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What Is Critical Thinking Essay
Crafting an essay on the concept of critical thinking poses a unique challenge due to the abstract
nature of the topic itself. Unlike essays on more concrete subjects, such as historical events or
scientific theories, elucidating the intricacies of critical thinking requires a deep understanding of
not only the concept itself but also its application across various domains.
To begin with, defining critical thinking necessitates a comprehensive exploration of its
multifaceted components, encompassing skills like analysis, evaluation, inference, interpretation,
explanation, and self-regulation. Moreover, delving into the significance of critical thinking
demands a nuanced examination of its implications in diverse contexts, ranging from academic
settings to everyday decision-making processes.
Furthermore, crafting an essay on critical thinking entails more than just regurgitating
information; it requires the ability to engage in introspection and analytical reasoning. One must
navigate through complex cognitive processes and philosophical frameworks to articulate the
essence of critical thinking effectively.
Additionally, conveying the importance of cultivating critical thinking skills in the modern world
entails addressing societal challenges, such as misinformation, cognitive biases, and the need for
informed decision-making. This necessitates a balanced approach that incorporates both
theoretical perspectives and practical examples to illustrate the relevance of critical thinking in
contemporary society.
In conclusion, while writing an essay on the topic of critical thinking presents its own set of
challenges, it also offers a rewarding opportunity to delve into a fundamental aspect of human
cognition and its implications for personal growth and societal progress.
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What Is Critical Thinking EssayWhat Is Critical Thinking Essay
Lekythos Essays
The Lekythos
A lekythos is an ancient Greek vase made of ceramic; the plural of lekythos is
lekythoi (Reference #2). It has a narrow neck, single handle, and is tall with a small,
deep mouth (Reference #7). The lekythos was used as a flask, used to hold olive oil
and perfumes (Reference #1), and were developed in ancient Athens during the fifth
century. In Classical Athens, lekythoi were painted in white ground with figurative
scenes. White ground is a form of art used by Athenians in which they created the
vase, fired it, and then the lekythos was painted in white. The figures and scenes were
then painted on top of the white ground. This method meant that the paintings did not
last as well, but were very beautiful in their original ... Show more content on ...
Secondly, some lekythoi were filled with scented oils and perfumes and placed
around the body, while others were set along the approach to the grave or placed
beside the tomb (Reference #5). This was done as a part of the religious focus of
the burial ceremony, and was given as an offering. Lastly, a lekythos would often
be brought to the gravesite or tomb of the deceased after the burial. It was very
important to ancient Greeks to visit the gravesite of loved ones quite often, and
when they visited, they would bring offerings to the deceased such as fruit, a feast,
or a lekythos filled with olive oil or perfume (Reference #6).
In time, the Lekythos was developed into a much larger version of itself, being
called Huge Lekythoi . These were often left on top of a grave, or beside a tomb
opening, almost as an ancient grave marker (Reference #7). Though they would
not be inscribed with any words or the name of the deceased, they would have a
painted scene depicting the deceased, some scene from their life, or a scene
depicting a sport or activity the deceased greatly enjoyed. Many lekythoi have been
recovered and are currently housed in museums all over the world. Though many are
not in their original glory, most have been reconstructed. New lekythoi have been
made in Greece and are still used today in some small Greek communities during the
preparation of the body, and left by
What Is The Story Of A Short Story
It was like any other day for me,birds were chirping, grass was growing and
shadows were vandalizing property and wreaking havoc on the world.(22.) How
all of this monstrosity happened is a long story so pull up a chair and listen.I m
Jack Jone and I was at a friend s birthday party for a friend whose name I can t say
because he will be hunted down by the shadows. We had just finished the cake and
had just started playing hide and seek.The birthday boy was the seeker and I was
the hider(1.). You should count to 10 and count very slowly, I told him and he
soon starts counting aloud 1,2,3..... He counted. He was counting fast not slowly
but that didn t matter to the others, they were as fast as ninjas in the dead of night.
I try to hide with one of them but she kicks me out of her hiding spot. 4,5,6..... he
still was counting down and I had to find a hiding spot quick the forest is a really
good spot I thought to myself.I ran into the forest so fast all I heard as I was
running was the fading sound of him counting 7,8,9,10 ready or not here I come
and hearing the screams of children being found and me as the kid always wanting
to win ran farther and faster into the forest until I tripped on a root of a tree and
phased through the ground into a hallowed cave. SPLASH!!! that was the sound I
made when I landed on the water and the feeling of my body being slammed on
water made my back feel like I broke my spine but with little energy and drowning
because not being able to or
On The Road
The novel On the road, written by Jack Kerouac is an autobiographical book about a
part of his life. The plot is about road tripping around the United States looking for
some ideologies of enjoying youth generation in the late forties and the early fifties.
The author is one of the most important writers of the Beat Generation , that is
advocating the sexual liberation and the youth lifestyle in the sixties.
The story sets in the United States of America and tell the story of the protagonist,
Sal Paradise, who represents Jack Kerouac. He is living in New York City with his
aunt when Dean Moriarty arrived in town. The central character of this novel is
Dean Moriarty because Sal Paradise is completely fascinated by this person. He puts
him on a pedestal, Dean Moriarty his everything that the protagonist cannot be. He
especially admires his madness, his vitality and his holiness.
The story is based on traveling around the United States trying to seek out some cure
for his depression and his boredom. He will also visit several cities, such as Chicago,
Denver, and San Francisco. He will not travel alone, he is going to see with his
fellow traveler Dean some friends, as Carlo Marx, who represents ... Show more
content on ...
They are recurrent during the all settings. They allow the different characters to
entirely express what they have to say and enjoy their youth. In the same time the
friendship is also important because they are always looking for someone. They
made trips to visit them. And finally there is the big difference between the East side
of the United States and the West side. In the beginning of the story, the West
symbolizes the idealism and the dreams and the East is boring and sad. But the more
the story moves forward the more these two statements trade. The East becomes the
holy and the west become less interesting. Moreover the different regions visited are
characterized by the person the protagonist have to meet
Analysis Of The Book The Screwtape Letters By Quot.
C.S. Lewis once wrote There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race
can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to
believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them. Throughout history
mankind has struggled, relentlessly, to put this concept into perspective. Lewis, a
well respected Christian author, thought it appropriate to develop a work that would
help individuals grasp the notion of devils. The Screwtape Lettersby C.S. Lewis is a
powerful satirethat develops situational and dramatic ironyby allowing the reader to
experience various thought patterns of the devil.
Clive Staples Lewis has become known as one of contemporary society s most
distinguished Christian authors. Throughout his career, Lewis emphasized a
continuing Christian experience in almost all of his major writing, despite an early
intolerance for the Church because of its institutionalized nature. Ironically, the idea
for this novel came about at Holy Trinity Church near Headington Quarry. Actually, to
be more politically correct, the letters were conceived shortly after listening to a radio
broadcast by Adolph Hitler the night before. At this time Lewis remarked, Statements
which I know to be untrue all but convince me, at any rate for the moment, if only the
man says them unflinchingly. These events, along with written narratives, were
printed in several corresponding letters to his brother, Warnie Lewis. The narratives
Outsiders In The Outsiders
Society has always been separated into stereotypical groups. Now a days, those
groups are represented by classes: lower, middle, and upper class. What about back
then? During the 1960 s in Tulsa, Oklahoma; high school student Susan Eloise Hinton
(S.E Hinton) writes a book called The Outsiders about the diverse groups in her town.
Between the Greasers and the Socs, who are the real outsiders of the story? Though
the groups are separated into privileged and unfortunate, the outsiders are the ones
who unintentionally disassociate themselves with their social clicks by socializing
with the opposite side and treating them respectfully.
The Socs are prosperous teens whom live on the opulent side of town. They re
thought to be smarter, sophisticated and less emotional than the Greasers, as shown
throughout parts of the story: There were a lot of Socs in that class I get put into A
classes because I m supposed to be smart and most of them thought it was pretty
funny. (Document B); You re more emotional. We re sophisticated ... (Document C).
The expectation of them is to be around other Socs, not to fraternize with someone
who s classified as lower than them. Cherry Valance, a Soc, is an outsider because
she feels comfortable talking with a younger Greaser named Ponyboy, who is also an
outsider, about things she s never told anyone before: She smiled at me. I never
told anyone that. I think you re the first person I ve ever really gotten through to.
She was coming through to me all right, probably because I was a Greaser, and
younger; she didn t have to keep her guard up with me. (Document C). It appears
that Socs are invariably showing a fabricated persona to other Socs to exude their
reputation: That was the truth. Socs were always behind a wall of aloofness,
careful not to let their real selves show through. (Document C). The same is with
another outsider, a Soc named Randy is afraid of being christened a coward if he
flees a fight and he d resent himself if he didn t walk away. Randy feels that
violence isn t going to solve any conflicts between the Greasers and the Socs, yet he
thinks about staying for the sake of his respectability: but what can I do? I m marked
chicken if I punk out at the
Agrero s Interpretation Of Agrippina The Younger
During her time, Agrippina the Younger was able to achieve unprecedented
recognition and transcended the boundaries of imperial women to establish herself
as a political player. Through her marriage to the Emperor Claudius, she formed a co
ruling alliance that allowed her to manipulate the order of succession to aid her son
Neroin becoming Princeps. To a negligible extent, historians agree with Ferrero s
interpretation of Agrippina. Where Ferrero praises Agrippina s personality, both
ancient and modern sources oppose his description of her as intelligent and simple ,
often describing her as opportunistic and manipulative. Although they do agree that
her upbringing amidst political affairs set her up to becoming a formidable and
politically... Show more content on ...
As Levick describes, Agrippina s behaviour was overtly political . However, her
ambition and rise to power was criticised by ancient historians as such subversions
of traditional gender norms were not viewed favourably. Ancient sources are
inherently scathing of Agrippina due to the values placed upon the ideal Roman
matrona at the time. Tacitus describes the idea matrona as one who was loyal to her
family and above all else subservient to her husband. However, Agrippina subverts
this role through her unbridled ambition for power and her ultimate goal of placing
her son Nero in the role of Princeps. Tacitus emphasizes Agrippina s masculine
qualities, describing her as possessing a masculine despotism when toying with
national affairs hence highlighting her transgression of gender boundaries to
emphasize her failure to fulfil the duties of the ideal matrona. It is hence because of
the ancient value placed on being an ideal subservient woman, and Agrippina s clear
subversion of the role, that the ancient sources portray her negatively and conflicting
with Ferrero s
Free Will In The Articles Of Faith By Haneef
Musa (PBUH) had a tough life. Because of his people, he could not enter or die in
Jerusalem. One day, he asked Allah, Ya, Allah! Show me Adam who caused
himself and us to be expelled from heaven. Moses asked Adam why he had eaten
the fruit that God forbade him to and got expelled from paradise. Adam replied to
him that Moses, being a prophet, should not blame him, a mere mortal, for
something that Allah had predestined (Suleiman). This story raised many questions
in my mind. I wondered, If we are predestined to go through a particular situation,
then do we really have free will? If destiny has her own plans, then where do our
choices fit in? For instance, if someone murders a person or commits some crime, is
it okay to punish them, keeping... Show more content on ...
In contrast, I believe that predestination and free will can coexist. The free will lies
in what a person learns from his experience and what he does after destiny plays
her course. If the murderer owns up to his crime, repents for his sin, asks for
forgiveness from those he wronged and from Allah, then he has passed destiny s
test because he got closer to Allah. Some of the babies who are predestined to be
born in non Muslim families have their whole life full of experiences; they have
the ability to gain knowledge about Islam, but it s up to them whether or not they
follow the religion. Their free will lies in their ability to choose right from wrong.
Adam was destined to come to earth. If it wasn t for eating the fruit from the
forbidden tree, then it would have been another way. But Adam s free will laid in
his decision of begging Allah for mercy, instead of cursing Him. He prayed for 300
years rather than turning away like Satan. Therefore, even with predestined
situations, the idea of free will comes down to what a person learns from his
experience and how he lets it affect his relationship with
Fabulous Father Analysis
Since the beginning of time children have had parents. Dear mother and Fabulous
Father has been the guiding fact that every kid grows up with, and it is more
important than anyone can imagine. Everywhere dads and children work side by
side, talk together, and play. Fathers are the best thing that a person could ask for.
Esther Edward is the daughter of Jonathan Edward, and in her diary, she described
her father and how much he meant to her. Although Esther Edward s father, Jonathan
Edward is a wonderful father, I believe that my father has him beat. While thinking
over this essayI tried to think of all the things that I love about my father and what
makes him special to me. The first thing that I thoughtof was how he cared and...
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Ode to Kevin Carson
Always there like the air,
Like the breeze through the trees,
Caring for the ones you love it means more than you think.
You think when on the brink, you know just what to do even when I have no clue,
encouragement from your mouth it means more than you think.
Hotdogs on the grill with love on them spilt, walks in the woods with no unnecessary
words, time spent with you it means more than you think.
Bravery without end just so you can spend, time with little me
I wonder if you can see how special you make me feel it means more than you think.
Your forgiveness gives me a liveliness, it pours out of you everyone feels it too,
everything you do means more than you think.
We all feel the same me and the gang, all twelve of us in the big, blue bus, driving us
to who knows where it means more than you think.
Never choosing one we have all won, the best father ever because we will be
together, never alone when you re around it means more than you think.
The poem s almost done but it s written with love, yours is never ending with ours, it
s blending, we are one family because of you it means more than you think.
I love my father, almost more than anyone in the entire world. He is always there for
his children and I learn from his example to always be there for my family. Esther
makes it sound like her father is the best father in the entire century, and that might
Asian Elephant
1. Title:Asian Elephant Elephas Maximus 2. Purpose: To learn how and why the
Asian Elephant got on the endangered species list. Elephants are one of the largest
land mammals in the world and they have been targets to man and other animals. 3.
Background: My overall background the Asian Elephant is very limited. I know
that they come from Asian and many were hunter for their tusks. You can find a
few Asian Elephants at the local zoos and there is always controversy on elephants
and the circus. There have laws put in place to make it illegal to hunt elephants for
their skin and their tusks but I don t know how strict that law. I know some hunters
who have a license to hunt in Asian and he has trophies of lions, zebras, hippos and...
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By doing this the AREAS is not only protecting the rhinos and elephants but also
the creatures and the ecosystem that depends on these keystone species to survive.
