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Danny Thompson
The Importance of Tunneling
A Machine Learning Baseball Analysis
Variable Importance
• The purpose of this project is to take secondary pitches thrown after fastballs
and build statistical models that predict one of three pitcher friendly outcomes
for those pitches: Whi
s, Chases, and Groundballs.
• The predictive variables used are then ranked in terms of their importance in
predicting the outcome, which gives an idea on how important it actually is for
a pitcher to focus on.
• Five of the thirteen variables used have to do with comparing the secondary
pitch to the fastball just thrown
• The idea then is that a pitcher who wants to
ne-tune a secondary pitch or
add one to his arsenal to
x his lack of whi
s, chases, or groundballs can
wisely prioritize which targets he wants to focus on most during pitch
development while keeping his fastball intact.
What is Pitch Tunneling?
• The idea of tunneling pitches is that "two di
erent pitches
y down the same
trajectory long enough to look nearly identical through the point when a hitter
must decide whether, or not, to swing. If pitches thrown back to back travel
down this same 'tunnel' long enough, a hitter won’t be able to tell them apart
until it’s too late" (Blewett)
Blewett, D. (2017, June 16). Pitch tunneling: Is it real? and how do pitchers actually pitch?. The Hardball Times.
Greg Maddux
• Maddux understood this concept well. He had stated that his goal was "late
quick break, not big impressive break. The bigger the break, the sooner the
ball must start to swerve and the more milliseconds the hitter has to react; the
later the break, the less reaction time. Deny the batter as much information—
speed or type of last-instant deviation—until it is almost too late" (Boswell).
• His main goal was to "make all of my pitches look like a column of milk
coming toward home plate. Every pitch should look as close to every other as
possible, all part of that ‘column of milk’" (Greg Maddux).
Boswell, T. (2014, January 7). Baseball Hall of Fame: Greg Maddux used methodical approach to get to ... Washington Post.
The Variables
• Pitch velocity at the time of release
• The spin rate of the ball in RPM
• Horizontal movement in feet from the catcher's
• Vertical movement in feet from the catcher's
• Horizontal position of the ball when it crosses home
plate from the catcher's perspective
• Vertical position of the ball when it crosses home
plate from the catcher's perspective
• How far apart two pitches are at the Tunnel Point—the point during their
when the hitter must make a decision about whether to swing or not (roughly
175 milliseconds before contact)
• How far apart back-to-back pitches end up at home plate
• How much each spin-induced movement is generated on each pitch between
the tunnel point and home plate
• The di
erence, in MPH, between back-to-back pitches
• The average variation between back-to-back pitches at release
• The ratio of post-tunnel break to the di
erential of pitches at the Tunnel Point
• The ratio of a pitcher’s release di
erential to their tunnel di
Statcast search CSV documentation.
Sayre, B. (2022, January 19). Prospectus feature: Introducing pitch tunnels.
Baseball Prospectus.
Model Methodology
• Download all Statcast pitch data from 2015 to 2023 (excluding 2020 shortened season due to unreliability)
• Run all wrangling and model code in R
• Gather all secondary pitches (Curveballs, Sliders, Changeups, Sweepers, Splitters, Knuckle Curves, Slurves) thrown after a
fastball (Four-Seamers, Sinkers, Cutters)
• Use physics and trigonometry to calculate the pitch di
erence variables (HUGE help from
• Split up data by pitcher handedness, batter handedness, fastball, secondary pitch
• Downsample the majority class of the response variable (Whi
, Chase, Groundball) for a 50/50 split of pitches that were and
were not those outcomes.
• Split the downsampled data into a 70/30 training/testing sample split
• Run training data through a GRADIENT BOOSTING ML ALGORITHM (with 500 decision trees) to predict the outcome of the
• On testing data, use the model to compare the predicted outcomes to the real outcomes and measure the testing accuracy
• If accuracy is su
cient, run a variable importance graph to measure each variable's impact
• To see the code I wrote to do all this:
• 163 models were built: 62 predicting Whi
s, 60 predicting Chases, and 41 predicting Groundballs.
• 77.4% of the Whi
models showed that the tunnel di
erence is more important than both horizontal and
vertical break. However, this was only the case for 31.7% of Chase models and just 9.8% of the
Groundball models.
• The di
erence at plate matters a lot for predicting Chases
• Groundballs were hard to predict and did not yield the high accuracies of the Whi
and Chase models
• There is no evidence to suggest release di
erences tip pitches
• The rest of this PDF contains the results for the 163 models. They are not meant to be read all in one
sitting, but rather a reference guide when needed. To search for a speci
c combination, hit CTRL + F, type
in the fastball name, then the secondary pitch name, then the pitcher handedness, batter handedness,
and response variable of interest. For example: If I wanted to see changeups thrown after sinkers, from a
righty to a lefty, to study whi
s, I'd type Sinker -> Changeup | RHP -> LHH | Whi
Take it Further
• Knowing the importance of each variable is great, but more information is
needed. A pitcher needs to see the quantities within those variables he should
strive for to improve his outcomes. To help with that process, use the
ShinyApp I developed:
Right Handed Pitchers vs
Right Handed Hitters
Cutter -> Changeup | RHP -> RHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 1182 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 508 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 64.76%
Cutter -> Changeup | RHP -> RHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 1628 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 698 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 73.64%
Cutter -> Curveball | RHP -> RHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 1702 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 730 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 71.64%
Cutter -> Curveball | RHP -> RHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 2380 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 1022 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 72.41%
Cutter -> Curveball | RHP -> RHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 2380 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 1022 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 62.57%
Cutter -> Splitter | RHP -> RHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 402 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 174 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 63.22%
Cutter -> Splitter | RHP -> RHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 470 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 204 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 66.18%
Cutter -> Knuckle Curve | RHP -> RHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 640 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 276 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 76.81%
Cutter -> Knuckle Curve | RHP -> RHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 1004 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 432 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 71.99%
Cutter -> Knuckle Curve | RHP -> RHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 344 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 150 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 60%
Cutter -> Slider | RHP -> RHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 1852 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 794 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 71.66%
Cutter -> Slider | RHP -> RHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 2444 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 1048 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 67.08%
Cutter -> Slider | RHP -> RHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 884 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 380 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 56.05%
Cutter -> Sweeper | RHP -> RHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 554 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 238 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 63.45%
Cutter -> Sweeper | RHP -> RHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 660 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 284 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 70.42%
Four-Seam -> Changeup | RHP -> RHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 8148 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 3494 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 67.09%
Four-Seam -> Changeup | RHP -> RHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 11286 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 4838 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 73.11%
Four-Seam -> Changeup | RHP -> RHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 4132 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 1772 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 59.82%
Four-Seam -> Curveball | RHP -> RHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 7238 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 3104 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 72.39%
Four-Seam -> Curveball | RHP -> RHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 10766 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 4616 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 70.99%
Four-Seam -> Curveball | RHP -> RHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 4546 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 1950 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 63.28%
Four-Seam -> Splitter | RHP -> RHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 2670 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 1146 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 67.89%
Four-Seam -> Splitter | RHP -> RHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 3682 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 1580 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 73.35%
Four-Seam -> Splitter | RHP -> RHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 1114 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 480 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 59.17%
Four-Seam -> Knuckle Curve | RHP -> RHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 2880 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 1236 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 74.27%
Four-Seam -> Knuckle Curve | RHP -> RHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 4056 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 1740 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 69.71%
Four-Seam -> Knuckle Curve | RHP -> RHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 4056 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 1740 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 69.71%
Four-Seam -> Slider | RHP -> RHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 26856 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 11512 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 71.78%
Four-Seam -> Slider | RHP -> RHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 34156 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 14640 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 68.82%
Four-Seam -> Slider | RHP -> RHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 13472 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 5774 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 62.18%
Four-Seam -> Sweeper | RHP -> RHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 1930 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 830 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 71.08%
Four-Seam -> Sweeper | RHP -> RHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 2684 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 1152 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 70.4%
Four-Seam -> Sweeper | RHP -> RHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 708 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 304 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 58.55%
Sinker -> Changeup | RHP -> RHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 5098 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 2186 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 66.01%
Sinker -> Changeup | RHP -> RHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 7092 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 3042 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 73.34%
Sinker -> Changeup | RHP -> RHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 2440 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 1048 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 59.83%
Sinker -> Curveball | RHP -> RHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 4214 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 1820 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 71.43%
Sinker -> Curveball | RHP -> RHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 5814 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 2492 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 71.35%
