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Words from
                                              Residence Master
                                To All My Dear Academians

                                     2011-12 has been a wonderful year again for many Academi-
                                     ans residing newly in or returning to Jockey Club Academy Hall
                                     (JCAC). I have received comments like “I love the dynamic at-
                                     mosphere in Hall 4(JCAC) and the kindness and caring from all
                                     these people living here” from among you, Academians, sharing
                                     with me your delight of having been assigned to JCAC and your
joy of living here. In fact, it is the support and love of you, Academians, for the hall during the
year that you have made JCAC a great place for living and learning.
It was my honour and privilege that I have been appointed as the residence master of JCAC
since its infant stage. Having served in this position for seven years, I witnessed the rapid devel-
opment of JCAC with notable achievements in both services and activities under the guidance,
hard work and commitment of the many Residence Tutors and the Residents' Association Execu-
tive Committees and Councillors who have contributed immensely to the welfare and benefits
of fellow Academians in the past years. With the unfailing support of all the Academians, I am
proud to say that JCAC is a well-groomed young adult today like your very self, having its Aca-
demian culture and values firmly established and moving steadily ahead with its vision of provid-
ing a happy second home to all residing under its roof.
As many of you may know already, I have decided to relinquish my duties as your residence
master at the end of this academic year. It has been a difficult decision for me to make. With
less attention given to JCAC due to my growing engagements elsewhere, I feel that I may not
be fulfilling my duties as a residence master to your expectation. Despite my strong interest in
working together with young people, I think this may be the appropriate time for me to let go
this meaningful job which I love so much, and to move on focusing more on my other areas of
I treasure greatly the time that I have spent in JCAC. I have countless happy moments here
living and learning together with every one of you. I hope you feel the same as I do and will
cherish the many acquaintances that you have made in JCAC, and continue with these re-
lationships as your life-long friends who can share your happiness and sorrows with you as you
progress with your many life tasks in the future.
Thank you all for giving me my fond memories of JCAC! It is because of you that JCAC has be-
come one of the best halls on campus which is well known for its energy and multifarious activi-
ties, harmony and integration of residents coming from a diverse background, and a strong hall
spirit by which Academians will always give their best to strive for the good name of JCAC in
a united front. I do believe that JCAC can only go from strength to strength from this point on-
wards, with the concerted efforts of all Academians - past, present and future.
Once an Academian, always an Academian! May I wish JCAC and all Academians every ac-
complishment in the years ahead.

Farewell and best wishes to you all,

Your residence master
May 2012

RT's words ----------6~11            RAC's words ----------14~15
RA's words ---------12~13            Floor Stories ----------16~26

              Spring:                              Summer:             Autumn:               Winter:
              Join Us in the Hall                  Competitions        Alumni and Sharings   Community Caring
                                  28                              38                  50                    60

                                  29                              39                  51                    61

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                                  32                              42                  54                    64

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  Made by JCAC
   Chief Editor's words   ----------------------   66
   Editors' words         ----------------------   67
   Designers' words       ----------------------   68
   Reporters' words       ----------------------   69~70

 4                                                                                                               5
Tutor's Words:                                                                                                      Residence Tutors
Chief Residence Tutor                                                                              Hi! I’m Ar Zhi, the tutor of
                                                                                                   floor one. In the past year,
                                                                                                                                       that our hall-mates all are
                                                                                                                                       such beautiful dancers and
                                                                                                   we have experienced many            all details are perfect!  I was
    又一年了。                                                                                          memorable events. But I             also deeply moved by a lot
                                                                                                   was most impressed by the           of other things, for example,
            這 是 我 在 JCAC 的 第 四 年, 當 了 第 二 年 的 Tutor, 而 且 還『 升』 了 職, 成 了                            Ninepin Island Trip and the         the Taipei story written for the
                                                                                                   2012 Singing Contest. The           Writing Competition by Crys-
                Chief Tutor,壓力自然倍增。 回想上年,   剛搬入 Hall 的時候,   什麼人也不認識。
                                                                                                   trip is very special in that it     tal, a very diligent tutor and
                  直至開完第一次會,認識到一些拍檔 ( 其他 tutor) ,才慢慢適應下來。                                           showed us another aspect            my good partner in the hall
                    再一次融入我久違了的群智大家庭。                                                 阿志            of Hong Kong: no forest like
                                                                                                   high buildings, but attractive
                                                                                                                                       management team. My only
                                                                                                                                       suggestion for all residents is
                      有了之前的自身經歷,自然會留意新搬入 JCAC 的新宿生吧。和                                              landscape.  And our hall, I         ----- seize the day and make
                                                                                                   think, is particularly successful   your hall life extraordinary!
                                                                                                   in the Singing Contest ---- an
                        因為你們,縱使我明年有畢業和寫論文的壓力,我也決定多留                                                absolutely good show! I’ve
                         一年在 JCAC。                                                                 been, for the first time, aware

                          除了新的宿生,我也擔心今年的拍擋融入不了我們 JCAC                                                                 輯」、Nancy 的「捲舌普通話」、Kinki 的嬌妍似
                          這個大家庭,因為他們有些人不是來自 JCAC,     而且『地位』                  2005 年 8 月                              火、師兄的溫和寬厚、Cherry 的溫柔體貼﹖
                           了幾個活動。我可以說這年的 Tutor group 是歷年中最齊               Crystal                                          還 有 , 記 得 Inter-Hall Singing Contest 那
                           心的。                                                                                        一 晚 , 在 大 家 奮 鬥 了 差 不 多 一 年 後 , 我 們 和 PEK
                                                                          24 日 , 我 推 著 手 推                            Cup 再 一 次 擦 身 而 過 , 我 們 都 哭 了。 然 後 , 我 在
                            到現在,我們一起工作、一起吃飯、一起開玩笑。雖然                      車 由 某 Hall 搬 來                              Facebook 看到有人說這一晚他被大家感動了 , 有
                            我們拿不到 Professor Edmond Ko Cup,但是我們卻在          JCAC…                                       人說他更愛 JCAC, 有人說他覺得 Academian 是
                                                                                                                      很團結的。突然我覺得沒有了 PEK Cup, 但可以令
                                                                               2011 年 7                               Academian 更有心和更團結 , 那也不是一件壞事。
                            在這兩個 semester 的時間亦是在我 Research 中最快
                                                                          月 30 日 , 我 坐 著                              希望大家給 JCAC 多點愛 , 多珍惜你們的 Hall Life
                                                                          客貨車由家裡來到                                    和 Hallm​​
                                                                                                                              ates, 多投入 Academian 的身份 , 那你
                                                                          JCAC…                                       一定會在這裡找到最珍貴的友情和回憶。
                            如果有人問我, 在大學這幾年,有什麼能令你留下最深
                            刻的回憶 ?                                           由 Floor Rep 到考 Hall Tutor, 結果能夠在 5          今年如無意外是最後一年住在 JCAC, 但這
                                                                          年後的今天達成目標 , 是很感動 , 很開心。這一年 ,                不是一個終點 , 我還是會常常回來 , 去探望這個家
                            我會答 : 多采多姿的宿舍生活 !                             快樂、歡笑、溫暖和淚水交集。                              和大家的生活。

                                                                               我感恩 , 身邊有最可愛的宿生們 , 更有最強                      I’m so proud to be an AC​​
                            Larry                                         的 Tutor 同伴 ​​
                                                                                                                            I’ll always love and miss you all.
                           JCAC Chief Residence Tutor
                                                                               如何能忘記…阿志的溫文爾雅、Johnson 的
                                                                          Hyperactive( 試過在床上閉上眼耳邊還縈繞著他                     P.S. 感謝 Peggy、4th Element、H-ALL4U、
                         2012 春
                                                                          的語句 !)、Angel 的可愛傻勁、勇哥的「快​​ 「邏
                                                                                                  思」                  4inLove 多年的支持和包容。

6                                                                                                                                                            7
Johnson                                                                                                                       Cherry
	       點解我會黎左 HALL 4!? 我都唔知點解。                                     另外 , 我很高興我             I’m a big sister in 11/F. My younger sisters
果時 WAITING LIST 入黎佢同我講 HALL 4 有位,咁                                  能 當 CHEERING           and brothers like to share their interesting
我就入左 HALL 4 啦。                                                      TEAM LEADER,           stories with me. I usually become a wordy
但係 , 依個咁簡單 GE 決定就改變左我好多…                                            帶著大家一起喊                mother who always pushes her young
YEAR 1 上 HALL 莊 , 識左一班好莊員 , 到宜家我依                                   SLOGAN, 我看著            children to study rather than play games
然係咁認為 , 我真係好感謝你地俾咗我一個好回憶 ,                                          大 家 喊 SLOGAN           and facebook. The happiest moment
我以 FOURTRESS 為榮 , 雖然途中係有不少波折 , 但                                    的時候 , 你們知道             for me is to hold hot pot gathering and
係我地依然可以跨過去 !!                                                       嗎 ? 你們每一個              sweet dessert gatherings.
	       YEAR 2 做組爸 , 有一班「活塞藍奕邦」             人都很美 , 有的力竭聲嘶 , 有的連手腳也一起打氣
的仔仔女女 , 個個都戇戇居居 , 好正。上 COUN-                了 , 你們每一個喊 SLOGAN 的樣子真的深深刻在我                   Living in JCAC, I have my most supportive
CIL, 有一班好下莊 , 好開心佢地感情好好 , 又比我               的腦海中 , 多謝你們為我們、為 HALL 出了一分力 ,                  teammates. I cherish the opportunity to
地做得好 , 令 HALL 4 更有聲有色。                      展現 HALL FOUR SPIRIT                            live and work with all my fellow girl tutors --
	       YEAR 3 做 TUTOR, 點 解 我 會 做 TUTOR?    	       就快要離開依個住左 3 年嘅家 , 真係有 D                Crystal, Angel, Nancy and Kinki who are           Peggy’s can be a book! She treats all the
因為我真係好鍾意個 HALL, 我想為依個 HALL 貢獻 ,            唔捨得 , 一幕幕嘅回憶真係係我腦海浮現出黎… 只                      the most diligent, frank and funny girls in       Academians as her sons and daughters.
出一分力。 眾所周知 , 做 HALL 4 TUTOR 係唔容易 ,          能說一句 : JCAC, 我想住既地方 !                          the world! My fellow boy tutors also give         It is her who tells us how to take care of
就好似上多年莊咁 , 但係 , 我好 ENJOY! 我好鍾意              賽馬會群智堂,我地人材多籮籮                                 me endless care and support since the             our Academians, how to organize activi-
同大家一齊參加活動 , 好鍾意帶大家上下一心一齊                    ACADEMIAN,EVERYONE IS GENIUS                   first day when I moved into JCAC. Many            ties in hall, and most importantly how to
嗌 SLOGAN, 好想為 HALL 出一分力爭取 PEK CUP!          博博博到盡,我地比賽博到盡                                  thanks to Larry, Yung, Zhi, Johnson and           keep our Cornwall lion spirit in the rest of
今年管果兩層都好正 , 一層就朱古力炒蛋 , 一層就                  LET’S CHEER FOR HALL FOUR,CORNWALL             Uncle Pong for including me as a family           our life.
涼茶會 , 今年嘅宿生都好正 , 明明動情夠過癮 , 好多               LIONS BEAT YOU ALL                             member even though sometimes I act
謝你地俾左一個咁難忘嘅回憶我。                             WO~ 我地就係 HALL FOUR!                            like a naughty and silly boy.                     I will move on with my proudest Cornwall
                                                                                                                                             lion spirit.
                                                                                           If my experience in JCAC is an article,

                        Having been a Residence Tutor in JCAC for a whole year, I                                                            親愛的同學們,我們再次迎來了炎炎夏日
                        am deeply impressed by the passion each member of the hall                                                           的火熱陽光。我也很高興和大家度過了一
                        possesses. We are indeed like a family, in which every one of us                                                     年愉快的宿舍生活。這一年中,幸虧有大
                        shares the happiness and tears, enjoys every moment we spent                                                         家的支持和幫助,我的工作才會順利的進
                        together, and helps each other out whenever we can. Yes, this                                                        行。也慶幸有大家的監督和鼓勵,修正了
     is JCAC, and we are a group of diligent academians that are united. From Multi-                                                         我每一點疏漏,也促進了我每一點進步。
     cultural Journey to Disneyland Trip, every activity I was in charge of has earned                                                       希望大家在接下來的日子裡攜手為JCAC
     your support and respect. I feel like being blessed.                                                                                    的美好明天努力下去!
     Being part of Floor 66, part of Give Me Five, part of the cheering team of PEK
     Cup, one of Peggy’s RT, one of the eight tutors, I get to know each and everyone
     of you, my dearest kids and friends. JCAC, thank you for taking me on board!                                                  Nancy

 8                                                                                                                                                                              9
We’re all in this together
     Hello! Academians!!My name is Chan Chui Fan Kinki. I am the new           Staying here as a Residence Tutor for the second year, I am glad that I can still see,
     tutor of 9/F in the Semester B. JCAC is just likes my second family. I    on the faces of our Academians, smiles that tell me how much they love JCAC. The
     feel warm and supported here. When I was in year 1, I started living      smiles are simply but enormously encouraging to the RTs as these are indicators show-
     here and joined the Hall Ocamp. I had a wonderful hall life in my         ing us that our hard work is worth it.
     floor and with my roommate –Monkey who has become my for-
     ever best friend. When I was in year 2, I became the blue house‘s         This year has been fortuitously memorable. The RT team is plainly gorgeous. Everyone
     mother in Hall Ocamp. They have given me some amazing memo-               in the team is supportive and caring, and the unity within the team is remarkable. I am
     ries. I really hope that “We’re all in this together” forever and ever.   grateful that you all are willing to stay together for the betterment of JCAC no matter
                                                                               how late it is even when the tasks we are facing are tough. I enjoy working with you.
     Now, I am pleased that I can be the tutor of the 9/F. All the ladies
     are beautiful and cute in my heart =]. I wish all the ladies can love     Meanwhile, I am really thankful for the love and support from my 7/F brotherhood, my
     and make a good friend with each other. Floor aside, I am hon-            lovely 8/F and my 9/F girls. It is great to see that you had been actively participating
     ored to work with the Hall management team. I would like to ex-           in hall activities; some of you even fight hard for us in Inter-hall competitions. The hap-
     tend my gratitude to my fellow tutors and Peggy from whom I’ve            piness you gained from these activities was not only rewarding to yourself, but also to
     learnt a lot.                                                             me, and every other resident who seeks to develop a better JCAC.

