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Stanford Acceptance Letter: Real And Official Stanford Acceptance Letter: Real And Official
Essay about Choosing the Best Sound Format for Production
Choosing the Best Sound Format for Production There are many issues facing an audio professional
who is considering getting into surround production, either for music, film, DVD, Internet, or multi
media. Whether you are recording, mixing, editing, or mastering, there is a lot of information that you
need to be comfortable with before you can succeed in surround sound. Although this collection is a
good start, it is by no means an exhaustive list or in depth manual. Hopefully it will give you a well
rounded introduction and good foundation on which to build the pursuit of your goals.
There are a number of critical issues that seem to surface every time we talk about the ... Show more
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Some Dolby certified film stages alter this slightly and reference the surrounds to 82db. You would
use pink noise and measure using C weighting and slow response. This is by no means a complete
guide to setting up the monitoring in your room, but it s the basics to get you started.
5.1: spoken as five point one . This refers to a surround sound format consisting of 5 full range
channels and one LFE channel (see the next entry). It consists of Left, Center, Right, Left Surround,
Right Surround.
7.1. This is reminiscent of, but not exactly the same as the old 70mm soundtracks. The current 7.1 has
L, C, R, LS, RS, and LFE like 5.1, but adds 2 more speakers behind the screen between the center and
left, and between the center and right. These are referred to as LC and RC, or Left Center and Right
Center. On large screens, this allows better tracking of dialog and effects, and more creative options
for the mixers and director. The original 70mm 6 channel soundtrack had five across the front like 7.1,
but no subwoofer and only mono surround. Some people have also suggested
LFE: Low Frequency Effects. Typically you use a subwoofer in this application, the point one of 5.1.
The channel does not necessarily have to be band limited, as in the option to use it as a height channel
in DVD A, but when used as an LFE, it is of course for low frequency information. It is a discrete
channel, not a
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Personal Narrative-Changing Experience Of Snowboarding
One time when I was around the age of 9, I tried out the snowboard for the first time at Rokkosan
Snow Park with my family and I was very very scared. It was a very totally different experience from
when I did ski when I was 7. For ski I didn t fall that often because it was way much easier but when I
changed to snowboard, everything changed dramatically. I fell to my knees a lot until I felt the pain of
having several bruises but I kept on going on. It hurt and I felt the freezing white layer of snow touch
the bare skin of my face but I kept on going. As time passed by, I was enjoying it. I had already been
able to get used to it and I was able to do tricks while sliding across the smooth surface of the snow. I
did many tricks and it felt
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The Last of Us
The Last of Us The Last of Us is an award winning video game developed by Naughty Dog and
produced by Sony Entertainment for the PlayStation3 (PS3). It features a blend of action adventure,
stealth, and survival horror genres, and is set in the post pandemic ruins of the United States. Yet,
while those elements make the game interesting and enjoyable to play, it is the story that motivates the
player forward. Equal parts fiction and nonfiction, a bit of real world truth goes a long way in making
this game significantly better than the vast majority of other horror adventure titles. Naughty Dog s
The Last of Us is the single greatest experience in video gaming to date ... Show more content on ...
Joel is an apathetic man; heavily tormented by grief over his daughter s death and the loss of
everything he once valued. Ellie, born several years after the initial outbreak, isn t as emotionally
jaded. The world as it s presented in the game, turned upside down and essentially torn apart by a
major crisis, is the only world she has ever known. The story of The Last of Us , rather than focusing
on its clichéd setting of a zombie infested, post apocalyptic world, is about the gradual bond that
forms between the two main characters. Joel and Ellie s relationship is one the developer ingeniously
establishes over the course of the game with subtle nuances instead of overt gestures. Another stroke
of Naughty Dog s genius comes from the gameplay. Ammunition, weapons, and ingredients for
crafting are extremely scarce, setting the survival horror aspect of the game at the forefront of a player
s mind in its truest sense. Combat in The Last of Us adds to the sense of intensity and believability felt
throughout the game. The player must survive encounters with two types of foes: humans and
infected. Often unpredictable, human enemies behave more intelligently in The Last of Us than
previously seen in games by employing items from their own arsenal, and displaying a remarkable
sense of self preservation. The zombie like creatures in the game are characterized by the degrees in
which they are
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The Characteristics Of Generation X And Generation
Chapter Two
Introduction Purpose
Motivation is the word derived from the word motive which means, needs, desires, wants or drives
within the individuals. It is the process of stimulating people to action to accomplish the goals. In the
work goal context the psychological factors stimulating the people s behavior can be desire for money,
success, recognition, job satisfaction, teamwork, etc. (Bolles, R. C. 1975.) We have certain needs or
wants these terms will be used interchangeably, and this causes you to do certain thing s behavior,
which satisfy those needs satisfaction, and this can then change which needs/wants are primary either
intensifying certain ones, or allowing you to move on to other ones. People seem to have different
wants. In chapter two we take a look at various characteristics of Generation X and Generation
starting with their backgrounds (Bolles, R. C. 1975).
Review of the Literature
Generation X
Gen Xers learned independence early in life and turned it into a valuable hallmark as they progressed
in the working world. Just as Gen Xers were about to hit the workforce to make their mark in the
world, the economic decline at the end of the 1980s occurred. ( Managing generation X: How to bring
out the best in young talent, 2001) Suddenly the future looked crowded. Competition for jobs was
tight. The American dream had changed. For the first time in history, this generation was being told
that they would not be able to replicate the lifestyles of
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Music Theory As A Worship Leader
There are many ways to incorporate music theory as a worship leader and as a worship team. As a
leader, there are very significant benefits to having a strong understanding of music theory including a
greater ability to communicate to the team members according to their understanding, a better
understanding of what you want from the band technically, and a greater proficiency in music which
allows you to connect better with stronger musicians and train up weaker ones. As a worship team,
integrating music theory comes with its own benefits and challenges. All worship bands need some
level of music theory in order to function at any level of efficiency. So the contrast made here will
between those who use very little music theory, such as those who have chord charts provided and
nothing else, and those who may rely completely off of sheet music. Of course in this issue, as it is
with many issues, it is a matter of balance and there is a sweet spot in between these two views. Many
worship leaders learned how to play guitar or piano just well enough to play and sing at the same time
before being pushed out to lead worship. That s my story. As soon as I could strum chords and sort of
sing at the same time, I started to lead for the high school group at my church. I knew very little about
theory, although I knew some from my time learning piano as a child and playing clarinet for a year. I
usually played alone or with another singer or cajonist. I didn t know harmony
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Essay On Marching Band
My junior year marching season had officially come to a close. The time arrived for the now former
drum major to aid in the decision of who would be his successor. Starting with the day I picked up an
instrument for the very first time, music has always been an important part of my life.
After the date for the interviews were announced, I practiced by asking myself a couple questions that
I thought might be asked of me and prepared my answers; I made sure that they were perfect or at the
very least expressed my interest in the position. The day of interviewing had come and gone. I felt
pretty confident with the answers that I had given. Now, I just needed to survive the hard part: waiting.
The three of you that tried out for the drum major position, could you meet me out in the hall?
announced the band director. My whole entire body froze as soon as the words left the director s lips.
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The director continued on and on about how hard the process was and how she wished that position
could go to all of us. The new drum major for next year s marching season is..., she paused. The name
she announced was not my own.
This was not the first time I heard a no , but it sure felt like it. I instantly felt sick to my stomach. I
could feel this all too familiar feeling of my face beginning to heat, just as it did before tears were
about to fall. I did not want to cry, at least not here, not in front of everyone. Crying would only fuel
the numerous apologies and the reassuring words that at the moment, I did not want to
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The Babylonian Of The Assyrian Army
This research paper is about one aspect of the ancient world that I have analyzed and the topic that I
have done this research on is the Assyrian Army. I will give a detailed analysis with precise and
concise information with well presented information with credible claims to support my paper and my
thesis statement that .The Assyrian Army was the most organized Army in the Ancient near east; they
conquered the Dark Age era with their tactical and physical nature of militant system which makes
them the best army of all time . The Worldview connection is that the Assyrian was into terror and
believed that they were immortal which shows how brutal they were. The Assyrians not only viewed
themselves as a great army but had a worldview that was set as the foundation of western civilization
which was more polytheistic. Assyria is a major Mesopotamian East Semitic kingdom and empire of
the Ancient Near East, existed as an independent state for a period of approximately nineteen
centuries, from the 25th century BCE to the 6th century BCE, spanning the mid to Early Bronze Age
through to the late Iron Age. (Humanities 26) For a short time the Assyrians became the first people to
rule both Egypt and Mesopotamia. The Assyrians came to rule powerful empires at several times. As
mentioned in class by (Mesner 08 28 2015) the Make up a substantial part of the greater
Mesopotamian cradle of civilization, which included Sumer, Akkad and much later Babylonia, Assyria
was at the height
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French Revolution Research Paper
The France in 1789 was a country that was about to have a revolution. There were a lot of French
people who were not happy with the government, which was not happy with the social system, not
satisfied with the economic situation in France, and were probably really unhappy with life. This essay
explores three areas of life in France in 1789. First policy, particularly the structure of power. Then the
company, which this time was very uneven. Eventually the economy, in France during the 18th
century, there was a real economic crisis. Politics, unequal society and the economy, together created a
discontent environment and end cause the French Revolution.
In France during the 18th century, all political key decisions were taken arbitrarily ... Show more
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Moreover, the king did nothing to improve the situation. Besides, he lived at Versailles, away from the
struggles of Paris as well other poor living in the countryside.
A major reason for the difficult financial situation in France at that time was the increase in the French
population. Since the early 18th century, the population of France increased dramatically. The country
had 28 million people in 1789, from 8 to 10 million more than in 1700. Apart from a few major cities
(Paris, Lyon and Marseille), 80% of the population lived in the countryside. This rural majority lived
off the land. The farmers rented land of rich lords and need their pay significant taxes for the right to
grow plants. The lords were then supposed to turn over a portion of these taxes to the king, but in fact
the lords often kept much to themselves. Most of the time only a third of the unpopular tax on salt, salt
tax has been redistributed to the king.
Meanwhile, the peasants had time really hard to live from their work and the vast majority were living
below the subsistence level. As the cost of flour began to climb the people were left to starve, unable
to afford bread more. It eventually became a major source of revolt that bread was and is the main
element of each French grocery
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Syrian Refugees Should Be Banned
Why should I as an African American be alarmed by the Muslim Ban or welcome the Syrian Refugees
into the United States? Many people fear America only getting worse under Trump s administration,
so if that was the case would these Muslim majority countries accept us African Americans? Keep in
mind that the United States is not the only country that has rejected refugees from Syria in recent
years. Numerous countries in Europe and the Middle East have refused to accept what would
undoubtedly become a burden to any country. In my opinion this is not a Muslim ban as the media like
to refer to it as. There are countless factors involved and it does not simply boil down to religion. If
this order was based on religion, then the visa ban would ... Show more content on ...
The UK and other wealthy nations in Europe have resettled less than 2% of Syrian refugees. Only
around 5,500 Syrians had been granted asylum or refugee status in Britain since the conflict began in
2011. The United States should not be criticized for doing what every other country should be doing,
which is looking out for our interests. Especially when other wealthy nations and even majority
Muslim neighbors to Syria refuse to accept Syrian refugees. I know this is might be an unpopular
opinion or viewpoint but I was not as outraged as other African Americans about this executive order.
There is this rhetoric that I should be equally as alarmed as the groups that are being affected by this
policy. That while it may not affect me directly, somehow after targeting illegal immigrants and
Muslim immigrants, African Americans are next in line . This does not make much sense to me
because in my opinion, being Black in America means we are always under attack. This has been
nonstop since my ancestors step foot off the slave ship, and throughout the years both the Hispanic
and Arab/middle eastern communities have been silent. Why should I try to defend those who never
cared to
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Distortion In The Penelopiad
Margaret Atwood s The Penelopiad directly challenges and explores the issues, conflicts and
expectations faces by women living in a patriarchal society. In her subversion of Homer s mythic, The
Odyssey, Atwood s polyphonic novella introduces a range of new perspectives; Penelope and her
maids, preciously ignored and disregarded in the original myth. These new perspectives raise issues
about the validity of narrators, and the ways in which myths are distorted within the context of their
original writers. The ignorance of these perspectives originates from the archaic viewpoints of women
and lower classes in the time of the original writing and this viewpoint is still evident in society in the
present day. As such Atwood presents a postmodern text that challenges the social paradigm of the
ignorance of female and lower class identities and which prohibits the fair distribution of justice to
these social groupings. Perspectives, ideals and concepts offered to the reader through mythology
come from a context of the time and place of which it was written. Atwood uses intertextual
subversion to highlight and contrast the bias and distortion that has taken place in the original telling
of the odyssean myth. Odysseus s unsympathetic adultery , psychopathic tendencies ... Show more
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Atwood uses the oxymoron of death, connotative of the loss of knowledge and consciousness, and the
idea of complete knowledge, connotative of life, now that I am dead, I know everything . Atwood
attempts to show that in life, truth is so obscured by the distortions of conflicting ideals and
perspective in life, that only in death is the reality of this world revealed. Atwood further uses the
connotation of spinning , So I ll spin a thread of my own to parallel the confusion and disorientation
that exists in the original portrayal of the
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Washington Dc Vs Riyadh Research Paper
Have you ever thought about the similarities and differences between to different cities from two
different countries? Some countries are similar in many traditions. Also, you can find major tradition
differences between two different countries. A Capital is usually the biggest city in a country. I have
been to Washington D.C and Al Riyadh, they both are cities from two different countries which are the
United States and Saudi Arabia. we can compare and contrast both cities in terms of food, weather,
and festivals.
To begin with the similarity, DC and Al Riyadh are both big capital cities because as I mentioned
above usually a capital is the big city in the country. You can find in the both cities the government
and high authority branches ... Show more content on ...
For example, Thanks Giving is a day that all families gather together and eat turkey for dinner, Black
Friday is a day that comes after thanksgiving in U.S and this day you can find huge discounts that the
stores provide for the costumers, and the New Year s eve is the first day of the year all the countries
have a vacation on this day and most of the people celebrate with their friends family and enjoy
watching fireworks. In Riyadh there are only two special festivals, Eid Al Fitter which comes after
Ramadan all Muslims celebrate this special holiday because it is in their religion, the wear new clothes
and go to the mosque to pray in the morning and after that they visit their friends and families and go
back home to wait for an guests to come. Eid Al Adha, is the second special holiday and it comes in
the 10th day of Eid Al Haj and we sacrifice a sheep and volunteer to poor people meat.
To sum up, each capital has similar and different traditions. There is a huge difference between these
two capitals D.C and Al Riyadh more than the similarities. However, capital cities have a prominent
place in the countries. I have been to both capitals and I think D.C has most spectacular places, and
incredible nature. Finally, there is many places to visit and have many activities to
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Disadvantages Of Macloan Microloans
To start a business there can be few major financial options available and most of it would be greatly
used, provided the risk analysis is done A 2012 National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB)
study says about 79% of small business owners manifested in their credit cards to start their business.
And it is rather convincing that in average 4 out of 5 small business owners are using credit cards. One
fine example to this financial source is the founders of Google, Larry Page and Sergery Bin have used
their credit cards to start their business. However, there are some disadvantages to this method, as if
done in a right way then it would be beneficial. As such planning of the business structure and risk
analysis are important.
