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We’re going to teach you a system
for marketing your business to a
point where it becomes instantly
obvious to your prospects that they
would be an idiot to do business with
anyone other than you…
At Anytime
At Any Price!
Case Study
Previously spent $10,000+ on radio advertising
Ran the ads for several weeks
Phone only rang 15 times
Ads resulted in one single patient at $1,900
How would you feel after investing $10,000 and
winding up with a net loss of $8,100 you will
never get back… not to mention all the time,
effort and energy you wasted
What if you could take just $1300 of that
marketing budget
Change what the radio ad says
Instead of getting just 15 calls resulting in
only one sale
You could generate 137 calls
Close 37 of those calls into brand new
paying patients
Each worth an average of $2500
You generate $92,500 in total revenue
That’s what’s called getting more
results… making more for the
same time, the same money and
the same effort spent
What IfWeCould
Systematically Do
This ForYou?
business…justbychangingtheway you
We are going to teach you
how to achieve massive
leverage with your
Most businesses simply don’t know how
to do this
They don’t understand the tremendous
untapped potential that lies within their
Most businesses today spend some
money on marketing and advertising...
Then decide that whatever results they
get from that marketing is probably
about as good as it’s going to get
Nothing could be further from the truth
The marketing system we are going to teach you today
is based on unchanging principles of human nature that
dictate that people always want to make the best
buying decision possible
Marketing's job (aka your job) is NOT to yak incessantly
about how great you are or how low your prices are
Your job is to position your prospective buyer's, so they
have total control over the decision-making process…
Our system is truly a breakthrough in marketing and
advertising, yet it’s simple and easy to understand
We’ll introduce you to some very common-sense
principles of marketing that you’ll be able to instantly
validate and embrace
These principles will give you a clear vision of what your
marketing is supposed to look like and, just as importantly,
what it's not supposed to look like
Breakthrough in marketing
and advertising
Common-sense principles
Principles to give you a clear vision
Thousands of client successes
We want to show you the fundamental
formulas and strategies to not only
make your marketing work better...
We want you to see how powerful all of
this is... allow you to comprehend what
the possibilities are for your business
Strategic Marketing Tactical Marketing
Is the content of
your message
It’s what you say
and how you say it
Including the
concepts that you
choose to focus on
The execution of the
strategic marketing...
Placing Ads
Building AWebsite
What you say in your marketing... and how you
say it... are almost always more important than
the marketing medium where you say it
Both are important, but the real leverage is
in the messaging itself… and that’s the
strategic side of marketing
During this presentation, you’ll
learn how to say things in a way
that will make a profound
difference in your marketing results
This system has been successfully
implemented in over 400 different
industries including…
This system
has been
in over 400
Business Coaches, Social Media Consultants, Contractors
Business Brokers, Accountants, Financial Companies
Retail Stores, Real Estate Companies, Home Builders
Restaurants, Software Companies, Doctors, Dentists
Remodelers, Internet Companies, Manufacturing Companies
Our revolutionarynew lead
generationsystem works with all
sizes of businesses...from start-ups
up to Fortune500 companies
This system will let you FINALLY
quit competing on price... and start
selling your product or service for
what you’re really worth
This system will
let you FINALLY
quit competing
on price... and
start selling your
product or
service for what
you’re really
You’ll drive in more leads...
You’ll also convert a higher percentage of
those leads...
You’ll increase the amount of your
average sale...
You’ll get a bigger bang for your
marketing buck
You will FINALLY have total control over
your marketing and lead generation results
What IsThe Actual
Purpose Of Marketing?
What Is
Purpose Of
Marketing is supposed to help facilitate your
prospects’ decision-making process
Prospects out there that need to buy what you sell
Sometimes they need to be educated to the fact
that they need to buy what you sell in the first place
They already know that they want it but they need
help deciding who they should buy it from
Often, they think they might want what you sell,
but they have questions and concerns that need
to be overcome
Everything IsWrong!
Prospects are not experts in what you do...
They don’t really know the relevant
issues surrounding the purchase
They don’t know how to make
the best decision...
Everything IsWrong!
They can’t tell the difference between the
BEST deal and a major mistake...
Which leaves an opportunity for you to provide
them with this information... and then guide
them through the buying process
Do you have any idea whatsoever
how to buy a sunroom?
Can you tell the difference
between a $10,000 sunroom and a
$25,000 one just by looking at it?
Can you tell the difference
between a $10,000 sunroom and
a $25,000 one just by looking at it
When people need to buy what
you sell, they are generally
speaking, just as clueless about
what you’re selling as you are
about sunrooms
Your job is to facilitate your
prospect’s decision-making process
beenwell spent.
People instinctively want to make
the best decision possible... and not
feel like they’ve got to second-guess
their buying decision
You as a marketer have to…
You as a
have to…
Figure out what’s important to
your prospects...
Then show them quantifiable proof
that you actually provide the best
deal in terms of price and value
Educate them as to what constitutes
the best deal when it comes to
buying what you sell
All this must be communicated to
them in a way they'll pay attention
to, believe in, and then take action on
That's why people become
jaded and resist marketing
Prospective buyers want and
need to be educated so that
they can feel confident when
making their purchase decision,
and no one's providing it
The first one who
does provide
prospects with this
information WINS all
the most profitable
customers available
The end result is 100%
You get to spend more time at
work and away from your family
than those that are successful
If you're always
competing on
price, it's your
own fault
Your lack of marketing ability has
led to a situation where there’s no
discernible difference between
you and your competition
There have been no additional
parameters or relevant issues
introduced to educate your
prospects as to what really
constitutes the best value when
it comes to buying what you sell
If you feel like you're always
competing on price, it's because
price is the only relevant variable
that you've given your prospects
to consider
From the prospect's perspective,
all things appear equal, so they
default to the business offering
the lowest price
Our system is a step-by-step
program for innovating and
marketing your business
Our system is a
program for
innovating and
marketing your
Allows you to first be better than
the competition
Do better marketing than your
Allows you to separate your
business from your competition
Become the obvious choice for
prospects to do business with
Inside Reality Outside Perception
The inside reality encompasses
everything you do... and everything
that makes your business great. It's
your value to the marketplace
If you asked your customers why they
buy from you, they could probably tell
you something quantifiable, specific
and instantly obvious
Your outside perception has to do
with how customers and prospects
perceive your company
developed through the interactions
that your prospects and customers
have with your business
Your customers will draw on their
past buying experiences with
you to form the outside
perception of your business
Well over 95% of all businesses are
completely inept when it comes to
marketing... and the end result is that your
inside reality and your outside perception
are perceived to be different
Regardless of how good you are,
regardless of your inside reality,
your prospect isn't going to be able
to figure out your true inside reality
based on your marketing
You simply appear to be just another
business that sells whatever it is that you sell
Even your best salesperson is never going to
close a prospect who doesn't know you
exist... and therefore never bothers to
contact you in the first place
Deliver eager, qualified
prospects to your sales funnel
Competition today is fiercer
now than it's ever been
How many competitors do you
have right now in your business?
