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Migrating Babel from
CommonJS to ESM
@NicoloRibaudo 2
Once upon a time 


 there was a little JavaScript library, written using the shiny new
import / export syntax and published to npm compiled to CommonJS.
Once upon a time 

import { parse } from "babylon";
export function transform(code) {
let ast = parse(code);
return es6to5(ast);
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
exports.transform = transform;
var _babylon = require("babylon");
function transform(code) {
let ast = _babylon.parse(code);
return es6to5(ast);
Until one day, suddenly 

Until one day, suddenly 

Until one day, suddenly 

Our adventure begins here.
Chapter 1:
What is Babel?
What is Babel?
Babel is a build-time
What is Babel?
Babel is a build-time
What is Babel?
Babel is a build-time
What is Babel?
Babel is a build-time
@NicoloRibaudo 15
// babel.config.js
module.exports = function () {
return {
targets: [
"last 3 versions",
"not ie"
ignore: ["**/*.test.js"]
$ npx babel src --out-dir lib
"Generate code that is compatible
with these browsers"
"Don't compile test ïŹles"
What is Babel?
Babel is a build-time
@NicoloRibaudo 17
// babel-plugin-hello.js
const { types: t } = require("@babel/core");
module.exports = () => ({
visitor: {
StringLiteral(path) {
t.stringLiteral("Hello World!")
$ npx babel src --out-dir lib
Apply some transformation
to the parsed code,
potentially relying on
Babel-provided AST utilities
What is Babel?
Babel is a build-time
n embeddable
@NicoloRibaudo 19
// webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
entry: "./src/main.js",
output: "./out/bundle.js",
module: {
rules: [
test: /.js|.ts|.jsx/,
use: "babel-loader",
// rollup.config.js
import {
} from "@rollup/plugin-babel";
export default {
input: "src/index.js",
output: {
dir: "output",
format: "es",
plugins: [ babel() ],
● Webpack
● Rollup
● Parcel
● Vite
● ESLint
● Prettier

What is Babel?
Babel is a build-time
@NicoloRibaudo 21
const babel = require("@babel/core");
const fs = require("fs/promises");
.then(({ code }) =>
fs.writeFile("./main.out.js", code)
).catch(err =>
console.error("Cannot compile!", err)
const parser = require("@babl/parser");
const generator = require("@babl/generator");
const ast = parser.parse("const a = 1;");
ast.program.body[0].declarations[0] = "b";
const code = generator.default(ast);
console.log(code); // "const b = 1;"
ESM challenges
ESM challenges
#1 — It cannot be synchronously imported from CommonJS in Node.js
// SyntaxError in CommonJS
import "./module.mjs";
// Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module not supported
// This works, but it's asynchronous
import("./module.mjs"); // Promise
ESM challenges
#2 — It cannot be synchronously imported dynamically or lazily
// CommonJS
function loadIt() {
// ES Modules - SyntaxError // ES Modules - async
function loadIt() { async function loadIt() {
import "./module.cjs"; await import("./module.cjs");
} }
ESM challenges
#3 — ESM-compiled-to-CJS has a diïŹ€erent interface from native ESM
import obj from "./esm-compiled-to-cjs.js";
// { __esModule: true, default: [Function: A], namedExport: "foo" }
ESM challenges
#4 — It doesn't integrate with tools that virtualize require and CJS loading
● mocking
● on-the-ïŹ‚y transpilation
● other bad things
Internal vs External
Internal vs External
Babel's source
● Written by Babel contributors
● Used by all Babel users
Babel's tests
● Written by Babel contributors
● Used by Babel contributors
ConïŹguration ïŹles
● Written by (almost) all Babel users
● Written by a limited number of
Internal vs External
Internal vs External
Chapter 2:
Making Babel
The async/await virus
function transform(code, opts) {
const config = loadFullConfig(opts);
// ...
function loadFullConfig(inputOpts) {
const result = loadPrivatePartialConfig(inputOpts);
// ...
function loadPrivatePartialConfig(inputOpts) {
// ...
const configChain = buildRootChain(args, context);
// ...
function buildRootChain(opts, context) {
// ...
configFile = loadOneConfig(ROOT_FILENAMES, dirname);
// ...
function loadOneConfig(filenames, dirname) {
// ...
const config = readConfigCode(filepath);
// ...
function readConfigCode(filepath) {
// ...
options = loadCodeDefault(filepath);
// ...
function loadCodeDefault(filepath) {
const module = require(filepath);
// ...
The async/await virus
function transform(code, opts) {
const config = loadFullConfig(opts);
// ...
function loadFullConfig(inputOpts) {
const result = loadPrivatePartialConfig(inputOpts);
// ...
function loadPrivatePartialConfig(inputOpts) {
// ...
const configChain = buildRootChain(args, context);
// ...
function buildRootChain(opts, context) {
// ...
configFile = loadOneConfig(ROOT_FILENAMES, dirname);
// ...
function loadOneConfig(filenames, dirname) {
// ...
const config = readConfigCode(filepath);
// ...
function readConfigCode(filepath) {
// ...
options = loadCodeDefault(filepath);
// ...
function loadCodeDefault(filepath) {
const module = require(filepath);
const module = await import(filepath);
// ...
The async/await virus
function transform(code, opts) {
const config = loadFullConfig(opts);
// ...
function loadFullConfig(inputOpts) {
const result = loadPrivatePartialConfig(inputOpts);
// ...
function loadPrivatePartialConfig(inputOpts) {
// ...
const configChain = buildRootChain(args, context);
// ...
function buildRootChain(opts, context) {
// ...
configFile = loadOneConfig(ROOT_FILENAMES, dirname);
// ...
function loadOneConfig(filenames, dirname) {
// ...
const config = readConfigCode(filepath);
// ...
function readConfigCode(filepath) {
// ...
options = loadCodeDefault(filepath);
// ...
async function loadCodeDefault(filepath) {
const module = require(filepath);
const module = await import(filepath);
// ...
The async/await virus
function transform(code, opts) {
const config = loadFullConfig(opts);
// ...
function loadFullConfig(inputOpts) {
const result = loadPrivatePartialConfig(inputOpts);
// ...
function loadPrivatePartialConfig(inputOpts) {
// ...
const configChain = buildRootChain(args, context);
// ...
function buildRootChain(opts, context) {
// ...
configFile = loadOneConfig(ROOT_FILENAMES, dirname);
// ...
function loadOneConfig(filenames, dirname) {
// ...
const config = readConfigCode(filepath);
// ...
function readConfigCode(filepath) {
// ...
options = await loadCodeDefault(filepath);
// ...
async function loadCodeDefault(filepath) {
const module = require(filepath);
const module = await import(filepath);
// ...
