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Writing An Abstract For A
Research Paper
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Writing An Abstract For A Research Paper Writing An Abstract For A Research Paper
Essay On Roman Domus
Roman Domus
A Roman Domus was an ancient Roman house. It was usually owned by wealthy Roman families, and
contained a countless number of rooms and wings. The average Roman Domus contained a
Vestibulum, Taberna, Atrium, Tablinum, Trinclinium, Peristylium, Exedra and several alae and
cubiculums. However, the Domus was not just a place where wealthy families lived. It was also a
place of business and religious ceremonies. Roman Domuses were usually built so that that they did
not face the street. In fact, they often had walls separating them from the street and nearby Domuses.
Now, I will proceed to describe the many rooms of the Roman Domus.
First, the Domus contained several entrance halls. One entrance hall was the Vestibulum. The ... Show
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The Peristylium was an open courtyard or garden in the center of the Domus. This courtyard contained
flowers, shrubs, fountains, fish, and pools of water, benches, and sculptures. There was a portico,
which surrounded the courtyard. The inner walls of this portico were highly decorated with paintings
and art. Sometimes, the Perystilium also contained a lararium a shrine for the household gods.
The seventh room of the Roman Domus was the Exedra. The Exedra was located right next to the
Peristylium, and was a formal dining room. It was used for lavish dinner parties and events. Often, the
Exedra was decorated with a garden or nature theme. For example, one might find an Exedra
decorated with mosaics of nature god or goddess.
The next room of the Domus is the Culina. The Culina was the kitchen. Located in a small corner of
the house, it was usually dark and poorly ventilated. This was because since the slaves did all of the
cooking, their masters were indifferent as to whether or not the environment where their slaves
worked was hot, small or stuffy. The Romans cooked their food using ovens, the top of which were
used to keep meals warm before they were
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Nicholas II Research Paper
Nicholas II was born on May 6th, 1868 in Pushkin, Russia. He was born Nikolai Aleksandrovich
Romanov. He was the first born of Alexander Alexandrovich and Maria Feodorovna. Maria gave
Nicholas a nurturing family environment to grow up in. While Alexander had a strong influence on
Nicholas. That is where Nicholas got her conservative, religious values and his strong belief in an
autocratic government. He received his education from private tutors which included high ranking
government officials. He excelled in history, foreign languages, but he struggled with economics and
subtleties of politics. Alexander also failed to give Nicholas training in state affairs. In 1881 Nicholas
became the heir apparent to Russia after his grandfather was ... Show more content on
A daughter Olga, born in 1895. Tatiana another daughter born in 1897. Maria their third daughter born
in 1899, and their final daughter Anastasia born in 1901.They finally had a son in 19014 who they
named Alexei. But their joy over his birth soon turned in to worry because Alexei had hemophilia.
Their worry over Alexei and search for a treatment that worked introduced them to Gregory Rasputin.
Rasputin would cause the Russia people to doubt the Tsar and one of the reasons why the royal family
met their end.
The worst thing that happened during Nicholas rule that led to the end of the monarchy was Bloody
Sunday on January 5th, 1905. Bloody Sunday was when peaceful protestors made up of workers in St.
Petersburg protested about the working conditions and for the establishment of a popular assembly.
Those protestors we fired upon and many were killed.
Nicholas was the forced to create an elected legislature. It was called DUMA. Nicholas still resisted
government reform. He felt that he was ordained by god and he was born to rule.
When World War One came around Nicholas took control of the army. Because of this he spent a lot
of time away from his family and duties in St. Petersburg. While Nicholas was gone, Alexandra fell
under the spell of Rasputin, she depended on
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Trujillo And The Marinera Music Analysis
The relationship between the city of Trujillo and the Marinera is special, because one of the mainly
things that represents the city is this precise dance. This affirmation was made official when in January
24 1986; the city of Trujillo was declared the capital of the Marinera. When they saw that it was
something meaningful for the city s population, the congress decided in 2012 that October 7 was
going to be the Marinera day (nationwide) in honour of one of the most famous Marinera music
composers: Augusto Ascuez Villanueva. In Peru, they teach kids in school how to dance it. This dance
is thought so that children can know more about their culture, feel more Peruvian, and see if they
might want to dance it professionally. Furthermore, during
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The Effects Of Cell Phone Use On Driving Performance And...
Aneci Persuitti ENGC 1101 SEC 43 December 15, 2014 The Effects of Cell Phone Use on Driving
Performance and Safety As technology advances, people are relying on it more and more. Cell phones
have literally become a necessity. Every day on the roads, people are driving and using their cell
phones to talk, text, browse the internet, use GPS, etc. According to the International
Telecommunication Union, the number of mobile cellular subscriptions worldwide is approaching the
number of people on earth. Mobile cellular subscriptions will reach almost 7 billion by end 2014,
corresponding to a penetration rate of 96% (3). If the number of cell phone subscribers reaches the
world s population by the end of 2014, almost every driver will have a cell phone in their car and
consequently, more drivers will be using them while driving. Can cell phone use while driving affect
driving performance and safety? The answer is yes. There are several studies related to the effect of
cell phone use on driving performance and these studies share very similar findings. In one study,
researchers Lesch and Hancock wanted to know if drivers were aware of their driving performance
when using a cell phone. The driver s driving performance was associated with the driver s confidence
level and distraction level. In particular, the higher the confidence level, the better the driving
performance was shown by the driver. The study found that male drivers had a greater confidence
level than females, while
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Labour Movement Vs Proletariat
Labor movement and proletariat were the results of Marx and Engels ideological thoughts. Their
vision of the society was a world where capitalism doesn t exist. They thought that the proletariat
arises because the capitalism using machines started to replace workers and killing competition of
middle class, usually with small business. Proletariat is the class of society that live by its labor. They
also thought that business should be owned by proletariat and private property shouldn t exist. They
describe capitalism as a brutal system that leave poor people with nothing. In contrast to the theory of
Marx and Engels, imperialism is based on the differences of people and the capabilities of each of
them being successful. Social Darwinism was
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Andrew Carnegie Research Paper
Andrew Carnegie Essay written by A man of Scotland, a distinguished
citizen of the United States, and a philanthropist devoted to the betterment of the world around him,
Andrew Carnegie became famous at the turn of the twentieth century and became a real life rags to
riches story. Born in Dunfermline, Scotland, on November 25, 1835, Andrew Carnegie entered the
world in poverty. The son of a hand weaver, Carnegie received his only formal education during the
short time between his birth and his move to the United States. When steam machinery for weaving
came into use, Carnegie s father sold his looms and household goods, sailing to America with his wife
and two sons. At this time, Andrew was twelve, and his ... Show more content on ...
He established many other steel plants, and in 1892, he merged all of his interests into the Carnegie
Steel Company. This act from Carnegie is fitting with one of his most famous quotations, Put all of
your eggs in one basket, and then watch that basket. This firm became one of the greatest industrial
enterprises in America. Carnegie later sold it to J.P. Morgan s United States Steel Corporation in 1901
for $400 million, which would be a little over $4 billion today! After retiring, Carnegie s fortune was
estimated to be as large as half a billion dollars. From that time on, with the philosophy that the rich
have a moral obligation to give away their money, he devoted himself to philanthropy. Although
ironic, this man of great fortune strongly believed in the merits of poverty for the development of
character and work ethic, and determined that wealthy men should not leave their fortunes to their
children, but should give it away, claiming The man who dies thus rich, dies disgraced. The picture of
community service, Carnegie is quoted as saying, Pittsburgh entered the core of my heart when I was
a boy, and cannot be torn out. I can never be one hair s breadth less loyal to her, or less anxious to help
her in any way, than I have been since I could help anything. My treasure is still with you, and how
best to serve Pittsburgh is the question which occurs to me almost every day of my life. Colonel James
Anderson, who Carnegie
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From Spaniard And Indian Summary
By the late eighteenth century, the New World, which was still remote, had formed its own
complicated individual and national identities. Moreover, the disparate communities within Latin
America had established a unique culture characterized by its hybridity. A close reading of Ignacio de
Castro s From Spaniard and Indian, a Mestizo is born and Agostino Brunias s Planter and His Wife
with a Servant reveals the racial hierarchy that formed amid Latin America s hybridity. Additionally,
both objects specifically express Latin American hybridity for a white, European class, likely as a
means to demystify and boost the standing of the New World. Deceivingly similar in terms of style
and subject, as both contain three figures of varying cultural ... Show more content on
Not only is the brought the furthest into the foreground, but her body lines up with the left vertical
third of the image, placing her in a visually important location. Moreover, she has an elaborate white
head wrapping which topped with a sunhat, combine to make her the tallest appearing figure in the
image, transforming her into a commanding presence. Unlike the indigenous woman in the casta
painting, the planter s wife dons a dress which seems almost entirely European in style: it has a white
corset and overlay with lace sleeves, with a light blue skirt peeking out from beneath the dress. Still,
hybridity is evident because of her head wrapping. Interestingly, though she and her husband are pale,
neither as as pale as the Spaniard in the casta painting. This, paired with her head wrapping and both
of their curly brown hair, may denote they are of at least partially mixed
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Hip Osteoarthritis Research Paper
What is the Hips joint and how does it move safely?
The hip joint is a ball and socket joint, technically referred to as synovial joint, because the Head of
the Femur, is attached with ligaments. Furthermore, the synovial joint is held together to the socket of
the hip with a strong fibred sleeve, the Capsule and the joint is moved by the muscles in the hip such
as the Piriformis, Gluteus Minimus and Superior gemellus, which allows the hip to move in a rotation
In addition, the hip is a very important joint/bone dancers use, because the hip is what controls and
holds together the bones dancers have to use constantly, like the legs, the ankle, feet and toes.
However, if the hip in dance is not moved, stretched or aligned properly, that is where danger to the
hip and someone s dance career can be in strife because of injuries.
Hip Injury 1 Hip Osteoarthritis ... Show more content on ...
Which is caused by cartilage loss over a gradual period of time. When someone gets hip osteoarthritis,
that person will experience pain that will restrict how the Synovial joint should move, in a rotational
motion. Especially in dance. The cartilage, also referred to as the labarum, is a rubber seal to protect
the head of the femur and the acetabulum from causing friction against each other. When the labarum
becomes worn or weak the head of the femur and the acetabulum will come into contact, friction will
be caused creating excruitiating pain in the hip, which is also what causes Hip Osteoarthritis.
Especially in dance, Hip Osteoarthritis does commonly occur for people in their late 40 s or older but
if younger dancers are dancing for a long period of time, over stretching the Synovial joint or dancing
using the Synovial joint without stretching, it may not affect them now but when that young dancer
takes a long break, that is also a way Hip Osteoarthritis gradually
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Short Essay On The Power Of Chi
There s no way to sneak out the kongsi front door carrying a sword, even with a skeleton crew of
security guards on duty. I could try disguising it, but what could I use that wouldn t look like
something wrapped around a sword? I don t have time for such nonsense. The easiest option is going
out the emergency exit on the ground floor. There s no guard, but there is an alarm, which would be a
problem if I didn t know the code. I step out to a narrow, damp walkway that seldom sees the light of
day. I look up and see a security camera pointed right at me. Damn. My emotions are robbing me of
common sense. I can only hope the guards aren t paying attention. I breathe deep and channel the
power of the Yang Pearl. Wow. My whole body feels ... Show more content on ...
He must mean by killing Tiffany. The door behind me opens. A hand reaches out and yanks me inside.
It s Mike. He hauls me into a nearby classroom and shuts the door. Roy is waiting there. Both are
wearing tuxedoes and looking impossibly handsome and horrible. Roy immediately steps in front of
the door, blocking any chance of exit. I tug away from Mike and clutch the sword to my chest even
though it s the instrument of my mother s death. Does her blood still stain the blade? My pulse is
pounding in my ears and I m hating them both. Why aren t you at the wedding? Wedding s over, says
Mike. The happy couple are taking photos inside the church. And by happy couple, I mean George and
Mother. That means I still have a chance. I glance over my shoulder, looking for another door. There
isn t one. The only way to get past Mike and Roy is to use the Yang Pearl, but how do I do that
without hurting them and me? To make time, I ask, How did you know to find me? A guard paged me
and told me he saw you leave the kongsi by the emergency exit and that you were carrying a sword.
Who told you? He knows about it. I suck in yet another sense of betrayal as I ask. Who do you think?
He shrugs since there s no need to answer. How long have you known? Not long. Sylvia kept hinting
that something sinister was going on and that she d tell me only if I agreed to marry her. It s a lot
worse than just your mom s death, Cat. Like anything could be worse than that. What do you
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Mere Christianity Book 1 Summary
Book 3 of Mere Christianity contains 12 separate chapters, which has far too great a scope to address
properly here, so a glimpse will have to suffice. In the first, Lewis examines three components of
morality; the relations between men, the interior moral mechanics of a man, and the relationship
between a man and the God who made him. Lewis makes the case that, since we are destined to live
forever in one state or another, it is desperately important that we pay attention to the sort of Being we
are becoming. Lewis points out that most of humanity can agree that keeping relations between men
running smoothly are important, but varying world views and religions or lack of religion, have
produced some disagreements on the necessity of keeping one s own ship in order, as it were, and it
completely breaks down when the relationship between a man and his Maker are addressed, as there is
virtually no agreement there.
In the second section, he outlines the principle, or cardinal virtues: Prudence, Temperance, Justice and
Fortitude, which could also be termed wisdom, self control, fairness, equity, and steadfastness. He
uses the vivid illustration of an athlete, or mathematician who practices a virtue, making a shot in
tennis, or solving problems till they become internalized, a part of the person who disciplined himself
to perfect them. ... Show more content on ...
What need will we have of being brave, for example, when there is no longer anything to fear? The
specific instances requiring these virtues will most likely have ceased to exist, but the necessity of
becoming a being who has these qualities will
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The Greatest Causes Of The Scientific Revolution
The scientific revolution was a period of time where there was many improvements of life, technology
and understanding of the world around us. People began to realize that nothing was being achieved
when religion was the only answer to anything and realised that you can have a good life before death.
