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IMPM   國際實踐管理碩士


本書可以了解到 IMPM 所傳達的理念,透過蘭卡斯特大學所屬的反思心態、麥基爾大學


          思考者的工具:14 個解決問題的強大技術
     快、更好的決策,並提出 14 個解決問題的強大技術。

           101 個創意解決問題的技巧:商業手冊的新思路
                                                                   §   游家麟 著
作者簡歷 / About the author                                                 December                           12
姓名 / Name:
游家麟 / Loewe
生日 / Date of birth:
年齡 / Age:
23 歲 / 23 years old
學歷資料 / Education:
長榮大學 科技工程管理學系 工學士
Department of Engineering & Management of Advanced Technology, Chang Jung Christian University
長榮大學 經營管理研究所行銷管理組 商學碩士
Graduate school of Business and Operations Management, Chang Jung Christian University           非常有幫助的一本書,他介紹了許多解決的技術問題。這本書並沒有進入全面討論各
語文能力 / Language proficiency:                                                                     種技術,但它提供了每一個技術良好詳細的介紹,因此可以進一步研究你想使用這些
英文、中文、台語 / English, Chinese, Taiwanese                                                           技術。
擅長工具 / Good tool:                                                                                這本書擁有很好的組織與格式信息,並提出了有趣的解釋方式,所以閱讀時永遠都不
Word、PowerPonit、Excel、InDesign、Photoshop、Illustrator、mp3DirectCut                                會無聊。尤其整本書以及書中提到的小型案例研究的“步驟摘要”特別吸引人也特別
工作經歷 / Work experience:                                                                          好與時事應用。就我個人而言,我希望書中個案研究案例為重點,這樣較好理解,但
台中市儒林文理補習班 / Rulin Cram School                      2007/07~2007/08                              這不是這本書的目的。
全家便利商店台中光明店 / Family Mart                     2008/07~2009/12                                    其中作者花了兩個短章節在討論解決問題和得到創新技術 並認識和確定問題的技術,
法商家樂福仁德店 / Carrefour                2011/07~2011/08                                              透過集思廣益解決問題的思路,才選擇問題的解決方案。如果您正在尋找一個容易閱
E-mail:                                                                                          讀的書,並可以得到問題解決的技術(如質量管理理念)
                                                                                                                         ,我想這本書將會是一個很好                                                                          的起點。
關於作者 / About the author:
於經營管理熱誠的態度,因當時大學所選讀的科系有 20%管理科目的選讀,固有些微
管理基礎的認知,於 2011 年的寒假,決心轉型就讀完全商管類型的經營管理研究所,
Very helpful book and I give it 5 stars for easily fulfilling its purpose, i.e. an introduction to
                                                                                                                                      目錄 / Directory
many of the problem solving techniques, and I highly recommend it for that purpose. This
book does not go into a comprehensive discussion of the various techniques, nor was it                 From the Canada's Harvard - McGill University
intended to, but it does give a very good introduction to each and you can research further            來自加拿大的哈佛 - 麥基爾大學
those techniques you would like to use. I have researched some of them on the internet (free           In Montreal
of charge).                                                                                            蒙特婁市
This book functions as a brainstorming presents many ideas and approaches, and            The Analytic Mindest
allows you to review each one and determine which is best for your situation. Many of the              解析的心態
                                                         techniques in this book, and any other
                                                         problem solving book, are really just         Glass Academy - Lancaster University
                                                         different    variations of brainstorming      玻璃學院 - 蘭卡斯特大學
                                                         sessions (larger or smaller groups, an        In Lancaster
                                                         extra step or two, limitations on one thing   蘭卡斯特市
                                                         or another, a change in procedure, etc..)     The Reflective Mindset
                                                         which is OK too. Most problem solving         反思的心態
                                                         techniques     are   either   brainstorming
                                                         sessions of some sort, or techniques          From Europe's top College - INSEAD
designed to force you to lay aside your preconceived opinions and study a problem from                 來自歐洲的頂尖學院 - 歐洲工商管理學院
different angles (yes that is a major simplification).                                                 In Fontainebleau
The book is organized and formatted very well. The information is presented in an interesting          楓丹白露區
manner and never gets boring. Most of the sections are short and sweet, and what few times             The Action Mindset
he goes beyond a couple pages is by necessity. I really liked the "Summary of Steps" that are          行動的心態
throughout the book and the mini case studies were nice as well. Personally, I would like to
have seen at least a couple extended case studies, but that was not the purpose of this book.          Great minds in management:The process of theory development
One of my favorites is the Delphi technique. I have actually used a form of it several times in        管理學大師中的大師
my work before I even knew it was a technique, and I suspect many of you have used it too              The Thinker's Toolkit:14 Powerful Techniques for Problem Solving
in an informal way. I have had some good success with it and believe it to be an excellent             思考者的工具:14 個解決問題的強大技術
technique in any stage of the problem solving process, whether I am dealing with                       101 Creative Problem Solving Techniques:The Handbook of New Ideas for Business
professionals, layman, mechanics, or bozos.                                                            101 個創意解決問題的技巧:商業手冊的新思路
              From the Canada's Harvard - McGill University
McGill University is a public research university located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The       November
university bears the name of James McGill, a prominent Montreal merchant from Glasgow,
Scotland and alumnus of Glasgow University, whose bequest formed the beginning of the
university. Founded in 1821, McGill was chartered during the British colonial era, 46 years
before the Canadian Confederation, making it one of the oldest universities in Canada.
As of 2011, McGill ranked 1st in Canada and 17th in the world in the QS World University
Rankings. According to the 2011 Emerging/Trendence global employability ranking, McGill
was ranked 19th in the world for popularity among major employers. In the Maclean's 21st
Annual University Ranking (2011), McGill was ranked 1st in Canada among all institutions
offering medical and doctoral degrees, maintaining this ranking for the seventh year in a row.
With almost 215,000 living alumni worldwide, students and professors at McGill have been
recognized in fields ranging from the arts and sciences, to business, politics, and sports.
                                                                                                     101 個創意解決問題的技巧:商業手冊的新思路
Notable alumni include eleven Nobel Laureates, one hundred and thirty-two Rhodes
Scholars, three astronauts, two Canadian prime ministers, eleven justices of the Canadian        這本書可以增強你的思維使自己利用自己的創造力來解決業務問題。在這本書中所提
Supreme Court, three foreign leaders, nine Academy Award winners, three Pulitzer Prize           到的工具可以把自己的創意和表現力用來尋求解決辦法。
winners, and twenty-eight Olympic medalists.                                                     作家詹姆斯·希金斯,在這本書中提出了許多現實生活中的例子,使用一個或多個這些
The main campus is set upon 32 hectares (79 acres) at the foot of Mount Royal in Downtown        解決工具解決問題的大公司。
Montreal, covering much of the Golden Square Mile. A second campus, the Macdonald                在這本書中所描述的 101 個技術解決問題的階段為:環境分析、識別和發現問題,於
Campus, is situated on 6.5 square kilometres (2.5 sq mi) of fields and forested land in          書中提出假設,做出選擇和實施解決方案。這些過程中的每一個圖形和詳細介紹,都
Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, 30 km (19 mi) west of the downtown campus. With 21 faculties            有助於了解該技術的學習。
and professional schools, McGill offers degrees and diplomas in over 300 fields of study,        按字母順序排列的技術和數字的兩倍,第一個數字表示從 1 到 101 的技術位置,第二
including medicine and law. Although the language of instruction is English, students have       個數字是內,解決問題的模型部分的技術位置。
the right to submit any graded work in English or in French, except when learning a              第 4 章的重點是針對個人的技術,因此這是對於獨自學習的個人最有幫助的章節。作
particular language is an objective of the course. Approximately 34,000 students attend          為一個 IT 顧問可以直接套用這些技術於現有工作中,如心智圖。有許多方法試圖在這
McGill, with international students comprising one-fifth of the student population.              本書中,有些技術可能自己會不喜歡,也有些對於別人來說會不適合,但總體而言,
Of the entire student population, 54.7% are from Quebec and 25.4% are from the rest of           這是一個方非常方便可以用來解決問題的技術工具書。
Canada, while 20.0% are from outside of Canada (including the United States). International
students hail from about 150 different countries.
               101 Creative Problem Solving Techniques:
               The Handbook of New Ideas for Business                                               January

This book in my opinion will enhance your thinking process in terms of exercising your own
creativity to solve business problems. The tools in this book can be used to bring out your
own originality and expressiveness in seeking solutions.
I liked the way the author James M. Higgins, gave real life examples of Giant Corporations
that have used one or more of these problem-solving techniques.
                                    The 101 techniques described in this book are broken
                                    down to by problem solving stages: environmental
                                    analysis, recognizing and identifying problems, making
                                    assumptions, generating alternatives, making choices and
                                    implementing solutions. Each one of these processes is
                                                                                                                  來自加拿大的哈佛 - 麥基爾大學
                                    described in detail with graphics and, some chapters will
                                    have exercises that are deemed helpful in understanding         1813 年,加拿大蒙特婁的蘇格蘭皮毛商、著名慈善家詹姆斯-麥基爾去世時立下遺囑,
                                    the technique.                                                  將自己的農場和 1 萬英磅饋贈給皇家機構,用以創辦一所學院或大學。1821 年英王喬
                                    The techniques are presented in alphabetical order and are      治四世頒布了一項皇家特許令,以麥基爾為名建立了一所學院。1829 年,蒙特婁總醫
                                    numbered twice, the first number denotes the techniques         院的教學部併入麥基爾學院,學校改名為麥基爾大學,並於同年正式開課。
                                    position from 1 to 101, and the second number is the            麥大有 23 個學院,分稱 faculties 和 schools。屬於 faculties 的有 12 個:農業與環境科
                                    techniques    position   within    that   section   of    the   學院、文學院、牙醫學院、教育學院、工學院、法學院、管理學院、醫學院、音樂學
problem-solving model.                                                                              院、宗教學院、理學院、科研與研究生院。屬於 schools 的有 11 個:建築學院、計算
Chapter 4 which focused on individual techniques is the one that I personally found to be           機科學院、飲食與營養學院、圖書館與情報科學研究生院、人類交流失調學院、麥基
most helpful. In my line of work as an IT Consultant I have exercised a few of these                爾音樂學院、護理學院、職業健康學院、物理與職業治療學院、社會工作學院、都市
techniques such as mind mapping, but I also found other techniques that I can't wait to start       計畫學院。此外,麥大還有 3 個附屬學院:蒙特婁教區神學院、蒙特婁聯合神學院和
using my next project.                                                                              蒙特婁長老會學院。皇家維多利亞學院是一所合并到麥大的非教學性學院,專為女生
There are many techniques to try in this book, some of these techniques you may not like,           提供膳宿。同時是麥基爾大學著名的健康中心。
others won't fit, but overall this is a handy book to use for your problem-solving efforts.         上個世紀五六十年代,是麥基爾大學最輝煌的時期,那個時候麥基爾和哈佛齊名,被
                                                                                                    稱譽為北方的哈佛 在 2010 年的加拿大國內 Macleans 大學排行榜上繼續保持第一 2011
                                                                                                            。                                    。
                                                                                                    年 QS 世界大學排名中全球排名 17,美國《新聞周刊》全球排名 18。
                                      In Montreal
Montreal's summers are warm, at times hot and humid, with average high temperatures of 26        October
°C (79 °F) and low temperatures of 16 °C (61 °F); temperatures frequently exceed 30 °C (86
°F). Temperatures are much more variable before early July and after mid-August, when cold
fronts can bring crisp, windy weather: in midsummer, it is practically always warm and
                                  Winter in Montreal usually brings very cold, snowy, windy,
                                  and, at times, icy weather, with an average high
                                  temperature of −6 °C (21 °F) and low of −15 °C (5 °F) in
                                  January. However, some winter days rise above freezing,
                                  even allowing for rain at times. During a normal year, there
                                  should be 18 nights below −20 °C (−4 °F), and about one
day where the daily maximum is below −20 °C (−4 °F). Temperatures under −30 °C (−22 °F)          摩根瓊斯開始描述人類是壞的決策者,但騙自己的能力做出正確的決定。那麼,這本
only happen every 5 years or so, but wind chills can reach −40 °C (−40 °F)                       書介紹了 14 個可以使用的工具,使決策更加結構化和無差錯。通過一個故事,每一個
Montreal's Metro was inaugurated in 1966 and today has 68 stations spread out along its four     工具,並有大量的練習,嘗試的工具。它甚至有在後面的“解決方案”,以驗證您的
lines. Today, the metro system is currently Canada's busiest subway system in total daily        方法。這本書有幾個缺點。對於初學者來說,它不描述每個工具是最有用的,哪些情
passenger usage, serving an average of 1,050,800 daily passengers on an average weekday          況。樣本演習提出的事實 - 這是在現實生活中是不可能複製的。它也不會歸類為或大
(as of Q1 2010). Each station was designed by different architects with individual themes        或小的決定 - 一些決定是太小了,這裡提出申請結構性工具,而一些決定則是太大,
and features original artwork, and the trains themselves run on rubber tires, making the         單靠這些工具。
system quieter than most. The project was initiated by Montreal Mayor Jean Drapeau, who          從思考者的工具這本書,可以獲得的全部價值,但是你必須真正積極的參與書內的工
would later bring the Summer Olympic Games to Montreal in 1976. The metro system has             具操作。結論是,這是一個非常優秀的閱讀書籍,如果你是一個顧問,或想教解決結
long had a station on the South Shore in Longueuil, and has only recently been extended to       構性問題,我想這本書絕對是你的最佳選擇。
the city of Laval, north of Montreal with 3 new stations.
