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Hi, I'm Victor Rentea
Java Champion, enjoying since 2006
Trainer – 5000+ developers in 100+ companies / 20+ countries
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Chapter 1. Concentric Architectures
= Onion, Clean, Hexagonal, Ports-and-Adapters
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Onion/Clean Architecture Recap
Outer layers depend on inner layers
Persistence concerns pushed out
Dependency Inversion
(call logic in an outer circle via an interface)
Services + Model
Flow control
(method call direction)
Domain is agnostic to
UI, DB, APIs, Frameworks
(protect the business rules)
Onion Architecture Primer:
DTO Value Object
Pragmatic Onion🧅
 Detailed explanation in my talk:
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vs interface
Hexagonal aka Port-and-Adapters Architecture
Original Article:
Bad cost-benefit
Flow control
(method call direction)
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Sources of overengineering in Concentric Architectures
Too many interfaces
"any layer must only expose and consume interfaces"
Mandated layers
"a Controller MUST call a Service that MUST call a Repo"
Mock-full tests 🧅
"each layer is tested by mocking the layer below"
Separate Domain from Persistence 😭
"CustomerModel should be mapped  CustomerEntity in Repo layer"
Application-layer structures
"Application layer should have its own data structures ≠Domain, ≠Dto"
Rigid dependency management
"domain MUST NEVER depend on anything outside"
Monolithic in nature
"the (one) Domain is in the center"
Are these still problems
in our pragmatic variation?
Delete interfaces with only 1 implementation, unless Dep Inversion
Extract complexity into Domain Services; challenge Controllers
More integration tests (honeycomb) or squash layers
ArchUnit allows exceptions 😬
Only required if UC exposed via 2+ channels
Gulp... 😬 Indeed
Only required if legacy/enemy DB
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Chapter 2. Vertical Slicing
with a taste of CQRS
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Repository + Infrastructure
Application Service
Vertical SLICING
DOMAIN Service + Model
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How "wide" should an Application Service be?
= how many use-cases?
Multiple use-cases 👈 what we did
class OrderApplicationService {
public getOrderById() {/*trivial logic🥱*/}
public placeOrder() {..extract..extract...}
// eg. 10 more
One class / use-case = Slice by Feature
class GetOrderByIdUseCase{/* 5 useful lines*/}
class PlaceOrderUseCase {/* 400 lines  */}
risk: god class
continuously extract logic ou
accidental coupling
between use-cases
change 1 use-case=
change 1 (less) files
Group code
by axis of change
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One class / use-case = Slice by Feature
class GetOrderByIdUseCase{/* 5 useful lines*/}
class PlaceOrderUseCase {/* 400 lines  */} risk: god classes
The stricter the rules are,
the less creative we think
risk: too small classes
risk: repeating logic (DR
extract shared logic to Domain
extract complex logic to Domain
Start  Put everything related to a UseCase in a single file,
from Controller down to any custom Repository methods
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One class / use-case = Slice by Feature
class GetOrderByIdUseCase{/* 5 useful lines*/}
class PlaceOrderUseCase {/* 400 lines  */}
read data
change data
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Encapsulate DTOs
whenever possible
class GetOrderByIdUseCase{ // query 👁
private static class Request { ... } //  JSON
private static class Response { ... } //  JSON
public Response handle(Request request) {...}
class PlaceOrderUseCase { // command ✍️
private static class Request { ... } //  JSON
private static class Response { ... } //  JSON
public Response handle(Request request) {...}
allows different architecture styles per use-case
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Queries 👁
class GetOrderById {
private static class Request { ... }
private static class Response { ....<large>...... }
public Response handle(Request request) {...}
- Can select projections ("select new Dto" JPQL) = different READ Model (CQRS)
- Can use raw SQL, or whatever ...
