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Life in the Trenches with Apache
Who? What?
I work for Kogentix, Inc
Big Data projects, often with Spark (Core, Streaming, ML)
@carsondial on Twitter
Who is the talk for?
People using Apache Spark
People deciding whether to use Apache Spark
People who love hearing about Apache Spark
Will it get technical? A bit! (but not too much)
Our itinerary:
Good Things!
Bad Things!
Tips! Tricks! (hopefully the useful section!)
Other Frameworks Are Available
Good Things!
Developer-friendly API for batch and streaming
So much faster than MapReduce (in general!)
Fits in well with Hadoop Ecosystem
Batteries included (ML / GraphX / etc.)
Tons of Enterprise support
Bad Things!
Spark is not magic pixie dust!
Distributed systems are hard!
And…well, let's talk about the elephant…
The (Apparent) Motto of Apache
Spark Development:
In Memoriam
This slide is dedicated to all those that created a production
system using MLLib just as Spark added ML Pipelines
(and also…)
(btw, if you haven't upgraded to Spark 2.0 yet, be aware
that the change to MurmurHash3 for hashing means you'll
have to retrain all your models that use HashingTF…)
Keeping Up With The Joneses
The Spark development team moves pretty fast, especially for
a project in the Hadoop ecosystem
Sometimes Catalyst will fail on a query / job that worked
perfectly fine in the previous version
New features (e.g. KafkaDirectStream/Datasets) can be
pushed before they're entirely ready.
Sometimes you get big surprises (Hello, Structured
Hadoop distributions can lag (WHERE'S MY SHINY? IT
Not backporting fixes to earlier versions of Spark
e.g. Spark < 2.0 not having support for Kafka 0.9+
clients, despite it being a rather useful enterprise-y thing to
have) [SPARK-12177]
Reading the release notes is essential. Yes, I know you do
it, but still…
(and yet more…)
API Stability is a big issue
"I want to create a Spark Streaming Solution with Kafka
and Spark 2.0! How should I do it?"
Hold off on Structured Streaming for now…
The Spark maintainers are acutely aware of these issues
Recent on-going discussions focussed on improving things
Now, onto tips and tricks
Use Scala if you can.
Java 8 will preserve your sanity if you have to use Java
Why Not Python?
You will likely take a performance hit with PySpark
Python interpreter memory overhead on top of the JVM
Pickling RDDs and serializing them to Python and back to
the JVM
Often lags behind Scala / Java in new features
More Tips
I'm legally mandated mention to not use collect() or
groupByKey() in your code.
Be careful with your closures!
Which data structure to use?
Datasets (Catalyst and fancy Encoders!)
Dataframes (Catalyst!)
RDDs (you're on your own…)
Use Kryo serialization when you can if not Encoders
How many partitions should I
Goldilocks Problem
Too few - not enough parallelism
Too many - too much parallelism and lose time in
Remember repartition() is not a free operation
Partition Rule of Thumb
3x cores in your cluster as a baseline
Experiment until performance suffers (increase by a factor
of <2 each time)
gzipped files may not be your friend for partitions
Partitions in streaming often set by streaming source (e.g.
Map vs. MapPartitions
.map() works on an element-by-element basis
.mapPartitions() works on a partition basis
Can be very helpful when working with heavy objects /
connections /etc
Don't accidentally consume the iterator!
(e.g. converting to a list, using size()/count(), etc)
One more thing
Beware Java!
mapPartitions() in Java may bring the entire partition
into memory
Streaming Tips
You need to get your processing done within the batch
Prefer mapWithState() over updateStateByKey(),
as it allows timeouts, modifying state without having to
iterate over the entire state space
See last year's ATO talk for more streaming tips!
Streaming Sources
Use Apache Kafka if you have an Ops team that can
support it
Kinesis if you don't or you can live with the restrictions of
Kinesis over Kafka (and you're in AWS)
Don't rely on JSON schema reflection if you can help it
Large JSON schemas may break Hive
(or at least require you to alter things deep in the Hive
Try to push filters down into the source layer when possible
Custom UDFs are (currently) opaque to Catalyst (non-JVM
languages are even worse here!)
It's hard! But do it anyway
Maintained by Holden Karau
Great set of tools for testing RDDs, Dataframes, Datasets,
and streaming operations
Test Strategies
Is it correct? (spark-testing-base provides approximate
matchers too!)
