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Violence In Sports Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Violence in Sports" presents a multifaceted challenge that
requires a delicate balance between discussing the inherent physicality of sports and addressing
the ethical concerns surrounding violence. To begin with, delving into the history of violent
incidents in various sports and their repercussions necessitates thorough research to provide a
comprehensive overview. Analyzing the psychological and sociological aspects of aggression
within the context of sports further complicates the writing process, demanding a nuanced
understanding of human behavior in competitive environments.
Moreover, navigating the fine line between acknowledging the entertainment value of physical
sports and critiquing instances of excessive aggression poses a challenge. Striking a balance
between presenting objective evidence and expressing personal opinions requires a skillful
approach, ensuring that the essay remains informative and unbiased. Additionally, addressing
potential solutions or preventive measures for curbing violence in sports calls for a thoughtful
examination of policies, regulations, and cultural influences.
The task becomes even more intricate when considering the need to cater to diverse perspectives
on the matter, as opinions on what constitutes acceptable levels of violence in sports can vary
widely. Balancing the analytical aspects with engaging and coherent prose adds another layer of
complexity, as the essay should be accessible to a broad audience while maintaining academic
In conclusion, tackling the topic of "Violence in Sports" in an essay demands extensive research,
critical thinking, and adept handling of diverse viewpoints. Navigating through the intricate web
of historical, psychological, and ethical dimensions requires a careful and considered approach to
present a well-rounded perspective on the subject.
For assistance with similar essays or more writing help, you may explore the services offered on
Violence In Sports Essay Violence In Sports Essay
Common Themes in Crime and Punishment and The
Russian author and philosopher, Fyodor Dostoevsky, was best known for his literary
contributions between 1866 and 1880. Of his substantial work, Crime and
Punishment, The Idiot, The Devils, and The Brothers Karamazov are the novels he
remains most recognized for. In each of these novels, Dostoevsky examines and
interprets several social, physical, mental, and emotional situations and conditions,
which he believed to, influenced the nature of humanity. His theories concerning the
causes and effects of these situations are evident throughout each of his works in a
clear and precise manner. Despite the fourteen year gap between the first of his
novels, Crime and Punishment, and the last, The Brothers Karamazov, the parallel
thematic elements in Dostoevsky s writings remained constant. The themes that exist
in both these novels are alike and undeniably characteristic of Dostoevsky. Both The
Brothers Karamazov and Crime and Punishment contain consistent central themes
including the incentives and psychological consequences of murder, the suffering of
children and the groundwork of that suffering, and the effects of the influence and
manipulation of money. Furthermore, Crime and Punishment and The Brothers
Karamazov also represent the theories of philosopher Mikhail Bakhtin, in regards to
his interpretation of Dostoevsky s works as polyphonic novels, which are novels that
contain multiple voices to incorporate a diversity of points of views.
A major focus in both novels is the
Fe Analysis And Precast Frame Systems
5.1 Preamble
The response of structural systems depends on the rigidity of the connections and
this knowledge becomes very important to understand the influence of connections
on the load path under both lateral and vertical loads. Precast buildings with
skeletal frames system may have different forms based on the types of joint and
their position as indicated in the Table 1 1. The structural joints can be idealized as
either hinged or fixed and be either precast or formed at site. The performance of
the precast frame systems identified as type 3, 6, 7 and 8 in Table 1 1, and
subjected to lateral and gravity loads are compared with the cast in situ frame
systems. The performance of building is evaluated in terms of displacements,
bending moment, storey drifts and storey shear for different load cases analysis for
the following frame configurations.
5.2 Frame Configuration
Analysis of a G+3 storey building is carried out using STAAD PRO software. With
the geometric dimensions as: 18.0m x 12.0m x 12.0m. Each storey has the floor
height as 3.0 m.
Table 5.1 Physical properties
Columns300 x 450 mm
Beams230 x 450 and 230 x300mm
Slab thickness150mm
Table 5.2 Material properties
Unit weight of concrete25kN/m3
Poisson s ratio0.2
Young s modulus25000 N/mm2 (M25)
Grade of concreteM25
TypeFront ViewDescription
Cast in situTypical 3 x 3 x 3 Moment Resisting Frame
Structural system 3
This system consists
Driving while Drinking
What are the effects of alcohol on driving?
Driving a vehicle is a very complex activity that demands proper decision making,
total concentration, good co ordination and rapid reflexes. In order to drive safely, it
is essential to be alert, aware and able to make quick decisions in response to a
constant rapidly changing environment.
Alcohol alters the ability of the brain and body to function normally. It interferes
with even the most experienced driver s ability to drive safely.
When alcohol is consumed, many of the required skills to drive safely such as
judgment, concentration, comprehension, coordination, visual acuity, and reaction
time become impaired. (Anelli Xavier, 2013)
The severity of alcohol induced impairment on driving depends on the amount of
alcohol present in the bloodstream, this is based on a person s blood alcohol
concentration (BAC) percentage. People begin to feel the effects of alcohol when
their BAC ranges between 0.03% and 0.059%. (2014 Motor Accident Commission
South Australia)
Drink driving is a factor in about 18 per cent of all fatal crashes in NSW. (Transport
for New South Wales, 31 May 2013)
Studies have shown that when under the influence of alcohol, drivers are not able
to respond to stimuli as quickly as when they are sober. An individual needs more
time to respond to situations and hazards. If someone is driving a car, the
perception of distance is increased. For example, in an ordinary scenario, a driver
would be able to respond to
Norman Bates In Psycho
The Essence of Psychological Innocence In Alfred Hitchcock s film Psycho,
Norman Bates is portrayed as a serial killer. Many would imply the notion that
Norman is guilty due to the multiple killings he performed throughout the film;
however, Norman Bates is innocent. Suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder
(DID) or multiple personality disorder Bates uncontrollable and horrendous acts of
murder [are his] cries for help. In the same fashion, Bates lack of social interaction
alongside his mother s influence both play grand roles in his inability to properly
interact with people. Moreover, in Bates twisted childhood, he depended strongly on
his mother for social interaction. . The moment Norman matricide his mother he
disconnected himself from the only social interaction that he had. Matricide is when a
... Show more content on ...
In the film, he talks about taking care of his mother when he was having a
conversation with Marion Crane, Norman states to Marion I don t hate her; I hate the
illness, meaning he loves her, but he is aware of the mental toll that she has put him
through. He was hinting that his mother was not normal or that he wasn t himself.
Marion suggested that maybe he should committed her to a mental institution.
Norman immediately shut that idea down by stating, If you love someone, you don t
do that to them, he fights his mother mentally, but he treats her like his lover. In his
mind it was the mental version of her not allowing him to come out of the house and
interact with other women that sparked his Dissociative Identity Disorder. She used
her son as a substitute lover and her hatred for any women that could take Norman
away is what triggered his disorder. In his mind he thinks he is his mother, and he
thinks he switches roles. Bates looks caring, innocent and helpful, but in reality, he is
mentally ill, mother obsessed, and
Seat Belts Argumentative Essay
Anonymous Writer
Anonymous Teacher
English 10 Honors
November 19, 2013 Argument Based Essay
Seat Belts
A seat belt is a restraining device installed in a vehicle to prevent or minimize the
force of an injury during a crash ( Seat Belts 5). Although it is also known as a
safety belt, the safety part is the key issue that is causing much controversy around
drivers, manufacturers, and researchers alike. The main idea around the debate is the
fact that although research indicates that when seat belts are used properly they save
lives, opponents argue that mandating their use can actually cause more harm than
good in some cases and is an infringement on personal rights. Car accidents are the
leading cause of death for people ... Show more content on ...
Freedom stops when we get to a point where others may be harmed or killed. As soon
as something puts lives in danger, the right of freedom disappears thus making
mandatory seatbelt laws a non infringement on freedom.
Seat belts are the single most effective traffic safety device for preventing death and
injury in a vehicle ( Seat Belt Safety, Seat Belt Laws ). Wearing a seat belt can
reduce the risk of crash injuries by 50%. Seat belts save lives and are effective in
preventing ejections from a vehicle. While opponents argue that in certain cases it
is better to not wear a seatbelt, wearing a seatbelt is usually the safer route. A
person will never know what type of accident they might enter and thus can t
prepare for a certain type of accident. You can t know whether or not having a
seatbelt will save you. It s better to wear a seatbelt and have a 50% of survival than
not wearing a seatbelt and have a 3% chance of being in a situational accident
where not having a seat belt will save you. Research shows that Seat Belts saved
more than 75,000 lives from 2004 to 2008 ( Seat Belt Safety, Seat Belt Laws ).
Without the mandatory use of seat belts, many lives could be put in danger and
this would have negative social and economic effects on society. 49 States in the
USA have issued mandatory seat belt laws to promote safe habits and to protect the
people. With this law in place, many lives have been saved as people were forced to
wear seat belts to properly
Analysis Of St. George s The Dragon Falls
A fair maiden walks solemnly through the city gates, away from her family, her
home, and everything she has ever known. She begins to weep as she heads down
the dusty dirt road, towards a large pond, the home of the treacherous dragon that
terrorized the surrounding cities. Just before she reaches the pond, a man in
glimmering silver armor rides up to her on a majestic white steed. He calls out to
her and asks why she weeps. The distraught girl warns him of the dragonof the pond,
begging him to flee before it is too late. The man, the mighty St. George, refuses her
request just as a thundering roar fills the air. Before their eyes, the fearsome dragon
rears out of the water, bellowing his rage to the skies. Saint George charges... Show
more content on ...
While it is likely that the dragon slaying is merely an embellishment on St. George
s true tale, what are the limits of the fiction revolving around this legend? Did St.
George receive credit for another man s triumph? Did anybody ever slay the
dragon in Silene, Libya (where St. George was said to have slain the dragon)? Was
there ever a dragon in Silene? Were there ever dragons anywhere in the world?
Tales of the mighty reptilian beasts known as Dragons can be found all over the
world from all throughout history. The origin of dragons is unknown, although there
are legends that can be traced to approximately 5,000 B.C. (Owens). These legends
have appeared independently all over the Earth, with variations of course, but still
enough similarity to be clearly identified as the same creatures. Although the modern
world no longer fears dragons as the dangerous creatures lurking in the hidden
corners of the world, should their existence be dismissed entirely? The Earth has held
many equally monstrous creatures, from the 60 ft. shark Megalodon (Patton) to the
50 ft. snake Titanoboa (Gowan) or even the recently discovered 130 ft. titanosaur
(currently unnamed) (Frizell). Compared to other creatures that have roamed the
Earth, dragons may seem no less believable however, (I) although dragons appeared
independently and simultaneously across the globe, they did so with many physical
and behavioral differences (II) nowadays dragons have faded into mythology,
Claudio Monteverdi vs. Domenico Scarlatti Essay
A comparison of two major Baroque composers: Claudio Monteverdi and Domenico
Scarlatti The purpose of this paper is to analyze two psalms by Claudio Giovanni
Antonio Monteverdi (1567 1643) and Giovanni Domenico Scarlatti (1685 1757) and
compare and contrast the two pieces to find out how music changed throughout the
Baroque period.
While historians grouped music of the Baroque period together based on certain
characteristics, the music did not remain the same throughout the period, as it would
not for any other musical time period. Composers from different points in the
Baroque period were chosen, but the things the two composers had in common were
the country of residence and their nationality. Special care was taken to chose
composers ... Show more content on ...
There is octave doubling in the bass, and the fifth occurs often since it was
considered to be perfect or somehow godly. What makes this psalm different from
Scarlatti s other psalms is that it is the only psalm that exhibits an organized
concerto style. This psalm is also written in Latin, and has no indicated dynamics. It
begins in D major, and switches to A and E major, and b and a minor throughout the
setting, and ends back on D major. The piece does have some ornamentation,
consisting of argued trills. The argument comes from odd markings on the original
manuscript. Some people feel that the markings were just hastily drawn trills, while
others feel they may actually be mordants. In the newest transcription, they have all
been transcribed as trills. The main reason for the lack of ornamentation put into the
music is an attempt to make the music less frilly. In the Baroque era this tooking
away from the sacred message it was supposed to send.
While both pieces are a part of each composer s library of sacred music, they are in
some respects not very much alike and in others they are very similar. There are the
obvious things they have in common such as the fact that they are written in Latin.
That is not too surprising considering some churches still used Latin as the primary
language in their services, even though in the Baroque period many churches began
using the vernacular so the patrons would understand the services. Aside from that,
Monteverdi, being more
Mark Antony Research Paper
Mark Antony, a Roman leader that conquered cities, grew up with the legacy of his
grandfather and no influence from his father. Antony came from a Roman family
and was influenced by some of the wrong people. Throughout leadership roles in
his life, Mark Antony proved to be a leader who made enemies due to his reckless
behavior, what Cicero wrote about him, and his love affair with Cleopatra. Even
though Antony lived recklessly when he was younger, he eventually cleaned up his
act and started his military career as a young adult. His father died early on in his
life, so Antony had to learn to live for himself during his teenage years (Mark Antony
1). During this time, Antony did not care about what he did or how it affected him,
so he lived... Show more content on ...
While their original friendship started out at a political meeting, it was later
formed into one of the greatest love stories of all times. According to The Ancient
World, the political significance of this meeting was underscored by the
establishment of a personal relationship that would capture the imagination of
subsequent generations (Wildin 75). Antony began to pursue Cleopatra, and they
quickly fell in love. He left his current wife Octavia for Cleopatra, which caused the
Roman citizens to question if he was a good leader and always doing the right
thing. According to an article found on Antony, it says that Antony wanted funds
and supplies from Egypt to assist him in his conflict with the Parthians, and
Cleopatra longed to restore the original boundaries of the Ptolemaic kingdom , (
Mark Antony 2). They used each other for benefits and quickly became an
unstoppable team. As described in The Ancient World, there was now no retreating
from their personal and political alliance: politics and love became one. (Wildin 75).
Antony even had a ceremony where Cleopatra was given the title the Queen of
Kings and their kids received titles as well (Mark Antony 2). While Antony and
Cleopatra started a new relationship, this caused Antony to tear off an old relationship
with Octavian. After Mark left Octavian s sister Octavia for Cleopatra, Octavian was
mad at Antony. He was also not happy about the ceremony that Antony had for
Cleopatra, and they started propaganda attacks (Mark Antony 2). Antony and
Cleopatra s relationship caused the breakup of the Second
The Untouchables Analysis
The Untouchables was released on June 3, 1987 with a rating of 4 stars. It is about
probation in the 1920 s. With the Elite Ness and Al Capone being the two main
characters. Elite and his team of four embark out on a mission to stop the dealing
of Alcohol. Elite s first couple of days were rough. Then he meat Jimmy Malone,
Jimmy was just an average police officer when Elite asked him to join his group,
Jimmy said no because I d rather be alive was his words. At first it was just himself
Elite, on his second day agent Oscar Wallace was assigned to his group as a
bookkeeper but later became a solder. Last but not least there was George Stone
aka Stoney. He had a gift for shooting so Elite brought him on the team. Together
there team was untouchable. That was until the arrival of Elliot Ness, the
incorruptible treasury agent assigned the role of bringing the Italian gangster to
justice. Faced with rank corruption, he surrounded himself with a team of cops
dedicated to the cause the Untouchables. At the height of Prohibition, in 1930s
America, Chicago was ruled over by one Alfonso Capone. He ruled the town by
the might of his fist, from the illegal speakeasy rackets right up through the ranks
of the police and judicial system, holding them in his will through bribery and
blackmail. Mr. Capone was finally put to justice for simple tax evasion. He died of
syphilis eight years after his release from prison. In the movie Jimmy hears word of
where and when a big alcohol
The Five Characteristics Of Social Support By Michael Oher
Social support refers to any kind of support that people can get from others
(Seeman, 2008). Those supports include emotional support, giving others
assistance and time, providing useful information and positive feedback. It cannot
be denied that social support is one of the crucial elements that everyone needs and
seeks for in their life as people always look for someone to depend on during
difficulties and someone to share their happiness with when they are happy
(Fairbrother, 2011). Without social support, people can hardly live happily because
the only reason and motivation to live is gone. Throughout this movie, the concept
of social support is being displayed strongly by others around Michael Oher. Below
are the five characteristics of social support and their respective examples.... Show
more content on ...
