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Zoo Writing Paper - Clip Art Library Zoo Writing Paper - Clip Art Library
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Analysis
The ovary is a critical organ of the female reproductive and endocrine system. When preforming in an
optimal manner, the ovary functions as a gonad, by producing mature gametes and by synthesizing
and excreting hormones within a set point. It is essential for sexual maturation and reproduction.
When it deviates away from this normal physiology, many serious heath problems can emerge. A
principal example of ovarian abnormal physiology is polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Polycystic
ovarian syndrome is one of the most prominent endocrinopathies in the world, affecting anywhere
between 5 10% of the female population (Dunaif, 1995). Although this disease affects so many
women, not much is known about the exact origin of it and all of the shortcomings ... Show more
content on ...
Normally, each ovary is formed by dense tissue encircled by fibrous connective tissue. Starting at age
of puberty, the ovaries become fixed with around 300,000 follicles, with each one containing an
immature ovum. Through cyclic changes, 1 or 2 of these follicles become mature, releasing an oocyte,
and thus resulting in fertilization or menstruation (Stanfield, 2012, p.646). However, with polycystic
ovarian syndrome these cyclic changes are effected. Polycystic ovarian syndrome is defined by many
symptoms, however, numerous cysts on the ovaries and chronic anovulation from hormone
imbalances, normally characterize it. Chronic anovulation is described as infrequent or nonexistent
ovulation. This symptom is directly correlated with infertility and is one of the largest identifying
factors of polycystic ovarian syndrome. It is a result of nonclassical congenital adrenal hyperplasia
(NC CAH), an autosomal disease. This disorder is caused by a CYP21 (21 hyroxylase) gene mutation
and thus, is lacked in the body. Due to its absence, 17 OHP (17 hydroxyprogesterone) amounts climb
and the anterior pituitary gland secrets excess amounts of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
(Leung, 2004). The adrenocorticotropic hormone controls the amount of steroid hormones, which in
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Intracartilaginous Bone Formation Case Study
1. The main difference between intramembranous and intracartilaginous bone formation are the
primary structure from which ossification initiates and the method of bone growth. Intramembranous
bone formation commences with the development of a membrane in the area of the bone to be formed.
The embryonic mesenchymal cells that make up the membrane develop osteogenic cells and then
osteoblasts to allow layers of bone tissue to form in the shape of the membrane. The flat bones
covering the brain and some facial bones maintain a constant thickness level to allow for brain growth.
As they enlarge, new bone tissue is built and removed to the internal and external surfaces and along
the margins. Intracartilaginous bone formation develops ... Show more content on ...
Bone growth in length is directed by the primary ossification center located in the diaphysis and the
secondary ossification center in the epiphysis of the bone. The juncture at which these two ossification
centers meet is called a growth plate. As the name suggests, this is the primary area of lengthening of
the bone. Cartilage cells are added to the growth plate in the Zone of Proliferation. These cartilage
cells enlarge and are compressed to form the longitudinal trabeculae matrix in the Zone of
Hypertrophy. The enlarged cells begin to degenerate, and the trabeculae calcify in the Zone of
Calcified Cartilage. Osteoblasts secrete uncalcified bone matrix over the calcified cartilage along with
blood vessels and connective tissues growing into the area from the primary ossification center.
Finally, in the Zone of Cartilage Removal and Bone Deposition, the calcified cartilage is reabsorbed
leaving behind the spongy bone. Where osteoblasts and osteoclasts actively remodel the spongy bone
tissue to allow for growth and to adapt to stress placed on the bone. The same procedure occurs in the
secondary ossification center located in the epiphysis of the bone. Therefore the bone is allowed to
grow in length from the center and at the
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Improving Your Emotional Intelligence Can Be Jump
Improving your emotional intelligence can be jump started by following some simple steps.
Psychiatrist Dr. Norman Rosenthal (2012) suggests several steps that can enhance your emotional
intelligence, many of the tips he suggests are found among the foundational skills toward successful
collaboration discussed in the text by Friend and Cook (2013). Both Rosenthal and Friend and Cook
place not interrupt or changing the subject high among skills that will help you to become a better
listener. Listening with your whole body and being aware of physical sensations of stress will allow
you to process your thoughts with the power of reason (Rosenthal, 2012). Additionally, all of the
authors suggest avoiding prejudgments and making faulty assumptions. By not making assumptions
and judgments before all of the information about a topic or conflict has been given prevents a
thorough thought process from taking place. Rosenthal follows up this step with two additional steps
that require the listener to seek to make connections with their own thoughts. He states that listening
to your feelings is like listening to all of the witnesses in a court case. Only by admitting all of the
evidence will you be able to reach the best verdict (2012). I think this advice makes an excellent tie
into Friend and Cook s suggested listening skills namely, establishing listening goals, and focusing on
the content and context of the spoken message (p. 67 68). When a conflict arises it is important to be
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The Cultures That Exist Inside Coffee Shops
I will be looking at the cultures that exist inside coffee shops. In particular, I will be contrasting the
culture that exists within chain coffee shops, such as Starbucks, with those present in smaller
independently owned shops. When getting coffee, I usually go to Starbucks because it is convenient.
However, I know a few individuals who would rather support small locally owned shops.
Additionally, whenever I have actually gone to an independently owned shop, I never actually stayed
in the shop while drinking. Therefore, I thought it would be an interesting experience to spend time in
both a chain shop and an independent shop.
When I envision the type of people who frequent independent shops, quirky is the word that comes to
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They may be more likely to be willing to sit in closer proximity to each other than patrons in
Starbucks. I anticipate that Starbucks patrons came to the shop with a plan, and are much less likely to
deviate from that plan than individuals in the local shop. Therefore, they may be less receptive to
unexpected social interaction. In both establishments, I will be paying close attention to the social
behaviors of the customers.
Cultural Background Research
Throughout history, coffee has played an important role in cultures all around the world. The café
society, which developed in England and France between 1680 and 1730, served as cultural exchange
by bringing together poets, musicians and artists (Lyons, 2005). To this day, writers and graphic
designers can be seen working in coffee shops across the county. Additionally, coffee shops have long
been considered a place for intellectual and political discussion ( Blank Vooren, 2007). Therefore, it
should not come as a surprise that during the specialty coffee boom of the 1970 s, company s like
Starbuck s began to expand into neighborhoods close to museums, colleges, and art galleries ( Lyons,
2005). In short, coffee shops have a long history of attracting intellectual and creative individuals.
Coffee shops fall into the category of third places . These are places that people go to escape the
stresses of home life and work (Blank
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Modernity Is A Normal Part Of Daily Life That Has Made Its...
Modernity is a normal part of daily life that has made its way into religion. Modernity,
disenchantment, and secularization, not only all intertwine and play a role in today s changing society,
but the first one acts as cause for the other two, through ideas such as the Secularization Thesis and
secularism arising as part of the disenchanted world. Before explaining how, it is important to first
discuss what modernity is. Michael Saler describes it as: a mixture of political, social, intellectual,
economic, technological, and psychological factors, several of which can be traced to earlier centuries
and other cultures, which merged synergistically in the West between the sixteenth and nineteenth
centuries. These factors include (but are not exhausted by) the emergence of the autonomous and
rational subject; the differentiation of cultural spheres; the rise of liberal and democratic states; the
turn to psychologism and self reflexivity; and the dominance of secularism, nationalism, capitalism,
industrialism, urbanism, consumerism, and scientism. Essentially as an idea, modernity encompasses
anything that has developed over the past few centuries and could be considered modern, getting away
from a traditional way of life and transitioning into a modern way of life. Peter Berger best explained
it with his traveler on a plane metaphor: The jet traveler goes by the airline schedules, moves quickly,
and has many choices. The villagers on the other hand, go by the seasons,
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Persuasive Speech On Fight Cancer
Cancers cells are present in all of us but lie dormant or we can say in sleeping............ only to be
awakened when our soil i.e our body s strength in terms of immunity goes down. Why we start getting
degenerated early or in better way One should ask oneself : What can I do to my body to reverse the
process of degeneration there by leading to healthy life there by shunning dis ease. So, what one can
do to live better, live longer ? Although the techniques are well known as they are rooted in our day to
day life but due to modernization we tend to neglect them. You need to catch up.........
1. Take charge of your LIFE:
Cancer is not killer in exact sense. It causes body to be at dis ease. As someone said Cancer is a word .
It is not sentence. So, ... Show more content on ...
You can t go on spitting on Mother Earth and expect her to be healthy and give her best to you.
Without providing nutrition to tree, you can t expect good yield. Avoid using pesticide, fungicides,
herbicides, excessive use of cosmetic, synthetic /cold drinks. Stop using disposable or plastics and
canned foods. Bisphenol A is one of the component of PVC or hardened Plastic used everywhere: in
inner lining of soda cans, plastic tubs of food, electric kettles, baby bottles, cups, microwavable bowls
and other plastic containers that have invaded our kitchen and cafeterias. Within the food industry, use
of PHOSPHATE additive has grown exponentially. Now a days, person eating processed food absorb
1000mg of phosphates as compared to 470 mg in 1990 s. Phosphate is now added to meat, certain
processed cheese, pastries, all sodas, fruit syrups, processed ice creams and readymade processed food
e.g frozen PIZZA, Frozen Fish sticks. Xenoestrogen are hormones present in Pesticides like DDT
which can change the sex of frogs in the river. Giving hormonal injections/ market based feeds to
cattle increases the chances of developing cancer as well make them less susceptible to
4. Cheat Cancer by Life style
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Most Powerful Weapon Ever Created By Austin Perkins
Austin Perkins Ever since man has come into existence we have killed with rocks, spears, clubs,
knifes, swords, arrows, cannons, guns and, unfortunately, bombs. In 2077 man unleashed the full force
of the most powerful weapon ever created, a hydrogen bomb nicknamed the Tsar Bomba, a hydrogen
bomb with 50 megatons of explosive power. 1 megaton is equal to a million tons of TNT; the Little
Boy that was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 was only a mere .02. The fallout of such a
weapon nearly destroyed the world we lived in, but didn t end it. In the beginning, thousands were
able to survive by relocating to underground shelters called vaults. When they finally came out, there
was nothing but the apocalyptic wastes for them to see. Buildings were demolished, the landscape was
scorched, the water was undrinkable, and the creatures were unholy. When Hell s gates opened there
was one vault, however, that kept its gates closed. Vault 101 kept its giant metal door closed and never
let anyone in or out. Inside were the inhabitants who were all looked over by an Overseer, who could
be a mayor in some vaults or a god in others. They control everything in the vaults from what foods
you eat to what you will do in the future. Everyone knows each other in a vault and everyone has a
role to play, whether that role is a doctor or a tattoo artist. The one thing they all have in common is
that they were born in the vault, lived in the vault, and eventually will die in the vault. That
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The 1970 s In The United States
The 1970 s in the U.S. was a period in which we saw a sever lack of confidence amongst our
government, and it s leaders. During this decade we were involved in a war, caught off guard by a
Presidential, and political scandals, and was trounced by a severe economic recession. These events
have left a lasting impression on citizens as the level of faith in our government continues to plummet.
In the writings below I will explain the conditions in our country at the time, and how these conditions
led people to a path of feeling embittered.
The unrest of the American people s view toward the government began with the Watergate scandal
surrounding then President Richard Nixon. Nixon had arranged for burglars (former government
employees) to infiltrate ... Show more content on ...
Congress started their own investigations into each agency, and their findings were atrocious. In one
case going back to the 50 s the CIA gave our own citizens doses of LSD, and in one case was enough
for individual to commit suicide (people pg.554.) The CIA was also linked to a plot to kill Fidel
Castro, and other leaders of Cuba. The FBI was linked to actions such as tampering with certain
political groups/activists, and may have had a role in the murder of Blank Panther leader Fred
Hampton (people pg.555) More notably the FBI was involved in COINTELPRO, which included
illegal actions such as fraud, and strong arming certain political groups into an agreement. All of these
actions turned a sense of trust in our government entities into a hatred, and angst as to what might
come to light next ( A Harvard University
Professor, and advisor to the white house Samuel Huntington produced the report entitle Governability
of Democracies. IN this report he cited the now lack of government respect, and authority compared
to years past. One figure he points out that in 1960 18% of the public viewed government spending to
high, and in 1969 that number rose to around 52%. A few lines he was quoted as saying referring to
the time People no longer felt the same obligation to obey those whom they had previously considered
superior to themselves in age, rank, status, expertise, character, or talents ( people 559). His words
optimized what became to be the feeling of the 1970 s, and even still today of our political leaders,
and government. No longer do people revere these figures as they did in the days of FDR, or Truman.
They are now questioning every decision our leaders
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Effect Of Substrate Concentration On Enzyme Activity
The Effect of Environmental Conditions on Enzyme Activity
Ikram Hassan
November 13, 2017.
Research Question: What is the effect of substrate concentration (as measured in % concentration) on
the rate of enzyme activity (as calculated by the dividing the measured distance in cm, +/ 0.1 cm,
travelled by a substance in a manometer by the time in seconds, +/ 0.5 seconds)?
A substrate is a molecule which is acted upon by an enzyme. For a chemical reaction to occur through
enzyme, substrate molecules bind to the active site of an enzyme, which contains residues that
catalyse the reaction of the substrate.
Hypothesis: If the concentration of the substrate is increased, then the rate of enzyme activity will
decrease. This is because as the concentration of the substrate increases, there is an increasing amount
of occupied active sites at any given moment. This will cause a decrease in the rate of enzyme activity
as substrate active site collisions are increasingly slowed down thus bringing down the rate of enzyme
Independent: Substrate Concentration: Throughout the experiment, the concentration of the substrate
used will be increased in order to determine the effect of an increase of substrate concentration on
enzyme activity. The substrate throughout the experiment will be a hydrogen peroxide solution and an
original 30% concentration will be diluted with water into 10% and 5% concentrations in order to
observe the effect of
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The Work Of Eden Sustainable Ltd Which Offers Free...
The work placement took place at Eden sustainable Ltd which offers free domestic biomass boilers
and other finance options for solar and commercial biomass. The placement was located In
Woolacombe, Devon and took place over two weeks during July and August 2016. A total of forty
hours were logged over this time period with two days off over the weekend. Plate 1 shows the small
office located in Woolacombe where the work placement took place and where Director Scott
Burrows mainly operates from. Plate 1. Eden Sustainable Office, Woolacombe Eden Sustainable both
fund and implement solar photovoltaic systems and biomass boilers on land owned by both their
domestic and commercial customers. This relationship allows the customer to benefit ... Show more
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These SPV s also serve to create joint ventures between other individuals who are responsible for
running them. Figure 1 shows the company structure and how each branch of the business is
connected. This layout also allows contractors to deal directly with the SPV responsible for the work
and allows the financial accounts to be more easily disseminated and controlled throughout the year.
Table 1 shows the members of company, which branch of the company they are associated with and
their position within it. Alex Goodall is the director of Eden Infrastructure which deals solely with
blue chip companies and is not involved in any other aspect of the company. Blue chip companies
represent a higher value investment to the company and can potentially increase profits drastically and
for this reason this SPV has its own director. Eden Biomass also has its own director because this field
is very specialised and Simon Boorer has expertise in biomass solutions so Eden Sustainable can
broaden its products. This joint venture allows clients to have the knowledge and experience in the
field and the capital and business acumen brought by Scott and Stephen. Amped Investments is run by
Eden Sustainable and is solely responsible for the financial aspects of the government backed Feed in
Tariff which is a government programme designed to promote the uptake of small scale renewable and
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Owen, S Poetry In Wilfred Owen s Anti-Vietnam War Poetry
World War One (1914 1918) was a war involving many countries, Wilfred Owen was one of the
soldiers fighting for the UK however he was completely unaware of the outcome the war would lead
too. Owen strongly disagreed with the harsh reality of the war leading to him writing anti war poetry.
