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Money is not the way to win. As you 
know, from money we cannot succeed in 
a life. Do you heard the proverb 
“Knowledge is power”? This means you 
should read books. For that the SREE 
Companies is providing book called SREE 
SCIENCE KNOWLEDGE for 5th standard. 
This book is not only for reading, this 
book is provided with special features. To 
see the special features see the page 4-6.
This is our friend Earth that will help us in studies 
of Universe. 
This is our friend Cracker which help us in 
studies Safety & First Aid. 
This is our friend Balloons which help us in studies 
She is Blobby that helps in studies in Animals.
These is Mr. Leaf that help us in studies of Plants 
These are our friends that gives exercise for us. 
This is our friend Googli that help us in revision of 
every chapter
This is Pinky that gives you Interesting Facts 
This is Giffy who gives you the videos 
This is Rosy that tells story from the 
This is Tutu who help us in studies 
of Resources and Enviornment
We use several things in or day-to-day lives. 
Some of these things are absolutely 
essential for living. Anything essential for 
living or which makes our lives easier is 
called resource. 
Are the resources we will study in this chapter. 
You should save your resources.
We should save water to live. Water is 
essential for us to stay alive. It is also needed 
for growing plants, cooking food, washing 
clothes, and other activities. 
One Minute Please 
Do you know that when one percentage 
of water is gone we are feeling thirsty
Electricity is also an resource. It is used for 
running fans, turbines etc. 
One Minute Please 
One house use minimum150- 
250 volts.
Food provides energy to our body and 
is essential for growth. 
One Minute Please 
Some people can live 45 days 
without food.
Fuels such as petrol, cooking gas & 
coal are used for running vehicles, 
cooking food and other purpose. 
One Minute Please 
In older days, people were using 
coal to run train.
i). We should not waste water and food. 
ii). We should switch off lights, fans, TV’s 
etc., when we are not in the room. 
iii). We should encourage others to stop 
wasting resources.
i). Anything essential for living or which makes 
our lives easier is called resource. 
ii). Water, Electricity, Food and Fuel are 
iii). The ways to save resources are:- 
a). We should switch off lights, fans, TV’s 
etc., when we are not in the room. 
b). We should encourage others to stop 
wasting resources. 
c). We should not waste water and food.
Choose the correct answer. 
i). __________ is used to run train 
in older days [coal, diesel] 
ii). ______ is used to grow 
plants. [fuel, water] 
iii). Electricity is used for 
___________ [growing, running 
fans, turbines etc.]
Name the following 
i). Foods provide __________ 
ii). Fuels are used for ______ 
(only 1) 
iii). How many volts one house 
Rewrite the sentences 
i). Some animals of England 
can live without food 45 
ii). Garbage is a resource. 
Answer now itself! 
i). Define resources? Name all 
the resources. 
ii). What are the ways to save 
our resources? 
iii). What is the purpose of:- 
a). Water b). Food 
iv). Why we need food?
Think and answer 
i). Think if there is no resource 
what will you do? 
ii). If there is so many 
resources, would you 
waste it or not? Why?
Is it very boring when you always 
study. So for that R. SREERAJ MENON is 
presenting a video clip on the topic 
Here is our Rosy to tell a story about 
resources. This is a story of Achu that 
he understand the importance of 
resources. Let us read the story now.
Achu is brushing and the water goes through the tap. He is wasting water. When he, Pinky, and 
Smiley bus going to their house by the narrow way he throw the water in the bottle. He didn’t 
switch of fans & the television and go to play. 
One day Pinky asked him “ why are you wasting resources?”. His answer was “don’t worry! We 
have enough of them”. 
But that night had a bad dream. When he was bathing there is no water, when he go to school 
there was no food. When the is doing the homework there was no electricity and candle has finish 
up. He suddenly wake up and thought we should not save our resources. 
The next day, Pinky & Smiley were waiting for school bus. Neel was upset at that time. Pinky asked 
“ Why are you sad? Cheer up!” 
In the bus he said the bad dream happened yesterday. Smiley said that it may be happen, when all 
the resources are finished….. And we will be left nothing to use. When the Smiley is saying she 
interrupt and asked a question “How will I see TV then? Smiley said you can watch TV an hour. 
Then he was back to speech. He said so we need to save them for feature use also. 
The next day Achu give the left water in bottle to plants. And when the mother give him food he ate 
full & he is now saving electricity also. From that day Achu started to save resources. 
This is how Achu understand the importance of the resource.
You must have seen plants being 
grown in gardens and in fields. 
Why do people grow them? This 
is because we get lot of things 
from plants. 
Growing plants is important as 
our life depends largely on 
If you eat an apple or an orange 
you will find seeds inside. New 
plants can grow from these 
Seed leaves or cotyledons 
store food for the baby 
An outer covering called the 
seed coat protects the baby 
plant inside.
Not all seeds grow into new plants. 