The async/await virus
async function transform(code, opts) {
const config = await loadFullConfig(opts);
// ...
async function loadFullConfig(inputOpts) {
const result = await loadPrivatePartialConfig(inputOpts);
// ...
async function loadPrivatePartialConfig(inputOpts) {
// ...
const configChain = await buildRootChain(args, context);
// ...
async function buildRootChain(opts, context) {
// ...
configFile = await loadOneConfig(ROOT_FILENAMES, dirname);
// ...
async function loadOneConfig(filenames, dirname) {
// ...
const config = await readConfigCode(filepath);
// ...
async function readConfigCode(filepath) {
// ...
options = await loadCodeDefault(filepath);
// ...
async function loadCodeDefault(filepath) {
const module = require(filepath);
const module = await import(filepath);
// ...
Preserving Babel's sync API
● Preserves backward compatibility
● The asynchronous API is only necessary when loading ESM ïŹles
function transform(code, opts) async function transformAsync(code, opts)
Preserving Babel's sync API
function transform(code, opts)
function loadFullConfig(inputOpts) {
function loadPrivatePartialConfig(inputOpts) {
function buildRootChain(opts, context) {
function loadOneConfig(filenames, dirname) {
function readConfigCode(filepath) {
function loadCodeDefault(filepath) {
if (isCommonJS(filepath)) {
module = require(filepath);
} else {
throw new Error("Unsupported ESM config!");
async function transformAsync(code, opts)
async function loadFullConfig(inputOpts) {
async function loadPrivatePartialConfig(inputOpts)
async function buildRootChain(opts, context) {
async function loadOneConfig(filenames, dirname) {
async function readConfigCode(filepath) {
async function loadCodeDefault(filepath) {
if (isCommonJS(filepath)) {
module = require(filepath);
} else {
module = await import(filepath);
Preserving Babel's sync API
Can we have a single implementation, capable of running both synchronously
and asynchronously?
Preserving Babel's sync API
Can we have a single implementation, capable of running both synchronously
and asynchronously?
function loadCodeDefault(filepath, callback) {
if (isCommonJS(filepath)) {
try { callback(null, require(filepath)); }
catch (err) { callback(err); }
} else {
module => callback(null, module),
err => callback(err)
gensync: abstracting the
gensync: abstracting the ???
Me trying to
prepare these
Me spending too
much time looking
for a word
gensync: abstracting the ???
gensync: abstracting the ???
const readJSON = async function (filepath) {
const contents = await readFile(filepath, "utf8");
return JSON.parse(contents);
gensync: abstracting the ???
const readJSON = async function (filepath) {
const contents = await readFile(filepath, "utf8");
return JSON.parse(contents);
const readJSON = gensync(function* (filepath) {
const contents = yield* readFile(filepath, "utf8");
return JSON.parse(contents);
gensync: abstracting the ???
const readJSON = async function (filepath) {
const contents = await readFile(filepath, "utf8");
return JSON.parse(contents);
const readJSON = gensync(function* (filepath) {
const contents = yield* readFile(filepath, "utf8");
return JSON.parse(contents);
const json = readJSON.sync("package.json");
// or
const json = await readJSON.async("package.json");
gensync: abstracting the ???
const readJSON = async function (filepath) {
const contents = await readFile(filepath, "utf8");
return JSON.parse(contents);
const readJSON = gensync(function* (filepath) {
const contents = yield* readFile(filepath, "utf8");
return JSON.parse(contents);
const json = readJSON.sync("package.json");
// or
const json = await readJSON.async("package.json");
const readFile = gensync({
sync: fs.readFileSync,
errback: fs.readFile,
gensync: abstracting the ???
const readJSON = async function (filepath) {
const contents = await readFile(filepath, "utf8");
return JSON.parse(contents);
const readJSON = gensync(function* (filepath) {
const contents = yield* readFile(filepath, "utf8");
return JSON.parse(contents);
const json = readJSON.sync("package.json");
// or
const json = await readJSON.async("package.json");
const readFile = gensync({
sync: fs.readFileSync,
errback: fs.readFile,
You can deïŹne any utility that
branches on the execution model:
const isAsync = gensync({
sync: () => false,
async: async () => true,
@NicoloRibaudo 48
const transform = gensync(function* (code, opts) {
const config = yield* loadFullConfig(opts);
// ...
function* loadFullConfig(inputOpts) {
const result = yield* loadPrivatePartialConfig(inputOpts);
// ...
function* loadPrivatePartialConfig(opts) {
// ...
const configChain = yield* buildRootChain(args, context);
// ...
function* buildRootChain(opts, context) {
// ...
configFile = yield* loadOneConfig(ROOT_FILENAMES, dirname);
// ...
function* loadOneConfig(filenames, dirname) {
// ...
const config = yield* readConfigCode(filepath);
// ...
function* readConfigCode(filepath) {
// ...
options = yield* loadCodeDefault(filepath);
// ...
gensync: abstracting the ???
@NicoloRibaudo 49
const transform = gensync(function* (code, opts) {
const config = yield* loadFullConfig(opts);
// ...
export const transform = transform.errback;
export const transformSync = transform.sync;
export const transformAsync = transform.async;
gensync: abstracting the ???
@NicoloRibaudo 50
gensync: abstracting the ???
function loadCodeDefault(filepath) {
if (isCommonJS(filepath)) {
module = require(filepath);
} else {
throw new Error("Unsupported ESM!");
async function loadCodeDefault(filepath) {
if (isCommonJS(filepath)) {
module = require(filepath);
} else {
module = await import(filepath);
@NicoloRibaudo 51
gensync: abstracting the ???
function loadCodeDefault(filepath) {
if (isCommonJS(filepath)) {
module = require(filepath);
} else {
throw new Error("Unsupported ESM!");
async function loadCodeDefault(filepath) {
if (isCommonJS(filepath)) {
module = require(filepath);
} else {
module = await import(filepath);
function* loadCodeDefault(filepath) {
if (isCommonJS(filepath)) {
module = require(filepath);
} else if (yield* isAsync()) {
module = yield* wait(import(filepath));
} else {
throw new Error("Unsupported ESM!");
// ...
const wait = gensync({
sync: x => x,
async: x => x,
@NicoloRibaudo 52
gensync: abstracting the ???