The commuter rail system is managed and operated by the
Agence métropolitaine de transport, and reaches the
outlying areas of Greater Montreal. Montreal's commuter
rail network had 15.7 million passengers in 2007, making
it the sixth busiest in North America following New York
City, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, and Toronto.
September                                                                                   9                                蒙特婁市
                                                                                                   為 2.14 米,高於莫斯科。平均年降雨量為 897 毫米。每年政府要耗費五千萬加元清掃
                                                                                                   一月是一年最冷的時候,平均日溫−10.4 °C,平均每日最
                                                                                                   低溫度到−14.9 °C。由於冬天常有風,體感溫度比實際溫
                                                                                                   度還要低得多 因此當地氣象預報常把風力降溫的因素考
                                                                                                   慮在內 蒙特婁一年有近四月在冰雪覆蓋之下一年中最熱
                                                                                                   月份是七月,日平均溫度為 20.9 °C,日平均最高溫度為
                                                                                                   26.3 °C。歷史上記錄的最低溫度為−37.8 °C 於 1957 年 1
                                                                                                   月 15 日,最高溫度為 37.6 °C 於 1975 年 8 月 1 日. 中高
Morgan Jones starts off describing that human beings are bad decision makers, but kid              濕度的氣候在夏天很常見。春秋兩季月降雨量在 55 到 94 毫
themselves about their ability to make good decisions. Then, the book describes 14 tools that      米之間。春秋有少量降雪,
can be used to make decision making more structured and error-free. Each tool is described         蒙特婁的地下城指市中心附近地下的綜合性住宅商業中心。也被稱為室內的城市,因
through a story, and has plenty of exercises to try out the tool. It even has the "solutions" at   為並非所有的部分都在地下。地下城由 32 多公里長,佔地 12 平方公里的地道構成,
the back to verify your approach.                                                                  包括有市中心 80%的辦公室和 35%商業面積。服務包括購物中心,旅館,辦公,銀行,
The book has a few shortcomings. For starters, it does not describe which situations each tool     博物館,七個地鐵站,兩個火車站,一個長途汽車終點站和一個貝爾中心。地下城有
is most useful for. The sample exercises present the facts together - something that is unlikely   120 多個出口,迎送 50 多萬進出人流,是躲避嚴峻的寒冬和繁忙的交通的理想去處。
to be replicated in real life. It also does not classify decisions as being big or small - some    由於地下城的原因,蒙特婁常被稱為「二城合一」
decisions are too small to apply structured tools presented here, while some decisions are too     市中心包括瑪莉亞城(Ville-Marie)
big to depend solely on these tools.                                                               家山公園,下臨聖勞倫斯河。此地區有十數座摩天大樓(法定
This book is written like a textbook. To get full value from The Thinker's Toolkit, you'd have     不能超過皇家山的高度)。市中心最繁華的街道聖凱瑟琳街
to really participate in the exercises actively. If you're planning to skim through the book,      (Rue Sainte-Catherine)是加拿大規模最大的商業街。河岸
then I'd recommend you drop this book and instead read "Making Great Decisions in                  的對面的聖母島(Île-de-St-Hélène)每年舉行一級方程式賽
Business and Life" by Henderson & Hooper.                                                          車,島上還有賭城,La Ronde 大型遊樂園,每年的蒙特婁焰
To sum up, it's a great textbook if you're a consultant or would like to teach structured          火屆便在這裡舉行。
problem solving. Bring out your pen and paper!                                                     站在皇家山上,整個市中心的建築,風景便盡收眼底,一覽山,河,城區和甚至遠處
February                                                                                      2      August                                 8

                               The Analytic Mindest
                                                                                                           思考者的工具:14 個解決問題的強大技術
Graduated from college 20 years ago, everyone has the dream, when tuition fees are not
expensive, prices are not high, after the mid-entering the job market salary increase, it is         不管你是否專注在一個特定的業務技能,在它的工作,顧問,或某人誰願意做一個重
really a dream era, not only the children of the wealthy family dream, the poorother people's        要的個人決定,這本書會給你決策的必要工具。它有三個部分:(1)50 頁的基礎上解
children had the same dream.                                                                         決問題和決策,
                                                                                                           (2)收集的 14 個工具,這將使你有效的解決問題的決策者,
But look at the children of poor families today, the university entrance rate far lower than the     您的下一步解決問題。
children of a wealthy family, and most of them into the private universities, tuition fees paid      第 1 部分準備讓你去思考思考,並提供解決問題的見解 - 有點像一個熱身之前,你在
each year is twice that of the rich, grew up not based on fair point, after 20 years, more unfair,   從事劇烈運動。這是適當的,因為當你通過每一個工具,你會得到一個艱苦的心理鍛
unfair originally the previous generation, as our education system also extends to the next          煉鍛煉工作 - 作者讓你覺得整本書努力。在這本書中給出的工具,是對任何問題的解
generation, making Taiwan into a "cycle of poverty".                                                 決過程的基礎。雖然筆者介紹了他們在其最基本的形式,也有他們無盡的變化(和你
The children of poor families have to pay 11 million a year tuition, four years of university        讀這本書,你會認識很多)
plus the Institute for two years, you have to spend more than 60 million books fees, when            最有效的使用工具和練習,循序漸進的方式,步驟。每次練習的答案,包括工作的例
coupled with out the cost of living, after graduation, debt, how to dream?                           子,在書的背面。
Government policy, whether in higher education, the housing market today are only adopted            我讀這本書之前,幾乎每一個工具,在同一時間或其他上市。然而,後通過一定的不
the practice of Yang boiling soup, Youth An Xincheng program to extend the student loan              那麼容易]提供練習,下一次我有機會使用的 14 個工具,我會做大量更多的技能和效
repayment period, with a little think about, you can understand that these programs still let        率,使我可以向你保證。因為我是一名 IT 顧問,不斷分析和解決問題,這本書我能作
unable to break the poverty cycle of young people in this environment is still a dream to do.        為一個現成的參考附近。它已被證明它的價值的時間和時間後賺取我的最高建議。
The Thinker's Toolkit:
              14 Powerful Techniques for Problem Solving

Regardless of whether you specialize in a particular business skill, work in IT, are a
consultant, or someone who wants to make a critical personal decision, this book will give
you the necessary tools for decision making.
It has three parts: (1) 50 pages on the basics of problem solving and decision making, (2) a
collection of the fourteen tools that will make you an effective problem solver or decision
maker, and (3) Next steps for refining your problem solving.
                              Part 1 prepares you by getting you to think about thinking and
                              providing insights to problem solving - sort of like a warm up
                              before you engage in strenuous exercise. This is appropriate
                              because as you work through the exercises associated with
                              each tool you will be getting a strenuous mental workout - the      20 年前從大學畢業,人人有夢,那時學費不貴、房價不高,而進入職場後年年加薪,
                              author makes you think hard throughout the book.                    那真是一個可以做夢的年代,不僅有錢家的孩子有夢,窮人家的小孩也一樣有夢。
                              The tools given in this book are the foundation of any problem      但看看今天窮人家的小孩,非僅進入大學的比率遠遠低於有錢人家的小孩,而且泰半
                              solving process. Although the author presents them in their         進了私立大學,每年所繳的學費是有錢人家的兩倍,這個從小就不公平的立足點,歷
                              most basic form, there are endless variations of them (and you      經 20 年後更加不公平,原本上一代的不公平,隨著我們的教育體系也延伸到下一代,
                              will recognize many as you read through this book). Each tool       使得台灣已陷入「貧窮的循環」
is presented by giving some background, situations in which the particular tool is most           這並非危言聳聽,我們可以算一下,這些窮人家的小孩每年要繳交 11 萬元的學費,大
effective, step-by-step procedures for using the tool and exercises. Answers to each exercise,    學 4 年再加研究所兩年,就得花上 60 多萬元,若再加上書籍費、在外的生活費,畢業
including worked examples, are provided in the back of the book.                                  之後即債務纏身,如何有夢?
I cannot point to any one thing I like more than another in this excellent book. I've used        台灣的工作機會還是以大台北最多,畢業後幸運的找到工作 以大學畢業者目前 22,000
virtually every tool listed at one time or another before reading this book. However, after       元的月薪,研究所 28,000 元的月薪,扣掉學貸、房租之後,生活已經極為吃緊,如此
going through the [not-so-easy] exercises provided I can assure you that the next time I have     如何買得起大台北動輒上千萬元的房子,如此又如何敢結婚?如何敢生小孩?如此生
occasion to use any of the 14 tools I will do so with a great deal more skill and efficiency.     活,哪來的夢?