This support will make people feel comfortable and not awkward in front of others as
they know that there are someone else who understand their condition. For example,
at the moment Michael asked Leigh Anne for a driving license, she asked for the
reason of him wanting a driving license when he did not have a car. Michael was
reluctant to answer but when Leigh Anne asked again, he said, Because that is
something that has my name on it. Leigh Anne who understood his condition of not
having anything to own since young, immediately knew what she needed to do
next. Hence, not caring about how hard it might be to get a driving license for a
homeless child, she went through all the problems even to the extent of searching
for Michael s biological mother to ask for her permission to become his legal
guardian and almost argued with her husband, Sean for not discussing that matter
with him first. This emotional support portrayed by Leigh Anne helped Michael to
realize that there was someone in his life who truly cared for
O Ahu Case Study
The rail that is currently being built on the island of Oahu is still under construction
and is experiencing an 18 months delay due to lawsuits and cost overruns. The last
thing that this island needs right now is another thing that contributes to the heavy
traffic. The rail project has been in motion for quite some time now but there is still
little to no evidence of it completing any time soon. The reasons why the rail has not
yet to finished is because of fiscal issues and decrease of values.
The rail that is still under construction is becoming a problem on the island of O ahu,
especially to taxpayers that continue to struggle because of the high taxes. The project
was initially projected to cost $4.6 billion, but that number now is $6.7 ... Show more
content on ...
Instead of an elevated railway, HART should have considered a ground level train
that could avoid further destroying the aesthetic value of the island and possibly
shave millions of dollars off the cost of the project, and that could have allowed the
city to build a longer train system(Hao). While it is understandable why an elevated
system might be utilized in rural areas of the transportation corridor ... a host of
adverse economic and environmental impacts are associated with an elevated
guideway system, including noise, reduced visibility and access to businesses,
visual blight, and increased crime, Kamehameha Schools wrote the city.
Kamehameha Schools is the largest land owner on the island and is concerned
about the impact the rail will have on the island not just for the value of the land
but the value of their religious beliefs. We feel we have a kuleana to respond to the
(responsibility) ... as a landowner with ancestral ties to the lands (Kamehameha
Schools). The Hawaiian s ancestral ties with the land is a big deal. In their
religious beliefs, the land in a way is a part of their family and family should not be
harmed in any way. The elevated railway could also lead to less tenant interest, higher
tenant turnover, and reduced property values. Because of the unsightly and noisy rail,
the value of properties and tenants for apartments would drop
Roxanne Quimby and Burt’s Bees
Entrepreneurship PBSB 821 Bezuidenhout, P.J.1224 6093 Botha, Desere 2250
2556 Buys, Johan2049 8705 Kleynhans, Wessel 1251 7755 Schoeman, Willie 1032
6065 Van Wieringen, Anton 1231 8388 Wohlfahrt, Andre2255 3533 Chicken Run
Class Group Assignment Lecturer: Prof. S. van der Merwe Due Date: 30 July 2011
Roxanne Quimby amp; Burt s Bees By Bezuidenhout, P.J.1224 6093 Botha, Desere
2250 2556 Buys, Johan2049 8705 Kleynhans, Wessel 1251 7755 Schoeman, Willie
1032 6065 Van Wieringen, Anton 1231 8388 Wohlfahrt, Andre2255 3533 Module:
Entrepreneurship Module Code: PBSB 821 Group:Chicken Run Assignment due
date:30 July 2011 Element:| Mark:|... Show more content on ...
Most of these aspiring entrepreneurs will start a lifestyle business, primarily
providing employment to themselves and their families. The rewards of such a
business is the ability to control the company, able to continue to do what the
owner loves without having too much risk, have a positive cash flow from the
early going. The owner only has to report to himself, have a relatively constant cash
flow and able to take time off whenever he wants. The risks are the inability to hire
top talent (as talented people usually avoid companies that over no stock options and
only limited opportunities for personal growth), not having the chance for huge
gains. The trade off is a lot of freedom, but the company cannot expect to grow
bigger. A high potential business is focused on new markets with explosive potential.
As they are often technology driven, these ventures require heavy upfront cash
investment to quickly gain decisive advantages, so professional investors,
particularly venture capital firms, usually provide funding. High potential ventures
strive to achieve lasting economic and social impact, and aspire to achieve IPOs, or
initial public offerings (getting listed on a stock exchange so they can sell shares to
the public) (Anon, 2008:1). The rewards are having the possibility for large returns
on investment, the ability to attract outside investment, and the ability to build a
Guided Meditation Practices
In guided meditation, guided imagery or guided relaxation techniques, the instructor
offers suggestions to guide the listener into a meditative state. Visualization practices
can be similarly guided, or practiced on one s own. The goal of these techniques can
be relaxation, healing, uplifting emotions, inner peace or other desired outcomes.
The Transcendental Meditation technique is not guided meditation and does not
depend on a CD or any outside guide. It is not a process of bringing awareness to
the body or imagining a peaceful, relaxed state or particular goal in life. Although
guided meditation practices may create pleasant moods or degrees of relaxation,
much greater benefit comes from the process of transcending the realm of thinking ...
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Guided meditation and visualization
In guided meditation practices also called guided imagery or guided relaxation a
speaker offers instruction or suggestion to guide the listener into a meditative state.
Visualization practices can be similarly guided, or practiced on one s own. The aim
can be relaxation, positive thinking, healing, inner peace or other desired outcomes.
Guided meditation and visualization tend to keep attention in the active realm of
thinking, imagining and feeling. The TM technique is not guided meditation and
does not require a CD or any outside influence. It is not an act of merely imagining a
peaceful, settled state, and its positive affect on daily life is more far reaching.
The TM technique is not guided meditation and does not require a CD or any
outside influence. It is not an act of merely imagining a peaceful, settled state, and
its positive affect on daily life is more far
Feminism, Pregnancy, And The Workplace
Throughout North American history, women have been struggling to integrate
themselves into a male dominated society. The earlier struggle was to be recognized
as people, and fighting for the right to vote. While the status on the former has yet to
be resolved, modern day feminists have shifted their view to fight for equality in the
workplace. Today, women can face an undefinable number of obstacles in the
workforce, from unequal pay, to sexual harassment, lack of representation, and little
to no accommodation for maternity status. In the articles Engineering Ignorance and
Debating Difference: Feminism, Pregnancy, and the Workplace, authors Suzanne
Franzway, Rhonda Sharp, Julie E. Mills, Judith Gill, and Lise Vogel, respectively
explore issues women face in their workplace. Franzway, Sharp, Mills, and Gill used
Engineering Ignorance to speak about the lack of genderequality in engineering.
Vogel explores issues surrounding maternity in the workplace. Though both articles
have come to the consensus that women face more obstacles in the workplace than
men do, the two speak of two completely separate issues that feminists are attempting
to eradicate. Most who have looked into the issue of feminism in the workplace
understand that women must overcome many more struggles that men would in the
workplace. The article, Engineering Ignorance (2009) states in the introduction that
much of the work that women have done seems to become invisible to the eyes of
society. It
Reciprocating To John Krakauer Analysis
In the letter reciprocating to John Krakauer, Anatoli Boukreev disputes the topic of
his actions whilst guiding a group of amateurs on Mount Everest expedition. He
argues that John Krakauer doesn t have enough experience from summiting as
Boukreev has. He proposes his stance on the decisions and the kind of actions that
had taken place and enforces the specific purposes for doing so. Boukreev believes
that what he did wasn t so bad, because Krakauer had said he was very unprepared
to do a summit like Everest because he didn t have an oxygen tank to use. But
Boukreev rebuttals saying that he had done enough summits to not use an oxygen
supplement because of how adapted he is to it. He then on explains his rebuttals; as
for that he waited
Computation of Taxable Income of Individual, Huf and
Computation of taxable income of individual, HUF and firms
What is included in income of an individual?
While computing taxable income of an individual, the following points should be
considered Nature of income| Tax treatment| Income earned by the taxpayerShare
of profit from a HUFShare of profit from a firm assessed as firmSalary amp;
interest from the aforesaid firmShare of profit from an association of persons/body
of individualsIncome earned by others and included in the income of the taxpayer
by virtue of sections 60 to 64| Except the following, all other incomes shall be
included a. Income exempt under sections 10 to 13A; b. Incomes to be included in ...
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provisions under sections 115C to 115 I are applicable only in respect of the
following incomes derived by a non resident Indian: a. Investment income derived
from a foreign exchange assets ; b. Long term capital gains on sale or transfer of
foreign exchange assets .
Foreign exchange asset: It means those specified assets which the assesse has
acquired or purchased with, or subscribed to in, convertible foreign exchange.
The following are specified assets for this purpose: a. Shares in an Indian company
(public or private); b. Debentures issued by an Indian company which is not a
private company; c. Deposits with an Indian company which is not a private
company it may be even deposit with SBI or any other banking company; d. Any
security of the central government; and e. Such other assets as the Central
Government may specify in this behalf by notification in the official Gazette
HOW TO CALCULATE INVESTMENT INCOME In computing the investment
income of a non resident Indian, no deduction in respect of any expenditure or
allowance shall be allowed under any provisions of the act. Moreover, No deductions
under sections 80C to 80U shall be allowed in respect of investment income of non
resident Indians.
sale or transfer of foreign exchange assets shall be calculated
Research Paper On Running Offense
Last night in Chillicothe at the Obadiah Harris Family Athletic Complex,
Wheelersburg and the explosive offense did battle with Middletown Madison and its
high octane one dimensional running offense. I do not think many felt this game
would turn into the defensive struggle it turned out to be, but that is what happened
and this was a dogfight all gamelone.
In the first half I had Madison unofficially having the ball six times, running 34
plays and gaining 65 yards. For the Pirates they had the ball five times, running 27
plays, gaining 25 yards, including 13 passes. Neither team could get any momentum
going and a lo t of that was because of penalties. In the second have unofficially I
had Madison running 28 plays, gaining 12 yards, ... Show more content on ...
With 3:14 left Salyers would be stopped for a four yard loss, when he was tackled by
Pelgen once again. Then with 2:34 left Salyers would be picked off by Whiteman.
Whiteman looks really good on the defensive side of the ball and he runs the
Madison offense very well.
With 18.9 seconds left Whiteman was stopped after gaining just one yard by Sylas
Akers, putting Madison into a 2nd and goal from the Pirates 5 yard line. From
there the Mohawks quarterback, Mason Whiteman plowed in from a yard out to
make this a 6 0 game. The point after kick was hit by #21 (Not on the maxpreps
roster) to make this a 7 0 game, with :4 seconds left in the half.
Just :50 seconds into the third quarter Salyers had his pass tipped and then picked off
by #20(Not on the max preps roster) giving the Mohawks a first and goal at the
Pirates 7 yard line. The pirates defense would hold the Mohawks to minus 4 yards on
the first three plays of the drive, forcing a field goal try from #21, that was good to
make this a 10 o Mohawk lead, with 9:33 left on the clock.
The Pirates would turn the ball over again, with 8:44 left on the clock when Case
Dyer was fighting for extra yards, fumbled the ball and making the recovery for
Madison was #30(Not on the max preps roster)
With 8:30 left in the quarter Whiteman would be brought down by CJ Hall , for a 2
yard loss and then with 7:23 left Whiteman would throw the ball right to the
The Prentice Hall Self Assessment
Part I of the Prentice Hall Self Assessment provided me with some interesting
information about my personality, some of which was known and some that was
new to me. The test covering my basic personality provided me with what I would
consider known information. My scores were spot on for the Extroversion,
Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Emotional stability, but what really
surprised me was my score for openness to experience. In this category I scored a 7
which makes me a moderate low in that area which I find to be the perfect score as
I often have a tendency to lean towards those things that I am most familiar with,
but I also have small interest in the unfamiliar and am slightly open to exploring
new ways of doing things. My Jungian Personality has and always be an ISTJ due
to my need for privacy and structure in my everyday life. Kroeger, Thuesen and
Rutledge (2007) affirms this as they state an ISTJ s day to day living is driven by
structure, schedule, and order, and their Introversion makes them appear
somewhat cool and aloof (p. 306). For the Type A personality I scored a 111 which
equates to having an A personality. This is about 95% accurate as I am constantly
striving to achieve more out of life and at times I can be difficult to get along with
due to my drive to succeed. The things noted in the study that would set me apart
from those considered to be hardcore Type A persons would be that I am not always
moving at a fast pace in all that I do and
My Own Cultural And Ethnic Identity
Using the diagram you developed in class (in response to Exercise 10.7) discuss your
own cultural and ethnic identity in terms of your values, beliefs and attitudes. During
your discussion you should refer to the theoretical framework provided by either
Hofstede or Trompenaars.
From the discussion we had during class I was about to find out about how there are
some cultural paradoxes between two cultures values, beliefs and attitudes.
According to Geert Hofstede cultural paradoxes can provide us with many answers
on how and why people behave differently around the globe. As indicated by Keegan
W. J. Culturecan be understood as ways of living, built up by a group of human
beings, that are transmitted from one generation to another . Culture also includes
both conscious and unconscious values.
The United Kingdom has a large number of mixed cultures from the research I
conducted using the theoretical framework provided by Geert Hofstede for my
own cultural, which is British. The United Kingdom is considered to have
individualism society with a score of 89 meaning that the people look after their
own family interests, rather than a collective one the British are a highly
Individualist and private people. All the kids are taught from an early age to think
for themselves and to find out what their unique purpose in life is and how they
uniquely can contribute to society. As indicated by Geert Hofstede with a score of 89
the UK is amongst the highest of the Individualist
Elephants In The Vietnam War
Elephants have been used in war for 2,300 years. The first known use of them was
in Ancient Greece and they have more recently been used in the Vietnam War.
Alexander the Great was well known for the most instrumental spread of elephants as
a weapon of war (Knodell, 2014). Elephants were the tanks of the ancient battlefield
(Knodell, 2014). The mere sight, or smell, of these beasts could cause the enemy to
retreat. If the enemy did not retreat, however, the elephantswould often disrupt their
formation. Even cavalry horses were afraid of the smell, sight, and sounds of the
oncoming elephants. The horses would refuse to proceed.
A driver would sit atop the neck of a domesticated elephant and command it. A
howdah would be placed atop the
The Best American Essays Of The Century, By Joyce Carol
The written word has become a domain for people of all ages and eras to learn
from. Within the last century or so, there has been a procession of memorable
writers with important messages to understand and learn from. It takes diligence
when reading to understand what the author is saying within the context of their
lives. Sometimes, the context of the reader s life makes the writer s story more
memorable. In The Best American Essays of the Century, by Joyce Carol Oates,
just in the range of 35 years, from 1901 to 1935, readers are told about things
experienced, told, or imagined. Each essaytells a story or a lesson in the form of the
written world. Although the authors most likely lived very different lives compared
to each other, each essay portrays similar ideas or themes that can be interpreted by
the readers. Only through writingcan ideas, such as these, be preserved and shared
with others in completely different situations as the author was. These essays themes
have made them timeless, being able to apply to the past, the present, and the future.