.mjs conïŹg ïŹles and plugins :)
Chapter 3:
Making Babel
synchronous again
Making Babel synchronous again
Sometimes you can force😇 asynchronous APIs on your
users — sometimes you can't.
Making Babel synchronous again
Sometimes you can force😇 asynchronous APIs on your
users — sometimes you can't.
@babel/eslint-parser is an ESLint parser to support experimental syntax;
@babel/register hooks into Node.js' require() to compile ïŹles on-the-ïŹ‚y.
Worker and Atomics to the rescue
Worker and Atomics to the rescue
Main thread
function doSomethingSync() {
const signal = new Int32Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(4));
const { port1, port2 } = new MessageChannel();
// sleep
Atomics.wait(signal, 0, 0);
const { result } = receiveMessageOnPort(port2);
return result;
Worker thread
addListener("message", () => {
let result =
await doSomethingAsync();
port1.postMessage({ result });, 0, 1);
Atomics.notify(signal, 0);
signal, port1
{ payload: /* ... */ }
{ result: /* ... */ }
Worker and Atomics to the rescue
More details:
Worker and Atomics to the rescue
Main thread
function doSomethingSync() {
● Wait (sleep) until SAB's
contents change
● Read the received result
return result;
Worker thread
addListener("message", () => {
let result =
await doSomethingAsync();
● Change SAB's contents
● Wake up the main thread
SharedArrayBuffer[ 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 ]
{ payload: /* ... */ }
{ result: /* ... */ }
Worker and Atomics to the rescue
Main thread
1. Create the worker
const { Worker, SHARE_ENV } = require("worker_threads");
const worker = new Worker("./path/to/worker.js", {
Worker and Atomics to the rescue
Main thread, doSomethingSync
2. Delegate the task to the worker
const { MessageChannel } = require("worker_threads");
const signal = new Int32Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(4));
const { port1, port2 } = new MessageChannel();
worker.postMessage({ signal, port: port1, payload }, [port1]);
Atomics.wait(signal, 0, 0);
Worker and Atomics to the rescue
Worker thread, "message" listener
3. Perform the task and send the result to the main thread
const result = await doSomethingAsync();
port.postMessage({ result });
port.close();, 0, 1);
Atomics.notify(signal, 0);
Worker and Atomics to the rescue
Main thread, doSomethingSync
4. After waking up, read the result and return it
const { receiveMessageOnPort } = require("worker_threads");
... const { port1, port2 } = new MessageChannel(); ...
... Atomics.wait(signal, 0, 0); ...
const { result } = receiveMessageOnPort(port2);
return result;
Production code? Error handling
In case of an error, we
must manually report it
to the main thread.
Chapter 4:
When reality hits hard
— running Babel's tests as native ESM
Running Babel's tests as native ESM
Problem #1
Problem #2
ESM compiled to CommonJS behaves diïŹ€erently
from ESM that runs natively in Node.js
Our test runner, Jest, didn't properly
support running ESM
The __esModule convention
// src/main.js
import circ from "./math.js";
circ(2); // 12.56
// src/math.js
export const PI = 3.14;
export default function (r) {
return 2 * PI * r;
// dist/main.js
var _math = require("./math.js");
_math.default(2); // 12.56
// dist/math.js
const PI = 3.14; exports.PI = PI;
function _default(r) {
return 2 * PI * r;
exports.default = _default;
The __esModule convention
// src/main.js
import circ from "../libs/math.cjs";
circ(2); // 12.56
// src/math.js
export const PI = 3.14;
export default function (r) {
return 2 * PI * r;
// dist/main.js
var _math = require("../libs/math.cjs");
_math(2); // 12.56
// dist/math.js
const PI = 3.14; exports.PI = PI;
function _default(r) {
return 2 * PI * r;
exports.default = _default;
// libs/math.cjs
module.exports = function (r) {
return 2 * PI * r;
No more .default!
The __esModule convention
// src/main.js
import circ from "../libs/math.cjs";
circ(2); // 12.56
// src/math.js
export const PI = 3.14;
export default function (r) {
return 2 * PI * r;
// dist/main.js
var _math = {
default: require("../libs/math.cjs"),
_math.default(2); // 12.56
// dist/math.js
const PI = 3.14; exports.PI = PI;
function _default(r) {
return 2 * PI * r;
exports.default = _default;
// libs/math.cjs
module.exports = function (r) {
return 2 * PI * r;
The __esModule convention
// src/main.js
import circ from "./math.js";
circ(2); // 12.56
// dist/main.js
var _math = _interopRequireDefault(
_math.default(2); // 12.56
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
return obj is ESM compiled to CommonJS ? obj : { default: obj };
The __esModule convention
// src/math.js
export const PI = 3.14;
export default function (r) {
return 2 * PI * r;
// dist/math.js
exports.__esModule = true;
const PI = 3.14; exports.PI = PI;
function _default(r) {
return 2 * PI * r;
exports.default = _default;
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj };
"This was ESM, compiled to CJS"
The __esModule convention
The __esModule convention
● Babel
● Traceur
● tsc (TypeScript)

● Webpack
● Rollup (@rollup/plugin-commonjs
● Parcel
● Vite
● ESBuild

It's supported by every JavaScript transpiler and bundler:
The __esModule convention
It's supported by every JavaScript transpiler and bundler.
It's not supported by Node.js:
// main.js
import circ from "./math.cjs";
// math.cjs
exports.__esModule = true;
const PI = 3.14; exports.PI = PI;
function _default(r) {
return 2 * PI * r;
exports.default = _default;
Always logs
{ __esModule: true,
PI: 3.14,
default: [function] }
Converting some ïŹles to ESM
// math.js
export default function (r) {
return 2 * PI * r;
// test.js
import circ from "./math.js";
assert(circ(2) === 12.56);
// math.js
exports.__esModule = true;
exports.default = function (r) {
return 2 * PI * r; };
// test.js
var _math = _interopRequireDefault(
require("./math.js") );
assert(_math.default(2) === 12.56);
// test.js
import circ from "./math.js";
assert(circ(2) === 12.56);
Converting some ïŹles to ESM
// math.js
exports.__esModule = true;
exports.default = function (r) {
return 2 * PI * r; }; // test.js
var _math = _interopRequireDefault(
require("./math.js") );
assert(_math.default(2) === 12.56);
// test.js
import circ from "./math.js";
assert(circ.default(2) === 12.56);
Converting some ïŹles to ESM
// math.js
exports.__esModule = true;
exports.default = function (r) {
return 2 * PI * r; }; // test.js
var _math = _interopRequireDefault(
require("./math.js") );
assert(_math.default.default(2) === 12.56);
// test.js
import circ from "./math.js";
assert(circ.default(2) === 12.56);
Converting some ïŹles to ESM
// math.js
exports.__esModule = true;
exports.default = function (r) {
return 2 * PI * r; }; // test.js
var _math = {
default: require("./math.js") };
assert(_math.default.default(2) === 12.56);
importInterop: "node"
"This import should be compiled to match Node.js' behavior,
without checking the __esModule ïŹ‚ag."
importInterop: "node"
"This import should be compiled to match Node.js' behavior,
without checking the __esModule ïŹ‚ag."