Sinker -> Curveball | RHP -> RHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 2398 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 1028 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 62.55%
Sinker -> Splitter | RHP -> RHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 964 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 416 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 65.14%
Sinker -> Splitter | RHP -> RHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 1488 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 640 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 72.03%
Sinker -> Splitter | RHP -> RHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 464 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 200 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 57.5%
Sinker -> Knuckle Curve | RHP -> RHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 1004 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 432 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 70.83%
Sinker -> Knuckle Curve | RHP -> RHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 1500 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 644 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 68.48%
Sinker -> Knuckle Curve | RHP -> RHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 592 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 254 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 58.66%
Sinker -> Slider | RHP -> RHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 13024 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 5582 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 70.98%
Sinker -> Slider | RHP -> RHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 16314 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 6992 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 68.61%
Sinker -> Slider | RHP -> RHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 6336 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 2718 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 60.85%
Sinker -> Sweeper | RHP -> RHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 1522 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 654 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 70.8%
Sinker -> Sweeper | RHP -> RHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 1860 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 798 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 69.17%
Sinker -> Sweeper | RHP -> RHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 556 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 240 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 66.25%
Sinker -> Slurve | RHP -> RHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 396 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 172 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 75.58%
Sinker -> Slurve | RHP -> RHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 608 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 262 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 66.03%
Sinker -> Slurve | RHP -> RHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 212 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 92 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 60.87%
Right Handed Pitchers vs
Left Handed Hitters
Cutter -> Changeup | RHP -> LHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 2158 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 926 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 63.93%
Cutter -> Changeup | RHP -> LHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 2158 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 926 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 73.04%
Cutter -> Changeup | RHP -> LHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 2158 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 926 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 59.52%
Cutter -> Curveball | RHP -> LHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 1594 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 684 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 72.37%
Cutter -> Curveball | RHP -> LHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 2350 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 1008 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 72.92%
Cutter -> Splitter | RHP -> LHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 418 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 180 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 64.44%
Cutter -> Splitter | RHP -> LHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 704 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 302 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 74.17%
Cutter -> Knuckle Curve | RHP -> LHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 732 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 316 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 73.73%
Cutter -> Knuckle Curve | RHP -> LHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 1012 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 436 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 72.25%
Cutter -> Slider | RHP -> LHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 982 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 422 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 72.27%
Cutter -> Slider | RHP -> LHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 1436 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 616 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 68.18%
Cutter -> Sweeper | RHP -> LHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 248 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 108 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 65.74%
Cutter -> Sweeper | RHP -> LHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 358 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 156 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 71.15%
Four-Seam -> Changeup | RHP -> LHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 15196 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 6514 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 64.05%
Four-Seam -> Changeup | RHP -> LHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 26362 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 11300 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 73.66%
Four-Seam -> Changeup | RHP -> LHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 11634 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 4988 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 61.67%
Four-Seam -> Curveball | RHP -> LHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 7706 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 3304 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 72.15%
Four-Seam -> Curveball | RHP -> LHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 12150 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 5208 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 72.85%
Four-Seam -> Curveball | RHP -> LHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 4768 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 2046 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 60.56%
Four-Seam -> Splitter | RHP -> LHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 3606 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 1546 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 68.63%
Four-Seam -> Splitter | RHP -> LHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 5970 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 2560 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 72.07%
Four-Seam -> Splitter | RHP -> LHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 2032 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 872 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 63.07%
Four-Seam -> Knuckle Curve | RHP -> LHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 2970 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 1274 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 73.08%
Four-Seam -> Knuckle Curve | RHP -> LHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 2970 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 1274 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 70.05%
Four-Seam -> Knuckle Curve | RHP -> LHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 1520 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 652 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 57.98%
Four-Seam -> Slider | RHP -> LHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 12860 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 5514 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 72.51%
Four-Seam -> Slider | RHP -> LHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 17508 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 7506 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 71.02%
Four-Seam -> Slider | RHP -> LHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 5400 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 2316 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 59.84%
Four-Seam -> Sweeper | RHP -> LHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 694 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 298 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 68.46%
Four-Seam -> Sweeper | RHP -> LHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 960 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 414 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 71.26%
Sinker -> Changeup | RHP -> LHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 6516 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 2794 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 63.64%
Sinker -> Changeup | RHP -> LHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 11600 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 4998 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 73.31%
Sinker -> Changeup | RHP -> LHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 5196 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 2228 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 60.55%
Sinker -> Curveball | RHP -> LHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 2860 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 1226 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 73%
Sinker -> Curveball | RHP -> LHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 4338 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 1860 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 72.74%
Sinker -> Curveball | RHP -> LHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 1728 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 742 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 54.99%
Sinker -> Splitter | RHP -> LHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 1182 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 508 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 69.29%
Sinker -> Splitter | RHP -> LHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 2020 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 868 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 73.85%
Sinker -> Splitter | RHP -> LHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 770 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 330 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 56.67%
Sinker -> Knuckle Curve | RHP -> LHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 970 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 416 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 70.43%
Sinker -> Knuckle Curve | RHP -> LHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 1410 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 606 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 71.78%
Sinker -> Slider | RHP -> LHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 5138 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 2202 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 71.03%
Sinker -> Slider | RHP -> LHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 6892 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 2954 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 70.75%
Sinker -> Slider | RHP -> LHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 2172 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 932 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 59.23%
Sinker -> Sweeper | RHP -> LHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 284 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 122 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 67.21%
Sinker -> Sweeper | RHP -> LHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 364 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 158 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 69.62%
Left Handed Pitchers vs
Right Handed Hitters
Cutter -> Changeup | LHP -> RHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 2402 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 1030 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 63.98%
Cutter -> Changeup | LHP -> RHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 4520 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 1938 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 71.52%
