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Dulce Et Decorum Est Effects Of War
Wilfred Owen s anti war poem Dulce et Decorum Est graphically illustrates the negative experiences
of war. From the death to lack of basic supplies Owen s poem relays the conditions of the thousands
who fought in the front lines during World War I. The last four lines sums up the message Owen is
attempting to make to the public you have been told it is sweet and proper to die for one s country ,
but it is not these are the atrocities faced by those fighting for you and they are not something that is a
wanted experience.
To fully experience the poem the reader must first understand two things: the historical events
occurring at the time the poem was written, and the poem that the Latin words Dulce et decorum est
pro patria mori that occur ... Show more content on ...
(The present simple plunges is again nicely ambiguous, so that we cannot really tell whether the
repetitions were at the time, or since, or both.) My conclusion would be that, insofar as the poem
suggests or accommodates such a reading, it also can seem to broaden and deepen its grasp, even so
far as to acknowledge covertly that the deepest, complicating iniquity of war is that its events can
dispossess one of one s best self, dividing oneself from oneself and others and overwhelming one s
most humane of responses toward pity and truth (Hughes 4).
Owen is haunted by his man who was not able to get his gas mask on in time to avoid the harmful
effects of the gas that was used in the war. By not being able to help the other soldier Owen feels as if
he is somehow responsible because he did not help the man as he was plunging for Owen s mask. The
last stanza describes the comrade s face as he lays in the wagon dying from the gas. This stanza also
leaves the reader something to think about in regards to the cost of
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Assignment 08 Essay
Lymaris Dalian Santiago
ID# AC1404116
CV10 Intro to Computers
Assignment #8 Business Consulting
May 24, 2015
Business Consulting
What formula or function does he put in Column F that will show the total expenses for each day?
In the parenthesis enter the cell letter and number to find total expenses per day. (i.e.) =sum(b5:e5)
What formula or function does he put in columns B through F in Row 13 that will give him the total
expenses for the week in each category?
In the parenthesis enter the cell number and letter to find total expenses per week. (i.e.) =sum(b5:b11)
Bill wants the entry in Column G to remind him of expenses that require receipts for the accountant.
Tell Bill what to put in Column G to do this:
A. Print the ... Show more content on ...
All computers must be running Microsoft operating systems so Bill will have to purchase Microsoft
operating computers for his new employees.
2. With the possibility of three business computers in his home, and all of his business records
possibly vulnerable, this would be a good time to advise Bill on how to set up a routine plan to protect
and defend his new network. Provide a list of the five most important concerns for safety and security
of the network and the computers in the network. For each concern, specify the action to be taken, and
if applicable, what software you recommend be added to the system. Justify each of your
Listed are five important concerns for safety and security and recommendations for prevention:
1. Internet and Network Security
Covers malware and hacking techniques.
Recommendation: When browsing always remember to use high level SSL encryption to keep your
data safe.
2. Data Loss by Accidents
Caused by problems with data storage devices.
Recommendation: To recover data packets lost in transit; the data loss caused by a computer/server
crash can be prevented using a solid backup plan. Data files can be replicated over a remote server as
well as on different computers on a network.
3. Misuse of User rights
Users with certain rights may misuse their privileges to steal company data and sell it competitors.
Recommendation: Monitor what files are shared between workgroup networks. You can monitor
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Relationship Between United States And Cuba
Trade Between U.S. and Cuba
Zoe McDowell
Randolph Community College
Since 1961, the United States and Cuba have had no relations with one another, and have used
Switzerland as a mediator for the two countries to communicate (Suddath, 2009). This is beginning to
change; the U.S and Cuba did business and trade together long ago, but when the U.S. found that
Cuba allowed the Soviet Union to build missile bases in Cuba, along with other things leading up to
this down fall, all business between the U.S and Cuba came to a halt. On April 13, 2009, President
Barak Obama announced that the United States would lift all restrictions and begin to trade and do
business with Cuba, again (Suddath, 2009). Cuba s current ... Show more content on
The technology is Cuba ass limited because the government only allows certain officials to have
access to Internet and certain technological equipment. They would only allow some state workers,
artists, and some academics to have Internet access (Silva, 2015). When Obama announced that
relations with Cuba would be possible again, the Cuban citizens were hopeful that their access to
better and more advances technology would be possible, as well (Silva, 2015). In Cuba, online access
will cost about five dollars an hour, which is more than what most Cuban citizens make in one week
(Silva, 2015). In more recent years, Cubans have started to use more advanced technology and
equipment such as, smart phones, laptops, Blackberry handsets, and some Android devices. The
advancements in Cuba are far behind the United States because many of the technological advances
that we have in the United States are very simple to retrieve; in Cuba, they are harder. Trade and doing
business with Cuba could cause legal issues due to the issues that they may have with certain
products, due to their culture and government rulings. Since the government in Cuba is Communist,
most of the decisions are made by the government. Culture plays a big role in the products that people
use in other countries, and this could cause future issues with doing business in Cuba for the U.S. In
conclusion, the United States is far more advanced with technology and many other
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Scientific Revolution Thomas Kuhn
In Thomas Kuhn s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Kuhn states that a paradigm shift is a
revolutionary event as it causes the rise in a new era of science. A scientific revolution is when an
older paradigm is replaced completely or partially by a new paradigm. As the understanding of science
change, the more humans switch their world view. Thus, causing the rift between the support between
the old paradigm and the new. When it does, both sides must find reasons to persuade others why the
paradigm in question is correct for the new environment. Kuhn believes that all paradigms mark the
shift of environmental changes and human understanding and that not only affects physical science
but all sciences.
Kuhn believes that the universe is ... Show more content on ...
He also states that The man who is striving to solve a problem defined by existing knowledge and
technique is not... just looking around. He knows what he wants to achieve, and he designs his
instruments and directs his thoughts accordingly (Kuhn 8). By following the rules to conduct a
scientific experiment, Man must not rely on past scientific breakthroughs as they can change over
time. Instead Men must find new scientific breakthroughs for a better understanding of the world
around them. Once there is a need for a paradigm shift, it is vital for Men to reject an old paradigm
and focus on the new one. In order to solve the anomalies created by the shift, men create new rules
and principals that can define it. Thus creating a new era of scientific understanding and being able to
move forward from the old
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Should a doctor have to deny their patient health care because they do not have health insurance?
Before the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), also known as
Obamacare, numerous doctors turned down care for their patients. The Patient Protection and
Affordable Care Act is part of the Democratic Congress and President Barack Obama s effort to
reform the American health care system, provide health insurance to millions of uninsured Americans
and lower costs associated with health care ( Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act. ). Many
have argued that Obamacare is a socialist government takeover of the health care system, however
Obamacare is a landmark legislation that reforms the U.S. health care system. The right to health care
is displayed in the founding documents of the United States. The Declaration of Independence states
that all citizens have unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of ... Show
more content on ...
Furthermore, adversaries complain that the complexity of Obamacare s employer mandate have forced
small businesses to cut hours, wages and jobs ( Obamacare. ). In California, over seventy percent of
the 104,000 physicians are refusing to participate in Obamacare, [because] practices stand to lose
millions of dollars under the state s bargain basement insurances rates. (Crocker 97) Although, some
economists believe the high costs of employee health insurance place US companies at a competitive
disadvantage in the international marketplace, according to the Business Coalition for Single Payer
Healthcare, a right to healthcare under a single payer system could reduce employer labor costs by 10
12% ( Obamacare. ). In addition, the law reduces health care costs by rewarding doctors, hospitals and
other providers that deliver high quality care and making investments to fund research
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Distillation And Tlc Lab Report
Experiment 5: Distillation and TLC
1. For Fraction 1, below 110 degree Celsius (approximately 63 degree Celsius) because that is the
boiling point for 1 hexene. For Fraction 2, around 143 degree Celsius because that is the boiling
temperature for 2 bromohexane.
2. 1 hexene and 2 bromohexane are both in liquid states. So they have similar solubility. However, the
recrystallization technique can be used only when two different compounds have different solubility. 1
hexene and 2 bromohexane cannot be separated when using the recrystallization technique because
this technique is used to dissolve mixture solid in a solvent at high temperature. The solution is then
cooled until one of the compounds crystalizes.
Extraction technique also cannot be used to separate these two compounds because of the same
property they have: they are nonpolar, resulting non acid base extraction. Extraction technique is used
to separate two different compounds to organic and aqueous layer, which means one phase of one
solvent has to be polar and the other phase has to be nonpolar.
3. Always hold the TLC plate by the edge. Never put fingers directly on the surface of the TLC plate
When marking the TLC plate with a pencil, there should be no pressing the plate surface with the
pencil because the silica will be removed from the plate surface.
When spotting on the TLC baseline there should be no contact of the solution on the plate surface fore
more than 1 second
Avoid streaking by not adding
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Competency Mapping
Introduction :
A lot is going on in recent times on the issue of competency mapping. A lot of resource is spent and
consultants are invited to do competency mapping. Competency mapping is gaining much more
importance and organizations are aware of having good human resources or putting the right people
on right job.
Competency mapping is important and is an essential exercise. Every well managed firm should have
well defined roles and list of competencies required to perform each role effectively. Such list should
be used for recruitment, performance management, promotions, placements and training needs
In performing or carrying out work, it is essential that the required job skills first be articulated. This
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Organizations describe, or map, competencies using one or more of the following four strategies:
1. Organization Wide (often called core competencies or those required for organization success)
2.Job Family or Business Unit Competency Sets
3.Position SpecificCompetencySets
4. Competency Sets Defined Relative to the Level of Employee Contribution (i.e. Individual
Contributor, Manager, or Organizational Leader)
This article will not go into depth about the differences among the four mapping strategies. Instead,
the focus here will be on ways that individuals need to present or demonstrate the use of the various
kinds of competencies when interacting with organizations.
Research is ongoing about the nature of competencies that are important for success across many
organizations. There are a number of sources that describe some very common personal functioning
competencies found to be important for employees at all levels across organizations. One good quote
in this area is from Michael Zwell (2000, pgs. 53 55), the author of Creating A Culture of Competence
when he says, From the body of competency research to date, a basic set of 6 competencies would
differentiate the top quartile of performers from the rest in most positions in an organization:
Initiative, Influence, Results Orientation, Teamwork, Service Orientation, and, Concern for Quality.
