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What Is A Literary Essay
Anyway?!? | Im 4 Students
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What Is A Literary Essay Anyway?!? | Im 4 Students What Is A Literary Essay Anyway?!? | Im 4 Students
The Concept of the Messiah within Judasim and the...
This paper will compare the concept of the Messiah within Judaism and the development of the
messianic tradition within Christianity. Consideration will be given to Judaic thought on how this
religion understands the concept of the Messiah. Defining how throughout history it shaped the
foundation of this religion to distinguish its own individual identity. Analysis will focus on the
abstraction of the Messiah and how Jewish believers interpret the coming of the Mashiach in
connection with the prophecy of Isaiah. Discussing how eschatology is understood in this religion
compared to Christianity, and how different Jewish groups define the Messiah prophecy from early
history up until the modern day era. The paper will also discuss the ... Show more content on ...
Moses was a great prophet and he received the 613 commandments from God at Mount Sinai these
laws created the foundation the Jewish law. Moses led the people to the Promised Land in which he
died. Houses, alters where built and
many settled in this land. It was at this time Palestine was under conflict and the only chance of the
survival was to come under a single ruler, Saul .Savage, (1996:35) Defeat came and Saul killed
himself. It was at this time King David came to power. In the scripture his inspiration and loyalty is
renowned. David was a devout worshipper of Yahweh and was guided through priestly oracles and
cult prophets Green, (1973:125) he brought peace to Jerusalem and established this country as a
religious united nation. Many others conquered Israel and until Judah rose to be patriarch of Judah in
which Antonine Marcus Aurelius consolidated relations and the Jewish Law was formulated known as
the Mishna it contained codes, ethics and rules to be followed and formed the basis of the Talmud. It
was at this time prophets such Elijah whose work was carried on by, Elisha, Amos, Hosea, Isaiah,
Jeremiah and Ezekiel were concerned for moral standards and proclaimed the need for true worship,
justice and Righteousness needed to prevail, the prophets bonded the relationship of absolute faith in
which Judaism was saved, without the prophets Christianity would never have being established. After
so much conflict and exile the Jewish people
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How Urban Environments Has Made More Sustainable And What...
How Have Urban Environments Been Made More Sustainable And What More Needs To Be Done for
the Future?
The National Geographic Education define an urban environment as, the region surrounding a city.
Urban areas are very developed, meaning there is a density of human structures such as houses,
commercial buildings, roads, bridges, and railways.(1) The International Institute for Sustainable
Development define sustainable development as development that meets the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. (2) In 2014,
approximately 54%(3) of the total global population live in urban environments. The global urban
population has grown significantly from 34% in 1960(3) ... Show more content on ...
The provision of affordable mass transit provides residents of urban areas greater accessibility, which
can provide them with more opportunities and services. Furthermore, with the provision of a
successful transport system, it is highly likely for the number of people using personal vehicles to fall.
This fall in the use of cars would mean that less harmful gases such as Carbon Monoxide, Nitrogen
Oxide and Sulphur Dioxide released and so the natural environment would benefit. With a successful
transport system, accessibility is greatly improved, which can be beneficial economically for a city.
People are able to travel to and from work and the transport can also be used for trading goods and
services. However, current mass transit is unsustainable in urban cities due to its reliance on non
renewable fossil fuels and the pollution it creates has a significant impact on the environment.
Currently, transport is accountable for 20% 25% of world s energy consumption and carbon dioxide
emissions(1) and the current systems mostly run on fossil fuels, which are expected to run out by 2088
according to ecotricity(2). In order to improve the sustainability of an urban area, the transport
systems, which need to be in place for economic and social reasons, need to become greener, cleaner
and run on renewable energy. Current technology is not currently in place to allow for this significant
change and so gradual changes have been introduced in some of the world cities.
London s
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Ecotopia Big Wood Summary
In my excerpt of the reading, In Ecotopia s Big Wood s, Weston laments on Ecotopia s vast forests that
are treated with human dignity. The forests are looked at in a religious matter and treated like family.
The logging system includes education on the importance of trees in nature and how they must be
preserved by any means necessary. Weston even writes about a young man, who he points out did not
seem under the influence, leaning on a tree and saying, Brother Tree! . This appears to be the
consensus of every citizen in Ecotopia. The scientists of Ecotopia have even developed biodegradable
plastics out of tree pulp. Trees and the forests of Ecotopia are without a doubt a major factor in the
Ecotopian economy. Weston points out that in the America of the time, and arguably the America of
today, would find this to be not only a huge contradiction but also an economic penalty as a waste of
time. In America, time is money and the time it takes to reforest a logged forest, let alone teaching
those who are doing the logging about the importance of the forest would be looked at as a waste of
time and therefore money.
However, Weston appears to be appreciating this sentiment the Ecotopian society attributes to their
way of life and social norms. I read a few more excerpts from the book because I found it very
interesting how similar Ecotopia is to modern California s, and the northwest in general for that
matter, approach to environmentalism. Although Ecotopia is an exaggerated version of modern day
California, it is without a doubt based on what California was becoming and eventually became.
Recycling bins everywhere, civilized hippies starting their own communities in Northern California,
etc. Ecotopia is without a doubt based on California and the rest of the North West.
Being from the East Coast, I could vaguely relate to Weston in my shock of how different the same
country could be depending on the coast you resided on. I m not sure how many other states make you
pay for bags at the store, but I can assure you that much of the South and Southwest would have a
heart attack if they had to pay for their own bags. I consider myself an extremely Green individual,
recycling and reusing at every opportunity even
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Computers and Human-Level Intelligence Essays
Computers are taking more and more jobs and this trend will accelerate as we approach technological
singularity. This is the event when computers will attain human level intelligence Natalie Wolchover
states. The singularity is projected to arrive sometime around 2030 2040, but it could occur sooner
depending on how computer technology develops. Wolchover states:
Physicist, author and self described futurist Ray Kurzweil has predicted that computers will come to
par with humans within two decades. He told Time Magazine last year that engineers will successfully
reverse engineer the human brain by the mid 2020s, and by the end of that decade, computers will be
capable of human level intelligence.
Corporations are currently thinking ... Show more content on ...
Singh, Susheela, and Jacqueline E. Darroch conclude:
The trend toward lower adolescent birthrates and pregnancy rates over the past 25 years is widespread
and is occurring across the industrialized world, suggesting that the reasons for this general trend are
broader than factors limited to any one country: increased importance of education, increased
motivation of young people to achieve higher levels of education and training, and greater centrality
of goals other than motherhood and family formation for young women.
This shows that education and even knowledge of other opportunities, contraception and abortions can
lower the population rate allowing fewer burdens on the government over austerity especially in
countries where financial responsibility is not valued as much.
Emotions may help develop morals for human being coexistence. The more we interact with robots,
the more we develop emotional attachment to it. This can even be exploited for profit with Artificial
Intelligence as smart as pets marketed as pets with minimum care, more targeted ads or functions that
can help people. We still have the choice of how to advance computers. The only issues relating to
singularity against are how to divide the power of computers between different social classes in the
world. Corporations want to keep a
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Patrick Lencioni s Three Signs Of A Miserable Job
than a bad job? If so, in what ways? A miserable job is not the same as a bad job. According to Patrick
Lencioni, what is considered a bad job varies from person to person. Lencioni states, Some people
consider a job bad because it is physically demanding or exhausting, involving long hours in the hot
sun. Others see it as one that doesn t pay well. Still others call a job bad because it requires a long
commute or a great deal of time sitting behind a desk. It really depends on who you are and what you
value and enjoy. A miserable job differs from a bad job because instead of disliking parts of your job
you job is physically and emotionally draining you. Lencioni states that, [A miserable job is] the one
you dread going to and can t wait to leave. It s the one that saps your energy even when you re not
busy. It s the one that makes you go home at the end of ... Show more content on ...
Do you understand how your performance will be measured and assessed in your current job? If so,
how do you know this? What about in your classes this semester? What did Brian do in Three Signs of
a Miserable Job to help his employees understand how they would be measured? Give several very
specific examples. I did not understand how my performance was being measured and assessed at my
job. I would assume that I am performing well well I did not get feedback from my mangers saying
others wise. At my job no feedback was good feedback. My classes are another story. This semester,
all but one of my classes post grades regularly so I know exactly how I am performing and what I
need to change or keep doing in each class to remain successful. In Three Signs of a Miserable Job,
Brian asked his employee Carl to ask him self what measurement should be used to determine if Carl
did a good job at work or not. Brian and Carl came up with a placement sheet that Carl would keep
with him to measure his performance at his
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Index of Economic Freedom Essay
The steady stream of current world events provides us with the signs to be read if we only take the
time and the intention to pay attention to those lessons. The economic view provides a robust language
for understanding the basic physical reality of scarcity, and the varied human beliefs and responses we
take as we attempt to deal with that scarcity. As Smith and Ricardo teach us, the subtle and important
understanding lies in the space between what human desires dictate in the personal scale, in the short
run; and what consequences play out on the grand scale, in the long run. In this paper we look at the
proxy effects of policies intended by governments to forge policies in the short run, as compared to the
inevitable effects that flow ... Show more content on ...
The following table shows the results: Fraser Institute : Heritage Index Correlation: 0.9276 Ease of
Doing Business, World Bank : Heritage Index Correlation: 0.9606 Freedom House, Civil Liberties
Index : Heritage Index Correlation: 0.8205 This data makes clear that the Heritage Index, even if
biased, correlates strongly with measures from other organizations, calculated with different
methodologies, for different purposes. The Heritage Index is calculated using ten sub indices as
measures of relevant components of economic freedom. These sub indices produce an overall
composite score. The list of indices and some detail on what they measure is as follows: Business
Freedom; the general barriers to entry and exit of the market, procedures, licenses, time, cost, and
difficulty in starting a business. Trade Freedom; tariffs and quote barriers to import and export, price,
investment, and regulatory restrictions, as well as direct government intervention such as domestic
subsidy. Monetary Freedom; measures of price stability and price controls, inflation rate over a three
year period. Investment Freedom; the ability to transfer money and investments across borders,
transparency and bureaucracy, nationality prescreening, restrictions on land ownership, industry sector
restrictions, expropriation or nationalization without compensation, access controls on foreign
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Questions On Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 5
Table of Contents
Introduction and Goals 3
Procedure 3
Domain Name System 3
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 5
Network Time Protocol 6
OpenLDAP 7
Security Considerations 7
Monitoring and Logging 8
Performance 9
Conclusion 9
Introduction and Goals
The goals of this lab were to install DNS, DHCP, NTP and OpenLDAP on a new RLES Red Had
Enterprise Linux server within the jps5374.corp domain. Both DHCP and DNS were services that I
have implemented before in System Administration I, so this section was mostly review. However,
NTP and OpenLDAP were services that I ve never worked with, so this lab was my first
implementation. The overall idea for this lab was to install services and configure them with an
enterprise network in mind.
Domain Name System
The first thing I did when setting up DNS was to install everything. Once I got everything installed, it
went right to the configuration files.
The first configuration file I worried about was named.conf. This file lets the named daemon know
where to find information about both forward and lookup zones.
Here is a screenshot of the named.conf file: Here is a screenshot of the forward lookup zone file:
This file is found at /var/named/forward.jps5374.corp. Here I am setting the name server at
serv.jps5374.corp, setting the serial number as the current date and making A records for all of the
clients that are on the network.
Here is a screenshot of the reverse lookup zone file:
This file is found at
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The End of the Affair by P.J. O’Rourke
The End of the Affair by P.J. O Rourke The phrase bankrupt General Motors, which we expect to hear
uttered on Monday, leaves Americans my age in economic shock. The words are as melodramatic as
Mom s nude photos. And, indeed, if we want to understand what doomed the American automobile,
we should give up on economics and turn to melodrama. Politicians, journalists, financial analysts and
other purveyors of banality have been looking at cars as if a convertible were a business. Fire the
MBAs and hire a poet. The fate of Detroit isn t a matter of financial crisis, foreign competition,
corporate greed, union intransigence, energy costs or measuring the shoe size of the footprints in the
carbon. It s a tragic romance unleashed passions, ... Show more content on ...
