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Digital workplace & social intranet with strong focus on
business value and user experience
About the project .......................................................................................................................... 3
Intro......................................................................................................................................... 3
Key facts & figures ..................................................................................................................... 3
Strategic goals & executive initiatives ........................................................................................... 4
Business value = value for each our user ....................................................................................... 4
How it looks.............................................................................................................................. 5
Features....................................................................................................................................... 9
Standard Jive features of great value ............................................................................................ 9
Business-specific features we have developed over time ............................................................... 16
Business value ............................................................................................................................ 27
Business problems solved......................................................................................................... 27
Strategic benefits .................................................................................................................... 31
Time savings ........................................................................................................................... 40
Proving the value..................................................................................................................... 44
Return on investment............................................................................................................... 48
Lessons learnt ............................................................................................................................ 49
About the project
Our intranet is a powerful combination of standard portal functionality, internal social network and online
collaboration features. All of the above is seasoned with integrations to other business critical IT systems
(like SAP HCM, SAP Finance, Active Directory, IT Service Desk, Lotus Domino business apps, etc.). That’s why
we consider it essential part of our digital workplace ecosystem. And it’s proved by numbers, which you’ll
see further :)
The name of our digital workplace and social intranet project is “PROSTOR”, which literally means
“vastness” – unlimited possibilities for open collaboration and feedback, communication, ideation,
crowdsourcing and fast automation of routine business processes. When PROSTOR was launching, its name
had even deeper meaning as it was associated with abbreviation PROSTO – acronym for company’s values
at that time.
PROSTOR serves all employees, business functions and regional branches of Vodafone Ukraine.
Key facts & figures
About the project
 4 years old
 4 months for company-wide launch, including on premise installation, migration of previous
intranet, platform branding & configuration, establishing virtual presence of each business unit &
regional branch
 Initiated by CEO, HRD and CIO, actively supported by other executives
 Survived complete renewal of executive sponsors and project launch team, keeping user activity
constantly high
 Powered by Jive-n platform
 3300 users
 88.3% of active users, monthly
 20 139 max number of daily views
 45 172 content items totally, including 19 560 documents and 14 104 blog posts
 TOP 5 most active business functions: Sales & Customer Service, HR, Executive Office, IT,
 Best-in-Class Jive-powered community according to Jive Software Benchmark over 400+ intranets
(by DAU/MAU ratio and Daily Engagement Index)
Strategic goals & executive initiatives
PROSTOR was initiated and promoted by team of executives with CEO at the helm, back in 2014. Strong
executive sponsorship of this project has solid reasons. Company has been actively transforming itself for
the last 5 years to meet the following strategic goals:
 Increase ability to implement strategic projects fast and with high quality to beat competition;
 Accelerate changes of business model towards being more profitable, digital-oriented and
 Ensure that massive changes are not affecting business efficiency and employee engagement.
Those ambitious targets has been split into various strategic initiatives over the last 4 years, all heavily
supported and promoted by our social intranet and digital workplace solution:
 Digital/Agile Transformation
 Increasing employee engagement & satisfaction
 Renewal of corporate values
 Shifting to open and transparent corporate culture
 Building project-oriented organization
 De-Bureaucratization
 Continuous improvement of customer service
Since its launch, PROSTOR has been considered a foundation to support all such key business goals and
initiatives. Therefore, it is itself one of top investment projects for our business. It has been playing pivotal
role in other vital business projects for Vodafone Ukraine (former MTS Ukraine):
 Launching 3G & 4G (LTE) in Ukraine
 Rebranding from MTS Ukraine to Vodafone Ukraine
 Launch of new business - Vodafone Retail
 Moving to open-space offices and digitalized workplaces
 Support changes in Executive team and organizational structure
 Launching SAP HCM
 Introducing eNPS
Business value = value for each our user
To ensure PROSTOR is playing crucial supporting role in all of the above strategic goals and projects, we
need it to be actively used by all our employees, as their engagement is key here. We believe that high user
adoption of such a platform can be achieved only by providing real value for each employee:
 Saving work time
 Giving useful online services
 Providing up-to-date information and knowledge. Fast.
 Ease cross-functional and remote project communications
 Help in career & personal development
 Recognize achievements and great work
 Provide modern, convenient user experience
Thus, two equally high priorities for PROSTOR’s development team are: value for business and value for
How it looks
Each intranet starts with its homepage, so let us present it here. Main navigation and overall
branding is fully aligned with Vodafone Ukraine’s corporate website design. It complies with rather
strict global Vodafone branding guidelines.
From usability perspective, we try to make our homepage light, clear with limited color spots to
highlight only most important messages and links. This way it’s easier for employees to navigate
through news, updates and links to services & systems they need.
Search button in top right corner of the site is prominent, as it plays important role in reducing
time for searching people, content and places, all at once. That is, in fact, one-click access to
corporate knowledge base and employee directory along with your browsing history, bookmarks,
personalized content recommendations. Available globally throughout PROSTOR, it allows
searching-as-you-type and displays results without refreshing the page. Truly, “magic button” :)
Such advanced search feature has saved years of working time for contact center agents, those
who seek for IT-support knowledge or just for contacts of a needed colleague.
Central part of a homepage is dynamic content, balanced between top-down messages
(Important News, Your HR News) and user-generated content (Top 5 blog posts today, Latest
“Top 5 blog posts today” section is a dream destination for every Vodafone Ukraine’s contributor.
Every employee can get here and receive their daily dose of fame. It shows 5 blog posts which
have got most likes today and encourages our bloggers for creating highly relevant content
regularly. If we need to stimulate creation of other types of content (knowledge base articles or
videos, for example), we can change settings of this section easily to display top 5 of those instead
of blogs.
“Latest Activity” section is a fully functional activity stream, where you can comment, like and
view content, not leaving the homepage.
Mobile app & Mobile version
PROSTOR is absolutely mobile-friendly – it is available via iOS/Android mobile application, and
even more – each website page is responsive and adopts to tablets and mobile devices, while
using standard mobile browsers.
UI via mobile app:
UI via mobile browser:
Ensuring great mobile user experience was not an easy journey for our project team. Due to
limitations, initially imposed by Security and IT department, PROSTOR, at first, was not available
via mobile devices. However, with great deal of persistence, support of CIO and minor
customizations we have managed to overcome all technical limitations in 4 months after
corporate-wide launch. Our efforts paid off fully and we received very positive user feedback
accompanied by spike in adoption:
 Blog post on user launching mobile applications has reached 78% of total users by the time
of publication.
 Users were commenting that mobile access enabled them to use PROSTOR in their business
processes fully.
We can divide key features of PROSTOR by two major groups:
 General social intranet features, provided by Jive platform out-of-the-box
 Business-specific features we have developed over time, which help us to make PROSTOR a true
digital workplace.
Standard Jive features of great value
Employee directory, Orgchart and User Profiles
Since its birth time, PROSTOR has been integrated with employee record management software –
Active Directory and SAP HCM. That means:
 automatic sync of users’ profile data with corporate HR systems,
 always up-to-date orgchart,
 easy and secure way to manage user access to the intranet.
Such integration has super easily turned PROSTOR into high-grade employee directory with
interactive visually appealing orgchart. Being able to find colleague’s contact info just by starting
to type his/her name from any PROSTOR’s page, makes it a valuable money-saving machine (look
at ROI calculations in the “Impact” section).
Our employee directory is a “talent directory” as well. User profiles in PROSTOR have LinkedIn-like
endorsement feature, where employees can endorse project peers for a specific skill or expertise.
Those endorsements are indexed by search immediately, so you can find needed internal expert
in no time.
User profiles are also serving as multi-dimensional dashboards on employees’ activity, their
contribution to corporate knowledge base, networking capabilities. Profile even demonstrates
how person is recognized by co-workers for his/her alignment with corporate values (see
“Ovations” feature for more details). Such 360-degree overview of an employee is of great help for
internal recruiters when they need to close open positions fast.
Collaborative documents & Uploaded files with HTML 5 previews
Online documents and uploaded files with HTML 5 previews are cornerstones for knowledge
management and business process automation in PROSTOR. No wonder they stand for 44% of
overall site content and are most popular content type by far (with blogs running second).
PDFs, Word, Excel and PowerPoint files with online previews are fully indexed by PROSTOR’s global
search. Versioning is also supported. Those important features are great time-savers for
 Document’s link always stays the same, even if new versions are uploaded. It makes it super
easy to stay updated on a document if you bookmark it once.
 HTML5 preview of a file eliminates need to download it for reading, searching through or
some copy pasting. You can do all these operations right from document page or activity
stream in PROSTOR.
Collaborative documents are wiki-like docs, which are created online and can be edited by
multiple people.
Document author or administrator can manage versions: review differences, restore needed
This document collaboration feature makes a great alternative to email-based decision process,
crowdsourcing or communicating regular updates. Huge time saving gains are brilliantly
illustrated in this YouTube video. In our practice, document collaboration and versioning is heavily
used for such business processes:
Everybody can create a copy of such collaborative document with just one click. Therefore, you
can easily form a template out of your document – handy for use cases like:
Publishing and updating employee ratings for sales and customer service guys
Keeping people up to date on KPIs
Finding cover for contact center employees
Sharing and collaborating on tips to deal with business-critical IT systems
Running employee development roadmaps
Great feature of Jive, which applies to documents and is popular in PROSTOR – they can be
marked as official or outdated. First option adds prominent “Official” mark to a doc and makes it to
the top of search results. Marking document as outdated, on the contrary, drops it in the search
results, assigns visible “Outdated” badge to this piece of content and suggests user to switch to a
fresher staff on the matter.
