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Sekolah : SMK Negeri Tutur
Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS
Kelas/Semester : X / 1
Pertemuan Ke- : 14
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit
Standar Kompetensi : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level
Kompetensi Dasar : Menyebutkan benda-benda, orang, ciri-ciri, waktu, hari,
bulan dan tahun.
1. Menyebutkan macam-macam pekerjaan dan kebangsaan dengan tepat.
2. Menggunakan macam-macam pekerjaan dan kebangsaan dengan tepat.
3. Menjawab soal tentang macam-macam pekerjaan dan kebangsaan dengan tepat.
A. Tujuan Akademik
Setelah Proses belajar mengajar diharapkan peserta didik dapat :
1. Menyebutkan macam-macam pekerjaan dan kebangsaan dengan tepat.
2. Menggunakan macam-macam pekerjaan dan kebangsaan dengan tepat.
3. Menjawab soal tentang macam-macam pekerjaan dan kebangsaan dengan tepat.
B. Nilai Karakter
Selama mengikuti Proses belajar mengajar siswa dapat :
1. Menunjukkan upaya sungguh-sungguh untuk menyebutkan nama-nama pekerjaan
dan kebangsaan (rasa ingin tahu).
2. Menunjukkan upaya sungguh-sungguh dalam menggunakan nama-nama pekerjaan
dan kebangsaan (kerja keras dan saling menghargai).
These are some expressions to ask someone’s country of origin and nationality:
a. Where are you from?
b. Where does he come from?
a. I’m from Indonesia.
b. He comes from Vietnam.
c. What nationality are you?
d. What is their nationality?
a. I’m Indonesian.
b. They’re Iraqi.
1. He’s from Indonesia. He’s Indonesian.
2. They’re from China. They’re Chinese.
3. She’s from Japan. She’s Japanese.
4. They’re from Saudi Arabia. They’re Arab.
5. He’s from Spain. He’s Spanish.
F/751/WAKA 1/1
15 – 07 – 2014 / Rev. 3
6. She’s from England. She’s English.
7. They’re from the USA. They’re American.
8. They’re from India. They’re Indian.
9. He’s from the Netherlands. He’s Dutch.
10. She’s from France. She’s French.
Profession is any type of work which needs special training or a particular skill, often one
which is respected because it involves a high level of education. Profession is similar to job.
These are the examples of professions:
• Architect
• Secretary
• Teacher
• Doctor
• Waiter/waitress
• Greengrocer
• Cook
• Farmer
• Nurse
• Lawyer
• Accountant
• Police
• Steward
• Stewardess
• Pilot
• Lecturer
• Scientist
• Politician
• Ambassador
• Oculist
• Sailor
In talking about someone’s job, we use these following expressions:
a. What is your job?
b. What’s her profession?
c. What are their occupations?
d. What are you?
e. What does she do?
I am a teacher.
She is a secretary.
They are farmers.
Metode yang dipakai dalam proses pembelajaran ini adalah Pembelajaran Kooperatif
dengan diskusi, ceramah dan presentasi.
a. Alat dan Bahan :
2. Alat tulis
b. Sumber Belajar :
• Buku LP2IP kelas X semester 1
• Sutinah, Entin, dkk. 2010. Get Along With English For Vocational School Grade
X. Erlangga: Jakarta.
• Regina, Maria, dkk. 2008. English For SMK 1. Jakarta : Pusat Perbukuan,
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
• Riyanto, Slamet. 2012. A Handbook of English Grammar. Pustaka Pelajar:
F/751/WAKA 1/1
15 – 07 – 2014 / Rev. 3
a. Pendahuluan (±10 menit)
1) Guru memberi salam dengan ramah (nilai yang ditanamkan sopan dan peduli)
dan mengecek kehadiran peserta didik (nilai yang ditanamkan disiplin, rajin).
2) Motivasi: Guru memotivasi peserta didik dengan mengajukan pertanyaan :
“How are you this morning?”
Peserta didik menjawab (harapan guru) : “I’m fine, thank you. And you?”
