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Under Age Drinking Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of underage drinking presents its own set of challenges. Firstly,
it requires a delicate balance between addressing the serious consequences of this issue and
maintaining an objective tone. The topic involves social, legal, and health-related dimensions,
demanding comprehensive research to provide a well-rounded perspective.
Addressing the ethical aspects of underage drinking can be intricate, as it necessitates handling a
sensitive subject with care. One must navigate through statistical data, studies, and real-life
examples to substantiate arguments effectively. Additionally, ensuring the essay remains focused
on the consequences, prevention strategies, and potential solutions poses a challenge.
The complexity lies not only in presenting information logically but also in developing a
compelling narrative that engages the reader. A successful essay on underage drinking requires a
thoughtful structure, incorporating an introduction that hooks the audience, a body that presents
evidence coherently, and a conclusion that leaves a lasting impact.
Moreover, discussing the legal implications and societal perspectives demands a nuanced
approach. Striking a balance between informing the reader and avoiding a preachy tone is crucial
for the essay's effectiveness. The writer must be vigilant not to oversimplify the issue or
overlook its multi-faceted nature.
In conclusion, composing an essay on underage drinking necessitates meticulous research, a
thoughtful approach to presenting arguments, and a sensitivity to the complexities surrounding
the topic. Successfully addressing these challenges can result in an impactful piece that
contributes to the ongoing dialogue on this critical issue.
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Under Age Drinking Essay Under Age Drinking Essay
Forecasting Methods And Techniques For Planning For...
Organizations incorporate forecasting methods and techniques to plan for upcoming
business events and predict what is most likely going to happen in the future. They
study, analyze, and interpret data and recent trends to help support their future
predictions. Organizations have the decision to either participate in qualitative
forecastingor quantitative forecasting. Some firms are unable to access past data and
can solely rely on opinions and judgment, so they pursue qualitative forecasting
methods. Survey techniques, opinion polls, and the Delphi method are three
common qualitative forecasting methods. These types of forecasting methods are
subjective in nature, as organizations fully understand consumer preferences will not
remain consistent. On the other hand, quantitative forecasting involves the presence
of historical data and the assumption of consistent data trends in the future. The two
popular quantitative forecasting methods include the explanatory methods and time
series methods. These two methods strictly focus on past data and interpret past
observations to better understand why data trends are moving in their respective
directions. Lastly, it is imperative organizations study the moves of other companies
in their respective industries and conclude if the forecasting investment was worth the
time and money. Forecasting ultimately benefits businesses in decision making,
planning, and budgeting. Forecasting is heavily dependent on the company s ability
to make
Omega 3 Research Paper
Omega 3 the king of the healthy oil
Omega 3 are fatty acids, essential for the human body to function, omega 3 is the
type of fat you definitely do not want to cut back on.
Known as essentials for the normal growth and health of the individuals. The
sources more common of fatty acids they are fish oils and some vegetable oils like
linseed and oil of algae petroleum. omega3 omegaoilThe omega 3 is a
fat type, known as acid essential fatty because it is important for a good health, the
human body is not capable to produce omega 3, it tends to obtain it from food. A great
number of researchers are demonstrating the benefits of the omega 3 for the heart and
every circulatory system.
Some studies indicate that the omega 3 also brings
The Effect of the Modernization of China on Chinese
The modernization of China has played a key role in the changes of popular culture
in China. With modernization, the people of China were introduced to different
forms and styles of music which the Chinese studied and incorporated into their own
music. They felt that the Westernization of their music would make it more modern.
With the rise of popular musiccame a means of identification, and with that,
regulations to control its effect on society as a whole. And finally, the blurring of
boundaries between China and the rest of the world show the ever changing nature of
the music in China. Throughout China s modernization, as the country opened up to
the West, the Chinese music scene slowly changed in terms of style, production,...
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He Luting later came to be one of the most influential twentieth century Chinese
composers and music educators (Lau 97).
The adoption of Western music inspired new ways of viewing music and resulted in a
transformation of Chinese music. It prompted Chinese composers to either fuse
Western music with traditional sounds or turn their back on traditional Chinese
music [because they Westernized] their music modeled on the perceptions that
Western music equates with modernization (Lau 90). Additionally, because many
traditionalists feared that traditional Chinese music would gradually disappear due to
the modernizing Western music, they began to focus on promoting Chinese music as
a way to counteract the encroachment of Western culture and music. But they did it in
a modernist rather than preservationist sort of way. Many musicians experimented
with new ways of composing music and modernizing traditional instruments (Lau 92).
Scholars consider Mandarin popular songs as the first kind of modern popular music
developed in China (Lau 106). These Mandarin pop songs were developed in
Shanghai in the 1920s. In Shanghai, the trendy Chinese in Shanghai mimicked the
lifestyle of the city s foreigners, engaging in pastimes brought in from the West, and
this was also
Animal Pharmaceuticals And Its Effects On The Abundance
INTRODUCTION Animal pharmaceuticals also known as veterinary pharmaceuticals
are drugs or medicines used to prevent; diagnose and treat diseases, sickness,
infections or injuries of the animal species. (Animal Health Institute, 2016) The uses
of veterinary products allow the animals to gain back their health and sustain their life
spent. The formulation of veterinary pharmaceuticals are develop according to the
techniques and procedures uses in developing human drug dosage formas the
fundamental pharmaceuticals development techniques required is similar. Examples
of such practice include preformulation data package, drug stability assessment and
expiry date, sterility declaration, drug pharmaco kinetics, and manufacturing
processes. Veterinary drug products are also exposed to the same Good
Manufacturing Practice (GMP) by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as the
human drug products. (Gregory E. Hardee, 1998) Regardless, there are challenges in
development the veterinary dosage form due to the abundance of animal species.
Unique veterinary dosage formsare developed based on different species dependent
drug pharmacokinetics, specialized dose administration devices and unique
administration routes. Besides, animals do not have the intelligence to medicate
themselves through voluntary intake of pharmaceutical drugs, the owner or
veterinarian are required to administer the drugs or needed medication into the
animals. Hence, a variety of dosage form is introduced to ease
Enlightenment, Romanticism, And Late 19th Century Lit
English Essay
History and literature. History clearly reflects in literature; it is a pattern often seen in
English 11. Five obvious examples of history reflecting in literature are the works of
the Colonial Period, Enlightenment, Romanticism, and Late 19th Century Lit.
The Colonial Period. During the Colonial Period most colonies are set up for
business. Most people are illiterate apart from the puritans, who wanted everyone to
be literate so that they may read the Bible. The Puritans believed in predestination, the
Bible is the only source of truth, mankind is evil, spare the whip spoil the child, and
rule of thumb. Given the circumstances ... Show more content on ...
and Realism. During the Late 19th Century Americans started to realize that the
nation had some real problems and not everything was as great as romanticism made
it seem; thus realism was born. Some of the problems that led to realism was
overcrowding in cities, a growing gap between the rich and poor, people fighting
over jobs, and fighting over whether the western territories should have slavery or
not. Some other extremely controversial issues of the time was women s suffrage
and African American rights which was frequently talked about by two of the
most notable writers of the time; Frederick Douglass and Sojourner Truth. Both
were once slaves and had faced immense hardships. Their works, like most works
of the time, talked about the problems of America and unlike with romanticism,
they hardly ended on a happy note but rather something more realistic. The story,
An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge talked about a man who was to be hanged off
Owl Creek Bridge for the war crime of trying to burn the bridge. For a good chunk
of the story one may think the man will get away but that would be a romantic
ending and this is a realistic story and in the end he is hanged. It is evident that the
problems and seriousness of the Late 19th
Sugar Cravings Essay
Despite popular beliefs about how blood sugar levels relate to craving, there is
very little if any evidence indicating this to be true. Food cravings are largely a
psychological phenomenon that relates to old habits and learning. The most likely
reason that we see cravings in folks like you who have developed type 2 diabetes
may simply be that the history of eating patterns that contributed to the development
of the diabetes is persisting. Here s the good news: As is the case with all learned
behavior, cravings can be unlearned.
Remember, you can take control of cravings.
While it is true that intense sugar cravings could be one of the signs or symptoms of
diabetes, there could be several other sugar cravings causes. Some of the most
common factors that could lead to sugar cravings in a person are: ... Show more
content on ...
However, if you feel depressed for any reason, your hormone levels tend to
plummet, which also has an effect on your metabolism. This is probably most
people turn towards comfort foods like ice cream, chocolate, cake and so on, when
they go through bouts of depression. The reason for this is that most people go
through intense sugar cravings when they feel depressed. Sugar can release
serotonin in the body, but it is only for a short period of time. Be prepared to
experience some sugar cravings, for as long as you remain depressed.
Eating habits: One of the facts about sweets is that the more you give your body
sugar, the more your body will crave it. In several cases, people are used to eating
sweets on a regular basis, which is why their body develops sugar cravings, if it
does not get the amount of sugar it is used to. Hence going on a restrictive diet,
which limits the intake of sugar considerably could trigger of intense sugar cravings in
Witness For The Prosecution Essay
This 1957 courtroom production Witness for the Prosecution based on a short
story and later a play by Agatha Christie involves the seasoned barrister and
curmudgeon Sir Wilfred Robarte, played by Charles Laughton. He takes on the
murder defense of Leonard Vole played by Tyrone Power. Robarts private nurse
played by Elsa Lancaster objects constantly, reminding him of his doctor s advice
to stay away from criminal cases due to his ill health. Vole is accused of the murder
of a wealthy older woman Mrs. French played by Norma Varden who appeared to
have fallen in love with Vole and changed her will to give him the bulk of her estate.
The evidence strongly points to Vole s involvement. Vole claims his defense is based
on the fact that his wife, Christine played by Marlene Dietrich, will testify that Vole
arrived home the evening of the murder long before it transpired. Robarts counsels
Vole that the testimony of his wife... Show more content on ...
In one instance he objections to the prosecution s evidence by stating if his colleague
is going to both ask and answer the same question. The presence of the witness was
superfluous. The prosecution last witness who was Christine Vole, the wife of Vole,
brought a shock to both Robarts and the viewing audience. Robarts immediately
objects, but Christine then started to testify that her marriage to Vole was fraudulent,
since she was already married when she met Vole and her first husband is still alive.
Her testimony against Vole was blasphemy, including her claim that Vole arrived
home the night of the murder with blood on his clothing and admitted her that he had
killed Mrs. French. Robarts cross examination on Christine admit that she told a
number of lies before appearing in court that day and concludes his statement that he
is surprised the testament did not leap from your hands when she took the
Leonardo Da Vinci s Lady With Unicorn
In 1934 1936 Raphael restored a female portrait Lady with Unicorn. Leonardo Da
Vinci had painted this piece in the year 1505. Leonardo was a high renaissance
painter and this picture is a high renaissance piece. The time period of when it was
created and the idealized figure, clarity, and bright colors depict the type of
renaissance piece. In the portrait a lady with long blonde hair, and blue eyes is
holding a greenish colored unicorn in her lap, which gives the portrait its name. It
was an oil painting that was applied to a wooden canvas. This piece was actually
inspired by Leonardo Da Vincis Mona Lisa(Young women with Unicorn , n.d.). The
subject in the portrait has been identified as Saint Catherine of Alexandria. The
painting was attributed to Raphaelwhen he restored it. Removal of a heavy repainting
revealed the unicorn in this portrait. The unicorn is a representation of purity in the
medieval romance in place of Catherine s wheel. In the painting the five elements of
renaissance perspective are all portrayed.
The Lady with Unicorn shows linear perspective, aerial perspective, diminution of
size, and overlap. The Lady with Unicorn shows one point linear perspective in the
slanted line on the far left of the railing behind her that foes backward toward a single
vanishing ... Show more content on ...
The red of her dress is used to make her body stick out from the rest of the painting.
Blonde hair that surrounds her faced is used to make her face pop out from the
rest of the painting. The blues in the background are used to gradually diminish the
detail and makes a viewer pay more attention to the Lady s face. The greens that
are used in the portrait are used to recede the detail to her face as well. There is
green on her dress that pushes out the focus more to the top of her body and face.
Warm colors in this picture help make certain features pop out to direct visual focus
to certain areas and cool colors make details
Delta Airlines Swot Analysis Paper
Delta Airlines
Mitchell B. Workman
Middle Tennessee State University Delta Airlines
Delta Airlines is one of the leading airline industries in the market based on on time
performance, revenue per available seat, customer satisfaction, and it is well
positioned in taking advantage of the new positive economic outlook for the airline
industry. It is a domestic Airline carrier that provides passengers and cargo services
throughout the US and other international destinations. Some of its hubs are in
Atlanta, Detroit, Minneapolis, Amsterdam, JFK and Tokyo Narita as well as in
partnering with the existing regional airlines. Currently, the assets of Delta Airline
are valued $54,252 million and the composition can be divided into three main groups
including PPE (Property, Plant, and Equipment), Current Assets and other Assets
(Luo, 2014).
Delta Airlines was founded in 1920 in Ogdensburg, New York under the name:
Ogdensburg Aeroway Corp, the company was founded by Elliot Daland and
Thomas Duff. The company began as a crop dusting company which was the first
of its kind (commercial agricultural). The name quickly changed to Huff Daland
Aero Corporation and in 1925 their headquarters moved to Monroe, Louisiana,
USA. At the beginning of the corporation their fleet of 18 privately owned planes
delivered mail and crop dusted all over the United States and was the largest fleet of
aircraft in the world at the time. Flight operations ranged from all over the United
Responses to the Challenge of Amoralism Essay example
Responses to the Challenge of Amoralism
ABSTRACT: To the question Why should I be moral? there is a simple answer
(SA) that some philosophers find tempting. There is also a response, common
enough to be dubbed the standard response (SR), to the simple answer. In what
follows, I show that the SA and SR are unsatisfactory; they share a serious defect. To
the question, Why should I be moral? there is a simple answer (SA) that some
philosophers find tempting. There is also a response, common enough to be dubbed
the standard response (SR), to the simple answer. In what follows I show that SA and
SR are unsatisfactory; they share a serious defect.
I will interpret Why should I be moral? to mean Why should I habitually perform ...
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Or perhaps it is (d) a request for a motive to be moral.
(2) If Alf s question is of type (a) or (c), it s silly. Nothing could be more obvious than
that Alf has a moral reason to be moral. It s a plain fact that being moral is the
moral thing to do it s the option justified from the moral point of view and this is
clearly a reason for Alf to be moral.
(3) If Alf s question is of type (b) or (d) it s unreasonable; hence we need not bother
with it. Moral philosophy aims at rational persuasion, not at generating motives to
act. Nor does it aim to justify morality in terms of prudence, law, custom, or etiquette.
Indeed, such a justification is impossible. But we should not be disturbed about this.
The moral life is not called into question by showing that it does not reduce to a
concern for custom, prudence, etc., any more than prudence is called into question by
showing that it does not reduce to a concern for morality.
(4) Thus, Alf s question is silly or unreasonable. We need not bother with it.
SR can be set out as follows:
(I) Responses to Why should I be moral? that treat the question as illegitimate, SA
being one such response, fail to envision all the things the question might express.
Very likely, Alf s question is not of kind (a), (b), (c) or (d). Instead, it s
Back in the 1800s most waste that ships carried were...
Back in the 1800s most waste that ships carried were dumped in our oceans
without much thought. The difference from then to now is that the dump 200
years ago was biodegradable dump now about 14.4 million tons of our waste is
plastic which is not always biodegradable according to the EPA and that number is
rapidly increasing every year. Our oceans are massively being affected and so are
we in ways unimaginable like the fact that our fish are ingesting chemicals that is
in the plastics in the sea and we are being fed these toxic chemicals. Maybe if
citizens have a better understanding of what is going on in our oceans they ll decide
to do something about it. Plastic pollution is the biggest threat in our oceans as it
takes up about 90% of... Show more content on ...
Another major health risk that occurs when our oceans are being polluted is that
the seafood becomes contaminated with chemicals. Chemicals are beginning to
move up the food chain and soon into our plates. Research and studies show that
plastic is absorbed by animals when it floats in waters and when these innocent fish
and marine life ingest these foods it is endangering the marine ecosystem as a
whole. Now that we know how it is affecting us how does it reach our oceans to
start with? Some of it does come from ships that are sailing by but 80% of it comes
from land. Most storm drains have a common end point which is into our oceans.
And lets say Johnny is waking down the street and eating a lollipop and he litters
the wrapper. Next thing you know it rains and that wrapper is swept away with the
water and into the storm drain. That drain leads into our ocean and that plastic
wrapper is going to be floating for a very long time. These systems are all a cycle
but the problem is the cycle is a one way street and that trash you threw onto the
street will never come back to the street but will stay in our oceans killing marine
life. We can t only blame the consumers for the things occurring in our world. If
less plastic packaging were used and more paper or glass packaging were used it
would really benefit the world. Looking at plastic water bottles many say that they
are recycled or reusable but they aren t always
Richard Nixon Accomplishments
Richard Nixon, a lawyer, a Veteran, and finally, our 37th president. From his
childhood to his death in New York City, he lived an interesting life. Even though he
resigned and almost impeached, he also helped this nation prosper. Throughout the
next few paragraphs I will explain the life behind our 37th president, what jobs he
held, his accomplishments, inventions and advancements during that time, and a few
interesting facts.
We will start with the personal information of Richard Nixon. Our 37th president was
born in Yorba Linda California on January 9, 1913. Richard Nixon was the second of
5 brothers, Edward, Donald, Harold, and Arthur Nixon. For his education he attended
Fullerton High School but later transferred to Whittier. ... Show more content on ...
One of them is that Lee Harvey Oswald may have plotted to assassinate Nixon. He
allegedly told his wife Richard is coming, I am going to pay him a visit . His wife
stopped him from leaving by locking him in a bathroom and forcing him to give up
his gun. Did you know Nixon ran a failed orange juice business? He started the
business Citra Frost in an attempt to strike rich in California. Richard Nixon is the
only president to resign from office. This happened because of the Watergate
Scandal. In 1972, four people broke into the Democratic Party s headquarters in the
Watergate, a hotel office building in Washington, D.C. They were caught looking
through files and planting listening devices, Nixon denied knowing about the
break in. Nixon regularly kept tapes of conversations in his office. He was forced
to give up the tapes and he eventually did but some of the tapes were missing or
destroyed. In the summer of 1974, the House Judiciary Committee approved
articles of impeachment for obstructing justice. The tapes clearly showed Nixon
had been part of the cover up. On August 8, 1974, he submitted a one sentence
letter of resignation, and then went on television and said, I have always tried to do
what is best for this nation . My next interesting fact is while in office, Nixon struck
a friendship with George Allen. Finally, Nixon reportedly descended from King
Edward III of England.
Overall, Richard Nixon lead an
Financial Management Practices
of the
Submitted to
For the award of the Degree of
Dayananda Sagar College of Management and Information Technology
Shavige Malleshwara Hills, K.S. layout, Layout, Bangalore 560078
Academic Year 2008 2010
The definition used by the Indian authorities is based on the level of investment in
plant, machinery or other fixed assets whether held on an ownership, lease or hire
purchase ... Show more content on ...