That's how many choices your
prospects have... and that's how many
additional businesses they must sift
through and filter through as they
attempt to reach a buying decision
Here's the sad reality for
businesses advertising online…
They spend a ton of their time, effort and
money just to get prospects to their website
They see the same old, lame junk as “service,
quality and dependability” that they saw in
their lame brochure before the Internet was
The same lame junk that all their competitors
have on their websites
They fail to realize that it's their lame
website that's not converting their
prospects that's the real problem
Here's the
sad reality
The reality is that the Internet is just
another medium to screw up your
marketing with bland messages
that do nothing to facilitate your
prospects decision-making process
You need to have a great website...
and that means you better fix your
strategic messaging that I’ve been
talking about or you’re going to fail
If you want to know why
Jane Doe buys what Jane
Doe buys, you've got to
see the world through
Jane Doe 's eyes
Most businesses know what
Jane Doe wants
know what
Jane Doe
Because they aren't communications
experts, they don't have the ability to
communicate through their advertising
and marketing their inside reality to the
outside world
They can't lead their prospects to say, “I
would be an idiot to do business with
anyone other than you... at anytime,
anywhere or at any price"
What about you?
What’s your outside perception?
Look at your ads and website… is it
instantly obvious, specifically and
quantifiably, what makes you better
and unique and different?
Look at your ads
and website… is it
instantly obvious,
specifically and
quantifiably, what
makes you better
and unique and
Do you show your prospects how to judge
your industry?
What factors they need to consider when
deciding what to buy?
How you provide greater value than any
of your competitors?
Most businesses outside perception is not an
accurate reflection of their inside reality
Everything you currently know
about marketing does not
effectively allow you to accurately
and succinctly portray your inside
reality to the outside world
In the very early days of
advertising, much of the
advertising that existed back then
was comparative in nature
“we're better and here’s exactly
why... based on this and that”
On average, they did a good job of
building a case and helping
prospective buyers understand the
important issues regarding their
product or service
The result was that the outside
perception was generally a pretty
good reflection of the company's
inside reality
Then the most significant event in
the history of marketing and
advertising occurred in 1945
Television was commercially
introduced for the first time
Demand quickly outstripped the supply of commercials, and prices
shot through the roof. In response to the rising cost, the length of
commercials shrank down from two minutes to 30 seconds
Advertisers had less time to educate us to the important
and relevant issues... and build a case as to why they
were different or better or unique
Instead of attempting to use shorter ads that
highlighted their comparative benefits, advertisers
changed tactics and started using “slogans”
That change made it
harder and harder for
the company's outside
perception to accurately
reflect its inside reality
Remember that marketing's first job is
simply to get the prospect's attention
Even running just 30 second ads,
getting attention was still not a
problem for these advertisers
Then you MUST facilitate their
decision-making process
Companies and their ad agencies found
that this was a lot harder to do in only 30
seconds, but they also found out that
they didn't really need to do it
Companies and
their ad agencies
found that this was
a lot harder to do
in only 30 seconds,
but they also found
out that they
didn't really need
to do it
The number of real competitors, the ones that
could afford to advertise onTV and run ads
against their ads was wonderfully few
They could spend a ton of money running 30
second ads... and win by default
A company's inside reality and outside perception
didn't really have to match up
So the focus for all marketing and advertising
shifted to simply getting the prospect's attention
That's when advertising lost its
penchant for selling... and instead,
shifted its focus to creativity
That's when
advertising lost its
penchant for
selling... and
instead, shifted its
focus to creativity
That's when slogans became the
de facto marketing standard
that is still in use today
Radio, Google AdWords,
newspaper, magazines,
billboards, yellow pages,
websites, etc.
Once this new creative message was in place, the
big companies opened their checkbooks, spent
lots of money, and basically gave people no other
option but to remember their message
“C & R Advertising”
The era of the brand-builders
Ad agencies started running this
formula for all their other clients,
even small ones without deep pockets
Business schools started teaching
marketing and advertising based on these
methods that were being successfully
implemented by the largest companies in
the world, and churning out graduates
who only knew one way to do marketing
Brand-builder marketing and
advertising became the de facto
standard for how you do it
No one questioned the formula
All of us alive today, with no exceptions
grew up in an era where almost all the
advertising you've ever seen or heard is a
product of the era of the brand-builders
Over time, we’ve all become conditioned as
to what constitutes a good advertisement
We learned that, in marketing and
advertising, the outside perception no
longer must reflect the inside reality
Everything You've Ever
Learned About Generating
Leads And Growing Your
Business Is Wrong!
Since businesses only have 30 seconds
to try to convey what makes them
special, they lump everything into
jargon such as:
Since businesses
only have 30
seconds to try to
convey what
makes them
special, they lump
everything into
jargon such as:
“largest selection”
“most professional”
Since businesses
only have 30
seconds to try to
convey what
makes them
special, they lump
everything into
jargon such as:
“lowest prices”
“highest quality”
Since businesses
only have 30
seconds to try to
convey what
makes them
special, they lump
everything into
jargon such as:
“best service”
Since businesses
only have 30
seconds to try to
convey what
makes them
special, they lump
everything into
jargon such as:
“most convenient”
“largest in the state”
Since businesses
only have 30
seconds to try to
convey what
makes them
special, they lump
everything into
jargon such as:
“more honest”
“we're the experts”
Since businesses
only have 30
seconds to try to
convey what
makes them
special, they lump
everything into
jargon such as:
“we specialize”
“works harder”
Since businesses
only have 30
seconds to try to
convey what
makes them
special, they lump
everything into
jargon such as:
“gets the job done
right the first time”
Since businesses
only have 30
seconds to try to
convey what
makes them
special, they lump
everything into
jargon such as:
“been in business
for 4,000 years”
Here are several ways you can
easily and quickly evaluate
your own marketing to avoid
the jargon trap
Here are several ways
you can easily and
quickly evaluate your
own marketing to
avoid the jargon trap
Jargon evaluation #1…
“Well, I would hope so”
When you make a claim, ask yourself
if the prospect’s immediate response
might be… “Well, I would hope so”
OfThe Highest Quality
Fairly Priced
Guaranteed 100%
Would you hire ANY remodeler who
didn't provide all of those as a standard
part of their service?
