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Graded Word List

Level 1            Level 2            Level 3                     Level 4              Level 5
Beginner           Pre-Intermediate   Intermediate                Upper Intermediate   Advanced
1.     a             a bit                 abandon                     abdomen             abbey
2.     a.m.          abroad                abbreviation                abolish             abbreviate
3.     able          accent                aboard                      abortion            abhor
4.     about         accident              absent                      absence             abnormal
5.     above         act                   absolutely                  absolute            abrupt
6.     across        action                academic                    absurd              absorb
7.     address       active                accelerate                  abuse               abstract
8.     adjective     actor                 accept                      acceleration        absurdity
9.     adult         actress               accommodation               acceptable          abusive
10.    aeroplane     add                   account                     accidentally        acceptance
11.    after         advantage             accountant                  accomplish          access
12.    afternoon     adverb                accuse                      according to        accompany
13.    again         adventure             acquaintance                accurate            accomplice
14.    against       afraid                acting                      accusation          accomplishment
15.    age           agency                activity                    ache                accustomed
16.    ago           ahead                 actual                      acid                achievement
17.    agree         aircraft              actually                    acknowledge         acknowledgement
18.    air           airline               addition                    acrobat             acne
19.    airplane      alarm clock           administration              activist            acquire
20.    airport       album                 admirable                   acupuncture         acquisition
21.    alive         alcohol               admit                       adapt               acquit
22.    all           almost                adolescent                  addict              acre
23.    alone         along                 advance                     additional          acute
24.    alphabet      already               advert                      adequate            adamant
25.    also          amount                advise                      adjust              addictive
26.    always        ancient               aerial                      admission           adjacent
27.    am            anger                 aerobics                    adoption            adjourn
28.    ambulance     ankle                 aerosol                     advertise           adjustment
29.    an            anybody               affair                      adviser             adultery
30.    and           anyhow                affect                      affection           advantageous
31.    angry         anyway                affluent                    aggressive          adventurous
32.    animal        anywhere              aged                        aisle               advertisement
33.    another       apartment             agenda                      alert               advocate
34.    answer        architect             agent                       algebra             affectionate
35.    any           argue                 agony                       alias               agile
36.    anyone        argument              agreement                   allowed             aggravate
37.    anything      army                  aid                         alteration          aggression
38.    apple         arrive                aim                         alternative         alibi
39.    April         art                   alcoholic                   ambassador          allege
40.    are           article               alien                       ambitious           allergic
41.    arm           artist                allow                       ambush              allergy
42.    around        asleep                aloud                       amputate            alleviate
43.    as            assistant             altar                       analogy             alliance
44.    Asian         astronaut             alter                       analyse             allowance
45.    ask           ate                   altitude                    analysis            alternate
46.    at            at first              amateur                     angel               ambition
47.    August        athlete               amazing                     announcement        amicable
48.    aunt          author                amuse                       anonymous           ample
49.    autumn        awake                 amusing                     anticipation        anagram
50.    away          bacon                 ancestor                    anxious             analogous
51.    baby          badly                 angle                       apparently          analytical
52.    back          bake                  anniversary                 appearance          anchor
53.    bad           bakery                announce                    appliance           anecdote
54.    bag           bald                  annoy                       application         anonymity
55.    baker         balloon               annual                      appoint             antenna
56.    ball          band                  ant                         appreciation        anthem
57.    ballet        bandage               anticipate                  approval            appalling
58.    banana        bargain               antique                     approximately       apparent
59.    bank          bartender             anxiety                     apricot             applause
60.    bar           baseball              apart from                  apron               applied
61.    barber        basket                apologise                   arise               apprehensive
62.    bath          basketball            apology                     arithmetic          appropriate
63.    bathroom      bat                   appear                      arranged            arose
64.    be            battery               appetite                    arrangement         aroused
65.    beach         battle                apply                       arrested            arson
66.    bear          bean                  appointment                 arrivals            arsonist
67.    beautiful     beard                 appreciate                  arrogant            ascend
68.    because       beat                  approach                    arrow               ashamed
69.    become        became                approve                     artistic            ashes
70.    bed           because of            approximate                 assassinate         ashore
71.    bedroom       beef                  arc                         assembly            aspect
72.    beer          been                  area                        association         assassination
73.    before        began                 arena                       assortment          assault
74.    begin         beginner              arch                        assumption          assemble
75.    behind        beginning             armed                       astonish            assembly line

                                      © Copyright 2006 Will McCulloch
Graded Word List

Level 1           Level 2            Level 3                      Level 4              Level 5
Beginner          Pre-Intermediate   Intermediate                 Upper Intermediate   Advanced
76.    believe      begun                 arrange                      attach              assert
77.    bell         being                 arrest                       attend              assertive
78.    below        belief                arrival                      attention           assess
79.    better       belly                 artificial                   attitude            assessment
80.    between      belong                as if                        attract             asset
81.    bicycle      belt                  as long as                   attraction          assign
82.    big          bench                 ash                          auction             assignment
83.    bike         beneath               ashtray                      authority           assist
84.    bikini       best                  aspirin                      autograph           assistance
85.    bird         beyond                associate                    automatically       assort
86.    birthday     bilingual             athletic                     avalanche           assorted
87.    black        bill                  athletics                    avenue              assume
88.    blonde       billion               atmosphere                   avoidable           assumed
89.    blue         birth                 atomic                       awaken              assurance
90.    boat         biscuit               attack                       aware               assure
91.    body         bit                   attempt                      axle                assured
92.    book         bite                  attractive                   axis                astonished
93.    boot         blackboard            audio                        background          atom
94.    boss         blank                 audience                     barbarian           attachment
95.    both         blanket               automatic                    bare                attendance
96.    bottle       bleed                 automobile                   barely              attentive
97.    bottom       bless you             available                    barn                attorney
98.    boy          blind                 average                      basically           audible
99.    bread        blood                 avoid                        bead                authentic
100. break          blouse                award                        beak                autumnal
101. breakfast      blowing               awful                        beam                avail
102. bridge         board                 awoke                        beforehand          awareness
103. bring          boil                  axe                          bend                awkward
104. brother        bomb                  badge                        beneficial          bachelor
105. brown          bone                  baggage                      bent                backing
106. build          bonus                 balance                      besides             backward
107. bus            book token            ban                          bid                 badger
108. business       border                banking                      biography           baffle
109. busy           bored                 bark                         bleak               bail
110. but            boring                barrier                      boiling             bailiff
111. butcher        born                  base                         boredom             banal
112. butter         bought                basement                     bounce              banish
113. buy            bowl                  basic                        bound               barefoot
114. by             box                   basis                        boundary            barge
115. café           brain                 bathe                        bow                 barrel
116. cake           brake                 bay                          breadth             bash
117. calendar       brand                 beast                        breed               bearable
118. call           brave                 beaten                       bribe               bellow
119. camera         breast                beauty                       bubble              biased
120. can            breath                bee                          buffet              bidder
121. can´t          breathe               beg                          bullet-proof        bitter
122. cannot         brief                 beggar                       bug                 blade
123. capital        bright                behave                       bureaucracy         blend
124. captain        brilliant             behaviour                    cable               blossom
125. car            broad                 beige                        cage                bold
126. card           broke                 benefit                      calorie             brag
127. carpet         brush                 beside                       cancellation        brass
128. carrot         bucket                bet                          canteen             breakthrough
129. carry          builder               billboard                    capacity            breeze
130. cat            built                 bin                          cape                bribery
131. Catholic       burglar alarm         bind                         capitalism          bronze
132. chair          burn                  birth control                cardboard           buck
133. champagne      bury                  biology                      careless            bullet
134. chat           button                bishop                       carnival            bulletin
135. cheap          buyer                 bitten                       carriage            bumper
136. cheese         cab                   blame                        carton              bunch
137. chemist        calculator            bless                        cartoon             bundle
138. chicken        came                  blew                         casualty            burden
139. child          camel                 block                        category            bureau
140. children       camp                  bloody                       cauliflower         burp
141. China          canal                 blown up                     caution             cabin
142. Chinese        cancel                blush                        cease               cabinet
143. chocolate      canoe                 boiler                       celebrity           cadet
144. Christmas      caravan               bond                         celery              calf
145. church         care                  borrow                       cell                calves
146. cigarette      career                bother                       cello               callous
147. cinema         careful               branch                       cellulite           canary
148. circus         case                  brick                        charm               candid
149. city           cash                  bring up                     charter             canine
150. class          cashier               broadcast                    chew                cannibal

                                     © Copyright 2006 Will McCulloch
Graded Word List

Level 1                Level 2            Level 3                      Level 4              Level 5
Beginner               Pre-Intermediate   Intermediate                 Upper Intermediate   Advanced
151. clean               casino                broken                       chill               cannon
152. clever              casual                browse                       choir               canopy
153. climb               catch                 bruise                       chore               canvas
154. clinic              ceiling               budget                       circulate           canvass
155. clock               cellar                burglar                      civil               canyon
156. close               cemetery              burst                        civilize            capsize
157. clothes             central               bush                         claim               capsule
158. cloud               centre                butterfly                    clamp               caption
159. coat                century               bypass                       clarify             capture
160. coffee              certain               cabbage                      clash               carbon
161. cold                certainly             calculate                    classify            caress
162. college             chairman              calculation                  clerk               cargo
163. colour              champion              calm                         clip                cart
164. come                chance                camouflage                   cloak               cartilage
165. computer            change                campaign                     clone               carve
166. concert             chapel                campus                       clue                cast
167. congratulations     chapter               cancer                       coastline           caste
168. continent           character             candle                       coffin              cater
169. continue            check                 candidate                    coincide            caterpillar
170. conversation        cheers!               candy                        collapse            cautious
171. cook                chemical              cap                          collar              cement
172. copy                chemistry             capable                      collide             censor
173. corner              chest                 carefully                    colony              chamber
174. correct             chin                  carpenter                    columnist           channel
175. cost                choose                cassette                     combination         chant
176. couch               cigar                 castle                       commentary          chap
177. country             circle                catalogue                    commitment          charged with
178. couple              citizen               catastrophe                  common              chauvinist
179. cousin              classroom             cattle                       communist           cheeky
180. cow                 cleaner               cause                        commute             chilly
181. cream               clear                 cave                         comparison          chisel
182. cry                 client                celebrate                    compensate          choke
183. cup                 climate               cereal                       compete             chop
184. cupboard            climber               ceremony                     competent           chorus
185. curtain             clothing              chain                        competitive         chuckle
186. cushion             club                  chalk                        complaint           circumstance
187. customer            coach                 challenge                    completely          civil servant
188. cycle               coast                 championship                 complex             civilization
189. dad                 cocktail              chaos                        complicated         clarification
190. daily               coin                  characteristic               compliment          classification
191. dance               colleague             charge                       comply              clause
192. dangerous           collect               charity                      comprehend          claws
193. dark                colourful             charming                     compromise          clay
194. date                comb                  chart                        compute             clench
195. daughter            comedy                chase                        conceal             climax
196. day                 comfortable           chatter                      concentration       cling
197. dead                comma                 cheat                        conclude            clinical
198. deal                commence              cheek                        condemn             clockwise
199. dear                commercial            cheerful                     conditional         closet
200. death               committee             cheque                       confess             clumsy
201. December            communicate           cherry                       confide             coalition
202. decide              companion             chief                        confirm             cobweb
203. dentist             company               childhood                    conflict            coil
204. desert              competition           chimney                      confront            coincidence
205. detective           concept               chip                         confusion           collision
206. diamond             concern               choice                       congress            colloquial
207. diary               condition             cider                        connoisseur         colonial
208. dictionary          conference            circuit                      conquer             commandment
209. did                 confident             civilian                     conscience          commission
210. didn’t              congratulate          clap                         consecutive         commodity
211. die                 connect               classic                      consent             commonly
212. diet                contact lens          classical                    considerable        compartment
213. difference          cooking               clearly                      consist             compass
214. different           cool                  cliff                        consonant           compassion
215. difficult           costume               cloakroom                    constantly          compatible
216. dinner              cottage               closely                      construct           compel
217. direction           cotton                cloth                        consult             compensation
218. dirty               could                 cloudy                       consume             competence
219. disease             couldn´t              clown                        contemporary        complacent
220. do                  count                 coal                         contented           complement
221. doctor              countryside           cocoa                        contestant          complementary
222. does                cover                 coconut                      context             complexity
223. dog                 cowboy                code                         contradiction       compliant
224. dollar              crash                 coincident                   contrary to         complication
225. door                crazy                 collection                   contribution        complimentary