- If ≥2 Query UC share logic (rarely)  extract it (eg. into a Util) = DRY
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Commands ✍️
• Start simple
• Can get veeeery complex. Don't PANIC! Continuously refactor:
Extract Method
Extract Class
Move Methods (into a Domain Model Object or a Domain Service)
class PlaceOrder {
private static class Request { ....<large>.... } // + @NotNull, @Size..
private static class Response { ... }
public Response handle(@Validated Request request) {
*read stuff*
*interesting domain logic to extract*
*save stuff*
Perfect Fit for
Task-Based UI
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Repository + Infrastructure
Application Service
DOMAIN Service/Model
Logic Shared by 2 Features
extracted into a Domain Service/Model
Complex business logic of a Feature
extracted into a Domain Service/Model
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Application / Infrastructure
👁 UC-1
External API
✍️UC-3 ✍️UC-4
Vertical-Slicing vs Concentric Architecture Equivalence
👁 UC-19
👁 UC-17
Not enough domain complexity:
they don't deserve
to be part of Domain
a training by
Microservice (if you must)
Module in a Modulith 👑
Large Slice
NO: Each Module can decide
how many layers/rings has
its internal structure
Slice by Feature
(aka UseCase, previous slides)
Vertical Slicing Small Slice
= Modular Monolith
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A large codebase is more likely to suffer
from internal coupling (scope creep, domain model dilution),
than external coupling (to external APIs)
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Chapter 3. Finding Module Boundaries
one of the toughest problems in architecture
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It all started with...
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Too keep packages small,
we grouped classes
in subpackages
Package Names
ll started with...
technical layers names
(not domain concepts)
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com.myorg.myapp .order
.product .service
The Screaming Architecture
=organize code first by subdomain, not by technical layers
 separate microservices
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.order .product
.fulfillment .catalog
Group by Business Capability👌
(what it does, its value)
Group by Concept (Data)
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The Fallacy of Nano-Services
or -Modules
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The Fallacy of Nano-Services
• If you break the code in too many modules (eg 20+)
• The local complexity of each piece is ↓ ✅
• But the global complexity gets 🔝 🚫🚫🚫
or Module
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The Fallacy of Nano-Services
or Module
Local Complexity
how much complexity is
in one microservice/module
Global Complexity
how hard it is to integrate
the microservices/modules
Increase cohesiveness of modules (=break complexity)
while reducing coupling between them (=micro-APIs)
a training by
A Service is NOT
• Just behavior
Example: calculation, validation
• Just CRUD data
Example: Country, Tenant, Clinic
or Module
Modulith: repos in commons
Microservices: static data or
entity microservice
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A Service is ...
the technical authority for a business capability
or Module
.invoice .invoicing
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Cognitive🧅 Load: able to specialize in one area
Code Ownership & Control: free to refactor the Domain Model
Bounded Contexts: sharp concepts, less attributes & more constraints
Ideally 1 module = 1 Team = Two-Pizza Team
Align with Organization Boundaries (stakeholders) - Conway's Law
Has a sound responsibility ?
Finding Module Boundaries🏆
 Changing its internal structures and business rules affects other modules?
 Its API changes when other modules change? (=coupling)
 Is it replaceable with off-the-shelf software?
 Is it easy to remove when the business need is gone?
 Is it testable alone, ie without creating many entities from other modules?
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Chapter 4. Decoupling Modules
code tactics
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Modularizing the Monolith
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What's faster to build?
from scratch
A Monolith or
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What's faster to build?
(from scratch)
A Monolith or
But soon complexity and
start slowing us down
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From a Big Ball of Mud  Microservices
1) Rewrite (big-bang)
No new features for 1 year
Requires re-specifying everything
20-30% success chance (studies)
2) Modularize => Extract
Experiment and prototype
Be ready to stop any time
3) Strangler-Fig Pattern
Reimplement any all features
in fresh microservices
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A new greenfield project
The Strangler Fig Pattern
When a feature is
route the requests for it
to the new project
Prerequisite: clear requirements
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Unlink Domain Entities
class OrderLine {
Product product;
Long productId;1
String productName;2
class Product {
1) Keep only the ID ✅
👌 Preserve the FK in Modulith
+ then later: fetch on-demand
2) Snapshot immutable data
+ according to domain rules
3) Keep mutable data in sync 😨
+ replicate changes (eg via events)
⚠️Eventual Consistency (iff distributed)
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booking appointment
Split Domain Entities
class BookingRequest {
date + time
class Appointment {
medical report
followup date
date + time
class Appointment {
date + time
... +20 fields
medical report
followup date
... 40 more
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The owner of some data
is the module who changes it
The modules that need the data must ask the owner
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0 Writers | * Readers = Reference Data  'shared' module
- eg. Country list
1 Writer | n Readers = Owned  Readers get data from Writer
- eg. Catalog  Stock.getStock()
n Writers | 0 Readers = Notifications  commons via events
- eg. Audit, sendSMS
2+ Writers | * Readers  Split Entity 😩 or Merge modules ❤️
- eg. break Order  PlacedOrder + ShippedOrder
Data Ownership
# modules
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Calls between Modules
call any class inside B
Lack of
External API
(eg HTTP, gRPC,...)
