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Stanford Business School Essay
Examples In 2021 |
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Stanford Business School Essay Examples In 2021 | Stanford Business School Essay Examples In 2021 |
How Did Marco Polo Informatively Affected Medieval Europe
Marco Polo was a prosperous and dedicated explorer, who significantly affected Medieval Europe and
surrounding countries. Marco Polo was born into in wealthy family in 1254, Venice Italy. It was in
Venice where Marco Polo established his passion for exploring. It is believed that Marco Polo s father
Niccolo Polo influenced his dedication for exploring. Marco polo was mainly raised by his two
brothers Niccolo and Maffeo as his mother died when was young and his father was often away
exploring. He went on his first expedition to China in 1271 at the age of seventeen and spent
seventeen years in China (Dates and events, 2015: Online). After ruling one of Kublai Khan Cities in
1280. Marco Polo returned to Venice to find that Venice was at war with Genoa. ... Show more content
on ...
It was in prison were Marco Polo met Rustichello da Pisa Who wrote down his expeditions and when
Marco Polo was released from the prison camp in 1299 he made his book available for the general
public, which lead to his fame. The title of the book was the travels of Marco Polo . Marco Polo met
Donata Badoer in 1299 and later got married in 1300 Marco Polo got married when he was forty six.
Marco Polo and Donata Badoer where married for twenty four years. Marco Polo and Donata Badoer
had three daughters Moretta, Fantina, and Bellela. Donata Badoer died at the age of forty four and
Marco Polo died at the age of seventy in 1324. The legacy of Marco Polo has continued. Marco Polo
inspired many explorers and Christopher Columbus was one of them. In 1851 at ship was named after
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Bis245 Week 5 Lab
BIS245 Week 5 Lab ER Diagram and ER Matrix
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A. Lab # : BSBA BIS245A 5A
B. Lab 5A of 7 : Database design using Visio, and based on data requirements and business rules
focusing on normalizing data to third normal form.
C. Lab Overview Scenario/Summary:
2. Given a situation containing entities, business rules, and data requirements, create the conceptual
model of the database using a database modeling tool.
You have been asked to create a database model using the MS Visio Database
Model Diagram Template. The purpose of this lab is to provide experience normalizing the database to
third normal form based on limited instructions, data requirements, and associated ... Show more
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b. One of the issues in denormalized data is that it can result in many to many relationships that are
not compatible with the relational database. Visio does not allow creation of a many to many
relationship because of this incompatibility. Therefore, for any many to many relationships in your
data, you will need to create two one to many relationships. See the example below:Page 4 of 5
c. Based on the information from Step 1, create the initial ERD for the College
Scheduling database including the many to many relationships. If you need assistance to create the
entities, refer to labs from Weeks 1 and 2.
d. Assign the primary keys and attributes from the data requirements to the proper entities.
e. Save the file as YourName_Lab5A.vsd.
Step 3: Normalize the database
a. While the initial ERD is accurate, if you design a database without deviating from it, you will
encounter problems. For example, a course is offered many times. If you use the course code, for
example BIS245, as the primary key, you will only be able to list the course once. There are three
possible solutions.
1. Assign another primary key, such as an auto number field, so that the course can be listed multiple
times. However, this is not acceptable because it introduces redundancy rather than reducing it.
2. Use a composite primary key consisting of the
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Augustine Of Hippo Research Paper
God will often use a series of people, events, or songs to speak to a nonbeliever. It is fascinating that
one of the greatest and best known theologians of all times, Saint Augustine of Hippo, was not always
a believer. In fact, he was quite the heathen before his conversion, and his conversion experience
really shaped his life thereafter.
Augustine was born to a Christian mother and a pagan father.1 Before his conversion, Augustine
shifted through a plethora of views and religions. As a young student, Augustine centered his studies
on philosophy.2 He later became attracted to Manichaeism, a form of Gnosticism. He began to have
doubts and sought answers from Faustus, but never received answers from him. During a period of
skepticism, Augustine ... Show more content on ...
But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no plans to satisfy the fleshly desires (HCSB). It was at
this time that he [contemplated] Christianity seriously. 8 Augustine was baptized in 387 and found his
way back to the faith of his childhood and turned his back on his oratorical career. 9 In 391, Augustine
was ordained for the catholic church at Hippo, and by 396 he was the sole bishop of the community.
Ferguson writes that Augustine s life was a major influence in theology for both Catholics and
Protestants. 11 Saint Augustine s life and writings would be quoted and studied by many other
theologians, including Protestant leaders like Martin Luther and John Calvin. Despite having gone
astray in his youth, Saint Augustine of Hippo was led out of paganism to Christ, and became one of
the strongest theological voices for
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Recovery Persuasive Speech
It may seem like everyone and their uncle s mother has an iPhone or iPad, but for the most part, they
are objects of luxury. It s easy to forget the powerful technology that fits inside these little boxes and
we often treat it like something of lesser value. Because of that, it s common to lose track of them. It s
ok to be in denial of your shortcomings. A new device will help you get back on track in five simple
Admit it, you ve lost your iPad and iPhone before. Perhaps it was just once for a few seconds or
maybe it was for months. Either way, you re tired of the whole operation. The first step to recovery is
admitting your wrong, so admit it and move on to the next step.
2. BUY
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Psychological and Sociological Factors in Smoking Addiction
Psychological and Sociological Factors in Smoking Addiction
Understanding the habit of smoking tobacco
The essay will discuss how smoking tobacco became a habit among people; what are the factors that
affect the thinking of individuals in experimenting tobacco smoking; and what makes them think of
quitting smoking. It will address both psychological and sociological ideas and will attempt to apply
each idea in order to understand people s lifestyles.
Tobacco is a green and leafy plant and mostly grows in a warm environment. When it is fully grown,
it will be harvested, dried, processed and can be used in different ways. It can be smoked in the form
of cigarette, cigar, pipe, sniffle through the nose or it can also be ... Show more content on ...
According to the Department of Health (2003), Cancer Research UK (2010) and the Office of
National Statistics (2004), despite of the drop of statistics of smokers, there are still individuals who
would try smoking especially the young people between the ages of eleven to sixteen. In the report of
the three offices they listed the main reasons why young people smoke and these are experimentation,
to look mature or part of their image, there are older people smokes around them, especially their
parents, and peer pressures (DH, 2003) (ONS, 2004) (CR UK, 2010).
This experimentation can be attributed through social learning theory, where psychologists and
theorists Julian Rotter and Albert Bandura describe it as how we learn from others. Watching others
can provide information on which kind of behaviour leads to what consequences (Adams and
Bromley, 1998). Parents have strong influence among us. If we are surrounded by our family who
smokes, there is a strong possibility that we will imitate them. We also looked at other people such as
our peers, actors and singers. Seeing these people smoking can also lead us to emulate them and try
smoking. Once we learn to smoke, we keep smoking until it will be hard for us to stop.
Another motive in experimentation among the young people came from advertising. One example
from one Tobacco Company which says I am no longer my mother s
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Progressive Teaching Essay
Traditional versus Progressive Teaching Who loves school? What makes school enjoyable? Is it the
lectures, worksheets, and tests or the group projects, in class discussions, and games? When thinking
over these questions many people are unknowingly stating a progressive teaching style is preferred. A
progressive teaching style includes student participation and technology allowing more people to
enjoy learning by setting a custom pace and preferred personal style. It has become apparent to
educators how disconnected students are from the learning environment when lectures are used as the
sole teaching method. The discovery has led several people to find new ways to educate the next
generations for their benefit not just for the ease of ... Show more content on ...
Schools have adapted, in general, by now offering lessons to females, because of their greater
involvement in the modern work force. When only men were allowed to work many people felt no
need in educating women and saw female education as a waste of time. Author of educational works
Alan singer discusses, how teaching was ... a temporary job, for women until they married, or for men
until they entered a profession, as support for his strong belief in the need to improve education.
Singer wants to prove how low the education field was measured in terms of jobs, basically not
considering teaching a profession. A constant cycle of teachers, in and out of the field, forced the
curriculum to be able to be taught universally and with ease through the lecture approach (Singer). A
traditional learning environment is a lecture based course where the teacher has full control over the
education of our country s future voices which (s)he is bringing up in worldly knowledge. Typically,
the semester plan stays on track and a syllabus is completed on time, however it is not as enjoyable of
a style for the majority students and therefore not as effective. The majority of students require an
active learning environment. When a professor discusses, one subject for a set amount of time, it is
almost always a guarantee that the class pace will be set well in advance with little chance of falling
off course states the education ministry of Guyana
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`` Repent, Harlequin, By Harlan Ellison
Harlan Ellison uses strong imagery in his short story Repent, Harlequin! said the Ticktockman to
better develop the characters and setting. The personalities of both the Harlequin and the Ticktockman
are developed through Ellison s imagery of their physical forms and of their personas. The dull setting
of the short story is created through the author s imagery of machinery, particularly clockwork, and
Mondrian arrangements. Ellison s use of imagery allows the reader to pull from this story deeper,
more significant meaning than what appears on the surface. According to White, the disruptive and
rebellious Harlequin is an anomaly: the only human being distinguishable from machines (White, 1).
In order to clearly establish the Harlequin as the only individual within his society, Ellison employs
the use of strong imagery to cause him to stand out among the rest of the characters. One way that
Ellison does this is using rather outlandish language to describe the Harlequin. Aside from being a
personality, which in and of itself is outrageous to the System, the Harlequin is also a laughing,
irresponsible japer of jabberwocky and jive (953, 955). This imagery of a jester or a jokester creates
the idea that the Harlequin is merely a nuisance to his society rather than a dangerous rebellious force.
When the Harlequin is flying the air boat that he uses to drop jelly beans on to the metronomic Timkin
workers, he is not described as merely flying this boat over the people
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Argument Between The Theistic And Atheistic Viewpoint
The argument between the theistic and atheistic viewpoint has been and always will be relevant. The
relevance of this argument continues to carry over throughout generations because, as humans, we all
have the desire to know the answers to the questions presented about life. We all want to be able to
answer the hard questions, is God real? If the answer is yes, how did we come to that conclusion? H.J.
McCloskey is the author of an article titled, On Being an Atheist, within this article he argues against
the theistic viewpoint in hopes of shaking the theists conclusion that there is a divine creator. He
answers the questions about God and his relevance to life by saying there is no God. He came to this
conclusion by determining that if ... Show more content on ...
He does not choose how we respond when faced with the decision of right and wrong because if he
did there would be no choice to allow our free will to contemplate. Satan tempts humans by coating
sins in the illusion of happiness. We would not indulge in sin if it was presented to us as toxic as it
actually is so Satan manipulates us by making it sound as if it will bring ultimate happiness. However,
happiness is temporary and we all have the knowledge to access the sin that is presented in front of us
and decide if it is right or wrong. We are given the choice through our free will to choose what is right
or what is wrong and it is communicated to us through our moral conscience. William Lane Craig, a
cosmological theist, firmly believes that an individual s sense of morality exist because of God and his
convictions. Theists believe that God often communicates His path through an individual s moral
compass, also known as that still small voice . When we choose wrong we allow evil to enter,
misusing the gift God has allowed our minds to obtain.
To a non theistic mind McCloskey s argument may have relevance but when someone who has
knowledge on both theism and atheism analyzes the problem of evil the question regarding the worlds
need for God without evil has to be considered. If God were to create all humans with the inability to
make the mistake of falling into temptation
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Mother Infant Bond Essay
The mother infant bond is the familiarity and attachment a mother forms with her offspring. These
helpless babies are reliant on their mother s nurture for survival. This dependence reaches farther than
a physiological need. Infants rely on their mothers for a wide variety of demands. The mother infant
bond is critical to maximizing the fitness of each individual, as well as the growth of the species. In
1976 Marshall H. Klaus and John H. Kennell came out with a book called Parent Infant Bonding . It
discussed their hypothesis that like other animals, there is a brief moment directly following the birth
of a child where skin to skin contact between mother and offspring creates a strong bond. Although
this theory continues to be ... Show more content on ...
Babies are considered neonates until eight weeks after birth. In non human primates this is when the
grooming period begins, furthering the social mother infant bond. Male chimpanzees achieve self
esteem and respect by diversifying his partners and fathering children from the maximum number of
mates. By having offspring from different mothers, he maximizes his fitness because he is able to have
more; and their genetic variation helps increase their chance of survival. Any infants not belonging to
him pose a threat to his dominance. In Bonobo Chimps, the maternal bond is so strong that males are
only able to achieve having multiple partners with their mother s help. In this society, their self
actualization depends on the relationship and support they receive from their mother. This approval of
dominance from their mother impacts their success to achieve self actualization and in turn affects
their self esteem. For the mother, ensuring her son breeds as many children as possible also maximizes
her fitness as well. A mother is more likely to support her son because her daughter could become
competition; for this reason, daughters are usually sent to find a new family during their adolescence.
In 1958, Harry Harlow studied the priorities of these needs in his cloth and wire mother experiments.
Baby monkeys separated from their mothers at birth were placed in isolation. Two dolls were placed
in the cage, one wrapped in
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Charles Engen Chapter Summary
Charles Engen initiates us positively by encouraging us to think what if each church would begin to
see itself as God s Missionary People. There is much to commend in his book as Engen asks the
church to become in fact what it is by faith, a marvelous statement. Further insights come from
statistical analysis, probing questions of eccesiology directed at questioning if we superimpose
ourselves in areas of polity, form, structure or tradition upon the cultures we reach. I agree completely
that making cosmetic changes or restructuring the denomination may not translate into crossing
barriers from church to non church for the sake of the gospel. The church is compared with the noble
works of the para church which forces us to think about how ... Show more content on
Come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. 2 Corinthians 6:17 Now the world, in this sense,
is an enemy to the soul. There are three things which a baptized Christian must renounce and give up,
and three enemies which he must fight with and resist. These three are the flesh, the devil, and the
world. All three are terrible foes, and all three must be overcome if we would be saved. It is clear to
me that some of the churches quoted by Engen have made great strides in technology and skill in
planning and execution of management with wonderful music, yet are astray. We would smile if only
Engen would have saturated himself with Godly quotes from within his bibliographic choices such as
De Ridder as he speaks of (De Ridder, 1975) Matthew. The designation of the sheep in Matt. 15:24 as
lost has the strong sense of crisis in it. For one thing, man is an object of value, and both God and his
commissioned representative are interested in him. Conclusion and
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Essay on Urban Legend of Car Headlights
Lights Out
In preparation for this writing assignment, I interviewed about 15 students at the University to collect
their urban legends. One legend, often called Lights Out, was mentioned by just about all of the
students I interviewed. Those who did not mention it on their own recognized it when I described it.
I interviewed a 19 year old male sophomore who anticipates getting into the School of Business. He
transferred from Community College this past fall, and currently lives with a relative in a nearby off
campus home. He went to a small Catholic high school. He recalls first hearing this legend early in
high school, probably between freshman and sophomore year. After telling him the purpose of the
interview, I began the ... Show more content on ...
Afterward, I asked him if he or anyone he knew had ever tried this before. He said, I have (pause)... I
didn t die (pause)... that time (smile). The way he smiled at the end of his performance re established
his normal disposition and alerted me that his serious tone earlier was just part of the act. His overall
performance of the legend was similar to that of other students that I interviewed. When telling stories
they seemed serious, but by the end their concern was clearly part of the performance.
Many students I interviewed told me relatively the same story, and one female student even mentioned
receiving an e mail about it years ago. Unlike other urban legends I have heard, this story did not
really change significantly from person to person, perhaps because it is so straightforward. Barbara
Mikkelson provided many examples of this warning story, which is usually spread by e mail or fax.
One such example describes the murders as taking place on a certain weekend:
Gang Initiation Weekend. ( Please Read Very Important!!!)
Police officers working with the DARE program has issued this warning: If you are driving after dark
and see an on coming car with no headlights on, DO NOT FLASH YOUR LIGHTS AT THEM! This
is a common Bloods gang member initiation game that goes like this:
The new gang member under initiation drives along with
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Women in The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven by...
Women in The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven by Sherman Alexie A warrior is recognized
as sonmeone who battles for his/her beliefs. Even after receiving mortal wounds many times, such a
person never leaves the battlefield. However, the inspiring and metaphorical idea of a warrior can
certainly extend beyond the actual battlefield, and into the universal battle of living life. A woman
must face this world like a warrior. She must endure the pain of a past that oppressed her, the adversity
of a present that is only beginning to understand her, and a future that will continuously test her. From
the beginning of time, Native American women have been a driving force in their cultures, retaining
their immense strength throughout ... Show more content on ...