3) Guru mengeksplorasi pengetahuan awal peserta didik melalui pertanyaan:
“What are your parents?”
“What languages can you speak?”
Peserta didik menjawab (harapan guru) :
“My parents are farmers.”
“I can speak Indonesian.”
4) Guru menuliskan judul dan tujuan pembelajaran pada hari ini, yaitu : “Menyebutkan
macam-macam pekerjaan dan origin / kebangsaan.”
b. Kegiatan Inti (±70 menit)
1. Tahap Eksplorasi
• Peserta didik diminta membentuk kelompok menjadi 9 kelompok yang masing-
masing kelompok terdiri dari 4 atau 5 orang.
• Peserta didik menyimak penjelasan guru tentang pembagian tugas dan materi
untuk didiskusikan dan dipresentasikan bersama.
• Peserta didik menerima informasi tentang hal-hal yang harus dikerjakan. (Percaya
diri dan mandiri)
2. Tahap Elaborasi
• Peserta didik mengidentifikasi nama-nama pekerjaan dan kebangsaan.
• Peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan guru secara lisan tentang nama-nama
pekerjaan dan kebangsaan ( nilai yg ditanamkan kritis dan logis).
“Can you mention what kind of jobs that people have here?”
“From where is Super Junior?”
Diharapkan, peserta didik menjawab:
“The people here have jobs as a farmer, seller, trader, shopkeeper..”
“They are from Korea.”
• Peserta didik bekerja dalam kelompok, mengadakan diskusi kelompok tentang
nama-nama pekerjaan dan kebangsaan. ( nilai yg ditanamkan rasa ingin tahu,
kritis dan logis)
• Setelah selesai melakukan diskusi kelompok, peserta didik melakukan presentasi di
depan kelas dengan bimbingan guru. (percaya diri, tanggung jawab)
• Peserta didik mengerjakan soal yang berhubungan dengan nama-nama pekerjaan
dan kebangsaan (kerja keras, tanggung jawab).
3. Tahap Konfirmasi
F/751/WAKA 1/1
15 – 07 – 2014 / Rev. 3
• Bersama guru, peserta didik meneliti dan membahas jawaban dari soal. (nilai yg
ditanamkan kritis dan logis).
• Peserta didik mengoreksi jawaban yang masih salah dan membenarkannya bila
• Guru memberi penguatan terhadap materi nama-nama benda dan kata yang terkait
dengan pekerjaan dan kebangsaan.
• Peserta didik atau kelompok yang menjawab paling aktif diberi penghargaan dan
guru memotivasi peserta didik lain untuk belajar lebih giat.
c. Kegiatan Akhir (±10 menit)
• Peserta didik dengan bimbingan guru membuat kesimpulan tentang nama-nama
pekerjaan dan kebangsaan:
- The jobs: doctors, teachers, janitors.
- I am from Indonesia. I am an Indonesian. I speak Indonesian.
• Guru bertanya pada peserta didik, “Apa yang sudah kalian pelajari hari ini?” (Refleksi)
• Peserta didik diminta belajar di rumah mengenai materi selanjutnya yaitu penampilan
fisik dan non-fisik.
A. Tes tulis ( Kognitif ) : Writing and listening.
B. Penilaian Karakter ( Afektif )
Mengetahui, Tutur,
Kepala UPT SMKN Tutur Guru Mata Pelajaran
Ir. Sentot Nuriyanto Sri Wahyuningsih, S.S
NIP. 19630516 199303 1 002 NIP 19790122 200501 2 014
F/751/WAKA 1/1
15 – 07 – 2014 / Rev. 3
Professions and Nationalities
Fill the blanks with the suitable words!
1. Bambang Pamungkas is a good _____ . He is the best player in his team.
2. If you have a problem with your teeth, just go to the _____ to examine your teeth.
3. Mr. Dandy lives in Central Java. He plants rice in the rice field. He is a _____
4. Titin works in a hospital. She helps doctors to take care of the patients. She is a _____
5. My father is a responsible man who works every day. His job is driving a taxi. He is a
6. Tina serves passengers in an airplane. She is a _____
7. My mother is a good _____. She always wakes up in the morning and prepares our
8. Dani works in a restaurant. He cooks meal for the customers. He is a _____
9. Mr. Wawan catches fish for us. He is a _____
10. Mrs. Maya sews clothes. She is a _____
Untuk nationalities, peserta didik mengerjakan buku LP2IP halaman 18.
