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Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
RDF Data Extraction and Enrichment Framework
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif
September 15, 2015
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 1/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
1 Motivation
2 Approach
3 Evaluation
4 Conclusion and Future Work
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 2/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
1 Motivation
2 Approach
3 Evaluation
4 Conclusion and Future Work
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 3/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
RDF Extraction & Enrichment
Need for enriched datasets
Question Answering
Enhanced Reality
RDF extraction and enrichment
Triples to be added to the original
KB and/or
Triples to be deleted from the
original KB
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 4/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
... artist name of George (Pete) Peterson. Born and raised
near the shores of Lake Michigan and its cold windy winters
he was Inļ¬‚uenced by bands like Pink Floyd, Kraftwerk, Todd
Rundgren, ELP, Hawkwind and his love of computers and
synthesis. After serving in the military and a few years
going to college in Colorado where he studied electronics
and computer programming. George moved to Europe and
settled down in Germany where he had met his wife
Christine. ...
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 5/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
DEER Enrichment Functions
Generate enrichment data based on existing data
Input/output are RDF datasets
Current Enrichment Functions
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 6/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
DEER Enrichment Operators
Create complex workļ¬‚ows by connecting modules
Input/output are RDF datasets
Current Enrichment Operators
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 7/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
DEER Speciļ¬cation Paradigm
d5 d6Merge
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 8/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
Manual DEER Speciļ¬cation
1 @ p r e f i x : <http :// geoknow . org / s p e c s o n t o l o g y/> .
2 @ p r e f i x r d f s : <http ://www. w3 . org /2000/01/ rdfāˆ’schema#> .
3 @ p r e f i x geo : <http ://www. w3 . org /2003/01/ geo/ wgs84 pos#> .
4 : d1 a : Dataset ;
5 : hasUri <http :// dbpedia . org / r e s o u r c e / B e r l i n> ;
6 : fromEndPoint <http :// dbpedia . org / sparql> .
7 : d2 a : Dataset .
8 : d3 a : Dataset .
9 : d4 a : Dataset .
10 : d5 a : Dataset .
11 : d6 a : Dataset .
12 : d7 a : Dataset .
13 : d8 a : Dataset ;
14 : o u t p u t F i l e ā€ D e e r B e r l i n . t t l ā€ ;
15 : outputFormat ā€ T u r t l e ā€ .
16 : d e r e f a : Module , : DereferencingModule ;
17 r d f s : l a b e l ā€ D e r e f e r e n c i n g moduleā€ ;
18 : hasInput : d1 ;
19 : hasOutput : d2 ;
20 : hasParameter : derefParam1 .
21 : derefParam1 a : ModuleParameter , : DereferencingModuleParameter ;
22 : hasKey ā€ i n p u t P r o p e r t y 1 ā€ ;
23 : hasValue geo : l a t .
24 : c l o n e a : Operator , : CloneOperator ;
25 r d f s : l a b e l ā€ Clone o p e r a t o r ā€ ;
26 : hasInput : d2 ;
27 : hasOutput : d3 , : d4 .
28 : nlp a : Module , : NLPModule ;
29 r d f s : l a b e l ā€NLP moduleā€ ;
30 : hasInput : d3 ;
31 : hasOutput : d5 ;
32 : hasParameter : nlpPram1 , : nlpPram2 .Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 9/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
Manual KB Enrichment
Manual customized enrichment pipelines
āŠ• Leads to the expected results
Time consuming
Cannot be ported easily to other datasets
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 10/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
Automatic KB Enrichment
Enrichment pipeline M : K ā†’ K that maps KB K to an
enriched KB K with K = M(K).
M is an ordered list of atomic enrichment functions
m āˆˆ M
M =
Ļ† if K = K ,
(m1, . . . , mn), where mi āˆˆ M, 1 ā‰¤ i ā‰¤ n otherwise.
Research questions
1 How to create self-conļ¬guring atomic enrichment
functions m āˆˆ M?
2 How to automatically generate an enrichment pipeline M?
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 11/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
Automatic KB Enrichment
Enrichment pipeline M : K ā†’ K that maps KB K to an
enriched KB K with K = M(K).
M is an ordered list of atomic enrichment functions
m āˆˆ M
M =
Ļ† if K = K ,
(m1, . . . , mn), where mi āˆˆ M, 1 ā‰¤ i ā‰¤ n otherwise.
Research questions
1 How to create self-conļ¬guring atomic enrichment
functions m āˆˆ M?
2 How to automatically generate an enrichment pipeline M?
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 11/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
1 Motivation
2 Approach
3 Evaluation
4 Conclusion and Future Work
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 12/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
Running Example
Dataset DrugBank
Goal Gather information about companies related to drugs for
a market study
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 13/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
Running Example
Dataset DrugBank
Goal Gather information about companies related to drugs for
a market study
Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm
of Boots company during the 1960s ...
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 13/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
Atomic Enrichment Functions
I. Dereferencing atomic enrichment function
Datasets are linked (e.g., using owl:sameAs)
Deferences pre-speciļ¬ed set of predicates
Adds found predicates to source the dataset
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 14/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
Atomic Enrichment Functions
I. Dereferencing atomic enrichment function
Datasets are linked (e.g., using owl:sameAs)
Deferences pre-speciļ¬ed set of predicates
Adds found predicates to source the dataset
Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm
of Boots company during the 1960s ...
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 14/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
Atomic Enrichment Functions
I. Dereferencing atomic enrichment function
Datasets are linked (e.g., using owl:sameAs)
Deferences pre-speciļ¬ed set of predicates
Adds found predicates to source the dataset
Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm
of Boots company during the 1960s ...
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 14/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
Atomic Enrichment Functions
I. Dereferencing atomic enrichment function
Datasets are linked (e.g., using owl:sameAs)
Deferences pre-speciļ¬ed set of predicates
Adds found predicates to source the dataset
Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm
of Boots company during the 1960s ...
Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm
of Boots company during the 1960s ...