Consulting Company
Our training leads
to change
We increase the
productivity, performance,
and profit of your company
Well I would hope so!
Does anyone hire a consultant
for any other reason than to
do those things?
If your company has an exceptional inside
reality... and you're using the same jargon
as everyone else...Then the outside
perception is that you're all the same
That's when prospects default to the
company offering the lowest price
Price now becomes the only
determining factor
Ask yourself openly and honestly
WHY anyone would choose you
over your competition
Then evaluate your answer against the
“well, I would hope so” evaluation
The second evaluation
technique called…
“Who else can say that?”
Stop thinking in terms of
“Who else can do what you do?”
Think in terms of
“Who else can say what you say?”
The answer is usually
“anybody and everybody
can say what you say”
A kitchen remodeler ran an impressive remodeling company
Their inside reality was
literally second-to-none
Their marketing looked virtually
identical to their competitors
Their marketing said:
• “certified sub-contractors”
• “guaranteed satisfaction”
• “new cabinets installed”
• “complete kitchen remodeling”
• “they acceptVisa and Master Card”
Who else can say that?
It's not
“who can do what you do”
“who can say what you say”
If you're marketing is full of
jargon, then sadly that
answer is ALL of your
competitors can
One final jargon
detection evaluation
It's called the scratch-out
write-in test
Take a look at your marketing
Scratch out your name and
write in your competitor's
Let me show you how to fix this and
explain how you can follow a very simple
process we call the conversion equation
When you do...You will eliminate jargon forever
Let’s show you how to become a
communications powerhouse
Make your outside perception become an
Excellent reflection of your inside reality
And finally begin to get the results from your
marketing that you should be getting
Let me show
you how to fix
this and explain
how you can
follow a very
simple process
we call the
The conversion equation
has four main components
The conversion
equation has four
main components
Interrupt… getting qualified prospects to
pay attention to your marketing
Engage… promises that information is
forthcoming that will help the prospect
make the best decision possible
Educate… give them information that allows
them to logically understand how and why
you solved that emotional problem
Offer… low or NO risk way to take the next
step in the sales process
If you want to know why
Jane Doe buys what Jane
Doe buys, you've got to
see the world through
Jane Doe 's eyes
If you want to know what
Jane Doe sees, you'd better
first understand how Jane
Doe's brain works, how it
processes information and
makes decisions
To UnderstandThis
Process, KnowThese
Three Major Concepts
To Understand
This Process,
Three Major
Three concepts that no one else in the
world of marketing understands... but
that will make all the difference in the
world in your marketing’s effectiveness
and, more importantly, in your
company's profitability
The three things you
need to know about
Jane Doe's brain are
downtime, uptime,
and the reticular
activation system
Downtime… this is the hypnotic
state of running automatic
patterns that allows your brain to
perform habitual tasks without
any conscious thought
The three things you
need to know about
Jane Doe's brain are
downtime, uptime,
and the reticular
activation system
In marketing terms, people see
and hear ads with their eyes and
ears, but they don't notice them
on a conscious level
The three things you
need to know about
Jane Doe's brain are
downtime, uptime,
and the reticular
activation system
Uptime… the brain's state of
alertness or active engagement
The three things you
need to know about
Jane Doe's brain are
downtime, uptime,
and the reticular
activation system Prospects consciously notices your ad or
marketing piece... and they're open to
your suggestions and solutions
Think of uptime as your brain
going on alert mode
The key to marketing is to get
your prospect out of downtime
and into uptime
The three things you
need to know about
Jane Doe's brain are
downtime, uptime,
and the reticular
activation system
Once you understand how to do
this... you’ll have the ability to make
a fortune with your marketing
The reticular activator… the part
of your brain that’s on the lookout
24/7… even when you're asleep
The three things you
need to know about
Jane Doe's brain are
downtime, uptime,
and the reticular
activation system
It constantly scans the environment
looking for things that fall into any of
these three categories:
It constantly scans
the environment
looking for things
that fall into any
of these three
Things that are familiar
Things that are unusual
Things that are problematic
It constantly scans
the environment
looking for things
that fall into any
of these three
I'm going to permanently embed
this example directly into your
reticular activation system
I GUARANTEE that you will remember
this for the remainder of your life on
this planet
So what does all this have to
do with marketing?
The short answer is
Understanding what wakes people
up so they pay attention is what's
going to get our marketing
message past the “interrupt” stage
and onto the “engage" stage
When we engage your prospect,
we've just increased our chances
of selling to the people you’re
trying to engage by 1,000%
This is going to solve the problem
that every other marketer hasn't
been able to figure out
Any idiot can simply interrupt people.
Madison Avenue uses activators that
are based on things that are familiar
and unusual because they're the
easiest to pull off
Activators based on unusual things is
what creativity is all about
Dream up something so weird, so
strange, so shocking, so unusual that
it’ll snap you out of downtime and
into uptime, otherwise known as
But here's the key... once the brain is
activated, once it's been broken out
of downtime and into uptime alert
mode, it wants to be “engaged”
It immediately and
subconsciously searches for
additional, clarifying information
If it finds them, it'll
become engaged
If not, it will quickly revert
back into downtime
We call these
important, relevant
issues “hot buttons”
We call these
issues “hot
Is there anything here that's
relevant or important to me?
Is this a hot button issue for me
at this point in my life?
