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The Effects Of Food On Our Unhealthy Conditions
Seeing the overall health of Americans is so much lower than other industrialized countries, you
cannot help but wonder whether toxic ingredients such as these might play a role in our unhealthy
conditions (Dr. Joseph Mercola 5). Suspicions are brought up on the handling of the FDA s food
protection. Furthermore, how food is being handled, is criticized of being overlooked on the health
consequences. Chemical companies do not seem to have concerns for human and environment risks.
Even though food production has improved to last longer and have quality taste, the United States
should not allow the production of unhealthy foods because other countries ban some of the
ingredients we use in food production and current food production ... Show more content on ...
For instance, Filipinos in at least five villages felt sick when a nearby BT corn variety was pollinating.
Rats fed GM potatoes showed excessive cell growth which can lead to cancer, damaged organs, and
damaged immune system (Jeffrey M. Smith 6). There is an extensive number of side effects that can
be caused due to GMO foods, still the FDA continues to ignore further studies to prove that GM food
are not any different than conventionally grown crops. Lack of information about the safety of GM
foods should signal to the industry more studies are needed; however, the GM industry is hesitant to
provide further studies. The Genetic engineering of our food system is proceeding essentially
unregulated, despite the fact that three federal agencies are responsible for the safety of genetically
engineered foods (Mercola 10).
Most Americans spend a large amount of money in processed foods, however, they do not think about
the additives that are loaded in them. When foods are processed, not only are valuable nutrients lost
and fibers removed, but the textures, natural variations, and flavors are also lost. Above all, what is
left behind is a bland flavor which most people would not want to eat (Dr. Joseph Mercola 5). It is
clear that no one desires to eat something unappealing. The food manufacturers priority is to make
produce high quality taste, however they do not take into consideration what goes into their products
as long as they make profit
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The Curious Case Of Marilyn Monroe
The Curious Case of Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe was one of the biggest stars in her era, and as stars do, they die; and Marilyn was no
exception. Much like the life of Marilyn Monroe, her death was also one that was shrouded in
mystery. People have proposed many theories as to why Marilyn died; the most popular conspiracy
theory being the result of her death by the hands Kennedys. However, some people may say that there
is evidence to support this theory, but these are just fabricated lies spread by people trying to harm the
Kennedy s reputation. It is evident that Marilyn Monroe died from drug overdose due to the fact there
is evidence supporting she overdosed, there are many factors in her life that lead to her doing drugs,
and her ... Show more content on ...
The investigation went on for three months and one would think that after a thorough three month
investigation that trained investigators would find evidence to support the fact that Monroe was
murdered. However, they did not find any evidence because there was no credible evidence to support
the fact that she was murdered. Although, there was plenty of evidence found by investigators to
display that she died of an overdose. Including her autopsy, this displayed no signs of foul play but an
abundant amount of drugs. If she was murdered, there would obviously be signs of foul play. Lastly, it
is important to note that Marilyn had a drug addiction, and this was not the only time she had tried
drugs. Since she had heavily relied on pills in her daily life to just function normally and maintain the
image that she was still rather normally, she became heavily dependent on those pills, which
inevitably lead to an addiction. The pills Monroe was addicted to were used to control her behavior,
which leads to the assumption that she was plagued with mental issues, and it is not uncommon for
someone with a mental disorder to want to end their life. Therefore, it is evident that there is credible
evidence to support the fact that Monroe died from an overdose because the amount of drugs in her
body was way passed the lethal amount, a thorough investigation was conducted to look for evidence
that she was murdered and there was none, and lastly she suffered from
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The Importance Of Student In School
In school I have always been a relatively successful student, and I was always considered one of the
smarter kids by my parents and a lot of the other students. In about sixth grade when they started to
split the grade up into certain classes for the advanced kids and the kids that weren t considered
advanced. I was in the classes with all the kids that weren t considered advanced. At the time though, I
didn t realize what they were doing or that I wasn t actually considered a smart kid by the school, I
just knew all my friends were in classes I wasn t in, and it really upset me. I got put in the classes with
a bunch of kids I didn t like, or just people I didn t know, and had never seen before. I still had the bus
where I got to see a few of my friends, but other than that, they just weren t around. All of fourth grade
year I hadn t struggled at all, and everything came relatively easy to me. It was just really easy. I knew
I wasn t a dumb kid, but up until then my parents had always had to help me. They carried me through
school, they had just been my own personal teacher and were always there if I needed any help at all.
This was definitely weird to me that I didn t need them anymore that year. About half way through the
school year, I was talking to one of my friends about school and how easy it had been going so far this
year. He then started telling me how hard he thought it was and how he was really struggling, I just
kind of blew it off, and was thinking he
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Apologetic Artice Review
The following article was written by David Wheeler for publication in an apologetics encyclopedia.
However, the subject matter of the article is equally as important in the realm of evangelism.
Considering that most approaches to evangelism, including Share Jesus Without Fear, are basically
driven by supplying proper information , at what point does one s incarnational lifestyle enter into the
equation? Is evangelism only the communication of proper information, or does it also include the
total person in reference to one s outward behavior that validates the information to the world? Is it
both information and incarnation ?
Read and respond on discussion board.
Subject: Incarnational Apologetics
Definition: ... Show more content on ...
The same argument can be applied to other areas of traditional apologetics. Consider for a moment the
important issues related to the resurrection of Christ. While the historical and biblical aspects are
imperative in validating the authenticity of the event, one must never ignore how that miraculous
event transforms the individual expressions of a Christian s daily life.
For instance, a Muslim friend who converted to Christianity communicated that it was not the great
arguments of traditional informational apologetics that finally drew him to examine the claims of
Christ. On the contrary, it was the consistent caring actions of a high school friend who lived out a
resurrected life before him.
It was not that his friend ever stopped verbally sharing the informational truths about Christ with him.
The truth is that he boldly shared the gospel on many occasions. The bottom line was the simple
undeniable fact that his friend s life incarnationally validated the biblical truths he graciously
In fact, the former Muslim admitted that he regularly abused and embarrassed his schoolmate hoping
that he would grow weary and leave him alone. In the end, the former Muslim became a Christian
because he could not argue with the evidences of a transformed life that ultimately became a tool of
the Holy Spirit prompting his heart to further examine the directions of his faith.
It is here that both the incarnational and informational
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Essay On Jewish Discrimination
The Discrimination of Jews
Between 1939 and 1945 Jews were greatly discriminated and affected by how their lives were about to
change. Jews were living a normal life until the German government began enforcing laws and
affecting all Jews. These examples explain how Jews were treated and hurt by people just because
they were Jewish. Jews were treated poorly before and during the Holocaust, and this made a big
impact on Jews today. First, there were many many laws that were implemented against Jews. Next,
the German government began to enforce social laws against Jews. Finally, the German government
attempted to separated Jews from the rest of society.
First, there were many many laws that were implemented against Jews. During and before the ... Show
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Before the Holocaust, people began viewing Jews differently. The German government decided to
make camps for the Jews to keep them away from the other people in the community. These places
were called Jewish Ghettos, where the government placed all the Jews to live. The people in the
Ghettos were very upset with this change and one man said, We have entered into a new life, we are
separated from the world and driven out of society, and the human race, (Facing History 2). All of the
Jews were forced to leave their homes and move to these Ghettos. They had guards all around them
and barbed wire fences. In conclusion, the Jews were forced into the horrible places where they weren
t allowed to leave. Overall, Jews were treated very poorly and this made a big impact on Jews today.
There were many laws that were many social laws that were implemented against Jews and at the
same time Jews were being separated from the rest of society. As Hitler showed how he hated Jews,
the other Germans followed along with him. People began viewing Jews as horrible monsters who had
no point in being alive. As people joined with Hitler their power got stronger and stronger allowing
them to treat Jews this way and affect everyone around them. All of these things greatly impacted
Jews and stopped them from living a normal
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The Risk Our Society Takes by Depending on the Use of...
What most people in our society lack to notice is how our country s continuous use of fossil fuels is
endangering to nature and the wildlife it inhabits as well as the environment that we live in. Our
society seems to think that fossil fuels we use in excess today will last forever but actuality will one
day be depleted to unrepairable measures, which is why we need a cleaner more environmentally
friendly substitute. With that said my paper is going to underline how our society would be able to
transfer from fossil fuels to cleaner energies which are beneficial to our earth and existence. There is a
great understandable hunger for energy in the world. Increases uses of energy are strongly correlated
with the gross domestic product ... Show more content on ...
Cleaner energies would be the target goal for the source of society s energy. They also have their share
of benefits and disadvantages. Aside from the fact that cleaner energies would do a world of help to
the environment by reducing the amount of harmful gases that get trapped in the atmosphere which
can reduce the greenhouse effect as well as the amount of forests being destroyed by acid rain. The
most likely substitute for the fossil fuels would be hydrogen. When burned in air, its end products are
water and some nitrogen oxides. These oxides, which are potentially pollutants, can be reduced to
negligible levels with catalytic (speeds up reaction rate) heaters. So hydrogen would be the least
polluting of all energy sources. The disadvantage we find with using hydrogen is that the storage
would be a problem. It can be stored in several ways, none completely safe. With care hydrogen can
be at least as safe as many other hazardous substances we use. It can be compressed and stored in
tanks. It can be liquefied. It can be combined with some metal to form a chemical compound called
hydride and then have the hydrogen release slightly by increasing the temperature. Portable tanks tend
to be very heavy and awkward to handle but large community tanks can be used as they have been in
the past for storing town gas. Liquefying hydrogen and storing it requires expensive additional
sophisticated cryogenic equipment: hydrogen liquefies at the
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How Performance Management Is Important Challenges That...
Performance is about keeping public and nonprofit organization up to date, vibrant, and relevant to
society. It is about ensuring that agency programs and policies connect with the important challenges
that people, communities, and the nation face. (Berman, pg. 3) Managing this includes setting goals,
developing and training employees, as well as merging appraisal of performance and rewarding
performance into a single tool. The key to performance management is to ensure that the employee s
performance is helping meet and reach the goals set forth by the organization or company. If
management process are strategically planed, created, implemented and carried out in the proper
manner, great incremental changes can be made throughout an organization to increase growth of the
business. If employees do not perform or stakeholders are not happy, business can fail in many ways.
Gordmans in Okemos may not fail as a business just yet, but without evaluating their performance
thus far, it may lead them down a dark path if measures are not evaluated now.
A main reason performance management is needed in a store like this, is to establish goals and
organization within stores by making sure all employees are on the same page. With everyone
knowing the goals and mission of the company it helps establish a great attitude and relationship
amongst employee. As well as what is expected from them performance wise in order to meet those
goals. Appraisal performance would be the best tool in
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The Importance Of Life Skills Class
Students today have become blind to what is ahead of them. Besides learning all levels of math and
english, they do not know basic life skills, such as writing a check, which are still used today. Most
students dread the idea of going to school due to being bored in unnecessary classes. Kids have
become careless about their school work and their at home responsibilities because their parents and
teachers coddle them abundantly. Student are going into the real world very unprepared and unaware
of how reality is.
Apart from the common core classes students are required to take, schools should offer life skills
classes. Some should include how to have a budget and handle money, general life skills, such as
writing a check, and even more sex ed classes. A general life skills class would be very beneficial to
today s teens. Most students leave high school with a great deal of useless knowledge that was stuffed
into their brain, yet they don t understand credit and student loans, which is used immediately in
college. Much of this responsibility is supposed to be on the parents, but as for schools, there should
be a balance between academic and life skills. Financial classes could save many students twenty and
older from getting into financial bundles when they possibly want to own their own car, or even get an
apartment. Most children have lousy parents and role models, which mostly leads to bad influences
being shown. Sex is a very ashamed topic to talk about amongst a
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Impact of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Programs on...