Cutter -> Changeup | LHP -> RHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 1734 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 744 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 61.96%
Cutter -> Curveball | LHP -> RHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 924 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 398 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 74.12%
Cutter -> Curveball | LHP -> RHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 1486 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 638 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 73.2%
Cutter -> Curveball | LHP -> RHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 504 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 218 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 61.93%
Cutter -> Slider | LHP -> RHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 322 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 140 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 70%
Cutter -> Slider | LHP -> RHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 522 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 226 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 71.24%
Four-Seam -> Changeup | LHP -> RHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 9500 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 4072 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 63.95%
Four-Seam -> Changeup | LHP -> RHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 15628 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 6544 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 72.62%
Four-Seam -> Changeup | LHP -> RHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 6768 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 2902 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 60.68%
Four-Seam -> Curveball | LHP -> RHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 4680 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 2006 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 71.04%
Four-Seam -> Curveball | LHP -> RHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 7320 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 3138 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 71.77%
Four-Seam -> Curveball | LHP -> RHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 2962 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 1270 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 58.9%
Four-Seam -> Splitter | LHP -> RHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 428 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 184 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 62.5%
Four-Seam -> Knuckle Curve | LHP -> RHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 1058 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 456 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 71.93%
Four-Seam -> Knuckle Curve | LHP -> RHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 1468 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 630 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 70.95%
Four-Seam -> Knuckle Curve | LHP -> RHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 546 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 236 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 61.02%
Four-Seam -> Slider | LHP -> RHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 8492 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 3640 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 72.06%
Four-Seam -> Slider | LHP -> RHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 11476 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 5036 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 71.35%
Four-Seam -> Slider | LHP -> RHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 11476 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 5036 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 57.77%
Four-Seam -> Sweeper | LHP -> RHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 402 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 174 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 67.24%
Four-Seam -> Sweeper | LHP -> RHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 644 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 276 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 75.36%
Sinker -> Changeup | LHP -> RHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 6070 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 2064 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 64.13%
Sinker -> Changeup | LHP -> RHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 10014 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 4294 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 70.28%
Sinker -> Changeup | LHP -> RHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 4512 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 1934 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 60.34%
Sinker -> Curveball | LHP -> RHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 1926 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 828 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 71.74%
Sinker -> Curveball | LHP -> RHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 2756 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 1182 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 69.63%
Sinker -> Curveball | LHP -> RHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 1036 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 444 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 59.68%
Sinker -> Knuckle Curve | LHP -> RHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 700 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 302 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 70.53%
Sinker -> Knuckle Curve | LHP -> RHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 424 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 182 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 65.38%
Sinker -> Knuckle Curve | LHP -> RHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 424 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 182 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 65.38%
Sinker -> Slider | LHP -> RHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 3780 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 1622 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 72.44%
Sinker -> Slider | LHP -> RHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 5286 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 2266 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 71.71%
Sinker -> Slider | LHP -> RHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 1446 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 622 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 56.59%
Sinker -> Sweeper | LHP -> RHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 244 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 106 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 69.81%
Sinker -> Sweeper | LHP -> RHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 400 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 172 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 68.02%
Left Handed Pitchers vs
Left Handed Hitters
Cutter -> Changeup | LHP -> LHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 244 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 106 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 71.7%
Cutter -> Curveball | LHP -> LHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 384 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 166 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 69.28%
Cutter -> Curveball | LHP -> LHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 508 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 218 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 70.64%
Cutter -> Curveball | LHP -> LHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 192 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 84 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 69.05%
Four-Seam -> Changeup | LHP -> LHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 1054 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 452 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 70.13%
Four-Seam -> Changeup | LHP -> LHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 1348 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 580 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 70.86%
Four-Seam -> Changeup | LHP -> LHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 496 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 214 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 63.08%
Four-Seam -> Curveball | LHP -> LHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 1728 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 742 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 71.7%
Four-Seam -> Curveball | LHP -> LHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 2534 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 1086 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 71.09%
Four-Seam -> Curveball | LHP -> LHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 1206 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 518 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 60.23%
Four-Seam -> Knuckle Curve | LHP -> LHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 274 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 118 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 69.49%
Four-Seam -> Knuckle Curve | LHP -> LHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 432 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 186 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 67.74%
Four-Seam -> Slider | LHP -> LHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 5220 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 2238 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 69.57%
Four-Seam -> Slider | LHP -> LHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 6570 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 2816 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 68.36%
Four-Seam -> Slider | LHP -> LHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 2738 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 1174 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 62.18%
Four-Seam -> Sweeper | LHP -> LHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 360 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 156 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 67.95%
Four-Seam -> Sweeper | LHP -> LHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 452 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 196 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 71.94%
Sinker -> Changeup | LHP -> LHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 1006 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 434 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 63.13%
Sinker -> Changeup | LHP -> LHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 1362 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 586 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 69.62%
Sinker -> Curveball | LHP -> LHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 1006 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 434 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 63.13%
Sinker -> Curveball | LHP -> LHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 1432 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 614 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 70.85%
Sinker -> Knuckle Curve | LHP -> LHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 280 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 122 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 77.05%
Sinker -> Knuckle Curve | LHP -> LHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 436 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 188 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 64.36%
Sinker -> Slider | LHP -> LHH | Whiff
Training Sample: n = 3022 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 1296 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 70.29%
Sinker -> Slider | LHP -> LHH | Chase
Training Sample: n = 3714 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 1592 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 67.09%
Sinker -> Slider | LHP -> LHH | Groundball
Training Sample: n = 1386 pitches
Testing Sample: n = 596 pitches
Testing Accuracy: 60.57%

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The Importance of Tunneling Pitches

  • 1. Danny Thompson The Importance of Tunneling Pitches A Machine Learning Baseball Analysis
  • 2. Variable Importance • The purpose of this project is to take secondary pitches thrown after fastballs and build statistical models that predict one of three pitcher friendly outcomes for those pitches: Whi ff s, Chases, and Groundballs. • The predictive variables used are then ranked in terms of their importance in predicting the outcome, which gives an idea on how important it actually is for a pitcher to focus on. • Five of the thirteen variables used have to do with comparing the secondary pitch to the fastball just thrown • The idea then is that a pitcher who wants to fi ne-tune a secondary pitch or add one to his arsenal to fi x his lack of whi ff s, chases, or groundballs can wisely prioritize which targets he wants to focus on most during pitch development while keeping his fastball intact.
