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World War Ii Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of World War II is undoubtedly a challenging endeavor. The
complexity of this historical event, coupled with the vast array of facets it encompasses, demands
thorough research, critical analysis, and a nuanced understanding of the geopolitical, social, and
economic factors at play during that time. The sheer magnitude of the war, involving numerous
nations and spanning multiple theaters, presents a formidable task for anyone attempting to
capture its essence in a cohesive and insightful manner.
To do justice to such a profound topic, one must delve deep into primary and secondary sources,
sift through historical accounts, and navigate the intricacies of diplomatic relations, military
strategies, and the human stories that unfolded amidst the chaos. The need for a comprehensive
understanding of the causes, consequences, and the global impact of World War II adds another
layer of complexity to the writing process.
Additionally, striking a balance between conveying the gravity of the events and maintaining a
coherent narrative is a delicate task. Organizing a vast amount of information into a structured
and engaging essay requires not only a keen analytical mind but also effective communication
In conclusion, tackling a World War II essay demands dedication, meticulous research, and the
ability to synthesize information into a compelling narrative. However, it's worth the effort to
unravel the layers of one of the most pivotal periods in human history.
For those seeking assistance with essays or similar academic tasks, there are resources available.
Services like offer support for a variety of writing needs, providing
professionally crafted essays and more to aid students in their academic endeavors.
World War Ii EssayWorld War Ii Essay
Factors Influence Malaysia Economics
Foreign direct investment (FDI) in its classic form is defined as a company from one
country making a physical investment into building a factory in another country. It is
the establishment of an enterprise by a foreigner. More specifically, foreign direct
investment is a cross border corporate governance mechanism through which a
company obtains productive assets in another country .Its definition can be extended
to include investments made to acquire lasting interest in enterprises operating
outside of the economy of the investor. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Malaysia
is set up following the holding of at least 10% of the total equity in a resident
company by a non resident ... Show more content on ...
Any actions by individuals who try to incite racial tensions are dealt with strongly.
Strong conflict is largely avoided although political power, largely being held by
the Malays who with other indigenous Malaysians call themselves Bumiputera, or
Sons of the Soil is used to increase their status in the Malaysian economy and other
areas. Malaysia travel is safe and tourists will not feel in anyway threatened.
Malaysians are generally friendly, and when asked for directions, will obligingly
point you to your destination. There is a fairly large expatriate community working
and living in Malaysia, especially centered in Penang, Kuala Lumpur and Selangor.
It should be noted however that in April 2000, terrorist group Abu Sayyaff of the
Southern Philippines kidnapped 20 hostages from the island of Sipadan, off the East
coast of Sabah, including a number of tourist. The hostages were eventually released
after nearly five months. Since then, security has increased on this island and the
surrounding waters. While terrorism has reared its ugly head once in Sipadan,
Malaysia has been able to contain terrorism due to its diligence and swift action
against any individuals or groups involved. Airport security has increased and a few
more policemen posted on certain embassies, other than that, the rest of Malaysia
maintain its peaceful lifestyle.
The Big Decisions Affecting Our Financial Markets
Better Markets is the voice of the people in the most important decisions about our
financial markets. We are working for a balanced economy one in which those who
make and enforce the rules are thinking about the wallets, homes and dreams of the
majority of Americans. As a nonpartisan, nonprofit advocacy organization, we seek
action on Wall Street and in Washington, DC, that expands security, opportunity and
prosperity for all. We do this by: Analyzing. Better Markets team of financial experts
conducts research and issues reports and briefings about the big decisions affecting
our financial markets. Educating. We educate elected officials, office seekers and
others about the issues so they understand the impact of laws and policies on the
American public and hold them accountable when they don t keep their promises.
Balancing. We insist on fair media coverage that holds Wall Street and public officials
accountable for the impact their actions have on ordinary Americans. Advocating.
Better Markets takes positions on regulatory proposals, personnel and legislation that
put the public interest first. We issue comment letters, speak at hearings and meet
with regulators and lawmakers. We also work in the courts, filing amicus briefs and
motions and testifying in cases about market rules and legislation. And we work to
ensure that qualified, ethical candidates are put in positions to oversee and enforce
rules and regulations that impact Americans financial
The Pros And Cons Of Sharing Economy
The new wave of businesses and the myriad of terms which accompany co
production, collaborative consumption, on demand economy, now form today s
Sharing Economy; a hybrid of social exchanges and economic interests governed by
reputation systems. Its commercial agenda is significant as previous notions of
communitarian and cooperative vision which focused on personal experiential
exchanges are now defined by a small number of firms backed by large amounts of
venture capital. The sharing economy takes its inspiration from one tenet of the
Internet culture: a belief in the virtues of openness. Openness and sharing go hand in
hand: to make something is to stop it being a commodity. Economically, openness
has two roles: it is an alternative to commerce, but it also generates new forms of
commerce, and... Show more content on ...
By producing we refer to the act of design, making and distribution of goods and
services. Consuming here refers to the maximum utilization of these resources and
assets. The industrialization of production has provided a wide array of choices to the
consumers in the aisles of stores. Being a consumer however meant having to
navigate through these choices presented to us and making the best decisions instead
of being a major role in the creation of these choices. As professor and political
theorist, Benjamin Barber, puts it that we are seduced into thinking that the right to
choose from a menu is the essence of liberty, but with respect to relevant outcomes,
the real power, and hence the real freedom, is in the determination of what s on the
menu. Consumers in the sharing economy do not have the option of trusting each
other based on institutional affiliations hence the reliance on reputation systems as
signalling mechanisms claimed to strengthen the fragile relationship between quality
Du Fu Rebellion
Du Fu, or known as Tu Fu, was considered by many as one of China s greatest
traditional poet of the Tang dynasty and was also known as the Sage of Poetry. He
was a deep reflective person and has been described as the artistic counterpart of
Confucius. (CP 106/565) He was also a keen observer of detail and for that, despite
writing in variety of styles, his most characteristic work is innovative in language
and subject matter and is also densely packed with meaning. (CP 110/766) He was
known to record significant political and social events he experienced in his life
such as the An Lu shan rebellion. As a person who was deeply imbued with the
Confucian ideal of duty, Du Fu was greatly disturbed by the events of the rebellion as
he had such deep... Show more content on ...
The times strike. Before flowers, tears break loose conveys about the sadness of
civilians of Chang an. The fourth line tells us about the alarmed emotion that was
experienced by the people during the chaos and from the fifth line onwards, this
important shift in focus shows us the effects of the long war on both soldiers and
civilians. The sixth line, A letter from home is worth thousands of gold pieces
conveys the feelings of the soldiers when they were far away from their family,
missing them dearly. This message that he conveyed in this line is also telling us
about how far away the soldiers are from
The Key Elements Of Mysticism
Mysticism is the honoring and the study of God s mysteries and truths while a
mystic is someone who knows the truth beyond the physical world. What is
interesting about mysticism to me is that mysticism is not a religion it is someone s
personal path to help develop one s pure self. Mysticism is the awareness of one s
divine nature and helps us humanbeings to become one with Godas he helps us follow
the right path. Mysticism originally was studied by the early Christians and the
word mysticism derived from the Greek word to conceal. Today, mysticism is
viewed all over the world helping people get a better idea of their personal beliefs
through mystical experiences. Mystical experiences include key elements that
help form a bond between the person and the purest form of life. I think the key
elements of mysticism is the ability to unite with everything around you, be able to
reach beyond the individual self, and have the chance to be fully awake. Unity is
one of the most talked about words and it really helps us humans to let go and fully
give ourselves to the environment. By fully giving up our mind, heart, and soul it
allows us to feel relaxed and be enlightened by the power of mysticism. Giving up
your self worth and your ego it allows the person to realize what is truly important
and grow pure each and everyday, seeing the world as one. By receiving
enlightenment it allows the person to reach beyond their personal self and reach out
to the external world.
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Indian Youth
It is not like that Indian Youths have negative sides only. People generally talk
about negative side only and nobody emphasis on positive side. Very less is
discussed about positive sides of youths. There is tremendous power, remarkable and
ample positive side that Indian youths possess. Positive sides need to be noticed,
discussed and encouraged every day. It is necessary to arm our youthwith the relevant
knowledge and skill that will convert this mammoth potential to desired results.
Let s have a look to some of Indian young entrepreneurs, students and officers who
has created wonderful path for them and achieved outstanding success. May be you
haven t heard their name or achievement.
Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal are Co Founders of Flipkart. They both had
worked with Amazon India. They realized that the e commerce market in India was
very small. So they decided to make it just a little bit bigger and started Flipkart.
Rohit Bansal and Kunal Bahl are Co Founders of Snapdeal. Initially, Snapdeal
started as a portal for online deals. But the duo has loftier ambitions. It soon grew to
become one of India s largest online market places.
Bhavish Aggarwal is Co Founder of Ola Cabs. A pass out from IIT, Bhavish started
Ola Cabs from his home after he quit his white collar job at Microsoft Research. Ola
... Show more content on ...
They are fast in adapting new technologies, new ideas and new ways of doing
work. They simply don t accept any talk without a proper logic and reasoning behind
it. They use their brain before accepting any wild statement. Youngster can logically
understand what they believe and will hold fast to the truth and will be able to
defend it throughout their lives. Every generation brings unique people who strive to
change the world. They are willing to relocate and to start
Construction And Demolition Wastes Measurment
Chapter 6:
Construction and Demolition Wastes measurment:(waste treatment and recycling)
and Material flow of waste from construction and demolition sites to the Processes L,
N, P, S, and V.
6.1 Solid Waste:
This chapter focuses on left side(output) of Input Output sheet(IOS) in residential
projects in CH_IN.(table: 5 1)
Construction and Demolition waste in short C D waste is a worldwide issue that
concerns not only the construction activities on site and managers but also the SD
of construction industry. In this study, detailed formulas are listed for calculating
the costs of three typical kinds of disposal processes of C D waste. They are Landfill
Disposal process V, Recyclingprocess P, and Reuse process S. Maghale 252TOBCTJ
As ... Show more content on ...
Waste includes both the demolition wastes and construction waste, which generate
additional costs but do not add value to the building(Koskela 1992). Demolition waste
are much morethan construction waste , almost 30 times.China generates enormous
amounts of solid wastes that are growing rapidly in building sector. there are many
shortcomings in the field of waste management: Waste management relies mainly on
land filling, the rate of simple and uncontrolled disposal is still very high in building
sector. The composition of the waste is very complex, with high water content and
hazardous substances such as asbestos. The different solid waste fractions are mixed
up, thereby hindering the efficient reuse(process S) and classification of the waste.
The mix disposal of waste causes pollutions that are not going to be ignored. Maghale
Solid waste flows are produced by 4 different processes and the volume and type of
materials produced can differ greatly in building projects.10 Demolition projects in
this study often produce 30 times as much waste material per SQMT as 20
Communication Across Generations Essay
Communication across Generations
Supervising staff and volunteers from ages fourteen to ninety can be a challenging
task. These age groups make up the four different generations: Traditionalist, Baby
Boomers, Generation X ers, and Generation Y ers. Traditionalist, (born 1925 1946)
may need a little prodding to communicate their needs and they prefer written
communication plans. Baby Boomers, (born 1946 1964) are aware of technology but
still prefer to communicate by telephone and they call themselves the age of the
memo. Generation X ers, (born 1965 1982) commonly prefer short concise
communication. Generation Y ers, (born 1983 2000) prefer short, quick e mails,
texting and mobile phone applications to communicate. The hospital ... Show more
content on ...
Her name kept appearing on a list, indicating she needed to complete this task. I
emailed her three times with the step by step directions about how to complete the
declination form. She never responded to me or completed this task. My director
instructed her to complete this task and walked her through the process. As a member
of the Traditionalist Generation, she respects authority, not wanting to disappoint my
director. I should have paid closer attention to her nonverbal communication and
gone to her for task completion. Being a member of this generation, I may fail to
listen actively to those Baby Boomer and Traditionalists that I interact with daily.
This incident also raises another issue. POH employees depend on e mail and the
intranet for our as our main sources of communication, but we still have employees
who are unsure of their computer literacy. All employees should receive mandatory
training on e mailing and the intranet to be competent in these areas. The ability to
provide our patients with a remarkable patient experience is the number one
responsibility of our staff. Each generation has their own communication style, these
styles allows them to provide a remarkable patient experience for all our patients.
Without communication tools, each generation is unable to communicate to the
I have a patient advocate who reports to me. She is a member of the Baby Boomer
Generation. Her communication style
Phonemic Awareness Essay
Phonemic Awareness There are many components to building a student s reading
skill set. One skill that is introduced in preschool and developed through the primary
grades is phonemic awareness. The term phonemic awareness is defined as the ability
to hear, identify, and manipulate phonemes individual sounds. The child becomes
aware of how sounds are connected to words prior to reading. This awareness creates
the understanding of how phonemes explains how the smallest part of sound creates
a difference in sound to the meaning of a word. Therefore, the ability to dismantle
words, and reassemble them, and then to alter the word into something different
explains the concept behind phonemic awareness. It is the primary foundation in
which other reading skill sets are according based.
In the Classroom
Phonemic Awareness is important to the development of spelling, word... Show more
content on ...
The analysis determined that difficulties in reading are strongly related to the lack of
phonemic awareness. Instruction, when given explicitly and direct one on one focus
in one skill area of phonemic awareness were greater than instructions that focused on
three or more skill areas. In addition, the NRP continued to state that children taught
in small group settings showed larger improvement gains than students taught in
large groups or individually. The panel concluded that it could be taught under a
variation of conditions, for a diverse range of learners. Furthermore, it stated that
instruction of phonemic awareness was more effective through the use of letters,
explicitly focused on only one or two areas of awareness, lesson and activities were
tailored toward small group development levels, and program ranged from 5 to 18
hours remaining under 20 hours of instruction based on 25 minute instruction
Physics Of A Baseball Player Analysis
As in most racquet/bat/stick dons, a baseball player s goal is to convey the
greatest measure of energy conceivable at effect. This energy is then exchanged to
the ball, quickening it to a high velocity (Adair, 2002). The direction and speed of
the batted ball are the essential contributing components to the consequence of the
hit. A batted ball with high speed can bring about one of at least two successful
results, depending upon the ball s direction. In the event that the direction of the ball
is higher, the ball can arrive somewhere down in the outfield for an additional fair
hit or perhaps go over the wall for a home run. These outcomes are very great for the
Energy is made by the player through his use of the kinetic chain (Race,
Exploration of Self in Matthew Arnold s The Buried Life...
Exploration of Self in Matthew Arnold s The Buried Life
One of the modes of poetry theme and content was that of psychological exploration
of self, as characterized by the poem The Buried Life by Matthew Arnold. Class
structure and gender roles were vividly looked at in depth, definitions of masculinity
and femininity were earnestly contested throughout the period, with increasing sharp
assaults on traditional roles... (Longman, p. 1888). What it was to be a man (or
woman) was frequently in question, and much of Victorian poetryaddressed this.
Arnold felt that, literature must directly address the moral needs of readers.