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 14/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
I. Dereferencing Enrichment Functions
Finds the set of predicates Dp from the enriched CBDs
that are missing from source CBDs
Non-enriched CBD of Ibuprofen
:Ibuprofendb:Ibuprofen :Drugaowl:sameAs
Enriched CBD of Ibuprofen
Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm
of Boots company during the 1960s ...
Dp = {:relatedCompany, rdfs:comment}
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 15/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
I. Dereferencing Enrichment Functions
Finds the set of predicates Dp from the enriched CBDs
that are missing from source CBDs
Non-enriched CBD of Ibuprofen
:Ibuprofendb:Ibuprofen :Drugaowl:sameAs
Enriched CBD of Ibuprofen
Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm
of Boots company during the 1960s ...
Dp = {:relatedCompany, rdfs:comment}
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 15/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
I. Dereferencing Enrichment Functions
Finds the set of predicates Dp from the enriched CBDs
that are missing from source CBDs
Non-enriched CBD of Ibuprofen
:Ibuprofendb:Ibuprofen :Drugaowl:sameAs
Enriched CBD of Ibuprofen
Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm
of Boots company during the 1960s ...
Dp = {:relatedCompany, rdfs:comment}
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 15/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
I. Dereferencing Enrichment Functions
Finds the set of predicates Dp from the enriched CBDs
that are missing from source CBDs
Non-enriched CBD of Ibuprofen
:Ibuprofendb:Ibuprofen :Drugaowl:sameAs
Enriched CBD of Ibuprofen
Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm
of Boots company during the 1960s ...
Dp = {:relatedCompany, rdfs:comment}
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 15/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
I. Dereferencing Enrichment Functions
Dereferences Dp = {:relatedCompany, rdfs:comment}
CBD of Ibuprofen
Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm
of Boots company during the 1960s ...
Finds only rdfs:comment, adds it to the source dataset
Dereferencing enriched CBD of Ibuprofen
Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm
of Boots company during the 1960s ...
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 16/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
I. Dereferencing Enrichment Functions
Dereferences Dp = {:relatedCompany, rdfs:comment}
CBD of Ibuprofen
Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm
of Boots company during the 1960s ...
Finds only rdfs:comment, adds it to the source dataset
Dereferencing enriched CBD of Ibuprofen
Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm
of Boots company during the 1960s ...
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 16/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
I. Dereferencing Enrichment Functions
Dereferences Dp = {:relatedCompany, rdfs:comment}
CBD of Ibuprofen
Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm
of Boots company during the 1960s ...
Finds only rdfs:comment, adds it to the source dataset
Dereferencing enriched CBD of Ibuprofen
Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm
of Boots company during the 1960s ...
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 16/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
I. Dereferencing Enrichment Functions
Dereferences Dp = {:relatedCompany, rdfs:comment}
CBD of Ibuprofen
Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm
of Boots company during the 1960s ...
Finds only rdfs:comment, adds it to the source dataset
Dereferencing enriched CBD of Ibuprofen
Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm
of Boots company during the 1960s ...
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 16/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
Atomic Enrichment Functions
II. NLP atomic enrichment function
Datatype objects contain unstructured information
Uses Named Entity Recognition to extract implicit data
Adds extracted entities to the source datasets
Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm
of Boots company during the 1960s ...
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 17/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
Atomic Enrichment Functions
II. NLP atomic enrichment function
Datatype objects contain unstructured information
Uses Named Entity Recognition to extract implicit data
Adds extracted entities to the source datasets
Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm
of Boots company during the 1960s ...
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 17/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
Atomic Enrichment Functions
II. NLP atomic enrichment function
Datatype objects contain unstructured information
Uses Named Entity Recognition to extract implicit data
Adds extracted entities to the source datasets
Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm
of Boots company during the 1960s ...
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 17/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
Atomic Enrichment Functions
II. NLP atomic enrichment function
Datatype objects contain unstructured information
Uses Named Entity Recognition to extract implicit data
Adds extracted entities to the source datasets
Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm
of Boots company during the 1960s ...
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 17/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
II. NLP Enrichment Function
Extracts all possible named entity types
Adds extracted entities to the source dataset
NLP enriched CBD of Ibuprofen
Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm
of Boots company during the 1960s ...
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 18/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
II. NLP Enrichment Function
Extracts all possible named entity types
Adds extracted entities to the source dataset
NLP enriched CBD of Ibuprofen
Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm
of Boots company during the 1960s ...
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 18/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
II. NLP Enrichment Function
Extracts all possible named entity types
Adds extracted entities to the source dataset
NLP enriched CBD of Ibuprofen
Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm
of Boots company during the 1960s ...
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 18/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
Atomic Enrichment Functions
III. Predicate conformation atomic enrichment function
Enriched datasets may contain diverse ontologies
Predicate conformation maps a set of a pre-speciļ¬ed
predicates to a target ontology
Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm
of Boots company during the 1960s ...
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 19/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
Atomic Enrichment Functions
III. Predicate conformation atomic enrichment function
Enriched datasets may contain diverse ontologies
Predicate conformation maps a set of a pre-speciļ¬ed
predicates to a target ontology
Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm
of Boots company during the 1960s ...
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 19/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
Atomic Enrichment Functions
III. Predicate conformation atomic enrichment function
Enriched datasets may contain diverse ontologies
Predicate conformation maps a set of a pre-speciļ¬ed
predicates to a target ontology
Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm
of Boots company during the 1960s ...
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 19/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
III. Predicate conformation Enrichment Function
Finds list of predicates Ps and Pt from the source resp.
target datasets with the same subject and objects
Changes each Ps with its respective Pt
NLP enriched CBD of Ibuprofen
Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm
of Boots company during the 1960s ...
Enriched CBD of Ibuprofen (positive example target)
Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm
of Boots company during the 1960s ...
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 20/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
III. Predicate conformation Enrichment Function
Finds list of predicates Ps and Pt from the source resp.
target datasets with the same subject and objects
Changes each Ps with its respective Pt
NLP enriched CBD of Ibuprofen
Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm
of Boots company during the 1960s ...
Enriched CBD of Ibuprofen (positive example target)
Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm
of Boots company during the 1960s ...