Figure 2 shows both the Asian Rhino and the Asian Elephant on protected land. (8)
A lot of recovery programs are aimed find a solution to the problem but there is a
group called Golden Triangle Asian Elephant foundation (GTAEF) that puts its
efforts towards rescuing the elephants that seemed abandon or lost off the streets
of Thailand. Even though there are a few recovery plans in plans and they all have
made a small impact yet none are really making the difference that is needed for this
species to survive. [pic] Figure 2: An Asian Rhino and Asian Elephant on a protected
land. Elephants in general are considered to be a keystone species. They have a huge
impact on the ecosystem that they live in. According to Bagheera website, even the
droppings that elephants leave behind are important ecosystem to survive. Elephants
are very strong and they can take out several trees with their trunks, dig waterholes,
and make trails in the forest. Many animals depend on the elephants for survival.
Without these magnificent creatures many countries would suffer and the effect
would be catastrophic worldwide. An example of how other species benefit would be
the waterholes the elephants dig. In many cases that water hole is the only water
source for those
Review Of The War On Malaria
OCTOBER 19, 2014 The War on Malaria
About 3.3 billion people, that is about half of the world s population are at risk of
contracting malaria (figure 1). Every year there are 250 million cases of malaria, and
nearly 1 million deaths. That amounts to 2,732 deaths per day. Out of those million
people that die every year, 800,000 of them are African children under the age of 5.
To control malaria three actions need to be taken: insecticides need to be used to
decrease the vector population, people have to be educated as to how to prevent the
vector from reproducing, and anti malarial drugs need to be distributed. To
understand the vector and what the vector is, scientists had to first discover what the
parasite was and how it worked. It was not until the year 1880 that French Physician
Charles Laveran discovered that Malaria was caused by a protozoan in the genus
Plasmodium (Malaria, 2013)
Figure 1: Malaria endemic areas around the world. Areas where malaria
transmission occurs are in red, places that are at risk and malaria transmission
occurs infrequently are in yellow, and places in grey is where there is no malaria
present (Malaria, 2010).
There are four species in the Plasmodium Genus that affect humans: P. falciparum, P.
vivax, P. ovale, and P. malariae. What people did not know then, was how the
protozoan got from
Essay On Singtel
1. Introduction
The SingTel Group, Asia s leading communications telecom group, provides a wide
range of communication services and solutions, including fixed, mobile, data,
Internet, info communications technology, satellite and pay TV. They are recorded
as the largest company in Singapore Exchange by market capitalization and also
likewise listed in the Australian Securities Exchange with the acquisition of Optus, the
second largest communications provider in Australia in September 2001. In addition,
the SingTel Group also strategically invested in leading companies in Asia and Africa,
including Bharti Airtel(India, South Asia and Africa), Telkomsel(Indonesia), Globe
Telecom(the Philippines) and Advanced Info Service(Thailand). To serve the
requirements of multinational enterprises, SingTel has an extensive network of 46
offices in 21 countries all across Asia Pacific, Europe and the USA, serving around
595 million clients across the globe (Singapore Telecommunications Limited, 2015
Singtel, 2016). ... Show more content on ...
SingTel has played an important part in the development of the country as a major
communication hub in the region. Despite full liberalization since 2000, SingTel
continues to shape the digital media and ICT market in Singapore, remaining as the
leading mobile, broadband and fixed line operator. In July 2007, Singtel ventured into
home entertainment with the launch of mio TV. Another breakthrough is the
launching of high speed fibre services with distinctive applications focusing on
entertainment, convergence and productivity enhancement for home and business
users, in September 2010 (Singtel, 2010).
We will analyse SingTel based on its general environment split into 6 areas of
political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal factors using the
PESTEL model (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, 2016).
Christian Counseling
Prayer is the way we maintain intermit communication with God. The Christian
counseling must be a believer in God and demonstrate the love of God in order to
transmit any counseling to the client. The Christian counselor must have an intermit
communication with God. The client will see that prayer is a time when we focus
all we need and all our cares to God. Instruction Danielle that prayer is a time to
express everything to God. Let Danielle know that you are channeling God with
constant pray. Inform Danielle that God will give you the Christian counselor
insight and that God is here during the session. Because we have invited God into
the session, then God will guide what we need to know. God will help Danielle to
develop faith that God will heal her. Pray will help move Danielle move to a level
of empowerment and grow stronger with God. Empowering will help Danielle to
have the tools to go to God and know that God cares about her. The form of Prayer in
Christian counseling with Danielle would be Intercession Prayer during the
counseling session. Danielle may grow to trust and believe from this type of
counseling. Read with Danielle the scripture... Show more content on
Danielle will learn to trust and believe and God. The love from God will replace
all the difficult experiences of her past. Inform Danielle that prayer is a gateway to
the truth and clarity. As Danielle experience time with Christian counseling she
will become independent with praying and experience improved feelings. The
Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: God, I thank you that I am not like other
people robbers, evildoers, adulterers or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week
and give a tenth of all I get. But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not
even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, God, have mercy on me, a
sinner ( Luke 18:11 13, New International
The Bangladesh Liberation War was a Major Event that...
The Bangladesh Liberation War was a major event that left a huge, lasting effect on
our world. Starting on March 21, 1971 and lasting one month long, the war became
a fight over power and authority. The war affected Pakistan and India greatly. It was
first triggered when East and West Pakistan had issues. India became involved in the
war when they decided to help East Pakistan. The war affected a great number of
people. Just like any war, The Bangladesh Liberation Warhad many devastating
tragedies. Although the tragedies were an obstacle, everything ended up working out
for the uprising of Bangladesh.
There were multiple causes of The Bangladesh Liberation War. These causes include
the lack of sharing power between East and West Pakistan, resources, language, and
the Bhola Cyclone. Pakistan was divided up into provinces. West Pakistan had four
provinces that included Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, and the North West Frontier. East
Pakistan was a province all on its own. Although the majority of the population
lived in East Pakistan, it seemed as if West Pakistan had complete control over
East Pakistan. East Pakistan had little to no political power. Resources was also a
cause of the war. Since West Pakistan had complete control over East Pakistan, they
used more resources than the east did. Between the years of 1948 and 1960, 70% of
all of Pakistan s exports were made by East Pakistan. Sadly, East Pakistan only
received 25% of the imported money because West Pakistan was
How Sled Dogs Feel In The Iditarod Race
People should think about how sled dogs feel in the Iditarod races. The Iditarod is
cruel two dogs because the dogs are provided proper care and they have to run in
harsh weather and terrain.
veterinarians and mushers don t give the dogs the health care and love they need.
Larger Iditarod kennels frequently disposed of dogs by shooting them, drowning
them, or setting them loose to fend for themselves in the wilderness. Killing a dog for
no reason is abuse and shows how people in the Iditarod don t care about their dogs
at all. At least 136 dogs have died in the Iditarod or as a result of running in it. If
those dogs would have had the care they needed, most of them would not have died
in the race. However, some deaths are unpreventable.
Tough Questions
First, I noticed a Tough Question on page 104. Archie said (to Leo), Whose
affection do you value more hers or the others? This is a Tough Question because
Leo was having a hard time with affection with Star Girl and the other MAHS
students, since the time he was shunned. He also later talked to Star Girl about this
for some more help, and to see what she thinks about it. This question makes me
wonder about why does Leo care about the other s attention, when Star Girl already
makes him happy? Secondly, I noticed an Aha Moment in chapter 22. This is when
Leo is told that in Star Girl s happy wagon and he realizes that Star Girl has been
affected by the bad things that has happened to her. He realized that because Star Girl
mentioned that
Judaism In America
In America, people of a religious background tend to follow one of the five major
religions: Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism. Although,
numerous people are Jewish I have never received the privilege to encounter
someone who s religion is Judaism. My question is if Judaism is listed as one of
most popular religions in America, why have I not had the fortuity to meet a
religious Jew? I ve met others whom are Christian, Catholic, Jehovah s Witness, and
Muslim, so to me Jews are a minority. I decided to engage in Sabbath so that I
become more educated about Jewish beliefs, rituals, and culture. Being that I have
only attended Christian worship services I figured participating in a Shabbat service
would be a new and interesting.... Show more content on ...
The lay people then passed out challah, which is the Jewish Sabbath and holiday
bread, and a blessing of the challah took place. The prayer read Blessed are you,
Lord our God, King of the universe, who brings forth bread from the earth (BBC,
2009). While we enjoyed the challah the chazzan and lay people thanked my friend
and I for joining their service and most of all being respectful of their beliefs and
rituals. Additionally, they allowed us to ask questions. This is how I was able to
discover some issues are in regard to Judaism based off of their perspective. One of
the lay people explained that the holocaust still has eternal damage on Jewish people
and their culture. With Hitler invading Nazi Germany and separating Jews from one
another and others it caused a split in the religion. As reported by Maryles, a writer
for Jewish Press, Rabbi Weil declared a holocaust causes more Jews to be lost from
Judaism than the actual holocaust... the great boon to Jews in America is its
biggest bane . Meaning what s beneficial for one person is a burden to someone
else. Another conflict is intermarrying which means when people of various races
or religion become connected by marriage. Spouses following different religious
paths means they have opposite beliefs which can create afflicting ideals within
the marriage. Rabbi Weil also claims, The American ideal of freedom and our
widespread acceptance is in fact the double edged sword that is both helping us and
skewering us... the freedom this country offers allows us to shed any semblance of
our Judaism . An additional issue is the religious Jewish youth. A different lay
person from the Shabbat service said that the schools are not teaching the Torah the
same way it once was taught. Mentioned by Rabbi Zecharya Greenwald, students are
being told that if they do not carry themselves a certain way
How Statistics For Managers ( Bam1447b )
What I learned in Statistics
Kevin Green
Statistics for Managers (BAM1447B)
Timothy Crawford
12 22 14
What I learned in Statistics
Statistics is a mathematical and scientific process based on the analysis,
interpretation, collection, or explanation, and presentation of a data set. It is applied
to an enormous variety of academic disciplines, from the natural and social sciences
to the humanities, and to government and business. Data analysis is applied when
information needs to be converted into the raw data which is more purposeful
information. Statistics is mainly all about the data analysis of a set of data. Before
actually began working on data analysis in real world and on paper, it is important
that the basic knowledge is ... Show more content on ...
Descriptive statistics can assist in proper presentation of data such that it can be
comprehended and analyzed by the user. For example, if we had the data about the
labor budgets of 200 companies, then that data would make no sense as it would
be difficult to comprehend. But if that data is classified industry wise, and
arranged, an average is calculated for the industry and for the labor budgets, and
then the interpretation would be more feasible. In this example, descriptive
statistics is extremely helpful because of the simplicity of how the data
information needs to be shown. Following I will briefly explain the two most
common types of statistics used to break down and describe data. The two types
are measures of central tendencies and measures of dispersion. Measures of
central tendency are measures which are at the central position of the frequency
distribution and which are representative of the whole distribution. (Tanner, D. E.,
Youssef Morgan, C. M. , 2013) A part of the measures of central tendency is the
mean, mode and median of the data for which was describe. Measures of
dispersion are measures that show how far the actual values are from the measure
of central tendency. (Tanner, D. E., Youssef Morgan, C. M., 2013) For example, the
average labor budgets from all the 200 stores may be 21% of net sales but individual
labor will not exactly be 21% of net sales. Each store will run a different percentage
for labor.
`` Illiterate America `` By Jonathan Kozol
As I come home one afternoon from school, I see my mother with her brows
pressed firmly against each other. I cautiously approach her because I assume she
s upset. The closer I get, the easier I can analyze her face; she abruptly hands me a
letter and commands me to read it for her. I read thoroughly and begin to translate
the information from english to spanish. The letter came from the IRS; informing
her about a balance due next week. She, with a softer look thanked me. Her
frustrated attitude quickly disappeared. But, I ask myself today, what if I wasn t
there? What if my mother would ve just put the letter aside due to her incapacity to
understand, consequently missing the due date? The author of Illiterate America ,
Jonathan Kozol expresses his concern on the issue of illiteracy in America. Although
his book was published in 1985, illiteracy and the examples Kozol provided in his
writingremains relevant to the world we live in today. Kozol s purpose in writing
this book was to bring awareness and expose the flaws America purposely
overlooks. In efforts to bring his readers out of their comfort zones , Kozol
successfully uses the strategies of allusion, analogy, and anecdote. Straight away,
Kozol s use of allusion can be detected; he implemented this strategy to give the
audience an opportunity to get out of their safe zone. Questions of literacy, in Socrates
belief, must at length be judged as matters of morality. (pg.149) Kozol places his first
allusion at the
Hunting In The Waterfowl
Waterfowl hunting was not always viewed as a sport but has been around for a
long time. For example, Egyptians would use ducks as religious sacrifices. This
would mean that the date for hunting waterfowl goes back to around 1353 1336
B.C. Over the years hunting has certainly changed. No longer do we have to use
wooden bows and arrows, but shotguns. Through this upgraded machinery, we are
able to bag birds faster and easier than before. Compared to way back when there
has certainly been an increase in the waterfowl population of various species.
One such species is the Mallard . According to the article, Mallard by an anonymous
author, the Mallard duck happens to be the predecessor of almost all of the domestic
waterfowl breeds. The male ... Show more content on ...
However, certain factors that can cause a decline in adults can range from boredom
to mastery of the sport. There will come a time, that if an adult is serious enough
about waterfowl hunting, they will get good at it. Sometimes, this may take the
challenge out of the hunt, for the hunter knows that they will be able to bag what
they are after (if they find ducks in the first place). In opposition to this are the
hunters that have reached a certain level of mastery, but are otherwise still entertained
and challenged by their hunting situation.
If participation starts to decline in adults and keeps declining in youths, then there
will be fewer people advocating on behalf of wildlife. The main source of
management is through the sales of hunting licenses. Those that hunt are supporters
of major environmental issues such as air and water pollution. Also, some economies
might see a decline due to the fact that the number of hunting licenses bought has
The Secret Annex Character Analysis
The course of life between the occupants in the Secret Annex was filled with
happiness and festivities, but also many quarrels between them. Although each
character has had differentiation and similarities with others, Mr. Van Daan and Mr.