(Longman, p. 2017) He felt a need to instruct and educate society to a fuller
understanding of its ... Show more content on ...
is even love too weak/ to unlock the heart, and let it speak? (12 13) and Their
thoughts, for fear that if revealed/ they would by other men be met/ with blank
indifference, or with blame reproved. (17 19) He notes that even though men cannot
voice their thoughts and emotions, that the same heart bets in every human breast!
The conflict between man and society s ideology is seen further, Ah! well for us, if
even we/ even for a moment, can get free/ our heart, and hour our lips unchained
/ for that which seals them hath been deep ordained! (26 29) Deep ordained here
connotatively means that with society has deemed acceptable, which may not often
coincide with what is really felt. Along these lines of social repression of true self
unless in acceptable manner, that society felt a person should be molded into an
acceptable framework, And well nigh change his own identity/ that it might keep
from his capricious play/ his genuine self, and force him to obey, (34 36) and the
unregarded river of our life/ pursue with indiscernible flow its way/ and that we
should not see/ the buried stream. (39 42) These last few lines imply the inner self, in
which society has no use for, which continues on its way, even though hidden,
throughout eternity.
The fact that even though repressed, the inner self will eventually stir something in
the person, always seeking to come out of its shell. There rises an unspeakable
desire...a thirst to spend our fire and
First Person Narrative Research
First person narrative research is a term that uses a group of approaches that in turn
depend on spoken words, written works or pictures/drawings of people. These
approaches tend to focus on the lives of individuals as told through their own stories.
The importance and focus within such approaches is in the narrative, usually based on
both what and how it is narrated. The audience validates narrative research. Being
a very useful tool and all, narrative method may not always be strong enough to
stand alone as a central piece of evidence in concluding a point. Regardless if it is
part of a presentation or whether it is a stand alone piece of information, it must be
accepted, based on its own merits as an individual experienceand... Show more
content on ...
The narrative method allows for an intimate look into the emotions, thoughts and
experiences within a story based on the fact that another has witnessed such or intern
through another s work along for a great picture to be established. Being easily able
to validate a claim or narrative account through another is also a huge benefit of the
method making it easier for the truth to come out and harder for lies to see the light.
Personal narratives and information gained from narrative methods tend to come
from truthful sources based on not wanting to tarnish individual s credibility, and not
seeing a reason in creating lies and misleading information. Nevertheless, many
problems can also be seen within the method harder and less likely to prevent. The
limited perspective is detrimental in the sense that only that one perspective s views
through emotion and feeling are used to describe the situation if there had only been
one account. Unless there are multiple viewpoints from different individuals who
think and act differently put together to create one image from all different sides,
which isn t very practical to do. The narrative method also creates a restricted view in
the sense that anything the reader does not know, you don t know. Such as taking into
consideration different socio contexts and the individuals thinking spectrums. The
narrative account may also be biased, understanding the story through ones eyes,
leaves room for events and facts to change based on what the individual thinks, wants,
and knows at the
Laryngectomy Research Paper
Key Features of Laryngectomy: Typical
The larynx is removed for patients with advanced laryngeal cancer. The trachea
opening is redirected to the neck, creating the tracheostoma. (Mohebati Shah, 2010)
o Voice cannot be produced in a traditional way as vocal folds are removed.
(Mohebati Shah, 2010)
1050 Canadians, mostly older men, will be diagnosed with laryngeal cancer in 2014
(Canadian Cancer Society s Advisory Committee on Cancer Statistics, 2014).
Voice can be restored through learning esophageal Speech, getting a
Tracheoesophageal Implant, or using an electrolarynx.
Tracheoesophageal Speech: o According to the American Speech Lanugage Hearing
Association (ASHA), a prosthesis is inserted between the trachea and esophagus
(2004a). It allows air from the lungs enter the esophagus, causing it to vibrate ... Show
more content on ...
Canadian Cancer Statistics 2014. Toronto, ON: Canadian Cancer Society; 2014.
Retrieved November 14, 2014, from
Cancer Statistics 2014 EN.pdf
Mallis, A., Goumas, P.D., Mastronikolis, N.S., Panogeorgou, T., Stathas, T.,
Prodromaki, K., Papadas, T. A. (2011). Factors influencing quality of life after total
laryngectomy: a study of 92 patients. European Review for Medical and
Pharmacological Sciences, 15, 937 942. Retrieved November 14, 2014, from http:/
/ content/uploads/1016.pdf
Miller, S. (2008). The role of the speech language pathologist in voice restoration
after total laryngectomy. CA: A cancer journal for clinicians, 40(3). Retrieved
November 14, 2014, from
Mohebati, A., Shah, J. (2010). Total Laryngectomy. Otorhinolaryngology clinics: An
international journal, 2(3), 207 214. Retrieved November 14, 2014, from
Formal Meeting Guide For Two New Zealand Cultures
Formal meeting guide for two New Zealand cultures
Submitted by: Submitted to:
Mandeep Singh Anika VATS
Student Id 14095424B
Tables of content
1. PART1 MAORI CULTURE .................................................................3
b.About the HUI introduction..........................................................3
e.PROCESS FOLLOW AT HUI........................................................4
f.RECORD REQUIRED FOR HUI MEETING...................................5
SUCH MEETING..........................................5
REQUIRED FOR SUCH A MEETING...........................7
3. GLOSSARY OF THE MAORI TERMS.................................................8
Tuscaloosa Federal Courthouse Essay
The Tuscaloosa Federal Courthouse was built in 2011 to replace the office styled
federal building. This new building mirrors the Greek revival styled widespread in
government buildings in the United States. This style was used to match the
authority the style has come to represent and was inspired by other Tuscaloosa
buildings including the President s Mansion and the State Capitol. The buildingis
multipurpose by housing multiple courtrooms as well as several other government
offices. Its courthouse accommodates the District Court, the Bankruptcy Court, the
Probation Office, the Marshals Service, the Attorney s Office, congressional offices,
the GSA, the SSA, and the FBI. The design needed to be modular and large in scale
in order to accomplish this. Its layout also needed to be... Show more content on ...
This art comes in the form of 16 oil painted murals by the artist Caleb Connor, that
line the central hallway between the pilasters. The murals are realistic in style and
depict major historical events that define Tuscaloosa. These depictions of events
cover a large time period, one of which depicts the recent tornado that occurred while
the courthouse was still being built. The local art is used as a further way to establish
the building as part of it s environment. The Tuscaloosa Federal Courthouse could
have easily been designed as a modern office building like its predecessor, however by
mirroring the architectural Greek Revival styles of established courthouses and other
prominent buildings in Tuscaloosa, the building becomes much more significant. The
buildings purpose is easily and immediately understood through its aesthetics in
architecture. While it is only a recent construction, the courthouse s suits its
environment and is able to establish its authority as a representation of the
government and as a part of the culture of
Analysis on Behind the Veil by Dhu’l Nun Ayyoub Essay
In the short story From Behind the Veil, written by Dhu l Nun Ayyoub, the author
changes how we feel about the main character throughout the sequencing of the plot.
We as the readers learn more about how the protagonist really thinks coupled with
what her motives are. The author also presents language that clearly expresses how
the protagonist feels and uses examples to show an overall theme in the story. In the
exposition we meet our protagonist who is a young women of Islamwho wears the
traditional veil that muslim women are advised to wear under the law of the Quran
were it says, And tell the believing women to reduce some of their vision and guard
their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which necessarily...
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This is an interesting exception to the stereotypical and usual relationship between a
Muslim man and woman. Usually the man would have the majority of power in the
relationship, but the protagonist has made the relationship on her terms only. We
also learn from the narrator that the protagonist has a strong disposition. We can
conclude that she seems to exude some power . We also learn that her father thinks
highly of her and feels that she is intelligent , well brought up , and obviously
knows the value of traditions and respects them. In the climax, we start to have a
very different view of our protagonist. We learn that she might not be as genuine as
we think she is. The climax is after her father reads the newspaper article a man
submitted about a woman who revealed herself to him. She goes to her room and
talks to her veil stating that she despises the veil, how she uses it only to keep men
away from her, she doesn t care about her veil at all, she feels nothing for it, she
defies it, and how she feels that other women say they wear the veil to preserve
their virginity, honor, and good morals, but if they were honest about why they wore
the veil it would be for no reason but to cover their flaws and scandals. This is
extremely surprising to the reader because from what we thought of her before she
was a girl who wore the veil as a symbol of good morals when
Research Paper On Ozette
Ozette is located on the northwest coast of the Olympic Peninsula in the state of
Washington (1,2). Ozette was a Makah fishing village (2), which was occupied
from 400 BC to the early 1900s. Around 1750 AD, a large storm hit and the entire
city was buried under a mudslide until the 1970s, when another storm hit the beach
and began to reveal portions of the preserved city (1).
About 50,000 artifacts were recovered when digging up this site (2). The Makah
people actually sought out archaeologist to uncover these artifacts. These artifacts
included wooden boards, nets, baskets, wooden tools, wooden boxes, bone and antler
harpoons, and cordage that were all preserved. An animal bone recovered at the site
indicated that they used whale
One Thousand and One Nights Essay
Underlying Power One thousand and one nights, one thousand and one moral stories.
The story of The Thousand and One Nights is a unique tale that teaches simple
morals throughout the many stories within the main story. This tale is about a clever
women that saves herself, as well as the women in her kingdom, from being put to
death by the king. She does this by marring the king and telling him bedtime stories
every night that lead into the next day. She would purposely not finish the story, to
leave him interested in the ending which eventually saves her life, and the womenin
her kingdom, day after day. Not only does the main story have a lesson to be
learned, but the mini stories also have simple morals to be learned. The Tale of...
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This powerful vow would eventually wipe out the kingdom that he was ruling
over. The wife never would have imagined she had so much influence on one
person. The king s wife s actions was the cause of this vow that was made. The
story of the demon and his wife also show the power of women. The power
illustrated here is the power that she has over two kings. She knew that they would
be afraid of the demon, and used their fear to her advantage. As said in the text:
Then she lay on her back, raised her legs, and said, Make love to me and satisfy
need, or else I shall wake the demon, and he will kill you. They replied, For God s
sake, mistress, don t do this to us, for at this moment we feel nothing but dismay
and fear of this demon. Please, excuse us. She replied, You must, and insisted,
swearing, By God who created the heavens, if you don t do it, I shall wake my
husband the demon and ask him to kill you and throw you into the sea. As she
persisted, they could no longer resist and they made love to her, first the older
brother, then the younger. (1574)
Unlike the other two women, Shahrazad, the vizier s daughter, used her womanly
powers to save instead of destroy or deceive. Even though her life was at stake, she
put herself in the position to be the heroine for the kingdom.
But morning
Theme Of The Birds By Alfred Hitchcock
Psycho is a classic horror/thriller directed by the legendary Alfred Hitchcock made
in 1960. It followed Marion Crane (Janet Leigh), who stole $40,000 in order to be
with her lover, and stopped at the Bates Motel, owned by the psychotic split
personality Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins), along the way, and is murdered by
Bates, which catalyses an investigation into Norman and his mysterious mother.
Psychoexplored in depth the psychosisof its characters and how it connected to
KГјbler Ross model of grief, and utilized filmmaking techniques, such as mise en
scГЁne and motifs, to demonstrate this characteristic of its characters.
Hitchcock demonstrated his auteurism in his use of a bird focused motif, a recurring
theme in not only Psycho but also his other works, The Birds (1963) in particular, and
demonstrated this motif through use of mise en scГЁne. Norman Bates was a hobbyist
taxidermist, and took particular interest in birds. His office was decorated with
stuffed birds of both predator and prey. In close up shots of the conversation
between Norman and Marion Crane (a bird name), Norman was often framed with a
predatory bird in a low angle shot, designed to make him appear intimidating.
Marion, on the other hand, was framed alongside prey birds in a high angle shot,
which showed her defenselessness. This filmmaking technique signified the
juxtaposition between Norman and Marion, where Marion was weak preyed upon by
the powerful predatory Norman Bates. This relationship is
Social criticism in The Great Gatsby and Great Expectations
Authors often use their works to convey criticisms of society. Such works of
literature do not directly criticize specific real people or events. They do however
present a sense of the writer s concern with issues of social injustice and misguided
values. Two strong examples of social criticism through literature are Great
Expectationsby Charles Dickens and The Great Gatsbyby F. Scott Fitzgerald. In both
novels the writers project their social criticisms to the reader through the use of
characterization and setting. Great Expectations was written and set in mid Victorian
England, having been first published as a serial in All The Year Round a weekly
English periodical. Dickens used this form of publication to incrementally dose his...
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Dickens criticizes this injustice in Great Expectations buy mocking a society that
values wealth and appearance. In the novel typically the poorest characters are the
most honest and moral and the wealthiest are the most immoral and corrupt. Pips
moral stalwart is Joe, his much older brother in law. Joe is a poor blacksmith who
is ridiculed for his humble means by his wife and also by a wealthy Pip for his
humility and ignorance of wealth and high society.
Despite this Joe is the only character that is universally kind and compassionate, the
stories only true gentleman, but is never socially recognized as such because of
his low social stature. On the other hand Miss Havisham is a character that shows
this relationship between wealth and immorality. She is the most visibly wealthy
person in the novel; she is also the cruelest. All of her actions are motivated by a
desire to humiliate Pip and make him feel in human due to his modest upbringing.
John Wemmick is a very visible example of the juxtaposition of corrupt wealth and
honest humility. He is a law clerk to the powerful London lawyer Mr. Jaggers.
While at work with Jaggers he conforms to the environment by being an emotionally
devoid subordinate who will follow nearly any directive regardless of morality. When
he is outside of work he shows a
Naadh Lab Report
A. )
The glycolytic enzyme produces NADH+ and carbon dioxide from pyruvate. The
allosteric control of the glycolytic enzyme is controlled by the amount of NADH
produced.The NADH+ and carbon dioxide tricarboxylic acid cycle and become
NADH+ and FAH2 The higher concentration of NADH, will lead to more electrons
being contributed to the electron transport cycle, increasing the hydrogen ion gradient
across the inner mitochondrial membrane, which would lead to an increased
production of ATP. The increased production of ATP will cause the allosteric control
enzyme of both anaerobic glycolysis and the allosteric control of the tricarboxylic
cycle. The slowing of ATP production will cause an increase in ADP. This will allow
allosteric control enzymes ... Show more content on ...
The higher concentration of NADH, will lead to more electrons being contributed
to the mitochondrial electron transport cycle, increasing the hydrogen ion gradient
across the inner mitochondrial membrane, which leads to a increase production of
ATP synthesis by ATP synthetase. The increased production of ATP will cause the
allosteric control enzyme of both anaerobic glycolysis and tricarboxylic acid
cycle, this will slow down the production and cause ADP to increase. This will
allow allosteric control enzymes of the tricarboxylic acid cycle to be activated.
This will lead to oscillation due to the lag in the cycle. This large feedback loop is
controlled by the ATP. This loop will cycle twice in order to create an oscillation,
one NADH reaches a maximum, the other NADH reaches a minimum. This causes
the cell to create a negative feedback control to decrease the enzyme, making more
NADH, which lowers the production of ATP. Thus a higher the ADP, causing the cell
to want to make more
John Hershel s Blueprint
As it started back sometime in the 19th century blueprints came about a blueprint is a
design plan or other technical drawing used by supervisors,construction workers,or
anybody in general looking to build ,make a or design a house,skyscraper,or any sort
of building with a structure.As Well as why blueprints are important in the
constrution field or buildingprocess.
