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If you haven’t already incorporated an Inbound Marketing strategy, the time to do so is now.
The way customers interact with brands is being redefined and if you continue to rely upon
outmoded marketing techniques you risk exposing yourself to tremendous competitive intru-
sion into your market and mind share.
In this e-book we will outline an easy to follow four-step approach to retrofitting your market-
ing programs with an Inbound strategy.
	 1.	 Know your customer
	 2.	 Craft an SEO strategy
	 3.	 Create compelling content
	 4.	 Enable the 4 social disciplines
With each section we will identify useful tools and offer nuggets of best practices gleaned
from the deployment of a multitude of Inbound programs. Finally, the e-book will conclude
with a list of the top 10 Take-Aways to keep close at hand as you begin this process.
Marcus Tewksbury, Strategic Solutions Principal, Alterian
•	 Page 2 –	 Executive Summary
•	 Page 4 –	 What is “Inbound Marketing”?
•	 Page 8 –	 Step 1: Know Your Audience
•	 Page 10 –	Step 2: Craft an SEO strategy
		 Keyword Selection
		 Structural (On-page) SEO
		 Link Building
•	 Page 16 –	Step 3: Create compelling content
•	 Page 18 –	Step 4: Enable the Social Channels
•	 Page 20 –	Community
•	 Page 21 –	Publicizing
•	 Page 24 –	Syndicating
•	 Page 27 –	Measurement
•	 Page 34 –	Conclusion
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Inbound Marketing is a philosophy that focuses on creating valuable content and then
leveraging the pull-orientated channels of Search and Social to achieve distribution. In this
way it addresses not just where and how a message is brought to market, but to whom and
why. In the simplest form, Inbound Marketing can be summarized in three maxims:
•	 Create valuable, customer centric Content
•	 Optimize from a Search perspective to maximize find-ability
•	Leverage Social channels to spread distribution
The concept of “Inbound Marketing” was originally coined by the good
folks Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah over at Hubspot in 2007 to
describe a new approach to marketing that addressed what they saw as a
seismic shift in the marketing landscape. The shift they sought to address
was the rising tide of the consumer’s share of voice.
Powered by time shifting and filtering technologies (e.g., TiVo, Spam
filters, etc.), changing regulations (e.g., CAN-SPAM, etc.), and social
backlash to unwanted messages, the once meek voice of the customer
began its rise to near equal, if not greater, footing than the marketer’s own.
Fast forward to today, and we know this vision to be a reality.
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It should come as no surprise, therefore, that many of our past optimized marketing activities
are no longer producing like they used to. Sure, the economy is to blame for some of that,
but it would be foolhardy to deny that we are now playing by different rules. The aim of the
game is no longer to just push out as many messages as possible, although that is still part of
the winning formula, but to focus on creating valuable content that creates self-sustained pull
from the market.
Although technology has brought customers closer than ever before, it has also made them
more difficult to reach. As marketers we know this to be true. Today, consumers are inundated
with a multitude of channels and offers at any given time and gaining their attention can be
incredibly difficult. Enter Inbound Marketing. This is the framework you’ve been missing that
can help you tap into the customer-empowered, marketing landscape.
Something to emphasize here is that Inbound does not repre-
sent a change in WHAT we do as marketers, just HOW we do it.
We are still in the business of selling stuff in some form of other.
Never forget who you are - we always have, and we always will
be here to sell!
Inbound Marketing can replace the impressions we’ve lost to outmoded techniques. The
scariest element of this is opening up to the loss of control. In the old world, we had a
semblance of control because we could dictate the volume and intensity of impressions.
Whenever we needed to pump up the volume all we had to do was open the wallet and
buy more distribution through media. Unfortunately, this old push paradigm doesn’t work as
consistently as it used to.
By developing quality content, we can replace this lost reach by fostering “pull”. To
accomplish this, however, we must entrust the distribution to our customers. We must have
faith that if we hit our mark with our content, that distribution will be “earned”. And if we do it
exceptionally well, our audience will reward us by taking it “viral” and producing impressions
we could never have dreamed of in a “paid” media context. It’s this emphasis on building
relationships with customers, as opposed to campaign execution, that makes Inbound
Marketing special and apropos for today’s marketing landscape.
“We’re more in the space of managing communities than creating ads.”
	 - Joe Tripodi, The Coca-Cola Company CMO
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Everything you do in Inbound Marketing needs to be driven by your understanding of your
customer. Before you take any other step you want to make sure you have your customer
well defined. Not just their vital stats mind you, but a real grasp of what makes them tick and
keeps them up at night. If you are going
to connect with them, and make relevant,
valuable contributions you need to be able
to connect with them where it hurts most.
One exercise to help you understand your
customer is the development of “profile
cards” that highlight important themes of
your customer segments. These also are
handy for getting the whole marketing team
on the same page and for inspiration during
the content development process.
With these profiles you really want to nail the important metrics of your target audience. For
example, in B2B, do you know what metrics they are compensated on? That is a very, very
good starting point. If you can frame how you approach your customer to take into account
the metrics that determine how much bacon they bring home you are much likely to gain
their attention and connect with them when you start to develop and deploy your content.
Your targeting should be focused enough that your
identified pain points apply to the whole segment
Master’s Level – Win Themes
Win Themes are a great little concept to borrow from our sales brethren.
The best sales people know how to make personal connections, but also
how to orchestrate interactions to a planned agenda. As marketers we
should be able to do the same. When dealing with any customer type it
should be crystal clear what value we want to convey and just as importantly
WHY. These should be omnipresent and the obvious key takeaways.
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Search has been around for a long time, but most marketers still struggle with incorporating
it into their broader marketing strategies. Frequently it is written off as something that only
applies to PPC budgets. This is a problem because the keyword semantics that underpin
SEO can impact campaign performance in every channel. Imbuing your content with the right
keyword goodness, therefore, is essential for driving multi-channel performance.
Keyword optimization needs to be baked into all your efforts from the start. It’s not something
that can be left to after the fact. Once you’ve zeroed in on your target audiences you can
begin establishing your SEO strategy by developing a list of optimal keywords built around
your understanding of your targets and their pain points.
Keyword Selection
The first step of an effective Search strategy begins with
understanding which terms you want to optimize around.
Literally all this entails is developing a list of keyword terms.
Start by applying your own industry acumen. Take what you
know about the space and use these terms as a seed list. If
you already have a site up and running you can also use your
web analytics (e.g., Google, Marketo, Loopfuse, etc.) tool to
see which terms are already driving traffic.