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 20/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
III. Predicate conformation Enrichment Function
Finds list of predicates Ps and Pt from the source resp.
target datasets with the same subject and objects
Changes each Ps with its respective Pt
NLP enriched CBD of Ibuprofen
Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm
of Boots company during the 1960s ...
Enriched CBD of Ibuprofen (positive example target)
Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm
of Boots company during the 1960s ...
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 20/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
KB Enrichment Reļ¬nement Operator
Set of atomic enrichment functions M
Set of positive examples E
Reļ¬nement Operator
Ļ(M) =
M ++ m ( ++ is the list append operator)
Enrichment pipeline M
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 21/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
KB Enrichment Reļ¬nement Operator
Set of atomic enrichment functions M
Set of positive examples E
Reļ¬nement Operator
Ļ(M) =
M ++ m ( ++ is the list append operator)
Enrichment pipeline M
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 21/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
KB Enrichment Reļ¬nement Operator
Set of atomic enrichment functions M
Set of positive examples E
Reļ¬nement Operator
Ļ(M) =
M ++ m ( ++ is the list append operator)
Enrichment pipeline M
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 21/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
Positive Example
:Ibuprofendb:Ibuprofen :Drugaowl:sameAs
Non-enriched CBD of Ibuprofen
Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm
of Boots company during the 1960s ...
Enriched CBD of Ibuprofen
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 22/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
Learning Algorithm
1 Start by empty enrichment pipeline M = āŠ„
2 Self-conļ¬gure all mi āˆˆ M, add as child to āŠ„
3 Select most promising node
4 Expand most promising node
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 23/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
Learning Algorithm
1 Start by empty enrichment pipeline M = āŠ„
2 Self-conļ¬gure all mi āˆˆ M, add as child to āŠ„
3 Select most promising node
4 Expand most promising node
(m1) (m2) (m3)
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 23/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
Learning Algorithm
1 Start by empty enrichment pipeline M = āŠ„
2 Self-conļ¬gure all mi āˆˆ M, add as child to āŠ„
3 Select most promising node
4 Expand most promising node
(m1) (m2) (m3)
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 23/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
Learning Algorithm
1 Start by empty enrichment pipeline M = āŠ„
2 Self-conļ¬gure all mi āˆˆ M, add as child to āŠ„
3 Select most promising node
4 Expand most promising node
(m1) (m2) (m3)
(m1, m2) (m1, m3)
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 23/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
Learning Algorithm
1 Start by empty enrichment pipeline M = āŠ„
2 Self-conļ¬gure all mi āˆˆ M, add as child to āŠ„
3 Select most promising node
4 Expand most promising node
(m1) (m2) (m3)
(m1, m2) (m1, m3)
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 23/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
Learning Algorithm
1 Start by empty enrichment pipeline M = āŠ„
2 Self-conļ¬gure all mi āˆˆ M, add as child to āŠ„
3 Select most promising node
4 Expand most promising node
(m1) (m2) (m3)
(m1, m2) (m1, m3) (m3, m1) (m3, m2)
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 23/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
Learning Algorithm
1 Start by empty enrichment pipeline M = āŠ„
2 Self-conļ¬gure all mi āˆˆ M, add as child to āŠ„
3 Select most promising node
4 Expand most promising node
(m1) (m2) (m3)
(m1, m2) (m1, m3) (m3, m1) (m3, m2)
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 23/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
Learning Algorithm
1 Start by empty enrichment pipeline M = āŠ„
2 Self-conļ¬gure all mi āˆˆ M, add as child to āŠ„
3 Select most promising node
4 Expand most promising node
(m1) (m2) (m3)
(m1, m2) (m1, m3) (m3, m1) (m3, m2)
(m3, m2, m1)
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 23/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
Most Promising Node Selection
Node complexity c(n)
Linear combination of the nodeā€™s children count and level
Node ļ¬tness f (n)
Diļ¬€erence between nodeā€™s enrichment pipeline F-measure
and weighted complexity, f (n) = F(n) āˆ’ Ļ‰.c(n)
Ļ‰ controls the tradeoļ¬€ between
Greedy search (Ļ‰ = 0)
Search strategies closer to breadth-ļ¬rst search (Ļ‰ > 0).
Most promising node
The leaf node with the maximum ļ¬tness through the
whole reļ¬nement tree
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 24/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
Most Promising Node Selection
Node complexity c(n)
Linear combination of the nodeā€™s children count and level
Node ļ¬tness f (n)
Diļ¬€erence between nodeā€™s enrichment pipeline F-measure
and weighted complexity, f (n) = F(n) āˆ’ Ļ‰.c(n)
Ļ‰ controls the tradeoļ¬€ between
Greedy search (Ļ‰ = 0)
Search strategies closer to breadth-ļ¬rst search (Ļ‰ > 0).
Most promising node
The leaf node with the maximum ļ¬tness through the
whole reļ¬nement tree
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 24/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
Most Promising Node Selection
Node complexity c(n)
Linear combination of the nodeā€™s children count and level
Node ļ¬tness f (n)
Diļ¬€erence between nodeā€™s enrichment pipeline F-measure
and weighted complexity, f (n) = F(n) āˆ’ Ļ‰.c(n)
Ļ‰ controls the tradeoļ¬€ between
Greedy search (Ļ‰ = 0)
Search strategies closer to breadth-ļ¬rst search (Ļ‰ > 0).
Most promising node
The leaf node with the maximum ļ¬tness through the
whole reļ¬nement tree
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 24/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
1 Motivation
2 Approach
3 Evaluation
4 Conclusion and Future Work
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 25/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
Experimental Setup
1 manual experimental enrichment pipelines for Jamendo
2 manual experimental enrichment pipelines for DrugBank
5 manual experimental enrichment pipelines for DBpedia
Learning Algorithm
6 atomic enrichment functions
Termination criterion:
Maximum number of iterations of 10
Optimal enrichment pipeline found (F-score = 1)
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 26/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
Experimental Setup
1 manual experimental enrichment pipelines for Jamendo
2 manual experimental enrichment pipelines for DrugBank
5 manual experimental enrichment pipelines for DBpedia
Learning Algorithm
6 atomic enrichment functions
Termination criterion:
Maximum number of iterations of 10
Optimal enrichment pipeline found (F-score = 1)
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 26/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
Conļ¬guration of the Search Strategy
Node ļ¬tness
f (n) = F(n) āˆ’ Ļ‰.c(n)
Ļ‰ controls the tradeoļ¬€ between
Greedy search (Ļ‰ = 0)
Search strategies closer to
breadth ļ¬rst search (Ļ‰ > 0).
