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What Are Good Persuasive Essay Topics
Writing an essay on the topic "What Are Good Persuasive Essay Topics" may seem deceptively
simple at first glance, but delving into the task reveals its inherent challenges. The difficulty lies
in striking a balance between relevance and broad appeal. The notion of a 'good' persuasive essay
topic is subjective, as it depends on various factors such as the target audience, societal context,
and current issues.
Identifying persuasive essay topics requires meticulous research and a keen understanding of the
audience's interests and concerns. Crafting a compelling argument involves navigating through a
sea of potential ideas, evaluating their persuasiveness, and selecting those that can resonate
effectively. Furthermore, ensuring the chosen topics align with one's own convictions while
remaining open to counterarguments adds another layer of complexity.
The challenge intensifies when considering the dynamic nature of societal issues. What may be a
relevant and compelling topic today might lose its potency tomorrow. Staying abreast of current
events, societal trends, and emerging debates becomes essential in maintaining the essay's
relevance and impact.
Structuring the essay itself requires finesse. Balancing the introduction, body, and conclusion
while maintaining a logical flow of ideas demands careful consideration. Clarity in presenting
arguments, providing evidence, and addressing potential counterarguments is pivotal for the
essay's persuasiveness.
In conclusion, crafting an essay on the topic "What Are Good Persuasive Essay Topics" involves
a nuanced process of research, critical thinking, and effective communication. It necessitates a
keen awareness of the ever-changing social landscape and an ability to navigate diverse
perspectives. While challenging, mastering this skill is invaluable for those seeking to influence
others through the power of persuasive writing.
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What Are Good Persuasive Essay TopicsWhat Are Good Persuasive Essay Topics
An Analysis of the Gender Discrimination Against Women
An Analysis of the Gender Discrimination against Women at Work in America:
Discussion about the Social Norms and Recommended Solutions
An Analysis of the Gender Discrimination against Women at Work in America:
Discussion about the Social Norms and Recommended Solutions
Overview of the Gender Discrimination against Women at Work in America
Introduction to the issue We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are
created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights,
that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (Jefferson, 1776,
para.2). More than 230 years ago, this familiar line of Jefferson in the Declaration of
Independence became the basic tenet of the foundation of ... Show more content on ...
Thirdly, based on such discrimination, women are also subject to suffer from sexual
harassment in their workplace, which may keep them from working efficiently and
happily (MacKinnon, 1979). All the above negative outcomes deprive women of their
basic rights of pursuing liberty and happiness, thus await immediate resolution.
Detailed Analysis of Gender Discrimination against Women at Work
Individual level At individual level, men and women can have completely
different experience at work with the factor of gender discrimination in play.
Having graduated from Columbia University with an overall GPA of 3.28 and a
Master s Degree in Science (MS) in hand, Jack has obtained four offers from
different companies after two months job hunting and interviews. Upon carefully
selection and pondering, he accepts the offer of Kingston Technology Company in
New York City and becomes a developer; in the field of Internet technology, job
hunting is not a big headache for male MS graduate. Jack works very hard in his
company and gets along very well with his boss and colleagues. After one and a
half years, his hardworking paid off: He gets a promotion and becomes a senior
developer. Jack says that he is very satisfied with the amount of annual salary he is
offered, the employee benefits he enjoyed as well as the amiable working
environment he is working in. All of these make him enjoy his work very much, and
he decides to
Diet Analysis Essay
The aim of this research project is to evaluate whether the members of this group
consume a healthy diet including adequate macro and micro nutrients consistent with
the Nutrient Reference Values (NRV) as recommended by the Australian
Government. Nutrient Reference Values or NRV s are based on current scientific
knowledge and encompass a set of recommendations for nutritional intake. Estimated
Average Requirement is the amount of a certain nutrient that must be consumed each
day to meet the needs of half the healthy individuals at a specific life stage and
gender. Recommended Dietary Intake is the average amount of a certain nutrient that
must be consumed each day in order to meet the needs of about 97 98% of healthy
individuals at a specific... Show more content on ...
Participants choose from three to four times per week, one to two times per week,
one to two times per month, once per month or never for each of the food options
(Rutishauser 2005). The advantages of a food frequency questionnaire is that it is
designed to be completed independently by the participant making it practical and
cost effective in collecting data from a large cohort (Rutishauser 2005). This
method also allows the foods to be ranked, then characteristics of foods with low
and high intakes can be compared (Biro 2002). The disadvantages of this method
include the lack of detail about food and the high instance of random error
(Rutishauser 2005). This method also relies on memory recall of the participant
which can be imprecise (Biro
Examples Of Morality In The Lady With The Dog
Morality in Shades
Colour is in the art and the art is literature. Often, one depicts morality the concept of
shades: a color scheme that involves the gradation from lightest to darkest, which in
most case, is white to black. In such scale, the shades white and black represent two
contrasting extremes as they parallel the idea of morality, where white is right and
black is wrong. However, the complication arises at the area between the white and
black: the grey. The grey area possesses no absolute verdict, for one can be both
morally right and wrong. Russian realist Anton Chekhov implements such perception
as he colours the story with white, black, and grey. An exploration of The Lady with
The Dog serves to examine his employment of colour ... Show more content on ...
Although the concept of morality in shades should not particularly be alien to the
reader, Chekhov does provide an interesting take on morality for instance, that he
believes love, or feelings, to be an important factor of human morale which he
expresses using the colours white, black, and grey. However, the reader should not
expect to learn about morals through this story, as everyone possesses his or her own
opinion, but rather should reconsider what they value is right and wrong. The
exploration of colour in The Lady with The Dog proves insightful in understanding
the author s perspective towards morale of actions, even though Chekhov does not
entertain the reader with an absolute verdict. Colour is in the art and the art is
literature; what this exploration reveals is only just one shade of the
Female And Female Attitudes Towards Female Managers
In this research we are examining the relationship between male and female attitudes
towards female mangers, gender identity and their career aspiration. In order to do
this research, we had to collect data from 89 females and 87 male s students of
organisational learning and development, also we had to compare what factors are
strongly impacting on the attitudes towards female managers. This research will
analyse the correlation between the male and female scores for acceptance, ability,
aspiration, masculinity and femininity of the attitudes of male and female towards
female managers. The result of the research shows that there are significant
differences between male s and female s attitudes towards female managers due to
many ... Show more content on ...
however, there are many significant barriers that impact on female managers in
attaining top level of managerial position, these barriers include political,
economical, legal and cultural factors which will limit their entry to high
management positions. From the research of (Bem 1974) it shows that both
femininity and masculinity scale is believed to be containing 20 percent of
personal characteristics of the male and female, these characteristics are believing
to be based on the sex typed social adorability. Past research of (Cortis and Cassar
2005) indicates that there is no significant difference between male and female
attitudes towards female manager job involvement, they state that female managers
have a strong commitment towards their job similarly to male managers. However, it
also indicates that there are two issue which concerns female managers, such as
ageing and martial status, where 50 percent of female managers prefers to be
younger then their male team members and they strongly prefer to be single. Further
more (Cortis and Cassar 2005) research shows that males and females have
significant difference in attitudes towards female managers, where females have
The Influence Of Playing Pokemon Go
Participating in the survey were 193 high school and middle school aged students
from a mid sized southeastern school. Forty four percent of the respondents were
male, and 56% were female. Seventy eight percent of the respondents were
between the ages of twelve and fifteen, while 22% of the respondents were
between the ages of sixteen and eighteen. Only about 1 of 10 students (9.8%) said
that when Pokemon Go was popular they played every day. However, roughly 3 in
10 students (31.6%) answered that when it was popular their friends played every
day. The hypothesis stated: Males playvideo games significantly more than females.
As the results demonstrate, there was a significant difference between males and
females with respect to playing Pokemon Go while it was popular ( t= 4.507, p
.05). More specifically, males played Pokemon Go at a much higher rate (M= 2.00)
than females (M=1.38). Although the results were not as strong, there was also a
large difference between males and females with respect to perception of their
friends playing (t=2.627, p=.009). The results of this question show that males
believe their peers play much more (M= 2.77) than females (M= 2.31).
Table 1
Discussion Overall, the general findings from the research show that Pokemon Go
has declined in popularity significantly since its release in July. When Pokemon...
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As the results demonstrated, there was a significant difference between males and
females in the amount of time they spend playing video games. Future researchers
could figure out how to draw more female players into the video game community for
the benefit of their sales. Another angle would be the introduction of video games
into education. With new technological advancements in the virtual reality industry,
the possibilities are endless regarding video games and their potential use in
Grizzly Man And The Cove Analysis
Final Doc Review
Grizzly Man and The Cove both share a common, fascinating theme: humans
relationship with the wild lives and the nature world. Both films centre on this theme
but The Cove explores the slaughter of dolphins in Taiji, Japan while Grizzly Man
focuses on Timothy Treadwell s attempt to live with grizzly bears. Both have a
certain tragic plot about them, The Cove because of the cold blood slaughter and
Grizzly Man because of Treadwell s death. Both choose to focus on one species, for
The Cove its dolphins, Grizzly Man, its grizzly Bears. They may be both focused on
the same topic but are they re both fantastic explorations of the same idea. The Cove
combines the personal relationship between a man and dolphins and expands it to ...
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The enemies in The Cove are obvious. They re the committees set up to bring about
change but who get so caught up in legislation that they create little progress. They
re the fisherman and multi million dollar companies who feel their livelihood
threatened by the activists determined to make a difference. With all these enemies
for the activists to face, it s good that we have a hero to root for and in this film it s
Ric O Barry. For years, O Barry was known as the best dolphin trainer in the world,
having trained many of the dolphins who appeared in the Flipper TV series. It was
this particular job that convinced him that dolphins were not meant to be kept in
captivity but to be free in the
Homeland Security Vs Community Policing
By mid 1800 American police copied Peel s principles and update them to social
conditions in American communities.Community policing was officially started in
the USA starting in the 1970s to 1980s, Peel s principles were still present.
Community policing is an organizational strategy that attempts to reduce crimeby
improving quality of life.This strategy creates new policies, recruits different type of
officers, change in primary objectives, type of services delivered, updated training as
well as a change in supervision of street officers. This included bringing back foot
patrols consistent beat assignments improved relationships between community and
the officers. This strategy supported maintaining order like Peels policeforce and
training... Show more content on ...
Does Community Policing allow the police to keep homeland security a priority?
Different police chiefs believe differently on this. Chiefs with 4 year degrees from
departments that use community policing at higher levels also believe that
community policing can improve homeland security.Oliver(2006) Priorities diverted
from community to homeland security which lead the federal government to fund
homeland with 41 billion(2004) Congressional Budget Office, compared with
community policing budget 400 million(Office of Community Oriented Policing
Services, 2004). The funding was less than half for community policing than it was
before 2001, which Violent Crime Control Act gave 8.8 billion for. Many believe that
police get a lot of intelligence from the relationship they have with communities that
could prevent a terrorist attack(Henry 2002). The investment in community policing
could contribute to strong information for Homeland security to work with and be
workable with each other(Murray 2005). Well others argue that community policing
can work along with homeland security because they have different strategies and
objectives (De Guzman 2002). Pelfrey(2005) believes adapting homeland security
with community policing is best because it allows the community be involved and
gain trust. International Association of Chiefs of Police deem necessary for the
success of homeland security is to have community policing. 9 11 also brought
positive reactions to community policing since many citizens support grew after the
attack for the police and there presence in the community(Fridell, 2004).After 9 11
(Ortiz, Hendrick, Suggie(2007) showed that there was an increase in community
policing efforts especially in Arab
An Ethically Oriented, Value Based Culture
Establishing an ethically oriented, value based culture in an organization requires
engagement strategies at all levels. However, without leadership who values
ethical behavior, and is noticeably committed, it can be difficult for an ethical
culture to gain traction. After all the leaders at the frontlines of organizations
make the most tangible difference in the value of products and services provided.
A leader s lack of dignity and negligence towards society is the leading cause of
unethical behavior in an organization. Therefore, there is a need to evaluate the
value of ethical business leaders. In a time when everything can be easily blamed
on someone else and serious wrongdoing unethical acts are often kept in silence or
left unpunished, it seems as though as society we have lost sight of what it means
to be a leader in an organization, a person of moral values and integrity. Many
ethical failures within organizations have emerged in the media over the past
decade, such as fraud and corruption, clearly highlighting the need for organizational
leaders to axt in an ethical manner (Joosten, Dijke, Hiel, Cremer, 2014, p.1). On a
daily basis, business magazines, websites, and newsletters are filled with major
character lapse from someone trusted by the public such as government officials and
corporate executives. Furthermore, a leader s lack of self control, on the other hand,
has been linked to negative actions due to their inability to resist temptation (Joosten,
Kevin Spacey Research Paper
The star of House of Cards, Kevin Spacey, is well known as a famous screen actor
and film director. In 2003, he eventually branched off from film and found his way
becoming the artistic director of the Old Vic, one of London s oldest theatres.
Although it may seem like his transition from film to theatre was arbitrary, you
could actually say it was something of familiar territory for him. In his early years,
Spacey was originally sent to military school. However, after being expelled for
bad behavior he transferred to Los Angeles Chatsworth High School. There is where
his interest in acting really began, and it is also where he started his inexpert drama
career. According to, Spacey actually ended up graduating as co
valedictorian. He was then encouraged to go to Juilliard, a performing arts
conservatory... Show more content on ...
He performed in Richard III, a Shakespeare production directed by Sam Mendes.
Through all the experience and training Spacey received in his lifetime, in this
production he took his character to the next level so to speak. In Richard III,
Spacey used technique acting to precisely portray his character as Richard. He
worked on his outward appearance, like a humped back and twisted leg, in order
to help the audience visualize Richard and understand how his scarred personality
develops. As much as technique acting is the way to describe Spacey s acting
development for Richard III, he also didn t fall short in exposing Richards s
emotional side during the production. I would say Spacey is somewhat of an in
between of method and technique acting. I say this because during the time of
Richard III death in the production, Spacey let the emotions of Richards sadness and
loneliness prevail. This actually plays a major part in completing one of the themes
of the show, which was Richard s entitlement of being the
Examining Cloud Computation Technologies Essay
Cloud computing involves a lot of concepts and technologies. Companies and
corporations such as Amazon, Google and Microsoft are providing services following
the logic of computational infrastructure cloud computing, with Amazon the pioneer
in providing and marketing infrastructure of this kind. The academic community has
also shown interest in cloud computing, and some work has been directed to
improvements in aspects of performance, security, usability, implementation and
reliability of the system as a whole (Armbrust et al. 2009). Other work has developed
new techniques to make adequate infrastructure to each context of cloud computing
environments, among which we highlight the project Eucalyptus (Liu et al. 2007),
developed by the... Show more content on ...
Figure 1 illustrates the steps of MapReduce. Figure 1:
/04/introduction to hadoop/ The MapReduce system handles the processing
through a master process whose function is to orchestrate the processing, manage
the process of grouping records and distribute the blocks in a balanced manner.