  • 3. What is Pitch Tunneling? • The idea of tunneling pitches is that "two di ff erent pitches fl y down the same trajectory long enough to look nearly identical through the point when a hitter must decide whether, or not, to swing. If pitches thrown back to back travel down this same 'tunnel' long enough, a hitter won’t be able to tell them apart until it’s too late" (Blewett) Blewett, D. (2017, June 16). Pitch tunneling: Is it real? and how do pitchers actually pitch?. The Hardball Times. and-how-do-pitchers-actually-pitch/
  • 4. Greg Maddux • Maddux understood this concept well. He had stated that his goal was "late quick break, not big impressive break. The bigger the break, the sooner the ball must start to swerve and the more milliseconds the hitter has to react; the later the break, the less reaction time. Deny the batter as much information— speed or type of last-instant deviation—until it is almost too late" (Boswell). • His main goal was to "make all of my pitches look like a column of milk coming toward home plate. Every pitch should look as close to every other as possible, all part of that ‘column of milk’" (Greg Maddux). Boswell, T. (2014, January 7). Baseball Hall of Fame: Greg Maddux used methodical approach to get to ... Washington Post. greg-maddux-a-hall-of-fame-approach-that-carried-an-average-arm-to-cooperstown/2014/01/07/fdd7ae82-77d3-11e3-af7f-13bf0e9965f6_story.html
  • 5. The Variables release_speed • Pitch velocity at the time of release release_spin_rate • The spin rate of the ball in RPM pfx_x • Horizontal movement in feet from the catcher's perspective pfx_z • Vertical movement in feet from the catcher's perspective plate_x • Horizontal position of the ball when it crosses home plate from the catcher's perspective plate_z • Vertical position of the ball when it crosses home plate from the catcher's perspective di ff attunnel • How far apart two pitches are at the Tunnel Point—the point during their fl ight when the hitter must make a decision about whether to swing or not (roughly 175 milliseconds before contact) di ff atplate • How far apart back-to-back pitches end up at home plate posttunnelbreak • How much each spin-induced movement is generated on each pitch between the tunnel point and home plate speeddi f • The di ff erence, in MPH, between back-to-back pitches di ff atrelease • The average variation between back-to-back pitches at release breaktotunnelratio • The ratio of post-tunnel break to the di ff erential of pitches at the Tunnel Point releasetotunnelratio • The ratio of a pitcher’s release di ff erential to their tunnel di ff erential Statcast search CSV documentation. (n.d.). Sayre, B. (2022, January 19). Prospectus feature: Introducing pitch tunnels. Baseball Prospectus. prospectus-feature-introducing-pitch-tunnels/
  • 6. Model Methodology • Download all Statcast pitch data from 2015 to 2023 (excluding 2020 shortened season due to unreliability) • Run all wrangling and model code in R • Gather all secondary pitches (Curveballs, Sliders, Changeups, Sweepers, Splitters, Knuckle Curves, Slurves) thrown after a fastball (Four-Seamers, Sinkers, Cutters) • Use physics and trigonometry to calculate the pitch di ff erence variables (HUGE help from • Split up data by pitcher handedness, batter handedness, fastball, secondary pitch • Downsample the majority class of the response variable (Whi ff , Chase, Groundball) for a 50/50 split of pitches that were and were not those outcomes. • Split the downsampled data into a 70/30 training/testing sample split • Run training data through a GRADIENT BOOSTING ML ALGORITHM (with 500 decision trees) to predict the outcome of the pitch • On testing data, use the model to compare the predicted outcomes to the real outcomes and measure the testing accuracy • If accuracy is su ffi cient, run a variable importance graph to measure each variable's impact • To see the code I wrote to do all this:
  • 7. Abstract • 163 models were built: 62 predicting Whi ff s, 60 predicting Chases, and 41 predicting Groundballs. • 77.4% of the Whi ff models showed that the tunnel di ff erence is more important than both horizontal and vertical break. However, this was only the case for 31.7% of Chase models and just 9.8% of the Groundball models. • The di ff erence at plate matters a lot for predicting Chases • Groundballs were hard to predict and did not yield the high accuracies of the Whi ff and Chase models • There is no evidence to suggest release di ff erences tip pitches • The rest of this PDF contains the results for the 163 models. They are not meant to be read all in one sitting, but rather a reference guide when needed. To search for a speci fi c combination, hit CTRL + F, type in the fastball name, then the secondary pitch name, then the pitcher handedness, batter handedness, and response variable of interest. For example: If I wanted to see changeups thrown after sinkers, from a righty to a lefty, to study whi ff s, I'd type Sinker -> Changeup | RHP -> LHH | Whi f •
  • 8. Take it Further • Knowing the importance of each variable is great, but more information is needed. A pitcher needs to see the quantities within those variables he should strive for to improve his outcomes. To help with that process, use the ShinyApp I developed: •
  • 9. Right Handed Pitchers vs Right Handed Hitters
  • 10. Cutter -> Changeup | RHP -> RHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 1182 pitches Testing Sample: n = 508 pitches Testing Accuracy: 64.76%
  • 11. Cutter -> Changeup | RHP -> RHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 1628 pitches Testing Sample: n = 698 pitches Testing Accuracy: 73.64%
  • 12. Cutter -> Curveball | RHP -> RHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 1702 pitches Testing Sample: n = 730 pitches Testing Accuracy: 71.64%
  • 13. Cutter -> Curveball | RHP -> RHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 2380 pitches Testing Sample: n = 1022 pitches Testing Accuracy: 72.41%
  • 14. Cutter -> Curveball | RHP -> RHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 2380 pitches Testing Sample: n = 1022 pitches Testing Accuracy: 62.57%
  • 15. Cutter -> Splitter | RHP -> RHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 402 pitches Testing Sample: n = 174 pitches Testing Accuracy: 63.22%
  • 16. Cutter -> Splitter | RHP -> RHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 470 pitches Testing Sample: n = 204 pitches Testing Accuracy: 66.18%
