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Go for the Money
JSR 354 Hackday
London Java Community 2014
June 2014
Go for the money –JSR 354 Hackday
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
Anatole Tresch
Consultant, Coach
Credit Suisse
Technical Coordinator &
Specification Lead JSR 354
Regular Conference Speaker
Driving Java EE Config
Twitter/Google+: @atsticks
Java Config Discussion!forum/java-config
Java Config Blog:
Zurich Java Community (Google Community)
Zurich Hackergarten
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
Possible Topics
API Challenge: Moneymachine
Adding functonalities to the RI,
e.g. Special Roundings
BitCoin and other currencies
Test Financial Formulas in JavaMoney
Improve FastMoney
Measure CPU and Memory Consumption
Write a Complex Integration Sample
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
Allow currencies with arbitrary other currency codes
Register additional Currency Units using an flexible SPI
Fluent API using a Builder (RI only)
(Historic Validity of currencies related to regions/countries and
vice versa (not part of JSR, but javamoney OSS project))
public interface CurrencyUnit{
public String getCurrencyCode();
public int getNumericCode();
public int getDefaultFractionDigits();
public final class MonetaryCurrencies{
public CurrencyUnit getCurrency(String currencyCode);
public CurrencyUnit getCurrency(Locale locale);
public boolean isCurrencyAvailable(String currencyCode);
public boolean isCurrencyAvailable(String locale);
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
Currencies (continued)
API Samples
CurrencyUnit currency1 = MonetaryCurrencies.getCurrency("USD");
CurrencyUnit currency2 = MonetaryCurrencies.getCurrency(
CurrencyUnit bitcoin = new BuildableCurrencyUnit.Builder("BTC")
Access a CurrencyUnit
Build a CurrencyUnit (RI only)
Register a CurrencyUnit
CurrencyUnit bitcoin = ….create(true);
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
Monetary Amounts
General Aspects
Amount = Currency + Numeric Value
+ Capabilities
Arithmetic Functions, Comparison
Fluent API
Functional design for extendible functionality
(MonetaryOperator, MonetaryQuery)
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
Monetary Amounts (continued)
Key Decisions
Support Several Numeric Representations (instead of one
single fixed value type)
Define Implementation Recommendations
• Rounding should to be modelled as separate concern
(a MonetaryOperator)
• Ensure Interoperability by the MonetaryAmount
• Precision/scale capabilities should be inherited to its
operational results.
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
Monetary Amounts (continued)
public interface MonetaryAmount{
public CurrencyUnit getCurrency();
public NumberValue getNumber();
public MonetaryContext getMonetaryContext();
public MonetaryAmount with(MonetaryOperator operator);
public <R> R query(MonetaryQuery<R> query);
public MonetaryAmountFactory<? extends MonetaryAmount> getFactory();
public boolean isLessThanOrEqualTo(MonetaryAmount amt);
public boolean isLessThan(MonetaryAmount amt);
public boolean isEqualTo(MonetaryAmount amt);
public int signum();
public MonetaryAmount add(MonetaryAmount amount);
public MonetaryAmount subtract(MonetaryAmount amount);
public MonetaryAmount divide(long number);
public MonetaryAmount multiply(Number number);
public MonetaryAmount remainder(double number);
public MonetaryAmount stripTrailingZeros();
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
Monetary Context
Modeling Amount Capabilities
Describes the capabilities of a MonetaryAmount.
Accessible from each MonetaryAmount instance.
Allows querying a feasible implementation type from
common aspects
Max precision, max scale, implementation type
Arbitrary attributes
E.g. RoundingMode, MathContext, …
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
Monetary Context (continued)
public final class MonetaryContext extends AbstractContext
implements Serializable {
public int getPrecision();
public int getMaxScale();
public Class<? extends MonetaryAmount> getAmountType();
public static final class Builder{…}
public abstract class AbstractContext implements Serializable{
public <T> T getNamedAttribute(Class<T> type, Object key,
T defaultValue);
public <T> T getNamedAttribute(Class<T> type, Object key);
public <T> T getAttribute(Class<T> type, T defaultValue);
public <T> T getAttribute(Class<T> type);
public Set<Class<?>> getAttributeTypes();
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
Creating Monetary Amounts
Monetary Amount Factory
Creates new instances of MonetaryAmount.