The MapReduce was implemented using C + + and has interfaces to Java and
Python. The MapReduce was developed by Google but there are some open source
implementations, among which stands out the Hadoop (Hadoop 2010). The
Hadoop is a framework of free code in Java to run applications that manipulate
large amounts of data in distributed environments. The Hadoop is composed by the
file system HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) and a parallel execution
environment. Within this environment, or better, the Hadoop framework, several
subprojects can be found, such as the implementation of MapReduce, the
distributed data management system called HBase, data flow language r and
structure for parallel execution called Pig. The main characteristics of the Hadoop
are: distributed storage systems, file partitioned into large blocks is distributed on
the nodes of the system, blocks replicated to handle hardware failure and a location
for temporary data. Unlike other approaches to distributed file systems, the storage
and processing of HDFS is done at each node of the system. Thus, using the Hadoop
or MapReduce is relatively easy for a computer project working with
Importance Of Extracurricular Activities Essay
Extracurricular Activities: High School and Beyond Despite the belief in
extracurricular activities harming students, they can actually be beneficial.
Extracurricular activities benefit students by helping them learn how to manage their
time more efficiently and improve academics; students that participate in after school
activities reap the benefits socially, outside of the classroom, and in their future
endeavors. They help develop students and shape them into who they will become in
the future. Extracurricular activities leave a positive impact on both the students and
the school as a whole, and are essential to the educational experience. Extracurricular
activities can help students learn how to manage their time more efficiently and
improve academics. Students must adapt to balancing their activities and school
work appropriately, which helps the student get their homework done on time and
limit procrastination (Jackson). With less time to do homework, students are more
conscious about finishing all their assignments and use what time they do have more
efficiently. Students that participate in extracurricular activities realize they do not
have as much time to complete their tasks, so they compensate by planning out when
they will complete their homework, showing responsibility, and time management (
Why Extracurricular ). Responsibility and good time management are essential skills
that will allow students to be more successful as they grow into adults. According
Longoria Character Analysis
I think Longoria s character shows a lot of discipline for doing what is enforced to
do. We see how violence has affected his life and other people s perspective of him.
He started out in the Army at a very young age and carried out the harsh tasks that
he was given, no matter how cruel they were. Longoria is a strong minded person.
For him to carry out some of the assignments he was given, it takes a different kind
of person. For example, the incident with the people in the village. He murdered a
whole village of innocent people. To me, this shows that Longoria is ruthless. In a
sense, I would almost say that he has lost his mind. After years of killing like he
did, how does he not have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder? Most people that must go
through and witness the things like Longoria are scarred for the rest of their life. For
example, my grandfather was in the military during Vietnam. He would wake up
screaming in the middle of the night, fireworks and loud noises bothered him, among
other little things that would trigger his PTSD. Violenceeventually takes its toll and I
think it got the best of Longoria. The first altercation between Antonio and Longoria
happens about half way through the book. Antonio travels to the park where
Longoria usually plays chess and sets out to killhim. He arrives and asks for
Longoria but he hasn t arrived yet. After waiting, Longoria finally arrives. Antonio,
so full of hate and vengeance, attacks Longoria with a pipe. Longoria was
Canadian Magazine Dispute Case Study
To what extent do you think the U.S. Canadian magazine dispute was motivated by
genuine desires to protect Canadian culture?
From clear sources Canadian publishers argue that if Sports Illustrated was not made
an example, and the tax was not imposed, about 50 US consumer magazines with
circulations above 50,000 in Canada as well as a wide range of trade titles could enter
the Canadian market and drain a substantial amount of advertising away from
Canadian Publishers. (Rinaman, 1996) This was purely about profits and market
share. The Canadian publishers were more concerned about their dwindling market
share than preservation of their culture.
To what extent do you think the government of Canada was pressured to seek to
protect its market because of the financial interests of the Canadian magazine
The common argument for protectionism was that in Canada s market of 26 million
people has become saturated by American culture distributed by cultural industries in
the US and Canada. In Canada between 60 and 95 percent of film, television, music
and publishing markets are controlled by Americans. Four in every five magazines
sold in Canada are foreign publications. (Rinaman, 1996) ... Show more content on ...
Canadian officials point out that the new legislation does not discriminate on the
basis of ownership. If a Canadian company publishes a split run edition in the US and
does not include sufficient original content, the government will impose 80 percent
tax on the Canadian edition. The US traditionally protects what it considers fragile
industries such as lumber. Canada feels it has the same right to protect its fragile
cultural industries. The US is the largest cultural exporter in the world with
entertainment as the second largest US export industry, after aerospace. Ironically,
less than 2 percent of time on US television is given to foreign programming.
The Unseen Death
The Unseen Death Thailand is an increasingly growing country, with about 60% of
the population involved in agriculture (Subhadrabandhu). In the past few decades it
has been making its transition from agricultural based to an industrialized economy
has raised concerns to an environmental degradation. The increasing level of pollution
, particularly in the city area causing numerous problems along the way in the past
recent years. With level of life expectancy dropped, health defects and an increasing
number of mortality rates. The pollution includes air, water, and noise pollution. With
vehicle emissions and forest fire being among one of the most to cause air pollution.
In 2012, a legislation called First Time Car Buyer Tax Rebate Program has been
launched. It has been critiqued for being a huge part of an increasing traffic jams,
stretched finances and most importantly the side effect on publics health. The
program was originally aimed for people who are using motorcycles to switch to
cars. Also to boost the automobile industries that has dropped since 2011 after the
flood in Thailand. With the boost of the industry, many automotive companies which
already have their facilities manufacture and assemble their cars in Thailand. This
causes the level of emission and industrial wastewater to rise. The increase number
of cars and factories also mean the higher level of noise pollution. Which in human
not only causes annoyance, if being exposed for a long period of time can cause
The Use of Foreshadowing, Irony, and Symbolism in The
The Book Thief Short Essay: The Use of Foreshadowing, Irony, and Symbolism in
The Book Thief
In The Book Thief, by Markus Zusak, the narrator uses foreshadowing, irony, and
symbolism. Here s a small fact, you are going to die (3). As readers, we are
engaged in the story because we are part of the story. The narrator, who is a
personified death, is referring to the readers when he says you . Here, it is
foreshadowed that many people, including the reader, will die in the near future. This
is verbally ironic because death refers to this as a small fact , even though the subject
of death is usually considered a significant and sensitive topic. This statement
symbolizes the insignificance that narrator feels towards human life. ... Show more
content on ...
Finally, verbal irony is shown when death says, It kills me sometimes, how people
die (464). This is ironic because even though the narrator, death, isn t actually dying
himself, the sight of humans dying just kills him. It must be hard for death to see
people die every second of his life, and perhaps the readers can feel sympathy for
death. This quote shows a thematic idea of death, which shows up again and again
throughout The Book Thief. Irony creates a better reading experience for the
audience and furthers on thematic ideas.
Symbolism is very important in the Book Thief because certain symbols keep the
reader engaged and furthers on thematic ideas. One important symbol in The Book
Thief is bread, which symbolizes humanity. When a jew parade lumbers down
Himmel Street, Hans gives away a slice of bread to an old jewish man who is
suffering. Hans, who is very hungry along with the rest of Germany, could have
eaten the bread instead of giving it away.This shows that where there is great evil
in the world, there is is also great kindness. There are multiple times when bread is
used to care for someone else. Next, another meaningful symbol in The Book Thief is
Liesel s books. Over time, as she begins to learn to read and write, Liesel steals many
books. Her first book, The Gravedigger s Handbook , symbolizes the life that Liesel
used to have because she stole
Nr 452 White Noise Barriers Research Paper
Noise Barriers: White Noise
NR 452
Erika Howe
Chamberlain College of Nursing
Professor Anthony Young White Noise in Post Partum
Hospital noise is more than an annoyance. It disrupts patient sleep, creates spikes in
blood pressure, and hinders wound healing and pain management. The post partum
unit at North Fulton Hospital has installed a traffic light device that reinforces
awareness of the need for a quieter atmosphere by monitoring the noise level and
turning from yellow to red as it rises. Even with this added device, noise consistently
gets the worst marks on patient surveys. Noise reduction efforts really gained
momentum recently, when Medicare began basing a portion of hospital
reimbursement on quality measurements including patient ratings of the quality of
care (Landro, 2013). Additional measures need to be put in place in order to improve
quality care by reducing distracting noises. White noise amplified through an
intercom or machine will make the typical sounds become less obtrusive or obvious
to the patient.
On the ... Show more content on ...
A patient experience case study was done at St. Francis Hospital to address the
specific issue of noise. Over a nine month period this facility incorporated many
innovations to successfully target this problem. Direct feedback from patients
determined that a combination of many actions helped to make the noise reduction
successful. This included white noise machines in rooms, quiet voices by all staff
members, signs on doors as a reminder to keep noise levels decreased, and dimming
lights during night shifts ( Transforming Care , 2014). In order to create this culture
of quiet, collaborative efforts need to be made and would ultimately contribute to
higher satisfaction scores at North Fulton
The Knowledge That The Laputians Possess May
The knowledge that the Laputians possess may also reflect some symbolism
towards the saying of ignorance is bliss. If one does not know about something,
they tend to not worry about, but the Laputians know so much with their abstract
theories of math and science that they are under continual disquietudes (Swift
2577). The knowledge they have also makes it very apparent that they never take
the time to enjoy themselves as they fear the end of Earth constantly and when
they meet an acquaintance in the morning, the first question is about the sun s
health...and what hopes they have to avoid the stroke of the approaching comet
(Swift 2577 78). They worry so much that their conversations are their worries
which is very sad. Another sad thing is the men of Laputa do not even spend their
time with their wives which makes it all the more easy for affairs to arise. The
women of Laputa are free to do as they please, but they are unable to leave the
island as the people of quality have found by frequent experience, how hard it is to
persuade their women to return from below (Swift 2578). As unfaithful as they are,
the women still attempt to leave. It almost seems like the knowledge the Laputians
have is so powerful that it was able to make their wives unfaithful. The
impracticalness of the Laputians become more evident with Gulliver s observations
and discoveries. Gulliver is given tutors by the Laputian King to teach him their
language; however, he finds that the words he
Vietnam War Summary And Analysis
The draft of the Vietnam War led to the ratification of the twenty sixth Amendment
of the Constitution. In order to have a sufficient army, Congress initiated a draft in
the form of a lottery to force young men between the ages of 18 through 26 to go
into the military. Many people protested against the draft and draft dodgers escaped
from military service. As a result of the draft, teenagers wanted voting power during
the war so they could have an influence on who became the commander in chief and
other political affairs. To calm the protest, the Voting Rights Acts was amended to
allow eighteen years olds to vote. The amendments were then deemed
unconstitutional in the court case Oregon v. Mitchell which created a need for an
amendment to the... Show more content on ...
Man power was necessary in the war and the compulsory nature of the draft
completed the task of building the nation s defenses. However, the draft was very
unpopular, and many ran away from the fight. As a result of the feelings of
resentment towards the draft, multitudes of teenagers realized that they could make a
difference in the political affairs of the United States. In order to calm the chaos, the
Voting Rights Act was extended and amended to allow eighteen year olds to vote.
The changes to the act were deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court and later,
the Twenty six Amendment passed through Congress and was signed by President
Nixon. With the new voting privilege, teenagers have had and can have a significant
effect on the nation s political
Jesse Ernest Wilkins Jr
Jesse Ernest Wilkins jr. Born November 27,1923a in Chicago and died May 12,
2011 in Arizona was an American nuclear scientist mathematician and and
mechanical engineer he attended the university of Chicago at the age of 13,
becoming its youngest student. Because he was young and smart he got the
name negro genius in local newspapers at 17 Jesse, received his Associate
bachelor . in Mathematics and ranked in the top 10 in Mathematics famous
undergraduate Putnam Competition. the youngest student ever admitted.
University scholarships covered his tuition. He lived at home and tutored other
students to earn spending money. While majoring in mathematics, Wilkins took
extra courses and graduated Phi Beta Kappa in 1940 at the age of 16. ... Show more
content on ...
Ernest Wilkins, Sr., was a well known lawyer who held a bachelor s
degree in mathematics from the University of Illinois and a law degree from the
University of Chicago. In 1941 and 1942 the elder Wilkins served as president of
the Cook County Bar Association in Chicago. President Dwight D. Eisenhower
appointed him Assistant Secretary of Labor in 1954, the first black American to
Synebia martin
6th period mr.rivers
hold a sub cabinet position. In 1958 he was appointed to the Civil Rights
Commission. Wilkins s mother, Lucile Beatrice Robinson Wilkins, held bachelor s
and master s degrees in education from the University of Chicago, and taught in
Chicago public schools.
Wilkins s dissertation, completed under Magnus R. Hestenes, was titled Multiple
Integral Problems in Parametric Form in the Calculus of Variations. He was the
eighth black American, and one of the youngest Americans , to earn a Ph.D.
degree in mathematics. A Rosenwald Scholarship enabled Wilkins to spend 1942
at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jerseys , as a postdoctoral
research fellow.
Despite his outstanding credentials, Wilkins could not find a position at a
research university. During 1943 and 1944 he was a mathematics instructor
Similarities Between Dunstan Ramsay And John Proctor
Robertson Davies, a Canadian author of the 1970s novel Fifth business. Focuses on a
character named Dunstan Ramsay. Dunstan along with John proctor a character of
the play The Crucible, share similarities between their character. Regret is a feeling
that both John and Dunstan share. John feels regret over his affair and Dunstan
regrets his actions which lead to the injury of Mary Dempster. Self discovery is
another commonality between the two characters John seeks his moral compass and
Dunstan searches for relsolution of past hardships. Deptford and salem are another
similarity between the two they share the ,small town life style. The character
fundamentals of John Proctor and Dunstan Ramsay create a parallel between the two
different peices... Show more content on ...
John suffers from a lack of self identity. John faces a moral dilemma the town
orders him to admit to witchcraft. If John lies he is free to live, but if he choses to
live an honest life he will be put to death. I can. And here is your first marvel that I
can. You have made your magic now, for now I do think I do see some shred of
goodness in John Proctor John s wife had lost all respect for her husband s decision
making. In the midst of being pressured into lying John has a moment of self
discovery. The goodness in John Proctor is his ability to do the right thing. His
ability to accept responsibility and face the consequence. He chose to die because
morally it was the right
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Limestone Caves
and minimized?
A Cave:
Caves, also known as karsts, are very unique and are a special part of our natural
environment. Caves form over a long period of time, 1000 of years (National
Geographic, 2015). Caves are made up of rock, ranging from volcanic to limestone.
Limestone caves are more pleasing to the eye as they usually contain more decoration
such as stalactites, Shawls and Straws. As limestone caves are more decorated they
are more prone to damage and deformation (Science Kids, 2016).
Damaged caused by humans in caves:
Humans are causing great damage to limestone caves, some of which the caves
themself cannot recover from. Physical damage by humans has the greatest impact
on caves (Bob Robins, 2005) There are many ways humans have and continue to still
damage caves, Majority of people assume that the main damage to caves is through
touching formations (Caving ,Survey 2017) However there are many other factors
that damage the cave just as badly such as graffiti, modernising caves and rainfall.
Tourist caves undergo the most damage (G.Enriquez, B, 2001)with lost formations,
climate changes, and urbanising the caves. Limestone caves are more susceptible to
damage from a change in climate than volcanic caves due to the rock type. When
tourists enter caves they can create thermal annomalies, the anomalies effect the
overall temperature in the cave and this in turn effects the production of formations.
