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Writing A Comparative Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Writing A Comparative Essay" can be a challenging
endeavor, requiring a meticulous approach and a deep understanding of the intricacies involved.
The complexity stems from the need to compare and contrast two or more subjects, which
demands a thorough analysis of their similarities and differences.
One of the initial challenges lies in selecting suitable topics for comparison. Identifying subjects
that share relevant characteristics yet offer distinctive aspects to explore requires careful
consideration. Once the topics are chosen, the next hurdle is to conduct comprehensive research
to gather pertinent information on each subject. This step is crucial to ensure the essay is well-
informed and provides insightful comparisons.
Structuring the essay poses another difficulty. Establishing a coherent framework that effectively
conveys the comparative analysis while maintaining a logical flow demands careful planning.
The introduction must grab the reader's attention, present the subjects to be compared, and
provide a clear thesis statement. The body paragraphs need to delve into the specific points of
comparison, offering evidence and analysis to support the thesis. Meanwhile, the conclusion
should summarize the key findings and leave a lasting impression.
Moreover, maintaining balance throughout the essay is essential. Striking a harmonious
equilibrium between discussing similarities and differences without bias can be challenging. The
writer must navigate through the details, avoiding the pitfalls of favoring one subject over the
other or presenting an unbalanced argument.
Additionally, effective language use is crucial. Crafting clear and concise sentences that
articulate complex ideas can be demanding. Ensuring a seamless transition between different
aspects of the comparison and using appropriate transitions to guide the reader through the essay
requires a mastery of language and rhetoric.
In conclusion, writing a comparative essay involves navigating through the intricate process of
topic selection, research, structuring, and maintaining balance in analysis. It demands not only a
strong command of language but also critical thinking skills to present a compelling argument.
However, despite the challenges, mastering the art of composing comparative essays can be a
rewarding skill for any writer.
For assistance with similar essays and more, one may explore the services available at
Writing A Comparative EssayWriting A Comparative Essay
The Positive Aspects Of Heros In The Modern World
Superman, Batman, Ironman, Hulk, Thor, etc. All heroes in the world, but not just
superheroes are heroes . Everyone has the potential to become a hero, and heroism
traits are a part of everyone. A hero isn t always the strongest human being that
risks their life, a hero is someone who makes a positive impact in someone else s
life and overcomes challenges. Bob Riley said, Hard times don t create heroes. It is
during the hard times when the herowithin us is revealed. This quote proves how a
hero faces these hard times and defeats these obstacles that face them. There are
many examples of heroes in the modern world. These people that become unique
heroes are regular people like you and me. The only difference is, these unique
heroes take an extra step and make a footprint in the world. There were, and are
many situations and natural disasters in the word that help bring out these heroes.
For example, there were dozens of heroes during the 9/11 attacks. People from all
different backgrounds became a hero saving other lives and making a difference in
random stranger s life. One hero during this hard time in America was known as the
man in the red bandana. He obtained this nickname because he wore a red bandana
to cover his mouth and lungs while helping others. He worked on the 104th floor and
saved dozens rescuing them and accompanying them down to safety. On September
11, the man in red in bandana had positive impacts on others by saving the lives of
many strangers.
Case Study on Castle Nursing Home
Summary: This report is commissioned to examine the current position of Castle
Nursing Home PLC, since it is evident that the top line and bottom line have been
adversely affected. The report draws attention to the existing status of Castle Nursing
Home. The strategy to grow and re organize has resulted in the need to streamline its
operations, so as to retain its focus, quality of services and reputation among the
public. Further investigation into the organizations financial statements, proves the
company is going through a rough patch but has chances of improvement. This report
also provides clear insights as to what strategies the organization can use, to help
improve the... Show more content on ...
TQM is an approach for developing, sustaining and refining quality on all levels in
the organization, in an economic way, to allow for customer satisfaction. If Castle
Nursing Home implements these, it would help: пѓј пѓј пѓј пѓј пѓј Cover all
functions and include all people within the organization. Examine all costs incurred.
Develop policies and procedures that support quality. Meet needs and expectations of
customers and Develop a climate of continuous improvement within the organization.
Castle Nursing Home can also adopt quality accreditations like ISO 9001 Quality
Management System: Requirements, ISO 9004 Quality Management Systems:
Guidance for Performance Management, ISO 14001 (Environment Management
Standards), OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Standards, European
Quality Awards and EFQM Business Excellence Model. These accreditations would
help Castle Nursing Home to get recognized for its quality and would also force it to
adopt measures of continuous improvement and self assessment. Quality
Improvement Techniques can transform Castle Nursing Home and help it achieve
competitive advantage. Some suggestions are: п‚· Higher annual returns. п‚· Lesser
rework and waste. п‚· By providing value for money. п‚· Providing services such as
spas. п‚· High technology based medical services. п‚· Retaining of administrative and
clinical staff. п‚· Hygiene
Lord Tennyson Vs. Wilfred Owen Essay
Both of these poets wrote well known poetry about war. Despite Charge of the
Light Brigade by Lord Alfred Tennyson and Dulce et Decorum Est by Wilfred
Owen were written in different centuries, they deal with the subject of war and
describe the ups and downs of it. On one hand, Alfred Tennyson heard of the charge
made by the light brigade and it was when he wrote his poem with no experience of
the event. However, Wilfred Owen actually fought in the First World War, and wrote,
unlike Lord Tennyson, from his own experience. Although they deal with the subject
of the war, both of them create a different feeling and idea about war. Lord Tennyson
described more the glory and honour rather than the death and the suffering, this...
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The rhythm in the two poems also helps to create this feeling of war that I have
been talking so far. Regarding to The Charge of the Light Brigade , this poem has
short quick lines creating a sense of speed or urgency. Some of the lines also
create a beat rather like galloping horses, especially the first lines of the poem: Half
a league, half a league Half a league onward. This creates the effect of a quick and
fast paced battle and with a rhythm of galloping horses, it creates an optimistic
feeling. Dulce et Decorum Est , for its part, has longer lines than that of The
Charge of the Light Brigade a: Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots Of tired,
outstripped five nines that dropped behind. The longer lines used show us how
Wilfred Owen has tried to create a more dreary, bleak and sad feeling about war.
We can find a frequent repetition of one word or more in Alfred Tennyson s poem:
Rode the six hundred , the poet uses this repetition of the words six hundred . This
repetition of the words is used exclusively to create an impact on the readers and
leaves them in awe. The reader sees the words six hundred and realizes at how many
people were actually fighting on the battle. Tennyson continued to use the phrase but
also changed the words that go with it: Not the six hundred Left of six hundred Noble
six hundred. This makes this line unforgettable for
Marleon Research Paper
Slavery has from long ago brought on fighters; people that will do whatever it takes
in order to achieve freedom. One of the earliest forms of this occurrence was the
emergence of Maroon Communities. In which as early as the 1650s, African refugees
escaped from slavery in the Americas and formed independent settlements. Maroon
has a similar etymology in the Spanish word cimarrГіn, signifying wild or untamed.
Maroon communities had to be inaccessible and located in inhospitable environments
in order to be sustainable. They established little groups in swamps or different zones
where they were not prone to be found. Supreme secrecy and devotion of individuals
was urgent to the survival of maroon communities. Even though most focused
primarily... Show more content on ...
Starting in the 1660s the Caribbean Islands were being populated by European
plantations to deliver sugar stick for the developing Atlantic trade. Maroon groups
were built up where there were considerable slave communities. The jungles around
the Caribbean Sea offered food, shelter, and isolation for the escaped slaves.
Maroon communities emerged in many places in the Caribbean; this included
Jamaica which was seen as great threat to British and also one of the most
successful. Starting in the late seventeenth century, Jamaican Maroons battled
British colonist to a draw and in the long signed treaties during the eighteenth
century that successfully liberated them more than 50 years before the nullification
of the slave trade 1807. A large number of these maroon groups in Jamaica are still
in presence today, some dating as far back as 1655, while most firm groups were set
up in the mid 1700s. Nonetheless, Guerrilla assaults by maroons proceeded until the
decline of slavery, in spite of various however insufficient endeavors to wipe out such
settlements. Disciplines for recovered maroons were serious; punishments included
expelling the Achilles ligament, cutting away a leg, and
IS PM Paper
Application of Project Management in IS Deployment
IS deployment and project management based upon case studies:
Imperative IS Development
Cedars Sinai Doctors Cling to Pen and Paper
It has been proven through industry research that successful IS project
implementation and deployment consists of measurable project performance factors
that have wide spread impact on an organizations business goals and IS investment
objectives. Taking a holistic approach to the application of effective and proven
project management principles can ensure success to entirety and not just from a
fragmented perspective.
The theories and models for success of ... Show more content on ...
Mir, A.H. Pinnington, 2014)
3. Project Management Policy and Strategy:
a. how the development of PM, across an organization, is introduced in a planned an
systematic fashion ensuring the linkage between strategic, organization level and the
tactical, project level (F.A. Mir, A.H. Pinnington, 2014)
4. Project Partnerships and Resources:
a. the role and importance of win win partnerships between all stakeholders (F.A. Mir,
A.H. Pinnington, 2014)
b. effectiveness of such partnerships on project management strategy (F.A. Mir, A.H.
Pinnington, 2014)
5. Project Lifecycle Management Processes
a. incorporates processes which are required to manage the whole project life cycle
(F.A. Mir, A.H. Pinnington, 2014)
Lastly, utilization of project management Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) consists
on focusing on KPIs to indicate results achieved in relation to meeting the
requirements of project stakeholders and the methods used within the PM system to
improve performance against the KPIs (F.A. Mir, A.H. Pinnington, 2014). When
analyzing the IS project case study in relation to above outlined PMPA model and
application, the focus of organizational culture as a singular influential success factor
reveals evident limitations that essentially ignores other key contributing factors that
led up to the almost failure of the project, and if considered and implemented, would
have prevented
Maagdalena And Mary Magdalene
This reference to Mary Magdalene is implicitly referencing the individual painting
however, it can also be seen as an explicit reference when you see the physical
painting of Penitent Magdalene. He also addresses her as Magdalene which adds to
the strength of the reference. This reference is a strong biblical reference that can
have a variety of interpretations although it can be argued that Caravaggio loved her
so much because he wishes that he could repent for his sins. He had a troubled life
when he was younger and there were a lot of mistakes that he made when he was
younger that he is not proud of. He is also a presumed homosexual and although
homosexuality was very prominent in nobility and among patrons who took
advantage of Caravaggio, homosexuality was deemed unnatural and therefore must
remain hidden. A significant difference between the historical Mary Magdaleneand
Lena is the difference in their life before repentance and their life after. Mary
Magdalene was a repentant prostitute who was asking for forgiveness for her choice
of lifestyle and her sins. She was claimed to have found a new life in the way of
christ and leave behind a life of luxury and sinin order to cleanse herself in the way of
the savior JesusChrist. Lena s reasoning for repentance is different, she is moving
away from her life of sin and prostitution in order to raise her baby with a wealthy
man and live a life of grandeur. This idea is interesting because it presents the
question of why
Essay about Climate and Society of China
Climate and Society of China
Monsoons, Flooding Droughts
Believe it or not, there is a direct correlation between weather, climate and society.
Since the first civilizations of the world, these three themes have affected one another.
Weather has influenced civilizations in terms of the clothing and shelter which are
necessary to protect oneself from the elements. On the other extreme, climate and
weather have also acted as positive factors in the case of areas such as Cancun,
Mexico. Continuous exceptional weather conditions have molded this area into a
vacation Eden to which millions flock throughout the year to escape their own
respective meteorologically disadvantaged (e.g. cold, snowy, rainy) regions. Through
an intense ... Show more content on ...
The most prominent examples of such seasonal winds occur in southern Asia and in
The monsoons that plague China are caused by a variety of factors, mainly because of
contrasting temperatures between the Pacific Ocean and the Chinese continent. This
temperature disparity is exaggerated with the changing of seasons as land
temperatures fluctuate more rapidly than those of water.21 H.H. Lamb argues in
Climate, History and the Modern World that the latitude of Southeast Asia also plays
a factor in the prevalence of monsoons affecting China.22
Like many cultures throughout the world, China relies upon agriculture for much of
its subsistence. This crop reliance presents a tedious situation because of the massive
issues accompanying a crop failure. Prior to the sophisticated irrigation techniques
available today, agriculture was very reliant on consistent rainfall for its survival. In
China, droughts occurred from time to time depending on the climate in the time
between monsoon seasons, and these rainless periods devastated crop yields. On the
other hand, the monsoon period and flooding sometimes brought too much rain,
destroying crops as well. Accompanying these droughts, floods and crop failures were
the resulting famines which left many impoverished. In the mid twentieth century the
Chinese were finally able to deal better with the droughts and famine by importing
vast quantities of grain and other
Juno and the Paycock
Juno and the Paycock by Sean O Casey is set amidst the height of the Irish Civil
War. Throughout the play, we can see the titular character s, Juno Boyle and Jack
Boyle, relationship deteriorate , and how dramatic events in their lives and the lives
of their children, Johnny and Mary, cause the entire familyto collapse. The playis set
closely following the signing of the treaty dividing Ireland into sections and features
the resulting conflict between the diehards who want a united, free Ireland, and the
free staters, who support the treaty, with this conflict representing the clash of
fanatical nationalism and practicality, of idealism and a recognition that what the
people truly wanted was peace. The play also explores some of the... Show more
content on ...
However, the converse of this is also true. When, in the second act, the Boyles
become apparently more affluent, we can see a greater degree of affection come
to the fore of the relationship. The windfall of the will causes Juno to treat Boyle
less as a child who must be nagged and scolded to perform any useful, or at least
less detrimental, role in the family she holds so dear, and more as the head of his
family, a role she previously fulfilled. This change in attitude is regarded by Boyle
as him merely him finally getting the respect he believes he deserves.
I m masther now, an I m goin to remain masther This period of happiness is quickly
dispelled when it is revealed that Boyle has deceived the family, allowing them to
continue to spend money that he knows they do not have and are never going to
get. This demonstrates to us his inability to accept any form of responsibility and
signals the end of the period of good luck for the Boyles and the culmination of the
intertwining storylines of the play. In the third act the affection that marks Boyle and
Juno s relationship I the second act is dispelled entirely, only to be replaced by bitter
conflict and the eventual dissolution of their entire family. Throughout the play, Juno
s main purpose is to support and hold together her family but in this final act all her
efforts are worthless as the actions and attitudes of the other members of
The Significant Role of Women in Joseph Conrad s Heart
In the 1900s novella Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, the protagonist often
encounters women at landmarks of his life. Charlie Marlow is a sailor and
imperialist who sets out along the Congo River to civilize the savages. The novella
begins with a crew on the Thames waiting for the tides to change. During their wait,
a character named Marlow tells of his exploits on the African continent. In his
recounted travels, Marlow meets other imperialists such as Mr. Kurtz, a man who is
obsessed with the pursuit of ivory and riches. Like Mr. Kurtz, Marlow embarks
across the African continent in hopes of earning both money and respect. One early
critic of the novel, Edward Garnett, wrote in his review that [Heart of Darkness] is
simply a... Show more content on ...
Women are viewed by Marlow as ignorant little creatures above the press of
imperialism completely innocent, but entirely unaware.
Africa is written as setting and backdrop which eliminates the African as human
factor. Africa as a metaphysical battlefield devoid of all recognizable humanity, into
which the wandering European enters at his peril (Achebe). Thus Conrad brings the
savages of Africa and general women together. Marlow brings the two victims of
imperialism together in one, brief observation of Mr. Kurtz s foreign mistress.
Conrad s concise description of an Amazonian woman on page 56 is as follows:
...She was savage and superb, wild eyed and magnificent; there was something
ominous and stately in her deliberate progress...
Her long shadow fell to the water s edge. Her face had a tragic and fierce aspect of
wild sorrow and of dumb pain mingled with the fear of some struggling, half shaped
resolve. She stood looking at us without a stir, and like the wilderness itself, with an
air of brooding over an inscrutable purpose...
Women and the savages are brought together under one umbrella of mingled
patronization and awe. In this respect, Marlow s view of women is the perfect
oxymoron (Nadelhaft). Marlow s tone concerning women and the Amazon is
reverent, but belittling. These two groups of people are sub human to Marlow in that
he considers them of a lesser intellect and lesser value.
How To Build My Own Computers
Before 2012, I have purchased multiple computers from different retailers. Each
computer had a life of one to two years before they became obsolete for my needs. In
2012, I was dissatisfied with purchasing a new computer every couple of years, so I
set a goal to seek an alternative approach in acquiring a computer. The alternative
approach I decided to pursue was building my own computer by acquiring the
necessary computer parts. After some research, I found a retailer near me that sells
computer parts and other components. Computer parts that I needed to acquire were a
graphics processing unit, motherboard, ram, central processing unit, internal hard
drive, power supply unit, and computer case.
I had no experience with building a computer,
One Flew Over The Cuckoo s Nest Essay
Rene Steele
Mr. Ryan Strunz
College Prep English
9 January, 2015
College Bound Novel: One Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest One Flew Over the
Cuckoo s Nest by Ken Kesey is a brilliant novel copyrighted in 1963 it is about a man
testing his limits with his authority, the nurse. Ken Kesey was influenced to write this
novel after being part of a experiment involving the effect LSD had on people s
minds.( One Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest Background. ) This novel shows what I
believe are true aspects of the way our world conceives people within a mental
institution. The novel starts with Bromden, the narrator also a patient of the
institution, sweeping the halls while the nurse targets the black men. Soon after
McMurphy is brought in as a new admission, patient. Immediately everybody
notices his presence because of how he carries himself when he gets their. When he
first comes in he goes into the day room and introduces himself to everyone. He then
brings a level of intimidation to all of the patients and lets them know that he is
going to be taking over. He first brings gambling into the hospital betting with
cigarettes, and he soon becomes top dog at the hospital not letting anyone even come
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Invisibility is a very displayed theme when it comes to Bromden within the novel.
Bromden is seen to be a deaf dumb Indian however he is not deaf. Which allows
him to be observant without anyone thinking twice about it. McMurphy is the only
character that breaks through his barrier of invisibility and makes a close
relationship with him. The second theme I found is the power of intimidation, I
notice this as a theme because McMurphy has gained a lot of power over all of the
residents because of intimidation. He has the ability to get into their minds and
change decisions they may or may not want to make, which helps him get away with
all of the bad things he bring into the hospital.(Kesey,
Symbolism in A Good Man is Hard to Find Essay
The short story A Good Man is Hard to Find, by Flannery O Connor, is bombarded
with symbolism. In short stories symbolism is the literary element that helps the
reader depict the picture and actions in their own minds. Whether it be from
characters names or the designs on the characters shirts, every detail in this story has
a purpose. Flannery O Connor was known for her strong religious background,
Catholicism, and used her faith as the underlying message in her works. In the story,
A Good Man is Hard to Find, there are a couple of things that can be traced directly to
Christianity. The little boy, John Wesley, symbolizes the religious denomination of
Methodism. John Wesley, along with his brother Charles Wesley, founded the
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For example, the first time death is symbolized in this story is when the family
passes a graveyard. They passed a large cotton field with five or six graves fenced
in the middle of it, like a small island. Look at the graveyard! the grandmother said,
pointing it out. That was the old FAMILY burying grounds. (99). O Connor
purposely mentions the specific number of graves, one grave for each person in
the car. She also mentions that it was a family burying ground. This symbolism
foreshadows that the family will soon face death. When the family is driving
through the town, the grandmother remembers the old plantation is called
Toombsboro . This plantation s name is brought up to remind the reader of death.
