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Project Management National Conference 2011                                  PMI India

  Best Practices of Managing Earned
  Value in Project Schedule

      Senthil Kumar Ramachandran PMP
      Director – Engineering
      Aricent Technologies

2|P a g e
 Application of Select Tools of Psychology for Effective Project Management
Project Management National Conference 2011                                                                                PMI India


  1  Abstract..............................................................................................................................4
  2  Structure of this paper........................................................................................................5
  3  Introduction........................................................................................................................5
  4  Leverage earned value measurement and analysis.............................................................6
  5  Challenges in analysing earned value ...............................................................................9
  6  How to use Microsoft Project to track earned value?......................................................10
     1.1.1 Resource loading and associate billing cost............................................................12
     1.1.2 Baseline plan in alignment with project schedule, efforts and costs.......................12
     1.1.3 Update progress of tasks, actual start and actual finish dates.................................12
     1.1.4 Revision of baselines...............................................................................................12
  7 Conclusion........................................................................................................................15
  8 References........................................................................................................................15
  9 Author’s Profile................................................................................................................16

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Project Management National Conference 2011                                             PMI India

                 1     Abstract

                 In IT industry till recent times, the organization process guidelines encourage
                 individual project managers to frequently perform measurement and analysis of
                 efforts/schedule variance and defect rate against the total volume of the delivery.
                 But the individual project cost against revenues is not consistently analysed even
                 though the revenue verses cost performance analysis performed at the program
                 level (for group of projects) by key stakeholders above project managers. But the
                 well-proven earned value management technique should be practiced at projects
                 level, if required, at sub-project or task level. Definitely it would enable the project
                 manager to take adequate proactive steps for project success.

                 Though the project managers appreciate the real value of earned value
                 management theory, most of them think that performing earned value
                 measurement and analysis is time consuming and hard. Our experience is that
                 the effective use of available tools like Microsoft Project would help project
                 managers to measure earned value parameters easily with least effort.

                 This paper begins with the discussion of how the critical earned value
                 parameters could be leveraged to take timely corrective action. Subsequently,
                 illustrates the steps involved in preparing and maintaining the project schedule
                 using Microsoft Project (MS Project) to track the earned value parameters.

                 Key benefits of managing the earned value in project schedule are:

                 •   Near zero effort to manage the earned value results

                 •   Ability to measure earned value at the individual project work package or
                     sub-project level

                 •   Integrated view of project cost performance based on earned value and

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Project Management National Conference 2011                                           PMI India

                  2       Structure of this paper

                  Table 1 brief how the paper has been structured for the benefit of the readers.

Section Name              Purpose of the section

Introduction              Simple explanation of the earned value formulas

Leverage earned value     Throughout the life cycle of a project how earned value measurements
measurement      and      could be leveraged to analyse software life cycle metrics and assessment
analysis                  the cost risk. Based on the triggers of earned value goals deviation, the
                          recommended analysis and potential corrective actions on software life
                          cycle metrics and cost risk assessment are discussed.

Challenges in analysing   How the project environment challenges the project team to analyse
earned value              earned value in the project execution phase?

How to Use Microsoft      The step-by-step procedures to track earned value parameters using
project (MS project) to   Microsoft project. In the live presentation session, the near life Microsoft
track earned value?       project schedules will be shown for the benefit of the audience to
                          understand the tracking earned value in MS project.

                                Table 1 : Structure of this paper

                  3       Introduction

                  The earned value parameters are critical for IT project manager to determine the
                  past, present and future cost performance at any point in time of a project. Let us
                  understand the earned value parameters from IT project management

                  Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled or Planned Value (BCWS or PV)

                  BCWS (or PV) is the planned cost to accomplish work to complete the task or set
                  of tasks to achieve the desired results. In Microsoft project (MS project) terms,
                  BCWS are the latest baseline cost up to the project status reporting date.

                  Actual Cost of Work Performed or Actual Cost (ACWP or AC)

                  ACWP (or AC) is the actual cost incurred on accomplished work on the task or
                  set of tasks to achieve the desired result. In MS project terms, ACWP are the
                  actual cost up to the project status reporting date.