Within the first fifteen essays of this collection, the themes: the present is made from
events in the past, strength can be stemmed from bad surroundings, and judgment is
inevitable from those around us, are evident and important for readers to discover in
order to understand the historic credibility behind them.
Students are taught the events of history so that they will not be tempted to repeat
ones with tragic outcomes.
Comparison And Contrast The Difference Between Dirt
Dirt bikes and four wheelers (4 wheelers) have very many similarities and
differences. Three main categories for a comparison and contrast are handling,
stability, and speed.
Handling for a 4 wheeler and dirt bike are similar because you have to turn the
handle bars to make a turn. The difference with a dirt bike is you can lean to make a
tighter turn. On a 4 wheeler you slide the back end around to make a tight turn.
Stability is the same when your flying down the road on a straight away. It s harder
to mud on a dirt bike because of its poor stability going slow. On the other hand, it s a
whole lot easier to mud on a 4 wheeler because of its stability.
Speed varies between the two going in a straight away. On a dirt bike it s easier to get
in and out of turns quickly. With a 4 wheeler you have to slide around a corner
which slows you down. ... Show more content on ...
Each one has it s own advantages on different terrain. 4 wheelers ex cel at stability,
whereas, dirt bikes are better at handling. Each has an advantage on speed depending
on the type of race.
In conclusion, trucks and cars are two totally different vehicles. Designers build
trucks for the off road and cars are for the highway. The seating arrangements depend
on what the owner wants. Truck owners will spend more money on gas, but it
depends on tires, weight, and aerodynamics. A truck would be my vehicle
The Great Storm Essay
The Great Storm
At the edge of the 19th century, Galveston, Texas was roaring with a occupancy of
roughly 40,000 residents. Galveston had become a flourishing commercial port since
the city s founding in 1839. The Island had surmounted countless tropical storms,
which the city survived each time but on September 8, 1900, the storm that would
change everything crashed down.
The 1900 s storm came to town with devastating winds reaching up to 130 140 miles
per hour and storm surges that climbed to 15 feet. The death toll climbed each
moment making the hurricane the deadliest natural disaster in U.S. history so far.
Approximately 20% of Galveston s population was named dead, which would equal
out to a little over 8,000 people. Thirty six hundred ... Show more content on ...
This unaware city and citizens were battered by winds and tremendous swells until
it was completely destroyed by dawn of the next morning. This carnage preserved
this storm s spot in American History and earned it the name The Great Storm of
1900.The Galveston storm was first detected on August 27 in the tropical Atlantic.
On September 3, it reached Cuba and dropped heavy rains. According to, columnist Ken Mendall states The US Weather Bureau
ignored reports from Cuban meteorologists as they expected the storm to re curve
to northeast along the US east coast and eventually exit into the Atlantic. However a
region of high pressure pushed the storm west into the Gulf of Mexico, where
conditions were ideal to strengthen the storm and turn it into a devastating hurricane.
This being said, when they did realize the storm was coming, they tried to alert the
surrounding areas to get to higher ground but many tourists and occupants of the
island declined because it was Just another storm. says a Letter from John DeLaura
a man who lived through the storm. DeLaura also says As homes collapsed from the
surge, residents who were not trapped and pulled under by debris in the sea, grasped
whatever floating items they could find, and held fast as the waves mercilessly
whipped them out to the sea and
Vending Machines Persuasive Speech
A controversial issue currently in our country abides with childhood obesity, and the
outcomes of this epidemic, such as children not capable of walking or another issue
for example taking insulin for high blood pressure, imagine the feeling a child gets
when they have to inject themselves and see the blood that comes out. With these
unwanted forthcoming s many people dread that if children eat too much junk food
or sugary drinks that they will contribute obesity ,and may grow diseases out of the
consumption of these horrific foods. Therefore, many back up plans for these types
of situations exist such as in vending machines they try to limit the consumption of
these foods and sugary drinks by trying to change the ingredients within the chips...
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Reasons why Tony became obese various, but one thing that s for sure that
contributed him from attributing obesity is by the junk food that he would eat at
school. Tony would buy chips and sugary drinks all the time at his elementary and
the time progressed as well did his stomach so by the time hes in middle school
which barely happened this year he has to take insulin, and continues to take it in
present day. I asked his dad once how he felt about the issue and he stated, I should
have never given him the money to buy those rotten chips and poisonous drinks.
Then i asked my cousin how he felt and he stated, If I knew that the snacks that I
would buy would cause me to become like this basically sucking blood out of my
body just to check my blood pressure because it might come to high or too low, then
I would have second guess myself from eating the harmful products. In my
interpretation of the matter by far may respond, that administrators should aware
students about the fact of how harmful these products have reached and to seek help
from local organizations who want to end childhood obesity to come to their
campuses and do assemblies of these matters. If we don t put an end to this then
many more teenagers or younger children will risk the same horrible fate. For the
same reasons banning vending machines may come as the best resort in this matter
Essay on HS320 Microbiology Unit1 Assignment
A Basic Understanding of Microscopy
Assignment 1
Kaplan University Microbiology
Since microorganisms are not visible to the eye, the essential tool in microbiology is
the microscope. One of the first to use a microscope to observe microorganisms was
Robert Hooke, the English biologist who observed algae and fungi in the 1660s. In
the 1670s, Anton van Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch merchant, constructed a number of
simple microscopes and observed details of numerous forms of protozoa, fungi, and
bacteria (Introduction to Microscopes, n.d.). During the 1700s, microscopes were
used to further explore on the microbial world, and by the late 1800s, the light
microscope had been developed. The electron microscope was developed in the
1940s, thus ... Show more content on ...
Another limitation is out of focus light from outside the focal plane reducing image
clarity or requiring constant adjusting. On the other hand, under the right conditions,
light microscopy allows for viewing of samples that are still alive. There are aids
such as fluorescent proteins, that can be used to track proteins in real time in cells
though the viewing of where the proteins are may not be very high in resolution, you
may see roughly where the protein is in the cell, but will not be able to see the shape
of the protein itself. Lastly confocal light microscopy gives moderately higher
resolution, and significant enhancements in optical sectioning by limiting out of
focus light.
The Electron Microscope
In electron microscopy, on the other hand, a beam of electrons with a negative
charge, instead of light is sent through a very thin slice of the specimen. Because the
electron beam has a far smaller wavelength than light used in light microscopy, it
achieves far better resolution, the current resolution of limit of the best electron
microscope is approximately 0.05 nm atomic resolution, and 4000X better
magnification than that of a conventional light microscope (BSP, S., 2010). This
means that with an electron microscope you can potentially achieve enough
magnification to observe the shape of the protein machinery that carries out the work
inside of cells. The major limitation of electron microscopy is that specimen
Lead Like Jesus Summary
The Leadership Wisdom of Jesus is for those who want to become wise and highly
effective leaders. This is more than a theory; it focuses on a uniquely constructive
and compassionate approach to leadership based on positive spiritual principles
contained in the teachings of Jesus. It addresses priceless wisdom for leading
ourselves and others. We can apply these principles to family, work and church or
ministry. When we are called upon to lead, in any capacity, we have to be effective
and lead with ethic and justice. We have to be able to provide positive influence for
others. The book Lead like Jesusgive us four stages for us to learn how we can
identify our stage in order to go to a different level of leadership. We need to identify
... Show more content on ...
God has given me the opportunity to serve different areas of ministry, children,
woman s, music and all this has given me the chance to learn. I believe that God is
preparing me to become a master learner. This kind of service to the neighbor is
also difficult and entails a lot of patience and love towards the other people. At this
time I have developed a good communication among people who attend church. I
show them how important they are to me as a persons, I always show them that I
care about their lives. That gives them a feeling of trust and confidence when they
talk to me. Time is very important people require a little time and not everyone is
willing to give their time, worse in these times when people are always hurried. I
also know that in this I have very much to learn. In my character I have too many
flaws, because I am a person who likes to do things at the moment we need them.
However I must learn that sometimes we have to wait. It is God who handles
In the end I understand that I need to learn many things to become a master leader.
I am trying to follow the leadership of Jesus so I can implement it every day in
every moment with my family, work and ministry. Peter was one of the disciples
of Jesus, he had a strong character and he was very impatient, in some way I
identify with him. He learned and dared to walk on the water, did what he learned
from the master, I think he was the only one who did it. Until that stage I want to
reach myself, to learn what seems impossible for the humans, but possible for
Culture Of North Korean Culture
North Korean Culture The United States of America is truly a melting pot. People
of different cultures and ethnic groups flee to America to experience a piece of the
American Pie . The culture of foreigners is different from the cultures of American
s. This has caused a lot of preventable tragic events over the years. Due to a lack of
communication, individuals of different cultural groups and ethnicity can easily be
evaluated as dangerous, rude, and even extremist because of the cultural barriers.
With the world moving at such a fast pace, people don t tend to consider the culture
beliefs and behaviors of their new neighbors. Ultimately leaving people of different
beliefs in fear that Americans opinions and perception of their culture will put them
in harm, leaving them prisoner in a free country. I broke the cultural barrier and
interview a citizen of North Korea. In the following I will speak of North Korean
values, religion, and the role of women. In applying the communication concepts, I
found that they are prisoners in their own land and come to American just to be rude
by their ethnicity. Beginning the interview, I choose to define myself to Daniella, a
born citizen of Pyongyang. I explained my cultural background and valves that are
important. I belong to the African American culture. I also have deep roots in the
Jamaican culture which is a mixture of Spanish and British traditions. The languages
that are mainly spoken is English and Spanish. We value
Amethyst Research Paper
Birthstone Amethyst
The deep purple amethyst has long been assigned spirital, purifying and protective
qualities. Found across the world its use has been traced back to Neolithic Europe. It
holds strong associations to love, healing and both physical and spiritual protection.
It s energies are that of fire, it is said to inflame the passions and spark creativity,
boost spirituality and encourage both logic and temperance in the wearer.
Most closely associated with St Valentine, Bachuss, and Dionysus, it represents
faithful love and ecclesiastical dignity. In the Chakra the amethyst is the stone of the
Crown Chakra, aiding in the connection to the divine. The amethyst is ruled by both
Neptune and jupiter and is consideed to be one of the best stones to wear while doing
any sort of mediation or work that utlizes the subconscious mind.
Amethyst in Science
The Amethyst is part of the quartz family of stones ... Show more content on ...
It s name is derived from the ancient greek word ametusthos ( бјЂ a ( not ) and
ОјООёП…ПѓП„ОїП‚ mГ©thystos ( intoxicated )). Throughout history the amethyst
has been popular in both mundane and spiritual applications. It was often
incorporated into the crowns and jewelry of royalty. There have been examples of its
use traced as far back as the Neolithic people of Europe.
In Ancient Egypt it was valued for its healing and protective properties. They
believed that the stone could bring relief from both guilt and fear and protect the
wearer while they traveled. The Greeks and the Romans equated the stone with
Dionysus/Bacchus and believed it would protect them from drunkenness. They
would also place the stone under their pillow at night as a cure for insomnia and to
bring sweet dreams. If warmed and placed on the forehead they believed it would
reduce the throbbing, if not the pain of a
Why The Bay Of Pigs Invasion Failure
One of our greatest assets is that all men aspire to be equal and free. This fact
haunts the rulers of the Kremlin today for they cannot change the law of nature and
they know it. stated Allen Dulles, the fifth director of the Central Intelligence
Agency. The Cold War, Bay of Pigs Invasion began on April 17, 1961 and has had
an everlasting effect on the history of the United States and the world. The Bay of
Pigs Invasion was an encounter between Cuban exiles, armed and trained by the
American Central Intelligence Agency and the military forces of Fidel Castro. The
failure of the Bay of Pigs Invasion proceeded to unite the Soviet Union and Cubato
create mass terror in the United States and for its allies. The belief was that if the
Soviet... Show more content on ...
The Invasion was destined to fail from the beginning due to the CIA s plan being
backed on false intelligence. From the Bay of Pigs Invasion, the mass exchange of
communist ideas would begin, deepening the Cold Warand attributing to the pressure
and strain placed upon the United States and Russian foreign relations. Failure and
doubt in the United States lead to the exploration of new policy and political
ideology, as well as a new era in intelligence, political, and military fields, that
continues to affect the domestic and foreign policy of today s
The Culture Of The Creole Culture
The creoles are a big part of who we are today. The colonial term Creole means a
person of mixed European and black descent. They started things like language,
food, religion, and music that we still use, cook, and listen to today. Creole culture
is a mix of French, African, and Native American customs. Creoles are a self
identified group of various people of French, Spanish, and Portuguese descendants
who live in the coastal area of Louisianamainly New Orleans. (
Creoles ) The French and Spanish in New Orleans started calling themselves
Creoles after the Louisiana Purchase when the English started moving in. The
Creoles were a different color and separated from all of the other people. In 1724
they were put under Code Noir also known as the Black Code. According to the
Code Noir, they could own slaves, own real estate, and be reorganized in court. But
they were not were not allowed to marry white people and they were also not
allowed to vote. On all legal documents, they were required to put f.m.c or f.w.c
which means free man of color and free woman of color. Creoles are different from
Cajuns. Most Cajuns are white and trace their ancestries to French exiles from
Canada. Cajuns included people from all over the world and Creoles may have some
of the same ancestors as Cajuns. In the late twentieth century, Creole was influenced
by the resurgence of Cajunidentity in Southern Louisiana. Cajuns or Acadians are
descendants of
Investigating The Heat Of Reaction Of A Combustion
Utilize Hess s Law to determine the heat of reaction of a combustion reaction.
Part A Reaction of Magnesium with Hydrochloric Acid:
Materials were gathered and the mass of a calorimeter was measured, then HCl was
poured into the calorimeter and the mass was measured again. A 7 cm magnesium
ribbon strip was cut into two parts, approximately 4 cm and 3 cm, respectively. The
temperature of the HCl was recorded, then the 3 cm magnesium strip was added to
the solution and the temperature was measured again. Another trial was conducted
with the 4 cm strip after the disposal of the first mixture.
Part B Reaction of Magnesium Oxide with Hydrochloric Acid:
Materials were gathered and the mass of a calorimeter was measured, then HCl was
poured into the calorimeter and the mass was measured again. The temperature of the
hydrochloric acid was recorded, then .20 grams of magnesium oxide was added to the
HCl solution and the temperature was measured for the highest achieved value.
Another trial was conducted after the disposal of materials.
Data Table
Table 1: Raw DataReaction A (Mg + HCL)Reaction B (MgO + HCL) Trial 1Trial
2Trial 1Trial 2
Mass of Calorimeter
(g) (В±.01 вЃ°C)3.523.533.523.53
Mass of Calorimeter + HCL (g) (В±.01 g)18.8118.8318.9218.60
Mass of Mg (Reaction A) or MgO (Reaction B)
(g) (В±.01 g).045.0615.20.20
Initial Temperature
(вЃ°C) (В±.1 вЃ°C)23.223.422.723.3
Final Temperature
(вЃ°C) (В±.1 вЃ°C)33.236.927.729.2
Table 2:
The Defense Of Homeland Security
An incredibly long 13 years has passes since the Department of Homeland Security
has stood up and began the ultra important job of protecting the United States from
both state and non state sponsored threats. There have also been great strides made
to protect the U.S. from insider threats as well. The monumental effort it took to
synergize all 22 agencies with inherently different jobs into one living breathing unit
took significant patience and forethought. There has been and will continue to be
heated debates on protecting civil liberties while guarding citizens from both
terrorists and natural disasters. Can there be a balance of maintaining civil liberties
and securing the airports, borders, and cities from another 9/11? Has there been a
significant improvement in how different agencies break through the bureaucracy
and come together to share information? There has indeed been a substantial
improvement to how 22 agencies across the government provide security for all
Americans. In response to the attacks on 9/11 the PATRIOT act was passed.
