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Introducing the Creative
Industries Clusters Programme
Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategy
04 Bristol + Bath Creative RD
06 Business of Fashion, Textiles  Technology
08 Clwstwr Creadigol
10 Creative Informatics
12 Creative Media Labs
14 Future Fashion Factory
16 Future Screens NI
18 InGAME: Innovation for Games and Media Enterprise
22 Creative Industries Policy  Evidence Centre
24 StoryFutures Academy: The National Centre for Immersive Storytelling
Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategy
Twenty years ago the UK first defined and then mapped its Creative
Industries. Since then there has been an increasing recognition of the
contribution of the Creative Industries to UK culture and to the UK economy.
With Creative Industries now worth over £100bn per annum, the sector is
larger than Life Sciences, Oil and Gas and Aerospace sectors combined
- and growing faster too.
Research over the last two decades has shown that one of the key drivers of
this success is that creative businesses thrive when they cluster together;
trading with each other, sharing skills, expertise and the very flexible
workforce that characterises much of the creative sector. Within all successful
clusters a key role is played by the universities, not only providing skilled
graduates but supporting innovation, experimentation and, in the most
successful examples, research insight.
As part of the UK Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund, which seeks to support
research and innovation lead growth in key sectors of the UK economy, one
year ago the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and its partners
in UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) challenged creative clusters across the
UK to develop Research and Development partnerships between industry and
universities that could drive measurable economic growth within five years.
The response has been astonishing. Universities have worked closely together
to harness the multiple research disciplines that drive innovation in the
creative sector from Informatics and AI to Design, Engineering to Theatre
Studies, Perceptual Psychology to Creative Writing. Across the creative
industries of fashion, film and television, design, computer games, music,
performance and the emerging creative technology sector, global players and
high growth SMEs have joined the partnerships to provide industry leadership
and set real world challenges.
As you will see from their profiles, the nine partnerships, which are spread
across the four nations of the UK, are of exceptional quality in terms of
research capability, growth plans and the industrial partners who drive them.
But these are just the most advanced of over forty bids that we received
from all regions and countries. The Creative Industries Clusters Programme
we have embarked on is an experiment in demonstrating that Research and
Innovation can drive growth in the UK’s already world-class Creative Industries.
Should it prove successful, there is plenty of appetite and capability for
further investment.
Professor Andrew Thompson
Executive Chair, AHRC
Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategy
+ Bath
Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategy
credit: Joanie Lemercier’s ‘Millennium Constellations’ Layered Realities 5G Showcase, March ‘18
The Bristol + Bath Creative Industries Cluster (BB CREATIVE RD) is a
partnership aiming to improve the performance of the Creative Industries
in the Bristol and Bath region. The Cluster brings together the Watershed
and four universities in the region, working with a range of industry partners
from television, theatre, publishing and computing.
The Cluster’s core focus is working in partnership with industry to gain
understanding about user engagement in new platforms. The partnership will
be working at sites where 5G connectivity, XR technologies and live arts overlap.
The Programme
The programme is structured round an RD fellowship programme leading
into a series of major themed projects.
The model puts inclusion and new talent at its heart to identify and support
the thought leaders of tomorrow. Every programme will include New Talent
Fellows, supported to think about innovation in a digital first way. In turn,
New Talent Fellows will co-produce skills workshops for the next generation,
creating a radically inclusive leadership model.
The Partnership
The Programme is designed as a collaboration with partners in the creative
industries, helping to create a range of different impacts for companies and
customers. Our goal is to lay the foundations for the Bristol + Bath Cluster
to be internationally successful by 2030. The Cluster brings together UWE
Bristol, Watershed, and the Universities of Bath, Bristol and Bath Spa along
with industry partners.
Bristol + Bath Creative RD
Prof Jon Dovey
Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategy
of Fashion,
The Business of Fashion, Textiles and Technology (BFTT) Creative RD
Partnership will focus on delivering innovation within the entire fashion
and textile creative production and supply chain. The project will foster
a new, creative business culture in which fashion, textile and technology
enterprises – from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to
multinational companies – can use RD as a route to growth. Special
attention will be placed on positioning industry as agents of new materials
and development.
Textile innovation in the UK is ranked as first in Europe and third
in the world, with the UK currently advancing developments in new,
environmentally sustainable materials and production technologies.
The project aims to exploit this considerable market advantage and design
influence, and respond to new challenges to sustain and accelerate the creative
economy of the Fashion, Textiles and Technology (FFT) sector. To tackle the
many challenges, the Partnership draws upon transdisciplinary research
expertise in design, computer science, chemistry, materials engineering,
economics, strategic management, anthropology and manufacturing.
The Programme
The work streams will include supporting SMEs and larger firms in
high-value collaborative RD; reimagining retail and customer experiences;
tackling industry reliance on synthetic materials, building an evidence
base; and developing new sustainable materials and markets.
The project will also work with education and training providers, as well
as government to develop a pipeline of talent for the FTT businesses of the
future. The Partnership will tap into the STEAM agenda to provide young
people with the support and skills needed for the sector to continue to
flourish in the future.
The cluster will be centred on the East London Fashion  Textiles hub at East
Bank, Stratford and the production growth corridors of the Thames Gateway and
Lea Valley. These are areas where the value of FTT businesses is growing fast, and
where many opportunities exist for workspace and manufacturing expansion.
