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Panoramica do tema EE na Europa

                     José Tribolet

Presidente do INESC – Instituto de Sistemas e Computadores

     Professor Catedrático de Sistemas de Informação
 Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa.

                Rio de Janeiro, 14 Abril 2011
As 4 “Escolas” de E. E. Na Europa
  T.U. Delft – Jan Dietz , Jan Hoogervorst
      Ontologia Empresarial, Governação Empresarial

      GSDM – Generic Systems Development Model

 T.U. Lisbon – Jose Tribolet, Pedro Sousa
            Organizational Self Awareness (OSA)

     Arquitectura, Transformação e Controlo Empresarial
As 4 “Escolas” de E. E. Na Europa

 Antwerp Univ. – Jan Verelst, H. Manaart
         Controlo da Complexidade Empresarial

     Software, Processos, Arquitecturas Normalizadas

 St. Gallen Univ. – Robert Winter, A. Albani
         Method Engineering, Business Engineering

          Design Science and Design Research

The Enterprise Physics 101
                                          Zachman Questions

                 What is an Organization “made of”?
                       What does an Organization “do”?
                              … Why? When? Where? How?

EO&EA@SONAECOM CEPEI da Área Científica Sistemas de Informação – DEI, IST
Usual Top-View Answer

EO&EA@SONAECOM CEPEI da Área Científica Sistemas de Informação – DEI, IST
EO&EA@SONAECOM CEPEI da Área Científica Sistemas de Informação – DEI, IST
The Bottom Line Truth

EO&EA@SONAECOM CEPEI da Área Científica Sistemas de Informação – DEI, IST
EO&EA@SONAECOM CEPEI da Área Científica Sistemas de Informação – DEI, IST
The usual Computer Engineering

                                 An Organization is a System
             This system is composed by subsystems
       These subsystems interact with each other.

EO&EA@SONAECOM CEPEI da Área Científica Sistemas de Informação – DEI, IST
The “usual” Hard Science
                                                                            Systems Approach:
     An Organization is a complex and dynamic
                    network of computers, intelligently
        interacting with each other, while some of

        them are still being operated by “users”!
EO&EA@SONAECOM CEPEI da Área Científica Sistemas de Informação – DEI, IST
The “usual” Soft Science

                An Organization is a tribe of Humans
  playing their cultural, social, political games
     under a variety of forms of management by

                                        MBA trained leaders.
EO&EA@SONAECOM CEPEI da Área Científica Sistemas de Informação – DEI, IST
Our T.U.Lisbon approach:

           An Organization is a dynamic, time-varying
     choreographic orchestration played by humans,
                  using whatever tools, they have, namely
                   computers, to act on their environment.
EO&EA@SONAECOM CEPEI da Área Científica Sistemas de Informação – DEI, IST



      O Ser Humano é um Nó activo

na Rede transacional de Agentes que mudam,

    a cada instante, o estado do Mundo

 Uma Empresa É o que os seus Agentes activos,

       humanos e computadores, FAZEM,

           num dado instante e local,

ao longo do todo o tempo e em todos os lugares.

A arquitectura do hardware

de todos os Seres Humanos

        é idêntica!

          Arquitectura do Ser Humano:

    5 classes da canais de I/O, Memória Massiva Neuronal,

Elevado numero de Processadores, muitos dos quais dedicados

     a Processamento Semântico de alta complexidade.

Uma Empresa é uma web semântica de “servidores”, uns

    de carbono outros de silício, que transacionam

      contínuamente, alterando recursos, isto é,

                 o estado do Mundo
No século XX ...

    ... era adequado separar as redes de agentes activos:

 -Agentes de carbono: ciencias sociais, organização e gestão

- Agentes de sílicio: ciencias e engenharias da computação, da

               informática, das comunicações
No século XX ...

... era o tempo do software, das aplicações, das

          interfaces pessoa/máquina

        O humano era “ o utilizador” !
Neste inicio do século XXI ...

... muitos executivos, responsáveis por processos e pelos

sistemas informáticos ainda sonham com “utilizadores”

deterministicamente perfeitos, totalmente controlados

          pelos workflows, e pelas aplicações !
“Bad news”, minha gente!

Esse “mundo orwelliano” não existe mesmo.

   O “bicho humano” é muito resistente!

  E muito melhor do que se pode pensar!
No século XXI ...