An activator is something that snaps
a person from downtime to uptime...
and it's based on something that's…
An activator is
something that
snaps a person
from downtime
to uptime... and
it's based on
But an activator can also be classified as a
hot button if, and only if it's based on
something that’s important and relevant
to your prospect
Successfully interrupt and
engage your target market by…
and engage
your target
market by…
Identifying problems, frustrations,
uncertainties, and annoyances your
prospects have
Then address them in your marketing
We're tapping into the problems
your prospects already have
We're poking their problems and
pointing out those problems so that
their reticular activator notices and
brings us onto their active radar screen
The activators that are used to
interrupt the prospect must be
based on a “relevant hot button”
If not, the prospect will momentarily
be interrupted... but will quickly revert
from uptime back into downtime
This is what we call “false uptime”
Your brain seeks
it out because
it's unusual
The more often you
see it, that arrow
becomes familiar
You will only
notice it for a
second or two
Then your brain
quickly reverts back
into downtime
because the arrow
isn't relevant or
important to you
You've been conditioned to believe
that as long as you've interrupted
the prospect that's good enough
If you only interrupt the prospect,
that's only one fourth of the
conversion equation
If you only
interrupt the
that's only one
fourth of the
You've got to include all four
components... interrupt, engage,
educate, and offer to get the
maximum results from your
marketing and advertising
If you only
interrupt the
that's only one
fourth of the
You've got to include all four
components... interrupt, engage,
educate, and offer to get the
maximum results from your
marketing and advertising
When writing the marketing, we
portray the hot buttons in the
form of headlines
When writing
the marketing,
we portray the
hot buttons in
the form of
The headline is the first opportunity you
have to interrupt
Make sure that the headline has
activators in it
Those activators must be based on
things that are important and relevant
to that prospect
Hot buttons... words and phrases that
describe problems or frustrations that
the prospect is feeling so that their
reticular activator latches onto them
and snaps them into uptime
“High quality”
“Attention to detail”
“We supervise our staff better”
Nothing but jargon
“We're honest”
“We've taken care of more
than 200 kids”
Safe, nurturing and creative environment
Optimize your child's development
Acclaimed by thousands of parents
Accredited by industry professionals
A leader in early childhood care and education
These headlines ALL speak to the
daycare... NOT to the prospect
We offer parenting advice and resources
We can help get your child under control
Learn the secrets of well-behaved children
As a parent with an out-of-control child, why
would I want to know the secrets to well
behaved children?
NO ONE is getting it… everything you know
about marketing is wrong?
Pulled an astounding
12 times more than
their original ad
Went from averaging
just 70 calls per month
to 955 calls
Their conversion rate
skyrocketed from
16% to 68%
This moving company, just by
changing what their ad said, went
from generating 11 sales per month
to a whopping 649 sales per month
Their new ad generated so much new
business they had to partner with four
of their competitors to help them
handle the demand for their services
Those same four competitors bought
out that moving company nine
months later for $2 million dollars...
all due to following the conversion
equation in their marketing
To successfully engage, all you
have to do is use a headline or
a sub-headline that promises
the reader that
Sometimes the headline engages,
but more frequently it's a sub-
headline that makes the promise to
educate... and therefore engages
Educate and Offer
Every marketing piece should contain
a risk-lowering offer to encourage the
prospect to take the next step
That offer should generally be to receive
additional information, further educate
the prospect and build your case
The right offer allows you to capture a large
percentage of all future buyers in addition to
those looking to buy right now
Most marketing only caters to now-buyers...
and does little to nothing to educate those
who are just thinking about it right now but
who might buy later
At any given moment, the number of
prospects who are ready to buy right now
represent no more than 1-5% of all those
who are ultimately going to buy what you sell
At any given
moment, the
number of prospects
who are ready to buy
right now represent
no more than 1-5%
of all those who are
ultimately going to
buy what you sell
95-99% of prospects are in the
thinking-about-it and
gathering-information mode
Your Offer
Gives you the opportunity to provide
additional, educational information to the
gathering-information-mode prospects
Capture valuable information about
who these people are... so that you
can proactively market to them on
an ongoing basis
Interrupt, Engage,
Educate, And Offer
Make UpThe Conversion Equation
That equation is literally the
backbone of all the incredibly
successful marketing campaigns
we've ever put together
That equation is literally the
backbone of all the incredibly
successful marketing campaigns
we've ever put together
We have a bona fide step by step
system that helps business owners
just like you become financially free
using superior marketing that
makes your phone ring
I'm offering our system to
you as a way to reach the
ultimate pinnacle of life
I'm offering our system to
you as a way to reach the
ultimate pinnacle of life
Financial freedom for
you and your family
The ability to do
whatever you want with
your time and money
Compelling and successful marketing
can provide you with the financial
freedom to pursue your real, true
ambitions in life
Everybody has a cause, a cause
that can be more fully pursued
and supported when you're
financially independent
Let us help you reach that goal
All we ask if that you give us a
chance to show you how we can
help you... So let me make you an
offer that will benefit us both
We have the tools, resources and
support to help you accomplish
this in record time
Let us help
you reach
that goal
Let us help
you reach
that goal
All we ask if that you give us a
chance to show you how we can
help you... So let me make you an
offer that will benefit you right
We can walk into ANY
small business anywhere
in the world and find that
business more leads, and
more revenue…
This is a program we usually charge $495
a month to perform, and it includes a
200% return on value guarantee!
Right now, we are drastically
cutting that monthly investment
to only $197 a month – due to the
pandemic. So, you get our help for
almost nothing and we get to do
what we are experts at.
I don’t know another coach, consultant
or mentor that offers you that type of
guaranteed value return.
Well, that’s EXACTLY what we do
We typically give more than
10X that amount in value, so
guaranteeing a 200% return
on value is child’s play
Let us help you out… both
professionally and financially
We are taking
about 10 more
businesses to
start helping
them generate
more leads,
close more
sales and make
more money.
Today we are accepting at least
ten additional businesses that
want more leads, more sales and
more income.
We focus on
businesses in different industries
So Here’s Our OfferToYou
We will find you $10,000 in less
than 45 minutes guaranteed… and
we won’t charge you a cent to do it
We will give you all our tools,
resources, coaching, consulting,
mentoring and experience!
And we will do it for less than our
normal fee of $497/month!
Today it is only $197/month due to
world events.This is a very special deal
and the best offer we’ve ever made.
Just get in NOW as this offer won’t last
and we start the program right away.
Stop wondering where and
who to turn to for help. Enroll
right now and let us help you
with our proven system.
We do the entire program each
Tuesday at 10 am ET on Zoom
(plus record it if you miss sessions)
and give on-line coaching Monday
through Friday, too!
Join right now and change your
business and income.

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Marketing System Reveals How to Dominate Your Local Market

  • 1.