Search Story
I choose this topic in particular because I am waiting to seek an educational career in
architecture, and to expand in the field of architecture.This specific topic will show
how buildings,skyscrapers and homes all have the same beginning from start to
finish before they are close to being finished as a final product.
My expectations were to going straight into the project were that some of the
aspects were going to be taken into consideration as like how the final product will
look,and from how the the measurements were going to be drawn up on paper to
match the project in real life versus on paper as well as the model scale. The
Communication Effects Of Communication
Year after year, things change, people change, and technology gradually develops.
Tweeting, texting, and other forms of abbreviated communication has come across
us, making it more facile for us to communicate in the cyber world. Many of us
question whether it affects our day to day lives, possibly transmuting the way we
verbalize or our English language. The essay Texting by David Crystal describes the
phenomenon of texting and how it has come to be (241). Similarly, Kris Axtman
verbalizes about how the forms of abbreviated communicationand slang affects us in
his essay, r u online? : The Evolving Lexicon of Wired Teens (247). As a teenager, I
absorb the contemporary trends taking place in today s society, this includes
abbreviated communication. There is a clear distinction between how I text and
how I communicate in person, with live speech. I utilize abbreviated
communication when I text my friends and in the cyber world with others. It is a
way for me to communicate expeditiously as I don t have to type out the whole
word, and my friends are still able to understand what I m saying. However, utilizing
abbreviated communication does not make an impact on how we speak with others
when using live speech; because there are many factors that go into what is
appropriate in society today.
Tweeting, texting, and online communication over the past years have transmuted as
we now abbreviate when we communicate. Multi word sentences and response
sequences can be used,
What Are The Four Great Inventions Of Ancient Chinese...
The four great inventions by ancient Chinese people that have had a huge impact on
the entire world are papermaking, gunpowder, printing, and the compass. Paper was a
great contribution to the spread and development of civilization. The first nation to
invent paper was china ( Words were written on numerous natural
materials by ancient people before it was invented ( Mesopotamians
used earthen plates, Egyptians used grass stalks, Europeans used sheepskin, Indians
used sheep skin, and the early Chinese used bamboo, wooden strips, tortoise shells, or
shoulder blades of an ox ( These materials proved themselves
unsuitable as Chinese civilization developed because of their bulk and weight
( Ancient Chinasucceeded in first making a... Show more
content on ...
The paper making process first spread to Korea and then to Japan in the beginning of
the third century ( Then in the twelfth century it reached the Arab
world in the Tang Dynasty, and Europe. (www.fmprc,gov). The Arabs captured some
Tang soldiers and paper making workers during the war between the Tang Dynasty
and the Arab Empire ( The Arabs set up the paper
factory and the Africans and Europeans then mastered the skill through the Arabs
( It then went to America by way of Europe and the
gradually spread all over the world ( By the ninetieth century paper
making spread throughout the world in paper factories set up in Australia
( The birth of gunpowder was accidental
( It was originally used for making fireworks and its
later adaptation revolutionized warfare across the world ( It was
first created by an alchemist while attempting to make an elixir of immorality and it
contained Sulphur, saltpeter, and charcoal
The Supply Chain And Alliances
Retail is a globalised industry, where products may be sourced and produced in
one country, but sold in another. This requires collaboration of the different roles
involved in the supply chain and alliances to be formed, in order for each of the
different roles to complete their business objectives. The supply chain is the
connections of movements, systems and businesses that work together to produce
and sell a product. The suppliers and retailers, in particular, must go hand in hand
if either of them are to succeed. It is with the help of the buyers and merchandisers,
that the suppliers and retailers are able to connect and build up relationships. It is
dominantly the buyer that works to bring the suppliers and retailers together. It is
part of a buyer s role to work closely and build up relationships with suppliers to
ensure everything runs smoothly and quality standards are being met on behalf of
the retailer. There are a number of factors that a buyer must take into consideration
when sourcing the right supplier for a retailer. The suppliers must be able work
efficiently and effectively to follow all instructions given to them by the buyer, this
is to ensure that the correct standard of work, set by the retailer, is produced. For the
relationship to work, communication is key. The suppliers must have consistent
communication with the buyer, whether it be written, verbal or electronic in order to
avoid any problems and solve any issues. Retailers want to keep their
Marijuana as Medical Treatment
Marijuana as medical treatment Should marijuana become legal in our country as a
prescription and clinical drug for medicinal treatment? Imagine somebody that you
love lying in bed at a hospital and having just undergone chemotherapy for their
cancer treatment; Side effects of chemotherapy like constantly vomiting, fatigue and
pain are difficult to tolerate every day. Doctor can prescribe medication, but any of
it has absolutely no effect in relieving the intolerable pain of nausea and headache.
Medical marijuana as a treatment and pain reliever is nothing new; people have used
it for ages. Patients in countries where marijuana is legalized describe this plant as
the first drug that has a treatment benefit over treatments and medicinal drugs. This
plant may be the only possibility to reduce their physical pain, but if there is no
legalization of medical marijuana in their country, what should they do? Dr. Sunil K.
Aggarwal with his group of medical researchers and doctors argues that there are
many confirmed medical advantage of marijuana, but science reporter, Colin Lowry,
argues that marijuana has damaging mentally effects.
Firstly, Dr. Sunil K. Aggarwal s with his colleague dr. Nishi Whiteley arguments
about the medical advantages have both supporting indication and proofs.
Nevertheless, he agrees with Lowry, that not every cannabis ingredients are positive.
He says that even though, the ingredients of
Level Three Leadership
Level Three Leadership is imperative in today s changing society that relies on
technology and social media. All that we do is dependent upon the change
processes, the roles that any person can play and the interaction of the organization,
self, others and the task. Change is inevitable for many managers find a comfort
zone which reduces flexibility and future growth they tend to miss the shifting in the
market and are left behind. As there are many models of managing change, no
model of managing change in the individual, work group, or organizational level is
to overlook the importance of becoming a master of the change process to become
an effective leader. Therefore, a great need arises in leadershipto build a change team
that uses... Show more content on ...
It was noted that communication efforts must be verbal and active (Kotter, 1995).
Kotter eight step change model has many drawbacks and benefits. The advantages
are that it is the step by step, which is easy to follow model. Another is that it does
not focus on the change itself, but rather the acceptance and the preparation of this
change, which makes it an easy transition. In Kotter s and Lewin s models, both
consider the difficulties that organizations encounter when trying to move people
from their comfort zone for the change to happen. In both of the models they use a
different set of calculations to know whether there is any need to change to take
place in the
The Cost Instrument Of The Government
The government is not working with the aim that was actually defined. The
government is not functional proper. As stated by different journalists will be fizzled
will legislate the not for the genuine Furthermore genuine implying for
administration. There need aid not only health, pension, training Also nourishment
that administration recognized that these are recently requirement from claiming
people Also they need aid here done legislating forms on only give acceptable these
things. These legislating forms ought to define the legislating standards concerning
illustration for every spiritually Furthermore attitude from claiming organizations in
the nation individuals. The effectiveness impacts of a one task rely on upon its
associations... Show more content on ...
Administration must a chance to be kept tabs once welfare of the whole nation.
Around the extreme limits that need aid incidental for bureaucratic oversaw economy
Of so many public functions are:
For the purpose of incentive the buying and purchasing rates are different, there are
no rules and regulations about this
A person who pay tax to government while the purchasing has no benefit while who
is selling earn an intense benefit,
The buyers and sellers should be in gain situation. A kind of technique must be
introduced by the governing bodies.
There should be surprising control on all these kind of things.
One of the primary things the government should do is to set cyclical fiscal deficit
targets. This will help that administration stretch or shorten that monetary deficiency
as stated by those state of the economy. A standout amongst the greatest steps that
that legislature could take may be to determinedly push to upgrading that
straightforwardness of finishing business. A standout amongst those offers of a
market economy framework is that choice making is decentralized i. E. There will be
no absolute form answerable for choosing the thing that is with a chance to be
prepared Also in what amounts. This will be
Man Ray Research Paper
Selected Man Ray Artworks
Man Ray s Biography
Man Ray Quotes
Man Ray
Paintings, Photography, and Quotes
Sponsored Links
Man Ray and his artworks
Man Ray Portrait
Man Ray, born Emmanuel Radnitzky in 1890 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was a
renowned representative of avant garde photography in the 20th century and is
considered as the pioneer of Surrealist photography. Ray s artistic work is very
diverse. He was a painter, object artist, and a film maker. He was the very first artist
whose images were more valuable to collectors than his artistic work. He therefore ...
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There he was an influential member of the international Dada and Surrealist circles of
artists and writers, which included Max Ernst, Dali, Paul Eluard, Picasso and AndrГ©
His popular works
Ray Man became popular for the representations of his artistic works. He went on
to develop a career as a fashion photographer, capturing images for popular
magazines in Paris. While in France, he produced brilliant art works which are
today known as Rayogrammes images created on a piece of photographic paper
without a camera; the subject is placed directly on a piece of paper, light is exposed
then the image is produced. The shadow of the object is what produces the image,
which emphasizes the influence of the light and shadow instead of the importance of
the picture itself.
Another popular work from this period was Violin d Ingres in 1924. This
photograph featured the naked back of his lover, an actor known as Kiki, styled
after the painting by a French artist called Jean August Dominique. In a witty twist,
Man Ray drew two black shapes on her back to make it appear like musical
instruments. Ray made a number of short films between 1923 and 1929, creating
classic Surrealistic works like L Etoile de Mer, Emak Bakia, as well as Les Mysteres
du chateau de. He also experimented with the method known as the Sabatier effect,
which adds a silvery quality to the
Definition Of Love
What is love? Depending on who is asked, the definition of love will seldom have
the same meaning. When researching for the true definition, one will come upon
countless interpretations, all of which make sense. The English word love originates
from the German word lubh, which means great desire (Moseley). There are many
different types of loveand feelings associated with them which come together to
create confusion when attempting to discover the true definition of love.
Most definitions of love have to do with affection and romance. According to the
Merriam Webster Dictionary, love is most commonly defined as a feelingof strong or
constant affection for a person, romantic or sexual. For some, however, love is purely
unconditional ... Show more content on ...
Storge love is the love felt between family and friends. An example of storge love is
fraternal love, or the love parents feel for their children. Storge love is very
important because it teaches children from a young age what love feels like. Storge
love is unconditional. When people experience this type of love, they accept the
person which they love despite any flaws or faults they endure. They are willing to
forgive under any circumstance. Storge love between friends may turn into a
romantic relationship in which the significant others are each other s best
Gothic Literature Research Paper
They told of dripping stone walls in uninhabited castles and of ivy clad monastery
ruins by moonlight, of locked inner rooms and secret dungeons, dank charnel
houses and overgrown graveyards, of footsteps creaking upon staircases and
fingers tapping at casements, of howlings and shriekings, groanings and scuttlings
and the clanking of chains, of hooded monks and headless horseman, swirling
mists and sudden winds, insubstantial specters and sheeted creatures, vampires and
bloodhounds, bats and rats and spiders, of men found at dawn and women turned
white haired and raving lunatic, and of vanished corpses and curses upon heirs
(Susan Hill). In this quote Susan Hill is describing gothic architecture found in
one of her stories. The dark dungeons and dank charnel houses directly points to the
gothic genre. Gothic literature creates complex emotions into a reader. Emotions
that readers can t find anywhere else. For example, reading a book can be so much
more terrifying than watching a movie. For some people watching scary movies is
just pointless and a waste of time, but when they read a horror book their
imagination and thoughts go wild and they can get so scared. However, this can be
different for everyone and it depends on the individual. Also, it depends on the type
of literature.... Show more content on ...
For example, in one of the most popular gothic novel/movie Batman we see how
important the setting is to the movie. So important that without darkness, as a setting,
Batman would not even exist because he is only seen at night. However, the use of
the supernatural is not frequently used as much in recent gothic literature other than
in horror books and movies, but certainly is still a big part of gothic fiction now.
Among some of the best authors of gothic literature we have Edgar Allan Poe, Victor
Hugo, Shirley Jackson, Stephan King, Susan Hill, Anna Rice and many
Noam Chomsky Consent
Government and mass media industries hold control over public opinion. In the
documentary, Noam Chomsky argues the manufacture of consent as a technique for
mind control utilized for targeting and eluding the public. Standard views of
democracy exclude indoctrination, however, Chomsky insinuates indoctrinations
importance in democracy. Achievable through necessary illusions, propagandawithin
the media, and the manufacture of consent, the government marginalizes citizens
(Chomsky 1992).
Chomsky developed this argument predicated on a book indited by, American
journalist, Walter Lippmann around 1921. Introducing class division systems in
society, Lippmann suggested a diminutive population percentage understands
common interest and plays a role ... Show more content on ...
Necessary illusions ascertain population masses, especially those within the larger
percentage, remain incurious and uninvolved in the political process. They want the
people to submit to the potency of elites, further maintaining the status quo. Chomsky
states eighty percent of the masses face marginalization while twenty percent, the
political class, face indoctrination and enter the status quo. Necessary illusions work
with propaganda, and media avails as an implement for imposing such illusions. In
simple terms, privileged elites utilize the method for domination of society and
manipulation of minds within it (Chomsky 1992). In addition, Chomsky reassures a
method to break free. However, society members must collaborate against puissant
elites to make such progress
Analysis Of Emma Lazarus s The New Colossus
America, land of the free, where the opotunities are endless. At least that the
ideology sold to millions of immigrant, but does the reality live up to the American
dream? Emma Lazarus, a poet from the 1800s believed it did according to her poem,
The New Colossus, a poem for immigrants to meet the foot of the statue of Liberty.
Though Lazarus tries to convince immigrants of Americans Openness, many
Americans likely find her poems expectation of America to far exceed the reality of
Americas racial and international relation between 1877 and 1945.
Immigrants during this time was made up of mostly Eastern and and Southern
Europeans, who in the 20th centurys Laissez faire economy, provided cheap labor to
coorperations in America. Coupled with worker exploitation, child labor, labor
unions, on and off depression and crowding cities Augenics was born. In political
correct terms Eugenics is the science of insuring human succession through selective
breeding. It was racism in the simplest of terms, used to explain why some people
were bad as well as justify rejecting certain groups (like Russian and polish
immigrants thought to have Вѕth of its population feebleminded). This form of
racism was deeply routed in science as Francis Galton created this field. His definition
The night Tulsa burned is a great example of the how will pale in comparison to our
goals as Americans. Due to the successes of the African American community Tulsa,
their white counterparts felt threatened
The Effects Of Post Olympic Games On The Olympics
Bubble economy is the third reason of the valley effect of post Olympic Games.
Before the Olympics, many tourists and company go into the Olympic host country
to consume. They will largely promote this country s development of the construction
industry, tourism, services, retail and other industries. Especially in tourism, the
Olympic Gameswill bring numerous tourists for host city, and these tourists will
consume in the city, and these tourists need pay for food, accommodation, transport,
purchase goods and souvenirs and, some companies and people also will consider
purchasing real estate in the Olympic Village. However, after the end of the
Olympics, these tourists will leave the Olympic host country gradually, causing
tourists and consumers reduce in the Olympic host city and the economic markets
Because of the above reasons when the Olympics begin, the host country have a
considerable economic development, the construction industry, tourism, services,
retail and other industries go into a few peak. But after the Olympics, consumers
leave the city, which lead to a rapid decline of the economy development. Thus the
lacking of consumer lead to a number of economic and social problems, such as
unemployment, poor sales of goods, tourism slump, the real estate bubble. Especially
in tourism, the influence of Olympic economy bubble is the most serious for tourism.
