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The pace of change is constantly accelerating. It's impossible to stay on top
of new and evolving technology trends and the impact they could have on
your organisation.
For the last 18 months we've been hosting monthly meet-ups on Artificial
Intelligence and Evolving tech. With an average attendance of 150 people it's
evidence every sector, every industry is feeling the pressure to stay abreast of
evolving tech.
Some people are ignoring the warning signs, confident their industry, their
business will keep rolling on the way it always has.
Others, like you, are curious, concerned and driven to understand how
evolving technology like Artificial Intelligence is helping companies
(including your competitors) create competitive advantage, efficiencies that
improve the bottom line and productivity gains for staff and customers.
With 30 percent of our community in senior leadership
positions we want to provide learning and development opportunities for
you and your teams to grow confidence and capability to leverage Artificial
The C-Suite Playbook aims to draw from the experience of our partners, to
help you identify the business problems AI could help you solve, understand
how to build capability and foresee the potential business impact these
strategic decisions could have on your business. 
We're in a fantastic position here in New Zealand. The combination of global
technology vendors, local experts and high growth startups provides you a
wealth of knowledge and experience to draw from.
Some of the AI Applications being developed in New Zealand are world
leading, earning customers and investment to scale globally.
Industry organisations like the AI Forum of NZ are partnering with
Universities, large corporates and Government to create Working Groups
discussing the implications and formulating policies to advance the
development and adoption of AI in New Zealand.
Artificial Intelligence has been in
development for decades. But in
recent years computing power and
technology platforms have enabled
this evolving technology to become
widely accessible, easier to use and
In general, most people would agree
that the fundamental goals of AI are
to enable machines to have
cognition, perception, and decision-
making capabilities that previously
only humans or other intelligent
creatures have.
Artificial intelligence - encompasses
any algorithm that can mimic the
cognitive abilities of humans. This
includes natural-language
processing, planning, perception of
the environment, and machine and
deep learning algorithms.
Utilising Big-data we could say 'here
are all the images tagged 'dog'. 
With Artificial Intelligence we can
say 'Here are all the images with
dogs in them'.
While some will argue that Artificial
Intelligence is nothing more than
advance pattern recognition I hope
this document will help you identify
the business problems AI could help
you solve, the aspects of Artificial
Intelligence that could be most
useful to your business and the
impact adoption of AI could have on
your people and processes.
Today, Artificial Intelligence can't be
creative but it can optimise and it's
those business improvement,
productivity gains that are most
appealing to business leaders in all
As with any technological
advancement there are significant
impacts on employment. Change is
inevitable and we're already seeing
job displacement in manufacturing,
distribution and some professional
Those jobs with repetitive processes
that are most easily automated are
the ones first to go, replaced by AI
Systems that free those workers up
to perform more meaningful work. 
In the most part Artificial
Intelligence is augmenting work and
creating many new job opportunities
in the process. 
But this shift in skills and change in
the nature of work is challenging
many industries. As employers we
need to be conscious of how
technology impacts our people and
ensure we encourage training and
professional development initiatives. 
The applications of evolving
technology always comes back to
the impact and benefit on people. 
How you leverage data with Artificial
Intelligence to improve how you do
business, create compelling
customers experiences and harness
talent is vital to your future success. 
In New Zealand businesses large and
small are investing in Machine
Learning, Natural Language and
Conversational AI platforms like
Chatbots, Voice assistants and Digital
Companies like FaceMe and
SoulMachines are creating world
leading Digital Humans with diverse
applications in Customer Service,
Education and Consumer
Vulcan Steel deployed cameras on
the back of their trucks with
Computer Vision Technology to
monitor Health and Safety.
Imagr have partnered with
Foodstuffs to transform the Check-
out process at Supermarkets.
Providing Camera Equiped Carts that
scan products, creating a digital
checkout mobile app that simply
charges the customers credit card on
their way out.
Image Recognition is also being used
in Horticulture, helping growers
predict the yield of a harvest, the
quality of the produce and even pick
the fruit at the perfect time. 
A company called Halter utilise
Machine Learning and Sensors on
Cows to manage livestock, Monitor
their well-being and move stock
around the farm or towards a vet.
Marketing and Sales team are using
Machine Learning and Natural
Language Processing to research
their customer data, learning what
impacts their NPS scores, price
sensitivity and create demand
prediction models.
Reobot utilised IBM's Conversational
AI API's to create a Te Reo learning
companion app, helping people
learning Maori to practice between
classes using a Facebook Messenger
Automio is the intelligent lawyer bot
platform that helps lawyers unlock
more billable hours, reduce write-
offs and win new clients. And gives
clients better access to convenient
and helpful legal services.
"If your competitor cares more about leveraging
data to create better experiences and productivity
gains. You will be left behind." Justin Flitter.
We're living in a time of
incredible change – from
political instability to an
increasingly complex regulatory
environment to the emergence
of new cybersecurity threats.
The technological landscape's
evolving just as rapidly, with
established businesses facing
competition from startups with
disruptive business models.
With great change comes great
opportunity. Successful
companies have innovation in
their lifeblood, helping them
drive productivity and growth,
and seize competitive
At IBM we’re seeing
organisations in sectors from
banking to telecommunications
to government respond to these
challenges by harnessing
technology and data to gain
insights, transform outdated
processes and reinvent
In this new era, organisations
succeed or fail because of their
data – from customer
interactions, supply chains,
infrastructure and products. It’s
a goldmine, 80% of which was
inaccessible until we developed
a made-for-business AI platform
to search and understand it, and
turn it into value. 
Develop your AI enabled business strategy
Bring the focus back to data
Shift toward enterprise-grade AI 
Build a path to scale with skills and change
management practices
Most organisations are ill-prepared
to leverage AI because of the
challenges in storing, analysing and
turning this ‘unstructured’ data into
value. If we employ technologies like
AI and machine learning to harness
all of this data, our future growth is
We believe that within this
technology lies the potential to fight
climate change, manage the
complex global economy and
improve access to critical services for
under-served populations.
Indeed, AI has enhanced professions
from medicine to education already,
enabling work that would have taken
weeks to be completed in minutes.
Best of all, you don’t need to be an
enterprise or spend millions to get
started – IBM Watson APIs are
available in the cloud for the
technologically inclined, and a wide
range of business partners are
available if you need more help.
This surge in AI adoption has been
met with excitement, amazement
and, for some, fear. Influential voices
worry about AI’s potential to
introduce bias into decision making,
violate personal privacy or eliminate
But if fears of AI take root, it could be
difficult to realise its enormous
Critical to AI's adoption is
transparency and trust. AI should
stand not for Artificial Intelligence,
but Augmented Intelligence –
enhancing and scaling human
It’s also important that organisations
retain their own IP, ensuring their
data is never used to train another
company’s AI system.
Finally, IBM is working towards
building the skills necessary for
students, workers and citizens to
take advantage of every opportunity
in the new AI economy through
education programmes like P-Tech.
IBM is committed to ethical
adoption and is a founding member
of the Global Partnership on AI, a
member of the AI Forum of New
Zealand and a founding member of
New Zealand.AI.
We encourage everyone to explore
and educate themselves on this new
technology. It’s not a fad or the
future – it’s here now, and New
Zealand’s success depends on
preparing our citizens for an AI-
powered world.
The principles of executional agility
apply equally to AI as to other areas
of successful technology execution.
An example of institutionalising
them in practice is in an innovation
platform concept introduced in the
IBM Institute for Business Value
executive brief *“The Cognitive
Enterprise: The finance opportunity.”
To implement an innovation
platform, organisations need to start
driving change by defining an AI
strategy that includes creating the
right governance, operating model
and roadmap, and create an
innovation platform to drive
innovation and develop a “factory” to
industrialise and scale, underpinned
by an enterprise-wide AI platform.
ngā mihi
Mike Smith, Managing Director, IBM New Zealand
An innovation platform can support
an organisation through a business
transformation “inside-out” by
aligning to strategic business
imperatives. A governance model
that helps ensure that initial
outcomes propel adoption across
the organisation supports the
Of course, this is only one approach
to addressing the imperatives to
secure organisational buy-in to drive
change. However, the hallmarks of
success – incorporating design
thinking and agile development into
a roadmap with operating teams
driving re-engineered processes with
new technology, built on a strategic
platform – need to be infused into
the designs and plans for all AI
Flexibility in an innovation platform
model is critical, as receptiveness to
innovation can be more important
than any specific idea or initiative.
Organisations can't necessarily
anticipate the most impactful
applications of AI, but creating an
environment that fosters broader
innovation and a scalable platform
that reduces barriers to adoption – in
a pragmatic context – is key to
sustainable AI innovation.
Embracing the next stage of the AI
journey requires an enterprise-wide
commitment. Tactics from our joint
study with HfS Research: **Making AI
the Killer App for Your Data:
A practical guide for leveraging data
to enable your AI journey” include:
The vision needs to come from the top with clear desired business outcomes,
and focus on permeating the mandate throughout the organisation.
Developing your AI-enabled business strategy
Every enterprise has some clean, useful data. Don’t use poor data quality or
quantity as an excuse to put off your AI journey. Instead start with the data
you have, then use AI as a catalyst for investing in a solid data platform that
brings together external licensed and public data to drive broad datasets that
enable the training of AI algorithms.
Bringing the focus back to data
Quickly move from strategy to execution. Pick a starting point that makes
sense for your organisation and your business objectives. Execute quickly,
show iterative results and earn the right to scale. Communication with
stakeholders is critical.
Shifting toward enterprise-grade AI
Scale by building the team and skills required to grow and leverage AI through
internal hires and strategic partners while practicing good stakeholder,
cultural and change management to execute on leadership's business
transformation mandates.
Anything less risks organisations remaining mired in the hype of the previous
few years – and missing the opportunity to realise enterprise-grade AI's full
Building a path to scale with skills and change
management practices
Source: IBM Institute for Business Value (2018). Shifting toward Enterprise-grade AI. Resolving data and skills
gaps to realize value. from
*IBM Institute for Business Value (2018). The Cognitive Enterprise: The finance opportunity from
** HfS Research & IBM Institute for Business Value (2018).
As Evolving Technology like
Artificial Intelligence becomes
increasingly diverse in
applications you'll be
responsible for and challenged
with enabling cross-functional
organisational teams to learn
and implement Artificial
Start small but think big. 
Take your Marketing,
Communications and Customer
Experience teams through your
customer journey map,
identifying those interactions
with the most friction points,
and relevant data sets.
Look for interactions with a high
frequency rate. They're the ones
easily automated, especially if
they have quality data sets
behind them. 
Find the people in your
company keen to learn about AI,
they could be in any team.
Create a chat channel to
collaborate and encourage
them to attend events,
complete online training
courses and work together to
design and create those AI
powered experiences that will
have the biggest impact on your
And finally partner with external
agencies and technology
companies to drive your
innovation, provide the tech
stack and capability you need to
deliver these projects.
Start Small
Invest in up-skilling your leaders
Partner to accelerate capability  
Foster a culture of learning and innovation
Understand the web of relationships
Design with privacy in mind
You don’t need to own it all
Better in, better out
Test your assumptions and intervene where
Know when to use it
Hudson Gavin Martin is a proud
partner of New Zealand.AI and
regularly advises customers on
the use and procurement of AI,
as well as service providers who
offer intelligent and novel AI-
based solutions.
Our experience working on both
sides of the equation has given
us a unique perspective on the
technology and its
Here are some practical insights
on leveraging AI in your
Understand the web of
relationships – this goes for both
customers and service providers
of AI.
For example, where the AI
functionality plugs into a
platform (e.g. a social media
platform), there is a web of
relationships between the
platform provider, the AI
developer, the client and the
individual end user, all
underpinned by agreements.
These agreements must allow
for you to do what you want to
do with the data you collect and
comply with data privacy
obligations (or they must be
negotiated to do so). 
Design with privacy in mind – New
Zealand data privacy laws are tool
agnostic – and AI is a tool – if you
collect personal information you
must comply with the rules around
collecting and using that
When it comes to product design,
data privacy considerations are vital,
for both customers and service
Adopting a privacy by design
approach will pay dividends in terms
of your compliance obligations – and
we’d recommend doing more than
the bare minimum required by
For example, AI chat tools can allow
you to build privacy into the user
experience by informing users of
their rights in real time (rather than
static privacy policies which often
aren’t looked at).
You don’t need to own it all – if you
procure an AI solution to use in your
business, getting the rights you need
to use the outputs of the AI is more
important than ‘owning the IP’ in the
So long as you have the appropriate
rights to the data that is ingested
and the insights and outputs of the
technology, owning the technology
itself is generally unnecessary. 
Better in, better out – the more data
‘fed’ into the AI, the better output
you will get. This must be balanced
with obtaining the appropriate rights
and consents to use data in the ways
in which you want to.
The interests of the AI service
provider and the customer are not
always aligned in this regard.  For
example, the service provider will
often want to use the data from
multiple customers and end users on
an aggregated basis to improve their
However, have the customers and
end users provided consent for their
data to be used in this way? 
Test your assumptions and intervene
where appropriate – we have seen
numerous examples of AI ‘going
rogue’ and in our view this often
comes back to some flawed
assumptions that algorithms are
based upon.
It is important to understand the
principles and assumptions upon
which the solution is built as data
can quickly skew towards an
outcome that was not intended if
they are not correct. It can be helpful
to ask the question: would a human
make that decision based on the
information coming in?
If not, then you should be sure to
intervene appropriately. Build an
intervention trigger and monitor AI
outputs so that a human can take
over if the solution produces an
undesirable output.
For example, successful customer-
facing implementations we have
seen use AI chat tools to augment,
rather than replace, traditional call
Know when to use it – even though
AI is currently in vogue, businesses
should use AI to help only where
there is a clear understanding of how
AI can solve a specific business need.
AI isn’t a silver bullet for every
business issue but it can be
incredibly useful for particular issues
where you need to ingest and make
sense of a lot of data in order to
improve a service or experience.
There are also added benefits,
including freeing up staff for higher-
level tasks. 
George Putnam
Chief of Product and Platform - Clearpoint
As discussed, the value proposition for Automated Intelligence is apparent and
incontestable.  But with this proposition comes questions around how we will
operate in an automated world augmented by machines.  
As we discuss the opportunities inherent in A.I., we also need to look at our
organisations and ask ourselves, are we enabled technically?  And, are our ways
of working aligned with the rapid and ever-changing nature of the technology
we are working with?
For many companies in New Zealand and abroad, the answer to both of these
questions is unfortunately a “no”.  Because of this, we need to focus on
enablement right now in order to remain competitive and innovative.
The good news is that this is not as challenging as it sounds.  It just takes the
right people, the right approach and enabled tech.  It can be done quickly and
iteratively in a contained way that is easily demonstrable.  By demonstrating
capability, you socialise capability.  This will lead to a wider-scale organisational
adoption of your A.I. strategies.  
The development of A.I.  from a chatbot all the way to deep, neural network
development is based on rapidly changing, iterative cycles of development and
feedback.  It is driven by data on the validity of your results.  It requires an owner
who understands what is and what isn’t the value proposition on offer with your
solution.  Because of this, few technologies are more suited for a Product
Development approach than A.I.
By using a Double Diamond product development approach to A.I. we are able to
accelerate your organisational capability rapidly towards enablement.  To do this, I
divide the creation of an A.I. solution into four discreet phases:
Discovery - what exactly is your idea?
Definition – OK, cool…we have an idea.  Is it viable?
Design – Our idea is viable.  Let’s design the product!
Deliver – We understand our product.  Let’s ship an MVP
Product Development
Within the Double Diamond framework, the Design phase is the most
challenging.  Because your A.I. capability is based around the statistical validity
of your results, the traditional idea of an MVP being “get something out there
quickly and then improve it iteratively” does not necessarily apply to the
creation of AI functionality.  
What I mean by this, is that you cannot release an A.I. solution that does not
meet your pre-defined success rates for your results.  For example, if you have
a chatbot and you have determined up front that it’s answers need to be 85%
correct in order to appear legitimate to your end users, then releasing your
chatbot with only a 65% success rate risks undermining your brand.  Transpose
this to a mission critical A.I. capability (like determining cancer in patients)
and an MVP could cost a lot more than brand loyalty.
Because of this, a critical rule in the design of A.I. is that the ”viable” element of
your A.I.  product has to be tied to the defined success rates of your results.
Determining minimum viability
Once your MVP has been shipped, you are not finished.  With product
development, you are never finished until you retire your product.  But you have
enabled your capability and you are able to move into long-term iteration and
optimisation. The creation of a long-term roadmap with defined and measurable
goals is paramount.  What you will find with A.I. is the longer the product is in
market, the more the data it generates can be productised.
While this is a very brief explanation of how to effectively enable your A.I.
capability, there are other enablers as well.  Your tech needs to be accelerated
and continuous, your teams and supporting organisation need to have
operational agility.  These are subjects worth discussing separately.  They key is to
get in the game and start playing.  Don’t wait until everything is perfect.
 Experiment, fail, try again, experiment and succeed.  Once your MVP is realised,
enable your capabilities and remain competitive.  With A.I. the opportunities are
apparent and available and there are no reasons to hesitate getting started on
A.I. product development opportunities.
After the MVP
By Professor Guy Littlefair, Pro Vice-Chancellor and
Dean of the Faculty of Design & Creative Technologies
Artificial Intelligence (AI) touches on
all aspects of society. And when it
comes to business, AI will be a key
part of virtually every company in a
few years’ time.  
AI can be used to make adverts
smarter and offer discounts on
things you actually want to buy and
when you want to buy them, based
on your activity. It can help predict
demand and help identify growth
areas. It can also find people most
like your existing customers who
may be interested in your services.
New Zealanders tend to be early
adopters and already we’re seeing
small business owners use AI in
innovative ways. Agribusiness is just
one example of a key industry in
New Zealand that is taking
advantage of AI opportunities.
Farmers are using AI to optimise the
use of fertiliser and check for
blemished or damaged fruit using
video or neural networks to increase
productivity and reduce
environmental impact.  
Retail, utilities, marketing, law,
health, FinTech, natural hazard
management, transport, smart cities
and government are all sectors that
can benefit. However, to utilise these
opportunities, partnerships between
industry and the tertiary sector will
be key.
New Zealand’s universities can
provide the vehicle for knowledge
transfer, talent transfer, and tech
transfer to make AI a possibility for
business. AUT has one of the largest
AI academic departments in
Australasia. A gateway for
collaboration and industry
connectivity, we’re already
partnering with companies including
DHB’s, Cawthron Institute, Fisher &
Paykel Healthcare, GNS Science,
MetOcean and Orion Health NZ, to
name a few.
“The c-suite doesn’t need to be filled with AI experts
but businesses need partners and employees that
have AI knowledge and skills to stay competitive
and grow their companies.”
Professor Dave Parry, Head of Computer Sciences, School of Engineering,
Computer and Mathematical Sciences
The technologies and algorithms that make AI
possible are crucial but so too is investment in
training people who understand their
limitations and appropriate use.
Connecting business with tomorrow’s talent is
also crucial to ensure that we have skilled
people entering the workforce, so businesses
don’t need to rely on importing talent or
vendors from overseas. 
AUT produces great graduates with real-world
experience who are work-ready. We have over
100 masters and PhD students working on AI
projects supervised by more than 40 academic
experts working in computing, maths,
engineering, business, health, design and sports
At the undergraduate level all of the
engineering and computing and maths students
work on industry-based or related projects and
many of these include AI – for example
developing smart software for FinTech or
supporting chatbots for the tourism sector.
With Institutes, Centres and Groups across AUT working on AI
related research, some of our projects include:
Spiking Neural Network Architecture -
Environmental Data Modelling -
Learning Languages and Virtual Reality Visualisation -
Robotics and Mechatronic Systems
Computational Intelligence for Sports Science -
Biomedical Imaging
Deep Learning in Computer Vision -
Human Language and Speech Technology -
Optimising your business through AI will also
be dependent on getting buy in from board
level - not only to implement AI, but to trust
staff with the business and technical
expertise to use the technology.
Companies globally are in a race to develop
new AI technologies to keep their
competitive edge, so the option of doing
nothing doesn’t exist. No matter what
industry you’re in, the time to prepare yourself
for these technologies is now.
We are always looking for new partnerships to
push AI research and its application in the
real world. The AUT Artificial Intelligence
Initiative is a one-stop-shop where you can
visit to learn about our research, teaching and
opportunities to work with us.
For further information visit the AUT Artificial
Intelligence Initiative
AI Forum of NZ - Executive Director
Ben Reid
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is emerging everywhere today: as a virtual assistant on
every new smartphone, a robo-advisor to help make investment decisions,
driving autonomous vehicles on our roads and in sophisticated algorithms
underlying recommendation engines for many of the world’s leading web
The Artificial Intelligence Forum of New Zealand (AI Forum) is a purpose-driven,
not-for-profit organisation that is funded by members. The association was
founded in 2017.
The AI Forum brings together New Zealand’s ecosystem of artificial intelligence
technology innovators, end users, investor groups, regulators, researchers,
educators, entrepreneurs and interested public to work together to find ways to
use AI to help enable a prosperous, inclusive and thriving future for our nation.
The Forum advances New Zealand’s AI ecosystem through connections,
advocacy, growing talent and collaboration. The AI Forum promotes the
economic opportunities raised by AI, supporting great applications of AI and
emerging New Zealand AI firms, and also works to ensure that society can adapt
to the rapid and far-reaching changes that AI technology will bring.
The international Partnership on AI (PAI) brings together diverse, global voices to
realize the promise and avoid the pitfalls of artificial intelligence.  
The Partnership on AI to Benefit People and Society was established to study and
formulate best practices on AI technologies, to advance the public’s understanding
of AI, and to serve as an open platform for discussion and engagement about AI and
its influences on people and society.
The AI Forum is a member of the Partnership on AI
Coordinated by NZTech, the New Zealand Tech Alliance represents over 800
organisations across the New Zealand technology landscape who collectively employ
almost 10 percent of the workforce.
The AI Forum is a member of the NZ Tech Alliance
From the "Artificial Intelligence - Shaping a
Future New Zealand" report from May 2018 Read
in full here
AI-DAY 2019
AI-DAY is new Zealand's Premier AI Event on March 27th and
28th 2019 at the ASB Waterfront Theatre in Auckland. 
This multi-day conference kicks off our programme which is
followed by a two day workshop series and a two day Hackfest
at AUT.
AI-DAY is a showcase of how Artificial Intelligence is
impacting People, Business, Government and Society with
International Keynotes, Industry Experts and Local Trailblazers
giving talks and panel discussions.
AI-DAY is aimed at Business and Technology leaders from all
industries in Start-ups, Growing Enterprises, Large
Organisations and Government Departments. 
AI-DAY is proudly presented by The AI Forum of NZ and
Early Bird Tickets are on sale from November 1st 2018 at AI-
2 0 1 9

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The C-Suite Playbook on Artificial Intelligence

  • 2. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IS CHALLENGING EVERYONE THE C-SUITE PLAYBOOK | ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE The pace of change is constantly accelerating. It's impossible to stay on top of new and evolving technology trends and the impact they could have on your organisation. For the last 18 months we've been hosting monthly meet-ups on Artificial Intelligence and Evolving tech. With an average attendance of 150 people it's evidence every sector, every industry is feeling the pressure to stay abreast of evolving tech. Some people are ignoring the warning signs, confident their industry, their business will keep rolling on the way it always has. Others, like you, are curious, concerned and driven to understand how evolving technology like Artificial Intelligence is helping companies (including your competitors) create competitive advantage, efficiencies that improve the bottom line and productivity gains for staff and customers. With 30 percent of our community in senior leadership positions we want to provide learning and development opportunities for you and your teams to grow confidence and capability to leverage Artificial Intelligence.  The C-Suite Playbook aims to draw from the experience of our partners, to help you identify the business problems AI could help you solve, understand how to build capability and foresee the potential business impact these strategic decisions could have on your business.  We're in a fantastic position here in New Zealand. The combination of global technology vendors, local experts and high growth startups provides you a wealth of knowledge and experience to draw from. Some of the AI Applications being developed in New Zealand are world leading, earning customers and investment to scale globally. Industry organisations like the AI Forum of NZ are partnering with Universities, large corporates and Government to create Working Groups discussing the implications and formulating policies to advance the development and adoption of AI in New Zealand.
  • 3. DEMYSTIFYING  ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE THE C-SUITE PLAYBOOK | ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Artificial Intelligence has been in development for decades. But in recent years computing power and technology platforms have enabled this evolving technology to become widely accessible, easier to use and apply. In general, most people would agree that the fundamental goals of AI are to enable machines to have cognition, perception, and decision- making capabilities that previously only humans or other intelligent creatures have. Artificial intelligence - encompasses any algorithm that can mimic the cognitive abilities of humans. This includes natural-language processing, planning, perception of the environment, and machine and deep learning algorithms. Utilising Big-data we could say 'here are all the images tagged 'dog'.  With Artificial Intelligence we can say 'Here are all the images with dogs in them'. While some will argue that Artificial Intelligence is nothing more than advance pattern recognition I hope this document will help you identify the business problems AI could help you solve, the aspects of Artificial Intelligence that could be most useful to your business and the impact adoption of AI could have on your people and processes. Today, Artificial Intelligence can't be creative but it can optimise and it's those business improvement, productivity gains that are most appealing to business leaders in all industries. As with any technological advancement there are significant impacts on employment. Change is inevitable and we're already seeing job displacement in manufacturing, distribution and some professional services.  Those jobs with repetitive processes that are most easily automated are the ones first to go, replaced by AI Systems that free those workers up to perform more meaningful work.  In the most part Artificial Intelligence is augmenting work and creating many new job opportunities in the process.  But this shift in skills and change in the nature of work is challenging many industries. As employers we need to be conscious of how technology impacts our people and ensure we encourage training and professional development initiatives.  THE IMPACT ON WORK
  • 4. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN NEW ZEALAND THE C-SUITE PLAYBOOK | ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE The applications of evolving technology always comes back to the impact and benefit on people.  How you leverage data with Artificial Intelligence to improve how you do business, create compelling customers experiences and harness talent is vital to your future success.  In New Zealand businesses large and small are investing in Machine Learning, Natural Language and Conversational AI platforms like Chatbots, Voice assistants and Digital Employees.  Companies like FaceMe and SoulMachines are creating world leading Digital Humans with diverse applications in Customer Service, Education and Consumer Engagement.  Vulcan Steel deployed cameras on the back of their trucks with Computer Vision Technology to monitor Health and Safety. Imagr have partnered with Foodstuffs to transform the Check- out process at Supermarkets. Providing Camera Equiped Carts that scan products, creating a digital checkout mobile app that simply charges the customers credit card on their way out. Image Recognition is also being used in Horticulture, helping growers predict the yield of a harvest, the quality of the produce and even pick the fruit at the perfect time.  A company called Halter utilise Machine Learning and Sensors on Cows to manage livestock, Monitor their well-being and move stock around the farm or towards a vet. Marketing and Sales team are using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing to research their customer data, learning what impacts their NPS scores, price sensitivity and create demand prediction models. Reobot utilised IBM's Conversational AI API's to create a Te Reo learning companion app, helping people learning Maori to practice between classes using a Facebook Messenger Chatbot. Automio is the intelligent lawyer bot platform that helps lawyers unlock more billable hours, reduce write- offs and win new clients. And gives clients better access to convenient and helpful legal services. "If your competitor cares more about leveraging data to create better experiences and productivity gains. You will be left behind." Justin Flitter.
  • 5. THE C-SUITE PLAYBOOK | ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE MIKE SMITH, MANAGING DIRECTOR, IBM NEW ZEALAND ENABLING CAPABILITY We're living in a time of incredible change – from political instability to an increasingly complex regulatory environment to the emergence of new cybersecurity threats. The technological landscape's evolving just as rapidly, with established businesses facing competition from startups with disruptive business models. With great change comes great opportunity. Successful companies have innovation in their lifeblood, helping them drive productivity and growth, and seize competitive advantages. At IBM we’re seeing organisations in sectors from banking to telecommunications to government respond to these challenges by harnessing technology and data to gain insights, transform outdated processes and reinvent themselves.   In this new era, organisations succeed or fail because of their data – from customer interactions, supply chains, infrastructure and products. It’s a goldmine, 80% of which was inaccessible until we developed a made-for-business AI platform to search and understand it, and turn it into value.  IN SHORT Develop your AI enabled business strategy Bring the focus back to data Shift toward enterprise-grade AI  Build a path to scale with skills and change management practices
  • 6. THE C-SUITE PLAYBOOK | ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Most organisations are ill-prepared to leverage AI because of the challenges in storing, analysing and turning this ‘unstructured’ data into value. If we employ technologies like AI and machine learning to harness all of this data, our future growth is unlimited. We believe that within this technology lies the potential to fight climate change, manage the complex global economy and improve access to critical services for under-served populations. Indeed, AI has enhanced professions from medicine to education already, enabling work that would have taken weeks to be completed in minutes. Best of all, you don’t need to be an enterprise or spend millions to get started – IBM Watson APIs are available in the cloud for the technologically inclined, and a wide range of business partners are available if you need more help. This surge in AI adoption has been met with excitement, amazement and, for some, fear. Influential voices worry about AI’s potential to introduce bias into decision making, violate personal privacy or eliminate jobs.     But if fears of AI take root, it could be difficult to realise its enormous promise.  Critical to AI's adoption is transparency and trust. AI should stand not for Artificial Intelligence, but Augmented Intelligence – enhancing and scaling human expertise. It’s also important that organisations retain their own IP, ensuring their data is never used to train another company’s AI system. Finally, IBM is working towards building the skills necessary for students, workers and citizens to take advantage of every opportunity in the new AI economy through education programmes like P-Tech. IBM is committed to ethical adoption and is a founding member of the Global Partnership on AI, a member of the AI Forum of New Zealand and a founding member of New Zealand.AI. We encourage everyone to explore and educate themselves on this new technology. It’s not a fad or the future – it’s here now, and New Zealand’s success depends on preparing our citizens for an AI- powered world. The principles of executional agility apply equally to AI as to other areas of successful technology execution. An example of institutionalising them in practice is in an innovation platform concept introduced in the IBM Institute for Business Value executive brief *“The Cognitive Enterprise: The finance opportunity.”   To implement an innovation platform, organisations need to start driving change by defining an AI strategy that includes creating the right governance, operating model and roadmap, and create an innovation platform to drive innovation and develop a “factory” to industrialise and scale, underpinned by an enterprise-wide AI platform. STARTING SMALL, FAILING FAST AND SCALING ROBUSTLY WITH AI ngā mihi Mike Smith, Managing Director, IBM New Zealand
  • 7. THE C-SUITE PLAYBOOK | ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE An innovation platform can support an organisation through a business transformation “inside-out” by aligning to strategic business imperatives. A governance model that helps ensure that initial outcomes propel adoption across the organisation supports the platform. Of course, this is only one approach to addressing the imperatives to secure organisational buy-in to drive change. However, the hallmarks of success – incorporating design thinking and agile development into a roadmap with operating teams driving re-engineered processes with new technology, built on a strategic platform – need to be infused into the designs and plans for all AI initiatives. Flexibility in an innovation platform model is critical, as receptiveness to innovation can be more important than any specific idea or initiative. Organisations can't necessarily anticipate the most impactful applications of AI, but creating an environment that fosters broader innovation and a scalable platform that reduces barriers to adoption – in a pragmatic context – is key to sustainable AI innovation. Embracing the next stage of the AI journey requires an enterprise-wide commitment. Tactics from our joint study with HfS Research: **Making AI the Killer App for Your Data: A practical guide for leveraging data to enable your AI journey” include: The vision needs to come from the top with clear desired business outcomes, and focus on permeating the mandate throughout the organisation. Developing your AI-enabled business strategy Every enterprise has some clean, useful data. Don’t use poor data quality or quantity as an excuse to put off your AI journey. Instead start with the data you have, then use AI as a catalyst for investing in a solid data platform that brings together external licensed and public data to drive broad datasets that enable the training of AI algorithms. Bringing the focus back to data Quickly move from strategy to execution. Pick a starting point that makes sense for your organisation and your business objectives. Execute quickly, show iterative results and earn the right to scale. Communication with stakeholders is critical. Shifting toward enterprise-grade AI Scale by building the team and skills required to grow and leverage AI through internal hires and strategic partners while practicing good stakeholder, cultural and change management to execute on leadership's business transformation mandates. Anything less risks organisations remaining mired in the hype of the previous few years – and missing the opportunity to realise enterprise-grade AI's full potential. Building a path to scale with skills and change management practices Source: IBM Institute for Business Value (2018). Shifting toward Enterprise-grade AI. Resolving data and skills gaps to realize value. from *IBM Institute for Business Value (2018). The Cognitive Enterprise: The finance opportunity from ** HfS Research & IBM Institute for Business Value (2018).
  • 8. THE C-SUITE PLAYBOOK | ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 2019 Q1: GETTING STARTED As Evolving Technology like Artificial Intelligence becomes increasingly diverse in applications you'll be responsible for and challenged with enabling cross-functional organisational teams to learn and implement Artificial Intelligence.  Start small but think big.  Take your Marketing, Communications and Customer Experience teams through your customer journey map, identifying those interactions with the most friction points, and relevant data sets. Look for interactions with a high frequency rate. They're the ones easily automated, especially if they have quality data sets behind them.  Find the people in your company keen to learn about AI, they could be in any team. Create a chat channel to collaborate and encourage them to attend events, complete online training courses and work together to design and create those AI powered experiences that will have the biggest impact on your business.  And finally partner with external agencies and technology companies to drive your innovation, provide the tech stack and capability you need to deliver these projects. IN SHORT Start Small Invest in up-skilling your leaders Partner to accelerate capability   Foster a culture of learning and innovation
  • 9. THE C-SUITE PLAYBOOK | ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE PRACTICAL INSIGTHS ON LEVERAGING AI IN BUSINESS IN SHORT Understand the web of relationships Design with privacy in mind You don’t need to own it all Better in, better out Test your assumptions and intervene where appropriate Know when to use it Hudson Gavin Martin is a proud partner of New Zealand.AI and regularly advises customers on the use and procurement of AI, as well as service providers who offer intelligent and novel AI- based solutions. Our experience working on both sides of the equation has given us a unique perspective on the technology and its implementation.   Here are some practical insights on leveraging AI in your business: Understand the web of relationships – this goes for both customers and service providers of AI. For example, where the AI functionality plugs into a platform (e.g. a social media platform), there is a web of relationships between the platform provider, the AI developer, the client and the individual end user, all underpinned by agreements. These agreements must allow for you to do what you want to do with the data you collect and comply with data privacy obligations (or they must be negotiated to do so).  THE SENIOR TECHNOLOGY TEAM AT HUDSON GAVIN MARTIN
  • 10. THE C-SUITE PLAYBOOK | ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Design with privacy in mind – New Zealand data privacy laws are tool agnostic – and AI is a tool – if you collect personal information you must comply with the rules around collecting and using that information. When it comes to product design, data privacy considerations are vital, for both customers and service providers.   Adopting a privacy by design approach will pay dividends in terms of your compliance obligations – and we’d recommend doing more than the bare minimum required by legislation. For example, AI chat tools can allow you to build privacy into the user experience by informing users of their rights in real time (rather than static privacy policies which often aren’t looked at). You don’t need to own it all – if you procure an AI solution to use in your business, getting the rights you need to use the outputs of the AI is more important than ‘owning the IP’ in the solution. So long as you have the appropriate rights to the data that is ingested and the insights and outputs of the technology, owning the technology itself is generally unnecessary.  Better in, better out – the more data ‘fed’ into the AI, the better output you will get. This must be balanced with obtaining the appropriate rights and consents to use data in the ways in which you want to. The interests of the AI service provider and the customer are not always aligned in this regard.  For example, the service provider will often want to use the data from multiple customers and end users on an aggregated basis to improve their products. However, have the customers and end users provided consent for their data to be used in this way?  Test your assumptions and intervene where appropriate – we have seen numerous examples of AI ‘going rogue’ and in our view this often comes back to some flawed assumptions that algorithms are based upon. It is important to understand the principles and assumptions upon which the solution is built as data can quickly skew towards an outcome that was not intended if they are not correct. It can be helpful to ask the question: would a human make that decision based on the information coming in? If not, then you should be sure to intervene appropriately. Build an intervention trigger and monitor AI outputs so that a human can take over if the solution produces an undesirable output. For example, successful customer- facing implementations we have seen use AI chat tools to augment, rather than replace, traditional call centres. Know when to use it – even though AI is currently in vogue, businesses should use AI to help only where there is a clear understanding of how AI can solve a specific business need. AI isn’t a silver bullet for every business issue but it can be incredibly useful for particular issues where you need to ingest and make sense of a lot of data in order to improve a service or experience. There are also added benefits, including freeing up staff for higher- level tasks. 
  • 11. THE C-SUITE PLAYBOOK | ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE DELIVERING ON THE PROMISE - HOW TO PRODUCTISE YOUR AI CAPABILITY George Putnam Chief of Product and Platform - Clearpoint As discussed, the value proposition for Automated Intelligence is apparent and incontestable.  But with this proposition comes questions around how we will operate in an automated world augmented by machines.   As we discuss the opportunities inherent in A.I., we also need to look at our organisations and ask ourselves, are we enabled technically?  And, are our ways of working aligned with the rapid and ever-changing nature of the technology we are working with? For many companies in New Zealand and abroad, the answer to both of these questions is unfortunately a “no”.  Because of this, we need to focus on enablement right now in order to remain competitive and innovative. The good news is that this is not as challenging as it sounds.  It just takes the right people, the right approach and enabled tech.  It can be done quickly and iteratively in a contained way that is easily demonstrable.  By demonstrating capability, you socialise capability.  This will lead to a wider-scale organisational adoption of your A.I. strategies.   The development of A.I.  from a chatbot all the way to deep, neural network development is based on rapidly changing, iterative cycles of development and feedback.  It is driven by data on the validity of your results.  It requires an owner who understands what is and what isn’t the value proposition on offer with your solution.  Because of this, few technologies are more suited for a Product Development approach than A.I. By using a Double Diamond product development approach to A.I. we are able to accelerate your organisational capability rapidly towards enablement.  To do this, I divide the creation of an A.I. solution into four discreet phases: Discovery - what exactly is your idea? Definition – OK, cool…we have an idea.  Is it viable? Design – Our idea is viable.  Let’s design the product! Deliver – We understand our product.  Let’s ship an MVP Product Development
  • 12. THE C-SUITE PLAYBOOK | ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Within the Double Diamond framework, the Design phase is the most challenging.  Because your A.I. capability is based around the statistical validity of your results, the traditional idea of an MVP being “get something out there quickly and then improve it iteratively” does not necessarily apply to the creation of AI functionality.   What I mean by this, is that you cannot release an A.I. solution that does not meet your pre-defined success rates for your results.  For example, if you have a chatbot and you have determined up front that it’s answers need to be 85% correct in order to appear legitimate to your end users, then releasing your chatbot with only a 65% success rate risks undermining your brand.  Transpose this to a mission critical A.I. capability (like determining cancer in patients) and an MVP could cost a lot more than brand loyalty. Because of this, a critical rule in the design of A.I. is that the ”viable” element of your A.I.  product has to be tied to the defined success rates of your results. Determining minimum viability Once your MVP has been shipped, you are not finished.  With product development, you are never finished until you retire your product.  But you have enabled your capability and you are able to move into long-term iteration and optimisation. The creation of a long-term roadmap with defined and measurable goals is paramount.  What you will find with A.I. is the longer the product is in market, the more the data it generates can be productised. While this is a very brief explanation of how to effectively enable your A.I. capability, there are other enablers as well.  Your tech needs to be accelerated and continuous, your teams and supporting organisation need to have operational agility.  These are subjects worth discussing separately.  They key is to get in the game and start playing.  Don’t wait until everything is perfect.  Experiment, fail, try again, experiment and succeed.  Once your MVP is realised, enable your capabilities and remain competitive.  With A.I. the opportunities are apparent and available and there are no reasons to hesitate getting started on A.I. product development opportunities. After the MVP
  • 13. THE C-SUITE PLAYBOOK | ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE NEW ZEALAND’S AI OPPORTUNITY IS NOW. By Professor Guy Littlefair, Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean of the Faculty of Design & Creative Technologies Artificial Intelligence (AI) touches on all aspects of society. And when it comes to business, AI will be a key part of virtually every company in a few years’ time.   AI can be used to make adverts smarter and offer discounts on things you actually want to buy and when you want to buy them, based on your activity. It can help predict demand and help identify growth areas. It can also find people most like your existing customers who may be interested in your services. New Zealanders tend to be early adopters and already we’re seeing small business owners use AI in innovative ways. Agribusiness is just one example of a key industry in New Zealand that is taking advantage of AI opportunities. Farmers are using AI to optimise the use of fertiliser and check for blemished or damaged fruit using video or neural networks to increase productivity and reduce environmental impact.   Retail, utilities, marketing, law, health, FinTech, natural hazard management, transport, smart cities and government are all sectors that can benefit. However, to utilise these opportunities, partnerships between industry and the tertiary sector will be key. New Zealand’s universities can provide the vehicle for knowledge transfer, talent transfer, and tech transfer to make AI a possibility for business. AUT has one of the largest AI academic departments in Australasia. A gateway for collaboration and industry connectivity, we’re already partnering with companies including DHB’s, Cawthron Institute, Fisher & Paykel Healthcare, GNS Science, MetOcean and Orion Health NZ, to name a few. “The c-suite doesn’t need to be filled with AI experts but businesses need partners and employees that have AI knowledge and skills to stay competitive and grow their companies.” Professor Dave Parry, Head of Computer Sciences, School of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences
  • 14. THE C-SUITE PLAYBOOK | ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE The technologies and algorithms that make AI possible are crucial but so too is investment in training people who understand their limitations and appropriate use. Connecting business with tomorrow’s talent is also crucial to ensure that we have skilled people entering the workforce, so businesses don’t need to rely on importing talent or vendors from overseas.  AUT produces great graduates with real-world experience who are work-ready. We have over 100 masters and PhD students working on AI projects supervised by more than 40 academic experts working in computing, maths, engineering, business, health, design and sports areas. At the undergraduate level all of the engineering and computing and maths students work on industry-based or related projects and many of these include AI – for example developing smart software for FinTech or supporting chatbots for the tourism sector. With Institutes, Centres and Groups across AUT working on AI related research, some of our projects include: Spiking Neural Network Architecture - Environmental Data Modelling - research-projects-around-aut Learning Languages and Virtual Reality Visualisation - creativity-lab Robotics and Mechatronic Systems Computational Intelligence for Sports Science - initiative/ai-research-projects-around-aut Biomedical Imaging Deep Learning in Computer Vision - research-projects-around-aut Human Language and Speech Technology - computer-and-mathematical-sciences/research/centre-for-artificial-intelligence-research-cair Optimising your business through AI will also be dependent on getting buy in from board level - not only to implement AI, but to trust staff with the business and technical expertise to use the technology. Companies globally are in a race to develop new AI technologies to keep their competitive edge, so the option of doing nothing doesn’t exist. No matter what industry you’re in, the time to prepare yourself for these technologies is now. We are always looking for new partnerships to push AI research and its application in the real world. The AUT Artificial Intelligence Initiative is a one-stop-shop where you can visit to learn about our research, teaching and opportunities to work with us. For further information visit the AUT Artificial Intelligence Initiative - intelligence-initiative
  • 15. THE C-SUITE PLAYBOOK | ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SHAPING A FUTURE NEW ZEALAND AI Forum of NZ - Executive Director Ben Reid Artificial Intelligence (AI) is emerging everywhere today: as a virtual assistant on every new smartphone, a robo-advisor to help make investment decisions, driving autonomous vehicles on our roads and in sophisticated algorithms underlying recommendation engines for many of the world’s leading web platforms. The Artificial Intelligence Forum of New Zealand (AI Forum) is a purpose-driven, not-for-profit organisation that is funded by members. The association was founded in 2017. The AI Forum brings together New Zealand’s ecosystem of artificial intelligence technology innovators, end users, investor groups, regulators, researchers, educators, entrepreneurs and interested public to work together to find ways to use AI to help enable a prosperous, inclusive and thriving future for our nation. The Forum advances New Zealand’s AI ecosystem through connections, advocacy, growing talent and collaboration. The AI Forum promotes the economic opportunities raised by AI, supporting great applications of AI and emerging New Zealand AI firms, and also works to ensure that society can adapt to the rapid and far-reaching changes that AI technology will bring. The international Partnership on AI (PAI) brings together diverse, global voices to realize the promise and avoid the pitfalls of artificial intelligence.   The Partnership on AI to Benefit People and Society was established to study and formulate best practices on AI technologies, to advance the public’s understanding of AI, and to serve as an open platform for discussion and engagement about AI and its influences on people and society. The AI Forum is a member of the Partnership on AI Coordinated by NZTech, the New Zealand Tech Alliance represents over 800 organisations across the New Zealand technology landscape who collectively employ almost 10 percent of the workforce. The AI Forum is a member of the NZ Tech Alliance
  • 16. THE C-SUITE PLAYBOOK | ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE KEY HIGHLIGHTS  From the "Artificial Intelligence - Shaping a Future New Zealand" report from May 2018 Read in full here work/research/
  • 17. THE C-SUITE PLAYBOOK | ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AI-DAY 2019 NEW ZEALAND'S PREMIER AI EVENT AI-DAY is new Zealand's Premier AI Event on March 27th and 28th 2019 at the ASB Waterfront Theatre in Auckland.  This multi-day conference kicks off our programme which is followed by a two day workshop series and a two day Hackfest at AUT. AI-DAY is a showcase of how Artificial Intelligence is impacting People, Business, Government and Society with International Keynotes, Industry Experts and Local Trailblazers giving talks and panel discussions. AI-DAY is aimed at Business and Technology leaders from all industries in Start-ups, Growing Enterprises, Large Organisations and Government Departments.  AI-DAY is proudly presented by The AI Forum of NZ and NewZealand.AI Early Bird Tickets are on sale from November 1st 2018 at AI-