Hypothesis of the study
1. There is no significance co relation between working capital management and sme
s problems faced. 2. There is no significance co relation between working capital
management and profitability of the sme s.
Information and descriptive researcg will be congregate, For fulfilling the above
objectives, both primary and secondary data has been collected. For collecting
primary data, Pilot study and Questionnaire was adopted.personal Interview technique
is adopted to meet the respondents and to collect information. Personal discussion is
also made with the different SME organization.
A sample design is define plan for obtaining a sample from a given population. It
refers to the technique or procedure the researcher would adopt in selecting items for
sample. Researcher must prepare a sample design, which should be reliable and
appropriate for his research study.
The study is conducted in the AHMEDABAD, NAVSARI, SURAT cities in
GUJARAT. For this study the samples are the SME organization of the
Data collection methods
Primary data в–Є Questionnaires в–Є Interviews в–Є Discussions в–Є Visits
Secondary data в–Є Libraries в–Є Articles в–Є Research material в–Є Internet в–Є
Financial Magazines
Organization of the Study
The research
A Review On The Shared Services Market
A Review of the Shared Services Market, Including for Example Its Development,
Categorization of Different Services and the Role of Shared Services Within an
Organization Model. (2005, Nov 03). Business Wire Retrieved from https:/
/docview/445338379?accountid=38569 This article from Business Wire covers
broadly the role of shares services in an organization before delving into granular
detail that will prove immensely helpful when developing a shared services structure
housed in a central location. Business Wire categorizes different types of shared
services along with four different organizational models and IT implementation to
support the shared services structure. Designing the deployment of a shared services
system within an existing organization does require significant IT resources and
Business Wire s work could prove instrumental in mapping out that plan wisely.
Centralizing staff and resources for greater efficiency. (2007). IOMA s Payroll
Manager s Report, 7(6), 1 1,9+. Retrieved from
/231090081?accountid=38569 As IMOA s Payroll Manger s Report identifies key
successes achieved when staff and resources are centralized, something that occurs
within a shared services system, we can evaluate that system in part by whether or
not those successes actually materialize. Establishing metrics
Monlogue of Sheila Birling Essay
Monologue from Sheila Birling
I feel extremely responsible for the horrid tragedy of what had happened to that
young lady. On the other hand at the time it took place I was in a furious temper; I
had tried on this dress, and well.... it just didn t suit me at all! Then the girl had
tried on the dress as if she was wearing it. And it just suited her. She was the right
type for it. She was very pretty too with big dark eyes. I caught sight of the girl
smiling at Miss Francis as if to say, doesn t she look awful and I was absolutely
furious. That is when it all happened. I lost all sense of what was right and let anger
and jealousy fill me up to the direst cruelty. I said without second thought of
consideration to the manager, this ... Show more content on ...
I remember what he said, how he looked and what he made me feel. Fire and blood
and anguish. And it frightens me, the way they talk as if nothing has happened. Even
if there is no girl in the infirmary, who has committed suicide by drinking a strong
disinfectant, isn t what we did still wrong?
It doesn t much matter who made us confess and it was true, wasn t it? Farther
turned the girl out of one job, I had her turned out of another. Gerald kept her at a
time when he was too busy to see me. Eric used her for a stupid drunken evening as
if she were an animal, a thing, not a person. And mother hardened her heart and gave
her the final push that finished her that s what s important and not weather a man is a
police inspector or not. Well Eric and I have learnt a promising lesson that there are
millions of John Smiths and Eva Smiths in the world. I shall never do something so
careless and selfish again, and I pray that my parents and Gerald come to the same
realisation soon, as I have done... before it s too late.
Whether or not it was me alone, or the fault of all of us. This streak of guilt shall
saturate my soul for life, knowing that my selfish irresponsible actions played a
vital part of the beginning of the end of this venerable, innocent young lady, Eva
Smith. Yet I can t help feeling my actions was what caused her to become so
desperate that summer last year. It all is becoming clear now. It was my fault! Last
summer from March all the way to September,
How Did The Us Build The Panama Canal
The Panama Canal is an important part of Panama and United States history. The
Panama Canal was constructed in order to make the journey from the Pacific Ocean
to the Atlantic Ocean shorter. This is extremely important because it shortens the
journey for cargo ships making them financially more efficient. The Panama Canal
was once owned by the United Statesbut is now owned by Panama. The Panama
Canal is a perfect example of countries working together for a common goal.
Although the canal was not built until 1914, the idea was proposed in the 1500s. The
idea came from Spain but the proposal was so absurd that nothing came from it. The
French also attempted a similar canal. Once again the plan was deemed too strenuous
and the French stopped construction. The United States decided that the idea of a
canal stretching from the Pacific to Atlantic oceans was an... Show more content on ...
The United States planned for the canal to stretch from the city of ColГіn to Panama
City. Soon after construction started problems occured. The lead engineer, John
Wallace, had problems with equipment and workers becoming ill. This caused
Wallace to quit and construction to momentarily halt. President Roosevelt hired
Lt. George Washington Goethals as the lead engineer in 1906. Goethals was a
strict commander, who also cared about his workers; he improved working
conditions while he was the lead engineer. One of the most difficult areas to build
the canal was the Culebra Cut. Landslides were notorious and many workers
perished. The next important structure to develop were the locks. In total 3 locks
were made which total 3,000 feet long. The Panama Canal opened on August 15,
1914. The grand total of the canal was 350 million dollars. The money spent was a
considerable amount during the time period because of World War I. During the
construction of the canal, more than 25,000 workers died. The Panama Canal
employed many people and helped boost the
Social Media Policy Analysis
Social media policies are put in place for the sake of ensuring the measure of
responsibility of employee s usage of social media. Platforms such as Instagram,
Facebook and Twitter are some of the platforms that are used my people across the
nation (Russell, 2011). Information of every type and social opinions become
available at the click of a button. The content that is placed in these messages is
status updates can be crucial to the perception of both the employee and the
company they are working for on a daily basis. These policies are enacted to ensure
there is and understanding between the employee as well as the company concerning
the risk that are associated with using these platforms in specific ways that may affect
the company depending... Show more content on ...
It also protects a company from misuse of social media channels and minimizes
risk by being sure that everyone understands what is accepted and what is not
(Course, 2012). Social media is a viable force that represents the expression of
ideas and advertisement. As these mediums have grown and become more main
stream, there is a great necessity for these policies to be put in place. These
policies are used to specifically protect the company as well as its brand. These
policies address the nature of people centeredness that addresses employees as an
extension of the company. These guidelines address specific behaver and portrayal
regarding that the brand is the highest form of representation and should be
protected. The employees should consider their role as a representative of the
company and not use their public social media platform to bring reproach upon the
brand in any shape, for or fashion. Course, David. (2012). This 8 Word Social Media
Policy Could Save Your Job. ( (http:/
/ 8 word social media policy
could save your job/) ( media/) Russell, Tamara E. (2011,
Oct). Employment Law Meets Social Media: Advice for Employers.
Learning Environment Reflection
Reflection on Safety and Support Over the past four modules of American College of
Education s course, Creating Safe and Supportive Learning Environments, I have
been asked to complete four progressive assignments. Collectively, these assignments
were focused on helping me collect and analyze data and information regarding the
positive discipline and behaviormanagement approaches required in any schoolto
achieve a safe and supportive learning environment. This reflection discusses why a
principal should maintain a safe and supportive environment and how a school wide
discipline and behavior management influences what happens at the individual
classroom level. In addition, this reflection reviews how a Positive Behavioral
Support System... Show more content on ...
When principals strive to make their schools a safe and supportive environment,
everybody wins most importantly the students.
PBSS Influence at the Classroom Level A school wide discipline and behavior
management approach, such as a Positive Behavioral Support System (PBSS), has
great influence on what happens at the individual classroom level. Skill,
accountability, consistency and special situations are four components of PBSS.
Social skills instruction is a key component of an effective classroom. Students spend
the highest percentage of their day in the classroom. Therefore, this is where the
majority of social skills instruction must occur. Grade level teams must work together
to develop a behavioral matrix that addresses the needs of their students. The
behavioral matrix, as part of the PBSS, specifies the expectations for students and
holds them accountable in the classroom as well as the common areas of the school
with consistency. One of the most important roles teachers play in a typical
classroom is classroom manager. Effective teaching and learning cannot take place in
a classroom that is poorly managed. In order for the social skills instruction to be
effective, teachers need to create a positive environment that is effectively organized
and managed. At the classroom level, teachers need to implement strategies to teach,
prompt, reinforce, and infuse student focused interpersonal, problem
The Balance Between Relevance and Materiality
ais Contents Introduction1 Relevance and reliability overview1 The balance between
relevance and materiality2 Balancing relevance and reliability2 The balance between
flexibility and timeliness3 Conclusion3 Introduction Conceptual framework is a
coherent system of interrelated objective and fundamentals that is expected to lead to
consistent standards (Degaan 2007). There are four items in conceptual framework
which are objective of financial reporting, qualitative characteristics of accounting
information system, element of financial statement, and operating guidelines. One of
the important items is qualitative characteristic because of that, this report focuses on
qualitative characteristic which... Show more content on ...
Balancing relevance and reliability Accounting information must have both
relevance and reliability but sometime the information is very relevance but not
reliability. For example when a report about cost of building which have proper
detail of information but the building was acquire in 1980. Information require to
balance and contrast relevance and reliability when determining how to account for
particular items (Alford et al. 1993). Produce information quickly and measuring the
information more accurate are the benefits if the accounting information contain of
reliability and relevance. The other consideration is about cost and benefit. It can
be define as cost and benefit that result from making a specific decision which have
highly subjective process on many issue. Benefit of accounting information
provided for users should exceed the cost of providing it (weygandt et al. 2002) It
can useful to establish precise definition but it also involve a range of judgment call
and wide open to criticism. To understand further about relevance and reliability this
report will explain about timeliness. The balance between flexibility and timeliness
The other relevance aspect is Timeliness. When information for decision making is
not available when needed or it available so long after reported events mean that the
information not has value or useless and not
Un planeta agonizante
Un Planeta agonizante
Para muchos en el mundo no es raro ver y sentir que cada vez nuestro planeta estГЎ
mГЎs deteriorado, en la actualidad hacemos caso omiso a la cruda realidad que
enfrenta nuestro planeta, si preguntamos en cualquier parte del mundo que saben
acerca del calentamiento global tal vez la gran mayorГa lo sepa, pero si preguntamos
que lo estГЎ ocasionando serГa totalmente diferente la respuesta; por esta razГіn el
autor del video Al gore ha querido mencionar las principales caracterГsticas que
estГЎ ocasionando este fenГіmeno mundial y lo que llegarГa a suceder si no
tomamos conciencia para mejorar nuestra calidad de vida y la de nuestro planeta .
El calentamiento global es un grave problema para el ser humano, porque es la causa
de las mГЎs grandes catГЎstrofes en el mundo como las sequias, las tormentas,
desapariciГіn de los glaciares, subida del nivel el mar, los cambios meteorolГіgicos,
aumento de plagas y mutaciГіn de bacterias.
Para muchos cientГficos expertos en el tema mencionan que este fenГіmeno se
podrГa evitar si se dejara a un lado los lujos y la industria mal utilizada.
Es muy importante e impactante el video que nos muestra el autor ya que con
imГЎgenes verdaderas muestra la cara oculta de nuestro planeta lo que nosotros
aparentemente no queremos reconocer que somos los causantes de que se les acorte
la vida a los nuestros.
Pero teniendo en cuenta las dos caras de sociedad existe una que se impone cada dГa
mГЎs por ser competitivo y tener mГЎs
Analysis Of The Book Grapes Of Wrath
Tyler Jordan
Ms. Mittleman Honors American Lit. September 14, 2014
Humanity s Wrathful Curtain
In his historical fiction, Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck characterizes the Joad
family as one of the many migrating farming families subjected to prejudice and
seclusion on their journey to California. Similarly, in T.C. Boyle s Tortilla Curtain,
CГЎndido and AmГ©rica are victims of animosity and discrimination after fleeing
their homes in Mexico to seek a better life in Los Angeles. In their stories, both Boyle
and Steinbeck exhibit how migration can often bring new people into a different
society, which can create fear and social stigma with that community. In their novels,
the authors use the description of animals in nature to symbolize migrants, whom like
animals, have difficulty assimilating into unknown territories, and could be treated as
inferior. John Steinbeck s Grapes of Wrath and T.C. Boyle s Tortilla Curtain both
illustrate barriers between mankind and nature as a vehicle to expose how humans
also create barriers between each other
In Tortilla Curtain, T.C. Boyle utilizes his description of the coyote in order to draw
its comparison to the Mexican immigrants. The coyote makes its first appearance in
the novel when Delaney and Kyra Mossbacher look into their backyard and realize
one has jumped over the fence and snatched their beloved dog, Sacheverell.
Distraught and infuriated, the Mossbachers decide to build a higher fence in their
backyard to keep the coyotes
Building a Secure Organization
Building a Secure Organization
John Mallery
Chapter 1
It seems logical that any business, whether a commercial enterprise or a not for profit
business, would understand that building a secure organization is important to
longterm success. When a business implements and maintains a strong security
posture, it can take advantage of numerous benefits. An organization that can
demonstrate an infrastructure protected by robust security mechanisms can
potentially see a reduction in insurance premiums being paid. A secure organization
can use its security program as a marketing tool, demonstrating to clients that it values
their business so much that it takes a very aggressive stance on protecting their
But ... Show more content on ...
In addition, today s computers present a user friendly face to the world. Most people
are unfamiliar with the way computers truly function and what goes on behind the
scenes. Things such as the
Windows Registry, ports, and services are completely unknown to most users and
poorly understood by many computer industry professionals. For example, many
individuals still believe that a Windows login password protects data on a
computer. On the contrary someone can simply take the hard drive out of the
computer, install it as a slave drive in another computer, or place it in a USB drive
enclosure, and all the data will be readily accessible.
Computer Users Are Unsophisticated
Many computer users believe that because they are skilled at generating spreadsheets,
word processing documents, and presentations, they know everything about
These power users have moved beyond application basics, but many still do not
understand even basic security concepts. Many users will indiscriminately install
software and visit questionable Web sites despite the fact that these actions could
violate company policies. The bad guys people who want to steal information from
or wreak havoc on computers systems have also identified that the average user is a
weak link in the security chain. As companies began investing more money in
perimeter defenses, attackers look to the path of least
Programs Impact Children s Academic Achievment
From the information I gained from my classmate s wikis, many of them include
skill building lessons that incorporate the common themes of increasing children s
social and emotional competency. Like the Roots of empathy program, these
programs all aim to incorporate better understanding and acceptance of differences.
Some of the differences I notice are that a few of these programs also have the
direct goal of trying to improve literacy and academic success, though I believe all
programs like these will impact children s academic achievements positively. From
what I took, most of these programs start in the classroom, and then send lessons or
activities home. Parent involvement is important to the success of all of these
programs and is a huge link to the retention of each of these programs. Many of these
programs teach about positive peer relationships, which to me is a starting point that
lays the foundation for how children will interact with their communities, as they
become adults. To better understand each of these programs, I have compiled details
on each from my review of the wiki pages.
The Positive Action program is designed for grades K 12 and focuses on building
skills that support effective social and conduct behaviors with emphasis on personal
character and mental health, and works to develop the ability to be able to set and
achieve goals. The curriculum follows 140 lessons that are divided in to six teaching
units. These six units include lessons
Focused Eating Essay
This is an experimental study because it is looking at whether participation in
leanness focused sports causes disordered eating. Because it is looking at a causal
relationship, it is an experimental design, rather than correlational. The independent
variable we were studying was the sport type of participation. For this variable, the
participants could be characterized as leanness focused sport athletes, nonleaness
focused sport athletes, or non athletes. The dependent variable was the level of
disordered eating, as determined by the EAT 26. The data would be analyzed using a
one way ANOVA. If the result of this determined that there was a significant result,
somewhere in the data, the next step would be to perform post hoc tests to see where
the differences occur. An appropriate post hoc test would be Fisher s Least
Significant Difference test. The desired result of this study would be that leanness
focused sport athletes would have a significantly higher level of disorder eating than
nonleanness focused sport athletes. Additionally, nonleaness focused sport athletes
would have a significantly higher level of disordered eating than non athletes.
If we were to obtain our dream results, this would tell us that participation in college
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While this study only looked at Division III teams, it is possible that the effects of
sport type vary among the different classifications. Another potential area for study
would be to continue to study leanness focused sport athletes, nonleaness focused
sport athletes, and non athletes, but to also include in the study the amount of time
spent training for and participating in the sport. This would allow us to look at the
correlation between time participating and level of disordered eating. I would
hypothesize that as individuals spend more time participating, they would have a
higher level of disordered eating
The Economic Order And Manufacture Quantity
The economic order/manufacture quantity (EOQ/EMQ) model developed by
Harris (1913) is the earliest reported scientific treatment of inventory systems,
where the sum of inventory costs, ordering/setup and holding costs, is minimized.
Its simple mathematics and ease of calculation is perhaps what contributed to its
popularity with practitioners and academicians (e.g., Fulbright, 1979; Osteryoung
et al., 1986). The EOQ/EMQ model continues to be celebrated by many researchers
(Andriolo et al., 2014; Drake and Marley, 2014; Glock et al., 2014; Bushuev et al.
2015). The model s popularity overshadows few critical voices (e.g., Selen and
Woods, 1987; Woolsey, 1990; Weiss, 1990).
Many derivatives of the EOQ/EMQ appeared over the years, of which just in time
(JIT) is one of them (e.g., Andriolo et al., 2014). In contrast to the classical EOQ
/EMQ model, just in time (JIT) produces a product when needed and delivers it when
wanted by customers. JIT considers inventory as a waste to be reduced by producing
in smaller lots more frequently, so fewer items are in the pipeline (Bonney and
Jaber, 2011). It also improves quality, productivity, responsiveness, machines
availability, workforce flexibility, space and equipment utilization, flow, and
relationship with suppliers (Cavinato, 1990; Jones, 1990; Mehra and Inman, 1992).
JIT is based on continuous improvement of which reducing setup time (cost) is its
primary driver (Zangwill, 1987; Jones, 1990;Cavinato, 1991). Readers are referred to
Alcoholism Is An Epidemic Of Alcoholism
It s no secret that alcoholism is an epidemic. Anyone can fall prisoner to its call.
Alcoholism knows no gender, no age, and no race. Alcoholism is an addiction to
alcohol. This addiction is not a joke, or a reason to shame others. Its effects on
people can be fatal.Alcoholism has claimed the lives of many people. Not always
in the same way, but all the same a life lost. The way that some people lose their
lives is listed as following: they lose their family, friends, homes, jobs, and etc.
now others, physically become sick their bodies shut down. Now these people, the
alcoholics aren t the only victims, the real victims are people who get hurt or die
driving on the same road as an alcoholic. Now I say real victims because these are...
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This obviously lead to a widespread frenzy. This caused people to export and import
illegally. Which most believe gave another excuse for people to drink; it was rare
and rebellious. ( Now this is not the only significant reason some
might drink. It is common in a religious sermon to pass around wine. Why?
