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                    IRON RUBY AND .NET
                      A MATCH MADE IN
                              .NET USER GROUP
                                   SEP 2010

Amir Barylko - RoR Training                     MavenThought Inc. - June 2010

   •   Architect

   •   Developer

   •   Mentor

   •   Great cook

   •   The one who’s entertaining you for the next hour!

Amir Barylko - RoR Training                            MavenThought Inc. - June 2010

   •   Contact me:, @abarylko

   •   Download:

Amir Barylko - RoR Training                         MavenThought Inc. - June 2010
                                     Dynamic languages

Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET                        MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010

         High level
         Dynamically typed
         Runtime over compile time
         Closures
         Reflection
         Platform independent

Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET     MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010

          Iron Ruby                    DLR           CLR

Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET              MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
   • Make       your toolbox grow!

   • The     right tool for the job

   • Not      a replacement

   • Combine          strengths

   • Problem         solving

Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET     MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010

          Created in mid-90s by          Several implementations:
           “Matz” Matsumoto in Japan       MRI, YARB, JRuby
          Smalltalk, Perl influences      Totally free!!
          Dynamic typing
          Object Oriented
          Automatic memory

Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET                           MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010

          Everything is an expression      Operator overloading,
                                             flexible syntax
          Metaprogramming
                                            Powerful standard library
          Closures
          Garbage collection
          Exceptions

Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET                         MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010

          Hundreds of books              Lots of great web sites:
                                           basecamp, twitter, 43
          User conferences all over       things, hulu, scribd,
           the world                       slideshare,
          Active community (you can      Lots of web frameworks
           create a conf in your own       inspired by Ruby on Rails
           city and top Ruby coders
           will go there to teach
           others, invite them and

Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET                        MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010

          Download IronRuby installer
          Put the bin folder on the path
          That’s it!

Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET            MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
                          IRON RUBY SHELL
      c:> ir.exe
                                      > x = 1.upto(5).to_a
      > puts “hello”                  => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
      => nil                          > x.join
                                      => "12345"
      > "Hello World! " * 2
      => "Hello World! Hello World!

      > ((1 + 5) * 3) ** 2
      => 324

Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET                     MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
       Numbers
         1.class => Fixnum
         1.1.class => Float
         (120**100).class => Bignum
         3.times {puts “he “}

Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET                 MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
   • Strings

     'he ' + 'he' => he he
     “That's right” => That's right
     'He said “hi”' => He said “hi”
     “He said “hi”” => He said “hi”
     “1 + 1 is #{1+1}” => 1 + 1 is 2
     "#{'Ho! '*3}Merry Christmas" =>Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry

Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET                    MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
      Arrays
       a = [1, 5.5, “nice!”]
       1 == a.first
       1 == a[0]
       nil == a[10]
       a[1] = 3.14
       a.each {|elem| puts elem}

Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET                     MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
   • Hashes
     h = {“one” => 1, 1 => “one”}
     h[“one”] == 1
     h[1] == “one”
     h[“two”] == nil
     h.keys == [“one”, 1] (or is it [1, “one”] ?)
     h.values == [“one”, 1] (or is it [1, “one”] ?)
     h[“one”] = 1.0

Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET                MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
      Symbols: constant names. No need to declare, guaranteed
       uniqueness, fast comparison

   :apple == :apple
   :orange != :banana
   [:all, :those, :symbols]
   {:ca => “Canada”, :ar => “Argentina”, :es => “Spain”}

Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET                     MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
          if
           if count < 20
             puts “need more”
           elsif count < 40
             puts “perfect”
             puts “too many”
          while
           while count < 100 && need_more
Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET           MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
       Statement modifiers
        buy while need_more?

        buy(5) if need_more?

        buy until left == 0

        buy unless left < 5

Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET   MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
   • Case
       case left
           when 0..5
           when 6..10
           when 10..100

Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET   MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
       Simple
         def play(movie_path)