CAR CULTURE/CORBIS After the grown ups had gone to bed, Tommy and I shifted the Buick into
neutral, pushed it down the driveway and out of earshot, started the engine and toured the
neighborhood. The sheer difficulty of horsemanship can be illustrated by what happened to Tommy
and me next. Nothing. We maneuvered the car home, turned it off and rolled it back up the driveway.
(We were raised in the blessedly flat Midwest.) During our foray the Buick s speedometer reached 30.
But 30 miles per hour is a full gallop on a horse. Delete what you ve seen of horse riding in movies.
Possibly a kid who d never been on a horse could ride at a gallop without killing himself. Possibly one
of the Jonas Brothers could land an F 14 on a carrier deck. Thus cars usurped the place of horses in
our hearts. Once we d caught a glimpse of a well turned Goodyear, checked out the curves of the
bodywork and gaped at that swell pair of headlights, well, the old gray mare was not what she used to
be. We embarked upon life in the fast lane with our new paramour. It was a great love story of man
and machine. The road to the future was paved with bliss. Then we got married and moved to the
suburbs. Being away from central cities meant Americans had to spend more of their time driving.
Over the years away got farther away. Eventually this meant that Americans had to spend all of their
time driving. The play date was 40 miles from the Chuck E. Cheese. The swim meet was 40 miles
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Torres Strait Islander Children
have had more sophisticated and developed culture, society, and technology. Similarly, the white
Australians had ideas that the white are superior, and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander should
be assimilated to the white culture. Because of such circumstances, the legislative removal of
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their family and community has happened, and it
has been significant in Australian history. This essay will argue that Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander children s human rights have been protected by several human rights mechanisms, but still
not enough. Firstly, this essay will introduce several legislations, which slowed removal of the
children. Secondly, it will summarise impacts of the removal ... Show more content on ...
Such legislations which have been mentioned above ostensibly aimed to provide better protection and
cares for the Aboriginal children. In fact, children who were subjects of the removal were regarded as
neglected by their parents (Beresford Omaji 1998, p. 15), so Aboriginal families thought as an
acceptable living standards from white standards were often removed their children (Beresford Omaji
1998, p. 62). Thus, in one sense, those Acts seemingly protected the Aboriginal children by removing
them from their parents. However, applying removed children s evidences cited above to the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights (UNDRIP) document, the legislations seem having caused the human
rights violations of the Aboriginal children. For example, the discrimination from white adoption
mother because of skin colour (CS 82) can be violation on the article 2, the right to free from any kind
of discrimination (UNDRIP p. 4). Also, sexual abuse in the orphanage and foster homes (CE 528) can
be violation on the article 7, the right the rights to life, physical and mental integrity, liberty and
security of person (UNDRIP p. 5). Additionally, the removal, the placement, and the limitation of their
behaviour are originally violation on the collective right to live in freedom, peace and security and
shall not be
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My Passion, My Business
MY PASSION What is really my passion? Is it desserts? I have been asking myself to that question
lately. For me, dessert is my most preferred. But the only thing that I like best right now is a pastry
shop. I want to own a confectionary shop because ever since when I was a child I ve always wanted to
eat sweets and candies that s why I decided to own a business related to it after I graduate into college,
believing that it will really come to pass. When I was in the elementary, I have never liked anything
that is inline about business. It was not my style at all. Though we already had a business before that
my father built but it never lasted because he was working at the San Miguel Cor., that s why he
decided to sell it to one of my ... Show more content on ...
I consider MONT BLANC as a unique pastry shop and there are things you are going to enjoy while
you re in it. This business has many characteristic you can find. It brings comfort to the customers and
to the employees because of the ambiance and of the food served. Many will find it as a home away
from home. It also brings satisfaction to the taste buds of the clients. The location of this business is
beside the beach so that the clients will experience to see the beautiful scenery beside the sea. It is a
vintage style and a two storey building. The lower part of the building is where you can find all the
products you want to buy and the upper part of the building is very open so that the clients will feel
refreshed by the air of the beach. The costumer s can choose where they wanted to sit comfortably.
Now for the products, we sell sweets and pastry like: Gelato, pies, cakes, cookies and etc. the prices
would not be too expensive, it is very economical and very safe to the environment. It will only cost
for 50 pesos above and lower than 150 pesos, except for the coated chocolates that only cost for 10
pesos per gram. It will be more relaxing because of the surroundings and I want it to be known by the
community or society. I will advertise it to the television, radio or even go beyond borders like
advertising it to the World Wide Web or online. Customers will be attracted. I also offer delivery
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Personal Statement For Purpose For A Doctor Of Pharmacy
As a person with keen interest and enthusiasm towards the field of Doctor of Pharmacy, fascinated by
the innovations and discoveries in this field, I have always wanted to participate in the march towards
excellence in the field of science and be a cog, albeit small, significant in the wheel of scientific
evolution. I choose to major in this Field with an intense urge to delve deeper into this challenging
The predilection I had towards the subject of Biology has led me to pursue Doctor of
Pharmacy. Graduation Program has been a period of self development and self realization where
I enjoyed my study in Doctor of Pharmacy, Mallareddy College of Pharmacy (Osmania
University), as it gave me an opportunity to interact with a strong faculty and students of high caliber.
Interaction and organization of different awareness programs during the period of internship made me
to interact and counsel people to protect and promote health, and prevent disease and injury. I was
fascinated by the meticulous efforts that address the physical, mental and environmental health
concerns of communities and populations, and was galvanized to learn more about it. This has
entrenched my passion of making a career in the field of Public Health.
A Glance on my schooling:
Everything has a beginning and an end. For me, the start was provided at Geeta School,
Hyderabad, India where I did my schooling. This beginning has provided me a strong foundation in
Science on which I am here now. I was
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Tiny Tim Quotes
What is Tiny Tim s role in this novella? Explain. Why does Scrooge seem to care about him?
Tiny Tim s role is to resemble the effect of the actions scrooge takes part in. If Scrooge would have
kept the same negative attitude towards Bob Cricket, then as the spirit of the future showed, tiny Tim
would die. However if Scrooge were to change his actions towards Tim s father and help him and his
family in a positive way he would survive. Scrooge seems to care about Tim because after being
reminded of his own childhood and the way he was treated while also realizing how he affects Tim
and his family, he travels with the ghost of christmas present and starts to feel the need to know if tiny
Tim will be in the future. He feels sympathy towards tiny Tim because while suffering a serious
medical condition he still stays a kind and young compassionate boy. Scrooge starts to have an ...
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He was more emotional/sympathetic as well because he saw himself as a hurting young boy. This
caused Scrooge to be more open to listening/trusting what the ghosts had to say.
Why did Bob Cratchit continue to show Scrooge respect even though Scrooge treated him so poorly?
Bob Cratchit had a different perspective of life than scrooge. Bob tried to make everything around him
positive unlike Scrooge who was always filled with negative thoughts and ideas. With Bob s
personality even if something wasn t all great he would do his best to make it as positive as it could
possibly be. With his attitude towards things he took Scrooge s negative thoughts and did his best to
make them positive. He showed respect to Scrooge because he wanted to be the better person and
hopefully try to reflect some of his nicer personality onto Scrooge.
Compare and contrast the three spirits. Why does Dickens make them so different? Why is the last
one, the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come,
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International Enterprise With Economic Development And...
In modern world a lot of companies will start their business in other countries, to become an
international enterprise with economic development and global popularity (TAST, 2014). International
companies to carry out their business around the world, multinational corporations are an important
driving force of internationalization and globalization, so that business will not be limited to one
country, and increase the company s sales, also conducive to global companies seeking cheaper labour
on a global scale, they can find cheaper recourse, reducing the company s production cost (TAST,
2014). At this time, the location decision is particularly important when the company open a new
company in the overseas, the company has a lot of issues ... Show more content on ...
Some authors take the opposite view that the company s parent country tax policy will also affect the
company s overseas location, through studying data between 1999and 2003 multinational firms in 33
European countries (Barrios, Huizinga, Laeven, Nicodème, 2012).According to Robinson and Stocken
(2013) some countries in order to attract foreign investment will be made very favourable tax policy,
some enterprises consider the interests they will likely choice this country. Choen (2000) also think
tax policy has a major impact on business location decisions, some of the tax return or tax cuts for the
enterprises profits have a great impact, but the government will be worried too preferential policies for
local enterprise is unfair, maybe lead the people criticism. For example, China s foreign investment
policy, the government will reward some foreign firms which have a good develop, or let some
multinational companies enjoy low tax rates tax policies that encourage multinational companies to
enter the Chinese market, but also to promote the Chinese enterprises seek out
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This project performs sentiment analysis in various...
This project performs sentiment analysis in various different phases. Initially the source of input for
the application is Twitter tweets which are collected using Twitter API. The Twitter API is designed by
Twitter which is made available to all registered Twitter Developers which runs on the Twitter Server.
Input for the search term is provided by a Web Application User Interface designed for the user to
input a product name on which the sentiment analysis is to be performed. This search term then acts as
an input query for collecting tweets related to the product. Once when the user inputs the search term
on the web application, the browser makes an Ajax call to the web application server with search term
as an input to initiate the ... Show more content on ...
The web application server is a Rails server which runs on ruby and is programmed to handle all
inputs from web site and the Twitter server. The Twitter server is hosted by Twitter Inc. to handle
Twitter and Twitter API requests. Hadoop machine is used to derive more semantic information using
graphs generated by the web application server. The web application server here is a rails server which
runs on ruby. It uses Ruby on Rails web application framework which is a open source software. It is
model view controller framework and has a controller component which responds to external requests
from the web server to the web application and determines which view to be rendered for a particular
action. The controller is responsible for a particular action to be performed when is called and routed
through the framework. In this project the algorithm resides inside a controller class called home and
it renders a index view. The home class in this project invokes all the required libraries as gems and
the Twitter API too. Figure 3.3 demonstrates the individual components in the Ruby on Rails
framework. This project provides storage of processed tweets and all tweets collected by the Tweeter
API. The file system is designed to hold all processed tweets and their sentiment with graphs
generated for each tweet while processed by the algorithm. The file system has the following files in it
which does the above functions. The user interface of the web
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The Burdensome Issue Of Social Media
Jessica Lardenoit
AP English Literature
Ms. Young P. 1
February 19, 2015
The most burdensome issue society faces today results from our obsessive need to be connected to
electronics and social media. This issue stems into many aspects of our daily lives. What was once
thought to be an exciting advancement has now caused a myriad of problems in society. Today s
generation is faced with the rising levels of obesity, lack of focus, poor communication skills, which in
turn has created a far less intellectual society. With the internet, smart phones, video games, movies,
television and numerous other technological advancements improving daily, the youth in our society
are becoming corrupt. They are becoming desensitized, uninspired, and underqualified. We are
shaping the newest generations to become dull robots who just conform to the latest, greatest fads.
Social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, are becoming tools to drain the
intelligence of adolescences until they only converse with instant messaging lingo. It is an instrument
for teenagers to become secluded from society where they only spend time in their rooms and online.
With the pressure from their peers to update their statuses every few minutes, teenagers focus more on
what 140 character message they will send out next, instead of what school work they have. They care
more about what selfie to post instead of spending valuable time with their families. Television and
video games have sucked
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Methylenedioxy-Methamphetamine (MDMA) Ecstasy
Methylenedioxy Methamphetamine (MDMA) Ecstasy Or Molly is a synthetic drug derivative from
both Amphetamine and Mescaline. According to a drug rehabilitation and education
website little is known about the true origins of MDMA, Most people believe that MDMA was
manufactured by the German pharmaceutical company Merck in 1912 in order to create an appetite
suppressor. The original name for MDMA was Methylsafrylamin the pharmaceutical company Merck
later decide against selling the drug for some reason and nothing else came of it until, Doctor
Alexander Shulgin A graduate of the University of California at Berkeley with a PhD in Biochemistry
and a research chemist with Dow Chemicals. Shulgin work for Dow Chemical was profitable and
controversial, he created several controversial patents for what were to become popular street drugs. ...