In addition, research on the importance of emotional intelligence to organization success is starting to
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Standardized Test
Article 3: The article, From Standardized Tests to Alternative Methods: Some Current Resources on
Methods to Access Learning in General Education. by Peggy L. Maki, focuses on the importance of
assessment and different forms of assessments that can be used. The use of standardized tests as a
form of assessment is highly debated, this article questions standardized test and what they are
measuring. The article also gives suggestions to teachers when planning and choosing assessment to
assess their students learning in the general education classroom. The use of standardized testing as a
form of assessment is highly controversial in the world of education. Standardized test compares
students results to a national standard. Some teachers
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Literature Review On Resilience
CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW INTRODUCTION This chapter will provide an overview of
resilience and the factors that affect it will be discussed. The literature review will address parental
rearing behaviour, social support as well as religious faith in relation to resilience. Joseph (1994)
defines resilience as the glue that keeps individuals functioning when they are confronted with
misfortunes and challenges. It is also the attitudes, coping behaviour and personal strength in people
who manage adversity and adjust well to changes in their lives, as well as the ability to bounce back
from bad or difficult situations. Resilience is understood as a force or power, coping mechanisms, and
other personal traits that keep individuals going when they ... Show more content on
Such labels implied that these individuals were in possession of a rare and significant set of qualities
that enabled them to rebound from whatever adversity came their direction, almost as if these
fortunate individuals possessed a sort of innate magical force that protected them form all harm
(Santos, nd) Implicit in the concept of resilience as a dynamic process is the understanding that
resilience can grow or decline over time depending on the interactions taking place between an
individual and their environment and between risk and protective factors in an individual s life
(Borman Rachuba, 2001). The process of resilience is dependent on the factors in a person s
environment and other factors in their life. These concepts will be discussed in detail in the following
paragraphs. Current theories view resilience as a multidimensional construct, which includes
constitutional variables like temperament and personality, in addition to specific skills such as active
problem solving skills that allow individuals to cope well with traumatic life
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The Cupping Point Book Report
The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell applies to everyday life and culture all over the world. The
book focuses on how things tip or turn from a little idea or thing into something big and well known.
Cupping therapy, a Chinese healing technique, recently tipped in our society. Ever since people have
witnessed olympic athletes using the technique of placing hot glass cups onto a back to stimulate
blood flow, many people have researched and some even testing the idea on themselves. The cupping
therapy idea tipped with the help of multiple concepts.
The Law of The Few, the first concept talked about in The Tipping Point, elaborates on how certain
types of people . Connectors, the first type of people, have their feet in multiple social groups. Having
their feet in multiple worlds allow connectors ... Show more content on ...
The Power of Context In the case of cupping therapy, the natural hype associated with the olympics
and the strong sense of nationalism can make anything, including cupping therapy, a huge hit.
Everything during the olympics screams excitement that it builds up suspension and adrenaline,
allowing things like cupping to seem even more trendy in the moment. The type of people who watch
the olympic games also determined a huge roll in how well cupping tips. Kids who want to be major
athletes see the cupping therapy used in the Olympics making the therapy a big hit for them. If
someone watching did not care for sports or athletes, then the power would diminish greatly. Many
athletes watch the olympic games which goes along with young athletes wanting to achieve a higher
level competition just like the olympic athletes. I have a few major athletic peers who work out almost
twice a day and have recently done a do it yourself cupping therapy at home. The context of the
cupping therapy being the olympics caused it to tip
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The Godfather Thesis
Director Francis Ford Coppola s dramatization The Godfather is a standout amongst the most
venerated, acclaimed and powerful works of the twentieth century. It is a movie magnum opus of
business and basic achievement as such achieving that it routinely beat proficient and individual
records as the best film ever. With a story so soaked with profound subjects, solid characters, brilliant
exhibitions, jazzy heading, and an ageless soundtrack, there ought not be any miracle of why this work
has stood the trial of time. Notwithstanding each one of those traits is the presentation of rich social
topics and changes all through the whole film.
The story takes after the New York based Corleone wrongdoing family throughout ten years, from
1945 1955. ... Show more content on ...
A case of this would be that the Don never takes cash from customers and partners for noting a
solicitation, for example, a hit, rather requiring something more individual, for example, fellowship,
administration, or favors. This is entirely clear in the opening scene when a funeral director
approaches the Don for equity against two men who frightfully assaulted and beat his little girl. He
offers Vito cash for the hit which significantly insults The Godfather. Simply after the funeral director
understands the unintended offense and offers Vito his kinship does the Don assent to his solicitation.
Regard, fellowship, influence and control are more critical to this family than
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Las Trancas, Tucuman
At Las Trancas, Tucumán, we find a traditional northern estate where adventure, culture, and history
unite to create a unique experience. As we get deeper into Tucuman northern valley, passing the
thickness of the yunga s jungle and its overwhelming contrast with the surrounding mountain ranges,
we reach this quiet place that waits to offer rest and relax to tired travelers. Nevertheless, Estancia
Zárate isn t just a picturesque place to retire but also a passage throughout history. Its historical
records date from the early 18th century. The main residence was a shelter for those brave men who
traversed the valleys and needed refuge for the night; and hosted under its roof governors, caudillos,
and messengers from the turbulent times that
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Gel Nail Polish Research Paper
Gel nail polish is one of the new beauty crazes sweeping the nation. Introduced in 2010, this gel
manicure is brushed on in several layers and hardens under a UV light. It is applied, usually at the
salon, and then set under the UV light. A gel polish manicure typically lasts for two weeks or longer,
beating even the best regular manicure by several days.
One of the best features of this type of polish is how quickly it dries and hardens. You can apply the
gel color and have awesome nails within minutes, without fear of smudges or bumps.
Gel nail polish is perfect for professional women that wash their hands frequently. Doctors and chefs
or other medical and food service employees can enjoy beautiful nail art for weeks at a time, as
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Bill Miller Essay
1. How well has Value Trust performed as of the date of the case?
As of 2005, Value Trust had outperformed its benchmark index, the S P 500, for 14 years
consecutively. Given that the next longest period of sustained performance was only half as long, 14
consecutive years of excellent performance set a record as the longest streak of success for any
manager in the mutual fund industry. The average annual total return for the past 15 years was 14.6%,
which was higher than the S P s 500 by 3.67%. Value Trust had 36 holdings, 10 of which accounted
for nearly 50% of the fund s assets. Morningstar gave Value Trust a five star rating.
2. What might explain the fund s performance?
Some observers attributed the success in fund s ... Show more content on ...
Miller is an adherent of fundamental analysis, an approach to equity investing he had gleaned from a
number of sources. Miller s approach was research intensive and highly concentrated. Nearly 50% of
Value Trust s assets were invested in just 10 large capitalization companies. While most of Miller s
investments were value stocks, he was not averse to taking large positions in the stocks of growth
companies. Overall, Miller s style was eclectic and difficult to distill.
Several key elements of Miller s contrarian strategy included: 1) buy low price, high intrinsic value
stocks; 2) take heart in pessimistic markets; 3) remember that the lowest average cost wins; 4) be wary
of valuation illusions; 5) take the long view; 6) look for cyclical and secular underpricing; 7) buy low
expectation stocks; 8) take risks.
4. What is the efficient markets hypothesis? What does it imply about the role of portfolio managers?
The Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) states that it is impossible to beat the market because stock
market efficiency causes existing share prices to always incorporate and reflect all relevant
According to the EMH, stocks always trade at their fair value on stock exchanges, making it
impossible for investors to either purchase undervalued stocks or sell stocks for inflated prices. Thus,
portfolio managers should find it impossible to outperform the overall
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Duchess Of Malfi As A Revenge Tragedy Analysis
Sr. Deena David
Webster s Duchess of Malfi as a Revenge Tragedy
A revenge tragedy is one in which the tragedy is brought about by the pursuit and accomplishment of
revenge. In other words, its blood asking for blood. The revenge tragedy was very popular during the
Elizabethan and Jacobean periods, and it owned its popularity largely to the influence of Seneca, the
ancient Roman dramatist. Revenge tragedy is different from other tragedies in the sense that the whole
part of the tragedy will be based on revenge. In Shakespeare s Macbeth, though Macduff kills
Macbeth to avenge the killing of his family, the play can t be called a revenge tragedy as Macbeth
himself is responsible for his own tragic end. The Duchess of Malfi by the English dramatist John ...
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There is no ghost but the echo from the Duchess tomb fulfils one of the functions of the ghost of
revenge tragedy. The voice warns a doomed man of his danger and, at the same time, reveals the
unknown fact of its own death. The play is sometimes ridiculed by modern critics for the excessive
violence and horror. The severed hands of dead Antonio, the wax figures of the Duchess children,
dance of the mad men, the appearance of the tomb maker, and the executioner with all the apparatus of
death bring in the elements of horror in the play. In a typical revenge play, the protagonist directs his
revenge towards an unjust action, but the vengeance is followed by a series of retributions, which
ultimately lead to the death of many characters. The Duchess, Anotonio, Cardinal, Ferdinand, Julia,
Bosola etc are all murdered for revenge. Though it begins as a love story it ends as a dreadful tragedy.
The violence and the horror scenes give it the touch it needs to be a revenge tragedy. Though all the
main characters are dead order is restored at the end. The Antonio s eldest son is raised to the throne
giving a sign of hope to the spectators after all the
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Toronto School Bus Research Paper
Toronto School Bus Driver Shortage
As is being reported by the media these days, more than 1,000 children have been left waiting at
school bus stops in different areas of the Great Toronto Area (GTA) since the beginning of school.
According to Ombudsman Ontario website, an independent officer of the Legislature who investigates
complaints from the public about Ontario government services (Ombudsman Ontario, 2016), more
than 800 complaints has been received about this issue to date.
The first and obvious cause of this issue is the lack of bus drivers working for some of the companies
which operate this service for both of the Toronto school boards Toronto District School Board
(TDSB) and Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB). In
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Madonna Long Neck
Sometimes in the art world using similar subjects can result in very different works. Such an example
of this is in the tale of the two Madonna s. The first Madonna is by the Italian High Renaissance artist
Raphael. This piece was completed by Raphael somewhere around 1505. This piece is oil on panel
and currently is on display at the national gallery of art in Washington D.C. Nobody is positive why
the piece was originally painted but at that time period it was common to give this type of gift as a
wedding present.
Madonna of the long neck is another work of art with the subject being Madonna. This piece of art
was created by Parmigianino somewhere between 1535 and 1540. The painting was originally
commissioned for the church ... Show more content on ...