The concrete MonetaryAmount implementation type
The min/max MonetaryContext supported.
Can be configured with a target
A numeric value
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
Creating Monetary Amounts (continued)
Monetary Amount Factory
public interface MonetaryAmountFactory<T extends MonetaryAmount> {
Class<? extends MonetaryAmount> getAmountType();
MonetaryAmountFactory<T> setCurrency(String currencyCode);
MonetaryAmountFactory<T> setCurrency(CurrencyUnit currency);
MonetaryAmountFactory<T> setNumber(double number);
MonetaryAmountFactory<T> setNumber(long number);
MonetaryAmountFactory<T> setNumber(Number number);
MonetaryAmountFactory<T> setContext(MonetaryContext monetaryContext);
MonetaryAmountFactory<T> setAmount(MonetaryAmount amount);
MonetaryContext getDefaultMonetaryContext();
MonetaryContext getMaximalMonetaryContext();
T create();
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
Creating Monetary Amounts
Usage Samples
// Using the default type
MonetaryAmount amount1 = MonetaryAmounts.getAmountFactory()
// Using an explicit type
Money amount2 = MonetaryAmounts.getAmountFactory(Money.class)
// Query a matching implementation type
MonetaryContext monCtx = new MonetaryContext.Builder()
Class<? extends MonetaryAmount> type = MonetaryAmounts.queryAmontType(
MonetaryAmountFactory<?> fact = MonetaryAmounts.queryAmountFactory(
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
Extension Points
 Takes an amount and procudes some other amount.
• With different value
• With different currency
• Or both
// @FunctionalInterface
public interface MonetaryOperator {
public MonetaryAmount apply(MonetaryAmount amount);
• Operators then can be applied on every MonetaryAmount:
public interface MonetaryAmount{
public MonetaryAmount with (MonetaryOperator operator);
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
Extension Points (continued)
MonetaryOperator: Use Cases
Extend the algorithmic capabilities
• Percentages
• Permil
• Different Minor Units
• Different Major Units
• Rounding
• Currency Conversion
• Financial Calculations
• …
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
Extension Points (continued)
MonetaryOperator Example: Rounding and Percentage
// round an amount
MonetaryOperator rounding =
Money amount = Money.of(“USD”, 12.345567);
Money rounded = amount.with(rounding); // USD 12.35
// MonetaryFunctions, e.g. calculate 3% of it
Money threePercent = rounded.with(
// USD 0.3705
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
Extension Points (continued)
 A MonetaryQuery takes an amount and procuces an arbitrary
// @FunctionalInterface
public interface MonetaryQuery<T> {
public T queryFrom(MonetaryAmount amount);
 Queries then can be applied on every MonetaryAmount:
public interface MonetaryAmount {
public <T> T query (MonetaryQuary<T> query);
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
Currency Conversion*
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
Currency Conversion
 A ExchangeRate models a conversion between two currencies:
• Base CurrencyUnit
• Terminating/target CurrencyUnit
• Provider
• Conversion Factor, where M(term) = M(base) * f
• Additional attributes (ConversionContext)
• Rate chain (composite rates)
 Rates may be direct or derived (composite rates)
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
Currency Conversion
// access default provider (chain)
ExchangeRateProvider prov =
// access a provider explicitly
prov = MonetaryConversions.getExchangeRateProvider("IMF");
// access explicit provider chain
prov = MonetaryConversions.getExchangeRateProvider("ECB", "IMF");
// access Exchange rates
ExchangeRate rate = provider.getExchangeRate("EUR", "CHF");
// Passing additional parameters
ExchangeRate rate = provider.getExchangeRate("EUR", "CHF",
System.currentTimeMillis() + 2000L) );
21Go for the money - JSR 354 -
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
Currency Conversion (continued)
Performing Conversion
Accessing a CurrencyConversion (always targeted to a terminating
// access from a ExchangeRateProvider
ExchangeRateProvider prov = …;
CurrencyConversion conv = prov.getCurrencyConversion("INR");
// access it directly (using default rate chain)
conv = MonetaryConversions.getConversion("INR");
// access it, using explicit provider chain
conv = MonetaryConversions.getConversion("INR", "ECB", "IMF");
Performing conversion:
MonetaryAmount chfAmount = MonetaryAmounts.of("CHF",10.50);
MonetaryAmount inrAmount = chfAmount.with(conv); // around EUR 8.75
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
Formatting and Parsing*
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
Formatting and Parsing
Similar to java.text.DecimalFormat accessible by Locale
Configured by AmountFormatContext
Supports also custom formats (configured an accessed using
Building AmountFormatContext using a fluent API
Thread safe!