dev riot
Why so many
Goal = Decoupling
- Review the coupling
- Detect cyclic dependencies
- Detect "Module in the middle"
Internal API
Data Decoupling Objects
calls only via B's "Door"
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Cyclic Dependencies between Modules
Bad news: Maven/Gradle build fails
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Ways to fix Cyclic Dependencies between Modules
Key Questions:
- massive interdependence?
- need to reuse technical/infra stuff?
- any existing monolithical clients / frozen API?
- are modules exposing external APIs?
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A-api B-api
Extract API modules
No single orchestrator
runtime calls
Keep Orchestration Up
= Facade
(eg site?, mobile)
Ways to fix Cyclic Dependencies between Modules
Fire Events Upstream
Dependency Inversion
microservices: N/A
microservices: events on queue
microservices: interdependent microservices
microservices: api gateway/saga microservices: shared lib/3rd service microservices: merge?
Push Commons Down
audit, ...
Merge Modules
if tight
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Surface of a Module
publish events
query (read)
(a) notification {id}
(b) fat-event {data}
listen to events
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Segregate in baby-steps
Prepare to stop/undo when needed - incorrect boundary?
Too many tiny modules will 🔝 the Global Complexity
Focus on Data ownership & Flow control
Introduce Events for one-way signals, w/o response
Do NOT sacrifice consistency too early (Transactions, FKs)
Measure progress (eg. ArchUnit, custom tool)
Modulith Lessons
ArchRule rule =
.byAnyPackage("..controller..", "..service..");
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Chapter 5. Towards Microservices
as a painful decision
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Reasons to extract a Module into a Microservice
• Different Resource Requirements (eg NOSQL vs RDB)
• Scalability, or go Reactive🔥
• Availability (not impacted by failures in other modules)
• Requires different programming language / exotic framework
• High rate of delivery => independent deployability
• Security posture (vs Wild Wild Web)
• 🛑 STOP if Strong Consistency Requirements: terrible business consequences
• ...
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Module or Microservice?
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4) Distributed Systems
1) code decoupling 3) ❌ DB Consistency
2) ❌ Transactions
method calls and events
only via doors ✅
External REST API
Foreign Key
Data Replication
(events, CDC, ...)
- retry
- idempotency
- queues
- load balancing
- 503
- Network Delay
- k8s, Docker
- rate limiter
- distrib. cache
- circuit breaker
- 😱😱😱😱
>@Async @EventListener (worse!)
Tx not shared between modules ✅ Separate Schemas ✅
😱 😱 😱 Eventual Consistency 😱 😱 😱 => Questions to BIZ
Monolith => Modulith => Microservices
Blue Team 👕
Pink Team👚
Partially inspired by Axel Fontaine's talk about the "Majestic Modular Monolith":
Final poll, what architecture have you used by now?
