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Tartuffe Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Tartuffe" poses a multifaceted challenge that requires a
comprehensive understanding of both the play and its underlying themes. To start with, one
must delve into the intricacies of MoliГЁre's satirical masterpiece, exploring its characters, plot,
and the cultural context in which it was written. This demands a keen analytical eye to decipher
the nuances of the characters, especially Tartuffe himself, and the societal critique embedded
within the play.
Furthermore, a successful essay on "Tartuffe" necessitates a grasp of the historical and cultural
backdrop of 17th-century France. MoliГЁre's work is steeped in the societal norms and religious
controversies of the time, making it imperative for the writer to contextualize these elements to
unravel the deeper layers of the narrative.
The complexity of the characters, the satire employed, and the societal critique interwoven in
"Tartuffe" demand not only a profound comprehension of the play but also adept literary
analysis skills. One must dissect the dialogues, actions, and motivations of the characters to
uncover the underlying themes and messages MoliГЁre intended to convey.
Additionally, constructing a compelling essay involves formulating a coherent and organized
argument, supported by relevant evidence from the play. Addressing themes such as hypocrisy,
religious extremism, and societal deception requires careful consideration and articulate
In essence, writing a noteworthy essay on "Tartuffe" is an intellectually demanding task that
demands a fusion of historical awareness, literary acumen, and analytical prowess. It requires the
ability to unravel the layers of satire and critique embedded in MoliГЁre's work while effectively
communicating these insights in a well-structured and coherent manner.
For those seeking assistance with such essays or similar academic endeavors, a valuable resource
is, where expert writers can provide guidance and support in navigating the
intricacies of literary analysis and essay composition.
Tartuffe EssayTartuffe Essay
Analysis of Shutter Island Essay
Analysis of Shutter Island
Analysis of Shutter Island
Kenneth E. Wiley Sr.
Core Assessment Paper Abnormal Psychology PS 401
March 3, 2011
Shutter Island is a film depicting several of the many facets of Abnormal
Psychology as defined and studied over the course of this term. Several of the
concepts discussed in our lectures and demonstrated during our classroom time were
evident and vividly depicted in the film including personality disorders past and
present; stress and anxiety disorders; psychosis, and mood disorders. There were
others subtly displayed in the film however, these listed were of primary focus and
coincidence most closely with our study this term. While focusing more on the
abnormal, Shutter Island ... Show more content on ...
So, if parents or guardians are spending less time with children, who or what is
teaching them right from wrong?
Like previous generations today s youth are greatly influenced by what they see and
hear. Outside of parents or legal guardians, the big screen, television, music, and
peers have the greatest influence over young people today. What is being
communicated to our youth falls short on doses of old fashioned morals and values.
Analysis on Family Morals in the 21st Century
Now, here is where things get a little complicated. Because as free moral agents we
each have a right to decide what has value or merit in our lives and our environment
could very well determine how our value system is formed. Boston University
professor and social scientist Glenn Loury raises some critical issues in his essay
Values and Judgments: Creating Social Incentives for Good Behavior. He claims
there are underlying factors that lie at the root of behavior. This is particularly true
when we examine dysfunctional behavior.
Dysfunctional behavior is thought to be more prevalent in impoverished
communities. Some debate that a common dysfunctional correlation exists among
individuals whether they live in poor, middle, or upper class communities. It appears
dysfunctional behavior is not limited to one particular segment of our population. If
the ground is fertile
Penn Foster Exam 05002200 Essay
READ IT. 05002200 Organizing, Researching and Illustrating your Material Step 1
Methods: Conduct investigation in the branch through: в—Џ Request initial
explanation from the branch manager regarding the issues that the branch is
encountering, on the first day of branch visit. Requesting an explanation from the
branch head is imperative before communication with anyone else in the company.
The branch head is responsible for the overall performance of his branch and as a
branch head, he should be held accountable for whatever issues his branch is... Show
more content on ...
I expect to gather information on how employees evaluate all aspects of the branch s
operations, and on how clients evaluate the branch s service performance. в—Џ
Conduct interview on some employee executives and employees individually. The
purpose of the interview is to confirm the result of the survey. I can gather other
YOU READ IT. 05002200 Organizing, Researching and Illustrating your Material
information that was not raised on the group interview, perhaps because of job
security. I expect to get a deeper understanding of the problem and to get opinions of
how to resolve them based on individual perspectives. Step 2: Gathering Information
Step 2A Employees Are you happy with your employment? I expect to learn how
many employees are happy and how many are not, with their job. What are the
possible reasons for your employment satisfaction/dissatisfaction? I expect to learn
what causes their satisfaction/dissatisfaction. In this question, I trigger employees to
share the problems they may be experiencing. 3. In what aspects of its operation, do
you think the branch should improve? Please list them and provide your reason/s
why. в–Є I expect
Factors Affecting the Four Functions of Manangement
Factors Affecting the Four Functions of Management.
Numerous factors impact the four functions of management. The functions of
management include: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Key
components include: external, internal, globalization, technology, innovation,
diversity, and ethics.
A prime external factor would include the current state of the of the United States
economy. Consumers may not be purchasing as many Hershey products this year as
they did last year, due to staple items such as milk, bread, and eggs being more
expensive. During the planning process Hershey s managers are going to have to
implement forecasting more than ever.
The organizing process involves synchronizing the resources required to attain ...
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Production of chocolate, marketing and even their Great American Chocolate Tour
ride are excellent examples of technological improvement. Incidentally, the Great
American Chocolate tour was originally developed due to tour members increased
body heat warming the plant as they walked through. (Pennsylvania: Hershey s
Chocolate World is sweet, 2006, p. 1)
Hershey has now teamed with AXS Technologies; their parallel processing
technology amplifies the speed at which high quality digital images are observed. In
a study released by PricewaterhouseCoopers, 44 % of respondents claimed they
would purchase more merchandise online if they were able to see the products at
close range. (AXS Technologies Announces Sweet Deal with Hershey s. 2001, p. 1)
Hershey s is one of the more aggressive companies in terms of scientific development
in the market. They have up sized their technical department in the past years because
Hershey s is dedicated to technical research. Hershey labs contain research on
rheology (the study of the deformation and flow of matter) (The American Heritage,
2006, p. 1), chocolate processing, packaging, pasta, test kitchens, analytical services
and newly developed ingredients. This includes the incorporation of high intensity
sweeteners, cocoa butter replacements, new carbohydrates, and new flavors. The
cocoa plant, which is turned into chocolate, has been around for a centuries.
Mr. Hershey started the milk chocolate
ICT And Pedagogy
ICT has got a great impact on life style of the people at present. The whole world
has been connected under one roof as we have the facility of internet. ICT is used in
many fields such as education, private sector and government sector and also among
young students those who do higher studies. Most of the times in private universities,
university colleges and institutes language teachers, practitioners, ELT lecturers,
teachers, and students use ICT to get their work done easily. The technology is
always on their hands. People use smartphones and they have laptops, tabs. Teachers
can prepare their lessons while they travel in the bus. Students can do their
homework and they can practice doing repeated exercise via the facility of ICT.
Therefore, it is true that we are using the cutting edge technology without any age
difference.... Show more content on ...
Pedagogy means the methodologies. It has been mixed with art of teaching. So, the
lecturers and the language practitioners and the students can make use of pedagogy
along with ICT to enhance the language abilities and skills of both teachers and
students. Students can be understood and evaluated effectively if the teachers have
got strong knowledge on pedagogy and ICT. Therefore, as I believe these two terms
play an inseparable role when it comes to the field of teaching a
Disciple Of The Local Church
A Written Assignment 3
Cynthia Taylor
DSMN 500 B10
September, 2014
According to Early Dempsey, a disciple is a person, while discipleship is a process. A
disciple is a passionate follower of Jesus Christ who is intimately involved in the
mission of Christ. On the other hand, discipleship is the process of moving the
disciple towards spiritual maturity and the mission of Christ. Being a disciple is God
s perfect will for every individual life; however, discipleship is God s will for every
individual church [1]
The Great Commission denotes that disciples must be made. Many worship
opportunities have been provided by the church such as fellowship, bible study and
church events that will aid in developing the mind set of Christ, being obedient to the
commands of Christ, engaging in his commission and being transformed into His
image. According to Jesus disciples need to be made and informed.
How disciple are made? According to Disciple Shift, pastor and author Jim Putman
describes diverse stages of spiritual growth with simplicity. In defining these five
spiritual growth stages he informs the reader of their beliefs and how the local church
and a Christian community should implement a plan to help individuals to maturity
in reaching these stages: spiritually dead, spiritual infants, spiritual children, spiritual
young adults, and spiritual parents.
Spiritually dead the first stage comprising of sinners, unsaved
The Establishment Of The Original Thirteen British
The establishment of the original thirteen British colonies was not the first time
that foreigners had reached the present day powerhouse of a country, which is the
United States of America. One example of Europeans in North America before the
colonists was the French fur traders had frequently traded with the Native
Americans. However, when the settlers arrived in the swamp studded marshes of
James Town, which was the first colony, they must had been upset, as they were
primarily after valuable minerals: gold, silver, as Britain s economic system, at
the time, was mercantilism in which the main goal was to increase a nation s
wealth by regulating all of the nation s commercial interests. Before the settlers
arrived in the New World, French had traded some with the Indians. In A Micmac
Indian Replies to the French, the French called the Native Americans home a little
hell , a statement that the Micmac Indians didn t find too tasteful the Micmac
Indian leader then asked why the French would leave their paradise, and risk their
lives to reach a little hell . This reply from the Indian leader shows a few things
first, the Indians weren t too impressed with the customs of the French, second the
Indians were knowledgeable of how important, as well as costly, their homeland was
to the Europeans and what goods it contained. Lucky for the settlers, one of their
other interests was in the new world in plenty land. One of the reasons the Europeans
needed land so badly was that
Theraputic Hypothermia Essay
Theraputic Hypothermia
Hypothermia, defined as a core body temperature less than 95 В°F(35В°C) occurs
when heat loss exceeds the body s heat production. (Ruffolo p.47) Thermal stability in
humans depends on the body s ability to adapt to changes in internal and external
temperatures. Heat is transferred throughout tissues and fat, and is released at a rate
directly related to the temperature of the environment through radiation, conduction,
convection, and evaporation.
Hypothermia is typically seen as a bad thing; however, various studies have been
proving it to be very useful. Traumatic brain injury initiates several metabolic
that can exacerbate the injury. There is evidence that ... Show more content on ...
Taken together, the findings in these trials are important,
because in the United States so far, permanent brain damage after cardiopulmonary
cerebral resuscitation causes many delayed deaths and is seen in about 10to 30
percent of
survivors of out of hospital cardiac arrest. The fact that 2 studies yielded similar
makes the important conclusions even more compelling. The rationale for the use of
therapeutic hypothermia is complex. Spontaneous uncontrolled hypothermia start with
potential deleterious shivering, thermo genesis , catecholamine release, and
vasoconstriction, there as controlled hypothermia is potentially beneficial. Therapeutic
hypothermia after cardiac arrest, as used in the 2 stories above, is directed at
neurological injury. Temperature levels are important; mild hypothermia (33В°C to
may be most effective, and is simple and safe. Moderate hypothermia (28В°C to
32В°C) can
cause arrhythmias or even ventricular fibrillation and if prolonged, can lead to
coagulopathy and infection. The timing and duration are important; mild hypothermia
should be initiated as soon as possible after resuscitation, but even when delayed for
a few
hours, mild hypothermia has been shown to have some benefits un animal models of
cardiac arrest. Mild hypothermia induced in patients for 12
Compare And Contrast Lincoln And Douglass
While both Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas (a former Illinois judge)
differed on the politics of slavery and understanding of freedom. Lincoln believed the
black Americans deserved the same natural rights as the white Americans had at this
time as said in the Declaration of Independence. Along with him thinking that he also,
believed that slaveryshould be abolished altogether everywhere. On the other hand,
Douglas felt that the negros shouldn t have citizenship in any aspect of their live.
Along with that the form of government also was only meant for white people. Pretty
much Douglas didn t believe that any black deserved anything more than being a
Lincoln believes that as a nation they can t go on no longer half
Comparing The Hobbit By J. R. Tolkien And His Son
Darin Hensley
Raymond Atkins
English 1101
October 10 2014 J.R.R. Tolkien and His Son Christopher
I first read The Hobbit at age six, and I read the book multiple times over the next
few years. I began reading The Lord of The Rings at the age of nine. As soon as I
finished the last book I would start the first book over again. This went on for years
until I discovered The Silmarillion; this book opened up a new world for me. I
began to understand Middle Earth as a complete and defined universe. The
Silmarillion and many other books were edited and released by J.R.R. Tolkien s son,
Christopher, after his father s death. This relationship between father and son has
enriched The Tolkien Legendarium into what it... Show more content on ...
He went to many of the same schools as his father, including Oxford, where he
received his degree in English. Christopher even fought in a war like his father.
Though he did not see much action, he was away from home for many years.
While Christopher was away, he and his father exchanged hundreds of letters,
providing great insight into how they shared in the scripting of Middle Earth. In a
letter from July 28, 1944, Tolkien told his son, As to Sam Gamgee I quite agree
with what you say, and would not think of changing his name without consulting
you (Carpenter and Tolkien 88). In a letter from September 25 1944 Tolkien wrote,
I am pleased that the chapters meet with your approval. As soon as I get them
back; [sic] I will send the next lot (Carpenter and Tolkien 92). From a letter written
November 29 1944, Here is a small consignment of The Ring ... Lewis was moved
almost to tears by the last chapter [Lewis is J.R.R. Tolkien s friend C.S. Lewis]. I
chiefly want to hear what you think, as for a long time now I write with you in
mind (Carpenter and Tolkien 103). Throughout the creation of all the published
novels, Christopher was the principal audience for his father s work. Christopher
performed the final typing and proof reading of The Lord of The Rings before it
went to the publisher, and he drew all the maps found in the
The Myth Of The Mullet Species
The Mullet Species
The mullet is no longer just a hair cut, it has spawned into a species that fits in the
lower hierarchy of society. A mullet, by definition, is actually Any of various stout
bodied, edible fishes of the family Mugilidae, found worldwide in tropical and
temperate coastal waters and some freshwater streams. What kind of lifestyles do the
mullets live and what kind of stereotype do they develop from it? There s more to a
mullet than just a definition.
The traditional hair style of nobility and learned men, comprising of the short front,
long back configuration. One common myth is that the Mullet hair style gets its name
from the like named breed of fish. Legend has it the fishmongers of ... Show more
content on ...
We openly engage in this elitist pursuit because we d like to think that our obsession
with the Mullet is a salute to the most entertaining manifestations of the everyday
world, i.e., a harmless conversion of other people s mundane human appearances
into our own entertainment. How quot;Free quot; can the quot;free word quot; be
when the so called Leader of the Free World, Bill Clinton himself, used to have
something dangerously close to a Mullet (while his kid brother Roger to this day
maintains a full blown bi level perm)?
In comparison to the true definition, an interview process was required. When asked,
What is the similarity? most replied based on the intelligence of the two creatures
that being very dumb . In fish and human hierarchies, they both rank pretty low as
Black people have Mullets, too. In fact, some of our best friends are black people,
with Mullets. The one Ice T had in that movie with Judd Nelson was particularly
fierce, as was the literally cartoonish cut that Bishop from the X Men comic book
used to have. Of course there s always the rare but deadly Dreadlocked Mullet, a
look last seen on the now defunct wet suit wearing combo Living Colour, and most
likely the reason Lee Perry once
The Glass Ceiling And Gender Analysis
The Glass Ceiling is the title given to an invisible barrier that is meant to limit
women from succeeding in top level jobs. They only judge based on their gender
and do not take into account women s education, experience, or job related skills.
Some argue that the only people who have put a limit to how far women can succeed
in their career, are women themselves, but the Glass Ceilingand genderdiscrimination
in the workforce does exist and is a major problem that needs to be addressed.