As duas redes estão hoje simbióticamente ligadas,

           já não mais são separáveis!

 É a emergencia da biónica organizacional!
No século XXI ...

Já há vida para além das aplicações e do software

 O ser humano é actor, é sensor, é controlador,

     É autonomo , é decisor, é responsável !
Como lidar com esta nova realidade?

     Com Metodologias de ENGENHARIA,

     Radicadas em sólida bases cientícas

        Validadas experimentalmente
Que “nova” Engenharia é esta?

      É a Engenharia Empresarial

   O seu foco é o Objecto “Empresa”.

    Uma realidade do nosso mundo!

Enterprises are essentially social systems, of

 which the elements are human beings in

their role of social individual with authority

             and responsibility.

 The operating principle of enterprises is that social

individuals enter into and comply with commitments

regarding the products or services that they create and

  deliver. These actions come in universal patterns,

                 called transactions.
As 4 “Escolas” de E. E. Na Europa

 T.U. Delft - Jan Dietz , Jan Hoogervorst

Ontologia Empresarial, Governação Empresarial

 GSDM – Generic Systems Development Model

Nesta ultima década surgiram as bases científicas da EE,

a partir da obra seminal do Prof. Jan Dietz ( T.U.DELFY)



    A Ontologia Empresarial é baseada em:

       Teoria FI – Facts and Information

Teoria TAO – Technology, Arquitecture, Ontology

 Teoria PSI – Performance in Social Interaction

A Ontologia Empresarial tem as seguintes bases:

             Axioma da Distinção

             Axioma da Operação

             Axioma da Transação
The emerging discipline of Enterprise Engineering

        Information Systems Sciences          Sciences

                             Data Systems
 Form           Data

             Information,    Information
            Communication      Systems

Intention                     Enterprise Engineering
What is Enterprise Ontology?


Enterprise   Ontology   is   the   understanding   of   an

enterprise’s construction and operation in a way that is

independent of realization and implementation.
What is Enterprise Ontology?


it is the highest-level constructional model of an

enterprise, the implementation model being the

lowest one.
What is Enterprise Ontology?

Compared to its implementation model, the
ontological model offers a reduction of
complexity of well over 90%.

Only by applying this notion of Enterprise
Ontology can substantial strategic changes of
enterprises be made intellectually manageable.
The distinction axiom
What does the Y-theory accomplish?


  ICATION            action

communication is the thread of which organization is woven
The Operation Axiom
The people in an organization (subjects) perform two kinds of acts:
production acts or P-acts and coordination acts or C-acts.

By performing P-acts, the subjects contribute to bringing about the
function of the organization.

By performing C-acts, the subjects enter into and comply with
commitments regarding P-acts. This is the way in which
cooperation between subjects is accomplished.

An (elementary) actor role is defined as the authority to perform
one particular type of P-act. A subject in his fulfilling of an actor
role is called an actor.
Depiction of the Transaction Axiom

          request                     promise
              desired                   fact
              new fact               promised

                fact                    fact
              accepted               produced
   customer                                     producer

          accept                      state
Elementary actor role

         An elementary actor role is defined as:

                the institutional authority

          that is necessary and sufficient to be

        executor in a particular transaction type

An (elementary) actor is a subject, fulfilling an actor role

A subject may play a number of actor roles, and an actor
   role may be played by a number of subjects, either
     consecutively or simultaneously or collectively.

       Competence is (primarily) defined as

the collective knowledge, know-how and experience

   that is necessary and sufficient for a subject

  to perform production acts of a particular kind.

       Competence is related to profession.



                   Authority is defined as

     the being authorized of a subject by an institution,

   e.g., by a company (employee) or by a society (client),

to perform particular production acts and/or coordination acts


                      plumber of company X
                      physician in hospital Y
                      judge at court Z

               Responsibility is defined as

    the socially felt need by a subject to perform the

       coordination acts for which it is authorized,

                  in an accountable way


plumber of company X                 client of company X
physician in hospital Y              patient of hospital Y
judge at court Z                     defendant at court Z
 By authorization is understood the assignment of a
    complete actor role to a subject (person) or a
 collectivity of subjects. It means that the subject (or
the collectivity of subjects) is allowed to be executor
 of instances of the corresponding transaction type.