Preparing students for life success, requires a balanced education that includes social and emotional
education. It is important that families, schools and communities come together to achieve this. This
article is researching the positive effects, of social and emotional learning of students in kindergarten
to eighth grade. This article summarizes three reviews of research on the impact of social and
emotional learning (SEL) programs on elementary school and middle age school students. These
programs promote social and emotional skills (Weissberg, Taylor, Schellinger, Payton, Pachan,
Dymcicki and Durlak, 2008). The SEL programs showed many benefits in both school and after
school settings for students with and without behavioral and ... Show more content on
This study was done again to see if social and emotional learning still had positive effects on children.
The study asked these questions; (a)What skills, attitudes, behaviors and academic outcomes do SEL
programs achieve for elementary and middle school (K 8) students? (b) Do SEL program effects
endure over time? (c) Are SEL programs effective in school and after school and for students with
problems and without problems and (d) What features are associated with highly effective SEL
programs? (Weissberg, Taylor, Schellinger, Payton, Pachan, Dymicki and Durlak, 2008). The study
used a meta analytic approach. The study was broken down into three reviews; The Universal Review,
The Indicated Review and The After School Review (Weissberg, Taylor, Schellinger, Payton, Pachan
and Durlak, 2008) .
The Universal Review included 180 school based studies involving 277,977 students. The strategy
involved classroom programming, which were a set of lessons that sought to develop social and
emotional skills such as problem and feeling identification, goal setting, conflict resolution strategies
and interpersonal problem solving skills (Weissberg, Taylor, Schellinger, Payton, Pachan, Dymicki
and Durlak, 2008).
The Indicated Review had 80 studies involving 11,337 students (Weissberg, Taylor, Schellinger,
Payton, Pachan, Dymicki and Durlak,
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1970 s-1980 Film Analysis
During the 1970 s Hollywood saw many changes occurring in the film industry, with big
conglomerates buying up studios to the wave of films in the New Hollywood style of filmmaking and
finally to the many technical innovations being explored throughout the decade. It was an important
time than and it is still important to modern Hollywood cinema with the many innovations directly
effecting all aspects of filmmaking. Of all the innovations to occur during the 1970 s 1980 s the big
three had to be the improvement upon digital effects work, the investments toward a film marketing
campaign and finally the new and quickly growing video market. Cinema all over the world had
impressive spectacles to behold since the beginning of film s creation, but the 1970 s and 1980 s saw
big advances with computer driven effects work. Just about every big budgeted film these days relies
upon CGI effects work including such award winning films like Avatar (2009), Dawn of the Planet of
the Apes (2014) and Hugo (2011). These films could be made the way they are today without the
enhanced effects work being done in the 70 s 80 s ... Show more content on ...
Today many people might take this for granted, but before home video became a simple commonality
many films were simply shown in theaters and then stored away, never to be seen again (unless the
film was big enough for a theatrical re release or epics multi night TV events). The introduction of
VHS, Betamax, HBO and other home viewing devices not only helped bring the consumers more
entertainment, it helped the film industry gain a new cash cow. Thanks to the 1980 s innovative and
commercially successful attempt of bringing home viewing to life, we now can have services like
Amazon Instant Video, Netflix, On Demand, Pay Per View, Video Stores and much much more. It also
brought another market to audiences, the Direct to video films we still see being produced
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Slave Rebellions, By Nat Turner
Slavery resistance dates back to the earliest days of slavery. Although there were many forms, varying
in degree, including: working slowly, faking illness, burning down buildings, the most powerful form
was slave rebellions. Slave rebellions, put simply, are the armed uprising of slaves. Dating back as far
as the 1700s, there have been many slave rebellions, however only a few of these have been
considered successful. One of the most significant slave rebellions happened in 1831, and was called
Nat Turner s Rebellion. Nat Turner was born October 2nd, 1800 in Southampton County, Virginia. In
1810, Nat Turner became the property to Samuel Turner, after his brother, the man who enslaved him,
Benjamin Turner died. The two brothers allowed Nat to learn reading, writing, and to practice his
religion. As a young child, it was believed Nat Turner had special gifts because he was able to
describe events that had happened before he was born. According to his family members, Turner had a
great purpose in this world. As he learned more about his religion, the more he believed his mission
from God was to lead his people out of slavery. He was known to nearby slaves as The Prophet (Nat
Turner Biography). In 1821, Turner began having visions and hearing divine voices. After dealing
with visions of bloody conflicts between whites and blacks for ten years, in 1831 Turner took the sign
of a solar eclipse that the time to attack was soon (Nat Turner Biography). Turner gathered a group
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The Senate Bill 149 ( Sb 149 )
The Senate Bill 149 (SB 149) signed by Greg Abbot is about relating to alternative methods for
satisfying certain public high school graduation requirements, including the use of individual
graduation committees. This bill gives students a better chance at graduating, although it may or not
be continued results of this bill will have to be processed first. I chose this bill because I believed that
it would be well known also, because it is important to school life which has taken a big turn in recent
years. Education has taken a decline in funding so I think this law may benefit the sudden drop in
funding or perhaps is something the government hopes to be used as an olive branch due to
withdrawal of funding. My first article details who the law effects, and what requirements for
Individual Graduation committees (IGC). One of the effects of SB 149 is, The law requires school
districts and open enrollment charter schools to have IGCs for any eleventh or twelfth grade student
who has not passed two out of the five end of the course (EOC) exams at or the end of the eleventh
grade s year (Seliger). IGCs need the principal, the teacher of the relevant course; the department chair
or lead teacher supervising the teacher of the relevant course; and either the student s parent/guardian,
or the student if the student is at least 18 years of age or is an emancipated minor (Seliger). This is a
pretty basic requirement that I believe most organizations involving students would have
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Reasons To Break A Social Norms Of Society
Social norms are unwritten rules about how to behave. They provide us with an expected idea of how
to behave in a particular Social group or culture. They act as accepted standards of behavior of social
group. It is the hope of society that people adhere to the social norms of the given society they find
themselves in. For my social norms paper, I chose to break a social norm by using a fork to drink soup
and then using my fingers to eat a rice dish at a restaurant on a dinner date with a guy I was meeting
for the first time. I chose to break this norm for several reasons. Firstly, I wanted an experience to
write about for my psychology paper. Secondly, I loved the fact that I was going to be the only odd
one in the restaurant and possibly get stares and murmurs from other customers staff. Most people that
eat at this restaurant eat with cutlery so I knew I was bound to be a topic of discussion. Thirdly, I
wanted to see the reaction of my date, if he was going to leave, play along or just feel uncomfortable.
Lastly, I just missed eating with my fingers as I come from a place where some foods are eaten with
the fingers. It was a Sunday evening so the restaurant was packed with customers. Before I embarked
on my mischief, my date and I ordered our meal and I excused myself to go to the washroom to wash
my hands ready to consume my food. I had every type of feeling running through my head. I was
feeling anxious, scared, weird, and stupid for the most part of the date
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Nina Waymone Case Study
The Case of Nina Simone
She loved Bach, Chopin, Brahms, Beethoven, and Schubert. She trained nearly 8 hours a day to
become a classical pianist. She would go on to become the High Priestess of Soul . Eunice Kathleen
Waymon, or as the world famously knows her, Nina Simone, never wanted to be a jazz musician. She
believed that her role in society was to be the first African American classical pianist in America.
Durkheim s theory of forced division of labor can be used to explain why this never became true.
Anomie played a major role in shaping the life of someone who would later fight against it.
Nina Simone by all accounts was a music virtuoso. At a young age, Nina was able to hear a song and
play it by ear. She played in a small church in the Jim Crow South where her mother pastured. One
day, a white woman heard Nina playing the piano and offered to give her lessons. She herself was an
immigrant, and hope to train Nina to become one of the world s best classical pianist. At their first
lesson, the instructor showed her a piece written by Bach. Nina absolutely loved it. Nina often told
interviewers that from then on that her dream was to play ... Show more content on ...
She was denied. Those that knew her and that followed her work up until that point knew that there
was only one reason that she was not accepted into the program; racism. She had the talent necessary
but was denied the chance. Crushed, she now had to find a job. She decided to play at a club. There,
she played a plethora of music, ranging from gospel, classical, and pop hits. The owner told her that if
she wanted to continue she would have to sing as well. Nina Simone had never sung up until this point
and classical music normally doesn t allow for singing. She decided to play jazz music, and from that
moment on, she became one of the best voices, and brilliant musicians in
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My Dream Is To Become An OGYN
My dream is to become a OBGYN. I actually started wanting to become one was last year in the 11th
grade at my old school we had a career day and one of the speakers was a OBGYN I was so influence
about her talking about the perks of being one. Ever since I was little I loved little babies and a woman
s body l thought birth was such a beautiful thing of course painful. Also, what attracted to becoming
an OBGYN is also helping a child or mother in need. I hope to accomplish in this dream job is
becoming successful and helping people with their daily lives. I actually haven t prepared myself for
this career, but, I did do research on my dream job my career takes patience.
According to the news today a OBGYN can make up to 120,000 each year for me, i m more
comfortable with that because I will buy my dream car I will buy my dream house and when I have
accomplished that I know I have become successful.
When I hit college I, will prepare myself by looking more into my major, of course, take classes and
communicate with others around me that is interested in the same major I am.
In a nutshell, I think becoming an future OBGYN is the best accomplished I can ever make in life
because that s what i m mainly focusing on in my life.
My dream is to become a OBGYN. I actually started wanting to become one was last year in the 11th
grade at my old school we had a career day and one of the speakers was a OBGYN I was so influence
about her talking about the perks of being one. Ever
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Symbolism In La Inferno
For centuries writers have used symbolism in literature to garner the attention of readers. One of the
finest examples of this is La Comedia or The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri. Critics, in particular,
recognize the first canticle of the comedy, The Inferno, as an unequivocal masterpiece of visual and
allegorical imagery. Dante very skillfully weaves figurative language with tangible physical
descriptions to achieve an unparalleled poetic work that continues to have immeasurable influence on
western literature to this day. Every aspect of The Inferno is gravid with endless symbolism
specifically referencing mankind s sins and the subsequent retributions dealt to those who commit
them by a wrathful God. This accords Dante s poetic work with its iconic complexity and attaches
deeper meaning to his adventurous journey through hell.