Topics such as equal pay, discrimination, harassment, and misconceptions all play a
part in the limiting barrier placed over women in the working world. It not only puts
a limit on what women can achieve in their future profession, but also affects their...
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Even so, the percentage of women who decided to join the work force increased
from 43 60%. In fact because of the Great Recession in 2008 2009 impacted the
male dominated industries the most, but it helped the acceleration towards gender
equality (Conley, Dalton, 2013). Now there are approximately the same amount of
women and men working in the labor force. Actually for a brief time, women even
exceeded men due to this economic crisis. Even though the US passed title VII of
the 1964 civil rights act, which declared it unlawful for employers to discriminate
on the basis of a person s race, nationality, creed, or sex , women faced harder
predicaments that they had to push through. Women have to deal with hard
situations like harassment, a legal form of discrimination , with things like dirty
jokes, and sexual haggle, where they are threatened to provide sexual favors or in
turn would receive punishment (Conley, Dalton, 2013). Even nearly 40 years after
the Equal Pay Act (1963) was passed, discrepancy between women and men
flourish in the working world. There was a study performed by the general
accounting office in 2003 which found that women earned 79.7% of what men were
earning. As such, if we were to compare this finding to the findings in 1983 when
women earned 80.3% we can clearly see that this wage gap is in no way diminishing
(Alkadry, M.G., Tower, L.E., 1). There have been attempts to rectify and fight the
unequal pay based on gender inequality through legislation, regulation, and litigation
(Alkadry, M.G., Tower, L.E., 1). The Equal Pay Act was based off of the Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the process of rectification
depends greatly on trying to enforce these two lawsuits. Unfortunately despite many
years of equal
Physical Inactivity Refers To Having A Sedentary Lifestyle
Physical inactivity refers to having a sedentary lifestyle which is characterized by
sitting and changing postures without involving any bodily movement of any kind
for above 8 10 hours per day. Scientifically, it means having an overall energy
expenditure ≤ 1.5 metabolic equivalents based on the measurement scale of
energy expenditure continuum. Common sedentary behaviors are sitting in the office
for hours, computer use, and watching TV. Using a car to run errands instead of
walking is considered a sedentary behaviorand playing video games for hours.
(Sedentary, Get Britain Standing). A sedentary lifestyle does not
necessarily refer to laziness or lack of responsibility, it means having no form of any
physical activity as... Show more content on ...
The survey indicates that more women are susceptible to developing a sedentary
lifestyle, especially in an office setting in comparison to men. Moreover, many
research and studies have identified the strong ties between physical inactivity and
poor health status. Physical inactivity is responsible for approximately 3.2 million
people about 6% of deaths globally and it remains the fourth leading cause of death
worldwide. Not following the recommended exercise guidelines can contribute to
developing breast and colon cancer by 21 25% (WHO). The top diseases linked to
physical inactivity are obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, depression,
osteoporosis, back/neck pain, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular diseases (Get
Britain A substantial number of factors can contribute greatly to the
increased risk physical inactivity such as one s attitude towards the behavior and the
environment, or the social norms. The CDC shows, only 20.9% of adults 18 and
above meet the physical activity guidelines for both aerobic and muscle
strengthening activity (CDC 2017). However, other related behaviors can
correspondingly contribute to risk factors of physical inactivity. For example,
tobacco smoking combined with a poor diet and stress can be the impeccable
formula to a slow death.
Furthermore, the National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability
Semester 01 2015 Workbook
Management Strategy and Decision Making
This workbook includes:
Course Running Sheet
Overview of Course Assessment
Overview of Seminar Activities
Exam Preparation and Revision Suggestions
Mr Salvador Macagno
March, 2015
(Semester 1 2015)
Dear Students,
Welcome to Management Strategy and Decision Making (3112IBA) for Semester 1,
This course brings together themes from across your undergraduate degree to
facilitate an integrated perspective on why some organisations succeed, while others
Strategic management has a rich intellectual and practical history. This course seeks
to introduce many of the important themes in this area to you.
In designing the course, we have kept a strong focus on the use ... Show more content
on ...
Chapter 1
L2 Creating value
Chapter 2
L3 The external environment
Chapter 3
L4 Organisational resources and capabilities Chapter 4
L5 Measuring strategic organisational performance
Chapter 5
No classes
No seminar
Case 1 Robin Hood available on the course website Case 2 Coursera MOOC
Begins on page 451 of
Hubbard, Rice Galvin 2014
Study for exam No Lectures due to Mid semester
Case 3 Taylor Wines
Begins on page 467 of
Hubbard, Rick Galvin 2014
L6 Strategic decision making
Chapter 6
L7 Strategic decision making
Chapter 7
L8 Dynamic competitive strategy Chapter 8
L9 Corporate/ multi business strategy Chapter 9
L10 Acquisitions and Alliances
Chapter 10
L11 International strategy TBC
Chapter 11
L12 Course Review
Case 4 Berry Street
Begins on page 485 of
Hubbard, Rice Galvin 2014
Poster Presentations
Group Oral Presentation
Case 5 Renault Nissan
Begins on page 543 of
Hubbard, Rice Galvin 2014
Page 4
Who Do I Call?
Head tutor (Nathan and Gold Coast)
Janelle Prendergast,
Your Tutor
Your tutor is a good first point of contact for any questions relating to the course.
The seminar team this semester is:
Janelle Prendergast:
Gold Coast
Amjid Abdul ala :
Gold Coast Nathan
Ryan Gould:
Gold Coast
Contract Cancellation Due to Breach of Contract
Contract Cancellation due to a Breach of Contract
Submitted by
Victoria Wyatt
Prepared for
Dr. Maverick
Acquisition Law
Spring 07
18 May 2007
CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORSHIP: I certify that I am the author. I have cited all
sources from which I used data, ideas, or words, either quoted directly or
paraphrased. I also certify that this paper was prepared by me specifically for this
______________________________________________ SignatureDate
Overview There are many ways to terminate the obligations of a contract. Most often,
parties conclude their contract obligations by performing them. However, sometimes
problems arise and parties cannot or will not complete their obligations under ... Show
more content on ...
Breach of ContractA breach of contract is a legal concept in which a binding
agreement or bargained for exchange is not honored by one or more of the parties
to the contract, (Breach, 2007). A breach of contract can occur when one party
does not perform as he or she promised; when one party does something that makes
it impossible for the other party to perform the duties under the contract; or when
one party makes it clear that he or she does not intend to perform the contract
duties, (Bennett, 2007).For example, if Company B terminated its agreement with
Company A in order to make a larger profit, that would be a breach of contract. It
would also be a breach of contract if Company B fulfilled Company C s order first
and was late meeting the terms of its contract with Company A. Another example of
a breach of contract would be if Company A was supposed to make a deposit and
Company B was planning to use the deposit to purchase the computer equipment, and
the check bounced. In that situation, Company A s breach would make it impossible
for Company B to perform its contract obligations. As stated previously, if one party
fails to act as promised, and the other
The Logical Problem Of Evil Essay
In this paper I will discuss the logical problem of evil and how it seems to reject the
existence of God as an omni 3 being. I will first layout the logical problem of evil,
and then I will explain why it succeeds in disproving the existence of God. I do this
through pointing out the contradictions between the definition of Godas an omni 3
being and the problem of redeemed and unredeemed evil. As well as by proving
that admittance of evil in any way when in reference to the choices of God
invalidates the omni 3 definition of God. I will address claims from those who
believe in God about justification of evil as well as the concept and depth of human
The logical problem of evil is almost as old as the concept of an omni 3 being as the
one true God. God in this context being a mix of the Judeo Christian belief that God
is the Greatest Conceivable Being (GCB). Being the GCB implies 3 things: God is all
good (Omnibenevolent), all knowing (Omniscient), and all powerful (Omnipotent),
this is commonly referred to as omni 3. This argument boils down to a simple three
part argument structure:
1. If God, as an omni 3 being, exists then evil can not exist at all.
2. Evil clearly exists.
3. As a result, God as omni 3 can not exist.
This is a very simple argument; premise, interference, implied contradiction, and a
conclusion. It is simply through an application of modus ponens that, some believe,
we are able to disprove the existence of God as an Omni 3 being.
Why I Want To Be A Midwife
When I was in high school, I always had a bigger picture for myself that I wanted to
be a Nurse Midwife because I loved kids so much. But when it the time of my
freshman year in college I realized that I wanted to fulfill my purpose I have a
voice and I needed to show off my real talents in what I am more interested in and
can enjoy my everyday life with the career that fitted me way more. Fashion came
along and I just knew that after watching so many tv shows and designers that I just
love so much I knew within my first part of my freshman year in collegethat would
be the career I would love to strive for. I have worked on many projects not only just
with clothing but showing off my leadership skills by telling a story that others lives
Rickets Essay
In the mid sixteenth century Rickets, a bone deforming disease was first described
by F. Glisson in children who started to migrate to city centers due to industrial
revolution1. The implication of exposure to the sunlight in the prevention and
cure of this disease was first recognized by Sniadecki in 1822 2. Later these
observations were extended by Palm in 1890 who concluded that rickets in
children was due to the lack of sun exposure and promoted the systemic use of sun
baths to prevent rickets3. Although cod liver oil has been used medicinally for a
long time, D scheutte in 1824 was the first to recommend it for the treatment of
rickets4. In 1906 Hopkins postulated the presence of essential dietary factors
necessary for the cure of diseases such as scurvy or rickets5. The concept that... Show
more content on ...
He proposed that exposure to UV radiation was effective against all forms of rickets
in children. The most surprising observation was made by three different laboratories
in 1924 where Goldblatt and Soames, Hess and Weinstock exposed variety of food,
such as wheat, lettuce, olive, linseed oil and other substances like human and rat
plasma to ultraviolet radiation. Both groups found that the ultraviolet radiation
imparted antirachitic activity of the substances9 11. Working with the animal
experiment, Steenbock and Black in 1916 found a strong connection between sunlight
and calcium retention in goats12. With this background, Steenbock began to irradiate
rats, their food and the air in their cages with UV light13. He concluded that an
inactive lipid in the diet and skin could be converted by UV light into an active
antirachitic substance and patented this process. He recommended that irradiation of
milk might be an excellent method to provide vitamin D to children and to prevent
Van Der Poll s Do Hit Chair
In relation to the above question, I have selected Van Der Poll s Do Hit Chair
(2000 present) as a contemporary work that manifests rebellion in the
contemporary landscape. Physically and visually, I am deprived of any realistic
or actual representation of the artwork, as I can only analyse the 2D, virtual image
I have found on the internet. However, Do Hit Chair heavily involves internet
engagement, and this is the exact experience the audience has themselves when
purchasing the work. Thus, I have chosen to analyse the web page on which Do
Hit Chair is advertised. Demonstrated in the Description part on the web page, the
consumer becomes the co designer by creating their own, edited version of the art
work. This is further typified by the online sharing options at the top right hand
corner of the designers web page. The internet is significant to the artworks
interpretation, as the consumer/audience s usage of the internet allows them to
purchase the piece and enable them to publicise and even resell their own
creations. Accordingly, the artwork (or piece of furniture) becomes a cycle of
consumerism. The work ideally functions as a chair, which is presumed by the title,
however the artist is able to change/alter the object into whatever they please. The
spatial dimensions (100 x 70 x 75 cm) also indicate the objects purpose as the size is
generally similar to the standard sized chair dimensions.... Show more content on ...
It satirically comments on consumerism and its relation to art , as the consumer is
paying 79300 euros to physically create the object themselves. This is influenced by
the the do it yourself crafts style products as the consumer becomes the co designer
by recreating the
Essay on A Peaceful Approach to Equality
At the conclusion of the nineteenth century, an era referred to as the redemption
period, the white population organized many revolts and riots against the black
population (White, Bay, and Martin 2012, 398). These acts, for example, banned the
black population from voting, forbid them from becoming educated, and threatened
their safety and well being (White, Bay, and Martin 2012). These racially driven
uprisings, which where coordinated by the white population, continued into the
twentieth century. However, following the First World War, the black American
possessed a keener and more sharply defined consciousness, not only of his duties as
a citizen, but of his rights and privileges as a citizen of the United States (Scott 1919).
... Show more content on ...
In 1919, there were 76 reported lynchings, a rise from the 60 reported in 1918 and
the 36 reported in 1917 (White, Bay, and Martin 2012, 502). The racial violence
reached its pinnacle (and became a national crisis) in the summer of 1919, which
became known as the Red Summer (White, Bay, and Martin 2012, 502). During this
period, the Ku Klux Klan s anti black, violent, racial riots materialized in twenty five
places and took the lives of countless black Americans (White, Bay, and Martin 2012,
In addition to the violence perpetrated by the Ku Klux Klan, in 1917 the striking
white workers of the Aluminum Ore Company in East St. Louis brutally attacked
the black workers, who had filled their positions during the strike, for acting as
strike breakers and taking the privilege of work away from the white laborers
(White, Bay, and Martin 2012, Du Bois and Gruening 1917). During the massacre,
the whites mobs were shooting through homes and setting fire to them and dragging
blacks out of cars and beating them into insensibility or death (Du Bois and Gruening
1917). While this abhorrent atrocity was occurring, the white policemen and soldiers
did not interfere or offer any assistance to the blacks (and in some instances even
participated in the killings and destruction) the black population was left to try to
protect themselves (Du Bois and Gruening 1917). Once the
The Pros And Cons Of The New Deal
The New Deal allowed the government to create new programs that either provided
relief or recovery, or were a reform for the problems during that time. In the time of an
economic crisis, the government should get involved and provide a safety net for
Americans. Government involvement is necessary to work towards a resolution, but
too much involvement will put too much power in the Government s hands, which
could lead to a government type we do not want in America. During economic busts,
the government should use the programs that are currently in place to provide a
safety net and support Americans. However, during economic booms Americans
should provide for themselves and not be reliant on the government to provide for
One of the reforms created through the New Deal that still exists today is Social
Security. Social Security was established through the Social Security Act of 1935 by
Franklin D. Roosevelt. It established a national pension fund, a public assistance
program for dependent mothers and disabled people, an unemployment insurance
system, as well as benefits for victims of industrial accidents (Social Security Act of
1935). Social Security is very beneficial regarding its ability to help those who need
it, but it is also the largest federal program today, resulting in huge expenses. CNS
News published an article regarding the spending of the Social Security
Administration, and stated in the article is, The Social Security Administration spent
a total
Critical Understanding Of Turbofan Engines
Turbofan engines are the family of jet engines being majorly employed on
commercial aircrafts these days. There are several reasons for this. This project aims
at critical understanding of Turbofan by adopting research methodology which also
includes learning its limitations and suggesting new ways to overcome the same.
As the name suggests, turbo refers to a gas turbine engine and the term fan refers to a
ducted fan at the start of the engine in order to increase the flow of the incoming air.
Turbofan combines the high efficiency of the propeller engines as well as the power
obtained from jet engines. A typical turbofan engine generally contains the fan,
compressor (low and high pressure), combustion chamber, turbine ... Show more
content on ...
Essentially a turbofan engine is a turbojet with a fan at the front of the engine. This
fan has not only made the engine quieter but also more efficient. With increasing fuel
rates and demand for sustainable development ideas, turbofan has gained even more
popularity due to its low fuel consumption.
Unlike any other air breathing engine, it gives a high thrust with low fuel
consumption. This implies that its specific impulse which is the thrust to fuel
consumption ratio is high.
The by pass air is the factor for all these achievements of turbofan. The major thrust
production is done by by pass air and the residual by the core.
This project will address the Trent 900 and its variants in depth with respect to the
technology and how a theoretical turbofan engine is applied practically and
The British firm Rolls Royce gave birth to one of its most successful series of
engines namely, TRENT series.
This series of high by pass ratio engines have three spools and is in use on several
Boeing and Airbus aircrafts.
The TRENT 900 powered its first flight of the Airbus A380 in May 2004. It is an
offspring of the Rolls Royce RB211.
For the A380 it typically comes in two thrust ratings, 70,000 pounds or 310 KN and
72,000 pounds or 320 KN. But it can achieve a thrust of 350KN.