Note that the same actor role may also be assigned
          to one or more other subjects.
   However, every instance of the corresponding
transaction type will be carried through completely
                  by one of them.
By   delegation     is understood the allowance by the authorized subject to

another subject to perform one or more steps in one or more instances of the

corresponding transaction type. However, the authorized subject remains fully

responsible for the acts of the delegate.

As a general rule, the subject who performs the state act in a transaction is

considered to also have performed the P-act (cf. action rules for “on stated”).
Enterprise Ontology - practical definition
   coordination           actors         production

                   Enterprise Ontology
     entering into                        deciding
   and complying         ontological      judging
  with commitments                        creating

    formulating                           computing
    interpreting                          reasoning

   speaking, hearing                        copying
                         datalogical        storing
    writing, reading
A0         T1          A1

                                           basic transaction process
                                                   rq         rq


                                      actor role
                                                              pm          pm

                                                              st          st

                                                   ac         ac               R-phase

                                                   atomic process step
           ontological                                                                   ontological
                           customer : request : employee : rental R has been started
 customer has entered                                                                    rental R has been started
    into a commitment
                          < performer > < intention > < addressee
                                     > < proposition >
            infological                                 B-organization                   infological
customer has specified                                                                   the amount to be paid
       what he wants                                                                     has been calculated

           Datalogical                                                                   datalogical
         customer has                                   D-organization
                                                                                         the rental form has been
        expressed this                                                                   filled out
in an English sentence
The ontological aspect models
            Construction Model


 Process Model     PM   SM      State Model


                 Action Model
The ontological aspect models
                        Construction Model


C-WORLD                                                   P-WORLD
statics &    Process Model     PM   SM      State Model   statics &
kinematics                                                kinematics

                             Action Model

The ontological aspect models
Construction Model : regards the construction of the enterprise
system, specified by transaction types, actor roles (plus initiator and
executor links), and information banks (plus information links).

Process Model : regards the state space and process space of the
coordination world, specified by business events and (declarative)
business rules.

State Model : regards the state space and process space of the
production world, specified by business objects, business facts, and
(declarative) business rules.

Action Model : regards the operation of the enterprise system,
specified by imperative business rules.
From Transaction Pattern to Process

                                         initia tor   ex ecutor

                                          T04            T04
             rq   rq                       rq            pm
                  pm   pm
actor role

                            E-phase                      T04
                  st   st
             ac   ac
                                          T04            T04
                                           ac             st

                                      transaction steps are the
                                        of business processes
Ontological Process Model
CA01                      A01

 T01                T01         T02                T02
           x        pm           rq                pm


                    T01         T02                T02
                                 ac                 st

 T01                T01                payment
  ac                 st
Practical relevance of the Interaction Model
 Its compactness allows for strategic discussions on the
  basis of the IAM (customers, suppliers, sourcing).

 The wholeness of the transaction pattern facilitates
  attention for topics like responsibility, ownership, etc.

 It shows the ontological units of competence,
  authorization and responsibility. This facilitates the
  analysis of the (traditional) organizational functions.

 For an SME (Small or Medium sized Enterprise), the
  IAM fits on one sheet of paper (A4 or A3): the
  essential enterprise map fits in a manager’s briefcase!
Organization Construction Diagram
                     personal data CPB11       library                             general
                                                       CPB12                               CPB14
                                                 data                                 data

            reduced fee
              approval                                                                        loan start
 CA01                               A01                                      A04                            CA04
               T03                                                                                 T04
                                                            annual fee      loan
            membership                                        control      creator           book return
 CA02                                            A10
               T01                registrar   annual fee       T10                                 T05
aspirant    registration
               T02                                                                            loan end
            membership                                                                             T06
            fee payment
                                                                          terminator          return fine
 CA03                              A09
               T08                 stock         T09                                               T07
publisher                        controller
               book                              stock                                        payment
             shipment                           control

                             book                                    library
                                    CPB13                                    CPB12
                             titles                                    data
Who needs Enterprise Ontology?
 Managers need to understand the ontological essence of
  their enterprise because they are held accountable.

 Developers need to understand           the   organization,
  independent of its implementation.

 Employees - only the ontology of an enterprise shows the
  roles they fulfill deeply.

 Users - why should the operation of an enterprise be fully
  opaque to its users? Enterprise Ontology provides them the
  transparency they deserve!