Toombsboro sounds like the tomb, symbolizing the family will soon face their
tombs. Another description that is given to symbolize the deaths is that of the
Misfits car. It was a big black battered hearse like automobile (103). A hearse is a
vehicle designed to carry coffins for funerals. This description also foreshadows
the death of the family before the Misfit arrives. Lastly, the woods, tall and dark
and deep (105) represent the family s death. The woods symbolize the unknown and
fear we have for death, which is considered dark and deep. The Grandmother stood
in front of the woods reminding us that death is always near and behind us. Just like
the woods, death can be a scary thing
Math During World War II
Death. Danger. Destruction. These are some words that may come into mind when
thinking about the topic of war and the military. What doesn t usually come to mind
is the word math . Unknown to many, math is involved in many aspects of the
military. It has contributed to the conquering of enemies and the advancement of
systems, technology, and warstrategies in the militaryand Army.
One example of how math has been used in war occurred during World War II.
During World War II, the Allies reached a hard conclusion: the Germans tanks were
more superior to their own. In order to hinder the devastating effects of the
superiority of the German tanks, the Allied forces had to figure out how many tanks
the Germans were producing. At first, the Allies... Show more content on ...
This area of math has a great impact on the army and their needs. The long term goals
of the Army s mathematical research program is to help the Army advance in areas
such as materials, systems, testing, evaluation, acquisition, training, and logistics.
Math is a major factor when it comes to modeling systems, evaluating and regulating
complex developments, and designing and improving systems in the Army. Army
mathematical research includes applied analysis, computational mathematics,
probability and statistics, systems and controls, discrete mathematics, and intelligent
systems. Advances in these areas of math will help the Army develop a well
equipped strategic force that will be able to reach victory in conflicts. In order to
reach this goal, there has to be constant interaction between several sections of the
military including researchers, Army development personnel, and Army field
soldiers. This collaboration will ensure that Army systems are built quickly and
correctly the first
Six Key Aspects of Ebm
Ecosystem and Human Activity
October 27, 2013
Table of Contents
Six Key Aspects of Ecosystem Based Management..........................................3
Integration of ecological, social, and economic goals and recognition of humans as
key components of the ecosystem.............................................................................3
Consideration of Ecological Not Just Political Boundaries....................................5
Accounting for the Complexity of Natural Processes and Social Systems and Using
an Adaptive Management Approach in the Face of Resulting Uncertainties.........7
Engaging Multiple Stakeholders in a Collaborative Process to Define Problems and
Find Solutions..........................................................................................8 Incorporating
... Show more content on ...
Urbanized areas also modify microclimates and air quality by altering the nature of
the land surface and generating heat (Oke, 1987). Although ecological impacts of
urban development often seem to be local, urbanization also causes environmental
changes at larger scales. Today s cities are sustained by a socioeconomic
infrastructure that operates on global scales; the ecologically productive area
required to support an urban area can be 100 to 300 times larger than the urban
region (Rees amp; Wackernagel, 1994). A new cooperative relationship between
science, business and policy is needed to gather all the information needed and to find
a solution that benefits all of society. The study of urban ecology ultimately involves
studying how to integrate this new interdisciplinary knowledge about urban
ecosystems into policymaking processes to improve interactions between
policymakers and scientists so as to help society achieve more sustainable existence.
Today, the scientific and political communities lack the effective two way
communication and trust that they need to address urban ecological problems.
Although science can help society formulate a range of options to achieve societal
goals, it cannot make value judgments. In addition, scientists often cannot deliver
definitive answers to questions posed by policymakers. To be able to find solutions
to the larger issues
History Of Electricity As A Treatment
History of Electricity as a Treatment
The idea of placing electric shocks on the head, or body, of a mentally ill patient
has existed for hundreds, even thousands of years. Before the invention of
electricity, electric eels, electric catfish, and other electrically stimulating fish were
applied to a variety of body parts in order to alleviate some sort of ailment. In A.D.
46, it was recorded that a torpedo fish applied to the head was used to relieve
headaches. Later in the sixteenth century in Africa, people used electric catfish to act
as a tool to carry out an exorcism to expel devils.
Once electricity was invented, psychologists and scientists alike utilized this new tool
in hopes of curing a range of mental illnesses, physical ailments, and diseases. In the
18th and 19th centuries European researchers applied electricity to the hands, neck,
spinal column, kidneys, and buttocks of patients attempting to treat physical
impairments, like blindness, to schizophrenia. The first documented use of electricity
to treat melancholia, was Giovanni Aldini, a professor at the Bologna University in
1801. Aldini believed that the use of electricity by itself was therapeutic. The
difference between simply using electricity and electroconvulsive therapy is the
stimulation of a grand mal seizure, without a seizure the treatment is not efficacious.
The two Italian psychiatrists credited with discovering ECT plainly stated that
electricity is simply the easiest way to induce a seizure;
What Is Generic Levels Of Skill Proficiency Or Stages Of...
1) How could you use what you have learned so far in this course in a secondary
school setting (middle and high school)? Be sure to include both content and
pedagogical knowledge in your discussion. What generic levels of skill proficiency
or stages of learning (use whichever you prefer) can you expect students to attain at
each of the school levels (elementary, middle, and high school)?
In elementary the student at the informing stage and just getting acclimated to
gymnastics and dance. These student will learn basic body management from general
space, body management, performing symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes, and
narrow and wide stances. A teacher should make sure every student is learningthe
skills needed, so when they get to middle school they will not be discouraged. In
middle school the students are in the refining stage, and should have a basic
understanding of their body, but have not mastered it. These student have enough
learned skills to start putting sequences and/or routines together starting from shapes,
rolls, and using some equipment. This knowledge shows the cognitive understanding
of what was learned at the elementary level. Also, they will be able to flow with
music. A teacher at this level should have the student make sure student can make a
routine and practice. While high school student are in the applying stage, and will
have the knowledge to put a well defined routine together for display. This students
will have a good understanding of
Descriptive Essay About Last Day
Last Day
I woke up at four a.m., showered, changed, brushed my teeth, combed my hair and
drove to work, but that s when the fundamentals of the world changed. Earth
practically quivered with the anticipation of the future for the world. That day, the
world was thrown out of balance. The volcano under Yellowstone park exploded
forever changing the world as we knew it. The volcano wasn t expected to erupt for
centuries, yet it still exploded. Millions of people died from just the ash alone.
Families trapped in buildings and killed as the roof caved in, crushing them to death.
Others separated from their other loved ones, unable to contact them and know if
they were alive. During that crisis, here I am driving to work, unaware of the calamity
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Matt, s that you? a voice called out. Yeah, it s me, I answered back walking in the
direction that the voice originated. I turn the corner and I see my boss, Ed. He was
checking the stock and writing it down on a little clipboard. I need ya to manage ta
front. Can ya git ta store run in and open et up? Ed asked, his voice sounding gruff.
Yeah, of course, I reply. Fanks, Ed grunted back, never averting his gaze from the
stock and clipboard. I headed to the back where all the electrical equipment and
light switches were stored and flipped all the switches. The lights sputtered before
they began to illuminate the store. All the machines hummed with life and their
lights flickered on. I walked over to the door and turned on the open sign that
lighted up. I headed back to the front and went behind the counter, waiting for
customers. I heard the ring from the door and turned toward that direction. A
frantic woman rushed in and grabbed as much food and water as she can hold
before carrying it all up to the counter. That s unusual. She must be an early bird. It
usually takes at least an hour for anyone to show up. I scanned the items regardless,
ringing up to the total of eighty six dollars and forty nine cents. The woman handed
me a credit card and I swiped it. She quickly thanked me before she hurried outside
to her car. Then a whole family came into the store and repeated the process of the
woman before. This
Why The Flint Water Crisis
When looking at why the flint water crisis happened you must simply looked to who
in the state government was running the water authority in flint. While as many
people, especially in Flint, expecting who they voted for in the state elections to be
their leader, this just simply didn t happened. Through the workings of the very
complicated subject of state governments and different legislations that took away
power from the locals in Flint and gave that power to the state government. For
anyone living in the United States, their directly elected officials should have
protected them and many people see this as a failure of direct democracies that
cities should have. This taking away of power from voters and put it into a govern
office in which... Show more content on ...
Inaction of a problem is just as bad as creating the problem in the first place. While
the EPA knew of the lead leeching in the water supply, it simply seems like they sat
on their hands and said it was states problem. When the state takes away the power
from the cities and the federal govern just simply shrugs its soldiers. Even when
the city council wanted to change the water supply back to Detroit they were
simply vetoed back out by the new emergency manager Jerry Ambrose. Who could
be accountable for the water problem when the city government can t do anything
without vetoed, the state government started the problem and the federal
government was saying it is a state s issue? For the citizens of Flint, this miss trust
of all three government and the lack of accountability from the three is where it can
hurt elections in the future. I can see were elections for all three levels of
government lacks the accountability for such electives in the future. It doesn t really
matter who was voted in the city level because anything they would do would be
vetoed and the state wasn t doing anything nor was the federal government so the
lack of accountability for simply putting it in layman s terms poising and possibly
Essay on High Performance Tires Executive Brief
Ella Encoy
High Performance Tire
BUS 485
Executive Summary
High Performance Tire is a family owned business that was founded in 1952. The
founder s daughter, Jane Wallace, ran the company before turning over management
responsibilities to her son, William Wallace in 2001. Since then, the company s
performance has declined. High Performance Tire s reputation in the industry has
turned to negative and employee turnover rate have increased. Jane Wallace is
concerned of how the business is running. Her intention of keeping the company
within the family is threatened with her son s inability to run the business effectively.
This case is important to look at because it demonstrates the importance of having a
strategic plan prior ... Show more content on ...
Mr. Wallace also decided to cut the wages and benefits from skilled employees to
help with increasing profits. These skilled employees were then under paid and
decided to leave the company only to be replaced with younger workers with less
experience. The employee turnover rate ended up causing the company more money
in the long run. Another issue in this case came from Jane Wallace herself. She gave
full managerial rights to her son at full capacity regardless of the doubts and fears she
had. William Wallace did not have the managementexperience to run the family
High Performance Tire (HPT) is in a position where they are no longer making
profits and the business have declined drastically since 2001. Jane Wallace wants to
improve condition of their family business and to ensure that they will be able to
continue to operate in the future. There a few recommended strategy tools HPT
should use to come up with a strategic plan. First, is for the company to conduct a
SWOT analysis to analyze the current state of the business and to determine areas
where work needs to be done. Second, HPT needs to analyze the industry and
completion environment by following the Porter s Five Forces framework. This tool
can allow HPT to learn more about their competitive environment and figure out
where to better position their company amongst their competitors. Furthermore, this
tool can help give them competitive advantage over their
Descriptive Essay On My Summer Camp
My First Summer Camp
It was the last day of my first summer camp. The night before my Boy Scout troop
would pack all their gear and leaves the coast of the Puget Sound, and return to the
suburbs where most of the kids in my troop lived. This day, at least at Camp
Parsons, was the Hullabaloo. The Hullabaloo was a great gathering of all the
patrols at camp in a large grass covered area bordering a beach and then the Puget
Sound. The whole area was dotted with green trees and was overlooked by a very
large cabin like building, which acted as the meal room for all the troops in camp.
The cabin like building was a dark brown, built on the outside with logs, but on the
inside a sort of insulated faux log. The inside was very spacious and lined up along
the walls were about 50 long tables for the various troops at camp. Even in this
large room, there wasn t always enough space to fit the scouts from all the troops,
so it was safe to say that my patrol had a lot of competition. All the patrols would
compete for a trophy (a carved block of wood, painted yellow and with the purple
letters CP stating: FIRST PLACE). Each troop usually has more than one patrol,
each patrol being about 5 10 people, so my troop (of around 25 people) had two.
When we were all let loose from the cabin like meal house to compete in various team
building activities and compete in stations set around the camp (stations such as fire
starting, tying knots, and building shelters), my patrol started sprinting over
Examples Of Guilt In Charles Brockden Browns Wieland
Guilt in Charles Brockden Browns Wieland
There are many ways to decide what makes a man guilty. In an ethical sense, there is
more to guilt than just committing the crime. In Charles Brockden Browns Wieland,
the reader is presented with a moral dilemma: is Theodore Wieland guilty of
murdering his wife and children, even though he claims that the command came from
God, or is Carwin guilty because of his history of using persuasive voices, even
though his role in the Wieland family s murder is questionable? To answer these
questions, one must consider what determines guilt, such as responsibility, motives,
consequences, and the act itself. No matter which view is taken on what determines a
man s guilt, it can be concluded that ... Show more content on ...
Therefore, Wieland s supposed holy motivation of pleasing the Lord is discounted by
his ignorance of the nature of God. Though Wieland s actions follow a desire to
please the Lord, one must question why Wieland did not stop to consider such an
illegitimate command.
Though an argument can be made that an action s results, or consequences, not
motives, determine a man s guilt, Wieland can still be shown guilty. In describing
how he murdered Catharine, Wieland says, Thrice I slackened my grip, and life
kept its hold, though in the midst of pangs. Her eye balls started from their sockets.
Grimness and distortion took place of all that used to bewitch me into transport... ,
thus showing that Catharine s brutal murder one of the consequences of Wieland
following the voice s instruction (195). Later, when Clara, Wieland s sister, wants to
visit Wieland, her uncle says, ...your brother s frenzy is stupendous and frightful. The
soul that formerly actuated his frame has disappeared....A fury that is rapacious of
blood that lifts his strength to almost above that of mortals, that bends all his energies
to the destruction of whatever was once dear to him, possesses him wholly. This
quote makes clear the unstable state of Wieland, yet another result of his
A Lexical Pragmatic Analysis of Proverbs in Femi...
This essay is a pragmatic reading of moral and socio political decadence in Femi
Osofisan s Midnight Hotel. It does this by analyzing ten out of twenty five proverbs
deployed in the text. In analyzing the proverbs, this essay observes that each has at
least an ad hoc constituent which requires semantic modulation to get at the
meanings of the proverbs. This modulation is not arbitrary, but contextually
negotiated until the reader reaches his optimal relevance.
Wilson and Carston argue that metaphors are cases of ad hoc constructions (7), for
instance, when a speaker says, The boy is a lion . While a literary scholar would
see this as metaphorical, Wilson and Carston believe that the above sentence is a
case of the use of an ad hoc ... Show more content on ...
One of such is with Ossie Onuorah Enekwe where he says that:
To get desperately close to the spectator, to each and every one I have trapped in the
darkness or half light, to penetrate very close and intimate, like a knife in the ribs. I
want to make that spectator happy but uncomfortable. I want to turn him open, guts
and all, spice him, cook him in the filthy, stinking broil of our history. I want him
washed inside out, in the naked truth, and then I sew him back again a different man.
The playwright s closeness to a reader of Midnight Hotel is predicated on the
contemporary subject matters raised in the text. It is true the essence of the play is to
effect a social change (as it is with most literary works), but this change cannot occur
if the reader finds it difficult to comprehend what the text says. Thus this essay lends
a hand in that direction, by working out an easy, systematic, pragmatic format for
understanding Osofisan s Midnight Hotel.
Commenting on the playwright s art, Awodiya submits that Osofisan is prolific and
theatrically fertile in creating flexible dramatic forms that have great stage
adaptability (15). Awodiya further notes Osofisan s penchant for invoking traditional
African elements of music, dance, songs, mime and improvisation (15). One of such
is proverbs with which he attaches the African sense. Awodiya acknowledges that
Uranium Vs Plutonium Research Paper
They have always used Uranium and Plutonium isotopes in nuclear power plants to
create energy. These isotopes have lots of hazards however. For example, they run
the risk of having a nuclear meltdown. There is another type of nuclear power that is
a lot less risky and it is called Thorium. Not only is thorium less risky, it is also more
abundant in nature than Uranium. They were testing Thorium at the next generation
nuclear powerplant I was working at. You might be asking, if it is more abundant
and less risky, why are they just now using it? The idea for using thorium has been
around since 1960. In 1973, they were proposals for research in the United States.
These proposals didn t fall through though and that is because of nuclear weapons.
During this time, was the Cold War, and... Show more content on ...
These control rods are not guaranteed to work. They can be affected in a reactor error.
That is why older reactors could overheat and lose control causing an accident. A
thorium reactor can be instantly shut down by turning off the stream of neutrons.
Shutting down the cycle means stopping the breeding of Th 232 into U 233. This
will keep things from getting any more out of hand. Also, the thorium reactors can be
created to function in a liquid state while the uranium and plutonium reactors cannot.
When the older reactors were heading towards a meltdown, there was no way to
stop the fission reactions. A thorium reactor design called LFTR has a plug at the
bottom of the reactor that melts if the temperature of the reacting fuel gets too high.
If this were to happen, all the hot liquid would fall into a container and the reaction
will stop. That keeps things from getting out of control. Thorium has other benefits
to. Some of those being: less nuclear waste, easier to obtain, and it is harder to create
a bomb with (most would say that s
Star Formation Essay
As described in our text, the material that makes up the universe is recycled
constantly through the formation and evolution of stars. Clouds of atomic gas cool
and condense, forming cold, dense clouds of molecular gas. Within these clouds of
cold gas, stars can form. It takes just some push, pull, or magnetic field to cause the
cloud to fall into gravitational collapse. Once the cloud is collapsing, the road to
becoming a staris an inevitable one. The formation of a star involves many different
stages. In the beginning, there is just dust and a gas. Slowly, over time, the dust and
gas form a cloud of material containing all the right ingredients for star formation.
Then, the cloud to gravitationally are caused to collapse. The cause can be... Show
more content on ...
Therefore, the stars kept away from collapsing due to availability of pressure from
the fast moving electrons White Dwarfs Become Novae
White dwarf formed, particularly when there is availability of multiple stars; from
this multiple star, it can experience similar exciting end as a nova. The gravity of
this star may drag the hydrogen from the external layer of star onto itself because of
the closeness with the other.
Neutron Stars.
This stars are extremely dense and a very comparable to the thickness of an atomic
nucleus. They are formed when there is a continuation of the stellar core until
electrons protons come together to form neutrons.
Black Holes
The formation of this star is determined with the size of the stellar core. For example,
the black hole formed if the stellar core is larger as compared to the solar masses
leading to a complete collapse of the stellar core. Black hole is dense object with
strong gravity
Brown Dwarf
Another fate is the brown dwarfs, which are not stars in particularly, but are those
stars that fail sometimes ago. Nevertheless, their formation resembles the formation
of those normal stars and therefore, can ignite a nuclear fusion in their
Emotive Behavioural Therapy REBT
Answer: REBT stands for Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy is much the same
as CBT. It was developed by the psychologist Albert Ellis and it works by focusing
on helping clients change irrational beliefs. He identified 12 common beliefs amongst
individuals that lead to unhealthy or dysfunctional behaviours. These incorrect and
damaging beliefs were:
1.The need to be loved and have approval by virtually every significant other person
2.The need to achieve at everything in all respects or else one is inadequate, or a
worthless person.
