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1 von 23
TransponderInitialization Code:
//initialize the library with the numbers of the interface pins
LiquidCrystal lcd(14,15,16,17,18,19);
//4x4 Matrix key pad
const byte ROWS = 4; // Four rows
const byte COLS = 3; // Four columns
// Define the Keymap
char keys[ROWS][COLS] =
// Connect keypad ROW0, ROW1, ROW2 and ROW3 to Arduino pins.
byte rowPins[ROWS] = { 5, 4, 3, 2 };
// Connect keypad COL0, COL1, COL2 and COL3 to Arduino pins.
byte colPins[COLS] = { 8, 7, 6 };
// Create the Keypad
Keypad kpd = Keypad( makeKeymap(keys), rowPins,colPins, ROWS, COLS );
void setup()
// set up the LCD's number of columns and rows:
lcd.begin(16, 2);
// Print a message to the LCD.
lcd.print("KEYPAD LCD TEST");
Serial.println("Begin 2");
void loop()
char key=kpd.getKey();
// set the cursor to column 0, line 1
// (note: line 1 is the second row, since counting begins with 0):
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
// print the number of seconds since reset:
// lcd.print(millis() / 1000);
// Check for a valid key
// setthe cursor to column 9, line 1
// (note: line 1 is the second row, since counting begins with 0):
lcd.setCursor(9, 1);
//Print the detected key
lcd.print("KEY= ");
ESP Module (For Band) code:
#include "driver/spi_interface.h"
#include "eagle_soc.h"
#include "osapi.h"
// Show the spi registers.
#define SHOWSPIREG(i) __ShowRegValue(__func__, __LINE__);
* @brief Print debug information.
void __ShowRegValue(const char * func, uint32_t line)
int i;
uint32_t regAddr = 0x60000140; // SPI--0x60000240, HSPI--0x60000140;
os_printf("rn FUNC[%s],line[%d]rn", func, line);
os_printf(" SPI_ADDR [0x%08x]rn", READ_PERI_REG(SPI_ADDR(SpiNum_HSPI)));
os_printf(" SPI_CMD [0x%08x]rn", READ_PERI_REG(SPI_CMD(SpiNum_HSPI)));
os_printf(" SPI_CTRL [0x%08x]rn", READ_PERI_REG(SPI_CTRL(SpiNum_HSPI)));
os_printf(" SPI_CTRL2 [0x%08x]rn", READ_PERI_REG(SPI_CTRL2(SpiNum_HSPI)));
os_printf(" SPI_CLOCK [0x%08x]rn", READ_PERI_REG(SPI_CLOCK(SpiNum_HSPI)));
os_printf(" SPI_RD_STATUS [0x%08x]rn",
os_printf(" SPI_WR_STATUS [0x%08x]rn",
os_printf(" SPI_USER [0x%08x]rn", READ_PERI_REG(SPI_USER(SpiNum_HSPI)));
os_printf(" SPI_USER1 [0x%08x]rn", READ_PERI_REG(SPI_USER1(SpiNum_HSPI)));
os_printf(" SPI_USER2 [0x%08x]rn", READ_PERI_REG(SPI_USER2(SpiNum_HSPI)));
os_printf(" SPI_PIN [0x%08x]rn", READ_PERI_REG(SPI_PIN(SpiNum_HSPI)));
os_printf(" SPI_SLAVE [0x%08x]rn", READ_PERI_REG(SPI_SLAVE(SpiNum_HSPI)));
os_printf(" SPI_SLAVE1 [0x%08x]rn", READ_PERI_REG(SPI_SLAVE1(SpiNum_HSPI)));
os_printf(" SPI_SLAVE2 [0x%08x]rn", READ_PERI_REG(SPI_SLAVE2(SpiNum_HSPI)));
for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
os_printf(" ADDR[0x%08x],Value[0x%08x]rn", regAddr, READ_PERI_REG(regAddr));
regAddr += 4;
// SPI interrupt callback function.
void spi_slave_isr_sta(void *para)
uint32 regvalue;
uint32 statusW, statusR, counter;
if (READ_PERI_REG(0x3ff00020)&BIT4) {
//following 3 lines is to clear isr signal
} else if (READ_PERI_REG(0x3ff00020)&BIT7) { //bit7 is for hspi isr,
os_printf("spi_slave_isr_sta SPI_SLAVE[0x%08x]nr", regvalue);
SPIIntEnable(SpiNum_HSPI, SpiIntSrc_WrStaDone
| SpiIntSrc_RdStaDone
| SpiIntSrc_WrBufDone
| SpiIntSrc_RdBufDone);
if (regvalue & SPI_SLV_WR_BUF_DONE) {
// User can get data from the W0~W7
os_printf("spi_slave_isr_sta : SPI_SLV_WR_BUF_DONEnr");
} else if (regvalue & SPI_SLV_RD_BUF_DONE) {
// TO DO
os_printf("spi_slave_isr_sta : SPI_SLV_RD_BUF_DONEnr");
if (regvalue & SPI_SLV_RD_STA_DONE) {
os_printf("spi_slave_isr_sta : SPI_SLV_RD_STA_DONE[R=0x%08x,W=0x%08x]nr",
statusR, statusW);
if (regvalue & SPI_SLV_WR_STA_DONE) {
os_printf("spi_slave_isr_sta : SPI_SLV_WR_STA_DONE[R=0x%08x,W=0x%08x]nr",
statusR, statusW);
if ((regvalue & SPI_TRANS_DONE) && ((regvalue & 0xf) == 0)) {
os_printf("spi_slave_isr_sta : SPI_TRANS_DONEnr");
// Test spi master interfaces.
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR spi_master_test()
SpiAttr hSpiAttr;
hSpiAttr.bitOrder = SpiBitOrder_MSBFirst;
hSpiAttr.speed = SpiSpeed_10MHz;
hSpiAttr.mode = SpiMode_Master;
hSpiAttr.subMode = SpiSubMode_0;
PIN_FUNC_SELECT(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTDI_U, 2);//configure io to spi mode
PIN_FUNC_SELECT(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTCK_U, 2);//configure io to spi mode
PIN_FUNC_SELECT(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTMS_U, 2);//configure io to spi mode
PIN_FUNC_SELECT(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTDO_U, 2);//configure io to spi mode
SPIInit(SpiNum_HSPI, &hSpiAttr);
uint32_t value = 0xD3D4D5D6;
uint32_t sendData[8] ={ 0 };
SpiData spiData;
os_printf("rn ============= spi init master ============= rn");
// Test 8266 slave.Communication format: 1byte command + 1bytes address + x bytes Data.
os_printf("rn Master send 32 bytes data to slave(8266)rn");
os_memset(sendData, 0, sizeof(sendData));
sendData[0] = 0x55565758;
sendData[1] = 0x595a5b5c;
sendData[2] = 0x5d5e5f60;
sendData[3] = 0x61626364;
sendData[4] = 0x65666768;
sendData[5] = 0x696a6b6c;
sendData[6] = 0x6d6e6f70;
sendData[7] = 0x71727374;
spiData.cmdLen = 1;
spiData.addr = &value;
spiData.addrLen = 4; = sendData;
spiData.dataLen = 32;
SPIMasterSendData(SpiNum_HSPI, &spiData);
os_printf("rn Master receive 24 bytes data from slave(8266)rn");
spiData.cmdLen = 1;
spiData.addr = &value;
spiData.addrLen = 4; = sendData;
spiData.dataLen = 24;
os_memset(sendData, 0, sizeof(sendData));
SPIMasterRecvData(SpiNum_HSPI, &spiData);
os_printf(" Recv Slave data0[0x%08x]rn", sendData[0]);
os_printf(" Recv Slave data1[0x%08x]rn", sendData[1]);
os_printf(" Recv Slave data2[0x%08x]rn", sendData[2]);
os_printf(" Recv Slave data3[0x%08x]rn", sendData[3]);
os_printf(" Recv Slave data4[0x%08x]rn", sendData[4]);
os_printf(" Recv Slave data5[0x%08x]rn", sendData[5]);
value = SPIMasterRecvStatus(SpiNum_HSPI);
os_printf("rn Master read slave(8266) status[0x%02x]rn", value);
SPIMasterSendStatus(SpiNum_HSPI, 0x99);
os_printf("rn Master write status[0x99] to slavue(8266).rn");
// Test others slave.Communication format:0bytes command + 0 bytes address + x bytes Data
#if 0
os_printf("rn Master send 4 bytes data to slavern");
os_memset(sendData, 0, sizeof(sendData));
sendData[0] = 0x2D3E4F50;
spiData.cmdLen = 0;
spiData.addr = &addr;
spiData.addrLen = 0; = sendData;
spiData.dataLen = 4;
SPIMasterSendData(SpiNum_HSPI, &spiData);
os_printf("rn Master receive 4 bytes data from slavern");
spiData.cmdLen = 0;
spiData.addr = &addr;
spiData.addrLen = 0; = sendData;
spiData.dataLen = 4;
os_memset(sendData, 0, sizeof(sendData));
SPIMasterRecvData(SpiNum_HSPI, &spiData);
os_printf(" Recv Slave data[0x%08x]rn", sendData[0]);
// Test spi slave interfaces.