                                          © Copyright 2006 Will McCulloch
Graded Word List

Level 1           Level 2            Level 3                     Level 4              Level 5
Beginner          Pre-Intermediate   Intermediate                Upper Intermediate   Advanced
226. double         create                colonel                     controversial       composition
227. down           creature              column                      convenience         comprehensive
228. download       crime                 combat                      conventional        compromising
229. downstairs     crisis                combine                     conversely          compulsive
230. dozen          cross                 comfort                     convertible         compulsory
231. draw           crown                 command                     conviction          concede
232. dream          cruise                comment                     convincing          conceited
233. dress          currency              commit                      cooperate           conceive
234. drive          current               communication               cope                concise
235. driver         customs               community                   core                concur
236. dry            cut                   compact                     corporation         condemnation
237. duck           dairy                 compare                     corrupt             confession
238. each           damage                complain                    countable           confirmation
239. ear            danger                complete                    county              confiscate
240. earring        darling               complicate                  courage             conflicting
241. early          data                  component                   course              confrontational
242. earth          daylight              compose                     court               conscientious
243. east           daytime               concentrate                 crack               conscious
244. Easter         deaf                  conclusion                  crawl               consequence
245. easy           decade                concrete                    creative            consequently
246. eat            decision              conduct                     credit              conservation
247. egg            decorate              conductor                   crew                conservative
248. eight          deep                  cone                        cricket             considerably
249. eighth         degree                confidence                  critical            considerate
250. eighteen       delicious             confuse                     crop                consistent
251. eighteenth     deliver               confusing                   crowded             conspicuous
252. eightieth      democracy             connection                  crude               conspiracy
253. eighty         demonstration         consider                    cruel               constitute
254. either         deodorant             constant                    crystal             construction
255. elbow          department            consultant                  cucumber            consul
256. electric       depressing            consumer                    cultural            consumption
257. electrical     describe              contact                     curiosity           contagious
258. elephant       deserve               contain                     curious             contemplate
259. elevator       design                content                     curve               contempt
260. eleven         desk                  contest                     cynic               contemptuous
261. eleventh       despite               continuous                  damp                contractions
262. emergency      dessert               contract                    daring              controversy
263. empty          destination           contradict                  debt                convention
264. end            develop               contrast                    deceive             cooperation
265. England        development           contribute                  deck                cooperative
266. English        devil                 control                     deed                copper
267. enjoy          diagram               convenient                  declare             cord
268. enough         dial                  convert                     defect              corruption
269. enter          dictation             convict                     defence             counterfeit
270. entrance       difference            convince                    deflate             courageous
271. entry          difficulty            cookery                     deflect             cosy
272. Europe         digital               coolly                      defrost             crab
273. European       dine                  copier                      delayed             crackdown
274. evening        direct                corn                        delete              cram
275. every          director              correction                  deliberate          crave
276. everybody      disadvantage          corridor                    delightful          craziness
277. everyone       disagree              cosmetics                   demolish            crease
278. everything     disappear             cosmopolitan                demon               creep
279. everywhere     disappointing         cotton wool                 denial              crib
280. excellent      disaster              cough                       departure           criticism
281. exercise       discover              council                     dependable          crow
282. exit           discuss               coupon                      dependent           crunch
283. expect         disease               coward                      deposit             crush
284. explain        dish                  craft                       deport              crust
285. express        disk                  crayon                      depot               cue
286. extra          dislike               creation                    depreciation        cuisine
287. eye            display               credit card                 depression          culprit
288. face           distance              criminal                    deprive             cunning
289. fact           district              crisp                       descendent          curb
290. factory        dive                  critic                      deserted            curfew
291. Fahrenheit     diver                 criticise                   desirable           curiosity
292. fall           divide                crossing                    despair             curl
293. family         divorce               crowd                       destiny             curse
294. famous         donkey                crucial                     destruction         custody
295. far            dot                   cube                        detergent           cute
296. farm           drama                 culture                     determination       cutting
297. fast           drank                 cure                        devastate           cylinder
298. fat            drawer                currently                   devote              cynical
299. father         drawing               curriculum                  diagnose            daft
300. fax            dressed               custom                      dialogue            dagger

                                     © Copyright 2006 Will McCulloch
Graded Word List

Level 1           Level 2            Level 3                      Level 4                 Level 5
Beginner          Pre-Intermediate   Intermediate                 Upper Intermediate      Advanced
301. February       drew                  dam                          diameter               dark horse
302. feel           drop                  damn                         dice                   dart
303. feet           drove                 dare                         digestion              dash
304. female         drug                  dawn                         dip                    daze
305. feminine       drunk                 death penalty                diploma                debut
306. festival       during                debate                       disability             deception
307. few            dust                  decay                        disappearance          decline
308. fiancé         duty free             decent                       disappointment         decoy
309. field          earlier               decrease                     disclose               dedicated
310. fifteen        earn                  dedicate                     discourage             deduct
311. fifteenth      ease                  deeply                       discontented           defective
312. fifty          eastern               deer                         discriminate           defensive
313. fiftieth       economic              defeat                       disgraceful            defiant
314. fight          edit                  defend                       disguise               deficient
315. figure         editor                define                       disgusting             deflection
316. file           educate               definite                     disinterested in       defy
317. film           effort                definition                   dismissal              dejected
318. final          elder                 dehydrated                   disorganised           delegate
319. finally        eldest                delay                        distinction            delicate
320. find           electricity           delighted                    distinguish            delinquent
321. fine           electronic            delivery                     distort                delirious
322. finger         embassy               demand                       ditch                  delusion
323. finish         emigrate              democratic                   diverse                demanding
324. fire           emotion               demonstrate                  documentary            dent
325. fireplace      employ                deny                         domesticate            deplore
326. firm           encourage             depart                       dominant               deportation
327. first          enemy                 depend                       donation               deprivation
328. fish           energy                depreciate                   donor                  despatch
329. fit            engaged               depress                      draft                  despicable
330. fifth          engine                depth                        drain                  destitute
331. fitness        engineer              deputy                       drift                  deterrent
332. five           enjoyable             descend                      drill                  detest
333. fix            enquiry               description                  drinkable              devastated
334. flag           entertain             desire                       drip                   deviation
335. flat           envelope              desperate                    driven                 devious
336. flight         environment           despite                      due to                 dew
337. floor          equal                 despondent                   duel                   diabolical
338. flower         equipment             destroy                      dull                   diagnosis
339. fly            error                 detach                       dungeon                dignity
340. follow         escalator             detail                       duplicate              dilemma
341. food           escape                detect                       dusk                   dilute
342. foot           essay                 determine                    duster                 diplomatic
343. football       ever                  detour                       duty                   dire
344. for            exact                 device                       dwell                  discouragement
345. forest         exam                  dictate                      dye                    discrepancy
346. forever        except                dictator                     dynamite               dishevelled
347. forget         excite                differ                       eagle                  disintegrate
348. forgive        excited               dig                          eccentric              dispute
349. fork           exciting              dim                          ecology                disqualify
350. form           exist                 dimension                    economy                dissolve
351. fortieth       expensive             dinghy                       ecstasy                distinguished
352. forty          experience            dinosaur                     editorial              distorted
353. forward        experiment            directly                     educational            disturbed
354. fountain       expert                dirt                         efficiency             diversity
355. four           export                disabled                     egotist                dizzy
356. fourteen       expression            disallow                     eject                  doctrine
357. fourteenth     factor                disappoint                   elated                 drag
358. fourth         fail                  disarm                       election               draining
359. France         failure               disastrous                   elementary             dreary
360. free           fair                  discipline                   eligible               drenched
361. freezer        false                 discovery                    eliminate              dribble
362. French         fan                   discrimination               elite                  drivel
363. Friday         fantastic             discussion                   embarrassed            drizzle
364. fridge         fantasy               dishonest                    emit                   dub
365. friend         fare                  disgrace                     emphasize              dubious
366. friendly       fashion               dismiss                      employee               dump
367. from           fault                 disposable                   employment             dune
368. front          favour                distant                      enable                 dupe
369. fruit          favourite             distribution                 enclosed               earlobe
370. full           fear                  disturb                      enforce                earnest
371. fun            feast                 divine                       engagement             ebony
372. funny          feather               division                     engrave                eclipse
373. further        feature               divorced                     enlarge                eczema
374. future         fee                   dock                         enterprise             edgy
375. game           feed                  document                     enthusiasm             eerie

