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Paul G. Huppertz
Servicialisation –
reliable & cost-efficient service providing management
Servicialisation – seamless & reliable, effective & cost-efficient service providing management
Paul G. Huppertz, servicEvolution Introduction to Servicialisation Page 1 of 15
Servicialisation – Word & Term
The word ‘Servicialisation’ has been newly created in the year 2009 for clearly differentiating between routinely fab-
ricating material goods of certain types in great quantities and routinely rendering services of certain types in great
quantities. The word ‘industrialisation’ is derived from the Latin word ‘industria’ – ‘effort, fervour, antsiness’ so
that it stays open for which results the effort is brought in. Nevertheless, newly created in the 18th
century, the term
mostly is assigned to efforts for making many goods of the same type by using machines and/or
automats. Meanwhile, the word ‘Servicialisation’ is intentionally based on the word ‘Service’ so that its main topic is
clear from the first. The term ‘Servicialisation’ is related to all elements and measures that concern effectuating and
rendering singular Services of any kind in any context and environment for certain addressees and/or beneficiaries.
Furthermore, in comparison and in delimitation to the term ‘industry’ that refers to the secondary and/or industrial
sector of the economy2
, the newly created term ‘Servistry’ is assigned to the tertiary and/or servistrial sector of the
. Thus, the rather inconsistent term ‘service industry’ is avoided as industry refers to making material
items whilst any and every Service as such is immaterial.
Last but not least, the neologism ‘Servuction’ has been integrated into the concept according to this illuminating and
path-breaking thought4
that points up that
 preconditions and boundary conditions,
 locations and environments,
 roles and accountabilities,
 activators and addressees,
 models and methods,
 processes and results
of making goods (= production) are entirely different from those of rendering Services (= Servuction).
s. Wikipedia entry ‚Industrialisation‘ -
s. Wikipedia entry ‚Secondary sector of the economy‘ -
s. Wikipedia entry ‚Tertiary sector of the economy‘ -
s. article 'Le service et sa servuction' from Pierre Eiglier, IAE (Institut d'Administration des Entreprises, Marseille & Aix-en-Provence)
„Production, c'est faire des choses. Servuction, c'est rendre des services.“
„Production is making goods. Servuction is rendering services."
[Pierre Eiglier & Eric Langeard]
Figure 1: Servicialisation - creation and translation of the term
Servicialisation – seamless & reliable, effective & cost-efficient service providing management
Paul G. Huppertz, servicEvolution Introduction to Servicialisation Page 2 of 15
Generally, the term ‘Servicialisation’ is assigned to the following topics and contents
 Service Terminology with conclusive and mutually consistent definitions of service terms
 Service Taxonomy comprising criteria for classifying service types and classes of service (contribution) types
 Serviciology, i.e. the well-founded and comprehensive science and teaching about services
 Service Providing Model with the main roles involved in rendering and consuming services
 Service Providers, i.e. organisations that are accountable for effectuating and rendering services
 Service Marketing, i.e. presenting of and advertising for service providing offerings
 Service Providing with
o its basics and preconditions
o its roles and responsibilities
o its activators and addressees
o its models and methods
o its measures and means
o its phases and processes
o its outputs and outcomes
All this reveals that the term “Service Management” is an oxymoron like ‘black sun’, i.e. a self-contradictory and
empty, meaningless and misguiding term for the following reasons:
 A Service per se cannot be managed in any way or manner as any and every service as such inevitably & un-
alterably is
o intangible as it neither can be touched nor can be handled,
o immaterial as it neither consists of any components nor consists of any raw materials,
o insubstantial as it neither has any physical substance nor has any logical substance,
o perishable as it is simultaneously consumed by the triggering service consumer.
 Any and every Service is effectuated from scratch only on the explicit Service Trigger of an authorised Ser-
vice Consumer exclusively for and rendered explicitly to this triggering Service Consumer. In other words:
Not any service is effectuated and not any service providing is performed
o without an authorised Service Consumer at a service provision point
o without a service object of an authorised Service Consumer
o without an explicit service trigger of an authorised Service Consumer
o without a service object handed over by a triggering Service Consumer.
 Any explicitly triggered and thereupon reliably rendered, singular and unique Service is simultaneously con-
sumed by the triggering Service Consumer for efficiently executing his intended and/or upcoming activity
creating value in so doing, either in business or in privateness. The latter was his motive for explicitly trig-
gering such a Service even if he is not aware of this.
The term “Service Management” is misleading in many regards as well as causing several misconceptions and loss-
generating misunderstandings, confusing irritations and wrong conclusions. For generally avoiding all these negative
effects, this term is always substituted by the term ‘Service Providing Management’ (= Servuction Management) as
only Service Providing can be managed by seamlessly effectuating and reliably rendering explicitly triggered, singu-
lar and unique Services in the course of respective Service Transactions. The latter is the core task of any truly and
truthfully accountable Service Provider, either an internal organisational unit in an enterprise or an independent
Servicialisation – seamless & reliable, effective & cost-efficient service providing management
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Servicialisation – Principles & Transfer
Although making goods is entirely different from rendering services, the main principles of industrialisation, namely
 standardisation of proceedings and (intermediary) results
 rationalisation of division of labour and of portions of labour
 automation of effectuating (intermediary) results
 optimisation of effectuating (intermediary) results,
have been abstracted from production and transferred to servuction as main principles of servicialisation.
In doing so have been comprehensively considered the inevitable and unalterable service characteristics, mainly
 intangibility as a service neither can be touched nor can be handled
 immateriality as a service neither consists of any components nor consists of any raw material
 insubstantiality as a service neither has any physical substance nor has any logical substance
 perishability as a reliably rendered service is simultaneously consumed by the triggering service consumer.
Furthermore, the peculiarities and necessities of Service Rendering have been allowed for, in particular
 uniqueness and realtimeliness
 irrepeatability and irreversibility
 integrating the Service Consumer into the Servuction Environment and the Servuction Process
 triggering by an authorized Service Consumer who hands over his Service Object
 taking over the Service Consumer’s Service Object into the Servuction Environment
 effectuating the service-specific benefit to the Service Consumer’s Service Object
 simultaneous Service Rendering & Service Consuming
 extegrating the triggering Service Consumer and his Service Object from the Servuction Process and the Ser-
vuction Environment
All this makes clear that each Service
 is explicitly triggered only by an authorized Service Consumer in order to execute an upcoming activity
 is effectuated from scratch in the course of a singular and unique Service Transaction
 is rendered explicitly to the triggering Service Consumer, but to nobody else
 is simultaneously consumed by the triggering Service Consumer for efficiently executing his activity.
Figure 2: Transferring main principles from industrialisation to servicialisation
Servicialisation – seamless & reliable, effective & cost-efficient service providing management
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Servicialisation – Introduction & Explanation
A Service Provider of an enterprise is accountable for ensuring reliable and cost-efficient service providing for the
business process relevant service types. This necessitates that this organisational unit ensures that each explicitly
triggered, singular and unique service is seamlessly and reliably, safely and securely, completely and terminatorily
rendered explicitly to the triggering Service Consumer. By simultaneously consuming the reliably rendered service,
the latter can efficiently execute his upcoming activity creating value in so doing, either in business or in privateness.
The Service Consumer is
 the single and sole activator and addressee of any service rendering
 the critical success factor for each singular and unique rendering and simultaneous consuming of a service
as well as for each singular and unique service-based (business) value creating.
Even more, the Service Consumers are mission critical
 for the commissioning Servuction Customer because they create (business) value in his realm by efficiently
executing their upcoming (business) activities
 for the commissioned and thus accountable Service Provider because he can bill each reliably rendered, sin-
gular & unique service to the commissioning Servuction Customer.