This Madonna is painted with High renaissance painting styles. Madonna is again painted as a biblical
figure wearing traditional garb of the time period. The skin of Madonna and baby is very soft and the
expressions a very serene. This piece of work is very symmetrical compared to the work of
parmigiano and there is a very strong sense of nature in this piece. Baby Jesus is help in a loving
manner in this work compared to the Parmigianino piece where the baby seems to be ready to fall to
the ground. Both Madonna and child are equally proportioned in this piece and both Madonna and
baby appear to be glaring at the same thing. Some believe that that are staring at the baby s
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Flowers For Algernon Charlie Gordon Essay
Charlie Gordon, in the novel Flowers for Algernon, undergoes an experimental intelligence enhancing
operation to cure his mental disability. The aim of this essay is to indicate the struggle he faces
between his newly acquired intelligence and his lack of emotional maturity, which is not always seen
as compatible.
Having I.Q. of 70 Charlie battles with the most common of tasks. He has an ambition to learn to read
and write and goes to Beekman College Center for Retarded Adults. This is where Miss Kinnian
recommends Charlie Gordon for the experimental operation.
The intellectually enhancing experiment has a life changing effect on Charlie Gordon s I.Q. Before the
operation he has an I.Q of 70 that classifies his intelligence as below average. ... Show more content
on ...
Charlie realises that the people who act as if they are his friends, are only using him to get a laugh out
of him. He really pulled a Charlie Gordon that time. I dont know why they say it but they always laff
and I laff too (Keyes, 1959: 17).According to George Bielay being emotional immature is being
emotional volatile. People like Charlie tend to get their emotions out of control, they get frustrated and
upset easily, they have loyalty towards a person as long as they view the relationship as useful and
they are constantly preoccupied with themselves. Charlie battles with the emotions he feels after he
starts to get flashbacks of his childhood. He stands there, frightened by the sudden outburst. He
cowers, not knowing what she will do. His body begins to shake. They re arguing, and the voices back
and forth make a squeezing pressure inside him and a sense of panic (Keyes, 1959:52). While Charlie
s intelligence grows he starts having impulses for women. Being emotionally immature he cannot
come to the point where he can have a relationship with Alice Kinnian he rather has a sexual
relationship with his neighbour Fay that briefly ends after she starts interfering with his
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Baumrind Parenting Style
Parenting Styles Hanna Lagman Los Angeles Harbor College Abstract Parenting styles play an
important role in a child s development. Diana Baumrind identified four parenting styles:
authoritative, authoritarian, indulgent, and neglectful. According to Baumrind, the authoritative style
works best. In order to understand parenting practices in other cultures, Mexican families and
Caucasian Non Hispanic families will be compared. It is hypothesized that the Mexican families
utilize the authoritarian parenting style, while the Caucasian Non Hispanic parents utilize authoritative
parenting style. All families were given a questionnaire to compare the parent s parental practices
across two cultural groups. It was anticipated that the families would differ in parental styles;
however, there were no differences between the parenting styles within the cultural groups. Parenting
Styles Developmental Theory In 1971, Diana Baumrind categorized different parenting styles by
observing middle class parents interacting with their children (Belsky, 2010, p. 201). Baumrind s
parenting styles influence the field of child development and have been widely cited. In her research,
she developed four parenting styles: authoritative, authoritarian, indulgent, and neglectful. They are
analyzed by two factors: responsiveness and demandingness. Parental responsiveness refers to how
parents respond to the child s needs. Parental demandingness refers to the parent s
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Wonderland Identity
Whether it is because she is being mistaken for someone she is not or magical foods and drinks are
causing her to change in size, from the moment she gets in wonderland Alice is in constant wonder of
who she is. Her identity is something she feels that she has lost and she simply cannot remember who
she really is, Alice s fall down the rabbit hole introduces a comparable identity crisis (Haughton 194).
In Wonderland, Alice struggles with the importance of knowing herself and is often ordered to identify
herself by the characters she meets the continuous questioning leaves her still unsure of who she is and
who she wants to be. One of the first creatures to really question her on who she is was the Caterpillar,
he asks: who are you? ... ... Show more content on ...
Despite her unfamiliar surroundings, Alice attempts to interpret everything around her from a logical
point of view due to how mature she is for her age. However, she is still a girl who is only seven years
old and this allows the maturity that she tries so hard to show to fade away. She is in a state of disarray
about who she is because of her developing sense of the difference between childhood and adulthood (
Alice s Adventures in Wonderland 28). At the beginning of the text, Alice tries to read her older sister
s book, only to become bored because of its lack of childish appeals: What is the use of a book ,
thought Alice, without pictures or conversations? (Carroll 1). She wants to be more like her older
sister, but she does have the mind of a child which is why she grows bored and begins her adventure
to wonderland in the first place. Also, Alice eats or drinks something that she finds many times
throughout her adventure, and this shows her lack of maturity: only a child would pick something up
that says Drink me on it and not think of the consequences at all before drinking it. Throughout Alice s
Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll emphasizes the conflict between Alice s desire to be an
adult and grow up and her subconscious wanting to remain the child
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The Search Committee Chair Must Collect And Review The
The Search Committee Chair must collect and review the applications immediately before the
interview to ensure all signatures and relevant information (e.g. correct employment dates, references,
etc.) are complete. The Search Chair must sign page five of the Application, acknowledging the fact
that s/he has received and reviewed it. Note: Please ensure that candidates complete the CUNY
application in its entirety. All relevant work experience must be completed on the application, with
month and year, start and end dates, and a brief description of duties for each position. Relevant
information on the resume but not on the application will not be considered by HR. This ensures the
proper evaluation of the candidates experience against the ... Show more content on ...
Avoid a halo effect. This is when an interviewer allows one or two positive traits of a candidate to
affect his/her judgment in other areas. It can also apply to negative traits or characteristics.
Occasionally, applicants may volunteer non job related information relating to religion, sex, marital
status, national origin, age, etc. during an interview, which can be used to discriminate. An example is
an applicant who talks about being divorced or about his/her children and childcare arrangements.
Even though you did not ask for the information, you can still be charged with discrimination if a
question arises subsequently about how this information was used. Should an applicant volunteer non
job related information:
o Do not write the information down o Do not ask follow up questions or make statements to continue
in the area of discussion
o Return the discussion to job related issues
o Do not consider the non job related information in decisions about the applicant s candidacy.
Be careful not to overrate compatibility with other department staff/faculty because it can work
against diversity. Be wary of making assumptions about the candidate like:
o This person won t be happy here
o This person won t understand our students, our employees, our internal customers, etc.
o This person won t stay if we hire them.
Avoid referring to candidates as affirmative action candidates and/or
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Rockwell Jaw Horse Research Papers
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Strength This solid stainless steel device gives one tone vise and gadget press. Apart from wooden
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clamping power in comparison to a standard vise. It can preserve heavyweight and work as a platform
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Dyslexia affects the way a student reads but another specific learning disability, dysgraphia, also
affects the way a student writes (Adam 1). Dysgraphia is a condition that causes people trouble with
writing due to poor handwriting (Adam 1). Students with ASDs are at an increased risk of developing
dysgraphia (Adam 1). Children with ASDs do not learn motor skills as regularly as a normal
developing student would (Versfeld 1). Because of this many students do not develop the fine motor
skills needed to hold a pencil correctly, which could result in messy, unreadable handwriting (Adam
1). Another symptom of dysgraphia is poor grasp of spelling, grammar and punctuation (Adam 1).
There are a number of ATs to help students with all these deficiencies. ... Show more content on ...
They are generally used in conjunction with another AT, such as word prediction programs or freeform
database softwares (Stanberry 4). Word processors may be helpful to students who prefer to use a
keyboard as opposed to a pencil and paper (Stanberry 4). It also allows the user to edit and correct
their written work more efficiently than by hand (Stanberry 4). Speech recognition programs, which
are mainly used for students whose oral language skills are better than their writing skills, work in
conjunction with word processors (Stanberry 5). A user dictates their work into a microphone and their
spoken words appear on the computer screen as text (Stanberry 5). Paper based computer pens records
and links audio to what the person writes using the pen and special paper (Stanberry 4). This enables
the user to take notes while simultaneously recording what the teacher is saying (Stanberry 4). The
user is then able to listen to any section of the notes by touching the pen to the corresponding
handwriting or diagrams (Stanberry 4). This device can also be used for students with listening issues
(Stanberry 4). These ATs can assist students who struggle with various areas of language
... Get more on ...
Geothermal Energy from the Earth
Geothermal energy
Energy from the Earth What could be more natural or plentiful? The source of geothermal power is the
heat contained inside the Earth; heat so intense that it creates molten magma. There are a few different
types of geothermal energy that can be tapped. Some geothermal systems are formed when hot magma
near the surface (1,500 to 10,000 meters deep) directly heats groundwater. The heat generated from
these hot spots flows outward toward the surface, manifesting as volcanoes, geysers, and hot springs .
Naturally occurring hot water and steam can be tapped by energy conversion technology to generate
electricity or to produce hot water for direct use. Other geothermal systems are formed even when no
magma is nearby as magma heats rocks which in turn heat deeply circulating groundwater. In order to
maximize the energy gleaned from these so called hot dry rocks, geothermal facilities will often
fracture the hot rocks and pump water into and from them in order to use the heated water to generate
The concentration of geothermal energy at any given location must be quite high in order to make heat
extraction feasible, and not all geothermal sites are created equally. Regions that have well developed
geothermal systems are located in geologically active areas. These regions have continuous,
concentrated heat flow to the surface. The western United States has the best geothermal regions in the
country, while Iceland , New Zealand , the Philippines ,
... Get more on ...