The Divine Comedy in its entirety is nothing but a parable into the spiritual journey of human life. In
Canto 1, Dante, the protagonist, in the middle years of his life, tries to navigate his way out of a dark
and scary forest in search of light. Dante uses the dark forest as a metaphor for sin, and the light he
seeks as God in heaven. As he attempts to get through the forest he is confronted by three beasts. He
describes the encounters as I faced a spotted Leopard,...../And it would not pass... (1:33 34), ... great
Lion that broke upon me/ raging with hunger... (1:44 45), and ... a She Wolf drove upon me, ...starved
horror/ ravening and wasted. (1:48 49). These three beasts the Leopard, the Lion, and the She Wolf, by
virtue of their salient characteristics, symbolize the three different categories of sins malice and fraud,
violence and pride, and greed and lust, respectively. The leopard, with its spotted pelt, is considered a
master of disguise, biding its time to strike down prey at the most optimal moment; akin to a malicious
person who often presents himself respectably and hides his true motives. The lion is known to satisfy
his individual needs through violence and aggression and is thus able to establish himself as the top
predator in the food chain. Similarly, humans are known to resort to violent means to fulfill their needs
and ambitions. The she wolf, the last
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Ethical Theory Paper
Morals are infrequently conflated or mistook for different methods for settling on decisions, including
religion, law or ethical quality. Numerous religions advance moral choice making yet don t generally
address the full scope of moral decisions that we always come across. Religions might likewise
advocate or deny certain practices which may not be viewed as the correct area of morals, for
example, dietary confinements or sexual practices (K.A. Francis, Demand Media, 2014). A decent
arrangement of law ought to be moral, however, the law sets up a point of reference in attempting to
direct all inclusive rules and is subsequently not ready to react to individual connections. The law may
have a troublesome time outlining or implementing standards in some imperative ranges, and may be
eased back to address new issues. Both law and morals manage inquiries of how we ought to live
respectively with others, however, morals are in some cases additionally thought to apply to how
people act notwithstanding when others are not included. At long last, numerous individuals utilize the
terms profound quality and morals reciprocally. Others hold profound quality for the condition of
ideas while seeing morals as a code that empowers ethical quality. Another approach to consider the
relationship in the middle of morals ... Show more content on ...
The ethical theories to explain this will be consequentialist theories which are fundamentally
concerned with the moral outcomes of specific activities, non consequentialist theories which have a
tendency to be comprehensively concerned with the aims of the individual settling on moral choices
about specific activities and agent centered theories which are more concerned with the general moral
status of people, or specialists, and are less concerned to distinguish the profound quality of specific
activities (Manuel Velasquez, and Kirk O. Hanson,
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Management vs Leadership
Management Leadership
Management and leadership are two of the most important positions to have for anyone in an
organization. Both of these positions come with a great deal of responsibilities; however, they both
serve two different purposes and responsibilities in an organization, along with a different sent of
Leadership is a wonderful quality for anyone to have because not everyone possesses leadership
qualities and skills; however, a person can learn to have leadership qualities if he or she has the desire.
A good leader has many excellent qualities such as; a leader has followers, knows how to encourage
the workers, can get results by implementing strategies, can create a vision for the company, and ...
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Leadership, in contrast, focuses on challenging and inspiring people. Management and leadership have
to work together to make sure the goal is achieved.
According to Stephen R. Covey, Management is problem oriented and leadership is opportunity
oriented .
A successful organization cannot exist without both strong leadership and great management. It is
important to remember that most people are not born with natural leadership skills and qualities, but
leadership can be learned and developed.
Management is clearly different from leadership. S. R. Covey, but I think it does not mean one is less
important, than the other. Covey wants us to understand, that leader is not only a position. However, it
takes an excellent leader and manager to be able to fulfill the leadership and management role
successfully for the benefit of the company and his or her people in all aspects of the business fields.
Therefore, every company, big or small, must have people, whom they can depend on, whole
heartedly, who can fulfill the leadership and management
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Brown V. Board Of Education Case Study
Many people would say that the constitution is a living, breathing document. I agree with those
people. Living people adapt to fit into today s society. Our constitution is the same way because
throughout history, our constitution has changed in order to meet the demands and views of today s
society. There are many moments in history that prove this to be true ,such as court cases.
One case that proves our earlier statement is Brown v. Board of Education. In this case, Oliver Brown
attempted to enroll his child into an all white school. His daughter was denied enrollment to this
school. He decided to take action. Brown argued that while the schools are separate, they were not
equal and that this violated the 14th amendment. This battle was won. Some schools began to
desegregate while others began violent protests which required the National Guard to stop it. This
decision changed education and the constitution. The constitution had to adapt to meet the needs,
demands and views of the people which is why this case is a perfect example of why the constitution
is a living document. ... Show more content on ...
Illinois. This case is a good example that proves that the constitution is living. In order to be living,
the constitution must be enforced at all times. In this case, Danny Escobedo was arrested and taken to
a police station. The police denied his request to see his lawyer. He never spoke to his lawyer and
Escobedo confessed to murder. Escobedo was denied his right to counsel. This broke the 6th
amendment of the constitution. Once again, the constitution adapted. It began to be enforced that one
has the right to remain to silent which shows that the constitution is a living, breathing
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The Advocacy Of Women s Rights On The Grounds Of...
Feminism. The advocacy of women s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality
to men. Why are some people so angry or offended when they hear this word? Why does the idea of
women being equal to men annoy and infuriate them? Do they not believe that women should have the
same rights as men? Should women have to cover up to avoid being cat called by disgusting men?
Should women have to cover up to avoid being molested or raped? Should women have to stay quiet
when they are raped or abused because no one would ever believe them? Should woman be told what
to wear, say, or do with their body? I ask myself these questions every day. The question that I ask
myself the most is, Why are women of color, gay, and transgender women constantly being
Woman as a whole get disrespected on a daily basis. We get cat called, get told what to do with our
bodies, victim blamed, our bodies are over sexualized, and were viewed as weak and just a piece of
meat. Being a woman is already scary enough but being a gay, transgender, or woman of color is the
most terrifying experience. Its seems as if the more melanin your skin contains, the more disrespect
you receive. Why is that? Although being a woman is hard, being a white woman gives you so much
more privilege than what a woman of color gets. First of all, white woman are seen as beautiful and
attractive because of their skin. They aren t constantly told that their skin is too dark or ugly because
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Miss Peregrine s Home For Peculiar Children
Miss Peregrine s Home for Peculiar Children is a horror young adult literature written by Ransom
Riggs. It tells Jacob Portman s story who followed clues that lead him to a house for refugees on the
Cairnholm Island off the coast of Wales, where his grandfather used to stay during the Second World
War back in the 1940s. The Cairnholm Island itself only had one phone and was powered with
generators that shut off at 10 pm everyday, foreshadowing the fact that Jacob would go back in time
later on. The peculiar children all lived with Miss Peregrine in a time loop , created by Miss Peregrine
herself. Because of this, the children didn t age; everyday they repeated September 3rd, 1940 over and
over again. For seventy years they had stayed on that day, although their experience of it is
continuous, thus they were able to remember what they did yesterday, although other things remained
the same. Habits may be boring, but it was key for their safety. Monsters, called the hollowgasts, were
hunting down these peculiar children. By being in the ... Show more content on ...
In the novel Death of an Englishman, Cipolla told the Marshall that he grew up during the war, similar
to the peculiar children. However, even though time stopped for the children in 1940 and the war
really stopped in 1945, either Cipolla or the children were never free. The war affected more deeply
than just the bodies. Because of the war, Cipolla moved away from home and didn t have enough
education to work a white collared job in the future. He never led a satisfying life because of what
happened in his childhood. Meanwhile, most of the children were refugees of their own parents who
thought their children were swapped by the devil; thus they were peculiar. With them coming into
Miss Peregrine s house, they were saving themselves from their parents, the hollowgasts, and also the
Nazi. They would not age in the time loop, let alone live a free life; if they wanted to be
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Hurricane Katrina Sociology
When Hurricane Katrina slammed onto the gulf shores of Louisiana in 2005, few people understood
what impact the storm would have on the city of New Orleans. According to the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA), Katrina caused an estimated $108 billion dollars of damage, displaced
250,000 residents and killed over 1800 lives, most being African American and the poor ( Downey,
2011). To present a sociological view of how Hurricane Katrina affected the people of New Orleans,
one must first understand how the people of New Orleans lived before Katrina caused its mass
destruction. The focus of this paper will be to uncover how race and class affected the people of New
Orleans pre Katrina and how post Katrina has altered their cultural ... Show more content on ...
The first lesson was that all federal agency personnel must understand the roles and responsibilities
they have when a natural disaster strikes (Menzel, 2006). In addition and most importantly, they must
all be aware of the situation on the ground and work together to share a common operating strategy
when an incident occurs (Menzel, 2006). These lessons led to the formation of the National
Operations Center to deal with a natural disaster or catastrophic crisis.
Hurricane Katrina revealed the difference in preparedness programs that citizens had based on the
jurisdictions the lived in. The White House Report Recommendations concluded how inadequate these
programs were and recommended to combine the various disparate citizen preparedness programs into
a single national campaign to promote and strengthen citizen and community preparedness (Menzel,
2006). Ten years later, FEMA continues to support families and communities of all racial backgrounds
and social classes (FEMA, 2015). Because of Hurricane Katrina, FEMA established an Incident
Management Response Team who are now able to be deployed within 2 hours of a disaster and arrive
within 12 hours to help support local residences (FEMA, 2015). FEMA have significantly improved
their ability to help assist all communities in responding to and recovering from
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The Character of Iago in Shakespeare s Othello Essay
The Character of Iago
The old cliché One bad apple ruins the bunch is what enters one s mind when discussing the
villainous, deceitful, protagonist Iago in Shakespeare s tragedy Othello. It is amazing how one person
alone can completely destroy, or deteriorate a group of good natured, trusting, loyal peoples lives in a
matter of days three to be exact. What is the motive behind Iago s heinous, selfish acts, one may ask?
A rather obvious theme in the Shakespeare s tragedy, Othello , is that of the many facets of jealousy,
which instigate the evil doings of protagonist, Iago. Jealousy can be best defined, in the thinking of
Renaissance, as a derivative or compounded passion. It is a species of envy, which is in turn ... Show
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Iago s motive behind his evil plot against Othello all starts when Othello chooses Cassio as his
Lieutenant, which leaves Iago feeling as if someone stole his glory. Even further, Iago s jealousy is
deepened by Othello s accomplishments and role he holds within his state. We are told that he
[Othello] is of noble birth, that war and adventures have been his nurses, that he may be considered a
[Moorish] barbarian and yet that the Venetian state has found him so valuable in action, that he cannot
be expelled no matter what offense may be found in him (Jorgensen 25). This alone makes Iago
surpass any sort of admiration of Othello, for it only feeds his jealousy and envy. Iago is infuriated and
retaliates by making Othello question the degree of his wife s faithfulness. At last Othello is moved.
Iago sees that is poisonous words are beginning to have an effect and knows better than to enlarge up
the ideas that are already planted in Othello s mind his own imagination will accomplish more...
(Charney 213). The deceit has set in.
Cassio and Iago s relationship, much like all of Iago s relationships, is based on an evil web of even
more lies and jealous acts. Cassio is a true gentleman, and his way of life is a contrast and an irritation
to Iago (Leone 73). Iago proclaims, He hath a daily beauty in his life that makes me ugly. Iago plots to
use handsome, charming,
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We Exist to Be for One Another
There are a few words you hear or read that never go away. We exist to be supernatural occurrence
laborers for each other, originates from Sr Joan Chittister, who happens to make the point that truly, it
is in group, when we live congruously with others, that we are called to develop.
Story has taught this from multiple points of view, and as of late I re read an old story, yet this time
with fresher eyes and ears, as I held these words in my brain and heart.
In The Bremen Town Musicians , a jackass, puppy, feline, and chicken, all past their prime, their
helpfulness to their holders now at an end, are abused, soon to be disposed of by their managers.
One by one they leave home and signing up with one another, they set out for Bremen, a town in
The characters never really touch base in Bremen, however its huge that it is named in the title, as it
was a town known for its flexibility.
There, they want to procure a living as musical performers, envisioning they have an ability for this.
On the way, they come to bungalow and catch four thieves devouring and partitioning their sick gotten
picks up.
Remaining on one another s backs to show signs of improvement look, the hungry creatures choose to
perform for the men in any desire for being given a supper.
Their music a clamor of whinnying, crowing, mewing and yapping cause the terrified men to run for
their lives.
The creatures revel in the relinquished dinner
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Edward Thatch s Revenge In Treasure Island
It was a clear August afternoon and Edward Thatch stood aboard his ship, the Queen Anne s Revenge,
holding a spyglass to his eye. He was looking at a small white speck on the horizon that he assumed to
be a brig, either Spanish or British. She s a Spanish Brig, sir! the lookout yelled from the crow s nest,
corroborating Edward s assumption. He was quite avid when it came to taking prizes, and he was the
most feared, despicable pirate in the West Indies. During battle, Edward became Blackbeard, as he is
better known, putting slow burning fuses in his hair and long black beard and lighting them on fire to
simulate him being the devil or a demon. All of his enemies were terrified of him, and the very sight
of him evoked terror, causing his enemies to run away. Blackbeard was, even without the ... Show
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The two ships both fired several more volleys, but the Spanish ship was quickly incapacitated. The
Queen Anne s Revenge pulled alongside it, and the crew members fired muskets and threw grappling
hooks. Heave! Heave! one of the crew members exclaimed. The brig was slowly pulled closer, and the
Spaniards returned fire and prepared to defend the ship. Once the two ships were close enough,
Blackbeard s crew members jumped aboard. Blackbeard lit the fuses in his beard and jumped aboard
as well. The enemies cowered in fear at the very sight of him. Soon enough, the enemy surrendered,
crushed by the sheer power of Blackbeard s crew. The deck of the brig was a gruesome sight. Several
bodies lay on the deck, some of them still conscious, in agony. One Spanish Soldier missing one leg
was screaming in pain. Some of Blackbeard s crew grimaced at the sight, but Blackbeard smiled.
Blackbeard s crew suffered no injuries aside from a few minor abrasions and cuts.They took the brig s
supplies, locked the surviving crew in the hold, and continued on their business as if nothing
happened. Just an average day for a not so average
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Why Is Jfk Assassination Wrong
JFK assassination... is false The JFK assassination is said to be done by only one person, but this essay
will tell you that it is wrong. It is said the Oswald is the sole sniper that killed the president. Well,
Oswald did shot the gun, but he did not kill the President, someone else worked with Oswald on this
assassination. In this court case, Oswald and Oswald alone was proven guilty for killing the President.
Oswald had gotten killed later from a gunshot before he went to prison. In the 1963 controversial
court case of JFK assassination, the guilty verdict incorrectly prosecuted only Lee Harvey Oswald
because of the direction of the bullet, the Grassy Knoll, and the CIA involvement. Oswald did shoot
the gun, but it was not the shot that ... Show more content on ...
First, CIA helped him get the job where he shot JFK. Former CIA friends of Oswald gave him the job
where he shot the president just three weeks before it all happened, (Daily Mail). Oswald got help
from the CIA. The CIA gave him a perfect spot to shoot the president. If he didn t get that job, then
JFK wouldn t have gotten shot. Next, a former CIA agent confessed to the inside job. A good quote
about this is, You kill the president, and your cover is security, and if the sniper or snipers who kill the
president are hidden in with the guys who are supposed to protect him, guys who have no knowledge
of this plot... It makes a lot of sense, (DailyMail) This goes back to the Grassy Knoll. He is talking
about the other people and how they shot JFK, but didn t get caught because they are part of the team
that is tasked to finding the murderer. That is why no one caught the other shooter because he is part
of the law. Lastly, the CIA has a special tactic. This tactic is when you have different snipers at
different locations so it catches people in a crossfire in more than one direction, (DailyMail). The
tactic that they used in the JFK assassination is one that the CIA has been using for years. It s a simple
tactic, you shoot the suspect from different angles so they can t find cover. Oswald shot the first shot
and hit JFK in the chest and then the second sniper dealt the killing blow. The CIA was definitely
involved, the
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Describe the development of computers from the year 1945...
Describe the development of computers from the year 1945 until 2013 Computer; History and
We already know that the computer had been so much help for our life for a long time since the
computer had been reveal. For the first what is computer all about? As per Wikipedia and also source
that I search from internet, the meaning of computer is a general purpose device that can be
programmed to carry out set of arithmetic or logical operations automatically and also can solve more
than one of problem that can help the human to think. Computer also is a machine that is able to take
information or store information, do some work on or make changes to the information, to make new
information. This all function of computers were ... Show more content on ...
This machine consumed 160 kilowatts electrical power and it was faster than the system that use when
world war two.
The second generation of the computer have improved a little by the invention of new small item that
already make it change too much that been called transistor. In 1948 the invention of transistor makes
change of computer s development. This transistor made to replace the cumbersome vacuum tube in
the computers and the result make the size of the technology of the computer become smaller, faster,
and more reliable and more energy than before. William Shockley, Walter Brattain and John Bardeen
successfully tested this point contrast transistor, setting off the semiconductor revolution. They
improved models of the transistor that develop at AT t Bell Laboratories, supplanted vacuum tubes on
the computer at that time.
The advantage of this transistor is could handle an enormous amount of data, a capability much in
demand by atomic scientists to do their work. However the new generation machines were costly but
powerful, somehow they really need to invest their money for the machine to make changes and help
in their project successfully. So that there were only two LARCs were ever installed. First in the
Lawrence Radiation Labs in Livermore, California which the computer was named
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The Success Of A Recession
Warren Buffett, entrepreneur and investor once said, It s only when the tide goes out that you discover
who s been swimming naked. In order to know exactly what Mr. Buffett was talking about when he
said this line, you would have either had to be there or one day have the opportunity to ask him
yourself. However, in the context of comparing this quote to economics, or perhaps banking, one
could say that what he meant was that the choices that are made today might not be judged until later
down the road. For example, a recession is not something that just happens over night. In the event
leading up to a recession, there are many factors and every recession is unique in their own way. As
for the great recession in 2008, the causes included subprime lending, and greed amongst lenders and
borrowers. Before jumping straight into the causes of the 2008 recession, first you must be informed
of the history in previous recessions America has had to face. Since the Great Depression ended in
mid 1930 s, America has had to overcome around eleven recessions. Now some might argue that not
all recorded recessions were worthy of getting the tittle as an official recession. Many will simply say
it was slight hiccup in the economy because of the short six to eight month duration of the smaller
recessions. When divided over the years It seems that the United States has one to two recessions
every decade. However, everyone of the short recessions had a significant impact on the American
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Marriage in America Today
Writing Assignment #3
Argument/Persuasive Paper
Directions: Choose and respond to one of the following writing prompts. You must focus on only one
side of the issue. Be sure that your paragraph includes the following items:
* strong topic sentence that clearly identifies the topic and the opinion you re expressing
* 3 major details that support the topic sentence
* at least 3 minor details that give specific reasons or examples to support each major detail
* strong conclusion
* Keep to the topic. All sentences must be about the topic or detail.
*grammatically correct writing
*correct spelling
*format: typed and double spaced 12 point, easy to read font ... Show more content on
Last, and most important, is that studies have not shown that more hours spent on homework leads to
more knowledge. Time spent on homework does not correlate to better test scores. Some students can
spend twice as much time as others and still not do as well. Grades do not necessarily improve with
more hours of homework. In conclusion, homework for high school students is not necessary. Time is
better spent getting exercise, working off stress and interacting with others.
Choose one of the following topics to address in your paper. Be sure to use specific reasons/examples
to support your point. Colorize your rough draft.
1. Many people feel Americans are too concerned with material goods. Think about your opinion on
this issue. Do you feel Americans are too materialistic? Support your opinion.
2. There is much discussion as to whether some video games are responsible for aggressive behavior.
Many adults want violent video games banned. Write a persuasive paper stating whether you believe
that violent video games are responsible for aggressive behavior.
3. Much attention is being paid today to improving the environment, yet many people feel the job is
overwhelming or not that important. Do you feel we should focus on improving our environment?
4. Due to potential problems, many school systems have adopted a policy that bans cell phones on
school grounds. However, some parents have
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Persuasive Essay On Locavorism
Locavorism is the movement of eating locally raised, grown and produced food. Local food is defined
as food that is produced in a 100 mile radius of where it was purchased. This trend has become a
worldwide phenomenon and recognized as a potential solution to modern food production problems in
the United States. Due to the numerous benefits, Locavorism is the best solution to solving the Unites
States food problems. These benefits include increased economic support, improved environmental
care, and promotion of fair food markets.
Today nearly every aspect of society is ran by money. As a result this makes it difficult to not discuss
the economic side of something. Local eating involves essentially buying food directly from the
source. Which in turn provides money almost directly to the farmer and gives them the ability to
further improve the farm. Azeveado (6 7) cites a study done by the New Economics Foundation within
London. The study showed that at a local store the profit returned to the economy was more than
double that which was spent. So an item which cost 10 pounds returned an amount of 25 pounds to the
local economy. While studying a supermarket, the same amount of money spent only returned 14
pounds. This research shows undeniable proof that buying local helps the local economy. The
economic increase from a large amount of people doing this could greatly improve money problems
within the United States. More money would be available for public
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The Korengal Valley Is A Mountain Passage
The Korengal Valley is a mountain passage located to the south of the Pech River in the Pech District
of the Kunar Province in northeastern Afghanistan. For the American soldiers deployed in that area, it
lives up to the title granted to it by CNN, The Deadliest Place on Earth. On June 5, 2007, B Company
of the 2nd Battalion of the 503rd Infantry Regiment took over the duties of the Korengal Valley. B
company would be deployed there for fifteen months before being replaced by Viper Company. In that
time, B company, or Battle Company as it is commonly referred to, would face serious opposition
from both local insurgents and foreign fighters imported by the A.C.M., or Anti Coalition Militia. B
Company faced a war of firepower and of hearts ... Show more content on ...
Kearney established a strong relationship between the United States Army and the Government of
Afghanistan in order to support the local populace through enhancement, humanitarian assistance
handouts, and a weekly shura to address issues in the valley. These methods were intended to aid the
overall goal of Battle Company s mission, to defeat the Anti Coalition Militia forces that had
entrenched themselves in the valley, and to increase the Government of Afghanistan s overall presence
within the Kunar Province.
Battle Company faced one of the hardest conflicts of the entire War in Afghanistan. The men of Battle
Company could expect, on average, 1.5 kinetic engagements per day. Though even in firefights, the
battle for the human terrain came into play. On July 10, 2007, Battle Company took fire from a three
story mansion that belonged to Haji Matin, a timber baron with ties to insurgent forces within the
valley. This presented a problem as the United States Army had made the promise that it would bomb
the homes of the Korengali locals. Captain Kearney attempted to keep this promise. My guys would
tell me they didn t know which houses they re shooting from, and I d tell them they can t shoot back
into the villages, Kearney told a reporter, Elizabeth Ruben,
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The Shortcomings Of The Diagnostic And Statistical Manual...