The variants of this Trent family member are 970B 84, 972B 84, 997B 84 and 980 84.
The Negative Influences Of Procrastination
Negative Influences of Procrastination We ve all had a paper due on a Wednesday
that we had known about for the past two weeks, but for some unknown and
involuntary reason, we choose to save it for a Tuesday evening, which turns into a
Wednesday morning as we frantically work to finish an assignment we probably
could have finished in class over a couple of days. We may have been preoccupied
those couple of weeks, with a job, or sports; maybe even putting together a
fundraiser of some sort. Or maybe, we haven t been busy at all, and have chosen to
go home after class and eat rice cakes and watch Netflix all afternoon, into the
evening, and continuously tell ourselves I ll get it done tomorrow. Many of us have
a habit of making nearly every important task, (whether it be homework, paying a
bill, making a phone call, or even booking a trip) an oh, I ll do that tomorrow type of
job. What most of us realize, but choose to ignore, is that continuously putting of
these duties of ours will not only have negative consequences on the result of the job
that needs to be done, but on our mental physical and mental health as well. People
may have excuses for leaving things to the last minute, but the hard truth that they
need to accept is that they are a habitual procrastinator. It is imperative that we
understand that procrastinationwill (eventually, if not immediately) have effects on
our lives, from downward spirals in our happiness and personal satisfaction, to
destroying our
Egyptian Revolution of 1919
The Egyptian Revolution of 1919 was a countrywide non violent revolution against
the British occupation of Egypt. It was carried out by Egyptians from different
walks of life in the wake of the British ordered exile of revolutionary leader Saad
Zaghlul and other members of the Wafd Party in 1919. The event led to Egyptian
independence in 1922 and the implementation of a new constitution in 1923
The event is considered to be one of the earliest successful implementations of non
violent civil disobedience in the world and has been followed immediately by similar
actions in the Indian independence movement led by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.
The 1919 revolution in Egypt consisted of months of civil disobedience against the
British ... Show more content on ...
This was the result of Egypt s increasing involvement in the war, despite Britain s
promise to shoulder the entire burden of the war. During the war, the British poured
masses of foreign troops into Egypt, conscripted over one and a half million Egyptians
into the Labour Corps, and requisitioned buildings, crops, and animals for the use of
the army.[2] In addition, because of allied promises during the war (such as
President Wilson s Fourteen Points), Egyptian political classes prepared for self
government. By war s end the Egyptian people demanded their independence.[3]
Shortly after the First World War armistice of November 11 was concluded in
Europe, a delegation of Egyptian nationalist activists led by Saad Zaghlul made a
request to High Commissioner Reginald Wingate to end the British Protectorate in
Egypt and Sudan, and gain Egyptian representation at the next peace conference in
Paris. The delegation also included Ali Sha rawi Pasha, Abd al Aziz Fahmi Bay,
Muhammad Ali Bay, Abd al Latif al Makabati Bay, Muhammad Mahmud Pasha,
Sinut Hanna Bay, Hamd Pasha al Basil, Gurg Khayyat Bay, Mahmud Abu al Nasr
Bay, Mustafa al Nahhas Bay and Dr. Hafiz Afifi Bay.[4] Meanwhile, a mass
movement for the full independence of Egypt and Sudan was being organized at a
grassroots level, using the tactics of civil disobedience. By then, Zaghlul and the
Wafd Party enjoyed massive support among the Egyptian people.[5] Wafdist
Descriptive Essay On The Picasso
15th September 2017, Writing Project 1
The Picasso
It was my first day in the United States of America, travelling all the way from
Nepal to witness this amazing city. I was mesmerized by the skyline and obviously
the food. I was carving for my native Nepali food and to my amazement, there are
many restaurants of nearly all the cuisines. Chicago is a city with over 2.7 million
residents (Wikipedia, City of Chicago), living in the biting cold weather still happy
and trying to cope up with the hustle and bustle of the big city. It has nearly all the
ethnic cultures within the neighborhood, if one wants to experience any of these
ethnic cultures they simply need to pay a visit to these neighborhoods.
Now, talking about the skyline the architecture is amazing, done with perfection and
will leave you awe struck. It masters in all the international styles and the
maintenance of these buildings are the top priority for the Chicagoans. I didn t find
a single building in a bad condition and not only the buildings look good they are
very safe too. All the buildings have well maintained facilities in case of an
I took a short nap in the hotel and then left for a city tour, which was offered by the
Chicago trolley. There I saw a huge dark metal structure which was challenging you
to interpret it. I got down and started admiring the structure and was trying to
understand the artist s purpose. I noticed it was called The Picasso , it left me in a
deep thought on what is the
Functional Health Pattern Community Assessment
Functional Health Patterns Community Assessment Guide
Functional Health Pattern (FHP) Template Directions:
This FHP template is to be used for organizing community assessment data in
preparation for completion of your collaborative learning community (CLC)
assignment. Address every bulleted statement in each section with data or rationale
for deferral. You may also add additional bullet points if applicable to your
Value/Belief Pattern
Predominant ethnic and cultural groups along with beliefs related to health.
Predominant spiritual beliefs in the community that may influence health.
Availability of spiritual resources within or near the community (churches/chapels,
synagogues, chaplains, Bible studies, ... Show more content on ...
Immunization rates (age appropriate).
Appropriate death rates and causes, if applicable.
Prevention programs (dental, fire, fitness, safety, etc.): Does the community think
these are sufficient?
Available health professionals, health resources within the community, and usage.
Common referrals to outside agencies.
1.Are there health problems within your community that you know of
I don t get involve in health situations of members except those who tell me and ask
for prayers, I will say high blood pressure amongst the older adults
2.Are children and adult in your community adequately immunized and how do you
ensure this.
Members are asked about the immunization status of their children when they are
registered for children s church because they will be with other children. So far we
have not had any issues
3.How many deaths have you had within last 2years and what are the causes
In the last 2 years we had 2 deaths of adults less than 40 years old due to cancer
4.Does your community participate in disease prevention programs like fitness,
dental care, fire drills.
Once a year we organize a 5K run/walk that includes church members and Roswell
community. Participants get 2week free gym membership from one of our sponsors.
We also do a biggest looser men and women yearly and award prizes for winners
5.Do you have health care providers in your
Does Equality Still Exist Today
Today we live in a world where achieving equality seems to be a highly debated
topic regardless of where you go. Since our country was founded we have
progressed in the sense that we have established laws that prohibit us from viewing
women as inferior to men in the workplace and thus forcing us to give the same
opportunities to both men and women alike. So then we are left with the question;
why does this inequality still exist today? It can be best explained as there are still
individuals within our society than believe certain genderroles foster a better society.
UtahRepublican and former vice chair of the Wasatch Republican Party, James Green,
made it very clear that he believes that the inequality within the workplace should
remain.... Show more content on ...
Our textbook also discusses the theory of Male Hegemony which describes the
way in which men take power over women in society. It goes on to describe the way
in which many males will feel insecure if placed subordinate to a women and thus
constantly strive to regain power. With this is also explained that often times women
who fall victim to this mentality often begin to believe it. When women do so they
may even avoid success in their life as to not surpass the male dominance that has
been established. (Kornblum, W. Julian, J., Smith, C. D.
Level 3 Torque Converter
During the 4 month semester for Level 3 Drivetrains we reviewed in detail the
operations for Torque converters, Planetary gears, Inputs and Outputs for Allison
World Transmissions, and Power flow for Allison 1000/2000 series transmissions. In
this essay, I will be revising and explaining how these systems work and what
operations they serve. Torqueconverters act as the main torque multiplier in any
automatic transmission, starting from the engine, going through the torque converter,
then into the transmission. There are three main parts to the torque converter. The
impeller, which is driven by the engine crank shaft or the flywheel. The stator, which
is a freewheeling rotating member that also includes a one way clutch. The turbine is a
... Show more content on ...
These three paths all start from the rotating clutch module attached to the input shaft.
There are five rotating clutches known as C 1, C 2, C 3, C 4, and C 5. There are also
three planetary gear sets known as P 1, P 2, and P 3. All power flows have a few
requirements. They must have an input through either C 1 or C 2, and they have
to output through the P 3 carrier because it is splined directly to the output shaft of
the transmission. The way these gears are put together forms the world
transmission. The P 1 sun gear is directly bolted to the driving member attached to
a rotating clutch. The P 1 carrier is splined to the P 2 ring gear, also being
controlled by the C 4 clutch. C 3 is splined to the P 1 ring gear. The P 1 gear set is
driven through an input from the P 1 sun gear. P 2 ring gear is attached directly to
the P 1 carrier and the C 4 rotating clutch. P 2 sun gear rides on main shaft through a
set of splines, as well as being in contact with the C 5 clutch. P 2 can be inputted
through 2 means, the C 2 clutch driving the P 2 carrier or through the sun gear on
the main shaft. The P 3 ring gear is splined to the p2 carrier. C 5 clutch and the P 3
ring gear is meshed together and the P 3 sun gear is again, splined to the main shaft.
In order for the Alison transmission to function, there needs to be a series of clutches
being applied to achieve the selected or desired gear to
The Standards Of Aesthetic Judgment Essay
My standards of aesthetic judgment have dramatically shifted from undergrad to
present; and I am quite sure they may shift again as I grow older. I begin here due
to the fact that in undergrad; I was fixated on presentation and visuals of a piece of
art rather than the content/concept. I wanted all work to be technically sound,
meaning; craftsmanship was my driving force in the beginning and I would dismiss
any work that wasn t. As I have grown, in years, wisdom and hopefully as an artist
as well; I hope to have a bit more understanding when it comes to the variety, talent
and passion for art and the artist. This allows me to be more understanding and opens
up a better path to reflect on:
1.Where does the art come from?
2. Why is the art made?
3. Is it successful? Where does the art come from is a huge question that I ask myself
when evaluating a piece of art. I have been fortunate to judge Vase (a visual art
competition that ranges elementary to high school level) and with each piece I must
take it in as a new individual piece of art. On the same note, I have been fortunate
enough to help with UIL OAP contest and rated productions with other critics on the
criteria we/I thought to be of value. So the where does it come, pertains to the level
of experience and knowledge of that medium: novice, intermediate, advanced,
professional. Why is the art made, I believe is the hardest for all to understand when
evaluating a piece of art.
Elizabeth Margaret Marberry s Dandelion Wine
Although Elizabeth Margaret Marberry never explicitly provides a personal
critique for Ray Bradbury s Dandelion Wine, the reader can infer some of her
opinions about the book in her descriptions of the story, themes and meaning, and
context. Marberry, for instances, writes the book is structured through the
thematic interrelation of a series of vignettes taking place over the course of the
summer of 1928 in the small, idealized Midwestern town of Green Town, Illinois
(Marberry 295) expressing her believe that Dandelion Wine varies from the
traditional narrative. When she stated the idealized Midwestern town, she implied
that a town with the characters of Green Town simply does not exist. At the end of
her summary of the story, Marberry declares that at the end of the story, Douglas
has completed his journey (Marberry 296) suggesting he learned all he could learn
that summer and would no longer go on adventures. Elizabeth Margaret Marberry
concludes her critique by stating, it is a mixture of idealization ad realistic portrayal
of the coming of age that makes these works so appealing to young and old readers
alike (Marberry 297; Marberry 295 297).... Show more content on ...
Never really thinking about what it feels like to be alive, Douglas led to me to
question why? Why do people exist? Why does every situation hold both a
positive and negative affect? Why does my family not have as many traditions as
the Spauldings? How come I never realized that I feel different, more alive, in the
summer than the winter? Why? Through Douglas, Bradbury encourages the readers
of Dandelion Wine to reflect upon their lives and figure out the answers for
themselves. I appreciate an author who, instead of simply telling a story, forces his
readers to think and reflect on his or her own life. I rate Dandelion Wine an eight
out of ten and desire to read numerous other books by Ray Bradbury and other similar
Language Shaped the Reality of Our World
Introduction Throughout the decades, language has become a major interest as a
field of studies as it shaped our reality of the world. This interest has led into a new
development in theories and creating new methods as a way in studying and learning
about language uses and its roles in human society. From all of this, the theory and
ways of linear grammar have been created and developed. Linear Unit Grammar, to be
defined, is a way to conquer the limitations of previous hierarchical structures of
describing utterances. With Linear Unit Grammar, utterances are taken in small
portion called chunks, according to their purposes in the utterances. Linear Unit
Grammar develops though time thanks to three prominent theorists that have
contributed much in this field of studies. First of the bat is Francis, Hunstan and
Manning (1999), in their research of Pattern Grammar, as a part of Collins
Birmingham University International Database Language. In this model, utterances
are taken in a pattern to describe their syntactic environment, wordby word.
This are derived from the study on lexical occurrences in authentic linguistic corpora.
According to their studies, each individual word has their own set of patterns
assigned to it, which describe the context in which they are typically used. Not just
that, every word can also have more than one pattern, according to their word senses.
The next theorist in the list is a British linguist, Micheal Hoey, and his theory of
Okies During The Great Depression
The Okies were people that had lost everything in the great depression usually they
were farmers, business owners and people the did manual labor. They usually
hopped from camp to camp looking for work on farms and anywhere they were
hiring. They would have to move a lot because of the police and normal civilians
didn t like the Okies being in there town. The civilians and the police would do
whatever they could to arrest the Okies or get them to leave like setting the camps
on fire starting riots The African Americans during the great depression and all
throughout the pas have been thrown under the bus there whole lives some may have
been Okies and some may have had stable jobs that didn t crumble in the great
Jell-O In Utah
Did you know that Jell O is Utah s national snack? It was sold at the 2002 Winter
Olympic Games in Salt Lake City and they had an official Jell O pin. There are
many other common food items in Utah which are fry sauce, funeral potatoes, and
honey. Fry sauce is second to Jell O with so many people liking it.
The governor of Utah is Gary Herbert. He is the 17th governor and a member of the
Republican Party. He has served as governor since 2009. The state of Utah use to be
a territory. This happened because when the Mexican war ended and the Americans
won the Mexicans had to give up the American west (including Utah) to the
They had Brigham Young as their governor. From the beginning they wanted a state
that would include Utah, most of Nevada and Arizona, and parts of southern ... Show
more content on ...
The capitol Building is the house of government for the state of Utah. It houses the
chambers and offices of the Utah State Legislature, the offices of the governor, and
the Lieutenant Governor. The Clift Building use to be a hotel in the late 19th
century. Now it is a structure to look at or admire. The next is country is West
Valley. West Valley has a population of 133,579 people. West Valley City is a quiet
a new city with very little history. Sports, zoos, and lots of art and music are very
big attractions there like lodestone park or Hale Centre Theater. These two are my
historical registers. Lodestone park has a mining and wood theme to it. The park
includes a zip line, underground slide, giant tire, a basketball court, and more.
Hale Centre Theater is a place of acting, dancing, and giving a show. It is a theater
for plays, such as their newest one Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. My next city
is Provo with a population of 116,288 people. Provo was a man that came and made
a trading post on the shores of Utah lake. The people named the river and the city
Provo after his name. It was the second Mormon city besides Salt Lake
Holden Caulfield Adolescence Essay
My patient, Holden Caulfield, is a very different teenager. After our first session
together, I could tell he wasn t your typical teen. He seems to not enjoy the things
other teenagers enjoy. To me, it seems like he keeps to himself a lot. In our first
session, Holden told me about how he had gotten kicked out of his boarding
school, Pencey Prep. He hadn t told his parents or even tried to contact them when
he went he left Pencey and gone to New York. He also explained to me about the
death of his younger brother, Allie. Holden explained that he was very hurt and a
mess after his brother died. Another topic that was discussed in our first session was
girls. Holden told me about this girl Jane, who was very important to him. They had
spent a... Show more content on ...
Holden told me to how he reacted after the death, I slept in the garage the night he
died, and I broke all the goddamn windows with my fist, just for the hell of it. (pg.