24Go for the money - JSR 354 -
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
Formatting and Parsing (continued)
MonetaryAmountFormat: Usage Example
// Access a provided format
MonetaryAmountFormat format = MonetaryFormats.getAmountFormat(
new Locale(“”, “in”));
Money.of("INR", 39101112.123456))));
-> INR 3,91,01,112.10
// Access a custom format
MonetaryAmountFormat format = MonetaryFormats.getAmountFormat(
25Go for the money - JSR 354 -
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
JavaMoney OSS Project
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
JavaMoney OSS Project
Extended Currency Services
 Currency namespaces (e.g. ISO, VIRTUAL, …)
 Currency namespace mapping
Validity Services (Historization API)
• access of historic currency data related to regions
Region Services
 Region Forest
• Unicode CLDR region tree
• ISO 2-, 3-letter countries
• Custom Trees
Extendible token-based Formatting API
Financial Calculations & Formulas
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
Current Spec (work in progress, comments allowed):
GitHub Project (JSR and JavaMoney):
Umbrella Page:
JSR 354: Project:
JUG Chennai Adoption (TrakStok):
Twitter: @jsr354
Cash Rounding:
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
HackDay - Possible Topics
- Money Machine
- Extending RI
- RI User Guide
- JavaMoney Lib
- L & P
- Create Sample App
- Implement a RI
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
Adoption Areas JSR 354 – The Easy Way
API Challenge: MoneyMachine
Objective: Test the API for usability, make proposals to
Checkout/update the MoneyMachine project from
Implement the classes in the src/main/java to
make the tests green (skeletons are already there)
The challenge will guide you throughout the whole JSR
Overall 40+ test cases of different complexity (easy to
medium), you may also select only a subset ;-)
Add improvement proposals to the JSRs JIRA on
Blog your (hopefully positive) experience, twitter, …
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
Adoption Areas JSR 354 – The Easy Way
API Challenge: MoneyMachine Example
* This class has to be implemented and helps us giving feedback on the JSR's API. This
* part of the
* project deals with basic aspects such as getting currencies and amounts.
* Created by Anatole on 07.03.14.
public class Basics{
* Get a CurrencyUnit using a currency code.
* @param currencyCode the currency code
* @return the corresponding CurrencyUnit instance.
public CurrencyUnit getProvidedCurrency(String currencyCode){
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Get a CurrencyUnit using a Locale, modeling a country.
* @param locale The country locale.
* @return the corresponding CurrencyUnit instance.
public CurrencyUnit getProvidedCurrency(Locale locale){
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
the task to
be done
(incl. Some
Replace this
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
Adoption Areas JSR 354 – The Easy Way
API Challenge: MoneyMachine Testing
To check your
implementation is correct,
simply execute the test suite
Correct ;-)
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
Adoption Areas JSR 354 - Medium
Extending the Reference Implementation
Objective: Extend the RI
Discuss your ideas with me to see where your idea fits
Additional Roundings
Additional Currencies
Additional Exchange Rate Providers
Additional Formats
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
Adoption Areas JSR 354 - Medium
Documenting the Reference Implementation
Objective: Document the RI (user guide)
Take a Topic
Write documentation (asciidoc)
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
Adoption Areas JSR 354 – Medium Level
Helping on JavaMoney Library
Objective: Help on JavaMoney
Financial calculations in calc need tests
Factor out Dataservice Layer
All Modules require check on JavaDocs, Tests
Enhance APIs with Java 8 features (e.g. 310 types)
Write/enhance user guide (asciidoc)
New functionalities, ideas?
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
Adoption Areas JSR 354 – Medium Level
Help on the TCK
Objective: Help finalizing the TCK
Write TCK tests (only a few missing)
Check Test Failure Messages
Check Test Semantics
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
Adoption Areas JSR 354 – Medium Level
Helping on the TCK (continued)
* Test successful conversion for possible currency pairs.<br/>
* Hint: you may only check for rate factory, when using a hardcoded
* ExchangeRateProvider, such a provider
* must be also implemented and registered as an SPI.