Blogs is a favorite communication tool for our executives, HR, marketing and pretty everybody, in
fact. There are 14 104 blog posts in the system right now (31% of all content), to justify this
statement. Blog posts are nice looking, easy-to-create, mobile friendly, have various feedback
options: commenting, ratings, likes. These factors contribute to high demand of the feature. C-
suites and PR people value possibility to schedule post for a specific publishing time and to view
detailed impact/sentiment analytics on each blog piece. You can check overall reach of your
message as well as to dig down to specific people who read it.
Creating daily calendars to
find covers for call center
Starting career
development roadmap for
one more employee
Creating personal check-list
to prepare for an event
Writing structured digital
notes during corporate
Starting off a standardized
knowledge base article
Typical blog use cases in PROSTOR:
 Corporate news, Department news;
 Call for employees to join and contribute to strategic initiatives;
 Communicating organizational changes openly;
 Promote internal projects to employees (lunch of new IT systems, employee services, etc.);
 Communications on Compensations & Benefits;
 Announcing career openings, welcoming new hires;
 Sharing learning & development opportunities;
 Engaging employees in various gamification activities, motivational & recognition programs.
Videos & Audio
Videos are soul of PROSTOR. They reflect friendly, creative and supportive culture of the
company. That becomes completely obvious at the beginning of each year, in times of annual
Employee Recognition program activities. Each department shoots a movie to promote its value
for business and our people. The same applies to individual leadership and expert-nominees. Here
are some screenshots
Those videos noticeably raise employee engagement along with PROSTOR’s statistics. Here is the
spike in user participation (commenting, liking and voting) during period of voting for Recognition
program video applications in 2017.
Videos are also great media for spreading Vodafone Ukraine’s craze for sports. Let us share just
one bright case here. At the beginning of 2017 IT department has initiated “15-Burpee challenge”
via PROSTOR. Within one week, the challenge was passed to CEO along with her entire office. And
successfully completed by them :) In 1 month, it went viral over entire Vodafone Ukraine.
Audio is popular with Customer Service Center. They record conversations with customers and share them
as best practices for helping newly hired customer support agents. Such conversations are also of great
interest for marketing department, enabling them to feel customer needs & pains themselves.
Mobile applications and mobile version of PROSTOR are deeply valued by our users and bring enormous
business value. More details on mobile features are given above.
We are truly happy with out-of-the-box analytic features Jive platform provides. Particularly in situation
when Google Analytics is not an option for us due to security limitations.
Various analytical reports available in PROSTOR help us to make data-driven UI decisions, assess both
overall user adoption and demand for specific group or space within PROSTOR.
It is very convenient to have same metrics tracked for entire PROSTOR and each of its spaces and groups.
Standardized community manager reports (screen below) also allows us to benchmark PROSTOR against
other Jive-based communities regularly.
Recent benchmarking was optimistic – we are classified “Best in Class” community by such user adoption
metrics as:
DAU/MAU ratio
(Daily Active Users to Monthly Active Users)
Illustrates how steady platform usage is
Engagement Index / Day
Illustrates daily level of user engagement
Business-specific features we have developed over time
Online chats with executives
One of integral parts of our executive communications strategy is being open and transparent
with employees on any company’s movement and change. This approach prevents so-called
“Chinese whispers” and unites employees around strategic goals & projects.
This strategy is backed by “Online Chats with Executives” functionality, embedded into PROSTOR.
We run Chats regularly. Their history is saved automatically as out-of-the-box discussions in
PROSTOR. This way every user can access chat history via global search or dedicated space called
“In touch with Executives”.
Online chats with execs usually last for 1 hour and may be led by one or several people (chat
leaders). Initiating chat in PROSTOR is a task for half a minute – you just add “Group chat” widget
to the needed space/group (if it’s not there yet), press “Create chat” button, fill in topic &
description and assign chat leaders, simply starting to type their names. Each chat leader has
associated color, with which all his/her messages are highlighted during the conversation.
In fact, group chat creation is available to any employee – within collaborative groups they run in
PROSTOR. Thus, it facilitates not only C-suites, but any manager, who needs quick alignment with
his/her team. Group chat is started when one of chat leaders presses “Start this chat” button.
Active group chat looks like this:
Top-50 projects dashboard and more
As you may remember, one of Vodafone Ukraine’s strategic business targets is to drive company’s
ability to execute on top investment projects. Prior to PROSTOR implementation, there were
several stop-factors for making progress here:
1. Allocation of resources (especially human power) was not aligned with priority of an
investment project;
2. Details of projects’ execution were hidden for c-suites as collaboration on them occurred in
emails and various project management tools;
3. Ordinary employees had no idea on progress of key projects at all.
To overcome those barriers, we have built detailed dashboard on statuses of Top 50 investment
projects. Simply displaying the dashboard has further evolved into close integration between
PROSTOR and SAP FI plus project management automation within our intranet.
First iteration of the solution was simple – it displayed statuses of projects, which were pre-
uploaded manually via Excel-like file:
Next big steps were:
1. Make this dashboard more informative (yet easy to digest);
2. Integrate deeper with SAP FI module used to track projects formally;
3. Add possibility for execs to dig down into any project from the dashboard to view how
actual collaboration on it happening in PROSTOR.
Here is what we achieved because of such improvements:
Business process behind is pretty complex. It consists of the following steps:
When new project appears in SAP FI, corresponding project management space is created
automatically in PROSTOR with all project members invited.
Vodafone Smart City
Vodafone Smart City is an annual gamified employee engagement program. It rooted in pre-
PROSTOR times. But for the last 3 years, City-game has become much more functionally-reach
thanks to deep integration with our social intranet and digital workplace solution.
responsible for a
project, updates its
status in SAP FI
By initiation of
Secretary, data from
SAP FI is synched
with dashboard in
Steps 1 and 2 are
repeated until
Secretary considers
it sufficient and
publishes changes
to make them public
Dashboard is
reviewed and
discussed by
executive board
during investment
committee meetings
Regular employees
can view public
version of the
dashboard any time.
Their view is limited
compared to data
available to C-
How “City”-game looked in 2016 when first launched based on PROSTOR (it was called “City of
good deeds” then):
Major objectives of the game are to:
1. Support strategic priorities of the year
2. Encourage online and offline team building activities across entire country
3. Increase employee engagement
Gamification mechanism is simple but effective:
 All employees are divided evenly by regional teams;
 Duration of the game is between 6 and 9 months: 2-3 months per each stage (3 stages
 Each stage corresponds to strategic directions defined for the year;
 Every team runs useful activities within relevant stage topic. More activities – more team
 There are global team rating plus personal ratings within the teams – to inspire as more
employees as possible to participate;
 Points awarded for participation in some activity depend on its value, set by game
 Team points are the sum of all individual points of its members.
Homepage of Vodafone Smart City 2018:
Personal rating within a team:
Short glimpse of administration panel:
Ovations is another powerful gamified tool, launched with business value in mind. Goals behind it
1. Provide a way for real-time employee recognition process;
2. Track each employee’s alignment with corporate values;
3. Give a working mechanism to link specific work results to peer-to-peer feedback.
With the help of Ovations, you can give colleague an instant recognition for his/her help or
achievement. There is a limit of 12 ovations you can grant per month – to make Ovations valuable
and prevent fraud.
Number of ovations employee receives within each corporate value is prominent in your
PROSTOR’s profile. HR people can also download this data for all employees at once from
statistics page. They are using it to identify hi-Po and hi-Pro employees, recognize people with
most ovations offline.
It has always been a problem with recognition solutions of this type to link peer feedback to
specific business results. To make it possible we have developed feature of granting ovations in
context. Typical use cases here: you have been working hard with your peer in contact center to
achieve high monthly KPIs, covering for each other. Updated ratings have just been published in
PROSTOR’s blog post. Now you can grant your helper with Ovations right from this very blog post
page. In this case ovation will be linked to the blog post. How it looks in practice:
Ordering railway tickets for business trips
We are trying our best to provide useful and usable business services for PROSTOR’s users.
Understanding their suffering with UI of SAP HCM, for example, we watch latest UI/UX trends and
incorporate them in PROSTOR. Thus, when we embarked upon creating service to book Railway
Tickets for business trips, we took Google Material UI as a guideline. As a result, the service
receives highest user feedback now :)
Business value
Business problems solved
Reducing tension with direct executive communications in tough times of change
The year of PROSTOR’s launch was really tough in terms of political and economic stability in our
country. Those factors influenced our business as well:
 US dollar rates has increased 3 times within a couple of months. That meant great
unplanned increase of budget spending on imported telecom equipment. Right as we
approached launching of nationwide 3G network.
 We have lost offices, equipment and user base in Crimea and parts of Eastern Ukraine.
All of the above, along with ambitious strategic goals, were calling for radical changes in
organizational structure, business processes and more.
