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Selling in a Challenging
Economic Environment
•Each week we can see a growing
number of ads seeking sales persons
•The lists of prerequisites are
getting longer and more impressive:
The Death of A Salesman
… As We Knew Him
The Ad
 “At least 2 years experience;
 be creative flexible and outgoing;
 professional and business-like;
 possess strong oral and written skills;
 own a reliable motor car;
 be able to travel island wide;
 have a minimum of 6 CXC subjects;
 previous sales experience an asset;
 be able to work on their own initiative”
I frequently remind these ambitious employers
 that persons who are able to work on their own
 and are self-motivated
 more often that not
 tend to be self-employed
 But the problem is deeper than that
 Where do they expect these sales persons to materialize from?
 What aspect of our school experience is producing this subtle mix of
technical and interpersonal skills?
Who is the archetypical typical sales person?
 I would think that in Jamaica many would
nominate someone selling
 Financial products
 Insurance
 Consumer goods
 Medical supplier and drugs
 What did these persons want to be when they
“grow big”?
 I can guarantee that it was not sales
The Aspirations
 What percent of people who are now in sales
had these aspirations in primary school?
 Few?
 In high school?
 Less
 In college?
 None
Here is a career path
 that can generate very high income and
 while at the same time being extremely
critical to most business,
 yet has received no support from the formal
educational system
 Were there any sales persons at your
school’s Career Day?
The Attraction
 The most common attraction to the area of
sales has been
the ability to set ones earning capacity and
your own hours
 I dare say that more people have these desires
than have the capacity to meet the expectation
The Male Profile
 I have always thought that the best profile
for an old order sales man would be
one that does not live with parents
have expensive tastes for
material things
and high maintenance women
The Female Profile
would be
an ambitious single mother
who wants the best for her 3 children
 will be driven to produce
 Today sales have evolved well beyond these
 We had better wake up and begin some
serious preparation work for this profession
Both of these persons
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The Birth of the New Sales Person
The new sales person must be much
more than an order taker.
The internet and Business to
Business activities (B to B)
can do a more effective job
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The digital model
 has the supplier with a cash register online,
 the customer has an inventory control system
 with a preset reorder point at which an email is automatically
generated directing an order to the supplier.
 All this takes place without someone stopping
by to enquire
 “How much yu want dis month baas?”
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The new salesperson
Is a strategic business partner
who is no longer interested in
“closing a sale”,
but instead “opening a relationship”.
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 I was involved in training some persons who worked in a
Digicel store
 shortly after the company came on-stream.
 They had the ‘old order’ mind set
 that a phone was a once-in-a-lifetime purchase.
 I had to prepare them for the reality that
 the lifetime of a cell phone would be about one year.
 Based on the quality of the relationship established with the
 you could develop a continuous income stream from not only phones,
but also for accessories.
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The Data
 "How to Hire and Develop Your Next Top
Performer: The Five Qualities That Make Sales
People Great“
 Herb Greenberg, Harold Weinstein and Patrick Sweeney
 Correlations of hundreds of thousands of
assessments that were performed over several
 with various sales performance measurements.
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They help us understand
why it is that some people succeed in
while others seem to get nowhere.
They arrived at a frightening conclusion
that may well be applicable to the Jamaican
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The Facts
55% of the people earning their
living in sales
should be doing something else
25% have what it takes to sell,
but they should be selling something else
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 The reasons for these dismal figures
 are largely based on the fact that most sales persons are primarily driven
by the earning potential
 Usually selected for the job by limited and subjective
 This usually means a resume (self-report)
 and an interview.
 We recommend that if Sales is critical to your business,
an employer must go well beyond this.
Your Best Sales People
Lynette Ryals & Iain Davies
Harvard Business Review
December 2010
The Data
 Observation of 800 Sales Professionals in live sales
 Discovered 8 sales types
 Only three (3) types accounting for 37%
were consistently effective
 Five (5) types – 63%,
Consistently under performed
The Bad News
of sales
result in a sale
1 of 250
sales people
exceed their
The Good News
 The 8 types represent behavioral tendencies,
not set-in-stone personalities
 Managers can effect changes in their current
and recruit better team members in the future in the
understand the 8 types
The Best
The Trend
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 Begin by developing a profile of your most
successful sales persons.
 This will allow you to identify the common
element(s) that distinguishes them from the rest.
 Next,
 identify some more people who have these same traits.
 How?
 Use the available research which has identified
traits that are usually present in persons who
excel in sales.
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The Sales Aptitude Test
 The Sales Aptitude Test was developed by Science
Research Associates
 to assess behavioural and personality characteristics which
have been shown to be important to success in sales
 It is used for personnel selection and placement for
Sales and Sales Management positions.
 The assessment measures an individual’s sales
 The test utilizes items related to seven (7) personal
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Achievement Motivation
 the internalization of high standards for
 and the preference for working on challenging or difficult tasks.
 Individuals who are highly motivated to
 are ambitious and strive to accomplish something important.
 They are often highly competitive,
 and they place a priority on winning
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 resilience to criticism, rejection or failure
 Individuals with high ego strength have
a strong sense of self-worth
and like themselves for who they are
 These persons are able to maintain a
positive attitude in the face of failure or
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behaviours which are
characterised by vigour, intensity
and endurance
People with high energy are
able to sustain effort for long
periods of time
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the preference for adventurous
and willingness to take risks that will pay off
in a materialistic sense
Enterprising people enjoy working
in a competitive business
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the need to verbally express
with the intent of influencing the
behaviours or decisions of others
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 the willingness to take action
based on the belief that effort will produce
desired outcomes
 Individuals with a high level of self-
confidence approach tasks
with the belief that their abilities and drive are
all well matched to the task
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the preference for interacting with
people during work and recreation
Highly sociable people gain
satisfaction from relationships;
they are friendly, outgoing, articulate
and socially at ease
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Based on these traits,
 sales aptitude is characterized by
 a tough-minded social confidence,
 a competitive ambition,
 a need to persuade and influence others
 and a high level of energy and industry
 The test produces a single score
 which has been shown to predict successful sales
 in a variety of industries
To Really Be A Top
Financial Advisor?