There is a lot of public outcry for the repeal of this defence. However, this would only lead to more
problems than answers. So long as there are mentally ill individuals in society, this defence is
warranted despite any of its deficiencies. For individuals experience some form of mental illness who
come into contact with the criminal justice system, this defence allows them to attain the counselling
and treatment they require. Before a verdict can be rendered, the courts administer a rigorous test and
ensure that those individuals who gain the benefit of this defence truly deserve it. The defence of not
criminally responsible remains very pertinent in today s society simply because society recognizes a
need to differentiate a true criminal from one who does not intend the consequences of his or her
actions. However, there are many misconceptions and issues in how the defence is administered that
need to be addressed to make this defence more available and effective to those who seek it. Within
this essay, the deficiencies of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) will
be discussed in an attempt to demonstrate the flaws in the current apparatus used and relied on by
psychiatrists when making assessments regarding criminal responsibility. Under the current standards
and the dependence on the DSM IV may lead to an under use of the insanity defence rather than an
overuse. In general, this paper will examine the use and availability of the not
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  • 2. The Effects Of Food On Our Unhealthy Conditions Seeing the overall health of Americans is so much lower than other industrialized countries, you cannot help but wonder whether toxic ingredients such as these might play a role in our unhealthy conditions (Dr. Joseph Mercola 5). Suspicions are brought up on the handling of the FDA s food protection. Furthermore, how food is being handled, is criticized of being overlooked on the health consequences. Chemical companies do not seem to have concerns for human and environment risks. Even though food production has improved to last longer and have quality taste, the United States should not allow the production of unhealthy foods because other countries ban some of the ingredients we use in food production and current food production ... Show more content on ... For instance, Filipinos in at least five villages felt sick when a nearby BT corn variety was pollinating. Rats fed GM potatoes showed excessive cell growth which can lead to cancer, damaged organs, and damaged immune system (Jeffrey M. Smith 6). There is an extensive number of side effects that can be caused due to GMO foods, still the FDA continues to ignore further studies to prove that GM food are not any different than conventionally grown crops. Lack of information about the safety of GM foods should signal to the industry more studies are needed; however, the GM industry is hesitant to provide further studies. The Genetic engineering of our food system is proceeding essentially unregulated, despite the fact that three federal agencies are responsible for the safety of genetically engineered foods (Mercola 10). Most Americans spend a large amount of money in processed foods, however, they do not think about the additives that are loaded in them. When foods are processed, not only are valuable nutrients lost and fibers removed, but the textures, natural variations, and flavors are also lost. Above all, what is left behind is a bland flavor which most people would not want to eat (Dr. Joseph Mercola 5). It is clear that no one desires to eat something unappealing. The food manufacturers priority is to make produce high quality taste, however they do not take into consideration what goes into their products as long as they make profit ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The Curious Case Of Marilyn Monroe The Curious Case of Marilyn Monroe Marilyn Monroe was one of the biggest stars in her era, and as stars do, they die; and Marilyn was no exception. Much like the life of Marilyn Monroe, her death was also one that was shrouded in mystery. People have proposed many theories as to why Marilyn died; the most popular conspiracy theory being the result of her death by the hands Kennedys. However, some people may say that there is evidence to support this theory, but these are just fabricated lies spread by people trying to harm the Kennedy s reputation. It is evident that Marilyn Monroe died from drug overdose due to the fact there is evidence supporting she overdosed, there are many factors in her life that lead to her doing drugs, and her ... Show more content on ... The investigation went on for three months and one would think that after a thorough three month investigation that trained investigators would find evidence to support the fact that Monroe was murdered. However, they did not find any evidence because there was no credible evidence to support the fact that she was murdered. Although, there was plenty of evidence found by investigators to display that she died of an overdose. Including her autopsy, this displayed no signs of foul play but an abundant amount of drugs. If she was murdered, there would obviously be signs of foul play. Lastly, it is important to note that Marilyn had a drug addiction, and this was not the only time she had tried drugs. Since she had heavily relied on pills in her daily life to just function normally and maintain the image that she was still rather normally, she became heavily dependent on those pills, which inevitably lead to an addiction. The pills Monroe was addicted to were used to control her behavior, which leads to the assumption that she was plagued with mental issues, and it is not uncommon for someone with a mental disorder to want to end their life. Therefore, it is evident that there is credible evidence to support the fact that Monroe died from an overdose because the amount of drugs in her body was way passed the lethal amount, a thorough investigation was conducted to look for evidence that she was murdered and there was none, and lastly she suffered from ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Importance Of Student In School In school I have always been a relatively successful student, and I was always considered one of the smarter kids by my parents and a lot of the other students. In about sixth grade when they started to split the grade up into certain classes for the advanced kids and the kids that weren t considered advanced. I was in the classes with all the kids that weren t considered advanced. At the time though, I didn t realize what they were doing or that I wasn t actually considered a smart kid by the school, I just knew all my friends were in classes I wasn t in, and it really upset me. I got put in the classes with a bunch of kids I didn t like, or just people I didn t know, and had never seen before. I still had the bus where I got to see a few of my friends, but other than that, they just weren t around. All of fourth grade year I hadn t struggled at all, and everything came relatively easy to me. It was just really easy. I knew I wasn t a dumb kid, but up until then my parents had always had to help me. They carried me through school, they had just been my own personal teacher and were always there if I needed any help at all. This was definitely weird to me that I didn t need them anymore that year. About half way through the school year, I was talking to one of my friends about school and how easy it had been going so far this year. He then started telling me how hard he thought it was and how he was really struggling, I just kind of blew it off, and was thinking he ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Apologetic Artice Review The following article was written by David Wheeler for publication in an apologetics encyclopedia. However, the subject matter of the article is equally as important in the realm of evangelism. Considering that most approaches to evangelism, including Share Jesus Without Fear, are basically driven by supplying proper information , at what point does one s incarnational lifestyle enter into the equation? Is evangelism only the communication of proper information, or does it also include the total person in reference to one s outward behavior that validates the information to the world? Is it both information and incarnation ? Read and respond on discussion board. Subject: Incarnational Apologetics Definition: ... Show more content on ... The same argument can be applied to other areas of traditional apologetics. Consider for a moment the important issues related to the resurrection of Christ. While the historical and biblical aspects are imperative in validating the authenticity of the event, one must never ignore how that miraculous event transforms the individual expressions of a Christian s daily life. For instance, a Muslim friend who converted to Christianity communicated that it was not the great arguments of traditional informational apologetics that finally drew him to examine the claims of Christ. On the contrary, it was the consistent caring actions of a high school friend who lived out a resurrected life before him. It was not that his friend ever stopped verbally sharing the informational truths about Christ with him. The truth is that he boldly shared the gospel on many occasions. The bottom line was the simple undeniable fact that his friend s life incarnationally validated the biblical truths he graciously espoused. In fact, the former Muslim admitted that he regularly abused and embarrassed his schoolmate hoping that he would grow weary and leave him alone. In the end, the former Muslim became a Christian because he could not argue with the evidences of a transformed life that ultimately became a tool of the Holy Spirit prompting his heart to further examine the directions of his faith. It is here that both the incarnational and informational ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Essay On Jewish Discrimination The Discrimination of Jews Between 1939 and 1945 Jews were greatly discriminated and affected by how their lives were about to change. Jews were living a normal life until the German government began enforcing laws and affecting all Jews. These examples explain how Jews were treated and hurt by people just because they were Jewish. Jews were treated poorly before and during the Holocaust, and this made a big impact on Jews today. First, there were many many laws that were implemented against Jews. Next, the German government began to enforce social laws against Jews. Finally, the German government attempted to separated Jews from the rest of society. First, there were many many laws that were implemented against Jews. During and before the ... Show more content on ... Before the Holocaust, people began viewing Jews differently. The German government decided to make camps for the Jews to keep them away from the other people in the community. These places were called Jewish Ghettos, where the government placed all the Jews to live. The people in the Ghettos were very upset with this change and one man said, We have entered into a new life, we are separated from the world and driven out of society, and the human race, (Facing History 2). All of the Jews were forced to leave their homes and move to these Ghettos. They had guards all around them and barbed wire fences. In conclusion, the Jews were forced into the horrible places where they weren t allowed to leave. Overall, Jews were treated very poorly and this made a big impact on Jews today. There were many laws that were many social laws that were implemented against Jews and at the same time Jews were being separated from the rest of society. As Hitler showed how he hated Jews, the other Germans followed along with him. People began viewing Jews as horrible monsters who had no point in being alive. As people joined with Hitler their power got stronger and stronger allowing them to treat Jews this way and affect everyone around them. All of these things greatly impacted Jews and stopped them from living a normal ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Risk Our Society Takes by Depending on the Use of... What most people in our society lack to notice is how our country s continuous use of fossil fuels is endangering to nature and the wildlife it inhabits as well as the environment that we live in. Our society seems to think that fossil fuels we use in excess today will last forever but actuality will one day be depleted to unrepairable measures, which is why we need a cleaner more environmentally friendly substitute. With that said my paper is going to underline how our society would be able to transfer from fossil fuels to cleaner energies which are beneficial to our earth and existence. There is a great understandable hunger for energy in the world. Increases uses of energy are strongly correlated with the gross domestic product ... Show more content on ... Cleaner energies would be the target goal for the source of society s energy. They also have their share of benefits and disadvantages. Aside from the fact that cleaner energies would do a world of help to the environment by reducing the amount of harmful gases that get trapped in the atmosphere which can reduce the greenhouse effect as well as the amount of forests being destroyed by acid rain. The most likely substitute for the fossil fuels would be hydrogen. When burned in air, its end products are water and some nitrogen oxides. These oxides, which are potentially pollutants, can be reduced to negligible levels with catalytic (speeds up reaction rate) heaters. So hydrogen would be the least polluting of all energy sources. The disadvantage we find with using hydrogen is that the storage would be a problem. It can be stored in several ways, none completely safe. With care hydrogen can be at least as safe as many other hazardous substances we use. It can be compressed and stored in tanks. It can be liquefied. It can be combined with some metal to form a chemical compound called hydride and then have the hydrogen release slightly by increasing the temperature. Portable tanks tend to be very heavy and awkward to handle but large community tanks can be used as they have been in the past for storing town gas. Liquefying hydrogen and storing it requires expensive additional sophisticated cryogenic equipment: hydrogen liquefies at the ... Get more on ...