Likewise the anti Vietnam war poetry was strongly anti war, resulting in the poetry being highly
critical of the war. Both wars were extremely criticized and lead to outrage by many as the majority
saw little to no point of either wars. From this poetry it has allowed the public to see the real harshness
behind the glamourized version advertised by the government. The poetry not only acts as a clear
insight into the war but it also gave the public something to really agree with causing them to be read
or listened to again and again. It is due to the great writing style of Wilfred Owen and his use of poetic
devices such as metaphors and personification that gives it an even deeper meaning.
Owens main concern behind his poetry was to reveal the horrors of war and reveal the harsh reality
that is always covered up by the Government. He successfully did this through every piece of poetry
he wrote revealing yet another piece of the hidden truth. Once things like Owens poetry arose
gradually more people thought the war was futile which is exactly what he expressed in his poem
futility. The poem begins in panic with the soldiers quickly trying to save a soldiers live, if anything
might rouse him
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City Symphony Orchestra
Case: City Symphony Orchestra
The City Symphony Orchestra is a branch of the Center for Performing Arts. It performs regular
concerts throughout the year and has been reasonably profitable in the past. However, in recent years,
concert attendance has been declining and the Orchestra is looking for ways to boost attendance.
The traditional customers of the Orchestra have been the older and more affluent segment of the
population that live in the suburbs. The recent boom in the high tech sector, however, has created an
affluent population that is younger and has different musical tastes. This younger affluent group
prefers to live in the city rather than commute from the suburbs. Older people concerned about crime
in the downtown ... Show more content on ...
Since this is a new direction with no prior sales history, the director of the
Orchestra, Sarah Bernhardt, is concerned about the certainty of ticket sales. She has asked the box
office manager to provide some sense of how sure he is that 141,000 tickets can be sold. She wanted
to know the range of ticket sales so she could assess the risk the
Orchestra faces. The box office manager has provided the following additional information. CITY
Table 1
City Symphony Proposed Season
Concert Type Average Ticket Price Number of Nights Tickets Sold Variable Cost/Night
Beethoven Brahms $35 30 30,000 25,000
Mozart 30 30 45,000 27,500
Contemporary Pop 20 30 66,000 30,000
Total 90 141,000
Total Fixed Costs $1,000,000
Table 2
City Symphony Range of Sales for Current Mix*
Ticket Sales Probability of sales
100,000 15.00%
120,000 30.00%
140000 40.00%
160,000 15.00%
Table 3
City Symphony Alternate Proposal
Concert Type Average Ticket Price Number of Nights Tickets Sold Variable Cost/Night
Beethoven Brahms $35 20 20,000 25,000
Mozart 30 30 45,000 27,500
Contemporary Pop 20 40 88,000 30,000
Total 90 153,000
*The probability distributions in Tables 2 and 4 represent a simplification. In a real situation, we
would compute the probability distribution of sales for each type of concert and the sum of the
expected sales for each concert would be the
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Tenant Evictions
The landlords have all the power and tenants have none. (Giwargis) The San Jose city council recently
voted to require just cause for tenant eviction, requiring landlords to provide a reason for not renewing
tenant leases. This is a profound change to the law. Previously, the city had a no cause eviction policy.
Now a reason must be provided, prior to eviction. Landlords and tenants stand on different sides of
this issue and the vote was close. The rights of tenants as well as those of landlords must be protected
and sometimes changes to the law are needed to ensure these rights are upheld. The recent changes to
the law were necessary to protect tenants rights and prevent harassment that would lead to eviction.
A landlord has legal responsibilities ... Show more content on ...
Advocates said such a law is needed to protect renters from being turned out by landlords just so they
can rent to someone willing to pay more (Giwargis). In his 92 years, Paul Mayer has survived World
War II. He s battled skin cancer and congestive heart failure. But it s the fight to keep his apartment of
44 years that he fears he ll lose (Giwargis). Residents like Mayer will no longer have to worry that
they will be evicted at a moment s notice, due to the change in legislature. There is no doubt that this
rule, like anything, has a few holes and flaws. However, it is necessary to ensure that the landlords do
not continue to take advantage of
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Islam, Religion Of Equality
Sheraz Shan Hussain
Professor Iris Belen
English 101
03 May 2017
ISLAM, RELIGION OF EQUALITY. Islam, a derivative of Arabic word Saleema signifying peace
and submission has, since ancient times, offered equality for all human being irrespective of race,
gender, ethnicity or color. A series of Prophets were send after Adam with a message of love and
equality for one another and believe in the unity of God. The last great messenger before Muhammad
was Jesus. Mentioned twenty five times in the Quran, Jesus is called the Messiah, the son of a virgin,
and one who brought great signs from God. His message, the Gospel, is confirmed and described as
consistent with the messages of all prophets. (Sonn, Tamara. Islam. Wiley. 2015). When the ... Show
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From the life of the Last Prophet, there are many incidents in his life, where people can learn many
things and can help humanity to help one another, to appreciate one another and to create a society
where everyone is treated equally.
From one of the famous inspiring incidents, a companion of the Last Prophet Muhammad, his name
was Abu Zar Ghaffari, he had a little altercation with a worker, whose mother was from Africa, who
was dark in color. In that altercation, the companion said one sentence as they were arguing, the
companion says O son of a black woman . The worker immediately went to the Last Prophet
Muhammad and complained on what the companion had said to him. After the Prophet met with Abu
Zar, he confronted him by asking about the altercation. The prophet did not repeat the same words
because it was a serious matter and the prophet did not want to even repeat those words. He told the
Prophet that everything you mention in the altercation is true. Then the Last Prophet Muhammad said:
O Abu Zar, you are a man, who still have the qualities in you from the period of ignorance, before
Islam, where people used derogatory terms to their fathers, mothers or one another. This is a major sin.
That s why, whether a Muslim or a non Muslim, we the people should never use these kind of words
to one another. Muslims
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Virtual Colonoscopy Research Paper
Virtual Colonoscopy
Virtual colonoscopy is a procedure that can be used to examine the large intestine (colon), the rectum,
and the small intestine. In this procedure, X rays and computers (CT scan or MRI) are used to produce
images of these body areas. The exam can help find problems such as tumors, polyps, or
Virtual colonoscopy provides a way to examine the colon without inserting the flexible instrument
(colonoscope) into the colon as is done in a regular colonoscopy. However, a virtual colonoscopy does
not show as much detail, so smaller polyps may not be seen during this procedure. Also, your health
care provider cannot take tissue samples or remove polyps during a virtual colonoscopy. If problems
are found during this ... Show more content on ...
Previous problems you or members of your family have had with the use of anesthetics.
Any blood disorders you have.
Previous surgeries you have had.
Medical conditions you have.
If you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant.
Generally, this is a safe procedure. However, problems can occur and include:
A tear in the lining of the colon from inflating the colon with air during the procedure. The risk of this
is small.
Exposure to radiation (small amount).
Ask your health care provider about changing or stopping your regular medicines. This is especially
important if you are taking diabetes medicines or blood thinners.
You may be prescribed an oral bowel prep. This involves drinking a large amount of medicated liquid,
starting the day before your procedure. The liquid will cause you to have multiple loose stools until
your stool is almost clear or light green. This cleans out your colon in preparation for the procedure.
Do not eat or drink anything else once you have started the bowel prep, unless your health care
provider tells you it is safe to do so.
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A History Of Punk Research Paper
As is the Case with its metaphorical brother, heavy metal, punk is a genre of music that is thoroughly
entwined with philosophies. From Johnnies Ramone to Rotten, Spanning across oceans and
throughout various different nations, many disgruntled youth and those tired with an unfair system
have flocked to the then burgeoning culture, allowing for it to grow exponentially into something far
greater. Thus, due to it establishing a firmly anti establishment view, creating an entirely new culture
for an entire generation, and changing the face of music, punk has become one of, if not the most,
prolific genres of music of all time.
Punk has its origins as a form of underground of rock here in the states, while the term punk arose as
an almost derogatory ... Show more content on ...
( Why A History Of Punk Rock Matters , 1) The ideologies and philosophies are, though quite similar,
are various. For instance, we have the aforementioned established anti establishment sentiment. (
Unpopular Culture , 1) Punk rock is also deeply rooted in nihilism and hedonism, both of which
pertain to the pursuit of self pleasure, though there is often a very communal sense to the culture. As
well, there was a very egalitarian basis for punk, the CBGB being an equal opportunity and very
liberal nightclub, allowing all comers to drink, and all bands to play, no matter who. ( Why A HIstory
Of Punk Rock Matters , 1)
Sadly, for a while in the punk history, punk was a tad homophobic and sexist, though this wasn t
extremely common, and is certainly being stopped by the community. But even the prejudice within
the culture could have helped fuel the creative abilities and frustrations of those prosecuted, giving
them new material to provide raw, angry punk rock, though discrimination is never good. The songs of
punk rock remain to never have a set subject matter, as the topics can range from sexual frustrations,
to race and gender issues, and even problems with our preordained status quo. ( Unpopular Culture ,
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The Fibonacci Numbers
The Fibonacci numbers also known as the Fibonacci sequence is a set of numbers where after the first
two numbers, every number is the sum of the two preceding numbers. It begins in most examples at
one however it has been shown to start with zero, the first ten numbers in the sequence are 1, 1, 2, 3,
5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89. This sequence is an important mathematical figure that is seen in many other
theorems in mathematics and also the surrounding natural world. This sequence first appears in Indian
mathematics and even in Indian poetry, this quote by Gopala an Indian poet from around 1135 states
that For example, for a meter of four lengths, variations of meters of two and three being mixed, five
happens this also works out with examples 8, 13, 21]... In this way, the process should be followed in
all mātrā vṛttas . To deconstruct this it is necessary to match the numbers of the sequence mentioned in
the quote with the numbers that exist in the sequence, Gopala mentions the sequence of two numbers
creating the next in the sequence, 2 3 to 5 and then 8 13 to 21, that the meters in Indian poetry add
together just as it is in the fibonacci sequence. When this idea travels outside of India it is first posed
in the book Liber Abaci written by Fibonacci, whose real name was Leonardo Bonacci. Leonardo was
born in Pisa around the year 1175, his father was a wealthy Italian merchant who bought along his son
on his journeys around the Mediterranean world, in these travels
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Plato s Apology And The Apology
In this paper I will discuss how Plato s Apology and Phaedo have difference ideas of what it means to
be a philosopher. I will explain how in the Apology, the philosopher is wise in how he/she understand
that they are wise because they know that they don t know, and in Phadeo the philosopher
knowledgable and are concern in gaining more knowledge.
In Plato s Apology we learn about Socrates life and who he really is. In platos Apology a philosopher
is a wise person because he understands that being wise is understanding that they know they don t
know. Is something difficult to understand but I will break it down as simple as I can. Socrates was a
citizen that knew that he did not know and also knew that everyone else also did not ... Show more
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Someone that would call themselves wise, Socrates would question him or her until they did not had
an answer to Socrates questions, and that would demonstrate that in reality those people where not
wise as they would call themselves, even though himself would not had an answer either. Although,
Socrates did not claimed to have knowledge of what he did not know and not claimed to have wisdom
when he believed he did not, Socrates understood that those who claimed to have knowledge did not
really know about what they claimed to know as well as wisdom and thats what made Socrates more
wise. Therefore, In the Apology Socrates was wise because he believed that he was not wise.
In the Apology the Oracle believed that there was no other person wiser that Socrates because
Socrates believed that he was not wise. It its crazy to believe that a person is wise because that person
believes he or she is not wise but if you put some thought into it it makes total sense. How can
someone in this earth call themselves wise when in reality they do not have every answer. Socrates in
the Apology would totally agree that it is wiser for someone to believe that being wise is to not call
themselves wise but to know that they don t know and that is because thats what Socrates did
throughout his life in the Apology until his sentenced.
In the other hand in Plato s Phaedo the philosopher
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Communism Vs Conservativism
Over the past couple of years, I have watched numerous political debates, from social issues to
economic policies. I have watched debates between the quick speaking Ben Shapiro, and the bullish
Cenk Uygur. Cenk always makes a statement, and when given counter evidence, his only reply is
Google it . Shapiro throws out three or even four pieces of evidence for every point he makes. When
Cenk gets upset, he lashes out at the crowd; Shapiro remains level headed and only attacks the
argument. Over spring break, I travelled up to Montgomery, AL, to page in the State House of
Representative. During my time as a page, I had the opportunity to meet ten to fifteen representatives,
across party lines. I was also able to meet the Speaker of the House, Mac McCutcheon. This
experience taught me a lot about the inner workings of the legislative system. Even though different
sides have their own opinions, in order to get anything done, compromises have to be reached. When
defining conservativism, or any other political mindset for that matter, it is important to first explain
the political spectrum. A common misconception is that the two extremes of the political spectrum are
Communism (Left) and Fascism (Right). ... Show more content on ...
Because the free market regulates itself, government regulations add an extra burden, which slows
down growth and innovation. Conservatives believe that taxes should be as low as possible, allowing
the private sector to operate more freely and the economy to grow. With the government out of the
way, ordinary people are able to drive the economy forward. It has been proven during the Reagan and
Trump administrations that tax cuts and less regulation makes the economy explode. Corporations
save money, which they then invest back into the economy, causing it to grow. Individuals also save
money, which they will spend on consumer goods or put in a bank. Either way, it will stimulate the
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High Education And Higher Education
Imagine a world with no college debt, a higher education equally available to all young people, and no
college price barriers. These were the main goals of President Truman in his 1974 commission on
Higher Education. Now, let us fast forward forty years and take a look at the higher education system,
which suffered an increase of one hundred and ten percent. Eighty five percent of college graduates
are forced to move back home with their parents due to college debt, forty two with debt currently live
paycheck to paycheck, and seventeen percent delay buying a new home, and having children due to
their student financial loans (Surprising Side Effects of College Costs ). Higher education institutions
increasing their costs have a greater impact on students than just being in debt; the increase I price
also results in a countless number of students considering a different alternative for their higher
education, future careers, and major life decisions.
When thinking about the American Dream in today s society, wealth, and a flourishing career, seems
to have a direct correlation with happiness. But is this American Dream worth an overwhelming
amount of debt? The Project on Student Debt conducted a survey, which showed that seventy one
percent of college students had a student loan debt averaging $29,400 per student. Because of this
alarming dollar amount, students tend to settle for two year community colleges to obtain a degree.
Although this seems like a good idea in
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Old Palm Golf Club
Welcome to Old Palm Golf Club, a premier golf community located in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.
Just minutes away from the Atlantic Ocean, Old Palm offers it s members privilege s to an amazing
Beach Club at the Palm Beach Marriott, Singer Island Beach Resort Spa. This spectacular community
covers approximately 650 acres and offers an array of amazing on site amenities including an
impressive fitness center, a resort style pool and spa with poolside service, meal delivery service, and
more. Old Palm Golf Club offers it s members one of the finest golf experiences, complete with a full
Caddie Program, a state of the art practice golf studio with 3 full length practice holes, driving ranges,
and a covered swing hitting bay for lessons. 0:44
And here, is your new ... Show more content on ...
French doors lead to your enticing pool and patio area creating a natural flow from indoor to outdoor
living space.
The well appointed media room or home office, boasts a custom built in wall unit and desk with file
When it s time to unwind, look no further than your luxurious master suite and truly spa like master
bathroom, complete with a reposeful soaking tub and an oversized, glass enclosed shower.
Plenty of additional bedrooms and bathrooms provide an abundance of comfortable accommodations
for family members and guests.