Because it symbolizes the blood of Jesus. Generally done on the Sabbath, a
religious and holy day in the bible.(Robert Fuller, The Conversation) This tradition
can be dangerous, because it can put a person at risk of losing control, not only
that but giving just another excuse. Overall there are a limitless amount of
excuses. People drink at all sorts of occasions Quinceaneras, weddings, bat
mitzvahs, and etc. Regardless of the cause, the outcome is almost always the same,
maybe not exactly same but all in all similar. This is because it doesn t always stop
there. Some people truly enjoy the feeling of being intoxicated, and this is the reason
why they become addicted. Still, this is not to say that drinking should be completely
outlawed. Although, it definitely should be monitored. Alcohol intake depends on
many personal factors such Alcohol intake depends on many personal factors such
as tolerance, size, weight, and blood levels. Most alcoholic beverages have a certain
amount of alcohol percentage, which can affect you varying on your own factors.
Specifically, smaller/petite people are known to have
Navigation and Pose Estimation Theory
Basic Theory In the previous chapter, we introduce about the indoor positioning
system techniques and the research directions. In this chapter we will describe the
basic theory related with the navigation and pose estimation systems for example, the
coordinate system, the dead reckoning method, the characteristic of Wi Fi radio
signal propagation etc. For all of the basic ideas are very important thing to
understanding the configuration of our research as follow;
2.1 The Local Coordinate system The coordinate system was used to defined in local
area environment name is the Cartesian coordinate system refer to [55]. It can be
referenced by placing the origin to the local point consist with 3 reference axis,
there are axis is directed to the vertical, axis is pointed to the north and axis is
directed to the east, see in figure 1. Figure 1 The Cartesian coordinate system.
The plane is the horizontal plane and the vertical plane is defined perpendicular to the
ellipsoid such a coordinate system is also called a local horizontal coordinate
system. From figure 1. can be described, the projection point whose coordinates in
global and local coordinate system are and respectively, one has relation of as follow:
Where the is the azimuth angle measure from the north clockwise, is the zenith
distance that mean the angle the vertical and the radian and r is the radian of the in
the local system.
2.1.1 Transformation Matrix in Cartesian coordinate
Essay about High School Graduation Day
High School Graduation Day
Many people have experienced the over whelming excitement that you feel as you
approach high school graduation day, and for me, that s a day that I will never
forget. The amount of emotions that you feel on graduation day is unbelievable,
and I have yet to experience anything else like it. I can remember feeling anxious to
celebrate the big day with my friends and family, while at the same time I was
panicking thinking about having to walk across the stage in front of that many
people. Then, the more I thought about the reality of graduation day, I started to get
curious, but nervous, about being able to start a new chapter in my life once
graduation day had passed. There are several reasons why I, still ... Show more
content on ...
As the end of the night approached us, I couldn t stop thinking about how many
mixed emotions I had about starting a whole new chapter in my life. I couldn t wait
to go to college, meet all new people, get a degree so that I could start my career
path, but I knew that meant I had to say goodbye to my two best friends, who were
moving several hours away from me. This was one of the hardest things I had ever
had to do in my life. We all cried a little, and then made promises to keep in touch,
and then we were off into the real world! I was very happy to be at this point in my
life, but I was scared deep down inside.
When I look back on this day now, I still remember every detail as if it was
yesterday. I was so proud, and happy to be able to celebrate such an amazing day
with all of my friends and family. I know I will never forget how embarrassed I
was walking across the stage in front of all of those people, feeling famous after
taking so many pictures, making our final memories together at our graduation
parties, and then being a nervous wreck when it was time to go out into the world
without my best friends at my side. High school graduation day was a very emotional
day for me, but it was by far the most exciting day I have ever experienced in my
Essay on Model for Perception
Model for Perception
Most people assume everyone sees the world the same way. This can be expected
because people are not able to compare what they see to what someone else sees
(using language to describe visuals is inherently biased). This widely accepted
assumption, however, is inaccurate. There is evidence that each person s perception
of the world is different if only in minor ways. For example, a perception
discrepancy can be found when comparing how people suffering from anorexia
nervosa see their bodies and how other people see the anorexics bodies. Even though
this distortion is an extreme perception difference that can actually be documented
(most perception differences can not even be verbalized), analyzing the distorted ...
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The biological process of perception can help explain this definition; what exactly
does it mean that the brain interprets stimuli from the environment and makes it into
what we see and hear? According to biologists, the process begins with stimuli,
usually in the form of photons, vibrations or chemical reactions from the outside
world, being picked up by the sensory systems. The stimuli is detected by a sensory
neuron located on the surface of the body. This neuron converts the stimuli s light,
sound, heat, etc. into action potentials. The action potential changes the membrane
permeability of the neuron which allows it to transform into electric signs. The signs
are conducted to a primary processing area and elaborated on eventually being
converted into corresponding information regarding color, shape, shade, etc. Next,
this new information is brought to the thalamus (usually) where it is linked to older
data containing similar experiences to form a complete message. The message is
carried to its specific cortical center to become perception. Therefore, perception is
actually a message constructed using outside inputs, inner neuron processes and past,
relevant information stored in the brain.
Although it is not possible to know the conscience perception of victims of anorexia,
there is a wealth of data on these patients allowing experts to make conservative
assumptions on their perceptions. Based on this data, anorexics see a distorted image
President Of Csea s A Productive Labor Management
Tami Castelluccio, President of CSEA had a productive labor management meeting
with Assistant Superintendent Rogenski and Director of Classified HR Nancy
Gamache. CSEA shared a survey they would like to send to Unit 3 members to get
feedback and to use in meetings with the Special Education department. Friday,
September 30th was staff development which was a day of learning and camaraderie
for the classified staff. Ms. Castelluccio noted that CSEA is working to get out the
vote for Proposition 55. Ann Katzburg, President of SRVEA shared that SRVEA s
focus has been on hate and intolerance and Ms. Katzburg attended a conference with
that focus. Last week SRVEA held a community engagement meeting with
community leaders. Ms. Katzburg... Show more content on ...
Many schools have denied and opted out of cell towers on their sites as they do
not believe it is safe for their students. Carrie Nevis reviewed a federal government
report which was released in May of 2016 from the National Toxicology Program.
To date it is the largest study done and while inconclusive and requires more
research, it does state there is something going on regarding radio frequency fields.
Ms. Nevis suggests we place the cell tower in another location where it will not
impact children and community members. Aric Gurovith is a resident of Danville
and has 2 daughters in the District, he feels since we do not have a 100% guarantee
that there will be no long term effects, the District should not take the chance.
Mary Beedle noted that according to information she has read there was some
analysis done previously where three schools were identified and Cal High was
chosen at that time for a cell tower. She would like to know why there is a need for
another cell tower and who is identifying the need. She would also like to know if
the need is identified by Verizon, why their map shows the highest coverage
possible in the San Ramon Valley. She noted there is currently a cell tower in the
commercial district of downtown Danville. She would like to know the sources the
Board used previously to help make their decision on the safety of a cell tower, and
Free Man Bio Test Strategic Operations
Eastern Institute of Technology Case Study MGMT.7.04 Strategic Operations
Management Presented by Aswath Laxman Venugopal For Mr Ram Roy Monday
3 May 2010 Table of Contents Summary Introduction3 Section 26 If the current
sales value of the FBXX product is 25 per cent of the company s total sales of $100
million; and the average price is $1050/kg; then compute the following:6 a. What is
the annual sales volume?6 b. What is the monthly sales volume?6 c. What will be
the monthly sales volume if FBT estimates its market to grow by 20 per cent in the
next three or four years at current prices.6 Section 36 Can FBT s existing combined
capacity support this 20 per cent market growth? What are the options?6 Section 47...
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At this point of the case VPM is only interested in accomplishment of right quantity
and quality of FBXX each month to meet current market demand. From the high
breakdown figures and inadequate supply of FBXX showed interest and
suggesting for Bi Line 8 believing which could be working in a few weeks giving
them better quality and further more if demand does increase, the Bi line 8 would
give them Extra capacity. As per Vice President of Technology (VPT) complete
budget was devoted to modifying basic FBXX so that it could be used for more
acidic food products such as fruit. Research had been ongoing related to this issue
which seems to be difficult and no progress has been made till now while chief
chemist remained Optimistic . VPT believes if research in modifying FBXX is
success, the market opportunities will be doubled overnight and need the extra
capacity. Being with FB since the beginning says FB has grown by gambling on our
research findings to requests the other members to show faith. While he quotes his
interest and support for Bi line 8 as it would support the technology which uses
principles in all similar technologies in future. As per Vice President of Operations
(VPO), Production requirements for FBXX were currently at a steady rate of around
1900kg per month, The technicians who staffed the FBXX
Neil s Maturity In A Lost Lady By Willa Cather
American Literature
Neil s Maturity
A Lost Lady by Willa Cather outlines the changing relationship between a talkative
lady of California and a young boy (Neil Herbert) in Sweet Water. Neil Herbert is a
confused boy at the start of the novel. He is actually unsure of what he wants and
more than often ends up doing things he should not be doing. The lady often
gossiped about in California is Mrs. Forrester who Neil fears and keeps distance
from at the start, but as the boy grows into a man, he starts to think she is the most
perfect woman in the world. Niel, astonishingly, watches Mrs. Forrester flirt with
boys that Niel argues are both younger than her and lower in social class. The boy
is confused as to how his relationship with Mrs. Forrester (a married woman) should
be. Is she a normal friend, ... Show more content on ...
The boy shows maturity even at a much younger age. He refuses to follow his
father s path as a farmer and studies law and later architecture to have a better
future. He discovers his father is a failure and works hard to make himself proud.
Niel understands that his future depends on him and what he does in the present
time. As a result, he remains loyal to those who matter to him especially Captain
Forrester and his wife Mrs. Forrester. Having inspired his choice for a career as a
lawyer, Niel remains committed to helping his guide until he dies. Also, he refrains
from any sexual encounter with Mrs. Forrester as a mark of respect for Captain
Forrester and chooses to not tell her about his feelings. He forever remembers Mr.
and Mrs. Forrester for having such an unusual impact in his life: It seemed a solemn
moment, seemed to knock at the door of Fate; behind which all days, happy and
otherwise were hidden. Niel drank his wine with a pleasant shiver, thinking that
nothing else made life seem so precarious, the future so cryptic and unfathomable, as
that brief toast uttered by the massive man, Happy Days! (Cather,
Raskolnikov Juxtaposition
Analysis: Through this juxtaposition between life and death it because evident the
prominent shift in Raskolnikov stance when it comes to confessing at the crimes he
has committed. Dostoevsky used the metaphor of the man on the ledge condemned
to death wanting to live despite the consequences as a representation of
Raskolnikov s internal conflict and contemplation of his life if he were to confess.
Although to the reader to live somewhere high up on a cliffside, on a ledge so
narrow that there was room only for his two feet and with the abyss, the ocean,
eternal darkness, eternal solitude, eternal storm (158) feels touchorous and appealing
to the reader to Raskolnikov it is much better than living a life filled with guilt. By
using the word
Mercury Contamination
Mercury Mercury is a chemical element of heavy silver and white metal that is liquid
at ordinary temperatures. The main use of mercury is the making of thermometers
and barometers. Sometimes mercury is used as an electrode in the production of
batteries. Mercury can be very toxic and harmful to the human body. If inhaled it can
cause destruction to the nervous, digestive, and immune systems and can even be
fatal. Mercury is found in many natural sources such as volcanos, forest fires, and
fossil fuels (coal and petroleum). Studies show power plants to be the largest source
of mercury in the United States. Humans can prevent mercury contamination in
several ways. When shopping for items such as thermometers, try to get them
mercury free.
Economic Cooperation And Development ( Oecd )
Since 1960 The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
(OECD) has been gathering information and analyzing multiple healthcare systems
that belong or are associated with the organization. There are 34 countries that
belong to the organization and multiple other countries that closely collaborate
with OECD. The OECD gathers statistics, tracks and compares results across
countries to develop better public policies, assess areas of improvement and set
standards for every country to follow. According to the statistics, the United States
is leading over other countries in areas of research, innovations and technology.
However, the spending per capital and also percentage of gross domestic product
(GDP) on healthcare in the US towers over other industrialized countries. The U.S.
spent 16 percent of its GDP on health care. This proportion was nearly double the
OECD median (8.7%) and over 40 percent more than the country spending the
second largest share of GDP (D. Squires, 2011). According to the report, The U.S.
spending per capital in 2008 was the highest among other OECD countries, reaching
over $7, 500, which is over twice as much as median for other OCED members (D.
Squires, 2011). Moreover, the performance of U.S is far behind many even less
industrialized countries in many indicators, like mortality rate, hospital admition
rates, and infant survival rates. A 2010 cross national study conducted by The
Commonwealth Fund ranked the U.S. sixth of seven
Plato s Republic, the Search for Justice and Goodness Essay
Plato s Republic The Search for Justice and Goodness
Plato s Republic is often read as a political work, as a statement of some sort on
government, society, and law. This is certainly not a rash reading of the dialogue; it
is called the Republic, and over half of it is devoted to the construction of a city
through speech, a city complete with a government structure, a military, an economic
system, and laws. However, I believe that to read the Republic as a political statement
is inaccurate. Although Socrates and his companions construct a city out of speech as
they attempt to define justice, the dialogue repeatedly frames justice as something
that cannot be established through a fixed system of morality, let alone through a rigid
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To find the Good, one must instead engage in an arduous journey through darkness,
riddled throughout with pitfalls. On this steep, upward way (7.516A)[1] one must
navigate without a map.
I assert that for a moral system to be necessary and applicable, there must exist a
moral agent who possesses both the desire and the ability to choose. By denoting
certain actions or ways of being as better, a moral system implies that there are also
other potential actions and ways of being that are worse. The individual must
choose between them. Without this element of choice, an action has no moral
qualification. For example, a computer acts, but it does not choose its action.
Consequently, while a computer can be judged better or worse in its ability to carry
out an action, it cannot be judged responsible for the action. Rather, the person who
uses or creates the computer is in fact responsible, for it is that person who chooses
for it to act in a particular way. In a moral system, choice, responsibility, and the
viability of judgment are linked inextricably.
The city that Socrates and his companions develop through their discussions cannot
be interpreted as a moral system, nor even as a model of a moral system in practice,
because it does not allow for that autonomy presupposed by moral agency. In Book
IX of the Republic, Socrates argues that if one
Optimal Function
Arousal was the energy that fueled by desire, my motivation, and ultimately my
performance as I started my climb on Auburn s rock climbing wall at the Fitness
and Wellness Center. Aware that arousal levels can fluctuate in the form of energy
patterns, my fearless desire with confidence drove me for the moment. I felt that
harnessing my mental skills could power me to an optimal energy zone (peak
performance and moderate to high arousal) with good flow within an Individual
Zone of Optimal Functioning (IZOF). The action plan was simple with a process
goal of proceeding with caution on the green, or easy path, and my performance
goal was to make it at least to the half way point with an outcome goal of one day
reaching the top. Although my muscles were fatigued from working out earlier at
the gym, I was confident I could meet my short term objectives for the day. I knew I
had the strength, stamina, balance, and a growth mindset to try without the fear of
failing. This kept my stress levels low with brain power reserved for paying
attention and staying focused on the process. At the half way mark on the climb at
Auburn, I had to shift my position in a technical move which would be... Show more
content on ...
There is a plaque on my wall from my F 16 days that reads the man who leaves
nothing to chance . I have always been one to over plan an event or a flight
because I had learned many times from the past that if I didn t do so, the stress
would be too great to counteract any setback. So, having a list of realistic and
potential backups was my technique. I just usually had one or two more than normal
and that landed me the comment on that particular plaque that still hangs in my
office. It was a dangerous occupation and I have a long list of dead friends so I
honor the comment as a positive attribute in my
The Pros And Cons Of Sleep Paralysis
Turn Sleep Paralysis and False Awakenings into Lucid a Dream
Do you get sleep paralysis and false awakenings frequently? If yes then by reading
this post you will learn some working methods that can turn both of these
troublesome experiences into a lucid dream.
Usually, people are afraid of sleep paralysis but for me it is false awakening loop that
makes life difficult because I have had them for months and sometimes consistently
for more than a week.
Sleep paralysis on the other hand is something which is not as scary for me as it is
for people since I learned to escape them very early.
The good news is that you convert these two lucid dreaming problems into an
opportunity to have a lucid dream and that s what we are now going to talk about.
Sleep paralysis and false awakenings both are dreams in real ... Show more content on ...
Sometimes in the new dream you will hear your mind saying I am dreaming and
you will get lucid and at other times you will become conscious in the new dream
since you were trying to be as aware as possible when sleep paralysis was getting
Entering Into a Lucid Dream from False Awakening
It may appear very real or you might not be conscious enough to know that you have
not actually woke up and that s why it keeps happening to you especially before some
important events because your mind is often actively thinking about the future event
that it emulates that in dream quite nicely.
False awakening is a dream anyway so all you have to do is to practice questioning
reality enough that you will more easily detect dreams.
Once you know that it is a dream, man you have a lucid dream!
So, all we have to do is to increase our awareness using various reality checks which
you must perform with a genuine curiosity every time after waking up and they are
as follows:
1 Look at Your
Descartes Argument Analysis
The argument that caught my interest was on page 32 of the Meditations On First
Philosophy. In there Descartes argues about the nature of one s knowledge as being
finite. He says that anything which is infinite is incapable of a greater increase.
Following, he says that his knowledge is something that is capable of constant
greater increase. With respect to Descartes s definition of the infinite, it is then clear
when he says that his knowledge can never be infinite. My issue in this argument is
with the first premise that talks about infinite as being anything that is incapable of
greater increase and I shall try to counter attack it with an argument of my own.
Looking at things with minimal effort, one can say that everything can increase
Divergent Plates Are Formed From Plate Tectonic Plates
I know that mountains are created from plate tectonics. Convergent plates are made
out of the lithosphere. The lithosphere is the rocky outer part of Earth containing the
crust (the thin layer of rock under the land) and the mantle (a layer of mostly silicate
rock that is directly under the crust). Convergent plates are tectonic plates that collide
and scrape against each other to form geological features such as mountains and
volcanoes. Mountains and volcanoes form when one convergent plate slides under
another one, causing a subductionzone. A subduction zone is a geological process
that takes place at a convergent plate boundary. One plate moves under the other and
is forced to sink because of the gravity in the mantle. When this happens, molten rock
(lava) is forced to the surface. This causes volcanoes to form.... Show more content on ...
Mountains can also form when convergent plates smash into each other.