  • 17. Cutter -> Knuckle Curve | RHP -> RHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 640 pitches Testing Sample: n = 276 pitches Testing Accuracy: 76.81%
  • 18. Cutter -> Knuckle Curve | RHP -> RHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 1004 pitches Testing Sample: n = 432 pitches Testing Accuracy: 71.99%
  • 19. Cutter -> Knuckle Curve | RHP -> RHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 344 pitches Testing Sample: n = 150 pitches Testing Accuracy: 60%
  • 20. Cutter -> Slider | RHP -> RHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 1852 pitches Testing Sample: n = 794 pitches Testing Accuracy: 71.66%
  • 21. Cutter -> Slider | RHP -> RHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 2444 pitches Testing Sample: n = 1048 pitches Testing Accuracy: 67.08%
  • 22. Cutter -> Slider | RHP -> RHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 884 pitches Testing Sample: n = 380 pitches Testing Accuracy: 56.05%
  • 23. Cutter -> Sweeper | RHP -> RHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 554 pitches Testing Sample: n = 238 pitches Testing Accuracy: 63.45%
  • 24. Cutter -> Sweeper | RHP -> RHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 660 pitches Testing Sample: n = 284 pitches Testing Accuracy: 70.42%
  • 25. Four-Seam -> Changeup | RHP -> RHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 8148 pitches Testing Sample: n = 3494 pitches Testing Accuracy: 67.09%
  • 26. Four-Seam -> Changeup | RHP -> RHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 11286 pitches Testing Sample: n = 4838 pitches Testing Accuracy: 73.11%
  • 27. Four-Seam -> Changeup | RHP -> RHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 4132 pitches Testing Sample: n = 1772 pitches Testing Accuracy: 59.82%
  • 28. Four-Seam -> Curveball | RHP -> RHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 7238 pitches Testing Sample: n = 3104 pitches Testing Accuracy: 72.39%
  • 29. Four-Seam -> Curveball | RHP -> RHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 10766 pitches Testing Sample: n = 4616 pitches Testing Accuracy: 70.99%
  • 30. Four-Seam -> Curveball | RHP -> RHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 4546 pitches Testing Sample: n = 1950 pitches Testing Accuracy: 63.28%
  • 31. Four-Seam -> Splitter | RHP -> RHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 2670 pitches Testing Sample: n = 1146 pitches Testing Accuracy: 67.89%
  • 32. Four-Seam -> Splitter | RHP -> RHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 3682 pitches Testing Sample: n = 1580 pitches Testing Accuracy: 73.35%
  • 33. Four-Seam -> Splitter | RHP -> RHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 1114 pitches Testing Sample: n = 480 pitches Testing Accuracy: 59.17%
  • 34. Four-Seam -> Knuckle Curve | RHP -> RHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 2880 pitches Testing Sample: n = 1236 pitches Testing Accuracy: 74.27%
  • 35. Four-Seam -> Knuckle Curve | RHP -> RHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 4056 pitches Testing Sample: n = 1740 pitches Testing Accuracy: 69.71%
  • 36. Four-Seam -> Knuckle Curve | RHP -> RHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 4056 pitches Testing Sample: n = 1740 pitches Testing Accuracy: 69.71%
  • 37. Four-Seam -> Slider | RHP -> RHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 26856 pitches Testing Sample: n = 11512 pitches Testing Accuracy: 71.78%
  • 38. Four-Seam -> Slider | RHP -> RHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 34156 pitches Testing Sample: n = 14640 pitches Testing Accuracy: 68.82%
  • 39. Four-Seam -> Slider | RHP -> RHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 13472 pitches Testing Sample: n = 5774 pitches Testing Accuracy: 62.18%
  • 40. Four-Seam -> Sweeper | RHP -> RHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 1930 pitches Testing Sample: n = 830 pitches Testing Accuracy: 71.08%
  • 41. Four-Seam -> Sweeper | RHP -> RHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 2684 pitches Testing Sample: n = 1152 pitches Testing Accuracy: 70.4%
  • 42. Four-Seam -> Sweeper | RHP -> RHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 708 pitches Testing Sample: n = 304 pitches Testing Accuracy: 58.55%
  • 43. Sinker -> Changeup | RHP -> RHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 5098 pitches Testing Sample: n = 2186 pitches Testing Accuracy: 66.01%
  • 44. Sinker -> Changeup | RHP -> RHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 7092 pitches Testing Sample: n = 3042 pitches Testing Accuracy: 73.34%
  • 45. Sinker -> Changeup | RHP -> RHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 2440 pitches Testing Sample: n = 1048 pitches Testing Accuracy: 59.83%
  • 46. Sinker -> Curveball | RHP -> RHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 4214 pitches Testing Sample: n = 1820 pitches Testing Accuracy: 71.43%
  • 47. Sinker -> Curveball | RHP -> RHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 5814 pitches Testing Sample: n = 2492 pitches Testing Accuracy: 71.35%
  • 48. Sinker -> Curveball | RHP -> RHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 2398 pitches Testing Sample: n = 1028 pitches Testing Accuracy: 62.55%
  • 49. Sinker -> Splitter | RHP -> RHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 964 pitches Testing Sample: n = 416 pitches Testing Accuracy: 65.14%
  • 50. Sinker -> Splitter | RHP -> RHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 1488 pitches Testing Sample: n = 640 pitches Testing Accuracy: 72.03%
  • 51. Sinker -> Splitter | RHP -> RHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 464 pitches Testing Sample: n = 200 pitches Testing Accuracy: 57.5%
  • 52. Sinker -> Knuckle Curve | RHP -> RHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 1004 pitches Testing Sample: n = 432 pitches Testing Accuracy: 70.83%
  • 53. Sinker -> Knuckle Curve | RHP -> RHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 1500 pitches Testing Sample: n = 644 pitches Testing Accuracy: 68.48%
  • 54. Sinker -> Knuckle Curve | RHP -> RHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 592 pitches Testing Sample: n = 254 pitches Testing Accuracy: 58.66%
  • 55. Sinker -> Slider | RHP -> RHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 13024 pitches Testing Sample: n = 5582 pitches Testing Accuracy: 70.98%