Since I'm an IT consultant who is constantly involved in analysis and problem solving I keep      今天政府不論在高等教育、房屋市場上的政策都只是採取揚湯止沸的作法,青年安心
this book nearby as a ready reference. It has proven it's value time after time and earns it my   成家方案、延長助學貸款還款期限,只要稍微思考一下,就可以明白這些方案依舊讓
highest recommendation.                                                                           無法打破貧窮的循環,年輕人在這個大環境依然無夢可做。
                   Glass Academy - Lancaster University
Lancaster University, officially The University of Lancaster, is a research-intensive British     July
university in Lancaster, Lancashire, England. The university was established by Royal
Charter in 1964 and initially based in St Leonard's Gate until moving to a purpose-built 300
acre campus at Bailrigg in 1968. Lancaster expanded rapidly and now has the 11th highest
research quality in the UK and is the 16th highest ranking research institution according to
the latest Research Assessment Exercise. The university has an annual income of £177
million, 3,025 staff and 12,695 students. Along with the universities of Durham, Leeds,
Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle, Sheffield and York, Lancaster is a member of the N8
Group of research universities. Lancaster was ranked 7th in the 2013 Guardian University
Guide, 9th in the 2013 Complete University Guide, 8th in the Times Higher Education Table,
and 9th in the 2012 Good University Guide. It was also ranked 124th internationally in THE
World University Rankings 2011 153rd in the 2011 QS World University Rankings, and 9th
best university in the world under 50 years old.
Lancaster is a collegiate university, with its main functions divided between four central        對管理學、心理學及社會學之類的社會科學研究者而言,最大的研究難題是什麼?關
faculties and nine colleges. The faculties perform research and provide centralised lectures to   於這個問題,絕大多數的人都會異口同聲地回答:是新概念的提出與理論的建構。理
students; colleges are responsible for the domestic arrangements and welfare of                   由除了構念與理論的發展需要運用創造力與想像力之外,也因為沒有任何課程或教科
undergraduates, graduates, post-doctoral researchers and some university staff.                   書教導此事,並提供必要的終南捷徑。
The university was established by Royal Charter in 1964. The charter stipulated that HRH          因此,在面對理論建構的丈二宮牆時,學子往往只能徘徊在外,感嘆「仰之彌高,鑽
Princess Alexandra of Kent be the first Chancellor. She was inaugurated in 1964. The              之彌堅」!有鑑於此,當代管理學大家、曾任美國頂級管理學期刊的主編肯‧史密斯
ceremony also saw the granting of various honorary degrees to dignitaries including Prime         (Ken Smith)與馬克爾‧希特(Michael Hitt)邀請了三十位當代社會科學名家(包
Minister Harold Wilson. Princess Alexandra retired as Chancellor in 2004 and was the              括諾貝爾獎得主)現身說法,希望揭開概念發展與理論建構的神秘面紗。
longest serving chancellor of any British university. On her departure, she gave approval for     這些學者來自管理學、心理學、社會學、經濟學、組織學,以及教育學等各種社會科
a Chancellor's Medal to be awarded for academic merit to the highest-performing                   學領域,都擁有極為傑出的研究表現,不但提出了新的概念,也建構出新的理論,而
undergraduates and postgraduates. Each year presentations are made to up to five graduates        且影響十分深遠。本書就是綜合這些名家的經驗編輯而成,總共二十六章,除了第一
of taught masters' courses, and up to six to the highest-performing undergraduates.               章與第二十六章為編者的導讀與總結之外,其餘二十四章都是當代學術巨擘的具體經
The university has eight undergraduate colleges, seven of which are named after regions of        驗。由於是大師中的大師的親身體驗與學思歷程,所以較能貼近事實,引起共鳴,而
the traditional county of Lancashire, with County College is named after the Lancashire           對後進者有莫大的啟迪。
County Council which provided the funds. There is a ninth college for graduates.                  勵更多有志之士,洞悉研究本質,披荊斬棘,開拓更多的學術沃土,來造福人群。
                        Great minds in management:
                      The process of theory development                                         March

In Great Minds in Management, Ken G. Smith and Michael A. Hitt have brought together
some of the most influential and original thinkers in management. Their contributions to this
volume not only outline their landmark contributions to management theory, but also reflect
on the process of theory development, presenting their own personal accounts of the
gestation of these theories.
The result is not only an ambitious and original
panorama of the key ideas in management theory
presented by their originators, but also a unique
collection of reflections on the process of theory
development, an area which to date little has been
                                                                                                                玻璃學院 - 蘭卡斯特大學
written about by those who have actually had experience
of building theory.                                                                             蘭卡斯特大學是一所坐落在英國蘭卡斯特市郊的學院制大學。蘭卡斯特大學享有著非
In their concluding chapter, Ken G. Smith and Michael A.                                        常好的學術聲譽,一直在英國大學排名中名列前茅。該校擁有全英國最優秀的環境科
Hitt draw together some common themes about the                                                 學系以及享譽國際的蘭卡斯特大學管理學院(LUMS)。學校的物理系在低溫物理方面
development of management theory over the last half a                                           的研究也是國際領先。另外,社會學系方面的教學和研究也非常出色。
century, and suggest some of the conclusions to be                                              蘭卡斯特大學還與達勒姆大學、利茲大學、利物浦大學、曼徹斯特大學、紐卡斯爾大
drawn about how theory comes into being.                                                        學、謝菲爾德大學和約克大學一同成立 N8 研究聯盟。蘭卡斯特大學採用學院制體系,
"This volume should be read by all aspiring scholars and is well worth inclusion in             由三個中央學院和 9 個小分院組成,中央學院主要進行科研以及教學,而小分院主要
management doctoral seminars. The personal stories presented in this volume will make           是安排校院內的本科生、研究生、博士後研究人員和一些大學的工作人員等的生活,
readers realize how theory development is not analogous to treading a lonely path, "a bolt of   住宿和福利。
lightening", or even a combination of the two. It is a much more complex social dynamic         蘭卡斯特大學於 1964 年獲皇家特許狀並成立,並在 1964 年 10 月接收了它的第一批學
process fueled by personal insight, commitment, and energy, as well as stimulation by           生。大學最初有 13 名教授、32 名教學和科研人員、8 名圖書館人員和 14 名學術管理
colleagues in the scholarly and managerial communities. We thoroughly enjoyed reading the       員。蘭卡斯特大學當時的校訓為:"patet omnibus veritas",意為「真理面向所有人」。
book and we believe you will too."                                                              蘭卡斯特大學是英國綠野大學中的一所 現校址位於蘭卡斯特市以南 3 英里的 Bailrigg,
                                                        -- Academy of Management Review         Ellel 和 Galgate 三個村莊附近。該校的校徽就是按照學校的標誌性建築 University
                                                                                                Chaplaincy Centre 的尖頂形狀而設計的。
In Lancaster
Lancaster, as a historic city, offers an unusual level of contemporary cultural activity. The
city is fortunate to have retained many fine examples of Georgian architecture. Lancaster
Castle, the Priory Church of St. Mary and the Edwardian Ashton Memorial are among many
sites of historical importance.
The Lancaster Grand Theatre and the Dukes are two of the city's most notable venues for live
performances as well as the Yorkshire House. Lancaster also hosts 'The Play in the Park', a
series of open-air performances in the award-winning Williamson Park. The university hosts
public performances of theatre, music, exhibitions, contemporary dance and live art from UK
and international companies. The university venues include the Nuffield Theatre, one of the
largest professional studio theatres in Europe; the Peter Scott Gallery, holding the most
                                  significant collection of Royal Lancastrian ceramics in Britain    其實,我們每個人真的有這樣一個戶頭,每天那就是「時間」
                                  and finally the Lancaster International Concerts series            新的 86400 秒可以使用,你曾想過要怎樣善用戶頭裡的每一秒,作適當的運用與對人
                                  attracting nationally and internationally renowned classical       生的投資嗎?你曾想過要如何善加投資運用時間,以換取你認為最重要的東西嗎?或
                                  and world-music artists. The Storey Gallery, sited in the Storey   是用來增進最大的健康、快樂與成功嗎?這就是我們心中的時鐘。怎麼「花錢」或「錢
                                  Creative Industries Centre, is a contemporary art gallery          花在怎樣的用途上」
                                  showing work by international artists. The Storey Creative         和需求。同時,
                                  Industries Centre also holds Lancaster's Litfest which             內容,也非常的影響著生命的質感和方向。所以如何掌握時間、善用時間變成了我們
organises and runs an annual literature festival. Lancaster also offers numerous museums,            積極的人生當中一項重大的課題。每一天的時間是固定的,如何利用這些固定的時間
including Lancaster City Museum, Maritime Museum and Judges' Lodgings Museum.                        做好每一件事,就必須善加管理我們的時間運用。
Throughout the year, various festivals are held in and around the city, such as the Lancaster        而目前身為研究生的我們,最大的任務便是要完成目前眼前的研究並順利取得學位,
Jazz Festival and The Maritime Festival.                                                             因此有極大部分的時間必須專注在自己的課業與論文研究上面。但是,為了能夠增加
Cinemas in Lancaster are the independent Dukes Theatre and the mainstream VUE multiplex              未來的競爭力,修習教育學程成為現階段的許多研究生們必須共同面對的課題。因此,
in the city centre. The 1930s art deco Regal Cinema closed in 2006.                                  如何兼顧自己本身重重的研究壓力之下,在挪出時間來學習另外一項專業技能,變成
Lancaster is home to many golf clubs, including the Ashton Golf Centre, Lansil Golf Club,            了一項困難度極高的任務。所以,我們應藉由時間管理的角度來審視我們日常時間的
Forest Hills and Lancaster Golf Club. Lancaster's swimming club is 'Lancaster Amateur                運用,進而能夠在研究與學習另一項專業當中取得一個平衡。
Swimming and Waterpolo Club' and they compete in a variety of competitions in the North
West.They train at Salt Ayre, and at Lancaster University Sports Centre. Lancaster is home to
a senior team in Great Britain. Water polo is also popular in the Lancaster area.