Open Executive Chats came especially handy hear. They are described in detail upper in this
application. Top management blogs, and even short status updates of CEO, have also helped to
keep employees in touch with news and corporate updates.
In 4 years, we see now, that PROSTOR was implemented just in time to support those important
communications and keep our people optimistic about their future in the Company.
Cutting down delays of top investment projects
The story is covered in great detail by Top 50 projects dashboard feature description above. To
summarize, PROSTOR has provided opportunity to:
1. Make performance of project teams publicly available to motivate them work even harder
on meeting the deadlines;
2. Substitute time-consuming email collaboration on projects with more efficient documents
and discussions in Jive;
3. Make Top-projects dashboard easily accessible for executives: from any location, any time.
Now they can provide extra pushing or extra resources on projects delayed earlier.
4. Reduce fighting for resource allocation, as project priorities became clear to everybody.
Moreover, process of ensuring timely updates on top investment projects has been radically
simplified. Secretary of Investment Committee alone, saves around 40 work hours per month
Teaming up Marketing and Contact Center
It’s important for marketers, who design and promote payment plans, to consider direct feedback
of customers on their products. Where is the best place to find that? Of course, in the call center
or retail stores. With this logic in mind, Marketing business unit and Department of Sales and
Customer Service initiated PROSTOR-based motivational game for call center experts. Marketers
judged best-handled client calls. Brilliant idea, don’t you agree?)) By the way, the game was
themed by speed racing and launched by contact center people completely autonomously and
Motivate employees to provide better customer service
More efficient and client-centered customer service is a constant priority of Vodafone Ukraine.
That explains regular launches of gamified motivational initiatives for contact center teams in
Dnipro and Lviv (large Ukrainian cities, where those guys are based). To ensure greatest efficiency
gains, separate KPIs exist for each customer contact channel & segment: telemarketing, web-
chat, PrP and PoP, etc.
Decrease turnover in Department of Sales and Customer Service
Sales and Customer Service teams, historically, consist of young professionals and students, who
are just starting their career journey. Combined with a pretty stressful job to communicate with
customers who are usually dissatisfied, it creates perfect conditions for high employee turnover.
But let us think positive – here is the field to harvest more ROI from PROSTOR:
1. Decrease turnover by providing and promoting interesting opportunities for career
development and professional growth;
2. Implement processes to get newbies up to speed faster. Thus, they will be able to earn
more within the same starting period. Are you smelling greenbacks already? :)
Customer Service and Sales are heavily using PROSTOR for those very purposes.
Take a look at this typical employee development roadmap for a Customer Service expert. It is
built and updated using out-of-the box collaboration documents in PROSTOR. The goal of the
document is to track person’s weekly KPIs during first 9 weeks of employment together with him
and his manager.
Possibilities for professional development within customer service team are wide in fact. HR team
arranges regular trainings and seminars. You can find all those learning opportunities in
PROSTOR’s Training Catalog space.
Strategic benefits
PROSTOR has been launched as a ground to support crucial employee-related business initiatives. Below
there’s an overview of how it’s being done.
Agile Transformation
Agile is not just a hype for us. That is rather a question of life or death in a long term perspective.
Old-fashioned telecom business model is clearly to be transformed. It requires more focus on
digital to add value to our customers and compete successfully with communication services
provided by tech giants like Google, Facebook, etc.
In 2018 we have launched a number of activities to support moving towards agile future.
One of them is our PROSTOR-based knowledge base on Agile. It’s goal is to move you from zero to
agile-hero in shortest possible time.
On the way to become more agile and flexible, we need to fight bureaucracy. It’s not an easy task,
as Vodafone Ukraine operates in a highly regulated industry. Compliance means formalized
business processes. But how to achieve perfect balance between freedom to solve tasks fast and
avoiding silos?
Company’s management team decided to lead by example. There was a bright case related to our
online chats with executives. During the chat on outcomes of 2014 and plans for 2015, one of
technical engineers offered an interesting way to save time & money while deploying network
equipment for nation-wide 3G launch. 8 minutes only have passed between this suggestion and
Technical director taking it for detailed examination. This looked like a speed-of-lite decision-
making. It could have taken half a year with standard procedure to defend an idea through the
whole hierarchy before it can reach CEO and Technical director. Here is the extract of that online
chat with names and confidential information removed. You can see by the timestamps of
comments, that it really took 8 minutes to pass the idea to Technical director and CEO.
Raising leaders & internal brand ambassadors
One of strategic goals for Vodafone Ukraine now is to bring up great leaders who will drive
changes efficiently. That applies both to formal leadership and to leadership of thought. At the
moment, several PROSTOR projects are serving this purpose:
1. #VodafoneSpaceLeaders program
This project is currently in its second iteration, bursting with creativity of coordinators and
participants. Themed by space exploration, #VodafoneSpaceLeaders targets hiPo employees,
current and future leaders of the company. Having passed multi-level competitive selection, 50
winners are participating in intensive 1-week BootCamp, out from work, literally, in the forest :)
Why? To gain new skills & knowledge and shape Vodafone Ukraine’s future with their creative
solutions for meeting top-priority business objectives.
Below there is a feedback on VodafoneSpaceLeaders BootCamp, published in PROSTOR:
Here is how project’s “space station” looks in PROSTOR:
CEO of Vodafone Ukraine’s message to VodafoneSpaceLeaders:
Our business is anywhere, where information lives. What you think is absurd now, will
become a reality in future. We are really interested in how you, young people, think.
It’s you who will create things waiting for us in 3-5 years. We need your simple view
on complex matters, where most genius solution is just a solution. New world values
are coming, very soon money won’t be major currency. You are the agents of
change, which are creating future right now. Even if 2 out 100 projects of yours will
skyrocket, that will be WOW already!
2. Vodafone bloggers HUB
PROSTOR is a great place to identify, engage and develop brand ambassadors internally within
the company. Those are next generation of thought leaders, ready to stay on the edge of any
direction Vodafone Ukraine is heading to. Vodafone Bloggers HUB in PROSTOR is a training
platform for our raising-star bloggers.
Employee engagement & loyalty. Increasing eNPS
eNPS (employee NPS) is one of key HR metrics for Vodafone Ukraine. No need to explain the
value which business can get, having loyal employee team in place. Just some of the gains are:
 beating competition,
 increasing efficiency,
 changing without downturns,
 being resistant to negative external factors.
There are multiple projects to make employees happier and more satisfied, which heavily utilize
Among company-wide initiatives, those are:
 Vodafone Smart City (covered in detail upper in this application)
 Ovations
 Annual recognition program. You remember those creative videos and spikes in user
activity during voting phase, don’t you?)
To be fair, PROSTOR itself is a huge employee engagement project, among its other uses. It’s a
place to raise your hand, suggest improvement, give open feedback and be sure – you will be
heard. Just read through all quotes about PROSTOR from our users to feel this statement for
No wonder those initiatives are fruitful.
In 2017 eNPS raised by 26%,
2 times(!) compared to previous year.
Ease and support cross-functional collaboration
One more evidence you get from quotes by our users – PROSTOR is a working instrument to
boost cross-functional, cross-regional collaboration. How does it work in practice?
You remember story on Teaming up Marketing and Contact center.
Other prominent case is collaboration between HR and IT (plus external system integrator
ANROM) on implementing all these fancy business-oriented features in PROSTOR. For each
customization project, we create a work group in PROSTOR. There we are gathering requirements,
collaborating to formalize them in technical specs, discussing UI, reporting on testing, working
together on user manuals and documentation.
Here is an illustration – IT publishing results of test report for HRs to review.
Launching 3G & 4G in Ukraine
Some of most important (and expensive) projects for a telco are deploying 3G and 4G nationwide.
That means building of entirely new networks with pressure by competitors and consumer
expectations. You just cannot fail here. You need to mobilize the team and find creative solutions
to decrease costs and speed up processes.
Creative solutions may come just by listening to employees in the fields, as with the case on 3G
deployment idea during online chat with executives. That’s why Marketing and HR departments
decided to use PROSTOR as innovation hub:
 to find added value 3G can bring to our clients;
 get insights on how to promote new 3G capabilities and increase customer loyalty.
One-month brainstorming resulted in 70+ ideas!
1759 employees were actively involved in the process.
8 ideas were selected as winners and taken further for implementation
Ensure ROI of SAP HCM implementation
PROSTOR was born right at the active phase of SAP HCM implementation. That ERP module was
chosen to simplify and automate core HR processes: like employee record management, payroll
processing, compensations, recruiting, talent management, etc.
That was a massive investment – SAP is known to be expensive in both licensing and
implementation. To ensure expected returns, it was important to promote SAP HCM among
employees. PROSTOR came extremely handy here.
There’s a dedicated space on SAP HCM in PROSTOR to promote its useful applications, get
feedback from users and provide them training. The space is actively used for the last 3 years.
Here is how it looked in 2015 and now:
Moving from MTS Ukraine to Vodafone Ukraine
In 2015 our company has made a future-shaping move and joined the global Vodafone family. It
meant more than just a rebranding, as we had to ensure compliance with top industry standards
and values of Vodafone. PROSTOR has played integral part in this transition with:
 Executive chats on this topic;
 Its own rebranding;
 Introducing and promoting updated corporate values by Ovations;
 Encouraging people to act within Vodafone philosophy with City of Good Deeds 2016
(Vodafone Smart City).
