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Sinhala Essays
Writing an essay on the topic of "Sinhala Essays" can be both challenging and rewarding. The
difficulty arises from the uniqueness of the subject matter, which requires a deep understanding
of Sinhala language, culture, and literary traditions. For those not well-versed in Sinhala,
extensive research becomes a necessity to grasp the nuances and intricacies that are crucial for a
comprehensive essay.
One of the challenges is the scarcity of resources available in languages other than Sinhala,
making it harder for non-native speakers to gather relevant information. Additionally, the rich
history and cultural significance of Sinhala essays demand a thorough exploration of various
literary works, historical events, and societal influences.
Crafting a well-rounded essay on Sinhala Essays involves not only linguistic proficiency but also
a keen insight into the cultural and historical context. The task requires a careful balance between
academic analysis and a genuine appreciation for the artistic elements embedded in Sinhala
Despite the difficulties, delving into the world of Sinhala essays can be an enlightening
experience. It offers an opportunity to learn and appreciate a distinct literary tradition, fostering
a deeper understanding of the cultural fabric of Sri Lanka.
In conclusion, while writing an essay on "Sinhala Essays" may present challenges, the process
can be immensely rewarding. The journey involves not only academic exploration but also a
cultural immersion that broadens one's perspective. For those seeking assistance with similar
essays or any other topics, various resources are available, including online platforms like, where professional support can be enlisted for a diverse range of writing
Sinhala Essays Sinhala Essays
Classical And Classical Realism
Randall Schweller defines realism as a theory essentially about power and security.
States relentlessly seek power and security because they exist in a self help system.
. Although this is one of many definitions of realism as a whole discipline; there are
many different varieties of realism, all of which have their own distinct views on
realism, also with similarities. Firstly, there is classical realism which is split into
traditional classical realism and twentieth century classical realism, although ever so
slightly different they both claim human nature can explain how states behave and
react. Classical realism suggests human nature is to always seek more power. The
key thinker for classical realism is Hans Morgenthau. Secondly, neorealism or
structural realism. This also has the key assumption like classical realism that states
want power, but this want for power isn t to do with human nature. Structural realism
has three main elements: organizing principles, differentiation of units and
distribution capabilities, pioneered by Kenneth Waltz. These three elements can
explain how states behave in such a way, this makes this variation of realism unique.
Also, John Mearsheimerextends structural realism to offensive realism, which states
a different view on the power dynamic. Furthermore, Neo classical realism which is
a combination of classical and structural. This theory mainly by Fareed Zakaria
explains how here are many different factors which can explain how states
Spironucleus Mesnili Trophozoites
1. Describe the characteristics of the Retortamonadida and Diplomonadida orders.
Both Retortamonadida and Diplomonadida lack mitochondria as well as a Golgi
apparatus, which are also known as dictyosomes. Retortamonadida and
Diplomonadida also possess a recurrent flagella within a groove and can occupy low
oxygenenvironments. Both orders of Retortamonadida and Diplomonadida are
commonly found within humans.
2. Describe the morphology of Chilomastix mesnili trophozoites. In the cyst stage of
Chilomastix mesnili, the cyst has a thick wall and is shaped similar to a pear or
lemon. It is usually found in the stool. The cyst has a single nucleus located closer to
the anterior end as well as other cytoplasmic organelles. During the trophozoite ...
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There is a fifth flagellum that curves backward along the undulating membrane.
There is an accessory filament that runs along the undulating membrane. The costa
arises from the kinetosome and the parabasal body lies near the nucleus. An
axostyle tube is formed by a sheet of microtubules and has three parts. The anterior
portion called the capitulum, the middle part called the trunk, and the posterior
regions called the caudal tip. The pelta is made up of microtubules that supports the
paraflagellar canal, which is a shallow depression from which all flagella emerge.
The trophozoites also contain microbodies also known as the paracostal
Compare And Contrast Beowulf And Once And Future King
For leaders, being a hero for their people can help in various ways. In the tales of both
Beowulf, translated by Burton Raffel, and Once and Future King, written by T.H.
White, both works contain main characters that become heroes through their actions.
Their values and traits, such as those of leadership, humility, and respect, contribute to
the making of their heroic nature. However, a herois not without their own set of
flaws. Beowulf and Wart, King Arthurin his youth, differ in their acceptance of their
duty. Nonetheless, this adds more to their character and makes them more personable
being. Beowulf and King Arthur
A common trait among heroes, is that of respect. Respect enables one to both trust,
and even to the extent of admiration towards an object or being. This is seen by
Arthur within The Once and Future King by his admirtaion in Merlyn the warlock.
Arthur respects him as a teacher, as Merlyn guides him throughout his journey, he
respects his mentor all the greater. Similarly, the idea of respect is also portrayed in
Beowulf. Beowulf is both given and demonstrates reverence throughout the epic. An
example of this respect is shown in the following text; And tell it quickly, the quicker
the better,
I say, for us all. Speak, say
Exactly who you are, and from where, and why.
Their leader answered him, Beowulf unlocking
Words from deep in his breast
The citation above refers to the scene between Beowulf and the gatekeeper.
Moreover, the exerpt shows how
Peanut Butter Jelly Speech
Have you ever had a peanut butter jelly? Well I have, and I am going to show you
how to make a peanut butter jelly. So in the next paragraph I m going to show you
how. First I have a fact for you, in 1998 J.M Smucker Co. introduced Goober,
which is peanut butter and jelly in the same jar. I m going to show you how to
make a delicious Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich (PB J). You ll need some non
food ingredients and real food ingredients. You need a knife, spoon, plate, glass, and
a napkin. For the food ingredients you ll need peanut butter, jelly, and bread. You
also need juice or milk, and a clean surface. If you also want your bread crunchy then
put in the toaster. Let s start making this peanut butter jelly sandwich. Next you need
Diagnostic Criteria For Psoriasis
Psoriasis is the chronic inflammatory condition that occurs as part as of a complex
set of the interaction between genetics, immunological, systemic and environmental
factors (Green, 2011; Penzer Ersser, 2010). Psoriasis is not contagious like all
chronic condition (Penzer Ersser, 2010). In the Caucasian population, the population
that get psoriasis is about 2%. Psoriasis is diagnosed through clinical assessment and
not laboratory system because there are no diagnostic criteria for psoriasis. The
clinical assessment is made through morphologic evaluation of skin lesion (Green,
2011; Raychaudhury, Maverakis, Raychaudhury, 2014). Based on the clinical
assessment, the psoriasis is divided into several types as stated in table 1.0 below.
Types of Psoriasis ... Show more content on ...
This includes scaling, inflammation, pain and pruritus (Penzer Ersser, 2010).
Another physical symptom is well demarcated red, silvery, dry, raised, scaly plaques,
follows by unpredictable patterns of relapse and period of remission (Green, 2011).
In psoriasis, there are few factors that can trigger the psoriasis to come and appeared
in the skin. This factor includes drug such as beta blocker and lithium, koebner
phenomenon that form along the trauma, streptococcal throat infection, ultraviolet
light exposure and stress (Penzer Ersser, 2010). There many treatment options to
reduce the effect of psoriasis. The treatment of psoriasis divided into two that is
topical and systemic (Penzer Ersser, 2010). The treatments option includes:
Emollients: creams, ointments, lotions, shower gels, bath oils, and aerosol spray.
Topical therapy: Topical retinoid, topical corticosteroid, vitamin D, analogues
anthracyclines, keratolytics, dithtranol and tars.
Phototherapy: Psoralen and long wave ultraviolet A radiation or ultraviolet B light
Systemic therapy: Acitretin, ciclosporin, methotrexate, and (unlicensed) fumaric acid
Measuring Gross Income Data Is A Measure Of Economic
Evaluate the extent to which Gross Income Data is a measure of economic welfare.
Morven Chan
Economic welfare is defined as the level prosperity and financial satisfaction of
participants in an economy. Economic welfare can often be assessed through
statistics such as the level of employment. National income statistics is defined as
the value of goods and services produced in an economic system over a period of
time. National Income can be broken down into four different parts which include
Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Gross National Product (GNP), GDP per capita, and
GNP per capita. National Income is used for variety of purposes in our economy.
Firstly, national income statistics are important in that most of the government s future
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Therefore as is shown through the expenditure method, the equation for GDP
Looking at the equation we can see that the issue arises that from the equation,
there is absolutely no calculation which addresses the economic welfare of the
people and thus, as an economic indicator GDP excels, but as a welfare indicator,
this could suggest that it may not be the best choice. Gross national product of a
specific country is the sum of the goods and services produced by citizens of a
country domestically and the output from external sources which are owned/part of
the specific country. The symbol used to represent gross national product is GNP
and the equation for the GNP can be simply written as:
GNP=GDP+Net property income from abroad
GNP and GDP per capita are the values for GDP and GNP divided by the
population of the country. They give an average value for the output of product per
individual in the country. Before looking at the cons of national income statistics, we
must first note that there are redeeming points to using national income. For one,
national income does a very good job of representing growth in the economy.
However as we know economic growth is not necessarily always a positive thing.
The issue with wealth distribution is one of the many reasons why national income
The Glory Field By Walter Dean Myers
The Glory Field by Walter Dean Myers best conveys the character traits of courage,
ambitiousness, and supporting family even when times appear to be distressful.
This book takes you through African American history with the excitement and
thrill of fiction. It allows you to witness the glory of African American evolution,
from a period of slavery to modern day. The reader witnesses courage as African
Americans try and fight for freedom and equality in an unforgiving society. African
Americans try and defy the society s perspective of them in an attempt to reach an
optimal level of success. They work to divert from their typical expectations, and
strive for success even when the possibilities are minimal. They strive to build a
better living besides being maids and factory workers, and they attempt to remove
every obstacle in their way of success. They desire to go above what is expected of
them, so they can achieve at a prodigious level in a segregated society. Even as
technology advances, the reader witnesses the character s sense of community. They
always believe that family is crucial to success even in times of distress. If they
abandon their community, then they abandon the only people that support them. In
this time period, their community was composed of the only people that cared about
them. The African Americansociety emulates these traits throughout this book, as the
author inserts you into their fight for equity and freedom. The Glory Field takes
China s Economic, Military, And Political Power
Abstract China has always been a country talked about whether it s because of
trade that the U.S. and other countries are involved in or how much they have
grown as a country. You usually hear a story in the news about their growing
power. China has become one of the top countries in the world ranked as #2 right
behind the United States with a GDP of $10.4 trillion U.S. dollars as of 2014 and
continues to rise. China has transformed itself to a manufacturing and exporting hub
since they were a centrally closed economy in the 70 s and has grown over 7% in the
past couple of years while continuing to grow. What makes China s economy
powerful? As you continue to read this research paper you ll understand why and how
China has grown with their economic, military, and political power. I. Background
Information On China With a population of over one billion, three hundred and three
million, seven hundred one thousand people (1,303,701,000) China continues to
grow. China s capital is Beijing but other major cities include Shanghai, Wuhan,
Shenyang, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Harbin, Chengdu, and Chongqing. China s typical
climate is subarctic in the north and tropical in the south. The fluent language spoken
is Chinese and Mandarin. One important factor that sets China on top is that their
literacy rate is eighty two percent and has a high amount of people in the workforce
at over six hundred ninety nine million workers (699,000,000). Sixty percent of the
workers work in
Back Row
What is devastated, hurt, neglected, lost, confused, and betrayed...this kid. It was
what I thought was a normal day walking into my English class, but to my surprise,
the desks were rearranged and I was placed in a new seat. Not to mention a seat far,
far, far away in the cold, frightening back row. I was seated by strangers. I didn t
deserve this. I am a front row student. I am being treated unfairly as some of my
other peers are seated alongside their buddy. Mrs.Cave thinks she solved a problem,
but I ll talk anywhere I am placed. Although Mrs.Cave believes the back row is the
place for me, it is not, and I should be allowed to switch seats to a more desirable spot.
To begin, I am a front row student. Mostly because I have a disability, my eyesight. It
is extremely poor ... Show more content on ...
I can recognize that I tend to comment on everything happening or being discussed
in class. Mrs. Cave may also say that I can sometimes be off topic and I need to
focus on just my work. I may also be notorious for catching the giggles in class.
Despite her thoughts, I will talk anywhere I am placed. I m just a social butterfly.
Even though I was placed next to Alyssa, someone I ve never really spoken to, I ve
still managed to make conversation. Actually our newest thing to discuss is plotting
how we will get to sit next to our friends. Aside from the social aspect talking during
class helps me to focus. I m only participating in classroom discussion. Plus my OCD
side is really kicking in and it is in an uproar. I do not, I repeat, I do not like being
moved around. On my bus I sit the exact same way everyday. I sit next to the same
person and in the same seat. It used to be so bad that in eighth grade I made
everybody in the back of the bus seat in the same spot everyday the whole year. My
spot is my spot and if people thought I talked a lot before they should hear me when
my spot is taken. Without a doubt I will continue to
Madness And Madness In Hamlet
In Act 3 Scene 4, as a result of Hamlet s rash and reactive thoughts, he Kills Polonius .
This act articulates Hamlet s madness in his seemingly dismissive response to his
murder of Polonius and the contemptuous treatment of his body. Hamlet through
characterisation dehumanises Polonius as merely a wretched, rash, intruding fool
who he will lug the guts [of which] into the neighbour room . Ultimately, Shakespeare
characterises Hamletas mad through his lack of remorse over his murder of
Polonius. In these Scene, Hamlet s madness is further conveyed in his verbal
engagement with his father s ghost to which Gertrude describes as a Nothing at
all, yet all that is I see...This the very coinage of your brain/ This bodiless creation
ecstasy . As Hamlet engages with an apparent projection of his mind, the contrast
between Hamlet and Gertrude as she fails to see the Ghost, along with the
connotations of hallucinogenic ecstasy, creates an image of Hamlet s madness.
This portrait of madness is further manifested in Hamlet s comical repartee in Act 4
Scene 4 as Claudius asks Hamlet where Polonius is: In heaven. Send a messager
there if you want to be sure. If your messenger can t find him, you can check hell
yourself. But seriously, if you don t find him within the next month, you ll be sure to
smell him as you go upstairs into the main hall .
In Hamlet s fifth soliloquy (Act 4 Scene 4), Hamlet acknowledges being immobilised
by the philosophical conflicts of the play which
Research Paper On Ibn Rushd
Ibn Rushd (AverroГ«s) is a well respected thinker of his time period.He was a
Muslim born in Cordoba, Spain in 1126 to a well respected law and public service
family. Ibn Rushd s full name is AbГ» al WalГ®d Muhammad Ibn Rushd but better
known as AverroГ«s in the Latin West. He was the descendant of the Cordovan
family of scholars and was the third generation to hold the office of qГўdГ®.
QГўdГ® is a judge for religious laws in the Muslim society. When he finished school,
he didn t want to be a qГўdГ® because he had a strong interest in scienceand
philosophy. Therefore, he started writing a book called Kitab al Kulyat fi al Tibb
(Generalities) which was a science textbook. That was used by the Jewish, Muslim
and Christian physicians for centuries.Since Kitab al Kulyat fi al Tibb was a big
success Abd al Mu min wanted Ibn Rushd to come to Marrakesh. Abd al Mu min
runs the education for the dynasty in Marrakech. Abd al Mu min and with the help of
Ibn Rushd started the Moroccan Berber Muslim movement which was to overthrow
the ruling of Almoravids... Show more content on ...
He is also a team player and will listen to others because he likes to hear everyone s
opinion even if it s bad. He would say something if it is corrupt no matter what,
even if a strong power says not to. The second reason why Ibn Rushd is an
effective leader is because he is the leader of medicine and science which makes
him determined to something. Since writing textbooks are hard due to the amount
of pages of information he has to write. The final reason why Ibn Rushd is an
effective leader is because he is a well educated person so he can think things
through and do not do irresponsible things. He will also do things not just to benefit
him, but everyone because he is a very selfless person. He will also think what is the
best in a situation for
Why Environmental Non-Profits in North Carolina Should...
Independent Study and Research
Why Environmental Non profits in North Carolina Should Receive More
Government Funding Have you ever stopped to consider what a privilege it is to
have a clean environment that we depend on for many of our aspects of life, such as
sports, food, and the remainder of what we need to survive and thrive? Unless from
off earth, which would be things that we get from space matter (which is a miniscule
amount), everything we have is thanks to our earthly resources. However, there is a
huge price to the benefits. Someone has to take care of the negative effects that
impact the environment, and unfortunately they aren t fully accredited to what they
have to do to maintain order in many people s lives and ensure the environment is
providing for their profession. When we think of environmentally dependent
professions more locally, many of the people of North Carolina depend on our
environment to sustain their livelihood, and even to make a living for themselves,
like fishermen, farmer, hunters, and all kinds of employment options. That is why
Environmental non profits in North Carolina should receive more funding annually
from the government, for all the things they do to make sure our resources aren t
degraded, people can continue to use our environment for their enjoyment and any
other needs. This paper will help to explain the many reasons why NC environmental
non profits should be funded a larger amount that would be able to be used to employ
The Importance Of William Shakespeare s Influence On
Through evolution and changing social times, modern society has begun to question
the literary works of famous poets such as William Shakespeare, for his use of
predominantly male representation, overused themes, and debased comedy style.
Nevertheless, although social progress is underway to broaden the range of literary
works studied, it is important to examine Shakespeare in order to recognize his
exclusive influence on the English language, depiction of universal characters, and
representation of transferable lessons. Although, the overall ideologies involved are
not agreeable to civilizations today, it cannot be erased from history, thus is
imperative to a student s knowledge of literature Vocabulary is a tool given to society
in order to articulate thoughts, sentiments, wishes, and expression, hence the
mandatory study of the English language throughout elementary school and so forth
into post secondary education. Shakespeare has always been a figure of praise and
reference as he attributed to the creation of many of the terms society uses today. In
classrooms students learn of the devices he imposed onto the English language He
invented over 1700 of our common words by changing nouns into verbs, changing
verbs into adjectives, connecting words by changing nouns into verb... (Mabillard).
Consequently, it is not denied, how Shakespeare physically impacted language as he
has added hundreds of terms into scholarly dictionaries, mandating his influence. In
the same way
Essay Loyalty Program and File Import Node
Individual Exercise 1 (10 Points) You must do it alone (it is not a group activity)
Data set is on D2L with the exercise
Exercise Description:
Initial Data Exploration * A supermarket is offering a new line of organic products.
The supermarket s management wants to determine which customers are likely to
purchase these products. * The supermarket has a customer loyalty program. As an
initial buyer incentive plan, the supermarket provided coupons for the organic
products to all of their loyalty program participants and collected data that includes
whether or not these customers purchased any of the organic products. * The
ORGANICS data set has 13 variables and over 22,000 observations. The variables in
the data ... Show more content on ...