The Partnership
BFTT is led by University of the Arts London (UAL) in collaboration with UCL,
Loughborough University, University of Cambridge, University of Leeds and
Queen Mary University London, and includes specialist research centres in
sustainable fashion, circular design, fashion business and innovation, digital
anthropology, materials and textiles manufacturing.
Key industry partners include world-leading luxury and heritage designer
brands (including Kering, Smedley, Clarks), online retailer ASOS, and
destination stores including Selfridges. Other partners include the VA
Museum and cutting-edge technology VR/AI company, Holition. In all,
over 40 FTT businesses, industry trade associations and Local Enterprise
Partnerships will be involved.
Prof Graeme Evans
Business of Fashion, Textiles and Technology
Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategy
Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategy
Cardiff is a national creative hub, with an increasing volume of film and
television produced in Wales. To continue to be competitive and grow
nationally and internationally, the industry in Wales must become a
home for innovation.
Clwstwr Creadigol’s focus is to deepen the culture of collaboration and
innovation so that media production can be sustained and grow, not just in
the Cardiff city area, but across Wales. If the Cardiff-centred screen sector
is to move beyond ‘show and go’ production, it needs to become a home for
innovation not only in creative production, but in business-critical applied
digital technologies, systems and business models.
The Cluster will involve the Cardiff City Region’s screen industries and
related supply chains, as well as the wider regional creative economy. This
will create a platform for independent companies, SMEs, micro-businesses
and freelancers to compete with global, highly integrated media companies.
The Programme
With their partners, the cluster will design an RD programme, with two
leading points of focus: a Screen Innovation System and News Innovation
Lab. Both will house academics and experts in creative and technical areas
including data analysis, market research, IP and business development to
support user and product testing.
To foster a culture of innovation in both screen and news, Clwstwr Creadigol
will deliver three distinct RD strands – sectoral, business and collaborative
– designed to develop new products, services and experiences. Strands will
include direct investment in specific projects of £3m over a four year period.
The Partnership
Clwstwr Creadigol is led by Cardiff University in partnership with University
of South Wales and Cardiff Metropolitan University. It brings together all
major Welsh broadcasters with independent film and television production
companies, Wales’s national companies and creative organisations, creative
co-working spaces, tech startups, strategic agencies, local authorities and
Welsh Government.
Clwstwr Creadigol
Kayleigh McLeod
Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategy
Edinburgh’s creative industries have a vibrant creative and technology
culture and are characterised by pro-active networks across the data/tech
industry. They also have a lively design and advertising sector, the largest
concentration of major festivals in the world, and the highest cultural
employment in the UK.
The Creative Informatics Cluster aims to grow these creative industries by
building the number of existing businesses and creative entrepreneurs who can
confidently innovate with data. This will lead to creatives, rather than just the
IT/Software community, being in the driving seat of data-driven innovation.
The Programme
The programme has several objectives to grow the creative industries in
Edinburgh. The first one is to make the city a world class centre for creative
talent who are able to lead data-driven innovation in the creative industries.
To achieve this there will be three initiatives to develop local talent; Creative
Bridge, a ten-week programme enabling creative entrepreneurs to develop
and scale significant new enterprises, building their confidence to help their
colleagues and clients better understand the value of creativity; the Resident
Entrepreneur programme will support creative entrepreneurs financially and
provide a conducive environment within the HEIs or partner organisations to
develop their businesses; the Connected Innovators programme will provide
emerging leaders in the cluster with much needed time, space and financial
support to conduct RD to develop their business.
A second objective is to develop new data-driven products and services to
enhance audience engagement and create new modalities of experience. RD
projects will enable participants to experiment and explore technologies to
inspire new uses and new product development. Many of the projects will lead
to Minimum Viable Products which will be presented to investor communities.
A further goal is to support the new, innovative business models that
emerge from RD and the people-based objectives. Partnerships formed
will be able to draw on a range of academic expertise to support the
development of new business models, including creative entrepreneurship,
IP and technology law, digital cultural heritage, ethics, design, informatics,
and new transaction technologies.
Finally, the Challenge and Horizon projects will develop engagement with,
and access to, new local and global audiences and markets through
data-driven innovation.
The Partnership
The programme will be led by University of Edinburgh and delivered in
partnership with Edinburgh Napier University, Codebase, and Creative Edinburgh.
Creative Informatics
Prof Chris Speed
Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategy
Media Labs
Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategy
Telling stories is a vital means by which we make sense of the world around
us. Technology and storytelling have always gone hand-in-hand, with each
new medium offering new ways of telling stories and engaging audiences.
Creative Media Labs will harness the latest digital technologies – especially
immersive and interactive tools and techniques – to develop innovative and
commercially viable models for the next generation of screen storytelling.
The cluster’s goal is to establish the Yorkshire and Humber screen industries
cluster as the UK centre of excellence in immersive and interactive digital
The Programme
The partnership will build on the recent investment, and growth of the
screen industries in the Yorkshire/Humber region. Creative Media Labs
will provide the necessary further support, investment and expertise to
facilitate the RD that many companies lack the capacity to undertake
on their own.
The programme will enable partners to co-create innovative storytelling
tools and models for the future, upskill and expand the workforce and
ensure the growth of this dynamic regional economy.
Creative Media Labs has established a substantial programme of funding,
responsive to the needs of industry.
Regional businesses will have significant opportunities to bid for those
funds. Initial projects include developing second-screen narrative
experiences; VR storytelling; interactive and immersive story-worlds;
personalised and responsive television narratives; the use of big data
and artificial intelligence to shape content creation and delivery; and the
development of tools for producing and delivering such experiences. New
themes will emerge as new challenges are identified.