Kicking off new business - Vodafone Retail
Just recently Vodafone Ukraine has started new ambitious venture – launching own retail chain
over Ukraine – Vodafone Retail. We put a lot of hopes, resources and internal communications
into it.
Current top priority tasks for Vodafone Retail are:
 Open hundreds of stores by the end of 2018
 Recruit and build great team from scratch. Fast.
 Build sustainable business in whole
 Form open and result-oriented corporate culture
PROSTOR is envisioned to take special place in this strategy – it should become powerful
communications platform for retail:
 Space for business communications and information sharing
 Channel to broadcast key business messages
 Learning & Development center
 Major tool for promoting corporate values and building corporate culture
Even though Vodafone Retail is currently in its toddler-phase, we have already started using
PROSTOR to achieve the goals above:
 Have allocated dedicated part of PROSTOR to Retail
 Running executive chats and communicating progress via blogs
 Collaborating cross-functionally on Retail projects in dedicated groups
Time savings
Fast search for internal candidates by Technical Director
PROSTOR is a really useful way to get visibility and response for your request fast. That saves tons
of time compared to old-fashioned formula “email + hierarchical business processes”.
Take, for instance, case with Technical Director, who needed to fill 10 manager vacancies
urgently. He has just written a post in blog of their function and… has not only closed 7 positions
out of 10 – the post has also encouraged sharing ideas on how to improve operations in
comments. Some of candidates has even created presentations on their vision for improvements,
which became part of PROSTOR’s knowledge base. Post has achieved 75% users’ reach with 5949
Crowdsourcing tracking of spoiled outdoor advertising
Our marketing director initiated another prominent story of employing PROSTOR for
crowdsourcing (and saving time). Back in 2014, he has started a discussion in PROSTOR and
invited everybody to participate in a contest – if they notice “spoiled” outdoor advertising of the
company somewhere, let them share the photo and address in this discussion. Most active
participants were promised with award from marketing director himself. The discussion is still
being watched by marketing team member in charge of the topic. When damage is fixed, he can
mark report (comment to this discussion) as resolved, which is visible for everybody.
This discussion started business process relevant for more than 2 years. People from all over
Ukraine has shared their damage reports here. It also came handy in times of transition under
Vodafone’s brand.
This crowdsourcing discussion in PROSTOR has saved more than 500 hours for
marketing team to discover those spoilages themselves over entire country.
Finding cover for contact center agents
One of top places in daily PROSTOR’s statistics is a group established by our contact center
people – “Hot hours of Dnipro Customer Sevice Center”. The group helps to find a quick match
between members, who need cover for specific hours of the day, and those who are ready to help
them (earning more at the same time).
Goals of the group are:
 Facilitate communication between contact center work groups so they are able to cover
for each other;
 Provide useful online tool to monitor vacant hours;
 Increase service level by self-managed allocation of lacking resources.
Technically, the process is based on standard PROSTOR’s collaborative documents. Each day’s
available hours correspond to a separate document and contain a simple table. Employee, who is
ready to provide cover for a colleague just edits the table and puts his/her name in the row with
selected hour/s. This way the hour is “booked” by the coverer.
Business impact of this case is impressive
 2370 hours covered within 6 months after launch
 30% efficiency – 3 hours out of 10 are covered
 3 more similar PROSTOR groups has been created by other contact center
units inspired by this success
Most important – forecast for percent of uncovered calls has fallen 39% in 4 months
after group has launched!
Proving the value
Please, note, we gave detailed descriptions of the cases by the links below:
 Reducing tension with direct executive communications in tough times of change
eNPS for the toughest year of 2014 was 0.75% higher than average for the last 4 years!
 Cutting down delays of top investment projects
By feedback of project managers, it became easier to allocate resources for your project, when everybody
sees it is indeed a top investment venture.
 Teaming up Marketing and Contact Center
The program has not only engaged cross-functional collaboration, but helped to gamify switch to Service
2.0 – informal, human-like and empathetic live communication with customer.
This project has brought our company winning in Contact Center World Forum 2015!
 Motivate employees to provide better customer service
Customer service KPIs for 2017 compared to 2016 were just impressive!
- 24% for Lost Call Rate compared to 2016
-12% average processing time
+67% sales revenue for CUp’S
 Decrease turnover in Department of Sales and Customer Service
Average duration of job at our contact centers is 3.2 years with maximum stay of 16 years! It is comparable
to US average “call center agent lifespan” of 3.3 years and much higher than same metric for India, (2
years) for instance, according to the benchmark by We consider that a good result for a
developing economy like Ukraine. Of course, there is room for improvement. Anyway, we are moving in
right direction, which is confirmed by various contact center studies.
 De-Bureaucratization
As you remember, it took only 8 minutes to for idea to get in Technical director’s to-do list during online
chat with executives in PROSTOR. Compared to several months on processing ideas in average. That has
also given the company huge competitive advantage during launching 3G network at the time.
 Raising leaders & internal brand ambassadors
Employee and top management feedback to those activities is given by the link. Those activities are also
contributing greatly to eNPS scores, raising number of “promoters” (see next bullet point).
 Increasing eNPS scores
Numerous projects, relying on PROSTOR, has had significant impact on raising our eNPS scores
In 2017 eNPS raised by 26%,
2 times (!) compared to previous year.
 Ease and support of cross-functional collaboration
It is hard to measure business effects of cross-functional collaboration numerically.
However, according to “2018 Global Human Capital Trends” report by Deloitte, 91% of organizations in
their study have employees spending their time on projects outside their functional area.
Our users view PROSTOR as major tool to cross-functional collaboration. Just read their feedback below.
It is also proved by User-to-User Interactions chart in our analytics when we apply filtering by Department:
Another example – number of user-to-user interactions generated by just one small business
group in our Lviv’s Contact Center for the last year was 453,394!
 Launching 3G & 4G in Ukraine and moving from MTS Ukraine to Vodafone Ukraine
Brainstorming on ideas for promoting 3G was a fruitful undertaking:
One-month brainstorming resulted in 70+ ideas!
1759 employees (53% of total employees by the time) were actively involved in the process.
8 ideas were selected as winners and taken further for implementation
Not to mention huge impact rebranding and 3G launch activities had on overall results of launching 3G in
Ukraine. That is harder to quantify but easier to perceive by top management team.
By the end of 2015 (year of implementing 3G) we have:
Built #1 network by country coverage, compared to competitors.
Achieved 37.5 % increase in sales revenue on data services.
 Ensure ROI on SAP HCM implementation
We consider SAP HCM successfully adopted by now. Training materials on the system in PROSTOR have
received almost 10 000 views, and were actively bookmarked by our users.
That means, we are in position now to enjoy benefits which SAP HCM brings to HR operations (according to
SAP Performance Benchmarking):
45% Improvement in Support Personnel Costs
26% less cost per an HR transaction when employee data is administered using a single
Return on investment
We cannot share financial data on strategic projects, to which PROSTOR has contributed. However, below,
there is a calculation on the project’s ROI based on Forrester’s Total Economic Impact Benchmarks.
Please, note, those numbers could have been much larger for a telco company in other country due to a
low rate of our local Ukrainian currency to USD and, thus, low hourly rate of employees in USD.
Annual savings by PROSTOR consist of:
 $108,856– on less time for searching information:
= number of daily information requests per employee *
time saved on searching per one request, in hours *
average employee hourly rate *
number of active users of PROSTOR *
number of working days in a year
 $83,243– on less time for meetings:
= average number of meetings per employee annually *
average meeting duration in hours *
% of meetings reduced by usage of PROSTOR *
average employee hourly rate *
number of active users of PROSTOR
 $199,784– on less time for emails on cross-functional communications:
= average daily time on creating & searching for emails *
% of emails related to cross-functional communications*
% time reduction on emails provided by PROSTOR *
number of active users of PROSTOR *
number of working days in a year
 $120,000– on speeding up employee onboarding:
= average annual number of new hires *
average onboarding time for a new hire in months*
average monthly salary of a new hire *
% of time reduction on onboarding using PROSTOR
That makes for
$2,047,533 total savings
in the last 4 years of PROSTOR’s existence.
Lessons learnt
Executive support is vital, but project leader & team are even more important
 Project leader should be a go-getter, have broad connections within organization and
great knowledge of its internal workings.
 IT project manager is a must-have intranet team member, if you are self-hosted.
 Team members should constantly exchange information and roles within the project –
for everybody to know the full picture.
 Every top-contributor is a part of your project team – recognize and support them by any
Bureaucracy can be defeated by proactive and persistent project team and internal networking
 In short – there is always a way out of any bureaucratic limitation – just never give up :)
 See people behind every formal approval. There is great chance that you may get a win-
win result by providing value to each other. Just some ideas: promote their project via
intranet, get them visible to your executive sponsors, and solve their pains with your
digital workplace project, after all.
User Experience is king, Business Impact is Emperor
 User is your Boss. If users will love your system, it will bring obvious value and expected
returns. Investment in UI/UX is worth it.
 Identify top expectations of your users and find the way to live up to them.