Furthermore, stream erosion made a path for the river that runs through the Rocky
Mountains. I can infer that water collected on the ground and then slowly trickled
down a slope, carrying rock and sediments away with it. Overtime, more and more
rain/water collected in the stream which made it grow wider. Now, a long, wide,
and deep river has formed. Finally, I can see where abrasion could have made the
bottom of the mountains smooth and curved. I think that pieces of rock could have
fallen off some of the mountains in the Rocky Mountain Range (maybe due to ice
wedging). When they fall, they rub on the base of the mountains. This chips part of
the rock off and smooths it
The Science and the Laws Impacting Human Cloning Essay
The Science and the Laws Impacting Human Cloning
Human cloning, long the subject of science fiction, is today a practical reality. Recent
breakthroughs, most renowned the cloning of a sheep from an adult cell in Scotland
in 1997, have caused the world to acknowledge that human cloning is indeed possible.
Governments around the world immediately attempted to address the issue of human
cloning, with varying levels of success. At the same time the pace of cloning
technology continued to accelerate.
This paper will first examine the development of the technology that makes human
cloning possible and the scientific uncertainties surrounding it. While this paper does
not intend to take a stand on either side of ... Show more content on ...
In complex organisms, cells undergo a process of differentiation where genes not
necessary for the functioning of a particular cell are turned off. The unique
differentiated state of a cell depends on its particular combination of regulatory
proteins2. While cells may differentiate to perform a number of different functions,
each cell still contains the entire DNA sequence necessary to become any kind of
cell. The general consensus was that all embryo cells hold the potential to become
any type of cell, but older fetal and adult cells could only express the genes that have
already been turned on3. Until recently many scientists believed that once a cell
differentiates, it is forever specialized
Based on this preceding assumption, previous cloning research, which dates as far
back as 1890, focused on splitting the embryos of animals at early stages of
development to produce identical organisms4. As early as 1952, scientists were
able to clone many species of animals through a process of nuclear transfer of
embryonic nuclei. This process was only limited to producing identical versions of
organism in the embryonic stage, however. Scientists could produce a series of
identical clones at the time of fertilization, but could not actually clone an adult
organism, which is the reason cloning is desirable in the first place and so very
controversial. The real
Changing the Teenage Pregnancy Stigma
Pregnancy during teenage years has long been considered a mistake by society. Girls
are told this mistake will ruin their lives and will prevent them from achieving self
reliance or success. However, as John Wooden would see it, perhaps this mistake is
just one step in the progress of a greater achievement. Teenage pregnancy no longer
must carry the stigma of failure. Comprehensive support programs, like those offered
at Footsteps provide the necessary services for young women who become pregnant
to achieve educational and professional accomplishment. As the economic
environment fluctuates, government spending cuts can be felt most detrimentally by
the population of people in poverty. If assistance programs continue to increase in
demand, the budget will not be able to appropriately sustain the needs of welfare
recipients. However, as the gap between the very rich and very poor enlarges,
climbing the ladder to the American Dream proves to be impossible for marginalized
populations. Footprints programs function to assist participants in achieving self
reliance and life course stability.
Previous Research on Self Reliance and Life Course Stability of Pregnant Teens
Previous literature concerning the poverty rates of teenaged mothers include an
analysis by the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy titled
Socio Economic and Family Characteristics of Teen Childbearing. This study
attempted to apply empirical evidence concerning the opinion of most
Lejeune s Syndrome Research Paper
Genetic Disorder that Gives the Cry of a Cat The genetic disorder named cri du
chat is a partial depletion of chromosome 5p. Also known as Lejeune s syndrome
as first described by Jerome Lejeune in 1969. The name cri du chat is a French
term, which means cat cry or call of the cat, because of how affected children have
a kitten like cry. It affects about 1 in 50 000 children born, predominantly inherited
by females by a 4/3 ratio. Although this particular symptom has been named after,
the symptom of the cat like cry may be lost past age 2. There are other symptoms of
this disorder. Other symptoms may include: Feeding problems; Low weight and
growth; Speech problems and motor delays; Behaviour problems; Abnormal facial
features; Mental
Feminism and Art History
The history of mankind has often been captured in snapshots between the rise and
fall of great leaders and civilizations, by artists all with a common dream of
portraying what they saw during their times. Ideologies reflective of their societies
were depicted through sculptures, frescoes, pottery, paintings, and many other
methods. Many of these principals were created, celebrated, and popularized by
constituents of societies where andocentric values were applied not only to social
and political mores, but also to the various art forms as the male body was
cherished and praised and the female body was hidden away from public view. The
book Feminism and Art History: Questioning the Litany edited by Norma Broude and
Mary D. Garrad, strives... Show more content on ...
Kampen concludes by discussing how the image of women portrayed the
idealistic views of women as caretakers who stayed at home , and works of art
supported this by depicting women as В…mythological or entertaining, or as an
adjunct to the patron s own status; otherwise she might not appear. (pg. 74) The
author believes that the artists were in denial of the experiences of working
women and that s why the views of working women were limited. The visual
portrayals of gender and status in Roman society stand as a bridge linking the
work of art and the work of society together as one. The final chapter that I read was
one I found extremely conflictant and interesting because not only did we touch
on some of these topics in class, but when I visited the Metropolitan Museum I
actually had some of the same issues with the works I saw there. Eve and Mary:
Conflicting Images of Medieval Woman by Henry Kraus, was by far one of the
more fascinating chapters and discussed the distorted views of women as vessels that
the Devil could use to entrap a man and cause him to fall from God s grace, during
medieval times and reinforced by the Catholic Church. Monasteries were places that
men could go and abstain from worldly pleasures, proving their dedication to God and
refraining from anything that could cause them to sin either physically, emotionally,
and especially spiritually. During the fourteenth century,
History of Nanking Massacre
Despite having the horrific Nanking Massacre occur 70 years ago, its history is
barely buried like many of the dead were at the time. The Nanking Massacre (also
known as the Rape of Nanking) occurred as a part of the 2nd Sino Japanese War,
which would then become part of World War II. This war involved the Republic of
China defending against the invading Japanese forces. Unfortunately, China was
weakened due to a civil war between the Communists and the Nationalists, so it was
easily invaded. The Nanking Massacreshows the negative elements of Human Nature
and should be taught in schools because it portrays the brutality of the Japanese in
Asia. The Rape of Nanking started on December 13, 1937. This was the day the
Japanese invaded... Show more content on ...
It is estimated from 150,000 to 300,000 people were killed during the seven week
period. The Rape of Nanking shows the negative elements of humanity by portraying
how the Japanese were relentless at their tactics toward the civilians. The people of
Nanking were at their mercy at all times and any violation meant instant death. The
Japanese soldiers acted without any discipline, chivalry, or honor, which were what
the original bushido code had strived for.
The massacre is significant because it would pave the way for the future of any
relations between China and Japan. Their relationship is very strained already
because Japan has not issued a mutually accepted apology for its war crimes (Yew).
Neither country is willing to give in due to denial in Japan and anger in China
(Yew). The Nanking Massacre should be taught in schools alongside the Holocaust
because even though the Holocaust was extermination, both of these tragic events
show hatred at its core: Nazis against the Jews and the Japanese against the Chinese.
This event displayed that each gruesome mass killing, does not highlight, but instead
blurs the distinctions between us (Yew). Japanese troops were trained to believe the
Chinese were inferior to them, therefore they must be killed. Similarly, the Nazis
were trained to believe the Jews were inferior. The Nanking Massacre also showed
how no
Fidelity Checks In Schools
In investigating about the evaluation procedures for many different positions of a
school, I learned a great deal about how, when, and why. There is a system in place
for most employees and their evaluation procedures. Teachers are evaluated
according to their license status and the previous year s TVAAS score. This can
mean they have anywhere between two to six evaluations throughout the year. Some
will be scheduled but others are unannounced to allow for teacher accountability. On
top of these evaluations, teachers are also check upon during Response to
Intervention (RTI). These checks are called fidelity checks and are used to ensure
teachers are following state procedures put into place regarding their tier and student
Is Sustainable Competitive Advantage Possible, And How
Is sustainable competitive advantage possible, and how can technology be used as
its catalyst? This is the question that has vexed managers and business leaders for
decades. According to Michael Porter, the answer lies in how technology is used. In
this Case Study Report, Team 3 discusses how Mrs. Fields, Inc. leveraged technology
for strategic positioning. Mrs. Fields, Inc. did not create the sweet snack industry, but
it was the company s innovative use of technology that helped the company sustain a
competitive advantage over other companies vying for those same impulse snack
Mrs. Fields Cookies (MFC) is based in Broomfield, Colorado with a production
and distribution facility in Salt Lake City, Utah. Debbi Fields and Randy Fields
opened their first store in Palo Alto, California in 1977, and its first headquarters
was in Palo Alto, California, moving soon thereafter to Salt Lake City in 1982.
Between 1985 and 1988, the company opened 225 new stores. By the late 1980s
the chain had grown to include 425 cookie stores across the United States and
abroad, with annual retail sales of over $87 million. MFC grew in 1984 with the
purchase of another retail cookie chain, the Famous Chocolate Chip Company, and
diversified in 1987 with the acquisition of 119 store French bakery/sandwich chain,
Le Petite Boulangerie.
From its inception and throughout its growth and expansion, information technology
Women in Oedipus Rex Essay
Women in Oedipus Rex
Charles Segal in Oedipus Tyrannus: Tragic Heroism and the Limits of Knowledge
explains one of the pivotal functions of Jocasta in Sophocles Oedipus Rex:
The second series begins with Jocasta. . . .Now Oedipus is pursuing the killer as
possibly the same as himself. . . . In this set his goal shifts gradually from
uncovering the murderer to discovering his own parents. The confidence and power
that he demonstrated in the first series of encounters gradually erode into anger, loss
of control and fear (72).
This essay will reveal the role of women in the drama, the attitude toward women, the
contribution of women to plot development, and other considerations relevant to
women in ... Show more content on ...
The critic Ehrenberg warns that it may lead to hubris (74 75). Throughout the drama
Sophocles draws out an ongoing contrast between the godlike mastery of the king
and the softer, more balanced and selfless characteristics of Jocasta, his wife. She is a
foil to Oedipus. Shortly thereafter Creon, Jocasta s brother, is returning from the
Delphic oracle with the fateful words of the god s command: He fell; and now the
god s command is plain: /Punish his takers off, whoe er they be. Immediately
Oedipus boldly launches a campaign to do what is best for his people and for himself:
I also, as is meet, will lend my aid
To avenge this wrong to Thebes and to the god.
Not for some far off kinsman, but myself,
Shall I expel this poison in the blood;
For whoso slew that king might have a mind
To strike me too with his assassin hand.
Oedipus, in his public proclamation regarding punishment for the killer of King
Laius, shows more lenient treatment toward the guilty party if he confesses his crime:
I summon him to make clean shrift to me./And if he shrinks, let him reflect that thus
/Confessing he shall scape the capital charge . Oedipus, in his cross examination of
the holy man Teiresias, shows his mastery to be more human and less godlike:
Monster! thy silence would incense a flint. /Will nothing loose thy tongue? Can
nothing melt thee, /Or shake thy dogged taciturnity? The king is confronted with
Ancient Greek Gods
Greek mythology has intrigued people for thousands of years. It tries to explain the
nature of the world, the Greeks history, and man s relationship with the Olympians.
One piece of literature, The Iliad by Homer, displays this worldview while it recounts
the war between the Achaeans and Trojans. Throughout the book, Homer answers
some major questions concerning the gods. He portrays the characteristics of the
gods over and over, expressing what the ancient Greeks thought about the divine. In
the Iliad, the gods behave as selfish beings who will do nearly anything to fulfill
their fickle desires. In The Iliad the gods all have their own wills, which they pursue
independently of one another and will do anything to fulfill. They intervene and...
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Actually, these scales really just reflect Zeus will. Homer says As Zeus turned
things over, [letting Patroclus kill even more Trojans] seemed the best (433).
Shortly after this, Hector catches on and realizes that Zeus [has] tipped the scales
against him (434). It was Zeus opinion that it was best to give the victory to
Patroclus, but Hector equates this to the tipping of Zeus golden scales. Therefore,
this simply shows that the gods care only for themselves Zeus wanted Patroclus to
win, so he killed more
Mary Queen Of Scots
Mary Stuart is a play based off of the reign of Queen Elizabeth and her actions
towards Mary Queen of Scots. Mary was attempting to overthrow Queen Elizabeth.
Elizabeth was reluctant to have Mary executed because she knew that there were still
supporters of Mary who may rebel. Eventually, the Queen has Mary executed to
ensure her security but in the end she ended up alone after banishing many of her
closest members of her inner circle. There were many moments throughout the play
that I felt connected to the character of Mary Queen of Scots. A moment when I
connected with Mary was when she was freed to meet Elizabeth. I connected with the
scene because of the genuine joy and emotion that the actor portrayed. While there
were many scenes
Military Leadership Effectiveness At Schofield Barracks
In this chapter, the methodology that will be used to analyze US Army leadership
effectiveness in Schofield Barracks, Hawaii will be discussed. The research
question of how does sequestration impact US Army leadership effectiveness at
Schofield Barracks will be evaluated by collecting data from soldiers and leaders at
Schofield Barracks. Through surveys about their experiences after federal
sequestration, the researchwill attempt to define if whether leadershipis more or less
effective after the implementation of the budget restrictions.
The research will be a program evaluation of leadership effectiveness at Schofield
Barracks, Hawaii. This approach will be used because the leadership program in
the Army has been established for a lengthy period and needs to be evaluated on
effectiveness since the implementation of the sequestration since March 2013. The
research data will be collected through a survey approach from a sample of the
population at Schofield Barracks. Collecting data from at the company level by
surveying current soldiers and leaders on their experiences within a US Army unit at
Schofield Barracks will provide the researcher with the most relevant data to
determine the effectiveness of leadership.
Data Collection Approach and Procedures
Data to be collected. The research will use a quantitative method approach using a
survey questionnaire. The questionnaire will survey current soldiers and leaders at D
Company, 65th Brigade Engineer Battalion on Schofield
Case Study Of Andre Champagne
1.Andre Champagne
The Andre Champagne is well balanced and stylish. It has a continual trail of fine
bubbles; a pale golden color with fresh flowery notes; sophisticated with good
concentration. Andre is the top selling brand of sparkling wine in the U.S. this wine
is available in varieties that include; brut, extra dry, cold duck, blush, strawberry, and
peach flavored California Champagne, among others. Despite the fact that in 2006,
U.S made an agreement not to approve of any new wine labels particularly U.S
produced products that included the term champagne. Andre is officially permitted
to use the term as a grandfathered brand name. Andre Champagne has been
expressed as the sparkling wine that quite a number of people noted was their first
experience with this selection of wine. One champagne specialist described it as like
ginger ale, pale yellow in color, lemony and on the bit of a sweeter side, with perhaps
an apple taste as well.
2.Kobel Champagne
The kobel champagne is a non vintage sparkling wine ... Show more content on ...
The flutes are more resourceful at preserving bubbles since there is less float up
area for them to break on. The champagne flutes can be used for champagne
cocktails as well. It is recommended to always use one with good depth, considering
the shorter ones may look too economical. Champagne flutes were originally
produced as a trade tool to assist professional salespeople in showcasing their wines
every time and anywhere where proper stemware was not reachable. These
champagne flutes are intended to look and perform as if they were like crystal. The
champagne flutes glasses are made from a food safe, BPA free polymer, which
replicates a wine s color and flavors much like crystal. It is recommended to use hand
washing when cleaning the champagne flutes. To guarantee the best possible wine
tasting experience, replace your champagne flutes once they lose their
Counter Terrorism In Canada
Terrorism is when a person/group attacks a certain place. The attack can be in many
ways, bombings, biologically and more. The most known terrorist attack happened
on September 11, 2001, when Osama Bin Laden orchestrated a hijack of two planes
that crashed into the twin tours, this attack is mostly known as 9/11 . One of the
goals for the office of counter terrorismis to strengthen the delivery of help in
countries that need assistance to stop terrorism, and make counter terrorism a big
priority in the United Nations. Canada has a lengthy list of terrorism attacks
throughout history, most recently on September 30th, 2017 when Abdulahi Sharif
stabbed a police officer and ran over 4 pedestrians, who are all still luckily alive. On
The Relationship Between Native Canadians And White
Since the beginning of mankind, nature has played an important role in the growth
and development of the given species. More so, it played an even bigger role when
talking about the relation between the two Canadian groups, natives and white men.
Their cultural interaction shifts across the spatial context where people lived, worked
and played. Since the late 19th century, the interaction between native Canadians and
white middle class population evolved around social and physical environments
surrounding natural spaces, more specifically, parks. In other words, their interaction
took place in natural, open spaces. Despite the different historical settings, the
communication between the two groups was an active component of the identities
and experiences of the Canadian citizen. In the 19th 20th century, interaction among
these two groups was based on cultural identity, where white Canadians wanted to
know more about the Indians who occupied the land and compare it to their own.
The secondary readings by Raibmon, Parnaby, and Wall, will let us analyze the
different historical settings of Home, Work, and Play respectively while analyzing
how nature played a key role. In the first historical space, home, the interaction
between these two groups initiated because of the growing curiosity of middle class
Canadians towards Aboriginal s homes and way of living. This curiosity was driven
by the public s interest in authentic Indian lives which were developed in nature.
How Do Franklin And Wilkins Work Together
1.Overall, the film gave me a new perspective towards the whole process of
scientific discoveries. To be specific, I used to think that all discoveries were
unveiled by scientists themselves, without the interactions between different people.
However, after watching this film, my mind was completely changed. I realized that
the process of discovering something new involves a lot of people s dedication and
sometimes they even have to compete with another group of people so as to publish a
paper. One example the caught my attention is the competition among Watson and
Crick, Franklin and Wilkins, and Pauling. They all aimed to find the structure of DNA
at the same time, so the competition became intense. From the scene when Franklin
was furious... Show more content on ...
What I learned the most in this film is the importance of cooperation and
communication. If Franklin and Wilkins were collaborating in the beginning and
sharing their discoveries at to each other, they might be able to unravel the mystery
of DNA structure. Therefore, when scientists are working together, they should
cooperate with each other, respect each other s findings, communicate well with one
another. It might be hard to disclose every detail of your own research, but when
someone needs help or got stuck in a process that you ve already overcome you
should not hesitate to help. Though competition is inevitable in the field of science,
we should do research with our conscience rather than taking small paths that can
undermine others
Union Carbide s Bhopal Disaster
Union Carbide s Bhopal Disaster
In 1984, as if in a nightmare, a cloud of poison gas reached out and snuffed the
lives of thousands of people in the sleeping city of Bhopal, India. The residents
awoke to a terrible disaster, a chemical explosion whose memory could never be
erased. At the center of the tragedy was the Union Carbide pesticide plant, and
surrounding the accident were doubts and accusations of negligence and unethical
The Disaster
On December 3, 1984, one of the world s worst chemical disasters occurred at the
Union Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal, India. Forty tons of vaporous methyl
isocyanate (MIC) gas exploded, releasing a toxic mixture of MIC, hydrogen cyanide,
monomethyl amine, carbon monoxide, and ... Show more content on
11). Author David Weir quoted a United Nations official who wished to remain
anonymous when he said,
Even those companies that say they will maintain the same standards as in the
developed world find it difficult to resist the temptation to take a shortcut. Even if
they have a good design for their plant, however, there s no good infrastructure in the
underdeveloped countries. Even if they put it away from population centers, who will
check and control that the people don t come in around it? (Newton Dillingham,
2002, p. 90).
