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Tim Burton Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of Tim Burton can be both a challenging and rewarding
endeavor. On one hand, delving into the creative genius of a filmmaker known for his distinctive
style and unique approach to storytelling provides ample material for analysis. However, the
difficulty lies in striking the right balance between exploring Burton's diverse filmography,
understanding the underlying themes, and presenting a cohesive narrative that captures the
essence of his cinematic contributions.
The challenge is not merely in summarizing his films but in dissecting the intricate layers of his
storytelling techniques, visual aesthetics, and recurring motifs. Analyzing how Burton employs
gothic elements, eccentric characters, and dark humor requires a keen eye for detail and an
ability to connect the dots across his body of work.
Furthermore, navigating the interplay between Burton's personal influences, such as his
childhood experiences and artistic inspirations, and the broader cultural context in which he
creates, adds another layer of complexity to the essay. Addressing the evolution of his style over
the years and the impact of his work on the film industry demands careful research and
thoughtful reflection.
In the end, writing an essay on Tim Burton requires not only a thorough understanding of his
filmography but also a deep appreciation for the nuances of his storytelling. It's a journey into the
fantastical realms of his imagination, a challenge to decipher the symbolic meanings behind the
quirky characters and surreal settings. While demanding, the process is inherently fascinating for
those who appreciate the artistry that Burton brings to the cinematic landscape.
For those seeking assistance or more insights on similar topics, a wealth of resources and
professional help can be found at Whether it's exploring the works of iconic
filmmakers or delving into other literary and artistic realms, this platform offers a range of
essay-writing services to cater to diverse needs.
Tim Burton EssayTim Burton Essay
Operation Fortitude Battle Analysis
The purpose of this paper will be the battle analysis and evaluation of Operation
Fortitude (code name for deception plan to invade France) in support of Operation
Overlord (code name for the Battle of Normandy and invasion of German occupied
France). The analysis and evaluation will be done using the intellectual standards and
the elements of reasoning to provide an alternate outcome for Operation Overlord. An
alternate outcome will be suggested based on the use of deception that results in the
defeat of the Allies (United States, Canada and Great Britain) at Normandy. Central to
the success of Operation Overlord, was the successful execution of Operation
Fortitude. Before understanding Operation Fortitude, one must know the points of...
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Without Operation Fortitude succeeding, that number could potentially be lower due
to the Allies being thrown back in to the English Channel by rapidly responding
panzer divisions. This would have prevented the numerous skirmishes between
German defenders and U.S. invaders the afternoon and evening of D Day that
pushed estimates to the previously stated 209,000. Regardless of the sheer force of
numbers the Allies pushed ashore that day, failing to control a beach head would
have rendered follow on forces ineffective. Allied Commanders would have accessed
the situation across Normandy and pulled back these forces to avoid a catastrophic
Stephen Vincent Benet s By The Waters Of Babylon
By The Waters Of Babylon is a short story written by Stephen Vincent Benet in
1937. The story is told by a man named John is the son of the priest, the story is
told in the future after the destruction of industrial civilization. In the story John
lies to his father and tells his father he is going on a spiritual journey but in reality
he is going to the homes of the dead. The homes of the dead, is a place which is
forbidden to everyone except for the priests. Moral of the story John states that we
must build again once he becomes the head priest. In creating this story Stephen
used figurative language and symbolism, tone, setting and theme. The tone of a
literary piece is the writer s attitude towards the subject. The authors tone was very
serious, formal and informative. I know the tone is serious because in the story he
says My body is painted for death and my limbs weak, but my heart is big as I go
to the Place of the Gods! , that proves that the tone is serious because it shows how
much he desires to get to the Place of the Gods. Setting is when and where the story
takes place. By The Waters Of Babylon takes place in the future after the destruction
of... Show more content on ...
Stephen s purpose throughout writing this story was to inform people of the
nature of human ambition. I know this because in the story he says, All the same,
when I came to the Place of the Gods, I was afraid, afraid. , this goes to show that
although he was fearful he went against his emotions. Figurative language is often
used to create vivid expressions by setting up comparisons between dissimilar
things. The figurative language used in this story is simile. Simile is a kind of
speech involving the comparison of two things. In the story he says, I do not know
the customs of the rivers we are the People of the Hills. , he was comparing the
customs of the rivers to the people of the
Buck The Wild
The Call of the Wild by Jack London is a fiction adventure novel. It is set in Yukon,
Canada in the 1890s. It is told in third person limited. It is a great book, and it
teaches us lessons along the way. The central character is Buck. Buck is faced with
a lot of conflict with other characters throughout the book. Buck encounters the man
in the red sweater, and he is tied and beaten. Buck also encounters Spitz, and he
opposes Buck because he is the leader of the sled team. Buck wants to be leader of
the sled team, and since Spitz is leader Buck has to fight to become leader. Buck also
encounters other humans who beat him. Buck starts out living on a ranch, he then
gets moved to the primitive North. Before he went to the North he was taught the
Reality Television Has Become A Big Part Of Programming
Background: Watching television is a part of daily life for nearly all Americans and
the world. Reality television has become a big part of programming. Objectives: To
determine if reality television is less (or more) cognitively stimulating than non
reality television. In society it appears that it is mainly the younger viewers who
prefer to watch reality television while it is older viewers who prefer to watch no
reality television shows. Method: Selecting 8 reality television shows (social
cognitive theory) and 8 non reality television shows, both selections were made
randomly and determining if the show provided new lessons or inspiration to
accomplish a new task, or to determine if the show was only for entertainment
purposes. Results: The hypothesis was disproved as reality television was found to
be cognitively stimulating to viewers of all ages.
Keywords: Reality television shows, non reality television shows, cognitive
stimulation, demographic
Cognitive Stimulation in Reality Television Shows Non Reality Television Shows
This study is aimed to determine if reality television is less cognitively stimulation
than non reality television, and if this is true to determines who watches reality
television. Who is the per determined demographic for reality television and who is
the demographic for non reality television? In order to determine this information,
firstly I hypothesized that Reality TV shows are less cognitively stimulating than
Know the Policies and Procedures of the Setting for...
Be able to support positive behaviour
Positive behaviour management is about using positive rather than negative
approaches to encourage children and young people to behave appropriately.
Promoting positive behaviour involves: Setting clear boundaries, which are applied in
a calm and consistent way
Encouraging children and young people to make their own choices about behaviour
and to understand the negative consequences if they choose inappropriate behaviour
Setting positive rules rather than negative ones. Negative rules tend to begin with the
word Don t , and tell children and young people what they must not do, but do not
guide them as to what they may or should do.
In trying to understand behaviour, it is helpful to note ... Show more content on ...
It is important to give attention when they have waited appropriately so that they are
encouraged to do so again. You could try the following strategies:
whenever possible ignoring attention seeking behaviour, unless their attention is
drawn to it (perhaps by another child) as the message sent then is that it is acceptable
to behave in that way
giving attention and praise to another child who is behaving acceptably
distracting the child s attention; (Distraction is particularly appropriate with younger
children) or removing him or her to another activity or group
expressing disapproval verbally and/or nonverbally through body language, facial
expression and shaking of the head
using a sanction withdrawal of a privilege (such as removing a toy or activity).
Physical aggression
This usually results from strong feelings that are difficult to control. Whatever the
cause and it may be provocation the adult should deal with it calmly and ensure that
the needs of all the children and young people involved are met. A child who has lost
control frightens herself and the other children and young people. You could try these
Time out: This involves the child who has been aggressive being taken to an
identified place away from the incident a corner or chair. Time out allows for a
calming down period and for other children and young people to be reassured. This
method can work
Technology Today Essay
Technology Today
Technology has always had a significant impact on the way we communicate and
socialise. Today s technologies have, in many cases, become so integrated within our
daily lives, that they play a part in constructing our existence and understanding of
reality. The Internet is one such piece of technology that influences our perceptions of
our self and our surroundings. This essay will aim to explore the social implications
of experimentation with identities online, as well as evaluating the ways in which new
technologies may continue to shape this issue in the future.
The self and self identity is a continually changing entity, which is constantly being
reconstructed throughout a person s life. (Slevin, 2000) ... Show more content on ...
Gergen s theory of social saturation is also relevant to today s use of Internet
communications in relation to construction of identity. Gergen says that media and
technology offers individuals with a large network of relationships with different
people, which often results in self multiplication. (Gergen, 1991, as cited in Surratt,
2001) The dissolution of the restrictions of space and time in Internet communication
further gives the individual opportunities to recreate themselves in different manners.
(Gergen, 1991, as cited in Surrat, 2001) This capability is supported through IRC
technology such as MSN or ICQ, through which it is possible to conduct several
conversations at once and hence, have several identities.
Thus, people who experiment with identity online do so for a variety of reasons
anonymity, escapism and experimentation to name but a few. In today s society, the
line between actual self and a self that exists in cyberspace is deteriorating, as the
Internet and its various methods of communication become more integrated in our
daily lives. In order to understand the impact that Internet communication
technologies will have in the future, it is important to consider the positive and
negative social implications of the notion of online identity construction.
The main positive attribute associated with anonymity and free identity online is lack
of prejudice, which creates a more democratic and egalitarian experience for users.
Character Analysis of Macbeth Essay
Macbeth a tragedy written by William Shakespeare, portrays, how the main
character Macbeth, transforms from a war hero, to a murdering villain. Macbeth
starts out as the thane of Glamis and steadily rises to become King of Scotland.
The higher Macbeth rose on his road of power the more corrupt and evil he
became. The character change of Macbeth ignites the whole theme of the play.
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;Macbeth is shown as a vigorous war hero in the
opening scene. And fortune, on his damned quarrel smiling showed like a rebel s
whore. But all s too weak for brave Macbeth. (1.2 16.18) The captain expressing the
braveness of great Macbeth in Scotland s battle with the invading Norway hordes. It
didn t take long for the people of... Show more content on ...
Macbeth decides that he wont murder the king. Lady Macbeth s determination to
become queen influences Macbeth s decision. If it were done when tis done, then
twere it be done quickly (1.7 1 2) Macbeth is toying with the notion to murder King
Duncan. Macbeth would not be satisfied until he ruled all Scotland! An idea turned
into a priority, Macbeth wasn t thinking of killing the king he was sure of it. Is this
a dagger which I see before me, the handle toward my hand.... (2.1 42 43) Macbeth
s vision turned out to be a false creation of the mind that led macbeth to believe that
fate was telling him to kill King Duncan. nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; Near the
end of the play Macbeths true evilness comes out. Macbeth paranoia leads him to
believe that everyone is out to get him. So is he mine, and in such bloody distance
that every minute of his thrusts against my hear st life (3.1 128 130) Macbeth
grows suspicious of Banquo. The witch s predictions of Banquo s kids becoming
king engulfed all thoughts in Macbeth s head. I ll make assurance double sure. (4.1
93) Macbeth is making sure Banquo and his son fleance are murdered. Macbeth felt
the it was best to hire murders to handle fleance and Banquo. Macbeth is overcome
with evil. From this moment the very firstling of my heart shall be the firstling of
my mind (4.1 165 168) Macbeth s mind no
Compare And Contrast Douglass And John Lewis
Douglass Evers and John Lewis are two colored people fighting for the
advancement of their people. While they are different in many ways they share
certain qualities. John Lewis was a dedicated leader during the Civil Rights
movement. He joined the Student Nonviolent Coordinating committee and
organized sit ins and marches for equal rights. Their goal was to peacefully disrupt
the lives of the whites and let their silence and actions do the speaking. While
Douglass Evers who joined the NAACP goals were similar to SNCC but they
chose a different strategy. Both Evers and Lewis chose to fight peacefully and
while Lewis fought for the natural rights of blacks Evers fought for their legal
rights. John Lewis and Douglass Evers both fought for the advancement of their
people. John Lewis chose to go about it by doing sit ins while Evers sought to do it
through the courts. Evers felt as if doing things the way that the SNCC did stirred
up animosity. He and the NAACP felt as if it put blacks in more harm than they
wanted by putting them in jail and causing more riots and mayhem. Lewis, following
the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. felt that he had to get to the hearts of people
to get what they wanted. 1963,... Show more content on ...
SNCC strategy was to organize mass demonstrations, boycotts, sit ins and freedom
rides. They used the newspaper to reach the homes of the people, went to their
houses and traveled state to state to publicize and raise money for the
organization. One of their focuses was to get blacks to vote. The committee
organized non violent mass demonstrations to provoke the government so they
would eventually intercede. They based their beliefs off the beliefs of the SCLC
whose leader was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Eventually, they saw no progress and
began to aggressively protest under a new Leader. Since the original goal of the
group began to fade away many of its members lost interest and drew away from
Franny And Zooey
The novel Franny and Zooey was a higher level reading. J.D. Salinger had written it
in a unique fashion. This novel was split into two sections, one section was Franny
and the other one was Zoeey. Within reading Franny and Zooey, it had a lot of
impacts on me as a student, reader and person in general.
Franny and Zooey had an abundance of impacts on me as a student. As a student
this novel included a lot of allusions and vocabulary I did not know. I was forced to
learn all the vocabulary I did not know as well as the allusions because I needed to
be able to understand the novel. I learned a lot from this novel because the allusions
and vocabulary within were very intellectual. I enjoyed the small group discussions of
the novel because ... Show more content on ...
In the Glass family, the children are much more gifted and intelligent than the
parents. But the children keep reminding each other that their parents must be loved
and respected for everything they are and everything they have given their children.
Even beyond love, family itself is a crucial theme in these stories. Zooey tells Franny
that they have become freaks because their brothers taught them too much too young.
But what their brothers taught also helps Franny out of her spiritual crisis in the end
of the Zooey section. Through Seymour s lessons and Zooey s impression of Buddy
s voice, Zooey channels enough support to talk Franny out of her
Drones In The Middle East
Another significant reason for the use of drones in the Middle East is because
they have proven to be an invaluable way to keep our ground troops safe. According
to Oestergaard, the MQ 1B Predator drone has a range of 777 miles and a
maximum flight time of 40 hours while carrying two Hellfire missiles. The MQ
9A Reaper drone has a range of 1,151 miles and a maximum flight time of 30 hours.
When it has a full payload of four Hellfire missiles and two laser guided bombs it
has a maximum flight time of fourteen hours (Oestergaard 5 6). The lengthy flight
time and catastrophic payload is a lifeline for our troops on the ground. These drones
can be used for both surveillance and direct contact situations. For example, if a
special forces team... Show more content on ...
