efficient market hypothesis valuation of shares capital structure theories embedded derivatives financial instruments financial liabilites financial assets bitcoin tools for risk management derivatives futures swaps options ecgs steps in risk management introduction to risk management rbi guidelines. evolution of risks types of risk risk analysis clauses and risk covers. perils selecti9on and implementation of techniques. vario sources of risk-external and internal. risk manag definition of risk and uncertainty- classification planning risk avoidance evaluation and management techniques provision of adequate security arrangements. inter administration of properties of an enterprise control and transfer of risk retention and transfer operational risk - introduction-typology of operat market risk (includes asset liability management) funtionality of good credit. risk management model motivation credit risks credit risk management models - intro the foreign exchange market structure and organization- mechanics of currency types of transactions and settlement dates – exc oreign currency options – option pricing models markets and trading process future prices spot and forward currency and interest rate futures future contracts hedging and speculation with currency futures – floors and collars cap and floors – options on interest rate future some recent innovations – financial swaps caps management of interest rate exposure – nature an theories of exchange rate determination – exchan exchange rate determination and forecasting – se foreign exchange risk management – hedging currency options and currency futures – internal speculation and management of transaction exposure pricing derivatives evolution of commodity other classifications of derivatives derivatives in india commodity derivatives: evolution of commodity types of derivatives derivatives regulatory structure of commodities derivatives ma commodities board in india essential commodities act fcr act 1952 concepts of quality in commodities quality assurance methods of quality assurance granding and standard warehouse receipt margin in commodity market clearing and settlement warehouse exchange membership national and international commodity exchanges e-spot history of commodity exchanges rights principles constitution duties innovations banking products
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