       Default arguments
         def play(movie_path, auto_start = true, wrap = false)

Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET                    MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
       Return value: the last expression evaluated, no need for
        explicit return
         def votes(voted, num_votes)
           voted && num_votes || nil

       No need for parenthesis on call without arguments (same
        syntax to call a method and a field)
         buy() == buy ==

Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET                        MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
       No need also with arguments (but careful!! only if you know
        what you are doing)
 “Pulp fiction”, false, true

Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET                       MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010

Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET                    MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010

       Initializer and instance variables
        class Movie
          def initialize(name)
            @name = name

          def play
            puts %Q{Playing “#{@name}”. Enjoy!}

        m =“Pulp fiction”)

        => Playing “Pulp fiction”. Enjoy!

Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET                 MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
       Attributes
    class Movie
      def initialize(name)
        @name = name

        def name                    # attr_reader :name
        end                                                    # attr_accessor :name

        def name=(value)            # attr_writter :name
          @name = value


    m ='Brazil').name = “Pulp fiction”

Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET                                    MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
        Code in files with .rb extension
        Require 'movie' will read movie.rb file and make its methods
         available to the current file
        Require 'media/movie' will read file from media dir relative
         to the current working dir
            $LOAD_PATH << 'media'
            require 'movie'

Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET                         MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
       Relative to this file:
         require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'media/movie')

Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET                    MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
       What about module “instance methods”?
       One of the greatest Ruby features!
       You can define functions in Modules, and get them added to
        your classes.
            Great code reuse,
            Multiple inheritance alternative.
            Code organization

Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET                     MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
       Enumerable mixin, from the standard library documentation:

           The Enumerable mixin provides collection
           classes with several traversal and
           searching methods, and with the ability to
           sort. The class must provide a method each,
           which yields successive members of the

Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET                    MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
       It provides useful methods such as:

            map

            to_a

            take_while

            count

            inject

Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET              MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
                                    Enumerable Mixin
                                     BDD Cucumber

Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET                      MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
     require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../main/MavenThought.MovieLibrary/bin/Debug/MavenThought.MovieLibrary.dll"
     require 'rubygems'
     require 'spec'
     include MavenThought::MovieLibrary

     describe Library do

      it "should be created empty" do


    lib =


    lib.contents.should be_empty



      it "should add an element" do


    lib =


    m = 'Blazing Saddles'


    lib.add m


    lib.contents.should include(m)


    lib.contents.count.should == 1



Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET                                                               MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
                WITH METHOD MISSING
     require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../main/MavenThought.MovieLibrary/bin/Debug/MavenThought.MovieLibrary.dll"

     require 'rubygems'

     include MavenThought::MovieLibrary

     # Extend library to use method missing to add find_by
     class Library


         def method_missing(m, *args)


    if m.id2name.include?( "find_by" )



      field = m.id2name.sub /find_by_/, ""



      contents.find_all( lambda{ |m| m.send(field) == args[0] } )










     l =

     l.add'Blazing Saddles',, 1, 1))
     l.add'Spaceballs',, 1, 1))

Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET                                                                                    MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
     require 'rubygems'
     require 'sinatra'
     require 'haml'
     require 'singleton'

     require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../main/MavenThought.MovieLibrary/bin/Debug/MavenThought.MovieLibrary.dll"
     include MavenThought::MovieLibrary

     class Library
         include Singleton

     # index
     get '/' do
      @movies = Library.instance.contents
      haml :index

     # create
     post '/' do
      m =[:title])
      Library.instance.add m
      redirect '/'

Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET                                                                               MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
     Feature: Addition

    In order to make my library grow

    As a registered user

    I want to add movies to the library


      Scenario: Add a movie


 Given I have an empty library


 When I add the following movies:
                            |   title                |   release_date   |
                            |   Blazing Saddles      |   Feb 7, 1974    |
                            |   Young Frankenstein   |   Dec 15, 1974   |
                            |   Spaceballs           |   Jun 24, 1987   |