This resulted in a new lifestyle for civilians and a happier life. The fight for who was the cause of the
greatest effect of the Scientific Revolution is an ongoing debate. Today I will be breaking down many
people who put their foot forwards in a time of need and seeing who was the greatest. They will be put
into a bracket starting with eight people on each side and within four tiers of battles (tier one being the
first round of battles and tier four being the championship or fight for who had the biggest impact on
The Scientific Revolution) there will be announced a winner. In the first clash of philosophers in the
first tier we have Francis Bacon versus Robert Boyle. These two were matched together because of
their involvement in early science. Francis Bacon was the developer of the Scientific Method, which is
one of the most commonly used ways to figure anything out. Robert Boyle helped advance some
things, but my verdict is that overall Francis Bacon was more successful in long term advancements so
he wins. The next matchup of the first tier is Robert Hooke versus Joseph Priestly. They were matched
together because of their significance of their discoveries, and how they
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Candide Satire Analysis
An Analysis of Satire in Candide Man is plagued with his own desire, leading to corruption and
hypocrisy that pollutes the known world. In this world, men are met with tragedy, ranging from
natural or Godly devastation, to the constructs he places on himself and to which he forces himself to
conform. However, many of them still refuse to acknowledge this adversity, pursuing blind optimism.
In his satirical novel, Candide, Voltaire exposes the foolishness of men and highlights the self
destructive nature of the world, thereby challenging the concept of blind optimism and arguing that
one can be aware of their world and still enjoy life in it. Most specifically, Voltaire criticizes German
philosopher Gottfried Leibniz s through his own Leibnizian optimism, that this is the best of all
possible worlds . Voltaire successfully refutes such ideology through the journey of his naive
adventurer, Candide, and eventually settles that one can lead a happy life without being blindly
optimistic. Early on Candide faces extreme adversity in the comfortable world he had previously
believed to be the best of all possible worlds . Under the misguidance of Master Pangloss, whose
idiotic philosophy, or metaphysico theologo cosmolonigology , which makes Candide s world and
castle the best of all that exists, giving Candide a sense of fallacious optimism (12). Pangloss s
philosophy, or lack thereof, represents the philosophy of Leibniz, and through exaggerating the
erroneous logic of Pangloss, such as that the nose is formed for spectacles; therefore we wear
spectacles. The legs are visibly designed for stockings; therefore we wear stockings. , Voltaire
implicitly mocks and ridicules Leibniz s philosophy, painting him as a pseudo intellectual and giving
him a demeaning caricature as a wild and far fetched idiot (12). Later into the book, Pangloss finds his
logic being tested through trials such as getting infected with syphilis (19), and being unsuccessfully
hung by the Inquisition (28). These interactions are meant to undermine and reject Pangloss s
philosophy, or rather Leibniz s philosophy, by juxtaposing the idea that this world is the best of all
possible, with extreme tragedy and downfall. Alongside this, the fact that
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Human Cosmetic Surgery and Prosthetic Device Implants Essay
Human Cosmetic Surgery and Prosthetic Device Implants
The human body is a collection of remarkable biological mechanisms that integrates features that can
not be duplicated exactly. However, many modern prosthetic devices can add years to an individual s
life, improve physical comfort and function, or in the case of aesthetic implants, improve emotional
health. There are many types of implants that server a variety of functions that offer risks and benefits.
Implants can server many purposes. Cosmetic surgery has variety prosthesis to select from, not only to
change the appearance of a feature for aesthetic reasons, but also to correct disfiguring from trauma or
disease. Numerous implants are available to enhance physical appearance ... Show more content on ...
These valves are designed to control the direction of blood flow through the heart. The opening and
closing of these valves produce the heart beat sounds. When the heart beats, the valves close to keep
the blood form flowing backwards. The heart beats more than one hundred thousand times per day.
The valves must be able to flex, stretch and hold back pressure hundreds of million times in an
average lifetime. The mitral and aortic valves are on the left side of the heart. These are most
commonly affected by aging because the pressure is higher on this side. The right heart valves can be
damaged by infection or lung disease. Regardless of the valve damage, as they harden or weaken they
do not open properly and therefore blood flow may be blocked. Heart valve conditions may also be
congenital. Diseases such as rheumatic fever or bacterial infections may also scar or destroy the
valves. Heart valve diseases fall into two categories, stenosis and incompetence. The stenotic heart
valve prevents full opening of the valve because of the stiffened valve tissue, therefore the heart works
harder to push blood throughout the valve. The incompetent valve cause insufficient blood circulation
by permitting backflow of blood on the heart. There are two main types of prosthetic valve designs:
mechanical and bioprosthetic (tissue). Mechanical heart valves were first implanted in 1952. Since
then, over 30 different mechanical designs have originated. The
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How Bodybuilding Has Changed Over Time
Bodybuilding is a form of sport that aims to make the body to be in a great physical condition and also
enhance health. The sport makes both the body and the mind fit and thus, eliminate common health
conditions associated with living sedentary lifestyles. Bodybuilding entails extreme body workout and
training as well as healthy eating to attain the desired physique (Elledge 33). It is believed to decrease
risk factors associated with the development of coronary heart diseases. Through taking part in aerobic
exercises and weight training, people have higher chances of lessening and managing high blood
pressure, high cholesterol, and obesity. The process also makes the body muscles strong and flexible
(Cross 41). Bodybuilding has come of ages and has evolved intensively. Its history dates back to late
1800s but the dynamics and objectives of the sport have changed over time. The focus is to analyze
bodybuilding sport of the ancient times and comparing it to the nature of the sport today in terms of
priorities and objectives.
Bodybuilding dates back to the 19th century specifically 1890s when weight training commenced in
the world. The practice took place in Greece and Egypt where people lifted stones purposely to have
huge muscles and physique bodies. However, as an entertaining sport, bodybuilding developed in ...
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For example, in the recently concluded Olympic games in Rio, Brazil, there were different
weightlifters in different categories. Some of them include Kendrick Farris from the US, Sarah Robles
(US), Rim Jong Sim (North Korea), and Behdad Salimi (US) among others. In fact, the majority of
them won in their categories during the Rio games (Wallechinsky and Loucky 76). They are now
highly celebrated Olympic medalists in their different countries; an aspect that comes with financial
rewards and other
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Arguments Against Eugenics
The ability to promote or enhance certain capacities in the hope to develop a superior human race
connotes science fiction as well as fantasy, however the study of eugenics proves that this act of
fiction has the potential to be reality. Eugenics, or good breeding as Sir Francis Galton would say, is a
controversial topic due to the deliberation of whether its benefits outweigh the toll that it takes on
humankind. The process of eugenics can be viewed as humans ability to control the Natural Selection
process, which is the survival and reproduction of organisms with the best adaptations, such as a tree
frog s adaptation of different colouring to better blend in with their surroundings to avoid predators.
Scientific experimentation seeks to ... Show more content on ...
Huxley believed that the use of eugenics was a necessity to provide a solution to the problem of
overpopulation. Due to fear of a complete erosion of the world s resources, Huxley sought to use
eugenics as a means to control and regulate population increase and to achieve some sort of balance
between reproduction and production instead of uninhibited expansion (Scarfe, 2018a, 3). In order to
successfully protect the human race from these impending horrors Huxley theorised a eu selective
program which utilizes Negative and Positive Eugenics as tools to administer change. Negative
Eugenics is the enforcement of preventative actions such as sterilization to intentionally eradicate
humans who are born with abnormalities, genetic diseases, and mental deficiencies (Scarfe, 2018a, 2).
In contrast, Positive Eugenics would encourage individuals who Huxley deemed genetically well
endowed to reproduce in order to improve the human species as a whole. Several strategies that
Huxley proposed to enforce Negative Eugenics include, the diminishment of social services such as
public health care programs, or financial assistance for families who do not have desirable genetics,
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Comparing Dulce Et Decorum Est And Futility
Living through inhospitable experiences conveys the lingering mental deterioration of an individual s
humanity. Wilfred Owen conveys such notions in his poems Dulce et Decorum est and Futility , which
detail his own perspective upon the Great War by underlining the emotional and physical exhaustion
caused to the soldiers. Dulce et decorum est focuses on the grotesque horrors of war, as well the ever
declining human nature. Futility however details the uselessness of war and questions the pointless
meaning of life. Through the use of metaphors, and other poetic techniques, both the poems have
conveyed the antiwar themes and as a result, dictates a thorough insight of the consequences of war.
Owen s 1917 Dulce et decorum est provides insight by a result of personal experience, the physical
distress of a marine through distinct poetic techniques which represents the horrendous ideals of war
through chronicled events. The sight of soldiers coughing like hags portrays the physical deterioration
of the soldiers, whilst comparing the men to old and ugly women caused by the crippling fatigue
which symbolises how they lost their ... Show more content on ...
Owen portrays the harsh accurate meaning of life Was it for this the clay grew tall? examining the
rhetorical question conveys the religious motif of Adam being born from clay as all men is,
furthermore the pointlessness to grow old and to even be of birth and the wastage of life due to war.
Owen details the suffering and carnage, hiding his true animosity of war with rhetorical questions O
what made fatuous sunbeams toil strengthens his point with accentuating the sun by personifying it as
a higher deity shining the holy beams that can t even save the soldier from war, through this life is
pointless when tied in with war. As a result of, this fundamentally specifies the wastage of war whilst
the meaning of life
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The Negatives Of Using Newspapers For Advertising
The positives of using newspapers for advertising for Cherry Hill Animal Clinic are that you can use a
local newspaper for an affordable price and the clinic would benefit since they could target their
audience from their local area.
The negatives are that newspapers have a short shelf life and there could be many other ads that
distract the reader from your ad.
The positives for using magazine advertising are that you could focus on local magazines about pets
since that would likely be your reader. Also, magazines are commonly passed around among pet
owners and the clinic could get more visibility.
The negatives are that you would have to limit this to local magazines since you have a limited area
with which you customers would come from. Furthermore, you would need to pay more to get a good
spot in the magazine for your ad.
The positives for using directories are that people will specifically go there to find a clinic, so a well
placed ad should stand out and increase your business. Also, these are available 24 hours and won t
become outdated like a newspaper or magazine would.
The negatives are that advertising is costly and you would need to have a good placement for your ad
because the directories are normally published once a year.
The positives of using radio are that the cost is less than using other medium and you can use local
radio which will reach your target audience
The negatives of using radio are
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Killing Joke Alan Moore Analysis
With this page of the Killing Joke Alan Moore and Brian Boland use panel composition to increase the
drama with each individual panel. Within the first three panels of the page the reader gets three
different camera shots. The second panel in which the reader gets a shot of the Joker reentering the
bar/restaurant, the shadow of his hat hiding his eyes making it difficult to read his emotions. The next
panel is completely different style, black and white, it makes it so the reader s focus is entirely on the
words being spoken, the lack of sympathy the men have on the Joker, similar to the lack of sympathy
the joker has on all of his victims. In the next four panels the focus is on the Joker and how he is being
treated poorly after the death of his pregnant wife. We see this mainly in the fifth panel where the shot
comes from behind the Joker allowing the reader only see the two men s threatening faces, then later
in the seventh panel where the Joker is alone and in a position that can be interpreted as him being
upset/ in agony with two sinister looking people staring down at him in the ... Show more content on ...
The reader gets to see the Joker s reaction to being threatened and his timidity in the fourth and fifth
panels and soon after we see the shock of it, the realization that he is unable to get out of the situation
he put himself in with the sixth panel. From the sixth to the seventh panel, though only a few seconds
have passed between the panels the reader gets a completely different shot from one panel to the next.
The Joker changing from a shocked expression to one of conflict and melancholy, depicted by the
ducked head and trembling hands. The mockery of it is added, as previously stated, with the taunting
way the two figures in the background look down at the Joker, one with the signature Joker smile and
the other with crazy wide
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Cyber Defense And Security Issues
Understanding cyber defense and security issues such as cyber crime and cyber attacks ensure
efficient functioning of information systems. Cyber attacks are real, unexpected and increasing in
numbers according to Naumovski and Kenkov (2014) cyber defense is emerging as a high priority
with the increased use of information technology. Naumovski et al. (2014) noted that understanding
cyber defense and security issues would ensure efficient operation of information systems. Naumovski
et al. (2014) explained the scope of cyber defense and the devastating effect and consequences of
cyber attacks.
Governments of the world have begun to slowly develop some procedures and actions to protect cyber
space, and because of the reliance of our societies on smart devices, this has resulted in more security
issues then cyber security practitioners can handle. The use of information technology by many
participants defines cyber space as the new domain of security and a critical area of national security.
Securing the society against cyber attacks has become one of the highest priorities from both the
internal and external threat in cyber space (Naumovski et al., 2014).
As stated by Rid and Buchanan (2015) Cyber attacks are not created equal every individual is different
and the damage it causes is one of the most important distinguishing features of any network breach.
Rid et al. (2015) Argued that the successful attribution requires a range of skills on all levels, careful
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The Boston Tea Party Was A Fair Protest By The Colonists
I believe that the Boston Tea Party was a fair protest by the colonists because the King of England was
using the colonists for profit, and not treating them like real people by not listening to their outcries
for help. Thus, the Boston Tea Party was the only way to get the King s attention and bring attention to
how unfair the acts were to other colonists.
What did the Tea Act say? (1) The Tea Act said two things. First, it stated that the amount of actions
needed to go through customs would be reduced for anyone exporting tea to the British colonies as
said in the fifth paragraph of the act, ...and to export such tea to any of the British colonies or
plantations in America, or to foreign parts, discharged from the payment of any customs or duties
whatsoever; any thing in the said recited act, or any other act to the contrary notwithstanding. (SFI 1, This part of the act was an attempt to save the nearly bankrupt East
India Company, which had played a big role in the British victory over France in the Seven Year War
by taking over multiple French settlements. The second thing the act stated was that there would be a
new tax on the tea for the American colonists. The British thought that because the act would actually
reduce the price of tea, even with the tax, the American colonists would accept this new act. The act
backfired and actually just fueled the colonist s anger toward the British Crown as they were being
taxed without
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Case Study Of Danone
The paper points at the analysing and evaluating the reason of Danone s agility and key factors in the
current environment present opportunities and threats in the relation to Danone s agility. Lastly, a
series of strategic and operational recommendations to senior management regarding the preservation
and enhancement of the Danone s agility have been provided in this report. In this paper, we did
research and discussion to enhance the quality of the report and we have used calculations and table to
prove our opinions, we compared Danone with its competitor in Diary industry Nestle. The
information are used in the paper can be found in the references. Initially, The research draws attention
to the fact that Danone s agility because the ... Show more content on ...