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR spi_slave_test()
SpiAttr hSpiAttr;
hSpiAttr.bitOrder = SpiBitOrder_MSBFirst;
hSpiAttr.speed = 0;
hSpiAttr.mode = SpiMode_Slave;
hSpiAttr.subMode = SpiSubMode_0;
PIN_FUNC_SELECT(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTDI_U, 2);//configure io to spi mode
PIN_FUNC_SELECT(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTCK_U, 2);//configure io to spi mode
PIN_FUNC_SELECT(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTMS_U, 2);//configure io to spi mode
PIN_FUNC_SELECT(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTDO_U, 2);//configure io to spi mode
os_printf("rn ============= spi init slave =============rn");
SPIInit(SpiNum_HSPI, &hSpiAttr);
// Set spi interrupt information.
SpiIntInfo spiInt;
spiInt.src = (SpiIntSrc_TransDone
| SpiIntSrc_WrStaDone
spiInt.isrFunc = spi_slave_isr_sta;
SPIIntCfg(SpiNum_HSPI, &spiInt);
uint32_t sndData[8] = { 0 };
sndData[0] = 0x35343332;
sndData[1] = 0x39383736;
sndData[2] = 0x3d3c3b3a;
sndData[3] = 0x11103f3e;
sndData[4] = 0x15141312;
sndData[5] = 0x19181716;
sndData[6] = 0x1d1c1b1a;
sndData[7] = 0x21201f1e;
SPISlaveSendData(SpiNum_HSPI, sndData, 8);
void spi_interface_test(void)
// Test spi interfaces.
os_printf("t ESP8266 %s application nr", __func__);
os_printf("tt SDK version:%s nr", system_get_sdk_version());
os_printf("tt Complie time:%s nr", __TIME__);
#if 0
Attendance Report Generation:
Returns Attendance Master Details
@param $response MIXED response variable contains error code or success data
@param $mst_id INT attendance master id
@param $faculty_id Bool true, if need to match for current logged in faculty for verification
@param $now Bool true, if need to get current active academice calendars only
use ZendDbSqlExpression;
use ZendDbSqlSelect;
function getMstMetaData(&$response,$mst_id,$faculty_id=true,$now=true)
{ $response = array(
'code' => HTTP_Status::BAD_REQUEST,
'message' => 'Master ID must be digits only'
return false;
"batchno" => null,
"division" => null,
"inst_name" => null,
"prog_name" => null,
"dept_name" => null,
"semester" => null,
"subject" => null
{ $dbh=new MyDbCon;
{ $tmp=$dbh->fetchAssoc()[0];
{ $response = array(
'code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN
return false;
'=' => 'equalTo',
'<' => 'lessThan',
'>' => 'greaterThan',
'<=' => 'lessThanOrEqualTo',
'>=' => 'greaterThanOrEqualTo',
'like' => 'like'
"attd_mst_id" => $mst_id
{ try
{ $now=(new DateTime())->format("Y-m-d");
//throw new Exception("asd");
}catch(Exception $e)
{ $response = array(
return false;
$where['end_date'] = "{$now}:>=";
$where['start_date'] = "{$now}:<=";
if($faculty_id && !Privilege_Master::is_super($_SESSION['privilege_id']))
{ $where['faculty_id'] = $_SESSION['faculty_id'];
"Academic_Calendar" =>
"Teaches" => "Attendance_Master.teaches_id=Teaches.teaches_id",
"Syllabus" => "Teaches.syllabus_id=Syllabus.syllabus_id"
"Academic_Calendar" => array("start_date","end_date"),
"Teaches" => array(/*"teaches_id","faculty_id"*/),
"Syllabus" => array(/*"syllabus_id",*/"sub_id","sub_offered_sem","o_id")
$dbh=new MyDbCon;
// Join Tables
foreach($join_tables as $val)
{ $cols=Select::SQL_STAR;
// Where Clause
foreach($where as $key=>$val)
if(!empty($vals[1]) && isset($where_funcs[$vals[1]]))
{ $objs=$dbh->fetchAssoc();
{ $meta_data['inst_name']=$names['inst_name'];
return true;
$response = array(
'code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN
return false;
}catch(Exception $e)
{ $message = $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getMessage() : $e-
$code=$e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getCode() : $e->getCode();
$err="Error Code: ".$code." <br/>Detailed Info: ".$message;
$response = array(
'code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN,
'message' => $err
return false;
Returns Students Attendance Details given a Attendance Master Id
@param $response MIXED response variable contains error code or success data
@param $mst_id INT attendance master id
function getStudentWiseAttendanceByMst(&$response,$mst_id)
{ $dbh = new MyDbCon;
$statement = $dbh->call('student_presence_from_master',array($mst_id));
// Get 1st ResultSet : Division & Batchno
$resultSet = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$students['metadata']['division'] = intval($resultSet[0]['division']);
$students['metadata']['batchno'] = intval($resultSet[0]['batchno']);
// Get 2nd ResultSet : Students Presence
$resultSet = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$response = $students;
return true;
}catch(Exception $e)
{ $message = $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getMessage() : $e-
$code=$e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getCode() : $e->getCode();
$err="Error Code: ".$code." <br/>Detailed Info: ".$message;
$response = array(
'code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN,
'message' => $err
return false;
Returns Lecture Details given a Attendance Master Id
@param $response MIXED response variable contains error code or success data
@param $mst_id INT attendance master id
function getLectureWiseAttendanceByMst(&$response,$mst_id)
$dbh = new MyDbCon;
$dbh->select->where->equalTo('', 1);
$dbh->join('Attendance','Lectures.lec_id = Attendance.lec_id',
array( 'presence' => new Expression("sum(presence)"),
'total' => new Expression("count(presence)"),
'percentage' => new
$dbh->select->order('lec_date ASC');
select Lectures.lec_id,lec_date,sum(presence) as presence,count(presence) as
total,ROUND(sum(presence)/count(presence)*100,2) as percentage from Lectures left join
on Attendance.lec_id=Lectures.lec_id
where attd_mst_id = 9 and = 1
group by Lectures.lec_id
order by lec_date ASC
{ $res=$dbh->fetchAssoc();
$response['data'] = $res;
return true;
$response = array(
'code' => HTTP_Status::NOT_FOUND
return false;
}catch(Exception $e)
{ $message = $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getMessage() : $e-
$code = $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getCode() : $e->getCode();
$err = "Error Code: ".$code." <br/>Detailed Info: ".$message;
$response = array(
'code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN,
'message' => $err
return false;
Returns Lecture Attendance Details given a Lecture Id
@param $response MIXED response variable contains error code or success data
@param $mst_id INT attendance master id
function getStudentAttendanceByLec(&$response,$lec_id)
{ if(!ctype_digit($lec_id))
{ $response = array(
'code' => HTTP_Status::BAD_REQUEST,
'message' => 'Lec ID must be digits only'
return false;
select Attendance.stud_id,stud_rollno,stud_enrolmentno,CONCAT(stud_name,'
',stud_father_name,' ',stud_surname) as stud_name,presence
from Attendance join Student_Master
on Student_Master.stud_id = Attendance.stud_id
where lec_id = 4
order by stud_rollno ASC
$dbh = new MyDbCon;
$dbh->join('Student_Master','Student_Master.stud_id = Attendance.stud_id',
array( 'stud_rollno','stud_enrolmentno',
'stud_name' => new
Expression("CONCAT(stud_name,' ',IFNULL(stud_father_name,''),' ',IFNULL(stud_surname,''))")
$dbh->select->order('stud_rollno ASC');
{ $response = $dbh->fetchAssoc();
return true;
{ $response = array(
'code' => HTTP_Status::NOT_FOUND,
'message' => 'No records Found'
return false;
}catch(Exception $e)
{ $message = $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getMessage() : $e-
$code = $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getCode() : $e->getCode();
$err = "Error Code: ".$code." <br/>Detailed Info: ".$message;
$response = array(
'code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN,
'message' => $err
return false;
Returns Student Attendance Details given a Attendance_Master Id and Stud_id
@param $response MIXED response variable contains error code or success data
@param $mst_id INT attendance master id
@param $stud_id INT stud id
function getLectureWiseAttendanceOfStudByMst(&$response,$mst_id,$stud_id)
select Lectures.lec_id,lec_date,presence from Lectures
left join Attendance
on Attendance.lec_id=Lectures.lec_id and stud_id=65
where attd_mst_id=9 and = 1
group by Lectures.lec_id
order by lec_date ASC
if(!ctype_digit($mst_id) || !ctype_digit($stud_id))
{ $response = array(
'code' => HTTP_Status::BAD_REQUEST,
'message' => 'ID must be digits only'
return false;
$dbh = new MyDbCon;
$dbh->join('Attendance',new Expression("Lectures.lec_id = Attendance.lec_id and
stud_id = {$stud_id}"),array('presence'),'left');
$dbh->select->where->equalTo('', 1);
$dbh->select->order('lec_date ASC');
//echo $dbh->select->getSqlString($dbh->getAdapter()->getPlatform());
$response = $dbh->fetchAssoc();
return true;
}catch(Exception $e)
{ $message = $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getMessage() : $e-
$code = $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getCode() : $e->getCode();
$err = "Error Code: ".$code." <br/>Detailed Info: ".$message;
$response = array(
'code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN,
'message' => $err
return false;
Student Attendance Info Fetcher Module:
Returns Students Data from a particular master.