                                     © Copyright 2006 Will McCulloch
Graded Word List

Level 1             Level 2            Level 3                     Level 4              Level 5
Beginner            Pre-Intermediate   Intermediate                Upper Intermediate   Advanced
376. garage           feeling               dominate                    entirely            egotistical
377. garden           fell                  donate                      entitled            elaborate
378. gas              felt                  doormat                     entrust             elapsed
379. gate             fence                 doorway                     envy                elitist
380. genius           ferry                 doubt                       equation            eloquent
381. gentleman        fetch                 doubtful                    era                 elusive
382. geography        fever                 downward                    erase               emancipated
383. get              fiction               dragon                      erode               embargo
384. get up           fierce                dramatic                    errand              embark
385. ghost            fill                  drown                       erupt               ember
386. gift             finance               drum                        establishment       emission
387. girl             fisherman             due                         estimate            emphatic
388. give             fishing               duet                        evacuate            enchanting
389. glad             flame                 dug                         evaluate            engraving
390. glass            flavour               dusty                       eventually          enhance
391. glasses          flesh                 dynamic                     everyday            enlargement
392. glove            florist               eager                       evidence            epic
393. go               flow                  earthquake                  evolve              episode
394. god              flu                   easily                      exaggerate          equivalent
395. goddess          fluent                echo                        excerpt             eraser
396. going            fluid                 ecological                  excess              erect
397. gold             focus                 economical                  exclaim             erosion
398. golf             fond                  edge                        exclude             eruption
399. good             fool                  edible                      exclusive           estuary
400. good luck        foolish               edition                     exhale              eternal
401. goodbye          forbid                education                   exhausted           eternity
402. grammar          forbidden             effect                      exhibit             ethical
403. grandfather      force                 effective                   exile               ethnic
404. grandmother      forecast              efficient                   expansion           evacuation
405. great            foreign               ego                         expenditure         evaluation
406. green            foreigner             elastic                     experimental        evident
407. grey             formal                elect                       expired             evolution
408. ground           fortunate             elegant                     expose              excessive
409. group            fortunately           element                     extend              exclamation
410. grow             fortune               else                        extravagant         exemplary
411. guest            found                 elsewhere                   extreme             execute
412. guitar           fox                   embarrass                   eyelid              execution
413. gun              frame                 embryo                      fabric              exempt
414. guy              freed                 emigration                  facility            exhilarating
415. gym              freedom               emotional                   fade                exotic
416. hair             freeze                emperor                     fag                 expel
417. half             frequent              emphasis                    fairy               expiry
418. hall             fresh                 empire                      faithful            explicit
419. hallo            friendship            employer                    falsify             exploit
420. ham              frighten              enclose                     fancy               exploitation
421. hamburger        frontier              encounter                   farther             extension
422. hand             frost                 encouragement               fatal               extensive
423. handbag          frozen                encyclopaedia               fatigue             extent
424. handkerchief     fry                   energetic                   fearless            extinguish
425. happy            fuel                  engage                      feasible            extrovert
426. hard             funeral               enjoyment                   fertile             facetious
427. hat              furniture             enormous                    feud                facing
428. hate             gain                  entertainment               fibre               fake
429. have             gallery               enthusiastic                fig                 fallout
430. he               gang                  entire                      filter              faraway
431. head             gangster              entrepreneur                flake               farce
432. headache         garbage               envious                     flask               fastidious
433. hear             gasoline              equality                    flaw                fatality
434. heart            gear                  equator                     flea                feeble
435. heavy            general               especially                  flee                feign
436. hello            generally             essential                   flirt               ferocious
437. help             generous              establish                   float               fidget
438. hen              gentle                estate                      flock               fictitious
439. her              genuine               eve                         flood               fiery
440. here             giant                 even                        flour               filthy
441. hey              giraffe               event                       foam                fiscal
442. high             global                evil                        fog                 flabby
443. highway          glue                  exactly                     foil                flammable
444. hill             goal                  examination                 following           flap
445. him              goat                  examine                     fondle              flare
446. his              golden                example                     formation           flattery
447. history          goose                 exceed                      formerly            flaunt
448. hit              government            exception                   foster              flawless
449. holiday          grade                 exchange                    foul                flick
450. home             graduate              exhibition                  fowl                flimsy

                                       © Copyright 2006 Will McCulloch
Graded Word List

Level 1              Level 2            Level 3                      Level 4               Level 5
Beginner             Pre-Intermediate   Intermediate                 Upper Intermediate    Advanced
451. homework          grand                 excitement                   fraction             flinch
452. honest            grape                 excuse                       frequency            fling
453. hope              graph                 executive                    frugal               flip
454. horse             grass                 exhaust                      fudge                flirtatious
455. hospital          grateful              existence                    fund                 flog
456. hostel            grave                 expand                       fundamental          flop
457. hot               greatly               expectation                  furthermore          fluctuate
458. hotel             greet                 expedition                   fuse                 fluff
459. hour              grocer                expense                      gadget               fluke
460. house             grown up              explanation                  gallop               flush
461. how               grow up               explode                      gambler              font
462. human             guarantee             explore                      gape                 forfeit
463. hundred           guard                 external                     garlic               fragrance
464. hundredth         guess                 extinct                      garment              frank
465. hungry            guilty                extraordinary                gauge                fraud
466. husband           gum                   extremely                    gaze                 freak
467. I                 gymnasium             eyebrow                      generalisation       frenetic
468. ice               habit                 eyelash                      generosity           frenzy
469. idea              hairdryer             fabulous                     genetic              frigid
470. if                haircut               factual                      generation gap       fume
471. ill               halt                  faculty                      germ                 funky
472. important         hammer                faint                        gesture              funnel
473. in                handful               fairly                       glamour              fury
474. inn               handsome              faith                        glacier              futile
475. inside            happen                fame                         glory                fuzzy
476. intelligent       happiness             familiar                     gorgeous             gag
477. interesting       harbour               famine                       gourmet              gambling
478. international     harm                  fanatic                      grace                gargle
479. internet          healthy               farewell                     gradually            garnish
480. into              heart attack          fascinating                  gravity              gash
481. introduce         heat                  fasten                       grenade              gasp
482. is                heaven                fate                         grieve               gel
483. island            height                fault                        grip                 genial
484. isn´t             helicopter            favourable                   groan                giggle
485. is not            hell                  fearful                      habitat              glance
486. it                helpful               feedback                     handcuffs            glare
487. its               hero                  fellow                       hangar               glimpse
488. jacket            herself               filling                      hangover             glitter
489. jackpot           hide                  financial                    hardly               gloat
490. jail              highlight             firmly                       hare                 gloomy
491. January           hijack                fist                         harmful              gloss
492. Japan             himself               fixed                        haunt                glum
493. Japanese          hire                  flash                        hay                  glutton
494. jersey            historical            flexible                     hazard               gnaw
495. Jesus             hobby                 fluently                     headline             gobble
496. jet               hold                  fold                         hectic               gossip
497. job               hole                  folk                         hedge                grasp
498. jog               honestly              follower                     heed                 gratitude
499. joke              honey                 forehead                     heel                 grim
500. July              honeymoon             formality                    heir                 grin
501. jump              hopefully             format                       herb                 grind
502. jumper            horizon               former                       herbal               grotesque
503. June              horoscope             formula                      heroic               groom
504. kangaroo          horrible              fossil                       hesitation           grovel
505. key               host                  foundation                   hibernate            growl
506. kid               hostess               fragile                      hike                 grumble
507. kilo              housewife             framework                    hint                 grumpy
508. kilogram          hovercraft            frequently                   historic             grunt
509. kilometre         hunger                friction                     honourable           guidance
510. kind              hunt                  frightened                   hook                 gulf
511. kindergarten      hurry                 frog                         hop                  gullible
512. king              hurt                  frown                        hopeless             gulp
513. kiss              icy                   frustrate                    hormones             habitual
514. kitchen           idiom                 fugitive                     horn                 hack
515. knee              idiot                 fulfill                      horror               haggle
516. knife             ignore                fully                        human rights         hail
517. knock             illegal               function                     humid                hallucinate
518. know              impossible            furious                      humiliate            hamper
519. lady              image                 furnish                      humour               harassment
520. lake              imagine               gala                         hydrogen             hardy
521. lamb              illustrate            gallon                       hymn                 harmony
522. lamp              immediately           gamble                       hyphen               harness
523. land              immigrate             gather                       hypnotise            harp
524. lane              importance            gap                          hypocrite            harsh
525. language          import                gay                          icon                 hassle

                                        © Copyright 2006 Will McCulloch
Graded Word List

Level 1          Level 2            Level 3                      Level 4               Level 5
Beginner         Pre-Intermediate   Intermediate                 Upper Intermediate    Advanced
526. large         improve               gender                       identical            haven
527. laser         inch                  gene                         identification       havoc
528. laptop        incident              generalise                   idle                 hay fever
529. last          income tax            generation                   ignorance            hazy
530. late          increase              genuinely                    illiterate           hazardous
531. later         incredible            geometry                     illness              heap
532. laugh         indeed                get rid of                   illogical            heave
533. lay           independent           gifted                       illuminate           hefty
534. lazy          individual            glamorous                    imaginary            hem
535. lead          indoor                glider                       imitation            hence
536. leaf          industry              globe                        immature             herd
537. learn         infant                glow                         immigrant            hereditary
538. least         infinite              goodness                     impatient            hermit
539. leave         informal              goods                        impolite             hibernation
540. left          information           govern                       impress              hideous
541. lecture       inhabitant            grab                         impression           hierarchy
542. leg           injury                graceful                     impulse              hiker
543. lemon         ink                   gradual                      inability            hind
544. less          inner                 graduation                   inadequate           hinder
545. lesson        innocent              grain                        incapable            hindrance
546. let           insect                grant                        incentive            hiss
547. letter        instant               graphics                     incline              hitch
548. library       instead               grease                       incomplete           hoard
549. life          instruct              greed                        inconsiderate        hoarse
550. lift          instrument            greenhouse effect            inconvenient         hoax
551. light         insurance             grid                         indecision           hobble
552. like          intensive             grief                        indication           hobo
553. line          interested            grocery                      indicator            holly
554. link          intermediate          gross                        indirectly           hoof
555. lion          internal              growth                       indulge              hoop
556. lip           interview             guide                        inequality           hover
557. liquid        introduction          guilt                        inevitable           howl
558. list          invent                gutter                       inflate              humble
559. listen        invest                handicap                     inflation            humidity
560. little        invisible             handicraft                   influential          humiliation
561. live          invite                handle                       initially            hump
562. long          irregular             handlebar                    initiative           hypocritical
563. look          issue                 handshake                    innovate             hysterical
564. lose          item                  handy                        insane               idealistic
565. lot           jam                   hang                         insistent            illusion
566. loud          jar                   happening                    inspector            imbecile
567. lounge        jazz                  hardly ever                  inspection           immortal
568. love          jealous               harvest                      inspiring            immortality
569. low           jeans                 haste                        installation         immune
570. luck          jewel                 hatred                       instinctive          impact
571. luggage       jigsaw                heal                         institution          impartial
572. lunch         join                  headquarters                 instructive          imperative
573. machine       jolly                 health                       integrate            impetus
574. magazine      journalist            heating                      intellect            implement
575. magic         journey               heavily                      intensity            imply
576. mail          juice                 helmet                       intentional          implore
577. main          jungle                helpless                     interact             impose
578. make          junior                hesitate                     intercept            impotent
579. mail          just                  hidden                       interest             impressive
580. man           keen                  hijacker                     interfere            improper
581. manager       keep                  hip                          interpretation       improvise
582. many          kettle                historian                    interrupt            impudent
583. map           keyboard              hollow                       intersection         impulsive
584. March         kick                  holy                         interval             in case
585. margarine     kill                  homeless                     intimidate           incessant
586. market        knickers              honesty                      intricate            incest
587. marmalade     label                 honour                       intrigue             incompatible
588. marry         largely               hooligan                     intriguing           incompetent
589. May           lately                hopeful                      intolerable          incorporate
590. may           latest                horizontal                   intuitive            incubator
591. maybe         laughter              horrid                       invalid              indecisive
592. me            laundry               horseshoe                    invaluable           indifferent
593. meal          lavatory              hostage                      invasion             indiscreet
594. mean          law                   hostile                      inventive            indulgent
595. meat          lawyer                household                    investigation        infamous
596. mechanic      leader                housing                      involve              inflammable
597. medicine      leather               however                      ironic               inflict
598. meet          led                   hug                          irony                innovative
599. men           legal                 huge                         irresistible         insensitive
600. menu          legend                humanity                     irritating           inspirational

