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Elena Simperl
King’s College London, UK
July 2022
Knowledge graphs have
become a critical AI resource
We study them associo-
technical constructs
Our research
 Explores knowledge-graph engineering
empirically to understand practices and
improve processes and tools
 Uncovers links between social and technical
qualities of knowledge graphs to make them
Picture from
Collaborative knowledge graph,
Wikimedia project (2012),
23k active users, 99m items, 1.6b edits
Open license
RDF support, links to LOD cloud
Item identifiers start with a Q, property identifiers
start with a P
Sadiq Khan
head of government
Ada Lovelace
Sadiq Khan
head of government
Labour party
United Kingdom
Statements may include context
 Qualifiers (optional)
 References (required)
Two types of references
 Internal, linking to another item
 External, linking to webpage
Sadiq Khan
of government
9 May 2016
Human editors can register or work anonymously
Community creates bots to automate routine tasks
23k active human users, 340+ bots
Assembling your KG team
KG quality as a function of
data provenance
Supporting editors and
improving retention
Piscopo, A., Phethean, C., & Simperl, E. (2017). What Makes a
Good Collaborative Knowledge Graph: Group Composition and
Quality in Wikidata. International Conference on Social
Informatics, 305-322, Springer.
Piscopo, A., & Simperl, E. (2018). Who Models the World?:
Collaborative Ontology Creation and User Roles in
Wikidata. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer
Interaction, 2(CSCW), 141.
Editors have varied tenure and interests
Their profile and editing behaviour impact
 Group composition has varied effects
 Tenure and interest diversity can increase outcome
quality and group productivity
 Different editors groups focus on different types of
Chen, J., Ren, Y., Riedl, J.: The effects of diversity on group productivity and member withdrawal in online volunteer groups. In: Proceedings of the 28th international
conference on human factors in computing systems - CHI ’10. p. 821. ACM Press, New York, USA (2010)
Analysed edit history of items
Corpus of 5k items, whose quality has been
manually assessed (5 levels)*
Edit history focused on community make-up
Community is defined as set of editors of item
Considered features from group diversity
literature and Wikidata-specific aspects
Activity Outcome
H1 Bots edits Item quality
H2 Bot-human interaction Item quality
H3 Anonymous edits Item quality
H4 Tenure diversity Item quality
H5 Interest diversity Item quality
Ordinal regression analysis, trained four models
Dependent variable: 5k labelled Wikidata items
Independent variables
 Proportion of bot edits
 Bot human edit proportion
 Proportion of anonymous edits
 Tenure diversity: Coefficient of variation
 Interest diversity: User editing matrix
Control variables: group size, item age
H3 H4
The more is
not always
the merrier
Bot edits are
key for quality,
but bots and
humans are
editors have
a positive
Identify further
areas for bot
Design effective
Suggest items
to edit based
on tenure and
Analysing how
the community
awards quality
labels to items
robust machine
learning models
Spotting biases
Analysed Wikidata ontology and its edit
Defined as the graph of all items linked through
P31 (instance of) & P279 (subclass of)
Calculated evolution of quality indicators and
editing activity in time and the links between them
Based on features from literature on ontology
evaluation and collaborative ontology engineering
Wikidata dumps from March 2013 (creation of P279)
to September 2017
 Analysed data in 55 monthly time frames
Literature survey to define Wikidata ontology quality
Clustering to identify ontology editor roles
Lagged multiple regression to link roles and ontology
 Dependent variable: Changes in ontology quality across time
 Independent variables: Number of edits by different roles
 Control variables: Bot and anonymous edits
Based on 7 ontology evaluation frameworks
Compiled structural indicators that can be computed from the data
Indicator Description Indicator Description
noi Number of instances ap; mp Average and median population
noc Number of classes rr Relationship richness
norc Number of root classes ir, mr Inheritance and median richness
nolc Number of leaf classes cr Class richness
nop Number of properties ad, md, maxd Average, median, max explicit depth
Sicilia, M. A., Rodríguez, D., García-Barriocanal, E., & Sánchez-Alonso, S. (2012). Empirical findings on ontology metrics. Expert Systems with
Applications, 39(8), 6706-6711.
