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Social Deviance Essay
Composing an essay on the subject of social deviance can be a challenging endeavor, requiring a
nuanced understanding of societal norms, individual behavior, and the intricate interplay
between the two. This topic delves into the realm of sociology, psychology, and criminology,
demanding a comprehensive exploration of various perspectives and theories.
The complexity arises from the multifaceted nature of social deviance itself, encompassing a
wide array of behaviors that deviate from established societal norms. Addressing this requires a
thorough examination of cultural, historical, and contextual factors that contribute to the
definition and perception of deviance. Additionally, delving into the psychological aspects of
deviant behavior involves grappling with theories of abnormal psychology and understanding the
intricacies of individual decision-making.
Moreover, constructing a coherent argument necessitates navigating through a sea of scholarly
articles, research papers, and theoretical frameworks. The synthesis of diverse viewpoints and
empirical evidence adds a layer of difficulty, requiring a writer to critically analyze and
synthesize information to form a well-substantiated and persuasive essay.
Crafting an effective social deviance essay also entails the challenge of striking a balance
between objectivity and empathy. It is crucial to avoid oversimplification and stigmatization
while exploring behaviors labeled as deviant. This demands a delicate handling of sensitive
topics and a nuanced examination of the societal responses to deviance.
In conclusion, tackling a social deviance essay is no small feat. It involves delving deep into the
complexities of human behavior, societal norms, and academic literature. However, with
dedication, critical thinking, and a structured approach, one can navigate the intricacies of this
subject matter successfully.
For those seeking assistance in academic writing or exploration of diverse topics, various services
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Social Deviance EssaySocial Deviance Essay
Debt In College
The number one student in college is obtaining too many credit cards. While
charging it can provide them instant relief in times of need, many students
exaggerate while in college. This turns out to be harmful in the long term for a
college student. Let s be honest, the interest is added up quickly and I do not know
any credit card that accedes it until after graduation as federal student loans. In my
opinion, it is a bad idea to use a credit card in every situation that a student can
escape. Finally, this debtcan increase and force a student to divert their educational
focus to focus on paying the debt that they owed. The college student must know how
to manage their student loan or get help manage the financial goal. Borrow the student
... Show more content on ...
With having an excellent credit score of 750 or above would have an APR of 3.240%
for 60 months. If my 2013 Toyota Camry (trade in) is valued at $10,200. If we pay
around $4000 as down payment. The amount we borrow will reduce from $27470 to
$13,270. If we finance that amount for 60 months at 3.240%, the monthly
payment on the car would be at $240. If my annual salary is around $80,000 after
tax, and my mortgage and utilities of $3010 monthly. I would be able to afford the
2018 Nisan Altima. I could still be able to save some money on the side with this
expense. The insurance on the car would cost me around $70 monthly and gas bill
with my use would be at $120 monthly. The car would cost me $430. My monthly
income after tax is $6,660. My mortgage and car would cost me around $4,369. I
would still able to able to save my income before lifestyle
Satyam Scandal Essay
The Satyam scandal is a corporate scandal that worked in India in 2009 where
Chairman Ramalinga Raju confessed that the company s accounts had been falsified
not in small numbers but largely. The Global corporate community was shocked and
scandalized when the chairman of Satyam, Ramalinga Raju resigned on 7 January
2009and confessed that he had manipulated the accounts by US$1.47 Billion. In
February 2009, CBI took over the investigation and filed three charge sheets (on 7
April 2009, 24 November 2009 and 7 January 2010), which were later clubbed into
one. On 10 April 2015, Ramalinga Raju was convicted with 10 other members. This
was a case in which all its stake holders (government, employees, shareholders, and
management) were cheated. All their interests were sacrificed for the personal
benefits of the company s chairman who invested a major share of the wealth hence
earned in real estate. His confessions about the fraud in the company resulted in the
drastic fall of companies share value from 500 to 11 in one single day. This lead to
the investors losing their hope and trust in the company.... Show more content on ...
The Government of India intervened swiftly in this situation, as they realized that
this scam would dent and destroy the image and worthiness of IT sector in India, as
it was considered to be one of the backbones of Indian
Leaving The Eu Essay
On June 24, 2016, a referendum was passed that resulted in Great Britain s
withdrawal from the European Union. The decision to exit the EU was a
controversial and has significantly affected current social, political, and economic
constructs on a local and global scale. Given the importance of this decision, one
would expect in depth, professional media coverage; however, this would not be
the case from the UK news company, Daily Mail. Following a meeting between the
First Minister of Scotland and the British Prime Minister, both of whom are females,
the Daily Mail ran a cover titled, Never mind Brexit, who won Legs it! . Next to the
title was a picture of the two diplomats sitting next to each other during their meeting,
both dressed in... Show more content on ...
The media response that bombardment of Daily Mail, however appropriate and
necessary it was, distracted citizens from the real political conversation that should
have taken place following the meeting. Daily Mail not only diverted the public s
attention away from topics that concern their own interest, but simultaneously
insulted Nicola Sturgeon and Theresa May. The Daily Mail did not portray the two
women as respected dignitaries, or intellectual leaders. Instead, they defined the two
women by the lower halves of their bodies, and told the public to ignore the women
s conversation. By doing so, the Daily Mail blatantly objectified Nicola Sturgeon
and Theresa May, stripping away their right to speak on important topics. Nicola
Sturgeon responded to the publications by stating that the Daily Mail was taking
Britain back to the 1970 s . Nicola Sturgeon s position has First Minister of Scotland
exemplifies how effective feminist movements in the past have been, yet the Daily
Mails actions and her comment illustrates how necessary feminist movements still are
today. The dismissal of the women s political conversation is similar to the dismissal
that the women in Trifles, a play written by Susan Glaspell in the early 20th century,
experienced. During the play, the men are attempting to solve a murder case, and
value their wives help very little, and often demean the women s conversations
How Did The Vietnam War Affect Australia
The Vietnam War had a large impact on Australian culture through many different
avenues and to varying degrees. The competing attitudes towards Australia s
involvement in the war threw society into a heated debate, whilst the soldiers were
in the heat of battle. The returning veterans could not re enter society easily and their
children did and will continue to bear the brunt of their hardships. However, the war
increased Australia s multiculturalism and diversity in many areas, due to influences
from both their allies and enemies . The Vietnam War impacted Australian culture
both positively and negatively on a variety of levels and in a variety of areas. The
issue of conscription and the extent of Australia s involvement in the war came...
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In the years after the war, the American way of life was projected further into
Australia via popular culture. The major difference between the Vietnam War, and
those before it was drug use, which was rampant among soldiers. Although smoking
marijuana was a punishable offense under army rules, many soldiers still indulged.
Whilst the South Vietnamese government tried to crack down, this was soon over
shadowed by the rise of heroin among the soldiers. Ted Lavender, an American
soldier, being one of the key heroin users in the troop said: ...real smooth. Today we
ve got ourselves a real mellow war. This drug addiction was brought back with the
Australians and is how the first samples of heroin were introduced to Kings Cross.
Television also plays a significant role in forming the culture, beliefs and values of a
nation, and after the war, America was able to produce television shows more cheaply
than Australia. This in turn, meant that Australian characters, themes and issues,
were often outweighed by representations of the American way of
20th-Century Working Conditions
In today s workforce, many choose their employer based on what benefits are
offered or which perks will available to them. This is a luxury of our time. In the
20th century jobs were scarce and what jobs were available paid little compared to
the amount of work that was required to maintain employment. Not only was the
labor required at the jobs literally back breaking, there were no benefits included
such as insurance, 401, or pensions. All of the luxuries of having a job came about
during a period of history named The Progressive Era . Imagine waking up at
4:00am to walk 10miles to work at a factory making industrial parts and leaving at
6:00pm to walk another 10miles back home. After years of making this trip and
working these long hours your body would naturally start to break down and a trip
to the doctor would be welcomed. Now imagine getting to the doctors office and
having to pay for 100% of the cost, which adds up to 1 2 days of pay. Sounds pretty
bad right? Well these are the conditions that existed in the 20th century. In the 20th
century working conditions were less than favorable. This led to a multitude of
strikes and walkouts putting employer against employees. Employers wanted to pay
their workers as least as possible all while working them as much as possible. As...
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Before the government stepped in however, one of the biggest strikes most violent
strikes of all time happened in 1903 Colorado. Workers formed the Industrial
Workers of the World Union and set out to sabotage and overthrow the whole profit
making system . This caused a problem that the federal government simply could
not ignore due to the halt in production of goods needed to keep the economy
moving. Then after a major fire occurred in a factory killing 146 workers, laws were
put in affect to mandate minimum wages, maximum work hours, conditions of the
work place and child labor
Clytemnestra s Acts Of Deception And Ambiguity
Clytemnestra, the wife of Agamemnon, displays acts of deception and ambiguity
throughout the play Agamemnon. Clytemnestra is at home for about 10 years while
Agamemnon is away at the battle of Troy. While Agamemnon is away at war,
Clytemnestra cheated on him with Aegisthus. This leads to much of the deception
and ambiguity leading up to and after Agamemnons death. Clytemnestrabelieves she
is doing the just thing by murdering Agamemnon because he had their daughter,
Iphigenia, sacrificed. During the play the audience is shown how Clytemnestra is
ambiguous and gives her reasoning behind this just cause for murdering her husband.
Clytemnestra is full of deception and ambiguity in many scenes of this play. She is
able to deceive her husband, ... Show more content on ...
I agree with the Chorus and their view that Clytemnestra should not have murdered
her husband out of revenge. The Chorus says no one will stand by you, you have
no allies. Revenge will come and you will pay, blow for blow (Agamemnon .1429
.1430). Here the Chorus is saying Clytemnestra will get what she deserves for this
and that she will not get away with murdering her husband. I agree with this
because none of the citizens will stand by a queen who murdered the king. Also, her
children will not stand by their mother who murdered their father. Another reason
the Chorus argues against Clytemnestra s position is because justice will come to
those who deserve it. The sword of Justice is being sharpened on the grindstone of
Destiny to cut more pain the Chorus means that the Gods are prepared to give
punishment to Clytemnestra and she will not be able to escape it because it is her
destiny (Agamemnon .1535 .1536). This is another point I agree with and it is
similar to an eye for an eye. There is cycle of wrong doing that occurs throughout the
play, Agamemnon killed Iphigenia, so Clytemnestra killed Agamemnon. Now it is
time for Clytemnestra to be killed as justification for her wrong doing. Lastly, the
Chorus says such unrelenting anger...a vicious trial of destruction, an insatiable
appetite for disaster (Agamemnon
How Native Korean Speakers Produce English Unstressed...
4.Research Questions and Hypotheses
This study focuses on how native Korean speakers produce English unstressed
vowels. When an unstressed vowel is ought to be produced as a schwa, the study
will be on what the alternative vowel sounds of the schwa could be.As mentioned
above, English and Korean have non comparable prosodic features from each other.
The goal of this study is to investigate the possible effects of prosodic characteristics
of the L1 Korean on the production of L2 English unstressed vowels.
Since Korean has no stress pattern in lexical word level, it is expected that Korean
speakers will produce a full vowel affected by the Korean prosody which has only
stressed full vowels. Further, it is more likely that they have difficulty in
producing reduced intensities and shorter duration for unstressed vowels
compared to the stressed vowels. In terms of vowel quality, if the vowels are
produced as non reduced vowels, the realization will be full vowels. This study
focuses on the acoustic analysis of the vowel quality of the reduced vowels. As far
as concerned with which vowels will be produced as full vowels, it is predicted that
the participants will produce other full vowels influenced by the assimilation effect of
their L1, Korean.
In order to investigate how a native Korean speaker produces unstressed vowels
which are affected by the L1 Korean, I had four participants consisting of two native
Korean speakers and two English native speakers who
Semiotics In That 70s Show
Introduction Semiotics can be defined as the study of symbols and signs
particularly with regard to how they are used to create meaning and communicate it
to others. Semiotics also offers tools that make it possible to uncover the cultural
conventions and codes that highlight the period to which a setting was placed and
interpret meanings behind the symbols (Berger, 2014). In the pilot episode of That
70s Show , it is possible to apply semiotic analysis since there are various signs and
symbols that reveal different elements of the show. Different signifiers in the episode
and what they portray helps the audience to interpret the message that the producer is
trying to convey. That 70s Show has a large presence of signs, signifiers, codes and
ideologies that relate to teenage relationships and their lives in general during the
1970s. Additionally, it is important to highlight character placement and the semiotics
involved pertaining to the viewers.
Parents son relationship The character Eric and his father form an important conflict
in the storyline. His father, Red, is a conservative war veteran who is an all
American and very patriotic. He hates the Korean War despite the fact that he fought
in it and he has a difficult time adapting to the changing times. Most ... Show more
content on ...
Although the producer does not make this evident, there are several signs that
highlight this point. For one, there is one teenager who would be holding a stick of
incense and behind them the audience can see smoke clouds behind this group. This
normally signifies the use of drugs and in particular marijuana. It is also evident from
the teenagers reactions that they are under the influence of marijuana. They laugh
uncontrollably and their statements do not seem to make sense. The camera also pans
from one individual to the other to symbolize the passing of the
The Pursuit of Virtue in Pride and Prejudice Essay
Virtue is truly a complex word an element of the essence of man that Jane Austen
portrays in her novel Pride and Prejudice . Through a profound scrutiny of the
character of the protagonists, and through her interpretation of how vanity, pride, and
self knowledge intervenes in the development of the virtueof the characters,
Austen intends to show how human happiness is found by living in accordance with
human dignity, which is a life in accordance with virtue.
Austen creates a scenario where she allows the reader to identify a variety of
persons, each of them with a certain and peculiar character. With this diversity, we are
able to highlight in each person of the novel, different traits that can lead us to talk
about ... Show more content on ...