                  Budgeted Cost of Work Performed or Earned Value (BCWP or EV)

5|P a g e
 Application of Select Tools of Psychology for Effective Project Management
Project Management National Conference 2011                                        PMI India

                 BCWP (or EV) is the cost originally planned on the accomplished work on the
                 tasks or set of tasks at particular point in time. In MS project terms, BCWP are
                 the earned value (cost budgeted) of the tasks or subprojects up to the project
                 status reporting date.

                 Based on the above three cost parameters, the following critical performance
                 measures are derived

                 Cost Performance Index (CPI) = BCWP/ACWP

                 Schedule Performance Index (SPI) = BCWP/BCWS

                 Estimate at completion = BAC/CPI

                 Variance at Completion = BAC - VAC

                 4 Leverage earned value measurement and

                 The periodic project status reporting guides the management and key project
                 stakeholder to obtain the past, present and future performance. At any reporting
                 period the earned value indicators – CPI, EAC and VAC should be tracked to
                 monitor the cost performance in the past, present and future. Remarkably the
                 earned value indicator should act as a trigger to analyze software delivery
                 metrics results as well as mitigation (or implementation of contingency) of cost

                 Earned value analysis triggers

                 In a typical software project, no clear relationship is drawn between software
                 delivery metrics and earned value measurements even though the project
                 management practitioner monitors software life cycle metrics and updates risk
                 management plan on a periodic basis. In fact, the corrective actions based on
                 reported metrics and risk response planning are performed independent of
                 earned value analysis.

                 As a continuous process in a software project life cycle, the earned value
                 analysis should trigger the software life cycle metrics analysis and assessment of
                 cost risks. Subsequently, metrics results should leads to corrective actions
                 whereas the assessment of project cost risks should determine the risk response

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Project Management National Conference 2011                                        PMI India

                 Figure 1 shows the pictorial representation of how measurement and analysis of
                 earned value should play the integral part of software project life cycle. It
                 represent EV measurement is a continuous process it triggers analysis of
                 software life cycle metrics as well as reassessment of cost risks to identify new
                 risks. The flow chart in the Figure 1 shows the cyclic activities triggered for
                 earned value measurement and analysis. The earned value goals mentioned in
                 the flow chart are examples.

                Figure 1 : Earned Value Analysis in a software project life cycle

                 Analysis and necessary corrective actions on software life cycle metrics

                 The IT organization guidelines might define the cost variance goals. However the
                 characteristics of the project like working model (offshore or onsite), pricing
                 agreement etc., determines the project specific earned value goals.

7|P a g e
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Project Management National Conference 2011                                                   PMI India

    Project Earned Value Goals
    CPI should not be lesser than 0.95 (CPI >= 0.95)
    EAC should not exceed 5% of the latest baseline cost or BAC (EAC <= BAC+(5% of Baseline cost)
    VAC should not be higher than 5% of the latest baseline cost or BAC (VAC <= 5% of baseline cost)

                                  Figure 2 : Project Earned value goals

                     Typically earned value measurement and analysis at any project status reporting
                     period should meet the goals as in Figure 2 : Project Earned value goals.

                     The time-phased analysis and subsequent corrective actions should have to be
                     put in place throughout the project life cycle. The recommended analysis and
                     potential corrective actions during various stages (life cycle phases) of the
                     project are highlighted in the Table 2 : Recommended analysis and potential
                     corrective actions to bring the earned value back into control.

    Life Cycle        Recommended analysis                        Potential Corrective Actions
     Phases                                             (If analysis results are below defined goals or
                                                                 affecting earned value goals)

   Requirement     Clarity of use cases and         Assess requirement priorities against ambiguities
   Analysis (RA)   unambiguous articulation

                   Co-operation of customer         Management or steering committee escalation on
                   counter-parts and end users      Idle efforts and locking of resources

   High level      Evaluate review efficiency or    Reduce fagan reviews cycle time whereas increase
   design          effectiveness                    peer review cycle time

                   Analyze requirement volatility   •    Reduction of review-to-correction lead time
                                                    •    Define implementation priorities
                                                    •    Assess cost risk

   Low level       Measure open issues and          •    Define drop dead lines to address dependencies
   design          dependencies                     •    Access scope risk