(FECYT, 2011). A research investigation undertaken by the University of
Sandra Day O Connor
Sandra Day O Connor Perhaps no other jurist could have come to the Supreme
Court under greater expectations. When President Ronald Reagan nominated
Sandra Day O Connor in 1981 to be the first woman to sit on the Supreme Court, he
did soto keep a campaign promise. O Connor s nomination was quick to draw
criticism from both the political people left and right. Conservatives put down her
lack of federal judicial experience and claimed that she didn t have any constitutional
knowledge. They considered her a wasted nomination and suspected her position on
abortion. Liberals, on the other hand, could not deny their satisfaction at seeing a
woman on the High Court, but they were disappointed in O Connor s apparent lack
of strong support for... Show more content on ...
Rehnquist who would become chief justice.) O Connor faced a difficult job
market after leaving Stanford. No law firm in California wanted to hire her and
only one offered her a position as a legal secretary. Ironically, a senior partner of
that firm, William French Smith, helped O Connor s nomination to the Supreme
Court years later as the Attorney General. Failing to find suitable work in private
practice, O Connor turned to public service. She accepted a job as the deputy
county attorney for San Mateo, California. When O Connor s husband graduated
from Stanford a year later, the army immediately drafted him into the Judge
Advocate General Corps. John O Connor served in Frankfurt, Germany, for three
years with Sandra by his side. While in Germany, Sandra served as a civilian
lawyer in the Quartermaster s Corps. When the O Connors returned to the U.S. in
1957, they decided to settle down in Phoenix, Arizona. They had their three sons
in the six years that followed. O Connor again found it difficult to obtain a position
with any law firm so she decided to start her own firm with a single partner. She
practiced a wide variety of small cases in her early days as a lawyer since she
lacked specialization and an established reputation. After she gave birth to her second
son, O Connor withdrew from work temporarily to care for her children. She became
involved in many volunteer activities during this time. She devoted much of her time
to the Arizona State
My Time In Morocco
Or rather, the end of my time in Morocco is approaching, and I ve got some thoughts
about that. But first, I ll let you know what kind of nonsense I ve been up to lately.
For starters, I ve learned that if my host sister says we re going on a picnic, what
she really means is that we re going to the forest to hike, and there isn t actually any
food involved at all. This is an important lesson that I wish I d learned before I was
whisked away to the woods this Sunday morning. Not to say that I was disappointed.
I very much enjoyed the experience, and it was a great opportunity to spend some
time with my host sister before my homestay ended. We had a lovely view of the
ocean, and even got to see one of Tangier s most ... Show more content on ...
Unlike the traditional bath, the soap at this spa didn t possess a horrendous odor,
and the hammam lady seemed like she didn t want to cause me any pain. Plus, there
were massages, manicures, waxing, and whatever else fancy people do when they re
spa ing.
The hammam also provided a much needed opportunity for stress relief, which I
desperately needed after the re entry workshop I had been subjected to the day
before. Since this is our final week in Tangier, we were required to attend the
workshop in order to reflect on our experiences and prepare to re adjust to life in
the U.S., i.e. avoiding reverse culture shock. (What is reverse culture shock? This
link will tell you, because I don t feel like doing that.) However, the workshop just
turned out to be another opportunity for me to put up with nonsense. I won t go into
any details about what went down because that doesn t matter, but I ll give my two
cents on a couple of points.
First: This is a fully paid opportunity to study abroad, and the program only lasts
eight weeks. I believe that reverse culture shock is real and stressful, but if that s the
going to be the biggest problem I have in my life right now, that s fine by me.
Cultural Appropriation Bingo will help you figure out if you re being problematic.
Courtesy of Dr. Shiela Addison
Second: Cultural appropriation is real and problematic. You re going to want to show
Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King Jr. If you can t fly, then run, if you can t run, then walk, if you
can t walk, then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.
(King). Martin Luther King Jr. is a name many know. He was born on January 15,
1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. He grew up in a very religious family, with his father
being a pastor, and all. He was galvanized by his father and became a Baptist
minister and social minister after he attended Boston University at the age of 15.
He, later, married Coretta Scott on June 18, 1953, a woman who mothered his four
children, Yolanda King (1955), Martin Luther King III(1957), Dexter Scott King
(1961) , and Bernice King (1963). He was greatly motivated by many great people
such as Gandhi, Lincoln, and many other well known males. King played a
tremendous role in the civil rights movement. He was a great leader who inspired
many people, during and after his lifetime. A huge role model for many people to
this very day, and generations to come. He was an inspiration and role model
because he used nonviolence to fight for equal rights, he never stopped fighting for
what he believed in, and because he was a voice that convinced people that all men
are created equal. Martin Luther King Jr. used his voice to fight for equal rights, not
violence. Like his incredible accomplishment in the bus boycott, when they chose
King as the protest s leader and official spokesman. First of all, the bus boycott all
started when Rosa Parks was
Cash In The Trash Bin
Cash in The Trash Bin
My ecology action project will be on recycling water bottles and soda cans and cash
them in for money to give to my school and church. My mom and step dad will be
driving me around town to pick up cans and water bottles. Numerous stores will also
be asked if we will be able to put recycling bins in their stores. All of the bottles and
cans will be put together and cashed in every one to two weeks depending on the
amount. By doing this action the environment will be a little less messy and money
will be given back to our community. This project will be done a little every day.
This ecology project was chosen because of doing this it is going to help my
community and doing a little every day. Also, by doing this, we will learn actually
how much trash is in our community. My ... Show more content on ...
My mom is putting a recycling bin in her office. There will also be a recycling bin
in my church. Also, around some stores, if they allow me to. Some of my classmates
will be asked to contribute to my project.
This project will be done a little every day. It will be done at school also during
class and lunch. It will be done every Wednesday night and Sunday morning through
the afternoon and every Saturday. It will be done it at home with my family
members who drink water bottles and soda. This project will be done as much as
The following project that will be done is done by myself. My mom will be
helping me a little by taking pictures, driving me around, and putting a recycling
bin in her office. My step dad is also going to be helping me with driving me around
and taking me to the recycling center to turn in my items. My family and friends are
providing me with bottles and cans that they drink. Also, my school will be helping
me very little with bottles and cans around the campus. Very excited to get this project
Fox News And Its Impact On American Culture
Fox News was created by Australian born American media mogul Rupert
Murdoch, who hired Roger Ailes as its founding CEO. The channel was launched
on October 7, 1996 to 17 million cable subscribers (Wikipedia, 2015). Having
experienced success with his Fox Broadcasting Company, Murdoch thought it
would be a good idea to expand his presence in the American television market. Fox
news was created to capture the stories of America and other countries all around
the world. Fox news recently provided a clip on September 3, 2015, explaining a
cultural disappointment that is taking place in the Middle East. In the clip
provided, it shows the sadden human beings that are suffering, due to a hate crime
from ISIS. ISIS stands for Islamic State in Iraq and Syria and is a militant group
ruling by Sharia law (Your Dictionary, 1996 2015). This clip provided is as follow;
( pressure mounts for us to open its
borders to syrian refugees some lawmakers/) (Fox News, 2015).... Show more content
on ...
They are trying to flee ISIS in the Middle East due to the all the crimes and war that
is taking place. This has impacted this cultural in an unpropitious way. Europe for
example, has helped welcome refugees, however they are now struggling and might
have made a mistake due to the amount of Syrians arriving. Syrians have traveled
through boats, jumped on trains and have even walked on foot for long periods of
time. I believe this type of culture is suffering and ISIS being the same culture has
gone against their own kind to try and rule a country that does not belong to them.
This is also affecting America because it is raising concerns among Republicans,
intelligence community, due to the policy to bring Syrians refugees to the United
Social Control In Hedda Gabler
Henrik Isben s Hedda Gabler is a problem play that deals with several social
conflicts that a newlywed woman experiences when we arrives back to her home
town from her honeymoon. As the daughter of General Gabler, Hedda Gabler has
been born into and grown accustom to being at the top of her town s social
hierarchy. Because of Hedda s social status and undeniable beauty she has the ability
to control and manipulate those around her but to a certain extent. The time the play
was set in, women did not have a lot of freedom to do anything outside of getting
married, having children and attending to the house. Hedda did not fit this mould that
was created for women of that time. She was not very maternal individual and
reactive negatively... Show more content on ...
Hedda desperately needs to believe that the expectations of her society do not
control ever person who dwells within it. Eilert LГёvborg serves as living proof to
Hedda that a person can live their live the way they choose to without conforming
to the norms of society and she is attracted to as well as secretly envies him for that
eminence. Hedda sits at the top of the social ladder she has a long way down if she
slips up and falls below what is socially accepted and expected from her. And for
that reason she is deathly afraid of a scandal. Eilert LГёvborg on the other hand,
had the courage to live life after his own mind (Ibsen 298). He led a life that was
considered less than respectable in the eyes of his community, consisting of
alcohol abuse and scandalous visits to the towns women s boudoirs. Eilert
LГёvborg had little self control over his actions once he started drinking and
would go on binges for days at a time. To Hedda, Eilert LГёvborg was daring brave
because he was able to do the very thing that she was very afraid of which was to
live life carefree from the judgments of her society. She also enjoyed the power and
control she possessed over him. When Eilert LГёvborg tells her the truth about his
manuscript he confesses that Thea Elvsted has inspired him to lead nobler
lifestyle: I ve lost all desire for that [old] kind of lifestyle. I don t want to start it
again, not now. It s the courage and daring life that s what she s broken in me
An Analysis Of Nickel And Dimed By Barbara Ehrenreich
Nickel and Dimed Analysis
1. What is the topic?
Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich is the autobiography of when Barbara
went undercover to find out more about the life of a medium wage worker. She
first goes to work in Key West, Florida at the restaurant Hearthside . She had
worked there for a couple of weeks realizing how incredibly strenuous it was being
a waitress especially when under a boss named Phillip that is constantly bickering
and ranting on how poor of a job she is doing by having a conversation with the
customers and giving too much bread. In Florida Barbara attempts to work two jobs
at once at another restaurant named Jerrys however after about two days she decides
to quit at Heartside and work full time at ... Show more content on ...
The main claim of the book Nickel and Dimed would be that living life on medium
wage was and still is an incredibly laborious action to be able to complete. Barbara
shows how even with two jobs she would have trouble paying for a place to live,
food to eat, and other essentials. It was such a miserable process that at one point
when Barbara Ehrenreich spilled dirty water all over her shoes there was absolutely
no way for her to change shoes. Those pairs of grimy and soaked shoes were the
only pair of shoes she had and did not have enough to buy a new pair which meant
she needed to fight through it (85).
3. Is the evidence to support the claim reliable? The evidence that is given to the
reader in the book would have to be reliable considering the author has a wide
range of background on the subject of low income workers. Another point would be
that Ehrenreich does not give much of statistics except for when she tells the reader
about how many people are working in medium wage jobs. This all seems to be
reliable information because of how Ehrenreich is an educated woman with dozens of
friends who are also experts in the field of how much someone is getting paid can
affect their lifestyle. Ehrenreich uses the statistics in the first chapter of the book
when she begins her journey talking about her plan and how she will be able to
show how working as low income worker is an extremely strenuous task to complete.
4. What do these details tell you about the
Imperialism In The 19th Century
Imperialism has been a long standing ideology that is able to withstand the tests of
time due to the applicability of the concept. The general definition of Imperialism, as
provided by Merriam Webster, is the practice in which a country furthers its power by
the means of control and domination in other regions of the world. This took on a
new form as the nineteenth century approached, as Traditions Encounters a Global
Perspective on the Past elaborated, it mainly pertained to European powers at this
time and their control over colonial land and the world of influence. 19th century
imperialists had three main foci, these being economic, political, and cultural motifs,
these foci dominated the reasons for imperialismin the nineteenth century and
determined how nations would interact with the world and others; these foci would
often find conflicts with each other and overlap causing disruption in the goals of the
nations involved.... Show more content on ...
Imperialists suggested that the colonies could be used to the advantage of mother
nations due to the fact that they could possibly provide raw resources that are rare
or unavailable in Europe s area of residence. Thus, they started to expand, rapidly
making colonies to gain more resources and places of trade, this formed a system
called a global economy. under the video of The 19th Century World
Economy: Major Changes Their Impact , defined a global economy as one that
integrates trade goods, services, and money. This makes the world more intertwined
and the imperialists used this to form their next point that colonies would take in
manufactured goods and give off raw resources, benefiting the colony and the mother
nation in the
Fair Value
Case analysis: Classification of instruments in fair value hierarchy
Instrumental 1
In the case, there was a significant decrease in the volume and activity for the
instrument because of (1) significant widening of the bid ask spreads in the markets
and the widening continued throughout Q4 2012 (2) a significant decrease in the
volume of trades comparing with historical level in Q4 (3) no recent transactions.
According to 820 10 35 54 c, it was reasonable to determine that market is not active.
Because the adjustments were based on management s assumption, FFC didn t used
level 1 inputs in the income approach valuation technique (present value technique).
In addition, significant adjustment inputs includes credit adjustment (level 3 ... Show
more content on ...
Then, FFC changed its valuation technique from market approach to income
approach (discounted cash flow model). Most relevant inputs in this model were
level 3 inputs, because they were estimations and assumptions that were not market
based. In other words, such inputs were not observable. So, FFC should classify the
ARSs into level 3 of the fair value hierarchy in the fourth quarter.
Instrument 4
There were no quoted prices available for X stock, so the measurement did not
belong to level 1 of the Fair Value Hierarchy. In addition, because Most of X s
competitors are either privately held or subsidiaries of larger publicly traded
clothing retailers and the shares of the two similar two companies are thinly traded
in an observable market, the market is inactive. FFC also needed some significant
assumptions to forecast its cash flows. These assumptions were level 3 inputs in
accordance with ASC 820 10 55 e. In the case, FFC should use the multiple
techniques and weight more market approach than income approach, because (1)
general valuation principle is maximizing the use of relevant observable inputs and
minimizing the use of unobservable inputs (2) sufficient data could be used to
support both the approaches (3) market participants used multiple techniques to invest
similar stock. So, under ASC 820 10 35 37A, FFC should category the investment
into level 3 of the fair value hierarchy, in which the lowest level significant inputs are.
Johnnie Walker Essay
Johnnie walker is one of the most well known and highest selling scotch whisky
brand and is enjoyed in more than 180 countries worldwide. It also represents the
idea of personal progress and achievements. The business was founded in 1820 by
John Walker and since then he never looked back. He would grow from a grocer s
own scotch whisky and progressed to becoming a global icon. Today, his brand and
the consumers are following the same forward looking perspective. The following are
the U.S. range of award winning whiskies that include Johnnie WalkerDouble Black,
Johnnie Walker Red Label, Johnnie Walker Platinum Label, Johnnie Walker Black
Label, Johnnie Walker Gold Label Reserve, and Johnnie Walker Blue Label.
The ad, is a highly influenced ... Show more content on ...