  • 2. We’re going to teach you a system for marketing your business to a point where it becomes instantly obvious to your prospects that they would be an idiot to do business with anyone other than you…
  • 5. Chiropractor Case Study Previously spent $10,000+ on radio advertising Ran the ads for several weeks Phone only rang 15 times Ads resulted in one single patient at $1,900 How would you feel after investing $10,000 and winding up with a net loss of $8,100 you will never get back… not to mention all the time, effort and energy you wasted
  • 6. What if you could take just $1300 of that marketing budget Change what the radio ad says Instead of getting just 15 calls resulting in only one sale You could generate 137 calls Close 37 of those calls into brand new paying patients Each worth an average of $2500 You generate $92,500 in total revenue Chiropractor Case Study
  • 7. That’s what’s called getting more results… making more for the same time, the same money and the same effort spent Chiropractor Case Study
  • 10. We are going to teach you how to achieve massive leverage with your marketing Time Money Effort
  • 11. WhyWillThisEnableYouTo DominateYourLocalMarket? Most businesses simply don’t know how to do this They don’t understand the tremendous untapped potential that lies within their marketing Most businesses today spend some money on marketing and advertising... Then decide that whatever results they get from that marketing is probably about as good as it’s going to get
  • 12. Nothing could be further from the truth The marketing system we are going to teach you today is based on unchanging principles of human nature that dictate that people always want to make the best buying decision possible Marketing's job (aka your job) is NOT to yak incessantly about how great you are or how low your prices are Your job is to position your prospective buyer's, so they have total control over the decision-making process…
  • 13. Our system is truly a breakthrough in marketing and advertising, yet it’s simple and easy to understand We’ll introduce you to some very common-sense principles of marketing that you’ll be able to instantly validate and embrace These principles will give you a clear vision of what your marketing is supposed to look like and, just as importantly, what it's not supposed to look like
  • 14. Breakthrough in marketing and advertising Common-sense principles Principles to give you a clear vision Thousands of client successes
  • 15. We want to show you the fundamental formulas and strategies to not only make your marketing work better... We want you to see how powerful all of this is... allow you to comprehend what the possibilities are for your business
  • 16. Strategic Marketing Tactical Marketing Is the content of your message It’s what you say and how you say it Including the concepts that you choose to focus on The execution of the strategic marketing... AttendingTrade Shows Placing Ads Building AWebsite
  • 17.
  • 18. What you say in your marketing... and how you say it... are almost always more important than the marketing medium where you say it Both are important, but the real leverage is in the messaging itself… and that’s the strategic side of marketing
  • 19. During this presentation, you’ll learn how to say things in a way that will make a profound difference in your marketing results
  • 20. This system has been successfully implemented in over 400 different industries including…
  • 21. This system has been successfully implemented in over 400 different industries including… Business Coaches, Social Media Consultants, Contractors Business Brokers, Accountants, Financial Companies Retail Stores, Real Estate Companies, Home Builders Restaurants, Software Companies, Doctors, Dentists Remodelers, Internet Companies, Manufacturing Companies
  • 22. Our revolutionarynew lead generationsystem works with all sizes of businesses...from start-ups up to Fortune500 companies
  • 23. This system will let you FINALLY quit competing on price... and start selling your product or service for what you’re really worth
  • 24. This system will let you FINALLY quit competing on price... and start selling your product or service for what you’re really worth You’ll drive in more leads... You’ll also convert a higher percentage of those leads... You’ll increase the amount of your average sale... You’ll get a bigger bang for your marketing buck You will FINALLY have total control over your marketing and lead generation results
  • 25. What IsThe Actual Purpose Of Marketing?
  • 26. What Is TheActual Purpose Of Marketing? Marketing is supposed to help facilitate your prospects’ decision-making process Prospects out there that need to buy what you sell Sometimes they need to be educated to the fact that they need to buy what you sell in the first place They already know that they want it but they need help deciding who they should buy it from Often, they think they might want what you sell, but they have questions and concerns that need to be overcome
  • 27. Everything IsWrong! Prospects are not experts in what you do... They don’t really know the relevant issues surrounding the purchase They don’t know how to make the best decision...
  • 28. Everything IsWrong! They can’t tell the difference between the BEST deal and a major mistake... Which leaves an opportunity for you to provide them with this information... and then guide them through the buying process
  • 29.
  • 30. Do you have any idea whatsoever how to buy a sunroom? Can you tell the difference between a $10,000 sunroom and a $25,000 one just by looking at it?
  • 31. Can you tell the difference between a $10,000 sunroom and a $25,000 one just by looking at it
  • 32. When people need to buy what you sell, they are generally speaking, just as clueless about what you’re selling as you are about sunrooms
  • 33. Your job is to facilitate your prospect’s decision-making process
  • 35. People instinctively want to make the best decision possible... and not feel like they’ve got to second-guess their buying decision
  • 36. You as a marketer have to…
  • 37. You as a marketer have to… Figure out what’s important to your prospects... Then show them quantifiable proof that you actually provide the best deal in terms of price and value Educate them as to what constitutes the best deal when it comes to buying what you sell
  • 38. All this must be communicated to them in a way they'll pay attention to, believe in, and then take action on
  • 39.
  • 40. That's why people become jaded and resist marketing
  • 41. Prospective buyers want and need to be educated so that they can feel confident when making their purchase decision, and no one's providing it
  • 42. The first one who does provide prospects with this information WINS all the most profitable customers available
  • 43. The end result is 100% predictable
  • 44. You get to spend more time at work and away from your family than those that are successful
  • 45. If you're always competing on price, it's your own fault
  • 46. Your lack of marketing ability has led to a situation where there’s no discernible difference between you and your competition
  • 47. There have been no additional parameters or relevant issues introduced to educate your prospects as to what really constitutes the best value when it comes to buying what you sell
  • 48. If you feel like you're always competing on price, it's because price is the only relevant variable that you've given your prospects to consider
  • 49. From the prospect's perspective, all things appear equal, so they default to the business offering the lowest price
  • 50. Our system is a step-by-step program for innovating and marketing your business
  • 51. Our system is a step-by-step program for innovating and marketing your business Allows you to first be better than the competition Do better marketing than your competition Allows you to separate your business from your competition Become the obvious choice for prospects to do business with
  • 52. Inside Reality Outside Perception The inside reality encompasses everything you do... and everything that makes your business great. It's your value to the marketplace If you asked your customers why they buy from you, they could probably tell you something quantifiable, specific and instantly obvious Your outside perception has to do with how customers and prospects perceive your company developed through the interactions that your prospects and customers have with your business Your customers will draw on their past buying experiences with you to form the outside perception of your business
  • 53. Well over 95% of all businesses are completely inept when it comes to marketing... and the end result is that your inside reality and your outside perception are perceived to be different
  • 54. Regardless of how good you are, regardless of your inside reality, your prospect isn't going to be able to figure out your true inside reality based on your marketing
  • 55. You simply appear to be just another business that sells whatever it is that you sell Even your best salesperson is never going to close a prospect who doesn't know you exist... and therefore never bothers to contact you in the first place
  • 56.