After the merger, BSN Gervais Danone acquired and took over a series of Europe based food and
beverage producing organizations, such as Général Biscuit and Volvic, to enter into the international
market. In 1994, its name was officially changed to Groupe Danone and it became just Danone since
In order to focusing on producing healthy products and supplements, Danone gradually sold its beer,
sauce, cereal and biscuit businesses in the last 15 years, narrowing its core business lines to only four:
fresh dairy product, water, early life nutrition and medical
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Grid Computing
This paper gives an overview about Grid Computing and the various key issues related to that.Today
we are in the Internet world and everyone prefers to get fast access to the Internet. The growth of the
internet with various resources and high speed networks changes the society enormously. We can
improve the speed of the computer using Grid. This paper presents clearly the vision of the grid
computing and the architecture of grid computing.The advantages and the disadvantages of the grid
computing has also been discussed.
The grid vision is the computational power such as resources, power, data are readily available as
electric power1.Grid allows the user to use these resources efficiently and securely. Grid computing is
an ... Show more content on ...
The main services provided through utility grids are software and special equipments. For instance,
the applications can be run on one machine and all the users can send their data to be processed to that
machine and receive the result back.Grid Computing will not come in reality unless it provides a core
of services ,reliability and enough usability1.
III. Advantages and Disadvantages
There is no need to have large number of SMP servers. It efficiently uses the idle resources. If there is
any failure in one grid ,the grid environment automatically uses the other resources. Easy to scalable.
Jobs can be executed in parallel and increase the speed of the computation. Grid computing consists of
some disadvantages too. Some applications need to be modified in order to use this application in grid
computing. The applications which are not designed to use an MPI (Message Passing Interface) will
have to revert to an SMP (Symmetric Multi Processing). Grid computing requires an advanced
infrastructure like small servers, fast connections between the servers and the use of quality tools,
software and skilled technicians to manage the grid.This grid computing is also costly and security
issues also need to be
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Argumentative Essay On Boxing And Women
The sport of boxing is the epitome of masculinity. With its largely aggressive and physical nature and
high injury rate, it is no surprise that author Joyce Carol Oates, in her collection of boxing essays,
states, boxing is for men, and is about men, and is men (72). In refuting of this claim, women have
been partaking in the sport of boxing since the eighteenth century ( van Ingen Kovacs, 2012). Women
have made great advances to enter the world of combat sports. However, research shows that they are
not shown the same amount of respect that their male counterparts receive due to the attention paid
towards their femininity instead of their passion for the sport.
Because of the high degree of physicality involved, many people have wondered if women even
possess the aggression needed for the sport and if they can perform to the same level of prowess as the
boxing greats Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier once did (Beki, 2013). Women and girls are given the
stereotypes of submissive, compliant, unassertive, and sensitive and are therefore lacking in the basic
qualities assigned to ... Show more content on ...
The premium network for pay per view sporting events, Home Box Office (HBO), has been the prime
channel for sporting events yet not once have they aired a woman s match ( van Ingen Kovacs, 2012).
The female sports that do receive the most coverage are the feminine sports and those females that do
not adhere to those standards do not receive the same amount of attention (Krane, 2001). Women have
found that they tend to receive more attention when they are being sexualized (van Ingen Kovacs,
2012; Lindner, 2012; Krane et al, 2004). The female athletes were aware that their uniforms were
perceived as sexy and thus garnered male attention. To reduce their feeling of the male gaze, the
athletes would cover up in additional clothing prior to their events (Krane et al,
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Human Experimentation In Nazi Germany
People may think all human experimentation is ethical and happens under supervised, and controlled
conditions with the consent of the person. This wasn t the case in Nazi Germany. The Nazi s
performed some of the most inhumane, disturbing human experiments documented by man. The Nazi
s saw their extermination camps as a prime place for scientific experiments to advance their military
and Nazi racial ideology. Prisoners were forced to participate in the experiments and usually died as
an effect. If the subject lived, the results often resulted in trauma, disfigurement, or permanent
disability. This happened on a large scale, and affected the lives of many. These experiments were
typically aimed toward Jews, but some Romani, Sinti, Soviet prisoners of war, and disabled Germans
were involved in these ruthless experiments. It is important to remember these diabolical acts not
because of how awful they were, but the technological and medical advancements they posed. If we
don t acknowledge the suffering these people endured, then I feel that they have died in vain. One of
the experiments ... Show more content on ...
In 1941, the Luftwaffe conducted experiments on more than 350 people. These experiments were
conducted to simulate the conditions the armies encountered on the Eastern Front in order to prepare
their army for the cold weather. They placed prisoners naked in the open air for several hours with
temperatures as low as 21 fahrenheit. Some subjects were dipped into vats of freezing water. Those
who didn t die from freezing, were resuscitated using gruesome methods. The worst probably being
internal irrigation, whereby victims had boiling water forced into the bladder and stomach ( Worst
Nazi Experiments ). Many experiments were conducted on captured Russian troops; the Nazi s
wondered wheateher their genetics gave them superior resistance to cold ( Nazi Human
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Motivation For Witchcraft
Throughout the sixteenth and seventeenth century, witchcraft was widespread throughout various
areas of the world. Today, witchcraft may be subtly displayed in children s books, where a witch often
an elderly woman is shown travelling by broomstick or casting evil spells. Back then, people held
allegations against others for using this black magic, and, in turn, some societies conducted
persecutions against such individuals. These persecuted, and often executed individuals, were often
said to be using their evil in worship of the Devil. Now that we see these ideas of black magic in
children s books, it may appear that these witch panics were extreme. Before we make assumptions
about the accusers of witches, we must consider further details in attempt to understand their
underlying motivations to accept witchcraft beliefs. As Darren Oldridge argues, there may be multiple
factors for this acceptance of witchcraft beliefs. One motivation that is evident is the absorption of
power among the persecutors. Through time, since the start of witchcraft, witches became responsible
for more and more issues, reflecting the span of influence persecutors held. It is important to consider
the beginning of witchcraft prevalence. Since witchcraft allegations were often associated with the
Devil, it must have been a Christian phenomenon. In Europe, where many witch trials took place,
Christianity was extremely prevalent in the late Middle Ages and the early modern period. Therefore,
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Hardy Weinberg Questions
Hardy Weinberg Principle Name: _______________________________ Period: ____
Show all work and box your answer for each of the following questions! 1. In a population at genetic
equilibrium, the frequency of allele A is 0.5. a. What is the frequency of the homozygous dominant
genotype (AA)? b. What is the frequency of the heterozygous genotype (Aa)?
2. If 16% of the individuals in a population at genetic equilibrium are recessive (aa). a. What is the
frequency of the recessive allele in the population? b. What is the frequency of the dominant allele?
3. If the genotype frequencies in a population at genetic equilibrium are 0.36 TT, 0.48 Tt, and 0.16 tt,
what ... Show more content on ...
For the question above, what is the frequency of the dominant allele in the US population? c. For the
question above, approximately what proportion of the population would be expected to be carriers of
the PKU allele?
Summary Question:
Restate each of the Hardy Weinberg conditions. Under each, elaborate by explaining each in greater
detail. Define the term and explain what each is and how it is important. Also explain how each may
be violated in nature and how often you think that the condition may be violated. An example for the
first condition is given below.
1. No Mutations: Mutations refer to a changes in the DNA code. Mutations occur regularly, are the
source of variation of traits in a species, and are called the raw material upon which natural selection
acts and can lead to evolutionary change in phenotype. Mutations of the DNA mean that the Adenine,
Thymine, Guanine and/or Cytosine changes. Changes can be deletions, substitutions, or inversions.
Most mutations would be disadvantageous, but can also be advantageous. Variation of phenotype in a
population allows a species to survive in a changing environment.
2. No Migration:
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William Paley s Views Of The Evidence Of Christianity
William Paley
I. Abstract:
Born in Peterborough, England in July 1743, William Paley was a natural philosopher and wrote many
books on Christianity. Before working his way through the ranks of the Anglican Church, Paley
graduated first of his class from Christ s College in Cambridge in 1763, became a deacon in 1765, and
was appointed assistant curate by a tutor of the college in 1766. He opposed slavery, advocated for
prison reform, and was a utilitarian. He believed that humans act morally to increase their overall level
of happiness. Paley had eight children with his wife, Jane Hewitt married in 1776. He was a very
popular preacher publishing many lectures and books and is considered one of England s most
important theologians of his generation. William Paley died on May 25th, 1805 and is currently buried
next to his wife in the Carlisle Cathedral.
II. His Works: ... Show more content on ...
This book was even a required textbook for students to have at Cambridge up until the 20th century.
Paley s lectures and books presented a utilitarian view of the world and tried proving that God was the
reason for existence. Of his many works, his most famous one (and the last one before his death in
1805) is called Natural Theology; or, Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity, Collected
from the Appearances of Nature (1802). In Natural Theology, Paley begins with a metaphor of God as
a watchmaker. He argues that God can be understood by observing the natural world and the only
conclusion in this metaphor is that the watch or design must have had a maker or designer (whom is
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The Loop Argumentative Essay
The beautiful campus of Oklahoma Christian University has just recently built a long, paved walking
trail. It equals to almost five miles that winds around the campus. Not only can it be accessed by
students of Oklahoma Christian, but also by the locals that desire to walk, run, or even bike. However,
the trail even offers much more than that for individuals who do not want a five mile workout. A
variety of tall trees and small bond circles a part of the trail called , The Loop . Over the years athletes,
people who walk their dogs, or even just people who cherish and adore nature, and a healthy lifestyle
utilizes it .On the west side of campus near Bryant Rd., The Loop contributes to a scenic, relaxing
landscape, as it links together exercise ... Show more content on ...
While the loop relatively enclosed on campus is safe, other asphalt surfaces are actually on the roads.
Asphalt being one of the most accessible surfaces, it is to easy to measure distance, and lastly it s
relatively easy to keep a steady pace. However, with asphalts surfaces in the city, it leads to pot holes,
traffic, and if at night other dangers. Although this may be true, different surface may be used for
different purposes such as to strengthen different muscles, change in weather, and on the particular
person and their history of injuries. In addition, there are no scientific data that proves running on
softer surfaces are better or safer; however, many athletes will say disagree based on their body and
experiences with the loop. Not everyone will like the trail, especially athletes who have felt physical
exhaustion and pain. In the same way that running on grass is rated one of the best running surfaces,
but yet there are always ankle related injuries. No surface is specially for one person; therefore,
always try different surfaces to improve the body in different areas. However, The Loop s surface
offers much more than safety. It offers an appealing landscape and opportunities to come together as a
community. As the loop has been recently built, it
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Era of Good Feeling Dbq Essays
The period after the War of 1812 during the presidency of James Monroe is often referred to as the era
of good feelings because of a feeling of nationalism, a feeling of pride and national unity. The end of
the Federalist Party also provided the nation with a feeling of nationalism, for there was no political
opposition toward the Republicans. This title, however, may not be the most accurate label for this
particular time period, for this time period marked the beginnings of sectionalism, with heated debates
over tariffs, the National Bank, and most importantly, over slavery. After the War of 1812 a
Nationalistic spark ran throughout much of the United States. A primary factor in this emergence of
Nationalism was due to the ... Show more content on ...
Those who had moved westward toward the frontier also did not entirely approve of the national bank,
for they looked far a way of easy credit, which was in the form of state banks. The westernmost and
southernmost states were entirely based on agriculture, while the states toward the north east coast
were based on an industrial economy. The Protective Tariff of 1816 caused disagreements between
these two sections of the United States, for the Tariff unfairly benefitted the manufacturers of the
North East. Most importantly, with regards to sectionalism, were the many disputes involving slavery.
As Anna Hayes from South Carolina asserts, in her letter to her cousin, the situation in South Carolina
was just as bad if not superior to the scenes acted in St. Domingo. South Carolina was currently
experiencing slave revolts at that time. These slave revolts brought up the question of whether or not
slavery was correct which caused mush sectionalism between different regions of the United States.
John Randolph, who also apposed the Tariff of 1816, mentioned that a simple geographical line the
Missouri Compromise was not enough to completely silence the controversy of slavery. The label of
The Era of Good Feelings is not the most accurate title for this period. Although there was an increase
in nationalistic ideals, such as the betterment of the union through internal improvements, sectionalism
lied beneath the
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Andrew Carnegie Library Collection Essay
Museum: Oklahoma Territorial Museum Gallery #1: Carnegie Library Category Andrew Carnegie was
born in the year 1835 in Scotland. When he grew up he worked in a company and then his family
decided to move to the US. Andrew started his career as railroad clerk. He built the largest industrial
enterprise. Later Andrew decided that he could sell his company to a man named JP Morgan in 1901.
May 20,1903 he opened his library. Carnegie used the library for many uses such as: parties,social
events, children story time, teen events, and much more.Today the Library is served as a venue.
Slowly Carnegie is giving up his fortune and foundation. Giving someone else your fortune and
foundation is something I find very interesting because you do not see that very often in today s
society. Some of the things that Andrew started to give away was: his library, colleges and hospitals.
He was dedicated to his foundation to the goal of doing real and permanent good in the world . I
learned that John H. Burford wrote Andrew a thank you contribution of Library of funds. I like this
gallery because it gave information about the library in the guthrie back then I really to have known
that and i found that very interesting. Gallery #2: Life in Oklahoma Territory ... Show more content on ...