The Reasons Why The Ottoman Empire Essay
The Byzantine empire had its start in 330 AD with Constantine moving the capital of the Eastern
Roman Empire/Byzantine Empire to Constantinople, present day Istanbul. This created a capital in
which nearly no one could fully siege control over for centuries. This all changed on April 5,1453
when Sultan Mehmed II, ruler of the Ottoman Empire, determined that he would defeat the Byzantine
Empire and take Constantinople, took action and marched to the city. After a 54 day siege, on
Tuesday, May 29,1453, Sultan Mehmed II and the Muslim Turks breached the walls of the city and
brought the last Roman empire crumbling to its knees. The reasons why the Ottoman Empire was able
to bring down what once was the greatest empire in the world was due to a proper financial backing
and assistance from allies, greater number of troops, better technological advancements, the type of
leader Sultan Mehmed II was, and strategy. In 1451, Sultan Mehmed II, later known as Mehmed the
Conquerer, started his second reign of power of the Ottoman Empire. From the very beginning, he
declared it was his aim to take the city of Constantinople, no matter what the cost. This was
challenging due to the ginormous layered walls surrounding the Byzantine peninsula. First, the city
was surrounded by a moat and a layer of wall, then a second or middle wall rising above thirty feet
with 96 towers, and then the third and biggest wall rising up to 40 feet high and 15 feet thick [with] 96
towers each about 60
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And Then There Were None Sparknotes
Man s quest for the one and absolute truth which will serve as the centre for all his questions, answers,
visions, revisions, doubts, discourse, thesis and hypothesis has led him to formulate new ways,
discover new methods, and innovate new process in hope of using them as rungs for the one great
ladder which will take him to that elusive centre of impeccable knowledge. That centre or
fountainhead of all knowledge should be an all encompassing and all transcending and completely
independent entity which can serve as the basis of all meanings and but while one is on his way of
reaching that he is still not free of the imperfect egoistic assumptions and perceptions of superiority
about one s own culture, knowledge, philosophy, race etc. These ... Show more content on ...
She sees the conflict between civilization and savagery as an endless, eternal and everlasting struggle.
The civilization is like the colonizer, the master always trying to restrain every natural powerful
impulse to bring it under the control of certain codified rules, laws and regulations which symbolize
the ordered civilization. The force of wilderness on the other hand always tries to break free to express
itself in a manner which is always incomprehensible to the civilized authority. She also expresses the
man woman struggle and conflict as the female body in her poetry from time to time has been
depicted as some sort of theatre where all acts of violence and atrocity are committed by men. The
female body has her own distinctive aura of sensuality, creativity, continuity and fluency which the
men often tries to entrap and capture and then try to make her an subservient, weak and passive being.
In The Edible Woman make the protagonist and the first person narrator during Part One and Part
Three of the novel Marian MacAlpin s refusal to eat coincides with her refusal to get drawn into the
patriarchal society s attempts to draw, delimit and define a woman by robbing her of her essential
feminine virtues and independent self. She equates the act of eating meat to that of society s process of
ingestion, digestion and assimilation of essential feminine
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Eating Disorder And Disordered Eating
Another issue that seems to be prevalent is the distinction between an eating disorder and disordered
eating. These two are frequently misunderstood and used out of context. Disordered eating is almost
the same thing as an eating disorder with a few differences. Someone who suffers from disordered
eating is someone who does the same things as someone who suffers from an actual diagnosed eating
disorder but with less frequently. An example of this would be purging after eating an excessive
amount of food. Those who suffer from disordered eating often times have a history of depression or
anxiety. In addition to mental health consequences, ED have physical health consequences. The
National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) lists some health consequences associated with AN
and BN. For AN, health consequences include reduction of bone density (osteoporosis), severe
dehydration, which can result in kidney failure, fainting, fatigue, anemia, a lower immune system
function, slowed heart rate, even poor circulation of the blood, and overall weakness (NEDA). Some
of the physical effects for BN are inflammation and possible rupture of the esophagus from frequent
vomiting, chronic irregular bowel movements and constipation as a result of laxative abuse, and peptic
ulcers and pancreatitis. (NEDA). Premature birth, muscle fatigue, tooth decay, and mental health
issues can all arise from a BN as well. Multiple studies and reviews have been conducted to
investigate the
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Ela Physics 1.4
Standards ( CAEP 1.4) (InTASC 4)
With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details.
With prompting and support, identify characters, settings, and major events in a story.
Learning Objectives: (CAEP 1.1, 1.3) (InTASC 2)
When given picture cards and simple sentences, the students will correctly sequence the events of the
story, with 60% accuracy.
When given picture cards that represent the plot elements, the students will correctly identify the plot
elements with 75% accuracy.
Assessment Procedures: (CAEP 1.2) (InTASC 6)
When given picture cards and simple ... Show more content on ...
The teacher will inform the class on today s activities: sequencing pictures and simple sentences. The
teacher will inform the class on today s early finisher activity: a counting change sheet.
The teacher will inform the students on the purpose for this lesson.
Review of Previous Lesson: The teacher will activate the student s prior knowledge by reminding
them how they sequenced the events of how to plant a seed. The teacher will inform the students that
they will be sequencing events like they did for planting a seed, but instead for a piece of text this
time: Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina.
Purpose/Importance:The purpose of today s lesson is show the relationship that exist amongst the
events that occur in a story. I know how to sequence the events of a story.
Plan: Attention Grabber (5 minutes); Reading story and answering plot element questions (15 minutes)
Independent Practice (Scramble Story Activity 15 minutes); Closure (5 minutes).
Instructional Procedures: (CAEP 1.1, 1.3, 1.4) (InTASC 1,7,8)
Review the parts of the book(e.g. Front cover, back cover, title page, author,
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The Need For Justice Essay
The clash between good and evil perpetually permeates humanity. Balance of these forces through
equality and tranquility is a goal sought after to amend injustice. Impartiality creates balance within a
society. In addition, fairness through the application of law is a cornerstone of countless civilizations.
The members of civilizations taught moralities through the tenets of religion heavily influence their
integrity. The many manifestations and interpretations of righteousness confirm the eternal goal of
civilization to do good unto others. Justice restores and perpetuates humanity s high moral standing.
Justice means doing benevolent actions for the betterment of humanity. Justice is defined as the
maintenance of legal, social, or ... Show more content on ...
(Andrews 491) Civilization s need for justice derives from the need for democracy, which promotes
equality. Reinhold Niebuhr, an American social thinker ( Niebuhr, Reinhold ) said, Man s capacity for
justice makes democracy possible, but man s inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary .
(The Oxford Dictionary 362) This is evident in the government of the United States. At first only
white men could partake in government. This appalling inequality led to African Americans and
women demanding the right to vote and stopping the injustice brought against them. In the movie 12
Angry Men, the story of a trial with a jury of varying backgrounds and beliefs, justice is a theme at the
forefront. Juror #8: It s always difficult to keep personal prejudice out of a thing like this. And
wherever you run into it, prejudice always obscures the truth. I don t really know what the truth is. I
don t suppose anybody will ever really know. Nine of us now seem to feel that the defendant is
innocent, but we re just gambling on probabilities we may be wrong. We may be trying to let a guilty
man go free, I don t know. Prejudice is shown throughout history and in this movie; Juror #6 has a
prejudice against Hispanics and wishes to rid the streets of them while Juror #12 was attacked by his
teenage son and believes all teenagers are evil. As Niebuhr said, mans capacity for injustice is
demonstrated through his prejudices against others. Democracy
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Dangers Of The Abominable Snowman
The Abominable Snowman a mystery to this world now uncovered I chose this controversy because
scientist and expedition have spent over 100,000 dollars just to find the Abominable Snowman (Yeti)
They make it seem that it is fake. But I say that it is real. Scientist have discovered that the
Abominable Snowman is real. It is real because it has been a mystery to the world and there has been
unknowable tracks and eyewitness evidence that has reported about it.
There were three countries that it has been spotted in Bhutan, Nepal, Tibet The Expeditions that have
spotted the Abominable Snowman.
¨Gray hairs have been found in an clump of green moss near a southern Russian cave¨.
Jane Leonzal Unidentified Gray Hair and near a cave Page #1
The Scientist tested that hair ... Show more content on ...
Missing Cattle/Livestock near the Tibetan Villages. The Villagers say that the Yeti hunts at night. So
the Yeti and stay hidden from society. The Yeti only eats animals, not humans unless agitated.
Jane Qiu Mysteries Livestock in a Tibetan Village page # 142
The Abominable Snowman or the Yeti hunts a night and only hunts at night. In addition, only hunts
after Livestock. Russian scientist has been investigating the Snowman and they have spotted dead
animals in an abandoned cave.
Ker Than March 1st 2011 Dead Animals found in the caves by the Himalayan Mountains . Page # 8
There are only two types of major deadly animals in the Himalayan mountain. They are the Pika and
the snow leopard but they are very small animals.
There have been many locations of evidence of the Abominable Snowman. Most of them by the
Himalayan Mountain ranges. There were some history about the Abominable Snowman. I am gonna
uncover them and see what he did or where are the locations he have been. Any folk tales and why do
people fear the Yeti.
The Abominable Snowmans natural habitat is Nepal. The Himalayan Mountains are on Nepal. So
basically that where the evidence is
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Comparing Women In Streetcar Named Desire And Death Of A...
The Street Car Named Desire and Death of a Salesmen both have central themes that center around
the main characters of the plays revealing both playwright s unrealistic expectations of women. The
characters of the plays struggle with being their own downfall. There are also the same place in which
we can see the characters struggle. The role of Stella and Linda are both very traditional women in
that the play they the p lay the stay at home wife. Stella, In the Street Car Named Desire is loyal to her
husband. Same as in Death of a Sales Linda is very shy and conservative around her husband.
However, this can really be seen due to the type of sentence structure and tone that is used when either
character is talking to their better half. Due to both Miller and Williams being men they depict the
women to act what a man would imagine a perfect wife would be. So, both of the playwright s
characters are not realistic but a fantasy and not an actual portray of women. In the play bot Linda and
Stella are only introduced to stand by their husbands. Both characters seem to only be present for
supporting their spouses by doing all the house chores as well as shielding them from harm. Both,
characters seem to be blinded blind by their husband s imperfections, ... Show more content on ...
Both of these characters have a hamartia that leads to their tragic downfall. Blanche by trying to
conceal her past by believing in the lies that she tells people. Willis is that he has gone to new lengths
in order to conserve his dreams. However, both characters are not entirely engulfed in their madness.
Blanche lies and uses her feminine charm to seduce men and reach self economic sufficiency. While,
Willy is completely divided in to his own madness and pushes his family to carry his dream. This
makes Willy less pf a tragic story, unlike Blanche who s is aware of it and can not be placed in the
... Get more on ...

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  • 1. XAT 2023 - Essay Writing || Ace XAT 2023 Preparation | WAT For Other ... 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. XAT 2023 - Essay Writing || Ace XAT 2023 Preparation | WAT For Other ... XAT 2023 - Essay Writing || Ace XAT 2023 Preparation | WAT For Other ...