   Coding and      Measure CUT productivity         •    Resource shuffling
   Unit Testing                                     •    Increase unit testing tools usage

                   Measure code review efficiency   Increase review effectiveness and review correction
                                                    lead time

   Integration     Measure pre-delivery defect      Shorten testing cycle by increasing test execution
   and System      density                          cycle and reporting
                   Analyse Defect removal           •    Re-plan on testing location – onsite/offshore
                   efficiency                       •    Assess schedule risk

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Project Management National Conference 2011                                             PMI India

   User         Measure delivered defect        Measure reproducible and non-producible defect
   Acceptance   density                         ratios and re-plan for resource deployment proportion
                                                (onsite verses offshore)

                Measure defect rework efforts   Re-plan for re-testing and assess rework cost

   Post         Measure problem reporting and   •   Reproduce-able/non-reproduce-able defect ratios
   Acceptance   turnaround time                     and re-plan for resource deployment proportion
   Support                                      •   Reduce Idle time on closure of defects

                Table 2 : Recommended analysis and potential corrective actions

                  Assessment of project cost risk

                  As discussed earlier, the earned value indicators should trigger re-assessment of
                  risk. The Figure 3 shows the outcome of the root cause analysis performed to
                  re-assess the risk as the deviation from earned value goals has occurred in one
                  of our project during the coding and unit testing phase.

                                           Figure 3: Cost risk re-assessment

                  The root causes highlighted in pink has emerged as potential risk. It helps the
                  project manager to mitigate or implement contingency.

                  5      Challenges in analysing earned value

                  During the project planning phase the following aspects are known

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 Application of Select Tools of Psychology for Effective Project Management
Project Management National Conference 2011                                         PMI India

                 1. Effort estimates for the scope of work as per statement of work or approved
                    contracts agreements

                 2. Original project cost based on effort estimates

                 3. Work breakdown structure

                 4. Defined milestones for software life cycle phases

                 5. Planned project duration and start/end date of the project

                 Therefore, it will be easy to measure the earned value parameters during the
                 planning phase and early stages of execution phase. But tracking will be difficult
                 gradually as changes are inevitable in any project.

                 The following factors in execution make earned value analysis exercises
                 cumbersome and time consuming

                 •   Changes in team size

                 •   Revision in efforts and cost

                 •   Changes in cost recovery model due to relocation of teams

                 •   Resource cost changes due to change in job levels or revision of resource

                 •   Addition of missed or unknown tasks in later stage of the project

                 •   Deletion of redundant tasks in later stage of the project

                 •   Necessity of re-planning schedule due to cost overruns

                 •   Necessity of re-planning schedule due to change of resources

                 6 How to use Microsoft Project to track
                 earned value?

                 Above challenges will be addressed if the project manager and project lead could
                 do a good job on preparation and tracking of MS project driven schedules, cost
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Project Management National Conference 2011                                             PMI India

                 and resources deployment. In the Figure 4: Earned Value Tracking – BCWS,
                 BCWP, ACWP, CPI and EAC the live schedule shows the earned value
                 parameters – BCWS, BCWP, ACWP, CPI and EAC tracked on a periodic basis
                 (say weekly).

                     Figure 4: Earned Value Tracking – BCWS, BCWP, ACWP, CPI and EAC

                    Note to the readers: In the live presentation session, the near live MS project
                    schedules will be shown for the benefit of the audience to understand the tracking
                    earned value in MS project with the help of the steps described below.

                 Table 3 shows the steps involved in preparing and tracking the project schedule
                 using MS project to measure earned value parameters effectively

11|P a g e
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Project Management National Conference 2011                                                PMI India

  Step                         Description                         Frequency          Project Phase

   1     Sequence the work breakdowns against each life                1                  Planning
                         cycle phases

   2         1.1.1    Resource loading and associate billing           1              Pre-execution

   3         1.1.2    Baseline plan in alignment with project          1              Pre-execution
                       schedule, efforts and costs

   4     1.1.3       Update progress of tasks, actual start and      Weekly           On execution
                           actual finish dates

   5                  1.1.4    Revision of baselines              On need basis       On execution

                              Table 3: Steps to prepare and track earned value

                        Step 1: Sequence the work breakdown against each life cycle phases

                        The live MS project schedule in the Figure 5: Work Break Down and the
                        constraints shows how the work breakdowns and its relationships are tracked at
                        a granular level. Also note the constraints or dependencies are identified as
                        milestones (highlighted in pink) in order to have better control on dependencies.

