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jQuery 1.4 API Cheat Sheet
Selectors                                            Core                                                                     Traversing                                             Events                                                            AJAX
Basics                     Hierarchy                 jQuery function                                                          Filtering                                              Page Load                                                         Low-Level Interface
#id                        ancestor descendant            $ .jQuery( selector [, context] ), .jQuery( element ),                $  .eq( index )                                         $ .ready( fn() )                                               XHR jQuery.ajax( options )
element                    parent > child                   .jQuery( elementArray ), .jQuery( jQueryObject ),                   $  .first( ) 1.4+                                    Event Handling                                                           bool async = true                         fn beforeSend( XHR )
.class, .class.class       prev + next                      .jQuery( ) 1.4∗                                                     $  .last( ) 1.4+                                                                                                              bool cache = true                         fn complete(XHR, status)
                                                                                                                                                                                       $  .bind( type [, data ], fn(eventObj) ), .bind( array ) 1.4∗
*                          prev ~ siblings                $ .jQuery( html [, ownerDocument] ),                                  $  .has( selector ), .has( element ) 1.4+                                                                                        str contentType                       obj context
                                                            .jQuery( html, props ) 1.4∗
                                                                                                                                                                                       $  .one( type [, data ], fn(eventObj) )
selector1, selector2                                                                                                            $  .filter( selector ), .filter( fn(index) )                                                                                obj, str data                               fn dataFilter( data, type )
                                                          $ .jQuery( fn )                                                                                                              $  .trigger( event [, data])
                                                                                                                              bool .is( selector )                                                                                                            bool global = true                    bool ifModified = false
Basic Filters              Content Filters                                                                                                                                            obj .triggerHandler( event [, data])                                       str jsonp                              fn jsonpCallback
:first                     :contains(text)
                                                     jQuery Object Accessors                                                    $  .map( fn(index, element) )                          $  .unbind( [type] [, fn])                                                str password                       bool processData = true
:last                      :empty
                                                         $     .each( fn(index, element) )                                      $  .not( selector ), .not( elements ),                 $  .delegate( selector, eventType, [eventData], handler)               num timeout                              str type = 'GET'
:not(selector)             :has(selector)             num      .size( ), .length                                                   .not( fn( index ) )                                     1.4+                                                                  str url = curr. page                  str username
                                                        str    .selector                                                         $ .slice( start [, end] )                              $ .undelegate( [selector, eventType, [handler]]) 1.4+                     fn xhr                               str scriptCharset
:even                      :parent                                                                                                                                                                                                                               str dataType ∈ {xml, json, script, html}
:odd                                                     el    .context                                                       Tree traversal
                                                         $     .eq( index )                                                                                                          Live Events                                                                  fn error( XHR, status, errorThrown )      fn success( data, status, XHR )
:eq(index)                 Visibility Filters                                                                                    $    .children( [selector] )                           $ .live( eventType [, data], fn() )
                           :hidden                             jQuery.error( str ) 1.4+                                                                                                                                                                    jQuery.ajaxSetup( options )
:gt(index)                                                                                                                       $    .closest( selector [, context] ) 1.4∗             $ .die( ) 1.4+, .die( [eventType] [, fn() ])
:lt(index)                 :visible                  [el],el   .get( [index] )                                                  arr   .closest( selectors [, context] ) 1.4+
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Shorthand Methods
:header                                               num      .index( ) 1.4∗, .index( selector ) 1.4∗, .index( element )                                                            Interaction Helpers                                                 $     .load( url [, data] [, fn( responseText, status, XHR )] )
                                                                                                                                 $    .find( selector )                                 $ .hover( fnIn(eventObj), fnOut(eventObj))
:animated                                                 $    jQuery.pushStack( elements, [name, arguments] )                                                                                                                                         XHR     jQuery.get( url [, data] [, fn( data, status, XHR )] [, type] )
                                                                                                                                 $    .next( [selector] )                               $ .toggle( fn(eventObj), fn2(eventObj) [, ...])