@Test @SpecAssertion(id = "432-A1", section="4.3.2")
public void testConversion(){;
Describes the test
very briefly
References the according
section in the spec
Add your test code here.
Hint 1: if you are unsure first write a story line
Hint 2: some aspects may require to implement multiple
tests, just ensure the annotations are on all tests
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
Adoption Areas JSR 354 – The Hard Way
Analyze and Improve Performance
Objective: Improve Performance
Measure Performance and Memory Consumption
Define corresponding improvement ideas
Implement improvements
Known aspects:
FastMoney implementation could be faster, especially for
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
Adoption Areas JSR 354 – The Hard Way
Write an Overall Example Application
Objective: Implement a Deployable Example Application
Define Application Storyline
Define Screens etc.
Implement everything needed
Deploy on CloudBees ?
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
Adoption Areas JSR 354 – The Hard Way
Write an Implementation
Objective: Ensure Specification / API Quality
Implement whole or parts of the specification
Check the implementation against the TCK
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
• Install VirtualBox, if not yet done, download from
• Download the prepared image and start it
• Login with debian/debian
• Open the IDE of your choice (Eclipse, IntelliJ and
Netbeans are preinstalled and setup)
• Update the projects/repositories
• For Contributors:
• Ensure you have a GitHub user account
• Create your own Branch of the corresponding repositories
• Switch your local repositories on your VM, on which you want to commit,
to your branched repos
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
Q & A
Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014
Go for it!

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JSR 354 LJC-Hackday

  • 1. Go for the Money JSR 354 Hackday London Java Community 2014 June 2014 Go for the money –JSR 354 Hackday
  • 2. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Bio Anatole Tresch Consultant, Coach Credit Suisse Technical Coordinator & Architect Specification Lead JSR 354 Regular Conference Speaker Driving Java EE Config Twitter/Google+: @atsticks Java Config Discussion!forum/java-config Java Config Blog: Zurich Java Community (Google Community) Zurich Hackergarten 2
  • 3. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Agenda 3 Introduction Possible Topics Easy: API Challenge: Moneymachine Medium: Adding functonalities to the RI, e.g. Special Roundings BitCoin and other currencies Test Financial Formulas in JavaMoney Hard Improve FastMoney Measure CPU and Memory Consumption Write a Complex Integration Sample Setup
  • 4. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Introduction 4
  • 5. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Currencies API 5 Allow currencies with arbitrary other currency codes Register additional Currency Units using an flexible SPI Fluent API using a Builder (RI only) (Historic Validity of currencies related to regions/countries and vice versa (not part of JSR, but javamoney OSS project)) public interface CurrencyUnit{ public String getCurrencyCode(); public int getNumericCode(); public int getDefaultFractionDigits(); } public final class MonetaryCurrencies{ public CurrencyUnit getCurrency(String currencyCode); public CurrencyUnit getCurrency(Locale locale); public boolean isCurrencyAvailable(String currencyCode); public boolean isCurrencyAvailable(String locale); }
  • 6. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Currencies (continued) API Samples CurrencyUnit currency1 = MonetaryCurrencies.getCurrency("USD"); CurrencyUnit currency2 = MonetaryCurrencies.getCurrency( Locale.GERMANY); CurrencyUnit bitcoin = new BuildableCurrencyUnit.Builder("BTC") .setNumericCode(123456) .setDefaultFractionDigits(8) .create(); 6 Access a CurrencyUnit Build a CurrencyUnit (RI only) Register a CurrencyUnit CurrencyUnit bitcoin = ….create(true);
  • 7. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Monetary Amounts General Aspects 7 Amount = Currency + Numeric Value + Capabilities Arithmetic Functions, Comparison Fluent API Functional design for extendible functionality (MonetaryOperator, MonetaryQuery)
  • 8. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Monetary Amounts (continued) Key Decisions 8 Support Several Numeric Representations (instead of one single fixed value type) Define Implementation Recommendations • Rounding should to be modelled as separate concern (a MonetaryOperator) • Ensure Interoperability by the MonetaryAmount interface • Precision/scale capabilities should be inherited to its operational results.