  • 2. Dulce Et Decorum Est Effects Of War Wilfred Owen s anti war poem Dulce et Decorum Est graphically illustrates the negative experiences of war. From the death to lack of basic supplies Owen s poem relays the conditions of the thousands who fought in the front lines during World War I. The last four lines sums up the message Owen is attempting to make to the public you have been told it is sweet and proper to die for one s country , but it is not these are the atrocities faced by those fighting for you and they are not something that is a wanted experience. To fully experience the poem the reader must first understand two things: the historical events occurring at the time the poem was written, and the poem that the Latin words Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori that occur ... Show more content on ... (The present simple plunges is again nicely ambiguous, so that we cannot really tell whether the repetitions were at the time, or since, or both.) My conclusion would be that, insofar as the poem suggests or accommodates such a reading, it also can seem to broaden and deepen its grasp, even so far as to acknowledge covertly that the deepest, complicating iniquity of war is that its events can dispossess one of one s best self, dividing oneself from oneself and others and overwhelming one s most humane of responses toward pity and truth (Hughes 4). Owen is haunted by his man who was not able to get his gas mask on in time to avoid the harmful effects of the gas that was used in the war. By not being able to help the other soldier Owen feels as if he is somehow responsible because he did not help the man as he was plunging for Owen s mask. The last stanza describes the comrade s face as he lays in the wagon dying from the gas. This stanza also leaves the reader something to think about in regards to the cost of ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Assignment 08 Essay Lymaris Dalian Santiago ID# AC1404116 CV10 Intro to Computers Assignment #8 Business Consulting May 24, 2015 Business Consulting What formula or function does he put in Column F that will show the total expenses for each day? =SUM() In the parenthesis enter the cell letter and number to find total expenses per day. (i.e.) =sum(b5:e5) What formula or function does he put in columns B through F in Row 13 that will give him the total expenses for the week in each category? =SUM() In the parenthesis enter the cell number and letter to find total expenses per week. (i.e.) =sum(b5:b11) Bill wants the entry in Column G to remind him of expenses that require receipts for the accountant. Tell Bill what to put in Column G to do this: A. Print the ... Show more content on ... All computers must be running Microsoft operating systems so Bill will have to purchase Microsoft operating computers for his new employees. 2. With the possibility of three business computers in his home, and all of his business records possibly vulnerable, this would be a good time to advise Bill on how to set up a routine plan to protect and defend his new network. Provide a list of the five most important concerns for safety and security of the network and the computers in the network. For each concern, specify the action to be taken, and if applicable, what software you recommend be added to the system. Justify each of your recommendations. Listed are five important concerns for safety and security and recommendations for prevention: 1. Internet and Network Security Covers malware and hacking techniques. Recommendation: When browsing always remember to use high level SSL encryption to keep your data safe. 2. Data Loss by Accidents Caused by problems with data storage devices. Recommendation: To recover data packets lost in transit; the data loss caused by a computer/server crash can be prevented using a solid backup plan. Data files can be replicated over a remote server as well as on different computers on a network. 3. Misuse of User rights
  • 4. Users with certain rights may misuse their privileges to steal company data and sell it competitors. Recommendation: Monitor what files are shared between workgroup networks. You can monitor ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Relationship Between United States And Cuba Trade Between U.S. and Cuba Zoe McDowell Randolph Community College Since 1961, the United States and Cuba have had no relations with one another, and have used Switzerland as a mediator for the two countries to communicate (Suddath, 2009). This is beginning to change; the U.S and Cuba did business and trade together long ago, but when the U.S. found that Cuba allowed the Soviet Union to build missile bases in Cuba, along with other things leading up to this down fall, all business between the U.S and Cuba came to a halt. On April 13, 2009, President Barak Obama announced that the United States would lift all restrictions and begin to trade and do business with Cuba, again (Suddath, 2009). Cuba s current ... Show more content on ... The technology is Cuba ass limited because the government only allows certain officials to have access to Internet and certain technological equipment. They would only allow some state workers, artists, and some academics to have Internet access (Silva, 2015). When Obama announced that relations with Cuba would be possible again, the Cuban citizens were hopeful that their access to better and more advances technology would be possible, as well (Silva, 2015). In Cuba, online access will cost about five dollars an hour, which is more than what most Cuban citizens make in one week (Silva, 2015). In more recent years, Cubans have started to use more advanced technology and equipment such as, smart phones, laptops, Blackberry handsets, and some Android devices. The advancements in Cuba are far behind the United States because many of the technological advances that we have in the United States are very simple to retrieve; in Cuba, they are harder. Trade and doing business with Cuba could cause legal issues due to the issues that they may have with certain products, due to their culture and government rulings. Since the government in Cuba is Communist, most of the decisions are made by the government. Culture plays a big role in the products that people use in other countries, and this could cause future issues with doing business in Cuba for the U.S. In conclusion, the United States is far more advanced with technology and many other ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Scientific Revolution Thomas Kuhn In Thomas Kuhn s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Kuhn states that a paradigm shift is a revolutionary event as it causes the rise in a new era of science. A scientific revolution is when an older paradigm is replaced completely or partially by a new paradigm. As the understanding of science change, the more humans switch their world view. Thus, causing the rift between the support between the old paradigm and the new. When it does, both sides must find reasons to persuade others why the paradigm in question is correct for the new environment. Kuhn believes that all paradigms mark the shift of environmental changes and human understanding and that not only affects physical science but all sciences. Kuhn believes that the universe is ... Show more content on ... He also states that The man who is striving to solve a problem defined by existing knowledge and technique is not... just looking around. He knows what he wants to achieve, and he designs his instruments and directs his thoughts accordingly (Kuhn 8). By following the rules to conduct a scientific experiment, Man must not rely on past scientific breakthroughs as they can change over time. Instead Men must find new scientific breakthroughs for a better understanding of the world around them. Once there is a need for a paradigm shift, it is vital for Men to reject an old paradigm and focus on the new one. In order to solve the anomalies created by the shift, men create new rules and principals that can define it. Thus creating a new era of scientific understanding and being able to move forward from the old ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Obamacare Should a doctor have to deny their patient health care because they do not have health insurance? Before the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), also known as Obamacare, numerous doctors turned down care for their patients. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is part of the Democratic Congress and President Barack Obama s effort to reform the American health care system, provide health insurance to millions of uninsured Americans and lower costs associated with health care ( Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act. ). Many have argued that Obamacare is a socialist government takeover of the health care system, however Obamacare is a landmark legislation that reforms the U.S. health care system. The right to health care is displayed in the founding documents of the United States. The Declaration of Independence states that all citizens have unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, adversaries complain that the complexity of Obamacare s employer mandate have forced small businesses to cut hours, wages and jobs ( Obamacare. ). In California, over seventy percent of the 104,000 physicians are refusing to participate in Obamacare, [because] practices stand to lose millions of dollars under the state s bargain basement insurances rates. (Crocker 97) Although, some economists believe the high costs of employee health insurance place US companies at a competitive disadvantage in the international marketplace, according to the Business Coalition for Single Payer Healthcare, a right to healthcare under a single payer system could reduce employer labor costs by 10 12% ( Obamacare. ). In addition, the law reduces health care costs by rewarding doctors, hospitals and other providers that deliver high quality care and making investments to fund research ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Distillation And Tlc Lab Report Experiment 5: Distillation and TLC 1. For Fraction 1, below 110 degree Celsius (approximately 63 degree Celsius) because that is the boiling point for 1 hexene. For Fraction 2, around 143 degree Celsius because that is the boiling temperature for 2 bromohexane. 2. 1 hexene and 2 bromohexane are both in liquid states. So they have similar solubility. However, the recrystallization technique can be used only when two different compounds have different solubility. 1 hexene and 2 bromohexane cannot be separated when using the recrystallization technique because this technique is used to dissolve mixture solid in a solvent at high temperature. The solution is then cooled until one of the compounds crystalizes. Extraction technique also cannot be used to separate these two compounds because of the same property they have: they are nonpolar, resulting non acid base extraction. Extraction technique is used to separate two different compounds to organic and aqueous layer, which means one phase of one solvent has to be polar and the other phase has to be nonpolar. 3. Always hold the TLC plate by the edge. Never put fingers directly on the surface of the TLC plate When marking the TLC plate with a pencil, there should be no pressing the plate surface with the pencil because the silica will be removed from the plate surface. When spotting on the TLC baseline there should be no contact of the solution on the plate surface fore more than 1 second Avoid streaking by not adding ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Competency Mapping Introduction : A lot is going on in recent times on the issue of competency mapping. A lot of resource is spent and consultants are invited to do competency mapping. Competency mapping is gaining much more importance and organizations are aware of having good human resources or putting the right people on right job. Competency mapping is important and is an essential exercise. Every well managed firm should have well defined roles and list of competencies required to perform each role effectively. Such list should be used for recruitment, performance management, promotions, placements and training needs identification. In performing or carrying out work, it is essential that the required job skills first be articulated. This ... Show more content on ... Organizations describe, or map, competencies using one or more of the following four strategies: 1. Organization Wide (often called core competencies or those required for organization success) 2.Job Family or Business Unit Competency Sets 3.Position SpecificCompetencySets 4. Competency Sets Defined Relative to the Level of Employee Contribution (i.e. Individual Contributor, Manager, or Organizational Leader) This article will not go into depth about the differences among the four mapping strategies. Instead, the focus here will be on ways that individuals need to present or demonstrate the use of the various kinds of competencies when interacting with organizations. Research is ongoing about the nature of competencies that are important for success across many organizations. There are a number of sources that describe some very common personal functioning competencies found to be important for employees at all levels across organizations. One good quote in this area is from Michael Zwell (2000, pgs. 53 55), the author of Creating A Culture of Competence when he says, From the body of competency research to date, a basic set of 6 competencies would differentiate the top quartile of performers from the rest in most positions in an organization: Initiative, Influence, Results Orientation, Teamwork, Service Orientation, and, Concern for Quality. In addition, research on the importance of emotional intelligence to organization success is starting to ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Standardized Test Article 3: The article, From Standardized Tests to Alternative Methods: Some Current Resources on Methods to Access Learning in General Education. by Peggy L. Maki, focuses on the importance of assessment and different forms of assessments that can be used. The use of standardized tests as a form of assessment is highly debated, this article questions standardized test and what they are measuring. The article also gives suggestions to teachers when planning and choosing assessment to assess their students learning in the general education classroom. The use of standardized testing as a form