3.People must always act accordingly and fairly is not they are bad and are their bad
4.Things cannot go wrong and go a certain way. It is awful and terrible when things
do not go as planned. 5.The
The Entente Cordiale, Signed 1904
The Entente Cordiale, signed 1904, was a series of agreements that changed Anglo
Franco relations entirely. For one thousand years beforehand, the English and the
French had many disagreements, wars, and conflicts that created a lot of tension
between the two nations. But forty years after the Entente established a friendship
between the two countries, England and France fought two major wars as very close
The main reason that the Entente Cordiale was signed in the first place was that
England and France were having conflicts over land in Africa. Yet the agreement was
so monumental in nature that it completely changed Anglo Franco relations for over
one hundred years to come. It caused the two countries that had previously hated
each other to fight on the same side of two wars and cheer each other on. It changed
public opinion and foreign policy between the two nations. However, the actual
origins as to why the British would engage in negotiations with a country that they ve
hated for centuries seem uncertain. Germany is starting to mobilize, is threatening
Britain with its rapidly growing and modernizing navy, and is industrializing at an
alarming rate. At the same time, France is becoming more prominent in Africa and
the Mediterranean, not to mention a powerful alliance with Russia in addition. With
these facts in mind, what was the strategic upside to England signing the Entente with
an old enemy? Was it to defend themselves from the growing military threat of
How Heaney Moldes His Roots Through Farming And
How Heaney Moldes his Roots Through Farming and Forging
Seamus Heaney s poems Digging and The Forge demonstrate how he perceives his
purpose as a writer in comparison to farming and blacksmithing. His first poem,
Digging was Heaney s debut to the world of poetry. He had begun to write poetry
in 1962, but Digging was the first poem he officially published. This poem
highlights Heaney s relationship with his father and grandfather, contrasting his
profession from theirs. He describes them as hard working farmers, which he is not
and could never be due to his love of writing. The word digging itself parallels major
themes in the poem regarding family tradition, memories, and the acceptance of his
vocation. This poem shows Heaney s struggle with recognizing if his identity as a
poet is honorable and how that reflects on his family history. Whereas The Forgeis
published in Seamus Heaney s second volume of poetry. Similar to Digging , The
Forge explores Heaney s admiration for blue collar workers. Through his writing,
Heaney describes a local blacksmith s view of progression, and how once the forge
was an essential part of Irish rural life. In parallel to Digging , the blacksmith
recollects how once farmers explicitly used the services of the blacksmith to repair
and make ploughs and other farm instruments while also forging shoes for their
horses. These two poems are reflections of Heaney s role as a poet and how he
conceives his profession in relation to other
Robber Barons By John Davison Rockefeller And Andrew
Robber Barons such as John Davison Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie were a large
part of the propelling force that led the United States into a new frontier, setting the
standard for the American dream. These men were known for their ingenuity,
intuition, and innovation as business men. Each setting a high standard in their field,
these men set out to accomplish greatness by revolutionizing their industry. They
were known in history as the first men to become giants of the industrialized world,
they created a new ear, and with it legacies that have lasted centuries.
John D. Rockefeller founded the Standard Oil company, and became one of the
wealthiest men in the world, propelling America into a new frontier. In the 19th
century, kerosene was highly demanded, and there were small kerosene
manufacturing companies all over the United States. Rockefeller s early life was
no near the upbringing of a billionaire. His father began as a peddler working to
make ends meet as his mother raised his brothers and sisters. He was given a $100
loan to buy a small boat, but by 1870, he established the Standard Oil company. In
only 10 years, Rockefeller owned 90% of the U.S s oil refineries. During this time,
many accused Rockefeller as participating in unethical business practices. He
collaborated with major railroads to eliminate his competition and used predatory
pricing as well as horizontal integration to monopolize the entire oil industry. In
1886, Rockefeller took out a loan to buy
A Report On The City Hall
The Executive Director reports to the City Hall and provides a detail financial
analysis of the KCCC year to date report. Once the council hears financial report, the
Council votes on approval of a new budget for the fiscal year.
Again, the technology currently being used within the city and KCCC is currently
outdated and could use an enhancement such as utilizing the Google Fiber service
and Cisco s wireless network being installed in the KCPL entertainment district. Also,
there are additional technology enhancements coming into the organizations and
down town area for both customers and businesses
In May, Cisco said it will bring wireless smart city technology to the downtown, too,
in an area that coincides with part of the streetcar project. These services will include
mobile apps for citizen access, digital interactive kiosks, smart streetlights and video
surveillance. (
Sih s collision density ideas are already being echoed all around the KC region,
including at the nearby Sprint Accelerator building a few blocks away from the
Globe. Another area is in an older neighborhood of modest homes about 30 blocks
south on the Kansas side, where KC Startup Village (KCSV) got its start in the first
ever Google Fiber connected zone.
It s all about creating energy, says Matthew Marcus, co leader of KCSV, during a
tour on a recent rainy late summer day. Since 2012, more than 20 startups have begun
working out of several homes in the neighborhood along
Don Delillo White Noise
Ethical Relation in Don DeLillo s White Noise : A Levinasian Approach
In his writings, Emmanuel Levinas has described Face to Face relation as a relation
not reducible to compression and believes it is this encounter of the face that puts
responsibility to the other on our shoulders and stops us from perusing selfish
desires. In this essay through a Levinasian study of Don DeLillo s White Noise I
want to show, how the people of the society, in this work, are inattentive to the Face
to Face relation which, alongside their self centered attitudes, leads the protagonist to
destructive actions, who finds comfort only after his realization of such relation with
the Other.
Keywords: Levinas, White Noise, Face to Face, The Other,... Show more content on ...
Under such influences, in chapter 8, Jack describes even the act of checking his
balance in the bank as: what a pleasing interaction. I sensed that something of deep
personal value, but not money, not that at all, had been authenticated and
confirmed...The system was invisible...But we were in accord, at least for now. The
networks, the circuits, the streams, the harmonies. However, as the story proceeds,
Jack s views to the life and the world around him
Calia Brown-Personal Narrative
By: Calia Brown
All you gotta do is open yo legs! Said the boy I had only seen a couple of times
around school before. I felt like my life was flashing before my eyes. I was hoping
for this moment to end. The smell of weed and cigs filled the air. It was a beautiful
day outside and yet all I could hear was cars and buses rushing by. This is how I
knew no one would hear my cry for help.
Beep Beep Beep!!! Goes my alarm. It was time for school. Stuck in my bed not
wanting to move from this warm comfortable spot, I started digging at the crust in
the corners of my eyes. The smell of bacon filled the air in my room pushing me out
of the bed and leading me to the hallway. I head to the kitchen where I find my mother
... Show more content on ...
My friends were cracking up because they knew these females loved to talk but we
were always about action. We all knew what was going to take place after school
without even saying it. It was now time for us to split up and go to our next class. We
would see each other later in the day at lunch so this wasn t a big deal. As I head
down the hallway and make my way to the second floor I hear a loud Yo! coming
from the opposite end of the hallway. By this time I was thinking the hallway was
empty because I was a minute late for class just because I took the long way there. I
turned around to see who was making the noise. It was one of the boys that wasn t
even supposed to be on our floor. He was a junior and I was a freshman so we were
always separated by floors. I kept walking because my name wasn t yo so he couldn t
have been talking to me. He ran up behind me and grabbed me by my waist. I
resisted and turned to him and said; Why are you touching me Tank? He stared at
me and started laughing. I looked at him and said; What s funny? He said in his deep
raspy voice , You acting like I can t touch you. I said to him You can t I don t know
you like that for you to be touching on me and grabbing me. I turned away from him
and continued on my way to class. Half way down the hallway I see a group of boys
who looked like they didn t belong. As I got
Character Development Of Tomas, Tereza, Sabina And
Memory can be defined as information retained about the past events and
experiences. As Craig D. Lounsbrough once said, Our experiences are the building
blocks of the future hewn out of the granite of the present. In other words, our
memories are what morphs us into who we are and who we will become. In the
novel, Kundera suggests that the memory of our past greatly affects who we are in
the futuresince humans are inherently historical. As the novel progresses, the reader
discovers that decisions and life choices made by the major characters are influenced
by their past life experiences. The character development of Tomas, Tereza, Sabina
and Franz can be attributed to their past events that occurred in their lives.
Tomas cannot live in the present because his past fetters him. After being divorced
for ten years and losing his relationship with his son and family, he comes to
conclusion that his life is not designed to stay side by side with any woman. His fear
and desire of women made him decide not to be intimate with any other woman
(Kundera 10). This fear and desire of women made him devise what he called
erotic friendship. Erotic friendship allowed him to sleep with other women with no
strings attached. It is evident that the memory of his past is the reason why he
becomes a womanizer. Tomas can no longer settle down with one woman. He lives
his life by the rule of 3 s that is; he sees a woman three times in quick succession and
then never again or he maintains
I Am A Coward
I gripped my sword and clenched my teeth, praying these wouldn t be the last
moments of my life. The small pond a few inches away showed my reflection. I
gaze into it and can t help but think of how ashamed my family would be to reveal
what s become of me. I am a coward. My soul is but an abyss that holds nothing but
webs and dust. I reach as far as I can for something; just to keep going, but leave
empty handed every time and the swirling thoughts never leave my head. I am a
coward. As the bloodied monster approaches me, it releases an inhuman roar and
charges toward me. The scales on it s body looks as If it s breathing and the earth
lets out a long, menacing, and subdued growl that s makes my vision bleary as i
attempted to... Show more content on ...
I walk through a gate made from dark red bricks and i gaze at the inside of the
palace. There s a perfectly sculpted chandelier atop the high ceiling, that looks as if
it never rusts and there s candles lit around every corner. The wax has not I hunger
for the taste of blood and I can t help but try and sniff her out. Or anybody
wandering about. Using my vampire senses, i stifle the gravels sound under my
feet, floating about 1 inch from the ground. she did this to me. Alvalee. She made
me this horrid creature and pretended she loved me. It seems I have sniffed you out
before you did me, she lets out a charming and wary laugh, Oh.. I ve missed you
since you left. Her voice a bittersweet poison I could nearly taste. Her red hair
glistens in the man made light of the cave as she circles around me. Red eyes burn
into me fiery, benevolent even as her scarred hands gently stroke my hair, and for
a split second I forget why I m here. Have you? Funny You haven t at least tried to
contact me since I left four years ago. I ve been in the country a couple of weeks. It
seems to me you couldn t give a rats a** about me. I ve sent my troops to the castle.
Word said you would be meeting that prince of yours there. Grinning like a bobcat
as she always did. Do not bring Malek into this, Alvalee. You know exactly what I m
here for. My body starts warming up, as
Industry Analysis For Kraft Heinz Crystal Light Essay
Industry Analysis for Kraft Heinz Crystal Light
By: Jenna Senn, Carly Schlager, Ellie Fiskio, Kevin Rosser, and Colin Barsella
Table of Contents
Company and Brand History......................................................................3
Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning...................................................... 4
SWOT Analysis.....................................................................................6
Environmental Scanning/Market Summary
Consumer and Social Factors..............................................................9
Economic Factors...........................................................................10
Technological Factors......................................................................11
Other Factors...............................................................................11
V. Works Cited................................................................................................12
Company And Brand History of Kraft Heinz/Crystal Light
Crystal Light is a brand of flavored powdered drink mix. It is a low calorie beverage
mix that is used to change the flavor of the water. It is sweetened with a combination
of aspartame, acesulfame potassium, sucralose, and or sugar. Crystal Light is a
brand within the Kraft Heinz company. Crystal Light was originally launched in
2004 with their single serve On the Go packets. They were for flavoring one
beverage and taking it wherever you wanted to go. Eventually, in 2009, it was
redesigned and became available in multi serve packages, for flavoring larger
drinks. Then, in 2010, Kraft came out with a new design for Crystal Light called
Pure Fitness. It is a naturally sweetened low calorie fitness drink mix sweetened with
sugar and Truvia, and is currently
Analysis of “Fight Club” Essay
Analysis of Fight Club
For years David Fincher has directed some of the most stylish and creative thrillers in
American movies. His works include: Aliens 3, Seven, The Game and Fight Club.
Each of these films has been not only pleasing and fun to watch but each has
commented on society, making the viewers think outside the normal and analyze
their world. Fight Club is no exception, it is a multi layered film with many subplots
and themes, but primarily it is a surrealistic description of the status of the American
male at the end of the 20th century. David Flincher s movie, Fight Club, shows how
consumerism has caused the emasculation of the modern male and tells a tale of
liberation from a corporate controlled society.
In the ... Show more content on ...
The corporate ownership of the male extends to how much his life is worth. Ed
Norton works in a claims department for a large car manufacture. His job is to
decide what a manufacture does in case of a design flaw. Take for example, if a
carburetor runs a risk of exploding after 100,000 miles; ED Norton s job is to
investigate the probability of this happening. Then take the number of vehicles on
the road and multiply them it by the probable rate of failure and multiply the
product again with average price of an out of court settlement. If the end result is
less than the cost of a recall, there is no recall.
Brad Pitt makes a statement that illustrates the society the modern male is forced to
live in, We are a society of men raised by women. The film shows the emasculation
of the 20th century male, not only by our consumer oriented society but also by
feminine standards of civilization. The best example of this would be the support
groups Ed Norton visits. In these support groups, men are told to gather power,
strength and courage from each other not from themselves. At the end of the sessions
men are told to hold each other and cry, things that are very non stereotypical of men.
The 20th century society does not want men to function independently and be able to
be emotionally strong on their own, it does not want men to be men. Society wants
to take the very ideals of being a man, independence, strength and courage and only
allow for men to experience them
Dichotomy In The Book Of Ruth
The book of Ruth is an interesting glimpse into the everyday life of Bethlehem. With
its defined scenes, inner story parallels, and circular patterns, it reads more like a play
then a historical narration. The various dichotomies displayed, such as the private
/public, female/male, emptiness/fullness, and foreigner/native, add to the story s
richness and entertainment. A deep theme of loyalty and faithfulness, hesed,
progresses throughout this short story. Its many characters display various forms of
hesed and provide a cast that most of my context in northern, rural Minnesota can
identify with on one level or another. The story begins with a narrative about the
family of Elimelech (1:1 5). Per the patriarchal social structure of the time,... Show
more content on ...
Naomi invokes the hesed of Yahweh twice: once as she entreats her daughters in
law to leave for their mother s houses (1:9) and again when she is given sustenance
from her kin s field ( 2:20). Yahweh is being called out as these brave women
search for a better way, becoming models of hesed for Yahweh. Yahweh answers
the call to be the go el for the women proven by the various blessings that other story
characters relay to them along their precarious journey (2:12, 3:10, 4:11 12, 14).
Even though Yahweh s part is silent, Yahweh never leaves the women as they seek
out inventive ways to navigate the patriarchal structures of their day. Yahweh s hesed
What Type Of Governments Promoted An Exclusive Notion
Life in Europe took some wild turns during the 20th century, making political parties
and ideologies split in many different directions. Nationalism was derived from
Enlightenment Thought that represented the nation under one law. Even though the
conservatives at the time opposed the idea and socialists were split, things still
continuously changed. Nationalism... was another radical idea that gained popularity
in the years after 1815 [and] ... found inspiration in the vision of the people united by
a common language, a common history and culture, and a common territory (McKay
663). Nationalism, also considered liberalism, which brought on ideas of election and
the want for constitutions, led to every government with a constitutional... Show more
content on ...
The population of Italy are mainly Aryans; which is considered the founding race
of Europe and its origins came from Northern India. This ancient purity of blood is
the greatest measure of the Italian s nation s nobility (Fascist Manifesto 2). The
major difference between the ideology of Italy and Germany was the idea of race,
but this soon diminished as they started taking after one another. Mussolini and Italy
became racist after 1938. They demanded that Jews do not belong to Italy and that
they are Asian. This collaboration between Mussolini and Hitler was what drove the
next government to power.
The next radical government is known as the National Socialists. After being
appointed chancellor by president Hindenburg, Adolf Hitler led Nazi Germany with a
mission to wipe out the Jewish race. Hitler blamed all of his failures in life on the
government or the Jewish Bolshevism (combination of Jews Communism). He
believed that all Jews were considered outside the national community and they
were set out to destroy Aryans. Hitler s ideology of having Aryan racial purity was
the same as Mussolini s. But, unlike Benito, Hitler was strictly fueled by race. When
he was first put into reign, Hitler took out any and all peoples who opposed his ideas
including socialists, communists, the press, non nazi s, etc. Nazi race scientists
believed they could use eugenic methods (selective breeding of humans to improve
the population) of social engineering to
Creating Variables Into A Created Scene Essay
1.0 Introduction. This report discusses the task of creating variables into a created
scene in the aforementioned Alice program. As previously mentioned, particular
attention to good Human Computer Interaction and usability was sustained
throughout this period of development. Taking usability into great measure; enabling
the user to engage and interact with the animation and foremost to ensure repetitive
usage of the program for their enjoyment occurred. This report documents the
planning and construction of the variable methods, the chosen character in my
animation uses in this particular programme, through to completion. During the
completion process, to increase usability I critically analysed my programme,
debugged it and solved any problems it had. On completion I decided to allow one of
my peers to use and give an individual report on said animation, this is truthful to my
knowledge. 2.0Method Whilst creating a new area in programming to my project,
keeping the user in mind, I decided to keep to keep the scene and the characters
moderately the same; barre from the front man of the dancers. I visually made him
stand out more as to ascertain to the user that this particular character would be the
only animated character in this particular scene; this being adultPerson4. This enables
the user to notwithstanding have the familiar comforting and inviting elements of
their previous visit, moreover, to accommodate familiarity, clarity and good usability.
The animation
Margolin Vs Novelty Now Case Study
Milestone 1
Julia Cummings
BUS 206
September 24, 2017
In the case of Margolin v. Novelty Now the appropriate court for this lawsuit
depends upon several factors. In personal jurisdiction the book states that the courts
are given the power to provide a decision in affecting the rights of individuals
(Kubasek). In this case, the court will give a decision giving rights to Mr. Margolin,
and taking rights from Novelty Now. For subject matter jurisdiction, a certain
specified court will be able to hear the case This means, that it must be decided
which court hears the case, whether state or federal jurisdiction. Since this case
contains three different states, the federal court system must be the one to hear the
case. In this case, minimum contacts must be determined to decide if a certain state
will have power to assert personal jurisdiction over a defendant from another state
(Kubasek). In this case, it must be decided if New York will take personal
jurisdiction of the defendants residing in California, or Novelty Now residing in
Alternative dispute resolution may be an option to resolve this case. ADR is a method
of resolving cases through methods other than court. These can be negotiation,
mediation, arbitration, mini trials, private trials, etc. (Kubasek). In this case,
negotiation outside of trial would be a good option for Funny Face. ADR is often
cheaper than a traditional trial as well. This way they would not have to face bad
publicity for this incident. This might also be a good idea for Mr. Margolin because
the case will go much faster, meaning he could get restitution much faster, and would
cut his legal costs as well.
Language on the Funny Face website appears to limit any claim filed to arbitration
as a means of resolving the dispute. Arbitration is a method of resolution to a case
by choosing a neutral third party outside a judicial setting (Kubasek). Arbitration
would be a good solution for both Mr. Margolin and Funny Face in this case. Mr.