GSDP – Generic Systems Development Process

 Investigação Conjunta orientada por J.
 Hoogervorst e J. Tribolet, tese de Ms. Sc. -
 11/2011, de Miguel Henriques, IST/UTL

 Caso Prático: DIAP – Departamente de
 Investigação e Acção Penal do Ministério
 Público de Portugal
Enterprise Governance
Enterprise Governance
As 4 “Escolas” de E. E. Na Europa
 T.U. Lisbon – Jose Tribolet, Pedro Sousa

     Organizational Self Awareness

        Arquitectura Empresarial

 Transformação e Controlo Empresarial
OSA – Organ. Self Awereness

              The Bill of
   Organizational Human Rights

        Humans have the RIGHT

to “make sense” of what is going on in the
Organization they are an integral part of!
   An Organization is Self-Aware when all of its
servers maintain real-time synchronization of their
             individual world models

   All servers - carbon and silicon based - must
            maintain a shared view of

     the common choreography being played!

To OSA enable and enterprise we need EE to Tool
      the Organization with the means to

                ACTIVE SYNC

          Carbon and Silicon Servers

                 In Real-Time
OSA and Collective Intelligence

     A Self-Aware Organization empowers its
  organizational servers with the best decisional
  context its collective sensors & processors are
   capable of, so as to enable the “natural “ and
“artificial” intelligent algorithms the servers use to
        take their own individual decisions.


are the tools for Active Syncing !

Enterprise as a System

  It has state variables!
 Some are observable.
 Some are controllable.
OSA and Dynamic Control
Am Entreprise is an Airplane

The “airplane” is in the air, travelling
       along space and time.

Change and the laws of “enterprise
 physics” are the ONLY constants!
Entreprise “in flight” Control

Are the Carbon Servers needed as
   sensors and actuators at all?
Base Line for Discussion
 1. Is there a need for Run Time Monitoring of
  what an Enterprise DOES, i.e, of the Enterprise
 2. Is there a need for Run Time Monitoring of
  who an Enterprise IS, i.e, of the Enterprise
  Agents, people and computers?
 3. Is there a need for Run Time Monitoring of
  WHAT an Enterprise is made of, and in what
  state it is?
Fundamental Questions

 1. What is the role of Enterprise Design?

 2. What is the role of Enterprise Architecture?

 3. What is the role of Enterprise Governance?

 4. What is the role of Entreprise Engineering?
Examples of Domains of Concern
1. The Global Financial System was never designed for

run-time observability and controllabillity.

2. The Portuguese Public Administration was never

designed for run-time observability and controllabillity.

Why are we surprised when things get out of

“control”, if no run-time monitoring and

control   mechanisms,    were    designed,

engineered, and implemented?

Our complex, intensive, massive, fast network of

actors, transactions and organizations have now

autonomous behaviours, that are presently truly


       It is the reality that counts, stupid!

 If we want to live in a world controlled by humans,

 we have to design it, engineer it, and implement it,

and learn from its operation to continuously improve

 1. Is there a need for Run Time Monitoring of
  what an Enterprise DOES, i.e, of the Enterprise
  Operations?                                   YES!
 2. Is there a need for Run Time Monitoring of who
  an Enterprise IS, i.e, of the Enterprise Agents,
  people and computers?                            YES!
 3. Is there a need for Run Time Monitoring of
  WHAT an Enterprise is made of?              YES!
From the GOSPEL

There are two known mistakes one can make

          along the road to truth:

   not going all the way and not starting.

From the GOSPEL

But our present mistake is even worst:

      We are going all the way,

     without ever having started!

Tradução em PortuguÊs

      Não te cuides não,

    vais ver onde vais parar!

As 4 “Escolas” de E. E. Na Europa
          Antwerp Univ.

    Jan Verelst, H. Manaart
  Controlo da Complexidade Empresarial

    Software, Processos, Arquitecturas

Normalized Software

  Normalized Software Software and

Systems are to actual Software Systems

      as electronic boards are to

micro electronics systems and devices
Trends : NS applied to BP, EA, EE
As 4 “Escolas” de E. E. Na Europa
         St. Gallen Univ.

   Robert Winter, A. Albani
Method Engineering, Business Engineering

  Design Science and Design Research

Panoramica do tema EE na Europa

                     José Tribolet

Presidente do INESC – Instituto de Sistemas e Computadores

     Professor Catedrático de Sistemas de Informação
 Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa.