(Congressional Digest 2004, 258) The PATRIOT act provided, in many ways like the
creation of Department of Homeland Security (DHS), sweeping changes across the
government. The PATRIOT act allowed law enforcement unprecedented latitude to
identify, prosecute, and ultimately stop terrorists from harming Americans. There
were three broad areas where the act gave the agencies tracking terrorists more help.
(Congressional Digest 2004,
Analysis Of Power And Time By Mary Oliver
Mary Oliver, a Pulitzer Prize winning author/poet, uses her essay Of Power and
Time describes to readers the creative process that goes along with writing, and the
obstacles associated with it (Poetry). She then explores various contexts in which
creativity exists, or should/should not exist. Although many readers can appreciate
what Oliver has to offer, she mainly directs her writingtowards people who yearn for
creativitybut cannot find the time to develop it. Oliver uses a specific word choice,
anomalous organization, elaborate analogies, bias, and a connection to religion in
order to convey the idea that creativity takes time and effort. The word choice Oliver
uses is very specific to this essay and her argument.
Throughout her writing, she uses very descriptive language in her various
analogies. Some examples of this are silver morning, white spider belly, stained
with light, etc (Oliver 620 623). This vivid language allows readers to visualize and
get the full effect of Oliver s main idea. She also uses poetic language at moments,
which makes sense with her very successful poetry background, which includes
various awards (Poetry). Examples of this are found throughout her essay. For
instance, in paragraph five, Oliver says, I am, myself, three selves at least, (Oliver
620). This creative use of words provides readers with pleasant contrast from most
formal writings. Overall, Oliver s word choice was unique to her essay and provided
a unique
Akeelah Research Paper
Akeelah works hard to achieve her personal legend and her whole world conspires
to help make that happen. Akeelah Anderson, is a eleven year old African
American student from the Crenshaw neighborhood of South Los Angeles,
struggles to overcome the limitations of her environment. In the early stages of the
movie Akeelah has a passion for spelling. Spelling is a secret talent Akeelah holds
and excels at, but does not wish to share, as she would be perceived as a brainiac .
Akeelah s enjoyment of spelling is showcased, when she adds a new word she
learns or hears to her diary. This habit was a good omen because it created more
pathways for her which would eventually lead her to what she truly enjoys and not be
frightened of what others thought.... Show more content on ...
The girl holding spelling bee trophy, sparked her interest.This is the starting point
that brings Akeelah closer to her personal legend, because her aptitude for words
spurs school admins and will eventually influence Akeelah to join the spelling bee.
Akeelah s mentors have a positive impact on her and the choices she makes.
Akeelah s English teacher, Mrs. Cross, acknowledges Akeelah s ability, and
informs Akeelah that she would be one of her best students if she attended class
and completed homework assignments. By doing this, she reassures Akeelah that
she is capable of succeeding if she applies herself. Supposing that Akeelah may
have an interest in spelling based on her keen ability, Mrs. Cross encourages
Akeelah to enter the school spelling bee. She refuses to participate in the school
spelling bee until the principal suggests that she should because she is the only hope
that can bring the school some attention. When Akeelah gets a taste of victory by
winning the school bee, she is smothered by spellings that Dr. Larabee throws at her
to spell as she spells each word without a
Hurt People Hurt People
Hurt People Hurt People A Critique Lynetric Rivers Liberty University COUN 507
B01 Summer 2010 Term Deadline: 6/13/2010 Instructor s Name: Diane Powell
Hurt People Hurt People A Critique Dr. Wilson opens her book by stating, It s true,
isn t it? Hurt people hurt people. (2001 pg.9) It is Dr. Wilson s belief that by
shedding light on Hurt People Hurt People she shows a cycle that can be broken.
Wilson explores unseen wounds, how they are created through childhood, and
caretakers within our lifetime. Dr.Wilson exhaustively demonstrates the help there is
for the different wounds... Show more content on ...
She delves into hope and why we need it. God has a plan for the effects of our
hurting and hurtful lives, the effects that we would prefer to have Him remove.
(2001, pg.235) She leads the reader back to God, who is the healer of all things and
this is where our hope originates from. By showing the reader even in the midst of
all of our imperfections, wounds, and hurts He is there with and everlasting love
and ability to heal. Of all hopes this is the greatest: the promise of God s
everlasting love. He plasters that promise from one end of His Word to the other.
We come bruised, broken and bound. Jesus comes healing, mending, and releasing.
(2001, pg.240) She shows the reader there is no greater hope than this in Christ
Jesus. Evaluation Dr. Wilson giver her interpretation of Hurt People Hurt People.
By showing how people are hurt through childhood, self inflicted hurts, and unseen
wounds she paints a picture of why and how we now have a new generation of hurt
people. Wilson goes further to give some solutions as to how to heal these hurt
people. I believe Dr. Wilson did achieve her intended purpose to demonstrate why
hurt people hurt people. It sounds like a clichГ©, but it was very true. Her
argument was logical and well supported by her examples and statistical data. This
book taught how to look below the surface of hurt people. By examining closer the
reasons behind the wounds we are able to see how we can
Rosa Parks Speech
Rosa Parks, known as the Mother of the Civil Rights Movement ( Walk of Fame ),
started an immense revolution by simply not moving at all. While losing her job,
receiving threats, and being forced to relocate her family, Parks still stood powerful
in the midst of one of the most vital movements in history ( Walk of Fame ). Parks s
ambition fueled her stirring passion for equality (Brinkley 44). Rosa Parkss arrest was
the catalyst of the Montgomery Bus Boycott which then changed the economic,
social, and political climates in America.
By refusing to follow an order from a racist bus driver, when told to give her seat
up to a white man, Rosa Parks sparked a revolution. On December 1, 1955, her
arrest commenced the Montgomery Bus Boycott; which, in turn, changed the
economic climate of America. As a result, the city was forced to desegregate its
buses due to a Supreme Court ruling that rejected revenues ( Walk of Fame ). Rosa
Parks became a well known sensation to the nation due to her rebellion against
racial discrimination. Parks fely discontented with the racial segregation and
decided her time would be better spent staying put rather than giving up her seat
and being humiliated by the bus driver. If she gave up her seat, it would have
proved that she was no better than the label that the bus driver was applying to her,
an inferior, Negro woman. As discussed in the article, Montgomery Bus Boycott, The
boycott continued for over a year. Losing so many regular
Skills for LAND A1 2015 1
Module: Unit 10: Skills for Land based Outdoor and Adventurous Activities
Tutor:Nick YoungAssignment No: 1 of 1 Title: Land based Outdoor and
Adventurous Activities The Knowledge, Risks, Participation, Review Development
IV d before Mark WilsonDate 22/4/13 issue by: IV d: Date 16/4/15Date 21/5/15
Issued:Due: Feedback Due: 11/6/15 Student Name:
................................................................. Assessment Criteria Outcome P M D R 1 P1
M1 X 2 P2 X X 3 P3 M2 D1 P4 M3 D2 4 P5 M4 X P6 X X This assignment is
submitted as partial fulfilment of this unit. Please read the statement carefully and
sign your name below: I... Show more content on ...
(P1, M1) Task 2 Carry out risk assessments for two different land based outdoor and
adventurous activities. The assessments must cover the details of the risk, who might
be affected, the likelihood of occurrence, the severity of the risk, a risk rating,
controls and contingencies. (P2) Task 3 Describe the skills and techniques required
for two different land based outdoor and adventurous activities. This should include
details of personal technical abilities, technical skills particular to the activity,
personal fitness, generic skills and advanced skills. To achieve M2, you must
compare and contrast the skills and techniques required for two different land based
outdoor and adventurous activities. i.e. highlight their differences, similarities,
difficulties etc.To achieve D1, you must evaluate the skills and techniques required to
perform successfully in two different land based outdoor and adventurous activities.
This requires an opinion, or judgement, on the relative difficulty of the selected
activities. (P3, M2, D1) Task 4 Demonstrate the skills and techniques in two different
land based outdoor and adventurous activities (with tutor support if needed). To
achieve M3, you must independently demonstrate skills and techniques in two
Never Give Up In Fever, 1793
Do you have those times where it becomes really hard and you just want to give
up? Do you ever say that you can t do something because it seems to hard? If you
give up in life you won t succeed and get very far. You shouldn t say you can t
before you even try. Also, you won t accomplish any of your dreams that the world
has to offer. I hear these three words all the time. They are very important. In the
book Fever, 1793 Mattie, Grandpa, and mother show many ways that they never
give up. Mattie was a character in Fever,1793. She was faced with a lot and
showed a lot of ways that she Never gave up even when times were looking down.
One way I see this theme is when Mattie s mother got the fever. Mattie wanted to stay
with her mother
Ritche Vallins Biography
This essay is going to be about wether or not ritchie vallins deserves a spot in the
rock and roll hall of faim. This idea can be argued in ether favor. Wether the arguer
think he deserves it or not. Its funny i find it becouse people fight all the time about
someone who is past away. Im mean i can understand the fight becouse the rock
and roll hall of faim is a pristeaguess award.soo finaly let me stop rambulling and
getstarted. Ritche Valins what a huge iconic name in the music indastry to bad he
died at a young age before he was able to make a huge name for himself. This man
had a huge array of titals for himself even at the young age of 16. Founder of spanish
rock, I like to believe that he is one of the major reason music is traslated now a days
for all to hear. These are the kind of titals that arent earned... Show more content on ...
Three amazing artists died in one fell swoup. I believe ritche was about 16 when it
happened. This amazing music makeing founded/ pioneard spanish rock and
roll.This in my oppinion is a fitting end for the three rock and roll artists who were
invalved in the plain crash going out in a blaze of glory. I with out a shadow of a
dout believe that be desrves his spot on the rock and roll hall of faim. A modist
man who never glouted about his glory. People who talk about him call him the
pionear of spanish rock and roll music. I think that alone resurve his spot in rock
and roll inmortality. He gave music to those who wouldent have had accese to rock
and roll due to the ideas of the time. In conclustion ritche was a amazing music
artist. He desurves is hall of fame spot that he has for all he has done for music. He
allowed spanish people to injoy the music in there natural language. He spread the
wings of rock to those who have never have been graced by its preasince.That is my
true opinion on this matter hope you can see the
Acupuncture By James Reston
1. Acupuncture: An extraordinary therapeutic method over two millennia old
Acupuncture treats diseases by the insertion of fine needles into the body. In July of
1971, Dr. Henry A. Kissinger made a secret trip to China to prepare for President
Nixon s historical visit. Among his entourage was James Reston, a journalist from the
New York Times. While in China
, Reston suffered an attack of acute appendicitis and
underwent an appendectomy at the Beijing Union Medical College, established by
the Rockefeller Foundation of New York in 1916. During the second night after the
operation, Reston started to experience considerable discomfort in his abdomen.
With his approval, an acupuncturist at the hospital inserted and manipulated three
long thin needles, one into the outer part of his right elbow and one below each knee.
There was noticeable relaxation of the abdominal pressure and distension within an
hour, with no recurrence of the problem thereafter. James Reston included a detailed
description of his experiences with acupuncture in his dispatches from ... Show more
content on ...
Blockages in these energy rivers act as dams, obstructing the flow of Qi and blood
and causing it to back up in connecting channels. Needling the acupoints removes
the obstructions, curing disease by reestablishing the regular flow of Qi and blood.
In the same way, dredging a river by clearing away sediment prevents flooding by
allowing the water to flow freely. Similar descriptions of flood control and
acupuncture have been used since acupuncture first appeared as a comprehensive
system of healing early in China s Western Han Dynasty (206 BC 24 AD). Such
hydraulic terminology has been employed not simply for its evocative imagery.
Rather, it indicates the understanding the Chinese ancestors have attained by this time
of the correspondences between Nature and Human, river and meridian, flood and
Milton Friedman s Ideas Essay
Milton Friedman s ideas where thought to be radical, but he was the most
authoritative figure in the economics field in the 20th century, (Placeholder2) and
was known most for his thoughts on free enterprise, classical liberalism and limited
government. (Placeholder3) His views shaped modern capitalism. (Placeholder2) He
was against government intervention and favored free markets (Placeholder6).
If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there d
be a shortage of sand. Milton Friedman
His contributions were many, to name a few:
Monetary theory and policy
Price theory
Permanent Income
Quantity Theory
Consumption function and permanent income hypothesis
Friedman Phelps ... Show more content on ...
In an effort to finance the war effort, he designed the income tax withholding system.
It was supposed to be a temporary emergency measure but the government later made
it a permanent part of its peacetime taxation. He would always reget forcing
withholding on Americans. (Placeholder6). (Placeholder8)
Another job Friedman held was author, creator and narrator of the PBS TV
documentary series Free to Choose. and he worked as a columnist for Newsweek for
over 15 years authoring several books, technical academic papers and columns. His
books, Capitalism and Freedom and Free to Choose were best sellers. (Placeholder3)
He had also won the Noel Prize for Economic Science in 1976 (Placeholder2)
Mr. Friedman was influenced by Fredrich von Hayek a free market thinker and
believed that the government should stay out of peoples affairs whenever possible
letting and that market could solve economic problems more efficiently than
government officials could. This idea became known as the Chicago School of
economics, a concept of free market capitalism. (Placeholder2)
In the 1960 s Milton Friedman was known to say there s no such thing as a free
lunch. If the government spends a dollar, that dollar has to come from producers and
workers in the
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Caused by Smoking
Summary (197 words):
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is a disease caused by smoking and
cannot be cured. However, it can be managed and the patient, HA, has a
prescription for two types of drugs to help control the condition, Tiotropium to help
open the airways of the lungs and Salbutamol which is a quick reliever. The
symptoms of the disease don t usually show up until later in life usually shown in
people in their late 30s onwards. So many patients don t realise they have the
disease until the disease has progressed a bit. The disease only gets progressively
worse with time and the best way to prevent further deterioration of the disease is to
quite smoking. The pharmacist is important in making sure the patient understands
how to take their medication effectively as well as offering any additional services
for their condition. The pharmacist can also help the patient make any beneficial
lifestyle changes. However, the most important role of the pharmacist is to offer
advice to the patient and should be a source of information that the patient can use to
acask any questions or queries they have on their condition, medication or any
services they may be interested in.
The nature of the condition (847 words):
The main function of the lungs is to allow gas exchange, where oxygen is inspired
from the air and carbon dioxide is expired. There are two lungs in the body, a left lung
and a right lung. These lungs are made up of many small sacs known as alveoli,
which is
What Can Be Done to Stop Homelessness in America Essay
Homelessness is across the world some places are better that other but every place
on earth has homeless people. This paragraph is going to be why the issue is
important how it affects people and what people and you can do to help. This is an
issue that is important to me after this I hope you do something to help the homeless.
This issue is important because there are between 750,000 and 1.3 million people
that are homeless and that is just in America and that number is getting bigger due
to economic times. People with children are becoming homeless about 36% of
homeless people are families most people who are homeless have suffered a
different tragedy some are wives fleeing for domestic violence. You might ask who
the victims are of ... Show more content on ...
In my opinoin we should focus on the united states first if we get ourselves up and
running we will be a greater force to help others. when I say solve the issue I don t
mean we just give them money I mean we try to get them an education if they learn
a field in which the work force need. Setting up schools can also help the childred
of these poor people. This is just a dream of mine all those people rising up and
could you imaging 100 million extra people making money and the economy.