Had Union Carbide exercised more responsibility and ethics from the very beginning,
perhaps the Bhopal disaster would have been avoided.
Preventing Future Disasters
The Bhopal accident served as a wake up call for the chemical industry (Lang, 1984,
para. 23). In response, the Chemical Manufacturers Association created a program
called Responsible CareВ®, the chemical industry s commitment to the continuous
improvement of environmental, health, safety and security performance (Overview,
2004, para. 1). Jeff Lipton, chief executive of Nova Chemicals Corp stated, When
the average person thinks about chemicals, they think about risks and hazards
instead of benefits (Herrick, 2003, para. 9). Responsible CareВ® addresses those
concerns by implementing the following practices: (Overview, 2004, para. 2):
Under Age Drinking Essay

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Under Age Drinking Essay

  • 1. Under Age Drinking Essay Crafting an essay on the subject of underage drinking presents its own set of challenges. Firstly, it requires a delicate balance between addressing the serious consequences of this issue and maintaining an objective tone. The topic involves social, legal, and health-related dimensions, demanding comprehensive research to provide a well-rounded perspective. Addressing the ethical aspects of underage drinking can be intricate, as it necessitates handling a sensitive subject with care. One must navigate through statistical data, studies, and real-life examples to substantiate arguments effectively. Additionally, ensuring the essay remains focused on the consequences, prevention strategies, and potential solutions poses a challenge. The complexity lies not only in presenting information logically but also in developing a compelling narrative that engages the reader. A successful essay on underage drinking requires a thoughtful structure, incorporating an introduction that hooks the audience, a body that presents evidence coherently, and a conclusion that leaves a lasting impact. Moreover, discussing the legal implications and societal perspectives demands a nuanced approach. Striking a balance between informing the reader and avoiding a preachy tone is crucial for the essay's effectiveness. The writer must be vigilant not to oversimplify the issue or overlook its multi-faceted nature. In conclusion, composing an essay on underage drinking necessitates meticulous research, a thoughtful approach to presenting arguments, and a sensitivity to the complexities surrounding the topic. Successfully addressing these challenges can result in an impactful piece that contributes to the ongoing dialogue on this critical issue. For assistance with similar essays and more, consider exploring the services offered at Under Age Drinking Essay Under Age Drinking Essay
  • 2. Forecasting Methods And Techniques For Planning For... Organizations incorporate forecasting methods and techniques to plan for upcoming business events and predict what is most likely going to happen in the future. They study, analyze, and interpret data and recent trends to help support their future predictions. Organizations have the decision to either participate in qualitative forecastingor quantitative forecasting. Some firms are unable to access past data and can solely rely on opinions and judgment, so they pursue qualitative forecasting methods. Survey techniques, opinion polls, and the Delphi method are three common qualitative forecasting methods. These types of forecasting methods are subjective in nature, as organizations fully understand consumer preferences will not remain consistent. On the other hand, quantitative forecasting involves the presence of historical data and the assumption of consistent data trends in the future. The two popular quantitative forecasting methods include the explanatory methods and time series methods. These two methods strictly focus on past data and interpret past observations to better understand why data trends are moving in their respective directions. Lastly, it is imperative organizations study the moves of other companies in their respective industries and conclude if the forecasting investment was worth the time and money. Forecasting ultimately benefits businesses in decision making, planning, and budgeting. Forecasting is heavily dependent on the company s ability to make
  • 3. Omega 3 Research Paper Omega 3 the king of the healthy oil Omega 3 are fatty acids, essential for the human body to function, omega 3 is the type of fat you definitely do not want to cut back on. Known as essentials for the normal growth and health of the individuals. The sources more common of fatty acids they are fish oils and some vegetable oils like linseed and oil of algae petroleum. omega3 omegaoilThe omega 3 is a fat type, known as acid essential fatty because it is important for a good health, the human body is not capable to produce omega 3, it tends to obtain it from food. A great number of researchers are demonstrating the benefits of the omega 3 for the heart and every circulatory system. Some studies indicate that the omega 3 also brings
  • 4. The Effect of the Modernization of China on Chinese Music... The modernization of China has played a key role in the changes of popular culture in China. With modernization, the people of China were introduced to different forms and styles of music which the Chinese studied and incorporated into their own music. They felt that the Westernization of their music would make it more modern. With the rise of popular musiccame a means of identification, and with that, regulations to control its effect on society as a whole. And finally, the blurring of boundaries between China and the rest of the world show the ever changing nature of the music in China. Throughout China s modernization, as the country opened up to the West, the Chinese music scene slowly changed in terms of style, production,... Show more content on ... He Luting later came to be one of the most influential twentieth century Chinese composers and music educators (Lau 97). The adoption of Western music inspired new ways of viewing music and resulted in a transformation of Chinese music. It prompted Chinese composers to either fuse Western music with traditional sounds or turn their back on traditional Chinese music [because they Westernized] their music modeled on the perceptions that Western music equates with modernization (Lau 90). Additionally, because many traditionalists feared that traditional Chinese music would gradually disappear due to the modernizing Western music, they began to focus on promoting Chinese music as a way to counteract the encroachment of Western culture and music. But they did it in a modernist rather than preservationist sort of way. Many musicians experimented with new ways of composing music and modernizing traditional instruments (Lau 92). Scholars consider Mandarin popular songs as the first kind of modern popular music developed in China (Lau 106). These Mandarin pop songs were developed in Shanghai in the 1920s. In Shanghai, the trendy Chinese in Shanghai mimicked the lifestyle of the city s foreigners, engaging in pastimes brought in from the West, and this was also
  • 5. Animal Pharmaceuticals And Its Effects On The Abundance Of... INTRODUCTION Animal pharmaceuticals also known as veterinary pharmaceuticals are drugs or medicines used to prevent; diagnose and treat diseases, sickness, infections or injuries of the animal species. (Animal Health Institute, 2016) The uses of veterinary products allow the animals to gain back their health and sustain their life spent. The formulation of veterinary pharmaceuticals are develop according to the techniques and procedures uses in developing human drug dosage formas the fundamental pharmaceuticals development techniques required is similar. Examples of such practice include preformulation data package, drug stability assessment and expiry date, sterility declaration, drug pharmaco kinetics, and manufacturing processes. Veterinary drug products are also exposed to the same Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as the human drug products. (Gregory E. Hardee, 1998) Regardless, there are challenges in development the veterinary dosage form due to the abundance of animal species. Unique veterinary dosage formsare developed based on different species dependent drug pharmacokinetics, specialized dose administration devices and unique administration routes. Besides, animals do not have the intelligence to medicate themselves through voluntary intake of pharmaceutical drugs, the owner or veterinarian are required to administer the drugs or needed medication into the animals. Hence, a variety of dosage form is introduced to ease
  • 6. Enlightenment, Romanticism, And Late 19th Century Lit English Essay History and literature. History clearly reflects in literature; it is a pattern often seen in English 11. Five obvious examples of history reflecting in literature are the works of the Colonial Period, Enlightenment, Romanticism, and Late 19th Century Lit. The Colonial Period. During the Colonial Period most colonies are set up for business. Most people are illiterate apart from the puritans, who wanted everyone to be literate so that they may read the Bible. The Puritans believed in predestination, the Bible is the only source of truth, mankind is evil, spare the whip spoil the child, and rule of thumb. Given the circumstances ... Show more content on ... and Realism. During the Late 19th Century Americans started to realize that the nation had some real problems and not everything was as great as romanticism made it seem; thus realism was born. Some of the problems that led to realism was overcrowding in cities, a growing gap between the rich and poor, people fighting over jobs, and fighting over whether the western territories should have slavery or not. Some other extremely controversial issues of the time was women s suffrage and African American rights which was frequently talked about by two of the most notable writers of the time; Frederick Douglass and Sojourner Truth. Both were once slaves and had faced immense hardships. Their works, like most works of the time, talked about the problems of America and unlike with romanticism, they hardly ended on a happy note but rather something more realistic. The story, An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge talked about a man who was to be hanged off Owl Creek Bridge for the war crime of trying to burn the bridge. For a good chunk of the story one may think the man will get away but that would be a romantic ending and this is a realistic story and in the end he is hanged. It is evident that the problems and seriousness of the Late 19th
  • 7. Sugar Cravings Essay Despite popular beliefs about how blood sugar levels relate to craving, there is very little if any evidence indicating this to be true. Food cravings are largely a psychological phenomenon that relates to old habits and learning. The most likely reason that we see cravings in folks like you who have developed type 2 diabetes may simply be that the history of eating patterns that contributed to the development of the diabetes is persisting. Here s the good news: As is the case with all learned behavior, cravings can be unlearned. Remember, you can take control of cravings. While it is true that intense sugar cravings could be one of the signs or symptoms of diabetes, there could be several other sugar cravings causes. Some of the most common factors that could lead to sugar cravings in a person are: ... Show more content on ... However, if you feel depressed for any reason, your hormone levels tend to plummet, which also has an effect on your metabolism. This is probably most people turn towards comfort foods like ice cream, chocolate, cake and so on, when they go through bouts of depression. The reason for this is that most people go through intense sugar cravings when they feel depressed. Sugar can release serotonin in the body, but it is only for a short period of time. Be prepared to experience some sugar cravings, for as long as you remain depressed. Eating habits: One of the facts about sweets is that the more you give your body sugar, the more your body will crave it. In several cases, people are used to eating sweets on a regular basis, which is why their body develops sugar cravings, if it does not get the amount of sugar it is used to. Hence going on a restrictive diet, which limits the intake of sugar considerably could trigger of intense sugar cravings in
  • 8. Witness For The Prosecution Essay This 1957 courtroom production Witness for the Prosecution based on a short story and later a play by Agatha Christie involves the seasoned barrister and curmudgeon Sir Wilfred Robarte, played by Charles Laughton. He takes on the murder defense of Leonard Vole played by Tyrone Power. Robarts private nurse played by Elsa Lancaster objects constantly, reminding him of his doctor s advice to stay away from criminal cases due to his ill health. Vole is accused of the murder of a wealthy older woman Mrs. French played by Norma Varden who appeared to have fallen in love with Vole and changed her will to give him the bulk of her estate. The evidence strongly points to Vole s involvement. Vole claims his defense is based on the fact that his wife, Christine played by Marlene Dietrich, will testify that Vole arrived home the evening of the murder long before it transpired. Robarts counsels Vole that the testimony of his wife... Show more content on ... In one instance he objections to the prosecution s evidence by stating if his colleague is going to both ask and answer the same question. The presence of the witness was superfluous. The prosecution last witness who was Christine Vole, the wife of Vole, brought a shock to both Robarts and the viewing audience. Robarts immediately objects, but Christine then started to testify that her marriage to Vole was fraudulent, since she was already married when she met Vole and her first husband is still alive. Her testimony against Vole was blasphemy, including her claim that Vole arrived home the night of the murder with blood on his clothing and admitted her that he had killed Mrs. French. Robarts cross examination on Christine admit that she told a number of lies before appearing in court that day and concludes his statement that he is surprised the testament did not leap from your hands when she took the
  • 9. Leonardo Da Vinci s Lady With Unicorn In 1934 1936 Raphael restored a female portrait Lady with Unicorn. Leonardo Da Vinci had painted this piece in the year 1505. Leonardo was a high renaissance painter and this picture is a high renaissance piece. The time period of when it was created and the idealized figure, clarity, and bright colors depict the type of renaissance piece. In the portrait a lady with long blonde hair, and blue eyes is holding a greenish colored unicorn in her lap, which gives the portrait its name. It was an oil painting that was applied to a wooden canvas. This piece was actually inspired by Leonardo Da Vincis Mona Lisa(Young women with Unicorn , n.d.). The subject in the portrait has been identified as Saint Catherine of Alexandria. The painting was attributed to Raphaelwhen he restored it. Removal of a heavy repainting revealed the unicorn in this portrait. The unicorn is a representation of purity in the medieval romance in place of Catherine s wheel. In the painting the five elements of renaissance perspective are all portrayed. The Lady with Unicorn shows linear perspective, aerial perspective, diminution of size, and overlap. The Lady with Unicorn shows one point linear perspective in the slanted line on the far left of the railing behind her that foes backward toward a single vanishing ... Show more content on ... The red of her dress is used to make her body stick out from the rest of the painting. Blonde hair that surrounds her faced is used to make her face pop out from the rest of the painting. The blues in the background are used to gradually diminish the detail and makes a viewer pay more attention to the Lady s face. The greens that are used in the portrait are used to recede the detail to her face as well. There is green on her dress that pushes out the focus more to the top of her body and face. Warm colors in this picture help make certain features pop out to direct visual focus to certain areas and cool colors make details
  • 10. Delta Airlines Swot Analysis Paper Delta Airlines Mitchell B. Workman Middle Tennessee State University Delta Airlines Introduction Delta Airlines is one of the leading airline industries in the market based on on time performance, revenue per available seat, customer satisfaction, and it is well positioned in taking advantage of the new positive economic outlook for the airline industry. It is a domestic Airline carrier that provides passengers and cargo services throughout the US and other international destinations. Some of its hubs are in Atlanta, Detroit, Minneapolis, Amsterdam, JFK and Tokyo Narita as well as in partnering with the existing regional airlines. Currently, the assets of Delta Airline are valued $54,252 million and the composition can be divided into three main groups including PPE (Property, Plant, and Equipment), Current Assets and other Assets (Luo, 2014). History Delta Airlines was founded in 1920 in Ogdensburg, New York under the name: Ogdensburg Aeroway Corp, the company was founded by Elliot Daland and Thomas Duff. The company began as a crop dusting company which was the first of its kind (commercial agricultural). The name quickly changed to Huff Daland Aero Corporation and in 1925 their headquarters moved to Monroe, Louisiana, USA. At the beginning of the corporation their fleet of 18 privately owned planes delivered mail and crop dusted all over the United States and was the largest fleet of aircraft in the world at the time. Flight operations ranged from all over the United
  • 11. Responses to the Challenge of Amoralism Essay example Responses to the Challenge of Amoralism ABSTRACT: To the question Why should I be moral? there is a simple answer (SA) that some philosophers find tempting. There is also a response, common enough to be dubbed the standard response (SR), to the simple answer. In what follows, I show that the SA and SR are unsatisfactory; they share a serious defect. To the question, Why should I be moral? there is a simple answer (SA) that some philosophers find tempting. There is also a response, common enough to be dubbed the standard response (SR), to the simple answer. In what follows I show that SA and SR are unsatisfactory; they share a serious defect. I will interpret Why should I be moral? to mean Why should I habitually perform ... Show more content on ... Or perhaps it is (d) a request for a motive to be moral. (2) If Alf s question is of type (a) or (c), it s silly. Nothing could be more obvious than that Alf has a moral reason to be moral. It s a plain fact that being moral is the moral thing to do it s the option justified from the moral point of view and this is clearly a reason for Alf to be moral. (3) If Alf s question is of type (b) or (d) it s unreasonable; hence we need not bother with it. Moral philosophy aims at rational persuasion, not at generating motives to act. Nor does it aim to justify morality in terms of prudence, law, custom, or etiquette. Indeed, such a justification is impossible. But we should not be disturbed about this. The moral life is not called into question by showing that it does not reduce to a concern for custom, prudence, etc., any more than prudence is called into question by showing that it does not reduce to a concern for morality. (4) Thus, Alf s question is silly or unreasonable. We need not bother with it. SR can be set out as follows: (I) Responses to Why should I be moral? that treat the question as illegitimate, SA being one such response, fail to envision all the things the question might express. Very likely, Alf s question is not of kind (a), (b), (c) or (d). Instead, it s
  • 12. Back in the 1800s most waste that ships carried were... Back in the 1800s most waste that ships carried were dumped in our oceans without much thought. The difference from then to now is that the dump 200 years ago was biodegradable dump now about 14.4 million tons of our waste is plastic which is not always biodegradable according to the EPA and that number is rapidly increasing every year. Our oceans are massively being affected and so are we in ways unimaginable like the fact that our fish are ingesting chemicals that is in the plastics in the sea and we are being fed these toxic chemicals. Maybe if citizens have a better understanding of what is going on in our oceans they ll decide to do something about it. Plastic pollution is the biggest threat in our oceans as it takes up about 90% of... Show more content on ... Another major health risk that occurs when our oceans are being polluted is that the seafood becomes contaminated with chemicals. Chemicals are beginning to move up the food chain and soon into our plates. Research and studies show that plastic is absorbed by animals when it floats in waters and when these innocent fish and marine life ingest these foods it is endangering the marine ecosystem as a whole. Now that we know how it is affecting us how does it reach our oceans to start with? Some of it does come from ships that are sailing by but 80% of it comes from land. Most storm drains have a common end point which is into our oceans. And lets say Johnny is waking down the street and eating a lollipop and he litters the wrapper. Next thing you know it rains and that wrapper is swept away with the water and into the storm drain. That drain leads into our ocean and that plastic wrapper is going to be floating for a very long time. These systems are all a cycle but the problem is the cycle is a one way street and that trash you threw onto the street will never come back to the street but will stay in our oceans killing marine life. We can t only blame the consumers for the things occurring in our world. If less plastic packaging were used and more paper or glass packaging were used it would really benefit the world. Looking at plastic water bottles many say that they are recycled or reusable but they aren t always
  • 13. Richard Nixon Accomplishments Richard Nixon, a lawyer, a Veteran, and finally, our 37th president. From his childhood to his death in New York City, he lived an interesting life. Even though he resigned and almost impeached, he also helped this nation prosper. Throughout the next few paragraphs I will explain the life behind our 37th president, what jobs he held, his accomplishments, inventions and advancements during that time, and a few interesting facts. We will start with the personal information of Richard Nixon. Our 37th president was born in Yorba Linda California on January 9, 1913. Richard Nixon was the second of 5 brothers, Edward, Donald, Harold, and Arthur Nixon. For his education he attended Fullerton High School but later transferred to Whittier. ... Show more content on ... One of them is that Lee Harvey Oswald may have plotted to assassinate Nixon. He allegedly told his wife Richard is coming, I am going to pay him a visit . His wife stopped him from leaving by locking him in a bathroom and forcing him to give up his gun. Did you know Nixon ran a failed orange juice business? He started the business Citra Frost in an attempt to strike rich in California. Richard Nixon is the only president to resign from office. This happened because of the Watergate Scandal. In 1972, four people broke into the Democratic Party s headquarters in the Watergate, a hotel office building in Washington, D.C. They were caught looking through files and planting listening devices, Nixon denied knowing about the break in. Nixon regularly kept tapes of conversations in his office. He was forced to give up the tapes and he eventually did but some of the tapes were missing or destroyed. In the summer of 1974, the House Judiciary Committee approved articles of impeachment for obstructing justice. The tapes clearly showed Nixon had been part of the cover up. On August 8, 1974, he submitted a one sentence letter of resignation, and then went on television and said, I have always tried to do what is best for this nation . My next interesting fact is while in office, Nixon struck a friendship with George Allen. Finally, Nixon reportedly descended from King Edward III of England. Overall, Richard Nixon lead an