Scott Shane quotes Micah Zenko in his article when he says ... a total of eight
Americans have been killed in drone strikes. Of those, only one, the American
cleric Anwar al Awlaki, who joined Al Qaeda in Yemen and was killed in 2011,
was identified and deliberately targeted (Shane, Zenko 3). Shane is correct when
he says that drones should not target Americans, but he fails to mention why they
were targeted. These eight Americans were killed because, they were engaged in
hostile activity towards the United States. Awlaki was a part of Al Qaeda and was
actively plotting to take down the United States. The other seven Americans were
not innocent, these people were killed in the blast of drone strikes that were
targeting enemy combatants. They were not hostages, but they were still in the
immediate vicinity of they hostiles. The other seven were just like Awlaki, they
were there to join one of the terrorist groups we are at war with. That is the only
way that those citizens were that close to those enemies. The second argument
against the use of drones is that drone pilots are at risk of developing psychological
disorders. Lindsay Warrior, the author of Drones and Targeted Killing , says that
[m]uch of the discussion surrounding drones emphasizes the fact that their use
reduces the risk of U.S.
On Raising Biracial Children Summary
After the ruling of Loving v. Virginia in 1967 the U.S Supreme Court deemed laws
prohibiting interracial relationships as illegal. Although this ruling was meant to
change some of the social inequalities associated with interracial relationships, there
are still incidents of where belonging to a multiracial family brings problems such
as the way individuals identify their culture, and how others view them. Since
Eubanks grew up in a multiracial family, his decision to bear children with his
multiracial wife was a way for him to continue to challenge white supremacy. Cheryl
Seelhoff, author of On Raising Biracial Children illustrates how being a white
woman and having a child by a black man was a challenge towards white supremacy
because it... Show more content on ...
During this account, Eubanks finds that his son s approach to how he identifies
himself and his reaction to the DNA results illustrates a generational gap. Eubank s
son, Patrick, describes that when he is confronted with how he identifies, he
solely bases it off the assumptions that someone makes about him (Eubanks, 2013).
Patrick s approach to how he deals with identifying himself speaks to the
prejudices that individuals or a group of people have about the way that people
who they presume to belong to a certain group should look and behave. This notion
of thinking from Patrick then creates the realization for Eubanks that DNA results
confirmed for me that identity cannot be constructed based on a percentage of
African ancestry, and that our society s generally accepted racial categories cannot
begin to address the complexity and nuance of our heritage. Eubanks explains to
his audience that due to the fact that almost every individual s DNA is a mutation
no one should feel inferior or superior to another group. He also expresses how one
should also not make basic assumptions based on an individual s appearance along
with not feeling guilt or shame about the basis of one s genetic
Mancelona Toxin Trichloroethylene
Mancelona, a small resort town in Antrim county Michigan, is currently
experiencing the effects of one of the largest toxic plumes in the great lakes state.
The toxin Trichloroethylene (TCE), a solvent used to degrease metal parts, was
discovered in the local water supply fifteen years ago. The manufacturer, Mt.
Clemens Metal Parts, disposed of the waste after use by dumping it into the
ground out back behind the plant where it leached into the ground to the water
table. This uninformed method of disposal had been going on for decades. The
plume is now six miles long by one mile wide in parts and is estimated to migrate 300
400 feet per year. Many residents are concerned and fear little is being done to rectify
the damage and clean it up. TCE... Show more content on ...
Michigan has an environmental liability program that allows new owners of a
contaminated area to conduct field assessments and if the site is contaminated, the
new owners are not liable. The state has spent nearly $18 million dollars already
and is in need of another $10 million for investigation and alternative water options.
However, in an article recently published by the Michigan House of Republicans,
funds to pay for the initial phase of a solution has been authorized. The solution is
to upgrade the Mancelona Area Water Sewer Authority s (MAWAS) wells, fields,
and water mains. The purpose is to ensure that Antrim county residents in affected
areas, have access to clean water. Many of them were being supplied with bottled
water. There are roughly 1,500 properties in the MAWAS servicing area that receive
their drinking water from the public system. The funds are to help pay for the
construction of new water storage tanks, the installation of a pressure booster station,
and a connecting water main which will help manage the impact of the TCE plume
on the well
Social Commentary On A Sprawls
How do I start reviewing a film like this? I mostly just felt very stifled with the
rambunctious quips that flow in this film like a breeze and fill it up to the very brim.
Its social commentary is analogous to the indomitably obnoxious teenage angst
profiled rampantly that is ever so pervasive in this day and age. Things to note after a
thoroughgoing watch of this are that it s simply not quite your standard typified
internalized drama that sprawls incessantly and instead conjures a very pleasant, a
somewhat weirdly endearing troupe of personages that you can t help but appreciate
because they re so oddly realistic. And it s not just the empirical, ostensibly
exhaustive plot and technicality matters that get to you, but the very renditions
themselves.... Show more content on ...
The problems that are entangled in the film s root aren t so prevalent and can easily
be ignored, but the film feels a tad overlong in what it is trying to accomplish.
Granted, somewhat interesting story underpinned by stellar performances while
witty, incisive banter abounds in among frames, but the arduousness has its say
later on. I feel what s so good about this film lies in the fact that it s simply not
trying to cross the line and re invent the wheel, but merely give the viewer a
comfortable and darkly comical short of two hours time frame; and unsurprisingly
succeeds because it has those bits on a string. It s not rousing by any means, and
neither is it contemplative or despondent because of its affairs it could have well
been that but instead prances in uncanny valley territory due to its bravura in making
the most of comicality, however glum or repulsive it might
Soil Moisture Lab Report
Soil moisture also affects the yield and competitiveness of the introduced strain.
Cowie et al. (1996a, b) reported that waterlogging at any time have an adverse
effect on the seed yield. Drought conditions severely affect the viability of different
species and strains of rhizobia (Joshi et al., 1981; Osa Afiana and Alexander, 1982).
Singh et al. (1992) reported that at a available soilmoisture of 45 per cent nodule
number and dry weight of nodules increased while at 30 per cent available soil
moisture, seed yield increased. Strains isolated from arid areas are more tolerant to
dessication and high temperature than strains isolated from cooler and wet region.
Bitorrini and Beringer (unpublished, cited by Dowling and Broughton, 1986)... Show
more content on ...
Calcium carbonateIncrease in nodule weightAlmendras and Bottomley (1985)
Trace elements Zinc
BoronIncrease in nodulationKumpawat and Manohar (1994) Bhuiyan et al. (1998)
Sonboir and Sarawgi (1998)
CadmiumInhibits nitrogen fixationMario et al., 2013
Almendras and Bottomley (1985) also concluded that there was a correlation between
pH and phosphorus application. Phosphorus limitation was exacerbated by low pH
and the combination of pH and phosphorus levels could have strong influence on
competition for nodulation.
Iron plays an important role in micro organisms and plants. This is a component of
cell and its deficiency can cause growth inhibition, sporulation, decrease in RNA and
DNA synthesis and, can also change the cell morphology. Iron exists in two states
(Fe2+ and Fe3+) and therefore, it is suitable as an electron transporter. Iron is also
known to regulate the bio synthesis of porphyrins, toxins, vitamins, antibiotics,
cytochromes, pigments, siderophores and aromatic compounds. Iron is present as a
cofactor or required by different enzymes and proteins such as peroxidase, superoxide
dismutase, nitrogenase, hydrogenase, glutamate synthase, rhibonuclotide diphosphate
reductase, aconitase, DAHP, synthatase, cytochromes, ferridoxin and flavoproteins.
Iron storage protein like ferritin in animals and bacterio ferritin in micro organisms
have also been discovered (Stiefel and Watt, 1979).
Although iron is
Themes In The Inheritance Of Loss
Human Deprivation
The title of the novel The Inheritance of Loss is very suitable as tells failures,
disappoinments of the real characters once lived in the post colonial India. The
themes of loss, for in our world if mankind has nothing else to take over, it can
accept loss as its heritage, however, the matter is not as simple or straight as it looks,
the reason is that this novel is a highly intricate work which confronts several themes
extending from loss to poverty, gain, to wealth, justice to injustice.
The Inheritance of Loss is a political and historical novel, but the truth is that in spite
of its political and historical extents, it is a socio cultural work of fiction. Desai
pursues to redefine human culture, the elements of love ... Show more content on ...
His life is totally different and he finds totally no interest in his career, and finding
nothing but despair and seeks early retirement from his job. Jemubhai hates his wife
because she was uneducated and dark in complexion and he sends his wife to her
father s house. Later his wife Lakshmi dies in a domestic accident and his position
becomes strangely curious.
On the other he has to undergo a heart breaking loss. He has to tolerate, the loss of
power and position to which he reconcile himself with plenty seriousness and
concern. This loss of family relationship is one of major issues in Indian society that
Kiran Desai relates in this novel.
The Inheritance of Loss may be viewed as an anti colonial novel which goes
against the deprivation of poor and weak people in all possible ways. The cook is
so much involved in his son s career that in spite of all problems and adversities he
manages to send him to America for suitable employment. Biju reaches New york
and he makes a number of friends. Both Indians and Pakistanis, as well as the other
Asians, but he understands that all foreigners are exposed to racial
The Antibiotic Resistant Staphylococcus
Throughout history we have seen the evolution of bacteria, we have seen them
develop resistance against Penicillin, Methicillin and Vancomycin antibiotics .This
bacteria has a unique ability to mutate to the new antibiotics. Alexander Ogston was a
Scottish surgeon that discovered Staphylococcus can produce toxins and is the main
cause of pus infection in the 1880 s. Later on they found out that aside from
producing toxins Staphylococcus(Staph) also affects the skinand organs. Methicillin
was first introduced in 1940, and in 1961 Staph had already developed resistance
against it. This particular bacteriaaffects the skin and our organs. There are many
questions unanswered but my question is To what extent has methicillin caused
staphylococcus bacteria to evolve over time and how does it affect our skin and
organs? . This bacteria is considered a threat because it is able to mutate at a faster
pace than other bacterias. When they named Staph they took into consideration the
fact that it can live in skin surfaces without causing any harm and that under a
microscope this bacteria lookes like a bunch of grapes or little round berries. The
word staph comes from the greek word staphyle meaning a bunch of grapes and
kokkos means berries.
Staph has developed resistance to more than three antibiotics. Some scientists say that
humans help bacteria develop resistance against antibiotics when they stop taking
medication before it is time. There have been many occasions in
How Does Dimmesdale Show His Sins In The Scarlet Letter
Essay #1
In the novel, The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne shows sins of several different kinds
in numerous people, as well as the consequences and remedies of their sins. Arthur
Dimmesdale, bares the most brutal effects of his sins. Hester Prynne recognized
her sins and accepted them. She wore the letter A with such pride and dignity.
Dimmesdale on the other hand knew what he did was unacceptable and was
unable to confess his sins, because of the fear of not being accepted into society,
and also the fear of not being forgiven by God. Dimmesdale s inability to confess
his sin and to accept his punishments eventually leads to his downfall. Dimmesdale
wanted to desperately admit his sin to the world, but just couldn t bring himself to
do it. Dimmesdale tells Hester ,... it would be better for him to do so than to hide a
guilty heart for the rest of his life. What can your silence do for him, except tempt
him almost force him to add hypocrisy to his sins? (Page 73) Dimmesdale pleads
Hester to tell the name of the father, and fellow sinner. He is too weak minded to do
it himself. Since he was not revealed, he hides his guilty heart. Later in The Scarlet
Letter, Dimmesdale digs himself into a dark hole of shame and failure. At this point in
the book Dimmesdale s guilt has built up to an extreme amount he inflicts torment ...
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Chillingworth was surprised to find this out. Chillingworth intends to discover and
pursue Hester s lover and to get revenge on him. Chillingworth has a bad feeling
about Dimmesdale after waiting and watching every person in the village.
Chillingworth decided to move in with Dimmesdale to act as a caring doctor.
Chillingworth was basically a leech to Dimmesdale, he never left his side and always
made sure Dimmesdale had his
Tess Of The DUrbervilles Analysis
Tess of the D Urbervilles, published in 1891, challenges the social customs of
Victorian England. Thomas Hardy uses the main character, Tess, to condemn views
of sexual morality and marriage common in the nineteenth century. Hardy s
willingness to question the contemporary views of his day made the novel
controversial when it first came out. Tess of the D Urbervilles occurs in the fictional
town of Wessex, England. Using this setting, Hardy depicts changes, caused by the
rise of modern technology and industry, transpiring throughout rural England.
Through Tess, Hardy emphasizes the novel s bucolic setting which represents
freedom from the city s corruption. Like other pastoralworks, Tess of the D
Urbervilles portrays the country in an idealized or romantic way. By referencing
specific pastoral elements belonging to nature, Hardy structures the text to develop
the theme of fate. The tragedies that befall Tess appear to be inevitable, giving the
impression that fate is punishing Tess for the wrongdoings of her ancestors. Through
the theme of class division, Hardy expands upon the notion of fate and questions
whether social status should be based on blood or wealth. By emphasizing the rural
setting and marriage customs of his time, Hardy distinguishes between marriage for
social gain and true pastoral love. The rich country setting of Tess of the D
Urbervilles creates a tone of femininity and nature that emphasizes the thematic
portrayal of fate and class division. Infused with other pastoral elements, these themes
and motifs classify the novel as a pastoral tragedy. Thomas Hardydepicts a strong
connection between women and nature. Women in Tess of the D Urbervilles are
depicted as being more in touch with the outdoors. The special relationship women
have with nature separates them from their male counterparts, who are more in tune
with industrialization. This parallelism between women and nature is best witnessed
through Tess, who Hardy describes as a daughter of nature (Hardy.135). Angel Clare
associates Tess with nature when he describes her as a visionary essence of woman,
calling her Artemis, Demeter and other fanciful names (Hardy.146) By comparing
Tess to Artemis, the goddess of the hunt, and
Essay On Energy In Australia
Energy Preliminary Evaluation
The main aim of the energy category is to reduce energy consumption. Currently, the
main source for energy is fossil fuels. During 2011, around 95% of energy used in
Australia came from fossil fuels (BREE (Bureau of Resources and Energy
Economics), 2013), making the energy sector the most important Green House Gases
(GHG) source in the country. Energy used in buildings accounts for around 20% of
the total emissions (ABCB, 2014) therefore, their reduction will make a contribution
in the quest against global climate change.
Figure 1 and 2 illustrates the tertiary education sector energy consumption profile in
Australia: Figure 1: Tertiary Education Buildings Fuel Share 2010 (COAG, 2012)
Figure 2: Tertiary Education Buildings Electricity Consumption 1999 2012. (COAG,
Energy efficiency and renewable energy sources are some of the important features
that must be integrated to existing and future buildings in order to reduce their
energy consumption and emissions footprint. Energy efficient advances in lighting,
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems (HVAC) constitutes some of the
opportunities for improvement. Australia owns an important access to renewable
energy sources through the entire extension of the country. Solar power and water
heating, wind power and geothermal power are some of the technologies been
implemented to reduce energy consumption and decouple from conventional sources.