June                                                                                         6                            蘭卡斯特市
                                                                                                   蘭卡斯特大劇院和 Dukes 是城市中最顯著的現場表演

                                 The Action Mindest                                                士音樂節和航海節。
In fact, we really have such an account, a day that is "time".Every day we have new new            蘭卡斯特是英格蘭北部的一個小鎮,市中心徒步大約一個小時內便能逛完。麻雀雖小,
86,400 seconds you can use, you ever thought about how good the user in advance of each            五臟俱全,在蘭卡斯特鎮上所有生活用品應有盡有,除非要購買名牌服飾或電腦保固
second, for the appropriate use and investment of life? You ever wondered how to make the          送修等需求,才需要到大城市去。有許多公車往返學校與蘭卡斯特市中心,車程約莫
best investment use of time in exchange for the most important thing you think? Or used to         10 分鐘;徒步走去鎮上大約 1 個小時,天氣晴朗時相當舒適。
enhance the largest health, happiness and success? This is the clock of our hearts. How            蘭卡斯特算是個以大學為榮的城鎮,所以鎮上居民對國際學生都相當友善。根據我去
"money" or "spend money on what kind of purpose", in fact, to a certain extent reflect each        其他城市造訪的心得,蘭卡斯特真的是對國際學生數一數二友善的環境。談到國內的
person important or level, but also reflects the different values and needs. At the same time,     旅遊,蘭卡斯特因位處大不列顛島中部,故往南往北搭火車時間都不會太長。蘭卡斯
the time how "and" on what matters. "Will affect our lives very, very affect the texture of life   特到倫敦的車程約莫 2.5 個小時,到 Glasgow 也是差不多時間;而到附近的大城
and direction. So how to master the use of time into the active life which a major issue.          Manchester 也是約莫 40 分鐘車程。
Every day is fixed, and how to use a fixed time to do every thing, it is necessary to better       此外,校園環境也是相當友善,雖說英國普遍治安並
manage our time use.                                                                               不太好,但在蘭卡斯特(鎮上或學校)則頗安全,晚
In order to increase competitiveness in the future, to attend the education program to become      上獨自行走也都沒問題。 蘭卡斯特學生會也頗為活
the subject of many graduate students at this stage must face together. Therefore, how to          躍,常舉辦活動活絡同學感情;並更有兩個禮拜一次
balance themselves heavy under pressure, take the time to learn an additional professional         的 Day trip 帶大家到英國各著名景點觀光;對於課
skills, become an extremely difficult task. Therefore, we will by the time management point        程間無法撥空規劃行程的學生,這是個相當便利的選
of view to look at our daily use of time and thus be able to strike a balance.                     擇。
April                                                                                       4                          楓丹白露區
                                                                                                   楓丹白露是法國巴黎大都會地區內的一個市鎮 位於巴黎市中心東南偏南 55 公里
                                                                                                                       ,                (34.5
                                                                                                   英里)處。楓丹白露屬於塞納-馬恩省的楓丹白露區,該區下屬 87 個市鎮,楓丹白露
                                                                                                   楓丹白露與毗鄰的 4 個市鎮組成了擁有 36,713 名居民的市
                                                                                                                        ,ESIGETEL 工程
                                                                                                   師大學校等均坐落在此。Fontainebleau 一詞意為「美麗的

                              The Reflective Mindset                                               泉水」。楓丹白露的居民被稱為「Bellifontains」。
With the opening of the social diversity and parents values, the Fundamental Law of                楓丹白露森林環繞著城鎮和幾十個村莊,由國家森林辦公室(Office National des For
Education must be re-interpretation of the culture of educational administration, educational      êts)負責森林保護,並因富有的野生植物和寶貴的鳥類、哺乳類和蝴蝶資源而被列為
administration as an appropriate adjustment should be done with the administrative model of        國家公園。楓丹白露森林以前是皇家狩獵場。如今的森林還廣受抱石攀岩愛好者的喜
the evolution, social and cultural aesthetics. The face of the twenty-first century and the era    愛。傳說故事裡,獅心王理查把這個森林給了羅賓漢。
of globalization, we should first create diverse alternative school image, education image         楓丹白露的交通以火車為主,從法蘭西島遠郊鐵路(Transilien)的巴黎里昂線在楓
reconstruction from deconstruction to make education the art of beauty. Respect for human          丹白露設有兩個車站 楓丹白露雅芳站
                                                                                                            :      (Fontainebleau - Avon)
rights, intrinsic value and ethics, in order to achieve the Education aesthetic perfection so      楓丹白露雅芳站離楓丹白露市中心最近,位於楓丹白露市和雅芳市的交界處的雅芳境
that schools become students, teachers like to go to school and work in the field of education     內。
is an art, the development of globalization is the century of America as a cultural core, to       楓丹白露市集位於市中心,聖路易教堂後方,營業時間為
show America's creativity and challenges.                                                          每周二、周五以及周日上午 7 时 30 分至 12 时 30 分。色彩
Globalization development should avoid the hegemony of a unified, it should be respect for         繽紛、令人垂涎的香味,這個非露天的食品市集提供了來
differences, people live with dignity, school field against the oppressors. The child is           自各地區的特產。而四周不乏其他商店,如:縫紉用品商、
considered to be self-determination, right to the independent life stage of happiness and          鞋商、珠寶、家具以及舊商店等等,價位都相當實在,是
satisfaction, the liberation of the course, the child is not technical by training and services,   個必去的好地方!值得一提的是,這地方曾經榮獲法國烹飪
nor in order to meet the needs of adult development. Globalization, development of                 藝術委員會頒發”卓越市集”的榮耀。
education, from the self-identity began, educational need "hope" and "aesthetics moved.
In Fontainebleau
Fontainebleau     is a commune in the metropolitan area of Paris, France. It is located 55.5
kilometres (34.5 mi) south-southeast of the centre of Paris. Fontainebleau is a sub-prefecture   雖然台灣學生在數學與自然科學的成績名列前茅,但是學習動力與自我信心卻是倒數
of the Seine-et-Marne department, and it is the seat of the arrondissement of Fontainebleau.     第四,我們教育的問題是出在哪裡?台灣社會普遍是個缺乏信心的社會。我們必須一
The commune has the largest land area in the Île-de-France region; it is the only one to cover   再提醒自己,是什麼因素讓學生對學校充滿恐懼,缺乏自信心?學校教育成為人性否
a larger area than Paris itself.                                                                 定意識的主要來源,學生充滿被處罰的恐懼,學生產生自我價值感創傷與習得無能,
                                    Fontainebleau, together with the neighbouring commune        而不是充滿感動與生命的故事與夢想。人有三種基本的需求,第一是維持生命之生存、
                                    of Avon and three other smaller communes, form an            第二是互動、肯定與了解、第三是創造。教育是否有兼具這三種需求,值得我們深思
                                    urban area of 39,713 inhabitants (according to the 2001      與反省。
                                    census). This urban area is a satellite of Paris.            隨著社會多元與家長價值觀之開放,教育基本法必須重新詮釋教育行政文化,隨著行
                                    Fontainebleau is renowned for the large and scenic forest    政典範的演化,教育行政的作為也應做適度的調整,讓社會文化具有美學。面對二十
                                    of Fontainebleau, a favourite weekend getaway for            一世紀與全球化的時代,我們應該要先創造多元另類的學校圖像,由解構再建構教育
                                    Parisians, as well as for the historical château de          圖像,使教育成為美之藝術。尊敬人權,建立內在的價值與倫理,以達到教育美學至
Fontainebleau, which once belonged to the kings of France, It is also the home of INSEAD,        善,讓學校成為學生、教師都喜歡上學與工作的場域,教育是門藝術,全球化發展是
one of the world's most elite business schools; of the É cole supérieure d'ingénieurs en         以美為文化核心的世紀,展現美的創意與挑戰。
informatique et génie des télécommunications (ESIGETEL), one of France's grandes écoles;         全球化發展應避免統一的霸權,應該尊重差異,
and of a branch of the É cole nationale supérieure des mines de Paris, the Paris School of       使人活得有尊嚴,學校成為反壓迫者的場域,春
Mines, also one of the elite grandes écoles.                                                     風化雨的感動,Key competences for all,是讓
The forest of Fontainebleau surrounds the city and dozens of nearby villages. It is protected    「每一個人」的關鍵能力皆能充份發展。孩童被
by France's Office National des Forêts, and it is recognised as a French national park. It is    認為是具有自我決定、幸福與滿意權利的獨立生
managed in order that its wild plants and trees, such                                            命階段,是解放性的歷程,孩童並非為技術性所
as the rare Service Tree of Fontainebleau, and its                                               訓練與服務,也非為了滿足大人的需求而發展。
populations of birds, mammals, and butterflies, can                                              全球化的教育發展,應從自我認同開始,教育需
be conserved. It is a former royal hunting park often                                            有「希望」與「美學的感動」。
visited by hikers and horse riders. The forest is also
well regarded for bouldering and is particularly
popular among climbers, as the biggest developed
area of that kind in the world.
                     From Europe's top College - INSEAD
INSEAD (the name was formerly an acronym for the French name "INStitut Européen                 May
d'ADministration des Affaires", or European Institute of Business Administration) is an
international graduate business school and research institution. It has campuses in Europe
(France), Asia (Singapore), and the Middle East (Abu Dhabi), as well as a research center
in Israel. The school offers a full-time Master of Business Administration (MBA)
programme, a PhD in management programme, and several executive education programmes
(including an executive MBA).
INSEAD MBA students and PhD candidates have the chance to study in three continents
(through a multi-campus structure, an alliance with the Wharton School of the University of
Pennsylvania and a student exchange programme with theKellogg School of Management).
INSEAD also has a reciprocal agreement with Harvard Business School, Stanford Graduate
School of Business and Kellogg School of Management to share career services. Alumni of
                                                                                                         來自歐洲的頂尖學院 - 歐洲工商管理學院
the four schools have exclusive access to job opportunities databases of each other.