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Shulgin continued his legal research of new compounds after leaving Dow, specializing in the
phenethylamines family of drugs. MDMA is but one of 179 psychoactive drugs which he described in
detail, but it is the one which he felt came closest to fulfilling his ambition of finding the perfect
therapeutic drug . In the 1980s MDMA received national media spotlight when a group of individuals
sued the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) in an effort to block them from outlawing the drug by
classifying it as a Schedule 1 drug. The US Congress had established a new law permitting the DEA to
establish an emergency ban on any drug that it thought might be a danger to the public. On July 1st
1985, this right was used for the first time to ban MDMA
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Chipotle Consumer Behavior
Proposal: this venture would consist of Chipotle s market entry to Spain, bringing healthy, tasty and
authentic Mexican fast food to Spanish consumers.
This paper will explain how consumer behavior would affect Chipotle s marketing strategies if the
company wants to enter to Spanish market. It will analyze possible consumer behavior issues and
Spanish market background, suggesting along the potential marketing implications. Nevertheless,
predictions and suggestions made in this paper may need further market researches to be verified.
Product Category Knowledge
Just as any other residents of developed countries, Spanish consumers are familiar with the concept of
fast food. In 2014, with 648 million transactions, fast food services ... Show more content on ...
If the portion size is too small, consumers may consider Chipotle as inadequate place to go when they
are hungry. In addition, if the customers go Chipotle with the expectation of filling up their stomach,
but the perceived performance is lower than the expected performance, consumers would be
dissatisfied with the service. Nevertheless, Chipotle has to consider that portion size is usually larger
in the US than in the Europe. Researchers compared restaurants in Philadelphia and in Paris, and
found that American restaurants served on average 25% more food than their French counterparts
(Shuster, Vigna, Sinha Tontonoz, 2012). The difference is even bigger for beverages served in fast
food restaurants. Currently, McDonald s small sized drink served in the US contains 16 ounces of
liquids, which is 18% more than the medium sized drink (40cl, approx. 13.52 ounces) served in Spain.
Taking into account the data above, Chipotle may reduce its current portion size served in the US by
approximately 25% when it enters to Spain. By doing so, Chipotle may save significant amount of
material costs while still live up Spanish consumers expectation about the portion
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My Mother s Family s Story
Preface My mother had mentioned to me that her family s story is longer than a book, however, it is so
hard for me to ask the details of what had happened to her because all the stories in her life strike a
chord in her heart. For example, almost all of my father s friends in Hong Kong were the people who
escaped from communist China. Their stories were soul stirring. Many of them left their families in
China. Their vicissitudes of life contained joy, sorrows, partings and reunions. My father was
considered very lucky because he survived. Many of them capsized in the rough sea; some of them
simply spent all of their energy and died on the way to their dream; some of them were caught by the
militias or the soldiers; some of them were extradited back to China by the British government. Their
families left in China suffered numerous humiliations. However, more than thirty years having passed,
their stories were dim without a voice in history. Either their stories were too bitter to bring up, or they
did not want to be named as a traitor to their country. During Mao s era, and even for a while after,
anyone who escaped to Hong Kong was considered a traitor and turned over to the enemy. Escaping to
Hong Kong was a very sensitive topic. Therefore, we would hear these stories all the time, but we
hardly ever see anything written down about what they had been through. I have lived in the United
States for more than thirty years, vivid memories of my childhood still
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Essay on Causes of the American Revolution
On July 2, 1776, the second continental congress voted that the American Colonies were free from
British influence. (Danzer,102) On July 4, two days later, they adopted the Declaration of
Independence. These two events would begin what would become one of, if not the most important
events in American History. It began the war of Independence, when America won its right to be free.
There were many causes for the American Revolution. However most of them stemmed from paying
for the French Indian War. After the war, in 1763, the British began to feel the strain that often follows
the war.(Langley, 14) To raise money Parliament passed the stamp act in 1965, which required the
colonists to use special stamped paper for all legal documents, ... Show more content on ...
(Gottschalk, 31) Placing British officials among people who were not used to having their lives
scrutinized so caused the colonists to react violently, up to and including tarring and feathering British
The American Revolution began in a small Massachusetts town called Lexington. The governor of
Massachusetts, Thomas Gage, learned that the Militia was stockpiling weapons, gunpowder,
ammunition and other supplies. He ordered his troops to march on Lexington to confiscate the
supplies. On April 19, 1765 a force of 700 British troops faced 70 minute men lined up on the green.
The fighting was done in 15 minutes. 1 British soldier was injured and 8 minutemen were killed, 9
wounded. Gage did not find any supplies stockpiled however. On the march back, 3,000 4,000
colonials fired on the British, killing them by the dozens. Only reinforcements arriving from Boston
stopped it from becoming a complete disaster. (Danzer, 98)
According to The Americans, The popular gun during the early war was the brown Bess. Although
highly inaccurate at distance, it reloaded quickly and was deadly at close range. Troop movements
were by foot or boat. Horse was the fastest method of communication.
During the beginning of the revolution, the colonial radicals were outraged at the British butchers who
sought to retake control of America. The propaganda promoted Marylanders and Virginians to support
the revolution and Officials in South
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Vitamin And Its Effect On The Body
A vitamin is a tiny molecule that your body uses to carry out a reaction. Your body cannot create
vitamin molecules itself, because it has no way to. Therefore, the vitamin molecules must be obtained
through food that you consume or eat. The body needs many vitamins to maintain its daily functions
and activities. These vitamins include: vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, and B
vitamins such as riboflavin, niacin, thiamine, folate, B12, B6, niacin, pantothenic acid, and biotin.
Vitamin A can usually be found in food sources high in cholesterol and saturated fats. For example,
cheese, milk, and cream. Alternatively, you could consume beta carotene. It is a natural antioxidant
that is used by the body to make vitamin A. So you could find vitamin A through vegetables and
certain fruits instead of eating fatty foods and foods that are high in cholesterol. The stronger or more
intense the color of a vegetable or fruit means a higher concentration of beta carotene content. Foods
high in beta carotene content include cantaloupe, pink grapefruit, broccoli, spinach, sweet potato,
carrots, and mango. Vitamin K is typically produced by our intestines and its function is to primarily
allow blood clotting when you are injured, and ensure that calcium gets to the bones and blood and
helps prevent calcification from occurring in the arteries and soft tissues. Foods high in vitamin K
include cauliflower, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, spinach, cabbage, and kale. Vitamin D
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Descriptive Essay About Women In Entertainment
Women in Entertainment Essay
I m Paulina Villalobos, I m Hispanic and I love new experiences. Both my parents were born in
Mexico and immigrated here when they were young adults. I have an older sister and a younger
brother, leaving me to be the middle child. I like reading, going out with friends, and spending time at
home watching TV or movies. I started reading at a very young age and haven t put a book down
since. I just love how people can create completely different worlds and share it with others, who then
in turn make those worlds their own. Also, I like how you can lose yourself in a book and put yourself
in different situations that are exciting and new, almost refreshing your mind and taking a breather
from whatever you re ... Show more content on ...
My family doesn t have a lot of experience with college so I don t really know all of my options and
how I can get more. My career goals are to be somewhat involved in the entertainment industry but
behind the scenes. I want to have a job in the entertainment industry as a director of photography or a
screenwriter, something that lets me be behind the camera and lets me share my ideas. I think I can
make more of an impact in the entertainment industry being behind the scenes than I can if I was front
and center of the camera. Being a screenwriter would allow me to create stories that empower women,
humanize men, and give children people they can look up to and change their lives in a positive way.
While being a DP wouldn t give me the same control over those things, it still has an impact on the
audience. The audience could see a man crying and the lighting on him would make him appear
powerful rather than weak, and the same could be done for a woman choosing to leave an unhealthy
Some conflicts that may get in the way of my commitment to this program would be my film class
shooting schedule, and missing school. I don t have a problem missing Thursdays since I can always
ask my teachers the day before what I would be missing and what I can do to make up the work we ll
do in class the next day, so that won t be a big problem. Although, I m curious to see if my absences
will be excused or not, and if
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A Historical Views Of Leadership
Part III Historical Views of Leadership
Modern attempts to understand leadership often ignore the considerable insights provided by great
figures of the past.
Bernard M. Bass demonstrates that leadership was a recognized phenomenon from the emergence of
Sampling of thinking about leadership from different perspectives as well as from various time
periods and cultures will be given.
All voices used, highlight the key issues identified by Spitzberg: the importance of the leader, the
recruitment of leaders, the process of leadership, and the relationship between leaders and followers.
J. Thomas Wren incorporates many different philosophers views in order to demonstrate that leaders
differed greatly in the ... Show more content on ...
Greeks admired and wanted heroic leaders that had 1. justice and judgment (Agamemnon), 2. wisdom
and counsel (Nestor), 3. shrewdness and cunning (Odysseus), and 4. valor and activism (Achilles).
Machiavelli believed that there is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or
more uncertain in its success, than to lead in the introduction of a new order of things. o He believes
that leaders needed steadiness, firmness, and concern for the maintenance of authority, power, and
order in government.
Hegel s (1830) Philosophy of Mind argues that by first serving as a follower, a leader subsequently
can best understand his followers, which people still believe today.
10 The Hero As King Thomas Carlyle
Kingship is a form of heroism.
A King is the commander over Men subordinates must loyally surrender themselves to their King.
A King commands over its people to furnish them with constant practical teaching, and to tell them
what they are to do.
Carlyle believes that putting the Ablest Man in each country in a supreme place and loyally respect
him will lead to a perfect government.
People will believe that what the Ablest Man tells them to do will be the wisest and the fittest. o
However, most people cannot do this. They cannot entrust everything to one person, they need
evidence and structure.
11 Rulers and Generals
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Compare And Contrast The Passionate Shepherd To His Love
The Idealist and the Realist are two rather different types of people. One sees the world in an
optimistic light, where the flowers seemingly always bloom and summer is ever lasting, while the
other sees the world as a skeptic and sees that all happiness at some point comes to an end. Within the
poems The Passionate Shepherd to his love and The Nymph s Reply to the Shepherd we see these two
types of people interact with one and another through letters as one expresses his love and the other
rejects it. We see how the Shepherd views the world and the blossoming of love and we see the
Nymph s view of the world and her skeptical view on love. The story of these two poems start with
the declaration of love from the Shepherd within The Passionate Shepherd to his love, with the first
line of the poem being Come live with me, and be my love yet what is his view on love? Well the
Shepherd within his poem to the Nymph, says that he d give her gifts like A cap of flowers and a kirtle
(Line 11, Shepherd) to her. Those aren t the only gifts either he even promises her a Gown made of the
finest wool (Line 13, Shepard), and also some Delights such as other Shepherds singing and dancing
for them(Line 21, Shepherd). The Shepherd seems to view that love is not moved by who one is, but
rather by bribes and entertainment which are different from the Nymph s own views. The Nymph
herself seems to be rather skeptical of the Shepherd and seemingly has a distrust of Shepherds due
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Oliver Cromwell Influence
Oliver Cromwell was born in 25 April 1599 in a town in England called Huntington. He went to
school at Huntington Grammar School then went to Sydney Sussex Collage at Cambridge.
He studied law at Cambridge and then went to London and became the MP for Huntington in 1628
and MP for Cambridge in 1640. In 1630 s Oliver Cromwell became Puritan due to a religious crisis
and started to become a Radical Puritan when he elected to represent Cambridge, first in the Short
parliament, then in the Long parliament. In Parliament, Oliver Cromwell was a strong critic of King
Charles the 2nd and in 1642, when King Charles the 2nd started the English Civil War, Oliver
Cromwell started to raise troops and joined the Parliamentary forces, fighting against ... Show more
content on ...
But in August 1648, The New Model Army defeated the Royalist army and the Scots. Oliver
Cromwell and most of the New Model Army decided to overthrow part of parliament who wanted to
disband the New Model Army because they did not get their pay, that part of the parliament believed
the New Model Army had too much power and they did not wanted to execute King Charles the 2nd.
In 1649 King Charles the 2nd was executed outside his Whitehall Palace.
The Parliament passed a series of new laws. The monarchy, the House of Lords and the Anglican
Church were abolished and the land own by them was sold and the money was us to pay the wages of
the soldiers. People were no longer fined if they did not attend the local church but they were still
expected to go to some religious practice.