Margolin would be able to explain his condition and provide medical evidence
stating that Funny Face was indeed the cause of his condition. However, a neutral
third party may believe that there was enough stated by Funny Face for Mr. Margolin
to have
Theme Of Death In Sylvia Plath s Colossus
Maria Ponn Sindhuja. P
II MA English Literature
PG Research Department of English
Holy Cross College
Trichy 620002
Theme of Death in Sylvia Plath s Edge and Lady Lazarus Sylvia Plath was born in
Boston. Her first collection of poems, Colossus, was published in England in the
year 1960 and two years later in the United States. Her marriage was a failure and
Ted Hughes, her husband left her in the year 1962. In deep depression, Plath wrote
most of her poems that comprised her most famous book Ariel. On 11th February
1963, Plath wrote a note to her neighbour instructing him to call the doctor. Then she
committed suicide using her gas oven. Plath s poetry is often related with the
confessional movement. Although only Colossus was published when she was alive,
Plath was a fertile writer, and in addition to Ariel Hughes published three other
volumes of her works, including The Collected Poems, which was the recipient of the
1982 Pulitzer Prize. Death is a ubiquitous reality in Plath s poetry and manifests in
different ways. The void created by the death of her father could be seen in some of
her poems. In Full Fathom Five she speaks about his death, burial and mourning. In
Colossus she tries in vain to put him back together again and make him speak. In
Daddy she goes further in ... Show more content on ...
Here also death is not shown as an end. It is portrayed as a challenge. The poem
begins with a confident or rather accomplished tone. The poet says, I have done it
again . This means that it not the first time the task is being done. But the task is
unknown to the reader in the beginning. The title is an insinuation to the Biblical
character, Lazarus, whom Jesus raised from the dead. The interpretation of the poem
suggests that it is about multiple suicide attempts. She explains how she has
recovered from her suicide. However the recovery is not celebrated, rather
considered being a failure. Here suicide attempts are considered as
Positive Effects Of To Kill A Mockingbird
To Kill a Mockingbird is a classic novel that has multiple benefits when taught in a
high school classroom. Some would disagree with this statement because of the
immaturity level of the students, the profanity and violence, and other controversial
topics. Despite its adult themes, To Kill a Mockingbird is an amazing novelthat
should be assigned to high schoolstudents because it provides an awareness of the
effects of prejudice and segregation, along with positive moral values that have the
ability to teach students to invent a moral code of their own. In order to contradict
these other thoughts, I will provide research on the negativity of the novel through
examples and proven effects, but will first provide research on the proven positive
effects.... Show more content on ...
This includes the realization that the novel was published in 1960, and took place
in the 1930s, also known as the time of The Great Depression. This infers the novel
took place in a time period much different than ours today. Today one could see
most of us are more accepting of promoting equality for all. In the novel one needs
to understand the historical context, or what it meant to them. Is it possible they did
not do what they did out of hatred, but rather fear of loss of power and lack of
knowledge? According to Dr. William Thompson, psychologist, those reasons as a
whole could have possibly been how people in this era thought about prejudice and
segregation. During the B.C.E. era, events such as slavery were not practiced out of
prejudice, but rather led to it. If one understands that during history there was a
different mindset than there is today, then one could teach in a classroom that the
novel does not intend to harm students, but rather teach them a historical event, how
it led to prejudice and segregation, and how mindsets have changed
The Pros And Cons Of Mine Action
The topics before the fourth committee are Mine Action Victims Assistance and
Women and Peacekeeping Missions . The fourth committee (GA4) is a United
Nations organization that is responsible for a variety of subjects including
peacekeeping missions, mine action, public information, atomic radiation, and
decolonization related issues. Mine Action Victims Assistance Mine action is a set of
efforts carried out in order to prevent the disastrous problems caused by mines and
other explosive remains from the war. According to The International Mine Action
Standards, mine action refers to activities which aim to reduce the social, economic
and environmental impact of mines. Mine action has numerous advantages, for
instance, mine action gives the citizens the opportunity to be able to live regularly
without fearing that one single misstep can cost them their whole life, as well as for
peacekeepers to carry out patrols easily and without any difficulties whatsoever. Mine
action mainly aims in protecting the people and the citizens from danger by
providing them with a safe and stable... Show more content on ...
As Cuba s ministry of Foreign Affairs stated in June 2000, Cuba fully understands
and shares the humanitarian concerns caused by the irresponsible use of
antipersonnel landmines as well as that it provided its full support for humanitarian
efforts made by the international community to prevent the effects of the
indiscriminate use of this kind of weapons. In order to prove its support for mine
action, Cuba participated as an observer in the Mine Ban Treaty s First and Second
Review Conference in 2004 and 2009 respectively. In addition, Cuba attended the first
four annual Meetings of States Parties of the treaty as well as that it participated in all
of the treaty s intercessional Standing Committee meetings until
Essay on Chester Wayne
Case: Chester Wayne
Chester Wayne is a regional food distribution company. Mr. Chester, CEO, has asked
for assistance with preparing cash flow information for the last three months of this
year. The selected accounts from an interim balance sheet dated September 30, have
the following balances: Cash$142,100Accounts payable$354,155 Marketable
securities$200,000Other payables $53,200 Accounts receivable
$1,012,500Inventories $150,388 Mr. Wayne, CFO, provided the following
information based on experience and management policy. All sales are credit sales
and are billed the last day of the month of sale. Customers paying within 10 days of
the billing date may take a 2 percent cash discount. ... Show more content on ...
Any excess amounts go first to repayment of short term borrowings and then to
investment in marketable securities. When cash is needed to reach the minimum
balance, the company policy is to sell marketable securities before borrowing.
Cash Budget for each Month of the Fourth Quarter
Chester Wayne OctoberNovemberDecemberTotal
Cash budget
Cash collection
40% after 2% discount$308,700 $324,106 $340,334 $973,140
25% without discount$196,875 $206,700 $217,050 $620,625
30% in next month$225,000 $236,250 $206,700 $667,950
Renting of warehouse$24,000 $24,000
Sell of marketable securities$7,351 $192,649 $200,000
Bank borrowing$29,750 $53,393 $83,143
Total collection$761,926 $989,455 $817,477 $2,568,858 less payments
60% of purchases and other$429,871 $452,875 $470,561 $1,353,307
40% of purchases and other$354,155 $286,580 $301,916 $942,651
Equipment$250,000 $250,000
Dividend$45,000 $45,000
Total payments$784,026 $989,455 $817,477 $2,590,958 Surplus or
Deficit($22,100)$0 $0 ($22,100)
Opening balance$142,000 $120,000 $120,000 $142,000
Closing balance$120,000 $120,000 $120,000 $120,000
Chester Wayne OctoberNovemberDecemberTotal
Cash budget
Cash collection
40% after 2% discount$308,700 $324,106 $340,334 $973,140
25% without discount$196,875 $206,700 $217,050 $620,625
30% in next month$225,000 $236,250
An Engineered Wonder of the World
An Engineered Wonder of the World This bridge needs neither praise, eulogy nor
encomium. It speaks for itself. We who have labored long are grateful. What
Nature rent asunder long ago, man has joined today. This is a quote from Joseph
Strauss, the engineer that designed the Golden Gate Bridge. The Golden Gate
Bridge is truly a piece of engineering excellence. It stretches for almost 9,000 feet
over the San Francisco Bay, in San Francisco, California. The bridge has faced
many problems during the designing process, construction, and even to this day it
produces controversy. The final result of the bridge, however, is an amazing
engineering feat that will be around for a long time. To begin, in 1916, James H.
Wilkins had the idea to... Show more content on ...
The rest of the pressure is supported by the cables. These vertical cables receive the
bridge`s tension forces. The Golden Gate Bridge is a textbook suspension bridge
(Lamb, Robert, and Michael Morrissey). Thus, with all of the designs and made,
the Golden Gate Bridge was ready to be built. To continue, it was January 5th,
1933, when construction officially started on the bridge. The two anchorages of
the bridge were the first parts to be built. The first of the two to be built was on the
San Francisco side of the bay. The other on the Marin side of the bay. The San
Francisco tower access trestle was then started. It extended for more than 1,000
feet off shore. Unfortunately, a major setback was met on August 14, 1943. On
this date, a steamship crashed into the access trestle, and damaged almost 400 feet.
The repairs were not completed for another four months. Then to make matters
worse, the trestle was battered again, but for 800 feet of damage this time. Another
four months were needed for these repairs. Next up was the Marin tower. As
previously stated, suspension bridges have two towers, and this was the first of the
two built. There were no problems faced in the construction of the tower, and it was
completed in about a year. The San Francisco tower was built next. Then the cables
were put on, and finally on November 18th, 1936, the two sections of the bridge
were joined in the middle. After this, the roadway was finally put in. On
Fear and Tension in The Whole Towns Sleeping and A...
Fear and Tension in The Whole Towns Sleeping and A Terribly Strange Bed
The essay i have written is a comparison of two short stories. One written by Ray
Bradbury in 1950 s and titled The Whole Towns Sleeping . The other was written by
Wilkie Collins in 1856 and entitled A Terribly Strange Bed .
The Whole Towns Sleeping is about a middle aged spinster called Lavinia 37, who
goes to the cinema with her friends while a mysterious killer, is at large. She is fully
convinced that the killer would not strike again for another four weeks because a
murder has just occurred, and they seem to happen at intervals when the moon is full
, and superstitiously then men do strange things because of ... Show more content on ...
The Whole Towns Sleeping is set in a small town in Illinois, U.S.A. A ravine runs
straight through the middle The ravine cut the town in two . The ravine is the
mysterious area of the town like a black dynamo , surrounded by secret mists and
odours of a rank greenhouse . The description of the ravine creates tension and shows
it to be a constant threat with its dark and gloomy images.
In A Terribly Strange Bed the main part of the story is set in the back street of a
seedy gambling house in Paris. The atmosphere is described, Here, there was
nothing but tragedy mute weird tragedy. The quiet in the room was horrible . This
builds up tension effectively, and creates an effective image of the gamblers as they
watch in silence, and their desperate need to win to survive.
Lavinia Nebbs the protagonist in The Whole Towns Sleeping is described as very
straight and slim , a typical spinster who has lots of confidence in herself, and quite
sensible, but occasionally craves excitement, which inevitably will lead her to make
errors in judgment.
She insists that she stays at her own home and declines several offers of a bed for
the night, even though The Lonely One is still on the loose, and despite warnings she
insists she will still walk home alone. These
Human Resource Department (Employee Benefits)
Human Resource Department
Sunday August 1, 2010
Memo To: Upper Management
From: HR Training Recruiter
Subject: Employee Benefits for Employees
It has come to my attention, that employees are concerned over some issues with the
health insurance plan we offer, retirement and saving plans, as well as their time off
and FMLA rights. I have come up with an excellent employee benefit plan that would
educate the employees on their rights and show them how these benefits are best for
their situations.
The employee benefit plan includes the different types of health insurance they can
pick from that would be best for their situation. A breakdown and explanation of how
the retirement and saving plans work with every year that ... Show more content on ...
The savings plan is a yearly renal and you the person decide if you would like to
continue to save your funds or take the funds out with no penalties against you.
Time Off and FMLA Rights
We understand that things happen in a person life that must have actions taken as
soon as possible. There are a few options the employee has as far as time off or leave.
All time off or leaves are unpaid but the employee can choose the time off needed.
1.The fist leave/time off the company offers is a 10 day personal leave. This is for
employees that have worked out their 60 day probation period. You can request
this leave only if your probation period is over. This is an unpaid leave and
employees must return to work after the 10 days or they are considered as job
abandonment at which time termination will follow. 2.The second leave/time off
granted to the employee is a 30 day personal leave. This is for employees that have
worked out their 60 day probation period. You can request this leave only if your
probation period is over. This is an unpaid leave and employees must return to work
after the 30 days or they are considered as job abandonment at which time termination
will follow.
3.The last leave/time off the company offers is FMLA. To qualify for time off
through FMLA, employees must be employed for 12 month and a minimum of 1,250
The Between Chile And Jamaica Essay
Kenya, Chile and Jamaica are three counties represent Africa, Latin America, and
Caribbean.Africa, Latin America, and Caribbean have a lot of similarity.They shared
history that dates back to the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade, these regions are also part
of the Global South and most countries of them are colonies of Europe.Therefore,
their cultures are mixtures of European and indigenous cultures and their regions and
office languages are very similar.Along with development of the times and progress
of the society. they have numerous of differences at economic,government, capital,
educational and scientific. For instance, populations of Kenya,Chile and Jamaica at
2016 were estimated at 47 billion (Kenya),17 billion (Chile), and 2 billion (Jamaica).
Nominal gross domestic products of three countries were estimated at 63.40 billion
(Kenya) ,240.22 billion (Chile) 14.75 billion dollars(Jamaica). The relationship
between the three regions had a lot of rooms for improvement. especially in terms of
economic, politic, diplomatic, educational, cultural and scientific exchanges and
cooperation. Kenya is a rich country at Africa, it divided into 47 counties and Nairobi
is capital. Kenya s population is 30 million and more and it has at least 40 different
ethnic African groups, it include Kikuyu, Luhya, Kalenjin tribes, Luo, Kamba,
Somali, Kisii, Meru Embu, Mijikenda, Turkana and Maasai ( is
largest group of Kenya, representing 22% of population. Kenya had many
Olwen Hufton Religion
Olwen Hufton s What is Religious History Now? examines the way historians looks
at the outcome of religion on humans in the past. Hufton looks at the change in
religion from a histoire sГ©rielle which could be looked at in a linear fashion, to a
histoire des mentalitГ©s which considers the effect that religionhad on the people and
the way the interacted with it. Using three category examples from Le Bra s,
Hufton first looks at the way religious commitment could be measured during any
given time first, people who devote their lives to following the rules of the church,
second, the people who follow easter obligations and would marry through the
church and lastly the people who really couldn t care less. By doing this one can see
not only religious history but also family history and the outside components for
peoples thoughts on religion. Hufton next looks... Show more content on ...
Napoleon knew it was necessary to make peace with the Pope and the church to
better the governing of his Empire, so Napoleon changed the Republican Calendar to
basically mirror the Gallican church calendar. Though Napoleon changed it to better
himself and his Empire, he did his best to get the Pope on his side. By doing this,
Napoleon made following the catholic church the same as following the Napoleonic
state. Napoleon got rid of all but four during the Napoleonic era and kept sunday a
holy day of rest.. During the changes in holiday the bishops were torn between
following Napoleon or following the pope, and in the case of a disagreement
between the two, it wasn t positive what side the bishops would take. The aftermath
of Napoleon and his government taking control of holidays is still seen today, as the
government of France still has final say over what should be actualized as observed
Imagery In Truman Capote s In Cold Blood
Truman Capote describes a town that I can easily picture, because he uses a lot
detail and imagery in his opening of In Cold Blood that allows me to envision a
small town very similar to the town I live in. Although our town isn t that well
known it still receives some attention and our school system wouldn t be described
as Capote describes Holcomb s school. His structure and tone builds the town as
boring, empty, and alone. Until the end when he describes their school. A complete
juxtaposition to the rest of the town. Holcomb can be easily pictured as the boring,
rundown town because of Capote s use of imagery, structure, and tone. Simply an
aimless congregation of buildings divided in the center by the main line tracks of the
Santa... Show more content on ...
For the start Capote shows the area of Holcomb, how it stands on the high wheat
plains of western Kansas, constructing an aerial view of a place other Kansans call
out there. Slowly bring us down into the fields and countryside, as if you were in
the beginning movie credits, watching as the layout of the town is being set before
you. Next he leads us to the railroad that cuts down the center of the inner part of
the city, branching off onto the highway and dirt streets. As he points out several
buildings and structures that have fallen from their previous glories and refurbished
into other things. Showing us some houses and introducing us to some of Holcomb
s characters leading us to a few more places that have also seen their better days.
Putting us at his last stop, a juxtaposition to the rest of the town, the Holcomb
School, a good looking establishment. Capote drives us into Holcomb like this for a
reason, being that no matter how ordinary and uneventful this place seems so far, it
will soon be more than just out
How I Could Evaluate My Own Experience
1 Introduction
The objective of this reflection summary is to expose critically how I could evaluate
my own experience in relation to the theories and idea about Leadership. As such as
how this lectures and insights change my person notion about Leadership and how I
could amplify my knowledge about this subject. Also the most important in this
reflection is to present the importance of Leadership in my future experience.
I have chosen four topics I though was more relevant to develop my person
reflections connecting with my experience and to why comprehend these topics will
be essential to my career:
Followership and Psychoanalytic Perspectives
Charismatic and Transformational Leadership
Leadership and Gender
Toxic Leadership and Power
In my opinion, to suit my thought, reflections and connect the theories with my
personal experience, I considered Gender and Leadership as topic and associated
Power to Toxic Leadership, because as per my point of view, analysing the types
of leader I have observed during my previous work and life experience, I believe
there is an interface between both, where Power is a component, not exclusively, of
a Toxic Leadership. Senior executives have the power to create an environment that
allows people to grow and give their best or a toxic workplace where everyone is
unhappy. (Vries, Manfred F.R.Kets de, 2014; p.1)
What is Leadership
Summarising the idea of Leadership I have research, in my opinion is the capacity to
conduct followers to
John Simpson Research Paper
The man with the Donkey John Simpson Kirkpatrick the man with the donkey has
had an incredible involvement with Australia in the World War One. His life
leading up and during the war made contemporary Australia commemorate
Simpson because of his sacrifice and the significance of his involvement during
the war and his true Australian spirit. Simpson was born on 6 of July 1892 at
Shields in County Durham, Britain, (AWM.GOV, 2018), He had a very tough
upbringing with his family. John dropped out of Barnes and Mortimer Roads
School at the age of 11 and became a milk boy for four years to help out his mother
(Refer to figure 1). This was the start of Simpson`s characteristics as a true
Australian (, 2018). John also supplemented his family s
meagre income by working. Each summer at Murphy s fair, John provided donkey
rides for the children for a penny a ride. (, 2018). On February 12,
1910, John... Show more content on ...
He expressed deeper emotions and has told what he felt through some of his letters
and diary entries. In one of his letter to his mother Simpson describes his emotions
on war as he knows men should not envy them as war was not what anybody had
first imagined and once they hit reality they are confronted with something else
(Refer to figure 2). John landed in Gallipoli with the covering force on the 25th of
April 1915 (Refer to figure 3). John shows empathy towards his family and shows
annoyance though this last letter that they did not get to go to England (Refer to
figure 4). From Egypt the Bearer Division of the 3rd Field Ambulance landed at
Anzac Cove at 4.30 am in the early morning of 25 April 1915. They landed under a
blast of fire, but luckily Simpson was not one of the causalities. In one of Simpson s
dairy entries, there was a sadden paragraph that shows how he truly felt during the
war, and what he meant through it highlights the companionship and faithfulness of
his donkey (Refer to figure
How Does Jem Mature In To Kill A Mockingbird
Before coming into the world, butterflies are secured in their safe cocoon, forced to
be exposed to the life that surrounds them. They start off as caterpillars, not aware of
the horrors of the world that are awaiting them when they make that final
transformation. The butterfly s cocoon is the last barrier and once it s shattered, the
butterflyimmediately starts making decisions and modifications based on this
newfound society. In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, this process is revealed
in the children of Maycomb, Jem, Scout, and Dill, when they discover the unjust
ways of their society. Overall, Lee successfully demonstrates how children lose
innocence and start to grow up because of influences coming from their environment.
Children, ... Show more content on ...