INSEAD holds both company/firm specific and open enrollment executive education                 歐洲工商管理學院是世界最大和最有影響力的獨立商學院之一,歐洲的頂級工商管理
programmes at its campuses in Europe and Asia and at its Executive Education centre in Abu      院校,也是歐洲最受尊重、歷年排名首位的商學院。
Dhabi. INSEAD also works in partnership with corporate universities. Participants usually       歐洲工商管理學院(INSEAD)於 1957 年創立,是一家私立及獨立的院校。二戰之後,歐
come from senior or top management, with many years of experience within their company          洲百廢待興,兩位在哈佛商學院供職的法國教授認為,歐洲的振興需要一批合格的職
or industry and younger 'high-potentials' identified as being key in succession strategies      業經理人和企業家,於是萌生了創辦商學院的念頭。經過與法國政府和投資方歷時三
within their companies. Approximately 9,500 executives from over 120 countries undertake        年的反反覆復的交涉,歐洲工商管理學院在法國皇室行宮所在地楓丹白露正式成立。
courses or programmes at INSEAD each year.                                                      歐洲工商管理學院正校位於法國塞納-馬恩省的楓丹白露,屬於大巴黎地區的一部份。
In 2011, INSEAD launched a new Executive Certificate in Global Management which is              楓丹白露,法國皇帝的夏宮,相當於北京頤和園的角色,楓丹白露是全世界最豪華奢
awarded to participants who complete at least three INSEAD global management and                侈的地方,它是美女、美酒、毫宅的代名詞。
leadership programmes.                                                                          學院建成後 一位名為 Henri-Claude de Bettignes 教授認為學院不僅要立足於歐洲,
The INSEAD MBA curriculum comprises a range of required core courses and electives. The         還要向世界經濟另一個繁榮體亞洲挺進。1999 年,INSEAD 的亞洲校區在新加坡建成,
core courses cover traditional management disciplines including finance, economics,             兩所校區成為亞洲和歐洲兩地自成體系的姐妹校園,2001 年 2 月,INSEAD 與美國排名
organizational behaviour, accounting, ethics, marketing, statistics, operations management,     第一沃頓商學院(Wharton)結成學院聯盟,使沃頓商學院位於費城和舊金山及 INSEAD
international political analysis, supply chain management, leadership and corporate strategy.   的校園資源與 INSEAD 的全球網路得以整合,連接成國際性知識及學習網路,展開具有

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  • 1. IMPM 國際實踐管理碩士 透過五大頂尖商學院與五種心態協力創造全新教育模式 本書可以了解到 IMPM 所傳達的理念,透過蘭卡斯特大學所屬的反思心態、麥基爾大學 代表的分析心態以及歐洲工商管理學院提倡的行動心態來反觀台灣傳統的教育。不用 花任何一毛錢即可感受到身歷其校園的詳細介紹… 管理學大師中的大師 邀請三十位當代社會科學名家現身說法,揭開當代概念發展與理 論建構的神秘面紗。 思考者的工具:14 個解決問題的強大技術 這本書提供了證明以及實際可行的方法,簡化任何問題和作出更 快、更好的決策,並提出 14 個解決問題的強大技術。 101 個創意解決問題的技巧:商業手冊的新思路 如果你需要好點子,這本書提供快速閱讀的形式,採用實際方 § 游家麟 著 法和方式的例子,產生出許多解決方案的想法。
  • 2. 作者簡歷 / About the author December 12 姓名 / Name: 游家麟 / Loewe 生日 / Date of birth: 9/24 年齡 / Age: 23 歲 / 23 years old 學歷資料 / Education: 長榮大學 科技工程管理學系 工學士 Department of Engineering & Management of Advanced Technology, Chang Jung Christian University 長榮大學 經營管理研究所行銷管理組 商學碩士 Graduate school of Business and Operations Management, Chang Jung Christian University 非常有幫助的一本書,他介紹了許多解決的技術問題。這本書並沒有進入全面討論各 語文能力 / Language proficiency: 種技術,但它提供了每一個技術良好詳細的介紹,因此可以進一步研究你想使用這些 英文、中文、台語 / English, Chinese, Taiwanese 技術。 擅長工具 / Good tool: 這本書擁有很好的組織與格式信息,並提出了有趣的解釋方式,所以閱讀時永遠都不 Word、PowerPonit、Excel、InDesign、Photoshop、Illustrator、mp3DirectCut 會無聊。尤其整本書以及書中提到的小型案例研究的“步驟摘要”特別吸引人也特別 工作經歷 / Work experience: 好與時事應用。就我個人而言,我希望書中個案研究案例為重點,這樣較好理解,但 台中市儒林文理補習班 / Rulin Cram School 2007/07~2007/08 這不是這本書的目的。 全家便利商店台中光明店 / Family Mart 2008/07~2009/12 其中作者花了兩個短章節在討論解決問題和得到創新技術 並認識和確定問題的技術, , 法商家樂福仁德店 / Carrefour 2011/07~2011/08 透過集思廣益解決問題的思路,才選擇問題的解決方案。如果您正在尋找一個容易閱 E-mail: 讀的書,並可以得到問題解決的技術(如質量管理理念) ,我想這本書將會是一個很好 的起點。 關於作者 / About the author: 大學讀的是理工方面的科系,所以對於理工方面有所認知,當時主要以計算機通訊系 統為主要修習科目。對於父母從小就開始經商的映象仍歷歷在目,也間接影響了我對 於經營管理熱誠的態度,因當時大學所選讀的科系有 20%管理科目的選讀,固有些微 管理基礎的認知,於 2011 年的寒假,決心轉型就讀完全商管類型的經營管理研究所, 目前正接受長榮大學優秀教師的指導中,一步步的精進自我管理成就的達成。
  • 3. Very helpful book and I give it 5 stars for easily fulfilling its purpose, i.e. an introduction to 目錄 / Directory many of the problem solving techniques, and I highly recommend it for that purpose. This book does not go into a comprehensive discussion of the various techniques, nor was it From the Canada's Harvard - McGill University intended to, but it does give a very good introduction to each and you can research further 來自加拿大的哈佛 - 麥基爾大學 those techniques you would like to use. I have researched some of them on the internet (free In Montreal of charge). 蒙特婁市 This book functions as a brainstorming presents many ideas and approaches, and The Analytic Mindest allows you to review each one and determine which is best for your situation. Many of the 解析的心態 techniques in this book, and any other problem solving book, are really just Glass Academy - Lancaster University different variations of brainstorming 玻璃學院 - 蘭卡斯特大學 sessions (larger or smaller groups, an In Lancaster extra step or two, limitations on one thing 蘭卡斯特市 or another, a change in procedure, etc..) The Reflective Mindset which is OK too. Most problem solving 反思的心態 techniques are either brainstorming sessions of some sort, or techniques From Europe's top College - INSEAD designed to force you to lay aside your preconceived opinions and study a problem from 來自歐洲的頂尖學院 - 歐洲工商管理學院 different angles (yes that is a major simplification). In Fontainebleau The book is organized and formatted very well. The information is presented in an interesting 楓丹白露區 manner and never gets boring. Most of the sections are short and sweet, and what few times The Action Mindset he goes beyond a couple pages is by necessity. I really liked the "Summary of Steps" that are 行動的心態 throughout the book and the mini case studies were nice as well. Personally, I would like to have seen at least a couple extended case studies, but that was not the purpose of this book. Great minds in management:The process of theory development One of my favorites is the Delphi technique. I have actually used a form of it several times in 管理學大師中的大師 my work before I even knew it was a technique, and I suspect many of you have used it too The Thinker's Toolkit:14 Powerful Techniques for Problem Solving in an informal way. I have had some good success with it and believe it to be an excellent 思考者的工具:14 個解決問題的強大技術 technique in any stage of the problem solving process, whether I am dealing with 101 Creative Problem Solving Techniques:The Handbook of New Ideas for Business professionals, layman, mechanics, or bozos. 101 個創意解決問題的技巧:商業手冊的新思路
  • 4. 11 From the Canada's Harvard - McGill University McGill University is a public research university located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The November university bears the name of James McGill, a prominent Montreal merchant from Glasgow, Scotland and alumnus of Glasgow University, whose bequest formed the beginning of the university. Founded in 1821, McGill was chartered during the British colonial era, 46 years before the Canadian Confederation, making it one of the oldest universities in Canada. As of 2011, McGill ranked 1st in Canada and 17th in the world in the QS World University Rankings. According to the 2011 Emerging/Trendence global employability ranking, McGill was ranked 19th in the world for popularity among major employers. In the Maclean's 21st Annual University Ranking (2011), McGill was ranked 1st in Canada among all institutions offering medical and doctoral degrees, maintaining this ranking for the seventh year in a row. With almost 215,000 living alumni worldwide, students and professors at McGill have been recognized in fields ranging from the arts and sciences, to business, politics, and sports. 101 個創意解決問題的技巧:商業手冊的新思路 Notable alumni include eleven Nobel Laureates, one hundred and thirty-two Rhodes Scholars, three astronauts, two Canadian prime ministers, eleven justices of the Canadian 這本書可以增強你的思維使自己利用自己的創造力來解決業務問題。在這本書中所提 Supreme Court, three foreign leaders, nine Academy Award winners, three Pulitzer Prize 到的工具可以把自己的創意和表現力用來尋求解決辦法。 winners, and twenty-eight Olympic medalists. 作家詹姆斯·希金斯,在這本書中提出了許多現實生活中的例子,使用一個或多個這些 The main campus is set upon 32 hectares (79 acres) at the foot of Mount Royal in Downtown 解決工具解決問題的大公司。 Montreal, covering much of the Golden Square Mile. A second campus, the Macdonald 在這本書中所描述的 101 個技術解決問題的階段為:環境分析、識別和發現問題,於 Campus, is situated on 6.5 square kilometres (2.5 sq mi) of fields and forested land in 書中提出假設,做出選擇和實施解決方案。這些過程中的每一個圖形和詳細介紹,都 Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, 30 km (19 mi) west of the downtown campus. With 21 faculties 有助於了解該技術的學習。 and professional schools, McGill offers degrees and diplomas in over 300 fields of study, 按字母順序排列的技術和數字的兩倍,第一個數字表示從 1 到 101 的技術位置,第二 including medicine and law. Although the language of instruction is English, students have 個數字是內,解決問題的模型部分的技術位置。 the right to submit any graded work in English or in French, except when learning a 第 4 章的重點是針對個人的技術,因此這是對於獨自學習的個人最有幫助的章節。作 particular language is an objective of the course. Approximately 34,000 students attend 為一個 IT 顧問可以直接套用這些技術於現有工作中,如心智圖。有許多方法試圖在這 McGill, with international students comprising one-fifth of the student population. 本書中,有些技術可能自己會不喜歡,也有些對於別人來說會不適合,但總體而言, Of the entire student population, 54.7% are from Quebec and 25.4% are from the rest of 這是一個方非常方便可以用來解決問題的技術工具書。 Canada, while 20.0% are from outside of Canada (including the United States). International students hail from about 150 different countries.
  • 5. 1 101 Creative Problem Solving Techniques: The Handbook of New Ideas for Business January This book in my opinion will enhance your thinking process in terms of exercising your own creativity to solve business problems. The tools in this book can be used to bring out your own originality and expressiveness in seeking solutions. I liked the way the author James M. Higgins, gave real life examples of Giant Corporations that have used one or more of these problem-solving techniques. The 101 techniques described in this book are broken down to by problem solving stages: environmental analysis, recognizing and identifying problems, making assumptions, generating alternatives, making choices and implementing solutions. Each one of these processes is 來自加拿大的哈佛 - 麥基爾大學 described in detail with graphics and, some chapters will have exercises that are deemed helpful in understanding 1813 年,加拿大蒙特婁的蘇格蘭皮毛商、著名慈善家詹姆斯-麥基爾去世時立下遺囑, the technique. 將自己的農場和 1 萬英磅饋贈給皇家機構,用以創辦一所學院或大學。1821 年英王喬 The techniques are presented in alphabetical order and are 治四世頒布了一項皇家特許令,以麥基爾為名建立了一所學院。1829 年,蒙特婁總醫 numbered twice, the first number denotes the techniques 院的教學部併入麥基爾學院,學校改名為麥基爾大學,並於同年正式開課。 position from 1 to 101, and the second number is the 麥大有 23 個學院,分稱 faculties 和 schools。屬於 faculties 的有 12 個:農業與環境科 techniques position within that section of the 學院、文學院、牙醫學院、教育學院、工學院、法學院、管理學院、醫學院、音樂學 problem-solving model. 院、宗教學院、理學院、科研與研究生院。屬於 schools 的有 11 個:建築學院、計算 Chapter 4 which focused on individual techniques is the one that I personally found to be 機科學院、飲食與營養學院、圖書館與情報科學研究生院、人類交流失調學院、麥基 most helpful. In my line of work as an IT Consultant I have exercised a few of these 爾音樂學院、護理學院、職業健康學院、物理與職業治療學院、社會工作學院、都市 techniques such as mind mapping, but I also found other techniques that I can't wait to start 計畫學院。此外,麥大還有 3 個附屬學院:蒙特婁教區神學院、蒙特婁聯合神學院和 using my next project. 蒙特婁長老會學院。皇家維多利亞學院是一所合并到麥大的非教學性學院,專為女生 There are many techniques to try in this book, some of these techniques you may not like, 提供膳宿。同時是麥基爾大學著名的健康中心。 others won't fit, but overall this is a handy book to use for your problem-solving efforts. 上個世紀五六十年代,是麥基爾大學最輝煌的時期,那個時候麥基爾和哈佛齊名,被 稱譽為北方的哈佛 在 2010 年的加拿大國內 Macleans 大學排行榜上繼續保持第一 2011 。 。 年 QS 世界大學排名中全球排名 17,美國《新聞周刊》全球排名 18。
  • 6. 10 In Montreal Montreal's summers are warm, at times hot and humid, with average high temperatures of 26 October °C (79 °F) and low temperatures of 16 °C (61 °F); temperatures frequently exceed 30 °C (86 °F). Temperatures are much more variable before early July and after mid-August, when cold fronts can bring crisp, windy weather: in midsummer, it is practically always warm and humid. Winter in Montreal usually brings very cold, snowy, windy, and, at times, icy weather, with an average high temperature of −6 °C (21 °F) and low of −15 °C (5 °F) in January. However, some winter days rise above freezing, even allowing for rain at times. During a normal year, there should be 18 nights below −20 °C (−4 °F), and about one day where the daily maximum is below −20 °C (−4 °F). Temperatures under −30 °C (−22 °F) 摩根瓊斯開始描述人類是壞的決策者,但騙自己的能力做出正確的決定。那麼,這本 only happen every 5 years or so, but wind chills can reach −40 °C (−40 °F) 書介紹了 14 個可以使用的工具,使決策更加結構化和無差錯。通過一個故事,每一個 Montreal's Metro was inaugurated in 1966 and today has 68 stations spread out along its four 工具,並有大量的練習,嘗試的工具。它甚至有在後面的“解決方案”,以驗證您的 lines. Today, the metro system is currently Canada's busiest subway system in total daily 方法。這本書有幾個缺點。對於初學者來說,它不描述每個工具是最有用的,哪些情 passenger usage, serving an average of 1,050,800 daily passengers on an average weekday 況。樣本演習提出的事實 - 這是在現實生活中是不可能複製的。它也不會歸類為或大 (as of Q1 2010). Each station was designed by different architects with individual themes 或小的決定 - 一些決定是太小了,這裡提出申請結構性工具,而一些決定則是太大, and features original artwork, and the trains themselves run on rubber tires, making the 單靠這些工具。 system quieter than most. The project was initiated by Montreal Mayor Jean Drapeau, who 從思考者的工具這本書,可以獲得的全部價值,但是你必須真正積極的參與書內的工 would later bring the Summer Olympic Games to Montreal in 1976. The metro system has 具操作。結論是,這是一個非常優秀的閱讀書籍,如果你是一個顧問,或想教解決結 long had a station on the South Shore in Longueuil, and has only recently been extended to 構性問題,我想這本書絕對是你的最佳選擇。 the city of Laval, north of Montreal with 3 new stations. The commuter rail system is managed and operated by the Agence métropolitaine de transport, and reaches the outlying areas of Greater Montreal. Montreal's commuter rail network had 15.7 million passengers in 2007, making it the sixth busiest in North America following New York City, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, and Toronto.