 UI/UX is not an ultimate goal. Ultimate goal is return of investment your solution
Never Stop
 People in the company change, business goals change, and external environment may
just be seismic. Your solution has to adopt to those changes constantly. So never hit the
sack :)

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Vodafone Ukraine: Digital Workplace which brings strategic value

  • 1.
  • 2. PROSTOR Digital workplace & social intranet with strong focus on business value and user experience About the project .......................................................................................................................... 3 Intro......................................................................................................................................... 3 Key facts & figures ..................................................................................................................... 3 Strategic goals & executive initiatives ........................................................................................... 4 Business value = value for each our user ....................................................................................... 4 How it looks.............................................................................................................................. 5 Features....................................................................................................................................... 9 Standard Jive features of great value ............................................................................................ 9 Business-specific features we have developed over time ............................................................... 16 Business value ............................................................................................................................ 27 Business problems solved......................................................................................................... 27 Strategic benefits .................................................................................................................... 31 Time savings ........................................................................................................................... 40 Proving the value..................................................................................................................... 44 Return on investment............................................................................................................... 48 Lessons learnt ............................................................................................................................ 49
  • 3. About the project Intro Our intranet is a powerful combination of standard portal functionality, internal social network and online collaboration features. All of the above is seasoned with integrations to other business critical IT systems (like SAP HCM, SAP Finance, Active Directory, IT Service Desk, Lotus Domino business apps, etc.). That’s why we consider it essential part of our digital workplace ecosystem. And it’s proved by numbers, which you’ll see further :) The name of our digital workplace and social intranet project is “PROSTOR”, which literally means “vastness” – unlimited possibilities for open collaboration and feedback, communication, ideation, crowdsourcing and fast automation of routine business processes. When PROSTOR was launching, its name had even deeper meaning as it was associated with abbreviation PROSTO – acronym for company’s values at that time. PROSTOR serves all employees, business functions and regional branches of Vodafone Ukraine. Key facts & figures About the project  4 years old  4 months for company-wide launch, including on premise installation, migration of previous intranet, platform branding & configuration, establishing virtual presence of each business unit & regional branch  Initiated by CEO, HRD and CIO, actively supported by other executives  Survived complete renewal of executive sponsors and project launch team, keeping user activity constantly high  Powered by Jive-n platform Numbers  3300 users  88.3% of active users, monthly  20 139 max number of daily views  45 172 content items totally, including 19 560 documents and 14 104 blog posts  TOP 5 most active business functions: Sales & Customer Service, HR, Executive Office, IT, Marketing Recognition  Best-in-Class Jive-powered community according to Jive Software Benchmark over 400+ intranets (by DAU/MAU ratio and Daily Engagement Index)
  • 4. Strategic goals & executive initiatives PROSTOR was initiated and promoted by team of executives with CEO at the helm, back in 2014. Strong executive sponsorship of this project has solid reasons. Company has been actively transforming itself for the last 5 years to meet the following strategic goals:  Increase ability to implement strategic projects fast and with high quality to beat competition;  Accelerate changes of business model towards being more profitable, digital-oriented and customer-centric;  Ensure that massive changes are not affecting business efficiency and employee engagement. Those ambitious targets has been split into various strategic initiatives over the last 4 years, all heavily supported and promoted by our social intranet and digital workplace solution:  Digital/Agile Transformation  Increasing employee engagement & satisfaction  Renewal of corporate values  Shifting to open and transparent corporate culture  Building project-oriented organization  De-Bureaucratization  Continuous improvement of customer service Since its launch, PROSTOR has been considered a foundation to support all such key business goals and initiatives. Therefore, it is itself one of top investment projects for our business. It has been playing pivotal role in other vital business projects for Vodafone Ukraine (former MTS Ukraine):  Launching 3G & 4G (LTE) in Ukraine  Rebranding from MTS Ukraine to Vodafone Ukraine  Launch of new business - Vodafone Retail  Moving to open-space offices and digitalized workplaces  Support changes in Executive team and organizational structure  Launching SAP HCM  Introducing eNPS Business value = value for each our user To ensure PROSTOR is playing crucial supporting role in all of the above strategic goals and projects, we need it to be actively used by all our employees, as their engagement is key here. We believe that high user adoption of such a platform can be achieved only by providing real value for each employee:  Saving work time  Giving useful online services  Providing up-to-date information and knowledge. Fast.  Ease cross-functional and remote project communications  Help in career & personal development  Recognize achievements and great work  Provide modern, convenient user experience Thus, two equally high priorities for PROSTOR’s development team are: value for business and value for employees.
  • 5. How it looks Homepage Each intranet starts with its homepage, so let us present it here. Main navigation and overall branding is fully aligned with Vodafone Ukraine’s corporate website design. It complies with rather strict global Vodafone branding guidelines.
  • 6. From usability perspective, we try to make our homepage light, clear with limited color spots to highlight only most important messages and links. This way it’s easier for employees to navigate through news, updates and links to services & systems they need. Search button in top right corner of the site is prominent, as it plays important role in reducing time for searching people, content and places, all at once. That is, in fact, one-click access to corporate knowledge base and employee directory along with your browsing history, bookmarks, personalized content recommendations. Available globally throughout PROSTOR, it allows searching-as-you-type and displays results without refreshing the page. Truly, “magic button” :) Such advanced search feature has saved years of working time for contact center agents, those who seek for IT-support knowledge or just for contacts of a needed colleague. Central part of a homepage is dynamic content, balanced between top-down messages (Important News, Your HR News) and user-generated content (Top 5 blog posts today, Latest Activity). “Top 5 blog posts today” section is a dream destination for every Vodafone Ukraine’s contributor. Every employee can get here and receive their daily dose of fame. It shows 5 blog posts which have got most likes today and encourages our bloggers for creating highly relevant content regularly. If we need to stimulate creation of other types of content (knowledge base articles or videos, for example), we can change settings of this section easily to display top 5 of those instead of blogs. “Latest Activity” section is a fully functional activity stream, where you can comment, like and view content, not leaving the homepage.
  • 7. Mobile app & Mobile version PROSTOR is absolutely mobile-friendly – it is available via iOS/Android mobile application, and even more – each website page is responsive and adopts to tablets and mobile devices, while using standard mobile browsers. UI via mobile app: UI via mobile browser:
  • 8. Ensuring great mobile user experience was not an easy journey for our project team. Due to limitations, initially imposed by Security and IT department, PROSTOR, at first, was not available via mobile devices. However, with great deal of persistence, support of CIO and minor customizations we have managed to overcome all technical limitations in 4 months after corporate-wide launch. Our efforts paid off fully and we received very positive user feedback accompanied by spike in adoption:  Blog post on user launching mobile applications has reached 78% of total users by the time of publication.  Users were commenting that mobile access enabled them to use PROSTOR in their business processes fully.
  • 9. Features We can divide key features of PROSTOR by two major groups:  General social intranet features, provided by Jive platform out-of-the-box  Business-specific features we have developed over time, which help us to make PROSTOR a true digital workplace. Standard Jive features of great value Employee directory, Orgchart and User Profiles Since its birth time, PROSTOR has been integrated with employee record management software – Active Directory and SAP HCM. That means:  automatic sync of users’ profile data with corporate HR systems,  always up-to-date orgchart,  easy and secure way to manage user access to the intranet. Such integration has super easily turned PROSTOR into high-grade employee directory with interactive visually appealing orgchart. Being able to find colleague’s contact info just by starting to type his/her name from any PROSTOR’s page, makes it a valuable money-saving machine (look at ROI calculations in the “Impact” section). Our employee directory is a “talent directory” as well. User profiles in PROSTOR have LinkedIn-like endorsement feature, where employees can endorse project peers for a specific skill or expertise. Those endorsements are indexed by search immediately, so you can find needed internal expert in no time. User profiles are also serving as multi-dimensional dashboards on employees’ activity, their contribution to corporate knowledge base, networking capabilities. Profile even demonstrates how person is recognized by co-workers for his/her alignment with corporate values (see “Ovations” feature for more details). Such 360-degree overview of an employee is of great help for internal recruiters when they need to close open positions fast. Collaborative documents & Uploaded files with HTML 5 previews Online documents and uploaded files with HTML 5 previews are cornerstones for knowledge management and business process automation in PROSTOR. No wonder they stand for 44% of overall site content and are most popular content type by far (with blogs running second). PDFs, Word, Excel and PowerPoint files with online previews are fully indexed by PROSTOR’s global search. Versioning is also supported. Those important features are great time-savers for employees:  Document’s link always stays the same, even if new versions are uploaded. It makes it super easy to stay updated on a document if you bookmark it once.