For the accountable Service Provider, it is paramount profoundly understanding that each explicitly triggered service
must be effectuated from scratch exclusively for and rendered explicitly to the triggering Service Consumer in the
course of a singular and unique service transaction. An authorized Service Consumer initiates such a service transac-
tion by explicitly triggering a singular service and by handing over his service object to the custody and control of the
accountable Service Provider and/or to its servuction environment. In the course of the respective service transac-
tion the status of this service object must be purposefully changed so that its final status satisfies the current exi-
gencies and expectations of the Service Consumer. Only based on the completely and terminatorily changed status
of his service object (= service output), the triggering Service Consumer can efficiently execute his upcoming activity
(= service outcome). That’s why he has explicitly triggered a service of this type, even if he was not aware of this.
A Servuction Customer has commissioned an accountable Service Provider afore with rendering services of the re-
spective service type to authorized Service Consumers in his realm whenever one of them explicitly triggers such a
service. The commissioning Servuction Customer appoints the authorized Service Consumers in his realm, either im-
plicitly or explicitly, and he himself as a person can be one of them. After the respective billing period the Servuction
Customer pays to the Service Provider all the services Service Consumers in his realm have triggered and consumed.
Figure 3: Service Transaction from explicit service trigger to Service Consumer extegration
Servicialisation – seamless & reliable, effective & cost-efficient service providing management
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The accountable Service Provider on his part will commission distinct internal and external Service Feeders with
feeding required Service Contribution Types for aggregating and rendering the triggered target services. For ensur-
ing this, the Service Provider will efficiently concert and providently conduct all commissioned Service Feeders in the
context of its service feeding network.
Generally, there are 4 main roles in the generic and complete service providing model (= servuction model):
 Service Consumer who explicitly triggers and simultaneously consumes singular and unique services
 Servuction Customer who commissions service providing and periodically pays for consumed services
 Service Provider that offers service providing and ensures reliably rendering explicitly triggered services
 Service Feeder that reliably effectuates and instantaneously feeds triggered service contributions
From the perspectives and perceptions of addressed and/or authorized Service Consumers, a truly and truthfully ac-
countable Service Provider will precisely and succinctly identify the required service types. Based on the universally
valid and distinct, complete and consistent definition of the term ‘service’, this can be performed by means of the 3
generic service identifiers, in particular by means of the 3 constitutive identifiers of the service type, namely
1. Service Consumer whom to a singular service must be reliably rendered on his explicit service trigger
2. Service Object which to the service-specific benefit must be effectuated anew
3. Service-specific Benefit that must be effectuated anew to the service consumer’s service object
Figure 4: Service Providing Model with 4 main roles and their main spheres
Figure 5: Service Definition and 3 generic Service Identifiers
Servicialisation – seamless & reliable, effective & cost-efficient service providing management
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Generally, there are just 4 categories of service object types, namely
 life and limb of a triggering service consumer
 goods and chattels of a triggering service consumer
 rights and claims of a triggering service consumer
 data and documents of a triggering service consumer
These generic service object categories can be used as the primary criteria for demarcating identified service types
from each other and for classifying them. Thus, it’s rather easy and catchy grouping the different service types and
putting all the respective services in a proper and understandable order. This helps all parties involved better organ-
ising and coordinating all aspects of service providing.
Comprehensively allowing for the inevitable and unalterable service characteristics, the generic and consistent defi-
nition of the term ‘service’ above reveals that benefits are the essence, the quiddity, the constitutive traits of any
service type and of every singular service as is illustrated in figure 7.
Furthermore, the service-specific benefit is
 the primary and/or most important service identifier of the 3 generic service identifiers
 effectuated exclusively for a triggering Service Consumer to his service object
 simultaneously consumed by the triggering service consumer.
Figure 6: Four Service Object Categories and examples
Figure 7: Benefit and its importance for services
Servicialisation – seamless & reliable, effective & cost-efficient service providing management
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As a consequence, the service-specific benefit of a precisely identified service type is the connector between its iden-
tification and its specification. The description of the benefit is copied from the service identification to sub attribute
01 ‘primary benefit’ of service attribute 01 ‘Service Consumer Benefits’ of the service specification template. By
means of this plain and straight step, the most important element of the service type is transferred to the descrip-
tion of the service providing quality where it becomes the starting point and reference for the service specification.
From this primary benefit as well as from the exigencies and expectations of addressed and/or authorized Service
Consumers, secondary, tertiary, … benefits are derived and succinctly described in their terms and wording in further
sub attributes. With 5 to 8 sub attributes, the ‘Service Consumer Benefits’ are properly and completely specified in
the identical service attribute 01.
The practical and aligned values of the service attributes 02 to 11 are specified according to the exigencies and ex-
pectations of addressed Service Consumers as well as in their terms and wording, data and times so that they can
verify every value and adjust it if necessary. Altogether, the required service providing quality (= servuction quality)
of a precisely identified service type is completely and concisely specified in the attributes 01 to 11 so that the ac-
countable service provider can set the price in the identical service attribute 12 ‘Service Providing Price’.
As soon as addressed and/or authorized Service Consumers and commissioning Servuction Customers have con-
firmed and approved a complete and concise service level specification for a precisely and succinctly identified ser-
vice type, the accountable Service Provider inserts this specification into its compact and meaningful service cata-
logue. In the respective catalogue entry, it represents one of its practical and binding service providing offerings (=
servuction offerings). If necessary, each service specification can be easily changed by adjusting the respective at-
tribute values according the changed exigencies and expectations of addressed Service Consumers.
Figure 8: Service-specific benefit as connector between identification and specification
Figure 9: Service Specification based on the 12 standard service attributes
Servicialisation – seamless & reliable, effective & cost-efficient service providing management
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The table below reveals that the complete and concise service specification based on the 12 standard service attrib-
utes relies on the precise and succinct service identification by means of the 3 generic service identifiers that, on its
turn, is traceably derived from the universally valid and distinct, generic and consistent definition of the term ‘ser-
vice’ that comprehensively allows for the inevitable and unalterable service characteristics.
This service definition is the robust and resilient cornerstone of the service terminology with conclusive and mutual-
ly consistent definitions of service terms and their synonyms. The service terminology on its turn is the solid and self-
supporting foundation for all models and methods of reliable and cost-efficient service providing management.
As explained and illustrated in figure 10, within this methodology the Service Consumers are taken center stage.
1. Service Identifying: In this initial phase, the Service Provider precisely and succinctly identifies each business
process relevant and/or required service type by means of its 3 constitutive Service Identifiers from the per-
spectives and perceptions of addressed and/or authorized Service Consumers.
2. Service Specifying: In the second phase, the Service Provider completely and concisely specifies for each
precisely identified service type the required service providing quality based on the 12 Standard Service At-
tributes according to the exigencies and expectations of addressed and/or authorised Service Consumers as
well as in their terms and wording.
Figure 11: Methodology for reliable and cost-efficient service providing management
Figure 10: Layers from service definition to service specification
Servicialisation – seamless & reliable, effective & cost-efficient service providing management
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3. Service Composing: Then, the Service Provider continuously composes service providing for each concisely
specified service type by deriving from its specification the Service Contribution Map with the Service Con-
tributions types required for aggregating a triggered service and the Service Screenplay with the service
transaction for aggregating an explicitly triggered service of this type. The Service Specification, the Service
Map and the Service Screenplay form the Service Concept for the respective service type.
4. Service Orchestrating: The Service Provider analyses all the Service Concepts for efficiently orchestrating and
stringently commissioning internal and external Service Feeders with feeding the required Service Contribu-
tion types. The accountable Service Provider orchestrates and conducts all the commissioned Service Feed-
ers in the context of its Service Feeding Network.
5. Service Cataloguing: The Service Provider compiles all confirmed and approved Service Level Specifications
in the Service Catalogue for presenting and publishing its practical and binding Service Providing Offerings.
6. Service Committing: For commissioning service providing, a Servuction Customer copies the selected Ser-
vice Level Specification for a required service type from the respective Service Catalogue entry to the tem-
plate for Service Providing Agreements (SPA). Then, he sets Service Attribute 04 ‘Service Consumer Count’ to
the number of authorized Service Consumers in his realm. Furthermore, he adds to the appendix of the SPA
draft a list with identifying data about these authorized Service Consumers. Finally, he sends his SPA draft to
the accountable Service Provider so that it can commit service rendering accordingly by signing the draft.