                                                        arr    .toArray( ) 1.4+                                                                                                                                                                        XHR     jQuery.getJSON( url [, data] [, fn( data, status )] )
Child Filters              Attribute Filters                                                                                     $    .nextAll( [selector] )
                                                     Interoperability                                                                                                                Event Helpers                                                     XHR     jQuery.getScript( url [, fn( data, status )] )
:nth-child(expr)           [attribute]                                                                                           $    .nextUntil( [selector] ) 1.4+
                                                          $ jQuery.noConflict( [extreme] )                                                                                              $ .blur( [fn] ),                   .mousedown( [fn] ),         XHR url [, data] [, fn( data, status )] [, type] )
:first-child               [attribute=value]                                                                                     $    .offsetParent( )
                                                                                                                                 $    .parent( [selector] )                               .change( [fn] ),                 .mouseenter( [fn] ),        Global Ajax Event Handlers
:last-child                [attribute!=value]
:only-child                [attribute^=value]        Attributes                                                                  $    .parents( [selector] )                              .click( [fn] ),                  .mouseleave( [fn] ),           $    .ajaxComplete( fn( event, XHR, options ) )
                           [attribute$=value]        Attributes                                                                  $    .parentsUntil( [selector] ) 1.4+                    .dblclick( [fn] ),               .mousemove( [fn] ),            $    .ajaxError( fn( event, XHR, options, thrownError ) )
                           [attribute*=value]           str .attr( name )                                                        $    .prev( [selector] )                                 .error( [fn] ),                  .mouseout( [fn] ),             $    .ajaxSend( fn( event, XHR, options ) )
                           [attribute|=value]            $ .attr( name, val ), .attr( map ), .attr( name, fn(index, attr) )      $    .prevAll( [selector] )                              .focus( [fn] ),                  .mouseover( [fn] ),            $    .ajaxStart( fn( ) )
                           [attribute~=value]            $ .removeAttr( name )                                                   $    .prevUntil( [selector] ) 1.4+                       .focusin( [fn] ), 1.4+           .mouseup( [fn] ),              $    .ajaxStop( fn( ) )
                           [attribute][attribute2]                                                                               $    .siblings( [selector] )                             .focusout( [fn] ), 1.4+          .resize( [fn] ),               $    .ajaxSuccess( fn(event, XHR, options) )
                                                     Class                                                                                                                                .keydown( [fn] ),                .scroll( [fn] ),
Forms                      Form Filters                 $ .addClass( class ), .addClass( fn(index, class) ) 1.4∗              Miscellaneous                                                                                                            Miscellaneous
                                                                                                                                                                                          .keypress( [fn] ),               .select( [fn] ),              str .serialize( )
:input                     :enabled                   bool .hasClass( class )                                                    $ .add( selector [, context] ), .add( elements ),
                                                                                                                                                                                          .keyup( [fn] ),                  .submit( [fn] ),            [obj] .serializeArray( )
:text                      :disabled                    $ .removeClass( [class] ),                                                 .add( html ) 1.4∗
                                                                                                                                 $ .andSelf( )                                            .load( fn ),                     .unload( fn )                 str jQuery.param( obj, [traditional] ) 1.4∗
:password                  :checked                        .removeClass( fn(index, class) ) 1.4∗