>1.5M classes, ~4000 properties
No of classes increases at same rate as overall
no of items, likely due to users incorrectly using
P31 & P279
ap and cr decrease over time, several classes
are either without instances, sub-classes or both
ir & maxd increase over time, part of the
Wikidata ontology is distributed vertically
K-means, features based on previous studies in ontology engineering
Analysis by yearly cohort
Feature Description Feature Description
# edits Total number of edits per month. # property edits Total number of edits on
Properties in a month.
# ontology edits Number of edits on classes. # taxonomy edits Number of edits on P31 and P279
# discussion edits Number of edits on talk pages. p batch edits Number of edits done through
automated tools.
# modifying editsNumber of revisions on previously
existing statements.
item diversity Proportion between number of edits
and number of items edited.
admin True if user in an admin user
group, false otherwise.
lower admin True if user in a user group
with enhanced user rights,
false otherwise.
190,765 unique editors over 55 months (783k
18k editors active for 10+ months
2 clusters, obtained using gap statistic (tested
Leaders: more active minority (~1%), higher
number of contributions to ontology, engaged
within the community
Contributors: less active, lower number of
contributions to ontology and lower proportion of
batch edits
People who joined the project early tend to be
more active & are more likely to become leaders
Levels of activity of leaders decrease over time
(alternatively, people move on to different tasks)
H1 Higher levels of leader activity are negatively correlated to
number of classes (noc), number of root classes (norc), and
number of leaf classes (nolc)
H2 Higher levels of leader activity are positively correlated to
inheritance richness (ir), average population (ap), and average
depth (ad)
H1 not supported
H2 partially supported
Only inheritance richness (ir) and average depth (ad)
related significantly with leader edits (p<0.01)
Bot edits significantly and positively affect the number of
subclasses and instances per class (ir & ap) (p<0.05)
Creating ontologies still a challenging task
Size of ontology renders existing automatic quality
assessment methods unfeasible
Broader curation efforts needed: large number of empty
Editor roles less well articulated than in other ontology
engineering projects
Possible decline in motivation after several months
The role of discussions in
Studying participation
pathways to observe
learning effects
Analysis of ShEx
Amaral, G., Piscopo, A., Kaffee, L. A., Odinaldo, R., &
Simperl, E. (2021). Assessing the quality of sources in
Wikidata across languages: a hybrid approach. ACM
JDIQ 13(4), 1-35.
Statements may include context
 Qualifiers (optional)
 References (required)
Two types of references
 Internal, linking to another item
 External, linking to webpage
Sadiq Khan
of government
9 May 2016
Wikidata aims to become a hub of references
Provenance increases trust in Wikidata
Lack of provenance hinders downstream reuse
Quality of references underexplored
Hartig, O. (2009). Provenance Information in the Web of Data. LDOW, 538.
Approach to evaluate quality of external and
internal references in Wikidata
Quality defined by the Wikidata verifiability policy
 Relevant: support the statement they are attached to
 Authoritative: trustworthy, up-to-date, and free of bias for supporting a
particular statement
 Easy to access: users should be able to access the information in references with
low perceived effort
Large-scale (the whole of Wikidata)
Multiple languages (EN, ES, PT, SV, NL, JA)
RQ1 How easy it is to access sources?
RQ2 How authoritative are sources?
 According to existing guidance, do they match the
author and publisher types from the Wikidata policy?
RQ3 Are sources relevant to claims?
RQ4 Are external and internal references of
varying quality?
RQ5 Are references in different languages of
varying quality?
RQ6 Can we predict relevance, authoritativeness
and ease of use of a reference without relying on
the content of the references themselves? Can we
do this for references in different languages?
1. Descriptive statistics
Understand differences in external/internal references
Determine data distributions
Prepare data to crowdsource
2. Microtask crowdsourcing
Evaluate relevance, authoritativeness & ease
of access of a reference sample
Create training set for ML
3. Machine learning
Large-scale reference quality prediction
RQs 1-5
2 tasks on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk
5 workers/task, majority voting
Quality assurance through golden data & attention checks
Feature Microtask Description
Relevance / Ease
of access
T1.1 Does the reference support the statement?