of assessment is highly controversial in the world of education. Standardized test compares students results to a national standard. Some teachers ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Literature Review On Resilience CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW INTRODUCTION This chapter will provide an overview of resilience and the factors that affect it will be discussed. The literature review will address parental rearing behaviour, social support as well as religious faith in relation to resilience. Joseph (1994) defines resilience as the glue that keeps individuals functioning when they are confronted with misfortunes and challenges. It is also the attitudes, coping behaviour and personal strength in people who manage adversity and adjust well to changes in their lives, as well as the ability to bounce back from bad or difficult situations. Resilience is understood as a force or power, coping mechanisms, and other personal traits that keep individuals going when they ... Show more content on ... Such labels implied that these individuals were in possession of a rare and significant set of qualities that enabled them to rebound from whatever adversity came their direction, almost as if these fortunate individuals possessed a sort of innate magical force that protected them form all harm (Santos, nd) Implicit in the concept of resilience as a dynamic process is the understanding that resilience can grow or decline over time depending on the interactions taking place between an individual and their environment and between risk and protective factors in an individual s life (Borman Rachuba, 2001). The process of resilience is dependent on the factors in a person s environment and other factors in their life. These concepts will be discussed in detail in the following paragraphs. Current theories view resilience as a multidimensional construct, which includes constitutional variables like temperament and personality, in addition to specific skills such as active problem solving skills that allow individuals to cope well with traumatic life ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Cupping Point Book Report The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell applies to everyday life and culture all over the world. The book focuses on how things tip or turn from a little idea or thing into something big and well known. Cupping therapy, a Chinese healing technique, recently tipped in our society. Ever since people have witnessed olympic athletes using the technique of placing hot glass cups onto a back to stimulate blood flow, many people have researched and some even testing the idea on themselves. The cupping therapy idea tipped with the help of multiple concepts. The Law of The Few, the first concept talked about in The Tipping Point, elaborates on how certain types of people . Connectors, the first type of people, have their feet in multiple social groups. Having their feet in multiple worlds allow connectors ... Show more content on ... The Power of Context In the case of cupping therapy, the natural hype associated with the olympics and the strong sense of nationalism can make anything, including cupping therapy, a huge hit. Everything during the olympics screams excitement that it builds up suspension and adrenaline, allowing things like cupping to seem even more trendy in the moment. The type of people who watch the olympic games also determined a huge roll in how well cupping tips. Kids who want to be major athletes see the cupping therapy used in the Olympics making the therapy a big hit for them. If someone watching did not care for sports or athletes, then the power would diminish greatly. Many athletes watch the olympic games which goes along with young athletes wanting to achieve a higher level competition just like the olympic athletes. I have a few major athletic peers who work out almost twice a day and have recently done a do it yourself cupping therapy at home. The context of the cupping therapy being the olympics caused it to tip ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Godfather Thesis Director Francis Ford Coppola s dramatization The Godfather is a standout amongst the most venerated, acclaimed and powerful works of the twentieth century. It is a movie magnum opus of business and basic achievement as such achieving that it routinely beat proficient and individual records as the best film ever. With a story so soaked with profound subjects, solid characters, brilliant exhibitions, jazzy heading, and an ageless soundtrack, there ought not be any miracle of why this work has stood the trial of time. Notwithstanding each one of those traits is the presentation of rich social topics and changes all through the whole film. The story takes after the New York based Corleone wrongdoing family throughout ten years, from 1945 1955. ... Show more content on ... A case of this would be that the Don never takes cash from customers and partners for noting a solicitation, for example, a hit, rather requiring something more individual, for example, fellowship, administration, or favors. This is entirely clear in the opening scene when a funeral director approaches the Don for equity against two men who frightfully assaulted and beat his little girl. He offers Vito cash for the hit which significantly insults The Godfather. Simply after the funeral director understands the unintended offense and offers Vito his kinship does the Don assent to his solicitation. Regard, fellowship, influence and control are more critical to this family than ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Las Trancas, Tucuman At Las Trancas, Tucumán, we find a traditional northern estate where adventure, culture, and history unite to create a unique experience. As we get deeper into Tucuman northern valley, passing the thickness of the yunga s jungle and its overwhelming contrast with the surrounding mountain ranges, we reach this quiet place that waits to offer rest and relax to tired travelers. Nevertheless, Estancia Zárate isn t just a picturesque place to retire but also a passage throughout history. Its historical records date from the early 18th century. The main residence was a shelter for those brave men who traversed the valleys and needed refuge for the night; and hosted under its roof governors, caudillos, and messengers from the turbulent times that ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Gel Nail Polish Research Paper Gel nail polish is one of the new beauty crazes sweeping the nation. Introduced in 2010, this gel manicure is brushed on in several layers and hardens under a UV light. It is applied, usually at the salon, and then set under the UV light. A gel polish manicure typically lasts for two weeks or longer, beating even the best regular manicure by several days. One of the best features of this type of polish is how quickly it dries and hardens. You can apply the gel color and have awesome nails within minutes, without fear of smudges or bumps. Gel nail polish is perfect for professional women that wash their hands frequently. Doctors and chefs or other medical and food service employees can enjoy beautiful nail art for weeks at a time, as opposed ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Bill Miller Essay 1. How well has Value Trust performed as of the date of the case? As of 2005, Value Trust had outperformed its benchmark index, the S P 500, for 14 years consecutively. Given that the next longest period of sustained performance was only half as long, 14 consecutive years of excellent performance set a record as the longest streak of success for any manager in the mutual fund industry. The average annual total return for the past 15 years was 14.6%, which was higher than the S P s 500 by 3.67%. Value Trust had 36 holdings, 10 of which accounted for nearly 50% of the fund s assets. Morningstar gave Value Trust a five star rating. 2. What might explain the fund s performance? Some observers attributed the success in fund s ... Show more content on ... Miller is an adherent of fundamental analysis, an approach to equity investing he had gleaned from a number of sources. Miller s approach was research intensive and highly concentrated. Nearly 50% of Value Trust s assets were invested in just 10 large capitalization companies. While most of Miller s investments were value stocks, he was not averse to taking large positions in the stocks of growth companies. Overall, Miller s style was eclectic and difficult to distill. Several key elements of Miller s contrarian strategy included: 1) buy low price, high intrinsic value stocks; 2) take heart in pessimistic markets; 3) remember that the lowest average cost wins; 4) be wary of valuation illusions; 5) take the long view; 6) look for cyclical and secular underpricing; 7) buy low expectation stocks; 8) take risks. 4. What is the efficient markets hypothesis? What does it imply about the role of portfolio managers? The Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) states that it is impossible to beat the market because stock market efficiency causes existing share prices to always incorporate and reflect all relevant information. According to the EMH, stocks always trade at their fair value on stock exchanges, making it impossible for investors to either purchase undervalued stocks or sell stocks for inflated prices. Thus, portfolio managers should find it impossible to outperform the overall ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Duchess Of Malfi As A Revenge Tragedy Analysis Sr. Deena David 17/PELA/035 Webster s Duchess of Malfi as a Revenge Tragedy A revenge tragedy is one in which the tragedy is brought about by the pursuit and accomplishment of revenge. In other words, its blood asking for blood. The revenge tragedy was very popular during the Elizabethan and Jacobean periods, and it owned its popularity largely to the influence of Seneca, the ancient Roman dramatist. Revenge tragedy is different from other tragedies in the sense that the whole part of the tragedy will be based on revenge. In Shakespeare s Macbeth, though Macduff kills Macbeth to avenge the killing of his family, the play can t be called a revenge tragedy as Macbeth himself is responsible for his own tragic end. The Duchess of Malfi by the English dramatist John ... Show more content on ... There is no ghost but the echo from the Duchess tomb fulfils one of the functions of the ghost of revenge tragedy. The voice warns a doomed man of his danger and, at the same time, reveals the unknown fact of its own death. The play is sometimes ridiculed by modern critics for the excessive violence and horror. The severed hands of dead Antonio, the wax figures of the Duchess children, dance of the mad men, the appearance of the tomb maker, and the executioner with all the apparatus of death bring in the elements of horror in the play. In a typical revenge play, the protagonist directs his revenge towards an unjust action, but the vengeance is followed by a series of retributions, which ultimately lead to the death of many characters. The Duchess, Anotonio, Cardinal, Ferdinand, Julia, Bosola etc are all murdered for revenge. Though it begins as a love story it ends as a dreadful tragedy. The violence and the horror scenes give it the touch it needs to be a revenge tragedy. Though all the main characters are dead order is restored at the end. The Antonio s eldest son is raised to the throne giving a sign of hope to the spectators after all the ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Toronto School Bus Research Paper Toronto School Bus Driver Shortage As is being reported by the media these days, more than 1,000 children have been left waiting at school bus stops in different areas of the Great Toronto Area (GTA) since the beginning of school. According to Ombudsman Ontario website, an independent officer of the Legislature who investigates complaints from the public about Ontario government services (Ombudsman Ontario, 2016), more than 800 complaints has been received about this issue to date. The first and obvious cause of this issue is the lack of bus drivers working for some of the companies which operate this service for both of the Toronto school boards Toronto District School Board (TDSB) and Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB). In ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Madonna Long Neck Sometimes in the art world using similar subjects can result in very different works. Such an example of this is in the tale of the two Madonna s. The first Madonna is by the Italian High Renaissance artist Raphael. This piece was completed by Raphael somewhere around 1505. This piece is oil on panel and currently is on display at the national gallery of art in Washington D.C. Nobody is positive why the piece was originally painted but at that time period it was common to give this type of gift as a wedding present. Madonna of the long neck is another work of art with the subject being Madonna. This piece of art was created by Parmigianino somewhere between 1535 and 1540. The painting was originally commissioned for the church ... Show more content on ... This Madonna is painted with High renaissance painting styles. Madonna is again painted as a biblical figure wearing traditional garb of the time period. The skin of Madonna and baby is very soft and the expressions a very serene. This piece of work is very symmetrical compared to the work of parmigiano and there is a very strong sense of nature in this piece. Baby Jesus is help in a loving manner in this work compared to the Parmigianino piece where the baby seems to be ready to fall to the ground. Both Madonna and child are equally proportioned in this piece and both Madonna and baby appear to be glaring at the same thing. Some believe that that are staring at the baby s ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Flowers For Algernon Charlie Gordon Essay Charlie Gordon, in the novel Flowers for Algernon, undergoes an experimental intelligence enhancing operation to cure his mental disability. The aim of this essay is to indicate the struggle he faces between his newly acquired intelligence and his lack of emotional maturity, which is not always seen as compatible. Having I.Q. of 70 Charlie battles with the most common of tasks. He has an ambition to learn to read and write and goes to Beekman College Center for Retarded Adults. This is where Miss Kinnian recommends Charlie Gordon for the experimental operation. The intellectually