You can do many things to help homeless people like volunteering at a soup
kitchen or just donating some of your old clothes there are also many charities
around Kansas. You can be a part of a coat drive I take part in a coat drive at the end
of December I would do it earlier but the list is always full and that makes me feel
rather good that so many people know people are homeless and they want to do
something. There are over 20 homeless shelters in Kansas (Northland Housing). All
you have to do is two hours of your time it s not a lot and it is fun to talk to some of
the people.
I do believe we can help the homeless but once again it will not just happen overnight
it will take years maybe decades and then we probably won t be able to help everyone
but those thousand you do help over the years it will make a world of a difference.
Two hours of your time once a year that s all you would have to give and two hours
for 100 seems like a good deal to me. Homelessness is
The Conspirator Intentions In Julius Caesar
The conspirators intentions were based on logic and emotion. They were able to
see that Julius was changing in his ways after Antony had offered him the crown
several times. Power was being corrupted and people were beginning to lose hope
for the future of Rome. They re freedom was at stake and something needed to be
done. Even Brutus who is very close to Julius could see where Rome was going if
Julius were to take the crown. Not only him but Cassius wanted Julius dead not
because of future of Rome but because of his envy and fear of his safety. He knew
that Caesar dislikes him and might plan to have him killed.
Brutus has logical intentions to kill Caesar for the future of Rome, but Cassius only
wants him gone for personal gain. If Cassius

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Violence In Sports Essay

  • 1. Violence In Sports Essay Crafting an essay on the subject of "Violence in Sports" presents a multifaceted challenge that requires a delicate balance between discussing the inherent physicality of sports and addressing the ethical concerns surrounding violence. To begin with, delving into the history of violent incidents in various sports and their repercussions necessitates thorough research to provide a comprehensive overview. Analyzing the psychological and sociological aspects of aggression within the context of sports further complicates the writing process, demanding a nuanced understanding of human behavior in competitive environments. Moreover, navigating the fine line between acknowledging the entertainment value of physical sports and critiquing instances of excessive aggression poses a challenge. Striking a balance between presenting objective evidence and expressing personal opinions requires a skillful approach, ensuring that the essay remains informative and unbiased. Additionally, addressing potential solutions or preventive measures for curbing violence in sports calls for a thoughtful examination of policies, regulations, and cultural influences. The task becomes even more intricate when considering the need to cater to diverse perspectives on the matter, as opinions on what constitutes acceptable levels of violence in sports can vary widely. Balancing the analytical aspects with engaging and coherent prose adds another layer of complexity, as the essay should be accessible to a broad audience while maintaining academic rigor. In conclusion, tackling the topic of "Violence in Sports" in an essay demands extensive research, critical thinking, and adept handling of diverse viewpoints. Navigating through the intricate web of historical, psychological, and ethical dimensions requires a careful and considered approach to present a well-rounded perspective on the subject. For assistance with similar essays or more writing help, you may explore the services offered on Violence In Sports Essay Violence In Sports Essay
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  • 3. Fe Analysis And Precast Frame Systems CHAPTER 5 FE ANALYSIS OF CAST IN SITU AND PRECAST FRAME SYSTEMS 5.1 Preamble The response of structural systems depends on the rigidity of the connections and this knowledge becomes very important to understand the influence of connections on the load path under both lateral and vertical loads. Precast buildings with skeletal frames system may have different forms based on the types of joint and their position as indicated in the Table 1 1. The structural joints can be idealized as either hinged or fixed and be either precast or formed at site. The performance of the precast frame systems identified as type 3, 6, 7 and 8 in Table 1 1, and subjected to lateral and gravity loads are compared with the cast in situ frame systems. The performance of building is evaluated in terms of displacements, bending moment, storey drifts and storey shear for different load cases analysis for the following frame configurations. 5.2 Frame Configuration Analysis of a G+3 storey building is carried out using STAAD PRO software. With the geometric dimensions as: 18.0m x 12.0m x 12.0m. Each storey has the floor height as 3.0 m. Table 5.1 Physical properties Columns300 x 450 mm Beams230 x 450 and 230 x300mm Slab thickness150mm Table 5.2 Material properties Unit weight of concrete25kN/m3 Poisson s ratio0.2 Young s modulus25000 N/mm2 (M25) Grade of concreteM25 TypeFront ViewDescription Cast in situTypical 3 x 3 x 3 Moment Resisting Frame Structural system 3 This system consists
  • 4. Driving while Drinking What are the effects of alcohol on driving? Driving a vehicle is a very complex activity that demands proper decision making, total concentration, good co ordination and rapid reflexes. In order to drive safely, it is essential to be alert, aware and able to make quick decisions in response to a constant rapidly changing environment. Alcohol alters the ability of the brain and body to function normally. It interferes with even the most experienced driver s ability to drive safely. When alcohol is consumed, many of the required skills to drive safely such as judgment, concentration, comprehension, coordination, visual acuity, and reaction time become impaired. (Anelli Xavier, 2013) The severity of alcohol induced impairment on driving depends on the amount of alcohol present in the bloodstream, this is based on a person s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) percentage. People begin to feel the effects of alcohol when their BAC ranges between 0.03% and 0.059%. (2014 Motor Accident Commission South Australia) Drink driving is a factor in about 18 per cent of all fatal crashes in NSW. (Transport for New South Wales, 31 May 2013) Studies have shown that when under the influence of alcohol, drivers are not able to respond to stimuli as quickly as when they are sober. An individual needs more time to respond to situations and hazards. If someone is driving a car, the perception of distance is increased. For example, in an ordinary scenario, a driver would be able to respond to
  • 5. Norman Bates In Psycho The Essence of Psychological Innocence In Alfred Hitchcock s film Psycho, Norman Bates is portrayed as a serial killer. Many would imply the notion that Norman is guilty due to the multiple killings he performed throughout the film; however, Norman Bates is innocent. Suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) or multiple personality disorder Bates uncontrollable and horrendous acts of murder [are his] cries for help. In the same fashion, Bates lack of social interaction alongside his mother s influence both play grand roles in his inability to properly interact with people. Moreover, in Bates twisted childhood, he depended strongly on his mother for social interaction. . The moment Norman matricide his mother he disconnected himself from the only social interaction that he had. Matricide is when a ... Show more content on ... In the film, he talks about taking care of his mother when he was having a conversation with Marion Crane, Norman states to Marion I don t hate her; I hate the illness, meaning he loves her, but he is aware of the mental toll that she has put him through. He was hinting that his mother was not normal or that he wasn t himself. Marion suggested that maybe he should committed her to a mental institution. Norman immediately shut that idea down by stating, If you love someone, you don t do that to them, he fights his mother mentally, but he treats her like his lover. In his mind it was the mental version of her not allowing him to come out of the house and interact with other women that sparked his Dissociative Identity Disorder. She used her son as a substitute lover and her hatred for any women that could take Norman away is what triggered his disorder. In his mind he thinks he is his mother, and he thinks he switches roles. Bates looks caring, innocent and helpful, but in reality, he is mentally ill, mother obsessed, and
  • 6. Seat Belts Argumentative Essay Anonymous Writer Anonymous Teacher English 10 Honors November 19, 2013 Argument Based Essay Seat Belts A seat belt is a restraining device installed in a vehicle to prevent or minimize the force of an injury during a crash ( Seat Belts 5). Although it is also known as a safety belt, the safety part is the key issue that is causing much controversy around drivers, manufacturers, and researchers alike. The main idea around the debate is the fact that although research indicates that when seat belts are used properly they save lives, opponents argue that mandating their use can actually cause more harm than good in some cases and is an infringement on personal rights. Car accidents are the leading cause of death for people ... Show more content on ... Freedom stops when we get to a point where others may be harmed or killed. As soon as something puts lives in danger, the right of freedom disappears thus making mandatory seatbelt laws a non infringement on freedom. Seat belts are the single most effective traffic safety device for preventing death and injury in a vehicle ( Seat Belt Safety, Seat Belt Laws ). Wearing a seat belt can reduce the risk of crash injuries by 50%. Seat belts save lives and are effective in preventing ejections from a vehicle. While opponents argue that in certain cases it is better to not wear a seatbelt, wearing a seatbelt is usually the safer route. A person will never know what type of accident they might enter and thus can t prepare for a certain type of accident. You can t know whether or not having a seatbelt will save you. It s better to wear a seatbelt and have a 50% of survival than not wearing a seatbelt and have a 3% chance of being in a situational accident where not having a seat belt will save you. Research shows that Seat Belts saved more than 75,000 lives from 2004 to 2008 ( Seat Belt Safety, Seat Belt Laws ). Without the mandatory use of seat belts, many lives could be put in danger and this would have negative social and economic effects on society. 49 States in the USA have issued mandatory seat belt laws to promote safe habits and to protect the people. With this law in place, many lives have been saved as people were forced to wear seat belts to properly
  • 7. Analysis Of St. George s The Dragon Falls A fair maiden walks solemnly through the city gates, away from her family, her home, and everything she has ever known. She begins to weep as she heads down the dusty dirt road, towards a large pond, the home of the treacherous dragon that terrorized the surrounding cities. Just before she reaches the pond, a man in glimmering silver armor rides up to her on a majestic white steed. He calls out to her and asks why she weeps. The distraught girl warns him of the dragonof the pond, begging him to flee before it is too late. The man, the mighty St. George, refuses her request just as a thundering roar fills the air. Before their eyes, the fearsome dragon rears out of the water, bellowing his rage to the skies. Saint George charges... Show more content on ... While it is likely that the dragon slaying is merely an embellishment on St. George s true tale, what are the limits of the fiction revolving around this legend? Did St. George receive credit for another man s triumph? Did anybody ever slay the dragon in Silene, Libya (where St. George was said to have slain the dragon)? Was there ever a dragon in Silene? Were there ever dragons anywhere in the world? Tales of the mighty reptilian beasts known as Dragons can be found all over the world from all throughout history. The origin of dragons is unknown, although there are legends that can be traced to approximately 5,000 B.C. (Owens). These legends have appeared independently all over the Earth, with variations of course, but still enough similarity to be clearly identified as the same creatures. Although the modern world no longer fears dragons as the dangerous creatures lurking in the hidden corners of the world, should their existence be dismissed entirely? The Earth has held many equally monstrous creatures, from the 60 ft. shark Megalodon (Patton) to the 50 ft. snake Titanoboa (Gowan) or even the recently discovered 130 ft. titanosaur (currently unnamed) (Frizell). Compared to other creatures that have roamed the Earth, dragons may seem no less believable however, (I) although dragons appeared independently and simultaneously across the globe, they did so with many physical and behavioral differences (II) nowadays dragons have faded into mythology,
  • 8. Claudio Monteverdi vs. Domenico Scarlatti Essay A comparison of two major Baroque composers: Claudio Monteverdi and Domenico Scarlatti The purpose of this paper is to analyze two psalms by Claudio Giovanni Antonio Monteverdi (1567 1643) and Giovanni Domenico Scarlatti (1685 1757) and compare and contrast the two pieces to find out how music changed throughout the Baroque period. While historians grouped music of the Baroque period together based on certain characteristics, the music did not remain the same throughout the period, as it would not for any other musical time period. Composers from different points in the Baroque period were chosen, but the things the two composers had in common were the country of residence and their nationality. Special care was taken to chose composers ... Show more content on ... There is octave doubling in the bass, and the fifth occurs often since it was considered to be perfect or somehow godly. What makes this psalm different from Scarlatti s other psalms is that it is the only psalm that exhibits an organized concerto style. This psalm is also written in Latin, and has no indicated dynamics. It begins in D major, and switches to A and E major, and b and a minor throughout the setting, and ends back on D major. The piece does have some ornamentation, consisting of argued trills. The argument comes from odd markings on the original manuscript. Some people feel that the markings were just hastily drawn trills, while others feel they may actually be mordants. In the newest transcription, they have all been transcribed as trills. The main reason for the lack of ornamentation put into the music is an attempt to make the music less frilly. In the Baroque era this tooking away from the sacred message it was supposed to send. While both pieces are a part of each composer s library of sacred music, they are in some respects not very much alike and in others they are very similar. There are the obvious things they have in common such as the fact that they are written in Latin. That is not too surprising considering some churches still used Latin as the primary language in their services, even though in the Baroque period many churches began using the vernacular so the patrons would understand the services. Aside from that, Monteverdi, being more
  • 9. Mark Antony Research Paper Mark Antony, a Roman leader that conquered cities, grew up with the legacy of his grandfather and no influence from his father. Antony came from a Roman family and was influenced by some of the wrong people. Throughout leadership roles in his life, Mark Antony proved to be a leader who made enemies due to his reckless behavior, what Cicero wrote about him, and his love affair with Cleopatra. Even though Antony lived recklessly when he was younger, he eventually cleaned up his act and started his military career as a young adult. His father died early on in his life, so Antony had to learn to live for himself during his teenage years (Mark Antony 1). During this time, Antony did not care about what he did or how it affected him, so he lived... Show more content on ... While their original friendship started out at a political meeting, it was later formed into one of the greatest love stories of all times. According to The Ancient World, the political significance of this meeting was underscored by the establishment of a personal relationship that would capture the imagination of subsequent generations (Wildin 75). Antony began to pursue Cleopatra, and they quickly fell in love. He left his current wife Octavia for Cleopatra, which caused the Roman citizens to question if he was a good leader and always doing the right thing. According to an article found on Antony, it says that Antony wanted funds and supplies from Egypt to assist him in his conflict with the Parthians, and Cleopatra longed to restore the original boundaries of the Ptolemaic kingdom , ( Mark Antony 2). They used each other for benefits and quickly became an unstoppable team. As described in The Ancient World, there was now no retreating from their personal and political alliance: politics and love became one. (Wildin 75). Antony even had a ceremony where Cleopatra was given the title the Queen of Kings and their kids received titles as well (Mark Antony 2). While Antony and Cleopatra started a new relationship, this caused Antony to tear off an old relationship with Octavian. After Mark left Octavian s sister Octavia for Cleopatra, Octavian was mad at Antony. He was also not happy about the ceremony that Antony had for Cleopatra, and they started propaganda attacks (Mark Antony 2). Antony and Cleopatra s relationship caused the breakup of the Second
  • 10. The Untouchables Analysis The Untouchables was released on June 3, 1987 with a rating of 4 stars. It is about probation in the 1920 s. With the Elite Ness and Al Capone being the two main characters. Elite and his team of four embark out on a mission to stop the dealing of Alcohol. Elite s first couple of days were rough. Then he meat Jimmy Malone, Jimmy was just an average police officer when Elite asked him to join his group, Jimmy said no because I d rather be alive was his words. At first it was just himself Elite, on his second day agent Oscar Wallace was assigned to his group as a bookkeeper but later became a solder. Last but not least there was George Stone aka Stoney. He had a gift for shooting so Elite brought him on the team. Together there team was untouchable. That was until the arrival of Elliot Ness, the incorruptible treasury agent assigned the role of bringing the Italian gangster to justice. Faced with rank corruption, he surrounded himself with a team of cops dedicated to the cause the Untouchables. At the height of Prohibition, in 1930s America, Chicago was ruled over by one Alfonso Capone. He ruled the town by the might of his fist, from the illegal speakeasy rackets right up through the ranks of the police and judicial system, holding them in his will through bribery and blackmail. Mr. Capone was finally put to justice for simple tax evasion. He died of syphilis eight years after his release from prison. In the movie Jimmy hears word of where and when a big alcohol