Dussel have discernible character traits throughout the play. Whereas their fears and
judgements akin, the two men have unalike responsibilities, especially with Mr. Van
Daan needing to be a father. Propitiously, their true characters are shown as a result of
their actions,
To begin with, Mr. Van Daan and Mr. Dussel surprisingly have more similarities
than differences. Particularly, their perspective of Anne s behaviors are fairly
similar. They both believe that she is immature and childish, whereas she is trying to
mature as a woman. To illustrate, Mr. Van Daan states, Don t you ever get tired of...
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Van Daan and Mr. Dussel have been concealed in the Annex for years, their main fear
is getting caught by the Green Police, or the Nazis. Together, the families try their
best to be silent during their stay but unfortunately, since safety is their priority,
Dussel and Mr. Van Daan are willing to risk chances; such as answering the
constantly ringing phone during a certain scene of the play. Mr. Frank refuses, as he
does not want to jeopardize the safety of others finding him and the residents in the
Secret Annex. On the contrary, Mr. Van Daan and Dussel want to pick up the
phone, since they believe Miep is calling to warn them. Notably, Mr. Van Daan
states, Just pick it up and listen. You don t have to speak. Just listen and see if it s
Miep. (Mr. Van Daan, 389) Dussel adds, Something has happened Mr. Frank... I beg
you, answer it! (Dussel, 389) The two men care deeply about their well being, even if
it means that the occupants take several risks. Their behavior towards certain
situations, especially this, are very similar. Although very anxious, their
acknowledgment to fear shows a similarity between
The Definition of Family in Slave Communities Essay
The definition of family has changes dramatically over the course of history,
especially from culture to culture. It is quite interesting to research the definition of
family within slave communities because the slave definition of family not only
changed from plantation to plantation, but also slave to slave. Upon reading the
secondary sources, The Shaping of the Afro American Family, by Steven Mintz,
Susan Kellogg, Marriage in Slavery, by Brenda Stevenson, and Motherhood in
Slavery by Stephanie Shaw, and the primary sources WPA Interviews of former
slaves conducted in the 1930s. Born in Slavery: Slave Narratives from the Federal
Writers Project, 1936 1938, throughout all of these readings there seemed to be some
definite... Show more content on ...
Some mothers did not have any choices and had to bring their children with them
to work, one mother brought her child and left him underneath the tree and said
the tree was her child s nurse. (Shaw) According to the secondary source, Mothers
in Slavery, in Virginia women were convicted of murder of their children and were
hung, mainly because they had no money, or property to pay as fines for their
crimes. It seems likely that it could have been because of poor nutrition, low birth
weights, poor pre and post natal care. Also according to the secondary source, a
woman was very smart by threatening to kill her baby if her slave owner separated
her from her child (baby). (Shaw) Infanticide also happened mainly because of
opposition of sexual and economic exploitation. A sad story was about two parents
who mutually agreed to send their children s souls to heaven instead of descending
them to the hell of slavery. (Shaw) Many parents also tried to punish their children
so when they became ready to serve their slave owners they would be ready and
follow the rules. Children were taught early to work and to work well and trained by
parents (mothers) and other older people how to do certain jobs at a very young age.
I seems that these child rearing techniques are even taught today, children are
constantly taught how to act which will hopefully help them in their future
endeavors, it
Rhetorical Analysis Of Jim Jones Death Tape
Rhetorical Analysis: Jim Jones Death Tape One of the most significant artifacts
from The Peoples Temple is known as the Death Tape because it is the last audio
recording of Jim Jones, which was recovered after the mass suicide of he and his
followers. That day Jim Jones effectively persuaded more than 900 of his followers
to commit mass suicide by reestablishing his strong credibility, using persuasive
tactics of love and fear, and by convincing them that suicide is the rational way and
the only way. Jones put himself on a pedestal during his speech, reestablishing his
credibility with his followers before convincing them to commit suicide. This
credibility was already established prior to the speech given in the death Tape , years
... Show more content on ...
As Jones talks about the act of suicide he talks about it as if it were another friend
sitting next to you in church. Jones proclaims, It is not to be feared. It s a
friend...sitting there, show your love for one another. Lets get gone. Jones made
suicide appear to be positive solution for his followers; he downplayed the act of
suicide into the relaxed words of Lets get gone . By doing so he played into his
followers emotions, making suicide appear to be the best solution. Jones isolated his
followers and made the Peoples Temple their only connection and family. Jones
made the idea of separation from the family not an option he was willing to accept;
We can t separate ourselves from our own people. People twenty years laying in
some old rotten nursing home. Jones made the decision of suicide as the answer for
himself and his followers. Jones then made suicide appear to be the only option
because separation from the family is not an option he accepted. Jones manipulated
his followers into thinking that any other option other than suicide was hopeless. He
then made living seem miserable, comparing it to rotting in a nursing home. Jones
manipulated his followers into believing that living was the bad way out and suicide
was there way to love and
Parable Of The Sower By Octavia Butler
When the British first settled America there was a high need for labor to work the
Tabaco fields. With the help of the International Slave Trade the United States,
Caribbean and South America had ample amount of workers waiting to be bought.
After time the International Slave Trade was disbanded and farmers now had a self
sustaining Slave Trade with in the United States. After Abraham Lincoln made
America a free nation all seemed to be looking up for minorities in the United
States. Unfortunately this is not the case. In the post apocalyptic book Parable of
the Sower by Octavia Butler set in mid 2020 s touches upon a world where there is
still slavery, with the same evil but with a different face. Through this essay we will
be looking at the comparisons of the Hispanic farmworkers rights movement in the
1960 s and 1970 s and the world Octavia Butler has produced through her book
expanding on the idea that that modern day slavery has not disappeared. In the
book Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler, we follow the life of Lauren Olamina.
Living under her Baptist Minister father Lauren finds her own religion Earthseed. In
the apocalyptic world Lauren and her family live behind a wall to protect
themselves from the rape, murder and pyromaniacs that roam the streets. After the
safety of the wall gets broken down Lauren is flung into the unstable dog eat dog
world based in Southern California. She begins her walk up north hoping for jobs
and stability. During her journey she
Personal Narrative-Sever s Story
After the night when Maeve stood up for herself at dinner, she was a much more
confident girl. Hurling helped her do that. She was having a lot more fun with
hurling than she ever did with soccer. The day after she was accepted to the team,
her practices began. Aren t you excited for practice? asked Maeve to Patrick. I
guess a little, but you know that I ve been doing this for a long time, right? But I m
very excited for you, little sis. Patrick replied. They left the house for practice and
got there soon after. They began their basic warm ups and Maeve followed along to
the best of her ability. Her brother had told her what they did earlier, but at that
moment it was just a big jumble like a messed up puzzle in her mind. The whistle
blew and they all... Show more content on ...
Hi, Maeve said quietly. Maeve, hi! It s such a pleasure to see you, he replied. She
laughed, then replied, I understand if your answer is no, but is there anyway I
would join the hurling team? I know I quit about a month ago, but I miss it a lot. I
promise to be devoted and try my hardest during practices and games. Maeve, I
remember you being in here a month ago asking the complete opposite, coach
laughed, You can join the team again, but you must be completely determined to
become better. You aren t just going to wake up one day and be better at hurling.
Remember practice makes progress, not perfect. Yes, I completely understand.
Thank you so much, see you later! Maeve replied. Later when Maeve got home
from school she ran into the house and yelled, I m back on the team! I decided that
I would play hurling! Really? Nice Maeve, her dad replied. After multiple weeks of
determination, Maeve was starting to get the hang of it. She was getting better each
day, and eventually she was a major part of the team, starting almost every game.
Maeve then knew that determination and practice would make you better at whatever
one was
Influences Of Romanticism
Roya Ghaseminejad
Ms. Spruill Smith
Honors Humanities 2
23 April 2017
Influences of Romanticism Romanticism originates from the late 18th century and
embodies staunch individualism and the ability to express intense emotions.
Additionally, it is a movement in literature and the arts that went against classical
and neoclassical movements in order to embrace spiritual relationships with
nature. Two works of fine art that strongly correspond with each other are William
Blake s A Poison Tree and Idina Menzel s Let It Go . A Poison Tree is a popular
short poem published in 1794, and brings forth the understanding of emotion and
experience. Let It Go is from a popular 2013 movie, by the name of Frozen, which
stresses the importance of ... Show more content on ...
This line of Blake s poem shines light on emotion, And I waterd it in fears, /Night
morning with my tears: /And I sunned it with smiles, /And with soft deceitful wiles
(Blake). The character s emotions are drawn into comparison of a plant. He
watered this plant with his fears and his tears to make sure his plant got enough
sunshine. Yet instead of real sunshine he gave deceitful wiles , which goes to show
the deceptiveness he was planning with all the anger that filled him. On the other
hand, Let It Go draws to a grand metaphor, I don t care what they re going to say, let
the storm rage on (Menzel). The storm symbolizes other peoples concerns and how
she is beginning to understand that their values and morals should not affect her.
Overall, at this point in the song the character is overcome with emotion and her
passion for her true identity is born. Both works evoke emotion as they are met with
conflicts of their own, leading to eventual emotional outbursts. Emotion plays a
pivotal role in Romanticism by representing a timeless aspect of individual
Introduction- A overview of Indian automotive sector...
Introduction A overview of Indian automotive sector The Automobile Industry in
India is attaining significant growth at a rapid pace with broadening domestic and
international markets in the past 15 years. This industry, at present has achieved a
turnover of Rs. 1,65,000 crores. An investment of Rs. 50000 crores has already been
made and another Rs. 35000 crore is in the conduit. This industry caters to a labour
utilization to the tune of 1.31 crore people with 17% contribution to the indirect
taxes. However, with all these in context, Indian Automobile Industry is destined to
become one of the largest in the world. India already ranks second globally in two
wheeler production, eleventh in passenger car production and thirteenth... Show more
content on ...
The Integral Coach Factory (ICF) was established in October 1955. In 1960s, TVS
Group established a number of auto components manufacturing plants. The second
wave automobile revolution took place in the mid 1990s with the establishment of
Ford, Hyundai and HM Mitsubishi. In the meantime, auto hubs in Pune, Gurgaon
Noida and Bangalore expanded and posed major threat to the leadership position of
Chennai. In the post 2006, Tamil Naduwitnessed the third wave of automobile
revolution. With the setting up of automobile plants by Renault Nissan, Hyundai Ford
expansion, Daimler, BMW, Ashok Leyland Nissan JV for commercial vehicles, etc.
In addition, South Korea s Doosan, Japan s Komatsu and USA s Caterpillar are also
in the process of establishing large earth moving equipment manufacturing plants. As
of now, Chennai comprises nearly 35% of India s share in the automotive sector.
Chennai has emerged as the leader in automobile manufacturing in India. Commercial
Vehicles and Agricultural EquipmentCars and Two
WheelersAuto Parts and
Market Share in
Domestic LeadersAshok LeylandTVS GroupNo Clear Leader
Other FirmsTafe India
Same Deutz Fahr Hindustan Motors Daimler Benz CaterpillarFord
Hyundai Mitsubishi Hindustan Motors Nissan
Royal EnfieldRane Group
Wheels (TVS Dunlop) Lucas TVS Brakes India
Sundaram Clayton Ltd.
In 2007 09, the automobile exports
Fair Apportionment In The United States
Ever since the first democratic election of 1950, Turkish people have proven high
interests in elections. The lowest participation was in 1973 with 66.82 percent and
highest participation in 1987 with 93.38 percent (IDEA). Despite the high voter
turnout rate, their votes have not been represented equally. The apportionment
method used have not been fair. Apportionment deals straight with the amount of
political power granted to citizens living in different areas. A fair apportionment
method would grant each citizen equal amount of political power despite their
locations. It is however, difficult to apportion in accordance with the principle of
equal vote value. The apportionment problem arises due to the rounding problem. In
formal statement, apportionment problem involves a group of states with some
populations (p1, p2, ..., p3), and a whole number of a seats to distribute.
Apportionment distributes a whole number of seats to each state where the sum of
the distributions equal to the total number of seats (Young 2004). It is expected that
each state gets their... Show more content on ...
It used conventional rounding instead of rounding down. Webster s method does not
violate any of the apportionment paradoxes, yet it can rarely violate quota criterion.
In 1941, Huntington Hill method was adopted and is still being used today. The
Huntington Hill method is almost identical to Webster s method (Hodge Klima).
Unlike Webster s method, Huntington Hill method uses geometric mean as cutoff for
rounding quotas. If the quota is greater than the geometric mean of the two nearest
whole numbers, round the quota up, otherwise round it down. If the total number of
seats allocated is too large or small, increase or decrease the divisor to apportion the
exact number of seats. For a quota like 5.482, Huntington Hill method would take the
geometric mean (sqrt(5*6)=5.477) and round it up to 6 because the quota is greater
than the geometric
How Did African Americans Use Religion In The 18th
In 1710 a small group of people went to Francis le Jau and asked him to admit them
to the Holy Communion. Most of Africans rejected Anglicanism and Christianity
during the eighteenth century. Many assume is one in which Africans collectively
and individually struggled to preserve a religious identity grounded in indigenous
beliefs . (198) Olwell had visions in servile respects first was only a small number
converted and accepted baptism but had to get permission from their masters. Second
was when slaves adopted Anglicanism they became isolated from other people.
Which he implies that slaves were still more likely to reject then adopt Christianity.
(199) Many West Central Africans did not reject Christianity because of Kongo and
the Kongolese... Show more content on ...
South Carolina had the largest exports of African slaves in 1715. Church
authorities urged missionaries to pursue African Christianization in their parishes,
despite planter s opposition. (202). Majority of South Carolina s population was
Africans and Indians. Thomas Hasell sat aside once a week to catechize Africans
whose masters allowed participating. Between twenty and thirty Negro men and
women constantly attend. (202). Many Africans went to Francis Le Jau seeking
baptism but he required slaves to take oaths first. To make they were doing it for
the right reasons and to make sure they would follow all of the rules. Many
ministers had to deal with resistance, like when a white man in his parish who
declared that he would not take communion so long as Africans were received at the
table. (204).
Africans refused to work on holy days which made their owners mad. So the owners
boycotted Le Jau s church forcing him to back down. Many Africans who were
brought to South Carolina were from west and central Africa where Christianity had
long before begun to fuse with indigenous beliefs. (206). Their was a big difference
between African and Anglican religious, Africans emphasis is on continuous
revelations and Anglican emphases scripture and literacy.