  • 10.  HTML5 preview of a file eliminates need to download it for reading, searching through or some copy pasting. You can do all these operations right from document page or activity stream in PROSTOR. Collaborative documents are wiki-like docs, which are created online and can be edited by multiple people. Document author or administrator can manage versions: review differences, restore needed revision. This document collaboration feature makes a great alternative to email-based decision process, crowdsourcing or communicating regular updates. Huge time saving gains are brilliantly illustrated in this YouTube video. In our practice, document collaboration and versioning is heavily used for such business processes: Everybody can create a copy of such collaborative document with just one click. Therefore, you can easily form a template out of your document – handy for use cases like: Publishing and updating employee ratings for sales and customer service guys Keeping people up to date on KPIs Finding cover for contact center employees Sharing and collaborating on tips to deal with business-critical IT systems Running employee development roadmaps
  • 11. Great feature of Jive, which applies to documents and is popular in PROSTOR – they can be marked as official or outdated. First option adds prominent “Official” mark to a doc and makes it to the top of search results. Marking document as outdated, on the contrary, drops it in the search results, assigns visible “Outdated” badge to this piece of content and suggests user to switch to a fresher staff on the matter. Blogs Blogs is a favorite communication tool for our executives, HR, marketing and pretty everybody, in fact. There are 14 104 blog posts in the system right now (31% of all content), to justify this statement. Blog posts are nice looking, easy-to-create, mobile friendly, have various feedback options: commenting, ratings, likes. These factors contribute to high demand of the feature. C- suites and PR people value possibility to schedule post for a specific publishing time and to view detailed impact/sentiment analytics on each blog piece. You can check overall reach of your message as well as to dig down to specific people who read it. Creating daily calendars to find covers for call center agents Starting career development roadmap for one more employee Creating personal check-list to prepare for an event Writing structured digital notes during corporate training Starting off a standardized knowledge base article
  • 12. Typical blog use cases in PROSTOR:  Corporate news, Department news;  Call for employees to join and contribute to strategic initiatives;  Communicating organizational changes openly;  Promote internal projects to employees (lunch of new IT systems, employee services, etc.);  Communications on Compensations & Benefits;  Announcing career openings, welcoming new hires;  Sharing learning & development opportunities;  Engaging employees in various gamification activities, motivational & recognition programs. Videos & Audio Videos are soul of PROSTOR. They reflect friendly, creative and supportive culture of the company. That becomes completely obvious at the beginning of each year, in times of annual Employee Recognition program activities. Each department shoots a movie to promote its value for business and our people. The same applies to individual leadership and expert-nominees. Here are some screenshots
  • 13. Those videos noticeably raise employee engagement along with PROSTOR’s statistics. Here is the spike in user participation (commenting, liking and voting) during period of voting for Recognition program video applications in 2017. Videos are also great media for spreading Vodafone Ukraine’s craze for sports. Let us share just one bright case here. At the beginning of 2017 IT department has initiated “15-Burpee challenge” via PROSTOR. Within one week, the challenge was passed to CEO along with her entire office. And successfully completed by them :) In 1 month, it went viral over entire Vodafone Ukraine.
  • 14. Audio is popular with Customer Service Center. They record conversations with customers and share them as best practices for helping newly hired customer support agents. Such conversations are also of great interest for marketing department, enabling them to feel customer needs & pains themselves. Mobile Mobile applications and mobile version of PROSTOR are deeply valued by our users and bring enormous business value. More details on mobile features are given above. Analytics We are truly happy with out-of-the-box analytic features Jive platform provides. Particularly in situation when Google Analytics is not an option for us due to security limitations. Various analytical reports available in PROSTOR help us to make data-driven UI decisions, assess both overall user adoption and demand for specific group or space within PROSTOR.
  • 15. It is very convenient to have same metrics tracked for entire PROSTOR and each of its spaces and groups. Standardized community manager reports (screen below) also allows us to benchmark PROSTOR against other Jive-based communities regularly. Recent benchmarking was optimistic – we are classified “Best in Class” community by such user adoption metrics as: DAU/MAU ratio (Daily Active Users to Monthly Active Users) Illustrates how steady platform usage is Engagement Index / Day Illustrates daily level of user engagement
  • 16. Business-specific features we have developed over time Online chats with executives One of integral parts of our executive communications strategy is being open and transparent with employees on any company’s movement and change. This approach prevents so-called “Chinese whispers” and unites employees around strategic goals & projects. This strategy is backed by “Online Chats with Executives” functionality, embedded into PROSTOR. We run Chats regularly. Their history is saved automatically as out-of-the-box discussions in PROSTOR. This way every user can access chat history via global search or dedicated space called “In touch with Executives”. Online chats with execs usually last for 1 hour and may be led by one or several people (chat leaders). Initiating chat in PROSTOR is a task for half a minute – you just add “Group chat” widget to the needed space/group (if it’s not there yet), press “Create chat” button, fill in topic & description and assign chat leaders, simply starting to type their names. Each chat leader has associated color, with which all his/her messages are highlighted during the conversation.
  • 17. In fact, group chat creation is available to any employee – within collaborative groups they run in PROSTOR. Thus, it facilitates not only C-suites, but any manager, who needs quick alignment with his/her team. Group chat is started when one of chat leaders presses “Start this chat” button. Active group chat looks like this:
  • 18. Top-50 projects dashboard and more As you may remember, one of Vodafone Ukraine’s strategic business targets is to drive company’s ability to execute on top investment projects. Prior to PROSTOR implementation, there were several stop-factors for making progress here: 1. Allocation of resources (especially human power) was not aligned with priority of an investment project; 2. Details of projects’ execution were hidden for c-suites as collaboration on them occurred in emails and various project management tools; 3. Ordinary employees had no idea on progress of key projects at all. To overcome those barriers, we have built detailed dashboard on statuses of Top 50 investment projects. Simply displaying the dashboard has further evolved into close integration between PROSTOR and SAP FI plus project management automation within our intranet. First iteration of the solution was simple – it displayed statuses of projects, which were pre- uploaded manually via Excel-like file: Next big steps were: 1. Make this dashboard more informative (yet easy to digest); 2. Integrate deeper with SAP FI module used to track projects formally; 3. Add possibility for execs to dig down into any project from the dashboard to view how actual collaboration on it happening in PROSTOR.
  • 19. Here is what we achieved because of such improvements:
  • 20. Business process behind is pretty complex. It consists of the following steps: When new project appears in SAP FI, corresponding project management space is created automatically in PROSTOR with all project members invited. Vodafone Smart City Vodafone Smart City is an annual gamified employee engagement program. It rooted in pre- PROSTOR times. But for the last 3 years, City-game has become much more functionally-reach thanks to deep integration with our social intranet and digital workplace solution. Manager responsible for a project, updates its status in SAP FI By initiation of investment committee Secretary, data from SAP FI is synched with dashboard in PROSTOR Steps 1 and 2 are repeated until Secretary considers it sufficient and publishes changes to make them public Dashboard is reviewed and discussed by executive board during investment committee meetings Regular employees can view public version of the dashboard any time. Their view is limited compared to data available to C- suites.
  • 21. How “City”-game looked in 2016 when first launched based on PROSTOR (it was called “City of good deeds” then): Major objectives of the game are to: 1. Support strategic priorities of the year 2. Encourage online and offline team building activities across entire country 3. Increase employee engagement Gamification mechanism is simple but effective:  All employees are divided evenly by regional teams;  Duration of the game is between 6 and 9 months: 2-3 months per each stage (3 stages totally);  Each stage corresponds to strategic directions defined for the year;  Every team runs useful activities within relevant stage topic. More activities – more team points;  There are global team rating plus personal ratings within the teams – to inspire as more employees as possible to participate;  Points awarded for participation in some activity depend on its value, set by game administrators;  Team points are the sum of all individual points of its members.
  • 22. Homepage of Vodafone Smart City 2018: Personal rating within a team:
  • 23. Short glimpse of administration panel:
  • 24. Ovations Ovations is another powerful gamified tool, launched with business value in mind. Goals behind it are: 1. Provide a way for real-time employee recognition process; 2. Track each employee’s alignment with corporate values; 3. Give a working mechanism to link specific work results to peer-to-peer feedback. With the help of Ovations, you can give colleague an instant recognition for his/her help or achievement. There is a limit of 12 ovations you can grant per month – to make Ovations valuable and prevent fraud.