                                          Figure 5: Work Break Down and the constraints

                        Step 2: Resource loading and associate billing cost

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Project Management National Conference 2011                                          PMI India

                 As the earned value indicators are cost related, the billing cost of resources
                 should be associated in the resource sheet. Refer the live MS project schedule in
                 the Figure 6 : Resource Sheet shows the resource names and assigned billing
                 cost. The navigation of View  Resource Sheet in MS project shows the
                 resource details and the cost per hour. The standard rate as well as the overtime
                 rates should be associated if any special rates are agreed with customers on
                 expert resources or hours worked beyond normal working hours.

                                 Figure 6 : Resource Sheet

                 Step 3: Baseline plan in alignment with project schedule, efforts and costs

                 The schedule should be aligned with project efforts and cost as per the agreed
                 contract or Statement of work and then it should be base lined. The live MS
                 project schedule in the Figure 7 : Baseline of schedule, efforts and cost shows
                 the baseline work (refers to the effort) whereas baseline cost refers to the project
                 cost. The EV indicator – BCWS refers to the baseline cost.

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Project Management National Conference 2011                                             PMI India

                                  Figure 7 : Baseline of schedule, efforts and cost

                 Step 4: Update progress of tasks, actual start and actual finish dates

                 The periodic and accurate updates of tasks should be performed to effectively
                 measure earned value parameter. The live MS project schedule shown in the
                 Figure 8 : Progress updates, the % complete column shows the percentage of
                 accomplished work and it proves that the earned value parameters – BCWP,
                 ACWP, CPI and EAC are current and up-to-date. As a result, it will guide the
                 project manager to take necessary course of actions based on the analysis of
                 reported software life cycle metrics and assessment of cost risks.

                                            Figure 8 : Progress updates

                 Step 5: Revision of baselines

                 The revision of baselines possibly occurs in the following situations

14|P a g e
 Application of Select Tools of Psychology for Effective Project Management
Project Management National Conference 2011                                          PMI India

                 •   Change of team members

                 •   Revision in efforts, cost and efforts due to internal or external change request

                 •   Resource cost changes according to job levels/experience

                 •   Organization initiated change in resource cost

                 But the revision of baseline is allowed for maximum of 10 times in microsoft
                 project in addition there are options to remove baselines. The live MS project
                 schedule shown in the Figure 8 has the Baseline 1 Cost column. It implies the 1st
                 time revision of the baseline has occurred. However the BCWS will reflect the
                 latest baseline1 cost.

                 7     Conclusion

                 The best practices discussed in this paper should encourage PM practitioners to
                 perform the earned value measurement and analysis throughout the project as it
                 is critical to have project cost in control. The schedule variance and SPI are
                 excluded in the discussion as earned value is more accurate and appropriate for
                 cost measurement and predication rather than schedule.

                 8     References

                 [1] Project Management Body of Knowledge

                 [2] Microsoft office project version 2003

                     [3]    Senthil   Kumar   Ramachandran,”COTS        implementation  risk
                     assessment for Communication Service Providers” presented in PML 2005,

15|P a g e
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Project Management National Conference 2011                                      PMI India

                 9     Author’s Profile

                 As a leader in execution, Senthil Kumar Ramachandran constantly look
                 forward to delivering value to customers by engaging and developing
                 global teams focused on IT solution delivery by leveraging the 19 years
                 of experience spans across technology domains in software services
                 industry. Currently, Senthil is a Director – Engineering in Aricent
                 Technologies. He is leading project delivery teams comprise of 150+
                 direct and indirect reporting globally. Prior to joining Aricent, Senthil has 6
                 years stint with Hewlett Packard. He was part of Wipro Technologies and
                 GEC Alsthom in India too. He has Bachelor of Computer Engineering
                 degree (Distinction) from Madurai Kamaraj University. He has served as
                 one of a Honorary Director to develop the profession of Project
                 Management in the PMI Bangalore Chapter for two years since August