  • 56. Sinker -> Slider | RHP -> RHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 16314 pitches Testing Sample: n = 6992 pitches Testing Accuracy: 68.61%
  • 57. Sinker -> Slider | RHP -> RHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 6336 pitches Testing Sample: n = 2718 pitches Testing Accuracy: 60.85%
  • 58. Sinker -> Sweeper | RHP -> RHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 1522 pitches Testing Sample: n = 654 pitches Testing Accuracy: 70.8%
  • 59. Sinker -> Sweeper | RHP -> RHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 1860 pitches Testing Sample: n = 798 pitches Testing Accuracy: 69.17%
  • 60. Sinker -> Sweeper | RHP -> RHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 556 pitches Testing Sample: n = 240 pitches Testing Accuracy: 66.25%
  • 61. Sinker -> Slurve | RHP -> RHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 396 pitches Testing Sample: n = 172 pitches Testing Accuracy: 75.58%
  • 62. Sinker -> Slurve | RHP -> RHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 608 pitches Testing Sample: n = 262 pitches Testing Accuracy: 66.03%
  • 63. Sinker -> Slurve | RHP -> RHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 212 pitches Testing Sample: n = 92 pitches Testing Accuracy: 60.87%
  • 64. Right Handed Pitchers vs Left Handed Hitters
  • 65. Cutter -> Changeup | RHP -> LHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 2158 pitches Testing Sample: n = 926 pitches Testing Accuracy: 63.93%
  • 66. Cutter -> Changeup | RHP -> LHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 2158 pitches Testing Sample: n = 926 pitches Testing Accuracy: 73.04%
  • 67. Cutter -> Changeup | RHP -> LHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 2158 pitches Testing Sample: n = 926 pitches Testing Accuracy: 59.52%
  • 68. Cutter -> Curveball | RHP -> LHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 1594 pitches Testing Sample: n = 684 pitches Testing Accuracy: 72.37%
  • 69. Cutter -> Curveball | RHP -> LHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 2350 pitches Testing Sample: n = 1008 pitches Testing Accuracy: 72.92%
  • 70. Cutter -> Splitter | RHP -> LHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 418 pitches Testing Sample: n = 180 pitches Testing Accuracy: 64.44%
  • 71. Cutter -> Splitter | RHP -> LHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 704 pitches Testing Sample: n = 302 pitches Testing Accuracy: 74.17%
  • 72. Cutter -> Knuckle Curve | RHP -> LHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 732 pitches Testing Sample: n = 316 pitches Testing Accuracy: 73.73%
  • 73. Cutter -> Knuckle Curve | RHP -> LHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 1012 pitches Testing Sample: n = 436 pitches Testing Accuracy: 72.25%
  • 74. Cutter -> Slider | RHP -> LHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 982 pitches Testing Sample: n = 422 pitches Testing Accuracy: 72.27%
  • 75. Cutter -> Slider | RHP -> LHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 1436 pitches Testing Sample: n = 616 pitches Testing Accuracy: 68.18%
  • 76. Cutter -> Sweeper | RHP -> LHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 248 pitches Testing Sample: n = 108 pitches Testing Accuracy: 65.74%
  • 77. Cutter -> Sweeper | RHP -> LHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 358 pitches Testing Sample: n = 156 pitches Testing Accuracy: 71.15%
  • 78. Four-Seam -> Changeup | RHP -> LHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 15196 pitches Testing Sample: n = 6514 pitches Testing Accuracy: 64.05%
  • 79. Four-Seam -> Changeup | RHP -> LHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 26362 pitches Testing Sample: n = 11300 pitches Testing Accuracy: 73.66%
  • 80. Four-Seam -> Changeup | RHP -> LHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 11634 pitches Testing Sample: n = 4988 pitches Testing Accuracy: 61.67%
  • 81. Four-Seam -> Curveball | RHP -> LHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 7706 pitches Testing Sample: n = 3304 pitches Testing Accuracy: 72.15%
  • 82. Four-Seam -> Curveball | RHP -> LHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 12150 pitches Testing Sample: n = 5208 pitches Testing Accuracy: 72.85%
  • 83. Four-Seam -> Curveball | RHP -> LHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 4768 pitches Testing Sample: n = 2046 pitches Testing Accuracy: 60.56%
  • 84. Four-Seam -> Splitter | RHP -> LHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 3606 pitches Testing Sample: n = 1546 pitches Testing Accuracy: 68.63%
  • 85. Four-Seam -> Splitter | RHP -> LHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 5970 pitches Testing Sample: n = 2560 pitches Testing Accuracy: 72.07%
  • 86. Four-Seam -> Splitter | RHP -> LHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 2032 pitches Testing Sample: n = 872 pitches Testing Accuracy: 63.07%
  • 87. Four-Seam -> Knuckle Curve | RHP -> LHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 2970 pitches Testing Sample: n = 1274 pitches Testing Accuracy: 73.08%
  • 88. Four-Seam -> Knuckle Curve | RHP -> LHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 2970 pitches Testing Sample: n = 1274 pitches Testing Accuracy: 70.05%
  • 89. Four-Seam -> Knuckle Curve | RHP -> LHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 1520 pitches Testing Sample: n = 652 pitches Testing Accuracy: 57.98%
  • 90. Four-Seam -> Slider | RHP -> LHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 12860 pitches Testing Sample: n = 5514 pitches Testing Accuracy: 72.51%
  • 91. Four-Seam -> Slider | RHP -> LHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 17508 pitches Testing Sample: n = 7506 pitches Testing Accuracy: 71.02%
  • 92. Four-Seam -> Slider | RHP -> LHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 5400 pitches Testing Sample: n = 2316 pitches Testing Accuracy: 59.84%
  • 93. Four-Seam -> Sweeper | RHP -> LHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 694 pitches Testing Sample: n = 298 pitches Testing Accuracy: 68.46%
  • 94. Four-Seam -> Sweeper | RHP -> LHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 960 pitches Testing Sample: n = 414 pitches Testing Accuracy: 71.26%
  • 95. Sinker -> Changeup | RHP -> LHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 6516 pitches Testing Sample: n = 2794 pitches Testing Accuracy: 63.64%