Result: Ļ‰ = 0.75 leads to the
best results
Ļ‰ P R F
0 1.0 0.99 0.99
0.25 1.0 0.99 0.99
0.50 1.0 0.99 0.99
0.75 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 0.99 0.99
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 27/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
Eļ¬€ect of Positive Examples
Manual Examples Size of Time Size of Time Learn Iterations
M count M M(KB) learned
M (KB) Time count F-score
1 1 0.2 1 1.6 1.3 1 1.0
2 1 0.2 1 1.8 1.3 1 1.0
1 2 23.3 1 0.1 0.2 1 0.99
2 2 15 2 17 0.3 9 0.99
1 3 14.7 3 15.2 6.1 9 0.99
2 3 15 2 15.1 0.1 9 0.99
1 4 0.4 2 0.1 0.7 2 0.99
2 4 0.6 2 0.3 0.9 2 0.99
1 5 22 2 0.1 0.7 2 1.0
2 5 25.5 2 0.2 0.9 2 1.0
1 2 3.5 1 4.1 0.1 10 0.99
2 2 3.6 1 3.4 0.1 10 0.99
1 3 25.2 1 0.1 0.1 10 0.99
2 3 22.8 1 0.1 0.1 10 0.99
1 1 10.9 2 10.6 0.1 2 0.99
2 1 10.4 2 10.4 0.1 1 0.99
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 28/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
1 Motivation
2 Approach
3 Evaluation
4 Conclusion and Future Work
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 29/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
Conclusion and Future Work
Introduced DEER
Presented self-conļ¬guring atomic enrichment functions
Presented an approach for learning enrichment pipelines
based on a reļ¬nement operator
Future Work
Parallelize the algorithm on several CPUs as well as load
Support directed acyclic graphs as enrichment
speciļ¬cations by allowing to split and merge datasets
Pro-active enrichment strategies and active learning
Implement more enrichment function and operators
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 30/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
Conclusion and Future Work
Introduced DEER
Presented self-conļ¬guring atomic enrichment functions
Presented an approach for learning enrichment pipelines
based on a reļ¬nement operator
Future Work
Parallelize the algorithm on several CPUs as well as load
Support directed acyclic graphs as enrichment
speciļ¬cations by allowing to split and merge datasets
Pro-active enrichment strategies and active learning
Implement more enrichment function and operators
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 30/31
Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work
Thank You! Questions?
Mohamed Sherif
Augustusplatz 10
D-04109 Leipzig
Automating RDF Dataset Transformation and Enrichment by Mohamed Ahmed Sherif, Axel-Cyrille Ngonga
Ngomo, and Jens Lehmann in 12th Extended Semantic Web Conference, Portoroz, Slovenia, 2015
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 31/31

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DEER - RDF Data Extraction and Enrichment Framework

  • 1. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work DEER RDF Data Extraction and Enrichment Framework Mohamed Ahmed Sherif September 15, 2015 Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 1/31
  • 2. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Outline 1 Motivation 2 Approach 3 Evaluation 4 Conclusion and Future Work Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 2/31
  • 3. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Outline 1 Motivation 2 Approach 3 Evaluation 4 Conclusion and Future Work Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 3/31
  • 4. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work RDF Extraction & Enrichment Need for enriched datasets Tourism Question Answering Enhanced Reality ... RDF extraction and enrichment Triples to be added to the original KB and/or Triples to be deleted from the original KB Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 4/31
  • 5. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Example GeoSuPhat mo:MusicArtist ... artist name of George (Pete) Peterson. Born and raised near the shores of Lake Michigan and its cold windy winters he was Inļ¬‚uenced by bands like Pink Floyd, Kraftwerk, Todd Rundgren, ELP, Hawkwind and his love of computers and synthesis. After serving in the military and a few years going to college in Colorado where he studied electronics and computer programming. George moved to Europe and settled down in Germany where he had met his wife Christine. ... jamendo:336993 foaf:name a mo:biography Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 5/31
  • 6. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work DEER Enrichment Functions Idea Generate enrichment data based on existing data Input/output are RDF datasets Current Enrichment Functions Dereferencing Linking NLP Conformation Filter Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 6/31
  • 7. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work DEER Enrichment Operators Idea Create complex workļ¬‚ows by connecting modules Input/output are RDF datasets Current Enrichment Operators Clone Merge Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 7/31
  • 8. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work DEER Speciļ¬cation Paradigm d1 Dereferencing d2 cloned3 NLP d4 Filter d5 d6Merge d7 AuthorityConform d8 Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 8/31
  • 9. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Manual DEER Speciļ¬cation 1 @ p r e f i x : <http :// geoknow . org / s p e c s o n t o l o g y/> . 2 @ p r e f i x r d f s : <http ://www. w3 . org /2000/01/ rdfāˆ’schema#> . 3 @ p r e f i x geo : <http ://www. w3 . org /2003/01/ geo/ wgs84 pos#> . 4 : d1 a : Dataset ; 5 : hasUri <http :// dbpedia . org / r e s o u r c e / B e r l i n> ; 6 : fromEndPoint <http :// dbpedia . org / sparql> . 7 : d2 a : Dataset . 8 : d3 a : Dataset . 9 : d4 a : Dataset . 10 : d5 a : Dataset . 11 : d6 a : Dataset . 12 : d7 a : Dataset . 13 : d8 a : Dataset ; 14 : o u t p u t F i l e ā€ D e e r B e r l i n . t t l ā€ ; 15 : outputFormat ā€ T u r t l e ā€ . 16 : d e r e f a : Module , : DereferencingModule ; 17 r d f s : l a b e l ā€ D e r e f e r e n c i n g moduleā€ ; 18 : hasInput : d1 ; 19 : hasOutput : d2 ; 20 : hasParameter : derefParam1 . 21 : derefParam1 a : ModuleParameter , : DereferencingModuleParameter ; 22 : hasKey ā€ i n p u t P r o p e r t y 1 ā€ ; 23 : hasValue geo : l a t . 24 : c l o n e a : Operator , : CloneOperator ; 25 r d f s : l a b e l ā€ Clone o p e r a t o r ā€ ; 26 : hasInput : d2 ; 27 : hasOutput : d3 , : d4 . 28 : nlp a : Module , : NLPModule ; 29 r d f s : l a b e l ā€NLP moduleā€ ; 30 : hasInput : d3 ; 31 : hasOutput : d5 ; 32 : hasParameter : nlpPram1 , : nlpPram2 .Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 9/31