7. Service Concerting: In this phase, the accountable Service Provider must master the service triathlon by
a. purposefully establishing and actively keeping up Service Providing Readiness for all authorised Ser-
vice Consumers and for all committed service types
b. actively keeping up and dynamically adjusting the Service Providing Capacities for all committed
service types according to the current Service Triggering Rates of authorized Service Consumers
c. instantaneously effectuating each explicitly triggered, singular and unique service exclusively for the
triggering Service Consumer and reliably rendering it explicitly to this triggering Service Consumer.
8. Service Billing: The accountable Service Provider periodically bills its commissioning Service Customers the
quantities of singular and unique services explicitly triggered and simultaneously consumed by Service Con-
sumers respective reference period. The price for billing consumed services is taken from attribute 12 ‘Ser-
vice Providing Price’ of the service specification in the nucleus of the Service Providing Agreement (SPA).
Figure 12: Service Triathlon with its 3 disciplines
Servicialisation – seamless & reliable, effective & cost-efficient service providing management
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For each offered service type, the accountable Service Provider must master the service trilemma that spans be-
 service providing quality that satisfies the exigencies and expectations of authorised Service Consumers so
that they can explicitly trigger and simultaneously consume singular services of this type for efficiently execut-
ing their upcoming activities, respectively
 service providing price that is affordable and profitable for interested and/or registered Service Customers
 service providing costs that are self-supporting for the accountable Service Provider
Altogether, there are 3 separate and self-contained management areas and/or layers that are based on each other
as illustrated in figure 14.
 Business Process Management in the primary market and/or business area of the respective enterprise, e.g.
customer relationship management with primary customers, order processing management, production
planning and management, is planned and prepared by the management teams of the primary business
units in the enterprise and it is performed from other employees in the same business unit.
 Service Providing Management that must be properly aligned with Business Process Management in the
course of the Business-to-Service-Alignment by creating the Service Catalogue that contains practical and
binding service providing offerings for the business process relevant service types.
 System Operations Management comprises the planing and procuring, installing and configuring, activating
and operating, monitoring and managing, administrating and maintaining of service providing automats (=
servuction automats) in the form of service-relevant technial systems.
Figure 13: The service trilemma with its elements
Figure 14: The generic management layers - self-contained and based on each other
Servicialisation – seamless & reliable, effective & cost-efficient service providing management
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For ensuring reliable and cost-efficient Service Providing Management (= Servuction Management) for all the
business process relevant service types, the accountable Service Provider of an enterprise must take center stage
the authorised Service Consumers who are mission critical as they explicitly trigger and simultaneously consume
singular and unique services for efficiently executing their upcoming business activities creating business value in so
doing in the realm of the commissioning Servuction Customers, e.g. group managers or deparment heads.
Consequently, a truly and truthfully accountable Service Provider takes center stage authorized Service Consumers
by prudently composing and providently conducting Service Providing Management for the business process
relevant service types it has
 precisely and succintly identified from their perspectives and perceptions
 completely and concisely specified according to their exigencies and expectations
by creating the Service Catalogue in the course of the Business-to-Service-Alignment. In the same phase, the Service
Provider will derive a proper Service Providing Strategy (= Servuction Strategy) from the Business Strategy of the
enterprise and develop a well-founded and stringent Service Providing Governance with adequate rules and
regulations for safely and securely rendering services whilst being compliant with all relevant requirements.
Figure 15: Service Consumer - mission critical role of service rendering and value creating
Figure 16: Combination of "Plan - Build - Run Technical Systems" with "Compose - Commit - Conduct Service Providing"
Servicialisation – seamless & reliable, effective & cost-efficient service providing management
Paul G. Huppertz, servicEvolution Introduction to Servicialisation Page 12 of 15
Appendix A: Glossary of service terms
In the table below the main service terms are explained with their meanings. All terms in Italic are explained in sepa-
rate entries of the table.
Term Explanation
A Benefit is a certain result that is accomplished for a beneficiary on his explicit demand. The word
‘benefit’ is derived from the Latin word ‘benefacere’ – ‘to do somebody a favour’.
Benefits are the essence of any Service Type as well as of any singular & unique Service, in other
words: its quiddity, its constitutive trait. In the context of any Service Providing
 the beneficiary is a triggering Service Consumer
 the demand is an explicit Service Trigger of an authorized Service Consumer
 the result is the Service Output
 the effect of the achieved Service Output is the Service Outcome.
The Service Output of an explicitly triggered and thereupon reliably rendered, singular & unique
service is the changed status of the Service Consumer’s Service Object that satisfies his current exi-
gencies and expectations. An authorized Service Consumer hands over his Service Object with his
explicit Service Trigger to the Servuction Environment and/or to the custody and control of an ac-
countable Service Provider in order that the service-specific Benefit is effectuated to it.
Chief Servuc-
tion Officer
The Chief Servuction Officer (CSO) (= Chief Service Providing Officer) is the head of an accountable
Service Provider, i.e. of the respective organisational unit in an enterprise. The CSO and his de-
partment must ensure that each explicitly triggered, singular and unique Service is seamlessly & re-
liably, safely and securely, completely and terminatorily rendered explicitly to the triggering Service
Consumer in the Service Providing Quality concisely specified and bindingly committed to the
commissioning Servuction Customer in the respective Service Providing Agreement (SPA).
ICTility Service
An ICTility Service is an ICT-system based utility service. The term ICTility service is referring to the
term ‘utility service’ for common service types like ‘electricity service’ or ‘water supplying service’.
An ICTility Service belongs to a Service Type for which the following applies:
 The service-specific Benefit is effectuated to the Service Consumer’s Service Object by Ser-
vuction Automats in the form of ICT systems with service-relevant functions.
 The Service Consumers’ Service Objects are digitized information representations (= Digi-
tats) in the form of files or data records, respectively.
A Service is a set of one-time consumable and perishable Benefits.
The word ‘service’ derives from the Latin
 on the first level from the noun ‘servitium’ – ‘slavery, (bond)service’
 on the second level from the verb ‘servire’ – ‘to attend someone, to be a slave’
fic Benefit
The Service-specific Benefit is the effect that is accomplished for an authorised Service Consumer
on his explicit Service Trigger by purposefully changing the status of his Service Object.
Criterion for specifying the required Service Providing Quality of a precisely and succinctly identi-
fied Service Type.
Service Billing
Service Billing comprises periodically charging commissioning Servuction Customers for the quanti-
ties of singular and unique Services authorised Service Consumers in their realms have explicitly
triggered and simultaneously consumed in the course of the respective accounting period.
Servicialisation – seamless & reliable, effective & cost-efficient service providing management
Paul G. Huppertz, servicEvolution Introduction to Servicialisation Page 13 of 15
Term Explanation
The Service Catalogue comprises practical and binding Service Providing Offerings (= Servuction Of-
ferings) of the accountable Service Provider.
 Each service catalogue entry contains a complete and concise Service Level Specification
that has been confirmed and approved by addressed and/or authorised Service Consumers
and by interested and/or registered Servuction Customers.
 Each Service Level Specification is referred to a Service Type that has been precisely and
succinctly identified from the perspectives and perceptions of addressed and/or authorised
Service Consumers in the realms of commissioning Servuction Customers.
Service Cataloguing comprises the method and the measures for compiling practical and binding
Service Providing Offerings in the form of complete and concise Service Level Specifications for pre-
cisely and succinctly identified Service Types. An accountable Service Provider creates a Service
Catalogue for compiling and presenting, administrating and maintaining its Service Providing Offer-
Service Char-
The Service Characteristics are inevitable and unalterable secondary traits of any and every singular
& unique Service that is reliably rendered explicitly to a triggering Service Consumer. The main Ser-
vice Characteristics are
 intangibility as a Service neither can be touched nor can be handled
 immateriality as a Service neither consists of any components nor of any raw materials
 insubstantiality as a Service neither has physical substance nor has logical substance
 perishability as each explicitly triggered and thereupon reliably rendered, singular and
unique Service is simultaneously consumed by the triggering Service Consumer for effi-
ciently executing his upcoming activity creating value in so doing, either in business or in
Service Commissioning comprises concluding a mutually binding Service Providing Agreement (SPA)
between a Servuction Customer and an accountable Service Provider. As its nucleus, each SPA con-
tains the complete and concise Service (Level) Specification of a precisely identified Service Type.