A report from The European Tour Operators Association (ETOA) shows some
information. After the
Synopsis Of Book I
Meghan Putnam
English10H Summer Assignment
Book I, Chapters 1 2
Where Raskolnikov lives in St. Petersburg is a crowded, filthy and run down area.
The streets near his garret are always filled with drunks and tradesmen. Rivers and
canals run through different parts of the city.
Raskolnikov lives in a garret of a five story house. His living conditions aren t great
and he lives in constant fear of his landlady. His room is extremely small and he
sleeps on an old, run down couch.
The pawnbroker is a small unkempt 60 year old woman named Alyona Ivanovna. She
wore tattered, old and dirty clothing. Raskolnikov dislikes her because he believes
she cheats the poor out of their money.
Raskolnikov meets Marmeladov in a tavern. He ... Show more content on ...
She also says that Dounia, after lots of consideration, has decided to marry another
man, named Pyotr Petrovich Luzhin. However, Luzhin wants to marry Dounia
because she s poor and wants to be called her savior. She tells him that she, Dounia
and Luzhin will be coming to St. Petersburg soon. After reading the letter,
Raskolnikov is distressed, bitter and wrathful. He walked through his town after
reading the letter and is mistaken for being drunk because he muttered things under
his breath.
Raskolnikov sees Sonia s and Dounia s lifestyles as being similar, they both have
given their lives up for the people they love. Sonia became a prostitute to support
her father and her family and Dounia is marrying a man that she knows that once
they are married can help Raskolnikov with his profession. Both these women don t
really want to do these things, but they do it because they know in the long run it will
benefit the people they love the most, their families.
On a walk contemplating his mother s letter, Raskolnikov discovers an older man
pursuing a very drunk, very young girl. Although he wants the girl to be safe,
Raskolnikov doesn t want to do it himself. He watches the girl and even gets in a
fight over the topic but he doesn t do anything himself , instead he pays a police
officer to bring her home. This shows that even though he doesn t have a great
character, his
The Physics of Roller Coasters Essay
The Physics of Roller Coasters
The roller coaster has its beginnings in Russia where during the 1600 s. People
crafted sleds out of wood and built hills made of ice blocks. The hills had sand at the
bottom to help slow down the sleds so they would not crash when they reached the
bottom of the hill.1 Over time, the roller coaster has become more complex. They
now are taller, faster and are designed out of different materials like wood and steel.
Although roller coasters are fun and exciting, the questions, what allows them to
twist and turn, go up and down hills at a fairly good speed? Why do they not fall
off of the track when it goes through a loop? The answer to these questions and
others about roller coasters lies in the application ... Show more content on ...
Then as the coaster begins its decent down the first hill, the energy is converted back
into kinetic energy as the train is pulled toward the Earth by gravity. Gravity is the
traditional source of power for roller coasters that accelerates the train as it goes on
its hilly, twisty journey.3 Gravity is a unit of acceleration, that is always present,
that causes free falling objects on Earth to change their speed at a rate of
approximately 10 m/s (32ft/s) every second.1 So, as the train goes down the hills of
the track it has a positive acceleration giving it the necessary potential energy to
climb the next hill, make a turn, or travel through a loop.
Also, as the train goes down the hills and loops, it experiences a free fall effect.
This occurs when an object falls and is not inhibited by other objects2 (314 315).
As the train goes down the hill, the coasters mass causes it to accelerate faster than
the people in the car. During the free fall stages of the ride the train does not exert
any pressure on the riders or the track causing the riders to feel momentarily
weightlessness. This is why the train has wheels on the bottom of the track and the
passengers of the train have some sort of restraining device to hold them into their
seats.3 So, as the train goes down the hill it is actually falling, causing the velocity of
the train to increase due to the
The Causes Of The Mexican Revolution
101 Presidents and More The Causes of the Mexican Revolution
Democracy is the destiny of mankind; freedom its indestructible arm Benito Juarez
Mexico was building up to its revolution long before activists like Francisco
Madero and Emiliano Zapata. From 1840 to 1910; Mexico went from a war torn
and newly freed nation to a nation on the brink of civil war. How did it get there?
Through a series of wars, leaders, and policies, which proved causation politically,
socially, and economically to the Mexican Revolution.
The loss of material and economic productivity in the war for Independence had long
lasting economic consequences on Mexico. It severely damaged agriculture,
commerce, industry, and mining sectors. The most severe blow to the Mexican
economy was the loss of capital; money either fled the country or was withdrawn
from circulation . After the war, Mexico fell into 50 years of economic depression.
The speedy rehabilitation of the mining sector would have aided national recovery
greatly, but both financial and technical problems hindered its recovery until the
1880s. Because Mexico lagged behind the rest of the world for half a century, great
economic advances were needed towards the turn of the century.
The two main sources of power after Mexican Independence were the Church and the
military. The Catholic Church owned considerable sums of land, and gave loans to
other landowners. This secured its alliance with the upper class of society. The
Comparison Of White Upper Class Male And Female
In early 1800s society, there was an Unequal power relation between male and female
. Men were traditionally seen as being the dominant, physically stronger and socially
more powerful in terms of status: traditional masculinity is a strength, rationality,
stoicism and self reliance . Women s position in society and within their homes was
portrayed as subservient, obedient to their fathers, brothers and malerelatives and their
husbands throughout their lives.
Fagin: stereotypical man
Fagin s power lies within him being the elite in a criminal group; his masculine
qualities position in an area of great and dangerous power . White upper class
males are seen as being the far more superior group then the lower social class.
Whereas it could be argued that A masculine gendering is supposed to evoke
positive connotation , the men s in Oliver Twist are most typically linked to
violence. The greed of Fagin is shown when he says if you do it well, a pound my
dear this gives a reflection of his character in the story. His portrayed as being
arrogant as he uses children for his own good as they are seen to steal money for
him. His arrogant side is shown through his treatment of the children what s your
name you hardened scoundrel indicates his dominating behaviour toward the
children as he has control over them and he doesn t let Oliver speak what is his
name officer show his controlling character indicate how people are scared of the
way he presents and deceive
What Is The Impact Of Tolkien s Influence On The
Upon researching one of the most well loved stories of the last century, one will
without doubt encounter the name of the author of such a book. The fictional world
of the story is set in a land of elves and orcs, dwarves and humans, and, most
importantly, hobbits. It is a tale of bravery, friendship, determination, corruption, and
it is a tale of a great journey. The title of the story is The Lord of the Rings, and the
author of it is J.R.R. Tolkien. J.R.R. Tolkien produced one of the most beloved
stories of the last century, and has influenced the modern world of fantasy. (J(ohn)
R(onald) R(euel) Tolkien 2)
Born in Bloemfontein, South Africa on January 3, 1892, Tolkien lived to be 81
years old, and died on September 2, 1973 due to complications resulting from a
bleeding gastric ulcer and a chest infection. He attended Exeter College in Oxford
from 1911 to 1919, and then went on to be an author and a scholar. Token was a
lover of language, and this is shown in his most admired stories, The Hobbit and the
Lord of the Rings. To quote Humphrey Carpenter in J.R.R. Tolkien: a Biography, It
was a deep love for the look and sound of words that motivated him, springing from
the days when his mother had given him his first Latin lesson. (Contemporary authors
online 4)
Butcher 2 ... Show more content on ...
His second most well known novel, The Hobbit, was voted into the top 100.
According to Augustus M. Holich in the dictionary of literary biography, Not since
Milton has any Englishman worked so successfully at creating a second world,
derived from our own yet complete in its own terms with encyclopedic
mythologies; an imagined world that includes a vast gallery of strange beings... All
three volumes of The Lord of the Rings have been turned into feature films of the
same titles. The movies were released in 2001, 2002, and 2003, and the third movie
received an academy award as best picture of 2004 (authors
Deathgasm By Jason Lei Howden
Deathgasm Analysis Yesterday, October 21st, I went to see the movie Deathgasm
that is directed by Jason Lei Howden. The movie began with a metal head teenage
boy named Brodie who discovers friends that are also into metal music, and they
form a band called Deathgasm. Later, they find the old rock legend, Rikki Daggers,
in an abandon house, and he handed them a sheet of music. They soon realize the
sheet of music attracts demons to come into people who live there and a Satanic cult
leader, Vadin.
It seems as if the screenwriter was attempting to cross a horror and a comedy in one
film. The movie was very graphic, indicating the movie was not created for children,
and the humor was very dry which consisted killing demons with sex toys or bloody
farts, as two examples. The movie s soundtrack was completely metal music, ... Show
more content on ...
The beginning of the movie, Medina was off limits to Brodie because she was
together with his jerk cousin, David. Soon Medina ends the relationship and
develops the same feelings Brodie cultivated for her from the start. The screenwriter
obviously placed the two characters perfectly, resulting the audience desiring for their
relationship between each other grow. The forbidden relationship makes me think of
Romeo and Juliet, but instead of both Brodie and Medina dying like Romeo and
Juliet, they live their own happily ever after in the end.
There were many negative aspects about the movie that I did not enjoy. In the
movie I found Brodie was heartbroken for his own mother. Personally, I have not
experienced drug addict parents, but cousin s mother is. A moment in the movie,
Brodie goes to his room to see it was trashed by his jerk cousin, David. Along with
the wreckage, was a torn photo of Brodie and his mother. Brodie takes a few
emotional seconds looking at this picture, which indicates the grief that drug addicts
can cause a
Persuasive Essay About Aliens
For many years, numerous people have pretended aliens are not real, well I am
here today to prove their theory wrong. Hundreds among thousands of people from
all over the world have seen, and even made contact with extraterrestrial life. Will
you be next or have you already? They are horrifying stories that come up often
with extraterrestrials. Are they fake or your worst nightmare? ВЁSightings within
500 feet are subclassified as various types of ВЁclose encountersВЁ( Hynek 41.)
There have been over 104,947 sightings in a decade. There was a sighting back in
the 1600s when John Winthrop had unusual writing in his diary about a ВЁgreat light
in the nighttime sky ( Hynek 32.) On September 19, 1976, people in Tehran, Iran saw
an unidentified flying objectaround twelve am. Systems started to fail when the
unidentified flying object was twenty miles away. Most sightings have been
reported in Roswell, New Mexico. In the year 1947, a balloon was seen crashing
into the land of a nearby ranch near Roswell, New Mexico but theories say
otherwise. Multiple accusations have been arguing about it, but, the real mystery, if
it was just a United States Air Force balloon then why did they try to cover it up?
In White Mountains, Arizona 1975 a man, Travis, went to work with his buddies to
cut down trees. It was a typical day, he and Dallas fought a little bit and then took a
lunch break. When they finished loading all the extra limbs in the back of the truck,
they left for home. On their
Unshakable Truth In Steven D. Levitt s Freakonomics
The New York s times bestseller: Freakonomics a Rouge Economist Explores the
hidden side of Everything, By Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner is not an
ordinary book. It is an unconventional, provocative look at things by a young
economist and dissident. A freak is a person, who does not fit into the framework of
standard thinking, and has the audacity to challenge the fact that everything has been
canonized as an indisputable authoritative opinion. The book asserts that the new
economy requires a new unorthodox and innovative look at things, an exit beyond the
narrow framework of conventional judgments and a popular belief that only
yesterday seemed to be the unshakable truth.
At the beginning of Freakonomics, Levitt and Dubner explains how they ended up
collaborating on this book, with the underlying belief that the modern world despite a
surfeit of obfuscation, complication, and downright deceit, is not ... Show more
content on ...
All it takes is a new way of looking. In the first chapter, What Do School Teachers
and Sumo Wresters Have in Common? Cheating. In this Dubner and Levitt
explore the beauty of incentives as well as cheating, and how in order for a teacher
to cheat and risk getting caught there would have to be a high enough incentive.
Throughout this book we learn people respond to incentives. The authors use the
example of a daycare in Israel establishing a late fee fine in order to try and
motivate parents to pick up their children on time, this is an example of a typical
incentive in everyday life. However, this plan backfired since the late fee fine was
only an additional $3 dollars on their weekly bill instead of motivating the parents to
feel bad about picking up their child late and paying the additional fee parents thought
if being
Intercultural Communication
communication is understanding the effective way in communicating between
people with different cultural background. Factors such as business etiquettes and
cultural differences are critical to be able to achieve a positive outcome in a
negotiation. Knowing how to negotiate with the Japanese is essential especially
when the person comes from a different background. In this essay, Emily, an
australian entrepreneur who wish to expand her business venture in Japan will be
advised on gaining a good impression with meeting Mr. Hamasaki, a manager of a
popular store. BODY MAKING A GOOD IMPRESSION Japanese are known to
be perfectionists, they strive to be at their best especially in business matters.
Coming from an Australian culture, Emily needs to be aware that Japanese are
unreadable, they tend to make you think what they are thinking. Unlike other
culture like australians, they are direct to the point. Punctuality. As mentioned
above, Japanese are perfectionists, and being perfect on time is one they re
excellent at. So, Emily was advised that it s better for her to arrive on their meeting
at least 5 minutes before. Because it is 101% sure that Mr. Hamasaki will arrive on
the dot. The point is, she needs to be there first before Mr. Hamasaki. Attire. When
Emily goes to Japan, she will notice that most of the people
Comparison Between Stan Lee And Jack Kirby
Stan lee was born in NYC on December 28,1922. In stan lee s early work he created
the fantastic four,spider man,and the x men with the help of Jack Kirby. Jack Kirby
was a person who sketched,colored and design what the character was going to look
Together they made great comics.
Stan lee s work was great so his boss ( Martin Goodman also known as the creator of
marvel ) promoted him to editorial director. Stan Lee later was involved in
multimedia projects and was an ambassador of the marvel industry. After this Stan
Lee s creations came to life by directors wanting to turn these comics into movies,tv
shows and games. Stan lee made a lot of amazing comics and productions that is
what made him famous. Spiderman was one of the characters
Bashmatchkin s Pride In The Overcoat, By Nikolai Gogol
In The Overcoat, Nikolai Gogol reveals just how shallow and judgmental humans
are about the appearance and social status of their peers. Bashmatchkin s
coworkers do not respect him. No respect at all was shown him in the department.
The porters, far from getting up from their seats when he came in, took no more
notice of him than if a simple fly had flown across the reception room (762). The
reason for their attitude towards him is because of his appearance. He looks a bit
unkempt in comparison to his coworkers, specifically because of his ratty old coat,
and they see him as being beneath them; they make fun of him because of this. The
young clerks jeered and made jokes at him to the best of their clergy wit, and told
before his face all sorts of stories of their own invention about him (762).... Show
more content on ...