I like what T. Boone Pickens says about planning. He said:
A plan without action isn t a plan. It s a speech. ... Show more content on ...
Sometimes these microloans are given to those who are not successful for credit or larger bank
financing. However the down part of this microloans are it is not sufficient for some business owners
as their capital might be higher than planned. Microloans are more flexible in terms starting a business
without paying a higher rent and higher liability. It is more suitable for businesses such as home based
and basic business needs. The loan is designed in a way that the entrepreneurs will not feel burdened
with a heavy debts on their shoulders and they are able to pay back the loans at the agreed time
without additional issues. For example, if the entrepreneur is to open a small bakery shop based in
their own shop house, with expected turn around less than RM10000 per month, then microloans
would be
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Dance With Wolves Analysis
The portrayal of Indigenous people in the film Dance with Wolves written by Michael B., produced by
Jim Wilson and Kevin Costner illustrate a new perspective of the life of the Indian. The main
character, Lieutenant Dunbar, encounters an indigenous man known as Kicking Bird that later on, the
movie will create a relationship with Dunbar. Through this interaction, Dunbar will be accepted into
the tribe and in his journey with the Sioux people, he finds a new way of life. This move is based on
the American Frontier and the capture of the last Free roaming tribe f the Sioux people. Filmed mainly
in South Dakota and Wyoming. The attempt to recreate the image of the Indian shows the similarity
with every Hollywood depiction of Indigenous tribe, ... Show more content on ...
Although she is shown as a white female, she was raised in the tribe and adapted to their culture and
traditions. Similar to Pocahontas, she was the bridge between Lieutenant Dunbar and the Sioux as she
becomes the translator for the Kicking bird, their medicine man. In addition, she was always
connected back to a male figure as it appears that her only use was to be with a man. She had lost her
sense of identity and reality when her first husband was killed, then, later on, meets Lieutenant Dunbar
while attempting to kill herself. This is another example of her being see as the princess because the
Princess is allowed the even grander gesture of committing suicide when her lover is slain or fails to
return to her after she rescues him (Green, 704). She is depicted as helpless without a man and is only
seen as useful with one. In addition, like every depiction of the princess her having to choose between
the non Native man whom she falls in love with or her tribe. While beautiful the Indian Princess is
lesser than white women and more often than not the main character will ultimately choose the white
maiden rather than her (Marubbio, 2006). Until we hear the story of why her name is Standing with a
Fist, as she defends herself through physical force from one of the women of the tribe continuously
harassing her. Another is Stands With Fist use of a gun to protect her and others when another Tribe
tries to attack the tepee they occupied. For that reason, this action alters the notion of the helpless
princess as everyone sees her as a woman with
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Reverse Logistic
Flow of surplus or unwanted material, goods, or equipment back to the firm, through its logistics
chain, for reuse, recycling, or disposal.
In other words, reverse logistics is the management of any type of returns from any customer with a
specific purpose. Products can be returned from any player within the supply chain or from the end
user for different reasons. Raw material, work in process or finished goods can be returned when there
are surplus or leftovers during the customer s production due to changes in manufacturing plan.
Products maybe recalled for quality issues. Damaged product/package in delivery amp; unsold product
can also incur returns.
The reasons for ... Show more content on ...
* Removal of containers and packaging from response area. * Destruction of spoilt food commodities
and out of date pharmaceuticals. * Return of rejected goods to the suppliers. * Movement of excess or
over supplied goods to other programs or donating to other organizations.
Earlier companies did not pay much attention to reverse logistics. However, now due to consumer
awareness, law enforcement on disposal of certain goods makes it very important for companies to
manage an efficient reverse logistics. Now a days, companies are even getting ISO certification for
their returns process.
Reverse Logistics Activities:
It can include a variety of activities depending on whether the goods are returned from a customer
(end user) or a distributor, whether the goods sent back is a packaging material or a product and
similar other factors. If it is a product then activities like refurbish, recondition, remanufacture,
recycle, landfill, etc. can be performed. If it is a packaging material, reuse, refurbish, recycle, reclaim
material activities are involved. For examples, Coca Cola reuses its glass bottles and reconditions it
before bringing it back in the market. Broken bottles are recycled.
To reduce costs, firms attempt to reuse materials as much as possible. For products that cannot be
reused in anyway due to its poor condition, legal implications, environmental issues, etc. firms then
scrap the products at least
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Family Guy Vs The Simpsons
Most Americans watch TV daily. Some have television shows that they watch religiously, while others
rarely turn the television on. Television is a great past time, and it has grown greatly since it was first
successfully demonstrated in 1927. If finding a good show to watch on TV were difficult for someone,
they may turn to Google or their Facebook friends for suggestions. The Simpsons would be a good
choice for an older audience and someone who enjoys more family oriented subjects; but Family Guy
would be the better choice for someone with a crude sense of humor, the younger generation, those
who enjoy the references from their own generation, and political or cultural jokes. For one thing, The
Simpsons bases their jokes and humorous antics
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Kenyan Independence Movement
Kenyan Independence Movement The East Africa Protectorate was first colonized by British settlers
in 1895 and with the creation of the treaty of Versailles in 1920 it officially came under British control
as the colony of Kenya. The people of Kenya were never content with having the white settlers take
their land from them and continuously expressed their thoughts. However, Kenya wouldn t become an
independent nation until December 12, 1963. Kenya s road to independence was filled with
oppression and disappointment. There were many separate attempts to lead Kenya to freedom, but all
of them failed to reach their goals. The Mau Mau Rebellion was the final straw for colonialism in
Kenya and the natives last push for independence. The ... Show more content on ...
All of his attempts to draw sympathy in Europe failed and he returned to Kenya at the end of World
War II to try to get his people a political voice in the government. Originally, the KAU was only made
up of the Kikuyu elite , but ultimately it widens its sphere of influence to encompass many of the
different ethnicities within Kenya. What had started as a small group of intellectuals would grow to
include over 150,000 angry Kenyans by 1951. Kenyatta believed strongly that violence would only
hurt their cause. If they approached things in a political and peaceful manner, it would show the
British that these people were civilized and ready to govern themselves. The KAU continually tried to
gain more political power in the government, but the colonial government did everything it could to
prevent the KAU from succeeding. When the KAU tried appealing to the British government, they got
nothing but promises. The Kenyans started growing restless, waiting for promises that will never be
fulfilled. To many people, violence seemed like the only way to solve their problems. When peaceful
independent movements failed to succeed, people gave up hope that their problems could be solved
peacefully. The building frustration was about to burst. With World War II ending, returning soldiers
expected to get some recognition for their serviced in the
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The Importance Of The Black Plague In The Medieval Era
One of the most well known times throughout the Medieval Era was not only the most well known,
but probably one of the most deadliest that kill one third to one half of the population all throughout
Europe and some of its surrounding counties, continents. More commonly all of Europe and counties
within the continent of Asia were affected by this plague. Many men, women, children, animals and
even livestock were killed did during this infectious disease era. This infectious disease is commonly
known to be called the Black Plague or also known as the Black Death. This deadly disease had to be
one of the most popular if not the number one event in the Medieval Era that forever changed that era
and for the eras to follow.
According to the textbook, in the 1300s Europe and Asia had a very close, strong connection that
fostered commerce, communication and connections of all kinds (Cole Symes, 348). To say the least,
Europe was becoming an extremely successful continent and the countries within Europe as well.
With the connections and the unity between ... Show more content on ...
This plague had become so strong and dangerous that it was very uncommon for people to recover
from this disease due to the fact that medicine and technology was not prevalent during this era in
history. Although it was extremely rare that people would miraculously recover form this diseases, it
was then said that other individuals who were not physically affected by this disease did happen to die
so rapidly by unknown causes. Where these unknown causes actually unknown? Or was their some
form of connected to the black plague? No one will truly know; however, in my opinion, with the
research and facts given about this deadly plague that their should be some form of connection that
resulted to the unknown causes of death that occurred within this Mediaeval
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Analysis Of The Book Carver Essay
Every story you read has an author behind it now how you interpret that s up to you, but some authors
have a completely different interpretation of their writing. Some authors hide deep meaning behind
their writings that can be difficult to catch. Authors will use symbolism to tell a different story. A
period of their life could affect the way they write and you can see that as a reader if you pick apart the
story. Raymond Carver is a great example on how a period in his life affected his writing. Carver was
going down a dark path which readers can see the affects of this period in his life in his writing style.
It took Carver some time to find his sense of hope again, and when he did so did his writing. Carver
was known to be a great writer even according to Stephen King, Carver was considered to be one of
the most influential writing in the 20th century (King). Also, know for being one of the most important
contributors to literature. In his short stories Carver chronicled the everyday lives and problems of the
working poor in the Pacific Northwest. His blue collar characters are crushed by broken marriages,
financial problems, and failed careers. This short stories mirrored Carver s own life. Carver s stripped
down, minimalist prose style is remarkable for its honesty and power. He is credited with helping
revitalize the genre of the English language short story in the late 20th century.Carver dealt with a
serious case of alcoholism you can see the change in his
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Micro-Economic Impacts on Tesco Plc
1.0 Introduction
In this essay we are going to evaluate the micro economic factors on the activities and performance of
Tesco Plc (2011) states, that the retail industry is a highly competitive environment. Tesco competes
with a wide variety of retailers of varying sizes and faces increased competition from UK retailers as
well as international operators in the UK and overseas. Failure to compete with competitors on areas
including price, product range, quality and service could have an adverse effect on the organisations
financial results. Tesco aims to have a broad appeal on price, range and store format in a way that
allows them to compete in different markets. There is a risk that Tesco may not deliver their stated
strategy ... Show more content on ...
5.0 Barriers to Entry
Barriers to entry are the means by which Tesco s potential competitors are blocked out. Due to Tesco s
monopolistic characteristics, Tesco will be able to enjoy higher profits in the long run as rivals have
not diluted market share. Three barriers of entry are:
Patents are legal property rights to prevent the entry of rivals. They are generally valid for an average
of 20 years and give Tesco the right to prevent competitors from using patented products. Tesco can
sell licences to competitors for a stated fee.
Using Advertising and Marketing Tesco have developed customer loyalty; their club card has played a
pivotal role in their customer loyalty. Thus making demand less sensitive to price; due to advertising
leading to an outward shift in demand.
Tesco engage in brand proliferation, as it is a firm which sells a vast range of products, this may
portray Tesco differently to consumers. This is common barriers to entry in these types of markets as it
is non price competitions for household good.
6.0 Porter s Five Forces
In order to evaluate the competitive environment surrounding Tesco, I shall utilise Porter s five forces
model illustrated in figure 2.
Figure 6.0.1: Porter s Five Forces Model (Zanthus, 2011)
6.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers 0 The bargaining power of buyers is fairly high. 1 Products that have
a slight differentiation; more standardised, the switching cost is
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Celebrate Columbus Day
People have many different opinions. There are so many examples however today s argumentative
essay is about Christopher Columbus, for many people Columbus is a hero for other people he is not.
For examples I believe that Columbus is not a hero he is just a regular person therefore I think that the
national American day should not be called Columbus day. We don t celebrate Columbus Day in this
house, and we never will. It s not that we don t enjoy holidays when they come around. We love
holidays around here as much as anyone, but there are some holidays that, in my opinion, should not
be celebrated. Columbus Day is one of those holidays I believe should not be celebrated for many
reasons. One Nobody celebrated the enslavement and rape of
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The Realm Of Organizational Change And Development Essay
In the realm of organizational change and development there is a standard model that is considered
among most organizational development professionals to be the basic format for planned changed
known as the General Model of planned Change. Essentially what organizational development
professionals are dealing with is almost exclusively centered around planned change. That same type
of planned change was present within the Sunflower Incorporated Company which started their
planned change initiative in early 1989. The technology that the company was looking to change was
the financial reporting system in order to have a new system that is able to compare sales, cost, and
profit margins on a regional basis. The company decided to open a new position that was specifically
targeted at maximizing the performance of the companies financial goals and they hired a new pricing
manager by the name of Agnes Albanese who was in charge of conducting the internal price
management initiative. While her ideas were perceived positively among the internal executive groups
as a whole there was some pushback on the new pricing format. In Mrs. Albanese attempt to make the
financial department more efficient and decided that all pricing and purchasing decisions should be
made on standardized across all regions of the organization. Secondly, she mandated that all local
price increases higher than 3 percent must also be approved through her and any contracts of local
purchases that were higher
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It s A Chocolate Milk Party
Peyton Lewis Professor Travis Mclanahan PHED 1001 10 June 2016 It s A Chocolate Milk Party Be
sure to drink your milk. Everyone has probably heard this at some point in their lives. This plain,
white drink is one of the most common groceries sold today. About half of all fluid milk that people
consume is plain milk. Regular milk is not always the most satisfying beverage for people to drink.
What if there was something with as much nutritional value that tasted better? Chocolate milk, plain
milk s delicious cousin, is the answer to having a tasty yet healthy beverage. Many people believe
chocolate milk is just a sugary solution that depletes vitamins and minerals we get from white milk,
but these people are sadly mistaken. Chocolate ... Show more content on ...
One of the most widely used post workout supplements is a protein shake. The typical whey protein
shake contains twenty four grams of protein. While chocolate milk contains only eight grams. In an
eight ounce glass of chocolate milk there are approximately two hundred calories. A protein shake has
120 calories. A single serving of chocolate milk contains five grams of fat, three of which are saturated
fats. The whey protein shake contains one total gram of fat. Both drinks offer many health benefits
but, as a post workout supplement a protein shake would be the best choice. When it comes to
workout drinks, it is best to look for something with lots of glycogen and protein. The common
exercise routine breaks down muscle mass. The muscles in the human body need protein to remain
firm, and glycogen to replenish the cells within them. Supplements should be consumed two hours
following a workout. Dairy products are not recommended as a replacement for post workout
supplements because they can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Therefore, chocolate milk would not be
the best to use after physical activity. Although many people prefer post workout protein shakes, it
depends on the athlete s preference. Exercise is rigorous and causes the body to loose many
electrolytes through sweat. Powerade and Gatorade are the most common electrolyte replenishing
sports drinks. Although these beverages help to repair the body, they are less helpful than chocolate
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Long Point Fault Essay
Area of the Long Point Fault The Long Point Fault is located in Harris County, which covers 83,450
square miles located with in Houston, Teaxas City Limits. Research specifies that there are three
sections of the Long Point fault that appear to be active; some sections of the Long Point fault have
averaged more than 2 cm per year of vertical offset over the last 20 years. Evidence of the faults
concludes it is a natural fault. The reason for activity is not caused by man, even though man s
activities are not helping the issues, but clearly humans are not the initial cause, biological activity can
be in fact an adiitional cause for its movement. A brief description of the type of fault and its
relationship with the strata and the faults ... Show more content on ...
Brief Geology of the Area
Geology of the subsurface rocks and surface sediments along the Long Point Fault its geological make
up in Houston was originally developed from stream deposits from the erosion of the Rocky
Mountains and now is a combinations of unconsolidated clays, clay shale s, and poorly cemented
sands encompassed through great depths and goes on for several miles. The sedimentary component
consist of a series of sands and clays that have been deposited on decaying organic matter which over
time will be transformed into oil and natural gas thought the processes of biochemical activity. Even
deeper and beneath these tiers is a water deposited layer of halite, known as rock salt when
compressed over time and forced upward, the salt drew surrounding sediments into dome shapes,
often trapping more oil and gas from it neighboring soils.