  • 9. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Monetary Amounts (continued) The API public interface MonetaryAmount{ public CurrencyUnit getCurrency(); public NumberValue getNumber(); public MonetaryContext getMonetaryContext(); public MonetaryAmount with(MonetaryOperator operator); public <R> R query(MonetaryQuery<R> query); public MonetaryAmountFactory<? extends MonetaryAmount> getFactory(); … public boolean isLessThanOrEqualTo(MonetaryAmount amt); public boolean isLessThan(MonetaryAmount amt); public boolean isEqualTo(MonetaryAmount amt); public int signum(); … public MonetaryAmount add(MonetaryAmount amount); public MonetaryAmount subtract(MonetaryAmount amount); public MonetaryAmount divide(long number); public MonetaryAmount multiply(Number number); public MonetaryAmount remainder(double number); … public MonetaryAmount stripTrailingZeros(); } 9
  • 10. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Monetary Context Modeling Amount Capabilities 10 Describes the capabilities of a MonetaryAmount. Accessible from each MonetaryAmount instance. Allows querying a feasible implementation type from MonetaryAmounts. Contains common aspects Max precision, max scale, implementation type Arbitrary attributes E.g. RoundingMode, MathContext, …
  • 11. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Monetary Context (continued) The API public final class MonetaryContext extends AbstractContext implements Serializable { public int getPrecision(); public int getMaxScale(); public Class<? extends MonetaryAmount> getAmountType(); public static final class Builder{…} } public abstract class AbstractContext implements Serializable{ … public <T> T getNamedAttribute(Class<T> type, Object key, T defaultValue); public <T> T getNamedAttribute(Class<T> type, Object key); public <T> T getAttribute(Class<T> type, T defaultValue); public <T> T getAttribute(Class<T> type); public Set<Class<?>> getAttributeTypes(); } 11
  • 12. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Creating Monetary Amounts Monetary Amount Factory 12 Creates new instances of MonetaryAmount. Declares The concrete MonetaryAmount implementation type returned. The min/max MonetaryContext supported. Can be configured with a target CurrencyUnit A numeric value MonetaryContext.
  • 13. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Creating Monetary Amounts (continued) Monetary Amount Factory public interface MonetaryAmountFactory<T extends MonetaryAmount> { Class<? extends MonetaryAmount> getAmountType(); MonetaryAmountFactory<T> setCurrency(String currencyCode); MonetaryAmountFactory<T> setCurrency(CurrencyUnit currency); MonetaryAmountFactory<T> setNumber(double number); MonetaryAmountFactory<T> setNumber(long number); MonetaryAmountFactory<T> setNumber(Number number); MonetaryAmountFactory<T> setContext(MonetaryContext monetaryContext); MonetaryAmountFactory<T> setAmount(MonetaryAmount amount); MonetaryContext getDefaultMonetaryContext(); MonetaryContext getMaximalMonetaryContext(); T create(); } 13
  • 14. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Creating Monetary Amounts Usage Samples // Using the default type MonetaryAmount amount1 = MonetaryAmounts.getAmountFactory() .setCurrency("USD“) .setNumber(1234566.15) .create(); // Using an explicit type Money amount2 = MonetaryAmounts.getAmountFactory(Money.class) .setCurrency("USD“) .setNumber(1234566.15) .create(); // Query a matching implementation type MonetaryContext monCtx = new MonetaryContext.Builder() .setAmountFlavor( AmountFlavor.PERFORMANT) .create(); Class<? extends MonetaryAmount> type = MonetaryAmounts.queryAmontType( monCtx); MonetaryAmountFactory<?> fact = MonetaryAmounts.queryAmountFactory( monCtx); 14
  • 15. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Extension Points MonetaryOperator  Takes an amount and procudes some other amount. • With different value • With different currency • Or both // @FunctionalInterface public interface MonetaryOperator { public MonetaryAmount apply(MonetaryAmount amount); } • Operators then can be applied on every MonetaryAmount: public interface MonetaryAmount{ … public MonetaryAmount with (MonetaryOperator operator); … } 15
  • 16. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Extension Points (continued) MonetaryOperator: Use Cases Extend the algorithmic capabilities • Percentages • Permil • Different Minor Units • Different Major Units • Rounding • Currency Conversion • Financial Calculations • … 16
  • 17. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Extension Points (continued) MonetaryOperator Example: Rounding and Percentage 17 // round an amount MonetaryOperator rounding = MoneyRoundings.getRounding( MonetaryCurrencies.getCurrency(“USD”)); Money amount = Money.of(“USD”, 12.345567); Money rounded = amount.with(rounding); // USD 12.35 // MonetaryFunctions, e.g. calculate 3% of it Money threePercent = rounded.with( MonetaryFunctions.getPercent(3)); // USD 0.3705