It had been deprived of the honorable name of the overcoat and had been referred to
as the dressing gown (765). What his coworkers do not know, is that
Bashmatchkin wears the old coat because he does not have the money to buy a
new one; he struggles for months in order to raise the funds to have a new coat
made. When his new coat is finished and he wears it to work, suddenly everyone
has a change of heart about Bashmatchkin. They all ran out at once into the
cloakroom to look at Akaky Akakievich s new overcoat; they began welcoming him
and congratulating him (771). Bashmatchkin is even invited to a party this same day,
all because he got a new coat. Bashmatchkin goes from being subhuman to his peers,
to being an equal just because of an article of

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World War Ii Essay. The Consequences of World War II: Example of Couse and Effect Essay ...

  • 1. World War Ii Essay Crafting an essay on the subject of World War II is undoubtedly a challenging endeavor. The complexity of this historical event, coupled with the vast array of facets it encompasses, demands thorough research, critical analysis, and a nuanced understanding of the geopolitical, social, and economic factors at play during that time. The sheer magnitude of the war, involving numerous nations and spanning multiple theaters, presents a formidable task for anyone attempting to capture its essence in a cohesive and insightful manner. To do justice to such a profound topic, one must delve deep into primary and secondary sources, sift through historical accounts, and navigate the intricacies of diplomatic relations, military strategies, and the human stories that unfolded amidst the chaos. The need for a comprehensive understanding of the causes, consequences, and the global impact of World War II adds another layer of complexity to the writing process. Additionally, striking a balance between conveying the gravity of the events and maintaining a coherent narrative is a delicate task. Organizing a vast amount of information into a structured and engaging essay requires not only a keen analytical mind but also effective communication skills. In conclusion, tackling a World War II essay demands dedication, meticulous research, and the ability to synthesize information into a compelling narrative. However, it's worth the effort to unravel the layers of one of the most pivotal periods in human history. For those seeking assistance with essays or similar academic tasks, there are resources available. Services like offer support for a variety of writing needs, providing professionally crafted essays and more to aid students in their academic endeavors. World War Ii EssayWorld War Ii Essay
  • 2. Factors Influence Malaysia Economics FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT (FDI) IN MALAYSIA Foreign direct investment (FDI) in its classic form is defined as a company from one country making a physical investment into building a factory in another country. It is the establishment of an enterprise by a foreigner. More specifically, foreign direct investment is a cross border corporate governance mechanism through which a company obtains productive assets in another country .Its definition can be extended to include investments made to acquire lasting interest in enterprises operating outside of the economy of the investor. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Malaysia is set up following the holding of at least 10% of the total equity in a resident company by a non resident ... Show more content on ... Any actions by individuals who try to incite racial tensions are dealt with strongly. Strong conflict is largely avoided although political power, largely being held by the Malays who with other indigenous Malaysians call themselves Bumiputera, or Sons of the Soil is used to increase their status in the Malaysian economy and other areas. Malaysia travel is safe and tourists will not feel in anyway threatened. Malaysians are generally friendly, and when asked for directions, will obligingly point you to your destination. There is a fairly large expatriate community working and living in Malaysia, especially centered in Penang, Kuala Lumpur and Selangor. It should be noted however that in April 2000, terrorist group Abu Sayyaff of the Southern Philippines kidnapped 20 hostages from the island of Sipadan, off the East coast of Sabah, including a number of tourist. The hostages were eventually released after nearly five months. Since then, security has increased on this island and the surrounding waters. While terrorism has reared its ugly head once in Sipadan, Malaysia has been able to contain terrorism due to its diligence and swift action against any individuals or groups involved. Airport security has increased and a few more policemen posted on certain embassies, other than that, the rest of Malaysia maintain its peaceful lifestyle. ECONOMIC
  • 3. The Big Decisions Affecting Our Financial Markets Better Markets is the voice of the people in the most important decisions about our financial markets. We are working for a balanced economy one in which those who make and enforce the rules are thinking about the wallets, homes and dreams of the majority of Americans. As a nonpartisan, nonprofit advocacy organization, we seek action on Wall Street and in Washington, DC, that expands security, opportunity and prosperity for all. We do this by: Analyzing. Better Markets team of financial experts conducts research and issues reports and briefings about the big decisions affecting our financial markets. Educating. We educate elected officials, office seekers and others about the issues so they understand the impact of laws and policies on the American public and hold them accountable when they don t keep their promises. Balancing. We insist on fair media coverage that holds Wall Street and public officials accountable for the impact their actions have on ordinary Americans. Advocating. Better Markets takes positions on regulatory proposals, personnel and legislation that put the public interest first. We issue comment letters, speak at hearings and meet with regulators and lawmakers. We also work in the courts, filing amicus briefs and motions and testifying in cases about market rules and legislation. And we work to ensure that qualified, ethical candidates are put in positions to oversee and enforce rules and regulations that impact Americans financial
  • 4. The Pros And Cons Of Sharing Economy The new wave of businesses and the myriad of terms which accompany co production, collaborative consumption, on demand economy, now form today s Sharing Economy; a hybrid of social exchanges and economic interests governed by reputation systems. Its commercial agenda is significant as previous notions of communitarian and cooperative vision which focused on personal experiential exchanges are now defined by a small number of firms backed by large amounts of venture capital. The sharing economy takes its inspiration from one tenet of the Internet culture: a belief in the virtues of openness. Openness and sharing go hand in hand: to make something is to stop it being a commodity. Economically, openness has two roles: it is an alternative to commerce, but it also generates new forms of commerce, and... Show more content on ... By producing we refer to the act of design, making and distribution of goods and services. Consuming here refers to the maximum utilization of these resources and assets. The industrialization of production has provided a wide array of choices to the consumers in the aisles of stores. Being a consumer however meant having to navigate through these choices presented to us and making the best decisions instead of being a major role in the creation of these choices. As professor and political theorist, Benjamin Barber, puts it that we are seduced into thinking that the right to choose from a menu is the essence of liberty, but with respect to relevant outcomes, the real power, and hence the real freedom, is in the determination of what s on the menu. Consumers in the sharing economy do not have the option of trusting each other based on institutional affiliations hence the reliance on reputation systems as signalling mechanisms claimed to strengthen the fragile relationship between quality and
  • 5. Du Fu Rebellion Du Fu, or known as Tu Fu, was considered by many as one of China s greatest traditional poet of the Tang dynasty and was also known as the Sage of Poetry. He was a deep reflective person and has been described as the artistic counterpart of Confucius. (CP 106/565) He was also a keen observer of detail and for that, despite writing in variety of styles, his most characteristic work is innovative in language and subject matter and is also densely packed with meaning. (CP 110/766) He was known to record significant political and social events he experienced in his life such as the An Lu shan rebellion. As a person who was deeply imbued with the Confucian ideal of duty, Du Fu was greatly disturbed by the events of the rebellion as he had such deep... Show more content on ... The times strike. Before flowers, tears break loose conveys about the sadness of civilians of Chang an. The fourth line tells us about the alarmed emotion that was experienced by the people during the chaos and from the fifth line onwards, this important shift in focus shows us the effects of the long war on both soldiers and civilians. The sixth line, A letter from home is worth thousands of gold pieces conveys the feelings of the soldiers when they were far away from their family, missing them dearly. This message that he conveyed in this line is also telling us about how far away the soldiers are from
  • 6. The Key Elements Of Mysticism Mysticism is the honoring and the study of God s mysteries and truths while a mystic is someone who knows the truth beyond the physical world. What is interesting about mysticism to me is that mysticism is not a religion it is someone s personal path to help develop one s pure self. Mysticism is the awareness of one s divine nature and helps us humanbeings to become one with Godas he helps us follow the right path. Mysticism originally was studied by the early Christians and the word mysticism derived from the Greek word to conceal. Today, mysticism is viewed all over the world helping people get a better idea of their personal beliefs through mystical experiences. Mystical experiences include key elements that help form a bond between the person and the purest form of life. I think the key elements of mysticism is the ability to unite with everything around you, be able to reach beyond the individual self, and have the chance to be fully awake. Unity is one of the most talked about words and it really helps us humans to let go and fully give ourselves to the environment. By fully giving up our mind, heart, and soul it allows us to feel relaxed and be enlightened by the power of mysticism. Giving up your self worth and your ego it allows the person to realize what is truly important and grow pure each and everyday, seeing the world as one. By receiving enlightenment it allows the person to reach beyond their personal self and reach out to the external world.
  • 7. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Indian Youth It is not like that Indian Youths have negative sides only. People generally talk about negative side only and nobody emphasis on positive side. Very less is discussed about positive sides of youths. There is tremendous power, remarkable and ample positive side that Indian youths possess. Positive sides need to be noticed, discussed and encouraged every day. It is necessary to arm our youthwith the relevant knowledge and skill that will convert this mammoth potential to desired results. Let s have a look to some of Indian young entrepreneurs, students and officers who has created wonderful path for them and achieved outstanding success. May be you haven t heard their name or achievement. Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal are Co Founders of Flipkart. They both had worked with Amazon India. They realized that the e commerce market in India was very small. So they decided to make it just a little bit bigger and started Flipkart. Rohit Bansal and Kunal Bahl are Co Founders of Snapdeal. Initially, Snapdeal started as a portal for online deals. But the duo has loftier ambitions. It soon grew to become one of India s largest online market places. Bhavish Aggarwal is Co Founder of Ola Cabs. A pass out from IIT, Bhavish started Ola Cabs from his home after he quit his white collar job at Microsoft Research. Ola ... Show more content on ... They are fast in adapting new technologies, new ideas and new ways of doing work. They simply don t accept any talk without a proper logic and reasoning behind it. They use their brain before accepting any wild statement. Youngster can logically understand what they believe and will hold fast to the truth and will be able to defend it throughout their lives. Every generation brings unique people who strive to change the world. They are willing to relocate and to start
  • 8. Construction And Demolition Wastes Measurment Chapter 6: Construction and Demolition Wastes measurment:(waste treatment and recycling) and Material flow of waste from construction and demolition sites to the Processes L, N, P, S, and V. 6.1 Solid Waste: This chapter focuses on left side(output) of Input Output sheet(IOS) in residential projects in CH_IN.(table: 5 1) Construction and Demolition waste in short C D waste is a worldwide issue that concerns not only the construction activities on site and managers but also the SD of construction industry. In this study, detailed formulas are listed for calculating the costs of three typical kinds of disposal processes of C D waste. They are Landfill Disposal process V, Recyclingprocess P, and Reuse process S. Maghale 252TOBCTJ As ... Show more content on ... Waste includes both the demolition wastes and construction waste, which generate additional costs but do not add value to the building(Koskela 1992). Demolition waste are much morethan construction waste , almost 30 times.China generates enormous amounts of solid wastes that are growing rapidly in building sector. there are many shortcomings in the field of waste management: Waste management relies mainly on land filling, the rate of simple and uncontrolled disposal is still very high in building sector. The composition of the waste is very complex, with high water content and hazardous substances such as asbestos. The different solid waste fractions are mixed up, thereby hindering the efficient reuse(process S) and classification of the waste. The mix disposal of waste causes pollutions that are not going to be ignored. Maghale Xiamen2013 Solid waste flows are produced by 4 different processes and the volume and type of materials produced can differ greatly in building projects.10 Demolition projects in this study often produce 30 times as much waste material per SQMT as 20
  • 9. Communication Across Generations Essay Communication across Generations Supervising staff and volunteers from ages fourteen to ninety can be a challenging task. These age groups make up the four different generations: Traditionalist, Baby Boomers, Generation X ers, and Generation Y ers. Traditionalist, (born 1925 1946) may need a little prodding to communicate their needs and they prefer written communication plans. Baby Boomers, (born 1946 1964) are aware of technology but still prefer to communicate by telephone and they call themselves the age of the memo. Generation X ers, (born 1965 1982) commonly prefer short concise communication. Generation Y ers, (born 1983 2000) prefer short, quick e mails, texting and mobile phone applications to communicate. The hospital ... Show more content on ... Her name kept appearing on a list, indicating she needed to complete this task. I emailed her three times with the step by step directions about how to complete the declination form. She never responded to me or completed this task. My director instructed her to complete this task and walked her through the process. As a member of the Traditionalist Generation, she respects authority, not wanting to disappoint my director. I should have paid closer attention to her nonverbal communication and gone to her for task completion. Being a member of this generation, I may fail to listen actively to those Baby Boomer and Traditionalists that I interact with daily. This incident also raises another issue. POH employees depend on e mail and the intranet for our as our main sources of communication, but we still have employees who are unsure of their computer literacy. All employees should receive mandatory training on e mailing and the intranet to be competent in these areas. The ability to provide our patients with a remarkable patient experience is the number one responsibility of our staff. Each generation has their own communication style, these styles allows them to provide a remarkable patient experience for all our patients. Without communication tools, each generation is unable to communicate to the patient. I have a patient advocate who reports to me. She is a member of the Baby Boomer Generation. Her communication style
  • 10. Phonemic Awareness Essay Phonemic Awareness There are many components to building a student s reading skill set. One skill that is introduced in preschool and developed through the primary grades is phonemic awareness. The term phonemic awareness is defined as the ability to hear, identify, and manipulate phonemes individual sounds. The child becomes aware of how sounds are connected to words prior to reading. This awareness creates the understanding of how phonemes explains how the smallest part of sound creates a difference in sound to the meaning of a word. Therefore, the ability to dismantle words, and reassemble them, and then to alter the word into something different explains the concept behind phonemic awareness. It is the primary foundation in which other reading skill sets are according based. In the Classroom Phonemic Awareness is important to the development of spelling, word... Show more content on ... The analysis determined that difficulties in reading are strongly related to the lack of phonemic awareness. Instruction, when given explicitly and direct one on one focus in one skill area of phonemic awareness were greater than instructions that focused on three or more skill areas. In addition, the NRP continued to state that children taught in small group settings showed larger improvement gains than students taught in large groups or individually. The panel concluded that it could be taught under a variation of conditions, for a diverse range of learners. Furthermore, it stated that instruction of phonemic awareness was more effective through the use of letters, explicitly focused on only one or two areas of awareness, lesson and activities were tailored toward small group development levels, and program ranged from 5 to 18 hours remaining under 20 hours of instruction based on 25 minute instruction
  • 11. Physics Of A Baseball Player Analysis As in most racquet/bat/stick dons, a baseball player s goal is to convey the greatest measure of energy conceivable at effect. This energy is then exchanged to the ball, quickening it to a high velocity (Adair, 2002). The direction and speed of the batted ball are the essential contributing components to the consequence of the hit. A batted ball with high speed can bring about one of at least two successful results, depending upon the ball s direction. In the event that the direction of the ball is higher, the ball can arrive somewhere down in the outfield for an additional fair hit or perhaps go over the wall for a home run. These outcomes are very great for the batter. Energy is made by the player through his use of the kinetic chain (Race,