Some plants are eaten up by birds 
and insects; some get destroyed by 
rain or wind; while some seeds do 
not get sufficient air, water or 
warmth to grow. If the seed survives 
and gets right amount of water, air, 
warmth (from the sun), it will produce 
a baby plant or seedling
The process by which a seed 
produces a baby plant or 
seedling is called 
One Minute Please 
Do you know that beans grow 
from seeds.
i). The seed gets water air and warmth. 
ii). The seed coat breaks and the baby plant emerges. 
iii). The baby plant develops roots and a shoot. 
iv). As the plant grows in size it develops leaves. The 
cotyledons shrink and appear
During the early stages of germination, the seedling 
gets the food required for its growth from the 
cotyledons. Can you tell from where the seedling get 
its food from after the food stored in the cotyledons 
has been used up? The reply is soil. The seedling 
absorbs water and nutrients from soil with the help of 
its roots. it build up with leaves and grow into a plant. 
Also, air (which is necessary for germination) 
reaches the seed through pores in the soil. This is 
why soil is so important for plant growth.
If plants live together in one place it is 
dangerous for that plants because 
they will struggle for air, water, 
sunlight, nutrients and space to 
grow. Many of them would die. In 
nature, many plants scatter their 
seeds in order to ensure that they do 
not grow too close to one another.
The process by which the seeds 
are scattered away from the 
mother plant is called 
Nature has its own way of 
dispersal of seeds.
Seeds of certain plants are very 
light and have wings or hair on 
them. These seeds are easily 
carried away by wind.
One Minute Please 
Dandelion seeds have hair that act like 
a parachute. Wind carries these seeds 
far away from the parent plant. The fluff 
around the cotton seed helps it to float 
away with wind.
Animals and human beings eat 
some fruits and throw away the 
seeds, which grow into new 
plants. Certain seeds have 
hooks, stiff hair, or spines, 
which help them in dispersal.
One Minute Please 
Squirrels bury seeds and nuts 
for eating them during winter. 
Sometimes squirrels forget 
where they had buried their 
seeds. These seeds often 
germinate and grow into new 
One Minute Please 
Some seeds have spines or 
hooks. These seeds stick to the 
bodies of animal and birds and 
are carried away from the parent 
plant. Birds and animals also eat 
fruits. Seed pass through their 
digestive system undigested and 
are dispersed to other areas.
Seeds of some plants such as 
lotus and coconut are spongy or 
have a fibrous covering, which 
helps them to float on water. 
Water transports these seeds 
from one place to another.
One Minute Please 
Coconuts can travel several 
thousand kilometers across 
oceans. The coconut palms on 
the South Sea Islands grew from 
coconuts carried by there by 
ocean currents.
Fruits of certain plant such as 
poppy, pea and bean burst open 
when they are ripe, scattering 
the seeds in all directions. This 
mechanism of seed dispersal is 
called explosion
One Minute Please 
When the seeds of the pea plant are 
ripe, the pod bursts open. The peas 
are scattered away from the plant.
Carrot, radish, turnip and 
beetroot are some of the 
examples whose roots can grow 
into new plants
Potato and onion 
are stems that 
can grow into 
new plants. 
One Minute Please 
Onion is a special kind of stem. It will 
grow leaves if you plant one in the 
Young Plants 
arise the 
edges of 
One Minute Please 
Do you know about J.C Bose? He is an 
Indian scientist who proved through 
experiments that plants have life. He also 
invented several instruments to study 
about plants. The most wonderful 
instrument was the Crescograph, used to 
measure the rate of growth plant.
One Minute Please 
Venus fly- trap has two lobes to eat food. 
Don’t you understand? This means this 
is a carnivore plant. When any animal 
come and get inside the lobe, the lobe 
suddenly close and the plant get food. 
plants can be 
grown from 
these leaves 
if they are 
placed in 
moist soil.
Some plants do not have seeds. 
They grow with the help of tiny 
structures called spore. Fungi 
and ferns are examples of such 
as plants. Mushrooms and other 
fungi, and ferns reproduce with 
the help of spores.
Puffball mushroom releasing spores.
Imagine that you have a small 
kitchen garden where you grow 
fruits and vegetables. The fruits 
and vegetables may be enough 
for you and your family, but can 
you grow enough fruit in kitchen 
garden to feed thousand 
people? No.
In order to feed the entire 
population, plants are grown on 
a large scale. 
The practice of growing plants on 
a large scale is called 
The plants that are grown in large 
quantities in a particular area or 
region at a particular season 
are called crops.
(1) Field is ploughed (2) Manure is added to the 
(3) Seeds are sown (We are very sorry to you because there is no 
image for “Seeds are sown.”)
(4) Fields are 
irrigated ( “How this 
field is irrigated?” 
look at side.) 
One Minute Please 
Drawing Water from a Canal 
A farmer arranges siphons to draw 
water from an irrigation canal and send 
it down furrows in his field. The furrows 
are narrow, relatively shallow trenches 
designed to carry water as far down a 
crop row as possible. One 
disadvantage of the furrow method of 
irrigation is that plants nearer the water 
source may receive much more water 
than those further away.
(5) Pesticides are sprayed 
to protect crops. 