                 Senthil’s key professional associations and contributions in recent years:

                 •   Paper titled COTS implementation risk assessment for
                     Communication Service Providers has been selected for presentation
                     in International Project Management Conference – PML 2005 held in

                 •   Published a paper on Order Management Core Processes and Pain
                     areas in Tele-management Forum, USA on August 2003

                 Previously lead HP India Center PM Forum – Project/Program
                 management forum for learning and sharing

                 •   Delivered PM Practitioners case study presentation in PMI Chapters


16|P a g e
 Application of Select Tools of Psychology for Effective Project Management

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  • 1.
  • 2. Project Management National Conference 2011 PMI India Best Practices of Managing Earned Value in Project Schedule Senthil Kumar Ramachandran PMP Director – Engineering Aricent Technologies 2|P a g e Application of Select Tools of Psychology for Effective Project Management
  • 3. Project Management National Conference 2011 PMI India Contents 1 Abstract..............................................................................................................................4 2 Structure of this paper........................................................................................................5 3 Introduction........................................................................................................................5 4 Leverage earned value measurement and analysis.............................................................6 5 Challenges in analysing earned value ...............................................................................9 6 How to use Microsoft Project to track earned value?......................................................10 1.1.1 Resource loading and associate billing cost............................................................12 1.1.2 Baseline plan in alignment with project schedule, efforts and costs.......................12 1.1.3 Update progress of tasks, actual start and actual finish dates.................................12 1.1.4 Revision of baselines...............................................................................................12 7 Conclusion........................................................................................................................15 8 References........................................................................................................................15 9 Author’s Profile................................................................................................................16 ............................................................................................................................................16 3|P a g e Application of Select Tools of Psychology for Effective Project Management
  • 4. Project Management National Conference 2011 PMI India 1 Abstract In IT industry till recent times, the organization process guidelines encourage individual project managers to frequently perform measurement and analysis of efforts/schedule variance and defect rate against the total volume of the delivery. But the individual project cost against revenues is not consistently analysed even though the revenue verses cost performance analysis performed at the program level (for group of projects) by key stakeholders above project managers. But the well-proven earned value management technique should be practiced at projects level, if required, at sub-project or task level. Definitely it would enable the project manager to take adequate proactive steps for project success. Though the project managers appreciate the real value of earned value management theory, most of them think that performing earned value measurement and analysis is time consuming and hard. Our experience is that the effective use of available tools like Microsoft Project would help project managers to measure earned value parameters easily with least effort. This paper begins with the discussion of how the critical earned value parameters could be leveraged to take timely corrective action. Subsequently, illustrates the steps involved in preparing and maintaining the project schedule using Microsoft Project (MS Project) to track the earned value parameters. Key benefits of managing the earned value in project schedule are: • Near zero effort to manage the earned value results • Ability to measure earned value at the individual project work package or sub-project level • Integrated view of project cost performance based on earned value and efforts 4|P a g e Application of Select Tools of Psychology for Effective Project Management