Normally, such a specification is referring to a practical and binding Service Providing Offering in
the Service Catalogue of an accountable Service Provider.
By means of an SPA a Servuction Customer commissions an accountable Service Provider with ren-
dering Services of the specified service type to authorized Service Consumers in his realm. The
commissioned Service Provider on its part commits rendering a singular and unique Service of this
type to any authorized Service Consumer who explicitly triggers one. The commissioning Servuc-
tion Customer commits that he will periodically pay for the quantities of singular & unique Services
explicitly triggered and simultaneously consumed by authorized Service Consumers in his realm.
Service Committing comprises the binding promise of the accountable Service Provider to render
explicitly triggered, singular and unique services of a concisely specified type to authorised Service
Consumers in the realm of a commissioning Service Customer. Such a commitment is documented
in a Service Providing Agreement (SPA) the nucleus of which is the complete and concise Service
Level Specification of the committed service type.
A Service Concept is the set of three documents that describes the quality of a distinct Target Ser-
vice as well as the rendering of a triggered Service of this quality. The Service Concept consists of
 the Service Specification of the Target Service with its practical and aligned attribute values
based on the 12 Standard Service Attributes
 the Service Contribution Map with all the Service Contribution Types required for aggregat-
ing explicitly triggered Target Services
 the Service Screenplay describing the course of the transaction for properly aggregating all
the required Service Contributions into the triggered Target Service and for reliably render-
ing this Service explicitly to the triggering Service Consumer.
Servicialisation – seamless & reliable, effective & cost-efficient service providing management
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Term Explanation
Service Concerting comprises rendering each explicitly triggered, singular & unique Service explicit-
ly to the triggering Service Consumer respectively, and that without any delay or friction in the Ser-
vice Providing Quality bindingly committed in the respective Service Providing Agreement (SPA).
Service Conducting comprises providently and reliably rendering all explicitly triggered, singular
and unique Services to triggering Service Consumers, respectively, and that according to the cur-
rent Service Triggering Rates of authorized Service Consumers.
The Service Consumer is the mission critical role of the four main roles in the generic and complete
Service Providing Model (= Servuction Model). Service Consumers are
 the single & sole activators & addressees of any Service Rendering
 the critical success factors for each singular & unique Service Rendering and simultaneous
Service Consuming as well as for each singular & unique service-based value creating in the
realm(s) of commissioning Servuction Customers.
Furthermore, the role of the Service Consumer is one of the three generic and constitutive Service
Identifiers for precisely and succinctly identifying any required and/or desired service type from
the perspectives and perceptions of addressed and/or authorised Service Consumers.
Generally, a Service Consumer can be either an human being or a technical system:
 An individual, e.g. an employee in the realm of the commissioning Service Customer, explic-
itly triggers a singular & unique Service for efficiently executing his upcoming business ac-
tivity, e.g. processing an order.
 A technical system in the Servuction Environment, e.g. an e-mailing server system, triggers
a separate & singular ICT-system based Service Contribution, e.g. a DNS service, for execut-
ing its upcoming task, e.g. routing e-mails to the SMTP gateway.
The triggering Service Consumer of either kind simultaneously consumes the Service explicitly ren-
dered to him or to it for efficiently executing his business activity or its technical function.
Service Consuming means that a triggering Service Consumer benefits from the purposefully
changed status of his Service Object by efficiently executing his upcoming activity creating value in
so doing, either in business or in privateness. The latter was his motive for triggering such a service,
even if he is not aware of this. In other words: the triggering Service Consumer is the beneficiary of
the fact that the service-specific benefit that has been effectuated to his Service Object.
A Service Contribution is a set of one-time consumable and perishable benefits that is aggregated
with other Service Contributions into a triggered Target Service. There is always one primary, indis-
pensable Service Contribution for each Target Service type. Furthermore, there are secondary, ter-
tiary, … Service Contributions necessary for enabling and/or supporting the effectuating and ren-
dering of the primary Service Contribution.
A Service Contribution Contract (SCC) is a formally written and mutually signed document conclud-
ed by an accountable Service Provider with an external Service Contribution Feeder for commission-
ing the latter with feeding Service Contributions of the type that is precisely identified and concisely
specified in the nucleus of the SCC.
The Service Customer commissions an accountable Service Provider by means of a Service Providing
Agreement (SPA) with providing services of the concisely specified service type to authorised Ser-
vice Consumers in his realm. He periodically pays the quantities of singular and unique services ex-
plicitly triggered and simultaneously consumed by these Service Consumers.
The Service Customer is one of the four main roles in the generic and complete Service Providing
Service Denial
Service Denial means that the service-specific Benefit is not effectuated to the Service Object the
triggering Service Consumer has handed over with his explicit service trigger. This immediately and
inevitably causes operational loss to the triggering Service Consumer as he cannot continue with
his activities as planned and/or necessary.
Servicialisation – seamless & reliable, effective & cost-efficient service providing management
Paul G. Huppertz, servicEvolution Introduction to Servicialisation Page 15 of 15
Term Explanation
A Service Identifier is the constitutive criteria for precisely and succinctly identifying a required
Service Type and demarcating it from all other Service Types.
The three generic and constitutive Service Identifiers are
 Service Consumer whom to a singular and unique Service of this type must be seamlessly
and reliably rendered on his explicit trigger so that he can simultaneously consume it for
efficiently execute his upcoming activity creating value in so doing
 Service Object handed over by an authorised Service Consumer with his explicit service
trigger in order that the Service-specific Benefit is effectuated to it
 Service-specific Benefit that must be safely and securely, completely and terminatorily ef-
fectuated to the Service Object handed over by a triggering service consumer for this pur-
pose to the custody & control of the accountable Service Provider and/or to its Servuction
Service Object
Physical or logical item handed over by an authorised Service Consumer with his explicit Service
Trigger to the respective service providing environment in order that the Service-specific Benefit is
effectuated to it.
A singular and unique Service Transaction comprises safely and securely, completely and termina-
torily changing the status of the Service Consumer’s Service Object, respectively.
Servuction (= Service Providing) comprises instantaneously effectuating each explicitly triggered,
singular and unique Service exclusively for (a) triggering Service Consumer(s) and reliably rendering
it explicitly to (the) triggering Service Consumer(s), respectively. This is performed in the course of
singular and unique Service Transactions that are initiated by authorised Service Consumers with
their explicit Service Triggers, respectively.
A Service Providing Automat is a service-relevant technical system with service-relevant functions
e.g. an ICT-based system, that contributes to instantaneously effectuating explicitly triggered, sin-
gular and unique Services exclusively for and reliably rendering each of them explicitly to the trig-
gering Service Consumer, respectively.
The Servuction Environment consists of all the service-relevant elements required for instantane-
ously effectuating and reliably rendering explicitly triggered, singular and unique Services of a cer-
tain Service Type. Depending on the Service Type, there are service-relevant technical systems (=
Servuction Automats) of different types, service-relevant organisation(al unit)s of different types,
Service Actors, service-relevant buildings, equipment and/or other means.
A Servuction Process is initiated by an authorised Service Consumer who explicitly triggers a singu-
lar service of a certain type and hands over this Service Object. In the course of the respective sin-
gular and unique Service Transaction, the Service-specific Benefit of the triggered service type is
safely and securely as well as completely and terminatorily effectuated to this Service Object. Thus,
its status is purposefully changed so that its final status satisfies the current exigencies and expec-
tations of the triggering Service Consumer.
To be continued.