Every correct answer gets 2 points.
No Jawaban No Jawaban
1 Football player 6 Stewardess
2 Dentist 7 Housewife
3 Farmer 8 Cook
F/751/WAKA 1/1
15 – 07 – 2014 / Rev. 3
4 Nurse 9 Fisherman
5 Taxi driver 10 Tailor
Task 9
1. Australia – Australian- English
2. China – Chinese - Chinese
3. Indonesia – Indonesian - Indonesian
4. USA – American - English
5. Singaporean - Chinese / English
6. French - French
7. East Timor – Timoresse – Portuguese
8. Germany – German - German
9. Arabian - Arabic
Nilai A : Skor yang diperoleh x 100
Total skor maksimal
Catatan :Peserta didik dikatakan kompeten jika:
Nilai = 89 – 100 : Sangat baik (kompeten)
69 – 88 : Baik (kompeten)
< 69 : Tidak kompeten
No Nama Siswa
Proses Kerja Kelompok
Kerjasama Komunikasi
orang lain
Nilai B : Skor yang diperoleh x 100
Total skor maksimal
Pedoman Penskoran:
- Skor 1 : kurang
- Skor 2 : cukup
- Skor 3 : baik
- Skor 4 : baik sekali
Lembar observasi guru :
F/751/WAKA 1/1
15 – 07 – 2014 / Rev. 3
No Nama
Nilai Karakter Jumlah
skorSopan Disiplin Tanggung
diri dan
Pedoman Penskoran:
- Skor 1 : kurang
- Skor 2 : cukup
- Skor 3 : baik
- Skor 4 : baik sekali
Rumus Nilai sikap karakter (nilai B) :
Kesimpulan Penerapan nilai Budaya Karakter :
Nilai 0 – 50 : BT artinya nilai budaya karakter belum terlihat
Nilai 51 – 60 : MT artinya nilai budaya karakter mulai terlihat
Nilai 61 – 80 : MB artinya nilai budaya karakter mulai berkembang
Nilai 81 – 100 : MK artinya nilai budaya karakter mulai membudaya
NILAI AKHIR = 5( Nilai A) + 3 (Nilai B)
Keterangan :
Apabila peserta didik mendapatkan nilai di bawah kkm maka peserta didik wajib mengikuti
remidi dan apabila peserta didik nilainya sudah memenuhi kkm atau di atasnya maka peserta
didik mengerjakan soal pengayaan
F/751/WAKA 1/1
15 – 07 – 2014 / Rev. 3
Jobs Crossword:
1. Somebody who plays
an instrument.
3. Someone who grows
7. Somebody who fixes
8. A person who serves
9. Someone who fixes
13. Somebody who
catches criminals.
16. A person who plays
17. Someone who stars
in a movie.
19. A person who sings
20. Somebody who
helps sick people.
21. Somebody who
flies airplanes.
22. A person who does
1 2 3 4
5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12
14 15 16
17 18
22 23
23. Somebody who teaches. Down
2. A person who helps a
4. Someone who delivers mail.
5. Somebody who helps sick
6. Somebody who puts out
9. Someone who digs for
metal ore in the ground.
10. Someone who cooks food.
11. A person who paints
12. A person who protects a
14. Someone who cleans
15. A person who makes
computer games.
16. A person who goes to
outer space.
18. A person who tells us the
F/751/WAKA 1/1
15 – 07 – 2014 / Rev. 3
2. A person who
does experiments.
4. Someone who
stars in a movie.
5. Somebody who
flies airplanes.
6. Someone who
cleans buildings.
8. Someone who
digs for metal ore
in the ground.
9. Someone who
cooks food.