// test/index.js
// Standard __esModule interop
import helper from "./helper.js";
// importInterop: "node"
import dep from "dep";
["@babel/transform-modules-commonjs", {
importInterop(source) {
if (source.startsWith(".")) {
return "babel";
return "node";
|- test
| |- index.js
| - helper.js
- node_modules
- dep
- index.js
importInterop: "node"
Running Babel's tests as native ESM
Problem #1
Problem #2
ESM compiled to CommonJS behaves diïŹ€erently
from ESM that runs natively in Node.js
Our test runner, Jest, didn't properly
support running ESM
Solved ✓
Jest support for native ESM
Jest support for native ESM
Jest runs every test in a virtualized context, using Node.js' vm module, to:
● isolate every test ïŹle, so that failing or misbehaving tests don't aïŹ€ect
other tests
● abstract and control the linking process between modules, to intercept all
requires/imports and:
○ allow mocking dependencies
○ transpile modules on-the-ïŹ‚y
Jest support for native ESM
Node.js support for ESM in virtual vm contexts is still
Jest supports implementing custom test runners,
to deïŹne how to execute a test.
Blazing fast!
Running Babel's tests as native ESM
Problem #1
Problem #2
ESM compiled to CommonJS behaves diïŹ€erently
from ESM that runs natively in Node.js
Our test runner, Jest, didn't properly
support running ESM
Solved ✓
Solved ✓
Chapter 5:
Getting ready for an
ESM release
Dual packages
Node.js supports packages with multiple implementations, that are
conditionally required/imported.
// package.json
"name": "your-package",
"exports": {
"import": "./esm-dist/index.mjs",
"require": "./cjs-dist/index.js"
Dual packages
Converting to a "dual package" while preserving compatibility with all the
Node.js versions and various tools is incredibly complex.
Without breaking changes
Dual packages
Dual packages
Very high risk of breaking changes: the complete migration
is deferred to the next major release (Babel 8)
Dual packages development
● During development, wether it's ESM or ESM-compiled-to-CJS should just
be a compilation detail
● Our codebase should always be valid in both modes
make use-cjs make use-esm
● We test both ESM and ESM-compiled-to-CJS on CI
● We are always ready to publish an ESM release, by simply ïŹ‚ipping a ïŹ‚ag
Maximizing backwards compatibility
"ESM cannot be synchronously imported from CommonJS in Node.js"
~ me, many slides ago
const babel = require("@babel/core");
const fs = require("fs/promises");
.then(({ code }) =>
fs.writeFile("./src/output.js", code)
const { types: t } = require("@babel/core");
module.exports = function myPlugin() {
return {
visitor: {
NumericLiteral(path) {
} } };
How do we preserve compatibility with existing CommonJS Babel usages?
Babel consumers
1. require() Babel
2. Call one of the Babel API entry points,
such as transformSync,
transformAsync, parseAsync, etc.
Babel plugins
1. Babel is loaded by someone else
2. Babel loads the plugin
3. The plugin require()s Babel and uses
its utilities
const {
types: t,
} = require("@babel/core");
Maximizing backwards compatibility
Instead of duplicating the implementation in CommonJS and ESM ïŹles,
CommonJS can act as a "proxy" over the ESM implementation.
There must still be an asynchronous step somewhere, but for libraries that
already oïŹ€ered an async API this should be good enough.
CommonJS proxies
Babel consumers
1. require() Babel
2. Call one of the Babel API entry points,
such as transformSync,
transformAsync, parseAsync, etc.
CommonJS proxies
// @babel/core/index.mjs
export async function transformAsync() {
/* ... */
export function transformSync() {
/* ... */
// @babel/core/index.cjs
let babel;
exports.transformAsync = async function () {
babel ??= await import("@babel/core");
return babel.transformAsync();
exports.transformSync = function () {
if (!babel) throw new Error("Not loaded yet");
return babel.transformSync();
Babel plugins
1. Babel is loaded by someone else
2. Babel loads the plugin
3. The plugin require()s Babel and uses
its utilities
const {
types: t,
} = require("@babel/core");
CommonJS proxies
// @babel/core/index.mjs
import { createRequire } from "module";
const require = createRequire(import.meta.url);
const cjsProxy = require("./index.cjs");
import * as thisFile from "./index.mjs";
// @babel/core/index.cjs
let babel;
exports.transformAsync = function () { /*..*/ };
exports.__initialize = function (b) {
babel = b;
exports.types = b.types;
exports.template = b.template;
/* ... */
The end
One more thing!
@NicoloRibaudo 103
@nicolo-ribaudo @liuxingbaoyu
Babel's development is entirely funded by donations.
If you rely on Babel at work, talk to your company to get them to
sponsor the project!
One more thing!
Need help talking to your company?