When he settled back his face was cloudy. He was going into one of his declines,
and I grew wary (304). Atticus tries to explain the truth about the horrid trial going
on and how society is addressing it, but this is all new information to Jem and he
can t believe how the town is handling the situation of the trial. His anger is
perceived when he punched his pillow as he attempts to release the build up from
inside. It also mentions that his face is cloudy, revealing how he can t see the other
side of the problem at hand: the culture of his community. This cloudy outlook also
shows him in a state of confusion, which can comprehend as Jem being caught
between his innocence and losing it. Likewise, Scout is able to use her newfound
understanding of the situation of Boo Radley to reflect a past thought through
symbolism. When talking to Atticus about the death of Mr. Ewell, Atticus says,
Scout...Mr. Ewell fell on his knife. Can you possibly understand? Scout responds, Yes
sir I understand...Mr. Tate was d be sort of like shootin a mockingbird
Writing A Comparative Essay
Writing A Comparative Essay
Writing A Comparative Essay
Writing A Comparative Essay
Writing A Comparative Essay
Writing A Comparative Essay
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Writing A Comparative Essay

  • 1. Writing A Comparative Essay Crafting an essay on the subject of "Writing A Comparative Essay" can be a challenging endeavor, requiring a meticulous approach and a deep understanding of the intricacies involved. The complexity stems from the need to compare and contrast two or more subjects, which demands a thorough analysis of their similarities and differences. One of the initial challenges lies in selecting suitable topics for comparison. Identifying subjects that share relevant characteristics yet offer distinctive aspects to explore requires careful consideration. Once the topics are chosen, the next hurdle is to conduct comprehensive research to gather pertinent information on each subject. This step is crucial to ensure the essay is well- informed and provides insightful comparisons. Structuring the essay poses another difficulty. Establishing a coherent framework that effectively conveys the comparative analysis while maintaining a logical flow demands careful planning. The introduction must grab the reader's attention, present the subjects to be compared, and provide a clear thesis statement. The body paragraphs need to delve into the specific points of comparison, offering evidence and analysis to support the thesis. Meanwhile, the conclusion should summarize the key findings and leave a lasting impression. Moreover, maintaining balance throughout the essay is essential. Striking a harmonious equilibrium between discussing similarities and differences without bias can be challenging. The writer must navigate through the details, avoiding the pitfalls of favoring one subject over the other or presenting an unbalanced argument. Additionally, effective language use is crucial. Crafting clear and concise sentences that articulate complex ideas can be demanding. Ensuring a seamless transition between different aspects of the comparison and using appropriate transitions to guide the reader through the essay requires a mastery of language and rhetoric. In conclusion, writing a comparative essay involves navigating through the intricate process of topic selection, research, structuring, and maintaining balance in analysis. It demands not only a strong command of language but also critical thinking skills to present a compelling argument. However, despite the challenges, mastering the art of composing comparative essays can be a rewarding skill for any writer. For assistance with similar essays and more, one may explore the services available at Writing A Comparative EssayWriting A Comparative Essay
  • 2. The Positive Aspects Of Heros In The Modern World Superman, Batman, Ironman, Hulk, Thor, etc. All heroes in the world, but not just superheroes are heroes . Everyone has the potential to become a hero, and heroism traits are a part of everyone. A hero isn t always the strongest human being that risks their life, a hero is someone who makes a positive impact in someone else s life and overcomes challenges. Bob Riley said, Hard times don t create heroes. It is during the hard times when the herowithin us is revealed. This quote proves how a hero faces these hard times and defeats these obstacles that face them. There are many examples of heroes in the modern world. These people that become unique heroes are regular people like you and me. The only difference is, these unique heroes take an extra step and make a footprint in the world. There were, and are many situations and natural disasters in the word that help bring out these heroes. For example, there were dozens of heroes during the 9/11 attacks. People from all different backgrounds became a hero saving other lives and making a difference in random stranger s life. One hero during this hard time in America was known as the man in the red bandana. He obtained this nickname because he wore a red bandana to cover his mouth and lungs while helping others. He worked on the 104th floor and saved dozens rescuing them and accompanying them down to safety. On September 11, the man in red in bandana had positive impacts on others by saving the lives of many strangers.
  • 3. Case Study on Castle Nursing Home A REPORT ON THE POSTION OF CASTLE NURSING HOME PLC Executive Summary: This report is commissioned to examine the current position of Castle Nursing Home PLC, since it is evident that the top line and bottom line have been adversely affected. The report draws attention to the existing status of Castle Nursing Home. The strategy to grow and re organize has resulted in the need to streamline its operations, so as to retain its focus, quality of services and reputation among the public. Further investigation into the organizations financial statements, proves the company is going through a rough patch but has chances of improvement. This report also provides clear insights as to what strategies the organization can use, to help improve the... Show more content on ... TQM is an approach for developing, sustaining and refining quality on all levels in the organization, in an economic way, to allow for customer satisfaction. If Castle Nursing Home implements these, it would help: пѓј пѓј пѓј пѓј пѓј Cover all functions and include all people within the organization. Examine all costs incurred. Develop policies and procedures that support quality. Meet needs and expectations of customers and Develop a climate of continuous improvement within the organization. Castle Nursing Home can also adopt quality accreditations like ISO 9001 Quality Management System: Requirements, ISO 9004 Quality Management Systems: Guidance for Performance Management, ISO 14001 (Environment Management Standards), OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Standards, European Quality Awards and EFQM Business Excellence Model. These accreditations would help Castle Nursing Home to get recognized for its quality and would also force it to adopt measures of continuous improvement and self assessment. Quality Improvement Techniques can transform Castle Nursing Home and help it achieve competitive advantage. Some suggestions are: п‚· Higher annual returns. п‚· Lesser rework and waste. п‚· By providing value for money. п‚· Providing services such as spas. п‚· High technology based medical services. п‚· Retaining of administrative and clinical staff. п‚· Hygiene
  • 4. Lord Tennyson Vs. Wilfred Owen Essay Both of these poets wrote well known poetry about war. Despite Charge of the Light Brigade by Lord Alfred Tennyson and Dulce et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen were written in different centuries, they deal with the subject of war and describe the ups and downs of it. On one hand, Alfred Tennyson heard of the charge made by the light brigade and it was when he wrote his poem with no experience of the event. However, Wilfred Owen actually fought in the First World War, and wrote, unlike Lord Tennyson, from his own experience. Although they deal with the subject of the war, both of them create a different feeling and idea about war. Lord Tennyson described more the glory and honour rather than the death and the suffering, this... Show more content on ... The rhythm in the two poems also helps to create this feeling of war that I have been talking so far. Regarding to The Charge of the Light Brigade , this poem has short quick lines creating a sense of speed or urgency. Some of the lines also create a beat rather like galloping horses, especially the first lines of the poem: Half a league, half a league Half a league onward. This creates the effect of a quick and fast paced battle and with a rhythm of galloping horses, it creates an optimistic feeling. Dulce et Decorum Est , for its part, has longer lines than that of The Charge of the Light Brigade a: Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots Of tired, outstripped five nines that dropped behind. The longer lines used show us how Wilfred Owen has tried to create a more dreary, bleak and sad feeling about war. We can find a frequent repetition of one word or more in Alfred Tennyson s poem: Rode the six hundred , the poet uses this repetition of the words six hundred . This repetition of the words is used exclusively to create an impact on the readers and leaves them in awe. The reader sees the words six hundred and realizes at how many people were actually fighting on the battle. Tennyson continued to use the phrase but also changed the words that go with it: Not the six hundred Left of six hundred Noble six hundred. This makes this line unforgettable for
  • 5. Marleon Research Paper Slavery has from long ago brought on fighters; people that will do whatever it takes in order to achieve freedom. One of the earliest forms of this occurrence was the emergence of Maroon Communities. In which as early as the 1650s, African refugees escaped from slavery in the Americas and formed independent settlements. Maroon has a similar etymology in the Spanish word cimarrГіn, signifying wild or untamed. Maroon communities had to be inaccessible and located in inhospitable environments in order to be sustainable. They established little groups in swamps or different zones where they were not prone to be found. Supreme secrecy and devotion of individuals was urgent to the survival of maroon communities. Even though most focused primarily... Show more content on ... Starting in the 1660s the Caribbean Islands were being populated by European plantations to deliver sugar stick for the developing Atlantic trade. Maroon groups were built up where there were considerable slave communities. The jungles around the Caribbean Sea offered food, shelter, and isolation for the escaped slaves. Maroon communities emerged in many places in the Caribbean; this included Jamaica which was seen as great threat to British and also one of the most successful. Starting in the late seventeenth century, Jamaican Maroons battled British colonist to a draw and in the long signed treaties during the eighteenth century that successfully liberated them more than 50 years before the nullification of the slave trade 1807. A large number of these maroon groups in Jamaica are still in presence today, some dating as far back as 1655, while most firm groups were set up in the mid 1700s. Nonetheless, Guerrilla assaults by maroons proceeded until the decline of slavery, in spite of various however insufficient endeavors to wipe out such settlements. Disciplines for recovered maroons were serious; punishments included expelling the Achilles ligament, cutting away a leg, and
  • 6. IS PM Paper Application of Project Management in IS Deployment IS deployment and project management based upon case studies: Imperative IS Development Cedars Sinai Doctors Cling to Pen and Paper Abstract It has been proven through industry research that successful IS project implementation and deployment consists of measurable project performance factors that have wide spread impact on an organizations business goals and IS investment objectives. Taking a holistic approach to the application of effective and proven project management principles can ensure success to entirety and not just from a fragmented perspective. IMPERATIVE IS DEVELOPMENT CASE STUDY FINDINGS The theories and models for success of ... Show more content on ... Mir, A.H. Pinnington, 2014) 3. Project Management Policy and Strategy: a. how the development of PM, across an organization, is introduced in a planned an systematic fashion ensuring the linkage between strategic, organization level and the tactical, project level (F.A. Mir, A.H. Pinnington, 2014) 4. Project Partnerships and Resources: a. the role and importance of win win partnerships between all stakeholders (F.A. Mir, A.H. Pinnington, 2014) b. effectiveness of such partnerships on project management strategy (F.A. Mir, A.H. Pinnington, 2014) 5. Project Lifecycle Management Processes a. incorporates processes which are required to manage the whole project life cycle (F.A. Mir, A.H. Pinnington, 2014) Lastly, utilization of project management Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) consists on focusing on KPIs to indicate results achieved in relation to meeting the requirements of project stakeholders and the methods used within the PM system to improve performance against the KPIs (F.A. Mir, A.H. Pinnington, 2014). When analyzing the IS project case study in relation to above outlined PMPA model and application, the focus of organizational culture as a singular influential success factor reveals evident limitations that essentially ignores other key contributing factors that led up to the almost failure of the project, and if considered and implemented, would have prevented
  • 7. Maagdalena And Mary Magdalene This reference to Mary Magdalene is implicitly referencing the individual painting however, it can also be seen as an explicit reference when you see the physical painting of Penitent Magdalene. He also addresses her as Magdalene which adds to the strength of the reference. This reference is a strong biblical reference that can have a variety of interpretations although it can be argued that Caravaggio loved her so much because he wishes that he could repent for his sins. He had a troubled life when he was younger and there were a lot of mistakes that he made when he was younger that he is not proud of. He is also a presumed homosexual and although homosexuality was very prominent in nobility and among patrons who took advantage of Caravaggio, homosexuality was deemed unnatural and therefore must remain hidden. A significant difference between the historical Mary Magdaleneand Lena is the difference in their life before repentance and their life after. Mary Magdalene was a repentant prostitute who was asking for forgiveness for her choice of lifestyle and her sins. She was claimed to have found a new life in the way of christ and leave behind a life of luxury and sinin order to cleanse herself in the way of the savior JesusChrist. Lena s reasoning for repentance is different, she is moving away from her life of sin and prostitution in order to raise her baby with a wealthy man and live a life of grandeur. This idea is interesting because it presents the question of why
  • 8. Essay about Climate and Society of China Climate and Society of China Monsoons, Flooding Droughts Believe it or not, there is a direct correlation between weather, climate and society. Since the first civilizations of the world, these three themes have affected one another. Weather has influenced civilizations in terms of the clothing and shelter which are necessary to protect oneself from the elements. On the other extreme, climate and weather have also acted as positive factors in the case of areas such as Cancun, Mexico. Continuous exceptional weather conditions have molded this area into a vacation Eden to which millions flock throughout the year to escape their own respective meteorologically disadvantaged (e.g. cold, snowy, rainy) regions. Through an intense ... Show more content on ... The most prominent examples of such seasonal winds occur in southern Asia and in Africa. The monsoons that plague China are caused by a variety of factors, mainly because of contrasting temperatures between the Pacific Ocean and the Chinese continent. This temperature disparity is exaggerated with the changing of seasons as land temperatures fluctuate more rapidly than those of water.21 H.H. Lamb argues in Climate, History and the Modern World that the latitude of Southeast Asia also plays a factor in the prevalence of monsoons affecting China.22 Like many cultures throughout the world, China relies upon agriculture for much of its subsistence. This crop reliance presents a tedious situation because of the massive issues accompanying a crop failure. Prior to the sophisticated irrigation techniques available today, agriculture was very reliant on consistent rainfall for its survival. In China, droughts occurred from time to time depending on the climate in the time between monsoon seasons, and these rainless periods devastated crop yields. On the other hand, the monsoon period and flooding sometimes brought too much rain, destroying crops as well. Accompanying these droughts, floods and crop failures were the resulting famines which left many impoverished. In the mid twentieth century the Chinese were finally able to deal better with the droughts and famine by importing vast quantities of grain and other
  • 9. Juno and the Paycock Juno and the Paycock by Sean O Casey is set amidst the height of the Irish Civil War. Throughout the play, we can see the titular character s, Juno Boyle and Jack Boyle, relationship deteriorate , and how dramatic events in their lives and the lives of their children, Johnny and Mary, cause the entire familyto collapse. The playis set closely following the signing of the treaty dividing Ireland into sections and features the resulting conflict between the diehards who want a united, free Ireland, and the free staters, who support the treaty, with this conflict representing the clash of fanatical nationalism and practicality, of idealism and a recognition that what the people truly wanted was peace. The play also explores some of the... Show more content on ... However, the converse of this is also true. When, in the second act, the Boyles become apparently more affluent, we can see a greater degree of affection come to the fore of the relationship. The windfall of the will causes Juno to treat Boyle less as a child who must be nagged and scolded to perform any useful, or at least less detrimental, role in the family she holds so dear, and more as the head of his family, a role she previously fulfilled. This change in attitude is regarded by Boyle as him merely him finally getting the respect he believes he deserves. I m masther now, an I m goin to remain masther This period of happiness is quickly dispelled when it is revealed that Boyle has deceived the family, allowing them to continue to spend money that he knows they do not have and are never going to get. This demonstrates to us his inability to accept any form of responsibility and signals the end of the period of good luck for the Boyles and the culmination of the intertwining storylines of the play. In the third act the affection that marks Boyle and Juno s relationship I the second act is dispelled entirely, only to be replaced by bitter conflict and the eventual dissolution of their entire family. Throughout the play, Juno s main purpose is to support and hold together her family but in this final act all her efforts are worthless as the actions and attitudes of the other members of
  • 10. The Significant Role of Women in Joseph Conrad s Heart of... In the 1900s novella Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, the protagonist often encounters women at landmarks of his life. Charlie Marlow is a sailor and imperialist who sets out along the Congo River to civilize the savages. The novella begins with a crew on the Thames waiting for the tides to change. During their wait, a character named Marlow tells of his exploits on the African continent. In his recounted travels, Marlow meets other imperialists such as Mr. Kurtz, a man who is obsessed with the pursuit of ivory and riches. Like Mr. Kurtz, Marlow embarks across the African continent in hopes of earning both money and respect. One early critic of the novel, Edward Garnett, wrote in his review that [Heart of Darkness] is simply a... Show more content on ... Women are viewed by Marlow as ignorant little creatures above the press of imperialism completely innocent, but entirely unaware. Africa is written as setting and backdrop which eliminates the African as human factor. Africa as a metaphysical battlefield devoid of all recognizable humanity, into which the wandering European enters at his peril (Achebe). Thus Conrad brings the savages of Africa and general women together. Marlow brings the two victims of imperialism together in one, brief observation of Mr. Kurtz s foreign mistress. Conrad s concise description of an Amazonian woman on page 56 is as follows: ...She was savage and superb, wild eyed and magnificent; there was something ominous and stately in her deliberate progress... Her long shadow fell to the water s edge. Her face had a tragic and fierce aspect of wild sorrow and of dumb pain mingled with the fear of some struggling, half shaped resolve. She stood looking at us without a stir, and like the wilderness itself, with an air of brooding over an inscrutable purpose... Women and the savages are brought together under one umbrella of mingled patronization and awe. In this respect, Marlow s view of women is the perfect oxymoron (Nadelhaft). Marlow s tone concerning women and the Amazon is reverent, but belittling. These two groups of people are sub human to Marlow in that he considers them of a lesser intellect and lesser value.