Building 199 power consumption can be
Antonio Vivaldi Contributions
The Renaissance was a period in European history, from the 14th to the 16th century,
regarded as the cultural bridge between the Middle Ages and modern history, but this
period of time was eventually overtaken by the Baroque. While the Renaissance
brought back the beauty and grace of the Greeks, the Baroque revived the dramatic
and affections, or feelings, within musicthat stirred the soul. Unlike the previous
period, the Baroque focused on the performance and work itself than the actual
composer. The great giants of this time include Monteverdi, Bach, and Handel. They
all contributed to the Baroque in various ways, either through operas or conciertos,
and everything in between. However, an equally important composer is Antonio
Vivaldi. His works spans an array of musical genres and the volume of music he
produced make him a significant player in this period.
On March 4th, 1678, Antonio Vivaldi, the most original and influential Italian
composer of his generation , was born in Venice, Italy (Whole Notes: Stories Behind
the Classics: Antonio Vivaldi). Born a sickly child, he was baptized almost
immediately because the midwife thought his life was in danger since he was born
the day of an earthquake (Sadie, Stanley, and John Tyrrell, 2001). In reality, Vivaldi
had stretezza de prieto or asthma, and this condition would affect him for the rest of
his life, limiting the types of instruments he could comfortably and masterfully play
(Sadie, Stanley, and John Tyrrell, 2001).
Social Acceptance In College Essay
College Fraternities and Sororities The High Cost of Social Acceptance College
students who choose to join fraternities or sororities do so because of their need for
social acceptance. I am personally against fraternities and sororities. I feel that it is
money spent for the purpose of buying friends. There are many ways to meet
interesting people other than devoting all of your time and money to a club in
order to do so. Perhaps the people who join these groups have low self esteem, social
anxiety, or feel that the best way to make friends in college is to pay for them. I find
this issue to be interesting because there are many Greek organizations on campus
that are constantly advertising and promoting themselves.... Show more content on ...
Non members chose not to join because of numerous reasons. Out of twelve non
members, seven agreed that they would not join due to a lack of money, and six
out of those seven said they still would not join even if they had the funds. Nine of
the twelve felt that they would not have enough time to devote themselves to a
fraternity or sorority. What I found to be the most interesting was that ten felt that
the reason people join these organizations are just paying for friendship. The only
reason these non members agreed that it would be a beneficial to join a fraternity
or sorority would be for academic achievements, such as the Honors fraternity, or
one that pertained to your major. Twelve members of fraternities or sororities were
also surveyed. Eleven stated that they joined so they can meet new people and
make friends. Only five agreed that they joined so they could help the community.
Eight of the ten felt they needed to join so they would have a place to party and
also meet girls. Three felt that being a member taught you leadership skills. Two
joined because they thought it would look good on a resume. My second method of
research was a personal interview. Here, I was able to ask more questions than on a
random survey in the Oak Grove. On the issue of students not having time to devote
themselves to one of the organizations, one non member commented, I know that as a
student I am way too busy with school
Research Paper On Polluter Pays Principle
What is polluter pays principle?
The polluter pays principle is one of the basic principles of sustainable development.
The polluter pays principle(PPP) means that there is an absolute liability for harm to
the environment and the person who is responsible for the environment pollution is
liable to pay compensation to the victims of the pollution and also the cost of restoring
the environment degradation.
Thus the polluter pays principle includes environmental costs and cost to the people
or their property.
According to the PPP the responsibility to disapprove the environmental damage is
upon the polluter. Principle 16 of Rio declaration of 1992 enunciates that the polluter
should bear the cost of pollution.
The needs of polluter pays principle in the modern world of ... Show more content on ...
Acceptance of polluter pays principle by Indian judiciary:
The judiciary in India recognizes the Polluter Pays Principle as is seen from the
judgment delivered by the Supreme Court of India in the case of, Indian Council for
Enviro Legal Action v. Union of India Ors.4 In its order dated Feb.4, 2005, The
Supreme Court held that The Polluter Pays Principle means that absolute liability of
harm to the environment extends not only to compensate the victims of pollution, but
also to the cost of restoring environmental degradation. Remediation of damaged
environment is part of the process of sustainable development.
In an another case of Vineet Kumar Mathur v. Union of India5, a PIL was filled
alleging the pollution of Gomati river water due to discharge of effluents from the
distillery of company (mohan meakin LTD). The supreme court of India issued
orders granting time for removal of deficiencies in the effluent treatment plant of the
company and compensatory cost of five lakhs which was utilized for the purpose of
cleaning the Gomati river.
Canterbury Tales Nun Prioress Essay
It is human nature to want things they cannot have or to not be satisfied with their
life. In the story, The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, this human nature is
most reverently displayed in the character of Nun Prioress, because she wants to
appear as a woman of higher class. Through the use of literary elements, such as
characterization, symbolism and satiric irony, Chaucer is able to illustrate how the
Nun Prioress reflects the most basic of human traits, which is the desire to want
something they cannot have. Chaucer s story clearly illustrates the idea of how
people want to be something they can t because they are not satisfied with their life.
This is seen when the Nun Prioress is first introduced in the story, as a woman who
is supposed to be modest and pure but is flirtatious and risquГ©,... Show more content
on ...
Her mouth full small and thereto soft and red. (Chaucer 153). The color red can be
seen as a color of passion and this symbolizes how the nun does not believe in
chaste love. Chaucer has created a satiric character, nun prioress, who is supposed
to be a leader of the Roman Catholic Church but behaves like a woman of higher
class. Through the use a satiric irony, Chaucer illustrates the nature of human
beings which is to want things they cannot have. This is seen when the Nun
Prioress she acts as if she is from a higher class and not humble like a typical nun.
She was so charitable and pitous (143). The nun s personality traits are what add
onto the satiric irony which include making sure to eat properly She let no morsel
from her lips fall, nor wet her fingers in the sauce to deep (128 129), speaking in an
educated manner such as attempting to speak French And French she spoke full fair
and fetisly (124) , appearing dainty to the other travelers Wept if one of them were
dead (148) , and also introducing herself as Madam Eglantine rather than nun
The Throne Of Fire Essay
Rick Riordan easily demonstrated the growth and development of characters
throughout the story names The Throne of Fire . Bes, the egyptian dwarf god had
not like Carter and Sadie Kane really much. After their experience with each other
they developed a new relationship, for example all the times they have fought of
the servants of the embodiment of chaos, Apophis. When they were gambling for
moonlight with the moon god, Khonsu Bes had risked his ren , secret name, or his
life s experience for Carter and Sadie to be able to go one past the eighth house to
stop Apophis from rising. One Bes s last words before he had given his ren to
Khonsu were, Sometimes you have to lose a piece to win a game. (Riordan, 393),
which shows that he had cared too much for Sadie and Carter to have risked his own
existence just for two magicians that he had met for barely one week. After leaving
London to... Show more content on ...
He cleverly used the ba trips that Sadie and Carter experienced throughout the
book to recount ancient stories to describe what happened in the past as well as to
describe the surroundings and the actions that were taking place. Carter stated, my
ba drifted as soon as I fell asleep...the edge of the magic curtain was turning from
red to deep purple indicating a new age...I saw two figures grappling in front of a
burning chair. (Riordan, 302). The author surprisingly describes and developed the
plot of the story in only one action. He also developed the plot of the story by
describing the memories that Carter had of Zia. Carter described Zia by starting
by, Her short black hair drifted around her face, which was just as beautiful as I
remembered...Queen Nefertiti, Zia reminded me of her, with raised eyebrows, high
cheekbones, graceful nose, and perfect red lips. Rick Riordan used more examples
of how he developed the plot of the story in his own smart
The Keiserschlacht or Emperor s Battle
In 1914, General Erich Ludendorff, Germany s key commander in World War I,
along with General Paul von Hindenburg, strategically placed the German Army in a
series of three 25 mile trenches in central France. This new position gave the
German s a false sense of security, which led them to believe that they would win
World War I. At first, the onslaught and brute force of the offensive proved itself
well. The Kaiserschlacht, or Emperor s Battle, quickly turned around due to lack
of supplies and heavy casualties. Since the Central Powers were becoming more
confident, they made more mistakes and thus began losing battles and eventually
the war. Greater numbers and strength of the Allied Powers ultimately led to the
slaughter and defeat of the Germans under Generals Ludendorff and Hindenburg.
Germany had the chance to end the war before the resources from the United
States could be deployed into France and Britain. In an advantage by numbers,
fearless leader Ludendorff set off to gain land for Germany and defeat the Allied
powers once and for all. The Germans knew that they had to conquer Europe before
the Americans could train soldiers and ship men and supplies to the front lines. The
addition of Americans to the Allied Powers would significantly impact the outcome
of the war. Germany still believed that they could win the war. German hope was
increased when Russia withdrew from the war in 1917. Ludendorff, a former chief of
staff under General Hindenburg, was a
Warkentin Chapter Summary
How does one describe land? What determines how one describes it? Does it matter
about what year the chapter is written? In Chapter 12 of Warkentin s text, he
elaborates on the spacial complexities humans had in British Columbia between 1840
s and early 2000 s. Warkentin flows from the Southern British Columbia region to the
Central areas of British Columbia then continues observations to the Island Pacific
coast which finishes with the Metropolitan B.C. His expertise of the land is almost
overwhelming with descriptions of the Natural features, resources, and settlements
within the area expressing tremendous spacial and humanistic details, highlighting the
Canadian Pacific Railway(CPR) and the important history between Aboriginals and
the settlers of this time. Unlike Warkentin, Bone describes a... Show more content on ...
The descriptions he gives about these keystones in history is enough for me to
engage in my own research. This made me question which text is the better to learn
from, if a book doesn t create a want for more, is it a good book? In terms of
learning, I much preferred the Warkentin chapter as it influenced me to dig deeper
into the history of topics. 

What intrigues me about both chapters is their
different takes on what the geography of B.C. should represent. The Bone articles
highlight an economic opportunity in the mining, and extractions of resources, while
seemingly bypassing the history of how British Columbians have gotten to that point.
There is a lack of concern for indigenous population and other small communities in
particularly the northern regions which should be addressed. Bone does a great job of
keeping his text simple and effective for easy reading to catch main points, in my
opinion this is where Warkentin has struggled. The detail Warkentin illustrates in his
text is profound yet cumbersome at times. Warkentin s knowledge of the land and
how humans have managed to integrate themselves among it to begin the extraction
of the materials which
Lelli Kelly Shoes-Dinky Women Fashion Statement
Lelli Kelly Shoes dinky Women Fashion Statement
Featuring newest designs to consider beyond the field of style and fashion and
following high European capacity standards, Lelli Kelly shoes generate
diminutive women own world of fashion. They re highly fashionable and comfy.
Good for your diminutive women, these footwear are beloved for an entire of
reasons. Some women opt to allow them to exercise, some for leisure, yet others
listen to it to appear verily gorgeous. But the reality is, whatever s the reason, they
re verily available to help make your diminutive women feel extra while walking the
roads, in schools, in yards, or perhaps in roughly every neighborhood. So, if you re
seeing for something verily gorgeous, these footwear can easily provide you with a
collection with vibrant colors and ornaments to create your purchasing contact more
nown for mind turning styles, these footwear are merely funky yet fun giving. With
entertainment and excitement, these footwear draw fullness of attention ... Show more
content on ...
In connection with this, these footwear are produced to allow your kids play or
dress well. They re even more gorgeous now and add sparkle for your attire every
single day. Good for your diminutive women, they enable them to be considered a
center of attraction. Fetching increasingly more compliments, they create an
excellent option for most sparkly, shimmering, and bedazzled footwear. Hence, if
you would like something you can depend upon for capacity and luxury, they re
better to go for. Adding for your diminutive women world of fashion, they enhance
their walking in addition to playing experience. Adding more, as trendy footwear
have started to be an leading a part of our children s existence, so they need to be
excellent according to their needs. Furthermore, they not just increase the style and
sweetness, but in addition helps in indicating your ex for
The Secrets And Personal Thoughts
Consequently, this diary uncovered all of her secrets and personal thoughts. This
act of exposure is similar to the disclosure and photographic taking of Tereska
Draws Her Home. Documentation of personal accounts helps the rest of the world
understand and learn, such as from the faults of the government and military
systems. Tereska s illustration is personal, and extrudes the immense impact the
Nazis and concentration camps had on young children. Other children like Tereska
drew their interpretations of their home as well during this same assignment in
other photographs Seymour had taken. These other children drew recognizable
images of homes and concrete buildings, most of which consisted of squares and
identifiable figures. Conversely, Tereska did now draw anything so identifiable.
Instead, she drew clumsy, large scribbles that fill up the entire space given to her.
There is a relevant circular motion to her drawing, and her drawing is so large that
it even crosses over in the child s drawing on her left. At one point, she even draws
over her name at the top. She is attempting to cover the entire space in these circular
scribbles, with the inspiration of her childhood home, a concentration camp. This
image not only speaks largely of the detrimental psychological effect concentration
camps had on children, but Tereska s art speaks largely to the topic of the
psychology of children s art. Tereska s response of confusion and distraught is
displayed too close for comfort.
The Song If I Die Young
The song If I Die Young written by Kimberly Perry, can be compared and
contrasted with the story of Cinderella and Snow White in many ways. The Band
Perry didn t purposely make the song fit a popular fairy tale. Simply a few of the
lyrics that were used can be compared to the famous fairy tale as well and differ
from it. In the song, the writers didn t use lyrics that were straight to the point. A
large amount of the lyrics had allusions, symbolism, and a extremely deep meaning
behind the text. The first comparison of the story and the song has to be the ending
of someone s life. In the song, the quote the sharp knife of a short life can be
presented as the death of someone young. That quote can be compared to Snow
White when she wasn t pronounced dead but asleep in the fairy tale. Both characters
in the story and the song can be considered young. Both have that comparison of
being young and be a part of some type of ending. The first contrast of the song and
the story would be the presence of a parent. In the song, Kimberly does mention
her mother in the line Lord make me a rainbow, ill shine down on my mother.
Neither Cinderella nor Snow White had a hint of some sort of adult guardian in the
fairy tale. Both Snow White and Cinderella are considered orphans in the story,
while in the song Kimberly does have an adult that can care for her. Furthermore, in
the song it says She ll know I m safe with you when she stands under my colors
shows that her mom would care
Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time Essay by...
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time Essay Mr. Boone is not
completely evil because he has good intentions behind many of his misdeeds. He
only wants what is best for Christopher. Mr. Boone accepts Christopher s special
needs and wants him to succeed in life. He helps Christopher a lot more than
anyone else, even Judy Boone; Christopher s mother doesn t help Christopher as
much. Although Ed Boone s immoral actions were evil, the good intentions,
helpfulness, and patience that he displays toward his son, Christopher proves that
Mr. Boone is the evil figure with an ultimately good heart. Ed shows a lot of
helpfulness to everyone and especially Christopher. This is what lets Ed be so good
with Christopher, patience lets Ed be... Show more content on ...