Scan this report for wildcards. Are there ways visitors are finding you that you hadn’t thought
Social media monitoring (SMM) tools
provide another avenue to pursue for
additional keywords. This is an easy, quick
win if you have a tool deployed. You’ve
just got to listen. People are talking about
your company, your products, and they are
doing so in their own words. They may not
know the industry jargon and they may use
descriptions you wouldn’t have thought
of. You can try to put on your customer
thinking cap and put yourself in their shoes,
but chances are there will be some search
terms that you are missing no matter how
much brainstorming you do.
Analyze the online conversations. What terms do they use to describe your industry, your
competitors? Focus in on the word clouds or similar “popular keyword” reports that highlight
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One final way to expand your seed list of keywords is to analyze the source traffic of your
Using tools like SpyFu, iSpionage, WordStream,
etc. you can identify which terms competitors
are bidding on, what terms are driving their
traffic, and how their strategy compares to your
own. Analyzing the competition, something we
all love to do, is a great way to uncover some
hidden gems.
Once you have your core term list together, you then want to begin assessing how difficult it
will be to rank for those terms. You also want to identify potential long tail variants that may
be easier and more focused to compete on.
Using a freely available keyword analyzer, like this one from
Google, gives you a gauge of the number of searches for
a term and how competitive it is. You likely can’t compete
on all the terms you’ve come up with, so it is important to
prioritize your keywords.
Structural (On-page) SEO
Once you’ve developed a sense of the words you want to optimize around you then need
to ensure that you are effectively incorporating them into the structure of all your content.
ANYTHING that is in an electronic format, from a Word document, to a stylized .PDF, to
a creative image for a banner Ad all have elements that can be optimized from an SEO
perspective.Structural SEO is a science. There is no reason to make stupid mistakes when
it comes to things like H1 tags, file naming structure, or regular inclusion of keywords at
important junctures. With that said, it’s amazing how many marketers get the fundamentals of
this wrong.
As a quick sanity check, you can use a tool like Hubspot’s grader, or SEOMoz to evaluate
HTML content like a website. There are similar tools available through Wordpress and others
that will evaluate press releases, blog posts, and even tweets for SEO quality.
Link Building
This is where the social and online worlds collide. The number one thing you can do to
improve your search performance (on Google at any rate) is to get other authors to link back
to your content - the more traffic that referrer has and the more closely their content is related
to your own, the better.
The question then, is how to find the right spots to plant your linkbacks. As with the keyword
list development, the best place to start is your own knowledge. What are the relevant
industry sites? Who are the important analysts and bloggers? These are all excellent places to 12 page 13
Once you start running out of ideas again turn to the
competition. As with the keyword source analyzers, there
are a plethora of tools that will give you a breakdown of
inbound links to a given domain or even a specific page.
These linkback tools provide a handy way to rapidly
identify lists of targets for commenting or content
Another nice tool to have in the chest is something like
SEOBook’s browser toolbar. With this tool you can navigate around as you normally would,
but when you find a specific page you’d like to get deeper insights on you can reach them in
a single click.
Again, your aim here is to locate
other sites where you can add
comments or post content that
have linkbacks to your target
Master’s Level – Pound the Terms
Owning the top search ranking for terms does not come easy, but is
achievable when you understand the rules.
While, yes, you want a fairly comprehensive list of keywords that you are
working at any given time, you want to single out a specific term that you
really want to own. You want to pound this term. Use it again and again
with great intensity over a period of time. Don’t stop using it until you are
satisfied with your ranking. Once you reach this level shift the keyword into
maintenance mode and move on to your next term.
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The single most important component to Inbound Marketing is the creation of quality
content. As Brian Halligan tells it we need to start hunting with sharper arrows because right
now most of us are still using Nerf tipped toys. This is where the pain is really felt. Most
marketers really struggle with content creation.
Not just marketers mind you, this is tough stuff. Creating content that engages; that captures
prospects’ attention; and that delivers incremental value to the reader is extremely difficult -
difficult, but not impossible. While certainly art and creative inspiration have their place, there
are approaches geared to repeatedly turning out solid offerings. As anyone who has read
more than one of Dan Brown’s books would know, there are definitely formulas or recipes out
there that work.
While the rules for writing the next great breakout are outside the scope of this piece
(clearly), there are some folks worth mentioning in the marketing world that have devoted
some good ideas on the subject:
•	 Ardath Albee
•	 Content Marketing Institute
Master’s Level – It’s not what you say, but how you say it
Frequently connecting with your audience will come not from knowing what
to say, but knowing how to say it. An illustrative example of this would be the
character “Data” from Star Trek. He virtually always knows the right answer,
but struggles mightily in getting others to understand him because he can’t
deliver it with the right inflection or context. To make yourself understood
by your audience you need to understand the story behind the story. Strive
to be the marketer’s Daniel Day Lewis (the famed method actor who goes to
great lengths preparing for his roles), not the Data.
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Enabling the Social Channels is where the tire meets the road for Inbound. This is where
the message is finally delivered, but if there is confusion about Search, there is shear
bewilderment when it comes to Social. While Social is on just about everyone’s got-to-do list,
very few have made a very effective go of it. For most, a Social strategy amounts to a lame
Facebook page or a mound of mindless Tweets. There is, however, a better way. As Online
before it, where disciplines like Email, Search, and Display emerged over time, so to now in
Social you see the emergence of areas of Blogging, Syndication, Community, and Publicizing.
Inbound Marketing makes use of all the social disciplines.
Presumably in this day and age all marketers are well acquainted with blogging.
To make a blog really hum, you pretty much apply the same rules to creating posts as you do
to creating quality. Don’t create mediocre content for the sake of creating content. And don’t
sacrifice your quality in the name of regularity.
You will also want to make sure your blogging
platform has plug-ins that easily allow you to
publicize the post across other channels and
evaluate your keyword richness.
Master’s Level – Domain names and search
If you are running a blog in addition to a .com site it’s important to maintain
integrity between the two domains. Depending on how closely the content
between the two sites will match this best accomplished by using the blog
subdomain ( or subfolder (www.mydomain.comblog).
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What drives the power of social is the power of the community. As a marketer you need to
find a way to join and tap into YOUR community.
What this boils down to is setting up search
tools with custom defined searches around
your keywords that help target relevant
conversations around the social-sphere. At
the most basic level you can setup a tool
like TweetDeck where you can monitor and
respond in real time to comments on Twitter.