  • 10. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Manual KB Enrichment Manual customized enrichment pipelines āŠ• Leads to the expected results Time consuming Cannot be ported easily to other datasets Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 10/31
  • 11. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Automatic KB Enrichment Enrichment pipeline M : K ā†’ K that maps KB K to an enriched KB K with K = M(K). M is an ordered list of atomic enrichment functions m āˆˆ M M = Ļ† if K = K , (m1, . . . , mn), where mi āˆˆ M, 1 ā‰¤ i ā‰¤ n otherwise. Research questions 1 How to create self-conļ¬guring atomic enrichment functions m āˆˆ M? 2 How to automatically generate an enrichment pipeline M? Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 11/31
  • 12. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Automatic KB Enrichment Enrichment pipeline M : K ā†’ K that maps KB K to an enriched KB K with K = M(K). M is an ordered list of atomic enrichment functions m āˆˆ M M = Ļ† if K = K , (m1, . . . , mn), where mi āˆˆ M, 1 ā‰¤ i ā‰¤ n otherwise. Research questions 1 How to create self-conļ¬guring atomic enrichment functions m āˆˆ M? 2 How to automatically generate an enrichment pipeline M? Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 11/31
  • 13. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Outline 1 Motivation 2 Approach 3 Evaluation 4 Conclusion and Future Work Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 12/31
  • 14. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Running Example Dataset DrugBank Goal Gather information about companies related to drugs for a market study :Aspirin :Paracetamol :Ibuprofen :Quinine :Drug a a a a Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 13/31
  • 15. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Running Example Dataset DrugBank Goal Gather information about companies related to drugs for a market study :Aspirin :Paracetamol :Ibuprofen :Quinine db:Ibuprofen db:Aspirin Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm of Boots company during the 1960s ... :Drug a a a a owl:sameAs owl:sameAs rdfs:comment Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 13/31
  • 16. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Atomic Enrichment Functions I. Dereferencing atomic enrichment function Datasets are linked (e.g., using owl:sameAs) Deferences pre-speciļ¬ed set of predicates Adds found predicates to source the dataset :Aspirin :Paracetamol :Ibuprofen :Quinine :Drug a a a a Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 14/31
  • 17. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Atomic Enrichment Functions I. Dereferencing atomic enrichment function Datasets are linked (e.g., using owl:sameAs) Deferences pre-speciļ¬ed set of predicates Adds found predicates to source the dataset :Aspirin :Paracetamol :Ibuprofen :Quinine db:Ibuprofen db:Aspirin Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm of Boots company during the 1960s ... :Drug a a a a owl:sameAs owl:sameAs rdfs:comment Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 14/31
  • 18. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Atomic Enrichment Functions I. Dereferencing atomic enrichment function Datasets are linked (e.g., using owl:sameAs) Deferences pre-speciļ¬ed set of predicates Adds found predicates to source the dataset :Aspirin :Paracetamol :Ibuprofen :Quinine db:Ibuprofen db:Aspirin Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm of Boots company during the 1960s ... :Drug a a a a owl:sameAs owl:sameAs rdfs:commentrdfs:comment Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 14/31
  • 19. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Atomic Enrichment Functions I. Dereferencing atomic enrichment function Datasets are linked (e.g., using owl:sameAs) Deferences pre-speciļ¬ed set of predicates Adds found predicates to source the dataset :Aspirin :Paracetamol :Ibuprofen :Quinine db:Ibuprofen db:Aspirin Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm of Boots company during the 1960s ... Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm of Boots company during the 1960s ... :Drug a a a a owl:sameAs owl:sameAs rdfs:commentrdfs:comment rdfs:comment Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 14/31
  • 20. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Self-Conļ¬guration I. Dereferencing Enrichment Functions Finds the set of predicates Dp from the enriched CBDs that are missing from source CBDs Non-enriched CBD of Ibuprofen :Ibuprofendb:Ibuprofen :Drugaowl:sameAs Enriched CBD of Ibuprofen :Ibuprofendb:Ibuprofen Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm of Boots company during the 1960s ... :Drug :BootsCompany a :relatedCompany owl:sameAs rdfs:comment Dp = {:relatedCompany, rdfs:comment} Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 15/31
  • 21. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Self-Conļ¬guration I. Dereferencing Enrichment Functions Finds the set of predicates Dp from the enriched CBDs that are missing from source CBDs Non-enriched CBD of Ibuprofen :Ibuprofendb:Ibuprofen :Drugaowl:sameAs Enriched CBD of Ibuprofen :Ibuprofendb:Ibuprofen Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm of Boots company during the 1960s ... :Drug :BootsCompany a :relatedCompany owl:sameAs rdfs:comment Dp = {:relatedCompany, rdfs:comment} Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 15/31
  • 22. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Self-Conļ¬guration I. Dereferencing Enrichment Functions Finds the set of predicates Dp from the enriched CBDs that are missing from source CBDs Non-enriched CBD of Ibuprofen :Ibuprofendb:Ibuprofen :Drugaowl:sameAs Enriched CBD of Ibuprofen :Ibuprofendb:Ibuprofen Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm of Boots company during the 1960s ... :Drug :BootsCompany a :relatedCompany owl:sameAs rdfs:comment Dp = {:relatedCompany, rdfs:comment} Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 15/31
  • 23. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Self-Conļ¬guration I. Dereferencing Enrichment Functions Finds the set of predicates Dp from the enriched CBDs that are missing from source CBDs Non-enriched CBD of Ibuprofen :Ibuprofendb:Ibuprofen :Drugaowl:sameAs Enriched CBD of Ibuprofen :Ibuprofendb:Ibuprofen Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm of Boots company during the 1960s ... :Drug :BootsCompany a :relatedCompany owl:sameAs rdfs:comment Dp = {:relatedCompany, rdfs:comment} Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 15/31