21 pdf) He was 13 when this death occurred and he mentioned that his parents were
going to get him psychoanalyzed because of what he did. After breaking all the
windows in the garage, he tried to break the windows on the station wagon with his
already broken hand. This shows how sad and down he got about his brother Allie
dying. Everything in life was going well for Holden, family wise, and then a death
happened to someone who Holden enjoyed a lot. Another girl Holden talked about
in our session is Sally Hayes. The night before Holden makes a date with Sally, he
has a prostitute named Sally come to his room. He just left Pencey, so to me, this
is his way of letting out some sadness and anger. Holden says he didn t do anything
with her because he wasn t in the mood anymore. This shows that some depression
is coming into his activity level. Holden told me about what him and Sally did on
their date. They first went to a show called The Lunts. During the show, Holden
said Sally saw a boy she knew named George and he went to Andover. I sort of
hated ofl Sally by the time we got in the cab, after listening to that phony Andover
Bastard for about ten hours. (pg. 69 pdf) Holden told me. He went on to say that
they went ice skating at Radio City. After ice skating, Holden explains how he
wanted to run away with Sally. She kept saying no because they were still children.
He told me that he told her You give me a royal pain in the ass, if you want to know
the truth. (pg. 72 pdf) At this point, both of them hated each other. Holden said he
apologized over and over to her but he ended up just leaving her at the rink. This
shows how he can t keep their relationship in a good place and his mood changed out
Plantar Fasciitis Case
DOI: 11/25/2014. Patient is a 47 year old male laborer who sustained injury to his
left side of body, back, shoulder, and ankle while he was walking/smoothing tar
when he was hit by double bottom truck while working at job site. Per OMNI, he
sustained strain to lower back, left shoulder, and left ankle.
Based on the progress report dated 01/13/16, the patient presents for reevaluation of
painful plantar fasciitis of the left foot. The patient states that the pain is
approximately 7/10 when it is cold outside. He states it hurts on the bottom of the foot
and goes back to the Achilles tendon. The patient states that he has just finished his
physical therapy, which helped slightly, but still having considerable pain.
On examination, he has pain
Victory And Death In Beowulf
Victory Or Death
Hope Coleman
They waited till night came, with them all having their drink full, but the mighty
Beowulf is the one that stays up and waits for the evil Grendel to show up. The sun
finally snuck behind the mountains of Denmark and then the monster came out to
play. He looks around at all of the soldiers that came with him from their homeland.
He was the greatest of them all though, he would fight that beast with just his hands,
for using a weapon he believes showed weakness. Victory, not sympathy for the
Danes, is the reason Beowulf, brought his warriors so far from their home to face
danger. In his mind, there is one way for a man to defy himself: to prove his skill and
daring in battle. The desire to prove ... Show more content on ...
They go at the monster, but their blades don t even touch his thick, scaly skin.
Locked together by Beowulf s mighty grip, the monster and him slam into the walls
and overturn the tables. Now the monster only wants to escape, but Beowulf holds
him tight. The monster twists and turns screaming so loud that the soldiers cover
their ears. At last, the bleeding sinews deep in his shoulder, muscle and bone split
(816 818). The monster moves himself free and runs from the hall. His arm left in
Beowulf s hand. Beowulf, says the poet, Had been granted new glory
Descriptive Essay About A Concert
I enjoy listening to a variety of all kinds of music. However, interestingly, through
whole my life, I have never attended many classical concerts before; especially
classical saxophone ones. Compared to all the other concerts that I have gone to, the
saxophone studio recital was a definite change in atmosphere. The Dana Concert
Series presented the YSU saxophonestudio recital in the Butler Institute of American
Art. The students of Dr. James C. Umble performed at 12:15 in the prepossessing
building. The room filled with many loved ones, students, faculty, and bystanders.
Everyone remained very quiet waiting for the show to begin as the performers
warmed up for a little while off to the side of the stage.
Four performers walked onto the stage getting in their ready positions. A gentleman
sitting on the opposite side of the walkway up in the front seats starting clapping
loudly. One of the performers had looked over, and waved their hand and mouthed
them to stop kindly. It was an awkward, yet funny situation because I believe it was a
family member. The performers were Christie Hrdlicka, soprano saxophone, Anthony
Bonamase, alto saxophone, Matthew Eustace, tenor saxophone, and Jake Jeges,
baritone saxophone. The performers then walked to their ready positions and the
audience began to clap. They had remained standing, which was odd to me because
any instrumental concerts I have attended they always sat down. The music stands
stood as tall as the person in front of them.
The Importance Of Nature In The Natural World
The growing disconnect between modern civilization and nature has reshaped our
roles and responsibilities to the natural world. Our relationship with our planet
continues to transform. In order to preserve the natural world we must recognize
what role it plays in our existence and re evaluate our ethics towards our ecosystems.
Like all living things, we are engineered to survive, and if our environment is slowly
becoming inhospitable, then our efforts to reverse our negative impact should be
second nature. However, an extreme disconnect between humans and the natural
world has resulted in widespread dissociation with factors such as global warming,
diminishing resources, and pollution. This dissociation with the state of our planet, in
part, has to do with the fact that these issues do not feel immediately threatening to a
large percentage of the population. Recent efforts, however; have begun a movement
to reverse our negative impact and promote a more environmentally sustainable way
of life. Now, more than ever, we must realize how are specieshas negatively impacted
the natural world and begin to modify our way of life to preserve the environment,
the life it supports, and its breadth of virtues.
The most common argument to why we must care for the natural world is centered
around the idea that our species cannot exist without it. This is referred to as
anthropocentrism . The nature of this anthropocentric view point leaves out what
responsibilities we have to
How To Promote Gun Safety Essay
5 Ways to Promote Gun Safety in Your Community
Each year, guns cause more death than any other possible scenario. Often, a gun
accident involves children who find a weapon in their home. Guns can be useful in
the right situation, but as a community you need to work together to make everyone
aware of the potential dangers of guns. Due to the fact that it does require a
community to work together, most of us feel that it is unrealistic. However, it can be
done. It is possible. If you are interested in trying to bring your entire community
together, consider implementing these 5 ways to promote gun safety in your
Talk to Children
One of the best ways to teach children is to talk to them about the very real danger of
firearms. Go ... Show more content on ...
You express anger the same way that they do. Adults fight back with weapons and
violence. Children see it and repeat it. You may see others fighting on the street
and walk right on by, ignoring the violence. Your child will see your reaction and
ignore it as well. Instead of walking past, call the law and tell them what is going
on. Tell them if there are weapons being used. Let your child see that you feel
violence is not a good choice. You may talk to them about how the people fighting
should have done things differently. Do the same when you are angry at another
person. Instead of resorting to fists and weapons, walk away and cool off, then
discuss the situation.
Learn Gun Safety
Encourage people within the community to take courses on how to handle the gun
properly. Even children can learn how to hold a gun the right way. This way, if they
find one inside of the home, they can move it safely if there is not an adult nearby. If
your child is older, teaching them to hold and fire a gun will encourage them to
respect the power it has. Then talk to them about the reasons and situations that a gun
may be necessary, but point out that most situations can be handled without it.
Incorporate the Neighborhood
Mean Girls Analysis
Mean Girls Analysis Mean Girls, a popular comedic film, is about high school
drama in its highest form wanting to be popular. It mainly follows a girl named
Cady, a new student looking to make and please friends. She agrees to spy on one
of her new friends enemies, Regina George, to help destroy her life. However,
along the way, Cady finds herself becoming more and more like Regina George
and the rest of the plastics or the mean girls. In this paper, there s going to be an
analysis of this film, because there seems to be a deeper meaning than just the
comedic shell. And while this is a favorite movie of many teenage girls because of
its relatable humor regarding popularity and girl on girl drama, like name calling
and backstabbing, it also sheds light on the subject of bullying, including peer
pressure, and how it really can affect someone s life in a very negative manner.
Regina George is the main girl of the plastics . She will do anything and everything
to stay on top, including selling her friends out just to make them look bad. You
may have known someone like this in high school, but why are they like this, you
might ask? The movie does a good job about making the subject humorous, but it
seems as if it s also trying to prove a point and bring awareness to young girls who
watch the film, without necessarily being too serious. There are also many
examples of power, peer pressure, and bullying in this movie, which are all looming
issues in today s schools. Cady
Competency Cases
Competency has two split meanings in it uses relating to evidence and witness
themselves. In regards to evidence, competence refers to admissibility and
specifically not hearsay. In regards to witness, the term refers to legal capability of
an individual to give reliable facts for use in court of law. The general rule under
rule 601 of the federal rule evidence provides that every person is competent to be a
witness except as otherwise provided in these rules . This rule governs and directs in
decision making on a witness ability to provide evidence in a trial. It through
assessments of competence that it is determined if a court can hear evidence from a
particular witness (Nemeth, 2011).
Importance of Competency
Historically under the provision of common Law, a number of witnesses were
considered incompetent to testify. The ability of certain witnesses to provide
unquestionable evidence for the fear that they could lie. The agnostics, atheists,
parties to a case and their spouses, convicted felons, children, mentally ill persons
and persons with an interest to a case were considered incompetent witness under
common law. Common law also prevented the use of expert witness in providing
evidence to a case (Ferguson Bouck, 2002).
Competency is of importance as a safe guard measure to prevent admission of
information as evidence with little or no persuasion on truth. The need to obtain
information with high probative value ought to be balanced against
Essay on How to Avoid Plagiarism
How to Avoid Plagiarism
Plagiarism is a growing problem in universities (Matheson Starr 2013) and
becoming too common in the scientific world (Ober et al. 2012). Hence it is
important for students as well as researchers to know how to avoid plagiarism.
Before discussing the ways to avoid plagiarism, this paper discusses the definition,
the types and reasons for plagiarism. Copying or borrowing someone else s words
or ideas may perhaps be the more inoffensive way of explaining plagiarism.
However, these two terms may deliver a connotation that plagiarism is not much of a
serious offense. Whether the act of plagiarising is intentional or unintentional, it is
considered as a fraud. In an academic setting plagiarism may even ... Show more
content on ...
There are surely many other ways of avoiding plagiarism but there are five simple
rules suggested by Ober et al. (2012).
Rule 1: Do not copy It is not a good practice to simply copy what is found in other
people s work, books or even your own writing. If you have to do so, do it properly
by copying it with quotation marks and appropriate citation. In addition to this, it is
good to have a proper time management in which you would have enough time to cite
your sources properly.
Rule 2: Write in your own words Paraphrasing means putting someone else s ideas
into your own words but care must be taken as changing a few words and
rearranging the original sentence is still considered as copying . Hence, though
paraphrasing is commonly suggested as one of the ways to avoid plagiarism it is
much better to avoid paraphrasing and rather use your own original voice .
Rule 3: When in doubt, cite This is one of the ways to avoid plagiarism but it
should not be done excessively. Otherwise you would end up with excessive citation
in your piece of writing and lack of writing in your own words. This is an indication
for you to consider rewriting the paper.
Rule 4: Don t recycle images, figures, tables or text from one of your previously
published papers without citing This is the case of self plagiarising when you
republish a figure from earlier publication but fail to cite the original and obtain
Essay about The Color of Water
The Color of Water
Introductory Note
1. What framework does the author give the story? * The author gives the story from
two different perspectives one from the mother s perspective, Ruth, and the other
from the son s perspective, James. 2. What is the ethnic background of the author? *
The ethnic background of the author is Caucasian and African American.
Chapter 1: Dead
1. Why is this chapter written in italics? * This chapter was written in Italics
because it was written from a different point of view which was Ruth s perspective
who talks about her past as a child. 2. Why is the mother reluctant to talk about her
family? * Ruth is reluctant to talk about her family because she felt that was ... Show
more content on ...
This was a reward to James because he never had the opportunity to be with his
mother alone since she always occupied with something. 10. What does the author
notice about his mother s appearance, and what advice does she give him when he
asks her about different looks? * James notices that his mother s skin color than his
friends mothers skin color are different, so Ruth tells him Who cares about your
friends mothers skin color? Just educate your mind. 11. What effect does this
advice have on the author when Mommy is not at the bus stop one day? * This
advice makes James as a child not to talk to ANYONE when his mom is late at the
bus stop one day.
Chapter 3: Kosher
1. What piece of paper did the author s mother carry for twenty years, and why did
she carry it? * Ruth carried a legal paper that says the date when she arrived in
America. She carried it everywhere because she didn t want to be thrown out if she
was questioned. 2. Where did the author s mother first live in America? * Ruth first
lived on 115th street and St. Nicholas in Manhattan with her grandmother, Bubeh. 3.
What does the author s mother say about Bubeh s wig? * Ruth says her
grandmother, Bubeh, was bald under her wig, or Shaytl, the religious custom. 4.
How does Mommy describe the kosher rituals of her grandparents? * Ruth described
the kosher rituals of her grandparents as a
The Three Features Of Human Rights, And Moral Rights
Many of our moral decisions are at the heart of a concept of a right. A right is
defined as individual entitlements to freedom of choice and well being. For
example, when a person acts a certain way or how others act in certain ways toward
others. Rights derived from a legal system which permits or empowers the way
people act alone or toward others are defined as legal rights. Legal rights are limited
to a particular jurisdiction within the legal system. Moral rights are derived from a
system of moral standards independent of a legal system. As such, these rights are
based on moral norms and principles that empower human beings to do something or
to be entitled to have something done for them. Moral rights are considered universal
as all human beings of every nationality possess them to an equal extent. Human
rightsare justifiable to every human being such as food, clothing, housing and
medical care. All rights have the main purpose to enable individuals to choose
freely and to protect those choices. Most legal rights protect human beings from
committing harm or corruption or receiving the same. The same principles that
protect us legally are derived from moral standards. They all together impact how
we act and how we act toward others as well as how others act toward us.
Moral rights have three important features that define their enabling and protective
functions. The first feature is that moral rights correlate tightly with duties. As
such, a person s moral right, at least partially, can be defined in terms of the moral
duties other people have toward that person. Furthermore, if a person s moral right
is to do something, then other people have a moral duty not to interfere that person.
The second feature of moral rights is providing individuals with autonomy and
equality in the free pursuit of their interests. This means that people have the right
to choose what activities or interests they are free to pursue or not pursue. Lastly,
the third feature of moral rights is providing a basis for justifying one s actions and
for invoking the protection or aid of others. This is demonstrated by if a person s
moral right is to do something, then he or she has a moral justification for doing it. In
Kennedy Odede s Shining Hope For Communities
Shining Hope for Communities, also known as SHOFCO, has been successful in
combating a variety of issues present in slums through its grassroots foundation and
focus on female empowerment. SHOFCO originated in the Kibera slum of Nairobi,
Kenya, an area with many long standing problems in violence, poverty, and more.
Kiberais the largest urban slumin Kenya, and one of the largest in the entire world. Its
residents live in extreme povertywithout access to basic needs, and diseases such as
HIV/AIDS run rampant and take many lives. Rape is common, and there are very
few schools in Kibera resulting in a lack of education for boys and especially girls.
However, like many other impoverished communities, Kibera and its residents have
the potential to create a better future for themselves. Kennedy Odede, the founder
of SHOFCO, started with merely twenty cents and a soccer ball, but has since
advanced greatly and now has reached tens of thousands of people. Despite
enduring more in the first few years of his life than most privileged people will
experience in a lifetime, Odede believes that everyone has the potential to change
their own lives, which was instrumental in allowing him to rise up from his
unfortunate circumstances. This outlook would later be shared by his future wife,
Jessica Posner, who first crossed paths with SHOFCO in college by studying abroad.