Point out any mismatch in your answer. (1 Point) d. Fix as needed (by clicking on
role or level) any mismatch in the roles or measurement levels of variables in the
above step. e. Continue with adding data source. Do not use decision processing
step in the data source wizard. In the final step use data set role as Raw. f. Right
click on the data in the project panel and select Explore. Make sure you set
sampling method to random and sample size to Max in sample properties. Scroll
and take a look at the first 26 observations. Which variables seem to have missing
values in the first 26 observations? Also, show a screenshot of at least first 26
observations.(1 Point) g. Instead of exploring data from the project panel, you
will now do it from the diagram. Make sure you set sampling method to random
and sample size to Max. in the options gt; preferences. Drag the data to the
diagram. Then, right click on the data source in the diagram. Choose edit variables.
In the pop up box, select any variable you want to explore and then click on the
Explore button. 1) Select TargetBuy. Create a frequency histogram for the variable
TargetBuy. Make sure the vertical axis is percentages and you display the
percentage values in the histogram (hint: right click on the graph...). Turn in a copy
of the histogram as a part of your deliverable. (1.5 Points) 2) Create a frequency
Water Supply In Canada Essay
Canada should do a Better Job Protecting Its Water Supply Since the start of time
human kind and all other living things on earth have been dependant on a clean
and smooth flowing water supply. Water is an essential part of survival on earth
and that has stood true since the start of time. As droughts around the world
increase and areas turn in to dust bowls the demand of exportation of water from
countries like Canada grows tremendously. Due to this I whole heartedly disagree
with the topic and in fact encourage the Canadian government to send large bulks
of water to areas of need. Statistically speaking Canada s water consumption levels
are very high. Canada owns about 9% of the world s freshwater while only having
1% of the world s population. An average Canadian uses about 1600 cubic meters of
water yearly, this is double how much the French use and 8 times the world average.
We as... Show more content on ...
Another reason I am not in favor of Canada protecting its water supply is because
of the difference between us and others around the world. Considering currency
change and the amount of resources surrounding us, we have a lot more goods
including a strong water supply from the Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific oceans, the
Arctic ocean also leads in to the great lakes which is very beneficial to Canadians
from an economic standpoint. A research done proved that 20% of the world s
richest own about 86% of all goods on earth, while the 20% poorest own as little as
only 1% of the world s goods. If we were to use this information and applied that to
Canada vs The World we would all clearly understand that it is our duty as a nation
to unite together and create equality around the world by sharing goods such as
water. The earth is something we are all part of, when something goes wrong in one
part of the world it has a ripple affect somewhere else. As citizens of a strong state it
is our duty to think about the common good of
Report On Duncan Osgood
Who Killed Mr. Duncan Osgood? Bambi Osgood and Paul Prestwick are guilty for
the back stabbing murder of Duncan Osgood. Paul Prestwick s police report states,
Accompanied Mrs. Osgood to day spa in Sedona, Arizona. Check in records confirm
the two checked in on Thursday into one room. Both Bambi and Paul s policereports
say they met at Bryman College. While they were with each other at school they
started to discuss how and when they were going to killDuncan Osgood. After Bambi
and Paul figure out how and when they were going to kill Duncan Osgood, she
begs Duncan to hire Paul, as it said in Duncan s journal First Bambi begs me to hire
the guy... they wait awhile to let Duncan get used to Paul and maybe gain each other
s trust and then they kill him. Bambi Osgood s police report states, Property
holdings: 8 bedroom house at 89 Ritzy Boulevard, approximately $5 million in...
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Bambi got Paul to be her accomplice by telling him they were going to split the
money. Paul says to a reporter of the Canyon Hill Times, about how Bambi wants
Marlene, the live in maid, to be fired. The second time occurred about two months
ago, when Bambi er Mrs. Osgood discovered money missing from her bureau
drawer. Bambi knew Marlene would get outraged over the accusations of her being
the thief, so Bambi thought it would be perfect to frame Marlene for the murder of
Duncan Osgood. Paul Prestwick s police report states, Mr. Prestwick had access to
the house because of his close dealings with its every day running and
responsibilities to Mrs. Osgood. On the night of the murder, Bambi and Paul had
just come back from a day spa. Since Paul had access to the house, Bambi and Paul
thought it would be the perfect
Dogtown And Z-Boys Documentary Analysis
Dogtown and Z Boys is a documentary that depicts the wild life of a skate and surf
team, including twelve individuals and the community in which they lived. This
documentary shows how the surf and skate culture was different and unique in the
1960s in California and changed over time. The individuals that were a part of this
team and community were known as the dropouts and lowlifes, but truly embraced
the locals only way of life. They all started off surfing and transitioned to skating,
which became extremely popular but was a short lived and crashed in 1965. The
people who kept skating were doing it because they loved doing it. Different styles
and locations for skating became available throughout time, and the dogtown boys
were always... Show more content on ...
After the Dogtown kids got famous and were given a brand, Zephyr, so many
people wanted to be a part of their group. Wherever the Zephyr kids would skate,
other people wanted to come too. The swimming pool skate zones became a place
where the Zephyr kids would go skate and where other people would watch. It was
a place where kids from the community could come together and interact with each
other. Just like in the video, Its a Mall World (youtube), the purpose for the malls and
skate zones were not just for the purpose of shopping and skating, but rather a place
for socialization within the
Notes on Investment Test
Chapter 7 Test Review
Problem 7 1
Bond valuation
Callaghan Motors bonds have 5 years remaining to maturity. Interest is paid annually,
they have a $1,000 par value, the coupon interest rate is 6.5%, and the yield to
maturity is 11%. What is the bond s current market price? Round your answer to the
nearest cent.
Annual Interest Payment = Par Value * Coupon Rate $1,000 * 6.5%= 65
Financial Calculator
N= 5
I/YR= 11%
PMT= 65
FV= $1,000 Find PV?
Bond s Current Market Price= 833.68
Problem7 2
Yield to maturity and future price
A bond has a $1,000 par value, 12 years to maturity, and a 9% annual coupon and
sells for $1,110.
a. What is its yield to maturity (YTM)? Round your answer to two decimal places.
Par Value= $1,000... Show more content on ...
Round your answer to the nearest cent.
Bond S: Change N = 1, PV = ? PV = $1,018.35
5) What will the value of the Bond L be if the going interest rate is 12%? Round your
answer to the nearest cent. 12%: Bond L: From Bond S inputs, change N = 17 and I
/YR = 12%, PV = ?, PV = $928.80
6) What will the value of the Bond S be if the going interest rate is 12%? Round
your answer to the nearest cent.
Bond S: Change N = 1, PV =? PV = $991.07
Why does the longer term bond s price vary more than the price of the shorter term
bond when interest rates change?
I. Long term bonds have greater interest rate risk then do short term bonds.
Problem 7 8
Yield to call
Seven years ago the Singleton Company issued 20 year bonds with a 11% annual
coupon rate at their $1,000 par value. The bonds had a 6% call premium, with 5
years of call protection. Today Singleton called the bonds.
A. Compute the realized rate of return for an investor who purchased the bonds when
they were issued and held them until they were called. Round your answer to two
decimal places.
Par Value= $1,000 *6%= 60+1000= 1,060
Coupon Rate= 11% Bond Price= 1000
No of Years= 7
Semiannual Interest Payment= 1,000 * 11%= 110 Financial Calculator
N= 7
I/YR= ?
PMT= 110
FV= 1,060
YTM = 11.60%
B. Explain why the investor should or should not be happy that Singleton called them.
Since the bonds have been called, interest rates must have
Vinegar Titration Lab
This lab dealt with determining the percentage Acetic Acid (CH3COOH) in
Vinegar. The main purpose of the experiment was to make sure if the vinegar
solution has the right amount of acetic acid, which is about 5%, using the titration
technique. The hypothesis is that the percentage of acetic acid in the vinegar
solution used will be very close to the usual percentage of 5%. The experiment was
to use the standard solution of NaOH to titrate the given vinegar solution to
determine the percent concentration of acetic acid. The result of the experiment
came out to close the 5% of the normal percentage of acetic acid contained in a
vinegar solution, but was inaccurate due to two errors in the experiment. The
controls in this experiment are the sample of vinegar solution used, the number of
drops of phenolphthalein used, and the same amount of the .04M 100mL solution
used in all trials in both weeks. Introduction This lab was the titration of NaOH
solution into the sample to determine the percent of acetic acid in the vinegar. The
pure acid is a colorless viscous liquid or glassy solid. The three objectives in this
lab are to develop a detailed titration procedure using a different method of preparing
a NaOH solution each week, calculate the percentage of acetic acid in the vinegar
solution in each... Show more content on ...
It was determined that the average concentration of acetic acid that was in the
sample of distilled white vinegar was 3.5%, which is lower than the recommended
concentration of about 5%.. Differences existed in the experimental results from the
two weeks the experiment was conducted. These differences were the errors in
finding the amount of a 0.4 M diluted NaOH solution that is needed to turn a vinegar
solution lightly pink, and the calculation on how to dilute 1.0 M of NaOH to 0.4 M.
Without these errors the experiment could have been more accurate and
M M s Biggest Competitor
M M s biggest competitor is Hershey s brand like M M candies. The competition is
fierce among the chocolate industry. Hershey and Mars are rivals and want the
opportunity to gain more of the market share. In 1954, Hershey ettes were
introduced to compete against the similar M M s. However, they were not
successful and are generally only available for consumers around the Holiday season.
By the millennium, Hershey extended the popular Hershey Kisses brand in creating
the Kissables. Hershey intended for direct competition to M M small candycoated
round tablet of chocolate in multitude of colors. The candy factories started in
standard size packs and by the 70 s moved into standard size candy boxes. In the
current year and season, you will find M M s in candy canes to small snack sizes
and inside ornamental objects. The chocolate world becomes difficult to present as
it becomes difficult to come up with new ideas in the candy business. As more
companies release products similar to the M M s, it will become increasingly
difficult for Mars to continue to command the level of market share in the chocolate
candy industry and the product has a potential to get lost in the supermarket aisle.
The objective with M M s is to create a lasting, mutual benefit for the business
success by creating a positive social impact and minimizing environmental impacts
while creating economic value. This has been a vital means to Mars success of M M
s over the past 100 years and
Thomas Jefferson Achievements
The Presidency of Thomas Jefferson was one of scandal, but also had some great
accomplishments. Jefferson was a well rounded individual with many skills. He also
had some faults as most people do. Jefferson did well when he was president, but
some of his actions proved that maybe he wasn t the most upfront man. Besides that,
Jefferson was a good and successful President. Thomas Jeffersonwas not only the
third president of the United States but also a man of many talents. Jefferson is the
leading man of the Enlightenment Era because of this. Jefferson could read Greek
and Latin. as mentioned in The Enduring Vision, Jefferson also spoke French fluently
and studied some Native American languages (175). Jefferson also had some
architectural... Show more content on ...
Even before Louisiana was purchased Jefferson wanted to launch an expedition to
explore the west. With Lousiana having been purchased this was the perfect time
for Jefferson to launch his expedition and so he did. The expedition was called the
Corps of Discovery or more famously know as the Lewis and Clark expedition
(Vision 181) .The leaders for this journey were Meriwether Lewis who was
Jefferson s private secretary and William Clark who was an army officer. Among
them were 27 other members. For Jefferson, this expedition was meant for
scientific discovery. He wanted Lewis and Clark to study the plants and animals of
the area. In order to prepare for this Jefferson sent Lewis to Philadelphia to study
zoology, astronomy, and botany (Vision 181). From this, we can see that Jefferson
was serious about this expedition and wanted his information to come from
somebody who knew a lot about different scientific fields. Another goal of the
expedition was to study Native American life and possibly establish a trade
network with them. The expedition started in May of 1804 and they returned
home in 1806. Throughout their journey, they spent their winters with different
Indian groups. Their first winter was spent at Fort Mandan in North Dakota with
the Mandan Indians. During this time the groups socialized with each other,
hunted, and traded. This opened up doors for Lewis and Clark to study Native
American life. In November of 1805 they reached the Pacific ocean and spent their
second winter at Fort Clatsop in Oregon. This stop also gave them some good
observation, but the weather wasn t always that great. Gray skies and rain was
very common in Oregon. Overall, their trip was a success. A lot of that has to due
with the help of Sacajawea. Sacajawea helped the group by acting as a translator and
knew the makeup of the land. Sacajawea also made the group
Joe Dimaggio Quotes
In The Old Man and the Sea, an old man named Santiago has achieved true
existence and is a spiritually fulfilled man, (Handy 1) as said in William Handy s
article. But I am qualifying the quote. Santiago had many conflicts and only
prayed to God in a situation of need to catch the fish he was after for three straight
days. Santiago valued all of the things he loves, respects, and honors, such as his
boat, the boy (Manolin), baseball, and the fish. Have faith in the Yankees my son.
Think of the great Joe DiMaggio. (Hemingway 17). During this quote, Santiago
and Manolin are talking about baseball statistics and such from the paper. The
Yankees were and still are a very good baseball team. The old man s favorite
baseball team is the New York Yankees and his favorite player is Joe DiMaggio.
Santiago looks up to Joe DiMaggio and follows all of his stats in the paper.
DiMaggio wasn t fully healthy one season, but he finished the season very well
and never told anyone he was hurt. So when Santiago was in pain when he was
catching the fish, he was trying to be just like his favorite Yankees player, and not
complain or make excuses. Santiago isn t a young guy, as a matter of fact, he is an
old man that has plenty of issues with his back. But those are not the only things that
... Show more content on ...
But he doesn t just lose his luck, he also loses Manolin, because of his parents
thought that the old man was salo. Manolin s parents believed that Santiago was
unlucky and they didn t want him to pass it on to their kid. They thought that if
Santiago s bad luck rubbed off on to Manolin, their whole family would get bad luck.
After that, Santiago started doing something he rarely did and that was doubting
himself. He didn t beat you. Not the fish. (Hemingway 124). When I first heard this
quote I thought that the old man thought that the fish got away alive, but as I read on
I started thinking he was talking about the
Superstition In Macbeth Research Paper
Good Morning Gentlemen, today I would like to share my opinion about Macbeth.
Shakespeare s tragedy, Macbeth is a play that has been studied for centuries due for
the main part because of the timeless nature and the fact it can be applied to any
context. In Macbeth, Shakespeare explores and provides arguments surrounding the
themes of superstition, appearance versus reality and ambition.
Firstly, through Macbeth s exploration of the theme of superstition, Shakespeare
successfully argues that superstition effects human behaviour. In Macbeth
superstition is represented as the irrational fear of what is unknown and mysterious.
This is of particular importance in Shakespeare s context where almost everyone
believed in superstitions. One such superstition ... Show more content on ...
In particular, he argues that unchecked ambition is the root of all evil and human
demise. This is of particular significance due to Macbeth, in essence, being written for
King James, and Shakespeare s caution in not encouraging the overthrow of a King.
Shakespeare s compelling argument that unchecked ambition results in losing one s
humanity to evil is displayed in Macbeth s soliloquy in Act 1 Scene 7. Here Macbeth
tries to rationalise killing Duncan. Shakespeare uses the technique of listing counter
arguments, to emphasise the supreme number of arguments against killing Duncan
and contrasts this with the one argument; ambition. Here Shakespeare uses extended
imagery to argue that unchecked ambition causes evil and a loss of humanity, I have
no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only Vaulting ambition which o erleaps
itself and falls on th other. Here Shakespeare compares Macbeth to a horse rider, and
says that he has not reason to get on the horse, to dig in the horse with his spurs, than
vaulting ambition. This notion is further discussed in that this vaulting action may
result in him going too far over and crashing on the other side of the horse. This in
essence also foreshadows the negative consequences of murdering Duncan that are
explored later in the play. Through this extended imagery, Shakespeare argues that
ambition is the only justifiable reason for killing Duncan but then counters this
It is a beautiful September morning. The sky is blue and cloudless, although it feels
like it should rain. Hundreds of people gather in small, tight knit groups at Ground
Zero, holding tightly to the person beside them. Shoulders shake as they stand in
the place where their loved ones died; not a word is uttered. Silence. That s how
they choose to remember 2,296 souls (Plumer, 2013). Complete and utter silence.
The void that is too often filled, the thing that is too often forgotten. Today s
society has been trained to avoid silence. In a world where our senses are
constantly assaulted by sound, silence has become awkward, uncomfortable, and
sometimes, even downright terrifying. We fill our world with sound, from the
moment we wake up in the morning to the moment we fall asleep at night. The
loud, insistent beep of the alarm clock, the ringing of cell phones, the slamming of
doors, and the hum of the radio invade every sphere of our lives. By taking a step
back, and looking at the world from a different point of view, we will see that
silence is a powerful tool that transforms our lives. Our generation is no longer
taught to spend time contemplating who we are as individuals. Rather, our focused
energy is on the distractions that are so easily available to us. We look for every
possible way to run from solitude instead of turning inward and spending time alone
with our own thoughts and emotions. Though it is frequently overlooked, silence is
an influential resource available
The Strategy Of Environmental Treaty Making
Professor of natural resource economics at Columbia University, Scott Barrett, is
responsible for producing Environment statecraft: The strategy of environmental
treaty making , a book that in his words, develops a theory of how states can
cooperate in protecting their shared environmental resources and should utilised to
analyse the successfulness of agreements and treaties. What sets this text apart is not
his presentation of newly founded information, but rather the craftful piecing together
of what Barret labels disparate ideas of economic/game theoretic approaches to
international cooperation and to combine and package them in a coherent fashion
(p.358). This is not to suggest that Barrett did not include his unique findings
however. Barrett persistently brought to light seemingly original examinations into
specific factors influencing poor successful examples of cooperation. This approach
results in an extensively scoping survey that highlights the dominant themes in a
fashion that allows the information to be accessible and feasibly consumable to any
audience willing to follow the core models and is also analytically robust. Notably
Barrett put an intensive focus, not only on theory but on how the theory was could
be applied in practice. Barrett does this as international cooperation in theory should
provide an approach for the conduct of policy , and practitioners need to think deeply
about these problems (p 358). The combination of the ideas and themes
The Effects Of Bpa On The Adult Brain And The Behavior
Since the 1960s plastics are made using bisphenol A, an industrial chemical which
until recently did not raise any concern. Research shows that BPA; being used to
make plastic and resins, coating the inside of metal products, raised major health
concerns ( 2015) .Exposure to BPA is a concern because of the
possible effects it has on the adult brain and the behaviour of infants.
A study by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2003
concluded that there were noticeably higher levels of BPA found in 93% of 2,517
urine samples taken by people over the age of six. This particular date is considered
the main source for further action in the United States. Because BPA is used in the
manufacturing of most drink bottles, raising concern for parents. Most baby bottles
contain BPA and it can seep into the liquid making consumption inevitable (Forbes.
2015). BPA is known as an endocrine disrupter this is defined as a substance which
interferes with the production, secretion, transport, action, function and elimination
of natural hormones. This means that this chemical can imitate the body s own
hormones, which can be dangerous, especially for young children still developing, as
it changes and may decrease the production of Luteinizing hormone (LH) this can
change the rate in which children go through puberty (Mayo Clinic . 2015). This
hormone is also responsible for the ovulation of women, a study in 2006 found that
rats exposed to BPA for long
Liberalism and Social Contract Essay
Liberalism and Social Contract
Charles Larmore speaks of moral complexity as it exists in a pluralistic sense. The
idea of pluralism says that each and every person has their own separate conception
of the good as it appears to them. It is I virtually impossible to have to separate
entities come up with the same exact concept of the Good Life and what it holds for
them. As there are these conflicts ideals that exist in each of us it is possible for our
conception of the good to come under attack from competing concepts that are held
by others around us. Some one who is Muslim may have a conception of the good
that wants to eradicate me and my notion of the good. There needs to exist some
centralized ... Show more content on ...