                                                                               We’re all in this together. This line now means a lot to me. This represents the spirit of
                                                         Kinki                 the hall. This was also the name of the song we sang in the Inter-hall Singing Contest.
                                                                               Joining this team of singers and dancers was undoubtedly the best part of my hall life.
                                                                               I still recall the words of invitation from Kinki – ‘I can guarantee you nothing but hap-
                                                                               piness’, and actually I had gained way more than that. It was lovely to see you all
                                                                               exerting all your efforts in each and every step and movement in the dance; it was
                                                                               delightful to smell the sense of belonging dispersing from the sweat you shed; it was
                                                                               gratifying to listen to you singing the song which speaks out our hall spirit...Vivian, John-
                                                                               son, Kinki, Jenny, Momo, Kh, Holly, Tom, Jason, Gordon, Becca, thank you for taking
                                                                                                                 me as ‘together’. We’re all stars.

                                                                                                               We’re all in this together and this shows when we stand
                                                                                                               hand in hand make our dreams come true. I know in-
                                                                                                               side we can make it. Enjoy Hall life!


10                                                                                                                                                                 11
12   13
                                                                                                          繼續效力,在和FOR U分享經驗的同時也見證了他們
                                                                                                          其他11位councilor繼續共事,延續我們BEFOUR的傳   Fold
                                                                                                          奇,辛苦各位“家人”了。願每個宿生在hall4過得愉         多謝ForU一年來為宿生搞活動落心落力
                                                                                                          快^^hall4鴻福齊天! ! ! !哇哈哈哈           多謝各位councilors, tutors 付出的努力
                                                                                                          Holly                             無論係比賽,cheering,gathering...etc
                                                                                                          由BeFour走到councilor,這兩年來收穫了許許多多    有你地既參與, 活動變得更有意義
                                                                                                          的感動和愛。又是一屆走過,看著現在獨當一面出色           希望各位Academians 繼續努力, 繼續為hall4 做
                                                                                                          的ForU,感慨萬千。當初為新莊著急落淚,如今卻是         到最好
                                                                                                          在被這幫志同道合的夥伴傳延下去。謝謝ForU一年的         Gordon
                                                                                                          辛苦付出和無私奉獻,衷心祝願這份對Hall4共同的         傍晚,好味廚旁有一少年,一老人。
                                                                                                          愛可以如此一年年承繼不斷。最後,愛BeFour,愛         少年問:「宿舍之大,該當以何為首?」老人笑
                                                                                                          ForU,愛Hall4!                    曰:「天下之道,在於英豪。宿舍之首該決於群智
                                                                                                          Boris                             少年又問:「天下何人能勝群智評議員一職。」老
                                                                                                          做councilor既原因無非係想盡我所能, 繼續為hall服   人答﹕「具過人見識、心向群智之人即可。」
                                                                                                          務。由幹事會到評議員, 睇住hall一路一路發展, hall    少年再問:「評議員之多寡又當何如?」老人微
                                                                                                          management team無私地不斷付出, 宿生們由被動    笑:「何謂『多』『少』矣?」
                                                                                                          變主動, 一切一切都感受良多。長江後浪推前浪, 希望        少年答:「多少者決於定量。」
                                                                                                          下屆既莊會繼續努力, 比我地做得更好, 為hall4寫下      老人大笑,曰:「非也!多者,庸庸碌碌之輩,一
                                                                                                          更輝煌一頁。在此多謝同我一齊奮鬥左兩年既戰友們:          人亦為多。少者,見識超凡之輩,百人亦為少。」
                                                                                                          you guys are the best!            少年思之,老人又語:「今群智皆集於此,福矣!
                                                                                                          Kaho                                           先生何許人也?」老
                                                                                                          擔任評議員只是想為hall4作出自己最大的貢獻:將寳        人不答,含笑而去。
                                                                                                          事會及tutor們在這年辛勤的付出,所以在這向他們表        少年不知此老人已年過八十,何氏,群智人矣。
Daphne (Chairlady)                                                                                        hall4精神傳遍所有hall。
It's good to pass our experience to the new residents' association. Hope the spirit of unity would last
forever!                                                                                                  Chiang
Many thanks to another 11 councillors. Love u all                                                         雖然Councilor可能是一個微不足道的角色,但我只希
Edison (Vice Chairman)
                                                                                                          除,為FOUR U、宿生們帶來美好的回憶。藉此機會多
馬會群智堂之福氣。賽馬會群智堂得以發光發亮,全因舍監、宿舍導師和宿生會之合作,望美好的傳統繼續傳承,                                                        謝每位戰友送我每個難忘的晚上:P
來年幹事會搖身一變成為了評議員,把經驗、知識和愛傳遍賽馬會群智堂每一個角落。                                                                    期望各位把Hall4文化繼續傳承,讓所有宿生有一個更
呀!這就是愛呀!                                                                                                  美滿的Hall Life,令Hall4繼續茁壯成長。

Ryan                                                                                                      Jenny
我最初惶恐的在普選中當上了評議員,爲了不負宿生們的期望,我盡力在為幹事會的成長中貢獻自己的綿薄之力。                                                        Befour出身,為了可以繼續服務我熱愛的群智堂,因
而現在,我深深為幹事會能虛心聽取評議員的建議並開拓創新而欣慰, 也為幹事會對群智堂無私付出的精神所感
Becca                                                                                                     生會。一年來,見到他們有自己的想法自己的創意膽
看到ForU就好像看到當年的我們, 好開心每年都有這樣的一幫人, 全心全意的愛著Hall4, 為了更好的Hall life而努力,                                         識,不停努力改善活動方案提高服務質素,讓我明白
we love Hall4!                                                                                            自己和另外十一名評議員,以及ForU,這一年的付出

14                                                                                                                                                                  15
Wonderland                                        by Chayton Yao                                                 Binary
 The first in JCAC is a beautiful place, it has many nice academians they make here a wonderful
place to live and study, their decoration and behaviors will let you know how this good place is.
                                             Living comments from academians
                                                                                                         2/F Binary can be called as an international floor as there are a lot of
Floor tutor
                                                                                                        international students who live in this floor. They come from America, France,
Cherish your stay in JCAC, and make your life extraordinary! --------Ar Zhi
                                                                                                        Germany, Taiwan etc. Although we have different culture and habits, we can
                                                                                                        still stick together and understand each other and try to learn from each other.
It’s very great, I love my roommate he is so cool, plus he is never ever here, I only don’t like 12am
                                                                                                        We have fun in the floor gathering although we may not meet all the floor-mate
curfew, it really sunk but everything else is perfect. ---------Jason Montgomery
                                                                                                        at the same time. Without residence tutor living in this floor, we still have our
                                                                                                        fantastic hall lives like the others. During the Floor Decoration, we work together
 The people living here are so nice that help me for the study and share joys with me this year. I’m
                                                                                                        as a team aiming at the champion. When others need help, we always like to
so happy to live in hall4. ---------Andrew Yu
                                                                                                        give our hands. Being one of the Binary makes our hall live wonderful.
I think, my living in hall is quiet and comfortable. I can study and living here. ---------Edison
 Hall4 is a place with many enthusiasm and energetic academia. ---------TSHNG MAN TIK, DAVIE
 The residence is like my home. ---------Derek
 Home without relatives. ---------Shayne
Happy JCAC life!! As an RA member, everything hand is worth it! ---------Johnny
 Living condition is good and comfortable, I enjoy living here. ---------Zhu Renjie
 To me, hall life brings me a lot of different friends such as locals, international and mainlanders
what I believe can make my life more colorful.
                                  ----------Kant Chan
I’m happy here, clean, quiet, everything is OK. ----------Dave
All round development, have fun, have more friends. ---------Samuel
The culture of hall can let me feel comfortable. Because there are many nice people even
other floor mates. So I am enjoying being here.----------Ben Chan
I have a family in Hong Kong, it lies in JCAC! ----------Joe Zhang
 JCAC is one very important part in my life, I live here, eat here, study here, make friends here.
Yeah, here is also one part of my body in my blood. -----------Yao Chenpeng

 From the above comment, I believe you will have a better understanding on the first floor life in                                                                          by Stella Li
JCAC, and actually the first floor life is also our unforgettable memory in university life forever.

  16                                                                                                                                                                                   17
Tri-Angels                                                                                       Big4                    by Hilda Ng  Alex Fong
                                                                                             Wow!!! 我地係四樓嘅 BIG 4!! 短短一           Floor name-A?
                                                                                             年裡面,我地創造左無限個回憶;憑                    During the floor decoration, Tutor Johnson and
“Tri-Angels” is our floor name.                                                              住 Floor dec 嘅四樓魔法奇幻旅程、              the five floor representatives came up with
                                                                                             cook com 嘅朱古力炒蛋同 sing con
                                                                                                                                 the idea of role-playing Harry Potter. Then four
“Tri” = 3/F                                                                                  嘅死啦青春痘等等成功  一夜成名
                                                                                             ...... 相信呢 d 都係 Hall 4 嘅 集體 ( 取    representatives became the department head
“Angels” = 3/F is a girls’ floor.                                                                                                of Hogwarts school. And Johnson honored four
                                                                                             笑 ) 回憶!
                                                                                                                                 of us with the floor nameBig 4.
All angels here are very gentle and sweet.                                                   仲有一個月就要搬走,最令人頭痛嘅
They enjoy cooking, so they are one of the winners of Inter-floor Cooking                    唔 係 點 搬 走 d 行 李, 而 係 點 收 拾 對                                   Any funny thing on
Competition.                                                                                 BIG 4、對 Hall 4 嘅情感同回憶 .... 希                                   the floor?@0@
                                                                                             望 大 家 會 記 得 BIG 4, 記 得 我 地 係
                                                                                                                                                            All of us are active.
                                                         They enjoy having meal in           2011-2012 Hall 4 最 癲 最 喪 嘅 樓 層
                                                                                             BIG 4!!                                                        But girls are quite
                                                         Common Room and then
                                                                                                                                                            wild on this floor. They
                                                         share their stories with others.   People on the floor?                                            speak foul language
                                                                                            We got tons of cool people                                      quite often. And we
                                                         They are considerate, so           here. Hilda and Bobo are                                        have floor gathering
                                                         they are attentive to keep         a pair of joke makers. They                                     bi-weekly. Every
                                                         c o m m o n a re a n e a t a n d   always make the atmosphere                                      time we plan to do
                                                         tidy. Therefore they have got      war m and motivate others                                       something special for
                                                         prize in Inter-floor Cleanliness   with their gags. Ken, Fabio                                     the gathering ends
                                                         Competition                        and Aaron are great cook.                                       up with typical sweet
                                                         They are fresh and energetic       Alex is a master of beer and                                    soup gathering.
                                                         because half of them are first     spicy food. We always help
                                                         year to university.                each others in floor events.