                Rio de Janeiro, 14 Abril 2011

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AE Rio 2011 - Case Vale-EA x governance
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AE Rio 2011 - Escolas Europeias Jose Tribolet

  • 1. Panoramica do tema EE na Europa José Tribolet Presidente do INESC – Instituto de Sistemas e Computadores Professor Catedrático de Sistemas de Informação Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. Rio de Janeiro, 14 Abril 2011
  • 2. As 4 “Escolas” de E. E. Na Europa  T.U. Delft – Jan Dietz , Jan Hoogervorst Ontologia Empresarial, Governação Empresarial GSDM – Generic Systems Development Model  T.U. Lisbon – Jose Tribolet, Pedro Sousa Organizational Self Awareness (OSA) Arquitectura, Transformação e Controlo Empresarial
  • 3. As 4 “Escolas” de E. E. Na Europa  Antwerp Univ. – Jan Verelst, H. Manaart Controlo da Complexidade Empresarial Software, Processos, Arquitecturas Normalizadas  St. Gallen Univ. – Robert Winter, A. Albani Method Engineering, Business Engineering Design Science and Design Research
  • 4.
  • 6. 6
  • 7. 7
  • 8. 8
  • 9. 9
  • 11. The Enterprise Physics 101 Zachman Questions What is an Organization “made of”? What does an Organization “do”? … Why? When? Where? How? EO&EA@SONAECOM CEPEI da Área Científica Sistemas de Informação – DEI, IST
  • 12. Usual Top-View Answer EO&EA@SONAECOM CEPEI da Área Científica Sistemas de Informação – DEI, IST
  • 13. EO&EA@SONAECOM CEPEI da Área Científica Sistemas de Informação – DEI, IST
  • 14. The Bottom Line Truth EO&EA@SONAECOM CEPEI da Área Científica Sistemas de Informação – DEI, IST
  • 15. EO&EA@SONAECOM CEPEI da Área Científica Sistemas de Informação – DEI, IST
  • 16. The usual Computer Engineering version: An Organization is a System This system is composed by subsystems These subsystems interact with each other. EO&EA@SONAECOM CEPEI da Área Científica Sistemas de Informação – DEI, IST
  • 17. The “usual” Hard Science Systems Approach: An Organization is a complex and dynamic network of computers, intelligently interacting with each other, while some of them are still being operated by “users”! EO&EA@SONAECOM CEPEI da Área Científica Sistemas de Informação – DEI, IST
  • 18. The “usual” Soft Science Approach: An Organization is a tribe of Humans playing their cultural, social, political games under a variety of forms of management by MBA trained leaders. EO&EA@SONAECOM CEPEI da Área Científica Sistemas de Informação – DEI, IST
  • 19. Our T.U.Lisbon approach: An Organization is a dynamic, time-varying choreographic orchestration played by humans, using whatever tools, they have, namely computers, to act on their environment. EO&EA@SONAECOM CEPEI da Área Científica Sistemas de Informação – DEI, IST
  • 21. Tautologias O Ser Humano é um Nó activo na Rede transacional de Agentes que mudam, a cada instante, o estado do Mundo
  • 22. Tautologias Uma Empresa É o que os seus Agentes activos, humanos e computadores, FAZEM, num dado instante e local, ao longo do todo o tempo e em todos os lugares.
  • 23. Tautologias A arquitectura do hardware de todos os Seres Humanos é idêntica!
  • 24. Tautologias Arquitectura do Ser Humano: 5 classes da canais de I/O, Memória Massiva Neuronal, Elevado numero de Processadores, muitos dos quais dedicados a Processamento Semântico de alta complexidade.
  • 25. DEFINIÇÃO Uma Empresa é uma web semântica de “servidores”, uns de carbono outros de silício, que transacionam contínuamente, alterando recursos, isto é, o estado do Mundo
  • 26. No século XX ... ... era adequado separar as redes de agentes activos: -Agentes de carbono: ciencias sociais, organização e gestão - Agentes de sílicio: ciencias e engenharias da computação, da informática, das comunicações
  • 27. No século XX ... ... era o tempo do software, das aplicações, das interfaces pessoa/máquina O humano era “ o utilizador” !
  • 28. Neste inicio do século XXI ... ... muitos executivos, responsáveis por processos e pelos sistemas informáticos ainda sonham com “utilizadores” deterministicamente perfeitos, totalmente controlados pelos workflows, e pelas aplicações !
  • 29. “Bad news”, minha gente! Esse “mundo orwelliano” não existe mesmo. O “bicho humano” é muito resistente! E muito melhor do que se pode pensar!
  • 30. No século XXI ... As duas redes estão hoje simbióticamente ligadas, já não mais são separáveis! É a emergencia da biónica organizacional!
  • 31. No século XXI ... Já há vida para além das aplicações e do software O ser humano é actor, é sensor, é controlador, É autonomo , é decisor, é responsável !
  • 32. Como lidar com esta nova realidade? Com Metodologias de ENGENHARIA, Radicadas em sólida bases cientícas Validadas experimentalmente