Finally, step outside and marvel at your backyard paradise. Here, you might prepare and serve a
delicious al fresco meal...or enjoy a morning coffee in the shade 3:43
Imagine taking a refreshing dip in your gorgeous oversized swimming pool...or relaxing in your
soothing spa, overlooking the signature water features. 3:57
We invite you to visit 11311 Caladium Lane, to see this extraordinary home personally. Call today for
a private
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Reflection On Spiritual Orientation
I reflect on my learning and practice in the past few weeks in the areas of class reading and teaching,
triads, meeting with directees in sessions and supervision. My class reading and teaching in the last
few weeks provide me with a concrete idea about spiritual direction. My understanding is that in the
spiritual direction relationship, the director is to listen to on an ongoing conversation between the
directee and God. The Holy Spirit has already been at work in the directee s life before the direction
session and will continue to be at work after the session is over. Typical spiritual direction questions
are Where is God in this? or Where has God gone and why don t I sense any divine presence at all? It
is important that spiritual direction arises out of inviting and listening to God. One thing I learn and
need to remind myself constantly is that I should not have the attitude or expectation to resolve the
issue in the session. The focus on the session should be about what goes on between the directee and
the Holy Spirit. The learning of the triads helps me to put my learning into practice and build my
confidence in carrying out session. Those questions raised in the triad on reflecting the experience of
spiritual direction helps me to be aware of my deepest feeling, noticing God s presence or a sense of
holiness. The group learning provides a supportive and encouraging experience. The learning of the
triads allows me to appreciate the role of a
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Homosexuality in Victorian and Elizabethan Literature.
Alexander Lucero
AP English 12
Homosexuality Portrayed in Literature: Threat To Yourself and Those Around You
The Victorian era and Elizabethan era had many homophobic attributes, just as today s society does.
Gothic writers of the Victorian Age played off of the fear and immorality of homosexuality and used
those feelings as a basis for their novels. Bram Stoker told a story about a vampire that challenged the
Victorian gender roles and managed to reverse them, making men faint like women, and making
women powerful like men, and called it Dracula. Mary Shelley created a a physical being out of a man
s suppressed homosexuality due to his Victorian male upbringing; a man named Frankenstein. Robert
Stevenson described what ... Show more content on ...
People believe that by allowing homosexuals to marry that it will threaten the sanctity of marriage .
Homosexual men are infamous for being promiscuous, at least that is the label that has been placed on
most if not all homosexual men, and for this reason sexually transmitted diseases have become
something expected of them. This must have been a belief in the Victorian era, since syphilis was the
disease that was feared and said to have come from sodomy. In this era, violence from society also
attacked homosexuality. Homosexuals were hung, or lynched. (Sadownick par. 5)
This history of homophobia shows that it grows in society from a person s upbringing. Things occur in
a person s life that cause them to act in certain ways and believe specific things. The public hatred of
gay men taught the generations that being gay was wrong, and that people that were gay needed to be
punished. Homophobia was strong in the days of the Gothic writers, and though it has weakened, it
still affects people in today s society. It even dates back to the Renaissance days, and is presented by
Dante Aligheri is his Inferno. And for this reason doth the smallest round/ Seal with its signet
Sodom[...] . Sodom is a city known for crude sexual acts, which is where sodomy gets its name from.
Since the Inferno is a world created by Dante, he believes that sodomy is a sin that is worse than
suicide, and decides to put it just before the entrance
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An Modern Methodology For Water Treatment Plant Affecting...
relationship is described by a collection of fuzzy control rules ( IF THEN RULES) involving linguistic
variable [13].
In this paper we introduce an modern methodology for water treatment plant affecting factors analysis.
The proposed expert system manages and explores the knowledge in this specific application by
reasoning on a database of facts by means of suitable inference rules. The proposed comprehensive,
homogenous framework uses a set of Fuzzy Inference Systems to interpret, standardize and fuse
heterogeneous data in order to estimate normalized factors. The FIS for affecting factor analysis is
divided into four main components: the fuzzification, knowledge base,
Inference engine, and the Defuzzification.
Fuzzy logic controller has four components:
1) Fuzzification: It transforms input into suitable linguistic value so that can be compared to the rule in
rule base.
2) Knowledge Base: It contains the knowledge in form of a set of rules to control the artificial system.
It is the collection of rules. The basic function of rule base is to provide the required information to
fuzzification module, the rule base and the defuzzification module. If part is called antecedent and
then part is called consequent.
3) Inference Engine: If control rules are relevant then it decides the input to the plant. The Inference
system provides the mechanism for invoking or referring to the rule base such that the proper rules are
fired on the situation.
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Comparing Symbols and Symbolism in Blue Hotel, Black Cat,...
Color Symbolism in Blue Hotel, Black Cat, Night, Alfred Prufrock, Red Wheelbarrow
Symbolism of colors is evident in much of literature. The Blue Hotel by Stephen Crane, The Black
Cat of Edgar Allan Poe, Night by William Blake, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T. S. Eliot,
and The Red Wheelbarrow by William Carlos Williams encompass examples of color symbolism from
both the prose and the poetry of literature. When drawing from various modes of psychology,
interpretations of various colors, with emphasis to dream psychology, an analysis of the colors
themselves and then their applications to literature can be readily addressed.
Colour is one of the areas in daily life in which symbolism is most readily ... Show more content on ...
Blood is the energy coursing through the body and is related to blushing. Red also represents violent
emotional arousal. Red is the color of war, the Roman god Mars, and of the greatest of the Roman
gods, Jupiter. Red is the color of masculinity and activity. To the Chinese, red represents good fortune.
To the Christian, it denotes Christ s passion. (Fontana 66) Investigating more specifically dream
psychology, red may symbolize sexuality, passion, anger, revolution or danger. Red being the color of
blood, it is the symbol of life, which consequently is why Hindu and Chinese brides wear red. But,
blood may also represent injury or death. (Ackroyd 253)
Blue is the color of intellect, peace and contemplation. It represents water and serenity, and
symbolizes the sky and infinity. To the Christian, blue is the color of the Virgin as Queen of Heaven,
and denotes faith, compassion and the water used in baptism. The ancient Greeks and Romans
attributed the color blue to Venus, the goddess of love. (Fontana 66) In reference to dreams, blue
represents the collective unconscious. Alternatively, blue may represent the power of the conscious
mind, while dark blue is associated with depression. (Ackroyd 94)
Combining the power and authority of red with the sanctity and wisdom of blue, violet s focus is
amidst the most mystic of the colors. As a focus for meditation it can raise consciousness to higher
levels. Violet also denotes
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Mission Of The Mission Santa Clara
The Mission Santa Clara is a historical California site that is laid in the center of the Santa Clara
University. In 1777, it established and founded by the Franciscan Order. The mission s purpose was to
be the sister mission to Mission Dolores that is in San Francisco. Due to Mexico withdrawing from the
Spanish Empire, the King of Spain and his Viceroy, the ones sponsoring the missions, were no longer
in power. The Mexican government didn t have enough resources and was not interested to maintain
and upkeep the distant missions, removing the Spanish Franciscans. With little funds, the mission
perished slowly until the ownership of the mission was passed over to the Society of Jesus, also called
the Jesuits, in 1851. They made Santa Clara college and today, Mission Santa Clara is used as a
student chapel and opened to the public. Mission Santa Clara is set in the middle of Santa Clara
University (which can be seen in the Santa Clara University s campus map), located in the Bay area.
When it was founded, the city of Santa Clara was seen as a good place to set the mission due to it
having fertile land, mild climate that makes for comfortable living, and abundance of game in the area.
In front of the mission, there stands the Mission Cross. At the base of the cross, a piece of the original
cross, from 1777, is placed inside as a memorable. Standing in front of the mission s door, the three
bronze statues of St. John the Baptist, St. Claire, and St. Francis
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Ticket Prices
The article Ticket Price Determination in Professional Sports: An Empirical Analysis of the NBA,
NFL, NHL, and Major League Baseball. was researched and created by two economists named,
Patrick Rishe and Michael Mondello. The basis of this article was to analyze why the prices of tickets
tend to vary from city to city within each league and also to provide the reader with information
regarding whether ticket price increases are tied to changes in team payroll. Rishe and Mondello
created and empirical model to get a more precise measurement than that of regressions done in the
past. With this analysis Rishe and Mondello wanted to understand the impacts of salary caps on ticket
price within a league so they involved two leagues without a salary ... Show more content on ...
Going forward, one of the most notable findings in this regression is the significance of team payroll
and ticket prices for the NHL. One might expect these two variables to be correlated since there is no
salary cap, but in fact in the early stages of the test period Rishe and Mondello discovered that the
NBA, despite having a salary cap, has a larger payroll dispersion than the NHL. NHL s payroll
dispersion is relatively stable, which could be the reason why this variable is statically insignificant.
Recent success has had more of an impact on the NBA and the NFL compared to the NHL and MLB.
This might be due to the strong correlation between winning and payrolls in cap free sports. To
conclude the average ticket prices has had a strong upward trend in football and baseball, on the other
hand the NHL and NBA seem stagnate possibly due to consumer preference in the last six years. The
second equation in this trial explains the factors that cause seasonal price changes within each league.
Once again playing in a new facility for a season opener suggests the size of seasonal price tickets will
increase for an individual team in any league. The second factor in this equation is the team s post
season success, the result showed that for a team in any league that made it to the playoffs
significantly raised ticket prices. Additionally, the ticket prices rose for only the NHL and NFL if a
team reached the championship. Over the period of time examined NBA and NHL teams displayed a
smaller ticket price increase seasonally, due to the stagnate demand to watch those two
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Essay about Quantitative Research Article Review
A Quantitative Research Article Review
Shannon Davis
Role Development
Dr. DeCuir
September 28, 2012
A Quantitative Research Article Review
I chose to critique the peer reviewed publication A Quantitative Correlational Study on the Impact of
Patient Satisfaction on a Rural Hospital. There are various reasons why I chose this article. I am an
agency nurse and work at various different emergency departments around Middle Tennessee. Most of
them are concerned about patient satisfaction scores and are frequently called into meetings regarding
these scores. Staff at most of these hospitals can be called to the carpet as you may say if we have
unsatisfactory reports from patients. This can be very frustrating because not all ... Show more content
on ...
The method of the study was an ex post facto correlational study and somewhat vague. The hypothesis
was clearly stated in this article and two were used. The two used were, No correlation exists between
the hospitals allied health care department s revenue and various measures of allied health care
customer satisfaction from April 2008 to April 2010 and A correlation exists between the hospital s
allied health care department s revenue and various measures of allied health care customer
satisfaction from April 2008 to April 2010 (Ellis Jacobs, 2011, p. 2). The article also discussed the
research question for the study which is, what is the relationship, if any, between allied health care
practitioners customer service skills and a hospital s gross revenue (Ellis Jacobs, 2011, p. 2).
The sample involved 25 months of historical satisfaction survey mean scores and revenue statements
from a rural hospital in northeastern Oklahoma (Ellis Jacobs, 2011, p. 2). The current study involved
identifying a relationship between two variables: the customer service skills of allied health care
practitioners and a hospital s financial success. The current study included data in the form of
statistical figures and table. Revenue reports and patient satisfaction surveys for the same period were
also analyzed (Ellis Jacobs, 2011, p. 2). The target population was vaguely identified along with aims
and the
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Musical Aesthetics And Social Norms Appreciation Of...
My answer to the first question as to whether I believe that a present day audience would understand
or appreciate a popular song or melody that was created in a future time, I would have to say maybe
because it would all depend on the song. Would the songs melodies/rhyme be popular, if the song
included lyrics, would those lyrics refer to events that haven t occurred yet therefore not be understood
by the audience? There would also definitely be a difference in what would be considered a social
norm so that could definitely influence the listeners appreciation of the song.
In regard to the second question as to how much musical aesthetics and social norms influence music,
I believe that the social norms of our society have a huge impact
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Ap Biology Chapter 2 Study Guide
Chapter 2 Essential Questions
Describe the properties of water and why water has these properties. Water has unique properties
because of its bonds with hydrogen. In a water molecule, there is an oxygen atom bonded with two
hydrogen atoms. The oxygen side has more electrons than the hydrogen side, giving the molecule a
slightly positive side and a slightly negative side, making a water molecule polar. The polarity of a
water molecule gives it properties like cohesion, adhesion, and being a universal solvent. Cohesion is
when molecules are attracted to the same molecule, so this gives water surface tension, which is when
water molecules are attracted to other water molecules. Adhesion is the reason water has capillary
action; the water molecules ... Show more content on ...
Carbohydrates are sugars and starches and are made of monomers called saccharides, which are
connected together to make a polymer called polysaccharides. Carbohydrates give energy to living
things, and a special type of carbohydrate called cellulose makes a plant s cell walls. Proteins are
made of monomers called amino acids. Proteins make up the muscles and structural tissue in a body,
and they make enzymes which control chemical reactions. Proteins form peptide bonds between
amino acids, which make up a polypeptide. Lipids are fats and oils and have no true monomers, but
they are made of glycerol and fatty acids. Lipids can be saturated, which means that every carbon has
a single bond and has the maximum number of hydrogens possible, and they can be unsaturated,
which means the carbons can have double bonds and not the maximum number of hydrogen. Lipids
store energy, act as insulation to organisms, and protect organs from injury. Nucleic acids are made of
monomers called nucleotides, and they make up the DNA and RNA of an organism. They have the
information needed to produce proteins needed for a person s body. All organic molecules have
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Augustus Analysis
Nevertheless, Tacitus also wrote after the time of Augustus at the end of the first century AD, however
unlike other sources he conveys a very bias perspective on Augustus and his rule. This may be due to
the change that Augustus made to the government, especially when the empire was left to be run by
power hungry successors after Augustus s death. This in hand would of left Tacitus blaming Augustus
as he was the first roman emperor, leaving Tacitus to experience tyranny, corruption and decadence
which may explain his bitter and ironic political analysis. This is also seen as his writings are filled
with snide remarks (innuendo) of Augustus and essentially how he created corruption, governmental
scandal and innocent people being destroyed because of his lust for power. Overall, these three
sources are equally biased because they were all issued after Augustus s reign yet still show a
depiction of Augustus which is an opposing view to that found in other sources, as all three of the
primary sources believed that an emperor ... Show more content on ...
These same personal qualities attained by Augustus were also mentioned during a lecture provided by
Dr Tom Stevenson, who obtains specialised in Classic history, as he briefly mentioned that virtuous
roman emperors such as Augustus had ...courage, manliness, clemency, mercy, justice and reverence
for the gods , which in hand demonstrates what the individuals of that period considered to be assets
of a good leader. It is with this awareness that Augustus wrote The Deeds establishing all the righteous
doings he had achieved. This is for the most part evident as Augustus states that he ...used his own
initiative and expense to raise an army with which set free the
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How Do Vitamins Affect The Brain
hment has countless effects on the arrangement and functions of the brain. Vitamins and minerals are
vital nutrients, also known as brain foods that help the brain function. It is recommended that vitamins
and minerals are consumed daily because of the heavy duty impact they have on the brain and its
performance. For a while it was not fully recognized that food influences the functions and
arrangement of the brain. It is essential that the brain collect nutrients to uphold its structure, function
agreeably, and avoid premature aging. The brain get its enhancement from ingredients present in
minerals, vitamins, necessary amino acids and necessary fatty acids, including omega 3
polyunsaturated fatty acid. Every cell in the brain has a particular way of functioning and in order for
each cell to play its role each ... Show more content on ...