  • 8. How Performance Management Is Important Challenges That... Performance is about keeping public and nonprofit organization up to date, vibrant, and relevant to society. It is about ensuring that agency programs and policies connect with the important challenges that people, communities, and the nation face. (Berman, pg. 3) Managing this includes setting goals, developing and training employees, as well as merging appraisal of performance and rewarding performance into a single tool. The key to performance management is to ensure that the employee s performance is helping meet and reach the goals set forth by the organization or company. If management process are strategically planed, created, implemented and carried out in the proper manner, great incremental changes can be made throughout an organization to increase growth of the business. If employees do not perform or stakeholders are not happy, business can fail in many ways. Gordmans in Okemos may not fail as a business just yet, but without evaluating their performance thus far, it may lead them down a dark path if measures are not evaluated now. A main reason performance management is needed in a store like this, is to establish goals and organization within stores by making sure all employees are on the same page. With everyone knowing the goals and mission of the company it helps establish a great attitude and relationship amongst employee. As well as what is expected from them performance wise in order to meet those goals. Appraisal performance would be the best tool in ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Importance Of Life Skills Class Students today have become blind to what is ahead of them. Besides learning all levels of math and english, they do not know basic life skills, such as writing a check, which are still used today. Most students dread the idea of going to school due to being bored in unnecessary classes. Kids have become careless about their school work and their at home responsibilities because their parents and teachers coddle them abundantly. Student are going into the real world very unprepared and unaware of how reality is. Apart from the common core classes students are required to take, schools should offer life skills classes. Some should include how to have a budget and handle money, general life skills, such as writing a check, and even more sex ed classes. A general life skills class would be very beneficial to today s teens. Most students leave high school with a great deal of useless knowledge that was stuffed into their brain, yet they don t understand credit and student loans, which is used immediately in college. Much of this responsibility is supposed to be on the parents, but as for schools, there should be a balance between academic and life skills. Financial classes could save many students twenty and older from getting into financial bundles when they possibly want to own their own car, or even get an apartment. Most children have lousy parents and role models, which mostly leads to bad influences being shown. Sex is a very ashamed topic to talk about amongst a ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Impact of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Programs on... Preparing students for life success, requires a balanced education that includes social and emotional education. It is important that families, schools and communities come together to achieve this. This article is researching the positive effects, of social and emotional learning of students in kindergarten to eighth grade. This article summarizes three reviews of research on the impact of social and emotional learning (SEL) programs on elementary school and middle age school students. These programs promote social and emotional skills (Weissberg, Taylor, Schellinger, Payton, Pachan, Dymcicki and Durlak, 2008). The SEL programs showed many benefits in both school and after school settings for students with and without behavioral and ... Show more content on ... This study was done again to see if social and emotional learning still had positive effects on children. The study asked these questions; (a)What skills, attitudes, behaviors and academic outcomes do SEL programs achieve for elementary and middle school (K 8) students? (b) Do SEL program effects endure over time? (c) Are SEL programs effective in school and after school and for students with problems and without problems and (d) What features are associated with highly effective SEL programs? (Weissberg, Taylor, Schellinger, Payton, Pachan, Dymicki and Durlak, 2008). The study used a meta analytic approach. The study was broken down into three reviews; The Universal Review, The Indicated Review and The After School Review (Weissberg, Taylor, Schellinger, Payton, Pachan and Durlak, 2008) . The Universal Review included 180 school based studies involving 277,977 students. The strategy involved classroom programming, which were a set of lessons that sought to develop social and emotional skills such as problem and feeling identification, goal setting, conflict resolution strategies and interpersonal problem solving skills (Weissberg, Taylor, Schellinger, Payton, Pachan, Dymicki and Durlak, 2008). The Indicated Review had 80 studies involving 11,337 students (Weissberg, Taylor, Schellinger, Payton, Pachan, Dymicki and Durlak, ... Get more on ...
  • 11. 1970 s-1980 Film Analysis During the 1970 s Hollywood saw many changes occurring in the film industry, with big conglomerates buying up studios to the wave of films in the New Hollywood style of filmmaking and finally to the many technical innovations being explored throughout the decade. It was an important time than and it is still important to modern Hollywood cinema with the many innovations directly effecting all aspects of filmmaking. Of all the innovations to occur during the 1970 s 1980 s the big three had to be the improvement upon digital effects work, the investments toward a film marketing campaign and finally the new and quickly growing video market. Cinema all over the world had impressive spectacles to behold since the beginning of film s creation, but the 1970 s and 1980 s saw big advances with computer driven effects work. Just about every big budgeted film these days relies upon CGI effects work including such award winning films like Avatar (2009), Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014) and Hugo (2011). These films could be made the way they are today without the enhanced effects work being done in the 70 s 80 s ... Show more content on ... Today many people might take this for granted, but before home video became a simple commonality many films were simply shown in theaters and then stored away, never to be seen again (unless the film was big enough for a theatrical re release or epics multi night TV events). The introduction of VHS, Betamax, HBO and other home viewing devices not only helped bring the consumers more entertainment, it helped the film industry gain a new cash cow. Thanks to the 1980 s innovative and commercially successful attempt of bringing home viewing to life, we now can have services like Amazon Instant Video, Netflix, On Demand, Pay Per View, Video Stores and much much more. It also brought another market to audiences, the Direct to video films we still see being produced ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Slave Rebellions, By Nat Turner Slavery resistance dates back to the earliest days of slavery. Although there were many forms, varying in degree, including: working slowly, faking illness, burning down buildings, the most powerful form was slave rebellions. Slave rebellions, put simply, are the armed uprising of slaves. Dating back as far as the 1700s, there have been many slave rebellions, however only a few of these have been considered successful. One of the most significant slave rebellions happened in 1831, and was called Nat Turner s Rebellion. Nat Turner was born October 2nd, 1800 in Southampton County, Virginia. In 1810, Nat Turner became the property to Samuel Turner, after his brother, the man who enslaved him, Benjamin Turner died. The two brothers allowed Nat to learn reading, writing, and to practice his religion. As a young child, it was believed Nat Turner had special gifts because he was able to describe events that had happened before he was born. According to his family members, Turner had a great purpose in this world. As he learned more about his religion, the more he believed his mission from God was to lead his people out of slavery. He was known to nearby slaves as The Prophet (Nat Turner Biography). In 1821, Turner began having visions and hearing divine voices. After dealing with visions of bloody conflicts between whites and blacks for ten years, in 1831 Turner took the sign of a solar eclipse that the time to attack was soon (Nat Turner Biography). Turner gathered a group ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Senate Bill 149 ( Sb 149 ) The Senate Bill 149 (SB 149) signed by Greg Abbot is about relating to alternative methods for satisfying certain public high school graduation requirements, including the use of individual graduation committees. This bill gives students a better chance at graduating, although it may or not be continued results of this bill will have to be processed first. I chose this bill because I believed that it would be well known also, because it is important to school life which has taken a big turn in recent years. Education has taken a decline in funding so I think this law may benefit the sudden drop in funding or perhaps is something the government hopes to be used as an olive branch due to withdrawal of funding. My first article details who the law effects, and what requirements for Individual Graduation committees (IGC). One of the effects of SB 149 is, The law requires school districts and open enrollment charter schools to have IGCs for any eleventh or twelfth grade student who has not passed two out of the five end of the course (EOC) exams at or the end of the eleventh grade s year (Seliger). IGCs need the principal, the teacher of the relevant course; the department chair or lead teacher supervising the teacher of the relevant course; and either the student s parent/guardian, or the student if the student is at least 18 years of age or is an emancipated minor (Seliger). This is a pretty basic requirement that I believe most organizations involving students would have ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Reasons To Break A Social Norms Of Society Social norms are unwritten rules about how to behave. They provide us with an expected idea of how to behave in a particular Social group or culture. They act as accepted standards of behavior of social group. It is the hope of society that people adhere to the social norms of the given society they find themselves in. For my social norms paper, I chose to break a social norm by using a fork to drink soup and then using my fingers to eat a rice dish at a restaurant on a dinner date with a guy I was meeting for the first time. I chose to break this norm for several reasons. Firstly, I wanted an experience to write about for my psychology paper. Secondly, I loved the fact that I was going to be the only odd one in the restaurant and possibly get stares and murmurs from other customers staff. Most people that eat at this restaurant eat with cutlery so I knew I was bound to be a topic of discussion. Thirdly, I wanted to see the reaction of my date, if he was going to leave, play along or just feel uncomfortable. Lastly, I just missed eating with my fingers as I come from a place where some foods are eaten with the fingers. It was a Sunday evening so the restaurant was packed with customers. Before I embarked on my mischief, my date and I ordered our meal and I excused myself to go to the washroom to wash my hands ready to consume my food. I had every type of feeling running through my head. I was feeling anxious, scared, weird, and stupid for the most part of the date ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Nina Waymone Case Study The Case of Nina Simone She loved Bach, Chopin, Brahms, Beethoven, and Schubert. She trained nearly 8 hours a day to become a classical pianist. She would go on to become the High Priestess of Soul . Eunice Kathleen Waymon, or as the world famously knows her, Nina Simone, never wanted to be a jazz musician. She believed that her role in society was to be the first African American classical pianist in America. Durkheim s theory of forced division of labor can be used to explain why this never became true. Anomie played a major role in shaping the life of someone who would later fight against it. Nina Simone by all accounts was a music virtuoso. At a young age, Nina was able to hear a song and play it by ear. She played in a small church in the Jim Crow South where her mother pastured. One day, a white woman heard Nina playing the piano and offered to give her lessons. She herself was an immigrant, and hope to train Nina to become one of the world s best classical pianist. At their first lesson, the instructor showed her a piece written by Bach. Nina absolutely loved it. Nina often told interviewers that from then on that her dream was to play ... Show more content on ... She was denied. Those that knew her and that followed her work up until that point knew that there was only one reason that she was not accepted into the program; racism. She had the talent necessary but was denied the chance. Crushed, she now had to find a job. She decided to play at a club. There, she played a plethora of music, ranging from gospel, classical, and pop hits. The owner told her that if she wanted to continue she would have to sing as well. Nina Simone had never sung up until this point and classical music normally doesn t allow for singing. She decided to play jazz music, and from that moment on, she became one of the best voices, and brilliant musicians in ... Get more on ...