Houston s topography is largely in the northern portion of the Gulf coastal plain, a 40 to 50 mile wide
swath along the Texas Gulf Coast and its elevation rises approximately one foot per mile inland.
Northern and eastern portions of the area are largely forested; and we can find the southern and
western sections are in fault zone areas. . The Long Point Fault consist of Scarps due to prehistoric
movement on the Long Point and Eureka Heights faults, for example, they are readily visible on
topographic maps based on surveys completed in 1915 16 (Bonnett)
Extent and
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Functions Of A Steady State Exercise Essay
Assign 3794
3. Steady state exercise is the activity where we perform while maintaining the same heart and muscle
movements. Steady state exercise affects many body functions. If the steady state exercise performed
for months consistently, it will increase the overall endurance of an individual. The below are the
certain physiological functions affected during steady state:
Cardiac output: The aerobic exercise performed at steady rate causes the body to increase the amount
of blood pumped by the heart. Cardiac output is determined by stroke volume and heart rate. The
Stroke volume is defined as the quantity of blood pumped at each heart beat, while the body going
from rest to steady state exercise. Cardiac output increases rapidly even more gradually until it reaches
a plateau. By that time we develop an increased number of capillaries, greater opening of existing
capillaries, more effective blood redistribution and increased blood volume. Due to this, capillaries
improve the body ability to deliver oxygen and nutrients to muscle and also to remove the waste
Cardiac output is generally calculated by:
Cardiac output = Heart rate * Stroke volume
Blood pressure: The blood pressure of an individual is affected before and after reaching the steady
state. .There is increase in the systolic and diastolic blood pressure during steady state. These increases
in the pressure represent the pressure in arteries. This pressure is while the heart is contracting and
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Sextus Perceptions Of Animals
Empiricus states that animals view objects differently based on the way they perceive them. The
obvious differences between species indicate there is a difference in the way an object can make
different impressions to humans and nonhumans. It is said that people with jaundice would see objects
with a yellow tint, that those with normal eyesight would see in white. And also that a person with
bloodshot eyes would see objects with a red tint. He further states that animals like and dislike
difference things. Most dogs will enjoy a swim in a lake, whereas a cat would very much not enjoy
that adventure. Likewise, the arctic wolf would most likely not enjoy a Florida vacation nor would an
alligator probably enjoy a Minnesota winter. The lake is the same exact physical place, but a dog
would see a place he really wanted to go as a cat may sniff at it, but turn right around. This is all based
on an animals preferences and dislikes. We can t judge from our own perceptions what another animal
perceives of it s surroundings. All animals are not ... Show more content on ...
Although not a scientist, I know that a person with jaundice or bloodshot eyes doesn t actually see
objects as yellow or red. Sextus talks of those animals with hair in their ears would hear things such as
if we would if we covered ours. We also know this to be untrue. Cats and dogs, with hair in their ears,
hear much better than humans, that have no ear hair in comparison. He also states the food we eat
becomes our bones, veins, arteries, etc. This is also not factual information. The science of these
claims seem false and cause me to not trust the rest of his opinions. Granted he did not know these
scientific truths when he wrote this. Using these examples to say we cannot adjudicate how animals
perceive objects doesn t come
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House Of Cards Research Paper
Further Implications House of Cards is undoubtedly a continuation of Shakespearian tragedy tradition
in a popular medium. With a 9/10 rating, the television series is a favorite amongst its many viewers,
some even praising it as the best Shakespeare adaptation of all time . However, aside from providing
entertainment, this television series is significant in a multitude of other ways. One of which is to
reflect a pessimistic view on American politics. While Bill Clinton asserted humorously that 99% of
House of cards is accurate, the 1% that s not accurate is that you can never pass an education bill that
fast , in all seriousness, the excessive treachery and murder is not an accurate depiction of everyday
Washington. Political Scientist Seth Masket expresses that as an entertainment program, very
mundane things are going to be excessively dramatized . Figure 6. Season 3 Episode 10: Francis
discussing the Jordan Valley in the Situation Room ... Show more content on ...
Political science graduate Miles Kellerman asserted that if House of Cards proceeds in the spirit of a
traditional Shakespearean tragedy , Underwood s clutch at power will prove ultimately self
destructive. This relates to how Shakespeare s tragedies emphasize poetic justice, meaning that the
antagonist would ultimately be punished, typically through death. Thus, Francis and Claire might face
the same fate in the following season, similar to how Shakespearian anti heroes such as Macbeth meet
their downfall after reaching the top of the political hierarchy. If the Shakespeare trajectory of
punishing the evil is followed in House of Cards, this show serves the social function of discouraging
politicians from misconduct. Audiences will also have a sense of justice as this outcome of Francis
reflects an ideal world where those that committed wrongdoings faces consequence, regardless of
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Analysis Of Free To Live
Free To Live should develop a young professionals board that focuses on volunteering and
fundraising, with advocacy and networking incorporated into any events that the Young Professionals
Board hosts or attends.
Key Insights
Our research indicates that most young professionals boards in the greater Oklahoma City area engage
in fundraising activities, as well as advocacy and networking, that work to further the nonprofit s
outreach and mission.
The majority of the young professionals boards that we interviewed had written documents that
specified the duties, responsibilities, and operational structure of the board.
The start up and creation phase for Free To Live s Young Professionals Board will be lengthy.
Data Collection and ... Show more content on ...
II. Benchmarking
Due to the variable and fluid nature of young professionals boards, the bulk of our research came from
interviewing nonprofits in the greater Oklahoma City area with young professionals boards. When
speaking with the nonprofits, the first thing we sought to determine was the main focuses of the young
professionals board. From our interviews, we found that 4 out of 6 of the young professional boards
interviewed assisted in fundraising in some capacity. The complete breakdown of their focuses can be
found in the table below. Specifically, Rebecca King from Oklahoma Lawyers for Children stated that
her young professionals board [does] a lot of brainstorming for fundraisers and assesses how to gain
resources from fundraising most effectively. After the planning stage, the group also runs the event
and coordinates the volunteer effort. Additionally, this model was mentioned by Mary Ellen Evans
Opstein of Emergency Infant Services and Country Thomas of Infant Crisis Services.
Name of the Nonprofit
Main Focuses
Possession of Written Documents
Infant Crisis Services, Inc.
Fundraising and Advocacy
Emergency Infant Services
Fundraising and Advocacy
Oklahoma Zoological Society
Volunteering and Fundraising
OKC Beautiful
Networking and Advocacy
Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
Advocacy and Awareness
Oklahoma Lawyers for Children
Fundraising and Networking
We also asked the
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Emerson, S Views Of Beliefs In Emerson And Emerson s Thoughts
1. According to Emerson, the genius idea, is the idea that an individual can speak their minds. As it
states, To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in our private heart is true for
all men, that is genius (Emerson 266). The individuals, who withstand from the lies and deception of
society and speak their thoughts truly are the ideal concept of a genius to Emerson. 2. Emerson s
opinions of envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide , display his thoughts that an individual should
not be jealous of others abilities and that impersonating their abilities, will not better the individual
and not create confidence in their thoughts. In other words, ...that he must take himself for better, for
worse, as his portion... (Emerson 267). Being able to accept yourself in the truest form and being able
to express yourself in every situation in life, is what makes covetous thoughts undesirable. 3. Emerson
values nonconformists, for they display traits of determination and strength when it comes to the
publics opinions, similar to Emerson s beliefs. To illustrate, For non conformity the world whips you
with its displeasure. And therefore a man must know how to estimate a sour face (Emerson 272). A
man needs be sure of his thoughts and can defend his thoughts when society disagrees. For the society
is too lazy to hold their own opinions and thoughts to withstand the majority s votes. 4. Emerson uses
the phrase, A foolish consistency is the
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Reaction To The Boston Massacre
The French and Indian War was a war that was funded by the British. After the war was finished, it
caused Great Britain to go into debt. As a result of this, British Parliament imposed taxes on the
colonists. This angered many of the colonists because they had no say in the taxes that Parliament
enforced on to them. Many people thought that they should have no taxation without representation .
This caused many different reactions from all of the colonists. Some people thought that Parliament
had no right to tax them and that they should have representation, and others thought that the taxes
were unfair, but there was no reason to act up against them. The actions that the British took after
1763 caused various reactions by the colonists. ... Show more content on ...
The Boston Massacre was a reaction to the British action. This started off with the British sending
troops to Boston to watch over the city. Some of the colonists thought that what the British was doing
was unnecessary and that they didn t need any babysitters to watch over them. They also thought that
this was an invasion of their privacy. Tensions started to rise between the colonists and the British
troops. This caused many fights between the colonists and the British. One night, March 5th, 1770, the
colonists started to throw rocks and attack the soldiers with clubs. From that point on, no one knew
exactly what happened, but we know that the British soldiers started to fire at the colonists. At the end
of the night, 5 colonists were killed. The next day, Paul Revere made an engraving of the event and he
labeled it The Boston Massacre (Document 2). The engraving turned out to be very inaccurate, as Paul
Revere drew the colonists as innocent victims. The engraving was then printed many times and hung
up throughout the city and the colony. Almost all the colonists saw or had heard of the engraving
within a week. Because of this false engraving, many colonists changed their view of the British. This
made the engraving that Paul made one of the most famous and useful propaganda . The Boston
Massacre was, and still is, known as the first shots
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Prophylicted Organization Essay
Predicted Organization
Suppose I was working in an urgent care clinic with approximately 20 25 staff members. Presuming
there to be four midlevel providers, two Family Nurse Practitioners, and two Physicians Assistant.
There will be one physician covering the facility and the rest of the faculty includes the medical
assistants and secretaries. Understanding that each provider would divide and see the same amount of
patients throughout the day. Assume I started my day with a patient presenting with a laceration distal
portion of the index finger. This patient states that he was cutting wood with a table saw and
accidentally skimmed the saw with his finger. As a practitioner, I would examine the finger for any
possible tendon involvement as ... Show more content on ...
All roles have the option to pursue continued education, however, some states recommend and
regulate that a certain number of hours for continuing education must be accredited for in order to
renew licensure. Respectively all roles handle leadership in some way, whether it is the Nurse
Educator provided a role model view for the upcoming nurses, the Nurse Practitioner leading other
nurses within a facility, or the Nurse Administrator handling all assets of the organization for which
they are over.
A psychologist, Kurt Lewin completed a research study in 1939 on the different types of leadership
styles. He considered there to be three types of leaders, democratic, autocratic, and laissez faire. In this
particular study, children were placed in each individual group and viewed on the distinctive styles as
they completed arts and crafts. A democratic leader is one that views participation from the group as
the main attribute to making decisions. This leadership is viewed as being the most effective way to be
a leader and just so happened to be my results from the short quiz that was taken. Participative leaders
encourage group members to participate but retain the final say in the decision making process
(Cherry, 2016, Participative Leadership (Democratic)). Allowing the group members to feel included
initiates room for creativity and motivation from not only the leader but also the group as
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Essay on Adelphia
This case study is mainly about the character of John Rigas who owned a movie theatre named
Adelphia with the shares of his brother, Gus. After Adelphia, they purchased more new companies
such as Adelphia Communications Corporation and Century Communications. The continuous success
of their business causes, Adelphia Company became the sixth largest cable company in United States.
They faced a lot of problems throughout the journey they run their business. Adelphia always had
been as a family business because most of the shareholders and board of director of the company are
John Riga s family members. As a generosity person, John Rigas and his family helped many parties
in term of donation and charities such as decoration, ... Show more content on ...
In this case, John Rigas and family helping their employees in term of financial and non financial so
that they could reduce the burden of their employees troubles. It is also considered as a welfare
protection towards their employees because during that period the economic is too down. Hence,
based on Kant theory, it is actionably unethical. It stated that doing right thing with a right reason is
important in making a good decision. It is good when a person acts out of duty and not out of a
tendency towards a particular feeling or attitude Here, John Rigas used the wrong way to help the
needy people. He does not disclose all the information appropriately and there is fraudulent made by
management staff towards the financial position of the company with the concern of John Rigas.
Therefore, it is consider as violent according to law and accounting standard.
According to Bar Council of view, the action of John Rigas led it to conflict of interest between Rigas
family and stakeholders of the company. The conflict of interest the company faced was how the
company choose to staff its Board of Directors with family members and close family friends. As we
can see, 60 percent of voting shares of company are held by Rigas family including John Rigas, sons
Michael, James, and Timothy, and son in law, Peter Venetis. Although there is no restriction
prohibiting family members from being on the board of directors, this usually is not advised. This is
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Business-Ship to Ship Book Review
It s Your Ship:
Management Techniques from the
Best Damn Ship in the Navy
Capt. D. Michael Abrashoff
Warner Books, 2002
Author s Page Captain D. Michael Abrashoff is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis,
MD, and was a military assistant to the former secretary of defense, Dr. William J. Perry. He served as
Commander of 310 men and women aboard the USS Benfold in the Pacific Fleet. Abrashoff left the
Navy in 2001 and became the founder and CEO of Grassroots Leadership, Inc., in Boston.
Other Books
Get Your Ship Together, 2005
Ship Happens, Coming 2006
It s Your Ship Table of Contents
Introduction 1
Ch.1 Take Command 11
Ch.2 Lead by Example 32
Ch.3 Listen ... Show more content on ...
Take Command This chapter follows his first observations as Commander and the immediate actions
he sought to implement. He notes that the crew seemed relieved by the departing Commander and
realized that he must come up with a new leadership model to reach his crew. As he noted in the
introduction that high percentage of turnover among crew bothered him and he notes some trends in
society that contribute to this problem. The long economic boom had made most people unafraid of
losing their jobs, or finding new ones. Thus he believed it manager s challenge to retain them by
motivating them to work with passion, energy, and enthusiasm. (p.12) By reading over the exit
surveys he assumed as many that low pay was a main reason for people leaving, but was shocked
when it was in fact 5th. The top four are strikingly similar to the slide we studied in class on What
Associates Want from Their Job in wanting appreciation, ability to make impact, not being listened to,
and more responsibility. This helped him understand his crew better and try to see the ship through the
eyes of the crew. (p.13) He encouraged his crew to challenge the way in which they carried out their
jobs by asking, Is there a better way to do what you do? If so, then he wanted them to take the
responsibility one their own to implement the change, unless it involved major implications. Abrashoff
continues to give examples of instances where low
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Marketing Communication in the Hospitality Industry
Table of Contents
1 Introduction .......................................................................... 1
1.1 Background ................................................................................... 1
1.2 Problem Discussion....................................................................... 2
1.3 Purpose......................................................................................... 3
1.4 Delimitation ................................................................................... 3
2 Frame of Reference .............................................................. 4
2.1 Service Marketing.......................................................................... 4
2.2 Marketing ... Show more content on ...
5.2.2 The Development of Storytelling....................................... 48 iv 5.2.3 The Implementation of
Storytelling ................................... 49
5.2.4 The Delivery of the Story .................................................. 49
5.2.5 Storytelling Truth or Fiction?.......................................... 50
5.2.6 Possible Problems with Storytelling.................................. 51
5.3 Storytelling and Marketing Communications ............................... 52
5.3.1 Storytelling in the Communication Process ...................... 52
5.3.2 Storytelling and Marketing Communication Models.......... 54
5.3.3 Storytelling and Marketing Communication Tools............. 54
5.3.4 Storytelling towards different Customer Segments........... 55
5.3.5 Storytelling and Integrated Marketing
Communications.......................................................................... 56
5.3.6 Storytelling and Word of Mouth......................................... 58
5.4 Future.......................................................................................... 59
6 Conclusions........................................................................ 60
7 Final Discussion................................................................. 62
7.1 Reflections .................................................................................. 62
7.2 Further Research
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Abolishment Of Slavery
I am well educated on slavery and the abolishment of it. I believe the abolishment of slavery
movement in the United States valued personal freedom and that all men are created equal. I also
believe that the movement grew more forceful leading slave owners to become stimulated which led
to the American Civil War.