  • 24. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Self-Conļ¬guration I. Dereferencing Enrichment Functions Dereferences Dp = {:relatedCompany, rdfs:comment} CBD of Ibuprofen :Aspirin :Paracetamol :Ibuprofen :Quinine db:Ibuprofen db:Aspirin Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm of Boots company during the 1960s ... :Drug a a a a owl:sameAs owl:sameAs rdfs:comment Finds only rdfs:comment, adds it to the source dataset Dereferencing enriched CBD of Ibuprofen :Ibuprofendb:Ibuprofen Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm of Boots company during the 1960s ... :Drugaowl:sameAs rdfs:comment Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 16/31
  • 25. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Self-Conļ¬guration I. Dereferencing Enrichment Functions Dereferences Dp = {:relatedCompany, rdfs:comment} CBD of Ibuprofen :Aspirin :Paracetamol :Ibuprofen :Quinine db:Ibuprofen db:Aspirin Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm of Boots company during the 1960s ... :Drug a a a a owl:sameAs owl:sameAs rdfs:comment Finds only rdfs:comment, adds it to the source dataset Dereferencing enriched CBD of Ibuprofen :Ibuprofendb:Ibuprofen Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm of Boots company during the 1960s ... :Drugaowl:sameAs rdfs:comment Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 16/31
  • 26. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Self-Conļ¬guration I. Dereferencing Enrichment Functions Dereferences Dp = {:relatedCompany, rdfs:comment} CBD of Ibuprofen :Aspirin :Paracetamol :Ibuprofen :Quinine db:Ibuprofen db:Aspirin Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm of Boots company during the 1960s ... :Drug a a a a owl:sameAs owl:sameAs rdfs:comment Finds only rdfs:comment, adds it to the source dataset Dereferencing enriched CBD of Ibuprofen :Ibuprofendb:Ibuprofen Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm of Boots company during the 1960s ... :Drugaowl:sameAs rdfs:comment Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 16/31
  • 27. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Self-Conļ¬guration I. Dereferencing Enrichment Functions Dereferences Dp = {:relatedCompany, rdfs:comment} CBD of Ibuprofen :Aspirin :Paracetamol :Ibuprofen :Quinine db:Ibuprofen db:Aspirin Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm of Boots company during the 1960s ... :Drug a a a a owl:sameAs owl:sameAs rdfs:comment Finds only rdfs:comment, adds it to the source dataset Dereferencing enriched CBD of Ibuprofen :Ibuprofendb:Ibuprofen Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm of Boots company during the 1960s ... :Drugaowl:sameAs rdfs:comment Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 16/31
  • 28. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Atomic Enrichment Functions II. NLP atomic enrichment function Datatype objects contain unstructured information Uses Named Entity Recognition to extract implicit data Adds extracted entities to the source datasets :Ibuprofendb:Ibuprofen Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm of Boots company during the 1960s ... :Drugaowl:sameAs rdfs:comment Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 17/31
  • 29. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Atomic Enrichment Functions II. NLP atomic enrichment function Datatype objects contain unstructured information Uses Named Entity Recognition to extract implicit data Adds extracted entities to the source datasets :Ibuprofendb:Ibuprofen Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm of Boots company during the 1960s ... :Drugaowl:sameAs rdfs:comment Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 17/31
  • 30. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Atomic Enrichment Functions II. NLP atomic enrichment function Datatype objects contain unstructured information Uses Named Entity Recognition to extract implicit data Adds extracted entities to the source datasets :Ibuprofendb:Ibuprofen Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm of Boots company during the 1960s ... :Drugaowl:sameAs rdfs:comment Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 17/31
  • 31. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Atomic Enrichment Functions II. NLP atomic enrichment function Datatype objects contain unstructured information Uses Named Entity Recognition to extract implicit data Adds extracted entities to the source datasets :Ibuprofendb:Ibuprofen Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm of Boots company during the 1960s ... :Drug :BootsCompany a fox:relatedTo owl:sameAs rdfs:comment Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 17/31
  • 32. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Self-Conļ¬guration II. NLP Enrichment Function Extracts all possible named entity types Adds extracted entities to the source dataset NLP enriched CBD of Ibuprofen :Ibuprofendb:Ibuprofen Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm of Boots company during the 1960s ... :Drugaowl:sameAs rdfs:comment Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 18/31
  • 33. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Self-Conļ¬guration II. NLP Enrichment Function Extracts all possible named entity types Adds extracted entities to the source dataset NLP enriched CBD of Ibuprofen :Ibuprofendb:Ibuprofen Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm of Boots company during the 1960s ... :Drugaowl:sameAs rdfs:comment Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 18/31
  • 34. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Self-Conļ¬guration II. NLP Enrichment Function Extracts all possible named entity types Adds extracted entities to the source dataset NLP enriched CBD of Ibuprofen :Ibuprofendb:Ibuprofen Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm of Boots company during the 1960s ... :Drug :BootsCompany a fox:relatedTo owl:sameAs rdfs:comment Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 18/31
  • 35. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Atomic Enrichment Functions III. Predicate conformation atomic enrichment function Enriched datasets may contain diverse ontologies Predicate conformation maps a set of a pre-speciļ¬ed predicates to a target ontology :Ibuprofendb:Ibuprofen Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm of Boots company during the 1960s ... :Drug :BootsCompany a fox:relatedTo owl:sameAs rdfs:comment Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 19/31