One Minute Please 
(An important case) 
People in Tamil Nadu are using a 
pesticide called Endosulfan to protect the 
crops. Do you know that Endosulfan is 
very dangerous to us. In Kasargode the 
farms has sprayed Endosulfan and they 
are now patients in hospital because of 
the acid in Endosulfan. Some have the 
heads big and other all are small, some 
have one leg or one arm small others are 
big. This accident took place on 2010th 
before October. For your safety I am 
reporting that it is not good to buy and eat 
fruits from Tamil Nadu & Kasargode.
(6) The crops are harvested.
i). The field is ploughed. 
ii). Manure is added to the soil. 
iii). Seeds are sown. 
iv). The crops are watered or 
v). Pesticides are sprayed to 
protect the crops. 
vi). Crops are harvested.
A particular crop may grow well 
in one season and may not grow 
that well in another season. 
This is why farmers grow 
different crops in different 
seasons. There are two types of 
crops depending on the changes 
of the season. They are Kharif 
Crops & Rabi Crops.
Crops grown from June to October 
are known as Kharif Crops. These 
crops depend largely on the 
monsoon rains. Examples rice and 
Failed Maize Crop 
Crops grow from November to 
April are called Rabi Crops. 
These crops do not depend on 
monsoon rains. Examples are 
wheat, beans and legumes 
Soya beans
Revision time 
i). Seed leaves or cotyledons 
store food for the baby plant. 
ii). An outer covering called the 
seed coat protects the baby 
plant inside. 
iii). The process by which a seed 
produces a baby plant or 
seedling is called germination.
Revision time 
iv). The ways to germinate a bean seed 
1). The seed gets water air and warmth. 
2). The seed coat breaks and the baby 
plant emerges. 
3). The baby plant develops roots and a 
4). As the plant grows in size it 
develops leaves. The cotyledons 
shrink and appear
Revision time 
v). The process by which the seeds are 
scattered away from the mother 
plant is called dispersal. Nature 
has its own way of dispersal. 
Dispersal occurs through wind, 
water, by animals & by explosion. 
vi). Plants will grow from various parts 
such as root, stem, leaves, 
vii). Venus fly-trap is an carnivore plant.
Revision time 
viii). The practice of growing plants on 
a large scale is called 
ix). The plants that are grown in large 
quantities in a particular area or 
region at a particular season are 
called crops. 
x). Endosulfan is very dangerous to us. 
xi). Crops grown from June to October 
are known as Kharif Crops.
Revision time 
xii). Crops grow from November to April 
are called Rabi Crops. Crops grow 
from November to April are called 
Rabi Crops. 
xiii). The stages of agriculture are 
1). The field is ploughed. 
2). Manure is added to the soil. 
3). Seeds are sown. 
4). The crops are watered. 
5). Pesticides are sprayed to 
protect crops.
Revision time 
6). Crops are harvested.
Fill the answers in blanks. 
i). _________ is the outer 
covering of seed. 
ii). ______ will grow leaves if 
you plant one in the 
ground. This plant is 
grows from stem.
iv). _______________ is the 
instrument that is used 
to measure the rate of 
v). Beans grow from _________
Who am I? 
i). I am a carnivore plant. I 
has two lobes which help 
me to eat. Who am I? 
ii). I am a pesticide. Farmers 
in Tamil Nadu use me. I 
am very dangerous for 
you. Who am I?
Rewrite the sentence 
i). Crops grow from June to 
October are called rabi 
ii). Pesticides are added to 
iii). The garbage is irrigated. 
Answer now itself! 
i). What is germination? What 
are the steps to germinate 
a bean seed? 
ii). What is the importance of 
iii). Why the plants not live 
iv). What is mean by dispersal? 
How are the seeds 
dispersed. Write any one 
v). How the squirrels help to 
germinate plant? 
vi). Write a short note on 
vii). What is mean by 
agriculture? What are 
stages of agriculture? 
viii) Why farmers has divided 
the crop into two parts 
based on the climatic 
changes? Which are that 
two parts. Give one 
Tricky time 
i). If there is no soil how will 
plants grow? 
ii). Without agriculture can you 
feed the entire population?
Think and answer 
i). Soil is very helpful to plant. 
But there is another 
substance in soil also helps 
to grow plant. Which is this 
substance? (hint: dead 
remains of plants and 
Is it very boring when you always 
study. So for that R. SREERAJ MENON 
is presenting a video clip on the topic 
Here is our favourite Rosy to tell us a 
story about plants.
Manu and Bolu are great friends. Once they travel 
together to Sikhanpur. In the way they feel very 
thirsty and hungry. They sat down in the tree shade. 
At that time Bolu looked at the tree. Bolu asked to 
Manu: “there is no fruits, no flowers in this tree, then 
why this tree is living? The reply of Manu was “don’t 
look the deficiency of tree. You said is correct. I 
accepted. But this tree is giving shade to us.” Thus, 
Bolu understand that don’t look the deficiency, look 
how tree is useful.
Matter is any substance that has mass 
and occupies space. You have learnt in 
your previous class that there are three 
states of matter. 
Can you name the 3 states of matter? 
All matter is made up of small parts called 
molecules. Molecules are made up of 
In solids, the particles are tightly packed 
in a rigid pattern and so cannot move 
away from one place to another. 
Particle arrangement is solid
In liquids, the particles are not as tightly 
pack in solids; so they can move and 
slide over each other. This makes 
liquids flow and take the shape of the 
contained they are poured in. 
Particle arrangement in liquids
In gases, the particles are far apart from 
each other and can move freely. So, 
gases can flow easily and take up all 
the available space. 
Particle arrangement in gases.
You already know that matter can 
change from one state to another, for 
example, water (liquid) can become 
steam (gas), and ice (solid) can melt 
and become water (liquid). Let us 
know the changes in the terms of the 
movements in tiny particles.
When water gets heated, it evaporates, 
or, it changes into water vapour. This 
happens because on heating the 
particles of water start vibrating or 
moving faster. Finally, they break free 
from their existing arrangement and 
escape into the air. They become gas, 
where the particles can move much 
more freely.
Steam condenses to form water again. When the 
freely flowing particles of steam touch a cold 
surface, cooling happens. Cooling a substance 
slows down the movement of this particles. 
The particles thus become less free to move 
and become loosely packed to change from gas 
to water.
Ice is a solid. The water particles in solid ice are 
rigidly packed to give a fixed shape. When ice 
is taken out of the refrigerator, it melts 
gradually. This is because in a warm place, the 
water particles in ice start vibrating faster and 
finally break away from the rigid pattern. They 
become loosely packed as in a liquid and form 
In freezing, when the water is cooled, its 
particles start slowing down and pack 
themselves into a rigid shape, thus forming 
solid ice. 
One Minute Please 
You should not keep the 
refrigerator door open for a long 
time or open the door very often. 
This lets the cold air flow out of 
the refrigerator. Save electricity by 
reducing the amount of time the 
door is open!
Heating a substance can make it expand. When a 
substance is heated, the particles start vibrating 
rapidly. Thus, each particle takes up more 
space due to their increased movement, so, the 
substance expands. The increase in size of 
matter on heating is called expansion. This 
explains why a tight metal lid of a jar can be 
opened when dipped in hot water. The heat of 
the water causes the lid to expand a little & 
open out easily.
Cooling a substance can make it expand. When a 
material is cooled, the particles slow down. They 
take less space as their movement has decreased. 
This is why the material contracts. So, cooling a 
substance can make it contract. The decrease in 
size of matter on cooling is called contraction. It 
is due to the effects of heating and cooling that 
electric cables hang loosely from poles in 
summer and do not appear loose in winter 
Do you know that ice occupies 
more space than water. 
in winter.
i). Matter is any substance that has mass, 
weight and occupies space. 
ii). The 3 states of matter are solid, liquid and 
iii). Matter can change from one state to another. 
Iv). Evaporation is the process that liquid 
changes into gas by heating. 
v). Condensation is the process that gas changes 
into liquid.
vi). Melting is the process that solid change into 
vii). Freezing is the process that liquid change 
into solid. 
viii). Expansion is the increase in size of matter 
on heating. 
ix). Ice occupies more space than water.
Fill in the blanks 
i). Matter is any substance that 
has _________, ____________ & 
ii). Three states of matter are 
_________, __________ and 
Fill in the blanks 
iii). Save __________________ energy 
by reducing the amount of 
time opening refrigerators 
Answer the questions 
i). Why do solids have a fixed 
ii). What make liquids flow? 
iii). Describe the particle 
arrangement in solid, 
iv). How is steam formed? 
v). How does ice (solid) become 
vi). Define a). Evaporation 
b). Condensation c). Freezing 
d). Contraction.
Give reason 
i). Why do substances expand on 
ii). Why do substances on 
Tricky time 
i). The particles move ___________ 
when ____________. 
ii). Is all are solid, liquid & gas?
Think and answer 
i). Matter is composed of ________ 
& __________________. 
ii). We studied that when water 
get heated it will become 
steam. But when we make 
bullsai, when egg 
evaporates it become solid.
iii). What is meant by rigid? 
iv). What all energy can made 
from water?
Accidents can happen any time, any 
where. Accidents can cause serious 
injuries. So, we should be careful and 
follow safety rules to avoid them. 
What all safety’s we should follow? 
i). Road safety ii). Safety from fire 

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Sree science knowledge-5th

  • 2. “MONEY IS NOT THE POWER TO WIN. KNOWLEDGE IS THE POWER TO WIN.” Money is not the way to win. As you know, from money we cannot succeed in a life. Do you heard the proverb “Knowledge is power”? This means you should read books. For that the SREE Companies is providing book called SREE SCIENCE KNOWLEDGE for 5th standard. This book is not only for reading, this book is provided with special features. To see the special features see the page 4-6.