@param $response MIXED response variable contains error code or success data
@param $mst_id INT attendance master id
@param $faculty_id Bool true, if need to match for current logged in faculty for verification
@param $now Bool true, if need to get current active academic calendars only
use ZendDbSqlSelect;
function getStudentsByMst(&$response,$mst_id,$faculty_id=true,$now=true)
{ if(!ctype_digit($mst_id))
{ $response = array(
'code' => HTTP_Status::BAD_REQUEST,
'message' => 'Master ID must be digits only'
return false;
"batchno" => null,
"division" => null,
"inst_name" => null,
"prog_name" => null,
"dept_name" => null,
"semester" => null,
"subject" => null
{ $dbh=new MyDbCon;
{ $tmp=$dbh->fetchAssoc()[0];
{ $response = array(
'code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN
return false;
'=' => 'equalTo',
'<' => 'lessThan',
'>' => 'greaterThan',
'<=' => 'lessThanOrEqualTo',
'>=' => 'greaterThanOrEqualTo',
'like' => 'like'
"attd_mst_id" => $mst_id,
"stud_status" => "C"
{ try
{ $now=(new DateTime())->format("Y-m-d");
//throw new Exception("asd");
}catch(Exception $e)
{ $response = array(
return false;
$where['end_date'] = "{$now}:>=";
$where['start_date'] = "{$now}:<=";
if($faculty_id && !Privilege_Master::is_super($_SESSION['privilege_id']))
{ $where['faculty_id'] = $_SESSION['faculty_id'];
"Academic_Calendar" =>
"Teaches" => "Attendance_Master.teaches_id=Teaches.teaches_id",
"Syllabus" => "Teaches.syllabus_id=Syllabus.syllabus_id",
"Student_Master" => "Student_Master.o_id=Syllabus.o_id AND
Student_Master.stud_sem=Academic_Calendar.semester AND
$join_on["Student_Master"].=" AND
"Academic_Calendar" => array("start_date","end_date"),
"Teaches" => array(),
"Syllabus" => array("sub_id"),
"Student_Master" =>
$dbh=new MyDbCon;
// Join Tables
foreach($join_tables as $val)
{ $cols=Select::SQL_STAR;
// Where Clause
foreach($where as $key=>$val)
if(!empty($vals[1]) && isset($where_funcs[$vals[1]]))
$dbh->select->order("stud_rollno ASC");
{ $objs=$dbh->fetchAssoc();
{ $meta_data['inst_name']=$names['inst_name'];
foreach($objs as $row)
{ foreach($meta_keys as $val)
$row['stud_name'].=" ".$row['stud_father_name'];
$row['stud_name'].=" ".$row['stud_surname'];
"metadata" => $meta_data,
"data" => $objs
return true;
{ $response = array(
'code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN
return false;
}catch(Exception $e)
{ $message = $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getMessage() : $e-
$code=$e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getCode() : $e->getCode();
$err="Error Code: ".$code." <br/>Detailed Info: ".$message;
$response = array(
'code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN,
'message' => $err
return false;
MasterAccess List:
Returns Masters List from a given Faculty ID.
@param $response MIXED response variable contains error code or success data
@param $fac_id INT attendance master id
@param $now Bool true, if need to get current active academic calendars only
use ZendDbSqlSelect;
function getMstByFaculty(&$response,$fac_id,$now=true)
{ if(!ctype_digit($fac_id) && !Privilege_Master::is_super($_SESSION['privilege_id']))
{ $response = array(
'code' => HTTP_Status::BAD_REQUEST,
'message' => 'Faculty ID must be digits only'
return false;
'=' => 'equalTo',
'<' => 'lessThan',
'>' => 'greaterThan',
'<=' => 'lessThanOrEqualTo',
'>=' => 'greaterThanOrEqualTo',
'like' => 'like'
{ $where=array(
"Teaches.faculty_id" => $fac_id
{ $now=(new DateTime())->format("Y-m-d");
}catch(Exception $e)
{ $response = array(
return false;
$where['end_date'] = "{$now}:>=";
$where['start_date'] = "{$now}:<=";
"Academic_Calendar" =>
"Teaches" => "Attendance_Master.teaches_id=Teaches.teaches_id",
"Syllabus" => "Teaches.syllabus_id=Syllabus.syllabus_id",
"Offers_Master" => "Offers_Master.o_id=Syllabus.o_id",
"Inst_Master" => "Inst_Master.inst_id=Offers_Master.inst_id",
"Prog_Master" => "Prog_Master.prog_id=Offers_Master.prog_id",
"Dept_Master" => "Dept_Master.dept_id=Offers_Master.dept_id",
"Sub_Master" => "Sub_Master.sub_id=Syllabus.sub_id",
"Faculty_Master" => "Faculty_Master.faculty_id=Teaches.faculty_id"
"Academic_Calendar" => array("start_date","end_date","semester"),
"Teaches" => array("type"),
"Syllabus" => array("sub_id"),
"Offers_Master" => array("o_id"),
"Inst_Master" => array("inst_name"),
"Prog_Master" => array("prog_name"),
"Dept_Master" => array("dept_name"),
"Sub_Master" => array("sub_name"),
"Faculty_Master" =>
$dbh=new MyDbCon;
// Join Tables
foreach($join_tables as $val)
{ $cols=Select::SQL_STAR;
// Where Clause
foreach($where as $key=>$val)
if(!empty($vals[1]) && isset($where_funcs[$vals[1]]))
{ $objs=$dbh->fetchAssoc();
foreach($objs as $row)
{ if(!empty($row['faculty_father_name']))
$row['faculty_name'].=" ".$row['faculty_father_name'];
$row['faculty_name'].=" ".$row['faculty_surname'];
$response = $objs;
return true;
{ $response = array(
'code' => HTTP_Status::NOT_FOUND
return false;
}catch(Exception $e)
{ $message = $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getMessage() : $e-
$code=$e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getCode() : $e->getCode();
$err="Error Code: ".$code." <br/>Detailed Info: ".$message;
$response = array(
'code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN,
'message' => $err
return false;
Update Attendance Info Module:
use ZendDbSqlSelect;
use ZendDbSqlExpression;
require_once "../getStudents/getStudents.lib.php";
function authMst(&$response,$mst_id,$faculty_id)
{ /*
select count(*) as cnt from Attendance_Master
join Teaches
on Attendance_Master.attd_mst_id = 9 and Attendance_Master.teaches_id =
Teaches.teaches_id and Teaches.faculty_id = 5
{ return true;
else if(!ctype_digit($mst_id) || !ctype_digit($faculty_id))
{ $response = array(
'code' => HTTP_Status::BAD_REQUEST,
'message' => 'ID must be digits only'
return false;
$dbh = new MyDbCon;
$dbh->select->columns(array("cnt" => new Expression("count(*)")));
$dbh->join("Teaches",new Expression("Attendance_Master.attd_mst_id =
{$mst_id} and Attendance_Master.teaches_id = Teaches.teaches_id and Teaches.faculty_id =
$cnt = $dbh->fetchAssoc()[0]['cnt'];
return true;
$response = array(
'code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN,
'message' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN_MSG
return false;
}catch(Exception $e)
{ $message = $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getMessage() : $e-
$code=$e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getCode() : $e->getCode();
$err="Error Code: ".$code." <br/>Detailed Info: ".$message;
$response = array(
'code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN,
'message' => $err
return false;
function authStud(&$response,$mst_id,array $stud_id)
return false;
foreach($stud_id as $id)
{ $flag=false;
foreach($response['data'] as $stud)
{ if(strcmp($stud['stud_id'],$id)==0)
{ $flag=true;
{ $response = true;
return true;
$response = array(
'code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN,
'message' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN_MSG
return false;
function authLec(&$response,$mst_id,array $lec_id)
{ if(!ctype_digit($mst_id))
{ $response = array(
'code' => HTTP_Status::BAD_REQUEST,