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Whitepaper 'Servicialisation' V04.09.00

  • 1. 2017 Paul G. Huppertz servicEvolution 06.09.2017 Servicialisation – reliable & cost-efficient service providing management
  • 2. Servicialisation – seamless & reliable, effective & cost-efficient service providing management Paul G. Huppertz, servicEvolution Introduction to Servicialisation Page 1 of 15 Servicialisation – Word & Term The word ‘Servicialisation’ has been newly created in the year 2009 for clearly differentiating between routinely fab- ricating material goods of certain types in great quantities and routinely rendering services of certain types in great quantities. The word ‘industrialisation’ is derived from the Latin word ‘industria’ – ‘effort, fervour, antsiness’ so that it stays open for which results the effort is brought in. Nevertheless, newly created in the 18th century, the term ‘industrialisation’1 mostly is assigned to efforts for making many goods of the same type by using machines and/or automats. Meanwhile, the word ‘Servicialisation’ is intentionally based on the word ‘Service’ so that its main topic is clear from the first. The term ‘Servicialisation’ is related to all elements and measures that concern effectuating and rendering singular Services of any kind in any context and environment for certain addressees and/or beneficiaries. Furthermore, in comparison and in delimitation to the term ‘industry’ that refers to the secondary and/or industrial sector of the economy2 , the newly created term ‘Servistry’ is assigned to the tertiary and/or servistrial sector of the economy3 . Thus, the rather inconsistent term ‘service industry’ is avoided as industry refers to making material items whilst any and every Service as such is immaterial. Last but not least, the neologism ‘Servuction’ has been integrated into the concept according to this illuminating and path-breaking thought4 that points up that  preconditions and boundary conditions,  locations and environments,  roles and accountabilities,  activators and addressees,  models and methods,  processes and results of making goods (= production) are entirely different from those of rendering Services (= Servuction). 1 s. Wikipedia entry ‚Industrialisation‘ - 2 s. Wikipedia entry ‚Secondary sector of the economy‘ - 3 s. Wikipedia entry ‚Tertiary sector of the economy‘ - 4 s. article 'Le service et sa servuction' from Pierre Eiglier, IAE (Institut d'Administration des Entreprises, Marseille & Aix-en-Provence) „Production, c'est faire des choses. Servuction, c'est rendre des services.“ „Production is making goods. Servuction is rendering services." [Pierre Eiglier & Eric Langeard] Figure 1: Servicialisation - creation and translation of the term
  • 3. Servicialisation – seamless & reliable, effective & cost-efficient service providing management Paul G. Huppertz, servicEvolution Introduction to Servicialisation Page 2 of 15 Generally, the term ‘Servicialisation’ is assigned to the following topics and contents  Service Terminology with conclusive and mutually consistent definitions of service terms  Service Taxonomy comprising criteria for classifying service types and classes of service (contribution) types  Serviciology, i.e. the well-founded and comprehensive science and teaching about services  Service Providing Model with the main roles involved in rendering and consuming services  Service Providers, i.e. organisations that are accountable for effectuating and rendering services  Service Marketing, i.e. presenting of and advertising for service providing offerings  Service Providing with o its basics and preconditions o its roles and responsibilities o its activators and addressees o its models and methods o its measures and means o its phases and processes o its outputs and outcomes All this reveals that the term “Service Management” is an oxymoron like ‘black sun’, i.e. a self-contradictory and empty, meaningless and misguiding term for the following reasons:  A Service per se cannot be managed in any way or manner as any and every service as such inevitably & un- alterably is o intangible as it neither can be touched nor can be handled, o immaterial as it neither consists of any components nor consists of any raw materials, o insubstantial as it neither has any physical substance nor has any logical substance, o perishable as it is simultaneously consumed by the triggering service consumer.  Any and every Service is effectuated from scratch only on the explicit Service Trigger of an authorised Ser- vice Consumer exclusively for and rendered explicitly to this triggering Service Consumer. In other words: Not any service is effectuated and not any service providing is performed o without an authorised Service Consumer at a service provision point o without a service object of an authorised Service Consumer o without an explicit service trigger of an authorised Service Consumer o without a service object handed over by a triggering Service Consumer.  Any explicitly triggered and thereupon reliably rendered, singular and unique Service is simultaneously con- sumed by the triggering Service Consumer for efficiently executing his intended and/or upcoming activity creating value in so doing, either in business or in privateness. The latter was his motive for explicitly trig- gering such a Service even if he is not aware of this. The term “Service Management” is misleading in many regards as well as causing several misconceptions and loss- generating misunderstandings, confusing irritations and wrong conclusions. For generally avoiding all these negative effects, this term is always substituted by the term ‘Service Providing Management’ (= Servuction Management) as only Service Providing can be managed by seamlessly effectuating and reliably rendering explicitly triggered, singu- lar and unique Services in the course of respective Service Transactions. The latter is the core task of any truly and truthfully accountable Service Provider, either an internal organisational unit in an enterprise or an independent company.
  • 4. Servicialisation – seamless & reliable, effective & cost-efficient service providing management Paul G. Huppertz, servicEvolution Introduction to Servicialisation Page 3 of 15 Servicialisation – Principles & Transfer Although making goods is entirely different from rendering services, the main principles of industrialisation, namely  standardisation of proceedings and (intermediary) results  rationalisation of division of labour and of portions of labour  automation of effectuating (intermediary) results  optimisation of effectuating (intermediary) results, have been abstracted from production and transferred to servuction as main principles of servicialisation. In doing so have been comprehensively considered the inevitable and unalterable service characteristics, mainly  intangibility as a service neither can be touched nor can be handled  immateriality as a service neither consists of any components nor consists of any raw material  insubstantiality as a service neither has any physical substance nor has any logical substance  perishability as a reliably rendered service is simultaneously consumed by the triggering service consumer. Furthermore, the peculiarities and necessities of Service Rendering have been allowed for, in particular  uniqueness and realtimeliness  irrepeatability and irreversibility  integrating the Service Consumer into the Servuction Environment and the Servuction Process  triggering by an authorized Service Consumer who hands over his Service Object  taking over the Service Consumer’s Service Object into the Servuction Environment  effectuating the service-specific benefit to the Service Consumer’s Service Object  simultaneous Service Rendering & Service Consuming  extegrating the triggering Service Consumer and his Service Object from the Servuction Process and the Ser- vuction Environment All this makes clear that each Service  is explicitly triggered only by an authorized Service Consumer in order to execute an upcoming activity  is effectuated from scratch in the course of a singular and unique Service Transaction  is rendered explicitly to the triggering Service Consumer, but to nobody else  is simultaneously consumed by the triggering Service Consumer for efficiently executing his activity. Figure 2: Transferring main principles from industrialisation to servicialisation
  • 5. Servicialisation – seamless & reliable, effective & cost-efficient service providing management Paul G. Huppertz, servicEvolution Introduction to Servicialisation Page 4 of 15 Servicialisation – Introduction & Explanation A Service Provider of an enterprise is accountable for ensuring reliable and cost-efficient service providing for the business process relevant service types. This necessitates that this organisational unit ensures that each explicitly triggered, singular and unique service is seamlessly and reliably, safely and securely, completely and terminatorily rendered explicitly to the triggering Service Consumer. By simultaneously consuming the reliably rendered service, the latter can efficiently execute his upcoming activity creating value in so doing, either in business or in privateness. The Service Consumer is  the single and sole activator and addressee of any service rendering  the critical success factor for each singular and unique rendering and simultaneous consuming of a service as well as for each singular and unique service-based (business) value creating. Even more, the Service Consumers are mission critical  for the commissioning Servuction Customer because they create (business) value in his realm by efficiently executing their upcoming (business) activities  for the commissioned and thus accountable Service Provider because he can bill each reliably rendered, sin- gular & unique service to the commissioning Servuction Customer. For the accountable Service Provider, it is paramount profoundly understanding that each explicitly triggered service must be effectuated from scratch