Some of the offences or crimes are common gambling, illegal wood cutting, lot jumping, prostitution
and much more. Guthrie is not affected by arrests. According to the folklore, this had to had happen so
the could meet payroll (Life in Oklahoma Territory plaque). I didn t like the fact that my friends and I
were writing down facts and we turned around and there was this man in a cell staring at us it was so
creepy. So we ran away to another gallery and there was nothing significant about that man. I also
learn about the cotton field and how they make alcohol in the
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The Political Risk Environment Is Predominantly Favorable...
The political risk environment is predominantly favorable for international expansion. Singapore has
low political risk and was ranked as having the lowest political risk in the continent by the Political
and Economic Risk Consultancy. Singapore is quite politically stable with a solid government and
positive relations with neighboring countries. The political environment of Singapore is very stable.
Singapore s government is a parliamentary republic and The People s Action Party (PAP) has ruled the
government since 1959. There has been no major opposition to the party s leadership; however, there
has been some public unrest due to the increased cost of living and immigration policies. There have
been no historical incidents of political violence against foreign investments in Singapore. Singapore
stands against corruption and enforces anti corruption laws such as the Prevention of Corruption Act
through its government agency, the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau.
Singapore has good relationships with its immediate neighbors and is in a prime location in Southeast
Asia that business can use to access multiple markets. Singapore is a founding member of the
Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN). ASEAN members include Thailand, Indonesia,
Malaysia, the Philippines, Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. ASEAN aims to promote regional
peace and beneficial collaboration of Southeast Asian nations in order to facilitate economic, social,
and cultural
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Leo Tolstoy War
All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love Leo Tolstoy War and Peace. As
shown in Great Expectations, Romeo and Juliet, and Animal Farm love is a prevailing theme over
hate, however the way that love prevails comes in different forms. Though love prevails over hate in
English Literature, Love is shown to take over many forms such as love being a mask for hate, pure
and unconditional love, and love of power. The first, love being a mask for hate, is show in Great
Expectations Pip is in love with Estella though she treats him with animosity. Pip should in fact hate
Estella for her vile behavior therefore his love is masking what dislike he should show towards her.
Pip is in love with Estella s beauty, he is using
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Fema Research Paper
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) partners with Homeland Security to aid
Americans and people in other countries in case a major disaster occurs. They give out food and water
and help provide shelters to those who have lost their homes. But it has only been in recent years after
terrorist attacks on U.S. soil that Homeland Security has joined this group. This has increased
suspicions towards why a group that was created to fight terrorists would need to be involved in aiding
those who have been in an earthquake or flooding. Few Americans feel that they have any hope of
being able to truly count on their assistance because of this. But that isn t the only reason. FEMA has
been hiding several truths from Americans who falsely believe ... Show more content on ...
High Amount of Losses
Unfortunately, FEMA already knows what most Americans don t. There will be a huge amount of
casualties because so few people are prepared for a state of emergency to happen. Because of this,
they are already prepared to bury thousands of people with a stash of coffins that they keep handy.
Although this sounds cruel, it should be used as motivation for people to not expect FEMA to be their
savior in case of a disaster. They have to be able to handle situations on their own instead.
As you can see, this organization is highly motivated to work against the American people, not for
them. That is why it is extremely important that people start preparing now for a possible crisis now.
Foods that have a long shelf life and don t need refrigeration are the most important to have on hand.
Freeze dried food can last for about 25 years, so it is the best to keep. But canned foods that can be
easily heated up are also important in case there isn t enough water to rehydrate it. These types of
foods are all easily found for sale at They come in airtight containers to
avoid pests from getting in them too. And the website has a neat calculator tool, so you can determine
how much food that you need to keep on hand per person to
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Revolving Door Law Case Summary
In the given situation, EDA has contracted WEA during the design phase of the expansion of these
transportation facilities. WEA was the general contractor and decided to hire R F as a subcontractor
for specific duties during the design phase. The issue begins in the construction phase, if EDA were to
contract Savmor. Unlike other bidders, Savmore would hire R F as a sub consultant. This was seen as
unfair to other bidders for the project because R F was already a sub consultant during the design
phase. This may cause a conflict of interest. Given this text, we believe R F should not be precluded
from working for Savmore or any other contractors. However, this can only be the case under certain
conditions. One condition that is required for ... Show more content on ...
Ultimately, the motivation behind the Revolving Door Law and similar laws is to prevent a company
from receiving compensation twice for the same work. So, it is important to determine, whenever a
company contributes work, what matters the company participated in by doing said work. Deciding
that a company s work constitutes participation in one matter does not necessarily mean that that same
work does not constitute participation in a different matter. Participating in one matter could also
constitute participation in another matter if the company s work in the first matter is heavily used in
the second matter: for instance if the second matter involved assessing or analyzing the work of the
first matter. This is portrayed in the Texas Ethics Commission Advisory Opinion 523. According to
Texas s Ethics Commission, they do not prohibit a former employee of the Texas Department of
Transportation from performing services related to a bridge replacement project...unless the services
would include a review or analysis of a matter in which the former employee participated as an
employee of the agency (1). As long as the work has no ties and similarities to the earlier work, R F
should be allowed to work according to the TEC. Since R F is not even the primary contractor, as they
are serving as a subcontractor for Savmore, there should be even more lenience applicable to their
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Uses of Hypnotherapy to Treat a Medical Condition
Uses of Hypnotherapy to treat a medical condition
The purpose of this essay is to describe and explain the uses of hypnotherapy in the treatment of a
medical condition. For this essay I have chosen to look at a chronic life limiting illness called Motor
Neurone Disease. This is a disease that can affect many different aspects of a person s life and is very
aggressive in its symptoms. I have met quite a few people with this condition whilst working in the
Neurophysiology department at the QMC, where all the nerve and muscles studies and EMG s are
performed. It not only changes the person s life but also the lives of the people around them. I found
this research both upsetting and informative.
MND is a progressive ... Show more content on ...
Progressive muscular atrophy is a much less common form of MND and tends to progress more
slowly than ALS. People with PMA do not experience muscle spasms and they can then go onto
develop ALS.
Progressive bulbar palsy is a form of MND that mainly affects the muscles in the throat, tongue and
face that causes difficulties with speech, swallowing, coughing and clearing the throat. PBP can also
affect the expression of emotions and people might laugh or cry for no apparent reason.
Primary lateral sclerosis is a very rare form of MND in which people experience spasticity but do not
experience muscle wasting or fasciculation s.
Unfortunately none of the above can be diagnosed with one specific hospital test and doctors will
usually recommend a series of tests and investigations which can take a long time and can cause the
person worry and upset thereby causing a knock on effect of depression and anxiety, these tests are
very important however to be able to get the correct diagnosis as all the symptoms described can also
be the pre cursor to many other illnesses and to be diagnosed with this terrible disease in error would
be awful. I think the saddest part of the disease is that although it will affect almost every part of the
person s everyday life and will stop them eventually performing the most simple of tasks such as
personal hygiene and eating it does not affect the mind or intelligence so
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Desmond Doss s Military Career
Desmond Doss began his military career as a private in the United States Army. He entered one of the
bloodiest battles in history, especially in World War II. This battle was called Hacksaw Ridge . The
battles name came from the fact that soldiers that were being cut down by the rapid fire of machine
guns and at this battle is where Desmond Doss had willingly put his own life in the midst of danger to
save 75 comrades by himself. But before all of this. Desmond Doss grew up in a five person family
including himself. Growing up, the Doss family was raised in Seventh day Adventist church (Doss
92), they were religious people and went to church every Saturday. This had a big impact on Desmond
s life. However, Desmond had not always been a ... Show more content on ...
The two however were inseparable best of friends. One time a news article interviewed Harold about
if Desmond always have a desire to help others, even before joining the military? (New York Times),
Harold replied without hesitation, Yes. He was always helpful to people, and he was not one that
would give up. He didn t know how (New York Times). From the point of view of his brother
Desmond was always a care giver, and ready to spring into action whenever needed. Another view
point we see from Desmonds youth is his sister. Audrey Doss, was Desmonds younger sister, she too
was given the same question as Harold, and she told New York times interview that [Desmond] was
always there when anyone was sick. It was announced on the radio, we didn t have TVs in those days,
it was announced there was an accident on Route 29 and they needed some blood right away to save
this woman s life. He walked three miles to that hospital and walked three more miles back home after
he gave blood. Two days later, a call came back over the radio, they need more blood. There he goes
again, walks the three miles, then walks three miles back (New York Times). Desmond went through
whatever just to help someone he did not even know. Desmond from a young age had the heart of a
giver. Desmond grew up as a Seventh day Adventist, which had a profound impact on his military
career. Desmonds religious
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Compare And Contrast Frankenstein And Pride And Prejudice
Deep, gut wrenching horror and passionate, gripping love: these are what the novels Frankenstein and
Pride and Prejudice, respectively, are chiefly remembered for. The differences in their plotlines are
striking. While Frankenstein tells the story of Victor Frankenstein s creation of a monster and the
havoc that the monster wreaks, Pride and Prejudice recounts the charming and colorful love story of
Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy. However, despite the obvious differences in the novels subjects, the
authors of both works share a similar purpose. Both Shelley s Frankenstein and Austen s Pride and
Prejudice depict the dangerous results of hubris with the purpose of warning society to keep one s
pride in check, lest devastating consequences ensue. ... Show more content on ...
Both authors caution against becoming too prideful, for excessive pride can be disastrous. This
message is extremely poignant when examining the historical context of Frankenstein and Pride and
Prejudice. During the time period Frankenstein was published, science was making extraordinary
strides. The triumphs of the Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution instilled a level of
confidence in scientists, and experiments became more and more ambitious. In the wake of this
exponential progress, Frankenstein serves as a reminder that pride should never remain unchecked.
Overconfidence mustn t be allowed to jeopardize one s judgment, and careful considerations must be
made as to the morality and reasonability of one s actions before taking on a task. Frankenstein
became caught up in his passion and in his pride, and thus he was unable to foresee the consequences
of his actions. Though Frankenstein is by no means a censure of scientific progress or
experimentation, it is a cautionary tale that advocates that one should always remember one s own
infallibility, and not become caught up in the quest for success and recognition. Analogously, Pride
and Prejudice can be examined through an analysis of the sociopolitical sentiment of Austen s time
period. In Austen s sphere, a desirable marriage was the ultimate goal for a young lady. However,
Elizabeth nearly jeopardizes her chance of securing just this, as her pride prevents her from merely
liking to Darcy. Though her near loss of Darcy may not immediately appear comparable to
Frankenstein s loss of his friends and family, the particular emphasis placed on marriage as a means of
social mobility in Austen s Regency England would render the potential loss of a favorable marriage a
most devastating outcome. Thus, Elizabeth s ability to finally abandon her pride and secure this match
is particularly poignant. She finally achieves the
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Entitlement Challenges
Society and how it has shaped me into the person I am today? I can recall growing up as a kid, we
didn t have the fancy things like kids do today. We were able to get by with what we had. My mother
worked hard to give us the very best possible. Numerous parents today don t let their children try, fail,
be resilient, problem solve, or even have achievements of their own. All parents want the best
intentions for their children, but if we keep hovering over them, overprotecting and enable them they
will not have the true sense of self, know who they are, or realized what is truly important in life. They
will not be able to have healthy relationships or stand on their own in the world.
I realized when my kids were growing up that I was somewhat the problem in this whole entitlement
challenge, and let me say, it definitely was a wakeup call. There are solutions, and they begin at home.
I had to make a change within their environment and be able to repair the entitlement attitude in my
kids, before it was too late. I decided to make them ... Show more content on ...
This means build that community in your home, teach your children about respect and discipline,
ways that they can be better people. Parents should be able to control what goes on in their own home.
I feel that parents allow so much to happen in their home because it is easier on them. When they get
home from a long day of working, they are tired, we all are. Electronic gadgets flooding America has
been replaced by a virtual world that does not exist. There is less communication than ever before.
What happened to the sit down dinners and face to face conversations? No matter where you go, either
society is on their IPAD s, IPHONE s or laptops. We have lost all sense of direct communication. Why
is that? We have allowed it to happen and parents are to blame for spoiling kids and giving them
everything they themselves didn t have growing
... Get more on ...
Staphylococcus Aureus ( Mrsa ) Essay
Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a bacterium that is responsible for several
infections in humans like pneumonia, bloodstream infection, etc. Methicillin resistance in
Staphylococcus aureus was first identified among hospitalized patients in 1960s. MRSA is any strain
of Staphylococcus aureus developed through the process of natural selection and resistance to beta
lactam antibiotics like penicillins (methicillin, dicloxacillin, nafcillin, oxacillin, etc.) and the
cephalosporins. It is of huge concern in hospitals, prisons, and nursing homes, where the patients are
at high risk due to open wounds, invasive devices, and weakened immune systems. MRSA infections
that occur in hospitals are known as Hospital Associated MRSA (HA MRSA). In a hospital where
patients are getting infected with MRSA, which had been detected from their nose secretions and
some from skin infections, it is very important to take immediate preventive and control measures to
fight against MRSA. Various strategies can be applied to prevent and control MRSA as well as to treat
MRSA associates infection in order to completely eradicate MRSA threat from the hospital. Various
measures that can be taken to tackle such situation are: 1. Screening of all patients to identify all
MRSA infected patients and MRSA carriers. 2. Implementing various prevention strategies. 3.
Decolonization therapy for all MRSA carriers. 4. Treatment of Infected patients. 1. Screening of all
patients to identify all
... Get more on ...
Ionic Hair Research Paper
3 Best Ionic Hair Dryer For Supreme, Phenomenal Hair Style That Will Leave Anyone Speechless
Whether you ve locked your sight on your obsession for a straight hair, or you re aiming for a fierce,
sexy looking curled hair you still need your most trusted hair dryer which is an indispensable
companion that you must have in your beauty regime. Of course, hair dryers also have a frightful heat
for your hair that may end up damaging it in the process. However, the innovations that have
happened in the industry has already made this something you shouldn t worry about. With the best
ionic hair dryers, you can achieve a frizz free, gorgeous and healthy looking hair that you oh so desire.