If you have come to our floor, you may see we have posted our name and
station on our door. The station shows the feature of our own culture, as like
as Tin Shui Wai from Hong Kong, “Xihu” from Hangzhou, and Donut from US.
Relations between Angels are very harmonious even they come from different
places and enjoy to live together at 3/F.

 18                                                                                                                                                                     19

     Five Floor                                      Floor 66
                   溫暖的 herry: H
                        避風港 all 就 像
                                               家, 是
                                                    交   換生
                                                                                    by all Academians of 6th Floor
                                                    , 每一个 6 樓
                                      love Floor 66
                       60 1A Angel:I             我不是大肉蟲
                                    的 baby~~ 而
                                         心 601B Becca: I love                                                602A Wo
                                    最開                          Hall4!!                                                ody:
                               all4      層                                                                   Hall 4 的
                            住 H 進入同                                                                                   環境很
                        恆:      意                                                                           溫 馨, 希
                  6 02B 可 以 隨       寂 寞!                                                                              望每一
                       於       永不                                                                           位 Hallm
                   莫 過 聊天,                                                                                  能心想事
                                                                                                                      ate 都
                    房朋                                                                                      入這個大家
                                                                                                                      成, 融
                      咁多 A Go
                     最 鍾 地方 don:
                                ,        去                                                                           : 住
                    Cu 意 嘅 咁多文 過                                                                             604B 聰
                       ltur     就係 化
                            e!                                                                                      陣, 係
                                      AB ,                                                                   hall 果      到
                                         C                                                                        mon 見
                     603B                                                                                    com
                               粗 豪                                                                            好多人   煮公仔麵
                     係一               :H                                                                             arm 呀 !
                           個最                                                                                 真係好 w
                    嘅 H         正 最 all4
                          a            熱鬧
                    muc ll , I lo v e
                         h^^          it s o
                                                                                                                605A Jim :
                    604A Chris: 其 實 住                                                                           HALL 4,
                    Hall 短短兩個月可以                                                                                我想住嘅地
                    參 加 hall 的 活 動 ( 籃                                                                          方
                    球 比 賽 sing con)
                    ,自已覺得好開心,                                                                                                   所
                                                                                                                      因為        因
                    好 有 歸 屬 感,JCAC                                                                                不僅 施, 更
                                                                                                             的,                   ,
                    is the best !                                                                         特別 多 元 的 設 的氛圍
                                                                                                   ll 4 是 , 最            暖
                                                                                                                    , 溫 ——它是
                                                                                            s : Ha        動       n  最
                                                                                        una          的活       mia
                                                                                60 7B L    最   豐 富 Acade 最特别的 。
                     604A                                                            all 中        情的 Hall 4 是 想念的家
                                                                                 有 H 有最熱                       就會
                    我 的 rancis:                                                       裡            。 以
                                                                                 為這 的回憶 ,離開了
                    謝 謝 學 生 活 謝 謝 JC
                                                                                        好           開
                                                                                  最美 不想離
                                 變              A                                        就
                   room Hallma 得 充 實 圓 C 給           608A Au Shan:JCAC, 一          住過                              活,
                        ate 帶   te, fl                                                                        舍生 莫 逆
                  U相          來的       o o r m 滿。    個好熱血、團結的 Hall! 在每                                     年宿 , 亦 有
                       識                      at
                  予的幫 的 老 鄉 T 歡樂!謝謝 e 和              次 比 賽 時, 大 家 一 齊 喊 叫 的
                                                                                                        :三 交
                                                                                                         泛之              生
                        助!     utor                                                                                  宿舍
                                     Ange 在返         slogan 都 給 我 一 種 熱 血 團 結          6 05A , 有 泛              享受
                                              l 的給   的 感 覺, 希 望 Hall 4 這 隻 紅               匆   匆

                                                                                                       之 . 60 6B Ci ss
                                                                                         去               個,

                                                                                                                       y :I t’s all
                                                     獅的精神可以繼續感染每一個                        之交 是 哪 一

                                                                                                           ab ou t wa
                                                                                                          rm th an d
                                                                                          不  論
                                     群智堂的            Hall4 人                                      共勉

                           ndy: 在                                                          活.
                  608A We             很 快 樂。
                               很 精 彩,               602B Marco 開心 ! 好玩 !
                  Year1 過 得 ster,Hall tutor,                                        608
                   感 謝 Hall
                                       一年間的                                        感覺 B Kat
                     all 莊以及
                                各宿生在     多采。                                              溫 y
                                                                                  Ha 、 馨 :Ha
                              Hall4 生活多姿                          607
                                                                      B          的回
                                                                                     ll4 的 。 即將 ll4 給
                   合作,令               越做越好
                                            , 607A 阿 雯 : Hall4   Aca Holly:           憶。 生活將 告別 了 我 家
                            ll4 在 將 來
                   預 祝 Ha
                                        家!    好 warm 啊 , 我 好     鄉 的 demia Hall 4 精             成為 大學
                                                                                                    我人 生活
                    帶更多歡樂                     鍾 意 Hall4 啊 , 我   我想 溫 暖 與 s 給了我 神 和                      生美 。
                                                                    認真    感
                                              好想 return 啊 ~             守護 動。 它 在異                            麗
                                                                          的家      是個

20                                                                                                                 21
777                                                                                8lourful
       e named our floor as “777”, that is the lucky
       7s because we all feel lucky meeting each
       other in the same hall on the same floor.
                                                                                         Each and every resident living on the 8th floor has an interesting story to tell; their dreams, their
The floor had become a platform for each of us to
                                                                                         experiences, their lives.
nurture friendship and even brotherhood with each
other. On this floor, we worked hard; we chatted;
                                                                                         8th floor was named 8lourful this year. The residents came up with this idea as they hope every resident
we shared our lives; we pursued our dream.
                                                                                         will have a richly colorful life. Like the many colors on a palette, each resident on the 8th floor represents
                                                                                         a color. They are each unique in their own ways but they join hands to paint a masterpiece. It might be
This floor contained residents from various
                                                                                         a very quiet floor, but they enjoy each other’s presence very much. Friendly faces and hellos along the
backgrounds. We had among us all sorts of local
                                                                                         corridor often make their hearts lighter despite the stressfulness in daily lives. The few but enjoyable
students admitted to this university by difference
                                                                                         floor gatherings are the best part of all! The residents find it really nice to eat from the same pot with
means. We also had non-local students from the
                                                                                         students from other parts of the world at hot pot gatherings. The decorations on the floor are simply but
mainland China, Taiwan, European and Asian
                                                                                         vastly meaningful. Residents took time to write down their dream vacation spots and the unforgettable
exchange students.
                                                                                         experiences they had during vacations. Everyday residents are reminded and motivated to strive for the
                                                                                         chance to be able to visit their dream places one day. 8flourful is indeed a dreams-filled floor!
Despite the difference in terms of cultural and
academic backgrounds, we found a common
                                                                                         Residents on the 8th floor took energy saving seriously. The lights in the common rooms are constantly
language, a medium that pulled us together. This common language is drinking. Trying
                                                                                         switched off when the room is not in used. The residents’ discipline has won them the first place in the
out new beers from around the world, tasting wine and telling good ones from bad
                                                                                         energy-saving competition and the residents are really proud of this achievement.
ones, sharing whiskey, rum, and all other sorts of alcoholic drinks had made a life to
many on this floor. Of course, what was more important was the chat behind. Through
the chat, we know each other better and understand our difference more.
Let's sit down together and enjoy a great night of chat here.

22                                                                                                                                                                                           23
Go for Life
Having lived in Hall 4 for almost two
years, I have great fun here. And I
have gained a lot through being a
floor representative.                                                                                   At a glance on the 10th floor of Jockey Club Academy Hall, one could immediately see the
 I was the floor representative of the                                                                  cordial welcome conveyed by the colorful cardboard pieces placed either in front of the lifts
ninth floor last semester. I organized                                                                  or floating in the vicinity of the corridor. Those colorful cardboard pieces were cut according
and arranged “sweet soup                                                                                to the Pokemon characters of the Japanese Manga by the residents of the 10th floor.
gathering” on a weekly basis. During                                                                    Concurrently, some of they are also cute-looking that could make them anyone’s favorite.
the gatherings, floor mates would                                                                       Also, the characters put were chosen in accordance to the 10th floor’s theme, “Thunderbolt”.
eat, chat and meet each other,                                                                          In addition to the existing impeccably warm welcome that is “visible”, the warmness provided
which I think helps a lot in building                                                                   by the residents of the 10th floor is also on par, especially the one exuded by the 10th floor
up friendship among floor mates.                                                                        Residence Tutor, Mr. Larry Lo who has given a lot of tendered care to the residents of his
Sometimes it’d be quite hard to hold                                                                    floor. He likes to go out for a dinner with the residents on his floor, mutually talking and
gatherings. Like I needed to think of                                                                   sharing his valuable experiences while at the same time giving ample advice to those who
                                                                                                        seek them. While 10th floor remains welcoming, it is also very lively; not during the day, but
what to eat, what most floor mates
                                                                                                        during when the daylight is out. At any time during the night, one could hear the screeching
preferred and so on. However, I
                                                                                                        and ear-breaking female scream given out that you would never forget or the sound of
was not alone as other floor mates
                                                                                                        footsteps of people chasing each other around in the corridor trying to chase someone or
o f f e r e d h e l p . L a s t D e c e m b e r, I
                                                                                                        the sound of someone singing. Sometimes, you could also see the residents gathering in
held a Christmas Party in 9/F common room. Floor mates were eager to help decorate                      the common room having hotpot or cooking food together merrily or joking around while
common room, buy gifts and suggest what to eat. We all had fun in the Party.                            watching the television.
I’d say I have met a lot of friends through organizing gatherings. And it’s glad to see                 10th floor is like no other floor, it is the most excellent.
people enjoy gatherings that I held. Being the floor representative is a nice experience
that paints my hall life.
                                                        Before moving in to hall4, whenever
                                                        it came to the question why we
                                                        have to live in dormitory, I would
                                                        say, well, we can rush down to the
                                                        campus and therefore sleep more.
                                                        But after experiencing hall life in
                                                        this academic year, my answer to
                                                        it has been changed. Hall life lets
                                                        me know so many more friends from
                                                        different nationalities and disciplines,
                                                        makes me lear n to take care of
                                                        myself and people around me, and
                                                        more importantly, has colored my
                                                        university life.
                                                        Our floor, 9 for life, is a floor filled with
                                                        energetic and sweet girls. Our hall
tutor, Kinki, sings like an angel. Suki is a TV drama fan who likes watching TV in common
room. Katie is a pretty girl with sweet smile. Jenny is talkative and energetic all the time.
Ming is tall and yet very cute. Ballchi, I like the way she laughs because it somehow
makes me laugh too. Lai Lai plays sports more than brilliantly. Fish, I like the way we share
our food. Tracy, you are beautiful no matter with long or short, straight or curly hair. So
many more which cannot be mentioned in here, but I love you all, I really do!
                                                           Reported by Margaret and Kayee

24                                                                                                                                                                                            25
One Thousand and One Nights
It is a fairyland where lovely fairies
and beautiful princesses live; it is a
peculiar world where cool soccer
players and smart artists live. Living
in 11th floor is so happy and warm
that seems to live in the fairy tales.
The shinning white and blue
ribbons just like Alice’s rabbit lead
you into a wonderland. When you
open any door, you will find stories
behind, special and beautiful. The
fantastic hall life in the 11 floor is
so nice that any resident who lives
here does not want to stop it, just
like the king who insists on listening
to the stories in one thousand and
one nights.
The atmosphere of this fairyland
is friendly and warm. When we
encounter some worrisome things
outside, hall is a perfect shelter and
floormates are one of the strongest
supports. When we feel lonely, our
keen floormates will accompany
us. When we are sick, our keen
floormates will take care of us
even cook congee for us. When
we are in a dilemma, our smart
tutor and keen floormates will chat
with us and help us make a better
decision. Never feel lonely, never
feel bored. Friendships between all
the floormates warm others and
  The activities in this fairyland
is funny and diverse. In non-
regular floor gathering, we tried
different food: Hong Kong style

                                                                                                                                        Join us in the Hall
tong sui, Hunan home style dishes,
western dessert and so on. Because of friendship and communication, the food was tasted
more delicious. Sometimes, there are exciting shouts in the common room. That may be our
game amateurs communicating via video games, or may be several friends exchanging the
secrets. Here, in the fairyland, we can enjoy our private time as well as gathering time with our             Spring, the beginning of every year, the first season
floormates.                                                                                                      of all. In this part of Spring, please “Join us in the
Our cute tutor Cherry and the fellow floormates are all magical magicians, making the hall life
so colorful and unforgettable. The beautiful memory and life experience in the fairyland will not
                                                                                                             Hall” to experience what is like to experience fresh-
only be kept in our mind but also in one thousand and one nights. We are the wonderful fairy                    ness, and what is it like to be a new Academian!
tale in JCAC!!!