Larmore brings this to point in the way of his modus vivendi which is useful to have
a justice that exists in the state to protect our own conception of the good respectively.
Hume wrote of justice as an artificial virtue that we create to make things in life
work. Larmore thinks that there is a problem with this idea of an artificial virtue,
he argues that what distinguishes an artificial virtue from a natural one (such as
courage) cannot be that it fails to be instinctive, as Hume wrote, (Larmore, 70 71)
this is evident in that every virtue must be learned in some way either by teaching
of the intellectual or the habituation of the moral virtues that Hume considers
natural. It is important to see what Hume thought of as the circumstances of justice
that are explained in two groups, the external and the internal that cause conflict
based on wants and needs and individual concepts of the good respectively. This
conflict creates a need for the virtue of justice to take care of the problems that
arise. This encompasses the principle of liberal justice that is necessary for anyone
to keep their conception of the good life. This modus vivendi or way of living is a
means of accommodation between the political right and the individual concept of
the good. It is a sort of pragmatic principle the helps us all get along in this pluralistic
setting of any society. This comes of
Phy Lab Essay
Geometrical Optics: Snell s Law
PHY101 Lab 12
Date: July 23rd, 2012
The purpose of this laboratory activity is to develop a set of experimental
procedures that answer questions regarding Snell s Law and the index of refraction.
Ultimately, the experimental procedures you develop will allow the index of refraction
to be found for water and cooking oil.
1. Explain how to experimentally determine the index of refraction of two
substances. 2. Develop a set of experimental procedures to find the index of
refraction for water and cooking oil. 3. Calculate the index of refraction using Snell s
Law. 4. Explain critical angle and total internal reflection.
Materials from Lab Kit:
Laser ... Show more content on ...
4. Once the ray goes through and refracts in the oil and comes out to air from the
curving side of the cell, record the point the ray comes out by drawing a dot on the
paper using the pencil. 5. Record the line that the light goes from air to oil, and
connect the dot with the intersection point of the vertical line and flat cell side. 6.
Measure the angle Π2andφ2.
When light passes from one medium to another, air to water for example, part of
the light is reflected at the boundary and part of the light gets bent as it passes on to
the new medium. The bending of this light is referred to as refraction. A sketch of
this is shown below.
In this example, n1 is the index of refraction for air. The index of refraction for water
is n2. According to Snell s Law:
n1 sin О = n2 sin П†
Note: The angles are measured with respect to the normal (vertical).
Part of the scientific method is to develop laboratory procedures that test a hypothesis
and answer a scientific question.
Construct an Excel spreadsheet to calculate the index of refraction for water and
cooking oil. Remember that in Excel angular measurement is in radians. Pi radians =
180 degrees.
Record Data from the Experiment
| О 1| П†1| О 2| П†2| Angle| 41.5o| 29.9o| 41.5o| 22.5o| radian| 0.23 pi| 0.166 pi|
0.23 pi| 0.125 pi|
Calculations Calculate the Index of Refraction
Record Data from the
The Price Of Crude Oil Essay
The price of crude oil has experienced a sharp decline since June, 2015. The
stunning fall in oil prices has been one of the most important global macro economic
developments of the past 20 months. There are numerous factors that have
contributed to the oil price crash and the downturn of the oil and gas industry. These
factors would further be discussed in this paper . Causes of Oil Price Crash in Recent
The oil industry is full of economic booms and busts. Recently, the industry is in a
downturn and the price of crude oil has dropped significantly. In recent times, the
price of oil has dropped by more than 40% since June 2015. This crash came after
nearly five years of stability and the economies hardly hit by this downturn are oil
exporting countries such as Russia, Nigeria, Iran and Venezuela. In the past one year
and a half, oil prices have been cut in half and oil executives have predicted it will be
years before oil prices return to $100 per barrel. The major causes of the downturn
are the declining prices of a barrel of oil, which is as a result of the strong U.S.
dollar, oversupply, OPECand declining demand.
The oil price is partly determined by actual supply and demand and partly by
expectation. Demand for energy is closely related to economic activity. Supply can
be affected by weather and by geopolitical upsets. Recently, demand for energy is
low because of weak economic activity, inctreased efficiency, and a growing switch
away from oil to
Cotton Factory Conditions
I believe that the conditions of these textile factories and cotton mills were:
unsanitary, long hours,and multiple kinds of debris causing it to be hazardous and
finally dangerous.The House of Lords interviewed many people including
Dr.Ward.During this interview Dr.Ward had stated the following, The state of health
of the cotton factorychildren is much worse than that of children employed in other
manufacturors .In summary he meant that there are dozens of health issues with
factories but far more issues of those coming from the cotton factories.This evidence
can be trusted because he personally visited these factories with Dr.Clough and
Mr.Preston.All three of these men began to struggle for breathe while inside these
mills.There were
Supreme Court Justices
In Article Three of the United States Constitution, the framers established a judicial
branch of government that comprised of the Supreme Court and lower courts. In
Article Two, the framers gave the President of the United States the power to
nominate a Supreme Court Justice and, with Senate confirmation, requires Justices to
be appointed. After being elected, the White House staff prepares a list of possible
candidates for the President to use as potential picks, usually consisting of judges,
politicians, and other individuals they consider to be appropriate for the nomination.
Once the candidate is selected, the White House staff sends out a vetting form for
them to fill out and visits the candidate to go over tax records and payments... Show
more content on ...
Personally, I have kept my opinions on President Trump down to a minimum
because I think many people are over reacting about his ideas and crazy opinions.
Yes, President Trump has shown us he can potentially be a terrible President, but I
think it is too early in his time to make crazy accusations about him. President
Trump will select the proper judges who he believes to be conservative and rule in
favor of his political beliefs. Potentially a new trend in the Supreme Court could be
the take over of conservative Justices, if President Trump is given the option to
select another Justice to the Court. This could potentially change the rulings in a
few cases the conservatives did not have go their way, but it could also lead to
some that could benefit our country as well. I think critics of Trump need to give it
time, it is still early to make crazy assumptions about President Trump. For all we
know, he could end up making changes to our country that help benefit us in the long
Morton s Toe Research Paper
Take off your shoes. Look down at your feet. Is your second toe longer than your
big toe? If so, you have Morton s toe. Morton s toe is a skeletal disorder, in which
the first metatarsal is shorter than the second metatarsal. Metatarsals are the bones
that attach to the toes or known as phalanges. Individuals often mistake Morton s
toe of the second toe being longer than the first, but it is actually the second
metatarsal that is longer than the first metatarsal; therefore, the second toe seems
longer than the big toe. Morton s toe was discovered and named by Dr. Dudley J.
Morton who was a physician, orthopedic surgeon, researcher, and author in the 1920
s ( Fehrs). It could also be referred to as Morton s Foot Syndrome and Greek Foot. ...
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It is congenital meaning it is present at birth. Also, Morton s toe may be caused
when the first metatarsal bone is abnormally short compared to the second
metatarsal bone and when the first metatarsal bone has more motion, which means
it is unstable. This instability is known as Hypermobility of the First Metatarsal
Bone (Schuler). Additionally, Morton s toe can be simply recognized without an
X ray. Some symptoms are more noticeable than others. For instance, if one looks
at his feet and notices that his second toe is longer than the first, he has Morton s
toe. If the space between your first and second toe appears to be deeper, not wider,
but deeper than the space between your second and third toes, you have Morton s
Toe ( Morton s Toe ). An individual can also detect Morton s toe by holding down
his toes and finding bumps where the metatarsal bones end. He will mark the
location of the bumps and compare the lines. The first metatarsal bone is shortened
if the line for the second toe is closer to the leg than the line for the big toe (
Morton s Toe: Symptoms and Treatments ). Excess skin between the toes is another
possible sign for Morton s toe. More symptoms of Morton s toe include pain in areas
of the foot to the neck, callus formation, and musculoskeletal
Edge Of A Revolution Essay
Edge of a Revolution by Nickelback: A Message to Challenge the Status Quo
Revolution! Revolution! Revolution! chants the crowd with their fists in the air. The
police surrounded the crowd and flashing lights bounced around the stadium. Fire
and debris covered the stage as the crowd shouted with picket signs in hand. An
electrifying sound accompanied by a steady beat fills the night sky, the Nickelback
concert has begun. Nickelback s famous 2014 controversial song, Edge of a
Revolution, echoes throughout the stadium walls. Behind the band on the big screen,
their music video mirrors their lyrics as they sing about the injustice within the
government and favoritism of the wealthy. In the music video Edge of a Revolution,
... Show more content on ...
Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, was shot and killed by a white police
officer. Contrary to what evidence displayed, the grand jury voted not to indict the
police officer of the crime (Buchanan, Fessenden, Lai, Park, Parlapiano, Tse,
Wallace, Watkins, and Yourish). From the bands window, they looked out to see a
riot that stemmed from the unjust verdict of the grand jury. As the outrage
continued, they felt the world was on an edge of a revolution (Ramirez).
Nickelback transmits compelling messages through their music and lyrics. Rock
and alternative music fans love their music. Edge of a Revolution s music video
takes place in a private school classroom. The students filter into the classroom as a
film called Obey and Revolution appears on a projector screen. Images of war,
money, Wall Street, revolts, words like obey, follow, and buy flash across the
screen. The film silently sends subliminal messages to the students, telling them
how to live their lives, what to believe, and what to think. As the students watch the
film, stoned, mesmerized expressions mask their faces. Once they begin to realize
what messages they are receiving, outrage fills their faces and they begin throwing
chairs and desks. In the verses of the song, Nickelback s biting words express the
injustice that ordinary people live with on a daily basis. The
Essay on Panera Bread Company
Panera Bread Company9/4/11 Mission Panera Bread s mission is to make great
bread broadly available to consumers across the United States. Vision Panera Bread
s vision is to create specialty cafГ©s anchored by an authentic, fresh dough artisan
bakery and upscale quick service menu selections. By targeting urban workers and
suburban dwellers looking for a quick service meal and a more aesthetically
pleasing dining experience, Panera Bread s long term objective and strategic intent
is to make Panera Bread a nationally recognized brand name and to be the dominant
restaurant operator in the specialty bakery cafГ© segment. Values Panera Bread s
values are Product, Environment and Great Service (PEGS). Panera... Show more
content on ...
In addition, Panera Bread s goal was to achieve an earning per share growth of 25
percent annually. Elements of Business Strategy Product Strategy Panera Bread s
menu allows them to compete successfully in five submarkets: breakfast, lunch,
daytime chill out , light evening and take home bread. Panera Bread s product
strategy is to regularly review and revise the menu to provide low cost, high quality
choices. By incorporating seasonal items and introducing new items per customer
requests, Panera Bread continues to serve the needs of current customers while
gaining interest from new customers. Panera Bread s commitment to quality is
confirmed with their signature product, artisan bread, which is made with no
preservatives or chemicals. Likewise, Panera Bread only uses natural, antibiotic free
chicken in all chicken related sandwiches and salads. Keeping the customer wants in
mind, Panera Bread has recognized that customers are conscious about eating good
carbs and has introduced whole grain breads. Another new option to the Panera Bread
menu has been the introduction of Panera Fresh Catering, which is aimed to reach
into workplace, schools, parties and gatherings held in homes. CafГ© Design
Strategy Panera Bread s cafГ© design strategy is to create bakery cafes with an
inviting ambience by incorporating a distinctive and engaging environment by using
fixtures and materials complementary to the
Symbolism In Phantom Of The Opera
Phantom of the Opera , by the writer and French researcher Gaston Leroux, is a
fabulous work that presents itself to one of the most beautiful characters of
contemporary literature, along with the Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor
Hugo. The character of Erik is an excellent sample of a social plunder. The world
has given him back since he was born because he was deformed and had to learn to
live with it in the darkness of the basement of the theatre, which was the center of
the most wealthy European society (French, no doubt). Since he was born, Erik, has
had to live paying for its ugliness and learning if same life that has been so cruel to
him. This character is tender, angelic... Show more content on ...
As I have said earlier, the moral conflicts of the characters of Erik in the novel The
Phantom of the Opera and Quasimodo in the the Hunchback of Notre Dame are
completely similar. In Erik, we see that person that life has treated so badly,
denying him a presentable appearance and trying to stick to the world in which he
lives at all costs although the world you back. Every human being needs someone to
live, it is something that goes without saying it, but unfortunately in the world which
we live, is not always met this requirement, because really how many people in our
around are real ghosts who do not have anyone that tempts them a hand when they
need help, or that listen to them when they need to talk about? Arriving at the
conclusion that Erik is a marked character the repulsion of the man towards
everything that is not absolute perfection all of his crimes are justified, according to
my point of view. All the murders committed by does not commit him, but the ghost
inside, carrying a ghost who hates the man who is unable to be moved by the most
sublime things of life, as inner love, music, the true art outside interests economic,
and etc. Why destroy anyone who stands in the race for what he believes is the most
beautiful voice in the world. Really what it does with Christine does
The Development of Chondrocranium of Chondrichthyes
Chondrichthyes possess a skeleton that differs considerably from other species in that
their skeletons are made up of cartilage rather than bone. This project gives insight on
the normal developmental pattern of the chondrocranium of a chondrichthyan, using
the little skate, Leucoraja erinacea as a model organism. This is demonstrated by
using histological techniques to visualize and describe this sequence of
chondrocranium development, focusing on two stages of development. In the context
of what is morphologically known from their relative taxas and other
chondrichthyans, the developmental pattern that occurs in these two stages is given
in detail. It s suggested that from anterior to posterior, beginning with the earlier of
the two... Show more content on ...
Starting off as a pair of parachordal cartilage, the basal region, or basal plate will
grow to surround the notochord and pair with prechordal cartilages, the trabeculae
cranii, that form in front of the notochord to form the ethmoid plate. The occipital
region will form at the posterior end of the chondrocranium and surround the
descending notochord via a segmented occipital arch, which exhibits similarly to that
of a vertebral column present in vertebrates having both a neural and hemal arch (3).
The little skate, Leucoraja erinacea, is a chondrichthyan that is a key model organism
for chondrichthyan embryology studies. As an oviparous species, after internal
fertilization its development is independent of its mother, encapsulated in a laid,
moderately thin keratinized egg case during embryonic development. These embryos
receive nourishment via a yolk sac located in the egg case and remain capsuled
during development for approximately 6 9 months (Figure 2a j). As an oviparous
species, they are amenable to experimental embryological manipulation and therefore
are important as a model organism.
Chrondrichthyans are an important lineage in that their studies can shed light onto
evolutionary processes that can give key insights into both development of extinct
early jawed fishes and the evolution of higher
Two Years Old Research Paper
Children develop at different stages; for example, the children of two years
typically like to sit on your lap and cuddle because he knows it s a time when he has
your attention while a three years old are already more independent.
Another difference that we can find between children of two and three years old is
that children of two years are not independent in its entirety, still, does not understand
or follow rules
A three year old child is already more independent, has more control over what is a
routine, understands the rules better, and follows routines easier. The two years old
is emotional and acts according to what he has seen from him, furthermore two years
old imitate the behavior of adults or older children. In general, the behavior
The Downpour Poem
The downpour recounts an idiosyncratic phenomenon from his childhood that
lingered a cherished occurrence on the writer s mind; watching as the rain drenched
earth and everything on it, then becoming shadowed by the vehement thunder to
follow, impacted the writer tremendously as the result/damage of the aforementioned
coerced an aesthetic appreciation towards this phenomenon. This heavy downpour
embarked the unforgettable memories of playing outside in the heavy rain as he
reminisced on the vast imagery of nature s elements along with the striking sounds
that followed. In this extract, the writer s application of stylistic devices and emotive
languages such as: his amplification of The Downpour in his description, energizing
personifications,... Show more content on ...
After giving a detail description on The Downpour through the usage of
amplification, personification, metaphors and similes to invoke imagery and
reverberant sound, Arena eventually applies flashback to the passage. We see this
where he states, Finally I would run outside, naked, and let the rain soak me
through...I was not satisfied with rolling in the grass, I wanted to fly, to fly like
those birds alone in the downpour. The writer portrays the downpour as an
extraordinary event in the life of the child by giving the audience a personal
reference to his experience in the downpour. This enables the readers to appreciate
this momentous event by engaging the reader more into the passage. The writer s
awestruck tone also contributes significantly to this passage as it sets the attitude of
the passage and aids setting the atmosphere. This compels the audience to imagine
and almost feel like they are experiencing this event, thus, Arena successfully portrays
the downpour as an extraordinary event in the life of the
The Essential Element to Be a Financial Planner in Hong
Describe the essential element to be a successful financial planner in Hong Kong and
China. Explain the challenges of practicing ethical financial planning in Hong Kong
and China.
Successful financial planning
Successful financial planning
Establishing trusting relationships with clients
Establishing trusting relationships with clients
Strong reputation
Strong reputation
Professional and ethical behavior
Professional and ethical behavior
Strong financial planning knowledge
Strong financial planning knowledge
Strong interpersonal skills
Strong interpersonal skills
Financial planning has become much more important over the decade in Hong Kong
and China. Many graduates and other people with professional financial ... Show
more content on ...
To increase public confidence in the financial planning, many banks and insurance
companies require their staff to take the CFP examination. As for China, Chinese
government has opened the financial market over the years which lead to the changes
of the Chinese circumstance frequently. So financial planners in China are required
to receive related education to enhance the public confident on financial planning.
Taking the example of China taxation system, there were several changes in tax
incentive for foreign business and individual income tax. Financial planners in China
should aware these changes and modify their tax planning quickly for their clients.
Interpersonal skills are essential to financial planners. Because they have to collect
the data from their clients to make recommendations to their clients. When collecting
data from their clients, financial planners should show their integrity and competence
to convince the clients. It can be better to set the financial goal for their clients.
Chinese people would not disclose their private information to the stranger easily. It
hampers financial planners to help their clients to pursue their financial goals.
Financial planners who serve for Chinese people should use their interpersonal skills
to get close with their clients and collect more information. Many successful
salespeople suggest making friend with the customers and clients. Caring with client
s needs
Disney World Comparison
Vacationing is a good way to spend quality time with family, friends, or even alone.
What some people have trouble with is picking out where to take a vacation. Take
Disneyland and Disney World for example. Disneyland and Disney World are both
fun places to go, but they are on different sides of the United States. How would
someone choose between them, if a vacation planner did not know the differences in
the two? A good way to pick which one to go to is to budget out trips to Disneyland
and Disney World and compare and contrast the two.
From Tupelo, Mississippi to Disney World is a 688 mile drive ( Travel ). Near
Disney World for $114 a night with free breakfast, free parking and free Wi Fi,
Hampton Inn Suites Orlando Airport at Gateway ... Show more content on ...