  • 12. Exploration of Self in Matthew Arnold s The Buried Life... Exploration of Self in Matthew Arnold s The Buried Life One of the modes of poetry theme and content was that of psychological exploration of self, as characterized by the poem The Buried Life by Matthew Arnold. Class structure and gender roles were vividly looked at in depth, definitions of masculinity and femininity were earnestly contested throughout the period, with increasing sharp assaults on traditional roles... (Longman, p. 1888). What it was to be a man (or woman) was frequently in question, and much of Victorian poetryaddressed this. Arnold felt that, literature must directly address the moral needs of readers. (Longman, p. 2017) He felt a need to instruct and educate society to a fuller understanding of its ... Show more content on ... is even love too weak/ to unlock the heart, and let it speak? (12 13) and Their thoughts, for fear that if revealed/ they would by other men be met/ with blank indifference, or with blame reproved. (17 19) He notes that even though men cannot voice their thoughts and emotions, that the same heart bets in every human breast! (23) The conflict between man and society s ideology is seen further, Ah! well for us, if even we/ even for a moment, can get free/ our heart, and hour our lips unchained / for that which seals them hath been deep ordained! (26 29) Deep ordained here connotatively means that with society has deemed acceptable, which may not often coincide with what is really felt. Along these lines of social repression of true self unless in acceptable manner, that society felt a person should be molded into an acceptable framework, And well nigh change his own identity/ that it might keep from his capricious play/ his genuine self, and force him to obey, (34 36) and the unregarded river of our life/ pursue with indiscernible flow its way/ and that we should not see/ the buried stream. (39 42) These last few lines imply the inner self, in which society has no use for, which continues on its way, even though hidden, throughout eternity. The fact that even though repressed, the inner self will eventually stir something in the person, always seeking to come out of its shell. There rises an unspeakable desire...a thirst to spend our fire and
  • 13. First Person Narrative Research First person narrative research is a term that uses a group of approaches that in turn depend on spoken words, written works or pictures/drawings of people. These approaches tend to focus on the lives of individuals as told through their own stories. The importance and focus within such approaches is in the narrative, usually based on both what and how it is narrated. The audience validates narrative research. Being a very useful tool and all, narrative method may not always be strong enough to stand alone as a central piece of evidence in concluding a point. Regardless if it is part of a presentation or whether it is a stand alone piece of information, it must be accepted, based on its own merits as an individual experienceand... Show more content on ... The narrative method allows for an intimate look into the emotions, thoughts and experiences within a story based on the fact that another has witnessed such or intern through another s work along for a great picture to be established. Being easily able to validate a claim or narrative account through another is also a huge benefit of the method making it easier for the truth to come out and harder for lies to see the light. Personal narratives and information gained from narrative methods tend to come from truthful sources based on not wanting to tarnish individual s credibility, and not seeing a reason in creating lies and misleading information. Nevertheless, many problems can also be seen within the method harder and less likely to prevent. The limited perspective is detrimental in the sense that only that one perspective s views through emotion and feeling are used to describe the situation if there had only been one account. Unless there are multiple viewpoints from different individuals who think and act differently put together to create one image from all different sides, which isn t very practical to do. The narrative method also creates a restricted view in the sense that anything the reader does not know, you don t know. Such as taking into consideration different socio contexts and the individuals thinking spectrums. The narrative account may also be biased, understanding the story through ones eyes, leaves room for events and facts to change based on what the individual thinks, wants, and knows at the
  • 14. Laryngectomy Research Paper Key Features of Laryngectomy: Typical The larynx is removed for patients with advanced laryngeal cancer. The trachea opening is redirected to the neck, creating the tracheostoma. (Mohebati Shah, 2010) o Voice cannot be produced in a traditional way as vocal folds are removed. (Mohebati Shah, 2010) 1050 Canadians, mostly older men, will be diagnosed with laryngeal cancer in 2014 (Canadian Cancer Society s Advisory Committee on Cancer Statistics, 2014). Voice can be restored through learning esophageal Speech, getting a Tracheoesophageal Implant, or using an electrolarynx. Tracheoesophageal Speech: o According to the American Speech Lanugage Hearing Association (ASHA), a prosthesis is inserted between the trachea and esophagus (2004a). It allows air from the lungs enter the esophagus, causing it to vibrate ... Show more content on ... Canadian Cancer Statistics 2014. Toronto, ON: Canadian Cancer Society; 2014. Retrieved November 14, 2014, from /cancer%20information/cancer%20101/Canadian%20cancer%20statistics/Canadian Cancer Statistics 2014 EN.pdf Mallis, A., Goumas, P.D., Mastronikolis, N.S., Panogeorgou, T., Stathas, T., Prodromaki, K., Papadas, T. A. (2011). Factors influencing quality of life after total laryngectomy: a study of 92 patients. European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, 15, 937 942. Retrieved November 14, 2014, from http:/ / content/uploads/1016.pdf Miller, S. (2008). The role of the speech language pathologist in voice restoration after total laryngectomy. CA: A cancer journal for clinicians, 40(3). Retrieved November 14, 2014, from Mohebati, A., Shah, J. (2010). Total Laryngectomy. Otorhinolaryngology clinics: An international journal, 2(3), 207 214. Retrieved November 14, 2014, from
  • 15. Formal Meeting Guide For Two New Zealand Cultures Essay Formal meeting guide for two New Zealand cultures Submitted by: Submitted to: Mandeep Singh Anika VATS Student Id 14095424B Tables of content 1. PART1 MAORI CULTURE .................................................................3 a.INTRODUCTION ABOUT MAORI HUI CULTURE, MARAE.........3 b.About the HUI introduction..........................................................3 c.AGENDA........................................................................................3 d.REGULATION................................................................................3 e.PROCESS FOLLOW AT HUI........................................................4 f.RECORD REQUIRED FOR HUI MEETING...................................5 2.PART 2 NZ CULTURE REGISTERED COMPANY S ACT 1993..5 a.INTRODUCTION.............................................................................5 b.REGULATIONS AND STATUTORY REQUIRMENTS ASSOSIATED WITH SUCH MEETING..........................................5 c.TYPICAL AGENDA OF SHAREHOLDER MEETING....................6 d. THE PROCESS REQUIRED FOR SUCH A MEETING..................6 e. RECORD REQUIRED FOR SUCH A MEETING...........................7 3. GLOSSARY OF THE MAORI TERMS.................................................8 4.
  • 16. Tuscaloosa Federal Courthouse Essay The Tuscaloosa Federal Courthouse was built in 2011 to replace the office styled federal building. This new building mirrors the Greek revival styled widespread in government buildings in the United States. This style was used to match the authority the style has come to represent and was inspired by other Tuscaloosa buildings including the President s Mansion and the State Capitol. The buildingis multipurpose by housing multiple courtrooms as well as several other government offices. Its courthouse accommodates the District Court, the Bankruptcy Court, the Probation Office, the Marshals Service, the Attorney s Office, congressional offices, the GSA, the SSA, and the FBI. The design needed to be modular and large in scale in order to accomplish this. Its layout also needed to be... Show more content on ... This art comes in the form of 16 oil painted murals by the artist Caleb Connor, that line the central hallway between the pilasters. The murals are realistic in style and depict major historical events that define Tuscaloosa. These depictions of events cover a large time period, one of which depicts the recent tornado that occurred while the courthouse was still being built. The local art is used as a further way to establish the building as part of it s environment. The Tuscaloosa Federal Courthouse could have easily been designed as a modern office building like its predecessor, however by mirroring the architectural Greek Revival styles of established courthouses and other prominent buildings in Tuscaloosa, the building becomes much more significant. The buildings purpose is easily and immediately understood through its aesthetics in architecture. While it is only a recent construction, the courthouse s suits its environment and is able to establish its authority as a representation of the government and as a part of the culture of
  • 17. Analysis on Behind the Veil by Dhu’l Nun Ayyoub Essay In the short story From Behind the Veil, written by Dhu l Nun Ayyoub, the author changes how we feel about the main character throughout the sequencing of the plot. We as the readers learn more about how the protagonist really thinks coupled with what her motives are. The author also presents language that clearly expresses how the protagonist feels and uses examples to show an overall theme in the story. In the exposition we meet our protagonist who is a young women of Islamwho wears the traditional veil that muslim women are advised to wear under the law of the Quran were it says, And tell the believing women to reduce some of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which necessarily... Show more content on ... This is an interesting exception to the stereotypical and usual relationship between a Muslim man and woman. Usually the man would have the majority of power in the relationship, but the protagonist has made the relationship on her terms only. We also learn from the narrator that the protagonist has a strong disposition. We can conclude that she seems to exude some power . We also learn that her father thinks highly of her and feels that she is intelligent , well brought up , and obviously knows the value of traditions and respects them. In the climax, we start to have a very different view of our protagonist. We learn that she might not be as genuine as we think she is. The climax is after her father reads the newspaper article a man submitted about a woman who revealed herself to him. She goes to her room and talks to her veil stating that she despises the veil, how she uses it only to keep men away from her, she doesn t care about her veil at all, she feels nothing for it, she defies it, and how she feels that other women say they wear the veil to preserve their virginity, honor, and good morals, but if they were honest about why they wore the veil it would be for no reason but to cover their flaws and scandals. This is extremely surprising to the reader because from what we thought of her before she was a girl who wore the veil as a symbol of good morals when
  • 18. Research Paper On Ozette Ozette is located on the northwest coast of the Olympic Peninsula in the state of Washington (1,2). Ozette was a Makah fishing village (2), which was occupied from 400 BC to the early 1900s. Around 1750 AD, a large storm hit and the entire city was buried under a mudslide until the 1970s, when another storm hit the beach and began to reveal portions of the preserved city (1). About 50,000 artifacts were recovered when digging up this site (2). The Makah people actually sought out archaeologist to uncover these artifacts. These artifacts included wooden boards, nets, baskets, wooden tools, wooden boxes, bone and antler harpoons, and cordage that were all preserved. An animal bone recovered at the site indicated that they used whale
  • 19. One Thousand and One Nights Essay Underlying Power One thousand and one nights, one thousand and one moral stories. The story of The Thousand and One Nights is a unique tale that teaches simple morals throughout the many stories within the main story. This tale is about a clever women that saves herself, as well as the women in her kingdom, from being put to death by the king. She does this by marring the king and telling him bedtime stories every night that lead into the next day. She would purposely not finish the story, to leave him interested in the ending which eventually saves her life, and the womenin her kingdom, day after day. Not only does the main story have a lesson to be learned, but the mini stories also have simple morals to be learned. The Tale of... Show more content on ... This powerful vow would eventually wipe out the kingdom that he was ruling over. The wife never would have imagined she had so much influence on one person. The king s wife s actions was the cause of this vow that was made. The story of the demon and his wife also show the power of women. The power illustrated here is the power that she has over two kings. She knew that they would be afraid of the demon, and used their fear to her advantage. As said in the text: Then she lay on her back, raised her legs, and said, Make love to me and satisfy need, or else I shall wake the demon, and he will kill you. They replied, For God s sake, mistress, don t do this to us, for at this moment we feel nothing but dismay and fear of this demon. Please, excuse us. She replied, You must, and insisted, swearing, By God who created the heavens, if you don t do it, I shall wake my husband the demon and ask him to kill you and throw you into the sea. As she persisted, they could no longer resist and they made love to her, first the older brother, then the younger. (1574) Unlike the other two women, Shahrazad, the vizier s daughter, used her womanly powers to save instead of destroy or deceive. Even though her life was at stake, she put herself in the position to be the heroine for the kingdom. But morning
  • 20. Theme Of The Birds By Alfred Hitchcock Psycho is a classic horror/thriller directed by the legendary Alfred Hitchcock made in 1960. It followed Marion Crane (Janet Leigh), who stole $40,000 in order to be with her lover, and stopped at the Bates Motel, owned by the psychotic split personality Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins), along the way, and is murdered by Bates, which catalyses an investigation into Norman and his mysterious mother. Psychoexplored in depth the psychosisof its characters and how it connected to KГјbler Ross model of grief, and utilized filmmaking techniques, such as mise en scГЁne and motifs, to demonstrate this characteristic of its characters. Hitchcock demonstrated his auteurism in his use of a bird focused motif, a recurring theme in not only Psycho but also his other works, The Birds (1963) in particular, and demonstrated this motif through use of mise en scГЁne. Norman Bates was a hobbyist taxidermist, and took particular interest in birds. His office was decorated with stuffed birds of both predator and prey. In close up shots of the conversation between Norman and Marion Crane (a bird name), Norman was often framed with a predatory bird in a low angle shot, designed to make him appear intimidating. Marion, on the other hand, was framed alongside prey birds in a high angle shot, which showed her defenselessness. This filmmaking technique signified the juxtaposition between Norman and Marion, where Marion was weak preyed upon by the powerful predatory Norman Bates. This relationship is
  • 21. Social criticism in The Great Gatsby and Great Expectations Authors often use their works to convey criticisms of society. Such works of literature do not directly criticize specific real people or events. They do however present a sense of the writer s concern with issues of social injustice and misguided values. Two strong examples of social criticism through literature are Great Expectationsby Charles Dickens and The Great Gatsbyby F. Scott Fitzgerald. In both novels the writers project their social criticisms to the reader through the use of characterization and setting. Great Expectations was written and set in mid Victorian England, having been first published as a serial in All The Year Round a weekly English periodical. Dickens used this form of publication to incrementally dose his... Show more content on ... Dickens criticizes this injustice in Great Expectations buy mocking a society that values wealth and appearance. In the novel typically the poorest characters are the most honest and moral and the wealthiest are the most immoral and corrupt. Pips moral stalwart is Joe, his much older brother in law. Joe is a poor blacksmith who is ridiculed for his humble means by his wife and also by a wealthy Pip for his humility and ignorance of wealth and high society. Despite this Joe is the only character that is universally kind and compassionate, the stories only true gentleman, but is never socially recognized as such because of his low social stature. On the other hand Miss Havisham is a character that shows this relationship between wealth and immorality. She is the most visibly wealthy person in the novel; she is also the cruelest. All of her actions are motivated by a desire to humiliate Pip and make him feel in human due to his modest upbringing. John Wemmick is a very visible example of the juxtaposition of corrupt wealth and honest humility. He is a law clerk to the powerful London lawyer Mr. Jaggers. While at work with Jaggers he conforms to the environment by being an emotionally devoid subordinate who will follow nearly any directive regardless of morality. When he is outside of work he shows a
  • 22. Naadh Lab Report A. ) The glycolytic enzyme produces NADH+ and carbon dioxide from pyruvate. The allosteric control of the glycolytic enzyme is controlled by the amount of NADH produced.The NADH+ and carbon dioxide tricarboxylic acid cycle and become NADH+ and FAH2 The higher concentration of NADH, will lead to more electrons being contributed to the electron transport cycle, increasing the hydrogen ion gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane, which would lead to an increased production of ATP. The increased production of ATP will cause the allosteric control enzyme of both anaerobic glycolysis and the allosteric control of the tricarboxylic cycle. The slowing of ATP production will cause an increase in ADP. This will allow allosteric control enzymes ... Show more content on ... The higher concentration of NADH, will lead to more electrons being contributed to the mitochondrial electron transport cycle, increasing the hydrogen ion gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane, which leads to a increase production of ATP synthesis by ATP synthetase. The increased production of ATP will cause the allosteric control enzyme of both anaerobic glycolysis and tricarboxylic acid cycle, this will slow down the production and cause ADP to increase. This will allow allosteric control enzymes of the tricarboxylic acid cycle to be activated. This will lead to oscillation due to the lag in the cycle. This large feedback loop is controlled by the ATP. This loop will cycle twice in order to create an oscillation, one NADH reaches a maximum, the other NADH reaches a minimum. This causes the cell to create a negative feedback control to decrease the enzyme, making more NADH, which lowers the production of ATP. Thus a higher the ADP, causing the cell to want to make more