  • 36. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Atomic Enrichment Functions III. Predicate conformation atomic enrichment function Enriched datasets may contain diverse ontologies Predicate conformation maps a set of a pre-speciļ¬ed predicates to a target ontology :Ibuprofendb:Ibuprofen Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm of Boots company during the 1960s ... :Drug :BootsCompany a fox:relatedTo owl:sameAs rdfs:comment Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 19/31
  • 37. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Atomic Enrichment Functions III. Predicate conformation atomic enrichment function Enriched datasets may contain diverse ontologies Predicate conformation maps a set of a pre-speciļ¬ed predicates to a target ontology :Ibuprofendb:Ibuprofen Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm of Boots company during the 1960s ... :Drug :BootsCompany a fox:relatedTo:relatedCompany owl:sameAs rdfs:comment Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 19/31
  • 38. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Self-Conļ¬guration III. Predicate conformation Enrichment Function Finds list of predicates Ps and Pt from the source resp. target datasets with the same subject and objects Changes each Ps with its respective Pt NLP enriched CBD of Ibuprofen :Ibuprofendb:Ibuprofen Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm of Boots company during the 1960s ... :Drug :BootsCompany a fox:relatedTo owl:sameAs rdfs:comment Enriched CBD of Ibuprofen (positive example target) :Ibuprofendb:Ibuprofen Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm of Boots company during the 1960s ... :Drug :BootsCompany a :relatedCompany owl:sameAs rdfs:comment Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 20/31
  • 39. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Self-Conļ¬guration III. Predicate conformation Enrichment Function Finds list of predicates Ps and Pt from the source resp. target datasets with the same subject and objects Changes each Ps with its respective Pt NLP enriched CBD of Ibuprofen :Ibuprofendb:Ibuprofen Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm of Boots company during the 1960s ... :Drug :BootsCompany a fox:relatedTo owl:sameAs rdfs:comment Enriched CBD of Ibuprofen (positive example target) :Ibuprofendb:Ibuprofen Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm of Boots company during the 1960s ... :Drug :BootsCompany a :relatedCompany owl:sameAs rdfs:comment Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 20/31
  • 40. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Self-Conļ¬guration III. Predicate conformation Enrichment Function Finds list of predicates Ps and Pt from the source resp. target datasets with the same subject and objects Changes each Ps with its respective Pt NLP enriched CBD of Ibuprofen :Ibuprofendb:Ibuprofen Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm of Boots company during the 1960s ... :Drug :BootsCompany a fox:relatedTo:relatedCompany owl:sameAs rdfs:comment Enriched CBD of Ibuprofen (positive example target) :Ibuprofendb:Ibuprofen Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm of Boots company during the 1960s ... :Drug :BootsCompany a :relatedCompany owl:sameAs rdfs:comment Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 20/31
  • 41. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work KB Enrichment Reļ¬nement Operator Input Set of atomic enrichment functions M Set of positive examples E Reļ¬nement Operator Ļ(M) = āˆ€māˆˆM M ++ m ( ++ is the list append operator) Output Enrichment pipeline M Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 21/31
  • 42. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work KB Enrichment Reļ¬nement Operator Input Set of atomic enrichment functions M Set of positive examples E Reļ¬nement Operator Ļ(M) = āˆ€māˆˆM M ++ m ( ++ is the list append operator) Output Enrichment pipeline M Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 21/31
  • 43. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work KB Enrichment Reļ¬nement Operator Input Set of atomic enrichment functions M Set of positive examples E Reļ¬nement Operator Ļ(M) = āˆ€māˆˆM M ++ m ( ++ is the list append operator) Output Enrichment pipeline M Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 21/31
  • 44. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Positive Example :Ibuprofendb:Ibuprofen :Drugaowl:sameAs Non-enriched CBD of Ibuprofen :Ibuprofendb:Ibuprofen Ibuprofen was extracted by the research arm of Boots company during the 1960s ... :Drug :BootsCompany a :relatedCompany owl:sameAs rdfs:comment Enriched CBD of Ibuprofen Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 22/31
  • 45. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Learning Algorithm 1 Start by empty enrichment pipeline M = āŠ„ 2 Self-conļ¬gure all mi āˆˆ M, add as child to āŠ„ 3 Select most promising node 4 Expand most promising node āŠ„ Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 23/31
  • 46. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Learning Algorithm 1 Start by empty enrichment pipeline M = āŠ„ 2 Self-conļ¬gure all mi āˆˆ M, add as child to āŠ„ 3 Select most promising node 4 Expand most promising node āŠ„ (m1) (m2) (m3) Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 23/31
  • 47. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Learning Algorithm 1 Start by empty enrichment pipeline M = āŠ„ 2 Self-conļ¬gure all mi āˆˆ M, add as child to āŠ„ 3 Select most promising node 4 Expand most promising node āŠ„ (m1) (m2) (m3) Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 23/31
  • 48. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Learning Algorithm 1 Start by empty enrichment pipeline M = āŠ„ 2 Self-conļ¬gure all mi āˆˆ M, add as child to āŠ„ 3 Select most promising node 4 Expand most promising node āŠ„ (m1) (m2) (m3) (m1, m2) (m1, m3) Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 23/31
  • 49. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Learning Algorithm 1 Start by empty enrichment pipeline M = āŠ„ 2 Self-conļ¬gure all mi āˆˆ M, add as child to āŠ„ 3 Select most promising node 4 Expand most promising node āŠ„ (m1) (m2) (m3) (m1, m2) (m1, m3) Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 23/31
  • 50. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Learning Algorithm 1 Start by empty enrichment pipeline M = āŠ„ 2 Self-conļ¬gure all mi āˆˆ M, add as child to āŠ„ 3 Select most promising node 4 Expand most promising node āŠ„ (m1) (m2) (m3) (m1, m2) (m1, m3) (m3, m1) (m3, m2) Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 23/31