T1.2 How easy was the navigation to verify the reference?
T1.3 What was the biggest barrier to access, if any?
T2.1 Choose author type from list
T2.2 Choose publisher type from list
T2.3 Choose publisher sub-type from list
RQs 1-5
Compared 5 algorithms
 Naïve Bayes, Random Forest, SVM, XGBoost, Neural Network
Features taken from URLs and Wikidata ontology
3 tasks: relevance, ease of navigation (data from T1.2), and
Features of the representative URL extracted
Features of the reference node’s coding and structure
Features of the website available through the representative URL
Features of the claim node associated to this reference node
Snapshot up to April 16th, 2020
15m individual items used in Stage 1 (20% of
385 random references from each language
(95% conf., 5% m. of error)
2,310 references in total
 Six languages, both internal and external
 Around 940 could be automatically checked (40% of total)
Agreement calculated per question and language
Agreement overall moderate (over 0.4) and often substantial (over
 Multiple trusted metrics used for robustness
* Kappa metrics can’t be used for interval data
Task No. of microtasks Total workers Fleiss’ k Randolph’s k Kripp’s α
T1.1 460 microtasks 87 0.507702 0.745626 0.537647
T1.2 N/A* N/A* 0.614661
T1.3 0.405330 0.592810 0.415045
T2.1 370 microtasks 74 0.496904 0.781481 0.645795
T2.2 0.603499 0.695833 0.657171
T2.3 0.515551 0.604419 0.572782
2310 references evaluated
Found 91.73% are relevant
Found 66.97% are authoritative
Most (95%) unauthoritative references link to Wikipedia
On ease of access:
5-level Likert Scale was used
78.43% fall on levels 3 (easy) or 4 (very easy)
6.66% fall on levels 0 (very difficult) and 1 (difficult)
76.44% of irrelevant references were due to working links with
wrong information (different from Wikidata)
19.37% were due to bad links
 External references had better agreement than internal
 10% better on average (Krippendorff’s Alpha)
 No noticeable quality difference between external and
internal references
 Quality differs a lot based on language
 Examples:
 English references are much harder to access (19.37% voted as
very difficult)
 Non-authoritative references: 4.94% for Dutch , but 43.12% for
 Likely due to specific languages used for specific topics
Most common author type (T2.1)
 Organization (67%)
Most common publisher types (T2.2)
 Companies/Organizations (37.75%)
 Self-published (28.79%)
 Academic/Scientific (22.16%)
This also varies based on language
 Academic/Scientific for English is 83.12%
 Self-published for Swedish is 57.14%
F1 Acc
Random Forest 0.78 0.93
XGBoost 0.76 0.91
Naïve Bayes 0.66 0.86
SVM 0.68 0.85
Neural Network 0.79 0.94
Random Forest 0.981 0.983
XGBoost 0.977 0.980
Naïve Bayes 0.974 0.977
SVM 0.975 0.979
Neural Network 0.982 0.984
F1 Acc
Ease of Navigation
Random Forest 0.815 0.834
XGBoost 0.183 0.06
Naïve Bayes 0.811 0.806
SVM 0.780 0.824
Neural network 0.831 0.936
KG embeddings trained on Wikidata did not improve the task overall
when compared to simple one-hot encoding
Crowdsourcing + ML works
Many external sources are high-quality
Bad references are mainly working links with bad
External references were much clearer to workers
There are topical biases in different languages,
leading quality to vary by language
Editor study to
how references
are chosen
Alghamdi, K., Shi, M. & Simperl, E. (2021). Learning to
recommend items to Wikidata editors. International
Semantic Web Conference, 163-181.