12. Somebody
who helps sick
15. Someone who
delivers mail.
18. Somebody
who helps sick
19. Someone who
serves people on
1 2 3
6 7
9 10 11 12 13
20 21
22 23
20. A person who tells
us the news.
21. Somebody who
plays an instrument.
22. A person who
sings songs.
23. A person who
paints pictures.
1. Someone who builds
3. A person who protects a
4. A person who plays
5. A person who makes
computer games.
7. A person who helps a
10. Someone who grows
11. A person who goes to
outer space.
13. Somebody who teaches.
14. Somebody who puts out fires.
16. Someone who fixes cars.
17. A person who serves food.
18. Somebody who fixes teeth.
F/751/WAKA 1/1
15 – 07 – 2014 / Rev. 3
2. A person who
does experiments.
4. Someone who
stars in a movie.
5. Somebody who
flies airplanes.
6. Someone who
cleans buildings.
8. Someone who
digs for metal ore
in the ground.
9. Someone who
cooks food.
12. Somebody
who helps sick
15. Someone who
delivers mail.
18. Somebody
who helps sick
19. Someone who
serves people on
1 2 3
6 7
9 10 11 12 13
20 21
22 23
20. A person who tells
us the news.
21. Somebody who
plays an instrument.
22. A person who
sings songs.
23. A person who
paints pictures.
1. Someone who builds
3. A person who protects a
4. A person who plays
5. A person who makes
computer games.
7. A person who helps a
10. Someone who grows
11. A person who goes to
outer space.
13. Somebody who teaches.
14. Somebody who puts out fires.
16. Someone who fixes cars.
17. A person who serves food.
18. Somebody who fixes teeth.
F/751/WAKA 1/1
15 – 07 – 2014 / Rev. 3

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Rpp 14 profesi nasionality

  • 1. RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN Sekolah : SMK Negeri Tutur Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS Kelas/Semester : X / 1 Pertemuan Ke- : 14 Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit Standar Kompetensi : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Novice Kompetensi Dasar : Menyebutkan benda-benda, orang, ciri-ciri, waktu, hari, bulan dan tahun. I. INDIKATOR 1. Menyebutkan macam-macam pekerjaan dan kebangsaan dengan tepat. 2. Menggunakan macam-macam pekerjaan dan kebangsaan dengan tepat. 3. Menjawab soal tentang macam-macam pekerjaan dan kebangsaan dengan tepat. II. TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN A. Tujuan Akademik Setelah Proses belajar mengajar diharapkan peserta didik dapat : 1. Menyebutkan macam-macam pekerjaan dan kebangsaan dengan tepat. 2. Menggunakan macam-macam pekerjaan dan kebangsaan dengan tepat. 3. Menjawab soal tentang macam-macam pekerjaan dan kebangsaan dengan tepat. B. Nilai Karakter Selama mengikuti Proses belajar mengajar siswa dapat : 1. Menunjukkan upaya sungguh-sungguh untuk menyebutkan nama-nama pekerjaan dan kebangsaan (rasa ingin tahu). 2. Menunjukkan upaya sungguh-sungguh dalam menggunakan nama-nama pekerjaan dan kebangsaan (kerja keras dan saling menghargai). III. MATERI PEMBELAJARAN ORIGINS AND NATIONALITIES These are some expressions to ask someone’s country of origin and nationality: a. Where are you from? b. Where does he come from? a. I’m from Indonesia. b. He comes from Vietnam. c. What nationality are you? d. What is their nationality? a. I’m Indonesian. b. They’re Iraqi. 1. He’s from Indonesia. He’s Indonesian. 2. They’re from China. They’re Chinese. 3. She’s from Japan. She’s Japanese. 4. They’re from Saudi Arabia. They’re Arab. 5. He’s from Spain. He’s Spanish. F/751/WAKA 1/1 15 – 07 – 2014 / Rev. 3