In August 1649, Cromwell and 12,000 soldiers arrived in Ireland to put down the rebellion. During the
next ten years of bloodshed around one third of the Scottish population was killed or died of
starvation. More then half that were killed were Catholic and Oliver Cromwell and his 12,000 men
killed them. When Oliver Cromwell went back to England, the parliament was still called but it was
Oliver Cromwell and the New Model Army who were in charged.
In December 1653 the New Model Army decided to make Oliver Cromwell as England new ruler. The
army wanted
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Coolie By Mulk Anand Analysis
Coolie: A Saga of Inequality and Exploitation
Abstract: The nineteen thirties were the most confused years in Indian history. It was the time of
Indian thrash about for sovereignty and everyone was effected by the blow of this even poetry, drama
and novel too. So Anand could not stay uninfluenced by it. He suffered a lot so this made him
abhorrence imperialism. He was conscious of the sufferings of our community from dearth and
nastiness. No one in India had yet written the classic on this suffering effectively because the realities
were too rudimentary for a writer like Tagore. Mulk Raj Anand an immense Indian novelist draws our
consideration through his immortal characters Munno and Bakha, from existent civilization. As a
novelist he speaks on pragmatism, variance, humanism and exploitations. Anand wrote about real
natives whom he knew quite intimately. Mulk Raj Anand awakens social principles by his works. He
arouses compassionate sensation of readers for the subjugated and under privileged, who suffer a lot.
Key words: Pragmatism, Social Conflict, Humanism, Exploitation, Underprivileged.
1. INTRODUCTION: Indo Anglian literature or Indian English literature is connected with Indian
English writings and is extremely significant part of English literature in the present epoch. Indo
Anglian literature or Indian English literature or Indian writing in English is the literature, written by
numerous well known Indian writers in the diverse genres. It includes
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The Negative Impact Of The Rehabilitation Act Of 1973
On September 26, 1973, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 was put into place to replace the Vocational
Rehabilitation Act. The population that benefitted the most from this act were the people who lived
with disabilities. The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 developed, revised and implemented many plans for
the disabled population. A few of the plans that were carried out with this act were the assistance of
constructing and improve rehabilitation facilities, gauging the rehabilitation potential of individuals
with a disability, promoting and expanding employment opportunities for individual with disabilities
and more (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, n.d.). In 2001, a bill was introduced to
the Senate by Senator Thurmond Strom (R SC) that proposed to exclude prisoners from receiving the
benefits of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (S.33 107th Congress, 2001).
A survey conducted in 2011 through 2012 showed that 32 percent of people who were in prison had at
least one disability. Of that 32 percent, 2 out 10 prisoners reported having some form of a cognitive
disability (Bureau of Justice Statistics, n.d.). If the bill that Senator Thurmond Strom introduced to the
Senate were to be passed, these prisoners with cognitive disabilities will be even further oppressed and
receive even fewer resources upon their release. This proposed bill will have a negative impact on the
overall outcome of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Historical Analysis The history of vocational
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Why Is Trump A Good President
Trump is a Terrible President Trump isn t the best president for the United States because he doesn t
make sure American lives are safe and he constantly making decisions that would put our lives in
danger. Many people believe that he is a good president, but why would our country choose someone
who is selfish and egotistical. Trump being the president isn t helping our economy improve and if
anything, it made it worse. First, since Trump has became the president, many things have been
happening to the U.S. For one, we have a constant safety issue because more people are not afraid to
express how they feel by violently harming others. There recently has been a mass shooting in Florida
where many high school students were killed. Trump s way to fix this problem was to state that he
believe all teachers should be armed with a weapon in the classroom. Another way that this issue
could be fixed is to install bullet proof windows and doors, so that incase of a shooting, it would be
almost impossible for the shooter to enter into the classrooms. ... Show more content on ...
There are hundreds of thousands and even millions of people who are immigrants, but they do nothing
wrong here. Most of them came here because they want a better life for their families and they re
working extremely hard to make a living. By sending them back, they d be separated from their
families and will have to leave everything they ve ever worked hard for behind. Instead of punishing
those who technically didn t do anything wrong, there should be punishments for those who made the
U.S. a unsafe and treacherous
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Brain To Tapestry
This article from Scientific American gives us a look inside the human brain. The article is written by
Karl Deisseroth, a professor of bioengineering and psychiatry at Stanford University. He begins by
comparing the brain to a tapestry with interwoven parts. Fibers called axons spread out from the
neurons carrying data to other neurons. He goes on to say if we are to know how the brain works we
have to figure out how the so called tapestry is setup. This has to be done on an individual basis for
each axon. We also must understand the purpose of an axon, we also have to keep in mind the brain
isn t flat like a tapestry. Therefore it is hard to get a good look at it. However, new technology has
been developed that has changed that. Not only does it give us a way to look at the brain without
having to physically open it, it also helps us track the various fibers as they make their through the
brain. ... Show more content on ...
These polymers have the ability to hold water without dissolving. This technique is a three step
method used to produce 3 D polymer endoskeletons inside biological tissue. It begins with a
transparent gel being formed in a deceased individual or laboratory animal, this transparent gel
protects the brain. Next is getting rid of the areas that are not of importance, after they are removed the
final step is presenting fluorescent labels and markers. The gel not only protects the brain but also
permits quick insertion of the probes. This allows scientist to see different fibers and molecules within
the brain. This discovery has opened many doors in the scientific community, including but not
limited to, illuminating reasons behind mental illnesses such as autism and Alzheimer s. Deisseroth
then describes how even evolution through the years has yet to create a transparent
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Vision And Mission Of Starbucks Essay
Vision and Mission Statements
Hieu Le
Columbia Southern University
Vision and Mission Statements McDonalds is the largest fast food chain, which serves more than 160
countries in the world. The firm grew gradually in the last two decades in terms of market shares,
revenues, and its franchise restaurants in the United States and worldwide. Furthermore, the fast food
chain believes that its mission and vision statements will provide and demonstrate the firm?s belief,
philosophy, culture for its customers and stakeholders in the long term. Regarding Starbucks, is the
biggest retail coffee enterprise in the United States. The business was established in 1971 in Seattle,
Washington. The mission of the company highlights on a welcome atmosphere for customers to come
to the coffee shop, experience with the superior customer service, and a great taste of coffee. Unlike
its mission statement?s belief, the firm?s vision statement emphasizes that the firm is strongly
focusing on its product quality, the principle of the company, and future growth as well. According to
David and David (2015), the major purpose of corporations? mission focuses on satisfying
consumers? demands and needs. In fact, an effective mission statement emphasizes how a firm serves,
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War Is Kind Irony
Comparative Essay on Stephen Crane s Use of Irony in War is Kind and A Mystery of Heroism
If you ask a group of people how they feel about war, you re likely to get quite a few different
responses. While some think war is the only way to settle our issues, others believe it is just another
way to start them. People go into wars looking for change but the change they get isn t always the
change they were searching for. Stephen Crane uses irony in War is Kind and A Mystery of Heroism
to prove he is opposed to war by sarcastically pointing out the negative aspects of it and the feelings
that surround them. In the poem War is Kind the author uses sarcasm and irony to point out the
negative aspects of war while still reaching out to the people that support it. He points out how people
are all supposed to think of death in the war as a normality by saying Make plain to them the
excellence of killing, and a field where a thousand corpses lie . He describes the violence and death of
the war while always resorting back to calling it kind, because that s what everyone perceives it as.
The author makes it seem as though right when men are born they are immediately brought up to fight
for our country by saying, Little souls who thirst for fight, These men were born to drill ... Show more
content on ...
In War is Kind, he talks about the feelings of the people at home while in A Mystery of Heroism he
talks about the feelings of the people experiencing war first hand, the soldiers. In War is Kind he
reaches out more towards the families who have lost loved ones or have loved ones currently fighting,
while in A Mystery of Heroism he reaches out to the people who are actually serving. The feelings in
War is Kind make readers think of the sadness and saudade of the families, while the feelings
surrounding A Mystery of Heroism make you think of the fear and anticipation that the soldiers felt on
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Compare And Contrast Leininger And Kubler Ross
Leininger and Kübler Ross
Theories exist to guide and teach individuals about how and why certain disciplines function. One
discipline that has many theories is nursing. Nursing theories help to guide patient care. For instance,
Madeleine Leininger developed the theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality also known as
transcultural nursing (TCN), which helps nurses to be culturally competent. There are also non
nursing theorists which can add to a nurse s knowledge in caring for their patient. Elisabeth Kübler
Ross theory on the five stages of grief is an example of a non nursing theorist. The purpose of this
paper is to discuss Leininger and Kübler Ross theories, analyze how they contribute to the nursing
community, and ... Show more content on ...
421). This takes into account the values of one who is culturally based which encompasses all aspects
of life, worldview, religion, social, language, and economic matters. Culturally based care can make
positive differences in one s health (McFarland, 2014). Leininger s theory encompasses the four
metaparadigms of health, nursing, person, and environment. Her theory supports the aspect of health
by suggesting that patients that are cared for by culturally based care will have better outcomes of
heath and well being. In nursing, TCN keeps the patient at the forefront of the nurse s actions and
helps to guide their care. The person is capable of caring and ultimately cares for others like children,
elderly, and themselves. The environment refers to the physical place where the person lives including
their surroundings which includes their culture and its practices. Leininger (1997) states that as nurses
become educated in TCN they will understand the multiple holistic, social structure and
environmental factors influencing care, health, dying, disabilities and other human conditions related
to both poor and affluent cultures (p.19). Leininger s theory is valued worldwide. This theory gives
nurses a way to treat and care for the many diverse patients that will cross their paths. This theory is a
theory for today and years to come due to the multicultural world in which we live (McFarland, 2014).
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Essay on Effectiveness of Law Reform
Evaluate the Effectiveness of Law Reform in Australia
Law Reform in Australia is effective in varying degrees. Through Native Title Reform and Law
Reform in Sport, the effectiveness of Law Reform in Australia is further outlined.
The term Native Title refers to the right of Indigenous people to their traditional land. In Australia it
has a legal significance of the right to an area of land, claimed by people whose ancestors were the
original inhabitants of the land before European settlement. Also who can prove that they have had a
continuous connection with the land. Native Title is the term given by the High Court to Indigenous
land rights by the Court in Mabo and others v State of Queensland (No.2) [1992] HCA 23. The case
required ... Show more content on ...
Sport is a part of Australian culture, in which Australian athletes have performed well over the past
years. Sport Law ranges over the areas of contract law, tort law, and the criminal law. Tort law is the
body of law that deals with civil wrongs including negligence, defamation, trespass and nuisance.
Civil litigation is court action brought to remedy a wrong or breach of contract. This is shown through
Canterbury Bulldogs player Sonny Bill Williams breached his contract by walking out on the club
after having signed a contract which was legally binding. Through this law reform has been further
enhanced in Australian sport.
Compensatory damages of more than $68,000 were awarded and the court held that Bugden s club
bore vicarious liability for assault during being employed as a player. Vicarious liability is the legal
liability imposed on one person or agent (e.g. an employer) for the wrongful acts of another, when
those acts were done within the scope of the legal relationship between them, such as employment.