Content growth is
outpacing community
Tenure and interest
diversity help with item
Recommenders could
help retain new editors
Source: Lydia Pintcher @Wikidata
Pages per active editor
All editors Editors w/
200+ items
modelled as classification
Sparse data, editor is
interested in item if they
edit it, no explicit
feedback of lack of
Features of items, items
relations and editors
Baselines: collaborative filtering (CF) and content-based
 GMF = neural network implementation of collaborative filtering (CF)
 BPR-MF = matrix factorization (MF), for recommenders with implicit feedback
 eALS = MF, for implicit feedback scenarios, optimises a different function
 YouTube DNN = leans item and relational embeddings in a neural network with
random initialisation
Performance increases when items and relations are considered
Item content contributed more than relations
WikidataRec w NMoR (neural mixture of representations) performs
significantly better than WikidataRec w/o NMoR
WikidataRec shows recommendations are
technically feasible
Alternative means to collect editor
preferences and learn about their
motivations needed because of data
Study with editors suggested editors work
within the same topics for some time, then
change to new topics
Extension to WikidataRec for topic
recommendations yields better results than
item recommendations
WikidataRecSeq taking for edit sequences
under development
Use of AI tools e.g. language
models in KG engineering:
explainability, trust
Use of KGs in downstream AI
applications e.g. through
Wikidata logs are a
huge source of
observational data in
knowledge engineering
Sociotechnical methods
improve on purely
technical ones to address
community growth and
diversity, content
Many cross-disciplinary
methods e.g. psychology,
sociology, neurosciences
• Piscopo, A., Phethean, C., & Simperl, E. (2017). What
Makes a Good Collaborative Knowledge Graph:
Group Composition and Quality in Wikidata.
International Conference on Social Informatics, 305-
322, Springer.
• Piscopo, A., & Simperl, E. (2018). Who Models the
World?: Collaborative Ontology Creation and User
Roles in Wikidata. Proceedings of the ACM on
Human-Computer Interaction, 2(CSCW), 141.
• Amaral, G., Piscopo, A., Kaffee, L. A., Odinaldo, R., &
Simperl, E. (2021). Assessing the quality of sources in
Wikidata across languages: a hybrid approach. ACM
JDIQ 13(4), 1-35.
• Alghamdi, K., Shi, M. & Simperl, E. (2021). Learning
to recommend items to Wikidata editors.
International Semantic Web Conference, 163-181.
• Kaffee, L. A., Vougiouklis, P., & Simperl, E. (2022).
Using natural language generation to bootstrap
missing Wikipedia articles: A human-centric
perspective. Semantic Web, 13(2), 163-194.

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What Wikidata teaches us about knowledge engineering

  • 1. WHAT WIKIDATA TEACHES US ABOUT KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING Elena Simperl King’s College London, UK @esimperl ISWS2022 July 2022
  • 2. OVERVIEW Knowledge graphs have become a critical AI resource We study them associo- technical constructs Our research  Explores knowledge-graph engineering empirically to understand practices and improve processes and tools  Uncovers links between social and technical qualities of knowledge graphs to make them better Picture from
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING AS HUMAN- MACHINE PROCESS Human- machine interactions Knowledge engineering communities
  • 7. WIKIDATA Collaborative knowledge graph, Wikimedia project (2012), 23k active users, 99m items, 1.6b edits Open license RDF support, links to LOD cloud
  • 8. THE KNOWLEDGE GRAPH STATEMENTS, ITEMS, PROPERTIES Item identifiers start with a Q, property identifiers start with a P 8 Q84 London Q334155 Sadiq Khan P6 head of government
  • 9. THE KNOWLEDGE GRAPH ITEMS CAN BE CLASSES, ENTITIES, VALUES 9 Q7259 Ada Lovelace Q84 London Q334155 Sadiq Khan P6 head of government Q727 Amsterdam Q515 city Q6581097 male Q59360 Labour party Q145 United Kingdom
  • 10. THE KNOWLEDGE GRAPH STATEMENTS IN CONTEXT Statements may include context  Qualifiers (optional)  References (required) Two types of references  Internal, linking to another item  External, linking to webpage 10 Q84 London Q334155 Sadiq Khan P6 head of government 9 May 2016
  • 11. THE KNOWLEDGE GRAPH CO-EDITED BY BOTS AND HUMANS Human editors can register or work anonymously Community creates bots to automate routine tasks 23k active human users, 340+ bots
  • 12. IN THIS TALK Assembling your KG team KG quality as a function of data provenance Supporting editors and improving retention
  • 13. ‘ONTOLOGIES ARE US’ Piscopo, A., Phethean, C., & Simperl, E. (2017). What Makes a Good Collaborative Knowledge Graph: Group Composition and Quality in Wikidata. International Conference on Social Informatics, 305-322, Springer. Piscopo, A., & Simperl, E. (2018). Who Models the World?: Collaborative Ontology Creation and User Roles in Wikidata. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 2(CSCW), 141.