 26                                                                                                                                                            27
Orientation Camp

     Boris 陳大河紅燊
     O'camp 進一步加強左我對 hall 既歸屬感,
     見到 D 仔女由乜都唔識 freshmen 一個入黎
     hall 度,見到佢地識到朋友 代表 hall 去比賽,          Rocky 藍洋依馬打
     去 high table even 上 hall 莊 攪 活 動, 好   好 開 心, 覺 得 hall 4 好 團 結, 個 個
     似見返一年前既自己 希望 cornwall lion 既          ACADEMIANS 都好有歸屬感,好似
     精神可以一代代傳落去 !!                         一家人咁齊心咁 warm!!

     Jim 沙嗲黃老吉
     我係 2011 年 Hall O'camp 既黃組沙嗲黃老吉既組
     爸阿 Jim,可以係 hall4 做組爸其實好開心,好幸
     運有一班好好玩既組仔女。HALL O 真係好開心,              Edison 綠尾巴菲特
     可以同班組仔組女一齊,又成日見到,就好似屋企                 見到一班組仔組女慢慢長大,我真
     人咁,又開心又感動 !!                           係好開心 !! 綠尾巴,七隻哈,哈哈
                                            哈哈哈哈哈 !!

28                                                               29
Ninepin Island Trip
                                                                                                                                                                      by Angel
                                                                                                                                                                      Edited by Eric Wan

                                                                                                        ot for this trip to the Ninepin Island on the 17 September 2011, an isolated yet
                                                                                                        marvelous island group located in the North-west of Hong Kong, we wouldn’t

Mid-autumn Festival
                                                                                                        know JCAC offers all the residents such amazing experience of hiking and sight-
                                                                          by Angel Liu            seeing.
                                                                          Edited by Eric Wan
                                                                                                  Early in the morning, we got onto our cruise from TST, and began our unforgettable
It has always been the most interesting and meaningful event for the
                                                                                                  journey. The sun was shining in the happiest way and bringing to the earth its most
exchange students, as this is their first inter-hall activity...                                  gorgeous lighting. Listening to the sound of the cruise sailing ahead and the water

     he Mid-autumn Festival celebration was jointly organized by all the halls in the             padding upon the edge of the cruise, we couldn’t help but to take pictures of all the
     student residence area. During the celebration, food, puzzles, games and lanterns            views on board. On the far end, there were the islands. The group of islands looked so
     can be seen all over the Multi-function Hall A.                                              isolated, with large amount of stones hanging right at the edge of the cliffs. The only
                                                                                                  way to get onto the island is to jump down from the cruise into a tiny little boat, and sail
It has always been the most interesting and meaningful event for the exchange
                                                                                                  all the way to the only entrance of the island at the cliff.
students, as this is their first inter-hall activity, as well as their first-time experience to
celebrate a traditional festival other than those of their own country. This year at the
JCAC counter, exchange students were particularly fascinated by the balloons and                  Luckily, we all had a wonderful sea-food lunch at the beach before we got to know
face-painting games.                                                                              that we were heading towards such a difficult task. After putting on safety suits, we
“Come on! Try out our Chinese opera face-painting! It is worth your time staying with us          waited to jump into the little boats one by one. It was rewarding to go onto the island,
for the next half an hour!” Angel Yap, with a lot of face-painting pencils shouted around.        even after spending so much effort. The view on the island is absolutely fantastic. On
“Come and have a look at our pictures. Pick one as your favorite; and we will help                the far end, there was the bluest sky you could ever imagine. Closer to us, the sea
you to draw it onto your face!” Vivian Huang said to one of the exchange students.                waves sparkled and shined below our feet. Standing on the hardest rocks, we even
“Or maybe, do you want to learn making balloon cats and balloon dogs?” William                    took a picture lining up in the big shape of “4”.
Guanawan grabbed Michael, a Polish student who found the event exciting and
fabulous to him.                                                                                  How tired were we after a whole-day sailing and hiking? Well…”extremely” is the most

                                         O   ne hour later, exchange students from the
                                             States, UK, Poland, France, Australia and
                                        Sweden found themselves wearing a face like
                                                                                                  appropriate word to use. Although we all fell asleep on the way back on the cruise,
                                                                                                  the sound of the water padding the edge of our cruise still brought about the most
                                                                                                  beautiful music on earth.
                                        Chinese opera performers. “What an amazing
                                        evening with all the residents of JCAC at their
                                        counter! I am going to wear this cool face out
                                        to LKF!” said the last visitor of JCAC counter. His
                                        vote is essentially the last vote of the night, and
                                        rendered the JCAC performance awarded!
                                         Hurray! We won! Again, JCAC began the favorite
                                         hall of the year in the Mid-autumn Festival!

30                                                                                                                                                                                     31
Multi-cultural Journey                                                                                                                               High Table Dinner
                                                                                                                                                                                                Sem A
                                                                                              by Whisky Liu                       by Momo
                                                                                              Edited by Michael Lau               Edited by Eric Wan

                                                                           Here came the Multi-cultural Journey! Being                                       very hall in the residence holds high table dinner annually but
                                                                           excited and curious, I went back quite early                                      Hall 4 makes it special by holding it twice in a year. We have
                                                                           to our hall to join this banquet! The Festival is                                 different themes and dress codes for the dinners. The one in
                                                                           an activity of our Hall this year which aimed at                            Semester A is more formal as we could see ladies and gentlements
                                                                           promoting mutual cultural communications.                                   dressed like business executives. The theme of the high-table-dinner
                                                                           Different floors had different themes of countries,                         in this year is FIRE, whose Chinese name is “ 火樹銀花”.
                                                                           and each floor would provide special food from
                                                                           a country or area. There was a competition
                                                                           among them. With such distinct activities and                               The decoration perfectly matched the theme. A large and beautiful
                                                                           such a good chance to feast my stomach, I
                                                                                                                                                       water painting hanging outside welcomed all the participants. The
                                                                           had no reason to miss this Festival! Well, let’s get
                                                                           moving!                                                                     shining flowers hung in the ceiling were glittery stars in the darkest sky.
                                                                                                                                                       The stage was also decorated by other shining stuff. It seemed like
                                                                        As we knew, although all 11 floors were
involved in the activity, the food was a ‘scarce resources’. How can we try all kinds of food on all the floors? Some
                                                                                                                                                       there was fire on the stage which was grand and wonderful.
suggested me start from the top floor so I could eat all way along to the bottom one! For I could not find any sense in
this funny theory, I followed the ‘normal’ way from the bottom to the top. (I joke ^ ^)
                                                                                                                                                       High Table dinner is an event which can represent our special ABC
 Our first destination was Australia! As we went into the common room, the host friendly welcomed us and treated us                                    culture the best. The honorable guest, Dr. Cheung Chor Yung gave
with some featured snacks. After tasting the delicious food, we were asked to answer some easy but funny questions
                                                                                                                                                       us a great speech on how to deal with problems in our study and
on the culture of their country. Although in fact we made a lot of wild guesses in this ‘quiz’, unbelievably we got a
good mark and some bonus snacks.                                                                                                                       hall life, which helped the residents achieve academic excellence,
                                                                                                                                                       cultivate academians' interests, as well as have a harmony hall life.
Having tasted the benefits, we rushed to the second floor to seek the next tasty. The theme was Shang Hai and
the hosts were my friend, Fanny and Bo Bo, and some of their friends. All of them were friendly and cute. The room
was full of things. There were numbers of strings across the room and stripes of papers were attached to the strings                                   Then the preformance section did represent the “C”(Community
with Chinese characters on. Guess what! Those were riddles! As for food, the hosts had prepared Bao Zi (Chinese
                                                                                                                                                       Citizenship), because the residents from different areas all came to
bun), dumplings and Shao Mai (a kind of dim sum), which was my favorite. It seemed hard to have a bite on any
of them because guests had to find out the answers of the riddles and learn to speak the name of these snack in                                        the stage to show their talent. Vivian from mainland China sang with
Shanghainese before they could taste the food. My friend who came with me was good at playing riddles, but I                                           ‘Fat guy’, a local resident. Gage, from Australia and a South Korea
would rather be quiet. (I did not eat much)                                                                                                            resident played guitar. Bringing the event to an end, a group of
 The next one was Hong Kong and the food was dessert. Among them I really love red bean porridges, which were                                          students preformed a very creative dance. In spite of the diversity of
sweet and warm like Hong Kong people. The fourth floor was Korea. We were provided with spicy rice cakes and an                                        people, culture, and language, all the residents can respect and live
interesting game – kicking shuttlecock. It was a common game among Korean kids, and it was almost a featured                                           happily with each other in Hall 4, where, to some degree, is a real
activity in East Asia. After tasting the Korean kind of spice, we moved on to the next one, a different kind of spice in                               home for most Academians.
Pakistan! Ali kindly introduced the Pakistani snack, one of which was very hot! We also had a strange looking food
which was a rubbery sweet, and was fairly sweet. And, further, another kind of spice was tasted at the tenth floor with
the theme of Malaysia.                                                                                                                                 The food was quite nice and the lucky draw section was always the
I did not miss the rest: Poland, America, Sweden and Denmark. On the eleventh floor, the Danish host introduced a                                      most exciting.
unique snack from their country - Frikadeller. It was a flat, pan-fried dumpling stuffed with minced meat, which was
                                                                                                                                                       Tonight was a great night for the residents to enjoy the meal, to learn
made of pork, beef, oatmeal, egg, milk, onion, pepper, garlic and plenty of other things. So many ingredients made
a special and unforgettable taste!
                                                                                                                                                       the ways to establish themselve in our society, to know new friends,
                                                                                                                                                       and to enjoy themselves.
 The activity ended with my full stomach. Oh wait! This was not the
end. The winner of competition of the best floor for which was the
best one had not been released. All of us crowded on the ground
floor lobby, nervous and excited, waiting for the result.
” The third is ---------Australia!!!” The second is-------Malaysia! and
Shanghai” Screaming was all over the place!
“And the champian is-------------guess what? “It’s-----Pakistan”
Clapping and screaming busted out again, “congratulations” was
flying everywhere. Hugging and photographing filled the lobby till
This was one of my beautiful memory in hall 4 life. I love Hall 4!

  32                                                                                                                                                                                                                   33
High Table Dinner                                                                                                              Academians' Night
 Sem B                                                                  by Momo
                                                                        Edited by Angel Liu                                                                                        Sem A
                                                                                                                                                                                         by Momo

 t is a season of flower blooming. It is a season for all Academians to celebrate the 8th birthday                                                                                       Editor: Eric Wan
 of JCAC.

O n March 25, Academ i a ns,
together with our hall master, Mrs.
Peggy Wong , as well as other
honorable guests participated in
a grand birthday party of JCAC
in Multi-function Hall A. The theme
of the party was “hundreds of
happiness”, referring to a share
of happiness with all participants
regardless of their nationality,
gender or age. Huge and colorful
background painting, echoing
lovely color balls hang down from
                                                                                                     	         The Academians’ Night is a half-yearly activity organized by the RTs and RAs at the start of each
the ceiling, made the party full of energy yet elegant.                                              semester A, to provide an opportunity for all residents to make new friends and enjoy their hall lives.

                                                                                                     	         The residents were divided into groups compring both old and new residents. Although they
After a brief opening statement made by three well-dressed hosts, the honorable guest -              came from all over the world and spoke different languages, they had came together as one and shared
Captain Lee Kwok Wing - gave us a very interesting speech about communication skills. The            the same identity as Academians from Hall 4.
Academians learned useful skills through several funny stories. The speech did bring a lot of
thoughts and joy to the Academians.                                                                  	          The first game was “Give Me What I Want” which required teamwork and contribution from all
                                                                                                     members of a group. Everyone had fun throughout this game. They talked and laughed while trying their
                                                                                                     best to win. In a relaxing atmosphere, the residents started to bond.
                                                  The video made by the 7th Residents’
                                                  Association was fascinating and touching,          	           Then came a feast serving traditional Chinese dishes (tea eggs) , typical Hong Kong
                                                  presenting vivid and veridical hall life. From     dishes(fishballs), Western dishes (pizzas and sandwiches) and desserts. Most of the them were prepared by
                                                  the snooker room to the computer room,             the tutors and helpers. The food was so delicious that the residents finished every bit of it.
                                                  from the common room to the laundry room,          	          The games resumed after the dinner. “Seven Hands and Eight Feet” was the perfect game for
                                                  every single clip in the video reminded the        the Academians to showcase their creativity. The groups came up with all kinds of postures to achieve the
                                                  Academians of their own unforgettable hall         tasks: one carrying up another, one standing with his own hands, puting one’s feet onto another’s.
                                                  life. We memorized that in the warm family of
                                                  JCAC, everyone shared the happy time. At the       	         The last was “Getting the Chair”, an exciting game to
                                                  end of the video, the dancing Academians           both the devoted participants and the amused spectators. At the
                                                  formed four Chinese characters “ 生 日 快 樂           beginning, the participants were hesitant with their moves. As the
                                                                                                     circle became smaller, intensifying the competition, they began to run
                                                  (Happy Birthday)”, showing their gratefulness      quicker.
                                                  towards all the memorable moments brought
                                                  to them by JCAC.                                   	         The fantastic evening was wrapped up by the Lucky Draw.
                                                                                                     The fancy gifts made this session the favourite among the Academians.