  • 18. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Extension Points (continued) MonetaryQuery  A MonetaryQuery takes an amount and procuces an arbitrary result: // @FunctionalInterface public interface MonetaryQuery<T> { public T queryFrom(MonetaryAmount amount); }  Queries then can be applied on every MonetaryAmount: public interface MonetaryAmount { … public <T> T query (MonetaryQuary<T> query); … } 18
  • 19. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Currency Conversion* 19
  • 20. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Currency Conversion ExchangeRate  A ExchangeRate models a conversion between two currencies: • Base CurrencyUnit • Terminating/target CurrencyUnit • Provider • Conversion Factor, where M(term) = M(base) * f • Additional attributes (ConversionContext) • Rate chain (composite rates)  Rates may be direct or derived (composite rates) 20
  • 21. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Currency Conversion ExchangeRateProvider // access default provider (chain) ExchangeRateProvider prov = MonetaryConversions.getExchangeRateProvider(); // access a provider explicitly prov = MonetaryConversions.getExchangeRateProvider("IMF"); // access explicit provider chain prov = MonetaryConversions.getExchangeRateProvider("ECB", "IMF"); // access Exchange rates ExchangeRate rate = provider.getExchangeRate("EUR", "CHF"); // Passing additional parameters ExchangeRate rate = provider.getExchangeRate("EUR", "CHF", ConversionContext.of( System.currentTimeMillis() + 2000L) ); 21Go for the money - JSR 354 -
  • 22. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Currency Conversion (continued) Performing Conversion Accessing a CurrencyConversion (always targeted to a terminating CurrencyUnit): // access from a ExchangeRateProvider ExchangeRateProvider prov = …; CurrencyConversion conv = prov.getCurrencyConversion("INR"); // access it directly (using default rate chain) conv = MonetaryConversions.getConversion("INR"); // access it, using explicit provider chain conv = MonetaryConversions.getConversion("INR", "ECB", "IMF"); Performing conversion: MonetaryAmount chfAmount = MonetaryAmounts.of("CHF",10.50); MonetaryAmount inrAmount = chfAmount.with(conv); // around EUR 8.75 22
  • 23. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Formatting and Parsing* 23
  • 24. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Formatting and Parsing MonetaryAmountFormat Similar to java.text.DecimalFormat accessible by Locale Configured by AmountFormatContext Supports also custom formats (configured an accessed using AmountFormatContext) Building AmountFormatContext using a fluent API Thread safe! 24Go for the money - JSR 354 -
  • 25. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Formatting and Parsing (continued) MonetaryAmountFormat: Usage Example // Access a provided format MonetaryAmountFormat format = MonetaryFormats.getAmountFormat( new Locale(“”, “in”)); System.out.println(format.format( Money.of("INR", 39101112.123456)))); -> INR 3,91,01,112.10 // Access a custom format MonetaryAmountFormat format = MonetaryFormats.getAmountFormat( AmountFormatContext.of(“myCustomFormat”)); 25Go for the money - JSR 354 -
  • 26. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 JavaMoney OSS Project org.javamoney.* 26
  • 27. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 JavaMoney OSS Project Extended Currency Services  Currency namespaces (e.g. ISO, VIRTUAL, …)  Currency namespace mapping Validity Services (Historization API) • access of historic currency data related to regions Region Services  Region Forest • Unicode CLDR region tree • ISO 2-, 3-letter countries • Custom Trees Extendible token-based Formatting API Financial Calculations & Formulas 27
  • 28. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Links Current Spec (work in progress, comments allowed): XM6fHoU3d3tKooMnZLCpmpyV8/edit GitHub Project (JSR and JavaMoney): Umbrella Page: JSR 354: Project: JUG Chennai Adoption (TrakStok): Twitter: @jsr354 Cash Rounding: 28
  • 29. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 HackDay - Possible Topics 29 Easy - Money Machine Medium - Extending RI - RI User Guide - JavaMoney Lib - TCK Hard - L & P - Create Sample App - Implement a RI
  • 30. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Adoption Areas JSR 354 – The Easy Way API Challenge: MoneyMachine 30 Objective: Test the API for usability, make proposals to improve How: Checkout/update the MoneyMachine project from Implement the classes in the src/main/java to make the tests green (skeletons are already there) The challenge will guide you throughout the whole JSR Overall 40+ test cases of different complexity (easy to medium), you may also select only a subset ;-) Add improvement proposals to the JSRs JIRA on Blog your (hopefully positive) experience, twitter, …