  • 14. BACKGROUND Editors have varied tenure and interests Their profile and editing behaviour impact outcomes  Group composition has varied effects  Tenure and interest diversity can increase outcome quality and group productivity  Different editors groups focus on different types of activities Chen, J., Ren, Y., Riedl, J.: The effects of diversity on group productivity and member withdrawal in online volunteer groups. In: Proceedings of the 28th international conference on human factors in computing systems - CHI ’10. p. 821. ACM Press, New York, USA (2010)
  • 15. STUDY 1: ITEM QUALITY Analysed edit history of items Corpus of 5k items, whose quality has been manually assessed (5 levels)* Edit history focused on community make-up Community is defined as set of editors of item Considered features from group diversity literature and Wikidata-specific aspects *
  • 16. RESEARCH HYPOTHESES Activity Outcome H1 Bots edits Item quality H2 Bot-human interaction Item quality H3 Anonymous edits Item quality H4 Tenure diversity Item quality H5 Interest diversity Item quality
  • 17. DATA AND METHODS Ordinal regression analysis, trained four models Dependent variable: 5k labelled Wikidata items Independent variables  Proportion of bot edits  Bot human edit proportion  Proportion of anonymous edits  Tenure diversity: Coefficient of variation  Interest diversity: User editing matrix Control variables: group size, item age
  • 19. SUMMARY AND IMPLICATIONS The more is not always the merrier 01 Bot edits are key for quality, but bots and humans are better 02 Registered editors have a positive impact Diversity matters 04 Encourage registration 01 Identify further areas for bot editing 02 Design effective human-bot workflows 03 Suggest items to edit based on tenure and interests 04 03
  • 20. ONGOING WORK Analysing how the community awards quality labels to items Developing robust machine learning models Spotting biases
  • 21. STUDY 2: ONTOLOGY QUALITY Analysed Wikidata ontology and its edit context Defined as the graph of all items linked through P31 (instance of) & P279 (subclass of) Calculated evolution of quality indicators and editing activity in time and the links between them Based on features from literature on ontology evaluation and collaborative ontology engineering
  • 22. DATA AND METHODS Wikidata dumps from March 2013 (creation of P279) to September 2017  Analysed data in 55 monthly time frames Literature survey to define Wikidata ontology quality framework Clustering to identify ontology editor roles Lagged multiple regression to link roles and ontology features  Dependent variable: Changes in ontology quality across time  Independent variables: Number of edits by different roles  Control variables: Bot and anonymous edits
  • 23. ONTOLOGY QUALITY: INDICATORS Based on 7 ontology evaluation frameworks Compiled structural indicators that can be computed from the data 23 Indicator Description Indicator Description noi Number of instances ap; mp Average and median population noc Number of classes rr Relationship richness norc Number of root classes ir, mr Inheritance and median richness nolc Number of leaf classes cr Class richness nop Number of properties ad, md, maxd Average, median, max explicit depth Sicilia, M. A., Rodríguez, D., García-Barriocanal, E., & Sánchez-Alonso, S. (2012). Empirical findings on ontology metrics. Expert Systems with Applications, 39(8), 6706-6711.
