications & Information Technology: content/cyber-laws
  • 10. Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia 3 Little faith in regulators Agree Disagree 90 62 33 41 10 38 © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 9 Nine in 10 Asian executives (90%) say their own understanding of data privacy regulations has improved in the last three years (Figure 7). An overwhelming majority of respondents also believe their CEO (80%) and senior management (77%) have high levels of awareness regarding national data privacy regulations in the country where they are located. By contrast, not even 6 in 10 (59%) Asian executives believe government regulators in their country have a high level of knowledge about data privacy regulations, which is not only concerning but also surprising as they are in charge of enforcement. In India, the situation is particularly bad—only 38% of executives cite a high level of awareness among regulators. This has practical consequences as the level of enforcement (cited by 29%) is viewed as the biggest area of contention between the public and private sectors in India, followed by roles and responsibilities among government Figure 7 My own understanding of data privacy regulations Data privacy regulations in my country are stricter than those in other Asian countries In my country, data privacy regulations Figure 8 Very high level of awareness 1 2 3 4 Very low level of awareness 5 has improved in the last three years limit corporate opportunities In my country, consumers don’t seem to care about data privacy Your customers Your employees Your senior management Your CEO Your government regulators 11 15 34 40 24 34 38 43 40 35 28 19 29 14 17 5 14 3 29 9 9 3 2 2 3 In your opinion, what is the level of awareness regarding national data privacy regulations in the country where you are located among the following stakeholders? Rate on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1=Very high level of awareness and 5=Very low level of awareness. (% respondents) 67 59 Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Select one in each row. (% respondents)
  • 11. Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia In the country in which you are located, what is the biggest issue of contention between government and industry in regards to data privacy? (% respondents) agencies (22%). Conversely, respondents from Australia are the least concerned about the level of enforcement in their country among the four geographies (only 6% raised it as an issue). Existing rules in Australia were updated through the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012, which took effect in March 2014 and simplifies regulations through a set of 13 new harmonised privacy principles.6 In response, three-quarters of Australian executives in the survey say data privacy policies for their 10 © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 industry are very good (24%) or good (50%) at present. Rather than enforcement, in countries with stricter data policy regulations, such as Australia, Hong Kong and Singapore, the biggest area of contention between the private and public sectors in all three territories (cited by 31%, 31%, and 23% respectively) is the scope of data privacy regulations, which can potentially hinder business opportunities. Figure 9 23 18 14 13 11 9 9 1 3 Scope of data privacy regulations Level of enforcement Corporate compliance processes Roles and responsibilities among government agencies Emerging technologies requiring an update to current policies Consumer rights, such as data portability Penalties for data breaches Don’t know Other, please specify 6 Office of the Australian Information Commissioner: au/privacy/privacy-act/ privacy-law-reform
  • 12. Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia 4 Barriers to growth © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 11 When asked about the primary business challenges with data privacy regulation in their country, Asian executives highlight the burden of compliance with external authorities (33%) and customer concerns and expectations (30%), the 7 Personal Data Protection Commission: https://www. act/overview latter of which can be attributed to low levels of knowledge among consumers (Figure 11). In fact, only 11% of executives say their customers have a high level of awareness regarding national data privacy regulations (Figure 8). Few companies Figure 11 What are the primary business challenges with data privacy regulation in the country where you are located? Select two. (% respondents) 33 30 24 24 20 19 16 4 3 13 Burden of compliance with external authorities Customer concerns and expectations Limits data mining on potential customers Limits information sharing with other companies Burden of compliance with internal company policy Lack of internal coordination Limits data mining of current customers Potential penalties for data breach Other, please specify Don’t know Figure 10 Australia Hong Kong India Singapore 38 30 22 43 Where does data privacy regulation limit corporate opportunities? (% of respondents who say it does)
  • 13. Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia see internal compliance (cited by 20%) and limitations to data mining on current and potential customers (16% and 24% respectively) as burdens. An exception is Singapore where 39% of executives say that national policies are a business challenge, affecting their abilities to use data on potential customers. In developing the 2012 Personal Data Protection Act, Singapore referred to good practices elsewhere, including in the EU, and also held three public consultations before the regime went into effect.7 This open process, as implied by the survey results, may have led to stricter regulations surrounding the Act’s three pillars of consent, purpose and reasonableness. Overall, only one-third (33%) of Asian executives agree that data privacy regulations limit corporate opportunities, but the numbers vary greatly according to jurisdiction. For instance, almost twice as many executives in Singapore (43%) believe current policies are a barrier to growth as in India (22%) (Figure 