Here, vanity relates to what we would like others to think of us, but is not merely a
concern with what others think. Having this definition in mind, then, we can say
that Elizabeth Bennet can be accused of vanity, because she is excessively
concerned with what one person Mr. Darcy thinks of her. Undoubtedly, this
comparison shows us that one of the characters, Miss Bingley, lacks completely of
virtue. The Aristotelian definition of virtue says it is a point between a deficiency
and an excess of trait, and the point of greatest virtue is the exact middle, the golden
mean. The real virtue is confidence, it is between self deprecation and vanity, and
undoubtedly Miss Bingley is completely in the worst extreme.
Instead, remaining with Austen definition of vanity, Elizabeth is not at the greatest
point of virtue, but is actually near to it.
It is really important to keep in mind, that if we want to move away from the
extremes and achieve the maximum point of virtue, self knowledge has a central
role, as it is a prerequisite for moral improvement that will conduce us to the
foundation of good principles. In the novel,
Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet are only free of their pride and prejudice, which was
an impediment to their love, when their dealings with one another help them see their
faults and encourage them to improve. So by leaving behind those traits, both were
closer to
Current Conditions And Desired Conditions
Table of Contents
Discussion of Instructional Problem3
Current Conditions and Desired Conditions3
Data Collection Process4
Discussion of Data Collection Instruments Used4
Discussion of Sources of Data5
Data Gathered Through Other Sources6
Results of Data Analysis6
Data Analysis Techniques Used6
Results of Analysis7
Table 17
Table 28
Table 39
Findings of Needs Analysis10
Need for Instruction10
Goal of Instruction11
Appendix A: Student Pre Assessment13
Appendix B: Teacher Survey16
Different Words: Same Meaning
Discussion of Instructional Problem American college students know research and
essay writing is an inevitable aspect of their educational career. Gathering research
based materials and paraphrasing this information can be daunting for some English
speaking students. For college bound English as a Second Language (ESL) students
this task of paraphrasing research sources and avoiding plagiarism while keeping the
information as authentic and accurate as possible can be nearly impossible. Many
ESL college students have yet to learn the techniques to correctly paraphrase the
information they gather. Paraphrasing is an essential skill needed to compose a
successful research essay. Restating research materials using one s own words by
using strategies such as rewording, using synonyms and sentence restructuring are
techniques and skills required to paraphrase. These strategies have not been obtained
to the standard that ESL students need to be
Differences In Cinder And Cinderella
Although Cinder and Cinderella are very different they stayed strong. There are many
similarities and differences in both Cinder and Cinderella. When comparing both
stories it is clear that there is more differences than similarities. The main conflict is
basically the same, but the details are not. Cinder and Cinderellaare not only two
different stories, but they re also two different characters. The differences in
Cinder are: She s a cyborg, she s immune to letumosis, she s a lunar, she s a
mechanic, one of her step sisters is nice to her, and the story is based on the future.
Cinder was in a hover accident and was required to be transformed into a cyborg.
She s also a lunar which makes her immune to letumosis. Cinder is close to
A Brief Look a the Panama Canal
From a distance, the Panama Canal seems like an imperialist relic, a historical
leftover from a nearly forgotten chapter of US history. Up close, however, it is
apparent that the Panama Canal is one of the world s great waterways, the highly
efficient economic engine for a rather prosperous Latin American country. The
creation of the Panama Canalwas an unprecedented feat of engineering, the most
costly single effort ever before mounted anywhere on earth. It affected the lives of
tens of thousands of people at every level of society and of virtually every race and
nationality. It marked a score of advances in engineering, government planning,
and labor relations. The American effort to build the Panama Canal began in
1904. The first ship sailed through the canal in 1914, ten years and $326 million
later. The canal would not be fully open to commercial traffic for another six years.
Landslides shut it down for most of 1915 and 1916, and then briefly in 1917 and
1920. Strikes hit the canal in 1916 and 1917. World War I practically closed it to
commercial traffic, and work continued on clearing dangerous hills, fixing locks, and
finishing all the ancillary construction required by the canal. The Panama Canal
finally opened to civilian traffic on July 20, 1920, after an additional six years and
$53 million, costing twice its initial estimate, after adjusting for inflation.
Early efforts to construct the canal were undertaken by the French. The same French
entrepreneurs who had
Risk Management
RT A # 2(17) (Vol.1) 2010, June
Heinz Peter Berg Bundesamt fГјr Strahlenschutz, Salzgitter, Germany e mail:
Risk management is an activity which integrates recognition of risk, risk assessment,
developing strategies to manage it, and mitigation of risk using managerial resources.
Some traditional risk managements are focused on risks stemming from physical or
legal causes (e.g. natural disasters or fires, accidents, death). Financial risk
management, on the other hand, focuses on risks that can be managed using traded
financial instruments. Objective of risk management is ... Show more content on ...
1) This standard is intended to support existing industry or sector specific standards.
Figure 1. Approach of the planned generic standard on risk management.
As with the definition of risk, there are equally many accepted definitions of risk
management in use. Some describe risk management as the decision making process,
excluding the identification and assessment of risk, whereas others describe risk
management as the complete process, including risk identification, assessment and
decisions around risk issues.
RT A # 2(17) (Vol.1) 2010, June
One well accepted description of risk management is the following: risk management
is a systematic approach to setting the best course of action under uncertainty by
identifying, assessing, understanding, acting on and communicating risk issues. In
order to apply risk management effectively, it is vital that a risk management culture
be developed. The risk management culture supports the overall vision, mission and
objectives of an organization. Limits and boundaries are established and
communicated concerning what are acceptable risk practices and outcomes. Since
risk management is directed at uncertainty related to future events and outcomes, it is
Shapiro Chapter 2 Solutions
Shapiro: Chapter 2: Capital Budgeting Principles and Techniques QUESTIONS
1.a.What is the relationship between accounting income and economic profit?
Answer: Accounting income is calculated by taking revenues and subtracting all cash
and non cash expenses (such as depreciation). Accounting income also often
recognizes losses for tax purposes as well, even though the economic loss may have
taken place at another time. Economic profit is the sum of the present values of all
the cash flows net of expenses generated by the firm s actions. Economic profit
measures true increments to value, but is hard to measure. Accounting profit is
correlated with economic profit, but not perfectly so. Accounting profit can be
measured much... Show more content on ...
What additional information would you need in order to make that decision?
Answer: These figures tell you what Dow earned in 1990. In order to decide on future
investments, you need the following information: 1.Whether these returns are
representative of those expected to be earned in the future in these different divisions.
What matters for investment decisionmaking are projected future returns, not past
returns. To the extent that these returns vary widely from year to year which they do
in the chemical business historical return data for one year are meaningless. One
reason these data may be misleading is that they are based on historical cost figures
for investment. You really want to calculate returns on the
New Jobs, Lifestyle, And A Sense Of Independence
New jobs, lifestyle, and a sense of independence began in the 1990s. Friends, the
favored comedic television series, portrayed this American culture. This sitcom
included ten seasons, which aired from 1994 to 2004 ( The setting
was in Manhattan, New York, and included the Central Perk coffee house. It revealed
the lives of six young adults: Jennifer Aniston (Rachel), Courteney Cox (Monica),
Lisa Kudrow (Phoebe), Matt LeBlanc (Joey), Matthew Perry (Chandler), and David
Schwimmer (Ross), who depicted a dysfunctional family. Each character has their
unique personality, which united them. This series revealed how life was lived to
those in their mid twenties to early thirties and how to overcome circumstances in
this time period, which was the foundation of the show s popularity. In the episode,
The Last One, these loyal friendsexemplified honesty, growth, a family unit with the
recollection of cherished memories through the use of humor and pathos. Here is a
quick summary of this episode. The Last One, commenced with Phoebe and
Chandler taking Erica to the hospital to give birth to twins; Monica and Chandler
adopt them and name the babies Erica and Jack. Joey then wants to give Monica and
Chandler a house warming gift of a chick and duckling but loses them. With the help
of Chandler, they find them in their pool table, but only Monica is able to break the
table and save the birds. Through all incidents, Ross, with encouragement from
Phoebe, ultimately
Observational Exam
The routes in which you take notes amid an observational examination is especially
an individual choice created after some time as you turn out to be more experienced
in watching. Be that as it may, all field notes for the most part comprise of two
sections: Expressive data, in which you endeavor to precisely record accurate
information [e.g., date and time] and the settings, activities, practices, and discussions
that you watch; and, Intelligent data, in which you record your contemplations,
thoughts, inquiries, and worries as you are leading the perception. Field notes ought
to be fleshed out as quickly as time permits after a perception is finished. Your
underlying notes might be recorded in obscure shape and, unless extra detail is...
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As you watch, be considering the hidden importance of what you watch and record
your contemplations and thoughts in like manner. This will encourage on the off
chance that you to make inquiries or look for illumination from members after the
perception. To maintain a strategic distance from any perplexity, resulting remarks
from members ought to be incorporated into a different, intelligent piece of your field
notes and not converged with the enlightening notes. General Rules for the
Expressive Substance Portray the physical setting. Portray the social condition and
the path in which members communicated inside the setting. This may incorporate
examples of associations, recurrence of cooperations, bearing of correspondence
designs [including non verbal communication], and examples of particular behavioral
occasions, for example, clashes, basic leadership, or joint effort. Depict the members
and their parts in the setting. Depict, decently well, the significance of what was seen
from the points of view of the members. Record correct quotes or close
approximations of remarks that relate straightforwardly to the motivation behind the
Cause Of The Spanish American War
Causes of the Spanish American War
In April of 1898 America finally declared war against Spain and this was as a result
of the sinking of the Battleship Maine in Havana in February of the same year.
After months of war and wrangles, the war came to an end after the signing of the
Treaty of Paris on 10th of December 1898.1 The end of the war saw the Spaniards
loss complete control over majority of their remaining empires aboard including Cuba
, Philippines Islands, Puerto Rico, and Guam among other islands in South America
and the Caribbean region. Majority of experts and historians believe are convinced
that the Spanish American War is the first media war in the world. This is due to the
fact that the period prior to the war, majority of ... Show more content on ...
The conflict and wrangles between Cuba and Spain resulted to about 100,000 deaths
of Cubans.3 Majority of the Cubans from the suburbs and rural areas were herded by
the Spanish in camps where they suffered of starvation and other diseases. Sanitation
and insufficient food was the main concern of these people and this resulted to
massive casualties. The highlighted injustices, together with other political
motivations led to America s intervention in the year 1898. Subsequently, the
Americans were able to overthrow the Spanish rule rendering both Cuba and
Philippines as part its colonies.
Desire to spread Christianity and democracy
While one cannot simply deny America s colonialist presuppositions in involving
itself with the war, it is clear that the main driving force and motivation into the war
was founded on the development of America s national identity that held the nation
as being just, democratic and humane.4 As such, America had a duty to protect the
oppressed regardless of their nationality and race. America s victory over Spain, and
the restoration of peace among the Cuban people was an affirmation that America
was a democratic and just nation. To a large extend, this victory placed America in
the center of global power and control.
In addition, the Protestant Christians in America strongly objected the Spanish
cruelty in Cuba and were more than willing to help. Majority of the Americans at this
time were
Exam Review
Review Exam 2 1. Planet X has a radius 3 times larger than the earth s radius. How
does this planet s volume compare to Earth s volume? a. The volume is 3 times
larger than the Earth s radius. b. The volume is 1/9 the Earth s radius. c. The volume
is 27 times the Earth s Radius. d. The volume is 1/27 times the Earths radius. 2. The
moons X and Y orbit 2 different planets. They have the same orbital velocity, but the
distance of X from its planetis 2 times the distance of planet Y from its planet.
Which planet has more Mass? PLANET X 3. The Earth s average density is 5.5 kg
/L. A planet discovered orbiting another starhas an average density of 3.2 kg/L. What
does this tell us about this planet?... Show more content on ...
ANSWER: Outer Planets are Terrestrial and the Inner Planets are Jovian. This is
because the temperature is lower at the center of the protoplanetary disk in this
scenario and in this case OUTSIDE the frost line actually means that it gets hotter the
farther away, and so water would melt outside this water line and the outer planets
would be Jovian.
12. If we find a Jovian planet inside the frost line of a star, what can we assume
about its formation? Jovian Planets can only form outside the frost line, so it must
have moved inward. We assume it has moved in because it could not have formed
there. 13. Seismic Waves inside the Earth . Cannot travel through liquids . Travel at
different speeds in materials of different densities or compositions and change
direction as they move from one material to another. . Travel in straight lines with
speeds that change as the waves move through materials of different densities or
compositions. . Always travel in a straight line at a constant speed. 14. The Earth s
interior received its heat energy from the impacts of planetesimals and from
radioactivity. This heat and energy is gradually radiating into space. As the Earth s
interior continues to cool, we can expect that, in the distant future, . The entire
interior will become one homogeneous solid. . The mantle will become molten while
the core will
Gone Baby Gone Essay
Gone Baby Gone directed by Ben Affleck is centered on the kidnapping of a four
year old girl named Amanda. This movie is based in Boston in the Dorchester area.
Even though this movie is centered on a kidnapping, there are other crimes being
committed. In this film there is abuse of justice, negligence, policecorruption, child
molestation, drug abuse, and murder. Each of the main characters in this film
commits a crime. The main characters in this film are Patrick Kenzie; the private
investigator, Jack Doyle; the leader of Crimes Against Children Taskforce, Remy
Bressant; a police officer, Lionel McCready; Helene s brother who is married to Bea
McCready and hires Patrick, Helene McCready; Amanda s mother who uses drugs and
... Show more content on ...