Despite the fact that he has left her in poverty to care for their son, her care for him is unyielding and
willing to withstand the pain he brought onto her. And even though my mother didn t want to be
married to him anymore and his wreck didn t change her mind about that, she still came to see him
every day. She sang Indian tunes under her breath?he tapped his fingers in rhythm. ; (p. 33) Victor s
mother faces depression and alcohol addiction herself, yet even in the midst of these faults, like many
other women on the reservation, she painstakingly maintains the strength to try keeping her family
together or at least show them her love. Like the mother in another one of Alexie s stories who sings to
her child; I m singing an its a good day song. She smiles and I have to smile with her. ;(p. 144) This
small act of making a child smile can be seen as part of the fight because it serves as an example to
their families to continue in the battle of depression in the name of love, fighting off the surrender to
desensitized detachment from the family. Even if the example isn t always followed, as in the case of
Victor s fleeing father, it is certainly a noble endeavor. A warrior who fights bravely and loses a battle
can still be a hero, as we have seen in the women s efforts to hold their families together. Alexie s
women characters also extend their steadfast compassion towards their wounded community. Like the
medicine women of
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Analysis Of Out, Out By Robert Frost
Lian Hearn says, Death comes suddenly and life is fragile and brief... . In Robert Frost s poem Out,
Out , the author frequently demonstrates the fragility of life and death s ability to change it in an
instant, through the use of literary allusions, imagery, personification, and tension. These devices are
used to help illustrate to the readers the fragility of life and how death can turn an ordinary day into a
catastrophic one. Throughout the poem, Frost focuses on the theme of death and its capricious nature
that can affect anyone at anytime.
Frost starts off the poem by using the title to allude to Shakespeare s Macbeth and employing a blank
verse to contribute to the idea of life s delicacy and death s ability to alter anyone s life at any
When Frost alludes to Shakespeare he is demonstrating life s ability to be cut off abruptly and gone in
a flicker. In Shakespeare s Macbeth, after Macbeth s wife has died, Macbeth says Out, out brief candle
(Shakespeare), and Frost s poem is entitled Out, Out . By not only alluding to this passage, but taking
it and cutting it off, Frost demonstrates the fragility of life and how life can be cut short easily. By
excluding the brief candle portion of the text, Frost implies the abruptness of death and how life can
be gone in the flash of second, just like a candle can be blown out in a second by a simple breeze or
huge gust of wind.
Additionally, the use of a blank verse makes the poem unpredictable since there is no regular rhyme
scheme. The entirety of the poem sticks to blank verse and refrains from a rhyming pattern. This
emphasizes that because of the blank verse, the poet is allowed a freedom that is not usually attainable
with a rhyme scheme and Frost uses this to his advantage by indicating that death is unpredictable,
just as the rhyme scheme in his poem is. Lastly, the iambic pentameter is known as a heartbeat
rhythm, and Frost uses it to represent the life of the boy. The entire poem is set to an iambic
pentameter, and when Frost says, So. But the hand was already gone, (Frost), he creates an irregular
rhythm and uses it to demonstrate the boy s death. By creating a sudden irregular rhythm, Frost
demonstrates how death is something that
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Essay on Bird Imagery in Portrait of the Artist as a...
Bird Imagery in Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
The works of twentieth century Irish writer James Joyce resound vividly with a unique humanity and
genius. His novel, A Portrait of the
Artist as a Young Man, published in 1916, is a convincing journey through the inner mind and spirit of
Stephen Dedalus. Portrayed with incredible fluency and realism, imagery guides the reader through
the swift current of growth tangible in the juvenile hero. Above all heavy imagery in the novel is the
recurring bird motif. Joyce uses birds to ultimately relate Stephen to the Daedelus myth of the
hawklike man; however, these images also exemplify Stephen s daily experiences, and longing for
true freedom
. By using imagery of birds as ... Show more content on ...
Heron taunts Stephen, sardonically naming him a model youth who doesn t flirt and doesn t damn
anything or damn all . This blatant remark by the bird like boy is an obvious verbal threat to Stephen s
Continued as Heron and his friend viscously chide Stephen for his admiration for Byron s poetry,
Joyce s bird imagery bears in this scene a restraint of Stephen s uniqueness by threatening his self
As Stephen mentally develops in the progression of the novel, he begins his search for the freedom
and power of his soul, as the great artificer whose name he bore would have done. Stephen is now at
the beach, pondering his new sense of maturity as he grows near to the wild heart of life . Walking
down a rocky slope, he takes notice to a girl alone and still, gazing out to sea . Stephen watches her,
and awed by her likeness of a strange and beautiful sea bird, he realizes she is the epitome of all that is
the wonder of mortal beauty . Painted by
Joyce s radiant imagery of the darkplumaged dove he sees before him, this rationalization is the basis
of Stephen s internal epiphany; she is, toStephen, an envoy from the fair courts of life . This
wholesome bird like girl with long
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Contaminated Drinking Water Research
Water is necessary to sustain life, but not all water is safe for drinking. Unclean water helps to spread
pathogenic diseases. It is especially dangerous in less populated areas where purified water may not be
readily available. In these areas, it may fall on the responsibility of the individual to find their own
water. People can collect water from streams, rivers, or lakes. The water from these sources, however,
is considered unprotected and cannot be consumed right away. Unprotected water sources can easily
become contaminated and are unfit for drinking. That is why this water has to be put through
purification methods to withdraw all bacteria, chlorine, nitrates, and phosphates in the water. If a
person consumes contaminated drinking water ... Show more content on ...
When measuring for bacteria, results from both the total Coliform count and the Fecal Coliform were
collected. Total Coliform accounts for all types of bacteria that is transferred to water by facilitators
such as: soils plants and animals, whereas, fecal coliform is found in the intestinal tracts of warm
blooded animals. Something should be done about water contamination if any coliform is found in the
water (Vermont Dpt. of Health 2014). The EPA has set the standard regulation for coliform in drinking
water at zero because of the high levels of risk associated with the presence of bacteria in drinking
water,. Nitrate, an additional impurity measured, can also have damaging effects if consumed. Nitrate
can enter drinking water from the runoff of fertilizer use, erosion, sewage and the septic tanks leaks.
As stated by the Environmental Protection Agency, Symptoms include shortness of breath and blue
baby syndrome (EPA 2014). The EPA also sets standard maximum contaminant level at 10 mg/L.
When completing the experiment, phosphate, which is naturally occurring in rocks and mineral
deposits and is released during erosion processes facilitated by weather and time, was also measured.
Excess phosphate can promote an increase in plant growth, and in some cases catalyze the death of
fish and other aquatic invertebrates due to the presence of algal blooms. There has been no
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The Pros And Cons Of Lone Wolf Terrorism
Before the delegation enters the subject of Lone Wolf terrorism, the delegation believes the definition
of terrorism must be addressed first, in order to distinguish the differences.
The definition of the European Union (2013) characterizes terrorism as an premeditated act with the
aim of seriously intimidating a population, or unduly compelling a government or international
organization to perform or abstain from performing any act, or seriously destabilizing or destroying
the fundamental political, constitutional, economic or social structures of a country or an international
organization (European Union, 2002, p. 4).
Although this definition is proper, the United Kingdom has their own definition for this atrocious act.
The Reinsurance (Acts of Terrorism) Act 1993 section ... Show more content on ...
According to several figures from the Global Terrorism Database, between 2000 2017, 126 have been
killed in the UK as a result of a terrorist act, this, compared to the 1,094 deaths between 1985 1999,
and a further 2,211 deaths among 1970 1984, leads us to the conclusion that terrorism is killing less
people in the UK now, than it was in the 1980 s.
Since 1970 UK has faced the most deaths, as a result of a terrorism act, in Western Europe, with a
total of 3,395.
With the UK s threat level left at severe, terrorism is an increasing concern for the people in Europe,
but figures show that Europe is one of safest areas, compared to other regions, like the Middle East or
North Africa.
In spite of the low numbers in the past years, terrorist attacks and lone wolf terrorism should not be
taken lightly.
Since early 2003, the United Kingdom has had a long term strategy for countering international
terrorism (known by the Government as CONTEST). Its aim is to reduce the risk from international
terrorism. The strategy is divided into four principal strands: prevent, pursue, protect, and
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China Empire Chapter 1 Summary
Chua s thesis is that every hyperpower in history has achieved global dominance because they were
tolerant as the empire rose up. What Chua means by tolerance is the patience to accept races, culture,
and religion. Also part of Chua s thesis is that all empires fall due to tolerance. That even tolerance has
a breaking point in which it leads to destruction. Throughout part 1 Chua gives real life examples of
how tolerance built an empire and how it ended it.
Chapter 1 is about the first hyperpower in history. While most believe this is Greece or Rome it was
actually the Achaemenid Empire. Founded in 559 BCE by Cyrus the Great, a man whose origins are a
mystery, it was one of the most diverse empires even for todays standards. After taking control ...
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In 1162 a boy named Temujin was born on desolate hill. On this steppe there are no cities and very
few fertile areas. There were often hail storms followed by heat and cold without proper shelters. The
steppe was inhabited by war tribes fighting amongst each other. Over time Temujin created alliances
and gained power on the steppe. In 1203 he reformed his mongol army into squads. Instead of giving
power to blood alliances he appointed people on talent and merit. After learning of his Ally Ong Khan
s plan to assassinate him, far outnumbered he fled with his army. With the most diverse 20 soldiers, he
reassembled the rest of his army and planned a counter attack against Ong Khan. After 3 days of battle
he achieved victory and in 1204, he defeated every tribe on the steppe. After each battle against the
Jurchen, Mongol weaponry greatly increased and in 1214 the Jurchens surrendered and offered gifts in
exchange for the Mongols withdrawing. In 1215 he completed his conquest of Northern China. In
1219 he proposed a peaceful trading relationship with the Muslim sultan of Khwarizm. After
Khwarizm betrayed him he began his next conquest. One by one the Khwarizm cities were crushed
until they began to surrender as soon as the mongols were seen. By 1223, he did the impossible and
conquered their empire. After creating the largest empire known to man he died in 1227 with his army
still loyal. When he died he appointed his 3rd son Ogodei as his heir.
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Alyss Ordinary Teenage Girl
Alyssa is the ordinary teenage girl, she loves her makeup and cellphone. There is however one
problem with Alyssa that other teenage girls don t normally have difficulty with and that is boys.
Every other teenage girl has her first boyfriend at 13 with plenty experiences of having first kisses. At
the age of 16, Alyssa faces her first romantic encounter with her fellow neighbor, Cody. Her awkward
and unique personality always plays out a different outcome then normal teenage girls.
Cody is Alyssa s neighbor. He tries to keep up with trends like the other teenage boys but faces
difficulty for being the son of a born again Christian mother. Her values places Cody in a small
Christian academy his whole life, being completely blinded from outside ... Show more content on ...
Cody enters her bedroom door, tired from a shift at work. He sits on the bed and chooses a movie on
Netflix. Alyssa realizes that over the past couple of weeks, she has starting to like Cody even more.
When Cody shows Alyssa a new game he found on his phone, he puts his arm around her for the first
time ever. The arm around the shoulder progresses into Cody throwing Alyssa onto his lap to get a
perfect view of her face. Alyssa s awkward personality comes out when she keeps asking question if it
s okay for him to be this friendly to her. She also refuses at first the kiss multiple times from being
anxious. Finally, Cody pressures Alyssa into the first kiss, and well it didn t go as planned. A sloppy
peck led Alyssa to frantically get off of Cody and head to the bathroom. She looks at herself in the
mirror and realizes that she just had her first kiss. Shortly after, her stomach becomes upset from her
mini panic attack before and after the first kiss. Alyssa then vomits in the toilet and enters back into
the room. However, Cody suspects her just going to the bathroom and not vomiting. At the night of
the end, he gives Alyssa another kiss and promises to see her
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Eulogy Of Jay Gatsby
It deeply saddens me to say we are all gathered here today to remember the life of James Gatz, or
better known as Jay Gatsby. When I first moved here to West Egg a few years ago I quickly took
notice of Jay and was determined to find out more about him. To my own surprise, Gatsby grew on me
and as time progressed our friendship prospered. You see, Gatsby was different from the people of
West Egg, he was better and he deserved better than what he got. He also threw the most outstanding
parties in history. {chuckles lightly} Day by day, my respect for this extraordinary man grew and grew
stronger. Jay had something special about him that many failed to notice and embrace. Although
Gatsby did not lead the most honest life, there was no denying
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Personal Statement On Social Media
After close analyzation of my five selfies, I have established the three words that most describe my
selfies are shared, joyful, and close. Two of these words accurately describe my identity, one does not.
I don t like to be the center of attention and my selfie reflects this because they all are sharing the
focus with someone or something else, therefore one of my words is shared. I am a joyful person and
my selfie shows this because they are all at a place that makes me feel joy or with someone or
something that brings me joy. The only word that doesn t describe my identity is close because I don t
like to be the main point of focus. The reason for the selfies being a close up of me though, is because
I took the pictures without the ... Show more content on ...
You can also see the window but not what s outside because there is a white glare on it. The plum red
color of her dress is a very strong noticeable color that stands out. Red is a color that often evokes a
powerful emotion of passion. My tuxedo is the color black which is a very powerful color that can
portray one of class and wealth. The color white in the picture is the color of my dress shirt and is also
the color of the glare that shows through the window. White is associated with being clean, pure, and
peaceful. When first viewing this selfie without analyzing it, there are some judgments that could be
made. Some of these judgments could be that we are each other s dates for something. That one of us
is driving. We are in one of our cars. We are on our way to or coming back from some type of formal
gathering. This gathering is fancy or formal attire. We are having a good time. After suspending
judgments, we can move on to defining significant parts of the selfie and how they are related. What I
find most interesting in this selfie is that we are both dressed in formal attire, her in a dress and myself
in a tuxedo. What I find most strange about this selfie is that I am covering half of my girlfriend in the
picture with myself. What I find most revealing is that I have put myself as the focus point in the
selfie. What these details might lead the viewer to conclude about the rhetoric of the picture is that we
are trying to indicate
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The Importance Of Seeing The Philadelphia Orchestra...
Last year I had the privilege of seeing the Philadelphia Orchestra perform Gustav Holst s: The Planets
Suite. The piece as a whole is one that pulls the strings of your heart from the first pound to the last
mystic moment of silence. It has been a year since I heard the orchestral piece in full, and ever since, I
have been awaiting to get an opportunity like that again. It is unfortunately a rare occurance in my
generation to feel so strongly about a piece of art. The world is at our fingertips, and yet we have no
urge to explore it.
According to Gustav, the Planets were a depiction of life and the many stages of its progression. As a
young adult and musician this suite inspired a new way of seeing, feeling, and hearing life. Thierry
Fischer, a music director at Utah Symphony wrote, Holst denied that the suite has any connection to
the classical Zodiac other than the names and traits of the personified planets, that connection by itself
is enough for the music to conjure strong images of the mythological deities associated with each.
Mars, the bringer of war, begins with five quiet yet dominant beats in a reverberating 5/4 rhythm. As
the movement continues we hear the grinding minor chords, which leaves the ear unsettled. Mars is
said to be an obvious illustration of war, the depressing and frightening steady march of soldiers as
they walk toward the unknown. Throughout the entire movement there is no clear harmonic release,
the chromaticism just sways back and forth.
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Analysis Of Survival Essay By Dale Fry
Survival Essay Dale Fry
There once was a man(in a movie) who said When stranded start solving problems solve one then
solve the next and if you solve enough problems you get to go home That man was Mark Wattney. I
feel i could ve survived the experience Salva went through because I would have got to work fast, I
would ve always thought optimistically and I would have been very motivated to survive so i could
maybe help others in the end, This allows me to follow the quote and solve problems until i get to go
I have mental toughness because of so many things people have done to me. I can have lots of things
happen to me and keep my cool, some evidence to show that is that i have had kids bully me like
crazy and haven´t gone
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Differential Diagnosis Exercise ( Dde )
10/5/2014 Creighton University College of Nursing Differential Diagnosis Exercise (DDE) Name:
Mary M. McAuliffe Clinical Sign or Presenting Problem : Fever A. Identify appropriate history
questions to be asked of the patient, nursing staff, or family in order to discriminate critical
characteristics or attributes about the presenting problem. HPI Onset: When did you first notice the
fever? Where were you when you first began having the symptoms? Location: Not applicable
Duration: Is the fever constant or does it come and go? When is it worst? Have you noticed a pattern
to the fevers? When is it the highest? When is it the lowest? Characteristics: How high has your fever
gotten? How long does it last? Associated Symptoms: Are you ... Show more content on ...