  • 5. Project Management National Conference 2011 PMI India 2 Structure of this paper Table 1 brief how the paper has been structured for the benefit of the readers. Section Name Purpose of the section Introduction Simple explanation of the earned value formulas Leverage earned value Throughout the life cycle of a project how earned value measurements measurement and could be leveraged to analyse software life cycle metrics and assessment analysis the cost risk. Based on the triggers of earned value goals deviation, the recommended analysis and potential corrective actions on software life cycle metrics and cost risk assessment are discussed. Challenges in analysing How the project environment challenges the project team to analyse earned value earned value in the project execution phase? How to Use Microsoft The step-by-step procedures to track earned value parameters using project (MS project) to Microsoft project. In the live presentation session, the near life Microsoft track earned value? project schedules will be shown for the benefit of the audience to understand the tracking earned value in MS project. Table 1 : Structure of this paper 3 Introduction The earned value parameters are critical for IT project manager to determine the past, present and future cost performance at any point in time of a project. Let us understand the earned value parameters from IT project management perspective. Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled or Planned Value (BCWS or PV) BCWS (or PV) is the planned cost to accomplish work to complete the task or set of tasks to achieve the desired results. In Microsoft project (MS project) terms, BCWS are the latest baseline cost up to the project status reporting date. Actual Cost of Work Performed or Actual Cost (ACWP or AC) ACWP (or AC) is the actual cost incurred on accomplished work on the task or set of tasks to achieve the desired result. In MS project terms, ACWP are the actual cost up to the project status reporting date. Budgeted Cost of Work Performed or Earned Value (BCWP or EV) 5|P a g e Application of Select Tools of Psychology for Effective Project Management
  • 6. Project Management National Conference 2011 PMI India BCWP (or EV) is the cost originally planned on the accomplished work on the tasks or set of tasks at particular point in time. In MS project terms, BCWP are the earned value (cost budgeted) of the tasks or subprojects up to the project status reporting date. Based on the above three cost parameters, the following critical performance measures are derived Cost Performance Index (CPI) = BCWP/ACWP Schedule Performance Index (SPI) = BCWP/BCWS Estimate at completion = BAC/CPI Variance at Completion = BAC - VAC 4 Leverage earned value measurement and analysis The periodic project status reporting guides the management and key project stakeholder to obtain the past, present and future performance. At any reporting period the earned value indicators – CPI, EAC and VAC should be tracked to monitor the cost performance in the past, present and future. Remarkably the earned value indicator should act as a trigger to analyze software delivery metrics results as well as mitigation (or implementation of contingency) of cost risk. Earned value analysis triggers In a typical software project, no clear relationship is drawn between software delivery metrics and earned value measurements even though the project management practitioner monitors software life cycle metrics and updates risk management plan on a periodic basis. In fact, the corrective actions based on reported metrics and risk response planning are performed independent of earned value analysis. As a continuous process in a software project life cycle, the earned value analysis should trigger the software life cycle metrics analysis and assessment of cost risks. Subsequently, metrics results should leads to corrective actions whereas the assessment of project cost risks should determine the risk response planning. 6|P a g e Application of Select Tools of Psychology for Effective Project Management
  • 7. Project Management National Conference 2011 PMI India Figure 1 shows the pictorial representation of how measurement and analysis of earned value should play the integral part of software project life cycle. It represent EV measurement is a continuous process it triggers analysis of software life cycle metrics as well as reassessment of cost risks to identify new risks. The flow chart in the Figure 1 shows the cyclic activities triggered for earned value measurement and analysis. The earned value goals mentioned in the flow chart are examples. Figure 1 : Earned Value Analysis in a software project life cycle Analysis and necessary corrective actions on software life cycle metrics The IT organization guidelines might define the cost variance goals. However the characteristics of the project like working model (offshore or onsite), pricing agreement etc., determines the project specific earned value goals. 7|P a g e Application of Select Tools of Psychology for Effective Project Management
  • 8. Project Management National Conference 2011 PMI India Project Earned Value Goals CPI should not be lesser than 0.95 (CPI >= 0.95) EAC should not exceed 5% of the latest baseline cost or BAC (EAC <= BAC+(5% of Baseline cost) VAC should not be higher than 5% of the latest baseline cost or BAC (VAC <= 5% of baseline cost) Figure 2 : Project Earned value goals Typically earned value measurement and analysis at any project status reporting period should meet the goals as in Figure 2 : Project Earned value goals. The time-phased analysis and subsequent corrective actions should have to be put in place throughout the project life cycle. The recommended analysis and potential corrective actions during various stages (life cycle phases) of the project are highlighted in the Table 2 : Recommended analysis and potential corrective actions to bring the earned value back into control. Life