The territory of hair dryers are oozing with different products with a wide range of price and quality
which only makes it harder to choose what you should go for. Fortunately, we ve cut this spectrum of
choices down to the three best ionic hair dryers according to our research, consumer s experience, and
my ... Show more content on ...
The dual Ion Function which this phenomenal product has brought to life, will render you the top
notch shiny hair you want along with a voluminous effect that s just breathtaking and awe inspiring. It
boasts an AC Motor that can last for over 2,000 hours of quality and epic performance along with 125
volts and 1875 watts of power that will dry your hair with its air of over 80+ mph. It has an ergonomic
design that guarantees comfort during the time you use it, it has multiple heat settings to accommodate
every type of hair, it has a cold shot button to dry your hair with cold air rather than heat, and it also
has a filtration system to minimize your use of energy. This wondrous model will simply leave you
speechless and wanting
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Writing An Abstract For A Research Paper

  • 1. Writing An Abstract For A Research Paper 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Writing An Abstract For A Research Paper Writing An Abstract For A Research Paper
  • 2. Essay On Roman Domus Roman Domus A Roman Domus was an ancient Roman house. It was usually owned by wealthy Roman families, and contained a countless number of rooms and wings. The average Roman Domus contained a Vestibulum, Taberna, Atrium, Tablinum, Trinclinium, Peristylium, Exedra and several alae and cubiculums. However, the Domus was not just a place where wealthy families lived. It was also a place of business and religious ceremonies. Roman Domuses were usually built so that that they did not face the street. In fact, they often had walls separating them from the street and nearby Domuses. Now, I will proceed to describe the many rooms of the Roman Domus. First, the Domus contained several entrance halls. One entrance hall was the Vestibulum. The ... Show more content on ... The Peristylium was an open courtyard or garden in the center of the Domus. This courtyard contained flowers, shrubs, fountains, fish, and pools of water, benches, and sculptures. There was a portico, which surrounded the courtyard. The inner walls of this portico were highly decorated with paintings and art. Sometimes, the Perystilium also contained a lararium a shrine for the household gods. The seventh room of the Roman Domus was the Exedra. The Exedra was located right next to the Peristylium, and was a formal dining room. It was used for lavish dinner parties and events. Often, the Exedra was decorated with a garden or nature theme. For example, one might find an Exedra decorated with mosaics of nature god or goddess. The next room of the Domus is the Culina. The Culina was the kitchen. Located in a small corner of the house, it was usually dark and poorly ventilated. This was because since the slaves did all of the cooking, their masters were indifferent as to whether or not the environment where their slaves worked was hot, small or stuffy. The Romans cooked their food using ovens, the top of which were used to keep meals warm before they were ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Nicholas II Research Paper Nicholas II was born on May 6th, 1868 in Pushkin, Russia. He was born Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov. He was the first born of Alexander Alexandrovich and Maria Feodorovna. Maria gave Nicholas a nurturing family environment to grow up in. While Alexander had a strong influence on Nicholas. That is where Nicholas got her conservative, religious values and his strong belief in an autocratic government. He received his education from private tutors which included high ranking government officials. He excelled in history, foreign languages, but he struggled with economics and subtleties of politics. Alexander also failed to give Nicholas training in state affairs. In 1881 Nicholas became the heir apparent to Russia after his grandfather was ... Show more content on ... A daughter Olga, born in 1895. Tatiana another daughter born in 1897. Maria their third daughter born in 1899, and their final daughter Anastasia born in 1901.They finally had a son in 19014 who they named Alexei. But their joy over his birth soon turned in to worry because Alexei had hemophilia. Their worry over Alexei and search for a treatment that worked introduced them to Gregory Rasputin. Rasputin would cause the Russia people to doubt the Tsar and one of the reasons why the royal family met their end. The worst thing that happened during Nicholas rule that led to the end of the monarchy was Bloody Sunday on January 5th, 1905. Bloody Sunday was when peaceful protestors made up of workers in St. Petersburg protested about the working conditions and for the establishment of a popular assembly. Those protestors we fired upon and many were killed. Nicholas was the forced to create an elected legislature. It was called DUMA. Nicholas still resisted government reform. He felt that he was ordained by god and he was born to rule. When World War One came around Nicholas took control of the army. Because of this he spent a lot of time away from his family and duties in St. Petersburg. While Nicholas was gone, Alexandra fell under the spell of Rasputin, she depended on ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Trujillo And The Marinera Music Analysis The relationship between the city of Trujillo and the Marinera is special, because one of the mainly things that represents the city is this precise dance. This affirmation was made official when in January 24 1986; the city of Trujillo was declared the capital of the Marinera. When they saw that it was something meaningful for the city s population, the congress decided in 2012 that October 7 was going to be the Marinera day (nationwide) in honour of one of the most famous Marinera music composers: Augusto Ascuez Villanueva. In Peru, they teach kids in school how to dance it. This dance is thought so that children can know more about their culture, feel more Peruvian, and see if they might want to dance it professionally. Furthermore, during ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Effects Of Cell Phone Use On Driving Performance And... Aneci Persuitti ENGC 1101 SEC 43 December 15, 2014 The Effects of Cell Phone Use on Driving Performance and Safety As technology advances, people are relying on it more and more. Cell phones have literally become a necessity. Every day on the roads, people are driving and using their cell phones to talk, text, browse the internet, use GPS, etc. According to the International Telecommunication Union, the number of mobile cellular subscriptions worldwide is approaching the number of people on earth. Mobile cellular subscriptions will reach almost 7 billion by end 2014, corresponding to a penetration rate of 96% (3). If the number of cell phone subscribers reaches the world s population by the end of 2014, almost every driver will have a cell phone in their car and consequently, more drivers will be using them while driving. Can cell phone use while driving affect driving performance and safety? The answer is yes. There are several studies related to the effect of cell phone use on driving performance and these studies share very similar findings. In one study, researchers Lesch and Hancock wanted to know if drivers were aware of their driving performance when using a cell phone. The driver s driving performance was associated with the driver s confidence level and distraction level. In particular, the higher the confidence level, the better the driving performance was shown by the driver. The study found that male drivers had a greater confidence level than females, while ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Labour Movement Vs Proletariat Labor movement and proletariat were the results of Marx and Engels ideological thoughts. Their vision of the society was a world where capitalism doesn t exist. They thought that the proletariat arises because the capitalism using machines started to replace workers and killing competition of middle class, usually with small business. Proletariat is the class of society that live by its labor. They also thought that business should be owned by proletariat and private property shouldn t exist. They describe capitalism as a brutal system that leave poor people with nothing. In contrast to the theory of Marx and Engels, imperialism is based on the differences of people and the capabilities of each of them being successful. Social Darwinism was ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Andrew Carnegie Research Paper Andrew Carnegie Essay written by A man of Scotland, a distinguished citizen of the United States, and a philanthropist devoted to the betterment of the world around him, Andrew Carnegie became famous at the turn of the twentieth century and became a real life rags to riches story. Born in Dunfermline, Scotland, on November 25, 1835, Andrew Carnegie entered the world in poverty. The son of a hand weaver, Carnegie received his only formal education during the short time between his birth and his move to the United States. When steam machinery for weaving came into use, Carnegie s father sold his looms and household goods, sailing to America with his wife and two sons. At this time, Andrew was twelve, and his ... Show more content on ... He established many other steel plants, and in 1892, he merged all of his interests into the Carnegie Steel Company. This act from Carnegie is fitting with one of his most famous quotations, Put all of your eggs in one basket, and then watch that basket. This firm became one of the greatest industrial enterprises in America. Carnegie later sold it to J.P. Morgan s United States Steel Corporation in 1901 for $400 million, which would be a little over $4 billion today! After retiring, Carnegie s fortune was estimated to be as large as half a billion dollars. From that time on, with the philosophy that the rich have a moral obligation to give away their money, he devoted himself to philanthropy. Although ironic, this man of great fortune strongly believed in the merits of poverty for the development of character and work ethic, and determined that wealthy men should not leave their fortunes to their children, but should give it away, claiming The man who dies thus rich, dies disgraced. The picture of community service, Carnegie is quoted as saying, Pittsburgh entered the core of my heart when I was a boy, and cannot be torn out. I can never be one hair s breadth less loyal to her, or less anxious to help her in any way, than I have been since I could help anything. My treasure is still with you, and how best to serve Pittsburgh is the question which occurs to me almost every day of my life. Colonel James Anderson, who Carnegie ... Get more on ...
  • 8. From Spaniard And Indian Summary By the late eighteenth century, the New World, which was still remote, had formed its own complicated individual and national identities. Moreover, the disparate communities within Latin America had established a unique culture characterized by its hybridity. A close reading of Ignacio de Castro s From Spaniard and Indian, a Mestizo is born and Agostino Brunias s Planter and His Wife with a Servant reveals the racial hierarchy that formed amid Latin America s hybridity. Additionally, both objects specifically express Latin American hybridity for a white, European class, likely as a means to demystify and boost the standing of the New World. Deceivingly similar in terms of style and subject, as both contain three figures of varying cultural ... Show more content on ... Not only is the brought the furthest into the foreground, but her body lines up with the left vertical third of the image, placing her in a visually important location. Moreover, she has an elaborate white head wrapping which topped with a sunhat, combine to make her the tallest appearing figure in the image, transforming her into a commanding presence. Unlike the indigenous woman in the casta painting, the planter s wife dons a dress which seems almost entirely European in style: it has a white corset and overlay with lace sleeves, with a light blue skirt peeking out from beneath the dress. Still, hybridity is evident because of her head wrapping. Interestingly, though she and her husband are pale, neither as as pale as the Spaniard in the casta painting. This, paired with her head wrapping and both of their curly brown hair, may denote they are of at least partially mixed ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Hip Osteoarthritis Research Paper What is the Hips joint and how does it move safely? The hip joint is a ball and socket joint, technically referred to as synovial joint, because the Head of the Femur, is attached with ligaments. Furthermore, the synovial joint is held together to the socket of the hip with a strong fibred sleeve, the Capsule and the joint is moved by the muscles in the hip such as the Piriformis, Gluteus Minimus and Superior gemellus, which allows the hip to move in a rotation motion. In addition, the hip is a very important joint/bone dancers use, because the hip is what controls and holds together the bones dancers have to use constantly, like the legs, the ankle, feet and toes. However, if the hip in dance is not moved, stretched or aligned properly, that is where danger to the hip and someone s dance career can be in strife because of injuries. Hip Injury 1 Hip Osteoarthritis ... Show more content on ... Which is caused by cartilage loss over a gradual period of time. When someone gets hip osteoarthritis, that person will experience pain that will restrict how the Synovial joint should move, in a rotational motion. Especially in dance. The cartilage, also referred to as the labarum, is a rubber seal to protect the head of the femur and the acetabulum from causing friction against each other. When the labarum becomes worn or weak the head of the femur and the acetabulum will come into contact, friction will be caused creating excruitiating pain in the hip, which is also what causes Hip Osteoarthritis. Especially in dance, Hip Osteoarthritis does commonly occur for people in their late 40 s or older but if younger dancers are dancing for a long period of time, over stretching the Synovial joint or dancing using the Synovial joint without stretching, it may not affect them now but when that young dancer takes a long break, that is also a way Hip Osteoarthritis gradually ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Short Essay On The Power Of Chi There s no way to sneak out the kongsi front door carrying a sword, even with a skeleton crew of security guards on duty. I could try disguising it, but what could I use that wouldn t look like something wrapped around a sword? I don t have time for such nonsense. The easiest option is going out the emergency exit on the ground floor. There s no guard, but there is an alarm, which would be a problem if I didn t know the code. I step out to a narrow, damp walkway that seldom sees the light of day. I look up and see a security camera pointed right at me. Damn. My emotions are robbing me of common sense. I can only hope the guards aren t paying attention. I breathe deep and channel the power of the Yang Pearl. Wow. My whole body feels ... Show more content on ... He must mean by killing Tiffany. The door behind me opens. A hand reaches out and yanks me inside. It s Mike. He hauls me into a nearby classroom and shuts the door. Roy is waiting there. Both are wearing tuxedoes and looking impossibly handsome and horrible. Roy immediately steps in front of the door, blocking any chance of exit. I tug away from Mike and clutch the sword to my chest even though it s the instrument of my mother s death. Does her blood still stain the blade? My pulse is pounding in my ears and I m hating them both. Why aren t you at the wedding? Wedding s over, says Mike. The happy couple are taking photos inside the church. And by happy couple, I mean George and Mother. That means I still have a chance. I glance over my shoulder, looking for another door. There isn t one. The only way to get past Mike and Roy is to use the Yang Pearl, but how do I do that without hurting them and me? To make time, I ask, How did you know to find me? A guard paged me and told me he saw you leave the kongsi by the emergency exit and that you were carrying a sword. Who told you? He knows about it. I suck in yet another sense of betrayal as I ask. Who do you think? He shrugs since there s no need to answer. How long have you known? Not long. Sylvia kept hinting that something sinister was going on and that she d tell me only if I agreed to marry her. It s a lot worse than just your mom s death, Cat. Like anything could be worse than that. What do you ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Mere Christianity Book 1 Summary Book 3 of Mere Christianity contains 12 separate chapters, which has far too great a scope to address properly here, so a glimpse will have to suffice. In the first, Lewis examines three components of morality; the relations between men, the interior moral mechanics of a man, and the relationship between a man and the God who made him. Lewis makes the case that, since we are destined to live forever in one state or another, it is desperately important that we pay attention to the sort of Being we are becoming. Lewis points out that most of humanity can agree that keeping relations between men running smoothly are important, but varying world views and religions or lack of religion, have produced some disagreements on the necessity of keeping one s own ship in order, as it were, and it completely breaks down when the relationship between a man and his Maker are addressed, as there is virtually no agreement there. In the second section, he outlines the principle, or cardinal virtues: Prudence, Temperance, Justice and Fortitude, which could also be termed wisdom, self control, fairness, equity, and steadfastness. He uses the vivid illustration of an athlete, or mathematician who practices a virtue, making a shot in tennis, or solving problems till they become internalized, a part of the person who disciplined himself to perfect them. ... Show more content on ... What need will we have of being brave, for example, when there is no longer anything to fear? The specific instances requiring these virtues will most likely have ceased to exist, but the necessity of becoming a being who has these qualities will ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Greatest Causes Of The Scientific Revolution The scientific revolution was a period of time where there was many improvements of life, technology and understanding of the world around us. People began to realize that nothing was being