ALLERGIES: Thorough review of all medication, food, and environmental allergies is necessary.
MEDICATIONS: Any use of diuretics, pain medications, antiarrhythmic agents, anti seizure drugs,
sedatives, antibiotics, antihistamines, barbiturates, cephalosporins, salicylates, and sulfonamides?
(Ross Basello, 2003) FAMILY HX: Family history of chronic leukemia, lymphomas, renal cell
carcinomas or metastatic cancers (Ross Basello, 2003) Any family history of immunocompromise?
SOCIAL HX: Any recent travel? If so, where to and for what duration of time? Causes (if recent travel
to distant countries) may include Malaria, Viral Hepatitis, Diarrheal disorders, or Typhoid fever
(Merck s Manual, 2014). If recent travel around U.S., causes may include tick exposure (rickettsiosis,
Lyme s disease), mosquito exposure (arboviral encephalitis), wild animal exposure (rabies), fleas
(plague), cat scratch disease or toxoplasmosis, reptiles (salmonella), or bats (rabies) (Merck s Manual,
2014). Any drug use? Drugs that can cause increased heat production include amphetamines, cocaine,
ecstasy, and anesthetics (Merck s Manuals, 2014). ROS Constitutional: overall health status including
physical, mental, and functional health (ADL s, etc), recent weight loss or weight gain, fever, chills,
repeated infections HEENT: headache, ear pain, runny nose, sore throat, neck pain or stiffness
Cardiovascular: chest pain
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Analysis Of The Poem The Of The Yellow Mocker Woke
When the call of the Yellow Mocker woke her, Charity raised up to look out the window perched on a
limb in the tree near the window, the mockingbird set, singing his bothersome tune and staring in at
her. Looking over to where Henry lay sleeping beside her on the bed, she longed to cuddle up beside
him and shut the outside world away, but the mocker s beckoning call stirred her to action. For
months, she had dreaded this day coming; no mother should ever have to watch their child die. Rising
slowly, she did not know if she had the strength to face what she knew she must. Listening with her
soul s ears, she heard him... Aaron s calls for her, reached through the night and across the miles; she
could not ignore the powerful force of ... Show more content on ...
Letting her spirit flow around and through him, she wrapped him in her embrace. She lay beside him,
kissed his face and stroked his dampened hair. Mama s here, baby, she said softly. Mama is right here
and I am not going to leave you. Aaron opened his eyes and looked at her. Would ya just look at that,
the young private said in awe. What is it now? the sergeant asked gruffly. Look at him, Sarge! He
looks jest like he see s somebody right there with him. Ain t that strange, Sarge? the private asked.
Don t nuthin strike me as strange these days, son I have seen enough strange stuff in the last few
weeks to last me a lifetime! Don t nuthin surprise me anymore I think it s all in their heads they just
think their maws are there with em he ain t the first one I saw do that, and prolly won t be the last. If I
had to take a guess, I d say he s delirious with fever or something and thinks he s a talking to his maw.
Now, don t keep a hollerin at me every time he moves or mumbles there ain t a damn thing I can do
for him, or you neither it won t be long, he ll be gone, the sergeant said sternly. The young private
looked back
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George Washington s Resignation Speech Essay
Resignation speech of George Washington In the resignation speech of George Washington he uses
religious, nationalistic and historical allusion to get across his point to his audience. In George
Washington s speech he both acknowledges and thanks the congress, I have now the honor of offering
my sincere Congratulations to the Congress and of presenting myself before them to surrender into
their hands the trust committed to me, and the claim the indulgence of retiring from the service of my
country. By saying my country and by congratulating the Congress the President shows his a patriot
and a advocate towards his country. Happy in the confirmation of our indepence and sovereignty, and
pleased with the opportunity afforded the United
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Major Themes Evident In The Book Thief
Major Themes Evident In The Book Thief Nowadays, we take the ability to read for granted. But for
Liesel Meminger, the opportunity to learn how to read was a gift. In the novel The Book Thief, by
Markus Zusak, more than one major theme relating to books and writing are evident. The power of
words, literature, and reading, are all contributing to the overall theme of the power of books and
writing in The Book Thief. Words are an everyday part of our life, but when we think about it they
hold more value then we could ever imagine. They are our source of communication, and without
words there would be a broken bond between one another. In the same way, words were the root of the
bond between Liesel and Hans. Hans, Liesel s stepfather, paints
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Seeking A Software Developer Position With Concept... PURNA VENKATESH (972) 552 0599
Seeking a software developer position with Concept Software Services where my education,
qualifications and acquired skills will be utilized to their best to improve the company s overall
Reliable and well focused developer having good programming skill base. Self motivated to develop
programming skills by solving many of the real time problems through various online sources like .
Intern experience with Ruby On Rails and developed applications using Object Oriented
Programming concepts.
Proficient in various programming languages like C, C++, Java, Ruby.
Good Knowledge on Object Oriented Programming, Ruby On Rails Development, MySQL,
JavaScript, jQuery.
Developed applications using various technologies like Java, JSP, Python and SQL.
Experience working with Oracle and SQL Server databases.
Capable of developing software with IDEs such as NetBeans, Eclipse, IPython and RubyMine.
Capable of developing independent features/modules.
Strong analytical skills combined with knowledge in object oriented programming techniques.
Great team player with good communication and interpersonal skills.
Have the ability to put an extra effort do deliver the things done on time, confidence to take
challenges, quick learner and easy adaptable to new technologies.
Master of Science in Computer Science
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A Letter About A Smile From Aural Orifice, Curling And...
A smile from aural orifice to aural orifice, curling and bright. It s a strange thing to write a letter that
will probably never be read, or will be read by others. An openness in something generally private, no
less strange or cumbersome than writing a letter to someone you don t know but think you might like
to though. How best to form and shape those ideas, herd them into some form of coherency and
clarity? To start you already have a letter from me, with an iPod in it. Black envelope, gold lettering,
gave it to you at the PA Wizard World. This is take two of things that won t get read :) whatevs! Carpe
Noctem and all that. It s just obnoxiously frustrating to see someone you d love to have a conversation
with, and not even have the chance to risk it and fail spectacularly. Or unspectacularly, or perhaps not
fail at all. Though to be honest the idea of seeing how the conversational trains crash and sifting
through the wreckage to find interesting bits and bobs would be fun. But I m rotten through and
through anyways, so that s no surprise. Explaining why I want to converse with you might be hardest,
besides saying I like the way you string things together. It sounds fun, or at least memorably fucking
awkward, to see if our trains of thought share any of the same stations. It s not like I can invite you for
a beer or a coffee, sans all too often assumed subtext, to shoot the shit to test for conversational
compatibility. You re a person like
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Functional Impairment Analysis
Functional Impairment Autistic individuals struggle daily with social impairments like the use of non
verbal behaviors , creating and keeping friendships, and lack of interest in others (Orsmond, Krauss,
Seltzer, 2004, pg. 245). When placed in a social setting, adolescents with autism don t interact with
their peers as much as typical children (Orsmond et al., 2004). Also, they rarely ever initiate
conservations, making potential friendship more problematic to maintain (Orsmond et al., 2004). A
study showed that 47% of individuals had no friends that shared the same interests (Orsmond et al.,
2004). A small group of autistic children are able to relate to teachers and parents, but majority still
have difficulty (Orsmond et al., 2004).
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Lupus s Constellation
The Constellation I chose is Lupus, also called „the Wolf . It s located in the southern sky and was one
of the 48 constellations, which were listed by Ptolemy, a second century astronomer. Previously it was
an asterism associated with its neighbour constellation Centaurus, but belongs to the now 88 official
constellations. It has nine main stars, 41 Bayer stars and five stars with planets. Lupus is surrounded
by six different constellations: Hydra, Scorpius, Norma, Circinus, Libra and Centaurus.
I decided to write about this constellation, because I ve always been fascinated by wolfs and wanted to
know more about the constellation named after it.
Officially the constellation Lupus doesn t have a myth belonging to it, but it can be based on the story
of the ancient king of Arcadia, king Lycaon. It s said that he ruled Arcadia with his fifty sons and he
still practiced human sacrifice while other parts of Greece declined it as barbaric. There are two
different versions about it: ... Show more content on ...
Zeus was so angered about it that he transfigured him into a wolf and killed all of his fifty sons with a
The other version says that Zeus visited Arcadia disguised as a traveller. Lycaon and his sons offered
him food, a soup made out of the meat of goats and sheep and of his son Nyctimus. Zeus was
disgusted and killed all fifty sons with a lightning bolt, reviving Nyctimus in the process.
My own myth tells the story of an ancient creature, which was only sighted in moments of
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Pride And Prejudice Analysis
In Jane Austen s Pride and Prejudice, the main character, Elizabeth Bennet, develops a laborious
relationship with Mr. Darcy, a man far wealthier than her own family. Over the course of the novel
Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy both fundamentally change due to each others influence. A major theme
throughout Austen s work is the presence or lack of money, and Pride and Prejudice is no different.
Within Pride and Prejudice, money seems to define a person s social class; however, Mr. Darcy has to
push aside his prejudice and focus on his emotions needs rather than his financial well being, in order
to be truly happy.
As the original title of this novel was First Impressions, it is important to examine the introduction of
Mr. Darcy. The narrator tells us he was looked at with great admiration for about half the evening, till
his manners gave a disgust which turned the tide of his popularity (Page 8). Upon his arrival at the
ball, the townspeople are infatuated with Mr. Darcy because of his good looks and most importantly
because of his income. However, when he is found to be ill mannered there is no amount of money
that could his overwhelming elitist attitude. In comparison, it is stated that the evening altogether
passed off pleasantly to the whole family in reference to the Bennet family (Page 9). This statement
establishes that the fault of Mr. Darcy s unamusing time at the ball was not the event itself. Using
body language, and nonverbal cues Mr. Darcy makes it clear that he
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College Essay About Hair
Summer is here and we couldn t be more excited! However, as much as we love summer, no one likes
hair getting stuck to their wet sticky foreheads. This is a very uncomfortable situation. Hence, we are
here with 10 hairstyles that you can rock this summer and avoid the uncomfortable situations of
pounds of hairs mixed with the summer heat!
Braided Up do
Why settle for one hairstyle when you can have two combined together? This braided up do is a
stylish way of keeping your hair out of your face and off of your shoulders too! The style is basically a
French braid along the crown of the head which melts into a messy bun, perfect for those beach days!
Classic Braid
If you haven t mastered the art of a French braid or a messy fish tail braid, you ... Show more content
on ...
If you want to take this hairstyle up a notch, try adorning flowers throughout the grooves in the braid
to make the look a little more special.
Half up Fishtail Braid with a Twist
If you style is a bohemian, this is a variation of the half up beach waves is perfect for you. Along with
beach waves, the fishtail braid is a great way to add detail to your hair!
Crown Braid
Crown braid is another great style for getting your hair off your shoulders. Gathering your hair to one
shoulder, you can either accomplish this look with a regular three strand braid or a fishtail braid.
Choice is yours!
Half up Beach Waves
The classic half up hairstyle is a must for the summer this year. Not only is it perfect if you still like to
show off your long shiny locks, but it will help keep all the hair out of your face too!
Braided Ponytail
Simple Chic. A braided ponytail can be worn with just about anything and for any occasion be it
weddings to a day out with your girlies! You can also try out different styles of this braid!
French Braid Ponytail
A French braid ponytail has its own charm! You can even play around with this style and it s easy to
come up with new hairstyles that you can call your
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High Cost Of Entry And Market Domination Limits Entrants...
Barriers to Entry High cost of entry and market domination limits entrants into the industry. The
upfront cost for new airlines is capital intensive. In addition, it s difficult for new airlines to obtain
airport slots for takeoff and landing which are determined by the airports. Established airlines already
hold the monopoly over slots at certain airports, making it harder for new airlines to infiltrate (Airlines
Industry Profile, 2014). The industry is also dominated by five key airlines; American, United, Delta,
Southwest and JetBlue which make it difficult for new airlines to gain market share. At 40 of the 100
largest U.S. airports, a single airline controls a majority of the market. At 93 of the top 100, one or two
airlines control a majority of the seats (Koenig Mayerowitz, 2015). In addition, with fuel being the
number one cost for airlines, the volatile fuel prices make it hard for new airlines to make a profit.
Domestic airlines in the U.S. spend a combined $2 to $5 billion on jet fuel every month. As a stat up
airlines, the price paid for fuel is the same weather planes are full or empty which could stop new
airlines from entering the industry. Lastly, the FAA has strict regulations which discourage new
airlines from entering the industry. All new entrants must abide by Federal Aviation Authority
regulations on airworthiness, pilot competence, and related issues (Airline Industry Profile, 2014).
Overall, entry into the airline industry is high and there is
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Jaguar Commercial Analysis
April 6th, 2014
Media/Commercial Analysis
Marketing is defined as the activities of a company associated with buying and selling a product or
service, which includes advertising, selling and delivering products to people. People who work in
marketing departments of companies try to get the attention of target audiences by using slogans,
packaging design, celebrity endorsements and general media exposure. One of the most mainstream
tactics to market a product to a potential target market is by using TV commercials. The elements of
TV commercials, including audio and visual aspects, as well as lighting, camera angles and
movement, and music subliminally send messages to a potential customer to capture their ... Show
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The audio of the commercial also helps reinforce the message Jaguar is trying to send to potential
customers. When the narrator states Some don t know that Jaguar is one of the fastest growing luxury
automotive brands , he s basically stating a fact to the consumers that our products are working and
appealing to many in the market for a luxury car. When the narrator goes on to say But they certainly
do. They being the
German car companies, the narrator is implying that Mercedes Benz, Audi, and BMW are aware that
Jaguar is on the rise and, based on the visual aspects of the ad, they are afraid of Jaguar. The
background music in the ad gives a sense of a suspenseful and dramtic ad. The music starts off slow
and calm, but deep and dark, sort of mysterious.
When the XFR meets the Benz, BMW, and Audi, the music starts to take a turn for a more dramatic
yet still suspenseful, the music builds more anticipation until the climax when the XFR roars and
scares the other cars away. Speaking of the roar , the engine
roars to give the Jaguar an extremely aggresive presence, more aggresive than the other 3 cars. This is
to make the XFR seem more exclusive and special than its more traditional rivals. Jaguar has a lot of
work to do if they want to take over the reigns from the likes of Mercedes, Audi, and BMW, but the
advertising campaign shows that they are ready to take on that
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Fredrick Alternate Ending
I managed to get to the pod and to Charles before Fredrick, but it wasn t easy. The boy was on my
heels the whole damn way. I slammed the door to Charles s room as I entered, locking it, and then
turning to a very surprised Charles standing by his window. You two looked like seagulls going after
one prey. Fredrick banged on the door behind me. I tried to ignore his squeaky threats to barge down
the door. He probably could, but he wouldn t get past me. Not yet anyway. You have to tell him
Charlie. Charles s relaxed grin immediately turned into a sour frown. He ll try to stop me. He ll try
everything in his power, even knock me out and lock me in a closet. Keep me prisoner. He mustn t
know. Either you tell him now or I will. Right now, I didn t care about his amber eyes ... Show more
content on ...
Being a carrier I figured it was just a matter of time before you figured the whole system out. The
messaging system, the resistance group. Fredrick gave a little laugh. He apparently found the brief
moments where he knew more than me amusing. When we need a meeting with the other important
dissenters, the ink shimmers. The person then takes the item and, very carefully I might add, takes it to
the nearest identity scanner. He scans the ink, and the location of our meeting or alerts will show up on
the screen. Genius, I know. Fredrick pointed to Charles. This boy is a genius. I had no words. Not at
the moment. I had seen the word, Detonate, shine in my books a million times and wondered what
Detonate was trying to reveal through it. You would have figured it out if we had stayed, Charles said.
I could tell by your aura when you were examining the graffiti, you were trying to decipher the
meaning. Kinda funny right? Fredrick said with one eyebrow arched. The perfect one designs bombs
for the beloved Mother Country but he, and his charming and handsome partner in crime, created a
revolution ready to detonate when the perfect moment arrives.
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Convolutional Networking Essay
2.1 Styling using Convolutional Neural Networks
The initial work on style transferring using convolutional neural networks was brought forth by Leon
Gatys, Alexander Ecker and Matthias Bethge [1] in which style representations were extracted from
images. This involved superimposing the style image onto the content image such that the semantic
details of the content image were not lost as shown in Figure 1 [1].