10). It is likely that perceived levels of enforcement within 12 © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 countries play a role as companies in a weak environment may take advantage of this at the expense of consumers. In fact, three-quarters (75%) of Indian executives say consumers in their country do not seem to care about data privacy, further encouraging aggressive companies to take risks. More successful Asian businesses are also more likely to view national data privacy regulation as a benefit rather than a burden. Among executives who say they are much stronger than their competitors in terms of profitability, 45% say regulations are a benefit, compared with 33% of all respondents (Figure 12). Strong and transparent regulations level the playing field for companies and those who have greater knowledge can use them to their advantage. For instance, survey respondents who say their organisation is much more profitable than their competitors are also more likely to say that their CEO’s awareness of national data privacy regulation is very high (52% compared to 40% for all respondents). Figure 12 In your opinion, how does your company compare to its closest competitors in the following areas? Rate on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1=We are much stronger and 5=We are much weaker. (% respondents) We are much stronger 1 2 3 4 We are much weaker 5 Senior management awareness of data privacy regulations in the country where you are located Your company’s compliance with data privacy regulations in the country where you are located Corporate profitability 21 19 13 42 44 36 31 4 33 3 42 7 1 1 2
  • 14. Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia 5 Corporate countermeasures © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 13 To deal with data privacy regulations, a majority of executives (55%) say their organisations have established or enhanced their processes regarding internal company data policies (Figure 13). Fewer (41%) have established or enhanced corporate processes regarding compliance with national data regulations, which is likely to partly explain why Asian executives highlight the burden of compliance with external authorities as their greatest challenge. It is also important to acknowledge that the level of required reporting varies tremendously across industries. For instance, in financial services, which is highly regulated in most countries, more than half of respondents (52%) say they have implemented such processes. Financial services respondents are also more likely to say that corporate compliance policies are the biggest issue of contention between government and industry in regards to data privacy (20% compared with 14% for all respondents). To deal with customer concerns and expectations, the second biggest business challenge, a majority (55%) of Asian executives say their organisation is informing customers of their corporate data policies, although far fewer (29%) are educating them on national data regulations. Again, survey respondents in financial services are ahead of the curve. Two-thirds (66%) of banking executives say their organisations inform their customers about corporate policies and 4 in 10 (40%) inform them of national data regulations. In India, meanwhile, only 41% and 21% respectively provide information on corporate and national data policies. Figure 13 What measures, if any, has your organisation implemented to deal with data privacy regulation in the country where you are located? Select all that apply. (% respondents) 55 55 45 44 41 29 3 2 Established or enhanced corporate processes regarding internal company data policies Informed customers of our corporate data policies Informed business partners of our corporate data policies Designated a person or group to be in charge of data policies and regulations Established or enhanced corporate processes regarding compliance with national data regulations Informed customers of national data regulations Other, please specify Don’t know
  • 15. Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia 6 The road ahead The survey of 360 Asian executives conducted for this report finds that there is almost unanimous agreement on the importance of data privacy across the region. But perceptions regarding future importance vary greatly between those who have weaker (India) and stronger (Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore) regulations. This is reflected in the level of faith that corporate executives place in awareness among government regulators. In India this figure is particularly low and hence the level of enforcement there is also seen as the biggest area of contention between the public and private sectors. The largest issue in the other jurisdictions is the scope of data privacy regulations, as this can presumably impede potential big data initiatives. Yet only one-third of Asian executives agree that data privacy regulations limit corporate opportunities. In particular, successful businesses are more likely to view national policies as a benefit rather than a burden, likely 14 © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 because they have greater knowledge of them and can seize a competitive advantage. There is also a gap between those who have established corporate initiatives regarding compliance with national data regulations, an area led by financial services, and those who have not The tension between corporate opportunities and data privacy is set to increase by any measure. This is a particular problem for companies doing business across borders as regulation varies across jurisdictions. In an Asian context, the perceived differences between policies in places such as India and Hong Kong can therefore have large practical implications for companies doing business in the region. But there is a local aspect to data privacy as well. As enforcement levels rise and consumer awareness increases, companies without proper policies will suffer. As indicated by the survey conducted for this report, it means that companies with greater knowledge of regulations are also able to seize on the data opportunities ahead.