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Migrating Babel from CommonJS to ESM

  • 1. @NicoloRibaudo Migrating Babel from CommonJS to ESM NICOLÒ RIBAUDO @nicolo-ribaudo @NicoloRibaudo
  • 4. @NicoloRibaudo 
 there was a little JavaScript library, written using the shiny new import / export syntax and published to npm compiled to CommonJS. Once upon a time 
 4 import { parse } from "babylon"; export function transform(code) { let ast = parse(code); return es6to5(ast); } "use strict"; exports.__esModule = true; exports.transform = transform; var _babylon = require("babylon"); function transform(code) { let ast = _babylon.parse(code); return es6to5(ast); }
  • 5. @NicoloRibaudo Until one day, suddenly 
  • 6. @NicoloRibaudo Until one day, suddenly 
  • 7. @NicoloRibaudo Until one day, suddenly 
  • 11. @NicoloRibaudo What is Babel? 11 Babel is a build-time compiler JavaScript
  • 12. @NicoloRibaudo What is Babel? 12 Babel is a build-time compiler JavaScript
  • 13. @NicoloRibaudo What is Babel? 13 Babel is a build-time devtool
  • 14. @NicoloRibaudo What is Babel? 14 Babel is a build-time devtool conïŹgurable
  • 15. @NicoloRibaudo 15 // babel.config.js module.exports = function () { return { targets: [ "last 3 versions", "not ie" ], ignore: ["**/*.test.js"] }; }; $ npx babel src --out-dir lib "Generate code that is compatible with these browsers" "Don't compile test ïŹles"
  • 16. @NicoloRibaudo What is Babel? 16 Babel is a build-time devtool pluggable
  • 17. @NicoloRibaudo 17 // babel-plugin-hello.js const { types: t } = require("@babel/core"); module.exports = () => ({ visitor: { StringLiteral(path) { path.replaceWith( t.stringLiteral("Hello World!") ); }, }, }); $ npx babel src --out-dir lib Apply some transformation to the parsed code, potentially relying on Babel-provided AST utilities
  • 18. @NicoloRibaudo What is Babel? 18 Babel is a build-time devtool n embeddable
  • 19. @NicoloRibaudo 19 // webpack.config.js module.exports = { entry: "./src/main.js", output: "./out/bundle.js", module: { rules: [ { test: /.js|.ts|.jsx/, use: "babel-loader", }, ], }, }; // rollup.config.js import { babel } from "@rollup/plugin-babel"; export default { input: "src/index.js", output: { dir: "output", format: "es", }, plugins: [ babel() ], }; ● Webpack ● Rollup ● Parcel ● Vite ● ESLint ● Prettier ● 

  • 20. @NicoloRibaudo What is Babel? 20 Babel is a build-time library JavaScript
  • 21. @NicoloRibaudo 21 const babel = require("@babel/core"); const fs = require("fs/promises"); babel .transformFileAsync("./main.js") .then(({ code }) => fs.writeFile("./main.out.js", code) ).catch(err => console.error("Cannot compile!", err) ); const parser = require("@babl/parser"); const generator = require("@babl/generator"); const ast = parser.parse("const a = 1;"); ast.program.body[0].declarations[0] = "b"; const code = generator.default(ast); console.log(code); // "const b = 1;"
  • 23. @NicoloRibaudo ESM challenges 23 #1 — It cannot be synchronously imported from CommonJS in Node.js // SyntaxError in CommonJS import "./module.mjs"; // Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module not supported require("./module.mjs"); // This works, but it's asynchronous import("./module.mjs"); // Promise
  • 24. @NicoloRibaudo ESM challenges 24 #2 — It cannot be synchronously imported dynamically or lazily // CommonJS function loadIt() { require("./module.cjs"); } // ES Modules - SyntaxError // ES Modules - async function loadIt() { async function loadIt() { import "./module.cjs"; await import("./module.cjs"); } }
  • 25. @NicoloRibaudo ESM challenges 25 #3 — ESM-compiled-to-CJS has a diïŹ€erent interface from native ESM import obj from "./esm-compiled-to-cjs.js"; console.log(obj); // { __esModule: true, default: [Function: A], namedExport: "foo" }
  • 26. @NicoloRibaudo ESM challenges 26 #4 — It doesn't integrate with tools that virtualize require and CJS loading ● mocking ● on-the-ïŹ‚y transpilation ● other bad things 🧙
  • 28. @NicoloRibaudo Internal vs External 28 Babel's source ● Written by Babel contributors ● Used by all Babel users Babel's tests ● Written by Babel contributors ● Used by Babel contributors ConïŹguration ïŹles ● Written by (almost) all Babel users Plugins ● Written by a limited number of developers
  • 32. @NicoloRibaudo The async/await virus 32 function transform(code, opts) { const config = loadFullConfig(opts); // ... function loadFullConfig(inputOpts) { const result = loadPrivatePartialConfig(inputOpts); // ... function loadPrivatePartialConfig(inputOpts) { // ... const configChain = buildRootChain(args, context); // ... function buildRootChain(opts, context) { // ... configFile = loadOneConfig(ROOT_FILENAMES, dirname); // ... function loadOneConfig(filenames, dirname) { // ... const config = readConfigCode(filepath); // ... function readConfigCode(filepath) { // ... options = loadCodeDefault(filepath); // ... function loadCodeDefault(filepath) { const module = require(filepath); // ...
  • 33. @NicoloRibaudo The async/await virus 33 function transform(code, opts) { const config = loadFullConfig(opts); // ... function loadFullConfig(inputOpts) { const result = loadPrivatePartialConfig(inputOpts); // ... function loadPrivatePartialConfig(inputOpts) { // ... const configChain = buildRootChain(args, context); // ... function buildRootChain(opts, context) { // ... configFile = loadOneConfig(ROOT_FILENAMES, dirname); // ... function loadOneConfig(filenames, dirname) { // ... const config = readConfigCode(filepath); // ... function readConfigCode(filepath) { // ... options = loadCodeDefault(filepath); // ... function loadCodeDefault(filepath) { const module = require(filepath); const module = await import(filepath); // ...
  • 34. @NicoloRibaudo The async/await virus 34 function transform(code, opts) { const config = loadFullConfig(opts); // ... function loadFullConfig(inputOpts) { const result = loadPrivatePartialConfig(inputOpts); // ... function loadPrivatePartialConfig(inputOpts) { // ... const configChain = buildRootChain(args, context); // ... function buildRootChain(opts, context) { // ... configFile = loadOneConfig(ROOT_FILENAMES, dirname); // ... function loadOneConfig(filenames, dirname) { // ... const config = readConfigCode(filepath); // ... function readConfigCode(filepath) { // ... options = loadCodeDefault(filepath); // ... async function loadCodeDefault(filepath) { const module = require(filepath); const module = await import(filepath); // ...
  • 35. @NicoloRibaudo The async/await virus 35 function transform(code, opts) { const config = loadFullConfig(opts); // ... function loadFullConfig(inputOpts) { const result = loadPrivatePartialConfig(inputOpts); // ... function loadPrivatePartialConfig(inputOpts) { // ... const configChain = buildRootChain(args, context); // ... function buildRootChain(opts, context) { // ... configFile = loadOneConfig(ROOT_FILENAMES, dirname); // ... function loadOneConfig(filenames, dirname) { // ... const config = readConfigCode(filepath); // ... function readConfigCode(filepath) { // ... options = await loadCodeDefault(filepath); // ... async function loadCodeDefault(filepath) { const module = require(filepath); const module = await import(filepath); // ...