  • 51. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Learning Algorithm 1 Start by empty enrichment pipeline M = āŠ„ 2 Self-conļ¬gure all mi āˆˆ M, add as child to āŠ„ 3 Select most promising node 4 Expand most promising node āŠ„ (m1) (m2) (m3) (m1, m2) (m1, m3) (m3, m1) (m3, m2) Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 23/31
  • 52. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Learning Algorithm 1 Start by empty enrichment pipeline M = āŠ„ 2 Self-conļ¬gure all mi āˆˆ M, add as child to āŠ„ 3 Select most promising node 4 Expand most promising node āŠ„ (m1) (m2) (m3) (m1, m2) (m1, m3) (m3, m1) (m3, m2) (m3, m2, m1) Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 23/31
  • 53. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Most Promising Node Selection Node complexity c(n) Linear combination of the nodeā€™s children count and level Node ļ¬tness f (n) Diļ¬€erence between nodeā€™s enrichment pipeline F-measure and weighted complexity, f (n) = F(n) āˆ’ Ļ‰.c(n) Ļ‰ controls the tradeoļ¬€ between Greedy search (Ļ‰ = 0) Search strategies closer to breadth-ļ¬rst search (Ļ‰ > 0). Most promising node The leaf node with the maximum ļ¬tness through the whole reļ¬nement tree Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 24/31
  • 54. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Most Promising Node Selection Node complexity c(n) Linear combination of the nodeā€™s children count and level Node ļ¬tness f (n) Diļ¬€erence between nodeā€™s enrichment pipeline F-measure and weighted complexity, f (n) = F(n) āˆ’ Ļ‰.c(n) Ļ‰ controls the tradeoļ¬€ between Greedy search (Ļ‰ = 0) Search strategies closer to breadth-ļ¬rst search (Ļ‰ > 0). Most promising node The leaf node with the maximum ļ¬tness through the whole reļ¬nement tree Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 24/31
  • 55. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Most Promising Node Selection Node complexity c(n) Linear combination of the nodeā€™s children count and level Node ļ¬tness f (n) Diļ¬€erence between nodeā€™s enrichment pipeline F-measure and weighted complexity, f (n) = F(n) āˆ’ Ļ‰.c(n) Ļ‰ controls the tradeoļ¬€ between Greedy search (Ļ‰ = 0) Search strategies closer to breadth-ļ¬rst search (Ļ‰ > 0). Most promising node The leaf node with the maximum ļ¬tness through the whole reļ¬nement tree Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 24/31
  • 56. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Outline 1 Motivation 2 Approach 3 Evaluation 4 Conclusion and Future Work Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 25/31
  • 57. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Experimental Setup Datasets 1 manual experimental enrichment pipelines for Jamendo 2 manual experimental enrichment pipelines for DrugBank 5 manual experimental enrichment pipelines for DBpedia (AdministrativeRegion) Learning Algorithm 6 atomic enrichment functions Termination criterion: Maximum number of iterations of 10 Optimal enrichment pipeline found (F-score = 1) Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 26/31
  • 58. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Experimental Setup Datasets 1 manual experimental enrichment pipelines for Jamendo 2 manual experimental enrichment pipelines for DrugBank 5 manual experimental enrichment pipelines for DBpedia (AdministrativeRegion) Learning Algorithm 6 atomic enrichment functions Termination criterion: Maximum number of iterations of 10 Optimal enrichment pipeline found (F-score = 1) Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 26/31
  • 59. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Conļ¬guration of the Search Strategy Node ļ¬tness f (n) = F(n) āˆ’ Ļ‰.c(n) Ļ‰ controls the tradeoļ¬€ between Greedy search (Ļ‰ = 0) Search strategies closer to breadth ļ¬rst search (Ļ‰ > 0). Result: Ļ‰ = 0.75 leads to the best results Ļ‰ P R F 0 1.0 0.99 0.99 0.25 1.0 0.99 0.99 0.50 1.0 0.99 0.99 0.75 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.99 0.99 Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 27/31
  • 60. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Eļ¬€ect of Positive Examples Manual Examples Size of Time Size of Time Learn Iterations M count M M(KB) learned M M (KB) Time count F-score M1 DBpedia 1 1 0.2 1 1.6 1.3 1 1.0 2 1 0.2 1 1.8 1.3 1 1.0 M2 DBpedia 1 2 23.3 1 0.1 0.2 1 0.99 2 2 15 2 17 0.3 9 0.99 M3 DBpedia 1 3 14.7 3 15.2 6.1 9 0.99 2 3 15 2 15.1 0.1 9 0.99 M4 DBpedia 1 4 0.4 2 0.1 0.7 2 0.99 2 4 0.6 2 0.3 0.9 2 0.99 M5 DBpedia 1 5 22 2 0.1 0.7 2 1.0 2 5 25.5 2 0.2 0.9 2 1.0 M1 DrugBank 1 2 3.5 1 4.1 0.1 10 0.99 2 2 3.6 1 3.4 0.1 10 0.99 M2 DrugBank 1 3 25.2 1 0.1 0.1 10 0.99 2 3 22.8 1 0.1 0.1 10 0.99 M1 Jamendo 1 1 10.9 2 10.6 0.1 2 0.99 2 1 10.4 2 10.4 0.1 1 0.99 Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 28/31
  • 61. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Outline 1 Motivation 2 Approach 3 Evaluation 4 Conclusion and Future Work Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 29/31
  • 62. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Conclusion and Future Work Conclusion Introduced DEER Presented self-conļ¬guring atomic enrichment functions Presented an approach for learning enrichment pipelines based on a reļ¬nement operator Future Work Parallelize the algorithm on several CPUs as well as load balancing Support directed acyclic graphs as enrichment speciļ¬cations by allowing to split and merge datasets Pro-active enrichment strategies and active learning Implement more enrichment function and operators Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 30/31
  • 63. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Conclusion and Future Work Conclusion Introduced DEER Presented self-conļ¬guring atomic enrichment functions Presented an approach for learning enrichment pipelines based on a reļ¬nement operator Future Work Parallelize the algorithm on several CPUs as well as load balancing Support directed acyclic graphs as enrichment speciļ¬cations by allowing to split and merge datasets Pro-active enrichment strategies and active learning Implement more enrichment function and operators Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 30/31
  • 64. Motivation Approach Evaluation Conclusion and Future Work Thank You! Questions? Mohamed Sherif Augustusplatz 10 D-04109 Leipzig Automating RDF Dataset Transformation and Enrichment by Mohamed Ahmed Sherif, Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo, and Jens Lehmann in 12th Extended Semantic Web Conference, Portoroz, Slovenia, 2015 Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ā€” DEER 31/31