   Then   The library should have 3 movies


   And    "Blazing Saddles" should be in the list with release date "Feb 7, 1974"


   And    "Young Frankenstein" should be in the list with release date "Dec 15, 1974"


   And    "Spaceballs" should be in the list with release date "Jun 24, 1987"

Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET                                                 MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
     require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../main/MavenThought.MovieLibrary/bin/Debug/MavenThought.MovieLibrary.dll"

     include MavenThought::MovieLibrary

     Given /^I have an empty library$/ do
      @lib =

     When /^I add the following movies:$/ do |table|
         table.hashes.each do |row|
           movie = row[:title], System::DateTime.parse(row[:release_date])

          @lib.add movie

     Then /^The library should have (.*) movies$/ do |count|
      @lib.contents.count.should == count.to_i

     Then /^"([^"]*)" should be in the list with release date "([^"]*)"$/ do |title, release|
      @lib.contents.find( lambda { |m| m.title == title and m.release_date == System::DateTime.parse(release) } ).should_not be_nil

Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET                                                                         MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
   task :default => [:build]
   desc "Builds the project"
   task :build do

   call_target msbuild_cmd, :build

   desc "Rebuild the application by cleaning and then building"
   task :rebuild => [:clean, :build] do

   #nothing to do....

   desc "Runs all the tests"
   task :test => ["test:all"]

Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET                                 MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
                      CRON - WHENEVER
    every 10.minutes do
       runner "MyModel.some_process"
       rake "my:rake:task"
       command "/usr/bin/my_great_command"

    every 2.days, :at => '4:30am' do
       command "/usr/bin/my_great_command"

Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET            MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010

  (Don’t be shy)

   •   Contact me:, @abarylko

   •   Download:

Amir Barylko - RoR Training                         MavenThought Inc. - June 2010
       IronRuby:
       The Ruby Bible (a.k.a. Pickaxe)
       Ruby language site:

Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET                                  MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010

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Iron Ruby and .NET - A Match Made in Heaven