:radio                     :selected                    $ .toggleClass( class [, switch] ),                                      $ .contents( )                                      Event object
:checkbox                                                  .toggleClass( fn(index, class) [, switch] ) 1.4∗                      $ .end( )                                                  event
:submit                                              HTML, text                                                                                                                                                                                        Browser and Feature Detection
                                                                                                                                                                                                 *     data,
                                                        str    .html( )                                                       Manipulation                                                    bool     isDefaultPrevented(),                            obj
                                                         $     .html( val ), .html( fn(index, html) ) 1.4∗                    Inserting Inside                                                bool     isImmediatePropagationStopped(),                 obj    jQuery.browser deprecated
:button                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 str    jQuery.browser.version deprecated
                                                        str    .text( )                                                          $ .append( content ),                                        bool     isPropagationStopped(),
:file                                                                                                                                                                                         num      pageX,
                                                         $     .text( val ), .text( fn(index, html) ) 1.4∗                         .append( fn( index, html ) ) 1.4∗                                                                                   bool    jQuery.boxModel deprecated
                                                                                                                                 $ .appendTo( target )                                        num      pageY,
                                                     Value                                                                                                                                             preventDefault(),                               Basic operations
                                                                                                                                 $ .prepend( content ),
Legend                                               str,arr .val( )
                                                                                                                                   .prepend( fn( index, html ) ) 1.4∗
                                                                                                                                                                                                  el   relatedTarget,                                   obj    jQuery.each( obj, fn( index, valueOfElement ) )
                                                          $ .val( val ), .val( fn() ) 1.4∗                                                                                                       obj   result,                                          obj    jQuery.extend( [deep,] target, obj1 [, objN] )
                                                                                                                                 $ .prependTo( target )                                                stopImmediatePropagation(),
Conventional signs                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      arr    jQuery.grep( array, fn( element, index ) [, invert] )
                                                                                                                              Inserting Outside                                                        stopPropagation(),
[obj] — array of objects                             CSS                                                                         $    .after( content ), .after( fn() ) 1.4∗                      el   target,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        arr    jQuery.makeArray( obj )
1.4+ — new in 1.4                                    CSS                                                                                                                                                                                                arr array, fn( element, index ) )
                                                                                                                                                                                                num    timeStamp,
                                                        str .css( name )                                                         $    .before( content ), .before( fn() ) 1.4∗                   str   type,                                           num     jQuery.inArray( val, array )