One of the main reasons that slavery should be abolished is because of the people who own slaves and
how they treat them inhumanly. All humans are equal. When we use another individual as a slave, it
hurts humanity, more importantly, hurts the person who s serving as the slave. The slave who didn t
want to become the slave in the first place could have potentially became someone important in the
world. When we keep someone in captivity,
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How Did The Middle East Affect A Global Economy
Global Economic Impacts of Middle Eastern Conflict
Throughout history the Middle East has been home to some of the most powerful and influential
empires in the world. As with all great empires they did not arise without difficulty. Though the
Middle East has had periods of great prosperity, it has also had periods of poverty and stagnation.
Within the last one hundred years the Middle East has seen many changes relating to borders,
religions, and international politics. Much of the changes that have happened originated from diverse
ways of thinking especially when it comes to religion and culture. Conflicts that occur in the Middle
East such as Israel, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Afghanistan have monumental effects on the global
economy predominately due to the massive oil industry in the region and competition between outside
nations trying to expand influence. ... Show more content on ...
In 1920 after the end of WWI the Allies agreed on a plan to dissolve the Ottoman Empire and break it
into multiple regions. Any time a plan like this is implemented by outsiders it is usually fraught with
fighting and civil war. As the borders were changed and control of these different regions was given to
Britain and France, there was dissatisfaction. There were attempts by the Arabs and form independent
states but were unsuccessful because they lacked military and economic power to break free from
European control. Interestingly enough one problem even the British could not handle was between
the Zionist and Arab nationalists in Palestine, a problem that is so deeply seated in ideology a solution
seems impossible. Although the Arabs were unable to form independent states with opposition from
the Europeans this all ended after WWII when they removed themselves from the region. In 1948
Israel was founded and was the beginning of a new conflict between the Israelis and the
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Definition Essay On Humor
Humor is not something new to us. In fact, the use of humor is as old as the use of communication
itself, and just like language, it has undergone some phenomenal changes thanks to our cultural
differences. Many factors such as age, personal experience, geographic location and even level of
education play a part in our use of humor. A simple joke one person from one area may find hilarious
could get completely different results from someone from somewhere else. Whether or not someone
finds a joke amusing is ultimately determined by their interpretation of the joke. Since our
interpretations are filtered by a cultural context, our culture is a major factor on how humor is used
around us. This paper is designed to look at these variances in order to better appreciate humor and
diversity across different cultures.
Whether a specific culture prefers satire, sarcasm, slapstick or irony, humor is as diverse as the ...
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There is less emphasis on ironies; therefore, our humor tends to be more open and displayed. Also, we
enjoy a style of humor that involves exaggerated physical expressions and actions. We tend to use
more physical and sexual humor, and our jokes are more obvious and to the point. We can
occasionally use sarcasm in our jokes, but it tends to be more subtle and rare. Practical jokes, wise
cracks and pranking are very common but not to the extent of injury.
The Relief Theory of humor often comes to mind since a lot of American humor involves sexual
jokes, religion, politics, and ethical differences. According to Martin (2007), the Relief Theory
involves using humor to relieve tension to feel more comfortable, The Jokes often serve as an avenue
to test the waters in order to ensure that it is acceptable and release the tension. Examples of some of
our most famous comedy include: Saturday Night Live, The Three Stooges, Woody Allen, Jon Stewart
and Adam
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Organ System Of Organ Transplantation
Every Person in the United States, Not Just Legal Citizens, Should Automatically Be Considered
Organ Donors Unless Otherwise Specified
Rough Draft
UFID: 9169 9185
June 6, 2015
I. Background
According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, organ transplantation is
the process of surgically transferring a donated organ into a patient with end stage organ failure (U.S
Dept of health and human services website). End stage organ failure can be attributed to a number of
diseases. Diseases such as cardiomyopathy, diabetes, hypertension, polycystic kidney disease, as well
as a number of others could potentially result in suffers of these diseases to require an organ
Though sophisticated in nature, doctors for have actually performed organ transplants over a century,
starting first with animal organs and then moving to human organs. For instance, in 1906, Dr. Mathieu
Jaboulay, a French surgeon, treated two suffers of kidney failure by transplanting a goat kidney in one
patient and a pig kidney into the other. While these transplants proved to be unsuccessful, resulting in
the demise of both patients, Dr. Jaboulay s work did lay the foundation for Dr. Yu Yu Voronoy, an
Ukraninina surgeron that was the first to use a human kidney for transplantation. Again, these
surgeries were unsuccessful. However, according to Watson and Dark (2012) but they did demonstrate
the deleterioius effect of warm ischeaemia . Eventually,
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Jonestown Cult Suicides Analysis
STAGE 1 psychology
Peoples Temple.
YouTube. (2010). Jonestown Cult Suicides The True Story Documentary. [online] Available at:
The source Jonestown Cult Suicides The True Story is a documentary created and published by
History channel which is one of the biggest historical focus television channels worldwide. As the title
of the documentary The True Story mentions, the series intends to stay as accurate as possible while
presenting historical events. While a great many of primary sources such as video footage and audio
recording are shown in the documentary, testimony from survivors of the massacre including the cult
leader Jim Jones son also contributes ... Show more content on ...
However, as some of the concepts in social psychology state, the seemingly unatural behaviours of the
cult members are inevitable under the influence of various factors.
Firstly, status of group members share a similarity towards each other which people with low esteem
are extremely likely to be found among the cult members. A great number of Jones followers were
drug addicted, homeless or having terrible relationship with their family. While they were abandoned,
ignored or even hated by the society and their loved ones, Jones gave every member unconditional
love and protection.
Therefore, when people with low esteem and lack of social identity finally found the place they d been
searching for which was a group they were welcomed to, they would appreciate the warm welcome of
the group and would do anything to stay in it, feeling the sense of belonging and connection. Jones
used the dependency and loyalty the temple s members to increase the obedience of his
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Tiananmen Square Protests 1989
In the year of 1989, the People s Republic of China remains under a communist regime. As the world
is moving forward with new technologies and innovations empowering new beliefs, democracy is
becoming the next big government. China s economy is slowly flourishing and their traditions still
hang on. But with the increasing amount of western influences pouring into China through foreign
trade, people are beginning to notice the wrong in communism. Citizens of China gradually learn
more and more of the values and benefits of democracy and a small spark of change for a better
government soon turns into a blazing inferno seen across the globe. The Tiananmen Square Protests of
1989 is related to this year s theme of standing up because it sent shock ... Show more content on ...
Tiananmen has had very little effect on China in 2017, but in the years following 1989, China was in
turmoil. As factions began to rise within the CCP and the thought of their lost loved ones are still fresh
in people s minds, a threat of yet another movement was growing. Fueled by their fear of revolution,
China s government unifies its members under a single mission, to eliminate and destroy all
information on Tiananmen. A purge begins of all documents and articles of Tiananmen. Over the
decades, China has hidden and censored many articles, websites, media, etc about Tiananmen from its
people and has killed many who dared to talk of the June Fourth Incident and anything else the CCP
sees as undesirable. For example, in 1996 Falun Gong, a popular buddhist practice that embodies the
ideals of peace, balance and harmony, grew extremely popular. Falun Gong was mainly practiced
through meditation and involved peaceful practices, but the CCP feared that it would grow too popular
and eventually turn into a political rival. To prevent being overthrown, the CCP punished anyone who
dare to practice Falun Gong within the People s Republic of China (PRC) by beating them and
torturing them. The photos of the victims of this brutal persecution caused fear to spark in the country
and as a result of this terror, not one person of the 1.381 billion people that inhabit Chinese soil talk
about the protests or anything that the CCP dislikes as the sword of death is always hanging
precariously above their
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Ambiguity Of Civil Liberties Essay
Civil liberties have a formative and long history within the UK, the development of which is
considered to have begun with the Magna Carta in 1215. This document is often described as the
blueprint and original template for the numerous Bill of Rights and constitutions which exist today.
Unlike other countries, such as the USA, the UK does not have a written constitution setting out its
citizens civil liberties. Common law may account for many of the UK s long recognised civil liberties
however it is the documents which exemplify liberties which are still enforced today, such as habeas
corpus: anyone who has been arrested or otherwise deprived of their liberty, may apply for a judge to
oversee the legality of this decision. With the UK currently a party to the European Convention of
Human Rights (ECHR) and the Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA 1998), it is becoming ever more
important to understand what defines a civil liberties and whether civil liberties and human rights can
be viewed as interchangeable concepts. This essay aims to examine: the origins and apparent
ambiguity of civil liberties and human rights; the two different approaches offered by the author of
Textbook on Civil Liberties and Human Rights, Richard Stone; and Ewing and Gearty s slant, as noted
in The Struggle for Civil Liberties; whether civil liberties are distinct from human rights will also be
explored, and ... Show more content on ...
Gearty argues that civil liberties are the rights which are not to be interfered with, rather than the right
to do something. They have divided civil liberties into two categories: primary and secondary. Primary
liberties are those necessary for direct participation in the political process, such as the right to vote;
whereas secondary liberties are those which allow influence on politics. The view here is that civil
liberties are mostly protected by common law, whilst human rights are safeguarded by
... Get more on ...
Dreaming Is Something We ve All Experienced While Sleeping
Dreaming is something we ve all experienced while sleeping. Our dreams are produced by an altered
state of consciousness, in which images and fantasies become mixed with reality. We all experience
dreams that range from the pleasant and the not so pleasant or nightmares. Dreaming is still largely a
mystery to science, as experiments are conducted to figure out why we dream and how dreams
function. We do know one thing for sure, that everyone dreams unless in the rare case they are
prevented by meditation or a brain injury. Dreams occur in two states; REM sleep and non REM sleep
which are very different and give the dreamer different sensations. In REM sleep our dreams contain
intense emotions, visual and auditory hallucinations. While in NON REM sleep our dreams tend to be
dull and realistic, compared to REM sleep dreams that are illogical and incoherent. The contents of the
dream can be linked to certain parts of the brain that is activated during our sleep, so in REM sleep,
parts of the brain that control motivation, emotion, and reward are activated while areas in the pre
frontal cortex are deactivated; since the prefrontal cortex is necessary for self awareness this is
believed to be the cause for why REM dreams are irrational.
Rem stands for rapid eye movement, during REM sleep neutrons in the brain, specifically in the
occipital cortex and brain stem regions, are more active during REM sleep than during waking hours
or compared to non REM sleep. While this is
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Branding in Clothing Industry
Effect of Brand Image on Consumer Purchasing Behaviour on Clothing: Comparison between China
and the UK s Consumers
By Kwok Keung Tam
A Dissertation presented in part consideration for the degree of MSc International Business
Table of Content
Page numbers Abstract i
Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 The importance of brand image on fashion clothing 1.2 Background
information of China and the UK clothing markets 1.2.1 China clothing market Chinese
spending habits Impediments to China s clothing brand development 1.2.2 UK clothing market British spending habits Characteristics of the UK clothing market 1.3 Theoretical
framework 1.4 Objectives of the dissertation 1.5 ... Show more content on ...
In addition, I would also acknowledge my school mates for their help in the data collection process.
They have devoted their precious time for the interviews voluntarily and their wholehearted support
contributes to the success of this dissertation.
Last but not least, I would like to extend my gratitude to my family members, especially my father
Chun Shiu Tam who has devoted himself to the clothing industry for nearly half a century. He has not
only inspired me to do this dissertation, but also encouraged me to face the challenge ahead. This
dissertation is dedicated to my family and I will try my best to do anything.
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 The importance of brand image on fashion clothing Clothing, as a matter of fact, is a kind of
necessity that helps keep our bodies warm. Human beings cannot live without the protection from
clothes in adverse conditions and this signifies how important clothing is for us. Nowadays, in
addition to the basic functions, clothes can also serve as fashion items, which can tell how significant
an individual is, express the status an individual has and what their personal image is like (O Cass,
2000). Thus, clothing can help represent our personal identity.
Shopping for clothes is one of the popular pastimes among people from all ages, different genders and
cultural backgrounds. Owing to the proliferation of brands in the clothing sector,
... Get more on ...
Should Children Get Paid For Chores Essay
Why should children get paid to help keep the house clean if adults don t? Parents don t get paid to do
the dishes or sweep the floor, so why should it be any different for their kids? Specifically, children
should not get paid for doing their chores. There is an argument about whether kids should get paid for
helping out with chores or not. I believe children should not receive money for doing chores.
For example, parents are not paid to make dinner or wash the laundry, and they have to do that all the
time. When children grow up and leave the house they won t be used to doing their chores without
receiving a reward. Children would have a lot more responsibility if they did chores every day and
accepted that chores are just a part of life. ... Show more content on ...
If children were always payed to do their chores, what if they skipped a few and decided to just not get
paid that time? Who would take out the trash? Who would feed the cat? If kids didn t do their chores
then then they wouldn t get done and chores need to be done even it there is no reward.
Another reason is that money isn t everything; wouldn t it be nice to just keep the house clean and the
grass mowed, even if you weren t paid for helping? The reward that children receive is when all the
chores are done and everything is clean. They can have the satisfaction that they helped accomplish
the clean home.
I can understand why kids would want to be paid, it would teach them how to manage money. Also, I
understand why they think it is fair because adults get paid to go to work and do their job, but the
money adults make is used for necessary things like the bills, food, clothes and other important things.
Another thing is that children can manage money better if they get a job and work for it, like if they
babysit, or mow the neighbor s lawn. Also, I think it is okay for kids to get paid for doing extra chores,
if they help out more than they were asked to then they definitely deserve a
... Get more on ...
Explain Why Do Curfews Keep Teens Out Of Trouble
Do curfews keep teens out of trouble?
According to Cambridge dictionary, a curfew is a rule that everyone must stay at home between
particular times. There are kinds of curfews. Juvenile curfew laws are imposed by the state/ local
police; it prevents people, who are usually under 18 from being outside the homes. Emergency curfew
laws are temporary curfews that are applied by the state or local government due to a natural disaster,
revolution or a rebellion. On the other hand, there are curfews that are enforced by parents on teens for
various reasons; it s usually to keep them out of trouble and problems. However, curfews do not
usually keep teens out trouble.
There are many reasons why a curfew imposed by parents would not keep teens out of trouble. From
personal experiences, teens are expected to go to school from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM every day. Then,
they reach their homes by 2:40PM /3:00 PM. Under certain circumstances, such as after ... Show more
content on ...