  • 1. AMIR BARYLKO IRON RUBY AND .NET A MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN .NET USER GROUP SEP 2010 Amir Barylko - RoR Training MavenThought Inc. - June 2010
  • 2. WHO AM I? • Architect • Developer • Mentor • Great cook • The one who’s entertaining you for the next hour! Amir Barylko - RoR Training MavenThought Inc. - June 2010
  • 3. CONTACT AND MATERIALS • Contact me:, @abarylko • Download: Amir Barylko - RoR Training MavenThought Inc. - June 2010
  • 4. RUBY INTRO Dynamic languages Testing IRB Constructs Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
  • 5. DYNAMIC LANGUAGES  High level  Dynamically typed  Runtime over compile time  Closures  Reflection  Platform independent Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
  • 6. .NET CLR Iron Ruby DLR CLR Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
  • 7. DEVELOPERS TOOLBOX • Make your toolbox grow! • The right tool for the job • Not a replacement • Combine strengths • Problem solving Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
  • 8. WELCOME TO RUBY  Created in mid-90s by  Several implementations: “Matz” Matsumoto in Japan MRI, YARB, JRuby  Smalltalk, Perl influences  Totally free!!  Dynamic typing  Object Oriented  Automatic memory management Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
  • 9. RUBY FEATURES  Everything is an expression  Operator overloading, flexible syntax  Metaprogramming  Powerful standard library  Closures  Garbage collection  Exceptions Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
  • 10. RUBY SUPPORT  Hundreds of books  Lots of great web sites: basecamp, twitter, 43  User conferences all over things, hulu, scribd, the world slideshare,  Active community (you can  Lots of web frameworks create a conf in your own inspired by Ruby on Rails city and top Ruby coders will go there to teach others, invite them and see) Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
  • 11. SET UP  Download IronRuby installer  Put the bin folder on the path  That’s it! Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
  • 12. INTERACTIVE IRON RUBY SHELL c:> ir.exe > x = 1.upto(5).to_a > puts “hello” => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] hello => nil > x.join => "12345" > "Hello World! " * 2 => "Hello World! Hello World! " > ((1 + 5) * 3) ** 2 => 324 Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
  • 13. BASIC TYPES  Numbers 1.class => Fixnum 1.1.class => Float (120**100).class => Bignum 3.times {puts “he “} Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
  • 14. BASIC TYPES II • Strings 'he ' + 'he' => he he “That's right” => That's right 'He said “hi”' => He said “hi” “He said “hi”” => He said “hi” “1 + 1 is #{1+1}” => 1 + 1 is 2 "#{'Ho! '*3}Merry Christmas" =>Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
  • 15. BASIC TYPES III  Arrays a = [1, 5.5, “nice!”] 1 == a.first 1 == a[0] nil == a[10] a[1] = 3.14 a.each {|elem| puts elem} a.sort Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
  • 16. BASIC TYPES IV • Hashes h = {“one” => 1, 1 => “one”} h[“one”] == 1 h[1] == “one” h[“two”] == nil h.keys == [“one”, 1] (or is it [1, “one”] ?) h.values == [“one”, 1] (or is it [1, “one”] ?) h[“one”] = 1.0 Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
  • 17. BASIC TYPES V  Symbols: constant names. No need to declare, guaranteed uniqueness, fast comparison :apple == :apple :orange != :banana [:all, :those, :symbols] {:ca => “Canada”, :ar => “Argentina”, :es => “Spain”} Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
  • 18. CONTROL STRUCTURES  if if count < 20 puts “need more” elsif count < 40 puts “perfect” else puts “too many” end  while while count < 100 && need_more buy(1) end Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
  • 19. CONTROL STRUCTURES II  Statement modifiers buy while need_more? buy(5) if need_more? buy until left == 0 buy unless left < 5 Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
  • 20. CONTROL STRUCTURES III • Case case left when 0..5 dont_buy_more when 6..10 buy(1) when 10..100 buy(5) end Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
  • 21. METHODS  Simple def play(movie_path) .... end  Default arguments def play(movie_path, auto_start = true, wrap = false) .... end Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
  • 22. METHODS II  Return value: the last expression evaluated, no need for explicit return def votes(voted, num_votes) voted && num_votes || nil end  No need for parenthesis on call without arguments (same syntax to call a method and a field) buy() == buy == Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
  • 23. METHODS III  No need also with arguments (but careful!! only if you know what you are doing) “Pulp fiction”, false, true Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
  • 24. RUBY INTRO II Classes Mixin Enumerable Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
  • 25. CLASSES & OBJECTS  Initializer and instance variables class Movie def initialize(name) @name = name end def play puts %Q{Playing “#{@name}”. Enjoy!} end end m =“Pulp fiction”) => Playing “Pulp fiction”. Enjoy! Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
  • 26. CLASSES & OBJECTS II  Attributes class Movie def initialize(name) @name = name end } def name # attr_reader :name @name end # attr_accessor :name def name=(value) # attr_writter :name @name = value end end m ='Brazil').name = “Pulp fiction” Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