'message' => 'ID must be digits only'
return false;
$dbh = new MyDbCon;
{ $res = $dbh->fetchAssoc();
$ids = array();
foreach($res as $lec)
$dif = array_diff($lec_id,$ids);
return true;
$response = array(
'code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN,
'message' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN_MSG
return false;
}catch(Exception $e)
{ $message = $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getMessage() : $e-
$code=$e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getCode() : $e->getCode();
$err="Error Code: ".$code." <br/>Detailed Info: ".$message;
$response = array(
'code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN,
'message' => $err
return false;
function updateByStudId(&$response,$stud_id,array $attd)
$objs = array();
foreach($attd as $k=>$v)
{ $attd[$k]['stud_id'] = $stud_id;
$attd[$k]['presence'] = $attd[$k]['p'] == 'P' ? 1 : 0;
$objs[] = new Attendance($attd[$k]);
return true;
return false;
function updateByLecId(&$response,$lec_id,array $attd)
{ $objs = array();
foreach($attd as $k=>$v)
{ $attd[$k]['lec_id'] = $lec_id;
$attd[$k]['presence'] = $attd[$k]['p'] == 'P' ? 1 : 0;
$objs[] = new Attendance($attd[$k]);
return true;
return false;
function updateAttd(&$response,array $objs)
insert into Attendance(lec_id,stud_id,presence) VALUES(1,3,0),(1,6,1),(1,2,1)
on duplicate key update presence = VALUES(presence)
{ $dbh = new MyDbCon;
return true;
}catch(Exception $e)
{ $message = $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getMessage() : $e-
$code=$e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getCode() : $e->getCode();
$err="Error Code: ".$code." <br/>Detailed Info: ".$message;
$response = array(
'code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN,
'message' => $err
return false;
function deleteLecture(&$response, $lec_id)
$arr = array(
'active' => 0
$obj = new Lectures($arr);
$dbh = new MyDbCon;
$dbh->updateThese($obj, array("lec_id" => $lec_id), array("active", "last_updated_by"));
return true;
} catch(Exception $e)
$message = $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getMessage() : $e->getMessage();
$code= $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getCode() : $e->getCode();
$err="Error Code: ".$code." <br/>Detailed Info: ".$message;
$response = array(
'code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN,
'message' => $err
return false;

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  • 1. TransponderInitialization Code: #include<LiquidCrystal.h> #include<Keypad.h> //initialize the library with the numbers of the interface pins LiquidCrystal lcd(14,15,16,17,18,19); //4x4 Matrix key pad const byte ROWS = 4; // Four rows const byte COLS = 3; // Four columns // Define the Keymap char keys[ROWS][COLS] = { {'1','2','3'}, {'4','5','6'}, {'7','8','9'}, {'*','0','#'} }; // Connect keypad ROW0, ROW1, ROW2 and ROW3 to Arduino pins. byte rowPins[ROWS] = { 5, 4, 3, 2 }; // Connect keypad COL0, COL1, COL2 and COL3 to Arduino pins. byte colPins[COLS] = { 8, 7, 6 }; // Create the Keypad Keypad kpd = Keypad( makeKeymap(keys), rowPins,colPins, ROWS, COLS ); void setup() { // set up the LCD's number of columns and rows: Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println("Begin"); lcd.begin(16, 2); // Print a message to the LCD. lcd.print("KEYPAD LCD TEST"); Serial.println("Begin 2"); } void loop() { char key=kpd.getKey(); // set the cursor to column 0, line 1 // (note: line 1 is the second row, since counting begins with 0): lcd.setCursor(0, 1); // print the number of seconds since reset: lcd.print(key); // lcd.print(millis() / 1000); // Check for a valid key if(key) { // setthe cursor to column 9, line 1 // (note: line 1 is the second row, since counting begins with 0): lcd.setCursor(9, 1); //Print the detected key lcd.print("KEY= ");
  • 2. lcd.print(key); Serial.println(key); } } ESP Module (For Band) code: #include "driver/spi_interface.h" #include "eagle_soc.h" #include "osapi.h" // Show the spi registers. #define SHOWSPIREG(i) __ShowRegValue(__func__, __LINE__); /** * @brief Print debug information. * */ void __ShowRegValue(const char * func, uint32_t line) { int i; uint32_t regAddr = 0x60000140; // SPI--0x60000240, HSPI--0x60000140; os_printf("rn FUNC[%s],line[%d]rn", func, line); os_printf(" SPI_ADDR [0x%08x]rn", READ_PERI_REG(SPI_ADDR(SpiNum_HSPI))); os_printf(" SPI_CMD [0x%08x]rn", READ_PERI_REG(SPI_CMD(SpiNum_HSPI))); os_printf(" SPI_CTRL [0x%08x]rn", READ_PERI_REG(SPI_CTRL(SpiNum_HSPI))); os_printf(" SPI_CTRL2 [0x%08x]rn", READ_PERI_REG(SPI_CTRL2(SpiNum_HSPI))); os_printf(" SPI_CLOCK [0x%08x]rn", READ_PERI_REG(SPI_CLOCK(SpiNum_HSPI))); os_printf(" SPI_RD_STATUS [0x%08x]rn", READ_PERI_REG(SPI_RD_STATUS(SpiNum_HSPI))); os_printf(" SPI_WR_STATUS [0x%08x]rn", READ_PERI_REG(SPI_WR_STATUS(SpiNum_HSPI))); os_printf(" SPI_USER [0x%08x]rn", READ_PERI_REG(SPI_USER(SpiNum_HSPI))); os_printf(" SPI_USER1 [0x%08x]rn", READ_PERI_REG(SPI_USER1(SpiNum_HSPI))); os_printf(" SPI_USER2 [0x%08x]rn", READ_PERI_REG(SPI_USER2(SpiNum_HSPI))); os_printf(" SPI_PIN [0x%08x]rn", READ_PERI_REG(SPI_PIN(SpiNum_HSPI))); os_printf(" SPI_SLAVE [0x%08x]rn", READ_PERI_REG(SPI_SLAVE(SpiNum_HSPI))); os_printf(" SPI_SLAVE1 [0x%08x]rn", READ_PERI_REG(SPI_SLAVE1(SpiNum_HSPI))); os_printf(" SPI_SLAVE2 [0x%08x]rn", READ_PERI_REG(SPI_SLAVE2(SpiNum_HSPI))); for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { os_printf(" ADDR[0x%08x],Value[0x%08x]rn", regAddr, READ_PERI_REG(regAddr)); regAddr += 4; } } // SPI interrupt callback function. void spi_slave_isr_sta(void *para)
  • 3. { uint32 regvalue; uint32 statusW, statusR, counter; if (READ_PERI_REG(0x3ff00020)&BIT4) { //following 3 lines is to clear isr signal CLEAR_PERI_REG_MASK(SPI_SLAVE(SpiNum_SPI), 0x3ff); } else if (READ_PERI_REG(0x3ff00020)&BIT7) { //bit7 is for hspi isr, regvalue = READ_PERI_REG(SPI_SLAVE(SpiNum_HSPI)); os_printf("spi_slave_isr_sta SPI_SLAVE[0x%08x]nr", regvalue); SPIIntClear(SpiNum_HSPI); SET_PERI_REG_MASK(SPI_SLAVE(SpiNum_HSPI), SPI_SYNC_RESET); SPIIntClear(SpiNum_HSPI); SPIIntEnable(SpiNum_HSPI, SpiIntSrc_WrStaDone | SpiIntSrc_RdStaDone | SpiIntSrc_WrBufDone | SpiIntSrc_RdBufDone); if (regvalue & SPI_SLV_WR_BUF_DONE) { // User can get data from the W0~W7 os_printf("spi_slave_isr_sta : SPI_SLV_WR_BUF_DONEnr"); } else if (regvalue & SPI_SLV_RD_BUF_DONE) { // TO DO os_printf("spi_slave_isr_sta : SPI_SLV_RD_BUF_DONEnr"); } if (regvalue & SPI_SLV_RD_STA_DONE) { statusR = READ_PERI_REG(SPI_RD_STATUS(SpiNum_HSPI)); statusW = READ_PERI_REG(SPI_WR_STATUS(SpiNum_HSPI)); os_printf("spi_slave_isr_sta : SPI_SLV_RD_STA_DONE[R=0x%08x,W=0x%08x]nr", statusR, statusW); } if (regvalue & SPI_SLV_WR_STA_DONE) { statusR = READ_PERI_REG(SPI_RD_STATUS(SpiNum_HSPI)); statusW = READ_PERI_REG(SPI_WR_STATUS(SpiNum_HSPI)); os_printf("spi_slave_isr_sta : SPI_SLV_WR_STA_DONE[R=0x%08x,W=0x%08x]nr", statusR, statusW); } if ((regvalue & SPI_TRANS_DONE) && ((regvalue & 0xf) == 0)) { os_printf("spi_slave_isr_sta : SPI_TRANS_DONEnr"); } SHOWSPIREG(SpiNum_HSPI); } } // Test spi master interfaces. void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR spi_master_test() { SpiAttr hSpiAttr; hSpiAttr.bitOrder = SpiBitOrder_MSBFirst; hSpiAttr.speed = SpiSpeed_10MHz;