  • 3. This is our friend Earth that will help us in studies of Universe. This is our friend Cracker which help us in studies Safety & First Aid. This is our friend Balloons which help us in studies Air She is Blobby that helps in studies in Animals.
  • 4. These is Mr. Leaf that help us in studies of Plants These are our friends that gives exercise for us. This is our friend Googli that help us in revision of every chapter
  • 5. This is Pinky that gives you Interesting Facts This is Giffy who gives you the videos This is Rosy that tells story from the chapter. This is Tutu who help us in studies of Resources and Enviornment
  • 6.
  • 7. We use several things in or day-to-day lives. Some of these things are absolutely essential for living. Anything essential for living or which makes our lives easier is called resource. Water Electricity Fuels Food Are the resources we will study in this chapter. You should save your resources.
  • 8. We should save water to live. Water is essential for us to stay alive. It is also needed for growing plants, cooking food, washing clothes, and other activities. One Minute Please Do you know that when one percentage of water is gone we are feeling thirsty
  • 9. Electricity is also an resource. It is used for running fans, turbines etc. One Minute Please One house use minimum150- 250 volts.
  • 10. Food provides energy to our body and is essential for growth. One Minute Please Some people can live 45 days without food.
  • 11. FUEL Fuels such as petrol, cooking gas & coal are used for running vehicles, cooking food and other purpose. One Minute Please In older days, people were using coal to run train.
  • 12. i). We should not waste water and food. ii). We should switch off lights, fans, TV’s etc., when we are not in the room. iii). We should encourage others to stop wasting resources.
  • 13. i). Anything essential for living or which makes our lives easier is called resource. ii). Water, Electricity, Food and Fuel are resources. iii). The ways to save resources are:- a). We should switch off lights, fans, TV’s etc., when we are not in the room. b). We should encourage others to stop wasting resources. c). We should not waste water and food.
  • 14. EXERCISE Choose the correct answer. i). __________ is used to run train in older days [coal, diesel] ii). ______ is used to grow plants. [fuel, water] iii). Electricity is used for ___________ [growing, running fans, turbines etc.]
  • 15. EXERCISE Name the following i). Foods provide __________ ii). Fuels are used for ______ (only 1) iii). How many volts one house use?
  • 16. EXERCISE Rewrite the sentences correctly. i). Some animals of England can live without food 45 days _______________________________ ii). Garbage is a resource. _______________________________
  • 17. EXERCISE Answer now itself! i). Define resources? Name all the resources. ii). What are the ways to save our resources? iii). What is the purpose of:- a). Water b). Food iv). Why we need food?
  • 18. EXERCISE Think and answer i). Think if there is no resource what will you do? ii). If there is so many resources, would you waste it or not? Why?
  • 19. ENOUGH FOR BORING Is it very boring when you always study. So for that R. SREERAJ MENON is presenting a video clip on the topic ‘Resources’.
  • 20.
  • 21. OOM… A STORY Here is our Rosy to tell a story about resources. This is a story of Achu that he understand the importance of resources. Let us read the story now.
  • 22. THE WAY ACHU UNDERSTAND THE IMPORTANCE OF RESOURCE Achu is brushing and the water goes through the tap. He is wasting water. When he, Pinky, and Smiley bus going to their house by the narrow way he throw the water in the bottle. He didn’t switch of fans & the television and go to play. One day Pinky asked him “ why are you wasting resources?”. His answer was “don’t worry! We have enough of them”. But that night had a bad dream. When he was bathing there is no water, when he go to school there was no food. When the is doing the homework there was no electricity and candle has finish up. He suddenly wake up and thought we should not save our resources. The next day, Pinky & Smiley were waiting for school bus. Neel was upset at that time. Pinky asked “ Why are you sad? Cheer up!” In the bus he said the bad dream happened yesterday. Smiley said that it may be happen, when all the resources are finished….. And we will be left nothing to use. When the Smiley is saying she interrupt and asked a question “How will I see TV then? Smiley said you can watch TV an hour. Then he was back to speech. He said so we need to save them for feature use also. The next day Achu give the left water in bottle to plants. And when the mother give him food he ate full & he is now saving electricity also. From that day Achu started to save resources. This is how Achu understand the importance of the resource.
  • 23.
  • 24. AN INTRODUCTION You must have seen plants being grown in gardens and in fields. Why do people grow them? This is because we get lot of things from plants. Growing plants is important as our life depends largely on them.
  • 25. GROWING PLANTS FROM SEED If you eat an apple or an orange you will find seeds inside. New plants can grow from these seeds.
  • 26. PARTS OF A SEED Seed leaves or cotyledons store food for the baby plant. An outer covering called the seed coat protects the baby plant inside.
  • 27. GROWING PLANTS FROM SEED Not all seeds grow into new plants. Some plants are eaten up by birds and insects; some get destroyed by rain or wind; while some seeds do not get sufficient air, water or warmth to grow. If the seed survives and gets right amount of water, air, warmth (from the sun), it will produce a baby plant or seedling
  • 28. GERMINATION The process by which a seed produces a baby plant or seedling is called germination. One Minute Please Do you know that beans grow from seeds.