Literary Devices Used in Albert Camus The Plague
A book of horrors, fear and death. The Plague is a book by Albert Camus which
weaves these emotions and events into one suspenseful tale. Each paragraph and
section is written and structured in such a way as to give the reader insight into the
feelings of the victims of the plague, and to show somewhat of a theme. The
passage from section 4, part 4, line number 1 to line number 35 gives us a glimpse
of the melancholy of the people of Oranto their dead loved ones to the extent that they
do not attend All Souls Day, for they were thinking of them too much as it was. Albert
Camusfills this passage with figurative devices, including, diction, personification,
pathetic fallacy, metaphors, ironyand a turning point. The first two paragraphs... Show
more content on ...
Diction is seen to be used greatly in conveying the suitability of the town for All
Souls Day. Pathetic Fallacy is also used to portray the message by Albert Camus.
Also, the cool wind , big clouds...trailing shadows , glossy and oiled clothing give
the impression of a cool, damp shadowy day, with clothing mimicking this,
portraying the psychology of the people of Oran when they are in melancholy for
their loved ones. However, from around the third paragraph onwards, a turning
point is seen. As previously suggested, it was a suitable time of the year for
mourning and All Souls Day, but ironically this did not occur. Albert Camus devices
and literary intelligence make it very clear that the melancholy of the town was to
the extent that All Souls Day was neglected. It is seen by a turning point, But these
familiar aspects of All Souls Day could not make us forget that the cemeteries were
left unvisited . This turning point suggests that All Souls Day did not occur as it was
previously suggested through earlier devices, mainly due to the already prevalent
grief towards the dead. Albert Camus metaphors clearly clarifies this, they (the dead)
were no longer the forsaken to came to justify yourself and they (the
dead) were intruders whom you would rather forget .Also, these metaphors give
insight to the attitude of the townspeople towards their dead, that the extended period
of thinking and grief over their dead has caused them not
The Sixties Countercultures
The Sixties were a time of major change in United States society. We had reached
beyond modernity with technology, consumerism, and the youth leading us to the
suburbs of discontent. According to Hugh Heclo, There came surge of personal
discontent and social self questioning that would constitute the great awakening of
the 1960s. He goes on to argue that people no longer accepted the status quo and
from the counter culture groups we have studied in class this is evident. People were
more concerned with morals and institutional openness in order to create a better
vision of the world than the traditional ideals of the Cold Warera. Heclos main
argument is that this vision is the legacy of the Sixties is the tendency for peoples to
question their governments practices, in the name of a more egalitarian society. I
agree with his assertions and can see proof in the Yippee movement, Students for a
democratic society, and Young Americans for Freedom. The counterculture shows
how action was taken to restructure the government in their own way in order to help
the newly oppressed. While the groups do not exist in the same way today, the actions
they took made a lasting impression on the fabric of society and government. The
Yippies were radical and wanted a complete rejection and reformulation of the
American system. They were unwilling to work within existing institutions and used
theatrical tactics to demonstrate their discontent. They partook in drug use, enjoyed
rock n
`` The Merchant Of Venice `` By William Shakespeare
Risk is a situation that involves the possibility of exposure to dangers. Risks exist
everywhere, even the most minute of actions can place someone in jeopardy. It is
an inescapable labyrinth that plagues the lives of all ever since humanity s first
existence. Yet it,s double edged sword like characteristics of also providing
opportunities and gains keeps many enthralled in it. In William Shakespeare s The
Merchant of Venice, Antonio, a protagonist, gives himself over to a life threatening
contract with the villain, Shylockthe Jew, in order to provide the means for one of
Antonio s friend the opportunity to woo a lady. Over the course of the play, various
risky opportunities and events also expose other relationships as means of satisfying
their wants, although not all their outcomes are favourable. Risk is the root cause of
rewards and punishments in The Merchant of Venice. This is seen between the play
s rivals, such as Antonio and Shylock. Also is seen between lovers, such as Bassanio
and Portia. It is seen again between fathers and children, such as Shylock and Jessica.
The outcomes of the rivals plot, namely the struggles between Antonio and Shylock,
were greatly influenced by the partaking of risks. One of the risks taken by the
main pair of rivals is Shylock employing a malevolent bond purposed with ending
the life of Antonio. Shylock demands that he will have [his] bond; speak not against
[his] bond:/ [he has] sworn an oath that [he] will have [his] bond.
Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism
In ancient China, many different rulers tried to unify and rule the country using a
variety of methods Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism to name a few. Each
philosophy had its own set of rules of how people should act both in public and
privately. The overall goal of each philosophy was to set a standard of acceptable
living that would ensure harmony and success for the society. However, each was
different and thus had different results. The best way for the people of Chinato
succeed in a harmonious, respectable society occurred when both Confucianismand
Legalism were combined.
Confucianism resulted from a Chinese philosopher named Kongfuzi (551 479
B.C.E), also known as Confucius, becoming disheartened with the way the
government ... Show more content on ...
If there is dissent and it is not dealt with using corrective measures, then the
government, and thereby society, will fall apart. One such example of this can be
found in the Han Feizi document. It says, The law alone leads to political order. If
laws are adjusted to the time, there is good government. If government fits the age,
there will be great accomplishment. Therefore, when the people are naГЇve, if you
regulate them with fame, there will be good government; when everybody in the
world is intelligent, if you discipline them with penalties, they will obey. While
time is moving on, if laws do not shift accordingly, there will be misrule; while
abilities are divers, if prohibitions are not changed, the state will be
dismembered...Indeed, if the state is orderly, the people are safe; if affairs are
confused, the country falls into peril...Yet everybody s likes and dislikes should be
regulated by the superior.
It is no surprise that the philosophy of legalism did not last long. Once the emperor
died, people began to dissent and voice their opinions of being treated in such a
manner. The next emperor, Emperor Gaozu of the Early Han Dynasty, determined
that by combining Confucianism and Legalism would ensure a more accepted and
obeyed political system. By allowing the people to follow certain rules that
prescribed their status obligations while altering the laws created by Legalism, the
society ran more smoothly for
Role Of Art In The Arts
Can the arts play a role in solving international conflicts? At first, my answer was a
no. I mean international conflicts are complex and far reaching. How could the arts
possibly play a role? However, throughout the day I thought about it more. I thought
about how music, novels, films, paintings can affect us on a very personal level.
There have been plenty of times when art has put me in either the best of moods or
in the worst of moods. I then realized that the arts can play a role. Perhaps not
directly, but it can influence culture and culture can influence society which can then
affect the world. The main examples that came to my mind was The Beatlesand Bob
Marleys One Love Peace concert. However, before getting into that I want to discuss
the benefit concert held by Ariana Grande after the Manchester terrorist attack.
On May 22nd, 2017 there was a bombing at an Ariana Grande concert in
Manchester, England that killed 22 people and wounded more than 100. I
remember when I found out about the bombing. I was utterly shocked and
appalled, especially how some people on social media and the internet were
already making jokes about it. I just didn t understand how someone could do
something like that. However, whenever I found out that Ariana Grande was going
to hold a One Love Manchester just weeks after the attack I was both surprised and
moved by it. I respected Ariana Grande and all the musicians that performed such as:
Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, Coldplay,
How Did Pericles Grow As A Political Leader
Pericles Research Paper Pericles was one of the greatest political leaders in Greece
at the time. Not only did he affect Greece s future but he was also a huge influence on
the modern democratic world. It was under his leadership that Athenian culture
flourished and that the idea of equality became more universal. There s not much on
Pericleschildhood, however we do know that he was born into a rich family in
Athens and his father was a war hero from the Persian Wars. When Pericles was still
just a toddler, Persia was defeated at the Battle of Marathon. At the age of 13, young
Pericles had to evacuate Athens with his family during the Battle of Salamis. Then, at
the age of 17, Pericles inherited a large fortune. With this large fortune,
Death And Dying, Death, And Death
Christopher Bullock had said it best in his work Cobler of Preston , Tis impossible
to be sure of any thing but Death and Taxes. (Shapiro, 2008)
Prior to Elisabeth KГјbler Ross bestseller novel On Death and Dying, death was to
be done alone. Death was a taboo subject for society. Death is the end result of
many different factors effecting the body in a way it (the body) can t handle it any
longer. Speaking in a medical light, there are two types of death, clinical and
When a patient s breathing and heartbeat stop, clinical death occurs. This condition
may be reversible through CPR and other treatments. However, when the brain
cells die, biological death occurs. This usually happens within 10 minutes of
clinical death, and is not reversible. In fat, brain cells will begin to die after 4 to 6
minutes without fresh oxygen supplied from air breathed in and carried to the brain
by circulating blood. Cardiovascular pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) consists of the
actions you take to revive a person or at least temporarily prevent biological death by
keeping the person s heart and lungs working. (Limmer O Keefe, 2012, p. 1124)
The KГјbler Ross model, or the five stages of grief, postulates, a series of emotions
experienced by terminally ill patients prior to death, wherein the five stages are
denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. The model was first introduced
by Swiss psychiatrist Elisabeth KГјbler Ross in her 1969 book On Death and Dying,
Second World War Dbq Analysis
The Second World War was the first and only conflict that saw the use of atomic
weapons of mass destruction. During the war, Japan refused to surrender and as
result, America dropped two atomic bombs on Japan at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Seemingly, this was to prevent a full invasion of japan, which would undoubtedly cost
substantial American lives. In addition to the warfare advantages this would provide,
this also handed diplomatic advantages to the United States. (Doc E)
Diplomatically, the use of the Atomic weapons would put a swift end to the war,
which would assuredly keep Russia out of the conflict and prevent them from
gaining more power or influence, especially sense Russia had demands in place that
would allow Russia to gain more
Why The Concern Over Mobile Technology
Statement of the Problem
Why the concern over mobile technology in our schools for K 12 education? Mobile
technology has expanded tremendously over the past few years. The use of having
mobile devices in the classroom allows students instant access to the latest news,
information, statistics, etc. Mobile technology opens a multitude of learning that was
only accessible through encyclopedias before, but has expanded and has endless
possibilities. Many schools have a school wide wireless implementation of mobile
devices and others have limited access to wireless devices. The opportunity of
instructional designers is endless in developing more integration of technology in
lesson plans to make the connections between the old ways and with the integration
of technology into the classrooms. The following literature reviews will explore the
growing trend of mobile technology in the K 12 education.
Review of the Literature
How are teachers and students using mobile technology and are they using their
own devices or is the schools providing mobile devices for teachers and students to
use. Grant, Tamim, Brown, Sweeney, Ferguson, and Jones, (2015) reviewed the
early uses of mobile computing devices (MCD) in K 12 classrooms. The research
questions for their study were looking at the ways K 12 teachers were using MCDs,
the supports that teachers received when using MCDs, and the barriers that existed
for teachers when using MCDs. Nine teachers were interviewed about the use of
MCDs in
Richard Parker Identity Analysis
Pi was forced to alter aspects of his identity in order to overcome his hunger and
the threat of death while stranded, and altering these morals led to him discovering
new aspects of his identity. For example, an aspect that Pi was forced to alter was
his morals. One of his morals was being a strict vegetarian, and avoiding killing
innocent animals. However, after his emergency rations of biscuits and chocolate
ran out, he was forced to start killing fish, turtles, and other sea life in order to feed
both himself and Richard Parker, going against his morals of being vegetarian. I
descended to a level of savagery I never imagined possible (218), as he described in
the quote, altering his morals lead Pi to discovering the more savage side of... Show
more content on ...
However, despite the danger, Pi had to tame him, and show himself as the
dominant one, or else he could have been killed by Richard Parker. Therefore, in
going through with the dangerous task of taming Richard Parker, despite his fear,
Pi demonstrated his strong will to survive. Another example was when Pi decided
to disregard or alter his morals when he ate and killed animals for food. He was a
strict vegetarian; however, he had to disregard that lifestyle after he ran out of
rations, in order to keep himself from starving to death. By giving up his morals, and
committing acts he once viewed as immoral and wrong, Pi demonstrated his
determination to survive. Pi discovered the true strength of his will to live, through
acts that went against his morals, and undergoing dangerous tasks such as taming
Can Continental Airlines Continue to Work Hard, Fly
History of Continental Airlines
Continental Airlines began service in 1934 as Varney Speed Lines, named after one
of its initial owners, Walter T. Varney operating out of El Paso, Texas and extending
through Las Vegas, Albuquerque and Santa Fe, New Mexico to Pueblo, Colorado.
The airline started with Lockheed Vegas, a single engine plane that carried four
passengers. The airline later flew other Lockheed planes, including the Lodestar. It
was renamed Continental on 1 July 1937 after a new owner Robert Six had taken a
forty percent ownership with Varney s co founder Louis Mueller. Six relocated the
airline s headquarters to Stapleton Airport in Denver in October, 1937. Robert F. Six
was one of the legendary patriarchs of U.S. aviation ... Show more content on ...
Most agreements permit airlines to fly from their home country to designated airports
in the other country: some also extend the freedom to provide continuing service to a
third country, or to another destination in the other country while carrying passengers
from overseas. In the 1990s, open skies agreements became more common. These
agreements take many of these regulatory powers from state governments and open
up international routes to further competition. Open skies agreements have met some
criticism, particularly within the European Union, whose airlines would be at a
comparative disadvantage with the United States because of cabotage restrictions.
Internal Organization
He challenged all stakeholders in the air transport value chain to keep pace with an
aggressive agenda for industry change. After at least two years of lost growth,
traffic is back to pre September levels in most parts of the world. First quarter 2004
passenger traffic was 6.5% above the same period for 2001 while cargo volumes were
15.5% above 2001 levels. Firms in the commercial airline industry were studied to
ascertain their use of strategic market planning. The results indicate strategic market
planning and related techniques (Experience curve/cost analysis, portfolio analysis,
investment opportunity analysis, and PIMS)
The Influence of Self-Assessed Body Image on Confidence...
Research in psychology today seems to be drawn towards particular fields of
interest especially when it comes to understanding human behavior. One of the
most common research topics for social psychology is body image and the
perceptions that are related to age groups, genders, and ethnicities. Young people
today are pressured by society to make physical appearance a dominant factor in
their everyday lives, and the pressure is found not only through media influence but
friends and family as well (Pavica, 2010). These pressures can affect many different
aspects of a person s life and significantly influence their actions. The aspects affected
by body imagecan include popularity among peers, social comfort, and the attitudes
an individual... Show more content on ...