  • 4. hSpiAttr.mode = SpiMode_Master; hSpiAttr.subMode = SpiSubMode_0; // Init HSPI GPIO WRITE_PERI_REG(PERIPHS_IO_MUX, 0x105); PIN_FUNC_SELECT(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTDI_U, 2);//configure io to spi mode PIN_FUNC_SELECT(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTCK_U, 2);//configure io to spi mode PIN_FUNC_SELECT(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTMS_U, 2);//configure io to spi mode PIN_FUNC_SELECT(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTDO_U, 2);//configure io to spi mode SPIInit(SpiNum_HSPI, &hSpiAttr); uint32_t value = 0xD3D4D5D6; uint32_t sendData[8] ={ 0 }; SpiData spiData; os_printf("rn ============= spi init master ============= rn"); // Test 8266 slave.Communication format: 1byte command + 1bytes address + x bytes Data. os_printf("rn Master send 32 bytes data to slave(8266)rn"); os_memset(sendData, 0, sizeof(sendData)); sendData[0] = 0x55565758; sendData[1] = 0x595a5b5c; sendData[2] = 0x5d5e5f60; sendData[3] = 0x61626364; sendData[4] = 0x65666768; sendData[5] = 0x696a6b6c; sendData[6] = 0x6d6e6f70; sendData[7] = 0x71727374; spiData.cmd = MASTER_WRITE_DATA_TO_SLAVE_CMD; spiData.cmdLen = 1; spiData.addr = &value; spiData.addrLen = 4; = sendData; spiData.dataLen = 32; SPIMasterSendData(SpiNum_HSPI, &spiData); os_printf("rn Master receive 24 bytes data from slave(8266)rn"); spiData.cmd = MASTER_READ_DATA_FROM_SLAVE_CMD; spiData.cmdLen = 1; spiData.addr = &value; spiData.addrLen = 4; = sendData; spiData.dataLen = 24; os_memset(sendData, 0, sizeof(sendData)); SPIMasterRecvData(SpiNum_HSPI, &spiData); os_printf(" Recv Slave data0[0x%08x]rn", sendData[0]); os_printf(" Recv Slave data1[0x%08x]rn", sendData[1]); os_printf(" Recv Slave data2[0x%08x]rn", sendData[2]); os_printf(" Recv Slave data3[0x%08x]rn", sendData[3]); os_printf(" Recv Slave data4[0x%08x]rn", sendData[4]); os_printf(" Recv Slave data5[0x%08x]rn", sendData[5]);
  • 5. value = SPIMasterRecvStatus(SpiNum_HSPI); os_printf("rn Master read slave(8266) status[0x%02x]rn", value); SPIMasterSendStatus(SpiNum_HSPI, 0x99); os_printf("rn Master write status[0x99] to slavue(8266).rn"); SHOWSPIREG(SpiNum_HSPI); // Test others slave.Communication format:0bytes command + 0 bytes address + x bytes Data #if 0 os_printf("rn Master send 4 bytes data to slavern"); os_memset(sendData, 0, sizeof(sendData)); sendData[0] = 0x2D3E4F50; spiData.cmd = MASTER_WRITE_DATA_TO_SLAVE_CMD; spiData.cmdLen = 0; spiData.addr = &addr; spiData.addrLen = 0; = sendData; spiData.dataLen = 4; SPIMasterSendData(SpiNum_HSPI, &spiData); os_printf("rn Master receive 4 bytes data from slavern"); spiData.cmd = MASTER_READ_DATA_FROM_SLAVE_CMD; spiData.cmdLen = 0; spiData.addr = &addr; spiData.addrLen = 0; = sendData; spiData.dataLen = 4; os_memset(sendData, 0, sizeof(sendData)); SPIMasterRecvData(SpiNum_HSPI, &spiData); os_printf(" Recv Slave data[0x%08x]rn", sendData[0]); #endif } // Test spi slave interfaces. void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR spi_slave_test() { // SpiAttr hSpiAttr; hSpiAttr.bitOrder = SpiBitOrder_MSBFirst; hSpiAttr.speed = 0; hSpiAttr.mode = SpiMode_Slave; hSpiAttr.subMode = SpiSubMode_0; // Init HSPI GPIO WRITE_PERI_REG(PERIPHS_IO_MUX, 0x105); PIN_FUNC_SELECT(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTDI_U, 2);//configure io to spi mode PIN_FUNC_SELECT(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTCK_U, 2);//configure io to spi mode PIN_FUNC_SELECT(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTMS_U, 2);//configure io to spi mode PIN_FUNC_SELECT(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTDO_U, 2);//configure io to spi mode
  • 6. os_printf("rn ============= spi init slave =============rn"); SPIInit(SpiNum_HSPI, &hSpiAttr); // Set spi interrupt information. SpiIntInfo spiInt; spiInt.src = (SpiIntSrc_TransDone | SpiIntSrc_WrStaDone |SpiIntSrc_RdStaDone |SpiIntSrc_WrBufDone |SpiIntSrc_RdBufDone); spiInt.isrFunc = spi_slave_isr_sta; SPIIntCfg(SpiNum_HSPI, &spiInt); // SHOWSPIREG(SpiNum_HSPI); SPISlaveRecvData(SpiNum_HSPI); uint32_t sndData[8] = { 0 }; sndData[0] = 0x35343332; sndData[1] = 0x39383736; sndData[2] = 0x3d3c3b3a; sndData[3] = 0x11103f3e; sndData[4] = 0x15141312; sndData[5] = 0x19181716; sndData[6] = 0x1d1c1b1a; sndData[7] = 0x21201f1e; SPISlaveSendData(SpiNum_HSPI, sndData, 8); WRITE_PERI_REG(SPI_RD_STATUS(SpiNum_HSPI), 0x8A); WRITE_PERI_REG(SPI_WR_STATUS(SpiNum_HSPI), 0x83); } void spi_interface_test(void) { // Test spi interfaces. os_printf("rn =======================================================rn"); os_printf("t ESP8266 %s application nr", __func__); os_printf("tt SDK version:%s nr", system_get_sdk_version()); os_printf("tt Complie time:%s nr", __TIME__); os_printf("rn =======================================================rn"); #if 0 spi_master_test(); #else spi_slave_test(); #endif } Attendance Report Generation: <?php
  • 7. /* Returns Attendance Master Details @param $response MIXED response variable contains error code or success data @param $mst_id INT attendance master id @param $faculty_id Bool true, if need to match for current logged in faculty for verification @param $now Bool true, if need to get current active academice calendars only */ use ZendDbSqlExpression; use ZendDbSqlSelect; function getMstMetaData(&$response,$mst_id,$faculty_id=true,$now=true) { if(!ctype_digit($mst_id)) { $response = array( 'code' => HTTP_Status::BAD_REQUEST, 'message' => 'Master ID must be digits only' ); return false; } $meta_data=array( "batchno" => null, "division" => null, "inst_name" => null, "prog_name" => null, "dept_name" => null, "semester" => null, "subject" => null ); try { $dbh=new MyDbCon; $dbh->select("Attendance_Master"); $dbh->select->where->equalTo("attd_mst_id",$mst_id); $dbh->prepare(); if($dbh->execute()) { $tmp=$dbh->fetchAssoc()[0]; $meta_data['batchno']=$tmp['batchno']; $meta_data['division']=$tmp['division']; } else { $response = array( 'code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN ); return false; } $where_funcs=array( '=' => 'equalTo', '<' => 'lessThan', '>' => 'greaterThan', '<=' => 'lessThanOrEqualTo', '>=' => 'greaterThanOrEqualTo', 'like' => 'like' ); $where=array(
  • 8. "attd_mst_id" => $mst_id ); if($now) { try { $now=(new DateTime())->format("Y-m-d"); //throw new Exception("asd"); }catch(Exception $e) { $response = array( 'code' => HTTP_Status::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR ); return false; } $where['end_date'] = "{$now}:>="; $where['start_date'] = "{$now}:<="; } if($faculty_id && !Privilege_Master::is_super($_SESSION['privilege_id'])) { $where['faculty_id'] = $_SESSION['faculty_id']; } $join_tables=array( "Academic_Calendar", "Teaches", "Syllabus" ); $join_on=array( "Academic_Calendar" => "Academic_Calendar.ac_id=Attendance_Master.ac_id", "Teaches" => "Attendance_Master.teaches_id=Teaches.teaches_id", "Syllabus" => "Teaches.syllabus_id=Syllabus.syllabus_id" ); $join_columns=array( "Academic_Calendar" => array("start_date","end_date"), "Teaches" => array(/*"teaches_id","faculty_id"*/), "Syllabus" => array(/*"syllabus_id",*/"sub_id","sub_offered_sem","o_id") ); $dbh=new MyDbCon; $dbh->select("Attendance_Master"); $dbh->select->columns(array()); // Join Tables foreach($join_tables as $val) { $cols=Select::SQL_STAR; if(isset($join_columns[$val])) $cols=$join_columns[$val]; $dbh->join($val,$join_on[$val],$cols); } // Where Clause foreach($where as $key=>$val) { $vals=explode(':',$val); $wh=$where_funcs['=']; if(!empty($vals[1]) && isset($where_funcs[$vals[1]])) $wh=$where_funcs[$vals[1]]; $dbh->select->where->$wh($key,$vals[0]);