exclusively for and rendered explicitly to the triggering Service Consumer in the course of a singular and unique service transaction. An authorized Service Consumer initiates such a service transac- tion by explicitly triggering a singular service and by handing over his service object to the custody and control of the accountable Service Provider and/or to its servuction environment. In the course of the respective service transac- tion the status of this service object must be purposefully changed so that its final status satisfies the current exi- gencies and expectations of the Service Consumer. Only based on the completely and terminatorily changed status of his service object (= service output), the triggering Service Consumer can efficiently execute his upcoming activity (= service outcome). That’s why he has explicitly triggered a service of this type, even if he was not aware of this. A Servuction Customer has commissioned an accountable Service Provider afore with rendering services of the re- spective service type to authorized Service Consumers in his realm whenever one of them explicitly triggers such a service. The commissioning Servuction Customer appoints the authorized Service Consumers in his realm, either im- plicitly or explicitly, and he himself as a person can be one of them. After the respective billing period the Servuction Customer pays to the Service Provider all the services Service Consumers in his realm have triggered and consumed. Figure 3: Service Transaction from explicit service trigger to Service Consumer extegration
  • 6. Servicialisation – seamless & reliable, effective & cost-efficient service providing management Paul G. Huppertz, servicEvolution Introduction to Servicialisation Page 5 of 15 The accountable Service Provider on his part will commission distinct internal and external Service Feeders with feeding required Service Contribution Types for aggregating and rendering the triggered target services. For ensur- ing this, the Service Provider will efficiently concert and providently conduct all commissioned Service Feeders in the context of its service feeding network. Generally, there are 4 main roles in the generic and complete service providing model (= servuction model):  Service Consumer who explicitly triggers and simultaneously consumes singular and unique services  Servuction Customer who commissions service providing and periodically pays for consumed services  Service Provider that offers service providing and ensures reliably rendering explicitly triggered services  Service Feeder that reliably effectuates and instantaneously feeds triggered service contributions From the perspectives and perceptions of addressed and/or authorized Service Consumers, a truly and truthfully ac- countable Service Provider will precisely and succinctly identify the required service types. Based on the universally valid and distinct, complete and consistent definition of the term ‘service’, this can be performed by means of the 3 generic service identifiers, in particular by means of the 3 constitutive identifiers of the service type, namely 1. Service Consumer whom to a singular service must be reliably rendered on his explicit service trigger 2. Service Object which to the service-specific benefit must be effectuated anew 3. Service-specific Benefit that must be effectuated anew to the service consumer’s service object Figure 4: Service Providing Model with 4 main roles and their main spheres Figure 5: Service Definition and 3 generic Service Identifiers
  • 7. Servicialisation – seamless & reliable, effective & cost-efficient service providing management Paul G. Huppertz, servicEvolution Introduction to Servicialisation Page 6 of 15 Generally, there are just 4 categories of service object types, namely  life and limb of a triggering service consumer  goods and chattels of a triggering service consumer  rights and claims of a triggering service consumer  data and documents of a triggering service consumer These generic service object categories can be used as the primary criteria for demarcating identified service types from each other and for classifying them. Thus, it’s rather easy and catchy grouping the different service types and putting all the respective services in a proper and understandable order. This helps all parties involved better organ- ising and coordinating all aspects of service providing. Comprehensively allowing for the inevitable and unalterable service characteristics, the generic and consistent defi- nition of the term ‘service’ above reveals that benefits are the essence, the quiddity, the constitutive traits of any service type and of every singular service as is illustrated in figure 7. Furthermore, the service-specific benefit is  the primary and/or most important service identifier of the 3 generic service identifiers  effectuated exclusively for a triggering Service Consumer to his service object  simultaneously consumed by the triggering service consumer. Figure 6: Four Service Object Categories and examples Figure 7: Benefit and its importance for services
  • 8. Servicialisation – seamless & reliable, effective & cost-efficient service providing management Paul G. Huppertz, servicEvolution Introduction to Servicialisation Page 7 of 15 As a consequence, the service-specific benefit of a precisely identified service type is the connector between its iden- tification and its specification. The description of the benefit is copied from the service identification to sub attribute 01 ‘primary benefit’ of service attribute 01 ‘Service Consumer Benefits’ of the service specification template. By means of this plain and straight step, the most important element of the service type is transferred to the descrip- tion of the service providing quality where it becomes the starting point and reference for the service specification. From this primary benefit as well as from the exigencies and expectations of addressed and/or authorized Service Consumers, secondary, tertiary, … benefits are derived and succinctly described in their terms and wording in further sub attributes. With 5 to 8 sub attributes, the ‘Service Consumer Benefits’ are properly and completely specified in the identical service attribute 01. The practical and aligned values of the service attributes 02 to 11 are specified according to the exigencies and ex- pectations of addressed Service Consumers as well as in their terms and wording, data and times so that they can verify every value and adjust it if necessary. Altogether, the required service providing quality (= servuction quality) of a precisely identified service type is completely and concisely specified in the attributes 01 to 11 so that the ac- countable service provider can set the price in the identical service attribute 12 ‘Service Providing Price’. As soon as addressed and/or authorized Service Consumers and commissioning Servuction Customers have con- firmed and approved a complete and concise service level specification for a precisely and succinctly identified ser- vice type, the accountable Service Provider inserts this specification into its compact and meaningful service cata- logue. In the respective catalogue entry, it represents one of its practical and binding service providing offerings (= servuction offerings). If necessary, each service specification can be easily changed by adjusting the respective at- tribute values according the changed exigencies and expectations of addressed Service Consumers. Figure 8: Service-specific benefit as connector between identification and specification Figure 9: Service Specification based on the 12 standard service attributes
  • 9. Servicialisation – seamless & reliable, effective & cost-efficient service providing management Paul G. Huppertz, servicEvolution Introduction to Servicialisation Page 8 of 15 The table below reveals that the complete and concise service specification based on the 12 standard service attrib- utes relies on the precise and succinct service identification by means of the 3 generic service identifiers that, on its turn, is traceably derived from the universally valid and distinct, generic and consistent definition of the term ‘ser- vice’ that comprehensively allows for the inevitable and unalterable service characteristics. This service definition is the robust and resilient cornerstone of the service terminology with conclusive and mutual- ly consistent definitions of service terms and their synonyms. The service terminology on its turn is the solid and self- supporting foundation for all models and methods of reliable and cost-efficient service providing management. As explained and illustrated in figure 10, within this methodology the Service Consumers are taken center stage. 1. Service Identifying: In this initial phase, the Service Provider precisely and succinctly identifies each business process relevant and/or required service type by means of its 3 constitutive Service Identifiers from the per- spectives and perceptions of addressed and/or authorized Service Consumers. 2. Service Specifying: In the second phase, the Service Provider completely and concisely specifies for each precisely identified service type the required service providing quality based on the 12 Standard Service At- tributes according to the exigencies and expectations of addressed and/or authorised Service Consumers as well as in their terms and wording. Figure 11: Methodology for reliable and cost-efficient service providing management Figure 10: Layers from service definition to service specification