  • 11. The Five Characteristics Of Social Support By Michael Oher Social support refers to any kind of support that people can get from others (Seeman, 2008). Those supports include emotional support, giving others assistance and time, providing useful information and positive feedback. It cannot be denied that social support is one of the crucial elements that everyone needs and seeks for in their life as people always look for someone to depend on during difficulties and someone to share their happiness with when they are happy (Fairbrother, 2011). Without social support, people can hardly live happily because the only reason and motivation to live is gone. Throughout this movie, the concept of social support is being displayed strongly by others around Michael Oher. Below are the five characteristics of social support and their respective examples.... Show more content on ... This support will make people feel comfortable and not awkward in front of others as they know that there are someone else who understand their condition. For example, at the moment Michael asked Leigh Anne for a driving license, she asked for the reason of him wanting a driving license when he did not have a car. Michael was reluctant to answer but when Leigh Anne asked again, he said, Because that is something that has my name on it. Leigh Anne who understood his condition of not having anything to own since young, immediately knew what she needed to do next. Hence, not caring about how hard it might be to get a driving license for a homeless child, she went through all the problems even to the extent of searching for Michael s biological mother to ask for her permission to become his legal guardian and almost argued with her husband, Sean for not discussing that matter with him first. This emotional support portrayed by Leigh Anne helped Michael to realize that there was someone in his life who truly cared for
  • 12. O Ahu Case Study The rail that is currently being built on the island of Oahu is still under construction and is experiencing an 18 months delay due to lawsuits and cost overruns. The last thing that this island needs right now is another thing that contributes to the heavy traffic. The rail project has been in motion for quite some time now but there is still little to no evidence of it completing any time soon. The reasons why the rail has not yet to finished is because of fiscal issues and decrease of values. The rail that is still under construction is becoming a problem on the island of O ahu, especially to taxpayers that continue to struggle because of the high taxes. The project was initially projected to cost $4.6 billion, but that number now is $6.7 ... Show more content on ... Instead of an elevated railway, HART should have considered a ground level train that could avoid further destroying the aesthetic value of the island and possibly shave millions of dollars off the cost of the project, and that could have allowed the city to build a longer train system(Hao). While it is understandable why an elevated system might be utilized in rural areas of the transportation corridor ... a host of adverse economic and environmental impacts are associated with an elevated guideway system, including noise, reduced visibility and access to businesses, visual blight, and increased crime, Kamehameha Schools wrote the city. Kamehameha Schools is the largest land owner on the island and is concerned about the impact the rail will have on the island not just for the value of the land but the value of their religious beliefs. We feel we have a kuleana to respond to the (responsibility) ... as a landowner with ancestral ties to the lands (Kamehameha Schools). The Hawaiian s ancestral ties with the land is a big deal. In their religious beliefs, the land in a way is a part of their family and family should not be harmed in any way. The elevated railway could also lead to less tenant interest, higher tenant turnover, and reduced property values. Because of the unsightly and noisy rail, the value of properties and tenants for apartments would drop
  • 13. Roxanne Quimby and Burt’s Bees Entrepreneurship PBSB 821 Bezuidenhout, P.J.1224 6093 Botha, Desere 2250 2556 Buys, Johan2049 8705 Kleynhans, Wessel 1251 7755 Schoeman, Willie 1032 6065 Van Wieringen, Anton 1231 8388 Wohlfahrt, Andre2255 3533 Chicken Run Class Group Assignment Lecturer: Prof. S. van der Merwe Due Date: 30 July 2011 Roxanne Quimby amp; Burt s Bees By Bezuidenhout, P.J.1224 6093 Botha, Desere 2250 2556 Buys, Johan2049 8705 Kleynhans, Wessel 1251 7755 Schoeman, Willie 1032 6065 Van Wieringen, Anton 1231 8388 Wohlfahrt, Andre2255 3533 Module: Entrepreneurship Module Code: PBSB 821 Group:Chicken Run Assignment due date:30 July 2011 Element:| Mark:|... Show more content on ... Most of these aspiring entrepreneurs will start a lifestyle business, primarily providing employment to themselves and their families. The rewards of such a business is the ability to control the company, able to continue to do what the owner loves without having too much risk, have a positive cash flow from the early going. The owner only has to report to himself, have a relatively constant cash flow and able to take time off whenever he wants. The risks are the inability to hire top talent (as talented people usually avoid companies that over no stock options and only limited opportunities for personal growth), not having the chance for huge gains. The trade off is a lot of freedom, but the company cannot expect to grow bigger. A high potential business is focused on new markets with explosive potential. As they are often technology driven, these ventures require heavy upfront cash investment to quickly gain decisive advantages, so professional investors, particularly venture capital firms, usually provide funding. High potential ventures strive to achieve lasting economic and social impact, and aspire to achieve IPOs, or initial public offerings (getting listed on a stock exchange so they can sell shares to the public) (Anon, 2008:1). The rewards are having the possibility for large returns on investment, the ability to attract outside investment, and the ability to build a
  • 14. Guided Meditation Practices In guided meditation, guided imagery or guided relaxation techniques, the instructor offers suggestions to guide the listener into a meditative state. Visualization practices can be similarly guided, or practiced on one s own. The goal of these techniques can be relaxation, healing, uplifting emotions, inner peace or other desired outcomes. The Transcendental Meditation technique is not guided meditation and does not depend on a CD or any outside guide. It is not a process of bringing awareness to the body or imagining a peaceful, relaxed state or particular goal in life. Although guided meditation practices may create pleasant moods or degrees of relaxation, much greater benefit comes from the process of transcending the realm of thinking ... Show more content on ... Guided meditation and visualization In guided meditation practices also called guided imagery or guided relaxation a speaker offers instruction or suggestion to guide the listener into a meditative state. Visualization practices can be similarly guided, or practiced on one s own. The aim can be relaxation, positive thinking, healing, inner peace or other desired outcomes. Guided meditation and visualization tend to keep attention in the active realm of thinking, imagining and feeling. The TM technique is not guided meditation and does not require a CD or any outside influence. It is not an act of merely imagining a peaceful, settled state, and its positive affect on daily life is more far reaching. The TM technique is not guided meditation and does not require a CD or any outside influence. It is not an act of merely imagining a peaceful, settled state, and its positive affect on daily life is more far
  • 15. Feminism, Pregnancy, And The Workplace Throughout North American history, women have been struggling to integrate themselves into a male dominated society. The earlier struggle was to be recognized as people, and fighting for the right to vote. While the status on the former has yet to be resolved, modern day feminists have shifted their view to fight for equality in the workplace. Today, women can face an undefinable number of obstacles in the workforce, from unequal pay, to sexual harassment, lack of representation, and little to no accommodation for maternity status. In the articles Engineering Ignorance and Debating Difference: Feminism, Pregnancy, and the Workplace, authors Suzanne Franzway, Rhonda Sharp, Julie E. Mills, Judith Gill, and Lise Vogel, respectively explore issues women face in their workplace. Franzway, Sharp, Mills, and Gill used Engineering Ignorance to speak about the lack of genderequality in engineering. Vogel explores issues surrounding maternity in the workplace. Though both articles have come to the consensus that women face more obstacles in the workplace than men do, the two speak of two completely separate issues that feminists are attempting to eradicate. Most who have looked into the issue of feminism in the workplace understand that women must overcome many more struggles that men would in the workplace. The article, Engineering Ignorance (2009) states in the introduction that much of the work that women have done seems to become invisible to the eyes of society. It
  • 16. Reciprocating To John Krakauer Analysis In the letter reciprocating to John Krakauer, Anatoli Boukreev disputes the topic of his actions whilst guiding a group of amateurs on Mount Everest expedition. He argues that John Krakauer doesn t have enough experience from summiting as Boukreev has. He proposes his stance on the decisions and the kind of actions that had taken place and enforces the specific purposes for doing so. Boukreev believes that what he did wasn t so bad, because Krakauer had said he was very unprepared to do a summit like Everest because he didn t have an oxygen tank to use. But Boukreev rebuttals saying that he had done enough summits to not use an oxygen supplement because of how adapted he is to it. He then on explains his rebuttals; as for that he waited
  • 17. Computation of Taxable Income of Individual, Huf and Firms TAX ASSIGNMENT On Computation of taxable income of individual, HUF and firms COMPUTATION OF TAXABLE INCOME OF AN INDIVIDUAL What is included in income of an individual? While computing taxable income of an individual, the following points should be considered Nature of income| Tax treatment| Income earned by the taxpayerShare of profit from a HUFShare of profit from a firm assessed as firmSalary amp; interest from the aforesaid firmShare of profit from an association of persons/body of individualsIncome earned by others and included in the income of the taxpayer by virtue of sections 60 to 64| Except the following, all other incomes shall be included a. Income exempt under sections 10 to 13A; b. Incomes to be included in ... Show more content on ... INCOMES WHICH ARE QUALIFIED FOR SPECIAL TREATMENT The provisions under sections 115C to 115 I are applicable only in respect of the following incomes derived by a non resident Indian: a. Investment income derived from a foreign exchange assets ; b. Long term capital gains on sale or transfer of foreign exchange assets . Foreign exchange asset: It means those specified assets which the assesse has acquired or purchased with, or subscribed to in, convertible foreign exchange. The following are specified assets for this purpose: a. Shares in an Indian company (public or private); b. Debentures issued by an Indian company which is not a private company; c. Deposits with an Indian company which is not a private company it may be even deposit with SBI or any other banking company; d. Any security of the central government; and e. Such other assets as the Central Government may specify in this behalf by notification in the official Gazette HOW TO CALCULATE INVESTMENT INCOME In computing the investment income of a non resident Indian, no deduction in respect of any expenditure or allowance shall be allowed under any provisions of the act. Moreover, No deductions under sections 80C to 80U shall be allowed in respect of investment income of non resident Indians. HOW TO CALCULATE LONG TERM CAPITAL GAINLong term capital gain on sale or transfer of foreign exchange assets shall be calculated
  • 18. Research Paper On Running Offense Last night in Chillicothe at the Obadiah Harris Family Athletic Complex, Wheelersburg and the explosive offense did battle with Middletown Madison and its high octane one dimensional running offense. I do not think many felt this game would turn into the defensive struggle it turned out to be, but that is what happened and this was a dogfight all gamelone. In the first half I had Madison unofficially having the ball six times, running 34 plays and gaining 65 yards. For the Pirates they had the ball five times, running 27 plays, gaining 25 yards, including 13 passes. Neither team could get any momentum going and a lo t of that was because of penalties. In the second have unofficially I had Madison running 28 plays, gaining 12 yards, ... Show more content on ... With 3:14 left Salyers would be stopped for a four yard loss, when he was tackled by Pelgen once again. Then with 2:34 left Salyers would be picked off by Whiteman. Whiteman looks really good on the defensive side of the ball and he runs the Madison offense very well. With 18.9 seconds left Whiteman was stopped after gaining just one yard by Sylas Akers, putting Madison into a 2nd and goal from the Pirates 5 yard line. From there the Mohawks quarterback, Mason Whiteman plowed in from a yard out to make this a 6 0 game. The point after kick was hit by #21 (Not on the maxpreps roster) to make this a 7 0 game, with :4 seconds left in the half. Just :50 seconds into the third quarter Salyers had his pass tipped and then picked off by #20(Not on the max preps roster) giving the Mohawks a first and goal at the Pirates 7 yard line. The pirates defense would hold the Mohawks to minus 4 yards on the first three plays of the drive, forcing a field goal try from #21, that was good to make this a 10 o Mohawk lead, with 9:33 left on the clock. The Pirates would turn the ball over again, with 8:44 left on the clock when Case Dyer was fighting for extra yards, fumbled the ball and making the recovery for Madison was #30(Not on the max preps roster) With 8:30 left in the quarter Whiteman would be brought down by CJ Hall , for a 2 yard loss and then with 7:23 left Whiteman would throw the ball right to the
  • 19. The Prentice Hall Self Assessment Part I of the Prentice Hall Self Assessment provided me with some interesting information about my personality, some of which was known and some that was new to me. The test covering my basic personality provided me with what I would consider known information. My scores were spot on for the Extroversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Emotional stability, but what really surprised me was my score for openness to experience. In this category I scored a 7 which makes me a moderate low in that area which I find to be the perfect score as I often have a tendency to lean towards those things that I am most familiar with, but I also have small interest in the unfamiliar and am slightly open to exploring new ways of doing things. My Jungian Personality has and always be an ISTJ due to my need for privacy and structure in my everyday life. Kroeger, Thuesen and Rutledge (2007) affirms this as they state an ISTJ s day to day living is driven by structure, schedule, and order, and their Introversion makes them appear somewhat cool and aloof (p. 306). For the Type A personality I scored a 111 which equates to having an A personality. This is about 95% accurate as I am constantly striving to achieve more out of life and at times I can be difficult to get along with due to my drive to succeed. The things noted in the study that would set me apart from those considered to be hardcore Type A persons would be that I am not always moving at a fast pace in all that I do and
  • 20. My Own Cultural And Ethnic Identity Using the diagram you developed in class (in response to Exercise 10.7) discuss your own cultural and ethnic identity in terms of your values, beliefs and attitudes. During your discussion you should refer to the theoretical framework provided by either Hofstede or Trompenaars. From the discussion we had during class I was about to find out about how there are some cultural paradoxes between two cultures values, beliefs and attitudes. According to Geert Hofstede cultural paradoxes can provide us with many answers on how and why people behave differently around the globe. As indicated by Keegan W. J. Culturecan be understood as ways of living, built up by a group of human beings, that are transmitted from one generation to another . Culture also includes both conscious and unconscious values. The United Kingdom has a large number of mixed cultures from the research I conducted using the theoretical framework provided by Geert Hofstede for my own cultural, which is British. The United Kingdom is considered to have individualism society with a score of 89 meaning that the people look after their own family interests, rather than a collective one the British are a highly Individualist and private people. All the kids are taught from an early age to think for themselves and to find out what their unique purpose in life is and how they uniquely can contribute to society. As indicated by Geert Hofstede with a score of 89 the UK is amongst the highest of the Individualist
  • 21. Elephants In The Vietnam War Elephants have been used in war for 2,300 years. The first known use of them was in Ancient Greece and they have more recently been used in the Vietnam War. Alexander the Great was well known for the most instrumental spread of elephants as a weapon of war (Knodell, 2014). Elephants were the tanks of the ancient battlefield (Knodell, 2014). The mere sight, or smell, of these beasts could cause the enemy to retreat. If the enemy did not retreat, however, the elephantswould often disrupt their formation. Even cavalry horses were afraid of the smell, sight, and sounds of the oncoming elephants. The horses would refuse to proceed. A driver would sit atop the neck of a domesticated elephant and command it. A howdah would be placed atop the
  • 22. The Best American Essays Of The Century, By Joyce Carol Oates The written word has become a domain for people of all ages and eras to learn from. Within the last century or so, there has been a procession of memorable writers with important messages to understand and learn from. It takes diligence when reading to understand what the author is saying within the context of their lives. Sometimes, the context of the reader s life makes the writer s story more memorable. In The Best American Essays of the Century, by Joyce Carol Oates, just in the range of 35 years, from 1901 to 1935, readers are told about things experienced, told, or imagined. Each essaytells a story or a lesson in the form of the written world. Although the authors most likely lived very different lives compared to each other, each essay portrays similar ideas or themes that can be interpreted by the readers. Only through writingcan ideas, such as these, be preserved and shared with others in completely different situations as the author was. These essays themes have made them timeless, being able to apply to the past, the present, and the future. Within the first fifteen essays of this collection, the themes: the present is made from events in the past, strength can be stemmed from bad surroundings, and judgment is inevitable from those around us, are evident and important for readers to discover in order to understand the historic credibility behind them. Students are taught the events of history so that they will not be tempted to repeat ones with tragic outcomes.