Curfews make teens feel like they re not trusted enough. This creates a bad relationship. It can create
an awkward uncomfortable environment at home. This can lead the teenagers to leave the house and
try as much as they can to not be in the house around their parents. This shows that the more the
parents try to keep their teenagers under control, the more the teenagers will crack and the more
troubles and problems occur. They will just go behind their back and do whatever they want.
Teenagers would feel like they are being treated unfairly or that they are being discriminated against It
could cause them to sneak out because they feel locked up, which could put them in more harm. This
shows that teens do not want to treated unfairly just because of their age. Curfews cause the teenagers
to sneak out, which can cause them to get in trouble with the police. These evidences show that a
curfew is not a helpful or a smart
... Get more on ...

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Stanford Acceptance Letter Real And Official

  • 1. Stanford Acceptance Letter: Real And Official 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Stanford Acceptance Letter: Real And Official Stanford Acceptance Letter: Real And Official
  • 2. Essay about Choosing the Best Sound Format for Production Choosing the Best Sound Format for Production There are many issues facing an audio professional who is considering getting into surround production, either for music, film, DVD, Internet, or multi media. Whether you are recording, mixing, editing, or mastering, there is a lot of information that you need to be comfortable with before you can succeed in surround sound. Although this collection is a good start, it is by no means an exhaustive list or in depth manual. Hopefully it will give you a well rounded introduction and good foundation on which to build the pursuit of your goals. There are a number of critical issues that seem to surface every time we talk about the ... Show more content on ... Some Dolby certified film stages alter this slightly and reference the surrounds to 82db. You would use pink noise and measure using C weighting and slow response. This is by no means a complete guide to setting up the monitoring in your room, but it s the basics to get you started. 5.1: spoken as five point one . This refers to a surround sound format consisting of 5 full range channels and one LFE channel (see the next entry). It consists of Left, Center, Right, Left Surround, Right Surround. 7.1. This is reminiscent of, but not exactly the same as the old 70mm soundtracks. The current 7.1 has L, C, R, LS, RS, and LFE like 5.1, but adds 2 more speakers behind the screen between the center and left, and between the center and right. These are referred to as LC and RC, or Left Center and Right Center. On large screens, this allows better tracking of dialog and effects, and more creative options for the mixers and director. The original 70mm 6 channel soundtrack had five across the front like 7.1, but no subwoofer and only mono surround. Some people have also suggested LFE: Low Frequency Effects. Typically you use a subwoofer in this application, the point one of 5.1. The channel does not necessarily have to be band limited, as in the option to use it as a height channel in DVD A, but when used as an LFE, it is of course for low frequency information. It is a discrete channel, not a ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Personal Narrative-Changing Experience Of Snowboarding One time when I was around the age of 9, I tried out the snowboard for the first time at Rokkosan Snow Park with my family and I was very very scared. It was a very totally different experience from when I did ski when I was 7. For ski I didn t fall that often because it was way much easier but when I changed to snowboard, everything changed dramatically. I fell to my knees a lot until I felt the pain of having several bruises but I kept on going on. It hurt and I felt the freezing white layer of snow touch the bare skin of my face but I kept on going. As time passed by, I was enjoying it. I had already been able to get used to it and I was able to do tricks while sliding across the smooth surface of the snow. I did many tricks and it felt ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Last of Us The Last of Us The Last of Us is an award winning video game developed by Naughty Dog and produced by Sony Entertainment for the PlayStation3 (PS3). It features a blend of action adventure, stealth, and survival horror genres, and is set in the post pandemic ruins of the United States. Yet, while those elements make the game interesting and enjoyable to play, it is the story that motivates the player forward. Equal parts fiction and nonfiction, a bit of real world truth goes a long way in making this game significantly better than the vast majority of other horror adventure titles. Naughty Dog s The Last of Us is the single greatest experience in video gaming to date ... Show more content on ... Joel is an apathetic man; heavily tormented by grief over his daughter s death and the loss of everything he once valued. Ellie, born several years after the initial outbreak, isn t as emotionally jaded. The world as it s presented in the game, turned upside down and essentially torn apart by a major crisis, is the only world she has ever known. The story of The Last of Us , rather than focusing on its clichéd setting of a zombie infested, post apocalyptic world, is about the gradual bond that forms between the two main characters. Joel and Ellie s relationship is one the developer ingeniously establishes over the course of the game with subtle nuances instead of overt gestures. Another stroke of Naughty Dog s genius comes from the gameplay. Ammunition, weapons, and ingredients for crafting are extremely scarce, setting the survival horror aspect of the game at the forefront of a player s mind in its truest sense. Combat in The Last of Us adds to the sense of intensity and believability felt throughout the game. The player must survive encounters with two types of foes: humans and infected. Often unpredictable, human enemies behave more intelligently in The Last of Us than previously seen in games by employing items from their own arsenal, and displaying a remarkable sense of self preservation. The zombie like creatures in the game are characterized by the degrees in which they are ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Characteristics Of Generation X And Generation Chapter Two Introduction Purpose Motivation is the word derived from the word motive which means, needs, desires, wants or drives within the individuals. It is the process of stimulating people to action to accomplish the goals. In the work goal context the psychological factors stimulating the people s behavior can be desire for money, success, recognition, job satisfaction, teamwork, etc. (Bolles, R. C. 1975.) We have certain needs or wants these terms will be used interchangeably, and this causes you to do certain thing s behavior, which satisfy those needs satisfaction, and this can then change which needs/wants are primary either intensifying certain ones, or allowing you to move on to other ones. People seem to have different wants. In chapter two we take a look at various characteristics of Generation X and Generation starting with their backgrounds (Bolles, R. C. 1975). Review of the Literature Generation X Gen Xers learned independence early in life and turned it into a valuable hallmark as they progressed in the working world. Just as Gen Xers were about to hit the workforce to make their mark in the world, the economic decline at the end of the 1980s occurred. ( Managing generation X: How to bring out the best in young talent, 2001) Suddenly the future looked crowded. Competition for jobs was tight. The American dream had changed. For the first time in history, this generation was being told that they would not be able to replicate the lifestyles of ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Music Theory As A Worship Leader There are many ways to incorporate music theory as a worship leader and as a worship team. As a leader, there are very significant benefits to having a strong understanding of music theory including a greater ability to communicate to the team members according to their understanding, a better understanding of what you want from the band technically, and a greater proficiency in music which allows you to connect better with stronger musicians and train up weaker ones. As a worship team, integrating music theory comes with its own benefits and challenges. All worship bands need some level of music theory in order to function at any level of efficiency. So the contrast made here will between those who use very little music theory, such as those who have chord charts provided and nothing else, and those who may rely completely off of sheet music. Of course in this issue, as it is with many issues, it is a matter of balance and there is a sweet spot in between these two views. Many worship leaders learned how to play guitar or piano just well enough to play and sing at the same time before being pushed out to lead worship. That s my story. As soon as I could strum chords and sort of sing at the same time, I started to lead for the high school group at my church. I knew very little about theory, although I knew some from my time learning piano as a child and playing clarinet for a year. I usually played alone or with another singer or cajonist. I didn t know harmony ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Essay On Marching Band My junior year marching season had officially come to a close. The time arrived for the now former drum major to aid in the decision of who would be his successor. Starting with the day I picked up an instrument for the very first time, music has always been an important part of my life. After the date for the interviews were announced, I practiced by asking myself a couple questions that I thought might be asked of me and prepared my answers; I made sure that they were perfect or at the very least expressed my interest in the position. The day of interviewing had come and gone. I felt pretty confident with the answers that I had given. Now, I just needed to survive the hard part: waiting. The three of you that tried out for the drum major position, could you meet me out in the hall? announced the band director. My whole entire body froze as soon as the words left the director s lips. ... Show more content on ... The director continued on and on about how hard the process was and how she wished that position could go to all of us. The new drum major for next year s marching season is..., she paused. The name she announced was not my own. This was not the first time I heard a no , but it sure felt like it. I instantly felt sick to my stomach. I could feel this all too familiar feeling of my face beginning to heat, just as it did before tears were about to fall. I did not want to cry, at least not here, not in front of everyone. Crying would only fuel the numerous apologies and the reassuring words that at the moment, I did not want to ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Babylonian Of The Assyrian Army This research paper is about one aspect of the ancient world that I have analyzed and the topic that I have done this research on is the Assyrian Army. I will give a detailed analysis with precise and concise information with well presented information with credible claims to support my paper and my thesis statement that .The Assyrian Army was the most organized Army in the Ancient near east; they conquered the Dark Age era with their tactical and physical nature of militant system which makes them the best army of all time . The Worldview connection is that the Assyrian was into terror and believed that they were immortal which shows how brutal they were. The Assyrians not only viewed themselves as a great army but had a worldview that was set as the foundation of western civilization which was more polytheistic. Assyria is a major Mesopotamian East Semitic kingdom and empire of the Ancient Near East, existed as an independent state for a period of approximately nineteen centuries, from the 25th century BCE to the 6th century BCE, spanning the mid to Early Bronze Age through to the late Iron Age. (Humanities 26) For a short time the Assyrians became the first people to rule both Egypt and Mesopotamia. The Assyrians came to rule powerful empires at several times. As mentioned in class by (Mesner 08 28 2015) the Make up a substantial part of the greater Mesopotamian cradle of civilization, which included Sumer, Akkad and much later Babylonia, Assyria was at the height ... Get more on ...
  • 9. French Revolution Research Paper The France in 1789 was a country that was about to have a revolution. There were a lot of French people who were not happy with the government, which was not happy with the social system, not satisfied with the economic situation in France, and were probably really unhappy with life. This essay explores three areas of life in France in 1789. First policy, particularly the structure of power. Then the company, which this time was very uneven. Eventually the economy, in France during the 18th century, there was a real economic crisis. Politics, unequal society and the economy, together created a discontent environment and end cause the French Revolution. Policy: In France during the 18th century, all political key decisions were taken arbitrarily ... Show more content on ... Moreover, the king did nothing to improve the situation. Besides, he lived at Versailles, away from the struggles of Paris as well other poor living in the countryside. A major reason for the difficult financial situation in France at that time was the increase in the French population. Since the early 18th century, the population of France increased dramatically. The country had 28 million people in 1789, from 8 to 10 million more than in 1700. Apart from a few major cities (Paris, Lyon and Marseille), 80% of the population lived in the countryside. This rural majority lived off the land. The farmers rented land of rich lords and need their pay significant taxes for the right to grow plants. The lords were then supposed to turn over a portion of these taxes to the king, but in fact the lords often kept much to themselves. Most of the time only a third of the unpopular tax on salt, salt tax has been redistributed to the king. Meanwhile, the peasants had time really hard to live from their work and the vast majority were living below the subsistence level. As the cost of flour began to climb the people were left to starve, unable to afford bread more. It eventually became a major source of revolt that bread was and is the main element of each French grocery ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Syrian Refugees Should Be Banned Why should I as an African American be alarmed by the Muslim Ban or welcome the Syrian Refugees into the United States? Many people fear America only getting worse under Trump s administration, so if that was the case would these Muslim majority countries accept us African Americans? Keep in mind that the United States is not the only country that has rejected refugees from Syria in recent years. Numerous countries in Europe and the Middle East have refused to accept what would undoubtedly become a burden to any country. In my opinion this is not a Muslim ban as the media like to refer to it as. There are countless factors involved and it does not simply boil down to religion. If this order was based on religion, then the visa ban would ... Show more content on ... The UK and other wealthy nations in Europe have resettled less than 2% of Syrian refugees. Only around 5,500 Syrians had been granted asylum or refugee status in Britain since the conflict began in 2011. The United States should not be criticized for doing what every other country should be doing, which is looking out for our interests. Especially when other wealthy nations and even majority Muslim neighbors to Syria refuse to accept Syrian refugees. I know this is might be an unpopular opinion or viewpoint but I was not as outraged as other African Americans about this executive order. There is this rhetoric that I should be equally as alarmed as the groups that are being affected by this policy. That while it may not affect me directly, somehow after targeting illegal immigrants and Muslim immigrants, African Americans are next in line . This does not make much sense to me because in my opinion, being Black in America means we are always under attack. This has been nonstop since my ancestors step foot off the slave ship, and throughout the years both the Hispanic and Arab/middle eastern communities have been silent. Why should I try to defend those who never cared to ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Distortion In The Penelopiad Margaret Atwood s The Penelopiad directly challenges and explores the issues, conflicts and expectations faces by women living in a patriarchal society. In her subversion of Homer s mythic, The Odyssey, Atwood s polyphonic novella introduces a range of new perspectives; Penelope and her maids, preciously ignored and disregarded in the original myth. These new perspectives raise issues about the validity of narrators, and the ways in which myths are distorted within the context of their original writers. The ignorance of these perspectives originates from the archaic viewpoints of women and lower classes in the time of the original writing and this viewpoint is still evident in society in the present day. As such Atwood presents a postmodern text that challenges the social paradigm of the ignorance of female and lower class identities and which prohibits the fair distribution of justice to these social groupings. Perspectives, ideals and concepts offered to the reader through mythology come from a context of the time and place of which it was written. Atwood uses intertextual subversion to highlight and contrast the bias and distortion that has taken place in the original telling of the odyssean myth. Odysseus s unsympathetic adultery , psychopathic tendencies ... Show more content on ... Atwood uses the oxymoron of death, connotative of the loss of knowledge and consciousness, and the idea of complete knowledge, connotative of life, now that I am dead, I know everything . Atwood attempts to show that in life, truth is so obscured by the distortions of conflicting ideals and perspective in life, that only in death is the reality of this world revealed. Atwood further uses the connotation of spinning , So I ll spin a thread of my own to parallel the confusion and disorientation that exists in the original portrayal of the ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Washington Dc Vs Riyadh Research Paper Have you ever thought about the similarities and differences between to different cities from two different countries? Some countries are similar in many traditions. Also, you can find major tradition differences between two different countries. A Capital is usually the biggest city in a country. I have been to Washington D.C and Al Riyadh, they both are cities from two different countries which are the United States and Saudi Arabia. we can