  • 36. @NicoloRibaudo The async/await virus 36 async function transform(code, opts) { const config = await loadFullConfig(opts); // ... async function loadFullConfig(inputOpts) { const result = await loadPrivatePartialConfig(inputOpts); // ... async function loadPrivatePartialConfig(inputOpts) { // ... const configChain = await buildRootChain(args, context); // ... async function buildRootChain(opts, context) { // ... configFile = await loadOneConfig(ROOT_FILENAMES, dirname); // ... async function loadOneConfig(filenames, dirname) { // ... const config = await readConfigCode(filepath); // ... async function readConfigCode(filepath) { // ... options = await loadCodeDefault(filepath); // ... async function loadCodeDefault(filepath) { const module = require(filepath); const module = await import(filepath); // ...
  • 37. @NicoloRibaudo Preserving Babel's sync API 37 ● Preserves backward compatibility ● The asynchronous API is only necessary when loading ESM ïŹles function transform(code, opts) async function transformAsync(code, opts)
  • 38. @NicoloRibaudo Preserving Babel's sync API 38 function transform(code, opts) function loadFullConfig(inputOpts) { function loadPrivatePartialConfig(inputOpts) { function buildRootChain(opts, context) { function loadOneConfig(filenames, dirname) { function readConfigCode(filepath) { function loadCodeDefault(filepath) { if (isCommonJS(filepath)) { module = require(filepath); } else { throw new Error("Unsupported ESM config!"); } async function transformAsync(code, opts) async function loadFullConfig(inputOpts) { async function loadPrivatePartialConfig(inputOpts) async function buildRootChain(opts, context) { async function loadOneConfig(filenames, dirname) { async function readConfigCode(filepath) { async function loadCodeDefault(filepath) { if (isCommonJS(filepath)) { module = require(filepath); } else { module = await import(filepath); } {
  • 39. @NicoloRibaudo Preserving Babel's sync API 39 Can we have a single implementation, capable of running both synchronously and asynchronously?
  • 40. @NicoloRibaudo Preserving Babel's sync API 40 Can we have a single implementation, capable of running both synchronously and asynchronously? Callbacks? function loadCodeDefault(filepath, callback) { if (isCommonJS(filepath)) { try { callback(null, require(filepath)); } catch (err) { callback(err); } } else { import(filepath).then( module => callback(null, module), err => callback(err) ); } }
  • 41. @NicoloRibaudo gensync: abstracting the 41 gensync: abstracting the ??? Me trying to prepare these slides Me spending too much time looking for a word
  • 42. @NicoloRibaudo gensync: abstracting the ??? 42
  • 43. @NicoloRibaudo gensync: abstracting the ??? 43 const readJSON = async function (filepath) { const contents = await readFile(filepath, "utf8"); return JSON.parse(contents); };
  • 44. @NicoloRibaudo gensync: abstracting the ??? 44 const readJSON = async function (filepath) { const contents = await readFile(filepath, "utf8"); return JSON.parse(contents); }; const readJSON = gensync(function* (filepath) { const contents = yield* readFile(filepath, "utf8"); return JSON.parse(contents); });
  • 45. @NicoloRibaudo gensync: abstracting the ??? 45 const readJSON = async function (filepath) { const contents = await readFile(filepath, "utf8"); return JSON.parse(contents); }; const readJSON = gensync(function* (filepath) { const contents = yield* readFile(filepath, "utf8"); return JSON.parse(contents); }); const json = readJSON.sync("package.json"); // or const json = await readJSON.async("package.json");
  • 46. @NicoloRibaudo gensync: abstracting the ??? 46 const readJSON = async function (filepath) { const contents = await readFile(filepath, "utf8"); return JSON.parse(contents); }; const readJSON = gensync(function* (filepath) { const contents = yield* readFile(filepath, "utf8"); return JSON.parse(contents); }); const json = readJSON.sync("package.json"); // or const json = await readJSON.async("package.json"); const readFile = gensync({ sync: fs.readFileSync, errback: fs.readFile, });
  • 47. @NicoloRibaudo gensync: abstracting the ??? 47 const readJSON = async function (filepath) { const contents = await readFile(filepath, "utf8"); return JSON.parse(contents); }; const readJSON = gensync(function* (filepath) { const contents = yield* readFile(filepath, "utf8"); return JSON.parse(contents); }); const json = readJSON.sync("package.json"); // or const json = await readJSON.async("package.json"); const readFile = gensync({ sync: fs.readFileSync, errback: fs.readFile, }); You can deïŹne any utility that branches on the execution model: const isAsync = gensync({ sync: () => false, async: async () => true, });
  • 48. @NicoloRibaudo 48 const transform = gensync(function* (code, opts) { const config = yield* loadFullConfig(opts); // ... function* loadFullConfig(inputOpts) { const result = yield* loadPrivatePartialConfig(inputOpts); // ... function* loadPrivatePartialConfig(opts) { // ... const configChain = yield* buildRootChain(args, context); // ... function* buildRootChain(opts, context) { // ... configFile = yield* loadOneConfig(ROOT_FILENAMES, dirname); // ... function* loadOneConfig(filenames, dirname) { // ... const config = yield* readConfigCode(filepath); // ... } function* readConfigCode(filepath) { // ... options = yield* loadCodeDefault(filepath); // ... } gensync: abstracting the ???
  • 49. @NicoloRibaudo 49 const transform = gensync(function* (code, opts) { const config = yield* loadFullConfig(opts); // ... export const transform = transform.errback; export const transformSync = transform.sync; export const transformAsync = transform.async; gensync: abstracting the ???
  • 50. @NicoloRibaudo 50 gensync: abstracting the ??? function loadCodeDefault(filepath) { if (isCommonJS(filepath)) { module = require(filepath); } else { throw new Error("Unsupported ESM!"); } async function loadCodeDefault(filepath) { if (isCommonJS(filepath)) { module = require(filepath); } else { module = await import(filepath); }
  • 51. @NicoloRibaudo 51 gensync: abstracting the ??? function loadCodeDefault(filepath) { if (isCommonJS(filepath)) { module = require(filepath); } else { throw new Error("Unsupported ESM!"); } async function loadCodeDefault(filepath) { if (isCommonJS(filepath)) { module = require(filepath); } else { module = await import(filepath); } function* loadCodeDefault(filepath) { if (isCommonJS(filepath)) { module = require(filepath); } else if (yield* isAsync()) { module = yield* wait(import(filepath)); } else { throw new Error("Unsupported ESM!"); } // ... } const wait = gensync({ sync: x => x, async: x => x, });
  • 55. @NicoloRibaudo Making Babel synchronous again 55 Sometimes you can force😇 asynchronous APIs on your users — sometimes you can't.