  • 96. Sinker -> Changeup | RHP -> LHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 11600 pitches Testing Sample: n = 4998 pitches Testing Accuracy: 73.31%
  • 97. Sinker -> Changeup | RHP -> LHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 5196 pitches Testing Sample: n = 2228 pitches Testing Accuracy: 60.55%
  • 98. Sinker -> Curveball | RHP -> LHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 2860 pitches Testing Sample: n = 1226 pitches Testing Accuracy: 73%
  • 99. Sinker -> Curveball | RHP -> LHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 4338 pitches Testing Sample: n = 1860 pitches Testing Accuracy: 72.74%
  • 100. Sinker -> Curveball | RHP -> LHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 1728 pitches Testing Sample: n = 742 pitches Testing Accuracy: 54.99%
  • 101. Sinker -> Splitter | RHP -> LHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 1182 pitches Testing Sample: n = 508 pitches Testing Accuracy: 69.29%
  • 102. Sinker -> Splitter | RHP -> LHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 2020 pitches Testing Sample: n = 868 pitches Testing Accuracy: 73.85%
  • 103. Sinker -> Splitter | RHP -> LHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 770 pitches Testing Sample: n = 330 pitches Testing Accuracy: 56.67%
  • 104. Sinker -> Knuckle Curve | RHP -> LHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 970 pitches Testing Sample: n = 416 pitches Testing Accuracy: 70.43%
  • 105. Sinker -> Knuckle Curve | RHP -> LHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 1410 pitches Testing Sample: n = 606 pitches Testing Accuracy: 71.78%
  • 106. Sinker -> Slider | RHP -> LHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 5138 pitches Testing Sample: n = 2202 pitches Testing Accuracy: 71.03%
  • 107. Sinker -> Slider | RHP -> LHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 6892 pitches Testing Sample: n = 2954 pitches Testing Accuracy: 70.75%
  • 108. Sinker -> Slider | RHP -> LHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 2172 pitches Testing Sample: n = 932 pitches Testing Accuracy: 59.23%
  • 109. Sinker -> Sweeper | RHP -> LHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 284 pitches Testing Sample: n = 122 pitches Testing Accuracy: 67.21%
  • 110. Sinker -> Sweeper | RHP -> LHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 364 pitches Testing Sample: n = 158 pitches Testing Accuracy: 69.62%
  • 111. Left Handed Pitchers vs Right Handed Hitters
  • 112. Cutter -> Changeup | LHP -> RHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 2402 pitches Testing Sample: n = 1030 pitches Testing Accuracy: 63.98%
  • 113. Cutter -> Changeup | LHP -> RHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 4520 pitches Testing Sample: n = 1938 pitches Testing Accuracy: 71.52%
  • 114. Cutter -> Changeup | LHP -> RHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 1734 pitches Testing Sample: n = 744 pitches Testing Accuracy: 61.96%
  • 115. Cutter -> Curveball | LHP -> RHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 924 pitches Testing Sample: n = 398 pitches Testing Accuracy: 74.12%
  • 116. Cutter -> Curveball | LHP -> RHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 1486 pitches Testing Sample: n = 638 pitches Testing Accuracy: 73.2%
  • 117. Cutter -> Curveball | LHP -> RHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 504 pitches Testing Sample: n = 218 pitches Testing Accuracy: 61.93%
  • 118. Cutter -> Slider | LHP -> RHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 322 pitches Testing Sample: n = 140 pitches Testing Accuracy: 70%
  • 119. Cutter -> Slider | LHP -> RHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 522 pitches Testing Sample: n = 226 pitches Testing Accuracy: 71.24%
  • 120. Four-Seam -> Changeup | LHP -> RHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 9500 pitches Testing Sample: n = 4072 pitches Testing Accuracy: 63.95%
  • 121. Four-Seam -> Changeup | LHP -> RHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 15628 pitches Testing Sample: n = 6544 pitches Testing Accuracy: 72.62%
  • 122. Four-Seam -> Changeup | LHP -> RHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 6768 pitches Testing Sample: n = 2902 pitches Testing Accuracy: 60.68%
  • 123. Four-Seam -> Curveball | LHP -> RHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 4680 pitches Testing Sample: n = 2006 pitches Testing Accuracy: 71.04%
  • 124. Four-Seam -> Curveball | LHP -> RHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 7320 pitches Testing Sample: n = 3138 pitches Testing Accuracy: 71.77%
  • 125. Four-Seam -> Curveball | LHP -> RHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 2962 pitches Testing Sample: n = 1270 pitches Testing Accuracy: 58.9%
  • 126. Four-Seam -> Splitter | LHP -> RHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 428 pitches Testing Sample: n = 184 pitches Testing Accuracy: 62.5%
  • 127. Four-Seam -> Knuckle Curve | LHP -> RHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 1058 pitches Testing Sample: n = 456 pitches Testing Accuracy: 71.93%
  • 128. Four-Seam -> Knuckle Curve | LHP -> RHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 1468 pitches Testing Sample: n = 630 pitches Testing Accuracy: 70.95%
  • 129. Four-Seam -> Knuckle Curve | LHP -> RHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 546 pitches Testing Sample: n = 236 pitches Testing Accuracy: 61.02%
  • 130. Four-Seam -> Slider | LHP -> RHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 8492 pitches Testing Sample: n = 3640 pitches Testing Accuracy: 72.06%
  • 131. Four-Seam -> Slider | LHP -> RHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 11476 pitches Testing Sample: n = 5036 pitches Testing Accuracy: 71.35%
  • 132. Four-Seam -> Slider | LHP -> RHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 11476 pitches Testing Sample: n = 5036 pitches Testing Accuracy: 57.77%
  • 133. Four-Seam -> Sweeper | LHP -> RHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 402 pitches Testing Sample: n = 174 pitches Testing Accuracy: 67.24%
  • 134. Four-Seam -> Sweeper | LHP -> RHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 644 pitches Testing Sample: n = 276 pitches Testing Accuracy: 75.36%
  • 135. Sinker -> Changeup | LHP -> RHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 6070 pitches Testing Sample: n = 2064 pitches Testing Accuracy: 64.13%
  • 136. Sinker -> Changeup | LHP -> RHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 10014 pitches Testing Sample: n = 4294 pitches Testing Accuracy: 70.28%
  • 137. Sinker -> Changeup | LHP -> RHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 4512 pitches Testing Sample: n = 1934 pitches Testing Accuracy: 60.34%
  • 138. Sinker -> Curveball | LHP -> RHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 1926 pitches Testing Sample: n = 828 pitches Testing Accuracy: 71.74%
  • 139. Sinker -> Curveball | LHP -> RHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 2756 pitches Testing Sample: n = 1182 pitches Testing Accuracy: 69.63%
  • 140. Sinker -> Curveball | LHP -> RHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 1036 pitches Testing Sample: n = 444 pitches Testing Accuracy: 59.68%
  • 141. Sinker -> Knuckle Curve | LHP -> RHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 700 pitches Testing Sample: n = 302 pitches Testing Accuracy: 70.53%
  • 142. Sinker -> Knuckle Curve | LHP -> RHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 424 pitches Testing Sample: n = 182 pitches Testing Accuracy: 65.38%
  • 143. Sinker -> Knuckle Curve | LHP -> RHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 424 pitches Testing Sample: n = 182 pitches Testing Accuracy: 65.38%
  • 144. Sinker -> Slider | LHP -> RHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 3780 pitches Testing Sample: n = 1622 pitches Testing Accuracy: 72.44%
  • 145. Sinker -> Slider | LHP -> RHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 5286 pitches Testing Sample: n = 2266 pitches Testing Accuracy: 71.71%
  • 146. Sinker -> Slider | LHP -> RHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 1446 pitches Testing Sample: n = 622 pitches Testing Accuracy: 56.59%
  • 147. Sinker -> Sweeper | LHP -> RHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 244 pitches Testing Sample: n = 106 pitches Testing Accuracy: 69.81%
  • 148. Sinker -> Sweeper | LHP -> RHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 400 pitches Testing Sample: n = 172 pitches Testing Accuracy: 68.02%
  • 149. Left Handed Pitchers vs Left Handed Hitters
  • 150. Cutter -> Changeup | LHP -> LHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 244 pitches Testing Sample: n = 106 pitches Testing Accuracy: 71.7%
  • 151. Cutter -> Curveball | LHP -> LHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 384 pitches Testing Sample: n = 166 pitches Testing Accuracy: 69.28%
  • 152. Cutter -> Curveball | LHP -> LHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 508 pitches Testing Sample: n = 218 pitches Testing Accuracy: 70.64%
  • 153. Cutter -> Curveball | LHP -> LHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 192 pitches Testing Sample: n = 84 pitches Testing Accuracy: 69.05%
  • 154. Four-Seam -> Changeup | LHP -> LHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 1054 pitches Testing Sample: n = 452 pitches Testing Accuracy: 70.13%
  • 155. Four-Seam -> Changeup | LHP -> LHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 1348 pitches Testing Sample: n = 580 pitches Testing Accuracy: 70.86%
  • 156. Four-Seam -> Changeup | LHP -> LHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 496 pitches Testing Sample: n = 214 pitches Testing Accuracy: 63.08%
  • 157. Four-Seam -> Curveball | LHP -> LHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 1728 pitches Testing Sample: n = 742 pitches Testing Accuracy: 71.7%
  • 158. Four-Seam -> Curveball | LHP -> LHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 2534 pitches Testing Sample: n = 1086 pitches Testing Accuracy: 71.09%
  • 159. Four-Seam -> Curveball | LHP -> LHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 1206 pitches Testing Sample: n = 518 pitches Testing Accuracy: 60.23%
  • 160. Four-Seam -> Knuckle Curve | LHP -> LHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 274 pitches Testing Sample: n = 118 pitches Testing Accuracy: 69.49%
  • 161. Four-Seam -> Knuckle Curve | LHP -> LHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 432 pitches Testing Sample: n = 186 pitches Testing Accuracy: 67.74%
  • 162. Four-Seam -> Slider | LHP -> LHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 5220 pitches Testing Sample: n = 2238 pitches Testing Accuracy: 69.57%
  • 163. Four-Seam -> Slider | LHP -> LHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 6570 pitches Testing Sample: n = 2816 pitches Testing Accuracy: 68.36%
  • 164. Four-Seam -> Slider | LHP -> LHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 2738 pitches Testing Sample: n = 1174 pitches Testing Accuracy: 62.18%
  • 165. Four-Seam -> Sweeper | LHP -> LHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 360 pitches Testing Sample: n = 156 pitches Testing Accuracy: 67.95%
  • 166. Four-Seam -> Sweeper | LHP -> LHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 452 pitches Testing Sample: n = 196 pitches Testing Accuracy: 71.94%
  • 167. Sinker -> Changeup | LHP -> LHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 1006 pitches Testing Sample: n = 434 pitches Testing Accuracy: 63.13%
  • 168. Sinker -> Changeup | LHP -> LHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 1362 pitches Testing Sample: n = 586 pitches Testing Accuracy: 69.62%
  • 169. Sinker -> Curveball | LHP -> LHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 1006 pitches Testing Sample: n = 434 pitches Testing Accuracy: 63.13%
  • 170. Sinker -> Curveball | LHP -> LHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 1432 pitches Testing Sample: n = 614 pitches Testing Accuracy: 70.85%
  • 171. Sinker -> Knuckle Curve | LHP -> LHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 280 pitches Testing Sample: n = 122 pitches Testing Accuracy: 77.05%
  • 172. Sinker -> Knuckle Curve | LHP -> LHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 436 pitches Testing Sample: n = 188 pitches Testing Accuracy: 64.36%
  • 173. Sinker -> Slider | LHP -> LHH | Whiff Training Sample: n = 3022 pitches Testing Sample: n = 1296 pitches Testing Accuracy: 70.29%
  • 174. Sinker -> Slider | LHP -> LHH | Chase Training Sample: n = 3714 pitches Testing Sample: n = 1592 pitches Testing Accuracy: 67.09%
  • 175. Sinker -> Slider | LHP -> LHH | Groundball Training Sample: n = 1386 pitches Testing Sample: n = 596 pitches Testing Accuracy: 60.57%