The crime theory associated with Kenzie is Deterrence Theory. He made good
choices and bad choices out of freewill. But overall Patrick wanted to find Amanda
and bring her back to Helene. Toward the end of the film his resolve to bring
Amanda back to her mother is shown. He finds Amanda living with Doyle and
Amanda is returned to her mother. But it cost him though; Angie gave him a
choice. She would leave him if he decided to take Amanda away from Doyle and
return her to her mother. Patrick choose the latter and his relationship with Angie
ended. Lionel is Helene s brother and Amanda s uncle. In the beginning of the film
Lionel and his wife Bea hired Patrick and Angie to find Amanda. At first Lionel
acts like a concerned family member, but his involvement in the kidnapping of
Amanda is found out in the later parts of the film. Lionel and Remy had conspired
to stage a fake kidnapping in order to take Cheese s drug money for themselves and
to save Amanda from her mother s bad parenting. He was also going to split the
ransom money along with Remy Bressant. The crime theory this associated with
Lionel is Rational Choice theory. The central assumption involved in Rational
Choice theory is crime is a... reasonable alternative to other less palatable and
possibly more costly outcomes . He was motivated on providing Amanda with a
better life away from her drunkard mother. In his eyes he was going to provide his
niece with a
Bibl 104 Worldview Letter
Hi Dear Doug I am so glad that you send me a letter, I hope that my answers are
helpful for you. First of all, worldview relates to the purposes of God. God created
the world for a specific purpose as a place for mankind to exist. Is a perspective, a
hypothesis of the world, utilized for living as a part of the world. A world
perspective is a mental model of reality a structure of thoughts and demeanors
about the world, ourselves, and life, an exhaustive arrangement of conviction. We
should study worldview because that help us to discover how God works in the
world, to better understand the Bible and how to apply it to your life. Also we
should study varieties of world views to learn how to difference between good and
evil. Not just because
Committed Some Offense. As Opposed To Being Distinctly
committed some offense. As opposed to being distinctly threatening when one is
annoyed, the Iranian who is ghahr with somebody pulls back from any further
action. This withdrawal is not just silence; it is an inward mental withdrawal from
the individual who has irritated their partner. Individuals from all societies have this
inclination, however Iranians have created and refined this sort of reaction more
than others. It could be said that being ghahr may have some helpful qualities, since
it avoids further rough cooperation and fistfights are less inclined to break out. In
any case, being ghahr is a demonstration of wrecking an association with somebody,
as well as of self demolition. The partners pull back to a special internal... Show more
content on ...
The others are what give the films their strength and masterful expression.
Over the moderately artistic life of Salinger, a large portion of his stories concern
different encounters of the anecdotal Glass family over the mid twentieth century
in New York City. The film focuses on the Glass family s seven intelligent and
savvy youngsters, Seymour, Buddy, Zooey and Franny, every one of whom show
up in scenes of the film Pari (Salinger). The suicide of Seymour Glass, the most
established and most magnetically splendid of the Glass kids, is depicted in
Salinger s A Perfect Day for Bananafish, the story that propelled Salinger to fame.
Parts of this story, however in modified shape and set later in time, are delineated in
Pari. Be that as it may, generally, Pari mirrors the two stories, Franny and Zooey,
which Salinger set near one another in time. Together, those two stories relate the
improvement of Franny s strange world. Franny has long and close relationship
with her sibling Zooey (Salinger). In spite of the fact that Seymour had kicked the
bucket seven years prior, significant reference is made to his solid scholarly impact
on both Zooey and Franny in those two stories. Exchanging a composed anecdotal
story into film regularly displays issues to the movie producer, especially regarding
how to introduce the
Rahmanian 6 considerations of the characters that were portrayed in
The Four Characteristics Of The Goddess Saraswati Puja
Saraswati puja 2018 Date: Significance, Puja Shubh Muhurat Time Vidhi to Celebrate
Saraswati puja:
Goddess Saraswati, the primeval goddess of knowledge, arts, music, and language
is worshipped in the month of Magh.From this day onwards the spring season or
(Basant Ritu) begins in India. The goddess represents creative power and energy in l
its form and she is the wife of Brahma. Hindus associate the goddess with favorite
color as the season is the time of festival and the color of the festival and it is
reflected in the agricultural fields which are decorated with yellow flowers of the
mustard crop. People dress in yellow saris or shirts or accessories. Some add saffron
to their rice than eat yellow cooked rice
Basant Panchami, one of the most popular festivals of Hindu, is dedicated to goddess
Saraswati, the deity of knowledge and all forms of arts. Every year this special
occasion falls on the panchami Tithi according to Hindu mythology. The day of
Magh is also the beginning day of spring. The Goddess stands for serenity and peace.
Generally placed on a lotus she is clothed with a milk white silk sari. Her lower left
hand is occupied with a book. Her four arms signify four characteristics of human
personality namely intellect, mind, alertness and ego. And the lotus of her hand
symbolizes exact knowledge. The swan beside her is the embodiment of purity and it
confirms the fact that we have the inner ability to differentiate the dire from the good.
Importance of
Paradise Lost Thesis
John Milton sought to a very ambitious thing with his greatest work, Paradise Lost.
He boldly asserted himself to the epic tradition, the most difficult genre. Further, the
goal of his writing was perhaps the hardest topic a human being can engage with,
the problem of evil. At the risk of being cliche, the old adage, If you lose your faith
over anything less than the problem of evil, you are simply not thinking. seems fitting.
Milton seems at least, whatever his faults, to understand the weight of the objection.
He clearly describes this in the opening lines of his epic:
That to the heighth of this great argument
I may assert eternal providence,
And justify the ways of God to men. (1.24 26)
This is the underlying point of the whole ... Show more content on ...
So what must he do to answer this objection? Firstly, one would have to be very
arrogant to maintain that he knew what the answer to this question is for everyone.
The reader of Milton cannot really say: This whole business doesn t do a thing to
show God innocent, nobody could ever see God as justified by this book. This is
simply due to the nature of the problem of evil. The fact is,the problem of evil
actually assumes something quite interesting about the character or quality of the
universe. It must assume that the idea of good and evil makes any sense at all. For
if we say that God is not good for allowing evil to continue, we must be appealing to
a standard of good that God does not match. Lewis frames this situation well:
My argument against God was that the universe seemed so cruel and unjust. But
how had I got this idea of just and unjust? A man does not call a line crooked unless
he has some idea of a straight line. What was I comparing this universe with when I
called it unjust? (Lewis 31)
The point is to say that we must be comparing our perception of God to a supreme
standard of good, and where else does this come from, but God. Thus the objection
itself assumes that God must exist. So then what is the point of a theodicy? If we are
not defending God s existence, what are we seeking to do? What objection are we
defending God
Symbolism In Anthem By Ayn Rand
If you take myth and folklore, and these things that speak in symbols, they can be
interpreted in so many ways that although the actual image is clear enough, the
interpretation is infinitely blurred, a sort of enormous rainbow of every possible
colour you could imagine (Diana Wynne Jones). Symbols are objects, characters,
figures, or colors used to represent abstract ideas or concepts.In Anthem by Ayn Rand
, symbols are used throughout the novel, allowing to reveal more hidden information
about Equality as a person as well as how it portrays to theme.
Throughout the novel, multiple different symbols are being portrayed, although the
symbol of light depicts the full meaning of the characters and theme of Anthem. Ayn
Rand uses light to symbolize knowledge, hope, freedom, and life. The light
symbolizes hope since, it shows how Equality separates himself from collectivism
and thinks for himself when he proclaims We made it. We created it. We brought it
forth from the night of the ages. We alone. Our hands. Our mind. Ours alone and
only (59). By contrast to the light of the box, the City is dark and only lit by
candlelight. Therefore the light shows the hope that Equality and all others have of
breaking away from the collective society and becoming individuals and to have
freedom to be themselves. The discovery of light starts Equality s journey of
changing the society and granted him the chance to create a new world where light
and other things from the Unmentionable Times exist.
The symbolization of the light in Anthem helps characterize Equality as an individual
in the novel in various different ways. The light allowed and led Equality to his
freedom of being himself rather than characterized as a group with his brothers.
Equality discovering and inventing the lightbulb was his first realization of
individuality. In the dark haze of this society, all things are indistinct. Until when light
is brought to display can those with abnormal qualities be distinguished from the
crowd. Consequently, Equality s lightbulb makes him a sign of massive social
disturbance but, at the same time that it helps him see himself as the unique
individual that he truly is. Tomorrow, in the full light of day, we shall take
Perotin Is Hailed As A Kind Of Mozart Of His Time
PГ©rotin is hailed as a sort of Mozart of his time. He was a scholarly musician and
musical innovator . PГ©rotin is called by many different names: Perotinus his Latin
Name and Perotinus Magnus PГ©rotin the Great ; and even optimus discantor , or
great composer of discant. According to Hussman, PГ©rotin was a court composer
for Notre Dame, but his connection to Notre Dame is not entirely confirmed. It is
because of an account by the English traveler Anonymous IV and letters to a Bishop
that it is accepted that PГ©rotin was associated with Notre Dame. Whether he wrote
specifically for Notre Dame or not, PГ©rotin wrote magnificent musicthat has been
preserved for several centuries to this day .
The life of PГ©rotin is uncertain and full of speculation. Different scholars have
very diverse ideas of PГ©rotin s life. Tischler believed that PГ©rotin was born
sometime between 1155 and 1160. He also stated that he was a pupil of Leonin, the
composer of the Magnus liber. PГ©rotin is believed to have to have been a better
organum composer the Leonin himself and even revised the Magnus liber at the end
of the 12th century between 1180 and 1190 . In revising the Magnus liber, PГ©rotin
composed and inserted his own clausula and puncta, such as Alleluya Nativitas into
the Magnus liber. The works of PГ©rotin are known to be beautiful and thoughtfully
voiced with colorful textural harmonies. Sometime after revising the Magnus liber,
PГ©rotin began composing three voice organum. Later in his life,
Sylish Floor Essay
Stylish Floors: Decorating With Area Rug
In a room that lacks excitement add a rug, and problem solved. That might be a
good reason to decorate your house with a rug, but there are others just as
compelling. It completes a room by tying all the various pieces together visually. A
rug can define a room, anchor it, help layer the dГ©cor of your room, or even add
There are various ways to decorate your room with a rug. Here are some of the
gems of wisdom from top designers that can hopefully help you to stylishly decorate
your floor and make it more fun.
1.Centre stage
You should consider a rug as a decoration, but it can also be a foundation of an
elegant space. According to Amy Bubier a designer, rugs are restraining... Show more
content on ...
The area rug that you choose can bring forth something surprising or add a
thunderbolt of colour. Do not be afraid to use a rich pattern or bold colour. On white
walls, chairs and floors, the zebra inspired rug enhances a jolt of colours
5.All Sizes and Shapes
Is your living room long and narrow? Don t worry! The area rugs come in different
sizes and shapes, and for every space there is one. Andreea Avram Rusu says that the
shape of the area rug should depend on the furniture and the size and shape of the
room. She further suggests that in dining rooms you can use a hexagonal rug with a
square table, rectangular rug with a long table, and a round rug with a round table.
6.Defining Spaces
You should not limit your room with one rug. You can use two different rugs to
define the different areas in an ultra large space. Ensure that the two rugs coordinate
and complement with each other. You can only use multiple rugs in big rooms.
7.Colour Unity
According to Designer Celia, you can use a neutral rug to tone down the vivacious
tables and sofas. The elusive red pattern of an area rug can add to the modernity of
the space. She further says that an area rug chosen can be used as a tool by bringing
about unity to the scheme of the colour or by giving the mood and adding charm to a
8.Floor Border
When placing an area rug to your room, don t cover the floor completely. Ensure you
leave certain of the flooring showing. If you are creating a custom area
Similarities Between Greeks And Trojans
Greeks and Trojans
The Iliad is a book full of poems that talk about the history of Trojans and Greeks.
Within the Iliad, there is a strong urge to show a world in which was are
tremendous and the gods have direct hand in human events and these deities
influence fate. The two leading gods, Achillies and Aeneas, the reader can see the
ways in which these two cultural problems entwine and try to create an image of the
ancient world which is at once barbarously real in terms of the depiction of not just
the glory, but also the horrors of war which are filled with supernatural and mystical
figures called the gods.
Each of the main characters are selected by the gods in some ways but however
gained favor not only because of who they are and of their birth but also are fated
to prove themselves as a true warrior and to fulfill certain expectations to prove to
see if they are worthy or not.
The gods in the Iliad are manifested not just to have a direct hand in the lives of
mortals, but moreover to be picky about whom they would like to help. Greek
religion held powers and fears of all kinds so therefore the reasons behind their
motivation and resolutions is not like the modern Christian notion where they think
that whoever deserves to have the honor will be it. From what I have read to see,
its gods were within the world, one that they did not create. Power such as gods,
spirits and nymphs did not die but yet were born. The Greek gods were immortal
and had a long life with all
Agriculture Vs Aztec Research Paper
I believe that historians should emphasize more on Aztec agriculture than Aztec
human sacrifice. The Aztecs were an ancient civilization found in the modern day
Mexico City of there empire tenochitlan which was there Aztec empire. Two aspects
that they are known for are Agriculture and human sacrifice. However, historians
should emphasize on Agriculturemore for many reasons. One reason why is this had
a big growth on the empire because they used agriculture for food and to grow
plants to make for they city to eat. Another reason is because they had a major
engineering achievement because they built Chinampas to farm and grow crops to
eat. The last reason is that they had a large scale of Chinampas and because of this
they had and abundance
Fahrenheit 451 Unit 6 Term Papers
With the Presidential Election drawing closer to American s everyday, voters have
a choice for President for the next four years. Yet the questions remains as to what
truly drives voters to go to the polls every four years. American s face many issues
in this election; however, the issue I m going to focus on boils down to one simple
thing: EPA Regulation and coal. Coal has been seen as a main source of energy in
multiple states such as Kentucky, West Virginia and Pennsylvania. During the past
eight years, the production of coal has suffered due to excessive regulation by both
the Obama Administration and the EPA. With all of this being said, I will be voting
for Donald Trump for President and Mike Pence for Vice President under the
Republican... Show more content on ...
My great grandfather mined in coal mines in Nitro, West Virginia for years. My
great uncle currently works at a factory where he is only limited to do certain
aspects of his job due to recent EPA regulations restricting what the factory can do
due to the factory producing chemicals within the air that is harmful to the
environment. Presidential candidate Donald Trump has a plan to combat these
unnecessary EPA regulations stated within the following quote The current
Administration, and particularly its EPA, seems not to care. Its Clean Power Plan
the centerpiece of the President s war on coal has been stayed by the Supreme
Court. We will do away with it altogether. Donald Trump and the Republican Party
understands that the effort to protect the environment has gone too far with extreme
measures as he states in this quote We will end the war on coal and the war on
miners. The idea of preserving my great grandfather s hard work, along with my
great uncle s career drives me to the polls because the government is attempting to
help them in theory, but just as recently stated, have gone too far in their efforts to
protect the environment and thus I must stand up and go to the polls this November
to save coal along with my family s hard
Swot Analysis Of Samsung
Samsung has been dedicated to making a better world by reaching a diverse range of
businesses involving advanced technology, skyscraper and plant construction,
finance, hotels, and more. Samsung is known for their flagship company, Samsung
Electronics, that now leads the global market in high tech electronics manufacturing
and digital media. This company is well known around the world.
From a small export business in Taegu, South Korea, Samsung s innovative and top
quality products and processes has brought them to be one of the world s leading
electronic companies. Lee Byung chul was the founder of the Samsung and also one
of South Korea s most successful businessmen. Now, Samsung is South Korea s
largest business group that is ran by Lee s family which is known as a chaebol based
company. In the late 1960 s, Samsung entered the electronics industry. In 1980,
Samsung entered the telecommunications hardware which caused the facility to be
developed into a telephone and fax manufacturing system and eventually became the
center of Samsung s mobile phone manufacturing. From the beginning and to the end,
Samsung has reached outside its boundaries, making it successful and continuing to
grow and prosper. Market structure refers to the characteristics of the market which
describes the nature of competition and the pricing policy (e.g price wars) followed
in the market. As being, Samsung is an oligopoly competitive. An oligopoly is a
market where there are only a few firms that
The Pursuit Of Happiness In Ayn Rand s Omelas
Imagine living in a place where happiness is everywhere. It is a society that is
considered near perfect. In the story, Omelas was that place. It was a place of
happiness without misery. But when you tell people of such a place they are
reluctant to believe that such a place exists. Perfection is something that no one
can achieve so how can a society achieve such a thing. Most everyone would want
to live in this place of blissful happiness, but it is impractical that such a place can
exist with so many diverse type of people in the world with different views, ideas,
and standards. In order for a utopiato exist, everyone has to think and act alike. Is
there really such a place that exist?
Every culture has their version of utopia, but they all ... Show more content on ...
It implies that there is no place that exist where there is happiness entirely. Where
there is happiness, there is also sadness and misery. The pursuit of happiness can
also make you less happy because it is a never ending search and you will never be
satisfied. However, we are brought up to pursue happiness because that is what
society believes should be the goal in life. If you re not happy then something is
wrong with you. Experiencing happiness makes you feel good about yourself. It
leads to improved social outcomes and even makes you healthier. So being happy
is something that people should experience or at least we are taught to believe.
Now imagine if you could live in a city that guarantees happiness. In the story of
Omelas, happiness is given to all but at a price. That price is to sacrifice one
human being, a child that is caged for the benefit of the rest. The one child suffers
horribly so the rest can be happy. In many different places, the suffering of few is
justified by those trying to delivers the greater good for the greater number. An
example is Jesus Christ and how he had to sacrifice himself for the sins of others. He
had to suffer so others can be
Erik Erikson s Theory And Theory
Both Erik Erikson s theory and Mary Ainsworth and John Bowlby theory support the
idea that early life experiences impact the person across their lifespan. Erikson s
developmental theory discusses the eight stages of life and the forces and values that
arise at each stage, which should be developed within this frame. The attachment
theoryfocuses on the interaction an individual has and the impact it may have on
their psychological and social development. Both theories believe that personality
begins to develop from a young age and therefore occurrences in early life can have
lasting impacts on the developmental of an individual.
An individual s social and psychological development is significantly influenced by
early life and childhood experiences. The experiences an individual has as child
impacts on the development of social skills, behaviours, morals and values of an
Erikson s theory, developed in 1963, supports the idea that early life experiences
impact an individual across their lifespan. This theory considers that growth of an
individual is a result of interaction with the environment, biological maturation and
societal influences, therefore, allowing for experiences from early life, to influence
an individual throughout their lifespan. Erikson s theory focuses on eight different
developmental stages within a lifespan and in order to progress from one stage to
another, an individual must overcome a potential crisis of two opposing forces at each
Panama Canal Building
The Building of the Panama Canal
Introduction The building of the Panama Canal greatly impacted how trade is
shipped from other countries. It saves ships from having to travel all the way around
South America by going straight through Central America. By linking the Atlantic
and Pacific oceans, the Panama Canal cuts off nearly 8,000 miles from a ship s
journey around the Cape Horn. It is an important event in history because it affected
trade and war strategy to make the U.S. more powerful and helpful to other nations.
History Decades before the canal was put under construction, sailors and explorers
desired a simpler, quicker way to get from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.
People noticed that the Isthmus of Panama was only about a 50 mile wide land mass,
and the idea started floating ... Show more content on ...
But having an interoceanic canal wasn t a new idea. Around the Spanish colonial
period, the French attempted this and failed. The U.S. picked up on that failure,
making one distinct change: instead of trying to do exactly as the French and build
a sea level canal across Panama, we decided to construct a lock canal. And it was
successful for several reasons. The U.S. used railroads to move dirt; the French let it
pile up which led to landslides and mud, attracting mosquitos and malaria. The U.S.
established medical innovations to keep yellow fever and malaria under control.
Fairly recently, in August of 2009, the Panama Canal Expansion Project began
construction. With the intention to construct two triple step locks, one on each end
of the canal, the expected duration of the project is 65 months. It is planned that the
improvements will get each ship through the canal in under two hours; compared to
when it took around three or four. It will also be able to transport much bigger ships
with the extensions and advancements. The project should end in early
Proximal Convoluted Tubule Structure
Describe the structure and location of the proximal convoluted tubule, loop of Henle,
distal convoluted tubule, collecting duct, and papillary duct. The proximal
convoluted tubule measures approximately 14 mm long and 60 Ојm in diameter.
Simple cuboidal epithelium makes up its wall. The cells rest on a basement
membrane, which forms the outer surface of the tubule. The loops of Henle are
continuations of the proximal convoluted tubules. Each loop has two limbs: the
descending limb and the ascending limb. The first part of the descending limb is
similar in structure to the proximal convoluted tubules. The loops of Henle that
extend into the medulla become very thin near the end of the loop. The lumen in the
thin part narrows, and an abrupt transition
1000 Month
I read a lot. No, seriously. A LOT. I m about halfway through an MFA program that
requires me to read ten books a month. I read a poem, a short story, and an essay
everyday for The 1000 Day MFA, which is my own baby. I read at least one writing
craft book and one business book a month. So, that s roughly three books a week,
plus 30 poems, 30 short stories, and 30 essays a month all required reading. I have
latitude. I get to pick which books, poems, short stories, and essays I read. I love
all of that reading. Really. Sometimes I can t believe that I ve managed to build a
life that involves so much reading. But there s no space there for just pure pleasure
reading. I was feeling the loss. I wanted to read something that was just for me. I
wanted to read what I wanted to read, goddammit.... Show more content on ...
George R.R. Martin Translation: Pleasure reading connects you to humanity,
expands your universe, AND keeps your brain sharp. So, here s what I did to
incorporate pure pleasure reading back into my life: The 10 minutes of a fiction
reading a day in the WRITER Framework (you know, the 10 minutes I was already
blowing away like a hard sneeze)? I decided that instead of just marking that off as
done X 10, I d dedicate those minutes to reading whatever the hell I wanted to read.
That equals about one one novel a month. Last month I read Blackbirds by Chuck
Wendig. Ten minutes at a time. TMI time: mostly in the bathroom.
/2nKXsqb It was glorious. (Glorious is my 12 year old daughter s favorite word. It
makes me a little sad that I didn t have a favorite word when I was twelve.) Ten
whole minutes of reading that didn t have to go into an annotated bibliography and
wasn t designed to teach me
Evolution of Product Management
вћў The idea of product or brand management began at Proctor Gamble in the early
1930s. вћў All began with a memo directed to the head of the advertising department
by Neil McElroy on May 13, 1931 and ran to three pages considerably more verbose.
вћў McElroy was thus the obvious man to grow and plant the embryo of brand
manager system. вћў McElroy was heading the new soap product Camay which was
directly in competition with Ivory. вћў Camay presumably because management had
foreseen that two brands competing for different segments of the same market would
need different advertising and ultimately a competitive approach. вћў Neil McElroy
experienced internal company ... Show more content on ...
In addition, he has to develop advertising campaigns to promote his products and
Organization image, guided by the Company s overall strategies.
Product Manager must be able to coordinate with sales personnel, think creatively
and laterally, focus on the overall objectives of the company, and interact with
different corporate areas. The growing complexity of building brands demands that
Product Manager must be increasingly versatile and keep up to date with various
developments. Product Manager will also be responsible for obtaining Senior
Management approval and funding for proposed strategies and plans.
Product Manager Personality Synopsis:
Common traits of Product Managers include them being result oriented and creative;
possess strong interpersonal, analytical and communication skills; and have
entrepreneurial aptitude.
Product Manager must be a unique blend of business and technical savvy; a big
picture vision and the drive to make that vision a reality. He must enjoy spending time
in the market to understand sales force problems, and find innovative solutions for
the broader market.Product Manager be able to communicate effectively with various
departments of the company, with good interpersonal skills. A product manager s key
role is strategic, not tactical. Knowledge Requirements include product (s), marketing
, communications, technical writing, economics, statistics,
I Want to Become a Forensic Psychologist
Forensic Psychologist
Shows like Criminal Minds have made the forensics psychologist field progress.
What do forensic psychologist do? Forensic psychologist is the application of the
science and profession of psychology to questions and issues relating to law and the
legal system. (An Overview of Forensic Psychology, 2014)The career I want to
engage in is forensic psychologist but first you have to learn the work environment,
the education, the earnings, the outlook, the pros, and the cons. With numerous
portrayals in books, movies and television programs, interest in forensic psychology
has grown significantly in recent years. (An Overview of Forensic Psychology, 2014)
The work environment of forensic psychologist varies widely. Working hours are
typically nine to five, with some flexibility required. Evening and weekend work
may occasionally be necessary. (Forensic Psychologist, 2012) Most of the time
you will always be on the call. Being on call means at any time you could get a call
and have to drop what you are doing and go tend to what the call was about. As a
trainee you are supervised then as time progresses and you progress the supervision
becomes less. Forensic psychologist work not only with prisoners and offenders but
also with other professionals involved in the judicial penal systems, and with victims
of crime. (Forensic Psychologist: Job Description, Ed. AGCAS, Aug 2012)
To become a forensics psychologist I will at least need to have a
The Judicial Branch Of The United States
The United States of America has a very complex system of government through the
use of checks and balances. The system we have in place allows for the three
branches of government to control one another so that one branch could not be the
most powerful. What makes the judicial branch different is that the decision brought
by the Supreme Court is the final say and cannot be overruled. Along with that the
election process for the legislative and executive branch is brought to by the use of a
vote while those of the Supreme Court appointed by the president. The process of
becoming a Supreme Court justice seems rather undemocratic and the power given
and terms served also seem undemocratic.
The Supreme Court serves as the head of the judicial branch and is made up of 9
justices, 8 associate justices and 1 chief justice. Unlike the other branches of
government, the members of the Supreme Court are nominated by the President and
approved by the Senate. The Judicial branch interprets the law though the use of
court cases and has the power of judicial review where it can rule whether or not
something is permitted under the constitution. Those chosen as Justices of the
Supreme Court are selected by the President and approved by the Senate. They are
not elected for terms by vote like the other branches of Government but instead
appointed by the President and approved by the Senate for life. The reason for this is
that the constitution states that justices shall hold their Offices
Comparing Luke s Gospel And Matthew
The Gospel Writer
The story of Jesus heals a Roman officer s servant was written in he book of Luke
and Matthew. The only Gentile Christian writer of the New Testament was Luke.
Gospel of Luke is the third of the four Gospels of the New Testament, which tells the
story of Jesus. Luke did not live during Jesus life, but he investigated his life very
carefully. Matthew s gospel was written just after Luke s in 90 A.D. Matthew s
Gospel was written in Greek because many parts of the Gospel are the same as
Mark s, which was also written in Greek. Both Matthew and Luke used Mark as a
source. Matthew s Gospel was most likely written in either Palestine or Syria.
Matthew s Gospel was likely written for Christians of Jewish descent. The message ...
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A centurion is a commander of a 100 man army and a servant is someone who
performs duties for others without choice. There is no mention of women in this
story, as they are not treated with much respect or as regular people in society
unlike males. There is nothing mentioned in this story about social groups such as
the Pharisees as it is mostly based around the Jesus, the Centurion and his servant.
Jesus reveals his surprise as he describes the Servant as a very faithful man and that
he has never seen anyone like this before. The centurion initiates action by calling
for Jewish Elders to find Jesus and tell him that his servant needs his help. Through
the story Jesus interacts with all the characters, the Centurion, the servant and the
Jewish Elders. The Servant interacts with everyone except the Elders. While the
Centurion is like Jesus, he interacts with everyone. Words that the writer uses to get
his message across are, they came to Jesus and begged him earnestly, This man really
deserves your help . This gives the view that Jesus is a very important man and is the
one people look to. The point of the text is to post a view and image of who Jesus is
and how capable he is with performing miracles on people who need it
Jeffrey B. Russell s Perception Of Necromancers
Necromancy, in many eyes, portrayed a bad and occult subject, but necromancy was
not always viewed that way. In an effort to know more about the future, many priests
followed this practice. Soon after necromancy became labeled as occult by the
Christian Church and banned later on (Riley). Many people received punishment
because of the Inquisition, an effort made by the Roman Catholic Church, in order to
seek out and reform those who opposed its teachings, that is if they were found out
(Riley). Necromancyis viewed differently in the eyes of people, it is considered a
despicable subject, if necromancers were to be found out what they are practicing,
they were to be punished severely, due to some of the requirements the rituals called
for, that led to necromancy getting a negative concept, but despite this, necromancers
still had their purpose to practice necromancy.... Show more content on ...
According to Jeffrey B. Russell, Necromancy, the art of exhuming dead bodies and
causing them to prophesy, was understandably regarded by nonmagicians as the most
sinister aspect of divination (9). From this text, it can presume that Russell did not
see necromancy as a divine object and more like a negative, or occult subject. In
contrast to Russell, Sarah M. Pike s definition, There are many kinds of divination.
For example, necromancy involves communicating with the spirits of the dead
(Pike). From Pike s input, it can be concluded that Pike may have viewed or
mentioned necromancy as part of a kind of divination (Pike). Due to the many
contrasting, and unclear definitions of necromancy, there was never any clear and
official definition of the word,

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Social Deviance Essay. Human deviance social problems and social control. Human deviance ...

  • 1. Social Deviance Essay Composing an essay on the subject of social deviance can be a challenging endeavor, requiring a nuanced understanding of societal norms, individual behavior, and the intricate interplay between the two. This topic delves into the realm of sociology, psychology, and criminology, demanding a comprehensive exploration of various perspectives and theories. The complexity arises from the multifaceted nature of social deviance itself, encompassing a wide array of behaviors that deviate from established societal norms. Addressing this requires a thorough examination of cultural, historical, and contextual factors that contribute to the definition and perception of deviance. Additionally, delving into the psychological aspects of deviant behavior involves grappling with theories of abnormal psychology and understanding the intricacies of individual decision-making. Moreover, constructing a coherent argument necessitates navigating through a sea of scholarly articles, research papers, and theoretical frameworks. The synthesis of diverse viewpoints and empirical evidence adds a layer of difficulty, requiring a writer to critically analyze and synthesize information to form a well-substantiated and persuasive essay. Crafting an effective social deviance essay also entails the challenge of striking a balance between objectivity and empathy. It is crucial to avoid oversimplification and stigmatization while exploring behaviors labeled as deviant. This demands a delicate handling of sensitive topics and a nuanced examination of the societal responses to deviance. In conclusion, tackling a social deviance essay is no small feat. It involves delving deep into the complexities of human behavior, societal norms, and academic literature. However, with dedication, critical thinking, and a structured approach, one can navigate the intricacies of this subject matter successfully. For those seeking assistance in academic writing or exploration of diverse topics, various services are available online. Platforms like offer a range of writing solutions, providing the opportunity to order essays, research papers, and more, tailored to individual needs. Social Deviance EssaySocial Deviance Essay
  • 2. Debt In College The number one student in college is obtaining too many credit cards. While charging it can provide them instant relief in times of need, many students exaggerate while in college. This turns out to be harmful in the long term for a college student. Let s be honest, the interest is added up quickly and I do not know any credit card that accedes it until after graduation as federal student loans. In my opinion, it is a bad idea to use a credit card in every situation that a student can escape. Finally, this debtcan increase and force a student to divert their educational focus to focus on paying the debt that they owed. The college student must know how to manage their student loan or get help manage the financial goal. Borrow the student ... Show more content on ... With having an excellent credit score of 750 or above would have an APR of 3.240% for 60 months. If my 2013 Toyota Camry (trade in) is valued at $10,200. If we pay around $4000 as down payment. The amount we borrow will reduce from $27470 to $13,270. If we finance that amount for 60 months at 3.240%, the monthly payment on the car would be at $240. If my annual salary is around $80,000 after tax, and my mortgage and utilities of $3010 monthly. I would be able to afford the 2018 Nisan Altima. I could still be able to save some money on the side with this expense. The insurance on the car would cost me around $70 monthly and gas bill with my use would be at $120 monthly. The car would cost me $430. My monthly income after tax is $6,660. My mortgage and car would cost me around $4,369. I would still able to able to save my income before lifestyle
  • 3. Satyam Scandal Essay The Satyam scandal is a corporate scandal that worked in India in 2009 where Chairman Ramalinga Raju confessed that the company s accounts had been falsified not in small numbers but largely. The Global corporate community was shocked and scandalized when the chairman of Satyam, Ramalinga Raju resigned on 7 January 2009and confessed that he had manipulated the accounts by US$1.47 Billion. In February 2009, CBI took over the investigation and filed three charge sheets (on 7 April 2009, 24 November 2009 and 7 January 2010), which were later clubbed into one. On 10 April 2015, Ramalinga Raju was convicted with 10 other members. This was a case in which all its stake holders (government, employees, shareholders, and management) were cheated. All their interests were sacrificed for the personal benefits of the company s chairman who invested a major share of the wealth hence earned in real estate. His confessions about the fraud in the company resulted in the drastic fall of companies share value from 500 to 11 in one single day. This lead to the investors losing their hope and trust in the company.... Show more content on ... The Government of India intervened swiftly in this situation, as they realized that this scam would dent and destroy the image and worthiness of IT sector in India, as it was considered to be one of the backbones of Indian
  • 4. Leaving The Eu Essay On June 24, 2016, a referendum was passed that resulted in Great Britain s withdrawal from the European Union. The decision to exit the EU was a controversial and has significantly affected current social, political, and economic constructs on a local and global scale. Given the importance of this decision, one would expect in depth, professional media coverage; however, this would not be the case from the UK news company, Daily Mail. Following a meeting between the First Minister of Scotland and the British Prime Minister, both of whom are females, the Daily Mail ran a cover titled, Never mind Brexit, who won Legs it! . Next to the title was a picture of the two diplomats sitting next to each other during their meeting, both dressed in... Show more content on ... The media response that bombardment of Daily Mail, however appropriate and necessary it was, distracted citizens from the real political conversation that should have taken place following the meeting. Daily Mail not only diverted the public s attention away from topics that concern their own interest, but simultaneously insulted Nicola Sturgeon and Theresa May. The Daily Mail did not portray the two women as respected dignitaries, or intellectual leaders. Instead, they defined the two women by the lower halves of their bodies, and told the public to ignore the women s conversation. By doing so, the Daily Mail blatantly objectified Nicola Sturgeon and Theresa May, stripping away their right to speak on important topics. Nicola Sturgeon responded to the publications by stating that the Daily Mail was taking Britain back to the 1970 s . Nicola Sturgeon s position has First Minister of Scotland exemplifies how effective feminist movements in the past have been, yet the Daily Mails actions and her comment illustrates how necessary feminist movements still are today. The dismissal of the women s political conversation is similar to the dismissal that the women in Trifles, a play written by Susan Glaspell in the early 20th century, experienced. During the play, the men are attempting to solve a murder case, and value their wives help very little, and often demean the women s conversations without
  • 5. How Did The Vietnam War Affect Australia The Vietnam War had a large impact on Australian culture through many different avenues and to varying degrees. The competing attitudes towards Australia s involvement in the war threw society into a heated debate, whilst the soldiers were in the heat of battle. The returning veterans could not re enter society easily and their children did and will continue to bear the brunt of their hardships. However, the war increased Australia s multiculturalism and diversity in many areas, due to influences from both their allies and enemies . The Vietnam War impacted Australian culture both positively and negatively on a variety of levels and in a variety of areas. The issue of conscription and the extent of Australia s involvement in the war came... Show more content on ... In the years after the war, the American way of life was projected further into Australia via popular culture. The major difference between the Vietnam War, and those before it was drug use, which was rampant among soldiers. Although smoking marijuana was a punishable offense under army rules, many soldiers still indulged. Whilst the South Vietnamese government tried to crack down, this was soon over shadowed by the rise of heroin among the soldiers. Ted Lavender, an American soldier, being one of the key heroin users in the troop said: ...real smooth. Today we ve got ourselves a real mellow war. This drug addiction was brought back with the Australians and is how the first samples of heroin were introduced to Kings Cross. Television also plays a significant role in forming the culture, beliefs and values of a nation, and after the war, America was able to produce television shows more cheaply than Australia. This in turn, meant that Australian characters, themes and issues, were often outweighed by representations of the American way of
  • 6. 20th-Century Working Conditions In today s workforce, many choose their employer based on what benefits are offered or which perks will available to them. This is a luxury of our time. In the 20th century jobs were scarce and what jobs were available paid little compared to the amount of work that was required to maintain employment. Not only was the labor required at the jobs literally back breaking, there were no benefits included such as insurance, 401, or pensions. All of the luxuries of having a job came about during a period of history named The Progressive Era . Imagine waking up at 4:00am to walk 10miles to work at a factory making industrial parts and leaving at 6:00pm to walk another 10miles back home. After years of making this trip and working these long hours your body would naturally start to break down and a trip to the doctor would be welcomed. Now imagine getting to the doctors office and having to pay for 100% of the cost, which adds up to 1 2 days of pay. Sounds pretty bad right? Well these are the conditions that existed in the 20th century. In the 20th century working conditions were less than favorable. This led to a multitude of strikes and walkouts putting employer against employees. Employers wanted to pay their workers as least as possible all while working them as much as possible. As... Show more content on ... Before the government stepped in however, one of the biggest strikes most violent strikes of all time happened in 1903 Colorado. Workers formed the Industrial Workers of the World Union and set out to sabotage and overthrow the whole profit making system . This caused a problem that the federal government simply could not ignore due to the halt in production of goods needed to keep the economy moving. Then after a major fire occurred in a factory killing 146 workers, laws were put in affect to mandate minimum wages, maximum work hours, conditions of the work place and child labor
  • 7. Clytemnestra s Acts Of Deception And Ambiguity Clytemnestra, the wife of Agamemnon, displays acts of deception and ambiguity throughout the play Agamemnon. Clytemnestra is at home for about 10 years while Agamemnon is away at the battle of Troy. While Agamemnon is away at war, Clytemnestra cheated on him with Aegisthus. This leads to much of the deception and ambiguity leading up to and after Agamemnons death. Clytemnestrabelieves she is doing the just thing by murdering Agamemnon because he had their daughter, Iphigenia, sacrificed. During the play the audience is shown how Clytemnestra is ambiguous and gives her reasoning behind this just cause for murdering her husband. Clytemnestra is full of deception and ambiguity in many scenes of this play. She is able to deceive her husband, ... Show more content on ... I agree with the Chorus and their view that Clytemnestra should not have murdered her husband out of revenge. The Chorus says no one will stand by you, you have no allies. Revenge will come and you will pay, blow for blow (Agamemnon .1429 .1430). Here the Chorus is saying Clytemnestra will get what she deserves for this and that she will not get away with murdering her husband. I agree with this because none of the citizens will stand by a queen who murdered the king. Also, her children will not stand by their mother who murdered their father. Another reason the Chorus argues against Clytemnestra s position is because justice will come to those who deserve it. The sword of Justice is being sharpened on the grindstone of Destiny to cut more pain the Chorus means that the Gods are prepared to give punishment to Clytemnestra and she will not be able to escape it because it is her destiny (Agamemnon .1535 .1536). This is another point I agree with and it is similar to an eye for an eye. There is cycle of wrong doing that occurs throughout the play, Agamemnon killed Iphigenia, so Clytemnestra killed Agamemnon. Now it is time for Clytemnestra to be killed as justification for her wrong doing. Lastly, the Chorus says such unrelenting anger...a vicious trial of destruction, an insatiable appetite for disaster (Agamemnon
  • 8. How Native Korean Speakers Produce English Unstressed... 4.Research Questions and Hypotheses This study focuses on how native Korean speakers produce English unstressed vowels. When an unstressed vowel is ought to be produced as a schwa, the study will be on what the alternative vowel sounds of the schwa could be.As mentioned above, English and Korean have non comparable prosodic features from each other. The goal of this study is to investigate the possible effects of prosodic characteristics of the L1 Korean on the production of L2 English unstressed vowels. Since Korean has no stress pattern in lexical word level, it is expected that Korean speakers will produce a full vowel affected by the Korean prosody which has only stressed full vowels. Further, it is more likely that they have difficulty in producing reduced intensities and shorter duration for unstressed vowels compared to the stressed vowels. In terms of vowel quality, if the vowels are produced as non reduced vowels, the realization will be full vowels. This study focuses on the acoustic analysis of the vowel quality of the reduced vowels. As far as concerned with which vowels will be produced as full vowels, it is predicted that the participants will produce other full vowels influenced by the assimilation effect of their L1, Korean. 5.Method In order to investigate how a native Korean speaker produces unstressed vowels which are affected by the L1 Korean, I had four participants consisting of two native Korean speakers and two English native speakers who
  • 9. Semiotics In That 70s Show Introduction Semiotics can be defined as the study of symbols and signs particularly with regard to how they are used to create meaning and communicate it to others. Semiotics also offers tools that make it possible to uncover the cultural conventions and codes that highlight the period to which a setting was placed and interpret meanings behind the symbols (Berger, 2014). In the pilot episode of That 70s Show , it is possible to apply semiotic analysis since there are various signs and symbols that reveal different elements of the show. Different signifiers in the episode and what they portray helps the audience to interpret the message that the producer is trying to convey. That 70s Show has a large presence of signs, signifiers, codes and ideologies that relate to teenage relationships and their lives in general during the 1970s. Additionally, it is important to highlight character placement and the semiotics involved pertaining to the viewers. Parents son relationship The character Eric and his father form an important conflict in the storyline. His father, Red, is a conservative war veteran who is an all American and very patriotic. He hates the Korean War despite the fact that he fought in it and he has a difficult time adapting to the changing times. Most ... Show more content on ... Although the producer does not make this evident, there are several signs that highlight this point. For one, there is one teenager who would be holding a stick of incense and behind them the audience can see smoke clouds behind this group. This normally signifies the use of drugs and in particular marijuana. It is also evident from the teenagers reactions that they are under the influence of marijuana. They laugh uncontrollably and their statements do not seem to make sense. The camera also pans from one individual to the other to symbolize the passing of the