  • 24. ONTOLOGY QUALITY: RESULTS LARGE ONTOLOGY, UNEVEN QUALITY >1.5M classes, ~4000 properties No of classes increases at same rate as overall no of items, likely due to users incorrectly using P31 & P279 ap and cr decrease over time, several classes are either without instances, sub-classes or both ir & maxd increase over time, part of the Wikidata ontology is distributed vertically 24
  • 25. EDITOR ROLES: METHODS K-means, features based on previous studies in ontology engineering Analysis by yearly cohort 25 Feature Description Feature Description # edits Total number of edits per month. # property edits Total number of edits on Properties in a month. # ontology edits Number of edits on classes. # taxonomy edits Number of edits on P31 and P279 statements. # discussion edits Number of edits on talk pages. p batch edits Number of edits done through automated tools. # modifying editsNumber of revisions on previously existing statements. item diversity Proportion between number of edits and number of items edited. admin True if user in an admin user group, false otherwise. lower admin True if user in a user group with enhanced user rights, false otherwise.
  • 26. EDITOR ROLES: RESULTS 190,765 unique editors over 55 months (783k total) 18k editors active for 10+ months 2 clusters, obtained using gap statistic (tested 2≥k≥8) Leaders: more active minority (~1%), higher number of contributions to ontology, engaged within the community Contributors: less active, lower number of contributions to ontology and lower proportion of batch edits 26
  • 27. EDITOR ROLES: RESULTS People who joined the project early tend to be more active & are more likely to become leaders Levels of activity of leaders decrease over time (alternatively, people move on to different tasks) 27
  • 28. RESEARCH HYPOTHESES H1 Higher levels of leader activity are negatively correlated to number of classes (noc), number of root classes (norc), and number of leaf classes (nolc) H2 Higher levels of leader activity are positively correlated to inheritance richness (ir), average population (ap), and average depth (ad) 28
  • 29. ROLES & ONTOLOGY: RESULTS H1 not supported H2 partially supported Only inheritance richness (ir) and average depth (ad) related significantly with leader edits (p<0.01) Bot edits significantly and positively affect the number of subclasses and instances per class (ir & ap) (p<0.05) 29
  • 30. CONCLUSIONS Creating ontologies still a challenging task Size of ontology renders existing automatic quality assessment methods unfeasible Broader curation efforts needed: large number of empty classes Editor roles less well articulated than in other ontology engineering projects Possible decline in motivation after several months
  • 31. ONGOING WORK The role of discussions in Wikidata Studying participation pathways to observe learning effects Analysis of ShEx schemas
  • 32. THE CONTENT IS AS GOOD AS ITS REFERENCES Amaral, G., Piscopo, A., Kaffee, L. A., Odinaldo, R., & Simperl, E. (2021). Assessing the quality of sources in Wikidata across languages: a hybrid approach. ACM JDIQ 13(4), 1-35. 32
  • 33. PROVENANCE IN WIKIDATA Statements may include context  Qualifiers (optional)  References (required) Two types of references  Internal, linking to another item  External, linking to webpage 33 Q84 London Q334155 Sadiq Khan P6 head of government 9 May 2016
  • 34. THE ROLE OF PROVENANCE Wikidata aims to become a hub of references Provenance increases trust in Wikidata Lack of provenance hinders downstream reuse Quality of references underexplored Hartig, O. (2009). Provenance Information in the Web of Data. LDOW, 538.
  • 35. STUDY 3 Approach to evaluate quality of external and internal references in Wikidata Quality defined by the Wikidata verifiability policy  Relevant: support the statement they are attached to  Authoritative: trustworthy, up-to-date, and free of bias for supporting a particular statement  Easy to access: users should be able to access the information in references with low perceived effort Large-scale (the whole of Wikidata) Multiple languages (EN, ES, PT, SV, NL, JA)
  • 36. RESEARCH QUESTIONS RQ1 How easy it is to access sources? RQ2 How authoritative are sources?  According to existing guidance, do they match the author and publisher types from the Wikidata policy? RQ3 Are sources relevant to claims?
  • 37. RESEARCH QUESTIONS RQ4 Are external and internal references of varying quality? RQ5 Are references in different languages of varying quality? RQ6 Can we predict relevance, authoritativeness and ease of use of a reference without relying on the content of the references themselves? Can we do this for references in different languages?