The Australian Sports Commission (ASC) is a statutory authority of the Australian government. This
established the Australian Sports Commission Act 1989 (Cth), the ASC plays a role in the
development and
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The Legalization Of Drugs In The United States
I believe as a nation we have done well when it comes to learning from our mistakes; however, the
debate over the issue of drugs in our country has truly caused turmoil throughout the nation. It is an
issue that does not choose sides; rather it strikes every race, religion, and economic class across the
country. We all have our beliefs about the topic of drugs in our country and how it impacts us as a
whole. United States citizens believe that drugs are one of the major problems that this country is
dealing with today. The belief that drugs are one of the leading contributors to elevated crime rates is
what causes citizens in our country to view all drugs in a negative light. It is hard to disagree with
people when you know their claims hold ... Show more content on ...
current system of making drugs illegal is an issue. We have been fighting a war on drugs that never
seems to end. If our country were to legalize drugs, there would be a decrease in crime rate, which
would be terrific. American s in today s world believe that the majority of people who want illegal
drugs would steal in order to obtain their drugs. Edmund Harrett, Deputy Chief and Executive Officer,
of the Narcotics Division, New York City Police Department, New York, writes, Many legalization
supporters believe that property crime, particularly burglary, larceny from persons (purse snatchers,
chain snatchers, and pickpockets), auto theft, theft from autos, and shoplifting would decrease by 40
50 percent if drugs were made legal. Similarly, many believe that the terms drug related murder and
drive by shooting would become outdated once drugs were legalized. In their view, turf wars would be
eliminated because there would no longer be a need to fight for one s turf (
This quote reveals that there is a serious drug problem in this country, and with legalization we would
reduce crime, which is always a positive. By legalizing low level drugs, we would have a lower crime
rate for petty crimes, simply because those who used to steal to fund their habit, would have no reason
to anymore. It would be terrific for our government if we had fewer petty criminals plugging up our
court systems. Allowing them to focus more time on handling higher risk
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  • 2. The Concept of the Messiah within Judasim and the... This paper will compare the concept of the Messiah within Judaism and the development of the messianic tradition within Christianity. Consideration will be given to Judaic thought on how this religion understands the concept of the Messiah. Defining how throughout history it shaped the foundation of this religion to distinguish its own individual identity. Analysis will focus on the abstraction of the Messiah and how Jewish believers interpret the coming of the Mashiach in connection with the prophecy of Isaiah. Discussing how eschatology is understood in this religion compared to Christianity, and how different Jewish groups define the Messiah prophecy from early history up until the modern day era. The paper will also discuss the ... Show more content on ... Moses was a great prophet and he received the 613 commandments from God at Mount Sinai these laws created the foundation the Jewish law. Moses led the people to the Promised Land in which he died. Houses, alters where built and many settled in this land. It was at this time Palestine was under conflict and the only chance of the survival was to come under a single ruler, Saul .Savage, (1996:35) Defeat came and Saul killed himself. It was at this time King David came to power. In the scripture his inspiration and loyalty is renowned. David was a devout worshipper of Yahweh and was guided through priestly oracles and cult prophets Green, (1973:125) he brought peace to Jerusalem and established this country as a religious united nation. Many others conquered Israel and until Judah rose to be patriarch of Judah in which Antonine Marcus Aurelius consolidated relations and the Jewish Law was formulated known as the Mishna it contained codes, ethics and rules to be followed and formed the basis of the Talmud. It was at this time prophets such Elijah whose work was carried on by, Elisha, Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel were concerned for moral standards and proclaimed the need for true worship, justice and Righteousness needed to prevail, the prophets bonded the relationship of absolute faith in which Judaism was saved, without the prophets Christianity would never have being established. After so much conflict and exile the Jewish people ... Get more on ...
  • 3. How Urban Environments Has Made More Sustainable And What... How Have Urban Environments Been Made More Sustainable And What More Needs To Be Done for the Future? Introduction The National Geographic Education define an urban environment as, the region surrounding a city. Urban areas are very developed, meaning there is a density of human structures such as houses, commercial buildings, roads, bridges, and railways.(1) The International Institute for Sustainable Development define sustainable development as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. (2) In 2014, approximately 54%(3) of the total global population live in urban environments. The global urban population has grown significantly from 34% in 1960(3) ... Show more content on ... The provision of affordable mass transit provides residents of urban areas greater accessibility, which can provide them with more opportunities and services. Furthermore, with the provision of a successful transport system, it is highly likely for the number of people using personal vehicles to fall. This fall in the use of cars would mean that less harmful gases such as Carbon Monoxide, Nitrogen Oxide and Sulphur Dioxide released and so the natural environment would benefit. With a successful transport system, accessibility is greatly improved, which can be beneficial economically for a city. People are able to travel to and from work and the transport can also be used for trading goods and services. However, current mass transit is unsustainable in urban cities due to its reliance on non renewable fossil fuels and the pollution it creates has a significant impact on the environment. Currently, transport is accountable for 20% 25% of world s energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions(1) and the current systems mostly run on fossil fuels, which are expected to run out by 2088 according to ecotricity(2). In order to improve the sustainability of an urban area, the transport systems, which need to be in place for economic and social reasons, need to become greener, cleaner and run on renewable energy. Current technology is not currently in place to allow for this significant change and so gradual changes have been introduced in some of the world cities. London s ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Ecotopia Big Wood Summary In my excerpt of the reading, In Ecotopia s Big Wood s, Weston laments on Ecotopia s vast forests that are treated with human dignity. The forests are looked at in a religious matter and treated like family. The logging system includes education on the importance of trees in nature and how they must be preserved by any means necessary. Weston even writes about a young man, who he points out did not seem under the influence, leaning on a tree and saying, Brother Tree! . This appears to be the consensus of every citizen in Ecotopia. The scientists of Ecotopia have even developed biodegradable plastics out of tree pulp. Trees and the forests of Ecotopia are without a doubt a major factor in the Ecotopian economy. Weston points out that in the America of the time, and arguably the America of today, would find this to be not only a huge contradiction but also an economic penalty as a waste of time. In America, time is money and the time it takes to reforest a logged forest, let alone teaching those who are doing the logging about the importance of the forest would be looked at as a waste of time and therefore money. However, Weston appears to be appreciating this sentiment the Ecotopian society attributes to their way of life and social norms. I read a few more excerpts from the book because I found it very interesting how similar Ecotopia is to modern California s, and the northwest in general for that matter, approach to environmentalism. Although Ecotopia is an exaggerated version of modern day California, it is without a doubt based on what California was becoming and eventually became. Recycling bins everywhere, civilized hippies starting their own communities in Northern California, etc. Ecotopia is without a doubt based on California and the rest of the North West. Being from the East Coast, I could vaguely relate to Weston in my shock of how different the same country could be depending on the coast you resided on. I m not sure how many other states make you pay for bags at the store, but I can assure you that much of the South and Southwest would have a heart attack if they had to pay for their own bags. I consider myself an extremely Green individual, recycling and reusing at every opportunity even ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Computers and Human-Level Intelligence Essays Computers are taking more and more jobs and this trend will accelerate as we approach technological singularity. This is the event when computers will attain human level intelligence Natalie Wolchover states. The singularity is projected to arrive sometime around 2030 2040, but it could occur sooner depending on how computer technology develops. Wolchover states: Physicist, author and self described futurist Ray Kurzweil has predicted that computers will come to par with humans within two decades. He told Time Magazine last year that engineers will successfully reverse engineer the human brain by the mid 2020s, and by the end of that decade, computers will be capable of human level intelligence. Corporations are currently thinking ... Show more content on ... Singh, Susheela, and Jacqueline E. Darroch conclude: The trend toward lower adolescent birthrates and pregnancy rates over the past 25 years is widespread and is occurring across the industrialized world, suggesting that the reasons for this general trend are broader than factors limited to any one country: increased importance of education, increased motivation of young people to achieve higher levels of education and training, and greater centrality of goals other than motherhood and family formation for young women. This shows that education and even knowledge of other opportunities, contraception and abortions can lower the population rate allowing fewer burdens on the government over austerity especially in countries where financial responsibility is not valued as much. Emotions may help develop morals for human being coexistence. The more we interact with robots, the more we develop emotional attachment to it. This can even be exploited for profit with Artificial Intelligence as smart as pets marketed as pets with minimum care, more targeted ads or functions that can help people. We still have the choice of how to advance computers. The only issues relating to singularity against are how to divide the power of computers between different social classes in the world. Corporations want to keep a ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Patrick Lencioni s Three Signs Of A Miserable Job THREE SIGNS OF A MISERABLE JOB DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. Is a miserable job different than a bad job? If so, in what ways? A miserable job is not the same as a bad job. According to Patrick Lencioni, what is considered a bad job varies from person to person. Lencioni states, Some people consider a job bad because it is physically demanding or exhausting, involving long hours in the hot sun. Others see it as one that doesn t pay well. Still others call a job bad because it requires a long commute or a great deal of time sitting behind a desk. It really depends on who you are and what you value and enjoy. A miserable job differs from a bad job because instead of disliking parts of your job you job is physically and emotionally draining you. Lencioni states that, [A miserable job is] the one you dread going to and can t wait to leave. It s the one that saps your energy even when you re not busy. It s the one that makes you go home at the end of ... Show more content on ... Do you understand how your performance will be measured and assessed in your current job? If so, how do you know this? What about in your classes this semester? What did Brian do in Three Signs of a Miserable Job to help his employees understand how they would be measured? Give several very specific examples. I did not understand how my performance was being measured and assessed at my job. I would assume that I am performing well well I did not get feedback from my mangers saying others wise. At my job no feedback was good feedback. My classes are another story. This semester, all but one of my classes post grades regularly so I know exactly how I am performing and what I need to change or keep doing in each class to remain successful. In Three Signs of a Miserable Job, Brian asked his employee Carl to ask him self what measurement should be used to determine if Carl did a good job at work or not. Brian and Carl came up with a placement sheet that Carl would keep with him to measure his performance at his ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Index of Economic Freedom Essay The steady stream of current world events provides us with the signs to be read if we only take the time and the intention to pay attention to those lessons. The economic view provides a robust language for understanding the basic physical reality of scarcity, and the varied human beliefs and responses we take as we attempt to deal with that scarcity. As Smith and Ricardo teach us, the subtle and important understanding lies in the space between what human desires dictate in the personal scale, in the short run; and what consequences play out on the grand scale, in the long run. In this paper we look at the proxy effects of policies intended by governments to forge policies in the short run, as compared to the inevitable effects that flow ... Show more content on ... The following table shows the results: Fraser Institute : Heritage Index Correlation: 0.9276 Ease of Doing Business, World Bank : Heritage Index Correlation: 0.9606 Freedom House, Civil Liberties Index : Heritage Index Correlation: 0.8205 This data makes clear that the Heritage Index, even if biased, correlates strongly with measures from other organizations, calculated with different methodologies, for different purposes. The Heritage Index is calculated using ten sub indices as measures of relevant components of economic freedom. These sub indices produce an overall composite score. The list of indices and some detail on what they measure is as follows: Business Freedom; the general barriers to entry and exit of the market, procedures, licenses, time, cost, and difficulty in starting a business. Trade Freedom; tariffs and quote barriers to import and export, price, investment, and regulatory restrictions, as well as direct government intervention such as domestic subsidy. Monetary Freedom; measures of price stability and price controls, inflation rate over a three year period. Investment Freedom; the ability to transfer money and investments across borders, transparency and bureaucracy, nationality prescreening, restrictions on land ownership, industry sector restrictions, expropriation or nationalization without compensation, access controls on foreign exchanges, ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Questions On Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 5 Table of Contents Introduction and Goals 3 Procedure 3 Domain Name System 3 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 5 Network Time Protocol 6 OpenLDAP 7 Security Considerations 7 Monitoring and Logging 8 Performance 9 Conclusion 9 Introduction and Goals The goals of this lab were to install DNS, DHCP, NTP and OpenLDAP on a new RLES Red Had Enterprise Linux server within the jps5374.corp domain. Both DHCP and DNS were services that I have implemented before in System Administration I, so this section was mostly review. However, NTP and OpenLDAP were services that I ve never worked with, so this lab was my first implementation. The overall idea for this lab was to install services and configure them with an enterprise network in mind. Procedure Domain Name System The first thing I did when setting up DNS was to install everything. Once I got everything installed, it went right to the configuration files. The first configuration file I worried about was named.conf. This file lets the named daemon know where to find information about both forward and lookup zones. Here is a screenshot of the named.conf file: Here is a screenshot of the forward lookup zone file: This file is found at /var/named/forward.jps5374.corp. Here I am setting the name server at serv.jps5374.corp, setting the serial number as the current date and making A records for all of the clients that are on the network. Here is a screenshot of the reverse lookup zone file: This file is found at ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The End of the Affair by P.J. O‚ÄôRourke The End of the Affair by P.J. O Rourke The phrase bankrupt General Motors, which we expect to hear uttered on Monday, leaves Americans my age in economic shock. The words are as melodramatic as Mom s nude photos. And, indeed, if we want to understand what doomed the American automobile, we should give up on economics and turn to melodrama. Politicians, journalists, financial analysts and other purveyors of banality have been looking at cars as if a convertible were a business. Fire the MBAs and hire a poet. The fate of Detroit isn t a matter of financial crisis, foreign competition, corporate greed, union intransigence, energy costs or measuring the shoe size of the footprints in the carbon. It s a tragic romance unleashed passions, ... Show more content on ... CAR CULTURE/CORBIS After the grown ups had gone to bed, Tommy and I shifted the Buick into neutral, pushed it down the driveway and out of earshot, started the engine and toured the neighborhood. The sheer difficulty of horsemanship can be illustrated by what happened to Tommy and me next. Nothing. We maneuvered the car home, turned it off and rolled it back up the driveway. (We were raised in the blessedly flat Midwest.) During our foray the Buick s speedometer reached 30. But 30 miles per hour is a full gallop on a horse. Delete what you ve seen of horse riding in movies. Possibly a kid who d never been on a horse could ride at a gallop without killing himself. Possibly one of the Jonas Brothers could land an F 14 on a carrier deck. Thus cars usurped the place of horses in our hearts. Once we d caught a glimpse of a well turned Goodyear, checked out the curves of the bodywork and gaped at that swell pair of headlights, well, the old gray mare was not what she used to be. We embarked upon life in the fast lane with our new paramour. It was a great love story of man and machine. The road to the future was paved with bliss. Then we got married and moved to the suburbs. Being away from central cities meant Americans had to spend more of their time driving. Over the years away got farther away. Eventually this meant that Americans had to spend all of their time driving. The play date was 40 miles from the Chuck E. Cheese. The swim meet was 40 miles ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Torres Strait Islander Children have had more sophisticated and developed culture, society, and technology. Similarly, the white Australians had ideas that the white are superior, and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander should be assimilated to the white culture. Because of such circumstances, the legislative removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their family and community has happened, and it has been significant in Australian history. This essay will argue that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children s human rights have been protected by several human rights mechanisms, but still not enough. Firstly, this essay will introduce several legislations, which slowed removal of the children. Secondly, it will summarise impacts of the removal ... Show more content on ... Such legislations which have been mentioned above ostensibly aimed to provide better protection and cares for the Aboriginal children. In fact, children who were subjects of the removal were regarded as neglected by their parents (Beresford Omaji 1998, p. 15), so Aboriginal families thought as an acceptable living standards from white standards were often removed their children (Beresford Omaji 1998, p. 62). Thus, in one sense, those Acts seemingly protected the Aboriginal children by removing them from their parents. However, applying removed children s evidences cited above to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UNDRIP) document, the legislations seem having caused the human rights violations of the Aboriginal children. For example, the discrimination from white adoption mother because of skin colour (CS 82) can be violation on the article 2, the right to free from any kind of discrimination (UNDRIP p. 4). Also, sexual abuse in the orphanage and foster homes (CE 528) can be violation on the article 7, the right the rights to life, physical and mental integrity, liberty and security of person (UNDRIP p. 5). Additionally, the removal, the placement, and the limitation of their behaviour are originally violation on the collective right to live in freedom, peace and security and shall not be ... Get more on ...