  • 10. The Pursuit of Virtue in Pride and Prejudice Essay Virtue is truly a complex word an element of the essence of man that Jane Austen portrays in her novel Pride and Prejudice . Through a profound scrutiny of the character of the protagonists, and through her interpretation of how vanity, pride, and self knowledge intervenes in the development of the virtueof the characters, Austen intends to show how human happiness is found by living in accordance with human dignity, which is a life in accordance with virtue. Austen creates a scenario where she allows the reader to identify a variety of persons, each of them with a certain and peculiar character. With this diversity, we are able to highlight in each person of the novel, different traits that can lead us to talk about ... Show more content on ... Here, vanity relates to what we would like others to think of us, but is not merely a concern with what others think. Having this definition in mind, then, we can say that Elizabeth Bennet can be accused of vanity, because she is excessively concerned with what one person Mr. Darcy thinks of her. Undoubtedly, this comparison shows us that one of the characters, Miss Bingley, lacks completely of virtue. The Aristotelian definition of virtue says it is a point between a deficiency and an excess of trait, and the point of greatest virtue is the exact middle, the golden mean. The real virtue is confidence, it is between self deprecation and vanity, and undoubtedly Miss Bingley is completely in the worst extreme. Instead, remaining with Austen definition of vanity, Elizabeth is not at the greatest point of virtue, but is actually near to it. It is really important to keep in mind, that if we want to move away from the extremes and achieve the maximum point of virtue, self knowledge has a central role, as it is a prerequisite for moral improvement that will conduce us to the foundation of good principles. In the novel, Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet are only free of their pride and prejudice, which was an impediment to their love, when their dealings with one another help them see their faults and encourage them to improve. So by leaving behind those traits, both were closer to
  • 11. Current Conditions And Desired Conditions Table of Contents Discussion of Instructional Problem3 Current Conditions and Desired Conditions3 Data Collection Process4 Discussion of Data Collection Instruments Used4 Discussion of Sources of Data5 Data Gathered Through Other Sources6 Results of Data Analysis6 Data Analysis Techniques Used6 Results of Analysis7 Table 17 Table 28 Table 39 Findings of Needs Analysis10 Need for Instruction10 Goal of Instruction11 Appendix A: Student Pre Assessment13 Appendix B: Teacher Survey16 Different Words: Same Meaning Discussion of Instructional Problem American college students know research and essay writing is an inevitable aspect of their educational career. Gathering research based materials and paraphrasing this information can be daunting for some English speaking students. For college bound English as a Second Language (ESL) students this task of paraphrasing research sources and avoiding plagiarism while keeping the information as authentic and accurate as possible can be nearly impossible. Many ESL college students have yet to learn the techniques to correctly paraphrase the information they gather. Paraphrasing is an essential skill needed to compose a successful research essay. Restating research materials using one s own words by using strategies such as rewording, using synonyms and sentence restructuring are techniques and skills required to paraphrase. These strategies have not been obtained to the standard that ESL students need to be
  • 12. Differences In Cinder And Cinderella Although Cinder and Cinderella are very different they stayed strong. There are many similarities and differences in both Cinder and Cinderella. When comparing both stories it is clear that there is more differences than similarities. The main conflict is basically the same, but the details are not. Cinder and Cinderellaare not only two different stories, but they re also two different characters. The differences in Cinder are: She s a cyborg, she s immune to letumosis, she s a lunar, she s a mechanic, one of her step sisters is nice to her, and the story is based on the future. Cinder was in a hover accident and was required to be transformed into a cyborg. She s also a lunar which makes her immune to letumosis. Cinder is close to
  • 13. A Brief Look a the Panama Canal From a distance, the Panama Canal seems like an imperialist relic, a historical leftover from a nearly forgotten chapter of US history. Up close, however, it is apparent that the Panama Canal is one of the world s great waterways, the highly efficient economic engine for a rather prosperous Latin American country. The creation of the Panama Canalwas an unprecedented feat of engineering, the most costly single effort ever before mounted anywhere on earth. It affected the lives of tens of thousands of people at every level of society and of virtually every race and nationality. It marked a score of advances in engineering, government planning, and labor relations. The American effort to build the Panama Canal began in 1904. The first ship sailed through the canal in 1914, ten years and $326 million later. The canal would not be fully open to commercial traffic for another six years. Landslides shut it down for most of 1915 and 1916, and then briefly in 1917 and 1920. Strikes hit the canal in 1916 and 1917. World War I practically closed it to commercial traffic, and work continued on clearing dangerous hills, fixing locks, and finishing all the ancillary construction required by the canal. The Panama Canal finally opened to civilian traffic on July 20, 1920, after an additional six years and $53 million, costing twice its initial estimate, after adjusting for inflation. Early efforts to construct the canal were undertaken by the French. The same French entrepreneurs who had
  • 14. Risk Management Heinz‐Peter Berg RISK MANAGEMENT: PROCEDURES, METHODS AND EXPERIENCES RT A # 2(17) (Vol.1) 2010, June RISK MANAGEMENT: PROCEDURES, METHODS AND EXPERIENCES Heinz Peter Berg Bundesamt fГјr Strahlenschutz, Salzgitter, Germany e mail: ABSTRACT Risk management is an activity which integrates recognition of risk, risk assessment, developing strategies to manage it, and mitigation of risk using managerial resources. Some traditional risk managements are focused on risks stemming from physical or legal causes (e.g. natural disasters or fires, accidents, death). Financial risk management, on the other hand, focuses on risks that can be managed using traded financial instruments. Objective of risk management is ... Show more content on ... 1) This standard is intended to support existing industry or sector specific standards. Figure 1. Approach of the planned generic standard on risk management. As with the definition of risk, there are equally many accepted definitions of risk management in use. Some describe risk management as the decision making process, excluding the identification and assessment of risk, whereas others describe risk management as the complete process, including risk identification, assessment and decisions around risk issues. 80 Heinz‐Peter Berg RISK MANAGEMENT: PROCEDURES, METHODS AND EXPERIENCES RT A # 2(17) (Vol.1) 2010, June One well accepted description of risk management is the following: risk management is a systematic approach to setting the best course of action under uncertainty by identifying, assessing, understanding, acting on and communicating risk issues. In order to apply risk management effectively, it is vital that a risk management culture be developed. The risk management culture supports the overall vision, mission and objectives of an organization. Limits and boundaries are established and communicated concerning what are acceptable risk practices and outcomes. Since risk management is directed at uncertainty related to future events and outcomes, it is
  • 15. Shapiro Chapter 2 Solutions Shapiro: Chapter 2: Capital Budgeting Principles and Techniques QUESTIONS 1.a.What is the relationship between accounting income and economic profit? Answer: Accounting income is calculated by taking revenues and subtracting all cash and non cash expenses (such as depreciation). Accounting income also often recognizes losses for tax purposes as well, even though the economic loss may have taken place at another time. Economic profit is the sum of the present values of all the cash flows net of expenses generated by the firm s actions. Economic profit measures true increments to value, but is hard to measure. Accounting profit is correlated with economic profit, but not perfectly so. Accounting profit can be measured much... Show more content on ... What additional information would you need in order to make that decision? Answer: These figures tell you what Dow earned in 1990. In order to decide on future investments, you need the following information: 1.Whether these returns are representative of those expected to be earned in the future in these different divisions. What matters for investment decisionmaking are projected future returns, not past returns. To the extent that these returns vary widely from year to year which they do in the chemical business historical return data for one year are meaningless. One reason these data may be misleading is that they are based on historical cost figures for investment. You really want to calculate returns on the
  • 16. New Jobs, Lifestyle, And A Sense Of Independence New jobs, lifestyle, and a sense of independence began in the 1990s. Friends, the favored comedic television series, portrayed this American culture. This sitcom included ten seasons, which aired from 1994 to 2004 ( The setting was in Manhattan, New York, and included the Central Perk coffee house. It revealed the lives of six young adults: Jennifer Aniston (Rachel), Courteney Cox (Monica), Lisa Kudrow (Phoebe), Matt LeBlanc (Joey), Matthew Perry (Chandler), and David Schwimmer (Ross), who depicted a dysfunctional family. Each character has their unique personality, which united them. This series revealed how life was lived to those in their mid twenties to early thirties and how to overcome circumstances in this time period, which was the foundation of the show s popularity. In the episode, The Last One, these loyal friendsexemplified honesty, growth, a family unit with the recollection of cherished memories through the use of humor and pathos. Here is a quick summary of this episode. The Last One, commenced with Phoebe and Chandler taking Erica to the hospital to give birth to twins; Monica and Chandler adopt them and name the babies Erica and Jack. Joey then wants to give Monica and Chandler a house warming gift of a chick and duckling but loses them. With the help of Chandler, they find them in their pool table, but only Monica is able to break the table and save the birds. Through all incidents, Ross, with encouragement from Phoebe, ultimately
  • 17. Observational Exam The routes in which you take notes amid an observational examination is especially an individual choice created after some time as you turn out to be more experienced in watching. Be that as it may, all field notes for the most part comprise of two sections: Expressive data, in which you endeavor to precisely record accurate information [e.g., date and time] and the settings, activities, practices, and discussions that you watch; and, Intelligent data, in which you record your contemplations, thoughts, inquiries, and worries as you are leading the perception. Field notes ought to be fleshed out as quickly as time permits after a perception is finished. Your underlying notes might be recorded in obscure shape and, unless extra detail is... Show more content on ... As you watch, be considering the hidden importance of what you watch and record your contemplations and thoughts in like manner. This will encourage on the off chance that you to make inquiries or look for illumination from members after the perception. To maintain a strategic distance from any perplexity, resulting remarks from members ought to be incorporated into a different, intelligent piece of your field notes and not converged with the enlightening notes. General Rules for the Expressive Substance Portray the physical setting. Portray the social condition and the path in which members communicated inside the setting. This may incorporate examples of associations, recurrence of cooperations, bearing of correspondence designs [including non verbal communication], and examples of particular behavioral occasions, for example, clashes, basic leadership, or joint effort. Depict the members and their parts in the setting. Depict, decently well, the significance of what was seen from the points of view of the members. Record correct quotes or close approximations of remarks that relate straightforwardly to the motivation behind the
  • 18. Cause Of The Spanish American War Causes of the Spanish American War In April of 1898 America finally declared war against Spain and this was as a result of the sinking of the Battleship Maine in Havana in February of the same year. After months of war and wrangles, the war came to an end after the signing of the Treaty of Paris on 10th of December 1898.1 The end of the war saw the Spaniards loss complete control over majority of their remaining empires aboard including Cuba , Philippines Islands, Puerto Rico, and Guam among other islands in South America and the Caribbean region. Majority of experts and historians believe are convinced that the Spanish American War is the first media war in the world. This is due to the fact that the period prior to the war, majority of ... Show more content on ... The conflict and wrangles between Cuba and Spain resulted to about 100,000 deaths of Cubans.3 Majority of the Cubans from the suburbs and rural areas were herded by the Spanish in camps where they suffered of starvation and other diseases. Sanitation and insufficient food was the main concern of these people and this resulted to massive casualties. The highlighted injustices, together with other political motivations led to America s intervention in the year 1898. Subsequently, the Americans were able to overthrow the Spanish rule rendering both Cuba and Philippines as part its colonies. Desire to spread Christianity and democracy While one cannot simply deny America s colonialist presuppositions in involving itself with the war, it is clear that the main driving force and motivation into the war was founded on the development of America s national identity that held the nation as being just, democratic and humane.4 As such, America had a duty to protect the oppressed regardless of their nationality and race. America s victory over Spain, and the restoration of peace among the Cuban people was an affirmation that America was a democratic and just nation. To a large extend, this victory placed America in the center of global power and control. In addition, the Protestant Christians in America strongly objected the Spanish cruelty in Cuba and were more than willing to help. Majority of the Americans at this time were
  • 19. Exam Review Review Exam 2 1. Planet X has a radius 3 times larger than the earth s radius. How does this planet s volume compare to Earth s volume? a. The volume is 3 times larger than the Earth s radius. b. The volume is 1/9 the Earth s radius. c. The volume is 27 times the Earth s Radius. d. The volume is 1/27 times the Earths radius. 2. The moons X and Y orbit 2 different planets. They have the same orbital velocity, but the distance of X from its planetis 2 times the distance of planet Y from its planet. Which planet has more Mass? PLANET X 3. The Earth s average density is 5.5 kg /L. A planet discovered orbiting another starhas an average density of 3.2 kg/L. What does this tell us about this planet?... Show more content on ... ANSWER: Outer Planets are Terrestrial and the Inner Planets are Jovian. This is because the temperature is lower at the center of the protoplanetary disk in this scenario and in this case OUTSIDE the frost line actually means that it gets hotter the farther away, and so water would melt outside this water line and the outer planets would be Jovian. 12. If we find a Jovian planet inside the frost line of a star, what can we assume about its formation? Jovian Planets can only form outside the frost line, so it must have moved inward. We assume it has moved in because it could not have formed there. 13. Seismic Waves inside the Earth . Cannot travel through liquids . Travel at different speeds in materials of different densities or compositions and change direction as they move from one material to another. . Travel in straight lines with speeds that change as the waves move through materials of different densities or compositions. . Always travel in a straight line at a constant speed. 14. The Earth s interior received its heat energy from the impacts of planetesimals and from radioactivity. This heat and energy is gradually radiating into space. As the Earth s interior continues to cool, we can expect that, in the distant future, . The entire interior will become one homogeneous solid. . The mantle will become molten while the core will
  • 20. Gone Baby Gone Essay Gone Baby Gone directed by Ben Affleck is centered on the kidnapping of a four year old girl named Amanda. This movie is based in Boston in the Dorchester area. Even though this movie is centered on a kidnapping, there are other crimes being committed. In this film there is abuse of justice, negligence, policecorruption, child molestation, drug abuse, and murder. Each of the main characters in this film commits a crime. The main characters in this film are Patrick Kenzie; the private investigator, Jack Doyle; the leader of Crimes Against Children Taskforce, Remy Bressant; a police officer, Lionel McCready; Helene s brother who is married to Bea McCready and hires Patrick, Helene McCready; Amanda s mother who uses drugs and ... Show more content on ... The crime theory associated with Kenzie is Deterrence Theory. He made good choices and bad choices out of freewill. But overall Patrick wanted to find Amanda and bring her back to Helene. Toward the end of the film his resolve to bring Amanda back to her mother is shown. He finds Amanda living with Doyle and Amanda is returned to her mother. But it cost him though; Angie gave him a choice. She would leave him if he decided to take Amanda away from Doyle and return her to her mother. Patrick choose the latter and his relationship with Angie ended. Lionel is Helene s brother and Amanda s uncle. In the beginning of the film Lionel and his wife Bea hired Patrick and Angie to find Amanda. At first Lionel acts like a concerned family member, but his involvement in the kidnapping of Amanda is found out in the later parts of the film. Lionel and Remy had conspired to stage a fake kidnapping in order to take Cheese s drug money for themselves and to save Amanda from her mother s bad parenting. He was also going to split the ransom money along with Remy Bressant. The crime theory this associated with Lionel is Rational Choice theory. The central assumption involved in Rational Choice theory is crime is a... reasonable alternative to other less palatable and possibly more costly outcomes . He was motivated on providing Amanda with a better life away from her drunkard mother. In his eyes he was going to provide his niece with a