Is it correct under production level loads?
Consider a shadow cluster for streaming
The key to a successful Spark solution.
Don't ignore Ops
So many knobs to fiddle with!
Deploying Spark Jobs
Don't rely on spark-submit for too long (do you really
want users to have to log in to a production server to kick
off a new job?)
Use Livy or Spark-Job-Submit as soon as possible to solve
with another layer of indirection!
Upgrading Spark Streaming
Yay! I've turned checkpointing on and I'm super-resilient!
Now I'm going to upgrade my app!
Why has everything exploded?
Checkpointing only works with the same code. Change
anything…and boom.
Delete checkpoint and it'll work
But…offsets for streaming?
Store them in Zookeeper and obtain on start
(do you actually need checkpointing in that case? Possibly
Scheduling Jobs.
OR: We need to talk about Apache Oozie.
It can do anything you can throw at it.
Providing anything is in a Turing-complete DSL embedded
in XML
Which can often validate or not, even if written correctly.
And a web UI that sometimes rises to the level of
Oozie. Poor Oozie.
But! Less hate!
It is not a sexy part of the Hadoop ecosystem
It really can handle almost any scenario
Also, what if you didn't have to write the XML?
Write your Oozie workflows in YAML
100% more hipster-compliant
Seriously, up to about 20% less typing and handles
dependencies for you.
Try it, and maybe you won't hate Oozie so much
WebUI is great, but perhaps it would be better fed into
your existing monitoring solution?
Send metrics to CSV, JMX, slf4j, or Graphite
Graphite monitoring
val sparkConf = new spark.SparkConf()
val sc = new spark.SparkContext(sparkConf)
Also, you're directing all your logs/metrics from your
executors and drivers to a central logging system, aren't
you? And Kafka?
Splunk / Datadog / ELK (Elastic, Logstash, Kibana) are
your friend
Include OS metrics too!
Debugging Issues
Spark WebUI is a good place to start for drilling down into
The OS is still important (e.g. memory, OOM killer, Xen
hypervisor networking, etc)
Distributed systems are hard!
Invented by Brendan Gregg (Netflix, Joyent, Sun)
Most common type is on-CPU flamegraph
Width of stack sample is how often that stack sample is on
Simple and dirty Ansible playbook
Attaches to a Spark cluster running on YARN
Generates perf data and pulls back down for flamegraphs
One flamegraph per executor, can be combined into one
Flame Graph Search
itable stub
How Many Executors Should We Use?
How Much Memory Do We Need?
What About Garbage Collection?
Hello Goldilocks again!
Small numbers of large executors = long GC pauses, low
Large number of small executors = Frequent GC, memory
errors, other Bad Things
So How Many?
Stay between 3-5 cores per executor
64GB is a decent upper memory limit per executor
Remember the driver needs memory and cores too!
Experiment, experiment, experiment
Use G1GC!
Use UI to spot time spent in GC and then turn GC logging
on (or have it on anyway!)
Too many major GCs? Increase spark.memory.fraction or
Executor memory
Lots of minor GCs? Increase Eden space
Try other approaches before digging into the GC weeds
Other Frameworks Are Available
Apache Storm / Heron
Apache Flink
Apache Apex
Apache Beam
Apache Kafkaaaaaaaaa?
Apache Storm
Low-latency at a level Spark Streaming can't (currently)
Lower-level API (build the DAG yourself, peasant!)
Deploying and HA story has not been wonderful in the
past, but is getting much better!
Mature and battle-tested at Twitter, Yahoo!, etc.
1.0.x series is very solid - lower memory use, much faster.
Has slightly undeserved reputation as 'old man' of stream
Built by Twitter to work around issues with Storm
Storm-compatible API
Works with Apache Mesos (YARN support is coming)
Looks very promising as a next-gen Storm
(but Apache Storm has also solved a lot of the issues
Twitter did so shrug)
Apache Flink
Higher-level API like Spark
Based around streaming rather than Spark's 'batch' focus
Getting traction in places like Uber, Netflix
Definitely worth investigating
Apache Apex
Dark Horse of the DAG processing engines
Low-level API like Storm
Comes with an amazing array of lego bricks to assemble
your pipelines (want to pipe data from FTP and Splunk into
HBase? Easy with Malhar!)