A) Layers: 13/
B) Onion (domain module) 6/
C) Port-adapters (*Port) 4/
D) Feature Slices (*UseCase) 5/
E) Modulith (functional modules in a monolith) 10/
F) Event Sourcing + CQRS 4/
(Total answers: 16/)
a training by
 Hexagonal Architecture aka. Ports-and-Adapters
- Original article by Alistair Cockburn, 2005:
- Colorful explanation, 8th light:
- Input Port Interface are useless:
 Onion Architecture
- Clean Architecture Uncle Bob:
- Onion Architecture Primer:
- Original article, Jeffrey Palermo,
 Vertical Slice Architecture (aka -UseCase)
- Feature slicing Jimmy Bogard talk: and short intro article:
- Task-based UI:
 Finding Module/Service Boundaries
- Heuristics to find boundaries:
- Organize by features, not by entities, Adam Ralph:
 Modular Monoliths
- Majestic Modular Monolith, Axel Fontaine:
- Local Complexity vs Global Complexity in microservices:
 Comparisons:
- Comparison of Layered, Onion, vs Vertical Slices, Simon Brown:
- Nice overview + picture ⭐️
 Task-based UI:
 Books:
- Software Architecture: Fundamentals & The Hard Parts by Neal Ford & Mark Richardson
Architecture Reading

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Vertical Slicing Architectures

  • 2. Hi, I'm Victor Rentea Java Champion, enjoying since 2006 Trainer – 5000+ developers in 100+ companies / 20+ countries Clean Code✨ Unit Testing 🙌 Architecture 📐 Spring & JPA 🛠 Java Performance 🔥 Reactive Programming 😱 Secure Coding 🔐 Speaker at Conferences & Meetups Join at and enjoy 1h/month of free workshop/talk Software Crafters Community @victorrentea YouTube Channel - in-house - mixed groups - video classes
  • 3. 3 a training by 🫵 About You! Zoom Poll: your experience and language
  • 4. 4 a training by Chapter 1. Concentric Architectures = Onion, Clean, Hexagonal, Ports-and-Adapters
  • 5. 5 a training by IAdapter Adapter Onion/Clean Architecture Recap Outer layers depend on inner layers Persistence concerns pushed out Dependency Inversion (call logic in an outer circle via an interface) Services + Model Flow control (method call direction) Domain is agnostic to UI, DB, APIs, Frameworks (protect the business rules) Onion Architecture Primer:
  • 7. 7 a training by vs interface Hexagonal aka Port-and-Adapters Architecture Original Article: Bad cost-benefit Useless interface implements DepENDENCY INvERSION Flow control (method call direction)
  • 8. 9 a training by
  • 9. 10 a training by Sources of overengineering in Concentric Architectures Too many interfaces "any layer must only expose and consume interfaces" Mandated layers "a Controller MUST call a Service that MUST call a Repo" Mock-full tests 🧅 "each layer is tested by mocking the layer below" Separate Domain from Persistence 😭 "CustomerModel should be mapped  CustomerEntity in Repo layer" Application-layer structures "Application layer should have its own data structures ≠Domain, ≠Dto" Rigid dependency management "domain MUST NEVER depend on anything outside" Monolithic in nature "the (one) Domain is in the center" Are these still problems in our pragmatic variation? Delete interfaces with only 1 implementation, unless Dep Inversion Extract complexity into Domain Services; challenge Controllers More integration tests (honeycomb) or squash layers ArchUnit allows exceptions 😬 Only required if UC exposed via 2+ channels Gulp... 😬 Indeed Only required if legacy/enemy DB
  • 10. 11 a training by Chapter 2. Vertical Slicing with a taste of CQRS
  • 11. 12 a training by Layers Controller Repository + Infrastructure Application Service Vertical SLICING DOMAIN Service + Model Change
  • 12. 13 a training by How "wide" should an Application Service be? = how many use-cases? Multiple use-cases 👈 what we did class OrderApplicationService { public getOrderById() {/*trivial logic🥱*/} public placeOrder() {..extract..extract...} // eg. 10 more } One class / use-case = Slice by Feature class GetOrderByIdUseCase{/* 5 useful lines*/} class PlaceOrderUseCase {/* 400 lines  */} risk: god class continuously extract logic ou accidental coupling between use-cases change 1 use-case= change 1 (less) files Group code by axis of change
  • 13. 14 a training by One class / use-case = Slice by Feature class GetOrderByIdUseCase{/* 5 useful lines*/} class PlaceOrderUseCase {/* 400 lines  */} risk: god classes The stricter the rules are, the less creative we think risk: too small classes risk: repeating logic (DR extract shared logic to Domain extract complex logic to Domain Start  Put everything related to a UseCase in a single file, from Controller down to any custom Repository methods
  • 14. 15 a training by One class / use-case = Slice by Feature class GetOrderByIdUseCase{/* 5 useful lines*/} class PlaceOrderUseCase {/* 400 lines  */} Query Command read data change data CQRS