The goal of this study is to observe how the physical state perceived by the
individual affects the psychological and emotional states that they incorporate into
their everyday lives. From the participants evaluation a greater focus will be on the
relations of self assessment to an individual s confidence and self esteem level. The
link between these aspects can possibly shed light on how decisions and lives are
altered by self interpreted appearance, specifically body image. In addition, there is
evidence which supports the theory that body image dissatisfaction affects both
genders. By creating and enhancing a positive body image, a person greatly increases
their self esteem (Ratanasiripong Burkey, 2011).
A study was conducted that asked college aged men to rate their body image either
positively or negatively, and found that self perceptions of those overweight were
indistinguishable from a similar female sample (Drewnowski Yee, 1987). The
confidence we aim to study will be an individual s personal belief in their ability to
interact with others, resulting from their positive or negative body perceptions. At
this point, it is important to give the operational definitions of all three variables.
Body image within the discussion can be conceptualized

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What Is Critical Thinking Essay

  • 1. What Is Critical Thinking Essay Crafting an essay on the concept of critical thinking poses a unique challenge due to the abstract nature of the topic itself. Unlike essays on more concrete subjects, such as historical events or scientific theories, elucidating the intricacies of critical thinking requires a deep understanding of not only the concept itself but also its application across various domains. To begin with, defining critical thinking necessitates a comprehensive exploration of its multifaceted components, encompassing skills like analysis, evaluation, inference, interpretation, explanation, and self-regulation. Moreover, delving into the significance of critical thinking demands a nuanced examination of its implications in diverse contexts, ranging from academic settings to everyday decision-making processes. Furthermore, crafting an essay on critical thinking entails more than just regurgitating information; it requires the ability to engage in introspection and analytical reasoning. One must navigate through complex cognitive processes and philosophical frameworks to articulate the essence of critical thinking effectively. Additionally, conveying the importance of cultivating critical thinking skills in the modern world entails addressing societal challenges, such as misinformation, cognitive biases, and the need for informed decision-making. This necessitates a balanced approach that incorporates both theoretical perspectives and practical examples to illustrate the relevance of critical thinking in contemporary society. In conclusion, while writing an essay on the topic of critical thinking presents its own set of challenges, it also offers a rewarding opportunity to delve into a fundamental aspect of human cognition and its implications for personal growth and societal progress. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on What Is Critical Thinking EssayWhat Is Critical Thinking Essay
  • 2. Lekythos Essays The Lekythos A lekythos is an ancient Greek vase made of ceramic; the plural of lekythos is lekythoi (Reference #2). It has a narrow neck, single handle, and is tall with a small, deep mouth (Reference #7). The lekythos was used as a flask, used to hold olive oil and perfumes (Reference #1), and were developed in ancient Athens during the fifth century. In Classical Athens, lekythoi were painted in white ground with figurative scenes. White ground is a form of art used by Athenians in which they created the vase, fired it, and then the lekythos was painted in white. The figures and scenes were then painted on top of the white ground. This method meant that the paintings did not last as well, but were very beautiful in their original ... Show more content on ... Secondly, some lekythoi were filled with scented oils and perfumes and placed around the body, while others were set along the approach to the grave or placed beside the tomb (Reference #5). This was done as a part of the religious focus of the burial ceremony, and was given as an offering. Lastly, a lekythos would often be brought to the gravesite or tomb of the deceased after the burial. It was very important to ancient Greeks to visit the gravesite of loved ones quite often, and when they visited, they would bring offerings to the deceased such as fruit, a feast, or a lekythos filled with olive oil or perfume (Reference #6). In time, the Lekythos was developed into a much larger version of itself, being called Huge Lekythoi . These were often left on top of a grave, or beside a tomb opening, almost as an ancient grave marker (Reference #7). Though they would not be inscribed with any words or the name of the deceased, they would have a painted scene depicting the deceased, some scene from their life, or a scene depicting a sport or activity the deceased greatly enjoyed. Many lekythoi have been recovered and are currently housed in museums all over the world. Though many are not in their original glory, most have been reconstructed. New lekythoi have been made in Greece and are still used today in some small Greek communities during the preparation of the body, and left by
  • 3. What Is The Story Of A Short Story It was like any other day for me,birds were chirping, grass was growing and shadows were vandalizing property and wreaking havoc on the world.(22.) How all of this monstrosity happened is a long story so pull up a chair and listen.I m Jack Jone and I was at a friend s birthday party for a friend whose name I can t say because he will be hunted down by the shadows. We had just finished the cake and had just started playing hide and seek.The birthday boy was the seeker and I was the hider(1.). You should count to 10 and count very slowly, I told him and he soon starts counting aloud 1,2,3..... He counted. He was counting fast not slowly but that didn t matter to the others, they were as fast as ninjas in the dead of night. I try to hide with one of them but she kicks me out of her hiding spot. 4,5,6..... he still was counting down and I had to find a hiding spot quick the forest is a really good spot I thought to myself.I ran into the forest so fast all I heard as I was running was the fading sound of him counting 7,8,9,10 ready or not here I come and hearing the screams of children being found and me as the kid always wanting to win ran farther and faster into the forest until I tripped on a root of a tree and phased through the ground into a hallowed cave. SPLASH!!! that was the sound I made when I landed on the water and the feeling of my body being slammed on water made my back feel like I broke my spine but with little energy and drowning because not being able to or
  • 4. On The Road The novel On the road, written by Jack Kerouac is an autobiographical book about a part of his life. The plot is about road tripping around the United States looking for some ideologies of enjoying youth generation in the late forties and the early fifties. The author is one of the most important writers of the Beat Generation , that is advocating the sexual liberation and the youth lifestyle in the sixties. The story sets in the United States of America and tell the story of the protagonist, Sal Paradise, who represents Jack Kerouac. He is living in New York City with his aunt when Dean Moriarty arrived in town. The central character of this novel is Dean Moriarty because Sal Paradise is completely fascinated by this person. He puts him on a pedestal, Dean Moriarty his everything that the protagonist cannot be. He especially admires his madness, his vitality and his holiness. The story is based on traveling around the United States trying to seek out some cure for his depression and his boredom. He will also visit several cities, such as Chicago, Denver, and San Francisco. He will not travel alone, he is going to see with his fellow traveler Dean some friends, as Carlo Marx, who represents ... Show more content on ... They are recurrent during the all settings. They allow the different characters to entirely express what they have to say and enjoy their youth. In the same time the friendship is also important because they are always looking for someone. They made trips to visit them. And finally there is the big difference between the East side of the United States and the West side. In the beginning of the story, the West symbolizes the idealism and the dreams and the East is boring and sad. But the more the story moves forward the more these two statements trade. The East becomes the holy and the west become less interesting. Moreover the different regions visited are characterized by the person the protagonist have to meet
  • 5. Analysis Of The Book The Screwtape Letters By Quot. Lewis C.S. Lewis once wrote There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them. Throughout history mankind has struggled, relentlessly, to put this concept into perspective. Lewis, a well respected Christian author, thought it appropriate to develop a work that would help individuals grasp the notion of devils. The Screwtape Lettersby C.S. Lewis is a powerful satirethat develops situational and dramatic ironyby allowing the reader to experience various thought patterns of the devil. Clive Staples Lewis has become known as one of contemporary society s most distinguished Christian authors. Throughout his career, Lewis emphasized a continuing Christian experience in almost all of his major writing, despite an early intolerance for the Church because of its institutionalized nature. Ironically, the idea for this novel came about at Holy Trinity Church near Headington Quarry. Actually, to be more politically correct, the letters were conceived shortly after listening to a radio broadcast by Adolph Hitler the night before. At this time Lewis remarked, Statements which I know to be untrue all but convince me, at any rate for the moment, if only the man says them unflinchingly. These events, along with written narratives, were printed in several corresponding letters to his brother, Warnie Lewis. The narratives would
  • 6. Outsiders In The Outsiders Society has always been separated into stereotypical groups. Now a days, those groups are represented by classes: lower, middle, and upper class. What about back then? During the 1960 s in Tulsa, Oklahoma; high school student Susan Eloise Hinton (S.E Hinton) writes a book called The Outsiders about the diverse groups in her town. Between the Greasers and the Socs, who are the real outsiders of the story? Though the groups are separated into privileged and unfortunate, the outsiders are the ones who unintentionally disassociate themselves with their social clicks by socializing with the opposite side and treating them respectfully. The Socs are prosperous teens whom live on the opulent side of town. They re thought to be smarter, sophisticated and less emotional than the Greasers, as shown throughout parts of the story: There were a lot of Socs in that class I get put into A classes because I m supposed to be smart and most of them thought it was pretty funny. (Document B); You re more emotional. We re sophisticated ... (Document C). The expectation of them is to be around other Socs, not to fraternize with someone who s classified as lower than them. Cherry Valance, a Soc, is an outsider because she feels comfortable talking with a younger Greaser named Ponyboy, who is also an outsider, about things she s never told anyone before: She smiled at me. I never told anyone that. I think you re the first person I ve ever really gotten through to. She was coming through to me all right, probably because I was a Greaser, and younger; she didn t have to keep her guard up with me. (Document C). It appears that Socs are invariably showing a fabricated persona to other Socs to exude their reputation: That was the truth. Socs were always behind a wall of aloofness, careful not to let their real selves show through. (Document C). The same is with another outsider, a Soc named Randy is afraid of being christened a coward if he flees a fight and he d resent himself if he didn t walk away. Randy feels that violence isn t going to solve any conflicts between the Greasers and the Socs, yet he thinks about staying for the sake of his respectability: but what can I do? I m marked chicken if I punk out at the
  • 7. Agrero s Interpretation Of Agrippina The Younger During her time, Agrippina the Younger was able to achieve unprecedented recognition and transcended the boundaries of imperial women to establish herself as a political player. Through her marriage to the Emperor Claudius, she formed a co ruling alliance that allowed her to manipulate the order of succession to aid her son Neroin becoming Princeps. To a negligible extent, historians agree with Ferrero s interpretation of Agrippina. Where Ferrero praises Agrippina s personality, both ancient and modern sources oppose his description of her as intelligent and simple , often describing her as opportunistic and manipulative. Although they do agree that her upbringing amidst political affairs set her up to becoming a formidable and politically... Show more content on ... As Levick describes, Agrippina s behaviour was overtly political . However, her ambition and rise to power was criticised by ancient historians as such subversions of traditional gender norms were not viewed favourably. Ancient sources are inherently scathing of Agrippina due to the values placed upon the ideal Roman matrona at the time. Tacitus describes the idea matrona as one who was loyal to her family and above all else subservient to her husband. However, Agrippina subverts this role through her unbridled ambition for power and her ultimate goal of placing her son Nero in the role of Princeps. Tacitus emphasizes Agrippina s masculine qualities, describing her as possessing a masculine despotism when toying with national affairs hence highlighting her transgression of gender boundaries to emphasize her failure to fulfil the duties of the ideal matrona. It is hence because of the ancient value placed on being an ideal subservient woman, and Agrippina s clear subversion of the role, that the ancient sources portray her negatively and conflicting with Ferrero s
  • 8. Free Will In The Articles Of Faith By Haneef Musa (PBUH) had a tough life. Because of his people, he could not enter or die in Jerusalem. One day, he asked Allah, Ya, Allah! Show me Adam who caused himself and us to be expelled from heaven. Moses asked Adam why he had eaten the fruit that God forbade him to and got expelled from paradise. Adam replied to him that Moses, being a prophet, should not blame him, a mere mortal, for something that Allah had predestined (Suleiman). This story raised many questions in my mind. I wondered, If we are predestined to go through a particular situation, then do we really have free will? If destiny has her own plans, then where do our choices fit in? For instance, if someone murders a person or commits some crime, is it okay to punish them, keeping... Show more content on ... In contrast, I believe that predestination and free will can coexist. The free will lies in what a person learns from his experience and what he does after destiny plays her course. If the murderer owns up to his crime, repents for his sin, asks for forgiveness from those he wronged and from Allah, then he has passed destiny s test because he got closer to Allah. Some of the babies who are predestined to be born in non Muslim families have their whole life full of experiences; they have the ability to gain knowledge about Islam, but it s up to them whether or not they follow the religion. Their free will lies in their ability to choose right from wrong. Adam was destined to come to earth. If it wasn t for eating the fruit from the forbidden tree, then it would have been another way. But Adam s free will laid in his decision of begging Allah for mercy, instead of cursing Him. He prayed for 300 years rather than turning away like Satan. Therefore, even with predestined situations, the idea of free will comes down to what a person learns from his experience and how he lets it affect his relationship with