Documentation sometimes lacking
Used by Capital One
Apache Beam
One API to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
Initiative from Google - write your code using the Apache
Beam API and then you can run that code on:
Google Cloud Dataflow
Apache Spark
Apache Flink
(more to come)
Apache Beam
In theory, this is great!
The favoured API is, obviously, Google Cloud Dataflow.
Last time I checked, the Apache Spark runner operated
only in terms of RDDs, thus bypassing Catalyst/Datasets
and all the performance boosts associated with them
I'd recommend Beam if you're shopping around for a
Wait, wait, what?
Kafka Connect as an alternative to Spark Streaming for ETL
Kafka Streams for streaming processing
HA by using Kafka itself!
Streams is very new.
Should consider Connect for ETL rather than a Kafka /
Spark solution
Apache Spark is great!
But can require stepping outside the box at scale
lots of tuning!
test things!
monitor things!
go do great things!
Inspired by Julia Evans (@b0rk), I've made a zine!
30 copies!
Includes bonus material!
Apache Spark
Spark Streaming ATO 2015

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Sparklife - Life In The Trenches With Spark

  • 1. Life in the Trenches with Apache Spark
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4. Who? What? I work for Kogentix, Inc Big Data projects, often with Spark (Core, Streaming, ML) @carsondial on Twitter
  • 5. Who is the talk for? People using Apache Spark People deciding whether to use Apache Spark People who love hearing about Apache Spark Will it get technical? A bit! (but not too much)
  • 6. Our itinerary: Good Things! Bad Things! Tips! Tricks! (hopefully the useful section!) Other Frameworks Are Available
  • 7. Good Things! Developer-friendly API for batch and streaming So much faster than MapReduce (in general!) Fits in well with Hadoop Ecosystem Batteries included (ML / GraphX / etc.) Tons of Enterprise support
  • 8. Bad Things! Spark is not magic pixie dust! Distributed systems are hard! And…well, let's talk about the elephant…
  • 9. The (Apparent) Motto of Apache Spark Development:
  • 10. In Memoriam This slide is dedicated to all those that created a production system using MLLib just as Spark added ML Pipelines
  • 11. (and also…) (btw, if you haven't upgraded to Spark 2.0 yet, be aware that the change to MurmurHash3 for hashing means you'll have to retrain all your models that use HashingTF…)
  • 12. Keeping Up With The Joneses The Spark development team moves pretty fast, especially for a project in the Hadoop ecosystem Sometimes Catalyst will fail on a query / job that worked perfectly fine in the previous version New features (e.g. KafkaDirectStream/Datasets) can be pushed before they're entirely ready. Sometimes you get big surprises (Hello, Structured Streaming!) Hadoop distributions can lag (WHERE'S MY SHINY? IT SHOULD HAVE THE SHINY!?)
  • 13. (cont…) Not backporting fixes to earlier versions of Spark e.g. Spark < 2.0 not having support for Kafka 0.9+ clients, despite it being a rather useful enterprise-y thing to have) [SPARK-12177] Reading the release notes is essential. Yes, I know you do it, but still…
  • 14. (and yet more…) API Stability is a big issue "I want to create a Spark Streaming Solution with Kafka and Spark 2.0! How should I do it?" "Er…" Hold off on Structured Streaming for now…
  • 15. ENOUGH NEGATIVITY! The Spark maintainers are acutely aware of these issues Recent on-going discussions focussed on improving things Hurrah! Now, onto tips and tricks
  • 16. Developers! Use Scala if you can. Java 8 will preserve your sanity if you have to use Java
  • 17. Why Not Python? You will likely take a performance hit with PySpark Python interpreter memory overhead on top of the JVM Pickling RDDs and serializing them to Python and back to the JVM Often lags behind Scala / Java in new features
  • 18. More Tips I'm legally mandated mention to not use collect() or groupByKey() in your code. Be careful with your closures!