  • 11. How To Build My Own Computers Before 2012, I have purchased multiple computers from different retailers. Each computer had a life of one to two years before they became obsolete for my needs. In 2012, I was dissatisfied with purchasing a new computer every couple of years, so I set a goal to seek an alternative approach in acquiring a computer. The alternative approach I decided to pursue was building my own computer by acquiring the necessary computer parts. After some research, I found a retailer near me that sells computer parts and other components. Computer parts that I needed to acquire were a graphics processing unit, motherboard, ram, central processing unit, internal hard drive, power supply unit, and computer case. I had no experience with building a computer,
  • 12. One Flew Over The Cuckoo s Nest Essay Rene Steele Mr. Ryan Strunz College Prep English 9 January, 2015 College Bound Novel: One Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest One Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest by Ken Kesey is a brilliant novel copyrighted in 1963 it is about a man testing his limits with his authority, the nurse. Ken Kesey was influenced to write this novel after being part of a experiment involving the effect LSD had on people s minds.( One Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest Background. ) This novel shows what I believe are true aspects of the way our world conceives people within a mental institution. The novel starts with Bromden, the narrator also a patient of the institution, sweeping the halls while the nurse targets the black men. Soon after McMurphy is brought in as a new admission, patient. Immediately everybody notices his presence because of how he carries himself when he gets their. When he first comes in he goes into the day room and introduces himself to everyone. He then brings a level of intimidation to all of the patients and lets them know that he is going to be taking over. He first brings gambling into the hospital betting with cigarettes, and he soon becomes top dog at the hospital not letting anyone even come ... Show more content on ... Invisibility is a very displayed theme when it comes to Bromden within the novel. Bromden is seen to be a deaf dumb Indian however he is not deaf. Which allows him to be observant without anyone thinking twice about it. McMurphy is the only character that breaks through his barrier of invisibility and makes a close relationship with him. The second theme I found is the power of intimidation, I notice this as a theme because McMurphy has gained a lot of power over all of the residents because of intimidation. He has the ability to get into their minds and change decisions they may or may not want to make, which helps him get away with all of the bad things he bring into the hospital.(Kesey,
  • 13. Symbolism in A Good Man is Hard to Find Essay The short story A Good Man is Hard to Find, by Flannery O Connor, is bombarded with symbolism. In short stories symbolism is the literary element that helps the reader depict the picture and actions in their own minds. Whether it be from characters names or the designs on the characters shirts, every detail in this story has a purpose. Flannery O Connor was known for her strong religious background, Catholicism, and used her faith as the underlying message in her works. In the story, A Good Man is Hard to Find, there are a couple of things that can be traced directly to Christianity. The little boy, John Wesley, symbolizes the religious denomination of Methodism. John Wesley, along with his brother Charles Wesley, founded the ... Show more content on ... For example, the first time death is symbolized in this story is when the family passes a graveyard. They passed a large cotton field with five or six graves fenced in the middle of it, like a small island. Look at the graveyard! the grandmother said, pointing it out. That was the old FAMILY burying grounds. (99). O Connor purposely mentions the specific number of graves, one grave for each person in the car. She also mentions that it was a family burying ground. This symbolism foreshadows that the family will soon face death. When the family is driving through the town, the grandmother remembers the old plantation is called Toombsboro . This plantation s name is brought up to remind the reader of death. Toombsboro sounds like the tomb, symbolizing the family will soon face their tombs. Another description that is given to symbolize the deaths is that of the Misfits car. It was a big black battered hearse like automobile (103). A hearse is a vehicle designed to carry coffins for funerals. This description also foreshadows the death of the family before the Misfit arrives. Lastly, the woods, tall and dark and deep (105) represent the family s death. The woods symbolize the unknown and fear we have for death, which is considered dark and deep. The Grandmother stood in front of the woods reminding us that death is always near and behind us. Just like the woods, death can be a scary thing
  • 14. Math During World War II Death. Danger. Destruction. These are some words that may come into mind when thinking about the topic of war and the military. What doesn t usually come to mind is the word math . Unknown to many, math is involved in many aspects of the military. It has contributed to the conquering of enemies and the advancement of systems, technology, and warstrategies in the militaryand Army. One example of how math has been used in war occurred during World War II. During World War II, the Allies reached a hard conclusion: the Germans tanks were more superior to their own. In order to hinder the devastating effects of the superiority of the German tanks, the Allied forces had to figure out how many tanks the Germans were producing. At first, the Allies... Show more content on ... This area of math has a great impact on the army and their needs. The long term goals of the Army s mathematical research program is to help the Army advance in areas such as materials, systems, testing, evaluation, acquisition, training, and logistics. Math is a major factor when it comes to modeling systems, evaluating and regulating complex developments, and designing and improving systems in the Army. Army mathematical research includes applied analysis, computational mathematics, probability and statistics, systems and controls, discrete mathematics, and intelligent systems. Advances in these areas of math will help the Army develop a well equipped strategic force that will be able to reach victory in conflicts. In order to reach this goal, there has to be constant interaction between several sections of the military including researchers, Army development personnel, and Army field soldiers. This collaboration will ensure that Army systems are built quickly and correctly the first
  • 15. Six Key Aspects of Ebm Ecosystem and Human Activity SIX KEY ASPECTS OF ECOSYSTEM BASED MANAGEMENT October 27, 2013 Table of Contents Introduction3 Six Key Aspects of Ecosystem Based Management..........................................3 Integration of ecological, social, and economic goals and recognition of humans as key components of the ecosystem.............................................................................3 Consideration of Ecological Not Just Political Boundaries....................................5 Accounting for the Complexity of Natural Processes and Social Systems and Using an Adaptive Management Approach in the Face of Resulting Uncertainties.........7 Engaging Multiple Stakeholders in a Collaborative Process to Define Problems and Find Solutions..........................................................................................8 Incorporating ... Show more content on ... Urbanized areas also modify microclimates and air quality by altering the nature of the land surface and generating heat (Oke, 1987). Although ecological impacts of urban development often seem to be local, urbanization also causes environmental changes at larger scales. Today s cities are sustained by a socioeconomic infrastructure that operates on global scales; the ecologically productive area required to support an urban area can be 100 to 300 times larger than the urban region (Rees amp; Wackernagel, 1994). A new cooperative relationship between science, business and policy is needed to gather all the information needed and to find a solution that benefits all of society. The study of urban ecology ultimately involves studying how to integrate this new interdisciplinary knowledge about urban ecosystems into policymaking processes to improve interactions between policymakers and scientists so as to help society achieve more sustainable existence. Today, the scientific and political communities lack the effective two way communication and trust that they need to address urban ecological problems. Although science can help society formulate a range of options to achieve societal goals, it cannot make value judgments. In addition, scientists often cannot deliver definitive answers to questions posed by policymakers. To be able to find solutions to the larger issues
  • 16. History Of Electricity As A Treatment History of Electricity as a Treatment The idea of placing electric shocks on the head, or body, of a mentally ill patient has existed for hundreds, even thousands of years. Before the invention of electricity, electric eels, electric catfish, and other electrically stimulating fish were applied to a variety of body parts in order to alleviate some sort of ailment. In A.D. 46, it was recorded that a torpedo fish applied to the head was used to relieve headaches. Later in the sixteenth century in Africa, people used electric catfish to act as a tool to carry out an exorcism to expel devils. Once electricity was invented, psychologists and scientists alike utilized this new tool in hopes of curing a range of mental illnesses, physical ailments, and diseases. In the 18th and 19th centuries European researchers applied electricity to the hands, neck, spinal column, kidneys, and buttocks of patients attempting to treat physical impairments, like blindness, to schizophrenia. The first documented use of electricity to treat melancholia, was Giovanni Aldini, a professor at the Bologna University in 1801. Aldini believed that the use of electricity by itself was therapeutic. The difference between simply using electricity and electroconvulsive therapy is the stimulation of a grand mal seizure, without a seizure the treatment is not efficacious. The two Italian psychiatrists credited with discovering ECT plainly stated that electricity is simply the easiest way to induce a seizure;
  • 17. What Is Generic Levels Of Skill Proficiency Or Stages Of... 1) How could you use what you have learned so far in this course in a secondary school setting (middle and high school)? Be sure to include both content and pedagogical knowledge in your discussion. What generic levels of skill proficiency or stages of learning (use whichever you prefer) can you expect students to attain at each of the school levels (elementary, middle, and high school)? In elementary the student at the informing stage and just getting acclimated to gymnastics and dance. These student will learn basic body management from general space, body management, performing symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes, and narrow and wide stances. A teacher should make sure every student is learningthe skills needed, so when they get to middle school they will not be discouraged. In middle school the students are in the refining stage, and should have a basic understanding of their body, but have not mastered it. These student have enough learned skills to start putting sequences and/or routines together starting from shapes, rolls, and using some equipment. This knowledge shows the cognitive understanding of what was learned at the elementary level. Also, they will be able to flow with music. A teacher at this level should have the student make sure student can make a routine and practice. While high school student are in the applying stage, and will have the knowledge to put a well defined routine together for display. This students will have a good understanding of
  • 18. Descriptive Essay About Last Day Last Day I woke up at four a.m., showered, changed, brushed my teeth, combed my hair and drove to work, but that s when the fundamentals of the world changed. Earth practically quivered with the anticipation of the future for the world. That day, the world was thrown out of balance. The volcano under Yellowstone park exploded forever changing the world as we knew it. The volcano wasn t expected to erupt for centuries, yet it still exploded. Millions of people died from just the ash alone. Families trapped in buildings and killed as the roof caved in, crushing them to death. Others separated from their other loved ones, unable to contact them and know if they were alive. During that crisis, here I am driving to work, unaware of the calamity ... Show more content on ... Matt, s that you? a voice called out. Yeah, it s me, I answered back walking in the direction that the voice originated. I turn the corner and I see my boss, Ed. He was checking the stock and writing it down on a little clipboard. I need ya to manage ta front. Can ya git ta store run in and open et up? Ed asked, his voice sounding gruff. Yeah, of course, I reply. Fanks, Ed grunted back, never averting his gaze from the stock and clipboard. I headed to the back where all the electrical equipment and light switches were stored and flipped all the switches. The lights sputtered before they began to illuminate the store. All the machines hummed with life and their lights flickered on. I walked over to the door and turned on the open sign that lighted up. I headed back to the front and went behind the counter, waiting for customers. I heard the ring from the door and turned toward that direction. A frantic woman rushed in and grabbed as much food and water as she can hold before carrying it all up to the counter. That s unusual. She must be an early bird. It usually takes at least an hour for anyone to show up. I scanned the items regardless, ringing up to the total of eighty six dollars and forty nine cents. The woman handed me a credit card and I swiped it. She quickly thanked me before she hurried outside to her car. Then a whole family came into the store and repeated the process of the woman before. This
  • 19. Why The Flint Water Crisis When looking at why the flint water crisis happened you must simply looked to who in the state government was running the water authority in flint. While as many people, especially in Flint, expecting who they voted for in the state elections to be their leader, this just simply didn t happened. Through the workings of the very complicated subject of state governments and different legislations that took away power from the locals in Flint and gave that power to the state government. For anyone living in the United States, their directly elected officials should have protected them and many people see this as a failure of direct democracies that cities should have. This taking away of power from voters and put it into a govern office in which... Show more content on ... Inaction of a problem is just as bad as creating the problem in the first place. While the EPA knew of the lead leeching in the water supply, it simply seems like they sat on their hands and said it was states problem. When the state takes away the power from the cities and the federal govern just simply shrugs its soldiers. Even when the city council wanted to change the water supply back to Detroit they were simply vetoed back out by the new emergency manager Jerry Ambrose. Who could be accountable for the water problem when the city government can t do anything without vetoed, the state government started the problem and the federal government was saying it is a state s issue? For the citizens of Flint, this miss trust of all three government and the lack of accountability from the three is where it can hurt elections in the future. I can see were elections for all three levels of government lacks the accountability for such electives in the future. It doesn t really matter who was voted in the city level because anything they would do would be vetoed and the state wasn t doing anything nor was the federal government so the lack of accountability for simply putting it in layman s terms poising and possibly
  • 20. Essay on High Performance Tires Executive Brief Ella Encoy High Performance Tire BUS 485 Executive Summary High Performance Tire is a family owned business that was founded in 1952. The founder s daughter, Jane Wallace, ran the company before turning over management responsibilities to her son, William Wallace in 2001. Since then, the company s performance has declined. High Performance Tire s reputation in the industry has turned to negative and employee turnover rate have increased. Jane Wallace is concerned of how the business is running. Her intention of keeping the company within the family is threatened with her son s inability to run the business effectively. This case is important to look at because it demonstrates the importance of having a strategic plan prior ... Show more content on ... Mr. Wallace also decided to cut the wages and benefits from skilled employees to help with increasing profits. These skilled employees were then under paid and decided to leave the company only to be replaced with younger workers with less experience. The employee turnover rate ended up causing the company more money in the long run. Another issue in this case came from Jane Wallace herself. She gave full managerial rights to her son at full capacity regardless of the doubts and fears she had. William Wallace did not have the managementexperience to run the family business. Recommendation High Performance Tire (HPT) is in a position where they are no longer making profits and the business have declined drastically since 2001. Jane Wallace wants to improve condition of their family business and to ensure that they will be able to continue to operate in the future. There a few recommended strategy tools HPT should use to come up with a strategic plan. First, is for the company to conduct a SWOT analysis to analyze the current state of the business and to determine areas where work needs to be done. Second, HPT needs to analyze the industry and completion environment by following the Porter s Five Forces framework. This tool can allow HPT to learn more about their competitive environment and figure out where to better position their company amongst their competitors. Furthermore, this tool can help give them competitive advantage over their
  • 21. Descriptive Essay On My Summer Camp My First Summer Camp It was the last day of my first summer camp. The night before my Boy Scout troop would pack all their gear and leaves the coast of the Puget Sound, and return to the suburbs where most of the kids in my troop lived. This day, at least at Camp Parsons, was the Hullabaloo. The Hullabaloo was a great gathering of all the patrols at camp in a large grass covered area bordering a beach and then the Puget Sound. The whole area was dotted with green trees and was overlooked by a very large cabin like building, which acted as the meal room for all the troops in camp. The cabin like building was a dark brown, built on the outside with logs, but on the inside a sort of insulated faux log. The inside was very spacious and lined up along the walls were about 50 long tables for the various troops at camp. Even in this large room, there wasn t always enough space to fit the scouts from all the troops, so it was safe to say that my patrol had a lot of competition. All the patrols would compete for a trophy (a carved block of wood, painted yellow and with the purple letters CP stating: FIRST PLACE). Each troop usually has more than one patrol, each patrol being about 5 10 people, so my troop (of around 25 people) had two. When we were all let loose from the cabin like meal house to compete in various team building activities and compete in stations set around the camp (stations such as fire starting, tying knots, and building shelters), my patrol started sprinting over
  • 22. Examples Of Guilt In Charles Brockden Browns Wieland Guilt in Charles Brockden Browns Wieland There are many ways to decide what makes a man guilty. In an ethical sense, there is more to guilt than just committing the crime. In Charles Brockden Browns Wieland, the reader is presented with a moral dilemma: is Theodore Wieland guilty of murdering his wife and children, even though he claims that the command came from God, or is Carwin guilty because of his history of using persuasive voices, even though his role in the Wieland family s murder is questionable? To answer these questions, one must consider what determines guilt, such as responsibility, motives, consequences, and the act itself. No matter which view is taken on what determines a man s guilt, it can be concluded that ... Show more content on ... Therefore, Wieland s supposed holy motivation of pleasing the Lord is discounted by his ignorance of the nature of God. Though Wieland s actions follow a desire to please the Lord, one must question why Wieland did not stop to consider such an illegitimate command. Though an argument can be made that an action s results, or consequences, not motives, determine a man s guilt, Wieland can still be shown guilty. In describing how he murdered Catharine, Wieland says, Thrice I slackened my grip, and life kept its hold, though in the midst of pangs. Her eye balls started from their sockets. Grimness and distortion took place of all that used to bewitch me into transport... , thus showing that Catharine s brutal murder one of the consequences of Wieland following the voice s instruction (195). Later, when Clara, Wieland s sister, wants to visit Wieland, her uncle says, ...your brother s frenzy is stupendous and frightful. The soul that formerly actuated his frame has disappeared....A fury that is rapacious of blood that lifts his strength to almost above that of mortals, that bends all his energies to the destruction of whatever was once dear to him, possesses him wholly. This quote makes clear the unstable state of Wieland, yet another result of his
  • 23. A Lexical Pragmatic Analysis of Proverbs in Femi... This essay is a pragmatic reading of moral and socio political decadence in Femi Osofisan s Midnight Hotel. It does this by analyzing ten out of twenty five proverbs deployed in the text. In analyzing the proverbs, this essay observes that each has at least an ad hoc constituent which requires semantic modulation to get at the meanings of the proverbs. This modulation is not arbitrary, but contextually negotiated until the reader reaches his optimal relevance. Wilson and Carston argue that metaphors are cases of ad hoc constructions (7), for instance, when a speaker says, The boy is a lion . While a literary scholar would see this as metaphorical, Wilson and Carston believe that the above sentence is a case of the use of an ad hoc ... Show more content on ... One of such is with Ossie Onuorah Enekwe where he says that: To get desperately close to the spectator, to each and every one I have trapped in the darkness or half light, to penetrate very close and intimate, like a knife in the ribs. I want to make that spectator happy but uncomfortable. I want to turn him open, guts and all, spice him, cook him in the filthy, stinking broil of our history. I want him washed inside out, in the naked truth, and then I sew him back again a different man. (18) The playwright s closeness to a reader of Midnight Hotel is predicated on the contemporary subject matters raised in the text. It is true the essence of the play is to effect a social change (as it is with most literary works), but this change cannot occur if the reader finds it difficult to comprehend what the text says. Thus this essay lends a hand in that direction, by working out an easy, systematic, pragmatic format for understanding Osofisan s Midnight Hotel. Commenting on the playwright s art, Awodiya submits that Osofisan is prolific and theatrically fertile in creating flexible dramatic forms that have great stage adaptability (15). Awodiya further notes Osofisan s penchant for invoking traditional African elements of music, dance, songs, mime and improvisation (15). One of such is proverbs with which he attaches the African sense. Awodiya acknowledges that
  • 24. Uranium Vs Plutonium Research Paper They have always used Uranium and Plutonium isotopes in nuclear power plants to create energy. These isotopes have lots of hazards however. For example, they run the risk of having a nuclear meltdown. There is another type of nuclear power that is a lot less risky and it is called Thorium. Not only is thorium less risky, it is also more abundant in nature than Uranium. They were testing Thorium at the next generation nuclear powerplant I was working at. You might be asking, if it is more abundant and less risky, why are they just now using it? The idea for using thorium has been around since 1960. In 1973, they were proposals for research in the United States. These proposals didn t fall through though and that is because of nuclear weapons. During this time, was the Cold War, and... Show more content on ... These control rods are not guaranteed to work. They can be affected in a reactor error. That is why older reactors could overheat and lose control causing an accident. A thorium reactor can be instantly shut down by turning off the stream of neutrons. Shutting down the cycle means stopping the breeding of Th 232 into U 233. This will keep things from getting any more out of hand. Also, the thorium reactors can be created to function in a liquid state while the uranium and plutonium reactors cannot. When the older reactors were heading towards a meltdown, there was no way to stop the fission reactions. A thorium reactor design called LFTR has a plug at the bottom of the reactor that melts if the temperature of the reacting fuel gets too high. If this were to happen, all the hot liquid would fall into a container and the reaction will stop. That keeps things from getting out of control. Thorium has other benefits to. Some of those being: less nuclear waste, easier to obtain, and it is harder to create a bomb with (most would say that s