Stepping it up a level you should also leverage a SMM tool like Alterian’s SM2. These tools
operate like search spiders, crawling the entirety of the Internet where they find, record, and
cite user generated content and posts.
Don’t forget, the tools are used simply to find conversation seeds. The action here is then
responding or adding to the communities questions and comments. Not with corporate
speak mind you, but as an active participant in the community. You need to present yourself
as authentic; as “one-of-the-guys ”.
The social zealots may baulk at this, but let’s reiterate, the role of the marketer is still to sell,
and as one wise woman once said, a salesman never made his numbers by sitting by the
phone waiting for it to ring. Further, if you have invested in developing an understanding of
your customer and building content and offers to suit, there is a likelihood publicizing will be
warmly received. So, with disclaimers out of the way, let’s get down to it…
People have labeled Twitter one of the most narcissistic inventions ever. Can we agree on
that? Unarguably, though, it’s also a boon for promoting your content. Once upon a time
things like PR News Wire were the only way to get news to media outlets. Now there are
multitudes of ways to do so.
Get started with Twitter. If need be, setup a couple of different handles to accommodate
widely varying content you may be pushing. For example, if you run a lot of trial offers, but
also develop content for a specific marketplace you’d best split those into two.
A Facebook fan page is another excellent way to cross-promote your content.
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Notice here how the Alterian fan page is
cross-linked to the Engaging Times blog. All
the recent posts are plugged with a quick
synopsis or call to action.
What separates Publicizing from Syndicating
is the idea that with Publicizing you’re
promoting content that appears on another
property, while with Syndicating you are
actually pushing that content out to other
properties. This will be covered next.
Important Publicizing Channels:
1.	Twitter
2.	Facebook
3.	MySpace
4.	LinkedIn
5.	 Language, region specific (e.g., Orkut (Brazil), RenRen (Chinese), etc.)
Master’s Level – Leveraging publicizing and community to fuel
In part, you can fuel your own link building through your Publicizing efforts.
The more points of distribution you have, the more inbound links you can
provide to yourself. You can also move the needle with your Community
efforts. Whenever you are responding to folks or adding content to the
community it gives you an opportunity to reference your own valuable
content. Word of caution here, this is not carte-blanche to spam unrelated
links back to yourself. While it may net some pickup by gaming the SEO,
never lose sight of the fact that the focus is on creating dialogs and
relationships with customers.
page 22 page 23
In traditional marketing channels you had to pay for distribution. Want your infomercial on
that late night Seinfeld rerun? No problem, pay at the door. Billboard next to the freeway
into town? Same deal. With the rise of the social media culture, however, so too has arisen a
number of media properties that are built on the premise of freely distributed content.
The application of these sites is not limited by market focus. Whether you are a B2B or B2C
marketer these provide a new avenue to reach your target audience. These networks provide
an excellent platform for creating incremental impressions.
One important aspect of the
emergence of social is that
content is now shared and
available across many sites.
Important Content Networks:
1.	 YouTube
2.	 uStream
3.	 Scribd
4.	 SlideShare
5.	 Flickr
6.	 iTunes
7.	 Podcast Alley
It should be clear in a review of these content networks that they specialize in varying content
types. Whenever you create a new piece of content, therefore, you should always be thinking
of ways you can easily repackage it for greater distribution. In most cases your investment is
in the idea behind the content and ideas tend to be very portable.
As part of your Syndication effort, you also want to be sure to address the actual syndication
services. These come in the form of vertical sites that enable you to manually upload articles
without editorial review…
page 24 page 25
… or automated syndication feeds.
Known as Really Simple Syndication
(RSS), these types of feeds enable
you to strip down the editorial
portion of your content for extended
distribution. It actually functions
somewhat similar to the Associated
Press (AP) whereby articles are
released to the wire where they
can be picked up and reprinted by
different news outlets. This is basically
how RSS works minus the formality,
exchange of fees, and rich media
To get the most out of your RSS feeds you will also want to route them through an aggregator
service like Feedburner. This makes it easier for readers to subscribe to your feed and creates
another point of distribution for your content.
While you certainly give up a degree of control and some
richness of tracking data, Syndication can deliver many net
new eyeballs. From an impression standpoint, therefore,
Syndication is an important part of an Inbound deployment
Inbound Marketing may seem less expensive than
traditional media channels, but there are many hidden costs. Outside of the production of
content, which is significant, there is a lot of manual energy required to stay on top of search
and social requirements. As with any expenditure of dollars, therefore, it’s critical to have a well-
founded measurement plan in place to evaluate your Inbound activities and performance.
Outcome Metrics
From an organizational perspective you really only need to know two measures to get a gauge
of performance: top line sales, and EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, and depreciation /
amortization). Granted this is a simplification, but in most instances it’s all you need. To make
marketing efforts meaningful in a wider organizational context, therefore, it’s essential for us to
connect performance metrics to these two measures.
Making this connection, however, isn’t necessarily easy. Yet, it’s definitely doable, particularly if
you have the right set of tracking tools. That is certainly one of benefits of the growing ubiquity
of digital – everything can be tracked. In either a B2B or B2C environment, you should always be
able to close the loop at least 26 page 27
B2B Performance Measurement
In many B2B environments the focus is usually squarely on lead generation. While this is
certainly a key metric, there is too much fixation on it. It falls short because the way a “lead”
is typically defined only describes part of what the sales funnel looks like. A more complete
view would account for the whole customer life cycle. Something that would account for:
Qualified Leads
Sales Opportunities
---- Closed Revenue ----
A view like this should be a starting point. There are numerous other models out there
like SiriusDecisions Waterfall or derivatives like that from LeftBrain which provide a more
complete view of the customer lifecycle.
The unifying factor though, is clearly the ability to relate a chain of activities to dollars created
at the bottom of the funnel.
Master’s Level – Dashboards
It’s important as marketers for
us to reach across the chasm
and communicate our output
in ways relevant to our internal
audiences. Don’t put a marketing
dashboard in front of your execs
that isn’t laser targeted on their
hot buttons. Develop multiple dashboards that quickly summarize things for
your: Executive Team, Marketing Leadership, Content Creators, Campaign
Managers, and Sales People. They should each have a tailored view of the
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B2C Performance Measurement
To some extent B2C models mirror B2B on the most important tracking dimensions. Namely, even
in a B2C model there is usually a way to track revenue back to the individual. Whether it be a loyalty
membership, a credit card number, a user name, or even a shipping address there are lots of ways
to identify the individual.