  • 15. 16 a training by Encapsulate DTOs whenever possible class GetOrderByIdUseCase{ // query 👁 private static class Request { ... } //  JSON private static class Response { ... } //  JSON public Response handle(Request request) {...} } class PlaceOrderUseCase { // command ✍️ private static class Request { ... } //  JSON private static class Response { ... } //  JSON public Response handle(Request request) {...} } allows different architecture styles per use-case
  • 16. 17 a training by Queries 👁 class GetOrderById { private static class Request { ... } private static class Response { ....<large>...... } @GetMapping public Response handle(Request request) {...} } - Can select projections ("select new Dto" JPQL) = different READ Model (CQRS) - Can use raw SQL, or whatever ... - If ≥2 Query UC share logic (rarely)  extract it (eg. into a Util) = DRY
  • 17. 18 a training by Commands ✍️ • Start simple • Can get veeeery complex. Don't PANIC! Continuously refactor: Extract Method Extract Class Move Methods (into a Domain Model Object or a Domain Service) class PlaceOrder { private static class Request { ....<large>.... } // + @NotNull, @Size.. private static class Response { ... } @PostMapping @Transactional public Response handle(@Validated Request request) { *read stuff* *interesting domain logic to extract* *save stuff* } } Perfect Fit for Task-Based UI
  • 18. 19 a training by Layers Controller Repository + Infrastructure Application Service SLICE BY FEATURE DOMAIN Service/Model Logic Shared by 2 Features extracted into a Domain Service/Model Complex business logic of a Feature extracted into a Domain Service/Model
  • 19. 20 a training by Application / Infrastructure Domain 👁 UC-1 External API ✍️UC-3 ✍️UC-4 Domain Service Vertical-Slicing vs Concentric Architecture Equivalence ✍️UC-2 Domain Model 👁 UC-19 👁 UC-17 Not enough domain complexity: they don't deserve to be part of Domain
  • 20. 21 a training by Microservice (if you must) Module in a Modulith 👑 Large Slice Shippin g Invoicin g Catalo g NO: Each Module can decide how many layers/rings has its internal structure Slice by Feature (aka UseCase, previous slides) Vertical Slicing Small Slice What Size? No layers? = Modular Monolith
  • 21. 22 a training by A large codebase is more likely to suffer from internal coupling (scope creep, domain model dilution), than external coupling (to external APIs)
  • 22. 23 a training by Chapter 3. Finding Module Boundaries one of the toughest problems in architecture
  • 23. 24 a training by It all started with...
  • 24. 25 a training by .controller .service .repo .infra com.myorg.myapp .order .product Too keep packages small, we grouped classes in subpackages Package Names .entity .order .product ll started with... technical layers names (not domain concepts)
  • 25. 26 a training by .service com.myorg.myapp .order .product .service The Screaming Architecture =organize code first by subdomain, not by technical layers .entity .repo … …  separate microservices teams modules
  • 26. 27 a training by Naming (again) .order .product .fulfillment .catalog .invoice .invoicing Group by Business Capability👌 (what it does, its value) Group by Concept (Data)
  • 27. 28 a training by The Fallacy of Nano-Services or -Modules
  • 28. 29 a training by The Fallacy of Nano-Services • If you break the code in too many modules (eg 20+) • The local complexity of each piece is ↓ ✅ • But the global complexity gets 🔝 🚫🚫🚫 or Module
  • 29. 30 a training by The Fallacy of Nano-Services or Module Local Complexity how much complexity is in one microservice/module Global Complexity how hard it is to integrate the microservices/modules Increase cohesiveness of modules (=break complexity) while reducing coupling between them (=micro-APIs)
  • 30. 31 a training by A Service is NOT • Just behavior Example: calculation, validation • Just CRUD data Example: Country, Tenant, Clinic or Module Modulith: repos in commons Microservices: static data or entity microservice
  • 31. 32 a training by A Service is ... the technical authority for a business capability or Module .invoice .invoicing
  • 32. 33 a training by Cognitive🧅 Load: able to specialize in one area Code Ownership & Control: free to refactor the Domain Model Bounded Contexts: sharp concepts, less attributes & more constraints Ideally 1 module = 1 Team = Two-Pizza Team Align with Organization Boundaries (stakeholders) - Conway's Law Has a sound responsibility ? Finding Module Boundaries🏆  Changing its internal structures and business rules affects other modules?  Its API changes when other modules change? (=coupling)  Is it replaceable with off-the-shelf software?  Is it easy to remove when the business need is gone?  Is it testable alone, ie without creating many entities from other modules?