  • 29. GERMINATION i). The seed gets water air and warmth. ii). The seed coat breaks and the baby plant emerges. iii). The baby plant develops roots and a shoot. iv). As the plant grows in size it develops leaves. The cotyledons shrink and appear
  • 30. THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL During the early stages of germination, the seedling gets the food required for its growth from the cotyledons. Can you tell from where the seedling get its food from after the food stored in the cotyledons has been used up? The reply is soil. The seedling absorbs water and nutrients from soil with the help of its roots. it build up with leaves and grow into a plant. Also, air (which is necessary for germination) reaches the seed through pores in the soil. This is why soil is so important for plant growth.
  • 31. IF PLANTS LIVE TOGETHER IN ONE AREA WHAT WILL OCCUR? If plants live together in one place it is dangerous for that plants because they will struggle for air, water, sunlight, nutrients and space to grow. Many of them would die. In nature, many plants scatter their seeds in order to ensure that they do not grow too close to one another.
  • 32. DISPERSAL The process by which the seeds are scattered away from the mother plant is called dispersal. Nature has its own way of dispersal of seeds.
  • 33. DISPERSAL BY WIND Seeds of certain plants are very light and have wings or hair on them. These seeds are easily carried away by wind.
  • 34. One Minute Please Dandelion seeds have hair that act like a parachute. Wind carries these seeds far away from the parent plant. The fluff around the cotton seed helps it to float away with wind.
  • 35. DISPERSAL BY ANIMALS Animals and human beings eat some fruits and throw away the seeds, which grow into new plants. Certain seeds have hooks, stiff hair, or spines, which help them in dispersal.
  • 36. One Minute Please Squirrels bury seeds and nuts for eating them during winter. Sometimes squirrels forget where they had buried their seeds. These seeds often germinate and grow into new plant. One Minute Please Some seeds have spines or hooks. These seeds stick to the bodies of animal and birds and are carried away from the parent plant. Birds and animals also eat fruits. Seed pass through their digestive system undigested and are dispersed to other areas.
  • 37. DISPERSAL BY WATER Seeds of some plants such as lotus and coconut are spongy or have a fibrous covering, which helps them to float on water. Water transports these seeds from one place to another.
  • 38. One Minute Please Coconuts can travel several thousand kilometers across oceans. The coconut palms on the South Sea Islands grew from coconuts carried by there by ocean currents.
  • 39. DISPERSAL BY EXPLOSION Fruits of certain plant such as poppy, pea and bean burst open when they are ripe, scattering the seeds in all directions. This mechanism of seed dispersal is called explosion
  • 40. One Minute Please When the seeds of the pea plant are ripe, the pod bursts open. The peas are scattered away from the plant.
  • 41. ROOTS THAT CAN GROW INTO NEW PLANTS Carrot, radish, turnip and beetroot are some of the examples whose roots can grow into new plants
  • 42. STEM THAT CAN GROW INTO NEW PLANTS Potato and onion are stems that can grow into new plants. One Minute Please Onion is a special kind of stem. It will grow leaves if you plant one in the ground.
  • 43. GROWING PLANTS FROM LEAVES Young Plants arise the edges of Bryophyllum leaves. One Minute Please Do you know about J.C Bose? He is an Indian scientist who proved through experiments that plants have life. He also invented several instruments to study about plants. The most wonderful instrument was the Crescograph, used to measure the rate of growth plant.
  • 44. One Minute Please Venus fly- trap has two lobes to eat food. Don’t you understand? This means this is a carnivore plant. When any animal come and get inside the lobe, the lobe suddenly close and the plant get food. Complete plants can be grown from these leaves if they are placed in moist soil.
  • 45. GROWING PLANTS FROM SPORE Some plants do not have seeds. They grow with the help of tiny structures called spore. Fungi and ferns are examples of such as plants. Mushrooms and other fungi, and ferns reproduce with the help of spores.
  • 47. AGRICULTURE Imagine that you have a small kitchen garden where you grow fruits and vegetables. The fruits and vegetables may be enough for you and your family, but can you grow enough fruit in kitchen garden to feed thousand people? No.
  • 48. AGRICULTURE In order to feed the entire population, plants are grown on a large scale. The practice of growing plants on a large scale is called agriculture.
  • 49. AGRICULTURE-CROPS The plants that are grown in large quantities in a particular area or region at a particular season are called crops.
  • 50. STAGES OF AGRICULTURE (1) Field is ploughed (2) Manure is added to the soil. (3) Seeds are sown (We are very sorry to you because there is no image for “Seeds are sown.”)
  • 51. STAGES OF AGRICULTURE (4) Fields are irrigated ( “How this field is irrigated?” look at side.) One Minute Please Drawing Water from a Canal A farmer arranges siphons to draw water from an irrigation canal and send it down furrows in his field. The furrows are narrow, relatively shallow trenches designed to carry water as far down a crop row as possible. One disadvantage of the furrow method of irrigation is that plants nearer the water source may receive much more water than those further away.