compare and contrast both cities in terms of food, weather, and festivals. To begin with the similarity, DC and Al Riyadh are both big capital cities because as I mentioned above usually a capital is the big city in the country. You can find in the both cities the government and high authority branches ... Show more content on ... For example, Thanks Giving is a day that all families gather together and eat turkey for dinner, Black Friday is a day that comes after thanksgiving in U.S and this day you can find huge discounts that the stores provide for the costumers, and the New Year s eve is the first day of the year all the countries have a vacation on this day and most of the people celebrate with their friends family and enjoy watching fireworks. In Riyadh there are only two special festivals, Eid Al Fitter which comes after Ramadan all Muslims celebrate this special holiday because it is in their religion, the wear new clothes and go to the mosque to pray in the morning and after that they visit their friends and families and go back home to wait for an guests to come. Eid Al Adha, is the second special holiday and it comes in the 10th day of Eid Al Haj and we sacrifice a sheep and volunteer to poor people meat. To sum up, each capital has similar and different traditions. There is a huge difference between these two capitals D.C and Al Riyadh more than the similarities. However, capital cities have a prominent place in the countries. I have been to both capitals and I think D.C has most spectacular places, and incredible nature. Finally, there is many places to visit and have many activities to ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Disadvantages Of Macloan Microloans To start a business there can be few major financial options available and most of it would be greatly used, provided the risk analysis is done A 2012 National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) study says about 79% of small business owners manifested in their credit cards to start their business. And it is rather convincing that in average 4 out of 5 small business owners are using credit cards. One fine example to this financial source is the founders of Google, Larry Page and Sergery Bin have used their credit cards to start their business. However, there are some disadvantages to this method, as if done in a right way then it would be beneficial. As such planning of the business structure and risk analysis are important. I like what T. Boone Pickens says about planning. He said: A plan without action isn t a plan. It s a speech. ... Show more content on ... Sometimes these microloans are given to those who are not successful for credit or larger bank financing. However the down part of this microloans are it is not sufficient for some business owners as their capital might be higher than planned. Microloans are more flexible in terms starting a business without paying a higher rent and higher liability. It is more suitable for businesses such as home based and basic business needs. The loan is designed in a way that the entrepreneurs will not feel burdened with a heavy debts on their shoulders and they are able to pay back the loans at the agreed time without additional issues. For example, if the entrepreneur is to open a small bakery shop based in their own shop house, with expected turn around less than RM10000 per month, then microloans would be ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Dance With Wolves Analysis The portrayal of Indigenous people in the film Dance with Wolves written by Michael B., produced by Jim Wilson and Kevin Costner illustrate a new perspective of the life of the Indian. The main character, Lieutenant Dunbar, encounters an indigenous man known as Kicking Bird that later on, the movie will create a relationship with Dunbar. Through this interaction, Dunbar will be accepted into the tribe and in his journey with the Sioux people, he finds a new way of life. This move is based on the American Frontier and the capture of the last Free roaming tribe f the Sioux people. Filmed mainly in South Dakota and Wyoming. The attempt to recreate the image of the Indian shows the similarity with every Hollywood depiction of Indigenous tribe, ... Show more content on ... Although she is shown as a white female, she was raised in the tribe and adapted to their culture and traditions. Similar to Pocahontas, she was the bridge between Lieutenant Dunbar and the Sioux as she becomes the translator for the Kicking bird, their medicine man. In addition, she was always connected back to a male figure as it appears that her only use was to be with a man. She had lost her sense of identity and reality when her first husband was killed, then, later on, meets Lieutenant Dunbar while attempting to kill herself. This is another example of her being see as the princess because the Princess is allowed the even grander gesture of committing suicide when her lover is slain or fails to return to her after she rescues him (Green, 704). She is depicted as helpless without a man and is only seen as useful with one. In addition, like every depiction of the princess her having to choose between the non Native man whom she falls in love with or her tribe. While beautiful the Indian Princess is lesser than white women and more often than not the main character will ultimately choose the white maiden rather than her (Marubbio, 2006). Until we hear the story of why her name is Standing with a Fist, as she defends herself through physical force from one of the women of the tribe continuously harassing her. Another is Stands With Fist use of a gun to protect her and others when another Tribe tries to attack the tepee they occupied. For that reason, this action alters the notion of the helpless princess as everyone sees her as a woman with ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Reverse Logistic REVERSE LOGISTICS DEFINATION: Flow of surplus or unwanted material, goods, or equipment back to the firm, through its logistics chain, for reuse, recycling, or disposal. In other words, reverse logistics is the management of any type of returns from any customer with a specific purpose. Products can be returned from any player within the supply chain or from the end user for different reasons. Raw material, work in process or finished goods can be returned when there are surplus or leftovers during the customer s production due to changes in manufacturing plan. Products maybe recalled for quality issues. Damaged product/package in delivery amp; unsold product can also incur returns. REASONS OF RESERVE LOGISTICS: The reasons for ... Show more content on ... * Removal of containers and packaging from response area. * Destruction of spoilt food commodities and out of date pharmaceuticals. * Return of rejected goods to the suppliers. * Movement of excess or over supplied goods to other programs or donating to other organizations. IMPORTANCE OF REVERSE LOGISTICS: Earlier companies did not pay much attention to reverse logistics. However, now due to consumer awareness, law enforcement on disposal of certain goods makes it very important for companies to manage an efficient reverse logistics. Now a days, companies are even getting ISO certification for their returns process. Reverse Logistics Activities: It can include a variety of activities depending on whether the goods are returned from a customer (end user) or a distributor, whether the goods sent back is a packaging material or a product and similar other factors. If it is a product then activities like refurbish, recondition, remanufacture, recycle, landfill, etc. can be performed. If it is a packaging material, reuse, refurbish, recycle, reclaim material activities are involved. For examples, Coca Cola reuses its glass bottles and reconditions it before bringing it back in the market. Broken bottles are recycled. To reduce costs, firms attempt to reuse materials as much as possible. For products that cannot be reused in anyway due to its poor condition, legal implications, environmental issues, etc. firms then scrap the products at least ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Family Guy Vs The Simpsons Most Americans watch TV daily. Some have television shows that they watch religiously, while others rarely turn the television on. Television is a great past time, and it has grown greatly since it was first successfully demonstrated in 1927. If finding a good show to watch on TV were difficult for someone, they may turn to Google or their Facebook friends for suggestions. The Simpsons would be a good choice for an older audience and someone who enjoys more family oriented subjects; but Family Guy would be the better choice for someone with a crude sense of humor, the younger generation, those who enjoy the references from their own generation, and political or cultural jokes. For one thing, The Simpsons bases their jokes and humorous antics ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Kenyan Independence Movement Kenyan Independence Movement The East Africa Protectorate was first colonized by British settlers in 1895 and with the creation of the treaty of Versailles in 1920 it officially came under British control as the colony of Kenya. The people of Kenya were never content with having the white settlers take their land from them and continuously expressed their thoughts. However, Kenya wouldn t become an independent nation until December 12, 1963. Kenya s road to independence was filled with oppression and disappointment. There were many separate attempts to lead Kenya to freedom, but all of them failed to reach their goals. The Mau Mau Rebellion was the final straw for colonialism in Kenya and the natives last push for independence. The ... Show more content on ... All of his attempts to draw sympathy in Europe failed and he returned to Kenya at the end of World War II to try to get his people a political voice in the government. Originally, the KAU was only made up of the Kikuyu elite , but ultimately it widens its sphere of influence to encompass many of the different ethnicities within Kenya. What had started as a small group of intellectuals would grow to include over 150,000 angry Kenyans by 1951. Kenyatta believed strongly that violence would only hurt their cause. If they approached things in a political and peaceful manner, it would show the British that these people were civilized and ready to govern themselves. The KAU continually tried to gain more political power in the government, but the colonial government did everything it could to prevent the KAU from succeeding. When the KAU tried appealing to the British government, they got nothing but promises. The Kenyans started growing restless, waiting for promises that will never be fulfilled. To many people, violence seemed like the only way to solve their problems. When peaceful independent movements failed to succeed, people gave up hope that their problems could be solved peacefully. The building frustration was about to burst. With World War II ending, returning soldiers expected to get some recognition for their serviced in the ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Importance Of The Black Plague In The Medieval Era One of the most well known times throughout the Medieval Era was not only the most well known, but probably one of the most deadliest that kill one third to one half of the population all throughout Europe and some of its surrounding counties, continents. More commonly all of Europe and counties within the continent of Asia were affected by this plague. Many men, women, children, animals and even livestock were killed did during this infectious disease era. This infectious disease is commonly known to be called the Black Plague or also known as the Black Death. This deadly disease had to be one of the most popular if not the number one event in the Medieval Era that forever changed that era and for the eras to follow. According to the textbook, in the 1300s Europe and Asia had a very close, strong connection that fostered commerce, communication and connections of all kinds (Cole Symes, 348). To say the least, Europe was becoming an extremely successful continent and the countries within Europe as well. With the connections and the unity between ... Show more content on ... This plague had become so strong and dangerous that it was very uncommon for people to recover from this disease due to the fact that medicine and technology was not prevalent during this era in history. Although it was extremely rare that people would miraculously recover form this diseases, it was then said that other individuals who were not physically affected by this disease did happen to die so rapidly by unknown causes. Where these unknown causes actually unknown? Or was their some form of connected to the black plague? No one will truly know; however, in my opinion, with the research and facts given about this deadly plague that their should be some form of connection that resulted to the unknown causes of death that occurred within this Mediaeval ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Analysis Of The Book Carver Essay Every story you read has an author behind it now how you interpret that s up to you, but some authors have a completely different interpretation of their writing. Some authors hide deep meaning behind their writings that can be difficult to catch. Authors will use symbolism to tell a different story. A period of their life could affect the way they write and you can see that as a reader if you pick apart the story. Raymond Carver is a great example on how a period in his life affected his writing. Carver was going down a dark path which readers can see the affects of this period in his life in his writing style. It took Carver some time to find his sense of hope again, and when he did so did his writing. Carver was known to be a great writer even according to Stephen King, Carver was considered to be one of the most influential writing in the 20th century (King). Also, know for being one of the most important contributors to literature. In his short stories Carver chronicled the everyday lives and problems of the working poor in the Pacific Northwest. His blue collar characters are crushed by broken marriages, financial problems, and failed careers. This short stories mirrored Carver s own life. Carver s stripped down, minimalist prose style is remarkable for its honesty and power. He is credited with helping revitalize the genre of the English language short story in the late 20th century.Carver dealt with a serious case of alcoholism you can see the change in his ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Micro-Economic Impacts on Tesco Plc 1.0 Introduction In this essay we are going to evaluate the micro economic factors on the activities and performance of Tesco. Tesco Plc (2011) states, that the retail industry is a highly competitive environment. Tesco competes with a wide variety of retailers of varying sizes and faces increased competition from UK retailers as well as international operators in the UK and overseas. Failure to compete with competitors on areas including price, product range, quality and service could have an adverse effect on the organisations financial results. Tesco aims to have a broad appeal on price, range and store format in a way that allows them to compete in different markets. There is a risk that Tesco may not deliver their stated strategy ... Show more content on ... 5.0 Barriers to Entry Barriers to entry are the means by which Tesco s potential competitors are blocked out. Due to Tesco s monopolistic characteristics, Tesco will be able to enjoy higher profits in the long run as rivals have not diluted market share. Three barriers of entry are: Patents are legal property rights to prevent the entry of rivals. They are generally valid for an average of 20 years and give Tesco the right to prevent competitors from using patented products. Tesco can sell licences to competitors for a stated fee. Using Advertising and Marketing Tesco have developed customer loyalty; their club card has played a pivotal role in their customer loyalty. Thus making demand less sensitive to price; due to advertising leading to an outward shift in demand. Tesco engage in brand proliferation, as it is a firm which sells a vast range of products, this may portray Tesco differently to consumers. This is common barriers to entry in these types of markets as it is non price competitions for household good. 6.0 Porter s Five Forces In order to evaluate the competitive environment surrounding Tesco, I shall utilise Porter s five forces model illustrated in figure 2. Figure 6.0.1: Porter s Five Forces Model (Zanthus, 2011) 6.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers 0 The bargaining power of buyers is fairly high. 1 Products that have a slight differentiation; more standardised, the switching cost is ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Celebrate Columbus Day People have many different opinions. There are so many examples however today s argumentative essay is about Christopher Columbus, for many people Columbus is a hero for other people he is not. For examples I believe that Columbus is not a hero he is just a regular person therefore I think that the national American day should not be called Columbus day. We don t celebrate Columbus Day in this house, and we never will. It s not that we don t enjoy holidays when they come around. We love holidays around here as much as anyone, but there are some holidays that, in my opinion, should not be celebrated. Columbus Day is one of those holidays I believe should not be celebrated for many reasons. One Nobody celebrated the enslavement and rape of ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Realm Of Organizational Change And Development Essay In the realm of organizational change and development there is a standard model that is considered among most organizational development professionals to be the basic format for planned changed known as the General Model of planned Change. Essentially what organizational development professionals are dealing with is almost exclusively centered around planned change. That same type of planned change was present within the Sunflower Incorporated Company which started their planned change initiative in early 1989. The technology that the company was looking to change was the financial reporting system in order to have a new system that is able to compare sales, cost, and profit margins on a regional basis. The company decided to open a new position that was specifically targeted at maximizing the performance of the companies financial goals and they hired a new pricing manager by the name of Agnes Albanese who was in charge of conducting the internal price management initiative. While her ideas were perceived positively among the internal executive groups as a whole there was some pushback on the new pricing format. In Mrs. Albanese attempt to make the financial department more efficient and decided that all pricing and purchasing decisions should be made on standardized across all regions of the organization. Secondly, she mandated that all local price increases higher than 3 percent must also be approved through her and any contracts of local purchases that were higher ... Get more on ...