Healthy nutrition essentially is eating healthy and balanced from all the basic food groups; which
consists of the dairy group, poultry group, fruit group, vegetable group and a little from the fats, oils,
and sweets groups. However, food may not always be a suitable way to collect all of one s essential
vitamins daily. That s where supplements can be extremely valuable in assuring that people receive all
of their nutrients. I learned a lot about the many effects vitamins have on the brain. For instance,
vitamins play a very important role in babies brain growth and development and also prevent sickness
and illnesses of the brain among elderly. However, even the wealthiest of people do not receive these
nutrients as much as they should. I think this is a virtuous topic connected to Nutrition. Many people
are aware that eating right is a key to a healthy life. Yet, the effects vitamins have on the brain are not
usually discussed. Helping others gain an insight on what they could be missing in their everyday diet
could be very beneficial and can even save a
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Ronald Reagan Influence
Ronald Reagan, the 40th president of the United States, is arguably said by many Americans to be the
best president in U.S. history. Ronald Reagan is the biggest influence on the U.S. since 1900 because
of Reaganomics, he ended the Cold War, and he provided arms and other support to anti communist
groups . Not only did Reagan win forty nine out of the fifty states in his bid for reelection in 1984, but,
he also earned five hundred and twenty five electoral votes. This counted as the most Electoral Votes
of any candidate in the history of the United States. The Election of 1984 proved to be a testament of
how powerful this man really was. Ronald Reagan was born in Tampico, IL, on the date of February 6,
1911 ( Editors). The Reagans ... Show more content on ...
since 1900 is because he ended the Cold War. Reagan s first term in office was marked by an
escalation of the Cold War with the Soviet Union and a massive buildup of U.S. weapons and troops
( Staff). Reagan announced the Strategic Defense Initiative in 1983. This was a plan to
develop weapons based in space to protect America from attacks by Soviet nuclear missiles
( Editors). President Reagan backed away from the idea of détente and made clear his
distrust of the Soviet Union (Lou Cannon). Reagan also created a relationship with Mikhail
Gorbachev, a chairman of the Soviet Union who later became the leader of the Soviet Union in 1985
( Editors). The Americans and Soviets signed an agreement to get rid of intermediate
range nuclear missiles in 1987 ( Staff). Reagan spoke at Germany s Berlin Wall that same
year and challenged Gorbachev to tear it down. A little more than two years later, Gorbachev allowed
the people of Berlin to tear down the wall, ending Soviet ruling of East Germany (
Editors). Ronald Reagan ended the Cold War and this shows how strong this man
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Importance Of Sexuality In Peter Pan
Sexuality is the quality or state of being sexual. Throughout history, sexuality has been known as a
taboo and something that wasn t talked about openly. In the modern society sexuality has become
widely accepted and a child s action to learn about sexuality is just another step of discovering who
they are. Children start puberty around the ages of eight to thirteen, around this time in a child s life
they start to feel things for members of the opposite sex that they have never felt before. Sexuality has
always been looked at as a grown up idea and one never really considers the effect that sexuality has
forcing one to grow up. Due to sexuality s grown up aspect, when thinking about Peter Pan written by
J.M Barrie, sexuality is a looked over characteristic of the well know fairy tale.
Firstly, the reader is introduced to how sexuality helps to tell the fairy tale Peter Pan, by bringing out
the jealousy of the mermaids in Never Land. When Wendy first arrives in Never Land she is so
amazed by the different types of creatures there. Wendy finds herself at the Mermaid Lagoon with
Peter. The Mermaids get so excited to see Peter quickly showing the reader their interest in him when
one mermaid says, Why were you gone so long? Didn t you miss me? (Peter Pan. J.M Barrie.8). When
the Mermaids realize that Peter is not alone they quickly start asking Peter who Wendy is and why he
brought her there. In this chapter the reader is introduced to one of the many examples of the Electra
complex developed by Freud Oedepus. Freud states that there is a little part of every girl that wishes
harm on other girls that show interest in the boy the girl in attracted to. This
Farias 2 is shown during this chapter as the mermaid attempt to drag Wendy into the Lagoon by her
dress. Wendy threatens to get back to at the mermaids by picking up a sea shell and saying, if you dare
take one more step near me.. , ( Barrie.8). Before Wendy gets a chance to defend herself Peter quickly
intervenes telling Wendy that the mermaids were just joking around. Proven by one of the mermaids
saying, Yeah we were just trying to drown her , (Barrie.8 ). Barrie introduces sexuality in may
different ways throughout Peter Pan, using the Electra
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Merchant Of Venice Character Analysis
Portia in The Merchant Of Venice, has been considered as one of the most perfectly developed female
protagonist. The heiress of Belmont represents the nexus of the play, as the quest for her hand creates
a motive for Bassanio to borrow money which initiated the bond plot and the ring plot. Furthermore
she manipulates the trial and resolves the bond episode and the ring episode. Portia is introduced in
the play as being a wealthy heiress whom many suitors try to court. Her significance and characteristic
in the play can be seen in her genuine love, her graciousness and her witty yet playful traits. She
further represents the comparison between Belmont and Venice, herself and shylock and most
importantly, love and self interest, one of the key themes in the play. Critics liked to compare Portia
with Shylock and the comparison brings out the salient traits of her character. One of them stated that
while Portia stand for everything bright, generous, and noble while Shylock represents wickedness
and evil .
The language used in the play suggests that money is a source of power and desire. The penniless
Bassanio feels inferior to Portia who is intelligent, noble and refined. Portia s speech, unlike a woman
in the Elizabethan era, seems to be heavily loaded with financial expressions. Her language reveals
how comfortable she is in the masculine, world and her unwillingness to leave it. Her speech also
demonstrates her intelligence and eloquence and seems to mock the existing social norms. Indeed
Portia has shown to be far from obedient to patriarchy. Portia s father had left a clause in his will that
the suitor will pick the correct casket to in order to marry her. Although she couldn t break the clause,
her intelligence serves her well in her pursuits of Bassanio as she manipulates the test for her own
purpose. It reveals the casket choosing event itself was a gimmick and rather Portia was controlling
the entire situation according to her will and treating her suitors as mere puppets. On the other hand,
while men around the world are vying for her attention, she is apparently considers herself as superior
and better position to judge men s masculinity. However her intolerance and hypocrisy is suggestive
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A Journal Of The Plague Year
A Journal of the Plague Year , is a novel written in first person, told by the protagonist H.F. It was
written by Daniel Defoe and speaks of the plague that occurred in London. This book was published
about 57 years after the plague occurred. This novel is a story of his experiences during that plague
that occurred in London in the year 1665. It is a fictional book but there is a lot of data, statistics, and
even government documents throughout the pages.
H.F. speaks on how the plague must have come to them from Holland. As the plague worsens H.F.
wonders if he should leave the city or not after the number of deaths starts to rise. The main reason he
does not want to leave is because he is a saddler and feels like he needs to stay and keep up his shop.
He knew that if he left he would lose his business and all he had worked for.
Throughout his story we gain and understanding of his observations and how he was seeing this
horrible plague affect his home. He notices that the rich are leaving the city while the poor have no
choice but to stay and try and fight for their lives. Once H.F. does decide to flee the city we learn that
things are not going to go as smoothly as he had hoped. H.F. had hoped to find a horse to help flee the
country with but there were not many left. He then decides to take a servant he trusted along with him
and they leave. His sisters; house in Lincolnshire is where he plans to go to. He decides that they can
camp out in the fields until they
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Two Sides Now Autonomy
In the House episode, Both Sides Now, the normative principle of autonomy is explored and seriously
called into question between House and Cuddy. When understanding the normative principle of
autonomy is to acknowledging a person s freedom over his or her actions or physical body. House
goes to great lengths to hurt Cuddy personally, and as an employee. In this episode Dr. House feels
that Cuddy is lying to him about either last night or that day about something. House does everything
possible to make Cuddy mad. But instead of breaking Cuddy s autonomy to find out the lie it is House
that is the one that ends up losing his autonomy.
In the episode of Both Sides Now House feel that Cuddy had lied to him either the night before or ...
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Cuddy continues crying in her office, and House walks in to ask her if she had more than one lipstick
and if maybe she s over reacting. Finally, she realizes that they could never have a personal
relationship, and House is confused since he had told her he needed her. But, everything House said to
her that day, and the night before calling her baby a bastard. She knew that she had enough from
House. By Cuddy getting her autonomy back she was able to protect herself from House hurting her
or her child. Suddenly House replays the night before with the things that were said between them and
her leaving, the other was her staying to help. As for the lipstick House pulls it out of his pocket, and
notices that it was the bottle of Vicodin. Next, House replays back the night with her and alone, he
realizes that they had not slept together. House remembers that the lipstick was actually him twirling
the bottle of Vicodin and popping the pills. With everything that had happened House realized that he
was not okay and that he lost his autonomy. Cuddy knew that she could not be the one to help him,
and took House to Wilson to get
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Allusions In The Sandman
Often nowadays characters of well known stories are at times more well known than the stories they
inhabit thanks to pop culture where people recognize faces, but not their origins. The Sandman, a
comic published by DC Comics, has taken various comic and Biblical references and incorporated
them into its own universe. These allusions to other works helps the reader easily identify characters
and their roles in the story, especially if they have a wide enough literature background. Some simply
reveal something about the universe they inhabit. Understanding this makes the book much more
satisfying to read and appreciate the thought put into the book. In The Sandman the main character,
The King of Dream, becomes trapped for 70 years and loses ... Show more content on
Cain and Abel are an allusion to the story of the first murder in the Bible, and Lucifer is the Lord of
Hell (or in the story a triumvirate with Beelzebub and Azazel). Cain and Abel s first appearance
involves the two arguing about a present and finding Dream at the doorstep (Gaiman, Imperfect Hosts
). Lucifer is introduced when Dream ventures into hell to retrieve his mask from a demon that traded it
(Gaiman, A Hope in Hell ). Throughout their interactions, the reader can learn a lot about the universe
that they inhabit. Abel lights a room with fire on his fingertips and there are floating islands (Gaiman,
Imperfect Hosts ). Hell is a physical place, so one can conclude that magic is real, and there are
multiple realms or worlds that the supernatural beings inhabit (Gaiman, A Hope in Hell ). Any reader
that had read any book that relates to magic such as The Dresden Files, a book series about a wizard
detective, can understand the concept that magic and Hell has laws or rules to follow, which
Choronzon even mentions when Dream challenges him for his helmet (Gaiman, A Hope in Hell ).
Having a background in Biblical or fantasy readings reinforces these facts and helps the reader better
understand the actions of the characters in the
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Junot Diaz s Truly Does Tell The Brief Story Of The...
Junot Diaz s novel truly does tell the brief story of the wondrous life of Oscar de Léon, our Dominican
American protagonist, better known as Oscar Wao. Weighing in at 245 pounds, our hopeless romantic
loves comic books, writes science fiction in all of his spare time, and, as described by our
homodiegetic narrator Yunior, is a loser with a capital L (Diaz 17). While the title might allude that
this is a story solely about Oscar, Diaz also delves deep into the lives of those closest to him. This
narrative tells the epic journey of Oscar, as well as his family members, and how their experiences in
the United States and Dominican Republic come together full circle at the end of The Brief Wondrous
Life of Oscar Wao, with the help of some postmodern techniques. As an immigrant himself, Diaz is
able to use his journey to bring attention to the cultural stereotypes of his characters, but unlike many
bildungsroman writings, our character s coming of age story does not provide him with enough
spiritual learnings to give him the quintessential happy ending. The overall growth of Oscar only
reveals the flaws in his culture, a fatal flaw in his case. Because Oscar does not comply with the
Dominican standards, he faces heavy repercussions in his life. As a story told in a fragmented, non
linear form, Yunior is able to recall anecdotes from different time periods, whether of Oscar, his
mother Beli, or his sister Lola. Diaz gives his narrator the ability to tell a historical account of
... Get more on ...
Why Is Tupac Controversial
The Controversial Life of Tupac Shakur
Despite his reputation as a criminal and a thug, Tupac Shakur effectively spread his message of the
unfairness in society through his storytelling, music, and public stance to increase awareness of
discrimination against African Americans.
Tupac Amaru Shakur came into the world on June 16, 1971 in Brooklyn, New York. While poverty
stricken,Tupac faced many obstacles as a child and an adolescent. All his life, Shakur used issues in
his family as an underlying conflict and expressed these issues while growing up. Tupac was very
interested in acting, so he enrolled in the Baltimore School of the Arts. Those close to him say, Tupac
showed a flair for performing. During Shakur s free time, he survived as ... Show more content on ...
Shakur also had been sentenced to eighteen months to four and a half years for sexual abuse charges.
After running into trouble with the law and doing time, Tupac stated that his time in jail left a lasting
impression. One associate with Newsweek said, He seemed to understand how sacred life was. With
this so called epiphany occurring in Tupac s life, some might think this could be a turning point.
Others disagreed saying, He said he wanted to get away from the violence and live a calmer life. But
those were only words. The people who disagreed had a strong point. As powerful and moving as
some of the things Tupac said were, they would need to be proved by his actions. The violence dialed
down a bit, but Tupac returned back to his old ways. He got bailed out of prison for $1 million by the
owner of Death Row Records, Marion Suge Knight. Shakur joined Death Row Records and got along
with Knight. Marion Knight even helped Tupac buy his mother a house. This shows Knight wanted
Tupac making music for his company. He even played another role in the movie B ullet. Then, Tupac
released the CD M e Against the World, w hich took his popularity to another level. It sold 500,000
copies upon its release. Dear Mama , a tribute to his mother on the CD, went made its way onto the
Top Ten. Tupac regained his place back on top after being released from prison, but did he ever leave
... Get more on ...
Judaism is the 2nd largest and oldest religion that is...
Judaism is the 2nd largest and oldest religion that is still being practiced around the world today. It
started off with a small nation of Hebrew people who suffered through many hardships and passed
down their knowledge to the generations after them. Today about 14 million people classify that they
are Jews, and about 3.5 million other belief system were influenced by Judaism. They are
monotheistic believing in one God that is the God of Abraham. To keep their beliefs and traditions in
each person each person life they practice numerous traditional rituals and holidays. They celebrate
many days throughout the year as well as special event. Some major holiday celebrated and taken
seriously in the Jewish belief is the Passover, Rosh ... Show more content on ...
In between the youngest member of the family asks a serious of question that is than answer through
the reciting of the Haggadah. Every year at the end of December we celebrate New Year s Day in the
American culture, but in Judaism they have a day called Rosh Hashanah. This is the New Year for the
Jews. It is a solemn and holy time of the year. Starting on the first and second day of September or
October. This day is also known as the Day of Remembrance and the Day of Judgment. These days
are a reminder of how God created the world and responsibility that God has appointed them. Another
reason is that they believe during this time is when God judges their fate for the next year. So they use
these days to overlook their life and repair their relationship with God. An important part of this day is
to sound the Shofar, which is horn that is blasted in the book of Leviticus and Numbers. A total of 100
blows through the horn from the synagogue would be sounded each day. Any kind of work is not
allowed on this day, but they are to spend it in the synagogue.
During Rosh Hashanah they do not have a big feast like during the Passover celebration, but they
would eat apples and bread dipped in honey. This symbolizes a sweet new year. After eating this they
would say a blessing followed by a prayer. Challah is a bread that is braided together this symbolizes
occurring years. They would eat it so that family s
... Get more on ...