                                    © Copyright 2006 Will McCulloch
Graded Word List

Level 1           Level 2             Level 3                     Level 4                 Level 5
Beginner          Pre-Intermediate    Intermediate                Upper Intermediate      Advanced
601. message        leisure                humorous                    isolation              integration
602. metal          lend                   hurricane                   javelin                intentionally
603. method         length                 hut                         jaw                    interaction
604. metre          letterbox              ideal                       jetty                  interception
605. mice           license                identify                    jockey                 interference
606. midday         lie                    identity                    joint                  interruption
607. middle         lifetime               igloo                       jot                    intervention
608. midnight       light switch           ignorant                    joyful                 intimidation
609. mile           lightning              imitate                     joystick               intolerance
610. milk           limit                  illustration                jubilant               intuition
611. million        lit                    imagination                 jug                    involvement
612. mine           living                 immediate                   junction               ironical
613. minute         load                   immigration                 junk                   irritable
614. mirror         loaf                   improvement                 jury                   ivory
615. miss           local                  include                     justice                jab
616. modern         lock                   including                   juvenile               jeer
617. moment         loft                   increasingly                kaleidoscope           jeopardise
618. Monday         logic                  independence                kennel                 jerk
619. money          lonely                 index                       kidney                 jilt
620. month          look forward to        indicate                    kit                    jinx
621. monument       loose                  individuality               kitten                 joystick
622. moon           lorry                  indoors                     knuckle                jubilant
623. most           loss                   industrial                  labour                 jumble
624. more           lost                   inedible                    lace                   junk
625. morning        lottery                infection                   lack                   justify
626. motel          lovely                 inferior                    lad                    leggy
627. mother         lower                  infinitive                  landscape              liberal
628. mountain       lucky                  influence                   lap                    lily
629. mouse          luncheon               inform                      latitude               limp
630. mouth          lung                   ingenious                   latter                 loiter
631. move           luxury                 inhale                      lawn                   lumber
632. movie          lying                  inherit                     launch                 lyrics
633. much           mad                    initial                     lease                  magpie
634. mum            make up                injection                   legislation            malice
635. museum         magician               injure                      lid                    malignant
636. mushroom       mailbox                inland                      literally              mango
637. music          major                  innocence                   literary               maniac
638. must           manage                 innovation                  litter                 manicure
639. my             manual                 input                       loan                   manifesto
640. name           marathon               inquiry                     lobby                  manipulate
641. near           mayor                  insanity                    lobster                mannerism
642. neck           maximum                insert                      locally                manoeuvre
643. need           manufacture            insist                      locate                 manure
644. neighbour      march                  inspect                     longitude              marquee
645. never          mark                   inspire                     loyalty                mass
646. new            marriage               install                     lump                   massacre
647. news           master                 instance                    lust                   massive
648. newspaper      match                  instinct                    macho                  mast
649. next           matter                 institute                   magnify                materialistic
650. nice           mattress               instruction                 maintenance            maternal
651. night          meaning                insult                      majority               matrix
652. nine           meanwhile              insure                      marble                 maze
653. ninth          measure                intellectual                marital                meadow
654. nineteen       medical                intelligence                marsh                  meek
655. nineteenth     medium                 intend                      martyr                 menace
656. ninety         meeting                intense                     mascara                menial
657. ninetieth      member                 intention                   mascot                 mentor
658. no             memo                   interest                    mat                    merciful
659. nobody         memory                 interior                    mend                   mere
660. noon           mental                 interpreter                 merchandise            merge
661. normal         messenger              intimate                    mercy                  metaphor
662. north          microphone             intolerant                  merely                 mirage
663. nose           might                  invade                      metric                 miraculous
664. not            mild                   invention                   microscope             misbehaviour
665. note           military               investigate                 midget                 mischievous
666. nothing        mind                   investment                  mime                   miscellaneous
667. noun           minister               invitation                  miner                  miser
668. November       minor                  inward                      mint                   modification
669. now            minus                  iron                        misbehave              moisture
670. nowhere        mix                    irrelevant                  mischief               molecule
671. number         model                  irritate                    misery                 momentous
672. nurse          monitor                isolate                     mist                   monogamous
673. ocean          monkey                 itinerary                   mistrust               monotonous
674. o’clock        monthly                janitor                     misunderstanding       moody
675. October        mostly                 jealousy                    moan                   mope

                                      © Copyright 2006 Will McCulloch
Graded Word List

Level 1            Level 2            Level 3                     Level 4              Level 5
Beginner           Pre-Intermediate   Intermediate                Upper Intermediate   Advanced
676. of              mother tongue         jelly                       mobility            morbid
677. off             motor                 jobless                     mock                morgue
678. office          motorway              journal                     modesty             moss
679. officer         moustache             joy                         modify              moth
680. often           movement              judge                       moist               motivational
681. okay            multiply              judgement                   momentary           motive
682. old             muscle                juggle                      monopoly            motto
683. on              musical               junk food                   monotony            mount
684. once            musician              kidnap                      moo                 mourn
685. one             myself                kingdom                     morality            mower
686. onion           mystery               kneel                       moreover            mucky
687. only            narrow                knight                      mortgage            muddle
688. onto            nation                knit                        mosquito            muddy
689. open            nationality           knob                        motivation          muggy
690. operation       native                knot                        mow                 multiplication
691. opinion         natural               knowledge                   mud                 mumble
692. opportunity     nature                laboratory                  mug                 mundane
693. opposite        nearly                ladder                      muscular            murmur
694. or              neat                  laid                        mutilated           mutilation
695. orange          necessary             landing                     mutual              mutter
696. orchestra       negative              landlord                    mysterious          mutually
697. other           neither               leadership                  nasty               myth
698. our             nephew                league                      neat                nag
699. out             nervous               leak                        necessity           nap
700. outside         niece                 lean                        nettle              napkin
701. oven            noise                 leap                        nickname            narcotics
702. over            none                  level                       noble               nasal
703. p.m.            normally              lever                       nod                 nationalism
704. page            northern              liberty                     nonsense            nausea
705. pain            notebook              lick                        nuisance            nauseous
706. paint           notice                likely                      numerous            navel
707. painting        nuclear               limb                        nutrition           needy
708. pair            nun                   limitation                  oak                 neurotic
709. palace          nut                   limited                     oar                 nip
710. paper           occupation            liquor                      obedient            nobility
711. parent          odd                   literal                     obese               nomination
712. park            offer                 literature                  obligation          nonsensical
713. parking         oil                   lively                      obvious             noose
714. part            old-fashioned         location                    obscene             normality
715. party           omelette              locker                      obscure             nosy
716. pass            oneself               lodge                       observe             novelty
717. passport        opening               log                         obsession           nudge
718. past            opera                 logical                     obstacle            numb
719. path            operate               loosen                      obstruct            nutritional
720. pay             operator              lotion                      occur               nutritious
721. peace           opponent              lover                       off-peak            oaf
722. pen             optimist              loyal                       offence             oath
723. pence           option                machinery                   oily                obedience
724. pencil          order                 magical                     olive               obesity
725. penny           ordinary              magnet                      open-toed           obituary
726. people          organize              magnificent                 oppress             objection
727. pepper          ought to              maid                        oral                objective
728. perfect         ours                  mail order                  orchard             obliged
729. perfume         ourselves             maintain                    ordeal              oblivious
730. perhaps         owe                   mainly                      ordinarily          oblong
731. person          own                   mammal                      organ               obnoxious
732. petrol          pace                  management                  orient              obscenity
733. pet             pack                  mankind                     original            observation
734. pharmacy        package               manner                      ornament            obscurity
735. phone           packet                mansion                     orphan              obsessive
736. photo           painful               manuscript                  otherwise           obsolete
737. photocopy       painter               margin                      ounce               obstinate
738. photograph      pan                   marina                      outcome             obstruction
739. piano           panic                 marine                      outdoor             obstructive
740. picture         pants                 marvellous                  outer               occurrence
741. pie             paperback             mask                        outstanding         odds
742. piece           parcel                massage                     overall             odour
743. pig             pardon                mate                        overcome            offensive
744. pilot           parliament            material                    overflow            omission
745. pink            part-time             mathematics                 overhead            opinionated
746. pint            partly                mature                      overhear            opportunist
747. pizza           partner               measurement                 overlook            opposition
748. place           passage               mechanical                  overseas            opt
749. plan            passenger             medal                       overtake            optical
750. planet          password              media                       overtime            oppression