achieved when religion was the only answer to anything and realised that you can have a good life before death. This resulted in a new lifestyle for civilians and a happier life. The fight for who was the cause of the greatest effect of the Scientific Revolution is an ongoing debate. Today I will be breaking down many people who put their foot forwards in a time of need and seeing who was the greatest. They will be put into a bracket starting with eight people on each side and within four tiers of battles (tier one being the first round of battles and tier four being the championship or fight for who had the biggest impact on The Scientific Revolution) there will be announced a winner. In the first clash of philosophers in the first tier we have Francis Bacon versus Robert Boyle. These two were matched together because of their involvement in early science. Francis Bacon was the developer of the Scientific Method, which is one of the most commonly used ways to figure anything out. Robert Boyle helped advance some things, but my verdict is that overall Francis Bacon was more successful in long term advancements so he wins. The next matchup of the first tier is Robert Hooke versus Joseph Priestly. They were matched together because of their significance of their discoveries, and how they ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Candide Satire Analysis An Analysis of Satire in Candide Man is plagued with his own desire, leading to corruption and hypocrisy that pollutes the known world. In this world, men are met with tragedy, ranging from natural or Godly devastation, to the constructs he places on himself and to which he forces himself to conform. However, many of them still refuse to acknowledge this adversity, pursuing blind optimism. In his satirical novel, Candide, Voltaire exposes the foolishness of men and highlights the self destructive nature of the world, thereby challenging the concept of blind optimism and arguing that one can be aware of their world and still enjoy life in it. Most specifically, Voltaire criticizes German philosopher Gottfried Leibniz s through his own Leibnizian optimism, that this is the best of all possible worlds . Voltaire successfully refutes such ideology through the journey of his naive adventurer, Candide, and eventually settles that one can lead a happy life without being blindly optimistic. Early on Candide faces extreme adversity in the comfortable world he had previously believed to be the best of all possible worlds . Under the misguidance of Master Pangloss, whose idiotic philosophy, or metaphysico theologo cosmolonigology , which makes Candide s world and castle the best of all that exists, giving Candide a sense of fallacious optimism (12). Pangloss s philosophy, or lack thereof, represents the philosophy of Leibniz, and through exaggerating the erroneous logic of Pangloss, such as that the nose is formed for spectacles; therefore we wear spectacles. The legs are visibly designed for stockings; therefore we wear stockings. , Voltaire implicitly mocks and ridicules Leibniz s philosophy, painting him as a pseudo intellectual and giving him a demeaning caricature as a wild and far fetched idiot (12). Later into the book, Pangloss finds his logic being tested through trials such as getting infected with syphilis (19), and being unsuccessfully hung by the Inquisition (28). These interactions are meant to undermine and reject Pangloss s philosophy, or rather Leibniz s philosophy, by juxtaposing the idea that this world is the best of all possible, with extreme tragedy and downfall. Alongside this, the fact that ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Human Cosmetic Surgery and Prosthetic Device Implants Essay Human Cosmetic Surgery and Prosthetic Device Implants The human body is a collection of remarkable biological mechanisms that integrates features that can not be duplicated exactly. However, many modern prosthetic devices can add years to an individual s life, improve physical comfort and function, or in the case of aesthetic implants, improve emotional health. There are many types of implants that server a variety of functions that offer risks and benefits. Implants can server many purposes. Cosmetic surgery has variety prosthesis to select from, not only to change the appearance of a feature for aesthetic reasons, but also to correct disfiguring from trauma or disease. Numerous implants are available to enhance physical appearance ... Show more content on ... These valves are designed to control the direction of blood flow through the heart. The opening and closing of these valves produce the heart beat sounds. When the heart beats, the valves close to keep the blood form flowing backwards. The heart beats more than one hundred thousand times per day. The valves must be able to flex, stretch and hold back pressure hundreds of million times in an average lifetime. The mitral and aortic valves are on the left side of the heart. These are most commonly affected by aging because the pressure is higher on this side. The right heart valves can be damaged by infection or lung disease. Regardless of the valve damage, as they harden or weaken they do not open properly and therefore blood flow may be blocked. Heart valve conditions may also be congenital. Diseases such as rheumatic fever or bacterial infections may also scar or destroy the valves. Heart valve diseases fall into two categories, stenosis and incompetence. The stenotic heart valve prevents full opening of the valve because of the stiffened valve tissue, therefore the heart works harder to push blood throughout the valve. The incompetent valve cause insufficient blood circulation by permitting backflow of blood on the heart. There are two main types of prosthetic valve designs: mechanical and bioprosthetic (tissue). Mechanical heart valves were first implanted in 1952. Since then, over 30 different mechanical designs have originated. The ... Get more on ...
  • 15. How Bodybuilding Has Changed Over Time Bodybuilding is a form of sport that aims to make the body to be in a great physical condition and also enhance health. The sport makes both the body and the mind fit and thus, eliminate common health conditions associated with living sedentary lifestyles. Bodybuilding entails extreme body workout and training as well as healthy eating to attain the desired physique (Elledge 33). It is believed to decrease risk factors associated with the development of coronary heart diseases. Through taking part in aerobic exercises and weight training, people have higher chances of lessening and managing high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and obesity. The process also makes the body muscles strong and flexible (Cross 41). Bodybuilding has come of ages and has evolved intensively. Its history dates back to late 1800s but the dynamics and objectives of the sport have changed over time. The focus is to analyze bodybuilding sport of the ancient times and comparing it to the nature of the sport today in terms of priorities and objectives. Bodybuilding dates back to the 19th century specifically 1890s when weight training commenced in the world. The practice took place in Greece and Egypt where people lifted stones purposely to have huge muscles and physique bodies. However, as an entertaining sport, bodybuilding developed in ... Show more content on ... For example, in the recently concluded Olympic games in Rio, Brazil, there were different weightlifters in different categories. Some of them include Kendrick Farris from the US, Sarah Robles (US), Rim Jong Sim (North Korea), and Behdad Salimi (US) among others. In fact, the majority of them won in their categories during the Rio games (Wallechinsky and Loucky 76). They are now highly celebrated Olympic medalists in their different countries; an aspect that comes with financial rewards and other ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Arguments Against Eugenics The ability to promote or enhance certain capacities in the hope to develop a superior human race connotes science fiction as well as fantasy, however the study of eugenics proves that this act of fiction has the potential to be reality. Eugenics, or good breeding as Sir Francis Galton would say, is a controversial topic due to the deliberation of whether its benefits outweigh the toll that it takes on humankind. The process of eugenics can be viewed as humans ability to control the Natural Selection process, which is the survival and reproduction of organisms with the best adaptations, such as a tree frog s adaptation of different colouring to better blend in with their surroundings to avoid predators. Scientific experimentation seeks to ... Show more content on ... Huxley believed that the use of eugenics was a necessity to provide a solution to the problem of overpopulation. Due to fear of a complete erosion of the world s resources, Huxley sought to use eugenics as a means to control and regulate population increase and to achieve some sort of balance between reproduction and production instead of uninhibited expansion (Scarfe, 2018a, 3). In order to successfully protect the human race from these impending horrors Huxley theorised a eu selective program which utilizes Negative and Positive Eugenics as tools to administer change. Negative Eugenics is the enforcement of preventative actions such as sterilization to intentionally eradicate humans who are born with abnormalities, genetic diseases, and mental deficiencies (Scarfe, 2018a, 2). In contrast, Positive Eugenics would encourage individuals who Huxley deemed genetically well endowed to reproduce in order to improve the human species as a whole. Several strategies that Huxley proposed to enforce Negative Eugenics include, the diminishment of social services such as public health care programs, or financial assistance for families who do not have desirable genetics, voluntary ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Comparing Dulce Et Decorum Est And Futility Living through inhospitable experiences conveys the lingering mental deterioration of an individual s humanity. Wilfred Owen conveys such notions in his poems Dulce et Decorum est and Futility , which detail his own perspective upon the Great War by underlining the emotional and physical exhaustion caused to the soldiers. Dulce et decorum est focuses on the grotesque horrors of war, as well the ever declining human nature. Futility however details the uselessness of war and questions the pointless meaning of life. Through the use of metaphors, and other poetic techniques, both the poems have conveyed the antiwar themes and as a result, dictates a thorough insight of the consequences of war. Owen s 1917 Dulce et decorum est provides insight by a result of personal experience, the physical distress of a marine through distinct poetic techniques which represents the horrendous ideals of war through chronicled events. The sight of soldiers coughing like hags portrays the physical deterioration of the soldiers, whilst comparing the men to old and ugly women caused by the crippling fatigue which symbolises how they lost their ... Show more content on ... Owen portrays the harsh accurate meaning of life Was it for this the clay grew tall? examining the rhetorical question conveys the religious motif of Adam being born from clay as all men is, furthermore the pointlessness to grow old and to even be of birth and the wastage of life due to war. Owen details the suffering and carnage, hiding his true animosity of war with rhetorical questions O what made fatuous sunbeams toil strengthens his point with accentuating the sun by personifying it as a higher deity shining the holy beams that can t even save the soldier from war, through this life is pointless when tied in with war. As a result of, this fundamentally specifies the wastage of war whilst the meaning of life ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Negatives Of Using Newspapers For Advertising Newspapers: The positives of using newspapers for advertising for Cherry Hill Animal Clinic are that you can use a local newspaper for an affordable price and the clinic would benefit since they could target their audience from their local area. The negatives are that newspapers have a short shelf life and there could be many other ads that distract the reader from your ad. Magazines: The positives for using magazine advertising are that you could focus on local magazines about pets since that would likely be your reader. Also, magazines are commonly passed around among pet owners and the clinic could get more visibility. The negatives are that you would have to limit this to local magazines since you have a limited area with which you customers would come from. Furthermore, you would need to pay more to get a good spot in the magazine for your ad. Directories: The positives for using directories are that people will specifically go there to find a clinic, so a well placed ad should stand out and increase your business. Also, these are available 24 hours and won t become outdated like a newspaper or magazine would. The negatives are that advertising is costly and you would need to have a good placement for your ad because the directories are normally published once a year. Radio: The positives of using radio are that the cost is less than using other medium and you can use local radio which will reach your target audience The negatives of using radio are ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Killing Joke Alan Moore Analysis With this page of the Killing Joke Alan Moore and Brian Boland use panel composition to increase the drama with each individual panel. Within the first three panels of the page the reader gets three different camera shots. The second panel in which the reader gets a shot of the Joker reentering the bar/restaurant, the shadow of his hat hiding his eyes making it difficult to read his emotions. The next panel is completely different style, black and white, it makes it so the reader s focus is entirely on the words being spoken, the lack of sympathy the men have on the Joker, similar to the lack of sympathy the joker has on all of his victims. In the next four panels the focus is on the Joker and how he is being treated poorly after the death of his pregnant wife. We see this mainly in the fifth panel where the shot comes from behind the Joker allowing the reader only see the two men s threatening faces, then later in the seventh panel where the Joker is alone and in a position that can be interpreted as him being upset/ in agony with two sinister looking people staring down at him in the ... Show more content on ... The reader gets to see the Joker s reaction to being threatened and his timidity in the fourth and fifth panels and soon after we see the shock of it, the realization that he is unable to get out of the situation he put himself in with the sixth panel. From the sixth to the seventh panel, though only a few seconds have passed between the panels the reader gets a completely different shot from one panel to the next. The Joker changing from a shocked expression to one of conflict and melancholy, depicted by the ducked head and trembling hands. The mockery of it is added, as previously stated, with the taunting way the two figures in the background look down at the Joker, one with the signature Joker smile and the other with crazy wide ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Cyber Defense And Security Issues Understanding cyber defense and security issues such as cyber crime and cyber attacks ensure efficient functioning of information systems. Cyber attacks are real, unexpected and increasing in numbers according to Naumovski and Kenkov (2014) cyber defense is emerging as a high priority with the increased use of information technology. Naumovski et al. (2014) noted that understanding cyber defense and security issues would ensure efficient operation of information systems. Naumovski et al. (2014) explained the scope of cyber defense and the devastating effect and consequences of cyber attacks. Governments of the world have begun to slowly develop some procedures and actions to protect cyber space, and because of the reliance of our societies on smart devices, this has resulted in more security issues then cyber security practitioners can handle. The use of information technology by many participants defines cyber space as the new domain of security and a critical area of national security. Securing the society against cyber attacks has become one of the highest priorities from both the internal and external threat in cyber space (Naumovski et al., 2014). As stated by Rid and Buchanan (2015) Cyber attacks are not created equal every individual is different and the damage it causes is one of the most important distinguishing features of any network breach. Rid et al. (2015) Argued that the successful attribution requires a range of skills on all levels, careful management, ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Boston Tea Party Was A Fair Protest By The Colonists Thesis: I believe that the Boston Tea Party was a fair protest by the colonists because the King of England was using the colonists for profit, and not treating them like real people by not listening to their outcries for help. Thus, the Boston Tea Party was the only way to get the King s attention and bring attention to how unfair the acts were to other colonists. What did the Tea Act say? (1) The Tea Act said two things. First, it stated that the amount of actions needed to go through customs would be reduced for anyone exporting tea to the British colonies as said in the fifth paragraph of the act, ...and to export such tea to any of the British colonies or plantations in America, or to foreign parts, discharged from the payment of any customs or duties whatsoever; any thing in the said recited act, or any other act to the contrary notwithstanding. (SFI 1, This part of the act was an attempt to save the nearly bankrupt East India Company, which had played a big role in the British victory over France in the Seven Year War by taking over multiple French settlements. The second thing the act stated was that there would be a new tax on the tea for the American colonists. The British thought that because the act would actually reduce the price of tea, even with the tax, the American colonists would accept this new act. The act backfired and actually just fueled the colonist s anger toward the British Crown as they were being taxed without ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Case Study Of Danone The paper points at the analysing and evaluating the reason of Danone s agility and key factors in the current environment present opportunities and threats in the relation to Danone s agility. Lastly, a series of strategic and operational recommendations to senior management regarding the preservation and enhancement of the Danone s agility have been provided in this report. In this paper, we did research and discussion to enhance the quality of the report and we have used calculations and table to prove our opinions, we compared Danone with its competitor in Diary industry Nestle. The information are used in the paper can be found in the references. Initially, The research draws attention to the fact that Danone s agility because the ... Show more content on ... After the merger, BSN Gervais Danone acquired and took over a series of Europe based food and beverage producing organizations, such as Général Biscuit and Volvic, to enter into the international market. In 1994, its name was officially changed to Groupe Danone and it became just Danone since 2009. In order to focusing on producing healthy products and supplements, Danone gradually sold its beer, sauce, cereal and biscuit businesses in the last 15 years, narrowing its core business lines to only four: fresh dairy product, water, early life nutrition and medical ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Grid Computing This paper gives an overview about Grid Computing and the various key issues related to that.Today we are in the Internet world and everyone prefers to get fast access to the Internet. The growth of the internet with various resources and high speed networks changes the society enormously. We can improve the speed of the computer using Grid. This paper presents clearly the vision of the grid computing and the architecture of grid computing.The advantages and the disadvantages of the grid computing has also been discussed. 