  • 23. John Hershel s Blueprint As it started back sometime in the 19th century blueprints came about a blueprint is a design plan or other technical drawing used by supervisors,construction workers,or anybody in general looking to build ,make a or design a house,skyscraper,or any sort of building with a structure.As Well as why blueprints are important in the constrution field or buildingprocess. Search Story I choose this topic in particular because I am waiting to seek an educational career in architecture, and to expand in the field of architecture.This specific topic will show how buildings,skyscrapers and homes all have the same beginning from start to finish before they are close to being finished as a final product. My expectations were to going straight into the project were that some of the aspects were going to be taken into consideration as like how the final product will look,and from how the the measurements were going to be drawn up on paper to match the project in real life versus on paper as well as the model scale. The
  • 24. Communication Effects Of Communication Year after year, things change, people change, and technology gradually develops. Tweeting, texting, and other forms of abbreviated communication has come across us, making it more facile for us to communicate in the cyber world. Many of us question whether it affects our day to day lives, possibly transmuting the way we verbalize or our English language. The essay Texting by David Crystal describes the phenomenon of texting and how it has come to be (241). Similarly, Kris Axtman verbalizes about how the forms of abbreviated communicationand slang affects us in his essay, r u online? : The Evolving Lexicon of Wired Teens (247). As a teenager, I absorb the contemporary trends taking place in today s society, this includes abbreviated communication. There is a clear distinction between how I text and how I communicate in person, with live speech. I utilize abbreviated communication when I text my friends and in the cyber world with others. It is a way for me to communicate expeditiously as I don t have to type out the whole word, and my friends are still able to understand what I m saying. However, utilizing abbreviated communication does not make an impact on how we speak with others when using live speech; because there are many factors that go into what is appropriate in society today. Tweeting, texting, and online communication over the past years have transmuted as we now abbreviate when we communicate. Multi word sentences and response sequences can be used,
  • 25. What Are The Four Great Inventions Of Ancient Chinese... The four great inventions by ancient Chinese people that have had a huge impact on the entire world are papermaking, gunpowder, printing, and the compass. Paper was a great contribution to the spread and development of civilization. The first nation to invent paper was china ( Words were written on numerous natural materials by ancient people before it was invented ( Mesopotamians used earthen plates, Egyptians used grass stalks, Europeans used sheepskin, Indians used sheep skin, and the early Chinese used bamboo, wooden strips, tortoise shells, or shoulder blades of an ox ( These materials proved themselves unsuitable as Chinese civilization developed because of their bulk and weight ( Ancient Chinasucceeded in first making a... Show more content on ... The paper making process first spread to Korea and then to Japan in the beginning of the third century ( Then in the twelfth century it reached the Arab world in the Tang Dynasty, and Europe. (www.fmprc,gov). The Arabs captured some Tang soldiers and paper making workers during the war between the Tang Dynasty and the Arab Empire ( The Arabs set up the paper factory and the Africans and Europeans then mastered the skill through the Arabs ( It then went to America by way of Europe and the gradually spread all over the world ( By the ninetieth century paper making spread throughout the world in paper factories set up in Australia ( The birth of gunpowder was accidental ( It was originally used for making fireworks and its later adaptation revolutionized warfare across the world ( It was first created by an alchemist while attempting to make an elixir of immorality and it contained Sulphur, saltpeter, and charcoal
  • 26. The Supply Chain And Alliances Retail is a globalised industry, where products may be sourced and produced in one country, but sold in another. This requires collaboration of the different roles involved in the supply chain and alliances to be formed, in order for each of the different roles to complete their business objectives. The supply chain is the connections of movements, systems and businesses that work together to produce and sell a product. The suppliers and retailers, in particular, must go hand in hand if either of them are to succeed. It is with the help of the buyers and merchandisers, that the suppliers and retailers are able to connect and build up relationships. It is dominantly the buyer that works to bring the suppliers and retailers together. It is part of a buyer s role to work closely and build up relationships with suppliers to ensure everything runs smoothly and quality standards are being met on behalf of the retailer. There are a number of factors that a buyer must take into consideration when sourcing the right supplier for a retailer. The suppliers must be able work efficiently and effectively to follow all instructions given to them by the buyer, this is to ensure that the correct standard of work, set by the retailer, is produced. For the relationship to work, communication is key. The suppliers must have consistent communication with the buyer, whether it be written, verbal or electronic in order to avoid any problems and solve any issues. Retailers want to keep their
  • 27. Marijuana as Medical Treatment Marijuana as medical treatment Should marijuana become legal in our country as a prescription and clinical drug for medicinal treatment? Imagine somebody that you love lying in bed at a hospital and having just undergone chemotherapy for their cancer treatment; Side effects of chemotherapy like constantly vomiting, fatigue and pain are difficult to tolerate every day. Doctor can prescribe medication, but any of it has absolutely no effect in relieving the intolerable pain of nausea and headache. Medical marijuana as a treatment and pain reliever is nothing new; people have used it for ages. Patients in countries where marijuana is legalized describe this plant as the first drug that has a treatment benefit over treatments and medicinal drugs. This plant may be the only possibility to reduce their physical pain, but if there is no legalization of medical marijuana in their country, what should they do? Dr. Sunil K. Aggarwal with his group of medical researchers and doctors argues that there are many confirmed medical advantage of marijuana, but science reporter, Colin Lowry, argues that marijuana has damaging mentally effects. Firstly, Dr. Sunil K. Aggarwal s with his colleague dr. Nishi Whiteley arguments about the medical advantages have both supporting indication and proofs. Nevertheless, he agrees with Lowry, that not every cannabis ingredients are positive. He says that even though, the ingredients of
  • 28. Level Three Leadership Level Three Leadership is imperative in today s changing society that relies on technology and social media. All that we do is dependent upon the change processes, the roles that any person can play and the interaction of the organization, self, others and the task. Change is inevitable for many managers find a comfort zone which reduces flexibility and future growth they tend to miss the shifting in the market and are left behind. As there are many models of managing change, no model of managing change in the individual, work group, or organizational level is to overlook the importance of becoming a master of the change process to become an effective leader. Therefore, a great need arises in leadershipto build a change team that uses... Show more content on ... It was noted that communication efforts must be verbal and active (Kotter, 1995). Kotter eight step change model has many drawbacks and benefits. The advantages are that it is the step by step, which is easy to follow model. Another is that it does not focus on the change itself, but rather the acceptance and the preparation of this change, which makes it an easy transition. In Kotter s and Lewin s models, both consider the difficulties that organizations encounter when trying to move people from their comfort zone for the change to happen. In both of the models they use a different set of calculations to know whether there is any need to change to take place in the
  • 29. The Cost Instrument Of The Government The government is not working with the aim that was actually defined. The government is not functional proper. As stated by different journalists will be fizzled will legislate the not for the genuine Furthermore genuine implying for administration. There need aid not only health, pension, training Also nourishment that administration recognized that these are recently requirement from claiming people Also they need aid here done legislating forms on only give acceptable these things. These legislating forms ought to define the legislating standards concerning illustration for every spiritually Furthermore attitude from claiming organizations in the nation individuals. The effectiveness impacts of a one task rely on upon its associations... Show more content on ... Administration must a chance to be kept tabs once welfare of the whole nation. Around the extreme limits that need aid incidental for bureaucratic oversaw economy Of so many public functions are: For the purpose of incentive the buying and purchasing rates are different, there are no rules and regulations about this A person who pay tax to government while the purchasing has no benefit while who is selling earn an intense benefit, The buyers and sellers should be in gain situation. A kind of technique must be introduced by the governing bodies. There should be surprising control on all these kind of things. One of the primary things the government should do is to set cyclical fiscal deficit targets. This will help that administration stretch or shorten that monetary deficiency as stated by those state of the economy. A standout amongst the greatest steps that that legislature could take may be to determinedly push to upgrading that straightforwardness of finishing business. A standout amongst those offers of a market economy framework is that choice making is decentralized i. E. There will be no absolute form answerable for choosing the thing that is with a chance to be prepared Also in what amounts. This will be
  • 30. Man Ray Research Paper Home Selected Man Ray Artworks Man Ray s Biography Man Ray Quotes . Man Ray Paintings, Photography, and Quotes Sponsored Links Man Ray and his artworks Man Ray Portrait Man Ray, born Emmanuel Radnitzky in 1890 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was a renowned representative of avant garde photography in the 20th century and is considered as the pioneer of Surrealist photography. Ray s artistic work is very diverse. He was a painter, object artist, and a film maker. He was the very first artist whose images were more valuable to collectors than his artistic work. He therefore ... Show more content on ... There he was an influential member of the international Dada and Surrealist circles of artists and writers, which included Max Ernst, Dali, Paul Eluard, Picasso and AndrГ© Breton His popular works Ray Man became popular for the representations of his artistic works. He went on to develop a career as a fashion photographer, capturing images for popular magazines in Paris. While in France, he produced brilliant art works which are today known as Rayogrammes images created on a piece of photographic paper without a camera; the subject is placed directly on a piece of paper, light is exposed then the image is produced. The shadow of the object is what produces the image, which emphasizes the influence of the light and shadow instead of the importance of the picture itself. Another popular work from this period was Violin d Ingres in 1924. This photograph featured the naked back of his lover, an actor known as Kiki, styled after the painting by a French artist called Jean August Dominique. In a witty twist, Man Ray drew two black shapes on her back to make it appear like musical instruments. Ray made a number of short films between 1923 and 1929, creating classic Surrealistic works like L Etoile de Mer, Emak Bakia, as well as Les Mysteres
  • 31. du chateau de. He also experimented with the method known as the Sabatier effect, which adds a silvery quality to the
  • 32. Definition Of Love What is love? Depending on who is asked, the definition of love will seldom have the same meaning. When researching for the true definition, one will come upon countless interpretations, all of which make sense. The English word love originates from the German word lubh, which means great desire (Moseley). There are many different types of loveand feelings associated with them which come together to create confusion when attempting to discover the true definition of love. Most definitions of love have to do with affection and romance. According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, love is most commonly defined as a feelingof strong or constant affection for a person, romantic or sexual. For some, however, love is purely unconditional ... Show more content on ... Storge love is the love felt between family and friends. An example of storge love is fraternal love, or the love parents feel for their children. Storge love is very important because it teaches children from a young age what love feels like. Storge love is unconditional. When people experience this type of love, they accept the person which they love despite any flaws or faults they endure. They are willing to forgive under any circumstance. Storge love between friends may turn into a romantic relationship in which the significant others are each other s best
  • 33. Gothic Literature Research Paper They told of dripping stone walls in uninhabited castles and of ivy clad monastery ruins by moonlight, of locked inner rooms and secret dungeons, dank charnel houses and overgrown graveyards, of footsteps creaking upon staircases and fingers tapping at casements, of howlings and shriekings, groanings and scuttlings and the clanking of chains, of hooded monks and headless horseman, swirling mists and sudden winds, insubstantial specters and sheeted creatures, vampires and bloodhounds, bats and rats and spiders, of men found at dawn and women turned white haired and raving lunatic, and of vanished corpses and curses upon heirs (Susan Hill). In this quote Susan Hill is describing gothic architecture found in one of her stories. The dark dungeons and dank charnel houses directly points to the gothic genre. Gothic literature creates complex emotions into a reader. Emotions that readers can t find anywhere else. For example, reading a book can be so much more terrifying than watching a movie. For some people watching scary movies is just pointless and a waste of time, but when they read a horror book their imagination and thoughts go wild and they can get so scared. However, this can be different for everyone and it depends on the individual. Also, it depends on the type of literature.... Show more content on ... For example, in one of the most popular gothic novel/movie Batman we see how important the setting is to the movie. So important that without darkness, as a setting, Batman would not even exist because he is only seen at night. However, the use of the supernatural is not frequently used as much in recent gothic literature other than in horror books and movies, but certainly is still a big part of gothic fiction now. Among some of the best authors of gothic literature we have Edgar Allan Poe, Victor Hugo, Shirley Jackson, Stephan King, Susan Hill, Anna Rice and many
  • 34. Noam Chomsky Consent Government and mass media industries hold control over public opinion. In the documentary, Noam Chomsky argues the manufacture of consent as a technique for mind control utilized for targeting and eluding the public. Standard views of democracy exclude indoctrination, however, Chomsky insinuates indoctrinations importance in democracy. Achievable through necessary illusions, propagandawithin the media, and the manufacture of consent, the government marginalizes citizens (Chomsky 1992). Chomsky developed this argument predicated on a book indited by, American journalist, Walter Lippmann around 1921. Introducing class division systems in society, Lippmann suggested a diminutive population percentage understands common interest and plays a role ... Show more content on ... Necessary illusions ascertain population masses, especially those within the larger percentage, remain incurious and uninvolved in the political process. They want the people to submit to the potency of elites, further maintaining the status quo. Chomsky states eighty percent of the masses face marginalization while twenty percent, the political class, face indoctrination and enter the status quo. Necessary illusions work with propaganda, and media avails as an implement for imposing such illusions. In simple terms, privileged elites utilize the method for domination of society and manipulation of minds within it (Chomsky 1992). In addition, Chomsky reassures a method to break free. However, society members must collaborate against puissant elites to make such progress
  • 35. Analysis Of Emma Lazarus s The New Colossus America, land of the free, where the opotunities are endless. At least that the ideology sold to millions of immigrant, but does the reality live up to the American dream? Emma Lazarus, a poet from the 1800s believed it did according to her poem, The New Colossus, a poem for immigrants to meet the foot of the statue of Liberty. Though Lazarus tries to convince immigrants of Americans Openness, many Americans likely find her poems expectation of America to far exceed the reality of Americas racial and international relation between 1877 and 1945. Immigrants during this time was made up of mostly Eastern and and Southern Europeans, who in the 20th centurys Laissez faire economy, provided cheap labor to coorperations in America. Coupled with worker exploitation, child labor, labor unions, on and off depression and crowding cities Augenics was born. In political correct terms Eugenics is the science of insuring human succession through selective breeding. It was racism in the simplest of terms, used to explain why some people were bad as well as justify rejecting certain groups (like Russian and polish immigrants thought to have Вѕth of its population feebleminded). This form of racism was deeply routed in science as Francis Galton created this field. His definition The night Tulsa burned is a great example of the how will pale in comparison to our goals as Americans. Due to the successes of the African American community Tulsa, their white counterparts felt threatened