Cycle Recommended analysis Potential Corrective Actions Phases (If analysis results are below defined goals or affecting earned value goals) Requirement Clarity of use cases and Assess requirement priorities against ambiguities Analysis (RA) unambiguous articulation Co-operation of customer Management or steering committee escalation on counter-parts and end users Idle efforts and locking of resources High level Evaluate review efficiency or Reduce fagan reviews cycle time whereas increase design effectiveness peer review cycle time Analyze requirement volatility • Reduction of review-to-correction lead time • Define implementation priorities • Assess cost risk Low level Measure open issues and • Define drop dead lines to address dependencies design dependencies • Access scope risk Coding and Measure CUT productivity • Resource shuffling Unit Testing • Increase unit testing tools usage Measure code review efficiency Increase review effectiveness and review correction lead time Integration Measure pre-delivery defect Shorten testing cycle by increasing test execution and System density cycle and reporting testing Analyse Defect removal • Re-plan on testing location – onsite/offshore efficiency • Assess schedule risk 8|P a g e Application of Select Tools of Psychology for Effective Project Management
  • 9. Project Management National Conference 2011 PMI India User Measure delivered defect Measure reproducible and non-producible defect Acceptance density ratios and re-plan for resource deployment proportion (onsite verses offshore) Measure defect rework efforts Re-plan for re-testing and assess rework cost Post Measure problem reporting and • Reproduce-able/non-reproduce-able defect ratios Acceptance turnaround time and re-plan for resource deployment proportion Support • Reduce Idle time on closure of defects Table 2 : Recommended analysis and potential corrective actions Assessment of project cost risk As discussed earlier, the earned value indicators should trigger re-assessment of risk. The Figure 3 shows the outcome of the root cause analysis performed to re-assess the risk as the deviation from earned value goals has occurred in one of our project during the coding and unit testing phase. Figure 3: Cost risk re-assessment The root causes highlighted in pink has emerged as potential risk. It helps the project manager to mitigate or implement contingency. 5 Challenges in analysing earned value During the project planning phase the following aspects are known 9|P a g e Application of Select Tools of Psychology for Effective Project Management
  • 10. Project Management National Conference 2011 PMI India 1. Effort estimates for the scope of work as per statement of work or approved contracts agreements 2. Original project cost based on effort estimates 3. Work breakdown structure 4. Defined milestones for software life cycle phases 5. Planned project duration and start/end date of the project Therefore, it will be easy to measure the earned value parameters during the planning phase and early stages of execution phase. But tracking will be difficult gradually as changes are inevitable in any project. The following factors in execution make earned value analysis exercises cumbersome and time consuming • Changes in team size • Revision in efforts and cost • Changes in cost recovery model due to relocation of teams • Resource cost changes due to change in job levels or revision of resource cost • Addition of missed or unknown tasks in later stage of the project • Deletion of redundant tasks in later stage of the project • Necessity of re-planning schedule due to cost overruns • Necessity of re-planning schedule due to change of resources 6 How to use Microsoft Project to track earned value? Above challenges will be addressed if the project manager and project lead could do a good job on preparation and tracking of MS project driven schedules, cost 10|P a g e Application of Select Tools of Psychology for Effective Project Management
  • 11. Project Management National Conference 2011 PMI India and resources deployment. In the Figure 4: Earned Value Tracking – BCWS, BCWP, ACWP, CPI and EAC the live schedule shows the earned value parameters – BCWS, BCWP, ACWP, CPI and EAC tracked on a periodic basis (say weekly). Figure 4: Earned Value Tracking – BCWS, BCWP, ACWP, CPI and EAC Note to the readers: In the live presentation session, the near live MS project schedules will be shown for the benefit of the audience to understand the tracking earned value in MS project with the help of the steps described below. Table 3 shows the steps involved in preparing and tracking the project schedule using MS project to measure earned value parameters effectively 11|P a g e Application of Select Tools of Psychology for Effective Project Management
  • 12. Project Management National Conference 2011 PMI India Step Description Frequency Project Phase 1 Sequence the work breakdowns against each life 1 Planning cycle phases 2 1.1.1 Resource loading and associate billing 1 Pre-execution cost 3 1.1.2 Baseline plan in alignment with project 1 Pre-execution schedule, efforts and costs 4 1.1.3 Update progress of tasks, actual start and Weekly On execution actual finish dates 5 1.1.4 Revision of baselines On need basis On execution Table 3: Steps to prepare and track earned value Step 1: Sequence the work breakdown against each life cycle phases The live MS project schedule in the Figure 5: Work Break Down and the constraints shows how the work breakdowns and its relationships are tracked at a granular level. Also note the constraints or dependencies are identified as milestones (highlighted in pink) in order to have better control on dependencies. Figure 5: Work Break Down and the constraints Step 2: Resource loading and associate billing cost 12|P a g e Application of Select Tools of Psychology for Effective Project Management