  • 57. Deliver eager, qualified prospects to your sales funnel
  • 58. Competition today is fiercer now than it's ever been
  • 59. How many competitors do you have right now in your business?
  • 60. That's how many choices your prospects have... and that's how many additional businesses they must sift through and filter through as they attempt to reach a buying decision
  • 61. Here's the sad reality for businesses advertising online…
  • 62. They spend a ton of their time, effort and money just to get prospects to their website They see the same old, lame junk as “service, quality and dependability” that they saw in their lame brochure before the Internet was invented The same lame junk that all their competitors have on their websites They fail to realize that it's their lame website that's not converting their prospects that's the real problem Here's the sad reality for businesses advertising online…
  • 63. a
  • 64. a The reality is that the Internet is just another medium to screw up your marketing with bland messages that do nothing to facilitate your prospects decision-making process
  • 65. a You need to have a great website... and that means you better fix your strategic messaging that I’ve been talking about or you’re going to fail
  • 66. If you want to know why Jane Doe buys what Jane Doe buys, you've got to see the world through Jane Doe 's eyes
  • 67. Most businesses know what Jane Doe wants
  • 68. Most businesses know what Jane Doe wants Because they aren't communications experts, they don't have the ability to communicate through their advertising and marketing their inside reality to the outside world They can't lead their prospects to say, “I would be an idiot to do business with anyone other than you... at anytime, anywhere or at any price"
  • 69. What about you? What’s your outside perception?
  • 70. Look at your ads and website… is it instantly obvious, specifically and quantifiably, what makes you better and unique and different?
  • 71. Look at your ads and website… is it instantly obvious, specifically and quantifiably, what makes you better and unique and different? Do you show your prospects how to judge your industry? What factors they need to consider when deciding what to buy? How you provide greater value than any of your competitors? Most businesses outside perception is not an accurate reflection of their inside reality
  • 72. Everything you currently know about marketing does not effectively allow you to accurately and succinctly portray your inside reality to the outside world
  • 73.
  • 74. In the very early days of advertising, much of the advertising that existed back then was comparative in nature
  • 75. “we're better and here’s exactly why... based on this and that”
  • 76. On average, they did a good job of building a case and helping prospective buyers understand the important issues regarding their product or service
  • 77. The result was that the outside perception was generally a pretty good reflection of the company's inside reality
  • 78. Then the most significant event in the history of marketing and advertising occurred in 1945
  • 80. Demand quickly outstripped the supply of commercials, and prices shot through the roof. In response to the rising cost, the length of commercials shrank down from two minutes to 30 seconds Advertisers had less time to educate us to the important and relevant issues... and build a case as to why they were different or better or unique Instead of attempting to use shorter ads that highlighted their comparative benefits, advertisers changed tactics and started using “slogans”
  • 81. That change made it harder and harder for the company's outside perception to accurately reflect its inside reality
  • 82. Remember that marketing's first job is simply to get the prospect's attention
  • 83. Even running just 30 second ads, getting attention was still not a problem for these advertisers
  • 84. Then you MUST facilitate their decision-making process
  • 85. Companies and their ad agencies found that this was a lot harder to do in only 30 seconds, but they also found out that they didn't really need to do it
  • 86. Companies and their ad agencies found that this was a lot harder to do in only 30 seconds, but they also found out that they didn't really need to do it The number of real competitors, the ones that could afford to advertise onTV and run ads against their ads was wonderfully few They could spend a ton of money running 30 second ads... and win by default A company's inside reality and outside perception didn't really have to match up So the focus for all marketing and advertising shifted to simply getting the prospect's attention
  • 87. That's when advertising lost its penchant for selling... and instead, shifted its focus to creativity
  • 88. That's when advertising lost its penchant for selling... and instead, shifted its focus to creativity
  • 89. That's when slogans became the de facto marketing standard that is still in use today
  • 90. Radio, Google AdWords, newspaper, magazines, billboards, yellow pages, websites, etc.
  • 91. Once this new creative message was in place, the big companies opened their checkbooks, spent lots of money, and basically gave people no other option but to remember their message “C & R Advertising” The era of the brand-builders
  • 92. Ad agencies started running this formula for all their other clients, even small ones without deep pockets
  • 93. Business schools started teaching marketing and advertising based on these methods that were being successfully implemented by the largest companies in the world, and churning out graduates who only knew one way to do marketing
  • 94. Brand-builder marketing and advertising became the de facto standard for how you do it
  • 95. No one questioned the formula
  • 96. All of us alive today, with no exceptions grew up in an era where almost all the advertising you've ever seen or heard is a product of the era of the brand-builders
  • 97. Over time, we’ve all become conditioned as to what constitutes a good advertisement
  • 98. We learned that, in marketing and advertising, the outside perception no longer must reflect the inside reality
  • 99. Everything You've Ever Learned About Generating Leads And Growing Your Business Is Wrong!
  • 100. Since businesses only have 30 seconds to try to convey what makes them special, they lump everything into jargon such as:
  • 101. Since businesses only have 30 seconds to try to convey what makes them special, they lump everything into jargon such as: “largest selection” “most professional”
  • 102. Since businesses only have 30 seconds to try to convey what makes them special, they lump everything into jargon such as: “lowest prices” “highest quality”
  • 103. Since businesses only have 30 seconds to try to convey what makes them special, they lump everything into jargon such as: “best service” “fastest”
  • 104. Since businesses only have 30 seconds to try to convey what makes them special, they lump everything into jargon such as: “most convenient” “largest in the state”
  • 105. Since businesses only have 30 seconds to try to convey what makes them special, they lump everything into jargon such as: “more honest” “we're the experts”
  • 106. Since businesses only have 30 seconds to try to convey what makes them special, they lump everything into jargon such as: “we specialize” “works harder”
  • 107. Since businesses only have 30 seconds to try to convey what makes them special, they lump everything into jargon such as: “gets the job done right the first time”
  • 108. Since businesses only have 30 seconds to try to convey what makes them special, they lump everything into jargon such as: “been in business for 4,000 years”
  • 109. Here are several ways you can easily and quickly evaluate your own marketing to avoid the jargon trap
  • 110. Here are several ways you can easily and quickly evaluate your own marketing to avoid the jargon trap Jargon evaluation #1… “Well, I would hope so” When you make a claim, ask yourself if the prospect’s immediate response might be… “Well, I would hope so”
  • 111. OfThe Highest Quality Fairly Priced Guaranteed 100% Satisfaction
  • 112. Would you hire ANY remodeler who didn't provide all of those as a standard part of their service?