Ed stood up for Christopher when someone under estimated him and this let
Christopher succeed on to becoming what he wants to be. Ed Boone has good
intentions toward Christopher and only wishes the best for him, even though his
actions and decisions are not always the best. He hid the letters, that Christopher s
mother sent Christopher. He also lied to Christopher about his mother, telling
Christopher that she died of a heart attack. Even though the things Ed did look evil
and bad hearted, he did it out of love. Just like he killed Wellington, Mrs. Shears dog,
because he loved her and she rejected him, and Ed got out of control. Ed lied and hid
the letters from Christopher because Christopher, being a person with special
needs, did not feel sad and take the divorce and separation of his parents too deeply
and harshly. Ed also did this so Christopher would not leave him, because Ed loves
him a lot. After Ed found out that Christopher read the letters, he apologized and
said, I m sorry, Christopher, I m so, so sorry [Page 114]. Ed even said and told
Christopher it was for his safety and for good, that it was all for a good cause. Ed said,
I did it for your good, Christopher. Honestly I did. I never meant to lie. I just
thought... I just thought it was better if you didn t know... that... that... I didn t mean
to... I was going to show them to you when you were older [Page 114].
Ed was rash and unfair, but with a good heart, which is clearly
The Energy Crisis Of Oil Essay
In order to fulfill his desires, man will abuse environmental supplies to a great extent,
consequently indorsing his environment to lose its natural ability of supporting
mankind. Our voracious craving for gnawing away at the Earth s natural resources is
growing prodigiously. Perhaps our most keen appetite is for oil, the blood of the
earth. Similarly, to humans, when blood is removed from the body without being
replaced, a treacherous situation surfaces. This situation currently deals directly with
oil depletion. Oil is a standout amongst the most essential fuels available in today s
culture. It is a finite resource, incapable of being reproduced in human frames,
however, mankind voluntarily ignores this information and continues to consumed it
at an unstable acceleration. Peak oilhas been looming on the horizon for decades. It
is used to describe the global maximum in crude oil production which is predicted
to occur in the near future. Once this maximum has been reached, global oil
production will begin to forever decline afterwards, leading the world into a
catastrophic energy crunch that could cripple our economy. Oil will become more
difficult to extract, therefore making it more expensive as nations compete for the
declining supply. The failure of economies to adapt to the staggering cost of oil will
eventually kill off every endeavor by the economy to develop, and cause semi
permanent depression. Unfortunately, individuals cannot simply suck oil out of the
The Wild Life Of Christian The Lion Analysis
The big Idea or theme in the story, The Wild Life of Christian the Lion by Tod
Olson and the poem Wild Home by Rebecca Kai Dotlich is, can a something that
lived in captured forever ever learn to be free in the wild? My evidence from the
text is In the wild , lions prowl thousands of acres of the land. Surly London was not
a place for a lion to be. Another thing from the the text that supports the main idea is
when John said, We knew we couldn t betray him by putting him in a zoo. Another
thing in the text of Christian the lion was, The plan was to release Christian into
the wild. But it was not as simple as it seemed it would be because, animals raised
in captivity do not have the skills to survive the wild. In the poem Wild
Super Soldiers And Super Soldier Experimentation Essay
Super Soldier Experiments Going through life, at times, one would wonder how
vast the greed of human beings is. Is it as dangerous as we think? Wanting
something? Desiring something so much that you would risk everything you own
and love? Is it as sinful as we are taught as kids to believe? All we have to do is take
those desires and create something good out of it. However, when we desire
something that affects the rights of other living things, it is extremely bad and these
questions will all be answered with a solid Yes. . I will be sharing with you the
opinion of many others whom are against such situations; situations such as super
Super Soldier experimentation is a version of human experiments on military
soldiers based on the idea of making them the perfect killing machines. The
government in charge of a certain military base doesn t want any interference of
human emotions, hunger, PTSD, and fatigue. For those in charge, being rid of those
pesky human emotions would benefit them greatly due to the fact that those sorts of
emotions may negatively impact the army s progress in defeating their enemies.
These kinds of experiments as well as other types of human experiments have been
going on for as long as the first World War or, perhaps, even before then. Numerous
have been articles put out on very notable figures in history partaking in these
supposedly top secret events. Genetically modified humans have been an ambitious
venture for
Pericles Vs Alcibiades
The Traditional Period of Greece, 500 338 BCE, cleared a path to a wide range of
changes in Athenian history. The Athenian government transformed from an
oppression to a vote based system, and after the Persian war in 499 BCE, Athens
begun to turned into a military superpower, also. Because of Themistocles supporting
to construct a more grounded naval force, their military influence developed, making
Athens economy rise turning into the wealthiest city states. The Peloponnesian War
drew out the significance of lawmakers and pioneers, since now the administration is
controlled by the general population. This war brought two of the most noticeable
and powerful people to lead Athens through the war and molded Athens future. The
two pioneers are cousins, Periclesand Alcibiades. They have various similitudes,
similar to their genealogy and instruction, while additionally using their interesting
identities in their authority abilities.
One of the major, and self evident, similitudes between the two Athenians is that they
originate from a similar ancestry. Both Pericles and Alcibiades moms were from the
honorable family Alcmaeonidae. The Alcmaeonidae were additionally substantial
engaged with legislative issues. Their close families were essential to Athenian
history also. Pericles is the child of Xanthippus and Agariste. Xanthippus became
well known by [defeating] the Persian general of Mycale . While his mom s uncle,
Cleisthenes ran out Hippias, child of Pisistratus,
What Are The Responsibility Of Germans React To The...
History has taught you nothing if you think you can kill ideas. Tyrants have tried to
do that often before, and the ideas have risen up in their might and destroyed them.
You can burn my books and the books of the best minds in Europe, but the ideas in
them have seeped through a million channels and will continue to quicken other
minds. (Keller). Countless words written by intellectuals were put to flame on May
10th of 1933 by Nazi Germany. The purpose of this destruction was not driven by
hatred of the paper or book jackets, but by the fear of citizens reading these books
and thinking anything that didn t perfectly conform to Nazi ideology. Attempting to
make people agree with your politics by removing entire pieces of reality is a foolish
... Show more content on ...
When the book burnings happened in the name of Nazis, there was really no
response from Germany. No one took to the streets to protest their actions or get
Hitler out of government, because everyone who cared was too scared by the fact
that they were the ones Hitler wanted to go up in flames. In Fahrenheit 451, Faber one
of the countless people who let this happen to them, I saw the way things were
going, a long time back. I said nothing. I m one of the innocents who could have
spoken up when no one would listen to the guilty , but I did not speak and thus
became guilty myself. (Bradbury 78) People in Fahrenheit 451 look to their
conformity to judge whether they are in the right or wrong. ...I grunted a few
times and subsided, for there were no others grunting or yelling with me, by then,
(Bradbury 78) The problem with overwhelming conformity, though, is that it
allows someone like Hitler to step in, and every word he says will be followed
because each person thinks the other is an agreeance because no one is shrugging
a shoulder. In America, though, people knew what was happening was wrong
because they had the freedoms to look at the situation from a different standpoint.
Newsweek called it a holocaust of books; Time a bibliocaust. (What Were Hitler s
Ideas?) People all around the world value books as a way to expand your knowledge
and educate yourself on the rights and wrongs of life. It is just human instinct to
Meditation Essay
Meditation is portable, profound, and powerful. It improves your life in all sorts of
ways, ranging from the spiritual to the physical.
Today I want to share about how you can take concrete and effective steps to improve
your sleep and, by extension boost your energy, through meditation
Meditation is a practice that you build incrementally over time. The more you do it,
the more natural it becomes for you. And right from the start, just a few moments of
meditation can help you fall asleep faster, as well as improving the quality of your
sleep. In fact, it s quite possible that meditation could help you feel more refreshed
with fewer hours of sleep.
Here are 7 simple practices to encourage mindfulness and increase energy:
Meditation Practices ... Show more content on ...
Get in the habit of paying attention to your body. When you notice an ache or pain,
try adjusting your position to address small discomforts before they build up and
interfere with your energy and your sleep.
Let go of judgments. Meditation also helps develop a mind free from judgment. As
you observe your thoughts you notice (and reduce) negative self talk.
Identify obstacles. If some thoughts recur as you meditate, they could be trying to
tell you something. They may be issues you need to resolve so you can sleep better.
Become more mindful. Focusing on the present moment helps you stay calm. Studies
show that multi tasking erodes concentration and creates stress that contributes to
Try Yoga or Tai chi. Exercises like these are especially helpful when you approach
them as a mental discipline as well as a physical workout. They encourage deep
breathing, stress reduction and enhanced concentration.
Use meditation to complement sleep. People who go on prolonged retreats are
sometimes surprised that meditating all day may dramatically reduce their need for
sleep at night. Proceed at your own pace to find the right combination of sleep and
meditation for you. You may someday find that your body requires less sleep as you
Around the Horn Pow Essay
POW 9: Around the Horn Problem Statement During the time of crossing the
overland trail, many people instead chose to take the ship route which went around
Cape Horn at the tip of South America. The points that we are given to keep in
mind are: A ship leaves New York for San Francisco on the first of every month at
noon, and vice versa for a ship coming from San Francisco. Each ship arrives exactly
six months after it leaves. With these things, we are also going to assume that: The
weather conditions are perfect and the trip goes exactly as planned. The time zones
do not affect anything in this problem. There is a certain point that the ship must
reach, or have reached at each month. Assuming these... Show more content on ...
The points that we are given to keep in mind are: A ship leaves New York for San
Francisco on the first of every month at noon, and vice versa for a ship coming
from San Francisco. Each ship arrives exactly six months after it leaves. With these
things, we are also going to assume that: The weather conditions are perfect and the
trip goes exactly as planned. The time zones do not affect anything in this problem.
There is a certain point that the ship must reach, or have reached at each month.
Assuming these things, and having the given knowledge, we are to answer the
question, if you were on a ship leaving from New York, how many ships from San
Francisco would you see in passing? Process At first, I was confused with this
problem and did not know what to do. For this problem, I used only one problem
and it was what helped me solve it. With my table group (Derick I), we did a
simulation. We first drew out a large map with the points that every ship should
reach at the start of every month. Then we kept feeding in the blocks (which we
used to act as ships) and did the simulation. Using this strategy, we were able to
find the solution. Solution I found that if I were a traveler on a New York ship bound
for San Francisco, I would see SEVEN ships from San Francisco, California along the
way. This is how I
Technology Changed Technology
No wave of change has ever been greater than the change that technology has had
on our lives. Whether it s how we communicate and access information to how we
make payments, technology has changed it. It is clear that the way we
communicate has changed abundantly over the past century. Many years ago the
only form of communication was the hand written letter, with it taking weeks to
months to get a reply. Now with modern technology we can instantly send an email
and can receive a reply in the same day. The fact that communication has become
faster can allow organising an event, such as a birthday, easier. Mobile phones
have also allowed us to make calls to anyone, anywhere, anytime. If I m at the
shops and can t remember if I was supposed to get milk, a quick call home allows
me to check. Many people live in different countries to their families and the
advancement in technology allows them to video call a person and see them on the
other end, which helps them to feel closer than they are. The mobile phone s main
feature may be for communication but they can now do so much more than just
make a call. You can now access the internet, send emails, use the calender and
write notes to yourself, keeping the things you need to do in the palm of your hand.
The phone also allows you to load loyalty cards onto it, eliminating the need to carry
them. When you re travelling overseas you can get your itinerary on your phone and
you could check in for flights and hotels online allowing
Clinton Lewinsky Scandal
In 1995 there were 23,500 websites on the World Wide Web and by 1998 there
were 2,410,067, a more that 10,000% increase. This sudden growth marked a change
in the way media was spread and created a new on demand system for gathering
information. In this era one could go from an unknown to a celebrity overnight as
news spread through television and Internetat an unprecedented speed. The first major
story that was truly born online and propagated by Internet news sources was the
Clinton Lewinsky scandal in 1998 that ultimately lead to President Clinton s
impeachment in early 1999. The picture that was painted of Monica s character as
the story broke and more details came to light was far harsher than is justifiable and
the negative image that... Show more content on ...
Her story is a compelling example of how dangerous the distance between the
oppressor and oppressed can become when stories spread through the media and the
humanity of the victim is separated from her name. There currently is a vocabulary
for what happened to Monica Lewinsky, something decidedly absent in 1998: slut
shaming or even cyber bullying. The Lewinsky scandal was the first major story to
break at the frontier of the media revolution but stories such as this, while of smaller
magnitude, have become commonplace in our culture. Through the Internet nearly
everyone can become a journalist or news source, sharing through a blog post,
Facebook, or Twitter, and one can access boundless amounts of information, accurate
or inaccurate. The high threat of misinterpretation, as well as the crushing effect on
the victim, as articles and other media are forwarded and shared is something to be
wary of as people continue to move their lives into
Analysis Of The Bet By Anton Chekhov
In the short story, The Bet by Anton Chekhov, a banker and a young man make a bet
with each other based on capital punishment and whether the death penalty is better
or worse than life in prison. The terms of the wager state that if the lawyer can live in
solitary confinement for fifteen years, he will be given two million dollars. When
examining the story, the Marxist lens would offer an insight to the ability of symbols
and its forms, styles and, meanings. Chekhov connects these themes by utilizing the
literary elements of Power. More specifically the power of money, knowledge,
language, and competition.
The power of money plays an important role as one of the many symbols in short
story. The money the baker wages is used as a symbol for the value of fifteen years
of the young lawyer s life that will be spent imprisoned, with no human connection.
They are also a symbol for the greed of the young lawyer, who is willing to
sacrifice 15 years of his life, either to prove his point in the argument, or for the
money. Through the marxist lens the reader would be able to see that money is a
motivator and leads people to do things they wouldn t if, money was not in the
picture. If the banker and lawyer were both not high member in their society, they
would have just debated over the issue and agreed not agree, but because egos and
power comes into play the outcome is different.
Not only is money a symbol in the short story, but so is the knowledge that books
provide the
Who Is Sacagawea Brave
Sacagawea and The expedition
Sacagawea was a lady who was brave, and wasn t scared to sacrifice her life to save
other people from the expedition. She was a lady who was strong, and was a leader.
First, Sacagawea shielded Lewis, and Clark during the time of the expedition. It says
in paragraph four that Sacagawea became an invaluable part of the expedition .
Sacagawea knowledge and courage saved a lot of lives that day on the day of the
expedition. Lewis and Clark needed her help a lot or they wouldn t made it out of the
expedition if wasn t for her unique skills. Sacagawea wasn t scared to save people
lives. She was brave and wasn t scared to save other humans lives. Next, Sacagawea
wasn t scared, she had walked long distances
The Basic Design Of An Exercise Prescription
Exercise Prescription The basic design of an exercise prescription should be based
on a person s age, fitness level, and health status including mental and physical
health as well as the goals they are looking to acheive. Once the assessment is
complete this is used to help determine how to develop the exerciseprogram specific
to that individual. The American College of Sports Medicine (2014) s FITT
principle is a good way to start the development process for any individual and
should be the foundation of the exercise program. This principle includes four basic
components to be followed including: frequency, intensity, timing, and type of
exercises to be used. Appropriately applying these to an exercise program will help
meet the individual goals of each client. Frequency of Exercise
Determining how often an exercise session from a particular program should be
performed is important and will help with gaining the benefits and results wanted.