  • 11. My Passion, My Business MY PASSION What is really my passion? Is it desserts? I have been asking myself to that question lately. For me, dessert is my most preferred. But the only thing that I like best right now is a pastry shop. I want to own a confectionary shop because ever since when I was a child I ve always wanted to eat sweets and candies that s why I decided to own a business related to it after I graduate into college, believing that it will really come to pass. When I was in the elementary, I have never liked anything that is inline about business. It was not my style at all. Though we already had a business before that my father built but it never lasted because he was working at the San Miguel Cor., that s why he decided to sell it to one of my ... Show more content on ... I consider MONT BLANC as a unique pastry shop and there are things you are going to enjoy while you re in it. This business has many characteristic you can find. It brings comfort to the customers and to the employees because of the ambiance and of the food served. Many will find it as a home away from home. It also brings satisfaction to the taste buds of the clients. The location of this business is beside the beach so that the clients will experience to see the beautiful scenery beside the sea. It is a vintage style and a two storey building. The lower part of the building is where you can find all the products you want to buy and the upper part of the building is very open so that the clients will feel refreshed by the air of the beach. The costumer s can choose where they wanted to sit comfortably. Now for the products, we sell sweets and pastry like: Gelato, pies, cakes, cookies and etc. the prices would not be too expensive, it is very economical and very safe to the environment. It will only cost for 50 pesos above and lower than 150 pesos, except for the coated chocolates that only cost for 10 pesos per gram. It will be more relaxing because of the surroundings and I want it to be known by the community or society. I will advertise it to the television, radio or even go beyond borders like advertising it to the World Wide Web or online. Customers will be attracted. I also offer delivery services, ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Personal Statement For Purpose For A Doctor Of Pharmacy As a person with keen interest and enthusiasm towards the field of Doctor of Pharmacy, fascinated by the innovations and discoveries in this field, I have always wanted to participate in the march towards excellence in the field of science and be a cog, albeit small, significant in the wheel of scientific evolution. I choose to major in this Field with an intense urge to delve deeper into this challenging field. The predilection I had towards the subject of Biology has led me to pursue Doctor of Pharmacy. Graduation Program has been a period of self development and self realization where I enjoyed my study in Doctor of Pharmacy, Mallareddy College of Pharmacy (Osmania University), as it gave me an opportunity to interact with a strong faculty and students of high caliber. Interaction and organization of different awareness programs during the period of internship made me to interact and counsel people to protect and promote health, and prevent disease and injury. I was fascinated by the meticulous efforts that address the physical, mental and environmental health concerns of communities and populations, and was galvanized to learn more about it. This has entrenched my passion of making a career in the field of Public Health. A Glance on my schooling: Everything has a beginning and an end. For me, the start was provided at Geeta School, Hyderabad, India where I did my schooling. This beginning has provided me a strong foundation in Science on which I am here now. I was ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Tiny Tim Quotes What is Tiny Tim s role in this novella? Explain. Why does Scrooge seem to care about him? Tiny Tim s role is to resemble the effect of the actions scrooge takes part in. If Scrooge would have kept the same negative attitude towards Bob Cricket, then as the spirit of the future showed, tiny Tim would die. However if Scrooge were to change his actions towards Tim s father and help him and his family in a positive way he would survive. Scrooge seems to care about Tim because after being reminded of his own childhood and the way he was treated while also realizing how he affects Tim and his family, he travels with the ghost of christmas present and starts to feel the need to know if tiny Tim will be in the future. He feels sympathy towards tiny Tim because while suffering a serious medical condition he still stays a kind and young compassionate boy. Scrooge starts to have an ... Show more content on ... He was more emotional/sympathetic as well because he saw himself as a hurting young boy. This caused Scrooge to be more open to listening/trusting what the ghosts had to say. Why did Bob Cratchit continue to show Scrooge respect even though Scrooge treated him so poorly? Bob Cratchit had a different perspective of life than scrooge. Bob tried to make everything around him positive unlike Scrooge who was always filled with negative thoughts and ideas. With Bob s personality even if something wasn t all great he would do his best to make it as positive as it could possibly be. With his attitude towards things he took Scrooge s negative thoughts and did his best to make them positive. He showed respect to Scrooge because he wanted to be the better person and hopefully try to reflect some of his nicer personality onto Scrooge. Compare and contrast the three spirits. Why does Dickens make them so different? Why is the last one, the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, ... Get more on ...
  • 14. International Enterprise With Economic Development And... In modern world a lot of companies will start their business in other countries, to become an international enterprise with economic development and global popularity (TAST, 2014). International companies to carry out their business around the world, multinational corporations are an important driving force of internationalization and globalization, so that business will not be limited to one country, and increase the company s sales, also conducive to global companies seeking cheaper labour on a global scale, they can find cheaper recourse, reducing the company s production cost (TAST, 2014). At this time, the location decision is particularly important when the company open a new company in the overseas, the company has a lot of issues ... Show more content on ... Some authors take the opposite view that the company s parent country tax policy will also affect the company s overseas location, through studying data between 1999and 2003 multinational firms in 33 European countries (Barrios, Huizinga, Laeven, Nicodème, 2012).According to Robinson and Stocken (2013) some countries in order to attract foreign investment will be made very favourable tax policy, some enterprises consider the interests they will likely choice this country. Choen (2000) also think tax policy has a major impact on business location decisions, some of the tax return or tax cuts for the enterprises profits have a great impact, but the government will be worried too preferential policies for local enterprise is unfair, maybe lead the people criticism. For example, China s foreign investment policy, the government will reward some foreign firms which have a good develop, or let some multinational companies enjoy low tax rates tax policies that encourage multinational companies to enter the Chinese market, but also to promote the Chinese enterprises seek out ... Get more on ...
  • 15. This project performs sentiment analysis in various... This project performs sentiment analysis in various different phases. Initially the source of input for the application is Twitter tweets which are collected using Twitter API. The Twitter API is designed by Twitter which is made available to all registered Twitter Developers which runs on the Twitter Server. Input for the search term is provided by a Web Application User Interface designed for the user to input a product name on which the sentiment analysis is to be performed. This search term then acts as an input query for collecting tweets related to the product. Once when the user inputs the search term on the web application, the browser makes an Ajax call to the web application server with search term as an input to initiate the ... Show more content on ... The web application server is a Rails server which runs on ruby and is programmed to handle all inputs from web site and the Twitter server. The Twitter server is hosted by Twitter Inc. to handle Twitter and Twitter API requests. Hadoop machine is used to derive more semantic information using graphs generated by the web application server. The web application server here is a rails server which runs on ruby. It uses Ruby on Rails web application framework which is a open source software. It is model view controller framework and has a controller component which responds to external requests from the web server to the web application and determines which view to be rendered for a particular action. The controller is responsible for a particular action to be performed when is called and routed through the framework. In this project the algorithm resides inside a controller class called home and it renders a index view. The home class in this project invokes all the required libraries as gems and the Twitter API too. Figure 3.3 demonstrates the individual components in the Ruby on Rails framework. This project provides storage of processed tweets and all tweets collected by the Tweeter API. The file system is designed to hold all processed tweets and their sentiment with graphs generated for each tweet while processed by the algorithm. The file system has the following files in it which does the above functions. The user interface of the web ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Burdensome Issue Of Social Media Jessica Lardenoit AP English Literature Ms. Young P. 1 February 19, 2015 Satire The most burdensome issue society faces today results from our obsessive need to be connected to electronics and social media. This issue stems into many aspects of our daily lives. What was once thought to be an exciting advancement has now caused a myriad of problems in society. Today s generation is faced with the rising levels of obesity, lack of focus, poor communication skills, which in turn has created a far less intellectual society. With the internet, smart phones, video games, movies, television and numerous other technological advancements improving daily, the youth in our society are becoming corrupt. They are becoming desensitized, uninspired, and underqualified. We are shaping the newest generations to become dull robots who just conform to the latest, greatest fads. Social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, are becoming tools to drain the intelligence of adolescences until they only converse with instant messaging lingo. It is an instrument for teenagers to become secluded from society where they only spend time in their rooms and online. With the pressure from their peers to update their statuses every few minutes, teenagers focus more on what 140 character message they will send out next, instead of what school work they have. They care more about what selfie to post instead of spending valuable time with their families. Television and video games have sucked ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Methylenedioxy-Methamphetamine (MDMA) Ecstasy Methylenedioxy Methamphetamine (MDMA) Ecstasy Or Molly is a synthetic drug derivative from both Amphetamine and Mescaline. According to a drug rehabilitation and education website little is known about the true origins of MDMA, Most people believe that MDMA was manufactured by the German pharmaceutical company Merck in 1912 in order to create an appetite suppressor. The original name for MDMA was Methylsafrylamin the pharmaceutical company Merck later decide against selling the drug for some reason and nothing else came of it until, Doctor Alexander Shulgin A graduate of the University of California at Berkeley with a PhD in Biochemistry and a research chemist with Dow Chemicals. Shulgin work for Dow Chemical was profitable and controversial, he created several controversial patents for what were to become popular street drugs. ... Show more content on ... Shulgin continued his legal research of new compounds after leaving Dow, specializing in the phenethylamines family of drugs. MDMA is but one of 179 psychoactive drugs which he described in detail, but it is the one which he felt came closest to fulfilling his ambition of finding the perfect therapeutic drug . In the 1980s MDMA received national media spotlight when a group of individuals sued the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) in an effort to block them from outlawing the drug by classifying it as a Schedule 1 drug. The US Congress had established a new law permitting the DEA to establish an emergency ban on any drug that it thought might be a danger to the public. On July 1st 1985, this right was used for the first time to ban MDMA ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Chipotle Consumer Behavior Proposal: this venture would consist of Chipotle s market entry to Spain, bringing healthy, tasty and authentic Mexican fast food to Spanish consumers. Introduction This paper will explain how consumer behavior would affect Chipotle s marketing strategies if the company wants to enter to Spanish market. It will analyze possible consumer behavior issues and Spanish market background, suggesting along the potential marketing implications. Nevertheless, predictions and suggestions made in this paper may need further market researches to be verified. Product Category Knowledge Just as any other residents of developed countries, Spanish consumers are familiar with the concept of fast food. In 2014, with 648 million transactions, fast food services ... Show more content on ... If the portion size is too small, consumers may consider Chipotle as inadequate place to go when they are hungry. In addition, if the customers go Chipotle with the expectation of filling up their stomach, but the perceived performance is lower than the expected performance, consumers would be dissatisfied with the service. Nevertheless, Chipotle has to consider that portion size is usually larger in the US than in the Europe. Researchers compared restaurants in Philadelphia and in Paris, and found that American restaurants served on average 25% more food than their French counterparts (Shuster, Vigna, Sinha Tontonoz, 2012). The difference is even bigger for beverages served in fast food restaurants. Currently, McDonald s small sized drink served in the US contains 16 ounces of liquids, which is 18% more than the medium sized drink (40cl, approx. 13.52 ounces) served in Spain. Taking into account the data above, Chipotle may reduce its current portion size served in the US by approximately 25% when it enters to Spain. By doing so, Chipotle may save significant amount of material costs while still live up Spanish consumers expectation about the portion ... Get more on ...