Johnnie Walkers took inspirations from Woody Guthrie, the American singer
songwriter, to highlight and showcase the country s progressive values. The message
was timely and clearly focused on the anti immigrant campaign. This version of the
song was unveiled to the audience on the night before the elections. It clearly aimed
towards Trump s anti immigrant campaign. They have made the ad dramatic by
showing multicolored visuals of Americans and the tag line which could blend with
the occasion: Keep Walking America. Apparently, the ad was shot over two week
which consists of real stories from multiple destinations like New Orleans, Santa Fe,
Los Angeles, Montana, New York, Baltimore and Washington
Christmas And Religion Essay
Intro to what Christmas is
Religious and sacred holiday, December 25
Celebrated religiously and secularly
Christians celebrate Christmas as the birth of christ
Traditions vary from culture to culture, but is mainly exchange of gifts, decorating of
tree, family dinners, and attending church
Often called the Feast Day of Christ
Jesus was not actually born on December 25th
It is coincide with the pagan holidays the romans used to do, honored the Harvest
God and Ancient God of Life
Historical background of Christmas
Romans before Jesus was born, celebrated many Holidays
Before the arrival of christ, early europeans celebrated it as a celebration of light and
birth in the darkest days of winter
Looked forward to having more sunlight
Rise of Warriors Essay
A change in governance structure can take place due to any variety of causes.
While it is well known that Japan was governed for centuries by the warrior class,
it is not always known why. The samurai rose to power over a long period of time.
Following their eventual rise to the top of the Japanese social ladder, they spent
centuries consolidating their new power. There were a number of factors that lead
to the rise of the warrior class in the late Heian period, continuing until their the
Meiji Restoration. The samurai were able to rise to power for a number of reasons,
including the leadership and actions of notable warrior class families: the Taira,
Minamoto and Hojo. Another factor leading to the rise of the warriors was the... Show
more content on ...
The Taira, however, stood out above the Minamoto by having a more favourable
position with the Emperors. The growing rivalry between the two families lead to an
increasing tension between the two. Despite both working for the Emperor, it was
understood that if a war broke out: one of these two clans were to defeat the other,
there would be nothing but tradition to stop the victor from taking over all
government authority, 3. This is, of course, what occurred during the Genpei War.
The Minamoto family, too, had a significant role in the growth of the samurai. After
the defeat of the Taira clan in the Genpei war, the Minamoto family, under its leader
Yoritomo, founded the first warrior government4. Their political rivals defeated, the
Minamoto were in a position from which they could shape their country; this was
further justified by Prince Mochihito who gave them legal authority5. The
government the Kamakura shogunate that was created under the early rule of the
Minamoto was based on a confederation of Eastern warriors, 6. In doing this, the
Minamoto family united the warrior class in some of the most developed parts of the
country. Simultaneously, they brought the warrior class to the forefront of authority
and power in Japanese society. The importance of the Taira family in the rise of the
warrior class is somewhat limited, but absolutely necessary nonetheless. In order for
the Minamoto to take control of the government, they
Magnetic Resonance Electromagnetic Analysis
As in conventional radiography, MRI consists of a machine, a control room and a
technologist to produce the image. The technologist will sit in the control room at a
computer to achieve the images and adjust them to achieve the best quality possible
(Frank, Long, Smith Rolling, 2012). The machine room will consist of the actual
magnetic resonance machine in which the patient will lie for the remainder of the
study. The main device of the magnetic resonance system consists of large
electromagnets that completely surrounds the patient within a long tube or bore
(Gosman Rose, 2015). Gosman and Rose discuss that the magnets within the MRI
machines produce a magnetic strength anywhere from (.2 to 7 tesla; Smith, 2012) on
average; in order... Show more content on ...
The ability of a rotating magnet to create diagnostic images of soft tissue structures
within the body nearly sounds farfetched. Gosman and Rose state that magnetic
resonance images are made possible due to the magnetic properties of certain
protons in fluids and soft tissues within the anatomical structures being imaged (e.g.
hydrogen). In a nutshell, an MRI machine captures images by using a magnet
which circles the patient s body to excite the hydrogen atoms throughout the body;
after returning from that excitation, the atoms let off energy that is then received
by the MRI machine to create a diagnostic image (Ulrich, 2009). Magnetic
resonance imaging must have three essential components to create a diagnostic
image. These components include super conducting magnets, the resonance of
hydrogen atoms, and radio frequencies (Gosman Rose, 2015). When these
hydrogen protons are placed under a rotating magnetic field they all begin to ling
up, but end up at an angle and rotate in the same direction of the magnetic field; this
rotation and angle of the protons is termed precession (Frank et al., 2012). Frank et
al. (2012) explains that these precessing protons can absorb energy if they are
exposed to radiofrequency (RF) pulses if the radio waves and the precession of the
atom are on the same frequency. This absorption of energy by the precessing protons
is referred
Overview Of Ambition In Macbeth
Macbeth is a Tragic Play written in 1606 by a well known writer William
Shakespeare. This play revolves around Macbeth s quest of becoming the king of
Scotland in which Lady Macbeth is also equally involved. As there are many themes
in Macbeth from which one of the major themes in this play is Ambition on which
the complete play is built up, In Act 1 scene 2 captain brief s Duncan about the
Battlefield, how Macbethchopped Macdonald s head on the Battlefield and how
Macbeth Defeated Norwegian Army and won the battle, this was Macbeths first
Impression In the Play as a Brave soldier who can do whatever needed to defend his
country. Later in Act 1 Scene 5, Lady Macbeth enters while reading a letter written
by Macbeth, as she reads the letter... Show more content on ...
stage a: it occurs after Macbeth meets the witches and Macbeth and Lady Macbeth
are so close to each other that they can think the same thoughts as the other from a
quiet long Distance stage b: this stage occurs when Macbeth and Lady Macbeth
plan to kill Duncan and their relationship becomes more intense or in simple words
Passionate, the stage c: takes place at the morning after Duncan was killed and as
Lady Macbeth gets shocked hearing Macbeth killed the guards, she feels the
situation is getting out of her control as Macbeth is getting more violent and Lady
Macbeth fells that for the first time they are growing apart. Stage d: here before the
Banquet meeting Macbeth doesn t sleep as he thinks a plan to handle Banquo and
doesn t let Lady Macbeth come in his Thoughts which clearly tells us that the
relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth is getting more disturbed or they
are falling apart. Stage f: In this stage Macbeth is completely out of his mind as he
sees Banquo s ghost right after Banquo is Murdered, and Lady Macbeth is helpless
and they are no longer in partnership and eventually Macbeth needs to go to the
Witches. Stage g: As Lady Macbeth can no longer do anything to stop Macbeth so he
continues his Murders and at the last Lady Macbeth
Langston Hughes Advertisement For The Waldorf-Astoria
Langston Hughes, a radical African American writer of the Harlem Renaissance
wrote Advertisement for the Waldorf Astoria in response to the festivities that
surrounded the reopening of New York s obscenely opulent hotel, Waldorf Astoria
in midst of the Great Depression. The poem was first published in The New
Masses in December 1931 as a two paged poem accompanied by illustrations by
Walter Steinhuber. The poem takes the form of a parody of a magazine
advertisement in Vanity Fair and is considered one of Hughes s most direct
indictments of the economic inequality in the 1930 s. Several contexts animate The
Advertisement For Waldorf Astoria , especially the historical and social context. The
poem was published during the height of the Great... Show more content on ...
The tone of the poem is both satirical and sincere as it mocks the inadequacies of
the oppressed, just as it says Have luncheon there this afternoon, all you jobless...
What s the matter? You haven t seen the ads in the papers? Didn t you get a card?
The sarcastic tone and statements invokes a sense of bitterness in the readers as it
calls upon the devastating reality whilst provoking an urgency for change, which is
a prominent characteristic of protest poetry as this form of poetry tends to stimulate
a reader s interest and empathy to spur him or her into action. The poem s main
message is the idea for change and equality. This revolutionary poem plays as a
scathing social commentary of the products of capitalism for investing in Waldorf
Astoria despite the Great Depression where millions are suffering and living on the
streets. This in itself is another feature of protest poetry as protest poetry s main
objective is finding fault within some existing current event and focuses on
dissatisfactions and objections towards the
Bertolt Brecht En Sy Epiese Teater
Bertolt Brecht en sy Epiese Teater Die mens se sienning oor die lewe word
beГЇnvloed deur die tydperk waarin hy grootword asook sy omgewing. WГЄreld
oorloГ« samevatting: Bertolt Brecht. Die Duitse dramaturg, regisseur en digter wat
erken word as een van die mees belangrikste en invloedryke figure van drama in die
20ste eeu. Brecht se unieke behandeling van sosiale temas en revolutionГЄre
eksperimente met teater elemente het В‘n geweldige groot invloed op moderne
drama, toneelspel en teaterontwikkelings. Bertolt Brecht was gebore op 10 Februarie
1898 in Augsburg, Bavaria (Duitsland). Gedurende die Eerste WГЄreld Oorlog het
Brecht op sestienjarige ouderdom as В‘n mediese ordonnans gedien. Reeds in 1914
het Brecht gesien watter vernietigende... Show more content on ...
In baie gevalle het Brecht gebruik gemaak van В‘n filmdoek wat gewoonlik agter op
die verhoog geplaas word. Op die filmdoek sal dan kort film snitte van byvoorbeeld
die WГЄreld OorloГ« gespeel word. Hierdie vorm nie net deel van die
verfremdungstegniek nie, maar dit skep ook В‘n duidelike beeld aan die gehoor
van wat eintelik in die oorlog plaasvind Brecht was В‘n aanhanger van Marxisme
en dus was sy werke dikwels krities, satiries en gefokus op die sosiale onheil van
kapitalisme. Brecht het dus in opstand gekom teen industralisasie waar die arm
mense armer word en die ryk mense meer rykdom ontvang. Brecht het teater
gebruik as В‘n medium tot propaganda teen die leerstellings van die Duitse leier,
Adolf Hitler en Nasionale Sosialisme (ook bekend as Nazisme). In 1932 was Brecht
geplaas op die Nazi Party se lys van agteruitgaande skrywers. Die drama wat
waarskynlik die hoofoorsaak hiervan was was The Threepenny Opera (1928) В‘n
skerp satiere gefokus op kapitalisme. Die jaar daarop (1933) toe Hitler aanbewind
kom, word Brecht en sy vrou verban uit Duitsland. Eers het hulle gevlug na
Denemarke. Na В‘n paar jaar van hull ewe daar het hulle hulself gevestig in die
VSA, California in 1941. Gedurende hierdie ontwrigte periode en verbanning het
Brecht die meerderheid van sy roemryke werke van vandag geskryf. In 1941,
(Tweede WГЄreld Oorlog) het Brecht die satirise toneel The Resistible Rise of
Arturo Ui vrygestel wat Hitler as В‘n gangster
Analysis Of Scott Jarvie s The Atlas Chair
Scott Jarvie
This descriptive report will be described two objects which designed by Scott
Jarvie The first chair is the One Cut Chair and following by this will be The Atlas
Chair . Both chairs are unique comparing to the old tradition chair design. After this
paragraph will be a biography of the designer, following by his design philosophy.
After that it will be describing first product One Cut Chair , form there on will be
another product The Atlas Chair , and finally is a conclusion of this report.
Scott Jarvie is a British 3D Designer Consultant who was born in 1983 in Glasgow
(). He graduated with a First Class Honours degree in Product Design from Nepier
University s School of Design and Media Arts. After graduating, he won Zaha
Hadid s Curator s Choice at Salone Satellite exhibition. In 2006 (), Jarvie
established his company which specialising in product, furniture and large scale
design projects. He worked with many clients, company and engineer such as Nesta
, Lakeland (), and it roughly takes 17 months to design and product small project
and 2 3 years for big projects (). The ways that he advertised this products are
showing them in fairs, exhibitions and talks (). In his company he reasonable in the
creative studio which involved start of the design processes in the way that details
and developments.()
Design Principles
Jarvie beveled people will use beautiful things continuously, together with using same
design principles for any
The Power Of Dark Love
The Power of Dark Love The speaker in Porphyria s Lover says, That moment she
was mine, mine, fair, perfectly pure and good (Browning, lines 36 37). Both Robert
Browning and Edgar Allan Poe share a love for the themes of obsession, desire, and
complicated love. Each of those three themes play an important role in dark love
poetry. Each poet describes the main character in their poems as a woman worthy of
the speaker s obsessive, complicated, and desirable love. Both Robert Browning s
tragic Porphyria s Lover and Edgar Allan Poes mysterious Annabel Lee explore the
theme of dark and obsessive love through their use of imagery, alliteration, and
mood throughout the poems. At the early age of five, Robert Browning was a
very profound child being that he was already extremely knowledgeable in the arts
of reading and writing. He was a very anxious student and continued to learn many
languages by the age of fourteen. In 1833, Browning published Pauline and in
1840 he published Sordello but both were sadly known as a failure. He even
attempted to publish several plays but they were all unsuccessful. Browning did
not become successful until he published his collection of poems Men and Women
in 1855. In 1842, Browning published Porphyria s Lover, which is also a successful
poem ( Robert Browning ). In Porphyria s Lover, the speaker is watching and
waiting for Porphyria on a cold, stormy night. Once Porphyria has returned, she lights
the fire, takes off her warm
Nitric ENOS Role In Cardiovascular System
Before 1980s, Nitric oxide (NO) was only known as a colorless and toxic gas.
Because NO vigorously reacts with atmospheric ozone and depletes the protection
of ozone layer. Moreover, it reacts with atmospheric water and creates acidic
precipitations. NO was considered to be environmentally hazardous until 1987
when it was discovered to be generated by human body. And it was in 1992 that NO
was voted the molecule of the year and extensive research has been centering on
the role of NO biological events. NO even brought Louis J. Ignerro, Robert F.
Furchgott and Ferid Murad the Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology in 1998
for the identification of NO as a signaling molecular in the cardiology[1]. NO is an
uncharged molecule formed by an atom... Show more content on ...
Both eNOS and nNOS are known to be constitutive although iNOS can be
inducible. eNOS role in cardiovascular system has been extensively studied and has
been shown to be essential in the protection against initiation and progression of
cardiovascular diseases. Chemical inhibition or ablation of eNOS induces
vasoconstriction, hypertension, and chronical aneurism. eNOS is accountable for
modulation of blood pressure and vascular tone. It also inhibits the platelet
aggression and leukocyte adhesion. nNOS expression is found not only in
nervous system but also in some other cell types such as muscles [3]. eNOS is
known to be involved in many cellular functions such as synaptic plasticity in the
central nervous system (CNS), central regulation of blood pressure, smooth muscle
relaxation, and vasodilatation via peripheral nitrergic nerves. iNOS expression has
been shown to be differentially regulated among different cell types, including
endothelial and epithelial cells and variety of human cancer cells [4]. It can be
expressed in many cell types in response to lipopolysaccharide, cytokines, or other
agents for prolonged periods of time [5]. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF О±), interleukin
1 (IL 1), IL 2, and hypoxia are among the inducers of
A Discussion On Emotions Versus Rationality Within...
Organisation Design Organisation Development
Title: A Discussion on Emotions versus Rationality in Organisations Drawing on
Antonio Damasio s Book, Descartes Error: Emotion, Reason and the Human Brain
Due Date: 05/05/2015
Lecturer: Dr. Phil Hanlon
Word count: (not including references, appendices or foot notes):
Declaration of Originality: We hereby certify that this material, which we now
submit for assessment is entirely our own work, except where properly referenced. In
addition, we certify that it has not been submitted in whole or in part for assessment
for any academic purpose other than in partial fulfillment for that stated above.