Where things get a little more complicated in a B2C context is then trying to relate that attributable
revenue to the campaign and channel through which the customer was engaged - the classic
attribution problem. The net effect is that we can usually get a view of the both the top and bottom
of the funnel, but we miss the middle, nurturing piece.
There are a couple of reasons for this. First, the sheer volume of many B2C environments can
make logical record matching unfeasible. The other issue is the classic siloing of channels. When
a transaction is completed in one channel, it can be difficult to relate it to a message delivered
in another. Really, there are two ways these problems are commonly addressed. Either a small
sample is extracted for polling, or the whole environment is transitioned to a specialized marketing
reporting environment.
This is exactly what tools like Alterian Alchemy™ provide. They are built to enable a customer
information architecture that provide marketers with the ability to rapidly analyze the
interconnectedness of customer, content, and channel (i.e., elements of promotional history)
against performance metrics like revenue, EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation
and Amortization), valuation models (e.g., LifeTimeValue, scoring models), products, store location, etc.
At the end of the day, however, the B2C marketer,
just as the B2B marketer, should be able to provide a
series of dashboards that meet the needs of all of their
internal customers.
Tracking Tools
What makes performance or outcome driven metrics
possible is the ability to track behavior across multiple
channels and relate that behavior back to a specific
customer. Every time you go to deploy a tactic in any channel you want to ensure that you are
able to track its performance.
There are numerous tools out there to help with this. Getting ready to publicize a Tweet? Or
drop a direct piece in the mail (with a QR code of course)? Then you should be running your
targeted landing page URL through a URL shortener like or
These tools not only give you a
neat and tidy little URL (or QR
Code) to drop into your content,
but they also provide enriched
data analytics about who, where,
and when someone activated
your link.
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All of the social content networks
also now provide a fairly deep set
of metrics around your content
While you have to get a little
creative to relate this isolated
content network data back to
closed revenue, you can certainly make some extrapolations around impressions by channel
and content back to the referrer to identify your top performers.
The old standby, though, of course is Google Analytics. It’s a great source for important
online metrics like number of visitors, bounce rate, time on site, and referrer.
Master’s Level – Marketing Automation
Where tracking and metrics really start to come together, however, is
within the marketing automation platforms. These tools offer an integrated
tracking environment that enables you to easily track a single customer
across multiple channels. You can accomplish this with best of breed
offerings, but it requires a lot of leg work and likely a resource if not a
whole team to maintain. While these platforms don’t scale well, today, to
handle very large B2C universes, they are basically a prerequisite for B2B or
considered purchase B2C scenarios.
Some of the usual suspects here include Manticore, Pardot, and Loopfuse.
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Whew… that was a lot of information packed into a primer! Walking away from this e-book
I hope you’ve gleaned some helpful nuggets that can make an immediate impact on your
current offerings. Also, I really hope it’s given you a stronger foundation on which to make
your strategic decisions. In closing, here are the top 10 takeaways:
1.	 Never forget, as marketers our raison d’etre is to sell.
2.	 The marketing landscape has changed and we must update our techniques with it.
3.	 The WHAT of what we do hasn’t changed, it’s the HOW.
4.	 Begin everything with the customer in mind (and soul, and body!).
5.	 Invest in creating quality content that is desirable to your targeted prospects.
6.	 Mind your SEO P’s & Q’s, it’s critical to maximizing the reach of your content.
7.	 Break social into disciplines. Approach blogging, community, publicizing, and syndicating
8.	 Serve your social communities and enable them to support and distribute your brand.
9.	 Measure everything. In the digital world there is no excuse for not tracking.
10.	 The only metrics that matter are revenue and EBITDA. Relate marketing activity to them.
Alterian’s “How to” of Social Media eBook series aims to fill in the void between the should and the how of
Social Media; providing you with step-by-step guidelines to becoming a social virtuoso.
The series outlines insider tips, case studies, tools, and resources from the experts for social business
disciplines like lead generation, business intelligence, and marketing campaigns.
About the Author
Marcus Tewksbury is a product strategy and business development expert with over
15 years of experience defining, marketing, and ultimately selling new B2B marketing
services and technology offerings. Today, Marcus focuses on strategic development for
Alterian, where he advises key partners on messaging, launching, selling, and delivering
data driven marketing solutions.
Marcus is a frequent speaker, having appeared at events for the American Marketing
Association (AMA), Canadian Marketing Association (CMA), Direct Marketing Association (DMA), Integrated
Marketing Summit, The Economist, and Media Post. His writing and presentations have appeared or been
cited in numerous publications like, USAToday, and Wall St. Journal. He has also been a guest
lecturer at numerous universities.
More on Marcus’s thought leadership can be found on his award winning blog:
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Alterian (LSE: ALN) enables organizations to create relevant, effective and engaging
experiences with their customers and prospects through social, digital, and traditional
marketing channels. Alterian’s Customer Engagement solutions are focused in four main
areas: Social Media, Web Content Management, Email, and Campaign Management &
Alterian technology is utilized either to address a specific marketing challenge or as part of an
integrated marketing platform, with analytics and customer engagement with the individual
at the heart of everything. Working alongside a rich ecosystem of partners, Alterian delivers
its software as a service or on premise. For more information about Alterian visit or the Alterian blog at
page 36 page 37
LinkedIn Groups: Alterian
North American Headquarters
T +1 312 704 1700
Corporate and European Headquarters
T +44 (0) 117 970 3200
Continental Europe Headquarters:
T +31 (0)35 625 7890
Asia-Pacific Headquarters:
T +61 (2)9968 2449
Twitter: @Alterian
iTunes: Alterian’s Leadership Series
© Alterian 2011. All trademarks belong to their respective owners.