Do You Have the Right
Attitude to Sell?
selling begins with
salespeople listen
well and generally
are open-minded
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1. Willingness to be Different
Success often requires a
different approach
You don’t have
to look, sound, act
or get compensated like
everyone else
Do what works for you
For Instance
Track your own
sales instead of
waiting for for a
sales manager to
do it for you
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2. Commitment
Cutting corners and
compromising standards
offer short-term gain
but undermine relationships
 Develop a sense of purpose and
resolve in what you do
 You operate in your own best
interests when you serve your
unfailingly and without hesitation
Take the Initiative
Don’t wait for
someone to
tell you what
to do
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3. Self-motivation
You are responsible for your own
Keep in mind the adage
good luck is found at the
intersection of preparation,
hard work and opportunity
4. Accountability
The most effective way to
handle a problem is to confront
it directly
Take responsibility when it’s
appropriate to do so
Don’t be afraid to admit you
do not have all the answers
5. Long-term Perspective
Some interactions are short-
term purchases
Others offer the opportunity
for long-term relationships
Long-term Perspective
Learn to recognise the difference
Remember that selling ultimately
is an interaction between
not institutions
6. Focus
Your objective is to propose
solutions for your customers
Delegate to support staff those
routine tasks that interfere with
your objective
Ask someone else to go to that
meeting you had planned to
Concentrate on bringing in new
business to the company
7. Optimistic
Salespeople, like actors, need to
know how to experience emotions
without getting caught up in them
Anger, frustration, and fear are
part of the sales game
Recognise that
all situations
offer opportunity
Be positive
8. Enthusiastic
Genuine enthusiasm is
one of the best ways to win
people over to your way of
An upbeat attitude will
go along way toward
overcoming resistance
9. Cause-oriented
Believe in what you do for a
If you don’t believe in your
contribution or your company
get another job
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Do You Enjoy Your Work?
If you win the lottery
You will be happy for a year
But if you enjoy what you do
You will be happy for a lifetime
14 November,
There is work that is work
And there is play that is play;
There is play that is work
And work that is play
And in only one of these lie
Gelett Burgess
Work and Play
14 November, 2015
14 November, 2015 67
Do You Enjoy Your Job?
Man who enjoys
his job will never
have to work
a day in his life
14 November,
The 8 Roles
you must play
You Can
Fulfil buyers’
evolving needs by
taking on a different
role for each of the
eight steps in the
buying process
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1. Act As A Student
To study the change
affecting your
Find opportunities
to add value
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2. Act As A Doctor
Uncover their big
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3. Act As An Architect
As prospects research
You design buying
criteria that meets
their needs
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4. Act As A Coach
When customer starts
comparing your
offering to the
You make a game plan
to win the account
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5. Act As A Therapist
To draw out
prospects’ fears
and resolve them
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6. Act As A Negotiator
Try to reach a
commitment to
“open” a
Not “close” a sale
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7. Teach Your Customers
So they learn to
use your product
and fulfil their
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8. Act As A Farmer
Cultivate customer
Grow the account as a
Farmer cultivates his
Study Prospects
Sales Role 1: Student
Study the change
affecting prospects
Find opportunities
for you to add
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You must first study in detail
What are the customer’s needs?
As a “student,”
you must do research
for example
What is the person’s risk tolerance?
Uncovering Changes
Your research
will help you
pinpoint changes
that affect or
could affect your
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Look for External Changes
New government
Foreign competitors
Internal changes
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Once You Identify Changes Affecting
Your Customer
You can offer solutions to help them deal with
those changes
The key to being a good student is to forget
about your products
imagine that you work for your customer
Ask yourself
What results is my
customer trying to
How can my product
or service help?
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2. Act As A Doctor
 Diagnose discontent and
uncover big needs
 At this step of the process,
customers recognise a problem
or opportunity
 Question the seriousness of the
 Decide whether to buy a
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A Doctor
 Helps people achieve
wellness through
knowledge and
 As a “doctor” of selling
 You ask questions
 Help prospects diagnose
and possible solutions11/14/2015 86
1. Ask History Questions
Get background
facts and current
Identify actual
performance and
the ideal level of
11/14/2015 87
2. Ask Symptom Questions:
 Why is the customer
 Where does the discontent
stem from?
 Customer may or may not
know the cause of the
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3. Ask Cause Questions
 Determine the source of
the problems
 Customers may also not
realise the seriousness of a
 The seriousness is
important in helping
determine whether or not
they have a pressing need
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4. Ask Complication Questions
Uncovering serious
underlying problems
By digging further,
you can reveal any “big”
needs of which the prospect
may be unaware
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5. Finally, Ask Cure Questions
Helps you identify
expectations of value
Example of a cure question
“What would a new income
stream allow you to do?”
After Gathering This Information
You can begin
showing how you can
a prescription for
their needs
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You are
Offering a preliminary
prescription so that
you can go with your
customer to the next
step of the buying
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Sales Role 3: Architect
 Design unique solutions that
influence your customers’
 At this point in the process
prospects have a general concept
of what they want
 Based on the needs identified
 But they haven’t made any
decisions on the specifics yet
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Your Role
 To help customers move from a general concept to a specific
 a plan that contains the specific criteria on which they will
make their decisions
 These criteria should
 correspond as much as possible to the strengths of your offering
You Must First
Understand the customers’
An architect knows what a
client wishes to accomplish
with a new building
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As an “Architect” of
Financial Planning
You must ask the
same question:
What do they want
to accomplish?