Student NameStudent Number
Valerie HouriganD13124040
Ella KelleherD13124507
Niamh O LoughlinC05611521
Emma Daly RonayneD13124454
Iveta AncaneD13125011
Table of Contents
Thinkers and Feelers
Damasio: Emotion, Reason and the Human Brain
Approaches to Decision Making
Emotional Problems in Organisations
Is Balance the Answer?
Ways to Achieve Balance
Appendix A
Decision making is an act that every individual practices as part of daily life, both in
their professional and personal interactions. Decision making is traditionally
recognised as being comprised of two parts; the emotional and the rational. Emotion
is an experience that affects individuals to varying degrees and is vital to human
survival. For example if humans

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What Are Good Persuasive Essay Topics

  • 1. What Are Good Persuasive Essay Topics Writing an essay on the topic "What Are Good Persuasive Essay Topics" may seem deceptively simple at first glance, but delving into the task reveals its inherent challenges. The difficulty lies in striking a balance between relevance and broad appeal. The notion of a 'good' persuasive essay topic is subjective, as it depends on various factors such as the target audience, societal context, and current issues. Identifying persuasive essay topics requires meticulous research and a keen understanding of the audience's interests and concerns. Crafting a compelling argument involves navigating through a sea of potential ideas, evaluating their persuasiveness, and selecting those that can resonate effectively. Furthermore, ensuring the chosen topics align with one's own convictions while remaining open to counterarguments adds another layer of complexity. The challenge intensifies when considering the dynamic nature of societal issues. What may be a relevant and compelling topic today might lose its potency tomorrow. Staying abreast of current events, societal trends, and emerging debates becomes essential in maintaining the essay's relevance and impact. Structuring the essay itself requires finesse. Balancing the introduction, body, and conclusion while maintaining a logical flow of ideas demands careful consideration. Clarity in presenting arguments, providing evidence, and addressing potential counterarguments is pivotal for the essay's persuasiveness. In conclusion, crafting an essay on the topic "What Are Good Persuasive Essay Topics" involves a nuanced process of research, critical thinking, and effective communication. It necessitates a keen awareness of the ever-changing social landscape and an ability to navigate diverse perspectives. While challenging, mastering this skill is invaluable for those seeking to influence others through the power of persuasive writing. For assistance with similar essays and a myriad of writing tasks, consider exploring, where professional writers can provide the expertise needed to tackle complex topics and deliver compelling essays. What Are Good Persuasive Essay TopicsWhat Are Good Persuasive Essay Topics
  • 2. An Analysis of the Gender Discrimination Against Women at... An Analysis of the Gender Discrimination against Women at Work in America: Discussion about the Social Norms and Recommended Solutions An Analysis of the Gender Discrimination against Women at Work in America: Discussion about the Social Norms and Recommended Solutions Overview of the Gender Discrimination against Women at Work in America Introduction to the issue We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (Jefferson, 1776, para.2). More than 230 years ago, this familiar line of Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence became the basic tenet of the foundation of ... Show more content on ... Thirdly, based on such discrimination, women are also subject to suffer from sexual harassment in their workplace, which may keep them from working efficiently and happily (MacKinnon, 1979). All the above negative outcomes deprive women of their basic rights of pursuing liberty and happiness, thus await immediate resolution. Detailed Analysis of Gender Discrimination against Women at Work Individual level At individual level, men and women can have completely different experience at work with the factor of gender discrimination in play. Having graduated from Columbia University with an overall GPA of 3.28 and a Master s Degree in Science (MS) in hand, Jack has obtained four offers from different companies after two months job hunting and interviews. Upon carefully selection and pondering, he accepts the offer of Kingston Technology Company in New York City and becomes a developer; in the field of Internet technology, job hunting is not a big headache for male MS graduate. Jack works very hard in his company and gets along very well with his boss and colleagues. After one and a half years, his hardworking paid off: He gets a promotion and becomes a senior developer. Jack says that he is very satisfied with the amount of annual salary he is offered, the employee benefits he enjoyed as well as the amiable working environment he is working in. All of these make him enjoy his work very much, and he decides to
  • 3. Diet Analysis Essay The aim of this research project is to evaluate whether the members of this group consume a healthy diet including adequate macro and micro nutrients consistent with the Nutrient Reference Values (NRV) as recommended by the Australian Government. Nutrient Reference Values or NRV s are based on current scientific knowledge and encompass a set of recommendations for nutritional intake. Estimated Average Requirement is the amount of a certain nutrient that must be consumed each day to meet the needs of half the healthy individuals at a specific life stage and gender. Recommended Dietary Intake is the average amount of a certain nutrient that must be consumed each day in order to meet the needs of about 97 98% of healthy individuals at a specific... Show more content on ... Participants choose from three to four times per week, one to two times per week, one to two times per month, once per month or never for each of the food options (Rutishauser 2005). The advantages of a food frequency questionnaire is that it is designed to be completed independently by the participant making it practical and cost effective in collecting data from a large cohort (Rutishauser 2005). This method also allows the foods to be ranked, then characteristics of foods with low and high intakes can be compared (Biro 2002). The disadvantages of this method include the lack of detail about food and the high instance of random error (Rutishauser 2005). This method also relies on memory recall of the participant which can be imprecise (Biro
  • 4. Examples Of Morality In The Lady With The Dog Morality in Shades Colour is in the art and the art is literature. Often, one depicts morality the concept of shades: a color scheme that involves the gradation from lightest to darkest, which in most case, is white to black. In such scale, the shades white and black represent two contrasting extremes as they parallel the idea of morality, where white is right and black is wrong. However, the complication arises at the area between the white and black: the grey. The grey area possesses no absolute verdict, for one can be both morally right and wrong. Russian realist Anton Chekhov implements such perception as he colours the story with white, black, and grey. An exploration of The Lady with The Dog serves to examine his employment of colour ... Show more content on ... Although the concept of morality in shades should not particularly be alien to the reader, Chekhov does provide an interesting take on morality for instance, that he believes love, or feelings, to be an important factor of human morale which he expresses using the colours white, black, and grey. However, the reader should not expect to learn about morals through this story, as everyone possesses his or her own opinion, but rather should reconsider what they value is right and wrong. The exploration of colour in The Lady with The Dog proves insightful in understanding the author s perspective towards morale of actions, even though Chekhov does not entertain the reader with an absolute verdict. Colour is in the art and the art is literature; what this exploration reveals is only just one shade of the
  • 5. Female And Female Attitudes Towards Female Managers Abstract In this research we are examining the relationship between male and female attitudes towards female mangers, gender identity and their career aspiration. In order to do this research, we had to collect data from 89 females and 87 male s students of organisational learning and development, also we had to compare what factors are strongly impacting on the attitudes towards female managers. This research will analyse the correlation between the male and female scores for acceptance, ability, aspiration, masculinity and femininity of the attitudes of male and female towards female managers. The result of the research shows that there are significant differences between male s and female s attitudes towards female managers due to many ... Show more content on ... however, there are many significant barriers that impact on female managers in attaining top level of managerial position, these barriers include political, economical, legal and cultural factors which will limit their entry to high management positions. From the research of (Bem 1974) it shows that both femininity and masculinity scale is believed to be containing 20 percent of personal characteristics of the male and female, these characteristics are believing to be based on the sex typed social adorability. Past research of (Cortis and Cassar 2005) indicates that there is no significant difference between male and female attitudes towards female manager job involvement, they state that female managers have a strong commitment towards their job similarly to male managers. However, it also indicates that there are two issue which concerns female managers, such as ageing and martial status, where 50 percent of female managers prefers to be younger then their male team members and they strongly prefer to be single. Further more (Cortis and Cassar 2005) research shows that males and females have significant difference in attitudes towards female managers, where females have favourable
  • 6. The Influence Of Playing Pokemon Go Participating in the survey were 193 high school and middle school aged students from a mid sized southeastern school. Forty four percent of the respondents were male, and 56% were female. Seventy eight percent of the respondents were between the ages of twelve and fifteen, while 22% of the respondents were between the ages of sixteen and eighteen. Only about 1 of 10 students (9.8%) said that when Pokemon Go was popular they played every day. However, roughly 3 in 10 students (31.6%) answered that when it was popular their friends played every day. The hypothesis stated: Males playvideo games significantly more than females. As the results demonstrate, there was a significant difference between males and females with respect to playing Pokemon Go while it was popular ( t= 4.507, p .05). More specifically, males played Pokemon Go at a much higher rate (M= 2.00) than females (M=1.38). Although the results were not as strong, there was also a large difference between males and females with respect to perception of their friends playing (t=2.627, p=.009). The results of this question show that males believe their peers play much more (M= 2.77) than females (M= 2.31). Table 1 Discussion Overall, the general findings from the research show that Pokemon Go has declined in popularity significantly since its release in July. When Pokemon... Show more content on ... As the results demonstrated, there was a significant difference between males and females in the amount of time they spend playing video games. Future researchers could figure out how to draw more female players into the video game community for the benefit of their sales. Another angle would be the introduction of video games into education. With new technological advancements in the virtual reality industry, the possibilities are endless regarding video games and their potential use in
  • 7. Grizzly Man And The Cove Analysis Final Doc Review Grizzly Man and The Cove both share a common, fascinating theme: humans relationship with the wild lives and the nature world. Both films centre on this theme but The Cove explores the slaughter of dolphins in Taiji, Japan while Grizzly Man focuses on Timothy Treadwell s attempt to live with grizzly bears. Both have a certain tragic plot about them, The Cove because of the cold blood slaughter and Grizzly Man because of Treadwell s death. Both choose to focus on one species, for The Cove its dolphins, Grizzly Man, its grizzly Bears. They may be both focused on the same topic but are they re both fantastic explorations of the same idea. The Cove combines the personal relationship between a man and dolphins and expands it to ... Show more content on ... The enemies in The Cove are obvious. They re the committees set up to bring about change but who get so caught up in legislation that they create little progress. They re the fisherman and multi million dollar companies who feel their livelihood threatened by the activists determined to make a difference. With all these enemies for the activists to face, it s good that we have a hero to root for and in this film it s Ric O Barry. For years, O Barry was known as the best dolphin trainer in the world, having trained many of the dolphins who appeared in the Flipper TV series. It was this particular job that convinced him that dolphins were not meant to be kept in captivity but to be free in the
  • 8. Homeland Security Vs Community Policing By mid 1800 American police copied Peel s principles and update them to social conditions in American communities.Community policing was officially started in the USA starting in the 1970s to 1980s, Peel s principles were still present. Community policing is an organizational strategy that attempts to reduce crimeby improving quality of life.This strategy creates new policies, recruits different type of officers, change in primary objectives, type of services delivered, updated training as well as a change in supervision of street officers. This included bringing back foot patrols consistent beat assignments improved relationships between community and the officers. This strategy supported maintaining order like Peels policeforce and training... Show more content on ... Does Community Policing allow the police to keep homeland security a priority? Different police chiefs believe differently on this. Chiefs with 4 year degrees from departments that use community policing at higher levels also believe that community policing can improve homeland security.Oliver(2006) Priorities diverted from community to homeland security which lead the federal government to fund homeland with 41 billion(2004) Congressional Budget Office, compared with community policing budget 400 million(Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, 2004). The funding was less than half for community policing than it was before 2001, which Violent Crime Control Act gave 8.8 billion for. Many believe that police get a lot of intelligence from the relationship they have with communities that could prevent a terrorist attack(Henry 2002). The investment in community policing could contribute to strong information for Homeland security to work with and be workable with each other(Murray 2005). Well others argue that community policing can work along with homeland security because they have different strategies and objectives (De Guzman 2002). Pelfrey(2005) believes adapting homeland security with community policing is best because it allows the community be involved and gain trust. International Association of Chiefs of Police deem necessary for the success of homeland security is to have community policing. 9 11 also brought positive reactions to community policing since many citizens support grew after the attack for the police and there presence in the community(Fridell, 2004).After 9 11 (Ortiz, Hendrick, Suggie(2007) showed that there was an increase in community policing efforts especially in Arab
  • 9. An Ethically Oriented, Value Based Culture Establishing an ethically oriented, value based culture in an organization requires engagement strategies at all levels. However, without leadership who values ethical behavior, and is noticeably committed, it can be difficult for an ethical culture to gain traction. After all the leaders at the frontlines of organizations make the most tangible difference in the value of products and services provided. A leader s lack of dignity and negligence towards society is the leading cause of unethical behavior in an organization. Therefore, there is a need to evaluate the value of ethical business leaders. In a time when everything can be easily blamed on someone else and serious wrongdoing unethical acts are often kept in silence or left unpunished, it seems as though as society we have lost sight of what it means to be a leader in an organization, a person of moral values and integrity. Many ethical failures within organizations have emerged in the media over the past decade, such as fraud and corruption, clearly highlighting the need for organizational leaders to axt in an ethical manner (Joosten, Dijke, Hiel, Cremer, 2014, p.1). On a daily basis, business magazines, websites, and newsletters are filled with major character lapse from someone trusted by the public such as government officials and corporate executives. Furthermore, a leader s lack of self control, on the other hand, has been linked to negative actions due to their inability to resist temptation (Joosten, Dijke,