  • 38. METHODS THREE STAGE MIXED APPROACH 1. Descriptive statistics Understand differences in external/internal references Determine data distributions Language Predicates Domains Prepare data to crowdsource
  • 39. METHODS THREE STAGE MIXED APPROACH 2. Microtask crowdsourcing Evaluate relevance, authoritativeness & ease of access of a reference sample Create training set for ML 3. Machine learning Large-scale reference quality prediction RQs 1-5 RQ6
  • 40. MICROTASK CROWDSOURCING 2 tasks on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk 5 workers/task, majority voting Quality assurance through golden data & attention checks 40 Feature Microtask Description Relevance / Ease of access T1.1 Does the reference support the statement? T1.2 How easy was the navigation to verify the reference? T1.3 What was the biggest barrier to access, if any? Authoritativeness T2.1 Choose author type from list T2.2 Choose publisher type from list T2.3 Choose publisher sub-type from list RQs 1-5
  • 41. MACHINE LEARNING Compared 5 algorithms  Naïve Bayes, Random Forest, SVM, XGBoost, Neural Network Features taken from URLs and Wikidata ontology 3 tasks: relevance, ease of navigation (data from T1.2), and authoritativeness RQ6 Features Features of the representative URL extracted Features of the reference node’s coding and structure Features of the website available through the representative URL Features of the claim node associated to this reference node
  • 42. DATA Snapshot up to April 16th, 2020 15m individual items used in Stage 1 (20% of total) 385 random references from each language (95% conf., 5% m. of error) 2,310 references in total  Six languages, both internal and external  Around 940 could be automatically checked (40% of total)
  • 43. RESULTS: CROWDSOURCING CROWDSOURCING WORKS Agreement calculated per question and language Agreement overall moderate (over 0.4) and often substantial (over 0.6)  Multiple trusted metrics used for robustness * Kappa metrics can’t be used for interval data Task No. of microtasks Total workers Fleiss’ k Randolph’s k Kripp’s α T1.1 460 microtasks 87 0.507702 0.745626 0.537647 T1.2 N/A* N/A* 0.614661 T1.3 0.405330 0.592810 0.415045 T2.1 370 microtasks 74 0.496904 0.781481 0.645795 T2.2 0.603499 0.695833 0.657171 T2.3 0.515551 0.604419 0.572782
  • 44. RESULTS: CROWDSOURCING MAJORITY OF REFERENCES ARE HIGH QUALITY 2310 references evaluated Found 91.73% are relevant Found 66.97% are authoritative Most (95%) unauthoritative references link to Wikipedia On ease of access: 5-level Likert Scale was used 78.43% fall on levels 3 (easy) or 4 (very easy) 6.66% fall on levels 0 (very difficult) and 1 (difficult) 76.44% of irrelevant references were due to working links with wrong information (different from Wikidata) 19.37% were due to bad links RQ1 RQ2 RQ3
  • 45. RESULTS: CROWDSOURCING VARYING REFERENCE QUALITY RQ4  External references had better agreement than internal  10% better on average (Krippendorff’s Alpha)  No noticeable quality difference between external and internal references  Quality differs a lot based on language  Examples:  English references are much harder to access (19.37% voted as very difficult)  Non-authoritative references: 4.94% for Dutch , but 43.12% for Japanese  Likely due to specific languages used for specific topics RQ5
  • 46. RESULTS: CROWDSOURCING DATA FROM GOVERNMENT AND ACADEMIC SOURCES Most common author type (T2.1)  Organization (67%) Most common publisher types (T2.2)  Companies/Organizations (37.75%)  Self-published (28.79%)  Academic/Scientific (22.16%) This also varies based on language  Academic/Scientific for English is 83.12%  Self-published for Swedish is 57.14% RQ2 RQ5
  • 47. RESULTS: MACHINE LEARNING RANDOM FORESTS PERFORM BEST F1 Acc Relevance Random Forest 0.78 0.93 XGBoost 0.76 0.91 Naïve Bayes 0.66 0.86 SVM 0.68 0.85 Neural Network 0.79 0.94 Authoritativeness Random Forest 0.981 0.983 XGBoost 0.977 0.980 Naïve Bayes 0.974 0.977 SVM 0.975 0.979 Neural Network 0.982 0.984 RQ6
  • 48. RESULTS: MACHINE LEARNING RANDOM FORESTS PERFORM BEST F1 Acc Ease of Navigation Random Forest 0.815 0.834 XGBoost 0.183 0.06 Naïve Bayes 0.811 0.806 SVM 0.780 0.824 Neural network 0.831 0.936 RQ6 KG embeddings trained on Wikidata did not improve the task overall when compared to simple one-hot encoding
  • 49. CONCLUSIONS Crowdsourcing + ML works Many external sources are high-quality Bad references are mainly working links with bad information External references were much clearer to workers There are topical biases in different languages, leading quality to vary by language
  • 50. ONGOING WORK Editor study to understand how references are chosen Automatic claim verification
  • 51. ENCOURAGING EDITOR DIVERSITY, IMPROVING RETENTION Alghamdi, K., Shi, M. & Simperl, E. (2021). Learning to recommend items to Wikidata editors. International Semantic Web Conference, 163-181.