  • 21. Bibl 104 Worldview Letter Hi Dear Doug I am so glad that you send me a letter, I hope that my answers are helpful for you. First of all, worldview relates to the purposes of God. God created the world for a specific purpose as a place for mankind to exist. Is a perspective, a hypothesis of the world, utilized for living as a part of the world. A world perspective is a mental model of reality a structure of thoughts and demeanors about the world, ourselves, and life, an exhaustive arrangement of conviction. We should study worldview because that help us to discover how God works in the world, to better understand the Bible and how to apply it to your life. Also we should study varieties of world views to learn how to difference between good and evil. Not just because
  • 22. Committed Some Offense. As Opposed To Being Distinctly committed some offense. As opposed to being distinctly threatening when one is annoyed, the Iranian who is ghahr with somebody pulls back from any further action. This withdrawal is not just silence; it is an inward mental withdrawal from the individual who has irritated their partner. Individuals from all societies have this inclination, however Iranians have created and refined this sort of reaction more than others. It could be said that being ghahr may have some helpful qualities, since it avoids further rough cooperation and fistfights are less inclined to break out. In any case, being ghahr is a demonstration of wrecking an association with somebody, as well as of self demolition. The partners pull back to a special internal... Show more content on ... The others are what give the films their strength and masterful expression. Over the moderately artistic life of Salinger, a large portion of his stories concern different encounters of the anecdotal Glass family over the mid twentieth century in New York City. The film focuses on the Glass family s seven intelligent and savvy youngsters, Seymour, Buddy, Zooey and Franny, every one of whom show up in scenes of the film Pari (Salinger). The suicide of Seymour Glass, the most established and most magnetically splendid of the Glass kids, is depicted in Salinger s A Perfect Day for Bananafish, the story that propelled Salinger to fame. Parts of this story, however in modified shape and set later in time, are delineated in Pari. Be that as it may, generally, Pari mirrors the two stories, Franny and Zooey, which Salinger set near one another in time. Together, those two stories relate the improvement of Franny s strange world. Franny has long and close relationship with her sibling Zooey (Salinger). In spite of the fact that Seymour had kicked the bucket seven years prior, significant reference is made to his solid scholarly impact on both Zooey and Franny in those two stories. Exchanging a composed anecdotal story into film regularly displays issues to the movie producer, especially regarding how to introduce the Rahmanian 6 considerations of the characters that were portrayed in
  • 23. The Four Characteristics Of The Goddess Saraswati Puja Saraswati puja 2018 Date: Significance, Puja Shubh Muhurat Time Vidhi to Celebrate Saraswati puja: Goddess Saraswati, the primeval goddess of knowledge, arts, music, and language is worshipped in the month of Magh.From this day onwards the spring season or (Basant Ritu) begins in India. The goddess represents creative power and energy in l its form and she is the wife of Brahma. Hindus associate the goddess with favorite color as the season is the time of festival and the color of the festival and it is reflected in the agricultural fields which are decorated with yellow flowers of the mustard crop. People dress in yellow saris or shirts or accessories. Some add saffron to their rice than eat yellow cooked rice Basant Panchami, one of the most popular festivals of Hindu, is dedicated to goddess Saraswati, the deity of knowledge and all forms of arts. Every year this special occasion falls on the panchami Tithi according to Hindu mythology. The day of Magh is also the beginning day of spring. The Goddess stands for serenity and peace. Generally placed on a lotus she is clothed with a milk white silk sari. Her lower left hand is occupied with a book. Her four arms signify four characteristics of human personality namely intellect, mind, alertness and ego. And the lotus of her hand symbolizes exact knowledge. The swan beside her is the embodiment of purity and it confirms the fact that we have the inner ability to differentiate the dire from the good. Importance of
  • 24. Paradise Lost Thesis John Milton sought to a very ambitious thing with his greatest work, Paradise Lost. He boldly asserted himself to the epic tradition, the most difficult genre. Further, the goal of his writing was perhaps the hardest topic a human being can engage with, the problem of evil. At the risk of being cliche, the old adage, If you lose your faith over anything less than the problem of evil, you are simply not thinking. seems fitting. Milton seems at least, whatever his faults, to understand the weight of the objection. He clearly describes this in the opening lines of his epic: That to the heighth of this great argument I may assert eternal providence, And justify the ways of God to men. (1.24 26) This is the underlying point of the whole ... Show more content on ... So what must he do to answer this objection? Firstly, one would have to be very arrogant to maintain that he knew what the answer to this question is for everyone. The reader of Milton cannot really say: This whole business doesn t do a thing to show God innocent, nobody could ever see God as justified by this book. This is simply due to the nature of the problem of evil. The fact is,the problem of evil actually assumes something quite interesting about the character or quality of the universe. It must assume that the idea of good and evil makes any sense at all. For if we say that God is not good for allowing evil to continue, we must be appealing to a standard of good that God does not match. Lewis frames this situation well: My argument against God was that the universe seemed so cruel and unjust. But how had I got this idea of just and unjust? A man does not call a line crooked unless he has some idea of a straight line. What was I comparing this universe with when I called it unjust? (Lewis 31) The point is to say that we must be comparing our perception of God to a supreme standard of good, and where else does this come from, but God. Thus the objection itself assumes that God must exist. So then what is the point of a theodicy? If we are not defending God s existence, what are we seeking to do? What objection are we defending God
  • 25. Symbolism In Anthem By Ayn Rand If you take myth and folklore, and these things that speak in symbols, they can be interpreted in so many ways that although the actual image is clear enough, the interpretation is infinitely blurred, a sort of enormous rainbow of every possible colour you could imagine (Diana Wynne Jones). Symbols are objects, characters, figures, or colors used to represent abstract ideas or concepts.In Anthem by Ayn Rand , symbols are used throughout the novel, allowing to reveal more hidden information about Equality as a person as well as how it portrays to theme. Throughout the novel, multiple different symbols are being portrayed, although the symbol of light depicts the full meaning of the characters and theme of Anthem. Ayn Rand uses light to symbolize knowledge, hope, freedom, and life. The light symbolizes hope since, it shows how Equality separates himself from collectivism and thinks for himself when he proclaims We made it. We created it. We brought it forth from the night of the ages. We alone. Our hands. Our mind. Ours alone and only (59). By contrast to the light of the box, the City is dark and only lit by candlelight. Therefore the light shows the hope that Equality and all others have of breaking away from the collective society and becoming individuals and to have freedom to be themselves. The discovery of light starts Equality s journey of changing the society and granted him the chance to create a new world where light and other things from the Unmentionable Times exist. The symbolization of the light in Anthem helps characterize Equality as an individual in the novel in various different ways. The light allowed and led Equality to his freedom of being himself rather than characterized as a group with his brothers. Equality discovering and inventing the lightbulb was his first realization of individuality. In the dark haze of this society, all things are indistinct. Until when light is brought to display can those with abnormal qualities be distinguished from the crowd. Consequently, Equality s lightbulb makes him a sign of massive social disturbance but, at the same time that it helps him see himself as the unique individual that he truly is. Tomorrow, in the full light of day, we shall take
  • 26. Perotin Is Hailed As A Kind Of Mozart Of His Time PГ©rotin is hailed as a sort of Mozart of his time. He was a scholarly musician and musical innovator . PГ©rotin is called by many different names: Perotinus his Latin Name and Perotinus Magnus PГ©rotin the Great ; and even optimus discantor , or great composer of discant. According to Hussman, PГ©rotin was a court composer for Notre Dame, but his connection to Notre Dame is not entirely confirmed. It is because of an account by the English traveler Anonymous IV and letters to a Bishop that it is accepted that PГ©rotin was associated with Notre Dame. Whether he wrote specifically for Notre Dame or not, PГ©rotin wrote magnificent musicthat has been preserved for several centuries to this day . The life of PГ©rotin is uncertain and full of speculation. Different scholars have very diverse ideas of PГ©rotin s life. Tischler believed that PГ©rotin was born sometime between 1155 and 1160. He also stated that he was a pupil of Leonin, the composer of the Magnus liber. PГ©rotin is believed to have to have been a better organum composer the Leonin himself and even revised the Magnus liber at the end of the 12th century between 1180 and 1190 . In revising the Magnus liber, PГ©rotin composed and inserted his own clausula and puncta, such as Alleluya Nativitas into the Magnus liber. The works of PГ©rotin are known to be beautiful and thoughtfully voiced with colorful textural harmonies. Sometime after revising the Magnus liber, PГ©rotin began composing three voice organum. Later in his life,
  • 27. Sylish Floor Essay Stylish Floors: Decorating With Area Rug Overview In a room that lacks excitement add a rug, and problem solved. That might be a good reason to decorate your house with a rug, but there are others just as compelling. It completes a room by tying all the various pieces together visually. A rug can define a room, anchor it, help layer the dГ©cor of your room, or even add warmth. There are various ways to decorate your room with a rug. Here are some of the gems of wisdom from top designers that can hopefully help you to stylishly decorate your floor and make it more fun. 1.Centre stage You should consider a rug as a decoration, but it can also be a foundation of an elegant space. According to Amy Bubier a designer, rugs are restraining... Show more content on ... The area rug that you choose can bring forth something surprising or add a thunderbolt of colour. Do not be afraid to use a rich pattern or bold colour. On white walls, chairs and floors, the zebra inspired rug enhances a jolt of colours 5.All Sizes and Shapes Is your living room long and narrow? Don t worry! The area rugs come in different sizes and shapes, and for every space there is one. Andreea Avram Rusu says that the shape of the area rug should depend on the furniture and the size and shape of the room. She further suggests that in dining rooms you can use a hexagonal rug with a square table, rectangular rug with a long table, and a round rug with a round table. 6.Defining Spaces You should not limit your room with one rug. You can use two different rugs to define the different areas in an ultra large space. Ensure that the two rugs coordinate and complement with each other. You can only use multiple rugs in big rooms. 7.Colour Unity According to Designer Celia, you can use a neutral rug to tone down the vivacious tables and sofas. The elusive red pattern of an area rug can add to the modernity of the space. She further says that an area rug chosen can be used as a tool by bringing about unity to the scheme of the colour or by giving the mood and adding charm to a space. 8.Floor Border When placing an area rug to your room, don t cover the floor completely. Ensure you leave certain of the flooring showing. If you are creating a custom area
  • 28. Similarities Between Greeks And Trojans Greeks and Trojans The Iliad is a book full of poems that talk about the history of Trojans and Greeks. Within the Iliad, there is a strong urge to show a world in which was are tremendous and the gods have direct hand in human events and these deities influence fate. The two leading gods, Achillies and Aeneas, the reader can see the ways in which these two cultural problems entwine and try to create an image of the ancient world which is at once barbarously real in terms of the depiction of not just the glory, but also the horrors of war which are filled with supernatural and mystical figures called the gods. Each of the main characters are selected by the gods in some ways but however gained favor not only because of who they are and of their birth but also are fated to prove themselves as a true warrior and to fulfill certain expectations to prove to see if they are worthy or not. The gods in the Iliad are manifested not just to have a direct hand in the lives of mortals, but moreover to be picky about whom they would like to help. Greek religion held powers and fears of all kinds so therefore the reasons behind their motivation and resolutions is not like the modern Christian notion where they think that whoever deserves to have the honor will be it. From what I have read to see, its gods were within the world, one that they did not create. Power such as gods, spirits and nymphs did not die but yet were born. The Greek gods were immortal and had a long life with all
  • 29. Agriculture Vs Aztec Research Paper I believe that historians should emphasize more on Aztec agriculture than Aztec human sacrifice. The Aztecs were an ancient civilization found in the modern day Mexico City of there empire tenochitlan which was there Aztec empire. Two aspects that they are known for are Agriculture and human sacrifice. However, historians should emphasize on Agriculturemore for many reasons. One reason why is this had a big growth on the empire because they used agriculture for food and to grow plants to make for they city to eat. Another reason is because they had a major engineering achievement because they built Chinampas to farm and grow crops to eat. The last reason is that they had a large scale of Chinampas and because of this they had and abundance
  • 30. Fahrenheit 451 Unit 6 Term Papers With the Presidential Election drawing closer to American s everyday, voters have a choice for President for the next four years. Yet the questions remains as to what truly drives voters to go to the polls every four years. American s face many issues in this election; however, the issue I m going to focus on boils down to one simple thing: EPA Regulation and coal. Coal has been seen as a main source of energy in multiple states such as Kentucky, West Virginia and Pennsylvania. During the past eight years, the production of coal has suffered due to excessive regulation by both the Obama Administration and the EPA. With all of this being said, I will be voting for Donald Trump for President and Mike Pence for Vice President under the Republican... Show more content on ... My great grandfather mined in coal mines in Nitro, West Virginia for years. My great uncle currently works at a factory where he is only limited to do certain aspects of his job due to recent EPA regulations restricting what the factory can do due to the factory producing chemicals within the air that is harmful to the environment. Presidential candidate Donald Trump has a plan to combat these unnecessary EPA regulations stated within the following quote The current Administration, and particularly its EPA, seems not to care. Its Clean Power Plan the centerpiece of the President s war on coal has been stayed by the Supreme Court. We will do away with it altogether. Donald Trump and the Republican Party understands that the effort to protect the environment has gone too far with extreme measures as he states in this quote We will end the war on coal and the war on miners. The idea of preserving my great grandfather s hard work, along with my great uncle s career drives me to the polls because the government is attempting to help them in theory, but just as recently stated, have gone too far in their efforts to protect the environment and thus I must stand up and go to the polls this November to save coal along with my family s hard