  • 10. Kevin Spacey Research Paper The star of House of Cards, Kevin Spacey, is well known as a famous screen actor and film director. In 2003, he eventually branched off from film and found his way becoming the artistic director of the Old Vic, one of London s oldest theatres. Although it may seem like his transition from film to theatre was arbitrary, you could actually say it was something of familiar territory for him. In his early years, Spacey was originally sent to military school. However, after being expelled for bad behavior he transferred to Los Angeles Chatsworth High School. There is where his interest in acting really began, and it is also where he started his inexpert drama career. According to, Spacey actually ended up graduating as co valedictorian. He was then encouraged to go to Juilliard, a performing arts conservatory... Show more content on ... He performed in Richard III, a Shakespeare production directed by Sam Mendes. Through all the experience and training Spacey received in his lifetime, in this production he took his character to the next level so to speak. In Richard III, Spacey used technique acting to precisely portray his character as Richard. He worked on his outward appearance, like a humped back and twisted leg, in order to help the audience visualize Richard and understand how his scarred personality develops. As much as technique acting is the way to describe Spacey s acting development for Richard III, he also didn t fall short in exposing Richards s emotional side during the production. I would say Spacey is somewhat of an in between of method and technique acting. I say this because during the time of Richard III death in the production, Spacey let the emotions of Richards sadness and loneliness prevail. This actually plays a major part in completing one of the themes of the show, which was Richard s entitlement of being the
  • 11. Examining Cloud Computation Technologies Essay Cloud computing involves a lot of concepts and technologies. Companies and corporations such as Amazon, Google and Microsoft are providing services following the logic of computational infrastructure cloud computing, with Amazon the pioneer in providing and marketing infrastructure of this kind. The academic community has also shown interest in cloud computing, and some work has been directed to improvements in aspects of performance, security, usability, implementation and reliability of the system as a whole (Armbrust et al. 2009). Other work has developed new techniques to make adequate infrastructure to each context of cloud computing environments, among which we highlight the project Eucalyptus (Liu et al. 2007), developed by the... Show more content on ... Figure 1 illustrates the steps of MapReduce. Figure 1: /04/introduction to hadoop/ The MapReduce system handles the processing through a master process whose function is to orchestrate the processing, manage the process of grouping records and distribute the blocks in a balanced manner. The MapReduce was implemented using C + + and has interfaces to Java and Python. The MapReduce was developed by Google but there are some open source implementations, among which stands out the Hadoop (Hadoop 2010). The Hadoop is a framework of free code in Java to run applications that manipulate large amounts of data in distributed environments. The Hadoop is composed by the file system HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) and a parallel execution environment. Within this environment, or better, the Hadoop framework, several subprojects can be found, such as the implementation of MapReduce, the distributed data management system called HBase, data flow language r and structure for parallel execution called Pig. The main characteristics of the Hadoop are: distributed storage systems, file partitioned into large blocks is distributed on the nodes of the system, blocks replicated to handle hardware failure and a location for temporary data. Unlike other approaches to distributed file systems, the storage and processing of HDFS is done at each node of the system. Thus, using the Hadoop or MapReduce is relatively easy for a computer project working with
  • 12. Importance Of Extracurricular Activities Essay Extracurricular Activities: High School and Beyond Despite the belief in extracurricular activities harming students, they can actually be beneficial. Extracurricular activities benefit students by helping them learn how to manage their time more efficiently and improve academics; students that participate in after school activities reap the benefits socially, outside of the classroom, and in their future endeavors. They help develop students and shape them into who they will become in the future. Extracurricular activities leave a positive impact on both the students and the school as a whole, and are essential to the educational experience. Extracurricular activities can help students learn how to manage their time more efficiently and improve academics. Students must adapt to balancing their activities and school work appropriately, which helps the student get their homework done on time and limit procrastination (Jackson). With less time to do homework, students are more conscious about finishing all their assignments and use what time they do have more efficiently. Students that participate in extracurricular activities realize they do not have as much time to complete their tasks, so they compensate by planning out when they will complete their homework, showing responsibility, and time management ( Why Extracurricular ). Responsibility and good time management are essential skills that will allow students to be more successful as they grow into adults. According
  • 13. Longoria Character Analysis I think Longoria s character shows a lot of discipline for doing what is enforced to do. We see how violence has affected his life and other people s perspective of him. He started out in the Army at a very young age and carried out the harsh tasks that he was given, no matter how cruel they were. Longoria is a strong minded person. For him to carry out some of the assignments he was given, it takes a different kind of person. For example, the incident with the people in the village. He murdered a whole village of innocent people. To me, this shows that Longoria is ruthless. In a sense, I would almost say that he has lost his mind. After years of killing like he did, how does he not have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder? Most people that must go through and witness the things like Longoria are scarred for the rest of their life. For example, my grandfather was in the military during Vietnam. He would wake up screaming in the middle of the night, fireworks and loud noises bothered him, among other little things that would trigger his PTSD. Violenceeventually takes its toll and I think it got the best of Longoria. The first altercation between Antonio and Longoria happens about half way through the book. Antonio travels to the park where Longoria usually plays chess and sets out to killhim. He arrives and asks for Longoria but he hasn t arrived yet. After waiting, Longoria finally arrives. Antonio, so full of hate and vengeance, attacks Longoria with a pipe. Longoria was
  • 14. Canadian Magazine Dispute Case Study To what extent do you think the U.S. Canadian magazine dispute was motivated by genuine desires to protect Canadian culture? From clear sources Canadian publishers argue that if Sports Illustrated was not made an example, and the tax was not imposed, about 50 US consumer magazines with circulations above 50,000 in Canada as well as a wide range of trade titles could enter the Canadian market and drain a substantial amount of advertising away from Canadian Publishers. (Rinaman, 1996) This was purely about profits and market share. The Canadian publishers were more concerned about their dwindling market share than preservation of their culture. To what extent do you think the government of Canada was pressured to seek to protect its market because of the financial interests of the Canadian magazine industry? The common argument for protectionism was that in Canada s market of 26 million people has become saturated by American culture distributed by cultural industries in the US and Canada. In Canada between 60 and 95 percent of film, television, music and publishing markets are controlled by Americans. Four in every five magazines sold in Canada are foreign publications. (Rinaman, 1996) ... Show more content on ... Canadian officials point out that the new legislation does not discriminate on the basis of ownership. If a Canadian company publishes a split run edition in the US and does not include sufficient original content, the government will impose 80 percent tax on the Canadian edition. The US traditionally protects what it considers fragile industries such as lumber. Canada feels it has the same right to protect its fragile cultural industries. The US is the largest cultural exporter in the world with entertainment as the second largest US export industry, after aerospace. Ironically, less than 2 percent of time on US television is given to foreign programming. (Rinaman,
  • 15. The Unseen Death The Unseen Death Thailand is an increasingly growing country, with about 60% of the population involved in agriculture (Subhadrabandhu). In the past few decades it has been making its transition from agricultural based to an industrialized economy has raised concerns to an environmental degradation. The increasing level of pollution , particularly in the city area causing numerous problems along the way in the past recent years. With level of life expectancy dropped, health defects and an increasing number of mortality rates. The pollution includes air, water, and noise pollution. With vehicle emissions and forest fire being among one of the most to cause air pollution. In 2012, a legislation called First Time Car Buyer Tax Rebate Program has been launched. It has been critiqued for being a huge part of an increasing traffic jams, stretched finances and most importantly the side effect on publics health. The program was originally aimed for people who are using motorcycles to switch to cars. Also to boost the automobile industries that has dropped since 2011 after the flood in Thailand. With the boost of the industry, many automotive companies which already have their facilities manufacture and assemble their cars in Thailand. This causes the level of emission and industrial wastewater to rise. The increase number of cars and factories also mean the higher level of noise pollution. Which in human not only causes annoyance, if being exposed for a long period of time can cause
  • 16. The Use of Foreshadowing, Irony, and Symbolism in The Book... The Book Thief Short Essay: The Use of Foreshadowing, Irony, and Symbolism in The Book Thief 4/17/14 In The Book Thief, by Markus Zusak, the narrator uses foreshadowing, irony, and symbolism. Here s a small fact, you are going to die (3). As readers, we are engaged in the story because we are part of the story. The narrator, who is a personified death, is referring to the readers when he says you . Here, it is foreshadowed that many people, including the reader, will die in the near future. This is verbally ironic because death refers to this as a small fact , even though the subject of death is usually considered a significant and sensitive topic. This statement symbolizes the insignificance that narrator feels towards human life. ... Show more content on ... Finally, verbal irony is shown when death says, It kills me sometimes, how people die (464). This is ironic because even though the narrator, death, isn t actually dying himself, the sight of humans dying just kills him. It must be hard for death to see people die every second of his life, and perhaps the readers can feel sympathy for death. This quote shows a thematic idea of death, which shows up again and again throughout The Book Thief. Irony creates a better reading experience for the audience and furthers on thematic ideas. Symbolism is very important in the Book Thief because certain symbols keep the reader engaged and furthers on thematic ideas. One important symbol in The Book Thief is bread, which symbolizes humanity. When a jew parade lumbers down Himmel Street, Hans gives away a slice of bread to an old jewish man who is suffering. Hans, who is very hungry along with the rest of Germany, could have eaten the bread instead of giving it away.This shows that where there is great evil in the world, there is is also great kindness. There are multiple times when bread is used to care for someone else. Next, another meaningful symbol in The Book Thief is Liesel s books. Over time, as she begins to learn to read and write, Liesel steals many books. Her first book, The Gravedigger s Handbook , symbolizes the life that Liesel used to have because she stole
  • 17. Nr 452 White Noise Barriers Research Paper Noise Barriers: White Noise NR 452 Erika Howe Chamberlain College of Nursing Professor Anthony Young White Noise in Post Partum Assessment Hospital noise is more than an annoyance. It disrupts patient sleep, creates spikes in blood pressure, and hinders wound healing and pain management. The post partum unit at North Fulton Hospital has installed a traffic light device that reinforces awareness of the need for a quieter atmosphere by monitoring the noise level and turning from yellow to red as it rises. Even with this added device, noise consistently gets the worst marks on patient surveys. Noise reduction efforts really gained momentum recently, when Medicare began basing a portion of hospital reimbursement on quality measurements including patient ratings of the quality of care (Landro, 2013). Additional measures need to be put in place in order to improve quality care by reducing distracting noises. White noise amplified through an intercom or machine will make the typical sounds become less obtrusive or obvious to the patient. On the ... Show more content on ... A patient experience case study was done at St. Francis Hospital to address the specific issue of noise. Over a nine month period this facility incorporated many innovations to successfully target this problem. Direct feedback from patients determined that a combination of many actions helped to make the noise reduction successful. This included white noise machines in rooms, quiet voices by all staff members, signs on doors as a reminder to keep noise levels decreased, and dimming lights during night shifts ( Transforming Care , 2014). In order to create this culture of quiet, collaborative efforts need to be made and would ultimately contribute to higher satisfaction scores at North Fulton
  • 18. The Knowledge That The Laputians Possess May The knowledge that the Laputians possess may also reflect some symbolism towards the saying of ignorance is bliss. If one does not know about something, they tend to not worry about, but the Laputians know so much with their abstract theories of math and science that they are under continual disquietudes (Swift 2577). The knowledge they have also makes it very apparent that they never take the time to enjoy themselves as they fear the end of Earth constantly and when they meet an acquaintance in the morning, the first question is about the sun s health...and what hopes they have to avoid the stroke of the approaching comet (Swift 2577 78). They worry so much that their conversations are their worries which is very sad. Another sad thing is the men of Laputa do not even spend their time with their wives which makes it all the more easy for affairs to arise. The women of Laputa are free to do as they please, but they are unable to leave the island as the people of quality have found by frequent experience, how hard it is to persuade their women to return from below (Swift 2578). As unfaithful as they are, the women still attempt to leave. It almost seems like the knowledge the Laputians have is so powerful that it was able to make their wives unfaithful. The impracticalness of the Laputians become more evident with Gulliver s observations and discoveries. Gulliver is given tutors by the Laputian King to teach him their language; however, he finds that the words he
  • 19. Vietnam War Summary And Analysis The draft of the Vietnam War led to the ratification of the twenty sixth Amendment of the Constitution. In order to have a sufficient army, Congress initiated a draft in the form of a lottery to force young men between the ages of 18 through 26 to go into the military. Many people protested against the draft and draft dodgers escaped from military service. As a result of the draft, teenagers wanted voting power during the war so they could have an influence on who became the commander in chief and other political affairs. To calm the protest, the Voting Rights Acts was amended to allow eighteen years olds to vote. The amendments were then deemed unconstitutional in the court case Oregon v. Mitchell which created a need for an amendment to the... Show more content on ... Man power was necessary in the war and the compulsory nature of the draft completed the task of building the nation s defenses. However, the draft was very unpopular, and many ran away from the fight. As a result of the feelings of resentment towards the draft, multitudes of teenagers realized that they could make a difference in the political affairs of the United States. In order to calm the chaos, the Voting Rights Act was extended and amended to allow eighteen year olds to vote. The changes to the act were deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court and later, the Twenty six Amendment passed through Congress and was signed by President Nixon. With the new voting privilege, teenagers have had and can have a significant effect on the nation s political
  • 20. Jesse Ernest Wilkins Jr Jesse Ernest Wilkins jr. Born November 27,1923a in Chicago and died May 12, 2011 in Arizona was an American nuclear scientist mathematician and and mechanical engineer he attended the university of Chicago at the age of 13, becoming its youngest student. Because he was young and smart he got the name negro genius in local newspapers at 17 Jesse, received his Associate bachelor . in Mathematics and ranked in the top 10 in Mathematics famous undergraduate Putnam Competition. the youngest student ever admitted. University scholarships covered his tuition. He lived at home and tutored other students to earn spending money. While majoring in mathematics, Wilkins took extra courses and graduated Phi Beta Kappa in 1940 at the age of 16. ... Show more content on ... Ernest Wilkins, Sr., was a well known lawyer who held a bachelor s degree in mathematics from the University of Illinois and a law degree from the University of Chicago. In 1941 and 1942 the elder Wilkins served as president of the Cook County Bar Association in Chicago. President Dwight D. Eisenhower appointed him Assistant Secretary of Labor in 1954, the first black American to Synebia martin 6th period mr.rivers 10/24/17 hold a sub cabinet position. In 1958 he was appointed to the Civil Rights Commission. Wilkins s mother, Lucile Beatrice Robinson Wilkins, held bachelor s and master s degrees in education from the University of Chicago, and taught in Chicago public schools.