Corvus Scavenger
Ravens (Corvus corax) are known to be scavengers and there have been observations that they may
have developed a foraging strategy that involves grey wolves (Canis lupis). Henrich et al. (2002)
discussed the benefits that the common raven gain by utilizing kleptoparasitism as a foraging strategy
in order to reduce risk and search time, as well as obtaining mammalian prey that they would likely
never be able to hunt without wolves. A kleptoparasitic relationship means that ravens steal the prey
that the wolves have caught. Hayes et al. (2005) discussed how skillful ravens have become at
scavengers and they are highly dependent on wolf predation particularly during the winter. They also
examined how ravens affected the predation rates of wolves ... Show more content on
They first had a controlled experiment with only food and observed their behavior for a week and a
half. After that, they introduced a small board in the same area and observed the ravens behavior. At
first, the ravens did not go near the board and it took about a month and a half to grow accustomed to
the board. Once the ravens showed comfort to be near by the board, they began to add food of small
and large sizes around the board and recorded the ravens behavior for two weeks. From there, they
placed the food on the board and recorded the ravens behavior for another two weeks. There was a
significant difference with the choices when the board was introduced. The board has changed their
behavior to primarily choose the smaller pieces and the ravens that did choose the larger pieces had
other ravens stealing their food instead of going to the board to get
... Get more on ...

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  • 1. Zoo Writing Paper - Clip Art Library 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Zoo Writing Paper - Clip Art Library Zoo Writing Paper - Clip Art Library
  • 2. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Analysis The ovary is a critical organ of the female reproductive and endocrine system. When preforming in an optimal manner, the ovary functions as a gonad, by producing mature gametes and by synthesizing and excreting hormones within a set point. It is essential for sexual maturation and reproduction. When it deviates away from this normal physiology, many serious heath problems can emerge. A principal example of ovarian abnormal physiology is polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Polycystic ovarian syndrome is one of the most prominent endocrinopathies in the world, affecting anywhere between 5 10% of the female population (Dunaif, 1995). Although this disease affects so many women, not much is known about the exact origin of it and all of the shortcomings ... Show more content on ... Normally, each ovary is formed by dense tissue encircled by fibrous connective tissue. Starting at age of puberty, the ovaries become fixed with around 300,000 follicles, with each one containing an immature ovum. Through cyclic changes, 1 or 2 of these follicles become mature, releasing an oocyte, and thus resulting in fertilization or menstruation (Stanfield, 2012, p.646). However, with polycystic ovarian syndrome these cyclic changes are effected. Polycystic ovarian syndrome is defined by many symptoms, however, numerous cysts on the ovaries and chronic anovulation from hormone imbalances, normally characterize it. Chronic anovulation is described as infrequent or nonexistent ovulation. This symptom is directly correlated with infertility and is one of the largest identifying factors of polycystic ovarian syndrome. It is a result of nonclassical congenital adrenal hyperplasia (NC CAH), an autosomal disease. This disorder is caused by a CYP21 (21 hyroxylase) gene mutation and thus, is lacked in the body. Due to its absence, 17 OHP (17 hydroxyprogesterone) amounts climb and the anterior pituitary gland secrets excess amounts of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) (Leung, 2004). The adrenocorticotropic hormone controls the amount of steroid hormones, which in return ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Intracartilaginous Bone Formation Case Study 1. The main difference between intramembranous and intracartilaginous bone formation are the primary structure from which ossification initiates and the method of bone growth. Intramembranous bone formation commences with the development of a membrane in the area of the bone to be formed. The embryonic mesenchymal cells that make up the membrane develop osteogenic cells and then osteoblasts to allow layers of bone tissue to form in the shape of the membrane. The flat bones covering the brain and some facial bones maintain a constant thickness level to allow for brain growth. As they enlarge, new bone tissue is built and removed to the internal and external surfaces and along the margins. Intracartilaginous bone formation develops ... Show more content on ... Bone growth in length is directed by the primary ossification center located in the diaphysis and the secondary ossification center in the epiphysis of the bone. The juncture at which these two ossification centers meet is called a growth plate. As the name suggests, this is the primary area of lengthening of the bone. Cartilage cells are added to the growth plate in the Zone of Proliferation. These cartilage cells enlarge and are compressed to form the longitudinal trabeculae matrix in the Zone of Hypertrophy. The enlarged cells begin to degenerate, and the trabeculae calcify in the Zone of Calcified Cartilage. Osteoblasts secrete uncalcified bone matrix over the calcified cartilage along with blood vessels and connective tissues growing into the area from the primary ossification center. Finally, in the Zone of Cartilage Removal and Bone Deposition, the calcified cartilage is reabsorbed leaving behind the spongy bone. Where osteoblasts and osteoclasts actively remodel the spongy bone tissue to allow for growth and to adapt to stress placed on the bone. The same procedure occurs in the secondary ossification center located in the epiphysis of the bone. Therefore the bone is allowed to grow in length from the center and at the ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Improving Your Emotional Intelligence Can Be Jump Improving your emotional intelligence can be jump started by following some simple steps. Psychiatrist Dr. Norman Rosenthal (2012) suggests several steps that can enhance your emotional intelligence, many of the tips he suggests are found among the foundational skills toward successful collaboration discussed in the text by Friend and Cook (2013). Both Rosenthal and Friend and Cook place not interrupt or changing the subject high among skills that will help you to become a better listener. Listening with your whole body and being aware of physical sensations of stress will allow you to process your thoughts with the power of reason (Rosenthal, 2012). Additionally, all of the authors suggest avoiding prejudgments and making faulty assumptions. By not making assumptions and judgments before all of the information about a topic or conflict has been given prevents a thorough thought process from taking place. Rosenthal follows up this step with two additional steps that require the listener to seek to make connections with their own thoughts. He states that listening to your feelings is like listening to all of the witnesses in a court case. Only by admitting all of the evidence will you be able to reach the best verdict (2012). I think this advice makes an excellent tie into Friend and Cook s suggested listening skills namely, establishing listening goals, and focusing on the content and context of the spoken message (p. 67 68). When a conflict arises it is important to be ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Cultures That Exist Inside Coffee Shops Introduction I will be looking at the cultures that exist inside coffee shops. In particular, I will be contrasting the culture that exists within chain coffee shops, such as Starbucks, with those present in smaller independently owned shops. When getting coffee, I usually go to Starbucks because it is convenient. However, I know a few individuals who would rather support small locally owned shops. Additionally, whenever I have actually gone to an independently owned shop, I never actually stayed in the shop while drinking. Therefore, I thought it would be an interesting experience to spend time in both a chain shop and an independent shop. When I envision the type of people who frequent independent shops, quirky is the word that comes to ... Show more content on ... They may be more likely to be willing to sit in closer proximity to each other than patrons in Starbucks. I anticipate that Starbucks patrons came to the shop with a plan, and are much less likely to deviate from that plan than individuals in the local shop. Therefore, they may be less receptive to unexpected social interaction. In both establishments, I will be paying close attention to the social behaviors of the customers. Cultural Background Research Throughout history, coffee has played an important role in cultures all around the world. The café society, which developed in England and France between 1680 and 1730, served as cultural exchange by bringing together poets, musicians and artists (Lyons, 2005). To this day, writers and graphic designers can be seen working in coffee shops across the county. Additionally, coffee shops have long been considered a place for intellectual and political discussion ( Blank Vooren, 2007). Therefore, it should not come as a surprise that during the specialty coffee boom of the 1970 s, company s like Starbuck s began to expand into neighborhoods close to museums, colleges, and art galleries ( Lyons, 2005). In short, coffee shops have a long history of attracting intellectual and creative individuals. Coffee shops fall into the category of third places . These are places that people go to escape the stresses of home life and work (Blank ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Modernity Is A Normal Part Of Daily Life That Has Made Its... Modernity is a normal part of daily life that has made its way into religion. Modernity, disenchantment, and secularization, not only all intertwine and play a role in today s changing society, but the first one acts as cause for the other two, through ideas such as the Secularization Thesis and secularism arising as part of the disenchanted world. Before explaining how, it is important to first discuss what modernity is. Michael Saler describes it as: a mixture of political, social, intellectual, economic, technological, and psychological factors, several of which can be traced to earlier centuries and other cultures, which merged synergistically in the West between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries. These factors include (but are not exhausted by) the emergence of the autonomous and rational subject; the differentiation of cultural spheres; the rise of liberal and democratic states; the turn to psychologism and self reflexivity; and the dominance of secularism, nationalism, capitalism, industrialism, urbanism, consumerism, and scientism. Essentially as an idea, modernity encompasses anything that has developed over the past few centuries and could be considered modern, getting away from a traditional way of life and transitioning into a modern way of life. Peter Berger best explained it with his traveler on a plane metaphor: The jet traveler goes by the airline schedules, moves quickly, and has many choices. The villagers on the other hand, go by the seasons, ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Persuasive Speech On Fight Cancer Cancers cells are present in all of us but lie dormant or we can say in sleeping............ only to be awakened when our soil i.e our body s strength in terms of immunity goes down. Why we start getting degenerated early or in better way One should ask oneself : What can I do to my body to reverse the process of degeneration there by leading to healthy life there by shunning dis ease. So, what one can do to live better, live longer ? Although the techniques are well known as they are rooted in our day to day life but due to modernization we tend to neglect them. You need to catch up......... 1. Take charge of your LIFE: Cancer is not killer in exact sense. It causes body to be at dis ease. As someone said Cancer is a word . It is not sentence. So, ... Show more content on ... You can t go on spitting on Mother Earth and expect her to be healthy and give her best to you. Without providing nutrition to tree, you can t expect good yield. Avoid using pesticide, fungicides, herbicides, excessive use of cosmetic, synthetic /cold drinks. Stop using disposable or plastics and canned foods. Bisphenol A is one of the component of PVC or hardened Plastic used everywhere: in inner lining of soda cans, plastic tubs of food, electric kettles, baby bottles, cups, microwavable bowls and other plastic containers that have invaded our kitchen and cafeterias. Within the food industry, use of PHOSPHATE additive has grown exponentially. Now a days, person eating processed food absorb 1000mg of phosphates as compared to 470 mg in 1990 s. Phosphate is now added to meat, certain processed cheese, pastries, all sodas, fruit syrups, processed ice creams and readymade processed food e.g frozen PIZZA, Frozen Fish sticks. Xenoestrogen are hormones present in Pesticides like DDT which can change the sex of frogs in the river. Giving hormonal injections/ market based feeds to cattle increases the chances of developing cancer as well make them less susceptible to Chemotherapy/radiotherapy. 4. Cheat Cancer by Life style ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Most Powerful Weapon Ever Created By Austin Perkins Austin Perkins Ever since man has come into existence we have killed with rocks, spears, clubs, knifes, swords, arrows, cannons, guns and, unfortunately, bombs. In 2077 man unleashed the full force of the most powerful weapon ever created, a hydrogen bomb nicknamed the Tsar Bomba, a hydrogen bomb with 50 megatons of explosive power. 1 megaton is equal to a million tons of TNT; the Little Boy that was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 was only a mere .02. The fallout of such a weapon nearly destroyed the world we lived in, but didn t end it. In the beginning, thousands were able to survive by relocating to underground shelters called vaults. When they finally came out, there was nothing but the apocalyptic wastes for them to see. Buildings were demolished, the landscape was scorched, the water was undrinkable, and the creatures were unholy. When Hell s gates opened there was one vault, however, that kept its gates closed. Vault 101 kept its giant metal door closed and never let anyone in or out. Inside were the inhabitants who were all looked over by an Overseer, who could be a mayor in some vaults or a god in others. They control everything in the vaults from what foods you eat to what you will do in the future. Everyone knows each other in a vault and everyone has a role to play, whether that role is a doctor or a tattoo artist. The one thing they all have in common is that they were born in the vault, lived in the vault, and eventually will die in the vault. That ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The 1970 s In The United States The 1970 s in the U.S. was a period in which we saw a sever lack of confidence amongst our government, and it s leaders. During this decade we were involved in a war, caught off guard by a Presidential, and political scandals, and was trounced by a severe economic recession. These events have left a lasting impression on citizens as the level of faith in our government continues to plummet. In the writings below I will explain the conditions in our country at the time, and how these conditions led people to a path of feeling embittered. The unrest of the American people s view toward the government began with the Watergate scandal surrounding then President Richard Nixon. Nixon had arranged for burglars (former government employees) to infiltrate ... Show more content on ... Congress started their own investigations into each agency, and their findings were atrocious. In one case going back to the 50 s the CIA gave our own citizens doses of LSD, and in one case was enough for individual to commit suicide (people pg.554.) The CIA was also linked to a plot to kill Fidel Castro, and other leaders of Cuba. The FBI was linked to actions such as tampering with certain political groups/activists, and may have had a role in the murder of Blank Panther leader Fred Hampton (people pg.555) More notably the FBI was involved in COINTELPRO, which included illegal actions such as fraud, and strong arming certain political groups into an agreement. All of these actions turned a sense of trust in our government entities into a hatred, and angst as to what might come to light next ( A Harvard University Professor, and advisor to the white house Samuel Huntington produced the report entitle Governability of Democracies. IN this report he cited the now lack of government respect, and authority compared to years past. One figure he points out that in 1960 18% of the public viewed government spending to high, and in 1969 that number rose to around 52%. A few lines he was quoted as saying referring to the time People no longer felt the same obligation to obey those whom they had previously considered superior to themselves in age, rank, status, expertise, character, or talents ( people 559). His words optimized what became to be the feeling of the 1970 s, and even still today of our political leaders, and government. No longer do people revere these figures as they did in the days of FDR, or Truman. They are now questioning every decision our leaders ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Effect Of Substrate Concentration On Enzyme Activity The Effect of Environmental Conditions on Enzyme Activity Ikram Hassan SBI3UW 02 November 13, 2017. Research Question: What is the effect of substrate concentration (as measured in % concentration) on the rate of enzyme activity (as calculated by the dividing the measured distance in cm, +/ 0.1 cm, travelled by a substance in a manometer by the time in seconds, +/ 0.5 seconds)? Background: A substrate is a molecule which is acted upon by an enzyme. For a chemical reaction to occur through enzyme, substrate molecules bind to the active site of an enzyme, which contains residues that catalyse the reaction of the substrate. Hypothesis: If the concentration of the substrate is increased, then the rate of enzyme activity will decrease. This is because as the concentration of the substrate increases, there is an increasing amount of occupied active sites at any given moment. This will cause a decrease in the rate of enzyme activity as substrate active site collisions are increasingly slowed down thus bringing down the rate of enzyme activity. Variables: Independent: Substrate Concentration: Throughout the experiment, the concentration of the substrate used will be increased in order to determine the effect of an increase of substrate concentration on enzyme activity. The substrate throughout the experiment will be a hydrogen peroxide solution and an original 30% concentration will be diluted with water into 10% and 5% concentrations in order to observe the effect of ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Work Of Eden Sustainable Ltd Which Offers Free... The work placement took place at Eden sustainable Ltd which offers free domestic biomass boilers and other finance options for solar and commercial biomass. The placement was located In Woolacombe, Devon and took place over two weeks during July and August 2016. A total of forty hours were logged over this time period with two days off over the weekend. Plate 1 shows the small office located in Woolacombe where the work placement took place and where Director Scott Burrows mainly operates from. Plate 1. Eden Sustainable Office, Woolacombe Eden Sustainable both fund and implement solar photovoltaic systems and biomass boilers on land owned by both their domestic and commercial customers. This relationship allows the customer to benefit ... Show more content on ... These SPV s also serve to create joint ventures between other individuals who are responsible for running them. Figure 1 shows the company structure and how each branch of the business is connected. This layout also allows contractors to deal directly with the SPV responsible for the work and allows the financial accounts to be more easily disseminated and controlled throughout the year. Table 1 shows the members of company, which branch of the company they are associated with and their position within it. Alex Goodall is the director of Eden Infrastructure which deals solely with blue chip companies and is not involved in any other aspect of the company. Blue chip companies represent a higher value investment to the company and can potentially increase profits drastically and for this reason this SPV has its own director. Eden Biomass also has its own director because this field is very specialised and Simon Boorer has expertise in biomass solutions so Eden Sustainable can broaden its products. This joint venture allows clients to have the knowledge and experience in the field and the capital and business acumen brought by Scott and Stephen. Amped Investments is run by Eden Sustainable and is solely responsible for the financial aspects of the government backed Feed in Tariff which is a government programme designed to promote the uptake of small scale renewable and ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Owen, S Poetry In Wilfred Owen s Anti-Vietnam War Poetry World War One (1914 1918) was a war involving many countries, Wilfred Owen was one of the soldiers fighting for the UK however he was completely unaware of the outcome the war would lead too. Owen strongly disagreed with the harsh reality of the war leading to him writing anti war poetry. Likewise the anti Vietnam war poetry was strongly anti war, resulting in the poetry being highly critical of the war. Both wars were extremely criticized and lead to outrage by many as the majority saw little to no point of either wars. From this poetry it has allowed the public to see the real harshness behind the glamourized version advertised by the government. The poetry not only acts as a clear insight into the war but it also gave the public something to really agree with causing them to be read or listened to again and again. It is due to the great writing style of Wilfred Owen and his use of poetic devices such as metaphors and personification that gives it an even deeper meaning. Owens main concern behind his poetry was to reveal the horrors of war and reveal the harsh reality that is always covered up by the Government. He successfully did this through every piece of poetry he wrote revealing yet another piece of the hidden truth. Once things like Owens poetry arose gradually more people thought the war was futile which is exactly what he expressed in his poem futility. The poem begins in panic with the soldiers quickly trying to save a soldiers live, if anything might rouse him ... Get more on ...