  • 33. Que “nova” Engenharia é esta? É a Engenharia Empresarial O seu foco é o Objecto “Empresa”. Uma realidade do nosso mundo!
  • 34. EE MANIFESTO (2011) Enterprises are essentially social systems, of which the elements are human beings in their role of social individual with authority and responsibility.
  • 35. EE MANIFESTO (2011) The operating principle of enterprises is that social individuals enter into and comply with commitments regarding the products or services that they create and deliver. These actions come in universal patterns, called transactions.
  • 36. As 4 “Escolas” de E. E. Na Europa T.U. Delft - Jan Dietz , Jan Hoogervorst Ontologia Empresarial, Governação Empresarial GSDM – Generic Systems Development Model
  • 37. ENTREPRISE ONTOLOGY Nesta ultima década surgiram as bases científicas da EE, a partir da obra seminal do Prof. Jan Dietz ( T.U.DELFY) ENTREPRISE ONTOLOGY THEORY AND METHODOLOGY
  • 39. ENTREPRISE ONTOLOGY A Ontologia Empresarial é baseada em: Teoria FI – Facts and Information Teoria TAO – Technology, Arquitecture, Ontology Teoria PSI – Performance in Social Interaction
  • 40. ENTREPRISE ONTOLOGY A Ontologia Empresarial tem as seguintes bases: Axioma da Distinção Axioma da Operação Axioma da Transação
  • 41. The emerging discipline of Enterprise Engineering Organization Information Systems Sciences Sciences Data Systems Form Data Engineering Information, Information Content Communication Systems Engineering Collaboration, Intention Enterprise Engineering Cooperation
  • 42. What is Enterprise Ontology? Conceptually Enterprise Ontology is the understanding of an enterprise’s construction and operation in a way that is independent of realization and implementation.
  • 43. What is Enterprise Ontology? Practically it is the highest-level constructional model of an enterprise, the implementation model being the lowest one.
  • 44. What is Enterprise Ontology? Compared to its implementation model, the ontological model offers a reduction of complexity of well over 90%. Only by applying this notion of Enterprise Ontology can substantial strategic changes of enterprises be made intellectually manageable.
  • 46. What does the Y-theory accomplish? COMMUN organization information ICATION action communication is the thread of which organization is woven
  • 47. The Operation Axiom The people in an organization (subjects) perform two kinds of acts: production acts or P-acts and coordination acts or C-acts. By performing P-acts, the subjects contribute to bringing about the function of the organization. By performing C-acts, the subjects enter into and comply with commitments regarding P-acts. This is the way in which cooperation between subjects is accomplished. An (elementary) actor role is defined as the authority to perform one particular type of P-act. A subject in his fulfilling of an actor role is called an actor.
  • 48. Depiction of the Transaction Axiom fact requested request promise O-phase desired fact new fact promised E-phase fact fact accepted produced customer producer R-phase accept state fact stated
  • 49. Elementary actor role An elementary actor role is defined as: the institutional authority that is necessary and sufficient to be executor in a particular transaction type An (elementary) actor is a subject, fulfilling an actor role A subject may play a number of actor roles, and an actor role may be played by a number of subjects, either consecutively or simultaneously or collectively.
  • 50. Competence Competence is (primarily) defined as the collective knowledge, know-how and experience that is necessary and sufficient for a subject to perform production acts of a particular kind. Competence is related to profession. Examples: plumber physician judge
  • 51. Authority Authority is defined as the being authorized of a subject by an institution, e.g., by a company (employee) or by a society (client), to perform particular production acts and/or coordination acts Examples: plumber of company X physician in hospital Y judge at court Z
  • 52. Responsibility Responsibility is defined as the socially felt need by a subject to perform the coordination acts for which it is authorized, in an accountable way Examples: plumber of company X  client of company X physician in hospital Y  patient of hospital Y judge at court Z  defendant at court Z
  • 53. Authorization By authorization is understood the assignment of a complete actor role to a subject (person) or a collectivity of subjects. It means that the subject (or the collectivity of subjects) is allowed to be executor of instances of the corresponding transaction type. Note that the same actor role may also be assigned to one or more other subjects. However, every instance of the corresponding transaction type will be carried through completely by one of them.