  • 14. Financial Management Practices A STUDY ON WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT IN SMES A SYNOPSIS of the PROJECT Submitted to BANGALORE UNIVERSITY For the award of the Degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SUBMITTED BY Mr. PUROHIT PIYUSHKUMAR N. (08CQCM6068) UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF MRS. KIRAN HIREMATH. Dayananda Sagar College of Management and Information Technology Shavige Malleshwara Hills, K.S. layout, Layout, Bangalore 560078 Academic Year 2008 2010 INTRODUCTION SMES The definition used by the Indian authorities is based on the level of investment in plant, machinery or other fixed assets whether held on an ownership, lease or hire purchase ... Show more content on ... Hypothesis of the study 1. There is no significance co relation between working capital management and sme s problems faced. 2. There is no significance co relation between working capital management and profitability of the sme s. Methodology Information and descriptive researcg will be congregate, For fulfilling the above
  • 15. objectives, both primary and secondary data has been collected. For collecting primary data, Pilot study and Questionnaire was adopted.personal Interview technique is adopted to meet the respondents and to collect information. Personal discussion is also made with the different SME organization. SAMPLE DESIGN A sample design is define plan for obtaining a sample from a given population. It refers to the technique or procedure the researcher would adopt in selecting items for sample. Researcher must prepare a sample design, which should be reliable and appropriate for his research study. The study is conducted in the AHMEDABAD, NAVSARI, SURAT cities in GUJARAT. For this study the samples are the SME organization of the AHMEDABAD, NAVSARI, SURAT cities. Data collection methods Primary data в–Є Questionnaires в–Є Interviews в–Є Discussions в–Є Visits Secondary data в–Є Libraries в–Є Articles в–Є Research material в–Є Internet в–Є Financial Magazines Organization of the Study The research
  • 16. A Review On The Shared Services Market A Review of the Shared Services Market, Including for Example Its Development, Categorization of Different Services and the Role of Shared Services Within an Organization Model. (2005, Nov 03). Business Wire Retrieved from https:/ / /docview/445338379?accountid=38569 This article from Business Wire covers broadly the role of shares services in an organization before delving into granular detail that will prove immensely helpful when developing a shared services structure housed in a central location. Business Wire categorizes different types of shared services along with four different organizational models and IT implementation to support the shared services structure. Designing the deployment of a shared services system within an existing organization does require significant IT resources and Business Wire s work could prove instrumental in mapping out that plan wisely. Centralizing staff and resources for greater efficiency. (2007). IOMA s Payroll Manager s Report, 7(6), 1 1,9+. Retrieved from /login?url= /231090081?accountid=38569 As IMOA s Payroll Manger s Report identifies key successes achieved when staff and resources are centralized, something that occurs within a shared services system, we can evaluate that system in part by whether or not those successes actually materialize. Establishing metrics
  • 17. Monlogue of Sheila Birling Essay Monologue from Sheila Birling I feel extremely responsible for the horrid tragedy of what had happened to that young lady. On the other hand at the time it took place I was in a furious temper; I had tried on this dress, and well.... it just didn t suit me at all! Then the girl had tried on the dress as if she was wearing it. And it just suited her. She was the right type for it. She was very pretty too with big dark eyes. I caught sight of the girl smiling at Miss Francis as if to say, doesn t she look awful and I was absolutely furious. That is when it all happened. I lost all sense of what was right and let anger and jealousy fill me up to the direst cruelty. I said without second thought of consideration to the manager, this ... Show more content on ... I remember what he said, how he looked and what he made me feel. Fire and blood and anguish. And it frightens me, the way they talk as if nothing has happened. Even if there is no girl in the infirmary, who has committed suicide by drinking a strong disinfectant, isn t what we did still wrong? It doesn t much matter who made us confess and it was true, wasn t it? Farther turned the girl out of one job, I had her turned out of another. Gerald kept her at a time when he was too busy to see me. Eric used her for a stupid drunken evening as if she were an animal, a thing, not a person. And mother hardened her heart and gave her the final push that finished her that s what s important and not weather a man is a police inspector or not. Well Eric and I have learnt a promising lesson that there are millions of John Smiths and Eva Smiths in the world. I shall never do something so careless and selfish again, and I pray that my parents and Gerald come to the same realisation soon, as I have done... before it s too late. Whether or not it was me alone, or the fault of all of us. This streak of guilt shall saturate my soul for life, knowing that my selfish irresponsible actions played a vital part of the beginning of the end of this venerable, innocent young lady, Eva Smith. Yet I can t help feeling my actions was what caused her to become so desperate that summer last year. It all is becoming clear now. It was my fault! Last summer from March all the way to September,
  • 18. How Did The Us Build The Panama Canal The Panama Canal is an important part of Panama and United States history. The Panama Canal was constructed in order to make the journey from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean shorter. This is extremely important because it shortens the journey for cargo ships making them financially more efficient. The Panama Canal was once owned by the United Statesbut is now owned by Panama. The Panama Canal is a perfect example of countries working together for a common goal. Although the canal was not built until 1914, the idea was proposed in the 1500s. The idea came from Spain but the proposal was so absurd that nothing came from it. The French also attempted a similar canal. Once again the plan was deemed too strenuous and the French stopped construction. The United States decided that the idea of a canal stretching from the Pacific to Atlantic oceans was an... Show more content on ... The United States planned for the canal to stretch from the city of ColГіn to Panama City. Soon after construction started problems occured. The lead engineer, John Wallace, had problems with equipment and workers becoming ill. This caused Wallace to quit and construction to momentarily halt. President Roosevelt hired Lt. George Washington Goethals as the lead engineer in 1906. Goethals was a strict commander, who also cared about his workers; he improved working conditions while he was the lead engineer. One of the most difficult areas to build the canal was the Culebra Cut. Landslides were notorious and many workers perished. The next important structure to develop were the locks. In total 3 locks were made which total 3,000 feet long. The Panama Canal opened on August 15, 1914. The grand total of the canal was 350 million dollars. The money spent was a considerable amount during the time period because of World War I. During the construction of the canal, more than 25,000 workers died. The Panama Canal employed many people and helped boost the
  • 19. Social Media Policy Analysis Social media policies are put in place for the sake of ensuring the measure of responsibility of employee s usage of social media. Platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter are some of the platforms that are used my people across the nation (Russell, 2011). Information of every type and social opinions become available at the click of a button. The content that is placed in these messages is status updates can be crucial to the perception of both the employee and the company they are working for on a daily basis. These policies are enacted to ensure there is and understanding between the employee as well as the company concerning the risk that are associated with using these platforms in specific ways that may affect the company depending... Show more content on ... It also protects a company from misuse of social media channels and minimizes risk by being sure that everyone understands what is accepted and what is not (Course, 2012). Social media is a viable force that represents the expression of ideas and advertisement. As these mediums have grown and become more main stream, there is a great necessity for these policies to be put in place. These policies are used to specifically protect the company as well as its brand. These policies address the nature of people centeredness that addresses employees as an extension of the company. These guidelines address specific behaver and portrayal regarding that the brand is the highest form of representation and should be protected. The employees should consider their role as a representative of the company and not use their public social media platform to bring reproach upon the brand in any shape, for or fashion. Course, David. (2012). This 8 Word Social Media Policy Could Save Your Job. ( (http:/ / 8 word social media policy could save your job/) ( media/) Russell, Tamara E. (2011, Oct). Employment Law Meets Social Media: Advice for Employers.
  • 20. Learning Environment Reflection Reflection on Safety and Support Over the past four modules of American College of Education s course, Creating Safe and Supportive Learning Environments, I have been asked to complete four progressive assignments. Collectively, these assignments were focused on helping me collect and analyze data and information regarding the positive discipline and behaviormanagement approaches required in any schoolto achieve a safe and supportive learning environment. This reflection discusses why a principal should maintain a safe and supportive environment and how a school wide discipline and behavior management influences what happens at the individual classroom level. In addition, this reflection reviews how a Positive Behavioral Support System... Show more content on ... When principals strive to make their schools a safe and supportive environment, everybody wins most importantly the students. PBSS Influence at the Classroom Level A school wide discipline and behavior management approach, such as a Positive Behavioral Support System (PBSS), has great influence on what happens at the individual classroom level. Skill, accountability, consistency and special situations are four components of PBSS. Social skills instruction is a key component of an effective classroom. Students spend the highest percentage of their day in the classroom. Therefore, this is where the majority of social skills instruction must occur. Grade level teams must work together to develop a behavioral matrix that addresses the needs of their students. The behavioral matrix, as part of the PBSS, specifies the expectations for students and holds them accountable in the classroom as well as the common areas of the school with consistency. One of the most important roles teachers play in a typical classroom is classroom manager. Effective teaching and learning cannot take place in a classroom that is poorly managed. In order for the social skills instruction to be effective, teachers need to create a positive environment that is effectively organized and managed. At the classroom level, teachers need to implement strategies to teach, prompt, reinforce, and infuse student focused interpersonal, problem
  • 21. The Balance Between Relevance and Materiality ais Contents Introduction1 Relevance and reliability overview1 The balance between relevance and materiality2 Balancing relevance and reliability2 The balance between flexibility and timeliness3 Conclusion3 Introduction Conceptual framework is a coherent system of interrelated objective and fundamentals that is expected to lead to consistent standards (Degaan 2007). There are four items in conceptual framework which are objective of financial reporting, qualitative characteristics of accounting information system, element of financial statement, and operating guidelines. One of the important items is qualitative characteristic because of that, this report focuses on qualitative characteristic which... Show more content on ... Balancing relevance and reliability Accounting information must have both relevance and reliability but sometime the information is very relevance but not reliability. For example when a report about cost of building which have proper detail of information but the building was acquire in 1980. Information require to balance and contrast relevance and reliability when determining how to account for particular items (Alford et al. 1993). Produce information quickly and measuring the information more accurate are the benefits if the accounting information contain of reliability and relevance. The other consideration is about cost and benefit. It can be define as cost and benefit that result from making a specific decision which have highly subjective process on many issue. Benefit of accounting information provided for users should exceed the cost of providing it (weygandt et al. 2002) It can useful to establish precise definition but it also involve a range of judgment call and wide open to criticism. To understand further about relevance and reliability this report will explain about timeliness. The balance between flexibility and timeliness The other relevance aspect is Timeliness. When information for decision making is not available when needed or it available so long after reported events mean that the information not has value or useless and not
  • 22. Un planeta agonizante Un Planeta agonizante Para muchos en el mundo no es raro ver y sentir que cada vez nuestro planeta estГЎ mГЎs deteriorado, en la actualidad hacemos caso omiso a la cruda realidad que enfrenta nuestro planeta, si preguntamos en cualquier parte del mundo que saben acerca del calentamiento global tal vez la gran mayorГa lo sepa, pero si preguntamos que lo estГЎ ocasionando serГa totalmente diferente la respuesta; por esta razГіn el autor del video Al gore ha querido mencionar las principales caracterГsticas que estГЎ ocasionando este fenГіmeno mundial y lo que llegarГa a suceder si no tomamos conciencia para mejorar nuestra calidad de vida y la de nuestro planeta . El calentamiento global es un grave problema para el ser humano, porque es la causa de las mГЎs grandes catГЎstrofes en el mundo como las sequias, las tormentas, desapariciГіn de los glaciares, subida del nivel el mar, los cambios meteorolГіgicos, aumento de plagas y mutaciГіn de bacterias. Para muchos cientГficos expertos en el tema mencionan que este fenГіmeno se podrГa evitar si se dejara a un lado los lujos y la industria mal utilizada. Es muy importante e impactante el video que nos muestra el autor ya que con imГЎgenes verdaderas muestra la cara oculta de nuestro planeta lo que nosotros aparentemente no queremos reconocer que somos los causantes de que se les acorte la vida a los nuestros. Pero teniendo en cuenta las dos caras de sociedad existe una que se impone cada dГa mГЎs por ser competitivo y tener mГЎs
  • 23. Analysis Of The Book Grapes Of Wrath Tyler Jordan Ms. Mittleman Honors American Lit. September 14, 2014 Humanity s Wrathful Curtain In his historical fiction, Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck characterizes the Joad family as one of the many migrating farming families subjected to prejudice and seclusion on their journey to California. Similarly, in T.C. Boyle s Tortilla Curtain, CГЎndido and AmГ©rica are victims of animosity and discrimination after fleeing their homes in Mexico to seek a better life in Los Angeles. In their stories, both Boyle and Steinbeck exhibit how migration can often bring new people into a different society, which can create fear and social stigma with that community. In their novels, the authors use the description of animals in nature to symbolize migrants, whom like animals, have difficulty assimilating into unknown territories, and could be treated as inferior. John Steinbeck s Grapes of Wrath and T.C. Boyle s Tortilla Curtain both illustrate barriers between mankind and nature as a vehicle to expose how humans also create barriers between each other In Tortilla Curtain, T.C. Boyle utilizes his description of the coyote in order to draw its comparison to the Mexican immigrants. The coyote makes its first appearance in the novel when Delaney and Kyra Mossbacher look into their backyard and realize one has jumped over the fence and snatched their beloved dog, Sacheverell. Distraught and infuriated, the Mossbachers decide to build a higher fence in their backyard to keep the coyotes
  • 24. Building a Secure Organization Building a Secure Organization John Mallery BKD, LLP Chapter 1 It seems logical that any business, whether a commercial enterprise or a not for profit business, would understand that building a secure organization is important to longterm success. When a business implements and maintains a strong security posture, it can take advantage of numerous benefits. An organization that can demonstrate an infrastructure protected by robust security mechanisms can potentially see a reduction in insurance premiums being paid. A secure organization can use its security program as a marketing tool, demonstrating to clients that it values their business so much that it takes a very aggressive stance on protecting their information. But ... Show more content on ... In addition, today s computers present a user friendly face to the world. Most people are unfamiliar with the way computers truly function and what goes on behind the scenes. Things such as the Windows Registry, ports, and services are completely unknown to most users and poorly understood by many computer industry professionals. For example, many individuals still believe that a Windows login password protects data on a computer. On the contrary someone can simply take the hard drive out of the computer, install it as a slave drive in another computer, or place it in a USB drive enclosure, and all the data will be readily accessible. Computer Users Are Unsophisticated Many computer users believe that because they are skilled at generating spreadsheets, word processing documents, and presentations, they know everything about computers. These power users have moved beyond application basics, but many still do not understand even basic security concepts. Many users will indiscriminately install software and visit questionable Web sites despite the fact that these actions could violate company policies. The bad guys people who want to steal information from or wreak havoc on computers systems have also identified that the average user is a weak link in the security chain. As companies began investing more money in perimeter defenses, attackers look to the path of least
  • 25. Programs Impact Children s Academic Achievment From the information I gained from my classmate s wikis, many of them include skill building lessons that incorporate the common themes of increasing children s social and emotional competency. Like the Roots of empathy program, these programs all aim to incorporate better understanding and acceptance of differences. Some of the differences I notice are that a few of these programs also have the direct goal of trying to improve literacy and academic success, though I believe all programs like these will impact children s academic achievements positively. From what I took, most of these programs start in the classroom, and then send lessons or activities home. Parent involvement is important to the success of all of these programs and is a huge link to the retention of each of these programs. Many of these programs teach about positive peer relationships, which to me is a starting point that lays the foundation for how children will interact with their communities, as they become adults. To better understand each of these programs, I have compiled details on each from my review of the wiki pages. The Positive Action program is designed for grades K 12 and focuses on building skills that support effective social and conduct behaviors with emphasis on personal character and mental health, and works to develop the ability to be able to set and achieve goals. The curriculum follows 140 lessons that are divided in to six teaching units. These six units include lessons
  • 26. Focused Eating Essay This is an experimental study because it is looking at whether participation in leanness focused sports causes disordered eating. Because it is looking at a causal relationship, it is an experimental design, rather than correlational. The independent variable we were studying was the sport type of participation. For this variable, the participants could be characterized as leanness focused sport athletes, nonleaness focused sport athletes, or non athletes. The dependent variable was the level of disordered eating, as determined by the EAT 26. The data would be analyzed using a one way ANOVA. If the result of this determined that there was a significant result, somewhere in the data, the next step would be to perform post hoc tests to see where the differences occur. An appropriate post hoc test would be Fisher s Least Significant Difference test. The desired result of this study would be that leanness focused sport athletes would have a significantly higher level of disorder eating than nonleanness focused sport athletes. Additionally, nonleaness focused sport athletes would have a significantly higher level of disordered eating than non athletes. Discussion If we were to obtain our dream results, this would tell us that participation in college ... Show more content on ... While this study only looked at Division III teams, it is possible that the effects of sport type vary among the different classifications. Another potential area for study would be to continue to study leanness focused sport athletes, nonleaness focused sport athletes, and non athletes, but to also include in the study the amount of time spent training for and participating in the sport. This would allow us to look at the correlation between time participating and level of disordered eating. I would hypothesize that as individuals spend more time participating, they would have a higher level of disordered eating
  • 27. The Economic Order And Manufacture Quantity The economic order/manufacture quantity (EOQ/EMQ) model developed by Harris (1913) is the earliest reported scientific treatment of inventory systems, where the sum of inventory costs, ordering/setup and holding costs, is minimized. Its simple mathematics and ease of calculation is perhaps what contributed to its popularity with practitioners and academicians (e.g., Fulbright, 1979; Osteryoung et al., 1986). The EOQ/EMQ model continues to be celebrated by many researchers (Andriolo et al., 2014; Drake and Marley, 2014; Glock et al., 2014; Bushuev et al. 2015). The model s popularity overshadows few critical voices (e.g., Selen and Woods, 1987; Woolsey, 1990; Weiss, 1990). Many derivatives of the EOQ/EMQ appeared over the years, of which just in time (JIT) is one of them (e.g., Andriolo et al., 2014). In contrast to the classical EOQ /EMQ model, just in time (JIT) produces a product when needed and delivers it when wanted by customers. JIT considers inventory as a waste to be reduced by producing in smaller lots more frequently, so fewer items are in the pipeline (Bonney and Jaber, 2011). It also improves quality, productivity, responsiveness, machines availability, workforce flexibility, space and equipment utilization, flow, and relationship with suppliers (Cavinato, 1990; Jones, 1990; Mehra and Inman, 1992). JIT is based on continuous improvement of which reducing setup time (cost) is its primary driver (Zangwill, 1987; Jones, 1990;Cavinato, 1991). Readers are referred to