The Partnership
Creative Media Labs is led by the University of York, in partnership with
Screen Yorkshire and the British Film Institute. It brings together film, TV,
games and digital media businesses from across the Yorkshire and Humber
region, in collaboration with leading national and international companies
and organisations, and a consortium of regional universities.
Creative Media Labs
Prof Damian Murphy
Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategy
Nationwide, the fashion design industry contributes £28 billion to the
economy, with a growing workforce of nearly 900,000 – making it one of
the largest creative industries in the country. Collaborative research and
development by creative companies across the supply chain is fundamental
to ensuring future growth.
The vision for Future Fashion Factory is to transform the UK industry’s capacity
for new product innovation, and to reduce lead times and waste. This will be
done through the convergence of new digital and textile technologies within
the fashion design process.
The Programme
Future Fashion Factory will explore and develop new digital and advanced
textile technologies to boost the design of high value creative products,
helping designers and manufacturers work more collaboratively.
The project also aims to reinvigorate the hugely valuable industry on-shore
capacity and agility in design and manufacture – developing technologies
to increase productivity, shrink lead times, lower costs and reduce waste.
New fashion design programmes will also be created for undergraduate and
postgraduate students and researchers at Leeds. Industrial apprenticeship
programmes will aim to address a skills gap in the industry for designers
who can combine creativity with craft, design, science and technology skills.
The Partnership
The programme is led by the School of Design at the University of Leeds.
Partners of the five-year project include the Royal College of Art, Burberry,
the British Fashion Council, UKFT, Yorkshire Textiles, Wools of New Zealand,
Abraham Moon  Sons, the Textile Centre of Excellence, and Camira Fabrics.
Future Fashion Factory
Lee Mason
Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategy
Screens NI
Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategy
Responding to industry needs, Future Screens NI will deliver expert technical
skills, opportunity and growth across film and broadcast, animation, games
and immersive technologies and industries in Northern Ireland.
Through the partnership, Northern Ireland’s creative companies will develop
strategies to collaborate, grow productivity and maximise their global
potential, delivering new jobs and a £400 million increase in GVA to boost
the local economy.
The Programme
The programme will transform innovation and job creation – and
with creative industries hubs in Belfast, Newry, Coleraine and
Derry~Londonderry, the impact will be region-wide.
Addressing challenges and building on existing strengths in creative industries
in the region, areas of focus will include narrative and storytelling in digital
content, applications of VR/AR in health, tourism and engineering, development
of a games nexus, expanding capacity for large scale film and TV production
and enhancing the high-level skills pipeline in 2D and 3D animation.
The Partnership
This innovative partnership brings together the University of Ulster, Queen’s
University Belfast and industrial partners at the forefront of the creative
economy in Northern Ireland.
Future Screens NI
Prof Paul Moore
Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategy
InGAME: Innovation for Games and Media Enterprise establishes a dedicated
creative research and development centre at the heart of Dundee’s games
cluster with a view to driving product, service and experience innovation across
the industry.
As cultural artefacts, video games are complex multi-faceted products
with multiple creative practices, bringing together technical and commercial
expertise in a disruptive and precarious environment. Led by Abertay
University, in partnership with the University of Dundee and the University
of St Andrews, InGAME forms a collaborative network around the expertise
and experience held in the Dundee games cluster, the HEI partnership, the
wider creative district, and sector support agencies to intensify economic
growth, sector diversification and cultural engagement.
The Programme
Three high-level challenges face the cluster. These are, firstly, creative risk, as
the financial risk that comes with developing speculative original intellectual
property for the games market is often fatal for start-up and micro-SMEs.
Secondly, technology innovations within the cluster, though often iterative,
inventive and ingenious, are not systematically captured or tested for
generalisation or re-use value. This leads to missed commercial opportunities.
Finally, although the cluster is comprised primarily of mid-sized SMEs and an
even larger number of startups and micro-SMEs, these smaller organisations
often lack the commercial expertise to innovate new business models and
recognise new market opportunities.
In response, a series of goals have been identified to create the conditions for
sustainable creative speculation, technology innovation, economic growth and
cluster intensification.
These goals include setting up new modes of collaboration among industry,
HEIs, and sector support agencies; developing the cluster’s capacity to exploit
technical innovations and improving access to high cost development services
through a network of HEI  industry partners; increasing access to postgraduate
research, creative and design, and the development of a workforce to enable
creation of original content, and building a new generation of creative RD
The Partnership
The programme is led by Abertay University, in partnership with the University
of Dundee and the University of St Andrews, in collaboration with local industry
stakeholders. These include 4J Studios, All4Games, BBC, Beano Studios, Biome
Collective, DeltaDNA, Microsoft, Outplay Entertainment and Sony Interactive
Entertainment Europe.
Business and cluster development is supported by Creative Dundee, Creative
Scotland, Elevator UK, Interface, Dundee City Council, Scottish Enterprise, TIGA,
Ukie, UK Games Fund and VA Dundee.
Prof Sean Taylor
InGAME: Innovation for
Games and Media Enterprise
Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategy
Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategy
The stories of tomorrow will reach audiences in new and complex ways,
fuelled by immersive technologies, data-driven personalisation, smart devices
and AI, alongside evolutions in contemporary screen form that threaten our
very conception of the ‘screen’.
These changes bring new challenges to the screen industries – to their
storytelling forms and techniques, business models, value networks and
workflows. StoryFutures responds to these challenges by providing an RD
base for screen industries.