  • 36. The Effects Of Post Olympic Games On The Olympics Bubble economy is the third reason of the valley effect of post Olympic Games. Before the Olympics, many tourists and company go into the Olympic host country to consume. They will largely promote this country s development of the construction industry, tourism, services, retail and other industries. Especially in tourism, the Olympic Gameswill bring numerous tourists for host city, and these tourists will consume in the city, and these tourists need pay for food, accommodation, transport, purchase goods and souvenirs and, some companies and people also will consider purchasing real estate in the Olympic Village. However, after the end of the Olympics, these tourists will leave the Olympic host country gradually, causing tourists and consumers reduce in the Olympic host city and the economic markets shrink. Because of the above reasons when the Olympics begin, the host country have a considerable economic development, the construction industry, tourism, services, retail and other industries go into a few peak. But after the Olympics, consumers leave the city, which lead to a rapid decline of the economy development. Thus the lacking of consumer lead to a number of economic and social problems, such as unemployment, poor sales of goods, tourism slump, the real estate bubble. Especially in tourism, the influence of Olympic economy bubble is the most serious for tourism. A report from The European Tour Operators Association (ETOA) shows some information. After the
  • 37. Synopsis Of Book I Meghan Putnam English10H Summer Assignment Book I, Chapters 1 2 Where Raskolnikov lives in St. Petersburg is a crowded, filthy and run down area. The streets near his garret are always filled with drunks and tradesmen. Rivers and canals run through different parts of the city. Raskolnikov lives in a garret of a five story house. His living conditions aren t great and he lives in constant fear of his landlady. His room is extremely small and he sleeps on an old, run down couch. The pawnbroker is a small unkempt 60 year old woman named Alyona Ivanovna. She wore tattered, old and dirty clothing. Raskolnikov dislikes her because he believes she cheats the poor out of their money. Raskolnikov meets Marmeladov in a tavern. He ... Show more content on ... She also says that Dounia, after lots of consideration, has decided to marry another man, named Pyotr Petrovich Luzhin. However, Luzhin wants to marry Dounia because she s poor and wants to be called her savior. She tells him that she, Dounia and Luzhin will be coming to St. Petersburg soon. After reading the letter, Raskolnikov is distressed, bitter and wrathful. He walked through his town after reading the letter and is mistaken for being drunk because he muttered things under his breath. Raskolnikov sees Sonia s and Dounia s lifestyles as being similar, they both have given their lives up for the people they love. Sonia became a prostitute to support her father and her family and Dounia is marrying a man that she knows that once they are married can help Raskolnikov with his profession. Both these women don t really want to do these things, but they do it because they know in the long run it will benefit the people they love the most, their families. On a walk contemplating his mother s letter, Raskolnikov discovers an older man pursuing a very drunk, very young girl. Although he wants the girl to be safe, Raskolnikov doesn t want to do it himself. He watches the girl and even gets in a fight over the topic but he doesn t do anything himself , instead he pays a police officer to bring her home. This shows that even though he doesn t have a great character, his
  • 38. The Physics of Roller Coasters Essay The Physics of Roller Coasters The roller coaster has its beginnings in Russia where during the 1600 s. People crafted sleds out of wood and built hills made of ice blocks. The hills had sand at the bottom to help slow down the sleds so they would not crash when they reached the bottom of the hill.1 Over time, the roller coaster has become more complex. They now are taller, faster and are designed out of different materials like wood and steel. Although roller coasters are fun and exciting, the questions, what allows them to twist and turn, go up and down hills at a fairly good speed? Why do they not fall off of the track when it goes through a loop? The answer to these questions and others about roller coasters lies in the application ... Show more content on ... Then as the coaster begins its decent down the first hill, the energy is converted back into kinetic energy as the train is pulled toward the Earth by gravity. Gravity is the traditional source of power for roller coasters that accelerates the train as it goes on its hilly, twisty journey.3 Gravity is a unit of acceleration, that is always present, that causes free falling objects on Earth to change their speed at a rate of approximately 10 m/s (32ft/s) every second.1 So, as the train goes down the hills of the track it has a positive acceleration giving it the necessary potential energy to climb the next hill, make a turn, or travel through a loop. Also, as the train goes down the hills and loops, it experiences a free fall effect. This occurs when an object falls and is not inhibited by other objects2 (314 315). As the train goes down the hill, the coasters mass causes it to accelerate faster than the people in the car. During the free fall stages of the ride the train does not exert any pressure on the riders or the track causing the riders to feel momentarily weightlessness. This is why the train has wheels on the bottom of the track and the passengers of the train have some sort of restraining device to hold them into their seats.3 So, as the train goes down the hill it is actually falling, causing the velocity of the train to increase due to the
  • 39. The Causes Of The Mexican Revolution 101 Presidents and More The Causes of the Mexican Revolution Democracy is the destiny of mankind; freedom its indestructible arm Benito Juarez Mexico was building up to its revolution long before activists like Francisco Madero and Emiliano Zapata. From 1840 to 1910; Mexico went from a war torn and newly freed nation to a nation on the brink of civil war. How did it get there? Through a series of wars, leaders, and policies, which proved causation politically, socially, and economically to the Mexican Revolution. The loss of material and economic productivity in the war for Independence had long lasting economic consequences on Mexico. It severely damaged agriculture, commerce, industry, and mining sectors. The most severe blow to the Mexican economy was the loss of capital; money either fled the country or was withdrawn from circulation . After the war, Mexico fell into 50 years of economic depression. The speedy rehabilitation of the mining sector would have aided national recovery greatly, but both financial and technical problems hindered its recovery until the 1880s. Because Mexico lagged behind the rest of the world for half a century, great economic advances were needed towards the turn of the century. The two main sources of power after Mexican Independence were the Church and the military. The Catholic Church owned considerable sums of land, and gave loans to other landowners. This secured its alliance with the upper class of society. The military
  • 40. Comparison Of White Upper Class Male And Female In early 1800s society, there was an Unequal power relation between male and female . Men were traditionally seen as being the dominant, physically stronger and socially more powerful in terms of status: traditional masculinity is a strength, rationality, stoicism and self reliance . Women s position in society and within their homes was portrayed as subservient, obedient to their fathers, brothers and malerelatives and their husbands throughout their lives. Fagin: stereotypical man Fagin s power lies within him being the elite in a criminal group; his masculine qualities position in an area of great and dangerous power . White upper class males are seen as being the far more superior group then the lower social class. Whereas it could be argued that A masculine gendering is supposed to evoke positive connotation , the men s in Oliver Twist are most typically linked to violence. The greed of Fagin is shown when he says if you do it well, a pound my dear this gives a reflection of his character in the story. His portrayed as being arrogant as he uses children for his own good as they are seen to steal money for him. His arrogant side is shown through his treatment of the children what s your name you hardened scoundrel indicates his dominating behaviour toward the children as he has control over them and he doesn t let Oliver speak what is his name officer show his controlling character indicate how people are scared of the way he presents and deceive
  • 41. What Is The Impact Of Tolkien s Influence On The Modern... Upon researching one of the most well loved stories of the last century, one will without doubt encounter the name of the author of such a book. The fictional world of the story is set in a land of elves and orcs, dwarves and humans, and, most importantly, hobbits. It is a tale of bravery, friendship, determination, corruption, and it is a tale of a great journey. The title of the story is The Lord of the Rings, and the author of it is J.R.R. Tolkien. J.R.R. Tolkien produced one of the most beloved stories of the last century, and has influenced the modern world of fantasy. (J(ohn) R(onald) R(euel) Tolkien 2) Born in Bloemfontein, South Africa on January 3, 1892, Tolkien lived to be 81 years old, and died on September 2, 1973 due to complications resulting from a bleeding gastric ulcer and a chest infection. He attended Exeter College in Oxford from 1911 to 1919, and then went on to be an author and a scholar. Token was a lover of language, and this is shown in his most admired stories, The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings. To quote Humphrey Carpenter in J.R.R. Tolkien: a Biography, It was a deep love for the look and sound of words that motivated him, springing from the days when his mother had given him his first Latin lesson. (Contemporary authors online 4) Butcher 2 ... Show more content on ... His second most well known novel, The Hobbit, was voted into the top 100. According to Augustus M. Holich in the dictionary of literary biography, Not since Milton has any Englishman worked so successfully at creating a second world, derived from our own yet complete in its own terms with encyclopedic mythologies; an imagined world that includes a vast gallery of strange beings... All three volumes of The Lord of the Rings have been turned into feature films of the same titles. The movies were released in 2001, 2002, and 2003, and the third movie received an academy award as best picture of 2004 (authors
  • 42. Deathgasm By Jason Lei Howden Deathgasm Analysis Yesterday, October 21st, I went to see the movie Deathgasm that is directed by Jason Lei Howden. The movie began with a metal head teenage boy named Brodie who discovers friends that are also into metal music, and they form a band called Deathgasm. Later, they find the old rock legend, Rikki Daggers, in an abandon house, and he handed them a sheet of music. They soon realize the sheet of music attracts demons to come into people who live there and a Satanic cult leader, Vadin. It seems as if the screenwriter was attempting to cross a horror and a comedy in one film. The movie was very graphic, indicating the movie was not created for children, and the humor was very dry which consisted killing demons with sex toys or bloody farts, as two examples. The movie s soundtrack was completely metal music, ... Show more content on ... The beginning of the movie, Medina was off limits to Brodie because she was together with his jerk cousin, David. Soon Medina ends the relationship and develops the same feelings Brodie cultivated for her from the start. The screenwriter obviously placed the two characters perfectly, resulting the audience desiring for their relationship between each other grow. The forbidden relationship makes me think of Romeo and Juliet, but instead of both Brodie and Medina dying like Romeo and Juliet, they live their own happily ever after in the end. There were many negative aspects about the movie that I did not enjoy. In the movie I found Brodie was heartbroken for his own mother. Personally, I have not experienced drug addict parents, but cousin s mother is. A moment in the movie, Brodie goes to his room to see it was trashed by his jerk cousin, David. Along with the wreckage, was a torn photo of Brodie and his mother. Brodie takes a few emotional seconds looking at this picture, which indicates the grief that drug addicts can cause a
  • 43. Persuasive Essay About Aliens For many years, numerous people have pretended aliens are not real, well I am here today to prove their theory wrong. Hundreds among thousands of people from all over the world have seen, and even made contact with extraterrestrial life. Will you be next or have you already? They are horrifying stories that come up often with extraterrestrials. Are they fake or your worst nightmare? ВЁSightings within 500 feet are subclassified as various types of ВЁclose encountersВЁ( Hynek 41.) There have been over 104,947 sightings in a decade. There was a sighting back in the 1600s when John Winthrop had unusual writing in his diary about a ВЁgreat light in the nighttime sky ( Hynek 32.) On September 19, 1976, people in Tehran, Iran saw an unidentified flying objectaround twelve am. Systems started to fail when the unidentified flying object was twenty miles away. Most sightings have been reported in Roswell, New Mexico. In the year 1947, a balloon was seen crashing into the land of a nearby ranch near Roswell, New Mexico but theories say otherwise. Multiple accusations have been arguing about it, but, the real mystery, if it was just a United States Air Force balloon then why did they try to cover it up? In White Mountains, Arizona 1975 a man, Travis, went to work with his buddies to cut down trees. It was a typical day, he and Dallas fought a little bit and then took a lunch break. When they finished loading all the extra limbs in the back of the truck, they left for home. On their
  • 44. Unshakable Truth In Steven D. Levitt s Freakonomics The New York s times bestseller: Freakonomics a Rouge Economist Explores the hidden side of Everything, By Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner is not an ordinary book. It is an unconventional, provocative look at things by a young economist and dissident. A freak is a person, who does not fit into the framework of standard thinking, and has the audacity to challenge the fact that everything has been canonized as an indisputable authoritative opinion. The book asserts that the new economy requires a new unorthodox and innovative look at things, an exit beyond the narrow framework of conventional judgments and a popular belief that only yesterday seemed to be the unshakable truth. At the beginning of Freakonomics, Levitt and Dubner explains how they ended up collaborating on this book, with the underlying belief that the modern world despite a surfeit of obfuscation, complication, and downright deceit, is not ... Show more content on ... All it takes is a new way of looking. In the first chapter, What Do School Teachers and Sumo Wresters Have in Common? Cheating. In this Dubner and Levitt explore the beauty of incentives as well as cheating, and how in order for a teacher to cheat and risk getting caught there would have to be a high enough incentive. Throughout this book we learn people respond to incentives. The authors use the example of a daycare in Israel establishing a late fee fine in order to try and motivate parents to pick up their children on time, this is an example of a typical incentive in everyday life. However, this plan backfired since the late fee fine was only an additional $3 dollars on their weekly bill instead of motivating the parents to feel bad about picking up their child late and paying the additional fee parents thought if being
  • 45. Intercultural Communication HOW TO: CONDUCT BUSINESS WITH THE JAPANESE CHUA, SABRINA MARIELLE S. STUDENT NUMBER: 11701278 INTRODUCTION Intercultural communication is understanding the effective way in communicating between people with different cultural background. Factors such as business etiquettes and cultural differences are critical to be able to achieve a positive outcome in a negotiation. Knowing how to negotiate with the Japanese is essential especially when the person comes from a different background. In this essay, Emily, an australian entrepreneur who wish to expand her business venture in Japan will be advised on gaining a good impression with meeting Mr. Hamasaki, a manager of a popular store. BODY MAKING A GOOD IMPRESSION Japanese are known to be perfectionists, they strive to be at their best especially in business matters. Coming from an Australian culture, Emily needs to be aware that Japanese are unreadable, they tend to make you think what they are thinking. Unlike other culture like australians, they are direct to the point. Punctuality. As mentioned above, Japanese are perfectionists, and being perfect on time is one they re excellent at. So, Emily was advised that it s better for her to arrive on their meeting at least 5 minutes before. Because it is 101% sure that Mr. Hamasaki will arrive on the dot. The point is, she needs to be there first before Mr. Hamasaki. Attire. When Emily goes to Japan, she will notice that most of the people
  • 46. Comparison Between Stan Lee And Jack Kirby Stan lee was born in NYC on December 28,1922. In stan lee s early work he created the fantastic four,spider man,and the x men with the help of Jack Kirby. Jack Kirby was a person who sketched,colored and design what the character was going to look like. Together they made great comics. Stan lee s work was great so his boss ( Martin Goodman also known as the creator of marvel ) promoted him to editorial director. Stan Lee later was involved in multimedia projects and was an ambassador of the marvel industry. After this Stan Lee s creations came to life by directors wanting to turn these comics into movies,tv shows and games. Stan lee made a lot of amazing comics and productions that is what made him famous. Spiderman was one of the characters
  • 47. Bashmatchkin s Pride In The Overcoat, By Nikolai Gogol In The Overcoat, Nikolai Gogol reveals just how shallow and judgmental humans are about the appearance and social status of their peers. Bashmatchkin s coworkers do not respect him. No respect at all was shown him in the department. The porters, far from getting up from their seats when he came in, took no more notice of him than if a simple fly had flown across the reception room (762). The reason for their attitude towards him is because of his appearance. He looks a bit unkempt in comparison to his coworkers, specifically because of his ratty old coat, and they see him as being beneath them; they make fun of him because of this. The young clerks jeered and made jokes at him to the best of their clergy wit, and told before his face all sorts of stories of their own invention about him (762).... Show more content on ... It had been deprived of the honorable name of the overcoat and had been referred to as the dressing gown (765). What his coworkers do not know, is that Bashmatchkin wears the old coat because he does not have the money to buy a new one; he struggles for months in order to raise the funds to have a new coat made. When his new coat is finished and he wears it to work, suddenly everyone has a change of heart about Bashmatchkin. They all ran out at once into the cloakroom to look at Akaky Akakievich s new overcoat; they began welcoming him and congratulating him (771). Bashmatchkin is even invited to a party this same day, all because he got a new coat. Bashmatchkin goes from being subhuman to his peers, to being an equal just because of an article of