  • 25. Number of ovations employee receives within each corporate value is prominent in your PROSTOR’s profile. HR people can also download this data for all employees at once from statistics page. They are using it to identify hi-Po and hi-Pro employees, recognize people with most ovations offline. It has always been a problem with recognition solutions of this type to link peer feedback to specific business results. To make it possible we have developed feature of granting ovations in context. Typical use cases here: you have been working hard with your peer in contact center to achieve high monthly KPIs, covering for each other. Updated ratings have just been published in PROSTOR’s blog post. Now you can grant your helper with Ovations right from this very blog post page. In this case ovation will be linked to the blog post. How it looks in practice:
  • 26. Ordering railway tickets for business trips We are trying our best to provide useful and usable business services for PROSTOR’s users. Understanding their suffering with UI of SAP HCM, for example, we watch latest UI/UX trends and incorporate them in PROSTOR. Thus, when we embarked upon creating service to book Railway Tickets for business trips, we took Google Material UI as a guideline. As a result, the service receives highest user feedback now :)
  • 27. Business value Business problems solved Reducing tension with direct executive communications in tough times of change The year of PROSTOR’s launch was really tough in terms of political and economic stability in our country. Those factors influenced our business as well:  US dollar rates has increased 3 times within a couple of months. That meant great unplanned increase of budget spending on imported telecom equipment. Right as we approached launching of nationwide 3G network.  We have lost offices, equipment and user base in Crimea and parts of Eastern Ukraine. All of the above, along with ambitious strategic goals, were calling for radical changes in organizational structure, business processes and more. Open Executive Chats came especially handy hear. They are described in detail upper in this application. Top management blogs, and even short status updates of CEO, have also helped to keep employees in touch with news and corporate updates. In 4 years, we see now, that PROSTOR was implemented just in time to support those important communications and keep our people optimistic about their future in the Company. Cutting down delays of top investment projects The story is covered in great detail by Top 50 projects dashboard feature description above. To summarize, PROSTOR has provided opportunity to: 1. Make performance of project teams publicly available to motivate them work even harder on meeting the deadlines; 2. Substitute time-consuming email collaboration on projects with more efficient documents and discussions in Jive; 3. Make Top-projects dashboard easily accessible for executives: from any location, any time. Now they can provide extra pushing or extra resources on projects delayed earlier. 4. Reduce fighting for resource allocation, as project priorities became clear to everybody. Moreover, process of ensuring timely updates on top investment projects has been radically simplified. Secretary of Investment Committee alone, saves around 40 work hours per month now. Teaming up Marketing and Contact Center It’s important for marketers, who design and promote payment plans, to consider direct feedback of customers on their products. Where is the best place to find that? Of course, in the call center or retail stores. With this logic in mind, Marketing business unit and Department of Sales and Customer Service initiated PROSTOR-based motivational game for call center experts. Marketers
  • 28. judged best-handled client calls. Brilliant idea, don’t you agree?)) By the way, the game was themed by speed racing and launched by contact center people completely autonomously and easily. Motivate employees to provide better customer service More efficient and client-centered customer service is a constant priority of Vodafone Ukraine. That explains regular launches of gamified motivational initiatives for contact center teams in Dnipro and Lviv (large Ukrainian cities, where those guys are based). To ensure greatest efficiency gains, separate KPIs exist for each customer contact channel & segment: telemarketing, web- chat, PrP and PoP, etc.
  • 29. Decrease turnover in Department of Sales and Customer Service Sales and Customer Service teams, historically, consist of young professionals and students, who are just starting their career journey. Combined with a pretty stressful job to communicate with customers who are usually dissatisfied, it creates perfect conditions for high employee turnover. But let us think positive – here is the field to harvest more ROI from PROSTOR: 1. Decrease turnover by providing and promoting interesting opportunities for career development and professional growth; 2. Implement processes to get newbies up to speed faster. Thus, they will be able to earn more within the same starting period. Are you smelling greenbacks already? :) Customer Service and Sales are heavily using PROSTOR for those very purposes. Take a look at this typical employee development roadmap for a Customer Service expert. It is built and updated using out-of-the box collaboration documents in PROSTOR. The goal of the document is to track person’s weekly KPIs during first 9 weeks of employment together with him and his manager.
  • 30. Possibilities for professional development within customer service team are wide in fact. HR team arranges regular trainings and seminars. You can find all those learning opportunities in PROSTOR’s Training Catalog space.
  • 31. Strategic benefits PROSTOR has been launched as a ground to support crucial employee-related business initiatives. Below there’s an overview of how it’s being done. Agile Transformation Agile is not just a hype for us. That is rather a question of life or death in a long term perspective. Old-fashioned telecom business model is clearly to be transformed. It requires more focus on digital to add value to our customers and compete successfully with communication services provided by tech giants like Google, Facebook, etc. In 2018 we have launched a number of activities to support moving towards agile future. One of them is our PROSTOR-based knowledge base on Agile. It’s goal is to move you from zero to agile-hero in shortest possible time.
  • 32. De-Bureaucratization On the way to become more agile and flexible, we need to fight bureaucracy. It’s not an easy task, as Vodafone Ukraine operates in a highly regulated industry. Compliance means formalized business processes. But how to achieve perfect balance between freedom to solve tasks fast and avoiding silos? Company’s management team decided to lead by example. There was a bright case related to our online chats with executives. During the chat on outcomes of 2014 and plans for 2015, one of technical engineers offered an interesting way to save time & money while deploying network equipment for nation-wide 3G launch. 8 minutes only have passed between this suggestion and Technical director taking it for detailed examination. This looked like a speed-of-lite decision- making. It could have taken half a year with standard procedure to defend an idea through the whole hierarchy before it can reach CEO and Technical director. Here is the extract of that online chat with names and confidential information removed. You can see by the timestamps of comments, that it really took 8 minutes to pass the idea to Technical director and CEO. Raising leaders & internal brand ambassadors One of strategic goals for Vodafone Ukraine now is to bring up great leaders who will drive changes efficiently. That applies both to formal leadership and to leadership of thought. At the moment, several PROSTOR projects are serving this purpose: 1. #VodafoneSpaceLeaders program This project is currently in its second iteration, bursting with creativity of coordinators and participants. Themed by space exploration, #VodafoneSpaceLeaders targets hiPo employees, current and future leaders of the company. Having passed multi-level competitive selection, 50 winners are participating in intensive 1-week BootCamp, out from work, literally, in the forest :) Why? To gain new skills & knowledge and shape Vodafone Ukraine’s future with their creative solutions for meeting top-priority business objectives. Below there is a feedback on VodafoneSpaceLeaders BootCamp, published in PROSTOR:
  • 33. Here is how project’s “space station” looks in PROSTOR: CEO of Vodafone Ukraine’s message to VodafoneSpaceLeaders: Our business is anywhere, where information lives. What you think is absurd now, will become a reality in future. We are really interested in how you, young people, think. It’s you who will create things waiting for us in 3-5 years. We need your simple view
  • 34. on complex matters, where most genius solution is just a solution. New world values are coming, very soon money won’t be major currency. You are the agents of change, which are creating future right now. Even if 2 out 100 projects of yours will skyrocket, that will be WOW already! 2. Vodafone bloggers HUB PROSTOR is a great place to identify, engage and develop brand ambassadors internally within the company. Those are next generation of thought leaders, ready to stay on the edge of any direction Vodafone Ukraine is heading to. Vodafone Bloggers HUB in PROSTOR is a training platform for our raising-star bloggers.
  • 35. Employee engagement & loyalty. Increasing eNPS eNPS (employee NPS) is one of key HR metrics for Vodafone Ukraine. No need to explain the value which business can get, having loyal employee team in place. Just some of the gains are:  beating competition,  increasing efficiency,  changing without downturns,  being resistant to negative external factors. There are multiple projects to make employees happier and more satisfied, which heavily utilize PROSTOR. Among company-wide initiatives, those are:  Vodafone Smart City (covered in detail upper in this application)  Ovations  Annual recognition program. You remember those creative videos and spikes in user activity during voting phase, don’t you?) To be fair, PROSTOR itself is a huge employee engagement project, among its other uses. It’s a place to raise your hand, suggest improvement, give open feedback and be sure – you will be heard. Just read through all quotes about PROSTOR from our users to feel this statement for yourself. No wonder those initiatives are fruitful. In 2017 eNPS raised by 26%, 2 times(!) compared to previous year. Ease and support cross-functional collaboration One more evidence you get from quotes by our users – PROSTOR is a working instrument to boost cross-functional, cross-regional collaboration. How does it work in practice? You remember story on Teaming up Marketing and Contact center. Other prominent case is collaboration between HR and IT (plus external system integrator ANROM) on implementing all these fancy business-oriented features in PROSTOR. For each customization project, we create a work group in PROSTOR. There we are gathering requirements, collaborating to formalize them in technical specs, discussing UI, reporting on testing, working together on user manuals and documentation.
  • 36. Here is an illustration – IT publishing results of test report for HRs to review. Launching 3G & 4G in Ukraine Some of most important (and expensive) projects for a telco are deploying 3G and 4G nationwide. That means building of entirely new networks with pressure by competitors and consumer expectations. You just cannot fail here. You need to mobilize the team and find creative solutions to decrease costs and speed up processes. Creative solutions may come just by listening to employees in the fields, as with the case on 3G deployment idea during online chat with executives. That’s why Marketing and HR departments decided to use PROSTOR as innovation hub:  to find added value 3G can bring to our clients;  get insights on how to promote new 3G capabilities and increase customer loyalty.