The performances were also wonderful, bringing unforgettable memories. It was a real audio           	         During this joyous night, laughters and warmth filled the
feast to hear the beautiful voice of Kinki and Vivian with the melodious piano accompaniment.        whole Multi-Functional Room A. The residents made new friends and
The dancing performed by the 7th Residents’ Association made the party dynamic and alive.            learned about Hall 4. It had been an unforgettable experience for
Finally, lucky draw brought the dinner to an end, yet brought it to the best of the time.            everyone.

Happy Birthday, JCAC!! Thank you for giving all of us, the Academians, so many unforgettable
happy memories!

34                                                                                                                                                                                                   35
Academians' Night                                                                                          Summer
     Sem B

     By Creami Tsui
     Editor: Angel Liu

         上學期完滿結束,新的學期又隨之展開,Hall 4 亦難免有輕微的變動。
     的宿生們都能盡快適應Hall 4這個新環境,多認識新朋友,並感受到Hall 4 熱
     Hall A舉辦了一次Academians' Night。

       首個暖身遊戲就是Speed Dating,女生們圍一個圈,男生在外也圍一個

         是次Academians’ Night,最後就在此起彼落的歡笑聲中落幕了。

                                                    In this part, competitions, both within JCAC and between an-
                                                    other hall and JCAC, will bring you to a season like summer:
                                                    sunshine, sweats and tears, energy, team spirit, and most im-
                                                    portantly, endeavour!

36                                                                                                                  37
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Hallbk v2