  • 21. Wilkins s dissertation, completed under Magnus R. Hestenes, was titled Multiple Integral Problems in Parametric Form in the Calculus of Variations. He was the eighth black American, and one of the youngest Americans , to earn a Ph.D. degree in mathematics. A Rosenwald Scholarship enabled Wilkins to spend 1942 at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jerseys , as a postdoctoral research fellow. Despite his outstanding credentials, Wilkins could not find a position at a research university. During 1943 and 1944 he was a mathematics instructor
  • 22. Similarities Between Dunstan Ramsay And John Proctor Robertson Davies, a Canadian author of the 1970s novel Fifth business. Focuses on a character named Dunstan Ramsay. Dunstan along with John proctor a character of the play The Crucible, share similarities between their character. Regret is a feeling that both John and Dunstan share. John feels regret over his affair and Dunstan regrets his actions which lead to the injury of Mary Dempster. Self discovery is another commonality between the two characters John seeks his moral compass and Dunstan searches for relsolution of past hardships. Deptford and salem are another similarity between the two they share the ,small town life style. The character fundamentals of John Proctor and Dunstan Ramsay create a parallel between the two different peices... Show more content on ... John suffers from a lack of self identity. John faces a moral dilemma the town orders him to admit to witchcraft. If John lies he is free to live, but if he choses to live an honest life he will be put to death. I can. And here is your first marvel that I can. You have made your magic now, for now I do think I do see some shred of goodness in John Proctor John s wife had lost all respect for her husband s decision making. In the midst of being pressured into lying John has a moment of self discovery. The goodness in John Proctor is his ability to do the right thing. His ability to accept responsibility and face the consequence. He chose to die because morally it was the right
  • 23. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Limestone Caves and minimized? A Cave: Caves, also known as karsts, are very unique and are a special part of our natural environment. Caves form over a long period of time, 1000 of years (National Geographic, 2015). Caves are made up of rock, ranging from volcanic to limestone. Limestone caves are more pleasing to the eye as they usually contain more decoration such as stalactites, Shawls and Straws. As limestone caves are more decorated they are more prone to damage and deformation (Science Kids, 2016). Damaged caused by humans in caves: Humans are causing great damage to limestone caves, some of which the caves themself cannot recover from. Physical damage by humans has the greatest impact on caves (Bob Robins, 2005) There are many ways humans have and continue to still damage caves, Majority of people assume that the main damage to caves is through touching formations (Caving ,Survey 2017) However there are many other factors that damage the cave just as badly such as graffiti, modernising caves and rainfall. Tourist caves undergo the most damage (G.Enriquez, B, 2001)with lost formations, climate changes, and urbanising the caves. Limestone caves are more susceptible to damage from a change in climate than volcanic caves due to the rock type. When tourists enter caves they can create thermal annomalies, the anomalies effect the overall temperature in the cave and this in turn effects the production of formations. (FECYT, 2011). A research investigation undertaken by the University of
  • 24. Sandra Day O Connor Sandra Day O Connor Perhaps no other jurist could have come to the Supreme Court under greater expectations. When President Ronald Reagan nominated Sandra Day O Connor in 1981 to be the first woman to sit on the Supreme Court, he did soto keep a campaign promise. O Connor s nomination was quick to draw criticism from both the political people left and right. Conservatives put down her lack of federal judicial experience and claimed that she didn t have any constitutional knowledge. They considered her a wasted nomination and suspected her position on abortion. Liberals, on the other hand, could not deny their satisfaction at seeing a woman on the High Court, but they were disappointed in O Connor s apparent lack of strong support for... Show more content on ... Rehnquist who would become chief justice.) O Connor faced a difficult job market after leaving Stanford. No law firm in California wanted to hire her and only one offered her a position as a legal secretary. Ironically, a senior partner of that firm, William French Smith, helped O Connor s nomination to the Supreme Court years later as the Attorney General. Failing to find suitable work in private practice, O Connor turned to public service. She accepted a job as the deputy county attorney for San Mateo, California. When O Connor s husband graduated from Stanford a year later, the army immediately drafted him into the Judge Advocate General Corps. John O Connor served in Frankfurt, Germany, for three years with Sandra by his side. While in Germany, Sandra served as a civilian lawyer in the Quartermaster s Corps. When the O Connors returned to the U.S. in 1957, they decided to settle down in Phoenix, Arizona. They had their three sons in the six years that followed. O Connor again found it difficult to obtain a position with any law firm so she decided to start her own firm with a single partner. She practiced a wide variety of small cases in her early days as a lawyer since she lacked specialization and an established reputation. After she gave birth to her second son, O Connor withdrew from work temporarily to care for her children. She became involved in many volunteer activities during this time. She devoted much of her time to the Arizona State
  • 25. My Time In Morocco THE END IS NIGH. Or rather, the end of my time in Morocco is approaching, and I ve got some thoughts about that. But first, I ll let you know what kind of nonsense I ve been up to lately. For starters, I ve learned that if my host sister says we re going on a picnic, what she really means is that we re going to the forest to hike, and there isn t actually any food involved at all. This is an important lesson that I wish I d learned before I was whisked away to the woods this Sunday morning. Not to say that I was disappointed. I very much enjoyed the experience, and it was a great opportunity to spend some time with my host sister before my homestay ended. We had a lovely view of the ocean, and even got to see one of Tangier s most ... Show more content on ... Unlike the traditional bath, the soap at this spa didn t possess a horrendous odor, and the hammam lady seemed like she didn t want to cause me any pain. Plus, there were massages, manicures, waxing, and whatever else fancy people do when they re spa ing. The hammam also provided a much needed opportunity for stress relief, which I desperately needed after the re entry workshop I had been subjected to the day before. Since this is our final week in Tangier, we were required to attend the workshop in order to reflect on our experiences and prepare to re adjust to life in the U.S., i.e. avoiding reverse culture shock. (What is reverse culture shock? This link will tell you, because I don t feel like doing that.) However, the workshop just turned out to be another opportunity for me to put up with nonsense. I won t go into any details about what went down because that doesn t matter, but I ll give my two cents on a couple of points. First: This is a fully paid opportunity to study abroad, and the program only lasts eight weeks. I believe that reverse culture shock is real and stressful, but if that s the going to be the biggest problem I have in my life right now, that s fine by me. Cultural Appropriation Bingo will help you figure out if you re being problematic. Courtesy of Dr. Shiela Addison Second: Cultural appropriation is real and problematic. You re going to want to show off
  • 26. Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. If you can t fly, then run, if you can t run, then walk, if you can t walk, then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward. (King). Martin Luther King Jr. is a name many know. He was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. He grew up in a very religious family, with his father being a pastor, and all. He was galvanized by his father and became a Baptist minister and social minister after he attended Boston University at the age of 15. He, later, married Coretta Scott on June 18, 1953, a woman who mothered his four children, Yolanda King (1955), Martin Luther King III(1957), Dexter Scott King (1961) , and Bernice King (1963). He was greatly motivated by many great people such as Gandhi, Lincoln, and many other well known males. King played a tremendous role in the civil rights movement. He was a great leader who inspired many people, during and after his lifetime. A huge role model for many people to this very day, and generations to come. He was an inspiration and role model because he used nonviolence to fight for equal rights, he never stopped fighting for what he believed in, and because he was a voice that convinced people that all men are created equal. Martin Luther King Jr. used his voice to fight for equal rights, not violence. Like his incredible accomplishment in the bus boycott, when they chose King as the protest s leader and official spokesman. First of all, the bus boycott all started when Rosa Parks was
  • 27. Cash In The Trash Bin Cash in The Trash Bin My ecology action project will be on recycling water bottles and soda cans and cash them in for money to give to my school and church. My mom and step dad will be driving me around town to pick up cans and water bottles. Numerous stores will also be asked if we will be able to put recycling bins in their stores. All of the bottles and cans will be put together and cashed in every one to two weeks depending on the amount. By doing this action the environment will be a little less messy and money will be given back to our community. This project will be done a little every day. This ecology project was chosen because of doing this it is going to help my community and doing a little every day. Also, by doing this, we will learn actually how much trash is in our community. My ... Show more content on ... My mom is putting a recycling bin in her office. There will also be a recycling bin in my church. Also, around some stores, if they allow me to. Some of my classmates will be asked to contribute to my project. This project will be done a little every day. It will be done at school also during class and lunch. It will be done every Wednesday night and Sunday morning through the afternoon and every Saturday. It will be done it at home with my family members who drink water bottles and soda. This project will be done as much as possible. The following project that will be done is done by myself. My mom will be helping me a little by taking pictures, driving me around, and putting a recycling bin in her office. My step dad is also going to be helping me with driving me around and taking me to the recycling center to turn in my items. My family and friends are providing me with bottles and cans that they drink. Also, my school will be helping me very little with bottles and cans around the campus. Very excited to get this project
  • 28. Fox News And Its Impact On American Culture Fox News was created by Australian born American media mogul Rupert Murdoch, who hired Roger Ailes as its founding CEO. The channel was launched on October 7, 1996 to 17 million cable subscribers (Wikipedia, 2015). Having experienced success with his Fox Broadcasting Company, Murdoch thought it would be a good idea to expand his presence in the American television market. Fox news was created to capture the stories of America and other countries all around the world. Fox news recently provided a clip on September 3, 2015, explaining a cultural disappointment that is taking place in the Middle East. In the clip provided, it shows the sadden human beings that are suffering, due to a hate crime from ISIS. ISIS stands for Islamic State in Iraq and Syria and is a militant group ruling by Sharia law (Your Dictionary, 1996 2015). This clip provided is as follow; ( pressure mounts for us to open its borders to syrian refugees some lawmakers/) (Fox News, 2015).... Show more content on ... They are trying to flee ISIS in the Middle East due to the all the crimes and war that is taking place. This has impacted this cultural in an unpropitious way. Europe for example, has helped welcome refugees, however they are now struggling and might have made a mistake due to the amount of Syrians arriving. Syrians have traveled through boats, jumped on trains and have even walked on foot for long periods of time. I believe this type of culture is suffering and ISIS being the same culture has gone against their own kind to try and rule a country that does not belong to them. This is also affecting America because it is raising concerns among Republicans, intelligence community, due to the policy to bring Syrians refugees to the United
  • 29. Social Control In Hedda Gabler Henrik Isben s Hedda Gabler is a problem play that deals with several social conflicts that a newlywed woman experiences when we arrives back to her home town from her honeymoon. As the daughter of General Gabler, Hedda Gabler has been born into and grown accustom to being at the top of her town s social hierarchy. Because of Hedda s social status and undeniable beauty she has the ability to control and manipulate those around her but to a certain extent. The time the play was set in, women did not have a lot of freedom to do anything outside of getting married, having children and attending to the house. Hedda did not fit this mould that was created for women of that time. She was not very maternal individual and reactive negatively... Show more content on ... Hedda desperately needs to believe that the expectations of her society do not control ever person who dwells within it. Eilert LГёvborg serves as living proof to Hedda that a person can live their live the way they choose to without conforming to the norms of society and she is attracted to as well as secretly envies him for that eminence. Hedda sits at the top of the social ladder she has a long way down if she slips up and falls below what is socially accepted and expected from her. And for that reason she is deathly afraid of a scandal. Eilert LГёvborg on the other hand, had the courage to live life after his own mind (Ibsen 298). He led a life that was considered less than respectable in the eyes of his community, consisting of alcohol abuse and scandalous visits to the towns women s boudoirs. Eilert LГёvborg had little self control over his actions once he started drinking and would go on binges for days at a time. To Hedda, Eilert LГёvborg was daring brave because he was able to do the very thing that she was very afraid of which was to live life carefree from the judgments of her society. She also enjoyed the power and control she possessed over him. When Eilert LГёvborg tells her the truth about his manuscript he confesses that Thea Elvsted has inspired him to lead nobler lifestyle: I ve lost all desire for that [old] kind of lifestyle. I don t want to start it again, not now. It s the courage and daring life that s what she s broken in me
  • 30. An Analysis Of Nickel And Dimed By Barbara Ehrenreich Nickel and Dimed Analysis 1. What is the topic? Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich is the autobiography of when Barbara went undercover to find out more about the life of a medium wage worker. She first goes to work in Key West, Florida at the restaurant Hearthside . She had worked there for a couple of weeks realizing how incredibly strenuous it was being a waitress especially when under a boss named Phillip that is constantly bickering and ranting on how poor of a job she is doing by having a conversation with the customers and giving too much bread. In Florida Barbara attempts to work two jobs at once at another restaurant named Jerrys however after about two days she decides to quit at Heartside and work full time at ... Show more content on ... The main claim of the book Nickel and Dimed would be that living life on medium wage was and still is an incredibly laborious action to be able to complete. Barbara shows how even with two jobs she would have trouble paying for a place to live, food to eat, and other essentials. It was such a miserable process that at one point when Barbara Ehrenreich spilled dirty water all over her shoes there was absolutely no way for her to change shoes. Those pairs of grimy and soaked shoes were the only pair of shoes she had and did not have enough to buy a new pair which meant she needed to fight through it (85). 3. Is the evidence to support the claim reliable? The evidence that is given to the reader in the book would have to be reliable considering the author has a wide range of background on the subject of low income workers. Another point would be that Ehrenreich does not give much of statistics except for when she tells the reader about how many people are working in medium wage jobs. This all seems to be reliable information because of how Ehrenreich is an educated woman with dozens of friends who are also experts in the field of how much someone is getting paid can affect their lifestyle. Ehrenreich uses the statistics in the first chapter of the book when she begins her journey talking about her plan and how she will be able to show how working as low income worker is an extremely strenuous task to complete. 4. What do these details tell you about the
  • 31. Imperialism In The 19th Century Imperialism has been a long standing ideology that is able to withstand the tests of time due to the applicability of the concept. The general definition of Imperialism, as provided by Merriam Webster, is the practice in which a country furthers its power by the means of control and domination in other regions of the world. This took on a new form as the nineteenth century approached, as Traditions Encounters a Global Perspective on the Past elaborated, it mainly pertained to European powers at this time and their control over colonial land and the world of influence. 19th century imperialists had three main foci, these being economic, political, and cultural motifs, these foci dominated the reasons for imperialismin the nineteenth century and determined how nations would interact with the world and others; these foci would often find conflicts with each other and overlap causing disruption in the goals of the nations involved.... Show more content on ... Imperialists suggested that the colonies could be used to the advantage of mother nations due to the fact that they could possibly provide raw resources that are rare or unavailable in Europe s area of residence. Thus, they started to expand, rapidly making colonies to gain more resources and places of trade, this formed a system called a global economy. under the video of The 19th Century World Economy: Major Changes Their Impact , defined a global economy as one that integrates trade goods, services, and money. This makes the world more intertwined and the imperialists used this to form their next point that colonies would take in manufactured goods and give off raw resources, benefiting the colony and the mother nation in the
  • 32. Fair Value Case analysis: Classification of instruments in fair value hierarchy Instrumental 1 In the case, there was a significant decrease in the volume and activity for the instrument because of (1) significant widening of the bid ask spreads in the markets and the widening continued throughout Q4 2012 (2) a significant decrease in the volume of trades comparing with historical level in Q4 (3) no recent transactions. According to 820 10 35 54 c, it was reasonable to determine that market is not active. Because the adjustments were based on management s assumption, FFC didn t used level 1 inputs in the income approach valuation technique (present value technique). In addition, significant adjustment inputs includes credit adjustment (level 3 ... Show more content on ... Then, FFC changed its valuation technique from market approach to income approach (discounted cash flow model). Most relevant inputs in this model were level 3 inputs, because they were estimations and assumptions that were not market based. In other words, such inputs were not observable. So, FFC should classify the ARSs into level 3 of the fair value hierarchy in the fourth quarter. Instrument 4 There were no quoted prices available for X stock, so the measurement did not belong to level 1 of the Fair Value Hierarchy. In addition, because Most of X s competitors are either privately held or subsidiaries of larger publicly traded clothing retailers and the shares of the two similar two companies are thinly traded in an observable market, the market is inactive. FFC also needed some significant assumptions to forecast its cash flows. These assumptions were level 3 inputs in accordance with ASC 820 10 55 e. In the case, FFC should use the multiple techniques and weight more market approach than income approach, because (1) general valuation principle is maximizing the use of relevant observable inputs and minimizing the use of unobservable inputs (2) sufficient data could be used to support both the approaches (3) market participants used multiple techniques to invest similar stock. So, under ASC 820 10 35 37A, FFC should category the investment into level 3 of the fair value hierarchy, in which the lowest level significant inputs are.