  • 37. One-month brainstorming resulted in 70+ ideas! 1759 employees were actively involved in the process. 8 ideas were selected as winners and taken further for implementation Ensure ROI of SAP HCM implementation PROSTOR was born right at the active phase of SAP HCM implementation. That ERP module was chosen to simplify and automate core HR processes: like employee record management, payroll processing, compensations, recruiting, talent management, etc. That was a massive investment – SAP is known to be expensive in both licensing and implementation. To ensure expected returns, it was important to promote SAP HCM among employees. PROSTOR came extremely handy here. There’s a dedicated space on SAP HCM in PROSTOR to promote its useful applications, get feedback from users and provide them training. The space is actively used for the last 3 years. Here is how it looked in 2015 and now:
  • 38. Moving from MTS Ukraine to Vodafone Ukraine In 2015 our company has made a future-shaping move and joined the global Vodafone family. It meant more than just a rebranding, as we had to ensure compliance with top industry standards and values of Vodafone. PROSTOR has played integral part in this transition with:  Executive chats on this topic;  Its own rebranding;  Introducing and promoting updated corporate values by Ovations;  Encouraging people to act within Vodafone philosophy with City of Good Deeds 2016 (Vodafone Smart City). Kicking off new business - Vodafone Retail Just recently Vodafone Ukraine has started new ambitious venture – launching own retail chain over Ukraine – Vodafone Retail. We put a lot of hopes, resources and internal communications into it. Current top priority tasks for Vodafone Retail are:  Open hundreds of stores by the end of 2018  Recruit and build great team from scratch. Fast.  Build sustainable business in whole  Form open and result-oriented corporate culture PROSTOR is envisioned to take special place in this strategy – it should become powerful communications platform for retail:  Space for business communications and information sharing  Channel to broadcast key business messages  Learning & Development center  Major tool for promoting corporate values and building corporate culture
  • 39. Even though Vodafone Retail is currently in its toddler-phase, we have already started using PROSTOR to achieve the goals above:  Have allocated dedicated part of PROSTOR to Retail  Running executive chats and communicating progress via blogs  Collaborating cross-functionally on Retail projects in dedicated groups
  • 40. Time savings Fast search for internal candidates by Technical Director PROSTOR is a really useful way to get visibility and response for your request fast. That saves tons of time compared to old-fashioned formula “email + hierarchical business processes”. Take, for instance, case with Technical Director, who needed to fill 10 manager vacancies urgently. He has just written a post in blog of their function and… has not only closed 7 positions out of 10 – the post has also encouraged sharing ideas on how to improve operations in comments. Some of candidates has even created presentations on their vision for improvements, which became part of PROSTOR’s knowledge base. Post has achieved 75% users’ reach with 5949 views.
  • 41. Crowdsourcing tracking of spoiled outdoor advertising Our marketing director initiated another prominent story of employing PROSTOR for crowdsourcing (and saving time). Back in 2014, he has started a discussion in PROSTOR and invited everybody to participate in a contest – if they notice “spoiled” outdoor advertising of the company somewhere, let them share the photo and address in this discussion. Most active participants were promised with award from marketing director himself. The discussion is still being watched by marketing team member in charge of the topic. When damage is fixed, he can mark report (comment to this discussion) as resolved, which is visible for everybody. This discussion started business process relevant for more than 2 years. People from all over Ukraine has shared their damage reports here. It also came handy in times of transition under Vodafone’s brand. This crowdsourcing discussion in PROSTOR has saved more than 500 hours for marketing team to discover those spoilages themselves over entire country.
  • 42. Finding cover for contact center agents One of top places in daily PROSTOR’s statistics is a group established by our contact center people – “Hot hours of Dnipro Customer Sevice Center”. The group helps to find a quick match between members, who need cover for specific hours of the day, and those who are ready to help them (earning more at the same time). Goals of the group are:  Facilitate communication between contact center work groups so they are able to cover for each other;  Provide useful online tool to monitor vacant hours;  Increase service level by self-managed allocation of lacking resources. Technically, the process is based on standard PROSTOR’s collaborative documents. Each day’s available hours correspond to a separate document and contain a simple table. Employee, who is ready to provide cover for a colleague just edits the table and puts his/her name in the row with selected hour/s. This way the hour is “booked” by the coverer.
  • 43. Business impact of this case is impressive  2370 hours covered within 6 months after launch  30% efficiency – 3 hours out of 10 are covered  3 more similar PROSTOR groups has been created by other contact center units inspired by this success Most important – forecast for percent of uncovered calls has fallen 39% in 4 months after group has launched!
  • 44. Proving the value Please, note, we gave detailed descriptions of the cases by the links below:  Reducing tension with direct executive communications in tough times of change eNPS for the toughest year of 2014 was 0.75% higher than average for the last 4 years!  Cutting down delays of top investment projects By feedback of project managers, it became easier to allocate resources for your project, when everybody sees it is indeed a top investment venture.  Teaming up Marketing and Contact Center The program has not only engaged cross-functional collaboration, but helped to gamify switch to Service 2.0 – informal, human-like and empathetic live communication with customer. This project has brought our company winning in Contact Center World Forum 2015!  Motivate employees to provide better customer service Customer service KPIs for 2017 compared to 2016 were just impressive! - 24% for Lost Call Rate compared to 2016 -12% average processing time +67% sales revenue for CUp’S  Decrease turnover in Department of Sales and Customer Service Average duration of job at our contact centers is 3.2 years with maximum stay of 16 years! It is comparable to US average “call center agent lifespan” of 3.3 years and much higher than same metric for India, (2 years) for instance, according to the benchmark by We consider that a good result for a developing economy like Ukraine. Of course, there is room for improvement. Anyway, we are moving in right direction, which is confirmed by various contact center studies.
  • 45.  De-Bureaucratization As you remember, it took only 8 minutes to for idea to get in Technical director’s to-do list during online chat with executives in PROSTOR. Compared to several months on processing ideas in average. That has also given the company huge competitive advantage during launching 3G network at the time.  Raising leaders & internal brand ambassadors Employee and top management feedback to those activities is given by the link. Those activities are also contributing greatly to eNPS scores, raising number of “promoters” (see next bullet point).  Increasing eNPS scores Numerous projects, relying on PROSTOR, has had significant impact on raising our eNPS scores In 2017 eNPS raised by 26%, 2 times (!) compared to previous year.  Ease and support of cross-functional collaboration It is hard to measure business effects of cross-functional collaboration numerically. However, according to “2018 Global Human Capital Trends” report by Deloitte, 91% of organizations in their study have employees spending their time on projects outside their functional area. Our users view PROSTOR as major tool to cross-functional collaboration. Just read their feedback below.
  • 46. It is also proved by User-to-User Interactions chart in our analytics when we apply filtering by Department: Another example – number of user-to-user interactions generated by just one small business group in our Lviv’s Contact Center for the last year was 453,394!  Launching 3G & 4G in Ukraine and moving from MTS Ukraine to Vodafone Ukraine Brainstorming on ideas for promoting 3G was a fruitful undertaking: One-month brainstorming resulted in 70+ ideas! 1759 employees (53% of total employees by the time) were actively involved in the process. 8 ideas were selected as winners and taken further for implementation
  • 47. Not to mention huge impact rebranding and 3G launch activities had on overall results of launching 3G in Ukraine. That is harder to quantify but easier to perceive by top management team. By the end of 2015 (year of implementing 3G) we have: Built #1 network by country coverage, compared to competitors. Achieved 37.5 % increase in sales revenue on data services.  Ensure ROI on SAP HCM implementation We consider SAP HCM successfully adopted by now. Training materials on the system in PROSTOR have received almost 10 000 views, and were actively bookmarked by our users. That means, we are in position now to enjoy benefits which SAP HCM brings to HR operations (according to SAP Performance Benchmarking): 45% Improvement in Support Personnel Costs 26% less cost per an HR transaction when employee data is administered using a single system.
  • 48. Return on investment We cannot share financial data on strategic projects, to which PROSTOR has contributed. However, below, there is a calculation on the project’s ROI based on Forrester’s Total Economic Impact Benchmarks. Please, note, those numbers could have been much larger for a telco company in other country due to a low rate of our local Ukrainian currency to USD and, thus, low hourly rate of employees in USD. Annual savings by PROSTOR consist of:  $108,856– on less time for searching information: = number of daily information requests per employee * time saved on searching per one request, in hours * average employee hourly rate * number of active users of PROSTOR * number of working days in a year  $83,243– on less time for meetings: = average number of meetings per employee annually * average meeting duration in hours * % of meetings reduced by usage of PROSTOR * average employee hourly rate * number of active users of PROSTOR  $199,784– on less time for emails on cross-functional communications: = average daily time on creating & searching for emails * % of emails related to cross-functional communications* % time reduction on emails provided by PROSTOR * number of active users of PROSTOR * number of working days in a year  $120,000– on speeding up employee onboarding: = average annual number of new hires * average onboarding time for a new hire in months* average monthly salary of a new hire * % of time reduction on onboarding using PROSTOR That makes for $2,047,533 total savings in the last 4 years of PROSTOR’s existence.
  • 49. Lessons learnt Executive support is vital, but project leader & team are even more important  Project leader should be a go-getter, have broad connections within organization and great knowledge of its internal workings.  IT project manager is a must-have intranet team member, if you are self-hosted.  Team members should constantly exchange information and roles within the project – for everybody to know the full picture.  Every top-contributor is a part of your project team – recognize and support them by any opportunity. Bureaucracy can be defeated by proactive and persistent project team and internal networking  In short – there is always a way out of any bureaucratic limitation – just never give up :)  See people behind every formal approval. There is great chance that you may get a win- win result by providing value to each other. Just some ideas: promote their project via intranet, get them visible to your executive sponsors, and solve their pains with your digital workplace project, after all. User Experience is king, Business Impact is Emperor  User is your Boss. If users will love your system, it will bring obvious value and expected returns. Investment in UI/UX is worth it.  Identify top expectations of your users and find the way to live up to them.  UI/UX is not an ultimate goal. Ultimate goal is return of investment your solution provides. Never Stop  People in the company change, business goals change, and external environment may just be seismic. Your solution has to adopt to those changes constantly. So never hit the sack :)