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As an Architect
You want to draw out the must-have
requirements prospects haven’t thought of
but that are required for the job to get done to their
The clients of an architect
 Often see a new building as an opportunity
 They don’t realise all the ways in which a
new building can help them improve
 By questioning clients carefully
 Architects elicit “nice-to have” criteria not
mentioned before
Question them carefully
 About their operations and their goals
 You can uncover “nice to haves” that
they might never have thought of
 Ask your prospect to rank the relative
importance of each nice-to-have item
 Help prospects emphasise benefits in
which you are strong
On the other hand
 A customer might demand
 “Show me what you’ve got”
 Try saying,
 “I can show you many options.
But to know which ones are
pertinent for you,
I need to ask you a few
questions first….”
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 Show the prospect what
you’ve got
 Then immediately back up
and identify the problem or
opportunity the prospect is
trying to solve
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Sales Role 4: Coach
Compare your offering to
the competition’s then
implement a game plan to
win the account
In step 4 of the buying
process, customers are
comparison shopping
Your Mission
 To convince buyers
 Without getting into a self-
destructive price war
 That you offer the best solution
to their needs
 Think of step 4 as a sport
match between you and the
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To win the game
You must act
as a “coach”
“Who is the best choice?”
 Customer’s number one question in the comparison
 If you can’t answer that question, you’ll be in a price
How do coaches win games?
 First
 they analyse their team’s
strengths and weaknesses
 match them up against
the strengths and
weaknesses of the
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From that comparison
 They develop a winning game
plan designed to exploit their
team’s strengths and the
weaknesses of the opponent
 Then the team executes the
 Winning an account involves
the same three steps
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The Pre-game Comparison
 First, “scout” your opponents
 Ask customer outright who the
competition is
 Listen carefully to objections
 Scout opponents through
competitive analyses
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One by One
 Take the must-have and
nice-to-have criteria
developed in step 3
 see how you match up
against the competition
 Don’t limit yourself
 Add in intangibles that add
value to your offering
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The Game Plan
 Design a game plan to exploit your
strengths and opponents’ weaknesses
 You already put yourself in a better
position in the architect phase when
influencing the criteria list
 Bolster those strengths on the list by
asking buyers to explain why those
features are important to them
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 The more they themselves
talk about the features, the
more those features will
rise in importance
 Don’t forget to emphasise
intangible strengths in your
game plan
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Some other strategies to keep in mind:
 If you have weaknesses
– and you will –
repackage them to
focus on your strengths
 Carefully look for
weaknesses in your
competitors’ strengths
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 show that you fully understand your clients’ needs
and objectives
 Then,
 based on your strengths and opponents’ weaknesses,
 you must describe how your solution meets those needs
 Next –
 justify the costs of your solution by showing how the buyers’ profits will
 Your strengths and
opponents’ weaknesses
 Justify costs
 Lead prospects to just
one conclusion:
Buy from you
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Sales Role 5: Therapist
Draw out
fears and
resolve them
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Reluctance Is Not Objection
 The last-minute
reluctance to
plunge forward
into the
purchase is
more emotional
than rational
 Some sales
people ignore
this component
and stubbornly
repeat rational
arguments for
the purchase
Instead of Treating Fear As an
Objection to Be Countered
Encourage open
expressions of concerns
Instead of Treating Fear As an
Objection to Be Countered
 This is only way that prospects can
move past those concerns and on to
the next step: commitment
 The first step
Be sensitive and observant so that you
can recognise when prospects are
becoming fearful or reluctant
Signs of Fear
 Negative body
 Unreturned phone
 A reluctance to meet
 Unrealistic demands
Such as on price
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If You See the Signs of Fear
 First, explore your
buyers’ concerns
 Ask:
“Can you tell me more
about that?”