  • 23. It s A Chocolate Milk Party Peyton Lewis Professor Travis Mclanahan PHED 1001 10 June 2016 It s A Chocolate Milk Party Be sure to drink your milk. Everyone has probably heard this at some point in their lives. This plain, white drink is one of the most common groceries sold today. About half of all fluid milk that people consume is plain milk. Regular milk is not always the most satisfying beverage for people to drink. What if there was something with as much nutritional value that tasted better? Chocolate milk, plain milk s delicious cousin, is the answer to having a tasty yet healthy beverage. Many people believe chocolate milk is just a sugary solution that depletes vitamins and minerals we get from white milk, but these people are sadly mistaken. Chocolate ... Show more content on ... One of the most widely used post workout supplements is a protein shake. The typical whey protein shake contains twenty four grams of protein. While chocolate milk contains only eight grams. In an eight ounce glass of chocolate milk there are approximately two hundred calories. A protein shake has 120 calories. A single serving of chocolate milk contains five grams of fat, three of which are saturated fats. The whey protein shake contains one total gram of fat. Both drinks offer many health benefits but, as a post workout supplement a protein shake would be the best choice. When it comes to workout drinks, it is best to look for something with lots of glycogen and protein. The common exercise routine breaks down muscle mass. The muscles in the human body need protein to remain firm, and glycogen to replenish the cells within them. Supplements should be consumed two hours following a workout. Dairy products are not recommended as a replacement for post workout supplements because they can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Therefore, chocolate milk would not be the best to use after physical activity. Although many people prefer post workout protein shakes, it depends on the athlete s preference. Exercise is rigorous and causes the body to loose many electrolytes through sweat. Powerade and Gatorade are the most common electrolyte replenishing sports drinks. Although these beverages help to repair the body, they are less helpful than chocolate milk. ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Long Point Fault Essay Area of the Long Point Fault The Long Point Fault is located in Harris County, which covers 83,450 square miles located with in Houston, Teaxas City Limits. Research specifies that there are three sections of the Long Point fault that appear to be active; some sections of the Long Point fault have averaged more than 2 cm per year of vertical offset over the last 20 years. Evidence of the faults concludes it is a natural fault. The reason for activity is not caused by man, even though man s activities are not helping the issues, but clearly humans are not the initial cause, biological activity can be in fact an adiitional cause for its movement. A brief description of the type of fault and its relationship with the strata and the faults ... Show more content on ... Brief Geology of the Area Geology of the subsurface rocks and surface sediments along the Long Point Fault its geological make up in Houston was originally developed from stream deposits from the erosion of the Rocky Mountains and now is a combinations of unconsolidated clays, clay shale s, and poorly cemented sands encompassed through great depths and goes on for several miles. The sedimentary component consist of a series of sands and clays that have been deposited on decaying organic matter which over time will be transformed into oil and natural gas thought the processes of biochemical activity. Even deeper and beneath these tiers is a water deposited layer of halite, known as rock salt when compressed over time and forced upward, the salt drew surrounding sediments into dome shapes, often trapping more oil and gas from it neighboring soils. Houston s topography is largely in the northern portion of the Gulf coastal plain, a 40 to 50 mile wide swath along the Texas Gulf Coast and its elevation rises approximately one foot per mile inland. Northern and eastern portions of the area are largely forested; and we can find the southern and western sections are in fault zone areas. . The Long Point Fault consist of Scarps due to prehistoric movement on the Long Point and Eureka Heights faults, for example, they are readily visible on topographic maps based on surveys completed in 1915 16 (Bonnett) Extent and ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Functions Of A Steady State Exercise Essay Assign 3794 3. Steady state exercise is the activity where we perform while maintaining the same heart and muscle movements. Steady state exercise affects many body functions. If the steady state exercise performed for months consistently, it will increase the overall endurance of an individual. The below are the certain physiological functions affected during steady state: Cardiac output: The aerobic exercise performed at steady rate causes the body to increase the amount of blood pumped by the heart. Cardiac output is determined by stroke volume and heart rate. The Stroke volume is defined as the quantity of blood pumped at each heart beat, while the body going from rest to steady state exercise. Cardiac output increases rapidly even more gradually until it reaches a plateau. By that time we develop an increased number of capillaries, greater opening of existing capillaries, more effective blood redistribution and increased blood volume. Due to this, capillaries improve the body ability to deliver oxygen and nutrients to muscle and also to remove the waste products. Cardiac output is generally calculated by: Cardiac output = Heart rate * Stroke volume Blood pressure: The blood pressure of an individual is affected before and after reaching the steady state. .There is increase in the systolic and diastolic blood pressure during steady state. These increases in the pressure represent the pressure in arteries. This pressure is while the heart is contracting and ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Sextus Perceptions Of Animals Empiricus states that animals view objects differently based on the way they perceive them. The obvious differences between species indicate there is a difference in the way an object can make different impressions to humans and nonhumans. It is said that people with jaundice would see objects with a yellow tint, that those with normal eyesight would see in white. And also that a person with bloodshot eyes would see objects with a red tint. He further states that animals like and dislike difference things. Most dogs will enjoy a swim in a lake, whereas a cat would very much not enjoy that adventure. Likewise, the arctic wolf would most likely not enjoy a Florida vacation nor would an alligator probably enjoy a Minnesota winter. The lake is the same exact physical place, but a dog would see a place he really wanted to go as a cat may sniff at it, but turn right around. This is all based on an animals preferences and dislikes. We can t judge from our own perceptions what another animal perceives of it s surroundings. All animals are not ... Show more content on ... Although not a scientist, I know that a person with jaundice or bloodshot eyes doesn t actually see objects as yellow or red. Sextus talks of those animals with hair in their ears would hear things such as if we would if we covered ours. We also know this to be untrue. Cats and dogs, with hair in their ears, hear much better than humans, that have no ear hair in comparison. He also states the food we eat becomes our bones, veins, arteries, etc. This is also not factual information. The science of these claims seem false and cause me to not trust the rest of his opinions. Granted he did not know these scientific truths when he wrote this. Using these examples to say we cannot adjudicate how animals perceive objects doesn t come ... Get more on ...
  • 27. House Of Cards Research Paper Further Implications House of Cards is undoubtedly a continuation of Shakespearian tragedy tradition in a popular medium. With a 9/10 rating, the television series is a favorite amongst its many viewers, some even praising it as the best Shakespeare adaptation of all time . However, aside from providing entertainment, this television series is significant in a multitude of other ways. One of which is to reflect a pessimistic view on American politics. While Bill Clinton asserted humorously that 99% of House of cards is accurate, the 1% that s not accurate is that you can never pass an education bill that fast , in all seriousness, the excessive treachery and murder is not an accurate depiction of everyday Washington. Political Scientist Seth Masket expresses that as an entertainment program, very mundane things are going to be excessively dramatized . Figure 6. Season 3 Episode 10: Francis discussing the Jordan Valley in the Situation Room ... Show more content on ... Political science graduate Miles Kellerman asserted that if House of Cards proceeds in the spirit of a traditional Shakespearean tragedy , Underwood s clutch at power will prove ultimately self destructive. This relates to how Shakespeare s tragedies emphasize poetic justice, meaning that the antagonist would ultimately be punished, typically through death. Thus, Francis and Claire might face the same fate in the following season, similar to how Shakespearian anti heroes such as Macbeth meet their downfall after reaching the top of the political hierarchy. If the Shakespeare trajectory of punishing the evil is followed in House of Cards, this show serves the social function of discouraging politicians from misconduct. Audiences will also have a sense of justice as this outcome of Francis reflects an ideal world where those that committed wrongdoings faces consequence, regardless of power ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Analysis Of Free To Live Free To Live should develop a young professionals board that focuses on volunteering and fundraising, with advocacy and networking incorporated into any events that the Young Professionals Board hosts or attends. Key Insights Our research indicates that most young professionals boards in the greater Oklahoma City area engage in fundraising activities, as well as advocacy and networking, that work to further the nonprofit s outreach and mission. The majority of the young professionals boards that we interviewed had written documents that specified the duties, responsibilities, and operational structure of the board. The start up and creation phase for Free To Live s Young Professionals Board will be lengthy. Data Collection and ... Show more content on ... II. Benchmarking Due to the variable and fluid nature of young professionals boards, the bulk of our research came from interviewing nonprofits in the greater Oklahoma City area with young professionals boards. When speaking with the nonprofits, the first thing we sought to determine was the main focuses of the young professionals board. From our interviews, we found that 4 out of 6 of the young professional boards interviewed assisted in fundraising in some capacity. The complete breakdown of their focuses can be found in the table below. Specifically, Rebecca King from Oklahoma Lawyers for Children stated that her young professionals board [does] a lot of brainstorming for fundraisers and assesses how to gain resources from fundraising most effectively. After the planning stage, the group also runs the event and coordinates the volunteer effort. Additionally, this model was mentioned by Mary Ellen Evans Opstein of Emergency Infant Services and Country Thomas of Infant Crisis Services. Name of the Nonprofit Main Focuses Possession of Written Documents Infant Crisis Services, Inc. Fundraising and Advocacy No Emergency Infant Services Fundraising and Advocacy Yes Oklahoma Zoological Society Volunteering and Fundraising Yes OKC Beautiful Networking and Advocacy Yes Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
  • 29. Advocacy and Awareness No Oklahoma Lawyers for Children Fundraising and Networking Yes We also asked the ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Emerson, S Views Of Beliefs In Emerson And Emerson s Thoughts 1. According to Emerson, the genius idea, is the idea that an individual can speak their minds. As it states, To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in our private heart is true for all men, that is genius (Emerson 266). The individuals, who withstand from the lies and deception of society and speak their thoughts truly are the ideal concept of a genius to Emerson. 2. Emerson s opinions of envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide , display his thoughts that an individual should not be jealous of others abilities and that impersonating their abilities, will not better the individual and not create confidence in their thoughts. In other words, ...that he must take himself for better, for worse, as his portion... (Emerson 267). Being able to accept yourself in the truest form and being able to express yourself in every situation in life, is what makes covetous thoughts undesirable. 3. Emerson values nonconformists, for they display traits of determination and strength when it comes to the publics opinions, similar to Emerson s beliefs. To illustrate, For non conformity the world whips you with its displeasure. And therefore a man must know how to estimate a sour face (Emerson 272). A man needs be sure of his thoughts and can defend his thoughts when society disagrees. For the society is too lazy to hold their own opinions and thoughts to withstand the majority s votes. 4. Emerson uses the phrase, A foolish consistency is the ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Reaction To The Boston Massacre The French and Indian War was a war that was funded by the British. After the war was finished, it caused Great Britain to go into debt. As a result of this, British Parliament imposed taxes on the colonists. This angered many of the colonists because they had no say in the taxes that Parliament enforced on to them. Many people thought that they should have no taxation without representation . This caused many different reactions from all of the colonists. Some people thought that Parliament had no right to tax them and that they should have representation, and others thought that the taxes were unfair, but there was no reason to act up against them. The actions that the British took after 1763 caused various reactions by the colonists. ... Show more content on ... The Boston Massacre was a reaction to the British action. This started off with the British sending troops to Boston to watch over the city. Some of the colonists thought that what the British was doing was unnecessary and that they didn t need any babysitters to watch over them. They also thought that this was an invasion of their privacy. Tensions started to rise between the colonists and the British troops. This caused many fights between the colonists and the British. One night, March 5th, 1770, the colonists started to throw rocks and attack the soldiers with clubs. From that point on, no one knew exactly what happened, but we know that the British soldiers started to fire at the colonists. At the end of the night, 5 colonists were killed. The next day, Paul Revere made an engraving of the event and he labeled it The Boston Massacre (Document 2). The engraving turned out to be very inaccurate, as Paul Revere drew the colonists as innocent victims. The engraving was then printed many times and hung up throughout the city and the colony. Almost all the colonists saw or had heard of the engraving within a week. Because of this false engraving, many colonists changed their view of the British. This made the engraving that Paul made one of the most famous and useful propaganda . The Boston Massacre was, and still is, known as the first shots ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Prophylicted Organization Essay Predicted Organization Suppose I was working in an urgent care clinic with approximately 20 25 staff members. Presuming there to be four midlevel providers, two Family Nurse Practitioners, and two Physicians Assistant. There will be one physician covering the facility and the rest of the faculty includes the medical assistants and secretaries. Understanding that each provider would divide and see the same amount of patients throughout the day. Assume I started my day with a patient presenting with a laceration distal portion of the index finger. This patient states that he was cutting wood with a table saw and accidentally skimmed the saw with his finger. As a practitioner, I would examine the finger for any possible tendon involvement as ... Show more content on ... All roles have the option to pursue continued education, however, some states recommend and regulate that a certain number of hours for continuing education must be accredited for in order to renew licensure. Respectively all roles handle leadership in some way, whether it is the Nurse Educator provided a role model view for the upcoming nurses, the Nurse Practitioner leading other nurses within a facility, or the Nurse Administrator handling all assets of the organization for which they are over. Leadership A psychologist, Kurt Lewin completed a research study in 1939 on the different types of leadership styles. He considered there to be three types of leaders, democratic, autocratic, and laissez faire. In this particular study, children were placed in each individual group and viewed on the distinctive styles as they completed arts and crafts. A democratic leader is one that views participation from the group as the main attribute to making decisions. This leadership is viewed as being the most effective way to be a leader and just so happened to be my results from the short quiz that was taken. Participative leaders encourage group members to participate but retain the final say in the decision making process (Cherry, 2016, Participative Leadership (Democratic)). Allowing the group members to feel included initiates room for creativity and motivation from not only the leader but also the group as ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Essay on Adelphia Introduction This case study is mainly about the character of John Rigas who owned a movie theatre named Adelphia with the shares of his brother, Gus. After Adelphia, they purchased more new companies such as Adelphia Communications Corporation and Century Communications. The continuous success of their business causes, Adelphia Company became the sixth largest cable company in United States. They faced a lot of problems throughout the journey they run their business. Adelphia always had been as a family business because most of the shareholders and board of director of the company are John Riga s family members. As a generosity person, John Rigas and his family helped many parties in term of donation and charities such as decoration, ... Show more content on ... In this case, John Rigas and family helping their employees in term of financial and non financial so that they could reduce the burden of their employees troubles. It is also considered as a welfare protection towards their employees because during that period the economic is too down. Hence, based on Kant theory, it is actionably unethical. It stated that doing right thing with a right reason is important in making a good decision. It is good when a person acts out of duty and not out of a tendency towards a particular feeling or attitude Here, John Rigas used the wrong way to help the needy people. He does not disclose all the information appropriately and there is fraudulent made by management staff towards the financial position of the company with the concern of John Rigas. Therefore, it is consider as violent according to law and accounting standard. According to Bar Council of view, the action of John Rigas led it to conflict of interest between Rigas family and stakeholders of the company. The conflict of interest the company faced was how the company choose to staff its Board of Directors with family members and close family friends. As we can see, 60 percent of voting shares of company are held by Rigas family including John Rigas, sons Michael, James, and Timothy, and son in law, Peter Venetis. Although there is no restriction prohibiting family members from being on the board of directors, this usually is not advised. This is because ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Business-Ship to Ship Book Review It s Your Ship: Management Techniques from the Best Damn Ship in the Navy Capt. D. Michael Abrashoff Warner Books, 2002 Author s Page Captain D. Michael Abrashoff is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD, and was a military assistant to the former secretary of defense, Dr. William J. Perry. He served as Commander of 310 men and women aboard the USS Benfold in the Pacific Fleet. Abrashoff left the Navy in 2001 and became the founder and CEO of Grassroots Leadership, Inc., in Boston. Other Books Get Your Ship Together, 2005 Ship Happens, Coming 2006 It s Your Ship Table of Contents Introduction 1 Ch.1 Take Command 11 Ch.2 Lead by Example 32 Ch.3 Listen ... Show more content on ... Take Command This chapter follows his first observations as Commander and the immediate actions he sought to implement. He notes that the crew seemed relieved by the departing Commander and realized that he must come up with a new leadership model to reach his crew. As he noted in the introduction that high percentage of turnover among crew bothered him and he notes some trends in society that contribute to this problem. The long economic boom had made most people unafraid of losing their jobs, or finding new ones. Thus he believed it manager s challenge to retain them by motivating them to work with passion, energy, and enthusiasm. (p.12) By reading over the exit surveys he assumed as many that low pay was a main reason for people leaving, but was shocked when it was in fact 5th. The top four are strikingly similar to the slide we studied in class on What Associates Want from Their Job in wanting appreciation, ability to make impact, not being listened to, and more responsibility. This helped him understand his crew better and try to see the ship through the eyes of the crew. (p.13) He encouraged his crew to challenge the way in which they carried out their jobs by asking, Is there a better way to do what you do? If so, then he wanted them to take the responsibility one their own to implement the change, unless it involved major implications. Abrashoff continues to give examples of instances where low ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Marketing Communication in the Hospitality Industry Table of Contents 1 Introduction .......................................................................... 1 1.1 Background ................................................................................... 1 1.2 Problem Discussion....................................................................... 2 1.3 Purpose......................................................................................... 3 1.4 Delimitation ................................................................................... 3 2 Frame of Reference .............................................................. 4 2.1 Service Marketing.......................................................................... 4 2.2 Marketing ... Show more content on ... 47 5.2.2 The Development of Storytelling....................................... 48 iv 5.2.3 The Implementation of Storytelling ................................... 49 5.2.4 The Delivery of the Story .................................................. 49 5.2.5 Storytelling Truth or Fiction?.......................................... 50 5.2.6 Possible Problems with Storytelling.................................. 51 5.3 Storytelling and Marketing Communications ............................... 52 5.3.1 Storytelling in the Communication Process ...................... 52 5.3.2 Storytelling and Marketing Communication Models.......... 54 5.3.3 Storytelling and Marketing Communication Tools............. 54 5.3.4 Storytelling towards different Customer Segments........... 55 5.3.5 Storytelling and Integrated Marketing Communications.......................................................................... 56 5.3.6 Storytelling and Word of Mouth......................................... 58 5.4 Future.......................................................................................... 59 6 Conclusions........................................................................ 60 7 Final Discussion................................................................. 62 7.1 Reflections .................................................................................. 62 7.2 Further Research ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Abolishment Of Slavery I am well educated on slavery and the abolishment of it. I believe the abolishment of slavery movement in the United States valued personal freedom and that all men are created equal. I also believe that the movement grew more forceful leading slave owners to become stimulated which led to the American Civil War. One of the main reasons that slavery should be abolished is because of the people who own slaves and how they treat them inhumanly. All humans are equal. When we use another individual as a slave, it hurts humanity, more importantly, hurts the person who s serving as the slave. The slave who didn t want to become the slave in the first place could have potentially became someone important in the world. When we keep someone in captivity, ... Get more on ...
  • 37. How Did The Middle East Affect A Global Economy Global Economic Impacts of Middle Eastern Conflict Throughout history the Middle East has been home to some of the most powerful and influential empires in the world. As with all great empires they did not arise without difficulty. Though the Middle East has had periods of great prosperity, it has also had periods of poverty and stagnation. Within the last one hundred years the Middle East has seen many changes relating to borders, religions, and international politics. Much of the changes that have happened originated from diverse ways of thinking especially when it comes to religion and culture. Conflicts that occur in the Middle East such as Israel, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Afghanistan have monumental effects on the global economy predominately due to the massive oil industry in the region and competition between outside nations trying to expand influence. ... Show more content on ... In 1920 after the end of WWI the Allies agreed on a plan to dissolve the Ottoman Empire and break it into multiple regions. Any time a plan like this is implemented by outsiders it is usually fraught with fighting and civil war. As the borders were changed and control of these different regions was given to Britain and France, there was dissatisfaction. There were attempts by the Arabs and form independent states but were unsuccessful because they lacked military and economic power to break free from European control. Interestingly enough one problem even the British could not handle was between the Zionist and Arab nationalists in Palestine, a problem that is so deeply seated in ideology a solution seems impossible. Although the Arabs were unable to form independent states with opposition from the Europeans this all ended after WWII when they removed themselves from the region. In 1948 Israel was founded and was the beginning of a new conflict between the Israelis and the ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Definition Essay On Humor Humor is not something new to us. In fact, the use of humor is as old as the use of communication itself, and just like language, it has undergone some phenomenal changes thanks to our cultural differences. Many factors such as age, personal experience, geographic location and even level of education play a part in our use of humor. A simple joke one person from one area may find hilarious could get completely different results from someone from somewhere else. Whether or not someone finds a joke amusing is ultimately determined by their interpretation of the joke. Since our interpretations are filtered by a cultural context, our culture is a major factor on how humor is used around us. This paper is designed to look at these variances in order to better appreciate humor and diversity across different cultures. Whether a specific culture prefers satire, sarcasm, slapstick or irony, humor is as diverse as the ... Show more content on ... There is less emphasis on ironies; therefore, our humor tends to be more open and displayed. Also, we enjoy a style of humor that involves exaggerated physical expressions and actions. We tend to use more physical and sexual humor, and our jokes are more obvious and to the point. We can occasionally use sarcasm in our jokes, but it tends to be more subtle and rare. Practical jokes, wise cracks and pranking are very common but not to the extent of injury. The Relief Theory of humor often comes to mind since a lot of American humor involves sexual jokes, religion, politics, and ethical differences. According to Martin (2007), the Relief Theory involves using humor to relieve tension to feel more comfortable, The Jokes often serve as an avenue to test the waters in order to ensure that it is acceptable and release the tension. Examples of some of our most famous comedy include: Saturday Night Live, The Three Stooges, Woody Allen, Jon Stewart and Adam ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Organ System Of Organ Transplantation Every Person in the United States, Not Just Legal Citizens, Should Automatically Be Considered Organ Donors Unless Otherwise Specified Rough Draft UFID: 9169 9185 June 6, 2015 I. Background According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, organ transplantation is the process of surgically transferring a donated organ into a patient with end stage organ failure (U.S Dept of health and human services website). End stage organ failure can be attributed to a number of diseases. Diseases such as cardiomyopathy, diabetes, hypertension, polycystic kidney disease, as well as a number of others could potentially result in suffers of these diseases to require an organ transplant. Though sophisticated in nature, doctors for have actually performed organ transplants over a century, starting first with animal organs and then moving to human organs. For instance, in 1906, Dr. Mathieu Jaboulay, a French surgeon, treated two suffers of kidney failure by transplanting a goat kidney in one patient and a pig kidney into the other. While these transplants proved to be unsuccessful, resulting in the demise of both patients, Dr. Jaboulay s work did lay the foundation for Dr. Yu Yu Voronoy, an Ukraninina surgeron that was the first to use a human kidney for transplantation. Again, these surgeries were unsuccessful. However, according to Watson and Dark (2012) but they did demonstrate the deleterioius effect of warm ischeaemia . Eventually, ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Jonestown Cult Suicides Analysis STAGE 1 psychology SKILLS AND APPLICATIONS TASK OBEDIENCE Peoples Temple. YouTube. (2010). Jonestown Cult Suicides The True Story Documentary. [online] Available at: The source Jonestown Cult Suicides The True Story is a documentary created and published by History channel which is one of the biggest historical focus television channels worldwide. As the title of the documentary The True Story mentions, the series intends to stay as accurate as possible while presenting historical events. While a great many of primary sources such as video footage and audio recording are shown in the documentary, testimony from survivors of the massacre including the cult leader Jim Jones son also contributes ... Show more content on ... However, as some of the concepts in social psychology state, the seemingly unatural behaviours of the cult members are inevitable under the influence of various factors. Firstly, status of group members share a similarity towards each other which people with low esteem are extremely likely to be found among the cult members. A great number of Jones followers were drug addicted, homeless or having terrible relationship with their family. While they were abandoned, ignored or even hated by the society and their loved ones, Jones gave every member unconditional love and protection. Therefore, when people with low esteem and lack of social identity finally found the place they d been searching for which was a group they were welcomed to, they would appreciate the warm welcome of the group and would do anything to stay in it, feeling the sense of belonging and connection. Jones used the dependency and loyalty the temple s members to increase the obedience of his ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Tiananmen Square Protests 1989 In the year of 1989, the People s Republic of China remains under a communist regime. As the world is moving forward with new technologies and innovations empowering new beliefs, democracy is becoming the next big government. China s economy is slowly flourishing and their traditions still hang on. But with the increasing amount of western influences pouring into China through foreign trade, people are beginning to notice the wrong in communism. Citizens of China gradually learn more and more of the values and benefits of democracy and a small spark of change for a better government soon turns into a blazing inferno seen across the globe. The Tiananmen Square Protests of 1989 is related to this year s theme of standing up because it sent shock ... Show more content on ... Tiananmen has had very little effect on China in 2017, but in the years following 1989, China was in turmoil. As factions began to rise within the CCP and the thought of their lost loved ones are still fresh in people s minds, a threat of yet another movement was growing. Fueled by their fear of revolution, China s government unifies its members under a single mission, to eliminate and destroy all information on Tiananmen. A purge begins of all documents and articles of Tiananmen. Over the decades, China has hidden and censored many articles, websites, media, etc about Tiananmen from its people and has killed many who dared to talk of the June Fourth Incident and anything else the CCP sees as undesirable. For example, in 1996 Falun Gong, a popular buddhist practice that embodies the ideals of peace, balance and harmony, grew extremely popular. Falun Gong was mainly practiced through meditation and involved peaceful practices, but the CCP feared that it would grow too popular and eventually turn into a political rival. To prevent being overthrown, the CCP punished anyone who dare to practice Falun Gong within the People s Republic of China (PRC) by beating them and torturing them. The photos of the victims of this brutal persecution caused fear to spark in the country and as a result of this terror, not one person of the 1.381 billion people that inhabit Chinese soil talk about the protests or anything that the CCP dislikes as the sword of death is always hanging precariously above their ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Ambiguity Of Civil Liberties Essay Civil liberties have a formative and long history within the UK, the development of which is considered to have begun with the Magna Carta in 1215. This document is often described as the blueprint and original template for the numerous Bill of Rights and constitutions which exist today. Unlike other countries, such as the USA, the UK does not have a written constitution setting out its citizens civil liberties. Common law may account for many of the UK s long recognised civil liberties however it is the documents which exemplify liberties which are still enforced today, such as habeas corpus: anyone who has been arrested or otherwise deprived of their liberty, may apply for a judge to oversee the legality of this decision. With the UK currently a party to the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR) and the Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA 1998), it is becoming ever more important to understand what defines a civil liberties and whether civil liberties and human rights can be viewed as interchangeable concepts. This essay aims to examine: the origins and apparent ambiguity of civil liberties and human rights; the two different approaches offered by the author of Textbook on Civil Liberties and Human Rights, Richard Stone; and Ewing and Gearty s slant, as noted in The Struggle for Civil Liberties; whether civil liberties are distinct from human rights will also be explored, and ... Show more content on ... Gearty argues that civil liberties are the rights which are not to be interfered with, rather than the right to do something. They have divided civil liberties into two categories: primary and secondary. Primary liberties are those necessary for direct participation in the political process, such as the right to vote; whereas secondary liberties are those which allow influence on politics. The view here is that civil liberties are mostly protected by common law, whilst human rights are safeguarded by ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Dreaming Is Something We ve All Experienced While Sleeping Dreaming is something we ve all experienced while sleeping. Our dreams are produced by an altered state of consciousness, in which images and fantasies become mixed with reality. We all experience dreams that range from the pleasant and the not so pleasant or nightmares. Dreaming is still largely a mystery to science, as experiments are conducted to figure out why we dream and how dreams function. We do know one thing for sure, that everyone dreams unless in the rare case they are prevented by meditation or a brain injury. Dreams occur in two states; REM sleep and non REM sleep which are very different and give the dreamer different sensations. In REM sleep our dreams contain intense emotions, visual and auditory hallucinations. While in NON REM sleep our dreams tend to be dull and realistic, compared to REM sleep dreams that are illogical and incoherent. The contents of the dream can be linked to certain parts of the brain that is activated during our sleep, so in REM sleep, parts of the brain that control motivation, emotion, and reward are activated while areas in the pre frontal cortex are deactivated; since the prefrontal cortex is necessary for self awareness this is believed to be the cause for why REM dreams are irrational. Rem stands for rapid eye movement, during REM sleep neutrons in the brain, specifically in the occipital cortex and brain stem regions, are more active during REM sleep than during waking hours or compared to non REM sleep. While this is ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Branding in Clothing Industry Effect of Brand Image on Consumer Purchasing Behaviour on Clothing: Comparison between China and the UK s Consumers By Kwok Keung Tam 2007 A Dissertation presented in part consideration for the degree of MSc International Business Table of Content Page numbers Abstract i Acknowledgements ii Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 The importance of brand image on fashion clothing 1.2 Background information of China and the UK clothing markets 1.2.1 China clothing market Chinese spending habits Impediments to China s clothing brand development 1.2.2 UK clothing market British spending habits Characteristics of the UK clothing market 1.3 Theoretical framework 1.4 Objectives of the dissertation 1.5 ... Show more content on ... In addition, I would also acknowledge my school mates for their help in the data collection process. They have devoted their precious time for the interviews voluntarily and their wholehearted support contributes to the success of this dissertation. Last but not least, I would like to extend my gratitude to my family members, especially my father Chun Shiu Tam who has devoted himself to the clothing industry for nearly half a century. He has not only inspired me to do this dissertation, but also encouraged me to face the challenge ahead. This dissertation is dedicated to my family and I will try my best to do anything. ii Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 The importance of brand image on fashion clothing Clothing, as a matter of fact, is a kind of necessity that helps keep our bodies warm. Human beings cannot live without the protection from clothes in adverse conditions and this signifies how important clothing is for us. Nowadays, in addition to the basic functions, clothes can also serve as fashion items, which can tell how significant an individual is, express the status an individual has and what their personal image is like (O Cass,
  • 45. 2000). Thus, clothing can help represent our personal identity. Shopping for clothes is one of the popular pastimes among people from all ages, different genders and cultural backgrounds. Owing to the proliferation of brands in the clothing sector, ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Should Children Get Paid For Chores Essay Why should children get paid to help keep the house clean if adults don t? Parents don t get paid to do the dishes or sweep the floor, so why should it be any different for their kids? Specifically, children should not get paid for doing their chores. There is an argument about whether kids should get paid for helping out with chores or not. I believe children should not receive money for doing chores. For example, parents are not paid to make dinner or wash the laundry, and they have to do that all the time. When children grow up and leave the house they won t be used to doing their chores without receiving a reward. Children would have a lot more responsibility if they did chores every day and accepted that chores are just a part of life. ... Show more content on ... If children were always payed to do their chores, what if they skipped a few and decided to just not get paid that time? Who would take out the trash? Who would feed the cat? If kids didn t do their chores then then they wouldn t get done and chores need to be done even it there is no reward. Another reason is that money isn t everything; wouldn t it be nice to just keep the house clean and the grass mowed, even if you weren t paid for helping? The reward that children receive is when all the chores are done and everything is clean. They can have the satisfaction that they helped accomplish the clean home. I can understand why kids would want to be paid, it would teach them how to manage money. Also, I understand why they think it is fair because adults get paid to go to work and do their job, but the money adults make is used for necessary things like the bills, food, clothes and other important things. Another thing is that children can manage money better if they get a job and work for it, like if they babysit, or mow the neighbor s lawn. Also, I think it is okay for kids to get paid for doing extra chores, if they help out more than they were asked to then they definitely deserve a ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Explain Why Do Curfews Keep Teens Out Of Trouble Do curfews keep teens out of trouble? According to Cambridge dictionary, a curfew is a rule that everyone must stay at home between particular times. There are kinds of curfews. Juvenile curfew laws are imposed by the state/ local police; it prevents people, who are usually under 18 from being outside the homes. Emergency curfew laws are temporary curfews that are applied by the state or local government due to a natural disaster, revolution or a rebellion. On the other hand, there are curfews that are enforced by parents on teens for various reasons; it s usually to keep them out of trouble and problems. However, curfews do not usually keep teens out trouble. There are many reasons why a curfew imposed by parents would not keep teens out of trouble. From personal experiences, teens are expected to go to school from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM every day. Then, they reach their homes by 2:40PM /3:00 PM. Under certain circumstances, such as after ... Show more content on ... Curfews make teens feel like they re not trusted enough. This creates a bad relationship. It can create an awkward uncomfortable environment at home. This can lead the teenagers to leave the house and try as much as they can to not be in the house around their parents. This shows that the more the parents try to keep their teenagers under control, the more the teenagers will crack and the more troubles and problems occur. They will just go behind their back and do whatever they want. Teenagers would feel like they are being treated unfairly or that they are being discriminated against It could cause them to sneak out because they feel locked up, which could put them in more harm. This shows that teens do not want to treated unfairly just because of their age. Curfews cause the teenagers to sneak out, which can cause them to get in trouble with the police. These evidences show that a curfew is not a helpful or a smart ... Get more on ...