  • 2. 6. She’s from England. She’s English. 7. They’re from the USA. They’re American. 8. They’re from India. They’re Indian. 9. He’s from the Netherlands. He’s Dutch. 10. She’s from France. She’s French. Professions Profession is any type of work which needs special training or a particular skill, often one which is respected because it involves a high level of education. Profession is similar to job. These are the examples of professions: • Architect • Secretary • Teacher • Doctor • Waiter/waitress • Greengrocer • Cook • Farmer • Nurse • Lawyer • Accountant • Police • Steward • Stewardess • Pilot • Lecturer • Scientist • Politician • Ambassador • Oculist • Sailor In talking about someone’s job, we use these following expressions: a. What is your job? b. What’s her profession? c. What are their occupations? d. What are you? e. What does she do? I am a teacher. She is a secretary. They are farmers. IV. METODE PEMBELAJARAN Metode yang dipakai dalam proses pembelajaran ini adalah Pembelajaran Kooperatif dengan diskusi, ceramah dan presentasi. V. ALAT / BAHAN / SUMBER BELAJAR a. Alat dan Bahan : 1. Modul BAHASA INGGRIS 2. Alat tulis b. Sumber Belajar : • Buku LP2IP kelas X semester 1 • Sutinah, Entin, dkk. 2010. Get Along With English For Vocational School Grade X. Erlangga: Jakarta. • Regina, Maria, dkk. 2008. English For SMK 1. Jakarta : Pusat Perbukuan, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional • Riyanto, Slamet. 2012. A Handbook of English Grammar. Pustaka Pelajar: Yogyakarta F/751/WAKA 1/1 15 – 07 – 2014 / Rev. 3
  • 3. VI. KEGIATAN BELAJAR MENGAJAR a. Pendahuluan (±10 menit) 1) Guru memberi salam dengan ramah (nilai yang ditanamkan sopan dan peduli) dan mengecek kehadiran peserta didik (nilai yang ditanamkan disiplin, rajin). 2) Motivasi: Guru memotivasi peserta didik dengan mengajukan pertanyaan : “How are you this morning?” Peserta didik menjawab (harapan guru) : “I’m fine, thank you. And you?” 3) Guru mengeksplorasi pengetahuan awal peserta didik melalui pertanyaan: “What are your parents?” “What languages can you speak?” Peserta didik menjawab (harapan guru) : “My parents are farmers.” “I can speak Indonesian.” 4) Guru menuliskan judul dan tujuan pembelajaran pada hari ini, yaitu : “Menyebutkan macam-macam pekerjaan dan origin / kebangsaan.” b. Kegiatan Inti (±70 menit) 1. Tahap Eksplorasi • Peserta didik diminta membentuk kelompok menjadi 9 kelompok yang masing- masing kelompok terdiri dari 4 atau 5 orang. • Peserta didik menyimak penjelasan guru tentang pembagian tugas dan materi untuk didiskusikan dan dipresentasikan bersama. • Peserta didik menerima informasi tentang hal-hal yang harus dikerjakan. (Percaya diri dan mandiri) 2. Tahap Elaborasi • Peserta didik mengidentifikasi nama-nama pekerjaan dan kebangsaan. • Peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan guru secara lisan tentang nama-nama pekerjaan dan kebangsaan ( nilai yg ditanamkan kritis dan logis). “Can you mention what kind of jobs that people have here?” “From where is Super Junior?” Diharapkan, peserta didik menjawab: “The people here have jobs as a farmer, seller, trader, shopkeeper..” “They are from Korea.” • Peserta didik bekerja dalam kelompok, mengadakan diskusi kelompok tentang nama-nama pekerjaan dan kebangsaan. ( nilai yg ditanamkan rasa ingin tahu, kritis dan logis) • Setelah selesai melakukan diskusi kelompok, peserta didik melakukan presentasi di depan kelas dengan bimbingan guru. (percaya diri, tanggung jawab) • Peserta didik mengerjakan soal yang berhubungan dengan nama-nama pekerjaan dan kebangsaan (kerja keras, tanggung jawab). 3. Tahap Konfirmasi F/751/WAKA 1/1 15 – 07 – 2014 / Rev. 3