The Programme
StoryFutures has four objectives that aim to deliver cross-sector innovation:
1.	Innovation in story form, business models, creative data flows and
audience insight
2.	Generate regional economic growth by brokering collaborative partnerships
3.	Enhance Cluster Connectivity by strengthening cross-sector and
region networking
4.	Develop Next Generation Talent, emphasising increased female
representation, whose skills span the arts, humanities, social, formal
and applied sciences.
The programme will follow four core themes. The first, StoryLabs, will look at
how creatives harness emergent and established storytelling forms on new
platforms. Use-case prototypes and pilots will be developed that respond to
industry-wide barriers to growth in immersive and beyond.
The second aims to provide SMEs with development support, improving
networking, increasing additives to access further funding, and developing
new business models. The programme will review value networks – the
production networks, revenue streams, collaborations and business models
and IP opportunities for Next Generation stories.
The third theme focuses on how the increasing volumes of data/metadata
in production can be better managed and processed to drive commercial
prospects and generate greater collaboration – enabling development of new
tools and efficiency gains. Finally, the programme will test new productions
with audiences, utilising cognitive psychology, neuroscience and media
research to provide rich insights that can fuel commercial growth.
The Partnership
The Cluster is located in one of the UK’s most important creative clusters,
spanning a unique fusion of creative audiovisual and technology companies
that form a gateway in and out of London, the potential of which has been
The partnership brings together Royal Holloway University of London,
Pinewood Studios, Immerse UK, Pact, Ukie, British Screen Advisory Council,
Resource Productions, the BFI, Connect TVT, Imaginarium Studios, The
National Gallery, BBC Studios, Sony Interactive Entertainment, Endemol-
Shine UK, Double Negative, n:Dreams and Heathrow, as well as our Local
Economic Partnerships: EM3, TVBucks and TVBerks.
Anthony Hughes
Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategy
Industries Policy
 Evidence Centre
The vision of the Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre (the PEC) is
to provide independent research and authoritative recommendations that will
aid the development of policies for the UK’s creative industries, contributing to
their continued success.
The Programme
The Centre will provide a step-change for our three main stakeholders – industry,
policymakers and the wider research community – in the quality of evidence for
the creative industries, tasking some of the best researchers across the UK with
answering some of the most pressing questions about the sector.
The centre will aim to engage everyone in our mission – from the creative
freelancer to the multinational: anyone interested in research related to the
creative industries.
The Partnership
The centre will be led by innovation foundation Nesta, and involves a wide
consortium of UK universities including Birmingham; Cardiff; Edinburgh;
Glasgow; Work Foundation at Lancaster University; LSE; Manchester; Newcastle;
Sussex, and Ulster.
Alongside these institutions, the Centre will be working with a broad and
inclusive group of partners from across the creative industries, including the
Creative Industries Federation. Initial industry partners also include Creative
England, the British Film Institute and Tech Nation.
Creative Industries Policy  Evidence Centre
Anana Zabow
Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategy
Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategy
This project aims to establish a new centre of excellence in immersive
storytelling jointly funded by the Creative Industries Clusters Programme
and Audiences of the Future.
It will achieve this via experimental labs, workshops, placements and courses.
The aim is to build the StoryFutures Academy, a centre that will support
and co-fund dozens of real immersive productions placing story at the heart
of everything.
The Programme
The centre will aim to bring about an immediate step-change in the core
screen sector’s engagement with immersive narrative forms, developing a
national base of creative and commercial talent that can establish the UK as
a world-leader in this sector.
The centre will work to identify skills gaps and construct courses that bring
together higher education and industry to respond to these. Diversity will be
embedded in the training approach to make sure the full breadth of UK is
involved in immersive storytelling. The next generation of talent, who are fluent
in immersive storytelling techniques, will have access to an alumni network and
companies to fully develop their creative careers.
A key aim of the centre is the development of a diverse and experienced base
of trainers, skilled in the cross-disciplinary art of immersive storytelling, who
are able to develop a talent pipeline long after the funding period has ended.
In line with these goals, the project aims to establish a national Creative
Industries Clusters Programme Network for Immersive Excellence.
The Partnership
The Academy is funded by the CICP and the Audience of the Future.
The project is set to evolve through a partnership between the National Film
and Television School and Royal Holloway, University of London.
They will be working alongside world-leading partners from immersive
theatre (Punchdrunk), gaming (UK Games Fund), film (BFI), television (Sky),
performance capture (Imaginarium Studios), virtual reality (Rewind VR),
equipment manufacturers (Sony Interactive Entertainment, HTC Vive) and
immersive experts (Digital Catapult), along with leading writers, performers
and directors.
Vicky Hewlett
StoryFutures Academy: The National Centre
for Immersive Storytelling
Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategyIntroducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme
About Arts  Humanities
Research Council
The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) funds
world-class, independent researchers in a wide range of
subjects from history and archaeology to philosophy and
languages. The Council also funds more contemporary
research including the design and effectiveness of digital
content and the impact of artificial intelligence.
Mike Collins
Head of Communications, AHRC
Industrial Strategy
Challenge Fund:
The Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund brings together
the UK’s world-leading research with business to meet
the major industrial and societal challenges of our time.
It provides funding and support to UK businesses and
researchers, part of the government’s £4.7 billion increase
in research and development over the next 4 years. It
plays a central role in the Government’s modern Industrial
Strategy. It is run by UK Research and Innovation, which
comprises the Research Councils, Innovate UK and
Research England.