Too many or too few sessions in a week may have opposite, negative, or no effects
on any individual. The frequency of exercising should be considered at an
individual level and where a certain client s motivation may be at with their
willingness to start a program. However, a good place to start is with a frequency of
2 3 times per week. This can optimize the beneficial results someone with
osteoporosis is looking for. Kemmler Stengel (2014) performed an extensive 12 year
cohort study observing the effects of exercise

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Tim Burton Essay

  • 1. Tim Burton Essay Crafting an essay on the subject of Tim Burton can be both a challenging and rewarding endeavor. On one hand, delving into the creative genius of a filmmaker known for his distinctive style and unique approach to storytelling provides ample material for analysis. However, the difficulty lies in striking the right balance between exploring Burton's diverse filmography, understanding the underlying themes, and presenting a cohesive narrative that captures the essence of his cinematic contributions. The challenge is not merely in summarizing his films but in dissecting the intricate layers of his storytelling techniques, visual aesthetics, and recurring motifs. Analyzing how Burton employs gothic elements, eccentric characters, and dark humor requires a keen eye for detail and an ability to connect the dots across his body of work. Furthermore, navigating the interplay between Burton's personal influences, such as his childhood experiences and artistic inspirations, and the broader cultural context in which he creates, adds another layer of complexity to the essay. Addressing the evolution of his style over the years and the impact of his work on the film industry demands careful research and thoughtful reflection. In the end, writing an essay on Tim Burton requires not only a thorough understanding of his filmography but also a deep appreciation for the nuances of his storytelling. It's a journey into the fantastical realms of his imagination, a challenge to decipher the symbolic meanings behind the quirky characters and surreal settings. While demanding, the process is inherently fascinating for those who appreciate the artistry that Burton brings to the cinematic landscape. For those seeking assistance or more insights on similar topics, a wealth of resources and professional help can be found at Whether it's exploring the works of iconic filmmakers or delving into other literary and artistic realms, this platform offers a range of essay-writing services to cater to diverse needs. Tim Burton EssayTim Burton Essay
  • 2. Operation Fortitude Battle Analysis The purpose of this paper will be the battle analysis and evaluation of Operation Fortitude (code name for deception plan to invade France) in support of Operation Overlord (code name for the Battle of Normandy and invasion of German occupied France). The analysis and evaluation will be done using the intellectual standards and the elements of reasoning to provide an alternate outcome for Operation Overlord. An alternate outcome will be suggested based on the use of deception that results in the defeat of the Allies (United States, Canada and Great Britain) at Normandy. Central to the success of Operation Overlord, was the successful execution of Operation Fortitude. Before understanding Operation Fortitude, one must know the points of... Show more content on ... Without Operation Fortitude succeeding, that number could potentially be lower due to the Allies being thrown back in to the English Channel by rapidly responding panzer divisions. This would have prevented the numerous skirmishes between German defenders and U.S. invaders the afternoon and evening of D Day that pushed estimates to the previously stated 209,000. Regardless of the sheer force of numbers the Allies pushed ashore that day, failing to control a beach head would have rendered follow on forces ineffective. Allied Commanders would have accessed the situation across Normandy and pulled back these forces to avoid a catastrophic
  • 3. Stephen Vincent Benet s By The Waters Of Babylon By The Waters Of Babylon is a short story written by Stephen Vincent Benet in 1937. The story is told by a man named John is the son of the priest, the story is told in the future after the destruction of industrial civilization. In the story John lies to his father and tells his father he is going on a spiritual journey but in reality he is going to the homes of the dead. The homes of the dead, is a place which is forbidden to everyone except for the priests. Moral of the story John states that we must build again once he becomes the head priest. In creating this story Stephen used figurative language and symbolism, tone, setting and theme. The tone of a literary piece is the writer s attitude towards the subject. The authors tone was very serious, formal and informative. I know the tone is serious because in the story he says My body is painted for death and my limbs weak, but my heart is big as I go to the Place of the Gods! , that proves that the tone is serious because it shows how much he desires to get to the Place of the Gods. Setting is when and where the story takes place. By The Waters Of Babylon takes place in the future after the destruction of... Show more content on ... Stephen s purpose throughout writing this story was to inform people of the nature of human ambition. I know this because in the story he says, All the same, when I came to the Place of the Gods, I was afraid, afraid. , this goes to show that although he was fearful he went against his emotions. Figurative language is often used to create vivid expressions by setting up comparisons between dissimilar things. The figurative language used in this story is simile. Simile is a kind of speech involving the comparison of two things. In the story he says, I do not know the customs of the rivers we are the People of the Hills. , he was comparing the customs of the rivers to the people of the
  • 4. Buck The Wild The Call of the Wild by Jack London is a fiction adventure novel. It is set in Yukon, Canada in the 1890s. It is told in third person limited. It is a great book, and it teaches us lessons along the way. The central character is Buck. Buck is faced with a lot of conflict with other characters throughout the book. Buck encounters the man in the red sweater, and he is tied and beaten. Buck also encounters Spitz, and he opposes Buck because he is the leader of the sled team. Buck wants to be leader of the sled team, and since Spitz is leader Buck has to fight to become leader. Buck also encounters other humans who beat him. Buck starts out living on a ranch, he then gets moved to the primitive North. Before he went to the North he was taught the
  • 5. Reality Television Has Become A Big Part Of Programming Abstract Background: Watching television is a part of daily life for nearly all Americans and the world. Reality television has become a big part of programming. Objectives: To determine if reality television is less (or more) cognitively stimulating than non reality television. In society it appears that it is mainly the younger viewers who prefer to watch reality television while it is older viewers who prefer to watch no reality television shows. Method: Selecting 8 reality television shows (social cognitive theory) and 8 non reality television shows, both selections were made randomly and determining if the show provided new lessons or inspiration to accomplish a new task, or to determine if the show was only for entertainment purposes. Results: The hypothesis was disproved as reality television was found to be cognitively stimulating to viewers of all ages. Keywords: Reality television shows, non reality television shows, cognitive stimulation, demographic Cognitive Stimulation in Reality Television Shows Non Reality Television Shows This study is aimed to determine if reality television is less cognitively stimulation than non reality television, and if this is true to determines who watches reality television. Who is the per determined demographic for reality television and who is the demographic for non reality television? In order to determine this information, firstly I hypothesized that Reality TV shows are less cognitively stimulating than
  • 6. Know the Policies and Procedures of the Setting for... Be able to support positive behaviour Positive behaviour management is about using positive rather than negative approaches to encourage children and young people to behave appropriately. Promoting positive behaviour involves: Setting clear boundaries, which are applied in a calm and consistent way Encouraging children and young people to make their own choices about behaviour and to understand the negative consequences if they choose inappropriate behaviour Setting positive rules rather than negative ones. Negative rules tend to begin with the word Don t , and tell children and young people what they must not do, but do not guide them as to what they may or should do. In trying to understand behaviour, it is helpful to note ... Show more content on ... It is important to give attention when they have waited appropriately so that they are encouraged to do so again. You could try the following strategies: whenever possible ignoring attention seeking behaviour, unless their attention is drawn to it (perhaps by another child) as the message sent then is that it is acceptable to behave in that way giving attention and praise to another child who is behaving acceptably distracting the child s attention; (Distraction is particularly appropriate with younger children) or removing him or her to another activity or group expressing disapproval verbally and/or nonverbally through body language, facial expression and shaking of the head using a sanction withdrawal of a privilege (such as removing a toy or activity). Physical aggression This usually results from strong feelings that are difficult to control. Whatever the cause and it may be provocation the adult should deal with it calmly and ensure that the needs of all the children and young people involved are met. A child who has lost control frightens herself and the other children and young people. You could try these strategies Time out: This involves the child who has been aggressive being taken to an identified place away from the incident a corner or chair. Time out allows for a calming down period and for other children and young people to be reassured. This method can work
  • 7. Technology Today Essay Technology Today Technology has always had a significant impact on the way we communicate and socialise. Today s technologies have, in many cases, become so integrated within our daily lives, that they play a part in constructing our existence and understanding of reality. The Internet is one such piece of technology that influences our perceptions of our self and our surroundings. This essay will aim to explore the social implications of experimentation with identities online, as well as evaluating the ways in which new technologies may continue to shape this issue in the future. The self and self identity is a continually changing entity, which is constantly being reconstructed throughout a person s life. (Slevin, 2000) ... Show more content on ... Gergen s theory of social saturation is also relevant to today s use of Internet communications in relation to construction of identity. Gergen says that media and technology offers individuals with a large network of relationships with different people, which often results in self multiplication. (Gergen, 1991, as cited in Surratt, 2001) The dissolution of the restrictions of space and time in Internet communication further gives the individual opportunities to recreate themselves in different manners. (Gergen, 1991, as cited in Surrat, 2001) This capability is supported through IRC technology such as MSN or ICQ, through which it is possible to conduct several conversations at once and hence, have several identities. Thus, people who experiment with identity online do so for a variety of reasons anonymity, escapism and experimentation to name but a few. In today s society, the line between actual self and a self that exists in cyberspace is deteriorating, as the Internet and its various methods of communication become more integrated in our daily lives. In order to understand the impact that Internet communication technologies will have in the future, it is important to consider the positive and negative social implications of the notion of online identity construction. The main positive attribute associated with anonymity and free identity online is lack of prejudice, which creates a more democratic and egalitarian experience for users. (Gurak,
  • 8. Character Analysis of Macbeth Essay Macbeth a tragedy written by William Shakespeare, portrays, how the main character Macbeth, transforms from a war hero, to a murdering villain. Macbeth starts out as the thane of Glamis and steadily rises to become King of Scotland. The higher Macbeth rose on his road of power the more corrupt and evil he became. The character change of Macbeth ignites the whole theme of the play. nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;Macbeth is shown as a vigorous war hero in the opening scene. And fortune, on his damned quarrel smiling showed like a rebel s whore. But all s too weak for brave Macbeth. (1.2 16.18) The captain expressing the braveness of great Macbeth in Scotland s battle with the invading Norway hordes. It didn t take long for the people of... Show more content on ... Macbeth decides that he wont murder the king. Lady Macbeth s determination to become queen influences Macbeth s decision. If it were done when tis done, then twere it be done quickly (1.7 1 2) Macbeth is toying with the notion to murder King Duncan. Macbeth would not be satisfied until he ruled all Scotland! An idea turned into a priority, Macbeth wasn t thinking of killing the king he was sure of it. Is this a dagger which I see before me, the handle toward my hand.... (2.1 42 43) Macbeth s vision turned out to be a false creation of the mind that led macbeth to believe that fate was telling him to kill King Duncan. nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; Near the end of the play Macbeths true evilness comes out. Macbeth paranoia leads him to believe that everyone is out to get him. So is he mine, and in such bloody distance that every minute of his thrusts against my hear st life (3.1 128 130) Macbeth grows suspicious of Banquo. The witch s predictions of Banquo s kids becoming king engulfed all thoughts in Macbeth s head. I ll make assurance double sure. (4.1 93) Macbeth is making sure Banquo and his son fleance are murdered. Macbeth felt the it was best to hire murders to handle fleance and Banquo. Macbeth is overcome with evil. From this moment the very firstling of my heart shall be the firstling of my mind (4.1 165 168) Macbeth s mind no
  • 9. Compare And Contrast Douglass And John Lewis Douglass Evers and John Lewis are two colored people fighting for the advancement of their people. While they are different in many ways they share certain qualities. John Lewis was a dedicated leader during the Civil Rights movement. He joined the Student Nonviolent Coordinating committee and organized sit ins and marches for equal rights. Their goal was to peacefully disrupt the lives of the whites and let their silence and actions do the speaking. While Douglass Evers who joined the NAACP goals were similar to SNCC but they chose a different strategy. Both Evers and Lewis chose to fight peacefully and while Lewis fought for the natural rights of blacks Evers fought for their legal rights. John Lewis and Douglass Evers both fought for the advancement of their people. John Lewis chose to go about it by doing sit ins while Evers sought to do it through the courts. Evers felt as if doing things the way that the SNCC did stirred up animosity. He and the NAACP felt as if it put blacks in more harm than they wanted by putting them in jail and causing more riots and mayhem. Lewis, following the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. felt that he had to get to the hearts of people to get what they wanted. 1963,... Show more content on ... SNCC strategy was to organize mass demonstrations, boycotts, sit ins and freedom rides. They used the newspaper to reach the homes of the people, went to their houses and traveled state to state to publicize and raise money for the organization. One of their focuses was to get blacks to vote. The committee organized non violent mass demonstrations to provoke the government so they would eventually intercede. They based their beliefs off the beliefs of the SCLC whose leader was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Eventually, they saw no progress and began to aggressively protest under a new Leader. Since the original goal of the group began to fade away many of its members lost interest and drew away from
  • 10. Franny And Zooey The novel Franny and Zooey was a higher level reading. J.D. Salinger had written it in a unique fashion. This novel was split into two sections, one section was Franny and the other one was Zoeey. Within reading Franny and Zooey, it had a lot of impacts on me as a student, reader and person in general. Franny and Zooey had an abundance of impacts on me as a student. As a student this novel included a lot of allusions and vocabulary I did not know. I was forced to learn all the vocabulary I did not know as well as the allusions because I needed to be able to understand the novel. I learned a lot from this novel because the allusions and vocabulary within were very intellectual. I enjoyed the small group discussions of the novel because ... Show more content on ... In the Glass family, the children are much more gifted and intelligent than the parents. But the children keep reminding each other that their parents must be loved and respected for everything they are and everything they have given their children. Even beyond love, family itself is a crucial theme in these stories. Zooey tells Franny that they have become freaks because their brothers taught them too much too young. But what their brothers taught also helps Franny out of her spiritual crisis in the end of the Zooey section. Through Seymour s lessons and Zooey s impression of Buddy s voice, Zooey channels enough support to talk Franny out of her
  • 11. Drones In The Middle East Another significant reason for the use of drones in the Middle East is because they have proven to be an invaluable way to keep our ground troops safe. According to Oestergaard, the MQ 1B Predator drone has a range of 777 miles and a maximum flight time of 40 hours while carrying two Hellfire missiles. The MQ 9A Reaper drone has a range of 1,151 miles and a maximum flight time of 30 hours. When it has a full payload of four Hellfire missiles and two laser guided bombs it has a maximum flight time of fourteen hours (Oestergaard 5 6). The lengthy flight time and catastrophic payload is a lifeline for our troops on the ground. These drones can be used for both surveillance and direct contact situations. For example, if a special forces team... Show more content on ... Scott Shane quotes Micah Zenko in his article when he says ... a total of eight Americans have been killed in drone strikes. Of those, only one, the American cleric Anwar al Awlaki, who joined Al Qaeda in Yemen and was killed in 2011, was identified and deliberately targeted (Shane, Zenko 3). Shane is correct when he says that drones should not target Americans, but he fails to mention why they were targeted. These eight Americans were killed because, they were engaged in hostile activity towards the United States. Awlaki was a part of Al Qaeda and was actively plotting to take down the United States. The other seven Americans were not innocent, these people were killed in the blast of drone strikes that were targeting enemy combatants. They were not hostages, but they were still in the immediate vicinity of they hostiles. The other seven were just like Awlaki, they were there to join one of the terrorist groups we are at war with. That is the only way that those citizens were that close to those enemies. The second argument against the use of drones is that drone pilots are at risk of developing psychological disorders. Lindsay Warrior, the author of Drones and Targeted Killing , says that [m]uch of the discussion surrounding drones emphasizes the fact that their use reduces the risk of U.S.
