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Amazing adjectives                                                Power
                                                            Huge, spooky, gruesome, shiny,      Proper paragraphs
   Cracking connectives !!                                                                                                    punctuation!!
                                                            gigantic,                          Start a new paragraph when
   Meanwhile, Consequently,                                                                                                   Use punctuation to
                               Crafty Clauses               terrifying, comfortable,                 Change of time
                                                                                                                              make an important
   Furthermore, Nearby,                                                                              Change of place
                               He went to see the wizard,   luxurious ,fragrant,
   however, although                                                                                                          point or give impact
                               who was his cousin.          Tasty, delicious, handsome.              New topic
                                                                                                                              to an event!!!!

Adventurous adverbs
Elegantly                                                                                                                   Substituting Said
Lazily                                                                                                                      Giggled loudly
                                                                                                                            Whispered nervously
                                                   Exciting Writing !!!                                                     muttered angrily
                                                                                                                            Shouted at the top of his
Thoughtfully                                                                                                                voice
Hastily                                                                                                                     Questioned repeatedly
Fiercely                                                                                                                    Howled unhappily
Awkwardly                                                                                                                   Taunted nastily
rapidly                                                                                                                     Laughed out loud
                                                                                                                            Shrieked happily
                                                                                                                            Pointed out
                                                                                                                            Sighed thoughtfully
                              Verb variation                                                                                Asked excitedly
                                                                                              Sophisticated similes
                                                                                              Cunning as a fox
                              Stared                                                          Delicate as a flower
                              Wondered                                                        Dry as a bone
                              Strolled                                                        Hungry as a wolf
                              Suggested                                                       As tall as a giraffe
                              huffed                                                          As strong as an ox

                                                                                                                              Show stopping
                                                            Super starters                                                    structure
                                                            Rapidly, Surely,                                                  Opening
Action alliteration           Cool character                With a start...                  Slinky scene setting             developement
Slithering, hissing           creation                      From across the room…            The dark                         Complication
snake                         Appearance                    Terrified, he started…           forbidding                       Climax
                              Behaviour                     Holding his breath…              castle loomed in the             Resolution
  Cold, cruel castle                                        All of a sudden….
   Fragrant flower            Relations with                                                 Distance.
                              others                        At that very moment….            It was a gloomy, grey
                                                            Running rapidly he….             miserable morning
                                                            Without hesitation….
                                                                                                                                     © Adam Bull

Exciting writing4

  • 1. Amazing adjectives Power Huge, spooky, gruesome, shiny, Proper paragraphs Cracking connectives !! punctuation!! gigantic, Start a new paragraph when Meanwhile, Consequently, Use punctuation to Crafty Clauses terrifying, comfortable, Change of time make an important Furthermore, Nearby, Change of place He went to see the wizard, luxurious ,fragrant, however, although point or give impact who was his cousin. Tasty, delicious, handsome. New topic to an event!!!! Adventurous adverbs Noisily Confidently Bravely Elegantly Substituting Said Lazily Giggled loudly Whispered nervously Cautiously Swiftly Carefully Exciting Writing !!! muttered angrily Shouted at the top of his Thoughtfully voice Hastily Questioned repeatedly Fiercely Howled unhappily Awkwardly Taunted nastily rapidly Laughed out loud Shrieked happily Pointed out Sighed thoughtfully Verb variation Asked excitedly Sophisticated similes Gazed Cunning as a fox Stared Delicate as a flower Wondered Dry as a bone Strolled Hungry as a wolf Suggested As tall as a giraffe huffed As strong as an ox Show stopping Super starters structure Rapidly, Surely, Opening Action alliteration Cool character With a start... Slinky scene setting developement Slithering, hissing creation From across the room… The dark Complication snake Appearance Terrified, he started… forbidding Climax Behaviour Holding his breath… castle loomed in the Resolution Cold, cruel castle All of a sudden…. Fragrant flower Relations with Distance. others At that very moment…. It was a gloomy, grey Running rapidly he…. miserable morning Without hesitation…. © Adam Bull