  • 33. 37 a training by Chapter 4. Decoupling Modules code tactics
  • 34. 38 a training by Modularizing the Monolith
  • 35. 39 a training by What's faster to build? from scratch Microservices A Monolith or
  • 36. 40 a training by What's faster to build? (from scratch) Microservices A Monolith or But soon complexity and coupling start slowing us down
  • 37. 41 a training by 41 From a Big Ball of Mud  Microservices 1) Rewrite (big-bang) No new features for 1 year Requires re-specifying everything 20-30% success chance (studies) 2) Modularize => Extract Experiment and prototype Be ready to stop any time 3) Strangler-Fig Pattern Reimplement any all features in fresh microservices 👑 Modulith
  • 38. 42 a training by A new greenfield project Proxy The Strangler Fig Pattern 😁 When a feature is reimplemented, route the requests for it to the new project Prerequisite: clear requirements
  • 39. 43 a training by order product Unlink Domain Entities class OrderLine { ... Product product; Long productId;1 String productName;2 } class Product { id name ... } 1) Keep only the ID ✅ 👌 Preserve the FK in Modulith + then later: fetch on-demand 2) Snapshot immutable data + according to domain rules 3) Keep mutable data in sync 😨 + replicate changes (eg via events) ⚠️Eventual Consistency (iff distributed) object reference
  • 40. 44 a training by complexity complexity booking appointment Split Domain Entities class BookingRequest { id date + time specialtyId ... } class Appointment { id medical report followup date date + time ... } class Appointment { id date + time specialtyId ... +20 fields appointed:boolean medical report followup date ... 40 more }
  • 41. 45 a training by 👌 The owner of some data is the module who changes it The modules that need the data must ask the owner
  • 42. 46 a training by 0 Writers | * Readers = Reference Data  'shared' module - eg. Country list 1 Writer | n Readers = Owned  Readers get data from Writer - eg. Catalog  Stock.getStock() n Writers | 0 Readers = Notifications  commons via events - eg. Audit, sendSMS 2+ Writers | * Readers  Split Entity 😩 or Merge modules ❤️ - eg. break Order  PlacedOrder + ShippedOrder Data Ownership # modules
  • 43. 48 a training by Calls between Modules module A module B call any class inside B Lack of encapsulation External API (eg HTTP, gRPC,...) dev riot Why so many structures?!!😡 Goal = Decoupling - Review the coupling - Detect cyclic dependencies - Detect "Module in the middle" DTO Internal API ("Door") DDO Data Decoupling Objects calls only via B's "Door"
  • 44. 49 a training by Cyclic Dependencies between Modules A B call call Bad news: Maven/Gradle build fails <dependency> <dependency>
  • 45. 50 a training by Ways to fix Cyclic Dependencies between Modules Key Questions: - massive interdependence? - need to reuse technical/infra stuff? - any existing monolithical clients / frozen API? - are modules exposing external APIs?