  • 23. Comparison And Contrast The Difference Between Dirt Bikes... Dirt bikes and four wheelers (4 wheelers) have very many similarities and differences. Three main categories for a comparison and contrast are handling, stability, and speed. Handling for a 4 wheeler and dirt bike are similar because you have to turn the handle bars to make a turn. The difference with a dirt bike is you can lean to make a tighter turn. On a 4 wheeler you slide the back end around to make a tight turn. Stability is the same when your flying down the road on a straight away. It s harder to mud on a dirt bike because of its poor stability going slow. On the other hand, it s a whole lot easier to mud on a 4 wheeler because of its stability. Speed varies between the two going in a straight away. On a dirt bike it s easier to get in and out of turns quickly. With a 4 wheeler you have to slide around a corner which slows you down. ... Show more content on ... Each one has it s own advantages on different terrain. 4 wheelers ex cel at stability, whereas, dirt bikes are better at handling. Each has an advantage on speed depending on the type of race. In conclusion, trucks and cars are two totally different vehicles. Designers build trucks for the off road and cars are for the highway. The seating arrangements depend on what the owner wants. Truck owners will spend more money on gas, but it depends on tires, weight, and aerodynamics. A truck would be my vehicle
  • 24. The Great Storm Essay The Great Storm At the edge of the 19th century, Galveston, Texas was roaring with a occupancy of roughly 40,000 residents. Galveston had become a flourishing commercial port since the city s founding in 1839. The Island had surmounted countless tropical storms, which the city survived each time but on September 8, 1900, the storm that would change everything crashed down. The 1900 s storm came to town with devastating winds reaching up to 130 140 miles per hour and storm surges that climbed to 15 feet. The death toll climbed each moment making the hurricane the deadliest natural disaster in U.S. history so far. Approximately 20% of Galveston s population was named dead, which would equal out to a little over 8,000 people. Thirty six hundred ... Show more content on ... This unaware city and citizens were battered by winds and tremendous swells until it was completely destroyed by dawn of the next morning. This carnage preserved this storm s spot in American History and earned it the name The Great Storm of 1900.The Galveston storm was first detected on August 27 in the tropical Atlantic. On September 3, it reached Cuba and dropped heavy rains. According to, columnist Ken Mendall states The US Weather Bureau ignored reports from Cuban meteorologists as they expected the storm to re curve to northeast along the US east coast and eventually exit into the Atlantic. However a region of high pressure pushed the storm west into the Gulf of Mexico, where conditions were ideal to strengthen the storm and turn it into a devastating hurricane. This being said, when they did realize the storm was coming, they tried to alert the surrounding areas to get to higher ground but many tourists and occupants of the island declined because it was Just another storm. says a Letter from John DeLaura a man who lived through the storm. DeLaura also says As homes collapsed from the surge, residents who were not trapped and pulled under by debris in the sea, grasped whatever floating items they could find, and held fast as the waves mercilessly whipped them out to the sea and
  • 25. Vending Machines Persuasive Speech A controversial issue currently in our country abides with childhood obesity, and the outcomes of this epidemic, such as children not capable of walking or another issue for example taking insulin for high blood pressure, imagine the feeling a child gets when they have to inject themselves and see the blood that comes out. With these unwanted forthcoming s many people dread that if children eat too much junk food or sugary drinks that they will contribute obesity ,and may grow diseases out of the consumption of these horrific foods. Therefore, many back up plans for these types of situations exist such as in vending machines they try to limit the consumption of these foods and sugary drinks by trying to change the ingredients within the chips... Show more content on ... Reasons why Tony became obese various, but one thing that s for sure that contributed him from attributing obesity is by the junk food that he would eat at school. Tony would buy chips and sugary drinks all the time at his elementary and the time progressed as well did his stomach so by the time hes in middle school which barely happened this year he has to take insulin, and continues to take it in present day. I asked his dad once how he felt about the issue and he stated, I should have never given him the money to buy those rotten chips and poisonous drinks. Then i asked my cousin how he felt and he stated, If I knew that the snacks that I would buy would cause me to become like this basically sucking blood out of my body just to check my blood pressure because it might come to high or too low, then I would have second guess myself from eating the harmful products. In my interpretation of the matter by far may respond, that administrators should aware students about the fact of how harmful these products have reached and to seek help from local organizations who want to end childhood obesity to come to their campuses and do assemblies of these matters. If we don t put an end to this then many more teenagers or younger children will risk the same horrible fate. For the same reasons banning vending machines may come as the best resort in this matter
  • 26. Essay on HS320 Microbiology Unit1 Assignment A Basic Understanding of Microscopy Assignment 1 Kaplan University Microbiology Since microorganisms are not visible to the eye, the essential tool in microbiology is the microscope. One of the first to use a microscope to observe microorganisms was Robert Hooke, the English biologist who observed algae and fungi in the 1660s. In the 1670s, Anton van Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch merchant, constructed a number of simple microscopes and observed details of numerous forms of protozoa, fungi, and bacteria (Introduction to Microscopes, n.d.). During the 1700s, microscopes were used to further explore on the microbial world, and by the late 1800s, the light microscope had been developed. The electron microscope was developed in the 1940s, thus ... Show more content on ... Another limitation is out of focus light from outside the focal plane reducing image clarity or requiring constant adjusting. On the other hand, under the right conditions, light microscopy allows for viewing of samples that are still alive. There are aids such as fluorescent proteins, that can be used to track proteins in real time in cells though the viewing of where the proteins are may not be very high in resolution, you may see roughly where the protein is in the cell, but will not be able to see the shape of the protein itself. Lastly confocal light microscopy gives moderately higher resolution, and significant enhancements in optical sectioning by limiting out of focus light. The Electron Microscope In electron microscopy, on the other hand, a beam of electrons with a negative charge, instead of light is sent through a very thin slice of the specimen. Because the electron beam has a far smaller wavelength than light used in light microscopy, it achieves far better resolution, the current resolution of limit of the best electron microscope is approximately 0.05 nm atomic resolution, and 4000X better magnification than that of a conventional light microscope (BSP, S., 2010). This means that with an electron microscope you can potentially achieve enough magnification to observe the shape of the protein machinery that carries out the work inside of cells. The major limitation of electron microscopy is that specimen
  • 27. Lead Like Jesus Summary The Leadership Wisdom of Jesus is for those who want to become wise and highly effective leaders. This is more than a theory; it focuses on a uniquely constructive and compassionate approach to leadership based on positive spiritual principles contained in the teachings of Jesus. It addresses priceless wisdom for leading ourselves and others. We can apply these principles to family, work and church or ministry. When we are called upon to lead, in any capacity, we have to be effective and lead with ethic and justice. We have to be able to provide positive influence for others. The book Lead like Jesusgive us four stages for us to learn how we can identify our stage in order to go to a different level of leadership. We need to identify ... Show more content on ... God has given me the opportunity to serve different areas of ministry, children, woman s, music and all this has given me the chance to learn. I believe that God is preparing me to become a master learner. This kind of service to the neighbor is also difficult and entails a lot of patience and love towards the other people. At this time I have developed a good communication among people who attend church. I show them how important they are to me as a persons, I always show them that I care about their lives. That gives them a feeling of trust and confidence when they talk to me. Time is very important people require a little time and not everyone is willing to give their time, worse in these times when people are always hurried. I also know that in this I have very much to learn. In my character I have too many flaws, because I am a person who likes to do things at the moment we need them. However I must learn that sometimes we have to wait. It is God who handles everything. In the end I understand that I need to learn many things to become a master leader. I am trying to follow the leadership of Jesus so I can implement it every day in every moment with my family, work and ministry. Peter was one of the disciples of Jesus, he had a strong character and he was very impatient, in some way I identify with him. He learned and dared to walk on the water, did what he learned from the master, I think he was the only one who did it. Until that stage I want to reach myself, to learn what seems impossible for the humans, but possible for
  • 28. Culture Of North Korean Culture North Korean Culture The United States of America is truly a melting pot. People of different cultures and ethnic groups flee to America to experience a piece of the American Pie . The culture of foreigners is different from the cultures of American s. This has caused a lot of preventable tragic events over the years. Due to a lack of communication, individuals of different cultural groups and ethnicity can easily be evaluated as dangerous, rude, and even extremist because of the cultural barriers. With the world moving at such a fast pace, people don t tend to consider the culture beliefs and behaviors of their new neighbors. Ultimately leaving people of different beliefs in fear that Americans opinions and perception of their culture will put them in harm, leaving them prisoner in a free country. I broke the cultural barrier and interview a citizen of North Korea. In the following I will speak of North Korean values, religion, and the role of women. In applying the communication concepts, I found that they are prisoners in their own land and come to American just to be rude by their ethnicity. Beginning the interview, I choose to define myself to Daniella, a born citizen of Pyongyang. I explained my cultural background and valves that are important. I belong to the African American culture. I also have deep roots in the Jamaican culture which is a mixture of Spanish and British traditions. The languages that are mainly spoken is English and Spanish. We value
  • 29. Amethyst Research Paper Birthstone Amethyst The deep purple amethyst has long been assigned spirital, purifying and protective qualities. Found across the world its use has been traced back to Neolithic Europe. It holds strong associations to love, healing and both physical and spiritual protection. It s energies are that of fire, it is said to inflame the passions and spark creativity, boost spirituality and encourage both logic and temperance in the wearer. Most closely associated with St Valentine, Bachuss, and Dionysus, it represents faithful love and ecclesiastical dignity. In the Chakra the amethyst is the stone of the Crown Chakra, aiding in the connection to the divine. The amethyst is ruled by both Neptune and jupiter and is consideed to be one of the best stones to wear while doing any sort of mediation or work that utlizes the subconscious mind. Amethyst in Science The Amethyst is part of the quartz family of stones ... Show more content on ... It s name is derived from the ancient greek word ametusthos ( бјЂ a ( not ) and ОјООёП…ПѓП„ОїП‚ mГ©thystos ( intoxicated )). Throughout history the amethyst has been popular in both mundane and spiritual applications. It was often incorporated into the crowns and jewelry of royalty. There have been examples of its use traced as far back as the Neolithic people of Europe. In Ancient Egypt it was valued for its healing and protective properties. They believed that the stone could bring relief from both guilt and fear and protect the wearer while they traveled. The Greeks and the Romans equated the stone with Dionysus/Bacchus and believed it would protect them from drunkenness. They would also place the stone under their pillow at night as a cure for insomnia and to bring sweet dreams. If warmed and placed on the forehead they believed it would reduce the throbbing, if not the pain of a
  • 30. Why The Bay Of Pigs Invasion Failure One of our greatest assets is that all men aspire to be equal and free. This fact haunts the rulers of the Kremlin today for they cannot change the law of nature and they know it. stated Allen Dulles, the fifth director of the Central Intelligence Agency. The Cold War, Bay of Pigs Invasion began on April 17, 1961 and has had an everlasting effect on the history of the United States and the world. The Bay of Pigs Invasion was an encounter between Cuban exiles, armed and trained by the American Central Intelligence Agency and the military forces of Fidel Castro. The failure of the Bay of Pigs Invasion proceeded to unite the Soviet Union and Cubato create mass terror in the United States and for its allies. The belief was that if the Soviet... Show more content on ... The Invasion was destined to fail from the beginning due to the CIA s plan being backed on false intelligence. From the Bay of Pigs Invasion, the mass exchange of communist ideas would begin, deepening the Cold Warand attributing to the pressure and strain placed upon the United States and Russian foreign relations. Failure and doubt in the United States lead to the exploration of new policy and political ideology, as well as a new era in intelligence, political, and military fields, that continues to affect the domestic and foreign policy of today s
  • 31. The Culture Of The Creole Culture The creoles are a big part of who we are today. The colonial term Creole means a person of mixed European and black descent. They started things like language, food, religion, and music that we still use, cook, and listen to today. Creole culture is a mix of French, African, and Native American customs. Creoles are a self identified group of various people of French, Spanish, and Portuguese descendants who live in the coastal area of Louisianamainly New Orleans. ( Creoles ) The French and Spanish in New Orleans started calling themselves Creoles after the Louisiana Purchase when the English started moving in. The Creoles were a different color and separated from all of the other people. In 1724 they were put under Code Noir also known as the Black Code. According to the Code Noir, they could own slaves, own real estate, and be reorganized in court. But they were not were not allowed to marry white people and they were also not allowed to vote. On all legal documents, they were required to put f.m.c or f.w.c which means free man of color and free woman of color. Creoles are different from Cajuns. Most Cajuns are white and trace their ancestries to French exiles from Canada. Cajuns included people from all over the world and Creoles may have some of the same ancestors as Cajuns. In the late twentieth century, Creole was influenced by the resurgence of Cajunidentity in Southern Louisiana. Cajuns or Acadians are descendants of
  • 32. Investigating The Heat Of Reaction Of A Combustion Reaction Purpose Utilize Hess s Law to determine the heat of reaction of a combustion reaction. Procedures Part A Reaction of Magnesium with Hydrochloric Acid: Materials were gathered and the mass of a calorimeter was measured, then HCl was poured into the calorimeter and the mass was measured again. A 7 cm magnesium ribbon strip was cut into two parts, approximately 4 cm and 3 cm, respectively. The temperature of the HCl was recorded, then the 3 cm magnesium strip was added to the solution and the temperature was measured again. Another trial was conducted with the 4 cm strip after the disposal of the first mixture. Part B Reaction of Magnesium Oxide with Hydrochloric Acid: Materials were gathered and the mass of a calorimeter was measured, then HCl was poured into the calorimeter and the mass was measured again. The temperature of the hydrochloric acid was recorded, then .20 grams of magnesium oxide was added to the HCl solution and the temperature was measured for the highest achieved value. Another trial was conducted after the disposal of materials. Data Table Table 1: Raw DataReaction A (Mg + HCL)Reaction B (MgO + HCL) Trial 1Trial 2Trial 1Trial 2 Mass of Calorimeter (g) (В±.01 вЃ°C)3.523.533.523.53 Mass of Calorimeter + HCL (g) (В±.01 g)18.8118.8318.9218.60 Mass of Mg (Reaction A) or MgO (Reaction B) (g) (В±.01 g).045.0615.20.20 Initial Temperature (вЃ°C) (В±.1 вЃ°C)23.223.422.723.3 Final Temperature (вЃ°C) (В±.1 вЃ°C)33.236.927.729.2 Table 2:
  • 33. The Defense Of Homeland Security An incredibly long 13 years has passes since the Department of Homeland Security has stood up and began the ultra important job of protecting the United States from both state and non state sponsored threats. There have also been great strides made to protect the U.S. from insider threats as well. The monumental effort it took to synergize all 22 agencies with inherently different jobs into one living breathing unit took significant patience and forethought. There has been and will continue to be heated debates on protecting civil liberties while guarding citizens from both terrorists and natural disasters. Can there be a balance of maintaining civil liberties and securing the airports, borders, and cities from another 9/11? Has there been a significant improvement in how different agencies break through the bureaucracy and come together to share information? There has indeed been a substantial improvement to how 22 agencies across the government provide security for all Americans. In response to the attacks on 9/11 the PATRIOT act was passed. (Congressional Digest 2004, 258) The PATRIOT act provided, in many ways like the creation of Department of Homeland Security (DHS), sweeping changes across the government. The PATRIOT act allowed law enforcement unprecedented latitude to identify, prosecute, and ultimately stop terrorists from harming Americans. There were three broad areas where the act gave the agencies tracking terrorists more help. (Congressional Digest 2004,