  • 16. My Dream Is To Become An OGYN My dream is to become a OBGYN. I actually started wanting to become one was last year in the 11th grade at my old school we had a career day and one of the speakers was a OBGYN I was so influence about her talking about the perks of being one. Ever since I was little I loved little babies and a woman s body l thought birth was such a beautiful thing of course painful. Also, what attracted to becoming an OBGYN is also helping a child or mother in need. I hope to accomplish in this dream job is becoming successful and helping people with their daily lives. I actually haven t prepared myself for this career, but, I did do research on my dream job my career takes patience. According to the news today a OBGYN can make up to 120,000 each year for me, i m more comfortable with that because I will buy my dream car I will buy my dream house and when I have accomplished that I know I have become successful. When I hit college I, will prepare myself by looking more into my major, of course, take classes and communicate with others around me that is interested in the same major I am. In a nutshell, I think becoming an future OBGYN is the best accomplished I can ever make in life because that s what i m mainly focusing on in my life. My dream is to become a OBGYN. I actually started wanting to become one was last year in the 11th grade at my old school we had a career day and one of the speakers was a OBGYN I was so influence about her talking about the perks of being one. Ever ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Symbolism In La Inferno For centuries writers have used symbolism in literature to garner the attention of readers. One of the finest examples of this is La Comedia or The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri. Critics, in particular, recognize the first canticle of the comedy, The Inferno, as an unequivocal masterpiece of visual and allegorical imagery. Dante very skillfully weaves figurative language with tangible physical descriptions to achieve an unparalleled poetic work that continues to have immeasurable influence on western literature to this day. Every aspect of The Inferno is gravid with endless symbolism specifically referencing mankind s sins and the subsequent retributions dealt to those who commit them by a wrathful God. This accords Dante s poetic work with its iconic complexity and attaches deeper meaning to his adventurous journey through hell. The Divine Comedy in its entirety is nothing but a parable into the spiritual journey of human life. In Canto 1, Dante, the protagonist, in the middle years of his life, tries to navigate his way out of a dark and scary forest in search of light. Dante uses the dark forest as a metaphor for sin, and the light he seeks as God in heaven. As he attempts to get through the forest he is confronted by three beasts. He describes the encounters as I faced a spotted Leopard,...../And it would not pass... (1:33 34), ... great Lion that broke upon me/ raging with hunger... (1:44 45), and ... a She Wolf drove upon me, ...starved horror/ ravening and wasted. (1:48 49). These three beasts the Leopard, the Lion, and the She Wolf, by virtue of their salient characteristics, symbolize the three different categories of sins malice and fraud, violence and pride, and greed and lust, respectively. The leopard, with its spotted pelt, is considered a master of disguise, biding its time to strike down prey at the most optimal moment; akin to a malicious person who often presents himself respectably and hides his true motives. The lion is known to satisfy his individual needs through violence and aggression and is thus able to establish himself as the top predator in the food chain. Similarly, humans are known to resort to violent means to fulfill their needs and ambitions. The she wolf, the last ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Ethical Theory Paper Morals are infrequently conflated or mistook for different methods for settling on decisions, including religion, law or ethical quality. Numerous religions advance moral choice making yet don t generally address the full scope of moral decisions that we always come across. Religions might likewise advocate or deny certain practices which may not be viewed as the correct area of morals, for example, dietary confinements or sexual practices (K.A. Francis, Demand Media, 2014). A decent arrangement of law ought to be moral, however, the law sets up a point of reference in attempting to direct all inclusive rules and is subsequently not ready to react to individual connections. The law may have a troublesome time outlining or implementing standards in some imperative ranges, and may be eased back to address new issues. Both law and morals manage inquiries of how we ought to live respectively with others, however, morals are in some cases additionally thought to apply to how people act notwithstanding when others are not included. At long last, numerous individuals utilize the terms profound quality and morals reciprocally. Others hold profound quality for the condition of ideas while seeing morals as a code that empowers ethical quality. Another approach to consider the relationship in the middle of morals ... Show more content on ... The ethical theories to explain this will be consequentialist theories which are fundamentally concerned with the moral outcomes of specific activities, non consequentialist theories which have a tendency to be comprehensively concerned with the aims of the individual settling on moral choices about specific activities and agent centered theories which are more concerned with the general moral status of people, or specialists, and are less concerned to distinguish the profound quality of specific activities (Manuel Velasquez, and Kirk O. Hanson, ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Management vs Leadership Management Leadership Management and leadership are two of the most important positions to have for anyone in an organization. Both of these positions come with a great deal of responsibilities; however, they both serve two different purposes and responsibilities in an organization, along with a different sent of guidelines. Leadership Leadership is a wonderful quality for anyone to have because not everyone possesses leadership qualities and skills; however, a person can learn to have leadership qualities if he or she has the desire. A good leader has many excellent qualities such as; a leader has followers, knows how to encourage the workers, can get results by implementing strategies, can create a vision for the company, and ... Show more content on ... Leadership, in contrast, focuses on challenging and inspiring people. Management and leadership have to work together to make sure the goal is achieved. According to Stephen R. Covey, Management is problem oriented and leadership is opportunity oriented . A successful organization cannot exist without both strong leadership and great management. It is important to remember that most people are not born with natural leadership skills and qualities, but leadership can be learned and developed. Conclusion Management is clearly different from leadership. S. R. Covey, but I think it does not mean one is less important, than the other. Covey wants us to understand, that leader is not only a position. However, it takes an excellent leader and manager to be able to fulfill the leadership and management role successfully for the benefit of the company and his or her people in all aspects of the business fields. Therefore, every company, big or small, must have people, whom they can depend on, whole heartedly, who can fulfill the leadership and management ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Brown V. Board Of Education Case Study Many people would say that the constitution is a living, breathing document. I agree with those people. Living people adapt to fit into today s society. Our constitution is the same way because throughout history, our constitution has changed in order to meet the demands and views of today s society. There are many moments in history that prove this to be true ,such as court cases. One case that proves our earlier statement is Brown v. Board of Education. In this case, Oliver Brown attempted to enroll his child into an all white school. His daughter was denied enrollment to this school. He decided to take action. Brown argued that while the schools are separate, they were not equal and that this violated the 14th amendment. This battle was won. Some schools began to desegregate while others began violent protests which required the National Guard to stop it. This decision changed education and the constitution. The constitution had to adapt to meet the needs, demands and views of the people which is why this case is a perfect example of why the constitution is a living document. ... Show more content on ... Illinois. This case is a good example that proves that the constitution is living. In order to be living, the constitution must be enforced at all times. In this case, Danny Escobedo was arrested and taken to a police station. The police denied his request to see his lawyer. He never spoke to his lawyer and Escobedo confessed to murder. Escobedo was denied his right to counsel. This broke the 6th amendment of the constitution. Once again, the constitution adapted. It began to be enforced that one has the right to remain to silent which shows that the constitution is a living, breathing ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Advocacy Of Women s Rights On The Grounds Of... Feminism. The advocacy of women s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. Why are some people so angry or offended when they hear this word? Why does the idea of women being equal to men annoy and infuriate them? Do they not believe that women should have the same rights as men? Should women have to cover up to avoid being cat called by disgusting men? Should women have to cover up to avoid being molested or raped? Should women have to stay quiet when they are raped or abused because no one would ever believe them? Should woman be told what to wear, say, or do with their body? I ask myself these questions every day. The question that I ask myself the most is, Why are women of color, gay, and transgender women constantly being disrespected? Woman as a whole get disrespected on a daily basis. We get cat called, get told what to do with our bodies, victim blamed, our bodies are over sexualized, and were viewed as weak and just a piece of meat. Being a woman is already scary enough but being a gay, transgender, or woman of color is the most terrifying experience. Its seems as if the more melanin your skin contains, the more disrespect you receive. Why is that? Although being a woman is hard, being a white woman gives you so much more privilege than what a woman of color gets. First of all, white woman are seen as beautiful and attractive because of their skin. They aren t constantly told that their skin is too dark or ugly because of ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Miss Peregrine s Home For Peculiar Children Miss Peregrine s Home for Peculiar Children is a horror young adult literature written by Ransom Riggs. It tells Jacob Portman s story who followed clues that lead him to a house for refugees on the Cairnholm Island off the coast of Wales, where his grandfather used to stay during the Second World War back in the 1940s. The Cairnholm Island itself only had one phone and was powered with generators that shut off at 10 pm everyday, foreshadowing the fact that Jacob would go back in time later on. The peculiar children all lived with Miss Peregrine in a time loop , created by Miss Peregrine herself. Because of this, the children didn t age; everyday they repeated September 3rd, 1940 over and over again. For seventy years they had stayed on that day, although their experience of it is continuous, thus they were able to remember what they did yesterday, although other things remained the same. Habits may be boring, but it was key for their safety. Monsters, called the hollowgasts, were hunting down these peculiar children. By being in the ... Show more content on ... In the novel Death of an Englishman, Cipolla told the Marshall that he grew up during the war, similar to the peculiar children. However, even though time stopped for the children in 1940 and the war really stopped in 1945, either Cipolla or the children were never free. The war affected more deeply than just the bodies. Because of the war, Cipolla moved away from home and didn t have enough education to work a white collared job in the future. He never led a satisfying life because of what happened in his childhood. Meanwhile, most of the children were refugees of their own parents who thought their children were swapped by the devil; thus they were peculiar. With them coming into Miss Peregrine s house, they were saving themselves from their parents, the hollowgasts, and also the Nazi. They would not age in the time loop, let alone live a free life; if they wanted to be ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Hurricane Katrina Sociology When Hurricane Katrina slammed onto the gulf shores of Louisiana in 2005, few people understood what impact the storm would have on the city of New Orleans. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Katrina caused an estimated $108 billion dollars of damage, displaced 250,000 residents and killed over 1800 lives, most being African American and the poor ( Downey, 2011). To present a sociological view of how Hurricane Katrina affected the people of New Orleans, one must first understand how the people of New Orleans lived before Katrina caused its mass destruction. The focus of this paper will be to uncover how race and class affected the people of New Orleans pre Katrina and how post Katrina has altered their cultural ... Show more content on ... The first lesson was that all federal agency personnel must understand the roles and responsibilities they have when a natural disaster strikes (Menzel, 2006). In addition and most importantly, they must all be aware of the situation on the ground and work together to share a common operating strategy when an incident occurs (Menzel, 2006). These lessons led to the formation of the National Operations Center to deal with a natural disaster or catastrophic crisis. Hurricane Katrina revealed the difference in preparedness programs that citizens had based on the jurisdictions the lived in. The White House Report Recommendations concluded how inadequate these programs were and recommended to combine the various disparate citizen preparedness programs into a single national campaign to promote and strengthen citizen and community preparedness (Menzel, 2006). Ten years later, FEMA continues to support families and communities of all racial backgrounds and social classes (FEMA, 2015). Because of Hurricane Katrina, FEMA established an Incident Management Response Team who are now able to be deployed within 2 hours of a disaster and arrive within 12 hours to help support local residences (FEMA, 2015). FEMA have significantly improved their ability to help assist all communities in responding to and recovering from ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Character of Iago in Shakespeare s Othello Essay The Character of Iago The old cliché One bad apple ruins the bunch is what enters one s mind when discussing the villainous, deceitful, protagonist Iago in Shakespeare s tragedy Othello. It is amazing how one person alone can completely destroy, or deteriorate a group of good natured, trusting, loyal peoples lives in a matter of days three to be exact. What is the motive behind Iago s heinous, selfish acts, one may ask? A rather obvious theme in the Shakespeare s tragedy, Othello , is that of the many facets of jealousy, which instigate the evil doings of protagonist, Iago. Jealousy can be best defined, in the thinking of Renaissance, as a derivative or compounded passion. It is a species of envy, which is in turn ... Show more content on ... Iago s motive behind his evil plot against Othello all starts when Othello chooses Cassio as his Lieutenant, which leaves Iago feeling as if someone stole his glory. Even further, Iago s jealousy is deepened by Othello s accomplishments and role he holds within his state. We are told that he [Othello] is of noble birth, that war and adventures have been his nurses, that he may be considered a [Moorish] barbarian and yet that the Venetian state has found him so valuable in action, that he cannot be expelled no matter what offense may be found in him (Jorgensen 25). This alone makes Iago surpass any sort of admiration of Othello, for it only feeds his jealousy and envy. Iago is infuriated and retaliates by making Othello question the degree of his wife s faithfulness. At last Othello is moved. Iago sees that is poisonous words are beginning to have an effect and knows better than to enlarge up the ideas that are already planted in Othello s mind his own imagination will accomplish more... (Charney 213). The deceit has set in. Cassio and Iago s relationship, much like all of Iago s relationships, is based on an evil web of even more lies and jealous acts. Cassio is a true gentleman, and his way of life is a contrast and an irritation to Iago (Leone 73). Iago proclaims, He hath a daily beauty in his life that makes me ugly. Iago plots to use handsome, charming, ... Get more on ...