A budget is also a good way to plan ahead for a big trip to Disneyland and Disney
World. It is a good idea to research this type of trip, as the time of the year can be
very important. Factors can include higher or lower prices, heavier crowds, which
affect the wait times in lines, and the weather, as it may be very hot and humid or
into the rainy and severe storms season. Schools may still be in session, which helps
the crowd levels at the parks to not be so bad, or, if schools are out already for the
summer, the crowds will be worse. Certain times of the year can also affect the cost
of gas prices, airline prices, food prices and hotel costs. During the peak season,
prices will be a good bit
Fidget Spinners Essay
Something showed up at early 2017, and it instantly became a massive hit. Guess
who they are. Yes, fidget spinners. Small fidget toys made from plastic or metal,
spinning on our fingers to their massive boom. These toys might look simple and
small, but their popularity isn t. They re well known all over the world. So, what
do they hide behind their metal bearings? Where and when do they come from? Sit
back and get yourself a cup of coffee, as I will take you on this trip, uncovering fidget
spinners, and examining their reason of existence, in terms of science and art.
Before cracking these spinners deeper, we ll first go through the history of fidget
spinners. There are no clear evidence about it s original inventor, but there are indeed
some other evidences that could lead into the creation of this small toy. Catherine
Hettinger, 62 years old, is one of it. She is a chemical engineer, and she said that she
s a tinkerer. Surprisingly, she doesn t have any kind of connection towards any
companies that are producing this popular toy. She had her first 2 patents for a
placemat that could help people on their diet. Her third patent, granted in 1997, is a
circular device made from a single piece of plastic that spins on the tip of a finger.
She called this device a spinning... Show more content on ...
The art of Fidget Spinners. As it becomes a massive hit, this spinning fidget toy
grows into something more than only a fidget toy. It becomes some sort of art, and
quite number of people are into it. At first, we start with some boring designed
fidget spinners. They were mostly plastic, and they are molded in one colour. But
as the trend invades, there are tons of design modifications. Today, fidget spinners
come in a ton of different colours, shapes, and material. They used to only have 3
wings , but now, some of them have 2, and some even have more. You could even
get a gold plated fidget spinner if you wanted
History of Cellphone
History of Cell Phones The history of mobile phones records the development of
interconnection between the public switched telephone systems to radio transceivers.
From the earliest days of transmitting speech by radio, connection of the radio
system to the telephone network had obvious benefits of eliminating the wires. Early
systems used bulky, high power consuming equipment and supported only a few
conversations at a time, with required manual set up of the interconnection. Today
cellular technology and microprocessor control systems allow automatic and
pervasive use of mobile phones for voice and data. The transmission of speech by
radio has a long and varied history going back to Reginald Fessenden s invention and
shore to ship... Show more content on ...
In 1969 Amtrak equipped commuter trains along the 225 mile New York
Washington route with special pay phones that allowed passengers to place
telephone calls while the train was moving. The system re used six frequencies in
the 450 MHZ band in nine sites, a precursor of the concept later applied in cellular
telephones. [2] In December 1971, AT T submitted a proposal for cellular service
to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). After years of hearings, the
FCC approved the proposal in 1982 forAdvanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS)
and allocated frequencies in the 824 894 MHz band.[6] Analog AMPS was
eventually superseded by Digital AMPS in 1990. A cellular telephone switching
plan was described by Fluhr and Nussbaum in 1973,[7] and a cellular telephone
data signaling system was described in 1977 by Hachenburg et al.[8] In 1979 a
U.S. Patent 4,152,647 was issued to Charles A. Gladden and Martin H. Parelman,
of Las Vegas for an emergency cellular system for rapid deployment in areas where
there was no cellular service. Emergence of commercial mobile phone service
Alongside the early developments outlined above, a different technology was also
growing in popularity. Two way mobile radios (known as mobile rigs) were used in
vehicles such as taxicabs, police cruisers, and ambulances, but were not mobile
phones, because they were not connected to the telephone network. The first fully
automated mobile phone system for vehicles was launched in Sweden in 1960. Named
How To Write A Mitochondria Essay
The mitochondria is an organelle of a cell. It works as it was the digestive system,
it s in charge of obtaining the nutrients, then break them down, and finally, all that
work is for maintaining the cell full of energy, so they would be as the power plants
of the cell. The mitochondria are in charge of creating 90% of the energy that our
bodies need so it can sustain life and support our growth. The mitochondria are small
organelles that floats all through the cell. Some cells have many, lots of mitochondria,
but others just have none; for example, the muscle cells need a lot of energy, so they
contain lots of mitochondria, otherwise, neurons don t need as much. Depending of
the quantity of energy that the cell needs, mitochondria could be created.
How is the mitochondria structure? It s made of two membranes: first, the outer
membrane, the mitochondria is covered by it, it s like it was the skin; then we can
find the inner membrane, it folds over the mitochondria many times and creates
cristae (layered structures). The mitochondria ... Show more content on ...
They are caused NOT by being contagious (because they aren t) or by something
that a person did. They are caused by mutations or changes in genes: when genes
passes from parents to children, they will also pass with their defects they have, so
that means that the mitochondrial diseases are inheritable. They are the result of the
failure in the mitochondria, so when they fail, less energy is generated within the
cell. First, the cell will be have injury and then it can produce the cells death; if this
continues happening throughout the body, then the whole system begin to fail and
the person s life become in risk. The mitochondrial disease primarily affects the
children, but it s becoming more common to affect adults too. To what parts of our
body does this disease affects the most? It causes damage to cells of the brain, heart,
liver, skeletal muscles, and the respiratory
The Importance Of Eating Preferences In Children
Possibly, your kids know that they can leverage your desire to get them to eat with
their own preferences. If they can refuse until they get chicken nuggets, or can eat in
front of the television, why change?
We ve all done what we ve had to do in order to get through a meal. That said, we
might make some leeway by instituting an eating schedule. In addition, we can make
sure that meals are eaten together at the table.
We all go off plan sometimes. But try to be less forgiving about when and where food
is served in your house.
3. Texture or smell.
As a kid, you weren t a fan of broccoli (I wasn t). As it turns out, this is probably
because young ones are sensitive to the taste of some plant compounds. For most,
they just need to ... Show more content on ...
That doesn t differ from what adult women who want to drop a dress size may eat!
Healthy brain, bone, and muscle development are crucial at this time, so a near adult
amount of calories makes sense.
Not to mention, they need to eat for the energy typical of toddlers.
Without it, listlessness and fatigue will occur, stunting their development. Other
symptoms of nutritional deficiency may include crankiness, speech delays, and more
frequent illnesses.
And what of those nutritional shakes that promise to help our kids get precious
vitamins and calories? They definitely work, but they re full of less than desirable
ingredients. For example, one popular brand specifically marketed to kids includes
the following:
Added sugar Not natural sugar, like from fruit; just more of the white stuff.
Maltodextrin A thickener and preservative that can cause sugar spikes and impact
healthy gut bacteria.
Carrageenan Another thickener/stabilizer which may be bad for digestion.
Artificial flavoring Addictive, lab created chemicals.
Monoglycerides Synthetic hydrogenated fat.
And that s just for starters the ingredients list on these nutrition shakes is a mile long!
In addition to providing calories and (synthetic) vitamins, they re big on sugar and
In a way, it s quite counterproductive. We do our best to avoid or limit candy and
soda, so they don t get hooked on it
Chief Petty Officer
I used to view chief petty officer as nothing more than a rank that I would achieve
as I worked my way up the ladder to higher positions within staff. I ll admit to being
a bit puzzled as to why the c/PCPO s went through such a seemingly strenuous
transition when their reward was simply making chief. Lately I ve come to realize
that yes, all you get out of the c/PCPO transition is the rank of chief, but that chief
includes much more than the title of being a chief. Being a chief means you are
willing to take charge of a higher level of responsibility, and coinciding with that,
being able to lead a larger unit of people. Being chief means that you understand
how to properly lead those who rely on you. Chiefs work together to make up the
higher ranks of staff that plan how the unit is to run, but they also lead the
individual cadets. A chief, by definition of being a higher rank, is expected to set
an example for other cadets to learn by. Chiefs also select chiefs to lead the unit
when they have left, accepting both the responsibility of the unit at present, and who
will manage it in the future. At the time that I saw chief as only a rank, I only
wanted to achieve said rank to further my own personal status within NJROTC. Once
I realized all the responsibility that comes with being a chief, I faltered. I questioned
whether or not I... Show more content on ...
Within any set unit, whether that be a literal machine or a unit of people, what is
the most deciding factor in proper functioning is properly functioning elements. In
this case, the elements are the people. I believe that by being a chief, if I can spread
my reach to help teach and guide more people, in turn teaching them to lead when it
is their turn, then I can make then I can make the unit as a whole a better unit. In the
end, that s why I want to be a chief, to help better the unit I love facilitated by a
passion for taking care of my
Exploring The Role Of Prohibition In The 1920 s
The prohibition was a result of the certification and ratification of the 18th
Amendment in the United States Constitution. Due to the 18th Amendment the sale,
transport, and production of alcoholic beverages in the United States was deemed
illegal, although the consumption and private possession of alcohol was not
prohibited. The 18th Amendment and prohibition of alcohol took effect right around
January 16, 1920 and the prohibition took place between the years of 1920 up until
1933. Federal and local government had immense difficulty in their attempts to
enforce prohibition. The responsibility of the enforcement of the prohibition was
originally left in the hands of the Internal Revenue Service(IRS), but was later
transferred to the Department... Show more content on ...
The Cullen Harrison Act permitted the manufacturing and sale of beer with a low
alcohol content and wines with an alcoholic content up to 3.2 percent and had helped
to put an end to the prohibition era. On December 5, 1933 the 21st Amendment of the
United States Constitution was ratified and had prohibition repealed at the federal
level, and allowed the sale of alcohol within the states. However, due to the 21st
Amendment each state had the rights to prohibit the sale and transportation of
alcoholic beverages. Many of the states did set individual prohibition laws within
their state, but by 1966 all of the prohibition laws in the states had been repealed. In
1984 the United States Congress had passed the National Minimum Drinking Age
Act which had required the states to raise their drinking age from whatever it was
previously to twenty one. The National Drinking Age Act had prohibited the sale or
possession of alcohol to any person or persons under the age of twenty one. If states
chose not to comply with this and raise their drinking age to twenty one, then the
federal government would penalize the states by decreasing their federal highway
funding by eight percent. As of 1988 all of the fifty states had required all
individuals who desired
The California Gold Rush
The gold rush made California a commercial assemble and draws a lot of attention
around the globe by forming multicultural communities that still exist today. The
huge amount of travelers from the world largely regenerate the economy of the
Pacific Northwest and brought wealth to North America. However, in other
perspectives, it was also a terrible loss to human life. The harsh conditions in Alaska
have led to hundreds of prospectors being killed and the severe diseases they carried
decimated the native people. Furthermore, the gold rush reflects how terrible
consequences greediness can cause when profit reaches 100%.
Gold Rush of 1849
Population shift causes multicultural communities that still exist today
California became a diverse ... Show more content on ...
People open stores for the people who immigrate to seek better wealth. However, the
local supply couldn t provide a diversified market for the local industry, the inelastic
demand and high consumption power stimulated the growth of the vertical
integration simultaneously.
Vertical integration refers to an strategy where a company expand its business
operations into several steps but on the same production, in other words, the company
owns the distributor/supply chain.
What is good about the vertical integration is that vertical integration can help
enterprises reduce costs and improve efficiencies by reducing transportation expanses
and turnaround time. Sometimes, however, a company relies on existing expertise
and economics scale of other vendors rather than vertical integration since they are
more effective and practical.
The rise of consumption power
The increase of active transportation within the country
Lack of diversification of local market supply
Examples of commercial assemble:
Shovel Store near the diggings that sold digging tools with expensive
Color Purple Symbolism
Symbolism in The Color Purple
Alice Walker s Pulitzer Prize winning novel, The Color Purple, tells the story of a
young black woman in rural Georgia over thirty years in the first half of the twentieth
century. Through her letters to God and her sister Nettie, the protagonist, Celie,
shares her struggles against physical, sexual, emotional and verbal abuse. Through
Celie s story and the stories of the other people in her life, the novel explores the
themes of racism, sexuality, spirituality, and gender roles. Walker enriches the story
and advances these themes through the use of symbols such as the sewing of quilts
and pants; music; and the use of colors. First, sewing is an important symbol in the
novel that advances the theme of the traditional ... Show more content on ...
Sewing quilts and pants provides Celie a way to focus her energy on creative
production. This provides her independence and growth much like music provides
the same opportunities to Shug Avery and Mary Agnes. Music however also has a
dark side in the rural Georgia society and members of the community see it as dark
and seductive. This view of music and musicians liberates the women and provides
them with sexual power of men. Lastly, colors are important symbols in the novel. In
particular, purple, the novels namesake, represents Celie s fully developed
spirituality and an appreciation for God in all
Hamilton Musical
Is Hamilton the Best Musical in Over 40 Years? For many years, people have been
watching musicals and plays for most of their teenage to adult life. Most musicals
are well known for just their catchy songs, but have you ever seen one with catchy
songs, brilliance, and the power to move you in emotional and spiritual ways?
Well, Hamilton, a musical written by Lin Manuel Miranda has all of that and more.
Most people would argue that other musicals are better, but where are you going to
find one with brains and talent, one that teaches, and is world widely moving by its
positive effective role in racism. The musical Hamilton is convivial and it is all
around amazing. Hamilton has won 11 awards with how prodigious it was, with that
being said,... Show more content on ...
Although Paulson, Kaplan, and Schussler have very good points about Hamilton,
there are some unfortunate things about the musical. Rebecca Onion author of, A
Hamilton Skeptic on Why the Show Isn t as Revolutionary as it Seems says, It s
still white history. And no amount of casting people of color disguises the fact they
re erasing people of color from the actual narrative. Although Hamilton plays a part
in making colored men and women happy, some people see that nothing really
changes the fact they added different races in the musical. In Hamilton, if you listen
closely to the words they sing there is a lot of foul language in it. With that being
said, it eliminates the opportunity for little kids to enjoy let alone watch the musical.
Another reason why Hamilton has an unfortunate twist to it is because of the
reflections that Alexander Hamilton puts on the men he is fighting against, making
people think that everything was their fault. This is a problem because of certain
people watching the play, they might be for the men he and his army were going
against. Despite the setbacks of Hamilton, you can learn from this play without even
being aware of
New Trend Of Online Streaming Services Essay
Recently, Time Warner collaborated with other media companies by acquiring a small
percentage of Hulu, in an effort to sustain a future in the new trend of online
streaming services. TW invested a hefty $583 million cash stake, joining forces with
other media giants Comcast, Walt Disney, and 21st Century Fox. The timing is the
reaction Time Warneris making to the onset of major competitors on the horizon
such as Netflix and Amazon, and they have a long way to go to catch up. The
timing was also based on Hulu s need for big capital to stay afloat. They were on
the verge of suffering a crippling $500 million loss, which the funding from TW
alone saved them from. As stated by Time Warner s CEO, Jeff Bewkes, Our
investment in Hulu underscores Time Warner s commitment to supporting and
developing new platforms for the delivery of high quality content and great consumer
experiences to audiences around the globe, .
In order to strengthen its position within the industry, the managers at Time Warner
had to complement some of its usual generic strategy with a new strategy by using
product differentiating. They need to provide customers with a service or product
that will attract them to TW and away from the competition. There was a strategy
within the strategy which, is why Time Warner took an only a minute stake in the
Hulu company. This was because Hulu s governance structure is unsteady and TW
did not want to add to it by becoming an equal partner with the three other major
Video Games May be Able to Help Essay
There is a common misconception that video games brainwash kids and do
nothing but damage their intellect. Although that is not the case, video games have
been proven to improve one s everyday motor skills and even improve vision.
Some parents may believe that their son/daughter will grow up to be some sort of
lonely psychopath due to video games, but that is not the case. The truth of the
matter is that video games do little to no damage to kid s brains. There are many
more things that improved rather than decreased. There is even scientific evidence to
support of this. With tests showing gamers develop the ability to use the smaller and
faster portion of their brain to process situations and make decisions. It was also
apparent... Show more content on ...
Daphne Bavelier says It s not the case that the action game players are trigger happy
and less accurate; they are just as accurate and also faster. Action game players
make more correct decisions per unit time. If you are a surgeon or you are in the
middle of a battlefield, that can make all the difference (Current Biology 2). All of
these aspects can improve one s everyday life. There are many basic skills that are
improved due to these aspects, such as driving, reading, navigating, multitasking,
listening, and locating; which are all essential to one s everyday life. Pure science
also backs up this theory with proof of gamers brains using a smaller and faster
portion to process data. Gamers use their frontal cortex, which is already naturally
faster than the parietal cortex that non gamers use (Brain Power 3). The frontal
cortex is a surprisingly small portion of your brain that processes and makes
suggestions based on the data it receives. Similar functions were found in
musicians who play the guitar or the piano, in which they need to have fast
reactions to be able to process all the notes that they are hitting.(Brain Power 3)
Non gamers use the part of their brain called the parietal cortex, which takes up a
larger portion of one s brain that is less complex and takes longer to process things.
Not only is the parietal
Training and Development
Development and Training Paper Training and development programs are introduced
to organizations to improve the knowledge, skills, and abilities of employees. In
addition, development and training programs are essential for an organization to
successfully train and educate their employees. The quality and variety of the training
companies provide is key for motivation. Reasons for training range from new hire
training about your operation to introducing a new concept to a workgroup. Quality
training and development programs are essential in keeping the staff motivated about
learning new concepts and keeping the department profitable. The banking industry
has been subject to many robberies in the past couple of years. The... Show more
content on ...
If the training material is boring and dry more then likely your employees are not
going to be engaged and will walk away from the training session dazed and confused.
Banking industries use many different kinds of training. The most effective training
is the training that is outsourced. This gives the employee someone else s view on the
subject compared to your supervisor who you see on a daily basis. The banking
industry has discovered that when they outsource their training programs they receive
a bigger response from the employees. The overall benefits are much higher then any
other type of training. People learn by doing, nobody learns much by listening or
reading only. So lecture training is not welcomed. The most commonly used method
for transferring information in education today is the lecture. Lecturing is all about
the presenter and not the student. The banking industry has found that when training
is presented in a form of a lecture many people seem to nod off or doodle on their
notepad instead of listening. This is a waste of time and money. Interaction is the key.
Types of interaction include employee to employee interaction, employee to
supervisor interactions, and supervisor to supervisor interaction. The more interaction
there is in the organization, the better the learning. When employees interact with
each other they are forced to use the information, moving the information into their
long term memory, and retaining it for
Immigration Foreigner Or Citizen
Foreigner or Citizen Over the years immigration has continued to be a discussion
of intense national debate. The effect of immigration have been looked at as
positive and negative. The economy and government has been affected in a
multitude of ways. The immigrants are offered sources for work and also
economic support for them and their families yet many American citizens are
without jobs and struggle to keep a household. Also many Americans do feel as if
they are being pushed to the side when it comes to availability in work sources and
the taxes people pay are going to the non natives who don t work but only live off of
others benefits. Contrary to that, the number of immigrant men who have a job
seems to be higher than native born men.... Show more content on ...