  • 7. September 9 蒙特婁市 蒙特婁在幾個氣候區的交際處,因此天氣變化多樣。降水豐富,平均每年冬天降雪量 為 2.14 米,高於莫斯科。平均年降雨量為 897 毫米。每年政府要耗費五千萬加元清掃 積雪。夏天最潮濕,但人們能盡情地享受一年裡最多的陽光。 一月是一年最冷的時候,平均日溫−10.4 °C,平均每日最 低溫度到−14.9 °C。由於冬天常有風,體感溫度比實際溫 度還要低得多 因此當地氣象預報常把風力降溫的因素考 , 慮在內 蒙特婁一年有近四月在冰雪覆蓋之下一年中最熱 。 月份是七月,日平均溫度為 20.9 °C,日平均最高溫度為 26.3 °C。歷史上記錄的最低溫度為−37.8 °C 於 1957 年 1 月 15 日,最高溫度為 37.6 °C 於 1975 年 8 月 1 日. 中高 Morgan Jones starts off describing that human beings are bad decision makers, but kid 濕度的氣候在夏天很常見。春秋兩季月降雨量在 55 到 94 毫 themselves about their ability to make good decisions. Then, the book describes 14 tools that 米之間。春秋有少量降雪, 「小陽春」「倒春寒」也在這兩個時節很常見。 can be used to make decision making more structured and error-free. Each tool is described 蒙特婁的地下城指市中心附近地下的綜合性住宅商業中心。也被稱為室內的城市,因 through a story, and has plenty of exercises to try out the tool. It even has the "solutions" at 為並非所有的部分都在地下。地下城由 32 多公里長,佔地 12 平方公里的地道構成, the back to verify your approach. 包括有市中心 80%的辦公室和 35%商業面積。服務包括購物中心,旅館,辦公,銀行, The book has a few shortcomings. For starters, it does not describe which situations each tool 博物館,七個地鐵站,兩個火車站,一個長途汽車終點站和一個貝爾中心。地下城有 is most useful for. The sample exercises present the facts together - something that is unlikely 120 多個出口,迎送 50 多萬進出人流,是躲避嚴峻的寒冬和繁忙的交通的理想去處。 to be replicated in real life. It also does not classify decisions as being big or small - some 由於地下城的原因,蒙特婁常被稱為「二城合一」 。 decisions are too small to apply structured tools presented here, while some decisions are too 市中心包括瑪莉亞城(Ville-Marie) ,位於皇家山下,上接皇 big to depend solely on these tools. 家山公園,下臨聖勞倫斯河。此地區有十數座摩天大樓(法定 This book is written like a textbook. To get full value from The Thinker's Toolkit, you'd have 不能超過皇家山的高度)。市中心最繁華的街道聖凱瑟琳街 to really participate in the exercises actively. If you're planning to skim through the book, (Rue Sainte-Catherine)是加拿大規模最大的商業街。河岸 then I'd recommend you drop this book and instead read "Making Great Decisions in 的對面的聖母島(Île-de-St-Hélène)每年舉行一級方程式賽 Business and Life" by Henderson & Hooper. 車,島上還有賭城,La Ronde 大型遊樂園,每年的蒙特婁焰 To sum up, it's a great textbook if you're a consultant or would like to teach structured 火屆便在這裡舉行。 problem solving. Bring out your pen and paper! 站在皇家山上,整個市中心的建築,風景便盡收眼底,一覽山,河,城區和甚至遠處 的奧林匹克體育場,以及許多古老的天主教教堂,如聖母院大教堂、聖若瑟聖堂等。
  • 8. February 2 August 8 The Analytic Mindest 思考者的工具:14 個解決問題的強大技術 Graduated from college 20 years ago, everyone has the dream, when tuition fees are not expensive, prices are not high, after the mid-entering the job market salary increase, it is 不管你是否專注在一個特定的業務技能,在它的工作,顧問,或某人誰願意做一個重 really a dream era, not only the children of the wealthy family dream, the poorother people's 要的個人決定,這本書會給你決策的必要工具。它有三個部分:(1)50 頁的基礎上解 children had the same dream. 決問題和決策, (2)收集的 14 個工具,這將使你有效的解決問題的決策者, (3)精煉 But look at the children of poor families today, the university entrance rate far lower than the 您的下一步解決問題。 children of a wealthy family, and most of them into the private universities, tuition fees paid 第 1 部分準備讓你去思考思考,並提供解決問題的見解 - 有點像一個熱身之前,你在 each year is twice that of the rich, grew up not based on fair point, after 20 years, more unfair, 從事劇烈運動。這是適當的,因為當你通過每一個工具,你會得到一個艱苦的心理鍛 unfair originally the previous generation, as our education system also extends to the next 煉鍛煉工作 - 作者讓你覺得整本書努力。在這本書中給出的工具,是對任何問題的解 generation, making Taiwan into a "cycle of poverty". 決過程的基礎。雖然筆者介紹了他們在其最基本的形式,也有他們無盡的變化(和你 The children of poor families have to pay 11 million a year tuition, four years of university 讀這本書,你會認識很多) 。每個工具介紹給一些背景,在這種情況下,特定的工具是 plus the Institute for two years, you have to spend more than 60 million books fees, when 最有效的使用工具和練習,循序漸進的方式,步驟。每次練習的答案,包括工作的例 coupled with out the cost of living, after graduation, debt, how to dream? 子,在書的背面。 Government policy, whether in higher education, the housing market today are only adopted 我讀這本書之前,幾乎每一個工具,在同一時間或其他上市。然而,後通過一定的不 the practice of Yang boiling soup, Youth An Xincheng program to extend the student loan 那麼容易]提供練習,下一次我有機會使用的 14 個工具,我會做大量更多的技能和效 repayment period, with a little think about, you can understand that these programs still let 率,使我可以向你保證。因為我是一名 IT 顧問,不斷分析和解決問題,這本書我能作 unable to break the poverty cycle of young people in this environment is still a dream to do. 為一個現成的參考附近。它已被證明它的價值的時間和時間後賺取我的最高建議。
  • 9. The Thinker's Toolkit: 14 Powerful Techniques for Problem Solving Regardless of whether you specialize in a particular business skill, work in IT, are a consultant, or someone who wants to make a critical personal decision, this book will give you the necessary tools for decision making. It has three parts: (1) 50 pages on the basics of problem solving and decision making, (2) a collection of the fourteen tools that will make you an effective problem solver or decision maker, and (3) Next steps for refining your problem solving. Part 1 prepares you by getting you to think about thinking and providing insights to problem solving - sort of like a warm up before you engage in strenuous exercise. This is appropriate 解析的心態 because as you work through the exercises associated with each tool you will be getting a strenuous mental workout - the 20 年前從大學畢業,人人有夢,那時學費不貴、房價不高,而進入職場後年年加薪, author makes you think hard throughout the book. 那真是一個可以做夢的年代,不僅有錢家的孩子有夢,窮人家的小孩也一樣有夢。 The tools given in this book are the foundation of any problem 但看看今天窮人家的小孩,非僅進入大學的比率遠遠低於有錢人家的小孩,而且泰半 solving process. Although the author presents them in their 進了私立大學,每年所繳的學費是有錢人家的兩倍,這個從小就不公平的立足點,歷 most basic form, there are endless variations of them (and you 經 20 年後更加不公平,原本上一代的不公平,隨著我們的教育體系也延伸到下一代, will recognize many as you read through this book). Each tool 使得台灣已陷入「貧窮的循環」 。 is presented by giving some background, situations in which the particular tool is most 這並非危言聳聽,我們可以算一下,這些窮人家的小孩每年要繳交 11 萬元的學費,大 effective, step-by-step procedures for using the tool and exercises. Answers to each exercise, 學 4 年再加研究所兩年,就得花上 60 多萬元,若再加上書籍費、在外的生活費,畢業 including worked examples, are provided in the back of the book. 之後即債務纏身,如何有夢? I cannot point to any one thing I like more than another in this excellent book. I've used 台灣的工作機會還是以大台北最多,畢業後幸運的找到工作 以大學畢業者目前 22,000 , virtually every tool listed at one time or another before reading this book. However, after 元的月薪,研究所 28,000 元的月薪,扣掉學貸、房租之後,生活已經極為吃緊,如此 going through the [not-so-easy] exercises provided I can assure you that the next time I have 如何買得起大台北動輒上千萬元的房子,如此又如何敢結婚?如何敢生小孩?如此生 occasion to use any of the 14 tools I will do so with a great deal more skill and efficiency. 活,哪來的夢? Since I'm an IT consultant who is constantly involved in analysis and problem solving I keep 今天政府不論在高等教育、房屋市場上的政策都只是採取揚湯止沸的作法,青年安心 this book nearby as a ready reference. It has proven it's value time after time and earns it my 成家方案、延長助學貸款還款期限,只要稍微思考一下,就可以明白這些方案依舊讓 highest recommendation. 無法打破貧窮的循環,年輕人在這個大環境依然無夢可做。