  • 10. Servicialisation – seamless & reliable, effective & cost-efficient service providing management Paul G. Huppertz, servicEvolution Introduction to Servicialisation Page 9 of 15 3. Service Composing: Then, the Service Provider continuously composes service providing for each concisely specified service type by deriving from its specification the Service Contribution Map with the Service Con- tributions types required for aggregating a triggered service and the Service Screenplay with the service transaction for aggregating an explicitly triggered service of this type. The Service Specification, the Service Map and the Service Screenplay form the Service Concept for the respective service type. 4. Service Orchestrating: The Service Provider analyses all the Service Concepts for efficiently orchestrating and stringently commissioning internal and external Service Feeders with feeding the required Service Contribu- tion types. The accountable Service Provider orchestrates and conducts all the commissioned Service Feed- ers in the context of its Service Feeding Network. 5. Service Cataloguing: The Service Provider compiles all confirmed and approved Service Level Specifications in the Service Catalogue for presenting and publishing its practical and binding Service Providing Offerings. 6. Service Committing: For commissioning service providing, a Servuction Customer copies the selected Ser- vice Level Specification for a required service type from the respective Service Catalogue entry to the tem- plate for Service Providing Agreements (SPA). Then, he sets Service Attribute 04 ‘Service Consumer Count’ to the number of authorized Service Consumers in his realm. Furthermore, he adds to the appendix of the SPA draft a list with identifying data about these authorized Service Consumers. Finally, he sends his SPA draft to the accountable Service Provider so that it can commit service rendering accordingly by signing the draft. 7. Service Concerting: In this phase, the accountable Service Provider must master the service triathlon by a. purposefully establishing and actively keeping up Service Providing Readiness for all authorised Ser- vice Consumers and for all committed service types b. actively keeping up and dynamically adjusting the Service Providing Capacities for all committed service types according to the current Service Triggering Rates of authorized Service Consumers c. instantaneously effectuating each explicitly triggered, singular and unique service exclusively for the triggering Service Consumer and reliably rendering it explicitly to this triggering Service Consumer. 8. Service Billing: The accountable Service Provider periodically bills its commissioning Service Customers the quantities of singular and unique services explicitly triggered and simultaneously consumed by Service Con- sumers respective reference period. The price for billing consumed services is taken from attribute 12 ‘Ser- vice Providing Price’ of the service specification in the nucleus of the Service Providing Agreement (SPA). Figure 12: Service Triathlon with its 3 disciplines
  • 11. Servicialisation – seamless & reliable, effective & cost-efficient service providing management Paul G. Huppertz, servicEvolution Introduction to Servicialisation Page 10 of 15 For each offered service type, the accountable Service Provider must master the service trilemma that spans be- tween  service providing quality that satisfies the exigencies and expectations of authorised Service Consumers so that they can explicitly trigger and simultaneously consume singular services of this type for efficiently execut- ing their upcoming activities, respectively  service providing price that is affordable and profitable for interested and/or registered Service Customers  service providing costs that are self-supporting for the accountable Service Provider Altogether, there are 3 separate and self-contained management areas and/or layers that are based on each other as illustrated in figure 14.  Business Process Management in the primary market and/or business area of the respective enterprise, e.g. customer relationship management with primary customers, order processing management, production planning and management, is planned and prepared by the management teams of the primary business units in the enterprise and it is performed from other employees in the same business unit.  Service Providing Management that must be properly aligned with Business Process Management in the course of the Business-to-Service-Alignment by creating the Service Catalogue that contains practical and binding service providing offerings for the business process relevant service types.  System Operations Management comprises the planing and procuring, installing and configuring, activating and operating, monitoring and managing, administrating and maintaining of service providing automats (= servuction automats) in the form of service-relevant technial systems. Figure 13: The service trilemma with its elements Figure 14: The generic management layers - self-contained and based on each other
  • 12. Servicialisation – seamless & reliable, effective & cost-efficient service providing management Paul G. Huppertz, servicEvolution Introduction to Servicialisation Page 11 of 15 For ensuring reliable and cost-efficient Service Providing Management (= Servuction Management) for all the business process relevant service types, the accountable Service Provider of an enterprise must take center stage the authorised Service Consumers who are mission critical as they explicitly trigger and simultaneously consume singular and unique services for efficiently executing their upcoming business activities creating business value in so doing in the realm of the commissioning Servuction Customers, e.g. group managers or deparment heads. Consequently, a truly and truthfully accountable Service Provider takes center stage authorized Service Consumers by prudently composing and providently conducting Service Providing Management for the business process relevant service types it has  precisely and succintly identified from their perspectives and perceptions  completely and concisely specified according to their exigencies and expectations by creating the Service Catalogue in the course of the Business-to-Service-Alignment. In the same phase, the Service Provider will derive a proper Service Providing Strategy (= Servuction Strategy) from the Business Strategy of the enterprise and develop a well-founded and stringent Service Providing Governance with adequate rules and regulations for safely and securely rendering services whilst being compliant with all relevant requirements. Figure 15: Service Consumer - mission critical role of service rendering and value creating Figure 16: Combination of "Plan - Build - Run Technical Systems" with "Compose - Commit - Conduct Service Providing"
  • 13. Servicialisation – seamless & reliable, effective & cost-efficient service providing management Paul G. Huppertz, servicEvolution Introduction to Servicialisation Page 12 of 15 Appendix A: Glossary of service terms In the table below the main service terms are explained with their meanings. All terms in Italic are explained in sepa- rate entries of the table. Term Explanation Benefit A Benefit is a certain result that is accomplished for a beneficiary on his explicit demand. The word ‘benefit’ is derived from the Latin word ‘benefacere’ – ‘to do somebody a favour’. Benefits are the essence of any Service Type as well as of any singular & unique Service, in other words: its quiddity, its constitutive trait. In the context of any Service Providing  the beneficiary is a triggering Service Consumer  the demand is an explicit Service Trigger of an authorized Service Consumer  the result is the Service Output  the effect of the achieved Service Output is the Service Outcome. The Service Output of an explicitly triggered and thereupon reliably rendered, singular & unique service is the changed status of the Service Consumer’s Service Object that satisfies his current exi- gencies and expectations. An authorized Service Consumer hands over his Service Object with his explicit Service Trigger to the Servuction Environment and/or to the custody and control of an ac- countable Service Provider in order that the service-specific Benefit is effectuated to it. Chief Servuc- tion Officer The Chief Servuction Officer (CSO) (= Chief Service Providing Officer) is the head of an accountable Service Provider, i.e. of the respective organisational unit in an enterprise. The CSO and his de- partment must ensure that each explicitly triggered, singular and unique Service is seamlessly & re- liably, safely and securely, completely and terminatorily rendered explicitly to the triggering Service Consumer in the Service Providing Quality concisely specified and bindingly committed to the commissioning Servuction Customer in the respective Service Providing Agreement (SPA). ICTility Service An ICTility Service is an ICT-system based utility service. The term ICTility service is referring to the term ‘utility service’ for common service types like ‘electricity service’ or ‘water supplying service’. An ICTility Service belongs to a Service Type for which the following applies:  The service-specific Benefit is effectuated to the Service Consumer’s Service Object by Ser- vuction Automats in the form of ICT systems with service-relevant functions.  The Service Consumers’ Service Objects are digitized information representations (= Digi- tats) in the form of files or data records, respectively. Service A Service is a set of one-time consumable and perishable Benefits. The word ‘service’ derives from the Latin  on the first level from the noun ‘servitium’ – ‘slavery, (bond)service’  on the second level from the verb ‘servire’ – ‘to attend someone, to be a slave’ Service-speci- fic Benefit The Service-specific Benefit is the effect that is accomplished for an authorised Service Consumer on his explicit Service Trigger by purposefully changing the status of his Service Object. Service Attribute Criterion for specifying the required Service Providing Quality of a precisely and succinctly identi- fied Service Type. Service Billing Service Billing comprises periodically charging commissioning Servuction Customers for the quanti- ties of singular and unique Services authorised Service Consumers in their realms have explicitly triggered and simultaneously consumed in the course of the respective accounting period.