Figure 1: Example of using the neural style transfer method advocated by Gatys et al to transfer the
style of the reference photo onto the original photo such that the stylized photo contains the semantic
content of the original photo and the style of the reference photo
The paper provides a detailed explanation of how the ... Show more content on ...
2.2. Neural Style Transfer
Becattini et al [2] provide a thorough survey of neural style transfer literature. It highlights the
contemporary problems of the existing models and also discusses future scope. It also presents various
evaluation techniques to contrast outputs obtained through different neural style transfer methods. A
broad classification of neural methods into descriptive and generative neural methods where the
former is used to transfer styles by updating pixel information in the images whereas the latter
optimizes a model and generates an image with varying styles in a single pass. Figure 3 provides a
visually contrasting stylized image when a content image is stylized using both the mentioned
Figure 3: (Starting from the left) a) content image b) style image c) Descriptive method results with
brush size control d) Generative method without brush size control
The paper improves upon the existing methods mentioned above while being intent on process
architecture preservation but improves on the performances by tweaking environmental parameters
such as loss function modification, emphasizing on spatial arrangements to style details. Extensions to
existing transfer methods which were developed for simple images were discussed, this included style
transferring for doodles, head portraits, single user specified objects and video frames. The parameters
mentioned in the paper were also broadly classified
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Jj Jazzy Jeff Artist Analysis
Artist Analysis
By Johnny Zorzopis
DJ Jazzy Jeff is a big name producer and DJ with many hits and even turntable scratching styles
named after him. All of DJ Jazzy Jeff s talent and DJ skills have made him gain a huge following and
name as one of the industry s musical godfathers . Being around for over 20 years in the music
industry and a repertoire of Jazz, hip hop and much more he is still releasing music today. He may be
best known for working as a duo with Will Smith in his early career days.
Solo work as DJ Jazzy Jeff
Unreleased album from Sony Records (1998)
One cut in Battle of DJs
The Magnificent (2002)
Soulheaven Presents Jazzy Jeff in the House (2004)
Hip Hop Forever II Rapster Records (2004)
The Soul Mixtape Groovin Records USA (2005) ... Show more content on ...
What I figured out, and it blew me away that I would take an audio file and just drag it into my top
track, just drag the whole record and how I said the pieces that I wanted, I would figure out the pieces
that I wanted, I would highlight them and I would put a second track and I would use the top track as
my holding track, take my second track and just drag the pieces down and warp them how I want it,
that way I can just arrange it how I want it but what I did is I loaded up the sampler and just started
swiping pieces that I want and just pulled it on top of the sampler and I didn t realise that you could do
that so I just pulled the piece on top and then I would set my key group the way I want it and I would
pull in another piece and set my key group, so it was almost like me chopping up my sampler but I m
looking at what I want and I basically made a whole sampler and laid it out off all the samples that I
want so not only could I warp it but then I can chop it up and re arrange all of the pieces with the
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How Is Figurative Language Used In Emily Dickinson s Poetry
Emily Dickinson was one of the most amazing poets that ever lived. Though her work did not start to
get published until after her death, it is still looked at as a great life accomplishment and is to this day
some of the greatest poems. Dickinson was a poet who used the words of her poems to describe a
feeling not just saying he or she is lonely or happy. A reader is able to see this in all of her work but
for me it stands out in two of her poems that seem to have the same meaning but the way the emotion
is portrayed is different in both of them. Loneliness is portrayed in both There s a certain Slant of light
and The Soul selects her own Society but the way a reader perceives the message of loneliness is
different. The use of her word ... Show more content on ...
Dickinson usually uses four line stanzas which is true in both of the poems I have chosen. This allows
for more enhancement on the words that she chooses. Along with the uses of four line stanzas, she
seems to put more emphasis on certain words by capitalizing them. This could mean that these words
are meant to have more meaning and read more strongly or it could just be the way she was writing. It
seems to be words that would have more meaning towards them. For example in There s a certain
Slant of light , some of the words that are capitalized are Heavenly Hurt , Meanings , Despair ,
Distance , and Death . All of these words would seem to be words that would use more meaning since
the poem is about loneliness and alienation. Along with There s a certain Slant of light , The Soul
selects her own Society has capitalization on words that would not normally be capitalized. Some of
these words are Soul , Door , Present , Unmoved , and Stone . With these words being capitalized, it
appears that Dickinson wanted more emphasis on them making them stand out to the reader. Her
structure gets even more diverse than other poets because she uses the dashes in all of her poems.
Although the translators were unsure if that s what they actually were based on her hand writing, it is
still something that makes her stand out as a poet. The use of the dashes add a
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Master Cat Summary
Trickster Tales Even Bear and Mountain Lion trembled when they heard thunders rumbling voice,
Coyote was not afraid of thunder . Coyote said that quote in coyote steals fire and it was said in the
intro of the story because everyone was scared of thunder (The Person in power of the story). But
everybody needed the fire that Thunder had, So that they could use the fire to cook there food light
their houses and provide heat to the villages. Coyote attempted to steal the fire from Thunder,
Succeeded by cheating in a game of dice. In the stories Coyote steals fire and Master Cat have many
similarities within the two trickster tales. The two trickster tales both show forms of
anthropomorphism such as the cat in Master Cat and the Coyote in Coyote Steals Fire shows that term
by animals talking, lying/cheating ,putting cloths on or taking there pelt off and animals out smarting
power figures or gods. In both stories it shows ... Show more content on ...
The fairy tales also have many differences in the stories such as they view women differently in both
of the stories one of them view them as a an equal and one of them lesser than men. In the one story is
a god (Coyote steals fire) and the ogre (Master cat). In Master Cat the cat and the mill worker were
trying to obtain wealth while in Coyote steals fire they were trying to obtain fire for the world. They
also viewed women differently in Coyote steals fire by having the woman beaver dice only counted as
one and the men dice count as 2. While in Master Cat women were viewed a equal. There are many
Similarities and differences in the two trickster tales coyote steals fire and master cat. The poor mill
worker in Master Cat was going to eat the cat and make hand warmers out of him if he would have not
asked for the pouch and the boots imagine what would have happened to that mill worker he would
have never had another shot at the fame and fortune he
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How I Met My Husband
Patrick Silva
AP Lit
Period 4
Mr. Schmitz
October 11, 2012
How I Met My Husband Thesis Paper The theme of Alice Munro s story How I met my Husband is
Social expectations mold individual circumstances. Edie, a fifteen year old housemaid in the lower
class of society has qualities and talents that demonstrate a skill set of aristocracy. Have a house
without pie, be ashamed until you die is a quoted statement that Edie s mother used to say to her that
Mrs. Peebles was not very familiar with. Edie was astonished when Mrs. Peebles admitted that she
could not make pie crust and said it was the most amazing thing she ever heard a woman admit. She of
course could make pie crust, along with many other baking related foods, which was ... Show more
content on ...
An interrogation erupted and Ms. Kelling soon dug out answers from Edie, who was not going to lie,
or deny that any intimate action took place. Instead of releasing her anger at Mr. Watters, who left
without warning and cheated on her, she instantly addresses her anger to Edie with curses along with
many other demeaning words. Ms. Kelling speaks to Edie as she should have known she was going to
take such actions with Mr. Watters, as she said I am not surprised, I knew by the look of her as soon as
I saw her . Ms. Kelling is judging Edie based on her social class, calling her a little country tramp ,
inferring that all women of that class are good for nothing and worthless. When someone is
knowledgeable and feels acquainted with dealing amidst a certain stage or point in life, they tend to be
more successful than someone who feels out of place or inexperienced. In the story, Edie stated that
her parents made the effort and sent her to high school, but she could not cope with the atmosphere
after a year of trying which resulted in her failure. Edie is a smart girl, although shown as naive in the
story, she shines in places where even the educated might not. She illustrates her experience in
cooking and creativity, where people even of a higher class cannot show. People who are educated
may look down at others and expect them to fail at certain things that they believe cannot be done by
someone who is not knowledgeable.
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Hemoglobin Analysis Lab
Introduction: On August 20, a lab was started doing different test involving blood. The objective of the
experiment was to test white blood cells (WBC), red blood cells (RBC), platelet counts, differential of
WBCs, a hematocrit, a hemoglobin analysis, and also various calculated indices. All the test will
indicate if a person s blood levels are normal or if the person has an abnormal blood count. To explain
what blood is, blood is a red liquid that circulates throughout the body. It also transports oxygen rich
blood throughout the body, takes nutrients from specific cells and waste to be expelled out of the body.
The components of blood in relation to the test are as follows. The blood has two parts the plasma, and
the formed elements. ... Show more content on ...
Count the WBCs on a differential counter to one hundred. The basophils will look deep blue or black
granules, the nucleus is sometime hidden behind granules, lymphocytes look slightly larger than
RBCs, also lymphocytes are nearly round nucleus and fills most of the cell in smaller lymphocytes
(Martin). Monocytes are the largest WBC, there nucleus is round, kidney shaped or lobed (Martin).
Eosinophils nucleus is usually blobbed, and it is a reddish granules. The neutrophils will have many
variations, each connecting in some way, it is sometimes referred to as a seg, and has either one
nucleus or five
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Paul Mccartney Conspiracy
It s a fool who plays it cool by making his world a little colder,¨ the voice of this lyric, Paul
McCartney, a former member of the Beatles and one of the most popular solo performers. He has been
the subject of a conspiracy for years. In 1966, McCartney was in a car wreck, the conspiracy is that he
died in the car wreck and was replaced by an imposter. Even though there are conspiracies that Paul
McCartney was cloned or replaced by an imposter, there are also many facts and logical explanations
that prove he is and always has been, the real Paul McCartney.
Paul McCartney was born June 18, 1942, in Liverpool, England. He started his work with the Beatles,
a popular classic rock band, in the 60s as the groups bass player. The Beatles ... Show more content on ...
Lennon believed it to be the music of the future . But particularly, it has dialogue throughout the track
that is saturated with references to the tragic car wreck. First, the words number nine were intended to
become turn me on, dead man when reversed. Sounds of a car horn, a crash, and fire are heard in this
track. Screams from a man can also be heard, and when played backward, those screams sound like
Get me out, which was what Paul had screamed after his car caught fire. During this part, Lennon
said, I m not in the mood for wearing clothing . Played backward would reveal the statement, There
were two, there are now none . Referring to Paul and the woman that was with him when the wreck
Photo Comparisons and Voice Analysis
Some true believers have went as far as to do voice analysis of Paul McCartney s voice in songs
before and after the car crash. Through these voice analysis s they came to the conclusion that the real
Paul had died in the car wreck and was replaced by a fake Paul. In photo comparisons from before and
after the wreck, Paul s left eye appears lower and his chin seems more protruding. Also, his lips are
somewhat thinner.
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Personal Statement For My Future Goals Essay
This assessment requires me to reflect on past experiences in physical activity and how I have been
involved in these activities in the past. And how these experiences varied by the contribution towards
my own wellbeing. I will then evaluate this to make strategies for my future lifelong wellbeing in the
future what it should look like.
Physical activities and experiences that I paraitcaped in as I grew up I mainly found swim sessions,
ball rush, golf and cricket as positive experiences as we did them with my family and younger friends
which I really enjoyed doing I found rugby to become a negative experience for me. As in rugby my
friends had stopped playing, as I was too small and got smashed from the larger players so I
participated in other activities. Rugby is a national sport in New Zealand and I have the assumption of
being played by large muscular males and most New Zealand children when growing up. Which in my
case is not true as I m more towards the ectomorph body shape which proves the assumption that the
bigger mesomorph players tended to be better than I was at the time. A positive of this rugby
expericne was that it is a sport that I ve had not family influences to participate in it as many of the
sports I do play have, which can be a positive from this experience. I ve always enjoyed playing golf
as I ve played it all my life since I was little. My dad introduced me to the game and I ve been playing
with him and my older brother ever since I started
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Are Foster Homes Harmful For Kids
Marcellia was born to a drug addicted mother who was unable to properly care for her and her
siblings. They were placed in foster care when she was 10 years old, and Marcellia remained in the
system until she aged out at 19. During those nine years, she was separated from her biological
brothers several times, neglected, and placed in homes with, as she states so simply, no love. Marcellia
s situation is not uncommon in the foster care systems though. Foster homes neglect and separate
kids/teens. Many foster kids end up never see their family again. This issue is a highly debated
subject. Some argue that foster homes are fine just the way they are, while many debate how foster
homes are harmful for kids/teens in the system. Despite what some may say, foster homes are harmful
for kids because they don t prepare kids to deal with future real life obstacles and foster homes don t
support kids ... Show more content on ...
Not only are so many children are being neglected, but the kids aren t being prepared to help children
develop skills and knowledge that will help them get the education they need. Skeptics may say that
foster homes are fine as they are or that they ve changed , but truth is that foster homes don t really
care and haven t taken any action to help the kids/teens. After all, most children are not being helped
or supported mentally/emotionally, and most of the kids have been known to struggle from PTSD. If
we are able to speak up for these children/teens, or help foster homes improve, we must provide
different ideas for solutions and let our voices be heard. For example, giving kids a permanent family
and love is a way to heal the kids/teens. So for children and teens like Marcellia everywhere, let them
know that their voice matters. They can finally be heard. Give children living in foster homes chance
by helping them; listening to them, the words and pain they keep inside. And maybe, just maybe, it
can help them
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Andre Agassi Family Expectations
The extract from Andre Agassi s autobiography Open is about family expectations. When you ex pect
something particular from someone or something you are talking about expectations. Family
expectations is, therefore when for example when your father has a certain expectation to you, about
the fact that you have to live up to a certain demand from your family.
In the extract from Andre Agassi s autobiography Open we are aware of how there are some fami ly
expectations in his family. He says: when his father was a child, his mother, Andre Agassi s
grandmother, had expectations to his father about how he should behave and be a good boy. He
mentions that she would beat him if he hadn t behaved properly. He describes his grandmother as a
nasty old ... Show more content on ...
In that way, he uses pathos to appeal to the reader. Because he is describing his family in the way he
does, it makes his autobiog raphy humoristic to read. Andre Agassi appeals a lot to the reader because
his way of writing is quite easy to deal with and easy to understand. The sentences in the
autobiography are mostly short and therefore, in this case, easier to understand. Andre Agassi is able
to tell his story about his life very well in his autobiography, he makes his autobiography personal in
which way makes the autobiography exciting and inviting. When he uses examples of a dialogue,
which have been going on between his father and him or his father and his grandmother he makes the
autobiog raphy
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Summary Of Hiroshima By John Hersey
What has kept the world safe from the bomb since 1945 has not been deterrence, in the sense of fear
of specific weapons, so much as it s been memory. The memory of what happened at Hiroshima. John
Hersey released his book Hiroshima nearly one year after the tragic bombing of the city of Hiroshima,
Japan. Its purpose, to show America and the rest of the work what happened on August 6, 1945. At the
time, the world wasn t aware of the full effects the bomb had on the earth and the people there.
Hershey accomplished more than just writing an entertaining book. He showed the world the
unspeakable, horrendous acts that shook a city to it core and left thousands dead. Hersey did not take a
side on the bombing. He simply used testimony and facts ... Show more content on ...
