education environment dialog education and training glocal education environment infographics awareness governance global change climate change energy politics youth media the future of models competences skills systems als vocational training deliberation peace dialog peace mediterranean lingual habbits mindprint lifestyles stammtisch 2.0 / 3.0 global embodied covenant 21stcenturyagora policy research chancellery berlin bonn consciousness maps renewable energy life-styles policy-making rubiks cube of ecology eco-cube mindchange bundeskanzleramt culture cognition presentation world modelling mapping gis building sustainable development heiner benking kurt hanks stalinski benking transparence gebser integral storage light poverty solar energy drying cooking africa enlightenment wietow living democracy dialogue citizen sciences makers learning united nations nature spacial constellations ontology democracy levers birds-eye signs and senses orientation blind-spotting unesco sustainability multi-media cybernetics club of rome models magic roundtables voting iconic turn digital turn augmented superimposed and framed "realities" blended oceans stakeholder negotiations futures amyotrophe lateralsklerose angela jansen amyotrophic lateral sclerosis jansen negative body image drop-out multi-track diplomacy future worlds center agora designresearch peace-making rebound effect scales awarenss campaigns action entrepreneuship handprint footprint dialog-conversation cogniscope superstructures supersigns transdisciplinarity keywords: knowledge organization general geography structured dialogic design ( sdd) rough overview orientation / survey knowledge open-forum multitrack- diplomacy participatory futures open government economy cross-sector complexity new thinking ecology dilemma laureats transdisciplinary peace perplexity elenor ostrom decision culture problematique new languaging political sciences cop15 suffering soil copenvegan water diets
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