  • 34. Analysis Of Power And Time By Mary Oliver Mary Oliver, a Pulitzer Prize winning author/poet, uses her essay Of Power and Time describes to readers the creative process that goes along with writing, and the obstacles associated with it (Poetry). She then explores various contexts in which creativity exists, or should/should not exist. Although many readers can appreciate what Oliver has to offer, she mainly directs her writingtowards people who yearn for creativitybut cannot find the time to develop it. Oliver uses a specific word choice, anomalous organization, elaborate analogies, bias, and a connection to religion in order to convey the idea that creativity takes time and effort. The word choice Oliver uses is very specific to this essay and her argument. Throughout her writing, she uses very descriptive language in her various analogies. Some examples of this are silver morning, white spider belly, stained with light, etc (Oliver 620 623). This vivid language allows readers to visualize and get the full effect of Oliver s main idea. She also uses poetic language at moments, which makes sense with her very successful poetry background, which includes various awards (Poetry). Examples of this are found throughout her essay. For instance, in paragraph five, Oliver says, I am, myself, three selves at least, (Oliver 620). This creative use of words provides readers with pleasant contrast from most formal writings. Overall, Oliver s word choice was unique to her essay and provided a unique
  • 35. Akeelah Research Paper Akeelah works hard to achieve her personal legend and her whole world conspires to help make that happen. Akeelah Anderson, is a eleven year old African American student from the Crenshaw neighborhood of South Los Angeles, struggles to overcome the limitations of her environment. In the early stages of the movie Akeelah has a passion for spelling. Spelling is a secret talent Akeelah holds and excels at, but does not wish to share, as she would be perceived as a brainiac . Akeelah s enjoyment of spelling is showcased, when she adds a new word she learns or hears to her diary. This habit was a good omen because it created more pathways for her which would eventually lead her to what she truly enjoys and not be frightened of what others thought.... Show more content on ... The girl holding spelling bee trophy, sparked her interest.This is the starting point that brings Akeelah closer to her personal legend, because her aptitude for words spurs school admins and will eventually influence Akeelah to join the spelling bee. Akeelah s mentors have a positive impact on her and the choices she makes. Akeelah s English teacher, Mrs. Cross, acknowledges Akeelah s ability, and informs Akeelah that she would be one of her best students if she attended class and completed homework assignments. By doing this, she reassures Akeelah that she is capable of succeeding if she applies herself. Supposing that Akeelah may have an interest in spelling based on her keen ability, Mrs. Cross encourages Akeelah to enter the school spelling bee. She refuses to participate in the school spelling bee until the principal suggests that she should because she is the only hope that can bring the school some attention. When Akeelah gets a taste of victory by winning the school bee, she is smothered by spellings that Dr. Larabee throws at her to spell as she spells each word without a
  • 36. Hurt People Hurt People Hurt People Hurt People A Critique Lynetric Rivers Liberty University COUN 507 B01 Summer 2010 Term Deadline: 6/13/2010 Instructor s Name: Diane Powell Hurt People Hurt People A Critique Dr. Wilson opens her book by stating, It s true, isn t it? Hurt people hurt people. (2001 pg.9) It is Dr. Wilson s belief that by shedding light on Hurt People Hurt People she shows a cycle that can be broken. Wilson explores unseen wounds, how they are created through childhood, and caretakers within our lifetime. Dr.Wilson exhaustively demonstrates the help there is for the different wounds... Show more content on ... She delves into hope and why we need it. God has a plan for the effects of our hurting and hurtful lives, the effects that we would prefer to have Him remove. (2001, pg.235) She leads the reader back to God, who is the healer of all things and this is where our hope originates from. By showing the reader even in the midst of all of our imperfections, wounds, and hurts He is there with and everlasting love and ability to heal. Of all hopes this is the greatest: the promise of God s everlasting love. He plasters that promise from one end of His Word to the other. We come bruised, broken and bound. Jesus comes healing, mending, and releasing. (2001, pg.240) She shows the reader there is no greater hope than this in Christ Jesus. Evaluation Dr. Wilson giver her interpretation of Hurt People Hurt People. By showing how people are hurt through childhood, self inflicted hurts, and unseen wounds she paints a picture of why and how we now have a new generation of hurt people. Wilson goes further to give some solutions as to how to heal these hurt people. I believe Dr. Wilson did achieve her intended purpose to demonstrate why hurt people hurt people. It sounds like a clichГ©, but it was very true. Her argument was logical and well supported by her examples and statistical data. This book taught how to look below the surface of hurt people. By examining closer the reasons behind the wounds we are able to see how we can
  • 37. Rosa Parks Speech Rosa Parks, known as the Mother of the Civil Rights Movement ( Walk of Fame ), started an immense revolution by simply not moving at all. While losing her job, receiving threats, and being forced to relocate her family, Parks still stood powerful in the midst of one of the most vital movements in history ( Walk of Fame ). Parks s ambition fueled her stirring passion for equality (Brinkley 44). Rosa Parkss arrest was the catalyst of the Montgomery Bus Boycott which then changed the economic, social, and political climates in America. By refusing to follow an order from a racist bus driver, when told to give her seat up to a white man, Rosa Parks sparked a revolution. On December 1, 1955, her arrest commenced the Montgomery Bus Boycott; which, in turn, changed the economic climate of America. As a result, the city was forced to desegregate its buses due to a Supreme Court ruling that rejected revenues ( Walk of Fame ). Rosa Parks became a well known sensation to the nation due to her rebellion against racial discrimination. Parks fely discontented with the racial segregation and decided her time would be better spent staying put rather than giving up her seat and being humiliated by the bus driver. If she gave up her seat, it would have proved that she was no better than the label that the bus driver was applying to her, an inferior, Negro woman. As discussed in the article, Montgomery Bus Boycott, The boycott continued for over a year. Losing so many regular
  • 38. Skills for LAND A1 2015 1 Module: Unit 10: Skills for Land based Outdoor and Adventurous Activities Tutor:Nick YoungAssignment No: 1 of 1 Title: Land based Outdoor and Adventurous Activities The Knowledge, Risks, Participation, Review Development IV d before Mark WilsonDate 22/4/13 issue by: IV d: Date 16/4/15Date 21/5/15 Issued:Due: Feedback Due: 11/6/15 Student Name: ................................................................. Assessment Criteria Outcome P M D R 1 P1 M1 X 2 P2 X X 3 P3 M2 D1 P4 M3 D2 4 P5 M4 X P6 X X This assignment is submitted as partial fulfilment of this unit. Please read the statement carefully and sign your name below: I... Show more content on ... (P1, M1) Task 2 Carry out risk assessments for two different land based outdoor and adventurous activities. The assessments must cover the details of the risk, who might be affected, the likelihood of occurrence, the severity of the risk, a risk rating, controls and contingencies. (P2) Task 3 Describe the skills and techniques required for two different land based outdoor and adventurous activities. This should include details of personal technical abilities, technical skills particular to the activity, personal fitness, generic skills and advanced skills. To achieve M2, you must compare and contrast the skills and techniques required for two different land based outdoor and adventurous activities. i.e. highlight their differences, similarities, difficulties etc.To achieve D1, you must evaluate the skills and techniques required to perform successfully in two different land based outdoor and adventurous activities. This requires an opinion, or judgement, on the relative difficulty of the selected activities. (P3, M2, D1) Task 4 Demonstrate the skills and techniques in two different land based outdoor and adventurous activities (with tutor support if needed). To achieve M3, you must independently demonstrate skills and techniques in two different
  • 39. Never Give Up In Fever, 1793 Do you have those times where it becomes really hard and you just want to give up? Do you ever say that you can t do something because it seems to hard? If you give up in life you won t succeed and get very far. You shouldn t say you can t before you even try. Also, you won t accomplish any of your dreams that the world has to offer. I hear these three words all the time. They are very important. In the book Fever, 1793 Mattie, Grandpa, and mother show many ways that they never give up. Mattie was a character in Fever,1793. She was faced with a lot and showed a lot of ways that she Never gave up even when times were looking down. One way I see this theme is when Mattie s mother got the fever. Mattie wanted to stay with her mother
  • 40. Ritche Vallins Biography This essay is going to be about wether or not ritchie vallins deserves a spot in the rock and roll hall of faim. This idea can be argued in ether favor. Wether the arguer think he deserves it or not. Its funny i find it becouse people fight all the time about someone who is past away. Im mean i can understand the fight becouse the rock and roll hall of faim is a pristeaguess award.soo finaly let me stop rambulling and getstarted. Ritche Valins what a huge iconic name in the music indastry to bad he died at a young age before he was able to make a huge name for himself. This man had a huge array of titals for himself even at the young age of 16. Founder of spanish rock, I like to believe that he is one of the major reason music is traslated now a days for all to hear. These are the kind of titals that arent earned... Show more content on ... Three amazing artists died in one fell swoup. I believe ritche was about 16 when it happened. This amazing music makeing founded/ pioneard spanish rock and roll.This in my oppinion is a fitting end for the three rock and roll artists who were invalved in the plain crash going out in a blaze of glory. I with out a shadow of a dout believe that be desrves his spot on the rock and roll hall of faim. A modist man who never glouted about his glory. People who talk about him call him the pionear of spanish rock and roll music. I think that alone resurve his spot in rock and roll inmortality. He gave music to those who wouldent have had accese to rock and roll due to the ideas of the time. In conclustion ritche was a amazing music artist. He desurves is hall of fame spot that he has for all he has done for music. He allowed spanish people to injoy the music in there natural language. He spread the wings of rock to those who have never have been graced by its preasince.That is my true opinion on this matter hope you can see the
  • 41. Acupuncture By James Reston 1. Acupuncture: An extraordinary therapeutic method over two millennia old Acupuncture treats diseases by the insertion of fine needles into the body. In July of 1971, Dr. Henry A. Kissinger made a secret trip to China to prepare for President Nixon s historical visit. Among his entourage was James Reston, a journalist from the New York Times. While in China , Reston suffered an attack of acute appendicitis and underwent an appendectomy at the Beijing Union Medical College, established by the Rockefeller Foundation of New York in 1916. During the second night after the operation, Reston started to experience considerable discomfort in his abdomen. With his approval, an acupuncturist at the hospital inserted and manipulated three long thin needles, one into the outer part of his right elbow and one below each knee. There was noticeable relaxation of the abdominal pressure and distension within an hour, with no recurrence of the problem thereafter. James Reston included a detailed description of his experiences with acupuncture in his dispatches from ... Show more content on ... Blockages in these energy rivers act as dams, obstructing the flow of Qi and blood and causing it to back up in connecting channels. Needling the acupoints removes the obstructions, curing disease by reestablishing the regular flow of Qi and blood. In the same way, dredging a river by clearing away sediment prevents flooding by allowing the water to flow freely. Similar descriptions of flood control and acupuncture have been used since acupuncture first appeared as a comprehensive system of healing early in China s Western Han Dynasty (206 BC 24 AD). Such hydraulic terminology has been employed not simply for its evocative imagery. Rather, it indicates the understanding the Chinese ancestors have attained by this time of the correspondences between Nature and Human, river and meridian, flood and
  • 42. Milton Friedman s Ideas Essay INTRODUCTION Milton Friedman s ideas where thought to be radical, but he was the most authoritative figure in the economics field in the 20th century, (Placeholder2) and was known most for his thoughts on free enterprise, classical liberalism and limited government. (Placeholder3) His views shaped modern capitalism. (Placeholder2) He was against government intervention and favored free markets (Placeholder6). If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there d be a shortage of sand. Milton Friedman His contributions were many, to name a few: Monetary theory and policy Price theory Permanent Income Quantity Theory Consumption function and permanent income hypothesis Friedman Phelps ... Show more content on ... In an effort to finance the war effort, he designed the income tax withholding system. It was supposed to be a temporary emergency measure but the government later made it a permanent part of its peacetime taxation. He would always reget forcing withholding on Americans. (Placeholder6). (Placeholder8) Another job Friedman held was author, creator and narrator of the PBS TV documentary series Free to Choose. and he worked as a columnist for Newsweek for over 15 years authoring several books, technical academic papers and columns. His books, Capitalism and Freedom and Free to Choose were best sellers. (Placeholder3) He had also won the Noel Prize for Economic Science in 1976 (Placeholder2) Mr. Friedman was influenced by Fredrich von Hayek a free market thinker and believed that the government should stay out of peoples affairs whenever possible letting and that market could solve economic problems more efficiently than government officials could. This idea became known as the Chicago School of economics, a concept of free market capitalism. (Placeholder2) In the 1960 s Milton Friedman was known to say there s no such thing as a free lunch. If the government spends a dollar, that dollar has to come from producers and workers in the
  • 43. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Caused by Smoking Summary (197 words): Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is a disease caused by smoking and cannot be cured. However, it can be managed and the patient, HA, has a prescription for two types of drugs to help control the condition, Tiotropium to help open the airways of the lungs and Salbutamol which is a quick reliever. The symptoms of the disease don t usually show up until later in life usually shown in people in their late 30s onwards. So many patients don t realise they have the disease until the disease has progressed a bit. The disease only gets progressively worse with time and the best way to prevent further deterioration of the disease is to quite smoking. The pharmacist is important in making sure the patient understands how to take their medication effectively as well as offering any additional services for their condition. The pharmacist can also help the patient make any beneficial lifestyle changes. However, the most important role of the pharmacist is to offer advice to the patient and should be a source of information that the patient can use to acask any questions or queries they have on their condition, medication or any services they may be interested in. The nature of the condition (847 words): The main function of the lungs is to allow gas exchange, where oxygen is inspired from the air and carbon dioxide is expired. There are two lungs in the body, a left lung and a right lung. These lungs are made up of many small sacs known as alveoli, which is
  • 44. What Can Be Done to Stop Homelessness in America Essay Homelessness is across the world some places are better that other but every place on earth has homeless people. This paragraph is going to be why the issue is important how it affects people and what people and you can do to help. This is an issue that is important to me after this I hope you do something to help the homeless. This issue is important because there are between 750,000 and 1.3 million people that are homeless and that is just in America and that number is getting bigger due to economic times. People with children are becoming homeless about 36% of homeless people are families most people who are homeless have suffered a different tragedy some are wives fleeing for domestic violence. You might ask who the victims are of ... Show more content on ... In my opinoin we should focus on the united states first if we get ourselves up and running we will be a greater force to help others. when I say solve the issue I don t mean we just give them money I mean we try to get them an education if they learn a field in which the work force need. Setting up schools can also help the childred of these poor people. This is just a dream of mine all those people rising up and could you imaging 100 million extra people making money and the economy. You can do many things to help homeless people like volunteering at a soup kitchen or just donating some of your old clothes there are also many charities around Kansas. You can be a part of a coat drive I take part in a coat drive at the end of December I would do it earlier but the list is always full and that makes me feel rather good that so many people know people are homeless and they want to do something. There are over 20 homeless shelters in Kansas (Northland Housing). All you have to do is two hours of your time it s not a lot and it is fun to talk to some of the people. I do believe we can help the homeless but once again it will not just happen overnight it will take years maybe decades and then we probably won t be able to help everyone but those thousand you do help over the years it will make a world of a difference. Two hours of your time once a year that s all you would have to give and two hours for 100 seems like a good deal to me. Homelessness is
  • 45. The Conspirator Intentions In Julius Caesar The conspirators intentions were based on logic and emotion. They were able to see that Julius was changing in his ways after Antony had offered him the crown several times. Power was being corrupted and people were beginning to lose hope for the future of Rome. They re freedom was at stake and something needed to be done. Even Brutus who is very close to Julius could see where Rome was going if Julius were to take the crown. Not only him but Cassius wanted Julius dead not because of future of Rome but because of his envy and fear of his safety. He knew that Caesar dislikes him and might plan to have him killed. Brutus has logical intentions to kill Caesar for the future of Rome, but Cassius only wants him gone for personal gain. If Cassius