Hersey not only manages to capture the emotional effect of the six main characters, but also that of the
thousands who had survived the initial blast. The bomb dropped at 8:15 a.m. As described in the book,
many were eating breakfast or at work. Some were sitting on their porches and watching their
neighbors work. Hershey captures the moment of shock after the bomb had dropped, Timbers fell
around her as she landed, and a shower of tiles pommelled her; everything became dark, for she was
buried. The debris did not cover her deeply. She rose up and freed herself. She heard a child cry,
Mother, help me!, and saw her youngest Myeko, the five year old buried up to her breast and unable to
move. As Mrs. Nakamura started frantically to claw her way toward the baby, she could see or hear
nothing of her other children. (22) This quote shows the motherly instinct of Mrs. Nakamura as she
desperately tries to find her children. Just moments ago, the air was peaceful and quiet until the
equivalent of 15 tons of TNT was thrust upon them. Hersey later describes the gruesome scene
through the eyes of Reverend Tanimoto, He was the only
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The Ones Who Walk Away From 1861-1865
The perception of reality and morality differs from individual to individual, from community to
community. The different cultures throughout the world provide breeding grounds to many different
kinds of ethical values and societies. In The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas, the author Ursula
Leguin, creates a society that may be perceived as corrupt and unfair, yet is not too different from our
own. Omelas is neither a city of happiness nor a Utopia; it is a city of paradox, of false freedom and
desperation. The people of Omelas live lives full of happiness and comfort, over a rotten foundation of
an abused and abandoned child. Yet Leguin sympathizes with the ones who choose to stay in Omelas
for she believes that they are helpless, stuck in the paradox of moral obligations and moral values. The
Omeleans stay for they live in denial, creating a reality different from ours. To them, they either
believe it is truly moral to uphold the community, with the sacrifice of one child, or they live in
Omelas as an obligation, infinitely appreciative for the child sacrifice. The ones who leave however,
do not want to feel obligation, to rely on this child for happiness. They want to be responsible for their
own happiness. Unfortunately, similar to the Omeleans, Americans consume hundreds of pounds of
meat a day; hundreds of cows, chicken and pigs brutally handled and abused for the pleasure of our
taste buds. The citizens of Omelas who choose to stay are merely residents living in
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Stanford Business School Essay Examples In 2021

  • 1. Stanford Business School Essay Examples In 2021 | 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Stanford Business School Essay Examples In 2021 | Stanford Business School Essay Examples In 2021 |
  • 2. How Did Marco Polo Informatively Affected Medieval Europe Marco Polo was a prosperous and dedicated explorer, who significantly affected Medieval Europe and surrounding countries. Marco Polo was born into in wealthy family in 1254, Venice Italy. It was in Venice where Marco Polo established his passion for exploring. It is believed that Marco Polo s father Niccolo Polo influenced his dedication for exploring. Marco polo was mainly raised by his two brothers Niccolo and Maffeo as his mother died when was young and his father was often away exploring. He went on his first expedition to China in 1271 at the age of seventeen and spent seventeen years in China (Dates and events, 2015: Online). After ruling one of Kublai Khan Cities in 1280. Marco Polo returned to Venice to find that Venice was at war with Genoa. ... Show more content on ... It was in prison were Marco Polo met Rustichello da Pisa Who wrote down his expeditions and when Marco Polo was released from the prison camp in 1299 he made his book available for the general public, which lead to his fame. The title of the book was the travels of Marco Polo . Marco Polo met Donata Badoer in 1299 and later got married in 1300 Marco Polo got married when he was forty six. Marco Polo and Donata Badoer where married for twenty four years. Marco Polo and Donata Badoer had three daughters Moretta, Fantina, and Bellela. Donata Badoer died at the age of forty four and Marco Polo died at the age of seventy in 1324. The legacy of Marco Polo has continued. Marco Polo inspired many explorers and Christopher Columbus was one of them. In 1851 at ship was named after Marco ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Bis245 Week 5 Lab BIS245 Week 5 Lab ER Diagram and ER Matrix Click Link Below To Purchase: A. Lab # : BSBA BIS245A 5A B. Lab 5A of 7 : Database design using Visio, and based on data requirements and business rules focusing on normalizing data to third normal form. C. Lab Overview Scenario/Summary: TCO(s): 2. Given a situation containing entities, business rules, and data requirements, create the conceptual model of the database using a database modeling tool. Scenario: You have been asked to create a database model using the MS Visio Database Model Diagram Template. The purpose of this lab is to provide experience normalizing the database to third normal form based on limited instructions, data requirements, and associated ... Show more content on ... b. One of the issues in denormalized data is that it can result in many to many relationships that are not compatible with the relational database. Visio does not allow creation of a many to many relationship because of this incompatibility. Therefore, for any many to many relationships in your data, you will need to create two one to many relationships. See the example below:Page 4 of 5 c. Based on the information from Step 1, create the initial ERD for the College Scheduling database including the many to many relationships. If you need assistance to create the entities, refer to labs from Weeks 1 and 2. d. Assign the primary keys and attributes from the data requirements to the proper entities. e. Save the file as YourName_Lab5A.vsd. Step 3: Normalize the database a. While the initial ERD is accurate, if you design a database without deviating from it, you will encounter problems. For example, a course is offered many times. If you use the course code, for example BIS245, as the primary key, you will only be able to list the course once. There are three possible solutions. 1. Assign another primary key, such as an auto number field, so that the course can be listed multiple times. However, this is not acceptable because it introduces redundancy rather than reducing it. 2. Use a composite primary key consisting of the ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Augustine Of Hippo Research Paper God will often use a series of people, events, or songs to speak to a nonbeliever. It is fascinating that one of the greatest and best known theologians of all times, Saint Augustine of Hippo, was not always a believer. In fact, he was quite the heathen before his conversion, and his conversion experience really shaped his life thereafter. Augustine was born to a Christian mother and a pagan father.1 Before his conversion, Augustine shifted through a plethora of views and religions. As a young student, Augustine centered his studies on philosophy.2 He later became attracted to Manichaeism, a form of Gnosticism. He began to have doubts and sought answers from Faustus, but never received answers from him. During a period of skepticism, Augustine ... Show more content on ... But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no plans to satisfy the fleshly desires (HCSB). It was at this time that he [contemplated] Christianity seriously. 8 Augustine was baptized in 387 and found his way back to the faith of his childhood and turned his back on his oratorical career. 9 In 391, Augustine was ordained for the catholic church at Hippo, and by 396 he was the sole bishop of the community. 10 Ferguson writes that Augustine s life was a major influence in theology for both Catholics and Protestants. 11 Saint Augustine s life and writings would be quoted and studied by many other theologians, including Protestant leaders like Martin Luther and John Calvin. Despite having gone astray in his youth, Saint Augustine of Hippo was led out of paganism to Christ, and became one of the strongest theological voices for ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Recovery Persuasive Speech It may seem like everyone and their uncle s mother has an iPhone or iPad, but for the most part, they are objects of luxury. It s easy to forget the powerful technology that fits inside these little boxes and we often treat it like something of lesser value. Because of that, it s common to lose track of them. It s ok to be in denial of your shortcomings. A new device will help you get back on track in five simple steps. 1. ADMIT YOU RE TIRED OF LOSING YOUR IPAD AND IPHONE Admit it, you ve lost your iPad and iPhone before. Perhaps it was just once for a few seconds or maybe it was for months. Either way, you re tired of the whole operation. The first step to recovery is admitting your wrong, so admit it and move on to the next step. 2. BUY ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Psychological and Sociological Factors in Smoking Addiction Psychological and Sociological Factors in Smoking Addiction Understanding the habit of smoking tobacco The essay will discuss how smoking tobacco became a habit among people; what are the factors that affect the thinking of individuals in experimenting tobacco smoking; and what makes them think of quitting smoking. It will address both psychological and sociological ideas and will attempt to apply each idea in order to understand people s lifestyles. Introduction Tobacco is a green and leafy plant and mostly grows in a warm environment. When it is fully grown, it will be harvested, dried, processed and can be used in different ways. It can be smoked in the form of cigarette, cigar, pipe, sniffle through the nose or it can also be ... Show more content on ... According to the Department of Health (2003), Cancer Research UK (2010) and the Office of National Statistics (2004), despite of the drop of statistics of smokers, there are still individuals who would try smoking especially the young people between the ages of eleven to sixteen. In the report of the three offices they listed the main reasons why young people smoke and these are experimentation, to look mature or part of their image, there are older people smokes around them, especially their parents, and peer pressures (DH, 2003) (ONS, 2004) (CR UK, 2010). This experimentation can be attributed through social learning theory, where psychologists and theorists Julian Rotter and Albert Bandura describe it as how we learn from others. Watching others can provide information on which kind of behaviour leads to what consequences (Adams and Bromley, 1998). Parents have strong influence among us. If we are surrounded by our family who smokes, there is a strong possibility that we will imitate them. We also looked at other people such as our peers, actors and singers. Seeing these people smoking can also lead us to emulate them and try smoking. Once we learn to smoke, we keep smoking until it will be hard for us to stop. Another motive in experimentation among the young people came from advertising. One example from one Tobacco Company which says I am no longer my mother s ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Progressive Teaching Essay Traditional versus Progressive Teaching Who loves school? What makes school enjoyable? Is it the lectures, worksheets, and tests or the group projects, in class discussions, and games? When thinking over these questions many people are unknowingly stating a progressive teaching style is preferred. A progressive teaching style includes student participation and technology allowing more people to enjoy learning by setting a custom pace and preferred personal style. It has become apparent to educators how disconnected students are from the learning environment when lectures are used as the sole teaching method. The discovery has led several people to find new ways to educate the next generations for their benefit not just for the ease of ... Show more content on ... Schools have adapted, in general, by now offering lessons to females, because of their greater involvement in the modern work force. When only men were allowed to work many people felt no need in educating women and saw female education as a waste of time. Author of educational works Alan singer discusses, how teaching was ... a temporary job, for women until they married, or for men until they entered a profession, as support for his strong belief in the need to improve education. Singer wants to prove how low the education field was measured in terms of jobs, basically not considering teaching a profession. A constant cycle of teachers, in and out of the field, forced the curriculum to be able to be taught universally and with ease through the lecture approach (Singer). A traditional learning environment is a lecture based course where the teacher has full control over the education of our country s future voices which (s)he is bringing up in worldly knowledge. Typically, the semester plan stays on track and a syllabus is completed on time, however it is not as enjoyable of a style for the majority students and therefore not as effective. The majority of students require an active learning environment. When a professor discusses, one subject for a set amount of time, it is almost always a guarantee that the class pace will be set well in advance with little chance of falling off course states the education ministry of Guyana ... Get more on ...
  • 8. `` Repent, Harlequin, By Harlan Ellison Harlan Ellison uses strong imagery in his short story Repent, Harlequin! said the Ticktockman to better develop the characters and setting. The personalities of both the Harlequin and the Ticktockman are developed through Ellison s imagery of their physical forms and of their personas. The dull setting of the short story is created through the author s imagery of machinery, particularly clockwork, and Mondrian arrangements. Ellison s use of imagery allows the reader to pull from this story deeper, more significant meaning than what appears on the surface. According to White, the disruptive and rebellious Harlequin is an anomaly: the only human being distinguishable from machines (White, 1). In order to clearly establish the Harlequin as the only individual within his society, Ellison employs the use of strong imagery to cause him to stand out among the rest of the characters. One way that Ellison does this is using rather outlandish language to describe the Harlequin. Aside from being a personality, which in and of itself is outrageous to the System, the Harlequin is also a laughing, irresponsible japer of jabberwocky and jive (953, 955). This imagery of a jester or a jokester creates the idea that the Harlequin is merely a nuisance to his society rather than a dangerous rebellious force. When the Harlequin is flying the air boat that he uses to drop jelly beans on to the metronomic Timkin workers, he is not described as merely flying this boat over the people ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Argument Between The Theistic And Atheistic Viewpoint The argument between the theistic and atheistic viewpoint has been and always will be relevant. The relevance of this argument continues to carry over throughout generations because, as humans, we all have the desire to know the answers to the questions presented about life. We all want to be able to answer the hard questions, is God real? If the answer is yes, how did we come to that conclusion? H.J. McCloskey is the author of an article titled, On Being an Atheist, within this article he argues against the theistic viewpoint in hopes of shaking the theists conclusion that there is a divine creator. He answers the questions about God and his relevance to life by saying there is no God. He came to this conclusion by determining that if ... Show more content on ... He does not choose how we respond when faced with the decision of right and wrong because if he did there would be no choice to allow our free will to contemplate. Satan tempts humans by coating sins in the illusion of happiness. We would not indulge in sin if it was presented to us as toxic as it actually is so Satan manipulates us by making it sound as if it will bring ultimate happiness. However, happiness is temporary and we all have the knowledge to access the sin that is presented in front of us and decide if it is right or wrong. We are given the choice through our free will to choose what is right or what is wrong and it is communicated to us through our moral conscience. William Lane Craig, a cosmological theist, firmly believes that an individual s sense of morality exist because of God and his convictions. Theists believe that God often communicates His path through an individual s moral compass, also known as that still small voice . When we choose wrong we allow evil to enter, misusing the gift God has allowed our minds to obtain. To a non theistic mind McCloskey s argument may have relevance but when someone who has knowledge on both theism and atheism analyzes the problem of evil the question regarding the worlds need for God without evil has to be considered. If God were to create all humans with the inability to make the mistake of falling into temptation ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Mother Infant Bond Essay The mother infant bond is the familiarity and attachment a mother forms with her offspring. These helpless babies are reliant on their mother s nurture for survival. This dependence reaches farther than a physiological need. Infants rely on their mothers for a wide variety of demands. The mother infant bond is critical to maximizing the fitness of each individual, as well as the growth of the species. In 1976 Marshall H. Klaus and John H. Kennell came out with a book called Parent Infant Bonding . It discussed their hypothesis that like other animals, there is a brief moment directly following the birth of a child where skin to skin contact between mother and offspring creates a strong bond. Although this theory continues to be ... Show more content on ... Babies are considered neonates until eight weeks after birth. In non human primates this is when the grooming period begins, furthering the social mother infant bond. Male chimpanzees achieve self esteem and respect by diversifying his partners and fathering children from the maximum number of mates. By having offspring from different mothers, he maximizes his fitness because he is able to have more; and their genetic variation helps increase their chance of survival. Any infants not belonging to him pose a threat to his dominance. In Bonobo Chimps, the maternal bond is so strong that males are only able to achieve having multiple partners with their mother s help. In this society, their self actualization depends on the relationship and support they receive from their mother. This approval of dominance from their mother impacts their success to achieve self actualization and in turn affects their self esteem. For the mother, ensuring her son breeds as many children as possible also maximizes her fitness as well. A mother is more likely to support her son because her daughter could become competition; for this reason, daughters are usually sent to find a new family during their adolescence. In 1958, Harry Harlow studied the priorities of these needs in his cloth and wire mother experiments. Baby monkeys separated from their mothers at birth were placed in isolation. Two dolls were placed in the cage, one wrapped in ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Charles Engen Chapter Summary Charles Engen initiates us positively by encouraging us to think what if each church would begin to see itself as God s Missionary People. There is much to commend in his book as Engen asks the church to become in fact what it is by faith, a marvelous statement. Further insights come from statistical analysis, probing questions of eccesiology directed at questioning if we superimpose ourselves in areas of polity, form, structure or tradition upon the cultures we reach. I agree completely that making cosmetic changes or restructuring the denomination may not translate into crossing barriers from church to non church for the sake of the gospel. The church is compared with the noble works of the para church which forces us to think about how ... Show more content on ... Come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. 