“Why do you feel that
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You Are a Therapist
 You must ask questions
 Keep digging
 The first concerns are often
smokescreens chosen to provide quick
escapes for the prospects
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To Uncover the Hidden Real Concerns
Empathise with prospects’
Put yourself in their shoes to
understand their
To Uncover the Hidden Real Concerns
 Help your prospects resolve
their fears for themselves by
discussing alternatives
 Ask your prospects to think of
possible solutions to their
If You Have a Solution
 Present it as an alternative
Not a solution
 Prospects who choose solutions themselves will be
more committed – and less fearful – about those
All Change
 Involves risks
 which in turn
raise fears
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Your Goal As a Therapist
 To help prospects
explore alternatives
 To resolve their
fears so that you
move toward in the
buying process
not backward
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Sales Role 6: Negotiator
Try to reach a
commitment to
“open” a
Not “close” a sale
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Win-Win Negotiations
 Don’t destroy the
relationships that
painstakingly built
up with your
prospects by
haggling over prices
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The Result Will Be a Win-lose Situation
 Someone has to lose so that the other
party can win
 This situation is hardly conducive to the
type of long-term relationship you want
to nurture with a customer
 Try to reach a win-win agreement that
meets the present and future needs of
both you and your prospect
Negotiation Strengths
 Analyse the negotiating power of
both you and the buyer
 Many salespeople underestimate
their strengths in a negotiation
 Eager to make a sale afraid the
buyer will go someplace else,
they make overly generous
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The Result
 Profits from the sale are limited
 The salesperson
As well as his or her company
Loses in the agreement
 Make sure that you are aware of your negotiating
Establish a Range of Flexibility
The minimum positions that
you will accept
Your most-favourable list-
price scenario
What you hope to achieve
through the negotiations
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Your Negotiating Strengths
Armed with justifications and possible
You are now ready to negotiate
Remember to strive for a win-win agreement
Negotiations shouldn’t be a battle to the bloody
Once a Buyer’s Offer Is Proposed and Countered
Get all additional buyer demands out in the
This will prevent a buyer nibbling
concessions through the negotiations
Never give a concession without getting one
in return
The Goal of Negotiations
To open a relationship
Not close a sale
You want to get the buyer to
commit to you
But you must also commit
to the buyer
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Sales Role 7: Teacher
expectations and
teach customers to
use your product so
expectations are
For most
salespeople, the
sales process
comes to and end
when the customer
says “yes”
For Buyers
 The process is just beginning
 To keep customers for life,
you must see things from the customer’s perspective
 You must see the “close” of a deal as
the beginning of a new sales process
 Not the end of an old one
During the Sale Process
 Buyers form expectations of the value that would
result from the purchase
 If you and your product don’t fulfil those
expectations, you will have unsatisfied customers
 They won’t be back for repeat sales
The Problem
Inexperienced customers often have
exaggerated or unrealistic expectations
They are often ignorant of the learning process
required to master the new product or service
Your first post-sales role is that of “teacher”
Teaching Buyers
 As a teacher
for new
you want to
do three
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 Set realistic objectives and
 Ask customers how they will know that
the new product or service is successful
This sets concrete, realistic objectives and
expectations for the purchase
 Customers can then monitor the
effectiveness of a new product or
 Show your buyers how to make the most of your
 Test whether objectives have been reached
 Depending on the size and scope of the purchase
Testing can range from follow-up phone calls or
questionnaires to months of tracking and analysis
 Cultivate customers satisfaction
Sales Role 8: Farmer
 Cultivate customer satisfaction
and grow the account
 Unhappy customers are often
the result of bankers who have
become complacent
 They don’t hear from
customers and assume
everything’s okay
Try to Nurture and Grow the Account
 As a farmer nurtures and
grows his crops
 As a “farmer” of selling
 You must first nourish the
relationship with your
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Most Unhappy Customers Don’t Complain
 They’ll just look elsewhere the
next time around
 To avoid becoming complacent
start thinking of “account
instead of “account maintenance”
Keep in Touch With Customers
 Through regular account review
 Ensure that everything is going well
 For example
If any problems crop up, attack them with
Show that you care
 “Sow’ new applications for your
product or service
 Find new ways for your
customer benefit from your
A Farmer
 Cultivates his fields
 Irrigating the crop
 Keeping away pest and
 You should do the same
 Keep generating new ideas
to help your customers grow
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Maintain Your Relationships
Keep away “pests and weeds”
Your competitors
Your extra efforts will yield results
Just as a farmer reaps the fruits of
his labours
For Example
 You will have placed
yourself in good position
to be awarded future,
perhaps larger loans
 You will have cultivated
receptive outlets for new
products and services
11/14/2015 152
Next Season
 The farmer will start over
 You must do the same
 In the months and years after a
purchase, your knowledge of
your customer may become
 You then return to customer-
focused sales role 1 and
become a student once again
11/14/2015 153
M O B I L E : 8 7 6 . 3 8 3 . 5 6 2 7 S K Y P E : L S E M A J
O F F I C E : 8 7 6 . 9 4 2 . 9 0 5 7 T W I T T E R : L S E M A J
E M A I L : S E M A J @ L T S E M A J . C O M F A C E B O O K : L T S e m a j P h D
B L O G : T H E S E M A J M I N D S P A . W O R D P R E S S . C O M
11/14/2015 154
Another JobBank

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Selling in challenging times 2015 AoB

  • 1. L E A H C I M S E M A J Selling in a Challenging Economic Environment 11/14/2015 1
  • 2. •Each week we can see a growing number of ads seeking sales persons •The lists of prerequisites are getting longer and more impressive: The Death of A Salesman … As We Knew Him 11/14/2015 2
  • 3. The Ad  “At least 2 years experience;  be creative flexible and outgoing;  professional and business-like;  possess strong oral and written skills;  own a reliable motor car;  be able to travel island wide;  have a minimum of 6 CXC subjects;  previous sales experience an asset;  be able to work on their own initiative” 11/14/
  • 4. I frequently remind these ambitious employers  that persons who are able to work on their own  and are self-motivated  more often that not  tend to be self-employed  But the problem is deeper than that  Where do they expect these sales persons to materialize from?  What aspect of our school experience is producing this subtle mix of technical and interpersonal skills? 11/14/
  • 5. Who is the archetypical typical sales person?  I would think that in Jamaica many would nominate someone selling  Financial products  Insurance  Consumer goods  Medical supplier and drugs  What did these persons want to be when they “grow big”?  I can guarantee that it was not sales 11/14/
  • 6. The Aspirations  What percent of people who are now in sales had these aspirations in primary school?  Few?  In high school?  Less  In college?  None 11/14/
  • 7. Here is a career path  that can generate very high income and autonomy,  while at the same time being extremely critical to most business,  yet has received no support from the formal educational system  Were there any sales persons at your school’s Career Day? 11/14/
  • 8. The Attraction  The most common attraction to the area of sales has been the ability to set ones earning capacity and your own hours  I dare say that more people have these desires than have the capacity to meet the expectation 11/14/
  • 9. The Male Profile  I have always thought that the best profile for an old order sales man would be one that does not live with parents have expensive tastes for material things and high maintenance women 11/14/
  • 10. The Female Profile would be an ambitious single mother who wants the best for her 3 children 11/14/
  • 11.  will be driven to produce  Today sales have evolved well beyond these parameters  We had better wake up and begin some serious preparation work for this profession Both of these persons 11/14/
  • 12. 11/14/ 12 The Birth of the New Sales Person The new sales person must be much more than an order taker. The internet and Business to Business activities (B to B) procedures can do a more effective job
  • 13. 11/14/ 13 The digital model  has the supplier with a cash register online,  the customer has an inventory control system  with a preset reorder point at which an email is automatically generated directing an order to the supplier.  All this takes place without someone stopping by to enquire  “How much yu want dis month baas?”