Overall, the organization Shining Hope for Communities aims to inspire hope in
impoverished areas and help these areas
Yamumbi Golf Research Paper
Fourteen year old Sahil Aggarwal led other youngsters to win the Yamumbi golf
tournament that was dominated teenagers at par 71 Eldoret golf course on
Saturday. The Eldoret Farm Machinery sponsored tournament was meant to
console victims of post election violence that followed the announcement of
presidential results of 2007/8 especially those people who live in Yamumbi area in
Eldoret. Handicap 17 golfer sunk five pars, two bogeys, a double bogey and a birdie
in his first nine of three over gross 31. He returned with four bogeys, three pars, a
bogey and a birdie to 33 for a gross 7 under 64. A year ten student at Gulab Lochab
Academy in Eldoret, beat her competitor, the lady captain Esther Chumo who scored
five under 66 before another

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Tartuffe Essay. Commentaire De Texte Tartuffe Acte 1 Scene 4 - Exemple de Texte

  • 1. Tartuffe Essay Crafting an essay on the subject of "Tartuffe" poses a multifaceted challenge that requires a comprehensive understanding of both the play and its underlying themes. To start with, one must delve into the intricacies of MoliГЁre's satirical masterpiece, exploring its characters, plot, and the cultural context in which it was written. This demands a keen analytical eye to decipher the nuances of the characters, especially Tartuffe himself, and the societal critique embedded within the play. Furthermore, a successful essay on "Tartuffe" necessitates a grasp of the historical and cultural backdrop of 17th-century France. MoliГЁre's work is steeped in the societal norms and religious controversies of the time, making it imperative for the writer to contextualize these elements to unravel the deeper layers of the narrative. The complexity of the characters, the satire employed, and the societal critique interwoven in "Tartuffe" demand not only a profound comprehension of the play but also adept literary analysis skills. One must dissect the dialogues, actions, and motivations of the characters to uncover the underlying themes and messages MoliГЁre intended to convey. Additionally, constructing a compelling essay involves formulating a coherent and organized argument, supported by relevant evidence from the play. Addressing themes such as hypocrisy, religious extremism, and societal deception requires careful consideration and articulate expression. In essence, writing a noteworthy essay on "Tartuffe" is an intellectually demanding task that demands a fusion of historical awareness, literary acumen, and analytical prowess. It requires the ability to unravel the layers of satire and critique embedded in MoliГЁre's work while effectively communicating these insights in a well-structured and coherent manner. For those seeking assistance with such essays or similar academic endeavors, a valuable resource is, where expert writers can provide guidance and support in navigating the intricacies of literary analysis and essay composition. Tartuffe EssayTartuffe Essay
  • 2. Analysis of Shutter Island Essay Analysis of Shutter Island Analysis of Shutter Island Kenneth E. Wiley Sr. Core Assessment Paper Abnormal Psychology PS 401 March 3, 2011 Abstract Shutter Island is a film depicting several of the many facets of Abnormal Psychology as defined and studied over the course of this term. Several of the concepts discussed in our lectures and demonstrated during our classroom time were evident and vividly depicted in the film including personality disorders past and present; stress and anxiety disorders; psychosis, and mood disorders. There were others subtly displayed in the film however, these listed were of primary focus and coincidence most closely with our study this term. While focusing more on the abnormal, Shutter Island ... Show more content on ... So, if parents or guardians are spending less time with children, who or what is teaching them right from wrong? Like previous generations today s youth are greatly influenced by what they see and hear. Outside of parents or legal guardians, the big screen, television, music, and peers have the greatest influence over young people today. What is being communicated to our youth falls short on doses of old fashioned morals and values. Analysis on Family Morals in the 21st Century Now, here is where things get a little complicated. Because as free moral agents we each have a right to decide what has value or merit in our lives and our environment could very well determine how our value system is formed. Boston University professor and social scientist Glenn Loury raises some critical issues in his essay Values and Judgments: Creating Social Incentives for Good Behavior. He claims there are underlying factors that lie at the root of behavior. This is particularly true when we examine dysfunctional behavior. Dysfunctional behavior is thought to be more prevalent in impoverished communities. Some debate that a common dysfunctional correlation exists among individuals whether they live in poor, middle, or upper class communities. It appears dysfunctional behavior is not limited to one particular segment of our population. If the ground is fertile
  • 3. Penn Foster Exam 05002200 Essay PLEASE NOTE: WE DO NOT ENDORSE CHEATING AND ENCOURAGE YOU DO GAIN KNOWLEDGE BY OWN WORK. YOU CAN USE THIS ESSAY AS A SAMPLE OR AT LEAST MAKE IT SOUND LIKE YOU. WE RECOMMEND YOU READ IT. 05002200 Organizing, Researching and Illustrating your Material Step 1 Methods: Conduct investigation in the branch through: в—Џ Request initial explanation from the branch manager regarding the issues that the branch is encountering, on the first day of branch visit. Requesting an explanation from the branch head is imperative before communication with anyone else in the company. The branch head is responsible for the overall performance of his branch and as a branch head, he should be held accountable for whatever issues his branch is... Show more content on ... I expect to gather information on how employees evaluate all aspects of the branch s operations, and on how clients evaluate the branch s service performance. в—Џ Conduct interview on some employee executives and employees individually. The purpose of the interview is to confirm the result of the survey. I can gather other PLEASE NOTE: WE DO NOT ENDORSE CHEATING AND ENCOURAGE YOU DO GAIN KNOWLEDGE BY OWN WORK. YOU CAN USE THIS ESSAY AS A SAMPLE OR AT LEAST MAKE IT SOUND LIKE YOU. WE RECOMMEND YOU READ IT. 05002200 Organizing, Researching and Illustrating your Material information that was not raised on the group interview, perhaps because of job security. I expect to get a deeper understanding of the problem and to get opinions of how to resolve them based on individual perspectives. Step 2: Gathering Information Step 2A Employees Are you happy with your employment? I expect to learn how many employees are happy and how many are not, with their job. What are the possible reasons for your employment satisfaction/dissatisfaction? I expect to learn what causes their satisfaction/dissatisfaction. In this question, I trigger employees to share the problems they may be experiencing. 3. In what aspects of its operation, do you think the branch should improve? Please list them and provide your reason/s why. в–Є I expect
  • 4. Factors Affecting the Four Functions of Manangement Factors Affecting the Four Functions of Management. Numerous factors impact the four functions of management. The functions of management include: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Key components include: external, internal, globalization, technology, innovation, diversity, and ethics. A prime external factor would include the current state of the of the United States economy. Consumers may not be purchasing as many Hershey products this year as they did last year, due to staple items such as milk, bread, and eggs being more expensive. During the planning process Hershey s managers are going to have to implement forecasting more than ever. The organizing process involves synchronizing the resources required to attain ... Show more content on ... Production of chocolate, marketing and even their Great American Chocolate Tour ride are excellent examples of technological improvement. Incidentally, the Great American Chocolate tour was originally developed due to tour members increased body heat warming the plant as they walked through. (Pennsylvania: Hershey s Chocolate World is sweet, 2006, p. 1) Hershey has now teamed with AXS Technologies; their parallel processing technology amplifies the speed at which high quality digital images are observed. In a study released by PricewaterhouseCoopers, 44 % of respondents claimed they would purchase more merchandise online if they were able to see the products at close range. (AXS Technologies Announces Sweet Deal with Hershey s. 2001, p. 1) Hershey s is one of the more aggressive companies in terms of scientific development in the market. They have up sized their technical department in the past years because Hershey s is dedicated to technical research. Hershey labs contain research on rheology (the study of the deformation and flow of matter) (The American Heritage, 2006, p. 1), chocolate processing, packaging, pasta, test kitchens, analytical services and newly developed ingredients. This includes the incorporation of high intensity sweeteners, cocoa butter replacements, new carbohydrates, and new flavors. The cocoa plant, which is turned into chocolate, has been around for a centuries. Mr. Hershey started the milk chocolate
  • 5. ICT And Pedagogy ICT has got a great impact on life style of the people at present. The whole world has been connected under one roof as we have the facility of internet. ICT is used in many fields such as education, private sector and government sector and also among young students those who do higher studies. Most of the times in private universities, university colleges and institutes language teachers, practitioners, ELT lecturers, teachers, and students use ICT to get their work done easily. The technology is always on their hands. People use smartphones and they have laptops, tabs. Teachers can prepare their lessons while they travel in the bus. Students can do their homework and they can practice doing repeated exercise via the facility of ICT. Therefore, it is true that we are using the cutting edge technology without any age difference.... Show more content on ... Pedagogy means the methodologies. It has been mixed with art of teaching. So, the lecturers and the language practitioners and the students can make use of pedagogy along with ICT to enhance the language abilities and skills of both teachers and students. Students can be understood and evaluated effectively if the teachers have got strong knowledge on pedagogy and ICT. Therefore, as I believe these two terms play an inseparable role when it comes to the field of teaching a
  • 6. Disciple Of The Local Church DISCIPLE MAKING IN THE LOCAL CHURCH A Written Assignment 3 Cynthia Taylor DSMN 500 B10 September, 2014 SUMMARY According to Early Dempsey, a disciple is a person, while discipleship is a process. A disciple is a passionate follower of Jesus Christ who is intimately involved in the mission of Christ. On the other hand, discipleship is the process of moving the disciple towards spiritual maturity and the mission of Christ. Being a disciple is God s perfect will for every individual life; however, discipleship is God s will for every individual church [1] The Great Commission denotes that disciples must be made. Many worship opportunities have been provided by the church such as fellowship, bible study and church events that will aid in developing the mind set of Christ, being obedient to the commands of Christ, engaging in his commission and being transformed into His image. According to Jesus disciples need to be made and informed. How disciple are made? According to Disciple Shift, pastor and author Jim Putman describes diverse stages of spiritual growth with simplicity. In defining these five spiritual growth stages he informs the reader of their beliefs and how the local church and a Christian community should implement a plan to help individuals to maturity in reaching these stages: spiritually dead, spiritual infants, spiritual children, spiritual young adults, and spiritual parents. Spiritually dead the first stage comprising of sinners, unsaved
  • 7. The Establishment Of The Original Thirteen British Colonies The establishment of the original thirteen British colonies was not the first time that foreigners had reached the present day powerhouse of a country, which is the United States of America. One example of Europeans in North America before the colonists was the French fur traders had frequently traded with the Native Americans. However, when the settlers arrived in the swamp studded marshes of James Town, which was the first colony, they must had been upset, as they were primarily after valuable minerals: gold, silver, as Britain s economic system, at the time, was mercantilism in which the main goal was to increase a nation s wealth by regulating all of the nation s commercial interests. Before the settlers arrived in the New World, French had traded some with the Indians. In A Micmac Indian Replies to the French, the French called the Native Americans home a little hell , a statement that the Micmac Indians didn t find too tasteful the Micmac Indian leader then asked why the French would leave their paradise, and risk their lives to reach a little hell . This reply from the Indian leader shows a few things first, the Indians weren t too impressed with the customs of the French, second the Indians were knowledgeable of how important, as well as costly, their homeland was to the Europeans and what goods it contained. Lucky for the settlers, one of their other interests was in the new world in plenty land. One of the reasons the Europeans needed land so badly was that
  • 8. Theraputic Hypothermia Essay Theraputic Hypothermia Hypothermia, defined as a core body temperature less than 95 В°F(35В°C) occurs when heat loss exceeds the body s heat production. (Ruffolo p.47) Thermal stability in humans depends on the body s ability to adapt to changes in internal and external temperatures. Heat is transferred throughout tissues and fat, and is released at a rate directly related to the temperature of the environment through radiation, conduction, convection, and evaporation. Hypothermia is typically seen as a bad thing; however, various studies have been proving it to be very useful. Traumatic brain injury initiates several metabolic processes that can exacerbate the injury. There is evidence that ... Show more content on ... Taken together, the findings in these trials are important, because in the United States so far, permanent brain damage after cardiopulmonary cerebral resuscitation causes many delayed deaths and is seen in about 10to 30 percent of survivors of out of hospital cardiac arrest. The fact that 2 studies yielded similar results makes the important conclusions even more compelling. The rationale for the use of therapeutic hypothermia is complex. Spontaneous uncontrolled hypothermia start with potential deleterious shivering, thermo genesis , catecholamine release, and vasoconstriction, there as controlled hypothermia is potentially beneficial. Therapeutic hypothermia after cardiac arrest, as used in the 2 stories above, is directed at mitigating neurological injury. Temperature levels are important; mild hypothermia (33В°C to 36В°C)
  • 9. may be most effective, and is simple and safe. Moderate hypothermia (28В°C to 32В°C) can cause arrhythmias or even ventricular fibrillation and if prolonged, can lead to coagulopathy and infection. The timing and duration are important; mild hypothermia should be initiated as soon as possible after resuscitation, but even when delayed for a few hours, mild hypothermia has been shown to have some benefits un animal models of cardiac arrest. Mild hypothermia induced in patients for 12
  • 10. Compare And Contrast Lincoln And Douglass While both Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas (a former Illinois judge) differed on the politics of slavery and understanding of freedom. Lincoln believed the black Americans deserved the same natural rights as the white Americans had at this time as said in the Declaration of Independence. Along with him thinking that he also, believed that slaveryshould be abolished altogether everywhere. On the other hand, Douglas felt that the negros shouldn t have citizenship in any aspect of their live. Along with that the form of government also was only meant for white people. Pretty much Douglas didn t believe that any black deserved anything more than being a slave. Lincoln believes that as a nation they can t go on no longer half
  • 11. Comparing The Hobbit By J. R. Tolkien And His Son Darin Hensley Raymond Atkins English 1101 October 10 2014 J.R.R. Tolkien and His Son Christopher I first read The Hobbit at age six, and I read the book multiple times over the next few years. I began reading The Lord of The Rings at the age of nine. As soon as I finished the last book I would start the first book over again. This went on for years until I discovered The Silmarillion; this book opened up a new world for me. I began to understand Middle Earth as a complete and defined universe. The Silmarillion and many other books were edited and released by J.R.R. Tolkien s son, Christopher, after his father s death. This relationship between father and son has enriched The Tolkien Legendarium into what it... Show more content on ... He went to many of the same schools as his father, including Oxford, where he received his degree in English. Christopher even fought in a war like his father. Though he did not see much action, he was away from home for many years. While Christopher was away, he and his father exchanged hundreds of letters, providing great insight into how they shared in the scripting of Middle Earth. In a letter from July 28, 1944, Tolkien told his son, As to Sam Gamgee I quite agree with what you say, and would not think of changing his name without consulting you (Carpenter and Tolkien 88). In a letter from September 25 1944 Tolkien wrote, I am pleased that the chapters meet with your approval. As soon as I get them back; [sic] I will send the next lot (Carpenter and Tolkien 92). From a letter written November 29 1944, Here is a small consignment of The Ring ... Lewis was moved almost to tears by the last chapter [Lewis is J.R.R. Tolkien s friend C.S. Lewis]. I chiefly want to hear what you think, as for a long time now I write with you in mind (Carpenter and Tolkien 103). Throughout the creation of all the published novels, Christopher was the principal audience for his father s work. Christopher performed the final typing and proof reading of The Lord of The Rings before it went to the publisher, and he drew all the maps found in the