  • 10. 7 Glass Academy - Lancaster University Lancaster University, officially The University of Lancaster, is a research-intensive British July university in Lancaster, Lancashire, England. The university was established by Royal Charter in 1964 and initially based in St Leonard's Gate until moving to a purpose-built 300 acre campus at Bailrigg in 1968. Lancaster expanded rapidly and now has the 11th highest research quality in the UK and is the 16th highest ranking research institution according to the latest Research Assessment Exercise. The university has an annual income of £177 million, 3,025 staff and 12,695 students. Along with the universities of Durham, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle, Sheffield and York, Lancaster is a member of the N8 Group of research universities. Lancaster was ranked 7th in the 2013 Guardian University Guide, 9th in the 2013 Complete University Guide, 8th in the Times Higher Education Table, and 9th in the 2012 Good University Guide. It was also ranked 124th internationally in THE World University Rankings 2011 153rd in the 2011 QS World University Rankings, and 9th 管理學大師中的大師 best university in the world under 50 years old. Lancaster is a collegiate university, with its main functions divided between four central 對管理學、心理學及社會學之類的社會科學研究者而言,最大的研究難題是什麼?關 faculties and nine colleges. The faculties perform research and provide centralised lectures to 於這個問題,絕大多數的人都會異口同聲地回答:是新概念的提出與理論的建構。理 students; colleges are responsible for the domestic arrangements and welfare of 由除了構念與理論的發展需要運用創造力與想像力之外,也因為沒有任何課程或教科 undergraduates, graduates, post-doctoral researchers and some university staff. 書教導此事,並提供必要的終南捷徑。 The university was established by Royal Charter in 1964. The charter stipulated that HRH 因此,在面對理論建構的丈二宮牆時,學子往往只能徘徊在外,感嘆「仰之彌高,鑽 Princess Alexandra of Kent be the first Chancellor. She was inaugurated in 1964. The 之彌堅」!有鑑於此,當代管理學大家、曾任美國頂級管理學期刊的主編肯‧史密斯 ceremony also saw the granting of various honorary degrees to dignitaries including Prime (Ken Smith)與馬克爾‧希特(Michael Hitt)邀請了三十位當代社會科學名家(包 Minister Harold Wilson. Princess Alexandra retired as Chancellor in 2004 and was the 括諾貝爾獎得主)現身說法,希望揭開概念發展與理論建構的神秘面紗。 longest serving chancellor of any British university. On her departure, she gave approval for 這些學者來自管理學、心理學、社會學、經濟學、組織學,以及教育學等各種社會科 a Chancellor's Medal to be awarded for academic merit to the highest-performing 學領域,都擁有極為傑出的研究表現,不但提出了新的概念,也建構出新的理論,而 undergraduates and postgraduates. Each year presentations are made to up to five graduates 且影響十分深遠。本書就是綜合這些名家的經驗編輯而成,總共二十六章,除了第一 of taught masters' courses, and up to six to the highest-performing undergraduates. 章與第二十六章為編者的導讀與總結之外,其餘二十四章都是當代學術巨擘的具體經 The university has eight undergraduate colleges, seven of which are named after regions of 驗。由於是大師中的大師的親身體驗與學思歷程,所以較能貼近事實,引起共鳴,而 the traditional county of Lancashire, with County College is named after the Lancashire 對後進者有莫大的啟迪。 「峯高無坦途」,但也只有登高者才能望遠,希望本書能夠激 County Council which provided the funds. There is a ninth college for graduates. 勵更多有志之士,洞悉研究本質,披荊斬棘,開拓更多的學術沃土,來造福人群。
  • 11. 3 Great minds in management: The process of theory development March In Great Minds in Management, Ken G. Smith and Michael A. Hitt have brought together some of the most influential and original thinkers in management. Their contributions to this volume not only outline their landmark contributions to management theory, but also reflect on the process of theory development, presenting their own personal accounts of the gestation of these theories. The result is not only an ambitious and original panorama of the key ideas in management theory presented by their originators, but also a unique collection of reflections on the process of theory development, an area which to date little has been 玻璃學院 - 蘭卡斯特大學 written about by those who have actually had experience of building theory. 蘭卡斯特大學是一所坐落在英國蘭卡斯特市郊的學院制大學。蘭卡斯特大學享有著非 In their concluding chapter, Ken G. Smith and Michael A. 常好的學術聲譽,一直在英國大學排名中名列前茅。該校擁有全英國最優秀的環境科 Hitt draw together some common themes about the 學系以及享譽國際的蘭卡斯特大學管理學院(LUMS)。學校的物理系在低溫物理方面 development of management theory over the last half a 的研究也是國際領先。另外,社會學系方面的教學和研究也非常出色。 century, and suggest some of the conclusions to be 蘭卡斯特大學還與達勒姆大學、利茲大學、利物浦大學、曼徹斯特大學、紐卡斯爾大 drawn about how theory comes into being. 學、謝菲爾德大學和約克大學一同成立 N8 研究聯盟。蘭卡斯特大學採用學院制體系, "This volume should be read by all aspiring scholars and is well worth inclusion in 由三個中央學院和 9 個小分院組成,中央學院主要進行科研以及教學,而小分院主要 management doctoral seminars. The personal stories presented in this volume will make 是安排校院內的本科生、研究生、博士後研究人員和一些大學的工作人員等的生活, readers realize how theory development is not analogous to treading a lonely path, "a bolt of 住宿和福利。 lightening", or even a combination of the two. It is a much more complex social dynamic 蘭卡斯特大學於 1964 年獲皇家特許狀並成立,並在 1964 年 10 月接收了它的第一批學 process fueled by personal insight, commitment, and energy, as well as stimulation by 生。大學最初有 13 名教授、32 名教學和科研人員、8 名圖書館人員和 14 名學術管理 colleagues in the scholarly and managerial communities. We thoroughly enjoyed reading the 員。蘭卡斯特大學當時的校訓為:"patet omnibus veritas",意為「真理面向所有人」。 book and we believe you will too." 蘭卡斯特大學是英國綠野大學中的一所 現校址位於蘭卡斯特市以南 3 英里的 Bailrigg, , -- Academy of Management Review Ellel 和 Galgate 三個村莊附近。該校的校徽就是按照學校的標誌性建築 University Chaplaincy Centre 的尖頂形狀而設計的。
  • 12. In Lancaster Lancaster, as a historic city, offers an unusual level of contemporary cultural activity. The city is fortunate to have retained many fine examples of Georgian architecture. Lancaster Castle, the Priory Church of St. Mary and the Edwardian Ashton Memorial are among many sites of historical importance. The Lancaster Grand Theatre and the Dukes are two of the city's most notable venues for live performances as well as the Yorkshire House. Lancaster also hosts 'The Play in the Park', a series of open-air performances in the award-winning Williamson Park. The university hosts public performances of theatre, music, exhibitions, contemporary dance and live art from UK and international companies. The university venues include the Nuffield Theatre, one of the 行動的心態 largest professional studio theatres in Europe; the Peter Scott Gallery, holding the most significant collection of Royal Lancastrian ceramics in Britain 其實,我們每個人真的有這樣一個戶頭,每天那就是「時間」 。每天我們有新的我們有 and finally the Lancaster International Concerts series 新的 86400 秒可以使用,你曾想過要怎樣善用戶頭裡的每一秒,作適當的運用與對人 attracting nationally and internationally renowned classical 生的投資嗎?你曾想過要如何善加投資運用時間,以換取你認為最重要的東西嗎?或 and world-music artists. The Storey Gallery, sited in the Storey 是用來增進最大的健康、快樂與成功嗎?這就是我們心中的時鐘。怎麼「花錢」或「錢 Creative Industries Centre, is a contemporary art gallery 花在怎樣的用途上」 ,其實某程度反映每個人所重視的東西或層面,也反映不同價值觀 showing work by international artists. The Storey Creative 和需求。同時, 「時間怎麼用」和「用在什麼樣的事務」上,將非常的影響我們生活的 Industries Centre also holds Lancaster's Litfest which 內容,也非常的影響著生命的質感和方向。所以如何掌握時間、善用時間變成了我們 organises and runs an annual literature festival. Lancaster also offers numerous museums, 積極的人生當中一項重大的課題。每一天的時間是固定的,如何利用這些固定的時間 including Lancaster City Museum, Maritime Museum and Judges' Lodgings Museum. 做好每一件事,就必須善加管理我們的時間運用。 Throughout the year, various festivals are held in and around the city, such as the Lancaster 而目前身為研究生的我們,最大的任務便是要完成目前眼前的研究並順利取得學位, Jazz Festival and The Maritime Festival. 因此有極大部分的時間必須專注在自己的課業與論文研究上面。但是,為了能夠增加 Cinemas in Lancaster are the independent Dukes Theatre and the mainstream VUE multiplex 未來的競爭力,修習教育學程成為現階段的許多研究生們必須共同面對的課題。因此, in the city centre. The 1930s art deco Regal Cinema closed in 2006. 如何兼顧自己本身重重的研究壓力之下,在挪出時間來學習另外一項專業技能,變成 Lancaster is home to many golf clubs, including the Ashton Golf Centre, Lansil Golf Club, 了一項困難度極高的任務。所以,我們應藉由時間管理的角度來審視我們日常時間的 Forest Hills and Lancaster Golf Club. Lancaster's swimming club is 'Lancaster Amateur 運用,進而能夠在研究與學習另一項專業當中取得一個平衡。 Swimming and Waterpolo Club' and they compete in a variety of competitions in the North West.They train at Salt Ayre, and at Lancaster University Sports Centre. Lancaster is home to a senior team in Great Britain. Water polo is also popular in the Lancaster area.