  • 113. Consulting Company Our training leads to change We increase the productivity, performance, and profit of your company
  • 114. Well I would hope so! Does anyone hire a consultant for any other reason than to do those things?
  • 115. If your company has an exceptional inside reality... and you're using the same jargon as everyone else...Then the outside perception is that you're all the same
  • 116. That's when prospects default to the company offering the lowest price
  • 117. Price now becomes the only determining factor
  • 118. Ask yourself openly and honestly WHY anyone would choose you over your competition
  • 119. Then evaluate your answer against the “well, I would hope so” evaluation
  • 120. The second evaluation technique called… “Who else can say that?”
  • 121. Stop thinking in terms of “Who else can do what you do?”
  • 122. Think in terms of “Who else can say what you say?”
  • 123. The answer is usually “anybody and everybody can say what you say”
  • 124. A kitchen remodeler ran an impressive remodeling company
  • 125. Their inside reality was literally second-to-none
  • 126. Their marketing looked virtually identical to their competitors
  • 127. Their marketing said: • “certified sub-contractors” • “guaranteed satisfaction” • “new cabinets installed” • “complete kitchen remodeling” • “they acceptVisa and Master Card”
  • 128. Who else can say that?
  • 129. It's not “who can do what you do”
  • 130. It’s “who can say what you say”
  • 131. If you're marketing is full of jargon, then sadly that answer is ALL of your competitors can
  • 133. It's called the scratch-out write-in test
  • 134. Take a look at your marketing Scratch out your name and write in your competitor's name
  • 135.
  • 136. Let me show you how to fix this and explain how you can follow a very simple process we call the conversion equation
  • 137. When you do...You will eliminate jargon forever Let’s show you how to become a communications powerhouse Make your outside perception become an Excellent reflection of your inside reality And finally begin to get the results from your marketing that you should be getting Let me show you how to fix this and explain how you can follow a very simple process we call the conversion equation
  • 138. The conversion equation has four main components
  • 139. The conversion equation has four main components Interrupt… getting qualified prospects to pay attention to your marketing Engage… promises that information is forthcoming that will help the prospect make the best decision possible Educate… give them information that allows them to logically understand how and why you solved that emotional problem Offer… low or NO risk way to take the next step in the sales process
  • 140. If you want to know why Jane Doe buys what Jane Doe buys, you've got to see the world through Jane Doe 's eyes
  • 141. If you want to know what Jane Doe sees, you'd better first understand how Jane Doe's brain works, how it processes information and makes decisions
  • 143. To Understand This Process, KnowThese Three Major Concepts Three concepts that no one else in the world of marketing understands... but that will make all the difference in the world in your marketing’s effectiveness and, more importantly, in your company's profitability
  • 144. The three things you need to know about Jane Doe's brain are downtime, uptime, and the reticular activation system
  • 145. Downtime… this is the hypnotic state of running automatic patterns that allows your brain to perform habitual tasks without any conscious thought The three things you need to know about Jane Doe's brain are downtime, uptime, and the reticular activation system
  • 146. In marketing terms, people see and hear ads with their eyes and ears, but they don't notice them on a conscious level The three things you need to know about Jane Doe's brain are downtime, uptime, and the reticular activation system
  • 147. Uptime… the brain's state of alertness or active engagement The three things you need to know about Jane Doe's brain are downtime, uptime, and the reticular activation system Prospects consciously notices your ad or marketing piece... and they're open to your suggestions and solutions Think of uptime as your brain going on alert mode
  • 148. The key to marketing is to get your prospect out of downtime and into uptime The three things you need to know about Jane Doe's brain are downtime, uptime, and the reticular activation system Once you understand how to do this... you’ll have the ability to make a fortune with your marketing
  • 149. The reticular activator… the part of your brain that’s on the lookout 24/7… even when you're asleep The three things you need to know about Jane Doe's brain are downtime, uptime, and the reticular activation system It constantly scans the environment looking for things that fall into any of these three categories:
  • 150. It constantly scans the environment looking for things that fall into any of these three categories: Things that are familiar Things that are unusual Things that are problematic
  • 151. It constantly scans the environment looking for things that fall into any of these three categories: Activators
  • 152. I'm going to permanently embed this example directly into your reticular activation system
  • 153. I GUARANTEE that you will remember this for the remainder of your life on this planet
  • 154.
  • 155. So what does all this have to do with marketing? The short answer is EVERYTHING
  • 156. Understanding what wakes people up so they pay attention is what's going to get our marketing message past the “interrupt” stage and onto the “engage" stage
  • 157. When we engage your prospect, we've just increased our chances of selling to the people you’re trying to engage by 1,000%
  • 158. This is going to solve the problem that every other marketer hasn't been able to figure out
  • 159. Any idiot can simply interrupt people. Madison Avenue uses activators that are based on things that are familiar and unusual because they're the easiest to pull off
  • 160. Activators based on unusual things is what creativity is all about
  • 161.
  • 162. Dream up something so weird, so strange, so shocking, so unusual that it’ll snap you out of downtime and into uptime, otherwise known as “interrupt.”
  • 163. But here's the key... once the brain is activated, once it's been broken out of downtime and into uptime alert mode, it wants to be “engaged”
  • 164. It immediately and subconsciously searches for additional, clarifying information
  • 165.
  • 166. If it finds them, it'll become engaged If not, it will quickly revert back into downtime
  • 167. We call these important, relevant issues “hot buttons”
  • 168. We call these important, relevant issues “hot buttons” Is there anything here that's relevant or important to me? Is this a hot button issue for me at this point in my life?
  • 169. An activator is something that snaps a person from downtime to uptime... and it's based on something that's…
  • 170. An activator is something that snaps a person from downtime to uptime... and it's based on something that's… Familiar Unusual Problematic
  • 171. But an activator can also be classified as a hot button if, and only if it's based on something that’s important and relevant to your prospect
  • 172. Successfully interrupt and engage your target market by…
  • 173. Successfully interrupt and engage your target market by… Identifying problems, frustrations, uncertainties, and annoyances your prospects have Then address them in your marketing
  • 174.