  • 1. 1
  • 2. Words from Residence Master To All My Dear Academians 2011-12 has been a wonderful year again for many Academi- ans residing newly in or returning to Jockey Club Academy Hall (JCAC). I have received comments like “I love the dynamic at- mosphere in Hall 4(JCAC) and the kindness and caring from all these people living here” from among you, Academians, sharing with me your delight of having been assigned to JCAC and your joy of living here. In fact, it is the support and love of you, Academians, for the hall during the year that you have made JCAC a great place for living and learning. It was my honour and privilege that I have been appointed as the residence master of JCAC since its infant stage. Having served in this position for seven years, I witnessed the rapid devel- opment of JCAC with notable achievements in both services and activities under the guidance, hard work and commitment of the many Residence Tutors and the Residents' Association Execu- tive Committees and Councillors who have contributed immensely to the welfare and benefits of fellow Academians in the past years. With the unfailing support of all the Academians, I am proud to say that JCAC is a well-groomed young adult today like your very self, having its Aca- demian culture and values firmly established and moving steadily ahead with its vision of provid- ing a happy second home to all residing under its roof. As many of you may know already, I have decided to relinquish my duties as your residence master at the end of this academic year. It has been a difficult decision for me to make. With less attention given to JCAC due to my growing engagements elsewhere, I feel that I may not be fulfilling my duties as a residence master to your expectation. Despite my strong interest in working together with young people, I think this may be the appropriate time for me to let go this meaningful job which I love so much, and to move on focusing more on my other areas of commitment. I treasure greatly the time that I have spent in JCAC. I have countless happy moments here living and learning together with every one of you. I hope you feel the same as I do and will cherish the many acquaintances that you have made in JCAC, and continue with these re- lationships as your life-long friends who can share your happiness and sorrows with you as you progress with your many life tasks in the future. Thank you all for giving me my fond memories of JCAC! It is because of you that JCAC has be- come one of the best halls on campus which is well known for its energy and multifarious activi- ties, harmony and integration of residents coming from a diverse background, and a strong hall spirit by which Academians will always give their best to strive for the good name of JCAC in a united front. I do believe that JCAC can only go from strength to strength from this point on- wards, with the concerted efforts of all Academians - past, present and future. Once an Academian, always an Academian! May I wish JCAC and all Academians every ac- complishment in the years ahead. Farewell and best wishes to you all, Peggy Your residence master May 2012 3
  • 3. RT's words ----------6~11 RAC's words ----------14~15 RA's words ---------12~13 Floor Stories ----------16~26 Spring: Summer: Autumn: Winter: Join Us in the Hall Competitions Alumni and Sharings Community Caring 28 38 50 60 29 39 51 61 30 40 52 62 31 41 53 63 32 42 54 64 33 43 55 34 44 56 35 45 57 36 46 58 47 48 Made by JCAC Chief Editor's words ---------------------- 66 Editors' words ---------------------- 67 Designers' words ---------------------- 68 Reporters' words ---------------------- 69~70 4 5
  • 4. Tutor's Words: Residence Tutors Chief Residence Tutor Hi! I’m Ar Zhi, the tutor of floor one. In the past year, that our hall-mates all are such beautiful dancers and we have experienced many all details are perfect!  I was 又一年了。 memorable events. But I also deeply moved by a lot was most impressed by the of other things, for example, 這 是 我 在 JCAC 的 第 四 年, 當 了 第 二 年 的 Tutor, 而 且 還『 升』 了 職, 成 了 Ninepin Island Trip and the the Taipei story written for the 2012 Singing Contest. The Writing Competition by Crys- Chief Tutor,壓力自然倍增。 回想上年, 剛搬入 Hall 的時候, 什麼人也不認識。 trip is very special in that it tal, a very diligent tutor and 直至開完第一次會,認識到一些拍檔 ( 其他 tutor) ,才慢慢適應下來。 showed us another aspect my good partner in the hall 再一次融入我久違了的群智大家庭。 阿志 of Hong Kong: no forest like high buildings, but attractive management team. My only suggestion for all residents is 有了之前的自身經歷,自然會留意新搬入 JCAC 的新宿生吧。和 landscape.  And our hall, I ----- seize the day and make think, is particularly successful your hall life extraordinary! 你們談天、吃飯、飲酒、說秘密已經成為了我在群智堂的習慣。 in the Singing Contest ---- an 因為你們,縱使我明年有畢業和寫論文的壓力,我也決定多留 absolutely good show! I’ve 一年在 JCAC。 been, for the first time, aware 除了新的宿生,我也擔心今年的拍擋融入不了我們 JCAC 輯」、Nancy 的「捲舌普通話」、Kinki 的嬌妍似 這個大家庭,因為他們有些人不是來自 JCAC, 而且『地位』 2005 年 8 月 火、師兄的溫和寬厚、Cherry 的溫柔體貼﹖ 也和普通的新宿生不同,所以我特別在他們剛入宿時多搞 了幾個活動。我可以說這年的 Tutor group 是歷年中最齊 Crystal 還 有 , 記 得 Inter-Hall Singing Contest 那 心的。 一 晚 , 在 大 家 奮 鬥 了 差 不 多 一 年 後 , 我 們 和 PEK 24 日 , 我 推 著 手 推 Cup 再 一 次 擦 身 而 過 , 我 們 都 哭 了。 然 後 , 我 在 到現在,我們一起工作、一起吃飯、一起開玩笑。雖然 車 由 某 Hall 搬 來 Facebook 看到有人說這一晚他被大家感動了 , 有 我們拿不到 Professor Edmond Ko Cup,但是我們卻在 JCAC… 人說他更愛 JCAC, 有人說他覺得 Academian 是 很團結的。突然我覺得沒有了 PEK Cup, 但可以令 這八個月內,在不同的活動和比賽之中凝聚在一起,而 2011 年 7 Academian 更有心和更團結 , 那也不是一件壞事。 在這兩個 semester 的時間亦是在我 Research 中最快 月 30 日 , 我 坐 著 希望大家給 JCAC 多點愛 , 多珍惜你們的 Hall Life 樂,最留戀的時間。 客貨車由家裡來到 和 Hallm​​ ates, 多投入 Academian 的身份 , 那你 JCAC… 一定會在這裡找到最珍貴的友情和回憶。 如果有人問我, 在大學這幾年,有什麼能令你留下最深 刻的回憶 ? 由 Floor Rep 到考 Hall Tutor, 結果能夠在 5 今年如無意外是最後一年住在 JCAC, 但這 年後的今天達成目標 , 是很感動 , 很開心。這一年 , 不是一個終點 , 我還是會常常回來 , 去探望這個家 我會答 : 多采多姿的宿舍生活 ! 快樂、歡笑、溫暖和淚水交集。 和大家的生活。 我感恩 , 身邊有最可愛的宿生們 , 更有最強 I’m so proud to be an AC​​ ADEMIAN. Larry 的 Tutor 同伴 ​​ ! I’ll always love and miss you all. JCAC Chief Residence Tutor 如何能忘記…阿志的溫文爾雅、Johnson 的 Hyperactive( 試過在床上閉上眼耳邊還縈繞著他 P.S. 感謝 Peggy、4th Element、H-ALL4U、 2012 春 的語句 !)、Angel 的可愛傻勁、勇哥的「快​​ 「邏 思」 4inLove 多年的支持和包容。 6 7
  • 5. Johnson Cherry 點解我會黎左 HALL 4!? 我都唔知點解。 另外 , 我很高興我 I’m a big sister in 11/F. My younger sisters 果時 WAITING LIST 入黎佢同我講 HALL 4 有位,咁 能 當 CHEERING and brothers like to share their interesting 我就入左 HALL 4 啦。 TEAM LEADER, stories with me. I usually become a wordy 但係 , 依個咁簡單 GE 決定就改變左我好多… 帶著大家一起喊 mother who always pushes her young YEAR 1 上 HALL 莊 , 識左一班好莊員 , 到宜家我依 SLOGAN, 我看著 children to study rather than play games 然係咁認為 , 我真係好感謝你地俾咗我一個好回憶 , 大 家 喊 SLOGAN and facebook. The happiest moment 我以 FOURTRESS 為榮 , 雖然途中係有不少波折 , 但 的時候 , 你們知道 for me is to hold hot pot gathering and 係我地依然可以跨過去 !! 嗎 ? 你們每一個 sweet dessert gatherings. YEAR 2 做組爸 , 有一班「活塞藍奕邦」 人都很美 , 有的力竭聲嘶 , 有的連手腳也一起打氣 的仔仔女女 , 個個都戇戇居居 , 好正。上 COUN- 了 , 你們每一個喊 SLOGAN 的樣子真的深深刻在我 Living in JCAC, I have my most supportive CIL, 有一班好下莊 , 好開心佢地感情好好 , 又比我 的腦海中 , 多謝你們為我們、為 HALL 出了一分力 , teammates. I cherish the opportunity to 地做得好 , 令 HALL 4 更有聲有色。 展現 HALL FOUR SPIRIT live and work with all my fellow girl tutors -- YEAR 3 做 TUTOR, 點 解 我 會 做 TUTOR? 就快要離開依個住左 3 年嘅家 , 真係有 D Crystal, Angel, Nancy and Kinki who are Peggy’s can be a book! She treats all the 因為我真係好鍾意個 HALL, 我想為依個 HALL 貢獻 , 唔捨得 , 一幕幕嘅回憶真係係我腦海浮現出黎… 只 the most diligent, frank and funny girls in Academians as her sons and daughters. 出一分力。 眾所周知 , 做 HALL 4 TUTOR 係唔容易 , 能說一句 : JCAC, 我想住既地方 ! the world! My fellow boy tutors also give It is her who tells us how to take care of 就好似上多年莊咁 , 但係 , 我好 ENJOY! 我好鍾意 賽馬會群智堂,我地人材多籮籮 me endless care and support since the our Academians, how to organize activi- 同大家一齊參加活動 , 好鍾意帶大家上下一心一齊 ACADEMIAN,EVERYONE IS GENIUS first day when I moved into JCAC. Many ties in hall, and most importantly how to 嗌 SLOGAN, 好想為 HALL 出一分力爭取 PEK CUP! 博博博到盡,我地比賽博到盡 thanks to Larry, Yung, Zhi, Johnson and keep our Cornwall lion spirit in the rest of 今年管果兩層都好正 , 一層就朱古力炒蛋 , 一層就 LET’S CHEER FOR HALL FOUR,CORNWALL Uncle Pong for including me as a family our life. 涼茶會 , 今年嘅宿生都好正 , 明明動情夠過癮 , 好多 LIONS BEAT YOU ALL member even though sometimes I act 謝你地俾左一個咁難忘嘅回憶我。 WO~ 我地就係 HALL FOUR! like a naughty and silly boy. I will move on with my proudest Cornwall lion spirit. If my experience in JCAC is an article, Angel Having been a Residence Tutor in JCAC for a whole year, I 親愛的同學們,我們再次迎來了炎炎夏日 am deeply impressed by the passion each member of the hall 的火熱陽光。我也很高興和大家度過了一 possesses. We are indeed like a family, in which every one of us 年愉快的宿舍生活。這一年中,幸虧有大 shares the happiness and tears, enjoys every moment we spent 家的支持和幫助,我的工作才會順利的進 together, and helps each other out whenever we can. Yes, this 行。也慶幸有大家的監督和鼓勵,修正了 is JCAC, and we are a group of diligent academians that are united. From Multi- 我每一點疏漏,也促進了我每一點進步。 cultural Journey to Disneyland Trip, every activity I was in charge of has earned 希望大家在接下來的日子裡攜手為JCAC your support and respect. I feel like being blessed. 的美好明天努力下去! Being part of Floor 66, part of Give Me Five, part of the cheering team of PEK Cup, one of Peggy’s RT, one of the eight tutors, I get to know each and everyone of you, my dearest kids and friends. JCAC, thank you for taking me on board! Nancy 8 9
  • 6. We’re all in this together Hello! Academians!!My name is Chan Chui Fan Kinki. I am the new Staying here as a Residence Tutor for the second year, I am glad that I can still see, tutor of 9/F in the Semester B. JCAC is just likes my second family. I on the faces of our Academians, smiles that tell me how much they love JCAC. The feel warm and supported here. When I was in year 1, I started living smiles are simply but enormously encouraging to the RTs as these are indicators show- here and joined the Hall Ocamp. I had a wonderful hall life in my ing us that our hard work is worth it. floor and with my roommate –Monkey who has become my for- ever best friend. When I was in year 2, I became the blue house‘s This year has been fortuitously memorable. The RT team is plainly gorgeous. Everyone mother in Hall Ocamp. They have given me some amazing memo- in the team is supportive and caring, and the unity within the team is remarkable. I am ries. I really hope that “We’re all in this together” forever and ever. grateful that you all are willing to stay together for the betterment of JCAC no matter how late it is even when the tasks we are facing are tough. I enjoy working with you. Now, I am pleased that I can be the tutor of the 9/F. All the ladies are beautiful and cute in my heart =]. I wish all the ladies can love Meanwhile, I am really thankful for the love and support from my 7/F brotherhood, my and make a good friend with each other. Floor aside, I am hon- lovely 8/F and my 9/F girls. It is great to see that you had been actively participating ored to work with the Hall management team. I would like to ex- in hall activities; some of you even fight hard for us in Inter-hall competitions. The hap- tend my gratitude to my fellow tutors and Peggy from whom I’ve piness you gained from these activities was not only rewarding to yourself, but also to learnt a lot. me, and every other resident who seeks to develop a better JCAC. We’re all in this together. This line now means a lot to me. This represents the spirit of Kinki the hall. This was also the name of the song we sang in the Inter-hall Singing Contest. Joining this team of singers and dancers was undoubtedly the best part of my hall life. I still recall the words of invitation from Kinki – ‘I can guarantee you nothing but hap- piness’, and actually I had gained way more than that. It was lovely to see you all exerting all your efforts in each and every step and movement in the dance; it was delightful to smell the sense of belonging dispersing from the sweat you shed; it was gratifying to listen to you singing the song which speaks out our hall spirit...Vivian, John- son, Kinki, Jenny, Momo, Kh, Holly, Tom, Jason, Gordon, Becca, thank you for taking me as ‘together’. We’re all stars. We’re all in this together and this shows when we stand hand in hand make our dreams come true. I know in- side we can make it. Enjoy Hall life! Yung 10 11
  • 7. 12 13
  • 8. Councilors Vivian 感謝宿生們一年來的信任和支持,讓我有機會為hall4 繼續效力,在和FOR U分享經驗的同時也見證了他們 的努力和付出,創造了BEFOUR-U。最開心是可以和 其他11位councilor繼續共事,延續我們BEFOUR的傳 Fold 奇,辛苦各位“家人”了。願每個宿生在hall4過得愉 多謝ForU一年來為宿生搞活動落心落力 快^^hall4鴻福齊天! ! ! !哇哈哈哈 多謝各位councilors, tutors 付出的努力 好多謝每位有份參與既宿生們 Holly 無論係比賽,cheering,gathering...etc 由BeFour走到councilor,這兩年來收穫了許許多多 有你地既參與, 活動變得更有意義 的感動和愛。又是一屆走過,看著現在獨當一面出色 希望各位Academians 繼續努力, 繼續為hall4 做 的ForU,感慨萬千。當初為新莊著急落淚,如今卻是 到最好 看到他們的成就喜極而泣;因為知道,hall4的精神正 在被這幫志同道合的夥伴傳延下去。謝謝ForU一年的 Gordon 辛苦付出和無私奉獻,衷心祝願這份對Hall4共同的 傍晚,好味廚旁有一少年,一老人。 愛可以如此一年年承繼不斷。最後,愛BeFour,愛 少年問:「宿舍之大,該當以何為首?」老人笑 ForU,愛Hall4! 曰:「天下之道,在於英豪。宿舍之首該決於群智 所在。」 Boris 少年又問:「天下何人能勝群智評議員一職。」老 做councilor既原因無非係想盡我所能, 繼續為hall服 人答﹕「具過人見識、心向群智之人即可。」 務。由幹事會到評議員, 睇住hall一路一路發展, hall 少年再問:「評議員之多寡又當何如?」老人微 management team無私地不斷付出, 宿生們由被動 笑:「何謂『多』『少』矣?」 變主動, 一切一切都感受良多。長江後浪推前浪, 希望 少年答:「多少者決於定量。」 下屆既莊會繼續努力, 比我地做得更好, 為hall4寫下 老人大笑,曰:「非也!多者,庸庸碌碌之輩,一 更輝煌一頁。在此多謝同我一齊奮鬥左兩年既戰友們: 人亦為多。少者,見識超凡之輩,百人亦為少。」 you guys are the best! 少年思之,老人又語:「今群智皆集於此,福矣! 」 Kaho 先生何許人也?」老 少年見老人見識超群:忙問「​​ 擔任評議員只是想為hall4作出自己最大的貢獻:將寳 人不答,含笑而去。 貴的上莊經驗傳下去。而我的付出遠遠都不及宿生幹 事會及tutor們在這年辛勤的付出,所以在這向他們表 少年不知此老人已年過八十,何氏,群智人矣。 示萬分敬意。還有希望下年的hall4可以更進一步,把 Daphne (Chairlady) hall4精神傳遍所有hall。 It's good to pass our experience to the new residents' association. Hope the spirit of unity would last forever! Chiang Many thanks to another 11 councillors. Love u all 雖然Councilor可能是一個微不足道的角色,但我只希 望用小小的力量貢獻Hall4,把過去一年上莊的沙石剔 Edison (Vice Chairman) 除,為FOUR U、宿生們帶來美好的回憶。藉此機會多 在這一年內,看著幹事會的成長,也深感安慰,正所謂十年樹木,百年樹人。賽馬會群智堂歷年人才輩出,乃是賽 馬會群智堂之福氣。賽馬會群智堂得以發光發亮,全因舍監、宿舍導師和宿生會之合作,望美好的傳統繼續傳承, 謝每位戰友送我每個難忘的晚上:P 來年幹事會搖身一變成為了評議員,把經驗、知識和愛傳遍賽馬會群智堂每一個角落。 期望各位把Hall4文化繼續傳承,讓所有宿生有一個更 呀!這就是愛呀! 美滿的Hall Life,令Hall4繼續茁壯成長。 Ryan Jenny 我最初惶恐的在普選中當上了評議員,爲了不負宿生們的期望,我盡力在為幹事會的成長中貢獻自己的綿薄之力。 Befour出身,為了可以繼續服務我熱愛的群智堂,因 而現在,我深深為幹事會能虛心聽取評議員的建議並開拓創新而欣慰, 也為幹事會對群智堂無私付出的精神所感 此我選擇競選評議員,可以將自己上莊一年來積累的 動,而我也能算安心接受評議員這莫大的頭銜了。同時也真心想對其他11位評議員說:你們辛苦了! 經驗與下莊分享,同時為了保障宿生利益盡職監督宿 Becca 生會。一年來,見到他們有自己的想法自己的創意膽 看到ForU就好像看到當年的我們, 好開心每年都有這樣的一幫人, 全心全意的愛著Hall4, 為了更好的Hall life而努力, 識,不停努力改善活動方案提高服務質素,讓我明白 we love Hall4! 自己和另外十一名評議員,以及ForU,這一年的付出 是不負所望的!望群智堂來年人才輩出,獅子精神薪 火相傳! 14 15