  • 12. On Raising Biracial Children Summary After the ruling of Loving v. Virginia in 1967 the U.S Supreme Court deemed laws prohibiting interracial relationships as illegal. Although this ruling was meant to change some of the social inequalities associated with interracial relationships, there are still incidents of where belonging to a multiracial family brings problems such as the way individuals identify their culture, and how others view them. Since Eubanks grew up in a multiracial family, his decision to bear children with his multiracial wife was a way for him to continue to challenge white supremacy. Cheryl Seelhoff, author of On Raising Biracial Children illustrates how being a white woman and having a child by a black man was a challenge towards white supremacy because it... Show more content on ... During this account, Eubanks finds that his son s approach to how he identifies himself and his reaction to the DNA results illustrates a generational gap. Eubank s son, Patrick, describes that when he is confronted with how he identifies, he solely bases it off the assumptions that someone makes about him (Eubanks, 2013). Patrick s approach to how he deals with identifying himself speaks to the prejudices that individuals or a group of people have about the way that people who they presume to belong to a certain group should look and behave. This notion of thinking from Patrick then creates the realization for Eubanks that DNA results confirmed for me that identity cannot be constructed based on a percentage of African ancestry, and that our society s generally accepted racial categories cannot begin to address the complexity and nuance of our heritage. Eubanks explains to his audience that due to the fact that almost every individual s DNA is a mutation no one should feel inferior or superior to another group. He also expresses how one should also not make basic assumptions based on an individual s appearance along with not feeling guilt or shame about the basis of one s genetic
  • 13. Mancelona Toxin Trichloroethylene Mancelona, a small resort town in Antrim county Michigan, is currently experiencing the effects of one of the largest toxic plumes in the great lakes state. The toxin Trichloroethylene (TCE), a solvent used to degrease metal parts, was discovered in the local water supply fifteen years ago. The manufacturer, Mt. Clemens Metal Parts, disposed of the waste after use by dumping it into the ground out back behind the plant where it leached into the ground to the water table. This uninformed method of disposal had been going on for decades. The plume is now six miles long by one mile wide in parts and is estimated to migrate 300 400 feet per year. Many residents are concerned and fear little is being done to rectify the damage and clean it up. TCE... Show more content on ... Michigan has an environmental liability program that allows new owners of a contaminated area to conduct field assessments and if the site is contaminated, the new owners are not liable. The state has spent nearly $18 million dollars already and is in need of another $10 million for investigation and alternative water options. However, in an article recently published by the Michigan House of Republicans, funds to pay for the initial phase of a solution has been authorized. The solution is to upgrade the Mancelona Area Water Sewer Authority s (MAWAS) wells, fields, and water mains. The purpose is to ensure that Antrim county residents in affected areas, have access to clean water. Many of them were being supplied with bottled water. There are roughly 1,500 properties in the MAWAS servicing area that receive their drinking water from the public system. The funds are to help pay for the construction of new water storage tanks, the installation of a pressure booster station, and a connecting water main which will help manage the impact of the TCE plume on the well
  • 14. Social Commentary On A Sprawls How do I start reviewing a film like this? I mostly just felt very stifled with the rambunctious quips that flow in this film like a breeze and fill it up to the very brim. Its social commentary is analogous to the indomitably obnoxious teenage angst profiled rampantly that is ever so pervasive in this day and age. Things to note after a thoroughgoing watch of this are that it s simply not quite your standard typified internalized drama that sprawls incessantly and instead conjures a very pleasant, a somewhat weirdly endearing troupe of personages that you can t help but appreciate because they re so oddly realistic. And it s not just the empirical, ostensibly exhaustive plot and technicality matters that get to you, but the very renditions themselves.... Show more content on ... The problems that are entangled in the film s root aren t so prevalent and can easily be ignored, but the film feels a tad overlong in what it is trying to accomplish. Granted, somewhat interesting story underpinned by stellar performances while witty, incisive banter abounds in among frames, but the arduousness has its say later on. I feel what s so good about this film lies in the fact that it s simply not trying to cross the line and re invent the wheel, but merely give the viewer a comfortable and darkly comical short of two hours time frame; and unsurprisingly succeeds because it has those bits on a string. It s not rousing by any means, and neither is it contemplative or despondent because of its affairs it could have well been that but instead prances in uncanny valley territory due to its bravura in making the most of comicality, however glum or repulsive it might
  • 15. Soil Moisture Lab Report Soil moisture also affects the yield and competitiveness of the introduced strain. Cowie et al. (1996a, b) reported that waterlogging at any time have an adverse effect on the seed yield. Drought conditions severely affect the viability of different species and strains of rhizobia (Joshi et al., 1981; Osa Afiana and Alexander, 1982). Singh et al. (1992) reported that at a available soilmoisture of 45 per cent nodule number and dry weight of nodules increased while at 30 per cent available soil moisture, seed yield increased. Strains isolated from arid areas are more tolerant to dessication and high temperature than strains isolated from cooler and wet region. Bitorrini and Beringer (unpublished, cited by Dowling and Broughton, 1986)... Show more content on ... (1997) Calcium carbonateIncrease in nodule weightAlmendras and Bottomley (1985) Trace elements Zinc Iron Molybdenum BoronIncrease in nodulationKumpawat and Manohar (1994) Bhuiyan et al. (1998) Sonboir and Sarawgi (1998) CadmiumInhibits nitrogen fixationMario et al., 2013 Almendras and Bottomley (1985) also concluded that there was a correlation between pH and phosphorus application. Phosphorus limitation was exacerbated by low pH and the combination of pH and phosphorus levels could have strong influence on competition for nodulation. Iron plays an important role in micro organisms and plants. This is a component of cell and its deficiency can cause growth inhibition, sporulation, decrease in RNA and DNA synthesis and, can also change the cell morphology. Iron exists in two states (Fe2+ and Fe3+) and therefore, it is suitable as an electron transporter. Iron is also known to regulate the bio synthesis of porphyrins, toxins, vitamins, antibiotics, cytochromes, pigments, siderophores and aromatic compounds. Iron is present as a cofactor or required by different enzymes and proteins such as peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, nitrogenase, hydrogenase, glutamate synthase, rhibonuclotide diphosphate reductase, aconitase, DAHP, synthatase, cytochromes, ferridoxin and flavoproteins. Iron storage protein like ferritin in animals and bacterio ferritin in micro organisms have also been discovered (Stiefel and Watt, 1979). Although iron is
  • 16. Themes In The Inheritance Of Loss Human Deprivation The title of the novel The Inheritance of Loss is very suitable as tells failures, disappoinments of the real characters once lived in the post colonial India. The themes of loss, for in our world if mankind has nothing else to take over, it can accept loss as its heritage, however, the matter is not as simple or straight as it looks, the reason is that this novel is a highly intricate work which confronts several themes extending from loss to poverty, gain, to wealth, justice to injustice. The Inheritance of Loss is a political and historical novel, but the truth is that in spite of its political and historical extents, it is a socio cultural work of fiction. Desai pursues to redefine human culture, the elements of love ... Show more content on ... His life is totally different and he finds totally no interest in his career, and finding nothing but despair and seeks early retirement from his job. Jemubhai hates his wife because she was uneducated and dark in complexion and he sends his wife to her father s house. Later his wife Lakshmi dies in a domestic accident and his position becomes strangely curious. On the other he has to undergo a heart breaking loss. He has to tolerate, the loss of power and position to which he reconcile himself with plenty seriousness and concern. This loss of family relationship is one of major issues in Indian society that Kiran Desai relates in this novel. The Inheritance of Loss may be viewed as an anti colonial novel which goes against the deprivation of poor and weak people in all possible ways. The cook is so much involved in his son s career that in spite of all problems and adversities he manages to send him to America for suitable employment. Biju reaches New york and he makes a number of friends. Both Indians and Pakistanis, as well as the other Asians, but he understands that all foreigners are exposed to racial
  • 17. The Antibiotic Resistant Staphylococcus Throughout history we have seen the evolution of bacteria, we have seen them develop resistance against Penicillin, Methicillin and Vancomycin antibiotics .This bacteria has a unique ability to mutate to the new antibiotics. Alexander Ogston was a Scottish surgeon that discovered Staphylococcus can produce toxins and is the main cause of pus infection in the 1880 s. Later on they found out that aside from producing toxins Staphylococcus(Staph) also affects the skinand organs. Methicillin was first introduced in 1940, and in 1961 Staph had already developed resistance against it. This particular bacteriaaffects the skin and our organs. There are many questions unanswered but my question is To what extent has methicillin caused staphylococcus bacteria to evolve over time and how does it affect our skin and organs? . This bacteria is considered a threat because it is able to mutate at a faster pace than other bacterias. When they named Staph they took into consideration the fact that it can live in skin surfaces without causing any harm and that under a microscope this bacteria lookes like a bunch of grapes or little round berries. The word staph comes from the greek word staphyle meaning a bunch of grapes and kokkos means berries. Staph has developed resistance to more than three antibiotics. Some scientists say that humans help bacteria develop resistance against antibiotics when they stop taking medication before it is time. There have been many occasions in
  • 18. How Does Dimmesdale Show His Sins In The Scarlet Letter Essay #1 In the novel, The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne shows sins of several different kinds in numerous people, as well as the consequences and remedies of their sins. Arthur Dimmesdale, bares the most brutal effects of his sins. Hester Prynne recognized her sins and accepted them. She wore the letter A with such pride and dignity. Dimmesdale on the other hand knew what he did was unacceptable and was unable to confess his sins, because of the fear of not being accepted into society, and also the fear of not being forgiven by God. Dimmesdale s inability to confess his sin and to accept his punishments eventually leads to his downfall. Dimmesdale wanted to desperately admit his sin to the world, but just couldn t bring himself to do it. Dimmesdale tells Hester ,... it would be better for him to do so than to hide a guilty heart for the rest of his life. What can your silence do for him, except tempt him almost force him to add hypocrisy to his sins? (Page 73) Dimmesdale pleads Hester to tell the name of the father, and fellow sinner. He is too weak minded to do it himself. Since he was not revealed, he hides his guilty heart. Later in The Scarlet Letter, Dimmesdale digs himself into a dark hole of shame and failure. At this point in the book Dimmesdale s guilt has built up to an extreme amount he inflicts torment ... Show more content on ... Chillingworth was surprised to find this out. Chillingworth intends to discover and pursue Hester s lover and to get revenge on him. Chillingworth has a bad feeling about Dimmesdale after waiting and watching every person in the village. Chillingworth decided to move in with Dimmesdale to act as a caring doctor. Chillingworth was basically a leech to Dimmesdale, he never left his side and always made sure Dimmesdale had his
  • 19. Tess Of The DUrbervilles Analysis Tess of the D Urbervilles, published in 1891, challenges the social customs of Victorian England. Thomas Hardy uses the main character, Tess, to condemn views of sexual morality and marriage common in the nineteenth century. Hardy s willingness to question the contemporary views of his day made the novel controversial when it first came out. Tess of the D Urbervilles occurs in the fictional town of Wessex, England. Using this setting, Hardy depicts changes, caused by the rise of modern technology and industry, transpiring throughout rural England. Through Tess, Hardy emphasizes the novel s bucolic setting which represents freedom from the city s corruption. Like other pastoralworks, Tess of the D Urbervilles portrays the country in an idealized or romantic way. By referencing specific pastoral elements belonging to nature, Hardy structures the text to develop the theme of fate. The tragedies that befall Tess appear to be inevitable, giving the impression that fate is punishing Tess for the wrongdoings of her ancestors. Through the theme of class division, Hardy expands upon the notion of fate and questions whether social status should be based on blood or wealth. By emphasizing the rural setting and marriage customs of his time, Hardy distinguishes between marriage for social gain and true pastoral love. The rich country setting of Tess of the D Urbervilles creates a tone of femininity and nature that emphasizes the thematic portrayal of fate and class division. Infused with other pastoral elements, these themes and motifs classify the novel as a pastoral tragedy. Thomas Hardydepicts a strong connection between women and nature. Women in Tess of the D Urbervilles are depicted as being more in touch with the outdoors. The special relationship women have with nature separates them from their male counterparts, who are more in tune with industrialization. This parallelism between women and nature is best witnessed through Tess, who Hardy describes as a daughter of nature (Hardy.135). Angel Clare associates Tess with nature when he describes her as a visionary essence of woman, calling her Artemis, Demeter and other fanciful names (Hardy.146) By comparing Tess to Artemis, the goddess of the hunt, and
  • 20. Essay On Energy In Australia Energy Preliminary Evaluation The main aim of the energy category is to reduce energy consumption. Currently, the main source for energy is fossil fuels. During 2011, around 95% of energy used in Australia came from fossil fuels (BREE (Bureau of Resources and Energy Economics), 2013), making the energy sector the most important Green House Gases (GHG) source in the country. Energy used in buildings accounts for around 20% of the total emissions (ABCB, 2014) therefore, their reduction will make a contribution in the quest against global climate change. Figure 1 and 2 illustrates the tertiary education sector energy consumption profile in Australia: Figure 1: Tertiary Education Buildings Fuel Share 2010 (COAG, 2012) Figure 2: Tertiary Education Buildings Electricity Consumption 1999 2012. (COAG, 2012) Energy efficiency and renewable energy sources are some of the important features that must be integrated to existing and future buildings in order to reduce their energy consumption and emissions footprint. Energy efficient advances in lighting, Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems (HVAC) constitutes some of the opportunities for improvement. Australia owns an important access to renewable energy sources through the entire extension of the country. Solar power and water heating, wind power and geothermal power are some of the technologies been implemented to reduce energy consumption and decouple from conventional sources. Building 199 power consumption can be
  • 21. Antonio Vivaldi Contributions The Renaissance was a period in European history, from the 14th to the 16th century, regarded as the cultural bridge between the Middle Ages and modern history, but this period of time was eventually overtaken by the Baroque. While the Renaissance brought back the beauty and grace of the Greeks, the Baroque revived the dramatic and affections, or feelings, within musicthat stirred the soul. Unlike the previous period, the Baroque focused on the performance and work itself than the actual composer. The great giants of this time include Monteverdi, Bach, and Handel. They all contributed to the Baroque in various ways, either through operas or conciertos, and everything in between. However, an equally important composer is Antonio Vivaldi. His works spans an array of musical genres and the volume of music he produced make him a significant player in this period. On March 4th, 1678, Antonio Vivaldi, the most original and influential Italian composer of his generation , was born in Venice, Italy (Whole Notes: Stories Behind the Classics: Antonio Vivaldi). Born a sickly child, he was baptized almost immediately because the midwife thought his life was in danger since he was born the day of an earthquake (Sadie, Stanley, and John Tyrrell, 2001). In reality, Vivaldi had stretezza de prieto or asthma, and this condition would affect him for the rest of his life, limiting the types of instruments he could comfortably and masterfully play (Sadie, Stanley, and John Tyrrell, 2001).