  • 25. Star Formation Essay As described in our text, the material that makes up the universe is recycled constantly through the formation and evolution of stars. Clouds of atomic gas cool and condense, forming cold, dense clouds of molecular gas. Within these clouds of cold gas, stars can form. It takes just some push, pull, or magnetic field to cause the cloud to fall into gravitational collapse. Once the cloud is collapsing, the road to becoming a staris an inevitable one. The formation of a star involves many different stages. In the beginning, there is just dust and a gas. Slowly, over time, the dust and gas form a cloud of material containing all the right ingredients for star formation. Then, the cloud to gravitationally are caused to collapse. The cause can be... Show more content on ... Therefore, the stars kept away from collapsing due to availability of pressure from the fast moving electrons White Dwarfs Become Novae White dwarf formed, particularly when there is availability of multiple stars; from this multiple star, it can experience similar exciting end as a nova. The gravity of this star may drag the hydrogen from the external layer of star onto itself because of the closeness with the other. Neutron Stars. This stars are extremely dense and a very comparable to the thickness of an atomic nucleus. They are formed when there is a continuation of the stellar core until electrons protons come together to form neutrons. Black Holes The formation of this star is determined with the size of the stellar core. For example, the black hole formed if the stellar core is larger as compared to the solar masses leading to a complete collapse of the stellar core. Black hole is dense object with strong gravity Brown Dwarf Another fate is the brown dwarfs, which are not stars in particularly, but are those stars that fail sometimes ago. Nevertheless, their formation resembles the formation of those normal stars and therefore, can ignite a nuclear fusion in their
  • 26. Emotive Behavioural Therapy REBT Answer: REBT stands for Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy is much the same as CBT. It was developed by the psychologist Albert Ellis and it works by focusing on helping clients change irrational beliefs. He identified 12 common beliefs amongst individuals that lead to unhealthy or dysfunctional behaviours. These incorrect and damaging beliefs were: 1.The need to be loved and have approval by virtually every significant other person 2.The need to achieve at everything in all respects or else one is inadequate, or a worthless person. 3.People must always act accordingly and fairly is not they are bad and are their bad acts. 4.Things cannot go wrong and go a certain way. It is awful and terrible when things do not go as planned. 5.The
  • 27. The Entente Cordiale, Signed 1904 The Entente Cordiale, signed 1904, was a series of agreements that changed Anglo Franco relations entirely. For one thousand years beforehand, the English and the French had many disagreements, wars, and conflicts that created a lot of tension between the two nations. But forty years after the Entente established a friendship between the two countries, England and France fought two major wars as very close allies. The main reason that the Entente Cordiale was signed in the first place was that England and France were having conflicts over land in Africa. Yet the agreement was so monumental in nature that it completely changed Anglo Franco relations for over one hundred years to come. It caused the two countries that had previously hated each other to fight on the same side of two wars and cheer each other on. It changed public opinion and foreign policy between the two nations. However, the actual origins as to why the British would engage in negotiations with a country that they ve hated for centuries seem uncertain. Germany is starting to mobilize, is threatening Britain with its rapidly growing and modernizing navy, and is industrializing at an alarming rate. At the same time, France is becoming more prominent in Africa and the Mediterranean, not to mention a powerful alliance with Russia in addition. With these facts in mind, what was the strategic upside to England signing the Entente with an old enemy? Was it to defend themselves from the growing military threat of
  • 28. How Heaney Moldes His Roots Through Farming And Forging How Heaney Moldes his Roots Through Farming and Forging Seamus Heaney s poems Digging and The Forge demonstrate how he perceives his purpose as a writer in comparison to farming and blacksmithing. His first poem, Digging was Heaney s debut to the world of poetry. He had begun to write poetry in 1962, but Digging was the first poem he officially published. This poem highlights Heaney s relationship with his father and grandfather, contrasting his profession from theirs. He describes them as hard working farmers, which he is not and could never be due to his love of writing. The word digging itself parallels major themes in the poem regarding family tradition, memories, and the acceptance of his vocation. This poem shows Heaney s struggle with recognizing if his identity as a poet is honorable and how that reflects on his family history. Whereas The Forgeis published in Seamus Heaney s second volume of poetry. Similar to Digging , The Forge explores Heaney s admiration for blue collar workers. Through his writing, Heaney describes a local blacksmith s view of progression, and how once the forge was an essential part of Irish rural life. In parallel to Digging , the blacksmith recollects how once farmers explicitly used the services of the blacksmith to repair and make ploughs and other farm instruments while also forging shoes for their horses. These two poems are reflections of Heaney s role as a poet and how he conceives his profession in relation to other
  • 29. Robber Barons By John Davison Rockefeller And Andrew Carnegie Robber Barons such as John Davison Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie were a large part of the propelling force that led the United States into a new frontier, setting the standard for the American dream. These men were known for their ingenuity, intuition, and innovation as business men. Each setting a high standard in their field, these men set out to accomplish greatness by revolutionizing their industry. They were known in history as the first men to become giants of the industrialized world, they created a new ear, and with it legacies that have lasted centuries. John D. Rockefeller founded the Standard Oil company, and became one of the wealthiest men in the world, propelling America into a new frontier. In the 19th century, kerosene was highly demanded, and there were small kerosene manufacturing companies all over the United States. Rockefeller s early life was no near the upbringing of a billionaire. His father began as a peddler working to make ends meet as his mother raised his brothers and sisters. He was given a $100 loan to buy a small boat, but by 1870, he established the Standard Oil company. In only 10 years, Rockefeller owned 90% of the U.S s oil refineries. During this time, many accused Rockefeller as participating in unethical business practices. He collaborated with major railroads to eliminate his competition and used predatory pricing as well as horizontal integration to monopolize the entire oil industry. In 1886, Rockefeller took out a loan to buy
  • 30. A Report On The City Hall The Executive Director reports to the City Hall and provides a detail financial analysis of the KCCC year to date report. Once the council hears financial report, the Council votes on approval of a new budget for the fiscal year. Again, the technology currently being used within the city and KCCC is currently outdated and could use an enhancement such as utilizing the Google Fiber service and Cisco s wireless network being installed in the KCPL entertainment district. Also, there are additional technology enhancements coming into the organizations and down town area for both customers and businesses In May, Cisco said it will bring wireless smart city technology to the downtown, too, in an area that coincides with part of the streetcar project. These services will include mobile apps for citizen access, digital interactive kiosks, smart streetlights and video surveillance. ( Sih s collision density ideas are already being echoed all around the KC region, including at the nearby Sprint Accelerator building a few blocks away from the Globe. Another area is in an older neighborhood of modest homes about 30 blocks south on the Kansas side, where KC Startup Village (KCSV) got its start in the first ever Google Fiber connected zone. It s all about creating energy, says Matthew Marcus, co leader of KCSV, during a tour on a recent rainy late summer day. Since 2012, more than 20 startups have begun working out of several homes in the neighborhood along
  • 31. Don Delillo White Noise Ethical Relation in Don DeLillo s White Noise : A Levinasian Approach Abstract: In his writings, Emmanuel Levinas has described Face to Face relation as a relation not reducible to compression and believes it is this encounter of the face that puts responsibility to the other on our shoulders and stops us from perusing selfish desires. In this essay through a Levinasian study of Don DeLillo s White Noise I want to show, how the people of the society, in this work, are inattentive to the Face to Face relation which, alongside their self centered attitudes, leads the protagonist to destructive actions, who finds comfort only after his realization of such relation with the Other. Keywords: Levinas, White Noise, Face to Face, The Other,... Show more content on ... Under such influences, in chapter 8, Jack describes even the act of checking his balance in the bank as: what a pleasing interaction. I sensed that something of deep personal value, but not money, not that at all, had been authenticated and confirmed...The system was invisible...But we were in accord, at least for now. The networks, the circuits, the streams, the harmonies. However, as the story proceeds, Jack s views to the life and the world around him
  • 32. Calia Brown-Personal Narrative By: Calia Brown All you gotta do is open yo legs! Said the boy I had only seen a couple of times around school before. I felt like my life was flashing before my eyes. I was hoping for this moment to end. The smell of weed and cigs filled the air. It was a beautiful day outside and yet all I could hear was cars and buses rushing by. This is how I knew no one would hear my cry for help. Beep Beep Beep!!! Goes my alarm. It was time for school. Stuck in my bed not wanting to move from this warm comfortable spot, I started digging at the crust in the corners of my eyes. The smell of bacon filled the air in my room pushing me out of the bed and leading me to the hallway. I head to the kitchen where I find my mother ... Show more content on ... My friends were cracking up because they knew these females loved to talk but we were always about action. We all knew what was going to take place after school without even saying it. It was now time for us to split up and go to our next class. We would see each other later in the day at lunch so this wasn t a big deal. As I head down the hallway and make my way to the second floor I hear a loud Yo! coming from the opposite end of the hallway. By this time I was thinking the hallway was empty because I was a minute late for class just because I took the long way there. I turned around to see who was making the noise. It was one of the boys that wasn t even supposed to be on our floor. He was a junior and I was a freshman so we were always separated by floors. I kept walking because my name wasn t yo so he couldn t have been talking to me. He ran up behind me and grabbed me by my waist. I resisted and turned to him and said; Why are you touching me Tank? He stared at me and started laughing. I looked at him and said; What s funny? He said in his deep raspy voice , You acting like I can t touch you. I said to him You can t I don t know you like that for you to be touching on me and grabbing me. I turned away from him and continued on my way to class. Half way down the hallway I see a group of boys who looked like they didn t belong. As I got
  • 33. Character Development Of Tomas, Tereza, Sabina And Franz Memory can be defined as information retained about the past events and experiences. As Craig D. Lounsbrough once said, Our experiences are the building blocks of the future hewn out of the granite of the present. In other words, our memories are what morphs us into who we are and who we will become. In the novel, Kundera suggests that the memory of our past greatly affects who we are in the futuresince humans are inherently historical. As the novel progresses, the reader discovers that decisions and life choices made by the major characters are influenced by their past life experiences. The character development of Tomas, Tereza, Sabina and Franz can be attributed to their past events that occurred in their lives. Tomas cannot live in the present because his past fetters him. After being divorced for ten years and losing his relationship with his son and family, he comes to conclusion that his life is not designed to stay side by side with any woman. His fear and desire of women made him decide not to be intimate with any other woman (Kundera 10). This fear and desire of women made him devise what he called erotic friendship. Erotic friendship allowed him to sleep with other women with no strings attached. It is evident that the memory of his past is the reason why he becomes a womanizer. Tomas can no longer settle down with one woman. He lives his life by the rule of 3 s that is; he sees a woman three times in quick succession and then never again or he maintains
  • 34. I Am A Coward I gripped my sword and clenched my teeth, praying these wouldn t be the last moments of my life. The small pond a few inches away showed my reflection. I gaze into it and can t help but think of how ashamed my family would be to reveal what s become of me. I am a coward. My soul is but an abyss that holds nothing but webs and dust. I reach as far as I can for something; just to keep going, but leave empty handed every time and the swirling thoughts never leave my head. I am a coward. As the bloodied monster approaches me, it releases an inhuman roar and charges toward me. The scales on it s body looks as If it s breathing and the earth lets out a long, menacing, and subdued growl that s makes my vision bleary as i attempted to... Show more content on ... I walk through a gate made from dark red bricks and i gaze at the inside of the palace. There s a perfectly sculpted chandelier atop the high ceiling, that looks as if it never rusts and there s candles lit around every corner. The wax has not I hunger for the taste of blood and I can t help but try and sniff her out. Or anybody wandering about. Using my vampire senses, i stifle the gravels sound under my feet, floating about 1 inch from the ground. she did this to me. Alvalee. She made me this horrid creature and pretended she loved me. It seems I have sniffed you out before you did me, she lets out a charming and wary laugh, Oh.. I ve missed you since you left. Her voice a bittersweet poison I could nearly taste. Her red hair glistens in the man made light of the cave as she circles around me. Red eyes burn into me fiery, benevolent even as her scarred hands gently stroke my hair, and for a split second I forget why I m here. Have you? Funny You haven t at least tried to contact me since I left four years ago. I ve been in the country a couple of weeks. It seems to me you couldn t give a rats a** about me. I ve sent my troops to the castle. Word said you would be meeting that prince of yours there. Grinning like a bobcat as she always did. Do not bring Malek into this, Alvalee. You know exactly what I m here for. My body starts warming up, as
  • 35. Industry Analysis For Kraft Heinz Crystal Light Essay Industry Analysis for Kraft Heinz Crystal Light By: Jenna Senn, Carly Schlager, Ellie Fiskio, Kevin Rosser, and Colin Barsella Table of Contents Company and Brand History......................................................................3 Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning...................................................... 4 SWOT Analysis.....................................................................................6 Environmental Scanning/Market Summary Consumer and Social Factors..............................................................9 Economic Factors...........................................................................10 Technological Factors......................................................................11 Competition....................................................................................11 Other Factors...............................................................................11 V. Works Cited................................................................................................12 Company And Brand History of Kraft Heinz/Crystal Light Crystal Light is a brand of flavored powdered drink mix. It is a low calorie beverage mix that is used to change the flavor of the water. It is sweetened with a combination of aspartame, acesulfame potassium, sucralose, and or sugar. Crystal Light is a brand within the Kraft Heinz company. Crystal Light was originally launched in 2004 with their single serve On the Go packets. They were for flavoring one beverage and taking it wherever you wanted to go. Eventually, in 2009, it was redesigned and became available in multi serve packages, for flavoring larger drinks. Then, in 2010, Kraft came out with a new design for Crystal Light called Pure Fitness. It is a naturally sweetened low calorie fitness drink mix sweetened with sugar and Truvia, and is currently
  • 36. Analysis of “Fight Club” Essay Analysis of Fight Club For years David Fincher has directed some of the most stylish and creative thrillers in American movies. His works include: Aliens 3, Seven, The Game and Fight Club. Each of these films has been not only pleasing and fun to watch but each has commented on society, making the viewers think outside the normal and analyze their world. Fight Club is no exception, it is a multi layered film with many subplots and themes, but primarily it is a surrealistic description of the status of the American male at the end of the 20th century. David Flincher s movie, Fight Club, shows how consumerism has caused the emasculation of the modern male and tells a tale of liberation from a corporate controlled society. In the ... Show more content on ... The corporate ownership of the male extends to how much his life is worth. Ed Norton works in a claims department for a large car manufacture. His job is to decide what a manufacture does in case of a design flaw. Take for example, if a carburetor runs a risk of exploding after 100,000 miles; ED Norton s job is to investigate the probability of this happening. Then take the number of vehicles on the road and multiply them it by the probable rate of failure and multiply the product again with average price of an out of court settlement. If the end result is less than the cost of a recall, there is no recall. Brad Pitt makes a statement that illustrates the society the modern male is forced to live in, We are a society of men raised by women. The film shows the emasculation of the 20th century male, not only by our consumer oriented society but also by feminine standards of civilization. The best example of this would be the support groups Ed Norton visits. In these support groups, men are told to gather power, strength and courage from each other not from themselves. At the end of the sessions men are told to hold each other and cry, things that are very non stereotypical of men. The 20th century society does not want men to function independently and be able to be emotionally strong on their own, it does not want men to be men. Society wants to take the very ideals of being a man, independence, strength and courage and only allow for men to experience them
  • 37. Dichotomy In The Book Of Ruth The book of Ruth is an interesting glimpse into the everyday life of Bethlehem. With its defined scenes, inner story parallels, and circular patterns, it reads more like a play then a historical narration. The various dichotomies displayed, such as the private /public, female/male, emptiness/fullness, and foreigner/native, add to the story s richness and entertainment. A deep theme of loyalty and faithfulness, hesed, progresses throughout this short story. Its many characters display various forms of hesed and provide a cast that most of my context in northern, rural Minnesota can identify with on one level or another. The story begins with a narrative about the family of Elimelech (1:1 5). Per the patriarchal social structure of the time,... Show more content on ... Naomi invokes the hesed of Yahweh twice: once as she entreats her daughters in law to leave for their mother s houses (1:9) and again when she is given sustenance from her kin s field ( 2:20). Yahweh is being called out as these brave women search for a better way, becoming models of hesed for Yahweh. Yahweh answers the call to be the go el for the women proven by the various blessings that other story characters relay to them along their precarious journey (2:12, 3:10, 4:11 12, 14). Even though Yahweh s part is silent, Yahweh never leaves the women as they seek out inventive ways to navigate the patriarchal structures of their day. Yahweh s hesed is
  • 38. What Type Of Governments Promoted An Exclusive Notion Of... Life in Europe took some wild turns during the 20th century, making political parties and ideologies split in many different directions. Nationalism was derived from Enlightenment Thought that represented the nation under one law. Even though the conservatives at the time opposed the idea and socialists were split, things still continuously changed. Nationalism... was another radical idea that gained popularity in the years after 1815 [and] ... found inspiration in the vision of the people united by a common language, a common history and culture, and a common territory (McKay 663). Nationalism, also considered liberalism, which brought on ideas of election and the want for constitutions, led to every government with a constitutional... Show more content on ... The population of Italy are mainly Aryans; which is considered the founding race of Europe and its origins came from Northern India. This ancient purity of blood is the greatest measure of the Italian s nation s nobility (Fascist Manifesto 2). The major difference between the ideology of Italy and Germany was the idea of race, but this soon diminished as they started taking after one another. Mussolini and Italy became racist after 1938. They demanded that Jews do not belong to Italy and that they are Asian. This collaboration between Mussolini and Hitler was what drove the next government to power. The next radical government is known as the National Socialists. After being appointed chancellor by president Hindenburg, Adolf Hitler led Nazi Germany with a mission to wipe out the Jewish race. Hitler blamed all of his failures in life on the government or the Jewish Bolshevism (combination of Jews Communism). He believed that all Jews were considered outside the national community and they were set out to destroy Aryans. Hitler s ideology of having Aryan racial purity was the same as Mussolini s. But, unlike Benito, Hitler was strictly fueled by race. When he was first put into reign, Hitler took out any and all peoples who opposed his ideas including socialists, communists, the press, non nazi s, etc. Nazi race scientists believed they could use eugenic methods (selective breeding of humans to improve the population) of social engineering to
  • 39. Creating Variables Into A Created Scene Essay 1.0 Introduction. This report discusses the task of creating variables into a created scene in the aforementioned Alice program. As previously mentioned, particular attention to good Human Computer Interaction and usability was sustained throughout this period of development. Taking usability into great measure; enabling the user to engage and interact with the animation and foremost to ensure repetitive usage of the program for their enjoyment occurred. This report documents the planning and construction of the variable methods, the chosen character in my animation uses in this particular programme, through to completion. During the completion process, to increase usability I critically analysed my programme, debugged it and solved any problems it had. On completion I decided to allow one of my peers to use and give an individual report on said animation, this is truthful to my knowledge. 2.0Method Whilst creating a new area in programming to my project, keeping the user in mind, I decided to keep to keep the scene and the characters moderately the same; barre from the front man of the dancers. I visually made him stand out more as to ascertain to the user that this particular character would be the only animated character in this particular scene; this being adultPerson4. This enables the user to notwithstanding have the familiar comforting and inviting elements of their previous visit, moreover, to accommodate familiarity, clarity and good usability. The animation