  • 175. We're tapping into the problems your prospects already have We're poking their problems and pointing out those problems so that their reticular activator notices and brings us onto their active radar screen
  • 176. The activators that are used to interrupt the prospect must be based on a “relevant hot button”
  • 177. If not, the prospect will momentarily be interrupted... but will quickly revert from uptime back into downtime
  • 178. This is what we call “false uptime”
  • 179. Your brain seeks it out because it's unusual
  • 180. The more often you see it, that arrow becomes familiar
  • 181. You will only notice it for a second or two
  • 182. Then your brain quickly reverts back into downtime because the arrow isn't relevant or important to you
  • 183.
  • 184. You've been conditioned to believe that as long as you've interrupted the prospect that's good enough
  • 185. If you only interrupt the prospect, that's only one fourth of the conversion equation
  • 186. If you only interrupt the prospect, that's only one fourth of the conversion equation You've got to include all four components... interrupt, engage, educate, and offer to get the maximum results from your marketing and advertising
  • 187. If you only interrupt the prospect, that's only one fourth of the conversion equation You've got to include all four components... interrupt, engage, educate, and offer to get the maximum results from your marketing and advertising
  • 188. When writing the marketing, we portray the hot buttons in the form of headlines
  • 189. When writing the marketing, we portray the hot buttons in the form of headlines The headline is the first opportunity you have to interrupt Make sure that the headline has activators in it Those activators must be based on things that are important and relevant to that prospect
  • 190. Hot buttons... words and phrases that describe problems or frustrations that the prospect is feeling so that their reticular activator latches onto them and snaps them into uptime
  • 191.
  • 192. “High quality” “Attention to detail” “We supervise our staff better”
  • 193. Nothing but jargon “We're honest” “We've taken care of more than 200 kids”
  • 194. Safe, nurturing and creative environment Optimize your child's development Acclaimed by thousands of parents Accredited by industry professionals A leader in early childhood care and education
  • 195. These headlines ALL speak to the daycare... NOT to the prospect
  • 196.
  • 197.
  • 198. We offer parenting advice and resources We can help get your child under control Learn the secrets of well-behaved children As a parent with an out-of-control child, why would I want to know the secrets to well behaved children? NO ONE is getting it… everything you know about marketing is wrong?
  • 199.
  • 201. Pulled an astounding 12 times more than their original ad
  • 202. Went from averaging just 70 calls per month to 955 calls
  • 204. This moving company, just by changing what their ad said, went from generating 11 sales per month to a whopping 649 sales per month
  • 205. Their new ad generated so much new business they had to partner with four of their competitors to help them handle the demand for their services
  • 206. Those same four competitors bought out that moving company nine months later for $2 million dollars... all due to following the conversion equation in their marketing
  • 207.
  • 208. To successfully engage, all you have to do is use a headline or a sub-headline that promises the reader that Sometimes the headline engages, but more frequently it's a sub- headline that makes the promise to educate... and therefore engages
  • 209.
  • 210.
  • 212. Every marketing piece should contain a risk-lowering offer to encourage the prospect to take the next step
  • 213. That offer should generally be to receive additional information, further educate the prospect and build your case
  • 214.
  • 215. The right offer allows you to capture a large percentage of all future buyers in addition to those looking to buy right now
  • 216. Most marketing only caters to now-buyers... and does little to nothing to educate those who are just thinking about it right now but who might buy later
  • 217. At any given moment, the number of prospects who are ready to buy right now represent no more than 1-5% of all those who are ultimately going to buy what you sell
  • 218. At any given moment, the number of prospects who are ready to buy right now represent no more than 1-5% of all those who are ultimately going to buy what you sell 95-99% of prospects are in the thinking-about-it and gathering-information mode
  • 220. Gives you the opportunity to provide additional, educational information to the gathering-information-mode prospects
  • 221. Capture valuable information about who these people are... so that you can proactively market to them on an ongoing basis
  • 222.
  • 223.
  • 224.
  • 225. Interrupt, Engage, Educate, And Offer Make UpThe Conversion Equation
  • 226. That equation is literally the backbone of all the incredibly successful marketing campaigns we've ever put together
  • 227. That equation is literally the backbone of all the incredibly successful marketing campaigns we've ever put together
  • 228. We have a bona fide step by step system that helps business owners just like you become financially free using superior marketing that makes your phone ring
  • 229. I'm offering our system to you as a way to reach the ultimate pinnacle of life
  • 230. I'm offering our system to you as a way to reach the ultimate pinnacle of life
  • 231. Financial freedom for you and your family
  • 232. The ability to do whatever you want with your time and money
  • 233. Compelling and successful marketing can provide you with the financial freedom to pursue your real, true ambitions in life
  • 234. Everybody has a cause, a cause that can be more fully pursued and supported when you're financially independent
  • 235. Let us help you reach that goal
  • 236. All we ask if that you give us a chance to show you how we can help you... So let me make you an offer that will benefit us both We have the tools, resources and support to help you accomplish this in record time Let us help you reach that goal
  • 237. Let us help you reach that goal All we ask if that you give us a chance to show you how we can help you... So let me make you an offer that will benefit you right now
  • 238. We can walk into ANY small business anywhere in the world and find that business more leads, and more revenue…
  • 239. This is a program we usually charge $495 a month to perform, and it includes a 200% return on value guarantee!
  • 240. Right now, we are drastically cutting that monthly investment to only $197 a month – due to the pandemic. So, you get our help for almost nothing and we get to do what we are experts at.
  • 241. I don’t know another coach, consultant or mentor that offers you that type of guaranteed value return.
  • 242. Well, that’s EXACTLY what we do
  • 244. We typically give more than 10X that amount in value, so guaranteeing a 200% return on value is child’s play
  • 245. Let us help you out… both professionally and financially
  • 246. We are taking about 10 more businesses to start helping them generate more leads, close more sales and make more money.
  • 247. Today we are accepting at least ten additional businesses that want more leads, more sales and more income.
  • 248. We focus on businesses in different industries
  • 249. So Here’s Our OfferToYou
  • 250. We will find you $10,000 in less than 45 minutes guaranteed… and we won’t charge you a cent to do it
  • 251. We will give you all our tools, resources, coaching, consulting, mentoring and experience!
  • 252. And we will do it for less than our normal fee of $497/month!
  • 253. Today it is only $197/month due to world events.This is a very special deal and the best offer we’ve ever made. Just get in NOW as this offer won’t last and we start the program right away.
  • 254. Stop wondering where and who to turn to for help. Enroll right now and let us help you with our proven system.
  • 255. We do the entire program each Tuesday at 10 am ET on Zoom (plus record it if you miss sessions) and give on-line coaching Monday through Friday, too!
  • 256. Join right now and change your business and income.