1.4∗ — changed in 1.4                                                                                                            $    .insertAfter( target )
                                                         $ .css( name, val ), .css( map ),                                                                                                       str   which                                            arr    jQuery.merge( first, second )
Data types                                                  .css( name, fn(index, val) ) 1.4∗                                    $    .insertBefore( target )                               }                                                             fn   jQuery.noop 1.4+
                                                                                                                              Inserting Around                                                                                                            fn   jQuery.proxy( fn, scope ), jQuery.proxy( scope, name ) 1.4+
* — anything                                         Positioning
$ — jQuery object                                       obj    .offset( )                                                        $ .unwrap( ) 1.4+                                   Effects                                                            arr    jQuery.unique( array )
                                                          $    .offset( coord ), .offset( fn( index, coord ) ) 1.4+              $ .wrap( wrappingElement ), .wrap( fn ) 1.4∗        Basics                                                              str   jQuery.trim( str )
arr — array                                                                                                                      $ .wrapAll(wrappingElement ),                          $   .show( [ duration [, fn] ] )                                obj    jQuery.parseJSON( str ) 1.4+
bool — boolean
                                                          $    .offsetParent( )
                                                                                                                                   .wrapAll( fn ) 1.4∗                                  $   .hide( [ duration [, fn] ] )                               Data functions
                                                        obj    .position( )
el — DOM element                                                                                                                 $ .wrapInner( wrappingElement ),                       $   .toggle( [showOrHide] )                                        $   .clearQueue( [name] ) 1.4+
                                                        int    .scrollTop( )
fn — function                                                                                                                      .wrapInner( fn ) 1.4∗                                $   .toggle( duration [, fn] )                                     $   .dequeue( [name] ), jQuery.dequeue( [name] )
                                                          $    .scrollTop( val )
int — integer                                           int    .scrollLeft( )                                                 Replacing                                              Sliding                                                            obj element, key ), ) 1.4+
obj — object                                             $     .scrollLeft( val )                                                $ .replaceWith( content ),                             $ .slideDown( duration [, fn] )                                 obj    .data( ), .data( key )
str — string                                                                                                                       .replaceWith( fn ) 1.4∗                              $ .slideUp( duration [, fn] )                                      $   .data( key, val ), .data( obj ) 1.4∗
                                                     Height and Width                                                            $ .replaceAll( selector )
XHR — XMLHttpRequest                                                                                                                                                                    $ .slideToggle( [duration] [, fn] )                                $   .removeData( [name] )
                                                        int    .height( )
                                                                                                                              Removing                                               Fading                                                             [fn]   .queue( [name] ) jQuery.queue( [name] )
                                                          $    .height( val ), .height( fn(index, height ) ) 1.4∗
                                                                                                                                 $ .detach( [selector] ) 1.4+                           $ .fadeIn( duration [, fn] )                                      $    .queue( [name,] fn( next ) ), jQuery.queue( [name,] fn( ) )
                                                        int    .width( )                            $    .width( val ), .width(( fn(index, height ) ) 1.4∗