  • 9. } $dbh->prepare(); if($dbh->execute()) { $objs=$dbh->fetchAssoc(); $meta_data['semester']=$objs[0]['sub_offered_sem']; $meta_data['start_date']=$objs[0]['start_date']; $meta_data['end_date']=$objs[0]['end_date']; $names=Offers_Master::getNames($objs[0]['o_id']); $meta_data['subject']=Sub_Master::getSubjectName($objs[0]['sub_id']); /*$meta_data['o_id']=$objs[0]['o_id']; $meta_data['sub_id']=$objs[0]['sub_id']; $meta_data['syllabus_id']=$objs[0]['syllabus_id']; $meta_data['teaches_id']=$objs[0]['teaches_id']; $meta_data['faculty_id']=$objs[0]['faculty_id'];*/ if($names) { $meta_data['inst_name']=$names['inst_name']; $meta_data['prog_name']=$names['prog_name']; $meta_data['dept_name']=$names['dept_name']; } //var_dump($meta_data); //var_dump($objs); $response=$meta_data; return true; } $response = array( 'code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN ); return false; }catch(Exception $e) { $message = $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getMessage() : $e- >getMessage(); $code=$e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getCode() : $e->getCode(); $err="Error Code: ".$code." <br/>Detailed Info: ".$message; $response = array( 'code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN, 'message' => $err ); return false; } } /* Returns Students Attendance Details given a Attendance Master Id @param $response MIXED response variable contains error code or success data @param $mst_id INT attendance master id */ function getStudentWiseAttendanceByMst(&$response,$mst_id) { try { $dbh = new MyDbCon; $statement = $dbh->call('student_presence_from_master',array($mst_id)); // Get 1st ResultSet : Division & Batchno
  • 10. $resultSet = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $students['metadata']['division'] = intval($resultSet[0]['division']); $students['metadata']['batchno'] = intval($resultSet[0]['batchno']); // Get 2nd ResultSet : Students Presence $statement->nextRowSet(); $resultSet = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $students['data']=$resultSet; $response = $students; return true; }catch(Exception $e) { $message = $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getMessage() : $e- >getMessage(); $code=$e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getCode() : $e->getCode(); $err="Error Code: ".$code." <br/>Detailed Info: ".$message; $response = array( 'code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN, 'message' => $err ); return false; } } /* Returns Lecture Details given a Attendance Master Id @param $response MIXED response variable contains error code or success data @param $mst_id INT attendance master id */ function getLectureWiseAttendanceByMst(&$response,$mst_id) { try { $dbh = new MyDbCon; $dbh->select("Lectures"); $dbh->select->columns(array('lec_id','lec_date')); $dbh->select->where->equalTo('attd_mst_id',$mst_id); $dbh->select->where->equalTo('', 1); $dbh->join('Attendance','Lectures.lec_id = Attendance.lec_id', array( 'presence' => new Expression("sum(presence)"), 'total' => new Expression("count(presence)"), 'percentage' => new Expression("ROUND(sum(presence)/count(presence)*100,2)") ),'left'); $dbh->select->group('Lectures.lec_id'); $dbh->select->order('lec_date ASC'); $dbh->prepare(); /* select Lectures.lec_id,lec_date,sum(presence) as presence,count(presence) as total,ROUND(sum(presence)/count(presence)*100,2) as percentage from Lectures left join Attendance on Attendance.lec_id=Lectures.lec_id where attd_mst_id = 9 and = 1 group by Lectures.lec_id
  • 11. order by lec_date ASC */ if($dbh->execute()) { $res=$dbh->fetchAssoc(); //var_dump($res); $response['data'] = $res; return true; } $response = array( 'code' => HTTP_Status::NOT_FOUND ); return false; }catch(Exception $e) { $message = $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getMessage() : $e- >getMessage(); $code = $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getCode() : $e->getCode(); $err = "Error Code: ".$code." <br/>Detailed Info: ".$message; $response = array( 'code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN, 'message' => $err ); return false; } } /* Returns Lecture Attendance Details given a Lecture Id @param $response MIXED response variable contains error code or success data @param $mst_id INT attendance master id */ function getStudentAttendanceByLec(&$response,$lec_id) { if(!ctype_digit($lec_id)) { $response = array( 'code' => HTTP_Status::BAD_REQUEST, 'message' => 'Lec ID must be digits only' ); return false; } /* select Attendance.stud_id,stud_rollno,stud_enrolmentno,CONCAT(stud_name,' ',stud_father_name,' ',stud_surname) as stud_name,presence from Attendance join Student_Master on Student_Master.stud_id = Attendance.stud_id where lec_id = 4 order by stud_rollno ASC */ try { $dbh = new MyDbCon; $dbh->select("Attendance"); $dbh->select->columns(array('stud_id','presence')); $dbh->select->where->equalTo('lec_id',$lec_id);
  • 12. $dbh->join('Student_Master','Student_Master.stud_id = Attendance.stud_id', array( 'stud_rollno','stud_enrolmentno', 'stud_name' => new Expression("CONCAT(stud_name,' ',IFNULL(stud_father_name,''),' ',IFNULL(stud_surname,''))") )); $dbh->select->order('stud_rollno ASC'); $dbh->prepare(); if($dbh->execute()) { $response = $dbh->fetchAssoc(); return true; } else { $response = array( 'code' => HTTP_Status::NOT_FOUND, 'message' => 'No records Found' ); return false; } }catch(Exception $e) { $message = $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getMessage() : $e- >getMessage(); $code = $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getCode() : $e->getCode(); $err = "Error Code: ".$code." <br/>Detailed Info: ".$message; $response = array( 'code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN, 'message' => $err ); return false; } } /* Returns Student Attendance Details given a Attendance_Master Id and Stud_id @param $response MIXED response variable contains error code or success data @param $mst_id INT attendance master id @param $stud_id INT stud id */ function getLectureWiseAttendanceOfStudByMst(&$response,$mst_id,$stud_id) { /* select Lectures.lec_id,lec_date,presence from Lectures left join Attendance on Attendance.lec_id=Lectures.lec_id and stud_id=65 where attd_mst_id=9 and = 1 group by Lectures.lec_id order by lec_date ASC */ if(!ctype_digit($mst_id) || !ctype_digit($stud_id)) { $response = array( 'code' => HTTP_Status::BAD_REQUEST, 'message' => 'ID must be digits only' );