  • 13. City Symphony Orchestra Case: City Symphony Orchestra The City Symphony Orchestra is a branch of the Center for Performing Arts. It performs regular concerts throughout the year and has been reasonably profitable in the past. However, in recent years, concert attendance has been declining and the Orchestra is looking for ways to boost attendance. The traditional customers of the Orchestra have been the older and more affluent segment of the population that live in the suburbs. The recent boom in the high tech sector, however, has created an affluent population that is younger and has different musical tastes. This younger affluent group prefers to live in the city rather than commute from the suburbs. Older people concerned about crime in the downtown ... Show more content on ... Since this is a new direction with no prior sales history, the director of the Orchestra, Sarah Bernhardt, is concerned about the certainty of ticket sales. She has asked the box office manager to provide some sense of how sure he is that 141,000 tickets can be sold. She wanted to know the range of ticket sales so she could assess the risk the Orchestra faces. The box office manager has provided the following additional information. CITY SYMPHONY CASE EXHIBITS Table 1 City Symphony Proposed Season Concert Type Average Ticket Price Number of Nights Tickets Sold Variable Cost/Night Beethoven Brahms $35 30 30,000 25,000 Mozart 30 30 45,000 27,500 Contemporary Pop 20 30 66,000 30,000 Total 90 141,000 Total Fixed Costs $1,000,000 Table 2 City Symphony Range of Sales for Current Mix* Ticket Sales Probability of sales 100,000 15.00% 120,000 30.00% 140000 40.00% 160,000 15.00% 100.00% Table 3 City Symphony Alternate Proposal Concert Type Average Ticket Price Number of Nights Tickets Sold Variable Cost/Night Beethoven Brahms $35 20 20,000 25,000 Mozart 30 30 45,000 27,500 Contemporary Pop 20 40 88,000 30,000 Total 90 153,000 *The probability distributions in Tables 2 and 4 represent a simplification. In a real situation, we
  • 14. would compute the probability distribution of sales for each type of concert and the sum of the expected sales for each concert would be the ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Tenant Evictions The landlords have all the power and tenants have none. (Giwargis) The San Jose city council recently voted to require just cause for tenant eviction, requiring landlords to provide a reason for not renewing tenant leases. This is a profound change to the law. Previously, the city had a no cause eviction policy. Now a reason must be provided, prior to eviction. Landlords and tenants stand on different sides of this issue and the vote was close. The rights of tenants as well as those of landlords must be protected and sometimes changes to the law are needed to ensure these rights are upheld. The recent changes to the law were necessary to protect tenants rights and prevent harassment that would lead to eviction. A landlord has legal responsibilities ... Show more content on ... Advocates said such a law is needed to protect renters from being turned out by landlords just so they can rent to someone willing to pay more (Giwargis). In his 92 years, Paul Mayer has survived World War II. He s battled skin cancer and congestive heart failure. But it s the fight to keep his apartment of 44 years that he fears he ll lose (Giwargis). Residents like Mayer will no longer have to worry that they will be evicted at a moment s notice, due to the change in legislature. There is no doubt that this rule, like anything, has a few holes and flaws. However, it is necessary to ensure that the landlords do not continue to take advantage of ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Islam, Religion Of Equality Sheraz Shan Hussain Professor Iris Belen English 101 03 May 2017 ISLAM, RELIGION OF EQUALITY. Islam, a derivative of Arabic word Saleema signifying peace and submission has, since ancient times, offered equality for all human being irrespective of race, gender, ethnicity or color. A series of Prophets were send after Adam with a message of love and equality for one another and believe in the unity of God. The last great messenger before Muhammad was Jesus. Mentioned twenty five times in the Quran, Jesus is called the Messiah, the son of a virgin, and one who brought great signs from God. His message, the Gospel, is confirmed and described as consistent with the messages of all prophets. (Sonn, Tamara. Islam. Wiley. 2015). When the ... Show more content on ... From the life of the Last Prophet, there are many incidents in his life, where people can learn many things and can help humanity to help one another, to appreciate one another and to create a society where everyone is treated equally. From one of the famous inspiring incidents, a companion of the Last Prophet Muhammad, his name was Abu Zar Ghaffari, he had a little altercation with a worker, whose mother was from Africa, who was dark in color. In that altercation, the companion said one sentence as they were arguing, the companion says O son of a black woman . The worker immediately went to the Last Prophet Muhammad and complained on what the companion had said to him. After the Prophet met with Abu Zar, he confronted him by asking about the altercation. The prophet did not repeat the same words because it was a serious matter and the prophet did not want to even repeat those words. He told the Prophet that everything you mention in the altercation is true. Then the Last Prophet Muhammad said: O Abu Zar, you are a man, who still have the qualities in you from the period of ignorance, before Islam, where people used derogatory terms to their fathers, mothers or one another. This is a major sin. That s why, whether a Muslim or a non Muslim, we the people should never use these kind of words to one another. Muslims ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Virtual Colonoscopy Research Paper Virtual Colonoscopy Virtual colonoscopy is a procedure that can be used to examine the large intestine (colon), the rectum, and the small intestine. In this procedure, X rays and computers (CT scan or MRI) are used to produce images of these body areas. The exam can help find problems such as tumors, polyps, or diverticulosis. Virtual colonoscopy provides a way to examine the colon without inserting the flexible instrument (colonoscope) into the colon as is done in a regular colonoscopy. However, a virtual colonoscopy does not show as much detail, so smaller polyps may not be seen during this procedure. Also, your health care provider cannot take tissue samples or remove polyps during a virtual colonoscopy. If problems are found during this ... Show more content on ... Previous problems you or members of your family have had with the use of anesthetics. Any blood disorders you have. Previous surgeries you have had. Medical conditions you have. If you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant. RISKS AND COMPLICATIONS Generally, this is a safe procedure. However, problems can occur and include: A tear in the lining of the colon from inflating the colon with air during the procedure. The risk of this is small. Exposure to radiation (small amount). BEFORE THE PROCEDURE Ask your health care provider about changing or stopping your regular medicines. This is especially important if you are taking diabetes medicines or blood thinners. You may be prescribed an oral bowel prep. This involves drinking a large amount of medicated liquid, starting the day before your procedure. The liquid will cause you to have multiple loose stools until your stool is almost clear or light green. This cleans out your colon in preparation for the procedure. Do not eat or drink anything else once you have started the bowel prep, unless your health care provider tells you it is safe to do so. ... Get more on ...
  • 18. A History Of Punk Research Paper As is the Case with its metaphorical brother, heavy metal, punk is a genre of music that is thoroughly entwined with philosophies. From Johnnies Ramone to Rotten, Spanning across oceans and throughout various different nations, many disgruntled youth and those tired with an unfair system have flocked to the then burgeoning culture, allowing for it to grow exponentially into something far greater. Thus, due to it establishing a firmly anti establishment view, creating an entirely new culture for an entire generation, and changing the face of music, punk has become one of, if not the most, prolific genres of music of all time. Punk has its origins as a form of underground of rock here in the states, while the term punk arose as an almost derogatory ... Show more content on ... ( Why A History Of Punk Rock Matters , 1) The ideologies and philosophies are, though quite similar, are various. For instance, we have the aforementioned established anti establishment sentiment. ( Unpopular Culture , 1) Punk rock is also deeply rooted in nihilism and hedonism, both of which pertain to the pursuit of self pleasure, though there is often a very communal sense to the culture. As well, there was a very egalitarian basis for punk, the CBGB being an equal opportunity and very liberal nightclub, allowing all comers to drink, and all bands to play, no matter who. ( Why A HIstory Of Punk Rock Matters , 1) Sadly, for a while in the punk history, punk was a tad homophobic and sexist, though this wasn t extremely common, and is certainly being stopped by the community. But even the prejudice within the culture could have helped fuel the creative abilities and frustrations of those prosecuted, giving them new material to provide raw, angry punk rock, though discrimination is never good. The songs of punk rock remain to never have a set subject matter, as the topics can range from sexual frustrations, to race and gender issues, and even problems with our preordained status quo. ( Unpopular Culture , ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Fibonacci Numbers The Fibonacci numbers also known as the Fibonacci sequence is a set of numbers where after the first two numbers, every number is the sum of the two preceding numbers. It begins in most examples at one however it has been shown to start with zero, the first ten numbers in the sequence are 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89. This sequence is an important mathematical figure that is seen in many other theorems in mathematics and also the surrounding natural world. This sequence first appears in Indian mathematics and even in Indian poetry, this quote by Gopala an Indian poet from around 1135 states that For example, for a meter of four lengths, variations of meters of two and three being mixed, five happens this also works out with examples 8, 13, 21]... In this way, the process should be followed in all mātrā vṛttas . To deconstruct this it is necessary to match the numbers of the sequence mentioned in the quote with the numbers that exist in the sequence, Gopala mentions the sequence of two numbers creating the next in the sequence, 2 3 to 5 and then 8 13 to 21, that the meters in Indian poetry add together just as it is in the fibonacci sequence. When this idea travels outside of India it is first posed in the book Liber Abaci written by Fibonacci, whose real name was Leonardo Bonacci. Leonardo was born in Pisa around the year 1175, his father was a wealthy Italian merchant who bought along his son on his journeys around the Mediterranean world, in these travels ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Plato s Apology And The Apology In this paper I will discuss how Plato s Apology and Phaedo have difference ideas of what it means to be a philosopher. I will explain how in the Apology, the philosopher is wise in how he/she understand that they are wise because they know that they don t know, and in Phadeo the philosopher knowledgable and are concern in gaining more knowledge. In Plato s Apology we learn about Socrates life and who he really is. In platos Apology a philosopher is a wise person because he understands that being wise is understanding that they know they don t know. Is something difficult to understand but I will break it down as simple as I can. Socrates was a citizen that knew that he did not know and also knew that everyone else also did not ... Show more content on ... Someone that would call themselves wise, Socrates would question him or her until they did not had an answer to Socrates questions, and that would demonstrate that in reality those people where not wise as they would call themselves, even though himself would not had an answer either. Although, Socrates did not claimed to have knowledge of what he did not know and not claimed to have wisdom when he believed he did not, Socrates understood that those who claimed to have knowledge did not really know about what they claimed to know as well as wisdom and thats what made Socrates more wise. Therefore, In the Apology Socrates was wise because he believed that he was not wise. In the Apology the Oracle believed that there was no other person wiser that Socrates because Socrates believed that he was not wise. It its crazy to believe that a person is wise because that person believes he or she is not wise but if you put some thought into it it makes total sense. How can someone in this earth call themselves wise when in reality they do not have every answer. Socrates in the Apology would totally agree that it is wiser for someone to believe that being wise is to not call themselves wise but to know that they don t know and that is because thats what Socrates did throughout his life in the Apology until his sentenced. In the other hand in Plato s Phaedo the philosopher ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Communism Vs Conservativism Over the past couple of years, I have watched numerous political debates, from social issues to economic policies. I have watched debates between the quick speaking Ben Shapiro, and the bullish Cenk Uygur. Cenk always makes a statement, and when given counter evidence, his only reply is Google it . Shapiro throws out three or even four pieces of evidence for every point he makes. When Cenk gets upset, he lashes out at the crowd; Shapiro remains level headed and only attacks the argument. Over spring break, I travelled up to Montgomery, AL, to page in the State House of Representative. During my time as a page, I had the opportunity to meet ten to fifteen representatives, across party lines. I was also able to meet the Speaker of the House, Mac McCutcheon. This experience taught me a lot about the inner workings of the legislative system. Even though different sides have their own opinions, in order to get anything done, compromises have to be reached. When defining conservativism, or any other political mindset for that matter, it is important to first explain the political spectrum. A common misconception is that the two extremes of the political spectrum are Communism (Left) and Fascism (Right). ... Show more content on ... Because the free market regulates itself, government regulations add an extra burden, which slows down growth and innovation. Conservatives believe that taxes should be as low as possible, allowing the private sector to operate more freely and the economy to grow. With the government out of the way, ordinary people are able to drive the economy forward. It has been proven during the Reagan and Trump administrations that tax cuts and less regulation makes the economy explode. Corporations save money, which they then invest back into the economy, causing it to grow. Individuals also save money, which they will spend on consumer goods or put in a bank. Either way, it will stimulate the ... Get more on ...