                                                                                                                                 $ .empty( )                                            $ .fadeOut( duration [, fn] )                                     $    .queue( [name,] queue ), jQuery.queue( [name,] queue )
ver. 09-03-2010                                         int    .innerHeight( )
                                                                                                                                 $ .remove( [selector] )                                $ .fadeTo( duration, opacity [, fn] )                          Test operations
                                                        int    .innerWidth( )                                                 Copying                                                Custom                                                            bool    jQuery.isArray( obj )
                                                        int    .outerHeight( [margin] )                                          $ .clone( [withDataAndEvents] )                        $   .animate( params [, duration] [, easing] [, fn] )          bool    jQuery.isEmptyObject( obj ) 1.4+
                                                        int    .outerWidth( [margin] )                                                                                                  $   .animate( params, options )                                bool    jQuery.isFunction( obj )
                                                                                                                                                                                        $   .stop( [clearQueue] [, jumpToEnd] )                        bool    jQuery.isPlainObject( obj ) 1.4+
                                                                                                                                                                                        $   .delay( duration [, queueName] ) 1.4+

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  • 1. jQuery 1.4 API Cheat Sheet Selectors Core Traversing Events AJAX Basics Hierarchy jQuery function Filtering Page Load Low-Level Interface #id ancestor descendant $ .jQuery( selector [, context] ), .jQuery( element ), $ .eq( index ) $ .ready( fn() ) XHR jQuery.ajax( options ) element parent > child .jQuery( elementArray ), .jQuery( jQueryObject ), $ .first( ) 1.4+ Event Handling bool async = true fn beforeSend( XHR ) .class, .class.class prev + next .jQuery( ) 1.4∗ $ .last( ) 1.4+ bool cache = true fn complete(XHR, status) $ .bind( type [, data ], fn(eventObj) ), .bind( array ) 1.4∗ * prev ~ siblings $ .jQuery( html [, ownerDocument] ), $ .has( selector ), .has( element ) 1.4+ str contentType obj context .jQuery( html, props ) 1.4∗ $ .one( type [, data ], fn(eventObj) ) selector1, selector2 $ .filter( selector ), .filter( fn(index) ) obj, str data fn dataFilter( data, type ) $ .jQuery( fn ) $ .trigger( event [, data]) bool .is( selector ) bool global = true bool ifModified = false Basic Filters Content Filters obj .triggerHandler( event [, data]) str jsonp fn jsonpCallback :first :contains(text) jQuery Object Accessors $ .map( fn(index, element) ) $ .unbind( [type] [, fn]) str password bool processData = true :last :empty $ .each( fn(index, element) ) $ .not( selector ), .not( elements ), $ .delegate( selector, eventType, [eventData], handler) num timeout str type = 'GET' :not(selector) :has(selector) num .size( ), .length .not( fn( index ) ) 1.4+ str url = curr. page str username str .selector $ .slice( start [, end] ) $ .undelegate( [selector, eventType, [handler]]) 1.4+ fn xhr str scriptCharset :even :parent str dataType ∈ {xml, json, script, html} :odd el .context Tree traversal $ .eq( index ) Live Events fn error( XHR, status, errorThrown ) fn success( data, status, XHR ) :eq(index) Visibility Filters $ .children( [selector] ) $ .live( eventType [, data], fn() ) :hidden jQuery.error( str ) 1.4+ jQuery.ajaxSetup( options ) :gt(index) $ .closest( selector [, context] ) 1.4∗ $ .die( ) 1.4+, .die( [eventType] [, fn() ]) :lt(index) :visible [el],el .get( [index] ) arr .closest( selectors [, context] ) 1.4+ Shorthand Methods :header num .index( ) 1.4∗, .index( selector ) 1.4∗, .index( element ) Interaction Helpers $ .load( url [, data] [, fn( responseText, status, XHR )] ) $ .find( selector ) $ .hover( fnIn(eventObj), fnOut(eventObj)) :animated $ jQuery.pushStack( elements, [name, arguments] ) XHR jQuery.get( url [, data] [, fn( data, status, XHR )] [, type] ) $ .next( [selector] ) $ .toggle( fn(eventObj), fn2(eventObj) [, ...]) arr .toArray( ) 1.4+ XHR jQuery.getJSON( url [, data] [, fn( data, status )] ) Child Filters Attribute Filters $ .nextAll( [selector] ) Interoperability Event Helpers XHR jQuery.getScript( url [, fn( data, status )] ) :nth-child(expr) [attribute] $ .nextUntil( [selector] ) 1.4+ $ jQuery.noConflict( [extreme] ) $ .blur( [fn] ), .mousedown( [fn] ), XHR url [, data] [, fn( data, status )] [, type] ) :first-child [attribute=value] $ .offsetParent( ) $ .parent( [selector] ) .change( [fn] ), .mouseenter( [fn] ), Global Ajax Event Handlers :last-child [attribute!