  • 4. • Bersama guru, peserta didik meneliti dan membahas jawaban dari soal. (nilai yg ditanamkan kritis dan logis). • Peserta didik mengoreksi jawaban yang masih salah dan membenarkannya bila ada. • Guru memberi penguatan terhadap materi nama-nama benda dan kata yang terkait dengan pekerjaan dan kebangsaan. • Peserta didik atau kelompok yang menjawab paling aktif diberi penghargaan dan guru memotivasi peserta didik lain untuk belajar lebih giat. c. Kegiatan Akhir (±10 menit) • Peserta didik dengan bimbingan guru membuat kesimpulan tentang nama-nama pekerjaan dan kebangsaan: - The jobs: doctors, teachers, janitors. - I am from Indonesia. I am an Indonesian. I speak Indonesian. • Guru bertanya pada peserta didik, “Apa yang sudah kalian pelajari hari ini?” (Refleksi) • Peserta didik diminta belajar di rumah mengenai materi selanjutnya yaitu penampilan fisik dan non-fisik. VII. PENILAIAN A. Tes tulis ( Kognitif ) : Writing and listening. B. Penilaian Karakter ( Afektif ) Mengetahui, Tutur, Kepala UPT SMKN Tutur Guru Mata Pelajaran Ir. Sentot Nuriyanto Sri Wahyuningsih, S.S NIP. 19630516 199303 1 002 NIP 19790122 200501 2 014 F/751/WAKA 1/1 15 – 07 – 2014 / Rev. 3
  • 5. Professions and Nationalities Fill the blanks with the suitable words! 1. Bambang Pamungkas is a good _____ . He is the best player in his team. 2. If you have a problem with your teeth, just go to the _____ to examine your teeth. 3. Mr. Dandy lives in Central Java. He plants rice in the rice field. He is a _____ 4. Titin works in a hospital. She helps doctors to take care of the patients. She is a _____ 5. My father is a responsible man who works every day. His job is driving a taxi. He is a _____ 6. Tina serves passengers in an airplane. She is a _____ 7. My mother is a good _____. She always wakes up in the morning and prepares our breakfast. 8. Dani works in a restaurant. He cooks meal for the customers. He is a _____ 9. Mr. Wawan catches fish for us. He is a _____ 10. Mrs. Maya sews clothes. She is a _____ Untuk nationalities, peserta didik mengerjakan buku LP2IP halaman 18. Every correct answer gets 2 points. Jawaban No Jawaban No Jawaban 1 Football player 6 Stewardess 2 Dentist 7 Housewife 3 Farmer 8 Cook F/751/WAKA 1/1 15 – 07 – 2014 / Rev. 3
  • 6. 4 Nurse 9 Fisherman 5 Taxi driver 10 Tailor Jawaban Task 9 1. Australia – Australian- English 2. China – Chinese - Chinese 3. Indonesia – Indonesian - Indonesian 4. USA – American - English 5. Singaporean - Chinese / English 6. French - French 7. East Timor – Timoresse – Portuguese 8. Germany – German - German 9. Arabian - Arabic RUBRIK PENILAIAN KOGNITIF ( TES TULIS ) Nilai A : Skor yang diperoleh x 100 Total skor maksimal Catatan :Peserta didik dikatakan kompeten jika: Nilai = 89 – 100 : Sangat baik (kompeten) 69 – 88 : Baik (kompeten) < 69 : Tidak kompeten RUBRIK PENILAIAN DISKUSI No Nama Siswa Proses Kerja Kelompok Kerjasama Komunikasi Menghormati orang lain 1 2 3 4 dst Nilai B : Skor yang diperoleh x 100 Total skor maksimal Pedoman Penskoran: - Skor 1 : kurang - Skor 2 : cukup - Skor 3 : baik - Skor 4 : baik sekali RUBRIK PENILAIAN AFEKTIF Lembar observasi guru : F/751/WAKA 1/1 15 – 07 – 2014 / Rev. 3