  • 13. return false; } try { $dbh = new MyDbCon; $dbh->select("Lectures"); $dbh->select->columns(array('lec_id','lec_date')); $dbh->join('Attendance',new Expression("Lectures.lec_id = Attendance.lec_id and stud_id = {$stud_id}"),array('presence'),'left'); $dbh->select->where->equalTo('attd_mst_id',$mst_id); $dbh->select->where->equalTo('', 1); $dbh->select->group('Lectures.lec_id'); $dbh->select->order('lec_date ASC'); $dbh->prepare(); //echo $dbh->select->getSqlString($dbh->getAdapter()->getPlatform()); $dbh->execute(); $response = $dbh->fetchAssoc(); return true; }catch(Exception $e) { $message = $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getMessage() : $e- >getMessage(); $code = $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getCode() : $e->getCode(); $err = "Error Code: ".$code." <br/>Detailed Info: ".$message; $response = array( 'code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN, 'message' => $err ); return false; } } ?> Student Attendance Info Fetcher Module: <?php /* Returns Students Data from a particular master. @param $response MIXED response variable contains error code or success data @param $mst_id INT attendance master id @param $faculty_id Bool true, if need to match for current logged in faculty for verification @param $now Bool true, if need to get current active academic calendars only */ use ZendDbSqlSelect; function getStudentsByMst(&$response,$mst_id,$faculty_id=true,$now=true) { if(!ctype_digit($mst_id)) { $response = array( 'code' => HTTP_Status::BAD_REQUEST, 'message' => 'Master ID must be digits only' );
  • 14. return false; } $meta_data=array( "batchno" => null, "division" => null, "inst_name" => null, "prog_name" => null, "dept_name" => null, "semester" => null, "subject" => null ); try { $dbh=new MyDbCon; $dbh->select("Attendance_Master"); $dbh->select->where->equalTo("attd_mst_id",$mst_id); $dbh->prepare(); if($dbh->execute()) { $tmp=$dbh->fetchAssoc()[0]; $meta_data['batchno']=$tmp['batchno']; $meta_data['division']=$tmp['division']; } else { $response = array( 'code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN ); return false; } $where_funcs=array( '=' => 'equalTo', '<' => 'lessThan', '>' => 'greaterThan', '<=' => 'lessThanOrEqualTo', '>=' => 'greaterThanOrEqualTo', 'like' => 'like' ); $where=array( "attd_mst_id" => $mst_id, "stud_status" => "C" ); if($now) { try { $now=(new DateTime())->format("Y-m-d"); //throw new Exception("asd"); }catch(Exception $e) { $response = array( 'code' => HTTP_Status::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR ); return false; } $where['end_date'] = "{$now}:>="; $where['start_date'] = "{$now}:<="; }
  • 15. if($faculty_id && !Privilege_Master::is_super($_SESSION['privilege_id'])) { $where['faculty_id'] = $_SESSION['faculty_id']; } $join_tables=array( "Academic_Calendar", "Teaches", "Syllabus", "Student_Master" ); $join_on=array( "Academic_Calendar" => "Academic_Calendar.ac_id=Attendance_Master.ac_id", "Teaches" => "Attendance_Master.teaches_id=Teaches.teaches_id", "Syllabus" => "Teaches.syllabus_id=Syllabus.syllabus_id", "Student_Master" => "Student_Master.o_id=Syllabus.o_id AND Student_Master.stud_sem=Academic_Calendar.semester AND Student_Master.stud_div=Attendance_Master.division" ); if(!empty($meta_data['batchno'])) $join_on["Student_Master"].=" AND Student_Master.stud_batchno=Attendance_Master.batchno"; $join_columns=array( "Academic_Calendar" => array("start_date","end_date"), "Teaches" => array(), "Syllabus" => array("sub_id"), "Student_Master" => array("stud_id","stud_enrolmentno","stud_rollno","stud_name","stud_father_name","stud_surname ","stud_sem","stud_div","stud_batchno","o_id") ); $meta_keys=array("stud_sem","stud_div","stud_batchno","o_id","sub_id","start_date","end _date"); $dbh=new MyDbCon; $dbh->select("Attendance_Master"); $dbh->select->columns(array()); // Join Tables foreach($join_tables as $val) { $cols=Select::SQL_STAR; if(isset($join_columns[$val])) $cols=$join_columns[$val]; $dbh->join($val,$join_on[$val],$cols); } // Where Clause foreach($where as $key=>$val) { $vals=explode(':',$val); $wh=$where_funcs['=']; if(!empty($vals[1]) && isset($where_funcs[$vals[1]])) $wh=$where_funcs[$vals[1]]; $dbh->select->where->$wh($key,$vals[0]); } $dbh->select->order("stud_rollno ASC");
  • 16. $dbh->prepare(); if($dbh->execute()) { $objs=$dbh->fetchAssoc(); $meta_data['semester']=$objs[0]['stud_sem']; $meta_data['start_date']=$objs[0]['start_date']; $meta_data['end_date']=$objs[0]['end_date']; $names=Offers_Master::getNames($objs[0]['o_id']); $meta_data['subject']=Sub_Master::getSubjectName($objs[0]['sub_id']); if($names) { $meta_data['inst_name']=$names['inst_name']; $meta_data['prog_name']=$names['prog_name']; $meta_data['dept_name']=$names['dept_name']; } foreach($objs as $row) { foreach($meta_keys as $val) unset($row[$val]); if(!empty($row['stud_father_name'])) $row['stud_name'].=" ".$row['stud_father_name']; if(!empty($row['stud_surname'])) $row['stud_name'].=" ".$row['stud_surname']; unset($row['stud_father_name']); unset($row['stud_surname']); } //var_dump($meta_data); //var_dump($objs); $response=array( "metadata" => $meta_data, "data" => $objs ); return true; } else { $response = array( 'code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN ); return false; } }catch(Exception $e) { $message = $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getMessage() : $e- >getMessage(); $code=$e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getCode() : $e->getCode(); $err="Error Code: ".$code." <br/>Detailed Info: ".$message; $response = array( 'code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN, 'message' => $err ); return false; } } ?>
  • 17. MasterAccess List: <?php /* Returns Masters List from a given Faculty ID. @param $response MIXED response variable contains error code or success data @param $fac_id INT attendance master id @param $now Bool true, if need to get current active academic calendars only */ use ZendDbSqlSelect; function getMstByFaculty(&$response,$fac_id,$now=true) { if(!ctype_digit($fac_id) && !Privilege_Master::is_super($_SESSION['privilege_id'])) { $response = array( 'code' => HTTP_Status::BAD_REQUEST, 'message' => 'Faculty ID must be digits only' ); return false; } try { $where_funcs=array( '=' => 'equalTo', '<' => 'lessThan', '>' => 'greaterThan', '<=' => 'lessThanOrEqualTo', '>=' => 'greaterThanOrEqualTo', 'like' => 'like' ); if(!Privilege_Master::is_super($_SESSION['privilege_id'])) { $where=array( "Teaches.faculty_id" => $fac_id ); } try { $now=(new DateTime())->format("Y-m-d"); }catch(Exception $e) { $response = array( 'code' => HTTP_Status::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR ); return false; } $where['end_date'] = "{$now}:>="; $where['start_date'] = "{$now}:<="; $join_tables=array( "Academic_Calendar", "Teaches", "Syllabus", "Offers_Master", "Inst_Master", "Prog_Master", "Dept_Master", "Sub_Master",