  • 40. Margolin Vs Novelty Now Case Study Milestone 1 Julia Cummings BUS 206 September 24, 2017 In the case of Margolin v. Novelty Now the appropriate court for this lawsuit depends upon several factors. In personal jurisdiction the book states that the courts are given the power to provide a decision in affecting the rights of individuals (Kubasek). In this case, the court will give a decision giving rights to Mr. Margolin, and taking rights from Novelty Now. For subject matter jurisdiction, a certain specified court will be able to hear the case This means, that it must be decided which court hears the case, whether state or federal jurisdiction. Since this case contains three different states, the federal court system must be the one to hear the case. In this case, minimum contacts must be determined to decide if a certain state will have power to assert personal jurisdiction over a defendant from another state (Kubasek). In this case, it must be decided if New York will take personal jurisdiction of the defendants residing in California, or Novelty Now residing in Florida. Alternative dispute resolution may be an option to resolve this case. ADR is a method of resolving cases through methods other than court. These can be negotiation, mediation, arbitration, mini trials, private trials, etc. (Kubasek). In this case, negotiation outside of trial would be a good option for Funny Face. ADR is often cheaper than a traditional trial as well. This way they would not have to face bad publicity for this incident. This might also be a good idea for Mr. Margolin because the case will go much faster, meaning he could get restitution much faster, and would cut his legal costs as well. Language on the Funny Face website appears to limit any claim filed to arbitration as a means of resolving the dispute. Arbitration is a method of resolution to a case by choosing a neutral third party outside a judicial setting (Kubasek). Arbitration would be a good solution for both Mr. Margolin and Funny Face in this case. Mr. Margolin would be able to explain his condition and provide medical evidence stating that Funny Face was indeed the cause of his condition. However, a neutral third party may believe that there was enough stated by Funny Face for Mr. Margolin to have
  • 41. Theme Of Death In Sylvia Plath s Colossus Maria Ponn Sindhuja. P II MA English Literature PG Research Department of English Holy Cross College Trichy 620002 Theme of Death in Sylvia Plath s Edge and Lady Lazarus Sylvia Plath was born in Boston. Her first collection of poems, Colossus, was published in England in the year 1960 and two years later in the United States. Her marriage was a failure and Ted Hughes, her husband left her in the year 1962. In deep depression, Plath wrote most of her poems that comprised her most famous book Ariel. On 11th February 1963, Plath wrote a note to her neighbour instructing him to call the doctor. Then she committed suicide using her gas oven. Plath s poetry is often related with the confessional movement. Although only Colossus was published when she was alive, Plath was a fertile writer, and in addition to Ariel Hughes published three other volumes of her works, including The Collected Poems, which was the recipient of the 1982 Pulitzer Prize. Death is a ubiquitous reality in Plath s poetry and manifests in different ways. The void created by the death of her father could be seen in some of her poems. In Full Fathom Five she speaks about his death, burial and mourning. In Colossus she tries in vain to put him back together again and make him speak. In Daddy she goes further in ... Show more content on ... Here also death is not shown as an end. It is portrayed as a challenge. The poem begins with a confident or rather accomplished tone. The poet says, I have done it again . This means that it not the first time the task is being done. But the task is unknown to the reader in the beginning. The title is an insinuation to the Biblical character, Lazarus, whom Jesus raised from the dead. The interpretation of the poem suggests that it is about multiple suicide attempts. She explains how she has recovered from her suicide. However the recovery is not celebrated, rather considered being a failure. Here suicide attempts are considered as
  • 42. Positive Effects Of To Kill A Mockingbird To Kill a Mockingbird is a classic novel that has multiple benefits when taught in a high school classroom. Some would disagree with this statement because of the immaturity level of the students, the profanity and violence, and other controversial topics. Despite its adult themes, To Kill a Mockingbird is an amazing novelthat should be assigned to high schoolstudents because it provides an awareness of the effects of prejudice and segregation, along with positive moral values that have the ability to teach students to invent a moral code of their own. In order to contradict these other thoughts, I will provide research on the negativity of the novel through examples and proven effects, but will first provide research on the proven positive effects.... Show more content on ... This includes the realization that the novel was published in 1960, and took place in the 1930s, also known as the time of The Great Depression. This infers the novel took place in a time period much different than ours today. Today one could see most of us are more accepting of promoting equality for all. In the novel one needs to understand the historical context, or what it meant to them. Is it possible they did not do what they did out of hatred, but rather fear of loss of power and lack of knowledge? According to Dr. William Thompson, psychologist, those reasons as a whole could have possibly been how people in this era thought about prejudice and segregation. During the B.C.E. era, events such as slavery were not practiced out of prejudice, but rather led to it. If one understands that during history there was a different mindset than there is today, then one could teach in a classroom that the novel does not intend to harm students, but rather teach them a historical event, how it led to prejudice and segregation, and how mindsets have changed
  • 43. The Pros And Cons Of Mine Action The topics before the fourth committee are Mine Action Victims Assistance and Women and Peacekeeping Missions . The fourth committee (GA4) is a United Nations organization that is responsible for a variety of subjects including peacekeeping missions, mine action, public information, atomic radiation, and decolonization related issues. Mine Action Victims Assistance Mine action is a set of efforts carried out in order to prevent the disastrous problems caused by mines and other explosive remains from the war. According to The International Mine Action Standards, mine action refers to activities which aim to reduce the social, economic and environmental impact of mines. Mine action has numerous advantages, for instance, mine action gives the citizens the opportunity to be able to live regularly without fearing that one single misstep can cost them their whole life, as well as for peacekeepers to carry out patrols easily and without any difficulties whatsoever. Mine action mainly aims in protecting the people and the citizens from danger by providing them with a safe and stable... Show more content on ... As Cuba s ministry of Foreign Affairs stated in June 2000, Cuba fully understands and shares the humanitarian concerns caused by the irresponsible use of antipersonnel landmines as well as that it provided its full support for humanitarian efforts made by the international community to prevent the effects of the indiscriminate use of this kind of weapons. In order to prove its support for mine action, Cuba participated as an observer in the Mine Ban Treaty s First and Second Review Conference in 2004 and 2009 respectively. In addition, Cuba attended the first four annual Meetings of States Parties of the treaty as well as that it participated in all of the treaty s intercessional Standing Committee meetings until
  • 44. Essay on Chester Wayne Case: Chester Wayne Chester Wayne is a regional food distribution company. Mr. Chester, CEO, has asked for assistance with preparing cash flow information for the last three months of this year. The selected accounts from an interim balance sheet dated September 30, have the following balances: Cash$142,100Accounts payable$354,155 Marketable securities$200,000Other payables $53,200 Accounts receivable $1,012,500Inventories $150,388 Mr. Wayne, CFO, provided the following information based on experience and management policy. All sales are credit sales and are billed the last day of the month of sale. Customers paying within 10 days of the billing date may take a 2 percent cash discount. ... Show more content on ... Any excess amounts go first to repayment of short term borrowings and then to investment in marketable securities. When cash is needed to reach the minimum balance, the company policy is to sell marketable securities before borrowing. Cash Budget for each Month of the Fourth Quarter Chester Wayne OctoberNovemberDecemberTotal Cash budget Cash collection 40% after 2% discount$308,700 $324,106 $340,334 $973,140 25% without discount$196,875 $206,700 $217,050 $620,625 30% in next month$225,000 $236,250 $206,700 $667,950 Renting of warehouse$24,000 $24,000 Sell of marketable securities$7,351 $192,649 $200,000 Bank borrowing$29,750 $53,393 $83,143 Total collection$761,926 $989,455 $817,477 $2,568,858 less payments 60% of purchases and other$429,871 $452,875 $470,561 $1,353,307 40% of purchases and other$354,155 $286,580 $301,916 $942,651 Equipment$250,000 $250,000 Dividend$45,000 $45,000 Total payments$784,026 $989,455 $817,477 $2,590,958 Surplus or Deficit($22,100)$0 $0 ($22,100) Opening balance$142,000 $120,000 $120,000 $142,000 Closing balance$120,000 $120,000 $120,000 $120,000 Chester Wayne OctoberNovemberDecemberTotal Cash budget Cash collection 40% after 2% discount$308,700 $324,106 $340,334 $973,140 25% without discount$196,875 $206,700 $217,050 $620,625 30% in next month$225,000 $236,250
  • 45. An Engineered Wonder of the World An Engineered Wonder of the World This bridge needs neither praise, eulogy nor encomium. It speaks for itself. We who have labored long are grateful. What Nature rent asunder long ago, man has joined today. This is a quote from Joseph Strauss, the engineer that designed the Golden Gate Bridge. The Golden Gate Bridge is truly a piece of engineering excellence. It stretches for almost 9,000 feet over the San Francisco Bay, in San Francisco, California. The bridge has faced many problems during the designing process, construction, and even to this day it produces controversy. The final result of the bridge, however, is an amazing engineering feat that will be around for a long time. To begin, in 1916, James H. Wilkins had the idea to... Show more content on ... The rest of the pressure is supported by the cables. These vertical cables receive the bridge`s tension forces. The Golden Gate Bridge is a textbook suspension bridge (Lamb, Robert, and Michael Morrissey). Thus, with all of the designs and made, the Golden Gate Bridge was ready to be built. To continue, it was January 5th, 1933, when construction officially started on the bridge. The two anchorages of the bridge were the first parts to be built. The first of the two to be built was on the San Francisco side of the bay. The other on the Marin side of the bay. The San Francisco tower access trestle was then started. It extended for more than 1,000 feet off shore. Unfortunately, a major setback was met on August 14, 1943. On this date, a steamship crashed into the access trestle, and damaged almost 400 feet. The repairs were not completed for another four months. Then to make matters worse, the trestle was battered again, but for 800 feet of damage this time. Another four months were needed for these repairs. Next up was the Marin tower. As previously stated, suspension bridges have two towers, and this was the first of the two built. There were no problems faced in the construction of the tower, and it was completed in about a year. The San Francisco tower was built next. Then the cables were put on, and finally on November 18th, 1936, the two sections of the bridge were joined in the middle. After this, the roadway was finally put in. On
  • 46. Fear and Tension in The Whole Towns Sleeping and A... Fear and Tension in The Whole Towns Sleeping and A Terribly Strange Bed The essay i have written is a comparison of two short stories. One written by Ray Bradbury in 1950 s and titled The Whole Towns Sleeping . The other was written by Wilkie Collins in 1856 and entitled A Terribly Strange Bed . The Whole Towns Sleeping is about a middle aged spinster called Lavinia 37, who goes to the cinema with her friends while a mysterious killer, is at large. She is fully convinced that the killer would not strike again for another four weeks because a murder has just occurred, and they seem to happen at intervals when the moon is full , and superstitiously then men do strange things because of ... Show more content on ... The Whole Towns Sleeping is set in a small town in Illinois, U.S.A. A ravine runs straight through the middle The ravine cut the town in two . The ravine is the mysterious area of the town like a black dynamo , surrounded by secret mists and odours of a rank greenhouse . The description of the ravine creates tension and shows it to be a constant threat with its dark and gloomy images. In A Terribly Strange Bed the main part of the story is set in the back street of a seedy gambling house in Paris. The atmosphere is described, Here, there was nothing but tragedy mute weird tragedy. The quiet in the room was horrible . This builds up tension effectively, and creates an effective image of the gamblers as they watch in silence, and their desperate need to win to survive. Lavinia Nebbs the protagonist in The Whole Towns Sleeping is described as very straight and slim , a typical spinster who has lots of confidence in herself, and quite sensible, but occasionally craves excitement, which inevitably will lead her to make errors in judgment. She insists that she stays at her own home and declines several offers of a bed for the night, even though The Lonely One is still on the loose, and despite warnings she insists she will still walk home alone. These
  • 47. Human Resource Department (Employee Benefits) Human Resource Department Sunday August 1, 2010 Memo To: Upper Management From: HR Training Recruiter Subject: Employee Benefits for Employees Introduction It has come to my attention, that employees are concerned over some issues with the health insurance plan we offer, retirement and saving plans, as well as their time off and FMLA rights. I have come up with an excellent employee benefit plan that would educate the employees on their rights and show them how these benefits are best for their situations. The employee benefit plan includes the different types of health insurance they can pick from that would be best for their situation. A breakdown and explanation of how the retirement and saving plans work with every year that ... Show more content on ... The savings plan is a yearly renal and you the person decide if you would like to continue to save your funds or take the funds out with no penalties against you. Time Off and FMLA Rights We understand that things happen in a person life that must have actions taken as soon as possible. There are a few options the employee has as far as time off or leave. All time off or leaves are unpaid but the employee can choose the time off needed. 1.The fist leave/time off the company offers is a 10 day personal leave. This is for employees that have worked out their 60 day probation period. You can request this leave only if your probation period is over. This is an unpaid leave and employees must return to work after the 10 days or they are considered as job abandonment at which time termination will follow. 2.The second leave/time off granted to the employee is a 30 day personal leave. This is for employees that have worked out their 60 day probation period. You can request this leave only if your probation period is over. This is an unpaid leave and employees must return to work after the 30 days or they are considered as job abandonment at which time termination will follow. 3.The last leave/time off the company offers is FMLA. To qualify for time off through FMLA, employees must be employed for 12 month and a minimum of 1,250
  • 48. The Between Chile And Jamaica Essay Kenya, Chile and Jamaica are three counties represent Africa, Latin America, and Caribbean.Africa, Latin America, and Caribbean have a lot of similarity.They shared history that dates back to the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade, these regions are also part of the Global South and most countries of them are colonies of Europe.Therefore, their cultures are mixtures of European and indigenous cultures and their regions and office languages are very similar.Along with development of the times and progress of the society. they have numerous of differences at economic,government, capital, educational and scientific. For instance, populations of Kenya,Chile and Jamaica at 2016 were estimated at 47 billion (Kenya),17 billion (Chile), and 2 billion (Jamaica). Nominal gross domestic products of three countries were estimated at 63.40 billion (Kenya) ,240.22 billion (Chile) 14.75 billion dollars(Jamaica). The relationship between the three regions had a lot of rooms for improvement. especially in terms of economic, politic, diplomatic, educational, cultural and scientific exchanges and cooperation. Kenya is a rich country at Africa, it divided into 47 counties and Nairobi is capital. Kenya s population is 30 million and more and it has at least 40 different ethnic African groups, it include Kikuyu, Luhya, Kalenjin tribes, Luo, Kamba, Somali, Kisii, Meru Embu, Mijikenda, Turkana and Maasai ( is largest group of Kenya, representing 22% of population. Kenya had many
  • 49. Olwen Hufton Religion Olwen Hufton s What is Religious History Now? examines the way historians looks at the outcome of religion on humans in the past. Hufton looks at the change in religion from a histoire sГ©rielle which could be looked at in a linear fashion, to a histoire des mentalitГ©s which considers the effect that religionhad on the people and the way the interacted with it. Using three category examples from Le Bra s, Hufton first looks at the way religious commitment could be measured during any given time first, people who devote their lives to following the rules of the church, second, the people who follow easter obligations and would marry through the church and lastly the people who really couldn t care less. By doing this one can see not only religious history but also family history and the outside components for peoples thoughts on religion. Hufton next looks... Show more content on ... Napoleon knew it was necessary to make peace with the Pope and the church to better the governing of his Empire, so Napoleon changed the Republican Calendar to basically mirror the Gallican church calendar. Though Napoleon changed it to better himself and his Empire, he did his best to get the Pope on his side. By doing this, Napoleon made following the catholic church the same as following the Napoleonic state. Napoleon got rid of all but four during the Napoleonic era and kept sunday a holy day of rest.. During the changes in holiday the bishops were torn between following Napoleon or following the pope, and in the case of a disagreement between the two, it wasn t positive what side the bishops would take. The aftermath of Napoleon and his government taking control of holidays is still seen today, as the government of France still has final say over what should be actualized as observed religious
  • 50. Imagery In Truman Capote s In Cold Blood Truman Capote describes a town that I can easily picture, because he uses a lot detail and imagery in his opening of In Cold Blood that allows me to envision a small town very similar to the town I live in. Although our town isn t that well known it still receives some attention and our school system wouldn t be described as Capote describes Holcomb s school. His structure and tone builds the town as boring, empty, and alone. Until the end when he describes their school. A complete juxtaposition to the rest of the town. Holcomb can be easily pictured as the boring, rundown town because of Capote s use of imagery, structure, and tone. Simply an aimless congregation of buildings divided in the center by the main line tracks of the Santa... Show more content on ... For the start Capote shows the area of Holcomb, how it stands on the high wheat plains of western Kansas, constructing an aerial view of a place other Kansans call out there. Slowly bring us down into the fields and countryside, as if you were in the beginning movie credits, watching as the layout of the town is being set before you. Next he leads us to the railroad that cuts down the center of the inner part of the city, branching off onto the highway and dirt streets. As he points out several buildings and structures that have fallen from their previous glories and refurbished into other things. Showing us some houses and introducing us to some of Holcomb s characters leading us to a few more places that have also seen their better days. Putting us at his last stop, a juxtaposition to the rest of the town, the Holcomb School, a good looking establishment. Capote drives us into Holcomb like this for a reason, being that no matter how ordinary and uneventful this place seems so far, it will soon be more than just out
  • 51. How I Could Evaluate My Own Experience 1 Introduction The objective of this reflection summary is to expose critically how I could evaluate my own experience in relation to the theories and idea about Leadership. As such as how this lectures and insights change my person notion about Leadership and how I could amplify my knowledge about this subject. Also the most important in this reflection is to present the importance of Leadership in my future experience. I have chosen four topics I though was more relevant to develop my person reflections connecting with my experience and to why comprehend these topics will be essential to my career: Followership and Psychoanalytic Perspectives Charismatic and Transformational Leadership Leadership and Gender Toxic Leadership and Power In my opinion, to suit my thought, reflections and connect the theories with my personal experience, I considered Gender and Leadership as topic and associated Power to Toxic Leadership, because as per my point of view, analysing the types of leader I have observed during my previous work and life experience, I believe there is an interface between both, where Power is a component, not exclusively, of a Toxic Leadership. Senior executives have the power to create an environment that allows people to grow and give their best or a toxic workplace where everyone is unhappy. (Vries, Manfred F.R.Kets de, 2014; p.1) What is Leadership Summarising the idea of Leadership I have research, in my opinion is the capacity to conduct followers to
  • 52. John Simpson Research Paper The man with the Donkey John Simpson Kirkpatrick the man with the donkey has had an incredible involvement with Australia in the World War One. His life leading up and during the war made contemporary Australia commemorate Simpson because of his sacrifice and the significance of his involvement during the war and his true Australian spirit. Simpson was born on 6 of July 1892 at Shields in County Durham, Britain, (AWM.GOV, 2018), He had a very tough upbringing with his family. John dropped out of Barnes and Mortimer Roads School at the age of 11 and became a milk boy for four years to help out his mother (Refer to figure 1). This was the start of Simpson`s characteristics as a true Australian (, 2018). John also supplemented his family s meagre income by working. Each summer at Murphy s fair, John provided donkey rides for the children for a penny a ride. (, 2018). On February 12, 1910, John... Show more content on ... He expressed deeper emotions and has told what he felt through some of his letters and diary entries. In one of his letter to his mother Simpson describes his emotions on war as he knows men should not envy them as war was not what anybody had first imagined and once they hit reality they are confronted with something else (Refer to figure 2). John landed in Gallipoli with the covering force on the 25th of April 1915 (Refer to figure 3). John shows empathy towards his family and shows annoyance though this last letter that they did not get to go to England (Refer to figure 4). From Egypt the Bearer Division of the 3rd Field Ambulance landed at Anzac Cove at 4.30 am in the early morning of 25 April 1915. They landed under a blast of fire, but luckily Simpson was not one of the causalities. In one of Simpson s dairy entries, there was a sadden paragraph that shows how he truly felt during the war, and what he meant through it highlights the companionship and faithfulness of his donkey (Refer to figure
  • 53. How Does Jem Mature In To Kill A Mockingbird Before coming into the world, butterflies are secured in their safe cocoon, forced to be exposed to the life that surrounds them. They start off as caterpillars, not aware of the horrors of the world that are awaiting them when they make that final transformation. The butterfly s cocoon is the last barrier and once it s shattered, the butterflyimmediately starts making decisions and modifications based on this newfound society. In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, this process is revealed in the children of Maycomb, Jem, Scout, and Dill, when they discover the unjust ways of their society. Overall, Lee successfully demonstrates how children lose innocence and start to grow up because of influences coming from their environment. Children, ... Show more content on ... When he settled back his face was cloudy. He was going into one of his declines, and I grew wary (304). Atticus tries to explain the truth about the horrid trial going on and how society is addressing it, but this is all new information to Jem and he can t believe how the town is handling the situation of the trial. His anger is perceived when he punched his pillow as he attempts to release the build up from inside. It also mentions that his face is cloudy, revealing how he can t see the other side of the problem at hand: the culture of his community. This cloudy outlook also shows him in a state of confusion, which can comprehend as Jem being caught between his innocence and losing it. Likewise, Scout is able to use her newfound understanding of the situation of Boo Radley to reflect a past thought through symbolism. When talking to Atticus about the death of Mr. Ewell, Atticus says, Scout...Mr. Ewell fell on his knife. Can you possibly understand? Scout responds, Yes sir I understand...Mr. Tate was d be sort of like shootin a mockingbird