enhancing experiment has a life changing effect on Charlie Gordon s I.Q. Before the operation he has an I.Q of 70 that classifies his intelligence as below average. ... Show more content on ... Charlie realises that the people who act as if they are his friends, are only using him to get a laugh out of him. He really pulled a Charlie Gordon that time. I dont know why they say it but they always laff and I laff too (Keyes, 1959: 17).According to George Bielay being emotional immature is being emotional volatile. People like Charlie tend to get their emotions out of control, they get frustrated and upset easily, they have loyalty towards a person as long as they view the relationship as useful and they are constantly preoccupied with themselves. Charlie battles with the emotions he feels after he starts to get flashbacks of his childhood. He stands there, frightened by the sudden outburst. He cowers, not knowing what she will do. His body begins to shake. They re arguing, and the voices back and forth make a squeezing pressure inside him and a sense of panic (Keyes, 1959:52). While Charlie s intelligence grows he starts having impulses for women. Being emotionally immature he cannot come to the point where he can have a relationship with Alice Kinnian he rather has a sexual relationship with his neighbour Fay that briefly ends after she starts interfering with his ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Baumrind Parenting Style Parenting Styles Hanna Lagman Los Angeles Harbor College Abstract Parenting styles play an important role in a child s development. Diana Baumrind identified four parenting styles: authoritative, authoritarian, indulgent, and neglectful. According to Baumrind, the authoritative style works best. In order to understand parenting practices in other cultures, Mexican families and Caucasian Non Hispanic families will be compared. It is hypothesized that the Mexican families utilize the authoritarian parenting style, while the Caucasian Non Hispanic parents utilize authoritative parenting style. All families were given a questionnaire to compare the parent s parental practices across two cultural groups. It was anticipated that the families would differ in parental styles; however, there were no differences between the parenting styles within the cultural groups. Parenting Styles Developmental Theory In 1971, Diana Baumrind categorized different parenting styles by observing middle class parents interacting with their children (Belsky, 2010, p. 201). Baumrind s parenting styles influence the field of child development and have been widely cited. In her research, she developed four parenting styles: authoritative, authoritarian, indulgent, and neglectful. They are analyzed by two factors: responsiveness and demandingness. Parental responsiveness refers to how parents respond to the child s needs. Parental demandingness refers to the parent s ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Wonderland Identity Whether it is because she is being mistaken for someone she is not or magical foods and drinks are causing her to change in size, from the moment she gets in wonderland Alice is in constant wonder of who she is. Her identity is something she feels that she has lost and she simply cannot remember who she really is, Alice s fall down the rabbit hole introduces a comparable identity crisis (Haughton 194). In Wonderland, Alice struggles with the importance of knowing herself and is often ordered to identify herself by the characters she meets the continuous questioning leaves her still unsure of who she is and who she wants to be. One of the first creatures to really question her on who she is was the Caterpillar, he asks: who are you? ... ... Show more content on ... Despite her unfamiliar surroundings, Alice attempts to interpret everything around her from a logical point of view due to how mature she is for her age. However, she is still a girl who is only seven years old and this allows the maturity that she tries so hard to show to fade away. She is in a state of disarray about who she is because of her developing sense of the difference between childhood and adulthood ( Alice s Adventures in Wonderland 28). At the beginning of the text, Alice tries to read her older sister s book, only to become bored because of its lack of childish appeals: What is the use of a book , thought Alice, without pictures or conversations? (Carroll 1). She wants to be more like her older sister, but she does have the mind of a child which is why she grows bored and begins her adventure to wonderland in the first place. Also, Alice eats or drinks something that she finds many times throughout her adventure, and this shows her lack of maturity: only a child would pick something up that says Drink me on it and not think of the consequences at all before drinking it. Throughout Alice s Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll emphasizes the conflict between Alice s desire to be an adult and grow up and her subconscious wanting to remain the child ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Search Committee Chair Must Collect And Review The The Search Committee Chair must collect and review the applications immediately before the interview to ensure all signatures and relevant information (e.g. correct employment dates, references, etc.) are complete. The Search Chair must sign page five of the Application, acknowledging the fact that s/he has received and reviewed it. Note: Please ensure that candidates complete the CUNY application in its entirety. All relevant work experience must be completed on the application, with month and year, start and end dates, and a brief description of duties for each position. Relevant information on the resume but not on the application will not be considered by HR. This ensures the proper evaluation of the candidates experience against the ... Show more content on ... Avoid a halo effect. This is when an interviewer allows one or two positive traits of a candidate to affect his/her judgment in other areas. It can also apply to negative traits or characteristics. Occasionally, applicants may volunteer non job related information relating to religion, sex, marital status, national origin, age, etc. during an interview, which can be used to discriminate. An example is an applicant who talks about being divorced or about his/her children and childcare arrangements. Even though you did not ask for the information, you can still be charged with discrimination if a question arises subsequently about how this information was used. Should an applicant volunteer non job related information: o Do not write the information down o Do not ask follow up questions or make statements to continue in the area of discussion o Return the discussion to job related issues o Do not consider the non job related information in decisions about the applicant s candidacy. Be careful not to overrate compatibility with other department staff/faculty because it can work against diversity. Be wary of making assumptions about the candidate like: o This person won t be happy here o This person won t understand our students, our employees, our internal customers, etc. o This person won t stay if we hire them. Language Avoid referring to candidates as affirmative action candidates and/or
  • 24. ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Rockwell Jaw Horse Research Papers Rockwell jaw horse is a robust device, which offers strength and durability. It will ultimately change your enjoy while operating. It gives stable grip and could replace your noticed horses, clamps, bench vises and lots more. It can boom your productiveness and decrease the trouble. You could be capable of paintings quicker and be secure. There is not any scope for damage or accident even as working. It is a powerful tool that could clamp heavy objects which might be extra than 30 inches in width. This clamping lets you to paintings fingers unfastened and booms your work speed. It has several superb functions and is the high quality answer for enhancing work efficiency. More About Rockwell * Strength This solid stainless steel device gives one tone vise and gadget press. Apart from wooden planks and plywood, it can be used for bending and straightening metals too. It has ten times the clamping power in comparison to a standard vise. It can preserve heavyweight and work as a platform for containing miter saws or tile saws. * Stability ... Show more content on ... You do not require any assist because this pc gives a set of more palms. If you want do it yourself initiatives, then this product is the proper choice for you. Its smart layout and practical applicability make your activity less complicated. It enables you to clamp extraordinary shaped items too. This means which you do not require anyone s assist. Moreover, it is straightforward to use and may be set up in a minute at the favored region. All you need to do is spread it, set it up and lock it. It comes with incorporated wheels that allow clean movement at the workplace web page. You can increase its efficiency by way of upgrading it with numerous add ons. For example, you may use welding jaws, chainsaw jaws, plywood jaws, and so forth. Rockwell is a device that non specialists and experts can use effects for a perfect ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Dysgraphia Dyslexia affects the way a student reads but another specific learning disability, dysgraphia, also affects the way a student writes (Adam 1). Dysgraphia is a condition that causes people trouble with writing due to poor handwriting (Adam 1). Students with ASDs are at an increased risk of developing dysgraphia (Adam 1). Children with ASDs do not learn motor skills as regularly as a normal developing student would (Versfeld 1). Because of this many students do not develop the fine motor skills needed to hold a pencil correctly, which could result in messy, unreadable handwriting (Adam 1). Another symptom of dysgraphia is poor grasp of spelling, grammar and punctuation (Adam 1). There are a number of ATs to help students with all these deficiencies. ... Show more content on ... They are generally used in conjunction with another AT, such as word prediction programs or freeform database softwares (Stanberry 4). Word processors may be helpful to students who prefer to use a keyboard as opposed to a pencil and paper (Stanberry 4). It also allows the user to edit and correct their written work more efficiently than by hand (Stanberry 4). Speech recognition programs, which are mainly used for students whose oral language skills are better than their writing skills, work in conjunction with word processors (Stanberry 5). A user dictates their work into a microphone and their spoken words appear on the computer screen as text (Stanberry 5). Paper based computer pens records and links audio to what the person writes using the pen and special paper (Stanberry 4). This enables the user to take notes while simultaneously recording what the teacher is saying (Stanberry 4). The user is then able to listen to any section of the notes by touching the pen to the corresponding handwriting or diagrams (Stanberry 4). This device can also be used for students with listening issues (Stanberry 4). These ATs can assist students who struggle with various areas of language ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Geothermal Energy from the Earth Geothermal energy Energy from the Earth What could be more natural or plentiful? The source of geothermal power is the heat contained inside the Earth; heat so intense that it creates molten magma. There are a few different types of geothermal energy that can be tapped. Some geothermal systems are formed when hot magma near the surface (1,500 to 10,000 meters deep) directly heats groundwater. The heat generated from these hot spots flows outward toward the surface, manifesting as volcanoes, geysers, and hot springs . Naturally occurring hot water and steam can be tapped by energy conversion technology to generate electricity or to produce hot water for direct use. Other geothermal systems are formed even when no magma is nearby as magma heats rocks which in turn heat deeply circulating groundwater. In order to maximize the energy gleaned from these so called hot dry rocks, geothermal facilities will often fracture the hot rocks and pump water into and from them in order to use the heated water to generate electricity. The concentration of geothermal energy at any given location must be quite high in order to make heat extraction feasible, and not all geothermal sites are created equally. Regions that have well developed geothermal systems are located in geologically active areas. These regions have continuous, concentrated heat flow to the surface. The western United States has the best geothermal regions in the country, while Iceland , New Zealand , the Philippines , ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Reasons Why The Ottoman Empire Essay The Byzantine empire had its start in 330 AD with Constantine moving the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire/Byzantine Empire to Constantinople, present day Istanbul. This created a capital in which nearly no one could fully siege control over for centuries. This all changed on April 5,1453 when Sultan Mehmed II, ruler of the Ottoman Empire, determined that he would defeat the Byzantine Empire and take Constantinople, took action and marched to the city. After a 54 day siege, on Tuesday, May 29,1453, Sultan Mehmed II and the Muslim Turks breached the walls of the city and brought the last Roman empire crumbling to its knees. The reasons why the Ottoman Empire was able to bring down what once was the greatest empire in the world was due to a proper financial backing and assistance from allies, greater number of troops, better technological advancements, the type of leader Sultan Mehmed II was, and strategy. In 1451, Sultan Mehmed II, later known as Mehmed the Conquerer, started his second reign of power of the Ottoman Empire. From the very beginning, he declared it was his aim to take the city of Constantinople, no matter what the cost. This was challenging due to the ginormous layered walls surrounding the Byzantine peninsula. First, the city was surrounded by a moat and a layer of wall, then a second or middle wall rising above thirty feet with 96 towers, and then the third and biggest wall rising up to 40 feet high and 15 feet thick [with] 96 towers each about 60 ... Get more on ...