2 Corinthians 6:17 Now the world, in this sense, is an enemy to the soul. There are three things which a baptized Christian must renounce and give up, and three enemies which he must fight with and resist. These three are the flesh, the devil, and the world. All three are terrible foes, and all three must be overcome if we would be saved. It is clear to me that some of the churches quoted by Engen have made great strides in technology and skill in planning and execution of management with wonderful music, yet are astray. We would smile if only Engen would have saturated himself with Godly quotes from within his bibliographic choices such as De Ridder as he speaks of (De Ridder, 1975) Matthew. The designation of the sheep in Matt. 15:24 as lost has the strong sense of crisis in it. For one thing, man is an object of value, and both God and his commissioned representative are interested in him. Conclusion and ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Essay on Urban Legend of Car Headlights Lights Out In preparation for this writing assignment, I interviewed about 15 students at the University to collect their urban legends. One legend, often called Lights Out, was mentioned by just about all of the students I interviewed. Those who did not mention it on their own recognized it when I described it. I interviewed a 19 year old male sophomore who anticipates getting into the School of Business. He transferred from Community College this past fall, and currently lives with a relative in a nearby off campus home. He went to a small Catholic high school. He recalls first hearing this legend early in high school, probably between freshman and sophomore year. After telling him the purpose of the interview, I began the ... Show more content on ... Afterward, I asked him if he or anyone he knew had ever tried this before. He said, I have (pause)... I didn t die (pause)... that time (smile). The way he smiled at the end of his performance re established his normal disposition and alerted me that his serious tone earlier was just part of the act. His overall performance of the legend was similar to that of other students that I interviewed. When telling stories they seemed serious, but by the end their concern was clearly part of the performance. Many students I interviewed told me relatively the same story, and one female student even mentioned receiving an e mail about it years ago. Unlike other urban legends I have heard, this story did not really change significantly from person to person, perhaps because it is so straightforward. Barbara Mikkelson provided many examples of this warning story, which is usually spread by e mail or fax. One such example describes the murders as taking place on a certain weekend: Gang Initiation Weekend. ( Please Read Very Important!!!) Police officers working with the DARE program has issued this warning: If you are driving after dark and see an on coming car with no headlights on, DO NOT FLASH YOUR LIGHTS AT THEM! This is a common Bloods gang member initiation game that goes like this: The new gang member under initiation drives along with ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Women in The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven by... Women in The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven by Sherman Alexie A warrior is recognized as sonmeone who battles for his/her beliefs. Even after receiving mortal wounds many times, such a person never leaves the battlefield. However, the inspiring and metaphorical idea of a warrior can certainly extend beyond the actual battlefield, and into the universal battle of living life. A woman must face this world like a warrior. She must endure the pain of a past that oppressed her, the adversity of a present that is only beginning to understand her, and a future that will continuously test her. From the beginning of time, Native American women have been a driving force in their cultures, retaining their immense strength throughout ... Show more content on ... Despite the fact that he has left her in poverty to care for their son, her care for him is unyielding and willing to withstand the pain he brought onto her. And even though my mother didn t want to be married to him anymore and his wreck didn t change her mind about that, she still came to see him every day. She sang Indian tunes under her breath?he tapped his fingers in rhythm. ; (p. 33) Victor s mother faces depression and alcohol addiction herself, yet even in the midst of these faults, like many other women on the reservation, she painstakingly maintains the strength to try keeping her family together or at least show them her love. Like the mother in another one of Alexie s stories who sings to her child; I m singing an its a good day song. She smiles and I have to smile with her. ;(p. 144) This small act of making a child smile can be seen as part of the fight because it serves as an example to their families to continue in the battle of depression in the name of love, fighting off the surrender to desensitized detachment from the family. Even if the example isn t always followed, as in the case of Victor s fleeing father, it is certainly a noble endeavor. A warrior who fights bravely and loses a battle can still be a hero, as we have seen in the women s efforts to hold their families together. Alexie s women characters also extend their steadfast compassion towards their wounded community. Like the medicine women of ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Analysis Of Out, Out By Robert Frost Lian Hearn says, Death comes suddenly and life is fragile and brief... . In Robert Frost s poem Out, Out , the author frequently demonstrates the fragility of life and death s ability to change it in an instant, through the use of literary allusions, imagery, personification, and tension. These devices are used to help illustrate to the readers the fragility of life and how death can turn an ordinary day into a catastrophic one. Throughout the poem, Frost focuses on the theme of death and its capricious nature that can affect anyone at anytime. Frost starts off the poem by using the title to allude to Shakespeare s Macbeth and employing a blank verse to contribute to the idea of life s delicacy and death s ability to alter anyone s life at any moment. When Frost alludes to Shakespeare he is demonstrating life s ability to be cut off abruptly and gone in a flicker. In Shakespeare s Macbeth, after Macbeth s wife has died, Macbeth says Out, out brief candle (Shakespeare), and Frost s poem is entitled Out, Out . By not only alluding to this passage, but taking it and cutting it off, Frost demonstrates the fragility of life and how life can be cut short easily. By excluding the brief candle portion of the text, Frost implies the abruptness of death and how life can be gone in the flash of second, just like a candle can be blown out in a second by a simple breeze or huge gust of wind. Additionally, the use of a blank verse makes the poem unpredictable since there is no regular rhyme scheme. The entirety of the poem sticks to blank verse and refrains from a rhyming pattern. This emphasizes that because of the blank verse, the poet is allowed a freedom that is not usually attainable with a rhyme scheme and Frost uses this to his advantage by indicating that death is unpredictable, just as the rhyme scheme in his poem is. Lastly, the iambic pentameter is known as a heartbeat rhythm, and Frost uses it to represent the life of the boy. The entire poem is set to an iambic pentameter, and when Frost says, So. But the hand was already gone, (Frost), he creates an irregular rhythm and uses it to demonstrate the boy s death. By creating a sudden irregular rhythm, Frost demonstrates how death is something that ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Essay on Bird Imagery in Portrait of the Artist as a... Bird Imagery in Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man The works of twentieth century Irish writer James Joyce resound vividly with a unique humanity and genius. His novel, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, published in 1916, is a convincing journey through the inner mind and spirit of Stephen Dedalus. Portrayed with incredible fluency and realism, imagery guides the reader through the swift current of growth tangible in the juvenile hero. Above all heavy imagery in the novel is the recurring bird motif. Joyce uses birds to ultimately relate Stephen to the Daedelus myth of the hawklike man; however, these images also exemplify Stephen s daily experiences, and longing for true freedom . By using imagery of birds as ... Show more content on ... Heron taunts Stephen, sardonically naming him a model youth who doesn t flirt and doesn t damn anything or damn all . This blatant remark by the bird like boy is an obvious verbal threat to Stephen s character. Continued as Heron and his friend viscously chide Stephen for his admiration for Byron s poetry, Joyce s bird imagery bears in this scene a restraint of Stephen s uniqueness by threatening his self expression. As Stephen mentally develops in the progression of the novel, he begins his search for the freedom and power of his soul, as the great artificer whose name he bore would have done. Stephen is now at the beach, pondering his new sense of maturity as he grows near to the wild heart of life . Walking down a rocky slope, he takes notice to a girl alone and still, gazing out to sea . Stephen watches her, and awed by her likeness of a strange and beautiful sea bird, he realizes she is the epitome of all that is the wonder of mortal beauty . Painted by Joyce s radiant imagery of the darkplumaged dove he sees before him, this rationalization is the basis of Stephen s internal epiphany; she is, toStephen, an envoy from the fair courts of life . This wholesome bird like girl with long ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Contaminated Drinking Water Research Water is necessary to sustain life, but not all water is safe for drinking. Unclean water helps to spread pathogenic diseases. It is especially dangerous in less populated areas where purified water may not be readily available. In these areas, it may fall on the responsibility of the individual to find their own water. People can collect water from streams, rivers, or lakes. The water from these sources, however, is considered unprotected and cannot be consumed right away. Unprotected water sources can easily become contaminated and are unfit for drinking. That is why this water has to be put through purification methods to withdraw all bacteria, chlorine, nitrates, and phosphates in the water. If a person consumes contaminated drinking water ... Show more content on ... When measuring for bacteria, results from both the total Coliform count and the Fecal Coliform were collected. Total Coliform accounts for all types of bacteria that is transferred to water by facilitators such as: soils plants and animals, whereas, fecal coliform is found in the intestinal tracts of warm blooded animals. Something should be done about water contamination if any coliform is found in the water (Vermont Dpt. of Health 2014). The EPA has set the standard regulation for coliform in drinking water at zero because of the high levels of risk associated with the presence of bacteria in drinking water,. Nitrate, an additional impurity measured, can also have damaging effects if consumed. Nitrate can enter drinking water from the runoff of fertilizer use, erosion, sewage and the septic tanks leaks. As stated by the Environmental Protection Agency, Symptoms include shortness of breath and blue baby syndrome (EPA 2014). The EPA also sets standard maximum contaminant level at 10 mg/L. When completing the experiment, phosphate, which is naturally occurring in rocks and mineral deposits and is released during erosion processes facilitated by weather and time, was also measured. Excess phosphate can promote an increase in plant growth, and in some cases catalyze the death of fish and other aquatic invertebrates due to the presence of algal blooms. There has been no ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Pros And Cons Of Lone Wolf Terrorism Before the delegation enters the subject of Lone Wolf terrorism, the delegation believes the definition of terrorism must be addressed first, in order to distinguish the differences. The definition of the European Union (2013) characterizes terrorism as an premeditated act with the aim of seriously intimidating a population, or unduly compelling a government or international organization to perform or abstain from performing any act, or seriously destabilizing or destroying the fundamental political, constitutional, economic or social structures of a country or an international organization (European Union, 2002, p. 4). Although this definition is proper, the United Kingdom has their own definition for this atrocious act. The Reinsurance (Acts of Terrorism) Act 1993 section ... Show more content on ... According to several figures from the Global Terrorism Database, between 2000 2017, 126 have been killed in the UK as a result of a terrorist act, this, compared to the 1,094 deaths between 1985 1999, and a further 2,211 deaths among 1970 1984, leads us to the conclusion that terrorism is killing less people in the UK now, than it was in the 1980 s. Since 1970 UK has faced the most deaths, as a result of a terrorism act, in Western Europe, with a total of 3,395. With the UK s threat level left at severe, terrorism is an increasing concern for the people in Europe, but figures show that Europe is one of safest areas, compared to other regions, like the Middle East or North Africa. In spite of the low numbers in the past years, terrorist attacks and lone wolf terrorism should not be taken lightly. Since early 2003, the United Kingdom has had a long term strategy for countering international terrorism (known by the Government as CONTEST). Its aim is to reduce the risk from international terrorism. The strategy is divided into four principal strands: prevent, pursue, protect, and ... Get more on ...
  • 18. China Empire Chapter 1 Summary Chua s thesis is that every hyperpower in history has achieved global dominance because they were tolerant as the empire rose up. What Chua means by tolerance is the patience to accept races, culture, and religion. Also part of Chua s thesis is that all empires fall due to tolerance. That even tolerance has a breaking point in which it leads to destruction. Throughout part 1 Chua gives real life examples of how tolerance built an empire and how it ended it. Chapter 1 is about the first hyperpower in history. While most believe this is Greece or Rome it was actually the Achaemenid Empire. Founded in 559 BCE by Cyrus the Great, a man whose origins are a mystery, it was one of the most diverse empires even for todays standards. After taking control ... Show more content on ... In 1162 a boy named Temujin was born on desolate hill. On this steppe there are no cities and very few fertile areas. There were often hail storms followed by heat and cold without proper shelters. The steppe was inhabited by war tribes fighting amongst each other. Over time Temujin created alliances and gained power on the steppe. In 1203 he reformed his mongol army into squads. Instead of giving power to blood alliances he appointed people on talent and merit. After learning of his Ally Ong Khan s plan to assassinate him, far outnumbered he fled with his army. With the most diverse 20 soldiers, he reassembled the rest of his army and planned a counter attack against Ong Khan. After 3 days of battle he achieved victory and in 1204, he defeated every tribe on the steppe. After each battle against the Jurchen, Mongol weaponry greatly increased and in 1214 the Jurchens surrendered and offered gifts in exchange for the Mongols withdrawing. In 1215 he completed his conquest of Northern China. In 1219 he proposed a peaceful trading relationship with the Muslim sultan of Khwarizm. After Khwarizm betrayed him he began his next conquest. One by one the Khwarizm cities were crushed until they began to surrender as soon as the mongols were seen. By 1223, he did the impossible and conquered their empire. After creating the largest empire known to man he died in 1227 with his army still loyal. When he died he appointed his 3rd son Ogodei as his heir. ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Alyss Ordinary Teenage Girl Alyssa is the ordinary teenage girl, she loves her makeup and cellphone. There is however one problem with Alyssa that other teenage girls don t normally have difficulty with and that is boys. Every other teenage girl has her first boyfriend at 13 with plenty experiences of having first kisses. At the age of 16, Alyssa faces her first romantic encounter with her fellow neighbor, Cody. Her awkward and unique personality always plays out a different outcome then normal teenage girls. Cody is Alyssa s neighbor. He tries to keep up with trends like the other teenage boys but faces difficulty for being the son of a born again Christian mother. Her values places Cody in a small Christian academy his whole life, being completely blinded from outside ... Show more content on ... Cody enters her bedroom door, tired from a shift at work. He sits on the bed and chooses a movie on Netflix. Alyssa realizes that over the past couple of weeks, she has starting to like Cody even more. When Cody shows Alyssa a new game he found on his phone, he puts his arm around her for the first time ever. The arm around the shoulder progresses into Cody throwing Alyssa onto his lap to get a perfect view of her face. Alyssa s awkward personality comes out when she keeps asking question if it s okay for him to be this friendly to her. She also refuses at first the kiss multiple times from being anxious. Finally, Cody pressures Alyssa into the first kiss, and well it didn t go as planned. A sloppy peck led Alyssa to frantically get off of Cody and head to the bathroom. She looks at herself in the mirror and realizes that she just had her first kiss. Shortly after, her stomach becomes upset from her mini panic attack before and after the first kiss. Alyssa then vomits in the toilet and enters back into the room. However, Cody suspects her just going to the bathroom and not vomiting. At the night of the end, he gives Alyssa another kiss and promises to see her ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Eulogy Of Jay Gatsby It deeply saddens me to say we are all gathered here today to remember the life of James Gatz, or better known as Jay Gatsby. When I first moved here to West Egg a few years ago I quickly took notice of Jay and was determined to find out more about him. To my own surprise, Gatsby grew on me and as time progressed our friendship prospered. You see, Gatsby was different from the people of West Egg, he was better and he deserved better than what he got. He also threw the most outstanding parties in history. {chuckles lightly} Day by day, my respect for this extraordinary man grew and grew stronger. Jay had something special about him that many failed to notice and embrace. Although Gatsby did not lead the most honest life, there was no denying ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Personal Statement On Social Media After close analyzation of my five selfies, I have established the three words that most describe my selfies are shared, joyful, and close. Two of these words accurately describe my identity, one does not. I don t like to be the center of attention and my selfie reflects this because they all are sharing the focus with someone or something else, therefore one of my words is shared. I am a joyful person and my selfie shows this because they are all at a place that makes me feel joy or with someone or something that brings me joy. The only word that doesn t describe my identity is close because I don t like to be the main point of focus. The reason for the selfies being a close up of me though, is because I took the pictures without the ... Show more content on ... You can also see the window but not what s outside because there is a white glare on it. The plum red color of her dress is a very strong noticeable color that stands out. Red is a color that often evokes a powerful emotion of passion. My tuxedo is the color black which is a very powerful color that can portray one of class and wealth. The color white in the picture is the color of my dress shirt and is also the color of the glare that shows through the window. White is associated with being clean, pure, and peaceful. When first viewing this selfie without analyzing it, there are some judgments that could be made. Some of these judgments could be that we are each other s dates for something. That one of us is driving. We are in one of our cars. We are on our way to or coming back from some type of formal gathering. This gathering is fancy or formal attire. We are having a good time. After suspending judgments, we can move on to defining significant parts of the selfie and how they are related. What I find most interesting in this selfie is that we are both dressed in formal attire, her in a dress and myself in a tuxedo. What I find most strange about this selfie is that I am covering half of my girlfriend in the picture with myself. What I find most revealing is that I have put myself as the focus point in the selfie. What these details might lead the viewer to conclude about the rhetoric of the picture is that we are trying to indicate ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Importance Of Seeing The Philadelphia Orchestra... Last year I had the privilege of seeing the Philadelphia Orchestra perform Gustav Holst s: The Planets Suite. The piece as a whole is one that pulls the strings of your heart from the first pound to the last mystic moment of silence. It has been a year since I heard the orchestral piece in full, and ever since, I have been awaiting to get an opportunity like that again. It is unfortunately a rare occurance in my generation to feel so strongly about a piece of art. The world is at our fingertips, and yet we have no urge to explore it. According to Gustav, the Planets were a depiction of life and the many stages of its progression. As a young adult and musician this suite inspired a new way of seeing, feeling, and hearing life. Thierry Fischer, a music director at Utah Symphony wrote, Holst denied that the suite has any connection to the classical Zodiac other than the names and traits of the personified planets, that connection by itself is enough for the music to conjure strong images of the mythological deities associated with each. Mars, the bringer of war, begins with five quiet yet dominant beats in a reverberating 5/4 rhythm. As the movement continues we hear the grinding minor chords, which leaves the ear unsettled. Mars is said to be an obvious illustration of war, the depressing and frightening steady march of soldiers as they walk toward the unknown. Throughout the entire movement there is no clear harmonic release, the chromaticism just sways back and forth. ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Analysis Of Survival Essay By Dale Fry Survival Essay Dale Fry There once was a man(in a movie) who said When stranded start solving problems solve one then solve the next and if you solve enough problems you get to go home That man was Mark Wattney. I feel i could ve survived the experience Salva went through because I would have got to work fast, I would ve always thought optimistically and I would have been very motivated to survive so i could maybe help others in the end, This allows me to follow the quote and solve problems until i get to go home. I have mental toughness because of so many things people have done to me. I can have lots of things happen to me and keep my cool, some evidence to show that is that i have had kids bully me like crazy and haven´t gone ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Differential Diagnosis Exercise ( Dde ) 10/5/2014 Creighton University College of Nursing Differential Diagnosis Exercise (DDE) Name: Mary M. McAuliffe Clinical Sign or Presenting Problem : Fever A. Identify appropriate history questions to be asked of the patient, nursing staff, or family in order to discriminate critical characteristics or attributes about the presenting problem. HPI Onset: When did you first notice the fever? Where were you when you first began having the symptoms? Location: Not applicable Duration: Is the fever constant or does it come and go? When is it worst? Have you noticed a pattern to the fevers? When is it the highest? When is it the lowest? Characteristics: How high has your fever gotten? How long does it last? Associated Symptoms: Are you ... Show more content on ... ALLERGIES: Thorough review of all medication, food, and environmental allergies is necessary. MEDICATIONS: Any use of diuretics, pain medications, antiarrhythmic agents, anti seizure drugs, sedatives, antibiotics, antihistamines, barbiturates, cephalosporins, salicylates, and sulfonamides? (Ross Basello, 2003) FAMILY HX: Family history of chronic leukemia, lymphomas, renal cell carcinomas or metastatic cancers (Ross Basello, 2003) Any family history of immunocompromise? SOCIAL HX: Any recent travel? If so, where to and for what duration of time? Causes (if recent travel to distant countries) may include Malaria, Viral Hepatitis, Diarrheal disorders, or Typhoid fever (Merck s Manual, 2014). If recent travel around U.S., causes may include tick exposure (rickettsiosis, Lyme s disease), mosquito exposure (arboviral encephalitis), wild animal exposure (rabies), fleas (plague), cat scratch disease or toxoplasmosis, reptiles (salmonella), or bats (rabies) (Merck s Manual, 2014). Any drug use? Drugs that can cause increased heat production include amphetamines, cocaine, ecstasy, and anesthetics (Merck s Manuals, 2014). ROS Constitutional: overall health status including physical, mental, and functional health (ADL s, etc), recent weight loss or weight gain, fever, chills, repeated infections HEENT: headache, ear pain, runny nose, sore throat, neck pain or stiffness Cardiovascular: chest pain ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Analysis Of The Poem The Of The Yellow Mocker Woke When the call of the Yellow Mocker woke her, Charity raised up to look out the window perched on a limb in the tree near the window, the mockingbird set, singing his bothersome tune and staring in at her. Looking over to where Henry lay sleeping beside her on the bed, she longed to cuddle up beside him and shut the outside world away, but the mocker s beckoning call stirred her to action. For months, she had dreaded this day coming; no mother should ever have to watch their child die. Rising slowly, she did not know if she had the strength to face what she knew she must. Listening with her soul s ears, she heard him... Aaron s calls for her, reached through the night and across the miles; she could not ignore the powerful force of ... Show more content on ... Letting her spirit flow around and through him, she wrapped him in her embrace. She lay beside him, kissed his face and stroked his dampened hair. Mama s here, baby, she said softly. Mama is right here and I am not going to leave you. Aaron opened his eyes and looked at her. Would ya just look at that, the young private said in awe. What is it now? the sergeant asked gruffly. Look at him, Sarge! He looks jest like he see s somebody right there with him. Ain t that strange, Sarge? the private asked. Don t nuthin strike me as strange these days, son I have seen enough strange stuff in the last few weeks to last me a lifetime! Don t nuthin surprise me anymore I think it s all in their heads they just think their maws are there with em he ain t the first one I saw do that, and prolly won t be the last. If I had to take a guess, I d say he s delirious with fever or something and thinks he s a talking to his maw. Now, don t keep a hollerin at me every time he moves or mumbles there ain t a damn thing I can do for him, or you neither it won t be long, he ll be gone, the sergeant said sternly. The young private looked back ... Get more on ...