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How To - Of Inbound Marketing

  • 2. THE “HOW TO” OF INBOUND MARKETING THE “HOW TO” OF INBOUND MARKETING EXECUTIVE SUMMARY If you haven’t already incorporated an Inbound Marketing strategy, the time to do so is now. The way customers interact with brands is being redefined and if you continue to rely upon outmoded marketing techniques you risk exposing yourself to tremendous competitive intru- sion into your market and mind share. In this e-book we will outline an easy to follow four-step approach to retrofitting your market- ing programs with an Inbound strategy. 1. Know your customer 2. Craft an SEO strategy 3. Create compelling content 4. Enable the 4 social disciplines With each section we will identify useful tools and offer nuggets of best practices gleaned from the deployment of a multitude of Inbound programs. Finally, the e-book will conclude with a list of the top 10 Take-Aways to keep close at hand as you begin this process. Marcus Tewksbury, Strategic Solutions Principal, Alterian CONTENTS • Page 2 – Executive Summary • Page 4 – What is “Inbound Marketing”? • Page 8 – Step 1: Know Your Audience • Page 10 – Step 2: Craft an SEO strategy Keyword Selection Structural (On-page) SEO Link Building • Page 16 – Step 3: Create compelling content • Page 18 – Step 4: Enable the Social Channels • Page 20 – Community • Page 21 – Publicizing • Page 24 – Syndicating • Page 27 – Measurement • Page 34 – Conclusion page 2 page 3
  • 3. THE “HOW TO” OF INBOUND MARKETING THE “HOW TO” OF INBOUND MARKETING WHAT IS “INBOUND MARKETING”? Inbound Marketing is a philosophy that focuses on creating valuable content and then leveraging the pull-orientated channels of Search and Social to achieve distribution. In this way it addresses not just where and how a message is brought to market, but to whom and why. In the simplest form, Inbound Marketing can be summarized in three maxims: • Create valuable, customer centric Content • Optimize from a Search perspective to maximize find-ability • Leverage Social channels to spread distribution HISTORY The concept of “Inbound Marketing” was originally coined by the good folks Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah over at Hubspot in 2007 to describe a new approach to marketing that addressed what they saw as a seismic shift in the marketing landscape. The shift they sought to address was the rising tide of the consumer’s share of voice. Powered by time shifting and filtering technologies (e.g., TiVo, Spam filters, etc.), changing regulations (e.g., CAN-SPAM, etc.), and social backlash to unwanted messages, the once meek voice of the customer began its rise to near equal, if not greater, footing than the marketer’s own. Fast forward to today, and we know this vision to be a reality. page 4 page 5
  • 4. THE “HOW TO” OF INBOUND MARKETING THE “HOW TO” OF INBOUND MARKETING It should come as no surprise, therefore, that many of our past optimized marketing activities are no longer producing like they used to. Sure, the economy is to blame for some of that, but it would be foolhardy to deny that we are now playing by different rules. The aim of the game is no longer to just push out as many messages as possible, although that is still part of the winning formula, but to focus on creating valuable content that creates self-sustained pull from the market. MARKET POTENTIAL Although technology has brought customers closer than ever before, it has also made them more difficult to reach. As marketers we know this to be true. Today, consumers are inundated with a multitude of channels and offers at any given time and gaining their attention can be incredibly difficult. Enter Inbound Marketing. This is the framework you’ve been missing that can help you tap into the customer-empowered, marketing landscape. Something to emphasize here is that Inbound does not repre- sent a change in WHAT we do as marketers, just HOW we do it. We are still in the business of selling stuff in some form of other. Never forget who you are - we always have, and we always will be here to sell! Inbound Marketing can replace the impressions we’ve lost to outmoded techniques. The scariest element of this is opening up to the loss of control. In the old world, we had a semblance of control because we could dictate the volume and intensity of impressions. Whenever we needed to pump up the volume all we had to do was open the wallet and buy more distribution through media. Unfortunately, this old push paradigm doesn’t work as consistently as it used to. By developing quality content, we can replace this lost reach by fostering “pull”. To accomplish this, however, we must entrust the distribution to our customers. We must have faith that if we hit our mark with our content, that distribution will be “earned”. And if we do it exceptionally well, our audience will reward us by taking it “viral” and producing impressions we could never have dreamed of in a “paid” media context. It’s this emphasis on building relationships with customers, as opposed to campaign execution, that makes Inbound Marketing special and apropos for today’s marketing landscape. “We’re more in the space of managing communities than creating ads.” - Joe Tripodi, The Coca-Cola Company CMO page 6 page 7
  • 5. THE “HOW TO” OF INBOUND MARKETING THE “HOW TO” OF INBOUND MARKETING STEP 1: KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE Everything you do in Inbound Marketing needs to be driven by your understanding of your customer. Before you take any other step you want to make sure you have your customer well defined. Not just their vital stats mind you, but a real grasp of what makes them tick and keeps them up at night. If you are going to connect with them, and make relevant, valuable contributions you need to be able to connect with them where it hurts most. One exercise to help you understand your customer is the development of “profile cards” that highlight important themes of your customer segments. These also are handy for getting the whole marketing team on the same page and for inspiration during the content development process. With these profiles you really want to nail the important metrics of your target audience. For example, in B2B, do you know what metrics they are compensated on? That is a very, very good starting point. If you can frame how you approach your customer to take into account the metrics that determine how much bacon they bring home you are much likely to gain their attention and connect with them when you start to develop and deploy your content. Your targeting should be focused enough that your identified pain points apply to the whole segment Master’s Level – Win Themes Win Themes are a great little concept to borrow from our sales brethren. The best sales people know how to make personal connections, but also how to orchestrate interactions to a planned agenda. As marketers we should be able to do the same. When dealing with any customer type it should be crystal clear what value we want to convey and just as importantly WHY. These should be omnipresent and the obvious key takeaways. page 8 page 9