  • 29. And Then There Were None Sparknotes Man s quest for the one and absolute truth which will serve as the centre for all his questions, answers, visions, revisions, doubts, discourse, thesis and hypothesis has led him to formulate new ways, discover new methods, and innovate new process in hope of using them as rungs for the one great ladder which will take him to that elusive centre of impeccable knowledge. That centre or fountainhead of all knowledge should be an all encompassing and all transcending and completely independent entity which can serve as the basis of all meanings and but while one is on his way of reaching that he is still not free of the imperfect egoistic assumptions and perceptions of superiority about one s own culture, knowledge, philosophy, race etc. These ... Show more content on ... She sees the conflict between civilization and savagery as an endless, eternal and everlasting struggle. The civilization is like the colonizer, the master always trying to restrain every natural powerful impulse to bring it under the control of certain codified rules, laws and regulations which symbolize the ordered civilization. The force of wilderness on the other hand always tries to break free to express itself in a manner which is always incomprehensible to the civilized authority. She also expresses the man woman struggle and conflict as the female body in her poetry from time to time has been depicted as some sort of theatre where all acts of violence and atrocity are committed by men. The female body has her own distinctive aura of sensuality, creativity, continuity and fluency which the men often tries to entrap and capture and then try to make her an subservient, weak and passive being. In The Edible Woman make the protagonist and the first person narrator during Part One and Part Three of the novel Marian MacAlpin s refusal to eat coincides with her refusal to get drawn into the patriarchal society s attempts to draw, delimit and define a woman by robbing her of her essential feminine virtues and independent self. She equates the act of eating meat to that of society s process of ingestion, digestion and assimilation of essential feminine ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Eating Disorder And Disordered Eating Another issue that seems to be prevalent is the distinction between an eating disorder and disordered eating. These two are frequently misunderstood and used out of context. Disordered eating is almost the same thing as an eating disorder with a few differences. Someone who suffers from disordered eating is someone who does the same things as someone who suffers from an actual diagnosed eating disorder but with less frequently. An example of this would be purging after eating an excessive amount of food. Those who suffer from disordered eating often times have a history of depression or anxiety. In addition to mental health consequences, ED have physical health consequences. The National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) lists some health consequences associated with AN and BN. For AN, health consequences include reduction of bone density (osteoporosis), severe dehydration, which can result in kidney failure, fainting, fatigue, anemia, a lower immune system function, slowed heart rate, even poor circulation of the blood, and overall weakness (NEDA). Some of the physical effects for BN are inflammation and possible rupture of the esophagus from frequent vomiting, chronic irregular bowel movements and constipation as a result of laxative abuse, and peptic ulcers and pancreatitis. (NEDA). Premature birth, muscle fatigue, tooth decay, and mental health issues can all arise from a BN as well. Multiple studies and reviews have been conducted to investigate the ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Ela Physics 1.4 Standards ( CAEP 1.4) (InTASC 4) CCSS.ELA LITERACY.RL.K.1 With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text. CCSS.ELA LITERACY.RL.K.2 With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details. CCSS.ELA LITERACY.RL.K.3 With prompting and support, identify characters, settings, and major events in a story. Learning Objectives: (CAEP 1.1, 1.3) (InTASC 2) When given picture cards and simple sentences, the students will correctly sequence the events of the story, with 60% accuracy. When given picture cards that represent the plot elements, the students will correctly identify the plot elements with 75% accuracy. Assessment Procedures: (CAEP 1.2) (InTASC 6) When given picture cards and simple ... Show more content on ... The teacher will inform the class on today s activities: sequencing pictures and simple sentences. The teacher will inform the class on today s early finisher activity: a counting change sheet. The teacher will inform the students on the purpose for this lesson. Review of Previous Lesson: The teacher will activate the student s prior knowledge by reminding them how they sequenced the events of how to plant a seed. The teacher will inform the students that they will be sequencing events like they did for planting a seed, but instead for a piece of text this time: Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina. Purpose/Importance:The purpose of today s lesson is show the relationship that exist amongst the events that occur in a story. I know how to sequence the events of a story. Plan: Attention Grabber (5 minutes); Reading story and answering plot element questions (15 minutes) Independent Practice (Scramble Story Activity 15 minutes); Closure (5 minutes). Instructional Procedures: (CAEP 1.1, 1.3, 1.4) (InTASC 1,7,8) TTW: Review the parts of the book(e.g. Front cover, back cover, title page, author, ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Need For Justice Essay The clash between good and evil perpetually permeates humanity. Balance of these forces through equality and tranquility is a goal sought after to amend injustice. Impartiality creates balance within a society. In addition, fairness through the application of law is a cornerstone of countless civilizations. The members of civilizations taught moralities through the tenets of religion heavily influence their integrity. The many manifestations and interpretations of righteousness confirm the eternal goal of civilization to do good unto others. Justice restores and perpetuates humanity s high moral standing. Justice means doing benevolent actions for the betterment of humanity. Justice is defined as the maintenance of legal, social, or ... Show more content on ... (Andrews 491) Civilization s need for justice derives from the need for democracy, which promotes equality. Reinhold Niebuhr, an American social thinker ( Niebuhr, Reinhold ) said, Man s capacity for justice makes democracy possible, but man s inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary . (The Oxford Dictionary 362) This is evident in the government of the United States. At first only white men could partake in government. This appalling inequality led to African Americans and women demanding the right to vote and stopping the injustice brought against them. In the movie 12 Angry Men, the story of a trial with a jury of varying backgrounds and beliefs, justice is a theme at the forefront. Juror #8: It s always difficult to keep personal prejudice out of a thing like this. And wherever you run into it, prejudice always obscures the truth. I don t really know what the truth is. I don t suppose anybody will ever really know. Nine of us now seem to feel that the defendant is innocent, but we re just gambling on probabilities we may be wrong. We may be trying to let a guilty man go free, I don t know. Prejudice is shown throughout history and in this movie; Juror #6 has a prejudice against Hispanics and wishes to rid the streets of them while Juror #12 was attacked by his teenage son and believes all teenagers are evil. As Niebuhr said, mans capacity for injustice is demonstrated through his prejudices against others. Democracy ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Dangers Of The Abominable Snowman The Abominable Snowman a mystery to this world now uncovered I chose this controversy because scientist and expedition have spent over 100,000 dollars just to find the Abominable Snowman (Yeti) They make it seem that it is fake. But I say that it is real. Scientist have discovered that the Abominable Snowman is real. It is real because it has been a mystery to the world and there has been unknowable tracks and eyewitness evidence that has reported about it. There were three countries that it has been spotted in Bhutan, Nepal, Tibet The Expeditions that have spotted the Abominable Snowman. ¨Gray hairs have been found in an clump of green moss near a southern Russian cave¨. Jane Leonzal Unidentified Gray Hair and near a cave Page #1 The Scientist tested that hair ... Show more content on ... Missing Cattle/Livestock near the Tibetan Villages. The Villagers say that the Yeti hunts at night. So the Yeti and stay hidden from society. The Yeti only eats animals, not humans unless agitated. Jane Qiu Mysteries Livestock in a Tibetan Village page # 142 The Abominable Snowman or the Yeti hunts a night and only hunts at night. In addition, only hunts after Livestock. Russian scientist has been investigating the Snowman and they have spotted dead animals in an abandoned cave. Ker Than March 1st 2011 Dead Animals found in the caves by the Himalayan Mountains . Page # 8 There are only two types of major deadly animals in the Himalayan mountain. They are the Pika and the snow leopard but they are very small animals. There have been many locations of evidence of the Abominable Snowman. Most of them by the Himalayan Mountain ranges. There were some history about the Abominable Snowman. I am gonna uncover them and see what he did or where are the locations he have been. Any folk tales and why do people fear the Yeti. The Abominable Snowmans natural habitat is Nepal. The Himalayan Mountains are on Nepal. So basically that where the evidence is ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Comparing Women In Streetcar Named Desire And Death Of A... The Street Car Named Desire and Death of a Salesmen both have central themes that center around the main characters of the plays revealing both playwright s unrealistic expectations of women. The characters of the plays struggle with being their own downfall. There are also the same place in which we can see the characters struggle. The role of Stella and Linda are both very traditional women in that the play they the p lay the stay at home wife. Stella, In the Street Car Named Desire is loyal to her husband. Same as in Death of a Sales Linda is very shy and conservative around her husband. However, this can really be seen due to the type of sentence structure and tone that is used when either character is talking to their better half. Due to both Miller and Williams being men they depict the women to act what a man would imagine a perfect wife would be. So, both of the playwright s characters are not realistic but a fantasy and not an actual portray of women. In the play bot Linda and Stella are only introduced to stand by their husbands. Both characters seem to only be present for supporting their spouses by doing all the house chores as well as shielding them from harm. Both, characters seem to be blinded blind by their husband s imperfections, ... Show more content on ... Both of these characters have a hamartia that leads to their tragic downfall. Blanche by trying to conceal her past by believing in the lies that she tells people. Willis is that he has gone to new lengths in order to conserve his dreams. However, both characters are not entirely engulfed in their madness. Blanche lies and uses her feminine charm to seduce men and reach self economic sufficiency. While, Willy is completely divided in to his own madness and pushes his family to carry his dream. This makes Willy less pf a tragic story, unlike Blanche who s is aware of it and can not be placed in the victim ... Get more on ...