  • 22. Social Acceptance In College Essay College Fraternities and Sororities The High Cost of Social Acceptance College students who choose to join fraternities or sororities do so because of their need for social acceptance. I am personally against fraternities and sororities. I feel that it is money spent for the purpose of buying friends. There are many ways to meet interesting people other than devoting all of your time and money to a club in order to do so. Perhaps the people who join these groups have low self esteem, social anxiety, or feel that the best way to make friends in college is to pay for them. I find this issue to be interesting because there are many Greek organizations on campus that are constantly advertising and promoting themselves.... Show more content on ... Non members chose not to join because of numerous reasons. Out of twelve non members, seven agreed that they would not join due to a lack of money, and six out of those seven said they still would not join even if they had the funds. Nine of the twelve felt that they would not have enough time to devote themselves to a fraternity or sorority. What I found to be the most interesting was that ten felt that the reason people join these organizations are just paying for friendship. The only reason these non members agreed that it would be a beneficial to join a fraternity or sorority would be for academic achievements, such as the Honors fraternity, or one that pertained to your major. Twelve members of fraternities or sororities were also surveyed. Eleven stated that they joined so they can meet new people and make friends. Only five agreed that they joined so they could help the community. Eight of the ten felt they needed to join so they would have a place to party and also meet girls. Three felt that being a member taught you leadership skills. Two joined because they thought it would look good on a resume. My second method of research was a personal interview. Here, I was able to ask more questions than on a random survey in the Oak Grove. On the issue of students not having time to devote themselves to one of the organizations, one non member commented, I know that as a student I am way too busy with school
  • 23. Research Paper On Polluter Pays Principle What is polluter pays principle? The polluter pays principle is one of the basic principles of sustainable development. The polluter pays principle(PPP) means that there is an absolute liability for harm to the environment and the person who is responsible for the environment pollution is liable to pay compensation to the victims of the pollution and also the cost of restoring the environment degradation. Thus the polluter pays principle includes environmental costs and cost to the people or their property. According to the PPP the responsibility to disapprove the environmental damage is upon the polluter. Principle 16 of Rio declaration of 1992 enunciates that the polluter should bear the cost of pollution. The needs of polluter pays principle in the modern world of ... Show more content on ... Acceptance of polluter pays principle by Indian judiciary: The judiciary in India recognizes the Polluter Pays Principle as is seen from the judgment delivered by the Supreme Court of India in the case of, Indian Council for Enviro Legal Action v. Union of India Ors.4 In its order dated Feb.4, 2005, The Supreme Court held that The Polluter Pays Principle means that absolute liability of harm to the environment extends not only to compensate the victims of pollution, but also to the cost of restoring environmental degradation. Remediation of damaged environment is part of the process of sustainable development. In an another case of Vineet Kumar Mathur v. Union of India5, a PIL was filled alleging the pollution of Gomati river water due to discharge of effluents from the distillery of company (mohan meakin LTD). The supreme court of India issued orders granting time for removal of deficiencies in the effluent treatment plant of the company and compensatory cost of five lakhs which was utilized for the purpose of cleaning the Gomati river.
  • 24. Canterbury Tales Nun Prioress Essay It is human nature to want things they cannot have or to not be satisfied with their life. In the story, The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, this human nature is most reverently displayed in the character of Nun Prioress, because she wants to appear as a woman of higher class. Through the use of literary elements, such as characterization, symbolism and satiric irony, Chaucer is able to illustrate how the Nun Prioress reflects the most basic of human traits, which is the desire to want something they cannot have. Chaucer s story clearly illustrates the idea of how people want to be something they can t because they are not satisfied with their life. This is seen when the Nun Prioress is first introduced in the story, as a woman who is supposed to be modest and pure but is flirtatious and risquГ©,... Show more content on ... Her mouth full small and thereto soft and red. (Chaucer 153). The color red can be seen as a color of passion and this symbolizes how the nun does not believe in chaste love. Chaucer has created a satiric character, nun prioress, who is supposed to be a leader of the Roman Catholic Church but behaves like a woman of higher class. Through the use a satiric irony, Chaucer illustrates the nature of human beings which is to want things they cannot have. This is seen when the Nun Prioress she acts as if she is from a higher class and not humble like a typical nun. She was so charitable and pitous (143). The nun s personality traits are what add onto the satiric irony which include making sure to eat properly She let no morsel from her lips fall, nor wet her fingers in the sauce to deep (128 129), speaking in an educated manner such as attempting to speak French And French she spoke full fair and fetisly (124) , appearing dainty to the other travelers Wept if one of them were dead (148) , and also introducing herself as Madam Eglantine rather than nun
  • 25. The Throne Of Fire Essay Rick Riordan easily demonstrated the growth and development of characters throughout the story names The Throne of Fire . Bes, the egyptian dwarf god had not like Carter and Sadie Kane really much. After their experience with each other they developed a new relationship, for example all the times they have fought of the servants of the embodiment of chaos, Apophis. When they were gambling for moonlight with the moon god, Khonsu Bes had risked his ren , secret name, or his life s experience for Carter and Sadie to be able to go one past the eighth house to stop Apophis from rising. One Bes s last words before he had given his ren to Khonsu were, Sometimes you have to lose a piece to win a game. (Riordan, 393), which shows that he had cared too much for Sadie and Carter to have risked his own existence just for two magicians that he had met for barely one week. After leaving London to... Show more content on ... He cleverly used the ba trips that Sadie and Carter experienced throughout the book to recount ancient stories to describe what happened in the past as well as to describe the surroundings and the actions that were taking place. Carter stated, my ba drifted as soon as I fell asleep...the edge of the magic curtain was turning from red to deep purple indicating a new age...I saw two figures grappling in front of a burning chair. (Riordan, 302). The author surprisingly describes and developed the plot of the story in only one action. He also developed the plot of the story by describing the memories that Carter had of Zia. Carter described Zia by starting by, Her short black hair drifted around her face, which was just as beautiful as I remembered...Queen Nefertiti, Zia reminded me of her, with raised eyebrows, high cheekbones, graceful nose, and perfect red lips. Rick Riordan used more examples of how he developed the plot of the story in his own smart
  • 26. The Keiserschlacht or Emperor s Battle In 1914, General Erich Ludendorff, Germany s key commander in World War I, along with General Paul von Hindenburg, strategically placed the German Army in a series of three 25 mile trenches in central France. This new position gave the German s a false sense of security, which led them to believe that they would win World War I. At first, the onslaught and brute force of the offensive proved itself well. The Kaiserschlacht, or Emperor s Battle, quickly turned around due to lack of supplies and heavy casualties. Since the Central Powers were becoming more confident, they made more mistakes and thus began losing battles and eventually the war. Greater numbers and strength of the Allied Powers ultimately led to the slaughter and defeat of the Germans under Generals Ludendorff and Hindenburg. Germany had the chance to end the war before the resources from the United States could be deployed into France and Britain. In an advantage by numbers, fearless leader Ludendorff set off to gain land for Germany and defeat the Allied powers once and for all. The Germans knew that they had to conquer Europe before the Americans could train soldiers and ship men and supplies to the front lines. The addition of Americans to the Allied Powers would significantly impact the outcome of the war. Germany still believed that they could win the war. German hope was increased when Russia withdrew from the war in 1917. Ludendorff, a former chief of staff under General Hindenburg, was a
  • 27. Warkentin Chapter Summary How does one describe land? What determines how one describes it? Does it matter about what year the chapter is written? In Chapter 12 of Warkentin s text, he elaborates on the spacial complexities humans had in British Columbia between 1840 s and early 2000 s. Warkentin flows from the Southern British Columbia region to the Central areas of British Columbia then continues observations to the Island Pacific coast which finishes with the Metropolitan B.C. His expertise of the land is almost overwhelming with descriptions of the Natural features, resources, and settlements within the area expressing tremendous spacial and humanistic details, highlighting the Canadian Pacific Railway(CPR) and the important history between Aboriginals and the settlers of this time. Unlike Warkentin, Bone describes a... Show more content on ... The descriptions he gives about these keystones in history is enough for me to engage in my own research. This made me question which text is the better to learn from, if a book doesn t create a want for more, is it a good book? In terms of learning, I much preferred the Warkentin chapter as it influenced me to dig deeper into the history of topics. 

What intrigues me about both chapters is their different takes on what the geography of B.C. should represent. The Bone articles highlight an economic opportunity in the mining, and extractions of resources, while seemingly bypassing the history of how British Columbians have gotten to that point. There is a lack of concern for indigenous population and other small communities in particularly the northern regions which should be addressed. Bone does a great job of keeping his text simple and effective for easy reading to catch main points, in my opinion this is where Warkentin has struggled. The detail Warkentin illustrates in his text is profound yet cumbersome at times. Warkentin s knowledge of the land and how humans have managed to integrate themselves among it to begin the extraction of the materials which
  • 28. Lelli Kelly Shoes-Dinky Women Fashion Statement Lelli Kelly Shoes dinky Women Fashion Statement Featuring newest designs to consider beyond the field of style and fashion and following high European capacity standards, Lelli Kelly shoes generate diminutive women own world of fashion. They re highly fashionable and comfy. Good for your diminutive women, these footwear are beloved for an entire of reasons. Some women opt to allow them to exercise, some for leisure, yet others listen to it to appear verily gorgeous. But the reality is, whatever s the reason, they re verily available to help make your diminutive women feel extra while walking the roads, in schools, in yards, or perhaps in roughly every neighborhood. So, if you re seeing for something verily gorgeous, these footwear can easily provide you with a collection with vibrant colors and ornaments to create your purchasing contact more thrilling. nown for mind turning styles, these footwear are merely funky yet fun giving. With entertainment and excitement, these footwear draw fullness of attention ... Show more content on ... In connection with this, these footwear are produced to allow your kids play or dress well. They re even more gorgeous now and add sparkle for your attire every single day. Good for your diminutive women, they enable them to be considered a center of attraction. Fetching increasingly more compliments, they create an excellent option for most sparkly, shimmering, and bedazzled footwear. Hence, if you would like something you can depend upon for capacity and luxury, they re better to go for. Adding for your diminutive women world of fashion, they enhance their walking in addition to playing experience. Adding more, as trendy footwear have started to be an leading a part of our children s existence, so they need to be excellent according to their needs. Furthermore, they not just increase the style and sweetness, but in addition helps in indicating your ex for
  • 29. The Secrets And Personal Thoughts Consequently, this diary uncovered all of her secrets and personal thoughts. This act of exposure is similar to the disclosure and photographic taking of Tereska Draws Her Home. Documentation of personal accounts helps the rest of the world understand and learn, such as from the faults of the government and military systems. Tereska s illustration is personal, and extrudes the immense impact the Nazis and concentration camps had on young children. Other children like Tereska drew their interpretations of their home as well during this same assignment in other photographs Seymour had taken. These other children drew recognizable images of homes and concrete buildings, most of which consisted of squares and identifiable figures. Conversely, Tereska did now draw anything so identifiable. Instead, she drew clumsy, large scribbles that fill up the entire space given to her. There is a relevant circular motion to her drawing, and her drawing is so large that it even crosses over in the child s drawing on her left. At one point, she even draws over her name at the top. She is attempting to cover the entire space in these circular scribbles, with the inspiration of her childhood home, a concentration camp. This image not only speaks largely of the detrimental psychological effect concentration camps had on children, but Tereska s art speaks largely to the topic of the psychology of children s art. Tereska s response of confusion and distraught is displayed too close for comfort.