  • 28. Alcoholism Is An Epidemic Of Alcoholism It s no secret that alcoholism is an epidemic. Anyone can fall prisoner to its call. Alcoholism knows no gender, no age, and no race. Alcoholism is an addiction to alcohol. This addiction is not a joke, or a reason to shame others. Its effects on people can be fatal.Alcoholism has claimed the lives of many people. Not always in the same way, but all the same a life lost. The way that some people lose their lives is listed as following: they lose their family, friends, homes, jobs, and etc. now others, physically become sick their bodies shut down. Now these people, the alcoholics aren t the only victims, the real victims are people who get hurt or die driving on the same road as an alcoholic. Now I say real victims because these are... Show more content on ... This obviously lead to a widespread frenzy. This caused people to export and import illegally. Which most believe gave another excuse for people to drink; it was rare and rebellious. ( Now this is not the only significant reason some might drink. It is common in a religious sermon to pass around wine. Why? Because it symbolizes the blood of Jesus. Generally done on the Sabbath, a religious and holy day in the bible.(Robert Fuller, The Conversation) This tradition can be dangerous, because it can put a person at risk of losing control, not only that but giving just another excuse. Overall there are a limitless amount of excuses. People drink at all sorts of occasions Quinceaneras, weddings, bat mitzvahs, and etc. Regardless of the cause, the outcome is almost always the same, maybe not exactly same but all in all similar. This is because it doesn t always stop there. Some people truly enjoy the feeling of being intoxicated, and this is the reason why they become addicted. Still, this is not to say that drinking should be completely outlawed. Although, it definitely should be monitored. Alcohol intake depends on many personal factors such Alcohol intake depends on many personal factors such as tolerance, size, weight, and blood levels. Most alcoholic beverages have a certain amount of alcohol percentage, which can affect you varying on your own factors. Specifically, smaller/petite people are known to have
  • 29. Navigation and Pose Estimation Theory Basic Theory In the previous chapter, we introduce about the indoor positioning system techniques and the research directions. In this chapter we will describe the basic theory related with the navigation and pose estimation systems for example, the coordinate system, the dead reckoning method, the characteristic of Wi Fi radio signal propagation etc. For all of the basic ideas are very important thing to understanding the configuration of our research as follow; 2.1 The Local Coordinate system The coordinate system was used to defined in local area environment name is the Cartesian coordinate system refer to [55]. It can be referenced by placing the origin to the local point consist with 3 reference axis, there are axis is directed to the vertical, axis is pointed to the north and axis is directed to the east, see in figure 1. Figure 1 The Cartesian coordinate system. The plane is the horizontal plane and the vertical plane is defined perpendicular to the ellipsoid such a coordinate system is also called a local horizontal coordinate system. From figure 1. can be described, the projection point whose coordinates in global and local coordinate system are and respectively, one has relation of as follow: (2.1) Where the is the azimuth angle measure from the north clockwise, is the zenith distance that mean the angle the vertical and the radian and r is the radian of the in the local system. 2.1.1 Transformation Matrix in Cartesian coordinate
  • 30. Essay about High School Graduation Day High School Graduation Day Many people have experienced the over whelming excitement that you feel as you approach high school graduation day, and for me, that s a day that I will never forget. The amount of emotions that you feel on graduation day is unbelievable, and I have yet to experience anything else like it. I can remember feeling anxious to celebrate the big day with my friends and family, while at the same time I was panicking thinking about having to walk across the stage in front of that many people. Then, the more I thought about the reality of graduation day, I started to get curious, but nervous, about being able to start a new chapter in my life once graduation day had passed. There are several reasons why I, still ... Show more content on ... As the end of the night approached us, I couldn t stop thinking about how many mixed emotions I had about starting a whole new chapter in my life. I couldn t wait to go to college, meet all new people, get a degree so that I could start my career path, but I knew that meant I had to say goodbye to my two best friends, who were moving several hours away from me. This was one of the hardest things I had ever had to do in my life. We all cried a little, and then made promises to keep in touch, and then we were off into the real world! I was very happy to be at this point in my life, but I was scared deep down inside. When I look back on this day now, I still remember every detail as if it was yesterday. I was so proud, and happy to be able to celebrate such an amazing day with all of my friends and family. I know I will never forget how embarrassed I was walking across the stage in front of all of those people, feeling famous after taking so many pictures, making our final memories together at our graduation parties, and then being a nervous wreck when it was time to go out into the world without my best friends at my side. High school graduation day was a very emotional day for me, but it was by far the most exciting day I have ever experienced in my
  • 31. Essay on Model for Perception Model for Perception Most people assume everyone sees the world the same way. This can be expected because people are not able to compare what they see to what someone else sees (using language to describe visuals is inherently biased). This widely accepted assumption, however, is inaccurate. There is evidence that each person s perception of the world is different if only in minor ways. For example, a perception discrepancy can be found when comparing how people suffering from anorexia nervosa see their bodies and how other people see the anorexics bodies. Even though this distortion is an extreme perception difference that can actually be documented (most perception differences can not even be verbalized), analyzing the distorted ... Show more content on ... The biological process of perception can help explain this definition; what exactly does it mean that the brain interprets stimuli from the environment and makes it into what we see and hear? According to biologists, the process begins with stimuli, usually in the form of photons, vibrations or chemical reactions from the outside world, being picked up by the sensory systems. The stimuli is detected by a sensory neuron located on the surface of the body. This neuron converts the stimuli s light, sound, heat, etc. into action potentials. The action potential changes the membrane permeability of the neuron which allows it to transform into electric signs. The signs are conducted to a primary processing area and elaborated on eventually being converted into corresponding information regarding color, shape, shade, etc. Next, this new information is brought to the thalamus (usually) where it is linked to older data containing similar experiences to form a complete message. The message is carried to its specific cortical center to become perception. Therefore, perception is actually a message constructed using outside inputs, inner neuron processes and past, relevant information stored in the brain. Although it is not possible to know the conscience perception of victims of anorexia, there is a wealth of data on these patients allowing experts to make conservative assumptions on their perceptions. Based on this data, anorexics see a distorted image of
  • 32. President Of Csea s A Productive Labor Management Meeting Tami Castelluccio, President of CSEA had a productive labor management meeting with Assistant Superintendent Rogenski and Director of Classified HR Nancy Gamache. CSEA shared a survey they would like to send to Unit 3 members to get feedback and to use in meetings with the Special Education department. Friday, September 30th was staff development which was a day of learning and camaraderie for the classified staff. Ms. Castelluccio noted that CSEA is working to get out the vote for Proposition 55. Ann Katzburg, President of SRVEA shared that SRVEA s focus has been on hate and intolerance and Ms. Katzburg attended a conference with that focus. Last week SRVEA held a community engagement meeting with community leaders. Ms. Katzburg... Show more content on ... Many schools have denied and opted out of cell towers on their sites as they do not believe it is safe for their students. Carrie Nevis reviewed a federal government report which was released in May of 2016 from the National Toxicology Program. To date it is the largest study done and while inconclusive and requires more research, it does state there is something going on regarding radio frequency fields. Ms. Nevis suggests we place the cell tower in another location where it will not impact children and community members. Aric Gurovith is a resident of Danville and has 2 daughters in the District, he feels since we do not have a 100% guarantee that there will be no long term effects, the District should not take the chance. Mary Beedle noted that according to information she has read there was some analysis done previously where three schools were identified and Cal High was chosen at that time for a cell tower. She would like to know why there is a need for another cell tower and who is identifying the need. She would also like to know if the need is identified by Verizon, why their map shows the highest coverage possible in the San Ramon Valley. She noted there is currently a cell tower in the commercial district of downtown Danville. She would like to know the sources the Board used previously to help make their decision on the safety of a cell tower, and she
  • 33. Free Man Bio Test Strategic Operations Eastern Institute of Technology Case Study MGMT.7.04 Strategic Operations Management Presented by Aswath Laxman Venugopal For Mr Ram Roy Monday 3 May 2010 Table of Contents Summary Introduction3 Section 26 If the current sales value of the FBXX product is 25 per cent of the company s total sales of $100 million; and the average price is $1050/kg; then compute the following:6 a. What is the annual sales volume?6 b. What is the monthly sales volume?6 c. What will be the monthly sales volume if FBT estimates its market to grow by 20 per cent in the next three or four years at current prices.6 Section 36 Can FBT s existing combined capacity support this 20 per cent market growth? What are the options?6 Section 47... Show more content on ... At this point of the case VPM is only interested in accomplishment of right quantity and quality of FBXX each month to meet current market demand. From the high breakdown figures and inadequate supply of FBXX showed interest and suggesting for Bi Line 8 believing which could be working in a few weeks giving them better quality and further more if demand does increase, the Bi line 8 would give them Extra capacity. As per Vice President of Technology (VPT) complete budget was devoted to modifying basic FBXX so that it could be used for more acidic food products such as fruit. Research had been ongoing related to this issue which seems to be difficult and no progress has been made till now while chief chemist remained Optimistic . VPT believes if research in modifying FBXX is success, the market opportunities will be doubled overnight and need the extra capacity. Being with FB since the beginning says FB has grown by gambling on our research findings to requests the other members to show faith. While he quotes his interest and support for Bi line 8 as it would support the technology which uses principles in all similar technologies in future. As per Vice President of Operations (VPO), Production requirements for FBXX were currently at a steady rate of around 1900kg per month, The technicians who staffed the FBXX
  • 34. Neil s Maturity In A Lost Lady By Willa Cather American Literature Neil s Maturity A Lost Lady by Willa Cather outlines the changing relationship between a talkative lady of California and a young boy (Neil Herbert) in Sweet Water. Neil Herbert is a confused boy at the start of the novel. He is actually unsure of what he wants and more than often ends up doing things he should not be doing. The lady often gossiped about in California is Mrs. Forrester who Neil fears and keeps distance from at the start, but as the boy grows into a man, he starts to think she is the most perfect woman in the world. Niel, astonishingly, watches Mrs. Forrester flirt with boys that Niel argues are both younger than her and lower in social class. The boy is confused as to how his relationship with Mrs. Forrester (a married woman) should be. Is she a normal friend, ... Show more content on ... The boy shows maturity even at a much younger age. He refuses to follow his father s path as a farmer and studies law and later architecture to have a better future. He discovers his father is a failure and works hard to make himself proud. Niel understands that his future depends on him and what he does in the present time. As a result, he remains loyal to those who matter to him especially Captain Forrester and his wife Mrs. Forrester. Having inspired his choice for a career as a lawyer, Niel remains committed to helping his guide until he dies. Also, he refrains from any sexual encounter with Mrs. Forrester as a mark of respect for Captain Forrester and chooses to not tell her about his feelings. He forever remembers Mr. and Mrs. Forrester for having such an unusual impact in his life: It seemed a solemn moment, seemed to knock at the door of Fate; behind which all days, happy and otherwise were hidden. Niel drank his wine with a pleasant shiver, thinking that nothing else made life seem so precarious, the future so cryptic and unfathomable, as that brief toast uttered by the massive man, Happy Days! (Cather,
  • 35. Raskolnikov Juxtaposition Analysis: Through this juxtaposition between life and death it because evident the prominent shift in Raskolnikov stance when it comes to confessing at the crimes he has committed. Dostoevsky used the metaphor of the man on the ledge condemned to death wanting to live despite the consequences as a representation of Raskolnikov s internal conflict and contemplation of his life if he were to confess. Although to the reader to live somewhere high up on a cliffside, on a ledge so narrow that there was room only for his two feet and with the abyss, the ocean, eternal darkness, eternal solitude, eternal storm (158) feels touchorous and appealing to the reader to Raskolnikov it is much better than living a life filled with guilt. By using the word
  • 36. Mercury Contamination Mercury Mercury is a chemical element of heavy silver and white metal that is liquid at ordinary temperatures. The main use of mercury is the making of thermometers and barometers. Sometimes mercury is used as an electrode in the production of batteries. Mercury can be very toxic and harmful to the human body. If inhaled it can cause destruction to the nervous, digestive, and immune systems and can even be fatal. Mercury is found in many natural sources such as volcanos, forest fires, and fossil fuels (coal and petroleum). Studies show power plants to be the largest source of mercury in the United States. Humans can prevent mercury contamination in several ways. When shopping for items such as thermometers, try to get them mercury free.
  • 37. Economic Cooperation And Development ( Oecd ) Since 1960 The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has been gathering information and analyzing multiple healthcare systems that belong or are associated with the organization. There are 34 countries that belong to the organization and multiple other countries that closely collaborate with OECD. The OECD gathers statistics, tracks and compares results across countries to develop better public policies, assess areas of improvement and set standards for every country to follow. According to the statistics, the United States is leading over other countries in areas of research, innovations and technology. However, the spending per capital and also percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) on healthcare in the US towers over other industrialized countries. The U.S. spent 16 percent of its GDP on health care. This proportion was nearly double the OECD median (8.7%) and over 40 percent more than the country spending the second largest share of GDP (D. Squires, 2011). According to the report, The U.S. spending per capital in 2008 was the highest among other OECD countries, reaching over $7, 500, which is over twice as much as median for other OCED members (D. Squires, 2011). Moreover, the performance of U.S is far behind many even less industrialized countries in many indicators, like mortality rate, hospital admition rates, and infant survival rates. A 2010 cross national study conducted by The Commonwealth Fund ranked the U.S. sixth of seven
  • 38. Plato s Republic, the Search for Justice and Goodness Essay Plato s Republic The Search for Justice and Goodness Plato s Republic is often read as a political work, as a statement of some sort on government, society, and law. This is certainly not a rash reading of the dialogue; it is called the Republic, and over half of it is devoted to the construction of a city through speech, a city complete with a government structure, a military, an economic system, and laws. However, I believe that to read the Republic as a political statement is inaccurate. Although Socrates and his companions construct a city out of speech as they attempt to define justice, the dialogue repeatedly frames justice as something that cannot be established through a fixed system of morality, let alone through a rigid ... Show more content on ... To find the Good, one must instead engage in an arduous journey through darkness, riddled throughout with pitfalls. On this steep, upward way (7.516A)[1] one must navigate without a map. I assert that for a moral system to be necessary and applicable, there must exist a moral agent who possesses both the desire and the ability to choose. By denoting certain actions or ways of being as better, a moral system implies that there are also other potential actions and ways of being that are worse. The individual must choose between them. Without this element of choice, an action has no moral qualification. For example, a computer acts, but it does not choose its action. Consequently, while a computer can be judged better or worse in its ability to carry out an action, it cannot be judged responsible for the action. Rather, the person who uses or creates the computer is in fact responsible, for it is that person who chooses for it to act in a particular way. In a moral system, choice, responsibility, and the viability of judgment are linked inextricably. The city that Socrates and his companions develop through their discussions cannot be interpreted as a moral system, nor even as a model of a moral system in practice, because it does not allow for that autonomy presupposed by moral agency. In Book IX of the Republic, Socrates argues that if one
  • 39. Optimal Function Arousal was the energy that fueled by desire, my motivation, and ultimately my performance as I started my climb on Auburn s rock climbing wall at the Fitness and Wellness Center. Aware that arousal levels can fluctuate in the form of energy patterns, my fearless desire with confidence drove me for the moment. I felt that harnessing my mental skills could power me to an optimal energy zone (peak performance and moderate to high arousal) with good flow within an Individual Zone of Optimal Functioning (IZOF). The action plan was simple with a process goal of proceeding with caution on the green, or easy path, and my performance goal was to make it at least to the half way point with an outcome goal of one day reaching the top. Although my muscles were fatigued from working out earlier at the gym, I was confident I could meet my short term objectives for the day. I knew I had the strength, stamina, balance, and a growth mindset to try without the fear of failing. This kept my stress levels low with brain power reserved for paying attention and staying focused on the process. At the half way mark on the climb at Auburn, I had to shift my position in a technical move which would be... Show more content on ... There is a plaque on my wall from my F 16 days that reads the man who leaves nothing to chance . I have always been one to over plan an event or a flight because I had learned many times from the past that if I didn t do so, the stress would be too great to counteract any setback. So, having a list of realistic and potential backups was my technique. I just usually had one or two more than normal and that landed me the comment on that particular plaque that still hangs in my office. It was a dangerous occupation and I have a long list of dead friends so I honor the comment as a positive attribute in my
  • 40. The Pros And Cons Of Sleep Paralysis Turn Sleep Paralysis and False Awakenings into Lucid a Dream Do you get sleep paralysis and false awakenings frequently? If yes then by reading this post you will learn some working methods that can turn both of these troublesome experiences into a lucid dream. Usually, people are afraid of sleep paralysis but for me it is false awakening loop that makes life difficult because I have had them for months and sometimes consistently for more than a week. Sleep paralysis on the other hand is something which is not as scary for me as it is for people since I learned to escape them very early. The good news is that you convert these two lucid dreaming problems into an opportunity to have a lucid dream and that s what we are now going to talk about. Sleep paralysis and false awakenings both are dreams in real ... Show more content on ... Sometimes in the new dream you will hear your mind saying I am dreaming and you will get lucid and at other times you will become conscious in the new dream since you were trying to be as aware as possible when sleep paralysis was getting dissolved. Entering Into a Lucid Dream from False Awakening It may appear very real or you might not be conscious enough to know that you have not actually woke up and that s why it keeps happening to you especially before some important events because your mind is often actively thinking about the future event that it emulates that in dream quite nicely. False awakening is a dream anyway so all you have to do is to practice questioning reality enough that you will more easily detect dreams. Once you know that it is a dream, man you have a lucid dream! So, all we have to do is to increase our awareness using various reality checks which you must perform with a genuine curiosity every time after waking up and they are as follows: 1 Look at Your
  • 41. Descartes Argument Analysis The argument that caught my interest was on page 32 of the Meditations On First Philosophy. In there Descartes argues about the nature of one s knowledge as being finite. He says that anything which is infinite is incapable of a greater increase. Following, he says that his knowledge is something that is capable of constant greater increase. With respect to Descartes s definition of the infinite, it is then clear when he says that his knowledge can never be infinite. My issue in this argument is with the first premise that talks about infinite as being anything that is incapable of greater increase and I shall try to counter attack it with an argument of my own. Looking at things with minimal effort, one can say that everything can increase
  • 42. Divergent Plates Are Formed From Plate Tectonic Plates I know that mountains are created from plate tectonics. Convergent plates are made out of the lithosphere. The lithosphere is the rocky outer part of Earth containing the crust (the thin layer of rock under the land) and the mantle (a layer of mostly silicate rock that is directly under the crust). Convergent plates are tectonic plates that collide and scrape against each other to form geological features such as mountains and volcanoes. Mountains and volcanoes form when one convergent plate slides under another one, causing a subductionzone. A subduction zone is a geological process that takes place at a convergent plate boundary. One plate moves under the other and is forced to sink because of the gravity in the mantle. When this happens, molten rock (lava) is forced to the surface. This causes volcanoes to form.... Show more content on ... Mountains can also form when convergent plates smash into each other. Furthermore, stream erosion made a path for the river that runs through the Rocky Mountains. I can infer that water collected on the ground and then slowly trickled down a slope, carrying rock and sediments away with it. Overtime, more and more rain/water collected in the stream which made it grow wider. Now, a long, wide, and deep river has formed. Finally, I can see where abrasion could have made the bottom of the mountains smooth and curved. I think that pieces of rock could have fallen off some of the mountains in the Rocky Mountain Range (maybe due to ice wedging). When they fall, they rub on the base of the mountains. This chips part of the rock off and smooths it