Immigrants have also been blamed when it comes to Destroying the way of
American s life. Why have U.S. natives been convinced that the immigrants are
destroying the U.S. when in fact immigration is good for the U.S. growth.
Economic Prosperity is what America is all about and working to get to. With
Immigration reforms and working to contain a stronger reform, it is estimated that
immigration allows migrants to Contribute their talents and skills to economic
prosperity for all (John Engler). The idea of prosperity comes from optimisty and
this is what comes from immigration. The skills and talents that come from
immigrants is what is mainly pushing more business reforms and creating a greater
economy in the U.S. The creation of reforms and the change of businesses is what
America needs and what immigrants are assisting on improving. An article written
by John Engler stated that The Partnership for a New American Economy estimates
that immigrants are nearly 50 percent more likely to start a business than native
born workers. This is incredible news and does give an idea to people who
supposedly says immigrants/immigration is destroying the U.S. When native born
workers are less likely to start a business it should say something about the ideas of
many politicians and everyday

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  • 1. Sinhala Essays Writing an essay on the topic of "Sinhala Essays" can be both challenging and rewarding. The difficulty arises from the uniqueness of the subject matter, which requires a deep understanding of Sinhala language, culture, and literary traditions. For those not well-versed in Sinhala, extensive research becomes a necessity to grasp the nuances and intricacies that are crucial for a comprehensive essay. One of the challenges is the scarcity of resources available in languages other than Sinhala, making it harder for non-native speakers to gather relevant information. Additionally, the rich history and cultural significance of Sinhala essays demand a thorough exploration of various literary works, historical events, and societal influences. Crafting a well-rounded essay on Sinhala Essays involves not only linguistic proficiency but also a keen insight into the cultural and historical context. The task requires a careful balance between academic analysis and a genuine appreciation for the artistic elements embedded in Sinhala literature. Despite the difficulties, delving into the world of Sinhala essays can be an enlightening experience. It offers an opportunity to learn and appreciate a distinct literary tradition, fostering a deeper understanding of the cultural fabric of Sri Lanka. In conclusion, while writing an essay on "Sinhala Essays" may present challenges, the process can be immensely rewarding. The journey involves not only academic exploration but also a cultural immersion that broadens one's perspective. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other topics, various resources are available, including online platforms like, where professional support can be enlisted for a diverse range of writing needs. Sinhala Essays Sinhala Essays
  • 2. Classical And Classical Realism Randall Schweller defines realism as a theory essentially about power and security. States relentlessly seek power and security because they exist in a self help system. . Although this is one of many definitions of realism as a whole discipline; there are many different varieties of realism, all of which have their own distinct views on realism, also with similarities. Firstly, there is classical realism which is split into traditional classical realism and twentieth century classical realism, although ever so slightly different they both claim human nature can explain how states behave and react. Classical realism suggests human nature is to always seek more power. The key thinker for classical realism is Hans Morgenthau. Secondly, neorealism or structural realism. This also has the key assumption like classical realism that states want power, but this want for power isn t to do with human nature. Structural realism has three main elements: organizing principles, differentiation of units and distribution capabilities, pioneered by Kenneth Waltz. These three elements can explain how states behave in such a way, this makes this variation of realism unique. Also, John Mearsheimerextends structural realism to offensive realism, which states a different view on the power dynamic. Furthermore, Neo classical realism which is a combination of classical and structural. This theory mainly by Fareed Zakaria explains how here are many different factors which can explain how states
  • 3. Spironucleus Mesnili Trophozoites 1. Describe the characteristics of the Retortamonadida and Diplomonadida orders. Both Retortamonadida and Diplomonadida lack mitochondria as well as a Golgi apparatus, which are also known as dictyosomes. Retortamonadida and Diplomonadida also possess a recurrent flagella within a groove and can occupy low oxygenenvironments. Both orders of Retortamonadida and Diplomonadida are commonly found within humans. 2. Describe the morphology of Chilomastix mesnili trophozoites. In the cyst stage of Chilomastix mesnili, the cyst has a thick wall and is shaped similar to a pear or lemon. It is usually found in the stool. The cyst has a single nucleus located closer to the anterior end as well as other cytoplasmic organelles. During the trophozoite ... Show more content on ... There is a fifth flagellum that curves backward along the undulating membrane. There is an accessory filament that runs along the undulating membrane. The costa arises from the kinetosome and the parabasal body lies near the nucleus. An axostyle tube is formed by a sheet of microtubules and has three parts. The anterior portion called the capitulum, the middle part called the trunk, and the posterior regions called the caudal tip. The pelta is made up of microtubules that supports the paraflagellar canal, which is a shallow depression from which all flagella emerge. The trophozoites also contain microbodies also known as the paracostal
  • 4. Compare And Contrast Beowulf And Once And Future King For leaders, being a hero for their people can help in various ways. In the tales of both Beowulf, translated by Burton Raffel, and Once and Future King, written by T.H. White, both works contain main characters that become heroes through their actions. Their values and traits, such as those of leadership, humility, and respect, contribute to the making of their heroic nature. However, a herois not without their own set of flaws. Beowulf and Wart, King Arthurin his youth, differ in their acceptance of their duty. Nonetheless, this adds more to their character and makes them more personable being. Beowulf and King Arthur A common trait among heroes, is that of respect. Respect enables one to both trust, and even to the extent of admiration towards an object or being. This is seen by Arthur within The Once and Future King by his admirtaion in Merlyn the warlock. Arthur respects him as a teacher, as Merlyn guides him throughout his journey, he respects his mentor all the greater. Similarly, the idea of respect is also portrayed in Beowulf. Beowulf is both given and demonstrates reverence throughout the epic. An example of this respect is shown in the following text; And tell it quickly, the quicker the better, I say, for us all. Speak, say Exactly who you are, and from where, and why. Their leader answered him, Beowulf unlocking Words from deep in his breast The citation above refers to the scene between Beowulf and the gatekeeper. Moreover, the exerpt shows how
  • 5. Peanut Butter Jelly Speech Have you ever had a peanut butter jelly? Well I have, and I am going to show you how to make a peanut butter jelly. So in the next paragraph I m going to show you how. First I have a fact for you, in 1998 J.M Smucker Co. introduced Goober, which is peanut butter and jelly in the same jar. I m going to show you how to make a delicious Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich (PB J). You ll need some non food ingredients and real food ingredients. You need a knife, spoon, plate, glass, and a napkin. For the food ingredients you ll need peanut butter, jelly, and bread. You also need juice or milk, and a clean surface. If you also want your bread crunchy then put in the toaster. Let s start making this peanut butter jelly sandwich. Next you need to
  • 6. Diagnostic Criteria For Psoriasis Psoriasis is the chronic inflammatory condition that occurs as part as of a complex set of the interaction between genetics, immunological, systemic and environmental factors (Green, 2011; Penzer Ersser, 2010). Psoriasis is not contagious like all chronic condition (Penzer Ersser, 2010). In the Caucasian population, the population that get psoriasis is about 2%. Psoriasis is diagnosed through clinical assessment and not laboratory system because there are no diagnostic criteria for psoriasis. The clinical assessment is made through morphologic evaluation of skin lesion (Green, 2011; Raychaudhury, Maverakis, Raychaudhury, 2014). Based on the clinical assessment, the psoriasis is divided into several types as stated in table 1.0 below. Types of Psoriasis ... Show more content on ... This includes scaling, inflammation, pain and pruritus (Penzer Ersser, 2010). Another physical symptom is well demarcated red, silvery, dry, raised, scaly plaques, follows by unpredictable patterns of relapse and period of remission (Green, 2011). In psoriasis, there are few factors that can trigger the psoriasis to come and appeared in the skin. This factor includes drug such as beta blocker and lithium, koebner phenomenon that form along the trauma, streptococcal throat infection, ultraviolet light exposure and stress (Penzer Ersser, 2010). There many treatment options to reduce the effect of psoriasis. The treatment of psoriasis divided into two that is topical and systemic (Penzer Ersser, 2010). The treatments option includes: Emollients: creams, ointments, lotions, shower gels, bath oils, and aerosol spray. Topical therapy: Topical retinoid, topical corticosteroid, vitamin D, analogues anthracyclines, keratolytics, dithtranol and tars. Phototherapy: Psoralen and long wave ultraviolet A radiation or ultraviolet B light therapy. Systemic therapy: Acitretin, ciclosporin, methotrexate, and (unlicensed) fumaric acid
  • 7. Measuring Gross Income Data Is A Measure Of Economic Welfare Evaluate the extent to which Gross Income Data is a measure of economic welfare. Morven Chan Economic welfare is defined as the level prosperity and financial satisfaction of participants in an economy. Economic welfare can often be assessed through statistics such as the level of employment. National income statistics is defined as the value of goods and services produced in an economic system over a period of time. National Income can be broken down into four different parts which include Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Gross National Product (GNP), GDP per capita, and GNP per capita. National Income is used for variety of purposes in our economy. Firstly, national income statistics are important in that most of the government s future ... Show more content on ... Therefore as is shown through the expenditure method, the equation for GDP becomes: GDP=C+G+I+(X M) Looking at the equation we can see that the issue arises that from the equation, there is absolutely no calculation which addresses the economic welfare of the people and thus, as an economic indicator GDP excels, but as a welfare indicator, this could suggest that it may not be the best choice. Gross national product of a specific country is the sum of the goods and services produced by citizens of a country domestically and the output from external sources which are owned/part of the specific country. The symbol used to represent gross national product is GNP and the equation for the GNP can be simply written as: GNP=GDP+Net property income from abroad GNP and GDP per capita are the values for GDP and GNP divided by the population of the country. They give an average value for the output of product per individual in the country. Before looking at the cons of national income statistics, we must first note that there are redeeming points to using national income. For one, national income does a very good job of representing growth in the economy. However as we know economic growth is not necessarily always a positive thing. The issue with wealth distribution is one of the many reasons why national income
  • 8. The Glory Field By Walter Dean Myers The Glory Field by Walter Dean Myers best conveys the character traits of courage, ambitiousness, and supporting family even when times appear to be distressful. This book takes you through African American history with the excitement and thrill of fiction. It allows you to witness the glory of African American evolution, from a period of slavery to modern day. The reader witnesses courage as African Americans try and fight for freedom and equality in an unforgiving society. African Americans try and defy the society s perspective of them in an attempt to reach an optimal level of success. They work to divert from their typical expectations, and strive for success even when the possibilities are minimal. They strive to build a better living besides being maids and factory workers, and they attempt to remove every obstacle in their way of success. They desire to go above what is expected of them, so they can achieve at a prodigious level in a segregated society. Even as technology advances, the reader witnesses the character s sense of community. They always believe that family is crucial to success even in times of distress. If they abandon their community, then they abandon the only people that support them. In this time period, their community was composed of the only people that cared about them. The African Americansociety emulates these traits throughout this book, as the author inserts you into their fight for equity and freedom. The Glory Field takes
  • 9. China s Economic, Military, And Political Power Abstract China has always been a country talked about whether it s because of trade that the U.S. and other countries are involved in or how much they have grown as a country. You usually hear a story in the news about their growing power. China has become one of the top countries in the world ranked as #2 right behind the United States with a GDP of $10.4 trillion U.S. dollars as of 2014 and continues to rise. China has transformed itself to a manufacturing and exporting hub since they were a centrally closed economy in the 70 s and has grown over 7% in the past couple of years while continuing to grow. What makes China s economy powerful? As you continue to read this research paper you ll understand why and how China has grown with their economic, military, and political power. I. Background Information On China With a population of over one billion, three hundred and three million, seven hundred one thousand people (1,303,701,000) China continues to grow. China s capital is Beijing but other major cities include Shanghai, Wuhan, Shenyang, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Harbin, Chengdu, and Chongqing. China s typical climate is subarctic in the north and tropical in the south. The fluent language spoken is Chinese and Mandarin. One important factor that sets China on top is that their literacy rate is eighty two percent and has a high amount of people in the workforce at over six hundred ninety nine million workers (699,000,000). Sixty percent of the workers work in
  • 10. Back Row What is devastated, hurt, neglected, lost, confused, and betrayed...this kid. It was what I thought was a normal day walking into my English class, but to my surprise, the desks were rearranged and I was placed in a new seat. Not to mention a seat far, far, far away in the cold, frightening back row. I was seated by strangers. I didn t deserve this. I am a front row student. I am being treated unfairly as some of my other peers are seated alongside their buddy. Mrs.Cave thinks she solved a problem, but I ll talk anywhere I am placed. Although Mrs.Cave believes the back row is the place for me, it is not, and I should be allowed to switch seats to a more desirable spot. To begin, I am a front row student. Mostly because I have a disability, my eyesight. It is extremely poor ... Show more content on ... I can recognize that I tend to comment on everything happening or being discussed in class. Mrs. Cave may also say that I can sometimes be off topic and I need to focus on just my work. I may also be notorious for catching the giggles in class. Despite her thoughts, I will talk anywhere I am placed. I m just a social butterfly. Even though I was placed next to Alyssa, someone I ve never really spoken to, I ve still managed to make conversation. Actually our newest thing to discuss is plotting how we will get to sit next to our friends. Aside from the social aspect talking during class helps me to focus. I m only participating in classroom discussion. Plus my OCD side is really kicking in and it is in an uproar. I do not, I repeat, I do not like being moved around. On my bus I sit the exact same way everyday. I sit next to the same person and in the same seat. It used to be so bad that in eighth grade I made everybody in the back of the bus seat in the same spot everyday the whole year. My spot is my spot and if people thought I talked a lot before they should hear me when my spot is taken. Without a doubt I will continue to
  • 11. Madness And Madness In Hamlet In Act 3 Scene 4, as a result of Hamlet s rash and reactive thoughts, he Kills Polonius . This act articulates Hamlet s madness in his seemingly dismissive response to his murder of Polonius and the contemptuous treatment of his body. Hamlet through characterisation dehumanises Polonius as merely a wretched, rash, intruding fool who he will lug the guts [of which] into the neighbour room . Ultimately, Shakespeare characterises Hamletas mad through his lack of remorse over his murder of Polonius. In these Scene, Hamlet s madness is further conveyed in his verbal engagement with his father s ghost to which Gertrude describes as a Nothing at all, yet all that is I see...This the very coinage of your brain/ This bodiless creation ecstasy . As Hamlet engages with an apparent projection of his mind, the contrast between Hamlet and Gertrude as she fails to see the Ghost, along with the connotations of hallucinogenic ecstasy, creates an image of Hamlet s madness. This portrait of madness is further manifested in Hamlet s comical repartee in Act 4 Scene 4 as Claudius asks Hamlet where Polonius is: In heaven. Send a messager there if you want to be sure. If your messenger can t find him, you can check hell yourself. But seriously, if you don t find him within the next month, you ll be sure to smell him as you go upstairs into the main hall . In Hamlet s fifth soliloquy (Act 4 Scene 4), Hamlet acknowledges being immobilised by the philosophical conflicts of the play which
  • 12. Research Paper On Ibn Rushd Ibn Rushd (AverroГ«s) is a well respected thinker of his time period.He was a Muslim born in Cordoba, Spain in 1126 to a well respected law and public service family. Ibn Rushd s full name is AbГ» al WalГ®d Muhammad Ibn Rushd but better known as AverroГ«s in the Latin West. He was the descendant of the Cordovan family of scholars and was the third generation to hold the office of qГўdГ®. QГўdГ® is a judge for religious laws in the Muslim society. When he finished school, he didn t want to be a qГўdГ® because he had a strong interest in scienceand philosophy. Therefore, he started writing a book called Kitab al Kulyat fi al Tibb (Generalities) which was a science textbook. That was used by the Jewish, Muslim and Christian physicians for centuries.Since Kitab al Kulyat fi al Tibb was a big success Abd al Mu min wanted Ibn Rushd to come to Marrakesh. Abd al Mu min runs the education for the dynasty in Marrakech. Abd al Mu min and with the help of Ibn Rushd started the Moroccan Berber Muslim movement which was to overthrow the ruling of Almoravids... Show more content on ... He is also a team player and will listen to others because he likes to hear everyone s opinion even if it s bad. He would say something if it is corrupt no matter what, even if a strong power says not to. The second reason why Ibn Rushd is an effective leader is because he is the leader of medicine and science which makes him determined to something. Since writing textbooks are hard due to the amount of pages of information he has to write. The final reason why Ibn Rushd is an effective leader is because he is a well educated person so he can think things through and do not do irresponsible things. He will also do things not just to benefit him, but everyone because he is a very selfless person. He will also think what is the best in a situation for
  • 13. Why Environmental Non-Profits in North Carolina Should... Independent Study and Research Why Environmental Non profits in North Carolina Should Receive More Government Funding Have you ever stopped to consider what a privilege it is to have a clean environment that we depend on for many of our aspects of life, such as sports, food, and the remainder of what we need to survive and thrive? Unless from off earth, which would be things that we get from space matter (which is a miniscule amount), everything we have is thanks to our earthly resources. However, there is a huge price to the benefits. Someone has to take care of the negative effects that impact the environment, and unfortunately they aren t fully accredited to what they have to do to maintain order in many people s lives and ensure the environment is providing for their profession. When we think of environmentally dependent professions more locally, many of the people of North Carolina depend on our environment to sustain their livelihood, and even to make a living for themselves, like fishermen, farmer, hunters, and all kinds of employment options. That is why Environmental non profits in North Carolina should receive more funding annually from the government, for all the things they do to make sure our resources aren t degraded, people can continue to use our environment for their enjoyment and any other needs. This paper will help to explain the many reasons why NC environmental non profits should be funded a larger amount that would be able to be used to employ
  • 14. The Importance Of William Shakespeare s Influence On The... Through evolution and changing social times, modern society has begun to question the literary works of famous poets such as William Shakespeare, for his use of predominantly male representation, overused themes, and debased comedy style. Nevertheless, although social progress is underway to broaden the range of literary works studied, it is important to examine Shakespeare in order to recognize his exclusive influence on the English language, depiction of universal characters, and representation of transferable lessons. Although, the overall ideologies involved are not agreeable to civilizations today, it cannot be erased from history, thus is imperative to a student s knowledge of literature Vocabulary is a tool given to society in order to articulate thoughts, sentiments, wishes, and expression, hence the mandatory study of the English language throughout elementary school and so forth into post secondary education. Shakespeare has always been a figure of praise and reference as he attributed to the creation of many of the terms society uses today. In classrooms students learn of the devices he imposed onto the English language He invented over 1700 of our common words by changing nouns into verbs, changing verbs into adjectives, connecting words by changing nouns into verb... (Mabillard). Consequently, it is not denied, how Shakespeare physically impacted language as he has added hundreds of terms into scholarly dictionaries, mandating his influence. In the same way