  • 54. Delegation By delegation is understood the allowance by the authorized subject to another subject to perform one or more steps in one or more instances of the corresponding transaction type. However, the authorized subject remains fully responsible for the acts of the delegate. As a general rule, the subject who performs the state act in a transaction is considered to also have performed the P-act (cf. action rules for “on stated”).
  • 55. Enterprise Ontology - practical definition coordination actors production Enterprise Ontology entering into deciding and complying ontological judging with commitments creating formulating computing infological interpreting reasoning speaking, hearing copying datalogical storing writing, reading transporting
  • 56. A0 T1 A1 basic transaction process rq rq O-phase actor role pm pm COORDINATION E-phase st st PRODUCTION ac ac R-phase atomic process step ontological ontological customer : request : employee : rental R has been started customer has entered rental R has been started into a commitment < performer > < intention > < addressee > < proposition > infological B-organization infological customer has specified the amount to be paid what he wants has been calculated I-organization Datalogical datalogical customer has D-organization the rental form has been expressed this filled out in an English sentence
  • 57. The ontological aspect models Construction Model CM Process Model PM SM State Model AM Action Model
  • 58. The ontological aspect models SYSTEM construction Construction Model CM C-WORLD P-WORLD statics & Process Model PM SM State Model statics & kinematics kinematics AM Action Model SYSTEM dynamics
  • 59. The ontological aspect models Construction Model : regards the construction of the enterprise system, specified by transaction types, actor roles (plus initiator and executor links), and information banks (plus information links). Process Model : regards the state space and process space of the coordination world, specified by business events and (declarative) business rules. State Model : regards the state space and process space of the production world, specified by business objects, business facts, and (declarative) business rules. Action Model : regards the operation of the enterprise system, specified by imperative business rules.
  • 60. From Transaction Pattern to Process Model initia tor ex ecutor T04 T04 rq rq rq pm O-phase pm pm actor role E-phase T04 st st R-phase ac ac T04 T04 ac st transaction steps are the atoms of business processes
  • 61. Ontological Process Model CA01 A01 T01 dc CA02 T01 T01 T02 T02 rq x pm rq pm T02 T01 T02 T02 ac st membership T01 T01 payment ac st membership start
  • 62. Practical relevance of the Interaction Model  Its compactness allows for strategic discussions on the basis of the IAM (customers, suppliers, sourcing).  The wholeness of the transaction pattern facilitates attention for topics like responsibility, ownership, etc.  It shows the ontological units of competence, authorization and responsibility. This facilitates the analysis of the (traditional) organizational functions.  For an SME (Small or Medium sized Enterprise), the IAM fits on one sheet of paper (A4 or A3): the essential enterprise map fits in a manager’s briefcase!
  • 63. Organization Construction Diagram personal data CPB11 library general CPB12 CPB14 data data LIBRARY reduced fee approval loan start CA01 A01 A04 CA04 T03 T04 board annual fee loan membership control creator book return CA02 A10 T01 registrar annual fee T10 T05 controller aspirant registration member member T02 loan end A06 membership T06 fee payment loan terminator return fine CA03 A09 T08 stock T09 T07 publisher controller book stock payment shipment control book library CPB13 CPB12 titles data
  • 64. Who needs Enterprise Ontology?  Managers need to understand the ontological essence of their enterprise because they are held accountable.  Developers need to understand the organization, independent of its implementation.  Employees - only the ontology of an enterprise shows the roles they fulfill deeply.  Users - why should the operation of an enterprise be fully opaque to its users? Enterprise Ontology provides them the transparency they deserve!
  • 65. THE GSDP GSDP – Generic Systems Development Process
  • 67. ENTREPRISE GOVERNANCE AND EE Investigação Conjunta orientada por J. Hoogervorst e J. Tribolet, tese de Ms. Sc. - 11/2011, de Miguel Henriques, IST/UTL Caso Prático: DIAP – Departamente de Investigação e Acção Penal do Ministério Público de Portugal