  • 56. @NicoloRibaudo Making Babel synchronous again 56 Sometimes you can force😇 asynchronous APIs on your users — sometimes you can't. @babel/eslint-parser is an ESLint parser to support experimental syntax; @babel/register hooks into Node.js' require() to compile ïŹles on-the-ïŹ‚y.
  • 58. @NicoloRibaudo Worker and Atomics to the rescue Main thread function doSomethingSync() { const signal = new Int32Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(4)); const { port1, port2 } = new MessageChannel(); // sleep Atomics.wait(signal, 0, 0); const { result } = receiveMessageOnPort(port2); return result; } 58 Worker thread addListener("message", () => { let result = await doSomethingAsync(); port1.postMessage({ result });, 0, 1); Atomics.notify(signal, 0); }); signal, port1 { payload: /* ... */ } { result: /* ... */ }
  • 59. @NicoloRibaudo Worker and Atomics to the rescue 59 More details:
  • 60. @NicoloRibaudo Worker and Atomics to the rescue Main thread function doSomethingSync() { ● Wait (sleep) until SAB's contents change ● Read the received result return result; } 60 Worker thread addListener("message", () => { let result = await doSomethingAsync(); ● Change SAB's contents ● Wake up the main thread }); SharedArrayBuffer[ 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 ] { payload: /* ... */ } { result: /* ... */ }
  • 61. @NicoloRibaudo Worker and Atomics to the rescue Main thread 1. Create the worker const { Worker, SHARE_ENV } = require("worker_threads"); const worker = new Worker("./path/to/worker.js", { env: SHARE_ENV, }); 61
  • 62. @NicoloRibaudo Worker and Atomics to the rescue Main thread, doSomethingSync 2. Delegate the task to the worker const { MessageChannel } = require("worker_threads"); const signal = new Int32Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(4)); const { port1, port2 } = new MessageChannel(); worker.postMessage({ signal, port: port1, payload }, [port1]); Atomics.wait(signal, 0, 0); 62
  • 63. @NicoloRibaudo Worker and Atomics to the rescue Worker thread, "message" listener 3. Perform the task and send the result to the main thread const result = await doSomethingAsync(); port.postMessage({ result }); port.close();, 0, 1); Atomics.notify(signal, 0); 63
  • 64. @NicoloRibaudo Worker and Atomics to the rescue Main thread, doSomethingSync 4. After waking up, read the result and return it const { receiveMessageOnPort } = require("worker_threads"); ... const { port1, port2 } = new MessageChannel(); ... ... Atomics.wait(signal, 0, 0); ... const { result } = receiveMessageOnPort(port2); return result; 64
  • 65. @NicoloRibaudo Production code? Error handling 65 In case of an error, we must manually report it to the main thread.
  • 66. @NicoloRibaudo Chapter 4: When reality hits hard — running Babel's tests as native ESM 66
  • 67. @NicoloRibaudo Running Babel's tests as native ESM Problem #1 Problem #2 67 ESM compiled to CommonJS behaves diïŹ€erently from ESM that runs natively in Node.js Our test runner, Jest, didn't properly support running ESM
  • 68. @NicoloRibaudo The __esModule convention 68 // src/main.js import circ from "./math.js"; circ(2); // 12.56 // src/math.js export const PI = 3.14; export default function (r) { return 2 * PI * r; } // dist/main.js var _math = require("./math.js"); _math.default(2); // 12.56 // dist/math.js const PI = 3.14; exports.PI = PI; function _default(r) { return 2 * PI * r; } exports.default = _default;
  • 69. @NicoloRibaudo The __esModule convention 69 // src/main.js import circ from "../libs/math.cjs"; circ(2); // 12.56 // src/math.js export const PI = 3.14; export default function (r) { return 2 * PI * r; } // dist/main.js var _math = require("../libs/math.cjs"); _math(2); // 12.56 // dist/math.js const PI = 3.14; exports.PI = PI; function _default(r) { return 2 * PI * r; } exports.default = _default; // libs/math.cjs module.exports = function (r) { return 2 * PI * r; }; No more .default!
  • 70. @NicoloRibaudo The __esModule convention 70 // src/main.js import circ from "../libs/math.cjs"; circ(2); // 12.56 // src/math.js export const PI = 3.14; export default function (r) { return 2 * PI * r; } // dist/main.js var _math = { default: require("../libs/math.cjs"), }; _math.default(2); // 12.56 // dist/math.js const PI = 3.14; exports.PI = PI; function _default(r) { return 2 * PI * r; } exports.default = _default; // libs/math.cjs module.exports = function (r) { return 2 * PI * r; };
  • 71. @NicoloRibaudo The __esModule convention 71 // src/main.js import circ from "./math.js"; circ(2); // 12.56 // dist/main.js var _math = _interopRequireDefault( require("./math.js") ); _math.default(2); // 12.56 function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj is ESM compiled to CommonJS ? obj : { default: obj }; }
  • 72. @NicoloRibaudo The __esModule convention 72 // src/math.js export const PI = 3.14; export default function (r) { return 2 * PI * r; } // dist/math.js exports.__esModule = true; const PI = 3.14; exports.PI = PI; function _default(r) { return 2 * PI * r; } exports.default = _default; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } "This was ESM, compiled to CJS"
  • 74. @NicoloRibaudo The __esModule convention 74 ● Babel ● Traceur ● tsc (TypeScript) ● SWC ● 
 ● Webpack ● Rollup (@rollup/plugin-commonjs ) ● Parcel ● Vite ● ESBuild ● 
 It's supported by every JavaScript transpiler and bundler:
  • 75. @NicoloRibaudo The __esModule convention 75 It's supported by every JavaScript transpiler and bundler. It's not supported by Node.js: // main.js import circ from "./math.cjs"; console.log(circ); // math.cjs exports.__esModule = true; const PI = 3.14; exports.PI = PI; function _default(r) { return 2 * PI * r; } exports.default = _default; Always logs { __esModule: true, PI: 3.14, default: [function] }
  • 76. @NicoloRibaudo Converting some ïŹles to ESM 76 // math.js export default function (r) { return 2 * PI * r; } // test.js import circ from "./math.js"; assert(circ(2) === 12.56); // math.js exports.__esModule = true; exports.default = function (r) { return 2 * PI * r; }; // test.js var _math = _interopRequireDefault( require("./math.js") ); assert(_math.default(2) === 12.56); ✅ ✅