  • 15. Essay Loyalty Program and File Import Node MKTG5963 Individual Exercise 1 (10 Points) You must do it alone (it is not a group activity) Data set is on D2L with the exercise Exercise Description: Initial Data Exploration * A supermarket is offering a new line of organic products. The supermarket s management wants to determine which customers are likely to purchase these products. * The supermarket has a customer loyalty program. As an initial buyer incentive plan, the supermarket provided coupons for the organic products to all of their loyalty program participants and collected data that includes whether or not these customers purchased any of the organic products. * The ORGANICS data set has 13 variables and over 22,000 observations. The variables in the data ... Show more content on ... Point out any mismatch in your answer. (1 Point) d. Fix as needed (by clicking on role or level) any mismatch in the roles or measurement levels of variables in the above step. e. Continue with adding data source. Do not use decision processing step in the data source wizard. In the final step use data set role as Raw. f. Right click on the data in the project panel and select Explore. Make sure you set sampling method to random and sample size to Max in sample properties. Scroll and take a look at the first 26 observations. Which variables seem to have missing values in the first 26 observations? Also, show a screenshot of at least first 26 observations.(1 Point) g. Instead of exploring data from the project panel, you will now do it from the diagram. Make sure you set sampling method to random and sample size to Max. in the options gt; preferences. Drag the data to the diagram. Then, right click on the data source in the diagram. Choose edit variables. In the pop up box, select any variable you want to explore and then click on the Explore button. 1) Select TargetBuy. Create a frequency histogram for the variable TargetBuy. Make sure the vertical axis is percentages and you display the percentage values in the histogram (hint: right click on the graph...). Turn in a copy of the histogram as a part of your deliverable. (1.5 Points) 2) Create a frequency
  • 16. Water Supply In Canada Essay Canada should do a Better Job Protecting Its Water Supply Since the start of time human kind and all other living things on earth have been dependant on a clean and smooth flowing water supply. Water is an essential part of survival on earth and that has stood true since the start of time. As droughts around the world increase and areas turn in to dust bowls the demand of exportation of water from countries like Canada grows tremendously. Due to this I whole heartedly disagree with the topic and in fact encourage the Canadian government to send large bulks of water to areas of need. Statistically speaking Canada s water consumption levels are very high. Canada owns about 9% of the world s freshwater while only having 1% of the world s population. An average Canadian uses about 1600 cubic meters of water yearly, this is double how much the French use and 8 times the world average. We as... Show more content on ... Another reason I am not in favor of Canada protecting its water supply is because of the difference between us and others around the world. Considering currency change and the amount of resources surrounding us, we have a lot more goods including a strong water supply from the Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific oceans, the Arctic ocean also leads in to the great lakes which is very beneficial to Canadians from an economic standpoint. A research done proved that 20% of the world s richest own about 86% of all goods on earth, while the 20% poorest own as little as only 1% of the world s goods. If we were to use this information and applied that to Canada vs The World we would all clearly understand that it is our duty as a nation to unite together and create equality around the world by sharing goods such as water. The earth is something we are all part of, when something goes wrong in one part of the world it has a ripple affect somewhere else. As citizens of a strong state it is our duty to think about the common good of
  • 17. Report On Duncan Osgood Who Killed Mr. Duncan Osgood? Bambi Osgood and Paul Prestwick are guilty for the back stabbing murder of Duncan Osgood. Paul Prestwick s police report states, Accompanied Mrs. Osgood to day spa in Sedona, Arizona. Check in records confirm the two checked in on Thursday into one room. Both Bambi and Paul s policereports say they met at Bryman College. While they were with each other at school they started to discuss how and when they were going to killDuncan Osgood. After Bambi and Paul figure out how and when they were going to kill Duncan Osgood, she begs Duncan to hire Paul, as it said in Duncan s journal First Bambi begs me to hire the guy... they wait awhile to let Duncan get used to Paul and maybe gain each other s trust and then they kill him. Bambi Osgood s police report states, Property holdings: 8 bedroom house at 89 Ritzy Boulevard, approximately $5 million in... Show more content on ... Bambi got Paul to be her accomplice by telling him they were going to split the money. Paul says to a reporter of the Canyon Hill Times, about how Bambi wants Marlene, the live in maid, to be fired. The second time occurred about two months ago, when Bambi er Mrs. Osgood discovered money missing from her bureau drawer. Bambi knew Marlene would get outraged over the accusations of her being the thief, so Bambi thought it would be perfect to frame Marlene for the murder of Duncan Osgood. Paul Prestwick s police report states, Mr. Prestwick had access to the house because of his close dealings with its every day running and responsibilities to Mrs. Osgood. On the night of the murder, Bambi and Paul had just come back from a day spa. Since Paul had access to the house, Bambi and Paul thought it would be the perfect
  • 18. Dogtown And Z-Boys Documentary Analysis Dogtown and Z Boys is a documentary that depicts the wild life of a skate and surf team, including twelve individuals and the community in which they lived. This documentary shows how the surf and skate culture was different and unique in the 1960s in California and changed over time. The individuals that were a part of this team and community were known as the dropouts and lowlifes, but truly embraced the locals only way of life. They all started off surfing and transitioned to skating, which became extremely popular but was a short lived and crashed in 1965. The people who kept skating were doing it because they loved doing it. Different styles and locations for skating became available throughout time, and the dogtown boys were always... Show more content on ... After the Dogtown kids got famous and were given a brand, Zephyr, so many people wanted to be a part of their group. Wherever the Zephyr kids would skate, other people wanted to come too. The swimming pool skate zones became a place where the Zephyr kids would go skate and where other people would watch. It was a place where kids from the community could come together and interact with each other. Just like in the video, Its a Mall World (youtube), the purpose for the malls and skate zones were not just for the purpose of shopping and skating, but rather a place for socialization within the
  • 19. Notes on Investment Test Chapter 7 Test Review Problem 7 1 Bond valuation Callaghan Motors bonds have 5 years remaining to maturity. Interest is paid annually, they have a $1,000 par value, the coupon interest rate is 6.5%, and the yield to maturity is 11%. What is the bond s current market price? Round your answer to the nearest cent. Annual Interest Payment = Par Value * Coupon Rate $1,000 * 6.5%= 65 Financial Calculator N= 5 I/YR= 11% PMT= 65 FV= $1,000 Find PV? Bond s Current Market Price= 833.68 Problem7 2 Yield to maturity and future price A bond has a $1,000 par value, 12 years to maturity, and a 9% annual coupon and sells for $1,110. a. What is its yield to maturity (YTM)? Round your answer to two decimal places. Par Value= $1,000... Show more content on ... Round your answer to the nearest cent. Bond S: Change N = 1, PV = ? PV = $1,018.35 5) What will the value of the Bond L be if the going interest rate is 12%? Round your answer to the nearest cent. 12%: Bond L: From Bond S inputs, change N = 17 and I /YR = 12%, PV = ?, PV = $928.80 6) What will the value of the Bond S be if the going interest rate is 12%? Round your answer to the nearest cent. Bond S: Change N = 1, PV =? PV = $991.07 B. Why does the longer term bond s price vary more than the price of the shorter term bond when interest rates change? I. Long term bonds have greater interest rate risk then do short term bonds.
  • 20. Problem 7 8 Yield to call Seven years ago the Singleton Company issued 20 year bonds with a 11% annual coupon rate at their $1,000 par value. The bonds had a 6% call premium, with 5 years of call protection. Today Singleton called the bonds. A. Compute the realized rate of return for an investor who purchased the bonds when they were issued and held them until they were called. Round your answer to two decimal places. Par Value= $1,000 *6%= 60+1000= 1,060 Coupon Rate= 11% Bond Price= 1000 No of Years= 7 Semiannual Interest Payment= 1,000 * 11%= 110 Financial Calculator N= 7 I/YR= ? PMT= 110 FV= 1,060 PV=1000 YTM = 11.60% B. Explain why the investor should or should not be happy that Singleton called them. Since the bonds have been called, interest rates must have
  • 21. Vinegar Titration Lab This lab dealt with determining the percentage Acetic Acid (CH3COOH) in Vinegar. The main purpose of the experiment was to make sure if the vinegar solution has the right amount of acetic acid, which is about 5%, using the titration technique. The hypothesis is that the percentage of acetic acid in the vinegar solution used will be very close to the usual percentage of 5%. The experiment was to use the standard solution of NaOH to titrate the given vinegar solution to determine the percent concentration of acetic acid. The result of the experiment came out to close the 5% of the normal percentage of acetic acid contained in a vinegar solution, but was inaccurate due to two errors in the experiment. The controls in this experiment are the sample of vinegar solution used, the number of drops of phenolphthalein used, and the same amount of the .04M 100mL solution used in all trials in both weeks. Introduction This lab was the titration of NaOH solution into the sample to determine the percent of acetic acid in the vinegar. The pure acid is a colorless viscous liquid or glassy solid. The three objectives in this lab are to develop a detailed titration procedure using a different method of preparing a NaOH solution each week, calculate the percentage of acetic acid in the vinegar solution in each... Show more content on ... It was determined that the average concentration of acetic acid that was in the sample of distilled white vinegar was 3.5%, which is lower than the recommended concentration of about 5%.. Differences existed in the experimental results from the two weeks the experiment was conducted. These differences were the errors in finding the amount of a 0.4 M diluted NaOH solution that is needed to turn a vinegar solution lightly pink, and the calculation on how to dilute 1.0 M of NaOH to 0.4 M. Without these errors the experiment could have been more accurate and
  • 22. M M s Biggest Competitor M M s biggest competitor is Hershey s brand like M M candies. The competition is fierce among the chocolate industry. Hershey and Mars are rivals and want the opportunity to gain more of the market share. In 1954, Hershey ettes were introduced to compete against the similar M M s. However, they were not successful and are generally only available for consumers around the Holiday season. By the millennium, Hershey extended the popular Hershey Kisses brand in creating the Kissables. Hershey intended for direct competition to M M small candycoated round tablet of chocolate in multitude of colors. The candy factories started in standard size packs and by the 70 s moved into standard size candy boxes. In the current year and season, you will find M M s in candy canes to small snack sizes and inside ornamental objects. The chocolate world becomes difficult to present as it becomes difficult to come up with new ideas in the candy business. As more companies release products similar to the M M s, it will become increasingly difficult for Mars to continue to command the level of market share in the chocolate candy industry and the product has a potential to get lost in the supermarket aisle. The objective with M M s is to create a lasting, mutual benefit for the business success by creating a positive social impact and minimizing environmental impacts while creating economic value. This has been a vital means to Mars success of M M s over the past 100 years and
  • 23. Thomas Jefferson Achievements The Presidency of Thomas Jefferson was one of scandal, but also had some great accomplishments. Jefferson was a well rounded individual with many skills. He also had some faults as most people do. Jefferson did well when he was president, but some of his actions proved that maybe he wasn t the most upfront man. Besides that, Jefferson was a good and successful President. Thomas Jeffersonwas not only the third president of the United States but also a man of many talents. Jefferson is the leading man of the Enlightenment Era because of this. Jefferson could read Greek and Latin. as mentioned in The Enduring Vision, Jefferson also spoke French fluently and studied some Native American languages (175). Jefferson also had some architectural... Show more content on ... Even before Louisiana was purchased Jefferson wanted to launch an expedition to explore the west. With Lousiana having been purchased this was the perfect time for Jefferson to launch his expedition and so he did. The expedition was called the Corps of Discovery or more famously know as the Lewis and Clark expedition (Vision 181) .The leaders for this journey were Meriwether Lewis who was Jefferson s private secretary and William Clark who was an army officer. Among them were 27 other members. For Jefferson, this expedition was meant for scientific discovery. He wanted Lewis and Clark to study the plants and animals of the area. In order to prepare for this Jefferson sent Lewis to Philadelphia to study zoology, astronomy, and botany (Vision 181). From this, we can see that Jefferson was serious about this expedition and wanted his information to come from somebody who knew a lot about different scientific fields. Another goal of the expedition was to study Native American life and possibly establish a trade network with them. The expedition started in May of 1804 and they returned home in 1806. Throughout their journey, they spent their winters with different Indian groups. Their first winter was spent at Fort Mandan in North Dakota with the Mandan Indians. During this time the groups socialized with each other, hunted, and traded. This opened up doors for Lewis and Clark to study Native American life. In November of 1805 they reached the Pacific ocean and spent their second winter at Fort Clatsop in Oregon. This stop also gave them some good observation, but the weather wasn t always that great. Gray skies and rain was very common in Oregon. Overall, their trip was a success. A lot of that has to due with the help of Sacajawea. Sacajawea helped the group by acting as a translator and knew the makeup of the land. Sacajawea also made the group
  • 24. Joe Dimaggio Quotes In The Old Man and the Sea, an old man named Santiago has achieved true existence and is a spiritually fulfilled man, (Handy 1) as said in William Handy s article. But I am qualifying the quote. Santiago had many conflicts and only prayed to God in a situation of need to catch the fish he was after for three straight days. Santiago valued all of the things he loves, respects, and honors, such as his boat, the boy (Manolin), baseball, and the fish. Have faith in the Yankees my son. Think of the great Joe DiMaggio. (Hemingway 17). During this quote, Santiago and Manolin are talking about baseball statistics and such from the paper. The Yankees were and still are a very good baseball team. The old man s favorite baseball team is the New York Yankees and his favorite player is Joe DiMaggio. Santiago looks up to Joe DiMaggio and follows all of his stats in the paper. DiMaggio wasn t fully healthy one season, but he finished the season very well and never told anyone he was hurt. So when Santiago was in pain when he was catching the fish, he was trying to be just like his favorite Yankees player, and not complain or make excuses. Santiago isn t a young guy, as a matter of fact, he is an old man that has plenty of issues with his back. But those are not the only things that ... Show more content on ... But he doesn t just lose his luck, he also loses Manolin, because of his parents thought that the old man was salo. Manolin s parents believed that Santiago was unlucky and they didn t want him to pass it on to their kid. They thought that if Santiago s bad luck rubbed off on to Manolin, their whole family would get bad luck. After that, Santiago started doing something he rarely did and that was doubting himself. He didn t beat you. Not the fish. (Hemingway 124). When I first heard this quote I thought that the old man thought that the fish got away alive, but as I read on I started thinking he was talking about the
  • 25. Superstition In Macbeth Research Paper Good Morning Gentlemen, today I would like to share my opinion about Macbeth. Shakespeare s tragedy, Macbeth is a play that has been studied for centuries due for the main part because of the timeless nature and the fact it can be applied to any context. In Macbeth, Shakespeare explores and provides arguments surrounding the themes of superstition, appearance versus reality and ambition. Firstly, through Macbeth s exploration of the theme of superstition, Shakespeare successfully argues that superstition effects human behaviour. In Macbeth superstition is represented as the irrational fear of what is unknown and mysterious. This is of particular importance in Shakespeare s context where almost everyone believed in superstitions. One such superstition ... Show more content on ... In particular, he argues that unchecked ambition is the root of all evil and human demise. This is of particular significance due to Macbeth, in essence, being written for King James, and Shakespeare s caution in not encouraging the overthrow of a King. Shakespeare s compelling argument that unchecked ambition results in losing one s humanity to evil is displayed in Macbeth s soliloquy in Act 1 Scene 7. Here Macbeth tries to rationalise killing Duncan. Shakespeare uses the technique of listing counter arguments, to emphasise the supreme number of arguments against killing Duncan and contrasts this with the one argument; ambition. Here Shakespeare uses extended imagery to argue that unchecked ambition causes evil and a loss of humanity, I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only Vaulting ambition which o erleaps itself and falls on th other. Here Shakespeare compares Macbeth to a horse rider, and says that he has not reason to get on the horse, to dig in the horse with his spurs, than vaulting ambition. This notion is further discussed in that this vaulting action may result in him going too far over and crashing on the other side of the horse. This in essence also foreshadows the negative consequences of murdering Duncan that are explored later in the play. Through this extended imagery, Shakespeare argues that ambition is the only justifiable reason for killing Duncan but then counters this
  • 26. Silence It is a beautiful September morning. The sky is blue and cloudless, although it feels like it should rain. Hundreds of people gather in small, tight knit groups at Ground Zero, holding tightly to the person beside them. Shoulders shake as they stand in the place where their loved ones died; not a word is uttered. Silence. That s how they choose to remember 2,296 souls (Plumer, 2013). Complete and utter silence. The void that is too often filled, the thing that is too often forgotten. Today s society has been trained to avoid silence. In a world where our senses are constantly assaulted by sound, silence has become awkward, uncomfortable, and sometimes, even downright terrifying. We fill our world with sound, from the moment we wake up in the morning to the moment we fall asleep at night. The loud, insistent beep of the alarm clock, the ringing of cell phones, the slamming of doors, and the hum of the radio invade every sphere of our lives. By taking a step back, and looking at the world from a different point of view, we will see that silence is a powerful tool that transforms our lives. Our generation is no longer taught to spend time contemplating who we are as individuals. Rather, our focused energy is on the distractions that are so easily available to us. We look for every possible way to run from solitude instead of turning inward and spending time alone with our own thoughts and emotions. Though it is frequently overlooked, silence is an influential resource available
  • 27. The Strategy Of Environmental Treaty Making Professor of natural resource economics at Columbia University, Scott Barrett, is responsible for producing Environment statecraft: The strategy of environmental treaty making , a book that in his words, develops a theory of how states can cooperate in protecting their shared environmental resources and should utilised to analyse the successfulness of agreements and treaties. What sets this text apart is not his presentation of newly founded information, but rather the craftful piecing together of what Barret labels disparate ideas of economic/game theoretic approaches to international cooperation and to combine and package them in a coherent fashion (p.358). This is not to suggest that Barrett did not include his unique findings however. Barrett persistently brought to light seemingly original examinations into specific factors influencing poor successful examples of cooperation. This approach results in an extensively scoping survey that highlights the dominant themes in a fashion that allows the information to be accessible and feasibly consumable to any audience willing to follow the core models and is also analytically robust. Notably Barrett put an intensive focus, not only on theory but on how the theory was could be applied in practice. Barrett does this as international cooperation in theory should provide an approach for the conduct of policy , and practitioners need to think deeply about these problems (p 358). The combination of the ideas and themes
  • 28. The Effects Of Bpa On The Adult Brain And The Behavior Of... Since the 1960s plastics are made using bisphenol A, an industrial chemical which until recently did not raise any concern. Research shows that BPA; being used to make plastic and resins, coating the inside of metal products, raised major health concerns ( 2015) .Exposure to BPA is a concern because of the possible effects it has on the adult brain and the behaviour of infants. A study by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2003 concluded that there were noticeably higher levels of BPA found in 93% of 2,517 urine samples taken by people over the age of six. This particular date is considered the main source for further action in the United States. Because BPA is used in the manufacturing of most drink bottles, raising concern for parents. Most baby bottles contain BPA and it can seep into the liquid making consumption inevitable (Forbes. 2015). BPA is known as an endocrine disrupter this is defined as a substance which interferes with the production, secretion, transport, action, function and elimination of natural hormones. This means that this chemical can imitate the body s own hormones, which can be dangerous, especially for young children still developing, as it changes and may decrease the production of Luteinizing hormone (LH) this can change the rate in which children go through puberty (Mayo Clinic . 2015). This hormone is also responsible for the ovulation of women, a study in 2006 found that rats exposed to BPA for long
  • 29. Liberalism and Social Contract Essay Liberalism and Social Contract Charles Larmore speaks of moral complexity as it exists in a pluralistic sense. The idea of pluralism says that each and every person has their own separate conception of the good as it appears to them. It is I virtually impossible to have to separate entities come up with the same exact concept of the Good Life and what it holds for them. As there are these conflicts ideals that exist in each of us it is possible for our conception of the good to come under attack from competing concepts that are held by others around us. Some one who is Muslim may have a conception of the good that wants to eradicate me and my notion of the good. There needs to exist some centralized ... Show more content on ... Larmore brings this to point in the way of his modus vivendi which is useful to have a justice that exists in the state to protect our own conception of the good respectively. Hume wrote of justice as an artificial virtue that we create to make things in life work. Larmore thinks that there is a problem with this idea of an artificial virtue, he argues that what distinguishes an artificial virtue from a natural one (such as courage) cannot be that it fails to be instinctive, as Hume wrote, (Larmore, 70 71) this is evident in that every virtue must be learned in some way either by teaching of the intellectual or the habituation of the moral virtues that Hume considers natural. It is important to see what Hume thought of as the circumstances of justice that are explained in two groups, the external and the internal that cause conflict based on wants and needs and individual concepts of the good respectively. This conflict creates a need for the virtue of justice to take care of the problems that arise. This encompasses the principle of liberal justice that is necessary for anyone to keep their conception of the good life. This modus vivendi or way of living is a means of accommodation between the political right and the individual concept of the good. It is a sort of pragmatic principle the helps us all get along in this pluralistic setting of any society. This comes of
  • 30. Phy Lab Essay Geometrical Optics: Snell s Law PHY101 Lab 12 Date: July 23rd, 2012 Objective: The purpose of this laboratory activity is to develop a set of experimental procedures that answer questions regarding Snell s Law and the index of refraction. Ultimately, the experimental procedures you develop will allow the index of refraction to be found for water and cooking oil. 1. Explain how to experimentally determine the index of refraction of two substances. 2. Develop a set of experimental procedures to find the index of refraction for water and cooking oil. 3. Calculate the index of refraction using Snell s Law. 4. Explain critical angle and total internal reflection. Materials Materials from Lab Kit: Laser ... Show more content on ... 4. Once the ray goes through and refracts in the oil and comes out to air from the curving side of the cell, record the point the ray comes out by drawing a dot on the paper using the pencil. 5. Record the line that the light goes from air to oil, and connect the dot with the intersection point of the vertical line and flat cell side. 6. Measure the angle О 2andП†2. DATA When light passes from one medium to another, air to water for example, part of the light is reflected at the boundary and part of the light gets bent as it passes on to the new medium. The bending of this light is referred to as refraction. A sketch of this is shown below. In this example, n1 is the index of refraction for air. The index of refraction for water is n2. According to Snell s Law: n1 sin О = n2 sin П† n(air)=1 Note: The angles are measured with respect to the normal (vertical). Part of the scientific method is to develop laboratory procedures that test a hypothesis and answer a scientific question. Construct an Excel spreadsheet to calculate the index of refraction for water and
  • 31. cooking oil. Remember that in Excel angular measurement is in radians. Pi radians = 180 degrees. Record Data from the Experiment | О 1| П†1| О 2| П†2| Angle| 41.5o| 29.9o| 41.5o| 22.5o| radian| 0.23 pi| 0.166 pi| 0.23 pi| 0.125 pi| Calculations Calculate the Index of Refraction Record Data from the
  • 32. The Price Of Crude Oil Essay Abstract The price of crude oil has experienced a sharp decline since June, 2015. The stunning fall in oil prices has been one of the most important global macro economic developments of the past 20 months. There are numerous factors that have contributed to the oil price crash and the downturn of the oil and gas industry. These factors would further be discussed in this paper . Causes of Oil Price Crash in Recent Times The oil industry is full of economic booms and busts. Recently, the industry is in a downturn and the price of crude oil has dropped significantly. In recent times, the price of oil has dropped by more than 40% since June 2015. This crash came after nearly five years of stability and the economies hardly hit by this downturn are oil exporting countries such as Russia, Nigeria, Iran and Venezuela. In the past one year and a half, oil prices have been cut in half and oil executives have predicted it will be years before oil prices return to $100 per barrel. The major causes of the downturn are the declining prices of a barrel of oil, which is as a result of the strong U.S. dollar, oversupply, OPECand declining demand. The oil price is partly determined by actual supply and demand and partly by expectation. Demand for energy is closely related to economic activity. Supply can be affected by weather and by geopolitical upsets. Recently, demand for energy is low because of weak economic activity, inctreased efficiency, and a growing switch away from oil to
  • 33. Cotton Factory Conditions I believe that the conditions of these textile factories and cotton mills were: unsanitary, long hours,and multiple kinds of debris causing it to be hazardous and finally dangerous.The House of Lords interviewed many people including Dr.Ward.During this interview Dr.Ward had stated the following, The state of health of the cotton factorychildren is much worse than that of children employed in other manufacturors .In summary he meant that there are dozens of health issues with factories but far more issues of those coming from the cotton factories.This evidence can be trusted because he personally visited these factories with Dr.Clough and Mr.Preston.All three of these men began to struggle for breathe while inside these mills.There were
  • 34. Supreme Court Justices In Article Three of the United States Constitution, the framers established a judicial branch of government that comprised of the Supreme Court and lower courts. In Article Two, the framers gave the President of the United States the power to nominate a Supreme Court Justice and, with Senate confirmation, requires Justices to be appointed. After being elected, the White House staff prepares a list of possible candidates for the President to use as potential picks, usually consisting of judges, politicians, and other individuals they consider to be appropriate for the nomination. Once the candidate is selected, the White House staff sends out a vetting form for them to fill out and visits the candidate to go over tax records and payments... Show more content on ... Personally, I have kept my opinions on President Trump down to a minimum because I think many people are over reacting about his ideas and crazy opinions. Yes, President Trump has shown us he can potentially be a terrible President, but I think it is too early in his time to make crazy accusations about him. President Trump will select the proper judges who he believes to be conservative and rule in favor of his political beliefs. Potentially a new trend in the Supreme Court could be the take over of conservative Justices, if President Trump is given the option to select another Justice to the Court. This could potentially change the rulings in a few cases the conservatives did not have go their way, but it could also lead to some that could benefit our country as well. I think critics of Trump need to give it time, it is still early to make crazy assumptions about President Trump. For all we know, he could end up making changes to our country that help benefit us in the long
  • 35. Morton s Toe Research Paper Take off your shoes. Look down at your feet. Is your second toe longer than your big toe? If so, you have Morton s toe. Morton s toe is a skeletal disorder, in which the first metatarsal is shorter than the second metatarsal. Metatarsals are the bones that attach to the toes or known as phalanges. Individuals often mistake Morton s toe of the second toe being longer than the first, but it is actually the second metatarsal that is longer than the first metatarsal; therefore, the second toe seems longer than the big toe. Morton s toe was discovered and named by Dr. Dudley J. Morton who was a physician, orthopedic surgeon, researcher, and author in the 1920 s ( Fehrs). It could also be referred to as Morton s Foot Syndrome and Greek Foot. ... Show more content on ... It is congenital meaning it is present at birth. Also, Morton s toe may be caused when the first metatarsal bone is abnormally short compared to the second metatarsal bone and when the first metatarsal bone has more motion, which means it is unstable. This instability is known as Hypermobility of the First Metatarsal Bone (Schuler). Additionally, Morton s toe can be simply recognized without an X ray. Some symptoms are more noticeable than others. For instance, if one looks at his feet and notices that his second toe is longer than the first, he has Morton s toe. If the space between your first and second toe appears to be deeper, not wider, but deeper than the space between your second and third toes, you have Morton s Toe ( Morton s Toe ). An individual can also detect Morton s toe by holding down his toes and finding bumps where the metatarsal bones end. He will mark the location of the bumps and compare the lines. The first metatarsal bone is shortened if the line for the second toe is closer to the leg than the line for the big toe ( Morton s Toe: Symptoms and Treatments ). Excess skin between the toes is another possible sign for Morton s toe. More symptoms of Morton s toe include pain in areas of the foot to the neck, callus formation, and musculoskeletal
  • 36. Edge Of A Revolution Essay Edge of a Revolution by Nickelback: A Message to Challenge the Status Quo Revolution! Revolution! Revolution! chants the crowd with their fists in the air. The police surrounded the crowd and flashing lights bounced around the stadium. Fire and debris covered the stage as the crowd shouted with picket signs in hand. An electrifying sound accompanied by a steady beat fills the night sky, the Nickelback concert has begun. Nickelback s famous 2014 controversial song, Edge of a Revolution, echoes throughout the stadium walls. Behind the band on the big screen, their music video mirrors their lyrics as they sing about the injustice within the government and favoritism of the wealthy. In the music video Edge of a Revolution, ... Show more content on ... Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, was shot and killed by a white police officer. Contrary to what evidence displayed, the grand jury voted not to indict the police officer of the crime (Buchanan, Fessenden, Lai, Park, Parlapiano, Tse, Wallace, Watkins, and Yourish). From the bands window, they looked out to see a riot that stemmed from the unjust verdict of the grand jury. As the outrage continued, they felt the world was on an edge of a revolution (Ramirez). Nickelback transmits compelling messages through their music and lyrics. Rock and alternative music fans love their music. Edge of a Revolution s music video takes place in a private school classroom. The students filter into the classroom as a film called Obey and Revolution appears on a projector screen. Images of war, money, Wall Street, revolts, words like obey, follow, and buy flash across the screen. The film silently sends subliminal messages to the students, telling them how to live their lives, what to believe, and what to think. As the students watch the film, stoned, mesmerized expressions mask their faces. Once they begin to realize what messages they are receiving, outrage fills their faces and they begin throwing chairs and desks. In the verses of the song, Nickelback s biting words express the injustice that ordinary people live with on a daily basis. The
  • 37. Essay on Panera Bread Company Panera Bread Company9/4/11 Mission Panera Bread s mission is to make great bread broadly available to consumers across the United States. Vision Panera Bread s vision is to create specialty cafГ©s anchored by an authentic, fresh dough artisan bakery and upscale quick service menu selections. By targeting urban workers and suburban dwellers looking for a quick service meal and a more aesthetically pleasing dining experience, Panera Bread s long term objective and strategic intent is to make Panera Bread a nationally recognized brand name and to be the dominant restaurant operator in the specialty bakery cafГ© segment. Values Panera Bread s values are Product, Environment and Great Service (PEGS). Panera... Show more content on ... In addition, Panera Bread s goal was to achieve an earning per share growth of 25 percent annually. Elements of Business Strategy Product Strategy Panera Bread s menu allows them to compete successfully in five submarkets: breakfast, lunch, daytime chill out , light evening and take home bread. Panera Bread s product strategy is to regularly review and revise the menu to provide low cost, high quality choices. By incorporating seasonal items and introducing new items per customer requests, Panera Bread continues to serve the needs of current customers while gaining interest from new customers. Panera Bread s commitment to quality is confirmed with their signature product, artisan bread, which is made with no preservatives or chemicals. Likewise, Panera Bread only uses natural, antibiotic free chicken in all chicken related sandwiches and salads. Keeping the customer wants in mind, Panera Bread has recognized that customers are conscious about eating good carbs and has introduced whole grain breads. Another new option to the Panera Bread menu has been the introduction of Panera Fresh Catering, which is aimed to reach into workplace, schools, parties and gatherings held in homes. CafГ© Design Strategy Panera Bread s cafГ© design strategy is to create bakery cafes with an inviting ambience by incorporating a distinctive and engaging environment by using fixtures and materials complementary to the
  • 38. Symbolism In Phantom Of The Opera THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA BY GASTON LEROUX The novel The Phantom of the Opera , by the writer and French researcher Gaston Leroux, is a fabulous work that presents itself to one of the most beautiful characters of contemporary literature, along with the Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo. The character of Erik is an excellent sample of a social plunder. The world has given him back since he was born because he was deformed and had to learn to live with it in the darkness of the basement of the theatre, which was the center of the most wealthy European society (French, no doubt). Since he was born, Erik, has had to live paying for its ugliness and learning if same life that has been so cruel to him. This character is tender, angelic... Show more content on ... As I have said earlier, the moral conflicts of the characters of Erik in the novel The Phantom of the Opera and Quasimodo in the the Hunchback of Notre Dame are completely similar. In Erik, we see that person that life has treated so badly, denying him a presentable appearance and trying to stick to the world in which he lives at all costs although the world you back. Every human being needs someone to live, it is something that goes without saying it, but unfortunately in the world which we live, is not always met this requirement, because really how many people in our around are real ghosts who do not have anyone that tempts them a hand when they need help, or that listen to them when they need to talk about? Arriving at the conclusion that Erik is a marked character the repulsion of the man towards everything that is not absolute perfection all of his crimes are justified, according to my point of view. All the murders committed by does not commit him, but the ghost inside, carrying a ghost who hates the man who is unable to be moved by the most sublime things of life, as inner love, music, the true art outside interests economic, and etc. Why destroy anyone who stands in the race for what he believes is the most beautiful voice in the world. Really what it does with Christine does
  • 39. The Development of Chondrocranium of Chondrichthyes Essay Chondrichthyes possess a skeleton that differs considerably from other species in that their skeletons are made up of cartilage rather than bone. This project gives insight on the normal developmental pattern of the chondrocranium of a chondrichthyan, using the little skate, Leucoraja erinacea as a model organism. This is demonstrated by using histological techniques to visualize and describe this sequence of chondrocranium development, focusing on two stages of development. In the context of what is morphologically known from their relative taxas and other chondrichthyans, the developmental pattern that occurs in these two stages is given in detail. It s suggested that from anterior to posterior, beginning with the earlier of the two... Show more content on ... Starting off as a pair of parachordal cartilage, the basal region, or basal plate will grow to surround the notochord and pair with prechordal cartilages, the trabeculae cranii, that form in front of the notochord to form the ethmoid plate. The occipital region will form at the posterior end of the chondrocranium and surround the descending notochord via a segmented occipital arch, which exhibits similarly to that of a vertebral column present in vertebrates having both a neural and hemal arch (3). The little skate, Leucoraja erinacea, is a chondrichthyan that is a key model organism for chondrichthyan embryology studies. As an oviparous species, after internal fertilization its development is independent of its mother, encapsulated in a laid, moderately thin keratinized egg case during embryonic development. These embryos receive nourishment via a yolk sac located in the egg case and remain capsuled during development for approximately 6 9 months (Figure 2a j). As an oviparous species, they are amenable to experimental embryological manipulation and therefore are important as a model organism. Chrondrichthyans are an important lineage in that their studies can shed light onto evolutionary processes that can give key insights into both development of extinct early jawed fishes and the evolution of higher
  • 40. Two Years Old Research Paper Children develop at different stages; for example, the children of two years typically like to sit on your lap and cuddle because he knows it s a time when he has your attention while a three years old are already more independent. Another difference that we can find between children of two and three years old is that children of two years are not independent in its entirety, still, does not understand or follow rules A three year old child is already more independent, has more control over what is a routine, understands the rules better, and follows routines easier. The two years old is emotional and acts according to what he has seen from him, furthermore two years old imitate the behavior of adults or older children. In general, the behavior
  • 41. The Downpour Poem The downpour recounts an idiosyncratic phenomenon from his childhood that lingered a cherished occurrence on the writer s mind; watching as the rain drenched earth and everything on it, then becoming shadowed by the vehement thunder to follow, impacted the writer tremendously as the result/damage of the aforementioned coerced an aesthetic appreciation towards this phenomenon. This heavy downpour embarked the unforgettable memories of playing outside in the heavy rain as he reminisced on the vast imagery of nature s elements along with the striking sounds that followed. In this extract, the writer s application of stylistic devices and emotive languages such as: his amplification of The Downpour in his description, energizing personifications,... Show more content on ... After giving a detail description on The Downpour through the usage of amplification, personification, metaphors and similes to invoke imagery and reverberant sound, Arena eventually applies flashback to the passage. We see this where he states, Finally I would run outside, naked, and let the rain soak me through...I was not satisfied with rolling in the grass, I wanted to fly, to fly like those birds alone in the downpour. The writer portrays the downpour as an extraordinary event in the life of the child by giving the audience a personal reference to his experience in the downpour. This enables the readers to appreciate this momentous event by engaging the reader more into the passage. The writer s awestruck tone also contributes significantly to this passage as it sets the attitude of the passage and aids setting the atmosphere. This compels the audience to imagine and almost feel like they are experiencing this event, thus, Arena successfully portrays the downpour as an extraordinary event in the life of the
  • 42. The Essential Element to Be a Financial Planner in Hong Kong Describe the essential element to be a successful financial planner in Hong Kong and China. Explain the challenges of practicing ethical financial planning in Hong Kong and China. Successful financial planning Successful financial planning Establishing trusting relationships with clients Establishing trusting relationships with clients Strong reputation Strong reputation Professional and ethical behavior Professional and ethical behavior Strong financial planning knowledge Strong financial planning knowledge Strong interpersonal skills Strong interpersonal skills Financial planning has become much more important over the decade in Hong Kong and China. Many graduates and other people with professional financial ... Show more content on ... To increase public confidence in the financial planning, many banks and insurance companies require their staff to take the CFP examination. As for China, Chinese government has opened the financial market over the years which lead to the changes of the Chinese circumstance frequently. So financial planners in China are required to receive related education to enhance the public confident on financial planning. Taking the example of China taxation system, there were several changes in tax incentive for foreign business and individual income tax. Financial planners in China should aware these changes and modify their tax planning quickly for their clients. Interpersonal skills are essential to financial planners. Because they have to collect the data from their clients to make recommendations to their clients. When collecting data from their clients, financial planners should show their integrity and competence to convince the clients. It can be better to set the financial goal for their clients. Chinese people would not disclose their private information to the stranger easily. It hampers financial planners to help their clients to pursue their financial goals. Financial planners who serve for Chinese people should use their interpersonal skills to get close with their clients and collect more information. Many successful salespeople suggest making friend with the customers and clients. Caring with client s needs
  • 43. Disney World Comparison Vacationing is a good way to spend quality time with family, friends, or even alone. What some people have trouble with is picking out where to take a vacation. Take Disneyland and Disney World for example. Disneyland and Disney World are both fun places to go, but they are on different sides of the United States. How would someone choose between them, if a vacation planner did not know the differences in the two? A good way to pick which one to go to is to budget out trips to Disneyland and Disney World and compare and contrast the two. From Tupelo, Mississippi to Disney World is a 688 mile drive ( Travel ). Near Disney World for $114 a night with free breakfast, free parking and free Wi Fi, Hampton Inn Suites Orlando Airport at Gateway ... Show more content on ... A budget is also a good way to plan ahead for a big trip to Disneyland and Disney World. It is a good idea to research this type of trip, as the time of the year can be very important. Factors can include higher or lower prices, heavier crowds, which affect the wait times in lines, and the weather, as it may be very hot and humid or into the rainy and severe storms season. Schools may still be in session, which helps the crowd levels at the parks to not be so bad, or, if schools are out already for the summer, the crowds will be worse. Certain times of the year can also affect the cost of gas prices, airline prices, food prices and hotel costs. During the peak season, prices will be a good bit
  • 44. Fidget Spinners Essay Something showed up at early 2017, and it instantly became a massive hit. Guess who they are. Yes, fidget spinners. Small fidget toys made from plastic or metal, spinning on our fingers to their massive boom. These toys might look simple and small, but their popularity isn t. They re well known all over the world. So, what do they hide behind their metal bearings? Where and when do they come from? Sit back and get yourself a cup of coffee, as I will take you on this trip, uncovering fidget spinners, and examining their reason of existence, in terms of science and art. Before cracking these spinners deeper, we ll first go through the history of fidget spinners. There are no clear evidence about it s original inventor, but there are indeed some other evidences that could lead into the creation of this small toy. Catherine Hettinger, 62 years old, is one of it. She is a chemical engineer, and she said that she s a tinkerer. Surprisingly, she doesn t have any kind of connection towards any companies that are producing this popular toy. She had her first 2 patents for a placemat that could help people on their diet. Her third patent, granted in 1997, is a circular device made from a single piece of plastic that spins on the tip of a finger. She called this device a spinning... Show more content on ... The art of Fidget Spinners. As it becomes a massive hit, this spinning fidget toy grows into something more than only a fidget toy. It becomes some sort of art, and quite number of people are into it. At first, we start with some boring designed fidget spinners. They were mostly plastic, and they are molded in one colour. But as the trend invades, there are tons of design modifications. Today, fidget spinners come in a ton of different colours, shapes, and material. They used to only have 3 wings , but now, some of them have 2, and some even have more. You could even get a gold plated fidget spinner if you wanted
  • 45. History of Cellphone History of Cell Phones The history of mobile phones records the development of interconnection between the public switched telephone systems to radio transceivers. From the earliest days of transmitting speech by radio, connection of the radio system to the telephone network had obvious benefits of eliminating the wires. Early systems used bulky, high power consuming equipment and supported only a few conversations at a time, with required manual set up of the interconnection. Today cellular technology and microprocessor control systems allow automatic and pervasive use of mobile phones for voice and data. The transmission of speech by radio has a long and varied history going back to Reginald Fessenden s invention and shore to ship... Show more content on ... In 1969 Amtrak equipped commuter trains along the 225 mile New York Washington route with special pay phones that allowed passengers to place telephone calls while the train was moving. The system re used six frequencies in the 450 MHZ band in nine sites, a precursor of the concept later applied in cellular telephones. [2] In December 1971, AT T submitted a proposal for cellular service to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). After years of hearings, the FCC approved the proposal in 1982 forAdvanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS) and allocated frequencies in the 824 894 MHz band.[6] Analog AMPS was eventually superseded by Digital AMPS in 1990. A cellular telephone switching plan was described by Fluhr and Nussbaum in 1973,[7] and a cellular telephone data signaling system was described in 1977 by Hachenburg et al.[8] In 1979 a U.S. Patent 4,152,647 was issued to Charles A. Gladden and Martin H. Parelman, of Las Vegas for an emergency cellular system for rapid deployment in areas where there was no cellular service. Emergence of commercial mobile phone service Alongside the early developments outlined above, a different technology was also growing in popularity. Two way mobile radios (known as mobile rigs) were used in vehicles such as taxicabs, police cruisers, and ambulances, but were not mobile phones, because they were not connected to the telephone network. The first fully automated mobile phone system for vehicles was launched in Sweden in 1960. Named
  • 46. How To Write A Mitochondria Essay THE MITOCHONDRIA The mitochondria is an organelle of a cell. It works as it was the digestive system, it s in charge of obtaining the nutrients, then break them down, and finally, all that work is for maintaining the cell full of energy, so they would be as the power plants of the cell. The mitochondria are in charge of creating 90% of the energy that our bodies need so it can sustain life and support our growth. The mitochondria are small organelles that floats all through the cell. Some cells have many, lots of mitochondria, but others just have none; for example, the muscle cells need a lot of energy, so they contain lots of mitochondria, otherwise, neurons don t need as much. Depending of the quantity of energy that the cell needs, mitochondria could be created. How is the mitochondria structure? It s made of two membranes: first, the outer membrane, the mitochondria is covered by it, it s like it was the skin; then we can find the inner membrane, it folds over the mitochondria many times and creates cristae (layered structures). The mitochondria ... Show more content on ... They are caused NOT by being contagious (because they aren t) or by something that a person did. They are caused by mutations or changes in genes: when genes passes from parents to children, they will also pass with their defects they have, so that means that the mitochondrial diseases are inheritable. They are the result of the failure in the mitochondria, so when they fail, less energy is generated within the cell. First, the cell will be have injury and then it can produce the cells death; if this continues happening throughout the body, then the whole system begin to fail and the person s life become in risk. The mitochondrial disease primarily affects the children, but it s becoming more common to affect adults too. To what parts of our body does this disease affects the most? It causes damage to cells of the brain, heart, liver, skeletal muscles, and the respiratory
  • 47. The Importance Of Eating Preferences In Children Possibly, your kids know that they can leverage your desire to get them to eat with their own preferences. If they can refuse until they get chicken nuggets, or can eat in front of the television, why change? We ve all done what we ve had to do in order to get through a meal. That said, we might make some leeway by instituting an eating schedule. In addition, we can make sure that meals are eaten together at the table. We all go off plan sometimes. But try to be less forgiving about when and where food is served in your house. 3. Texture or smell. As a kid, you weren t a fan of broccoli (I wasn t). As it turns out, this is probably because young ones are sensitive to the taste of some plant compounds. For most, they just need to ... Show more content on ... That doesn t differ from what adult women who want to drop a dress size may eat! Healthy brain, bone, and muscle development are crucial at this time, so a near adult amount of calories makes sense. Not to mention, they need to eat for the energy typical of toddlers. Without it, listlessness and fatigue will occur, stunting their development. Other symptoms of nutritional deficiency may include crankiness, speech delays, and more frequent illnesses. And what of those nutritional shakes that promise to help our kids get precious vitamins and calories? They definitely work, but they re full of less than desirable ingredients. For example, one popular brand specifically marketed to kids includes the following: Added sugar Not natural sugar, like from fruit; just more of the white stuff. Maltodextrin A thickener and preservative that can cause sugar spikes and impact healthy gut bacteria. Carrageenan Another thickener/stabilizer which may be bad for digestion. Artificial flavoring Addictive, lab created chemicals. Monoglycerides Synthetic hydrogenated fat. And that s just for starters the ingredients list on these nutrition shakes is a mile long! In addition to providing calories and (synthetic) vitamins, they re big on sugar and
  • 48. preservatives. In a way, it s quite counterproductive. We do our best to avoid or limit candy and soda, so they don t get hooked on it
  • 49. Chief Petty Officer I used to view chief petty officer as nothing more than a rank that I would achieve as I worked my way up the ladder to higher positions within staff. I ll admit to being a bit puzzled as to why the c/PCPO s went through such a seemingly strenuous transition when their reward was simply making chief. Lately I ve come to realize that yes, all you get out of the c/PCPO transition is the rank of chief, but that chief includes much more than the title of being a chief. Being a chief means you are willing to take charge of a higher level of responsibility, and coinciding with that, being able to lead a larger unit of people. Being chief means that you understand how to properly lead those who rely on you. Chiefs work together to make up the higher ranks of staff that plan how the unit is to run, but they also lead the individual cadets. A chief, by definition of being a higher rank, is expected to set an example for other cadets to learn by. Chiefs also select chiefs to lead the unit when they have left, accepting both the responsibility of the unit at present, and who will manage it in the future. At the time that I saw chief as only a rank, I only wanted to achieve said rank to further my own personal status within NJROTC. Once I realized all the responsibility that comes with being a chief, I faltered. I questioned whether or not I... Show more content on ... Within any set unit, whether that be a literal machine or a unit of people, what is the most deciding factor in proper functioning is properly functioning elements. In this case, the elements are the people. I believe that by being a chief, if I can spread my reach to help teach and guide more people, in turn teaching them to lead when it is their turn, then I can make then I can make the unit as a whole a better unit. In the end, that s why I want to be a chief, to help better the unit I love facilitated by a passion for taking care of my
  • 50. Exploring The Role Of Prohibition In The 1920 s The prohibition was a result of the certification and ratification of the 18th Amendment in the United States Constitution. Due to the 18th Amendment the sale, transport, and production of alcoholic beverages in the United States was deemed illegal, although the consumption and private possession of alcohol was not prohibited. The 18th Amendment and prohibition of alcohol took effect right around January 16, 1920 and the prohibition took place between the years of 1920 up until 1933. Federal and local government had immense difficulty in their attempts to enforce prohibition. The responsibility of the enforcement of the prohibition was originally left in the hands of the Internal Revenue Service(IRS), but was later transferred to the Department... Show more content on ... The Cullen Harrison Act permitted the manufacturing and sale of beer with a low alcohol content and wines with an alcoholic content up to 3.2 percent and had helped to put an end to the prohibition era. On December 5, 1933 the 21st Amendment of the United States Constitution was ratified and had prohibition repealed at the federal level, and allowed the sale of alcohol within the states. However, due to the 21st Amendment each state had the rights to prohibit the sale and transportation of alcoholic beverages. Many of the states did set individual prohibition laws within their state, but by 1966 all of the prohibition laws in the states had been repealed. In 1984 the United States Congress had passed the National Minimum Drinking Age Act which had required the states to raise their drinking age from whatever it was previously to twenty one. The National Drinking Age Act had prohibited the sale or possession of alcohol to any person or persons under the age of twenty one. If states chose not to comply with this and raise their drinking age to twenty one, then the federal government would penalize the states by decreasing their federal highway funding by eight percent. As of 1988 all of the fifty states had required all individuals who desired
  • 51. The California Gold Rush Thesis The gold rush made California a commercial assemble and draws a lot of attention around the globe by forming multicultural communities that still exist today. The huge amount of travelers from the world largely regenerate the economy of the Pacific Northwest and brought wealth to North America. However, in other perspectives, it was also a terrible loss to human life. The harsh conditions in Alaska have led to hundreds of prospectors being killed and the severe diseases they carried decimated the native people. Furthermore, the gold rush reflects how terrible consequences greediness can cause when profit reaches 100%. Gold Rush of 1849 Population shift causes multicultural communities that still exist today California became a diverse ... Show more content on ... People open stores for the people who immigrate to seek better wealth. However, the local supply couldn t provide a diversified market for the local industry, the inelastic demand and high consumption power stimulated the growth of the vertical integration simultaneously. Vertical integration refers to an strategy where a company expand its business operations into several steps but on the same production, in other words, the company owns the distributor/supply chain. What is good about the vertical integration is that vertical integration can help enterprises reduce costs and improve efficiencies by reducing transportation expanses and turnaround time. Sometimes, however, a company relies on existing expertise and economics scale of other vendors rather than vertical integration since they are more effective and practical. The rise of consumption power The increase of active transportation within the country Lack of diversification of local market supply Examples of commercial assemble: Shovel Store near the diggings that sold digging tools with expensive
  • 52. Color Purple Symbolism Symbolism in The Color Purple Alice Walker s Pulitzer Prize winning novel, The Color Purple, tells the story of a young black woman in rural Georgia over thirty years in the first half of the twentieth century. Through her letters to God and her sister Nettie, the protagonist, Celie, shares her struggles against physical, sexual, emotional and verbal abuse. Through Celie s story and the stories of the other people in her life, the novel explores the themes of racism, sexuality, spirituality, and gender roles. Walker enriches the story and advances these themes through the use of symbols such as the sewing of quilts and pants; music; and the use of colors. First, sewing is an important symbol in the novel that advances the theme of the traditional ... Show more content on ... Sewing quilts and pants provides Celie a way to focus her energy on creative production. This provides her independence and growth much like music provides the same opportunities to Shug Avery and Mary Agnes. Music however also has a dark side in the rural Georgia society and members of the community see it as dark and seductive. This view of music and musicians liberates the women and provides them with sexual power of men. Lastly, colors are important symbols in the novel. In particular, purple, the novels namesake, represents Celie s fully developed spirituality and an appreciation for God in all
  • 53. Hamilton Musical Is Hamilton the Best Musical in Over 40 Years? For many years, people have been watching musicals and plays for most of their teenage to adult life. Most musicals are well known for just their catchy songs, but have you ever seen one with catchy songs, brilliance, and the power to move you in emotional and spiritual ways? Well, Hamilton, a musical written by Lin Manuel Miranda has all of that and more. Most people would argue that other musicals are better, but where are you going to find one with brains and talent, one that teaches, and is world widely moving by its positive effective role in racism. The musical Hamilton is convivial and it is all around amazing. Hamilton has won 11 awards with how prodigious it was, with that being said,... Show more content on ... Although Paulson, Kaplan, and Schussler have very good points about Hamilton, there are some unfortunate things about the musical. Rebecca Onion author of, A Hamilton Skeptic on Why the Show Isn t as Revolutionary as it Seems says, It s still white history. And no amount of casting people of color disguises the fact they re erasing people of color from the actual narrative. Although Hamilton plays a part in making colored men and women happy, some people see that nothing really changes the fact they added different races in the musical. In Hamilton, if you listen closely to the words they sing there is a lot of foul language in it. With that being said, it eliminates the opportunity for little kids to enjoy let alone watch the musical. Another reason why Hamilton has an unfortunate twist to it is because of the reflections that Alexander Hamilton puts on the men he is fighting against, making people think that everything was their fault. This is a problem because of certain people watching the play, they might be for the men he and his army were going against. Despite the setbacks of Hamilton, you can learn from this play without even being aware of
  • 54. New Trend Of Online Streaming Services Essay Recently, Time Warner collaborated with other media companies by acquiring a small percentage of Hulu, in an effort to sustain a future in the new trend of online streaming services. TW invested a hefty $583 million cash stake, joining forces with other media giants Comcast, Walt Disney, and 21st Century Fox. The timing is the reaction Time Warneris making to the onset of major competitors on the horizon such as Netflix and Amazon, and they have a long way to go to catch up. The timing was also based on Hulu s need for big capital to stay afloat. They were on the verge of suffering a crippling $500 million loss, which the funding from TW alone saved them from. As stated by Time Warner s CEO, Jeff Bewkes, Our investment in Hulu underscores Time Warner s commitment to supporting and developing new platforms for the delivery of high quality content and great consumer experiences to audiences around the globe, . In order to strengthen its position within the industry, the managers at Time Warner had to complement some of its usual generic strategy with a new strategy by using product differentiating. They need to provide customers with a service or product that will attract them to TW and away from the competition. There was a strategy within the strategy which, is why Time Warner took an only a minute stake in the Hulu company. This was because Hulu s governance structure is unsteady and TW did not want to add to it by becoming an equal partner with the three other major
  • 55. Video Games May be Able to Help Essay There is a common misconception that video games brainwash kids and do nothing but damage their intellect. Although that is not the case, video games have been proven to improve one s everyday motor skills and even improve vision. Some parents may believe that their son/daughter will grow up to be some sort of lonely psychopath due to video games, but that is not the case. The truth of the matter is that video games do little to no damage to kid s brains. There are many more things that improved rather than decreased. There is even scientific evidence to support of this. With tests showing gamers develop the ability to use the smaller and faster portion of their brain to process situations and make decisions. It was also apparent... Show more content on ... Daphne Bavelier says It s not the case that the action game players are trigger happy and less accurate; they are just as accurate and also faster. Action game players make more correct decisions per unit time. If you are a surgeon or you are in the middle of a battlefield, that can make all the difference (Current Biology 2). All of these aspects can improve one s everyday life. There are many basic skills that are improved due to these aspects, such as driving, reading, navigating, multitasking, listening, and locating; which are all essential to one s everyday life. Pure science also backs up this theory with proof of gamers brains using a smaller and faster portion to process data. Gamers use their frontal cortex, which is already naturally faster than the parietal cortex that non gamers use (Brain Power 3). The frontal cortex is a surprisingly small portion of your brain that processes and makes suggestions based on the data it receives. Similar functions were found in musicians who play the guitar or the piano, in which they need to have fast reactions to be able to process all the notes that they are hitting.(Brain Power 3) Non gamers use the part of their brain called the parietal cortex, which takes up a larger portion of one s brain that is less complex and takes longer to process things. Not only is the parietal
  • 56. Training and Development Development and Training Paper Training and development programs are introduced to organizations to improve the knowledge, skills, and abilities of employees. In addition, development and training programs are essential for an organization to successfully train and educate their employees. The quality and variety of the training companies provide is key for motivation. Reasons for training range from new hire training about your operation to introducing a new concept to a workgroup. Quality training and development programs are essential in keeping the staff motivated about learning new concepts and keeping the department profitable. The banking industry has been subject to many robberies in the past couple of years. The... Show more content on ... If the training material is boring and dry more then likely your employees are not going to be engaged and will walk away from the training session dazed and confused. Banking industries use many different kinds of training. The most effective training is the training that is outsourced. This gives the employee someone else s view on the subject compared to your supervisor who you see on a daily basis. The banking industry has discovered that when they outsource their training programs they receive a bigger response from the employees. The overall benefits are much higher then any other type of training. People learn by doing, nobody learns much by listening or reading only. So lecture training is not welcomed. The most commonly used method for transferring information in education today is the lecture. Lecturing is all about the presenter and not the student. The banking industry has found that when training is presented in a form of a lecture many people seem to nod off or doodle on their notepad instead of listening. This is a waste of time and money. Interaction is the key. Types of interaction include employee to employee interaction, employee to supervisor interactions, and supervisor to supervisor interaction. The more interaction there is in the organization, the better the learning. When employees interact with each other they are forced to use the information, moving the information into their long term memory, and retaining it for
  • 57. Immigration Foreigner Or Citizen Foreigner or Citizen Over the years immigration has continued to be a discussion of intense national debate. The effect of immigration have been looked at as positive and negative. The economy and government has been affected in a multitude of ways. The immigrants are offered sources for work and also economic support for them and their families yet many American citizens are without jobs and struggle to keep a household. Also many Americans do feel as if they are being pushed to the side when it comes to availability in work sources and the taxes people pay are going to the non natives who don t work but only live off of others benefits. Contrary to that, the number of immigrant men who have a job seems to be higher than native born men.... Show more content on ... Immigrants have also been blamed when it comes to Destroying the way of American s life. Why have U.S. natives been convinced that the immigrants are destroying the U.S. when in fact immigration is good for the U.S. growth. Economic Prosperity is what America is all about and working to get to. With Immigration reforms and working to contain a stronger reform, it is estimated that immigration allows migrants to Contribute their talents and skills to economic prosperity for all (John Engler). The idea of prosperity comes from optimisty and this is what comes from immigration. The skills and talents that come from immigrants is what is mainly pushing more business reforms and creating a greater economy in the U.S. The creation of reforms and the change of businesses is what America needs and what immigrants are assisting on improving. An article written by John Engler stated that The Partnership for a New American Economy estimates that immigrants are nearly 50 percent more likely to start a business than native born workers. This is incredible news and does give an idea to people who supposedly says immigrants/immigration is destroying the U.S. When native born workers are less likely to start a business it should say something about the ideas of many politicians and everyday