  • 26. George Washington s Resignation Speech Essay Resignation speech of George Washington In the resignation speech of George Washington he uses religious, nationalistic and historical allusion to get across his point to his audience. In George Washington s speech he both acknowledges and thanks the congress, I have now the honor of offering my sincere Congratulations to the Congress and of presenting myself before them to surrender into their hands the trust committed to me, and the claim the indulgence of retiring from the service of my country. By saying my country and by congratulating the Congress the President shows his a patriot and a advocate towards his country. Happy in the confirmation of our indepence and sovereignty, and pleased with the opportunity afforded the United ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Major Themes Evident In The Book Thief Major Themes Evident In The Book Thief Nowadays, we take the ability to read for granted. But for Liesel Meminger, the opportunity to learn how to read was a gift. In the novel The Book Thief, by Markus Zusak, more than one major theme relating to books and writing are evident. The power of words, literature, and reading, are all contributing to the overall theme of the power of books and writing in The Book Thief. Words are an everyday part of our life, but when we think about it they hold more value then we could ever imagine. They are our source of communication, and without words there would be a broken bond between one another. In the same way, words were the root of the bond between Liesel and Hans. Hans, Liesel s stepfather, paints ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Seeking A Software Developer Position With Concept... PURNA VENKATESH (972) 552 0599 CARRER OBJECTIVE Seeking a software developer position with Concept Software Services where my education, qualifications and acquired skills will be utilized to their best to improve the company s overall performance. SUMMARY Reliable and well focused developer having good programming skill base. Self motivated to develop programming skills by solving many of the real time problems through various online sources like . Intern experience with Ruby On Rails and developed applications using Object Oriented Programming concepts. Proficient in various programming languages like C, C++, Java, Ruby. Good Knowledge on Object Oriented Programming, Ruby On Rails Development, MySQL, JavaScript, jQuery. Developed applications using various technologies like Java, JSP, Python and SQL. Experience working with Oracle and SQL Server databases. Capable of developing software with IDEs such as NetBeans, Eclipse, IPython and RubyMine. Capable of developing independent features/modules. Strong analytical skills combined with knowledge in object oriented programming techniques. Great team player with good communication and interpersonal skills. Have the ability to put an extra effort do deliver the things done on time, confidence to take challenges, quick learner and easy adaptable to new technologies. EDUCATION Master of Science in Computer Science ... Get more on ...
  • 29. A Letter About A Smile From Aural Orifice, Curling And... A smile from aural orifice to aural orifice, curling and bright. It s a strange thing to write a letter that will probably never be read, or will be read by others. An openness in something generally private, no less strange or cumbersome than writing a letter to someone you don t know but think you might like to though. How best to form and shape those ideas, herd them into some form of coherency and clarity? To start you already have a letter from me, with an iPod in it. Black envelope, gold lettering, gave it to you at the PA Wizard World. This is take two of things that won t get read :) whatevs! Carpe Noctem and all that. It s just obnoxiously frustrating to see someone you d love to have a conversation with, and not even have the chance to risk it and fail spectacularly. Or unspectacularly, or perhaps not fail at all. Though to be honest the idea of seeing how the conversational trains crash and sifting through the wreckage to find interesting bits and bobs would be fun. But I m rotten through and through anyways, so that s no surprise. Explaining why I want to converse with you might be hardest, besides saying I like the way you string things together. It sounds fun, or at least memorably fucking awkward, to see if our trains of thought share any of the same stations. It s not like I can invite you for a beer or a coffee, sans all too often assumed subtext, to shoot the shit to test for conversational compatibility. You re a person like ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Functional Impairment Analysis Functional Impairment Autistic individuals struggle daily with social impairments like the use of non verbal behaviors , creating and keeping friendships, and lack of interest in others (Orsmond, Krauss, Seltzer, 2004, pg. 245). When placed in a social setting, adolescents with autism don t interact with their peers as much as typical children (Orsmond et al., 2004). Also, they rarely ever initiate conservations, making potential friendship more problematic to maintain (Orsmond et al., 2004). A study showed that 47% of individuals had no friends that shared the same interests (Orsmond et al., 2004). A small group of autistic children are able to relate to teachers and parents, but majority still have difficulty (Orsmond et al., 2004). ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Lupus s Constellation The Constellation I chose is Lupus, also called „the Wolf . It s located in the southern sky and was one of the 48 constellations, which were listed by Ptolemy, a second century astronomer. Previously it was an asterism associated with its neighbour constellation Centaurus, but belongs to the now 88 official constellations. It has nine main stars, 41 Bayer stars and five stars with planets. Lupus is surrounded by six different constellations: Hydra, Scorpius, Norma, Circinus, Libra and Centaurus. I decided to write about this constellation, because I ve always been fascinated by wolfs and wanted to know more about the constellation named after it. Officially the constellation Lupus doesn t have a myth belonging to it, but it can be based on the story of the ancient king of Arcadia, king Lycaon. It s said that he ruled Arcadia with his fifty sons and he still practiced human sacrifice while other parts of Greece declined it as barbaric. There are two different versions about it: ... Show more content on ... Zeus was so angered about it that he transfigured him into a wolf and killed all of his fifty sons with a lightning. The other version says that Zeus visited Arcadia disguised as a traveller. Lycaon and his sons offered him food, a soup made out of the meat of goats and sheep and of his son Nyctimus. Zeus was disgusted and killed all fifty sons with a lightning bolt, reviving Nyctimus in the process. My own myth tells the story of an ancient creature, which was only sighted in moments of ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Pride And Prejudice Analysis In Jane Austen s Pride and Prejudice, the main character, Elizabeth Bennet, develops a laborious relationship with Mr. Darcy, a man far wealthier than her own family. Over the course of the novel Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy both fundamentally change due to each others influence. A major theme throughout Austen s work is the presence or lack of money, and Pride and Prejudice is no different. Within Pride and Prejudice, money seems to define a person s social class; however, Mr. Darcy has to push aside his prejudice and focus on his emotions needs rather than his financial well being, in order to be truly happy. As the original title of this novel was First Impressions, it is important to examine the introduction of Mr. Darcy. The narrator tells us he was looked at with great admiration for about half the evening, till his manners gave a disgust which turned the tide of his popularity (Page 8). Upon his arrival at the ball, the townspeople are infatuated with Mr. Darcy because of his good looks and most importantly because of his income. However, when he is found to be ill mannered there is no amount of money that could his overwhelming elitist attitude. In comparison, it is stated that the evening altogether passed off pleasantly to the whole family in reference to the Bennet family (Page 9). This statement establishes that the fault of Mr. Darcy s unamusing time at the ball was not the event itself. Using body language, and nonverbal cues Mr. Darcy makes it clear that he ... Get more on ...
  • 33. College Essay About Hair Summer is here and we couldn t be more excited! However, as much as we love summer, no one likes hair getting stuck to their wet sticky foreheads. This is a very uncomfortable situation. Hence, we are here with 10 hairstyles that you can rock this summer and avoid the uncomfortable situations of pounds of hairs mixed with the summer heat! Braided Up do Why settle for one hairstyle when you can have two combined together? This braided up do is a stylish way of keeping your hair out of your face and off of your shoulders too! The style is basically a French braid along the crown of the head which melts into a messy bun, perfect for those beach days! Classic Braid If you haven t mastered the art of a French braid or a messy fish tail braid, you ... Show more content on ... If you want to take this hairstyle up a notch, try adorning flowers throughout the grooves in the braid to make the look a little more special. Half up Fishtail Braid with a Twist If you style is a bohemian, this is a variation of the half up beach waves is perfect for you. Along with beach waves, the fishtail braid is a great way to add detail to your hair! Crown Braid Crown braid is another great style for getting your hair off your shoulders. Gathering your hair to one shoulder, you can either accomplish this look with a regular three strand braid or a fishtail braid. Choice is yours! Half up Beach Waves The classic half up hairstyle is a must for the summer this year. Not only is it perfect if you still like to show off your long shiny locks, but it will help keep all the hair out of your face too! Braided Ponytail Simple Chic. A braided ponytail can be worn with just about anything and for any occasion be it weddings to a day out with your girlies! You can also try out different styles of this braid! French Braid Ponytail A French braid ponytail has its own charm! You can even play around with this style and it s easy to come up with new hairstyles that you can call your ... Get more on ...
  • 34. High Cost Of Entry And Market Domination Limits Entrants... Barriers to Entry High cost of entry and market domination limits entrants into the industry. The upfront cost for new airlines is capital intensive. In addition, it s difficult for new airlines to obtain airport slots for takeoff and landing which are determined by the airports. Established airlines already hold the monopoly over slots at certain airports, making it harder for new airlines to infiltrate (Airlines Industry Profile, 2014). The industry is also dominated by five key airlines; American, United, Delta, Southwest and JetBlue which make it difficult for new airlines to gain market share. At 40 of the 100 largest U.S. airports, a single airline controls a majority of the market. At 93 of the top 100, one or two airlines control a majority of the seats (Koenig Mayerowitz, 2015). In addition, with fuel being the number one cost for airlines, the volatile fuel prices make it hard for new airlines to make a profit. Domestic airlines in the U.S. spend a combined $2 to $5 billion on jet fuel every month. As a stat up airlines, the price paid for fuel is the same weather planes are full or empty which could stop new airlines from entering the industry. Lastly, the FAA has strict regulations which discourage new airlines from entering the industry. All new entrants must abide by Federal Aviation Authority regulations on airworthiness, pilot competence, and related issues (Airline Industry Profile, 2014). Overall, entry into the airline industry is high and there is ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Jaguar Commercial Analysis April 6th, 2014 Media/Commercial Analysis Marketing is defined as the activities of a company associated with buying and selling a product or service, which includes advertising, selling and delivering products to people. People who work in marketing departments of companies try to get the attention of target audiences by using slogans, packaging design, celebrity endorsements and general media exposure. One of the most mainstream tactics to market a product to a potential target market is by using TV commercials. The elements of TV commercials, including audio and visual aspects, as well as lighting, camera angles and movement, and music subliminally send messages to a potential customer to capture their ... Show more content on ... The audio of the commercial also helps reinforce the message Jaguar is trying to send to potential customers. When the narrator states Some don t know that Jaguar is one of the fastest growing luxury automotive brands , he s basically stating a fact to the consumers that our products are working and appealing to many in the market for a luxury car. When the narrator goes on to say But they certainly do. They being the German car companies, the narrator is implying that Mercedes Benz, Audi, and BMW are aware that Jaguar is on the rise and, based on the visual aspects of the ad, they are afraid of Jaguar. The background music in the ad gives a sense of a suspenseful and dramtic ad. The music starts off slow and calm, but deep and dark, sort of mysterious. When the XFR meets the Benz, BMW, and Audi, the music starts to take a turn for a more dramatic yet still suspenseful, the music builds more anticipation until the climax when the XFR roars and scares the other cars away. Speaking of the roar , the engine roars to give the Jaguar an extremely aggresive presence, more aggresive than the other 3 cars. This is to make the XFR seem more exclusive and special than its more traditional rivals. Jaguar has a lot of work to do if they want to take over the reigns from the likes of Mercedes, Audi, and BMW, but the advertising campaign shows that they are ready to take on that ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Fredrick Alternate Ending I managed to get to the pod and to Charles before Fredrick, but it wasn t easy. The boy was on my heels the whole damn way. I slammed the door to Charles s room as I entered, locking it, and then turning to a very surprised Charles standing by his window. You two looked like seagulls going after one prey. Fredrick banged on the door behind me. I tried to ignore his squeaky threats to barge down the door. He probably could, but he wouldn t get past me. Not yet anyway. You have to tell him Charlie. Charles s relaxed grin immediately turned into a sour frown. He ll try to stop me. He ll try everything in his power, even knock me out and lock me in a closet. Keep me prisoner. He mustn t know. Either you tell him now or I will. Right now, I didn t care about his amber eyes ... Show more content on ... Being a carrier I figured it was just a matter of time before you figured the whole system out. The messaging system, the resistance group. Fredrick gave a little laugh. He apparently found the brief moments where he knew more than me amusing. When we need a meeting with the other important dissenters, the ink shimmers. The person then takes the item and, very carefully I might add, takes it to the nearest identity scanner. He scans the ink, and the location of our meeting or alerts will show up on the screen. Genius, I know. Fredrick pointed to Charles. This boy is a genius. I had no words. Not at the moment. I had seen the word, Detonate, shine in my books a million times and wondered what Detonate was trying to reveal through it. You would have figured it out if we had stayed, Charles said. I could tell by your aura when you were examining the graffiti, you were trying to decipher the meaning. Kinda funny right? Fredrick said with one eyebrow arched. The perfect one designs bombs for the beloved Mother Country but he, and his charming and handsome partner in crime, created a revolution ready to detonate when the perfect moment arrives. ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Convolutional Networking Essay 2.1 Styling using Convolutional Neural Networks The initial work on style transferring using convolutional neural networks was brought forth by Leon Gatys, Alexander Ecker and Matthias Bethge [1] in which style representations were extracted from images. This involved superimposing the style image onto the content image such that the semantic details of the content image were not lost as shown in Figure 1 [1]. Figure 1: Example of using the neural style transfer method advocated by Gatys et al to transfer the style of the reference photo onto the original photo such that the stylized photo contains the semantic content of the original photo and the style of the reference photo The paper provides a detailed explanation of how the ... Show more content on ... 2.2. Neural Style Transfer Becattini et al [2] provide a thorough survey of neural style transfer literature. It highlights the contemporary problems of the existing models and also discusses future scope. It also presents various evaluation techniques to contrast outputs obtained through different neural style transfer methods. A broad classification of neural methods into descriptive and generative neural methods where the former is used to transfer styles by updating pixel information in the images whereas the latter optimizes a model and generates an image with varying styles in a single pass. Figure 3 provides a visually contrasting stylized image when a content image is stylized using both the mentioned methods. Figure 3: (Starting from the left) a) content image b) style image c) Descriptive method results with brush size control d) Generative method without brush size control The paper improves upon the existing methods mentioned above while being intent on process architecture preservation but improves on the performances by tweaking environmental parameters such as loss function modification, emphasizing on spatial arrangements to style details. Extensions to existing transfer methods which were developed for simple images were discussed, this included style transferring for doodles, head portraits, single user specified objects and video frames. The parameters mentioned in the paper were also broadly classified ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Jj Jazzy Jeff Artist Analysis Artist Analysis By Johnny Zorzopis DJ Jazzy Jeff is a big name producer and DJ with many hits and even turntable scratching styles named after him. All of DJ Jazzy Jeff s talent and DJ skills have made him gain a huge following and name as one of the industry s musical godfathers . Being around for over 20 years in the music industry and a repertoire of Jazz, hip hop and much more he is still releasing music today. He may be best known for working as a duo with Will Smith in his early career days. Solo work as DJ Jazzy Jeff Unreleased album from Sony Records (1998) One cut in Battle of DJs The Magnificent (2002) Soulheaven Presents Jazzy Jeff in the House (2004) Hip Hop Forever II Rapster Records (2004) The Soul Mixtape Groovin Records USA (2005) ... Show more content on ... What I figured out, and it blew me away that I would take an audio file and just drag it into my top track, just drag the whole record and how I said the pieces that I wanted, I would figure out the pieces that I wanted, I would highlight them and I would put a second track and I would use the top track as my holding track, take my second track and just drag the pieces down and warp them how I want it, that way I can just arrange it how I want it but what I did is I loaded up the sampler and just started swiping pieces that I want and just pulled it on top of the sampler and I didn t realise that you could do that so I just pulled the piece on top and then I would set my key group the way I want it and I would pull in another piece and set my key group, so it was almost like me chopping up my sampler but I m looking at what I want and I basically made a whole sampler and laid it out off all the samples that I want so not only could I warp it but then I can chop it up and re arrange all of the pieces with the ... Get more on ...