  • 25. We Exist to Be for One Another WE EXIST TO BE FOR ONE ANOTHER There are a few words you hear or read that never go away. We exist to be supernatural occurrence laborers for each other, originates from Sr Joan Chittister, who happens to make the point that truly, it is in group, when we live congruously with others, that we are called to develop. Story has taught this from multiple points of view, and as of late I re read an old story, yet this time with fresher eyes and ears, as I held these words in my brain and heart. In The Bremen Town Musicians , a jackass, puppy, feline, and chicken, all past their prime, their helpfulness to their holders now at an end, are abused, soon to be disposed of by their managers. One by one they leave home and signing up with one another, they set out for Bremen, a town in Germany. The characters never really touch base in Bremen, however its huge that it is named in the title, as it was a town known for its flexibility. There, they want to procure a living as musical performers, envisioning they have an ability for this. On the way, they come to bungalow and catch four thieves devouring and partitioning their sick gotten picks up. Remaining on one another s backs to show signs of improvement look, the hungry creatures choose to perform for the men in any desire for being given a supper. Their music a clamor of whinnying, crowing, mewing and yapping cause the terrified men to run for their lives. The creatures revel in the relinquished dinner ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Edward Thatch s Revenge In Treasure Island It was a clear August afternoon and Edward Thatch stood aboard his ship, the Queen Anne s Revenge, holding a spyglass to his eye. He was looking at a small white speck on the horizon that he assumed to be a brig, either Spanish or British. She s a Spanish Brig, sir! the lookout yelled from the crow s nest, corroborating Edward s assumption. He was quite avid when it came to taking prizes, and he was the most feared, despicable pirate in the West Indies. During battle, Edward became Blackbeard, as he is better known, putting slow burning fuses in his hair and long black beard and lighting them on fire to simulate him being the devil or a demon. All of his enemies were terrified of him, and the very sight of him evoked terror, causing his enemies to run away. Blackbeard was, even without the ... Show more content on ... The two ships both fired several more volleys, but the Spanish ship was quickly incapacitated. The Queen Anne s Revenge pulled alongside it, and the crew members fired muskets and threw grappling hooks. Heave! Heave! one of the crew members exclaimed. The brig was slowly pulled closer, and the Spaniards returned fire and prepared to defend the ship. Once the two ships were close enough, Blackbeard s crew members jumped aboard. Blackbeard lit the fuses in his beard and jumped aboard as well. The enemies cowered in fear at the very sight of him. Soon enough, the enemy surrendered, crushed by the sheer power of Blackbeard s crew. The deck of the brig was a gruesome sight. Several bodies lay on the deck, some of them still conscious, in agony. One Spanish Soldier missing one leg was screaming in pain. Some of Blackbeard s crew grimaced at the sight, but Blackbeard smiled. Blackbeard s crew suffered no injuries aside from a few minor abrasions and cuts.They took the brig s supplies, locked the surviving crew in the hold, and continued on their business as if nothing happened. Just an average day for a not so average ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Why Is Jfk Assassination Wrong JFK assassination... is false The JFK assassination is said to be done by only one person, but this essay will tell you that it is wrong. It is said the Oswald is the sole sniper that killed the president. Well, Oswald did shot the gun, but he did not kill the President, someone else worked with Oswald on this assassination. In this court case, Oswald and Oswald alone was proven guilty for killing the President. Oswald had gotten killed later from a gunshot before he went to prison. In the 1963 controversial court case of JFK assassination, the guilty verdict incorrectly prosecuted only Lee Harvey Oswald because of the direction of the bullet, the Grassy Knoll, and the CIA involvement. Oswald did shoot the gun, but it was not the shot that ... Show more content on ... First, CIA helped him get the job where he shot JFK. Former CIA friends of Oswald gave him the job where he shot the president just three weeks before it all happened, (Daily Mail). Oswald got help from the CIA. The CIA gave him a perfect spot to shoot the president. If he didn t get that job, then JFK wouldn t have gotten shot. Next, a former CIA agent confessed to the inside job. A good quote about this is, You kill the president, and your cover is security, and if the sniper or snipers who kill the president are hidden in with the guys who are supposed to protect him, guys who have no knowledge of this plot... It makes a lot of sense, (DailyMail) This goes back to the Grassy Knoll. He is talking about the other people and how they shot JFK, but didn t get caught because they are part of the team that is tasked to finding the murderer. That is why no one caught the other shooter because he is part of the law. Lastly, the CIA has a special tactic. This tactic is when you have different snipers at different locations so it catches people in a crossfire in more than one direction, (DailyMail). The tactic that they used in the JFK assassination is one that the CIA has been using for years. It s a simple tactic, you shoot the suspect from different angles so they can t find cover. Oswald shot the first shot and hit JFK in the chest and then the second sniper dealt the killing blow. The CIA was definitely involved, the ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Describe the development of computers from the year 1945... Describe the development of computers from the year 1945 until 2013 Computer; History and Development: We already know that the computer had been so much help for our life for a long time since the computer had been reveal. For the first what is computer all about? As per Wikipedia and also source that I search from internet, the meaning of computer is a general purpose device that can be programmed to carry out set of arithmetic or logical operations automatically and also can solve more than one of problem that can help the human to think. Computer also is a machine that is able to take information or store information, do some work on or make changes to the information, to make new information. This all function of computers were ... Show more content on ... This machine consumed 160 kilowatts electrical power and it was faster than the system that use when world war two. The second generation of the computer have improved a little by the invention of new small item that already make it change too much that been called transistor. In 1948 the invention of transistor makes change of computer s development. This transistor made to replace the cumbersome vacuum tube in the computers and the result make the size of the technology of the computer become smaller, faster, and more reliable and more energy than before. William Shockley, Walter Brattain and John Bardeen successfully tested this point contrast transistor, setting off the semiconductor revolution. They improved models of the transistor that develop at AT t Bell Laboratories, supplanted vacuum tubes on the computer at that time. The advantage of this transistor is could handle an enormous amount of data, a capability much in demand by atomic scientists to do their work. However the new generation machines were costly but powerful, somehow they really need to invest their money for the machine to make changes and help in their project successfully. So that there were only two LARCs were ever installed. First in the Lawrence Radiation Labs in Livermore, California which the computer was named ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Success Of A Recession Warren Buffett, entrepreneur and investor once said, It s only when the tide goes out that you discover who s been swimming naked. In order to know exactly what Mr. Buffett was talking about when he said this line, you would have either had to be there or one day have the opportunity to ask him yourself. However, in the context of comparing this quote to economics, or perhaps banking, one could say that what he meant was that the choices that are made today might not be judged until later down the road. For example, a recession is not something that just happens over night. In the event leading up to a recession, there are many factors and every recession is unique in their own way. As for the great recession in 2008, the causes included subprime lending, and greed amongst lenders and borrowers. Before jumping straight into the causes of the 2008 recession, first you must be informed of the history in previous recessions America has had to face. Since the Great Depression ended in mid 1930 s, America has had to overcome around eleven recessions. Now some might argue that not all recorded recessions were worthy of getting the tittle as an official recession. Many will simply say it was slight hiccup in the economy because of the short six to eight month duration of the smaller recessions. When divided over the years It seems that the United States has one to two recessions every decade. However, everyone of the short recessions had a significant impact on the American ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Marriage in America Today Writing Assignment #3 Argument/Persuasive Paper Directions: Choose and respond to one of the following writing prompts. You must focus on only one side of the issue. Be sure that your paragraph includes the following items: Structure: * strong topic sentence that clearly identifies the topic and the opinion you re expressing * 3 major details that support the topic sentence * at least 3 minor details that give specific reasons or examples to support each major detail * strong conclusion * Keep to the topic. All sentences must be about the topic or detail. Technical: *grammatically correct writing *correct spelling *format: typed and double spaced 12 point, easy to read font ... Show more content on ... Last, and most important, is that studies have not shown that more hours spent on homework leads to more knowledge. Time spent on homework does not correlate to better test scores. Some students can spend twice as much time as others and still not do as well. Grades do not necessarily improve with more hours of homework. In conclusion, homework for high school students is not necessary. Time is better spent getting exercise, working off stress and interacting with others. Choose one of the following topics to address in your paper. Be sure to use specific reasons/examples to support your point. Colorize your rough draft. 1. Many people feel Americans are too concerned with material goods. Think about your opinion on this issue. Do you feel Americans are too materialistic? Support your opinion. 2. There is much discussion as to whether some video games are responsible for aggressive behavior.
  • 31. Many adults want violent video games banned. Write a persuasive paper stating whether you believe that violent video games are responsible for aggressive behavior. 3. Much attention is being paid today to improving the environment, yet many people feel the job is overwhelming or not that important. Do you feel we should focus on improving our environment? 4. Due to potential problems, many school systems have adopted a policy that bans cell phones on school grounds. However, some parents have ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Persuasive Essay On Locavorism Locavorism is the movement of eating locally raised, grown and produced food. Local food is defined as food that is produced in a 100 mile radius of where it was purchased. This trend has become a worldwide phenomenon and recognized as a potential solution to modern food production problems in the United States. Due to the numerous benefits, Locavorism is the best solution to solving the Unites States food problems. These benefits include increased economic support, improved environmental care, and promotion of fair food markets. Today nearly every aspect of society is ran by money. As a result this makes it difficult to not discuss the economic side of something. Local eating involves essentially buying food directly from the source. Which in turn provides money almost directly to the farmer and gives them the ability to further improve the farm. Azeveado (6 7) cites a study done by the New Economics Foundation within London. The study showed that at a local store the profit returned to the economy was more than double that which was spent. So an item which cost 10 pounds returned an amount of 25 pounds to the local economy. While studying a supermarket, the same amount of money spent only returned 14 pounds. This research shows undeniable proof that buying local helps the local economy. The economic increase from a large amount of people doing this could greatly improve money problems within the United States. More money would be available for public ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Korengal Valley Is A Mountain Passage The Korengal Valley is a mountain passage located to the south of the Pech River in the Pech District of the Kunar Province in northeastern Afghanistan. For the American soldiers deployed in that area, it lives up to the title granted to it by CNN, The Deadliest Place on Earth. On June 5, 2007, B Company of the 2nd Battalion of the 503rd Infantry Regiment took over the duties of the Korengal Valley. B company would be deployed there for fifteen months before being replaced by Viper Company. In that time, B company, or Battle Company as it is commonly referred to, would face serious opposition from both local insurgents and foreign fighters imported by the A.C.M., or Anti Coalition Militia. B Company faced a war of firepower and of hearts ... Show more content on ... Kearney established a strong relationship between the United States Army and the Government of Afghanistan in order to support the local populace through enhancement, humanitarian assistance handouts, and a weekly shura to address issues in the valley. These methods were intended to aid the overall goal of Battle Company s mission, to defeat the Anti Coalition Militia forces that had entrenched themselves in the valley, and to increase the Government of Afghanistan s overall presence within the Kunar Province. Battle Company faced one of the hardest conflicts of the entire War in Afghanistan. The men of Battle Company could expect, on average, 1.5 kinetic engagements per day. Though even in firefights, the battle for the human terrain came into play. On July 10, 2007, Battle Company took fire from a three story mansion that belonged to Haji Matin, a timber baron with ties to insurgent forces within the valley. This presented a problem as the United States Army had made the promise that it would bomb the homes of the Korengali locals. Captain Kearney attempted to keep this promise. My guys would tell me they didn t know which houses they re shooting from, and I d tell them they can t shoot back into the villages, Kearney told a reporter, Elizabeth Ruben, ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Shortcomings Of The Diagnostic And Statistical Manual... There is a lot of public outcry for the repeal of this defence. However, this would only lead to more problems than answers. So long as there are mentally ill individuals in society, this defence is warranted despite any of its deficiencies. For individuals experience some form of mental illness who come into contact with the criminal justice system, this defence allows them to attain the counselling and treatment they require. Before a verdict can be rendered, the courts administer a rigorous test and ensure that those individuals who gain the benefit of this defence truly deserve it. The defence of not criminally responsible remains very pertinent in today s society simply because society recognizes a need to differentiate a true criminal from one who does not intend the consequences of his or her actions. However, there are many misconceptions and issues in how the defence is administered that need to be addressed to make this defence more available and effective to those who seek it. Within this essay, the deficiencies of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) will be discussed in an attempt to demonstrate the flaws in the current apparatus used and relied on by psychiatrists when making assessments regarding criminal responsibility. Under the current standards and the dependence on the DSM IV may lead to an under use of the insanity defence rather than an overuse. In general, this paper will examine the use and availability of the not ... Get more on ...