  • 9. Wonderland by Chayton Yao Binary The first in JCAC is a beautiful place, it has many nice academians they make here a wonderful place to live and study, their decoration and behaviors will let you know how this good place is. Living comments from academians 2/F Binary can be called as an international floor as there are a lot of Floor tutor international students who live in this floor. They come from America, France, Cherish your stay in JCAC, and make your life extraordinary! --------Ar Zhi Germany, Taiwan etc. Although we have different culture and habits, we can 102A still stick together and understand each other and try to learn from each other. It’s very great, I love my roommate he is so cool, plus he is never ever here, I only don’t like 12am We have fun in the floor gathering although we may not meet all the floor-mate curfew, it really sunk but everything else is perfect. ---------Jason Montgomery at the same time. Without residence tutor living in this floor, we still have our 102B fantastic hall lives like the others. During the Floor Decoration, we work together The people living here are so nice that help me for the study and share joys with me this year. I’m as a team aiming at the champion. When others need help, we always like to so happy to live in hall4. ---------Andrew Yu give our hands. Being one of the Binary makes our hall live wonderful. I think, my living in hall is quiet and comfortable. I can study and living here. ---------Edison 103B Hall4 is a place with many enthusiasm and energetic academia. ---------TSHNG MAN TIK, DAVIE 104A The residence is like my home. ---------Derek Home without relatives. ---------Shayne 105A Happy JCAC life!! As an RA member, everything hand is worth it! ---------Johnny Living condition is good and comfortable, I enjoy living here. ---------Zhu Renjie 105B To me, hall life brings me a lot of different friends such as locals, international and mainlanders what I believe can make my life more colorful. ----------Kant Chan 106A I’m happy here, clean, quiet, everything is OK. ----------Dave 107A All round development, have fun, have more friends. ---------Samuel 107B The culture of hall can let me feel comfortable. Because there are many nice people even other floor mates. So I am enjoying being here.----------Ben Chan 108B I have a family in Hong Kong, it lies in JCAC! ----------Joe Zhang JCAC is one very important part in my life, I live here, eat here, study here, make friends here. Yeah, here is also one part of my body in my blood. -----------Yao Chenpeng From the above comment, I believe you will have a better understanding on the first floor life in by Stella Li JCAC, and actually the first floor life is also our unforgettable memory in university life forever. 16 17
  • 10. Tri-Angels Big4 by Hilda Ng Alex Fong Wow!!! 我地係四樓嘅 BIG 4!! 短短一 Floor name-A? 年裡面,我地創造左無限個回憶;憑 During the floor decoration, Tutor Johnson and “Tri-Angels” is our floor name. 住 Floor dec 嘅四樓魔法奇幻旅程、 the five floor representatives came up with cook com 嘅朱古力炒蛋同 sing con the idea of role-playing Harry Potter. Then four “Tri” = 3/F 嘅死啦青春痘等等成功 一夜成名 ...... 相信呢 d 都係 Hall 4 嘅 集體 ( 取 representatives became the department head “Angels” = 3/F is a girls’ floor. of Hogwarts school. And Johnson honored four 笑 ) 回憶! of us with the floor nameBig 4. All angels here are very gentle and sweet. 仲有一個月就要搬走,最令人頭痛嘅 They enjoy cooking, so they are one of the winners of Inter-floor Cooking 唔 係 點 搬 走 d 行 李, 而 係 點 收 拾 對 Any funny thing on Competition. BIG 4、對 Hall 4 嘅情感同回憶 .... 希 the floor?@0@ 望 大 家 會 記 得 BIG 4, 記 得 我 地 係 All of us are active. They enjoy having meal in 2011-2012 Hall 4 最 癲 最 喪 嘅 樓 層 BIG 4!! But girls are quite Common Room and then wild on this floor. They share their stories with others. People on the floor? speak foul language We got tons of cool people quite often. And we They are considerate, so here. Hilda and Bobo are have floor gathering they are attentive to keep a pair of joke makers. They bi-weekly. Every c o m m o n a re a n e a t a n d always make the atmosphere time we plan to do tidy. Therefore they have got war m and motivate others something special for prize in Inter-floor Cleanliness with their gags. Ken, Fabio the gathering ends Competition and Aaron are great cook. up with typical sweet They are fresh and energetic Alex is a master of beer and soup gathering. because half of them are first spicy food. We always help year to university. each others in floor events. If you have come to our floor, you may see we have posted our name and station on our door. The station shows the feature of our own culture, as like as Tin Shui Wai from Hong Kong, “Xihu” from Hangzhou, and Donut from US. Relations between Angels are very harmonious even they come from different places and enjoy to live together at 3/F. 18 19
  • 11. 601B Five Floor Floor 66 C 溫暖的 herry: H 避風港 all 就 像 一個 家, 是 交 換生 by all Academians of 6th Floor , 每一个 6 樓 love Floor 66 60 1A Angel:I 我不是大肉蟲 ~ 的 baby~~ 而 的孩子都是我 心 601B Becca: I love 602A Wo 最開 Hall4!! ody: all4 層 Hall 4 的 住 H 進入同 環境很 恆: 意 溫 馨, 希 6 02B 可 以 隨 寂 寞! 望每一 於 永不 位 Hallm 莫 過 聊天, 能心想事 ate 都 友 房朋 入這個大家 成, 融 庭 603 咁多 A Go r 最 鍾 地方 don: , 去 : 住 Cu 意 嘅 咁多文 過 604B 聰 ltur 就係 化 e! 陣, 係 AB , hall 果 到 C mon 見 603B com 粗 豪 好多人 煮公仔麵 係一 :H arm 呀 ! 個最 真係好 w 嘅 H 正 最 all4 a 熱鬧 muc ll , I lo v e h^^ it s o 605A Jim : 604A Chris: 其 實 住 HALL 4, Hall 短短兩個月可以 我想住嘅地 參 加 hall 的 活 動 ( 籃 方 球 比 賽 sing con) ,自已覺得好開心, 所 它有 因為 因 好 有 歸 屬 感,JCAC 不僅 施, 更 的, , is the best ! 特別 多 元 的 設 的氛圍 ll 4 是 , 最 暖 , 溫 ——它是 , s : Ha 動 n 最 una 的活 mia 60 7B L 最 豐 富 Acade 最特别的 。 604A all 中 情的 Hall 4 是 想念的家 有 H 有最熱 就會 F 我 的 rancis: 裡 。 以 所 為這 的回憶 ,離開了 大 謝 謝 學 生 活 謝 謝 JC 好 開 最美 不想離 變 A 就 room Hallma 得 充 實 圓 C 給 608A Au Shan:JCAC, 一 住過 活, 來 ate 帶 te, fl 舍生 莫 逆 U相 來的 o o r m 滿。 個好熱血、團結的 Hall! 在每 年宿 , 亦 有 識 at 予的幫 的 老 鄉 T 歡樂!謝謝 e 和 次 比 賽 時, 大 家 一 齊 喊 叫 的 Jeff rey :三 交 泛之 生 助! utor 宿舍 Ange 在返 slogan 都 給 我 一 種 熱 血 團 結 6 05A , 有 泛 享受 l 的給 的 感 覺, 希 望 Hall 4 這 隻 紅 匆 匆 好好 之 . 60 6B Ci ss 去 個, y :I t’s all . 獅的精神可以繼續感染每一個 之交 是 哪 一 ab ou t wa rm th an d 不 論 群智堂的 Hall4 人 共勉 relaxation! ndy: 在 活. 608A We 很 快 樂。 很 精 彩, 602B Marco 開心 ! 好玩 ! : Year1 過 得 ster,Hall tutor, 608 感 謝 Hall ma 一年間的 感覺 B Kat all 莊以及 各宿生在 多采。 溫 y Ha 、 馨 :Ha H Hall4 生活多姿 607 B 的回 ll4 的 。 即將 ll4 給 合作,令 越做越好 , 607A 阿 雯 : Hall4 Aca Holly: 憶。 生活將 告別 了 我 家 ll4 在 將 來 預 祝 Ha 及福利給大 家! 好 warm 啊 , 我 好 鄉 的 demia Hall 4 精 成為 大學 我人 生活 的 n 帶更多歡樂 鍾 意 Hall4 啊 , 我 我想 溫 暖 與 s 給了我 神 和 生美 。 認真 感 好想 return 啊 ~ 守護 動。 它 在異 麗 的家 是個 。 20 21
  • 12. 777 8lourful w e named our floor as “777”, that is the lucky 7s because we all feel lucky meeting each other in the same hall on the same floor. Each and every resident living on the 8th floor has an interesting story to tell; their dreams, their The floor had become a platform for each of us to experiences, their lives. nurture friendship and even brotherhood with each other. On this floor, we worked hard; we chatted; 8th floor was named 8lourful this year. The residents came up with this idea as they hope every resident we shared our lives; we pursued our dream. will have a richly colorful life. Like the many colors on a palette, each resident on the 8th floor represents a color. They are each unique in their own ways but they join hands to paint a masterpiece. It might be This floor contained residents from various a very quiet floor, but they enjoy each other’s presence very much. Friendly faces and hellos along the backgrounds. We had among us all sorts of local corridor often make their hearts lighter despite the stressfulness in daily lives. The few but enjoyable students admitted to this university by difference floor gatherings are the best part of all! The residents find it really nice to eat from the same pot with means. We also had non-local students from the students from other parts of the world at hot pot gatherings. The decorations on the floor are simply but mainland China, Taiwan, European and Asian vastly meaningful. Residents took time to write down their dream vacation spots and the unforgettable exchange students. experiences they had during vacations. Everyday residents are reminded and motivated to strive for the chance to be able to visit their dream places one day. 8flourful is indeed a dreams-filled floor! Despite the difference in terms of cultural and academic backgrounds, we found a common Residents on the 8th floor took energy saving seriously. The lights in the common rooms are constantly language, a medium that pulled us together. This common language is drinking. Trying switched off when the room is not in used. The residents’ discipline has won them the first place in the out new beers from around the world, tasting wine and telling good ones from bad energy-saving competition and the residents are really proud of this achievement. ones, sharing whiskey, rum, and all other sorts of alcoholic drinks had made a life to many on this floor. Of course, what was more important was the chat behind. Through the chat, we know each other better and understand our difference more. Let's sit down together and enjoy a great night of chat here. 22 23
  • 13. Go for Life Having lived in Hall 4 for almost two 十萬伏特 years, I have great fun here. And I have gained a lot through being a floor representative. At a glance on the 10th floor of Jockey Club Academy Hall, one could immediately see the I was the floor representative of the cordial welcome conveyed by the colorful cardboard pieces placed either in front of the lifts ninth floor last semester. I organized or floating in the vicinity of the corridor. Those colorful cardboard pieces were cut according and arranged “sweet soup to the Pokemon characters of the Japanese Manga by the residents of the 10th floor. gathering” on a weekly basis. During Concurrently, some of they are also cute-looking that could make them anyone’s favorite. the gatherings, floor mates would Also, the characters put were chosen in accordance to the 10th floor’s theme, “Thunderbolt”. eat, chat and meet each other, In addition to the existing impeccably warm welcome that is “visible”, the warmness provided which I think helps a lot in building by the residents of the 10th floor is also on par, especially the one exuded by the 10th floor up friendship among floor mates. Residence Tutor, Mr. Larry Lo who has given a lot of tendered care to the residents of his Sometimes it’d be quite hard to hold floor. He likes to go out for a dinner with the residents on his floor, mutually talking and gatherings. Like I needed to think of sharing his valuable experiences while at the same time giving ample advice to those who seek them. While 10th floor remains welcoming, it is also very lively; not during the day, but what to eat, what most floor mates during when the daylight is out. At any time during the night, one could hear the screeching preferred and so on. However, I and ear-breaking female scream given out that you would never forget or the sound of was not alone as other floor mates footsteps of people chasing each other around in the corridor trying to chase someone or o f f e r e d h e l p . L a s t D e c e m b e r, I the sound of someone singing. Sometimes, you could also see the residents gathering in held a Christmas Party in 9/F common room. Floor mates were eager to help decorate the common room having hotpot or cooking food together merrily or joking around while common room, buy gifts and suggest what to eat. We all had fun in the Party. watching the television. I’d say I have met a lot of friends through organizing gatherings. And it’s glad to see 10th floor is like no other floor, it is the most excellent. people enjoy gatherings that I held. Being the floor representative is a nice experience that paints my hall life. Before moving in to hall4, whenever it came to the question why we have to live in dormitory, I would say, well, we can rush down to the campus and therefore sleep more. But after experiencing hall life in this academic year, my answer to it has been changed. Hall life lets me know so many more friends from different nationalities and disciplines, makes me lear n to take care of myself and people around me, and more importantly, has colored my university life. Our floor, 9 for life, is a floor filled with energetic and sweet girls. Our hall tutor, Kinki, sings like an angel. Suki is a TV drama fan who likes watching TV in common room. Katie is a pretty girl with sweet smile. Jenny is talkative and energetic all the time. Ming is tall and yet very cute. Ballchi, I like the way she laughs because it somehow makes me laugh too. Lai Lai plays sports more than brilliantly. Fish, I like the way we share our food. Tracy, you are beautiful no matter with long or short, straight or curly hair. So many more which cannot be mentioned in here, but I love you all, I really do! Reported by Margaret and Kayee 24 25
  • 14. Spring One Thousand and One Nights It is a fairyland where lovely fairies and beautiful princesses live; it is a peculiar world where cool soccer players and smart artists live. Living in 11th floor is so happy and warm that seems to live in the fairy tales. The shinning white and blue ribbons just like Alice’s rabbit lead you into a wonderland. When you open any door, you will find stories behind, special and beautiful. The fantastic hall life in the 11 floor is so nice that any resident who lives here does not want to stop it, just like the king who insists on listening to the stories in one thousand and one nights. The atmosphere of this fairyland is friendly and warm. When we encounter some worrisome things outside, hall is a perfect shelter and floormates are one of the strongest supports. When we feel lonely, our keen floormates will accompany us. When we are sick, our keen floormates will take care of us even cook congee for us. When we are in a dilemma, our smart tutor and keen floormates will chat with us and help us make a better decision. Never feel lonely, never feel bored. Friendships between all the floormates warm others and ourselves. The activities in this fairyland is funny and diverse. In non- regular floor gathering, we tried different food: Hong Kong style Join us in the Hall tong sui, Hunan home style dishes, western dessert and so on. Because of friendship and communication, the food was tasted more delicious. Sometimes, there are exciting shouts in the common room. That may be our game amateurs communicating via video games, or may be several friends exchanging the secrets. Here, in the fairyland, we can enjoy our private time as well as gathering time with our Spring, the beginning of every year, the first season floormates. of all. In this part of Spring, please “Join us in the Our cute tutor Cherry and the fellow floormates are all magical magicians, making the hall life so colorful and unforgettable. The beautiful memory and life experience in the fairyland will not Hall” to experience what is like to experience fresh- only be kept in our mind but also in one thousand and one nights. We are the wonderful fairy ness, and what is it like to be a new Academian! tale in JCAC!!! 26 27