  • 31. Swot Analysis Of Samsung Samsung has been dedicated to making a better world by reaching a diverse range of businesses involving advanced technology, skyscraper and plant construction, finance, hotels, and more. Samsung is known for their flagship company, Samsung Electronics, that now leads the global market in high tech electronics manufacturing and digital media. This company is well known around the world. From a small export business in Taegu, South Korea, Samsung s innovative and top quality products and processes has brought them to be one of the world s leading electronic companies. Lee Byung chul was the founder of the Samsung and also one of South Korea s most successful businessmen. Now, Samsung is South Korea s largest business group that is ran by Lee s family which is known as a chaebol based company. In the late 1960 s, Samsung entered the electronics industry. In 1980, Samsung entered the telecommunications hardware which caused the facility to be developed into a telephone and fax manufacturing system and eventually became the center of Samsung s mobile phone manufacturing. From the beginning and to the end, Samsung has reached outside its boundaries, making it successful and continuing to grow and prosper. Market structure refers to the characteristics of the market which describes the nature of competition and the pricing policy (e.g price wars) followed in the market. As being, Samsung is an oligopoly competitive. An oligopoly is a market where there are only a few firms that
  • 32. The Pursuit Of Happiness In Ayn Rand s Omelas Imagine living in a place where happiness is everywhere. It is a society that is considered near perfect. In the story, Omelas was that place. It was a place of happiness without misery. But when you tell people of such a place they are reluctant to believe that such a place exists. Perfection is something that no one can achieve so how can a society achieve such a thing. Most everyone would want to live in this place of blissful happiness, but it is impractical that such a place can exist with so many diverse type of people in the world with different views, ideas, and standards. In order for a utopiato exist, everyone has to think and act alike. Is there really such a place that exist? Every culture has their version of utopia, but they all ... Show more content on ... It implies that there is no place that exist where there is happiness entirely. Where there is happiness, there is also sadness and misery. The pursuit of happiness can also make you less happy because it is a never ending search and you will never be satisfied. However, we are brought up to pursue happiness because that is what society believes should be the goal in life. If you re not happy then something is wrong with you. Experiencing happiness makes you feel good about yourself. It leads to improved social outcomes and even makes you healthier. So being happy is something that people should experience or at least we are taught to believe. Now imagine if you could live in a city that guarantees happiness. In the story of Omelas, happiness is given to all but at a price. That price is to sacrifice one human being, a child that is caged for the benefit of the rest. The one child suffers horribly so the rest can be happy. In many different places, the suffering of few is justified by those trying to delivers the greater good for the greater number. An example is Jesus Christ and how he had to sacrifice himself for the sins of others. He had to suffer so others can be
  • 33. Erik Erikson s Theory And Theory Both Erik Erikson s theory and Mary Ainsworth and John Bowlby theory support the idea that early life experiences impact the person across their lifespan. Erikson s developmental theory discusses the eight stages of life and the forces and values that arise at each stage, which should be developed within this frame. The attachment theoryfocuses on the interaction an individual has and the impact it may have on their psychological and social development. Both theories believe that personality begins to develop from a young age and therefore occurrences in early life can have lasting impacts on the developmental of an individual. An individual s social and psychological development is significantly influenced by early life and childhood experiences. The experiences an individual has as child impacts on the development of social skills, behaviours, morals and values of an individual. Erikson s theory, developed in 1963, supports the idea that early life experiences impact an individual across their lifespan. This theory considers that growth of an individual is a result of interaction with the environment, biological maturation and societal influences, therefore, allowing for experiences from early life, to influence an individual throughout their lifespan. Erikson s theory focuses on eight different developmental stages within a lifespan and in order to progress from one stage to another, an individual must overcome a potential crisis of two opposing forces at each
  • 34. Panama Canal Building The Building of the Panama Canal Introduction The building of the Panama Canal greatly impacted how trade is shipped from other countries. It saves ships from having to travel all the way around South America by going straight through Central America. By linking the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, the Panama Canal cuts off nearly 8,000 miles from a ship s journey around the Cape Horn. It is an important event in history because it affected trade and war strategy to make the U.S. more powerful and helpful to other nations. History Decades before the canal was put under construction, sailors and explorers desired a simpler, quicker way to get from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. People noticed that the Isthmus of Panama was only about a 50 mile wide land mass, and the idea started floating ... Show more content on ... But having an interoceanic canal wasn t a new idea. Around the Spanish colonial period, the French attempted this and failed. The U.S. picked up on that failure, making one distinct change: instead of trying to do exactly as the French and build a sea level canal across Panama, we decided to construct a lock canal. And it was successful for several reasons. The U.S. used railroads to move dirt; the French let it pile up which led to landslides and mud, attracting mosquitos and malaria. The U.S. established medical innovations to keep yellow fever and malaria under control. Fairly recently, in August of 2009, the Panama Canal Expansion Project began construction. With the intention to construct two triple step locks, one on each end of the canal, the expected duration of the project is 65 months. It is planned that the improvements will get each ship through the canal in under two hours; compared to when it took around three or four. It will also be able to transport much bigger ships with the extensions and advancements. The project should end in early
  • 35. Proximal Convoluted Tubule Structure Describe the structure and location of the proximal convoluted tubule, loop of Henle, distal convoluted tubule, collecting duct, and papillary duct. The proximal convoluted tubule measures approximately 14 mm long and 60 Ојm in diameter. Simple cuboidal epithelium makes up its wall. The cells rest on a basement membrane, which forms the outer surface of the tubule. The loops of Henle are continuations of the proximal convoluted tubules. Each loop has two limbs: the descending limb and the ascending limb. The first part of the descending limb is similar in structure to the proximal convoluted tubules. The loops of Henle that extend into the medulla become very thin near the end of the loop. The lumen in the thin part narrows, and an abrupt transition
  • 36. 1000 Month I read a lot. No, seriously. A LOT. I m about halfway through an MFA program that requires me to read ten books a month. I read a poem, a short story, and an essay everyday for The 1000 Day MFA, which is my own baby. I read at least one writing craft book and one business book a month. So, that s roughly three books a week, plus 30 poems, 30 short stories, and 30 essays a month all required reading. I have latitude. I get to pick which books, poems, short stories, and essays I read. I love all of that reading. Really. Sometimes I can t believe that I ve managed to build a life that involves so much reading. But there s no space there for just pure pleasure reading. I was feeling the loss. I wanted to read something that was just for me. I wanted to read what I wanted to read, goddammit.... Show more content on ... George R.R. Martin Translation: Pleasure reading connects you to humanity, expands your universe, AND keeps your brain sharp. So, here s what I did to incorporate pure pleasure reading back into my life: The 10 minutes of a fiction reading a day in the WRITER Framework (you know, the 10 minutes I was already blowing away like a hard sneeze)? I decided that instead of just marking that off as done X 10, I d dedicate those minutes to reading whatever the hell I wanted to read. That equals about one one novel a month. Last month I read Blackbirds by Chuck Wendig. Ten minutes at a time. TMI time: mostly in the bathroom. /2nKXsqb It was glorious. (Glorious is my 12 year old daughter s favorite word. It makes me a little sad that I didn t have a favorite word when I was twelve.) Ten whole minutes of reading that didn t have to go into an annotated bibliography and wasn t designed to teach me
  • 37. Evolution of Product Management PRODUCT MANAGEMENT THE ORIGIN: вћў The idea of product or brand management began at Proctor Gamble in the early 1930s. вћў All began with a memo directed to the head of the advertising department by Neil McElroy on May 13, 1931 and ran to three pages considerably more verbose. вћў McElroy was thus the obvious man to grow and plant the embryo of brand manager system. вћў McElroy was heading the new soap product Camay which was directly in competition with Ivory. вћў Camay presumably because management had foreseen that two brands competing for different segments of the same market would need different advertising and ultimately a competitive approach. вћў Neil McElroy experienced internal company ... Show more content on ... In addition, he has to develop advertising campaigns to promote his products and Organization image, guided by the Company s overall strategies. Product Manager must be able to coordinate with sales personnel, think creatively and laterally, focus on the overall objectives of the company, and interact with different corporate areas. The growing complexity of building brands demands that Product Manager must be increasingly versatile and keep up to date with various developments. Product Manager will also be responsible for obtaining Senior Management approval and funding for proposed strategies and plans. Product Manager Personality Synopsis: Common traits of Product Managers include them being result oriented and creative; possess strong interpersonal, analytical and communication skills; and have entrepreneurial aptitude. Product Manager must be a unique blend of business and technical savvy; a big picture vision and the drive to make that vision a reality. He must enjoy spending time in the market to understand sales force problems, and find innovative solutions for the broader market.Product Manager be able to communicate effectively with various departments of the company, with good interpersonal skills. A product manager s key role is strategic, not tactical. Knowledge Requirements include product (s), marketing , communications, technical writing, economics, statistics,
  • 38. I Want to Become a Forensic Psychologist Forensic Psychologist Shows like Criminal Minds have made the forensics psychologist field progress. What do forensic psychologist do? Forensic psychologist is the application of the science and profession of psychology to questions and issues relating to law and the legal system. (An Overview of Forensic Psychology, 2014)The career I want to engage in is forensic psychologist but first you have to learn the work environment, the education, the earnings, the outlook, the pros, and the cons. With numerous portrayals in books, movies and television programs, interest in forensic psychology has grown significantly in recent years. (An Overview of Forensic Psychology, 2014) The work environment of forensic psychologist varies widely. Working hours are typically nine to five, with some flexibility required. Evening and weekend work may occasionally be necessary. (Forensic Psychologist, 2012) Most of the time you will always be on the call. Being on call means at any time you could get a call and have to drop what you are doing and go tend to what the call was about. As a trainee you are supervised then as time progresses and you progress the supervision becomes less. Forensic psychologist work not only with prisoners and offenders but also with other professionals involved in the judicial penal systems, and with victims of crime. (Forensic Psychologist: Job Description, Ed. AGCAS, Aug 2012) To become a forensics psychologist I will at least need to have a
  • 39. The Judicial Branch Of The United States The United States of America has a very complex system of government through the use of checks and balances. The system we have in place allows for the three branches of government to control one another so that one branch could not be the most powerful. What makes the judicial branch different is that the decision brought by the Supreme Court is the final say and cannot be overruled. Along with that the election process for the legislative and executive branch is brought to by the use of a vote while those of the Supreme Court appointed by the president. The process of becoming a Supreme Court justice seems rather undemocratic and the power given and terms served also seem undemocratic. The Supreme Court serves as the head of the judicial branch and is made up of 9 justices, 8 associate justices and 1 chief justice. Unlike the other branches of government, the members of the Supreme Court are nominated by the President and approved by the Senate. The Judicial branch interprets the law though the use of court cases and has the power of judicial review where it can rule whether or not something is permitted under the constitution. Those chosen as Justices of the Supreme Court are selected by the President and approved by the Senate. They are not elected for terms by vote like the other branches of Government but instead appointed by the President and approved by the Senate for life. The reason for this is that the constitution states that justices shall hold their Offices
  • 40. Comparing Luke s Gospel And Matthew The Gospel Writer The story of Jesus heals a Roman officer s servant was written in he book of Luke and Matthew. The only Gentile Christian writer of the New Testament was Luke. Gospel of Luke is the third of the four Gospels of the New Testament, which tells the story of Jesus. Luke did not live during Jesus life, but he investigated his life very carefully. Matthew s gospel was written just after Luke s in 90 A.D. Matthew s Gospel was written in Greek because many parts of the Gospel are the same as Mark s, which was also written in Greek. Both Matthew and Luke used Mark as a source. Matthew s Gospel was most likely written in either Palestine or Syria. Matthew s Gospel was likely written for Christians of Jewish descent. The message ... Show more content on ... A centurion is a commander of a 100 man army and a servant is someone who performs duties for others without choice. There is no mention of women in this story, as they are not treated with much respect or as regular people in society unlike males. There is nothing mentioned in this story about social groups such as the Pharisees as it is mostly based around the Jesus, the Centurion and his servant. Jesus reveals his surprise as he describes the Servant as a very faithful man and that he has never seen anyone like this before. The centurion initiates action by calling for Jewish Elders to find Jesus and tell him that his servant needs his help. Through the story Jesus interacts with all the characters, the Centurion, the servant and the Jewish Elders. The Servant interacts with everyone except the Elders. While the Centurion is like Jesus, he interacts with everyone. Words that the writer uses to get his message across are, they came to Jesus and begged him earnestly, This man really deserves your help . This gives the view that Jesus is a very important man and is the one people look to. The point of the text is to post a view and image of who Jesus is and how capable he is with performing miracles on people who need it
  • 41. Jeffrey B. Russell s Perception Of Necromancers Necromancy, in many eyes, portrayed a bad and occult subject, but necromancy was not always viewed that way. In an effort to know more about the future, many priests followed this practice. Soon after necromancy became labeled as occult by the Christian Church and banned later on (Riley). Many people received punishment because of the Inquisition, an effort made by the Roman Catholic Church, in order to seek out and reform those who opposed its teachings, that is if they were found out (Riley). Necromancyis viewed differently in the eyes of people, it is considered a despicable subject, if necromancers were to be found out what they are practicing, they were to be punished severely, due to some of the requirements the rituals called for, that led to necromancy getting a negative concept, but despite this, necromancers still had their purpose to practice necromancy.... Show more content on ... According to Jeffrey B. Russell, Necromancy, the art of exhuming dead bodies and causing them to prophesy, was understandably regarded by nonmagicians as the most sinister aspect of divination (9). From this text, it can presume that Russell did not see necromancy as a divine object and more like a negative, or occult subject. In contrast to Russell, Sarah M. Pike s definition, There are many kinds of divination. For example, necromancy involves communicating with the spirits of the dead (Pike). From Pike s input, it can be concluded that Pike may have viewed or mentioned necromancy as part of a kind of divination (Pike). Due to the many contrasting, and unclear definitions of necromancy, there was never any clear and official definition of the word,