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Text Evidence Sentence Starters Text Evidence Sentence Starters
Heat Loss Investigation Essay
Heat Loss Investigation
Introduction ============
In this investigation I will investigate heat loss and heat transfer in different materials and I will also
investigate which materials are the best insulators. A material that prevents this heat loss is called an
insulator and this helps to keep the object that is being insulated warmer for, longer. Heat is generally
transferred in three different methods:
Conduction is energy transferred from the hotter part of a solid to the colder part of conduction. It is
transferred by the particles in the material the particles in the hot part are vibrating more. These
vibrations are ... Show more content on ...
The particles that escape are those with higher than average energy otherwise they would not have
enough energy to escape. Because the liquid loses its higher energy particles, the liquid that is left has
less energy, so it becomes cooler.
I will test two types of insulation to see which is the best at preventing heat loss I will use black card,
and tin foil to insulate the beaker filled with water. I will also do this twice one in a small beaker and
once in a larger beaker. I will investigate also if I use more water will this affect the heat loss. If I use
more water will this hold insulate the water more? So overall I will have four sets of results.
Factors of the experiment =========================
In this experiment there are many different factors that could affect my experiment and the results I
achieve, the factors are:
The amount of water used in each experiment If I use a large of amount of water this will mean that
the water will cool down slower and therefore stay warmer for longer. So the more water I use the
longer the water will stay warm, so if I use a small amount of water it will cool down quick.
Type of Insulation I will use This will change the amount of heat loss significantly. Different types of
material insulate differently depending on how efficiently the material
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Computer Science Sop
In the world of Engineering and Technology, each day sees a spate of new concepts and applications,
and each passing day seems to make them obsolete. This galloping pace of technological evolution
has a direct bearing on practical applications, making it mandatory for today s engineers to keep
abreast of the latest developments. I have always had an inherent and overwhelming desire to design
and innovate and this propelled me to opt for a career in engineering. In Computers, the tremendous
scope for research, whose application potential could provide tremendous productivity gains, has
always fascinated me. As a student in the final year of undergraduate study for a Bachelor of
Engineering degree in Computer Science Engineering, I ... Show more content on ...
Presently, I am doing research in media streaming with the same company. In 2002, I worked part time
as a web programmer for Eniac Software Private Ltd, for a period of 4 months. I was the project
leader in my 3rd year, in a CASE tools lab project – RMA systems. As part of the curriculum, I was
taught the implementation of Distributed systems and networks. In my senior year project, I
implemented a Finger Print Recognition algorithm, using MATLAB. I am passionate to pursue
courses and research in Computer Networks and Database Management systems. I foresee a major
upheaval in the above related fields and would like to be a part of the information revolution that has
transformed our way of life. As AI comes of age, I see intelligent systems replacing the existing ones
in the areas of networking and DBMS. I am delighted at the prospect of taking up courses in these
fields and being a part of any research activity in the above mentioned areas. I am a frequent user of
the Internet and have been fascinated by the nuances of networking. I have assisted a Microsoft
Certified Professional, in installing working local area networks in 2 industries. This has exposed me
to the subtleties of networking and thus encouraged me to pursue a career in this ever challenging
field. I regularly read IEEE transactions and journals. It was through these and other magazines that I
came to
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Post-Traumatic Stress In Relation To Holden Caulfield Essay
Post Traumatic Stress In Relation To Holden Caulfield
Throughout life, an individual may endure emotionally and physically straining moments causing the
person to become downhearted, and or irate. These feelings are normal, but may however become a
problem when these feelings prohibit someone from living a normal life. An estimated 5.2 million
American adults ages 18 to 54, or approximately 3.6 percent of people in this age group in a given
year, have PTSD (Narrow, Rae, Regier). This purpose of this report is to prove whether or not Holden
Caulfield, the main character of J.D. Salingers s book The Catcher In The Rye, is depressed.
What Is A Depressive Disorder?
Depression is a serious ... Show more content on ...
Another significant factor in Holden s life was the suicide of James Castle, a schoolmate form Elkton
Hills. This is shown when Holden returns home and is conversing with Phoebe in her bedroom.
Phoebe asks Holden to name one thing that he really likes. At that moment all Holden can think of is
about two nuns he met at the train station and James Castle, The funny part is, I hardly even know
James Castle... (171). Holden kept replaying the incident just before James died. James was a skinny
little weak looking guy, with wrists about as big as pencils (170). Holden remembers James [calling
Phil Stabile] a very conceited guy, and some of Stabile s lousy friends went and squealed on him to
Stabile (170). Stabile returned with about six other friends to try to get James to take back what he
said but he would not take it back. Holden the recalls what he did, instead of taking back what he said
he said, he jumped out the window (170). Holden is going through a really difficult time in his life
right now and he is trying to cope with the situations the best way that he knows how.
Symptoms of a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Many people with PTSD repeatedly re experience the ordeal in the form of flashback episodes,
memories, nightmares, or frightening thoughts, especially when they are exposed to events or objects
reminiscent of the trauma. Anniversaries of the event can also trigger symptoms. People with PTSD
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Aging Population Burdens
A significant population growth occurred between 1946 and 1964; approximately 76 million people
were born in the United States; this group of individuals is known as the Baby boom generation
(Dohm, 2000). These individuals now average between the ages of 51 70, and make up a vast majority
of those in American whom fall in the late adulthood period of their lives. According to Boyd and Bee
(2015, p 418), young old is defined at ages 60 75, old old is 75 85 and oldest old is 85 and older. In the
United States in 2010 there were approximately 40,267,984 adults over the age of 65; in 2014 there
was an estimated 46,243,211 adults over the age of 65 (U.S. Census Bureau, 2016). Additionally when
looking at the numbers from the U.S. Census Bureau ... Show more content on ...
Ethical, as defined by Merriam Webster online dictionary (2016), means right or wrong, or following
acceptable rules of behavior. The primary concern for many, who oppose scientific research such as
this, is the notion that the scientists are playing god. In other words, scientists are messing with the
natural process of the world. It could even be argued that if scientists had left well enough alone, this
increase in of individuals in the late adulthood stage of life would not have occurred; implying that
nature or God would have naturally controlled the population. Others, like myself, might counter that
it goes against God to deny the scientific gift of discovery blessed on some people; that if given the
ability to aid people, then it is ones duty to do just that. Some perhaps, in the middle of the road, could
simply question where we drawl the line? Referring back the definition of ethical (Merriam Webster
online dictionary, 2016), this middle of the road view, may simply propose the question on if this is
acceptable behavior, in other words, what are we willing to do scientifically, for human life. Whether a
person is all for scientific advancement or completely opposed, at the end of the day it is important to
ask is this advancement truly beneficial to society and the people it affects? (van den
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Semiotic Analysis of True Detective
Semiotic Analysis of True Detective In 1951, the first television crime drama series, Dragnet
significantly influenced our American culture. According to the New Oxford American Dictionary, the
term dragnet is a symbol, for, a system of coordinated measures used to apprehend criminals or
suspects. Most crime drama series solve a different case each episode. Although, in current pop culture
crime dramas focus on one particular crime, throughout an entire season. Similar, to the show
Homeland, the HBO crime drama True Detective adds a twist on the conventional series. The show
depicts a subject matter that has affected modern society as a whole. Southern Louisiana police
detectives Rust Cohle and Marty Hart, in 2012, are asked to revisit their solving of a ritualistic murder
case from 1995. The murder of a former student of the Light of the Way Christian Academy lays the
foundation, for detective Cohle s doubts about the true design of religion. The True Detective storyline
portrays the utilization of religion, education, and politics, by men in power who manipulate and
control young innocent children. Questioning the validity of religion within a crime drama series is
relative to modern society. The conspiracy within the Catholic Church to suppress hundreds of child
molestations committed, by Catholic priests is a pertinent sign represented in True Detective .
Southern Louisiana is located in the heart of the American Bible belt, where religion is not a choice,
but a
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Julius Caesar Informative Speech
In this documentary Sting is the head speaker, music has always interested Sting from when he was a
child to his time now. Being a child Sting s parents were musicians therefore he grew up in the
vicinity of music. Sting grew up in Northern England, he remembers his mom playing the piano and
him dancing to the tango music that she played. When he was a child he loved listening to classical
music, his favorite classic musician was Bock. Sting now is a musician and loves to study music. At
the beginning of the documentary he is asked to take an MRI, he is then asked to imagine one of his
songs. When he is asked to do this the images from the MRI show that his brain have become more
active in its thinking. What has just happened shows the person
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Walt Disney Personality
He was a tremendous guy. A true genius in every respect. Terribly driven. A very remarkable
personality. Very appealing in many ways,
Charlie Ridgeway
Bold and humble. He always liked to take risks, and he was the vision of a real leader.
Everyone around him enjoyed his presence, many looked up and still do look up to him.
Do a good job. You don t have to worry about the money; it will take care of itself. Just do your best
work then try to trump it.
Walt Disney
Developments to becoming a better leader
The only skill that was deeply instilled in Walt Disney every since he was a child was grit, he stuck to
dreams and what he wanted to accomplish even after through all of his failures and small successions.
He pursued his dreams, working night and day to make sure that one day his day would be seen by the
During WWII the military lacked the skill to acquire money: taxes from the people in order to keep
funding the war. Disney unwillingly decided to help the military only because they took up residence
in his office, we persuaded the people by creating a movie Walt created a film starring Donald Duck
called, The New Spirit. The film did much to inspire Americans to pay their taxes, something not
commonly done back then.
Being family oriented and an involved father, he thought of ways to incorporate his dream on a larger
scale. He came up with ideas such as an amusement park, and not just that but the hope that his
characters would become a household
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Attending Elementary School
Attending elementary school is a period of time in which you are learning the basics of every subject
that you will carry on throughout your whole life. You will be able to learn how to read, write, add,
subtract, etc. Also, you are taught how to act and think like a normal person. The best thing about
elementary school is that you have very little responsibilities and you don t have to worry about
college. I attended Fairview Elementary School from grades K 5. I remember each year like it was
yesterday. For example, I remembered the way I looked, the friends I made, the events that occurred,
and the problems I had.
All throughout my years of elementary school, many people would pick on me and boast about their
appearance in comparison to me. For example, I was the smallest kid in my class. Everyone would
always be taller than me and make me reach for a pencil as they held it up high. In addition, I also had
a big head which also gave kids another opportunity to make fun of me. Finally, many kids started to
get braces. I had very crooked teeth and a gap in my tooth.
I had a lot of friends throughout my years of elementary school. Each year brought new people in my
classes. I remember how I would go up to ... Show more content on ...
I immediately became elated to the fact that I will be the oldest child out of three brothers. I remember
how excited I was to tell all my friends and teachers that I was going to have another brother or sister.
On May 7, 2007, my little brother Joseph was born. I remember during the time he was born, my
grandmother started to live with my family. She would pick me up from school everyday. During the
course of first grade, I started to have more responsibilities of taking care of my little brother. For
example, I would help my mother or grandmother whenever they need assistance. Taking care of my
little brother gave me basic knowledge and skills I use today when I
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Cultural Relativism And Racial Relativism Essay
Question 1
Cultural Relativism is a theory arguing that each different society follows a different moral code that
is created by the majority and that is completely right and acceptable. A moral code is right, not
because of any moral reason, but because a specific culture says it is. It is important to understand that
Cultural Relativists believe that each group has the right moral code for themselves, even if there are
contradictory moral codes in different societies. In James Rachels article on Cultural Relativism, he
argues against the idea of Cultural Relativism and says that Cultural Relativism is not valid because,
with a Cultural Relativist worldview, people can decide whether their actions are right or wrong by
looking simply at what society holds to be true. Rachels finds fault in mindset. A culture can easily
have the wrong moral code on a certain topic. Rachels uses an example from South Africa s belief in
racial segregation. South Africa s moral code was clearly incorrect, but according to Cultural
Relativism, apartheid is the morally good choice, only for the South African society. How can
something so wrong be right for only certain societies? Rachels argues that this is a huge reason why
believing in Cultural Relativism is not the best decision. Additionally, Cultural Relativists are unable
to call another group s moral code wrong, even if it is wrong. Plus, believing in Cultural Relativism
leaves no room for improvement, because people are unable to
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Essay On American Flag Desecration
The Constitution of the United States of America is something that all Americans value greatly; it
protects our basic human rights by forbidding the government of violating them. Recently, there has
been much discussion about a possible violation of said rights, specifically creating a law to ban the
desecration of the American flag. President elect Donald Trump recently stated his opinion on social
media about the issue, however he proposed inconceivable punishments for the action. This issue of
desecrating the American flag is deeply rooted in American history, including multiple Supreme Court
The Supreme Court has twice ruled that the desecration of the American flag was a form of free
speech and is protected by the first amendment. The first Amendment states, Congress shall make no
law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the
freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the
Government for a redress of grievances. The constitution clearly states that the people have the rights
to ... Show more content on ...
Donald Trump stated in a recent tweet, Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag if they
do, there must be consequences perhaps loss of citizenship or year in jail! This statement is completely
offensive and baffling for various reasons. Being that the Supreme Court has ruled that desecrating the
flag is legal and an expression of speech, Trump certainly should not be giving such consequences for
something that is entirely legal. If flag burning were to become illegal, a loss of citizenship and a year
in jail would be extremely harsh and an unreasonable punishment, perhaps instead a less excessive
punishment such as a small
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Alcohol Advertising On Alcohol
Alcohol advertising is very common in American culture, and though alcohol sellers may find it
necessary, it comes at a cost. Advertising for alcoholic beverages makes drinking extremely appealing,
causing a lot of underage kids to try alcohol for themselves. Underage drinking will happen no matter
what, but the connection of alcohol to friendship and sex in contrast to the boring life of a sober
business worker makes the problem much worse. Although each advertisement presented it differently,
all 6 alcohol advertisements gave the impression that their product helps to bring people together.
With the exception of Brother for Johnnie Walker, the number of people appearing in each
advertisement increases with the amount of time that alcohol is shown. This creates a very clear
connection between alcohol and social interaction, suggesting that drinking earns you friends. All
humans have an innate desire for social interaction, but this desire is strongest in teens and young
adults (Baumeister Leary, 1995). Alcohol companies effectively use this desire to sell product to legal
drinkers, but this desire draws in minors/illegal drinkers as well. The contrast in portrayals of
friendship and business in these advertisements also appeals to those who are underage. Once alcohol
is introduced into the advertisement, friendship is portrayed as a never ending party, complete with
twinkling lights, bonfires, and carefree laughter. In contrast, an alcohol free situation is
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The Go Between By Ali Smith
The short story The go between was written to celebrate the 60th anniversary of human rights. Ali
Smith got a lot of inspiration from Article 13, which says; the right of freedom to movement. The
short story The Go Between is written by Ali Smith and is about the main character, which is a 33
years old man, who helps people get over the border fence to Spain. He is born and raised in
Cameroon, but now he lives in Northern Morocco. The short story tells us that the refugees who are
denied the right to cross the border gets help by the main character in the short story because he is
opposed to people when they come to Europe they are sent back right away and they have no chances
to seek asylum, He also uses Article 14 and says that everyone has the right to seek asylum in any
country they want to. The protagonist in the short story is called the go between, so that is probably
why the headline is called the Go ... Show more content on ...
He writes in a language, and he uses a lot of metaphorical features. We as readers are very confused
about the way he has chosen to describe the story, but we are also very fascinated by the action. So
whole this short story tells us that he has had a tragic life and how he helps others achieve a good life
and you can say here that he has a good point. Ali Smith focus on an important part of Europe as it is a
big problem and it is a big topic in Europe to come into a new country. It is something that all
countries should focus on and that it is almost impossible for people from outside getting into Europe.
I m a small, slight man. I m not a big man. I m lean and slight. My sature is slight. My coat is a bit too
slight here comes the winter! I m thirty three years old. I m a mature old man, me! I m not noticeable.
I m quiet, (Line 120 122). Here we hear about how he describes himself and that he is happy about the
things he
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What Is My Inspiration Essay
Inspiration doesn t mean trying to impersonate your idol. It means that they have left an impact on
your life that has moved you so much that you make it your quest to pass on that impact to others, so
that they are inspired to do the same. The cycle will go on forever. I have been inspired by number of
people ranging from members of my family, friends, to great personalities who obviously do not know
of my existence on this planet! Some of them are so influential that their motivation and determination
will enable me to reach greater heights. A few inspire me to do better in anticipation that I will make
them proud. In all this, there has been a special personality who has helped me to perceive the brighter
side of striving to achieve excellence.
Jamsetji Tata, a visionary, a seer, a man of action who single handedly built a flourishing empire till
date. What was so different about Jamsetji? What made him the recurring topic of many minds? What
could have been the secret that allowed him to build a dynasty?
I would ... Show more content on ...
Leaders must always be humble and be grateful to the ones that have helped them along their way to
success. Great leaders should be more like Jamsetji Tata because then, they too will have a vision that
will benefit not only themselves but also the citizens of this country.
Money is not a matter of heart; it is a matter of the mind. If you have the will power, you can live
without craving for money. This is what I would like the leaders of today to incorporate into their
lives. This is the main reason Jamsetji thrived. He did not care about the size of his wallet at the end of
his day. He only cared about whether or not he did something for the citizens of the nation.
I wouldn t be wrong if I said that without his vision that was the cornerstone of the Tata group,
Munnar would never be what it is
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Chemistry Investigation on Fuels
1.0 Abstract
The purpose of this investigation is to explore how much energy is stored in different types of fuels
and see which one would be better to purchase for a camping trip. The process that was used to find
this was called calorimetery and the results from this were compared to the price per milliliter for each
fuel. The fuel that was the best to purchase over all was deemed to be Ethanol. Ethanol was the
alcohol fuel that held the highest amount of energy compared to the price and had the highest rating
compared with the other fuels. The other fuels tested which were; Pentanol, 4 methyl 2 Pentanol and
1.1 Introduction
A fuel is a substance that can be used to generate energy in a controlled manner. ... Show more content
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SMALL FIRE: Use DRY chemical powder. LARGE FIRE: Use alcohol foam, water spray or fog.
Cool containing vessels with water jet in order to prevent pressure build up, auto ignition or explosion
Toxicity: Acute Oral Toxicity, 3632mg/kg
Inhalation: If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is
difficult, give oxygen. Get medical attention if symptoms appear. 1.23 4 Methyl 2 Pentanol
Chemical Properties
Odour: N/A
Colour: N/A
Molecular Weight: 102.18 g/mol pH: 7 Neutral
Boiling Point: 131.8°C
Specific Gravity: 0.81 g/ml (water =1)
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Infant Moving Room Study
Bachelor of Exercise and Sport science Skill Learning Performance Infancy. The movements of an
infant are categorised into two categories, random, or spontaneous movements and infantile reflexes.
Spontaneous movements are done without a purpose, e.g. thrusting of legs and arms, squirming and
stretching of fingers and toes. Although these movements are done without a purpose, they in fact
resemble more mature movements which we develop later in life,like walking. If you watch a new
born kicking in a supine position it will be rhythmical and bilateral, meaning both legs will kick at
once. Usually by the end of the first year the knee, hip and ankle will move more sequentially, which
means they will move in a more logical sequence. The same ... Show more content on
This is mostly due to the decrease in speed and range of motion they have. If one or more of the
individual s body systems become damaged/weakened, e.g. osteoporosis and arthritis, this would
greatly decrease and slow this person s movements, range of motion,strength and flexibility , this
means that less force is used to throw a ball, resulting in a lower velocity throw.These factors have
more of an influence on the velocity of the throw and not so much the accuracy.Another factor in an
elderly person is that some people develop a fear of falling due to the potential seriousness associated
with falling,some elderly people cannot recover from the injuries and will die from possible infections
,e.g. a broken hip is very common with elderly
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Compare the Techniques Used in Two Adverts by Holiday...
Compare the techniques used in two adverts by holiday companies to target their audience and sell
their product.
In this essay I will discuss the similarities and differences of two holiday adverts; one for Blackpool
and the other for Ibiza. Firstly I will discuss the layout of the adverts. The Blackpool ad has a central
picture of recognisable attractions such as the Blackpool tower and ferris wheel by the harbour which
shimmers with light which brightens up the advert, similarly the Ibiza advert has a central eye
catching picture of three young people dancing laughing and a sexy young female posing on her own
on the beach whilst the sun is setting. The Blackpool ad has the writing on the left hand side which
states the main important ... Show more content on ...
Thirdly the colours. The Blackpool advert uses are soft but good colours such as white, black, with a
touch of pink, blue, orange and yellow to emphasis their heading and contact details. The colour gold
suggests, that having the best time of your life on your holiday. On the other hand Ibiza advert uses
bold: neon colours such as red, pink, yellow, black similar to Blackpool but more thistly for the
attention to target their on going audience, where as Blackpool was as bright appearance mainly for
the tower and Ferris wheel which mainly their dazzles with lights around them. Blackpool was
generally advertising for the older generation which is a calmer appearance for relaxing, going
sightseeing and having fun in a basic manner but on the other hand Ibiza advert appealed for the
younger generation which settles for livelier and exciting appearance for their audience.
The language which was used in Blackpool was plain English which give full details which the reader
could understand clearly whereas Ibiza was written in slang for their slogan and also written in a
different font style and plain English for the contact, location and general aspects of the holiday about
getting there. Blackpool features their audience to read about more of their advert, but Ibiza settles for
more pictures and their language of detail cannot be read clearly but also have a bright and groovy
effect when you read their colourful advert. Their main idea of their language
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The Kathmandu Valley and the Constant Terror of...
The Kathmandu Valley and the Constant Terror of Earthquakes
One important climatic feature that plagues the South Asian region of the Kathmandu Valley is
earthquakes. A few severe earthquakes have taken place in the country s history and caused many
deaths and nearly irreparable damage to impoverished Nepal. The residents of the Kathmandu Valley
experience small tremors nearly every day, whether they can feel them or not. The world and the
nation is waiting for the next big one to terrorize the small country.
The Kingdom of Nepal is a landlocked nation that geographically lies between India and China. The
narrow country also located at the boundary between the Indian and Tibetan tectonic plates and ...
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The earthquake of 1255 was reported to have destroyed many houses and temples, and to have killed
one third to one fourth of the population of the Kathmandu Valley.[11] In 1407, an earthquake
destroyed the famous Machhhendra Nath Temple of Patan. The two strongest earthquakes in the
nationÕs history were the ones that took place in 1833 and 1934. The earthquake of 1833 destroyed
the Kathmandu Valley and its magnitude was reported to have been a 7.8 on the Richter scale.[12] The
people of Nepal were fortunate however, that it was preceded by two large foreshocks, and due to the
warnings, the casualties were minimal and reported to be less than 500 people.[13]
The residents of the Kathmandu Valley were not as fortunate in 1934. The Bihlar Nepal Earthquake is
the most devastating in the nationÕs history. It reached a measurement of 8.0 on the Richter scale and
the rupture length is estimated to be between 100 and 200 kilometers.[14] It produced strong shaking
in the valley, which is the political, economical, and cultural capital of the country. Of
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Pollution And Redemption In Dracula, By Anne Mcwhir
Pollution and Redemption in Dracula, written by Anne McWhir, a Professor Emerita at the University
of Calgary, analyzes the complex relationships between characters of Bram Stoker s, Dracula.
McWhir acknowledges seemingly opposing themes within Dracula, Dracula is remarkable for its
blurring and confusion of categories. Modem and primitive, civilized and savage, science and myth
are confused; so too are other categories good and evil, clean and unclean, life and death (31). She
explains the purpose of hunting Count Dracula is to restore the characters, giving them a chance at
redemption, The pollution or dangerous power that disappears at the end of Dracula means that the
characters can return to a world of clear categories and ... Show more content on ...
Dracula is a proud of his lineage. His blood is noble among gypies (criminals) but when placed in
comparison to the elite of England, he is considered primitive, ...Dracula s criminality dominates over
his noble blood: science assimilates him to a lower type, associating him with animals and inferior
human groups (McWhir 34).
By the end of Dracula, the younger characters return to clear and defined statuses; Lucy is at peace in
her true death, Dr. Seward and Holmwood (Godalming) are married to other women, Mina and Mr.
Harker have been ushered into adulthood by becoming parents. They decided to name their child,
Quincey (McWhir 35). McWhir explains, Quincey Morris, wounded in the act of destroying Dracula,
dies a hero s death, reminding us that the dangers have not been mere dreams and mad fantasies and
showing us through his central role in a ritual of purification that blood is substance as well as symbol
The defined social categories that the characters wish to achieve can only be possessed by recognizing
their opposing forces. Anne McWhir concludes that the road to purification for Mina requires a blood
sacrifice, sanity cannot exist without recognizing madness, and the danger of and dependence on
foreigners (Dracula and Van
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Comparing Ophelia And Hamlet
If Only He was as Great as Her
Often times, a tragedy can bring two people together, especially lovers, yet, sometimes, it can drive
them apart. Both of them can become mad, one can become mad and not the other, or they can
become mad in two totally different ways. When tragedy strikes in Hamlet, Ophelia and Hamlet deal
with it very differently. Despite the obvious tragedies that group them together, Ophelia and Hamlet
are nothing alike at all, characteristically. In fact, Ophelia is the female version of the man Hamlet
should become because she is active and determined, transgressing her pre determined role as a naïve
Before one can discuss Ophelia s activeness, one must focus on Hamlet inactiveness, and why Ophelia
as the best, idealistic ... Show more content on ...
Ophelia would have never handed out flowers with obvious intentions had her father not died.
Nevertheless, the main characters of Hamlet dismiss her advances toward them. Even though the
characters of Hamlet dismiss Ophelia s madness, her madness directly affects them. Her action leads
to others actions. Her suicide leads to the direct duel between Laertes and Hamlet, which leads to the
impending doom of the whole court. Ophelia s deliberate actions in her madness accomplish so many
things, unlike Hamlet s
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Ilm Level 3 Unit 328 Understand How to Lead Effective...
Unit 328: Understand how to lead effective meetings
AC 1.1
Explain the purpose of a meeting
Staff meetings
The purpose of regular staff meetings helps an organisation become much more organised and
efficient and places both employees and managers on the same page, it makes it easier to establish
roles and collaborates to finish projects and achieve goals. They make it possible for all members of a
company to work together with less confusion and accomplish objectives faster.
They cover a range of relevant information, and provide a platform for employees to ask questions and
discuss concerns with management enabling staff to offer ideas and solutions directly to managers and
team members within the company. Staff meetings inform ... Show more content on ...
It is an opportunity to discuss strengths, give constructive suggestions and consider each other s points
of view.
AC 1.2
Explain the purpose and structure of an agenda
A meeting agenda ensures that the meeting will be a productive use of everyone s time. It can focus
the attendee s efforts and provide a structure to accomplish the meeting purpose. It defines outcomes,
and important information, attendee roles and responsibilities and a meeting timeline. It allows
attendee s to prepare for the meeting as it is made available a week before. It also works as a checklist
of those attending, goals and topics for discussion to make sure that all the necessary information is
covered and keeps team members focused on the specific goals and stay on track with the subject
A well written meeting agenda makes it easy for everyone to go through the meeting process smoothly
and in an organised manner.
AC 1.3
Explain how to select and invite the right people to attend the meeting
When inviting people to a meeting, make it a point to mention why they are expected to attend. This
gives them time to prepare, and keeps them alert and interactive throughout, it is best to only have
people who can contribute to the meeting for example were they given any action points to achieve in
a previous meeting that need to be followed up?, would the individual bring anything new to the
table? Do they
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A Critical Analysis Of Zia Akhtar s Article Aboriginal...
A treaty should not be seen as an alternative to constitutional recognition. Though, a reform of the
constitution itself will only yield a partial resolution for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders due to
its symbolic nature. A critical analysis of Zia Akhtar s article, Aboriginal Determination: Native Title
Claims and Barriers to Recognition , will emphasise the importance of recognition and self
determination to the Indigenous. This essay will explore the notions that reconciliation is more
achievable through constitutional recognition and treaty together, that changes must be made to the
Australian Constitution, particularly sections 25 and 51 (xxvi), and how the Native Title (Amendment)
Act has hindered recognition and determination in a variety of ways.
Constitutional recognition alone is not sufficient, as a preamble is tokenistic in nature. Thus, it is
necessary that more tangible insertions be made to the body of the Constitution in addition to a
preamble acknowledging Aboriginals. Akhtar s article emphasises a necessity for constitutional
change by stating that constitutional guarantees should be introduced to provide Indigenous Australian
s with enforceable rights that guarantee equality. Despite this, there is no suggestion by Akhtar to
include both. The inclusion of both is vital, as although the preamble is symbolic and does not invoke
physical change, it would be a formal acknowledgement of Aboriginals as the original inhabitants and
custodians of the
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The Second Central Theme Religion And Exile
Lastly, both movies demonstrate the second central theme religion and exile as means to control the
public. For example, Second Reza Shah wanted to remove religion and place his traditional Persian
heritage as founding rule of Iranian people. Removal of religion was mandatory for Second Reza to
keep his absolute power within Iran. For example, when Second Reza Shah s father was in power, he
had religious clergy that guided him on action what were needed to be done within the state. When
Reza Shah was exiled and his son Mohammad Reza Shah was appointed as the new ruler of Iran by
CIA. For this reason, Ayatollah Khomeini used this as his arc to get more people together. Where he
expressed that due to foreign intervention the nation is ... Show more content on ...
Ayatollah Khomeini was exiled for his oppositions for the reforms and laws that Shah made.
Wherefore, the Shah imprisoned and then exiled Khomeini to Iraq then for the last few months of his
exile was spent in France. While, in his exile Khomeini followers recorded his speeches and played it
in Iran. Appointed Prime Minister (Shahpur Bakhtiar) of the Shah. Bakhtiar used military force to
control the public when Khomeini demonstrated his speech in public. At this time, the military lost
control of the public and lost legitimacy. Prime Minister Bakhtiar was unable to control the desire of
the people, because these people wanted change. Shah at this time in 1979 had already left the country
and Bakhtiar also left after losing control of public by military action. For this example, this
demonstrated the legitimacy of Khoemini influence in the nation, where he openly spoke against the
government. In relation, to Persepolis, Marjane can be viewed as a person for became exiled from her
country. For example, as a young girl she spoke her mind and questioned the political rule within her
country. As she got older she did the same. However, the new government was just like the Shah
where it imprisoned individuals who spoke their minds. For this reason, for keeping Marjane safe, her
parents sent her to Paris. In relation, she faced clash of culture within the France, where she did not
blend in with the people. She faced constant struggle where she had no income. Importantly she
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The Importance of Personal Responsibility
The Importance of Personal Responsibility
As an adult you are responsible for every action that you take, but before that action are a series of
thoughts that lead you to taking that action. Your personal responsibility starts at a young age, you are
either taught personal responsibility as you grow into an adult by being held accountable of your own
actions or the responsibility is taken from you. Depending on how you were brought up your transition
into becoming an adult can either be an easy one or a difficult one where everyone is to blame but
yourself. As an adult the one thing that you know is a constant is that you will be held accountable for
your actions whether you like it or not.
Holding yourself ... Show more content on ...
That person generally hasn t changed very much from the person they were in high school both
personally and professionally. By holding yourself responsible you are more aware of what is
happening, you can review your actions and determine what adjustments need to be made. Some of
the most successful people in life are the most critical of
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What Are The Four Social Revolutions
The culture and society has been changing over time due to the invention and emergence of new ideas
and technology. Social change is an important aspect of life which every individual and society
undergoes. Up to date, there are four social revolutions that are believed to have occurred in history.
According o Henslin (2009), the social change experienced today is as a result of forces that started
thousands years ago which begun with domestication of animals and plants.
The first social revolution was characterized by horticultural and pastoral farming. Humans left
hunting and gathering and established settlements to do horticultural farming and keeping of livestock.
Horticultural societies led a settled life while the pastoral society kept ... Show more content on ...
The use of ploughs to cultivate land made people to concentrate more on farming. During this period,
more food was produced compared to the horticultural farming. A relatively large piece of land could
be cultivated. This replaced the use of daggers in farming. The third social revolution was
characterized by the invention of steam engine which led to industrial revolution. Industrial revolution
was accompanied the production of surplus food. Machines replaced human labor in the industries.
More could be produced within short time. This means that people could also do many other things
such as learning instead of spending more time in doing one thing.
The fourth social revolution which is the era we are living today. It is characterized by more complex
technology. It is mainly telecommunication and hence sometimes called the information age. People
are focused on using the shortest time possible to convey information. The most recent invention is the
microchip. People have even been able to alter the human and other organisms genetic orientation.
Genetically modified crops are common in the U.S. market today. It is a society characterized by
biotechnology in order to improve
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Informative Essay On Malon Brando
Academy Award and 6 time Golden Globe winner, Marlon Brando is constantly recognized as one of
the greatest actors of all time. The American Film Institute named him fourth in their list of the 50
Greatest American Screen Legends. Marlon Brando Jr. was born to Marlon Brando Sr. and Dorothy
Pennebaker Brando on April 3, 1924 in the city of Omaha, Nebraska. Brando was one of three siblings
and married three times to actresses Anna Kashfi, Movita Castaneda and Tarita Teriipaia. From his
marriages and speculated affairs, Brando had at least eleven children.
The On the Waterfront actor spent most of his youth in Libertyville, Illinois, where he was brought up
in a difficult household. His mother, Dorothy was an alcoholic and he couldn t ... Show more content
on ...
Named after his mother, Marlon Brando Sr, whom he despised, was given the responsibility of taking
over the company. Many were shocked by Marlon s choice to let his father control Pennebaker
Productions, in an interview following his father s passing, Marlon wrote in his biography that, After
he died, I used to think, God, just give him to me alive for eight seconds, because I want to punch him
in the jaw. It was well known to the public that Marlon didn t maintain a good relationship with his
father, but had enormous respect for his mother, who was also an
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History of the Fbi Essay
History of the FBI
The Federal Bureau of Investigation was founded in 1908 when the Attorney General appointed an
anonymous force of 34 Special Agents to be investigators for the Department of Justice. Before that,
the DOJ had to borrow Agents from the U.S. Secret Service. In 1909, the Special Agent Force was
renamed the Bureau of Investigation, and after countless name changes, it became The Federal Bureau
of Investigation in 1935.
When the FBI was established, there weren t an abundance of federal crimes, so it investigated
criminal acts that dealt with national banking, bankruptcy, naturalization, antitrust, peonage, and land
fraud. In June of 1910, the FBI grew larger because the Mann Act (Made it a crime to transport
women to ... Show more content on ...
Around this time, Americans feared the invasion of Communism, which triggered the FBI to
investigate people within the U.S. whom were suspected of sabotage and undermining Democracy in
the name of Communism.
The FBI s role in fighting crime grew yet again after the Korean war. On March 14, 1950, the FBI
began its Ten Most Wanted Fugitives List to further increase the FBI s capacity to capture
exceptionally dangerous criminals. Many advances in Forensic Sciences helped the FBI to become
even more capable to assist local and state law enforcement agencies to catch criminals. By this time
the number of FBI agents had made a steady climb to about 6,200, and in 1957 the FBI s budget
started to rapidly increase.
In the 1960s, civil rights and organized crime became major concerns of the FBI, and
counterterrorism, drugs, financial crime, and violent crimes in the 1970s. During the 60 s, Congress
passed many new federal laws for the FBI to combat civil rights violations, racketeering, and
gambling. Some of these new laws were the Civil Rights Acts of 1960 and 1964; the 1961 Crimes
Aboard Aircraft Act; an expanded Federal Fugitive Act; and the Sports Bribery Act of 1964. By the
end of the 1960s, the FBI had 6,703 Special Agents, 9,320 Support Personnel, and 58 field offices.
Another new FBI jurisdiction came into play when President Kennedy was assassinated. The
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Research Paper On Snow Leopard
The Snow Leopard is a beautiful and majestic creature endangered animal. There are anywhere
between 4,510 and 7,350 left in the wild. Snow Leopards are a very timid creature, if you would try to
find one in the wild the easiest way to find one is to find their den. The snow leopard occupies an
extremely patchy and fragmented realm of long narrow mountain systems and islands scattered
throughout a vast region surrounding the Central Asian deserts and plateaus. Though this region is
quite large, 2.3 million km 2, only about 1.6 million of that is occupied by the snow leopard.
What is this animal s habitat like?
A Snow Leopard lives in cold and dry habitats. Their habitat range is between where the tree line stops
and the snow line begins on ... Show more content on ...
They are often killed by herders and ranchers whose livestock has been taken by Snow Leopards.
They aren t killing as many animals that they prey on. Major threats to the Snow Leopard include prey
base depletion, illegal trade, conflict with local people, and lack of conservation capacity policy and
awareness. And as Marmots are hunted for their pelts and meat or killed as pests by farmers, Snow
Leopards must hunt livestock more often. Big cats often turn to domestic stock as an alternative
source of food and this can incite retaliation from local
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The Importance Of Propaganda On Modern Society
Propaganda has influenced modern society in such a way that most individuals are oblivious to its role
in the modern way of life. Infact, without propaganda society would function in a drastically different
way because of the newfound lack of outside influence. Propaganda, or the use of various mediums to
persuade or influence rational thought, has been utilized to shape human civilization since it first
began. From, as document A states, the Ancient Greeks use of theater performances and religious
festivals to mold the opinions of men, to the Spanish Armada use of false information to gain the
support of the spanish citizens, and finally to Yarn Adams and Tom Paine who used literature to rally
colonists against the British Empire, propaganda has performed vital roles in the evolution of modern
civilization. Therefore, it can be said that propaganda has been used as a language of power to spread
ideas and beliefs, promote and build strength, and to control the action of men. Propaganda is a very
valuable tool in the process of spreading ideas and beliefs throughout a population because of its
powerful and lasting effects on those who are subjected to it. Therefore, if one utilizes such a tool
properly, one can effectively convert the beliefs of entire populations. Events proving such is true can
be seen in the Middle East where terrorist organizations such as the Taliban gain power. As Sharmeen
Obaid Chinoy discusses, They [the Taliban] teach the children the Koran, which
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Gender Roles In The Turn Of The Screw By Henry James
Henry James used not only the fear of apparitions to create his supernatural story, but the fear of not
conforming to the gender and class roles of the society for that time period as well. The Victorian Era
occurred at the end of the 1800s and ended in the very early 1900s. It was extremely common to
constantly follow the unwritten rules for your gender.
In today s world, we talk about the Victorian Era as a time period full of prudish, hypocritical, [and]
narrow minded (Murfin 496) people. The reality is that there was actually just a high natural drive for
social advancement (The Victorian Period). The obsession with rising social class over time could
involve either financial or education status (The Victorian Era). The Victorian Era provided the three
notorious main stages of ... Show more content on ...
A large number of gender stereotypes stem from the time period in which they are alive (Faye. A
Gender Based Look at the Turn of the Screw by Henry James). Correspondingly, the female characters
in The Turn of the Screw are the fictional reflection of the truth on the treatment of women in the
Victorian Era. However, the male characters opposed the traditional Victorian men (Sherman.
Victorian Gender Roles in Henry James). Just like it was in the late 1800s, women were supposed to
be pure, quiet, and available for men when called for. Whether or not the man of the house was
around, the woman was expected to maintain the happiness of the household (Gender Roles of
Victorian Era for Men and Women). The major contradiction within the time period was the fact that
motherhood was [idealized], alongside virginal innocence, but women were subject to pervasive
denigration (Gender Ideology Separate Spheres in the 19th Century). The governess in The Turn of the
Screw fits the description of a common woman in the Victorian Era, especially in the category
specializing in the fear of male
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Compare And Contrast Oryx And Crake And Fahrenheit 451
Power to the Tech Technology has underwent many advances in the past ten years. At this rate, the
world may see a fully technological world by the next twenty years. This meaning, flat television
screens everywhere, no more walking, and no more reading from paper books. The author Ray
Bradbury who wrote Fahrenheit 451 and Margaret Atwood who wrote Oryx and Crake both wrote
their novels in a dystopian society. A dystopia is a place or state in which society is unpleasant or bad,
usually this occurs by actions brought upon by the government or someone in power. In Fahrenheit
451, it was against the law to read books, the characters are so wrapped up with their technological
devices that they fail to realize how beneficial books can actually ... Show more content on ...
In Oryx and Crake, the protagonist Jimmy, was best friends with a very smart scientist named Crake.
These two boys were the best of pals despite their differences. Jimmy and Crake lives in a world
where the internet was used for about anything. Jimmy and Crake played board games virtually. One
day during one of their chess matches Jimmy asked, why don t we use a real set? ... The old kind. With
plastic men. It did seem weird to have the two of them in the same room, back to back, playing on
computers (77). Although Jimmy wasn t the smarter of the two, he found it silly to be playing chess in
the same room but on computers instead of having a real chess board. Technology allows you to play
games with any device such as a computer, a tablet, or a cellphone. Now that actual board games were
no longer being used, everyone began to play games online. If the two continue to play games via
technological devices, there wouldn t be a point to meeting up with each other face to face. They
might as well sit on opposite sides of the world and play online. This would reduce face to face
interactions in the future. Everyone would just do everything virtually which has negative impacts.
Playing games virtually instead of in person illuminates the message that too much technology can be
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Weapons of Mass Destruction and Risk Galore
Weapons of mass destruction, as classified by the FBI, are any destructive devices, chemical or
biological agents used with the intention of causing death or injury on a large scale. These weapons
have been used in history, but most are banned to due to the extent of destruction caused. The atom
bomb, probably the most well known of these weapons were used sparingly but caused massive
damage in the few areas affected. Chemical weapons, agents that can be traced in Syria today, have
the potential to spread quickly while causing death and severe injury to those affected. Like chemical
weapons, biological weapons which have been used since the early 1900 s, possess the trait of quick
contamination and severe damage to those affected. In ... Show more content on ...
In 1995, terrorists released chemical gas on a Tokyo subway; this resulted in several deaths and
disabilities towards those who survived (OPCW). The United States used chemicals in the Vietnam
War; the spreading of these chemicals led to several health problems among US war veterans today,
limbless children in Vietnam, and 650,000 Vietnamese suffering from chronic conditions (McMillan).
As chemical weapons are banned, Barack Obama had reacted, as Syria used chemical weapons on its
own people, to say that the use of chemical weapons is banned and those who fail to comply have
crossed the red line (Cagle Cartoons). Due to the fact that chemical weapons are internationally
banned, it is obvious that they possess a threat to security and mankind, especially as they can cause
widespread damage as a result of their toxicity. The use of chemical weapons lead to a large number of
harmful effects toward the human body. Nerve agents lead to the malfunction of the nervous system,
nausea, convulsions and spasms. Other agents, like the blistering, choking, or blood agents result large
blisters, 3rd degree burns, damage to the lungs, respiratory failure and death (Shea). As a result, these
harmful effects have led to the banning of chemical weapons as they possess abundant threats to
humankind. To summarize, chemical weapons, weaponry that is internationally banned, have the
potential to cause horrific injuries and death among humans
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The Heroism, Divine Support, and Greek Unity Displayed in...
In early fifth century BC Greece, the Greeks consistently suffered from the threat of being conquered
by the Persian Empire. Between the years 500 479 BC, the Greeks and the Persians fought two wars.
Although the Persian power vastly surpassed the Greeks, the Greeks unexpectedly triumphed. In this
Goliath versus David scenario, the Greeks as the underdog, defeated the Persians due to their heroic
action, divine support, and Greek unity. The threat of the Persian Empire s expansion into Greece and
the imminent possibility that they would lose their freedom and become subservient to the Persians, so
horrified the Greeks that they united together and risked their lives in order to preserve the one thing
they all shared in common, their ... Show more content on ...
The first battle of the Persian War, the Battle of Marathon, took place in 490 BC. King Darius sent
troops to Greece which stopped at each Greek island along the way demanding earth and water, which
both literally and symbolically represented submission to the Persian empire. The Battle of Marathon
exemplifies the heroic action of the Greeks. The Athenians, led by one of their ten generals, Miltiades,
unflinchingly faced the Persians, an army over twice the size of theirs, and triumphed. The Athenians
won the Battle of Marathon because they employed superior military strategy. There are some
discrepancies, however, between different literary sources about how the Greeks fought the Battle of
Marathon. For instance, Herodotus claims that the ten Athenian generals could not decide whether to
go into battle. He writes that Miltiades talked the other generals into fighting. Herodotus writes that
they waited for days for Miltiades to lead the army, and then they went into battle (Hdt. 6.110 111.2).
According to Nancy Demand, however, Herodotus, unaware of the right of the polemarch to make all
final decisions, wrote that Miltiades decided when to lead the men into battle, because the longer they
delayed the battle, the better chance the Athenians had that the Spartans would make it in time to help.
Regardless of any conflict between sources, the heroism of the Athenians cannot be denied. Marathon
represents the victory of a small contingent of men fighting
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Symptoms And Treatment Of Childhood Asthma Essay
Twenty percent of children living in the South Bronx have been diagnosed with Asthma. Bronx
children (boys and girls) living in the vicinity of Melrose, Mott Haven, and Port Morris ages 5 12
years old have a higher percentage of hospitalization than children that reside within other inner cities
in the US. Children suffering from asthma encounter a recurrent cough, wheezing, shortness of breath
and decrease response to their medication. These children often are unable to participate in physical
activities, have increased absenteeism from school, are withdrawn and have decreased self confidence.
It is important that families are educated on the appropriate preventions and treatments for asthma in
order to prevent mortality. There are a number of contributing factors in the increase of childhood
asthma; for instance, sensitization of allergens, cultural beliefs, and environmental factors, gas and
diesel emissions due to the high volume of traffic from the interstates in the surrounding areas.
Furthermore, behavioral choices made by parents and other adults are added factors in the increase of
asthma rates in children; for instance, mothers that smoke during pregnancy create higher risk for
childhood asthma. Adults who smoke in their home, also in their car, with children present, are
contributors to the increased rate of asthma. Our target population is African American/ Hispanic
children ages 5 12 who live in the South Bronx, New York with low socioeconomic
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Probability Theory and Past Due Accounts Essay
MAT540 Quantitative Methods (Homework # 2) Section A True/False Indicate whether the sentence
or statement is true or false. __F__ 1. Two events that are independent cannot be mutually exclusive.
__F__ 2. A joint probability can have a value greater than 1. __F__ 3. The intersection of A and Ac is
the entire sample space. __T__ 4. If 50 of 250 people contacted make a donation to the city symphony,
then the relative frequency method assigns a probability of .2 to the outcome of making a donation.
__T__ 5. An automobile dealership is waiting to take delivery of nine new cars. Today, anywhere from
zero to all nine cars might be delivered. It is appropriate to use the classical method to assign a
probability of 1/10 to ... Show more content on ...
all accounts fewer than 31 or more than 60 days past due. c. all accounts from new customers and all
accounts that are from 31 to 60 days past due. d. all new customers whose accounts are between 31
and 60 days past due. __C__ 15. In the set of all past due accounts, let the event A mean the account is
between 31 and 60 days past due and the event B mean the account is that of a new customer. The
union of A and B is a. all new customers. b. all accounts fewer than 31 or more than 60 days past due.
c. all accounts from new customers and all accounts that are from 31 to 60 days past due. d. all new
customers whose accounts are between 31 and 60 days past due. __D__ 16. In the set of all past due
accounts, let the event A mean the account is between 31 and 60 days past due and the event B mean
the account is that of a new customer. The intersection of A and B is a. all new customers. b. all
accounts fewer than 31 or more than 60 days past due. c. all accounts from new customers and all
accounts that are from 31 to 60 days past due. d. all new customers whose accounts are between 31
and 60 days past due. __A__ 17. The probability of an event a. is the sum of the probabilities of the
sample points in the event. b. is the product of the probabilities of the sample points in the event. c. is
the maximum of the probabilities of the sample points in the event. d. is the minimum of the
probabilities of the sample points in the event. __C__ 18. If P
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The Baha I Faith
The Baha i faith is a modern day cornerstone of equality and religious acceptance. They believe that
all other religions are valid and preach religious acceptance. They strongly believe that if wars are
fought over religion it s better to be without religion as a whole. Religion is intended to unite
humanity. The temples are places for prayer and reflection, which allows the individual to make a
personal connection to god without the need to connect through clergy or a priest. They also maintain
that women are to be viewed as equals in every respect to men.
There is no specific clergy in the Baha i faith. They don t believe that you need a middle man to attain
a connection with god. There are many faiths in the world that have the need for a priest or other
church clergy that you must speak with in order to practice the religion. The 7 temples that are
currently opened worldwide are all of similar constructions. Each temple has 9 sides and the number 9
is associated with perfection. The prayer services are just that, prayer. When you attend a service there
are no other messages given then that of prayer. These services are not led by clergy. They are led by
followers of the Baha i faith that volunteer to lead a prayer service. There is no talking allowed in the
temple because the temple is a place of prayer and reflection. In addition, on certain Sundays they
have prayer services with the addition of a choir to sing or chant songs. The choir sings 3
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Securing A Software System Is An Invaluable Standard Essay
Software Security Engineering Nicholas Kyte
2 Securing a software system is an invaluable standard
29 focus on the business need and cost reduction, but still
1 I. INTRODUCTION 27 focus on the business need to complete the project in a 28 more cost
efficient way. Complex software designs often
3 when it comes to software design, and is often taken for
30 need a certain level of security to avoid possible tragedy.
4 granted when designing software. Software systems are
31 Software designers should consider security in complex
5 becoming more complex, which in turn makes software
32 systems along with the tools to use when designing a
6 design and security more complex. Software design
33 system.
7 tools can help secure a system by preventing possible
34 Developing a software begins by defining the re
8 attacks and covering the ground where attacks might land
35 quirements for the customer s need and finding value
9 within the system. Software design tools used during the
36 for the business. In order to turn the requirements into a
10 software engineering process enhance the way software
37 workable product, there needs to be a way to intelligently
11 designers research, develop, and implement software.
38 analyze the requirements in order to bring it to life.
12 Design teams affect the entire software development
39 Software design tools help analyze the problem, develop
13 process and often revisit phases of the process using
40 a scope of the project, and determine how
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Social Justice And Inclusion Within The Scottish Education...
The first part of this paper explores the concepts of social justice and inclusion within the Scottish
Education System. Both of which are complex theories and ultimately influence each other. What is
Social Justice? What is inclusion? How are they related? What does it mean to have an inclusive
environment for students? How do we achieve this in schools? Does society play a part in how
inclusion is introduced and maintained? These are just some of the questions that I endeavor to
explore. Consistently throughout the PGDE course we are studying how to become a more inclusive
practitioner whether it is through campus based learning, additional readings or teaching experience in
local schools. We continuously strive towards learning how to make school a more inclusive
environment. This assignment exemplified with references to reading such as Government policies,
legislation and research articles as well as reflecting on my own teaching experience I hope to
highlight the teachers role in creating an inclusive environment within an individual classroom.
Having studied selective literature with theories and research, which could have influenced Scottish
Education Policies, I draw attention to discrepancies on matters of inclusion and social justice that
exist between them and the implications they have for learning. In part 2, I will provide a critical
reflection on my own teaching practice during recent placement by making detailed connections to an
appended lesson plan.
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Aj Davis Department Stores
AJ Davis Department Stores Project Part A, B, and C
Stacie Borowicz
June 14, 2013
Math 533
Project Part A Exploratory Data Analysis
Credit Balance ($)
Based on a sample of 50 customers, the credit balance for customers of Davis Department stores is on
average $3970.00. Based on the graph, 18 of the 50 sampled fall below and 17 fell above the average.
The standard deviation for credit balance is 931.9.
Annual Income of Davis Department Stores customers range anywhere from $22,000 to $67,000.
Majority of their customers have an annual income of about $43,740. The standard deviation for
income is $14,640.
Average household size is about 3.4. Based on the graph above, 15 of the 50 sampled have a ... Show
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10. For a household size of 10 the confidence interval is (5926.96, 7320.36) which will include the
mean credit balance and the prediction interval is (5195.30, 8052.01) which will include the actual
credit balance for a household of that size.
Regression Equation
Credit Balance($) = 1276.02 + 32.2719 Income ($1000) + 346.852 Size + 7.88209 Years
(Appendix C)
General Regression Analysis: Credit Balance($) versus Size
Regression Equation
Credit Balance($) = 2591.44 + 403.221 Size
Term Coef SE Coef T P
Constant 2591.44 195.064 13.2851 0.000
Size 403.22 50.946 7.9147 0.000
Summary of Model
S = 620.162 R Sq = 56.62% R Sq(adj) = 55.71%
PRESS = 19992921 R Sq(pred) = 53.02%
Analysis of Variance
Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P
Regression 1 24092210 24092210 24092210 62.6421 0.000000 Size 1 24092210 24092210 24092210
62.6421 0.000000
Error 48 18460853 18460853 384601 Lack of Fit 5 2499467 2499467 499893 1.3467 0.263274 Pure
Error 43 15961386 15961386 371195
Total 49 42553062
Fits and Diagnostics for Unusual Observations
Obs Balance($) Fit SE Fit Residual St Resid 5 1864 3397.89 113.691 1533.89 2.51600 R
R denotes an observation with a large standardized residual.
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1870 And 1910 Research Paper
Before the Civil War, during the literary movements of Transcendentalism and Romanticism, many
Americans looked at the world in an optimistic point of view. After the Civil War during the
Reconstruction Era, many changed their outlook from optimistic to a more realistic outlook on life.
The time period between 1870 and 1910 was when the literary movements, Realism and Naturalism in
literature became prominent. Authors like Stephen Crane and Mary Chesnut wrote novels that
followed these movements. These writings helped influence today s writers to write more about
current events and how they affect people. The movements are still relevant today as it can be shown
through the arts of authors like; Jerry Spinelli, Nancy Werlin, and Patricia McCormick.
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Sally Hemings Jefferson Research Paper
Thomas Jefferson is a well known name in the United States history. Thomas Jefferson accomplished
many goals and ideas during his lifespan. He was a founding father, he wrote the Declaration of
Independence and serve as president for 2 terms from 1801 to 1809. During his first term as president,
there was speculation of him having a relationship with Sally Hemings a slave. As of today, it is
still unknown if it was true and if he was the father of 6. For two centuries there has been
disagreement with this controversy however, there has been DNA test on Thomas Jefferson s male
descendants and Sally Hemings relatives and the real answer is still undiscovered.
In September of 1802, a political journalist James T. Callender published an article. In which he
claimed Thomas Jefferson had a sexual relationship with Sally Hemmings a slave and even had
children. Being the president the article spread all around quickly. Sally Hemings was a slave at
Monticello. She was the half sister of Thomas Jefferson s wife Martha Jefferson, her father had a
relationship with Sally Hemings mother and had her. She was described by other slaves as light
skinned and could have passed as white. Hemings became Jefferson s property by an ... Show more
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The DNA test did not exactly prove that Jefferson was the father of Hemings children, it only proved
that Heming s children father was a Jefferson. On the DNA test scientist noted that there is less than
one percent probability is due to chance. Also Sally Hemings was not freed after Jefferson s death.
Martha, Jefferson s daughter permitted Sally Hemings to leave in 1826 not long after Thomas
Jefferson s death. Thomas Jefferson wrote letters to the Secretary of the Navy but those letters were
gone, many indicated those letters told the truth about Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings
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Intermodal Freight
Have you ever read a technical book on any interests such as electronics, engineering or a book form
law library? Chances are you will read some terms that can be difficult to understand or will sound
foreign to you. Some are abbreviations or foreign words that can make your reading and
comprehension dull. These are called jargons which are shorthand or terms used by group,
professionals and industries to make a point shortened or brief. For instance in military, ICBM means
intercontinental ballistic missile and AWOL absence without official leave while internet has a lot of
them such as FAQ frequently asked questions and CYA or see you around. On the other hand, if you
use a freight forwarding service to send your farm onion produce or ... Show more content on ...
Full truck loading is more expensive than LTL or less than truck loading since aside from space the
goods are delivered strait to the destination without going through different stops. Since the goods are
just from one client, the freight company can deliver them faster than LTL. Intermodal Shipment
Intermodal means various modes of freight transport. In intermodal shipment, goods can be shipped
via different ways of transport such as truck, tank cars, train, cargo plane and ship. Intermodal freight
uses containers that can be used in all kinds of transport. Since intermodal goods can be shipped in
many ways, it reduces risks of loss and damages and improves security and shipment speed. Less than
truck Loading (LTL) Means loads or goods that take up less or just a portion of the freight truck. It
costs less than FTL but it can take time to deliver since the freight truck passes to many destination
points of other clients goods that hired that freight truck service. For example, a mycofarm business of
San Diego that produced numerous shitake mushrooms decided to send its produce to nearby state of
Nevada. It selected LTL to reduce
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How Does Firework Influence The Portrayal Of Women In...
Katy Perry Firework song is a power anthem which plays a huge role when it comes to popular culture
in today s society. It creates an empowering message to women by portraying them as strong willed,
independent human beings rather than the stereotypical portrayal of women who depend on men.
Although in the movie, the song Firework is used as a encouraging anthem to children because it is a
children s movie. In the Hollywood reporter review article it states that the 3d scene helps influence
the song choice because it is a very loud and fun song. The song portrays women to be as strong as
men, although the film i chose doesn t express the song in that way. The song has been known to be
influential to different groups of people but I
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Similarities Between Macbeth Lady Macbeth – Essay
Love was very important to the Shakespearean audience. There is not a play written by Shakespeare
that does not contain some form of a love relationship. These plays usually end happily, however in
the case of Macbeth , the relationship that carries this important function, that is love, is conveyed in a
way most peculiar. Instead of the average happily ever after ending an audience would expect,
Shakespeare offers the audience, a villainous duo. One would expect that their relationship is an
average husband and wife relationship, but there are many similarities and differences in the
relationship which makes it even more enjoyable for the audience to watch the course of it. The
relationship between Macbeth and his Lady comes into ... Show more content on ...
However he is quickly persuaded by Lady Macbeth, who is infinitely more ambitious, determined,
even obsessed than her husband: I am settled and bent upeach corporal agent to this terrible feat .
Unlike her husband Lady Macbeth is a shrewd character. She is determined to achieve her ambition by
any means possible to her. This shrewdness along her extensive manipulation skills create the
strongest character in the entire play: Was the hope drunk wherein you dressed yourself . The most
grievous insult one could render a man during the Middle Ages, were to his manhood; Lady Macbeth
makes excellent use of this: And live like a coward in thine own esteem letting I dare not wait upon I
would like the poor cat i th adage . This seems to be in strong contrast with the fact that Macbeth
cannot even hide his true feelings; and he proves by failing to attend the welcoming banquet for
Duncan due to his unbearable guilt. Given many differences between Macbeth and his spouse, the
main thing they share is the guilt, paranoia, and shear consequences that are brought about by the
murder of Duncan: These deeds must not be thought after these ways; so it will make us mad /
Methought I heard a voice cry sleep no more . This is the turning point of the Macbeth s relationship;
they are united further by the murder of Duncan, as if they could find a better event to bring them
closer other than the murder of a king. The amount of guilt felt by Macbeth after his terrible feat is
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The Hollow Men Essay
At a point in all mortal s existence, there will be a moment when their soul is between two states of
being, waiting to be judged. Without the fearlessness and faith to move on to the afterlife, they will
spend eternity stuck in purgatory. When T. S. Eliot wrote The Hollow Men, he used symbolism,
imagery, and repetition to share his insight to address the lack of courage and faith that plagues every
human being. T. S. Eliot s The Hollow Men is a dramatic monologue, free verse poem that consists of
five parts that could be considered five separate poems. His use of allegorically abstract text
nevertheless achieves a remarkable unity of effect in terms of voice, mood and imagery (Morace 948).
Before the poem starts, there are two ... Show more content on ...
Part one of the poem opens with We are the hollow men, / We are the stuffed men (3 4). It also ends
with We are the hollow men, / We are the stuffed men (19 20). This use of this repetition is to
reinforce the notion that the hollow men are nothing but emptiness. The image of hollow men who are
Leaning together is one of immobility (Urquhart 199). Shape without form, shade without color, /
Paralyzed force, gesture without motion (13 14) confirms the image that the hollow men are
meaningless, nothing more than a scarecrow lacking embodiment or substance (Bloom 61). In part
two of the poem, Eliot uses eyes as an important and repeated image of spiritual insight (Bloom 61).
Unlike in part one where Eliot writes, Those who have crossed / With direct eyes, to death s other
Kingdom (15 16), In part two, the Hollow Men... have vision that is refracted and distorted (Bloom
61). Eyes I dare not meet in dreams In death s dream kingdom These do not appear: There, the eyes
are Sunlight on a broken column (21 25)
The image suggests a ruin in a classical landscape painting, a symbol of a broken down system of
belief (Bloom 61). The hollow men do not have the faith to be judged and move on to death s other
Kingdom. The lines in part three of the poem This is the dead land / This is cactus land
(41 42) serve as an image of a place lacking life.
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Outliers Reflection
After reading the chapter in the book Outliers, The Story of Success, I believe that Gladwell did a
great job explaining how different cultures can cause an impact our to the society and the individuals.
Although I love working in a work place that embraces diversity and is accepting of all kinds of
people, this may lead to some challenges due to the differences that we pertain. For example, every
coworker I work with is unique in his or her own way; we were all raised differently and were born
into other communities. Furthermore, this enabled us all have different ways of doing things or
handling situations. One thing that I was taught to do a certain way may bother a coworker of mine if
they do it differently and vise versa which could lead to those challenges. A talent that someone may
be superior at, may be extremely difficult for somebody else. In the end, everyone has their own
talents which should be embraced and used in order to become successful. In the book, they
mentioned how Korean Airlines at the time were ... Show more content on ...
Koreans are very similar to Colombians when it came to communication. Likewise, Koreans are also
respectful and passive people, which hindered them from confrontations whenever faced in situations.
They were submissive and often afraid of communicating the errors in the aircraft to the flight captain,
due to the authority he had. In addition, they wanted to make sure that the Captains were less
intimidating and didn t act the American air traffic controllers, so the workers on the flight wouldn t be
submissive when it came to speaking up in an emergency. This taught Koreans that they needed to
improve their communication with one another, and learn from the little mistakes that all three
countries, Korea, Colombia, and America were both doing. Korean Air did not succeed it did not right
itself until it acknowledged the importance of its cultural
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President Pierce And The Former President
Karolina and Anna approached the banquet table as fine ladies sat at the table and older men were
milling around the room puffing on their cigars and discussing politics.
Close to the table where Karolina and Anna sat down, several men were standing in a semicircle
around a short older bald headed man with only slight wisps of white hair. The older man was the
former president. Franz Sigil managed to include himself along with Anna s husband in the circle of
men surrounding the former president.
Mr. President, will you be continuing to support President Pierce in his negotiations for the Kansas
and Nebraska territories? A young man asked to the former president. Newly elected President Pierce
was attempting to compromise with the ... Show more content on ...
Many eyes lit up when a lawyer from Illinois by the name of Lincoln was mentioned. Sigel made a
mental note of the name and to find out more about this man.
Van Buren looked at them and turned away. Gentlemen, we must return to our ladies , he declared and
walked away putting his cigar out. The orchestra began to play a new waltz just arrived from Europe
and he walked back into the center of the ballroom as all of the men followed the former president into
the ballroom and rejoined their ladies at the banquet table.
Young ladies and gentlemen began to dance and swirl around the center of the ball room while
Karolina and her friend were approached by two distinguished ladies. They made their introductions
and inquired about Karolina, for they recognized Anna and her husband. They observed Karolina s
simple hairstyle and lack of jewelry. Anna proudly explained to them she was a friend from the Grand
Duchy of Baden and described the wedding of Princess Marie both attended back in Mannheim. The
two women were suitably impressed as Anna described the members of royalty they had seen. After
they left, Anna squeezed Karolina s hand and mouthed the words Thank you to her as other women
slowly came up to both them.
Karolina turned her attention back to the orchestra playing in the room as Anna repeated her story to
more and more of New York City s Society women. She recognized the music being played and
remembered that
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English Around Time By Samuel Johnson
English Across Time Natalie Trang
11ENL02 TRA0130
Across time, many people have advocated for the stabilisation of the English language. Samuel
Johnson was a lexicographer who dedicated his life to doing so. He published his dictionary in 1755,
in an effort to prescribe the use of the London dialect of English. However, his aims were not met and
people continued to speak in their various dialects. What Samuel Johnson did not expect was the
unstoppable way in which language evolves. Neither did he realise the timeframe required for ... Show
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The people of England in Johnson s time lived segregated lives in their various social classes. The
royals would have had a use for words that the lower class may never have even heard of. It would be
difficult to create one version of English that was current and able to accommodate all the speakers.
The needs of its speakers direct the change in a language. Dr. Samuel Johnson s dictionary was unable
to encapsulate everything that the speakers wanted to express, so they continued to mould the English
language to suit them.
Changes in a language require time for its users to learn how to incorporate it into daily speech and
spread it. For Dr. Johnson s version to become the only version of English, it would require many
speakers to make changes in their speech and writing habits. Before this happened though, the
Industrial revolution came about and brought with it major developments in people s lives. Technical
words such as cylindrical steam press were invented to describe the newly developed technology.
These additions to the speakers lexicons were not limited to technology. The industrial revolution
increased trade and with this, the English borrowed words, such as crinoline , a stiffened petticoat.
Along with neologisms, the semantic meanings of words also broadened in order to cover new uses.
One such word was vacuum, which meant devoid of matter , and later also came to mean a machine
that sucks up
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Text Evidence Sentence Starters

  • 1. Text Evidence Sentence Starters 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Text Evidence Sentence Starters Text Evidence Sentence Starters
  • 2. Heat Loss Investigation Essay Heat Loss Investigation Introduction ============ In this investigation I will investigate heat loss and heat transfer in different materials and I will also investigate which materials are the best insulators. A material that prevents this heat loss is called an insulator and this helps to keep the object that is being insulated warmer for, longer. Heat is generally transferred in three different methods: Conduction Convection Radiation Conduction is energy transferred from the hotter part of a solid to the colder part of conduction. It is transferred by the particles in the material the particles in the hot part are vibrating more. These vibrations are ... Show more content on ... The particles that escape are those with higher than average energy otherwise they would not have enough energy to escape. Because the liquid loses its higher energy particles, the liquid that is left has less energy, so it becomes cooler. I will test two types of insulation to see which is the best at preventing heat loss I will use black card, and tin foil to insulate the beaker filled with water. I will also do this twice one in a small beaker and once in a larger beaker. I will investigate also if I use more water will this affect the heat loss. If I use more water will this hold insulate the water more? So overall I will have four sets of results. Factors of the experiment ========================= In this experiment there are many different factors that could affect my experiment and the results I achieve, the factors are: The amount of water used in each experiment If I use a large of amount of water this will mean that the water will cool down slower and therefore stay warmer for longer. So the more water I use the longer the water will stay warm, so if I use a small amount of water it will cool down quick. Type of Insulation I will use This will change the amount of heat loss significantly. Different types of material insulate differently depending on how efficiently the material
  • 3. ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Computer Science Sop In the world of Engineering and Technology, each day sees a spate of new concepts and applications, and each passing day seems to make them obsolete. This galloping pace of technological evolution has a direct bearing on practical applications, making it mandatory for today s engineers to keep abreast of the latest developments. I have always had an inherent and overwhelming desire to design and innovate and this propelled me to opt for a career in engineering. In Computers, the tremendous scope for research, whose application potential could provide tremendous productivity gains, has always fascinated me. As a student in the final year of undergraduate study for a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Computer Science Engineering, I ... Show more content on ... Presently, I am doing research in media streaming with the same company. In 2002, I worked part time as a web programmer for Eniac Software Private Ltd, for a period of 4 months. I was the project leader in my 3rd year, in a CASE tools lab project – RMA systems. As part of the curriculum, I was taught the implementation of Distributed systems and networks. In my senior year project, I implemented a Finger Print Recognition algorithm, using MATLAB. I am passionate to pursue courses and research in Computer Networks and Database Management systems. I foresee a major upheaval in the above related fields and would like to be a part of the information revolution that has transformed our way of life. As AI comes of age, I see intelligent systems replacing the existing ones in the areas of networking and DBMS. I am delighted at the prospect of taking up courses in these fields and being a part of any research activity in the above mentioned areas. I am a frequent user of the Internet and have been fascinated by the nuances of networking. I have assisted a Microsoft Certified Professional, in installing working local area networks in 2 industries. This has exposed me to the subtleties of networking and thus encouraged me to pursue a career in this ever challenging field. I regularly read IEEE transactions and journals. It was through these and other magazines that I came to ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Post-Traumatic Stress In Relation To Holden Caulfield Essay Post Traumatic Stress In Relation To Holden Caulfield Introduction Throughout life, an individual may endure emotionally and physically straining moments causing the person to become downhearted, and or irate. These feelings are normal, but may however become a problem when these feelings prohibit someone from living a normal life. An estimated 5.2 million American adults ages 18 to 54, or approximately 3.6 percent of people in this age group in a given year, have PTSD (Narrow, Rae, Regier). This purpose of this report is to prove whether or not Holden Caulfield, the main character of J.D. Salingers s book The Catcher In The Rye, is depressed. What Is A Depressive Disorder? Depression is a serious ... Show more content on ... Another significant factor in Holden s life was the suicide of James Castle, a schoolmate form Elkton Hills. This is shown when Holden returns home and is conversing with Phoebe in her bedroom. Phoebe asks Holden to name one thing that he really likes. At that moment all Holden can think of is about two nuns he met at the train station and James Castle, The funny part is, I hardly even know James Castle... (171). Holden kept replaying the incident just before James died. James was a skinny little weak looking guy, with wrists about as big as pencils (170). Holden remembers James [calling Phil Stabile] a very conceited guy, and some of Stabile s lousy friends went and squealed on him to Stabile (170). Stabile returned with about six other friends to try to get James to take back what he said but he would not take it back. Holden the recalls what he did, instead of taking back what he said he said, he jumped out the window (170). Holden is going through a really difficult time in his life right now and he is trying to cope with the situations the best way that he knows how. Symptoms of a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Many people with PTSD repeatedly re experience the ordeal in the form of flashback episodes, memories, nightmares, or frightening thoughts, especially when they are exposed to events or objects reminiscent of the trauma. Anniversaries of the event can also trigger symptoms. People with PTSD also ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Aging Population Burdens A significant population growth occurred between 1946 and 1964; approximately 76 million people were born in the United States; this group of individuals is known as the Baby boom generation (Dohm, 2000). These individuals now average between the ages of 51 70, and make up a vast majority of those in American whom fall in the late adulthood period of their lives. According to Boyd and Bee (2015, p 418), young old is defined at ages 60 75, old old is 75 85 and oldest old is 85 and older. In the United States in 2010 there were approximately 40,267,984 adults over the age of 65; in 2014 there was an estimated 46,243,211 adults over the age of 65 (U.S. Census Bureau, 2016). Additionally when looking at the numbers from the U.S. Census Bureau ... Show more content on ... Ethical, as defined by Merriam Webster online dictionary (2016), means right or wrong, or following acceptable rules of behavior. The primary concern for many, who oppose scientific research such as this, is the notion that the scientists are playing god. In other words, scientists are messing with the natural process of the world. It could even be argued that if scientists had left well enough alone, this increase in of individuals in the late adulthood stage of life would not have occurred; implying that nature or God would have naturally controlled the population. Others, like myself, might counter that it goes against God to deny the scientific gift of discovery blessed on some people; that if given the ability to aid people, then it is ones duty to do just that. Some perhaps, in the middle of the road, could simply question where we drawl the line? Referring back the definition of ethical (Merriam Webster online dictionary, 2016), this middle of the road view, may simply propose the question on if this is acceptable behavior, in other words, what are we willing to do scientifically, for human life. Whether a person is all for scientific advancement or completely opposed, at the end of the day it is important to ask is this advancement truly beneficial to society and the people it affects? (van den ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Semiotic Analysis of True Detective Semiotic Analysis of True Detective In 1951, the first television crime drama series, Dragnet significantly influenced our American culture. According to the New Oxford American Dictionary, the term dragnet is a symbol, for, a system of coordinated measures used to apprehend criminals or suspects. Most crime drama series solve a different case each episode. Although, in current pop culture crime dramas focus on one particular crime, throughout an entire season. Similar, to the show Homeland, the HBO crime drama True Detective adds a twist on the conventional series. The show depicts a subject matter that has affected modern society as a whole. Southern Louisiana police detectives Rust Cohle and Marty Hart, in 2012, are asked to revisit their solving of a ritualistic murder case from 1995. The murder of a former student of the Light of the Way Christian Academy lays the foundation, for detective Cohle s doubts about the true design of religion. The True Detective storyline portrays the utilization of religion, education, and politics, by men in power who manipulate and control young innocent children. Questioning the validity of religion within a crime drama series is relative to modern society. The conspiracy within the Catholic Church to suppress hundreds of child molestations committed, by Catholic priests is a pertinent sign represented in True Detective . Southern Louisiana is located in the heart of the American Bible belt, where religion is not a choice, but a ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Julius Caesar Informative Speech In this documentary Sting is the head speaker, music has always interested Sting from when he was a child to his time now. Being a child Sting s parents were musicians therefore he grew up in the vicinity of music. Sting grew up in Northern England, he remembers his mom playing the piano and him dancing to the tango music that she played. When he was a child he loved listening to classical music, his favorite classic musician was Bock. Sting now is a musician and loves to study music. At the beginning of the documentary he is asked to take an MRI, he is then asked to imagine one of his songs. When he is asked to do this the images from the MRI show that his brain have become more active in its thinking. What has just happened shows the person ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Walt Disney Personality 6 He was a tremendous guy. A true genius in every respect. Terribly driven. A very remarkable personality. Very appealing in many ways, Charlie Ridgeway Bold and humble. He always liked to take risks, and he was the vision of a real leader. Everyone around him enjoyed his presence, many looked up and still do look up to him. Do a good job. You don t have to worry about the money; it will take care of itself. Just do your best work then try to trump it. Walt Disney Developments to becoming a better leader The only skill that was deeply instilled in Walt Disney every since he was a child was grit, he stuck to dreams and what he wanted to accomplish even after through all of his failures and small successions. He pursued his dreams, working night and day to make sure that one day his day would be seen by the billions. During WWII the military lacked the skill to acquire money: taxes from the people in order to keep funding the war. Disney unwillingly decided to help the military only because they took up residence in his office, we persuaded the people by creating a movie Walt created a film starring Donald Duck called, The New Spirit. The film did much to inspire Americans to pay their taxes, something not commonly done back then. Being family oriented and an involved father, he thought of ways to incorporate his dream on a larger scale. He came up with ideas such as an amusement park, and not just that but the hope that his characters would become a household ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Attending Elementary School Attending elementary school is a period of time in which you are learning the basics of every subject that you will carry on throughout your whole life. You will be able to learn how to read, write, add, subtract, etc. Also, you are taught how to act and think like a normal person. The best thing about elementary school is that you have very little responsibilities and you don t have to worry about college. I attended Fairview Elementary School from grades K 5. I remember each year like it was yesterday. For example, I remembered the way I looked, the friends I made, the events that occurred, and the problems I had. All throughout my years of elementary school, many people would pick on me and boast about their appearance in comparison to me. For example, I was the smallest kid in my class. Everyone would always be taller than me and make me reach for a pencil as they held it up high. In addition, I also had a big head which also gave kids another opportunity to make fun of me. Finally, many kids started to get braces. I had very crooked teeth and a gap in my tooth. I had a lot of friends throughout my years of elementary school. Each year brought new people in my classes. I remember how I would go up to ... Show more content on ... I immediately became elated to the fact that I will be the oldest child out of three brothers. I remember how excited I was to tell all my friends and teachers that I was going to have another brother or sister. On May 7, 2007, my little brother Joseph was born. I remember during the time he was born, my grandmother started to live with my family. She would pick me up from school everyday. During the course of first grade, I started to have more responsibilities of taking care of my little brother. For example, I would help my mother or grandmother whenever they need assistance. Taking care of my little brother gave me basic knowledge and skills I use today when I ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Cultural Relativism And Racial Relativism Essay Question 1 Cultural Relativism is a theory arguing that each different society follows a different moral code that is created by the majority and that is completely right and acceptable. A moral code is right, not because of any moral reason, but because a specific culture says it is. It is important to understand that Cultural Relativists believe that each group has the right moral code for themselves, even if there are contradictory moral codes in different societies. In James Rachels article on Cultural Relativism, he argues against the idea of Cultural Relativism and says that Cultural Relativism is not valid because, with a Cultural Relativist worldview, people can decide whether their actions are right or wrong by looking simply at what society holds to be true. Rachels finds fault in mindset. A culture can easily have the wrong moral code on a certain topic. Rachels uses an example from South Africa s belief in racial segregation. South Africa s moral code was clearly incorrect, but according to Cultural Relativism, apartheid is the morally good choice, only for the South African society. How can something so wrong be right for only certain societies? Rachels argues that this is a huge reason why believing in Cultural Relativism is not the best decision. Additionally, Cultural Relativists are unable to call another group s moral code wrong, even if it is wrong. Plus, believing in Cultural Relativism leaves no room for improvement, because people are unable to ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Essay On American Flag Desecration The Constitution of the United States of America is something that all Americans value greatly; it protects our basic human rights by forbidding the government of violating them. Recently, there has been much discussion about a possible violation of said rights, specifically creating a law to ban the desecration of the American flag. President elect Donald Trump recently stated his opinion on social media about the issue, however he proposed inconceivable punishments for the action. This issue of desecrating the American flag is deeply rooted in American history, including multiple Supreme Court decisions. The Supreme Court has twice ruled that the desecration of the American flag was a form of free speech and is protected by the first amendment. The first Amendment states, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. The constitution clearly states that the people have the rights to ... Show more content on ... Donald Trump stated in a recent tweet, Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag if they do, there must be consequences perhaps loss of citizenship or year in jail! This statement is completely offensive and baffling for various reasons. Being that the Supreme Court has ruled that desecrating the flag is legal and an expression of speech, Trump certainly should not be giving such consequences for something that is entirely legal. If flag burning were to become illegal, a loss of citizenship and a year in jail would be extremely harsh and an unreasonable punishment, perhaps instead a less excessive punishment such as a small ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Alcohol Advertising On Alcohol Alcohol advertising is very common in American culture, and though alcohol sellers may find it necessary, it comes at a cost. Advertising for alcoholic beverages makes drinking extremely appealing, causing a lot of underage kids to try alcohol for themselves. Underage drinking will happen no matter what, but the connection of alcohol to friendship and sex in contrast to the boring life of a sober business worker makes the problem much worse. Although each advertisement presented it differently, all 6 alcohol advertisements gave the impression that their product helps to bring people together. With the exception of Brother for Johnnie Walker, the number of people appearing in each advertisement increases with the amount of time that alcohol is shown. This creates a very clear connection between alcohol and social interaction, suggesting that drinking earns you friends. All humans have an innate desire for social interaction, but this desire is strongest in teens and young adults (Baumeister Leary, 1995). Alcohol companies effectively use this desire to sell product to legal drinkers, but this desire draws in minors/illegal drinkers as well. The contrast in portrayals of friendship and business in these advertisements also appeals to those who are underage. Once alcohol is introduced into the advertisement, friendship is portrayed as a never ending party, complete with twinkling lights, bonfires, and carefree laughter. In contrast, an alcohol free situation is ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Go Between By Ali Smith The short story The go between was written to celebrate the 60th anniversary of human rights. Ali Smith got a lot of inspiration from Article 13, which says; the right of freedom to movement. The short story The Go Between is written by Ali Smith and is about the main character, which is a 33 years old man, who helps people get over the border fence to Spain. He is born and raised in Cameroon, but now he lives in Northern Morocco. The short story tells us that the refugees who are denied the right to cross the border gets help by the main character in the short story because he is opposed to people when they come to Europe they are sent back right away and they have no chances to seek asylum, He also uses Article 14 and says that everyone has the right to seek asylum in any country they want to. The protagonist in the short story is called the go between, so that is probably why the headline is called the Go ... Show more content on ... He writes in a language, and he uses a lot of metaphorical features. We as readers are very confused about the way he has chosen to describe the story, but we are also very fascinated by the action. So whole this short story tells us that he has had a tragic life and how he helps others achieve a good life and you can say here that he has a good point. Ali Smith focus on an important part of Europe as it is a big problem and it is a big topic in Europe to come into a new country. It is something that all countries should focus on and that it is almost impossible for people from outside getting into Europe. I m a small, slight man. I m not a big man. I m lean and slight. My sature is slight. My coat is a bit too slight here comes the winter! I m thirty three years old. I m a mature old man, me! I m not noticeable. I m quiet, (Line 120 122). Here we hear about how he describes himself and that he is happy about the things he ... Get more on ...
  • 15. What Is My Inspiration Essay Inspiration doesn t mean trying to impersonate your idol. It means that they have left an impact on your life that has moved you so much that you make it your quest to pass on that impact to others, so that they are inspired to do the same. The cycle will go on forever. I have been inspired by number of people ranging from members of my family, friends, to great personalities who obviously do not know of my existence on this planet! Some of them are so influential that their motivation and determination will enable me to reach greater heights. A few inspire me to do better in anticipation that I will make them proud. In all this, there has been a special personality who has helped me to perceive the brighter side of striving to achieve excellence. Jamsetji Tata, a visionary, a seer, a man of action who single handedly built a flourishing empire till date. What was so different about Jamsetji? What made him the recurring topic of many minds? What could have been the secret that allowed him to build a dynasty? I would ... Show more content on ... Leaders must always be humble and be grateful to the ones that have helped them along their way to success. Great leaders should be more like Jamsetji Tata because then, they too will have a vision that will benefit not only themselves but also the citizens of this country. Money is not a matter of heart; it is a matter of the mind. If you have the will power, you can live without craving for money. This is what I would like the leaders of today to incorporate into their lives. This is the main reason Jamsetji thrived. He did not care about the size of his wallet at the end of his day. He only cared about whether or not he did something for the citizens of the nation. I wouldn t be wrong if I said that without his vision that was the cornerstone of the Tata group, Munnar would never be what it is ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Chemistry Investigation on Fuels 1.0 Abstract The purpose of this investigation is to explore how much energy is stored in different types of fuels and see which one would be better to purchase for a camping trip. The process that was used to find this was called calorimetery and the results from this were compared to the price per milliliter for each fuel. The fuel that was the best to purchase over all was deemed to be Ethanol. Ethanol was the alcohol fuel that held the highest amount of energy compared to the price and had the highest rating compared with the other fuels. The other fuels tested which were; Pentanol, 4 methyl 2 Pentanol and Octanol. 1.1 Introduction A fuel is a substance that can be used to generate energy in a controlled manner. ... Show more content on ... SMALL FIRE: Use DRY chemical powder. LARGE FIRE: Use alcohol foam, water spray or fog. Cool containing vessels with water jet in order to prevent pressure build up, auto ignition or explosion Toxicity: Acute Oral Toxicity, 3632mg/kg Inhalation: If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical attention if symptoms appear. 1.23 4 Methyl 2 Pentanol Chemical Properties Odour: N/A Colour: N/A Molecular Weight: 102.18 g/mol pH: 7 Neutral Boiling Point: 131.8°C Specific Gravity: 0.81 g/ml (water =1) Solubility: ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Infant Moving Room Study Bachelor of Exercise and Sport science Skill Learning Performance Infancy. The movements of an infant are categorised into two categories, random, or spontaneous movements and infantile reflexes. Spontaneous movements are done without a purpose, e.g. thrusting of legs and arms, squirming and stretching of fingers and toes. Although these movements are done without a purpose, they in fact resemble more mature movements which we develop later in life,like walking. If you watch a new born kicking in a supine position it will be rhythmical and bilateral, meaning both legs will kick at once. Usually by the end of the first year the knee, hip and ankle will move more sequentially, which means they will move in a more logical sequence. The same ... Show more content on ... This is mostly due to the decrease in speed and range of motion they have. If one or more of the individual s body systems become damaged/weakened, e.g. osteoporosis and arthritis, this would greatly decrease and slow this person s movements, range of motion,strength and flexibility , this means that less force is used to throw a ball, resulting in a lower velocity throw.These factors have more of an influence on the velocity of the throw and not so much the accuracy.Another factor in an elderly person is that some people develop a fear of falling due to the potential seriousness associated with falling,some elderly people cannot recover from the injuries and will die from possible infections ,e.g. a broken hip is very common with elderly ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Compare the Techniques Used in Two Adverts by Holiday... Compare the techniques used in two adverts by holiday companies to target their audience and sell their product. In this essay I will discuss the similarities and differences of two holiday adverts; one for Blackpool and the other for Ibiza. Firstly I will discuss the layout of the adverts. The Blackpool ad has a central picture of recognisable attractions such as the Blackpool tower and ferris wheel by the harbour which shimmers with light which brightens up the advert, similarly the Ibiza advert has a central eye catching picture of three young people dancing laughing and a sexy young female posing on her own on the beach whilst the sun is setting. The Blackpool ad has the writing on the left hand side which states the main important ... Show more content on ... Thirdly the colours. The Blackpool advert uses are soft but good colours such as white, black, with a touch of pink, blue, orange and yellow to emphasis their heading and contact details. The colour gold suggests, that having the best time of your life on your holiday. On the other hand Ibiza advert uses bold: neon colours such as red, pink, yellow, black similar to Blackpool but more thistly for the attention to target their on going audience, where as Blackpool was as bright appearance mainly for the tower and Ferris wheel which mainly their dazzles with lights around them. Blackpool was generally advertising for the older generation which is a calmer appearance for relaxing, going sightseeing and having fun in a basic manner but on the other hand Ibiza advert appealed for the younger generation which settles for livelier and exciting appearance for their audience. The language which was used in Blackpool was plain English which give full details which the reader could understand clearly whereas Ibiza was written in slang for their slogan and also written in a different font style and plain English for the contact, location and general aspects of the holiday about getting there. Blackpool features their audience to read about more of their advert, but Ibiza settles for more pictures and their language of detail cannot be read clearly but also have a bright and groovy effect when you read their colourful advert. Their main idea of their language ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Kathmandu Valley and the Constant Terror of... The Kathmandu Valley and the Constant Terror of Earthquakes One important climatic feature that plagues the South Asian region of the Kathmandu Valley is earthquakes. A few severe earthquakes have taken place in the country s history and caused many deaths and nearly irreparable damage to impoverished Nepal. The residents of the Kathmandu Valley experience small tremors nearly every day, whether they can feel them or not. The world and the nation is waiting for the next big one to terrorize the small country. The Kingdom of Nepal is a landlocked nation that geographically lies between India and China. The narrow country also located at the boundary between the Indian and Tibetan tectonic plates and ... Show more content on ... The earthquake of 1255 was reported to have destroyed many houses and temples, and to have killed one third to one fourth of the population of the Kathmandu Valley.[11] In 1407, an earthquake destroyed the famous Machhhendra Nath Temple of Patan. The two strongest earthquakes in the nationÕs history were the ones that took place in 1833 and 1934. The earthquake of 1833 destroyed the Kathmandu Valley and its magnitude was reported to have been a 7.8 on the Richter scale.[12] The people of Nepal were fortunate however, that it was preceded by two large foreshocks, and due to the warnings, the casualties were minimal and reported to be less than 500 people.[13] The residents of the Kathmandu Valley were not as fortunate in 1934. The Bihlar Nepal Earthquake is the most devastating in the nationÕs history. It reached a measurement of 8.0 on the Richter scale and the rupture length is estimated to be between 100 and 200 kilometers.[14] It produced strong shaking in the valley, which is the political, economical, and cultural capital of the country. Of ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Pollution And Redemption In Dracula, By Anne Mcwhir Pollution and Redemption in Dracula, written by Anne McWhir, a Professor Emerita at the University of Calgary, analyzes the complex relationships between characters of Bram Stoker s, Dracula. McWhir acknowledges seemingly opposing themes within Dracula, Dracula is remarkable for its blurring and confusion of categories. Modem and primitive, civilized and savage, science and myth are confused; so too are other categories good and evil, clean and unclean, life and death (31). She explains the purpose of hunting Count Dracula is to restore the characters, giving them a chance at redemption, The pollution or dangerous power that disappears at the end of Dracula means that the characters can return to a world of clear categories and ... Show more content on ... Dracula is a proud of his lineage. His blood is noble among gypies (criminals) but when placed in comparison to the elite of England, he is considered primitive, ...Dracula s criminality dominates over his noble blood: science assimilates him to a lower type, associating him with animals and inferior human groups (McWhir 34). By the end of Dracula, the younger characters return to clear and defined statuses; Lucy is at peace in her true death, Dr. Seward and Holmwood (Godalming) are married to other women, Mina and Mr. Harker have been ushered into adulthood by becoming parents. They decided to name their child, Quincey (McWhir 35). McWhir explains, Quincey Morris, wounded in the act of destroying Dracula, dies a hero s death, reminding us that the dangers have not been mere dreams and mad fantasies and showing us through his central role in a ritual of purification that blood is substance as well as symbol (35). The defined social categories that the characters wish to achieve can only be possessed by recognizing their opposing forces. Anne McWhir concludes that the road to purification for Mina requires a blood sacrifice, sanity cannot exist without recognizing madness, and the danger of and dependence on foreigners (Dracula and Van ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Comparing Ophelia And Hamlet If Only He was as Great as Her Often times, a tragedy can bring two people together, especially lovers, yet, sometimes, it can drive them apart. Both of them can become mad, one can become mad and not the other, or they can become mad in two totally different ways. When tragedy strikes in Hamlet, Ophelia and Hamlet deal with it very differently. Despite the obvious tragedies that group them together, Ophelia and Hamlet are nothing alike at all, characteristically. In fact, Ophelia is the female version of the man Hamlet should become because she is active and determined, transgressing her pre determined role as a naïve woman. Before one can discuss Ophelia s activeness, one must focus on Hamlet inactiveness, and why Ophelia as the best, idealistic ... Show more content on ... Ophelia would have never handed out flowers with obvious intentions had her father not died. Nevertheless, the main characters of Hamlet dismiss her advances toward them. Even though the characters of Hamlet dismiss Ophelia s madness, her madness directly affects them. Her action leads to others actions. Her suicide leads to the direct duel between Laertes and Hamlet, which leads to the impending doom of the whole court. Ophelia s deliberate actions in her madness accomplish so many things, unlike Hamlet s ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Ilm Level 3 Unit 328 Understand How to Lead Effective... Unit 328: Understand how to lead effective meetings AC 1.1 Explain the purpose of a meeting Staff meetings The purpose of regular staff meetings helps an organisation become much more organised and efficient and places both employees and managers on the same page, it makes it easier to establish roles and collaborates to finish projects and achieve goals. They make it possible for all members of a company to work together with less confusion and accomplish objectives faster. They cover a range of relevant information, and provide a platform for employees to ask questions and discuss concerns with management enabling staff to offer ideas and solutions directly to managers and team members within the company. Staff meetings inform ... Show more content on ... It is an opportunity to discuss strengths, give constructive suggestions and consider each other s points of view. AC 1.2 Explain the purpose and structure of an agenda A meeting agenda ensures that the meeting will be a productive use of everyone s time. It can focus the attendee s efforts and provide a structure to accomplish the meeting purpose. It defines outcomes, and important information, attendee roles and responsibilities and a meeting timeline. It allows attendee s to prepare for the meeting as it is made available a week before. It also works as a checklist of those attending, goals and topics for discussion to make sure that all the necessary information is covered and keeps team members focused on the specific goals and stay on track with the subject matter. A well written meeting agenda makes it easy for everyone to go through the meeting process smoothly and in an organised manner. AC 1.3 Explain how to select and invite the right people to attend the meeting When inviting people to a meeting, make it a point to mention why they are expected to attend. This gives them time to prepare, and keeps them alert and interactive throughout, it is best to only have people who can contribute to the meeting for example were they given any action points to achieve in a previous meeting that need to be followed up?, would the individual bring anything new to the table? Do they ... Get more on ...
  • 23. A Critical Analysis Of Zia Akhtar s Article Aboriginal... A treaty should not be seen as an alternative to constitutional recognition. Though, a reform of the constitution itself will only yield a partial resolution for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders due to its symbolic nature. A critical analysis of Zia Akhtar s article, Aboriginal Determination: Native Title Claims and Barriers to Recognition , will emphasise the importance of recognition and self determination to the Indigenous. This essay will explore the notions that reconciliation is more achievable through constitutional recognition and treaty together, that changes must be made to the Australian Constitution, particularly sections 25 and 51 (xxvi), and how the Native Title (Amendment) Act has hindered recognition and determination in a variety of ways. Constitutional recognition alone is not sufficient, as a preamble is tokenistic in nature. Thus, it is necessary that more tangible insertions be made to the body of the Constitution in addition to a preamble acknowledging Aboriginals. Akhtar s article emphasises a necessity for constitutional change by stating that constitutional guarantees should be introduced to provide Indigenous Australian s with enforceable rights that guarantee equality. Despite this, there is no suggestion by Akhtar to include both. The inclusion of both is vital, as although the preamble is symbolic and does not invoke physical change, it would be a formal acknowledgement of Aboriginals as the original inhabitants and custodians of the ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Second Central Theme Religion And Exile Lastly, both movies demonstrate the second central theme religion and exile as means to control the public. For example, Second Reza Shah wanted to remove religion and place his traditional Persian heritage as founding rule of Iranian people. Removal of religion was mandatory for Second Reza to keep his absolute power within Iran. For example, when Second Reza Shah s father was in power, he had religious clergy that guided him on action what were needed to be done within the state. When Reza Shah was exiled and his son Mohammad Reza Shah was appointed as the new ruler of Iran by CIA. For this reason, Ayatollah Khomeini used this as his arc to get more people together. Where he expressed that due to foreign intervention the nation is ... Show more content on ... Ayatollah Khomeini was exiled for his oppositions for the reforms and laws that Shah made. Wherefore, the Shah imprisoned and then exiled Khomeini to Iraq then for the last few months of his exile was spent in France. While, in his exile Khomeini followers recorded his speeches and played it in Iran. Appointed Prime Minister (Shahpur Bakhtiar) of the Shah. Bakhtiar used military force to control the public when Khomeini demonstrated his speech in public. At this time, the military lost control of the public and lost legitimacy. Prime Minister Bakhtiar was unable to control the desire of the people, because these people wanted change. Shah at this time in 1979 had already left the country and Bakhtiar also left after losing control of public by military action. For this example, this demonstrated the legitimacy of Khoemini influence in the nation, where he openly spoke against the government. In relation, to Persepolis, Marjane can be viewed as a person for became exiled from her country. For example, as a young girl she spoke her mind and questioned the political rule within her country. As she got older she did the same. However, the new government was just like the Shah where it imprisoned individuals who spoke their minds. For this reason, for keeping Marjane safe, her parents sent her to Paris. In relation, she faced clash of culture within the France, where she did not blend in with the people. She faced constant struggle where she had no income. Importantly she ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Importance of Personal Responsibility The Importance of Personal Responsibility GEN/200 As an adult you are responsible for every action that you take, but before that action are a series of thoughts that lead you to taking that action. Your personal responsibility starts at a young age, you are either taught personal responsibility as you grow into an adult by being held accountable of your own actions or the responsibility is taken from you. Depending on how you were brought up your transition into becoming an adult can either be an easy one or a difficult one where everyone is to blame but yourself. As an adult the one thing that you know is a constant is that you will be held accountable for your actions whether you like it or not. Holding yourself ... Show more content on ... That person generally hasn t changed very much from the person they were in high school both personally and professionally. By holding yourself responsible you are more aware of what is happening, you can review your actions and determine what adjustments need to be made. Some of the most successful people in life are the most critical of ... Get more on ...
  • 26. What Are The Four Social Revolutions The culture and society has been changing over time due to the invention and emergence of new ideas and technology. Social change is an important aspect of life which every individual and society undergoes. Up to date, there are four social revolutions that are believed to have occurred in history. According o Henslin (2009), the social change experienced today is as a result of forces that started thousands years ago which begun with domestication of animals and plants. The first social revolution was characterized by horticultural and pastoral farming. Humans left hunting and gathering and established settlements to do horticultural farming and keeping of livestock. Horticultural societies led a settled life while the pastoral society kept ... Show more content on ... The use of ploughs to cultivate land made people to concentrate more on farming. During this period, more food was produced compared to the horticultural farming. A relatively large piece of land could be cultivated. This replaced the use of daggers in farming. The third social revolution was characterized by the invention of steam engine which led to industrial revolution. Industrial revolution was accompanied the production of surplus food. Machines replaced human labor in the industries. More could be produced within short time. This means that people could also do many other things such as learning instead of spending more time in doing one thing. The fourth social revolution which is the era we are living today. It is characterized by more complex technology. It is mainly telecommunication and hence sometimes called the information age. People are focused on using the shortest time possible to convey information. The most recent invention is the microchip. People have even been able to alter the human and other organisms genetic orientation. Genetically modified crops are common in the U.S. market today. It is a society characterized by biotechnology in order to improve ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Informative Essay On Malon Brando Academy Award and 6 time Golden Globe winner, Marlon Brando is constantly recognized as one of the greatest actors of all time. The American Film Institute named him fourth in their list of the 50 Greatest American Screen Legends. Marlon Brando Jr. was born to Marlon Brando Sr. and Dorothy Pennebaker Brando on April 3, 1924 in the city of Omaha, Nebraska. Brando was one of three siblings and married three times to actresses Anna Kashfi, Movita Castaneda and Tarita Teriipaia. From his marriages and speculated affairs, Brando had at least eleven children. The On the Waterfront actor spent most of his youth in Libertyville, Illinois, where he was brought up in a difficult household. His mother, Dorothy was an alcoholic and he couldn t ... Show more content on ... Named after his mother, Marlon Brando Sr, whom he despised, was given the responsibility of taking over the company. Many were shocked by Marlon s choice to let his father control Pennebaker Productions, in an interview following his father s passing, Marlon wrote in his biography that, After he died, I used to think, God, just give him to me alive for eight seconds, because I want to punch him in the jaw. It was well known to the public that Marlon didn t maintain a good relationship with his father, but had enormous respect for his mother, who was also an ... Get more on ...
  • 28. History of the Fbi Essay History of the FBI The Federal Bureau of Investigation was founded in 1908 when the Attorney General appointed an anonymous force of 34 Special Agents to be investigators for the Department of Justice. Before that, the DOJ had to borrow Agents from the U.S. Secret Service. In 1909, the Special Agent Force was renamed the Bureau of Investigation, and after countless name changes, it became The Federal Bureau of Investigation in 1935. When the FBI was established, there weren t an abundance of federal crimes, so it investigated criminal acts that dealt with national banking, bankruptcy, naturalization, antitrust, peonage, and land fraud. In June of 1910, the FBI grew larger because the Mann Act (Made it a crime to transport women to ... Show more content on ... Around this time, Americans feared the invasion of Communism, which triggered the FBI to investigate people within the U.S. whom were suspected of sabotage and undermining Democracy in the name of Communism. The FBI s role in fighting crime grew yet again after the Korean war. On March 14, 1950, the FBI began its Ten Most Wanted Fugitives List to further increase the FBI s capacity to capture exceptionally dangerous criminals. Many advances in Forensic Sciences helped the FBI to become even more capable to assist local and state law enforcement agencies to catch criminals. By this time the number of FBI agents had made a steady climb to about 6,200, and in 1957 the FBI s budget started to rapidly increase. In the 1960s, civil rights and organized crime became major concerns of the FBI, and counterterrorism, drugs, financial crime, and violent crimes in the 1970s. During the 60 s, Congress passed many new federal laws for the FBI to combat civil rights violations, racketeering, and gambling. Some of these new laws were the Civil Rights Acts of 1960 and 1964; the 1961 Crimes Aboard Aircraft Act; an expanded Federal Fugitive Act; and the Sports Bribery Act of 1964. By the end of the 1960s, the FBI had 6,703 Special Agents, 9,320 Support Personnel, and 58 field offices. Another new FBI jurisdiction came into play when President Kennedy was assassinated. The ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Research Paper On Snow Leopard The Snow Leopard is a beautiful and majestic creature endangered animal. There are anywhere between 4,510 and 7,350 left in the wild. Snow Leopards are a very timid creature, if you would try to find one in the wild the easiest way to find one is to find their den. The snow leopard occupies an extremely patchy and fragmented realm of long narrow mountain systems and islands scattered throughout a vast region surrounding the Central Asian deserts and plateaus. Though this region is quite large, 2.3 million km 2, only about 1.6 million of that is occupied by the snow leopard. What is this animal s habitat like? A Snow Leopard lives in cold and dry habitats. Their habitat range is between where the tree line stops and the snow line begins on ... Show more content on ... They are often killed by herders and ranchers whose livestock has been taken by Snow Leopards. They aren t killing as many animals that they prey on. Major threats to the Snow Leopard include prey base depletion, illegal trade, conflict with local people, and lack of conservation capacity policy and awareness. And as Marmots are hunted for their pelts and meat or killed as pests by farmers, Snow Leopards must hunt livestock more often. Big cats often turn to domestic stock as an alternative source of food and this can incite retaliation from local ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Importance Of Propaganda On Modern Society Propaganda has influenced modern society in such a way that most individuals are oblivious to its role in the modern way of life. Infact, without propaganda society would function in a drastically different way because of the newfound lack of outside influence. Propaganda, or the use of various mediums to persuade or influence rational thought, has been utilized to shape human civilization since it first began. From, as document A states, the Ancient Greeks use of theater performances and religious festivals to mold the opinions of men, to the Spanish Armada use of false information to gain the support of the spanish citizens, and finally to Yarn Adams and Tom Paine who used literature to rally colonists against the British Empire, propaganda has performed vital roles in the evolution of modern civilization. Therefore, it can be said that propaganda has been used as a language of power to spread ideas and beliefs, promote and build strength, and to control the action of men. Propaganda is a very valuable tool in the process of spreading ideas and beliefs throughout a population because of its powerful and lasting effects on those who are subjected to it. Therefore, if one utilizes such a tool properly, one can effectively convert the beliefs of entire populations. Events proving such is true can be seen in the Middle East where terrorist organizations such as the Taliban gain power. As Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy discusses, They [the Taliban] teach the children the Koran, which ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Gender Roles In The Turn Of The Screw By Henry James Henry James used not only the fear of apparitions to create his supernatural story, but the fear of not conforming to the gender and class roles of the society for that time period as well. The Victorian Era occurred at the end of the 1800s and ended in the very early 1900s. It was extremely common to constantly follow the unwritten rules for your gender. In today s world, we talk about the Victorian Era as a time period full of prudish, hypocritical, [and] narrow minded (Murfin 496) people. The reality is that there was actually just a high natural drive for social advancement (The Victorian Period). The obsession with rising social class over time could involve either financial or education status (The Victorian Era). The Victorian Era provided the three notorious main stages of ... Show more content on ... A large number of gender stereotypes stem from the time period in which they are alive (Faye. A Gender Based Look at the Turn of the Screw by Henry James). Correspondingly, the female characters in The Turn of the Screw are the fictional reflection of the truth on the treatment of women in the Victorian Era. However, the male characters opposed the traditional Victorian men (Sherman. Victorian Gender Roles in Henry James). Just like it was in the late 1800s, women were supposed to be pure, quiet, and available for men when called for. Whether or not the man of the house was around, the woman was expected to maintain the happiness of the household (Gender Roles of Victorian Era for Men and Women). The major contradiction within the time period was the fact that motherhood was [idealized], alongside virginal innocence, but women were subject to pervasive denigration (Gender Ideology Separate Spheres in the 19th Century). The governess in The Turn of the Screw fits the description of a common woman in the Victorian Era, especially in the category specializing in the fear of male ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Compare And Contrast Oryx And Crake And Fahrenheit 451 Power to the Tech Technology has underwent many advances in the past ten years. At this rate, the world may see a fully technological world by the next twenty years. This meaning, flat television screens everywhere, no more walking, and no more reading from paper books. The author Ray Bradbury who wrote Fahrenheit 451 and Margaret Atwood who wrote Oryx and Crake both wrote their novels in a dystopian society. A dystopia is a place or state in which society is unpleasant or bad, usually this occurs by actions brought upon by the government or someone in power. In Fahrenheit 451, it was against the law to read books, the characters are so wrapped up with their technological devices that they fail to realize how beneficial books can actually ... Show more content on ... In Oryx and Crake, the protagonist Jimmy, was best friends with a very smart scientist named Crake. These two boys were the best of pals despite their differences. Jimmy and Crake lives in a world where the internet was used for about anything. Jimmy and Crake played board games virtually. One day during one of their chess matches Jimmy asked, why don t we use a real set? ... The old kind. With plastic men. It did seem weird to have the two of them in the same room, back to back, playing on computers (77). Although Jimmy wasn t the smarter of the two, he found it silly to be playing chess in the same room but on computers instead of having a real chess board. Technology allows you to play games with any device such as a computer, a tablet, or a cellphone. Now that actual board games were no longer being used, everyone began to play games online. If the two continue to play games via technological devices, there wouldn t be a point to meeting up with each other face to face. They might as well sit on opposite sides of the world and play online. This would reduce face to face interactions in the future. Everyone would just do everything virtually which has negative impacts. Playing games virtually instead of in person illuminates the message that too much technology can be ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Weapons of Mass Destruction and Risk Galore Weapons of mass destruction, as classified by the FBI, are any destructive devices, chemical or biological agents used with the intention of causing death or injury on a large scale. These weapons have been used in history, but most are banned to due to the extent of destruction caused. The atom bomb, probably the most well known of these weapons were used sparingly but caused massive damage in the few areas affected. Chemical weapons, agents that can be traced in Syria today, have the potential to spread quickly while causing death and severe injury to those affected. Like chemical weapons, biological weapons which have been used since the early 1900 s, possess the trait of quick contamination and severe damage to those affected. In ... Show more content on ... In 1995, terrorists released chemical gas on a Tokyo subway; this resulted in several deaths and disabilities towards those who survived (OPCW). The United States used chemicals in the Vietnam War; the spreading of these chemicals led to several health problems among US war veterans today, limbless children in Vietnam, and 650,000 Vietnamese suffering from chronic conditions (McMillan). As chemical weapons are banned, Barack Obama had reacted, as Syria used chemical weapons on its own people, to say that the use of chemical weapons is banned and those who fail to comply have crossed the red line (Cagle Cartoons). Due to the fact that chemical weapons are internationally banned, it is obvious that they possess a threat to security and mankind, especially as they can cause widespread damage as a result of their toxicity. The use of chemical weapons lead to a large number of harmful effects toward the human body. Nerve agents lead to the malfunction of the nervous system, nausea, convulsions and spasms. Other agents, like the blistering, choking, or blood agents result large blisters, 3rd degree burns, damage to the lungs, respiratory failure and death (Shea). As a result, these harmful effects have led to the banning of chemical weapons as they possess abundant threats to humankind. To summarize, chemical weapons, weaponry that is internationally banned, have the potential to cause horrific injuries and death among humans ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Heroism, Divine Support, and Greek Unity Displayed in... In early fifth century BC Greece, the Greeks consistently suffered from the threat of being conquered by the Persian Empire. Between the years 500 479 BC, the Greeks and the Persians fought two wars. Although the Persian power vastly surpassed the Greeks, the Greeks unexpectedly triumphed. In this Goliath versus David scenario, the Greeks as the underdog, defeated the Persians due to their heroic action, divine support, and Greek unity. The threat of the Persian Empire s expansion into Greece and the imminent possibility that they would lose their freedom and become subservient to the Persians, so horrified the Greeks that they united together and risked their lives in order to preserve the one thing they all shared in common, their ... Show more content on ... The first battle of the Persian War, the Battle of Marathon, took place in 490 BC. King Darius sent troops to Greece which stopped at each Greek island along the way demanding earth and water, which both literally and symbolically represented submission to the Persian empire. The Battle of Marathon exemplifies the heroic action of the Greeks. The Athenians, led by one of their ten generals, Miltiades, unflinchingly faced the Persians, an army over twice the size of theirs, and triumphed. The Athenians won the Battle of Marathon because they employed superior military strategy. There are some discrepancies, however, between different literary sources about how the Greeks fought the Battle of Marathon. For instance, Herodotus claims that the ten Athenian generals could not decide whether to go into battle. He writes that Miltiades talked the other generals into fighting. Herodotus writes that they waited for days for Miltiades to lead the army, and then they went into battle (Hdt. 6.110 111.2). According to Nancy Demand, however, Herodotus, unaware of the right of the polemarch to make all final decisions, wrote that Miltiades decided when to lead the men into battle, because the longer they delayed the battle, the better chance the Athenians had that the Spartans would make it in time to help. Regardless of any conflict between sources, the heroism of the Athenians cannot be denied. Marathon represents the victory of a small contingent of men fighting ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Symptoms And Treatment Of Childhood Asthma Essay Introduction Twenty percent of children living in the South Bronx have been diagnosed with Asthma. Bronx children (boys and girls) living in the vicinity of Melrose, Mott Haven, and Port Morris ages 5 12 years old have a higher percentage of hospitalization than children that reside within other inner cities in the US. Children suffering from asthma encounter a recurrent cough, wheezing, shortness of breath and decrease response to their medication. These children often are unable to participate in physical activities, have increased absenteeism from school, are withdrawn and have decreased self confidence. It is important that families are educated on the appropriate preventions and treatments for asthma in order to prevent mortality. There are a number of contributing factors in the increase of childhood asthma; for instance, sensitization of allergens, cultural beliefs, and environmental factors, gas and diesel emissions due to the high volume of traffic from the interstates in the surrounding areas. Furthermore, behavioral choices made by parents and other adults are added factors in the increase of asthma rates in children; for instance, mothers that smoke during pregnancy create higher risk for childhood asthma. Adults who smoke in their home, also in their car, with children present, are contributors to the increased rate of asthma. Our target population is African American/ Hispanic children ages 5 12 who live in the South Bronx, New York with low socioeconomic ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Probability Theory and Past Due Accounts Essay MAT540 Quantitative Methods (Homework # 2) Section A True/False Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false. __F__ 1. Two events that are independent cannot be mutually exclusive. __F__ 2. A joint probability can have a value greater than 1. __F__ 3. The intersection of A and Ac is the entire sample space. __T__ 4. If 50 of 250 people contacted make a donation to the city symphony, then the relative frequency method assigns a probability of .2 to the outcome of making a donation. __T__ 5. An automobile dealership is waiting to take delivery of nine new cars. Today, anywhere from zero to all nine cars might be delivered. It is appropriate to use the classical method to assign a probability of 1/10 to ... Show more content on ... all accounts fewer than 31 or more than 60 days past due. c. all accounts from new customers and all accounts that are from 31 to 60 days past due. d. all new customers whose accounts are between 31 and 60 days past due. __C__ 15. In the set of all past due accounts, let the event A mean the account is between 31 and 60 days past due and the event B mean the account is that of a new customer. The union of A and B is a. all new customers. b. all accounts fewer than 31 or more than 60 days past due. c. all accounts from new customers and all accounts that are from 31 to 60 days past due. d. all new customers whose accounts are between 31 and 60 days past due. __D__ 16. In the set of all past due accounts, let the event A mean the account is between 31 and 60 days past due and the event B mean the account is that of a new customer. The intersection of A and B is a. all new customers. b. all accounts fewer than 31 or more than 60 days past due. c. all accounts from new customers and all accounts that are from 31 to 60 days past due. d. all new customers whose accounts are between 31 and 60 days past due. __A__ 17. The probability of an event a. is the sum of the probabilities of the sample points in the event. b. is the product of the probabilities of the sample points in the event. c. is the maximum of the probabilities of the sample points in the event. d. is the minimum of the probabilities of the sample points in the event. __C__ 18. If P ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Baha I Faith The Baha i faith is a modern day cornerstone of equality and religious acceptance. They believe that all other religions are valid and preach religious acceptance. They strongly believe that if wars are fought over religion it s better to be without religion as a whole. Religion is intended to unite humanity. The temples are places for prayer and reflection, which allows the individual to make a personal connection to god without the need to connect through clergy or a priest. They also maintain that women are to be viewed as equals in every respect to men. There is no specific clergy in the Baha i faith. They don t believe that you need a middle man to attain a connection with god. There are many faiths in the world that have the need for a priest or other church clergy that you must speak with in order to practice the religion. The 7 temples that are currently opened worldwide are all of similar constructions. Each temple has 9 sides and the number 9 is associated with perfection. The prayer services are just that, prayer. When you attend a service there are no other messages given then that of prayer. These services are not led by clergy. They are led by followers of the Baha i faith that volunteer to lead a prayer service. There is no talking allowed in the temple because the temple is a place of prayer and reflection. In addition, on certain Sundays they have prayer services with the addition of a choir to sing or chant songs. The choir sings 3 ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Securing A Software System Is An Invaluable Standard Essay Software Security Engineering Nicholas Kyte 2 Securing a software system is an invaluable standard 29 focus on the business need and cost reduction, but still 1 I. INTRODUCTION 27 focus on the business need to complete the project in a 28 more cost efficient way. Complex software designs often 3 when it comes to software design, and is often taken for 30 need a certain level of security to avoid possible tragedy. 4 granted when designing software. Software systems are 31 Software designers should consider security in complex 5 becoming more complex, which in turn makes software 32 systems along with the tools to use when designing a 6 design and security more complex. Software design 33 system. 7 tools can help secure a system by preventing possible 34 Developing a software begins by defining the re 8 attacks and covering the ground where attacks might land 35 quirements for the customer s need and finding value 9 within the system. Software design tools used during the 36 for the business. In order to turn the requirements into a 10 software engineering process enhance the way software 37 workable product, there needs to be a way to intelligently 11 designers research, develop, and implement software. 38 analyze the requirements in order to bring it to life. 12 Design teams affect the entire software development 39 Software design tools help analyze the problem, develop 13 process and often revisit phases of the process using 40 a scope of the project, and determine how ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Social Justice And Inclusion Within The Scottish Education... The first part of this paper explores the concepts of social justice and inclusion within the Scottish Education System. Both of which are complex theories and ultimately influence each other. What is Social Justice? What is inclusion? How are they related? What does it mean to have an inclusive environment for students? How do we achieve this in schools? Does society play a part in how inclusion is introduced and maintained? These are just some of the questions that I endeavor to explore. Consistently throughout the PGDE course we are studying how to become a more inclusive practitioner whether it is through campus based learning, additional readings or teaching experience in local schools. We continuously strive towards learning how to make school a more inclusive environment. This assignment exemplified with references to reading such as Government policies, legislation and research articles as well as reflecting on my own teaching experience I hope to highlight the teachers role in creating an inclusive environment within an individual classroom. Having studied selective literature with theories and research, which could have influenced Scottish Education Policies, I draw attention to discrepancies on matters of inclusion and social justice that exist between them and the implications they have for learning. In part 2, I will provide a critical reflection on my own teaching practice during recent placement by making detailed connections to an appended lesson plan. ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Aj Davis Department Stores AJ Davis Department Stores Project Part A, B, and C Stacie Borowicz June 14, 2013 Math 533 Project Part A Exploratory Data Analysis Credit Balance ($) Based on a sample of 50 customers, the credit balance for customers of Davis Department stores is on average $3970.00. Based on the graph, 18 of the 50 sampled fall below and 17 fell above the average. The standard deviation for credit balance is 931.9. Income Annual Income of Davis Department Stores customers range anywhere from $22,000 to $67,000. Majority of their customers have an annual income of about $43,740. The standard deviation for income is $14,640. Size Average household size is about 3.4. Based on the graph above, 15 of the 50 sampled have a ... Show more content on ... 10. For a household size of 10 the confidence interval is (5926.96, 7320.36) which will include the mean credit balance and the prediction interval is (5195.30, 8052.01) which will include the actual credit balance for a household of that size. 11. Regression Equation Credit Balance($) = 1276.02 + 32.2719 Income ($1000) + 346.852 Size + 7.88209 Years (Appendix C) APPENDIX A General Regression Analysis: Credit Balance($) versus Size Regression Equation Credit Balance($) = 2591.44 + 403.221 Size
  • 41. Coefficients Term Coef SE Coef T P Constant 2591.44 195.064 13.2851 0.000 Size 403.22 50.946 7.9147 0.000 Summary of Model S = 620.162 R Sq = 56.62% R Sq(adj) = 55.71% PRESS = 19992921 R Sq(pred) = 53.02% Analysis of Variance Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P Regression 1 24092210 24092210 24092210 62.6421 0.000000 Size 1 24092210 24092210 24092210 62.6421 0.000000 Error 48 18460853 18460853 384601 Lack of Fit 5 2499467 2499467 499893 1.3467 0.263274 Pure Error 43 15961386 15961386 371195 Total 49 42553062 Fits and Diagnostics for Unusual Observations Credit Obs Balance($) Fit SE Fit Residual St Resid 5 1864 3397.89 113.691 1533.89 2.51600 R R denotes an observation with a large standardized residual. APPENDIX B ... Get more on ...
  • 42. 1870 And 1910 Research Paper Before the Civil War, during the literary movements of Transcendentalism and Romanticism, many Americans looked at the world in an optimistic point of view. After the Civil War during the Reconstruction Era, many changed their outlook from optimistic to a more realistic outlook on life. The time period between 1870 and 1910 was when the literary movements, Realism and Naturalism in literature became prominent. Authors like Stephen Crane and Mary Chesnut wrote novels that followed these movements. These writings helped influence today s writers to write more about current events and how they affect people. The movements are still relevant today as it can be shown through the arts of authors like; Jerry Spinelli, Nancy Werlin, and Patricia McCormick. ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Sally Hemings Jefferson Research Paper Thomas Jefferson is a well known name in the United States history. Thomas Jefferson accomplished many goals and ideas during his lifespan. He was a founding father, he wrote the Declaration of Independence and serve as president for 2 terms from 1801 to 1809. During his first term as president, there was speculation of him having a relationship with Sally Hemings a slave. As of today, it is still unknown if it was true and if he was the father of 6. For two centuries there has been disagreement with this controversy however, there has been DNA test on Thomas Jefferson s male descendants and Sally Hemings relatives and the real answer is still undiscovered. In September of 1802, a political journalist James T. Callender published an article. In which he claimed Thomas Jefferson had a sexual relationship with Sally Hemmings a slave and even had children. Being the president the article spread all around quickly. Sally Hemings was a slave at Monticello. She was the half sister of Thomas Jefferson s wife Martha Jefferson, her father had a relationship with Sally Hemings mother and had her. She was described by other slaves as light skinned and could have passed as white. Hemings became Jefferson s property by an ... Show more content on ... The DNA test did not exactly prove that Jefferson was the father of Hemings children, it only proved that Heming s children father was a Jefferson. On the DNA test scientist noted that there is less than one percent probability is due to chance. Also Sally Hemings was not freed after Jefferson s death. Martha, Jefferson s daughter permitted Sally Hemings to leave in 1826 not long after Thomas Jefferson s death. Thomas Jefferson wrote letters to the Secretary of the Navy but those letters were gone, many indicated those letters told the truth about Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Intermodal Freight Have you ever read a technical book on any interests such as electronics, engineering or a book form law library? Chances are you will read some terms that can be difficult to understand or will sound foreign to you. Some are abbreviations or foreign words that can make your reading and comprehension dull. These are called jargons which are shorthand or terms used by group, professionals and industries to make a point shortened or brief. For instance in military, ICBM means intercontinental ballistic missile and AWOL absence without official leave while internet has a lot of them such as FAQ frequently asked questions and CYA or see you around. On the other hand, if you use a freight forwarding service to send your farm onion produce or ... Show more content on ... Full truck loading is more expensive than LTL or less than truck loading since aside from space the goods are delivered strait to the destination without going through different stops. Since the goods are just from one client, the freight company can deliver them faster than LTL. Intermodal Shipment Intermodal means various modes of freight transport. In intermodal shipment, goods can be shipped via different ways of transport such as truck, tank cars, train, cargo plane and ship. Intermodal freight uses containers that can be used in all kinds of transport. Since intermodal goods can be shipped in many ways, it reduces risks of loss and damages and improves security and shipment speed. Less than truck Loading (LTL) Means loads or goods that take up less or just a portion of the freight truck. It costs less than FTL but it can take time to deliver since the freight truck passes to many destination points of other clients goods that hired that freight truck service. For example, a mycofarm business of San Diego that produced numerous shitake mushrooms decided to send its produce to nearby state of Nevada. It selected LTL to reduce ... Get more on ...
  • 45. How Does Firework Influence The Portrayal Of Women In... Katy Perry Firework song is a power anthem which plays a huge role when it comes to popular culture in today s society. It creates an empowering message to women by portraying them as strong willed, independent human beings rather than the stereotypical portrayal of women who depend on men. Although in the movie, the song Firework is used as a encouraging anthem to children because it is a children s movie. In the Hollywood reporter review article it states that the 3d scene helps influence the song choice because it is a very loud and fun song. The song portrays women to be as strong as men, although the film i chose doesn t express the song in that way. The song has been known to be influential to different groups of people but I ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Similarities Between Macbeth Lady Macbeth – Essay Love was very important to the Shakespearean audience. There is not a play written by Shakespeare that does not contain some form of a love relationship. These plays usually end happily, however in the case of Macbeth , the relationship that carries this important function, that is love, is conveyed in a way most peculiar. Instead of the average happily ever after ending an audience would expect, Shakespeare offers the audience, a villainous duo. One would expect that their relationship is an average husband and wife relationship, but there are many similarities and differences in the relationship which makes it even more enjoyable for the audience to watch the course of it. The relationship between Macbeth and his Lady comes into ... Show more content on ... However he is quickly persuaded by Lady Macbeth, who is infinitely more ambitious, determined, even obsessed than her husband: I am settled and bent upeach corporal agent to this terrible feat . Unlike her husband Lady Macbeth is a shrewd character. She is determined to achieve her ambition by any means possible to her. This shrewdness along her extensive manipulation skills create the strongest character in the entire play: Was the hope drunk wherein you dressed yourself . The most grievous insult one could render a man during the Middle Ages, were to his manhood; Lady Macbeth makes excellent use of this: And live like a coward in thine own esteem letting I dare not wait upon I would like the poor cat i th adage . This seems to be in strong contrast with the fact that Macbeth cannot even hide his true feelings; and he proves by failing to attend the welcoming banquet for Duncan due to his unbearable guilt. Given many differences between Macbeth and his spouse, the main thing they share is the guilt, paranoia, and shear consequences that are brought about by the murder of Duncan: These deeds must not be thought after these ways; so it will make us mad / Methought I heard a voice cry sleep no more . This is the turning point of the Macbeth s relationship; they are united further by the murder of Duncan, as if they could find a better event to bring them closer other than the murder of a king. The amount of guilt felt by Macbeth after his terrible feat is ... Get more on ...
  • 47. The Hollow Men Essay At a point in all mortal s existence, there will be a moment when their soul is between two states of being, waiting to be judged. Without the fearlessness and faith to move on to the afterlife, they will spend eternity stuck in purgatory. When T. S. Eliot wrote The Hollow Men, he used symbolism, imagery, and repetition to share his insight to address the lack of courage and faith that plagues every human being. T. S. Eliot s The Hollow Men is a dramatic monologue, free verse poem that consists of five parts that could be considered five separate poems. His use of allegorically abstract text nevertheless achieves a remarkable unity of effect in terms of voice, mood and imagery (Morace 948). Before the poem starts, there are two ... Show more content on ... Part one of the poem opens with We are the hollow men, / We are the stuffed men (3 4). It also ends with We are the hollow men, / We are the stuffed men (19 20). This use of this repetition is to reinforce the notion that the hollow men are nothing but emptiness. The image of hollow men who are Leaning together is one of immobility (Urquhart 199). Shape without form, shade without color, / Paralyzed force, gesture without motion (13 14) confirms the image that the hollow men are meaningless, nothing more than a scarecrow lacking embodiment or substance (Bloom 61). In part two of the poem, Eliot uses eyes as an important and repeated image of spiritual insight (Bloom 61). Unlike in part one where Eliot writes, Those who have crossed / With direct eyes, to death s other Kingdom (15 16), In part two, the Hollow Men... have vision that is refracted and distorted (Bloom 61). Eyes I dare not meet in dreams In death s dream kingdom These do not appear: There, the eyes are Sunlight on a broken column (21 25) The image suggests a ruin in a classical landscape painting, a symbol of a broken down system of belief (Bloom 61). The hollow men do not have the faith to be judged and move on to death s other Kingdom. The lines in part three of the poem This is the dead land / This is cactus land (41 42) serve as an image of a place lacking life. ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Outliers Reflection After reading the chapter in the book Outliers, The Story of Success, I believe that Gladwell did a great job explaining how different cultures can cause an impact our to the society and the individuals. Although I love working in a work place that embraces diversity and is accepting of all kinds of people, this may lead to some challenges due to the differences that we pertain. For example, every coworker I work with is unique in his or her own way; we were all raised differently and were born into other communities. Furthermore, this enabled us all have different ways of doing things or handling situations. One thing that I was taught to do a certain way may bother a coworker of mine if they do it differently and vise versa which could lead to those challenges. A talent that someone may be superior at, may be extremely difficult for somebody else. In the end, everyone has their own talents which should be embraced and used in order to become successful. In the book, they mentioned how Korean Airlines at the time were ... Show more content on ... Koreans are very similar to Colombians when it came to communication. Likewise, Koreans are also respectful and passive people, which hindered them from confrontations whenever faced in situations. They were submissive and often afraid of communicating the errors in the aircraft to the flight captain, due to the authority he had. In addition, they wanted to make sure that the Captains were less intimidating and didn t act the American air traffic controllers, so the workers on the flight wouldn t be submissive when it came to speaking up in an emergency. This taught Koreans that they needed to improve their communication with one another, and learn from the little mistakes that all three countries, Korea, Colombia, and America were both doing. Korean Air did not succeed it did not right itself until it acknowledged the importance of its cultural ... Get more on ...
  • 49. President Pierce And The Former President Karolina and Anna approached the banquet table as fine ladies sat at the table and older men were milling around the room puffing on their cigars and discussing politics. Close to the table where Karolina and Anna sat down, several men were standing in a semicircle around a short older bald headed man with only slight wisps of white hair. The older man was the former president. Franz Sigil managed to include himself along with Anna s husband in the circle of men surrounding the former president. Mr. President, will you be continuing to support President Pierce in his negotiations for the Kansas and Nebraska territories? A young man asked to the former president. Newly elected President Pierce was attempting to compromise with the ... Show more content on ... Many eyes lit up when a lawyer from Illinois by the name of Lincoln was mentioned. Sigel made a mental note of the name and to find out more about this man. Van Buren looked at them and turned away. Gentlemen, we must return to our ladies , he declared and walked away putting his cigar out. The orchestra began to play a new waltz just arrived from Europe and he walked back into the center of the ballroom as all of the men followed the former president into the ballroom and rejoined their ladies at the banquet table. Young ladies and gentlemen began to dance and swirl around the center of the ball room while Karolina and her friend were approached by two distinguished ladies. They made their introductions and inquired about Karolina, for they recognized Anna and her husband. They observed Karolina s simple hairstyle and lack of jewelry. Anna proudly explained to them she was a friend from the Grand Duchy of Baden and described the wedding of Princess Marie both attended back in Mannheim. The two women were suitably impressed as Anna described the members of royalty they had seen. After they left, Anna squeezed Karolina s hand and mouthed the words Thank you to her as other women slowly came up to both them. Karolina turned her attention back to the orchestra playing in the room as Anna repeated her story to more and more of New York City s Society women. She recognized the music being played and remembered that ... Get more on ...
  • 50. English Around Time By Samuel Johnson English Across Time Natalie Trang 11ENL02 TRA0130 Across time, many people have advocated for the stabilisation of the English language. Samuel Johnson was a lexicographer who dedicated his life to doing so. He published his dictionary in 1755, in an effort to prescribe the use of the London dialect of English. However, his aims were not met and people continued to speak in their various dialects. What Samuel Johnson did not expect was the unstoppable way in which language evolves. Neither did he realise the timeframe required for ... Show more content on ... The people of England in Johnson s time lived segregated lives in their various social classes. The royals would have had a use for words that the lower class may never have even heard of. It would be difficult to create one version of English that was current and able to accommodate all the speakers. The needs of its speakers direct the change in a language. Dr. Samuel Johnson s dictionary was unable to encapsulate everything that the speakers wanted to express, so they continued to mould the English language to suit them. Changes in a language require time for its users to learn how to incorporate it into daily speech and spread it. For Dr. Johnson s version to become the only version of English, it would require many speakers to make changes in their speech and writing habits. Before this happened though, the Industrial revolution came about and brought with it major developments in people s lives. Technical words such as cylindrical steam press were invented to describe the newly developed technology. These additions to the speakers lexicons were not limited to technology. The industrial revolution increased trade and with this, the English borrowed words, such as crinoline , a stiffened petticoat. Along with neologisms, the semantic meanings of words also broadened in order to cover new uses. One such word was vacuum, which meant devoid of matter , and later also came to mean a machine that sucks up ... Get more on ...