  • 70. As 4 “Escolas” de E. E. Na Europa T.U. Lisbon – Jose Tribolet, Pedro Sousa Organizational Self Awareness Arquitectura Empresarial Transformação e Controlo Empresarial
  • 71. OSA – Organ. Self Awereness The Bill of Organizational Human Rights Humans have the RIGHT to “make sense” of what is going on in the Organization they are an integral part of!
  • 72. OSA An Organization is Self-Aware when all of its servers maintain real-time synchronization of their individual world models All servers - carbon and silicon based - must maintain a shared view of the common choreography being played!
  • 73. OSA To OSA enable and enterprise we need EE to Tool the Organization with the means to ACTIVE SYNC Carbon and Silicon Servers In Real-Time
  • 74. OSA and Collective Intelligence A Self-Aware Organization empowers its organizational servers with the best decisional context its collective sensors & processors are capable of, so as to enable the “natural “ and “artificial” intelligent algorithms the servers use to take their own individual decisions.
  • 75. OSA LIVE MODELS are the tools for Active Syncing !
  • 76. OSA Enterprise as a System It has state variables! Some are observable. Some are controllable.
  • 77. OSA and Dynamic Control
  • 78. OSA
  • 79. OSA
  • 80. OSA
  • 81. Am Entreprise is an Airplane The “airplane” is in the air, travelling along space and time. Change and the laws of “enterprise physics” are the ONLY constants!
  • 82. Entreprise “in flight” Control Are the Carbon Servers needed as sensors and actuators at all?
  • 83. Base Line for Discussion  1. Is there a need for Run Time Monitoring of what an Enterprise DOES, i.e, of the Enterprise Operations?  2. Is there a need for Run Time Monitoring of who an Enterprise IS, i.e, of the Enterprise Agents, people and computers?  3. Is there a need for Run Time Monitoring of WHAT an Enterprise is made of, and in what state it is?
  • 84. Fundamental Questions  1. What is the role of Enterprise Design?  2. What is the role of Enterprise Architecture?  3. What is the role of Enterprise Governance?  4. What is the role of Entreprise Engineering?
  • 85. Examples of Domains of Concern 1. The Global Financial System was never designed for run-time observability and controllabillity. 2. The Portuguese Public Administration was never designed for run-time observability and controllabillity.
  • 86. Puzzlement? Why are we surprised when things get out of “control”, if no run-time monitoring and control mechanisms, were designed, engineered, and implemented?
  • 87. Assessment Our complex, intensive, massive, fast network of actors, transactions and organizations have now autonomous behaviours, that are presently truly uncontrollable!
  • 88. Conclusion It is the reality that counts, stupid! If we want to live in a world controlled by humans, we have to design it, engineer it, and implement it, and learn from its operation to continuously improve it!
  • 89. ANSWERS  1. Is there a need for Run Time Monitoring of what an Enterprise DOES, i.e, of the Enterprise Operations? YES!  2. Is there a need for Run Time Monitoring of who an Enterprise IS, i.e, of the Enterprise Agents, people and computers? YES!  3. Is there a need for Run Time Monitoring of WHAT an Enterprise is made of? YES!
  • 90. From the GOSPEL There are two known mistakes one can make along the road to truth: not going all the way and not starting. BUHDA
  • 91. From the GOSPEL But our present mistake is even worst: We are going all the way, without ever having started! JOSÉ BUHDA SALVADOR TRIBOLET
  • 92. Tradução em PortuguÊs Não te cuides não, vais ver onde vais parar! JOSÉ BUHDA SALVADOR TRIBOLET
  • 93. As 4 “Escolas” de E. E. Na Europa Antwerp Univ. Jan Verelst, H. Manaart Controlo da Complexidade Empresarial Software, Processos, Arquitecturas Normalizadas
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  • 100. Normalized Software Normalized Software Software and Systems are to actual Software Systems as electronic boards are to micro electronics systems and devices
  • 101. Trends : NS applied to BP, EA, EE
  • 102. As 4 “Escolas” de E. E. Na Europa St. Gallen Univ. Robert Winter, A. Albani Method Engineering, Business Engineering Design Science and Design Research
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  • 111. Panoramica do tema EE na Europa José Tribolet Presidente do INESC – Instituto de Sistemas e Computadores Professor Catedrático de Sistemas de Informação Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. Rio de Janeiro, 14 Abril 2011