                                      © Copyright 2006 Will McCulloch
Graded Word List

Level 1           Level 2            Level 3                     Level 4              Level 5
Beginner          Pre-Intermediate   Intermediate                Upper Intermediate   Advanced
751. plant          patient               mediocre                    overwhelm           orally
752. plate          patrol                melody                      owing to            organic
753. play           pause                 melt                        owl                 oriental
754. please         pavement              membership                  oxygen              orientation
755. plural         pea                   memorable                   ozone               originally
756. plus           peaceful              memorial                    pacify              ornamental
757. pocket         peanut                memorize                    packaging           orphanage
758. poem           pear                  mention                     paddle              orthodox
759. Poland         pedestrian            merchant                    padlock             outgoing
760. police         pensioner             merit                       painkiller          outline
761. policeman      perfectly             mess                        painless            outlook
762. pool           perform               metropolitan                pale                output
763. poor           period                mighty                      palm                outrageous
764. pop music      personal              migraine                    pant                outskirts
765. population     pessimist             mill                        paralyse            outspoken
766. port           phase                 mince                       participant         overwhelming
767. possible       photography           mineral                     particularly        ownership
768. postman        phrase                miniature                   partnership         ox
769. postcard       physical              minimal                     passionate          oyster
770. potato         physics               minimum                     pastry              pacifist
771. pound          pianist               ministry                    pat                 pact
772. present        pick                  miracle                     patch               pail
773. pretty         picnic                miserable                   patent              pane
774. price          pill                  mislead                     pathetic            pansy
775. prince         pillar                missile                     patiently           paralysis
776. princess       pillow                mission                     patriot             parallel
777. print          pipe                  mistake                     paw                 paranoid
778. prison         pirate                misunderstand               peach               parasite
779. private        pity                  mixture                     peculiar            parasol
780. probably       plain                 mobile                      pedal               parliamentary
781. problem        plane                 moderate                    peel                parlour
782. programme      plastic               modest                      peninsula           parole
783. promise        platform              monarchy                    perceive            participation
784. pub            player                monastery                   permanent           particle
785. pull           playground            monk                        permit              pastel
786. pullover       pleasant              monster                     persecute           pastime
787. pupil          plenty                mood                        persistent          pasture
788. push           plumber               murderer                    personnel           patience
789. put            poet                  mutilate                    perspire            patriotic
790. pyjamas        point                 moor                        persuasion          peak
791. quarter        polite                mop                         pervert             peck
792. queen          politician            moped                       phantom             peckish
793. question       pollution             morale                      philosophy          peek
794. quick          pony                  motion                      pier                peer
795. quiet          popular               motivate                    pinch               pensive
796. quiz           portable              mule                        pitch               perception
797. rabbit         porter                multiple                    plot                permanently
798. race           position              murder                      pluck               perch
799. radio          positive              mustard                     plug                periodic
800. rail           possibly              nail                        plum                perk
801. railway        poster                naked                       poetic              perm
802. rain           post                  nanny                       polish              permission
803. rat            pot                   national                    politeness          perspective
804. read           power                 nappy                       political           perpendicular
805. ready          practice              naturally                   poll                perpetual
806. real           practise              naughty                     pond                persecution
807. really         prefer                navy                        poppy               perspiration
808. reason         pregnant              nearby                      pork                persistence
809. red            prepare               necessarily                 poser               persuasive
810. religion       president             needle                      possession          perverted
811. remember       press                 neglect                     postpone            pest
812. repeat         priest                negotiate                   potential           pester
813. rest           Prime Minister        neighbourhood               potion              petal
814. restaurant     printer               nerve                       pottery             pew
815. rice           prisoner              nest                        pour                phenomenon
816. rich           probable              net                         poverty             philosophical
817. ride           product               network                     practitioner        photogenic
818. right          profession            neutral                     pram                picky
819. ring           professor             newly                       prayer              pinnacle
820. river          profit                nicely                      preacher            pioneer
821. road           pronunciation         nightmare                   precaution          pip
822. roof           property              noisy                       precede             pitiful
823. room           public                nominate                    precise             placid
824. rose           pumps                 notion                      predict             plague
825. round          punish                novel                       preference          plank

                                     © Copyright 2006 Will McCulloch
Graded Word List

Level 1            Level 2            Level 3                     Level 4              Level 5
Beginner           Pre-Intermediate   Intermediate                Upper Intermediate   Advanced
826. royal           pure                  nowadays                    pregnancy           plantation
827. run             purple                nude                        preparation         plastered
828. sad             purse                 numeral                     presentation        Plasticine
829. safe            put off               nursery                     preserve            plea
830. sail            put on                nylon                       presidential        plead
831. salad           puzzle                oasis                       prestige            pledge
832. sale            qualification         obey                        presume             plough
833. salt            queue                 object                      pretend             plump
834. same            quickly               obtain                      prevent             poach
835. sand            quite                 obviously                   preview             poached
836. sandal          quietly               occasion                    previous            poignant
837. sandwich        racing                occasionally                pride               poisonous
838. Saturday        racket                occupy                      primarily           popularity
839. save            rainbow               offend                      prime               porch
840. say             raincoat              official                    primitive           pore
841. scarf           raise                 omit                        principal           portray
842. school          rang                  on purpose                  principle           posh
843. sea             rate                  oppose                      priority            possessive
844. seat            rather                optimistic                  privilege           postage
845. second          ray                   optional                    proceed             potent
846. secret          razor                 organization                procession          pouch
847. secretary       reach                 origin                      production          pounce
848. see             react                 outdoors                    progressive         pragmatic
849. select          reading               outfit                      prohibited          praiseworthy
850. selfish         realise               owner                       projection          preacher
851. sell            reasonable            package holiday             prompt              precautionary
852. send            receive               pad                         prop                precedent
853. sentence        receiver              pamphlet                    properly            preferential
854. September       recent                panel                       proportion          precipitation
855. serious         reception             paperwork                   proposal            precision
856. seven           recommend             parachute                   propose             prediction
857. seventeen       record                parade                      prosecute           preference
858. seventeenth     recreation            paradise                    prosecutor          prefix
859. seventh         reduce                paragraph                   prospect            prejudice
860. seventieth      referee               parrot                      prosper             prescribe
861. seventy         refreshments          participate                 protection          prescription
862. several         refrigerator          particular                  protein             preservation
863. shall           relations             pass out                    protest             prestigous
864. shampoo         relax                 passion                     proud               presumably
865. shape           religious             passive                     provided that       presumptious
866. shark           remain                paste                       province            pretentious
867. sharp           reservation           pastime                     provoke             preventable
868. shave           remind                pattern                     poser               preventative
869. she             remove                pavilion                    powder              previously
870. sheep           rent                  pearl                       powerless           prey
871. sheet           replay                penalty                     producer            prick
872. shelf           reply                 penetrate                   profile             principally
873. ship            report                penguin                     prohibit            privacy
874. shirt           reporter              pension                     promotion           privileged
875. shoe            require               percentage                  proof               probe
876. shop            request               performer                   prosper             problematic
877. short           resident              performance                 protection          procedure
878. should          resort                persist                     proverb             prod
879. shoulder        resource              personality                 prudent             productive
880. shout           respect               personally                  psychiatry          profound
881. show            responsibility        persuade                    psychology          profitable
882. shower          result                pessimistic                 puberty             progression
883. shut            retire                photographic                puff                prohibition
884. sick            return                pile                        punctuation         prohibitive
885. side            rise                  pin                         puncture            projected
886. sign            risk                  pine                        pursuit             prolific
887. silent          rob                   piper                       puzzling            prominent
888. silly           robot                 pit                         quack               promising
889. simple          rock                  plaster                     quarantine          promotional
890. since           rocket                playful                     quay                prone
891. sing            rode                  pleasure                    quota               prop up
892. single          role                  plumbing                    quotation           propeller
893. sister          roll                  pocket money                racial              proportionally
894. sit             romantic              poetry                      radiate             proposition
895. site            rope                  pointed                     radius              prosecution
896. six             rough                 poison                      raffle              prospective
897. sixteen         route                 pole                        raft                prosperity
898. sixteenth       routine               policy                      rag                 protective
899. sixth           rubber                politics                    rally               provision
900. sixtieth        rubbish               pollute                     ramp                provocation

                                      © Copyright 2006 Will McCulloch
Ws Gradedwordlist
Ws Gradedwordlist
Ws Gradedwordlist
Ws Gradedwordlist