  • 14. Servicialisation – seamless & reliable, effective & cost-efficient service providing management Paul G. Huppertz, servicEvolution Introduction to Servicialisation Page 13 of 15 Term Explanation Service Catalogue The Service Catalogue comprises practical and binding Service Providing Offerings (= Servuction Of- ferings) of the accountable Service Provider.  Each service catalogue entry contains a complete and concise Service Level Specification that has been confirmed and approved by addressed and/or authorised Service Consumers and by interested and/or registered Servuction Customers.  Each Service Level Specification is referred to a Service Type that has been precisely and succinctly identified from the perspectives and perceptions of addressed and/or authorised Service Consumers in the realms of commissioning Servuction Customers. Service Cataloguing Service Cataloguing comprises the method and the measures for compiling practical and binding Service Providing Offerings in the form of complete and concise Service Level Specifications for pre- cisely and succinctly identified Service Types. An accountable Service Provider creates a Service Catalogue for compiling and presenting, administrating and maintaining its Service Providing Offer- ings. Service Char- acteristics The Service Characteristics are inevitable and unalterable secondary traits of any and every singular & unique Service that is reliably rendered explicitly to a triggering Service Consumer. The main Ser- vice Characteristics are  intangibility as a Service neither can be touched nor can be handled  immateriality as a Service neither consists of any components nor of any raw materials  insubstantiality as a Service neither has physical substance nor has logical substance  perishability as each explicitly triggered and thereupon reliably rendered, singular and unique Service is simultaneously consumed by the triggering Service Consumer for effi- ciently executing his upcoming activity creating value in so doing, either in business or in privateness. Service Commissioning Service Commissioning comprises concluding a mutually binding Service Providing Agreement (SPA) between a Servuction Customer and an accountable Service Provider. As its nucleus, each SPA con- tains the complete and concise Service (Level) Specification of a precisely identified Service Type. Normally, such a specification is referring to a practical and binding Service Providing Offering in the Service Catalogue of an accountable Service Provider. By means of an SPA a Servuction Customer commissions an accountable Service Provider with ren- dering Services of the specified service type to authorized Service Consumers in his realm. The commissioned Service Provider on its part commits rendering a singular and unique Service of this type to any authorized Service Consumer who explicitly triggers one. The commissioning Servuc- tion Customer commits that he will periodically pay for the quantities of singular & unique Services explicitly triggered and simultaneously consumed by authorized Service Consumers in his realm. Service Committing Service Committing comprises the binding promise of the accountable Service Provider to render explicitly triggered, singular and unique services of a concisely specified type to authorised Service Consumers in the realm of a commissioning Service Customer. Such a commitment is documented in a Service Providing Agreement (SPA) the nucleus of which is the complete and concise Service Level Specification of the committed service type. Service Concept A Service Concept is the set of three documents that describes the quality of a distinct Target Ser- vice as well as the rendering of a triggered Service of this quality. The Service Concept consists of  the Service Specification of the Target Service with its practical and aligned attribute values based on the 12 Standard Service Attributes  the Service Contribution Map with all the Service Contribution Types required for aggregat- ing explicitly triggered Target Services  the Service Screenplay describing the course of the transaction for properly aggregating all the required Service Contributions into the triggered Target Service and for reliably render- ing this Service explicitly to the triggering Service Consumer.
  • 15. Servicialisation – seamless & reliable, effective & cost-efficient service providing management Paul G. Huppertz, servicEvolution Introduction to Servicialisation Page 14 of 15 Term Explanation Service Concerting Service Concerting comprises rendering each explicitly triggered, singular & unique Service explicit- ly to the triggering Service Consumer respectively, and that without any delay or friction in the Ser- vice Providing Quality bindingly committed in the respective Service Providing Agreement (SPA). Service Conducting Service Conducting comprises providently and reliably rendering all explicitly triggered, singular and unique Services to triggering Service Consumers, respectively, and that according to the cur- rent Service Triggering Rates of authorized Service Consumers. Service Consumer The Service Consumer is the mission critical role of the four main roles in the generic and complete Service Providing Model (= Servuction Model). Service Consumers are  the single & sole activators & addressees of any Service Rendering  the critical success factors for each singular & unique Service Rendering and simultaneous Service Consuming as well as for each singular & unique service-based value creating in the realm(s) of commissioning Servuction Customers. Furthermore, the role of the Service Consumer is one of the three generic and constitutive Service Identifiers for precisely and succinctly identifying any required and/or desired service type from the perspectives and perceptions of addressed and/or authorised Service Consumers. Generally, a Service Consumer can be either an human being or a technical system:  An individual, e.g. an employee in the realm of the commissioning Service Customer, explic- itly triggers a singular & unique Service for efficiently executing his upcoming business ac- tivity, e.g. processing an order.  A technical system in the Servuction Environment, e.g. an e-mailing server system, triggers a separate & singular ICT-system based Service Contribution, e.g. a DNS service, for execut- ing its upcoming task, e.g. routing e-mails to the SMTP gateway. The triggering Service Consumer of either kind simultaneously consumes the Service explicitly ren- dered to him or to it for efficiently executing his business activity or its technical function. Service Consuming Service Consuming means that a triggering Service Consumer benefits from the purposefully changed status of his Service Object by efficiently executing his upcoming activity creating value in so doing, either in business or in privateness. The latter was his motive for triggering such a service, even if he is not aware of this. In other words: the triggering Service Consumer is the beneficiary of the fact that the service-specific benefit that has been effectuated to his Service Object. Service Contribution A Service Contribution is a set of one-time consumable and perishable benefits that is aggregated with other Service Contributions into a triggered Target Service. There is always one primary, indis- pensable Service Contribution for each Target Service type. Furthermore, there are secondary, ter- tiary, … Service Contributions necessary for enabling and/or supporting the effectuating and ren- dering of the primary Service Contribution. Service Contribution Contract A Service Contribution Contract (SCC) is a formally written and mutually signed document conclud- ed by an accountable Service Provider with an external Service Contribution Feeder for commission- ing the latter with feeding Service Contributions of the type that is precisely identified and concisely specified in the nucleus of the SCC. Service Customer The Service Customer commissions an accountable Service Provider by means of a Service Providing Agreement (SPA) with providing services of the concisely specified service type to authorised Ser- vice Consumers in his realm. He periodically pays the quantities of singular and unique services ex- plicitly triggered and simultaneously consumed by these Service Consumers. The Service Customer is one of the four main roles in the generic and complete Service Providing Model. Service Denial Service Denial means that the service-specific Benefit is not effectuated to the Service Object the triggering Service Consumer has handed over with his explicit service trigger. This immediately and inevitably causes operational loss to the triggering Service Consumer as he cannot continue with his activities as planned and/or necessary.
  • 16. Servicialisation – seamless & reliable, effective & cost-efficient service providing management Paul G. Huppertz, servicEvolution Introduction to Servicialisation Page 15 of 15 Term Explanation Service Identifier A Service Identifier is the constitutive criteria for precisely and succinctly identifying a required Service Type and demarcating it from all other Service Types. The three generic and constitutive Service Identifiers are  Service Consumer whom to a singular and unique Service of this type must be seamlessly and reliably rendered on his explicit trigger so that he can simultaneously consume it for efficiently execute his upcoming activity creating value in so doing  Service Object handed over by an authorised Service Consumer with his explicit service trigger in order that the Service-specific Benefit is effectuated to it  Service-specific Benefit that must be safely and securely, completely and terminatorily ef- fectuated to the Service Object handed over by a triggering service consumer for this pur- pose to the custody & control of the accountable Service Provider and/or to its Servuction Environment. Service Object Physical or logical item handed over by an authorised Service Consumer with his explicit Service Trigger to the respective service providing environment in order that the Service-specific Benefit is effectuated to it. Service Transaction A singular and unique Service Transaction comprises safely and securely, completely and termina- torily changing the status of the Service Consumer’s Service Object, respectively. Servuction Servuction (= Service Providing) comprises instantaneously effectuating each explicitly triggered, singular and unique Service exclusively for (a) triggering Service Consumer(s) and reliably rendering it explicitly to (the) triggering Service Consumer(s), respectively. This is performed in the course of singular and unique Service Transactions that are initiated by authorised Service Consumers with their explicit Service Triggers, respectively. Servuction Automat A Service Providing Automat is a service-relevant technical system with service-relevant functions e.g. an ICT-based system, that contributes to instantaneously effectuating explicitly triggered, sin- gular and unique Services exclusively for and reliably rendering each of them explicitly to the trig- gering Service Consumer, respectively. Servuction Environment The Servuction Environment consists of all the service-relevant elements required for instantane- ously effectuating and reliably rendering explicitly triggered, singular and unique Services of a cer- tain Service Type. Depending on the Service Type, there are service-relevant technical systems (= Servuction Automats) of different types, service-relevant organisation(al unit)s of different types, Service Actors, service-relevant buildings, equipment and/or other means. Servuction Process A Servuction Process is initiated by an authorised Service Consumer who explicitly triggers a singu- lar service of a certain type and hands over this Service Object. In the course of the respective sin- gular and unique Service Transaction, the Service-specific Benefit of the triggered service type is safely and securely as well as completely and terminatorily effectuated to this Service Object. Thus, its status is purposefully changed so that its final status satisfies the current exigencies and expec- tations of the triggering Service Consumer. To be continued.