  • 12. The Myth Of The Mullet Species The Mullet Species The mullet is no longer just a hair cut, it has spawned into a species that fits in the lower hierarchy of society. A mullet, by definition, is actually Any of various stout bodied, edible fishes of the family Mugilidae, found worldwide in tropical and temperate coastal waters and some freshwater streams. What kind of lifestyles do the mullets live and what kind of stereotype do they develop from it? There s more to a mullet than just a definition. The traditional hair style of nobility and learned men, comprising of the short front, long back configuration. One common myth is that the Mullet hair style gets its name from the like named breed of fish. Legend has it the fishmongers of ... Show more content on ... We openly engage in this elitist pursuit because we d like to think that our obsession with the Mullet is a salute to the most entertaining manifestations of the everyday world, i.e., a harmless conversion of other people s mundane human appearances into our own entertainment. How quot;Free quot; can the quot;free word quot; be when the so called Leader of the Free World, Bill Clinton himself, used to have something dangerously close to a Mullet (while his kid brother Roger to this day maintains a full blown bi level perm)? In comparison to the true definition, an interview process was required. When asked, What is the similarity? most replied based on the intelligence of the two creatures that being very dumb . In fish and human hierarchies, they both rank pretty low as well. Black people have Mullets, too. In fact, some of our best friends are black people, with Mullets. The one Ice T had in that movie with Judd Nelson was particularly fierce, as was the literally cartoonish cut that Bishop from the X Men comic book used to have. Of course there s always the rare but deadly Dreadlocked Mullet, a look last seen on the now defunct wet suit wearing combo Living Colour, and most likely the reason Lee Perry once
  • 13. The Glass Ceiling And Gender Analysis The Glass Ceiling is the title given to an invisible barrier that is meant to limit women from succeeding in top level jobs. They only judge based on their gender and do not take into account women s education, experience, or job related skills. Some argue that the only people who have put a limit to how far women can succeed in their career, are women themselves, but the Glass Ceilingand genderdiscrimination in the workforce does exist and is a major problem that needs to be addressed. Topics such as equal pay, discrimination, harassment, and misconceptions all play a part in the limiting barrier placed over women in the working world. It not only puts a limit on what women can achieve in their future profession, but also affects their... Show more content on ... Even so, the percentage of women who decided to join the work force increased from 43 60%. In fact because of the Great Recession in 2008 2009 impacted the male dominated industries the most, but it helped the acceleration towards gender equality (Conley, Dalton, 2013). Now there are approximately the same amount of women and men working in the labor force. Actually for a brief time, women even exceeded men due to this economic crisis. Even though the US passed title VII of the 1964 civil rights act, which declared it unlawful for employers to discriminate on the basis of a person s race, nationality, creed, or sex , women faced harder predicaments that they had to push through. Women have to deal with hard situations like harassment, a legal form of discrimination , with things like dirty jokes, and sexual haggle, where they are threatened to provide sexual favors or in turn would receive punishment (Conley, Dalton, 2013). Even nearly 40 years after the Equal Pay Act (1963) was passed, discrepancy between women and men flourish in the working world. There was a study performed by the general accounting office in 2003 which found that women earned 79.7% of what men were earning. As such, if we were to compare this finding to the findings in 1983 when women earned 80.3% we can clearly see that this wage gap is in no way diminishing (Alkadry, M.G., Tower, L.E., 1). There have been attempts to rectify and fight the unequal pay based on gender inequality through legislation, regulation, and litigation (Alkadry, M.G., Tower, L.E., 1). The Equal Pay Act was based off of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the process of rectification depends greatly on trying to enforce these two lawsuits. Unfortunately despite many years of equal
  • 14. Physical Inactivity Refers To Having A Sedentary Lifestyle Physical inactivity refers to having a sedentary lifestyle which is characterized by sitting and changing postures without involving any bodily movement of any kind for above 8 10 hours per day. Scientifically, it means having an overall energy expenditure ≤ 1.5 metabolic equivalents based on the measurement scale of energy expenditure continuum. Common sedentary behaviors are sitting in the office for hours, computer use, and watching TV. Using a car to run errands instead of walking is considered a sedentary behaviorand playing video games for hours. (Sedentary, Get Britain Standing). A sedentary lifestyle does not necessarily refer to laziness or lack of responsibility, it means having no form of any physical activity as... Show more content on ... The survey indicates that more women are susceptible to developing a sedentary lifestyle, especially in an office setting in comparison to men. Moreover, many research and studies have identified the strong ties between physical inactivity and poor health status. Physical inactivity is responsible for approximately 3.2 million people about 6% of deaths globally and it remains the fourth leading cause of death worldwide. Not following the recommended exercise guidelines can contribute to developing breast and colon cancer by 21 25% (WHO). The top diseases linked to physical inactivity are obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, depression, osteoporosis, back/neck pain, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular diseases (Get Britain A substantial number of factors can contribute greatly to the increased risk physical inactivity such as one s attitude towards the behavior and the environment, or the social norms. The CDC shows, only 20.9% of adults 18 and above meet the physical activity guidelines for both aerobic and muscle strengthening activity (CDC 2017). However, other related behaviors can correspondingly contribute to risk factors of physical inactivity. For example, tobacco smoking combined with a poor diet and stress can be the impeccable formula to a slow death. Furthermore, the National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability
  • 15. Semester 01 2015 Workbook 3112IBA Management Strategy and Decision Making Workbook This workbook includes: п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· Course Running Sheet Overview of Course Assessment Overview of Seminar Activities Exam Preparation and Revision Suggestions Mr Salvador Macagno March, 2015 (Semester 1 2015) Dear Students, Welcome to Management Strategy and Decision Making (3112IBA) for Semester 1, 2015. This course brings together themes from across your undergraduate degree to facilitate an integrated perspective on why some organisations succeed, while others fail. Strategic management has a rich intellectual and practical history. This course seeks to introduce many of the important themes in this area to you. In designing the course, we have kept a strong focus on the use ... Show more content on ... Chapter 1 L2 Creating value Chapter 2 L3 The external environment Chapter 3 L4 Organisational resources and capabilities Chapter 4 L5 Measuring strategic organisational performance
  • 16. Chapter 5 No classes No seminar Case 1 Robin Hood available on the course website Case 2 Coursera MOOC Begins on page 451 of Hubbard, Rice Galvin 2014 Study for exam No Lectures due to Mid semester Exam Case 3 Taylor Wines Begins on page 467 of Hubbard, Rick Galvin 2014 L6 Strategic decision making Chapter 6 L7 Strategic decision making Chapter 7 L8 Dynamic competitive strategy Chapter 8 L9 Corporate/ multi business strategy Chapter 9 L10 Acquisitions and Alliances Chapter 10 L11 International strategy TBC Chapter 11 L12 Course Review Seminars Case 4 Berry Street Begins on page 485 of Hubbard, Rice Galvin 2014
  • 17. Poster Presentations Group Oral Presentation Case 5 Renault Nissan Alliance Begins on page 543 of Hubbard, Rice Galvin 2014 Page 4 Who Do I Call? Head tutor (Nathan and Gold Coast) Janelle Prendergast, Your Tutor Your tutor is a good first point of contact for any questions relating to the course. The seminar team this semester is: Janelle Prendergast: Gold Coast Amjid Abdul ala : Gold Coast Nathan a.abdul Ryan Gould: Gold Coast
  • 18. Contract Cancellation Due to Breach of Contract Contract Cancellation due to a Breach of Contract Submitted by Victoria Wyatt Prepared for Dr. Maverick Acquisition Law Spring 07 18 May 2007 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORSHIP: I certify that I am the author. I have cited all sources from which I used data, ideas, or words, either quoted directly or paraphrased. I also certify that this paper was prepared by me specifically for this course. ______________________________________________ SignatureDate Overview There are many ways to terminate the obligations of a contract. Most often, parties conclude their contract obligations by performing them. However, sometimes problems arise and parties cannot or will not complete their obligations under ... Show more content on ... Breach of ContractA breach of contract is a legal concept in which a binding agreement or bargained for exchange is not honored by one or more of the parties to the contract, (Breach, 2007). A breach of contract can occur when one party does not perform as he or she promised; when one party does something that makes it impossible for the other party to perform the duties under the contract; or when one party makes it clear that he or she does not intend to perform the contract duties, (Bennett, 2007).For example, if Company B terminated its agreement with Company A in order to make a larger profit, that would be a breach of contract. It would also be a breach of contract if Company B fulfilled Company C s order first and was late meeting the terms of its contract with Company A. Another example of a breach of contract would be if Company A was supposed to make a deposit and Company B was planning to use the deposit to purchase the computer equipment, and the check bounced. In that situation, Company A s breach would make it impossible for Company B to perform its contract obligations. As stated previously, if one party fails to act as promised, and the other
  • 19. The Logical Problem Of Evil Essay In this paper I will discuss the logical problem of evil and how it seems to reject the existence of God as an omni 3 being. I will first layout the logical problem of evil, and then I will explain why it succeeds in disproving the existence of God. I do this through pointing out the contradictions between the definition of Godas an omni 3 being and the problem of redeemed and unredeemed evil. As well as by proving that admittance of evil in any way when in reference to the choices of God invalidates the omni 3 definition of God. I will address claims from those who believe in God about justification of evil as well as the concept and depth of human understanding. The logical problem of evil is almost as old as the concept of an omni 3 being as the one true God. God in this context being a mix of the Judeo Christian belief that God is the Greatest Conceivable Being (GCB). Being the GCB implies 3 things: God is all good (Omnibenevolent), all knowing (Omniscient), and all powerful (Omnipotent), this is commonly referred to as omni 3. This argument boils down to a simple three part argument structure: 1. If God, as an omni 3 being, exists then evil can not exist at all. 2. Evil clearly exists. 3. As a result, God as omni 3 can not exist. This is a very simple argument; premise, interference, implied contradiction, and a conclusion. It is simply through an application of modus ponens that, some believe, we are able to disprove the existence of God as an Omni 3 being.
  • 20. Why I Want To Be A Midwife When I was in high school, I always had a bigger picture for myself that I wanted to be a Nurse Midwife because I loved kids so much. But when it the time of my freshman year in college I realized that I wanted to fulfill my purpose I have a voice and I needed to show off my real talents in what I am more interested in and can enjoy my everyday life with the career that fitted me way more. Fashion came along and I just knew that after watching so many tv shows and designers that I just love so much I knew within my first part of my freshman year in collegethat would be the career I would love to strive for. I have worked on many projects not only just with clothing but showing off my leadership skills by telling a story that others lives
  • 21. Rickets Essay In the mid sixteenth century Rickets, a bone deforming disease was first described by F. Glisson in children who started to migrate to city centers due to industrial revolution1. The implication of exposure to the sunlight in the prevention and cure of this disease was first recognized by Sniadecki in 1822 2. Later these observations were extended by Palm in 1890 who concluded that rickets in children was due to the lack of sun exposure and promoted the systemic use of sun baths to prevent rickets3. Although cod liver oil has been used medicinally for a long time, D scheutte in 1824 was the first to recommend it for the treatment of rickets4. In 1906 Hopkins postulated the presence of essential dietary factors necessary for the cure of diseases such as scurvy or rickets5. The concept that... Show more content on ... He proposed that exposure to UV radiation was effective against all forms of rickets in children. The most surprising observation was made by three different laboratories in 1924 where Goldblatt and Soames, Hess and Weinstock exposed variety of food, such as wheat, lettuce, olive, linseed oil and other substances like human and rat plasma to ultraviolet radiation. Both groups found that the ultraviolet radiation imparted antirachitic activity of the substances9 11. Working with the animal experiment, Steenbock and Black in 1916 found a strong connection between sunlight and calcium retention in goats12. With this background, Steenbock began to irradiate rats, their food and the air in their cages with UV light13. He concluded that an inactive lipid in the diet and skin could be converted by UV light into an active antirachitic substance and patented this process. He recommended that irradiation of milk might be an excellent method to provide vitamin D to children and to prevent
  • 22. Van Der Poll s Do Hit Chair In relation to the above question, I have selected Van Der Poll s Do Hit Chair (2000 present) as a contemporary work that manifests rebellion in the contemporary landscape. Physically and visually, I am deprived of any realistic or actual representation of the artwork, as I can only analyse the 2D, virtual image I have found on the internet. However, Do Hit Chair heavily involves internet engagement, and this is the exact experience the audience has themselves when purchasing the work. Thus, I have chosen to analyse the web page on which Do Hit Chair is advertised. Demonstrated in the Description part on the web page, the consumer becomes the co designer by creating their own, edited version of the art work. This is further typified by the online sharing options at the top right hand corner of the designers web page. The internet is significant to the artworks interpretation, as the consumer/audience s usage of the internet allows them to purchase the piece and enable them to publicise and even resell their own creations. Accordingly, the artwork (or piece of furniture) becomes a cycle of consumerism. The work ideally functions as a chair, which is presumed by the title, however the artist is able to change/alter the object into whatever they please. The spatial dimensions (100 x 70 x 75 cm) also indicate the objects purpose as the size is generally similar to the standard sized chair dimensions.... Show more content on ... It satirically comments on consumerism and its relation to art , as the consumer is paying 79300 euros to physically create the object themselves. This is influenced by the the do it yourself crafts style products as the consumer becomes the co designer by recreating the
  • 23. Essay on A Peaceful Approach to Equality At the conclusion of the nineteenth century, an era referred to as the redemption period, the white population organized many revolts and riots against the black population (White, Bay, and Martin 2012, 398). These acts, for example, banned the black population from voting, forbid them from becoming educated, and threatened their safety and well being (White, Bay, and Martin 2012). These racially driven uprisings, which where coordinated by the white population, continued into the twentieth century. However, following the First World War, the black American possessed a keener and more sharply defined consciousness, not only of his duties as a citizen, but of his rights and privileges as a citizen of the United States (Scott 1919). ... Show more content on ... In 1919, there were 76 reported lynchings, a rise from the 60 reported in 1918 and the 36 reported in 1917 (White, Bay, and Martin 2012, 502). The racial violence reached its pinnacle (and became a national crisis) in the summer of 1919, which became known as the Red Summer (White, Bay, and Martin 2012, 502). During this period, the Ku Klux Klan s anti black, violent, racial riots materialized in twenty five places and took the lives of countless black Americans (White, Bay, and Martin 2012, 502). In addition to the violence perpetrated by the Ku Klux Klan, in 1917 the striking white workers of the Aluminum Ore Company in East St. Louis brutally attacked the black workers, who had filled their positions during the strike, for acting as strike breakers and taking the privilege of work away from the white laborers (White, Bay, and Martin 2012, Du Bois and Gruening 1917). During the massacre, the whites mobs were shooting through homes and setting fire to them and dragging blacks out of cars and beating them into insensibility or death (Du Bois and Gruening 1917). While this abhorrent atrocity was occurring, the white policemen and soldiers did not interfere or offer any assistance to the blacks (and in some instances even participated in the killings and destruction) the black population was left to try to protect themselves (Du Bois and Gruening 1917). Once the
  • 24. The Pros And Cons Of The New Deal The New Deal allowed the government to create new programs that either provided relief or recovery, or were a reform for the problems during that time. In the time of an economic crisis, the government should get involved and provide a safety net for Americans. Government involvement is necessary to work towards a resolution, but too much involvement will put too much power in the Government s hands, which could lead to a government type we do not want in America. During economic busts, the government should use the programs that are currently in place to provide a safety net and support Americans. However, during economic booms Americans should provide for themselves and not be reliant on the government to provide for them. One of the reforms created through the New Deal that still exists today is Social Security. Social Security was established through the Social Security Act of 1935 by Franklin D. Roosevelt. It established a national pension fund, a public assistance program for dependent mothers and disabled people, an unemployment insurance system, as well as benefits for victims of industrial accidents (Social Security Act of 1935). Social Security is very beneficial regarding its ability to help those who need it, but it is also the largest federal program today, resulting in huge expenses. CNS News published an article regarding the spending of the Social Security Administration, and stated in the article is, The Social Security Administration spent a total