  • 7. No Nama Kelompok Nilai Karakter Jumlah skorSopan Disiplin Tanggung jawab Kerja keras Percaya diri dan mandiri 1 2 3 4 5 Dst Pedoman Penskoran: - Skor 1 : kurang - Skor 2 : cukup - Skor 3 : baik - Skor 4 : baik sekali Rumus Nilai sikap karakter (nilai B) : Kesimpulan Penerapan nilai Budaya Karakter : Nilai 0 – 50 : BT artinya nilai budaya karakter belum terlihat Nilai 51 – 60 : MT artinya nilai budaya karakter mulai terlihat Nilai 61 – 80 : MB artinya nilai budaya karakter mulai berkembang Nilai 81 – 100 : MK artinya nilai budaya karakter mulai membudaya NILAI AKHIR = 5( Nilai A) + 3 (Nilai B) 2 Keterangan : Apabila peserta didik mendapatkan nilai di bawah kkm maka peserta didik wajib mengikuti remidi dan apabila peserta didik nilainya sudah memenuhi kkm atau di atasnya maka peserta didik mengerjakan soal pengayaan Remidi F/751/WAKA 1/1 15 – 07 – 2014 / Rev. 3
  • 8. Jobs Crossword: Across 1. Somebody who plays an instrument. 3. Someone who grows crops. 7. Somebody who fixes teeth. 8. A person who serves food. 9. Someone who fixes cars. 13. Somebody who catches criminals. 16. A person who plays sports. 17. Someone who stars in a movie. 19. A person who sings songs. 20. Somebody who helps sick people. 21. Somebody who flies airplanes. 22. A person who does experiments. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 23. Somebody who teaches. Down 2. A person who helps a doctor. 4. Someone who delivers mail. 5. Somebody who helps sick animals. 6. Somebody who puts out fires. 9. Someone who digs for metal ore in the ground. 10. Someone who cooks food. 11. A person who paints pictures. 12. A person who protects a country. 14. Someone who cleans buildings. 15. A person who makes computer games. 16. A person who goes to outer space. 18. A person who tells us the news. F/751/WAKA 1/1 15 – 07 – 2014 / Rev. 3
  • 9. Pengayaan Jobs Crossword: Across 2. A person who does experiments. 4. Someone who stars in a movie. 5. Somebody who flies airplanes. 6. Someone who cleans buildings. 8. Someone who digs for metal ore in the ground. 9. Someone who cooks food. 12. Somebody who helps sick animals. 15. Someone who delivers mail. 18. Somebody who helps sick people. 19. Someone who serves people on airplanes. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 20. A person who tells us the news. 21. Somebody who plays an instrument. 22. A person who sings songs. 23. A person who paints pictures. Down 1. Someone who builds houses. 3. A person who protects a country. 4. A person who plays sports. 5. A person who makes computer games. 7. A person who helps a doctor. 10. Someone who grows crops. 11. A person who goes to outer space. 13. Somebody who teaches. 14. Somebody who puts out fires. 16. Someone who fixes cars. 17. A person who serves food. 18. Somebody who fixes teeth. F/751/WAKA 1/1 15 – 07 – 2014 / Rev. 3
  • 10. Pengayaan Jobs Crossword: Across 2. A person who does experiments. 4. Someone who stars in a movie. 5. Somebody who flies airplanes. 6. Someone who cleans buildings. 8. Someone who digs for metal ore in the ground. 9. Someone who cooks food. 12. Somebody who helps sick animals. 15. Someone who delivers mail. 18. Somebody who helps sick people. 19. Someone who serves people on airplanes. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 20. A person who tells us the news. 21. Somebody who plays an instrument. 22. A person who sings songs. 23. A person who paints pictures. Down 1. Someone who builds houses. 3. A person who protects a country. 4. A person who plays sports. 5. A person who makes computer games. 7. A person who helps a doctor. 10. Someone who grows crops. 11. A person who goes to outer space. 13. Somebody who teaches. 14. Somebody who puts out fires. 16. Someone who fixes cars. 17. A person who serves food. 18. Somebody who fixes teeth. F/751/WAKA 1/1 15 – 07 – 2014 / Rev. 3