=value] :only-child [attribute^=value] Attributes $ .parents( [selector] ) .click( [fn] ), .mouseleave( [fn] ), $ .ajaxComplete( fn( event, XHR, options ) ) [attribute$=value] Attributes $ .parentsUntil( [selector] ) 1.4+ .dblclick( [fn] ), .mousemove( [fn] ), $ .ajaxError( fn( event, XHR, options, thrownError ) ) [attribute*=value] str .attr( name ) $ .prev( [selector] ) .error( [fn] ), .mouseout( [fn] ), $ .ajaxSend( fn( event, XHR, options ) ) [attribute|=value] $ .attr( name, val ), .attr( map ), .attr( name, fn(index, attr) ) $ .prevAll( [selector] ) .focus( [fn] ), .mouseover( [fn] ), $ .ajaxStart( fn( ) ) [attribute~=value] $ .removeAttr( name ) $ .prevUntil( [selector] ) 1.4+ .focusin( [fn] ), 1.4+ .mouseup( [fn] ), $ .ajaxStop( fn( ) ) [attribute][attribute2] $ .siblings( [selector] ) .focusout( [fn] ), 1.4+ .resize( [fn] ), $ .ajaxSuccess( fn(event, XHR, options) ) Class .keydown( [fn] ), .scroll( [fn] ), Forms Form Filters $ .addClass( class ), .addClass( fn(index, class) ) 1.4∗ Miscellaneous Miscellaneous .keypress( [fn] ), .select( [fn] ), str .serialize( ) :input :enabled bool .hasClass( class ) $ .add( selector [, context] ), .add( elements ), .keyup( [fn] ), .submit( [fn] ), [obj] .serializeArray( ) :text :disabled $ .removeClass( [class] ), .add( html ) 1.4∗ $ .andSelf( ) .load( fn ), .unload( fn ) str jQuery.param( obj, [traditional] ) 1.4∗ :password :checked .removeClass( fn(index, class) ) 1.4∗ :radio :selected $ .toggleClass( class [, switch] ), $ .contents( ) Event object :checkbox .toggleClass( fn(index, class) [, switch] ) 1.4∗ $ .end( ) event el ={ currentTarget, Utilities :submit HTML, text Browser and Feature Detection * data, :image :reset str .html( ) Manipulation bool isDefaultPrevented(), obj $ .html( val ), .html( fn(index, html) ) 1.4∗ Inserting Inside bool isImmediatePropagationStopped(), obj jQuery.browser deprecated :button str jQuery.browser.version deprecated str .text( ) $ .append( content ), bool isPropagationStopped(), :file num pageX, $ .text( val ), .text( fn(index, html) ) 1.4∗ .append( fn( index, html ) ) 1.4∗ bool jQuery.boxModel deprecated $ .appendTo( target ) num pageY, Value preventDefault(), Basic operations $ .prepend( content ), Legend str,arr .val( ) .prepend( fn( index, html ) ) 1.4∗ el relatedTarget, obj jQuery.each( obj, fn( index, valueOfElement ) ) $ .val( val ), .val( fn() ) 1.4∗ obj result, obj jQuery.extend( [deep,] target, obj1 [, objN] ) $ .prependTo( target ) stopImmediatePropagation(), Conventional signs arr jQuery.grep( array, fn( element, index ) [, invert] ) Inserting Outside stopPropagation(), [obj] — array of objects CSS $ .after( content ), .after( fn() ) 1.4∗ el target, arr jQuery.makeArray( obj ) 1.4+ — new in 1.4 CSS arr array, fn( element, index ) ) num timeStamp, str .css( name ) $ .before( content ), .before( fn() ) 1.4∗ str type, num jQuery.inArray( val, array ) 1.4∗ — changed in 1.4 $ .insertAfter( target ) $ .css( name, val ), .css( map ), str which arr jQuery.merge( first, second ) Data types .css( name, fn(index, val) ) 1.4∗ $ .insertBefore( target ) } fn jQuery.noop 1.4+ Inserting Around fn jQuery.proxy( fn, scope ), jQuery.proxy( scope, name ) 1.4+ * — anything Positioning $ — jQuery object obj .offset( ) $ .unwrap( ) 1.4+ Effects arr jQuery.unique( array ) $ .offset( coord ), .offset( fn( index, coord ) ) 1.4+ $ .wrap( wrappingElement ), .wrap( fn ) 1.4∗ Basics str jQuery.trim( str ) arr — array $ .wrapAll(wrappingElement ), $ .show( [ duration [, fn] ] ) obj jQuery.parseJSON( str ) 1.4+ bool — boolean $ .offsetParent( ) .wrapAll( fn ) 1.4∗ $ .hide( [ duration [, fn] ] ) Data functions obj .position( ) el — DOM element $ .wrapInner( wrappingElement ), $ .toggle( [showOrHide] ) $ .clearQueue( [name] ) 1.4+ int .scrollTop( ) fn — function .wrapInner( fn ) 1.4∗ $ .toggle( duration [, fn] ) $ .dequeue( [name] ), jQuery.dequeue( [name] ) $ .scrollTop( val ) int — integer int .scrollLeft( ) Replacing Sliding obj element, key ), ) 1.4+ obj — object $ .scrollLeft( val ) $ .replaceWith( content ), $ .slideDown( duration [, fn] ) obj .data( ), .data( key ) str — string .replaceWith( fn ) 1.4∗ $ .slideUp( duration [, fn] ) $ .data( key, val ), .data( obj ) 1.4∗ Height and Width $ .replaceAll( selector ) XHR — XMLHttpRequest $ .slideToggle( [duration] [, fn] ) $ .removeData( [name] ) int .height( ) Removing Fading [fn] .queue( [name] ) jQuery.queue( [name] ) $ .height( val ), .height( fn(index, height ) ) 1.4∗ $ .detach( [selector] ) 1.4+ $ .fadeIn( duration [, fn] ) $ .queue( [name,] fn( next ) ), jQuery.queue( [name,] fn( ) ) int .width( ) $ .width( val ), .width(( fn(index, height ) ) 1.4∗ $ .empty( ) $ .fadeOut( duration [, fn] ) $ .queue( [name,] queue ), jQuery.queue( [name,] queue ) ver. 09-03-2010 int .innerHeight( ) $ .remove( [selector] ) $ .fadeTo( duration, opacity [, fn] ) Test operations int .innerWidth( ) Copying Custom bool jQuery.isArray( obj ) int .outerHeight( [margin] ) $ .clone( [withDataAndEvents] ) $ .animate( params [, duration] [, easing] [, fn] ) bool jQuery.isEmptyObject( obj ) 1.4+ int .outerWidth( [margin] ) $ .animate( params, options ) bool jQuery.isFunction( obj ) $ .stop( [clearQueue] [, jumpToEnd] ) bool jQuery.isPlainObject( obj ) 1.4+ $ .delay( duration [, queueName] ) 1.4+ Settings bool