  • 15. Orientation Camp Boris 陳大河紅燊 O'camp 進一步加強左我對 hall 既歸屬感, 見到 D 仔女由乜都唔識 freshmen 一個入黎 hall 度,見到佢地識到朋友 代表 hall 去比賽, Rocky 藍洋依馬打 去 high table even 上 hall 莊 攪 活 動, 好 好 開 心, 覺 得 hall 4 好 團 結, 個 個 似見返一年前既自己 希望 cornwall lion 既 ACADEMIANS 都好有歸屬感,好似 精神可以一代代傳落去 !! 一家人咁齊心咁 warm!! Jim 沙嗲黃老吉 我係 2011 年 Hall O'camp 既黃組沙嗲黃老吉既組 爸阿 Jim,可以係 hall4 做組爸其實好開心,好幸 運有一班好好玩既組仔女。HALL O 真係好開心, Edison 綠尾巴菲特 可以同班組仔組女一齊,又成日見到,就好似屋企 見到一班組仔組女慢慢長大,我真 人咁,又開心又感動 !! 係好開心 !! 綠尾巴,七隻哈,哈哈 哈哈哈哈哈 !! 28 29
  • 16. Ninepin Island Trip by Angel Edited by Eric Wan N ot for this trip to the Ninepin Island on the 17 September 2011, an isolated yet marvelous island group located in the North-west of Hong Kong, we wouldn’t Mid-autumn Festival know JCAC offers all the residents such amazing experience of hiking and sight- by Angel Liu seeing. Edited by Eric Wan Early in the morning, we got onto our cruise from TST, and began our unforgettable It has always been the most interesting and meaningful event for the journey. The sun was shining in the happiest way and bringing to the earth its most exchange students, as this is their first inter-hall activity... gorgeous lighting. Listening to the sound of the cruise sailing ahead and the water T he Mid-autumn Festival celebration was jointly organized by all the halls in the padding upon the edge of the cruise, we couldn’t help but to take pictures of all the student residence area. During the celebration, food, puzzles, games and lanterns views on board. On the far end, there were the islands. The group of islands looked so can be seen all over the Multi-function Hall A. isolated, with large amount of stones hanging right at the edge of the cliffs. The only way to get onto the island is to jump down from the cruise into a tiny little boat, and sail It has always been the most interesting and meaningful event for the exchange all the way to the only entrance of the island at the cliff. students, as this is their first inter-hall activity, as well as their first-time experience to celebrate a traditional festival other than those of their own country. This year at the JCAC counter, exchange students were particularly fascinated by the balloons and Luckily, we all had a wonderful sea-food lunch at the beach before we got to know face-painting games. that we were heading towards such a difficult task. After putting on safety suits, we “Come on! Try out our Chinese opera face-painting! It is worth your time staying with us waited to jump into the little boats one by one. It was rewarding to go onto the island, for the next half an hour!” Angel Yap, with a lot of face-painting pencils shouted around. even after spending so much effort. The view on the island is absolutely fantastic. On “Come and have a look at our pictures. Pick one as your favorite; and we will help the far end, there was the bluest sky you could ever imagine. Closer to us, the sea you to draw it onto your face!” Vivian Huang said to one of the exchange students. waves sparkled and shined below our feet. Standing on the hardest rocks, we even “Or maybe, do you want to learn making balloon cats and balloon dogs?” William took a picture lining up in the big shape of “4”. Guanawan grabbed Michael, a Polish student who found the event exciting and fabulous to him. How tired were we after a whole-day sailing and hiking? Well…”extremely” is the most O ne hour later, exchange students from the States, UK, Poland, France, Australia and Sweden found themselves wearing a face like appropriate word to use. Although we all fell asleep on the way back on the cruise, the sound of the water padding the edge of our cruise still brought about the most beautiful music on earth. Chinese opera performers. “What an amazing evening with all the residents of JCAC at their counter! I am going to wear this cool face out to LKF!” said the last visitor of JCAC counter. His vote is essentially the last vote of the night, and rendered the JCAC performance awarded! Hurray! We won! Again, JCAC began the favorite hall of the year in the Mid-autumn Festival! 30 31
  • 17. Multi-cultural Journey High Table Dinner Sem A by Whisky Liu by Momo Edited by Michael Lau Edited by Eric Wan E Here came the Multi-cultural Journey! Being very hall in the residence holds high table dinner annually but excited and curious, I went back quite early Hall 4 makes it special by holding it twice in a year. We have to our hall to join this banquet! The Festival is different themes and dress codes for the dinners. The one in an activity of our Hall this year which aimed at Semester A is more formal as we could see ladies and gentlements promoting mutual cultural communications. dressed like business executives. The theme of the high-table-dinner Different floors had different themes of countries, in this year is FIRE, whose Chinese name is “ 火樹銀花”. and each floor would provide special food from a country or area. There was a competition among them. With such distinct activities and The decoration perfectly matched the theme. A large and beautiful such a good chance to feast my stomach, I water painting hanging outside welcomed all the participants. The had no reason to miss this Festival! Well, let’s get moving! shining flowers hung in the ceiling were glittery stars in the darkest sky. The stage was also decorated by other shining stuff. It seemed like As we knew, although all 11 floors were involved in the activity, the food was a ‘scarce resources’. How can we try all kinds of food on all the floors? Some there was fire on the stage which was grand and wonderful. suggested me start from the top floor so I could eat all way along to the bottom one! For I could not find any sense in this funny theory, I followed the ‘normal’ way from the bottom to the top. (I joke ^ ^) High Table dinner is an event which can represent our special ABC Our first destination was Australia! As we went into the common room, the host friendly welcomed us and treated us culture the best. The honorable guest, Dr. Cheung Chor Yung gave with some featured snacks. After tasting the delicious food, we were asked to answer some easy but funny questions us a great speech on how to deal with problems in our study and on the culture of their country. Although in fact we made a lot of wild guesses in this ‘quiz’, unbelievably we got a good mark and some bonus snacks. hall life, which helped the residents achieve academic excellence, cultivate academians' interests, as well as have a harmony hall life. Having tasted the benefits, we rushed to the second floor to seek the next tasty. The theme was Shang Hai and the hosts were my friend, Fanny and Bo Bo, and some of their friends. All of them were friendly and cute. The room was full of things. There were numbers of strings across the room and stripes of papers were attached to the strings Then the preformance section did represent the “C”(Community with Chinese characters on. Guess what! Those were riddles! As for food, the hosts had prepared Bao Zi (Chinese Citizenship), because the residents from different areas all came to bun), dumplings and Shao Mai (a kind of dim sum), which was my favorite. It seemed hard to have a bite on any of them because guests had to find out the answers of the riddles and learn to speak the name of these snack in the stage to show their talent. Vivian from mainland China sang with Shanghainese before they could taste the food. My friend who came with me was good at playing riddles, but I ‘Fat guy’, a local resident. Gage, from Australia and a South Korea would rather be quiet. (I did not eat much) resident played guitar. Bringing the event to an end, a group of The next one was Hong Kong and the food was dessert. Among them I really love red bean porridges, which were students preformed a very creative dance. In spite of the diversity of sweet and warm like Hong Kong people. The fourth floor was Korea. We were provided with spicy rice cakes and an people, culture, and language, all the residents can respect and live interesting game – kicking shuttlecock. It was a common game among Korean kids, and it was almost a featured happily with each other in Hall 4, where, to some degree, is a real activity in East Asia. After tasting the Korean kind of spice, we moved on to the next one, a different kind of spice in home for most Academians. Pakistan! Ali kindly introduced the Pakistani snack, one of which was very hot! We also had a strange looking food which was a rubbery sweet, and was fairly sweet. And, further, another kind of spice was tasted at the tenth floor with the theme of Malaysia. The food was quite nice and the lucky draw section was always the I did not miss the rest: Poland, America, Sweden and Denmark. On the eleventh floor, the Danish host introduced a most exciting. unique snack from their country - Frikadeller. It was a flat, pan-fried dumpling stuffed with minced meat, which was Tonight was a great night for the residents to enjoy the meal, to learn made of pork, beef, oatmeal, egg, milk, onion, pepper, garlic and plenty of other things. So many ingredients made a special and unforgettable taste! the ways to establish themselve in our society, to know new friends, and to enjoy themselves. The activity ended with my full stomach. Oh wait! This was not the end. The winner of competition of the best floor for which was the best one had not been released. All of us crowded on the ground floor lobby, nervous and excited, waiting for the result. ” The third is ---------Australia!!!” The second is-------Malaysia! and Shanghai” Screaming was all over the place! “And the champian is-------------guess what? “It’s-----Pakistan” Clapping and screaming busted out again, “congratulations” was flying everywhere. Hugging and photographing filled the lobby till long. This was one of my beautiful memory in hall 4 life. I love Hall 4! 32 33
  • 18. High Table Dinner Academians' Night Sem B by Momo Edited by Angel Liu Sem A by Momo I t is a season of flower blooming. It is a season for all Academians to celebrate the 8th birthday Editor: Eric Wan of JCAC. O n March 25, Academ i a ns, together with our hall master, Mrs. Peggy Wong , as well as other honorable guests participated in a grand birthday party of JCAC in Multi-function Hall A. The theme of the party was “hundreds of happiness”, referring to a share of happiness with all participants regardless of their nationality, gender or age. Huge and colorful background painting, echoing lovely color balls hang down from The Academians’ Night is a half-yearly activity organized by the RTs and RAs at the start of each the ceiling, made the party full of energy yet elegant. semester A, to provide an opportunity for all residents to make new friends and enjoy their hall lives. The residents were divided into groups compring both old and new residents. Although they After a brief opening statement made by three well-dressed hosts, the honorable guest - came from all over the world and spoke different languages, they had came together as one and shared Captain Lee Kwok Wing - gave us a very interesting speech about communication skills. The the same identity as Academians from Hall 4. Academians learned useful skills through several funny stories. The speech did bring a lot of thoughts and joy to the Academians. The first game was “Give Me What I Want” which required teamwork and contribution from all members of a group. Everyone had fun throughout this game. They talked and laughed while trying their best to win. In a relaxing atmosphere, the residents started to bond. The video made by the 7th Residents’ Association was fascinating and touching, Then came a feast serving traditional Chinese dishes (tea eggs) , typical Hong Kong presenting vivid and veridical hall life. From dishes(fishballs), Western dishes (pizzas and sandwiches) and desserts. Most of the them were prepared by the snooker room to the computer room, the tutors and helpers. The food was so delicious that the residents finished every bit of it. from the common room to the laundry room, The games resumed after the dinner. “Seven Hands and Eight Feet” was the perfect game for every single clip in the video reminded the the Academians to showcase their creativity. The groups came up with all kinds of postures to achieve the Academians of their own unforgettable hall tasks: one carrying up another, one standing with his own hands, puting one’s feet onto another’s. life. We memorized that in the warm family of JCAC, everyone shared the happy time. At the The last was “Getting the Chair”, an exciting game to end of the video, the dancing Academians both the devoted participants and the amused spectators. At the formed four Chinese characters “ 生 日 快 樂 beginning, the participants were hesitant with their moves. As the circle became smaller, intensifying the competition, they began to run (Happy Birthday)”, showing their gratefulness quicker. towards all the memorable moments brought to them by JCAC. The fantastic evening was wrapped up by the Lucky Draw. The fancy gifts made this session the favourite among the Academians. The performances were also wonderful, bringing unforgettable memories. It was a real audio During this joyous night, laughters and warmth filled the feast to hear the beautiful voice of Kinki and Vivian with the melodious piano accompaniment. whole Multi-Functional Room A. The residents made new friends and The dancing performed by the 7th Residents’ Association made the party dynamic and alive. learned about Hall 4. It had been an unforgettable experience for Finally, lucky draw brought the dinner to an end, yet brought it to the best of the time. everyone. Happy Birthday, JCAC!! Thank you for giving all of us, the Academians, so many unforgettable happy memories! 34 35
  • 19. Academians' Night Summer Sem B By Creami Tsui Editor: Angel Liu 上學期完滿結束,新的學期又隨之展開,Hall 4 亦難免有輕微的變動。 在跟某些遷出的宿生道別的同時,我們亦忙於歡迎新遷入的宿生。到了一個 全新的環境,人難免會感到一點慌張、一點惶惑、一點不知所措,為了讓新 的宿生們都能盡快適應Hall 4這個新環境,多認識新朋友,並感受到Hall 4 熱 鬧融洽的氣氛,宿生會的幹事們就於2012年1月19日晚上,在Multi-function Hall A舉辦了一次Academians' Night。 首個暖身遊戲就是Speed Dating,女生們圍一個圈,男生在外也圍一個 圈,音樂停的時候就要跟旁邊的人交談。經過幾個回合,現場的氣氛瞬即變 得熱鬧起來。幹事會的成員亦很體貼地為宿生們提供了薄餅和飲料,在飽餐 一頓以後,還有更多好玩的遊戲呢!例如「人肉漢堡包」,宿生們的背上被 貼上了代表不同食材的貼紙,他們必需把各種食材都集齊,才能組成一個完 整漢堡包呢!接下來是「森林大火」的遊戲,宿生們一時要蹲下來扮松樹, 一時要站起來扮樹,跑來跑去,大家都玩得不亦樂乎。最後的遊戲,亦是最 刺激的遊戲,那就是「爭凳仔」了,為了爭得一席位,宿生們都戰戰兢兢地 繞著椅子轉圈,誰也不敢鬆懈半秒呢! 是次Academians’ Night,最後就在此起彼落的歡笑聲中落幕了。 Competitions In this part, competitions, both within JCAC and between an- other hall and JCAC, will bring you to a season like summer: sunshine, sweats and tears, energy, team spirit, and most im- portantly, endeavour! 36 37