  • 43. The Science and the Laws Impacting Human Cloning Essay The Science and the Laws Impacting Human Cloning Human cloning, long the subject of science fiction, is today a practical reality. Recent breakthroughs, most renowned the cloning of a sheep from an adult cell in Scotland in 1997, have caused the world to acknowledge that human cloning is indeed possible. Governments around the world immediately attempted to address the issue of human cloning, with varying levels of success. At the same time the pace of cloning technology continued to accelerate. This paper will first examine the development of the technology that makes human cloning possible and the scientific uncertainties surrounding it. While this paper does not intend to take a stand on either side of ... Show more content on ... In complex organisms, cells undergo a process of differentiation where genes not necessary for the functioning of a particular cell are turned off. The unique differentiated state of a cell depends on its particular combination of regulatory proteins2. While cells may differentiate to perform a number of different functions, each cell still contains the entire DNA sequence necessary to become any kind of cell. The general consensus was that all embryo cells hold the potential to become any type of cell, but older fetal and adult cells could only express the genes that have already been turned on3. Until recently many scientists believed that once a cell differentiates, it is forever specialized Based on this preceding assumption, previous cloning research, which dates as far back as 1890, focused on splitting the embryos of animals at early stages of development to produce identical organisms4. As early as 1952, scientists were able to clone many species of animals through a process of nuclear transfer of embryonic nuclei. This process was only limited to producing identical versions of organism in the embryonic stage, however. Scientists could produce a series of identical clones at the time of fertilization, but could not actually clone an adult organism, which is the reason cloning is desirable in the first place and so very controversial. The real
  • 44. Changing the Teenage Pregnancy Stigma Pregnancy during teenage years has long been considered a mistake by society. Girls are told this mistake will ruin their lives and will prevent them from achieving self reliance or success. However, as John Wooden would see it, perhaps this mistake is just one step in the progress of a greater achievement. Teenage pregnancy no longer must carry the stigma of failure. Comprehensive support programs, like those offered at Footsteps provide the necessary services for young women who become pregnant to achieve educational and professional accomplishment. As the economic environment fluctuates, government spending cuts can be felt most detrimentally by the population of people in poverty. If assistance programs continue to increase in demand, the budget will not be able to appropriately sustain the needs of welfare recipients. However, as the gap between the very rich and very poor enlarges, climbing the ladder to the American Dream proves to be impossible for marginalized populations. Footprints programs function to assist participants in achieving self reliance and life course stability. Previous Research on Self Reliance and Life Course Stability of Pregnant Teens Previous literature concerning the poverty rates of teenaged mothers include an analysis by the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy titled Socio Economic and Family Characteristics of Teen Childbearing. This study attempted to apply empirical evidence concerning the opinion of most
  • 45. Lejeune s Syndrome Research Paper Genetic Disorder that Gives the Cry of a Cat The genetic disorder named cri du chat is a partial depletion of chromosome 5p. Also known as Lejeune s syndrome as first described by Jerome Lejeune in 1969. The name cri du chat is a French term, which means cat cry or call of the cat, because of how affected children have a kitten like cry. It affects about 1 in 50 000 children born, predominantly inherited by females by a 4/3 ratio. Although this particular symptom has been named after, the symptom of the cat like cry may be lost past age 2. There are other symptoms of this disorder. Other symptoms may include: Feeding problems; Low weight and growth; Speech problems and motor delays; Behaviour problems; Abnormal facial features; Mental
  • 46. Feminism and Art History The history of mankind has often been captured in snapshots between the rise and fall of great leaders and civilizations, by artists all with a common dream of portraying what they saw during their times. Ideologies reflective of their societies were depicted through sculptures, frescoes, pottery, paintings, and many other methods. Many of these principals were created, celebrated, and popularized by constituents of societies where andocentric values were applied not only to social and political mores, but also to the various art forms as the male body was cherished and praised and the female body was hidden away from public view. The book Feminism and Art History: Questioning the Litany edited by Norma Broude and Mary D. Garrad, strives... Show more content on ... Kampen concludes by discussing how the image of women portrayed the idealistic views of women as caretakers who stayed at home , and works of art supported this by depicting women as В…mythological or entertaining, or as an adjunct to the patron s own status; otherwise she might not appear. (pg. 74) The author believes that the artists were in denial of the experiences of working women and that s why the views of working women were limited. The visual portrayals of gender and status in Roman society stand as a bridge linking the work of art and the work of society together as one. The final chapter that I read was one I found extremely conflictant and interesting because not only did we touch on some of these topics in class, but when I visited the Metropolitan Museum I actually had some of the same issues with the works I saw there. Eve and Mary: Conflicting Images of Medieval Woman by Henry Kraus, was by far one of the more fascinating chapters and discussed the distorted views of women as vessels that the Devil could use to entrap a man and cause him to fall from God s grace, during medieval times and reinforced by the Catholic Church. Monasteries were places that men could go and abstain from worldly pleasures, proving their dedication to God and refraining from anything that could cause them to sin either physically, emotionally, and especially spiritually. During the fourteenth century,
  • 47. History of Nanking Massacre Despite having the horrific Nanking Massacre occur 70 years ago, its history is barely buried like many of the dead were at the time. The Nanking Massacre (also known as the Rape of Nanking) occurred as a part of the 2nd Sino Japanese War, which would then become part of World War II. This war involved the Republic of China defending against the invading Japanese forces. Unfortunately, China was weakened due to a civil war between the Communists and the Nationalists, so it was easily invaded. The Nanking Massacreshows the negative elements of Human Nature and should be taught in schools because it portrays the brutality of the Japanese in Asia. The Rape of Nanking started on December 13, 1937. This was the day the Japanese invaded... Show more content on ... It is estimated from 150,000 to 300,000 people were killed during the seven week period. The Rape of Nanking shows the negative elements of humanity by portraying how the Japanese were relentless at their tactics toward the civilians. The people of Nanking were at their mercy at all times and any violation meant instant death. The Japanese soldiers acted without any discipline, chivalry, or honor, which were what the original bushido code had strived for. The massacre is significant because it would pave the way for the future of any relations between China and Japan. Their relationship is very strained already because Japan has not issued a mutually accepted apology for its war crimes (Yew). Neither country is willing to give in due to denial in Japan and anger in China (Yew). The Nanking Massacre should be taught in schools alongside the Holocaust because even though the Holocaust was extermination, both of these tragic events show hatred at its core: Nazis against the Jews and the Japanese against the Chinese. This event displayed that each gruesome mass killing, does not highlight, but instead blurs the distinctions between us (Yew). Japanese troops were trained to believe the Chinese were inferior to them, therefore they must be killed. Similarly, the Nazis were trained to believe the Jews were inferior. The Nanking Massacre also showed how no
  • 48. Fidelity Checks In Schools In investigating about the evaluation procedures for many different positions of a school, I learned a great deal about how, when, and why. There is a system in place for most employees and their evaluation procedures. Teachers are evaluated according to their license status and the previous year s TVAAS score. This can mean they have anywhere between two to six evaluations throughout the year. Some will be scheduled but others are unannounced to allow for teacher accountability. On top of these evaluations, teachers are also check upon during Response to Intervention (RTI). These checks are called fidelity checks and are used to ensure teachers are following state procedures put into place regarding their tier and student needs.
  • 49. Is Sustainable Competitive Advantage Possible, And How Can... Is sustainable competitive advantage possible, and how can technology be used as its catalyst? This is the question that has vexed managers and business leaders for decades. According to Michael Porter, the answer lies in how technology is used. In this Case Study Report, Team 3 discusses how Mrs. Fields, Inc. leveraged technology for strategic positioning. Mrs. Fields, Inc. did not create the sweet snack industry, but it was the company s innovative use of technology that helped the company sustain a competitive advantage over other companies vying for those same impulse snack dollars. THE COOKIE MONSTER IS CREATED A BRIEF OVERVIEW OF MRS. FIELDS, INC. Mrs. Fields Cookies (MFC) is based in Broomfield, Colorado with a production and distribution facility in Salt Lake City, Utah. Debbi Fields and Randy Fields opened their first store in Palo Alto, California in 1977, and its first headquarters was in Palo Alto, California, moving soon thereafter to Salt Lake City in 1982. Between 1985 and 1988, the company opened 225 new stores. By the late 1980s the chain had grown to include 425 cookie stores across the United States and abroad, with annual retail sales of over $87 million. MFC grew in 1984 with the purchase of another retail cookie chain, the Famous Chocolate Chip Company, and diversified in 1987 with the acquisition of 119 store French bakery/sandwich chain, Le Petite Boulangerie. From its inception and throughout its growth and expansion, information technology
  • 50. Women in Oedipus Rex Essay Women in Oedipus Rex Charles Segal in Oedipus Tyrannus: Tragic Heroism and the Limits of Knowledge explains one of the pivotal functions of Jocasta in Sophocles Oedipus Rex: The second series begins with Jocasta. . . .Now Oedipus is pursuing the killer as possibly the same as himself. . . . In this set his goal shifts gradually from uncovering the murderer to discovering his own parents. The confidence and power that he demonstrated in the first series of encounters gradually erode into anger, loss of control and fear (72). This essay will reveal the role of women in the drama, the attitude toward women, the contribution of women to plot development, and other considerations relevant to women in ... Show more content on ... The critic Ehrenberg warns that it may lead to hubris (74 75). Throughout the drama Sophocles draws out an ongoing contrast between the godlike mastery of the king and the softer, more balanced and selfless characteristics of Jocasta, his wife. She is a foil to Oedipus. Shortly thereafter Creon, Jocasta s brother, is returning from the Delphic oracle with the fateful words of the god s command: He fell; and now the god s command is plain: /Punish his takers off, whoe er they be. Immediately Oedipus boldly launches a campaign to do what is best for his people and for himself: I also, as is meet, will lend my aid To avenge this wrong to Thebes and to the god. Not for some far off kinsman, but myself, Shall I expel this poison in the blood; For whoso slew that king might have a mind To strike me too with his assassin hand. Oedipus, in his public proclamation regarding punishment for the killer of King Laius, shows more lenient treatment toward the guilty party if he confesses his crime: I summon him to make clean shrift to me./And if he shrinks, let him reflect that thus /Confessing he shall scape the capital charge . Oedipus, in his cross examination of the holy man Teiresias, shows his mastery to be more human and less godlike: Monster! thy silence would incense a flint. /Will nothing loose thy tongue? Can nothing melt thee, /Or shake thy dogged taciturnity? The king is confronted with
  • 51. Ancient Greek Gods Greek mythology has intrigued people for thousands of years. It tries to explain the nature of the world, the Greeks history, and man s relationship with the Olympians. One piece of literature, The Iliad by Homer, displays this worldview while it recounts the war between the Achaeans and Trojans. Throughout the book, Homer answers some major questions concerning the gods. He portrays the characteristics of the gods over and over, expressing what the ancient Greeks thought about the divine. In the Iliad, the gods behave as selfish beings who will do nearly anything to fulfill their fickle desires. In The Iliad the gods all have their own wills, which they pursue independently of one another and will do anything to fulfill. They intervene and... Show more content on ... Actually, these scales really just reflect Zeus will. Homer says As Zeus turned things over, [letting Patroclus kill even more Trojans] seemed the best (433). Shortly after this, Hector catches on and realizes that Zeus [has] tipped the scales against him (434). It was Zeus opinion that it was best to give the victory to Patroclus, but Hector equates this to the tipping of Zeus golden scales. Therefore, this simply shows that the gods care only for themselves Zeus wanted Patroclus to win, so he killed more
  • 52. Mary Queen Of Scots Mary Stuart is a play based off of the reign of Queen Elizabeth and her actions towards Mary Queen of Scots. Mary was attempting to overthrow Queen Elizabeth. Elizabeth was reluctant to have Mary executed because she knew that there were still supporters of Mary who may rebel. Eventually, the Queen has Mary executed to ensure her security but in the end she ended up alone after banishing many of her closest members of her inner circle. There were many moments throughout the play that I felt connected to the character of Mary Queen of Scots. A moment when I connected with Mary was when she was freed to meet Elizabeth. I connected with the scene because of the genuine joy and emotion that the actor portrayed. While there were many scenes
  • 53. Military Leadership Effectiveness At Schofield Barracks In this chapter, the methodology that will be used to analyze US Army leadership effectiveness in Schofield Barracks, Hawaii will be discussed. The research question of how does sequestration impact US Army leadership effectiveness at Schofield Barracks will be evaluated by collecting data from soldiers and leaders at Schofield Barracks. Through surveys about their experiences after federal sequestration, the researchwill attempt to define if whether leadershipis more or less effective after the implementation of the budget restrictions. The research will be a program evaluation of leadership effectiveness at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. This approach will be used because the leadership program in the Army has been established for a lengthy period and needs to be evaluated on effectiveness since the implementation of the sequestration since March 2013. The research data will be collected through a survey approach from a sample of the population at Schofield Barracks. Collecting data from at the company level by surveying current soldiers and leaders on their experiences within a US Army unit at Schofield Barracks will provide the researcher with the most relevant data to determine the effectiveness of leadership. Data Collection Approach and Procedures Data to be collected. The research will use a quantitative method approach using a survey questionnaire. The questionnaire will survey current soldiers and leaders at D Company, 65th Brigade Engineer Battalion on Schofield
  • 54. Case Study Of Andre Champagne 1.Andre Champagne The Andre Champagne is well balanced and stylish. It has a continual trail of fine bubbles; a pale golden color with fresh flowery notes; sophisticated with good concentration. Andre is the top selling brand of sparkling wine in the U.S. this wine is available in varieties that include; brut, extra dry, cold duck, blush, strawberry, and peach flavored California Champagne, among others. Despite the fact that in 2006, U.S made an agreement not to approve of any new wine labels particularly U.S produced products that included the term champagne. Andre is officially permitted to use the term as a grandfathered brand name. Andre Champagne has been expressed as the sparkling wine that quite a number of people noted was their first experience with this selection of wine. One champagne specialist described it as like ginger ale, pale yellow in color, lemony and on the bit of a sweeter side, with perhaps an apple taste as well. 2.Kobel Champagne The kobel champagne is a non vintage sparkling wine ... Show more content on ... The flutes are more resourceful at preserving bubbles since there is less float up area for them to break on. The champagne flutes can be used for champagne cocktails as well. It is recommended to always use one with good depth, considering the shorter ones may look too economical. Champagne flutes were originally produced as a trade tool to assist professional salespeople in showcasing their wines every time and anywhere where proper stemware was not reachable. These champagne flutes are intended to look and perform as if they were like crystal. The champagne flutes glasses are made from a food safe, BPA free polymer, which replicates a wine s color and flavors much like crystal. It is recommended to use hand washing when cleaning the champagne flutes. To guarantee the best possible wine tasting experience, replace your champagne flutes once they lose their
  • 55. Counter Terrorism In Canada Terrorism is when a person/group attacks a certain place. The attack can be in many ways, bombings, biologically and more. The most known terrorist attack happened on September 11, 2001, when Osama Bin Laden orchestrated a hijack of two planes that crashed into the twin tours, this attack is mostly known as 9/11 . One of the goals for the office of counter terrorismis to strengthen the delivery of help in countries that need assistance to stop terrorism, and make counter terrorism a big priority in the United Nations. Canada has a lengthy list of terrorism attacks throughout history, most recently on September 30th, 2017 when Abdulahi Sharif stabbed a police officer and ran over 4 pedestrians, who are all still luckily alive. On October
  • 56. The Relationship Between Native Canadians And White Middle... Since the beginning of mankind, nature has played an important role in the growth and development of the given species. More so, it played an even bigger role when talking about the relation between the two Canadian groups, natives and white men. Their cultural interaction shifts across the spatial context where people lived, worked and played. Since the late 19th century, the interaction between native Canadians and white middle class population evolved around social and physical environments surrounding natural spaces, more specifically, parks. In other words, their interaction took place in natural, open spaces. Despite the different historical settings, the communication between the two groups was an active component of the identities and experiences of the Canadian citizen. In the 19th 20th century, interaction among these two groups was based on cultural identity, where white Canadians wanted to know more about the Indians who occupied the land and compare it to their own. The secondary readings by Raibmon, Parnaby, and Wall, will let us analyze the different historical settings of Home, Work, and Play respectively while analyzing how nature played a key role. In the first historical space, home, the interaction between these two groups initiated because of the growing curiosity of middle class Canadians towards Aboriginal s homes and way of living. This curiosity was driven by the public s interest in authentic Indian lives which were developed in nature.
  • 57. How Do Franklin And Wilkins Work Together 1.Overall, the film gave me a new perspective towards the whole process of scientific discoveries. To be specific, I used to think that all discoveries were unveiled by scientists themselves, without the interactions between different people. However, after watching this film, my mind was completely changed. I realized that the process of discovering something new involves a lot of people s dedication and sometimes they even have to compete with another group of people so as to publish a paper. One example the caught my attention is the competition among Watson and Crick, Franklin and Wilkins, and Pauling. They all aimed to find the structure of DNA at the same time, so the competition became intense. From the scene when Franklin was furious... Show more content on ... What I learned the most in this film is the importance of cooperation and communication. If Franklin and Wilkins were collaborating in the beginning and sharing their discoveries at to each other, they might be able to unravel the mystery of DNA structure. Therefore, when scientists are working together, they should cooperate with each other, respect each other s findings, communicate well with one another. It might be hard to disclose every detail of your own research, but when someone needs help or got stuck in a process that you ve already overcome you should not hesitate to help. Though competition is inevitable in the field of science, we should do research with our conscience rather than taking small paths that can undermine others
  • 58. Union Carbide s Bhopal Disaster Union Carbide s Bhopal Disaster In 1984, as if in a nightmare, a cloud of poison gas reached out and snuffed the lives of thousands of people in the sleeping city of Bhopal, India. The residents awoke to a terrible disaster, a chemical explosion whose memory could never be erased. At the center of the tragedy was the Union Carbide pesticide plant, and surrounding the accident were doubts and accusations of negligence and unethical practices. The Disaster On December 3, 1984, one of the world s worst chemical disasters occurred at the Union Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal, India. Forty tons of vaporous methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas exploded, releasing a toxic mixture of MIC, hydrogen cyanide, monomethyl amine, carbon monoxide, and ... Show more content on ... 11). Author David Weir quoted a United Nations official who wished to remain anonymous when he said, Even those companies that say they will maintain the same standards as in the developed world find it difficult to resist the temptation to take a shortcut. Even if they have a good design for their plant, however, there s no good infrastructure in the underdeveloped countries. Even if they put it away from population centers, who will check and control that the people don t come in around it? (Newton Dillingham, 2002, p. 90). Had Union Carbide exercised more responsibility and ethics from the very beginning, perhaps the Bhopal disaster would have been avoided. Preventing Future Disasters The Bhopal accident served as a wake up call for the chemical industry (Lang, 1984, para. 23). In response, the Chemical Manufacturers Association created a program called Responsible CareВ®, the chemical industry s commitment to the continuous improvement of environmental, health, safety and security performance (Overview, 2004, para. 1). Jeff Lipton, chief executive of Nova Chemicals Corp stated, When the average person thinks about chemicals, they think about risks and hazards instead of benefits (Herrick, 2003, para. 9). Responsible CareВ® addresses those concerns by implementing the following practices: (Overview, 2004, para. 2): В•