  • 31. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Adoption Areas JSR 354 – The Easy Way API Challenge: MoneyMachine Example 31 /** * This class has to be implemented and helps us giving feedback on the JSR's API. This * part of the * project deals with basic aspects such as getting currencies and amounts. * Created by Anatole on 07.03.14. */ public class Basics{ /** * Get a CurrencyUnit using a currency code. * * @param currencyCode the currency code * @return the corresponding CurrencyUnit instance. */ public CurrencyUnit getProvidedCurrency(String currencyCode){ throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } /** * Get a CurrencyUnit using a Locale, modeling a country. * * @param locale The country locale. * @return the corresponding CurrencyUnit instance. */ public CurrencyUnit getProvidedCurrency(Locale locale){ throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } ... } Describes the task to be done (incl. Some hints) Replace this with according code
  • 32. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Adoption Areas JSR 354 – The Easy Way API Challenge: MoneyMachine Testing 32 To check your implementation is correct, simply execute the test suite Correct ;-)
  • 33. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Adoption Areas JSR 354 - Medium Extending the Reference Implementation 33 Objective: Extend the RI How: Discuss your ideas with me to see where your idea fits best Additional Roundings Additional Currencies Additional Exchange Rate Providers Additional Formats
  • 34. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Adoption Areas JSR 354 - Medium Documenting the Reference Implementation 34 Objective: Document the RI (user guide) How: Take a Topic Write documentation (asciidoc)
  • 35. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Adoption Areas JSR 354 – Medium Level Helping on JavaMoney Library 35 Objective: Help on JavaMoney How: Financial calculations in calc need tests Factor out Dataservice Layer All Modules require check on JavaDocs, Tests Enhance APIs with Java 8 features (e.g. 310 types) Write/enhance user guide (asciidoc) New functionalities, ideas?
  • 36. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Adoption Areas JSR 354 – Medium Level Help on the TCK 36 Objective: Help finalizing the TCK How: Write TCK tests (only a few missing) Check Test Failure Messages Check Test Semantics
  • 37. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Adoption Areas JSR 354 – Medium Level Helping on the TCK (continued) 37 /** * Test successful conversion for possible currency pairs.<br/> * Hint: you may only check for rate factory, when using a hardcoded * ExchangeRateProvider, such a provider * must be also implemented and registered as an SPI. */ @Test @SpecAssertion(id = "432-A1", section="4.3.2") public void testConversion(){; } Describes the test very briefly References the according section in the spec Add your test code here. Hint 1: if you are unsure first write a story line Hint 2: some aspects may require to implement multiple tests, just ensure the annotations are on all tests
  • 38. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Adoption Areas JSR 354 – The Hard Way Analyze and Improve Performance 38 Objective: Improve Performance How: Measure Performance and Memory Consumption Define corresponding improvement ideas Implement improvements Known aspects: FastMoney implementation could be faster, especially for division
  • 39. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Adoption Areas JSR 354 – The Hard Way Write an Overall Example Application 39 Objective: Implement a Deployable Example Application How: Define Application Storyline Define Screens etc. Implement everything needed Deploy on CloudBees ?
  • 40. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Adoption Areas JSR 354 – The Hard Way Write an Implementation 40 Objective: Ensure Specification / API Quality How: Implement whole or parts of the specification Check the implementation against the TCK
  • 41. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Setup 41
  • 42. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Setup 42 • Install VirtualBox, if not yet done, download from • Download the prepared image and start it • Login with debian/debian • Open the IDE of your choice (Eclipse, IntelliJ and Netbeans are preinstalled and setup) • Update the projects/repositories • For Contributors: • Ensure you have a GitHub user account • Create your own Branch of the corresponding repositories • Switch your local repositories on your VM, on which you want to commit, to your branched repos
  • 43. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Q & A 43
  • 44. Go for the money - JSR 354 - March 2014 Go for it! 44