  • 18. "Faculty_Master" ); $join_on=array( "Academic_Calendar" => "Academic_Calendar.ac_id=Attendance_Master.ac_id", "Teaches" => "Attendance_Master.teaches_id=Teaches.teaches_id", "Syllabus" => "Teaches.syllabus_id=Syllabus.syllabus_id", "Offers_Master" => "Offers_Master.o_id=Syllabus.o_id", "Inst_Master" => "Inst_Master.inst_id=Offers_Master.inst_id", "Prog_Master" => "Prog_Master.prog_id=Offers_Master.prog_id", "Dept_Master" => "Dept_Master.dept_id=Offers_Master.dept_id", "Sub_Master" => "Sub_Master.sub_id=Syllabus.sub_id", "Faculty_Master" => "Faculty_Master.faculty_id=Teaches.faculty_id" ); $join_columns=array( "Academic_Calendar" => array("start_date","end_date","semester"), "Teaches" => array("type"), "Syllabus" => array("sub_id"), "Offers_Master" => array("o_id"), "Inst_Master" => array("inst_name"), "Prog_Master" => array("prog_name"), "Dept_Master" => array("dept_name"), "Sub_Master" => array("sub_name"), "Faculty_Master" => array("faculty_name","faculty_father_name","faculty_surname") ); $dbh=new MyDbCon; $dbh->select("Attendance_Master"); $dbh->select->columns(array("attd_mst_id","batchno","division")); // Join Tables foreach($join_tables as $val) { $cols=Select::SQL_STAR; if(isset($join_columns[$val])) $cols=$join_columns[$val]; $dbh->join($val,$join_on[$val],$cols); } // Where Clause foreach($where as $key=>$val) { $vals=explode(':',$val); $wh=$where_funcs['=']; if(!empty($vals[1]) && isset($where_funcs[$vals[1]])) $wh=$where_funcs[$vals[1]]; $dbh->select->where->$wh($key,$vals[0]); } $dbh->prepare(); if($dbh->execute()) { $objs=$dbh->fetchAssoc(); foreach($objs as $row) { if(!empty($row['faculty_father_name'])) $row['faculty_name'].=" ".$row['faculty_father_name']; if(!empty($row['faculty_surname']))
  • 19. $row['faculty_name'].=" ".$row['faculty_surname']; unset($row['faculty_father_name']); unset($row['faculty_surname']); } $response = $objs; return true; } else { $response = array( 'code' => HTTP_Status::NOT_FOUND ); return false; } }catch(Exception $e) { $message = $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getMessage() : $e- >getMessage(); $code=$e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getCode() : $e->getCode(); $err="Error Code: ".$code." <br/>Detailed Info: ".$message; $response = array( 'code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN, 'message' => $err ); return false; } } ?> Update Attendance Info Module: <?php use ZendDbSqlSelect; use ZendDbSqlExpression; require_once "../getStudents/getStudents.lib.php"; function authMst(&$response,$mst_id,$faculty_id) { /* select count(*) as cnt from Attendance_Master join Teaches on Attendance_Master.attd_mst_id = 9 and Attendance_Master.teaches_id = Teaches.teaches_id and Teaches.faculty_id = 5 */ if(Privilege_Master::is_super($_SESSION['privilege_id'])) { return true; } else if(!ctype_digit($mst_id) || !ctype_digit($faculty_id)) { $response = array( 'code' => HTTP_Status::BAD_REQUEST, 'message' => 'ID must be digits only' ); return false; }
  • 20. try { $dbh = new MyDbCon; $dbh->select("Attendance_Master"); $dbh->select->columns(array("cnt" => new Expression("count(*)"))); $dbh->join("Teaches",new Expression("Attendance_Master.attd_mst_id = {$mst_id} and Attendance_Master.teaches_id = Teaches.teaches_id and Teaches.faculty_id = {$faculty_id}"),array()); $dbh->prepare(); $dbh->execute(); $cnt = $dbh->fetchAssoc()[0]['cnt']; if(intval($cnt)===1) return true; $response = array( 'code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN, 'message' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN_MSG ); return false; }catch(Exception $e) { $message = $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getMessage() : $e- >getMessage(); $code=$e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getCode() : $e->getCode(); $err="Error Code: ".$code." <br/>Detailed Info: ".$message; $response = array( 'code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN, 'message' => $err ); return false; } } function authStud(&$response,$mst_id,array $stud_id) { $faculty_id=true; if(Privilege_Master::is_super($_SESSION['privilege_id'])) $faculty_id=false; if(!getStudentsByMst($response,$mst_id,$faculty_id)) return false; foreach($stud_id as $id) { $flag=false; foreach($response['data'] as $stud) { if(strcmp($stud['stud_id'],$id)==0) { $flag=true; break; } } if(!$flag) break; } if($flag) { $response = true; return true; }
  • 21. $response = array( 'code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN, 'message' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN_MSG ); return false; } function authLec(&$response,$mst_id,array $lec_id) { if(!ctype_digit($mst_id)) { $response = array( 'code' => HTTP_Status::BAD_REQUEST, 'message' => 'ID must be digits only' ); return false; } try { $dbh = new MyDbCon; $dbh->select("Lectures"); $dbh->select->columns(array("lec_id")); $dbh->select->where->equalTo("attd_mst_id",$mst_id); $dbh->prepare(); if($dbh->execute()) { $res = $dbh->fetchAssoc(); $ids = array(); foreach($res as $lec) $ids[]=$lec['lec_id']; $dif = array_diff($lec_id,$ids); if(empty($dif)) return true; } $response = array( 'code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN, 'message' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN_MSG ); return false; }catch(Exception $e) { $message = $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getMessage() : $e- >getMessage(); $code=$e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getCode() : $e->getCode(); $err="Error Code: ".$code." <br/>Detailed Info: ".$message; $response = array( 'code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN, 'message' => $err ); return false; } } function updateByStudId(&$response,$stud_id,array $attd) { $objs = array(); foreach($attd as $k=>$v) { $attd[$k]['stud_id'] = $stud_id;
  • 22. $attd[$k]['presence'] = $attd[$k]['p'] == 'P' ? 1 : 0; unset($attd[$k]['p']); $objs[] = new Attendance($attd[$k]); } if(updateAttd($response,$objs)) return true; return false; } function updateByLecId(&$response,$lec_id,array $attd) { $objs = array(); foreach($attd as $k=>$v) { $attd[$k]['lec_id'] = $lec_id; $attd[$k]['presence'] = $attd[$k]['p'] == 'P' ? 1 : 0; unset($attd[$k]['p']); $objs[] = new Attendance($attd[$k]); } if(updateAttd($response,$objs)) return true; return false; } function updateAttd(&$response,array $objs) { /* insert into Attendance(lec_id,stud_id,presence) VALUES(1,3,0),(1,6,1),(1,2,1) on duplicate key update presence = VALUES(presence) */ try { $dbh = new MyDbCon; $dbh->multiUpdate($objs,array("presence")); $dbh->execute(); return true; }catch(Exception $e) { $message = $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getMessage() : $e- >getMessage(); $code=$e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getCode() : $e->getCode(); $err="Error Code: ".$code." <br/>Detailed Info: ".$message; $response = array( 'code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN, 'message' => $err ); return false; } } function deleteLecture(&$response, $lec_id) { try { $arr = array( 'active' => 0 ); $obj = new Lectures($arr); $dbh = new MyDbCon;
  • 23. $dbh->updateThese($obj, array("lec_id" => $lec_id), array("active", "last_updated_by")); $dbh->prepare(); $dbh->execute(); return true; } catch(Exception $e) { $message = $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getMessage() : $e->getMessage(); $code= $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getCode() : $e->getCode(); $err="Error Code: ".$code." <br/>Detailed Info: ".$message; $response = array( 'code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN, 'message' => $err ); return false; } } ?>