  • 52. OVERVIEW Content growth is outpacing community growth Tenure and interest diversity help with item quality Recommenders could help retain new editors Source: Lydia Pintcher @Wikidata Pages per active editor
  • 53. DATASETS LONG TAIL DISTRIBUTION OF PARTICIPATION All editors Editors w/ 200+ items
  • 54. WIKIDATAREC MODEL Recommendation modelled as classification Sparse data, editor is interested in item if they edit it, no explicit feedback of lack of interest Features of items, items relations and editors
  • 55. RESULTS: WIKIDATAREC VS BASELINES OUTPERFORMS COLLABORATIVE FILTERING AND CONTENT- BASED BASELINES Baselines: collaborative filtering (CF) and content-based  GMF = neural network implementation of collaborative filtering (CF)  BPR-MF = matrix factorization (MF), for recommenders with implicit feedback  eALS = MF, for implicit feedback scenarios, optimises a different function  YouTube DNN = leans item and relational embeddings in a neural network with random initialisation
  • 56. RESULTS: ABLATION STUDY GRAPH FEATURES MAKE A DIFFERENCE Performance increases when items and relations are considered Item content contributed more than relations WikidataRec w NMoR (neural mixture of representations) performs significantly better than WikidataRec w/o NMoR
  • 58. CONCLUSIONS WikidataRec shows recommendations are technically feasible Alternative means to collect editor preferences and learn about their motivations needed because of data sparsity
  • 59. ONGOING WORK Study with editors suggested editors work within the same topics for some time, then change to new topics Extension to WikidataRec for topic recommendations yields better results than item recommendations WikidataRecSeq taking for edit sequences under development
  • 60. HUMAN-MACHINE INTERACTIONS IN KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING Use of AI tools e.g. language models in KG engineering: explainability, trust Use of KGs in downstream AI applications e.g. through embeddings
  • 61. WHAT WIKIDATA TEACHES US ABOUT KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING Wikidata logs are a huge source of observational data in knowledge engineering Sociotechnical methods improve on purely technical ones to address community growth and diversity, content reliability Many cross-disciplinary methods e.g. psychology, sociology, neurosciences underexplored
  • 62. WHAT WIKIDATA TEACHES US ABOUT KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING • Piscopo, A., Phethean, C., & Simperl, E. (2017). What Makes a Good Collaborative Knowledge Graph: Group Composition and Quality in Wikidata. International Conference on Social Informatics, 305- 322, Springer. • Piscopo, A., & Simperl, E. (2018). Who Models the World?: Collaborative Ontology Creation and User Roles in Wikidata. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 2(CSCW), 141. • Amaral, G., Piscopo, A., Kaffee, L. A., Odinaldo, R., & Simperl, E. (2021). Assessing the quality of sources in Wikidata across languages: a hybrid approach. ACM JDIQ 13(4), 1-35. • Alghamdi, K., Shi, M. & Simperl, E. (2021). Learning to recommend items to Wikidata editors. International Semantic Web Conference, 163-181. • Kaffee, L. A., Vougiouklis, P., & Simperl, E. (2022). Using natural language generation to bootstrap missing Wikipedia articles: A human-centric perspective. Semantic Web, 13(2), 163-194.