  • 9. Fabulous Father Analysis Since the beginning of time children have had parents. Dear mother and Fabulous Father has been the guiding fact that every kid grows up with, and it is more important than anyone can imagine. Everywhere dads and children work side by side, talk together, and play. Fathers are the best thing that a person could ask for. Esther Edward is the daughter of Jonathan Edward, and in her diary, she described her father and how much he meant to her. Although Esther Edward s father, Jonathan Edward is a wonderful father, I believe that my father has him beat. While thinking over this essayI tried to think of all the things that I love about my father and what makes him special to me. The first thing that I thoughtof was how he cared and... Show more content on ... Ode to Kevin Carson Always there like the air, Like the breeze through the trees, Caring for the ones you love it means more than you think. You think when on the brink, you know just what to do even when I have no clue, encouragement from your mouth it means more than you think. Hotdogs on the grill with love on them spilt, walks in the woods with no unnecessary words, time spent with you it means more than you think. Bravery without end just so you can spend, time with little me I wonder if you can see how special you make me feel it means more than you think. Your forgiveness gives me a liveliness, it pours out of you everyone feels it too, everything you do means more than you think. We all feel the same me and the gang, all twelve of us in the big, blue bus, driving us to who knows where it means more than you think. Never choosing one we have all won, the best father ever because we will be together, never alone when you re around it means more than you think. The poem s almost done but it s written with love, yours is never ending with ours, it s blending, we are one family because of you it means more than you think. I love my father, almost more than anyone in the entire world. He is always there for his children and I learn from his example to always be there for my family. Esther makes it sound like her father is the best father in the entire century, and that might
  • 10. Asian Elephant 1. Title:Asian Elephant Elephas Maximus 2. Purpose: To learn how and why the Asian Elephant got on the endangered species list. Elephants are one of the largest land mammals in the world and they have been targets to man and other animals. 3. Background: My overall background the Asian Elephant is very limited. I know that they come from Asian and many were hunter for their tusks. You can find a few Asian Elephants at the local zoos and there is always controversy on elephants and the circus. There have laws put in place to make it illegal to hunt elephants for their skin and their tusks but I don t know how strict that law. I know some hunters who have a license to hunt in Asian and he has trophies of lions, zebras, hippos and... Show more content on ... By doing this the AREAS is not only protecting the rhinos and elephants but also the creatures and the ecosystem that depends on these keystone species to survive. Figure 2 shows both the Asian Rhino and the Asian Elephant on protected land. (8) A lot of recovery programs are aimed find a solution to the problem but there is a group called Golden Triangle Asian Elephant foundation (GTAEF) that puts its efforts towards rescuing the elephants that seemed abandon or lost off the streets of Thailand. Even though there are a few recovery plans in plans and they all have made a small impact yet none are really making the difference that is needed for this species to survive. [pic] Figure 2: An Asian Rhino and Asian Elephant on a protected land. Elephants in general are considered to be a keystone species. They have a huge impact on the ecosystem that they live in. According to Bagheera website, even the droppings that elephants leave behind are important ecosystem to survive. Elephants are very strong and they can take out several trees with their trunks, dig waterholes, and make trails in the forest. Many animals depend on the elephants for survival. Without these magnificent creatures many countries would suffer and the effect would be catastrophic worldwide. An example of how other species benefit would be the waterholes the elephants dig. In many cases that water hole is the only water source for those
  • 11. Review Of The War On Malaria THE WAR ON MALARIA JAYME SWANSON BALTIMORE CITY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DR. SAMUEL ODEDOKUN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY II OCTOBER 19, 2014 The War on Malaria About 3.3 billion people, that is about half of the world s population are at risk of contracting malaria (figure 1). Every year there are 250 million cases of malaria, and nearly 1 million deaths. That amounts to 2,732 deaths per day. Out of those million people that die every year, 800,000 of them are African children under the age of 5. To control malaria three actions need to be taken: insecticides need to be used to decrease the vector population, people have to be educated as to how to prevent the vector from reproducing, and anti malarial drugs need to be distributed. To understand the vector and what the vector is, scientists had to first discover what the parasite was and how it worked. It was not until the year 1880 that French Physician Charles Laveran discovered that Malaria was caused by a protozoan in the genus Plasmodium (Malaria, 2013) Figure 1: Malaria endemic areas around the world. Areas where malaria transmission occurs are in red, places that are at risk and malaria transmission occurs infrequently are in yellow, and places in grey is where there is no malaria present (Malaria, 2010). There are four species in the Plasmodium Genus that affect humans: P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale, and P. malariae. What people did not know then, was how the protozoan got from
  • 12. Essay On Singtel 1. Introduction The SingTel Group, Asia s leading communications telecom group, provides a wide range of communication services and solutions, including fixed, mobile, data, Internet, info communications technology, satellite and pay TV. They are recorded as the largest company in Singapore Exchange by market capitalization and also likewise listed in the Australian Securities Exchange with the acquisition of Optus, the second largest communications provider in Australia in September 2001. In addition, the SingTel Group also strategically invested in leading companies in Asia and Africa, including Bharti Airtel(India, South Asia and Africa), Telkomsel(Indonesia), Globe Telecom(the Philippines) and Advanced Info Service(Thailand). To serve the requirements of multinational enterprises, SingTel has an extensive network of 46 offices in 21 countries all across Asia Pacific, Europe and the USA, serving around 595 million clients across the globe (Singapore Telecommunications Limited, 2015 Singtel, 2016). ... Show more content on ... SingTel has played an important part in the development of the country as a major communication hub in the region. Despite full liberalization since 2000, SingTel continues to shape the digital media and ICT market in Singapore, remaining as the leading mobile, broadband and fixed line operator. In July 2007, Singtel ventured into home entertainment with the launch of mio TV. Another breakthrough is the launching of high speed fibre services with distinctive applications focusing on entertainment, convergence and productivity enhancement for home and business users, in September 2010 (Singtel, 2010). 2. PESTEL We will analyse SingTel based on its general environment split into 6 areas of political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal factors using the PESTEL model (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, 2016). 2.1
  • 13. Christian Counseling Prayer is the way we maintain intermit communication with God. The Christian counseling must be a believer in God and demonstrate the love of God in order to transmit any counseling to the client. The Christian counselor must have an intermit communication with God. The client will see that prayer is a time when we focus all we need and all our cares to God. Instruction Danielle that prayer is a time to express everything to God. Let Danielle know that you are channeling God with constant pray. Inform Danielle that God will give you the Christian counselor insight and that God is here during the session. Because we have invited God into the session, then God will guide what we need to know. God will help Danielle to develop faith that God will heal her. Pray will help move Danielle move to a level of empowerment and grow stronger with God. Empowering will help Danielle to have the tools to go to God and know that God cares about her. The form of Prayer in Christian counseling with Danielle would be Intercession Prayer during the counseling session. Danielle may grow to trust and believe from this type of counseling. Read with Danielle the scripture... Show more content on ... Danielle will learn to trust and believe and God. The love from God will replace all the difficult experiences of her past. Inform Danielle that prayer is a gateway to the truth and clarity. As Danielle experience time with Christian counseling she will become independent with praying and experience improved feelings. The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: God, I thank you that I am not like other people robbers, evildoers, adulterers or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get. But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, God, have mercy on me, a sinner ( Luke 18:11 13, New International
  • 14. The Bangladesh Liberation War was a Major Event that... The Bangladesh Liberation War was a major event that left a huge, lasting effect on our world. Starting on March 21, 1971 and lasting one month long, the war became a fight over power and authority. The war affected Pakistan and India greatly. It was first triggered when East and West Pakistan had issues. India became involved in the war when they decided to help East Pakistan. The war affected a great number of people. Just like any war, The Bangladesh Liberation Warhad many devastating tragedies. Although the tragedies were an obstacle, everything ended up working out for the uprising of Bangladesh. There were multiple causes of The Bangladesh Liberation War. These causes include the lack of sharing power between East and West Pakistan, resources, language, and the Bhola Cyclone. Pakistan was divided up into provinces. West Pakistan had four provinces that included Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, and the North West Frontier. East Pakistan was a province all on its own. Although the majority of the population lived in East Pakistan, it seemed as if West Pakistan had complete control over East Pakistan. East Pakistan had little to no political power. Resources was also a cause of the war. Since West Pakistan had complete control over East Pakistan, they used more resources than the east did. Between the years of 1948 and 1960, 70% of all of Pakistan s exports were made by East Pakistan. Sadly, East Pakistan only received 25% of the imported money because West Pakistan was
  • 15. How Sled Dogs Feel In The Iditarod Race People should think about how sled dogs feel in the Iditarod races. The Iditarod is cruel two dogs because the dogs are provided proper care and they have to run in harsh weather and terrain. veterinarians and mushers don t give the dogs the health care and love they need. Larger Iditarod kennels frequently disposed of dogs by shooting them, drowning them, or setting them loose to fend for themselves in the wilderness. Killing a dog for no reason is abuse and shows how people in the Iditarod don t care about their dogs at all. At least 136 dogs have died in the Iditarod or as a result of running in it. If those dogs would have had the care they needed, most of them would not have died in the race. However, some deaths are unpreventable.
  • 16. Tough Questions First, I noticed a Tough Question on page 104. Archie said (to Leo), Whose affection do you value more hers or the others? This is a Tough Question because Leo was having a hard time with affection with Star Girl and the other MAHS students, since the time he was shunned. He also later talked to Star Girl about this for some more help, and to see what she thinks about it. This question makes me wonder about why does Leo care about the other s attention, when Star Girl already makes him happy? Secondly, I noticed an Aha Moment in chapter 22. This is when Leo is told that in Star Girl s happy wagon and he realizes that Star Girl has been affected by the bad things that has happened to her. He realized that because Star Girl mentioned that
  • 17. Judaism In America In America, people of a religious background tend to follow one of the five major religions: Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism. Although, numerous people are Jewish I have never received the privilege to encounter someone who s religion is Judaism. My question is if Judaism is listed as one of most popular religions in America, why have I not had the fortuity to meet a religious Jew? I ve met others whom are Christian, Catholic, Jehovah s Witness, and Muslim, so to me Jews are a minority. I decided to engage in Sabbath so that I become more educated about Jewish beliefs, rituals, and culture. Being that I have only attended Christian worship services I figured participating in a Shabbat service would be a new and interesting.... Show more content on ... The lay people then passed out challah, which is the Jewish Sabbath and holiday bread, and a blessing of the challah took place. The prayer read Blessed are you, Lord our God, King of the universe, who brings forth bread from the earth (BBC, 2009). While we enjoyed the challah the chazzan and lay people thanked my friend and I for joining their service and most of all being respectful of their beliefs and rituals. Additionally, they allowed us to ask questions. This is how I was able to discover some issues are in regard to Judaism based off of their perspective. One of the lay people explained that the holocaust still has eternal damage on Jewish people and their culture. With Hitler invading Nazi Germany and separating Jews from one another and others it caused a split in the religion. As reported by Maryles, a writer for Jewish Press, Rabbi Weil declared a holocaust causes more Jews to be lost from Judaism than the actual holocaust... the great boon to Jews in America is its biggest bane . Meaning what s beneficial for one person is a burden to someone else. Another conflict is intermarrying which means when people of various races or religion become connected by marriage. Spouses following different religious paths means they have opposite beliefs which can create afflicting ideals within the marriage. Rabbi Weil also claims, The American ideal of freedom and our widespread acceptance is in fact the double edged sword that is both helping us and skewering us... the freedom this country offers allows us to shed any semblance of our Judaism . An additional issue is the religious Jewish youth. A different lay person from the Shabbat service said that the schools are not teaching the Torah the same way it once was taught. Mentioned by Rabbi Zecharya Greenwald, students are being told that if they do not carry themselves a certain way
  • 18. How Statistics For Managers ( Bam1447b ) What I learned in Statistics Kevin Green Statistics for Managers (BAM1447B) Timothy Crawford 12 22 14 What I learned in Statistics Statistics is a mathematical and scientific process based on the analysis, interpretation, collection, or explanation, and presentation of a data set. It is applied to an enormous variety of academic disciplines, from the natural and social sciences to the humanities, and to government and business. Data analysis is applied when information needs to be converted into the raw data which is more purposeful information. Statistics is mainly all about the data analysis of a set of data. Before actually began working on data analysis in real world and on paper, it is important that the basic knowledge is ... Show more content on ... Descriptive statistics can assist in proper presentation of data such that it can be comprehended and analyzed by the user. For example, if we had the data about the labor budgets of 200 companies, then that data would make no sense as it would be difficult to comprehend. But if that data is classified industry wise, and arranged, an average is calculated for the industry and for the labor budgets, and then the interpretation would be more feasible. In this example, descriptive statistics is extremely helpful because of the simplicity of how the data information needs to be shown. Following I will briefly explain the two most common types of statistics used to break down and describe data. The two types are measures of central tendencies and measures of dispersion. Measures of central tendency are measures which are at the central position of the frequency distribution and which are representative of the whole distribution. (Tanner, D. E., Youssef Morgan, C. M. , 2013) A part of the measures of central tendency is the mean, mode and median of the data for which was describe. Measures of dispersion are measures that show how far the actual values are from the measure of central tendency. (Tanner, D. E., Youssef Morgan, C. M., 2013) For example, the average labor budgets from all the 200 stores may be 21% of net sales but individual labor will not exactly be 21% of net sales. Each store will run a different percentage for labor.