  • 6. THE “HOW TO” OF INBOUND MARKETING THE “HOW TO” OF INBOUND MARKETING STEP 2: CRAFT AN SEO STRATEGY Search has been around for a long time, but most marketers still struggle with incorporating it into their broader marketing strategies. Frequently it is written off as something that only applies to PPC budgets. This is a problem because the keyword semantics that underpin SEO can impact campaign performance in every channel. Imbuing your content with the right keyword goodness, therefore, is essential for driving multi-channel performance. Keyword optimization needs to be baked into all your efforts from the start. It’s not something that can be left to after the fact. Once you’ve zeroed in on your target audiences you can begin establishing your SEO strategy by developing a list of optimal keywords built around your understanding of your targets and their pain points. Keyword Selection The first step of an effective Search strategy begins with understanding which terms you want to optimize around. Literally all this entails is developing a list of keyword terms. Start by applying your own industry acumen. Take what you know about the space and use these terms as a seed list. If you already have a site up and running you can also use your web analytics (e.g., Google, Marketo, Loopfuse, etc.) tool to see which terms are already driving traffic. Scan this report for wildcards. Are there ways visitors are finding you that you hadn’t thought of? Social media monitoring (SMM) tools provide another avenue to pursue for additional keywords. This is an easy, quick win if you have a tool deployed. You’ve just got to listen. People are talking about your company, your products, and they are doing so in their own words. They may not know the industry jargon and they may use descriptions you wouldn’t have thought of. You can try to put on your customer thinking cap and put yourself in their shoes, but chances are there will be some search terms that you are missing no matter how much brainstorming you do. Analyze the online conversations. What terms do they use to describe your industry, your competitors? Focus in on the word clouds or similar “popular keyword” reports that highlight page 10 page 11
  • 7. THE “HOW TO” OF INBOUND MARKETING THE “HOW TO” OF INBOUND MARKETING One final way to expand your seed list of keywords is to analyze the source traffic of your competition. Using tools like SpyFu, iSpionage, WordStream, etc. you can identify which terms competitors are bidding on, what terms are driving their traffic, and how their strategy compares to your own. Analyzing the competition, something we all love to do, is a great way to uncover some hidden gems. Once you have your core term list together, you then want to begin assessing how difficult it will be to rank for those terms. You also want to identify potential long tail variants that may be easier and more focused to compete on. Using a freely available keyword analyzer, like this one from Google, gives you a gauge of the number of searches for a term and how competitive it is. You likely can’t compete on all the terms you’ve come up with, so it is important to prioritize your keywords. Structural (On-page) SEO Once you’ve developed a sense of the words you want to optimize around you then need to ensure that you are effectively incorporating them into the structure of all your content. ANYTHING that is in an electronic format, from a Word document, to a stylized .PDF, to a creative image for a banner Ad all have elements that can be optimized from an SEO perspective.Structural SEO is a science. There is no reason to make stupid mistakes when it comes to things like H1 tags, file naming structure, or regular inclusion of keywords at important junctures. With that said, it’s amazing how many marketers get the fundamentals of this wrong. As a quick sanity check, you can use a tool like Hubspot’s grader, or SEOMoz to evaluate HTML content like a website. There are similar tools available through Wordpress and others that will evaluate press releases, blog posts, and even tweets for SEO quality. Link Building This is where the social and online worlds collide. The number one thing you can do to improve your search performance (on Google at any rate) is to get other authors to link back to your content - the more traffic that referrer has and the more closely their content is related to your own, the better. The question then, is how to find the right spots to plant your linkbacks. As with the keyword list development, the best place to start is your own knowledge. What are the relevant industry sites? Who are the important analysts and bloggers? These are all excellent places to 12 page 13
  • 8. THE “HOW TO” OF INBOUND MARKETING THE “HOW TO” OF INBOUND MARKETING Once you start running out of ideas again turn to the competition. As with the keyword source analyzers, there are a plethora of tools that will give you a breakdown of inbound links to a given domain or even a specific page. These linkback tools provide a handy way to rapidly identify lists of targets for commenting or content syndication. Another nice tool to have in the chest is something like SEOBook’s browser toolbar. With this tool you can navigate around as you normally would, but when you find a specific page you’d like to get deeper insights on you can reach them in a single click. Again, your aim here is to locate other sites where you can add comments or post content that have linkbacks to your target property. Master’s Level – Pound the Terms Owning the top search ranking for terms does not come easy, but is achievable when you understand the rules. While, yes, you want a fairly comprehensive list of keywords that you are working at any given time, you want to single out a specific term that you really want to own. You want to pound this term. Use it again and again with great intensity over a period of time. Don’t stop using it until you are satisfied with your ranking. Once you reach this level shift the keyword into maintenance mode and move on to your next term. page 14 page 15
  • 9. THE “HOW TO” OF INBOUND MARKETING THE “HOW TO” OF INBOUND MARKETING STEP 3: CREATE COMPELLING CONTENT The single most important component to Inbound Marketing is the creation of quality content. As Brian Halligan tells it we need to start hunting with sharper arrows because right now most of us are still using Nerf tipped toys. This is where the pain is really felt. Most marketers really struggle with content creation. Not just marketers mind you, this is tough stuff. Creating content that engages; that captures prospects’ attention; and that delivers incremental value to the reader is extremely difficult - difficult, but not impossible. While certainly art and creative inspiration have their place, there are approaches geared to repeatedly turning out solid offerings. As anyone who has read more than one of Dan Brown’s books would know, there are definitely formulas or recipes out there that work. While the rules for writing the next great breakout are outside the scope of this piece (clearly), there are some folks worth mentioning in the marketing world that have devoted some good ideas on the subject: • Ardath Albee • Content Marketing Institute Master’s Level – It’s not what you say, but how you say it Frequently connecting with your audience will come not from knowing what to say, but knowing how to say it. An illustrative example of this would be the character “Data” from Star Trek. He virtually always knows the right answer, but struggles mightily in getting others to understand him because he can’t deliver it with the right inflection or context. To make yourself understood by your audience you need to understand the story behind the story. Strive to be the marketer’s Daniel Day Lewis (the famed method actor who goes to great lengths preparing for his roles), not the Data. page 16 page 17
  • 10. THE “HOW TO” OF INBOUND MARKETING THE “HOW TO” OF INBOUND MARKETING STEP 4: ENABLE THE SOCIAL CHANNELS Enabling the Social Channels is where the tire meets the road for Inbound. This is where the message is finally delivered, but if there is confusion about Search, there is shear bewilderment when it comes to Social. While Social is on just about everyone’s got-to-do list, very few have made a very effective go of it. For most, a Social strategy amounts to a lame Facebook page or a mound of mindless Tweets. There is, however, a better way. As Online before it, where disciplines like Email, Search, and Display emerged over time, so to now in Social you see the emergence of areas of Blogging, Syndication, Community, and Publicizing. Inbound Marketing makes use of all the social disciplines. Blog Presumably in this day and age all marketers are well acquainted with blogging. To make a blog really hum, you pretty much apply the same rules to creating posts as you do to creating quality. Don’t create mediocre content for the sake of creating content. And don’t sacrifice your quality in the name of regularity. You will also want to make sure your blogging platform has plug-ins that easily allow you to publicize the post across other channels and evaluate your keyword richness. Master’s Level – Domain names and search If you are running a blog in addition to a .com site it’s important to maintain integrity between the two domains. Depending on how closely the content between the two sites will match this best accomplished by using the blog subdomain ( or subfolder (www.mydomain.comblog). page 18 page 19
  • 11. THE “HOW TO” OF INBOUND MARKETING THE “HOW TO” OF INBOUND MARKETING Community What drives the power of social is the power of the community. As a marketer you need to find a way to join and tap into YOUR community. What this boils down to is setting up search tools with custom defined searches around your keywords that help target relevant conversations around the social-sphere. At the most basic level you can setup a tool like TweetDeck where you can monitor and respond in real time to comments on Twitter. Stepping it up a level you should also leverage a SMM tool like Alterian’s SM2. These tools operate like search spiders, crawling the entirety of the Internet where they find, record, and cite user generated content and posts. Don’t forget, the tools are used simply to find conversation seeds. The action here is then responding or adding to the communities questions and comments. Not with corporate speak mind you, but as an active participant in the community. You need to present yourself as authentic; as “one-of-the-guys ”. Publicizing The social zealots may baulk at this, but let’s reiterate, the role of the marketer is still to sell, and as one wise woman once said, a salesman never made his numbers by sitting by the phone waiting for it to ring. Further, if you have invested in developing an understanding of your customer and building content and offers to suit, there is a likelihood publicizing will be warmly received. So, with disclaimers out of the way, let’s get down to it… People have labeled Twitter one of the most narcissistic inventions ever. Can we agree on that? Unarguably, though, it’s also a boon for promoting your content. Once upon a time things like PR News Wire were the only way to get news to media outlets. Now there are multitudes of ways to do so. Get started with Twitter. If need be, setup a couple of different handles to accommodate widely varying content you may be pushing. For example, if you run a lot of trial offers, but also develop content for a specific marketplace you’d best split those into two. A Facebook fan page is another excellent way to cross-promote your content. page 20 page 21
  • 12. THE “HOW TO” OF INBOUND MARKETING THE “HOW TO” OF INBOUND MARKETING Notice here how the Alterian fan page is cross-linked to the Engaging Times blog. All the recent posts are plugged with a quick synopsis or call to action. What separates Publicizing from Syndicating is the idea that with Publicizing you’re promoting content that appears on another property, while with Syndicating you are actually pushing that content out to other properties. This will be covered next. Important Publicizing Channels: 1. Twitter 2. Facebook 3. MySpace 4. LinkedIn 5. Language, region specific (e.g., Orkut (Brazil), RenRen (Chinese), etc.) Master’s Level – Leveraging publicizing and community to fuel linkbacks In part, you can fuel your own link building through your Publicizing efforts. The more points of distribution you have, the more inbound links you can provide to yourself. You can also move the needle with your Community efforts. Whenever you are responding to folks or adding content to the community it gives you an opportunity to reference your own valuable content. Word of caution here, this is not carte-blanche to spam unrelated links back to yourself. While it may net some pickup by gaming the SEO, never lose sight of the fact that the focus is on creating dialogs and relationships with customers. page 22 page 23
  • 13. THE “HOW TO” OF INBOUND MARKETING THE “HOW TO” OF INBOUND MARKETING Syndicating In traditional marketing channels you had to pay for distribution. Want your infomercial on that late night Seinfeld rerun? No problem, pay at the door. Billboard next to the freeway into town? Same deal. With the rise of the social media culture, however, so too has arisen a number of media properties that are built on the premise of freely distributed content. The application of these sites is not limited by market focus. Whether you are a B2B or B2C marketer these provide a new avenue to reach your target audience. These networks provide an excellent platform for creating incremental impressions. One important aspect of the emergence of social is that content is now shared and available across many sites. Important Content Networks: 1. YouTube 2. uStream 3. Scribd 4. SlideShare 5. Flickr 6. iTunes 7. Podcast Alley It should be clear in a review of these content networks that they specialize in varying content types. Whenever you create a new piece of content, therefore, you should always be thinking of ways you can easily repackage it for greater distribution. In most cases your investment is in the idea behind the content and ideas tend to be very portable. As part of your Syndication effort, you also want to be sure to address the actual syndication services. These come in the form of vertical sites that enable you to manually upload articles without editorial review… page 24 page 25
  • 14. THE “HOW TO” OF INBOUND MARKETING THE “HOW TO” OF INBOUND MARKETING … or automated syndication feeds. Known as Really Simple Syndication (RSS), these types of feeds enable you to strip down the editorial portion of your content for extended distribution. It actually functions somewhat similar to the Associated Press (AP) whereby articles are released to the wire where they can be picked up and reprinted by different news outlets. This is basically how RSS works minus the formality, exchange of fees, and rich media elements. To get the most out of your RSS feeds you will also want to route them through an aggregator service like Feedburner. This makes it easier for readers to subscribe to your feed and creates another point of distribution for your content. While you certainly give up a degree of control and some richness of tracking data, Syndication can deliver many net new eyeballs. From an impression standpoint, therefore, Syndication is an important part of an Inbound deployment matrix. Measurement Inbound Marketing may seem less expensive than traditional media channels, but there are many hidden costs. Outside of the production of content, which is significant, there is a lot of manual energy required to stay on top of search and social requirements. As with any expenditure of dollars, therefore, it’s critical to have a well- founded measurement plan in place to evaluate your Inbound activities and performance. Outcome Metrics From an organizational perspective you really only need to know two measures to get a gauge of performance: top line sales, and EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, and depreciation / amortization). Granted this is a simplification, but in most instances it’s all you need. To make marketing efforts meaningful in a wider organizational context, therefore, it’s essential for us to connect performance metrics to these two measures. Making this connection, however, isn’t necessarily easy. Yet, it’s definitely doable, particularly if you have the right set of tracking tools. That is certainly one of benefits of the growing ubiquity of digital – everything can be tracked. In either a B2B or B2C environment, you should always be able to close the loop at least 26 page 27
  • 15. THE “HOW TO” OF INBOUND MARKETING THE “HOW TO” OF INBOUND MARKETING B2B Performance Measurement In many B2B environments the focus is usually squarely on lead generation. While this is certainly a key metric, there is too much fixation on it. It falls short because the way a “lead” is typically defined only describes part of what the sales funnel looks like. A more complete view would account for the whole customer life cycle. Something that would account for: Visitors Registrations Qualified Leads Sales Opportunities ---- Closed Revenue ---- A view like this should be a starting point. There are numerous other models out there like SiriusDecisions Waterfall or derivatives like that from LeftBrain which provide a more complete view of the customer lifecycle. The unifying factor though, is clearly the ability to relate a chain of activities to dollars created at the bottom of the funnel. Master’s Level – Dashboards It’s important as marketers for us to reach across the chasm and communicate our output in ways relevant to our internal audiences. Don’t put a marketing dashboard in front of your execs that isn’t laser targeted on their hot buttons. Develop multiple dashboards that quickly summarize things for your: Executive Team, Marketing Leadership, Content Creators, Campaign Managers, and Sales People. They should each have a tailored view of the world. page 28 page 29
  • 16. THE “HOW TO” OF INBOUND MARKETING THE “HOW TO” OF INBOUND MARKETING B2C Performance Measurement To some extent B2C models mirror B2B on the most important tracking dimensions. Namely, even in a B2C model there is usually a way to track revenue back to the individual. Whether it be a loyalty membership, a credit card number, a user name, or even a shipping address there are lots of ways to identify the individual. Where things get a little more complicated in a B2C context is then trying to relate that attributable revenue to the campaign and channel through which the customer was engaged - the classic attribution problem. The net effect is that we can usually get a view of the both the top and bottom of the funnel, but we miss the middle, nurturing piece. There are a couple of reasons for this. First, the sheer volume of many B2C environments can make logical record matching unfeasible. The other issue is the classic siloing of channels. When a transaction is completed in one channel, it can be difficult to relate it to a message delivered in another. Really, there are two ways these problems are commonly addressed. Either a small sample is extracted for polling, or the whole environment is transitioned to a specialized marketing reporting environment. This is exactly what tools like Alterian Alchemy™ provide. They are built to enable a customer information architecture that provide marketers with the ability to rapidly analyze the interconnectedness of customer, content, and channel (i.e., elements of promotional history) against performance metrics like revenue, EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization), valuation models (e.g., LifeTimeValue, scoring models), products, store location, etc. At the end of the day, however, the B2C marketer, just as the B2B marketer, should be able to provide a series of dashboards that meet the needs of all of their internal customers. Tracking Tools What makes performance or outcome driven metrics possible is the ability to track behavior across multiple channels and relate that behavior back to a specific customer. Every time you go to deploy a tactic in any channel you want to ensure that you are able to track its performance. There are numerous tools out there to help with this. Getting ready to publicize a Tweet? Or drop a direct piece in the mail (with a QR code of course)? Then you should be running your targeted landing page URL through a URL shortener like or These tools not only give you a neat and tidy little URL (or QR Code) to drop into your content, but they also provide enriched data analytics about who, where, and when someone activated your link. page 30 page 31
  • 17. THE “HOW TO” OF INBOUND MARKETING THE “HOW TO” OF INBOUND MARKETING All of the social content networks also now provide a fairly deep set of metrics around your content performance. While you have to get a little creative to relate this isolated content network data back to closed revenue, you can certainly make some extrapolations around impressions by channel and content back to the referrer to identify your top performers. The old standby, though, of course is Google Analytics. It’s a great source for important online metrics like number of visitors, bounce rate, time on site, and referrer. Master’s Level – Marketing Automation Where tracking and metrics really start to come together, however, is within the marketing automation platforms. These tools offer an integrated tracking environment that enables you to easily track a single customer across multiple channels. You can accomplish this with best of breed offerings, but it requires a lot of leg work and likely a resource if not a whole team to maintain. While these platforms don’t scale well, today, to handle very large B2C universes, they are basically a prerequisite for B2B or considered purchase B2C scenarios. Some of the usual suspects here include Manticore, Pardot, and Loopfuse. page 32 page 33
  • 18. THE “HOW TO” OF INBOUND MARKETING THE “HOW TO” OF INBOUND MARKETING CONCLUSION Whew… that was a lot of information packed into a primer! Walking away from this e-book I hope you’ve gleaned some helpful nuggets that can make an immediate impact on your current offerings. Also, I really hope it’s given you a stronger foundation on which to make your strategic decisions. In closing, here are the top 10 takeaways: 1. Never forget, as marketers our raison d’etre is to sell. 2. The marketing landscape has changed and we must update our techniques with it. 3. The WHAT of what we do hasn’t changed, it’s the HOW. 4. Begin everything with the customer in mind (and soul, and body!). 5. Invest in creating quality content that is desirable to your targeted prospects. 6. Mind your SEO P’s & Q’s, it’s critical to maximizing the reach of your content. 7. Break social into disciplines. Approach blogging, community, publicizing, and syndicating separately. 8. Serve your social communities and enable them to support and distribute your brand. 9. Measure everything. In the digital world there is no excuse for not tracking. 10. The only metrics that matter are revenue and EBITDA. Relate marketing activity to them. ABOUT THE “HOW TO” OF SOCIAL MEDIA SERIES Alterian’s “How to” of Social Media eBook series aims to fill in the void between the should and the how of Social Media; providing you with step-by-step guidelines to becoming a social virtuoso. The series outlines insider tips, case studies, tools, and resources from the experts for social business disciplines like lead generation, business intelligence, and marketing campaigns. About the Author Marcus Tewksbury is a product strategy and business development expert with over 15 years of experience defining, marketing, and ultimately selling new B2B marketing services and technology offerings. Today, Marcus focuses on strategic development for Alterian, where he advises key partners on messaging, launching, selling, and delivering data driven marketing solutions. Marcus is a frequent speaker, having appeared at events for the American Marketing Association (AMA), Canadian Marketing Association (CMA), Direct Marketing Association (DMA), Integrated Marketing Summit, The Economist, and Media Post. His writing and presentations have appeared or been cited in numerous publications like, USAToday, and Wall St. Journal. He has also been a guest lecturer at numerous universities. More on Marcus’s thought leadership can be found on his award winning blog: page 34 page 35
  • 19. THE “HOW TO” OF INBOUND MARKETING THE “HOW TO” OF INBOUND MARKETING ABOUT ALTERIAN Alterian (LSE: ALN) enables organizations to create relevant, effective and engaging experiences with their customers and prospects through social, digital, and traditional marketing channels. Alterian’s Customer Engagement solutions are focused in four main areas: Social Media, Web Content Management, Email, and Campaign Management & Analytics. Alterian technology is utilized either to address a specific marketing challenge or as part of an integrated marketing platform, with analytics and customer engagement with the individual at the heart of everything. Working alongside a rich ecosystem of partners, Alterian delivers its software as a service or on premise. For more information about Alterian visit or the Alterian blog at page 36 page 37 STAY CONNECTED @Alterian LinkedIn Groups: Alterian
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