  • 77. @NicoloRibaudo // test.js import circ from "./math.js"; assert(circ(2) === 12.56); Converting some ïŹles to ESM 77 // math.js exports.__esModule = true; exports.default = function (r) { return 2 * PI * r; }; // test.js var _math = _interopRequireDefault( require("./math.js") ); assert(_math.default(2) === 12.56); ❌ ✅
  • 78. @NicoloRibaudo // test.js import circ from "./math.js"; assert(circ.default(2) === 12.56); Converting some ïŹles to ESM 78 // math.js exports.__esModule = true; exports.default = function (r) { return 2 * PI * r; }; // test.js var _math = _interopRequireDefault( require("./math.js") ); assert(_math.default.default(2) === 12.56); ✅ ❌
  • 79. @NicoloRibaudo // test.js import circ from "./math.js"; assert(circ.default(2) === 12.56); Converting some ïŹles to ESM 79 // math.js exports.__esModule = true; exports.default = function (r) { return 2 * PI * r; }; // test.js var _math = { default: require("./math.js") }; assert(_math.default.default(2) === 12.56); ✅ ✅
  • 80. @NicoloRibaudo importInterop: "node" "This import should be compiled to match Node.js' behavior, without checking the __esModule ïŹ‚ag." 80
  • 81. @NicoloRibaudo importInterop: "node" "This import should be compiled to match Node.js' behavior, without checking the __esModule ïŹ‚ag." 81 // test/index.js // Standard __esModule interop import helper from "./helper.js"; // importInterop: "node" import dep from "dep"; ["@babel/transform-modules-commonjs", { importInterop(source) { if (source.startsWith(".")) { return "babel"; } return "node"; } }] babel-core |- test | |- index.js | - helper.js - node_modules - dep - index.js
  • 83. @NicoloRibaudo Running Babel's tests as native ESM Problem #1 Problem #2 83 ESM compiled to CommonJS behaves diïŹ€erently from ESM that runs natively in Node.js Our test runner, Jest, didn't properly support running ESM Solved ✓
  • 85. @NicoloRibaudo Jest support for native ESM Jest runs every test in a virtualized context, using Node.js' vm module, to: ● isolate every test ïŹle, so that failing or misbehaving tests don't aïŹ€ect other tests ● abstract and control the linking process between modules, to intercept all requires/imports and: ○ allow mocking dependencies ○ transpile modules on-the-ïŹ‚y 85
  • 86. @NicoloRibaudo Jest support for native ESM Node.js support for ESM in virtual vm contexts is still
 rough. 86
  • 87. @NicoloRibaudo jest-light-runner Jest supports implementing custom test runners, to deïŹne how to execute a test. 87
  • 89. @NicoloRibaudo Running Babel's tests as native ESM Problem #1 Problem #2 89 ESM compiled to CommonJS behaves diïŹ€erently from ESM that runs natively in Node.js Our test runner, Jest, didn't properly support running ESM Solved ✓ Solved ✓
  • 91. @NicoloRibaudo Dual packages 91 Node.js supports packages with multiple implementations, that are conditionally required/imported. // package.json { "name": "your-package", "exports": { "import": "./esm-dist/index.mjs", "require": "./cjs-dist/index.js" } }
  • 92. @NicoloRibaudo Dual packages Converting to a "dual package" while preserving compatibility with all the Node.js versions and various tools is incredibly complex. 92
  • 94. @NicoloRibaudo Dual packages Very high risk of breaking changes: the complete migration is deferred to the next major release (Babel 8) 94
  • 95. @NicoloRibaudo Dual packages development ● During development, wether it's ESM or ESM-compiled-to-CJS should just be a compilation detail ● Our codebase should always be valid in both modes make use-cjs make use-esm ● We test both ESM and ESM-compiled-to-CJS on CI ● We are always ready to publish an ESM release, by simply ïŹ‚ipping a ïŹ‚ag 95
  • 96. @NicoloRibaudo Maximizing backwards compatibility "ESM cannot be synchronously imported from CommonJS in Node.js" ~ me, many slides ago 96 const babel = require("@babel/core"); const fs = require("fs/promises"); babel.transformAsync(inputCode) .then(({ code }) => fs.writeFile("./src/output.js", code) ); const { types: t } = require("@babel/core"); module.exports = function myPlugin() { return { visitor: { NumericLiteral(path) { path.replaceWith( t.stringLiteral("foo"), ); } } }; }; How do we preserve compatibility with existing CommonJS Babel usages?
  • 97. @NicoloRibaudo Babel consumers 1. require() Babel 2. Call one of the Babel API entry points, such as transformSync, transformAsync, parseAsync, etc. 97 Babel plugins 1. Babel is loaded by someone else 2. Babel loads the plugin 3. The plugin require()s Babel and uses its utilities const { types: t, template, } = require("@babel/core"); Maximizing backwards compatibility
  • 98. @NicoloRibaudo Instead of duplicating the implementation in CommonJS and ESM ïŹles, CommonJS can act as a "proxy" over the ESM implementation. There must still be an asynchronous step somewhere, but for libraries that already oïŹ€ered an async API this should be good enough. 98 CommonJS proxies
  • 99. @NicoloRibaudo Babel consumers 1. require() Babel 2. Call one of the Babel API entry points, such as transformSync, transformAsync, parseAsync, etc. 99 CommonJS proxies // @babel/core/index.mjs export async function transformAsync() { /* ... */ } export function transformSync() { /* ... */ } // @babel/core/index.cjs let babel; exports.transformAsync = async function () { babel ??= await import("@babel/core"); return babel.transformAsync(); }; exports.transformSync = function () { if (!babel) throw new Error("Not loaded yet"); return babel.transformSync(); };
  • 100. @NicoloRibaudo Babel plugins 1. Babel is loaded by someone else 2. Babel loads the plugin 3. The plugin require()s Babel and uses its utilities const { types: t, template, } = require("@babel/core"); 100 CommonJS proxies // @babel/core/index.mjs import { createRequire } from "module"; const require = createRequire(import.meta.url); const cjsProxy = require("./index.cjs"); import * as thisFile from "./index.mjs"; cjsProxy.__initialize(thisFile); // @babel/core/index.cjs let babel; exports.transformAsync = function () { /*..*/ }; exports.__initialize = function (b) { babel = b; exports.types = b.types; exports.template = b.template; /* ... */ };
  • 103. @NicoloRibaudo 103 @nicolo-ribaudo @liuxingbaoyu @JLHwung Babel's development is entirely funded by donations. If you rely on Babel at work, talk to your company to get them to sponsor the project! One more thing! Need help talking to your company?