  • 16. Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia Appendix: Survey results Note: Percentages may not total 100 due to rounding or the ability of respondents to choose multiple responses 1. In your opinion, how would you rate current data privacy regulations in the country where you are located today as it relates © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 15 to your industry? (% respondents) Current data privacy regulation—or the lack thereof—is very good for our industry Good Neither good nor bad Bad Very bad Other, please specify Don’t know 11 42 26 14 4 2 1 2. In what area(s) can current data privacy regulations in the country where you are located be improved the most as it relates to your industry? Select two. (% respondents) Level of enforcement Scope of data privacy regulations Corporate compliance processes Penalties for data breaches Emerging technologies requiring an update to current policies Consumer rights, such as data portability Roles and responsibilities among government agencies Don’t know Other, please specify 39 28 27 25 23 22 20 2 1
  • 17. Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia 3. In the country in which you are located, is national data privacy regulation a benefit or a burden to your business? (% respondents) A benefit A burden Neither a benefit, nor a burden Don’t know 4. How important is data privacy to your organisation today? (% respondents) 5. How important will data privacy be to your organisation three years from now? (% respondents) 11 15 16 © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 33 20 44 3 Very important Important Neither important nor unimportant Unimportant 54 38 7 1 Very unimportant 1 Don’t know 0 A lot more important More important About the same Less important 35 37 28 0 A lot less important 0 Don’t know 0 Very high level of awareness 1 2 3 4 Very low level of awareness 5 Your customers Your employees Your senior management Your CEO Your government regulators 34 40 24 34 38 43 40 35 28 19 29 14 17 5 14 3 29 9 9 3 2 2 3 6. In your opinion, what is the level of awareness regarding national data privacy regulations in the country where you are located among the following stakeholders? Rate on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1=Very high level of awareness and 5=Very low level of awareness. (% respondents)
  • 18. Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia 7. In our opinion, what are the primary business challenges with data privacy regulation in the country where you are 8. What measures, if any, has your organisation implemented to deal with data privacy regulation in the country where you 9. In the country in which you are located, what is the biggest issue of contention between government and industry in © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 17 located? Select two. (% respondents) Burden of compliance with external authorities Customer concerns and expectations Limits data mining on potential customers Limits information sharing with other companies 33 30 24 24 Burden of compliance with internal company policy 20 Lack of internal coordination 19 Limits data mining of current customers 16 Potential penalties for data breach 13 Other, please specify 4 Don’t know 3 Established or enhanced corporate processes regarding internal company data policies Informed customers of our corporate data policies Informed business partners of our corporate data policies Designated a person or group to be in charge of data policies and regulations 55 55 45 44 Established or enhanced corporate processes regarding compliance with national data regulations 41 Informed customers of national data regulations 29 Other, please specify 3 Don’t know 2 are located? Select all that apply. (% respondents) regards to data privacy? (% respondents) Scope of data privacy regulations Level of enforcement Corporate compliance processes Roles and responsibilities among government agencies 23 18 14 13 Emerging technologies requiring an update to current policies 11 Consumer rights, such as data portability 9 Penalties for data breaches 9 Don’t know 3 Other, please specify 1
  • 19. Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia 18 © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 Agree Disagree My own understanding of data privacy regulations has improved in the last three years Data privacy regulations in my country are stricter than those in other Asian countries In my country, data privacy regulations limit corporate opportunities In my country, consumers don’t seem to care about data privacy 90 62 33 41 10 38 67 59 10. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Select one in each row. (% respondents) We are much stronger 1 2 3 4 We are much weaker 5 Senior management awareness of data privacy regulations in the country where you are located Your company’s compliance with data privacy regulations in the country where you are located Corporate profitability 21 19 13 42 44 36 31 4 33 3 42 7 1 1 2 11. In your opinion, how does your company compare to its closest competitors in the following areas? Rate on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1=We are much stronger and 5=We are much weaker. (% respondents) $250m or less $250m to $500m $500m to $1bn $1bn to $5bn 36 9 13 14 $5bn to $10bn 8 $10bn or more 21 What are your organisation’s global annual revenues in US dollars? (% respondents) Board member CEO/President/Managing director CFO/Treasurer/Comptroller CIO/Technology director 5 26 6 4 Other C-level executive 6 Head of Business Unit 10 Head of Department 10 Manager 15 SVP/VP/Director 19 Which of the following best describes your title? (% respondents)
  • 20. Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 19 What is your primary industry? (% respondents) Aerospace and defence 1 Agriculture and agribusiness 1 Automotive 2 Chemicals 3 Construction and real estate 2 Education 8 Energy and natural resources 6 Entertainment, media and publishing 3 Financial services 26 Government/Public sector 2 Logistics and distribution 2 Manufacturing Retailing 2 Telecoms 2 Transportation, travel and tourism 2 6 Professional services 14 Healthcare, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology 6 IT and technology 11 Consumer goods 2
  • 21. Finding their way: Corporates, governments and data privacy in Asia What are your main functional roles? Select up to three. (% respondents) Customer service Finance General management Human resources 13 21 20 © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 43 5 Information and research 10 Legal 4 Marketing and sales 22 Operations and production 13 Procurement 2 Risk 14 Strategy and business development 39 Other, please specify 3 R&D 5 Supply-chain management 4 IT 12
  • 22. While every effort has been taken to verify the accuracy of this information, The Economist Intelligence Unit Ltd. cannot accept any responsibility or liability for reliance by any person on this report or any of the information, opinions or conclusions set out in this report. Cover image - ©Thinkstockphotos
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