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Ws Gradedwordlist

  • 1. Graded Word List Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Beginner Pre-Intermediate Intermediate Upper Intermediate Advanced 1. a a bit abandon abdomen abbey 2. a.m. abroad abbreviation abolish abbreviate 3. able accent aboard abortion abhor 4. about accident absent absence abnormal 5. above act absolutely absolute abrupt 6. across action academic absurd absorb 7. address active accelerate abuse abstract 8. adjective actor accept acceleration absurdity 9. adult actress accommodation acceptable abusive 10. aeroplane add account accidentally acceptance 11. after advantage accountant accomplish access 12. afternoon adverb accuse according to accompany 13. again adventure acquaintance accurate accomplice 14. against afraid acting accusation accomplishment 15. age agency activity ache accustomed 16. ago ahead actual acid achievement 17. agree aircraft actually acknowledge acknowledgement 18. air airline addition acrobat acne 19. airplane alarm clock administration activist acquire 20. airport album admirable acupuncture acquisition 21. alive alcohol admit adapt acquit 22. all almost adolescent addict acre 23. alone along advance additional acute 24. alphabet already advert adequate adamant 25. also amount advise adjust addictive 26. always ancient aerial admission adjacent 27. am anger aerobics adoption adjourn 28. ambulance ankle aerosol advertise adjustment 29. an anybody affair adviser adultery 30. and anyhow affect affection advantageous 31. angry anyway affluent aggressive adventurous 32. animal anywhere aged aisle advertisement 33. another apartment agenda alert advocate 34. answer architect agent algebra affectionate 35. any argue agony alias agile 36. anyone argument agreement allowed aggravate 37. anything army aid alteration aggression 38. apple arrive aim alternative alibi 39. April art alcoholic ambassador allege 40. are article alien ambitious allergic 41. arm artist allow ambush allergy 42. around asleep aloud amputate alleviate 43. as assistant altar analogy alliance 44. Asian astronaut alter analyse allowance 45. ask ate altitude analysis alternate 46. at at first amateur angel ambition 47. August athlete amazing announcement amicable 48. aunt author amuse anonymous ample 49. autumn awake amusing anticipation anagram 50. away bacon ancestor anxious analogous 51. baby badly angle apparently analytical 52. back bake anniversary appearance anchor 53. bad bakery announce appliance anecdote 54. bag bald annoy application anonymity 55. baker balloon annual appoint antenna 56. ball band ant appreciation anthem 57. ballet bandage anticipate approval appalling 58. banana bargain antique approximately apparent 59. bank bartender anxiety apricot applause 60. bar baseball apart from apron applied 61. barber basket apologise arise apprehensive 62. bath basketball apology arithmetic appropriate 63. bathroom bat appear arranged arose 64. be battery appetite arrangement aroused 65. beach battle apply arrested arson 66. bear bean appointment arrivals arsonist 67. beautiful beard appreciate arrogant ascend 68. because beat approach arrow ashamed 69. become became approve artistic ashes 70. bed because of approximate assassinate ashore 71. bedroom beef arc assembly aspect 72. beer been area association assassination 73. before began arena assortment assault 74. begin beginner arch assumption assemble 75. behind beginning armed astonish assembly line © Copyright 2006 Will McCulloch
  • 2. Graded Word List Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Beginner Pre-Intermediate Intermediate Upper Intermediate Advanced 76. believe begun arrange attach assert 77. bell being arrest attend assertive 78. below belief arrival attention assess 79. better belly artificial attitude assessment 80. between belong as if attract asset 81. bicycle belt as long as attraction assign 82. big bench ash auction assignment 83. bike beneath ashtray authority assist 84. bikini best aspirin autograph assistance 85. bird beyond associate automatically assort 86. birthday bilingual athletic avalanche assorted 87. black bill athletics avenue assume 88. blonde billion atmosphere avoidable assumed 89. blue birth atomic awaken assurance 90. boat biscuit attack aware assure 91. body bit attempt axle assured 92. book bite attractive axis astonished 93. boot blackboard audio background atom 94. boss blank audience barbarian attachment 95. both blanket automatic bare attendance 96. bottle bleed automobile barely attentive 97. bottom bless you available barn attorney 98. boy blind average basically audible 99. bread blood avoid bead authentic 100. break blouse award beak autumnal 101. breakfast blowing awful beam avail 102. bridge board awoke beforehand awareness 103. bring boil axe bend awkward 104. brother bomb badge beneficial bachelor 105. brown bone baggage bent backing 106. build bonus balance besides backward 107. bus book token ban bid badger 108. business border banking biography baffle 109. busy bored bark bleak bail 110. but boring barrier boiling bailiff 111. butcher born base boredom banal 112. butter bought basement bounce banish 113. buy bowl basic bound barefoot 114. by box basis boundary barge 115. café brain bathe bow barrel 116. cake brake bay breadth bash 117. calendar brand beast breed bearable 118. call brave beaten bribe bellow 119. camera breast beauty bubble biased 120. can breath bee buffet bidder 121. can´t breathe beg bullet-proof bitter 122. cannot brief beggar bug blade 123. capital bright behave bureaucracy blend 124. captain brilliant behaviour cable blossom 125. car broad beige cage bold 126. card broke benefit calorie brag 127. carpet brush beside cancellation brass 128. carrot bucket bet canteen breakthrough 129. carry builder billboard capacity breeze 130. cat built bin cape bribery 131. Catholic burglar alarm bind capitalism bronze 132. chair burn birth control cardboard buck 133. champagne bury biology careless bullet 134. chat button bishop carnival bulletin 135. cheap buyer bitten carriage bumper 136. cheese cab blame carton bunch 137. chemist calculator bless cartoon bundle 138. chicken came blew casualty burden 139. child camel block category bureau 140. children camp bloody cauliflower burp 141. China canal blown up caution cabin 142. Chinese cancel blush cease cabinet 143. chocolate canoe boiler celebrity cadet 144. Christmas caravan bond celery calf 145. church care borrow cell calves 146. cigarette career bother cello callous 147. cinema careful branch cellulite canary 148. circus case brick charm candid 149. city cash bring up charter canine 150. class cashier broadcast chew cannibal © Copyright 2006 Will McCulloch
  • 3. Graded Word List Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Beginner Pre-Intermediate Intermediate Upper Intermediate Advanced 151. clean casino broken chill cannon 152. clever casual browse choir canopy 153. climb catch bruise chore canvas 154. clinic ceiling budget circulate canvass 155. clock cellar burglar civil canyon 156. close cemetery burst civilize capsize 157. clothes central bush claim capsule 158. cloud centre butterfly clamp caption 159. coat century bypass clarify capture 160. coffee certain cabbage clash carbon 161. cold certainly calculate classify caress 162. college chairman calculation clerk cargo 163. colour champion calm clip cart 164. come chance camouflage cloak cartilage 165. computer change campaign clone carve 166. concert chapel campus clue cast 167. congratulations chapter cancer coastline caste 168. continent character candle coffin cater 169. continue check candidate coincide caterpillar 170. conversation cheers! candy collapse cautious 171. cook chemical cap collar cement 172. copy chemistry capable collide censor 173. corner chest carefully colony chamber 174. correct chin carpenter columnist channel 175. cost choose cassette combination chant 176. couch cigar castle commentary chap 177. country circle catalogue commitment charged with 178. couple citizen catastrophe common chauvinist 179. cousin classroom cattle communist cheeky 180. cow cleaner cause commute chilly 181. cream clear cave comparison chisel 182. cry client celebrate compensate choke 183. cup climate cereal compete chop 184. cupboard climber ceremony competent chorus 185. curtain clothing chain competitive chuckle 186. cushion club chalk complaint circumstance 187. customer coach challenge completely civil servant 188. cycle coast championship complex civilization 189. dad cocktail chaos complicated clarification 190. daily coin characteristic compliment classification 191. dance colleague charge comply clause 192. dangerous collect charity comprehend claws 193. dark colourful charming compromise clay 194. date comb chart compute clench 195. daughter comedy chase conceal climax 196. day comfortable chatter concentration cling 197. dead comma cheat conclude clinical 198. deal commence cheek condemn clockwise 199. dear commercial cheerful conditional closet 200. death committee cheque confess clumsy 201. December communicate cherry confide coalition 202. decide companion chief confirm cobweb 203. dentist company childhood conflict coil 204. desert competition chimney confront coincidence 205. detective concept chip confusion collision 206. diamond concern choice congress colloquial 207. diary condition cider connoisseur colonial 208. dictionary conference circuit conquer commandment 209. did confident civilian conscience commission 210. didn’t congratulate clap consecutive commodity 211. die connect classic consent commonly 212. diet contact lens classical considerable compartment 213. difference cooking clearly consist compass 214. different cool cliff consonant compassion 215. difficult costume cloakroom constantly compatible 216. dinner cottage closely construct compel 217. direction cotton cloth consult compensation 218. dirty could cloudy consume competence 219. disease couldn´t clown contemporary complacent 220. do count coal contented complement 221. doctor countryside cocoa contestant complementary 222. does cover coconut context complexity 223. dog cowboy code contradiction compliant 224. dollar crash coincident contrary to complication 225. door crazy collection contribution complimentary © Copyright 2006 Will McCulloch
  • 4. Graded Word List Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Beginner Pre-Intermediate Intermediate Upper Intermediate Advanced 226. double create colonel controversial composition 227. down creature column convenience comprehensive 228. download crime combat conventional compromising 229. downstairs crisis combine conversely compulsive 230. dozen cross comfort convertible compulsory 231. draw crown command conviction concede 232. dream cruise comment convincing conceited 233. dress currency commit cooperate conceive 234. drive current communication cope concise 235. driver customs community core concur 236. dry cut compact corporation condemnation 237. duck dairy compare corrupt confession 238. each damage complain countable confirmation 239. ear danger complete county confiscate 240. earring darling complicate courage conflicting 241. early data component course confrontational 242. earth daylight compose court conscientious 243. east daytime concentrate crack conscious 244. Easter deaf conclusion crawl consequence 245. easy decade concrete creative consequently 246. eat decision conduct credit conservation 247. egg decorate conductor crew conservative 248. eight deep cone cricket considerably 249. eighth degree confidence critical considerate 250. eighteen delicious confuse crop consistent 251. eighteenth deliver confusing crowded conspicuous 252. eightieth democracy connection crude conspiracy 253. eighty demonstration consider cruel constitute 254. either deodorant constant crystal construction 255. elbow department consultant cucumber consul 256. electric depressing consumer cultural consumption 257. electrical describe contact curiosity contagious 258. elephant deserve contain curious contemplate 259. elevator design content curve contempt 260. eleven desk contest cynic contemptuous 261. eleventh despite continuous damp contractions 262. emergency dessert contract daring controversy 263. empty destination contradict debt convention 264. end develop contrast deceive cooperation 265. England development contribute deck cooperative 266. English devil control deed copper 267. enjoy diagram convenient declare cord 268. enough dial convert defect corruption 269. enter dictation convict defence counterfeit 270. entrance difference convince deflate courageous 271. entry difficulty cookery deflect cosy 272. Europe digital coolly defrost crab 273. European dine copier delayed crackdown 274. evening direct corn delete cram 275. every director correction deliberate crave 276. everybody disadvantage corridor delightful craziness 277. everyone disagree cosmetics demolish crease 278. everything disappear cosmopolitan demon creep 279. everywhere disappointing cotton wool denial crib 280. excellent disaster cough departure criticism 281. exercise discover council dependable crow 282. exit discuss coupon dependent crunch 283. expect disease coward deposit crush 284. explain dish craft deport crust 285. express disk crayon depot cue 286. extra dislike creation depreciation cuisine 287. eye display credit card depression culprit 288. face distance criminal deprive cunning 289. fact district crisp descendent curb 290. factory dive critic deserted curfew 291. Fahrenheit diver criticise desirable curiosity 292. fall divide crossing despair curl 293. family divorce crowd destiny curse 294. famous donkey crucial destruction custody 295. far dot cube detergent cute 296. farm drama culture determination cutting 297. fast drank cure devastate cylinder 298. fat drawer currently devote cynical 299. father drawing curriculum diagnose daft 300. fax dressed custom dialogue dagger © Copyright 2006 Will McCulloch