  • 27. CODE ORGANIZATION  Code in files with .rb extension  Require 'movie' will read movie.rb file and make its methods available to the current file  Require 'media/movie' will read file from media dir relative to the current working dir $LOAD_PATH << 'media' require 'movie' Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
  • 28. CODE ORGANIZATION II  Relative to this file: require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'media/movie') Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
  • 29. MIXINS  What about module “instance methods”?  One of the greatest Ruby features!  You can define functions in Modules, and get them added to your classes.  Great code reuse,  Multiple inheritance alternative.  Code organization Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
  • 30. ENUMERABLE  Enumerable mixin, from the standard library documentation: The Enumerable mixin provides collection classes with several traversal and searching methods, and with the ability to sort. The class must provide a method each, which yields successive members of the collection Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
  • 31. ENUMERABLE II  It provides useful methods such as:  map  to_a  take_while  count  inject Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
  • 32. EXAMPLES rSpec Enumerable Mixin missing_method Sinatra BDD Cucumber DSL Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
  • 33. RSPEC TESTING LIBRARY require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../main/MavenThought.MovieLibrary/bin/Debug/MavenThought.MovieLibrary.dll" require 'rubygems' require 'spec' include MavenThought::MovieLibrary describe Library do it "should be created empty" do lib = lib.contents.should be_empty end it "should add an element" do lib = m = 'Blazing Saddles' lib.add m lib.contents.should include(m) lib.contents.count.should == 1 end end Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
  • 34. EXTEND LIBRARY WITH METHOD MISSING require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../main/MavenThought.MovieLibrary/bin/Debug/MavenThought.MovieLibrary.dll" require 'rubygems' include MavenThought::MovieLibrary # Extend library to use method missing to add find_by class Library def method_missing(m, *args) if m.id2name.include?( "find_by" ) field = m.id2name.sub /find_by_/, "" contents.find_all( lambda{ |m| m.send(field) == args[0] } ) else super end end end l = l.add'Blazing Saddles',, 1, 1)) l.add'Spaceballs',, 1, 1)) Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
  • 35. SIMPLE WEB WITH SINATRA require 'rubygems' require 'sinatra' require 'haml' require 'singleton' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../main/MavenThought.MovieLibrary/bin/Debug/MavenThought.MovieLibrary.dll" include MavenThought::MovieLibrary class Library include Singleton end # index get '/' do @movies = Library.instance.contents haml :index end # create post '/' do m =[:title]) Library.instance.add m redirect '/' end Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
  • 36. BDD WITH CUCUMBER Feature: Addition In order to make my library grow As a registered user I want to add movies to the library Scenario: Add a movie Given I have an empty library When I add the following movies: | title | release_date | | Blazing Saddles | Feb 7, 1974 | | Young Frankenstein | Dec 15, 1974 | | Spaceballs | Jun 24, 1987 | Then The library should have 3 movies And "Blazing Saddles" should be in the list with release date "Feb 7, 1974" And "Young Frankenstein" should be in the list with release date "Dec 15, 1974" And "Spaceballs" should be in the list with release date "Jun 24, 1987" Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
  • 37. CUCUMBER STEPS require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../main/MavenThought.MovieLibrary/bin/Debug/MavenThought.MovieLibrary.dll" include MavenThought::MovieLibrary Given /^I have an empty library$/ do @lib = end When /^I add the following movies:$/ do |table| table.hashes.each do |row| movie = row[:title], System::DateTime.parse(row[:release_date]) @lib.add movie end end Then /^The library should have (.*) movies$/ do |count| @lib.contents.count.should == count.to_i end Then /^"([^"]*)" should be in the list with release date "([^"]*)"$/ do |title, release| @lib.contents.find( lambda { |m| m.title == title and m.release_date == System::DateTime.parse(release) } ).should_not be_nil end Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
  • 38. DSL I RAKE task :default => [:build] desc "Builds the project" task :build do call_target msbuild_cmd, :build end desc "Rebuild the application by cleaning and then building" task :rebuild => [:clean, :build] do #nothing to do.... end desc "Runs all the tests" task :test => ["test:all"] Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
  • 39. DSL II CRON - WHENEVER every 10.minutes do runner "MyModel.some_process" rake "my:rake:task" command "/usr/bin/my_great_command" end every 2.days, :at => '4:30am' do command "/usr/bin/my_great_command" end Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010
  • 41. CONTACT AND MATERIALS • Contact me:, @abarylko • Download: Amir Barylko - RoR Training MavenThought Inc. - June 2010
  • 42. ONLINE RESOURCES  IronRuby:  The Ruby Bible (a.k.a. Pickaxe)  Ruby language site:  Amir Barylko - Iron Ruby and .NET MavenThought Inc. - Sep 2010