  • 22. High Education And Higher Education Imagine a world with no college debt, a higher education equally available to all young people, and no college price barriers. These were the main goals of President Truman in his 1974 commission on Higher Education. Now, let us fast forward forty years and take a look at the higher education system, which suffered an increase of one hundred and ten percent. Eighty five percent of college graduates are forced to move back home with their parents due to college debt, forty two with debt currently live paycheck to paycheck, and seventeen percent delay buying a new home, and having children due to their student financial loans (Surprising Side Effects of College Costs ). Higher education institutions increasing their costs have a greater impact on students than just being in debt; the increase I price also results in a countless number of students considering a different alternative for their higher education, future careers, and major life decisions. When thinking about the American Dream in today s society, wealth, and a flourishing career, seems to have a direct correlation with happiness. But is this American Dream worth an overwhelming amount of debt? The Project on Student Debt conducted a survey, which showed that seventy one percent of college students had a student loan debt averaging $29,400 per student. Because of this alarming dollar amount, students tend to settle for two year community colleges to obtain a degree. Although this seems like a good idea in ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Old Palm Golf Club 0:01 Welcome to Old Palm Golf Club, a premier golf community located in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. Just minutes away from the Atlantic Ocean, Old Palm offers it s members privilege s to an amazing Beach Club at the Palm Beach Marriott, Singer Island Beach Resort Spa. This spectacular community covers approximately 650 acres and offers an array of amazing on site amenities including an impressive fitness center, a resort style pool and spa with poolside service, meal delivery service, and more. Old Palm Golf Club offers it s members one of the finest golf experiences, complete with a full Caddie Program, a state of the art practice golf studio with 3 full length practice holes, driving ranges, and a covered swing hitting bay for lessons. 0:44 And here, is your new ... Show more content on ... 2:18 French doors lead to your enticing pool and patio area creating a natural flow from indoor to outdoor living space. 2:25 The well appointed media room or home office, boasts a custom built in wall unit and desk with file cabinets. 2:39 When it s time to unwind, look no further than your luxurious master suite and truly spa like master bathroom, complete with a reposeful soaking tub and an oversized, glass enclosed shower. 3:03 Plenty of additional bedrooms and bathrooms provide an abundance of comfortable accommodations for family members and guests. 3:27 Finally, step outside and marvel at your backyard paradise. Here, you might prepare and serve a delicious al fresco meal...or enjoy a morning coffee in the shade 3:43 Imagine taking a refreshing dip in your gorgeous oversized swimming pool...or relaxing in your soothing spa, overlooking the signature water features. 3:57 We invite you to visit 11311 Caladium Lane, to see this extraordinary home personally. Call today for a private ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Reflection On Spiritual Orientation I reflect on my learning and practice in the past few weeks in the areas of class reading and teaching, triads, meeting with directees in sessions and supervision. My class reading and teaching in the last few weeks provide me with a concrete idea about spiritual direction. My understanding is that in the spiritual direction relationship, the director is to listen to on an ongoing conversation between the directee and God. The Holy Spirit has already been at work in the directee s life before the direction session and will continue to be at work after the session is over. Typical spiritual direction questions are Where is God in this? or Where has God gone and why don t I sense any divine presence at all? It is important that spiritual direction arises out of inviting and listening to God. One thing I learn and need to remind myself constantly is that I should not have the attitude or expectation to resolve the issue in the session. The focus on the session should be about what goes on between the directee and the Holy Spirit. The learning of the triads helps me to put my learning into practice and build my confidence in carrying out session. Those questions raised in the triad on reflecting the experience of spiritual direction helps me to be aware of my deepest feeling, noticing God s presence or a sense of holiness. The group learning provides a supportive and encouraging experience. The learning of the triads allows me to appreciate the role of a ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Homosexuality in Victorian and Elizabethan Literature. Alexander Lucero AP English 12 Yu 5.17.12 Homosexuality Portrayed in Literature: Threat To Yourself and Those Around You The Victorian era and Elizabethan era had many homophobic attributes, just as today s society does. Gothic writers of the Victorian Age played off of the fear and immorality of homosexuality and used those feelings as a basis for their novels. Bram Stoker told a story about a vampire that challenged the Victorian gender roles and managed to reverse them, making men faint like women, and making women powerful like men, and called it Dracula. Mary Shelley created a a physical being out of a man s suppressed homosexuality due to his Victorian male upbringing; a man named Frankenstein. Robert Stevenson described what ... Show more content on ... People believe that by allowing homosexuals to marry that it will threaten the sanctity of marriage . Homosexual men are infamous for being promiscuous, at least that is the label that has been placed on most if not all homosexual men, and for this reason sexually transmitted diseases have become something expected of them. This must have been a belief in the Victorian era, since syphilis was the disease that was feared and said to have come from sodomy. In this era, violence from society also attacked homosexuality. Homosexuals were hung, or lynched. (Sadownick par. 5) This history of homophobia shows that it grows in society from a person s upbringing. Things occur in a person s life that cause them to act in certain ways and believe specific things. The public hatred of gay men taught the generations that being gay was wrong, and that people that were gay needed to be punished. Homophobia was strong in the days of the Gothic writers, and though it has weakened, it still affects people in today s society. It even dates back to the Renaissance days, and is presented by Dante Aligheri is his Inferno. And for this reason doth the smallest round/ Seal with its signet Sodom[...] . Sodom is a city known for crude sexual acts, which is where sodomy gets its name from. Since the Inferno is a world created by Dante, he believes that sodomy is a sin that is worse than suicide, and decides to put it just before the entrance ... Get more on ...
  • 26. An Modern Methodology For Water Treatment Plant Affecting... relationship is described by a collection of fuzzy control rules ( IF THEN RULES) involving linguistic variable [13]. 6.1 METHODOLOGY In this paper we introduce an modern methodology for water treatment plant affecting factors analysis. The proposed expert system manages and explores the knowledge in this specific application by reasoning on a database of facts by means of suitable inference rules. The proposed comprehensive, homogenous framework uses a set of Fuzzy Inference Systems to interpret, standardize and fuse heterogeneous data in order to estimate normalized factors. The FIS for affecting factor analysis is divided into four main components: the fuzzification, knowledge base, Inference engine, and the Defuzzification. Fuzzy logic controller has four components: 1) Fuzzification: It transforms input into suitable linguistic value so that can be compared to the rule in rule base. 2) Knowledge Base: It contains the knowledge in form of a set of rules to control the artificial system. It is the collection of rules. The basic function of rule base is to provide the required information to fuzzification module, the rule base and the defuzzification module. If part is called antecedent and then part is called consequent. 3) Inference Engine: If control rules are relevant then it decides the input to the plant. The Inference system provides the mechanism for invoking or referring to the rule base such that the proper rules are fired on the situation. 4) ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Comparing Symbols and Symbolism in Blue Hotel, Black Cat,... Color Symbolism in Blue Hotel, Black Cat, Night, Alfred Prufrock, Red Wheelbarrow Symbolism of colors is evident in much of literature. The Blue Hotel by Stephen Crane, The Black Cat of Edgar Allan Poe, Night by William Blake, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T. S. Eliot, and The Red Wheelbarrow by William Carlos Williams encompass examples of color symbolism from both the prose and the poetry of literature. When drawing from various modes of psychology, interpretations of various colors, with emphasis to dream psychology, an analysis of the colors themselves and then their applications to literature can be readily addressed. Colour is one of the areas in daily life in which symbolism is most readily ... Show more content on ... Blood is the energy coursing through the body and is related to blushing. Red also represents violent emotional arousal. Red is the color of war, the Roman god Mars, and of the greatest of the Roman gods, Jupiter. Red is the color of masculinity and activity. To the Chinese, red represents good fortune. To the Christian, it denotes Christ s passion. (Fontana 66) Investigating more specifically dream psychology, red may symbolize sexuality, passion, anger, revolution or danger. Red being the color of blood, it is the symbol of life, which consequently is why Hindu and Chinese brides wear red. But, blood may also represent injury or death. (Ackroyd 253) Blue is the color of intellect, peace and contemplation. It represents water and serenity, and symbolizes the sky and infinity. To the Christian, blue is the color of the Virgin as Queen of Heaven, and denotes faith, compassion and the water used in baptism. The ancient Greeks and Romans attributed the color blue to Venus, the goddess of love. (Fontana 66) In reference to dreams, blue represents the collective unconscious. Alternatively, blue may represent the power of the conscious mind, while dark blue is associated with depression. (Ackroyd 94) Combining the power and authority of red with the sanctity and wisdom of blue, violet s focus is amidst the most mystic of the colors. As a focus for meditation it can raise consciousness to higher levels. Violet also denotes ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Mission Of The Mission Santa Clara The Mission Santa Clara is a historical California site that is laid in the center of the Santa Clara University. In 1777, it established and founded by the Franciscan Order. The mission s purpose was to be the sister mission to Mission Dolores that is in San Francisco. Due to Mexico withdrawing from the Spanish Empire, the King of Spain and his Viceroy, the ones sponsoring the missions, were no longer in power. The Mexican government didn t have enough resources and was not interested to maintain and upkeep the distant missions, removing the Spanish Franciscans. With little funds, the mission perished slowly until the ownership of the mission was passed over to the Society of Jesus, also called the Jesuits, in 1851. They made Santa Clara college and today, Mission Santa Clara is used as a student chapel and opened to the public. Mission Santa Clara is set in the middle of Santa Clara University (which can be seen in the Santa Clara University s campus map), located in the Bay area. When it was founded, the city of Santa Clara was seen as a good place to set the mission due to it having fertile land, mild climate that makes for comfortable living, and abundance of game in the area. In front of the mission, there stands the Mission Cross. At the base of the cross, a piece of the original cross, from 1777, is placed inside as a memorable. Standing in front of the mission s door, the three bronze statues of St. John the Baptist, St. Claire, and St. Francis ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Ticket Prices The article Ticket Price Determination in Professional Sports: An Empirical Analysis of the NBA, NFL, NHL, and Major League Baseball. was researched and created by two economists named, Patrick Rishe and Michael Mondello. The basis of this article was to analyze why the prices of tickets tend to vary from city to city within each league and also to provide the reader with information regarding whether ticket price increases are tied to changes in team payroll. Rishe and Mondello created and empirical model to get a more precise measurement than that of regressions done in the past. With this analysis Rishe and Mondello wanted to understand the impacts of salary caps on ticket price within a league so they involved two leagues without a salary ... Show more content on ... Going forward, one of the most notable findings in this regression is the significance of team payroll and ticket prices for the NHL. One might expect these two variables to be correlated since there is no salary cap, but in fact in the early stages of the test period Rishe and Mondello discovered that the NBA, despite having a salary cap, has a larger payroll dispersion than the NHL. NHL s payroll dispersion is relatively stable, which could be the reason why this variable is statically insignificant. Recent success has had more of an impact on the NBA and the NFL compared to the NHL and MLB. This might be due to the strong correlation between winning and payrolls in cap free sports. To conclude the average ticket prices has had a strong upward trend in football and baseball, on the other hand the NHL and NBA seem stagnate possibly due to consumer preference in the last six years. The second equation in this trial explains the factors that cause seasonal price changes within each league. Once again playing in a new facility for a season opener suggests the size of seasonal price tickets will increase for an individual team in any league. The second factor in this equation is the team s post season success, the result showed that for a team in any league that made it to the playoffs significantly raised ticket prices. Additionally, the ticket prices rose for only the NHL and NFL if a team reached the championship. Over the period of time examined NBA and NHL teams displayed a smaller ticket price increase seasonally, due to the stagnate demand to watch those two ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Essay about Quantitative Research Article Review A Quantitative Research Article Review Shannon Davis TSU Role Development 5040 Dr. DeCuir September 28, 2012 A Quantitative Research Article Review I chose to critique the peer reviewed publication A Quantitative Correlational Study on the Impact of Patient Satisfaction on a Rural Hospital. There are various reasons why I chose this article. I am an agency nurse and work at various different emergency departments around Middle Tennessee. Most of them are concerned about patient satisfaction scores and are frequently called into meetings regarding these scores. Staff at most of these hospitals can be called to the carpet as you may say if we have unsatisfactory reports from patients. This can be very frustrating because not all ... Show more content on ... The method of the study was an ex post facto correlational study and somewhat vague. The hypothesis was clearly stated in this article and two were used. The two used were, No correlation exists between the hospitals allied health care department s revenue and various measures of allied health care customer satisfaction from April 2008 to April 2010 and A correlation exists between the hospital s allied health care department s revenue and various measures of allied health care customer satisfaction from April 2008 to April 2010 (Ellis Jacobs, 2011, p. 2). The article also discussed the research question for the study which is, what is the relationship, if any, between allied health care practitioners customer service skills and a hospital s gross revenue (Ellis Jacobs, 2011, p. 2). The sample involved 25 months of historical satisfaction survey mean scores and revenue statements from a rural hospital in northeastern Oklahoma (Ellis Jacobs, 2011, p. 2). The current study involved identifying a relationship between two variables: the customer service skills of allied health care practitioners and a hospital s financial success. The current study included data in the form of statistical figures and table. Revenue reports and patient satisfaction surveys for the same period were also analyzed (Ellis Jacobs, 2011, p. 2). The target population was vaguely identified along with aims and the ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Musical Aesthetics And Social Norms Appreciation Of... My answer to the first question as to whether I believe that a present day audience would understand or appreciate a popular song or melody that was created in a future time, I would have to say maybe because it would all depend on the song. Would the songs melodies/rhyme be popular, if the song included lyrics, would those lyrics refer to events that haven t occurred yet therefore not be understood by the audience? There would also definitely be a difference in what would be considered a social norm so that could definitely influence the listeners appreciation of the song. In regard to the second question as to how much musical aesthetics and social norms influence music, I believe that the social norms of our society have a huge impact ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Ap Biology Chapter 2 Study Guide Chapter 2 Essential Questions Describe the properties of water and why water has these properties. Water has unique properties because of its bonds with hydrogen. In a water molecule, there is an oxygen atom bonded with two hydrogen atoms. The oxygen side has more electrons than the hydrogen side, giving the molecule a slightly positive side and a slightly negative side, making a water molecule polar. The polarity of a water molecule gives it properties like cohesion, adhesion, and being a universal solvent. Cohesion is when molecules are attracted to the same molecule, so this gives water surface tension, which is when water molecules are attracted to other water molecules. Adhesion is the reason water has capillary action; the water molecules ... Show more content on ... Carbohydrates are sugars and starches and are made of monomers called saccharides, which are connected together to make a polymer called polysaccharides. Carbohydrates give energy to living things, and a special type of carbohydrate called cellulose makes a plant s cell walls. Proteins are made of monomers called amino acids. Proteins make up the muscles and structural tissue in a body, and they make enzymes which control chemical reactions. Proteins form peptide bonds between amino acids, which make up a polypeptide. Lipids are fats and oils and have no true monomers, but they are made of glycerol and fatty acids. Lipids can be saturated, which means that every carbon has a single bond and has the maximum number of hydrogens possible, and they can be unsaturated, which means the carbons can have double bonds and not the maximum number of hydrogen. Lipids store energy, act as insulation to organisms, and protect organs from injury. Nucleic acids are made of monomers called nucleotides, and they make up the DNA and RNA of an organism. They have the information needed to produce proteins needed for a person s body. All organic molecules have ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Augustus Analysis Nevertheless, Tacitus also wrote after the time of Augustus at the end of the first century AD, however unlike other sources he conveys a very bias perspective on Augustus and his rule. This may be due to the change that Augustus made to the government, especially when the empire was left to be run by power hungry successors after Augustus s death. This in hand would of left Tacitus blaming Augustus as he was the first roman emperor, leaving Tacitus to experience tyranny, corruption and decadence which may explain his bitter and ironic political analysis. This is also seen as his writings are filled with snide remarks (innuendo) of Augustus and essentially how he created corruption, governmental scandal and innocent people being destroyed because of his lust for power. Overall, these three sources are equally biased because they were all issued after Augustus s reign yet still show a depiction of Augustus which is an opposing view to that found in other sources, as all three of the primary sources believed that an emperor ... Show more content on ... These same personal qualities attained by Augustus were also mentioned during a lecture provided by Dr Tom Stevenson, who obtains specialised in Classic history, as he briefly mentioned that virtuous roman emperors such as Augustus had ...courage, manliness, clemency, mercy, justice and reverence for the gods , which in hand demonstrates what the individuals of that period considered to be assets of a good leader. It is with this awareness that Augustus wrote The Deeds establishing all the righteous doings he had achieved. This is for the most part evident as Augustus states that he ...used his own initiative and expense to raise an army with which set free the ... Get more on ...