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Creative Economy Programme
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Mehr von Creative Economy Programme (20)

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Creative Industries Clusters Programme Booklet

  • 2. – Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategy 03Introduction 04 Bristol + Bath Creative RD 06 Business of Fashion, Textiles Technology 08 Clwstwr Creadigol 10 Creative Informatics 12 Creative Media Labs 14 Future Fashion Factory 16 Future Screens NI 18 InGAME: Innovation for Games and Media Enterprise 20StoryFutures 22 Creative Industries Policy Evidence Centre 24 StoryFutures Academy: The National Centre for Immersive Storytelling 26Credits – Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategy
  • 3. 3 Introduction Twenty years ago the UK first defined and then mapped its Creative Industries. Since then there has been an increasing recognition of the contribution of the Creative Industries to UK culture and to the UK economy. With Creative Industries now worth over £100bn per annum, the sector is larger than Life Sciences, Oil and Gas and Aerospace sectors combined - and growing faster too. Research over the last two decades has shown that one of the key drivers of this success is that creative businesses thrive when they cluster together; trading with each other, sharing skills, expertise and the very flexible workforce that characterises much of the creative sector. Within all successful clusters a key role is played by the universities, not only providing skilled graduates but supporting innovation, experimentation and, in the most successful examples, research insight. As part of the UK Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund, which seeks to support research and innovation lead growth in key sectors of the UK economy, one year ago the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and its partners in UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) challenged creative clusters across the UK to develop Research and Development partnerships between industry and universities that could drive measurable economic growth within five years. The response has been astonishing. Universities have worked closely together to harness the multiple research disciplines that drive innovation in the creative sector from Informatics and AI to Design, Engineering to Theatre Studies, Perceptual Psychology to Creative Writing. Across the creative industries of fashion, film and television, design, computer games, music, performance and the emerging creative technology sector, global players and high growth SMEs have joined the partnerships to provide industry leadership and set real world challenges. As you will see from their profiles, the nine partnerships, which are spread across the four nations of the UK, are of exceptional quality in terms of research capability, growth plans and the industrial partners who drive them. But these are just the most advanced of over forty bids that we received from all regions and countries. The Creative Industries Clusters Programme we have embarked on is an experiment in demonstrating that Research and Innovation can drive growth in the UK’s already world-class Creative Industries. Should it prove successful, there is plenty of appetite and capability for further investment. Professor Andrew Thompson Executive Chair, AHRC @ProfAThompson
  • 4. Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategy – Bristol + Bath Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategy credit: Joanie Lemercier’s ‘Millennium Constellations’ Layered Realities 5G Showcase, March ‘18
  • 5. 5 About The Bristol + Bath Creative Industries Cluster (BB CREATIVE RD) is a partnership aiming to improve the performance of the Creative Industries in the Bristol and Bath region. The Cluster brings together the Watershed and four universities in the region, working with a range of industry partners from television, theatre, publishing and computing. The Cluster’s core focus is working in partnership with industry to gain understanding about user engagement in new platforms. The partnership will be working at sites where 5G connectivity, XR technologies and live arts overlap. The Programme The programme is structured round an RD fellowship programme leading into a series of major themed projects. The model puts inclusion and new talent at its heart to identify and support the thought leaders of tomorrow. Every programme will include New Talent Fellows, supported to think about innovation in a digital first way. In turn, New Talent Fellows will co-produce skills workshops for the next generation, creating a radically inclusive leadership model. The Partnership The Programme is designed as a collaboration with partners in the creative industries, helping to create a range of different impacts for companies and customers. Our goal is to lay the foundations for the Bristol + Bath Cluster to be internationally successful by 2030. The Cluster brings together UWE Bristol, Watershed, and the Universities of Bath, Bristol and Bath Spa along with industry partners. Bristol + Bath Creative RD Contact Prof Jon Dovey Email:
  • 6. – Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategy Business of Fashion, Textiles Technology
  • 7. About The Business of Fashion, Textiles and Technology (BFTT) Creative RD Partnership will focus on delivering innovation within the entire fashion and textile creative production and supply chain. The project will foster a new, creative business culture in which fashion, textile and technology enterprises – from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to multinational companies – can use RD as a route to growth. Special attention will be placed on positioning industry as agents of new materials and development. Textile innovation in the UK is ranked as first in Europe and third in the world, with the UK currently advancing developments in new, environmentally sustainable materials and production technologies. The project aims to exploit this considerable market advantage and design influence, and respond to new challenges to sustain and accelerate the creative economy of the Fashion, Textiles and Technology (FFT) sector. To tackle the many challenges, the Partnership draws upon transdisciplinary research expertise in design, computer science, chemistry, materials engineering, economics, strategic management, anthropology and manufacturing. The Programme The work streams will include supporting SMEs and larger firms in high-value collaborative RD; reimagining retail and customer experiences; tackling industry reliance on synthetic materials, building an evidence base; and developing new sustainable materials and markets. The project will also work with education and training providers, as well as government to develop a pipeline of talent for the FTT businesses of the future. The Partnership will tap into the STEAM agenda to provide young people with the support and skills needed for the sector to continue to flourish in the future. The cluster will be centred on the East London Fashion Textiles hub at East Bank, Stratford and the production growth corridors of the Thames Gateway and Lea Valley. These are areas where the value of FTT businesses is growing fast, and where many opportunities exist for workspace and manufacturing expansion. The Partnership BFTT is led by University of the Arts London (UAL) in collaboration with UCL, Loughborough University, University of Cambridge, University of Leeds and Queen Mary University London, and includes specialist research centres in sustainable fashion, circular design, fashion business and innovation, digital anthropology, materials and textiles manufacturing. Key industry partners include world-leading luxury and heritage designer brands (including Kering, Smedley, Clarks), online retailer ASOS, and destination stores including Selfridges. Other partners include the VA Museum and cutting-edge technology VR/AI company, Holition. In all, over 40 FTT businesses, industry trade associations and Local Enterprise Partnerships will be involved. Contact Prof Graeme Evans Email: Business of Fashion, Textiles and Technology 7