  • 33. Johnnie Walker Essay Johnnie walker is one of the most well known and highest selling scotch whisky brand and is enjoyed in more than 180 countries worldwide. It also represents the idea of personal progress and achievements. The business was founded in 1820 by John Walker and since then he never looked back. He would grow from a grocer s own scotch whisky and progressed to becoming a global icon. Today, his brand and the consumers are following the same forward looking perspective. The following are the U.S. range of award winning whiskies that include Johnnie WalkerDouble Black, Johnnie Walker Red Label, Johnnie Walker Platinum Label, Johnnie Walker Black Label, Johnnie Walker Gold Label Reserve, and Johnnie Walker Blue Label. The ad, is a highly influenced ... Show more content on ... Johnnie Walkers took inspirations from Woody Guthrie, the American singer songwriter, to highlight and showcase the country s progressive values. The message was timely and clearly focused on the anti immigrant campaign. This version of the song was unveiled to the audience on the night before the elections. It clearly aimed towards Trump s anti immigrant campaign. They have made the ad dramatic by showing multicolored visuals of Americans and the tag line which could blend with the occasion: Keep Walking America. Apparently, the ad was shot over two week which consists of real stories from multiple destinations like New Orleans, Santa Fe, Los Angeles, Montana, New York, Baltimore and Washington
  • 34. Christmas And Religion Essay Intro to what Christmas is Religious and sacred holiday, December 25 Celebrated religiously and secularly Christians celebrate Christmas as the birth of christ Traditions vary from culture to culture, but is mainly exchange of gifts, decorating of tree, family dinners, and attending church Often called the Feast Day of Christ Jesus was not actually born on December 25th It is coincide with the pagan holidays the romans used to do, honored the Harvest God and Ancient God of Life Historical background of Christmas Romans before Jesus was born, celebrated many Holidays Before the arrival of christ, early europeans celebrated it as a celebration of light and birth in the darkest days of winter Looked forward to having more sunlight Therefore
  • 35. Rise of Warriors Essay A change in governance structure can take place due to any variety of causes. While it is well known that Japan was governed for centuries by the warrior class, it is not always known why. The samurai rose to power over a long period of time. Following their eventual rise to the top of the Japanese social ladder, they spent centuries consolidating their new power. There were a number of factors that lead to the rise of the warrior class in the late Heian period, continuing until their the Meiji Restoration. The samurai were able to rise to power for a number of reasons, including the leadership and actions of notable warrior class families: the Taira, Minamoto and Hojo. Another factor leading to the rise of the warriors was the... Show more content on ... The Taira, however, stood out above the Minamoto by having a more favourable position with the Emperors. The growing rivalry between the two families lead to an increasing tension between the two. Despite both working for the Emperor, it was understood that if a war broke out: one of these two clans were to defeat the other, there would be nothing but tradition to stop the victor from taking over all government authority, 3. This is, of course, what occurred during the Genpei War. The Minamoto family, too, had a significant role in the growth of the samurai. After the defeat of the Taira clan in the Genpei war, the Minamoto family, under its leader Yoritomo, founded the first warrior government4. Their political rivals defeated, the Minamoto were in a position from which they could shape their country; this was further justified by Prince Mochihito who gave them legal authority5. The government the Kamakura shogunate that was created under the early rule of the Minamoto was based on a confederation of Eastern warriors, 6. In doing this, the Minamoto family united the warrior class in some of the most developed parts of the country. Simultaneously, they brought the warrior class to the forefront of authority and power in Japanese society. The importance of the Taira family in the rise of the warrior class is somewhat limited, but absolutely necessary nonetheless. In order for the Minamoto to take control of the government, they
  • 36. Magnetic Resonance Electromagnetic Analysis As in conventional radiography, MRI consists of a machine, a control room and a technologist to produce the image. The technologist will sit in the control room at a computer to achieve the images and adjust them to achieve the best quality possible (Frank, Long, Smith Rolling, 2012). The machine room will consist of the actual magnetic resonance machine in which the patient will lie for the remainder of the study. The main device of the magnetic resonance system consists of large electromagnets that completely surrounds the patient within a long tube or bore (Gosman Rose, 2015). Gosman and Rose discuss that the magnets within the MRI machines produce a magnetic strength anywhere from (.2 to 7 tesla; Smith, 2012) on average; in order... Show more content on ... The ability of a rotating magnet to create diagnostic images of soft tissue structures within the body nearly sounds farfetched. Gosman and Rose state that magnetic resonance images are made possible due to the magnetic properties of certain protons in fluids and soft tissues within the anatomical structures being imaged (e.g. hydrogen). In a nutshell, an MRI machine captures images by using a magnet which circles the patient s body to excite the hydrogen atoms throughout the body; after returning from that excitation, the atoms let off energy that is then received by the MRI machine to create a diagnostic image (Ulrich, 2009). Magnetic resonance imaging must have three essential components to create a diagnostic image. These components include super conducting magnets, the resonance of hydrogen atoms, and radio frequencies (Gosman Rose, 2015). When these hydrogen protons are placed under a rotating magnetic field they all begin to ling up, but end up at an angle and rotate in the same direction of the magnetic field; this rotation and angle of the protons is termed precession (Frank et al., 2012). Frank et al. (2012) explains that these precessing protons can absorb energy if they are exposed to radiofrequency (RF) pulses if the radio waves and the precession of the atom are on the same frequency. This absorption of energy by the precessing protons is referred
  • 37. Overview Of Ambition In Macbeth Macbeth is a Tragic Play written in 1606 by a well known writer William Shakespeare. This play revolves around Macbeth s quest of becoming the king of Scotland in which Lady Macbeth is also equally involved. As there are many themes in Macbeth from which one of the major themes in this play is Ambition on which the complete play is built up, In Act 1 scene 2 captain brief s Duncan about the Battlefield, how Macbethchopped Macdonald s head on the Battlefield and how Macbeth Defeated Norwegian Army and won the battle, this was Macbeths first Impression In the Play as a Brave soldier who can do whatever needed to defend his country. Later in Act 1 Scene 5, Lady Macbeth enters while reading a letter written by Macbeth, as she reads the letter... Show more content on ... stage a: it occurs after Macbeth meets the witches and Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are so close to each other that they can think the same thoughts as the other from a quiet long Distance stage b: this stage occurs when Macbeth and Lady Macbeth plan to kill Duncan and their relationship becomes more intense or in simple words Passionate, the stage c: takes place at the morning after Duncan was killed and as Lady Macbeth gets shocked hearing Macbeth killed the guards, she feels the situation is getting out of her control as Macbeth is getting more violent and Lady Macbeth fells that for the first time they are growing apart. Stage d: here before the Banquet meeting Macbeth doesn t sleep as he thinks a plan to handle Banquo and doesn t let Lady Macbeth come in his Thoughts which clearly tells us that the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth is getting more disturbed or they are falling apart. Stage f: In this stage Macbeth is completely out of his mind as he sees Banquo s ghost right after Banquo is Murdered, and Lady Macbeth is helpless and they are no longer in partnership and eventually Macbeth needs to go to the Witches. Stage g: As Lady Macbeth can no longer do anything to stop Macbeth so he continues his Murders and at the last Lady Macbeth
  • 38. Langston Hughes Advertisement For The Waldorf-Astoria Langston Hughes, a radical African American writer of the Harlem Renaissance wrote Advertisement for the Waldorf Astoria in response to the festivities that surrounded the reopening of New York s obscenely opulent hotel, Waldorf Astoria in midst of the Great Depression. The poem was first published in The New Masses in December 1931 as a two paged poem accompanied by illustrations by Walter Steinhuber. The poem takes the form of a parody of a magazine advertisement in Vanity Fair and is considered one of Hughes s most direct indictments of the economic inequality in the 1930 s. Several contexts animate The Advertisement For Waldorf Astoria , especially the historical and social context. The poem was published during the height of the Great... Show more content on ... The tone of the poem is both satirical and sincere as it mocks the inadequacies of the oppressed, just as it says Have luncheon there this afternoon, all you jobless... What s the matter? You haven t seen the ads in the papers? Didn t you get a card? The sarcastic tone and statements invokes a sense of bitterness in the readers as it calls upon the devastating reality whilst provoking an urgency for change, which is a prominent characteristic of protest poetry as this form of poetry tends to stimulate a reader s interest and empathy to spur him or her into action. The poem s main message is the idea for change and equality. This revolutionary poem plays as a scathing social commentary of the products of capitalism for investing in Waldorf Astoria despite the Great Depression where millions are suffering and living on the streets. This in itself is another feature of protest poetry as protest poetry s main objective is finding fault within some existing current event and focuses on dissatisfactions and objections towards the
  • 39. Bertolt Brecht En Sy Epiese Teater Bertolt Brecht en sy Epiese Teater Die mens se sienning oor die lewe word beГЇnvloed deur die tydperk waarin hy grootword asook sy omgewing. WГЄreld oorloГ« samevatting: Bertolt Brecht. Die Duitse dramaturg, regisseur en digter wat erken word as een van die mees belangrikste en invloedryke figure van drama in die 20ste eeu. Brecht se unieke behandeling van sosiale temas en revolutionГЄre eksperimente met teater elemente het В‘n geweldige groot invloed op moderne drama, toneelspel en teaterontwikkelings. Bertolt Brecht was gebore op 10 Februarie 1898 in Augsburg, Bavaria (Duitsland). Gedurende die Eerste WГЄreld Oorlog het Brecht op sestienjarige ouderdom as В‘n mediese ordonnans gedien. Reeds in 1914 het Brecht gesien watter vernietigende... Show more content on ... In baie gevalle het Brecht gebruik gemaak van В‘n filmdoek wat gewoonlik agter op die verhoog geplaas word. Op die filmdoek sal dan kort film snitte van byvoorbeeld die WГЄreld OorloГ« gespeel word. Hierdie vorm nie net deel van die verfremdungstegniek nie, maar dit skep ook В‘n duidelike beeld aan die gehoor van wat eintelik in die oorlog plaasvind Brecht was В‘n aanhanger van Marxisme en dus was sy werke dikwels krities, satiries en gefokus op die sosiale onheil van kapitalisme. Brecht het dus in opstand gekom teen industralisasie waar die arm mense armer word en die ryk mense meer rykdom ontvang. Brecht het teater gebruik as В‘n medium tot propaganda teen die leerstellings van die Duitse leier, Adolf Hitler en Nasionale Sosialisme (ook bekend as Nazisme). In 1932 was Brecht geplaas op die Nazi Party se lys van agteruitgaande skrywers. Die drama wat waarskynlik die hoofoorsaak hiervan was was The Threepenny Opera (1928) В‘n skerp satiere gefokus op kapitalisme. Die jaar daarop (1933) toe Hitler aanbewind kom, word Brecht en sy vrou verban uit Duitsland. Eers het hulle gevlug na Denemarke. Na В‘n paar jaar van hull ewe daar het hulle hulself gevestig in die VSA, California in 1941. Gedurende hierdie ontwrigte periode en verbanning het Brecht die meerderheid van sy roemryke werke van vandag geskryf. In 1941, (Tweede WГЄreld Oorlog) het Brecht die satirise toneel The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui vrygestel wat Hitler as В‘n gangster
  • 40. Analysis Of Scott Jarvie s The Atlas Chair Scott Jarvie Introduction This descriptive report will be described two objects which designed by Scott Jarvie The first chair is the One Cut Chair and following by this will be The Atlas Chair . Both chairs are unique comparing to the old tradition chair design. After this paragraph will be a biography of the designer, following by his design philosophy. After that it will be describing first product One Cut Chair , form there on will be another product The Atlas Chair , and finally is a conclusion of this report. Designer Scott Jarvie is a British 3D Designer Consultant who was born in 1983 in Glasgow (). He graduated with a First Class Honours degree in Product Design from Nepier University s School of Design and Media Arts. After graduating, he won Zaha Hadid s Curator s Choice at Salone Satellite exhibition. In 2006 (), Jarvie established his company which specialising in product, furniture and large scale design projects. He worked with many clients, company and engineer such as Nesta , Lakeland (), and it roughly takes 17 months to design and product small project and 2 3 years for big projects (). The ways that he advertised this products are showing them in fairs, exhibitions and talks (). In his company he reasonable in the creative studio which involved start of the design processes in the way that details and developments.() Design Principles Jarvie beveled people will use beautiful things continuously, together with using same design principles for any
  • 41. The Power Of Dark Love The Power of Dark Love The speaker in Porphyria s Lover says, That moment she was mine, mine, fair, perfectly pure and good (Browning, lines 36 37). Both Robert Browning and Edgar Allan Poe share a love for the themes of obsession, desire, and complicated love. Each of those three themes play an important role in dark love poetry. Each poet describes the main character in their poems as a woman worthy of the speaker s obsessive, complicated, and desirable love. Both Robert Browning s tragic Porphyria s Lover and Edgar Allan Poes mysterious Annabel Lee explore the theme of dark and obsessive love through their use of imagery, alliteration, and mood throughout the poems. At the early age of five, Robert Browning was a very profound child being that he was already extremely knowledgeable in the arts of reading and writing. He was a very anxious student and continued to learn many languages by the age of fourteen. In 1833, Browning published Pauline and in 1840 he published Sordello but both were sadly known as a failure. He even attempted to publish several plays but they were all unsuccessful. Browning did not become successful until he published his collection of poems Men and Women in 1855. In 1842, Browning published Porphyria s Lover, which is also a successful poem ( Robert Browning ). In Porphyria s Lover, the speaker is watching and waiting for Porphyria on a cold, stormy night. Once Porphyria has returned, she lights the fire, takes off her warm
  • 42. Nitric ENOS Role In Cardiovascular System Before 1980s, Nitric oxide (NO) was only known as a colorless and toxic gas. Because NO vigorously reacts with atmospheric ozone and depletes the protection of ozone layer. Moreover, it reacts with atmospheric water and creates acidic precipitations. NO was considered to be environmentally hazardous until 1987 when it was discovered to be generated by human body. And it was in 1992 that NO was voted the molecule of the year and extensive research has been centering on the role of NO biological events. NO even brought Louis J. Ignerro, Robert F. Furchgott and Ferid Murad the Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology in 1998 for the identification of NO as a signaling molecular in the cardiology[1]. NO is an uncharged molecule formed by an atom... Show more content on ... Both eNOS and nNOS are known to be constitutive although iNOS can be inducible. eNOS role in cardiovascular system has been extensively studied and has been shown to be essential in the protection against initiation and progression of cardiovascular diseases. Chemical inhibition or ablation of eNOS induces vasoconstriction, hypertension, and chronical aneurism. eNOS is accountable for modulation of blood pressure and vascular tone. It also inhibits the platelet aggression and leukocyte adhesion. nNOS expression is found not only in nervous system but also in some other cell types such as muscles [3]. eNOS is known to be involved in many cellular functions such as synaptic plasticity in the central nervous system (CNS), central regulation of blood pressure, smooth muscle relaxation, and vasodilatation via peripheral nitrergic nerves. iNOS expression has been shown to be differentially regulated among different cell types, including endothelial and epithelial cells and variety of human cancer cells [4]. It can be expressed in many cell types in response to lipopolysaccharide, cytokines, or other agents for prolonged periods of time [5]. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF О±), interleukin 1 (IL 1), IL 2, and hypoxia are among the inducers of
  • 43. A Discussion On Emotions Versus Rationality Within... Organisation Design Organisation Development Title: A Discussion on Emotions versus Rationality in Organisations Drawing on Antonio Damasio s Book, Descartes Error: Emotion, Reason and the Human Brain Due Date: 05/05/2015 Lecturer: Dr. Phil Hanlon Word count: (not including references, appendices or foot notes): Declaration of Originality: We hereby certify that this material, which we now submit for assessment is entirely our own work, except where properly referenced. In addition, we certify that it has not been submitted in whole or in part for assessment for any academic purpose other than in partial fulfillment for that stated above. Student NameStudent Number Valerie HouriganD13124040 Ella KelleherD13124507 Niamh O LoughlinC05611521 Emma Daly RonayneD13124454 Iveta AncaneD13125011 Table of Contents Introduction 3 Thinkers and Feelers 3 Damasio: Emotion, Reason and the Human Brain 4 Approaches to Decision Making 6 Emotional Problems in Organisations 8 Is Balance the Answer? 8 Ways to Achieve Balance
  • 44. 9 Conclusion 9 References 10 Appendix A 11 Introduction Decision making is an act that every individual practices as part of daily life, both in their professional and personal interactions. Decision making is traditionally recognised as being comprised of two parts; the emotional and the rational. Emotion is an experience that affects individuals to varying degrees and is vital to human survival. For example if humans