  • 19. My Mother s Family s Story Preface My mother had mentioned to me that her family s story is longer than a book, however, it is so hard for me to ask the details of what had happened to her because all the stories in her life strike a chord in her heart. For example, almost all of my father s friends in Hong Kong were the people who escaped from communist China. Their stories were soul stirring. Many of them left their families in China. Their vicissitudes of life contained joy, sorrows, partings and reunions. My father was considered very lucky because he survived. Many of them capsized in the rough sea; some of them simply spent all of their energy and died on the way to their dream; some of them were caught by the militias or the soldiers; some of them were extradited back to China by the British government. Their families left in China suffered numerous humiliations. However, more than thirty years having passed, their stories were dim without a voice in history. Either their stories were too bitter to bring up, or they did not want to be named as a traitor to their country. During Mao s era, and even for a while after, anyone who escaped to Hong Kong was considered a traitor and turned over to the enemy. Escaping to Hong Kong was a very sensitive topic. Therefore, we would hear these stories all the time, but we hardly ever see anything written down about what they had been through. I have lived in the United States for more than thirty years, vivid memories of my childhood still ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Essay on Causes of the American Revolution On July 2, 1776, the second continental congress voted that the American Colonies were free from British influence. (Danzer,102) On July 4, two days later, they adopted the Declaration of Independence. These two events would begin what would become one of, if not the most important events in American History. It began the war of Independence, when America won its right to be free. There were many causes for the American Revolution. However most of them stemmed from paying for the French Indian War. After the war, in 1763, the British began to feel the strain that often follows the war.(Langley, 14) To raise money Parliament passed the stamp act in 1965, which required the colonists to use special stamped paper for all legal documents, ... Show more content on ... (Gottschalk, 31) Placing British officials among people who were not used to having their lives scrutinized so caused the colonists to react violently, up to and including tarring and feathering British officials. The American Revolution began in a small Massachusetts town called Lexington. The governor of Massachusetts, Thomas Gage, learned that the Militia was stockpiling weapons, gunpowder, ammunition and other supplies. He ordered his troops to march on Lexington to confiscate the supplies. On April 19, 1765 a force of 700 British troops faced 70 minute men lined up on the green. The fighting was done in 15 minutes. 1 British soldier was injured and 8 minutemen were killed, 9 wounded. Gage did not find any supplies stockpiled however. On the march back, 3,000 4,000 colonials fired on the British, killing them by the dozens. Only reinforcements arriving from Boston stopped it from becoming a complete disaster. (Danzer, 98) According to The Americans, The popular gun during the early war was the brown Bess. Although highly inaccurate at distance, it reloaded quickly and was deadly at close range. Troop movements were by foot or boat. Horse was the fastest method of communication. During the beginning of the revolution, the colonial radicals were outraged at the British butchers who sought to retake control of America. The propaganda promoted Marylanders and Virginians to support the revolution and Officials in South ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Vitamin And Its Effect On The Body A vitamin is a tiny molecule that your body uses to carry out a reaction. Your body cannot create vitamin molecules itself, because it has no way to. Therefore, the vitamin molecules must be obtained through food that you consume or eat. The body needs many vitamins to maintain its daily functions and activities. These vitamins include: vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, and B vitamins such as riboflavin, niacin, thiamine, folate, B12, B6, niacin, pantothenic acid, and biotin. Vitamin A can usually be found in food sources high in cholesterol and saturated fats. For example, cheese, milk, and cream. Alternatively, you could consume beta carotene. It is a natural antioxidant that is used by the body to make vitamin A. So you could find vitamin A through vegetables and certain fruits instead of eating fatty foods and foods that are high in cholesterol. The stronger or more intense the color of a vegetable or fruit means a higher concentration of beta carotene content. Foods high in beta carotene content include cantaloupe, pink grapefruit, broccoli, spinach, sweet potato, carrots, and mango. Vitamin K is typically produced by our intestines and its function is to primarily allow blood clotting when you are injured, and ensure that calcium gets to the bones and blood and helps prevent calcification from occurring in the arteries and soft tissues. Foods high in vitamin K include cauliflower, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, spinach, cabbage, and kale. Vitamin D ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Descriptive Essay About Women In Entertainment Women in Entertainment Essay I m Paulina Villalobos, I m Hispanic and I love new experiences. Both my parents were born in Mexico and immigrated here when they were young adults. I have an older sister and a younger brother, leaving me to be the middle child. I like reading, going out with friends, and spending time at home watching TV or movies. I started reading at a very young age and haven t put a book down since. I just love how people can create completely different worlds and share it with others, who then in turn make those worlds their own. Also, I like how you can lose yourself in a book and put yourself in different situations that are exciting and new, almost refreshing your mind and taking a breather from whatever you re ... Show more content on ... My family doesn t have a lot of experience with college so I don t really know all of my options and how I can get more. My career goals are to be somewhat involved in the entertainment industry but behind the scenes. I want to have a job in the entertainment industry as a director of photography or a screenwriter, something that lets me be behind the camera and lets me share my ideas. I think I can make more of an impact in the entertainment industry being behind the scenes than I can if I was front and center of the camera. Being a screenwriter would allow me to create stories that empower women, humanize men, and give children people they can look up to and change their lives in a positive way. While being a DP wouldn t give me the same control over those things, it still has an impact on the audience. The audience could see a man crying and the lighting on him would make him appear powerful rather than weak, and the same could be done for a woman choosing to leave an unhealthy situation. Some conflicts that may get in the way of my commitment to this program would be my film class shooting schedule, and missing school. I don t have a problem missing Thursdays since I can always ask my teachers the day before what I would be missing and what I can do to make up the work we ll do in class the next day, so that won t be a big problem. Although, I m curious to see if my absences will be excused or not, and if ... Get more on ...
  • 23. A Historical Views Of Leadership Part III Historical Views of Leadership Modern attempts to understand leadership often ignore the considerable insights provided by great figures of the past. Bernard M. Bass demonstrates that leadership was a recognized phenomenon from the emergence of civilization. Sampling of thinking about leadership from different perspectives as well as from various time periods and cultures will be given. All voices used, highlight the key issues identified by Spitzberg: the importance of the leader, the recruitment of leaders, the process of leadership, and the relationship between leaders and followers. J. Thomas Wren incorporates many different philosophers views in order to demonstrate that leaders differed greatly in the ... Show more content on ... Greeks admired and wanted heroic leaders that had 1. justice and judgment (Agamemnon), 2. wisdom and counsel (Nestor), 3. shrewdness and cunning (Odysseus), and 4. valor and activism (Achilles). Machiavelli believed that there is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to lead in the introduction of a new order of things. o He believes that leaders needed steadiness, firmness, and concern for the maintenance of authority, power, and order in government. Hegel s (1830) Philosophy of Mind argues that by first serving as a follower, a leader subsequently can best understand his followers, which people still believe today. 10 The Hero As King Thomas Carlyle Kingship is a form of heroism. A King is the commander over Men subordinates must loyally surrender themselves to their King. A King commands over its people to furnish them with constant practical teaching, and to tell them what they are to do. Carlyle believes that putting the Ablest Man in each country in a supreme place and loyally respect him will lead to a perfect government. People will believe that what the Ablest Man tells them to do will be the wisest and the fittest. o However, most people cannot do this. They cannot entrust everything to one person, they need evidence and structure. 11 Rulers and Generals ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Compare And Contrast The Passionate Shepherd To His Love The Idealist and the Realist are two rather different types of people. One sees the world in an optimistic light, where the flowers seemingly always bloom and summer is ever lasting, while the other sees the world as a skeptic and sees that all happiness at some point comes to an end. Within the poems The Passionate Shepherd to his love and The Nymph s Reply to the Shepherd we see these two types of people interact with one and another through letters as one expresses his love and the other rejects it. We see how the Shepherd views the world and the blossoming of love and we see the Nymph s view of the world and her skeptical view on love. The story of these two poems start with the declaration of love from the Shepherd within The Passionate Shepherd to his love, with the first line of the poem being Come live with me, and be my love yet what is his view on love? Well the Shepherd within his poem to the Nymph, says that he d give her gifts like A cap of flowers and a kirtle (Line 11, Shepherd) to her. Those aren t the only gifts either he even promises her a Gown made of the finest wool (Line 13, Shepard), and also some Delights such as other Shepherds singing and dancing for them(Line 21, Shepherd). The Shepherd seems to view that love is not moved by who one is, but rather by bribes and entertainment which are different from the Nymph s own views. The Nymph herself seems to be rather skeptical of the Shepherd and seemingly has a distrust of Shepherds due ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Oliver Cromwell Influence Oliver Cromwell was born in 25 April 1599 in a town in England called Huntington. He went to school at Huntington Grammar School then went to Sydney Sussex Collage at Cambridge. He studied law at Cambridge and then went to London and became the MP for Huntington in 1628 and MP for Cambridge in 1640. In 1630 s Oliver Cromwell became Puritan due to a religious crisis and started to become a Radical Puritan when he elected to represent Cambridge, first in the Short parliament, then in the Long parliament. In Parliament, Oliver Cromwell was a strong critic of King Charles the 2nd and in 1642, when King Charles the 2nd started the English Civil War, Oliver Cromwell started to raise troops and joined the Parliamentary forces, fighting against ... Show more content on ... But in August 1648, The New Model Army defeated the Royalist army and the Scots. Oliver Cromwell and most of the New Model Army decided to overthrow part of parliament who wanted to disband the New Model Army because they did not get their pay, that part of the parliament believed the New Model Army had too much power and they did not wanted to execute King Charles the 2nd. In 1649 King Charles the 2nd was executed outside his Whitehall Palace. The Parliament passed a series of new laws. The monarchy, the House of Lords and the Anglican Church were abolished and the land own by them was sold and the money was us to pay the wages of the soldiers. People were no longer fined if they did not attend the local church but they were still expected to go to some religious practice. In August 1649, Cromwell and 12,000 soldiers arrived in Ireland to put down the rebellion. During the next ten years of bloodshed around one third of the Scottish population was killed or died of starvation. More then half that were killed were Catholic and Oliver Cromwell and his 12,000 men killed them. When Oliver Cromwell went back to England, the parliament was still called but it was Oliver Cromwell and the New Model Army who were in charged. In December 1653 the New Model Army decided to make Oliver Cromwell as England new ruler. The army wanted ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Coolie By Mulk Anand Analysis Coolie: A Saga of Inequality and Exploitation Abstract: The nineteen thirties were the most confused years in Indian history. It was the time of Indian thrash about for sovereignty and everyone was effected by the blow of this even poetry, drama and novel too. So Anand could not stay uninfluenced by it. He suffered a lot so this made him abhorrence imperialism. He was conscious of the sufferings of our community from dearth and nastiness. No one in India had yet written the classic on this suffering effectively because the realities were too rudimentary for a writer like Tagore. Mulk Raj Anand an immense Indian novelist draws our consideration through his immortal characters Munno and Bakha, from existent civilization. As a novelist he speaks on pragmatism, variance, humanism and exploitations. Anand wrote about real natives whom he knew quite intimately. Mulk Raj Anand awakens social principles by his works. He arouses compassionate sensation of readers for the subjugated and under privileged, who suffer a lot. Key words: Pragmatism, Social Conflict, Humanism, Exploitation, Underprivileged. 