1.Introduction The grid vision is the computational power such as resources, power, data are readily available as electric power1.Grid allows the user to use these resources efficiently and securely. Grid computing is an ... Show more content on ... The main services provided through utility grids are software and special equipments. For instance, the applications can be run on one machine and all the users can send their data to be processed to that machine and receive the result back.Grid Computing will not come in reality unless it provides a core of services ,reliability and enough usability1. III. Advantages and Disadvantages There is no need to have large number of SMP servers. It efficiently uses the idle resources. If there is any failure in one grid ,the grid environment automatically uses the other resources. Easy to scalable. Jobs can be executed in parallel and increase the speed of the computation. Grid computing consists of some disadvantages too. Some applications need to be modified in order to use this application in grid computing. The applications which are not designed to use an MPI (Message Passing Interface) will have to revert to an SMP (Symmetric Multi Processing). Grid computing requires an advanced infrastructure like small servers, fast connections between the servers and the use of quality tools, software and skilled technicians to manage the grid.This grid computing is also costly and security issues also need to be ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Argumentative Essay On Boxing And Women The sport of boxing is the epitome of masculinity. With its largely aggressive and physical nature and high injury rate, it is no surprise that author Joyce Carol Oates, in her collection of boxing essays, states, boxing is for men, and is about men, and is men (72). In refuting of this claim, women have been partaking in the sport of boxing since the eighteenth century ( van Ingen Kovacs, 2012). Women have made great advances to enter the world of combat sports. However, research shows that they are not shown the same amount of respect that their male counterparts receive due to the attention paid towards their femininity instead of their passion for the sport. Because of the high degree of physicality involved, many people have wondered if women even possess the aggression needed for the sport and if they can perform to the same level of prowess as the boxing greats Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier once did (Beki, 2013). Women and girls are given the stereotypes of submissive, compliant, unassertive, and sensitive and are therefore lacking in the basic qualities assigned to ... Show more content on ... The premium network for pay per view sporting events, Home Box Office (HBO), has been the prime channel for sporting events yet not once have they aired a woman s match ( van Ingen Kovacs, 2012). The female sports that do receive the most coverage are the feminine sports and those females that do not adhere to those standards do not receive the same amount of attention (Krane, 2001). Women have found that they tend to receive more attention when they are being sexualized (van Ingen Kovacs, 2012; Lindner, 2012; Krane et al, 2004). The female athletes were aware that their uniforms were perceived as sexy and thus garnered male attention. To reduce their feeling of the male gaze, the athletes would cover up in additional clothing prior to their events (Krane et al, ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Human Experimentation In Nazi Germany People may think all human experimentation is ethical and happens under supervised, and controlled conditions with the consent of the person. This wasn t the case in Nazi Germany. The Nazi s performed some of the most inhumane, disturbing human experiments documented by man. The Nazi s saw their extermination camps as a prime place for scientific experiments to advance their military and Nazi racial ideology. Prisoners were forced to participate in the experiments and usually died as an effect. If the subject lived, the results often resulted in trauma, disfigurement, or permanent disability. This happened on a large scale, and affected the lives of many. These experiments were typically aimed toward Jews, but some Romani, Sinti, Soviet prisoners of war, and disabled Germans were involved in these ruthless experiments. It is important to remember these diabolical acts not because of how awful they were, but the technological and medical advancements they posed. If we don t acknowledge the suffering these people endured, then I feel that they have died in vain. One of the experiments ... Show more content on ... In 1941, the Luftwaffe conducted experiments on more than 350 people. These experiments were conducted to simulate the conditions the armies encountered on the Eastern Front in order to prepare their army for the cold weather. They placed prisoners naked in the open air for several hours with temperatures as low as 21 fahrenheit. Some subjects were dipped into vats of freezing water. Those who didn t die from freezing, were resuscitated using gruesome methods. The worst probably being internal irrigation, whereby victims had boiling water forced into the bladder and stomach ( Worst Nazi Experiments ). Many experiments were conducted on captured Russian troops; the Nazi s wondered wheateher their genetics gave them superior resistance to cold ( Nazi Human ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Motivation For Witchcraft Throughout the sixteenth and seventeenth century, witchcraft was widespread throughout various areas of the world. Today, witchcraft may be subtly displayed in children s books, where a witch often an elderly woman is shown travelling by broomstick or casting evil spells. Back then, people held allegations against others for using this black magic, and, in turn, some societies conducted persecutions against such individuals. These persecuted, and often executed individuals, were often said to be using their evil in worship of the Devil. Now that we see these ideas of black magic in children s books, it may appear that these witch panics were extreme. Before we make assumptions about the accusers of witches, we must consider further details in attempt to understand their underlying motivations to accept witchcraft beliefs. As Darren Oldridge argues, there may be multiple factors for this acceptance of witchcraft beliefs. One motivation that is evident is the absorption of power among the persecutors. Through time, since the start of witchcraft, witches became responsible for more and more issues, reflecting the span of influence persecutors held. It is important to consider the beginning of witchcraft prevalence. Since witchcraft allegations were often associated with the Devil, it must have been a Christian phenomenon. In Europe, where many witch trials took place, Christianity was extremely prevalent in the late Middle Ages and the early modern period. Therefore, ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Hardy Weinberg Questions Hardy Weinberg Principle Name: _______________________________ Period: ____ Show all work and box your answer for each of the following questions! 1. In a population at genetic equilibrium, the frequency of allele A is 0.5. a. What is the frequency of the homozygous dominant genotype (AA)? b. What is the frequency of the heterozygous genotype (Aa)? 2. If 16% of the individuals in a population at genetic equilibrium are recessive (aa). a. What is the frequency of the recessive allele in the population? b. What is the frequency of the dominant allele? 3. If the genotype frequencies in a population at genetic equilibrium are 0.36 TT, 0.48 Tt, and 0.16 tt, what ... Show more content on ... For the question above, what is the frequency of the dominant allele in the US population? c. For the question above, approximately what proportion of the population would be expected to be carriers of the PKU allele? Summary Question: Restate each of the Hardy Weinberg conditions. Under each, elaborate by explaining each in greater detail. Define the term and explain what each is and how it is important. Also explain how each may be violated in nature and how often you think that the condition may be violated. An example for the first condition is given below. 1. No Mutations: Mutations refer to a changes in the DNA code. Mutations occur regularly, are the source of variation of traits in a species, and are called the raw material upon which natural selection acts and can lead to evolutionary change in phenotype. Mutations of the DNA mean that the Adenine, Thymine, Guanine and/or Cytosine changes. Changes can be deletions, substitutions, or inversions. Most mutations would be disadvantageous, but can also be advantageous. Variation of phenotype in a population allows a species to survive in a changing environment. 2. No Migration: 3. 4. ... Get more on ...
  • 28. William Paley s Views Of The Evidence Of Christianity William Paley I. Abstract: Born in Peterborough, England in July 1743, William Paley was a natural philosopher and wrote many books on Christianity. Before working his way through the ranks of the Anglican Church, Paley graduated first of his class from Christ s College in Cambridge in 1763, became a deacon in 1765, and was appointed assistant curate by a tutor of the college in 1766. He opposed slavery, advocated for prison reform, and was a utilitarian. He believed that humans act morally to increase their overall level of happiness. Paley had eight children with his wife, Jane Hewitt married in 1776. He was a very popular preacher publishing many lectures and books and is considered one of England s most important theologians of his generation. William Paley died on May 25th, 1805 and is currently buried next to his wife in the Carlisle Cathedral. II. His Works: ... Show more content on ... This book was even a required textbook for students to have at Cambridge up until the 20th century. Paley s lectures and books presented a utilitarian view of the world and tried proving that God was the reason for existence. Of his many works, his most famous one (and the last one before his death in 1805) is called Natural Theology; or, Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity, Collected from the Appearances of Nature (1802). In Natural Theology, Paley begins with a metaphor of God as a watchmaker. He argues that God can be understood by observing the natural world and the only conclusion in this metaphor is that the watch or design must have had a maker or designer (whom is ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Loop Argumentative Essay The beautiful campus of Oklahoma Christian University has just recently built a long, paved walking trail. It equals to almost five miles that winds around the campus. Not only can it be accessed by students of Oklahoma Christian, but also by the locals that desire to walk, run, or even bike. However, the trail even offers much more than that for individuals who do not want a five mile workout. A variety of tall trees and small bond circles a part of the trail called , The Loop . Over the years athletes, people who walk their dogs, or even just people who cherish and adore nature, and a healthy lifestyle utilizes it .On the west side of campus near Bryant Rd., The Loop contributes to a scenic, relaxing landscape, as it links together exercise ... Show more content on ... While the loop relatively enclosed on campus is safe, other asphalt surfaces are actually on the roads. Asphalt being one of the most accessible surfaces, it is to easy to measure distance, and lastly it s relatively easy to keep a steady pace. However, with asphalts surfaces in the city, it leads to pot holes, traffic, and if at night other dangers. Although this may be true, different surface may be used for different purposes such as to strengthen different muscles, change in weather, and on the particular person and their history of injuries. In addition, there are no scientific data that proves running on softer surfaces are better or safer; however, many athletes will say disagree based on their body and experiences with the loop. Not everyone will like the trail, especially athletes who have felt physical exhaustion and pain. In the same way that running on grass is rated one of the best running surfaces, but yet there are always ankle related injuries. No surface is specially for one person; therefore, always try different surfaces to improve the body in different areas. However, The Loop s surface offers much more than safety. It offers an appealing landscape and opportunities to come together as a community. As the loop has been recently built, it ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Era of Good Feeling Dbq Essays The period after the War of 1812 during the presidency of James Monroe is often referred to as the era of good feelings because of a feeling of nationalism, a feeling of pride and national unity. The end of the Federalist Party also provided the nation with a feeling of nationalism, for there was no political opposition toward the Republicans. This title, however, may not be the most accurate label for this particular time period, for this time period marked the beginnings of sectionalism, with heated debates over tariffs, the National Bank, and most importantly, over slavery. After the War of 1812 a Nationalistic spark ran throughout much of the United States. A primary factor in this emergence of Nationalism was due to the ... Show more content on ... Those who had moved westward toward the frontier also did not entirely approve of the national bank, for they looked far a way of easy credit, which was in the form of state banks. The westernmost and southernmost states were entirely based on agriculture, while the states toward the north east coast were based on an industrial economy. The Protective Tariff of 1816 caused disagreements between these two sections of the United States, for the Tariff unfairly benefitted the manufacturers of the North East. Most importantly, with regards to sectionalism, were the many disputes involving slavery. As Anna Hayes from South Carolina asserts, in her letter to her cousin, the situation in South Carolina was just as bad if not superior to the scenes acted in St. Domingo. South Carolina was currently experiencing slave revolts at that time. These slave revolts brought up the question of whether or not slavery was correct which caused mush sectionalism between different regions of the United States. John Randolph, who also apposed the Tariff of 1816, mentioned that a simple geographical line the Missouri Compromise was not enough to completely silence the controversy of slavery. The label of The Era of Good Feelings is not the most accurate title for this period. Although there was an increase in nationalistic ideals, such as the betterment of the union through internal improvements, sectionalism lied beneath the ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Andrew Carnegie Library Collection Essay Museum: Oklahoma Territorial Museum Gallery #1: Carnegie Library Category Andrew Carnegie was born in the year 1835 in Scotland. When he grew up he worked in a company and then his family decided to move to the US. Andrew started his career as railroad clerk. He built the largest industrial enterprise. Later Andrew decided that he could sell his company to a man named JP Morgan in 1901. May 20,1903 he opened his library. Carnegie used the library for many uses such as: parties,social events, children story time, teen events, and much more.Today the Library is served as a venue. Slowly Carnegie is giving up his fortune and foundation. Giving someone else your fortune and foundation is something I find very interesting because you do not see that very often in today s society. Some of the things that Andrew started to give away was: his library, colleges and hospitals. He was dedicated to his foundation to the goal of doing real and permanent good in the world . I learned that John H. Burford wrote Andrew a thank you contribution of Library of funds. I like this gallery because it gave information about the library in the guthrie back then I really to have known that and i found that very interesting. Gallery #2: Life in Oklahoma Territory ... Show more content on ... Some of the offences or crimes are common gambling, illegal wood cutting, lot jumping, prostitution and much more. Guthrie is not affected by arrests. According to the folklore, this had to had happen so the could meet payroll (Life in Oklahoma Territory plaque). I didn t like the fact that my friends and I were writing down facts and we turned around and there was this man in a cell staring at us it was so creepy. So we ran away to another gallery and there was nothing significant about that man. I also learn about the cotton field and how they make alcohol in the ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Political Risk Environment Is Predominantly Favorable... The political risk environment is predominantly favorable for international expansion. Singapore has low political risk and was ranked as having the lowest political risk in the continent by the Political and Economic Risk Consultancy. Singapore is quite politically stable with a solid government and positive relations with neighboring countries. The political environment of Singapore is