  • 14. 11/14/ 14 The new salesperson Is a strategic business partner who is no longer interested in “closing a sale”, but instead “opening a relationship”.
  • 15. 11/14/ 15 Digicel  I was involved in training some persons who worked in a Digicel store  shortly after the company came on-stream.  They had the ‘old order’ mind set  that a phone was a once-in-a-lifetime purchase.  I had to prepare them for the reality that  the lifetime of a cell phone would be about one year.  Based on the quality of the relationship established with the customer,  you could develop a continuous income stream from not only phones, but also for accessories.
  • 16. 11/14/ 16 The Data  "How to Hire and Develop Your Next Top Performer: The Five Qualities That Make Sales People Great“  Herb Greenberg, Harold Weinstein and Patrick Sweeney  Correlations of hundreds of thousands of assessments that were performed over several decades  with various sales performance measurements.
  • 17. 11/14/ 17 They help us understand why it is that some people succeed in sales, while others seem to get nowhere. They arrived at a frightening conclusion that may well be applicable to the Jamaican situation.
  • 18. 11/14/ 18 The Facts 55% of the people earning their living in sales should be doing something else 25% have what it takes to sell, but they should be selling something else
  • 19. 11/14/ 19 WHY?  The reasons for these dismal figures  are largely based on the fact that most sales persons are primarily driven by the earning potential  Usually selected for the job by limited and subjective processes.  This usually means a resume (self-report)  and an interview.  We recommend that if Sales is critical to your business, an employer must go well beyond this.
  • 20. Your Best Sales People Lynette Ryals & Iain Davies Harvard Business Review December 2010
  • 21. The Data  Observation of 800 Sales Professionals in live sales meetings  Discovered 8 sales types  Only three (3) types accounting for 37% were consistently effective  Five (5) types – 63%, Consistently under performed
  • 22. The Bad News 9.1% of sales meetings result in a sale 1 of 250 sales people exceed their targets
  • 23. The Good News  The 8 types represent behavioral tendencies, not set-in-stone personalities  Managers can effect changes in their current salespeople, and recruit better team members in the future in the understand the 8 types
  • 34. 11/14/ 34 Profiling  Begin by developing a profile of your most successful sales persons.  This will allow you to identify the common element(s) that distinguishes them from the rest.  Next,  identify some more people who have these same traits.  How?  Use the available research which has identified traits that are usually present in persons who excel in sales.
  • 35. 11/14/ 35 The Sales Aptitude Test  The Sales Aptitude Test was developed by Science Research Associates  to assess behavioural and personality characteristics which have been shown to be important to success in sales occupations.  It is used for personnel selection and placement for Sales and Sales Management positions.  The assessment measures an individual’s sales aptitude.  The test utilizes items related to seven (7) personal attributes
  • 36. 11/14/ 36 Achievement Motivation  the internalization of high standards for performance  and the preference for working on challenging or difficult tasks.  Individuals who are highly motivated to achieve  are ambitious and strive to accomplish something important.  They are often highly competitive,  and they place a priority on winning
  • 37. 11/14/ 37 Ego-Strength  resilience to criticism, rejection or failure  Individuals with high ego strength have a strong sense of self-worth and like themselves for who they are  These persons are able to maintain a positive attitude in the face of failure or rejection
  • 38. 11/14/ 38 Energy behaviours which are characterised by vigour, intensity and endurance People with high energy are able to sustain effort for long periods of time
  • 39. 11/14/ 39 Enterprise the preference for adventurous activities and willingness to take risks that will pay off in a materialistic sense Enterprising people enjoy working in a competitive business environment.
  • 40. 11/14/ 40 Persuasiveness the need to verbally express oneself with the intent of influencing the behaviours or decisions of others
  • 41. 11/14/ 41 Self-Confidence  the willingness to take action based on the belief that effort will produce desired outcomes  Individuals with a high level of self- confidence approach tasks with the belief that their abilities and drive are all well matched to the task
  • 42. 11/14/ 42 Sociability the preference for interacting with people during work and recreation Highly sociable people gain satisfaction from relationships; they are friendly, outgoing, articulate and socially at ease
  • 43. 11/14/ 43 Based on these traits,  sales aptitude is characterized by  a tough-minded social confidence,  a competitive ambition,  a need to persuade and influence others  and a high level of energy and industry  The test produces a single score  which has been shown to predict successful sales performance  in a variety of industries
  • 45. To Really Be A Top Financial Advisor? DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES 11/14/2015 46
  • 46. Do You Have the Right Attitude to Sell? High-efficiency selling begins with attitude Successful salespeople listen well and generally are open-minded 11/14/2015 47
  • 47. 1. Willingness to be Different Success often requires a different approach You don’t have to look, sound, act or get compensated like everyone else Do what works for you 11/14/2015 48
  • 48. For Instance Track your own sales instead of waiting for for a sales manager to do it for you 11/14/2015 49
  • 49. 2. Commitment Cutting corners and compromising standards offer short-term gain but undermine relationships 11/14/2015 50
  • 50. Commitment  Develop a sense of purpose and resolve in what you do  You operate in your own best interests when you serve your customers unfailingly and without hesitation 11/14/2015 51
  • 51. Take the Initiative Don’t wait for someone to tell you what to do 11/14/2015 52
  • 52. 3. Self-motivation You are responsible for your own success Keep in mind the adage good luck is found at the intersection of preparation, hard work and opportunity 11/14/2015 53
  • 53. 4. Accountability The most effective way to handle a problem is to confront it directly 11/14/2015 54
  • 54. Accountability Take responsibility when it’s appropriate to do so Don’t be afraid to admit you do not have all the answers 11/14/2015 55
  • 55. 5. Long-term Perspective Some interactions are short- term purchases Others offer the opportunity for long-term relationships 11/14/2015 56
  • 56. Long-term Perspective Learn to recognise the difference Remember that selling ultimately is an interaction between individuals, not institutions 11/14/2015 57
  • 57. 6. Focus Your objective is to propose solutions for your customers Delegate to support staff those routine tasks that interfere with your objective 11/14/2015 58
  • 58. Focus Ask someone else to go to that meeting you had planned to attend Concentrate on bringing in new business to the company 11/14/2015 59
  • 59. 7. Optimistic Salespeople, like actors, need to know how to experience emotions without getting caught up in them Anger, frustration, and fear are part of the sales game 11/14/2015 60
  • 60. Optimistic Recognise that all situations offer opportunity Be positive 11/14/2015 61
  • 61. 8. Enthusiastic Genuine enthusiasm is contagious one of the best ways to win people over to your way of thinking 11/14/2015 62
  • 62. Enthusiastic An upbeat attitude will go along way toward overcoming resistance 11/14/2015 63
  • 63. 9. Cause-oriented Believe in what you do for a living If you don’t believe in your contribution or your company get another job 11/14/2015 64
  • 64. Do You Enjoy Your Work? If you win the lottery You will be happy for a year But if you enjoy what you do You will be happy for a lifetime 14 November, 2015 65
  • 65. There is work that is work And there is play that is play; There is play that is work And work that is play And in only one of these lie happiness Gelett Burgess Work and Play 14 November, 2015 66
  • 66. 14 November, 2015 67 Do You Enjoy Your Job? Man who enjoys his job will never have to work a day in his life Confucius 14 November,
  • 67. SELLING FROM INSIDE YOUR CUSTOMER’S HEAD The 8 Roles you must play 11/14/2015 68
  • 68. You Can Fulfil buyers’ evolving needs by taking on a different role for each of the eight steps in the buying process 11/14/2015 69
  • 69. 1. Act As A Student To study the change affecting your customers Find opportunities to add value 11/14/2015 70
  • 70. 2. Act As A Doctor Diagnose customers’ discontents Uncover their big needs 11/14/2015 71
  • 71. 3. Act As An Architect As prospects research solutions You design buying criteria that meets their needs 11/14/2015 72
  • 72. 4. Act As A Coach When customer starts comparing your offering to the competition’s You make a game plan to win the account 11/14/2015 73
  • 73. 5. Act As A Therapist To draw out prospects’ fears and resolve them 11/14/2015 74
  • 74. 6. Act As A Negotiator Try to reach a mutual commitment to “open” a relationship Not “close” a sale 11/14/2015 75
  • 75. 7. Teach Your Customers So they learn to use your product and fulfil their expectations 11/14/2015 76
  • 76. 8. Act As A Farmer Cultivate customer Satisfaction Grow the account as a Farmer cultivates his crops 11/14/2015 77
  • 78. Sales Role 1: Student Study the change affecting prospects Find opportunities for you to add value 11/14/2015 79
  • 79. You must first study in detail What are the customer’s needs? As a “student,” you must do research for example What is the person’s risk tolerance? 11/14/2015 80
  • 80. Uncovering Changes Your research will help you pinpoint changes that affect or could affect your prospect 11/14/2015 81
  • 81. Look for External Changes New government regulations Foreign competitors Internal changes Mergers Reengineering programs 11/14/2015 82
  • 82. Once You Identify Changes Affecting Your Customer You can offer solutions to help them deal with those changes The key to being a good student is to forget about your products imagine that you work for your customer 11/14/2015 83
  • 83. Ask yourself What results is my customer trying to achieve? How can my product or service help? 11/14/2015 84
  • 84. 2. Act As A Doctor  Diagnose discontent and uncover big needs  At this step of the process, customers recognise a problem or opportunity  Question the seriousness of the problem  Decide whether to buy a solution 11/14/2015 85
  • 85. A Doctor  Helps people achieve wellness through knowledge and questioning  As a “doctor” of selling  You ask questions  Help prospects diagnose problems and possible solutions11/14/2015 86
  • 86. 1. Ask History Questions Get background facts and current information Identify actual performance and the ideal level of performance 11/14/2015 87
  • 87. 2. Ask Symptom Questions:  Why is the customer unhappy?  Where does the discontent stem from?  Customer may or may not know the cause of the discontent 11/14/2015 88
  • 88. 3. Ask Cause Questions  Determine the source of the problems  Customers may also not realise the seriousness of a problem  The seriousness is important in helping determine whether or not they have a pressing need 11/14/2015 89
  • 89. 4. Ask Complication Questions Uncovering serious underlying problems By digging further, you can reveal any “big” needs of which the prospect may be unaware 11/14/2015 90
  • 90. 5. Finally, Ask Cure Questions Helps you identify expectations of value Example of a cure question “What would a new income stream allow you to do?” 11/14/2015 91
  • 91. After Gathering This Information You can begin showing how you can help a prescription for their needs 11/14/2015 92
  • 92. You are Offering a preliminary prescription so that you can go with your customer to the next step of the buying process 11/14/2015 93
  • 93. Sales Role 3: Architect  Design unique solutions that influence your customers’ research  At this point in the process prospects have a general concept of what they want  Based on the needs identified previously  But they haven’t made any decisions on the specifics yet 11/14/2015 94
  • 94. Your Role  To help customers move from a general concept to a specific plan  a plan that contains the specific criteria on which they will make their decisions  These criteria should  correspond as much as possible to the strengths of your offering 11/14/2015 95
  • 95. You Must First Understand the customers’ concept An architect knows what a client wishes to accomplish with a new building 11/14/2015 96
  • 96. As an “Architect” of Financial Planning You must ask the same question: What do they want to accomplish? 11/14/2015 97
  • 97. As an Architect You want to draw out the must-have requirements prospects haven’t thought of but that are required for the job to get done to their satisfaction 11/14/2015 98
  • 98. The clients of an architect  Often see a new building as an opportunity  They don’t realise all the ways in which a new building can help them improve operations  By questioning clients carefully  Architects elicit “nice-to have” criteria not mentioned before 11/14/2015 99
  • 99. Question them carefully  About their operations and their goals  You can uncover “nice to haves” that they might never have thought of  Ask your prospect to rank the relative importance of each nice-to-have item  Help prospects emphasise benefits in which you are strong 11/14/2015 100
  • 100. On the other hand  A customer might demand  “Show me what you’ve got”  Try saying,  “I can show you many options. But to know which ones are pertinent for you, I need to ask you a few questions first….” 11/14/2015 101
  • 101. ALTERNATIVE  Show the prospect what you’ve got  Then immediately back up and identify the problem or opportunity the prospect is trying to solve 11/14/2015 102
  • 102. Sales Role 4: Coach Compare your offering to the competition’s then implement a game plan to win the account In step 4 of the buying process, customers are comparison shopping 11/14/2015 103
  • 103. Your Mission  To convince buyers  Without getting into a self- destructive price war  That you offer the best solution to their needs  Think of step 4 as a sport match between you and the competition 11/14/2015 104
  • 104. To win the game You must act as a “coach” 11/14/2015 105
  • 105. “Who is the best choice?”  Customer’s number one question in the comparison step  If you can’t answer that question, you’ll be in a price war 11/14/2015 106
  • 106. How do coaches win games?  First  they analyse their team’s strengths and weaknesses  match them up against the strengths and weaknesses of the opponent 11/14/2015 107
  • 107. From that comparison  They develop a winning game plan designed to exploit their team’s strengths and the weaknesses of the opponent  Then the team executes the plan  Winning an account involves the same three steps 11/14/2015 108
  • 108. The Pre-game Comparison  First, “scout” your opponents  Ask customer outright who the competition is  Listen carefully to objections  Scout opponents through competitive analyses 11/14/2015 109
  • 109. One by One  Take the must-have and nice-to-have criteria developed in step 3  see how you match up against the competition  Don’t limit yourself  Add in intangibles that add value to your offering 11/14/2015 110
  • 110. The Game Plan  Design a game plan to exploit your strengths and opponents’ weaknesses  You already put yourself in a better position in the architect phase when influencing the criteria list  Bolster those strengths on the list by asking buyers to explain why those features are important to them 11/14/2015 111
  • 111. LET THEM TALK  The more they themselves talk about the features, the more those features will rise in importance  Don’t forget to emphasise intangible strengths in your game plan 11/14/2015 112
  • 112. Some other strategies to keep in mind:  If you have weaknesses – and you will – repackage them to focus on your strengths instead  Carefully look for weaknesses in your competitors’ strengths 11/14/2015 113
  • 113. First  show that you fully understand your clients’ needs and objectives  Then,  based on your strengths and opponents’ weaknesses,  you must describe how your solution meets those needs  Next –  justify the costs of your solution by showing how the buyers’ profits will improve 11/14/2015 114
  • 114. Emphasising  Your strengths and opponents’ weaknesses  Justify costs  Lead prospects to just one conclusion: Buy from you 11/14/2015 115
  • 115. Sales Role 5: Therapist Draw out fears and resolve them 11/14/2015 116
  • 116. Reluctance Is Not Objection  The last-minute reluctance to plunge forward into the purchase is more emotional than rational  Some sales people ignore this component and stubbornly repeat rational arguments for the purchase 11/14/2015 117
  • 117. Instead of Treating Fear As an Objection to Be Countered Encourage open expressions of concerns 11/14/2015 118
  • 118. Instead of Treating Fear As an Objection to Be Countered  This is only way that prospects can move past those concerns and on to the next step: commitment  The first step Be sensitive and observant so that you can recognise when prospects are becoming fearful or reluctant 11/14/2015 119
  • 119. Signs of Fear  Negative body language  Unreturned phone calls  A reluctance to meet  Unrealistic demands Such as on price 11/14/2015 120
  • 120. If You See the Signs of Fear  First, explore your buyers’ concerns  Ask: “Can you tell me more about that?” “Why do you feel that way?” 11/14/2015 121