  • 13. June 6 蘭卡斯特市 蘭卡斯特市是一個歷史悠久的城市,擁有許多當代文化的活動。該城市幸運地保留了 許多精美且具有歷史重要性的的格魯吉亞建築,例如蘭卡斯特城堡、聖瑪麗修道院和 愛德華阿什頓紀念教堂。 蘭卡斯特大劇院和 Dukes 是城市中最顯著的現場表演 場地。時常舉辦公開性的戲劇演出、音樂、展覽、當 代舞蹈和來自國際的現場藝術。斯科特畫廊的創意產 業中心位置,是一個當代藝術畫廊,顯示國際藝術家 的作品。蘭卡斯特還擁有眾多的博物館,包括蘭卡斯 特市博物館、海事博物館和法官寄宿博物館。當然, 蘭卡斯特還有許多傳統的特殊節日,例如蘭卡斯特爵 The Action Mindest 士音樂節和航海節。 In fact, we really have such an account, a day that is "time".Every day we have new new 蘭卡斯特是英格蘭北部的一個小鎮,市中心徒步大約一個小時內便能逛完。麻雀雖小, 86,400 seconds you can use, you ever thought about how good the user in advance of each 五臟俱全,在蘭卡斯特鎮上所有生活用品應有盡有,除非要購買名牌服飾或電腦保固 second, for the appropriate use and investment of life? You ever wondered how to make the 送修等需求,才需要到大城市去。有許多公車往返學校與蘭卡斯特市中心,車程約莫 best investment use of time in exchange for the most important thing you think? Or used to 10 分鐘;徒步走去鎮上大約 1 個小時,天氣晴朗時相當舒適。 enhance the largest health, happiness and success? This is the clock of our hearts. How 蘭卡斯特算是個以大學為榮的城鎮,所以鎮上居民對國際學生都相當友善。根據我去 "money" or "spend money on what kind of purpose", in fact, to a certain extent reflect each 其他城市造訪的心得,蘭卡斯特真的是對國際學生數一數二友善的環境。談到國內的 person important or level, but also reflects the different values and needs. At the same time, 旅遊,蘭卡斯特因位處大不列顛島中部,故往南往北搭火車時間都不會太長。蘭卡斯 the time how "and" on what matters. "Will affect our lives very, very affect the texture of life 特到倫敦的車程約莫 2.5 個小時,到 Glasgow 也是差不多時間;而到附近的大城 and direction. So how to master the use of time into the active life which a major issue. Manchester 也是約莫 40 分鐘車程。 Every day is fixed, and how to use a fixed time to do every thing, it is necessary to better 此外,校園環境也是相當友善,雖說英國普遍治安並 manage our time use. 不太好,但在蘭卡斯特(鎮上或學校)則頗安全,晚 In order to increase competitiveness in the future, to attend the education program to become 上獨自行走也都沒問題。 蘭卡斯特學生會也頗為活 the subject of many graduate students at this stage must face together. Therefore, how to 躍,常舉辦活動活絡同學感情;並更有兩個禮拜一次 balance themselves heavy under pressure, take the time to learn an additional professional 的 Day trip 帶大家到英國各著名景點觀光;對於課 skills, become an extremely difficult task. Therefore, we will by the time management point 程間無法撥空規劃行程的學生,這是個相當便利的選 of view to look at our daily use of time and thus be able to strike a balance. 擇。
  • 14. April 4 楓丹白露區 楓丹白露是法國巴黎大都會地區內的一個市鎮 位於巴黎市中心東南偏南 55 公里 , (34.5 英里)處。楓丹白露屬於塞納-馬恩省的楓丹白露區,該區下屬 87 個市鎮,楓丹白露 是區府所在地。楓丹白露是法蘭西島最大的市鎮,也是該地區僅有的比巴黎市還大的 市鎮。 楓丹白露與毗鄰的 4 個市鎮組成了擁有 36,713 名居民的市 區,是巴黎的衛星城之一。楓丹白露有不少吸引人的去處。 楓丹白露森林因面積大和景色優美而著名,是巴黎人喜愛 的周末度假地。歷史悠久的楓丹白露宮,世界最頂尖的商 業學院之一—歐洲工商管理學院(INSEAD) ,ESIGETEL 工程 師大學校等均坐落在此。Fontainebleau 一詞意為「美麗的 The Reflective Mindset 泉水」。楓丹白露的居民被稱為「Bellifontains」。 With the opening of the social diversity and parents values, the Fundamental Law of 楓丹白露森林環繞著城鎮和幾十個村莊,由國家森林辦公室(Office National des For Education must be re-interpretation of the culture of educational administration, educational êts)負責森林保護,並因富有的野生植物和寶貴的鳥類、哺乳類和蝴蝶資源而被列為 administration as an appropriate adjustment should be done with the administrative model of 國家公園。楓丹白露森林以前是皇家狩獵場。如今的森林還廣受抱石攀岩愛好者的喜 the evolution, social and cultural aesthetics. The face of the twenty-first century and the era 愛。傳說故事裡,獅心王理查把這個森林給了羅賓漢。 of globalization, we should first create diverse alternative school image, education image 楓丹白露的交通以火車為主,從法蘭西島遠郊鐵路(Transilien)的巴黎里昂線在楓 reconstruction from deconstruction to make education the art of beauty. Respect for human 丹白露設有兩個車站 楓丹白露雅芳站 : (Fontainebleau - Avon) 和多梅里站 (Thomery) 。 rights, intrinsic value and ethics, in order to achieve the Education aesthetic perfection so 楓丹白露雅芳站離楓丹白露市中心最近,位於楓丹白露市和雅芳市的交界處的雅芳境 that schools become students, teachers like to go to school and work in the field of education 內。 is an art, the development of globalization is the century of America as a cultural core, to 楓丹白露市集位於市中心,聖路易教堂後方,營業時間為 show America's creativity and challenges. 每周二、周五以及周日上午 7 时 30 分至 12 时 30 分。色彩 Globalization development should avoid the hegemony of a unified, it should be respect for 繽紛、令人垂涎的香味,這個非露天的食品市集提供了來 differences, people live with dignity, school field against the oppressors. The child is 自各地區的特產。而四周不乏其他商店,如:縫紉用品商、 considered to be self-determination, right to the independent life stage of happiness and 鞋商、珠寶、家具以及舊商店等等,價位都相當實在,是 satisfaction, the liberation of the course, the child is not technical by training and services, 個必去的好地方!值得一提的是,這地方曾經榮獲法國烹飪 nor in order to meet the needs of adult development. Globalization, development of 藝術委員會頒發”卓越市集”的榮耀。 education, from the self-identity began, educational need "hope" and "aesthetics moved.
  • 15. In Fontainebleau 反思的心態 Fontainebleau is a commune in the metropolitan area of Paris, France. It is located 55.5 kilometres (34.5 mi) south-southeast of the centre of Paris. Fontainebleau is a sub-prefecture 雖然台灣學生在數學與自然科學的成績名列前茅,但是學習動力與自我信心卻是倒數 of the Seine-et-Marne department, and it is the seat of the arrondissement of Fontainebleau. 第四,我們教育的問題是出在哪裡?台灣社會普遍是個缺乏信心的社會。我們必須一 The commune has the largest land area in the Île-de-France region; it is the only one to cover 再提醒自己,是什麼因素讓學生對學校充滿恐懼,缺乏自信心?學校教育成為人性否 a larger area than Paris itself. 定意識的主要來源,學生充滿被處罰的恐懼,學生產生自我價值感創傷與習得無能, Fontainebleau, together with the neighbouring commune 而不是充滿感動與生命的故事與夢想。人有三種基本的需求,第一是維持生命之生存、 of Avon and three other smaller communes, form an 第二是互動、肯定與了解、第三是創造。教育是否有兼具這三種需求,值得我們深思 urban area of 39,713 inhabitants (according to the 2001 與反省。 census). This urban area is a satellite of Paris. 隨著社會多元與家長價值觀之開放,教育基本法必須重新詮釋教育行政文化,隨著行 Fontainebleau is renowned for the large and scenic forest 政典範的演化,教育行政的作為也應做適度的調整,讓社會文化具有美學。面對二十 of Fontainebleau, a favourite weekend getaway for 一世紀與全球化的時代,我們應該要先創造多元另類的學校圖像,由解構再建構教育 Parisians, as well as for the historical château de 圖像,使教育成為美之藝術。尊敬人權,建立內在的價值與倫理,以達到教育美學至 Fontainebleau, which once belonged to the kings of France, It is also the home of INSEAD, 善,讓學校成為學生、教師都喜歡上學與工作的場域,教育是門藝術,全球化發展是 one of the world's most elite business schools; of the É cole supérieure d'ingénieurs en 以美為文化核心的世紀,展現美的創意與挑戰。 informatique et génie des télécommunications (ESIGETEL), one of France's grandes écoles; 全球化發展應避免統一的霸權,應該尊重差異, and of a branch of the É cole nationale supérieure des mines de Paris, the Paris School of 使人活得有尊嚴,學校成為反壓迫者的場域,春 Mines, also one of the elite grandes écoles. 風化雨的感動,Key competences for all,是讓 The forest of Fontainebleau surrounds the city and dozens of nearby villages. It is protected 「每一個人」的關鍵能力皆能充份發展。孩童被 by France's Office National des Forêts, and it is recognised as a French national park. It is 認為是具有自我決定、幸福與滿意權利的獨立生 managed in order that its wild plants and trees, such 命階段,是解放性的歷程,孩童並非為技術性所 as the rare Service Tree of Fontainebleau, and its 訓練與服務,也非為了滿足大人的需求而發展。 populations of birds, mammals, and butterflies, can 全球化的教育發展,應從自我認同開始,教育需 be conserved. It is a former royal hunting park often 有「希望」與「美學的感動」。 visited by hikers and horse riders. The forest is also well regarded for bouldering and is particularly popular among climbers, as the biggest developed area of that kind in the world.
  • 16. 5 From Europe's top College - INSEAD INSEAD (the name was formerly an acronym for the French name "INStitut Européen May d'ADministration des Affaires", or European Institute of Business Administration) is an international graduate business school and research institution. It has campuses in Europe (France), Asia (Singapore), and the Middle East (Abu Dhabi), as well as a research center in Israel. The school offers a full-time Master of Business Administration (MBA) programme, a PhD in management programme, and several executive education programmes (including an executive MBA). INSEAD MBA students and PhD candidates have the chance to study in three continents (through a multi-campus structure, an alliance with the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and a student exchange programme with theKellogg School of Management). INSEAD also has a reciprocal agreement with Harvard Business School, Stanford Graduate School of Business and Kellogg School of Management to share career services. Alumni of 來自歐洲的頂尖學院 - 歐洲工商管理學院 the four schools have exclusive access to job opportunities databases of each other. INSEAD holds both company/firm specific and open enrollment executive education 歐洲工商管理學院是世界最大和最有影響力的獨立商學院之一,歐洲的頂級工商管理 programmes at its campuses in Europe and Asia and at its Executive Education centre in Abu 院校,也是歐洲最受尊重、歷年排名首位的商學院。 Dhabi. INSEAD also works in partnership with corporate universities. Participants usually 歐洲工商管理學院(INSEAD)於 1957 年創立,是一家私立及獨立的院校。二戰之後,歐 come from senior or top management, with many years of experience within their company 洲百廢待興,兩位在哈佛商學院供職的法國教授認為,歐洲的振興需要一批合格的職 or industry and younger 'high-potentials' identified as being key in succession strategies 業經理人和企業家,於是萌生了創辦商學院的念頭。經過與法國政府和投資方歷時三 within their companies. Approximately 9,500 executives from over 120 countries undertake 年的反反覆復的交涉,歐洲工商管理學院在法國皇室行宮所在地楓丹白露正式成立。 courses or programmes at INSEAD each year. 歐洲工商管理學院正校位於法國塞納-馬恩省的楓丹白露,屬於大巴黎地區的一部份。 In 2011, INSEAD launched a new Executive Certificate in Global Management which is 楓丹白露,法國皇帝的夏宮,相當於北京頤和園的角色,楓丹白露是全世界最豪華奢 awarded to participants who complete at least three INSEAD global management and 侈的地方,它是美女、美酒、毫宅的代名詞。 leadership programmes. 學院建成後 一位名為 Henri-Claude de Bettignes 教授認為學院不僅要立足於歐洲, , The INSEAD MBA curriculum comprises a range of required core courses and electives. The 還要向世界經濟另一個繁榮體亞洲挺進。1999 年,INSEAD 的亞洲校區在新加坡建成, core courses cover traditional management disciplines including finance, economics, 兩所校區成為亞洲和歐洲兩地自成體系的姐妹校園,2001 年 2 月,INSEAD 與美國排名 organizational behaviour, accounting, ethics, marketing, statistics, operations management, 第一沃頓商學院(Wharton)結成學院聯盟,使沃頓商學院位於費城和舊金山及 INSEAD international political analysis, supply chain management, leadership and corporate strategy. 的校園資源與 INSEAD 的全球網路得以整合,連接成國際性知識及學習網路,展開具有 全球影響力的軌跡管理教學和研究工作。