  • 34. How Do Vitamins Affect The Brain hment has countless effects on the arrangement and functions of the brain. Vitamins and minerals are vital nutrients, also known as brain foods that help the brain function. It is recommended that vitamins and minerals are consumed daily because of the heavy duty impact they have on the brain and its performance. For a while it was not fully recognized that food influences the functions and arrangement of the brain. It is essential that the brain collect nutrients to uphold its structure, function agreeably, and avoid premature aging. The brain get its enhancement from ingredients present in minerals, vitamins, necessary amino acids and necessary fatty acids, including omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acid. Every cell in the brain has a particular way of functioning and in order for each cell to play its role each ... Show more content on ... Healthy nutrition essentially is eating healthy and balanced from all the basic food groups; which consists of the dairy group, poultry group, fruit group, vegetable group and a little from the fats, oils, and sweets groups. However, food may not always be a suitable way to collect all of one s essential vitamins daily. That s where supplements can be extremely valuable in assuring that people receive all of their nutrients. I learned a lot about the many effects vitamins have on the brain. For instance, vitamins play a very important role in babies brain growth and development and also prevent sickness and illnesses of the brain among elderly. However, even the wealthiest of people do not receive these nutrients as much as they should. I think this is a virtuous topic connected to Nutrition. Many people are aware that eating right is a key to a healthy life. Yet, the effects vitamins have on the brain are not usually discussed. Helping others gain an insight on what they could be missing in their everyday diet could be very beneficial and can even save a ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Ronald Reagan Influence Ronald Reagan, the 40th president of the United States, is arguably said by many Americans to be the best president in U.S. history. Ronald Reagan is the biggest influence on the U.S. since 1900 because of Reaganomics, he ended the Cold War, and he provided arms and other support to anti communist groups . Not only did Reagan win forty nine out of the fifty states in his bid for reelection in 1984, but, he also earned five hundred and twenty five electoral votes. This counted as the most Electoral Votes of any candidate in the history of the United States. The Election of 1984 proved to be a testament of how powerful this man really was. Ronald Reagan was born in Tampico, IL, on the date of February 6, 1911 ( Editors). The Reagans ... Show more content on ... since 1900 is because he ended the Cold War. Reagan s first term in office was marked by an escalation of the Cold War with the Soviet Union and a massive buildup of U.S. weapons and troops ( Staff). Reagan announced the Strategic Defense Initiative in 1983. This was a plan to develop weapons based in space to protect America from attacks by Soviet nuclear missiles ( Editors). President Reagan backed away from the idea of détente and made clear his distrust of the Soviet Union (Lou Cannon). Reagan also created a relationship with Mikhail Gorbachev, a chairman of the Soviet Union who later became the leader of the Soviet Union in 1985 ( Editors). The Americans and Soviets signed an agreement to get rid of intermediate range nuclear missiles in 1987 ( Staff). Reagan spoke at Germany s Berlin Wall that same year and challenged Gorbachev to tear it down. A little more than two years later, Gorbachev allowed the people of Berlin to tear down the wall, ending Soviet ruling of East Germany ( Editors). Ronald Reagan ended the Cold War and this shows how strong this man ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Importance Of Sexuality In Peter Pan Sexuality is the quality or state of being sexual. Throughout history, sexuality has been known as a taboo and something that wasn t talked about openly. In the modern society sexuality has become widely accepted and a child s action to learn about sexuality is just another step of discovering who they are. Children start puberty around the ages of eight to thirteen, around this time in a child s life they start to feel things for members of the opposite sex that they have never felt before. Sexuality has always been looked at as a grown up idea and one never really considers the effect that sexuality has forcing one to grow up. Due to sexuality s grown up aspect, when thinking about Peter Pan written by J.M Barrie, sexuality is a looked over characteristic of the well know fairy tale. Firstly, the reader is introduced to how sexuality helps to tell the fairy tale Peter Pan, by bringing out the jealousy of the mermaids in Never Land. When Wendy first arrives in Never Land she is so amazed by the different types of creatures there. Wendy finds herself at the Mermaid Lagoon with Peter. The Mermaids get so excited to see Peter quickly showing the reader their interest in him when one mermaid says, Why were you gone so long? Didn t you miss me? (Peter Pan. J.M Barrie.8). When the Mermaids realize that Peter is not alone they quickly start asking Peter who Wendy is and why he brought her there. In this chapter the reader is introduced to one of the many examples of the Electra complex developed by Freud Oedepus. Freud states that there is a little part of every girl that wishes harm on other girls that show interest in the boy the girl in attracted to. This Farias 2 is shown during this chapter as the mermaid attempt to drag Wendy into the Lagoon by her dress. Wendy threatens to get back to at the mermaids by picking up a sea shell and saying, if you dare take one more step near me.. , ( Barrie.8). Before Wendy gets a chance to defend herself Peter quickly intervenes telling Wendy that the mermaids were just joking around. Proven by one of the mermaids saying, Yeah we were just trying to drown her , (Barrie.8 ). Barrie introduces sexuality in may different ways throughout Peter Pan, using the Electra ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Merchant Of Venice Character Analysis Portia in The Merchant Of Venice, has been considered as one of the most perfectly developed female protagonist. The heiress of Belmont represents the nexus of the play, as the quest for her hand creates a motive for Bassanio to borrow money which initiated the bond plot and the ring plot. Furthermore she manipulates the trial and resolves the bond episode and the ring episode. Portia is introduced in the play as being a wealthy heiress whom many suitors try to court. Her significance and characteristic in the play can be seen in her genuine love, her graciousness and her witty yet playful traits. She further represents the comparison between Belmont and Venice, herself and shylock and most importantly, love and self interest, one of the key themes in the play. Critics liked to compare Portia with Shylock and the comparison brings out the salient traits of her character. One of them stated that while Portia stand for everything bright, generous, and noble while Shylock represents wickedness and evil . The language used in the play suggests that money is a source of power and desire. The penniless Bassanio feels inferior to Portia who is intelligent, noble and refined. Portia s speech, unlike a woman in the Elizabethan era, seems to be heavily loaded with financial expressions. Her language reveals how comfortable she is in the masculine, world and her unwillingness to leave it. Her speech also demonstrates her intelligence and eloquence and seems to mock the existing social norms. Indeed Portia has shown to be far from obedient to patriarchy. Portia s father had left a clause in his will that the suitor will pick the correct casket to in order to marry her. Although she couldn t break the clause, her intelligence serves her well in her pursuits of Bassanio as she manipulates the test for her own purpose. It reveals the casket choosing event itself was a gimmick and rather Portia was controlling the entire situation according to her will and treating her suitors as mere puppets. On the other hand, while men around the world are vying for her attention, she is apparently considers herself as superior and better position to judge men s masculinity. However her intolerance and hypocrisy is suggestive ... Get more on ...
  • 38. A Journal Of The Plague Year A Journal of the Plague Year , is a novel written in first person, told by the protagonist H.F. It was written by Daniel Defoe and speaks of the plague that occurred in London. This book was published about 57 years after the plague occurred. This novel is a story of his experiences during that plague that occurred in London in the year 1665. It is a fictional book but there is a lot of data, statistics, and even government documents throughout the pages. H.F. speaks on how the plague must have come to them from Holland. As the plague worsens H.F. wonders if he should leave the city or not after the number of deaths starts to rise. The main reason he does not want to leave is because he is a saddler and feels like he needs to stay and keep up his shop. He knew that if he left he would lose his business and all he had worked for. Throughout his story we gain and understanding of his observations and how he was seeing this horrible plague affect his home. He notices that the rich are leaving the city while the poor have no choice but to stay and try and fight for their lives. Once H.F. does decide to flee the city we learn that things are not going to go as smoothly as he had hoped. H.F. had hoped to find a horse to help flee the country with but there were not many left. He then decides to take a servant he trusted along with him and they leave. His sisters; house in Lincolnshire is where he plans to go to. He decides that they can camp out in the fields until they ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Two Sides Now Autonomy In the House episode, Both Sides Now, the normative principle of autonomy is explored and seriously called into question between House and Cuddy. When understanding the normative principle of autonomy is to acknowledging a person s freedom over his or her actions or physical body. House goes to great lengths to hurt Cuddy personally, and as an employee. In this episode Dr. House feels that Cuddy is lying to him about either last night or that day about something. House does everything possible to make Cuddy mad. But instead of breaking Cuddy s autonomy to find out the lie it is House that is the one that ends up losing his autonomy. In the episode of Both Sides Now House feel that Cuddy had lied to him either the night before or ... Show more content on ... Cuddy continues crying in her office, and House walks in to ask her if she had more than one lipstick and if maybe she s over reacting. Finally, she realizes that they could never have a personal relationship, and House is confused since he had told her he needed her. But, everything House said to her that day, and the night before calling her baby a bastard. She knew that she had enough from House. By Cuddy getting her autonomy back she was able to protect herself from House hurting her or her child. Suddenly House replays the night before with the things that were said between them and her leaving, the other was her staying to help. As for the lipstick House pulls it out of his pocket, and notices that it was the bottle of Vicodin. Next, House replays back the night with her and alone, he realizes that they had not slept together. House remembers that the lipstick was actually him twirling the bottle of Vicodin and popping the pills. With everything that had happened House realized that he was not okay and that he lost his autonomy. Cuddy knew that she could not be the one to help him, and took House to Wilson to get ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Allusions In The Sandman Often nowadays characters of well known stories are at times more well known than the stories they inhabit thanks to pop culture where people recognize faces, but not their origins. The Sandman, a comic published by DC Comics, has taken various comic and Biblical references and incorporated them into its own universe. These allusions to other works helps the reader easily identify characters and their roles in the story, especially if they have a wide enough literature background. Some simply reveal something about the universe they inhabit. Understanding this makes the book much more satisfying to read and appreciate the thought put into the book. In The Sandman the main character, The King of Dream, becomes trapped for 70 years and loses ... Show more content on ... Cain and Abel are an allusion to the story of the first murder in the Bible, and Lucifer is the Lord of Hell (or in the story a triumvirate with Beelzebub and Azazel). Cain and Abel s first appearance involves the two arguing about a present and finding Dream at the doorstep (Gaiman, Imperfect Hosts ). Lucifer is introduced when Dream ventures into hell to retrieve his mask from a demon that traded it (Gaiman, A Hope in Hell ). Throughout their interactions, the reader can learn a lot about the universe that they inhabit. Abel lights a room with fire on his fingertips and there are floating islands (Gaiman, Imperfect Hosts ). Hell is a physical place, so one can conclude that magic is real, and there are multiple realms or worlds that the supernatural beings inhabit (Gaiman, A Hope in Hell ). Any reader that had read any book that relates to magic such as The Dresden Files, a book series about a wizard detective, can understand the concept that magic and Hell has laws or rules to follow, which Choronzon even mentions when Dream challenges him for his helmet (Gaiman, A Hope in Hell ). Having a background in Biblical or fantasy readings reinforces these facts and helps the reader better understand the actions of the characters in the ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Junot Diaz s Truly Does Tell The Brief Story Of The... Junot Diaz s novel truly does tell the brief story of the wondrous life of Oscar de Léon, our Dominican American protagonist, better known as Oscar Wao. Weighing in at 245 pounds, our hopeless romantic loves comic books, writes science fiction in all of his spare time, and, as described by our homodiegetic narrator Yunior, is a loser with a capital L (Diaz 17). While the title might allude that this is a story solely about Oscar, Diaz also delves deep into the lives of those closest to him. This narrative tells the epic journey of Oscar, as well as his family members, and how their experiences in the United States and Dominican Republic come together full circle at the end of The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, with the help of some postmodern techniques. As an immigrant himself, Diaz is able to use his journey to bring attention to the cultural stereotypes of his characters, but unlike many bildungsroman writings, our character s coming of age story does not provide him with enough spiritual learnings to give him the quintessential happy ending. The overall growth of Oscar only reveals the flaws in his culture, a fatal flaw in his case. Because Oscar does not comply with the Dominican standards, he faces heavy repercussions in his life. As a story told in a fragmented, non linear form, Yunior is able to recall anecdotes from different time periods, whether of Oscar, his mother Beli, or his sister Lola. Diaz gives his narrator the ability to tell a historical account of ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Why Is Tupac Controversial The Controversial Life of Tupac Shakur Despite his reputation as a criminal and a thug, Tupac Shakur effectively spread his message of the unfairness in society through his storytelling, music, and public stance to increase awareness of discrimination against African Americans. Tupac Amaru Shakur came into the world on June 16, 1971 in Brooklyn, New York. While poverty stricken,Tupac faced many obstacles as a child and an adolescent. All his life, Shakur used issues in his family as an underlying conflict and expressed these issues while growing up. Tupac was very interested in acting, so he enrolled in the Baltimore School of the Arts. Those close to him say, Tupac showed a flair for performing. During Shakur s free time, he survived as ... Show more content on ... Shakur also had been sentenced to eighteen months to four and a half years for sexual abuse charges. After running into trouble with the law and doing time, Tupac stated that his time in jail left a lasting impression. One associate with Newsweek said, He seemed to understand how sacred life was. With this so called epiphany occurring in Tupac s life, some might think this could be a turning point. Others disagreed saying, He said he wanted to get away from the violence and live a calmer life. But those were only words. The people who disagreed had a strong point. As powerful and moving as some of the things Tupac said were, they would need to be proved by his actions. The violence dialed down a bit, but Tupac returned back to his old ways. He got bailed out of prison for $1 million by the owner of Death Row Records, Marion Suge Knight. Shakur joined Death Row Records and got along with Knight. Marion Knight even helped Tupac buy his mother a house. This shows Knight wanted Tupac making music for his company. He even played another role in the movie B ullet. Then, Tupac released the CD M e Against the World, w hich took his popularity to another level. It sold 500,000 copies upon its release. Dear Mama , a tribute to his mother on the CD, went made its way onto the Top Ten. Tupac regained his place back on top after being released from prison, but did he ever leave ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Judaism is the 2nd largest and oldest religion that is... Judaism is the 2nd largest and oldest religion that is still being practiced around the world today. It started off with a small nation of Hebrew people who suffered through many hardships and passed down their knowledge to the generations after them. Today about 14 million people classify that they are Jews, and about 3.5 million other belief system were influenced by Judaism. They are monotheistic believing in one God that is the God of Abraham. To keep their beliefs and traditions in each person each person life they practice numerous traditional rituals and holidays. They celebrate many days throughout the year as well as special event. Some major holiday celebrated and taken seriously in the Jewish belief is the Passover, Rosh ... Show more content on ... In between the youngest member of the family asks a serious of question that is than answer through the reciting of the Haggadah. Every year at the end of December we celebrate New Year s Day in the American culture, but in Judaism they have a day called Rosh Hashanah. This is the New Year for the Jews. It is a solemn and holy time of the year. Starting on the first and second day of September or October. This day is also known as the Day of Remembrance and the Day of Judgment. These days are a reminder of how God created the world and responsibility that God has appointed them. Another reason is that they believe during this time is when God judges their fate for the next year. So they use these days to overlook their life and repair their relationship with God. An important part of this day is to sound the Shofar, which is horn that is blasted in the book of Leviticus and Numbers. A total of 100 blows through the horn from the synagogue would be sounded each day. Any kind of work is not allowed on this day, but they are to spend it in the synagogue. During Rosh Hashanah they do not have a big feast like during the Passover celebration, but they would eat apples and bread dipped in honey. This symbolizes a sweet new year. After eating this they would say a blessing followed by a prayer. Challah is a bread that is braided together this symbolizes occurring years. They would eat it so that family s ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Corvus Scavenger Ravens (Corvus corax) are known to be scavengers and there have been observations that they may have developed a foraging strategy that involves grey wolves (Canis lupis). Henrich et al. (2002) discussed the benefits that the common raven gain by utilizing kleptoparasitism as a foraging strategy in order to reduce risk and search time, as well as obtaining mammalian prey that they would likely never be able to hunt without wolves. A kleptoparasitic relationship means that ravens steal the prey that the wolves have caught. Hayes et al. (2005) discussed how skillful ravens have become at scavengers and they are highly dependent on wolf predation particularly during the winter. They also examined how ravens affected the predation rates of wolves ... Show more content on ... They first had a controlled experiment with only food and observed their behavior for a week and a half. After that, they introduced a small board in the same area and observed the ravens behavior. At first, the ravens did not go near the board and it took about a month and a half to grow accustomed to the board. Once the ravens showed comfort to be near by the board, they began to add food of small and large sizes around the board and recorded the ravens behavior for two weeks. From there, they placed the food on the board and recorded the ravens behavior for another two weeks. There was a significant difference with the choices when the board was introduced. The board has changed their behavior to primarily choose the smaller pieces and the ravens that did choose the larger pieces had other ravens stealing their food instead of going to the board to get ... Get more on ...