  • 13. Project Management National Conference 2011 PMI India As the earned value indicators are cost related, the billing cost of resources should be associated in the resource sheet. Refer the live MS project schedule in the Figure 6 : Resource Sheet shows the resource names and assigned billing cost. The navigation of View  Resource Sheet in MS project shows the resource details and the cost per hour. The standard rate as well as the overtime rates should be associated if any special rates are agreed with customers on expert resources or hours worked beyond normal working hours. Figure 6 : Resource Sheet Step 3: Baseline plan in alignment with project schedule, efforts and costs The schedule should be aligned with project efforts and cost as per the agreed contract or Statement of work and then it should be base lined. The live MS project schedule in the Figure 7 : Baseline of schedule, efforts and cost shows the baseline work (refers to the effort) whereas baseline cost refers to the project cost. The EV indicator – BCWS refers to the baseline cost. 13|P a g e Application of Select Tools of Psychology for Effective Project Management
  • 14. Project Management National Conference 2011 PMI India Figure 7 : Baseline of schedule, efforts and cost Step 4: Update progress of tasks, actual start and actual finish dates The periodic and accurate updates of tasks should be performed to effectively measure earned value parameter. The live MS project schedule shown in the Figure 8 : Progress updates, the % complete column shows the percentage of accomplished work and it proves that the earned value parameters – BCWP, ACWP, CPI and EAC are current and up-to-date. As a result, it will guide the project manager to take necessary course of actions based on the analysis of reported software life cycle metrics and assessment of cost risks. Figure 8 : Progress updates Step 5: Revision of baselines The revision of baselines possibly occurs in the following situations 14|P a g e Application of Select Tools of Psychology for Effective Project Management
  • 15. Project Management National Conference 2011 PMI India • Change of team members • Revision in efforts, cost and efforts due to internal or external change request • Resource cost changes according to job levels/experience • Organization initiated change in resource cost But the revision of baseline is allowed for maximum of 10 times in microsoft project in addition there are options to remove baselines. The live MS project schedule shown in the Figure 8 has the Baseline 1 Cost column. It implies the 1st time revision of the baseline has occurred. However the BCWS will reflect the latest baseline1 cost. 7 Conclusion The best practices discussed in this paper should encourage PM practitioners to perform the earned value measurement and analysis throughout the project as it is critical to have project cost in control. The schedule variance and SPI are excluded in the discussion as earned value is more accurate and appropriate for cost measurement and predication rather than schedule. 8 References [1] Project Management Body of Knowledge [2] Microsoft office project version 2003 [3] Senthil Kumar Ramachandran,”COTS implementation risk assessment for Communication Service Providers” presented in PML 2005, Bangalore 15|P a g e Application of Select Tools of Psychology for Effective Project Management
  • 16. Project Management National Conference 2011 PMI India 9 Author’s Profile As a leader in execution, Senthil Kumar Ramachandran constantly look forward to delivering value to customers by engaging and developing global teams focused on IT solution delivery by leveraging the 19 years of experience spans across technology domains in software services industry. Currently, Senthil is a Director – Engineering in Aricent Technologies. He is leading project delivery teams comprise of 150+ direct and indirect reporting globally. Prior to joining Aricent, Senthil has 6 years stint with Hewlett Packard. He was part of Wipro Technologies and GEC Alsthom in India too. He has Bachelor of Computer Engineering degree (Distinction) from Madurai Kamaraj University. He has served as one of a Honorary Director to develop the profession of Project Management in the PMI Bangalore Chapter for two years since August 2007. Senthil’s key professional associations and contributions in recent years: • Paper titled COTS implementation risk assessment for Communication Service Providers has been selected for presentation in International Project Management Conference – PML 2005 held in Bangalore • Published a paper on Order Management Core Processes and Pain areas in Tele-management Forum, USA on August 2003 Previously lead HP India Center PM Forum – Project/Program management forum for learning and sharing • Delivered PM Practitioners case study presentation in PMI Chapters 16|P a g e Application of Select Tools of Psychology for Effective Project Management