  • 25. Critical Understanding Of Turbofan Engines 1.0 INTRODUCTION Turbofan engines are the family of jet engines being majorly employed on commercial aircrafts these days. There are several reasons for this. This project aims at critical understanding of Turbofan by adopting research methodology which also includes learning its limitations and suggesting new ways to overcome the same. As the name suggests, turbo refers to a gas turbine engine and the term fan refers to a ducted fan at the start of the engine in order to increase the flow of the incoming air. Turbofan combines the high efficiency of the propeller engines as well as the power obtained from jet engines. A typical turbofan engine generally contains the fan, compressor (low and high pressure), combustion chamber, turbine ... Show more content on ... Essentially a turbofan engine is a turbojet with a fan at the front of the engine. This fan has not only made the engine quieter but also more efficient. With increasing fuel rates and demand for sustainable development ideas, turbofan has gained even more popularity due to its low fuel consumption. Unlike any other air breathing engine, it gives a high thrust with low fuel consumption. This implies that its specific impulse which is the thrust to fuel consumption ratio is high. The by pass air is the factor for all these achievements of turbofan. The major thrust production is done by by pass air and the residual by the core. This project will address the Trent 900 and its variants in depth with respect to the technology and how a theoretical turbofan engine is applied practically and commercially. 2.0 ROLLS ROYCE TRENT 900 The British firm Rolls Royce gave birth to one of its most successful series of engines namely, TRENT series. This series of high by pass ratio engines have three spools and is in use on several Boeing and Airbus aircrafts. The TRENT 900 powered its first flight of the Airbus A380 in May 2004. It is an offspring of the Rolls Royce RB211. For the A380 it typically comes in two thrust ratings, 70,000 pounds or 310 KN and 72,000 pounds or 320 KN. But it can achieve a thrust of 350KN. The variants of this Trent family member are 970B 84, 972B 84, 997B 84 and 980 84. Fig 1.2 OFFICIAL POSTER OF TRENT
  • 26. The Negative Influences Of Procrastination Negative Influences of Procrastination We ve all had a paper due on a Wednesday that we had known about for the past two weeks, but for some unknown and involuntary reason, we choose to save it for a Tuesday evening, which turns into a Wednesday morning as we frantically work to finish an assignment we probably could have finished in class over a couple of days. We may have been preoccupied those couple of weeks, with a job, or sports; maybe even putting together a fundraiser of some sort. Or maybe, we haven t been busy at all, and have chosen to go home after class and eat rice cakes and watch Netflix all afternoon, into the evening, and continuously tell ourselves I ll get it done tomorrow. Many of us have a habit of making nearly every important task, (whether it be homework, paying a bill, making a phone call, or even booking a trip) an oh, I ll do that tomorrow type of job. What most of us realize, but choose to ignore, is that continuously putting of these duties of ours will not only have negative consequences on the result of the job that needs to be done, but on our mental physical and mental health as well. People may have excuses for leaving things to the last minute, but the hard truth that they need to accept is that they are a habitual procrastinator. It is imperative that we understand that procrastinationwill (eventually, if not immediately) have effects on our lives, from downward spirals in our happiness and personal satisfaction, to destroying our
  • 27. Egyptian Revolution of 1919 The Egyptian Revolution of 1919 was a countrywide non violent revolution against the British occupation of Egypt. It was carried out by Egyptians from different walks of life in the wake of the British ordered exile of revolutionary leader Saad Zaghlul and other members of the Wafd Party in 1919. The event led to Egyptian independence in 1922 and the implementation of a new constitution in 1923 The event is considered to be one of the earliest successful implementations of non violent civil disobedience in the world and has been followed immediately by similar actions in the Indian independence movement led by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. The 1919 revolution in Egypt consisted of months of civil disobedience against the British ... Show more content on ... This was the result of Egypt s increasing involvement in the war, despite Britain s promise to shoulder the entire burden of the war. During the war, the British poured masses of foreign troops into Egypt, conscripted over one and a half million Egyptians into the Labour Corps, and requisitioned buildings, crops, and animals for the use of the army.[2] In addition, because of allied promises during the war (such as President Wilson s Fourteen Points), Egyptian political classes prepared for self government. By war s end the Egyptian people demanded their independence.[3] Events Shortly after the First World War armistice of November 11 was concluded in Europe, a delegation of Egyptian nationalist activists led by Saad Zaghlul made a request to High Commissioner Reginald Wingate to end the British Protectorate in Egypt and Sudan, and gain Egyptian representation at the next peace conference in Paris. The delegation also included Ali Sha rawi Pasha, Abd al Aziz Fahmi Bay, Muhammad Ali Bay, Abd al Latif al Makabati Bay, Muhammad Mahmud Pasha, Sinut Hanna Bay, Hamd Pasha al Basil, Gurg Khayyat Bay, Mahmud Abu al Nasr Bay, Mustafa al Nahhas Bay and Dr. Hafiz Afifi Bay.[4] Meanwhile, a mass movement for the full independence of Egypt and Sudan was being organized at a grassroots level, using the tactics of civil disobedience. By then, Zaghlul and the Wafd Party enjoyed massive support among the Egyptian people.[5] Wafdist
  • 28. Descriptive Essay On The Picasso 15th September 2017, Writing Project 1 The Picasso It was my first day in the United States of America, travelling all the way from Nepal to witness this amazing city. I was mesmerized by the skyline and obviously the food. I was carving for my native Nepali food and to my amazement, there are many restaurants of nearly all the cuisines. Chicago is a city with over 2.7 million residents (Wikipedia, City of Chicago), living in the biting cold weather still happy and trying to cope up with the hustle and bustle of the big city. It has nearly all the ethnic cultures within the neighborhood, if one wants to experience any of these ethnic cultures they simply need to pay a visit to these neighborhoods. Now, talking about the skyline the architecture is amazing, done with perfection and will leave you awe struck. It masters in all the international styles and the maintenance of these buildings are the top priority for the Chicagoans. I didn t find a single building in a bad condition and not only the buildings look good they are very safe too. All the buildings have well maintained facilities in case of an emergency. I took a short nap in the hotel and then left for a city tour, which was offered by the Chicago trolley. There I saw a huge dark metal structure which was challenging you to interpret it. I got down and started admiring the structure and was trying to understand the artist s purpose. I noticed it was called The Picasso , it left me in a deep thought on what is the
  • 29. Functional Health Pattern Community Assessment Functional Health Patterns Community Assessment Guide Functional Health Pattern (FHP) Template Directions: This FHP template is to be used for organizing community assessment data in preparation for completion of your collaborative learning community (CLC) assignment. Address every bulleted statement in each section with data or rationale for deferral. You may also add additional bullet points if applicable to your community. Value/Belief Pattern Predominant ethnic and cultural groups along with beliefs related to health. Predominant spiritual beliefs in the community that may influence health. Availability of spiritual resources within or near the community (churches/chapels, synagogues, chaplains, Bible studies, ... Show more content on ... Immunization rates (age appropriate). Appropriate death rates and causes, if applicable. Prevention programs (dental, fire, fitness, safety, etc.): Does the community think these are sufficient? Available health professionals, health resources within the community, and usage. Common referrals to outside agencies. QUESTIONS 1.Are there health problems within your community that you know of I don t get involve in health situations of members except those who tell me and ask for prayers, I will say high blood pressure amongst the older adults 2.Are children and adult in your community adequately immunized and how do you ensure this. Members are asked about the immunization status of their children when they are registered for children s church because they will be with other children. So far we have not had any issues 3.How many deaths have you had within last 2years and what are the causes In the last 2 years we had 2 deaths of adults less than 40 years old due to cancer 4.Does your community participate in disease prevention programs like fitness, dental care, fire drills. Once a year we organize a 5K run/walk that includes church members and Roswell community. Participants get 2week free gym membership from one of our sponsors. We also do a biggest looser men and women yearly and award prizes for winners
  • 30. 5.Do you have health care providers in your
  • 31. Does Equality Still Exist Today Today we live in a world where achieving equality seems to be a highly debated topic regardless of where you go. Since our country was founded we have progressed in the sense that we have established laws that prohibit us from viewing women as inferior to men in the workplace and thus forcing us to give the same opportunities to both men and women alike. So then we are left with the question; why does this inequality still exist today? It can be best explained as there are still individuals within our society than believe certain genderroles foster a better society. UtahRepublican and former vice chair of the Wasatch Republican Party, James Green, made it very clear that he believes that the inequality within the workplace should remain.... Show more content on ... Our textbook also discusses the theory of Male Hegemony which describes the way in which men take power over women in society. It goes on to describe the way in which many males will feel insecure if placed subordinate to a women and thus constantly strive to regain power. With this is also explained that often times women who fall victim to this mentality often begin to believe it. When women do so they may even avoid success in their life as to not surpass the male dominance that has been established. (Kornblum, W. Julian, J., Smith, C. D.
  • 32. Level 3 Torque Converter During the 4 month semester for Level 3 Drivetrains we reviewed in detail the operations for Torque converters, Planetary gears, Inputs and Outputs for Allison World Transmissions, and Power flow for Allison 1000/2000 series transmissions. In this essay, I will be revising and explaining how these systems work and what operations they serve. Torqueconverters act as the main torque multiplier in any automatic transmission, starting from the engine, going through the torque converter, then into the transmission. There are three main parts to the torque converter. The impeller, which is driven by the engine crank shaft or the flywheel. The stator, which is a freewheeling rotating member that also includes a one way clutch. The turbine is a ... Show more content on ... These three paths all start from the rotating clutch module attached to the input shaft. There are five rotating clutches known as C 1, C 2, C 3, C 4, and C 5. There are also three planetary gear sets known as P 1, P 2, and P 3. All power flows have a few requirements. They must have an input through either C 1 or C 2, and they have to output through the P 3 carrier because it is splined directly to the output shaft of the transmission. The way these gears are put together forms the world transmission. The P 1 sun gear is directly bolted to the driving member attached to a rotating clutch. The P 1 carrier is splined to the P 2 ring gear, also being controlled by the C 4 clutch. C 3 is splined to the P 1 ring gear. The P 1 gear set is driven through an input from the P 1 sun gear. P 2 ring gear is attached directly to the P 1 carrier and the C 4 rotating clutch. P 2 sun gear rides on main shaft through a set of splines, as well as being in contact with the C 5 clutch. P 2 can be inputted through 2 means, the C 2 clutch driving the P 2 carrier or through the sun gear on the main shaft. The P 3 ring gear is splined to the p2 carrier. C 5 clutch and the P 3 ring gear is meshed together and the P 3 sun gear is again, splined to the main shaft. In order for the Alison transmission to function, there needs to be a series of clutches being applied to achieve the selected or desired gear to
  • 33. The Standards Of Aesthetic Judgment Essay STANDARDS OF AESTHETIC JUDGMENT ESSAY My standards of aesthetic judgment have dramatically shifted from undergrad to present; and I am quite sure they may shift again as I grow older. I begin here due to the fact that in undergrad; I was fixated on presentation and visuals of a piece of art rather than the content/concept. I wanted all work to be technically sound, meaning; craftsmanship was my driving force in the beginning and I would dismiss any work that wasn t. As I have grown, in years, wisdom and hopefully as an artist as well; I hope to have a bit more understanding when it comes to the variety, talent and passion for art and the artist. This allows me to be more understanding and opens up a better path to reflect on: 1.Where does the art come from? 2. Why is the art made? 3. Is it successful? Where does the art come from is a huge question that I ask myself when evaluating a piece of art. I have been fortunate to judge Vase (a visual art competition that ranges elementary to high school level) and with each piece I must take it in as a new individual piece of art. On the same note, I have been fortunate enough to help with UIL OAP contest and rated productions with other critics on the criteria we/I thought to be of value. So the where does it come, pertains to the level of experience and knowledge of that medium: novice, intermediate, advanced, professional. Why is the art made, I believe is the hardest for all to understand when evaluating a piece of art.
  • 34. Elizabeth Margaret Marberry s Dandelion Wine Although Elizabeth Margaret Marberry never explicitly provides a personal critique for Ray Bradbury s Dandelion Wine, the reader can infer some of her opinions about the book in her descriptions of the story, themes and meaning, and context. Marberry, for instances, writes the book is structured through the thematic interrelation of a series of vignettes taking place over the course of the summer of 1928 in the small, idealized Midwestern town of Green Town, Illinois (Marberry 295) expressing her believe that Dandelion Wine varies from the traditional narrative. When she stated the idealized Midwestern town, she implied that a town with the characters of Green Town simply does not exist. At the end of her summary of the story, Marberry declares that at the end of the story, Douglas has completed his journey (Marberry 296) suggesting he learned all he could learn that summer and would no longer go on adventures. Elizabeth Margaret Marberry concludes her critique by stating, it is a mixture of idealization ad realistic portrayal of the coming of age that makes these works so appealing to young and old readers alike (Marberry 297; Marberry 295 297).... Show more content on ... Never really thinking about what it feels like to be alive, Douglas led to me to question why? Why do people exist? Why does every situation hold both a positive and negative affect? Why does my family not have as many traditions as the Spauldings? How come I never realized that I feel different, more alive, in the summer than the winter? Why? Through Douglas, Bradbury encourages the readers of Dandelion Wine to reflect upon their lives and figure out the answers for themselves. I appreciate an author who, instead of simply telling a story, forces his readers to think and reflect on his or her own life. I rate Dandelion Wine an eight out of ten and desire to read numerous other books by Ray Bradbury and other similar
  • 35. Language Shaped the Reality of Our World Introduction Throughout the decades, language has become a major interest as a field of studies as it shaped our reality of the world. This interest has led into a new development in theories and creating new methods as a way in studying and learning about language uses and its roles in human society. From all of this, the theory and ways of linear grammar have been created and developed. Linear Unit Grammar, to be defined, is a way to conquer the limitations of previous hierarchical structures of describing utterances. With Linear Unit Grammar, utterances are taken in small portion called chunks, according to their purposes in the utterances. Linear Unit Grammar develops though time thanks to three prominent theorists that have contributed much in this field of studies. First of the bat is Francis, Hunstan and Manning (1999), in their research of Pattern Grammar, as a part of Collins Birmingham University International Database Language. In this model, utterances are taken in a pattern to describe their syntactic environment, wordby word. This are derived from the study on lexical occurrences in authentic linguistic corpora. According to their studies, each individual word has their own set of patterns assigned to it, which describe the context in which they are typically used. Not just that, every word can also have more than one pattern, according to their word senses. The next theorist in the list is a British linguist, Micheal Hoey, and his theory of Lexical
  • 36. Okies During The Great Depression The Okies were people that had lost everything in the great depression usually they were farmers, business owners and people the did manual labor. They usually hopped from camp to camp looking for work on farms and anywhere they were hiring. They would have to move a lot because of the police and normal civilians didn t like the Okies being in there town. The civilians and the police would do whatever they could to arrest the Okies or get them to leave like setting the camps on fire starting riots The African Americans during the great depression and all throughout the pas have been thrown under the bus there whole lives some may have been Okies and some may have had stable jobs that didn t crumble in the great depression.