  • 46. 51 a training by A B A-api B-api Extract API modules No single orchestrator runtime calls A B O orchestrator Keep Orchestration Up = Facade (eg site?, mobile) Ways to fix Cyclic Dependencies between Modules A B event call Fire Events Upstream ⭐️Decoupled A B implements call Dependency Inversion ⭐️Decoupled AProvider AProviderImpl call microservices: N/A microservices: events on queue microservices: interdependent microservices microservices: api gateway/saga microservices: shared lib/3rd service microservices: merge? A B C commons Push Commons Down Technical: emails country audit, ... ❤️ AB Merge Modules if tight coupling
  • 47. 52 a training by B Surface of a Module publish events call interface implementation A command (change) query (read) (a) notification {id} (b) fat-event {data} listen to events
  • 48. 53 a training by Segregate in baby-steps Prepare to stop/undo when needed - incorrect boundary? Too many tiny modules will 🔝 the Global Complexity Focus on Data ownership & Flow control Introduce Events for one-way signals, w/o response Do NOT sacrifice consistency too early (Transactions, FKs) Measure progress (eg. ArchUnit, custom tool) Modulith Lessons
  • 50. 55 a training by Chapter 5. Towards Microservices as a painful decision
  • 51. 56 a training by Reasons to extract a Module into a Microservice • Different Resource Requirements (eg NOSQL vs RDB) • Scalability, or go Reactive🔥 • Availability (not impacted by failures in other modules) • Requires different programming language / exotic framework • High rate of delivery => independent deployability • Security posture (vs Wild Wild Web) • 🛑 STOP if Strong Consistency Requirements: terrible business consequences • ...
  • 52. 57 a training by Module or Microservice?
  • 53. 59 a training by 4) Distributed Systems 1) code decoupling 3) ❌ DB Consistency 2) ❌ Transactions A B A B Shared Transaction TX method calls and events only via doors ✅ External REST API Foreign Key Data Replication (events, CDC, ...) 🔥 MICROSERVICES 🔥 - retry - idempotency - queues - load balancing - 503 - Network Delay - k8s, Docker - rate limiter - distrib. cache - circuit breaker - 😱😱😱😱 TX >@TransactionEventListener(AFTER_COMMIT) >@Async @EventListener (worse!) Tx not shared between modules ✅ Separate Schemas ✅ 😱 😱 😱 Eventual Consistency 😱 😱 😱 => Questions to BIZ Monolith => Modulith => Microservices Blue Team 👕 Pink Team👚 Partially inspired by Axel Fontaine's talk about the "Majestic Modular Monolith":
  • 54. 60 Final poll, what architecture have you used by now? A) Layers: 13/ B) Onion (domain module) 6/ C) Port-adapters (*Port) 4/ D) Feature Slices (*UseCase) 5/ E) Modulith (functional modules in a monolith) 10/ F) Event Sourcing + CQRS 4/ (Total answers: 16/)
  • 55. 61 a training by 📚  Hexagonal Architecture aka. Ports-and-Adapters - Original article by Alistair Cockburn, 2005: - Colorful explanation, 8th light: - Input Port Interface are useless:  Onion Architecture - Clean Architecture Uncle Bob: - Onion Architecture Primer: - Original article, Jeffrey Palermo,  Vertical Slice Architecture (aka -UseCase) - Feature slicing Jimmy Bogard talk: and short intro article: - Task-based UI:  Finding Module/Service Boundaries - Heuristics to find boundaries: - Organize by features, not by entities, Adam Ralph:  Modular Monoliths - Majestic Modular Monolith, Axel Fontaine: - Local Complexity vs Global Complexity in microservices:  Comparisons: - Comparison of Layered, Onion, vs Vertical Slices, Simon Brown: - Nice overview + picture ⭐️  Task-based UI: -  Books: - Software Architecture: Fundamentals & The Hard Parts by Neal Ford & Mark Richardson Architecture Reading

Hinweis der Redaktion

  1. Salut! Eu sunt Victor si am 14 ani… de lucru cu Java, desi in ultimii ani am fost impins sa invat si PHP, Scala si C#. Lucrez la IBM ca Lead Archirect, in Bucuresti. Stiati voi ca aveti un IBM chiar aici in Cluj, intr-un sediu nou-nout. In…. De fapt, cu ajorul IBM sunt astazi aici cu voi. Stiu deja ce ganditi… aa.. E architect. Sta undeva langa un ficus si deseneaza pe pereti diagrame UML.. -NU . Eu bag la cod. Lucrez pe cele mai dificile proiecte pe care le avem. La sfarsh:Sala mare -