  • 5. Graded Word List Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Beginner Pre-Intermediate Intermediate Upper Intermediate Advanced 301. February drew dam diameter dark horse 302. feel drop damn dice dart 303. feet drove dare digestion dash 304. female drug dawn dip daze 305. feminine drunk death penalty diploma debut 306. festival during debate disability deception 307. few dust decay disappearance decline 308. fiancé duty free decent disappointment decoy 309. field earlier decrease disclose dedicated 310. fifteen earn dedicate discourage deduct 311. fifteenth ease deeply discontented defective 312. fifty eastern deer discriminate defensive 313. fiftieth economic defeat disgraceful defiant 314. fight edit defend disguise deficient 315. figure editor define disgusting deflection 316. file educate definite disinterested in defy 317. film effort definition dismissal dejected 318. final elder dehydrated disorganised delegate 319. finally eldest delay distinction delicate 320. find electricity delighted distinguish delinquent 321. fine electronic delivery distort delirious 322. finger embassy demand ditch delusion 323. finish emigrate democratic diverse demanding 324. fire emotion demonstrate documentary dent 325. fireplace employ deny domesticate deplore 326. firm encourage depart dominant deportation 327. first enemy depend donation deprivation 328. fish energy depreciate donor despatch 329. fit engaged depress draft despicable 330. fifth engine depth drain destitute 331. fitness engineer deputy drift deterrent 332. five enjoyable descend drill detest 333. fix enquiry description drinkable devastated 334. flag entertain desire drip deviation 335. flat envelope desperate driven devious 336. flight environment despite due to dew 337. floor equal despondent duel diabolical 338. flower equipment destroy dull diagnosis 339. fly error detach dungeon dignity 340. follow escalator detail duplicate dilemma 341. food escape detect dusk dilute 342. foot essay determine duster diplomatic 343. football ever detour duty dire 344. for exact device dwell discouragement 345. forest exam dictate dye discrepancy 346. forever except dictator dynamite dishevelled 347. forget excite differ eagle disintegrate 348. forgive excited dig eccentric dispute 349. fork exciting dim ecology disqualify 350. form exist dimension economy dissolve 351. fortieth expensive dinghy ecstasy distinguished 352. forty experience dinosaur editorial distorted 353. forward experiment directly educational disturbed 354. fountain expert dirt efficiency diversity 355. four export disabled egotist dizzy 356. fourteen expression disallow eject doctrine 357. fourteenth factor disappoint elated drag 358. fourth fail disarm election draining 359. France failure disastrous elementary dreary 360. free fair discipline eligible drenched 361. freezer false discovery eliminate dribble 362. French fan discrimination elite drivel 363. Friday fantastic discussion embarrassed drizzle 364. fridge fantasy dishonest emit dub 365. friend fare disgrace emphasize dubious 366. friendly fashion dismiss employee dump 367. from fault disposable employment dune 368. front favour distant enable dupe 369. fruit favourite distribution enclosed earlobe 370. full fear disturb enforce earnest 371. fun feast divine engagement ebony 372. funny feather division engrave eclipse 373. further feature divorced enlarge eczema 374. future fee dock enterprise edgy 375. game feed document enthusiasm eerie © Copyright 2006 Will McCulloch
  • 6. Graded Word List Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Beginner Pre-Intermediate Intermediate Upper Intermediate Advanced 376. garage feeling dominate entirely egotistical 377. garden fell donate entitled elaborate 378. gas felt doormat entrust elapsed 379. gate fence doorway envy elitist 380. genius ferry doubt equation eloquent 381. gentleman fetch doubtful era elusive 382. geography fever downward erase emancipated 383. get fiction dragon erode embargo 384. get up fierce dramatic errand embark 385. ghost fill drown erupt ember 386. gift finance drum establishment emission 387. girl fisherman due estimate emphatic 388. give fishing duet evacuate enchanting 389. glad flame dug evaluate engraving 390. glass flavour dusty eventually enhance 391. glasses flesh dynamic everyday enlargement 392. glove florist eager evidence epic 393. go flow earthquake evolve episode 394. god flu easily exaggerate equivalent 395. goddess fluent echo excerpt eraser 396. going fluid ecological excess erect 397. gold focus economical exclaim erosion 398. golf fond edge exclude eruption 399. good fool edible exclusive estuary 400. good luck foolish edition exhale eternal 401. goodbye forbid education exhausted eternity 402. grammar forbidden effect exhibit ethical 403. grandfather force effective exile ethnic 404. grandmother forecast efficient expansion evacuation 405. great foreign ego expenditure evaluation 406. green foreigner elastic experimental evident 407. grey formal elect expired evolution 408. ground fortunate elegant expose excessive 409. group fortunately element extend exclamation 410. grow fortune else extravagant exemplary 411. guest found elsewhere extreme execute 412. guitar fox embarrass eyelid execution 413. gun frame embryo fabric exempt 414. guy freed emigration facility exhilarating 415. gym freedom emotional fade exotic 416. hair freeze emperor fag expel 417. half frequent emphasis fairy expiry 418. hall fresh empire faithful explicit 419. hallo friendship employer falsify exploit 420. ham frighten enclose fancy exploitation 421. hamburger frontier encounter farther extension 422. hand frost encouragement fatal extensive 423. handbag frozen encyclopaedia fatigue extent 424. handkerchief fry energetic fearless extinguish 425. happy fuel engage feasible extrovert 426. hard funeral enjoyment fertile facetious 427. hat furniture enormous feud facing 428. hate gain entertainment fibre fake 429. have gallery enthusiastic fig fallout 430. he gang entire filter faraway 431. head gangster entrepreneur flake farce 432. headache garbage envious flask fastidious 433. hear gasoline equality flaw fatality 434. heart gear equator flea feeble 435. heavy general especially flee feign 436. hello generally essential flirt ferocious 437. help generous establish float fidget 438. hen gentle estate flock fictitious 439. her genuine eve flood fiery 440. here giant even flour filthy 441. hey giraffe event foam fiscal 442. high global evil fog flabby 443. highway glue exactly foil flammable 444. hill goal examination following flap 445. him goat examine fondle flare 446. his golden example formation flattery 447. history goose exceed formerly flaunt 448. hit government exception foster flawless 449. holiday grade exchange foul flick 450. home graduate exhibition fowl flimsy © Copyright 2006 Will McCulloch
  • 7. Graded Word List Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Beginner Pre-Intermediate Intermediate Upper Intermediate Advanced 451. homework grand excitement fraction flinch 452. honest grape excuse frequency fling 453. hope graph executive frugal flip 454. horse grass exhaust fudge flirtatious 455. hospital grateful existence fund flog 456. hostel grave expand fundamental flop 457. hot greatly expectation furthermore fluctuate 458. hotel greet expedition fuse fluff 459. hour grocer expense gadget fluke 460. house grown up explanation gallop flush 461. how grow up explode gambler font 462. human guarantee explore gape forfeit 463. hundred guard external garlic fragrance 464. hundredth guess extinct garment frank 465. hungry guilty extraordinary gauge fraud 466. husband gum extremely gaze freak 467. I gymnasium eyebrow generalisation frenetic 468. ice habit eyelash generosity frenzy 469. idea hairdryer fabulous genetic frigid 470. if haircut factual generation gap fume 471. ill halt faculty germ funky 472. important hammer faint gesture funnel 473. in handful fairly glamour fury 474. inn handsome faith glacier futile 475. inside happen fame glory fuzzy 476. intelligent happiness familiar gorgeous gag 477. interesting harbour famine gourmet gambling 478. international harm fanatic grace gargle 479. internet healthy farewell gradually garnish 480. into heart attack fascinating gravity gash 481. introduce heat fasten grenade gasp 482. is heaven fate grieve gel 483. island height fault grip genial 484. isn´t helicopter favourable groan giggle 485. is not hell fearful habitat glance 486. it helpful feedback handcuffs glare 487. its hero fellow hangar glimpse 488. jacket herself filling hangover glitter 489. jackpot hide financial hardly gloat 490. jail highlight firmly hare gloomy 491. January hijack fist harmful gloss 492. Japan himself fixed haunt glum 493. Japanese hire flash hay glutton 494. jersey historical flexible hazard gnaw 495. Jesus hobby fluently headline gobble 496. jet hold fold hectic gossip 497. job hole folk hedge grasp 498. jog honestly follower heed gratitude 499. joke honey forehead heel grim 500. July honeymoon formality heir grin 501. jump hopefully format herb grind 502. jumper horizon former herbal grotesque 503. June horoscope formula heroic groom 504. kangaroo horrible fossil hesitation grovel 505. key host foundation hibernate growl 506. kid hostess fragile hike grumble 507. kilo housewife framework hint grumpy 508. kilogram hovercraft frequently historic grunt 509. kilometre hunger friction honourable guidance 510. kind hunt frightened hook gulf 511. kindergarten hurry frog hop gullible 512. king hurt frown hopeless gulp 513. kiss icy frustrate hormones habitual 514. kitchen idiom fugitive horn hack 515. knee idiot fulfill horror haggle 516. knife ignore fully human rights hail 517. knock illegal function humid hallucinate 518. know impossible furious humiliate hamper 519. lady image furnish humour harassment 520. lake imagine gala hydrogen hardy 521. lamb illustrate gallon hymn harmony 522. lamp immediately gamble hyphen harness 523. land immigrate gather hypnotise harp 524. lane importance gap hypocrite harsh 525. language import gay icon hassle © Copyright 2006 Will McCulloch
  • 8. Graded Word List Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Beginner Pre-Intermediate Intermediate Upper Intermediate Advanced 526. large improve gender identical haven 527. laser inch gene identification havoc 528. laptop incident generalise idle hay fever 529. last income tax generation ignorance hazy 530. late increase genuinely illiterate hazardous 531. later incredible geometry illness heap 532. laugh indeed get rid of illogical heave 533. lay independent gifted illuminate hefty 534. lazy individual glamorous imaginary hem 535. lead indoor glider imitation hence 536. leaf industry globe immature herd 537. learn infant glow immigrant hereditary 538. least infinite goodness impatient hermit 539. leave informal goods impolite hibernation 540. left information govern impress hideous 541. lecture inhabitant grab impression hierarchy 542. leg injury graceful impulse hiker 543. lemon ink gradual inability hind 544. less inner graduation inadequate hinder 545. lesson innocent grain incapable hindrance 546. let insect grant incentive hiss 547. letter instant graphics incline hitch 548. library instead grease incomplete hoard 549. life instruct greed inconsiderate hoarse 550. lift instrument greenhouse effect inconvenient hoax 551. light insurance grid indecision hobble 552. like intensive grief indication hobo 553. line interested grocery indicator holly 554. link intermediate gross indirectly hoof 555. lion internal growth indulge hoop 556. lip interview guide inequality hover 557. liquid introduction guilt inevitable howl 558. list invent gutter inflate humble 559. listen invest handicap inflation humidity 560. little invisible handicraft influential humiliation 561. live invite handle initially hump 562. long irregular handlebar initiative hypocritical 563. look issue handshake innovate hysterical 564. lose item handy insane idealistic 565. lot jam hang insistent illusion 566. loud jar happening inspector imbecile 567. lounge jazz hardly ever inspection immortal 568. love jealous harvest inspiring immortality 569. low jeans haste installation immune 570. luck jewel hatred instinctive impact 571. luggage jigsaw heal institution impartial 572. lunch join headquarters instructive imperative 573. machine jolly health integrate impetus 574. magazine journalist heating intellect implement 575. magic journey heavily intensity imply 576. mail juice helmet intentional implore 577. main jungle helpless interact impose 578. make junior hesitate intercept impotent 579. mail just hidden interest impressive 580. man keen hijacker interfere improper 581. manager keep hip interpretation improvise 582. many kettle historian interrupt impudent 583. map keyboard hollow intersection impulsive 584. March kick holy interval in case 585. margarine kill homeless intimidate incessant 586. market knickers honesty intricate incest 587. marmalade label honour intrigue incompatible 588. marry largely hooligan intriguing incompetent 589. May lately hopeful intolerable incorporate 590. may latest horizontal intuitive incubator 591. maybe laughter horrid invalid indecisive 592. me laundry horseshoe invaluable indifferent 593. meal lavatory hostage invasion indiscreet 594. mean law hostile inventive indulgent 595. meat lawyer household investigation infamous 596. mechanic leader housing involve inflammable 597. medicine leather however ironic inflict 598. meet led hug irony innovative 599. men legal huge irresistible insensitive 600. menu legend humanity irritating inspirational © Copyright 2006 Will McCulloch