  • 39. How Is Figurative Language Used In Emily Dickinson s Poetry Emily Dickinson was one of the most amazing poets that ever lived. Though her work did not start to get published until after her death, it is still looked at as a great life accomplishment and is to this day some of the greatest poems. Dickinson was a poet who used the words of her poems to describe a feeling not just saying he or she is lonely or happy. A reader is able to see this in all of her work but for me it stands out in two of her poems that seem to have the same meaning but the way the emotion is portrayed is different in both of them. Loneliness is portrayed in both There s a certain Slant of light and The Soul selects her own Society but the way a reader perceives the message of loneliness is different. The use of her word ... Show more content on ... Dickinson usually uses four line stanzas which is true in both of the poems I have chosen. This allows for more enhancement on the words that she chooses. Along with the uses of four line stanzas, she seems to put more emphasis on certain words by capitalizing them. This could mean that these words are meant to have more meaning and read more strongly or it could just be the way she was writing. It seems to be words that would have more meaning towards them. For example in There s a certain Slant of light , some of the words that are capitalized are Heavenly Hurt , Meanings , Despair , Distance , and Death . All of these words would seem to be words that would use more meaning since the poem is about loneliness and alienation. Along with There s a certain Slant of light , The Soul selects her own Society has capitalization on words that would not normally be capitalized. Some of these words are Soul , Door , Present , Unmoved , and Stone . With these words being capitalized, it appears that Dickinson wanted more emphasis on them making them stand out to the reader. Her structure gets even more diverse than other poets because she uses the dashes in all of her poems. Although the translators were unsure if that s what they actually were based on her hand writing, it is still something that makes her stand out as a poet. The use of the dashes add a ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Master Cat Summary Trickster Tales Even Bear and Mountain Lion trembled when they heard thunders rumbling voice, Coyote was not afraid of thunder . Coyote said that quote in coyote steals fire and it was said in the intro of the story because everyone was scared of thunder (The Person in power of the story). But everybody needed the fire that Thunder had, So that they could use the fire to cook there food light their houses and provide heat to the villages. Coyote attempted to steal the fire from Thunder, Succeeded by cheating in a game of dice. In the stories Coyote steals fire and Master Cat have many similarities within the two trickster tales. The two trickster tales both show forms of anthropomorphism such as the cat in Master Cat and the Coyote in Coyote Steals Fire shows that term by animals talking, lying/cheating ,putting cloths on or taking there pelt off and animals out smarting power figures or gods. In both stories it shows ... Show more content on ... The fairy tales also have many differences in the stories such as they view women differently in both of the stories one of them view them as a an equal and one of them lesser than men. In the one story is a god (Coyote steals fire) and the ogre (Master cat). In Master Cat the cat and the mill worker were trying to obtain wealth while in Coyote steals fire they were trying to obtain fire for the world. They also viewed women differently in Coyote steals fire by having the woman beaver dice only counted as one and the men dice count as 2. While in Master Cat women were viewed a equal. There are many Similarities and differences in the two trickster tales coyote steals fire and master cat. The poor mill worker in Master Cat was going to eat the cat and make hand warmers out of him if he would have not asked for the pouch and the boots imagine what would have happened to that mill worker he would have never had another shot at the fame and fortune he ... Get more on ...
  • 41. How I Met My Husband Patrick Silva AP Lit Period 4 Mr. Schmitz October 11, 2012 How I Met My Husband Thesis Paper The theme of Alice Munro s story How I met my Husband is Social expectations mold individual circumstances. Edie, a fifteen year old housemaid in the lower class of society has qualities and talents that demonstrate a skill set of aristocracy. Have a house without pie, be ashamed until you die is a quoted statement that Edie s mother used to say to her that Mrs. Peebles was not very familiar with. Edie was astonished when Mrs. Peebles admitted that she could not make pie crust and said it was the most amazing thing she ever heard a woman admit. She of course could make pie crust, along with many other baking related foods, which was ... Show more content on ... An interrogation erupted and Ms. Kelling soon dug out answers from Edie, who was not going to lie, or deny that any intimate action took place. Instead of releasing her anger at Mr. Watters, who left without warning and cheated on her, she instantly addresses her anger to Edie with curses along with many other demeaning words. Ms. Kelling speaks to Edie as she should have known she was going to take such actions with Mr. Watters, as she said I am not surprised, I knew by the look of her as soon as I saw her . Ms. Kelling is judging Edie based on her social class, calling her a little country tramp , inferring that all women of that class are good for nothing and worthless. When someone is knowledgeable and feels acquainted with dealing amidst a certain stage or point in life, they tend to be more successful than someone who feels out of place or inexperienced. In the story, Edie stated that her parents made the effort and sent her to high school, but she could not cope with the atmosphere after a year of trying which resulted in her failure. Edie is a smart girl, although shown as naive in the story, she shines in places where even the educated might not. She illustrates her experience in cooking and creativity, where people even of a higher class cannot show. People who are educated may look down at others and expect them to fail at certain things that they believe cannot be done by someone who is not knowledgeable. ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Hemoglobin Analysis Lab Introduction: On August 20, a lab was started doing different test involving blood. The objective of the experiment was to test white blood cells (WBC), red blood cells (RBC), platelet counts, differential of WBCs, a hematocrit, a hemoglobin analysis, and also various calculated indices. All the test will indicate if a person s blood levels are normal or if the person has an abnormal blood count. To explain what blood is, blood is a red liquid that circulates throughout the body. It also transports oxygen rich blood throughout the body, takes nutrients from specific cells and waste to be expelled out of the body. The components of blood in relation to the test are as follows. The blood has two parts the plasma, and the formed elements. ... Show more content on ... Count the WBCs on a differential counter to one hundred. The basophils will look deep blue or black granules, the nucleus is sometime hidden behind granules, lymphocytes look slightly larger than RBCs, also lymphocytes are nearly round nucleus and fills most of the cell in smaller lymphocytes (Martin). Monocytes are the largest WBC, there nucleus is round, kidney shaped or lobed (Martin). Eosinophils nucleus is usually blobbed, and it is a reddish granules. The neutrophils will have many variations, each connecting in some way, it is sometimes referred to as a seg, and has either one nucleus or five ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Paul Mccartney Conspiracy It s a fool who plays it cool by making his world a little colder,¨ the voice of this lyric, Paul McCartney, a former member of the Beatles and one of the most popular solo performers. He has been the subject of a conspiracy for years. In 1966, McCartney was in a car wreck, the conspiracy is that he died in the car wreck and was replaced by an imposter. Even though there are conspiracies that Paul McCartney was cloned or replaced by an imposter, there are also many facts and logical explanations that prove he is and always has been, the real Paul McCartney. Background Paul McCartney was born June 18, 1942, in Liverpool, England. He started his work with the Beatles, a popular classic rock band, in the 60s as the groups bass player. The Beatles ... Show more content on ... Lennon believed it to be the music of the future . But particularly, it has dialogue throughout the track that is saturated with references to the tragic car wreck. First, the words number nine were intended to become turn me on, dead man when reversed. Sounds of a car horn, a crash, and fire are heard in this track. Screams from a man can also be heard, and when played backward, those screams sound like Get me out, which was what Paul had screamed after his car caught fire. During this part, Lennon said, I m not in the mood for wearing clothing . Played backward would reveal the statement, There were two, there are now none . Referring to Paul and the woman that was with him when the wreck occurred. Photo Comparisons and Voice Analysis Some true believers have went as far as to do voice analysis of Paul McCartney s voice in songs before and after the car crash. Through these voice analysis s they came to the conclusion that the real Paul had died in the car wreck and was replaced by a fake Paul. In photo comparisons from before and after the wreck, Paul s left eye appears lower and his chin seems more protruding. Also, his lips are somewhat thinner. The ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Personal Statement For My Future Goals Essay This assessment requires me to reflect on past experiences in physical activity and how I have been involved in these activities in the past. And how these experiences varied by the contribution towards my own wellbeing. I will then evaluate this to make strategies for my future lifelong wellbeing in the future what it should look like. Physical activities and experiences that I paraitcaped in as I grew up I mainly found swim sessions, ball rush, golf and cricket as positive experiences as we did them with my family and younger friends which I really enjoyed doing I found rugby to become a negative experience for me. As in rugby my friends had stopped playing, as I was too small and got smashed from the larger players so I participated in other activities. Rugby is a national sport in New Zealand and I have the assumption of being played by large muscular males and most New Zealand children when growing up. Which in my case is not true as I m more towards the ectomorph body shape which proves the assumption that the bigger mesomorph players tended to be better than I was at the time. A positive of this rugby expericne was that it is a sport that I ve had not family influences to participate in it as many of the sports I do play have, which can be a positive from this experience. I ve always enjoyed playing golf as I ve played it all my life since I was little. My dad introduced me to the game and I ve been playing with him and my older brother ever since I started ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Are Foster Homes Harmful For Kids Marcellia was born to a drug addicted mother who was unable to properly care for her and her siblings. They were placed in foster care when she was 10 years old, and Marcellia remained in the system until she aged out at 19. During those nine years, she was separated from her biological brothers several times, neglected, and placed in homes with, as she states so simply, no love. Marcellia s situation is not uncommon in the foster care systems though. Foster homes neglect and separate kids/teens. Many foster kids end up never see their family again. This issue is a highly debated subject. Some argue that foster homes are fine just the way they are, while many debate how foster homes are harmful for kids/teens in the system. Despite what some may say, foster homes are harmful for kids because they don t prepare kids to deal with future real life obstacles and foster homes don t support kids ... Show more content on ... Not only are so many children are being neglected, but the kids aren t being prepared to help children develop skills and knowledge that will help them get the education they need. Skeptics may say that foster homes are fine as they are or that they ve changed , but truth is that foster homes don t really care and haven t taken any action to help the kids/teens. After all, most children are not being helped or supported mentally/emotionally, and most of the kids have been known to struggle from PTSD. If we are able to speak up for these children/teens, or help foster homes improve, we must provide different ideas for solutions and let our voices be heard. For example, giving kids a permanent family and love is a way to heal the kids/teens. So for children and teens like Marcellia everywhere, let them know that their voice matters. They can finally be heard. Give children living in foster homes chance by helping them; listening to them, the words and pain they keep inside. And maybe, just maybe, it can help them ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Andre Agassi Family Expectations The extract from Andre Agassi s autobiography Open is about family expectations. When you ex pect something particular from someone or something you are talking about expectations. Family expectations is, therefore when for example when your father has a certain expectation to you, about the fact that you have to live up to a certain demand from your family. In the extract from Andre Agassi s autobiography Open we are aware of how there are some fami ly expectations in his family. He says: when his father was a child, his mother, Andre Agassi s grandmother, had expectations to his father about how he should behave and be a good boy. He mentions that she would beat him if he hadn t behaved properly. He describes his grandmother as a nasty old ... Show more content on ... In that way, he uses pathos to appeal to the reader. Because he is describing his family in the way he does, it makes his autobiog raphy humoristic to read. Andre Agassi appeals a lot to the reader because his way of writing is quite easy to deal with and easy to understand. The sentences in the autobiography are mostly short and therefore, in this case, easier to understand. Andre Agassi is able to tell his story about his life very well in his autobiography, he makes his autobiography personal in which way makes the autobiography exciting and inviting. When he uses examples of a dialogue, which have been going on between his father and him or his father and his grandmother he makes the autobiog raphy ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Summary Of Hiroshima By John Hersey What has kept the world safe from the bomb since 1945 has not been deterrence, in the sense of fear of specific weapons, so much as it s been memory. The memory of what happened at Hiroshima. John Hersey released his book Hiroshima nearly one year after the tragic bombing of the city of Hiroshima, Japan. Its purpose, to show America and the rest of the work what happened on August 6, 1945. At the time, the world wasn t aware of the full effects the bomb had on the earth and the people there. Hershey accomplished more than just writing an entertaining book. He showed the world the unspeakable, horrendous acts that shook a city to it core and left thousands dead. Hersey did not take a side on the bombing. He simply used testimony and facts ... Show more content on ... Hersey not only manages to capture the emotional effect of the six main characters, but also that of the thousands who had survived the initial blast. The bomb dropped at 8:15 a.m. As described in the book, many were eating breakfast or at work. Some were sitting on their porches and watching their neighbors work. Hershey captures the moment of shock after the bomb had dropped, Timbers fell around her as she landed, and a shower of tiles pommelled her; everything became dark, for she was buried. The debris did not cover her deeply. She rose up and freed herself. She heard a child cry, Mother, help me!, and saw her youngest Myeko, the five year old buried up to her breast and unable to move. As Mrs. Nakamura started frantically to claw her way toward the baby, she could see or hear nothing of her other children. (22) This quote shows the motherly instinct of Mrs. Nakamura as she desperately tries to find her children. Just moments ago, the air was peaceful and quiet until the equivalent of 15 tons of TNT was thrust upon them. Hersey later describes the gruesome scene through the eyes of Reverend Tanimoto, He was the only ... Get more on ...
  • 48. The Ones Who Walk Away From 1861-1865 The perception of reality and morality differs from individual to individual, from community to community. The different cultures throughout the world provide breeding grounds to many different kinds of ethical values and societies. In The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas, the author Ursula Leguin, creates a society that may be perceived as corrupt and unfair, yet is not too different from our own. Omelas is neither a city of happiness nor a Utopia; it is a city of paradox, of false freedom and desperation. The people of Omelas live lives full of happiness and comfort, over a rotten foundation of an abused and abandoned child. Yet Leguin sympathizes with the ones who choose to stay in Omelas for she believes that they are helpless, stuck in the paradox of moral obligations and moral values. The Omeleans stay for they live in denial, creating a reality different from ours. To them, they either believe it is truly moral to uphold the community, with the sacrifice of one child, or they live in Omelas as an obligation, infinitely appreciative for the child sacrifice. The ones who leave however, do not want to feel obligation, to rely on this child for happiness. They want to be responsible for their own happiness. Unfortunately, similar to the Omeleans, Americans consume hundreds of pounds of meat a day; hundreds of cows, chicken and pigs brutally handled and abused for the pleasure of our taste buds. The citizens of Omelas who choose to stay are merely residents living in ... Get more on ...