  • 52. STAGES OF AGRICULTURE (5) Pesticides are sprayed to protect crops. One Minute Please (An important case) People in Tamil Nadu are using a pesticide called Endosulfan to protect the crops. Do you know that Endosulfan is very dangerous to us. In Kasargode the farms has sprayed Endosulfan and they are now patients in hospital because of the acid in Endosulfan. Some have the heads big and other all are small, some have one leg or one arm small others are big. This accident took place on 2010th before October. For your safety I am reporting that it is not good to buy and eat fruits from Tamil Nadu & Kasargode.
  • 53. STAGES OF AGRICULTURE (6) The crops are harvested.
  • 54. STAGES OF AGRICULTURE i). The field is ploughed. ii). Manure is added to the soil. iii). Seeds are sown. iv). The crops are watered or irrigated. v). Pesticides are sprayed to protect the crops. vi). Crops are harvested.
  • 55. THE TWO TYPES OF CROPS DEPENDING ON THE SEASON A particular crop may grow well in one season and may not grow that well in another season. This is why farmers grow different crops in different seasons. There are two types of crops depending on the changes of the season. They are Kharif Crops & Rabi Crops.
  • 56. KHARIF CROPS Crops grown from June to October are known as Kharif Crops. These crops depend largely on the monsoon rains. Examples rice and maize. Failed Maize Crop Rice
  • 57. RABI CROPS Crops grow from November to April are called Rabi Crops. These crops do not depend on monsoon rains. Examples are wheat, beans and legumes Soya beans
  • 58. Revision time i). Seed leaves or cotyledons store food for the baby plant. ii). An outer covering called the seed coat protects the baby plant inside. iii). The process by which a seed produces a baby plant or seedling is called germination.
  • 59. Revision time iv). The ways to germinate a bean seed are: 1). The seed gets water air and warmth. 2). The seed coat breaks and the baby plant emerges. 3). The baby plant develops roots and a shoot. 4). As the plant grows in size it develops leaves. The cotyledons shrink and appear
  • 60. Revision time v). The process by which the seeds are scattered away from the mother plant is called dispersal. Nature has its own way of dispersal. Dispersal occurs through wind, water, by animals & by explosion. vi). Plants will grow from various parts such as root, stem, leaves, spores. vii). Venus fly-trap is an carnivore plant.
  • 61. Revision time viii). The practice of growing plants on a large scale is called agriculture. ix). The plants that are grown in large quantities in a particular area or region at a particular season are called crops. x). Endosulfan is very dangerous to us. xi). Crops grown from June to October are known as Kharif Crops.
  • 62. Revision time xii). Crops grow from November to April are called Rabi Crops. Crops grow from November to April are called Rabi Crops. xiii). The stages of agriculture are 1). The field is ploughed. 2). Manure is added to the soil. 3). Seeds are sown. 4). The crops are watered. 5). Pesticides are sprayed to protect crops.
  • 63. Revision time 6). Crops are harvested.
  • 64. EXERCISE Fill the answers in blanks. i). _________ is the outer covering of seed. ii). ______ will grow leaves if you plant one in the ground. This plant is grows from stem.
  • 65. EXERCISE iv). _______________ is the instrument that is used to measure the rate of plant. v). Beans grow from _________
  • 66. EXERCISE Who am I? i). I am a carnivore plant. I has two lobes which help me to eat. Who am I? ii). I am a pesticide. Farmers in Tamil Nadu use me. I am very dangerous for you. Who am I?
  • 67. EXERCISE Rewrite the sentence correctly i). Crops grow from June to October are called rabi crops. _____________________________
  • 68. EXERCISE ii). Pesticides are added to soil. _______________________________ iii). The garbage is irrigated. __________________________
  • 69. EXERCISE Answer now itself! i). What is germination? What are the steps to germinate a bean seed? ii). What is the importance of soil. iii). Why the plants not live together?
  • 70. EXERCISE iv). What is mean by dispersal? How are the seeds dispersed. Write any one example. v). How the squirrels help to germinate plant? vi). Write a short note on Endosulfan?
  • 71. EXERCISE vii). What is mean by agriculture? What are stages of agriculture? viii) Why farmers has divided the crop into two parts based on the climatic changes? Which are that two parts. Give one example.
  • 72. EXERCISE Tricky time i). If there is no soil how will plants grow? ii). Without agriculture can you feed the entire population?
  • 73. EXERCISE Think and answer i). Soil is very helpful to plant. But there is another substance in soil also helps to grow plant. Which is this substance? (hint: dead remains of plants and animals).
  • 74. ENOUGH FOR BORING Is it very boring when you always study. So for that R. SREERAJ MENON is presenting a video clip on the topic ‘Resources’.
  • 75.
  • 76. OOM… A STORY Here is our favourite Rosy to tell us a story about plants.