  • 19. `` Illiterate America `` By Jonathan Kozol As I come home one afternoon from school, I see my mother with her brows pressed firmly against each other. I cautiously approach her because I assume she s upset. The closer I get, the easier I can analyze her face; she abruptly hands me a letter and commands me to read it for her. I read thoroughly and begin to translate the information from english to spanish. The letter came from the IRS; informing her about a balance due next week. She, with a softer look thanked me. Her frustrated attitude quickly disappeared. But, I ask myself today, what if I wasn t there? What if my mother would ve just put the letter aside due to her incapacity to understand, consequently missing the due date? The author of Illiterate America , Jonathan Kozol expresses his concern on the issue of illiteracy in America. Although his book was published in 1985, illiteracy and the examples Kozol provided in his writingremains relevant to the world we live in today. Kozol s purpose in writing this book was to bring awareness and expose the flaws America purposely overlooks. In efforts to bring his readers out of their comfort zones , Kozol successfully uses the strategies of allusion, analogy, and anecdote. Straight away, Kozol s use of allusion can be detected; he implemented this strategy to give the audience an opportunity to get out of their safe zone. Questions of literacy, in Socrates belief, must at length be judged as matters of morality. (pg.149) Kozol places his first allusion at the
  • 20. Hunting In The Waterfowl Waterfowl hunting was not always viewed as a sport but has been around for a long time. For example, Egyptians would use ducks as religious sacrifices. This would mean that the date for hunting waterfowl goes back to around 1353 1336 B.C. Over the years hunting has certainly changed. No longer do we have to use wooden bows and arrows, but shotguns. Through this upgraded machinery, we are able to bag birds faster and easier than before. Compared to way back when there has certainly been an increase in the waterfowl population of various species. One such species is the Mallard . According to the article, Mallard by an anonymous author, the Mallard duck happens to be the predecessor of almost all of the domestic waterfowl breeds. The male ... Show more content on ... However, certain factors that can cause a decline in adults can range from boredom to mastery of the sport. There will come a time, that if an adult is serious enough about waterfowl hunting, they will get good at it. Sometimes, this may take the challenge out of the hunt, for the hunter knows that they will be able to bag what they are after (if they find ducks in the first place). In opposition to this are the hunters that have reached a certain level of mastery, but are otherwise still entertained and challenged by their hunting situation. If participation starts to decline in adults and keeps declining in youths, then there will be fewer people advocating on behalf of wildlife. The main source of management is through the sales of hunting licenses. Those that hunt are supporters of major environmental issues such as air and water pollution. Also, some economies might see a decline due to the fact that the number of hunting licenses bought has gone
  • 21. The Secret Annex Character Analysis The course of life between the occupants in the Secret Annex was filled with happiness and festivities, but also many quarrels between them. Although each character has had differentiation and similarities with others, Mr. Van Daan and Mr. Dussel have discernible character traits throughout the play. Whereas their fears and judgements akin, the two men have unalike responsibilities, especially with Mr. Van Daan needing to be a father. Propitiously, their true characters are shown as a result of their actions, To begin with, Mr. Van Daan and Mr. Dussel surprisingly have more similarities than differences. Particularly, their perspective of Anne s behaviors are fairly similar. They both believe that she is immature and childish, whereas she is trying to mature as a woman. To illustrate, Mr. Van Daan states, Don t you ever get tired of... Show more content on ... Van Daan and Mr. Dussel have been concealed in the Annex for years, their main fear is getting caught by the Green Police, or the Nazis. Together, the families try their best to be silent during their stay but unfortunately, since safety is their priority, Dussel and Mr. Van Daan are willing to risk chances; such as answering the constantly ringing phone during a certain scene of the play. Mr. Frank refuses, as he does not want to jeopardize the safety of others finding him and the residents in the Secret Annex. On the contrary, Mr. Van Daan and Dussel want to pick up the phone, since they believe Miep is calling to warn them. Notably, Mr. Van Daan states, Just pick it up and listen. You don t have to speak. Just listen and see if it s Miep. (Mr. Van Daan, 389) Dussel adds, Something has happened Mr. Frank... I beg you, answer it! (Dussel, 389) The two men care deeply about their well being, even if it means that the occupants take several risks. Their behavior towards certain situations, especially this, are very similar. Although very anxious, their acknowledgment to fear shows a similarity between
  • 22. The Definition of Family in Slave Communities Essay The definition of family has changes dramatically over the course of history, especially from culture to culture. It is quite interesting to research the definition of family within slave communities because the slave definition of family not only changed from plantation to plantation, but also slave to slave. Upon reading the secondary sources, The Shaping of the Afro American Family, by Steven Mintz, Susan Kellogg, Marriage in Slavery, by Brenda Stevenson, and Motherhood in Slavery by Stephanie Shaw, and the primary sources WPA Interviews of former slaves conducted in the 1930s. Born in Slavery: Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers Project, 1936 1938, throughout all of these readings there seemed to be some definite... Show more content on ... Some mothers did not have any choices and had to bring their children with them to work, one mother brought her child and left him underneath the tree and said the tree was her child s nurse. (Shaw) According to the secondary source, Mothers in Slavery, in Virginia women were convicted of murder of their children and were hung, mainly because they had no money, or property to pay as fines for their crimes. It seems likely that it could have been because of poor nutrition, low birth weights, poor pre and post natal care. Also according to the secondary source, a woman was very smart by threatening to kill her baby if her slave owner separated her from her child (baby). (Shaw) Infanticide also happened mainly because of opposition of sexual and economic exploitation. A sad story was about two parents who mutually agreed to send their children s souls to heaven instead of descending them to the hell of slavery. (Shaw) Many parents also tried to punish their children so when they became ready to serve their slave owners they would be ready and follow the rules. Children were taught early to work and to work well and trained by parents (mothers) and other older people how to do certain jobs at a very young age. I seems that these child rearing techniques are even taught today, children are constantly taught how to act which will hopefully help them in their future endeavors, it
  • 23. Rhetorical Analysis Of Jim Jones Death Tape Rhetorical Analysis: Jim Jones Death Tape One of the most significant artifacts from The Peoples Temple is known as the Death Tape because it is the last audio recording of Jim Jones, which was recovered after the mass suicide of he and his followers. That day Jim Jones effectively persuaded more than 900 of his followers to commit mass suicide by reestablishing his strong credibility, using persuasive tactics of love and fear, and by convincing them that suicide is the rational way and the only way. Jones put himself on a pedestal during his speech, reestablishing his credibility with his followers before convincing them to commit suicide. This credibility was already established prior to the speech given in the death Tape , years ... Show more content on ... As Jones talks about the act of suicide he talks about it as if it were another friend sitting next to you in church. Jones proclaims, It is not to be feared. It s a friend...sitting there, show your love for one another. Lets get gone. Jones made suicide appear to be positive solution for his followers; he downplayed the act of suicide into the relaxed words of Lets get gone . By doing so he played into his followers emotions, making suicide appear to be the best solution. Jones isolated his followers and made the Peoples Temple their only connection and family. Jones made the idea of separation from the family not an option he was willing to accept; We can t separate ourselves from our own people. People twenty years laying in some old rotten nursing home. Jones made the decision of suicide as the answer for himself and his followers. Jones then made suicide appear to be the only option because separation from the family is not an option he accepted. Jones manipulated his followers into thinking that any other option other than suicide was hopeless. He then made living seem miserable, comparing it to rotting in a nursing home. Jones manipulated his followers into believing that living was the bad way out and suicide was there way to love and
  • 24. Parable Of The Sower By Octavia Butler When the British first settled America there was a high need for labor to work the Tabaco fields. With the help of the International Slave Trade the United States, Caribbean and South America had ample amount of workers waiting to be bought. After time the International Slave Trade was disbanded and farmers now had a self sustaining Slave Trade with in the United States. After Abraham Lincoln made America a free nation all seemed to be looking up for minorities in the United States. Unfortunately this is not the case. In the post apocalyptic book Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler set in mid 2020 s touches upon a world where there is still slavery, with the same evil but with a different face. Through this essay we will be looking at the comparisons of the Hispanic farmworkers rights movement in the 1960 s and 1970 s and the world Octavia Butler has produced through her book expanding on the idea that that modern day slavery has not disappeared. In the book Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler, we follow the life of Lauren Olamina. Living under her Baptist Minister father Lauren finds her own religion Earthseed. In the apocalyptic world Lauren and her family live behind a wall to protect themselves from the rape, murder and pyromaniacs that roam the streets. After the safety of the wall gets broken down Lauren is flung into the unstable dog eat dog world based in Southern California. She begins her walk up north hoping for jobs and stability. During her journey she
  • 25. Personal Narrative-Sever s Story After the night when Maeve stood up for herself at dinner, she was a much more confident girl. Hurling helped her do that. She was having a lot more fun with hurling than she ever did with soccer. The day after she was accepted to the team, her practices began. Aren t you excited for practice? asked Maeve to Patrick. I guess a little, but you know that I ve been doing this for a long time, right? But I m very excited for you, little sis. Patrick replied. They left the house for practice and got there soon after. They began their basic warm ups and Maeve followed along to the best of her ability. Her brother had told her what they did earlier, but at that moment it was just a big jumble like a messed up puzzle in her mind. The whistle blew and they all... Show more content on ... Hi, Maeve said quietly. Maeve, hi! It s such a pleasure to see you, he replied. She laughed, then replied, I understand if your answer is no, but is there anyway I would join the hurling team? I know I quit about a month ago, but I miss it a lot. I promise to be devoted and try my hardest during practices and games. Maeve, I remember you being in here a month ago asking the complete opposite, coach laughed, You can join the team again, but you must be completely determined to become better. You aren t just going to wake up one day and be better at hurling. Remember practice makes progress, not perfect. Yes, I completely understand. Thank you so much, see you later! Maeve replied. Later when Maeve got home from school she ran into the house and yelled, I m back on the team! I decided that I would play hurling! Really? Nice Maeve, her dad replied. After multiple weeks of determination, Maeve was starting to get the hang of it. She was getting better each day, and eventually she was a major part of the team, starting almost every game. Maeve then knew that determination and practice would make you better at whatever one was
  • 26. Influences Of Romanticism Roya Ghaseminejad Ms. Spruill Smith Honors Humanities 2 23 April 2017 Influences of Romanticism Romanticism originates from the late 18th century and embodies staunch individualism and the ability to express intense emotions. Additionally, it is a movement in literature and the arts that went against classical and neoclassical movements in order to embrace spiritual relationships with nature. Two works of fine art that strongly correspond with each other are William Blake s A Poison Tree and Idina Menzel s Let It Go . A Poison Tree is a popular short poem published in 1794, and brings forth the understanding of emotion and experience. Let It Go is from a popular 2013 movie, by the name of Frozen, which stresses the importance of ... Show more content on ... This line of Blake s poem shines light on emotion, And I waterd it in fears, /Night morning with my tears: /And I sunned it with smiles, /And with soft deceitful wiles (Blake). The character s emotions are drawn into comparison of a plant. He watered this plant with his fears and his tears to make sure his plant got enough sunshine. Yet instead of real sunshine he gave deceitful wiles , which goes to show the deceptiveness he was planning with all the anger that filled him. On the other hand, Let It Go draws to a grand metaphor, I don t care what they re going to say, let the storm rage on (Menzel). The storm symbolizes other peoples concerns and how she is beginning to understand that their values and morals should not affect her. Overall, at this point in the song the character is overcome with emotion and her passion for her true identity is born. Both works evoke emotion as they are met with conflicts of their own, leading to eventual emotional outbursts. Emotion plays a pivotal role in Romanticism by representing a timeless aspect of individual
  • 27. Introduction- A overview of Indian automotive sector... Introduction A overview of Indian automotive sector The Automobile Industry in India is attaining significant growth at a rapid pace with broadening domestic and international markets in the past 15 years. This industry, at present has achieved a turnover of Rs. 1,65,000 crores. An investment of Rs. 50000 crores has already been made and another Rs. 35000 crore is in the conduit. This industry caters to a labour utilization to the tune of 1.31 crore people with 17% contribution to the indirect taxes. However, with all these in context, Indian Automobile Industry is destined to become one of the largest in the world. India already ranks second globally in two wheeler production, eleventh in passenger car production and thirteenth... Show more content on ... The Integral Coach Factory (ICF) was established in October 1955. In 1960s, TVS Group established a number of auto components manufacturing plants. The second wave automobile revolution took place in the mid 1990s with the establishment of Ford, Hyundai and HM Mitsubishi. In the meantime, auto hubs in Pune, Gurgaon Noida and Bangalore expanded and posed major threat to the leadership position of Chennai. In the post 2006, Tamil Naduwitnessed the third wave of automobile revolution. With the setting up of automobile plants by Renault Nissan, Hyundai Ford expansion, Daimler, BMW, Ashok Leyland Nissan JV for commercial vehicles, etc. In addition, South Korea s Doosan, Japan s Komatsu and USA s Caterpillar are also in the process of establishing large earth moving equipment manufacturing plants. As of now, Chennai comprises nearly 35% of India s share in the automotive sector. Chennai has emerged as the leader in automobile manufacturing in India. Commercial Vehicles and Agricultural EquipmentCars and Two WheelersAuto Parts and Components Market Share in India33%27%35% Domestic LeadersAshok LeylandTVS GroupNo Clear Leader Other FirmsTafe India Volvo Same Deutz Fahr Hindustan Motors Daimler Benz CaterpillarFord Hyundai Mitsubishi Hindustan Motors Nissan BMW Royal EnfieldRane Group Wheels (TVS Dunlop) Lucas TVS Brakes India Sundaram Clayton Ltd. In 2007 09, the automobile exports
  • 28. Fair Apportionment In The United States Ever since the first democratic election of 1950, Turkish people have proven high interests in elections. The lowest participation was in 1973 with 66.82 percent and highest participation in 1987 with 93.38 percent (IDEA). Despite the high voter turnout rate, their votes have not been represented equally. The apportionment method used have not been fair. Apportionment deals straight with the amount of political power granted to citizens living in different areas. A fair apportionment method would grant each citizen equal amount of political power despite their locations. It is however, difficult to apportion in accordance with the principle of equal vote value. The apportionment problem arises due to the rounding problem. In formal statement, apportionment problem involves a group of states with some populations (p1, p2, ..., p3), and a whole number of a seats to distribute. Apportionment distributes a whole number of seats to each state where the sum of the distributions equal to the total number of seats (Young 2004). It is expected that each state gets their... Show more content on ... It used conventional rounding instead of rounding down. Webster s method does not violate any of the apportionment paradoxes, yet it can rarely violate quota criterion. In 1941, Huntington Hill method was adopted and is still being used today. The Huntington Hill method is almost identical to Webster s method (Hodge Klima). Unlike Webster s method, Huntington Hill method uses geometric mean as cutoff for rounding quotas. If the quota is greater than the geometric mean of the two nearest whole numbers, round the quota up, otherwise round it down. If the total number of seats allocated is too large or small, increase or decrease the divisor to apportion the exact number of seats. For a quota like 5.482, Huntington Hill method would take the geometric mean (sqrt(5*6)=5.477) and round it up to 6 because the quota is greater than the geometric
  • 29. How Did African Americans Use Religion In The 18th Century In 1710 a small group of people went to Francis le Jau and asked him to admit them to the Holy Communion. Most of Africans rejected Anglicanism and Christianity during the eighteenth century. Many assume is one in which Africans collectively and individually struggled to preserve a religious identity grounded in indigenous beliefs . (198) Olwell had visions in servile respects first was only a small number converted and accepted baptism but had to get permission from their masters. Second was when slaves adopted Anglicanism they became isolated from other people. Which he implies that slaves were still more likely to reject then adopt Christianity. (199) Many West Central Africans did not reject Christianity because of Kongo and the Kongolese... Show more content on ... South Carolina had the largest exports of African slaves in 1715. Church authorities urged missionaries to pursue African Christianization in their parishes, despite planter s opposition. (202). Majority of South Carolina s population was Africans and Indians. Thomas Hasell sat aside once a week to catechize Africans whose masters allowed participating. Between twenty and thirty Negro men and women constantly attend. (202). Many Africans went to Francis Le Jau seeking baptism but he required slaves to take oaths first. To make they were doing it for the right reasons and to make sure they would follow all of the rules. Many ministers had to deal with resistance, like when a white man in his parish who declared that he would not take communion so long as Africans were received at the table. (204). Africans refused to work on holy days which made their owners mad. So the owners boycotted Le Jau s church forcing him to back down. Many Africans who were brought to South Carolina were from west and central Africa where Christianity had long before begun to fuse with indigenous beliefs. (206). Their was a big difference between African and Anglican religious, Africans emphasis is on continuous revelations and Anglican emphases scripture and literacy.