  • 8. Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategy Clwstwr Creadigol – Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategy
  • 9. 9 About Cardiff is a national creative hub, with an increasing volume of film and television produced in Wales. To continue to be competitive and grow nationally and internationally, the industry in Wales must become a home for innovation. Clwstwr Creadigol’s focus is to deepen the culture of collaboration and innovation so that media production can be sustained and grow, not just in the Cardiff city area, but across Wales. If the Cardiff-centred screen sector is to move beyond ‘show and go’ production, it needs to become a home for innovation not only in creative production, but in business-critical applied digital technologies, systems and business models. The Cluster will involve the Cardiff City Region’s screen industries and related supply chains, as well as the wider regional creative economy. This will create a platform for independent companies, SMEs, micro-businesses and freelancers to compete with global, highly integrated media companies. The Programme With their partners, the cluster will design an RD programme, with two leading points of focus: a Screen Innovation System and News Innovation Lab. Both will house academics and experts in creative and technical areas including data analysis, market research, IP and business development to support user and product testing. To foster a culture of innovation in both screen and news, Clwstwr Creadigol will deliver three distinct RD strands – sectoral, business and collaborative – designed to develop new products, services and experiences. Strands will include direct investment in specific projects of £3m over a four year period. The Partnership Clwstwr Creadigol is led by Cardiff University in partnership with University of South Wales and Cardiff Metropolitan University. It brings together all major Welsh broadcasters with independent film and television production companies, Wales’s national companies and creative organisations, creative co-working spaces, tech startups, strategic agencies, local authorities and Welsh Government. Clwstwr Creadigol Contact Kayleigh McLeod Email:
  • 10. – Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategy Creative Informatics
  • 11. About Edinburgh’s creative industries have a vibrant creative and technology culture and are characterised by pro-active networks across the data/tech industry. They also have a lively design and advertising sector, the largest concentration of major festivals in the world, and the highest cultural employment in the UK. The Creative Informatics Cluster aims to grow these creative industries by building the number of existing businesses and creative entrepreneurs who can confidently innovate with data. This will lead to creatives, rather than just the IT/Software community, being in the driving seat of data-driven innovation. The Programme The programme has several objectives to grow the creative industries in Edinburgh. The first one is to make the city a world class centre for creative talent who are able to lead data-driven innovation in the creative industries. To achieve this there will be three initiatives to develop local talent; Creative Bridge, a ten-week programme enabling creative entrepreneurs to develop and scale significant new enterprises, building their confidence to help their colleagues and clients better understand the value of creativity; the Resident Entrepreneur programme will support creative entrepreneurs financially and provide a conducive environment within the HEIs or partner organisations to develop their businesses; the Connected Innovators programme will provide emerging leaders in the cluster with much needed time, space and financial support to conduct RD to develop their business. A second objective is to develop new data-driven products and services to enhance audience engagement and create new modalities of experience. RD projects will enable participants to experiment and explore technologies to inspire new uses and new product development. Many of the projects will lead to Minimum Viable Products which will be presented to investor communities. A further goal is to support the new, innovative business models that emerge from RD and the people-based objectives. Partnerships formed will be able to draw on a range of academic expertise to support the development of new business models, including creative entrepreneurship, IP and technology law, digital cultural heritage, ethics, design, informatics, and new transaction technologies. Finally, the Challenge and Horizon projects will develop engagement with, and access to, new local and global audiences and markets through data-driven innovation. The Partnership The programme will be led by University of Edinburgh and delivered in partnership with Edinburgh Napier University, Codebase, and Creative Edinburgh. Creative Informatics 11 Contact Prof Chris Speed Email:
  • 12. Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategy Creative Media Labs – Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategy
  • 13. 13 About Telling stories is a vital means by which we make sense of the world around us. Technology and storytelling have always gone hand-in-hand, with each new medium offering new ways of telling stories and engaging audiences. Creative Media Labs will harness the latest digital technologies – especially immersive and interactive tools and techniques – to develop innovative and commercially viable models for the next generation of screen storytelling. The cluster’s goal is to establish the Yorkshire and Humber screen industries cluster as the UK centre of excellence in immersive and interactive digital storytelling. The Programme The partnership will build on the recent investment, and growth of the screen industries in the Yorkshire/Humber region. Creative Media Labs will provide the necessary further support, investment and expertise to facilitate the RD that many companies lack the capacity to undertake on their own. The programme will enable partners to co-create innovative storytelling tools and models for the future, upskill and expand the workforce and ensure the growth of this dynamic regional economy. Creative Media Labs has established a substantial programme of funding, responsive to the needs of industry. Regional businesses will have significant opportunities to bid for those funds. Initial projects include developing second-screen narrative experiences; VR storytelling; interactive and immersive story-worlds; personalised and responsive television narratives; the use of big data and artificial intelligence to shape content creation and delivery; and the development of tools for producing and delivering such experiences. New themes will emerge as new challenges are identified. The Partnership Creative Media Labs is led by the University of York, in partnership with Screen Yorkshire and the British Film Institute. It brings together film, TV, games and digital media businesses from across the Yorkshire and Humber region, in collaboration with leading national and international companies and organisations, and a consortium of regional universities. Creative Media Labs Contact Prof Damian Murphy Email:
  • 14. – Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategy
  • 15. About Nationwide, the fashion design industry contributes £28 billion to the economy, with a growing workforce of nearly 900,000 – making it one of the largest creative industries in the country. Collaborative research and development by creative companies across the supply chain is fundamental to ensuring future growth. The vision for Future Fashion Factory is to transform the UK industry’s capacity for new product innovation, and to reduce lead times and waste. This will be done through the convergence of new digital and textile technologies within the fashion design process. The Programme Future Fashion Factory will explore and develop new digital and advanced textile technologies to boost the design of high value creative products, helping designers and manufacturers work more collaboratively. The project also aims to reinvigorate the hugely valuable industry on-shore capacity and agility in design and manufacture – developing technologies to increase productivity, shrink lead times, lower costs and reduce waste. New fashion design programmes will also be created for undergraduate and postgraduate students and researchers at Leeds. Industrial apprenticeship programmes will aim to address a skills gap in the industry for designers who can combine creativity with craft, design, science and technology skills. The Partnership The programme is led by the School of Design at the University of Leeds. Partners of the five-year project include the Royal College of Art, Burberry, the British Fashion Council, UKFT, Yorkshire Textiles, Wools of New Zealand, Abraham Moon Sons, the Textile Centre of Excellence, and Camira Fabrics. 15 Future Fashion Factory Contact Lee Mason Email:
  • 16. Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategy Future Screens NI – Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategy
  • 17. 17 About Responding to industry needs, Future Screens NI will deliver expert technical skills, opportunity and growth across film and broadcast, animation, games and immersive technologies and industries in Northern Ireland. Through the partnership, Northern Ireland’s creative companies will develop strategies to collaborate, grow productivity and maximise their global potential, delivering new jobs and a £400 million increase in GVA to boost the local economy. The Programme The programme will transform innovation and job creation – and with creative industries hubs in Belfast, Newry, Coleraine and Derry~Londonderry, the impact will be region-wide. Addressing challenges and building on existing strengths in creative industries in the region, areas of focus will include narrative and storytelling in digital content, applications of VR/AR in health, tourism and engineering, development of a games nexus, expanding capacity for large scale film and TV production and enhancing the high-level skills pipeline in 2D and 3D animation. The Partnership This innovative partnership brings together the University of Ulster, Queen’s University Belfast and industrial partners at the forefront of the creative economy in Northern Ireland. Future Screens NI Contact Prof Paul Moore Email:
  • 18. – Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategy InGAME
  • 19. About InGAME: Innovation for Games and Media Enterprise establishes a dedicated creative research and development centre at the heart of Dundee’s games cluster with a view to driving product, service and experience innovation across the industry. As cultural artefacts, video games are complex multi-faceted products with multiple creative practices, bringing together technical and commercial expertise in a disruptive and precarious environment. Led by Abertay University, in partnership with the University of Dundee and the University of St Andrews, InGAME forms a collaborative network around the expertise and experience held in the Dundee games cluster, the HEI partnership, the wider creative district, and sector support agencies to intensify economic growth, sector diversification and cultural engagement. The Programme Three high-level challenges face the cluster. These are, firstly, creative risk, as the financial risk that comes with developing speculative original intellectual property for the games market is often fatal for start-up and micro-SMEs. Secondly, technology innovations within the cluster, though often iterative, inventive and ingenious, are not systematically captured or tested for generalisation or re-use value. This leads to missed commercial opportunities. Finally, although the cluster is comprised primarily of mid-sized SMEs and an even larger number of startups and micro-SMEs, these smaller organisations often lack the commercial expertise to innovate new business models and recognise new market opportunities. In response, a series of goals have been identified to create the conditions for sustainable creative speculation, technology innovation, economic growth and cluster intensification. These goals include setting up new modes of collaboration among industry, HEIs, and sector support agencies; developing the cluster’s capacity to exploit technical innovations and improving access to high cost development services through a network of HEI industry partners; increasing access to postgraduate research, creative and design, and the development of a workforce to enable creation of original content, and building a new generation of creative RD practitioners. The Partnership The programme is led by Abertay University, in partnership with the University of Dundee and the University of St Andrews, in collaboration with local industry stakeholders. These include 4J Studios, All4Games, BBC, Beano Studios, Biome Collective, DeltaDNA, Microsoft, Outplay Entertainment and Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe. Business and cluster development is supported by Creative Dundee, Creative Scotland, Elevator UK, Interface, Dundee City Council, Scottish Enterprise, TIGA, Ukie, UK Games Fund and VA Dundee. Contact Prof Sean Taylor Email: 19 InGAME: Innovation for Games and Media Enterprise
  • 20. Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategy StoryFutures – Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategy
  • 21. 21 About The stories of tomorrow will reach audiences in new and complex ways, fuelled by immersive technologies, data-driven personalisation, smart devices and AI, alongside evolutions in contemporary screen form that threaten our very conception of the ‘screen’. These changes bring new challenges to the screen industries – to their storytelling forms and techniques, business models, value networks and workflows. StoryFutures responds to these challenges by providing an RD base for screen industries. The Programme StoryFutures has four objectives that aim to deliver cross-sector innovation: 1. Innovation in story form, business models, creative data flows and audience insight 2. Generate regional economic growth by brokering collaborative partnerships 3. Enhance Cluster Connectivity by strengthening cross-sector and region networking 4. Develop Next Generation Talent, emphasising increased female representation, whose skills span the arts, humanities, social, formal and applied sciences. The programme will follow four core themes. The first, StoryLabs, will look at how creatives harness emergent and established storytelling forms on new platforms. Use-case prototypes and pilots will be developed that respond to industry-wide barriers to growth in immersive and beyond. The second aims to provide SMEs with development support, improving networking, increasing additives to access further funding, and developing new business models. The programme will review value networks – the production networks, revenue streams, collaborations and business models and IP opportunities for Next Generation stories. The third theme focuses on how the increasing volumes of data/metadata in production can be better managed and processed to drive commercial prospects and generate greater collaboration – enabling development of new tools and efficiency gains. Finally, the programme will test new productions with audiences, utilising cognitive psychology, neuroscience and media research to provide rich insights that can fuel commercial growth. The Partnership The Cluster is located in one of the UK’s most important creative clusters, spanning a unique fusion of creative audiovisual and technology companies that form a gateway in and out of London, the potential of which has been long-overlooked. The partnership brings together Royal Holloway University of London, Pinewood Studios, Immerse UK, Pact, Ukie, British Screen Advisory Council, Resource Productions, the BFI, Connect TVT, Imaginarium Studios, The National Gallery, BBC Studios, Sony Interactive Entertainment, Endemol- Shine UK, Double Negative, n:Dreams and Heathrow, as well as our Local Economic Partnerships: EM3, TVBucks and TVBerks. Contact Anthony Hughes Email: StoryFutures
  • 22. – Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategy Creative Industries Policy Evidence Centre
  • 23. About The vision of the Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre (the PEC) is to provide independent research and authoritative recommendations that will aid the development of policies for the UK’s creative industries, contributing to their continued success. The Programme The Centre will provide a step-change for our three main stakeholders – industry, policymakers and the wider research community – in the quality of evidence for the creative industries, tasking some of the best researchers across the UK with answering some of the most pressing questions about the sector. The centre will aim to engage everyone in our mission – from the creative freelancer to the multinational: anyone interested in research related to the creative industries. The Partnership The centre will be led by innovation foundation Nesta, and involves a wide consortium of UK universities including Birmingham; Cardiff; Edinburgh; Glasgow; Work Foundation at Lancaster University; LSE; Manchester; Newcastle; Sussex, and Ulster. Alongside these institutions, the Centre will be working with a broad and inclusive group of partners from across the creative industries, including the Creative Industries Federation. Initial industry partners also include Creative England, the British Film Institute and Tech Nation. 23 Creative Industries Policy Evidence Centre Contact Anana Zabow Email:
  • 24. Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategy – Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategy StoryFutures Academy
  • 25. 25 About This project aims to establish a new centre of excellence in immersive storytelling jointly funded by the Creative Industries Clusters Programme and Audiences of the Future. It will achieve this via experimental labs, workshops, placements and courses. The aim is to build the StoryFutures Academy, a centre that will support and co-fund dozens of real immersive productions placing story at the heart of everything. The Programme The centre will aim to bring about an immediate step-change in the core screen sector’s engagement with immersive narrative forms, developing a national base of creative and commercial talent that can establish the UK as a world-leader in this sector. The centre will work to identify skills gaps and construct courses that bring together higher education and industry to respond to these. Diversity will be embedded in the training approach to make sure the full breadth of UK is involved in immersive storytelling. The next generation of talent, who are fluent in immersive storytelling techniques, will have access to an alumni network and companies to fully develop their creative careers. A key aim of the centre is the development of a diverse and experienced base of trainers, skilled in the cross-disciplinary art of immersive storytelling, who are able to develop a talent pipeline long after the funding period has ended. In line with these goals, the project aims to establish a national Creative Industries Clusters Programme Network for Immersive Excellence. The Partnership The Academy is funded by the CICP and the Audience of the Future. The project is set to evolve through a partnership between the National Film and Television School and Royal Holloway, University of London. They will be working alongside world-leading partners from immersive theatre (Punchdrunk), gaming (UK Games Fund), film (BFI), television (Sky), performance capture (Imaginarium Studios), virtual reality (Rewind VR), equipment manufacturers (Sony Interactive Entertainment, HTC Vive) and immersive experts (Digital Catapult), along with leading writers, performers and directors. Contact Vicky Hewlett Email: StoryFutures Academy: The National Centre for Immersive Storytelling
  • 26. Introducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme #CreativeClusters #CIPolicyandEvidence #IndustrialStrategyIntroducing the Creative Industries Clusters Programme – About Arts Humanities Research Council The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) funds world-class, independent researchers in a wide range of subjects from history and archaeology to philosophy and languages. The Council also funds more contemporary research including the design and effectiveness of digital content and the impact of artificial intelligence. @ahrcpress Mike Collins Head of Communications, AHRC Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund: The Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund brings together the UK’s world-leading research with business to meet the major industrial and societal challenges of our time. It provides funding and support to UK businesses and researchers, part of the government’s £4.7 billion increase in research and development over the next 4 years. It plays a central role in the Government’s modern Industrial Strategy. It is run by UK Research and Innovation, which comprises the Research Councils, Innovate UK and Research England. LOGO NEEDED
  • 27.