  • 30. The Song If I Die Young The song If I Die Young written by Kimberly Perry, can be compared and contrasted with the story of Cinderella and Snow White in many ways. The Band Perry didn t purposely make the song fit a popular fairy tale. Simply a few of the lyrics that were used can be compared to the famous fairy tale as well and differ from it. In the song, the writers didn t use lyrics that were straight to the point. A large amount of the lyrics had allusions, symbolism, and a extremely deep meaning behind the text. The first comparison of the story and the song has to be the ending of someone s life. In the song, the quote the sharp knife of a short life can be presented as the death of someone young. That quote can be compared to Snow White when she wasn t pronounced dead but asleep in the fairy tale. Both characters in the story and the song can be considered young. Both have that comparison of being young and be a part of some type of ending. The first contrast of the song and the story would be the presence of a parent. In the song, Kimberly does mention her mother in the line Lord make me a rainbow, ill shine down on my mother. Neither Cinderella nor Snow White had a hint of some sort of adult guardian in the fairy tale. Both Snow White and Cinderella are considered orphans in the story, while in the song Kimberly does have an adult that can care for her. Furthermore, in the song it says She ll know I m safe with you when she stands under my colors shows that her mom would care
  • 31. Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time Essay by... The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time Essay Mr. Boone is not completely evil because he has good intentions behind many of his misdeeds. He only wants what is best for Christopher. Mr. Boone accepts Christopher s special needs and wants him to succeed in life. He helps Christopher a lot more than anyone else, even Judy Boone; Christopher s mother doesn t help Christopher as much. Although Ed Boone s immoral actions were evil, the good intentions, helpfulness, and patience that he displays toward his son, Christopher proves that Mr. Boone is the evil figure with an ultimately good heart. Ed shows a lot of helpfulness to everyone and especially Christopher. This is what lets Ed be so good with Christopher, patience lets Ed be... Show more content on ... Ed stood up for Christopher when someone under estimated him and this let Christopher succeed on to becoming what he wants to be. Ed Boone has good intentions toward Christopher and only wishes the best for him, even though his actions and decisions are not always the best. He hid the letters, that Christopher s mother sent Christopher. He also lied to Christopher about his mother, telling Christopher that she died of a heart attack. Even though the things Ed did look evil and bad hearted, he did it out of love. Just like he killed Wellington, Mrs. Shears dog, because he loved her and she rejected him, and Ed got out of control. Ed lied and hid the letters from Christopher because Christopher, being a person with special needs, did not feel sad and take the divorce and separation of his parents too deeply and harshly. Ed also did this so Christopher would not leave him, because Ed loves him a lot. After Ed found out that Christopher read the letters, he apologized and said, I m sorry, Christopher, I m so, so sorry [Page 114]. Ed even said and told Christopher it was for his safety and for good, that it was all for a good cause. Ed said, I did it for your good, Christopher. Honestly I did. I never meant to lie. I just thought... I just thought it was better if you didn t know... that... that... I didn t mean to... I was going to show them to you when you were older [Page 114]. Ed was rash and unfair, but with a good heart, which is clearly
  • 32. The Energy Crisis Of Oil Essay In order to fulfill his desires, man will abuse environmental supplies to a great extent, consequently indorsing his environment to lose its natural ability of supporting mankind. Our voracious craving for gnawing away at the Earth s natural resources is growing prodigiously. Perhaps our most keen appetite is for oil, the blood of the earth. Similarly, to humans, when blood is removed from the body without being replaced, a treacherous situation surfaces. This situation currently deals directly with oil depletion. Oil is a standout amongst the most essential fuels available in today s culture. It is a finite resource, incapable of being reproduced in human frames, however, mankind voluntarily ignores this information and continues to consumed it at an unstable acceleration. Peak oilhas been looming on the horizon for decades. It is used to describe the global maximum in crude oil production which is predicted to occur in the near future. Once this maximum has been reached, global oil production will begin to forever decline afterwards, leading the world into a catastrophic energy crunch that could cripple our economy. Oil will become more difficult to extract, therefore making it more expensive as nations compete for the declining supply. The failure of economies to adapt to the staggering cost of oil will eventually kill off every endeavor by the economy to develop, and cause semi permanent depression. Unfortunately, individuals cannot simply suck oil out of the ground
  • 33. The Wild Life Of Christian The Lion Analysis The big Idea or theme in the story, The Wild Life of Christian the Lion by Tod Olson and the poem Wild Home by Rebecca Kai Dotlich is, can a something that lived in captured forever ever learn to be free in the wild? My evidence from the text is In the wild , lions prowl thousands of acres of the land. Surly London was not a place for a lion to be. Another thing from the the text that supports the main idea is when John said, We knew we couldn t betray him by putting him in a zoo. Another thing in the text of Christian the lion was, The plan was to release Christian into the wild. But it was not as simple as it seemed it would be because, animals raised in captivity do not have the skills to survive the wild. In the poem Wild
  • 34. Super Soldiers And Super Soldier Experimentation Essay Super Soldier Experiments Going through life, at times, one would wonder how vast the greed of human beings is. Is it as dangerous as we think? Wanting something? Desiring something so much that you would risk everything you own and love? Is it as sinful as we are taught as kids to believe? All we have to do is take those desires and create something good out of it. However, when we desire something that affects the rights of other living things, it is extremely bad and these questions will all be answered with a solid Yes. . I will be sharing with you the opinion of many others whom are against such situations; situations such as super soldierexperiments. Super Soldier experimentation is a version of human experiments on military soldiers based on the idea of making them the perfect killing machines. The government in charge of a certain military base doesn t want any interference of human emotions, hunger, PTSD, and fatigue. For those in charge, being rid of those pesky human emotions would benefit them greatly due to the fact that those sorts of emotions may negatively impact the army s progress in defeating their enemies. These kinds of experiments as well as other types of human experiments have been going on for as long as the first World War or, perhaps, even before then. Numerous have been articles put out on very notable figures in history partaking in these supposedly top secret events. Genetically modified humans have been an ambitious venture for
  • 35. Pericles Vs Alcibiades The Traditional Period of Greece, 500 338 BCE, cleared a path to a wide range of changes in Athenian history. The Athenian government transformed from an oppression to a vote based system, and after the Persian war in 499 BCE, Athens begun to turned into a military superpower, also. Because of Themistocles supporting to construct a more grounded naval force, their military influence developed, making Athens economy rise turning into the wealthiest city states. The Peloponnesian War drew out the significance of lawmakers and pioneers, since now the administration is controlled by the general population. This war brought two of the most noticeable and powerful people to lead Athens through the war and molded Athens future. The two pioneers are cousins, Periclesand Alcibiades. They have various similitudes, similar to their genealogy and instruction, while additionally using their interesting identities in their authority abilities. One of the major, and self evident, similitudes between the two Athenians is that they originate from a similar ancestry. Both Pericles and Alcibiades moms were from the honorable family Alcmaeonidae. The Alcmaeonidae were additionally substantial engaged with legislative issues. Their close families were essential to Athenian history also. Pericles is the child of Xanthippus and Agariste. Xanthippus became well known by [defeating] the Persian general of Mycale . While his mom s uncle, Cleisthenes ran out Hippias, child of Pisistratus,
  • 36. What Are The Responsibility Of Germans React To The... History has taught you nothing if you think you can kill ideas. Tyrants have tried to do that often before, and the ideas have risen up in their might and destroyed them. You can burn my books and the books of the best minds in Europe, but the ideas in them have seeped through a million channels and will continue to quicken other minds. (Keller). Countless words written by intellectuals were put to flame on May 10th of 1933 by Nazi Germany. The purpose of this destruction was not driven by hatred of the paper or book jackets, but by the fear of citizens reading these books and thinking anything that didn t perfectly conform to Nazi ideology. Attempting to make people agree with your politics by removing entire pieces of reality is a foolish ... Show more content on ... When the book burnings happened in the name of Nazis, there was really no response from Germany. No one took to the streets to protest their actions or get Hitler out of government, because everyone who cared was too scared by the fact that they were the ones Hitler wanted to go up in flames. In Fahrenheit 451, Faber one of the countless people who let this happen to them, I saw the way things were going, a long time back. I said nothing. I m one of the innocents who could have spoken up when no one would listen to the guilty , but I did not speak and thus became guilty myself. (Bradbury 78) People in Fahrenheit 451 look to their conformity to judge whether they are in the right or wrong. ...I grunted a few times and subsided, for there were no others grunting or yelling with me, by then, (Bradbury 78) The problem with overwhelming conformity, though, is that it allows someone like Hitler to step in, and every word he says will be followed because each person thinks the other is an agreeance because no one is shrugging a shoulder. In America, though, people knew what was happening was wrong because they had the freedoms to look at the situation from a different standpoint. Newsweek called it a holocaust of books; Time a bibliocaust. (What Were Hitler s Ideas?) People all around the world value books as a way to expand your knowledge and educate yourself on the rights and wrongs of life. It is just human instinct to
  • 37. Meditation Essay Meditation is portable, profound, and powerful. It improves your life in all sorts of ways, ranging from the spiritual to the physical. Today I want to share about how you can take concrete and effective steps to improve your sleep and, by extension boost your energy, through meditation Meditation is a practice that you build incrementally over time. The more you do it, the more natural it becomes for you. And right from the start, just a few moments of meditation can help you fall asleep faster, as well as improving the quality of your sleep. In fact, it s quite possible that meditation could help you feel more refreshed with fewer hours of sleep. Here are 7 simple practices to encourage mindfulness and increase energy: Meditation Practices ... Show more content on ... Get in the habit of paying attention to your body. When you notice an ache or pain, try adjusting your position to address small discomforts before they build up and interfere with your energy and your sleep. Let go of judgments. Meditation also helps develop a mind free from judgment. As you observe your thoughts you notice (and reduce) negative self talk. Identify obstacles. If some thoughts recur as you meditate, they could be trying to tell you something. They may be issues you need to resolve so you can sleep better. Become more mindful. Focusing on the present moment helps you stay calm. Studies show that multi tasking erodes concentration and creates stress that contributes to insomnia. Try Yoga or Tai chi. Exercises like these are especially helpful when you approach them as a mental discipline as well as a physical workout. They encourage deep breathing, stress reduction and enhanced concentration. Use meditation to complement sleep. People who go on prolonged retreats are sometimes surprised that meditating all day may dramatically reduce their need for sleep at night. Proceed at your own pace to find the right combination of sleep and meditation for you. You may someday find that your body requires less sleep as you meditate
  • 38. Around the Horn Pow Essay POW 9: Around the Horn Problem Statement During the time of crossing the overland trail, many people instead chose to take the ship route which went around Cape Horn at the tip of South America. The points that we are given to keep in mind are: A ship leaves New York for San Francisco on the first of every month at noon, and vice versa for a ship coming from San Francisco. Each ship arrives exactly six months after it leaves. With these things, we are also going to assume that: The weather conditions are perfect and the trip goes exactly as planned. The time zones do not affect anything in this problem. There is a certain point that the ship must reach, or have reached at each month. Assuming these... Show more content on ... The points that we are given to keep in mind are: A ship leaves New York for San Francisco on the first of every month at noon, and vice versa for a ship coming from San Francisco. Each ship arrives exactly six months after it leaves. With these things, we are also going to assume that: The weather conditions are perfect and the trip goes exactly as planned. The time zones do not affect anything in this problem. There is a certain point that the ship must reach, or have reached at each month. Assuming these things, and having the given knowledge, we are to answer the question, if you were on a ship leaving from New York, how many ships from San Francisco would you see in passing? Process At first, I was confused with this problem and did not know what to do. For this problem, I used only one problem and it was what helped me solve it. With my table group (Derick I), we did a simulation. We first drew out a large map with the points that every ship should reach at the start of every month. Then we kept feeding in the blocks (which we used to act as ships) and did the simulation. Using this strategy, we were able to find the solution. Solution I found that if I were a traveler on a New York ship bound for San Francisco, I would see SEVEN ships from San Francisco, California along the way. This is how I
  • 39. Technology Changed Technology No wave of change has ever been greater than the change that technology has had on our lives. Whether it s how we communicate and access information to how we make payments, technology has changed it. It is clear that the way we communicate has changed abundantly over the past century. Many years ago the only form of communication was the hand written letter, with it taking weeks to months to get a reply. Now with modern technology we can instantly send an email and can receive a reply in the same day. The fact that communication has become faster can allow organising an event, such as a birthday, easier. Mobile phones have also allowed us to make calls to anyone, anywhere, anytime. If I m at the shops and can t remember if I was supposed to get milk, a quick call home allows me to check. Many people live in different countries to their families and the advancement in technology allows them to video call a person and see them on the other end, which helps them to feel closer than they are. The mobile phone s main feature may be for communication but they can now do so much more than just make a call. You can now access the internet, send emails, use the calender and write notes to yourself, keeping the things you need to do in the palm of your hand. The phone also allows you to load loyalty cards onto it, eliminating the need to carry them. When you re travelling overseas you can get your itinerary on your phone and you could check in for flights and hotels online allowing
  • 40. Clinton Lewinsky Scandal In 1995 there were 23,500 websites on the World Wide Web and by 1998 there were 2,410,067, a more that 10,000% increase. This sudden growth marked a change in the way media was spread and created a new on demand system for gathering information. In this era one could go from an unknown to a celebrity overnight as news spread through television and Internetat an unprecedented speed. The first major story that was truly born online and propagated by Internet news sources was the Clinton Lewinsky scandal in 1998 that ultimately lead to President Clinton s impeachment in early 1999. The picture that was painted of Monica s character as the story broke and more details came to light was far harsher than is justifiable and the negative image that... Show more content on ... Her story is a compelling example of how dangerous the distance between the oppressor and oppressed can become when stories spread through the media and the humanity of the victim is separated from her name. There currently is a vocabulary for what happened to Monica Lewinsky, something decidedly absent in 1998: slut shaming or even cyber bullying. The Lewinsky scandal was the first major story to break at the frontier of the media revolution but stories such as this, while of smaller magnitude, have become commonplace in our culture. Through the Internet nearly everyone can become a journalist or news source, sharing through a blog post, Facebook, or Twitter, and one can access boundless amounts of information, accurate or inaccurate. The high threat of misinterpretation, as well as the crushing effect on the victim, as articles and other media are forwarded and shared is something to be wary of as people continue to move their lives into
  • 41. Analysis Of The Bet By Anton Chekhov In the short story, The Bet by Anton Chekhov, a banker and a young man make a bet with each other based on capital punishment and whether the death penalty is better or worse than life in prison. The terms of the wager state that if the lawyer can live in solitary confinement for fifteen years, he will be given two million dollars. When examining the story, the Marxist lens would offer an insight to the ability of symbols and its forms, styles and, meanings. Chekhov connects these themes by utilizing the literary elements of Power. More specifically the power of money, knowledge, language, and competition. The power of money plays an important role as one of the many symbols in short story. The money the baker wages is used as a symbol for the value of fifteen years of the young lawyer s life that will be spent imprisoned, with no human connection. They are also a symbol for the greed of the young lawyer, who is willing to sacrifice 15 years of his life, either to prove his point in the argument, or for the money. Through the marxist lens the reader would be able to see that money is a motivator and leads people to do things they wouldn t if, money was not in the picture. If the banker and lawyer were both not high member in their society, they would have just debated over the issue and agreed not agree, but because egos and power comes into play the outcome is different. Not only is money a symbol in the short story, but so is the knowledge that books provide the
  • 42. Who Is Sacagawea Brave Sacagawea and The expedition Sacagawea was a lady who was brave, and wasn t scared to sacrifice her life to save other people from the expedition. She was a lady who was strong, and was a leader. First, Sacagawea shielded Lewis, and Clark during the time of the expedition. It says in paragraph four that Sacagawea became an invaluable part of the expedition . Sacagawea knowledge and courage saved a lot of lives that day on the day of the expedition. Lewis and Clark needed her help a lot or they wouldn t made it out of the expedition if wasn t for her unique skills. Sacagawea wasn t scared to save people lives. She was brave and wasn t scared to save other humans lives. Next, Sacagawea wasn t scared, she had walked long distances
  • 43. The Basic Design Of An Exercise Prescription Exercise Prescription The basic design of an exercise prescription should be based on a person s age, fitness level, and health status including mental and physical health as well as the goals they are looking to acheive. Once the assessment is complete this is used to help determine how to develop the exerciseprogram specific to that individual. The American College of Sports Medicine (2014) s FITT principle is a good way to start the development process for any individual and should be the foundation of the exercise program. This principle includes four basic components to be followed including: frequency, intensity, timing, and type of exercises to be used. Appropriately applying these to an exercise program will help meet the individual goals of each client. Frequency of Exercise Determining how often an exercise session from a particular program should be performed is important and will help with gaining the benefits and results wanted. Too many or too few sessions in a week may have opposite, negative, or no effects on any individual. The frequency of exercising should be considered at an individual level and where a certain client s motivation may be at with their willingness to start a program. However, a good place to start is with a frequency of 2 3 times per week. This can optimize the beneficial results someone with osteoporosis is looking for. Kemmler Stengel (2014) performed an extensive 12 year cohort study observing the effects of exercise