1. INTRODUCTION: Indo Anglian literature or Indian English literature is connected with Indian English writings and is extremely significant part of English literature in the present epoch. Indo Anglian literature or Indian English literature or Indian writing in English is the literature, written by numerous well known Indian writers in the diverse genres. It includes ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Negative Impact Of The Rehabilitation Act Of 1973 On September 26, 1973, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 was put into place to replace the Vocational Rehabilitation Act. The population that benefitted the most from this act were the people who lived with disabilities. The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 developed, revised and implemented many plans for the disabled population. A few of the plans that were carried out with this act were the assistance of constructing and improve rehabilitation facilities, gauging the rehabilitation potential of individuals with a disability, promoting and expanding employment opportunities for individual with disabilities and more (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, n.d.). In 2001, a bill was introduced to the Senate by Senator Thurmond Strom (R SC) that proposed to exclude prisoners from receiving the benefits of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (S.33 107th Congress, 2001). A survey conducted in 2011 through 2012 showed that 32 percent of people who were in prison had at least one disability. Of that 32 percent, 2 out 10 prisoners reported having some form of a cognitive disability (Bureau of Justice Statistics, n.d.). If the bill that Senator Thurmond Strom introduced to the Senate were to be passed, these prisoners with cognitive disabilities will be even further oppressed and receive even fewer resources upon their release. This proposed bill will have a negative impact on the overall outcome of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Historical Analysis The history of vocational ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Why Is Trump A Good President Trump is a Terrible President Trump isn t the best president for the United States because he doesn t make sure American lives are safe and he constantly making decisions that would put our lives in danger. Many people believe that he is a good president, but why would our country choose someone who is selfish and egotistical. Trump being the president isn t helping our economy improve and if anything, it made it worse. First, since Trump has became the president, many things have been happening to the U.S. For one, we have a constant safety issue because more people are not afraid to express how they feel by violently harming others. There recently has been a mass shooting in Florida where many high school students were killed. Trump s way to fix this problem was to state that he believe all teachers should be armed with a weapon in the classroom. Another way that this issue could be fixed is to install bullet proof windows and doors, so that incase of a shooting, it would be almost impossible for the shooter to enter into the classrooms. ... Show more content on ... There are hundreds of thousands and even millions of people who are immigrants, but they do nothing wrong here. Most of them came here because they want a better life for their families and they re working extremely hard to make a living. By sending them back, they d be separated from their families and will have to leave everything they ve ever worked hard for behind. Instead of punishing those who technically didn t do anything wrong, there should be punishments for those who made the U.S. a unsafe and treacherous ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Brain To Tapestry This article from Scientific American gives us a look inside the human brain. The article is written by Karl Deisseroth, a professor of bioengineering and psychiatry at Stanford University. He begins by comparing the brain to a tapestry with interwoven parts. Fibers called axons spread out from the neurons carrying data to other neurons. He goes on to say if we are to know how the brain works we have to figure out how the so called tapestry is setup. This has to be done on an individual basis for each axon. We also must understand the purpose of an axon, we also have to keep in mind the brain isn t flat like a tapestry. Therefore it is hard to get a good look at it. However, new technology has been developed that has changed that. Not only does it give us a way to look at the brain without having to physically open it, it also helps us track the various fibers as they make their through the brain. ... Show more content on ... These polymers have the ability to hold water without dissolving. This technique is a three step method used to produce 3 D polymer endoskeletons inside biological tissue. It begins with a transparent gel being formed in a deceased individual or laboratory animal, this transparent gel protects the brain. Next is getting rid of the areas that are not of importance, after they are removed the final step is presenting fluorescent labels and markers. The gel not only protects the brain but also permits quick insertion of the probes. This allows scientist to see different fibers and molecules within the brain. This discovery has opened many doors in the scientific community, including but not limited to, illuminating reasons behind mental illnesses such as autism and Alzheimer s. Deisseroth then describes how even evolution through the years has yet to create a transparent ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Vision And Mission Of Starbucks Essay Running head: VISION AND MISSION STATEMENTS 1 VISION AND MISSION STATEMENTS 7 Vision and Mission Statements Hieu Le Columbia Southern University Vision and Mission Statements McDonalds is the largest fast food chain, which serves more than 160 countries in the world. The firm grew gradually in the last two decades in terms of market shares, revenues, and its franchise restaurants in the United States and worldwide. Furthermore, the fast food chain believes that its mission and vision statements will provide and demonstrate the firm?s belief, philosophy, culture for its customers and stakeholders in the long term. Regarding Starbucks, is the biggest retail coffee enterprise in the United States. The business was established in 1971 in Seattle, Washington. The mission of the company highlights on a welcome atmosphere for customers to come to the coffee shop, experience with the superior customer service, and a great taste of coffee. Unlike its mission statement?s belief, the firm?s vision statement emphasizes that the firm is strongly focusing on its product quality, the principle of the company, and future growth as well. According to David and David (2015), the major purpose of corporations? mission focuses on satisfying consumers? demands and needs. In fact, an effective mission statement emphasizes how a firm serves, ... Get more on ...
  • 31. War Is Kind Irony Comparative Essay on Stephen Crane s Use of Irony in War is Kind and A Mystery of Heroism If you ask a group of people how they feel about war, you re likely to get quite a few different responses. While some think war is the only way to settle our issues, others believe it is just another way to start them. People go into wars looking for change but the change they get isn t always the change they were searching for. Stephen Crane uses irony in War is Kind and A Mystery of Heroism to prove he is opposed to war by sarcastically pointing out the negative aspects of it and the feelings that surround them. In the poem War is Kind the author uses sarcasm and irony to point out the negative aspects of war while still reaching out to the people that support it. He points out how people are all supposed to think of death in the war as a normality by saying Make plain to them the excellence of killing, and a field where a thousand corpses lie . He describes the violence and death of the war while always resorting back to calling it kind, because that s what everyone perceives it as. The author makes it seem as though right when men are born they are immediately brought up to fight for our country by saying, Little souls who thirst for fight, These men were born to drill ... Show more content on ... In War is Kind, he talks about the feelings of the people at home while in A Mystery of Heroism he talks about the feelings of the people experiencing war first hand, the soldiers. In War is Kind he reaches out more towards the families who have lost loved ones or have loved ones currently fighting, while in A Mystery of Heroism he reaches out to the people who are actually serving. The feelings in War is Kind make readers think of the sadness and saudade of the families, while the feelings surrounding A Mystery of Heroism make you think of the fear and anticipation that the soldiers felt on the ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Compare And Contrast Leininger And Kubler Ross Leininger and Kübler Ross Theories exist to guide and teach individuals about how and why certain disciplines function. One discipline that has many theories is nursing. Nursing theories help to guide patient care. For instance, Madeleine Leininger developed the theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality also known as transcultural nursing (TCN), which helps nurses to be culturally competent. There are also non nursing theorists which can add to a nurse s knowledge in caring for their patient. Elisabeth Kübler Ross theory on the five stages of grief is an example of a non nursing theorist. The purpose of this paper is to discuss Leininger and Kübler Ross theories, analyze how they contribute to the nursing community, and ... Show more content on ... 421). This takes into account the values of one who is culturally based which encompasses all aspects of life, worldview, religion, social, language, and economic matters. Culturally based care can make positive differences in one s health (McFarland, 2014). Leininger s theory encompasses the four metaparadigms of health, nursing, person, and environment. Her theory supports the aspect of health by suggesting that patients that are cared for by culturally based care will have better outcomes of heath and well being. In nursing, TCN keeps the patient at the forefront of the nurse s actions and helps to guide their care. The person is capable of caring and ultimately cares for others like children, elderly, and themselves. The environment refers to the physical place where the person lives including their surroundings which includes their culture and its practices. Leininger (1997) states that as nurses become educated in TCN they will understand the multiple holistic, social structure and environmental factors influencing care, health, dying, disabilities and other human conditions related to both poor and affluent cultures (p.19). Leininger s theory is valued worldwide. This theory gives nurses a way to treat and care for the many diverse patients that will cross their paths. This theory is a theory for today and years to come due to the multicultural world in which we live (McFarland, 2014). ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Essay on Effectiveness of Law Reform Evaluate the Effectiveness of Law Reform in Australia Law Reform in Australia is effective in varying degrees. Through Native Title Reform and Law Reform in Sport, the effectiveness of Law Reform in Australia is further outlined. The term Native Title refers to the right of Indigenous people to their traditional land. In Australia it has a legal significance of the right to an area of land, claimed by people whose ancestors were the original inhabitants of the land before European settlement. Also who can prove that they have had a continuous connection with the land. Native Title is the term given by the High Court to Indigenous land rights by the Court in Mabo and others v State of Queensland (No.2) [1992] HCA 23. The case required ... Show more content on ... Sport is a part of Australian culture, in which Australian athletes have performed well over the past years. Sport Law ranges over the areas of contract law, tort law, and the criminal law. Tort law is the body of law that deals with civil wrongs including negligence, defamation, trespass and nuisance. Civil litigation is court action brought to remedy a wrong or breach of contract. This is shown through Canterbury Bulldogs player Sonny Bill Williams breached his contract by walking out on the club after having signed a contract which was legally binding. Through this law reform has been further enhanced in Australian sport. Compensatory damages of more than $68,000 were awarded and the court held that Bugden s club bore vicarious liability for assault during being employed as a player. Vicarious liability is the legal liability imposed on one person or agent (e.g. an employer) for the wrongful acts of another, when those acts were done within the scope of the legal relationship between them, such as employment. The Australian Sports Commission (ASC) is a statutory authority of the Australian government. This established the Australian Sports Commission Act 1989 (Cth), the ASC plays a role in the development and ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Legalization Of Drugs In The United States I believe as a nation we have done well when it comes to learning from our mistakes; however, the debate over the issue of drugs in our country has truly caused turmoil throughout the nation. It is an issue that does not choose sides; rather it strikes every race, religion, and economic class across the country. We all have our beliefs about the topic of drugs in our country and how it impacts us as a whole. United States citizens believe that drugs are one of the major problems that this country is dealing with today. The belief that drugs are one of the leading contributors to elevated crime rates is what causes citizens in our country to view all drugs in a negative light. It is hard to disagree with people when you know their claims hold ... Show more content on ... current system of making drugs illegal is an issue. We have been fighting a war on drugs that never seems to end. If our country were to legalize drugs, there would be a decrease in crime rate, which would be terrific. American s in today s world believe that the majority of people who want illegal drugs would steal in order to obtain their drugs. Edmund Harrett, Deputy Chief and Executive Officer, of the Narcotics Division, New York City Police Department, New York, writes, Many legalization supporters believe that property crime, particularly burglary, larceny from persons (purse snatchers, chain snatchers, and pickpockets), auto theft, theft from autos, and shoplifting would decrease by 40 50 percent if drugs were made legal. Similarly, many believe that the terms drug related murder and drive by shooting would become outdated once drugs were legalized. In their view, turf wars would be eliminated because there would no longer be a need to fight for one s turf ( This quote reveals that there is a serious drug problem in this country, and with legalization we would reduce crime, which is always a positive. By legalizing low level drugs, we would have a lower crime rate for petty crimes, simply because those who used to steal to fund their habit, would have no reason to anymore. It would be terrific for our government if we had fewer petty criminals plugging up our court systems. Allowing them to focus more time on handling higher risk ... Get more on ...