very stable. Singapore s government is a parliamentary republic and The People s Action Party (PAP) has ruled the government since 1959. There has been no major opposition to the party s leadership; however, there has been some public unrest due to the increased cost of living and immigration policies. There have been no historical incidents of political violence against foreign investments in Singapore. Singapore stands against corruption and enforces anti corruption laws such as the Prevention of Corruption Act through its government agency, the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau. Singapore has good relationships with its immediate neighbors and is in a prime location in Southeast Asia that business can use to access multiple markets. Singapore is a founding member of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN). ASEAN members include Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. ASEAN aims to promote regional peace and beneficial collaboration of Southeast Asian nations in order to facilitate economic, social, and cultural ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Leo Tolstoy War All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love Leo Tolstoy War and Peace. As shown in Great Expectations, Romeo and Juliet, and Animal Farm love is a prevailing theme over hate, however the way that love prevails comes in different forms. Though love prevails over hate in English Literature, Love is shown to take over many forms such as love being a mask for hate, pure and unconditional love, and love of power. The first, love being a mask for hate, is show in Great Expectations Pip is in love with Estella though she treats him with animosity. Pip should in fact hate Estella for her vile behavior therefore his love is masking what dislike he should show towards her. Pip is in love with Estella s beauty, he is using ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Fema Research Paper The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) partners with Homeland Security to aid Americans and people in other countries in case a major disaster occurs. They give out food and water and help provide shelters to those who have lost their homes. But it has only been in recent years after terrorist attacks on U.S. soil that Homeland Security has joined this group. This has increased suspicions towards why a group that was created to fight terrorists would need to be involved in aiding those who have been in an earthquake or flooding. Few Americans feel that they have any hope of being able to truly count on their assistance because of this. But that isn t the only reason. FEMA has been hiding several truths from Americans who falsely believe ... Show more content on ... High Amount of Losses Unfortunately, FEMA already knows what most Americans don t. There will be a huge amount of casualties because so few people are prepared for a state of emergency to happen. Because of this, they are already prepared to bury thousands of people with a stash of coffins that they keep handy. Although this sounds cruel, it should be used as motivation for people to not expect FEMA to be their savior in case of a disaster. They have to be able to handle situations on their own instead. As you can see, this organization is highly motivated to work against the American people, not for them. That is why it is extremely important that people start preparing now for a possible crisis now. Foods that have a long shelf life and don t need refrigeration are the most important to have on hand. Freeze dried food can last for about 25 years, so it is the best to keep. But canned foods that can be easily heated up are also important in case there isn t enough water to rehydrate it. These types of foods are all easily found for sale at They come in airtight containers to avoid pests from getting in them too. And the website has a neat calculator tool, so you can determine how much food that you need to keep on hand per person to ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Revolving Door Law Case Summary In the given situation, EDA has contracted WEA during the design phase of the expansion of these transportation facilities. WEA was the general contractor and decided to hire R F as a subcontractor for specific duties during the design phase. The issue begins in the construction phase, if EDA were to contract Savmor. Unlike other bidders, Savmore would hire R F as a sub consultant. This was seen as unfair to other bidders for the project because R F was already a sub consultant during the design phase. This may cause a conflict of interest. Given this text, we believe R F should not be precluded from working for Savmore or any other contractors. However, this can only be the case under certain conditions. One condition that is required for ... Show more content on ... Ultimately, the motivation behind the Revolving Door Law and similar laws is to prevent a company from receiving compensation twice for the same work. So, it is important to determine, whenever a company contributes work, what matters the company participated in by doing said work. Deciding that a company s work constitutes participation in one matter does not necessarily mean that that same work does not constitute participation in a different matter. Participating in one matter could also constitute participation in another matter if the company s work in the first matter is heavily used in the second matter: for instance if the second matter involved assessing or analyzing the work of the first matter. This is portrayed in the Texas Ethics Commission Advisory Opinion 523. According to Texas s Ethics Commission, they do not prohibit a former employee of the Texas Department of Transportation from performing services related to a bridge replacement project...unless the services would include a review or analysis of a matter in which the former employee participated as an employee of the agency (1). As long as the work has no ties and similarities to the earlier work, R F should be allowed to work according to the TEC. Since R F is not even the primary contractor, as they are serving as a subcontractor for Savmore, there should be even more lenience applicable to their ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Uses of Hypnotherapy to Treat a Medical Condition Uses of Hypnotherapy to treat a medical condition Introduction The purpose of this essay is to describe and explain the uses of hypnotherapy in the treatment of a medical condition. For this essay I have chosen to look at a chronic life limiting illness called Motor Neurone Disease. This is a disease that can affect many different aspects of a person s life and is very aggressive in its symptoms. I have met quite a few people with this condition whilst working in the Neurophysiology department at the QMC, where all the nerve and muscles studies and EMG s are performed. It not only changes the person s life but also the lives of the people around them. I found this research both upsetting and informative. MND is a progressive ... Show more content on ... Progressive muscular atrophy is a much less common form of MND and tends to progress more slowly than ALS. People with PMA do not experience muscle spasms and they can then go onto develop ALS. Progressive bulbar palsy is a form of MND that mainly affects the muscles in the throat, tongue and face that causes difficulties with speech, swallowing, coughing and clearing the throat. PBP can also affect the expression of emotions and people might laugh or cry for no apparent reason. Primary lateral sclerosis is a very rare form of MND in which people experience spasticity but do not experience muscle wasting or fasciculation s. Unfortunately none of the above can be diagnosed with one specific hospital test and doctors will usually recommend a series of tests and investigations which can take a long time and can cause the person worry and upset thereby causing a knock on effect of depression and anxiety, these tests are very important however to be able to get the correct diagnosis as all the symptoms described can also be the pre cursor to many other illnesses and to be diagnosed with this terrible disease in error would be awful. I think the saddest part of the disease is that although it will affect almost every part of the person s everyday life and will stop them eventually performing the most simple of tasks such as personal hygiene and eating it does not affect the mind or intelligence so ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Desmond Doss s Military Career Desmond Doss began his military career as a private in the United States Army. He entered one of the bloodiest battles in history, especially in World War II. This battle was called Hacksaw Ridge . The battles name came from the fact that soldiers that were being cut down by the rapid fire of machine guns and at this battle is where Desmond Doss had willingly put his own life in the midst of danger to save 75 comrades by himself. But before all of this. Desmond Doss grew up in a five person family including himself. Growing up, the Doss family was raised in Seventh day Adventist church (Doss 92), they were religious people and went to church every Saturday. This had a big impact on Desmond s life. However, Desmond had not always been a ... Show more content on ... The two however were inseparable best of friends. One time a news article interviewed Harold about if Desmond always have a desire to help others, even before joining the military? (New York Times), Harold replied without hesitation, Yes. He was always helpful to people, and he was not one that would give up. He didn t know how (New York Times). From the point of view of his brother Desmond was always a care giver, and ready to spring into action whenever needed. Another view point we see from Desmonds youth is his sister. Audrey Doss, was Desmonds younger sister, she too was given the same question as Harold, and she told New York times interview that [Desmond] was always there when anyone was sick. It was announced on the radio, we didn t have TVs in those days, it was announced there was an accident on Route 29 and they needed some blood right away to save this woman s life. He walked three miles to that hospital and walked three more miles back home after he gave blood. Two days later, a call came back over the radio, they need more blood. There he goes again, walks the three miles, then walks three miles back (New York Times). Desmond went through whatever just to help someone he did not even know. Desmond from a young age had the heart of a giver. Desmond grew up as a Seventh day Adventist, which had a profound impact on his military career. Desmonds religious ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Compare And Contrast Frankenstein And Pride And Prejudice Deep, gut wrenching horror and passionate, gripping love: these are what the novels Frankenstein and Pride and Prejudice, respectively, are chiefly remembered for. The differences in their plotlines are striking. While Frankenstein tells the story of Victor Frankenstein s creation of a monster and the havoc that the monster wreaks, Pride and Prejudice recounts the charming and colorful love story of Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy. However, despite the obvious differences in the novels subjects, the authors of both works share a similar purpose. Both Shelley s Frankenstein and Austen s Pride and Prejudice depict the dangerous results of hubris with the purpose of warning society to keep one s pride in check, lest devastating consequences ensue. ... Show more content on ... Both authors caution against becoming too prideful, for excessive pride can be disastrous. This message is extremely poignant when examining the historical context of Frankenstein and Pride and Prejudice. During the time period Frankenstein was published, science was making extraordinary strides. The triumphs of the Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution instilled a level of confidence in scientists, and experiments became more and more ambitious. In the wake of this exponential progress, Frankenstein serves as a reminder that pride should never remain unchecked. Overconfidence mustn t be allowed to jeopardize one s judgment, and careful considerations must be made as to the morality and reasonability of one s actions before taking on a task. Frankenstein became caught up in his passion and in his pride, and thus he was unable to foresee the consequences of his actions. Though Frankenstein is by no means a censure of scientific progress or experimentation, it is a cautionary tale that advocates that one should always remember one s own infallibility, and not become caught up in the quest for success and recognition. Analogously, Pride and Prejudice can be examined through an analysis of the sociopolitical sentiment of Austen s time period. In Austen s sphere, a desirable marriage was the ultimate goal for a young lady. However, Elizabeth nearly jeopardizes her chance of securing just this, as her pride prevents her from merely liking to Darcy. Though her near loss of Darcy may not immediately appear comparable to Frankenstein s loss of his friends and family, the particular emphasis placed on marriage as a means of social mobility in Austen s Regency England would render the potential loss of a favorable marriage a most devastating outcome. Thus, Elizabeth s ability to finally abandon her pride and secure this match is particularly poignant. She finally achieves the ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Entitlement Challenges Society and how it has shaped me into the person I am today? I can recall growing up as a kid, we didn t have the fancy things like kids do today. We were able to get by with what we had. My mother worked hard to give us the very best possible. Numerous parents today don t let their children try, fail, be resilient, problem solve, or even have achievements of their own. All parents want the best intentions for their children, but if we keep hovering over them, overprotecting and enable them they will not have the true sense of self, know who they are, or realized what is truly important in life. They will not be able to have healthy relationships or stand on their own in the world. I realized when my kids were growing up that I was somewhat the problem in this whole entitlement challenge, and let me say, it definitely was a wakeup call. There are solutions, and they begin at home. I had to make a change within their environment and be able to repair the entitlement attitude in my kids, before it was too late. I decided to make them ... Show more content on ... This means build that community in your home, teach your children about respect and discipline, ways that they can be better people. Parents should be able to control what goes on in their own home. I feel that parents allow so much to happen in their home because it is easier on them. When they get home from a long day of working, they are tired, we all are. Electronic gadgets flooding America has been replaced by a virtual world that does not exist. There is less communication than ever before. What happened to the sit down dinners and face to face conversations? No matter where you go, either society is on their IPAD s, IPHONE s or laptops. We have lost all sense of direct communication. Why is that? We have allowed it to happen and parents are to blame for spoiling kids and giving them everything they themselves didn t have growing ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Staphylococcus Aureus ( Mrsa ) Essay Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a bacterium that is responsible for several infections in humans like pneumonia, bloodstream infection, etc. Methicillin resistance in Staphylococcus aureus was first identified among hospitalized patients in 1960s. MRSA is any strain of Staphylococcus aureus developed through the process of natural selection and resistance to beta lactam antibiotics like penicillins (methicillin, dicloxacillin, nafcillin, oxacillin, etc.) and the cephalosporins. It is of huge concern in hospitals, prisons, and nursing homes, where the patients are at high risk due to open wounds, invasive devices, and weakened immune systems. MRSA infections that occur in hospitals are known as Hospital Associated MRSA (HA MRSA). In a hospital where patients are getting infected with MRSA, which had been detected from their nose secretions and some from skin infections, it is very important to take immediate preventive and control measures to fight against MRSA. Various strategies can be applied to prevent and control MRSA as well as to treat MRSA associates infection in order to completely eradicate MRSA threat from the hospital. Various measures that can be taken to tackle such situation are: 1. Screening of all patients to identify all MRSA infected patients and MRSA carriers. 2. Implementing various prevention strategies. 3. Decolonization therapy for all MRSA carriers. 4. Treatment of Infected patients. 1. Screening of all patients to identify all ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Ionic Hair Research Paper 3 Best Ionic Hair Dryer For Supreme, Phenomenal Hair Style That Will Leave Anyone Speechless Whether you ve locked your sight on your obsession for a straight hair, or you re aiming for a fierce, sexy looking curled hair you still need your most trusted hair dryer which is an indispensable companion that you must have in your beauty regime. Of course, hair dryers also have a frightful heat for your hair that may end up damaging it in the process. However, the innovations that have happened in the industry has already made this something you shouldn t worry about. With the best ionic hair dryers, you can achieve a frizz free, gorgeous and healthy looking hair that you oh so desire. The territory of hair dryers are oozing with different products with a wide range of price and quality which only makes it harder to choose what you should go for. Fortunately, we ve cut this spectrum of choices down to the three best ionic hair dryers according to our research, consumer s experience, and my ... Show more content on ... The dual Ion Function which this phenomenal product has brought to life, will render you the top notch shiny hair you want along with a voluminous effect that s just breathtaking and awe inspiring. It boasts an AC Motor that can last for over 2,000 hours of quality and epic performance along with 125 volts and 1875 watts of power that will dry your hair with its air of over 80+ mph. It has an ergonomic design that guarantees comfort during the time you use it, it has multiple heat settings to accommodate every type of hair, it has a cold shot button to dry your hair with cold air rather than heat, and it also has a filtration system to minimize your use of energy. This wondrous model will simply leave you speechless and wanting ... Get more on ...