  • 37. Jell-O In Utah Did you know that Jell O is Utah s national snack? It was sold at the 2002 Winter Olympic Games in Salt Lake City and they had an official Jell O pin. There are many other common food items in Utah which are fry sauce, funeral potatoes, and honey. Fry sauce is second to Jell O with so many people liking it. The governor of Utah is Gary Herbert. He is the 17th governor and a member of the Republican Party. He has served as governor since 2009. The state of Utah use to be a territory. This happened because when the Mexican war ended and the Americans won the Mexicans had to give up the American west (including Utah) to the Americans. They had Brigham Young as their governor. From the beginning they wanted a state that would include Utah, most of Nevada and Arizona, and parts of southern ... Show more content on ... The capitol Building is the house of government for the state of Utah. It houses the chambers and offices of the Utah State Legislature, the offices of the governor, and the Lieutenant Governor. The Clift Building use to be a hotel in the late 19th century. Now it is a structure to look at or admire. The next is country is West Valley. West Valley has a population of 133,579 people. West Valley City is a quiet a new city with very little history. Sports, zoos, and lots of art and music are very big attractions there like lodestone park or Hale Centre Theater. These two are my historical registers. Lodestone park has a mining and wood theme to it. The park includes a zip line, underground slide, giant tire, a basketball court, and more. Hale Centre Theater is a place of acting, dancing, and giving a show. It is a theater for plays, such as their newest one Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. My next city is Provo with a population of 116,288 people. Provo was a man that came and made a trading post on the shores of Utah lake. The people named the river and the city Provo after his name. It was the second Mormon city besides Salt Lake
  • 38. Holden Caulfield Adolescence Essay My patient, Holden Caulfield, is a very different teenager. After our first session together, I could tell he wasn t your typical teen. He seems to not enjoy the things other teenagers enjoy. To me, it seems like he keeps to himself a lot. In our first session, Holden told me about how he had gotten kicked out of his boarding school, Pencey Prep. He hadn t told his parents or even tried to contact them when he went he left Pencey and gone to New York. He also explained to me about the death of his younger brother, Allie. Holden explained that he was very hurt and a mess after his brother died. Another topic that was discussed in our first session was girls. Holden told me about this girl Jane, who was very important to him. They had spent a... Show more content on ... Holden told me to how he reacted after the death, I slept in the garage the night he died, and I broke all the goddamn windows with my fist, just for the hell of it. (pg. 21 pdf) He was 13 when this death occurred and he mentioned that his parents were going to get him psychoanalyzed because of what he did. After breaking all the windows in the garage, he tried to break the windows on the station wagon with his already broken hand. This shows how sad and down he got about his brother Allie dying. Everything in life was going well for Holden, family wise, and then a death happened to someone who Holden enjoyed a lot. Another girl Holden talked about in our session is Sally Hayes. The night before Holden makes a date with Sally, he has a prostitute named Sally come to his room. He just left Pencey, so to me, this is his way of letting out some sadness and anger. Holden says he didn t do anything with her because he wasn t in the mood anymore. This shows that some depression is coming into his activity level. Holden told me about what him and Sally did on their date. They first went to a show called The Lunts. During the show, Holden said Sally saw a boy she knew named George and he went to Andover. I sort of hated ofl Sally by the time we got in the cab, after listening to that phony Andover Bastard for about ten hours. (pg. 69 pdf) Holden told me. He went on to say that they went ice skating at Radio City. After ice skating, Holden explains how he wanted to run away with Sally. She kept saying no because they were still children. He told me that he told her You give me a royal pain in the ass, if you want to know the truth. (pg. 72 pdf) At this point, both of them hated each other. Holden said he apologized over and over to her but he ended up just leaving her at the rink. This shows how he can t keep their relationship in a good place and his mood changed out
  • 39. Plantar Fasciitis Case DOI: 11/25/2014. Patient is a 47 year old male laborer who sustained injury to his left side of body, back, shoulder, and ankle while he was walking/smoothing tar when he was hit by double bottom truck while working at job site. Per OMNI, he sustained strain to lower back, left shoulder, and left ankle. Based on the progress report dated 01/13/16, the patient presents for reevaluation of painful plantar fasciitis of the left foot. The patient states that the pain is approximately 7/10 when it is cold outside. He states it hurts on the bottom of the foot and goes back to the Achilles tendon. The patient states that he has just finished his physical therapy, which helped slightly, but still having considerable pain. On examination, he has pain
  • 40. Victory And Death In Beowulf Victory Or Death Hope Coleman They waited till night came, with them all having their drink full, but the mighty Beowulf is the one that stays up and waits for the evil Grendel to show up. The sun finally snuck behind the mountains of Denmark and then the monster came out to play. He looks around at all of the soldiers that came with him from their homeland. He was the greatest of them all though, he would fight that beast with just his hands, for using a weapon he believes showed weakness. Victory, not sympathy for the Danes, is the reason Beowulf, brought his warriors so far from their home to face danger. In his mind, there is one way for a man to defy himself: to prove his skill and daring in battle. The desire to prove ... Show more content on ... They go at the monster, but their blades don t even touch his thick, scaly skin. Locked together by Beowulf s mighty grip, the monster and him slam into the walls and overturn the tables. Now the monster only wants to escape, but Beowulf holds him tight. The monster twists and turns screaming so loud that the soldiers cover their ears. At last, the bleeding sinews deep in his shoulder, muscle and bone split (816 818). The monster moves himself free and runs from the hall. His arm left in Beowulf s hand. Beowulf, says the poet, Had been granted new glory
  • 41. Descriptive Essay About A Concert I enjoy listening to a variety of all kinds of music. However, interestingly, through whole my life, I have never attended many classical concerts before; especially classical saxophone ones. Compared to all the other concerts that I have gone to, the saxophone studio recital was a definite change in atmosphere. The Dana Concert Series presented the YSU saxophonestudio recital in the Butler Institute of American Art. The students of Dr. James C. Umble performed at 12:15 in the prepossessing building. The room filled with many loved ones, students, faculty, and bystanders. Everyone remained very quiet waiting for the show to begin as the performers warmed up for a little while off to the side of the stage. Four performers walked onto the stage getting in their ready positions. A gentleman sitting on the opposite side of the walkway up in the front seats starting clapping loudly. One of the performers had looked over, and waved their hand and mouthed them to stop kindly. It was an awkward, yet funny situation because I believe it was a family member. The performers were Christie Hrdlicka, soprano saxophone, Anthony Bonamase, alto saxophone, Matthew Eustace, tenor saxophone, and Jake Jeges, baritone saxophone. The performers then walked to their ready positions and the audience began to clap. They had remained standing, which was odd to me because any instrumental concerts I have attended they always sat down. The music stands stood as tall as the person in front of them.
  • 42. The Importance Of Nature In The Natural World The growing disconnect between modern civilization and nature has reshaped our roles and responsibilities to the natural world. Our relationship with our planet continues to transform. In order to preserve the natural world we must recognize what role it plays in our existence and re evaluate our ethics towards our ecosystems. Like all living things, we are engineered to survive, and if our environment is slowly becoming inhospitable, then our efforts to reverse our negative impact should be second nature. However, an extreme disconnect between humans and the natural world has resulted in widespread dissociation with factors such as global warming, diminishing resources, and pollution. This dissociation with the state of our planet, in part, has to do with the fact that these issues do not feel immediately threatening to a large percentage of the population. Recent efforts, however; have begun a movement to reverse our negative impact and promote a more environmentally sustainable way of life. Now, more than ever, we must realize how are specieshas negatively impacted the natural world and begin to modify our way of life to preserve the environment, the life it supports, and its breadth of virtues. The most common argument to why we must care for the natural world is centered around the idea that our species cannot exist without it. This is referred to as anthropocentrism . The nature of this anthropocentric view point leaves out what responsibilities we have to
  • 43. How To Promote Gun Safety Essay 5 Ways to Promote Gun Safety in Your Community Each year, guns cause more death than any other possible scenario. Often, a gun accident involves children who find a weapon in their home. Guns can be useful in the right situation, but as a community you need to work together to make everyone aware of the potential dangers of guns. Due to the fact that it does require a community to work together, most of us feel that it is unrealistic. However, it can be done. It is possible. If you are interested in trying to bring your entire community together, consider implementing these 5 ways to promote gun safety in your community. Talk to Children One of the best ways to teach children is to talk to them about the very real danger of firearms. Go ... Show more content on ... You express anger the same way that they do. Adults fight back with weapons and violence. Children see it and repeat it. You may see others fighting on the street and walk right on by, ignoring the violence. Your child will see your reaction and ignore it as well. Instead of walking past, call the law and tell them what is going on. Tell them if there are weapons being used. Let your child see that you feel violence is not a good choice. You may talk to them about how the people fighting should have done things differently. Do the same when you are angry at another person. Instead of resorting to fists and weapons, walk away and cool off, then discuss the situation. Learn Gun Safety Encourage people within the community to take courses on how to handle the gun properly. Even children can learn how to hold a gun the right way. This way, if they find one inside of the home, they can move it safely if there is not an adult nearby. If your child is older, teaching them to hold and fire a gun will encourage them to respect the power it has. Then talk to them about the reasons and situations that a gun may be necessary, but point out that most situations can be handled without it. Incorporate the Neighborhood
  • 44. Mean Girls Analysis Mean Girls Analysis Mean Girls, a popular comedic film, is about high school drama in its highest form wanting to be popular. It mainly follows a girl named Cady, a new student looking to make and please friends. She agrees to spy on one of her new friends enemies, Regina George, to help destroy her life. However, along the way, Cady finds herself becoming more and more like Regina George and the rest of the plastics or the mean girls. In this paper, there s going to be an analysis of this film, because there seems to be a deeper meaning than just the comedic shell. And while this is a favorite movie of many teenage girls because of its relatable humor regarding popularity and girl on girl drama, like name calling and backstabbing, it also sheds light on the subject of bullying, including peer pressure, and how it really can affect someone s life in a very negative manner. Regina George is the main girl of the plastics . She will do anything and everything to stay on top, including selling her friends out just to make them look bad. You may have known someone like this in high school, but why are they like this, you might ask? The movie does a good job about making the subject humorous, but it seems as if it s also trying to prove a point and bring awareness to young girls who watch the film, without necessarily being too serious. There are also many examples of power, peer pressure, and bullying in this movie, which are all looming issues in today s schools. Cady
  • 45. Competency Cases Competency Competency has two split meanings in it uses relating to evidence and witness themselves. In regards to evidence, competence refers to admissibility and specifically not hearsay. In regards to witness, the term refers to legal capability of an individual to give reliable facts for use in court of law. The general rule under rule 601 of the federal rule evidence provides that every person is competent to be a witness except as otherwise provided in these rules . This rule governs and directs in decision making on a witness ability to provide evidence in a trial. It through assessments of competence that it is determined if a court can hear evidence from a particular witness (Nemeth, 2011). Importance of Competency Historically under the provision of common Law, a number of witnesses were considered incompetent to testify. The ability of certain witnesses to provide unquestionable evidence for the fear that they could lie. The agnostics, atheists, parties to a case and their spouses, convicted felons, children, mentally ill persons and persons with an interest to a case were considered incompetent witness under common law. Common law also prevented the use of expert witness in providing evidence to a case (Ferguson Bouck, 2002). Competency is of importance as a safe guard measure to prevent admission of information as evidence with little or no persuasion on truth. The need to obtain information with high probative value ought to be balanced against
  • 46. Essay on How to Avoid Plagiarism How to Avoid Plagiarism Plagiarism is a growing problem in universities (Matheson Starr 2013) and becoming too common in the scientific world (Ober et al. 2012). Hence it is important for students as well as researchers to know how to avoid plagiarism. Before discussing the ways to avoid plagiarism, this paper discusses the definition, the types and reasons for plagiarism. Copying or borrowing someone else s words or ideas may perhaps be the more inoffensive way of explaining plagiarism. However, these two terms may deliver a connotation that plagiarism is not much of a serious offense. Whether the act of plagiarising is intentional or unintentional, it is considered as a fraud. In an academic setting plagiarism may even ... Show more content on ... There are surely many other ways of avoiding plagiarism but there are five simple rules suggested by Ober et al. (2012). Rule 1: Do not copy It is not a good practice to simply copy what is found in other people s work, books or even your own writing. If you have to do so, do it properly by copying it with quotation marks and appropriate citation. In addition to this, it is good to have a proper time management in which you would have enough time to cite your sources properly. Rule 2: Write in your own words Paraphrasing means putting someone else s ideas into your own words but care must be taken as changing a few words and rearranging the original sentence is still considered as copying . Hence, though paraphrasing is commonly suggested as one of the ways to avoid plagiarism it is much better to avoid paraphrasing and rather use your own original voice . Rule 3: When in doubt, cite This is one of the ways to avoid plagiarism but it should not be done excessively. Otherwise you would end up with excessive citation in your piece of writing and lack of writing in your own words. This is an indication for you to consider rewriting the paper. Rule 4: Don t recycle images, figures, tables or text from one of your previously published papers without citing This is the case of self plagiarising when you republish a figure from earlier publication but fail to cite the original and obtain
  • 47. Essay about The Color of Water The Color of Water Introductory Note 1. What framework does the author give the story? * The author gives the story from two different perspectives one from the mother s perspective, Ruth, and the other from the son s perspective, James. 2. What is the ethnic background of the author? * The ethnic background of the author is Caucasian and African American. Chapter 1: Dead 1. Why is this chapter written in italics? * This chapter was written in Italics because it was written from a different point of view which was Ruth s perspective who talks about her past as a child. 2. Why is the mother reluctant to talk about her family? * Ruth is reluctant to talk about her family because she felt that was ... Show more content on ... This was a reward to James because he never had the opportunity to be with his mother alone since she always occupied with something. 10. What does the author notice about his mother s appearance, and what advice does she give him when he asks her about different looks? * James notices that his mother s skin color than his friends mothers skin color are different, so Ruth tells him Who cares about your friends mothers skin color? Just educate your mind. 11. What effect does this advice have on the author when Mommy is not at the bus stop one day? * This advice makes James as a child not to talk to ANYONE when his mom is late at the bus stop one day. Chapter 3: Kosher 1. What piece of paper did the author s mother carry for twenty years, and why did she carry it? * Ruth carried a legal paper that says the date when she arrived in America. She carried it everywhere because she didn t want to be thrown out if she was questioned. 2. Where did the author s mother first live in America? * Ruth first lived on 115th street and St. Nicholas in Manhattan with her grandmother, Bubeh. 3. What does the author s mother say about Bubeh s wig? * Ruth says her grandmother, Bubeh, was bald under her wig, or Shaytl, the religious custom. 4. How does Mommy describe the kosher rituals of her grandparents? * Ruth described the kosher rituals of her grandparents as a
  • 48. The Three Features Of Human Rights, And Moral Rights Many of our moral decisions are at the heart of a concept of a right. A right is defined as individual entitlements to freedom of choice and well being. For example, when a person acts a certain way or how others act in certain ways toward others. Rights derived from a legal system which permits or empowers the way people act alone or toward others are defined as legal rights. Legal rights are limited to a particular jurisdiction within the legal system. Moral rights are derived from a system of moral standards independent of a legal system. As such, these rights are based on moral norms and principles that empower human beings to do something or to be entitled to have something done for them. Moral rights are considered universal as all human beings of every nationality possess them to an equal extent. Human rightsare justifiable to every human being such as food, clothing, housing and medical care. All rights have the main purpose to enable individuals to choose freely and to protect those choices. Most legal rights protect human beings from committing harm or corruption or receiving the same. The same principles that protect us legally are derived from moral standards. They all together impact how we act and how we act toward others as well as how others act toward us. Moral rights have three important features that define their enabling and protective functions. The first feature is that moral rights correlate tightly with duties. As such, a person s moral right, at least partially, can be defined in terms of the moral duties other people have toward that person. Furthermore, if a person s moral right is to do something, then other people have a moral duty not to interfere that person. The second feature of moral rights is providing individuals with autonomy and equality in the free pursuit of their interests. This means that people have the right to choose what activities or interests they are free to pursue or not pursue. Lastly, the third feature of moral rights is providing a basis for justifying one s actions and for invoking the protection or aid of others. This is demonstrated by if a person s moral right is to do something, then he or she has a moral justification for doing it. In addition,
  • 49. Kennedy Odede s Shining Hope For Communities Shining Hope for Communities, also known as SHOFCO, has been successful in combating a variety of issues present in slums through its grassroots foundation and focus on female empowerment. SHOFCO originated in the Kibera slum of Nairobi, Kenya, an area with many long standing problems in violence, poverty, and more. Kiberais the largest urban slumin Kenya, and one of the largest in the entire world. Its residents live in extreme povertywithout access to basic needs, and diseases such as HIV/AIDS run rampant and take many lives. Rape is common, and there are very few schools in Kibera resulting in a lack of education for boys and especially girls. However, like many other impoverished communities, Kibera and its residents have the potential to create a better future for themselves. Kennedy Odede, the founder of SHOFCO, started with merely twenty cents and a soccer ball, but has since advanced greatly and now has reached tens of thousands of people. Despite enduring more in the first few years of his life than most privileged people will experience in a lifetime, Odede believes that everyone has the potential to change their own lives, which was instrumental in allowing him to rise up from his unfortunate circumstances. This outlook would later be shared by his future wife, Jessica Posner, who first crossed paths with SHOFCO in college by studying abroad. Overall, the organization Shining Hope for Communities aims to inspire hope in impoverished areas and help these areas
  • 50. Yamumbi Golf Research Paper Fourteen year old Sahil Aggarwal led other youngsters to win the Yamumbi golf tournament that was dominated teenagers at par 71 Eldoret golf course on Saturday. The Eldoret Farm Machinery sponsored tournament was meant to console victims of post election violence that followed the announcement of presidential results of 2007/8 especially those people who live in Yamumbi area in Eldoret. Handicap 17 golfer sunk five pars, two bogeys, a double bogey and a birdie in his first nine of three over gross 31. He returned with four bogeys, three pars, a bogey and a birdie to 33 for a gross 7 under 64. A year ten student at Gulab Lochab Academy in Eldoret, beat her competitor, the lady captain Esther Chumo who scored five under 66 before another