  • 9. Graded Word List Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Beginner Pre-Intermediate Intermediate Upper Intermediate Advanced 601. message leisure humorous isolation integration 602. metal lend hurricane javelin intentionally 603. method length hut jaw interaction 604. metre letterbox ideal jetty interception 605. mice license identify jockey interference 606. midday lie identity joint interruption 607. middle lifetime igloo jot intervention 608. midnight light switch ignorant joyful intimidation 609. mile lightning imitate joystick intolerance 610. milk limit illustration jubilant intuition 611. million lit imagination jug involvement 612. mine living immediate junction ironical 613. minute load immigration junk irritable 614. mirror loaf improvement jury ivory 615. miss local include justice jab 616. modern lock including juvenile jeer 617. moment loft increasingly kaleidoscope jeopardise 618. Monday logic independence kennel jerk 619. money lonely index kidney jilt 620. month look forward to indicate kit jinx 621. monument loose individuality kitten joystick 622. moon lorry indoors knuckle jubilant 623. most loss industrial labour jumble 624. more lost inedible lace junk 625. morning lottery infection lack justify 626. motel lovely inferior lad leggy 627. mother lower infinitive landscape liberal 628. mountain lucky influence lap lily 629. mouse luncheon inform latitude limp 630. mouth lung ingenious latter loiter 631. move luxury inhale lawn lumber 632. movie lying inherit launch lyrics 633. much mad initial lease magpie 634. mum make up injection legislation malice 635. museum magician injure lid malignant 636. mushroom mailbox inland literally mango 637. music major innocence literary maniac 638. must manage innovation litter manicure 639. my manual input loan manifesto 640. name marathon inquiry lobby manipulate 641. near mayor insanity lobster mannerism 642. neck maximum insert locally manoeuvre 643. need manufacture insist locate manure 644. neighbour march inspect longitude marquee 645. never mark inspire loyalty mass 646. new marriage install lump massacre 647. news master instance lust massive 648. newspaper match instinct macho mast 649. next matter institute magnify materialistic 650. nice mattress instruction maintenance maternal 651. night meaning insult majority matrix 652. nine meanwhile insure marble maze 653. ninth measure intellectual marital meadow 654. nineteen medical intelligence marsh meek 655. nineteenth medium intend martyr menace 656. ninety meeting intense mascara menial 657. ninetieth member intention mascot mentor 658. no memo interest mat merciful 659. nobody memory interior mend mere 660. noon mental interpreter merchandise merge 661. normal messenger intimate mercy metaphor 662. north microphone intolerant merely mirage 663. nose might invade metric miraculous 664. not mild invention microscope misbehaviour 665. note military investigate midget mischievous 666. nothing mind investment mime miscellaneous 667. noun minister invitation miner miser 668. November minor inward mint modification 669. now minus iron misbehave moisture 670. nowhere mix irrelevant mischief molecule 671. number model irritate misery momentous 672. nurse monitor isolate mist monogamous 673. ocean monkey itinerary mistrust monotonous 674. o’clock monthly janitor misunderstanding moody 675. October mostly jealousy moan mope © Copyright 2006 Will McCulloch
  • 10. Graded Word List Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Beginner Pre-Intermediate Intermediate Upper Intermediate Advanced 676. of mother tongue jelly mobility morbid 677. off motor jobless mock morgue 678. office motorway journal modesty moss 679. officer moustache joy modify moth 680. often movement judge moist motivational 681. okay multiply judgement momentary motive 682. old muscle juggle monopoly motto 683. on musical junk food monotony mount 684. once musician kidnap moo mourn 685. one myself kingdom morality mower 686. onion mystery kneel moreover mucky 687. only narrow knight mortgage muddle 688. onto nation knit mosquito muddy 689. open nationality knob motivation muggy 690. operation native knot mow multiplication 691. opinion natural knowledge mud mumble 692. opportunity nature laboratory mug mundane 693. opposite nearly ladder muscular murmur 694. or neat laid mutilated mutilation 695. orange necessary landing mutual mutter 696. orchestra negative landlord mysterious mutually 697. other neither leadership nasty myth 698. our nephew league neat nag 699. out nervous leak necessity nap 700. outside niece lean nettle napkin 701. oven noise leap nickname narcotics 702. over none level noble nasal 703. p.m. normally lever nod nationalism 704. page northern liberty nonsense nausea 705. pain notebook lick nuisance nauseous 706. paint notice likely numerous navel 707. painting nuclear limb nutrition needy 708. pair nun limitation oak neurotic 709. palace nut limited oar nip 710. paper occupation liquor obedient nobility 711. parent odd literal obese nomination 712. park offer literature obligation nonsensical 713. parking oil lively obvious noose 714. part old-fashioned location obscene normality 715. party omelette locker obscure nosy 716. pass oneself lodge observe novelty 717. passport opening log obsession nudge 718. past opera logical obstacle numb 719. path operate loosen obstruct nutritional 720. pay operator lotion occur nutritious 721. peace opponent lover off-peak oaf 722. pen optimist loyal offence oath 723. pence option machinery oily obedience 724. pencil order magical olive obesity 725. penny ordinary magnet open-toed obituary 726. people organize magnificent oppress objection 727. pepper ought to maid oral objective 728. perfect ours mail order orchard obliged 729. perfume ourselves maintain ordeal oblivious 730. perhaps owe mainly ordinarily oblong 731. person own mammal organ obnoxious 732. petrol pace management orient obscenity 733. pet pack mankind original observation 734. pharmacy package manner ornament obscurity 735. phone packet mansion orphan obsessive 736. photo painful manuscript otherwise obsolete 737. photocopy painter margin ounce obstinate 738. photograph pan marina outcome obstruction 739. piano panic marine outdoor obstructive 740. picture pants marvellous outer occurrence 741. pie paperback mask outstanding odds 742. piece parcel massage overall odour 743. pig pardon mate overcome offensive 744. pilot parliament material overflow omission 745. pink part-time mathematics overhead opinionated 746. pint partly mature overhear opportunist 747. pizza partner measurement overlook opposition 748. place passage mechanical overseas opt 749. plan passenger medal overtake optical 750. planet password media overtime oppression © Copyright 2006 Will McCulloch
  • 11. Graded Word List Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Beginner Pre-Intermediate Intermediate Upper Intermediate Advanced 751. plant patient mediocre overwhelm orally 752. plate patrol melody owing to organic 753. play pause melt owl oriental 754. please pavement membership oxygen orientation 755. plural pea memorable ozone originally 756. plus peaceful memorial pacify ornamental 757. pocket peanut memorize packaging orphanage 758. poem pear mention paddle orthodox 759. Poland pedestrian merchant padlock outgoing 760. police pensioner merit painkiller outline 761. policeman perfectly mess painless outlook 762. pool perform metropolitan pale output 763. poor period mighty palm outrageous 764. pop music personal migraine pant outskirts 765. population pessimist mill paralyse outspoken 766. port phase mince participant overwhelming 767. possible photography mineral particularly ownership 768. postman phrase miniature partnership ox 769. postcard physical minimal passionate oyster 770. potato physics minimum pastry pacifist 771. pound pianist ministry pat pact 772. present pick miracle patch pail 773. pretty picnic miserable patent pane 774. price pill mislead pathetic pansy 775. prince pillar missile patiently paralysis 776. princess pillow mission patriot parallel 777. print pipe mistake paw paranoid 778. prison pirate misunderstand peach parasite 779. private pity mixture peculiar parasol 780. probably plain mobile pedal parliamentary 781. problem plane moderate peel parlour 782. programme plastic modest peninsula parole 783. promise platform monarchy perceive participation 784. pub player monastery permanent particle 785. pull playground monk permit pastel 786. pullover pleasant monster persecute pastime 787. pupil plenty mood persistent pasture 788. push plumber murderer personnel patience 789. put poet mutilate perspire patriotic 790. pyjamas point moor persuasion peak 791. quarter polite mop pervert peck 792. queen politician moped phantom peckish 793. question pollution morale philosophy peek 794. quick pony motion pier peer 795. quiet popular motivate pinch pensive 796. quiz portable mule pitch perception 797. rabbit porter multiple plot permanently 798. race position murder pluck perch 799. radio positive mustard plug periodic 800. rail possibly nail plum perk 801. railway poster naked poetic perm 802. rain post nanny polish permission 803. rat pot national politeness perspective 804. read power nappy political perpendicular 805. ready practice naturally poll perpetual 806. real practise naughty pond persecution 807. really prefer navy poppy perspiration 808. reason pregnant nearby pork persistence 809. red prepare necessarily poser persuasive 810. religion president needle possession perverted 811. remember press neglect postpone pest 812. repeat priest negotiate potential pester 813. rest Prime Minister neighbourhood potion petal 814. restaurant printer nerve pottery pew 815. rice prisoner nest pour phenomenon 816. rich probable net poverty philosophical 817. ride product network practitioner photogenic 818. right profession neutral pram picky 819. ring professor newly prayer pinnacle 820. river profit nicely preacher pioneer 821. road pronunciation nightmare precaution pip 822. roof property noisy precede pitiful 823. room public nominate precise placid 824. rose pumps notion predict plague 825. round punish novel preference plank © Copyright 2006 Will McCulloch
  • 12. Graded Word List Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Beginner Pre-Intermediate Intermediate Upper Intermediate Advanced 826. royal pure nowadays pregnancy plantation 827. run purple nude preparation plastered 828. sad purse numeral presentation Plasticine 829. safe put off nursery preserve plea 830. sail put on nylon presidential plead 831. salad puzzle oasis prestige pledge 832. sale qualification obey presume plough 833. salt queue object pretend plump 834. same quickly obtain prevent poach 835. sand quite obviously preview poached 836. sandal quietly occasion previous poignant 837. sandwich racing occasionally pride poisonous 838. Saturday racket occupy primarily popularity 839. save rainbow offend prime porch 840. say raincoat official primitive pore 841. scarf raise omit principal portray 842. school rang on purpose principle posh 843. sea rate oppose priority possessive 844. seat rather optimistic privilege postage 845. second ray optional proceed potent 846. secret razor organization procession pouch 847. secretary reach origin production pounce 848. see react outdoors progressive pragmatic 849. select reading outfit prohibited praiseworthy 850. selfish realise owner projection preacher 851. sell reasonable package holiday prompt precautionary 852. send receive pad prop precedent 853. sentence receiver pamphlet properly preferential 854. September recent panel proportion precipitation 855. serious reception paperwork proposal precision 856. seven recommend parachute propose prediction 857. seventeen record parade prosecute preference 858. seventeenth recreation paradise prosecutor prefix 859. seventh reduce paragraph prospect prejudice 860. seventieth referee parrot prosper prescribe 861. seventy refreshments participate protection prescription 862. several refrigerator particular protein preservation 863. shall relations pass out protest prestigous 864. shampoo relax passion proud presumably 865. shape religious passive provided that presumptious 866. shark remain paste province pretentious 867. sharp reservation pastime provoke preventable 868. shave remind pattern poser preventative 869. she remove pavilion powder previously 870. sheep rent pearl powerless prey 871. sheet replay penalty producer prick 872. shelf reply penetrate profile principally 873. ship report penguin prohibit privacy 874. shirt reporter pension promotion privileged 875. shoe require percentage proof probe 876. shop request performer prosper problematic 877. short resident performance protection procedure 878. should resort persist proverb prod 879. shoulder resource personality prudent productive 880. shout respect personally psychiatry profound 881. show responsibility persuade psychology profitable 882. shower result pessimistic puberty progression 883. shut retire photographic puff prohibition 884. sick return pile punctuation prohibitive 885. side rise pin puncture projected 886. sign risk pine pursuit prolific 887. silent rob piper puzzling prominent 888. silly robot pit quack promising 889. simple rock plaster quarantine promotional 890. since rocket playful quay prone 891. sing rode pleasure quota prop up 892. single role plumbing quotation propeller 893. sister roll pocket money racial proportionally 894. sit romantic poetry radiate proposition 895. site rope pointed radius prosecution 896. six rough poison raffle prospective 897. sixteen route pole raft prosperity 898. sixteenth routine policy rag protective 899. sixth rubber politics rally provision 900. sixtieth rubbish pollute ramp provocation © Copyright 2006 Will McCulloch