  • 121. You Are a Therapist  You must ask questions  Keep digging  The first concerns are often smokescreens chosen to provide quick escapes for the prospects 11/14/2015 122
  • 122. To Uncover the Hidden Real Concerns Empathise with prospects’ feelings Put yourself in their shoes to understand their motivations 11/14/2015 123
  • 123. To Uncover the Hidden Real Concerns  Help your prospects resolve their fears for themselves by discussing alternatives  Ask your prospects to think of possible solutions to their concerns 11/14/2015 124
  • 124. If You Have a Solution  Present it as an alternative Not a solution  Prospects who choose solutions themselves will be more committed – and less fearful – about those solutions 11/14/2015 125
  • 125. All Change  Involves risks  which in turn raise fears 11/14/2015 126
  • 126. Your Goal As a Therapist  To help prospects explore alternatives  To resolve their fears so that you move toward in the buying process not backward 11/14/2015 127
  • 127. Sales Role 6: Negotiator Try to reach a mutual commitment to “open” a relationship Not “close” a sale 11/14/2015 128
  • 128. Win-Win Negotiations  Don’t destroy the relationships that you’ve painstakingly built up with your prospects by haggling over prices 11/14/2015 129
  • 129. The Result Will Be a Win-lose Situation  Someone has to lose so that the other party can win  This situation is hardly conducive to the type of long-term relationship you want to nurture with a customer  Try to reach a win-win agreement that meets the present and future needs of both you and your prospect 11/14/2015 130
  • 130. Negotiation Strengths  Analyse the negotiating power of both you and the buyer  Many salespeople underestimate their strengths in a negotiation  Eager to make a sale afraid the buyer will go someplace else, they make overly generous concession 11/14/2015 131
  • 131. The Result  Profits from the sale are limited  The salesperson As well as his or her company Loses in the agreement  Make sure that you are aware of your negotiating strengths 11/14/2015 132
  • 132. Establish a Range of Flexibility The minimum positions that you will accept Your most-favourable list- price scenario What you hope to achieve through the negotiations 11/14/2015 133
  • 133. Your Negotiating Strengths Armed with justifications and possible concessions You are now ready to negotiate Remember to strive for a win-win agreement Negotiations shouldn’t be a battle to the bloody finish 11/14/2015 134
  • 134. Once a Buyer’s Offer Is Proposed and Countered Get all additional buyer demands out in the open This will prevent a buyer nibbling concessions through the negotiations Never give a concession without getting one in return 11/14/2015 135
  • 135. The Goal of Negotiations To open a relationship Not close a sale You want to get the buyer to commit to you But you must also commit to the buyer 11/14/2015 136
  • 136. Sales Role 7: Teacher Identify expectations and teach customers to use your product so expectations are fulfilled For most salespeople, the sales process comes to and end when the customer says “yes” 11/14/2015 137
  • 137. For Buyers  The process is just beginning  To keep customers for life, you must see things from the customer’s perspective  You must see the “close” of a deal as the beginning of a new sales process  Not the end of an old one 11/14/2015 138
  • 138. During the Sale Process  Buyers form expectations of the value that would result from the purchase  If you and your product don’t fulfil those expectations, you will have unsatisfied customers  They won’t be back for repeat sales 11/14/2015 139
  • 139. The Problem Inexperienced customers often have exaggerated or unrealistic expectations They are often ignorant of the learning process required to master the new product or service Your first post-sales role is that of “teacher” 11/14/2015 140
  • 140. Teaching Buyers  As a teacher for new customers, you want to do three things 11/14/2015 141
  • 141. First  Set realistic objectives and expectations  Ask customers how they will know that the new product or service is successful This sets concrete, realistic objectives and expectations for the purchase  Customers can then monitor the effectiveness of a new product or service 11/14/2015 142
  • 142. Second  Show your buyers how to make the most of your offering 11/14/2015 143
  • 143. Finally  Test whether objectives have been reached  Depending on the size and scope of the purchase Testing can range from follow-up phone calls or questionnaires to months of tracking and analysis  Cultivate customers satisfaction 11/14/2015 144
  • 144. Sales Role 8: Farmer  Cultivate customer satisfaction and grow the account  Unhappy customers are often the result of bankers who have become complacent  They don’t hear from customers and assume everything’s okay 11/14/2015 145
  • 145. Try to Nurture and Grow the Account  As a farmer nurtures and grows his crops  As a “farmer” of selling  You must first nourish the relationship with your customers 11/14/2015 146
  • 146. Most Unhappy Customers Don’t Complain  They’ll just look elsewhere the next time around  To avoid becoming complacent start thinking of “account development” instead of “account maintenance” 11/14/2015 147
  • 147. Keep in Touch With Customers  Through regular account review  Ensure that everything is going well  For example If any problems crop up, attack them with vigour Show that you care 11/14/2015 148
  • 148. Next  “Sow’ new applications for your product or service  Find new ways for your customer benefit from your offerings 11/14/2015 149
  • 149. A Farmer  Cultivates his fields  Irrigating the crop  Keeping away pest and weeds  You should do the same  Keep generating new ideas to help your customers grow 11/14/2015 150
  • 150. Maintain Your Relationships Keep away “pests and weeds” Your competitors Your extra efforts will yield results Just as a farmer reaps the fruits of his labours 11/14/2015 151
  • 151. For Example  You will have placed yourself in good position to be awarded future, perhaps larger loans  You will have cultivated receptive outlets for new products and services 11/14/2015 152
  • 152. Next Season  The farmer will start over  You must do the same  In the months and years after a purchase, your knowledge of your customer may become outdated  You then return to customer- focused sales role 1 and become a student once again 11/14/2015 153
  • 153. M O B I L E : 8 7 6 . 3 8 3 . 5 6 2 7 S K Y P E : L S E M A J O F F I C E : 8 7 6 . 9 4 2 . 9 0 5 7 T W I T T E R : L S E M A J E M A I L : S E M A J @ L T S E M A J . C O M F A C E B O O K : L T S e m a j P h D B L O G : T H E S E M A J M I N D S P A . W O R D P R E S S . C O M WWW.SLIDESHARE.NET/LSEMAJ 11/14/2015 154

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