  • 77. THE USE OF TREE Manu and Bolu are great friends. Once they travel together to Sikhanpur. In the way they feel very thirsty and hungry. They sat down in the tree shade. At that time Bolu looked at the tree. Bolu asked to Manu: “there is no fruits, no flowers in this tree, then why this tree is living? The reply of Manu was “don’t look the deficiency of tree. You said is correct. I accepted. But this tree is giving shade to us.” Thus, Bolu understand that don’t look the deficiency, look how tree is useful.
  • 79. AN INTRODUCTION Matter is any substance that has mass and occupies space. You have learnt in your previous class that there are three states of matter. Can you name the 3 states of matter? _____________________________ All matter is made up of small parts called molecules. Molecules are made up of atoms
  • 80. PARTICLE ARRANGEMENT IN SOLID In solids, the particles are tightly packed in a rigid pattern and so cannot move away from one place to another. Particle arrangement is solid
  • 81. PARTICLE ARRANGEMENT IN LIQUID In liquids, the particles are not as tightly pack in solids; so they can move and slide over each other. This makes liquids flow and take the shape of the contained they are poured in. Particle arrangement in liquids
  • 82. PARTICLE ARRANGEMENT IN GASES In gases, the particles are far apart from each other and can move freely. So, gases can flow easily and take up all the available space. Particle arrangement in gases.
  • 83. CHANGE OF STATE You already know that matter can change from one state to another, for example, water (liquid) can become steam (gas), and ice (solid) can melt and become water (liquid). Let us know the changes in the terms of the movements in tiny particles.
  • 84. EVAPORATION When water gets heated, it evaporates, or, it changes into water vapour. This happens because on heating the particles of water start vibrating or moving faster. Finally, they break free from their existing arrangement and escape into the air. They become gas, where the particles can move much more freely.
  • 85. CONDENSATION Steam condenses to form water again. When the freely flowing particles of steam touch a cold surface, cooling happens. Cooling a substance slows down the movement of this particles. The particles thus become less free to move and become loosely packed to change from gas to water.
  • 86. MELTING Ice is a solid. The water particles in solid ice are rigidly packed to give a fixed shape. When ice is taken out of the refrigerator, it melts gradually. This is because in a warm place, the water particles in ice start vibrating faster and finally break away from the rigid pattern. They become loosely packed as in a liquid and form water.
  • 87. FREEZING In freezing, when the water is cooled, its particles start slowing down and pack themselves into a rigid shape, thus forming solid ice. One Minute Please You should not keep the refrigerator door open for a long time or open the door very often. This lets the cold air flow out of the refrigerator. Save electricity by reducing the amount of time the door is open!
  • 88. EXPANSION Heating a substance can make it expand. When a substance is heated, the particles start vibrating rapidly. Thus, each particle takes up more space due to their increased movement, so, the substance expands. The increase in size of matter on heating is called expansion. This explains why a tight metal lid of a jar can be opened when dipped in hot water. The heat of the water causes the lid to expand a little & open out easily.
  • 89. CONTRACTION Cooling a substance can make it expand. When a material is cooled, the particles slow down. They take less space as their movement has decreased. This is why the material contracts. So, cooling a substance can make it contract. The decrease in size of matter on cooling is called contraction. It is due to the effects of heating and cooling that electric cables hang loosely from poles in summer and do not appear loose in winter ONE MINUTE PLEASE Do you know that ice occupies more space than water. in winter.
  • 90. REVISION i). Matter is any substance that has mass, weight and occupies space. ii). The 3 states of matter are solid, liquid and gas. iii). Matter can change from one state to another. Iv). Evaporation is the process that liquid changes into gas by heating. v). Condensation is the process that gas changes into liquid.
  • 91. REVISION vi). Melting is the process that solid change into liquid. vii). Freezing is the process that liquid change into solid. viii). Expansion is the increase in size of matter on heating. ix). Ice occupies more space than water.
  • 92. EXERCISE Fill in the blanks i). Matter is any substance that has _________, ____________ & __________. ii). Three states of matter are _________, __________ and ________
  • 93. EXERCISE Fill in the blanks iii). Save __________________ energy by reducing the amount of time opening refrigerators door.
  • 94. EXERCISE Answer the questions i). Why do solids have a fixed shape? ii). What make liquids flow? iii). Describe the particle arrangement in solid, liquid?
  • 95. EXERCISE iv). How is steam formed? v). How does ice (solid) become water? vi). Define a). Evaporation b). Condensation c). Freezing d). Contraction.
  • 96. EXERCISE Give reason i). Why do substances expand on heating. ii). Why do substances on cooling?
  • 97. EXERCISE Tricky time i). The particles move ___________ when ____________. ii). Is all are solid, liquid & gas?
  • 98. EXERCISE Think and answer i). Matter is composed of ________ & __________________. ii). We studied that when water get heated it will become steam. But when we make bullsai, when egg evaporates it become solid.
  • 99. EXERCISE Why? iii). What is meant by rigid? iv). What all energy can made from water?
  • 100. ST
  • 101. Accidents can happen any time, any where. Accidents can cause serious injuries. So, we should be careful and follow safety rules to avoid them. What all safety’s we should follow? i). Road safety ii). Safety from fire etc.