  • 30. Literary Devices Used in Albert Camus The Plague A book of horrors, fear and death. The Plague is a book by Albert Camus which weaves these emotions and events into one suspenseful tale. Each paragraph and section is written and structured in such a way as to give the reader insight into the feelings of the victims of the plague, and to show somewhat of a theme. The passage from section 4, part 4, line number 1 to line number 35 gives us a glimpse of the melancholy of the people of Oranto their dead loved ones to the extent that they do not attend All Souls Day, for they were thinking of them too much as it was. Albert Camusfills this passage with figurative devices, including, diction, personification, pathetic fallacy, metaphors, ironyand a turning point. The first two paragraphs... Show more content on ... Diction is seen to be used greatly in conveying the suitability of the town for All Souls Day. Pathetic Fallacy is also used to portray the message by Albert Camus. Also, the cool wind , big clouds...trailing shadows , glossy and oiled clothing give the impression of a cool, damp shadowy day, with clothing mimicking this, portraying the psychology of the people of Oran when they are in melancholy for their loved ones. However, from around the third paragraph onwards, a turning point is seen. As previously suggested, it was a suitable time of the year for mourning and All Souls Day, but ironically this did not occur. Albert Camus devices and literary intelligence make it very clear that the melancholy of the town was to the extent that All Souls Day was neglected. It is seen by a turning point, But these familiar aspects of All Souls Day could not make us forget that the cemeteries were left unvisited . This turning point suggests that All Souls Day did not occur as it was previously suggested through earlier devices, mainly due to the already prevalent grief towards the dead. Albert Camus metaphors clearly clarifies this, they (the dead) were no longer the forsaken to came to justify yourself and they (the dead) were intruders whom you would rather forget .Also, these metaphors give insight to the attitude of the townspeople towards their dead, that the extended period of thinking and grief over their dead has caused them not
  • 31. The Sixties Countercultures The Sixties were a time of major change in United States society. We had reached beyond modernity with technology, consumerism, and the youth leading us to the suburbs of discontent. According to Hugh Heclo, There came surge of personal discontent and social self questioning that would constitute the great awakening of the 1960s. He goes on to argue that people no longer accepted the status quo and from the counter culture groups we have studied in class this is evident. People were more concerned with morals and institutional openness in order to create a better vision of the world than the traditional ideals of the Cold Warera. Heclos main argument is that this vision is the legacy of the Sixties is the tendency for peoples to question their governments practices, in the name of a more egalitarian society. I agree with his assertions and can see proof in the Yippee movement, Students for a democratic society, and Young Americans for Freedom. The counterculture shows how action was taken to restructure the government in their own way in order to help the newly oppressed. While the groups do not exist in the same way today, the actions they took made a lasting impression on the fabric of society and government. The Yippies were radical and wanted a complete rejection and reformulation of the American system. They were unwilling to work within existing institutions and used theatrical tactics to demonstrate their discontent. They partook in drug use, enjoyed rock n
  • 32. `` The Merchant Of Venice `` By William Shakespeare Risk is a situation that involves the possibility of exposure to dangers. Risks exist everywhere, even the most minute of actions can place someone in jeopardy. It is an inescapable labyrinth that plagues the lives of all ever since humanity s first existence. Yet it,s double edged sword like characteristics of also providing opportunities and gains keeps many enthralled in it. In William Shakespeare s The Merchant of Venice, Antonio, a protagonist, gives himself over to a life threatening contract with the villain, Shylockthe Jew, in order to provide the means for one of Antonio s friend the opportunity to woo a lady. Over the course of the play, various risky opportunities and events also expose other relationships as means of satisfying their wants, although not all their outcomes are favourable. Risk is the root cause of rewards and punishments in The Merchant of Venice. This is seen between the play s rivals, such as Antonio and Shylock. Also is seen between lovers, such as Bassanio and Portia. It is seen again between fathers and children, such as Shylock and Jessica. The outcomes of the rivals plot, namely the struggles between Antonio and Shylock, were greatly influenced by the partaking of risks. One of the risks taken by the main pair of rivals is Shylock employing a malevolent bond purposed with ending the life of Antonio. Shylock demands that he will have [his] bond; speak not against [his] bond:/ [he has] sworn an oath that [he] will have [his] bond.
  • 33. Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism In ancient China, many different rulers tried to unify and rule the country using a variety of methods Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism to name a few. Each philosophy had its own set of rules of how people should act both in public and privately. The overall goal of each philosophy was to set a standard of acceptable living that would ensure harmony and success for the society. However, each was different and thus had different results. The best way for the people of Chinato succeed in a harmonious, respectable society occurred when both Confucianismand Legalism were combined. Confucianism resulted from a Chinese philosopher named Kongfuzi (551 479 B.C.E), also known as Confucius, becoming disheartened with the way the government ... Show more content on ... If there is dissent and it is not dealt with using corrective measures, then the government, and thereby society, will fall apart. One such example of this can be found in the Han Feizi document. It says, The law alone leads to political order. If laws are adjusted to the time, there is good government. If government fits the age, there will be great accomplishment. Therefore, when the people are naГЇve, if you regulate them with fame, there will be good government; when everybody in the world is intelligent, if you discipline them with penalties, they will obey. While time is moving on, if laws do not shift accordingly, there will be misrule; while abilities are divers, if prohibitions are not changed, the state will be dismembered...Indeed, if the state is orderly, the people are safe; if affairs are confused, the country falls into peril...Yet everybody s likes and dislikes should be regulated by the superior. It is no surprise that the philosophy of legalism did not last long. Once the emperor died, people began to dissent and voice their opinions of being treated in such a manner. The next emperor, Emperor Gaozu of the Early Han Dynasty, determined that by combining Confucianism and Legalism would ensure a more accepted and obeyed political system. By allowing the people to follow certain rules that prescribed their status obligations while altering the laws created by Legalism, the society ran more smoothly for
  • 34. Role Of Art In The Arts Can the arts play a role in solving international conflicts? At first, my answer was a no. I mean international conflicts are complex and far reaching. How could the arts possibly play a role? However, throughout the day I thought about it more. I thought about how music, novels, films, paintings can affect us on a very personal level. There have been plenty of times when art has put me in either the best of moods or in the worst of moods. I then realized that the arts can play a role. Perhaps not directly, but it can influence culture and culture can influence society which can then affect the world. The main examples that came to my mind was The Beatlesand Bob Marleys One Love Peace concert. However, before getting into that I want to discuss the benefit concert held by Ariana Grande after the Manchester terrorist attack. On May 22nd, 2017 there was a bombing at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England that killed 22 people and wounded more than 100. I remember when I found out about the bombing. I was utterly shocked and appalled, especially how some people on social media and the internet were already making jokes about it. I just didn t understand how someone could do something like that. However, whenever I found out that Ariana Grande was going to hold a One Love Manchester just weeks after the attack I was both surprised and moved by it. I respected Ariana Grande and all the musicians that performed such as: Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, Coldplay,
  • 35. How Did Pericles Grow As A Political Leader Pericles Research Paper Pericles was one of the greatest political leaders in Greece at the time. Not only did he affect Greece s future but he was also a huge influence on the modern democratic world. It was under his leadership that Athenian culture flourished and that the idea of equality became more universal. There s not much on Pericleschildhood, however we do know that he was born into a rich family in Athens and his father was a war hero from the Persian Wars. When Pericles was still just a toddler, Persia was defeated at the Battle of Marathon. At the age of 13, young Pericles had to evacuate Athens with his family during the Battle of Salamis. Then, at the age of 17, Pericles inherited a large fortune. With this large fortune,
  • 36. Death And Dying, Death, And Death Christopher Bullock had said it best in his work Cobler of Preston , Tis impossible to be sure of any thing but Death and Taxes. (Shapiro, 2008) Prior to Elisabeth KГјbler Ross bestseller novel On Death and Dying, death was to be done alone. Death was a taboo subject for society. Death is the end result of many different factors effecting the body in a way it (the body) can t handle it any longer. Speaking in a medical light, there are two types of death, clinical and biological. When a patient s breathing and heartbeat stop, clinical death occurs. This condition may be reversible through CPR and other treatments. However, when the brain cells die, biological death occurs. This usually happens within 10 minutes of clinical death, and is not reversible. In fat, brain cells will begin to die after 4 to 6 minutes without fresh oxygen supplied from air breathed in and carried to the brain by circulating blood. Cardiovascular pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) consists of the actions you take to revive a person or at least temporarily prevent biological death by keeping the person s heart and lungs working. (Limmer O Keefe, 2012, p. 1124) The KГјbler Ross model, or the five stages of grief, postulates, a series of emotions experienced by terminally ill patients prior to death, wherein the five stages are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. The model was first introduced by Swiss psychiatrist Elisabeth KГјbler Ross in her 1969 book On Death and Dying,
  • 37. Second World War Dbq Analysis The Second World War was the first and only conflict that saw the use of atomic weapons of mass destruction. During the war, Japan refused to surrender and as result, America dropped two atomic bombs on Japan at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Seemingly, this was to prevent a full invasion of japan, which would undoubtedly cost substantial American lives. In addition to the warfare advantages this would provide, this also handed diplomatic advantages to the United States. (Doc E) Diplomatically, the use of the Atomic weapons would put a swift end to the war, which would assuredly keep Russia out of the conflict and prevent them from gaining more power or influence, especially sense Russia had demands in place that would allow Russia to gain more
  • 38. Why The Concern Over Mobile Technology Statement of the Problem Why the concern over mobile technology in our schools for K 12 education? Mobile technology has expanded tremendously over the past few years. The use of having mobile devices in the classroom allows students instant access to the latest news, information, statistics, etc. Mobile technology opens a multitude of learning that was only accessible through encyclopedias before, but has expanded and has endless possibilities. Many schools have a school wide wireless implementation of mobile devices and others have limited access to wireless devices. The opportunity of instructional designers is endless in developing more integration of technology in lesson plans to make the connections between the old ways and with the integration of technology into the classrooms. The following literature reviews will explore the growing trend of mobile technology in the K 12 education. Review of the Literature How are teachers and students using mobile technology and are they using their own devices or is the schools providing mobile devices for teachers and students to use. Grant, Tamim, Brown, Sweeney, Ferguson, and Jones, (2015) reviewed the early uses of mobile computing devices (MCD) in K 12 classrooms. The research questions for their study were looking at the ways K 12 teachers were using MCDs, the supports that teachers received when using MCDs, and the barriers that existed for teachers when using MCDs. Nine teachers were interviewed about the use of MCDs in
  • 39. Richard Parker Identity Analysis Pi was forced to alter aspects of his identity in order to overcome his hunger and the threat of death while stranded, and altering these morals led to him discovering new aspects of his identity. For example, an aspect that Pi was forced to alter was his morals. One of his morals was being a strict vegetarian, and avoiding killing innocent animals. However, after his emergency rations of biscuits and chocolate ran out, he was forced to start killing fish, turtles, and other sea life in order to feed both himself and Richard Parker, going against his morals of being vegetarian. I descended to a level of savagery I never imagined possible (218), as he described in the quote, altering his morals lead Pi to discovering the more savage side of... Show more content on ... However, despite the danger, Pi had to tame him, and show himself as the dominant one, or else he could have been killed by Richard Parker. Therefore, in going through with the dangerous task of taming Richard Parker, despite his fear, Pi demonstrated his strong will to survive. Another example was when Pi decided to disregard or alter his morals when he ate and killed animals for food. He was a strict vegetarian; however, he had to disregard that lifestyle after he ran out of rations, in order to keep himself from starving to death. By giving up his morals, and committing acts he once viewed as immoral and wrong, Pi demonstrated his determination to survive. Pi discovered the true strength of his will to live, through acts that went against his morals, and undergoing dangerous tasks such as taming Richard
  • 40. Can Continental Airlines Continue to Work Hard, Fly Right... History of Continental Airlines Continental Airlines began service in 1934 as Varney Speed Lines, named after one of its initial owners, Walter T. Varney operating out of El Paso, Texas and extending through Las Vegas, Albuquerque and Santa Fe, New Mexico to Pueblo, Colorado. The airline started with Lockheed Vegas, a single engine plane that carried four passengers. The airline later flew other Lockheed planes, including the Lodestar. It was renamed Continental on 1 July 1937 after a new owner Robert Six had taken a forty percent ownership with Varney s co founder Louis Mueller. Six relocated the airline s headquarters to Stapleton Airport in Denver in October, 1937. Robert F. Six was one of the legendary patriarchs of U.S. aviation ... Show more content on ... Most agreements permit airlines to fly from their home country to designated airports in the other country: some also extend the freedom to provide continuing service to a third country, or to another destination in the other country while carrying passengers from overseas. In the 1990s, open skies agreements became more common. These agreements take many of these regulatory powers from state governments and open up international routes to further competition. Open skies agreements have met some criticism, particularly within the European Union, whose airlines would be at a comparative disadvantage with the United States because of cabotage restrictions. Internal Organization He challenged all stakeholders in the air transport value chain to keep pace with an aggressive agenda for industry change. After at least two years of lost growth, traffic is back to pre September levels in most parts of the world. First quarter 2004 passenger traffic was 6.5% above the same period for 2001 while cargo volumes were 15.5% above 2001 levels. Firms in the commercial airline industry were studied to ascertain their use of strategic market planning. The results indicate strategic market planning and related techniques (Experience curve/cost analysis, portfolio analysis, investment opportunity analysis, and PIMS)
  • 41. The Influence of Self-Assessed Body Image on Confidence... Research in psychology today seems to be drawn towards particular fields of interest especially when it comes to understanding human behavior. One of the most common research topics for social psychology is body image and the perceptions that are related to age groups, genders, and ethnicities. Young people today are pressured by society to make physical appearance a dominant factor in their everyday lives, and the pressure is found not only through media influence but friends and family as well (Pavica, 2010). These pressures can affect many different aspects of a person s life and significantly influence their actions. The aspects affected by body imagecan include popularity among peers, social comfort, and the attitudes an individual... Show more content on ... The goal of this study is to observe how the physical state perceived by the individual affects the psychological and emotional states that they incorporate into their everyday lives. From the participants evaluation a greater focus will be on the relations of self assessment to an individual s confidence and self esteem level. The link between these aspects can possibly shed light on how decisions and lives are altered by self interpreted appearance, specifically body image. In addition, there is evidence which supports the theory that body image dissatisfaction affects both genders. By creating and enhancing a positive body image, a person greatly increases their self esteem (Ratanasiripong Burkey, 2011). A study was conducted that asked college aged men to rate their body image either positively or negatively, and found that self perceptions of those overweight were indistinguishable from a similar female sample (Drewnowski Yee, 1987). The confidence we aim to study will be an individual s personal belief in their ability to interact with others, resulting from their positive or negative body perceptions. At this point, it is important to give the operational definitions of all three variables. Body image within the discussion can be conceptualized