  • 19. Which data structure to use? Datasets (Catalyst and fancy Encoders!) Dataframes (Catalyst!) RDDs (you're on your own…) Use Kryo serialization when you can if not Encoders
  • 20. How many partitions should I have? Goldilocks Problem Too few - not enough parallelism Too many - too much parallelism and lose time in scheduling Remember repartition() is not a free operation
  • 21. Partition Rule of Thumb 3x cores in your cluster as a baseline Experiment until performance suffers (increase by a factor of <2 each time) gzipped files may not be your friend for partitions Partitions in streaming often set by streaming source (e.g. Kafka)
  • 22. Map vs. MapPartitions .map() works on an element-by-element basis .mapPartitions() works on a partition basis Can be very helpful when working with heavy objects / connections /etc Don't accidentally consume the iterator! (e.g. converting to a list, using size()/count(), etc)
  • 23. One more thing Beware Java! mapPartitions() in Java may bring the entire partition into memory Embrace Scala, JOIIIIIN USSSSSSS
  • 24. Streaming Tips You need to get your processing done within the batch duration. Backpressure! Prefer mapWithState() over updateStateByKey(), as it allows timeouts, modifying state without having to iterate over the entire state space See last year's ATO talk for more streaming tips!
  • 25. Streaming Sources Use Apache Kafka if you have an Ops team that can support it Kinesis if you don't or you can live with the restrictions of Kinesis over Kafka (and you're in AWS)
  • 26. SparkSQL Don't rely on JSON schema reflection if you can help it Large JSON schemas may break Hive (or at least require you to alter things deep in the Hive DDL) Try to push filters down into the source layer when possible Parquet ALL THE THINGS Custom UDFs are (currently) opaque to Catalyst (non-JVM languages are even worse here!)
  • 27. Testing It's hard! But do it anyway spark-testing-base Maintained by Holden Karau Great set of tools for testing RDDs, Dataframes, Datasets, and streaming operations
  • 28. Test Strategies Is it correct? (spark-testing-base provides approximate matchers too!) Is it correct under production level loads? Consider a shadow cluster for streaming
  • 29. Operations The key to a successful Spark solution. Don't ignore Ops So many knobs to fiddle with!
  • 30. Deploying Spark Jobs Don't rely on spark-submit for too long (do you really want users to have to log in to a production server to kick off a new job?) Use Livy or Spark-Job-Submit as soon as possible to solve with another layer of indirection!
  • 31. Upgrading Spark Streaming Applications Yay! I've turned checkpointing on and I'm super-resilient! Now I'm going to upgrade my app! Why has everything exploded? Checkpointing only works with the same code. Change anything…and boom.
  • 32. THIS IS FINE. Delete checkpoint and it'll work But…offsets for streaming? Store them in Zookeeper and obtain on start (do you actually need checkpointing in that case? Possibly not!)
  • 33. Scheduling Jobs. OR: We need to talk about Apache Oozie. It can do anything you can throw at it. Providing anything is in a Turing-complete DSL embedded in XML Which can often validate or not, even if written correctly. And a web UI that sometimes rises to the level of 'tolerable'
  • 34. Oozie. Poor Oozie. But! Less hate! It is not a sexy part of the Hadoop ecosystem It really can handle almost any scenario Also, what if you didn't have to write the XML?
  • 35. Arbiter Write your Oozie workflows in YAML 100% more hipster-compliant Seriously, up to about 20% less typing and handles dependencies for you. Try it, and maybe you won't hate Oozie so much
  • 36. Monitoring WebUI is great, but perhaps it would be better fed into your existing monitoring solution? CODA HALE TO THE RESCUE! Send metrics to CSV, JMX, slf4j, or Graphite
  • 37. Graphite monitoring val sparkConf = new spark.SparkConf() .set("spark.metrics.conf.*.sink.graphite.class", "org.apache.spark.metrics.sink.GraphiteSink") .set("spark.metrics.conf.*", graphiteHostName) val sc = new spark.SparkContext(sparkConf)
  • 38. Monitoring Also, you're directing all your logs/metrics from your executors and drivers to a central logging system, aren't you? And Kafka? Splunk / Datadog / ELK (Elastic, Logstash, Kibana) are your friend Include OS metrics too!
  • 39. Debugging Issues Spark WebUI is a good place to start for drilling down into tasks The OS is still important (e.g. memory, OOM killer, Xen hypervisor networking, etc) Distributed systems are hard!
  • 40. flaaaaaamegraphs Invented by Brendan Gregg (Netflix, Joyent, Sun) Most common type is on-CPU flamegraph Width of stack sample is how often that stack sample is on CPU
  • 41. Spark-flame Simple and dirty Ansible playbook Attaches to a Spark cluster running on YARN Generates perf data and pulls back down for flamegraphs One flamegraph per executor, can be combined into one graph
  • 42. Flame Graph Search Interpreter [] java/io.. [] start_thread Interpreter [libj.. scala/collection/AbstractIterator:::foreach [li.. [libjvm.. [] s.. [] Interpreter Interpreter [l.. [lib.. [l.. java [.. Interpreter Interpr.. Ja.. [.. scala/collection/Iterator$class:::foreach [] [li.. [] java/lang/StrictMat.. itable stub $li.. [] [.. Interpreter org/apach.. [l.. Interpreter [] [lib.. Interpreter Interpreter call_stub [] Interpreter Interpreter [] jav.. java/io.. [] [li.. [.. Interpreter Interpreter [.. [] [li.. Interpreter Interpreter scala/collection/generic/Growable$class:::$plus$plus$eq sc.. java/.. [.. Interpr.. [l.. s.. [.. [.. [.. [.. [l.. [l.. Interpreter [] [.. [] Interpreter Interpreter
  • 43. Performance! How Many Executors Should We Use? How Much Memory Do We Need? What About Garbage Collection?
  • 44. Executors Hello Goldilocks again! Small numbers of large executors = long GC pauses, low parallelism Large number of small executors = Frequent GC, memory errors, other Bad Things
  • 45. So How Many? Stay between 3-5 cores per executor 64GB is a decent upper memory limit per executor Remember the driver needs memory and cores too! Experiment, experiment, experiment
  • 46. GC Use G1GC! Use UI to spot time spent in GC and then turn GC logging on (or have it on anyway!) Too many major GCs? Increase spark.memory.fraction or Executor memory Lots of minor GCs? Increase Eden space Try other approaches before digging into the GC weeds
  • 47. Other Frameworks Are Available Apache Storm / Heron Apache Flink Apache Apex Apache Beam Apache Kafkaaaaaaaaa?
  • 48. Apache Storm Low-latency at a level Spark Streaming can't (currently) touch Lower-level API (build the DAG yourself, peasant!) Deploying and HA story has not been wonderful in the past, but is getting much better! Mature and battle-tested at Twitter, Yahoo!, etc. 1.0.x series is very solid - lower memory use, much faster. Has slightly undeserved reputation as 'old man' of stream processing
  • 49. Heron Built by Twitter to work around issues with Storm Storm-compatible API Works with Apache Mesos (YARN support is coming) Looks very promising as a next-gen Storm (but Apache Storm has also solved a lot of the issues Twitter did so shrug)
  • 50. Apache Flink Higher-level API like Spark Based around streaming rather than Spark's 'batch' focus Getting traction in places like Uber, Netflix Definitely worth investigating
  • 51. Apache Apex Dark Horse of the DAG processing engines Low-level API like Storm FAST. Comes with an amazing array of lego bricks to assemble your pipelines (want to pipe data from FTP and Splunk into HBase? Easy with Malhar!) Documentation sometimes lacking Used by Capital One
  • 52. Apache Beam One API to bring them all and in the darkness bind them. Initiative from Google - write your code using the Apache Beam API and then you can run that code on: Google Cloud Dataflow Apache Spark Apache Flink (more to come)
  • 53. Apache Beam In theory, this is great! But… The favoured API is, obviously, Google Cloud Dataflow. Last time I checked, the Apache Spark runner operated only in terms of RDDs, thus bypassing Catalyst/Datasets and all the performance boosts associated with them I'd recommend Beam if you're shopping around for a framework!
  • 54. Kafkaaaaaaaaaaaa? Wait, wait, what? Kafka Connect as an alternative to Spark Streaming for ETL Kafka Streams for streaming processing HA by using Kafka itself! Streams is very new. Should consider Connect for ETL rather than a Kafka / Spark solution
  • 55. Finally… Apache Spark is great! But can require stepping outside the box at scale lots of tuning! test things! monitor things! go do great things!
  • 56. Zine Inspired by Julia Evans (@b0rk), I've made a zine! 30 copies! Includes bonus material! PDF: